第一套6-1Sample AnswerMany monkeys live in the top parts of forest trees and have no access to underground water but they are still able tosurvive. This is because they secure water supply from either food or rain. In the lecture, the first example shows howhowler monkeys get water from their food. The majority of their diet is composed of tender leaves and they are able toabsorb sufficient moisture from those leaves. The second example is how spider monkeys collect rainwater. Spidermonkeys are able to use a cup-like plant as a container and link these cups to the trees in the forest. As the cups arefilled with rainwater they drink directly from the cups. These examples tell us that monkeys have their own way ofgetting water and do not need to live close to water sources in order to survive.第一套6-2Sample AnswerIn this lecture the professor talks about social cooperation among a group of animals in fact increases the efficiency offeeding. There are two methods for cooperation: one is through feeding in groups and the other is throughcommunication. In the first example, a group of deer are able to feed themselves more quickly because some of themcan watch for predators while the others eat without distraction. In the second example, a honeybee communicates thelocation and distance of a food source to others by doing the waggle dance, As a result honey bees are able to feedthemselves more efficiently by sharing information with others. Both examples illustrate the fact that socialcooperation can sometimes benefit animals' feeding and animals don't always need to fight against each other for food第二套第一个Sample AnswerIn the lecture the professor talks about how some aquatic organisms are able to remain near their habitats without beingcarried away by rapid ocean currents. Two methods of doing so are attachment and sinking. The first example is theblack fly larvae, which make silky pads with their mouths on the surface of rocks or vegetations and use ananchor-shaped hook on their stomach to attach themselves to the surface. That way they don't get blown away bystrong water currents. The other example is the sculpins. They're different from most other fish because they don'thave a swim bladder. Without a swim bladder, they can't float in the water and when fast currents hit, they sink in thewater instead and don't move along with the ocean currents.第二套第二个Sample AnswerCarbon dioxide is the byproduct of manufacturing. It can transmit sunlight but also prevent radiation from going backinto space, which causes the greenhouse effect and increases temperature on Earth's surface. The professor mentionstwo methods to control carbon dioxide before it's released to the atmosphere, including carbon capture system and treesequestration. One is by direct processing of carbon dioxide within the factory and depositing the captured carbon at astorage site. The other method is to plant sufficient trees outside of the factory because trees by nature are able toabsorb carbon dioxide from the air into their leaves. It is more effective to capture carbon dioxide at the source pointthan from the air, which means the results of capturing carbon dioxide within the factory would be more remarkable.第三套Sample AnswerPaleodiet is the study of different types of food human beings used to eat in the past. As most people didn't keep awritten record of what they ate so archeologists often use two methods to find out human's diet in the history, such asstudying paintings from the past and fossils of food remains. The first example is that Romans painted fruits to showtheir wealth and hospitality and Egyptians drew their food on the walls of the pyramids. Another way archeologists useto study paleodiet is through food remains. They study the fossils of seeds and plants from archeological sites tounderstand how vegetables, fruits and grains played a role in human's diet in the eighteenth century.第四套Sample AnswerWildlife conservation is the practice to protect endangered animals, plants, and their habitats. As we enjoy hiking, weare also posing threats to species living on our hiking paths. The professor discussed two methods to protect thewildlife from being damaged by tourists' recreational nature walks. The first is to build hiking trails so that tourists canonly wall along the trail and not all over the forests. This can prevent the wildlife from being disturbed. The secondmethod is to limit the number of visitors per day and assign tour guides to small groups of tourists. Tour guides will beable to lead the hikers onto a specific path and make sure no one is causing damages to the wildlife.第五套Sample AnswerCrop rotation is a common practice in agriculture to grow different crops in the same area every growing season. Theprofessor in the lecture talks about two advantages that crop rotation brings, including restoring nutrients in the soilandpest control. First, the alternative crop is able to restore nutrients exhausted by the other crop in the soil so the landis capable of continuous production. For example, wheat consumes most nitrogen in the soil while beans restorenitrogen in the following season. The other benefit is to control insect pests. Wheat pests are only attracted to wheatand do not use beans as a food source. Therefore by growing beans in the following season the life cycle of wheat pestscan be broken and the number of insect pests can be reduced.第六套Sample AnswerThe professor talks about two characteristics found in successful people's goal setting, including being specific andrealistic about their goals. For example, if someone wants to buy a car within one year, he or she is more likely toaccomplish the goal if they include specific information about the car in their goal, such as the model of the car and theprice of the car. The other characteristic is being realistic about their goals. For instance, if someone sets a goal to reada hundred pages in a textbook within one night, that would be an unrealistic goal and of course the person won't beable to accomplish it. Ifthe goal is to read a hundred pages within a week, the person is more likely to succeed inachieving this goal.第七套Sample AnswerIn the lecture the professor talks about some unusual parenting behaviors in mammals that can be mistaken asprevent getting attention from their predators, which in fact increases the babies' safety. The first example is how themother deer hides her babies alone in the woods or meadows while they feed or sleep. The other example is the rabbits. Mother rabbits are able to produce highly nutritious milk so that their babies need to be fed only once per day andmother rabbits barely go back to their nests when parenting. Both examples are contra~ to humans' idea of parentingbut they are actually crucial survival strategies for these animals.第八套Sample AnswerThe marine biology professor talks about two methods of how marine mammals keep themselves warm in water, suchas developing certain physical features and behavioral adaptations. Marine mammals are warm-blooded and watermakes them lose heat more easily than in the air. This makes maintaining their body temperature while in water achallenge for them. First they have developed some physical features to keep themselves warm, including a thick layerof blubber and fur skin. Seals, for example, possess both layers of fat and furry skin in order to insulate their bodiesfrom external coldness. Marine mammals also conserve body heat throughbehavioral adaptation. Marine mammalsconsume a lot of food because digestion is able to create heat for them. Sea otters are one example.第九套Sample AnswerIn the lecture, the professor talks about how lobsters have developed physically to adapt to the dark water environmentsuch as compound eyes and antennae that produce low frequency vibration. First, within their compound eyes, therecan be as many as ten thousand lenses that can be used to detect motion in the water and capture dim lights under thesea. This helps them spot their predators in the dark water. The other organ they have developed is their antennae. Theyantennae are able to produce a low frequency vibration like a buzzing sound to escape danger or to warn others ofdanger. For example, if a predator is trying to eat the lobster, the buzzing sound will either scare the fish away or signalother lobsters to move to safer places.第十套Sample AnswerIn this lecture the professor talks about how forest fires are in fact able to help animals survive rather than destroythem such as exposing prey animals and burning; away toxins, First, forest fires can expose some prey animals in openareas so their predators can spot them more easily. For example, during forest fires, turkeys usually wait on the edge ofthe forest to capture worms that are trying to escape from the fires. The other way that forest fires benefit animals is bymaking the environment more habitable. For example, beetles usually can't live in XYZ trees because those treescontain poison in their bark. However, after the fires burn away the bark beetles can lay eggs in these trees and nurse their larvae there.第十一套Sample AnswerIn the lecture, the professor talks about what predatory animals do to prey on animals traveling in groups such asidentifying unique members of the groups or breaking up the groups. Animals travel in groups in order to scare theirpredators and make it difficult for the predators to locate the individuals. However, scientists found fish of differentcolors from those of other members in the ABC fish community are more likely to be preyed on because theirpredators can identify the unique individuals. Other predators would break up the groups in which animals aretraveling to make it easier to locate individuals. For instance, sharks would swim into fish crowds and wave its tailquickly to break the crowds into smaller groups or even individuals so the sharks can locate the fish more easily.第十二套Sample AnswerIn the lecture the professor talks about two physical features cheetahs have developed to adapt to living in adverseenvironments such as their feet pads and muscular long legs. First, cheetahs have grown pads underneath their feet toprotect themselves from the high temperature in deserts or rough surfaces of other places they live. This allows them totravel at a high speed without being slowed down by geographic factors. The other feature is cheetahs' muscular longlegs. Cheetahs' back legs are capable of providing cheetahs with a powerful force that sends their body forward as theytravel. In addition, as their legs are particularly long, they are able to travel a long distance within a short amount oftime. For these adaptive features, cheetahs can thrive and sprint in different unfavorable environments.。
08.08.23 (北美)1. 說一位令你尊敬的長輩, like your grand parents. 說明為什麼他讓你admire及對你的影響。
2. Some people think children join team sports may encourage the sense of competition, others think this would help they develop the sense of cooperation, what's your opinion3. 閱讀:學校計畫取消school bus to downtown。
平時大家課業很重,都沒有時間去downtown,但是到週末,都會去shopping, cultural events, entertainment;如果取消了,雖然還有public bus to downtown,但是這些是要收費的,學生的負擔已經很重了,要買books, computers,如果有學校的free charge bus肯定對學生有利。
4. 閱讀:解釋outcome bias:當一個事情的結果出來以後,才對事前一個決定的評價,事後諸葛亮。
聽力:教授舉例,朋友夫婦假期兩種選擇: 1.在家裏待著,省錢買傢俱,2 去佛州沙灘曬太陽度假,最後想了想還是去佛州了。
5. 男生是學校攝影協會的,要辦個big sale。
他想做個cake 拿到現場去讓大家吃,因為據說他做蛋糕很拿手。
美洲早期的挤奶文化:¨ milk animal的发展过程。
南美地区的骆驼类动物,也可以产奶,可是之前当地人却不挤奶,专家对此表示困惑,猜测原因如下:1. 这个动物除了喂自己的幼仔以外,产奶很少;有人反驳:其他牛之类的动物一开始情况也是这样,但人们想办法掌握了一些挤奶技术以后,慢慢就有产量了,又说可能是因为这个地方的的人没有看过挤奶的先例,所以自己不会挤,也没想过挤;反驳:其他地方如亚洲\欧洲/非洲也是自己发展的这种技术,而且已经使用很久了。
2. 这种动物很排斥别人来挤奶,只给自己的幼仔产奶;反驳;其他产奶动物最初也排斥,但人们想办法按着某种方向,慢慢驯服这些动物来产奶了,当然现在有些动物还是没有完全驯服,要借助幼仔才产奶;3. 当地人不挤这种奶,可能因为生奶里的一种成分对成人的消化问题有影响,引发疾病;反驳:这种成分别的地方的人一开始也会有不适应,但慢慢就适应了,而且这个地方的人也采用西班牙人的方法:母亲母乳不够时会使用这种动物的,小孩子吃得也挺好,所以当地人不是因为这个原因不挤奶。
role of play in development,玩对动物的影响,玩能够锻炼肌肉还有什么的,玩的时候还有可能暴露自己的危险,通过跟ADULT玩学到些东西玩还能储存脂肪,什么的(有个排除题1增加寿命2储存脂肪3消耗能量4忘了++ 好像增加寿命没说吧)举了猴子的例子,因为猴子比较自私,说玩能够培养他们的社交能力,讲了狗的例子,先说了玩在某些程度上很难区分因为涉及到一些攻击还是捕猎的动作啊说明狗是如何向其他陌生的狗作出表示,使他们明白是在玩而不是攻击什么的,这里有题第二篇说达尔文的进化论是目前最有说服力的理论,但是其中所描述的进化,是一种缓慢的逐渐发生的。
(意思就是说达尔文人为地进化论应该是一条斜线,逐渐向上的;而另一些人认为应该是呈阶梯状向上的)两个关键词gradualism和punctuated equilibrium。
the pace of evolutionary change.第二个说达尔文的进化论是目前最有说服力的理论,在某个年代之前所有科学家都采纳这种解释但是其中所描述的进化,是一种缓慢的逐渐发生的。
點題班講義 是開課前依最新 JJ 範圍,由康老師與威廉老師精選命中率最高的 16 套, 來編寫完整聽說讀寫完整的英文原文原題,滿分範文,口說範例, 所以大約是開課後,三個月 幾乎 就會快考完。 所以同學要儘量是上完課後,三個月內要考完。 而下期講義 就會是最新範圍。考過都會刪除, 所以編寫點題講義很辛苦,因為每期講義幾乎都是全新的, 所以點題講義價格會高一點,不過只要同學命中一次就值得了。
12.04.22 12.04.28 12.05.12 12.05.20 12.05.26 12.06.09 12.06.15 12.06.17 12.06.30
12.07.14 12.07.15 12.07.22 12.07.28 12.08.19 12.08.25 12.08.26 12.09.02 12.09.08 12.09.16 12.09.22
/ 模擬更真的考試情形,請大家好好練習口語題和整合寫作,都是珍貴的原題」獨家」還原。 m 保證內容獨家,內容最超值,命中率最高。 .co 3. 最新(密字號)新托福機經單字本 o 4. 最新機經榜首大拼題二大套+榜眼探花命中率最高的 14 套題,聽說讀寫全部英文真題還原 店 a 除了英文題目之外,同學最需要的是機經題的滿分寫作範文與口說範例。 宝 ob 所以最新第十三期再獨家加贈: 淘 .ta 最新大拼題+榜眼命中率最高的七套題的 e 最新機經題滿分寫作範文與口說範例。 h 最實戰,最強效,每一篇都有機會會考到!!全球限量獨家發行!! 河 o 5.提供英文完整版的加試題原文與原題。 卒过 zugu 6.字神帝國機經 JJ 與其他家 JJ 有何不同? o 字神帝國自 2005 年新托福改制後,就每次考試收錄中英文機經並追蹤, 小 ia 已建立一套最完整的預測系統與中英文機經資料庫。 /x 下圖所有日期就是最完整最新托福機經,也都收錄在字神帝國新托福 JJ 包中。 :/ 大陸小馬機經範圍也是同學們都會參考。 http 註:小馬機經雖然範圍較小,但命中率自然就較低。
托福阅读:2011.1.8托福阅读考试机经回顾托福机经阅读:第一篇:关于"棘冠海星"(crown of thorns Starfish)和Coral Reef 的东西这个托福机经阅读,我是因为之前看过一个纪录片就见过这个物种,所以一看到照片就知道这种starfish是吃coral reef的而且,在Grate Coral Reef问题很严重,其中主要因素是人为因素。
有点难没怎么看明白第二篇:关于莫斯科的确定和发展个人回忆:第一段:由来第二段:地理位置、地理学家的猜测第三段:好像在前面还讲了一下关于内陆地区可以抵御invator,以K城市作为反例水路交通剩下的就记不清楚了....说它第一位置超级好是一个三条路会和的地方,所以有很多人迁徙到这里就不再往北边还不是哪个方向走了,然后说它的位置是central,然后周围有N条河(有地图),这个位置可以水路做生意然后还可以防御进攻总之就是非常好第三篇:森林生态环境的垂直分层现象其实个人认为跟TPO中的一篇Long Standing Ecosystem很像,相关词汇也有涉及文章中主要提到了3种程度破坏:1、自然破坏,例如地震、火山等(对于soil的破坏,长时间才能恢复)2、XX破坏,主要是不破坏soil所以能够在5~10回复(数字仅供参考。
生词很多第四篇文章:关于telephone and telegram在美国和在欧洲的发展文章细节不记得了,大致内容:美国比较自由,私人控股、国家调控;欧洲好像是归类到邮政系统,阻碍发展。
而且文章提到了"维多利亚 Internet"并有考题出现。
扫描二维码加托福名师刘文勇老师微信,可参加免费空中课堂乐闻携尔官网托福培训咨询电话4000-182-178Necessary Evil开篇明义:我并不中意“机经”。
托福阅读机经使用方法和注意事项指点托福阅读机经使用方法和留意事项教导, 学习文章思路重于背诵答案,今日我给大家带来了托福阅读机经使用方法和留意事项教导,盼望能够关心到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。
在使用托福阅读机经时,考生需要留意这几个问题:1. 托福阅读机经的文章怎么看?首先,托福阅读机经的文章部分是考生需要看的重点。
2. 托福阅读机经的题目怎么学?看完文章后,接下来大家要看的就是阅读的题目了。
哪道题目应当选哪个答案这种的信息其实完全不用去背,能够遇到完全一模一样的题目机会不大,假如题目改动过你还是根据原来背的挨次去选答案反而更简单出错扣分,原来凭自己实力能够做对的题目由于机经干扰反而做错了,岂不是特别惋惜?3. 托福阅读机经还要看什么?除了题目和答案外,托福阅读机经我还盼望大家在刷题过程中能够汇总收集一下其中的词汇,特殊是各类生词。
Economic Decline in Europe During the Fourteenth Century
After three hundred years of impressive gains in wealth and population, Europe’s economy began toslow around 1300. Several factors accounted for the decline. One the most important, though perhaps the least dramatictorelate,wasashiftinclimate.Theremarkablyfairweatherofthetwelfthandthirteenthcenturies
第五段:大陆冰川和海冰的形成会直接影响地表albedo,要融化它们则需要更多的太阳能量输入, 在上次冰河时代末期太阳对地球的能量输入正好处于周期循环中的峰值,所以诱发了冰川崩解;相比于冰川形成和移动过程对地表造成的变化,冰川崩解化为洪水注入海洋的过程对地表影响更大。
witheasternAsiathathadlongsustainedEurope’seconomicgrowth.A more immediate cause ofthe
sputtering economy was an observable absence: since the eleventh century there had been few significant changesinthetechnologyofagriculture.Developmentslikethewheeledplow,therotationofcrops,andthe
5月12日 5月20日 5月26日 王京竹托福机经高清综合写作完整版 沐沐托福
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试用版本(MAC 系统)在附件里~ TPO1-24(以后还有考试适用!) /item.htm?id=15423088192 TPO17-24(最后几天冲刺适用!!): /item.htm?id=15423120118如果你神马都不想拍,觉得一份就已经足够,沐沐依旧送上自己的祝福:愿大家早日飞跃重洋,到达理想的彼岸! Bless~!MUA~沐沐托福 m u m u t u o f u .t a o b a o .c o m2013年留学季,文书代写火热进行ING 。
对于这些活动,学校是禁止收费的,但是他们可以用学校提供的funding,最后学生问哪里有drinking fountain,职工说在xx楼旁边。
三、学生来问起professor课堂上提到的series novels,就是英国维多利亚时代在报刊上连载的小说。
Professor于是告诉他这些series的好处:1.会使用open-ended,建立起和readers之间的关系;2.financially accepted by readers,更多人会付得起连载的费用。
四、主要谈到coral reef如何受到lionfish的影响。
先介绍这种鱼,然后说它是入侵物种,原因可能是之前作为宠物鱼,但是被放到了Pacific ocean。
听力第一篇:讲女生学校的E-mail account无法登岸了,去找治理员,治理员确认女生姓名后,觉察学校叫那个名字的还只有一个新生,只是只有新生记录了,女生说上个学期E-m还能够用,后来自己提出疑问说学校可能把两个人弄混了~~治理员要女生去学校一个student account office问,女生问能不能先给个临时的电脑用一下,因为有assignment在邮箱下午上课要用(有题),治理员说不行,后来又说万一实在不行了再来找他,他会帮忙把东西print出来给她(有题,还有关于治理员态度的题)。
而且他用vase 的 shape 令人物更突出(有双选题)。
口语第一题你想要学习那个国家或文化第二题 do u agree or disagree that electronic material will replace printed material?第三题是学校建一个lounge for commuter 女生完全同意,2个缘故:1。
托福阅读机经预测一首段:有很多动物有储藏策略,但是松鼠的储藏手段在所有动物中尤其突出. 对于pine squirrels 来说,经常把食物储存在很显眼的地方,而且要保证储藏地的湿度合适,对于没有开口的松子即使被蚂蚁等小昆虫发现也无法吃掉. Pine squirrels 的储藏习惯是把所有事物储藏在一个地方,这样便于defend it aggressively. 一般储藏量非常大,可以供2-3 seasons 来支撑,有的比较大的可以供2-3generations 来食用. 储藏地也非常明显,有明显的暗示.二段: 和pine squirrel相反的是tree squirrel,这种松鼠一般会把食物分散储藏,而且食物非常不容易发现,这种储藏方式的优点是不容易发现,不用花很多时间和精力来defend it, 但是缺点是储藏地太多,松鼠也容易遗忘.三段:不同储藏手段的原因是很多:松鼠的defend的习惯,储藏的食物不同(4个原因)最后一个事物本身特点不同是最重要的因素:比如fruit 就不能再湿度大的地方储存,而且一旦发现几乎所有动物都能吃.四段:不同的储藏手段对于松鼠的生活习性也有不同的影响. 比如pine squirrels的领地范围非常清晰,基本不重叠,而且食物的储藏地一般在领地中心,其他的动物不太容易偷窃,也有利于defend, 而tree squirrels 一般食物是scattered的,所以他们的领地有overlapping 的地方,同时因为每个储藏地的事物不是很多,所以也没有必要defend,即使丢了损失也不大. 进一步导致了两种松鼠社会构成的不同.词汇题:Impulse=push onDeliberate=on purposeSought to increase=chose to increaseDecisive=determining二第一段:在航海行动在欧洲开始的时候,人们开始意识到地图的重要性,同时因为航海的实践活动让人们越来越意识到古地图的错误性. 地图印刷开始成为一个有利可图的行业,早期的地图往往来自于私人收藏,古书上的绘画,版本非常多.第二段:欧洲最早的地图更多体现了宗教思想,认为地球居于中心,日月行星和恒星围绕地球运转,在人们通过航海活动意识到这种思想的错误后,这种地图受到了当时人们的assault. Ptolemy (托勒密)的地图也属于早期的地图,但是这种地图不像托勒密的宗教思想,它标注了经度纬度的原则原理,还有当时人们能知道的最远的地理位置,所以受到的攻击比较少,而且人们经常查阅. 虽然后来的发现越来越多的表明他的地图不准确.第三段:后来的地图逐渐发展,但是地图描述准确的范围仅限于欧洲大陆人们去过的地方,对于这些地区的城镇有详细描述,但是对于其他的landmass 的描述基本靠想象和口头描述来描绘. 更加精确的地图随着人们的航海经历范围逐渐扩大才渐渐补充完善.第四段:地图从扁平的到地球仪的出现. 圆形地球仪的出现是地图的一大进步,因为扁平的地图上,人们没有到达的地方一般省略或者用毛边来表示,但是球形的地图就没有这种可能性,必须要精准画好. 印刷业的发展解决了这一问题,人们先在椭圆形的图上画好这个地图然后拼接成一个球形,标志地图发展的一大进步.词汇题:Characterized=distinguishedLucrative=profitableReverted。
然而大坝破坏了原有的生态环境,上游被淹没,salmon 回游产卵的路径也被切断。
第三篇:Native pest 一般都好控制,有他的原始天敌。
Pest control 有多种手段,一种是chemical control, 可以有效杀灭大部分害虫。
第二种手段是biological control, 引入nonnative 的天敌,也可以控制pest 数量。
最近有一种新手段,综合了chemical和biological control. 这个手段需要专业知识的人才。
在pest爆发之前先用chemical control, 然后看情况决定用不用biological control。
2019年11月11日托福机经真题回忆【听力】Conversation男生想要参加一个考察活动活动特别吸引人,还有政府的资金补助,但是很多top student都会申请这个男生不一定能够去,那个老师建议他选一个planB .ZUI后说这两个暑假活动时间冲突的,这个男生还是需要ZUI终做决定。
学生的电影俱乐部参与人数很少,向老师寻求建议Lecture三种不同的星云作为职业画家需要妥协,用了米开朗基罗的例子玛雅文明:人对玛雅文明的认知是在变化的engineering讲的creative deign的一种方式海洋生物莎士比亚讲名画《带珍珠耳环的少女》A girl with pearl earring by Jan Vermeer【口语】Task 1搬到新住处的缺点Task2在孩子年龄小的时候是否应该看电视或者听电台的新闻Task3阅读提议对orientation session做一些改变,一个是设置更多的时间,由此同学能够选适合schedule 的;另外是分组更小,这样更能吸引人。
Task4natal homing 生活在海滩上的海龟回到出生地(岛上)生蛋Task5女孩要去NY参加 biological conference,但和她一起住的朋友病了(后面求补充)Task6过去摄影师提升照片质量的两个方法【阅读】澳大利亚的一种long neck turtle,和其他海龟不一样,它在水里产卵。
用年轮和珊瑚礁推测过去气候bumble bees的沟通语言的分化,linguistic和word用于研究人类的diverge景德镇陶瓷炼钢造铁路,B发明的一个装置提升钢铁的硬度,另外一个炼低品质钢铁的方法更经济和灵活;影响了工业城市分布,交通运输等方面。