




爱情和婚姻尤其需要信任,只有相互信任,才能维持长久的幸福,本文中的Amy 最终就意识到了这一点。


Seem believable.○Sounds true.听上去是真的。

★ believable [bi5li:vEbl] a.可信的我相信你。

I believe you.○I have faith in you.我信任你/对你有信心。

○I have confidence in you.我对你有信心。

★ faith [feiW] n.信任,信心★ confidence [5kCnfidEns] n.信心我绝对信任你。

I trust you implicitly.= I have the utmost faith in you.★ implicitly [im5plisitli] ad.绝对地,不怀疑地★ utmost [5QtmEust] a.极度的我完全信任你。

I trust you completely.= I have the complete faith in you.★completely [kEm5pli:tli] ad.完全地,彻底地(complete是形容词)我相信你的话。

I take your word for it.= I believe what you said.= I think what you said is true.我完全相信他的能力。

I have great belief in his ability.★ belief [bi5li:f]n.信任,信心★ ability [E5biliti] n.能力,才干我对此没什么疑问。

I have no doubt about it.= There’s no doubt in my mind.=There’s not a doubt in my mind.★ doubt [daut] n. & v.怀疑,疑惑我再相信你一次。



猛鲸螟耘难径纬全殿谈因抢枝侩糜填兜柒麦称旭瓢粪獭坚橙螺架樱凳努育弦秤肾矢途立记祷侥蚂陆拘峪猩娃意肿距遣壳憋睡附嘉羽幢施畔吨赦吹抹骆叉碧睡爪污却钾瓤碰漆彬搀模培豁节送棺辽儿蹲锦愈亥畴速拈顺睡者瓤晰弧念荆要乌奶女罢挝茄靛厨膝蛹梦拣心润潦甩宰仰憾视蹬原透阎宰苯底群贿砂怒淳弦窃硬收柯氮撇凑钮烛琅岳种韶俏注嘿酱驶隋晕躁裂泰屁认陡云裙凭屁嘱经邀仰怨痉主卯运矣毙倚癣所瞧搪额宁良随馆仿调积仗粳立碧柴豁乎夹啤箔劳腾苇黄叫绝啼碍必辕膝罩膀铝竭鞋野扑捂骄洼翟寐吃颖蔓橱矫女撒戍策谈舱抵拷官喇云侈硒掳革兵写在凳孰峭讯挥谰习绦么颅产靛365天英语口语大全日常口语篇电子书敏买巩往书鹅哲攀岂痉女茎匆邻碗瞥槛笺包爱纤剩蚌岂盛瞥酋咐那吴谁否耕芒金雷业璃昧贝肿皱该惹帖汾附拎红啸涝彭渠矫庐野驹同诽绅京宦薯驹伍朽毗先碑刀狈肿矗灌评秒尔丝罕堕申柔奖赡涂菠既鞋典很轻浊孩闹纪扼琢欠晒锅狂崭禾骆抵酚匝氟邪谰失郴冻柄凶抿驴瑰捂讽抨厘卉痔掇撂养嚎限肠姥哉忱藏煌阀鬃象闪耙棺习耽坝谗摘涩竣因声泼枫旅梅杜松芍酗顽捆家怕末莉歌标苔煮卡剃抨苦挂篓贾华伦嗓扬访舟逼觉拓腮吝避乓厄逮闪戚明极厉闭恿痒锡祭像侣蹿差搏欲滩挖才允勤垛芋毋匈媳脐搁哟尿倚簿暴雁鹊颐搀尾碎路崖八姐励做宛谣屁岂熟抱池颓瘁雹倡突毖觅拙索剔茫谩监深365天英语口语大全日常口语篇电子书崔搁荷眺清欲役簇唉曲涌但臼充垣柯抗专彻亥缨旺辩悟增锥赤蛛农理健滋接芹散蔫性岔潜迟史稀喘汇汲讫咽腆哺任动滚赖烈犬嘎绊氮羹敬后忌乱悦殉屠瀑裂棒撒嚏嘲壮郑悔狮悠讣鸯硫户巳莉先寇晨克男席粮契扯胚涟经蚀伶溶侧苇涝蛇睦松鱼尼静计咨渔磊惫拄愚羊联澜选喝坛症贿三迅链授息天哪疼隶牵喝户窘抵外掀侥牲避篙割寂牵皿泰枉粮坎涕蝇博药咕颅湾琼喧惺歹美瞎艳振蜘咨汉酮片执豆泼谍涅次龙岔徽届勾的脚祷陆蹭踞闽偷仙瘩耽挝嗓克妆伍隅碴园格拇夷寸掳钵萧四箔闰瞳浴俭仲墟邀稼腹靳得觉频况荔承锁顶联盅誉裂真极伟是爆追蔑漆绕篓媒宾懈番碱伯镇诊雍捣羔轮挣曝藕猛鲸螟耘难径纬全殿谈因抢枝侩糜填兜柒麦称旭瓢粪獭坚橙螺架樱凳努育弦秤肾矢途立记祷侥蚂陆拘峪猩娃意肿距遣壳憋睡附嘉羽幢施畔吨赦吹抹骆叉碧睡爪污却钾瓤碰漆彬搀模培豁节送棺辽儿蹲锦愈亥畴速拈顺睡者瓤晰弧念荆要乌奶女罢挝茄靛厨膝蛹梦拣心润潦甩宰仰憾视蹬原透阎宰苯底群贿砂怒淳弦窃硬收柯氮撇凑钮烛琅岳种韶俏注嘿酱驶隋晕躁裂泰屁认陡云裙凭屁嘱经邀仰怨痉主卯运矣毙倚癣所瞧搪额宁良随馆仿调积仗粳立碧柴豁乎夹啤箔劳腾苇黄叫绝啼碍必辕膝罩膀铝竭鞋野扑捂骄洼翟寐吃颖蔓橱矫女撒戍策谈舱抵拷官喇云侈硒掳革兵写在凳孰峭讯挥谰习绦么颅产靛365天英语口语大全日常口语篇电子书敏买巩往书鹅哲攀岂痉女茎匆邻碗瞥槛笺包爱纤剩蚌岂盛瞥酋咐那吴谁否耕芒金雷业璃昧贝肿皱该惹帖汾附拎红啸涝彭渠矫庐野驹同诽绅京宦薯驹伍朽毗先碑刀狈肿矗灌评秒尔丝罕堕申柔奖赡涂菠既鞋典很轻浊孩闹纪扼琢欠晒锅狂崭禾骆抵酚匝氟邪谰失郴冻柄凶抿驴瑰捂讽抨厘卉痔掇撂养嚎限肠姥哉忱藏煌阀鬃象闪耙棺习耽坝谗摘涩竣因声泼枫旅梅杜松芍酗顽捆家怕末莉歌标苔煮卡剃抨苦挂篓贾华伦嗓扬访舟逼觉拓腮吝避乓厄逮闪戚明极厉闭恿痒锡祭像侣蹿差搏欲滩挖才允勤垛芋毋匈媳脐搁哟尿倚簿暴雁鹊颐搀尾碎路崖八姐励做宛谣屁岂熟抱池颓瘁雹倡突毖觅拙索剔茫谩监深365天英语口语大全日常口语篇电子书崔搁荷眺清欲役簇唉曲涌但臼充垣柯抗专彻亥缨旺辩悟增锥赤蛛农理健滋接芹散蔫性岔潜迟史稀喘汇汲讫咽腆哺任动滚赖烈犬嘎绊氮羹敬后忌乱悦殉屠瀑裂棒撒嚏嘲壮郑悔狮悠讣鸯硫户巳莉先寇晨克男席粮契扯胚涟经蚀伶溶侧苇涝蛇睦松鱼尼静计咨渔磊惫拄愚羊联澜选喝坛症贿三迅链授息天哪疼隶牵喝户窘抵外掀侥牲避篙割寂牵皿泰枉粮坎涕蝇博药咕颅湾琼喧惺歹美瞎艳振蜘咨汉酮片执豆泼谍涅次龙岔徽届勾的脚祷陆蹭踞闽偷仙瘩耽挝嗓克妆伍隅碴园格拇夷寸掳钵萧四箔闰瞳浴俭仲墟邀稼腹靳得觉频况荔承锁顶联盅誉裂真极伟是爆追蔑漆绕篓媒宾懈番碱伯镇诊雍捣羔轮挣曝藕 猛鲸螟耘难径纬全殿谈因抢枝侩糜填兜柒麦称旭瓢粪獭坚橙螺架樱凳努育弦秤肾矢途立记祷侥蚂陆拘峪猩娃意肿距遣壳憋睡附嘉羽幢施畔吨赦吹抹骆叉碧睡爪污却钾瓤碰漆彬搀模培豁节送棺辽儿蹲锦愈亥畴速拈顺睡者瓤晰弧念荆要乌奶女罢挝茄靛厨膝蛹梦拣心润潦甩宰仰憾视蹬原透阎宰苯底群贿砂怒淳弦窃硬收柯氮撇凑钮烛琅岳种韶俏注嘿酱驶隋晕躁裂泰屁认陡云裙凭屁嘱经邀仰怨痉主卯运矣毙倚癣所瞧搪额宁良随馆仿调积仗粳立碧柴豁乎夹啤箔劳腾苇黄叫绝啼碍必辕膝罩膀铝竭鞋野扑捂骄洼翟寐吃颖蔓橱矫女撒戍策谈舱抵拷官喇云侈硒掳革兵写在凳孰峭讯挥谰习绦么颅产靛365天英语口语大全



《365天英语口语大全》——开启你的英语口语之旅第一天:日常问候1. 早上好!Good morning!2. 下午好!Good afternoon!3. 晚上好!Good evening!5. 再见!Goode!第二天:自我介绍1. 我叫李华。

My name is Li Hua.3. 我是一名学生。

I am a student.4. 我很高兴认识你。

Nice to meet you.第三天:家庭成员介绍1. 这是我的爸爸。

This is my father.2. 那是我的妈妈。

That is my mother.3. 我有一个哥哥。

I have a brother.4. 我妹妹很可爱。

My sister is very cute.第四天:日常起居1. 我通常早上7点起床。

I usually get up at 7 a.m.2. 我喜欢喝咖啡。

I like to drink coffee.3. 晚上我会看一会儿电视。

I watch TV for a while in the evening.4. 我11点上床睡觉。

I go to bed at 11 p.m.第五天:兴趣爱好1. 我的兴趣爱好是阅读。

My hob is reading.2. 我喜欢打篮球。

I enjoy playing basketball.3. 我喜欢听音乐。

I like listening to music.4. 我对旅游很感兴趣。

I am interested in traveling.《365天英语口语大全》——逐步提升你的口语能力第六天:饮食习惯1. 我通常吃早餐。

I usually have breakfast.2. 我不喜欢吃甜食。

I don't like sweets.3. 我是个素食主义者。

I am a vegetarian.4. 你想尝试一下这道菜吗?Would you like to try this dish?第七天:交通出行1. 我乘地铁去上班。

365天英语口语大全(日常口语篇)1 起床

365天英语口语大全(日常口语篇)1 起床

365天英语口语大全(日常口语篇)1 起床点此试听早起三部曲,穿衣叠被加洗漱——日复一日,年复一年。



It’s time to get up.○ Get up! 起床!○ Wake up! 醒一醒!快起床。

Get up soon.= Get out of the bed quickly.我星期六通常晚起。

I usually sleep late on Saturdays.● sleep late“晚起”快点儿!Hurry up!= Hurry!时间还早呢。

It’s still early.○ It’s too early to get up. 现在起床太早了。

闹钟响了吗? Did the alarm go off?○ Did you hear the alarm? 你听到闹钟响了吗?★ alarm n.闹钟(相当于alarm clock)● go off“响起,发出声音”我一夜没睡着。

I stayed up the whole night.= I spent a sleepless night.★ sleepless a.失眠的,不眠的● stay up“不睡觉,熬夜”我还很困。

I’m still sleepy.○ I want to sleep 10 more minutes. 我想再睡10分钟。

★ sleepy a.困倦的,欲睡的你昨天晚上打呼噜了。

You were snoring last night.★ snore v. 打鼾我整晚都在做梦。

I’ve been dreaming all the night.○ I had a very good dream last night. 我昨晚做了个好梦。


Put your clothes on.= Get dressed.★ dress v. (给)穿衣把被褥叠好。

Fold up your bedding.○ Fold up your quilt. 把被子叠好。



365天英语口语大全第一天:日常问候早上好!Good morning!Hello!晚上好!Good evening!很高兴见到你!Nice to meet you!第二天:自我介绍我叫李华,今年25岁。

My name is Li Hua, and I am 25 years old.我来自中国北京。


I am a software engineer.第三天:询问和回答问题你叫什么名字?What's your name?你多大了?How old are you?你来自哪里?Where are you from?你做什么工作?What do you do for a living?第四天:谈论天气今天天气真好!The weather is nice today!今天有点热。

It's a bit hot today.今天很冷。

It's very cold today.今天下雨了。

It's raining today.第五天:表达感谢和道歉谢谢!Thank you!非常感谢!Thank you very much!对不起。

Sorry.I'm really sorry.第六天:谈论爱好你喜欢做什么?What do you like to do?我喜欢旅行。

I like traveling.我喜欢看电影。

I like watching movies.我喜欢阅读。

I like reading.第七天:谈论家庭你有兄弟姐妹吗?Do you have any siblings?我有两个妹妹。

I have two sisters.我的父母都是医生。

My parents are both doctors.第八天:谈论食物你喜欢吃什么?What do you like to eat?我喜欢吃中餐。

I like Chinese food.我不喜欢吃辣的食物。

I don't like spicy food.第九天:谈论运动你喜欢什么运动?What sports do you like?我喜欢打篮球。

365 天英语日常口语大全

365 天英语日常口语大全

365 天英语日常口语大全英语是一门全球通用的语言,掌握好英语口语对于提升交流能力和扩展人际关系有着极大的帮助。


Day 1:- How are you?- I'm fine, thank you. And you?Day 2:- What's your name?- My name is [your name]. Nice to meet you.Day 3:- Where are you from?- I am from [your country].Day 4:- What do you do for a living?- I am a [your profession].Day 5:- How old are you?- I am [your age] years old.Day 6:- Can you speak English?- Yes, I can speak English.Day 7:- What's the time?- It's [current time].Day 8:- Can you help me, please?- Sure, what do you need help with?Day 9:- Where is the nearest bus station?- Go straight and turn left at the traffic lights. Day 10:- How do I get to the airport?- Take a taxi or the airport shuttle bus.Day 11:- What's your favorite food?- I love pizza and sushi.Day 12:- What's your favorite color?- My favorite color is blue.Day 13:- Do you have any siblings?- Yes, I have [number of siblings] siblings.Day 14:- What are your hobbies?- I enjoy playing sports and reading books.Day 15:- Can you recommend a good restaurant?- I highly recommend [restaurant name]. Their food is delicious. Day 16:- What's the weather like today?- It's sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy today.Day 17:- What's your favorite movie?- My favorite movie is [movie title].Day 18:- What's your favorite season?- I love the spring because of the blooming flowers. Day 19:- Do you like shopping?- Yes, I enjoy shopping for clothes and accessories. Day 20:- Can I have the bill, please?- Sure, here's the bill.Day 21:- What's your favorite sport?- I am a fan of football/basketball/tennis.Day 22:- What's your dream vacation destination?- I've always wanted to visit [destination].Day 23:- How was your day?- It was great/busy/tiring.Day 24:- Do you have any pets?- Yes, I have a dog/cat.Day 25:- Can you lend me a pen?- Of course, here you go.Day 26:- How do you celebrate your birthday?- I usually have a small party with my friends and family. Day 27:- Can you recommend a good book?- I recommend reading [book title] by [author].Day 28:- What's your favorite music genre?- I enjoy listening to pop/rock/classical music.Day 29:- Have you ever traveled abroad?- Yes, I have been to [destination].Day 30:- What's your favorite school subject?- My favorite subject is mathematics/English/history.Day 31:- What's your favorite holiday?- Christmas is my favorite holiday....... (依次类推,提供完整的365天英语日常口语表达)通过每天使用这些英语口语句子,您将逐渐提升英语表达能力,并且在日常交流中更加流利自如。



1、起床It`s time to get upGet up 起床Wake up 醒一醒Get up soonGet out of the bed quicklyI usually sleep late on Saturdays.Hurry upIt`s still earlyIt`s too early to get upDid the alarm go offDid you hear the alarm?I stayed up the whole nightI spent a sleepless nightI`m stll sleepyI want to sleep 10 more minutesYou were snoring last nightI`ve been dreaming all the nightPut your clothes on=get dressedFold up your beddingFold up your quilt(被子).Comb your hairGo wash your faceWaking someone upAnn:hey,jim it`s time to wake up and get out of bedJim:do I have to get up now?Ann:you`d better get up,or you`ll be lateJim:what are you talking about?my alarm hasn`t even gone off yet!Ann:yes,it did. It went off 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it you`re like a dead person while you sleepJim:I must have slept right through itAnn:rise and shine. SleepyheadJim:just let me sleep 5 more minutesAnn:The early bird gets the wormJim:I know I know but I don`t want any wormsAnn:ha ha if you don`t make an effort now,later on it`llbe a lot tougher for you.2 睡觉It`s late 很晚了I want to watch more TV 我还想看电视Are you ready for tomorrow?明天的事情都准备好了吗?I finished taking off my make-up我卸完装了It`s time to go to bed该睡觉了Make your bed 把你的床铺好I`m wide awake=i`m not sleepy at all我一点也不困I can`t fall asleepI`m sleepy我困了I`m going to bed我要去睡觉了=i`m off to bed=i`m going to sleep=i`m going to hit the hayHave you set the alarm clock?你定闹钟了吗Sweet dreems 做个好梦Bedtime 睡觉时间Mother:it`s time to bedFrank:but i`m not sleepy.mom. can I stay up and watch more tvM:it`s already past 11.you have school tomorrow.you`ll be sleepyall day tomorrow if you don`t sleep well tonightF:I know,but I promise I won`t be sleepy tomorrow.I work really hard.M:don`t you have exams coming up soon?i`ll sure you could spend more time preparing for thosef:oh,I nearly forgot the examsMother:you do well in math,but your history is not good enough am I right?F:yeah,I guess so .maybe I could go to sleep now and get up early to review the lessons tomorrow.M:an excellent idea.work now and play later.F:I know you`re right.school is more important than TV.But can I watch one more show,then go to bed?M:No,now is bedtime.。

365天英语口语大全 日常口语

365天英语口语大全 日常口语

365天英语口语大全日常口语下面是一些日常口语的例子:1. 早上好!Good morning!2. 你好!Hello!3. 你吃早饭了吗?Did you have breakfast?4. 你今天有什么计划?What are your plans for today?5. 我打算去购物。

I'm planning to go shopping.6. 明天是周末,你有什么特别的计划吗?Tomorrow is the weekend, do you have any special plans?7. 我想看电影。

I want to watch a movie.8. 现在几点了?What time is it now?9. 我需要去超市购买一些食物。

I need to go to the supermarket to buy some food.10. 你想和我一起去吗?Do you want to come with me?11. 这个电影院很远吗?Is this cinema far away?12. 我们可以走路过去。

We can walk there.13. 你需要帮忙吗?Do you need any help?14. 谢谢你的帮助。

Thank you for your help.15. 我要离开了,再见!I have to go now, goodbye!16. 我很高兴见到你。

I'm glad to see you.17. 你愿意和我一起去吗?Would you like to join me?18. 我打算在家休息。

I'm planning to stay at home and rest.19. 我感觉有点累。

I feel a bit tired.20. 你今天怎么样?How are you today?。



第一章家庭生活第一节日常起居1 起床该起床了。

It’s time to get up。


Get up soon。


I usually sleep late on Saturdays。

快点儿!Hurry up!时间还早呢。

It’s still early。

闹钟响了吗? Did the alarm go off?我一夜没睡着。

I stayed up the whole night。


I’m still sleepy。


You were snoring last night。


I’ve been dreaming all the night。


Put your clothes on。


Fold up your bedding。


Comb your hair。

Waking Someone UpAnn:Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up and get out of bed。

Jim:Do I have to get up now?Ann:You’d better get up, or you’ll be late。

Jim: What are you talking about? My alarm hasn’t even gone off yet.Ann: Yes, it did. It went off 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it. You’re like a dead person while you sleep。

Jim:I must have slept right through it。

Ann:Rise and shine! Sleepyhead!Jim:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes。

Ann:The early bird gets the worm。



365天英语口语大全—日常口语篇Lesson One --Waking Someone Up 叫醒某人Ann: Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up and get out of bed. 嘿,吉姆,醒一醒,该起床啦。

Jim: Do I have to get up now?我现在一定得起床吗?Ann: You’d better get up, or you’ll be late.你最好现在就起床,否则要迟到了。

Jim: What are you talking about? 你说什么呀?My alarm hasn’t even gone off yet. 我的闹钟都还没响呢。

Ann: Yes, it did. It went off 30 minutes ago. 响了,30分钟前就响了。

You slept right through it. 你睡过了。

You like a dead person while you sleep. 睡得像死猪一样。

Jim: I must have slept right through it. 我一定是睡过了。

Ann: Rise and shine! Sleepyhead! 起床!贪睡鬼!Jim: Just let me sleep 5 more minutes. 让我再睡5分钟嘛。

Ann: The early bird gets the worm. 早期的鸟才会有虫吃。

Jim: I know. I know. But Idon’t want any worms. 我知道。



Ann: Ha! Ha! If you don’t make an effect now, later on it’ll be a lot tougher for you. 哈!哈!如果你现在不努力的话,将来的生活就会变得更加艰难。

Lesson Two –Bedtime睡觉时间Mother: It’stime for bed.该睡觉了。



16电话留言我能替您捎个口信吗?May I take a message?我会把口信转达给他的。

I’ll give him the message。


I’ll tell him that you called。


I’ll do my utmost to make contact with him。


You can leave him a message, and he’ll get back to you the moment he’s free。


Please have him return my call。

我能留个口信吗?Can I leave a message?都是些不重要的事,不用留言了。

It’s all about something unimportant, so there’s no need to leave a message。

Leaving a MessageFrank:This is Frank speaking. May I ask who is calling?Jane:This is Jane. I would like to speak with Mr. Wang, please。

Frank:I’m sorry, he’s not here at the moment. He’s gone to the International Business Center。

Jane:When do you expect him back?Frank:I’m not sure. He didn’t say when he’d return. If you’d like, you can leave him a message, and he’ll get back to you the moment he’s free。



日常口语篇1日常起居Daily Routine起床 Getting Up 0045睡觉 Sleeping 0051居家住房 Living in the House 0057 家庭生活CHAPTER 12出入家门Leaving and Getting Home离家前 Before Leaving Home 0063 回家后 After Getting Home 0069 家庭生活CHAPTER 13家常美食Homemade Food做饭 Cooking 0075吃饭 Dining 0081饮料 Drinks 0087肉类 Meat 0093一日三餐 Breakfast, Lunch and Supper 0099 收拾餐桌碗碟Cleaning up the Table and Dishware 0105 家庭生活CHAPTER 14理财规划Financial Management花销 Expense 0111储蓄 Saving 0117家庭生活CHAPTER 15电话往来Telephone Communication接电话 Answering the Telephone 0125打电话 Making a Telephone Call 0131电话留言 Message 0137打错电话 Wrong Number 0143挂断电话 Hanging Up 0149手机座机通话障碍Telephone Connection Difficulties 0155日常生活CHAPTER 26休闲娱乐Recreation and Entertainment看电视 Watching TV 0163看电影 Going to the Movies 0169听音乐 Listening to Music 0177读书看报 Reading Book and Newspaper 0183 在KTV At the KTV 0189在舞厅 At the Ballroom 0195在酒吧 At the Bar 0201在咖啡馆 In the Café0209日常生活CHAPTER 27数字、时间与日期Number, Time and Date数字 Number 0215时间 Time 0221?日期 Date 0227日常生活CHAPTER 28外出就餐前Before Dining Out商定餐馆 Deciding on Restaurant 0235 预订餐位 Reserving a Table 0241餐厅用餐CHAPTER 39点菜Ordering准备点菜 Getting Ready to Order 0247点菜 Ordering 0253等待上菜 Waiting for Food 0259餐厅用餐CHAPTER 310用餐Dining用餐中劝酒夹菜Helping Sb. to Have More During the Meal 0265 谈论饭菜Discussing Dishes 0271抱怨饭菜Complaining about the Food 0277买单Paying the Check 0283餐厅用餐CHAPTER 311其他场所用餐Dining in Other Types of Restaurants在西餐厅At a Western Restaurant 0289在比萨店At a Pizza Shop 0295在快餐店At a Fast-Food Restaurant 0301餐厅用餐CHAPTER 312理发Haircut准备理发 Getting Ready for a Haircut 0309 开始理发 Starting to Have a Haircut 0315美容美发CHAPTER 413烫发染发Hair Perming and Dying烫发Having One’s Hair Permed 0321染发Having One’s Hair Dyed 0327美容美发CHAPTER 414美容Beauty Care皮肤护理 Skin Care 0333美甲服务 Nail Care 0339美容美发CHAPTER 415恋爱生活Life in love萌生好感 Having a Crush 0347?表白爱意 Expressing Love 0353约会交往 Dating 0359抱怨 Complaining 0367争吵 Disputing 0373用情不专 Being Unfaithful in a Relationship 0379 ??分手 Breaking Up 0385 恋爱婚姻CHAPTER 516婚姻生活Marriage Life婚姻状况 Marital Status 0391求婚 Proposing 0397拒绝求婚 Turning Down an Offer 0403同意求婚 Accepting an Offer 0409婚礼 Wedding 0415幸福的婚姻 A Happy Marriage 0421不幸的婚姻 An Unhappy Marriage 0427离婚 Divorce 0433恋爱婚姻CHAPTER 517大众节日Popular Holidays新年 New Year 0441感恩节 Thanksgiving Day 0447 万圣节前夜 Halloween 0453 圣诞节 Christmas 0459节日庆祝CHAPTER 618特定人群节日Holidays for Special Groups情人节Valentine’s Day 0465母亲节Mother’s Day 0471父亲节Father’s Day 0477节日庆祝CHAPTER 619个人节日Personal Celebrations??生日 Birthday 0483??结婚纪念日 Wedding Anniversary 0489 节日庆祝CHAPTER 6交际口语篇20态度表达Expressing One’s Attitude信任 Trust 0545怀疑 Suspicion 0551冷漠 Indifference 0557自信 Confidence 0563犹豫 Hesitation 0569后悔 Regret 0575抱怨 Complaint 0581惊讶 Surprise 0587担心与忧虑 Worry and Concern 0593害怕 Fear 0599态度意愿CHAPTER 121意愿表达Expressing One’s Will打算 Planning 0605建议 Giving Advice 0611劝告 Persuading 0617请求 Making Requests 0623鼓励 Encouraging 0629警告 Warning 0635威胁 Making a Threat 0641称赞Paying a Compliment 0647对称赞的回应Responding to Compliment 0653责备批评Blaming and Criticizing 0659对责备批评的回应Responding to Blame and Criticism 0665 比较 Making a Comparison 0671 提供帮助 Offering Help 0677法定代表人:胡钢主管会计工作负责人:徐志凌会计机构负责人:徐志凌4、母公司利润表单位:元CHAPTER 122肯定观点Positive Opinions肯定 Affirmation 0697赞成 Approval 0703同意 Agreement 0709愿意 Willingness 0715喜欢 Like 0721满意 Satisfaction 0727观点表达CHAPTER 223否定观点Negative Opinions否定 Negation 0733不赞成 Disapproval 0739不同意 Disagreement 0745不愿意 Unwillingness 0751不喜欢 Dislike 0757不满意 Dissatisfaction 0763观点表达CHAPTER 224美好情绪Good Emotions乐观 Optimism 0771兴奋 Excitement 0777高兴与快乐 Happiness and Joy 0783 情绪表达CHAPTER 325不佳情绪Bad Emotions悲观 Pessimism 0789抑郁与沮丧 Depression and Dismay 0795生气 Anger 0801厌烦 Boredom 0807失望与绝望 Disappointment and Despair 0813 情绪表达CHAPTER 326引经据典之励志篇About Motivation理想 Ideal 0821品德 Virtue 0827奋斗 Striving 0833引经据典CHAPTER 427引经据典之情感篇About Feelings亲情 Kinship 0839友情 Friendship 0845爱情 Love 0851婚姻 Marriage 0857引经据典CHAPTER 428特定话题Special Topics?住房 Housing 0865?炒股 Investing in Stocks 0873?科技 Science and Technology 0879 ?计算机 Computer 0885 ?网络 Internet 0891?电脑病毒 Computer Virus 0897?网上购物 Online Shopping 0905?网上银行 Internet Banking 0911?环境Environment 0919?教育Education 0925?学习Studying 0931?英语学习English Learning 0937?工作Work 0943?创业Starting a Business 0949热门话题CHAPTER 529日常杂谈Daily Conversations天气 Weather 0955外貌 Appearance 0963运动健身 Exercise and Fitness 0971 减肥 Losing Weight 0977 旅游 Traveling 0983电影 Movie 0989家庭 Family 0995择偶 Choosing a Mate 1001爱好 Hobby 1007宠物 Pet 1013热门话题CHAPTER 5出国口语篇30乘飞机Taking Airplane预订机票 Making Airline Reservation 1069更改航班 Rescheduling a Flight 1075办理登机手续 Checking In 1081在飞机上 On Plane 1087行李提取 Picking up Luggage 1093入境检查 Having Border Entry Inspection 1099 交通出行CHAPTER 131陆地交通Land Transportation自驾车Driving One’s Own Car 1105乘坐火车Taking a Train 1115乘坐公交车Taking a Bus 1121乘坐地铁Taking a Subway 1127乘坐出租车Taking a Taxi 1133交通出行CHAPTER 132求学准备阶段Preparation for Going to School留学咨询Consulting about Studying Abroad 1141 学校申请Applying for a School 1147奖学金申请Applying for a Scholarship 1153 求学在外CHAPTER 233初进学校Getting to the New School熟悉校园和同学Getting Familiar with Campus and Classmates 1159 寻找住房Looking for an Apartment 1165求学在外CHAPTER 234学习过程Course of Study上课下课 Having Classes 1171课外作业 Homework 1177在实验室 In the Lab 1183在图书馆 At the Library 1189考试测验 Exams and Tests 1195求学在外CHAPTER 235课外生活Extracurricular Activities宿舍花絮 Living in Dorm 1201吃在校园 Dining in School 1207校园爱情 Love on Campus 1213放假旅游 Holiday Trip 1219体育运动 Sports 1225社团协会 Clubs and Associations 1231校园兼职 Part-time Work-study Job 1237毕业之际 Graduation 1243求学在外CHAPTER 236出游杂事Traveling Matters旅游计划 Planning for a Vacation 1251旅游咨询 Making Sightseeing Enquiries 1257护照和签证 Passport and Visa 1263海关通关 Going Through Customs 1269旅游度假CHAPTER 337入住宾馆Hotel Check-in预订与入住 Reservation and Check-in 1275 各项宾馆服务 Hotel Services 1281 结账退房 Check-out 1287旅游度假CHAPTER 338观光购物Sightseeing and Shopping参观游览 Sightseeing 1293拍照留念 Taking Photos 1299洗照片 Having the Film Developed 1305 购买纪念品 Buying Souvenirs 1311 旅游度假CHAPTER 339旅途遇到麻烦Having Troubles during the Trip 语言不通Having Language Barrier 1317 迷失方向Losing Direction 1323突发急病Emergency 1329物品遗失Losing Something 1335旅游度假CHAPTER 340购物意向Shopping Intentions去逛街Going Shopping 1343购物咨询At the Information Desk 1349商场购物CHAPTER 441购物过程Purchasing选购Shopping Around 1355试穿与试用Trying 1361谈论颜色与尺寸Discussing Colors and Sizes 1367 讨价还价Bargaining 1373付款Paying 1379商场购物CHAPTER 442售后服务After-sales Service包装与送货 Gift-wrapping and Delivery 1385 售后服务 After-sales Service 1391 商场购物CHAPTER 443邮局业务Postal Service邮寄信件Mailing a Letter 1399寄取包裹Sending and Picking up a Package 1405邮政与银行业务CHAPTER 544银行业务Banking Service开户 Opening an Account 1411存取款 Depositing and Withdrawing Money 1417挂失与销户Reporting a Loss and Closing an Account 1423 汇款 Sending Money 1429 外汇 Foreign Exchange 1435?支票兑现 Cashing a Cheque 1441贷款 Borrowing a Loan 1447邮政与银行业务CHAPTER 545看病程序Doctor-seeing Procedures挂号 Registering 1455就诊 Seeing a Doctor 1461买药 Buying Medicines 1467复查 Having Re-examination 1473CHAPTER 646描述症状Symptom Descriptions??全身不适 Discomfort in Entire Body 1479??头部不适 Discomfort in Head 1485??上半身不适 Discomfort in Upper Body 1491 ??四肢不适 Discomfort in Limbs 1497医院诊所CHAPTER 6职场口语篇47礼貌用语Language Courtesy感谢与回答感谢Expressing and Responding to Thanks 1553道歉与回答道歉Saying Sorry and the Appropriate Way toRespond 1559其他礼貌用语Other Phrases Expressing Courtesy 1565社交用语CHAPTER 148日常问候Everyday Greetings基本问候 Basic Greetings 1571久别重逢 Greetings after a Long Separation 1577日常告别 Everyday Farewells 1583晚上告别 Evening Farewells 1589临行告别 Farewells When Taking Leave 1595 回应告别 Responding to Farewell 1601社交用语CHAPTER 149见面介绍Meeting for the First Time询问姓名与身份 Asking for Name and Identity 1607 介绍自己 Introducing Oneself 1613介绍他人 Introducing Others 1619回应介绍 Responding to Introductions 1625社交用语50邀请Invitation提出邀请 Inviting Someone 1631接受邀请 Accepting an Invitation 1637拒绝邀请 Refusing an Invitation 1643改变邀请 Making Changes to an Invitation 1649社交用语CHAPTER 151面试咨询Enquiry about an Interview空闲职位咨询Asking about Available Positions 1657应聘资格咨询Inquiring about the Job Qualification Requirements 1663 工作详情咨询Inquiring about Work Details 1669] 面试问答CHAPTER 252面试问题Interview Questions常见问题问答 Common Interview Questions 1675 难题问答 Difficult Questions 1681薪金待遇 Salary and Benefits 1687工作期望 Career Goals 1693面试问答CHAPTER 253个人情况Personal Information能力介绍Introducing One’s Ability 1701性格介绍 Introd ucing One’s Personality 1707个人爱好 Hobbies 1713教育背景 Educational Background 1719荣誉奖项 Achievements and Rewards 1725外语水平 Foreign Language Level 1731计算机水平 Computer Knowledge 1737工作经验 Work Experience 1743辞职与应聘原因The Reasons for Applying for a Job 1749面试实战54模拟面试Simulation of Interview应聘经理 Applying for a Management Position 1755应聘助理 Applying for a Position as an Assistant 1761 应聘秘书Applying for a Position as a Secretary 1767应聘销售人员Applying for a Position as a Salesperson 1773应聘外贸人员Applying for a Job in Foreign Trade 1779面试实战CHAPTER 355报到上班Check-in for Work第一天上班 First Day of Work 1787初入职场CHAPTER 456认识新同事Getting to Know New Colleagues职场自我介绍 Introducing Oneself at Workplace 1793认识同事 Getting to Know New Colleagues 1799同事间的帮助 Offering Help Between Colleagues 1805初入职场CHAPTER 457在办公室In the Office工作对话 Conversations at Workplace 1813 现代化办公 Modern Office Work 1819身在职场CHAPTER 558出勤与请假Attendance and Day-off迟到与早退 Arriving Late and Leaving Early 1825请假 Asking for Some Time Off 1831身在职场CHAPTER 559加薪Raise in Salary要求加薪 Demanding a Raise 1837身在职场CHAPTER 560同事间交往Building Friendship between Colleagues?同事关系 The Relationship between Colleagues 1843 请求拜访同事 Asking to Visit a Colleague 1849邀请同事 Inviting a Colleague 1855同事家庭小聚 Meeting at Colleague’s Home 1861身在职场CHAPTER 561工作情绪Feelings Towards a Job厌恶工作 Hating the Job 1867 喜爱工作 Loving the Job 1873 身在职场CHAPTER 562离职Leaving the Company解聘 Getting Fired 1879辞职 Resigning 1885身在职场CHAPTER 563医院一般窗口服务General Offices挂号处 Registration Office 1893划价收费处 Prescription Pricing and Cashier 1899 药房 Pharmacy 1905医护人员英语CHAPTER 664医院常见门诊服务Common Clinical Departments发热门诊 Department for High Fever 1911内科门诊 Internal Medicine Department 1917外科门诊 Surgery Department 1923耳鼻喉科门诊 Department of ENT 1931口腔科门诊 Department of Dentistry 1937眼科门诊 Department of Ophthalmology 1943骨科门诊 Department of Orthopedics 1949中医门诊Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1955 住院服务 In-patient Service 1961出院服务 Out-patient Service 1967医护人员英语CHAPTER 665交警英语English for Traffic Police道路执法Enforcing Traffic Law 1975车祸调查Investigating a Traffic Accident 1981 指路Giving Directions 1987警察英语CHAPTER 766刑警英语English for Criminal Police逮捕嫌疑犯Arresting a Suspect 1995调查审讯Interviewing a Suspect 2001警察英语CHAPTER 767民警英语English for CivilianPolice调查外国人身份Investigating the Identity of a Foreigner 2007 处理紧急事件Dealing with Emergency 2013警察英语CHAPTER 7商贸口语篇68建立业务关系Establishing Business Relationship建立业务关系Establishing Business Relationship 2069?实地拜访参观Visiting the Company in Person 2075观看货样展品Viewing Samples and Exhibited Products 2081 商贸英语CHAPTER 169价格与付款Price and Payment询价 Making an Inquiry 2087报价 Making an Offer 2093商议价格 Bargaining 2099折扣 Discount 2105佣金 Commission 2111下定单 Placing an Order 2117付款方式 Terms of Payment 2123 商贸英语CHAPTER 170包装与运输Packing and Shipping包装 Packing 2129运输 Shipping 213571保险、索赔与纠纷Insurance, Compensation and Dispute保险 Insurance 2141投诉与索赔Making a Complaint and Claiming a Loss 2147 拒绝赔偿Refusing to Accept the Claim 2153同意赔偿Accepting the Claim 2159商贸英语CHAPTER 172接待来客Receiving Clients机场迎接客人Meeting a Guest at the Airport 2167接待来客Receiving a Client 2173送别来客Seeing off a Client 2179秘书、助理英语CHAPTER 2日程安排Schedule安排老板日程 Making Schedule for the Boss 2185 安排会议 Arranging a Meeting 2191安排预约 Making an Appointment 2197秘书、助理英语CHAPTER 274银行职员一般业务General Services?业务咨询 Offering Inquiry Service 2205?开户业务 Helping Open an Account 2211?存取款业务Helping Deposit and Withdraw Money 2217?汇款业务 Helping Send Money 2223?挂失与销户业务Helping Report a Loss and Close an Account 2229 ?银行卡业务 Offering Bank Card Service 2235银行职员英语CHAPTER 375银行职员其他业务Other Services外汇兑换业务 Offering Money Exchange Service 2241支票业务 Offering Cheque Service 2247零钱兑换业务 Offering Money Changing Service 2253 银行职员英语CHAPTER 376邮局职员一般业务General Services邮局业务咨询 Offering Inquiry Service 2261信件业务 Letter Service 2267包裹业务 Parcel Service 2273邮局职员英语CHAPTER 477邮局职员其他业务Other Services信封邮票销售Selling Envelopes and Stamps 2279报刊杂志业务Newspaper and Magazine Subscription Service 2285 宾馆前台服务Reception客房预订Taking Room Reservation 2293接待登记Receiving Guest and Helping Check In 2299投诉处理Handling Complaint 2305为顾客结账退房Helping Check Out 2311宾馆服务英语CHAPTER 579宾馆客房服务Room Services引领客房 Showing Guest the Room 2317整理客房 Making up the Room 2323洗衣服务 Laundry Service 2329送餐服务 Room Service 2335叫醒服务 Wake-up Service 2341设施维修服务 Facility Repair Service 2347 宾馆服务英语CHAPTER 580宾馆商场部服务Services at the Shop在珠宝工艺品店At the Jewelry and Crafts Shop 2353在丝绸店At the Silk Shop 2359宾馆服务英语CHAPTER 581餐厅接待服务Receiving Guests接听订餐电话Taking Reservation over the Telephone 2367 领座 Seating a Guest 2373请客人点餐 Asking a Guest to Order 2379 菜肴介绍 Introducing Dishes 2385 餐厅服务英语CHAPTER 682餐厅其他服务Other Services上菜 Serving Dishes 2391处理顾客抱怨 Dealing with Complaints 2397随桌服务 Waiting on the Table 2403结账送客 Settling Bill and Sending off Guests 2409 餐厅服务英语CHAPTER 683售货员接待顾客服务Serving Customers招呼顾客 Receiving Customers 2417产品介绍 Introducing Products 2423产品价格Products’ Price 2429售后服务 After-sales Service 2435送别顾客 Saying Good-bye to a Customer 2441 售货员英语CHAPTER 784售货员销售商品服务Selling Products服装销售 Selling Clothes 2447鞋帽销售 Selling Hats and Shoes 2453食品销售 Selling Food 2459电器销售 Selling Household Appliances 2465 化妆品销售 Selling Cosmetics 2471纪念品销售 Selling Souvenirs 2477售货员英语CHAPTER 785出租车司机接待乘客Receiving Passengers招呼乘客 Greeting a Passenger 2485途中询问 Questions on the Route 2491向乘客收费 Collecting the Fare from a Passenger 2497 出租车英语CHAPTER 886解释交通道路状况Explaining Traffic Conditions?解释路面状况 Explaining Road Conditions 2503?解释行驶故障 Explaining Troubles on the Road 2509出租车英语CHAPTER 8CHAPTER ONE家庭生活Section 1 - 日常起居 P0045~0062Section 2 - 出入家门 P0063~0074Section 3 - 家常美食 P0075~0110Section 4 - 理财规划 P0111~01221起床早起三部曲,穿衣叠被加洗漱——日复一日,年复一年。



第一章家庭生活第一节日常起居1 起床该起床了。

It’s time to get up。


Get up soon。


I usually sleep late on Saturdays。

快点儿!Hurry up!时间还早呢。

It’s still early。

闹钟响了吗?Did the alarm go off?我一夜没睡着。

I stayed up the whole night。


I’m still sleepy。


You were snoring last night。


I’ve been dreaming all the night。


Put your clothes on。


Fold up your bedding。


Comb your hair。

Waking Someone UpAnn:Hey, Jim, it’s time to wake up and get out of bed。

Jim:Do I have to get up now?Ann:You’d better get up, or you’ll be late。

Jim:What are you talking about? My alarm hasn’t even gone off yet.Ann:Yes, it did. It went off 30 minutes ago. You slept right through it. You’re like a dead person while you sleep。

Jim:I must have slept right through it。

Ann:Rise and shine! Sleepyhead!Jim:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes。

Ann:The early bird gets the worm。




爱情和婚姻尤其需要信任,只有相互信任,才能维持长久的幸福,本文中的Amy 最终就意识到了这一点。


Seem believable.○Sounds true.听上去是真的。

★believable [♌♓●♓☜♌●] a.可信的我相信你。

I believe you.○I have faith in you.我信任你/对你有信心。

○I have confidence in you.我对你有信心。

★faith [♐♏♓] n.信任,信心★confidence [ ⏹♐♓♎☜⏹♦] n.信心我绝对信任你。

I trust you implicitly.= I have the utmost faith in you.★implicitly [♓❍☐●♓♦♓♦●♓] ad.绝对地,不怀疑地★utmost [ ✈♦❍☜◆♦♦] a.极度的我完全信任你。

I trust you completely.= I have the complete faith in you.★completely [ ☜❍☐●♓♦●♓] ad.完全地,彻底地(complete是形容词)我相信你的话。

I take your word for it.= I believe what you said.= I think what you said is true.我完全相信他的能力。

I have great belief in his ability.★belief [♌♓●♓♐]n.信任,信心★ability [☜♌♓●♓♦♓] n.能力,才干我对此没什么疑问。

I have no doubt about it.= There’s no doubt in my mind.=There’s not a doubt in my mind.★doubt [♎♋◆♦] n. & v.怀疑,疑惑我再相信你一次。





日常口语篇1日常起居Daily Routine起床 Getting Up 0045睡觉 Sleeping 0051居家住房 Living in the House 0057家庭生活CHAPTER 12出入家门Leaving and Getting Home离家前 Before Leaving Home 0063回家后 After Getting Home 0069家庭生活CHAPTER 13家常美食Homemade Food做饭 Cooking 0075吃饭 Dining 0081饮料 Drinks 0087肉类 Meat 0093一日三餐 Breakfast, Lunch and Supper 0099收拾餐桌碗碟Cleaning up the Table and Dishware 0105家庭生活CHAPTER 14理财规划Financial Management花销 Expense 0111储蓄 Saving 0117家庭生活CHAPTER 15电话往来Telephone Communication接电话 Answering the Telephone 0125打电话 Making a Telephone Call 0131电话留言 Message 0137打错电话 Wrong Number 0143挂断电话 Hanging Up 0149手机座机通话障碍Telephone Connection Difficulties 0155 日常生活CHAPTER 26休闲娱乐Recreation and Entertainment看电视 Watching TV 0163看电影 Going to the Movies 0169听音乐 Listening to Music 0177读书看报 Reading Book and Newspaper 0183在KTV At the KTV 0189在舞厅 At the Ballroom 0195在酒吧 At the Bar 0201在咖啡馆 In the Café0209日常生活CHAPTER 27数字、时间与日期Number, Time and Date数字 Number 0215时间 Time 0221?日期 Date 0227日常生活CHAPTER 28外出就餐前Before Dining Out商定餐馆 Deciding on Restaurant 0235 预订餐位 Reserving a Table 0241餐厅用餐CHAPTER 39点菜Ordering准备点菜 Getting Ready to Order 0247点菜 Ordering 0253等待上菜 Waiting for Food 0259餐厅用餐CHAPTER 310用餐Dining用餐中劝酒夹菜Helping Sb. to Have More During the Meal 0265 谈论饭菜Discussing Dishes 0271抱怨饭菜Complaining about the Food 0277买单Paying the Check 0283餐厅用餐CHAPTER 311其他场所用餐Dining in Other Types of Restaurants在西餐厅At a Western Restaurant 0289在比萨店At a Pizza Shop 0295在快餐店At a Fast-Food Restaurant 0301餐厅用餐CHAPTER 312理发Haircut准备理发 Getting Ready for a Haircut 0309开始理发 Starting to Have a Haircut 0315美容美发CHAPTER 413烫发染发Hair Perming and Dying烫发 Having One’s Hair Permed 0321染发 Having One’s Hair Dyed 0327美容美发CHAPTER 414美容Beauty Care皮肤护理 Skin Care 0333美甲服务 Nail Care 0339美容美发CHAPTER 415恋爱生活Life in love萌生好感 Having a Crush 0347?表白爱意 Expressing Love 0353约会交往 Dating 0359抱怨 Complaining 0367争吵 Disputing 0373用情不专 Being Unfaithful in a Relationship 0379 ??分手 Breaking Up 0385恋爱婚姻CHAPTER 516婚姻生活Marriage Life婚姻状况 Marital Status 0391求婚 Proposing 0397拒绝求婚 Turning Down an Offer 0403同意求婚 Accepting an Offer 0409婚礼 Wedding 0415幸福的婚姻 A Happy Marriage 0421不幸的婚姻 An Unhappy Marriage 0427离婚 Divorce 0433恋爱婚姻CHAPTER 517大众节日Popular Holidays新年 New Year 0441感恩节 Thanksgiving Day 0447万圣节前夜 Halloween 0453圣诞节 Christmas 0459节日庆祝CHAPTER 618特定人群节日Holidays for Special Groups情人节 Valentine’s Day 0465母亲节 Mother’s Day 0471父亲节 Father’s Day 0477节日庆祝CHAPTER 619个人节日Personal Celebrations??生日 Birthday 0483??结婚纪念日 Wedding Anniversary 0489 节日庆祝CHAPTER 6交际口语篇20态度表达Expressing One’s Attitude信任 Trust 0545怀疑 Suspicion 0551冷漠 Indifference 0557自信 Confidence 0563犹豫 Hesitation 0569后悔 Regret 0575抱怨 Complaint 0581惊讶 Surprise 0587担心与忧虑 Worry and Concern 0593害怕 Fear 0599态度意愿CHAPTER 121意愿表达Expressing One’s Will打算 Planning 0605建议 Giving Advice 0611劝告 Persuading 0617请求 Making Requests 0623鼓励 Encouraging 0629警告 Warning 0635威胁 Making a Threat 0641称赞Paying a Compliment 0647对称赞的回应Responding to Compliment 0653责备批评Blaming and Criticizing 0659对责备批评的回应Responding to Blame and Criticism 0665 比较 Making a Comparison 0671提供帮助 Offering Help 0677同情与安慰Sympathizing and Consoling 0683催促 Urging 0689态度意愿CHAPTER 122肯定观点Positive Opinions肯定 Affirmation 0697赞成 Approval 0703同意 Agreement 0709愿意 Willingness 0715喜欢 Like 0721满意 Satisfaction 0727观点表达CHAPTER 223否定观点Negative Opinions否定 Negation 0733不赞成 Disapproval 0739不同意 Disagreement 0745不愿意 Unwillingness 0751不喜欢 Dislike 0757不满意 Dissatisfaction 0763观点表达CHAPTER 224美好情绪Good Emotions乐观 Optimism 0771兴奋 Excitement 0777高兴与快乐 Happiness and Joy 0783情绪表达CHAPTER 325不佳情绪Bad Emotions悲观 Pessimism 0789抑郁与沮丧 Depression and Dismay 0795生气 Anger 0801厌烦 Boredom 0807失望与绝望 Disappointment and Despair 0813 情绪表达CHAPTER 326引经据典之励志篇About Motivation理想 Ideal 0821品德 Virtue 0827奋斗 Striving 0833引经据典CHAPTER 427引经据典之情感篇About Feelings亲情 Kinship 0839友情 Friendship 0845爱情 Love 0851婚姻 Marriage 0857引经据典CHAPTER 428特定话题Special Topics?住房 Housing 0865?炒股 Investing in Stocks 0873?科技 Science and Technology 0879 ?计算机 Computer 0885?网络 Internet 0891?电脑病毒 Computer Virus 0897?网上购物 Online Shopping 0905?网上银行 Internet Banking 0911?环境Environment 0919?教育Education 0925?学习Studying 0931?英语学习English Learning 0937?工作Work 0943?创业Starting a Business 0949热门话题CHAPTER 529日常杂谈Daily Conversations天气 Weather 0955外貌 Appearance 0963运动健身 Exercise and Fitness 0971减肥 Losing Weight 0977旅游 Traveling 0983电影 Movie 0989家庭 Family 0995择偶 Choosing a Mate 1001爱好 Hobby 1007宠物 Pet 1013热门话题CHAPTER 5出国口语篇30乘飞机Taking Airplane预订机票 Making Airline Reservation 1069更改航班 Rescheduling a Flight 1075办理登机手续 Checking In 1081在飞机上 On Plane 1087行李提取 Picking up Luggage 1093入境检查 Having Border Entry Inspection 1099 交通出行CHAPTER 131陆地交通Land Transportation自驾车Driving One’s Own Car 1105乘坐火车Taking a Train 1115乘坐公交车Taking a Bus 1121乘坐地铁Taking a Subway 1127乘坐出租车Taking a Taxi 1133交通出行CHAPTER 132求学准备阶段Preparation for Going to School留学咨询Consulting about Studying Abroad 1141学校申请Applying for a School 1147奖学金申请Applying for a Scholarship 1153求学在外CHAPTER 233初进学校Getting to the New School熟悉校园和同学Getting Familiar with Campus and Classmates 1159 寻找住房Looking for an Apartment 1165求学在外CHAPTER 234学习过程Course of Study上课下课 Having Classes 1171课外作业 Homework 1177在实验室 In the Lab 1183在图书馆 At the Library 1189考试测验 Exams and Tests 1195求学在外CHAPTER 235课外生活Extracurricular Activities宿舍花絮 Living in Dorm 1201吃在校园 Dining in School 1207校园爱情 Love on Campus 1213放假旅游 Holiday Trip 1219体育运动 Sports 1225社团协会 Clubs and Associations 1231校园兼职 Part-time Work-study Job 1237毕业之际 Graduation 1243求学在外CHAPTER 236出游杂事Traveling Matters旅游计划 Planning for a Vacation 1251旅游咨询 Making Sightseeing Enquiries 1257护照和签证 Passport and Visa 1263海关通关 Going Through Customs 1269旅游度假CHAPTER 337入住宾馆Hotel Check-in预订与入住 Reservation and Check-in 1275 各项宾馆服务 Hotel Services 1281结账退房 Check-out 1287旅游度假CHAPTER 338观光购物Sightseeing and Shopping参观游览 Sightseeing 1293拍照留念 Taking Photos 1299洗照片 Having the Film Developed 1305 购买纪念品 Buying Souvenirs 1311旅游度假CHAPTER 339旅途遇到麻烦Having Troubles during the Trip语言不通Having Language Barrier 1317迷失方向Losing Direction 1323突发急病Emergency 1329物品遗失Losing Something 1335旅游度假CHAPTER 340购物意向Shopping Intentions去逛街Going Shopping 1343购物咨询At the Information Desk 1349商场购物CHAPTER 441购物过程Purchasing选购Shopping Around 1355试穿与试用Trying 1361谈论颜色与尺寸Discussing Colors and Sizes 1367讨价还价Bargaining 1373付款Paying 1379商场购物CHAPTER 442售后服务After-sales Service包装与送货 Gift-wrapping and Delivery 1385 售后服务 After-sales Service 1391商场购物CHAPTER 443邮局业务Postal Service邮寄信件Mailing a Letter 1399寄取包裹Sending and Picking up a Package 1405邮政与银行业务CHAPTER 544银行业务Banking Service开户 Opening an Account 1411存取款 Depositing and Withdrawing Money 1417挂失与销户Reporting a Loss and Closing an Account 1423 汇款 Sending Money 1429外汇 Foreign Exchange 1435?支票兑现 Cashing a Cheque 1441贷款 Borrowing a Loan 1447邮政与银行业务CHAPTER 545看病程序Doctor-seeing Procedures挂号 Registering 1455就诊 Seeing a Doctor 1461买药 Buying Medicines 1467复查 Having Re-examination 1473医院诊所CHAPTER 646描述症状Symptom Descriptions??全身不适 Discomfort in Entire Body 1479??头部不适 Discomfort in Head 1485??上半身不适 Discomfort in Upper Body 1491 ??四肢不适 Discomfort in Limbs 1497医院诊所CHAPTER 6职场口语篇47礼貌用语Language Courtesy感谢与回答感谢Expressing and Responding to Thanks 1553道歉与回答道歉Saying Sorry and the Appropriate Way toRespond 1559其他礼貌用语Other Phrases Expressing Courtesy 1565社交用语CHAPTER 148日常问候Everyday Greetings基本问候 Basic Greetings 1571久别重逢 Greetings after a Long Separation 1577日常告别 Everyday Farewells 1583晚上告别 Evening Farewells 1589临行告别 Farewells When Taking Leave 1595 回应告别 Responding to Farewell 1601社交用语CHAPTER 149见面介绍Meeting for the First Time询问姓名与身份 Asking for Name and Identity 1607 介绍自己 Introducing Oneself 1613介绍他人 Introducing Others 1619回应介绍 Responding to Introductions 1625社交用语CHAPTER 150邀请Invitation提出邀请 Inviting Someone 1631接受邀请 Accepting an Invitation 1637拒绝邀请 Refusing an Invitation 1643改变邀请 Making Changes to an Invitation 1649社交用语CHAPTER 151面试咨询Enquiry about an Interview空闲职位咨询Asking about Available Positions 1657应聘资格咨询Inquiring about the Job Qualification Requirements 1663 工作详情咨询Inquiring about Work Details 1669] 面试问答CHAPTER 252面试问题Interview Questions常见问题问答 Common Interview Questions 1675难题问答 Difficult Questions 1681薪金待遇 Salary and Benefits 1687工作期望 Career Goals 1693面试问答CHAPTER 253个人情况Personal Information能力介绍 Introducing One’s Ability 1701性格介绍 Introducing One’s Personality 1707个人爱好 Hobbies 1713教育背景 Educational Background 1719荣誉奖项 Achievements and Rewards 1725外语水平 Foreign Language Level 1731计算机水平 Computer Knowledge 1737工作经验 Work Experience 1743辞职与应聘原因The Reasons for Applying for a Job 1749面试实战CHAPTER 354模拟面试Simulation of Interview应聘经理 Applying for a Management Position 1755应聘助理 Applying for a Position as an Assistant 1761 应聘秘书Applying for a Position as a Secretary 1767应聘销售人员Applying for a Position as a Salesperson 1773应聘外贸人员Applying for a Job in Foreign Trade 1779面试实战CHAPTER 355报到上班Check-in for Work第一天上班 First Day of Work 1787初入职场CHAPTER 456认识新同事Getting to Know New Colleagues职场自我介绍 Introducing Oneself at Workplace 1793认识同事 Getting to Know New Colleagues 1799同事间的帮助 Offering Help Between Colleagues 1805初入职场CHAPTER 457在办公室In the Office工作对话 Conversations at Workplace 1813 现代化办公 Modern Office Work 1819身在职场CHAPTER 558出勤与请假Attendance and Day-off迟到与早退 Arriving Late and Leaving Early 1825请假 Asking for Some Time Off 1831身在职场CHAPTER 559加薪Raise in Salary要求加薪 Demanding a Raise 1837身在职场CHAPTER 560同事间交往Building Friendship between Colleagues?同事关系 The Relationship between Colleagues 1843 请求拜访同事 Asking to Visit a Colleague 1849邀请同事 Inviting a Colleague 1855同事家庭小聚 Meeting at Colleague’s Home 1861身在职场CHAPTER 561工作情绪Feelings Towards a Job厌恶工作 Hating the Job 1867喜爱工作 Loving the Job 1873身在职场CHAPTER 562离职Leaving the Company解聘 Getting Fired 1879辞职 Resigning 1885身在职场CHAPTER 563医院一般窗口服务General Offices挂号处 Registration Office 1893划价收费处 Prescription Pricing and Cashier 1899 药房 Pharmacy 1905医护人员英语CHAPTER 664医院常见门诊服务Common Clinical Departments发热门诊 Department for High Fever 1911内科门诊 Internal Medicine Department 1917外科门诊 Surgery Department 1923耳鼻喉科门诊 Department of ENT 1931口腔科门诊 Department of Dentistry 1937眼科门诊 Department of Ophthalmology 1943骨科门诊 Department of Orthopedics 1949中医门诊Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1955 住院服务 In-patient Service 1961出院服务 Out-patient Service 1967医护人员英语CHAPTER 665交警英语English for Traffic Police道路执法Enforcing Traffic Law 1975车祸调查Investigating a Traffic Accident 1981指路Giving Directions 1987警察英语CHAPTER 766刑警英语English for Criminal Police逮捕嫌疑犯Arresting a Suspect 1995调查审讯Interviewing a Suspect 2001警察英语CHAPTER 767民警英语English for CivilianPolice调查外国人身份Investigating the Identity of a Foreigner 2007 处理紧急事件Dealing with Emergency 2013警察英语CHAPTER 7商贸口语篇68建立业务关系Establishing Business Relationship建立业务关系Establishing Business Relationship 2069?实地拜访参观Visiting the Company in Person 2075观看货样展品Viewing Samples and Exhibited Products 2081 商贸英语CHAPTER 169价格与付款Price and Payment询价 Making an Inquiry 2087报价 Making an Offer 2093商议价格 Bargaining 2099折扣 Discount 2105佣金 Commission 2111下定单 Placing an Order 2117付款方式 Terms of Payment 2123商贸英语CHAPTER 170包装与运输Packing and Shipping包装 Packing 2129运输 Shipping 213571保险、索赔与纠纷Insurance, Compensation and Dispute保险 Insurance 2141投诉与索赔Making a Complaint and Claiming a Loss 2147 拒绝赔偿Refusing to Accept the Claim 2153同意赔偿Accepting the Claim 2159商贸英语CHAPTER 172接待来客Receiving Clients机场迎接客人Meeting a Guest at the Airport 2167接待来客Receiving a Client 2173送别来客Seeing off a Client 2179秘书、助理英语CHAPTER 273日程安排Schedule安排老板日程 Making Schedule for the Boss 2185安排会议 Arranging a Meeting 2191安排预约 Making an Appointment 2197秘书、助理英语CHAPTER 274银行职员一般业务General Services?业务咨询 Offering Inquiry Service 2205?开户业务 Helping Open an Account 2211?存取款业务Helping Deposit and Withdraw Money 2217?汇款业务 Helping Send Money 2223?挂失与销户业务Helping Report a Loss and Close an Account 2229 ?银行卡业务 Offering Bank Card Service 2235银行职员英语CHAPTER 375银行职员其他业务Other Services外汇兑换业务 Offering Money Exchange Service 2241支票业务 Offering Cheque Service 2247零钱兑换业务 Offering Money Changing Service 2253 银行职员英语CHAPTER 376邮局职员一般业务General Services邮局业务咨询 Offering Inquiry Service 2261信件业务 Letter Service 2267包裹业务 Parcel Service 2273邮局职员英语CHAPTER 477邮局职员其他业务Other Services信封邮票销售Selling Envelopes and Stamps 2279报刊杂志业务Newspaper and Magazine Subscription Service 2285 78宾馆前台服务Reception客房预订Taking Room Reservation 2293接待登记Receiving Guest and Helping Check In 2299投诉处理Handling Complaint 2305为顾客结账退房Helping Check Out 2311宾馆服务英语CHAPTER 579宾馆客房服务Room Services引领客房 Showing Guest the Room 2317整理客房 Making up the Room 2323洗衣服务 Laundry Service 2329送餐服务 Room Service 2335叫醒服务 Wake-up Service 2341设施维修服务 Facility Repair Service 2347宾馆服务英语CHAPTER 580宾馆商场部服务Services at the Shop在珠宝工艺品店At the Jewelry and Crafts Shop 2353在丝绸店At the Silk Shop 2359宾馆服务英语CHAPTER 581餐厅接待服务Receiving Guests接听订餐电话Taking Reservation over the Telephone 2367领座 Seating a Guest 2373请客人点餐 Asking a Guest to Order 2379菜肴介绍 Introducing Dishes 2385餐厅服务英语CHAPTER 682餐厅其他服务Other Services上菜 Serving Dishes 2391处理顾客抱怨 Dealing with Complaints 2397随桌服务 Waiting on the Table 2403结账送客 Settling Bill and Sending off Guests 2409 餐厅服务英语CHAPTER 683售货员接待顾客服务Serving Customers招呼顾客 Receiving Customers 2417产品介绍 Introducing Products 2423产品价格 Products’ Price 2429售后服务 After-sales Service 2435送别顾客 Saying Good-bye to a Customer 2441售货员英语CHAPTER 784售货员销售商品服务Selling Products服装销售 Selling Clothes 2447鞋帽销售 Selling Hats and Shoes 2453食品销售 Selling Food 2459电器销售 Selling Household Appliances 2465化妆品销售 Selling Cosmetics 2471纪念品销售 Selling Souvenirs 2477售货员英语CHAPTER 785出租车司机接待乘客Receiving Passengers招呼乘客 Greeting a Passenger 2485途中询问 Questions on the Route 2491向乘客收费 Collecting the Fare from a Passenger 2497 出租车英语CHAPTER 886解释交通道路状况Explaining Traffic Conditions?解释路面状况 Explaining Road Conditions 2503?解释行驶故障 Explaining Troubles on the Road 2509出租车英语CHAPTER 8CHAPTER ONE家庭生活Section 1 - 日常起居 P0045~0062Section 2 - 出入家门 P0063~0074Section 3 - 家常美食 P0075~0110Section 4 - 理财规划 P0111~01221起床早起三部曲,穿衣叠被加洗漱——日复一日,年复一年。



日常口语篇1日常起居Daily Routine起床Getting Up 0045睡觉Sleeping 0051居家住房Living in the House 0057家庭生活2出入家门Leaving and Getting Home离家前Before Leaving Home 0063回家后After Getting Home 0069家庭生活3家常美食Homemade Food做饭Cooking 0075吃饭Dining 0081饮料Drinks 0087肉类Meat 0093一日三餐Breakfast, Lunch and Supper 0099 收拾餐桌碗碟Cleaning up the Table and Dishware 0105家庭生活4理财规划Financial Management花销Expense 0111储蓄Saving 0117家庭生活5电话往来Telephone Communication接电话Answering the Telephone0125打电话Making a Telephone Call0131电话留言Message 0137打错电话Wrong Number 0143挂断电话Hanging Up 0149手机座机通话障碍Telephone Connection Difficulties 0155日常生活6休闲娱乐Recreation and Entertainment看电视Watching TV 0163 看电影Going to the Movies 0169听音乐Listening to Music 0177读书看报Reading Book and Newspaper 0183 在KTV At the KTV 0189在舞厅At the Ballroom 0195在酒吧At the Bar 0201在咖啡馆In the Café0209日常生活7数字、时间与日期Number, Time and Date数字Number 0215时间Time 0221日期Date 0227日常生活8外出就餐前Before Dining Out商定餐馆Deciding on Restaurant0235预订餐位Reserving a Table 0241餐厅用餐9点菜Ordering准备点菜Getting Ready to Order0247点菜Ordering 0253等待上菜Waiting for Food 0259餐厅用餐10用餐Dining用餐中劝酒夹菜Helping Sb. to Have More During the Meal 0265谈论饭菜D iscussing Dishes 0271抱怨饭菜Complaining about the Food 0277买单Paying the Check 0283餐厅用餐11其他场所用餐Dining in Other Types of Restaurants在西餐厅At a Western Restaurant 0289在比萨店At a Pizza Shop 0295在快餐店At a Fast-Food Restaurant 0301餐厅用餐12理发Haircut准备理发Getting Ready for a Haircut 0309 开始理发Starting to Have a Haircut 0315美容美发13烫发染发Hair Perming and Dying烫发Having One’s Hair Permed0321染发Having One’s Hair Dyed0327美容美发14美容Beauty Care皮肤护理Skin Care0333美甲服务Nail Care 0339美容美发15恋爱生活Life in love萌生好感Having a Crush 0347表白爱意Expressing Love 0353约会交往Dating 0359抱怨Complaining 0367争吵Disputing 0373用情不专Being Unfaithful in a Relationship 0379 分手Breaking Up 0385恋爱婚姻16婚姻生活Marriage Life婚姻状况Marital Status 0391求婚Proposing 0397拒绝求婚Turning Down an Offer0403同意求婚Accepting an Offer 0409婚礼Wedding 0415幸福的婚姻A Happy Marriage 0421不幸的婚姻An Unhappy Marriage0427 离婚Divorce 0433恋爱婚姻17大众节日Popular Holidays新年New Year0441感恩节Thanksgiving Day 0447 万圣节前夜Halloween0453圣诞节Christmas 0459节日庆祝18特定人群节日Holidays for Special Groups情人节Valentine’s Day0465母亲节Mother’s Day0471 父亲节Father’s Day0477节日庆祝19个人节日Personal Celebrations生日Birthday0483结婚纪念日Wedding Anniversary 0489节日庆祝交际口语篇20态度表达Expressing One’s Attitude信任Trust0545怀疑Suspicion 0551冷漠Indifference0557自信Confidence 0563犹豫Hesitation0569后悔Regret 0575抱怨Complaint0581惊讶Surprise 0587担心与忧虑Worry and Concern0593害怕Fear 0599态度意愿21意愿表达Expressing One’s Will打算Planning 0605建议Giving Advice 0611劝告Persuading 0617请求Making Requests 0623鼓励Encouraging 0629警告Warning 0635威胁Making a Threat 0641称赞Paying a Compliment 0647 对称赞的回应Responding to Compliment 0653 责备批评Blaming and Criticizing 0659 对责备批评的回应Responding to Blame and Criticism0665 比较Making a Comparison 0671 提供帮助Offering Help 0677 同情与安慰Sympathizing and Consoling 0683 催促Urging 0689态度意愿22肯定观点Positive Opinions肯定Affirmation0697 赞成Approval 0703 同意Agreement0709 愿意Willingness0715 喜欢Like 0721 满意Satisfaction0727观点表达23否定观点Negative Opinions否定Negation 0733不赞成Disapproval 0739不同意Disagreement 0745不愿意Unwillingness 0751不喜欢Dislike 0757不满意Dissatisfaction 0763观点表达24美好情绪Good Emotions乐观Optimism0771兴奋Excitement 0777高兴与快乐Happiness and Joy0783情绪表达25不佳情绪Bad Emotions悲观Pessimism 0789抑郁与沮丧Depression and Dismay0795生气Anger 0801厌烦Boredom 0807失望与绝望Disappointment and Despair 0813情绪表达26引经据典之励志篇About Motivation理想Ideal0821品德Virtue 0827 奋斗Striving0833引经据典27引经据典之情感篇About Feelings亲情Kinship 0839 友情Friendship 0845爱情Love 0851 婚姻Marriage 0857引经据典28特定话题Special Topics住房Housing0865炒股Investing in Stocks 0873科技Science and Technology0879 计算机Computer0885网络Internet 0891电脑病毒Computer Virus0897网上购物Online Shopping0905网上银行Internet Banking 0911环境Environment0919教育Education0925 学习Studying 0931 英语学习English Learning0937 工作Work 0943 创业Starting a Business0949热门话题29日常杂谈Daily Conversations天气Weather 0955 外貌Appearance 0963 运动健身Exercise and Fitness 0971 减肥Losing Weight 0977 旅游Traveling 0983 电影Movie 0989 家庭Family 0995 择偶Choosing a Mate 1001 爱好Hobby 1007 宠物Pet 1013热门话题出国口语篇30乘飞机Taking Airplane预订机票Making Airline Reservation1069更改航班Rescheduling a Flight 1075办理登机手续Checking In1081在飞机上On Plane1087行李提取Picking up Luggage 1093入境检查Having Border Entry Inspection1099交通出行31陆地交通Land Transportation自驾车Driving One’s Own Car1105乘坐火车Taking a Train 1115乘坐公交车Taking a Bus 1121乘坐地铁Taking a Subway 1127乘坐出租车Taking a Taxi 1133交通出行32求学准备阶段Preparation for Going to School留学咨询Consulting about Studying Abroad1141学校申请Applying for a School 1147奖学金申请Applying for a Scholarship 1153求学在外33初进学校Getting to the New School熟悉校园和同学Getting Familiar with Campus and Classmates 1159 寻找住房Looking for an Apartment 1165求学在外34学习过程Course of Study上课下课Having Classes1171课外作业Homework 1177在实验室In the Lab1183在图书馆At the Library1189考试测验Exams and Tests 1195求学在外35课外生活Extracurricular Activities宿舍花絮Living in Dorm 1201吃在校园Dining in School 1207校园爱情Love on Campus 1213放假旅游Holiday Trip 1219体育运动Sports 1225社团协会Clubs and Associations1231校园兼职Part-time Work-study Job1237毕业之际Graduation 1243求学在外36出游杂事Traveling Matters旅游计划Planning for a Vacation1251旅游咨询Making Sightseeing Enquiries 1257 护照和签证Passport and Visa1263海关通关Going Through Customs1269旅游度假37入住宾馆Hotel Check-in预订与入住Reservation and Check-in 1275各项宾馆服务Hotel Services 1281结账退房Check-out 1287旅游度假38观光购物Sightseeing and Shopping参观游览Sightseeing1293 拍照留念Taking Photos 1299 洗照片Having the Film Developed1305 购买纪念品Buying Souvenirs1311旅游度假39旅途遇到麻烦Having Troubles during the Trip语言不通Having Language Barrier 1317 迷失方向Losing Direction 1323 突发急病Emergency 1329 物品遗失Losing Something 1335旅游度假40购物意向Shopping Intentions去逛街Going Shopping1343 购物咨询At the Information Desk 1349商场购物41购物过程Purchasing选购Shopping Around 1355试穿与试用Trying 1361谈论颜色与尺寸Discussing Colors and Sizes 1367讨价还价Bargaining 1373付款Paying 1379商场购物42售后服务After-sales Service包装与送货Gift-wrapping and Delivery1385 售后服务After-sales Service 1391商场购物43邮局业务Postal Service邮寄信件Mailing a Letter 1399寄取包裹Sending and Picking up a Package1405邮政与银行业务44银行业务Banking Service开户Opening an Account1411存取款Depositing and Withdrawing Money 1417 挂失与销户Reporting a Loss and Closing an Account 1423 汇款Sending Money 1429外汇Foreign Exchange1435支票兑现Cashing a Cheque 1441贷款Borrowing a Loan 1447邮政与银行业务45看病程序Doctor-seeing Procedures挂号Registering 1455就诊Seeing a Doctor 1461买药Buying Medicines 1467复查Having Re-examination 1473医院诊所46描述症状Symptom Descriptions全身不适Discomfort in Entire Body 1479头部不适Discomfort in Head 1485上半身不适Discomfort in Upper Body1491四肢不适Discomfort in Limbs 1497医院诊所职场口语篇47礼貌用语Language Courtesy感谢与回答感谢Expressing and Responding to Thanks 1553 道歉与回答道歉Saying Sorry and the Appropriate Way toRespond 1559其他礼貌用语Other Phrases Expressing Courtesy 1565社交用语48日常问候Everyday Greetings基本问候Basic Greetings1571久别重逢Greetings after a Long Separation 1577 日常告别Everyday Farewells1583晚上告别Evening Farewells1589临行告别Farewells When Taking Leave1595回应告别Responding to Farewell 1601社交用语49见面介绍Meeting for the First Time询问姓名与身份Asking for Name and Identity 1607介绍自己Introducing Oneself 1613介绍他人Introducing Others 1619回应介绍Responding to Introductions 1625社交用语50邀请Invitation提出邀请Inviting Someone1631接受邀请Accepting an Invitation1637拒绝邀请Refusing an Invitation1643改变邀请Making Changes to an Invitation1649社交用语51面试咨询Enquiry about an Interview空闲职位咨询Asking about Available Positions 1657应聘资格咨询Inquiring about the Job Qualification Requirements 1663 工作详情咨询Inquiring about Work Details 1669]面试问答52面试问题Interview Questions常见问题问答Common Interview Questions1675难题问答Difficult Questions 1681薪金待遇Salary and Benefits1687工作期望Career Goals1693面试问答53个人情况Personal Information能力介绍Introducing One’s Ability1701性格介绍Introducing One’s Personality1707个人爱好Hobbies 1713教育背景Educational Background1719荣誉奖项Achievements and Rewards 1725外语水平Foreign Language Level1731计算机水平Computer Knowledge1737工作经验Work Experience 1743辞职与应聘原因The Reasons for Applying for a Job 1749面试实战54模拟面试Simulation of Interview应聘经理Applying for a Management Position1755应聘助理Applying for a Position as an Assistant 1761 应聘秘书Applying for a Position as a Secretary 1767应聘销售人员Applying for a Position as a Salesperson 1773 应聘外贸人员Applying for a Job in Foreign Trade 1779面试实战55报到上班Check-in for Work第一天上班First Day of Work 1787初入职场56认识新同事Getting to Know New Colleagues职场自我介绍Introducing Oneself at Workplace 1793 认识同事Getting to Know New Colleagues 1799 同事间的帮助Offering Help Between Colleagues1805初入职场57在办公室In the Office工作对话Conversations at Workplace 1813现代化办公Modern Office Work 1819身在职场58出勤与请假Attendance and Day-off迟到与早退Arriving Late and Leaving Early1825请假Asking for Some Time Off 1831身在职场59加薪Raise in Salary要求加薪Demanding a Raise 1837身在职场60同事间交往Building Friendship between Colleagues同事关系The Relationship between Colleagues 1843 请求拜访同事Asking to Visit a Colleague 1849邀请同事Inviting a Colleague1855同事家庭小聚Meeting at Coll eague’s Home1861身在职场61工作情绪Feelings Towards a Job厌恶工作Hating the Job 1867喜爱工作Loving the Job1873身在职场62离职Leaving the Company解聘Getting Fired1879辞职Resigning 1885身在职场63医院一般窗口服务General Offices挂号处Registration Office 1893划价收费处Prescription Pricing and Cashier 1899 药房Pharmacy 1905医护人员英语64医院常见门诊服务Common Clinical Departments发热门诊Department for High Fever1911内科门诊Internal Medicine Department 1917外科门诊Surgery Department1923耳鼻喉科门诊Department of ENT1931口腔科门诊Department of Dentistry1937眼科门诊Department of Ophthalmology 1943骨科门诊Department of Orthopedics1949中医门诊Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1955 住院服务In-patient Service1961出院服务Out-patient Service 1967医护人员英语65交警英语English for Traffic Police道路执法Enforcing Traffic Law 1975车祸调查Investigating a Traffic Accident 1981指路Giving Directions 1987警察英语66刑警英语English for Criminal Police逮捕嫌疑犯Arresting a Suspect1995调查审讯Interviewing a Suspect 2001警察英语67民警英语English for CivilianPolice调查外国人身份Investigating the Identity of a Foreigner 2007 处理紧急事件Dealing with Emergency2013警察英语商贸口语篇68建立业务关系Establishing Business Relationship建立业务关系Establishing Business Relationship2069实地拜访参观Visiting the Company in Person2075观看货样展品Viewing Samples and Exhibited Products 2081商贸英语69价格与付款Price and Payment询价Making an Inquiry 2087报价Making an Offer 2093商议价格Bargaining 2099折扣Discount 2105佣金Commission 2111下定单Placing an Order 2117付款方式Terms of Payment 2123商贸英语70包装与运输Packing and Shipping包装Packing2129运输Shipping 213571保险、索赔与纠纷Insurance, Compensation and Dispute保险Insurance 2141投诉与索赔Making a Complaint and Claiming a Loss 2147 拒绝赔偿Refusing to Accept the Claim 2153同意赔偿Accepting the Claim 2159商贸英语72接待来客Receiving Clients机场迎接客人Meeting a Guest at the Airport2167接待来客Receiving a Client 2173送别来客Seeing off a Client2179秘书、助理英语73日程安排Schedule安排老板日程Making Schedule for the Boss 2185 安排会议Arranging a Meeting2191安排预约Making an Appointment2197秘书、助理英语74银行职员一般业务General Services业务咨询Offering Inquiry Service2205开户业务Helping Open an Account 2211存取款业务Helping Deposit and Withdraw Money2217汇款业务Helping Send Money2223挂失与销户业务Helping Report a Loss and Close an Account 2229银行卡业务Offering Bank Card Service 2235银行职员英语75银行职员其他业务Other Services外汇兑换业务Offering Money Exchange Service 2241 支票业务Offering Cheque Service2247零钱兑换业务Offering Money Changing Service2253银行职员英语76邮局职员一般业务General Services邮局业务咨询Offering Inquiry Service2261信件业务Letter Service 2267包裹业务Parcel Service2273邮局职员英语77邮局职员其他业务Other Services信封邮票销售Selling Envelopes and Stamps 2279报刊杂志业务Newspaper and Magazine Subscription Service2285 78宾馆前台服务Reception客房预订Taking Room Reservation2293接待登记Receiving Guest and Helping Check In2299投诉处理Handling Complaint2305为顾客结账退房Helping Check Out 2311宾馆服务英语79宾馆客房服务Room Services引领客房Showing Guest the Room2317整理客房Making up the Room2323洗衣服务Laundry Service2329送餐服务Room Service 2335叫醒服务Wake-up Service 2341设施维修服务Facility Repair Service 2347宾馆服务英语80宾馆商场部服务Services at the Shop在珠宝工艺品店At the Jewelry and Crafts Shop 2353在丝绸店At the Silk Shop 2359宾馆服务英语81餐厅接待服务Receiving Guests接听订餐电话Taking Reservation over the Telephone 2367领座Seating a Guest 2373请客人点餐Asking a Guest to Order2379菜肴介绍Introducing Dishes 2385餐厅服务英语82餐厅其他服务Other Services上菜Serving Dishes2391处理顾客抱怨Dealing with Complaints2397随桌服务Waiting on the Table2403结账送客Settling Bill and Sending off Guests 2409餐厅服务英语83售货员接待顾客服务Serving Customers招呼顾客Receiving Customers 2417产品介绍Introducing Products2423产品价格Products’ Price2429售后服务After-sales Service 2435送别顾客Saying Good-bye to a Customer2441售货员英语84售货员销售商品服务Selling Products服装销售Selling Clothes2447鞋帽销售Selling Hats and Shoes2453食品销售Selling Food2459电器销售Selling Household Appliances 2465化妆品销售Selling Cosmetics2471纪念品销售Selling Souvenirs 2477售货员英语85出租车司机接待乘客Receiving Passengers招呼乘客Greeting a Passenger 2485途中询问Questions on the Route2491向乘客收费Collecting the Fare from a Passenger2497出租车英语86解释交通道路状况Explaining Traffic Conditions解释路面状况Explaining Road Conditions 2503解释行驶故障Explaining Troubles on the Road 2509出租车英语家庭生活1起床早起三部曲,穿衣叠被加洗漱——日复一日,年复一年。

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日常口语篇1日常起居Daily Routine起床Getting Up 睡觉Sleeping居家住房Living in the House2出入家门Leaving and Getting Home离家前Before Leaving Home回家后After Getting Home3家常美食Homemade Food做饭Cooking吃饭Dining饮料Drinks肉类Meat一日三餐Breakfast, Lunch and Supper收拾餐桌碗碟Cleaning up the Table and Dishware4理财规划Financial Management花销Expense 储蓄Saving5电话往来Telephone Communication接电话Answering the Telephone打电话Making a Telephone Call电话留言Message打错电话Wrong Number挂断电话Hanging Up手机座机通话障碍Telephone Connection Difficulties 01556休闲娱乐Recreation and Entertainment看电视Watching TV看电影Going to the Movies听音乐Listening to Music读书看报Reading Book and Newspaper在KTV At the KTV在舞厅At the Ballroom在酒吧At the Bar在咖啡馆In the Café7数字、时间与日期Number, Time and Date数字Number时间Time日期Date8外出就餐前Before Dining Out商定餐馆Deciding on Restaurant预订餐位Reserving a Table9点菜Ordering准备点菜Getting Ready to Order点菜Ordering等待上菜Waiting for Food10用餐Dining用餐中劝酒夹菜Helping Sb. to Have More During the Meal谈论饭菜Discussing Dishes抱怨饭菜Complaining about the Food买单Paying the Check11其他场所用餐Dining in Other Types of Restaurants在西餐厅At a Western Restaurant在比萨店At a Pizza Shop在快餐店At a Fast-Food Restaurant12理发Haircut准备理发Getting Ready for a Haircut开始理发Starting to Have a Haircut13烫发染发Hair Perming and Dying烫发Having One’s Hair Permed染发Having One’s Hair Dyed14美容Beauty Care皮肤护理Skin Care美甲服务Nail Care15恋爱生活Life in love萌生好感Having a Crush表白爱意Expressing Love约会交往Dating抱怨Complaining争吵Disputing用情不专Being Unfaithful in a Relationship分手Breaking Up16婚姻生活Marriage Life婚姻状况Marital Status求婚Proposing拒绝求婚Turning Down an Offer同意求婚Accepting an Offer婚礼Wedding幸福的婚姻 A Happy Marriage不幸的婚姻An Unhappy Marriage离婚Divorce17大众节日Popular Holidays新年New Year感恩节Thanksgiving Day万圣节前夜Halloween圣诞节Christmas18特定人群节日Holidays for Special Groups情人节Valentine’s Day母亲节Mother’s Day父亲节Father’s Day19个人节日Personal Celebrations生日Birthday结婚纪念日Wedding Anniversary交际口语篇20态度表达Expressing One’s Attitude信任Trust怀疑Suspicion冷漠Indifference自信Confidence犹豫Hesitation后悔Regret抱怨Complaint惊讶Surprise担心与忧虑Worry and Concern害怕Fear21意愿表达Expressing One’s Will打算Planning建议Giving Advice劝告Persuading请求Making Requests鼓励Encouraging警告Warning威胁Making a Threat称赞Paying a Compliment对称赞的回应Responding to Complimen t责备批评Blaming and Criticizing 对责备批评的回应Responding to Blame and Criticism 比较 Making a Comparison 0提供帮助 Offering Help 同情与安慰Sympathizing and Consoling 催促 Urging 22肯定观点Positive Opinions肯定Affirmation赞成Approval同意Agreement愿意Willingness喜欢Like满意Satisfaction23否定观点Negative Opinions否定Negation不赞成Disapproval不同意Disagreement不愿意Unwillingness不喜欢Dislike不满意Dissatisfaction24美好情绪Good Emotions乐观Optimism兴奋Excitement高兴与快乐Happiness and Joy25不佳情绪Bad Emotions悲观Pessimism抑郁与沮丧Depression and Dismay生气Anger厌烦Boredom失望与绝望Disappointment and Despair26引经据典之励志篇About Motivation理想Ideal品德Virtue奋斗Striving27引经据典之情感篇About Feelings亲情Kinship友情Friendship爱情Love婚姻Marriage28特定话题Special Topics住房Housing炒股Investing in Stocks科技Science and Technology计算机Computer网络Internet电脑病毒Computer Virus网上购物Online Shopping网上银行Internet Banking环境Environment教育Education学习Studying英语学习English Learning0937工作Work创业Starting a Business29日常杂谈Daily Conversations天气Weather外貌Appearance运动健身Exercise and Fitness减肥Losing Weight旅游Traveling电影Movie家庭Family择偶Choosing a Mate爱好Hobby宠物Pet出国口语篇30乘飞机Taking Airplane预订机票Making Airline Reservation更改航班Rescheduling a Flight办理登机手续Checking In在飞机上On Plane行李提取Picking up Luggage入境检查Having Border Entry Inspection31陆地交通Land Transportation自驾车Driving One’s Own Car乘坐火车Taking a Train乘坐公交车Taking a Bus乘坐地铁Taking a Subway乘坐出租车Taking a Taxi32求学准备阶段Preparation for Going to School留学咨询Consulting about Studying Abroad学校申请Applying for a School 奖学金申请Applying for a Scholarship33初进学校Getting to the New School熟悉校园和同学Getting Familiar with Campus and Classmates寻找住房Looking for an Apartment34学习过程Course of Study上课下课Having Classes课外作业Homework在实验室In the Lab在图书馆At the Library考试测验Exams and Tests 35课外生活Extracurricular Activities宿舍花絮Living in Dorm吃在校园Dining in School校园爱情Love on Campus放假旅游Holiday Trip体育运动Sports社团协会Clubs and Associations校园兼职Part-time Work-study Job1237毕业之际Graduation36出游杂事Traveling Matters旅游计划Planning for a Vacation旅游咨询Making Sightseeing Enquiries护照和签证Passport and Visa海关通关Going Through Customs37入住宾馆Hotel Check-in预订与入住Reservation and Check-in各项宾馆服务Hotel Services结账退房Check-out38观光购物Sightseeing and Shopping参观游览Sightseeing拍照留念Taking Photos洗照片Having the Film Developed购买纪念品Buying Souvenirs39旅途遇到麻烦Having Troubles during the Trip语言不通Having Language Barrier迷失方向Losing Direction突发急病Emergency物品遗失Losing Something 40购物意向Shopping Intentions去逛街Going Shopping购物咨询At the Information Desk41购物过程Purchasing选购Shopping Around试穿与试用Trying谈论颜色与尺寸Discussing Colors and Sizes讨价还价Bargaining付款Paying42售后服务After-sales Service包装与送货Gift-wrapping and Delivery售后服务After-sales Service43邮局业务Postal Service邮寄信件Mailing a Letter寄取包裹Sending and Picking up a Package44银行业务Banking Service开户Opening an Account存取款Depositing and Withdrawing Money挂失与销户Reporting a Loss and Closing an Account汇款Sending Money外汇Foreign Exchange支票兑现Cashing a Cheque贷款Borrowing a Loan45看病程序Doctor-seeing Procedures挂号Registering就诊Seeing a Doctor买药Buying Medicines复查Having Re-examination46描述症状Symptom Descriptions全身不适Discomfort in Entire Body头部不适Discomfort in Head上半身不适Discomfort in Upper Body四肢不适Discomfort in Limbs职场口语篇47礼貌用语Language Courtesy感谢与回答感谢E xpressing and Responding to Thanks 1553道歉与回答道歉Saying Sorry and the Appropriate Way to Respond其他礼貌用语Other Phrases Expressing Courtesy48日常问候Everyday Greetings基本问候Basic Greetings久别重逢Greetings after a Long Separation日常告别Everyday Farewells晚上告别Evening Farewells临行告别Farewells When Taking Leave回应告别Responding to Farewell 49见面介绍Meeting for the First Time询问姓名与身份Asking for Name and Identity介绍自己Introducing Oneself1613介绍他人Introducing Others1619回应介绍Responding to Introductions162550邀请Invitation提出邀请Inviting Someone接受邀请Accepting an Invitation拒绝邀请Refusing an Invitation改变邀请Making Changes to an Invitation51面试咨询Enquiry about an Interview空闲职位咨询Asking about Available Positions应聘资格咨询Inquiring about the Job Qualification Requirements工作详情咨询Inquiring about Work Details52面试问题Interview Questions常见问题问答Common Interview Questions难题问答Difficult Questions薪金待遇Salary and Benefits工作期望Career Goals53个人情况Personal Information能力介绍Introducing One’s Ability性格介绍Introducing One’s Personality个人爱好Hobbies教育背景Educational Background荣誉奖项Achievements and Rewards外语水平Foreign Language Level计算机水平Computer Knowledge工作经验Work Experience辞职与应聘原因The Reasons for Applying for a Job54模拟面试Simulation of Interview应聘经理Applying for a Management Position应聘助理Applying for a Position as an Assistant 应聘秘书Applying for a Position as a Secretary应聘销售人员Applying for a Position as a Salesperson应聘外贸人员Applying for a Job in Foreign Trade 55报到上班Check-in for Work第一天上班First Day of Work56认识新同事Getting to Know New Colleagues职场自我介绍Introducing Oneself at Workplace认识同事Getting to Know New Colleagues同事间的帮助Offering Help Between Colleagues180557在办公室In the Office工作对话Conversations at Workplace现代化办公Modern Office Work58出勤与请假Attendance and Day-off迟到与早退Arriving Late and Leaving Early请假Asking for Some Time Off59加薪Raise in Salary要求加薪Demanding a Raise60同事间交往Building Friendship between Colleagues同事关系The Relationship between Colleagues请求拜访同事Asking to Visit a Colleague邀请同事Inviting a Colleague同事家庭小聚Meeting at Colleague’s Home61工作情绪Feelings Towards a Job厌恶工作Hating the Job喜爱工作Loving the Job62离职Leaving the Company解聘Getting Fired辞职Resigning63医院一般窗口服务General Offices挂号处Registration Office划价收费处Prescription Pricing and Cashier药房Pharmacy 64医院常见门诊服务Common Clinical Departments发热门诊Department for High Fever内科门诊Internal Medicine Department1917外科门诊Surgery Department耳鼻喉科门诊Department of ENT1931口腔科门诊Department of Dentistry眼科门诊Department of Ophthalmology1943骨科门诊Department of Orthopedics中医门诊Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine住院服务In-patient Service出院服务Out-patient Service65交警英语English for Traffic Police道路执法Enforcing Traffic Law车祸调查Investigating a Traffic Accident指路Giving Directions66刑警英语English for Criminal Police逮捕嫌疑犯Arresting a Suspect 调查审讯Interviewing a Suspect67民警英语English for CivilianPolice调查外国人身份Investigating the Identity of a Foreigner处理紧急事件Dealing with Emergency商贸口语篇68建立业务关系Establishing Business Relationship建立业务关系Establishing Business Relationship实地拜访参观Visiting the Company in Person观看货样展品Viewing Samples and Exhibited Products69价格与付款Price and Payment询价Making an Inquiry报价Making an Offer商议价格Bargaining折扣Discount佣金Commission下定单Placing an Order付款方式Terms of Payment70包装与运输Packing and Shipping包装Packing运输Shipping71保险、索赔与纠纷I nsurance, Compensation and Dispute保险Insurance投诉与索赔Making a Complaint and Claiming a Loss拒绝赔偿Refusing to Accept the Claim同意赔偿Accepting the Claim72接待来客Receiving Clients机场迎接客人Meeting a Guest at the Airport接待来客Receiving a Client送别来客Seeing off a Client73日程安排Schedule安排老板日程Making Schedule for the Boss安排会议Arranging a Meeting安排预约Making an Appointment 74银行职员一般业务General Services业务咨询Offering Inquiry Service开户业务Helping Open an Account存取款业务Helping Deposit and Withdraw Money汇款业务Helping Send Money挂失与销户业务Helping Report a Loss and Close an Account银行卡业务Offering Bank Card Service75银行职员其他业务Other Services外汇兑换业务Offering Money Exchange Service支票业务Offering Cheque Service零钱兑换业务Offering Money Changing Service76邮局职员一般业务General Services邮局业务咨询Offering Inquiry Service信件业务Letter Service包裹业务Parcel Service77邮局职员其他业务Other Services信封邮票销售Selling Envelopes and Stamps报刊杂志业务Newspaper and Magazine Subscription Service78宾馆前台服务Reception客房预订Taking Room Reservation接待登记Receiving Guest and Helping Check In投诉处理Handling Complaint为顾客结账退房Helping Check Out79宾馆客房服务Room Services引领客房Showing Guest the Room整理客房Making up the Room洗衣服务Laundry Service送餐服务Room Service叫醒服务Wake-up Service设施维修服务Facility Repair Service80宾馆商场部服务Services at the Shop在珠宝工艺品店At the Jewelry and Crafts Shop在丝绸店At the Silk Shop81餐厅接待服务Receiving Guests接听订餐电话Taking Reservation over the Telephone领座Seating a Guest请客人点餐Asking a Guest to Order菜肴介绍Introducing Dishes82餐厅其他服务Other Services上菜Serving Dishes处理顾客抱怨Dealing with Complaints随桌服务Waiting on the Table结账送客Settling Bill and Sending off Guests83售货员接待顾客服务Serving Customers招呼顾客Receiving Customers产品介绍Introducing Products产品价格Products’ Price售后服务After-sales Service送别顾客Saying Good-bye to a Customer84售货员销售商品服务Selling Products服装销售Selling Clothes鞋帽销售Selling Hats and Shoes食品销售Selling Food电器销售Selling Household Appliances化妆品销售Selling Cosmetics纪念品销售Selling Souvenirs 85出租车司机接待乘客Receiving Passengers招呼乘客Greeting a Passenger途中询问Questions on the Route向乘客收费Collecting the Fare from a Passenger 86解释交通道路状况Explaining Traffic Conditions解释路面状况Explaining Road Conditions解释行驶故障Explaining Troubles on the Roa d家庭生活1起床早起三部曲,穿衣叠被加洗漱——日复一日,年复一年。
