


雕塑是一种具有三维空间感的艺术形式。在雕塑作品中,加菲猫的形象被塑造得栩栩如生,通过雕塑的立体感和 空间感,加菲猫的个性特点和魅力得以更充分地展现。
加菲猫绘画作品欣 赏
欣赏加菲猫经典绘画作品,了解其艺术 风格和特点。
加菲猫经典作品包括《加菲猫》、《加菲 猫的幸福生活》等,这些作品以其独特的 画风和幽默的故事情节深受观众喜爱。欣 赏这些作品可以帮助我们了解加菲猫的艺 术风格和特点,如夸张的表情、简洁的线 条和鲜明的色彩等。
学生创作的加菲猫绘画作品通常充满创意和 想象力,展现了年轻一代对加菲猫形象的理 解和诠释。这些作品可能不够成熟,但它们 所蕴含的潜力和创意是值得肯定和鼓励的。 通过欣赏这些作品,我们可以发现和培养更

画出加菲猫的嘴巴和牙 齿,嘴巴要微微张开,
画出加菲猫的整个身体轮廓 ,注意身体的比例和姿态。
画出加菲猫的四肢和爪子, 注意爪子要小巧且弯曲。
画出加菲猫的尾巴,尾巴要 蓬松且弯曲。
添加细节和阴影,使画面更 加生动和立体。
通过高光的运用,可以突 出加菲猫的某些部位,如 眼睛、鼻子和毛发等,使 其形象更加鲜明。
画出加菲猫的圆形头部 ,确定好眼睛和鼻子的
画出加菲猫的耳朵和胡 须,注意胡须要细长且



《加菲猫》(Garfield),部分译本作《加菲尔》,是一部美国连载漫画系列,由吉姆· 戴 维斯创作。 系列的主角加菲(Garfield)是一只橙色、吃人类食物的胖猫。其他主角包括一只不 太聪明的黄色宠物狗“欧迪”(Odie)以及它们的主人乔恩· 艾伯克(Jon Arbuckle,又 译“庄阿北”、“姜”)。加菲的名字取自吉姆· 戴维斯的祖父詹姆斯· 加菲尔· 戴维斯 (James Garfield Davis),而詹姆斯· 加菲尔· 戴维斯的名字很可能是取自美国前总统詹 姆斯· 加菲尔德。 加菲猫自诞生以来得到众多观众的喜爱,是一个成功的动漫角色。 首部加菲猫漫画于1978年6月19日推出。 该漫画以宠物主人和他们的宠物取材,并带出“很多时候,宠物才是家里的主宰”的 信息。另外,加菲猫亦经常需要解决许多人类遇到的问题,例如减肥、对星期一的厌恶及 恐惧、对事物的冷感及烦闷等。 事实上,加菲猫的心理及行为特征越来越接近人类而非猫。1980年代初期,加菲猫 开始以两脚行走而非以四脚爬行,而漫画的主题亦渐渐加入了情景喜剧的成分(例如加菲 猫取笑他的主人愚蠢或情场上的失败),反而着墨猫的毛病的地方越来越少。一些读者认 为,虽然漫画的画功多年来没有改变、没有退步,但就题材而言,该漫画的质素正在下降。 值得留意的是,近年来吉姆?戴维斯已经不再是唯一的作者,甚至不是主笔了。 加菲猫于1982年首次以电视动画出现,在2004年加菲猫更被搬上银幕。该年6月11 日上映的《加菲猫》电影(Garfield: The Movie),以电脑动画制作的加菲猫及一只由 真狗扮演的欧迪为主角。其他角色如乔恩· 艾伯克亦以真人扮演。 编辑本段作者简介 姓名:Jim Davis吉姆· 戴维斯 生日:1945年7月28日 出生地:马里昂镇· 印第安纳州· 美国
The love of candy: Peanut Candy 最喜欢的糖果:花生酥糖 The most hated candy: the Jon family 最讨厌的糖果:乔恩家储存1年的 store 1 years toffee 太妃糖 The most hated day: Monday The most favorite hideouts: Cookie Jar 最讨厌的日子:星期一 ( where he only think of eating ); the 最不喜爱的藏身地点:曲奇饼罐 washing machine ( halo will be washed ) (因为在那里他只想到吃);洗衣机 里(会被洗晕) Most don't like playing hide and seek 最不喜欢玩捉迷藏的地方:饼干桶 where: Biscuit Barrel ( ditto ) 里(理由同上) Girlfriend: Arlene frequency Ni Nuo, 女朋友:阿琳 频妮•婼浮 莱•纳斯 floating Levin, Nash ( referred to as (简称阿琳,又译“艾琳”) Arlene, and" Aileen" ) 嗜好:吃和睡 睡和吃 Hobbies: eating and sleeping sleeping 最喜爱的饮品:咖啡 橙汁等 and eating Favorite drink: orange juice and coffee 最常引用的句子:“从来没有我不 The most frequently quoted sentence:" 喜欢的意大利面”。“应该拉出去枪 no I don't like Italy". " Should pull out 毙。” 最喜爱的狗:热狗 shot." Favorite dog: dog 除睡觉外最喜欢的运动:捉弄欧迪 In addition to sleep outside the love 仰卧起坐(但他只“仰卧”,从不 movement: on e Di sit-ups ( but he only" “起坐”) supine", never" sitting" ) 比较喜欢:肉饼 肉酱 邮差的腿肉 Comparison of love: hamburger meat postman's leg



2000-01-01Jon: A toast: to the new year!toast: 敬酒(clink)clink: 发出丁当声Jon: This does not bode well...bode well: 吉兆Garfield: It's not a very good sign either sign: 征兆 either: 也2000-01-02Jon: Happy new yearGarfield: Not so louuudloud: 大声的2000-01-03Jon: Garfield, let's just sit here and think deep thoughts deepthought: 深思Jon: Do monkeys marry?monkey: 猴子 marry: 结婚Garfield: Come back! You're too deep!come back: 回来2000-01-04Garfield: I take no pleasure in kicking Odiepleasure: 愉快 kick: 踢Garfield: (BOOT!)boot: 踢Garfield: I do, however, enjoy watching him claw at the air on the way down However:然而,可是 enjoy: 喜欢 watch: 观看 claw: (用爪)抓 air: 空中on the way:在途中2000-01-05Jon: Getting a little plump, aren't weplump: 胖乎乎的Garfield: Plump?Garfield: Plump, you say?Jon: Put it back: Plump is historyhistory: 历史2000-01-06Jon: Garfield, I just had a thought!thought: 想法Jon: Darn!darn: [口语、委婉语]=damn, 该死的Garfield: Slippery little devilsSlippery: 不稳定的 devil: 魔鬼2000-01-07Jon: Ellen said not to call her anymorecall: 打电话not...anymore:不要再...Jon: She says it's too expensiveexpensive: 昂贵的Jon: She says every time I call she rips the phone out of the wall rip: 扯 wall: 墙: Badda boomboom: 低沉有回响的声音2000-01-08Jon: I have a lot of things on my schedule schedule: 日程表Garfield: Whoawhoa: 惊叹声Garfield: All I have on mine is a little ketchup ketchup: 蕃茄酱2000-01-09Fish: Uh-ohGarfield: Ahh! A nutritious snack!nutritious: 营养丰富的 snack: 小吃Fish: Please, spare me, Mr Cat! I've got a wife and six kidsspare: 【饶过,放过】 kid: 小孩Fish: Who.. uh... are away visiting my mother for an indefinite period of time?... visit: 拜访 for an indefinite period of time:【无限期地】Garfield: Fish who live in glass houses shouldn't fiblive in: 住在 glass: 玻璃 fib: 撒小谎2000-01-10Jon: What are you doing today, Garfield?Garfield: I thought I'd finish my memoirs, and then paint the house finish: 完成 memoir: 传记 paint: 【粉刷】Jon: I sense sarcasmSense: 感觉 sarcasm: 讽刺,挖苦Garfield: ...And then it's on to community servicecommunity service: 社区服务2000-01-11Jon: All I ask is that you move enough so I don't have to dust you All I ask:【我全部的要求】 move: 移动 dust: 拂去灰尘Garfield: Work! Work! Work!work: 工作2000-01-12Garfield: (Z)Garfield: (Z)Garfield: (Z)Jon: His daisy-stomping dreamdaisy: 雏菊 stomp:【顿足爵士舞】 dream: 梦2000-01-13Jon: I had a busy daybusy: 忙碌的Garfield: Me tooGarfield: Mine was about eight years ago 2000-01-14Jon: Cats in the jungle must hunt for every mealjungle: 丛林 hunt: 狩猎 meal: 一餐Garfield: I used to do thatused to: 过去常常Garfield: Before we put the pizza place on the speed dialpizza place: 披萨饼店 speed dial: 快速拨号2000-01-15Jon: You know, some cats jump up and romp about the house for no reason at alljump up: 跳起来 romp: 嬉闹玩耍 for no reason: 没有理由at all:完全,根本Jon: So...Garfield: Not in our lifetimelifetime: 一生2000-01-16(riiing!)ring: 电话铃响Jon: Hello?Jon: Yes?... Yes?...Jon: YES?!Garfield: Yeeeesssssss?...Jon: I sincerely apologize...sincerely: 真诚地 apologize: 道歉Garfield: That's my cue to hide behind the drapes for an hour cue: 线索 hide: 躲藏 behind:在...后面 drape: 布帘2000-01-17Garfield: Wouldn't you like to have a cat like me around your house? around: 在周围Garfield: You do have a cookie jar, don't you?cookie: 饼干 jar: 罐子2000-01-18Bird: And the winner of the “Bird of The Year” award is...winner: 获胜者 award: 奖Bird: Stan the Sparrow!sparrow: 麻雀Garfield: I'll be accepting on Stan's (burp) behalfaccept: 接受 burp: 打饱嗝 on behalf: 代表2000-01-19Garfield: Odie, I want you to go far awayfar: 远的 far away: 在远处Garfield: Far, far awayGarfield: One more “far” there, pal...pal: 伙伴2000-01-20Jon: Here's a picture of my grandfather's elbow picture: 照片 grandfather: (外)祖父 elbow: 肘Garfield: I see the resemblance resemblance: 相似点2000-01-21Jon: Why won't you go out with me, Cindygo out with: 出去约会Jon: You're getting a root canal?root canal: 牙根管手术 root: 根 canal: 管Jon: Mind if I tag along?mind: 介意 tag along: 跟随 tag: 尾随Garfield: Won't she be suffering enough?suffer: 受痛苦enough:足够的2000-01-22Jon: I feel like having some fun!fun: 乐趣Jon: The feeling is starting to fadefeeling: 感觉 start: 开始 fade: 消失Garfield: Maybe you're having fun and don't know it maybe: 或许2000-01-23Garfield: (click)click: 点击TV1: Cats of the world, unite!world: 世界 unite: 同心协力TV1: It's time to burn out collars and throw off the yoke of oppression!It’s time to: 是...的时候了burn out: 烧掉 collar: 颈圈 throw off: 摆脱yoke: 束缚 oppression: 压迫行为TV1: We have suffered under the heel of the humans for far too long! suffer: 忍受 under the heel of: 被...践踏 heel: 脚后跟far too:极其,非常TV2: Oh, flu-ffy!fluffy: 毛绒绒的(猫的名字)TV1: Oh... The time to...TV2: Flu-ffy! Dinner!dinner: 晚餐TV1: Uh, hang on -- I'll be back in a minutehang on: 等待片刻 minute: 分钟Garfield: The revolution is recessed for num-numsrevolution: 革命 recess: 暂停2000-01-24Garfield: Sigh... another day of toilsigh: 叹息 toil: 劳累Garfield: No sense lying around. Better get busySense: 感觉 lie around: 无所事事 busy: 忙碌的Garfield: These cartoons won't watch themselvescartoon: 动画片 watch: 观看2000-01-25TV: Today's program is brought to you by a product we couldn't care less aboutprogram: 节目 bring:带来product: 成果 couldn't care less about: 毫不关心,不在乎TV: We're being cancelled at the end of the season, so it hardly matter anyway...cancel: 取消 at the end of the season: 【在本季末】 hardly: 几乎不 matter: 有关系TV: Hey, Petey Everett from third grade... Bite me!grade: 年级 bite: 咬Garfield: Too bad it's ending... It's getting betterbetter: 更好的2000-01-26TV 1: Woof! Woof!woof: 发出低吠声TV 1: Woof!... Uh...TV 1: Line?line: 台词TV 2: “Woof,” you idiot!Idiot:白痴Garfield: In his defense, it was a long speechdefense: 防卫 long speech: 长篇演说2000-01-27TV: And now the farm reportfarm: 农场 report: 报告TV: Dan, little Nancy Slobo was bitten by a cow todaybitten: bite的过去分式,咬 cow: 母牛TV: The incident occurred during a game of “Slap the Udder”incident: 事件 occur: 发生 during: 在...期间game:游戏slap: 拍击 udder: (奶牛等下垂的)乳房Garfield: Cows hate thathate: 讨厌2000-01-28TV: We at channel 31 are dedicated to quality programming channel: 频道 dedicate: 献出 quality programming: 高素质节目TV: Informative, educational and responsible, that's us informative: 见闻广博的 educational: 教育的 responsible: 有责任的TV: We now return to “World's Ugliest People”return: 返回 ugliest: ugly的最高级, 最丑的Garfield: Look at that nose!nose: 鼻子2000-01-29TV 1: Doctor, what is the difference between cats and dogs? doctor: 医生 difference: 不同 between: 在...之间TV 2: Well, dogs have a high degree of loyaltyHigh: 高的 degree: 程度 loyalty: 忠诚TV 2: Where as a cat would turn in its own motherturn in: 出卖Garfield: Only if there's a rewardonly if: 只有当 reward: 酬谢2000-01-30Jon: Garfield! Mail's here!mail: 邮件Jon: It arrived!arrive: 到达Garfield: It arrived!Jon: Hey, Garfield! Notice anything different about me? notice: 注意到 different: 不同的Garfield: New cologne?cologne: 科隆香水2000-01-31Garfield: Friends may come and friends may go... friend: 朋友Garfield: But a teddy bear is foreverteddy bear: 泰迪熊 forever: 永远Pooky: (poit!)poit: 【掉落的声音】。

Garfield 《加菲猫》

Garfield 《加菲猫》
You're such a brave little astronaut. brave: 勇敢的;华丽的 你是一个多么勇敢的小航天员!
-Nermal: All right.
-Garfield: Prepare to jump into your spaceship, commander Nermal. prepare: 准备 jump: 跳跃 spaceship: 太空 commander: 指挥官 准备进入你的太空船,Nermal指挥官。 -Nermal: But wh-wh-what about the milk? 但是牛,牛奶怎么办?
everything comes to you. 好运就会自己降临的。
-Nermal: Here come the milkman Here come the milkman. milkman: 牛奶商,送奶工人 送奶工人来了,送奶工人来了。
He got his shoes on. He got his milk pan. pan: 平锅,盘子 他穿上了他的鞋子,他拿起了他的牛奶盘。
Mmm. 嗯。
-Nermal: Garfield. Iook. the milk truck. truck: 卡车 Garfield,看送奶车来了。 -Garfield: Oh. attaboy. Nermal. attaboy: 好啊! 哦,好样的,Nermal!
The milk truck comes every day. 送奶车每天都来。
-Garfield: Three. two. one. 三,二,一!
-Nermal: Whoa! Now I feel like it. 哇,我喜欢这感觉。
-Garfield: Bon voyage. bon voyage: 一路平安 voyage: 航行;航程;旅行记 一路顺风。



我最喜欢的动漫角色加菲猫英语作文Garfield the Lazy Cat - My Favorite Cartoon CharacterGarfield is a classic cartoon character that has been entertaining audiences for decades. As the protagonist of the long-running comic strip of the same name, Garfield has become an iconic figure in popular culture, known for his sarcastic wit, love of lasagna, and disdain for Mondays. As a self-proclaimed "lazy cat," Garfield's antics and interactions with his owner, Jon Arbuckle, and his canine companion, Odie, have captivated readers and viewers around the world.One of the things that makes Garfield such a compelling character is his relatable and often humorous personality. Unlike many other cartoon cats, who are often portrayed as graceful, agile, and independent, Garfield is decidedly more lazy and indulgent. He spends a significant portion of his time napping, snacking, and avoiding any form of physical activity or responsibility. This attitude resonates with many people, who can see themselves in Garfield's desire to prioritize his own comfort and enjoyment over morepractical concerns.At the same time, Garfield's sarcastic wit and biting sense of humor make him a highly entertaining character to follow. His deadpan delivery and scathing commentary on the world around him often serve as a source of amusement and relief for readers and viewers who may be feeling stressed or overwhelmed by their own lives. Whether he is mocking Jon's romantic failures, complaining about the quality of his meals, or engaging in playful banter with Odie, Garfield's sharp tongue and unapologetic attitude never fail to elicit a chuckle.Another aspect of Garfield that I find particularly endearing is his deep affection for his owner, Jon. Despite his aloof and often dismissive attitude towards Jon, it is clear that Garfield genuinely cares for him and values their relationship. This is particularly evident in the way that Garfield often goes out of his way to help Jon, whether it's offering unsolicited advice or intervening in his love life. This underlying softness and loyalty, combined with Garfield's gruff exterior, creates a compelling and multifaceted character that is easy to root for.Additionally, Garfield's interactions with his canine companion, Odie, are a constant source of entertainment and amusement. The dynamic between the lazy, sarcastic cat and the enthusiastic, loyaldog is a classic trope in comedy, and the creators of Garfield have done an excellent job of exploiting this dynamic to its fullest potential. Whether Garfield is teasing Odie, protecting him from harm, or reluctantly engaging in playtime, their relationship is always a highlight of the comic strip and the various Garfield adaptations.Beyond the core cast of characters, the Garfield universe is also populated by a wide range of supporting players, each with their own unique personalities and quirks. From Jon's eccentric friends and love interests to the various felines and canines that Garfield encounters, the world of Garfield is a rich and diverse one that is constantly evolving and providing new sources of entertainment and amusement.One of the things that I find particularly impressive about the Garfield franchise is its longevity and enduring popularity. The original comic strip, created by Jim Davis, has been in continuous publication since 1978, making it one of the longest-running comic strips in history. Over the years, the character has also been adapted into numerous television series, movies, and other media, each of which has managed to capture the essence of the character and expand upon the world that he inhabits.This enduring popularity is a testament to the timeless appeal of Garfield and the skill of his creators. The character's relatablepersonality, sharp wit, and endearing relationships with the other characters in his world have resonated with audiences of all ages and backgrounds, making him a beloved figure in popular culture.In conclusion, Garfield is a truly exceptional cartoon character that has captured my imagination and affection. His unique blend of laziness, sarcasm, and underlying warmth make him a highly entertaining and compelling protagonist, and his interactions with the other characters in his world are a constant source of amusement and delight. Whether I'm reading the original comic strip, watching one of the animated adaptations, or simply reflecting on the character's enduring legacy, Garfield remains one of my all-time favorite cartoon characters.。



图 片 展 示
学 生 作 品 展 示
• 2、通过背景的添加,认识以银笔为主的单色线描的添加 与运用。
• 教学重点:
• 1、在绘制加菲猫时,要将其自身特点与现实生活中猫的 外形相结合,表现出加菲猫夸张的表情和动作,以更好地 突显加菲猫的形象特征。
• 2、加菲猫身上黑色花纹的添加与运用,要符合它的身体 结构,使其具有一定的规律性。
• 3、背景银笔花纹的添加,要点线面结合运用施展精致性。
加菲猫不仅外形可爱,表情夸张搞笑,而且非常爱好 和平、忠诚、正义。相信通过今天这节课,你也会喜欢上这 只风趣幽默的胖猫猫吧!
• 知识点:
• 教学对象:9岁及以上

教学材料:铅笔、橡皮、勾边笔、水彩笔、彩铅、银笔、ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ白色卡纸、黑色卡纸、剪刀、双面胶
• 教学目的:
• 1漫、作通品过创加作菲中猫动的物形拟象人特化征手与法幽的默运故用事。,使学生们加强动
Presentation Title
《加菲猫》是一部美国连载漫画系列,由吉姆·戴维斯创 作。主角加菲是一只橙色、吃人类食物的胖猫。除此之外, 其它主角还包括一只不太聪明的黄色宠物狗—欧迪,以及它 们的主人乔恩·艾伯克。加菲的名字取自吉姆·戴维斯的祖 父詹姆斯·加菲尔·戴维斯,加菲猫自诞生以来便得到众多 观众的喜爱,是欧美动漫中非常成功的动漫角色。



1. "Garfield":《加菲猫》是一部非常受欢迎的漫画系列,讲

2. "Simon's Cat":《西蒙的猫》是一部以动画为基础的漫画,

3. "Pusheen":《葆西猫》是一个网络上非常受欢迎的表情包

4. "Fritz the Cat":《弗里茨猫》是一部1960年代的地下漫画,以一只叛逆的猫为主角,探讨了社会和政治问题。

5. "Chi's Sweet Home":《小猫奇奇的家》是一个日本漫画系列,讲述了一只迷路的小猫奇奇的冒险和她在新家中的成长。




English: "Garfield is a popular animated television series based on
the classic comic strip created by Jim Davis. The show follows the adventures of a lazy, sarcastic, and food-loving cat named Garfield, who is constantly getting into mischief with his loyal canine sidekick Odie. With his witty remarks and clever schemes, Garfield entertains audiences of all ages while also teaching valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and the importance of enjoying life's simple pleasures."
中文翻译: "加菲猫是一部流行的动画电视系列,基于Jim Davis创作的经典漫画连环画。






加菲猫:懒散的智慧与生活的乐趣In the realm of animated characters, Garfield the cat has captured the hearts of millions with his unique blend of laziness, wit, and love for life. His unique personality and quirky antics have made him a household name, a fixture in many homes, and a constant source of joy for both children and adults.Garfield is not the typical hero you would expect from an animated series. He's not brave, strong, or particularly skilled. What he is, however, is a master of manipulation and a connoisseur of comfort. His lazy lifestyle and penchant for snacking have become his trademarks, but it's his wryt humor and love for his owner, Jon Arbuckle, that truly set him apart.Despite his lazy exterior, Garfield is actually quite intelligent. He has a keen understanding of human psychology and knows exactly how to get what he wants. Whether it's convincing Jon to buy him more food or outsmarting the neighborhood dog, Odie, Garfield always seems to come out on top.His relationship with Jon is what makes the show truly enchanting. Jon, despite being frustrated with Garfield's antics, deeply loves his pet and would do anything for him. Garfield, in turn, has a deep affection for Jon, often showing his gratitude in his own unique way, such as saving him from danger or bringing him small gifts.The humor in the show is both subtle and over the top, catering to a wide range of ages. Garfield's dry wit and sarcastic remarks often leave viewers in stitches, while his antics and misadventures provide endless entertainment. The show's ability to strike a balance between humor and warmth is what has made it so popular over the years.In addition to the humor and warmth, Garfield also teaches us valuable life lessons. His love for food and comfort teaches us to appreciate the simple pleasures of life, while his wit and intelligence remind us that it's okay to be different and to embrace our unique qualities. Garfield's lazy lifestyle might not be feasible for everyone, but his attitude towards life certainly is.In conclusion, Garfield the cat is not just an animated character; he's a cultural icon. His lazy wit, love forlife, and unique personality have captivated audiences around the world. He teaches us to appreciate the simple pleasures of life, to embrace our differences, and to always find joy in the little things. Garfield, with his unique blend of humor and warmth, has become a timeless figure in the world of animation.**加菲猫:懒散的智慧与生活的乐趣**在动画角色中,加菲猫以其独特的懒散、智慧和热爱生活赢得了数百万人的喜爱。



My Favorite Cartoons: Garfield and Tom andJerryIn the world of animated entertainment, there are countless characters and stories that captivate audiences of all ages. Among these, Garfield and Tom and Jerry hold a special place in my heart. These two franchises, with their unique charm and humor, have been a constant source of joy and entertainment for me over the years.Garfield, the lazy and loveable orange cat, has become a household name since his debut in 1978. His comic antics and witty one-liners have resonated with audiences worldwide. Garfield's lazy lifestyle, his love for food, and his mischievous nature make him a charming character that is both relatable and entertaining. His unique ability to turn any situation into a comic masterpiece is what makes him stand out among other animated characters.On the other hand, Tom and Jerry, the timeless rivalry between a cat and a mouse, has been entertaining audiences for over 80 years. Their never-ending chase, filled with clever traps, hilarious misunderstandings, and unexpected turns, always leaves viewers in stitches. The charminganimation style and the catchy music add to the charm of this classic cartoon. Tom's determination to catch Jerry and Jerry's clever escapes are what make this rivalry so captivating.What I love most about these two cartoons is their ability to make me laugh and forget about my worries. Garfield's antics and Tom and Jerry's antics always bring a smile to my face. They remind me of the simple joy of childhood and the importance of finding humor in everyday life.Garfield's lazy lifestyle teaches me to slow down and appreciate the small moments. His love for food reminds me to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, like a delicious meal with family or friends. Tom and Jerry's rivalry teaches me the importance of competitiveness and strategic thinking. It also reminds me that even in the face of adversity, a sense of humor can help us get through tough times.In conclusion, Garfield and Tom and Jerry are not just cartoons; they are a part of my childhood and continue to bring joy and entertainment to my life. Their unique charm,humor, and life lessons make them stand out among other animated franchises. I am grateful to have these two cartoons in my life and look forward to sharing their magic with future generations.**我喜爱的动画片:加菲猫和汤姆与杰瑞**在动画娱乐的世界中,有无数角色和故事吸引着各个年龄段的观众。



Garfield: The Iconic Cartoon CharacterGarfield, the beloved cartoon character, has captured the hearts of millions worldwide with his uniquepersonality and charming antics. Created by Jim Davis in 1978, Garfield is a lazy, overweight orange tabby cat who loves to eat and sleep. Despite his indolent exterior, Garfield has a sharp wit and a love for life that makes him irresistible to fans of all ages.The Garfield cartoons are known for their humorous dialogue and relatable situations. Whether it's Garfield's hilarious interactions with his dog friend Odie or his owner Jon Arbuckle, the cartoons always leave viewers with a smile. The character's popularity has also spawned numerous spin-offs, merchandise, and even a feature film, further cementing his status as a cultural icon.Garfield's charm lies in his ability to strike a balance between his lazy lifestyle and his love for adventure. His unique blend of wit and charm has made him a timeless character that continues to captivate audiences decades after his creation. Whether you're a child or anadult, Garfield's antics are sure to bring a smile to your face.**加菲猫:经典的卡通角色**加菲猫,这位深受喜爱的卡通角色,以其独特的个性和迷人的滑稽动作赢得了全球数百万人的心。



介绍加菲猫动画片英语作文50字English:"Garfield, the beloved orange tabby cat, is the star of the animated series 'Garfield.' Created by Jim Davis, this iconic cartoon follows Garfield's lazy yet humorous adventures along with his owner Jon Arbuckle and fellow pet Odie the dog. Garfield's insatiable appetite, disdain for Mondays, and clever wit have endeared him to audiences worldwide. Whether he's scheming to get out of chores, indulging in his favorite foods like lasagna, or outsmarting his canine companion, Garfield's charm lies in his relatable quirks and laid-back attitude.The show's timeless humor and endearing characters have made'Garfield' a classic in the world of animation, entertaining both children and adults alike with its lighthearted comedy and lovable feline protagonist."中文翻译:"加菲猫,这只备受喜爱的橘色虎斑猫,是动画系列《加菲猫》的明星。




这部动画片于1978年至1982年间在美国播出,由Jim Davis创作,从简单的漫画中发展而来。




















加菲漫画天天学 第一辑

加菲漫画天天学 第一辑

·主持人:kathyq , leakey2008 , kellicjin , csl008 , 沉默的猫, amber_cy , popule·荣誉主持:elftea , vivcat·创建时间: 2009.08.12 节目进行中·更新频率:·节目难度:初中级·适用对象:所有人·奖励说明:·所属分类:其它♣☆★加菲漫画天天学★☆♣·090810锵锵锵,我们的加菲漫画第一期新鲜出炉了~~加菲,大家都自己知道吧,呵呵~~不过我还是来介绍一下,O(∩_∩)O~加菲猫(Garfield)简称加菲,又可译为加菲尔。








哈哈,我们的加菲猫是不是很可爱呢,现在我们来看漫画吧~~~Jon:“We ought to make new years’ resolutions.”Garfield:“Hahahahaha”Jon :“No, seriously.”Garfield :”Please ,let’s not spoil the moment?”乔恩:新年了,我们应该下决心做点什么?加菲猫:哈哈哈哈乔恩:哈哈哈哈乔恩:不,认真点!加菲猫:求你了,不要在这个时候破坏气氛~Hello,Everybody, 我们可爱的加菲又活蹦乱跳的来扰民啦。


他就是加菲猫的原创者Jim Davis。

















英语阅读 加菲猫

英语阅读  加菲猫

Do you like GARFIEL D?
Let us play the roles of them:
Hale Waihona Puke 1: 2: 3: 4:The lazy Funny Garfield is back!The Garfield and masterJon went to the British travel, the way it constantly tricks, master and servant both sudden, a lot of jokes. Coincidentally(巧合的是), London, a well-born cat and Garfield looks very similar(相似), accidentally(阴差阳错的), they are interchangeable(互换) under the identity(身份), Garfield enjoyed it a dream of luxury (奢侈)and luxury living.Aristocratic(贵族) cat inherited splashed days of the owner‘s wealth, caused by the masters of greedy relatives Dargis hate. The Dargis bad trick the frequency(频繁的), intended to set the kill, false nobility Garfield the face of this dangerous enemy(敌人) parry (招架) it?
Garfield was designed by Jim Davis.
June 19, 1978, Garfield first appeared in American newspapers. Since then, this day became the birthday of Garfield. This time of year, Garfield‘s father will be a week’s time to talk about its birthday, the last of its birthday celebrations ended. Garfield is a real party animal(聚会动物), so it‘s birthday is always feast of a meal of the United States and the United States(美美 的).



1989-01-01Jon: Ga! You missed my New Year's party!miss: 错过,失去 party: 聚会Garfield: Define “party”define: 给……下定义,解释Jon: Well, we had a great time without yougreat: 很棒的 without: 无,没有Garfield: Bobbing for seedless grapes in fruit punch isn't my idea of a great timeBob:设法使漂浮于水面 seedless: 无核的 grape: 葡萄 fruit: 水果 punch: 鸡尾酒fruit punch: 果子酒 idea: 想法Jon: I supposed you went to some wild blowoutsuppose: 猜想 wild: 野生的,原始的 blowout: 爆发Garfield: That's what the swat team called itswat team: 特警队 call: 称呼Jon: Weee played pin the tail on the donkeypin: 将...用针别住,压住 tail: 尾巴 donkey: 驴子Garfield: We played pin the tail on the hosthost: 主持人Jon: Things got pretty out of hand when Mr Beasley turned the polka record up to 78 rpm!pretty: 相当的 out of hand:失去控制turn: 旋转 polka: 波尔卡舞 record: 记录rpm: 回转速率Garfield: Who, fella! Spare my sensibilities!fella: (俚语)伙伴,小伙子 spare: 饶了,放过sensibilities: 情感Garfield: Oh well, bedtime. Come, simbaBedtime:睡觉时间 simba: (东非用语)狮子Simba: Unghahhh!1989-01-02Jon: Well, Garfield, it looks like we packed on a little weight over the holidays look like: 看起来像 packed on a little weight: 【增加了一点重量】 holiday: 假期Garfield: What do you mean “we,” fat-man?mean: 意思是Garfield: Only humans gain weightonly: 只有 human: 人类 gain: 增加 weight: 重量Garfield: Cats get more “buddhaesque”more: 更多的 buddhaesque: 【福态】(pat, pat)pat: 拍打1989-01-03Jon: Garfield, we are going on a dietdiet: 节食Garfield: Uh... Just what do you mean by “we”? just: 只是 mean: 意思是Garfield: By “we,” do you mean you and this blanket? blanket: 毛毯Jon: I don't think I'm getting through to himthink: 想,认为 get through to: 使明白Garfield: Odie, Jon has some bad news for you bad: 坏的 news: 消息1989-01-04Jon: Garfield, you shouldn't take food for grantedshould: 应该 take: 拿,取 food: 食物 take sth for granted: 把……看作是理所应当的Garfield: He's right. An artificial color died to provide me with this mealright: 正确的 artifical color: 人工色素 provide: 提供,供给 meal: 一餐饭1989-01-05Garfield: This salad needs somethingsalad: 沙拉 need: 需要Garfield: I think I'll garnish itthink: 想,认为 garnish: 装饰Garfield: With a ham! (WHAM!)ham: 火腿 wham: 重打声1989-01-06Jon: As a reward for staying on your diet, I'm going to allow you to have some sugar with your coffee todayas: 作为 reward: 奖励 stay on: 保持,持续做某事 diet: 节食 allow: 允许sugar: 糖 coffee: 咖啡 today: 今天Jon: Let me rephrase thatrephrase: 重新措辞,改用别的话表示1989-01-07Jon: Garfield, I know dieting is tough for youknow: 知道 diet: 节食 tough: 艰难的Jon: But, you've really sunk to the depths this time!but: 但是 really: 真的 sink: 沉落,下沉 depths: 深处Garfield: Hey! I'm sure I'm not the first dieter to lick the pages of his candy wrapper collectionsure: 确信 first: 第一个 dieter: 节食者 lick: 舔 candy: 糖果 wrapper: 包装纸collection:收集物1989-01-08Garfield: What... no fries?fries: 炸土豆条Garfield: Boy, is Jon going to be sorry he put me on this dietsorry: 懊悔的 diet: 节食Garfield: Well, I hope you're happy, Jon. Look what this diet has done to me hope: 希望 happy:高兴的Jon: You know, Garfield, I think you've lost too much weightlost: 失去 too much: 太多的 weight: 重量,体重Garfield: That's an understatementunderstatement: 含蓄,有保留的陈述Jon: Here, have an applehere: 这里 apple: 苹果(bonk, bonk)bonk: 发出巨响Garfield: Arrgh!(goosh!)1989-01-09Garfield: Maybe watching television will take my mind off this diet maybe: 可能 watch: 看 television: 电视 mind: 思想 off: 离开 diet: 节食TV: And now, back to... bowling for meat loafnow: 现在 back: 回来 bowling: 保龄球 meat loaf: 肉馅糕1989-01-10Garfield: I'll just put some pepper on my carrot herejust: 只是 pepper: 胡椒粉 carrot: 胡萝卜Jon: Hey! Wait a minute!Wait a minute: 等一下Jon: That tastes like chocolate cake!Taste like: 尝起来像chocolate: 巧克力 cake: 蛋糕Garfield: Let's hear it for food processorshear: 听 food: 食物 processor: 处理器,加工机1989-01-11Garfield: Dietsdiet: 节食Garfield: Diets are like Jon's sockslike: 像 sock: 袜子Garfield: They stinkstink: 发臭,糟透了1989-01-12Garfield: Ah, it says here carrots are on my dietsay: 说 here: 这里 carrot: 胡萝卜 diet: 节食Garfield: And his is a “carrot” cakecake: 蛋糕Garfield: A loophole!loophole: 漏洞1989-01-13Scale: Yes, even your toe is overweightscale: 秤 even: 甚至 toe: 脚趾 overweight: 超重的1989-01-14Jon: Here you go, GarfieldJon: Leftoversleftovers: 剩余物,残羹剩饭Garfield: Lettover from what?(SPLAT!)splat: 泼溅Garfield: The Spanish inquisition?!Spanish: 西班牙的 inquisition: 宗教法庭1989-01-15Jon: Hum... Garfield, it says here that doctors now say diets don't work doctor: 医生 now: 现在 diet: 节食 work: 工作,有效Garfield: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!Odie: (smack, slurp, munch)smack: 掴,拍 slurp: 啜食,饮食出声 munch: 大声咀嚼Garfield: Hey, Odie, do you know what they put in dog food?put in: 在...里面放入 dog food: 狗食Garfield: Dog food has lizards and yak lips. And gum that's already been chewed and aluminium siding...lizard: 蜥蜴 yak: 牦牛 lips: 唇,嘴唇 gum: 口香糖already: 已经 chew: 咀嚼aluminium: 铝 siding: 板壁的侧线Garfield: And some stuff you wouldn't even want to know aboutstuff: 东西,填充物 even: 甚至 know: 知道Jon: Garfield! We're out of cat food. You'll have to eat dog food todayout: 外出,离开 cat food: 猫食 have to: 必须 today: 今天Garfield: OkayOdie: (Urp)urp: 呃Jon: What's with Odie?Odie怎么了?Garfield: Must have been something he atemust: 一定 ate: eat的过去式,吃1989-01-16Jon: Garfield, I worry about youworry about: 担心Jon: I know you hate getting up...know: 知道 hate: 恨 get up: 起床Jon: But, lynching the alarm clock?but: 但是 lynching: 处以私刑 alarm clock: 闹钟Garfield: It had it comingIt had it coming: 【这是它的报应】1989-01-17Jon: I tried to impress my date with humor tonightimpress: 给...留下印象 date: 约会对象 humor: 幽默 tonight: 今晚Garfield: Uh-ohJon: At dinner I stuck carrot stick in my ears and smeared mashed potatoes all over my facedinner: 晚饭 stuck: stick的过去式,插入 carrot: 胡萝卜 ear: 耳朵 smear: 涂抹 mashed: 捣烂的 potatoes: potato的复数,土豆 mashed potatoes: 土豆泥 face: 脸Garfield: Then what happened?then: 然后 happen: 发生Jon: Then she borrowed a quarter and called the policeborrow: 借 quarter: 一刻钟 call: 叫,召来 police: 警察Garfield: Ouch1989-01-18Mailman: Mr Arbuckle. It's about your cat...mailman: 邮差Mailman: As a government employee I deserve respectas: 作为 goverment: 政府 employee: 雇员 deserve: 应该得到 respect: 尊敬Mailman: And I'm not getting anyany: 任何的Garfield: What's matter? Can't take a jokeWhat's matter: 怎么回事 take a joke: 开玩笑,恶作剧1989-01-19Jon: You call this taking care of the mouse problem?call: 称作,叫做 take care of: 关心 mouse: 老鼠 problem: 问题Garfield: Keep a safe distance, Jonkeep: 保持 safe: 安全的 distance: 距离Jon: You are not normalnormal: 正常的Garfield: This is going to workbe going to: 将要 work: 有效Garfield: Feed'em 20 pounds of cheese and watch'em explode!feed: 喂养 pound: 磅 cheese: 乳酪 watch: 看 explode:爆炸1989-01-20Garfield: This is a great bookgreat:超级棒的Garfield: “Things to do on a rainy day”rainy: 下雨的Jon: Do you feel a draft in here?Feel a draft: 【感到不受欢迎】Garfield: Chapter on e: “Fun with the electric razor”chapter: 章节 fun: 趣事 electric: 电动的 razor: 剃刀 electric razor: 电动剃须刀1989-01-21Garfield: This is funfun: 有趣,好玩Jon: Garfield, how many sardines do you have in your mouth? how many: 多少 sardine: 沙丁鱼 mouth: 嘴巴Garfield: One hundred nineteenhundred: 百 nineteen: 十九Jon: Why?!Garfield: I'm playing fish hatcheryplay: 扮演 fish: 鱼类 hatchery: 孵卵所1989-01-22Garfield: Well, Christmas and New Year's have come and gone, nothing to do but sleep till EasterChristmas: 圣诞节 nothing: 没事 but: 除了 sleep: 睡觉 till: 直到 Easter: 复活节Jon: Oh, very well, Garfield. You may have my steakvery: 非常 well: 好的 may: 可能 steak: 牛排Jon: I know, I'm a sucker for the loving adoration of a petknow: 知道 sucker: 易受骗者 loving:忠诚的 adoration: 崇拜,爱慕 pet: 宠物1989-01-23Jon: I hate morning. I hate Monday. I hate Januarry.hate: 恨 morning: 早晨 Monday: 星期一 Januarry: 一月份(SLAM)slam: 砰然声,猛地关上Garfield: And I really hate having the windowsill slam down on your fingers. really: 真的 windowsill: 窗槛 slam: 猛地关上finger: 手指1989-01-24Jon: The bedroom is freezing this morningbedroom: 卧室 freezing: 冷的 morning: 早晨Jon: I'd better turn the heat up…d better: =had better,最好 turn up: 调高 heat: 热度Jon: Or get the cat off the grate!or: 或者 get...off: 让...离开 grate: 炉床1989-01-25Garfield: Gee, a new coffee with twice the caffeinegee: 哎呀 new: 新的 coffee: 咖啡 twice: 两倍 caffeine: 咖啡因Garfield: It even comes with a tiny crowbareven: 甚至 tiny: 极小的 crowbar: 撬棍Garfield: To pry your finger off the cuppry: 用杠杆撬开 pry off: 用杠杆撬离 finger: 手指 cup: 杯子Jon: Whoah!1989-01-26(SPLANG)splang: [乒乓声]Garfield: Ah yes, the ol' “seconds away from blissful slumber” body spasm ol‟: =old,老旧的 second: 第二 away: 远离,离开 blissful: 充满喜悦的 slumer: 身体body: 身体 spasm: 抽筋1989-01-27(pop!)pop: 砰(pop!)(pop! pop!)(pop!)(pop!)(pop! pop! pop!)Garfield: We're out of popcornBe out of:没有,用完,耗尽popcorn: 爆米花1989-01-28Jon: Garfield, would you say I have an interesting personality? interesting: 有趣的 personality: 个性Garfield: Yes, I wouldGarfield: I'd be lying, but I'd say itlying;lie的进行时,撒谎 but: 但是1989-01-29Garfield: And now! The great Odini shall escape from the watery chamber of deathshall: 应该 escape: 逃离 watery chamber: 水舱 death: 死亡Garfield: Rats! I woke up. I swear this happens to me every day!rats: 胡扯 wake up: 醒来 swear: 发誓 happen: 发生 every: 每个Garfield: It's another “hurts-to-move” morninganother: 另一个 hurt: 受伤 move: 移动 morning: 早晨Garfield: I'd say my eyelids weigh about 38 pounds... eacheyelid: 眼睑 weigh: 重 pound: 磅 each: 每个Jon: Garfield! Time to get up!get up: 起床Garfield: Garfield's gone! The hogs ate him!hog: 猪Jon: Rise and shine, fella!rise: 升起 shine: 阳光照耀 fella: 伙计Garfield: Check my neck, bozo. I have no vital signscheck: 检查 neck: 脖子 bozo: 家伙 vital: 生命力的 sign: 符号,迹象vital sign: 生命迹象Jon: You spend too much time in bedspend: 花费 bed: 床Garfield: That's only one man's opiniononly: 仅仅是opinion: 意见1989-01-30Garfield: What a boring life I haveboring: 无聊的 life: 生活Garfield: How could anyone have a more boring life?anyone: 任何人Jon: This is it, Garfield!Jon: Today's the day I tweeze my ear hairs!today: 今天 tweeze: 用镊子拔 ear: 耳朵 hair: 毛发Garfield: I guess anything is possibleguess: 猜想 anything: 任何事 possible: 可能的1989-01-31Garfield: Hi, Odie!(thud!)thud: 重击声,砰的一声Garfield: That was too easy easy: 容易的。









观影感受1. 创意独特《加菲猫英语》以加菲的独特视角展示了英语学习的乐趣。



2. 引人入胜的故事电影中的故事情节安排合理,扣人心弦。




3. 学习英语的启示《加菲猫英语》不仅仅是一部娱乐作品,它还给观众带来了学习英语的启示。



4. 探索不同文化电影中插入了许多英国文化元素,如英国皇室、午后茶等。








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Home» 加菲猫
Jon: Hi, there... I'm Jon Arbuckle. I'm a cartoonist, and this is my cat, Garfield cartoonist: 漫画家
Garfield: Hi, there. I'm Garfield. I'm a cat, and this is my cartoonist, Jon. Jon: Our only thought is to entertain you.
thought: 想法 entertain: 娱乐
Garfield: Feed me.
feed: 喂,饲养
Jon: Happy birthday, Garfield. I have a surprise for you
Happy birthday: 生日快乐 surprise: 惊喜
Jon: A rubber mousey!
rubber: 橡胶的 mousey: 像老鼠的
Garfield: Could've used a little salt...
salt: 盐
Jon: Garfield! You didn't even try!
Even: 甚至 try: 尝试
Garfield: Show me a good mouser, and I'll show you a cat with bad breath. Show:展示 mouser: 捕鼠动物 breath: 气息,呼吸
-Jon: I'm putting you on a diet, Garfield... Here's your dinner.
diet: 节食 on a diet: 吃规定的饮食dinner: 晚餐
Jon: WHA...
Garfield: Ahhhhh...
Garfield: Happiness is a warm television set.
happiness: 幸福 warm: 温暖的 television: 电视机
Garfield: (slap!)
slap: 拍击声
Jon: Don't be cruel, Garfield. Put the cat burger out of its misery and eat it. cruel: 残暴的 burger: 汉堡包 misery: 痛苦
Garfield: Cats...
Garfield: We cats are intelligent, soft, cute... intelligent: 聪明的 soft: 温柔的 cute: 可爱的Garfield: Furry cuddly...
furry: 毛茸茸的 cuddly: 抱着舒服的Garfield: Playful...
playful: 爱玩耍的
Garfield: Demure...
demure: 娴静的
Garfield: And masters of the house. masters: 主人
Garfield: We cats like to sit in high places. It reinforces our superiority. places: 地方 reinforces: 加强 superiority: 优越性
Garfield: Help
Garfield: Garfield, you dummy.
dummy: 笨蛋
Jon: Here, Garfield... Beg
Beg: 乞求
Garfield: (swipe!)
swipel: 猛击
Garfield: Groveling is not one of my strong suits.
groveling: 摇尾乞怜 strong suit: 特长
Jon: You can't drink coffee, Garfield. You'll stunt your, uh, your... stunt: 阻碍成长
Jon: One lump or two?
Garfield: All I ever do is eat and sleep, eat and sleep, eat and sleep. ever: 曾经
Garfield: There must be more to a cat's life than that.
Garfield: But, I hope not.
hope: 希望。
