Effect of MGy dose level γ-radiation on the parameters of fbgs written in a Ge-doped silic



3 放射性射线对生物体的基本作用 放射性射线对生物体的主要作用是电离作用. 放射性射线对生物体的主要作用是电离作用. 通过该作用,一方面把自己的能量交给了生物体, 通过该作用,一方面把自己的能量交给了生物体, 同时就使生物体内产生有害的自由基 . . . (H ,OH ,R )及H2O2和e-ag等. )及H 这可对肿瘤组织产生损伤或不可逆损伤,从 而达到治癌的目的; 而达到治癌的目的;同时对正常组织也能造成放 射性损伤和致癌,从而造成对生存质量的影响. 射性损伤和致癌,从而造成对生存质量的影响.
2 生物效应剂量 (Biological Effective Dose,BED)
1)生物效应剂量(BED)的 基本表达式
生物效应剂量(BED)的基本表达式也是由 α/ß方程转换而得,只要/α便可得到生物效应剂 量(BED) 基本表达式,即: 2 E/ α =n(d+βd /α) (4) BED=D(1+d/( BED=D(1+d/( α/β)) (5) (5)式即为生物效应剂量(BED)的基本表达 式。
二 生物剂量
随着”放射生物学”的发展, 生物剂量” 随着”放射生物学”的发展,”生物剂量”的概 念也有一个发展的过程. 念也有一个发展的过程. 最早是1969年Ellis提出的名义标称剂量 最早是1969年Ellis提出的名义标称剂量概念 名义标称剂量概念 及表达式(Norminal 及表达式(Norminal Standard Dose NSD),这 NSD),这 是根据正常结缔组织耐受量,结合皮肤红斑,鳞 状细胞癌的等剂量曲线而总结出来的。该公式可 以理解为正常组织放射反应相同的情况下的总剂 量, 时间,分次的函数关系,NSD可以看作生 时间,分次的函数关系,NSD可以看作生 物学有效剂量。当使用不同治疗方案时只要NSD 物学有效剂量。当使用不同治疗方案时只要NSD 相同,就可以说使用了相同的生物剂量。如结缔 组织耐受的数值接近1800Ret。 组织耐受的数值接近1800Ret。



管电压对胸部CT图像质量及辐射剂量的影响袁颖;卢东生;钟朝辉【摘要】Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the consequences of different tube voltages on radiation dose and image quality with an automatic tube current modulation (ATCM) system on CT scanning of chest. Methods The chest phantom was scanned on GE Optima CT 680 scanner. Images were obtained at varying tube voltage (80, 100, and 120 kVp) and varying noise index (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30) with an ATCM system. Volumetric CT dose index (CTDIvol) and dose-length product (DLP) was recorded in the CT scanner. The objective noise of images were measured. Two experienced radiologists blinded to the CT parameters were invited to assess the identification of ground glass nodules (GGN). Results There was no significant difference in objective noise at the same NI level besides NI of 10. The DLP of scanning at tube voltage of 80 kVp increased by 21.96, 16.25, 9.18, 6.37 mGy·cm compared with that of 120 kVp at the NI of 15, 20, 25 and 30. The DLP increased by 14.05,8.50, 5.17 and 3.65 mGy·cm respectively at tube voltage of 100 kVp compared with that of 120 kVp at the NI of 15, 20, 25 and 30. There is no significant difference in the assessment of GGN among the varying tube voltage settings at the same NI level. Kappa value of the identification of the GGNs was substantial or almost perfect. Conclusion The image quality is not significantly affected by the different tube voltages based on ATCM system. The radiation dose of patients is decreased with the increasing oftube voltage.%目的本文探讨了应用自动管电流调节技术(Automatic Tube Medical University,ATCM)行胸部CT扫描时,管电压的变化对图像质量及辐射剂量的影响.方法应用GE Optima CT680 CT机采用ATCM技术对胸部仿真模体行CT扫描.共进行3组扫描,其中A组管电压为80 kVp,B组管电压为100 kVp,C组管电压为120 kVp,各组分别预设5个噪声指数(Noise Index,NI)级别(10、15、20、25和30)扫描体模.记录每组图像的容积CT剂量指数(Volumetric CT Dose Index, CTDIvol)和剂量长度乘积(Dose-Length Product,DLP).测量并比较图像的客观噪声(Standard Deviation,SD),由两名有经验的放射科医生采用双盲法对磨玻璃密度结节(Ground Glass Nodules,GGN)进行主观评分.结果研究结果显示,除NI为10以外,在其他相同NI时,图像客观噪声无统计学差异.NI在15、20、25和30时,A组与C组比较时, DLP分别增加21.96,16.25、9.18和6.37 mGy·cm.B组与C组比较时,DLP分别增加14.05、8.50、5.17和3.65 mGy·cm.相同预设NI时不同管电压下对GGN主观评分无明显统计学差异,且两名观察者间的一致性中等或良好.结论应用ATCM技术,相同预设NI下管电压的变化对图像质量不会产生明显影响.患者的辐射剂量随着扫描管电压的增高而降低.【期刊名称】《中国医疗设备》【年(卷),期】2018(033)002【总页数】4页(P69-72)【关键词】自动管电流调制技术;管电压;辐射剂量;图像质量;体层摄影术【作者】袁颖;卢东生;钟朝辉【作者单位】首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院放射科,北京 100050;首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院医学工程部,北京 100050;首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院放射科,北京 100050【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R814.42引言随着CT设备的广泛应用,其辐射剂量引起的危害也逐渐引起人们的关注[1],胸部CT检查在肺癌、肺结核等疾病的检出和对高危人群的普查等方面具有一定的优势,尤其对于肺癌筛查,其检出率约为X线胸片的6倍,而辐射剂量却是X线胸片的几十甚至上百倍[4]。


Radiation and carcinogenesis Andrzej Wojcik
Stochastic and deterministic effects
Deterministic effects
Example: skin erythema Cause: cell death of many cells Probability of effect
Cohort study…………….. Comparison of groups of people
A cohort is a group of people who share a common characteristic or experience within a defined period. Thus a group of people who were born on a day or in a particular period, say 1948, form a birth cohort. The comparison group may be the general population from which the cohort is drawn, or it may be another cohort of persons thought to have had little or no exposure to the substance under investigation, but otherwise similar. Alternatively, subgroups within the cohort may be compared with each other.



的杀灭作用 。这种抑菌和杀菌性能是多方面作用的 结果 ,如纳米氧化物的磨蚀性 、碱性 、氧化性以及对 微生物的静电吸引 2 ,加之氧化物表面有许多边 、 角 、扭折 、阶梯和空位 ,这些都是吸附和表面反应的 中心 3 。这些特性与纳米氧化物消毒杀菌功能密 切相关 。纳米 MgO 颗粒细小 ,这种抑菌和杀菌性 能尤为突出 。显微镜下显示 , 所有的菌斑和纳米 MgO 都有凝结现象 (如图 1 所示) ,导致这种凝结是 由于它们之间存在静电吸引力 。
·14 ·
海军医学杂志 2005 年 3 月第 26 卷第 1 期 Journal of Navy Medicine 2005 Mar. Vol. 26 ,No. 1
到纳米 MgO 未作用前的大肠杆菌和芽孢的形态以 及作用 60 min 后的大肠杆菌和芽孢的形态 (如图 2 所示) 。从图 2 中可以明显看到 ,大肠杆菌的细胞壁 和细胞膜遭到了严重破坏 。芽孢也从形态上发生变 化 ,细胞壁打开碎裂 ,破坏后的残留物清晰可见 。
图 2 芽孢和大肠杆菌在纳米 MgO 作用前后的 TEM 图像 A) 纳米 MgO 作用前的大肠杆菌形态 ;B) 纳米 MgO 作用 前的芽孢形态 ; C) 纳米 MgO 作用后的大肠杆菌形态 ;D) 纳 米 MgO 作用后的芽孢形态
[ 参考文献 ]
1 顾 高 ,付德刚 ,张海黔 ,等. 纳米技术与应用 M . 北京 :人民 邮电出版社 ,2002. 4.
用 PBS 将菌液稀释至 105 ~ 106 cf u/ ml 。取无 菌试管 6 支 ,玻璃片 6 个 。无菌试管分别加入 5 ml 中和剂 。分别用 0. 1 ml 吸管吸取 0. 01 ml 菌液置 于 6 个玻璃片上 。将准确称量的纳米 MgO 粉体 6 份 ,均匀分散于 6 个染菌玻璃片上 , 静置 10 min 后 投入 1 片到无菌试管中中和药物 ,以后每隔 10 min 投入 1 片到无菌试管中 ,投入试管后均在手掌上振 敲 80 次 ,使液体混合均匀 。另取 1 支无菌试管加入 5 ml 中和剂 ,用 0. 1 ml 吸管吸取 0. 01 ml 菌液置于 玻璃片上 ,投入其中 ,作为阳性对照组 。然后将液体 稀释 10 倍 、100 倍 、1000 倍 。这些不同浓度的悬液 用琼脂倾注法接种 ,放到 37 ℃恒温箱中培养 18~ 24 h ,然后活菌计数 。实验重复 3 次 。 1. 3 振荡烧瓶抑菌实验方法



4 名患者为重度膝关节骨关节炎,并已发展为
O 型腿,其中 3 名 AEC 模式摄影得到的双下肢全长
1.2.3 摄片方法
随机采用 AEC 模式和 FIXED 模式摄影。AEC 模 患者协商,签署知情同意书后,改用 FIXED 模式再
式曝光条件为 320 mA、80 kV,大焦点摄影,摄影距 次得到的双下肢全长图像各关节间隙均较清晰,符
该系统采用 17 in(1 in=25.4 mm)非晶硅平板探测 到每名患者的实验数据。
器,额定功率 65 kW,管电压 40~150 kVp,管电流10~ 1.5 统计学分析
800 mA。
使用 SPSS 19.0 统计学软件对 2 组数据进行统
1.2.2 患者准备
计学分析。每组摄片模式下的表面入射剂量及 mAs
Totally 60 patients
undergoing double lower extremities full-length photography were selected with sequential experiment and then divided into
two groups randomly and equally, of whom, there were four ones with genu varum. In the two groups, one group applied the
窑医疗卫生装备窑2018 年 5 月第 39 卷第 5 期 悦澡蚤灶藻泽藻 酝藻凿蚤糟葬造 耘择怎蚤责皂藻灶贼 允燥怎则灶葬造窑灾燥造援39窑晕燥援5窑May窑2018




临床医学研究与实践2021年1月第6卷第2期临床医学下肢孤立性肌间静脉血栓是深静脉血栓(DVT )的一种类型,其定义为局限在膝下深静脉系统中的血栓,包括胫前静脉血栓、胫后静脉血栓、腓静脉血栓及小腿肌肉静脉丛血栓[1]。

目前尚无亚裔人群的多中心临床试验结论发表,但有资料显示,约1/4该疾病患者的血栓可以向近心端蔓延,有可能引起致死性肺动脉栓塞或慢性血栓栓塞性肺动脉高压(chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hyper -tension,CTEPH )[2-6]。







两组的一般资料无显著差异(P >0.05,表1)。

纳入标准:①经血管超声及下肢静脉造影共同进行影像学确诊的下肢肌间静脉血栓;②≤50岁患者D-二聚体>500μg/L ,>50岁患者>(年龄×0.2)×50μg/L ;③入院低剂量利伐沙班治疗症状性下肢孤立性肌间静脉血栓的效果付浩哲,陈述*,于伟峰,李金保,毕远航,权晖(宝鸡市中心医院介入血管外科,陕西宝鸡,721008)摘要:目的研究低剂量利伐沙班治疗症状性下肢孤立性肌间静脉血栓的效果。





分别采集2组患儿胸部CT容积剂量指数(CTdose index volume,CTDI^i)和剂量长度乘积(dose length product,DLP),并计算有效辐射剂量(effective dose,ED),比较不同定位方法得到的图像质量及辐射剂量,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

结果:采用常规定位组和辅助定位组之间的图像质量主观评分差异没有统计学意义(字2=0.680,?>0.05);客观图像质量信噪比(signal to noiseratio,SNR)及对比噪声比(contrast to noise ratio,CNR)的差异没有统计学意义(t=0.586、0.432,P>0.05);对于辐射剂量CTDI V o H DLP.ED,辅助定位组明显小于常规定位组,差异具有统计学意义(t=4.252、6.632、6.632,P<0.001)。


[关键词]儿童;常规定位;辅助定位;辐射剂量;图像质量[中国图书资料分类号]R318;R814.42[文献标志码]A[文章编号]1003-8868(2021)02-0047-04DOI:10.19745/j.1003-8868.2021031Effects of different positioning methods on chest CT image quality andradiation dose of childrenGE Ning1,YANG Wen-zhong1,CHENG Ying2,LIU Ping1(1.Department of Medical Imaging,Maternal and Child Hospital of Hubei Province,Wuhan430070,China;2.Department of Pediatric Intensive Care,Maternal and Children Hospital of Hubei Province,Wuhan430070,China) Abstract O时active To explore the effects of different positioning methods on radiation dose and image quality during chestCT examination of children.MefllOdS A total of30children around3years old undergoing chest CT scans were selected fromthe department of pediatric intensive care unit of some hospital and randomly divided into a conventional positioning group went through anteroposterior CT examination and realized positioning through visual inspection of midaxillary line and an auxiliary positioning group implemented positioning through a body thickness caliper,15cases in each group.The values ofCT dose index volume(CTDI voi)and dose length product(DLP)were collected in the two groups,and the effective dose(ED) was calculated.The image quality and radiation dose generated by different positioning methods were compared and P values lower than0.05were considered statistically significant.There were no significant differences in the subjective image quality scores between the two groups(字2=0.680,P>0.05);the values of the objective image quality signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio(CNR)were not statistically significant(t=0.586,0.432and P>0.05)in the two groups;the auxiliary positioning group had the values of CTDI voi,DLP and EP obviously lower than those in the conventional group,and the differences were statistically significant(t=4.252,6.632,6.632and P<0.001).^^ndusioil The children chest CT examinationby means of body thickness caliper-assisted positioning clarifies the scan scope by scanning from a lateral scout view,the radiation dose is greatly reduced campared with the conventional use of ortho positioning image,which is of significance for clinical application.[Chinese Medical Equipment Journal,2021,42(2):47-49,108]Key words children;conventional positioning;auxiliary positioning;radiation dose;image quality0引言作者简介:葛宁(1982—),女,硕士,副主任技师,主要从事医学辐射剂量方面的研究工作,E-mail:cindy0371@ 。



化学品毒性鉴定技术规范2005年6月目录一、总则 (3)二、试验方法(一)第一阶段试验 (15)1、急性吸入毒性试验 (16)2、急性经皮毒性试验 (20)3、急性经口毒性试验 (23)4、急性眼刺激性/腐蚀性试验 (26)5、皮肤刺激性/腐蚀性试验 (32)6、皮肤变态反应试验(皮肤致敏试验) (36)(二)第二阶段试验 (54)1、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌回复突变试验(Ames试验) (55)2、体外哺乳动物细胞染色体畸变试验 (62)3、体内哺乳动物骨髓细胞染色体畸变试验 (68)4、体内哺乳动物骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验 (75)5、哺乳动物精原细胞/初级精母细胞染色体畸变试验,或 (79)精子畸形试验 (87)6、啮齿类动物显性致死试验 (90)7、免疫毒性评价试验方法 (95)8、亚急性吸入(14/28天)毒性试验 (104)9、亚急性经皮(21/28天)毒性试验 (110)10、亚急性经口(28天)毒性试验 (115)(三)第三阶段试验 (121)1、亚慢性吸入毒性试验 (122)2、亚慢性经皮毒性试验 (126)3、亚慢性经口毒性试验 (130)4、致畸试验 (136)5、两代繁殖毒性试验 (142)6、迟发性神经毒性试验 (147)(四)第四阶段试验 (153)1、慢性吸入毒性试验 (154)2、慢性经皮毒性试验 (160)3、慢性经口毒性试验 (166)4、致癌试验,或 (172)慢性毒性/致癌性合并试验 (180)5、毒物代谢动力学试验 (189)6、接触人群调查与观察(参考国内外有关专著或教科书)(五)参考试验 (196)1、皮肤变态反应试验-局部淋巴结法 (197)2、大肠杆菌回复突变试验 (202)3、酵母菌基因突变试验 (210)4、体外哺乳动物细胞正向基因突变试验 (214)5、果蝇伴性隐性致死试验 (220)6、枯草杆菌基因重组试验 (224)7、体外哺乳动物细胞程序外DNA合成(UDS)试验 (232)8、体内哺乳动物外周血细胞微核试验 (238)9、体外哺乳动物姊妹染色单体交换(SCE)试验 (244)10、体内哺乳动物骨髓细胞姊妹染色体交换(SCE)试验 (250)11、繁殖/生长发育毒性筛选试验 (256)12、亚急性毒性合并繁殖/发育毒性筛选试验 (262)13、一代繁殖试验 (269)14、神经毒性筛选组合试验 (274)总则General Principles1 依据根据《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》、《作业场所使用有毒物品劳动保护条例》、《危险化学品安全管理条例》、《职业卫生技术服务机构管理办法》、《化学品毒性鉴定管理规范》制定本规范。








观察组尿酮体转阴时间、血糖达标时间、胰岛素用量均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05)。

观察组空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖、糖化血红蛋白均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。





[关键词] 2型糖尿病;德谷门冬双胰岛素注射液;不良反应;心血管不良事件[中图分类号] R59 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2023)09(a)-0098-04Discussion on the Clinical Effect and Safety of Insulin Degludec and Insu⁃lin Aspart Injection in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes MellitusLIN Sheng, XIE Ping, CHEN YuDepartment of Endocrinology, Changle District People's Hospital, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, 350200 China[Abstract] Objective To study the clinical effect and safety of insulin degludec and insulin aspart injection in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods A total of 98 patients with type 2 diabetes admitted to Fuzhou Changle District People's Hospital from July 2022 to April 2023 were selected as the study objects and divided into two groups with 49 cases in each group by random lottery method. Both groups were treated with conventional hypoglycemic drugs, the control group was treated with insulin glargine injection, and the observation group was treated with Degu asparton double insulin injection. The clinical therapeutic effect, time of improvement of clinical symptoms, insulin dosage, glucose metabolism index, insulin function index, occurrence of adverse reactions and cardiovascular adverse events were compared between the two groups. Results The total effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The time of urine ketone body turning negative, blood glucose reaching standard and insulin dosage in observation group were better than those in control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Fasting plasma glucose, 2-hour postprandial blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The function index of islet β cells in observation group was higher than that in control group, the insulin resistance index and fasting insulin was lower than that in control group, the dif⁃ference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the total incidence of [作者简介]林生(1981-),男,本科,副主任医师,研究方向为糖尿病及其并发症的相关临床研究。



094CARCINO GENESIS ,TERATO GENESIS &MUTAGENESISVol.36No.2Mar.2024低剂量电离辐射对人淋巴细胞氧化应激及DNA 损伤的影响孙鑫,李爽,陆雪,蔡恬静,刘雅,刘青杰,张伟*(中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所,辐射防护与核应急中国疾病预防控制中心重点实验室,北京100088)Effect of low-dose ionizing radiation on oxidative stress and DNA damage repair in humanlymphocytoid cellsSUN Xin,LI Shuang,LU Xue,CAI Tianjing,LIU Ya,LIU Qingjie,ZHANG Wei *(China CDC Key Laboratory of Radiological Protection and NuclearEmergency,National Institute for Radiological Protection,Chinese Centerfor Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 100088,China)收稿日期:2023-11-17;修订日期:2024-02-29基金项目:国家自然科学基金(82173464)作者信息:孙鑫,E-mail :****************。

*通信作者,张伟,E-mail :**********************.cn【摘要】目的:探讨低剂量137Cs γ射线照射后正常人淋巴细胞(AHH-1)是否产生氧化应激及DNA 损伤,并引发DNA 修复。

方法:以剂量率为8.32mGy/min 的137Cs γ射线照射AHH-1细胞,剂量分别为0(未照射)、0.01、0.02、0.05、0.075、0.1和0.2Gy ,照射后分别培养1、24、48和72h 。



第47卷第1期2021年1月吉林大学学报(医学版)Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition)Vol.47No.1Jan.2021DOI:10.13481/j.1671⁃587Ⅹ.20210101低剂量电离辐射对STZ诱导糖尿病模型大鼠海马神经元的影响刘飞1,2,梁硕1,王栎萱1,秦丽晶1,郭伟1,王志成1(1.吉林大学公共卫生学院国家卫健委放射生物学重点实验室,吉林长春130021;2.武警吉林总队医院第二门诊部,吉林长春130052)[摘要]目的目的:探讨低剂量电离辐射(LDR)对糖尿病模型大鼠海马神经元细胞周期、钙离子浓度([Ca2+]i)和[线粒体膜电位(MMP)的影响,阐明LDR对糖尿病神经损伤的保护作用机制。


60只大鼠分为正常对照组、DM组、DM+25mGy X射线照射组、DM+50mGy X射线照射组和DM+75mGy X射线照射组,每组12只。



结果结果:正常对照组大鼠体质量随着时间的延长逐渐增加;与正常对照组比较,DM组、DM+25mGy X射线照射组、DM+50mGy X射线照射组和DM+75mGy X射线照射组大鼠体质量明显降低(P<0.05);与DM组比较,DM+50mGy X射线照射组和DM+75mGy X射线照射组大鼠体质量明显增加(P<0.05)。

与正常对照组比较,DM组大鼠中S期海马神经元百分率和[Ca2+]i明显增加(P<0.05),海马神经元MMP明显降低(P<0.05);与DM组比较,DM+50mGy X射线照射组和DM+75mGy X射线照射组大鼠S期海马神经元百分率和[Ca2+]i明显降低(P<0.05),海马神经元MMP明显升高(P<0.05);与DM+25mGy X射线照射组比较,DM+75mGy X射线照射组大鼠海马神经元中[Ca2+]i明显降低(P<0.05),DM+50Gy X射线照射组和DM+75mGyX射线照射组海马神经元MMP明显升高(P<0.05)。



学术论著*基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81971664)“新型pH敏感T1-T2双激活纳米分子探针用于超微乳腺癌检测及免疫治疗增敏的研究”;上海交通大学医学院临床专职科研队伍项目(81971664)“新型载药pH敏感纳米分子探针双激活联合DESI减影技术对超微乳腺癌诊疗一体化实验研究”①上海交通大学附属第一人民医院放射科 上海 200080 作者简介:葛仁斌,男,(1985- ),本科学历,技师,从事CT双能量成像参数研究工作。

[文章编号] 1672-8270(2021)01-0010-05 [中图分类号] R816.5 [文献标识码] AThe application value of single energy technique of energy spectrum purification of the third-generation dual-source CT in the examination of rectal cancer/GE Ren-bin, ZHU Hua, HE Fu-quan, et al//China Medical Equipment,2021,18(1):10-14.[Abstract] Objective: T o evaluate the effect of the third-generation technique of energy spectrum purification on the image quality and radiation dose of dual energy scan of rectal cancer. Methods: 70 patients with rectal cancer were selected and all of them underwent dual-energy scan. And they were divided into the second-generation group (36 cases) and the third-generation group (34 cases) according to the different thickness of the tin of energy spectrum purification of tin filtration. The second-generation group adopted the second-generation of dual-energy SOMATOM Definition Flash computed tomography(CT) scan, and the third-generation group adopted the third-generation of dual-energy SOMATOM Definition Force CT energy spectrum purification technique to implement scan. The CT dose index(CTDI) and the dose-length produce (DLP) of two kinds of scan methods were analyzed and compared. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast- to-noise ratio (CNR) of lump and blood supply in linear fusion (M=0.5) and monoenergetic+40 and 60 keV images were calculated. The 5-scale score method was adopted to score the image quality and slight artery by 2 observers had clinical experience over ten years. Results: The CTDI and the DLP of the third-generation group were 5.43 (4.23-7.59 mGy) and 242.85 (147.7-339.7 mGy·cm), respectively, which were significantly lower than those of the second-generation group (U =10, U =7, P <0.05). The SNR of tumors in fusion images and CNR of slight artery in the third-generation group were significantly higher than those in the second-generation group (F =7.94, F =10.58, P <0.05). Within the third-generation group, the SNR of slight artery in fusion images was significantly higher than that of 40 keV and 60 keV , respectively, and the CNRs of lump and slight artery in 40keV images were significantly higher than that of 60 keV (F SNR =1.23, F =0.356, F CNR =0.53, F =0.45, P <0.05). Conclusion: The third-generation energy spectrum purification technique can significantly improve image quality and reduce radiation dose, and the combination of the third-generation energy spectrum purification technique and mono-plus (40 keV) can enhance the displayed effect of slight artery vessel of rectum.[Key words] Spectrum purification; Rectal cancer; Monoenergetic plus; Third-generation dual-source CT[First-author’s address] Department of Radiology, The First People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200080, China.[摘要] 目的:评价第3代能谱纯化技术对直肠肿瘤双能扫描图像质量及辐射剂量的影响。

























低管电压联合顺适性低剂量容积双空间迭代重建技术在头颈部CT血管成像中的应用丁晨寒,宋凤祥*,杨泽铖上海市(复旦大学附属)公共卫生临床中心放射科,上海201508;*通信作者宋凤祥【基金项目】上海市卫生健康委员会(202140084)【摘要】目的探讨低管电压联合顺适性低剂量容积双空间迭代重建技术(AIDR 3D)在头颈部CT血管成像(CTA)中对图像质量、辐射剂量及穿支动脉显示的影响,以期获得最佳扫描方案。


A组扫描参数为120 kV和300 mA,B组扫描参数为100 kV,自动毫安,C组扫描参数为80 kV,自动毫安,3组均采用AIDR 3D算法进行数据重建,测量3组图像的肌肉和动脉CT强化值、噪声标准差(SD)、信噪比(SNR)、对比噪声比(CNR)、CT容积剂量指数(CTDIvol)、剂量长度乘积(DLP)、辐射有效剂量(ED)。













【关键词】乳腺检查;曝光模式;射线剂量[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the application effect of two Dr exposure modes in breast examination. Methods a total of 60 patients who underwent breast examination in our hospital from December 2019 to December 2020 were pided into observation group and control group according to different exposure modes, with 30 cases in each group. Standard mode (STD) was used in the control group and dose mode (dose) was used in the observation group. The radiation doses of the two groups were compared. Results the radiation dose of the observation group was lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion in mammography, exposure processing with dose mode can not only ensure the image quality, but also reduce the dose of breast rays received by patients, which is worthy of popularization.[Key words] breast examination; Exposure mode; Radiation dose乳腺疾病在临床上较为常见,其中,多数乳腺疾病为良性病变,包括乳腺囊肿、乳腺增生等,但亦有部分恶性病变患者。



中国CT和MRI杂志 2022年03月 第20卷 第03期 总第149期Feasibility Study of Low Radiation Dose, 【通讯作者】王娜琴,女,主管技师,主要研究方向:CT、MR方面。

E-mail:***************Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.58··59CHINESE JOURNAL OF CT AND MRI, MAR. 2022, Vol.20, No.03 Total No.149入院资料不全者;合并凝血异常、伴有自身免疫系统疾病者;合并碘对比剂过敏、严重心律不齐者。


1.2 方法 所有患者均行两次64排CT机动态容积CTA检查(初次检查、复查),初次检查给予常规检查方法,复查给予低辐射剂量、低对比剂用量和低注射流速方式。

(1)仪器与设备:GE64排CT机,型号:LightSpeed Vct XT序列号************。





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European Workshop on Optical Fiber Sensors, Scotland, Peebles, 8-10 July 1998Effect of MGy dose level γ-radiation on the parameters of FBGs written in a Ge-dopedsilica fiberA.I.Gusarov*, A.Fernandez Fernandez †, F.Berghmans †, O.Deparis*, Y.Defosse*, P.Mégret*,M.Décreton †, M.Blondel** Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (FPMs), Service d’Electromagnétisme et deTélécommunications, 31 bd. Dolez, B-7000 Mons, fax: (+32 65) 37.41.99† Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK •CEN), 200 Boeretang, B-2400 Mol1. IntroductionOptical fiber sensors (OFS) are developed to replace conventional electro-mechanical sensing systems, which are well established, have proven their reliability and can be manufactured at low cost. Advantages of OFS are resistance to electromagnetic interference, intrinsic safety,mechanical simplicity and small size, the possibly of high sensitivity and multiplexing capabilities. These features make OFS an interesting alternative for application in the nuclear industry. However, the feasibility of using OFS in a radiation environment still needs due assessment. For example, Berghmans et al. [1] showed that γ-radiation at doses below 100 kGy can result in the failure of commercial fluorescence and Fabry-Perrot temperature sensors,whereas semiconductor absorption temperature sensors did not show any degradation for doses in excess of 450 kGy.A fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is an optical filter constituted by a single-mode fiber in which the core refractive index is periodically modulated along its axis [2,3]. It can be produced by exposing a photosensitive optical fiber to an ultraviolet laser beam, of which the intensity varies in space. The result is a perturbation of the effective refractive index. The mechanisms of the FBGs formation are still not well established, but it is generally accepted that the underlying physic is related to the generation of defects by UV-light.The reflection spectrum of such a filter is peaked around the Bragg wavelength λB defined by the Bragg condition: λB = 2n eff Λ, where n eff is the refractive index of the guided mode and Λ is the grating pitch. The use of a FBG as a temperature sensor is based on the dependence of λB on the temperature T. For a restricted temperature interval this dependence can be well approximated by a linear expression:()()()000T T T T B B −+=αλλ,where α0 is the FBG temperature sensitivity at T = T 0. If the values of λB (T 0) and α0 are given,the temperature of the FBG can be easily calculated.The most prominent effect of ionizing radiation on an optical fiber is an increase of the fibre’s attenuation. An advantage of a FBG-sensor is that the information about the measured parameter (temperature) is wavelength-encoded and should therefore be insensitive to radiation-induced losses. Radiation effects in a FBG are related to the generation of radiation defects. Such defects change the glass parameters resulting in a change of the Bragg wavelength λB (T 0) → f(D,T 0).The application of FBGs for temperature sensing in a radiation environment therefore depends on to what extent λB (T 0) and α0 are influenced by radiation.To the best of our knowledge there are only a few publications on this subject [4-6]. For a Ge-doped silica fiber the shift of the resonance can be as high as 0.1 nm at a dose of 0.5 MGy [4,5],corresponding to the error in temperature estimation (about 10 °C) not acceptable for most applications. For a N-doped fiber, which was shown to possess a high radiation hardness as far as transmission in the visible region of the spectrum is concerned, the shift can be even higher[6]. The value of α0 however is expected not to change very much under radiation.2. Experimental procedureThe FBGs with λB around 1546 nm were written at the FPMs in Mons in a 10 mol.% Ge-doped silica fiber using a phase mask. Their main characteristics are listed in Tab. 1.Tab. 1 FBGs parameters. L is the FBG length, ∆λ½ is the FBG bandwidth, R is the FBG reflectivity. The total fluence of pulsed excimer laser light during the writing process is also given.FBG#1#2#3#4#5#6#7L, cm0.60 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.700.75∆λ½, nm0.1820.1400.1200.0970.1690.1130.176R, dB1.80 3.032.85 1.057.40 2.313.16Total fluence, kJ/cm 241.534.927.77.956.051.925.8The basic optical setup used to characterize the FBGs in situ under radiation is shown in Fig. 1.A light emitting diode (LED) is used as a broad-band source. Two optical switches (OS) and a 3 dB coupler allow to characterize all FBGs both in transmission and reflection. The spectrawere recorded by an opticalspectrum analyzer (OSA ANDO AQ-6215A) with a sampling interval of 2.5 pm. The signallevel was -55 dBm and the noiselevel was below -75 dBm.For each spectrum, λB wasdetermined by fitting the part of the spectrum near λB (41 points)with a gaussian function. Such a procedure allows the estimation of λB with a pm-level accuracy.The 3 dB width of the Braggresonance (∆λ½) was derivedfrom the reflectivity spectra and the amplitude or the maximal reflectivity (R) was estimated based on the transmission data.The overall performance of a FBG-based sensor is defined by both the sensing head (the actual FBG) and the light transmitting fiber. In [6] radiation-induced transmission losses in the Ge-dopedfiber have made it impossible to measure the FBGs characteristics for radiation levels above 100 kGy. In general, a degradation of the signal to noise ratio means a lower accuracy of the central wavelength (i.e., temperature) estimation and, if the signal drops to the noise floor, no measurement is possible at all. To avoid this problem we spliced short pieces of the “radiation sensitive” Ge-doped fiber, used for FBGs writing, with a radiation resistant Ge-doped fiber with a very low P impurity content. This allowed to run the experiment for doses above the MGy level. To distinguish between the radiation influence on the FBGs and on the transmitting optical fiber, a reference fiber without FBG was used.The reference fiber and 7 FBGs were inserted in a specially designed temperature controlled oven made as an aluminum cylinder of 100 mm length and 80 mm diameter with 9 axial channels. A heating wire, closely coiled around the cylinder, was connected to a PID-type controller, which allows temperature control with the accuracy of 0.1 °C. The feedback signal to the controller was generated by a thermocouple inserted into a 2 mm diameter axial channel with the channel axis being parallel to the cylinder axis. The fibers were pulled through other FBG Fig. 1 Basic optical set-upchannels located on the same distance from the cylinder axis as the channel with the thermocouple and the FBGs were located in the middle of the aluminum piece. Due to the symmetrical location of the channels and the good heat conductivity of aluminum, the thermocouple returns the same temperature as that one seen by the FBGs.The measurement campaign included three steps: pre-radiation, radiation and post-radiation tests. For the irradiation, the container with the FBGs was installed into 60Co γ-irradiation underwater facility RITA at SCK •CEN with a dose rate of 3 kGy/h [7]. The measurements were performed in situ during 15 days with a total accumulated dose in excess of 1 MGy. During the first two days the temperature of the FBGs was maintained at 35 °C. The value of 35ºC is assumed high enough to avoid the effect from gamma heating.After two days the periodic temperature modulation was applied to allow for calculation of the temperature sensitivity coefficient α0. One period of that temperature modulation consists of the following steps. After a measurement set the temperature was increased up to 45 °C and kept fixed until the end of the next measurement set. Then the temperature was decreased down to 40 °C and, further down to 35 °C. Cooling of the system results from natural heat transfer from the aluminum cylinder to the environment.3. Results and discussionThe results of the radiation test show that there exists an effect related probably with the radiation environment. Fig. 2 compares the response of FGB #2 with the oven temperature. After the initial period of two days, the temperature modulation induced periodic peaks. The0204060024681012 - T T , °C t, h ∆λB ∆λB , n m Fig. 2 Initial part of radiation test :variation of λB withthe time for the FBG #2 and variation oftemperature.from the temperature modulation data during the irradiation test .A slow increase of λB is observed at the start. The change of λB is about 25 pm and saturates after the first day of irradiation (at the dose about 100 kGy). Subsequently, λB remains unchanged within the accuracy of our measurements. It is necessary to note that there is no detectable difference in behavior of the seven FBGs written under different conditions. Data in Fig. 2 agree with the expected trend. However, the change of 25 pm seems rather high. As far as such in-situ test is difficult due to high changes in the ambient temperature around the measuring set-up we can not rule out the possibility that the observed shift is in part due to some other effects, not radiation induced. This will be studied in the following experiments. However, we can state with no doubt that the shift in λB due to radiation is definitely less than 25 pm.The variation of the FBGs temperature (Fig. 2) allowed to calculate the temperature sensitivitycoefficient α0 (Fig. 3). For each data of Fig. 3, sensitivity is calculated by α0 = (Σαi)/3 with αi =∆λB,i/∆T i and ∆T i= +10, -5 and -5 °C (three steps of the temperature modulation). The values of the temperature sensitivity coefficient (averaged on all data and on all FBGs) are: before irradiation α0 = 10.63 ± 0.21 pm/°C; during the irradiation test: α0 = 10.67 ± 0.30 pm/°C; after irradiation: α0 = 10.54 ± 0.20 pm/°C. Fig. 3 shows also that there is no systematical trend in the variation of the sensitivity with dose accumulation.Moreover, the results show that radiation does not influence the shape of the Bragg resonance:∆λ½ and R are constant within 5% limit during the radiation test (not shown here). This agrees with the idea that UV- and γ-radiation generate the same radiation defects via an ionization-related process. The spatial distribution of γ-radiation induced defects is uniform and these defects affect only the mean value of the effective refractive index (i.e. λB), but not the modulation amplitude.4. ConclusionsFor the first time, parameters of fibre Bragg gratings exposed to γ-radiation were measured in situ up to very high doses (> 1 MGy).The experimental results allow to draw severalconclusions.1.The temperature sensitivity coefficient α0is not affected by radiation with the accuracy of3%.2.The amplitude and the width of the Bragg resonance are also unchanged under the γ-radiation.This means, that the radiation does not influence the shape of the reflection and transmission spectra.3.The change of the Bragg wavelength (λB) as a result of irradiation is not higher than 25 pmand saturates for the dose of 0.1 MGy.Consequently, FBG-based temperature sensors are probably capable to maintain the required performance even in a MGy dose level radiation environment.A.I.Gusarov is supported by SCK•CEN (collaboration contract with FPMs #KNT 909337901). O.Deparis and P.Mégret are supported by the Inter-university Attraction Pole (IAP IV/07) of the Belgian Government (SSTC). References1.Berghmans, F., V. Vos, and M. Decréton. Evaluation of three different optical fibre temperature sensortypes for application in gamma-radiation environment. in RADECS'97. 1997. Cannes, France.2.Hill, K.O., y. Fujii, D.C. Johnson, et al., Photosensitivity in optical fiber waveguides: application toreflection filter fabrication. APL, 1978. 32(10): p. 647-9.3.Meltz, G., W.W. Morey, and W.H. Glenn, Formation of Bragg gratings in optical fibers by a transverseholographic method. OL, 1989. 14(15): p. 823-25.4.Ferdinand, P., S. Magne, V. Marty, et al. Optical fiber Bragg gratings sensors for structure monitoringwithin nuclear power plants. in Optical Fibre Sensing and Systems in Nuclear Environment. 1994. Mol, Belgium: SPIE, V.2425, pp.11-215.Niay, P., P. Bernage, M. Douay, et al., Behaviour of Bragg gratings, written in germanosilicate fibers,against g-ray exposure at low dose rate. IEEE PTL, 1994. 6(11): p. 1350-2.6.Vasiliev, S.A., E.M. Dianov, K.M. Golant, et al. 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