Effects of temperature and organic and inorganic nutrients on the growth of Chattonella marina
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beneath [bi„ni:θ] prep.在…下面,在…下方 collapse [kə„læps] vi.(突然)倒塌;塌下 transmit [træns„mit] vt.传导;传递 potential [pəu„tenʃəl] adj.潜在的,可能的 aquatic [ə„kwætik] adj.水产的,水生的;水栖的 terrestrial [ti„restriəl] adj.陆地的, 陆生的 offset [,ɔf„set] vt.抵消;补偿 landscape [„lændskeip] n.山水,景色; 地形,景观
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relies on依赖 mineral resources矿藏 、矿产资源 hydro power 水力发电 fossil fuel 矿物燃料,化石燃料 fossil oil 石油;化石燃料 combustible gas 可燃气体 combustible material 可燃物;易燃材料 combustible dust 可燃粉尘;易燃粉尘 sedimentary strata 沉积岩 sedimentary deposit 沉积矿床;成层沉积 buy out 买下…的全部产权;出钱使…放弃地位 coal preparation plant 选煤厂 to same degree在某种程度上 in place适当的,恰当的
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composed of 由…组成 rock strata 岩层 earth„s crust 地壳 tectonic movement 构造运动;地壳运动 peat bog 泥炭沼,泥炭沼泽 bituminous coal 烟煤;沥青煤(等于soft coal) in abundance 大量的;丰富的;充足的 electricity generation 发电 industrial revolution 工业革命,产业革命 destined for 驶往;去往
food packages by head-space gas chromatography. The optimal chromatographic conditions are as follows: an DB-624 capillary column (30 m×0.25 mm, 1.40μm), nitrogen as carrier gas, with a flow rate of 1.40 ml/min column temperature programmed
升温程序:初始温度 45℃保持 6min,以 20℃/min 速度升温至 60℃,保持 4min,再以 20℃/min 速度升温 至 200℃,保持 2min。 1.3 标准曲线绘制
准确称取脱水重蒸处理后的苯、甲苯、二甲苯、 正己烷、二氯甲烷、甲醇、乙醇、异丙醇、丙酮、 丁酮、正丁醇、异丁醇、乙酸异丙酯、乙酸乙酯、 乙酸丁酯各 4g,混合后加入 N-N 二甲基乙酰胺(DMA)定 容至 100ml,摇匀后,作为标准贮备液。再依次用 NN 二甲基乙酰胺(DMA)稀释成 40、16、8 、4 、1.6、 0.8 mg/ml 系列标准使用液,迅速放入冰箱保存。分别 加入不同浓度标准溶液各 5μl,于含有经高温烘烤的样 品薄膜作底物的顶空瓶中,密封后按 1.2 分析条件进行 测定。以溶剂含量为横坐标,峰面积为纵坐标,绘制 标准曲线。 1.4 样品处理方法
effects of equilibrium temperature and equilibrium time on the determination of residual organic solvents were studied. The results
showed that all the 15 organic residues are separated well within 20 min, the standard curves are linear in the range of 0.004~0.2 mg/m2
Pyrolysis of oil sludge first by thermogravimetry/mass spectroscopy (TG/MS) and then in a horizontal quartz reactor with an electrical laboratory furnace under different pyrolysis conditions was carried out. The influence of heating rate from 5 to 20 °Camin-1, final pyrolysis temperature from 400 to 700 °C, various interval holding stage, and catalyst on the products were investigated in detail. The TG/MS results show that pyrolysis reaction of oil sludge starts at a low temperature of about 200 °C, and the maximum evolution rate is observed between the temperatures of 350-500 °C. A higher final pyrolysis temperature, an interval holding stage, and adding catalyst can promote the pyrolysis conversion (in terms of less solid residue production). In all parameters, an interval holding stage for 20 min near the peak temperature of 400 °C can enhance the yield of oil and improve its quality. Three additives used in this work as catalysts do not improve oil product quality markedly in spite of increasing pyrolysis conversion greatly.油泥的裂解首先通过热重/质谱分析(TG / MS),然后在水平石英反应器中具有不同热解条件下的电气实验室炉进行。
1基本资料姓名:郑祥性别:男民族:汉最后学历:博士专业职称:副教授行政职务:环境科学与工程系系主固定电话:82502694电子邮件:Zhengxiang7825@办公地址:科研楼A座703联系地址:中国人民大学科研楼A座802室环境学院办公室转交(100872)2教育背景2009.12-2010.02:德国卡塞尔大学,访问学者,教育部与德国德意志研究联合会(DFG)资助2008.11-2008.12:中国社会科学院与意大利环境、领土与海洋部联合举办的―生态管理:战略与政策‖高级培训班(第六期),学员1998.09-2003.06:中国科学院生态环境研究中心,环境工程专业,博士1994.09-1998.07:武汉大学环境科学系,环境科学专业,学士3工作经历2005.07-今:中国人民大学环境学院环境科学系,副教授;2003.09-2005.06:哈尔滨工业大学环境工程博士后流动站,博士后4研究兴趣与研究领域膜分离技术在水处理中的研究及应用污水处理系统中的公共卫生安全问题研究城市水体面源污染控制技术研究5教授课程现代环境生物技术膜分离技术:理论与应用)微生物学6科研项目[6]2012.01-2015.12,―十二五‖农村领域国家科技计划课题,北运河水系中游段生态治理关键技术与示范课题:村镇生态环境保护专项标准体系构建技术研究,研究任务负责人[5]2012.01-2015.12,中国人民大学科学研究基金项目(―研究报告系列‖):中国水处理行业可持续发展战略研究报告,负责人[4]2010.07-2013.12,城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室开放研究基金:以非常规水源补给的城市水域病原微生物风险及其控制,课题负责人[3]2010.09-2011.12,环境水质学国家重点实验室开放基金:北京温榆河水系微生物污染调查及其控制对策研究,课题负责人[2]2008.01-2012.06,霍英东教育基金优选资助课题:生活垃圾小型可持续填埋技术研究,课题负责人[1]2008.01-2010.12,国家自然科学基金:病毒在城市污水处理系统中的行为归趋及其削减途径研究,课题负责人7近三年学术成果7.1论文:[27]ZhiweiWang,HongguangYu,JinxingMa,XiangZheng*,ZhichaoWu,Recentadvancesinmembranebio-technologiesforsludgereductionandtreatment,biotechnologyadvances,/10.1016/j.biotechadv.2013.02.004(SCI)[26]LeiYUAN,XiangZHENG,KaijiaoDUAN,HaoHU,JinggangW 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实验得到的ZIF-67的优化合成条件为:Co(NO3)2·6H2O与mIm的摩尔比为1:8,原料同时溶解于甲醇中,所合成的ZIF-67晶体为规整的菱形十二面体,且颗粒粒度分布均匀,直径约为200 nm。
(2)通过静态吸附过程研究了ZIF-67对苯酚的液相吸附性能,并运用Langmuir 吸附等温方程对苯酚的吸附动力学进行拟合。
实验结果表明:ZIF-67吸附苯酚的适宜条件为:吸附时间为2 h,pH为9.0,吸附温度为298 K。
实验得到的ZIF-69的优化合成条件为:室温下,Zn2+逐滴加入nIm和cbIm的混合体系中,且反应物浓度为0.1 mol/L,所合成的ZIF-69晶体为规整的六角棱柱,且颗粒粒度分布均匀,直径约为800 nm。
生物 专业英语 科技英语 论文
1. Introduction
Epox ide hydrolases (EHs, EC3.3.2. x ) catalyze the hydrolysis of epoxides to corresponding vicinal diols with the addition of a H2O molecule, without any cofactors and metal ions[1,2]. EHs have been found in various sources [ 3-6] and most of the EHs belong to the α/β hydrolase fold family[7,8]. Previous studies demonstrated that microbial EHs had a broad substrate specificity, high enantioselectivities, and reaction rates, which has received more attention due to its promising potential for the enantioselective resolution of racemic epoxides [3, 9-1]. Recently, the discovery and production of EHs in microorganisms allowed applying EHs to a large scale.
Characterization of a newly synthesized epoxide(环氧化 物) hydrolase and its application in racemic(消旋的) resolution of ( R ,S)-epichlorohydrin(表氯醇,环氧氯 丙烷)
塑料油加氢脱氯催化剂性能陈宗杰;王泽;张先茂;王国兴;周正【摘要】According to pipeline blockage and corrosion caused by chlorine in process of plastic oil hydro-treating,hydrodechlorination catalyst was developed.Effects of active components,carriers and additives on organic chlorine removal of the plastic oil,and effects of reaction temperature and pressure on catalytic performance ware studied.240 h life experiment showed that zeolite M catalyst modified by Ni and X had good hydrogenation dechlorination activity and stability.%针对塑料油加氢处理过程中因氯盐导致管道堵塞及腐蚀等问题,开发了一种加氢脱氯催化剂.考察了不同活性组分、载体及助剂对塑料油有机氯脱除效果,研究了反应温度和压力对催化剂性能的影响,并对催化剂进行了240 h长周期实验,结果表明,经过助剂Ni和X改性后的分子筛M催化剂具有良好的加氢脱氯活性及稳定性.【期刊名称】《工业催化》【年(卷),期】2018(026)001【总页数】3页(P67-69)【关键词】催化剂工程;加氢脱氯;塑料油【作者】陈宗杰;王泽;张先茂;王国兴;周正【作者单位】武汉科林精细化工有限公司,湖北武汉430223;武汉科林精细化工有限公司,湖北武汉430223;武汉科林精细化工有限公司,湖北武汉430223;武汉科林精细化工有限公司,湖北武汉430223;武汉科林精细化工有限公司,湖北武汉430223【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ426.94;TE667近年来全球废塑料的总量不断增长[1-3],将废塑料热降解为燃料油是最具前景的处理方法之一。
大气科学系微机应用基础Primer of microcomputer applicationFORTRAN77程序设计FORTRAN77 Program Design大气科学概论An Introduction to Atmospheric Science大气探测学基础Atmospheric Sounding流体力学Fluid Dynamics天气学Synoptic Meteorology天气分析预报实验Forecast and Synoptic analysis生产实习Daily weather forecasting现代气候学基础An introduction to modern climatology卫星气象学Satellite meteorologyC语言程序设计 C Programming大气探测实验Experiment on Atmospheric Detective Technique云雾物理学Physics of Clouds and fogs动力气象学Dynamic Meteorology计算方法Calculation Method诊断分析Diagnostic Analysis中尺度气象学Meso-Microscale Synoptic Meteorology边界层气象学Boundary Layer Meteorology雷达气象学Radar Meteorology数值天气预报Numerical Weather Prediction气象统计预报Meteorological Statical Prediction大气科学中的数学方法Mathematical Methods in Atmospheric Sciences专题讲座Seminar专业英语English for Meteorological Field of Study计算机图形基础Basic of computer graphics气象业务自动化Automatic Weather Service空气污染预测与防治Prediction and Control for Air Pollution现代大气探测Advanced Atmospheric Sounding数字电子技术基础Basic of Digital Electronic Techniqul大气遥感Remote Sensing of Atmosphere模拟电子技术基础Analog Electron Technical Base大气化学Atmospheric Chemistry航空气象学Areameteorology计算机程序设计Computer Program Design数值预报模式与数值模拟Numerical Model and Numerical Simulation接口技术在大气科学中的应用Technology of Interface in Atmosphere Sciences Application海洋气象学Oceanic Meteorology现代实时天气预报技术(MICAPS系统)Advanced Short-range Weather Forecasting Technique(MICAPS system)1) atmospheric precipitation大气降水2) atmosphere science大气科学3) atmosphere大气1.The monitoring and study of atmosphere characteristics in near space as an environment for space weapon equipments and system have been regarded more important for battle support.随着临近空间飞行器的不断发展和运用,作为武器装备和系统环境的临近空间大气特性成为作战保障的重要条件。
第42卷 第4期 V ol.42 No.4 2020年4月 李相鑫等:硝化纤维素膜去除技术研究 Apr. 2020403SHAO Ziqiang, WANG Wenjun. Structure and Properties of Cellulose Nitrate [M]. Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, 2011.[3] 黄小锐, 罗庆平, 李兆乾, 等. 含氮量、温度、有机溶剂对硝化纤维素溶液特性黏度的影响[J]. 西南科技大学学报, 2018, 33(4): 31-36. HUANG Xiaorui, LUO Qingping, LI Zhaoqian, et al. Effects of nitrogen content, temperature and organic solvent on intrinsic viscosity of nitrocellulose[J]. Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology , 2018, 33(4): 31-36.[4] 房立峰. 微通道板离子壁垒膜的进一步研究[D]. 长春: 长春理工大学,2011.FANG Lifeng. Further Investigation on Ion Barriers Film of Microchannel Plate[D]. Changchun: Changchun University of Science and Technology, 2011.[5] 蔡华, 曹振博, 李方骏, 等. 微通道板表面碳污染的去除[J]. 中国建材科技, 2017, 26(1): 33-35.CAI Hua, CAO Zhenbo, LI Fangjun, et al. Removing of the carbon contamination from micro-channel plate surface[J]. China Building Materials Science and Technology , 2017, 26(1): 33-35.[6] 黄永刚. 微通道板电性能及其导电机制研究[D]. 北京: 中国建筑材料科学研究总院, 2014.HUANG Yonggang. Study on Electronic Properties and Conductive Mechanism of Microchannel Plates[D]. Beijing: China Building Materials Academy, 2014.[7] 聂晶. 基于真空除气的微通道板噪声抑制技术研究[D]. 西安: 西安工业大学, 2013.NIE Jing. The Research of Micro-channel Plate Restrain TechnologyBased on Vacuum Degassing[D]. Xi'an: Xi'an Technological University, 2013.[8] 徐振一. 微通道板的噪声评价方法研究[D]. 南京: 南京理工大学,2012.XUN Zhenyi. Research on Evaluation Method of Micro Channel Plate's Noise Factor[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2012.[9] 蔡春平, 高秀敏. 微通道板玻璃的电阻率[J]. 应用光学, 1997(2):17-28.CAI Chunping, GAO Xiumin. Resistivity of micro channel plate glasses[J]. Journal of Applied Optics , 1997(2): 17-28.[10] 孙忠文, 黄永刚, 贾金升, 等. 酸蚀对微通道板电性能的影响[J]. 应用光学, 2008(2): 161-165.SUN Zhongwen, HUANG Yonggang, JIA Jinsheng, et al. Effect of acid etching on electrical performances of microchannel plate[J]. Journal of Applied Optics , 2008(2): 161-165.[11] 黄永刚, 顾真安, 张洋, 等. 微通道板铅硅酸盐玻璃表面纳米尺度的形貌[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2012, 40(7): 994-999.HUANG Yonggang, GU Zhenan, ZHANG Yang, et al. Nano-scale morphology on micro-channel plate lead silicate glass surface[J]. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society , 2012, 40(7): 994-999. [12] 韦亚一, 陶兆民. 微通道板次级电子发射层中各元素随深度的分布[J]. 真空科学与技术学报, 1991(6): 384-387.WEI Yayi, TAO Zhaomin. The elemental depth-distribution of secondary electron emitting layer in MCP[J]. Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology , 1991(6): 384-387.《红外技术》第八届编辑委员会名单荣誉主编:褚君浩 姜会林 曾 毅 曾桂林 主 编:苏君红执行主编:姚立斌副 主 编:刘逸平 唐 剑 李 凯 朱颖峰 陈 钱 蔡 毅 何 力 金伟其 郑云峰(常 务)编 委(以姓氏笔画为序)马文坡 王双保 王 霞 石 峰 卢 进 史衍丽 白廷柱 白 瑜 朱颖峰 刘逸平 麦绿波 苏君红 巫广华 李云红 李 凯 李晓峰 杨 宇 吴一冈 吴晗平 何 力 邹继鑫 汪岳峰 张长泉 张若岚 张建奇 陆 卫 陈 钱 陈效双 陈福胜 金伟其 郑云峰 郑 凯 赵勋杰 赵 俊 胡伟达 施加林 姚立斌 顾国华 凌福日 郭 杰 唐利斌 唐良瑞 唐 剑 姬荣斌 常本康 葛宝臻 蒋亚东 曾 宇 蔡 毅 熊 平。
Effect of pyrolysis temperature and
holding time on biochar propertiesBiochar is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to traditional methods for managing soil organic matter, improving soil fertility, and sequestering carbon by converting agricultural wastes into a stable and recalcitrant form of carbon. Pyrolysis, the thermal decomposition of organic matter in the absence of oxygen, is widely used to produce biochar. The pyrolysis temperature and holding time are two critical factors that influence the properties of biochar. This article aims to explore the effect of pyrolysis temperature and holding time on biochar properties and their implications for soil management.Pyrolysis temperaturePyrolysis temperature is a important factor that influences the physicochemical properties of biochar. It determines the degree of thermal degradation of the material, leading to the production of different biochar properties. The effect of pyrolysis temperature on biochar properties can be divided into three categories: chemical composition, physical characteristics, and adsorption properties.Chemical compositionPyrolysis temperature has a significant effect on the chemical composition of biochar, including carbon content, ash content, pH, and functional groups. Higher pyrolysis temperatures generally result in higher carbon content, lower ash content, and higher pH. As the temperature increases, volatile components are driven off, leaving behind a more stable and recalcitrant carbon structure. At the same time, the increase in temperature may cause some functional groups, such as carboxyl and hydroxyl groups, to be decomposed, leading to a decrease in surface functional groups and a corresponding increase in hydrophobicity of the biochar.Physical characteristicsPyrolysis temperature also affects the physical characteristics of biochar, including surface area, pore size distribution, and bulk density. High-temperature pyrolysis leads to the formation of a more open pore structure and a higher surface area. However, pore size distribution is affected by both pyrolysis temperature and the type of feedstock, with higher temperatures resulting in a shift towards smaller pore sizes. Meanwhile, an increase in pyrolysis temperature may cause a decrease in bulk density and an increase in particle size.Adsorption propertiesPyrolysis temperature affects the adsorption properties of biochar, including its ability to adsorb nutrients, heavy metals, and other pollutants. High-temperature pyrolysis generally results in biochar with a higher adsorption capacity due to its higher surface area and pore volume. At the same time, the decrease in functional groups may lead to a reduction in the biochar’s ability to adsorb certain types ofpollutants. The specific effect of pyrolysis temperature on the adsorption properties of biochar is determined by the type and concentration of the adsorbate, as well as the properties of the biochar itself.Holding timeHolding time is another important parameter in pyrolysis that affects the properties of biochar. The holding time is the duration of the pyrolysis process at a given temperature. It is an important factor that determines the final carbonization degree and the degree of thermal degradability of the feedstock. The effects of holding time on biochar properties include chemical composition, surface area, and adsorption properties.Chemical compositionIncreasing the holding time can promote the decomposition of organic matter and improve the carbonization degree of the biochar. However, excessive holding time can lead to excessive thermal degradation and a reduction in the carbon content of the final biochar. The chemical composition of biochar can be affected by the holding time either directly or indirectly. Longer holding times can result in greater efforts to remove moisture and volatile organic matter components from the feedstock, leading to higher carbon yield and lower ash content.Surface areaHolding time can also affect the specific surface area of biochar. As the holding time increases, the surface area of the biochar may increase due to an increase in the extent of decomposition and subsequent micropore formation. However, too long a holding time can also lead to a reduction in specific surface area due to excessive carbonization and vaporization of the volatile components.Adsorption propertiesHolding time can also affect the adsorption performance of biochar. An increase in holding time can result in a higher surface area and micropore volume, leading to a greater adsorption capacity for certain types of pollutants such as heavy metals. However, excessive holding times can reduce the number of surface functional groups responsible for adsorption, merely increasing the micropore density in the biochar, and reducing the potential for adsorption of some other pollutants.ConclusionIn conclusion, pyrolysis temperature and holding time are two crucial factors that influence the properties of biochar, which in turn determine its effectiveness in soil applications. High-temperature pyrolysis tends to result in biochar with higher carbon content, larger surface area, and higher adsorption capacity than low-temperature pyrolysis. Longer holding times can also modify biochar properties,although the extent depends on the conditions of the individual pyrolysis process. A well-designed pyrolysis process can thus be tailored to produce biochar with specific properties suitable for a wide range of soil applications, such as improving soil fertility, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and remediating contaminated soils.。
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Chapter 1 Introduction
What is
“Specialized English for Chemistry” ?
1. 词汇的专业性
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SAT化学考试常用的词汇SAT化学考试常用的词汇汇总Matter 物质Definition of Water(物质的定义)States of Matter(物质的状态)Composition of Matter (物质的构成)Chemical and Physical Properties(化学性质和物理性质)Chemical and Physical Changes (化学变化和物理变化)Conservation of Mass (质量守恒)Energy 能量Definition of Energy(能量的定义)Forms of Energy(能量的形式)Types of Reactions(Exothermic Versus Endothermic) 反应类型(放热对吸热)Conservation of Energy (能量守恒)Conservation of Mass and Energy(质能守恒)Scientific Method(科学方法)Measurements and Calculations(测量和计算)Metric System(指标系统)Temperature Measurements(温度测量)Heat Measurements(热量测量)Scientific Notation (科学记数法)Factor-Label Method of Conversion(Dimensional Analysis)转换方法(量纲分析)Precision, Accuracy, and Uncertainty(精密度,准确度,不确定度)Significant Figures(有效数字)Calculations with Significant Figures (有效数字的计算)Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table of the Elements 原子结构&元素周期表Electric Nature of Atoms 原子的电本质History (历史)Basic Electric Charges(基本电荷)Bohr Model of the Atom(原子的波尔模型)Components of Atomic Structure(原子结构构成)Calculating Average Atomic Mass(计算平均原子量)Oxidation Number and Valence(氧化数和化合价)Metallic,Nonmetallic,and Noble Gas Structures(易失电子.易得电子.惰性气体结构)Reactivity(反应)Atomic Spectra 原子光谱Spectroscopy(光谱学)Mass Spectroscopy (质谱学)The Wave-Mechanical Model 波动力学模型Quantum Numbers(量子数)Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity 最大多重性洪特法则Sublevels and Electron Configuration 原子内电子排布Order of Filing and Notation(电子填充次序和命名)Electron Dot Notation(Lewis Dot Structures)(Lewis 点结构) Noble Gas Notation(稀有气体元素)Transition Elements and Variable Oxidation Numbers(过渡元素和可变的氧化数)Period Table of the Elements元素周期表History(历史)Periodic Law(周期律)The Table(周期表)Properties Related to the Periodic Table(元素周期表的性质) Radii of Atoms(原子半径)Atomic Radii in Periods(同周期的原子半径)Atomic Radii in Groups(同族的'原子半径)Ionic Radius Compared to Atomic Radius(相对原子半径的离子半径)Electro negativity(电负性)Electron Affinity(电子亲和能)Ionization Energy(电离能)Bonding 化学键Types of Bonds 化学键类型Ionic Bonds(离子键)Covalent Bonds(共价键)Metallic Bonds(金属键)Intermolecular Forces of Attraction 分子间的吸引力Dipole-Dipole Attraction (极性分子间的吸引力)London Forces(伦敦力)Hydrogen Bonds(氢键)Double and Triple Bonds(双键和三键)Resonance Structures(共振结构)Molecular Geometry—VSEPR—and Hybridization分子几何学—价层电子对互斥理论和杂化轨道理论VSEPR—Electrostatic Repulsion(VSEPR—价层电子对互斥理论) VSEPR and Unshared Electron (VSEPR和非共享电子对)VSEPR and Molecular Geometry(VSEPR和分子几何学)Hybridization(杂化轨道理论)Sigma and Pi Bonds (Sigma键和Pi键)Properties of Ionic Substances(离子化合物的性质)Properties of Molecular Crystals and Liquids (分子晶体与液晶的性质)Chemical Formulas 化学分子式Writing Formulas (写分子式)General Observations About Oxidation States and FormulaWriting(氧化状态和分子式写作的一般性结论)More About Oxidation Numbers (关于氧化数)Naming Compounds (化合物命名)Chemical Formulas (化学分子式)Laws of Definite Composition and Multiple Proportions (定比定律和倍比定律)Writing and Balancing Simple Equations (写作和平衡简单方程式)Showing Phases in Chemical Equations (化学平衡式)Writing Ionic Equations (书写离子方程式)Gases and the Gas Laws 气体和气体定律Introduction—Gases in the Environment(入门—环境中的气体) Some Representative Gases(一些有代表性的气体)Oxygen(氧气)Hydrogen(氢气)General Characteristics of Gases(气体的基本特征)Measuring the Pressure of a Gas(测量气压)Kinetic Molecular Theory(气体动力论)Some Particular Properties of Gases(气体的特殊性质)Gas Laws and Related Problems(气体定律和相关的难题)Graham’s Law(格锐目定律)Charles’s Law(查理定律)Boyle’s Law(波义耳定律)Combined Gas Law(混合气体定律)Pressure Versus Temperature(气压和温度)Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures (道尔顿分压定律)Corrections of Pressure(压力校正)Ideal Gas Law(理想气体定律)Ideal Gas Deviations(理想气体偏差)Chemical Calculations(Stoichiometry)and the Mole Concept 化学计算&摩尔内容Solving Problems in Chemistry(解答化学难题)The Mole Concept(摩尔内容)Molar Mass and Moles(摩尔质量和摩尔)Mole Relationships(摩尔关系)Gas Volumes and Molar Mass(气体体积和摩尔质量)Density and molar Mass(密度和摩尔质量)Mass-Volume Relationships(摩尔与体积的关系)Mass-Mass Problems(质量—质量难题)Problems with an Excess of One Reactant(涉及某一反应物多余的难题)Liquids, Solids, and Phase Changes 液体,固体和状态变化Liquids(液体)Importance of Intermolecular Interaction(分子间相互作用的重要性)Kinetics of Liquids(液体动力学)Viscosity(粘性)Surface Tension(表面张力)Capillary Action(毛细作用)Phase Equilibrium(平衡状态)Boiling Point(沸点)Critical Temperature and Pressure(临界温度和临界压力)Solids(固体)Phase Diagrams(状态图表)Water(水)History of Water(水的历史)Purification of Water(水净化)Composition of Water(水的构成)Properties and Uses of Water(水的性质和使用)Water’s Reactions with Anhydrides(水和碱性氧化物的反应) Polarity and Hydrogen Bonding(极性和氢键)Solubility(可溶性)General Rules of Solubility(可溶性的基本原则)Factors That Affect Rate of Solubility(影响溶解率的因素)Summary of Types of Solutes and Relationships of Type to Solubility(溶液类型和类型之间关系的总结)Water Solutions(水处理)Continuum of Water Mixtures(水混合溶剂)Expressions of Concentration(浓度的表达)Dilution(稀释)Colligative Properties of Solutions(溶液的依数性)Crystallization(结晶化)Chemical Reactions and Thermochemistry 化学反应和热化学Types of Reactions(反应类型)Predicting Reactions(预知化学反应)Combination(Known Also as Synthesis(化合反应)Decomposition(Known Also as Analysis(分解反应)Single Replacement(置换反应)Double Replacement(复分解反应)Hydrolysis Reactions(水解反应)Entropy(熵)Thermochemistry(热化学)Changes in Enthalpy(焓变化)Additivity of Reaction Heats and Hess’s Law(反应热加成性定律—赫士定律)Bond Dissociation Energy(键裂解能)Enthalpy from Bond Energies(键能中的键焓)Rates of Chemical Reactions 化学反应速率Measurements of Reaction Rates(反应速率的测量)Factors Affecting Reaction Rates(影响反应速率的因素)Collision Theory of Reaction Rates(化学反应速率的碰撞理论) Activation Energy(激活能)Reaction Rate Law(化学反应速率定律)Reaction Mechanism and Rates of Reaction(化学反应机制和化学反应速率)Chemical Equilibrium化学平衡Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium(可逆反应和平衡)Le Chatelier’s Principle(化学平衡移动原理—勒复特列原理)Effects of Changing Conditions(条件变化的影响)Effect of Changing the Concentrations(浓度改变的影响)Effect of Temperature on Equilibrium(平衡中温度改变的影响) Effect of Pressure on Equilibrium(平衡中压力改变的影响)Equilibrium in Heterogeneous Systems(异构系统中的平衡)Equilibrium Constant for Systems Involving Solids(涉及固体的系统平衡常数)Acid Ionization Constants(酸电离常数)Ionization Constant of Water(水电离常数)Solubility Products(溶解度产物)Common Ion Effect(同离子效应)Driving Forces of Reactions(反应推动力)Relation of Minimum Energy(Enthalpy) to Maximum Disorder(Entropy)(焓—熵关系)Change in Free Energy of a System-the Gibbs Equation(系统中自由能的变化—吉布斯公式)Acids, Bases, and Salts 酸,碱,盐Definitions and Properties(定义和性质)Acids(酸)Bases(碱)Broader Acid-Base Theories(酸—碱理论)Conjugate Acids and Bases(共轭酸碱)Strengh of Conjugate Acids and Bases(共轭酸碱强度)Acid Concentration Expressed as pH(pH表示为酸浓度)Indicators(指示剂)Titration—Volumetric Analysis(滴定—容量分析法)Buffer Solutions(缓冲溶液)Salts(盐)Amphoteric Substances(两性物质)Acid Rain—An Environmental Concern(酸雨—共同关心的环境问题)Oxidation-Reduction and Electrochemistry 氧化—还原反应和电化学Ionization(电离)Oxidation-Reduction and Electrochemistry(氧化---还原反应和电化学)Voltaic Cells(伏打电池)Electrode Potentials(电极电位)Electrolytic Cells(电解池)Applications of Electrochemical Cells(Commercial Voltaic Cells)(电化电池的应用)Quantitative Aspects of Electrolysis(电解现象)Relationship Between Quantity of Electricity and Amount of Products(电量和数量的关系)Balancing Redox Equations Using Oxidation Numbers(用氧化数配平氧化还原方程式)The Ion-Electron Method(离子—电子法)Some Representative Groups and Families 一些有代表性的元素族Sulfur Family(S族)Sulfuric Acid(硫酸)Other Important Compounds of Sulfur(S元素的其他重要化合物)Halogen Family(卤素)Some important Halides and Their Uses(一些重要的卤化物及其应用)Nitrogen Family(氮族) Nitric Acid(硝酸)Other Important Compounds of Nitrogen(N元素的其他重要化合物)Other Members of the Nitrogen Family(N族的其他区成员)Metals(金属)Properties of Metals(金属性质)Some Important Reduction Methods(一些重要的还原方法)Alloys(铝)Metalloids(非金属)Carbon and Organic Chemistry 碳和有机化学Carbon(碳) Forms of Carbon(碳的构成)Carbon Dioxide(二氧化碳)Organic Chemistry(有机化学)Hydrocarbons(碳氢化合物)Alkane Series(Saturated)(烷烃)Alkene Series(Unsaturated) AlkyneSeries(Unsaturated)(炔属烃)Aromatics(芳烃)Isomers(异构体)Changing Hydrocarbons(碳氢化合物的改变)Hydrocarbon Derivatives(碳氢化合物的衍生物)Alcohols—Methanol an Ethanol(酒精—甲醇和乙醇)Other Alcohols(其他酒精)Aldehydes(乙醛)Organic Acids orCarboxylic Acids(有机酸和羧酸)Ketones(酮)Ethers(醚)Amines and Amino Acids(胺和氨基酸)Esters(酯)Carbohydrates(碳水化合物)Monosaccharides and Disaccharides(单糖和二糖)Polysaccharides(多糖) Polymers(聚合体)Nucleonics 原子核物理学Radioactivity(放射热)The Nature of Radioactive Emissions(放射的本质)Methods of Detection of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Rays(α,β和γ射线)Decay Series, Transmutations, and Half-life(衰变,嬗变和半衰期)Radioactive Dating(放射年代测定法)Nuclear Energy(核能) Conditions for Fission(核裂变条件)Methods of Obtaining Fissionable Material(得到裂变材料的方法Fusion(核聚变) Radiation Exposure(辐射暴露)The Laboratory 实验Technology in the Laboratory(实验室里的技术)Some Basic Setups(一些基本步骤)Summary of Qualitative Tests(定性测试总结) Ⅰ. Identificati on of Some Common Gases(常见气体认证) Ⅱ. Identification of Some Negative Ions(负离子认证) Ⅲ . Identification of Some Positive Ions(正离子认证) Ⅳ .Qualitative Tests of Some Metals(金属的定性测试)。
小学上册英语第4单元真题(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _______ (小青蛙) croaks loudly at night.2.The __________ (历史的探索) reveals truths.3.What is the opposite of "happy"?A. SadB. AngryC. ExcitedD. Tired答案: A4.The ancient Egyptians are known for their _____ and art.5.We will _______ (玩) soccer tomorrow.6.We visit the ______ (艺术中心) for cultural events.7.I enjoy writing ______ (电影评论) to share my thoughts on what I watch. It’s a way to express my opinions.8.I like to _____ (skateboard) at the park.9. A balloon filled with air is an example of a ______.10.The _____ is made up of stars, planets, and galaxies.11. A ________ (峡谷) is a deep valley between mountains.12.The __________ (历史的视角) can differ among cultures.13. A _____ (tropical) plant grows in warm climates.14.My dad is ________ a car.15. A _____ (植物文化遗产) enriches our connection to nature.16.My favorite color is ___ (red/yellow).17.The ________ grow in the garden.18.What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered Australia?A. James CookB. Abel TasmanC. Ferdinand MagellanD. Christopher Columbus答案: A19.The __________ (历史的影响) shapes perspectives.20.I think it's fun to celebrate __________ because we get to __________.21.I enjoy _____ (reading/watching) movies.22. A _______ can help to test the effects of temperature changes on materials.23.We need to ________ the dishes.24.The ______ (液体) within plant cells is called cytoplasm.25.Sedimentary rocks often contain ______ that can tell us about the environment of the past.26.My brother wants a pet ______ (小狗) to play with.27.My favorite game to play with my friends is ______.28.What is the main purpose of a map?A. To tell timeB. To show directionsC. To cookD. To read答案: B29. A ________ (海峡) connects two larger bodies of water.30.The __________ helps some birds to swim in water.31.The atmosphere is made up of gases including nitrogen and ______.32.I sometimes watch ________ (名词) about toys and learn new ways to play with them. This gives me many ________ (名词) ideas!33.The _____ (quinoa) is a superfood plant.34.In summer, the grass grows __________ (茂盛).35.What is the name of the famous river in Egypt?A. AmazonB. NileC. YangtzeD. Mississippi答案: Banic compounds contain carbon and ______.37.The nurse gives _____ (疫苗) to children.38. A dilute solution contains a ______ concentration of solute.39. A _______ can grow in different climates.40. A ____ has long whiskers and scurries about.41. A frog can change its color based on its ______ (环境).42.I have a ___ (friend/sibling) who loves sports.43.The process of photosynthesis takes place in ______.44.The flowers in the garden bloom in every _______ imaginable.45.The ______ is a small animal that can climb trees.46.The element with the atomic number is ______.47.The __________ (历史的共享) enriches culture.48.I can ______ (管理) my time effectively.49.We will have _____ (fun/work) at the park.50.My brother is a big __________ of basketball. (粉丝)51.The sky is clear and ______ (蓝色) today.52.Ants can carry items many times their ______ (重量).53.The ______ is a layer of rock that lies directly beneath the Earth's surface.54.I love playing ______ (户外游戏) with my friends after school. It’s a great way to relax and have fun.55.My grandma is a wonderful __________ (谈话者) who shares stories.56.The _____ (植物资料) can provide insights into care.57.What do we call the process of animals adapting to their environment?A. EvolutionB. MigrationC. TranspirationD. Hibernation答案:A. Evolution58._____ (weeds) can compete with other plants.59.What is the name of the main character in "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"?A. ButterflyB. CaterpillarC. LadybugD. Ant答案:B60.I have a __________ (形容词) __________ (玩具名) that I take everywhere.61.What do we call the process of taking in oxygen?A. RespirationB. CirculationC. DigestionD. Excretion答案:A. Respiration62.An extinct volcano is one that is unlikely to ______ again.63.I have a collection of ______ (邮票) from my travels around the ______ (世界).64.I like to _____ at the park. (play)65.The capital of Egypt is _____ (92).66. A dog's bark can signal excitement or ________________ (警告).67.In a chemical reaction, products are formed from ________.68.I love to play ________ (户外游戏).69.Which device do we use to see things that are far away?A. MicroscopeB. TelescopeC. BinocularsD. Magnifying glass答案: B70.My uncle lives in . (我叔叔住在。
Like a fish in the ocean, man is confined to a very shallow layer of atmosphere.The gaseous envelope of the Earth is physically inhomogeneous in both the vertical and horizontal directions, although the horizontal inhomogeneity is much less marked than the vertical inhomogeneity.Various criteria have been devised for dividing the atmosphere into layers. This division can be based on the nature of the vertical temperature profile, on the gaseous composition of the air at different altitudes, and the effect of the atmosphere on aircraft at different altitudes, etc. The division based on the variation of the air temperature with altitude is used most commonly in the meteorological literature.According to a publication of the agrological commission of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1961, the Earth’s atmosphere, is divided into five main layers: the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere and the exosphere. These layers are bounded by four thin transition regions: the tropospause, the stratospause, the mesospause, the thermospause .The troposphere is the lower layer of the atmosphere between the Earth’s surface and the tropopause. The temperature drops with increasing height in the troposphere, at a mean rate of 6.5 ℃per kilometer (lapse rate). The upper boundary of the troposphere lies at a height of approximately 8 to 12 km in the polar and troposphere contains about 75% of the total 就像海洋中的鱼一样,人类被局限在大气中一个非常狭窄的层次之内。
大气科学系微机应用基础Primer of microcomputer applicationFORTRAN77程序设计FORTRAN77 Program Design大气科学概论An Introduction to Atmospheric Science大气探测学基础Atmospheric Sounding流体力学Fluid Dynamics天气学Synoptic Meteorology天气分析预报实验Forecast and Synoptic analysis生产实习Daily weather forecasting现代气候学基础An introduction to modern climatology卫星气象学Satellite meteorologyC语言程序设计 C Programming大气探测实验Experiment on Atmospheric Detective Technique云雾物理学Physics of Clouds and fogs动力气象学Dynamic Meteorology计算方法Calculation Method诊断分析Diagnostic Analysis中尺度气象学Meso-Microscale Synoptic Meteorology边界层气象学Boundary Layer Meteorology雷达气象学Radar Meteorology数值天气预报Numerical Weather Prediction气象统计预报Meteorological Statical Prediction大气科学中的数学方法Mathematical Methods in Atmospheric Sciences专题讲座Seminar专业英语English for Meteorological Field of Study计算机图形基础Basic of computer graphics气象业务自动化Automatic Weather Service空气污染预测与防治Prediction and Control for Air Pollution现代大气探测Advanced Atmospheric Sounding数字电子技术基础Basic of Digital Electronic Techniqul大气遥感Remote Sensing of Atmosphere模拟电子技术基础Analog Electron Technical Base大气化学Atmospheric Chemistry航空气象学Areameteorology计算机程序设计Computer Program Design数值预报模式与数值模拟Numerical Model and Numerical Simulation接口技术在大气科学中的应用Technology of Interface in Atmosphere Sciences Application海洋气象学Oceanic Meteorology现代实时天气预报技术(MICAPS系统)Advanced Short-range Weather Forecasting Technique(MICAPS system)1) atmospheric precipitation大气降水2) atmosphere science大气科学3) atmosphere大气1.The monitoring and study of atmosphere characteristics in near space as an environment forspace weapon equipments and system have been regarded more important for battle support.随着临近空间飞行器的不断发展和运用,作为武器装备和系统环境的临近空间大气特性成为作战保障的重要条件。
小学上册英语第4单元期末试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I enjoy ______ my favorite games on weekends. (playing)2.We have a ______ (丰富的) menu at the cafeteria.3. A ______ is a type of mixture that does not have a uniform composition.4.My dad is a ________.5.The _______ (老虎) has sharp claws.6.Plants are often used for ______ (装饰) in homes.7.The country known for its deserts is ________ (沙特阿拉伯).8.The clock is on the ___. (wall)9.The popcorn is ______ (hot) and buttery.10.My favorite writer is _______ (名字). 她的书很 _______ (形容词).11. A lion is called the _______ of the jungle.12. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks the ______.13.What color is the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. Red答案:B Yellow14. A __________ (社区花园) can beautify neighborhoods.15.What do you call a person who studies animals?A. ZoologistB. BiologistC. EcologistD. Naturalist答案: A16.What do we celebrate on the Fourth of July in the USA?A. ThanksgivingB. Independence DayC. ChristmasD. New Year答案: B17.The element with atomic number is __________.18.How do bees communicate?A. DancingB. SingingC. BuzzingD. Whistling答案:A19.The __________ (历史的参与性) enhances engagement.20.The process of making biodiesel involves _______ oils.21.I like ________ (fishing) by the river.22.What do we call a person who studies the development of organisms?A. BiologistB. GeneticistC. BotanistD. Zoologist答案: A23. A _______ is a mixture made of two or more liquids that do not mix.24.The book is on the ___. (table)25.将图片对应的单词涂色,并将单词抄写在四线三格内。
什么是碳循环英语作文英文回答:The carbon cycle is a process that involves the exchange of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, land, and living organisms. This cycle maintains the balance of carbon in the Earth's system and plays a crucial role in regulating the global climate.The carbon cycle consists of four main processes:1. Atmosphere-ocean exchange: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is absorbed by the ocean from the atmosphere and released back into the atmosphere through ocean-atmosphere gas exchange.2. Biological uptake: Plants and other organisms absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.3. Carbon burial: Dead organisms and organic matter are buried in sediments and converted into fossil fuels overmillions of years.4. Fossil fuel combustion: Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas, release CO2 back into the atmosphere whenthey are burned.The carbon cycle helps to regulate Earth's temperature by absorbing and releasing carbon dioxide. When the atmospheric concentration of CO2 increases, more heat is trapped in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. Onthe other hand, when the concentration of CO2 decreases, more heat is released into space, leading to global cooling.Changes in the carbon cycle can have significantimpacts on the global climate system. For example, the burning of fossil fuels has released large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, contributing to the observed increasein global temperatures and the effects of climate change.中文回答:碳循环是指碳在大气层、海洋、陆地和生物之间进行交换的过程。
小学上册英语第5单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call the study of celestial objects and phenomena?A. BiologyB. GeologyC. AstronomyD. Meteorology2.What do we call the fear of spiders?A. AcrophobiaB. ArachnophobiaC. ClaustrophobiaD. Agoraphobia答案:B3.I enjoy ______ on rainy days.4.I like to explore with my toy ________ (玩具名称).5.What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?A. The Starry NightB. The Last SupperC. The Girl with a Pearl EarringD. Mona LisaD6.The soup is too ___ (hot/cold).7. A __________ is a geological feature that provides habitats for wildlife.8.We visit the ______ (自然博物馆) to learn about ecosystems.9.The anglerfish lures its prey with a ________________ (光).10.Substances that speed up chemical reactions are called ______.11.Which fruit is yellow and curved?A. AppleB. BananaC. OrangeD. Grapes12.Chemical reactions can be reversible or _____.13.Which of these is a large body of water?A. RiverB. LakeC. OceanD. PondC14.The sunflowers reach for the _______ every day.15.The __________ (历史的思维方式) shape our perspectives.16.My dad is a ________ (司机).17.How many legs does an octopus have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. TwelveB18.What do we call the invisible force that pulls objects toward each other?A. MagnetismB. GravityC. FrictionD. Electricity19.My sister is a good ________.20.The main component of natural gas is _______.21.I see _____ flying over the flowers.22.The _____ (山) is covered with green trees and shrubs.23.What is the name of the famous painting by Vincent van Gogh?A. The Starry NightB. The Girl with a Pearl EarringC. The Last SupperD. The Kiss24.My friend is a skilled __________ (摄影师).25.The chemical formula for barium sulfate is __________.26.I can ______ (跑) fast.27.I want to ______ (travel) the world someday.28.The girl is very ________.29.The ________ is a small animal that likes to play.30.My teacher gives us __________ (有趣的) lessons.31.Rocks can be formed through processes like cooling, ______, and heating.32.I want to go to the ________.33.I want to _______ (学会) how to skateboard.34.What do you call a baby cow?A. PigletB. CalfC. KidD. Lamb35.What is the name of the famous bear who loves honey?A. PaddingtonB. Winnie the PoohC. Yogi BearD. Smokey Bear36.The tallest building in the world is in ________ (世界最高的建筑位于________).37. e of Hastings took place in ________ (1066). The Batt38. A __________ is any substance that has mass and takes up space.39.What do you call a group of turtles?A. NestB. BaleC. DoleD. Turn40.Some _______ can live for hundreds of years.41.We have a ________ (celebration) for birthdays.42.What do we call a series of connected events in a story?A. PlotB. ThemeC. SettingD. CharacterA43.What color is the sky on a clear day?A. GreenB. BlueC. YellowD. RedB44.What do you call a group of wolves?A. PackB. FlockC. HerdD. SchoolA45.She likes to ______ with her friends. (play)46.What do we call a group of wolves?A. PackB. FlockC. GaggleD. ColonyA47.I enjoy making ______ (贺卡) for my family and friends. It’s a personal touch that they appreciate.48. A __________ uses echolocation to navigate.49.Dolphins are very _______ (聪明的).50.The leaves are __________ (绿色) in summer.51.I like to collect _____ from the garden.52.What is the largest land animal?A. RhinocerosB. GiraffeC. ElephantD. HippopotamusC53. A _______ describes how easily an element can lose electrons.54.The __________ is made up of many different types of rocks.55.What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her glass slipper?A. Snow WhiteB. CinderellaC. Sleeping BeautyD. RapunzelB56.I like to take care of my toy ________ (玩具名称).57. A ________ is a large, naturally occurring community of flora and fauna.58.What is the color of the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. PurpleB59.What do we call a scientist who studies the effects of pollution?A. Environmental scientistB. EcologistC. BiologistD. ChemistA60.Which animal lives in a hive?A. AntB. BeeC. SpiderD. FlyB61.My mom reads me a _____ every night. (story)62.Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing them?A. GuitarB. ViolinC. PianoD. Drum63.What do we use to cut paper?A. TapeB. GlueC. ScissorsD. Stapler64.The ancient Romans established ________ to provide public services.65. A __________ is a reaction that involves a change in temperature.66.I want to _______ (体验)新的事物。