美国文学史课件4 Emily Dickinson

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Her home
Her father, a Whig lawyer and treasurer of Amherst College Read widely such as the Bible, Shakespeare, and Keats She began writing seriously in her twenties She composed 1775 poems altogether, and only 7 were published in her life
II Her poems (
the recluse of Amherst)
The Poems of Emily Dickinson 艾米丽迪金森诗歌集
Because I Could Not Stop for Death

I Heard A Fly Buzz—when I Died A Narrow Fellow in the Grass We Learned the Whole of Love My Life Closed Twice before its Close I’ll tell you how the sun rose
Two collections of her poems
Her theme
1.Puritanism. Dickinson was a Puritan, like her family. We can see this influence in a lot of her poetry. She writes a lot about God, where she refers to the death of two of her teachers. She also writes a lot about religious doubt- she is agnostic, which means that she was often unsure of whether God existed. She uses religious imagery in “A Narrow Fellow in the Grass”, when she writes about a snake- a symbol of the Devil in Christian thought. 2. death and nature
从珍珠镂成的大酒杯里,我品味未经酿造的饮料。 并非莱茵河畔所有的酒桶,都能产出这样的醇酿 我陶醉于清新的孔雀,我豪饮那晶莹的露水,在漫 长的夏季,我常从熔蓝的酒店蹒跚而归。 当“店主人”把酩酊的蜜蜂驱赶出毛地黄花的门庭, 蝴蝶也不再浅酌细斟,我却要更加大口狂饮。 直到天使摇晃着白色小帽,和那些圣徒,奔向明窗, 争看这小小的酒徒 斜倚着太阳。
Analyze the theme of Emily Dickinson
Compare Emily Dickinson with E百度文库ily Bronte.
我感受了一场葬礼,在脑中 哀悼者来来往往 不停地踏啊—踏啊—直到仿佛 感觉是在分裂— 当他们坐下时, 一个礼仪,像是一面鼓— 在不停敲啊—敲啊—直到我想 我的头脑正在麻木— 接着我听到抬棺的声音 吱呀声传过了我的灵魂 又是,那些长筒靴,地面
而人,只是一只耳朵 而我,静默,一个陌生的种
接着他们,一块理智的板,碎了, 接着撞直了一个世界,在每次掉落,
I died for beauty—but was scarce 殉美
我为美死去,但是还不曾 于是象亲戚在夜间相遇, 安息在我的墓里, 我们便隔墙谈天, 又有个为真理而死去的人 直到青苔爬到了唇际, 来躺在我的隔壁。 将我们的名字遮掩。 他悄悄地问我为何以身殉? “为了美,”我说。 “而我为真理,两者不分家; 我们是兄弟两个。”
Literary status
A secluded poetess “Mother” of American Poetry and American Modern Poetry
I Her Life
She was born into a Puritan family in Massachusetts. Her father was a liberal and a lawyer, so they had money the whole life. She could not work (a woman) but she did not have to get married because of her families wealth. She was very quiet and sensitive as a girl but she was also very thoughtful, and sometimes rebellious at school. She was sent away from her boarding school because she refused to sign an oath saying that she would devote the rest of her life to Jesus Christ. She was a recluse, a solitary, she did not like going to parties, or having boring conversations with other people. She was passionate about gardening and writing poetry.

狂野之夜,狂野之夜 倘若我与你结伴 今宵必将 奢侈无边! 风,怎能吹进 心的港湾, 去吧,指南针! 去吧,航海图!
伊甸园里踏浪逐波! 啊,大海! 但愿我今夜 舟泊你的心怀!
Her Style
Short lines and bold imagery Strange, different, and whimsical Original and unconventional Brevity and metrical irregularities Paradox
Wild nights—wild nights狂野之夜
Wild nights—wild nights! Were I with thee Wild nights should be Our luxury! Futile—the winds— To a Heart in port Done with the Compass Done with the chart! Rowing in Eden Ah, the Sea! Might I but moor Tonight—in thee!
Emily Dickinson
The Outline
Literary status The Life of Emily Dickinson The Poetry Wild Nights The Theme The Style Questions Her Achievement
A distant view of her homestead
She had a small group of friends who she liked a lot, but was not concerned with people she did not know well. Her best friend, Susan, married her brother, and they lived next door to Emily. She died in 1886, of a kidney problem. After she died, a volume of her poems appeared, but it was not until 1955 when Harvard University brought out a Complete Works, that all 1,775 of her poems were available for us to read.
Her Achievement
She broke free of the conventional iambic pentameter She explored the inner life of the individual She was regional (New Englander) She was idiosyncratic in her frequent use of dashes and unique use of capitals. Her concise, direct, and simple diction and syntax
She sees nature as both gaily benevolent and cruel. While death bestows a dreadful blow on her life. Her close two tutors, her parents and her young nephew. 3. she writes about inner life. 4. On the ethical level, she emphasizes free will and human responsibilities. 5. love and immortality