
股东和管理层契约方面,由于代理冲突,管理层因自己的利益往往会做出损害股东利益的决策,基于有效监督和采取合理的激励措施的考虑股东会更加倾向于稳健性的原则从而保护投资者的利益,(peek 等人通过研究发现);刘凤委、汪洋(2006)研究发现,管理层和债权人之间存在的利益冲突使得管理层为了获取更高的会计利润投资高风险项目,这一举措严重损害了债权人的利益,因此债务也是引起会计谨慎性的重要因素之一。
债权人和股东之间在股利分配政策方面的分歧突出了债务契约中限制性条款的地位,这提高了会计信息的稳健性水平,Ahme (2002)通过实证研究发现;由此可见不管是股东、管理层和债权人之间的债务契约还是股东和管理层之间的代理契约,各方基于自身利益的考虑都会要求采取稳健性的会计信息,从而有效的避免各种机会主义给自己造成的损失。
Ball ,Robin 和Wu 通过研究发现,稳健的会计信息是会计信息质量的决定性条件因此各种制度要求公司提供稳健的会计信息。

财会与金融经济与社会发展研究会计稳健性影响因素及经济后果研究江西师范大学 江一凡摘要:结合分析会计核算的运用可知,会计稳健性是重要原则之一,同时对财务报告和企业管理有重要作用。

货币政策 、 会计稳健 与债务融资
王生年 秦 晓丽
( 石河子大学经济与管理学院 新疆 石河子 8 3 2 0 0 0)
摘 要: 本文 以 2 0 0 3至 2 0 1 1 年我 国 A股上市公司为对 象, 实证检验 了会 计稳健性对债务融资的影响。 研 究发现 : 会计稳健性 的提 高有助 于企业获得 更 多的债务融资 ; 对非国有企业而言 , 会计稳健性与债务 融资正
资金是企业 进行 生产经营活动 的必要条件 , 没有足够的资金企业 的生存和发展就没有保 障。 如何筹集到所需资金 , 是决定企业 是否可 以进一步 发展 和扩张的基本前提 。 债 务融资是企业外部融资的重要手段 , 银行的信贷资金是债务融资 的主要来源 。 由于信息 不对称和代理 问题 的存在 , 反 映企业财 务状 况和经营成果的会计信息 , 对 判断债务人的偿债能力具有重要作用 , 也是银行 评价企业 偿债能力 的重要 依据 。 会计稳健性是 会计 基本原则 之一 , 是会 计信息质量 的重要指标 ( B a s u , 1 9 9 7 ; B a l l e t a l , 2 0 0 0 ) 。 稳健性可 以有 效
2 0 0 2 ; B h a r a t h , 2 0 0 8 ) 和对真实投资活动的影响 , 国内已有 的会计稳健性研究主要是针对会计稳健性的计量方法和会计稳健性产生 的 原因 , 而对于上市公司会计稳 健性 在银行债务融资 中所起作用的研究并不多。 并且 当前学术界对于会计稳健性与银行信贷关系 的研 究更 多是着 眼于企业个体特征对这个关系的影响 , 而对于宏观经济政策对 会计稳健性与企业债务融资影响的研究很少见 。 基于 以上

高会计稳健性 的企业 , 其债权人对于企业过度支付股利的问题会相对放心 , 因此债权人会优先提供给该企业 比较优惠的债务利率 。
高稳健性 的企业 的管理者也容易协 调股东一债权人之间的冲突 , 从 而可 以获得更优惠的信贷水平和信贷条件 , 进而为企业 的投 资带 来好消息。 Z h a n g ( 2 0 0 8 ) 检验发现 , 对于外部债权人而言, 由于会计稳健性高的企业 , 其会计报告更可信 , 因此他们 可以通过会计 报告
影响原理 , 并从投 资不足和投 资过度 方面分别评述 了国 内外的研究成果, 指 出了未来研 究的方向。 关键词 : 会计稳健性 投资效率 经济后 果
引 பைடு நூலகம்
会计稳健性是指在会计确认 、 计量 、 记 录过程 中保持应有 的职业谨慎性 , 不得高估 资产和收益 , 低估负债和费用 。 它要求企业 在 确认收入时 , 要有确切的证据证 明收入是合法的 , 并且金额可 以得到可靠的计量 ; 而对于损失 只要预计可能发生 , 就要立 即在会计 信 息 中确认。 有效率 的投资是指企业管理者能够选择所有的那些净现值为正的投资项 目, 并且能够放弃所有净现值为负的投资项 目。 在现实实践中 , 经 营权和所有权分离造成信息不对称 , 这样会造 成企业 的管理者 比企业 的股东对投资项 目的收益 了解得更详尽 , 管 理者更有机会发现净现值 为正的投资项 目。 然而 , 企业的管理者和股 东的利益有 时不一定相 同 , 管理者不一定选择股东权益最大化 的项 目。 另外 , 未来投 资的现金流也存在不确定性 , 这也是造成企业在投融资过程 中发生的低效率 的主要原因。 高质量的会计 信息作
余管理 , 而这样的做法可能会掩盖企业真实的收入情况以及真实的盈余增长潜力 , 这样会使外 部投资者无法形成有效 的盈余增长预



投资者 提供经 营业绩 良好 的不实信 息 ,这 与投资者 对信 息 的需求 完全 相反 ,而 当亏损 项 目 信 息最终被 投资 者获 悉时 , 会为投 资者造 成 巨大的损失 , 此 时就会 产生股 东诉 讼 问题 ,所 以公 司在延 迟报告 损失信 息时将 产生更 大 的 诉讼 风险 。 公 司选择稳健 的会计政 策时 , 能够保证及 时 的 报告 亏损 信息 并延迟 报告 收益信息 ,这时提 供 的信 息 的 质量较符 合股 东 的需 求 ,使股 东能及 早 的识 别公 司 的经 营风 险 , 降低 了股东 损失 的可能性 , 因此会计 稳健性 能够 降低公 司股东 的诉 讼风 险 , 从 而降低 了公 司的诉讼 成本 。 虽 然我 国的会计制 度与税 法 的分 离削 弱 了税 收对会
约各 签订方 拥有不对 称 的信息及 不对称 的报酬 而存在 着 不 同的矛盾 以及 风险 ,而 会计稳 健性则 能有效 的化解 契 约中 出现 的矛盾 与风 险。在管理 层与公 司外部 债务人 之 间的契约 中 , 债 权人的 收益 是不对称 的 。 在 公司经 营状 况 较好 时 , 债权人 可 以顺 利 的收 回本金 与利息 , 但 在公 司资 不抵债时 由于公 司 的有 限责任 制 ,债权 人将无 法收 回其 全部投资 。这种收 益 的非 对称性 使得债 权人更 加关 注企 业 的风 险 ,同时相较 于其 他类 型的会计 数据债 权人更 加 重视公 司利 润与 公司 的净 资产 。会计 稳健性 能有效地 避 免公司利 润与净 资产被 高估 , 降低 了债权人 的风 险 , 保 障 了债权人 的利益 ,债权人 需要稳 健 的会 计信 息来保证 投 【 收 稿 日期 】 2 0 1 3 - 0 2 - 2 5
估及 对费用 进行高估 。国际会计 准则委员 会将会 计稳健 性列 为会计 信息 质量特 征之一 , 并 定义 为 : “ 稳 健性要 求 在 不确定 的条件下对 经济 活动进行 计量 时要保 持审慎 的 态度, 不 能高估 资产 或 收益 , 也不 能低估 负 债或 费用 , 同 时也 不 允许 滥 用稳 健 性 原则 蓄 意 对 资产 或 收益 进 行 低 估, 蓄 意对负债 或费用进 行高估 , 或建立超 额储 备及秘 密 准备。 ” 我 国新会计 准则 的《 基本准则 》 中明确指 出 : “ 企 业 对交 易或者 事项进 行会计 确认 、计 量 和报告应 当保持 应 有 的谨慎 , 不应 高估 资产或 者收益 、 低估负 债或者 费用” 。

【关键词】会计稳健性;债务融资成本;权益融资成本中图分类号:F233 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-5937(2014)10-0054-05一、引言稳健性是会计信息的质量特征之一,要求在会计确认、计量与报告时谨慎确认资产或收益,及时确认负债或损失。

会计稳健性从最早的Watts (1993)研究发现稳健性产生的主要原因是契约,同时受到管制及法律的影响,到后来Basu(1997)论述了会计稳健性计量方法,以及随后涌现的大量关于会计稳健性的计量方法和其经济后果的研究,短短二十年的发展,会计稳健性已经成为会计研究的重要方面,为现代企业财务发展做出了理论指导。
1-4. 会计稳健性对企业融资活动的影响:来自日本的证据

The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Corporate Financing Activity:Evidence from JapanSouhei IshidaGraduate School of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi Universitycd132001@g.hit-u.ac.jp3 August, 2014AbstractThis study examines how two types of conservatism―unconditional conservatism and conditional conservatism―affect Japanese firms’ financing activity, in particu lar, borrowing money from banks. This study obtained the two main findings. First, firms practicing a higher level of unconditional conservatism borrow more money from banks under the condition of facing a funding shortfall. Second, the degree of their conditional conservatism does not significantly relate with the degree of proceeds from loans. These results are robust to the endogeneity problem between conservatism and firms’ borrowing activity. In addition, I find that firms having a strong relationship with the main bank benefit from unconditional conservatism and conditional conservatism is useful for firms having a weak relationship with the main bank. This paper reveals that the economic consequences of conservatism vary across institutional factors and suggests the possibility that the nature of conservatism has been misjudged by focusing only on the accounting system when considering its economic consequences.Keywords: Accounting Conservatism; Corporate Financing Activity; Loan; Main Bank1.IntroductionThis study examines how two types of conservatism―unconditional conservatism and conditional conservatism―affect Japanese firms’ financing activity, in particular, borrowing money from banks.Conservatism has a long history. For example, conservatism is said to have influenced accounting practice for at least 500 years (Basu 1997). Conservatism became an American accounting principle in 1938 (Sanders et al. 1938), and was described in Japanese accounting principles in 1949 (ESB 1949). However, there has been a global movement for the elimination of conservatism. In 2005, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published a joint paper discussing conservatism as part of the conceptual framework project, which stated that the common conceptual framework should not include conservatism among the desirable qualitative characteristics of accounting information (FASB 2005). The process of accounting standards convergence, in turn, led their attitudes to influence those of the Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) (Yaekura 2007).On the other hand, many researchers have analyzed the economic rationality of conservatism and reported that it improves the efficiency of contracting (Watts 2003). However, these papers suffer from two problems. First, the conservatism examined by previous research is not always the same as that eliminated by the bodies in charge of setting standards. While many previous studies focus on “conditional” conservatism and analyze it’s rationality (García Lara et al. 2014; Iyengar and Zampeli 2010; LaFond and Roychowdhury 2008; Nikoleav 2010; Wittenberg-Moerman 2008), Kanamori (2009) reveals that the conservatism eliminated by standards setting bodies is not conditional conservatism but rather “unconditional” conservatism1. Therefore, academic research cannot contribute to setting standards without drawing a distinction between conditional conservatism and unconditional conservatism and examining the economic consequences of each.The second, problem is the external validity of previous research. As stated above, many studies have focused on conservatism. Many of these argue that unconditional conservatism does not 1Kanamori (2009) examines accounting standards published by FASB from 1973 to 2002 and finds that approximately 40% of published accounting standards exclude unconditional conservatism.improve contracting efficiency, unlike conditional conservatism (Bauwhede 2007; Ball and Shivakumar 2005; Qiang 2007; Zhang 2008). However, because these studies analyze U.S. listed companies, questions can be raised about the validity of generalizing these findings to firms based in other countries. Wysoki (2011) argues that an accounting system is interrelated to other institutional factors and the economic consequences of accounting systems can vary across these institutional factors. This suggests the possibility that the nature of the economic consequences have been misjudged by focusing only on accounting systems.Using a large sample of Japanese listed firms during 2003–2012, I analyze how both unconditional conservatism and conditional conservatism affected corporate borrowing activity from banks. Japanese financial system is centered on banks, which develop a long-term and close relationship with their borrowers (Hiroda 2012). This traditional Japanese system is known as the main bank system, and has possibly lead conservatism to have consequences different from those observed in other countries.This study obtained the two main findings. First, firms practicing a higher level of unconditional conservatism borrow more money from banks under the condition of facing a funding shortfall. Second, the degree of their conditional conservatism does not significantly relate with the degree of proceeds from loans. These results are robust to the endogeneity problem between conservatism and firms’ borrowing activity.In addition, I find that firms having a strong relationship with the main bank benefit from unconditional conservatism and conditional conservatism is useful for firms having a weak relationship with the main bank.This paper greatly contributes to the literature. First, this study reveals that firms benefit from unconditional conservatism in Japan. Previous research argues that conditional conservatism benefits firms through improving their debt-contracting efficiency, unlike unconditional conservatism. I provide evidence different from that found by this previous research.Second, this study reveals that the economic consequences of conservatism vary across the degrees of firms’ relationships with the main bank. Wysoki (2011) argues that the accounting system is interrelated to other institutional factors, and therefore the economic consequences of theaccounting system can vary across different institutional factors. This study followed through on this possibility to examine if the economic consequences of the accounting system have been misjudged by focusing only on the accounting system itself. Thus, this study contributes to literature on the new institutional accounting regime.Finally, this study focuses on proceeds from long-term loans payable. Using interest rate and credit rating, previous studies examine the economic rationality of conservatism for debt contracting (Bauwhede 2007; Nakamura 2008; Zhang 2008). However, I cannot directly analyze the relationship between conservatism and debt contracts using these items because I was unable to identify when these items are decided. On the other hand, data on proceeds from long-term loans payable are a readily available form of cash flow statement that permits identification of when firms borrow money from banks. Therefore, this study provides direct evidence for the link between conservatism and debt contracts. In addition, my approach opens the possibility of application to other studies.The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 reviews the literature and presents the hypotheses. Section 3 provides a detailed research design and sampling methodology. Section 4 provides the main results, and Section 5 reports additional results. Section 6 provides the conclusion.2.Literature Review and Hypotheses(1)Unconditional Conservatism and Conditional ConservatismThis section reviews previous research and provides the hypotheses. First, I provide a simple explanation of conservatism and define both unconditional conservatism and conditional conservatism.Conservatism is defined as a downward bias in the accounting of net asset value relative to economic net asset value resulting from the asymmetric recognition of economic value in accounting income (Beaver and Ryan 2005; Ruch and Taylor 2011). Based on this definition, conservatism manifests itself in two approaches. One that recognizes expenses earlier and other that recognizes revenue later. However, many previous studies present only the former as an example of conservatism. Examples of conservatism include (i) lower cost or market for inventory, (ii)impairment for long-lived tangible and intangible assets, (iii) immediate expensing of the cost of internally generated intangible assets, and (iv) accelerated amortization of long-lived assets (Edwards 1989; Ryan 2006; Sanders et al. 1983). Because revenue is generally recognized on a realization basis and conservatism has no room for the recognition of revenue, many previous studies may regard recognizing expenses earlier as an example of conservatism. Based on this view, whether a firm is conservative depends entirely on the timing of recognizing expenses.Recent studies point out two ways in which conservatism can be utilized in terms of recognizing expenses. One is recognizing expenses at the time when the value decreases, whereas the other is recognizing them before the value decreases. Consider, for example, the recognition of goodwill expenses. They can be recognized in two ways: (i) amortization and (ii) impairment2. Although impairment accounting recognizes the expenses when the value of goodwill declines, amortization accounting recognizes expenses before the value of goodwill declines. Given that revenue recognition is based on a realization basis, both these methods underestimate accounting of net asset value. However, because a time lag exists between impairment and amortization in terms of the timing of recognizing expenses, the timings of underestimating accounting of net asset values differs between these two methods. Recent studies focus on these timing differences and call the conservatism of recognizing expenses when the value declines as “conditional conservatism” and the conservatism of recognizing expenses before the value declines as “unconditional conservatism” (Beaver and Ryan 2005).(2)Conservatism and Contracting Efficiency3On the basis of Basu (1997), many studies attempted to reveal the economic rationality of 2Under U.S. general accounting principles (GAAP) and IFRS, goodwill most not be amortized and should be regularly tested for impairment (IFRS 3; Topic 350). On the other hand, goodwill must be amortized within 20 years under Japanese GAAP and be regularly tested for impairment (Corporate Accounting Standards 21).3Because many previous studies do not draw a distinction between unconditional conservatism and conditional conservatism, I categorize these studies into “unconditional conservatism” research and “conditional conservatism” research based on the measurements they use. If these studies use the measurements proposed by Ball and Shivakumar (2005), Basu (1997), Callen et al. (2009), and Khan and Watts (2009), I categorize them as “conditional conservatism” research. On the other hand, if they use the measurements proposed by Ahmed et al. (2002), Beaver and Ryan (2000), Giner and Rees (2001), and Penman and Zhang (2002), I categoriz e them as “unconditional conservatism” research.conditional conservatism. A review of recent papers revealed broad agreement with the opinion that conditional conservatism improves contracting efficiency.Shareholders and creditors often contract with a firm manager on the basis of accounting numbers. However, because information asymmetry exists between the manager and shareholders/creditors, the manager has incentive to bias earnings and equity upward by recognizing losses later to maximize his or her own welfare. This is likely to impair both shareholder and creditor wealth. Watts (2003) argues that (conditional) conservatism improves contracting efficiency to offset this upward bias.Recent empirical research finds that both shareholders and creditors demand conditionally conservative accounting by firms. For example, Qiang (2007) focuses on U.S. firms and shows that higher debt equity ratio induces a greater level of conditional conservatism. In addition, using a sample of U.S. firms, Nikolaev (2010) reports that reliance on covenants in public debt contracts is positively associated with the degree of timely loss recognition (i.e., conditional conservatism). On the other hand, LaFond and Roychowdhury (2008) examine (conditional) conservatism from the shareholders’ perspective. They use U.S. firms and show that (conditional) conservatism increases in the presence of agency problems between managers and shareholders. Iyengar and Zampeli (2010) also analyze the relationship between (conditional) conservatism and the sensitivity of executive pay to accounting performance. Using a sample of U.S. firms, they find that the sensitivity of executive pay to accounting performance is higher for firms that report (conditionally) conservative accounting earnings.Furthermore, some studies provide evidence that firms share in the shareholder and creditor benefits arising from conditional conservatism. For instance, Bauwhede (2007) examines U.S. firms and finds evidence that the credit ratings of firms in industries with more conditional conservatism are significantly more favorable. Using a sample of U.S. firms, Zhang et al. (2008) also show that (conditionally) conservative borrowers are more likely to violate debt covenants following a negative price shock and that lenders offer lower interest rates to more (conditionally) conservative borrowers. Wittenberg-Moerman (2008) focuses on U.S. firms and reports that timely lossrecognition (i.e., conditional conservatism) reduces the bid–ask spread in the secondary loan market. In addition, García Lara et al. (2014) examine U.S. firms and find that increase in firm-level conditional conservatism leads to a future decrease in the bid–ask spread and in stock returns volatility.In summary, many earlier studies provide evidence that conditional conservatism improves contracting efficiency. At the same time, the economic rationality of unconditional conservatism is questioned. For example, Ball and Shivakumar (2005) argue that unconditional conservatism does not function so as to improve contracting efficiency. Although unconditional conservatism biases both earnings and equity downward, this downward bias occurs independently of any economic value reduction. Thus, unconditional conservatism does not provide fresh insight into contracting, while on the other hand, it introduces noise into decisions based on accounting information and reduces contracting efficiency. Consistent with Ball and Shivakumar (2005), Qiang (2007) shows that a higher debt equity ratio induces a lower unconditional conservatism level. In addition, Bauwhede (2007) finds that the credit ratings of firms in industries with more unconditional conservatism are significantly less favorable. Zhang et al. (2008) also show that more (unconditional) conservative borrowers are less likely to violate debt covenants following a negative price shock and that the degree of (unconditional) conservatism is positively related to interest rates4.(3)Shareholder Governance vs. Stakeholder GovernanceWhile many empirical studies focusing on U.S. firms reveal the economic rationality of conditional conservatism in contracting, they suggest that unconditional conservatism has no benefits. However, cross-national studies provide evidence that contrasts with these previous findings.Cross-national studies include Ball et al. (2000) and Giner and Rees (2001). If conditional (unconditional) conservatism homogenously improves (reduces) contracting efficiency between countries, then countries should exhibit homogeneous demand for conservatism. However, Ball et al.4However, their result for unconditional conservatism is not statistically significant.(2000) compare the degrees of (conditional) conservatism among seven countries (Australia, C anada, the UK, the U.S., France, Germany, and Japan), and show that discrepancies exist in the degree of (conditional) conservatism among countries: accounting income in shareholder governance countries (Australia, Canada, the UK, and the U.S.) recognize losses in a more timely manner than stakeholder governance countries (France, Germany, and Japan). Furthermore, Giner and Rees (2001) compare the degrees of (unconditional) conservatism among three counties (France, Germany, and the UK) and find that the degree of (unconditional) conservatism in stakeholder governance countries (France and Germany) is higher than that in shareholder governance country (the UK).These studies suggest that the economic consequences of conservatism are likely to vary across countries―corporate governance types. Under shareholder governance, a firm’s ownership is widely dispersed, and the information asymmetry between managers and shareholder/creditors increases. While managers essentially have incentives to disclose good news, they are apt to hold back bad information to maximize their own welfare. Because managers try to hide bad news as information asymmetry increase, shareholder/creditors demand conditional conservatism by firms to counteract this tendency.In contrast, under stakeholder governance, a firm’s ownership includes founder families, the bank, and employees, and is often highly concentrated. These stakeholders are also actively involved in managing the company. Thus, they can reduce information asymmetry via informal communication with managers. This decreases the demand for conditional conservatism found in the stakeholder governance model. On the other hand, the stakeholder governance model generates different demand for firms from the shareholder governance model. Under stakeholder governance, because firm’s ownership is highly concentrated on sta keholders and they develop long-term relationships with the firm, they cannot easily transfer their ownership to somebody else. Therefore, shareholders are concerned with the firm’s long-term financial viability (Ding et al. 2008; Hiroda 2012).Ding et al. (2008) and Sanders et al. (1938) suggest that (unconditional) conservatism is possible to satisfy their demand. Accounting income is related to payments such as employee compensation,executive compensation, dividends, and tax. Because unconditional conservatism biases accounting income downward, it can reduce payments related to accounting income. Therefore, unconditional conservatism overcomes doubts over firms’long-term financial viability. Biddle et al. (2012) provide evidence supporting this opinion, finding that unconditional conservatism mitigates ex ante bankruptcy risk and reduces incidence of real bankruptcy by enhancing firms’ cash holding s.(4)Role of Conservatism in JapanSome previous studies suggest that the economic rationality of conservatism can vary across corporate governance types. Using a sample of Japanese firms, I examine if unconditional conservatism and conditional conservatism have economic rationality in Japan.Japan’s financial system is centered on banks, which develop long-term and close relationships with borrowers (Hiroda 2012). Hiroda (2012) examines the relationship between the main financing bank and a firm, showing that 97.8% of Japanese firms did not switch their main financing bank during the period of 1995–2000. He also reports that 94.3% of firms did not switch during 2000–2005, and 95.1% did not switch during 2005–2010. This traditional Japanese system is known as the main bank system and is categorized as a stakeholder governance model. Main banks cannot easily transfer funds from clients to others firms because they develop a long-term relationship with the clients. They demand long-term financial viability for firms via unconditional conservatism. Usui (2004) provides evidence consistent with this viewpoint. Using a sample of Japanese firms, he finds that a higher debt equity ratio induces a higher (unconditional) conservatism level.Furthermore, main banks can share the benefits from unconditional conservatism with their borrower firms. For instance, Nakamura (2008) focuses on Japanese firms and shows that a firm’s degree of unconditional conservatism is negatively related with interest rates. Although this finding is highly suggestive, scrupulous attention is required to interpret them because I am unable to identify when the interest rates listed in the financial statements are determined. Therefore, his study cannot directly analyze whether unconditional conservatism benefits firms. I focus on proceeds from long-term loans payable in order to examine the economic consequences of unconditionalconservatism because it is an easily available form of cash flow statement that allows identification of when firms borrow money from banks. From the above discussions, I develop the first hypothesis: H1: firms with a higher degree of unconditional conservatism borrow more money from banks.As stated above, recent studies suggest that conditional conservatism improves debt contracting and benefits firms via lower debt costs under the shareholder governance model (Bauwhede 2007; Wittenberg-Moerman 2008; Zhang 2008). On the other hand, there is a high possibility that it provides little benefit to firms under the stakeholder governance model such as Japan’s main bank system. Main banks can reduce information asymmetry via informal communication with managers because they are actively involved in firm management. In addition, conditional conservatism is not likely to contribute to a firm’s long-term financial viability in the following respects. First, losses due to conditional conservatism are unlikely to be deductible because such losses are based on unrealized decreases in market value rather than realized losses from transactions (Qiang 2007). Therefore, conditional conservatism cannot reduce payments related to tax. Second, some surveys show that managers do not reduce dividends due to transitory losses as a result of such conditional conservatism (Brav et al. 2005; Hanaeda and Serita 2009). These findings suggest that conditional conservatism does not contribute to a firm’s long-term financial viability. Biddle et al. (2012) also provides evidence that conditional conservatism cannot reduce real bankruptcy rates though it does reduces ex ante bankruptcy risk. From the above discussions, I develop the second hypothesis. In addition, I focus on proceeds from long-term loans payable to compare with the consequences of unconditional conservatism and identify the relationship between conditional conservatism and debt contracting:H2: Degree of conditional conservatism is not related to firm borrowings from banks.3.Research Design(1)Unconditional Conservatism MeasurementFollowing previous studies, I use the measurement developed by Beaver and Ryan (2000) as aproxy for unconditional conservatism. They estimate the following fixed effect model: Book_to_Market i,t= αt+ αi+ Σ2j = 0βjReturn i,t − j+ εi,t,,(1) where i indexes the firm, and t indexes the year. Book_to_Market i,t is the ratio of the book value of equity to market value of equity at the end of period t. Return i,t − j is the 12-month buy-and-hold return from the beginning of period t − j (j = 0–2). αt is the time effect while αi denotes the firm effect and captures the degree of unconditional conservatism.Because αi is the firm effect, its calculation requires a certain length of estimation period. My study uses an estimation period three years. Specifically, I estimate Eq. (1) using a sample from period t − 2 to t and obtain the unconditional conservatism measurement at the end of period t. Higher αi represents lower unconditional conservatism. I refer to αi multiplied by −1 as UCC i,t. Higher UCC i,t represents higher unconditional conservatism.(2)Conditional Conservatism MeasurementI use the measurement developed by Khan and Watts (2009) as a proxy for conditional conservatism. In contrast, many previous studies use the measurement developed by Basu (1997) as a proxy for conditional conservatism. Basu (1997) estimates the following pooling regression model:X i,t = β1 + β2D i,t + β3R i,t + β4D i,t * R i,t + εi,t,,(2) where X i,t is calculated as net income for period t divided by the market value of equity at the beginning of period t. R i,t denotes 12-month buy-and-hold returns beginning from nine months before the end of period t. D i,t denotes a dummy variable equal to 1 if R i,t < 0, and 0 otherwise. β3 captures the timeliness of gain recognition in earnings. β4 captures the incremental timeliness of loss recognition in earnings relative to the gain and degree of conditional conservatism.Although many previous studies estimate Eq. (2) to measure conditional conservatism, it is not sufficient to enable estimation of firm-year measurements. To estimate the timeliness of gain recognition in the earnings measurement and conditional conservatism measurement at the firm-year level, Khan and Watts (2009) specify that both these elements of timeliness are linear functions ofthree firm-specific characteristics (size, market to book, and leverage):G_SCORE i,t = β3 = γ1 + γ2Size i,t + γ3Market_to_Book i,t + γ4Leverage i,t,(3) C_SCORE i,t = β4 = λ1 + λ2Size i,t + λ3Market_to_Book i,t + λ4Leverage i,t,(4) where Size i,t is firm size and the natural log of market value of equity at the end of period t. Market_to_Book i,t is the ratio of the market value of equity to the book value of equity at the end of period t. Leverage i,t is the leverage and ratio of interest-bearing debt to the market value of equity at the end of period t.C_SCORE i,t is the firm-year measurement of conditional conservatism, and G_SCORE i,t is the firm-year measurement of the timeliness of gain recognition in earnings. Coefficients γ and λare constant across firms but vary over time because they are estimated each year. Thus, C_SCORE i,t and G_SCORE i,t vary across firms through a cross-sectional variation in firm-year characteristics and over time through an intertemporal variation in γand λas well as firm-year characteristics. However, Eqs. (3) and (4) are not regression models. To estimate γ and λ, I substitute Eqs. (3) and (4) into Eq. (2) to obtain Eq. (5) , which is then estimated annually:X i,t= β1+ β2D i,t+ β3R i,t(γ1+ γ2Size i,t+ γ3Market_to_Book i,t+ γ4Leverage i,t) + β4D i,t * R i,t(λ1 + λ2Size i,t+ λ3Market_to_Book i,t + λ4Leverage i,t) + (μ1Size i,t+ μ2Market_to_Book i,t+ μ3Leverage i,t + μ4D i,t * Size i,t + μ5D i,t * Market_to_Book i,t + μ6D i,t * Leverage i,t) + εi,t,, (5) Because Eq. (5) includes interaction terms between returns and firm-specific characteristics, firm-specific characteristics must be controlled for separately. Therefore, I include the terms in the last parenthesis of Eq. (5). I substitute γ and λ resulting from the estimation of Eq. (5) and firm-specific characteristics into Eq. (4) each year to obtain the firm-year measurement of conditional conservatism (C_SCORE i,t). I refer to C_SCORE i,t as CC i,t. A higher value of CC i,t represents a firm having a higher conditional conservatism.(3)Standardization of Conservatism MeasurementsI estimate the firm-year measurements of unconditional conservatism and conditionalconservatism as stated above. However, some previous studies point out that these measurements include noise (DeFond et al. 2012; Louis et al. 2012; Zhang 2008). Following these studies, I rank these measurements in ascending order and divide the obtained values by the maximum value of the ranked measurements to reduce this noise. I refer to the unconditional (constitutional) conservatism measurement obtained from this procedure as STUCC i,t (STCC i,t). STUCC i,t (STCC i,t) takes a value between 0 and 1, and the higher value represents higher unconditional (conditional) conservatism. Table1 presents an example of this procedure.(4)Empirical ModelI analyze if unconditional conservatism and conditional conservatism are useful for firms trying to get loans from banks. It is very important for this analysis that the condition where firms intend to collect money with debt is identified. Unless firms achieve the intended aim by conservative accounting, it is not necessarily appropriate to suggest that an accounting system, such as conservatism, provides benefits to firms.Theories explaining corporate financing activity include tradeoff theory and pecking order theory. Some previous studies show that the pecking order model explains considerably more about corporate financing activity than the tradeoff model (Sakai 2009; Shyam-Sunder and Myers 1999). Following these findings, I identify the condition where firms intend to collect money with debt on the basis of pecking order theory. Pecking order theory is modeled as follows:DEBT i,t= α1+ β1GAP i,t+ εi,t= α1+ β1{(DIV i,t + X i,t + ⊿W i,t− C i,t) ÷ A i,t − 1} + εi,t,(6) where DEBT i,t is proceeds from long-term debt and calculated as proceeds from bond issue plus proceeds from long-term loans payable for period t divided by total assets at the end of period t − 15. GAP i,t is the funding gap and is calculated as aggregate investment (DIV i,t + X i,t + ⊿W i,t) minus 5Sakai (2009), and Shyam-Sunder and Myers (1999) incorporate only proceeds from long-term debt into the model as a dependent variable because only long-term financing activity becomes a problem in the context of traditional capital structure theory. However, short-term debt outstanding is adjusted by ⊿W i,t on the right side of Eq. (6).。


2 0 1 4年第 1期
杨 红 竽
( 甘肃 省 医药 学校 ,甘肃 兰 州 7 3 0 0 2 0 )
பைடு நூலகம்【 摘 要】 会计稳健性作为一项在十三世 纪就 已经提 出的会计 管理 , 在2 0 0 6年的 2月份 才正式列入企 业会计 准则 中, 起 步的时 间比
较晚。 由于会计稳健性 已经成 为了会计信息质量的一项必然要 求, 对 3前我国的会计领域发展有着很好的推进作用。 " - 本 文从投 资效率 以及盈余两个方面来分析 了会计稳健性所导致出现的经济后果。 【 关键词】 会计稳健 性 ; 经济后果 ; 净现值
【 中图分类号】 F 2 3 3
现 在尽管 会计稳 健性仍 旧缺少 统一 的定 义 , 然 而就 总 的 及 时 的关 停 , 使得 不利 于企业 的项 目可 以得 到及 时的调整 , 避
来说 ,当前我 国已经将会计稳健性视为了评价会计信息质量 的一项重要依据。 由于经济的高速发展 , 会计领域的客观经济 环境所呈现出来的不确定性变得越来越明显 ,但是 由于会计 稳健性在我国存在的时间还 比较短 ,相关的研究正处于刚起 步阶段 , 会受到各方各面的制约。 尽管会计稳健性还缺少一个 较为统一、 准确的界定 , 然而其导致 出现的经济后果是多种多
以让信息环境变得更加的繁荣 ,这是由于对收益选用更高层 数通常会小于一个稳健率比较低的盈余 ,这可以说明企业盈 次的确认标准 , 那么盈余信息就会变得更加稳健 , 就可以提供 余预测能力的减少和稳健性有很大关系。 总结 :会计 稳健 性所 导致 出现 的的经济 后果 是多 种多样 给市场中其他没有验证的信息一个基准 ,从而对管理者向别 的市场参与者传递信息的动机进行 了约束 ,这样就可以达到 的, 这些方面都具有较为紧密的联系。 比如说会计稳健 陛 会起 保 护契约 债权人 、 股东 以及公 司的 管理者基 本利益 的 目的。 到帮助公司及时向利益者, 如投资者等人传递信号, 减少代理 成本 , 降低信息不对称的情况, 更大程度的对投资者的利益进 二、 会计 稳健性 所产 生的经济 后果 提高公 司 的投资效 率 ; 更好 地衡量 财务 报告 等 。由此 ( 一) 对投 资效 率的影 响。 对 于投资效 率来说 , 会计 稳健 性 行保 护 ; 可见 会计稳 健性所 引起 的经 济后 果大部 分是 积极 的 ,所 以会 有 着较为 直接 的影 响 , 特别是 投资决 策方 面的影 响。 这是 由于 会计稳健 陛可以在很大程度上防止投资出现过度或者是不足 计稳 健性值得 推广 。


27ECONOMIC & TRADE UPDATE一、引言房地产业作为我国经济的支柱性产业,自1998年商品化以来,连续多年处于价格快速上涨、市场快速发展的阶段,作为资金密集型行业,债务融资是其重要的融资手段,对其发展起到关键作用。
债权人对企业的偿债能力进行一定的了解后,便能掌握企业的生产经营状况及财务信息,随着企业债务比例的提升,债权人也能通过偿债能力判定企业能否按时支会计稳健性、偿债能力对企业债务融资成本的影响研究——以房地产上市公司为例王丽艳 幸小莉付利息并在约定时间偿还本金。



会计稳健性对盈余持续性和盈余反应系数的不对称影响研究吴璇;田高良;李玥婷;王建玲【摘要】会计稳健性对会计信息决策有用性的潜在损害使其在准则制定与执行中饱受争议.本文实证探讨稳健性对会计信息决策有用性与市场定价的影响,研究发现:稳健性显著降低盈余持续性但不影响盈余反应系数,表明稳健性在中国市场损害了会计信息的决策有用性,但不影响市场定价.基于前人研究,本文认为投资者权衡了稳健性降低公司内外部信息不对称的积极效应和稳健性降低会计信息决策有用性的消极效应,在对盈余信息定价时未受公司会计稳健性的影响,导致稳健性不影响盈余反应系数.本文对大资金交易活动的分析进一步验证了这种猜想.本文结果为中国会计准则制定者在强调会计信息决策有用性的同时保留稳健性作为会计信息质量的辅助要求提供了实证依据.%The potential adverse impact of conservatism on the usefulness of accounting information for decision making makes the principle of conservatism being disputed among standard setters and practitioners.This paper empirically examines the influence of conservatism on decision usefulness and market pricing of accounting information.We find that conservatism significantly reduces earnings persistence but has no impact on earnings response coefficient (ERC), which implies that conservatism reduces decision usefulness but has no impact on the pricing of accounting information in Chinese market.Based on prior research, we conjecture that this neutral effect of conservatism on ERC is due to investors tradeoff between the positive effect of conservatism on information asymmetry and the negative effect of conservatism on decision usefulness of accounting information, hence, investors are notinfluenced by conservatism when pricing firms' earnings.Our conjecture is further confirmed by analyzing behaviors of market large trades.The results of this paper provide empirical basis for standard setters to put emphasis on the decision usefulness of accounting information and meanwhile retain conservatism as a supplementary requirement for accounting information quality.【期刊名称】《预测》【年(卷),期】2017(036)003【总页数】8页(P42-49)【关键词】会计稳健性;盈余持续性;盈余反应系数;会计信息质量【作者】吴璇;田高良;李玥婷;王建玲【作者单位】西安交通大学管理学院,陕西西安 710049; 香港城市大学商学院,香港 999077;西安交通大学管理学院,陕西西安 710049;西安交通大学管理学院,陕西西安 710049; 香港城市大学商学院,香港 999077;西安交通大学管理学院,陕西西安 710049【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F832.5虽然会计稳健性对投资者和债权人存在诸多保护作用[1~3],但其很可能降低财务信息的相关性和有用性。
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【 关键词 】 稳健性 融 资 成本
质量 与投 资者 回报之间的关系时 , 选用 会计 稳健性作 为会计盈余 质量 的替代 指标结果 发现会计稳 健性对权 益资本成 本 的影 响不 明显 。L a r a , O s r a a和 P e n a l v a ( 2 0 0 6 ) 认为之所 以会计稳健性对权益
资本 成 本 的影 响不 明 显 是 因为 F r a n c i s , L a F o n d , O l s s o n和 S c h i p p e r
选择 的会 计稳健性 的衡量指标有 问题 , 降低 了会计稳 健性对权益 会计稳健性虽 时常被人们提及 , 并在会计 准则存在时 间最 长 资本成本 的影响 。他们将不 同的计量方法组合起来衡 量企业会计 的一 项特征 , 但 迄今 为止 , 还没 有一 个权威的定义 , 这并不影 响会 稳健性 ,结果发现 了会计稳健 性有助 于降低企业 的权益 资本 成 计稳健性对会计实 务产生深刻 的影响 。我们可以 回顾国内外 经济 本 。这 是这 一结论 第一 次得 到文 献 的证 实 。G u a y和 V e r r e c c h i a 学家对于会计稳健性 的定义 , 有助于了解其 内涵 f 2 0 0 7 ) 、 S u E s ( 2 0 0 8 ) 从 另一个 角度也证明 了会计稳健性能 降低权 益 B l i s s ( 1 9 2 4 ) 把会计稳健性定义为一种 “ 提前判断所有可能的损 资本成本 。 失, 忽略任何不确定的收益” 的一种会计行为 。也就是说稳健性的 在 国 内的研究 中 , 与F r a n c i s 等( 2 0 0 4 ) 在研 究时遇 到的情况类 会计 应该是一种对于 收益保守 的估 计 , 对 于损 失却提前判 断的一 似, 李刚、 张伟 和王艳艳 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 在研究会 计盈余 质量对权益 资本 成 种做 法。Wa n s ( 1 9 8 6 ) 从审计师 的角度来定 义稳健性 , 他认为会计 本 的影响时选用 2 0 0 1 年至 2 0 0 3年 间连续 存在 l 0年的上市公 司 稳健 性是指 审计师 在做资产 报告 的时候应该用 所有方 案 中资 产 作 为研究样本 , 采用 B a s u模 型衡量会计稳健 性 , 没有发现会计 稳 价值 最低 的来作为基础 , 在做负债报告 的时候 应该基于最高 的水 健性对权益资本成本 的显著影 响。但是考虑到我 国资本市场发展 平。这就意味着稳 健性 的企 业做法是 : 当收益确定时才能确认 , 甚 时间短 、 还不完善 , 直接使用 B a s u模型衡量 会计稳健性可 能会有 至推迟确认 , 而 费用 和损失应该提前就 明确 。 B a s u( 1 9 9 7 ) 将稳健性 定的误差。杨克智 , 索玲玲( 2 0 t 1 ) 选取 了 2 0 0 1 年至 2 0 0 9年间在 定义为 : 会计 人在做报告时 的一种确认好 消息和坏消息所要 求不 沪深交易所上市 的 7 6 5 6 个样 本 ,将样本公 司分为盈利组 和亏损 对称的可验证程度的倾 向。也就是确认好消息要求更高 的确认程 组分别 进行 回归 , 通 过实证研究 发现在 非完美 市场 中 , 由于信息 度, 而确认坏消息却应该及 时。B a s u( 1 9 9 7 ) 基于这种认识 , 采用盈 不对称 的存在 , “ 市 场降低了盈利公司会计稳健性 的定 价 。” 这是 余一 回报反 向回归对稳健 性用实证 的方法做 了计 量 , 这 是稳健性 我 国会计稳健性影响权 益资本定价 的第一个文献验证 。 研宄 中一个重大 的突破。F e l t h a n和 O h l s o n ( 1 9 9 5 ) 认 为稳 健性是对 三、 会计稳健・ 陛与债权融资理论研究 资产净额的持续低估。Wa t t s ( 2 0 0 3 ) 认 为会计稳健性 是一种在确认 A h m e d , B i l l i n g s ,M o r o n和 S t a n f o r d — Ha r r i s ( 2 0 0 2 ) 在 进 行 实 证 资产 , 负债 , 收入 和损 失时候的一种不对称 的应用 。 这样会 导致净 研究 时选用 1 9 8 7 — 1 9 9 2 , 1 9 9 3 — 1 9 9 8两个 6年 窗 口期 的上市公 司 利润的资产在会计期间出现系统性 的低估 。 2 0 0 6年我 国的新会计 数据 作为研 究样本 ,采用 基于市 场 的衡 量方法 ( B e a v e r 和R y a n 准则要求公 司不 能高估 资产和收益 , 低估 费用和负债 。即对会计 『 2 o o o D 和 基 于 权 责 发 生 制 的 衡 量方 法 ( G i v o l y和 H a y n [ 2 0 0 0 ] ) P  ̄ 种方 事项 确认 的时候应该谨 慎。 法衡量会计稳健性 , 结果得 出了如下的结论: 公司面临的债权人 与 同时 , 会计 稳健性有主要分为两种种情 况 : 条 件稳健型 , 无条 股东在股利分 配上 的冲突越严重 ,公司 的会计稳 健性水平越 高 ; 件稳健性 , 条件稳健 型与无条件稳健性 的关系及影响 。第一 , 条件 同时 , 会计稳健性水平与企业 的债 务资本成本负相关 。这是有文 稳健 型 , 又被称作 事后稳健 性 , 是指企 业在面 临有利情况 的时候 献 第 一 次 证 明 了会 计 稳 健 性 在 债 务 契 约 中 的 作 用 。Wi t t e n — 对资产不进行重估 ,而遭遇不好 的情况 时重估 资产的账 面价值 , b e r g — M o e r m a n( 2 o o 8 ) 使用二级交易 市场 的数据考察 了财务报告质 也就是 冲减 资产 账面价值 , 而且条 件稳健型对于收入 和损失之 间 量对 贷款交易 的买卖差价 的影 响 , 通 过损失 的及时确认 , 表明会 可确认程度有着 不对 称性 , 对 收入要求的程度更 高。期 末存货计 计稳健性显著 的降低了其对应的贷款交 易的买卖差 价。 价采用市价 与成 本孰低就是其一个例子 。第二 、 无条件 稳健性又 在 国内的研究 中 , 钟 岳松( 2 0 0 9 ) 的研究从 理论上 分析 了会计 被称作事前 的稳健性 。无条件稳健性的做法是 在资产或者负债发 稳 健 性 与 债务 契 约 和 债 务 资 本 成 本 之 间 的关 系 。 王 毅 春 , 孙 林 岩 生初期就确定 会计方法 , 这样 会使得企业的市场价值 长期高 于其 f 2 0 0 6 ) 选用 2 0 0 4年 的 A股 上市公司作为研究样本 , 通过实证分析 净资产 的账面价值。立 即将在 内部研 发时候产 生的无形 资产费用
会计稳健性对融 资成本 的影 响研究
◆雷倩倩 ( 西安外事学院 陕西省 7 1 0 0 7 7 ) 而是 因为法 律和管制 型 【 摘要 】 稳 健性是会计计量 中一 项会 计准则 , 也是会 计信息质量 最 的变化并 不是 由于新的消息带来 的影响 , 重要的表现。然而 , 随着时代 的发展 , 会计的稳健性却逐 渐被人们 会计造成 的。所以无条件稳健性 的是否应该存在还值得探讨 。 漠视 , 各 国也有逐 步取 消它的倾向。本文就会计稳健 性对企业 融 二、 会计 稳健性股权融资理论研究 关于会计稳健性与融 资的关系 , 目前人 们较多 的是从 股权融 除信 息不对 称带 来的风险 , 更好保 护企业 的利益 不受侵 害, 进 而 资和债权融资两个角度去分析研 究的。 降低 融资成本。从这一方 面来说 会计 的稳 定性 是有一定 的意义 会计稳健性可 能会 降低 企业 某些无法规避 的信息风险 , 从而 和效 用的 , 不应被人们放 弃。希 望我 国会计准则在改革的浪潮 中, 降低权益 资本成本 。F r a n c i s , L a F o n d , O l s s o n和 S c h i p p e r ( 2 0 0 4 ) 在 不要 因为盲 目跟随 国际标准 , 而忽视会计稳健性 为融资成本 带来 使用 1 9 7 5年 至 2 0 0 1年的上市公 司作 为研究 样本检 验会计盈 余