Lesson 33 A fine day 晴天[词汇](15)★day [deɪ]● Sunday [ˈsʌndeɪ] 星期天Monday [ˈmʌndeɪ] 星期一Tuesday [ˈtju:zdeɪ] 星期二Wednesday [ˈwenzdeɪ]星期三Thursday [ˈθɜ:zdeɪ]星期四Friday [ˈfraɪdeɪ] 星期五Saturday [ˈsætədeɪ] 星期六★cloud [klaʊd]eg. cl★sky [skaɪ]eg. sky blue 天蓝色★sun [sʌn]★shine [ʃaɪn]eg. sunshine 阳光灿烂的★with [wɪð]prep. 和……在一起★family [ˈfæməli] n. 家庭(成员)eg. family name 姓氏family man 有家室的人family doctor 家庭医生●family:家庭(后面的谓语动词用单数)家庭成员(后面的谓语动词用复数)eg. His family has (have/has) four people.Our family are (is/are) teachers.★walk [wɔ:k] v. 走路, 步行eg. walkman n. 随身听录音机★over [ˈəʊvə(r)] prep.跨越,在……之上★bridge [brɪdʒ] n. 桥★boat [bəʊt] n. 船●boat指河中行驶的小船,ship一般指海洋中行驶的大船。
★river [ˈrɪvə(r)] n. 河★ship [ʃip] n. 轮船●cruise ship [kru:z ʃip] 游轮★aeroplane ['ɛərəplein] n. 飞机●aero ['ɛərəu] a. 飞机的,航空的,飞行的●飞机正式用语:aeroplane(英语)、airplane(美语);非正式用语:plane★fly [flaɪ] v. 飞[课文]It is a fine day today. 今天天气很好。
Teaching aims and demands
1. Learn the following new words.
title, passenger, aeroplane, greatly, record
2. Learn the following phrases.
keep a record, thanks to, at one time,
make a plan for
3. Read the passage and get the general idea of the text.
4. Enable the students to retell the text.
2.What is the computer used for by the CAAC?
3. Why were there long queues outside the offices of the CAAC in the past?
4. In how many cities does the CAAC have offices both at home and abroad?
5. At one time, there were a great number of
people 2020/10/18 waiting outside the CAAC offices. ( T9 )
Answer the following questions:
1. Why can passengers buy their air tickets faster now at the CAAC offices?
record: vt. To write down so that it will be known
• •
THE END 15、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。2020年7月2020/7/242020/7/242020/7/247/24/2020
16、如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪头,那么任何风都不是顺风。2020/7/242020/7/24July 24, 2020
• 17、一个人如果不到最高峰,他就没有片刻的安宁,他也就不会感到生命的恬静和光荣。2020/7/242020/7/242020/7/242020/7/24
• 11、夫学须志也,才须学也,非学无以广才,非志无以成学。2020/7/242020/7/242020/7/24Jul-2024-Jul-20
• 12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2020/7/242020/7/242020/7/24Friday, July 24, 2020
• 13、志不立,天下无可成之事。2020/7/242020/7/242020/7/242020/7/247/24/2020
In Beijing, it is _c_o_ld__ in winter, and it s_n_ow_s_ usually. In summer, it is _h_o_t _ and it often _ra_in_s__. Spring is very _s_h_or_t__ and there is little rain but it's quite _w_in_d_y _and sometimes there are__s_an_d_s_to_rm__. Autumn is the best _s_ea_s_on__in Beijing. It's very comfortable.
(word完整版)新概念英语第一册分课单词(含音标) Word NotesLesson 1excuse[ik’skju:z] vt. 原谅handbag[’hændbæg] n. 手提包is[iz] vt。
是it[it] pron. 它me[mi:] pron。
我pardon[’pɑ:dn] n。
原谅, 请再说一遍thank you感谢你(们)this[θis] pron. 这very much非常地yes[jes] ad. 是your[juә] pron。
你的, 你们的Lesson 2book[buk] n. 书car[kɑ:] n. 汽车coat[kәut] n。
外套, 上衣dress[dres] n. 服装, 连衣裙house[haus] n。
房子pen[pen] n。
钢笔pencil['pensl] n. 铅笔shirt[ʃә:t] n。
衬衫, 内衣skirt[skә:t] n. 裙子watch[wɒtʃ] n。
观察, 手表Lesson 3cloakroom[’klәukrum] n. 寄物间five[faiv] num. 五, 五个here[hiә] ad. 这里my[mai] pron。
我的number[nʌm] n。
号码, 数字please[pli:z] ad. 请sir[sә:] n。
先生,阁下sorry['sɒri] a. 对不起的ticket[’tikit] n。
票umbrella[ʌm'brelә] n。
伞Lesson 4daughter['dɒ:tә] n。
女儿school[sku:l] n。
学校son[sʌn] n。
儿子suit[sju:t, su:t] n. 套装, [一套]衣服teacher[’ti:tʃә] n。
教师,老师Lesson 5Chinese[tʃai’ni:z] n。
中国人French[frentʃ] n。
Making Breakfast PPT课件 1 冀教版
This is the stove. We cook on the stove.
This is the refrigerator.It’s cold inside.
This is the sink. We wash dishes in the sink.
• MS: What would you like for breakfast? • L: I would like eggs, toast and jam, and juice, please. • J: I would like cereal, please. • MS: I would like some toast. Please pass me the knife, Jenny. I need it to put the jam on my toast. • J: This is yours, Li Ming. And this is mine!
juice, please. J: I would like cereal, please.
pass me MS: I would like some toast. Please ____ knife Jenny. I need it to put the jam ____ on the _____,
1、再长的路一步一步得走也能走到终点,再近的距离不迈开第一步永远也不会到达。 2、从善如登,从恶如崩。 3、现在决定未来,知识改变命运。 4、当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。 5、龙吟八洲行壮志,凤舞九天挥鸿图。 6、天下大事,必作于细;天下难事,必作于易。 7、当你把高尔夫球打不进时,球洞只是陷阱;打进时,它就是成功。 8、真正的爱,应该超越生命的长度、心灵的宽度、灵魂的深度。 9、永远不要逃避问题,因为时间不会给弱者任何回报。 10、评价一个人对你的好坏,有钱的看他愿不愿对你花时间,没钱的愿不愿意为你花钱。 11、明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充满了希望。 12、得意时应善待他人,因为你失意时会需要他们。 13、人生最大的错误是不断担心会犯错。 14、忍别人所不能忍的痛,吃别人所不能吃的苦,是为了收获别人得不到的收获。 15、不管怎样,仍要坚持,没有梦想,永远到不了远方。 16、心态决定命运,自信走向成功。 17、第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。 18、励志照亮人生,创业改变命运。 19、就算生活让你再蛋疼,也要笑着学会忍。 20、当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。 21、所有欺骗中,自欺是最为严重的。 22、糊涂一点就会快乐一点。有的人有的事,想得太多会疼,想不通会头疼,想通了会心痛。 23、天行健君子以自强不息;地势坤君子以厚德载物。 24、态度决定高度,思路决定出路,细节关乎命运。 25、世上最累人的事,莫过於虚伪的过日子。 26、事不三思终有悔,人能百忍自无忧。 27、智者,一切求自己;愚者,一切求他人。 28、有时候,生活不免走向低谷,才能迎接你的下一个高点。 29、乐观本身就是一种成功。乌云后面依然是灿烂的晴天。 30、经验是由痛苦中粹取出来的。 31、绳锯木断,水滴石穿。 32、肯承认错误则错已改了一半。 33、快乐不是因为拥有的多而是计较的少。 34、好方法事半功倍,好习惯受益终身。 35、生命可以不轰轰烈烈,但应掷地有声。 36、每临大事,心必静心,静则神明,豁然冰释。 37、别人认识你是你的面容和躯体,人们定义你是你的头脑和心灵。 38、当一个人真正觉悟的一刻,他放弃追寻外在世界的财富,而开始追寻他内心世界的真正财富。 39、人的价值,在遭受诱惑的一瞬间被决定。 40、事虽微,不为不成;道虽迩,不行不至。 41、好好扮演自己的角色,做自己该做的事。 42、自信人生二百年,会当水击三千里。 43、要纠正别人之前,先反省自己有没有犯错。 44、仁慈是一种聋子能听到、哑巴能了解的语言。 45、不可能!只存在于蠢人的字典里。 46、在浩瀚的宇宙里,每天都只是一瞬,活在今天,忘掉昨天。 47、小事成就大事,细节成就完美。 48、凡真心尝试助人者,没有不帮到自己的。 49、人往往会这样,顺风顺水,人的智力就会下降一些;如果突遇挫折,智力就会应激增长。 50、想像力比知识更重要。不是无知,而是对无知的无知,才是知的死亡。 51、对于最有能力的领航人风浪总是格外的汹涌。 52、思想如钻子,必须集中在一点钻下去才有力量。 53、年少时,梦想在心中激扬迸进,势不可挡,只是我们还没学会去战斗。经过一番努力,我们终于学会了战斗,却已没有了拼搏的勇气。因此,我们转向自身,攻击自己,成为自己最大的敌人。 54、最伟大的思想和行动往往需要最微不足道的开始。 55、不积小流无以成江海,不积跬步无以至千里。 56、远大抱负始于高中,辉煌人生起于今日。 57、理想的路总是为有信心的人预备着。 58、抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。 59、世上除了生死,都是小事。从今天开始,每天微笑吧。 60、一勤天下无难事,一懒天下皆难事。 61、在清醒中孤独,总好过于在喧嚣人群中寂寞。 62、心里的感觉总会是这样,你越期待的会越行越远,你越在乎的对你的伤害越大。 63、彩虹风雨后,成功细节中。 64、有些事你是绕不过去的,你现在逃避,你以后就会话十倍的精力去面对。 65、只要有信心,就能在信念中行走。 66、每天告诉自己一次,我真的很不错。 67、心中有理想 再累也快乐 68、发光并非太阳的专利,你也可以发光。 69、任何山都可以移动,只要把沙土一卡车一卡车运走即可。 70、当你的希望一个个落空,你也要坚定,要沉着! 71、生命太过短暂,今天放弃了明天不一定能得到。 72、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。 73、如果一个人爱你、特别在乎你,有一个表现是他还是有点怕你。 74、先知三日,富贵十年。付诸行动,你就会得到力量。 75、爱的力量大到可以使人忘记一切,却又小到连一粒嫉妒的沙石也不能容纳。 76、好习惯成就一生,坏习惯毁人前程。 77、年轻就是这样,有错过有遗憾,最后才会学着珍惜。 78、时间不会停下来等你,我们现在过的每一天,都是余生中最年轻的一天。 79、在极度失望时,上天总会给你一点希望;在你感到痛苦时,又会让你偶遇一些温暖。在这忽冷忽热中,我们学会了看护自己,学会了坚强。 80、乐观者在灾祸中看到机会;悲观者在机会中看到灾祸。
3 here/hiə/ad.这里
4 my/mai/我的
5 ticket/'tikit/n.票
6 number/'nʌmbə/n.号码
7 five/faiv/num.五
8 sorry/'sɔri/a.对不起的
9 sir/sə:/n.先生
10 cloakroom/'kləukru:m/n.衣帽存放处
16spoon /spuːn/n.勺子
Lesson 23
1 on/ɔn/prep.在…之上
2 shelf/ʃelf/n.架子,搁板
Lesson 24
1 desk/desk/n.课桌
2 table/'teibəl/n.桌子
3 plate/pleit/n.盘子
5 Italian/i'tæliən/a.意大利的
6 Volvo/'vɔlvəʊ/n.沃尔沃
7 Peugeot/ˈpɜːʒəʊ/n.标致
8 Mercedes/'mə:sidi:z/n.梅赛德斯
9 Toyota/'təʊjəʊtə/n.丰田
10 Daewoo/´da:wu:/n.大宇
11 Mini/'mini/n.迷你
4 Miss/mis/小姐
5 new/nju:/a.新的
6 student/'stju:dənt/n.学生
7 French/frentʃ/a.& n.法国人
8 German/'dʒə:mən/a.& n.德国人
9 nice/'nais/a.美好的
相信有了新概念英语,你也可以成为“⼤神”级别的⼈物!还在等什么?快来加⼊学习吧!⽆忧考⼩编与您⼀起学习进步!新概念英语第⼀册Lesson51~52重点语法 ⼀、重要句型或语法 1、⼀般现在时 1)表⽰天⽓,如:What's the weather like in spring? It's often windy in March. 2)表⽰⽓候,如:What's the climate like in your country? It's very pleasant. 3)it作主语,表天⽓或⽓候。
2、国籍的问答 Where do you come from? I come from Greece. ⼆、课⽂主要语⾔点 Where do you come from? I come from Greece. 也可以⽤:Where are you from? I am from Greece. What's the climate like in your country? / What's the weather like in spring? 注意区分climate与weather:指某⼀地区总的⽓候情况,如⼲旱、湿润、温度、凉爽等;weather指某地某天的具体天⽓情况,如阴晴、降⽔、⽓温、风⼒、风向等。
It's very pleasant. pleasant来源于please,表⽰“令⼈愉快的”。
It's often windy in March. 此处可介绍表天⽓的名词及其形容词的变化,即在名词后加后缀-y。
Its' always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes. 句中的sometimes⼀般位于助动词后⾯和实意动词前⾯,此处放在句末,主要是其强调作⽤。
HANS: Where do you come ❀ = Where are you from?(答:I'm + 国家)
❀ = What nationality are you?(答:I'm + 国家 人)
DIMITRI: I come from Greece. ❀ = I'm from Greece.
New Concept English
Lesson 51
(1)pleasant / 'plezәnt /
adj. 宜人的;今人感到舒服的。
(2)Greece / gri:s /
n. 希腊
Greek n. 希腊人 a. 希腊的
(3)country / kʌntri /
n. 国家
-Which country do you come from?
e.g. -What’s the climate like in your country(国家)?
-It’s very pleasant.
e.g.-What’s his brother like? -He is very handsome.
e.g.-What’s the house like? -It’s so beautiful.
❀ or: 选择疑问句,表示“或者”。or前升调, 后降调。
DIMITRI: It's always warm in September and October.
It's often cold in November and
A: A ____? B:_____.
Thank you!
013接力版三年级起点小学三年级英语上册Lesson 13 This is Peter
014接力版三年级起点小学三年级英语上册Lesson 14 Who is she
015接力版三年级起点小学三年级英语上册Lesson 15 He is a bus
016接力版三年级起点小学三年级英语上册Lesson16 Numbers 1-10
Thank you!
Lesson 4 A box
box 盒子
a 一(个) an 一(个)
a box 一个盒子
ball 球 a ball 一个球
apple an苹a果pple
book 书
a book 一本书
接力版三年级起点小学三年级 英语上册全套PPT课件
001接力版三年级起点小学三年级英语上册Lesson1 Hello!
002接力版三年级起点小学三年级英语上册Lesson 2 Good morning
003接力版三年级起点小学三年级英语上册Lesson 3 I am a pupil 004接力版三年级起点小学三年级英语上册Lesson 4 A box
和对方打招呼的时候我们要怎么说呢? 和对方介绍自己时我们要怎么样说呢?
四个小组中各派一个代表背对同 学们站在讲台。本小组同学用自己声 音或者变声跟台上的同学打招呼。比 一比哪组代表猜对最多声音。
黑灰色 迎上去
ā yí 阿姨
zhuī dǐng pī gǔ ī
追赶 头顶 披着 鼓着
灰阿 姨迎 追披 鼓顶
一蹬 一跳 一蹦
甩着 蹲着 露着 披着 鼓着
他们游到荷花旁边,看见荷叶 上蹲着一只大青蛙,披着碧绿的衣 裳,露着雪白的肚皮,鼓着一对大 眼睛。
连忙追上去,叫 着:“妈妈,妈妈!”
笑着说;“我不是你 们的妈妈。你们的 妈妈头顶上有两只 大眼睛,披着绿衣 裳。你们到那边去 找吧!”
荷叶上蹲着一只大青蛙,披着 碧绿的衣裳,露着雪白的肚皮,鼓 着一对大眼睛。
荷叶上有一只大青蛙,背上 是绿的,肚皮是白的,长着一对 大眼睛。
动作:蹲 披 露 鼓
34 小蝌蚪找妈妈
黑灰色 迎上去 阿 姨 追赶 头顶 披着 鼓着
大大的脑袋,黑灰色的身子,甩着 长长的尾巴,快活地游来游去。
就迎上去, 问:“鲤鱼阿姨, 我们的妈妈在 哪里?”
“你们的妈妈 四条腿,宽嘴 巴。你们到那 边去找吧!”
2、通过看书、上网、请教等 各种形式,查找关于青蛙是益虫、 小蝌蚪尾巴消失之谜、蝌蚪的生活 习性等资料,课间交流。
又过了几天,长出两条( 前腿), 再过几天,( 尾巴)变短了,渐渐 地,(尾巴 )已经不见了,小蝌蚪 长成了( 青蛙)。
你能用自己的话说说 小蝌蚪的变化过程吗?
1、实地观察小蝌蚪和青蛙, 或在家长的帮助下,捉几只小蝌蚪 养一阵子,观察他们的变化,并记 录下来。
小学教育课【课件】 Lesson 34
• 1. What characters in the play do you like? Which do you dislike?
• 2. What happened in the last lesson?
New words
• coast n. 海岸 • handbag n. 手提包 • among prep.在……之间 • guard n. 守卫 • queen n. 女王 • serve v. 服务 • mad adj. 发怒的 • servant n. 仆人 • 1. Mother went __m_a_d__ (生气) when she saw the broken window. 2. Thanks for _s_e_rv_i_c_in_g_(服务)us so well. 3. I am familiar with the _g_u_a_r_d (门卫) in my school. 4. The man likes standing on the _c_o_a_s_t___ (海岸). 5. Women likes beautiful _h_a_n_d_b_a_g_s_ (手提包).
最后一张PPT 谢谢
3. Go right now or I will punish you! 立刻走,否则我 会惩罚你! 本句是“祈使句+and/or”结构,相当于“If…,…”结构。 Study hard, and you will pass the exam.=If you study hard, you will pass the exam.努力学习,你会 考试及格的。 Study hard, or you will fail the exam.=If you don’t study hard, you will fail the exam. 努力学习,否则你 会考试不及格。
Danny’s Dinosaur Dinner PPT课件 1 冀教版
2. Imagine what will happen next and act out the story .
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Have a look offer sth to sb
•4. “Help yourselves to some grass.”
Help yourself/ yourselves to… 随便吃(喝) ……
Help yourself to some tea, Amy! Help yourselves to the fish, children!
• What’s the worst food you’ve ever had?
New words
• knock
What are they doing?
They are knocking on the door.
• knock v. 碰撞
2.hang v. (hung; hung)悬挂
hang v. (hung; hung)
读课文 答问题
Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct words. 1. When Jenny and Brian come to Danny’s kitchen home, he is in the _______. 2. Danny gives Brian and Jenny some _______ grass to eat.
⼀.本课要点及⽰例 在这⼀课⾥, 我们学习⼏个连接词, ⽐⽅ "既然" since, "虽然" although, "可是"nevertheless, "为了要" in order to 等等. 我们还要谈⼀谈有关移民的事情. ⾸先我们来听今天这⼀课的对话, 内容是说凯特跟她的同事⽐尔谈到了学校⾥的外国学⽣. 请你注意听英⽂⽼师的发⾳和语调. M: Kate, how's the new student in your class doing? F: The kid from Haiti? He's having a rough time communicating since he doesn't speak much English. However, the other kids seem to include him pretty well. M: Our students are used to new kids who don't speak much English since we have had so many new immigrant families move into our school district. F: Don't I know it! This year I have had a Vietnamese, an Ethiopian, a Cuban and the kid from Haiti in my class. I spend a lot of time with them after class so that they can catch up. M: It must have been hard for you since you have to give them special attention in order to help them. F: It has been. Nevertheless, it's really rewarding to see them progress and make friends. 现在我们再把对话听⼀遍. 请你注意听. M: Kate, how's the new student in your class doing? F: The kid from Haiti? He's having a rough time communicating since he doesn't speak much English. However, the other kids seem to include him pretty well. M: Our students are used to new kids who don't speak much English since we have had so many new immigrant families move into our school district. F: Don't I know it! This year I have had a Vietnamese, an Ethiopian, a Cuban and the kid from Haiti in my class. I spend a lot of time with them after class so that they can catch up. M: It must have been hard for you since you have to give them special attention in order to help them. F: It has been. Nevertheless, it's really rewarding to see them progress and make friends. 现在⽼师把对话⾥包含了连接词的句⼦再念⼀遍给你听 F: He's having a rough time since he doesn't speak much English. F: However, the other kids seem to include him pretty well. F: I spend a lot of time with them after class so that they can catch up. M: You have to give them special attention in order to help them. F: Nevertheless, it's really rewarding to see them progress and make friends. ⼆.SINCE ⾸先我们练习⽤ since, s-i-n-c-e, since 来表明⼀件事情的原因. ⽐⽅,有⼀句话"他觉得别扭因为他长得跟别的孩⼦不同." 这句话英⽂可以这样说: He feels awkward since he looks different from the other kids. 现在请你注意听⽐尔提出跟海地来的那个学⽣有关系的问题, ⽐⽅: Why doesn't he speak English?接着凯特说出原因: He was never taught the language. 请你跟凯特⼀起这样回答问题: He doesn't speak Englihs because he was never taught the language. 好, 现在我们开始. M: Why doesn't he speak English? F: He was never taught the language. F: He doesn't speak English since he was never taught the language. M: Why does he have a rough time communicating? F: He doesn't speak much English. F: He has a rough time communicating since he doesn't speak much English. M: Why doesn't he play with the other kids? F: He has a rough time communicating. F: He doesn't play with the other kids since he has a rough time communicating. M: Why does he feel awkward? F: He looks different from the other kids. F: He feel awkward since he looks different from the other kids. M: Why is he behind? F: He doesn't understand much English. F: He's behind since he doesn't understand much English. 三.THEREFORE 下⾯我们练习⽤therefore, t-h-e-r-e-f-o-r-e,therefore来表明⼀件事情的结果. ⽐⽅"他还⼩, 因此他会很快学好英⽂." 这句话可以这样说: He's young. Therefore he'll pick up English quickly. 现在还是请你注意听⽐尔提出⼀些跟从海地来的那个学⽣有关系的问题, ⽐⽅: Will he make friends? 接着凯特说: Yes, the other kids like him. 请你跟凯特⼀起这样回答: The other kids like him. Therefore he'll make friends. 现在我们开始. M: Will he pick up English quickly? F: Yes, he's young. F: He's young. Therefore he'll pick up English quickly. M: Will he catch up? F: Yes, he studies hard. F: He studies hard. Therefore he'll catch up. M: Will he make progress? F: Yes, He's in the special programs. F: He's in the special programs. Therefore he'll make progress. M: Will he be accepted by his classmates? F: Yes, he's not the only foreign student in his class. F: He's not the only foreign student in his class. Therefore he'll be accepted. M: Will he make friends? F: Yes, the other kids like him. F: The other kids like him. Therefore he'll make friends. 四.HOWEVER和ALTHOUGH 下⾯我们作⼀组练习, ⽐较连接词 "然⽽" however, h-o-w-e-v-e-r, however 跟"虽然" although, a-l-t-h-o-u-g-h, although 在⽤法上的分别.⽐⽅⽼师念两个句⼦,第⼀个句⼦是: "他是移民." He's an immigrant. 第⼆个句⼦是 "然⽽他不觉得受排斥." However, he doesn't feel rejected. 学⽣就把两个句⼦合并成⼀句, 变为 "虽然他是移民, 但是他不觉得受排斥." Although he's an immigrant, he doesn't feel rejected. 这组练习⾥的句⼦都是说到凯特班上那个从海地来的新学⽣, ⽐⽅他英⽂说得不好, ⼜有⼝⾳, 可是他不⽓馁, 还是设法跟同学交往等等. 请你跟学⽣⼀起作练习. M: He's an immigrant. However, he doesn't feel rejected. F: Although he's an immigrant, he doesn't feel rejected. M: He looks different. However, he's accepted. F: Although he looks different, he's accepted. M: He has a rough time communicating. However, he isn't discouraged. F: Although he has a rough time communicating, he isn't discouraged. M: He cannot express himself clearly. However, he tries to make friends with the other kids. F: Although he cannot express himself clearly, he tries to make friends with the other kids. M: He speaks English with an accent. However, the other kids understand him. F: Although he speaks English with an accent, the other kids understand him. 五.NEVERTHELESS 除了 however 这个字以外, 另外⼀个字,也就是 nevertheless, n-e-v-e-r-t-h-e-l-e- s-s, nevertheless 也可以⽤来表⽰ "然⽽".现在我们作⼀组练习, ⼀边学习这个连接词的⽤法, ⼀边谈⼀谈外国移民移居美国的经历. 练习的作法是⽼师⽤ although 作⼀个句⼦, ⽐⽅ "虽然移居很因难, 但是许多移民还是迁移到美国来了." Although it was difficult to resettle, many immigrants migrated to the United States. 学⽣就把句⼦改成: It was difficult to resettle. Nevertheless, many immigrants migrated to the United States. 这组练习⾥有些词汇可能你不熟, ⽐⽅ "谋⽣" make a living, "适应" adapt to, "苦难" hardship 等等, 请你跟学⽣⼀起作练习的时候特别注意. 现在开始. M: Although it was difficult to resettle, many immigrants migrated to the United States. F: It was difficult to resettle. Nevertheless, many immigrants migrated to the United States. M: Although they were born in foreign countries, they've become Americans. F: They were born in foreigh countries. Nevertheless, they've become Americans. M: Although their English wasn't good, they had other skills to make a living. F: Their English wasn't good. Nevertheless, they had other skills to make a living. M: Although it wasn't easy to cope with the new environment, they finally adapted to the new life style. F: It wasn't easy to cope with the new environment. Nevertheless, they finally adapted to the new life style. M: Although they suffered hardships, they don't feel regret. F: They suffered hardships. Nevertheless, they don't feel regret. 六.IN ORDER TO 现在我们学习⽤ in order to, i-n o-r-d-e-r t-o, in order to. 这个词组可以⽤来表⽰"为了要".⽐⽅有两句话: "他们移居到新⼤陆."They migrated to the New World."他们要有新⽣活." They wanted to have a new life. 这两句话⽤ in order to 连接起来就变成:They migrated to the New World in order to have a new life. 现在我们作⼀组练习, 由⽼师念两句话, 学⽣就⽤ in order to 把两句话变为⼀句.这组练习的内容说的是外国⼈离乡背井移居美国的原因. 练习⾥有些词汇可能你不熟, ⽐⽅ "信仰宗教" to worship a religion. "政治动荡不安" political unrest, "先进技术" advanced technology, "团圆" to be united with 等等,请你跟学⽣⼀起作练习的时候特别注意. 现在开始. M: They migrated to the New World. They wanted to have a new life. F: They migrated to the New World in order to have a new life. M: They resettled in America. They wanted to worship their religions freely. F: They resettled in America in order to worship their religions freely. M: They moved to the U.S. They wanted to avoid political unrest. F: They moved to the U.S. in order to avoid political unrest. M: They relocated in this country. They wanted to study advanced technology. F: They relocated in this country in order to study advanced technology. M: They came from their native countries. They wanted to be reunited with their families in the U.S. F: They came from thier native countries in order to be reunited with their families in the U.S. 七.IN ORDER TO 和 SO THAT 的区别 下⾯我们作⼀组练习⽐较 in order to 跟 "因此" so that, s-o t-h-a-t, so that 在⽤法上的分别, 同时也谈⼀谈到美国的移民. 练习的作法是⽼师说: They left their homelands in order to have better working conditions. 学⽣就把句⼦改成: They left their homeland so that they could have better working conditions. 学⽣作练习的时候请你也⼀起作. M: They migrated to the New World in order to have a new life. F: They migrated to the New World so that they could have a new life. M: They resettled in America in order to worship their religions freely. F: They resettled in America so that they could worship their religions freely. M: They moved to the U.S. in order to avoid political unrest. F: They moved to the U.S. so that they could avoid political unrest. M: They relocated in this country in order to study advanced technology. F: They relocated in this country so that they could study advanced technology. M: They left their homelands in order to have better working conditions. F: They left their homelands so that they could have better working conditions. ⼋.听短⽂回答问题 ⾸先⽼师给你念⼀篇⽂章介绍到美国定居的各国移民, 并且谈到美国为什么是个⼤熔炉. 请你注意听. America is a country of immigrants. Nearly the entire population can trace its origins to someplace outside of the U.S. The group of people with the longest period of residence in North America are American Indians. It is believed that they migrated from Asia several thousand years ago. The next people to come to what is now the U.S. were Europeans. They came as colonists between 350 and 250 years ago. Many of these colonists came from England and settled along the Atlantic coast. Other colonists came from Spain and settled in Florida and in the southwestern part of the country. When thecolonists had established themselves, large numbers of Africans were forced to come to North America as slaves. Through the 19th century, many immigrants came to the U.S. The earlier ones were largely from Ireland, Germany and other parts of western Europe. Later, many immigrants came from northern and southern Europe and from Asia. In this century many Eastern Europeans have come to the U.S. and more recently thousands of people from Southeast Asia and the Caribbean area have come to live in the U.S. These people have come to the U.S. for many reasons. Some came in order to make better lives for themselves in a new country. Others came so that they could worship their religions more freely. Many immigrants left their homelands because of war, political unrest or bad economic and living conditions. Although most immigrants chose to come to the U. S. themselves, they often suffered hardships getting to the country. The conditions in which many people lived when they first arrived were very difficult. However, most immigrants managed to establish themselves and have good lives in the U.S. The U.S. today is called the melting pot since people who came from different countries have all become Americans. 现在请你回答问题. 你回答之后⽼师会把正确答案念给你听. 第⼀个问题是: M: Where did American immigrants come from? F: They came from all over the world. 第⼆个问题是: M: What were some of the reasons for immigrants to leave their homelands? F: Religion, war, political unrest, bad economic and living conditions were some of the reasons for immigrants to leave their homelands. 第三个问题是: M: Was it difficult for immigrants to get to the U.S.? F: Yes, it was often difficult.。
新版英语1On the Farm-课件
2. I like to feed the animals. feed 意为“饲养或喂养、供养”。 例:Don’t feed the animals at the zoo.
不要在动物园喂动物。 He has a big family to feed. 他得养活一大家子人。
Listen to the passage and match the people with the actions.
Unit 6 Let’s Go!
Lesson 34: On the Farm
Warm up
Have you ever been to a farm? 你去过农场吗?
What can you see on the farm?
Do you know these animals?
4. The cows like you. (改为一般疑问句)
5. The animals are friendly. (转换为同义句)
New words
郊外;乡村 喂;喂养 采摘,选择 友好的;友爱的 快;迅速
countryside n. feed v. pick v. friendly adj. quickly adv.
Look and guess!
What are they doing?
精通版四年级英语下册Lesson 34课件
2. What are these in English? 这些用英语怎么说?
these意为“这些”,是this的复数形式,当询问的物体 距离说话人较近时,用these。 答语:They are + 可数名词复数形式.(它们是……)
例句:这些用英语怎么说? What are these in English? 它们是小鸡。 They are chicken.
►Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life. 苦难是人生最伟大的老师。 ►For man is man and master of his fate. 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。 ►A maபைடு நூலகம் can't ride your back unless it is bent. 你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你的背上。
Just read and write
What are these in English? They’re horses.
a horse 一匹马
horses 马
a cow 一头牛
cows 牛
Can you write them?
Let’s play
Guess the animals.
What are these in English?
►Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。
►A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。
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(tree) in front (eat)bamboos.
5.Don’t +动原
Explain the points:
1.Feed on 以…为生 (动物为 主) Eg:Horses feed on grass. 2.Live on以…为生 (以动物和人 为主) Eg:My grandparents live on rice.
according to the lesson content and fill in the blanks.
1.study the new words:countryside,feed,pick,quickly,friendly from,like to,come on, Don’t worry, be friendly to sb. remember and use the important knowledge.
Li Ming is visiting his uncle’s farm with Jack.This farm is beautiful and it’s so From the city.Li Ming the farm.The is so nice and quiet.He likesTo the animals and vegetable and fruit.The animals are very .His favourite cow is Niuniu.
Lesson 34
on the farm
What is the monkey doing?
The monkey is eating bananas
What are they doing ?
The tiger is sleeping.
The panda is playing.
Learn the new words:
countryside,农村 feed,喂 pick,摘 quickly,很快
friendly. 友好
Importort phrases:
1.Like to 具体的动作
2.Like doing 侧重兴趣,爱好
3.Feed on 以…为生 4.Let’s +动原
do the exercise
1.Let’s (feed) the monkeys.
2.The cat
(want) to eat fish.
3.Look!They are 4.Jenny
(have) a little dog.
5.Tese are many ofOur house. 6.Pandans like