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Even at dinner, school stilll use blocking board to protect the students.
growing 修饰的名词是i_n_t_e_re_s_t_, 使得interest 更具体
More and more people have developed a growing interest in hand wash.
The novel coronavirus still affects people's lives. There are many slogans(标语) at school.
There are many slogans showing the measures of protecting ourselves. at school.
students.More and more peopl have developed a growing interest in
hand wash.
Rule 1:
动词-ing形式做定语,常放在被修饰词__前______叫做_前__置__定语, 如果动名词-ing形式的短语做定语,它与所修饰的词具有逻辑上的 主谓关系,常放在被修饰词的___后_____叫_后__置______定语. 动词ing形式做定语,使得 被修饰的名词更具体。
Unit 5 On the Road
After this class, we will be able to 1.grasp the basic rules of gerund (动名词-ing) used as attributive.(定语) 2.master how to change attributive clauses (定语从句) into ing form.(-ing形式) 3.learn the function(功能) of attributive(定语) 4.form the habit of observing the structures of sentences.(观察句子的结构)
Gerund phrase as attributive ( 动名词形式短语作为定语) .we put the phrase after the noun it modifies(放在被修饰的名词的后面). showing the
measures of pretecting 修饰的名词是_s_lo_g_a__n_s_,使___得_ slogans 更具体
Single Gerund as attributive(单个的动名词做定语).we put it before the noun it modifies(放在被修饰的名词前面). teaching修饰的名词是_b__u_il_d_in_g_,_ 使得building 更具体
Meanwhile, all the people have to wear masks.So it is a bit difficult for teachers to recognize the students wearing masks.
who read my blog 是_定__语___从句,修饰的名词是__p_e_o_p_l. reading my blog 是__in_g__形式短语,修饰的名词e是p_e_o_p_l_e____ 同义句转换,并观察两个句子的不同点。 1. There are over200,000 people who read my blog. =There are over 200,000 people __re_a_d_i_n_g__ my blog.
wanting to enter the teaching building 修饰的是代词__an__yo__n_e, 是anyone
Anyone must have a temperatu更re具tes体t.。 Anyone wanting to enter the teachig buildin must have a temperature test. Students with normal temperature can enter the teaching building
The new coronavirus(新冠病毒) still affects(影响) people's lives.There are many slogans(标语) showing the measures of protecting ourselves at school. Anyone wanting to enter the teaching building must have a temperature test(测体温).Students with normal temperature can enter the teaching building.Meanwhile, all the people have to wear masks.So it is a bit difficult for teachers to recognize(辨认出) the students wearing masks. After school, students lining up(排队) goes downstairs one by one. Even at dinner, school still use blocking boards to protect
wearing masks 修饰的是名词_s_tu_d_e_nts
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
lining up 修饰的是名词__s_tu__d_e_n_ts
After school, students lining up(排队) goes downstairs one by one.
blocking 修饰的是名词_b_o_a_r_d____