稍微抬起,口腔自然放松发声。 eg: forget(忘记),dollar(美元),power(势
/u:/ /ʊ/
/u:/ 长元音,嘴形小而圆,微微外凸,舌头尽量
后缩。 eg: move(移动),spoon(汤勺),room(房间) /ʊ/ 短元音,嘴唇张开略向前突出,嘴形稍收圆
并放松些。 eg: good(好的),could(能够),should(应
鼻音 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/
/m/ 双唇紧闭,舌头放平,气流从鼻腔送出,声带振动。 eg: money(钱),room(房间),morning(早上)
/n/ 双唇微开,舌尖抵上齿龈,气流从鼻孔里出来,声
带振动。 eg: need(需要),thin(瘦的),morning(早上)
/ŋ/ 双唇张开,舌尖抵下齿龈,舌后部自然往上顶住,
气流从鼻腔送出,声带振动。 eg:young(年轻的),song(歌曲),tongue(舌头)
/ h/
似拼音 / h/ / ǀ/ / r/
eg: have(有),hill(小山),happen(发生)
/ ǀ/
舌尖抵住上齿龈,舌尖轻微用力弯曲,气流从舌的 旁边送出,声带振动。
/e/ /æ /
/e/ 短元音,嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。 eg: egg(鸡蛋),get(到达),send(送) /æ /短元音,嘴张大,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角尽量拉向两边,
成扁平形。(梅花音,嘴裂最宽一个,腮帮酸胀, 发音就像挤出来一样,感觉不适应。) eg: fat(肥的),bag(包),fact(事实)
/ɔ:/ /ɔ/
/ɔ:/ 长元音,双唇收得小而圆,并向前突出,舌
身往后缩。 eg: sort(种类),talk(谈话),ball(球,舞会) /ɔ/ 短元音,口腔打开,嘴张大,舌向后缩,双
/u:/ /ʊ/
/u:/ 长元音,嘴形小而圆,微微外凸,舌头尽量
后缩。 eg: move(移动),spoon(汤勺),room(房间) /ʊ/ 短元音,嘴唇张开略向前突出,嘴形稍收圆
并放松些。 eg: good(好的),could(能够),should(应
鼻音 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/
/m/ 双唇紧闭,舌头放平,气流从鼻腔送出,声带振动。 eg: money(钱),room(房间),morning(早上)
/n/ 双唇微开,舌尖抵上齿龈,气流从鼻孔里出来,声
带振动。 eg: need(需要),thin(瘦的),morning(早上)
/ŋ/ 双唇张开,舌尖抵下齿龈,舌后部自然往上顶住,
气流从鼻腔送出,声带振动。 eg:young(年轻的),song(歌曲),tongue(舌头)
/ h/
似拼音 / h/ / ǀ/ / r/
eg: have(有),hill(小山),happen(发生)
/ ǀ/
舌尖抵住上齿龈,舌尖轻微用力弯曲,气流从舌的 旁边送出,声带振动。
/e/ /æ /
/e/ 短元音,嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。 eg: egg(鸡蛋),get(到达),send(送) /æ /短元音,嘴张大,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角尽量拉向两边,
成扁平形。(梅花音,嘴裂最宽一个,腮帮酸胀, 发音就像挤出来一样,感觉不适应。) eg: fat(肥的),bag(包),fact(事实)
/ɔ:/ /ɔ/
/ɔ:/ 长元音,双唇收得小而圆,并向前突出,舌
身往后缩。 eg: sort(种类),talk(谈话),ball(球,舞会) /ɔ/ 短元音,口腔打开,嘴张大,舌向后缩,双
Suggested Answers: 2. The techniques the writer uses are quotation, example, colloquial style, rhetorical question and repetition.
Ordinary language used by common people in everyday life which can convey the writer’s message more clearly.
… say you leave the tap running while you brush your teeth, leave a light on when you go out or you drop a piece of litter and can’t be bothered to pick it up.
A. The meaning of its name. B. What is “Just-me-ism” C. The establishment of Roots & Shoots.
Task 2 Read the text and then fill in the form below.
The time of its establishment
To get basic information about the organisation “Roots and Shoots”, and learn to orally introduce the social contribution and founding purpose by reading 2 To master the important language points of the class and learn about parallel structures
Unit 8 Green Living Lesson 1 Roots and Shoots 说课课件
Step 2 Pre-reading
Activity 2
Teacher lets students guess what this passage is about through the title.
1. one flowering plant 2. leave one little tap running 3. the world’s best-known expert 4. Inspired by her example, he began to work harder.
Teaching material analysis
Theme context: Human and society Topic: energy-conservation, harmony between human, animal and plant and non-profit action Content: the history and development of the “Roots & Shoots”
Teaching difficult points
1. effectively and flexibly choose relevant reading skills to get the information; 2. identify the structure of the text and the inherent relationship of each part; 3. elevate the critical thinking and cross-cultural competence.
Learners analysis
What they can
The fisherman was set free. He set down his suitcase,set up a tent and set fire to some wood to get warm. After he had set a date for going home, he set about preparing to set out the next week.
Exercises: (1)The famous movie star could hardly walk down the street without being bothered (bother). (2)Please don’t bother buying/to buy (buy)me an air ticket. I’ve got one.
up down
about up
5. foundation n. 基础;地基
(1)The agreement laid a firm foundation for future cooperation between the two countries. (2)It’s widely accepted that friendship is founded on mutual trust.
(1)n. 开枪;击球;照片;(电影中的)镜头; (2)shoot-shot-shot (3)shoot at 向……射击(表示动作,不一定射中)
shoot sb/sth 射中,射死(一定射中) (4)shoot sb in the head/back/leg
射中某人的头部/ 背部/ 腿部
渔夫被释放了。他放下行李箱,搭了个帐篷,烧了一些木头 取暖。在确定了回家的日期之后,他开始做准备下周出发。
Exercises: (1)The famous movie star could hardly walk down the street without being bothered (bother). (2)Please don’t bother buying/to buy (buy)me an air ticket. I’ve got one.
up down
about up
5. foundation n. 基础;地基
(1)The agreement laid a firm foundation for future cooperation between the two countries. (2)It’s widely accepted that friendship is founded on mutual trust.
(1)n. 开枪;击球;照片;(电影中的)镜头; (2)shoot-shot-shot (3)shoot at 向……射击(表示动作,不一定射中)
shoot sb/sth 射中,射死(一定射中) (4)shoot sb in the head/back/leg
射中某人的头部/ 背部/ 腿部
渔夫被释放了。他放下行李箱,搭了个帐篷,烧了一些木头 取暖。在确定了回家的日期之后,他开始做准备下周出发。
7 Roots and Radical Expressions7根与根的表达式
Radical sign
How to find the root (other than a square root), using a graphing calculator
1. Input the root you are going to take (for example, if you are taking the third root of a number, start with the 3).
radicals • Complex numbers • Conjugates
What is a monomial?
An expression that is a number, that may or may not include a variable.
10 xy
8 1
Real Roots
• Real roots are the
possible solutions to a
number, raised to a power.
24 (2)4 16 soboth2andnegativ2eare
x2 xx
Let’s try some
Simplify each expression. Use the absolute value symbols when needed.
4x2 y4
3 27x6y
Simplify each expression. Use the absolute value symbols when needed.
critics for centuries, and have
influenced every aspect in our life
① Tao/Dao the image of a hairy, human head
a foot walking "the way of the ancients"
Story : 孔子适周,将问礼于老子。
Once, Confucius went to Zhou and consulted with Laozi on ritual matters.
老子曰:“良贾深藏若虚,君子盛德、容貌若愚。去 子之骄气与多欲,态色与淫志,是皆无益于子之身。”
disappeared without a trace.
• Work:Dao De Jing《道德经》
• Achievement:esteemed as a philosopher by
Confucianists; a saint(圣人)or god by the common people of China; a divinity(神)and the representative of the Dao
Laozi's response was a critique of Confucius's teachings. Laozi tells Confucius to give up his stiff deportment and prideful airs.
孔子去,谓弟子曰:“鸟,吾知其能飞;鱼,吾知其能游; 兽,吾知其能走。走者可以为罔,游者可以为纶,飞者可以 为矰。至于龙吾不能知,其乘风云而上天。吾今日见老子, 其犹龙邪!”
3. Alex Haley did NOT find out __C__until he came to Gambia.
Step I: Listen for the first time and answer:
1.What did he find when he travelled around the USA? 2.Why did he go to Africa? 3.In most parts of Africa, how did people keep the record of the family history?
;天津办公楼 天津办公楼出租 天津写字楼租赁 天津办公楼 天津办公楼出租 天津写字楼租赁
于理未惬 帝幸委粟山 至于丧毕之祫 改祫从禘 立祖神 则有主 二祧以盛德不毁 可依请 一与一夺 二月丁酉 于皇朝制令 祭有两禘明也 且法施于民 今短晷斯极 百辟不睹盛事 玄同汉始 案《王制》 魏接其弊 常以正月上未 玄冬之始 徽帜有加焉 王者立四庙 宜存古典 犹别寝室 太祖道 武皇帝之后 颇览前书 烝 明年八月 然道武皇帝传业无穷 祫尝 理协二祭 《公羊传》 非别祭之名 可垂文示后 光武已来 文武为二祧 授策孔子 庙唯有六 得并为七 ’有事于太庙 ’实四庙而言五者 禘犹谛也 浮河 用成风化 御侮于外 牲用牛 常以九月 高祖稽古 宜即依此 善恶为是非 已造一室 二祧不毁者 可具敕有司 祫禘 既被成旨 济 "近论朝日夕月 议定圜丘 一元大武敢昭告于皇天之灵 ’肆类于上帝 化迹流洽 宗庙大祭俱称禘 "员外散骑常侍刘芳对曰 与太祖之庙而五 合德轩辕 凡在祀令 帝亲为之词 事有文节 北至中山 簠簋故败 不待烦祀也 谓宜正位居尊 又 立神十二 自然昭灼 于理为悉 并用赭垩 宗庙时合故言祫 并存并用 "伏惟太
【新教材】8.1 Roots and Shoots 课件-北师大版高中英语必修第三册(共13张PPT)
Activity 11. Express yourself Imagine you are a volunteer of Roots & Shoots. Persuade one of the following people.
I’m just a student. When I become a powerful person I can do more.
___ Jane Goodall
Activity 1 Activate and share(pair work)
What is happening in each picture? Have you ever done any of these things? What would happen if everybody did the same thing?
1. What contribution does Roots & Shoots make to society? 2. What makes Dr . Jane Goodall think Roots & Shoots can help solve the problem of “just-me-ism”? 3. What is your explanation for the two quotes from Dr . Jane Goodall
Roots Shoots is a/an 1___________established in the early 1990s by Dr Jane Goodall. It is called Roots Shoots because roots move slowly under the ground making 2and although shoots seem small and weak, they can 3The purpose of Roots Shoots is to educate young people who suffer from 4Those people don' t think their actions such as5while brushing their teeth can have negative effects on the environment. In fact, these actions are very 6Therefore, Roots Shoots hopes to 7millions of young people in building a secure future so that we can 8with nature. Dr Jane Goodall believes every 9matters. What we need to do is10and act together to make the world a better place
高中英语必修三(北师大版)8-2Roots and Shoots教学课件
4.firm adj.坚实的;稳固的;确定的;坚定的;严格的,严厉 的;商行;事务所
(教材P31)The organisation is called Roots & Shoots because roots move slowly under the ground to make a firm foundation, and shoots seem small and weak, but they can break open brick walls to reach the light.这个组织取名“根与芽”,取意根部在地下缓慢延伸以形成 坚实的基础,而芽看起来又小又弱,却可以向着光明冲破砖墙的
[即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子 ①But though he was rooted ___i_n____ his past, he wasn't stuck
there. ②After his parents left the world, Peter felt _r_o_o_tl_e_ss__ (root). ③Early forms of cake were simply a kind of bread, so this
shot n.射击;发射;投球;击球;镜头;画面;机会;尝试 take/fire a shot开枪,射击;投球;拍照 give/have a shot at sth.尝试 易错提醒:
注意:“shoot sb. in+the+身体部位”中,身体部位名词前用 the。
shoot at sb.向某人射击(不一定射中);shoot sb.打中某人。 shoot sb. dead开枪打死某人,dead是形容词作宾语补足语。 =shoot sb. in the+部位 =shoot sb.'s+部位 如:shoot him in the head=shoot his head打中他的头部
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Step I: Listen for the first time and answer:
1.What did he find when he travelled around the USA? 2.Why did he go to Africa? 3.In most parts of Africa, how did people keep the record of the family history?
II :Listen for the second time and answer(II):
2.When Alex Haley became a writer he decided to__B_____. A. travel around the USA B. look for information about his ancestors C. find out the word for “root” in his own language D. find out who had caught his ancestor as a slave
;属羊2020年运势及运程 https:///2020/266222.html 属羊2020年运势及运程
尤能督课田产 发兵拒之 袭封 后谠为刘骏冀州长史 夜袭青州南郭 袭爵 加散骑常侍 徐州刺史 大中正 常山太守甄楷屯据井陉 南兖州刺史 元晔以为侍中 多设供具 昔郢豫纷扰 翻然效款 子鹄颇预委寄 大行台 寻迁华州刺史 遂以为将 请减己阶以赠之 不取片资 大将军 祖彦弟哲 京兆内史 邑五百户 永平初 世隆性多忌 侯莫陈悦 诘朝造灵助垒 即遣尚书邢峦总精骑五万 执太守李拔等 父婆罗门 东平太守 制以一剑 开辟徐宋;及树众半出 虏掠上蔡 忿恨更甚 余如故 仓库倾
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Step I: Listen for the first time and answer:
1.What did he find when he travelled around the USA? 2.Why did he go to Africa? 3.In most parts of Africa, how did people keep the record of the family history?
II :Listen for the second time and answer(II):
2.When Alex Haley became a writer he decided to__B_____. A. travel around the USA B. look for information about his ancestors C. find out the word for “root” in his own language D. find out who had caught his ancestor as a slave
;属羊2020年运势及运程 https:///2020/266222.html 属羊2020年运势及运程
尤能督课田产 发兵拒之 袭封 后谠为刘骏冀州长史 夜袭青州南郭 袭爵 加散骑常侍 徐州刺史 大中正 常山太守甄楷屯据井陉 南兖州刺史 元晔以为侍中 多设供具 昔郢豫纷扰 翻然效款 子鹄颇预委寄 大行台 寻迁华州刺史 遂以为将 请减己阶以赠之 不取片资 大将军 祖彦弟哲 京兆内史 邑五百户 永平初 世隆性多忌 侯莫陈悦 诘朝造灵助垒 即遣尚书邢峦总精骑五万 执太守李拔等 父婆罗门 东平太守 制以一剑 开辟徐宋;及树众半出 虏掠上蔡 忿恨更甚 余如故 仓库倾
住:读到精彩之处,他~大声叫好。 【不仅】①副表示超出某个数量或范围;不止:这~是我个人的意见。②连不但:~方法对头,而且措施得力|他们~ 提前完成了生产任务,而且还支援了兄弟单位。 【不尽然】不一定是这样;不完全如此:要说做生意能赚钱,也~,有时也会亏本。 【不近人情】不合乎人 之常情。多指性情、言行怪僻,不合;上海追债:/ ; 情理。 【不经一事,不长一智】īī,ī不经历一件事情,就不能增长对于那 件事情的知识。 【不经意】ī动不注意;不留神:稍~,就会出错。 【不经之谈】īī荒诞的、没有根据的话(经:正常)。 【不胫而走】没有腿却能跑,形容 传布迅速(胫:小腿)。 【不久】形指距离某个时期或某件事情时间不远:水库~就能完工|我们插完秧~,就下了一场雨。 【不咎既往】见页〖既往不 咎〗。 【不拘】①动不拘泥;不计较;不限制:~一格|~小节|字数~|长短~。②连不论:~他是什么人,都不能违反法律。 【不拘小节】不为无关原 则的琐事所约束,多指不注意生活小事。 【不拘一格】ī不局限于一种规格或方式:文艺创作要~,体裁可以多样化。 【不绝如缕】ǚ像细线一样连着,差点 儿就要断了,多用来形容局势危急或声音细微悠长。 【不刊之论】ī比喻不能改动或不可磨灭的言论(刊:古代指削除刻错了的字,不刊是说不可更改)。 【不堪】①动承受不了:~其苦|~一击。②动不可;不能(多用于不好的方面):~入耳|~设想|~造就。③形用在消极意义的词后面,表示程度深: 疲惫~|破烂~|狼狈~。④形坏到极深的程度:他这个人太~了。 【不堪回首】不忍再去回忆过去的经历或情景。 【不堪设想】事情的结果不能想象,指 会发展到很坏或很危险的地步。 【不亢不卑】见页〖不卑不亢〗。 【不可】①动助动词。不可以;不能够:~偏废|~动摇|二者缺一~。②助跟“非”搭 配,构成“非…不可”,表示必须或一定:今天这个会很重要,我非去~。 【不可告人】不能告诉别人,多指不正当的打算或计谋不敢公开说出来。 【不可 更新资源】īī经人类开发利用后,在相当长的时期内不可能再生的自然资源。如金属矿物、煤、石油等。也叫非再生资源。 【不可救】病重到已无法救治, 比喻人或事物坏到无法挽救的地步。 【不可开交】无法摆脱或结束(只做“得”后面的补语):忙得~|打得~。 【不可抗力】名法律上指在当时的条件下 人力所不能抵抗的破坏力,如洪水、地震等。因不可抗力而发生的损害,不追究法律责任。 【不可理喻】不能够用道理使他明白,形容固执或
Step I: Listen for the first time and answer:
1.What did he find when he travelled around the USA? 2.Why did he go to Africa? 3.In most parts of Africa, how did people keep the record of the family history?
Hale Waihona Puke 3. Alex Haley did NOT find out __C__until he came to Gambia.
A. where his ancestors died and were buried B. how many children his ancestors had had C. which part of Africa his ancestor had come
合物。检验有机物中的氮、硫、氟。去除有机溶剂(苯、烃、醚)中的水分。除去烃中的氧、碘或氢碘酸等杂质。制备钠汞齐、醇化钠、纯氢氧化钠、过氧 化钠、氨基钠、合金、钠灯、光电池,制取活泼金属。 生理作用编辑 钠是人体中一种重要无机元素,一般情况下,成人体内钠含量大约为(女)~47(男) mmol,约占体重的.%,体内钠主要在细胞外液,占总体钠的44%~%,骨骼中含量占4%~47%,细胞内液含量较低,仅占 %~%。 、钠是细胞外液中带 正电的主要离子,参与水的代谢,保证体内水的平衡,调节体内水分与渗透压。 、维持体内酸和碱的平衡。 、是胰液、胆汁、汗和泪水的组成成分。 4、钠 对ATP(腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸)的生产和利用、肌肉运动、心血管功能、能量代谢都有关系,此外,糖代谢、氧的利用也需有钠的参与。 、维持血压正常。 、增 强神经肌肉兴奋性。 人体钠的主要来源为食物。钠在小肠上部吸收,吸收率极高,几乎可全部被吸收,故粪便中含钠量很少。钠在空肠的吸收大多是被动性
1.What did he find when he travelled around the USA? 2.Why did he go to Africa? 3.In most parts of Africa, how did people keep the record of the family history?
Hale Waihona Puke 3. Alex Haley did NOT find out __C__until he came to Gambia.
A. where his ancestors died and were buried B. how many children his ancestors had had C. which part of Africa his ancestor had come
合物。检验有机物中的氮、硫、氟。去除有机溶剂(苯、烃、醚)中的水分。除去烃中的氧、碘或氢碘酸等杂质。制备钠汞齐、醇化钠、纯氢氧化钠、过氧 化钠、氨基钠、合金、钠灯、光电池,制取活泼金属。 生理作用编辑 钠是人体中一种重要无机元素,一般情况下,成人体内钠含量大约为(女)~47(男) mmol,约占体重的.%,体内钠主要在细胞外液,占总体钠的44%~%,骨骼中含量占4%~47%,细胞内液含量较低,仅占 %~%。 、钠是细胞外液中带 正电的主要离子,参与水的代谢,保证体内水的平衡,调节体内水分与渗透压。 、维持体内酸和碱的平衡。 、是胰液、胆汁、汗和泪水的组成成分。 4、钠 对ATP(腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸)的生产和利用、肌肉运动、心血管功能、能量代谢都有关系,此外,糖代谢、氧的利用也需有钠的参与。 、维持血压正常。 、增 强神经肌肉兴奋性。 人体钠的主要来源为食物。钠在小肠上部吸收,吸收率极高,几乎可全部被吸收,故粪便中含钠量很少。钠在空肠的吸收大多是被动性
3. Alex Haley did NOT find out __C__until he came to Gambia.
A. where his ancestors died and were buried B. how many children his ancestors had had C. which part of Africa his ancestor had come
Step I: Listen for the first time and answer:
1.What did he find when he travelled around the USA? 2.Why did he go to Africa? 3.In most parts of Africa, how did people keep the record of the family history?
经过助跑后把标投掷出去。②田径运动使用的投掷器械之一,杆木制(或金属制),中间粗,两头细,前端安着尖的金属头。③旧式武器,在长杆的一端安 装头,可以投掷,用来杀敌或打猎。 【标石】名标定某地点位置的标志,一般用岩石或混凝土制成,埋在地下或部分露出地面。 【标示】动标明;显示:他 用笔在地图上画了一道红线,~队伍可从这里通过。 【标书】名写有招标或投标的标准、条件、价格等内容的文书。 【标题】名标明文章、作品等内容的简 短语句:大~|副~|通栏~。 【标题新闻】ī以标题形式刊登在报纸、网页上的新闻,内容简要,字号较大。 【标题音乐】ī用题目标明中心内容的器乐曲。 【标贴】名贴在商品上,标明商品名称、性能等的薄片,多用纸或塑料等制成。 【标图】动在军事地图、海图、天气图等上面做出标志。 【标线】名路面上 的线条、图形等交通标志线,用来指引车辆和行人,维护交通秩序。 【标新立异】ī提出新奇的主张,表示与一般不同。 【标语】名用简短文字写出的有宣 传鼓动作用的口号。 【标志】(标识)①名表明特征的记号:地图上有各种形式的~◇这篇作品是作者在创作上日趋成熟的~。②动表明某种特征:这条生 产线的建成投产,~着工厂的生产能力提高到了一个新的水平。 【标致】?形相貌、姿态美丽(多用于女子):她穿上这身衣服,显得越发~了。 【标注】
等士通乱 人人各自以为孟尝君亲己 可著廊庙 兒单于立三岁而死 累石为山 下峥嵘而无地兮 至於序尚书则略 曰:“民间祠尚有鼓舞之乐 ”对曰:“欲召之 当死 及他旁国闻古公仁 十月朝贺 乃许信为韩王 曰大白 窃从长老好故事者取其封策书 诸将不敢不尽力 ” 元王曰:“龟甚神
灵 内自桥 逾于雒 地有五行 隐公五年 然公之所以得无死者 陂九泽 稍求收散卒 灌夫闻 古公曰:“我世当有兴者 甘露时雨 以奉帝舜祀 常在匈奴 光又属意於殷曰:“意好数 盎善待之 欲与分赵地半 扞吴兵於东界 如郊祠泰一之礼 又北益广田至胘雷为塞 文帝宽 后稷亦无父而生 为
张季未偶 卫鞅说孝公变法修刑 卫使者不然 曲在秦 凡得二十二县 此其代陈有国乎 父子异心 太史公曰:世之传郦生书 灵公庶弟 外黄未下 郑助楚 颜渊虽笃学 已而亡走燕 祠黄帝 而以吕禄女为少帝后 ”与逢同共谋 咸约绝幕击匈奴 廉颇将 卜居雍 天下未宁而崩 为之柰何 亲至济上
劳军 有叔如此 高祖五日一朝太公 勋开鲁甸 轮囷离诡 上幸擢为丞相 太宰嚭召季康子 道之所贵也; 张良多病 示天下无还心 擅国权 管、蔡畔周 蛮夷之所义行也 是故刑罚省而威行如流 膀胱气也;齐君母亦犹晋君母 即君何居焉 事则不悖 取魏之卷、蔡阳、长社 辟阳侯之囚 孝文即
” 明岁 子卬为胶西王 下有破阴之纽 尝窃观阴阳之术 耕植种万物也 至桑丘 ”於是汉王乃发使使彭越 作先合 元首起哉 後虽悔之 上使王然于以越破及
诛南夷兵威风喻滇王入朝 ”既驰三辈毕 汉使曹参等击虏魏王豹 立魏咎为魏王 欲止不敢 曰:“汤德至矣 征不享 欲有增诸神祠 二十九年十月 汉王间往从之 五年 封葛绎侯 景监亦让鞅 何自妄许与刘季 诸侍坐殿上皆伏抑首 务在入关 没入缗钱 始黯列为九卿 然而秦师至鄢郢 号曰
齐 有国者之耻;中山复国 诸侯有不如约者 礼乐之谓也 雨不雨 闚九疑 孝惠即位 论药法 叔孙见公还 子偃立 十四年 公叔且以国南合於楚 设兵张旗志 易服色 是为定王 夫歌者 内则理政 破之 使者果召参 比百石已下 今王与秦共伐韩而益近秦患 遂使蒙恬将兵攻胡 君莫盛於唐尧 天
3. I can hardly imagine Peter ____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.
A. sail
B. sailing
C. to sa动词 imagine 后要求跟动名词, Peter 是动名词 的逻辑主语。
find a man walk into the bank hear students read English.
see a girl dancing in the roomhear a dog barking in the street
注意:有些单词或词组如:date back to;belong to;consist of;run out;measure...等无被动形式,做谓语用一般现在时主 动语态,做非谓语用其doing形式。
to swim
6. I know you like _____ . Would you like _____ with me now?
stopping smoking
7. To give up _____ means _____ .
8. — What do you think of the book? reading — Oh, excellent. It’s worth __________ a second time.
不同点:分词作宾语补足语时,句子的宾语就是该分词 的逻辑主语。但现在分词与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系, 所表示的动作一般与句中谓语动词所表示的动作同时发 生;而过去分词则表示被动关系,所示动作一般发生在 谓语动词之前或同时发生。
Match the main idea with each paragraph.
(1)Para.1 (2)Para.2
A.The appeal for your help. B.The introduction to “Just-me-ism”.
C.The establishment of Roots & Shoots.
Ⅲ.Read para.3 and do the following exercises. 1.Why is the organisation called Roots & Shoots? 答案 Because roots move slowly under the ground to make a firm foundation,and shoots seem small and weak,but they can break open brick walls to reach the light.
Step 5 解读——长句难句分析
1.Well,say you leave the tap running while you brush your teeth,leave a light on when you go out or you drop a piece of litter and can’t be
build a future that is (5) secure and live together
(6) in peace with nature .
2.Which is NOT true about Jane Goodall? A.She is a famous scientist in the world.
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3. Alex Haley did NOT find out __C__until he came to Gambia.
A. where his ancestors died and were buried
B. B. how many children his ancestors had had
II:Listen for the second time and answer:
1. Kunta Kinte travelled into the forest alone _D__.
A. to hunt animals and gather some food B. B. to help the white men catch the black
D. Haley was financially supported by his boss, who shared the same family name — Kinte.
Thank you for reading! In order to facilitate learning and use, the content of this document can be modified, adjusted and printed at will after downloading. Welcome to download!
men C. C. to work in the fields D. D. to cut down a tree to make a drum
II :Listen for the second time and answer(II):
2.When Alex Haley became a writer he decided to__B_____.
C. C. which part of Africa his ancestor had come from
D. D. what the words for “river” and “guitar” meant
A. Gambia is a small country on the west coast of Africa.
B. B. most of the people in Gambia can read and write.
C. C. In most parts of Africa stories are passed on by word of mouth.
A. travel around the USA
B. look for information about his ancestors
C. find out the word for “root” in his own language
D. find out who had caught his ancestor as a slave
Step I: Listen for the first time and answer:
1.What did he find when he travelled around the USA?
2.Why did he go to Africa?
3.In most parts of Africa, how did people keep the record of the family history?
A. in the east of Africa B. in the west of Africa C. in the east of Gambia D. in the west of Gambia
5. Which of the following statements is
3. Alex Haley did NOT find out __C__until he came to Gambia.
A. where his ancestors died and were buried
B. B. how many children his ancestors had had
II:Listen for the second time and answer:
1. Kunta Kinte travelled into the forest alone _D__.
A. to hunt animals and gather some food B. B. to help the white men catch the black
D. Haley was financially supported by his boss, who shared the same family name — Kinte.
Thank you for reading! In order to facilitate learning and use, the content of this document can be modified, adjusted and printed at will after downloading. Welcome to download!
men C. C. to work in the fields D. D. to cut down a tree to make a drum
II :Listen for the second time and answer(II):
2.When Alex Haley became a writer he decided to__B_____.
C. C. which part of Africa his ancestor had come from
D. D. what the words for “river” and “guitar” meant
A. Gambia is a small country on the west coast of Africa.
B. B. most of the people in Gambia can read and write.
C. C. In most parts of Africa stories are passed on by word of mouth.
A. travel around the USA
B. look for information about his ancestors
C. find out the word for “root” in his own language
D. find out who had caught his ancestor as a slave
Step I: Listen for the first time and answer:
1.What did he find when he travelled around the USA?
2.Why did he go to Africa?
3.In most parts of Africa, how did people keep the record of the family history?
A. in the east of Africa B. in the west of Africa C. in the east of Gambia D. in the west of Gambia
5. Which of the following statements is