土耳其简介 英文




1 查看大图片及简介2 查看大图片及简介3 查看大图片及简介4 查看大图片及简介Afghanistan 阿富汗Albania 阿尔巴尼亚Algeria 阿尔及利亚American Samoa 美属萨摩亚5 查看大图片及简介6 查看大图片及简介7 查看大图片及简介8 查看大图片及简介Andorra 安道尔共和国Angola 安哥拉Anguilla 安圭拉岛Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜及巴9 查看大图片及简介10 查看大图片及简介11 查看大图片及简介12 查看大图片及简介Argentina 阿根廷Armenia 亚美尼亚Aruba 阿鲁巴Ashmore and Cartier Islands 亚什摩及13 查看大图片及简介14 查看大图片及简介15 查看大图片及简介16 查看大图片及简介Australia 澳大利亚Bahamas The 巴哈马Austria 奥地利Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆17 查看大图片及简介18 查看大图片及简介19 查看大图片及简介20 查看大图片及简介Bahrain 巴林Bangladesh 孟加拉共和国Barbados 巴巴多斯Belarus 白俄罗斯21 查看大图片及简介22 查看大图片及简介23 查看大图片及简介24 查看大图片及简介Belgium 比利时Belize 伯利兹Benin 贝宁Bermuda 百慕大25 查看大图片及简介26 查看大图片及简介27 查看大图片及简介28 查看大图片及简介Bhutan 不丹王国Bolivia 玻利维亚Bosnia and Herzegovina 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那Botswana 博茨瓦那29 查看大图片及简介30 查看大图片及简介31 查看大图片及简介32 查看大图片及简介Brazil 巴西British Virgin Islands 英属维尔京群岛地方旗帜Brunei 文莱Bulgaria 保加利亚33 查看大图片及简介34 查看大图片及简介35 查看大图片及简介36 查看大图片及简介Burkina Faso 布基纳法索国Burma 缅甸Cambodia 柬埔寨Cameroon 喀麦隆37 查看大图片及简介38 查看大图片及简介39 查看大图片及简介40 查看大图片及简介Canada 加拿大Cape Verde 佛得角unya加泰罗尼亚(西班牙) Cayman Islands 开曼群岛41 查看大图片及简介42 查看大图片及简介43 查看大图片及简介44查看大图片及简介Chile 智利China 中国Colombia 哥伦比亚Congo Republic of the 刚果45 查看大图片及简介46 查看大图片及简介47 查看大图片及简介48 查看大图片及简介Congo 刚果Cook Islands 库克群岛Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加(中美洲国名)Croatia 克罗地亚共和国49 查看大图片及简介50 查看大图片及简介51 查看大图片及简介52 查看大图片及简介Cuba 古巴Cyprus 塞浦路斯Czech Republic 捷克共和国Denmark 丹麦53 查看大图片及简介54 查看大图片及简介55 查看大图片及简介56 查看大图片及简介Djibouti 吉布提Dominican Republic 多明尼加共和国Dominica 多米尼克East Timor 东帝汶57 查看大图片及简介58 查看大图片及简介59 查看大图片及简介60 查看大图片及简介Ecuador 厄瓜多尔Egypt 埃及El Salvador 萨尔瓦多(中美洲一共和国)England 英格兰61 查看大图片及简介62 查看大图片及简介63 查看大图片及简介64 查看大图片及简介Eritrea 厄立特里亚省(埃塞俄比亚一省) Estonia 爱沙尼亚(原苏联共和国之一,1991年8月宣布独立)Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚(东非国家)Europa Island65 查看大图片及简介66 查看大图片及简介67 查看大图片及简介68 查看大图片及简介Falkland Islands (IslasMalvinas) 马尔维纳斯群岛Faroe Islands 法罗群岛Fiji 斐济(南太平洋的一岛国) Finland 芬兰69 查看大图片及简介70 查看大图片及简介71 查看大图片及简介72 查看大图片及简介France 法兰西French Polynesia 法属波利尼西亚(位于大洋洲)Gabon 加蓬(非洲西南部的共和国)Gambia The 冈比亚(西非的独立73 查看大图片及简介74 查看大图片及简介75 查看大图片及简介76 查看大图片及简介Georgia 格鲁吉亚Germany 德国Ghana 加纳(西非国家) Gibraltar 直布罗陀77 查看大图片及简介78 查看大图片及简介79 查看大图片及简介80 查看大图片及简介Glorioso Islands格洛里厄斯群岛Greece希腊Greenland 格陵兰岛(北美东北的一大岛名,属丹麦)Grenada 格林纳达(拉丁美洲岛81 查看大图片及简介82 查看大图片及简介83 查看大图片及简介84 查看大图片及简介Guadeloupe瓜德罗普Guam关岛(位于太平洋)Guatemala危地马拉(中美洲国家)Guernsey 根西85 查看大图片及简介86 查看大图片及简介87 查看大图片及简介88 查看大图片及简介Guyana圭亚那(南美洲国家) Haiti海地(拉美国家)Holy See (Vatican City)梵蒂冈Honduras洪都拉斯(拉丁美洲国89 查看大图片及简介90 查看大图片及简介91 查看大图片及简介92 查看大图片及简介Hong Kong香港Hungary匈牙利Iceland冰岛India. 印度93 查看大图片及简介94 查看大图片及简介95 查看大图片及简介96 查看大图片及简介Indonesia印度尼西亚Iran伊朗(西南亚国家) Iraq伊拉克(西南亚国家) Ireland 爱尔兰(岛)97 查看大图片及简介98 查看大图片及简介99 查看大图片及简介100 查看大图片及简介Isle of Man英国属地曼岛(首都道格拉斯Douglas,位于欧洲)Israel以色列Italy 意大利Jamaica牙买加101 查看大图片及简介102 查看大图片及简介103 查看大图片及简介104 查看大图片及简介Japan 日本Jersey泽西岛(英吉利海峡的岛屿)Jordan约旦(阿拉伯北部的王国)Kazakhstan哈萨克斯坦(原苏联加盟共和国12月宣布独立)105 查看大图片及简介106 查看大图片及简介107 查看大图片及简介108 查看大图片及简介Kenya肯尼亚(东非国家) Kiribati基里巴斯共和国(首都Tarawa,位于西太平洋)Korea, North朝鲜Korea, South韩国109 查看大图片及简介110 查看大图片及简介111 查看大图片及简介112查看大图片及简介Kuwait科威特Kyrgyzstan吉尔吉斯共和国Laos老挝Latvia拉脱维亚(原苏联共和国之一,1991立)113 查看大图片及简介114 查看大图片及简介115 查看大图片及简介116 查看大图片及简介Lebanon黎巴嫩(地中海东岸的共和国)Lesotho 莱索托(非洲一国名) Liberia利比里亚(西非国家) Libya利比亚(北非国家)117 查看大图片及简介118 查看大图片及简介119 查看大图片及简介120 查看大图片及简介Liechtenstein列支敦士登(欧洲国家)Lithuania立陶宛(原苏联共和国之一,1991年8月宣布独立)Luxembourg卢森堡(位于德、法、比利时之间)Republic of Macedonia马其顿共121 查看大图片及简介122 查看大图片及简介123 查看大图片及简介124 查看大图片及简介Madagascar马达加斯加.jpgMalawi马拉维(非洲东南部国家)Malaysia马来西亚(东南亚国家)Maldives马尔代夫(群岛)(亚洲岛125 查看大图片及简介126 查看大图片及简介127 查看大图片及简介128 查看大图片及简介Mali马里(西非国家) Malta马耳他(欧洲岛国) Marshall Islands马绍尔群岛Martinique马提尼克岛129 查看大图片及简介130 查看大图片及简介131 查看大图片及简介132 查看大图片及简介Mauritania毛里塔尼亚(西非国家) Mauritius毛里求斯(非洲岛国)Mexico墨西哥Micronesia, Federated States of密克罗以北菲律宾以东的群岛)133 查看大图片及简介134 查看大图片及简介135 查看大图片及简介136 查看大图片及简介Moldova摩尔多瓦Monaco摩纳哥(欧洲西南部国家)Mongolia蒙古Montserrat 蒙特塞拉特137 查看大图片及简介138 查看大图片及简介139 查看大图片及简介140 查看大图片及简介Morocco摩洛哥(北非国家) Mozambique莫桑比克(非洲东南部国家)Namibia纳米比亚(非洲西南部国家)Nauru瑙鲁(西太平洋岛国)141 查看大图片及简介142 查看大图片及简介143 查看大图片及简介144 查看大图片及简介Nepal尼泊尔(南亚国家) Netherlands Antilles荷属安的列斯Netherlands荷兰New Caledonia新喀里多尼亚145 查看大图片及简介146 查看大图片及简介147 查看大图片及简介148 查看大图片及简介New Zealand新西兰Nicaragua尼加拉瓜Niger 尼日尔(西非国家) Nigeria尼日利亚(西非国家149 查看大图片及简介150 查看大图片及简介151 查看大图片及简介152 查看大图片及简介Northern Ireland.北爱尔兰(英联合王国之一部分,首都贝尔法斯特Belfast)Northern Mariana Islands 北马里亚纳群岛Norway挪威(欧洲国家) Oman阿曼(阿拉伯半岛东南方一153 查看大图片及简介154 查看大图片及简介155 查看大图片及简介156 查看大图片及简介Pakistan巴基斯坦(南亚国家) Republic of Palau帕劳共和国Panama巴拿马Papua New Guinea巴布亚新几内亚(大157 查看大图片及简介158 查看大图片及简介159 查看大图片及简介160 查看大图片及简介Paraguay巴拉圭(南美洲之一国名)Peru秘鲁Philippines菲律宾Pitcairn Islands皮特凯恩群161 查看大图片及简介162 查看大图片及简介163 查看大图片及简介164 查看大图片及简介Poland波兰(欧洲国家) Portugal葡萄牙Puerto Rico波多黎各(美国属地,位于西印度群岛东部的岛屿)Qatar卡塔尔(西南亚国家)165 查看大图片及简介166 查看大图片及简介167 查看大图片及简介168 查看大图片及简介Reunion 留尼旺岛(位于印度洋,为法国属地)Romania罗马尼亚Russia俄罗斯Rwanda卢旺达(非洲一国名)169 查看大图片及简介170 查看大图片及简介171 查看大图片及简介172 查看大图片及简介Saint Kitts and Nevis圣基茨和尼维斯Saint Lucia圣卢西亚Saint Pierre and Miquelon圣皮埃尔和密克隆Saint Vincent and the Grenadines圣文丁斯173 查看大图片及简介174 查看大图片及简介175 查看大图片及简介176 查看大图片及简介San Marino圣马利诺(南欧国家)Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美与普林西比共和国(首都圣多美Sao Tome,位于非洲)Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯(西南亚国家)Scotland.苏格兰(英国的一部分,在大不177 查看大图片及简介178 查看大图片及简介179 查看大图片及简介180 查看大图片及简介Senegal塞内加尔(非洲一国名)Serbia and Montenegro塞尔维亚和黑山Seychelles塞舌尔群岛(印度洋西部的一群岛)Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂(西非国181 查看大图片及简介182 查看大图片及简介183 查看大图片及简介184 查看大图片及简介Singapore新加坡Slovakia斯洛伐克Slovenia斯洛文尼亚(前南斯拉夫联邦成员共和国,1991年宣布独立,首都卢布尔雅那Ljubljana,位于欧洲)Solomon Islands所罗门群岛185 查看大图片及简介186 查看大图片及简介187 查看大图片及简介188 查看大图片及简介South Africa南非Spain西班牙(欧洲国家) Sri Lanka斯里兰卡(南亚岛国) Sudan苏丹(非洲国家)189 查看大图片及简介190 查看大图片及简介191 查看大图片及简介192 查看大图片及简介Svalbard斯瓦尔巴群岛挪威国旗Swaziland史瓦济兰(非洲东南部之王国)Sweden瑞典Switzerland 瑞士193 查看大图片及简介194 查看大图片及简介195 查看大图片及简介196 查看大图片及简介Syria叙利亚Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦共和国Tanzania坦桑尼亚(东非国家) Thailand泰国197 查看大图片及简介198 查看大图片及简介199 查看大图片及简介200 查看大图片及简介Tonga(南太平洋)汤加群岛Trinidad and Tobago特立尼达和多巴哥Tunisia突尼斯(北非一共和国)Turkey土耳其(共和国)(首都安卡拉Anka201 查看大图片及简介202 查看大图片及简介203 查看大图片及简介204 查看大图片及简介Turks and Caicos Islands特克斯科斯群岛Uganda乌干达Ukraine乌克兰(原苏联一加盟共和国,1991年8月宣布独立)United Arab Emirates阿联酋, 阿拉伯联作UAE)205 查看大图片及简介206 查看大图片及简介207 查看大图片及简介208 查看大图片及简介United Kingdom大不列颠)联合王国United States美利坚合众国Uruguay乌拉圭(国名,位于南美洲)Uzbekistan乌兹别克斯坦(原苏联共和国之月宣布独立)209 查看大图片及简介210 查看大图片及简介211 查看大图片及简介212 查看大图片及简介Vanuatu瓦努阿图(共和国)(西南太平洋岛国)Venezuela委内瑞拉Vietnam越南Virgin Islands维尔京群岛213 查看大图片及简介214 查看大图片及简介215 查看大图片及简介216 查看大图片及简介Wales威尔士(英国的一部分,位于大不列颠岛西南)Wallis and Futuna瓦利斯和富图纳群岛Yemen也门(西南亚国家) Zambia赞比亚(非洲中南部国家217 查看大图片及简介津巴布韦 Zimbabwe。

TURKEY 土耳其简介

TURKEY 土耳其简介

Augustus temple
Aladdin mosque
பைடு நூலகம்
Turkey's largest city-Istanbul
Famous landscape
including the Topkapi Palace, Sü leymaniye Mosque, Hagia Sophia, the BlueMosque, Archaeological Museum, Khariya Museum, Duomabaqie palace, underground palace, the Bosphorus Bridge, Beylerbeyi Palace.
Famous landscape
including the Topkapi Palace, Sü leymaniye Mosque, Hagia Sophia, the BlueMosque, Archaeological Museum, Duomabaqie palace, underground palace, the Bosphorus Bridge, Beylerbeyi Palace.
Almira 2014-10-28
Do you know which city is the capital of Turkey?
Turkish capital, located in the northwestern Anatolia plateau on the peninsula of Asia Minor, is second only to Istanbul in Turkey's second largest city, but also a political, economic, cultural, transport and trade center, known as "Turkey's heart," said. Ankara urban attractions are many, such as Roman columns and Julian Augustus Temple; Byzantine castles and cemeteries; Aladdin Mosque in Seljuk and Ottoman periods of Mohammed and Mohammed Pasha market Matt market and so on.


土耳其的公共汽车网络发达,可乘坐公共汽车前往各大城市和 乡村地区。
在土耳其租车旅行是一种方便、自由的出行方式,但需要注意 遵守交通规则和安全驾驶。
在土耳其旅行时,要保持警惕 ,注意自身财物安全,避免到
在土耳其旅行时,要注意饮食 卫生,尽量选择干净卫生的餐
飞机 火车 公共汽车 租车
土耳其拥有完善的国内航空网络,各大城市之间交通便利。国 际航班也十分丰富,可从土耳其出发前往世界各地。
土耳其的铁路系统较为发达,连接了各大城市,且火车票价格 相对便宜。
土耳其浴不仅仅是一种清洁方 式,更是一种文化体验和社交 活动,人们可以在浴室内结识 新朋友、交流心得。
土耳其有许多传统节日和庆典活动,其中最著名的当属斋月和开斋节 。
在斋月期间,土耳其人会遵循斋戒制度,白天禁食,晚上则会举行盛 大的庆祝活动。
开斋节则是斋月结束后的第一天,人们会穿上盛装、互赠礼物、聚餐 庆祝。
在土耳其旅行时,要了解并遵 守当地法律,尊重当地风俗习
在土耳其旅行时,学习一些基 本的急救知识,以备不时之需

在土耳其的其他传统节日中,还有许多独特的活动和习俗,如婚礼庆 典、丰收节等,都充满了浓厚的民俗风情。
06 旅行小贴士



● 土耳其宗教气氛相对宽松,与其他西亚地区伊斯兰国家迥异,在男女握手、饮酒等方面无特殊禁 忌,但禁食猪肉。土耳其社会风气比较多元、开放,由于地理位置、历史渊源、申请加入欧盟等 原因,当地人习惯将自己视为欧洲人而非亚洲人。服饰也是西式服装与伊斯兰教传统服装交杂, 大多数人特别是受过高等教育的人和年轻人穿西式服装,大多数女士不系头巾、不着罩袍。在商 务活动场合宜穿正装西服,女性忌穿无袖服装。
● 土耳其共和国国土包括西亚的安纳托利亚半岛以及巴尔干半岛的东色雷斯地区,首都是位处安纳 托利亚高原正中央的安卡拉。中央情报局将土耳其分类为发达国家,但经济学家及政治学家通常 将土耳其认定为新兴工业化国家,然而美林证券、世界银行及经济学人杂志将其归类为新兴市场。
● 土耳其拥有世界七大奇迹中的两个:阿尔忒弥斯神庙和毛瑟陆斯陵墓。卡帕多奇亚石林的仙女峰 和石骆驼。
● 土耳其矿产资源丰富,主要有天然石、大理石、硼矿、铬、钍和煤等,总值超过2万亿美元。其中, 天然石和大理石储量占世界40%,品种数量均居世界第一。三氧化二硼储量7000万吨,价值 3560亿美元;钍储量占全球总储量的22%;铬矿储量1亿吨,居世界前列。此外,黄金、白银、 煤 储 量 分 别 为 5 1 6 吨 、 11 0 0 吨 和 1 5 5 亿 吨 。
● 阿耳忒弥斯神庙(Temple of Artemis )、哈利卡尔纳苏斯摩索拉斯王陵墓( Halicarnassos Mausoleum)、精灵烟囱(Fairy Chimneys )、托普卡匹皇宫(Topkapi Palace)、戈雷迈国 家公园和卡帕多西亚石窟群(Goreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia)、 艾菲索斯古城(Ephesus)。世界遗产伊斯坦布尔历史区,戈雷迈谷地和卡帕多西亚石窟区,迪 夫里伊大清真寺和医院,哈图沙,内姆鲁特山,桑索斯和莱顿遗址,赫拉波利斯和斯帕姆科卡莱, 桑美兰博卢城。卡帕多基亚石林的仙女峰和石骆驼。





世界各国货币英文缩写简写各国货币名称的英文缩写简写主要国家货币简写:1.CNY(ChiNese Yuan)人民币2.FRF(FRench Franc)法国法郎3.HKD(Hong Kong Dollar)港元4.CHF(德文sCHweizer Franken)瑞士法郎5.USD(United States Dollar)美元6.CAD(CAnadian Dollar)加拿大元7.GBP(Great Britain Pound)英镑8.NLG(NetherLandish Guilder)荷兰盾9.DEM(德文DEutsche M ark)德国马克10.BEF(BElgischer Franc)比利时法郎11.JPY(JaPanese Yen)日元12.AUD(AUstralian Dollar)澳大利亚元各国详细货币简介:Afghani阿富汗尼Af Afghanistan阿富汗bath铢B Thailandxxbalboa巴波亚B Panama巴拿马aolivar博利瓦$b Venezuela委内瑞拉colon(哥斯达黎加)科郎¢Costa Rica哥斯达黎加colon(萨尔瓦多)科郎¢El Salvador萨尔瓦多cordoba科多巴C$Nicaragua尼加拉瓜cruzeiro克鲁赛罗Cr$brazil巴西dalasi达拉西DG Gambia冈比亚dinar(阿尔及利亚)第纳尔DA Algeria阿尔及利亚dinar(伊拉克)第纳尔ID Iraq伊拉克dinar(约旦)第纳尔JD Jordan约旦dinar(科威特)第纳尔KD Kuwait科威特dinar(利比亚)第纳尔LD Libya利比亚dinar(也门民主人民共和国)第纳尔YD The People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen也门民主人民共和国dinar(突尼斯)第纳尔D Tunisia突尼斯dinar(南斯拉夫)第纳尔DIN Yugoslavia南斯拉夫dirham迪拉姆DH Morocco摩洛哥dollar(澳大利亚)元$A Australia澳大利亚dollar(巴哈马)元B$Bahamas巴哈马dollar(百慕大)元DB$Bermuda百慕大dollar(加拿大)元Can$Canada加拿大dollar埃塞俄比亚)元$Eth Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚dollar(xx)元F$Fijixxdollar(圭亚那)元G$Guyana圭亚那dollar(香港)元HK$Hongkong香港dollar(牙买加)元J$Jamaica牙买加dollar(利比里亚)元L$Liberia利比里亚dollar(马来西亚)元M$Malaysia马来西亚dollar(新西兰)元NA$NewZealand新西兰dollar(新加坡)元S$Singapore新加坡dollar(特立尼达和多巴哥TT$Trinidad and Tobago特立尼达和多巴哥dollar(xx)元US$USAxxdong(越南)盾D DBVN越南民主共和国drachma德拉克马Dr Greece希腊escudo(智利)埃斯库多E Chili智利escudo(葡萄牙)埃斯库多Esc Portugal葡萄牙forint福林Ft Hungary匈牙利franc(比利时)法郎BF Belgium比利时franc(布隆迪)法郎Fbu Burundi布隆迪Franc(非洲金融共同体)法郎Franc(非洲金融共同体)法郎CFAF Cameroon喀麦隆;The CentralAfrican Republic中非共和国;Chad乍得;The People''s Republic of the Congo刚果人民共和国;Dahomey达荷美;Gabon加蓬;Ivory Coast象牙海岸;Niger尼日尔;Senegal塞内加尔;Toto多哥;Upper Volta上沃尔特等franc(法国)法郎FF France法国franc(卢森堡)法郎LuxF Luxemb(o)urg卢森堡franc(马尔加什)法郎FMG The Malagasy Republic马尔加什共和国franc(马里)法郎MF Mali马里franc(卢旺达)法郎RF Rwanda卢旺达franc(瑞士)法郎Sf Switzerland瑞士gourdexxG Haiti海地guarani瓜拉尼C Paraguay巴拉圭Guilder(或florin)(荷兰)盾fF Netherlands荷兰kip基普K Laosxxkoruna(捷克)克朗KeS Czechoslovakia捷克斯洛伐克krona(冰岛)克朗IKr Iceland冰岛krona(瑞典)克朗SKr Sweden瑞典krone(丹麦)克朗DKr Denmark丹麦krone(挪威)克朗NKr Norway挪威kwacha(马拉维)克瓦查MK Malawi马拉维kwacha(赞比亚)克瓦查K Zambia赞比亚kyat(xx)元K Burmaxxlek列克Lek Albania阿尔巴尼亚lempira伦皮拉L Honduras洪都拉斯leone利昂Le Sierra Leone塞拉利昂leu列伊Lv RomaniaxxlevxxL Bulgariaxxlira(意大利)里拉Lit Italy意大利Lira(土耳其)里拉(或镑)LT Turkey土耳其Mark(德意志联邦共和国)马克DM GFR德意志联邦共和国Markka(芬兰)马克Fmk Finland芬兰Naira奈拉Nigeriaxxnew cedi新塞地NC Ghana加纳Ouguiya乌吉亚UM Mauritania毛里塔尼亚pa''anga邦加T$TongaxxPeseta比塞塔Ptas Spain西班牙peso(阿根廷)比索$a Argentina阿根廷peso(玻利维亚)比索$b Bolivia玻利维亚peso(哥伦比亚)比索Col$Colombia哥伦比亚peso(古巴)比索Cub$Cuba古巴peso(多米尼加)比索RD$The Dominican Republic多米尼加共和国peso(墨西哥)比索Mex$Mexico墨西哥peso(菲律宾)比索P Philippines菲律宾peso(乌拉圭)比索Ur$Uruguay乌拉圭pound(塞浦路斯)镑£C Cyprus塞浦路斯pound(埃及)镑LE Egypt埃及pound(英国)镑£(£Stg) Great Britain英国pound(爱尔兰)镑£Ir Ireland爱尔兰pound(黎巴嫩)镑LL Lebanon黎巴嫩pound(马耳他)镑£M Malta马耳他pound(苏丹)镑£S Sudan苏丹pound(叙利亚)镑LS Syria叙利亚quetzal格查尔Q Guatemala危地马拉Renminbiyuan人民币元RMB China中国rial(伊朗)里亚尔Rls Iran伊朗rielxxCambodiaxxriyal(沙特阿拉伯)里亚尔SRls Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯riyal(阿拉伯也门共和国)里亚尔YRls The Arab Republic of Yemen阿拉伯也门共和国rouble卢布R(rub, Rbl) USSR俄罗斯rupee(印度)卢比Rs India印度rupee(毛里求斯)卢比MRs Mauritius毛里求斯rupee(尼泊尔)卢比NRs Nepal尼泊尔rupee(巴基斯坦)卢比PRs Pakistan巴基斯坦rupee(斯里兰卡)卢比SRs Sri Lanka斯里兰卡rupiah(印度尼西亚)卢比(或盾)Rp Indonesia印度尼西亚schilling(奥地利)先令Sch Austria(奥地利)shilling(肯尼亚)先令KSh Kenya(肯尼亚)shilling(坦桑尼亚)先令TSh坦桑尼亚shilling(乌干达)先令USh乌干达solxxs/xxSomali shilling索马里先令ShSo Somali索马里sucre苏克雷S/ Ecuador厄瓜多尔syli西里syli sylixxtugrik图格里克Tug Mongolia蒙古won(朝鲜)圆W The Democratic People''s republic of Korea朝鲜民主主义人民共和国日元¥Japan日本扎伊尔Z Zaire扎伊尔兹罗提Zl Polandxx注:①dellar的符号$也可作$。







【日常用语介绍】1.基本问候语- 你好:Merhaba(发音:梅西哈巴)- 再见:Hadiye(发音:哈迪耶)- 谢谢:ukran(发音:舒克拉)- 请问:Ne?(发音:内)2.介绍与自我介绍- 我叫(名字):(Adm)(smi)(发音:阿迪木(名字))- 你叫什么名字?:Nerede adnz?(发音:内雷达木你兹?)3.日常交流用语- 你好吗?:yi 吗?(发音:伊耶马?)- 我很好:yi(发音:伊耶)- 请问多少钱?:Ne kadar?(发音:内卡达?)4.餐饮用语- 请问有菜单吗?:Mevcut menu var m?(发音:梅库图敏吾尔瓦马尔?)- 这个多少钱?:Bu ne kadar?(发音:不内卡达?)- 我想要(食物名称):(Yemek ismi)istiyorum(发音:耶梅克伊丝米尤里希托木)5.购物用语- 请问这个多少钱?:Bu ne kadar?(发音:不内卡达?)- 可以用信用卡吗?:Kart kullanlabilir m?(发音:卡尔特库拉尼比尔里希马尔?)- 请给我(物品名称):(Eyen ismi)bana verin(发音:艾希耶因伊丝米巴纳韦林)6.交通用语- 请问去(目的地)怎么走?:(Yolcu ismi)nasl yolun?(发音:尤尔库伊丝米那丝尔尤伦?)- 请问现在几点?:u anda sizde ne zaman?(发音:舒阿纳达斯兹德内那赞?)- 请给我一张去(目的地)的车票:Bana(Yolcu ismi)yolu kolayca bilet verin(发音:巴纳(尤尔库伊丝米)尤路科普拉伊特韦林)7.旅游用语- 请问这里有什么旅游景点?:Bu yerde ne tatil beldeleri var?(发音:不耶尔得内内特巴日尔得?)- 请问如何购票?:Bilet nasl alabilirim?(发音:比尔特那丝尔阿巴西比尔里希姆?)8.住宿用语- 请问这里有什么酒店?:Bu yerde ne otel var?(发音:不耶尔得内内特?)- 请问有单人间吗?:Eksi yatak var m?(发音:埃克西亚塔克瓦马尔?)9.紧急情况用语- 请问附近有医院吗?:Yaknlarda bir hastane var m?(发音:亚克纳米达比尔哈斯坦内?)- 请打110:110 numaral telefon arn(发音:一一百努尔拉伊特耶卢?。



导演: Ferzan Ozpetek
编剧: 弗森·殴兹派特
主演: Alessandro Gassman / Francesca d'Aloja / Carlo Cecchi 类型: 剧情 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 意大利 / 土耳其 / 西班牙
语言: 土耳其语 / 意大利语
上映日期: 1997-10-24
土耳其浴室的剧情简介· · · · · ·










●/question/80114964.html土耳其历史●Bosphorus river, topkapi palace, diverse architecture, grand bazaar, blue mosque●Amzing sights●Is characterized not only by being one of the largest worship buildings in the world, but also by-in its 1500 years history-having served three purposes: as a church, as a mosque and as a museum.●It’s a great monument. One of the best historical sites in the world with its fantastic history.●For 1000 years, it was the largest church in the world.●The main dome was unfortunately under construction= Renovating works everywhere = There are restorationworks ongoing and scaffolding may be in certain places.●Mosaics 马赛克(It's such a pity that many of them were disfigured because when the Ottomans turned the churchinto a mosque, they disfigured these mosaics.)●The history of the building is fascinating and the impact it had on the architecture of Mosques was unexpected. Seeing both theinfluence of Christianity and Islam in one place is unusual. It has a cost associated with it but well worth the cost. It is usually busy but inside it is so massive that once you get inside the crowds don't really impact you.●Despite becoming a museum, both the Islamic and the preexisting Christian aspects were preserved. It is truly a melting pot for twodifferent religions. The ceiling is Majestic due to the nice drawings and the giant Chandeliers that are hanging from it.●Impression of Istanbul (CCTV)We start in Istanbul, the only city in the world with a foot in two different continents. It's been an extremely significant city throughout history, and today.Heavy traffic, the continual bustle and movement of crowds, the beautiful seaside and an unchanging skyline of numerous domes and minarets for thousands of years, that is Istanbul.Standing between Asia and Europe, Istanbul is Turkey's largest city, and the hub of the country's business and cultural life.Situated on the shores of the Bosphorus Strait, and bordered to the north by the Black Sea, Istanbul's strategic position made it the capital of the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. And today, the precious relics of those past glorious days give this forward-moving and modern city a strong sense of historical significance. And it's also a mirror of Turkey.Mehmet Olcel, culture and Information Counselor of Turkish Embassy to China, said: "Istanbul is the place where you can observe all of Turkey."With a landscape dotted with more than 2,800 mosques within the city, some 98 percent of Turkey's people believe in Islam. And in this seaside city, the tolerant atmosphere allows people to go about their lives with ease... Religious beliefs are respected, as are individual rights.Tour Guide Umut Seferoglu said: "I pray everyday for five times, and after the praying, I get my T-shirt, and I swim... Islamic life and modern life mixed together..."This is a normal Friday. At this mosque built during the 18th-century, men from different corners of the city gather here to pray, facing in the direction of Mecca. For many Turkish Muslims, praying five times a day is a part of their standard routine. Twenty minutes later, prayers have ended. Everyone goes back to their normal lives, and the bustling market nearby breaks the silence.Reporter Feng Shu said: "Located at the meeting point of Asia and Europe, Istanbul has become an commercial center between the two continents. Originally built in 15th centurywith only 15-20 shops, this Grand Bazaar has become a real shopping heaven with 4,400 shops. Well, of course, my favorite place in Turkey."Shopping in Istanbul is a time-honored delight. In the labyrinth of 65 streets and passages in this Kapali Carsi-covered bazaar, a plethora of goods are available, enough to suit nearly every taste. There's a wide selection of jewelry, from traditional to modern styles, while the carpet shops display eye-catching wares with vivid colors and intricate designs. At the same time, Turkish arts and crafts, including hand-painted ceramic plates andhand-crafted copperware, are all popular choices for souvenirs and gifts.And for sellers, getting a space this bazaar means steady and booming business.A seller said: "This bazaar is much better, more famous than other shops."A tour guide said: "This bazaar has a mystical atmosphere."With Istanbul an important commercial city, the Grand Bazaar is not the only option for shoppers... Another attractive, covered bazaar of a different sort is the Misir Carsisi, or the Spice Market, located at the entrance of Golden Horn. At this market, built in the17th-century, the air is filled with the enticing aromas of cinnamon, caraway, mint and countless other spices and herbs.Despite the different choices, the two bazaars share something in common -- most of the dealers are international. English, Japanese, and even Chinese and more are at their command. For travellers without any knowledge of the Turkish language, it's a good place to find yourself.Geographically, Istanbul is flanked by a range of high hills to the east to the Bosphorus Strait.Because of this unique location, most of Istanbul's streets are on sharp slopes. They're so steep, you have to be careful not to fall down when climbing up.Any trip to Istanbul isn't complete without a ferry excursion along the Bosphorus Strait. Along its shores is a delightfully surprising mixture of the past and present, grand splendor and simple beauty, with imperial pavilions and palaces standing next to today's small fishing villages.The Bosphorus Bridge was built in 1973. It's still one of the longest bridges in the world, and spans the water, linking European and Asian shores by road.Under the bridge, the once-quiet village of Ortakoy, has been turned into an art gallery, a shopping destination and a bar street, a favorite place for entertainment for both tourists and locals.Church of Hagia Sophia 圣索菲亚大教堂,学名是阿亚索菲亚博物馆(Ayasofya Muzesi),是国家博物馆,它具有曲折的历史,目睹了王朝兴衰,也反映了宗教的博弈、变迁和融合,所谓“东方与西方,过去与未来相结合”;它还占据了几个“唯一”:唯一从6世纪保留至今的古代建筑、唯一一个由教堂改成清真寺的古建筑,又是世界上十大令人向往的教堂之一圣索菲亚在基督教里的意思是“上帝智慧”,公元325年,君士坦丁大帝为供奉智慧之神索非亚,建造了圣索菲亚大教堂,成为拜占廷(Byzantine)帝国极盛时代的纪念碑。



土耳其铁路的介绍英文作文英文:Turkey's railway system has a long history dating back to the Ottoman Empire. Today, the railway network covers over 12,000 kilometers and connects major cities and regions throughout the country.One of the most popular railway routes in Turkey is the Istanbul-Ankara high-speed train, which covers a distance of 533 kilometers in just over 4 hours. The train offers comfortable seating, free Wi-Fi, and a dining car serving delicious Turkish cuisine.Another notable railway route is the Eastern Express, which travels from Ankara to Kars and offers stunning views of the Anatolian plateau and the snow-capped mountains of the Eastern Black Sea region. The journey takes around 24 hours and offers travelers the opportunity to experience the unique culture and hospitality of the Turkish people.In addition to passenger trains, Turkey also has awell-developed freight railway system, which plays acrucial role in the country's economy by transporting goods across the country and to neighboring countries.Overall, Turkey's railway system is an important partof the country's transportation infrastructure and offers travelers a comfortable and affordable way to explore the country's diverse landscapes and cultures.中文:土耳其的铁路系统具有悠久的历史,可以追溯到奥斯曼帝国时期。


This course is a general introduction to the Turkish history and culture. Turkey is an important country from the historical and contemporary perspectives. As the predecessor of Turkish Republic, the 600-year-old Ottoman Empire was a great empire ruling vast territories and leaving rich heritages on modern history. With her process of modernization and extraordinary geopolitical position, Turkish Republic is one of the most important Middle Eastern nation states and a rising power on the global stage. It is an urgent task for Chinese students to know about the Turkish history from empire to republic. This course covers history of late Ottoman Empire and Turkish republic to the 21st century, including political, social, cultural and diplomatic aspects. Besides, to help students read and translate English materials, this course also introduces basic knowledge of modern Turkish language.



土耳其英文简介带翻译Turkey: A Brief Introduction to the Country and Its Culture。

Turkey, officially known as the Republic of Turkey, is a transcontinental country located in both Europe and Asia. It is bordered by eight countries: Greece and Bulgaria to the northwest, Georgia to the northeast, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Iran to the east, Iraq to the southeast, and Syria to the south. The country's largest city and capital is Ankara, but its most populous city is Istanbul, which is also one of the world's largest cities.Turkey has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. It was home to many civilizations, including the Hittites, the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, and the Ottomans. This diverse history has left its mark on the country's culture, architecture, and cuisine.The official language of Turkey is Turkish, which isspoken by the majority of the population. However, thereare also many minority languages spoken in the country, including Kurdish, Arabic, and Armenian.Turkey is a secular country, but Islam is the dominant religion, with around 99% of the population being Muslim. Other religions practiced in the country include Christianity, Judaism, and Alevism.One of the most famous landmarks in Turkey is the Hagia Sophia, a former Christian church and later a mosque thatis now a museum. Other popular tourist destinations in the country include the Blue Mosque, the Topkapi Palace, andthe Pamukkale hot springs.Turkish cuisine is known for its use of freshingredients and spices, including lamb, beef, chicken, fish, vegetables, and fruits. Some of the most famous Turkish dishes include kebabs, baklava, and Turkish delight.Turkey is also famous for its traditional music, which includes genres such as Turkish classical music, folk music,and pop music. Turkish folk dances, such as the "halay" and the "zeybek," are also an important part of the country's culture.In recent years, Turkey has faced some political and economic challenges, but it remains an important player in the region and a popular tourist destination. With its rich history, diverse culture, and delicious cuisine, Turkey is a country that is definitely worth exploring.。



小学生土耳其介绍英文作文英文:I would like to introduce Turkey to you. Turkey is a beautiful country located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. It has a rich history and a diverse culture. 。

One of the most famous landmarks in Turkey is the Hagia Sophia, which was originally a church, then a mosque, and now a museum. It is a symbol of the country's long and complex history. Another must-see attraction is the stunning Blue Mosque, known for its beautiful blue tiles and unique architecture.The food in Turkey is also amazing. One of my favorite dishes is kebab, which is grilled meat served with vegetables and rice. It's delicious and I could eat it every day! Turkish tea is also a must-try, it's a strong and flavorful drink that is often served in small glasses.There are so many things to see and do in Turkey, from exploring the bustling streets of Istanbul to relaxing on the beautiful beaches of Antalya. The people are friendly and welcoming, and I always feel at home when I visit.中文:我想向你介绍土耳其。



对土耳其看法英文作文英文:When it comes to Turkey, my opinion is quite mixed. On one hand, I admire the country's rich history and culture, as well as its stunning natural beauty. Istanbul, for example, is a fascinating city with a unique blend of East and West. The food is also delicious, with kebabs, baklava, and Turkish coffee being some of my favorites.On the other hand, Turkey has faced some political and social challenges in recent years. The government's crackdown on dissent and the media has raised concerns about freedom of speech and human rights. The country's relationship with neighboring countries, such as Syria and Iraq, has also been strained.Overall, I think Turkey has a lot to offer and is worth visiting for its culture, history, and natural attractions. However, it is important to be aware of the political andsocial issues and to approach the country with an open mind.中文:说到土耳其,我的看法相当复杂。



关于土耳其的简介英文作文英文:Turkey is a fascinating country with a rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes. Located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, it boasts a unique blend of Eastern and Western influences. From bustling cities to picturesque villages, Turkey offers something for everyone.One of the most iconic landmarks in Turkey is the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Originally built as a Byzantine church in the 6th century, it later served as a mosque and is now a museum. The Hagia Sophia is a testament to Turkey's diverse cultural heritage.Another must-visit destination is Cappadocia, known for its surreal landscape of fairy chimneys and underground cities. Taking a hot air balloon ride over Cappadocia at sunrise is an experience like no other. I still remember the feeling of awe as I watched the sun rise over theotherworldly rock formations.When it comes to food, Turkish cuisine is a feast forthe senses. From savory kebabs to sweet baklava, there's no shortage of delicious dishes to try. One of my favorite meals in Turkey was a traditional breakfast spread called "kahvaltı." It included fresh bread, olives, cheese, tomatoes, and cucumbers – the perfect way to start the day.In addition to its cultural attractions, Turkey is blessed with stunning natural beauty. The Turquoise Coastis famous for its crystal-clear waters and picturesque beaches. I'll never forget the feeling of swimming in the warm Mediterranean sea, surrounded by breathtaking scenery.Despite its many attractions, Turkey also faces challenges, including political unrest and economic instability. However, the warmth and hospitality of the Turkish people remain constant. I'll always cherish the memories of the friendships I formed during my time in Turkey.Overall, Turkey is a country of contrasts – where ancient history meets modernity, and East meets West. It'sa place that captures the imagination and leaves a lasting impression on all who visit.中文:土耳其是一个迷人的国家,拥有丰富的历史、充满活力的文化和令人叹为观止的风景。














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外国入侵者,无论是波斯国王居鲁士大帝(Cyrus)、波斯帝国国王大流士一世(Darius)还是马其顿国王亚历山大大帝(Alexander The Great),都留下了他们的印记。




公元前的最后一个世纪,罗马人占领了安纳托利亚,并称其为小亚细亚(Asia Minor)。


圣保罗(St. Pual)曾在那里布道,圣母玛丽亚(The Virgin Mary)在该市郊区的一间小屋里辞世。

圣约翰(St. John)宣讲《使徒书信》的“亚洲七教堂”( The Seven Churches of Asia)都在安纳托利亚。

圣诞老人的原型圣尼古拉斯(St. Nicholas)曾在安纳托利亚南部海滨地区生活和工作。

公元330年,康斯坦丁大帝(Constantine the Great)在拜占庭(Byzantium)建立罗马帝国的东部首都,并将其更名为君士坦丁堡(Constantinople)。

查士丁尼皇帝(Emperor Justinian)时期(公元527—565年),罗马已经衰落,君士坦丁堡成为广袤帝国的唯一都城。



London introductionLondon,the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Europe's largest city, one of the world's two major(主要)center city, is one of the most prosperous(繁荣的)global city. London is the center of economic(经济的)financial(财务的)and trade (贸易)in Europe and the United States of New York, tied for the world's most important financial center.The Big Ben, Tower BridgeBig Ben is Elizabeth Tower.London's famous ancient(报时)bell, the palace of Westminster clock. The British Parliament (英国国会)meeting hall clock tower, built in 1859.Tower bridge is the Tower Bridge of London.Tower Bridge of London is the first bridge the river Thames from where it begins, is a symbol (象征)of London, "London front gate", was built in 1886.The London EyeThe London Eye, The London Eye, British Airways, also known as the Millennium(千禧)Wheel, is located(位于)the banks of the river Thames in London, is the world's fourth largest Ferris wheel, is one of the landmarks(标志)of London, is one of the most attractive(具有吸引力的)tourist attractions(旅游景点)in London.Thames RiverThames River is a famous British mother river, rising in southwest Coates Ward Hills(科茨沃特丘陵)of England, 338 kilometers in length.Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace is the Royal Palace(王宫), built in 1703 and named for the Duke of Buckingham(以白金汉公爵命名).Westminster CathedralWestminster Cathedral(威斯敏斯特大教堂)is located in the North Bank of the Thames River, was a Benedictine monastery(修道院), founded(成立)in the year 960 ad(公元960年), was expanded(扩建)in 1045, built in 1065.Tate Museum of Contemporary ArtThe Tate Museum of Contemporary Art(泰特现代美术馆)is located in the South Bank of Thames River, face each other across the river and the St.Paul's Cathedral, connecting(连接)them is the Millennium Bridge across Thames River.St.Paul's CathedralSt.Paul's Cathedral located in London, a representative(代表)of Baroque style architecture (巴洛克风格的建筑), is the world's second largest dome(圆顶)of the church, it imitated(模仿的)Papal Basilica(教皇的教堂)of Saint Peter in Rome(整体为罗马圣彼得大教堂), is the representative of British classical architecture.University of OxfordThe University of Oxford is a public university located in the city of Oxford, founded in 1167, is the oldest university in the English speaking world.StratfordEvan upon Avon Ford (埃文的斯特拉特福德)(Stratford) is located on the banks of the Evan River, a beautiful city is the greatest playwright(剧作家)of England, the hometown of Shakespeare(莎士比亚).ManchesterManchester(曼彻斯特)is the third largest city of Britsh, is the largest outside(以外)London Financial Center city.Albert squareAlbert square is the heart of the city of Manchester, in honor(敬意)of Queen Victoria's husband Albert named.London City HallLondon City Hall(伦敦市政厅)is one of the most important British capital for new buildings symbolic(象征性的), provides nearly 18000 square meters of usable area.Windermere LakeWindermere lake(温德米尔湖)is the largest in England lake, the lake has many small islands, but only one inhabited(有人居住).EdinburghEdinburgh(爱丁堡)is a famous British culture(文化)of the ancient(古老的)city, the capital of Scotland, is located in the central Scotland bay south of lowland(苏格兰湾南部中央低地).Edinburgh CastleEdinburgh Castle(爱丁城堡)was built in the year sixth Century(建于公元第六世纪), in the Scotland area Edinburgh city of Castle hill(城堡山).Scotland National MuseumScotland National Museum is located in the capital of Scotland Edinburgh, a total(总)of 36 exhibition halls(36个展览厅), exhibits more than 20000 pieces(展出超过两万件文物).Edinburgh Carleton HillThere are two monuments(纪念碑)in Carleton Hill(卡尔顿山), is the National Memorial Chorten(国家纪念碑), another is the Nelson monument(纳尔逊纪念碑).Windsor CastleWindsor Castle(温莎古堡)is located in the southeast of England area in Windsor(位于英格兰东南部的温莎), England Burke - Maidenhead borough(伯克-梅登黑德镇)of Windsor royal head(温莎公爵), is the world's largest inhabited castle.CambridgeThere is a River Cam, built many bridges, so that the city named Cambridge(剑桥), also known as Cambridge(康桥).University of CambridgeUniversity of Cambridge is a British England Cambridge City Public Research University(公立研究型大学), was founded in 1209, is the second oldest university in the English speaking world.GreeceGreece is located at the southern tip(南部)of southeastern Europe Balkan Peninsula(巴尔干半岛), is known as the birthplace of Western civilization(西方文明的发源地), has a long history, and the historical development of three continents have sig()nifi()c(k)ant influence (对三大洲的历史发展有重大的影响).Country nameThe Hellenic Republic(希腊共和国)(Greek: epsilon lambda lambda ETA Nu iota kappa delta ETA Omicron kappa Rho alpha tau alpha mu), referred to as the greek(简称希腊).Nation(民族)About 98% of the Greeks, more than for the Turks(土耳其人), Macedonian(马其顿人, 保加利亚人等)Bulgarian etc..Religion(宗教)Orthodox Christianity(东正教),.Islamism(伊斯兰教).The Greek Orthodox Church (希腊正教)(Orthodox) as the state religion(国教).LanguageGreek (belong to the India-European family)(属于印欧语系).CapitalAthens.National Anthem(国歌)"Song of freedom"(自由颂), as the world's longest national anthem(世界上最长的国歌).中文翻译伦敦简介伦敦,是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的首都。

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When people go into the mosque,they need to take their shoes off. Women should wear headscarves and man should
Hagia Sophia:
It is by the church into the mosque and now it is a museum.
Black tea and Doner Kebab
Baza r
在此处添加标题 在此处添加标题
Blue Mosque
你永远不知道你会得 到什么。 ——《阿
one of the most
important building in
●Republic Independence Day: 10.29
● National anthem:Istiklal mar
● Majority nation :Turkish, Kurdish
Majority The flag:
Religion :Islam Red stand for blood
A trip to Turkey
Introduct ioncustom 03 Natural scenery 04 Blah blah
The Republic of Turkey
Capital: Ankara The president: Abdullah Gul (阿卜杜 Pop拉u·居la尔ti)on:763 47830 Land: 97% in Asia 3% in Europe
Ballon in Cappadoc ia
Pamukkale (棉花 堡)
It’s natural swimming pools,you can take a hot spring bath in there
●kvthimceLtoadrnayrd;kCanrreeessasc,:ean7tb8ar3in,g5dh6tse2tra,srqasulysamorebmoalirzkess the Turkish people's faith in Islam,
also symbolize happiness and
Most of turkish are believe in islam and they are worshiping(朝 拜).
Evil eye(blue eye):
turkish people they called them -Nazar boncuğu.
They think it can protect them far away from misfortune