M10U4 Vocabulary新

Unit 11.I’m just coming around to have a friendly chat with you. How are you doing?2.When you’re writing a paper, you must acknowledge the sources of the statements you havequoted to support your argument.3.As the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” People who want to make thingsbetter can do so if only they are strongly motivated.4.The expression of intense feelings in a simple and yet profound way is recognized as acharacteristic of Emily Dickinson’s poetry.5.Thomas Jefferson devoted himself completely to the drafting of The Declaration ofIndependence despite his personal sorrow and trouble.6.As the most influential US president, Franklin Roosevelt left a legacy which still deeplyaffects the country today.7.Madame Curie is often cited as an example of a great scientist who would never yielded tohardships in her quest for knowledge.8.As I see it, laziness is the biggest obstacle to person’s success.9.Curiosity is the best teacher. If information of no intrinsic interest is crammed into students’heads, no effective learning can be achieved.10.What are your criteria for selecting the greatest literary works of the 20th century?11.It’s good to see a child develop different interests, but when any int erest turns into anobsession it can be worrisome to parents.12.Before they go to school, children manage to progress from newborns with onlyinnate abilities to children with an enormous amount of knowledge about the world they live in.13.Mother Teresa will long be remembered for her unique contribution(s)to the cause ofcaring for the sick and dying.14.Albert Einstein, Franklin Roosevelt’s contemporary, got involved in politics by suggesting thegovernment develop its own nuclear weapons program.15.For the inclusion of your record in the Guinness Book of World Records, an application mustbe submitted to the publication headquarters in London.16.History has proved that in time of crisis a capable and charismatic (有魅力的) person mustbe called to leadership so as to raise the nation’s moral.1.With today’s world making fantastic progress in science and technology, any nation contentto rely on past successes will soon be left behind.2.Though she was only a normal athlete in high school, in college her ability allowed her to riseabove the others and become a star.3.After replacing a wounded artillery general, Napoleon made history at the young age of 24by seizing rebellious Toulon (土伦).4.I wish I were endowed with both intelligence and good looks, but overall I think it’s mo reimportant to be smart than pretty.5.I enjoy my work, but my boss bothers me so much that I’m not sure how much longer I’ll beable to put up with him.6.This approach is going nowhere. We had better come up with a new way of dealing with thisproblem.7.As the name suggests, the book Greatness: Who Makes History and Why focuses on whatenables some people to go down in history.8.This psychology professor’s study of great figures is reportedly to be built on over ten yearsof research.9.I think your grades are low because you don’t study enough. You really need to put in moretime studying if you expect to do well.10.Advertising is a tough business because it is very difficult to come up with new ideas to sellthe same old products.11.I think it’s the teacher’s responsibility to take charge of the class, not to always ask thestudents what they want to do.12.The qualities that truly set Winston Churchill apart were his determination and his ability toinspire others.Unit 21.The author’s son wa s studying medicine at McGill University with the intention of becominga surgeon.2.I took her criticism as a sincere desire to see improvement in my work.3.They didn’t fight, but stood there glaring at one another.4.Don’t get sore at me because you got low marks in your exams.5.Though the poem is well-known, no one has yet been able to trace its author.6.The new club strives to educate its members to render service to the community.7.Mary likes to go dancing on weekends because she does not believe that the denial ofpleasure is a virtue.8.People place stamps on letters or packages as proof that they have paid for mailing theseitems.9.The mayor praised the Lei Feng Spirit that could be found everywhere in the city and paidparticular t ribute to youngsters who helped the elderly.10.These disks hold more than 400 times as much information as a conventional floppy disk (软磁盘).11.Though he didn’t have much to give, he was generous with his money.12.Father’s Day is a day on which the people of many countries express their gratitude andappreciation for their fathers by giving them gifts or greeting cards.13.She slammed on the brakes and the car came to a sudden stop.14.You might be more successful in your job if you would take the trouble to make yourselfmore agreeable to your colleagues (同事) as well as your employer.1.The only thing on sale that attracted me was a little French clock. caught/took my fancy2.It was John’s mistake to sign the agreement without reading it carefully.a mistake on John’s part3.We fail to appreciate sufficiently all sorts of things that are supplied to us easily by nature.take for granted 4.If a criminal fears that he’s going to get caught, he will hesitatebefore he robs or steals.think twice 5.She had put aside money for a long time for this holiday and she meant to enjoy everyminute of it. saved up6.We have to take into account the data mentioned in the annual report.referred to7.It is unpleasant to hear Tom talk too proudly of his abilities and achievements. boast about8.After her husband died at the age of 35, Mary made great efforts to ensure her five children’seducation. took pains with9.For better health you must avoid eating too much. refrain from10.Mr. Eden is one of the most prominent scientists in the country and to a certain extent amedia star. something of11.If you help a neglected child, he may not actually show you gratitude, but chances are thatyou will get thanks by some means or other. in one way or another12.She got a little bored with his habit of never allowing her to finish a sentence. fed upUnit 31.Generally speaking, tactics covers what you need to do at the moment while strategyprovides the broad guidelines that determine the overall direction.2.My family’s health and security are of the utmost importance to me.3.If one of those stays(支柱)gives way, the entire structure may collapse.4.Unlike a tightrope, a slack will sway up and down or from side to side.5.The president wanted to see him on a matter of great significance.6.Two foreign tourists died ad two soldiers were badly hurt yesterday when a coach and anArmy truck collided almost head-on along a straight stretch of road.7.We tried all sorts of solutions to that problem, and they all came to a dead end.8.The blow on his head erased the details of the accident from his memory.9.We usually judge others within the framework of our own experience.10.By the time the lifeboat arrived, the ship was almost vertical in the water. The woundedsoldier is sitting in the vertical position, upright in bed.11.The music ceased suddenly when she turned off the radio.12.By pointing out just one flaw, she destroyed his entire argument.13.The music implies suddenly when she turned off the radio.14.He affirmed his plan to make payments on time.1. We got lost and finally were two hours late. wound up being2.The schoolboy tried to drive the cow into the stable by tugging (拉) its tail, but failed.pulling on3.The roots of plants absorb water and make their food out of it. take in4.By constantly looking up at the clock he is really saying that he wants us to leave. in effect5. Although the glow of the sunset was the most intense colure in the scene, the darkeningblue of the rest of the sky began increasingly prevail.take over6. After graduation, John changed his job frequently but he eventually taught English in a localmiddle school. ended up teachingUnit 41.Even though animals within a breed may look similar to us humans, they probably lookunique to each other.2.Students have different individual abilities and potentials, and therefore should be taughtaccordingly.3.Many Americans would deny the existence of a single American culture partly because thereis such racial diversity in the county.4.Preadolescent (青春前期的) groups are homogeneous; that is, members are usually of thesame sex and come from the same neighborhood.5.The travel agency will make every arrangement for your trip and the expenses, all inclusiveare estimated at $300.6.All developed nations maintain a variety of social welfare programs to help unemployed orunderemployed people to function more fully in society.7.Lying is defined as deceiving someone about certain matters or facts.8.The irritation my boss showed was simply due to my failure to make a favorable comment onhis management.9.The variables that educational psychologists have found to be important in classroomteaching include the time teachers allocate to instruction, the amount of content they cover, the percent of time that students are engaged in learning, and so on.10.The Austrian physician and founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, used hispsychotherapy to uncover painful and forgotten memories in his patients.11.An instance of irony is the suggestion, put forward with apparent seriousness by the Englishsatirist Jonathan Swift in his A Modest Proposal (《一个温和的建议》), that the poor people of Ireland should rid themselves of poverty by selling their children to the rich to eat.12.Human learning and memory have been studied mostly with verbal materials (such as wordlists and stories) or with tasks requiring motor skills (such as learning to type or to play an instrument).13.Babies will readily learn to walk on their own when they are offered a reward.14.When depressed, these patients experience painful sadness, negative thinking, andindifference to things that used to bring them happiness.15.The probability of an outcome is represented by a number between 0 and 1, with probability0 indicating certainty that an event will not occur and probability 1 indicating certainty thatit will occur.16.IQ scores may vary according to testing conditions, and thus it is advisable to understandresults of the tests as falling within a certain range, such as average or superior.1.The major method of instruction for schools of the United States and many other countriesstresses the educational development of the child in terms of individual needs and interests.2.The explosion in use and popularity of the Internet in the 1990s is most likely due to theWorld Wide Web.3. A quality control inspector is responsible for making sure that every product measures/livesup to the specified standard before it goes into circulation.4.If you do what you are really interested in and try hard, you'll find, as often as not that youare living with contentment.5.The Greek philosopher Socrates was also a great teacher, whose method consisted of askingquestions that forced his students to think deeply about the meaning of life, truth, and justice.6.His plan is an ambitious one, and I doubt whether he will really go through with it.7.The secretary general, like the rest of the UN staff, is supposed to be independent, but inreality, he must rely on member countries, especially the five permanent Security Council members, to get anything done.8.It’s been argued that the problems with teaching have been brought about in part byinadequate facilities.Unit 51.The first artificial intelligence (人工智能) conference in 1956 inspired researchers toundertake projects that emulated human behavior in areas of reasoning, language comprehension, and communications.2.In 1979 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states may require the consent(同意,许可)ofone parent of a minor (未成年者) requesting an abortion.3.By 1951 industrial production had exceeded prewar peaks; it continued to rise in thesucceeding years.4.That park contains miniature reproductions of such famous sights in China as the Great Walland the Summer Palace.5.According to our professor, unemployment is an inevitable consequence of free marketeconomics.6.There are nearly 2,900 radio stations associated with ABC, as well as a sizable publishinggroup.7.Don’t worry. The danger from these snakes is practically nothing.8. A crowd of people gathered, outraged by the way the police officers were hitting the twomen.9.Psychological drug dependency is characterized by a craving for the drug and belief that onecannot function without taking it.10.The bomb was designed to cause the maximum amount of harm to the maximum number ofpeople.11.Although breast cancer primarily afflicts females, about 1,400 male breast cancers were alsoreported in the United States in 1997.12.Some people’s attitudes towards foreigners are based on sheer ignorance and prejudice.13.When he stood up from his seat, he suddenly felt an intense pain in the lower part of hisback.14.We see each other at regular intervals — usually once a week.15.I read a very interesting biography of Marx’s last week, which is based on his correspondencewith Engels over 40 years.1.Tom’s boss asked him to take control of the office for a couple of weeks while she was away.take charge of 2.As he fell down from the cliff (悬崖) the mountaineer was lucky enough to grab a branchwith his left hand.get hold of3.Such projects as road or dam building, mining, or large-scale farming can cause greathardships to people whose lives depend on the land. who live off on4.The government began to support small businesses when it realized that they were the keyto economic growth. smile (up)on5.Adrenaline(肾上腺素) helps the body to get used to sudden stress by increasing heart rateand raising blood pressure.adjust to6. A central purpose of drama has always been to provide a means for a society to thinkcarefully about itself and its beliefs. reflect upon7.I had seen the singer before on TV, but she looked very different when I met her personally.in person8.Chicago’s O’Hare Airport was closed as a result of the snowstorm. due to9.Cindy, Linda, and Niaomi went to the benefit fashion show, as did Claudia and Christy, allknown as the “supermodels” of the 1990’s. along with10.The rocket roared into space, increasing its speed to 38,000 mph shortly after. picking up11.I’m sorry, but someone else has borrowed the book you want. checked out12.On seeing General Powell, the soldier threw out his chest and saluted. stuck outUnit 61.Official U.S. statistics on employment and unemployment are derived from a monthly samplesurvey of households.2.For a solid or liquid fuel to ignite, some of the fuel must first be heated to the temperature atwhich it turns to gas.3.He keeps his savings under his pillow because he distrusts banks.4.The writer’s thesis is that all human problems can be solved by logic.5.Since the early 1900’s, pronunciation in the United States has becomes more standardizedbecause people throughout the country have become more and more exposed to each other’s speech patterns.6.I am not jealous of her good fortune, but I do feel she should share it with others.7.Zoologists observe the ways animals interact with one another and their environment.8.People spend a lot of their Hard-earned money on holidays and of course they want to getgood professional service.9.She felt frustrated when she didn’t get a promotion after all these years of hard wo rk.10.She grabbed for her gun when she heard the shots down the street.11.I suggest that you keep the flashlight handy in case the fuse (保险丝) blows again.12.The secretaries’ report provided the leaders with the necessary numerical information.13.Mary and her brothers were all very happy because their father approved their plans for thesummer.14.The issue of the death penalty is highly controversial in some western countries.15.He has abstract ideas about what to do, but no specific plans or proposals.1.There are many heroines who make headlines for showing courage when confronted withsome public emergency. in the face of2.For those who are disabled when they are born or during childhood, special education isnecessary.from birth3.Their request for better working conditions was equal to a criticism of the management.amounted to 4.There are still difficulties before us, but we will overcome them individually in order.one by one5.He didn’t sell hi s house right away; he waited to get the best offer. held out for6.In the face of enemy attacks, the president said that his countrymen would never yield tothreats. give in to7. A good visual artist (视觉艺术家) has to be a drawer first. Ramsay learnt at an early time thecrucial importance of drawing as the basis for his art.early on8.How can you ever achieve any success if you are afraid of everything that is unpleasant ordifficult.shy away from9.Tom took the place of George just after half-time when it appeared that the injury toGeorge’s knee was affecting his performance. substituted for10.He’s disorganized, he’s inefficient, he’s never there when you want him –in a word, theman’s hopeless. in short11.The detective put a chemical on the paper, and the fingerprints appeared. showed up12.Emily’s life resulted in tragedy after her husband was captured during the Civil War. ended in Unit 71.Johnny is only 15 but actually he has outgrown his mother by five inches.2.Cockroaches (蟑螂) have earned a bad reputation because they feed on garbage.3.Arab Americans have tended to identify more strongly with their Muslim heritage.4.I have moments of despair, but fundamentally I am an optimist.5.She hesitated for a fraction of a second before accepting his challenge to a game of tennis.6.Thanks to the Internet, data can now be transferred easily from one computer to another.7.Drums can be used to convey messages over distances beyond the human voice’s reach.8.Technological advances are the chief agents of change.9.In 1894 bottling machines were installed in a Mississippi factory and the first bottled Cokewas produced.10.There are laws to specify (指定) the person(s) who will obtain a dead person’s estate if nowill exists.ura filed a lawsuit against her company for ignoring her for promotion because she waspregnant. passing (her) over2.The President ought to seize the opportunity to stop quarrelling with the political parties andnegotiate a speedy return to democracy. make his peace with3.The Clayton Antitrust Act (克莱顿反托拉斯法) declared illegal such practices as price-cuttingto drive competitors out of business.freeze competitors out of business4.He was very intelligent, but he failed to meet the requirements for a manager.fell short of5.The earliest European description of the American continent appeared in published form in1505.in print6.Children from age 6 to age 14 in Germany attend full-time school without payment.for free7.Workers are tearing open roads to lay new cables. put in8.The Foreign Ministry holds weekly press conferences to let reporters know the latestdevelopments in diplomacy. fill reporters in on9.First offenders of traffic regulations are sometimes let go without any punishment.let off10.Mother was startled at the news and broke several plates. taken aback by11.Having broken with his girlfriend and standing alone in the street with his suitcase, Georgedid not know where to go or what to do. was at a loss12.It rook me nearly a month to get free of my cough. get rid of。

considering:词性/词义__________ prep./conj.考虑到
• Considering how bad the situation with cybercrime against companies has become, many people wonder why so little is known about this. L34 into consideration • _______ ____________ how bad Taking ______ the situation with cybercrime against companies has become, many people wonder why they know ______ little about this.
Careful reading
Careful reading
Para. 5 Little is known about cybercrime against companies because _________. A. the situation is really too bad B. many companies are unwilling to report the cases C. companies fear they will lose customers D. companies are sure they can protect their customers’ money
Conclusion 7_________
difficulty to catch It is of 6_____________ cybercriminals.
All of this is made more difficult by the legal situation regarding cybercrime. L40

moreover/ besides
4. Furthermore, we can say with accuracy that, cybercrime is costing business worldwide hundreds of billions of dollars annually. 使… 损失
Law and order
M10U4 Reading预习讲义
1.网络犯罪 cybercrime / commit crime online 2.一个理论的可能性 a theoretical possibility 3. 挣钱几乎没有被捕的风险
make money with little risk of beiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้g caught 4. 要求极大的努力 require great _e_f_fo_r_t__ 5. 包含各国协力合作 involve countries working together 6.列出涉及与安全相关的犯罪
There are many holes in their legal systems 12.安排/准备处理 have/make arrangements for 13.问题的唯一解决办法
the only solution to this problem
14.国际合作 international cooperation 15.最好之一 among the best =one of … 16.跨境追踪罪犯 follow criminals across borders 17.采取步骤 take steps 18.制定/签署有关…的协议
3. What is the solution to cybercrime?

一、用适当的单词填空1.I found Jane ‘s new book to be not only t____________but very practical, as it includes a lot of useful suggestions for improving study skills.2.She is a c__________ lawyer, meaning that she represents people accused of committing various crimes.3.There are many c______________ of crime, from less serious ones such as theft to more serious ones like murder.4.Independence Day is the American national holiday, which is celebrated a__________ on the fourth of July.5.Nobody can predict with any a__________ how much money the film will make.6.Over the past few decades, there have been many ____________advances in computer software and the ways that we use it in our daily lives. (技术)7.Reading Jim’s letter, I could not help but notice how beautiful and clear his _______was.(签名)8.Despite many witnesses and much evidence, the police could not ________the criminal.(认定)9.Deng Xiaoping was the chief _________ of our country’s new economic policy. (建筑师)10. The only solution to cybercrime is international _____________.(合作)Keys:1.theoretical 2.criminal 3.classifications 4.annually 5.accuracy6. technology7.signature8.identify9. architect 10. cooperation二、从A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案1.--How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?---It _______ be. But it is now heavily polluted (07全国卷Ⅰ)A. willB. wouldC. shouldD. must2.The computer system suddenly ________ while he was searching for information on the Internet (06辽宁高考)A.broke down B. broke out C .broke up D .broke in3._______ with so much trouble ,we failed to complete the task on time (06四川高考) A.Faced B .Face C. Facing D . To face4. After he retired form office , Rogers_______ painting for a while ,but soon lost interest.(06山东高考)A.took up B. saved up C. kept up D. drew up(起草)5. A society was set up to _______ the endangered animal and plant life from dying out in this area.A. reserveB. preserveC. observeD. deserve6. Companies must consider how they ________ data so that their employees can find it fast.A. classifyB. recognizeC. storeD. accumulate7. ---What do you think of our present life?-----There is no _________ that our life is much better than before.A. matter B .doubt C problem D wonder8. It is not easy for a tortoise to _____ a rabbit in the running competition.A. regardB. undergoC. reviseD. overtake9. In most places, it is legal ________ to pour dangerous chemicals into lakes and rivers.A. offenceB. defenceC. fenceD. preference10. The recent development in the global economy ________ a serious challenge to the market in small countries.A. posesB. postsC. passesD. pushes11. The copying of music under copyright without permission is ________ stealing from the musicians , who ________ to be paid for their hard work’A. as if ; preserveB. just as; preserveC. just like; deserveD. almost ; deserve12. We can __________ the results with some ________ due to this new technology.A . pretest ; fluency B. prevent ; possibilities C. protect ; risk D. predict; accuracy13. It’s important to make new law s and_____ international standards for these laws similar ______those concerning international airspace.A. invent ; withB. set ; likeC. create; toD. make ; in14. It is _____company policy to use computers in the office to access websites with offensive Content , which are_____.A. according to ; suitableB. against; unsuitableC. for ; acceptableD. against; unacceptable15. The driver who claimed that had failed to ________ his brakes in time was taken _______ court.A. apply ; toB. break ; inC. press; onD. produce ; forKeys:1-5 CAAAB 6---10 ABDAA 11—15 CDCBA。
M10 Unit4 江苏牛津译林版高考英语复习巩固课件(共58张PPT)

4) break off 打断;折断;结束
She broke off their engagement only a few weeks before they were due to be
married. 就在他们预期结婚前几个星期她解除了婚约。
5) break through 突破 He failed many times but he finally broke through to find a successful way to cure this disease. 他失败了很多次,最后终于发现了有效治疗这种疾病的方法。
v. ①起草,草拟②选派,抽调 more troops were drafted into
9. join forces (与...)合作,联合 10. request that sb (should) do sth
It is requested that sb (should) do sth
11. be considerate of …体贴关切…
2) break in 插入,打扰 Don't break in while others are speaking. 别人讲话时不要插嘴。
3) break out 爆发,发生 Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out? 人人都知道火灾发生后该做什么吗?
6) break away from 脱离;打破 They broke away from the national union and set up their own local organization. 他们脱离了国家联邦建立了自己的地方组织。 7) break up 解散, 分解;绝交

Unit 11. From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast.2. It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself.3. I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair.4. Dr. Bright always takes his time as he examines his patients and treatsthem with extreme care,5. British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterpartshave already suffered.6. Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was an honorableyoung man.7. The key witness for the prosecution was offered police protection after shereceived death threats.8. I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved mewrong.9. Having practiced for so long, the New York baseball team stands a chancewinning the World Series this year.10. At the trial,Bo b’s teacher,who was called as a character witness, said hewas a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before.Unit 211 .We’ve just had a very fruitful meeting with the management and we’re nowmuch more hopeful about the pay rise.12. The book I’m reading explains the evolution of plant and animal life onearth.13. Living in a flat is all right, but it has its limitations—for example, you don’thave your own garden.14. The two witnesses gave contradictory versions of what had happened thatnight.15. Despite the fact that there was almost no hope of finding the missing boy,the search party still went on looking.16. Alice intends to go back to work after she has had her baby.17. The report is a bit lengthy; in short, it says that more money should be spenton education.18. Without an official pass, the guides will deny you access to the courthouse.19. Amy was trying to persuade her father to let her drive but she was gettingnowhere.20. Simon has done a super job and deserves to be promoted.21. Sorry the place is so messy;I haven’t had time to clean up.22. Mr. White found to his dismay that his son had been spending far too muchtime chatting with his key pals online.Unit 323. In terms of population, Greater New York City is the largest urban center inthe United States.24. The article provides a detailed analysis of the root causes of the accident.25. Many young girls like to keep a diary for recording their private thoughtsand feelings.26. There are obvious benefits in allowing each student to go at his own pace.27. The dredger represents a major technological advance in keeping theriver clear.28. The tired traveler stopped to catch his breath and make sure of hisdirections.29. Bob didn’t turn up at the party; I had an intuition that something must havegone wrong.30. Roger was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to convince him ofhis mistakes.31. In history the war between the Union and the eleven Southern states is calledAmerican Civil War.32. The office building was recently renovated for greater comfort andefficiency.Unit 433. 1) He always uses my first name,although he is several years my junior .34. 2) This is just my kind of diet一no junk food,plenty of fruit and vegetables, whichI love.35. 3) A beautiful newly constructed highway winds its way along the coast of the island.36. 4) Vitamin C helps to combat stress either from worry or from intense physicalexercise.37. 5) Not only is measles(麻疹)a killer,but it also causes blindness,deafness andmental handicap in thousands of children every year.38. 6) Click the left mouse button twice and your card design will be printed.39. 7) Many beautiful landscapes that glow in the gallery(画廊)are sadly decayed inreality.40. 8) Few actors have so fully Interpreted the deepest feelings of Shakespeare as OlivierLaurence.41. 9 ) As the patrol commander approached the door of the bank,he spotted a blackbriefcase leaning against a wall.42. 10) Money,of course,is no substitute for the loss of life or limb •43. 11) The goat twisted its neck to make a grab at a fallen twig(嫩枝)on the ground.44. 12) As a mother,I give advice when my children need it ,but basically ourrelationship is one between equals.45. 13) The city of Kyoto,the imperial capital,lies surrounded by hills and is frequentlybathed in mists.46. 14) There are at least four companies, perhaps five,that would like to start a 24-hournews channel.47. 15) Banks raised interest rates five times from mid-1989 to mid-1990, in hopes ofsqueezing the bubbles in the stock and property markets.Unit 548. The June 3,1996 issue of Newsweek carries a ling article about Japan’sfuture empress.49. Bound hand and foot, the victim was left helpless in the lavatory.50. They have never met, but they have been in correspondence with eachother for years.51. Quickly picking up the diary, Phil flipped straight to the last entry and beganreading it.52. Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor sent her to the isolationward.53. While my wife and kids were away for the long weekend, I had the entirehouse to myself.54. The police warned people to be on guard against burglary during thefestival.55. Many university students experience severe tension as final exams drawnear.56. Mr. Tyler used to eat with a napkin tucked under his chin.57. We have four hours of English a week, including one session in thelanguage laboratory.Unit 658. After a careful examination, the doctor prescribed a new medicine and athree-day rest for her.59. The little girl wore a very thin coat. A sudden gust of cold wind made hershiver.60. With tear gas and fire hose the police scattered the demonstrators.61. The drink had an acid taste which I found quite unpleasant.62. The road became so slippery after the rain that several cars slid sidewaysinto the ditch.63. Andrew held his elderly mother firmly by the arm in case she slipped on theice.64. Olivia flushed with embarrassment when she couldn’t answer the question.65. The acrobat walked along the tightrope with a water jar poised on her head.66. If I were you, I would take it easy;there is no need to be so nervous.67. Philip and his brothers decided to spend their weekend varnishing theirboat.68. After his father explained the difference to him the boy became slack andrelaxed.69. Phil was said to have died in the flu epidemic in 1916.Unit 870. No one trusts Felix, for he is never punctual and often neglects his duty.71. Greater efforts are needed before we can attain our goal of economicreform.72.1 hope you will not interfere with his work.73. As it turned out, the speaker was shouted down by the hostile crowd.74. The events that occurred in his childhood shaped his whole life.75. Martin finally succeeded in projecting the two graphs onto the same screenwith an overhead projector.76. Young children may run around and make a lot of noise. Actually they areacting appropriately for their age.77.1 enjoy my job,but I’d like to do something more creative.78. There is no doubt that these measures will contribute to the solution ofthe problem.79. That child’s concentration span is poor—he only listens to the teacher for afew seconds at a time.80. The 20th century was remarkable for its inventions.81. He would be seeing Sarah tonight, and a vision of her face suddenly cameinto his mind.82. The singer’s voi ce soared easily to the top notes.83. On April 12, 1912 this supposedly unsinkable ship hit an iceberg.Unit 1084. Professor Parker’s lecture was very impressive. It was one of the bestlectures I’ve ever attended.85. The new electrical engineer’s suggestions have been embodied/ wereembodied in the revised plan.86. Lucy complained about the endless cycle of getting up, going to work andcoming home, day after day.87.lt seems that every time her brother returned from a trip, she likewise wouldwant to go to the same place.88. Constant shows are characters of the summer in that Asian country.89. Experiments have proved that this fertilizer can accelerate the growth ofbeans.90. To our delight, there were still some tickets available for Saturday'sperformance.91. The police found that the clue was false and misleading.92. Thomas recently bought a house in the suburbs, which is located in beautifulsurroundings.93. Official figures show that unemployment reached a peak in November.94. The dove is a symbol of peace.95. The suggestion was approved, with 42 votes in favor, and 10 against.96. They sell these clothes at such a big discount because the style isoutdated.97. The damage to the car was a mere scratch.98. On the top of mount tai the tourists can enjoy a fantastic view of the sunriseon a clear morning.。

M10 Unit 4 Revision一.单项选择1. (26.7%)On Sept 3, China held a massive(大而重的, 宏伟的) military parade to mark the 70thanniversary of its victory in the Chinese People‘s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.a massive military parade盛大阅兵B. historical历史的, 历史上的C. dynamic 充满活力的,精力充沛的;D. countless数不尽的, 无数的2. (89.2%)A. In a gesture to do…为了表示…的姿态、意愿B. In honor of 为了向…表示敬意C. In response to 为了回应…D. In association with与…联合[结交,有关连];3. (67.8%)Where food programs once turned chefs into stars, The Twelve Feng Taste turns stars into chefs.[Singer-actor Nicholas Tse(谢霆锋)hosting it], the reality TV show(电视真人秀)returned for a second season last month on Zhe Jiang Television.4. (73.2%)Why do some governments spend billions of dollars on military expansion when the people of these countries are still suffering from starvation and poverty?1. when表示“既然”、“考虑到”.Why do you want a new job when you've got such a good one already?. How can they expect to learn anything when they won‘t listen?2.when ―尽管”、“虽然”The boy was restless when he should have listened to the teacher carefully.这男孩子本来应该专心听老师讲的,但他却坐立不安。
M10U4 基础过关

M10U4 Law and order 基础过关编制人:吴德富审核人:朱惠梁双新包科人:钱萌I. 重点词汇。
1. In the past, criminals c__________ crimes like robbing, injuring someone ordestroying things.2. The __________ (存在) of theft has been for hundreds of years.3. Don’t touch anything in the lab without the teacher’s p__________.4. Intellectual p__________ is a design, patent, book, film--- that the law preventsothers from copying.5. ____________ (考虑到) how bad the situation with cybercrime againstcompanies has becomes, many people wonder why so little is known about this.6. The only answer to cybercrime is international _____________(合作).7. The Hong Kong government deleted the ____________(谈判) with the leader ofillegal assembly in Occupying Central Circle.8. The detectives may interview people to find out if anyone saw something____________(嫌疑的) or was a witness to a crime.9. Laws have been passed in most countries to make it i________ to copyintellectual property without paying the person who created it material.10. At the station, you must have your luggage i_________ at the entrance.II. 单项选择。

高三年级英语预习巩固案课题:_____M10 unit4_language points___制卷人:胥通祝制卷时间:December 7, 2009一.预习课文中的单词和短语1.__________ n.扩张,膨胀 1. _______________刑事犯罪2.__________ adj. 与电脑有关的 2. ______________把某物分成…..种类型3. ___________ n. 冒犯的,攻击性的, 3. _______________与….相联系4.__________ adj. 暴力 4. _______________知识产权5.__________ adv. 相对的 5. _______________花费某人某物6.__________ prep. 在…映衬下 6. _______________侵入,闯入,破门而入7.__________ prep. 关于7. _______________失去消费者8.__________ adj. 时机成熟的,适宜的8. _______________处理9.__________ adv. 每年9. _______________跟上,不落后10._________ n. 修订,修改10. ______________允许…做某事找出文章中其他重点短语二.句型复习1.总结as 用法2.分析L4-6句型结构3.找出文章中定语从句,并说明是那种类型结构,如简单的定语从句,非限制性定语从句,n./pron/形容词比较级或最高级+介词+关系代词等,where 引导的定语从句。
巩固案1. Burglars had ________ while we were away.A. broken intoB. broken inC. broken outD. broken down【点拨】break in 和break into 都有“闯入,强行进入,打断,打扰”的意思,但是break into 是及物动词,break in 是不及物动词, break out 突然爆发,break down (机器等)坏了,(身体)跨了。

M10U4巩固练习1. ---Hi, nice to meet you. Long time no see!---Sorry, but I never remember having ______a man like you.A. come acrossB. picked upC. got throughD. involved in2. ---“ Neal, listen,” she said, looking straight at him.”I ask you not to get in this kind of matter.---It’s none of your business”.A. associatedB. involvedC. attachedD. connected3. Many road accidents _____ from careless driving, according to the recent reportsfrom the police.A. involveB. leadC. ariseD. increase4. In this section, we will briefly describe possible ways of reducing the costs andrisks ______ in doing this.A. involvingB. involvedC. to involveD. beinginvolved5. We believe the time and hard work_____ in completing such an important projectare worthwhile.A. involvedB. involvingC. to involveD. to be involved6. Our waste recycling project a lot of investigation and paperwork hadbeen done by the end of last term.A. involvedB. involvingC. being involvedD. to involve7. A special feature of the reform of education in our school is the opportunity forboth students and teachers to together in classroom activity.A. involveB. consistC. participateD. absorb8. After creating a record in the morning, Jennifer Connolly, an athlete from America her own record at seconds in the night’s final.A. promotedB. accomplishedC. refreshedD. involved9. The reason why we set up “a green responsibility card” is to give a feeling of accomplishment to people _____.A. involvesB. involvingC. involvedD. having involved10. "Genius" is a complicated concept, many different factors.A. involvedB. involvingC. to involveD. being involved11. Planning a balanced diet ________ trying new an d different kinds of foods.A. to involveB. involveC. involvingD. involves12. Three suspects ________ in the terrorist attack in Kunming have been caught.A. involvedB. to involveC. being involvedD.involving13. I suggest you delete the useless files on the computer which _______ too much space.A. give awayB. make up C .set aside D. take up14. The new ban will take into effect on Jan 1, 2012 and all TV stations must rearrangetheir programs to all commercials set to air during TV dramas.A. shareB. instructC. deleteD. attach15. — When will the expert come and give the lecture on property— As soon as our program ________ by the authorities.A. approvesB. will be approvedC. is to approveD. has been approved16. He slowed the bleeding by pressure to the wounds until the ambulance arrived.A. assessingB. approvingC. applyingD. appointing17. On the annual International Volunteers Day, the world _______ the work of millions of people who give their time to help others.A. abolishes B.accompanies C.acknowledges D.assesses18. The White House said that relations between the U. S and China were in“goodshape” but _______ some differences between the two countriesA. arranged B.assessed C .acknowledged D. appreciated19. After long and hard struggle, his small family business began to _____.Hopefully, it will change into a large firm in the near future.A. take overB. take inC. take offD. take down20. A successful man is one who can la y a foundation with the bricks othershave thrown at him.A. roughB. tightC. firmD. unique21. The foreign firm was well by the local people, which turned out to beeven more successful than expected.A. appealedB. impressedC. receivedD. confirmed22. Mo Yan, this year's Nobel Prize winner for literature, abandons the conventionalwriting style and advocates his way of Magic Realism.A. permanentB. confidentialC. uniqueD. ambiguous23. ––– Tom got the last place in the exam. I saw the record posted on the wall of the classroom.––– Really! But I think it goes against the rule s to give away students’ ____information.A. contemporaryB. consistentC. confidentialD. conservative24. Carter was saying all the right things, but his smile was __________, and I knewI couldn't trust him.A. preferentialB. artificialC. confidentialD. beneficial25. We ______ no race, no color, no language, no national boundaries to separate and divide us.A. contradictB. suspectC. inspectD. recognize26. Fortunately, what the witness reported to the police on the phone led to ___________.A. the suspect's being capturedB. capture the suspectC. the suspect having capturedD. be captured by the suspect27. He said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to ______ his acceptance in writing.A. proveB. investigateC. suspectD. confirm28. While helping the old man,he recorded a video of the process in case of ofpushing him down.A. suspectedB. being suspectedC. to suspectD. suspecting29. You may demand an immediate _____ if the company fails to supply the product in time.A. refundB. justiceC. guaranteeD. cooperation30. His ______ overcame him and he returned the books he had taken from the shop.A. competenceB. conscienceC. cooperationD. conversation31. Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions andcomments on my paper and ________ every page of my draft.A. approvedB. quotedC. polishedD. folded32. According to the law, all foreigners have to _______ with the local police within two weeks of arrival.A. associateB. disputeC. negotiateD. register33. Many approaches have been _______ to control the spread of H7N9 Bird Flu.A. adaptedB. employedC. negotiatedD. accessed34. China is needed as a direct participant in the dialogue with Iran, for China will also be affected if the effort to ____ ends in failure.A. battleB. negotiateC. investD. share35. With several rounds of talks, the union leaders successfully anagreement for a shorter working week.A. deservedB. negotiatedC. persuadedD. demanded36. The two years of study under the famous professor ____ his mind and improved his character.A. shapedB. requestedC. supportedD. reflected.37. We can produce shoes_ after the fashions of different markets or accordingto buyers' samples.A. modelledB. designedC. requestedD. made38. Driving is not so difficult as it is________ if you stick to the rules.A. imaginedB. designedC. requestedD. appeared39. What's your opinion of Mr.Li's request that we ______ spend half an hour readingEnglish aloud every morningA. wouldB. shouldC. mustD. could40. It’s better for you to take some time to prepare your annual (年度的) performance_____ carefully, which will decide whether you will get a promotion next year.A. revisionB. remarkC. reviewD. request41. Our teachers are highly skilled in all levels from Beginner to Advanced. Andindividual courses for particular students can be arranged ________.A. by natureB. after allC. in storeD. on request42. There's a notice outside the restaurant which says men will not be _______without a tie.A. admittedB. permittedC. recognizedD.requested43. I took the watch that I found to the police station but nobody has put in a___ for it.A. claimB. demandC. requestD. right44. In our daily life,everyone fails every now and then. It is how you ________ that makes a difference.A. reactB. replaceC. relyD. request45. This construction firm has a long history, complete facilities, fine techniqueand service.A. believableB. similarC. popularD. considerate46. It was really _____ of your brother not to play the guitar while you werepreparing your lessons.A. typicalB. generousC. considerateD.determined47. It was very _____of you to help me clean the house, or I will never finishit in such a short time.A. contentB. mercifulC. apparentD.considerate48. She is one of the most helpful, ____ and reliable people I have ever had thepleasure to know.A. apparentB. passiveC. doubtfulD. considerate49. Students are still expected to be polite and _____towards their teachers andfellow classmates.A. skepticalB. innocentC. cautiousD. considerate50. Letters to the editor must carry the writer's full name, which indicates thatwriters are ________ for what they say.A. considerateB. reasonableC. independentD. responsible51. It was ______of my secretary not to have let others disturb me this morningwhen I was occupied with my work.A. generousB. politeC. considerateD. sympathetic52. You should respect your teammates and be of their feelings when workingin a team.A. sympatheticB. sensibleC. considerateD. aware53. The girl dressed in the latest Paris fashion is _______in her appearance butrude in her speech.A. evidentB. considerateC. elegantD. innocent54. What you suggest sounds good, but you still have to be _____ and consider whatyou can actually do.A. effectiveB. realisticC. considerateD.manageable55. Though he is a considerate man, he won't principles to get things done.A. correspondB. betrayC. submitD. compromise56. Try to show what you are _______ of during your short interview for a position.A. curiousB. cautious C .considerate D. capable57. When he picked up a large sum of money by accident, he battled with his _____whether he should keep it or return it to the owner.A. consciousnessB. conscienceC. commitmentD.convenience58. I can't advise you what to do and what not to do—it's a matter of ________.A. conscienceB. comprehensionC. awarenessD.identification59. If you want to be a good doctor, you have to constantly update your knowledgeto maintain your professional ________.A. competenceB. determinationC. conscienceD. ambition60. His ______ overcame him and he returned the books he had taken from the shop.A. competenceB. conscienceC. cooperationD.conversation61. —What was the motorist’s final decision to deal with the¥400,000 lefton his motorbike—After six nights of ____ with his conscience, he decided to return all the money to the loser.A. wrestlingB.arguing C.coping D. corresponding62. After the heavy snow, people drove very ____________ to avoid trafficaccidents.A. consciouslyB. appropriatelyC. smoothlyD.cautiously63. Everything seemed to be going __________for the first two days after I movedto New York.A. vividlyB. generallyC. frequentlyD.smoothly64. Our head teacher was careful-as we realized later-to talk to each ofus____ .A. partlyB. separatelyC. smoothlyD.properly65. More and more universities have a strong preference for independent recruitment,for it evaluates a candidate more _________.A. thoroughlyB. roughlyC. frequentlyD.smoothly66. In April 2009,President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao, _____ the 60thanniversary ofthe founding of PLA Navy.A. markingB. markedC. having markedD. being marked67. the bones under the sand,the scientists concluded that they came from the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago.A. Being inspectedB. InspectedC. Having inspectedD. To inspect68. Bending down,he the footprints that hadn’t been blow away in thewind, concluding that they belonged to a wolf.A. ignoredB. inspectedC. expandedD.defended69. The Ministry of Education is ______ that primary and middle school studentsperform one hour of physical exercise a day.A. advocatingB. inspectingC. recommendingD. commanding70. Large quantities of fresh water of this country, according to the statistics,______________ from its surrounding countries.A. importsB. is importedC. are importedD. areimporting71. When asked why they use pirated CDs and computer software, many people said thatthe ________ versions cost too much.A. artificialB. authenticC. adequateD. available72. Angela and Ajani will pick up the marriage _______ after they meet online severaltimes, which is not sensible.A. acquisitionB. identificationC. qualificationD. certificate73. International football matches don’t always better understandingbetween countries.A. stand forB. compensate forC. make forD. account for74. Not wanting to let it trouble his , he wrote her a letter and admittedthat he had broken the vase by mistake.A. courageB. welfareC. ambitionD. conscience75. The best way to encourage your kids to enjoy meals is to ________ them in theplanning and preparing.A. involveB. devoteC. equipD. prepare76. The naughty boy entered the classroom ______, fearing that his teacher wouldblame him.A. bravelyB. cautiouslyC. firmlyD. smartly77. García Márquez to be interviewed for that magazine because he felt itwould create a false sense of Life’s openness to left-wing ideas.A. related78. Obviously the only way to make people realize that an action is morally wrongis to punish them if they ________ it.A. confirmB. createC. commitD. compensate79. The company shows great concern about how its customers _____ its post-saleservice.A. respectB. appreciateC. conductD.inspect80. I had to interrupt him, or some confidential information of our company ________by the innocent young man.A. had been leakedB. would have been leakedC. should have been leakedD. must have been leaked。

4) confidentially adv. 秘密地,悄悄地,私下的
confidential ①He let out a piece of _______________information. 他泄露了一条机密信息。
confident that is ②He ___quite _______ ______he will pass the examination.
6. cooperation n. 合作
1) cooperation (with sb.) (in doing sth.) cooperation (between A and B) closer cooperation We would like to see _______ _________between parents and schools. 我们希望学生家长和学校有更加紧密的合作。 2) cooperate v. 合作,协作 cooperate with sb. in/on sth. cooperate with The two groups agreed to ________ _______each other. 这两个组同意相互协作。

Would you slow down a bit, please?
I can’t __________ you.
A. keep up withB. put up withC. make up toD. hold on to
4.expand / increase
•Metals _______ when they are heated.
•Word came that the foreign company hoped to _______ business with us.
•The workers are trying to ________ their productivity.
Step 1 Language points:
1.address sb. on the subject (of…)
Now let’s invite Professor Smith to address us.
He will address us on the subject of war and peace.
•Reading is an effective way to help us ________ our vocabulary.
5. refer to: phrasal verb指的是;提到;参照
In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays.
Unit 4,M10教材参考答案-xy

教2 assess 3 offensive 4 hatred 5 ripe 6 applicant(s) 7 confidential 8 suspects
理论上存在的;理论的 评估;估算 冒犯的;极其讨厌的 仇恨
成熟的 申请人 机密的 嫌疑犯
7 (formal) Today, we need to agree on the budget. Also, we want to talk about the schedule for the next meeting. 8 (informal) We will depart from the school at exactly 3.00 p.m. 9 (informal) Ms Watkins often informed us that we should study for the test because it would be very difficult.
A2,P121 1 deleted 2 cheque 3 downloads 4 cybercrime 5 drafted 6 negotiated 7 visa 8 leaked 9 database 10 involved
删除 支票 下载 网络犯罪 草拟 协商 签证 泄露;渗漏 数据库 使参与;牵涉
7 The new policy which was put into effect last month affects all staff. 8 The airlines only paid me $80 to compensate for my lost luggage.
A, Reading,P126 1 (一/4) Because the police could not find the Red Diamond or the thief, and Detective Smart was the only person he could think of to help. 2 (三/2) The alarm did not go off, The museum director suggested that the thief may have known how to turn it off.
北师大版高中英语必修4Unit 10MoneyLesson 4 Advertisements同步练习3

Unit 10《Money》Lesson 4 AdvertisementsI.单词拼写1 This is a u________ knife — the handle has broken!2. He is very p_________(实用的.会做事的) -- he can make or mend almost anything.3. She had nearly got out of the b________(浴室) and put on her clothes when the telephone rang.4. The railway s_________ showed that the train could pass5. We have the f__________ (自由)to do as we please all afternoon.6. The heating system in the hotel has an a__________(自动的) temperature control7. Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the f__________ of attention when he entered the office.8. I'll be on my way in a f________(立刻)9. The n________(嘈杂的) traffic is a continual annoyance to the citizens.10. Our r___________ broke yesterday so we have no ice.11. I have no cash. I will pay for dinner on my _______ _______.12. What a big camera! Do you study p___________?II.短语归纳1.移动电话____________2.电水壶__________3.皮夹克___________4.空调______________5.信用卡__________6.电饭锅___________7.洗衣机_____________8.笔记本电脑_________9.电子字典_________10.翻译笔____________ 11.微型照相__________ 12.方便可靠____________3.单项选择1. ---What can I do for you?---Two hamburgers and a cup of milk.---______?---Yes. Chips, please.A. Are the hamburgers yoursB. Anything elseC. Are you all rightD. Once more, please2. The place _____ by Columbus _____ America.A. which was discovered, is calledB. was discovered, was calledC. that is discovered, was calledD. discovered, called3. ---There's a piece of bad news from New York.---Really?______?---The World Trade Centre was bombed(爆炸).A. What happenedB. Who did itC. When was it bombedD. How was it bombed4. It is said that the library has 20 million books ______.A. at allB. in allC. above allD. after all5. ---______you finish your composition in time?---I am afraid______.A. Can; can'tB. May; mustn'tC. Must; needn'tD. Can;not6. If you want to improve your English, you'd _______ read more.A. ratherB. bestC. likeD. better7. ---Shall we go to watch the football game?---_____________________?---In about fifteen minutes.---Then we'd better hurry.A. How can we get there?B. Who will play there?C. Where will it be held?D. When will it start?8. The _________for this type of computers is not_______, so you'd better buy one assoon as possible.A. value; lowB. price; highC. cost; reasonableD. money;unfair9. The films made by Disney __________all over the world.A. is used to showB. is used to showingC. used to be shownD. used to show10. He stepped into the office, ___down and began to work at once.A. sittingB. to sitC. having satD. sat11. The doctor did ______ he could _____ the little child.A. all; saveB. that; to saveC. all; to saveD. what;save12. This dictionary will be _________ in your English study.A. for great helpB. of much helpC. of great helpfulD. much help13. Australia and America are _________ countries.A. English-speakingB. English-spokenC. speaking-EnglishD. spoken-English14. Every four years athletes from all over the world _____ medals in the OlympicGames.A. competeB. compete forC. fight withD. fightagainst15. Alice trusts you, only you can ________ her to give up the foolish idea.A. suggestB. attractC. adviseD. persuade参考答案:I.单词拼写1. useless2.practical3.bath4.signal5.freedom6. automatic7.focus8.flash9.noisy 10.refrigerater 11.credit card 12. photography.II.短语归纳1. mobile phone2.electrical kettle3.leather jacket4.air-conditioner5.credit card6.rice cooker7.washing machineptop computer9.e-dictionary 10 translation pen11.mini camera 12.convenient and reliableIII.单项选择1. B anything else 还有其他的吗?2. A 定语从句3. A 发生了什么事, 用过去时4. B in all 总计, above all 首先, after all 毕竟5. D I am afraid not 恐怕不能6. D had better 最好7. D when 提问时间8. B 价格高, high9. C used to 过去常常10. D 三个并列动词, stepped, sat, began11. C did all he could 尽力,定语从句to save 表示目的12. B of +(great) help 等于helpful13. A 讲英语的国家English-speaking country14. B compete for 为…而竞赛15. D persuade sb. to do sth.(成功)劝说某人做某事。
Unit+10+基础知识测试 高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第四册

新北师大版选择性必修四Unit 10 单元基础测试class______________ name___________ Score___________一、英汉互译1.clinic n._______________________2.____________________ n.美术馆,画廊3.grocery n.__________________4.__________________ n.体育场,运动场5.cafeteria n.___________________6. canteen n._________________________7.suburb n._______________________ 8. forum n.___________________9.conflict n.______________________ 10. friction n._________________11.theory n_____________________ 12. chain n._______________13 .network n._____________________ 14. random adj.______________15.p___________ n.包裹;邮包16.______________ vt.&n.发表,发布;释放17.___________________ n.成语,习语;警句18. a_____________________ adv.除此之外,此外19. f____________________adv.经常地,频繁地20._______________ n.一家人,同住一栋房子的人21. outskirts n._______________ 22.______________ n.纽带,联系23. clasp vt.___________________ 24. ___________________ 突然·····起来(尤指唱歌、哭、笑等)25. p______________ vi.继续进行,继续做26._______________ vt.揭示,揭露;展现,显露27. orphan n._____________ 28. ___________________ vi.&vt.查明,调查侦查29. _____________ n.&vi.叹息,叹气30.despair n.___________________31.________________n.&vi.胆敢,敢于32.______________ adj.空的,无装饰的;赤裸的,裸露的33. shiver n.&vi.__________________ 34. bone n.______________35. sob n.& vi.&vt._______________ 36.pillow n._____________37. dive vi.______________ 38. frown vi.__________39. republic n._______________ 40. loan n._____________41. debt n._______________ 42. document n.______________43._______________ vi.& vt. 询问,打听44.________________ vi.& vt. (使) 退出;撤回;提取(钱)二、单词拓展1.___________ vi.& vt.使……有印象;使铭记,使记住;使感动→___________ n.印象,感想→_________ adj.给人深刻印象的2.sociology n.社会学→_________ n.社会学家4._______ vt.干扰,打扰,使中断→_________adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的→___________ adj.扰乱的→e n.骚乱;打扰____________5.______ vt.羡慕,妒忌→_____________adj.羡慕的;忌妒的→___________n.羡慕;忌妒6._______ n.相加,增加物;加,加法;增加的人或事物→__________ adj.附加的;额外的;外加的→______________adv.除此之外,此外8.intervene vi_________(汉)→_________________ n.9._________ vi.不同意;不一致→___________ n.意见不合,分歧,争论10.___________ vt.鼓励,怂恿;激励→_____________t n.鼓励,鼓舞,起激励作用的事物→____________ adj.令人鼓舞的;鼓励的11.____________ vi.道歉,谢罪→__________n.道歉;辩解12._______________n.相加,增加物;加,加法;增加的人或事物→_________ adj.附加的;额外的;外加的→__________adv.除此之外,此外13.___________ adj.频繁的;经常的→________ adv.经常地,频繁地→_________ n.频率;频繁14.__________ n.后果→_________adj.随之发生的;作为结果的→_______ adv.因此;结果;所以15 .__________ v. 提到;涉及;参考→ ______________n.提到;涉及;参考16.______vi.& vt.收养,领养;采取某种方法、政策、态度→_______ adj.收养的,领养的→________ adj.采用的;有收养关系的→__________ n.采用;收养17._________ vi.& vt.呆住;突然停止;(使)结冰,(使)冻结→________ adj.结冰的;极冷的→______________ adj.冻结的18.________ vt.使吃惊→_______ adj.令人惊异的→_________adj.大为惊奇的,惊讶的→_____________ n.吃惊,惊奇19.investigate vi.& vt._________(汉)→_______________n.20.resolute adj.________(汉)→________ adv.→__________ n.解决;决心21._________ vi.有吸引力vi.& vt.呼吁,恳请;上诉→_________ adj.吸引人的;动人的22._______ n.帝国;帝王统治,君权→__________r n.皇帝23.________ n.悲伤,悲痛;不幸→____________ adj.悲伤的,伤心的24._____________ vt.原谅,宽恕→_______________ n.原谅,宽恕25. ____________t vi.& vt.打断(某人的)讲话,中断(某人的)行动,打扰→______ n.中断;干扰26.________ adj.法律的;法律允许的,合法的→____________ adj.非法的;违法的27._____________ vt. 分配,分派,指派(任务) → _________________ n. 作业;任务三、重点短语:1._______ ______提到;谈到;查阅;参考;涉及;指的是2.___ _________ ___ 与……有联系,与……有关联3.____ _______ ______ 只是;仅仅;不多于4.______ _________ ______ 根据,以……为基础5. ________ _______ 考虑6.d______ _____ 由于;因为7.________ ______ 毕竟;终究8.be ______ conflict ____ 和……有矛盾;不一致9._________ ______ ______羡慕/妒忌某人有某物10.___________________________________________ 因(做)某事向某人道歉11._____ ________________ _______ 加上;除……外(相当于besides)12._______ ________________因此,所以13.______________________________给……留下深刻的印象14. __________ _______查阅/参考/指的是/提及15._________________________________________没有必要做某事。

高中英语学习材料***鼎尚图文理制作***Unit 10 MoneyLesson 4 AdvertisementsⅠ.单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1.This is a u knife—the handle has broken!2.He is very (实用的,会做事的)—he canmake or mend almost anything.3.She had nearly got out of the (浴室)andput on her clothes when the telephone rang.4. The railway s showed that the train couldpass.5.We have the (自由)to do as we please allafternoon.6.The heating system in the hotel has an (自动的)temperature control.7.Because of his strange clothes,he immediatelybecame the f of attention when heentered the office.8.I’ll be on my way in a (立刻).9.The (嘈杂的)traffic is a continualannoyance to the citizens.10. What a big camera! Do you study p ?Ⅱ.短语翻译(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)11.移动电话12.通过,穿过13.信用卡14. convenient and reliable15. laptop computerⅢ.选词填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)16. It’s to go to the airport which is near.17.They have much experience,so they’realso workers.18. The plan is and we can carry it on.19. I’m not with your behaviour.20. Having a bath after a long trip is .Ⅳ.完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)21.The (电灯)is very convenient inour daily life.22. (如果你方便的话),please post theletter for me.23.Didn’t you find (他的讲演令人厌倦)?24.I find the bike (和那辆自行车一样不好).25.This e-dictionary is (很容易使用). Ⅴ.单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)26. It’s helpful to put children in a situati-on they can see themselves differently.A.thatB.whenC.whichD.where27. For breakfast he only drinks juice from freshfruit on his own farm.A.grownB.being grownC.to be grownD.to grow28. Please find me a comfortable room .A.to liveB.livingC.to live inD.living in29. The stone is too heavy for the boy .A.to liftB.to lift itC.to be liftedD.lifting30. It on me that I would meet Mrs Smiththe next month.建议用时满分实际用时得分错题档案45分钟60分advanced,practical,convenient,relaxing,satisfiedA.occurredB.flashedC.remainedD.happened31.—Could you tell me the way toJohnsons,please?—Sorry,we don’t have Johnson here inthe village.A.the;theB.the;aC. /;theD.the;/32.—Does Bill do his new job well?—his old job. I’m afraid there’s no hopefor him.A.Not better thanB.No better thanC.Not so well asD.Not as well as33.When we plan our vacation,Mother oftenoffers suggestions.A.carefullyB.practicalC.effectiveD.accept34.After his journey from abroad,Richard Jonesreturned home,.A.exhaustingB.exhaustedC.being exhaustedD.having exhausted35. He is very popular among his students as healways tries to make them in his lectures.A.interestedB.interestingC.interestD.to interestⅥ.阅读理解(共3小题;每小题5分,满分15分)Do you know of anyone who uses the truth to deceive(欺骗)?When someone tells you something that is true,but leaves out important information that should be included,he can give you a false picture.For example,someone might say,“I just won a hundred dollars on the lottery(彩票). It was great.I took that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!”This guy’s a winner, right? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought $200 worth of tickets, and only one was a winner. He’s really a big loser!He didn’t say anything that was false,but he left out important information on purpose. That’s called a half-truth. Half-truths are not technically lies,but they are just as dishonest.Some politicians often use this trick. Let’s say that during Governor Smith’s last term,her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs. Then she seeks another term. One of her opponents(对手)says,“During Governor Smith’s term,the state lost one million jobs!”That’s true. However,an honest statement would have been,“During Governor Smith’s term,the state had a net gain of two million jobs.”Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths. It’s against the law to make false statements so they try to mislead you with the truth. An advertisement might say,“Nine out of ten doctors advised their patients to take Yucky Pills to cure toothache.”It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Company.This kind of deception happens too often. It’s a sad fact of life: Lies are lies,and sometimes the truth can lie as well.36.What do the underlined words “net gain”inParagraph 5 mean?A.Final increase.B.Big advantage.rge share.D.Total number.37.What can we know from the example of theYucky Pill advertisement?A.False statements are easy to see through.B.Half-truths are often used to mislead people.C.Doctors like to act in advertisements.D.Advertisements are based on facts.38.How many examples does the writer give toshow how the truth is used to deceive?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.答案与解析Ⅰeless 2.practical 3.bathroom 4.signal 5.freedom 6.automatic 7.focus 8.flash9.noisy 10.photographyⅡ.11.mobile phones 12.go through 13.a credit card 14.方便可靠15.笔记本电脑Ⅲ.16.convenient 17.advanced 18.practical19.satisfied 20.relaxingⅣ.21.electric light22.If it is convenient to you23.his speech boring24.no better than that one25.easy to useⅤ.26.D situation为先行词,定语从句中缺少状语,所以用where。
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1) adj. 光滑的,流畅的 • Over the years, the stone steps had worn smooth. ___________________________ 2) v. 使平整 smooth sth (back/down/out) • She was smoothing out the creases in her skirt.___________________________.
Think about their ‘relatives’.
1. theoretical 2. offensive 3. hatred 4. ripe 5. firm 6. database 7.suspect 8.cooperation 9. negotiate 10.applicant 11. smooth 1. n. theory 2. n. offence. v. offend 反义词 defend 3. v hate 4. v. ripen 5. adv. firmly 6. n. data 7. v suspect 8.. v. cooperate 9. n. negotiation 10. v. apply n. application APP 11. v. smoothly adj. smooth
• 3. leak
• 1) n. 漏洞,裂缝 • You must shut the gas supply off if there is a leak. 煤气泄漏时,必须把阀门关上。 • 2) v. 漏、泄漏 The roof was leaking. • 屋顶在漏雨。____________________________. • 3) 泄露,透露;走漏 • leak sth. (to sb) • 报告的内容泄露到新闻界了。 __________________________________. The contents of the report were leaked to the press.
• 2) The minister said, “We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but we’ll never ____________ with criminals.” A • A. negotiate B. quarrel • C. argue D. consult
• 5. cooperation n. 合作
1) cooperation (with sb.) (in doing sth.) • cooperation (between A and B) Eg.1.It is a report produced by the government in cooperation with the chemical industry. 2.我们希望学生家长和学校有更加紧密的合作。 should like to see closer cooperation • We ___________________________________. between parents and schools.
• 2) cooperatБайду номын сангаас v. 合作,协作 • cooperate with sb. in/on sth. cooperate each other. The two groups agreed to _____________.
• 6. compensate : vt. & vi. 补偿,弥补;给
M10Unit4 Vocabulary
Speak out their Chinese meanings.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
2. adj. 理论的 3. v牵扯,涉及;使参加 4. v 下载 5. v. 删除 6. n.文件,档案 7. v.评估 8. n. 支票 9. 银行账户 9. bank account 10. firm 10. 公司;坚硬的牢固的 11. suspect 11. v. 怀疑
• 4. suspect
• 1) n. 嫌疑犯;可疑对象; a prime suspect • He is ________________ in this murder case. • 2) v. 怀疑 • suspect sb. (of sth/of doing sth) 怀疑(某人有罪) 1.He resigned after being suspected of theft. _______________________________. 2.这种药被怀疑导致超过200人的死亡。 The drug is suspected of causing over 200 deaths. ________________________________. • 3) adj. 可疑的,不可信的 3.Some of the evidence they produced was highly suspect.
1) He kept silent over the matter because he had no intention to risk _______ in B it. • A. to involve B. being involved • C. to be involved D. involving 2) There is a new problem _______in the C popularity of private cars ______ road conditions need to be improved. • A. involved…. which B. involving…which • C. involved….that D. involving…that
cybercrime theoretical involve download delete file assess cheque
1. n.网络犯罪
Speak out their Chinese meanings.
13. n. 签证 14. n. 合作 15. n. 笔友 16. n. 申请者 17. n. 要求 18. adj 体贴的,考虑周到的 19. 良心 20. n.钱包 21. 使光滑,使顺利 21. smooth 22. 使生效 22.put into effect23. 行李 23. luggage 24. 进口 24.import 25. 证书,证明 25.certificate 13. visa 14. cooperation 15. penfriend 16. applicant 17. request 18. considerate 19. conscience 20. purse
• 公司将补偿工人的工资损失。 The firm will compensate the workers ____________________________________. for their lossog earnings.
• 7. negotiate: vt. & vi.商定; 谈判,协商
3) smoothly adv. 平稳地,流畅地 • The engine was running smoothly. • 面试进行地很顺利。 __________________________________. The interview went very smoothly.
2.involve: vt. 使成为必要;牵涉,涉及;(使
(某人)赔偿 1) vi. 补偿;弥补 compensate (for sth.) Eg.Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one. _________________________________. 2) vt. 给(某人)赔偿(或赔款)compensate sb. (for sth.)
• negotiate (with sb.) (for/about sth.) 谈判; 磋商;协商 Eg.1)我们一直在为增加工资进行协商。 ____________________________________. •We have been negotiating with the company for more pay. • negotiate with sb. for/about sth. 与某人就 某事协商 • under negotiation 在协商中