毕博-上海银行—Credit Risk Mgmt Sys Analytics Credit metrics monitor outline


毕博上海银行—meeting minutesbank of shanghai5.24

毕博上海银行—meeting minutesbank of shanghai5.24

主题: 毕马威管理咨询风险管理资质介绍
时间: 2002年5月24日
召集人: 戴晨
记录人: 余天雯
与会者: 戴晨、王鹏翔、苏明月、施戈、余天雯



Confidential to Hanvit Bank CRMS Project
Hanvit Bank
Distinction Between Default and Loss
The overriding principal of risk rating is that the individual ratings are first aligned by borrower with risk of default. This risk of default measure is produced at the borrower level due to the presumption that a borrower will default on all obligations if it defaults on any. Individual borrower ratings are useful in that they:
Risk ratings are the primary summary indicator of risk for Hanvit bank’s individual credit exposures. Specific uses of Hanvit’s risk ratings include:
•a guide for the loan origination process; •portfolio monitoring and management reporting; •analysis of the adequacy of loan loss reserves; •loan pricing analysis; and •an input to the portfolio management module



• 国内汽车行业:
© 2003 BearingPoint, Inc.
制造类企业供 应链现状
企业可能 的核心能力
采购/供应 生产(质量/成 市场细分/ 商管理 本/计划)管理 营销管理
采购 管理 能力
业务策略 改进策划 客户管理 供应链管理 变革管理
世界级财务 管理 世界级IT管 理 共享服务 流程改进
风险管理 项目管理
世界级人 力资源管 理 绩效考核
SAP Oracle PeopleSoft Baan JD Edwards
文档管理 数据仓库 客户开发 系统架构设计 电子商务 企业集成服务 企业网络服务
© 2003 BearingPoint, Inc.
亚太地区作为毕博管理咨询的策略发展区域之一,毕博管理咨询已经在美国、澳大利亚建 成了两个宽带演示与研发中心,配备了大量的产业与解决方案的专家来支持包括香港在内的 整个亚太地区的业务发展。 大中国地区则是亚太地区的重点发展区域。毕博管理咨询计划在上海张江高科技园区投资 全球第三个也将是大中国地区第一个宽带演示与研发中心来支持全球业务的发展,重点支持 包括香港在内的大中国地区。中心总人数在今年就将达到500位,未来发展的方向是容纳 5000位研究人员。
生产 管理 能力
市场 管理 能力
分销/渠道 管理
分销 渠道 管理 能力
客户 服务
客户 服务 能力
企业亟需 解决的问题

毕博管理咨询上海 公司合同

毕博管理咨询上海 公司合同



基于上述情况,本协议双方在平等互利基础上,经过谈判,现达成协议如下:1. 聘用目的(a) 客户同意按任务方式聘用顾问方向其提供咨询服务(“服务”),且顾问方同意按本协议规定的条款,并受本协议规定的条件和假定约束提供服务。




(b) 每一方应指派一名“项目经理”,作为与聘用有关的一切事宜的双方之间合同的主要联系人。



(c) 除非工作一览表另有规定,顾问方应在适用的工作一览表规定的客户场所提供服务。





«<SYS MANAGEMENT 系统管理探索建立外汇管理微观市场大麵监管平台♦毕海波摘要:外汇市场的监管建立在市场经济条件下对企业的监管上,其监管方式是在获得企北外汇贸易收支信息的基础上,集中管理该主体所有的外汇业务,并进行综合风险评估。












二、股东信息 .........................................................................................................................................................6 三、对外投资信息 .................................................................................................................................................6 四、企业年报 .........................................................................................................................................................6 五、重点关注 .........................................................................................................................................................7
一、企业背景 .........................................................................................................................................................5 1.1 工商信息 ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 分支机构 ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.3 变更记录 ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.4 主要人员 ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.5 联系方式 ......................................................................................................................................................6



取得已存户口 /取得申请人的取得已存户口 / 曾完成的申请数据 验证规则 曾完成的申请数据
取得外间授信库或 内部数据

是完成输入申请是 人的数据?

现有客户 黑名单 / 诈骗?
内部评级 1 3 4 2 4 2 3 4 2 5
正确的内部评 级与外部评级
不正确的内部 评级与外部评 级对照的次序
授信风险模型系统实施: 第三步骤 – 确定授信流程监控点
交付品: 授信流程监控点分析书
• 识别授信生成与复核业务流程
• 记录流程图、监控点
• 分析监控目的、监控工作内容、 负责单位、人员或系统运用环境 (包括各种个人电脑系统运用)
Copyright © 2001-2002 毕马威管理咨询版权所有
客户 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
客户 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
内部评级 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5
DCS_F_1, DCS_F_2 DCS_F_3, DCS_F_6, DCS_A_6, DCS_G_1, DCS_G_5, DCS_G_6, LMS_F_2, LMS_F_3



Credit LimitsThis document describes an approach to calculating credit limits. The method assumes that a borrower’s limit corresponds to the first point at which additional credit exposure would make more than a maximum allowed contribution to portfolio risk. This maximum, marginal contribution would be set by credit policy, guided perhaps by regulatory limits.This approach implies that the borrower’s size, risk rating, t ypes of credit facilities, and correlation with the bank’s entire portfolio will affect the limit. Thus, limits will be lower for smaller, higher risk borrowers, who post little collateral, and are highly correlated with the bank. Portfolio risk considerations motivate this approach. The rules described here deal only with limiting risk. A full portfolio management approach would also consider the returns from the different borrowers.Measuring Contribution to Portfolio RiskOne could use a value-at-r isk (VAR) model in measuring a borrower’s total and marginal contribution to portfolio risk. But this probably would prove too cumbersome to apply on a case-by-case basis. Also, few banks have credit VAR systems sophisticated enough for an accurate assessment of limits. As an alternative, we suggest a computationally feasible method for approximating the limits that would arise from a state-of-the-art VAR analysis.Experiments with VAR systems suggest that one can approximate the credit-portfolio-risk contribution of a borrower with the following formulaRC = EDF_WT x LIED_WT x CORR_WT x EXP (1)With the assistance of a pricing model, one could use the following, closer approximationRC = SPREAD_WT x CORR_WT x EXP (2)We define the variables in (1) and (2) below (see Exhibit 1).Exhibit 1: Variables in Risk Contribution FormulasTo get the marginal risk contribution, we compute the change in (1) or (2) with respect to indebtednessMRC = ∆RC/∆D (3)Here MRC denotes the marginal risk contribution, ∆change, and D total indebtedness of the borrower.Setting Limits Using a Maximum Marginal-Risk-Contribution ThresholdUnder the approach suggested here, one would determine a borrower’s credit limit by finding the point at which MRC reaches a ceiling (MMRC) set by policy (see Exhibit 2)Limit = EXP at which ∆RC/∆D= MMRC (4)Specific Examples of This Limit Setting ApproachWe now apply the approach just described for a couple of particular choices for default models. In conducting this experiment, we work with continuous formulas for MRC.Allowing debt changes to be arbitrarily small, we get the following expression for MRCWTSPREAD WT CORR EXP WT SPREAD DWTCORR EXP WT CORR DWTSPREAD D RC MRC _*_ *_*_ *_*_+∂∂+∂∂=∂∂=(5)Assuming that LIED doesn’t change with D and noting that spreads move about proportionally with the average EDF value over a loan’s term, we can use the followingWTCORR WT LIED WT EDF EXP WT LIED WT EDF DWTCORR EXP WT CORR WT LIED DWTEDF D RC _*_*_ *_*_*_ *_*_*_+∂∂+∂∂=∂∂(6)For the two experiments below, we use the following specificationsLIEDI m AVG LIED WT LIED m PEXP EXP WT CORR ⋅=⋅⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=___ρρ (7)Here PEXP denotes the bank’s total credit exposure and ρI the correlation between the value of the bank’s entire credit portfolio and the value of the industry component that includes the borrower. The m values represent multipliers that provide convenient scaling.Suppose we use a Merton default model. This implies EDF_WT = 2Φ(-ln(V/(kD))/σ)*m EDF where Φ represents the normal distribution function, V asset value, D total debt, and σ asset-value volatility. Then if dEXP = dD, we get the following)__)/ln(2 _)/ln(2 __)/ln(2(1WT LIED WT CORR D V EXP WT LIED D V PEXP EXP WT LIED WT CORR D V D m D RC ⋅⋅⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-Φ+⋅⋅⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-Φ⋅+⋅⋅⋅⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=∂∂-σσσφσ (8)The graphical representation of limit determination has the expected pattern (see Exhibit 3).1Exhibit 3: Limit Determination for the Merton Default Model0.000.250.500.751.001.251.501.752.00010203040Alternatively, suppose we assume a logistic default model. In this case, we get a different EDF weight, specifically EDF_WT = exp(λ0+λ1*ln(V/D)/σ)/(1+exp(λ0+λ1*ln(V/D)/σ))m EDF . Again we obtain the same basic pattern of limit determination (see Exhibit 4)Exhibit 4: Limit Determination Using Logistic Default Model0.000.250.500.751.001.251.501.752.000102030405060Limit1In both examples we’ve scaled the results so that MMRC = 1. This arbitrary scaling has no effect on th e results.The position of the MRC curve and thus the debt limit depends on a company’s size (debt capacity), indebtedness to others, correlation with the bank, and facility structures (loss in event of default) (see Exhibit 5).To make the above approach operational, one must establish a threshold for the MRC. In a full, portfolio risk-return analysis, one might set the threshold depending on the return associated with a borrower’s loans.Putting pricing aside, one might determine the MMRC from regulatory limits. In this case, one would select an extremely large borrower with the highest risk grade in an industry with a low correlation with the bank’s overall portfolio. One would further assume that that borrower’s entire indebtedness was with the bank. One then would solve for the MRC value correspondingMMRCRegulatoryLimitSummaryThis limits approach presented here restricts the MRC of a borrower to a level consistent with regulatory guidelines. Under this method, the limit depends on a borrower’s size, risk ra ting, correlation with the entire bank, and indebtedness to other creditors.。

1毕博-上海银行—Final Deliverables crmsitarchitecture

1毕博-上海银行—Final Deliverables crmsitarchitecture

CRMS Architecture OverviewSonlinh Phuvan8 December, 1999IntroductionThe objective of this document is to provide an overview of the architecture of Hanvit Bank’s Credit Risk Management System (CRMS). This document is subdivided into four (4) main chapters, Application, Data Flow, Platforms, and Database.ApplicationThe CRMS application can be subdivided into about 5 groups, Group I, Group II, Group III, Submission & Approval, and Retail. Group I is comprised of the Financial Analysis, Shenanigan, Forecasting and Sensitivity modules. Group II is comprised of Pricing, Limits, Ratings, and Collateral modules. Group is VAR (Value At Risk), and is not included in the initial roll-out of the CRMS on January 2000.The CRMS application is developed to function within a web-based, four (4) tier environment (i.e. client, web-server, application-server, and database-server). The applications web-server elements are written using visual basic to implement ASP on the MS IIS (Microsoft Internet Information Server), and HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). The database access elements are written in ProC, and are implemented within the application server. The application use embedded SQL commands to access data within an Oracle RDBMS (Relational Database Management System).There are a number of “common modules” that are mandated for use by Hanvit Bank. The function of those common modules include some standard GUI type components which are embedded within the ASP (Active Server Pages) and HTML elements, and communication type of component such as CICS transaction modules.After January 2000, it is expected that many of the present ASP implemented using Visual Basic modules will be converted to HTML, except where the level of user interactivity requires a more dynamic interface then Visual Basic (or Java) will be used. The rational behind the conversion from Visual Basic, is that the present bank environment is inimical to the use of Visual Basic to implement ASP.Data FlowThe following data flow diagram describes the data sources, and data flow through the CRMS. The CRMS has a datasink, which is the CRMS database implemented as a Oracle RDBMS. The data sources are the KIS (Korean Information System) data, the KFB (Korean Federation of Banks), and two (2) internal data sources (TSIN, and DW/DM).PlatformsThe following system map provides a description of the platforms, and their functions within the CRMS. This is a four (4) tier Web-based system. The Web servers are based on Intel platforms with an NT operating system, the Application Servers are based on IBM platforms with AIX operating system, the Database Server is also based on an IBM platform with AIX operating system, and an Oracle RDMS.It expected that the system would be upgraded sometimes after January 1, 2000. The upgrades will impact the Web Servers, and the Database Server. The upgrade planned by Hanvit is based partly on the additional expected load of approximately 25,000 TPM on the database server, the processing of approximately 834 retail loans per month, 5010 commercial loans per month, an estimated 1400 retail users,and 700 commercial users. Two additional web-servers were also requested.DatabaseThe CRMS database can be subdivided into three (3) major element, commercial, retail, and credit card. The credit card element is in process of being developed and is outside the present scope of the CRMS project. The commercial element of the CRMS comprises approximately 212 entities, and more than 1500 non-unique data elements. The retail element of the CRMS database comprises approximately 43 entities and more than 300 non-unique data elements.The commercial element of the CRMS database can be subdivided into 24 submodels that support the CRMS Group I, II and submission and approval functions of the CRMS. The retail element of the CRMS database can be subdivided into 2 submodels. There many primary keys within the CRMS DB, but the principal keys are the Corporate Registration Number and the loan Submission Number.At this time the database does not implement business rules (such as data validation such as data type and null data, data access control,…), those business rules will be defined by Hanvit as they refine the business processes involving the integration of the CRMS into present Hanvit bank loan processes.The following diagram shows the relative size (from relative number of entities) of the commercial and retail, the credit card element is not yet developed and thus is pictured only for documentation purpose. The actual size of the database will be dependent on the number of rows in eachtable.ConclusionsThe CRMS to be deployed on January 2000 will undergo several changes, including system upgrades planned by Hanvit Bank, as well as the natural evolution of a version 1 system due to refinement of the business requirements as Hanvit continues using the CRMS.Presently the retail, commercial and the credit databases are co-located within the same database, this is not an ideal situation. As the retail, commercial and credit card applications evolve to meet different business requirements the maintenance of the database can be difficult to handle unless those database are separated. If the databases are going to be separated the issue of source of record and data synchronization must be addressed.Presently the GUI interface uses Visual Basic to implement complex user interactivity, the use of ASP and Visual Basic constrains the application to a Microsoft operating system and to the Microsoft IIS. If in the future, it were desired to port the application to another platform, this would require a rewrite of the GUI interface.。



中国银行业如何应对零售业务的风险——访毕博管理资询(大中国区)董事总经理曾慕乐张娅【期刊名称】《商务周刊》【年(卷),期】2005(000)024【摘要】《商务周刊》:毕博刚刚发布的报告描述了国际银行业向零售银行转型的状况,中国银行业才刚刚参与到这个领域,你如何看待零售银行业务在中国市场的发展趋势? 曾慕乐(Dirk chan-Mueller):我们认为,零售银行业务将成为中国银行业的亮点。




【总页数】2页(P76-77)【作者】张娅【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F832.2【相关文献】1.厉兵秣马,稳步推进在华业务——访DEKRA集团大中国区总经理Michael Siedentop和DEKRA广州公司总经理Stan Zurkiewicz [J], 赵明;于昊2.新的开始寄望问鼎九州传控称雄志在驱动未来——访博世力士乐集团董事会成员Mr.ReinerLeipold和博世力士乐中国董事总经理刘火伟先生 [J],3.全渠道信息化,护航全渠道零售——访深圳市科脉技术有限公司董事长/总经理曾昭志 [J], 孙丽4.与中国一起成长——访挪威船级社大中国区总经理毕浩然(Bjorn K. Haugland) [J], 姚亚平5.零售业务的关键在树品牌、拓渠道——访中海油(山西)贵金属有限公司执行董事兼总经理韩勇强 [J], 张伟超因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



【摘要】@@ 编者按:从广为人知的垂直化、扁平化管理,到近期的数据大集中工作,组织架构再造正在中国的各家商业银行内部悄然酝酿和稳步实施.组织架构再造,不仅是中国银行界管理理念和管理流程的再造,更是中国银行界摆脱"官气"、向真正商业银行转变的变革.本刊记者就此话题专访了毕博大中华区副总裁施能自先生,对组织架构再造中的各种疑难问题一一求解.
经理区万康先生 [J], 谭雪清
3.全力推进中国业务成长——访麦格纳国际亚太区执行副总裁弗兰克·欧博恩先生和麦格纳中国区市场营销及政府关系副总裁孙星原先生 [J], 陈永光
4.雀巢大中华区智能高效的供应链战略——访雀巢大中华区供应链及采购高级副总裁Tony Domingo董明先生 [J], 《物流技术与应用》编辑部
5.用数字技术塑造航运业未来——访康士伯海事亚太区全球客户支持副总裁高军先生和大中华区销售与市场副总裁刘雅玲女士 [J], 赵博



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告上海浦东发展银行股份有限公司北京亚运村支行(简称:上海浦东发展银行北京亚免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:上海浦东发展银行股份有限公司北京亚运村支行(简称:上海浦东发展银行北京亚运村支行)1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分上海浦东发展银行股份有限公司北京亚运村支行(简称:上海浦东发展银行北京亚运村支行)综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业货币金融服务-银行理财服务资质空产品服务款、贷款、结算业务;办理票据贴现;代理发1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标信息最多显示100条记录,如需更多信息请到企业大数据平台查询7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。

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A One-Parameter Representation of Credit Risk and Transition MatricesLawrence R. Forest, Jr., KPMG Peat Marwick LLPBarry Belkin and Stephan J. Suchower, Daniel H. Wagner Associates1. OverviewThis paper presents a one-parameter representation of credit risk and transition matrices. We start with the CreditMetrics view that ratings transition matrices result from the “binning” of a standard normal random variable X that measures changes in creditworthiness. We further assume here that X splits into two parts: (1) an idiosyncratic component Y , unique to a borrower, and (2) a systematic component Z , shared by all borrowers. Broadly speaking, Z measures the “credit cycle”, meaning the values of default rates and of end -of-period risk ratings not predicted (using historical average transition rates) by the initial mix of credit grades. In good years Z will be positive, implying for each initial credit rating, a lower than average default rate and a higher than average ratio of upgrades to downgrades. In bad years, the reverse will be true. We describe a way of estimating Z from the separate transition matrices tabulated each year by Standard & Poor (S&P) and Moody’s. Conversely, we describe a method of calculating transition matrices conditional on an assumed value for Z .The historical pattern of Z depicts past credit conditions. For example, Z remains negative for most of 1981-89. This mirrors the general decline in credit ratings over that period. In 1990-91, Z drops well below zero as the US suffers through one of its worst credit crises since the Great Depression. The relatively high proportion of lower grade credits inherited from the 1980’s together with the 1990-91 slump (Z <0) accounts for a high number of defaults. Over 1992-97, Z has stayed positive and credit conditions have remained benign. The movements of Z over the past 10 years correlate closely with loan pricing.Our focus here is on how Z affects credit rating migration probabilities. However, one can also model the effect of Z on the probability distribution of loss in the event of default (LIED), credit par spreads, and ultimately the value of a commercial loan, bond, or other instrument subject to credit risk. By parametrically varying Z , one can perform stress testing to assess the sensitivity of the value of an individual credit instrument or an entire credit portfolio to changing credit conditions. One can also quantify how volatility in Z translates into transaction and portfolio value volatility.2. Defining Z RiskFollowing the CreditMetrics approach described by Gupton, Finger, and Bhatia (1997), we assume that ratings transitions reflect an underlying, continuous credit-change indicator X . One further assumes that X has a standard normal distribution. Then, conditional on an initial creditrating G at the beginning of a year, one partitions X values into a set of disjoint bins ],(G 1g G g x x .1To simplify references, the indices G and g represent sequences of integers rather than letters or other symbols. One defines the bins so that the probability that X falls within a given interval equals the corresponding historical average transition rate (see Exhibit 1).1We observe an inconsistency among the bins for different initial ratings. For an initial borrower rating of G 0, consider successive yearly values for X of x 1 and x 2, in which x 1 implies a rating’s change to G 1 and x 2 a change to G 2. We won’t find, in general, that an X value of x 1+x 2 in the first year implies a rating change from G 0 to G 2.Exhibit 1: Relationship Between Continuous Credit Index X and Rating Transitions0. Density for X BBBWe write the conditions defining the bins as follows:)()(1Gg G g g)P(G,x x Φ-Φ=+(1)in which P(G,g) denotes the historical average G-to-g transition probability and Φ(⋅) represents the standard normal cumulative distribution function. The default bin has a lower threshold of -∞. The AAA bin has an upper threshold of +∞. The remaining thresholds are fit to the observed transition probabilities.Suppose there are N ratings categories including default. Then there are N-1 initial grades, which represent all the ratings excluding default. For each of those initial grades, we observe N-1historical average transition rates. (The other (N th) value derives from the condition that the probabilities sum to 1.) We must determine N-1 threshold values defining the bins. Thus, we can solve for all of the bin boundaries.We illustrate this process below. The starting point is the smoothed version of the 1981-97 historical average transition matrix tabulated by S&P for 8 grades, including default (see Exhibit2). The corresponding bins are computed using the above formula.2Consider transitions from BBB. We observe a 15 bps default rate. Using the inverse probability function for a standard normal distribution, we compute a value of about –2.97 for the upper threshold for the default bin. Next consider the CCC bin. We get a value of about 25 bps for the sum of transition rates to CCC or to default. Again applying the inverse probability function, we get an upper threshold value for CCC of about –2.81. Now consider B. We compute a probability of about 1.3 per cent for transitions to B or to lower grades. Once again applying the inverse2The smoothing applied to the matrix enforces default rate monotonicity, row and column monotonicity and several ofthe other regularity conditions listed in the CreditMetrics documentation. Default rate monotonicity means that default rates rise as credit ratings go down. Row and column monotonicity means that transition rates fall as one moves away from the main diagonal along either a row or a column. We note one exception to this rule. Default is a trapping state. Thus, the default rate may rise above the probability of transition to neighboring non-default states.probability function, we get an upper threshold value of -2.23. Continuing in this way for each terminal and each initial grade, we derive all of the bin values.Exhibit 2: Smoothed Historical Average Transition Rates and Associated BinsAs in Belkin, Suchower, and Forest (1998), we decompose X into two parts: (1) a (scaled) idiosyncratic component Y, unique to a borrower, and (2) a (scaled) systematic component Z, shared by all borrowers. Thus, we writeX Y Z1ρρ. (2)=-+We assume that Y and Z are unit normal random variables and mutually independent.3The parameter ρ (assumed positive) represents the correlation between Z and X. Thus Z explains a fraction ρ of the variance of X.In any year, the observed transition rates will deviate from the norm (Z =0). We can then find a value of Z so that the probabilities associated with the bins defined above best approximate the given year’s observed transition rates (see Exhibit 3). We label that value of Z for year t, Z t.4 We determine Z t so as to minimize the weighted, mean-squared discrepancies between the model transition probabilities and the observed transition probabilities.3The variate Z is actually modeled as following a stochastic process and is therefore properly denoted Z. At reasonable choice is the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (O-U) process with parameters β (reciprocal of time constant) and σ(volatility). The O-U process is mean reverting (capturing the analogous property of the business cycle) and has a limiting stationary Gaussian distribution. The condition σ2/2β= 1 is imposed to insure that the stationary distribution has unit variance. See Arnold (1974) for a discussion of the O-U process.4 It can be shown that one recovers the historical average transition matrix by integrating the transition matrices conditioned on Z t = z with respect to the stationary unit normal distribution for z.For this we define⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛--Φ-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--Φ=∆ρρρρ++11),,(tt t Z x Z x Z x x G g G 1g G g G 1g . (3)This is the model value for the G-to-g transition rate in year t. Then for a fixed ρ and a fixed t , the least-squares problem takes the form[]()∑∑+++∆-∆∆-Gg Gg G 1g G g G 1g Gg G 1g g G P ,),,(1),,(),,()(min 2,t t t t G t Z Z x x Z x x Z x x n t, (4)where P t (G,g) represents the G-to-g transition rate observed in year t and n t,G is the number of transitions from initial grade G observed in that year. In this formula, we weight observations bythe inverses of the approximate sample variances of P t (G,g ).5Exhibit 3: Illustration of the Z Value for a Particular Initial Rating in a Given YearD CCC B BB BBB A AA AAAWe don’t know the value of ρ a priori. We estimate ρ as follows. We apply the minimization in (4) for 1981-97 using an assumed value of ρ. We then obtain a time series for Z t , conditional on ρ. We compute the mean and variance of this series. We repeat this process for many values of ρ,5In the formula (3), we normalize each squared deviation by the factor GGg G 1g G g G 1g ,)),,(1)(,,(t t t n z x x z x x ++∆-∆.This weighting factor represents the sample variance for the G -to-g transition rate under a binomial sampling approximation such that “success” is the occurrence of a G -to-g transition and “failure” is any other transition. A full multinomial treatment would account for the constraint that the sample transition rates across a row must sum to one.and use a numerical search procedure to find the particular ρ value for which the Z t time series has variance of one.We illustrate this process of solving for Z t at a single time t. We start with the S&P transition matrix observed for 1982 (see Exhibit 4). We hold fixed the bins determined from the historical average matrix and fix ρ at the value (.0163) determining by the search process. The indicated value for Z t of –0.89 provides the best fit to the observed 1982 transition rates.Exhibit 4: S&P Transition Matrix for 1982 and Calculations Leading to Z EstimateBroadly speaking, Z t measures the “credit cycle,” meaning the values of default rates and of end-of-period risk ratings not predicted (using historical average transition rates) by the initial mix of credit grades. In good years Z t will be positive, implying for each initial credit rating a lower than average default rate and a higher than average ratio of upgrades to downgrades. In bad years, the reverse will be true.3. Z t’s Historical PatternsZ t’s historical movements describe past credit conditions not evident i n the initial mix of ratings (see Exhibit 5). Z t’s history is erratic, more so than the term “credit cycle” suggests. In particular, the fluctuations don’t show a stable sinusoidal pattern.Exhibit 5: Z t as Estimated from S&P Annual Transition Matrices19811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997Z t is mostly negative over 1981-89. Credit ratings generally declined over that period as many corporations increased leverage. In 1990-91, Z t drops below zero, as the US suffers through one of its worst credit crises since the Great Depression. The relatively high proportion of lower grade credits inherited from the 1980’s together with the 1990-91 credit slump (Z t<0) accounts for a high number of defaults. Over the period 1992-97, Z t has stayed positive and credit conditions have remained benign.Loan prices over the past 10 years correlate quite closely with the credit indicator Z t (see Exhibit 6). One observes that loan spreads have generally lagged abrupt changes in credit conditions.Exhibit 6: Z t Index and BB Spreads607080901001101201301401987199819891990199119921993199419951996199719980.000.501.001.502.00BB Par Spreads, left scale Z t , right scale, invertedLoan spreads in North America and Europe over the past 2-3 years have remained near record lows. This suggests that the past 6 years of favorable credit conditions have made many lenders optimistic about the future. One might ask whether the past patterns exhibited by Z t justify this optimism or any other forecast of credit conditions.Applying the weighted least-squares scheme for estimating the Z t , we get a ρ value of 0.0163. Thus, systematic credit migration risk accounts for only about 1.6% of total credit migration risk over the period 1981-97. This contrasts with equity price data, which suggest that systematic risk accounts for about 25 per cent of the total variance in an average company’s stock price. We shall see below, however, that small variations in Z t can translate into substantial swings in default and downgrade rates.The discrete time counterpart to the O-U model is a first-order autoregressive process. We fitted such a model for Z t to the data for the 1982-97 period and obtained the following:.04.1 54.011t t t t Z Z Z ε+-=---(5)Here εt is a standardized white noise sequence. From (5), the sample estimates for the O-U model parameters are β=.54yr -1 and σ=104.yr -1/2. Thus, the Z t process has an estimated mean relaxation time of about 2 years and an estimated annual volatility of about 100%.We performed several statistical tests on (5) for model goodness of fit. The sample estimate of the mean of the Z t process mean is -016., with a standard error of 0.25. As a result, there is no statistical basis to reject the hypothesis that the Z t process has zero mean. Based on a t-statistic value of 2.18, the hypothesis that there is no mean reversion (i.e., that β=0) can be rejected at the .025 significance level. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic for the model residuals has a value of d =.17, indicating that the residuals are statistically indistinguishable from a white noise sequence (.)α=71.The calculated R 2for the model in (5) is .24, indicating that a first-order autoregressive model forthe Z t has modest predictive power.6However, the utility of the model is not in predicting future values of Z t . Rather, it is to quantify how the variability in Z t that is predictable and the variability in Z t that is not predictable each influence credit risk and the pricing of that risk.4. Determining transition matrices as functions of Z tWe’ve already desc ribed a way of imputing the Z t variable from observed transition matrices. By inverting this process, one may determine transition matrices from values of Z t .We again use the bin values Gg x for each initial grade G and end-of-year grade g. Now, conditional on Z t , we compute the probability of a G to g transition as⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛ρ-ρ-Φ-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛ρ-ρ-Φ=+11tt Z x Z x G g G 1gg)(G,P t (6)We show matrices below for a good year (Z t =1), an average year (Z t =0), and a bad year (Z t =-1) (see Exhibit 7). Note that an absolute value of 1 represents a 1-standard deviation variation from “normal” credit conditions.Exhibit 7: Transition Matrices Computed Using Z Parameterization6The R 2 for a second-order autoregressive model is only .33, so going to a higher order model adds little in the way ofpredictive power. The simply reality is that the Z t process, at least over the 17-year historical period analyzed, is quite volatile.One observes significant variation in the migration probabilities between the good, average, and bad years, particularly off the main diagonal. For example, the default probability starting in grade B is .050 in an average year but increases to .068 in a bad year and drops to .036 in a good year. In relative terms these are about 30% variations. Consequently, the effect of systematic risk on migration probabilities is significant.5. ApplicationsThe Z variable and its related formulas provide a simple one-factor description of credit portfolio risk and credit pricing. On the pricing side, changes in credit spreads for a given grade reflect shifting expectations regarding expected and unexpected loss. By “unexpected loss,” we mean the premium(over expected loss) that a loan must pay to compensate for its contribution to volatility in a well-diversified portfolio.We can explain changes in credit spreads using Z. Suppose that the expected value of Z increases. Then the anticipated transition rates to default and to near default go down. The probability distribution for LIED can shift downward (and change shape) as well. The effect is that both expected and unexpected losses fall, lowering credit spreads. Suppose, alternatively, that the expected value of Z decreases. Expected and unexpected losses go up, raising credit spreads. Thus, we can relate spread volatility to changes in expected credit conditions.Given a stochastic specification for Z, we can incorporate spread volatility into loan pricing models. We’re currently modifying KPMG’s Loan Analysis System SM by incorporating Z risk along with its effect on rating migration probabilities, on the distribution of LIED, and on par credit spreads. In addition, we are including Z risk as one of the factors in a multifactor model for the interest rate term structure.The Z variable provides a simple way of running credit scenarios. For example, one might want to simulate the value of a credit portfolio under conditions similar to those in 1990-91. To accomplish this, one would run a two-year simulation, setting Z equal to its 1990 value in year 1 and to its 1991 value in year 2. One would compute the associated transition matrices and use those matrices in calculating credit value-at-risk.Alternatively, one could run a large number of simulations drawing Z from a time series model, such as the O-U process. This would provide valuable insight into how volatility in Z in response to changing credit conditions induces volatility in the mark-to-market value of a credit portfolio.In closing, note that Z offers only a one-factor explanation of credit risk. International data suggest that one needs several factors to describe credit risk globally. The assumption that a single factor can satisfactorily represent all systematic risk in valuing a credit portfolio needs to be tested by comparing model predictions of mark-to-market prices with observed market prices.6. SummaryWe have described a one-parameter representation of credit risk and transition matrices in the form of a single systematic credit factor Z. The historical record of Z provides a succinct description of past credit conditions.We have described a stochastic process model for Z and a way of estimating Z from past ratings transition matrices and applied the method to rating migration data for the period 1983-97.Our results indicate that specific risk dominates systematic risk in terms of explaining the variance of X, the continuous variate that governs credit migration under the CreditMetrics model. Nonetheless, Z has a significant effect on migration probabilities, and the framework that we described can be used to stress test a credit portfolio, i.e., to quantify the impact of changing credit conditions on individual transaction value and portfolio value.The Z variate can be incorporated into models for stochastic LIED and stochastic par credit spreads. It also provides a basis for modeling the correlation between credit migration and interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates, and other market variables subject to systematic risk.The information provided here is of a general nature and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any individual or entity. In specific circumstances, the services of a professional should be sought. The views and opinions are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP.A One Parameter Representation of Credit Risk and Transition Matrices 10/02/1812:45 PM DRAFT 11ReferencesArnold, Ludwig. Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, 1974.Belkin, Barry, Stephan J. Suchower, and Lawrence R. Forest, Jr. J.P. Morgan CreditMetrics®. Monitor. First Quarter 1998.Gupton, Greg, M., Christopher C. Finger, and Mickey Bhatia. CreditMetrics TM–Technical Document. New York: Morgan Guaranty Trust Co., 1997.。
