Layered control architectures in robots and vertebrates
第43卷第10期自动化学报Vol.43,No.10 2017年10月ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA October,2017航天器控制系统可重构性的内涵与研究综述王大轶1屠园园2刘成瑞2何英姿2李文博2摘要可重构性设计是提高航天器在轨运行质量的有效途径,可以从系统层面克服航天器控制系统固有可靠性不足、星上资源受限以及在轨故障不可维修等缺陷,目前已引起控制理论和航天器控制工程等领域的高度重视与广泛关注.本文首先结合航天器控制系统的固有特点,具体介绍可重构性的研究意义与概念内涵.然后从评价与设计两方面,详细梳理航天器控制系统可重构性的研究内容与研究现状.最后对目前可重构性研究领域中存在的一些问题以及未来可能的发展方向进行深入探讨.关键词航天器,控制系统,可重构性,可重构性评价,可重构性设计,资源约束,时间特性引用格式王大轶,屠园园,刘成瑞,何英姿,李文博.航天器控制系统可重构性的内涵与研究综述.自动化学报,2017,43(10): 1687−1702DOI10.16383/j.aas.2017.c160700Connotation and Research of Reconfigurability forSpacecraft Control Systems:A ReviewWANG Da-Yi1TU Yuan-Yuan2LIU Cheng-Rui2HE Ying-Zi2LI Wen-Bo2Abstract Since control reconfigurability design can overcome the inherent deficiency of reliability insufficiency,limi-tation of resource and unrepairability of fault for spacecraft control system,it is the fundamental approach to improve the operational quality of on-orbit spacecraft,which has attracted intensive attention from both control theoryfield and spacecraft control engineeringfield.First of all,the research significance,connotation and research range of reconfigura-bility for spacecraft control system are described in detail.Then,the current research status of control reconfigurability is summarized from the aspects of reconfigurability evaluation and reconfigurability design.Finally,problems to be solved are presented and some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.Key words Spacecraft,control system,reconfigurability,reconfigurability evaluation,reconfigurability design,resource constraints,time propertyCitation Wang Da-Yi,Tu Yuan-Yuan,Liu Cheng-Rui,He Ying-Zi,Li Wen-Bo.Connotation and research of reconfig-urability for spacecraft control systems:a review.Acta Automatica Sinica,2017,43(10):1687−1702随着航天器在国防、通信、气象、勘探等多个领域中发挥着越来越重要的作用,人们对其在轨运行质量的要求也越来越高.然而由于规模庞大、运行环境恶劣等原因,航天器在轨故障难以避免[1−3].为了描述故障发生后系统的自主恢复能力,美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration,NASA)于1982年提出了控制可重构性(Control reconfigurability)[4−5]的概念,它是一种表征控制系统自主故障处理能力的基本属性,收稿日期2016-10-09录用日期2017-05-06Manuscript received October9,2016;accepted May6,2017国家自然科学基金(61690215,61640304,61573060,61203093),国家杰出青年科学基金(61525301)资助Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61690215,61640304,61573060,61203093)and National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars(61525301)本文责任编委孙富春Recommended by Associate Editor SUN Fu-Chun1.北京空间飞行器总体设计部北京1000942.北京控制工程研究所北京1001901.Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 1000942.Beijing Institute of Control Engineering,Beijing 100190目前已引起控制理论和航天器控制工程等领域的高度重视与广泛关注.为了提高航天器在轨运行的安全性,传统方法是通过可靠性设计来降低故障发生的概率[6−7].但是受成本和重量等因素的制约,航天器可备份的部件数量有限,再加上工艺水平的限制,其可靠性的提升存在“瓶颈”;更重要的是,可靠性描述的仅仅是概率意义下系统正常工作的可能性,高可靠性不代表不出现故障.同时,因为独特的运行条件,大多数航天器发生故障后均存在不可维修的问题.鉴于此,亟需提高航天器对故障的自主处理能力,确保系统可以及时采取有效措施,使故障影响降到最低.对故障进行自主处理的前提是航天器具备可以重构的能力,即可重构性,其大小取决于系统的先天设计.因此,针对有可能发生故障的航天器,进行可重构性优化设计,可以从系统层面克服产品固有的可靠性不足,提高航天器对故障的自主处理能力,从而有效改善其在轨运行质量.作为航天器的核心分系统,控制系统长期处于1688自动化学报43卷运行状态,功能复杂且零部件众多,故障尤其多发,所以应重点研究该分系统的可重构性.值得一提的是,虽然控制系统可重构性的概念提出于20世纪80年代,但是对于航天器控制系统而言,有限的星上资源以及复杂的运行条件带来了许多诸如时间有界、输入饱和以及能量受限等新问题.因此,结合航天器控制系统的固有特点,对可重构性问题开展进一步研究,具有十分重要的工程实际意义.综上所述,本文针对航天器控制系统可重构性的研究意义、概念内涵、研究内容以及研究现状进行了系统、全面的梳理、归纳与总结,具体结构安排如下:1)结合航天器控制系统的固有特点,介绍了其可重构性的研究意义.2)从定义出发,深入分析了其概念内涵.3)对可重构性的研究内容进行了详细梳理,包括可重构性评价与可重构性设计,并分别归纳了其研究现状.4)对目前可重构性研究领域中存在的一些问题以及未来可能的发展方向进行了深入探讨.1航天器控制系统可重构性的内涵只有在全面掌握可重构性内涵的基础上,才能够对系统进行深入的可重构性分析.目前,关于航天器控制系统可重构性的研究才刚刚起步,相关的概念内涵还比较模糊.为了给今后的研究工作提供一些指导作用,本节结合航天器控制系统的固有特点,从描述要素、影响因素以及与可靠性的关系和应用范围出发,对可重构性的具体内涵进行了深入分析,从而进一步阐述了可重构性研究的重要意义,为后续的相关研究提供了理论依据.针对可重构性,在机器人[8]、制造系统[9]和计算机网络通信[10]等不同领域具有不同的定义.对航天器控制系统而言,可重构性反映的是系统对故障的自主处理能力.基于此,结合实际工程背景,给出其具体定义:航天器控制系统的可重构性是指在资源配置和运行条件一定的情况下,在保证安全的时间内,系统通过自主改变空间构型或控制算法等方式,克服故障,恢复全部或部分既定功能的能力.1.1影响因素分析从定义出发可以发现,航天器控制系统的可重构性兼具空间和时间两个维度的属性.一方面,它与系统的部件构型、资源配置以及故障程度等空间因素密切相关;另一方面,它受到任务窗口、诊断时长以及重构时延等时间因素的深刻影响.下面分别从空间与时间两个维度出发,对航天器控制系统可重构性的影响因素展开进一步的分析与讨论.1.1.1空间域系统故障以后的剩余控制能力在一定程度上可以反映该系统的控制可重构性.在航天器控制系统中,执行机构的操作过程可以描述如下:1)通过计算控制律得到期望控制力矩;2)根据执行机构的指令类型得到对应的总指令;3)通过分配逻辑将总指令分配到执行机构上;4)机构按指令工作,产生实际的控制力矩作用于被控对象.由上述过程可知,执行机构的实际输出与指令的分配逻辑直接相关,而分配逻辑的选取又与机构的安装构型有关,主要取决于机构个数、安装位置以及安装角度等参数.因此可得出结论:系统控制效能受执行机构安装构型的影响.当航天器控制系统处于严重的故障状态时,执行机构的期望输出可能会超出其物理范围,例如轮控系统,过大的期望力矩会导致飞轮饱和而失去控制作用[11−13].另外,系统长期处于故障状态会引起资源的大量浪费,由于航天器帆板发电能力和推进剂携带量有限[14],过度的资源消耗会影响后续功能的实现.由此可见,系统的剩余控制能力与故障程度、控制输入范围以及燃料容量等系统配置有关.基于上述分析,可以得出结论:在空间域内,航天器控制系统的可重构性与部件构型、故障程度以及资源配置等因素密切相关.1.1.2时间域典型重构控制系统的时间响应如图1所示.由图1可知,系统发生故障以后,需要花费一段时间进行故障诊断(t d −t f ),才能“对症下药”,采取有效的重构措施,即控制重构存在一定的延时(t r −t f ).如果这段延时过短,则诊断模块没有充足的时间对故障进行精确辨识,无法为重构控制器提供准确的故障信息,从而导致控制系统重构性能低下,甚至重构失败;反之,如果这段延时过长,则会造成有限资源的大量浪费,并引起故障偏差的过分扩散,使得后续重构代价过大,超出星上资源可以提供的范围,从而导致系统在实际意义下不可重构[15−16].图1重构控制过程的时间响应Fig.1Time response during control reconfiguration此外,在航天器的实际运行过程中,有很多特定的航天任务(变轨、着陆等)都需要在规定的时间窗口[17−19]内完成(t 0∼t mis ).因此,系统发生故障后,10期王大轶等:航天器控制系统可重构性的内涵与研究综述1689为继续完成这类既定任务,必须在一定的时间窗口内进行控制重构,该窗口越小,说明系统的时间冗余度越小,相应地重构难度会越大.因此,故障系统是否可重构,除了取决于各项空间因素以外,一定程度上还受诊断时长、重构时延以及任务窗口等各种时间因素影响.由此可见,控制系统的可重构性是一个横跨时空两域的高维概念.值得强调的是,由于运行条件的特殊性,相比于一般控制系统,航天器控制系统的时间问题更为突出,不应该被忽略.1.2描述要素分析进一步分析可重构性的定义可知,要描述航天器控制系统的实际重构能力,需要考虑三大要素,即限制约束(资源配置、运行条件、安全时间等)、重构方式(改变空间构型或控制算法)以及重构目标(恢复全部或部分既定功能).下面分别对这三个要素进行分析,以便可以更加深刻地认识可重构性的基本内涵.1.2.1限制约束目前关于可重构性的研究,大多基于故障系统的剩余能控/能观性而展开[5,20−21].然而,从上一节对可重构性影响因素的分析可知,由于星上资源受限,航天器控制系统的实际重构能力受时间、能量以及控制输入等多种横跨时空两域的限制约束影响.因此,故障系统即使依然能控/能观,也有可能会因为重构代价过大或时间过长,超出系统剩余能力范围而不可重构.由此可见,判断故障系统是否可重构,除了考察其剩余能控/能观性以外,还需综合考虑其实际约束.然而,由于航天器受到的约束种类较多,难以周全考虑,为了能够对系统的可重构性进行有效描述与分析,应该抓住关键矛盾,区分主次约束.基于此,可以根据来源将约束划分为两类:1)硬约束,该类约束来源于系统的物理限制,不允许任何程度的放松,例如轮控系统的输出上限[22];2)软约束,该类约束是指考虑经济、环保、安全、甚至最后要达到的控制精度等要求,而对系统施加的相关约束,允许在一定程度上进行放松[23].1.2.2重构方式可重构性实质上描述的是系统进行自主故障处理的最大潜力.而自主故障处理的最大潜力是指系统穷尽一切可以自主实现的方式,能够达到的最大功能恢复能力.这些方式主要有两类:一类是改变系统构型[24−25],另一类是改变控制算法(参数或类型)[26],二者分别对应于硬件和软件的调整,目的都在于充分调用系统既有冗余资源.当配置数量一定的时候,系统的最大重构潜力取决于空间构型,因此,改变构型的方法能够从根本上提高系统的固有可重构性,相比于另一种方法更为彻底.然而对于航天器控制系统而言,该方法难以在轨实现,目前更适用于地面设计阶段,不过未来有很大的发展空间.改变控制算法的方式,可以在构型不变的前提下,尽可能充分利用系统既有冗余资源.相对而言,该方法比较易于自主实现,适用于运行阶段对故障的及时处理,但是受固定构型的限制,对可重构性的提升能力有限.因此,在实际应用中,若采用改变控制算法的方式无法满足期望的重构要求,则在条件允许的情况下,可以考虑采用改变构型的重构方式.1.2.3重构目标控制系统重构目标的制定主要依据原始目标,而完成程度又受故障大小、剩余资源以及系统性能的制约,可见重构目标的选取受多种因素影响,并不唯一[27−30].故障发生后,应该根据系统的实际状态,制定合理的重构目标.采用不同的划分原则可以得到不同的分类方案,这里参考文献[30],以一种基于功能完成程度的分类方案为例,将重构目标分为三大类:完全重构目标、部分重构目标以及安全重构目标.三种目标的具体含义如下:1)完全重构目标完全重构目标要求系统在没有任何性能下降的前提下完成既定功能,该类目标适用于对控制要求十分严格的航天任务,例如,嫦娥三号着陆任务(必须保证着陆点处于一个绝对的精度范围)、姿态跟踪控制任务(航天器的三轴姿态必须实时跟踪期望目标)等.针对这类航天任务,系统发生故障以后,要继续完成既定功能,则必须保证其在各项约束的作用下,仍然具有一定的控制/观测能力,因此该类重构目标的研究对象为系统的剩余能控/能观性.2)部分重构目标部分重构目标允许系统规格有所下降地完成部分既定功能,例如,星载陀螺失效以后,可以改用星敏感器进行定姿,虽然精度有所下降,但仍然可以保证系统正常运行;对地观测卫星发生故障以后,其偏航轴不需要绝对能控,只需要保持一定的稳定性,便可以继续完成相应的对地观测任务,针对这种情况,应该研究故障系统的剩余镇定性.3)安全重构目标安全重构目标指的是在确保系统仍然运行于一定安全范围的前提下,决定暂时搁置当前任务,但后续可采取相应措施(例如地面干预),使系统在等待一段时间以后,可继续降级完成部分既定功能.该类目标适用于故障偏差较大,暂时无法依靠星上资源进行自主恢复的系统,针对这种情况,应该研究系统1690自动化学报43卷的剩余稳定性.通过对描述要素的分析可知,评价故障系统的可重构性,需要明确系统能够实现的重构方式、确定系统必须满足的硬约束,在此基础上合理规划软约束,以此制定符合实际情况的重构目标.1.3与可靠性的关系同属于提升系统质量特性的工具,可重构性与可靠性有很多异同点.综合上文对可重构性内涵的分析,给出可靠性与可重构性的对比分析,如表1所示.表1可靠性与可重构性的对比分析Table1The comparative analysis of reliabilityand reconfigurability可靠性可重构性研究范畴系统运行质量特性研究对象统计特性功能特性研究目的预防故障处理故障优化手段提高冗余量优化冗余分配时间维度√空间维度2(逻辑关系)3(空间构型)限制因素生产因素(成本/重量/工艺)性能因素(资源/时间/输出)首先,可靠性与可重构性都属于系统运行质量特性的研究范畴,前者主要从统计学角度来衡量系统的冗余度,后者主要从功能完成角度来衡量.对系统进行可靠性设计的目的在于预防故障的发生,而进行可重构性设计的目的在于提高故障发生后系统的功能恢复能力.前者的主要手段是提高系统的冗余度,后者的主要手段是优化系统的冗余分配.在时间维度上,可靠性会因为元器件的老化与损耗,随着时间的增长而有所下降[31],可重构性也会由于资源消耗、故障扩散以及任务要求等原因,受到各种时间因素的制约;在空间维度中,可靠性设计主要关注元器件之间的备份关系,贴近于一种二维概念,而可重构性设计主要讨论元器件的空间布局,更注重三维的构型.在设计过程中,可靠性的提升主要受成本、重量、工艺水平等生产因素的限制;而可重构性的提升主要受资源配置、时间窗口、执行器输出能力等性能因素的制约.更宏观地来看,提高可重构性,可以提高系统对故障的自主处理能力,从而增大系统顺利完成任务的可能性.因此,提高可重构性,在一定程度上可以提高整个系统的可靠性.反之,系统可靠性的提升对可重构性产生的影响,需要分两种情况进行讨论:1)如果通过增加备份数量来提高系统的可靠性,那么由于冗余量的扩充,系统进行故障处理的能力也可能有所增强,此时提高系统的可靠性有可能会提高其可重构性;2)当备份数量一定时,仅仅通过优化部件质量来提高整个系统的可靠性,只能降低系统发生故障的概率,并不能提高其对故障的自主处理能力,此时提高系统的可靠性并不能提高其可重构性.由此可见,相比于可靠性设计,对控制系统进行可重构性设计是提升其运行质量更为全面有效的技术途径,它是对可靠性设计的一个补充.1.4应用范围由于具备重要的工程实际意义,可重构性的应用范围十分广泛.对于航天器控制系统而言,可重构性主要应用于两大阶段:系统的地面设计阶段和空间运行阶段.在地面设计阶段,其主要作用在于评价系统的功能冗余水平并指导系统反设计.具体应用方式为:以可重构性为依据,通过优化系统构型及重构预案,科学分配冗余度,从而以尽可能少的资源配置获得尽可能大的功能冗余水平,即优化可重构性,以提高系统对故障的自主处理潜能.在空间运行阶段,可重构性的主要作用在于评估故障系统的性能状态,并指导重构策略的实时优化.具体应用方式为:以可重构性为指导,通过对容错算法、空间构型以及重构时间等方面进行优化,充分调用系统的既有冗余度,从而以尽可能少的资源使故障对系统的影响尽可能小,即深入挖掘系统对故障的自主处理潜能.2航天器控制系统可重构性研究内容及现状在对航天器控制系统可重构性的内涵有了深刻了解的基础上,需进一步明确可重构性的研究内容与研究现状,才能更加有针对性地对其展开深入研究.本节结合航天器控制系统的固有特点,对可重构性的研究内容进行梳理,并对相应内容的研究现状进行介绍.需要说明的是,目前在可重构性研究领域中,针对航天器控制系统的研究还不是很多,而针对一般控制系统的研究已经有了一定进展,这对前者有着重要的借鉴意义.因此,本节归纳的可重构性研究现状并不局限于航天器控制系统.可重构性的研究内容包括:可重构性评价与可重构性设计,具体如图2所示.下面将从各项研究内容入手,对可重构性的研究现状进行归纳总结.2.1可重构性评价及其研究现状可重构性评价是指通过理论判据和数学描述,10期王大轶等:航天器控制系统可重构性的内涵与研究综述1691判断系统重构能力的有无或描述系统重构能力的大小.由此可见,可重构性评价可以细分为性能判定和定量描述两个子问题,前者分析性质的有无,是一个二值判定问题;后者分析性能的大小,是一个能力评估问题.图2航天器控制系统可重构性的研究内容Fig.2Research contents of reconfigurability ofspacecraft control system由前文可知,航天器控制系统的可重构性不仅取决于系统固有配置,还受到性能约束和功能要求的影响,因此可将现有的可重构性评价方法归纳为:基于系统固有特性、基于系统性能约束以及基于系统功能要求的可重构性评价方法.下面分别对这三类评价方法的研究现状进行介绍.2.1.1基于系统固有特性的可重构性评价很多学者试图通过对系统的固有特性进行分析来研究其可重构性,例如通过分析系统的能控性、能观性、稳定性等基本性质与故障之间的关系,进一步度量控制系统的重构能力大小.1)线性系统这种基于系统固有特性的可重构性评价方法,多以一般控制理论为依据,因此其主要研究对象为线性定常系统.文献[32]基于能控性,以结构解析模型研究了多旋翼无人机的可重构性判定问题.文献[33]基于稳定性,利用故障传函、以互质分解的方法描述了系统保持稳定可以承受的最大故障边界.然而,上述可重构性研究都只能对控制系统是否具备重构能力做出一个二值判断,在实际工程应用当中,设计者往往需要知道重构能力的大小,才能更加明确地指导系统的优化设计,因此有必要对可重构性进行定量描述.针对这一问题,很多学者从剩余控制能力出发,对执行器发生故障的控制系统进行可重构性度量.他们认为,在实际应用过程中,并非所有故障都可以通过容错控制策略进行补偿,如果发生故障以后,系统依然能控,但能控的程度并不高,则该故障不易甚至不能通过容错控制进行补偿.由此可见,在不考虑实际约束与重构目标的前提下,故障系统的剩余控制能力可以反映其可重构程度,进而指导系统构型或重构策略的优化设计[34].下面针对几种典型的基于能控度的可重构性描述方法,进行归纳总结.a)基于Gramian矩阵的可重构性描述用于衡量系统控制能力的方法有很多,其中最常见的是基于系统能控性Gramian矩阵的评价方法[35−38].能控性Gramian矩阵W c常被用于判定系统的控制能力,然而该判定过程仅对W c的奇异性进行分析,并未深入挖掘其物理含义.对此,文献[39−40]阐述了W c的实际物理意义:矩阵对应的椭球方程,反映了系统达到一定控制目标所需消耗的能量在各个方向上的分布情况.由此可见,控制系统的能控性Gramian矩阵可以从能量角度反映系统的控制能力.鉴于此,文献[37]基于Gramian矩阵,提出了三种能控度评价指标.为了综合控制与观测两方面信息,对执行器和敏感器故障进行统一考虑,部分学者通过对能控性和能观性Gramian矩阵进行有效组合,对控制系统的可重构性展开了进一步研究.1981年,Moore基于Gramian矩阵提出了系统二阶模态[39]的概念.1999年,Frei等在文献[4]中首次采用两种Gramian矩阵的行列式来描述线性定常系统的可重构性.2000年,Wu等以最小二阶模态δmin作为系统冗余水平的度量指标,对不包含虚轴极点的线性定常系统进行了可重构性评价[5],并考虑能量受限问题,规定δmin的下限,以此保证系统在容许的能量范围内可重构.后续有不少学者将这种评价方法应用于各个工程领域,例如,文献[41−43]基于该评价方法解决了电力系统的容错配置问题;文献[44]对该评价方法在频域中的具体计算问题展开了进一步研究.基于Gramian矩阵进行可重构性评价,最关键的一步就是计算系统的Gramian矩阵,该项工作一般在系统运行前离线进行.而当系统投入运行之后,一旦发生故障,则需根据输入输出数据在线评估系统的性能状态,计算系统的可重构性,以此来指导实际过程中的容错设计.鉴于此,文献[45−46]提出了一种基于数据驱动的特征系统实现算法(Eigensys-tem realization algorithm,ERA),通过在线观测输入输出数据,间接计算系统的能控性Gramian矩阵,从而实现对控制系统可重构性的实时评价.因为计算简单、物理意义明确等优势,基于Gramian矩阵的可重构性评价方法目前应用最为。
SDN and traditional network the main difference lies in their different network architectures.In traditional network architecture diagram, the most important thing is to control layer and data layer separation. Each level has different tasks, layer with layer provides the data forwarding, routing functions. Here, the control layer is responsible for the equipment configuration of the routing and data flow procedures. When you manage a switch, you are actually in the deal and switches control layer. Like a routing table, spanning tree protocol and all these things are calculated by the control layer. These tables built from such as BPDU (bridge protocol data unit, used to run the STP switches to exchange information between true), the Hello message such as frame relay, according to these newsframe, switches to determine the available forward path. Once the packet forwarding path, the path information will be sent to the data layer down, usually stored on hardware. Data level usually choose the latest by the control level for message forwarding path information transmission to come over. This model is very efficient in traditionally, the decision-making process of hardware is very fast, the overall delay controllable and control plane can handle heavy configuration requirements.There are no problems with this approach, we focus on scalability. In order to prove the scalability problem, with our quality of service (QoS) as an example. QoS allowed according to the characteristics of the frame, according to the requirements of the scheduling, priority forward specific data frames. This to some extent reduced the specific traffic congestion in the network data transmission delay. Delay-sensitive, for example, voice and video traffic is classified as high priority and forwarded to ensure that the user experience. Traffic priority is usually based on the level of service (CoS) of a data frame or distinguish service code point (DSCP) tag. The frame must be unified in the data frame into the network, then the corresponding rules must also be set in the network, the demand in the traditional multiple exchange network becomes awkward, because each device needs to have the same configuration information.To illustrate the current network management challenges, we consider that each port on each device node in the network, the administrator needs to beconfigured individually, such work is very time-consuming and error-prone and awkward.In addition, in the data classification and appropriate routing network challenges still exist. For example, now we have two kinds of completely different data traffic, is a kind of iSCSI traffic, is a kind of voice traffic. ISCSI as the storage flow, usually packets are full size, and sometimes there will be a huge data frames; While voice traffic is usually in a small packet transmission. In addition, there are different two kinds of traffic transport demand: voice traffic is sensitive to delay, this is to ensure the quality of voice communication, the iSCSI is sensitive to low latency, but need more bandwidth. Almost without any tools in the traditional networks can differentiate between the two kinds of flow path and choose different depending on the type of traffic data to meet the specific needs of two kinds of traffic. Is SDN hope to solve all these problems.1. SDN architectureAccording to the definition of ONF, SDN is divided into infrastructure layer, control layer and application layer, as shown in figure 1. Virtualization in infrastructure and control layer on two levels, the equipment level of virtualization, such as a physical support multiple logical switch; Which realizes the network level virtualization, first is SDN controller will of the entire network as a logical super switches on management control, the second will be the physical resources further according to the port, the media access control (MAC) address,IP address and other information is divided into multiple virtual network in accordance with traditional practice in the field of communication, in the architecture diagram below for south, above for the north, so the interface between infrastructure and forward layer called south interface. ONF standardized is OpenFlow protocol, the Internet engineering task force (IETF) routing system interface (rs) protocol is being worked out. Control layer and application layer called north to interfaces, the interfaces between the industry mainstream implementation is based on the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) RESTful interface, the concrete programming interface differ according to the different application scenarios.Figure 1 SDN layered architecture enlarge imagesIn a more generalized SDN architecture, control layer and business choreography layer, the main resources of SDN domain between the unity of theunified management, SDN network and other resources scheduling, such as 0 penstack + SDN data center solutions.Unified dispatching calculation, network and storage resources, it is equivalent to the business choreography layer of SDN. Standing in the point of view of SDN, how control layer is divided into the concrete behavior of vendor application solutions, implementation, as the transmission control protocol, network protocol (TCP/IP) don't care about the application layer further layered design, referred to as the application layer. Standing in the whole network architecture level SDN, industry exist different opinions:(1) SDN only regional network renovation, to SDN control domain as a super equipment. SDN transverse interface does not change the original network, border gateway protocol (BGP)/multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) is still valid.(2) SDN control field definition specifically/enhanced SDN east-west between interfaces, SDN as the entire network control plane.The author believes that the first scheme is more realistic, conducive to the smooth evolution of the network. The second solution of east-west interface can either through the expansion of existing BGP, MPLS protocol implementation, or can be realized through the north to the interface in the aspect of business choreography, if you want to define more specialized SDN east-west interface,although it is possible to enhance the ability of the whole network, but also increase the difficulty for deployment, the industry is under exploration.2. The ZENIC architecture and key technology to realize control surfaces Implementation is based on the existing open source from academia SDN controller OpenFlow agreement, the forward model is also bound to a specific OpenFlow protocol version ". For the commercial system, must consider the entire product life cycle agreement the compatibility of the interface, consider the difference of different application scenarios and more manufacturers, the difference of multi-protocol interface, therefore SDN control surfaces must be set a compatible version OpenFlow, a variety of forward control protocol and the different ability of abstraction, we call forwarding abstraction layer (FAL), on top of this for the network operating system (NOS) core and the application layer provides the interface is independent of the specific agreement and the ability of hardware. In OpenDaylight, this level is called a business abstraction layer (SAL) ". This paper implemented a SDN controller - ZENIC, its architecture is shown in figure 2. Figure 2 top-down mainly includes protocol stack, driving and forward abstraction layer, NOS kernel and application layer.Figure 2 ZENIC architecture enlarge images2.1 forward abstraction layer and drive layerForward forward abstraction layer defines a unified control interface, including the abstract forwarding state below, turning ability, hardware resources, published, read/operation such as statistics, equivalent to drive the base class. Forward abstraction layer also forward management face driver instance, according to the forwarding plane when access to the basic ability to negotiate the different instances of drive, will forward the control connection is bound to the corresponding driver instance.Each specific device driver implementation forward abstraction layer interface, complete different interface protocols and hardware ability to forward theunification of the abstraction layer adaptation. From the point of view of control surface and the upper applications, FAL transmit manipulation interface provides a unified, but due to the forwarding the capacity difference is bigger, the application for forwarding the operation there is the possibility of failure, therefore FAL need to provide application forward interface surface abilityget/negotiation. ZENIC is implemented for OpenFlow1.1 adaptive negotiation /1.2/ the network operating system kernel layerNOS kernel layer is the management of the network, the system resources, including topology management, host, interfaces, resource management, publication management, and manage the physical topology, virtual topology, turn in a network of information database, etc. In general, the kernel layer, there is no default forward network logic to handle, but to preserve the accurate network topology, the resources status and storage, synthesis of the published, accept the application for subscription and applications of network, resource state for network resources, forward logical operation.Topology management, the implementation of the current can be implemented based on standardization of OpenFlow cycle distributed across the link detection is based on controller message, Ethernet is generally based on link layer discovery protocol (LLDP) implementation. Forward this implementation has the advantage of surface completely without perception, the disadvantage is thatmore link and shorter test timer, controller of high overhead. Another way is to have the forwarding plane maintenance link test timer, to detect, report will state that the implementation has the advantage of control surface overhead is small, the disadvantage is that need to be forwarded surface have certain default logic. The kernel layer is not only to maintain the network nodes, topology status, but also need to collect the basic host location, status, which can be applied to provide a complete network view, further make forwarding, business decisions. Network virtualization should be built-in support for SDN controller. Should be built-in support for virtualization. Virtualization is the forwarding plane resources first division and isolation, such as according to the ports, logic, the host MAC address and IP address section for the division of the virtual network, the second is the virtual topology for customer/application permissions management. OpenFlow flow table model as well as for switches, flattening management unified view has brought about many problems, including switching hardware complexity, not flexible, host, and to be tightly coupled. "in the ZENIC system, inline network management as one of the kernel services, decoupling access networks and the Internet. The kernel management of Internet network encapsulation format, upper application need only decision SDN control domain two access port position and strategy. The kernel to calculate the completeend-to-end path, and then forwarding decision by access side is mapped to the interconnection network path packaging labels. ZENIC supports a variety ofInternet encapsulation format, including MPLS, virtual local area network (VLAN), etc., the next step is to support the virtual local area network (LAN) extension (VXLAN)/generic routing encapsulation protocol (GRE). This mode of access to the Internet, the application of completely without awareness, focusing on the host access side strategy. At the same time within the network management itself also can open interface, support custom routing algorithm and strategy.2.3 north to application programming interfaceNorth to application programming interface (API) in the different application requirements in the scene is different, also have to the requirement of packaging. If the network ability of atom exposed to the application, it is possible to form a unified API, but due to lack of encapsulation and ease of use, application programming, implementation complexity is higher. Such as manufacturers realize the equipment level of open API up to more than 700, covering almost all protocols and equipment features, but for SDN, there will be at least two types of applications, different requirements:(1) professional network applicationsCustomized specification is high, need more details of the API, to the operation of the underlying network control ability is strong, such as routing protocols, custom tailored development intensification of traffic scheduling.(2) the common applicationThe network as a service, just request network to provide service for application, don't care about the network details.In the latter case, north to interface to encapsulate A few best model and interactive service interface is simple, and easy to understand, such as to create A network request from switches A port to the switch port 2 B A l lGb/s bandwidth guarantee access, rather than by the application turns published and distributed to the path switches individually corresponding queue configuration parameters. There is a north to the ideas of the interface is defined by the application itself to the demand of the network and operation interface, network vendors plugin to realize the application of network interface. Typically it is Quantum components, it defines the network API, provided by the various manufacturers Quantum plug-in - to control In own SDN controller or network devices. This architecture is equivalent to the SDN north interface standardization work up to the application, network adapter application requirements.Both advantages and disadvantages of each train of thought in north interface defined by SDN is idealized, trying to solve all problems, but it's not possible for the network to understand the application requirements, standardization of advancing the work is relatively difficult, but also it is difficult to guarantee ease of use; Application driven model facilitates the SDN landing, but exchange between applications and multivendor network to a greater cost. ZENIC providesbasic fine granularity of the underlying API, while providing encapsulation of API, virtual network has provided it is Quantum plug-in - In access to it.2.4 distributed processing algorithmThe distributed architecture of control surfaces and SDN separation architecture brought forward control state synchronization overhead, accurate SDN global view can ensure the accuracy and real time of decision, for a applications such as load balancing can improve resource utilization, but need more frequent information synchronization, which greatly reduces the performance of the system. Starting from the design USES two kinds of methods: controller is distributed as far as possible reduce the message copy; Control forwarding state synchronization between configured by the user according to the demand, necessary and sufficient condition only copy.Traditional cluster network system control surface is basically based on the distributed processing process, such as different business process distribution on different cpus, but a kind of process is still a single instance or a few instances, the parallelism is limited. In a single business process under the condition of sudden load, such as autonomous domain the way by adjusting the border gateway protocol (BGP) process is the "bottleneck". For SDN, as a result of the control network could be far higher than that of the cluster router, node number of the control surface of abortion is more demanding, so this method is the "bottleneck" is not feasible.Distributed hash table (DHT) algorithm provides a scalable distributed data storage/routing algorithm. For the traditional application of unstable network Log2 (N) to find the complexity of the algorithm, the data center, telecommunications network applications, the industry a variety of enhanced one hop algorithm is proposed, based in part on a single hop DHT enhanced structured query language (SQL) No - open source systems have also been through commercial test, including the chateau marmont, Cassandra, etc., the first open distributed algorithm adopts DHT SDN controller is onix feeds, OpenDaylight project in the near future are also mentioned by Cassandra as the underlying distributed database system. The author's team also realized the improved single hop DHT algorithm ".DHT algorithm based on consistent hashing, apply to a Key Value (Key, Value) storage model, type of structured query language (SQL) support need to be further encapsulation. For SDN controller, the topology information is global, not suitable for DHT storage, but the need for additional global replication. Forward equipment related information organization in exchange for a node as a unit for distributed storage, can satisfy the basic requirement, but granularity coarser, unfavorable to the load balance between the control node. Can host information by IP address, MAC table two dimension distribution, more even.3. The forwarding plane forward abstraction technologyOpenFlow 1.0 provides a single abstract model of the flow table 91, OpenFlow after 1.1 defines a model of a multistage flow table. 12 rs and parts manufacturers open interface to the application of exposure is a routing information base (RIB) on a variety of business table, the table an implied agreement between all kinds of logic. OpenFlow gave application/control in the face of forwarding plane manipulation ability, to a great extent in theory can not be restricted by the existing network protocol completely, forwarding plane can be completely making a fool of instruction execution engine, and other open API is open API, under the framework of existing agreements have strict limit condition.OpenFlowl. 0 is very simple, but need to three states content addressable memory (TCAM) support, and the price of TCAM is relatively expensive, at the same time the single table structure makes forward complex logical decomposition is very difficult. In the existing based on application-specific integrated circuit chip (ASIC) on the switch of OpenFlow1.0 above can easily be mapped to AcL lines, thus support OpenFlow Ethernet switches on the market at present the vast majority are only support OpenFlow 1.0.OpenFlow 1 x provides a multi-stage flow table model, added more table matching fields and instruction type, ability is more and more strong, but far from existing switches ASIC's ability more and more. Software switch can easily realize OpenFlow1. X more table model. Hardware switches can through theirown traditional ASIC assembly line for some necessary encapsulation, the formation of multistage flow chart to control surface, adapted by the control surfaces, only support instructions issued by the forwarding plane and table structure. This increase in counter rotating and controller are put forward higher requirements. Industry there are a few manufacturers launched a configurable ASIC link TCAM running water, these will be a fixed width of TCAM look-up table processing unit into smaller shard, such as every 32 bit TCAM is a basic fragmentation. Flexible application can define multiple subdivision level OpenFlow flow table, which support the OpenFlow multistage flow table model. Applications can exchange of L2, L3 switching, routing, such as the ACL decomposed to different on the flow chart of implementation, thereby avoiding the super-long top table keyword unnecessary TCAM costs.。
Traditional planning architectures Behavior-based control architectures Hybrid architectures
Modeling the Robot Mechanism
Forward kinematics describes how the robots joint angle configurations translate to locations in the world
x y
t t
Example: A differential drive robot
) ) r ( r ( L R L R v x cos( ) , v y sin( ) 2 2 r L R d
Traditional programming techniques for industrial robots lack key capabilities necessary in intelligent environments
Only limited on-line sensing No incorporation of uncertainty
Mobile Robots
Walking Robots
Humanoid Robots
Autonomous Robots
The control of autonomous robots involves a number of subtasks
Understanding and modeling of the mechanism
the third stage---intelligent robotics development(1984---?)1999 Sony demonstrated the Intelligent robotics---AIBO2002 iRobot company introduced a vacuum cleaner robot Roomba.2006 Microosoft introduced Microsoft Robotics studio.
The application of robot
A robot which operates semi or fully autonomously to perform services useful to the well being of humans and equipment,excluding manufacturing operations.Care-O-Bot,helps achieve greater independence for elderly or mobility impaired persons from outside help,and therefore contributes to longer remmaining at home.Cleaning robots have entered the rger surfaces as railway ststions,airports,malls,etc.can already be cleaned automatically with full autonomous navigation capability.
Trend of Robot
Ultra-Precision Motion Robot Control
Ultra-Precision Motion Robot ControlUltra-precision motion robot control is a critical aspect of modern manufacturing and automation processes. The ability to control robots with extreme precision is essential for tasks such as micro-assembly, semiconductor manufacturing, and medical device production. However, achieving ultra-precision motion control presents a number of technical challenges and requires a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses mechanical engineering, control systems, and advanced sensing technologies.One of the key requirements for ultra-precision motion robot control is the ability to achieve extremely high levels of accuracy and repeatability. This is particularly important in industries such as electronics and medical devices, where the tolerances for assembly are extremely tight. Achieving this level of precision requires the use of advanced control algorithms and high-performance actuators and sensors. Additionally, the mechanical design of the robot must be carefully optimized to minimize backlash and other sources of error.Another important consideration in ultra-precision motion robot control is the need for real-time feedback and control. In many applications, the robot must respond to external forces and disturbances in real time in order to maintain the desired level of precision. This requires the use of high-speed sensors and control systems that can quickly and accurately adjust the robot's trajectory and force output. Additionally, the control system must be able to compensate for dynamic effects such as vibration and flexure in the robot's structure.In addition to technical challenges, there are also economic and practical considerations that must be taken into account when developing ultra-precision motion robot control systems. The cost of the required sensors, actuators, and control systems can be significant, particularly for small-scale manufacturing operations. Furthermore, the complexity of these systems can make them difficult to integrate and maintain, requiring specialized knowledge and expertise.From a human perspective, the development of ultra-precision motion robot control has the potential to revolutionize many industries, enabling new levels of precision andefficiency in manufacturing processes. For example, in the electronics industry, ultra-precision robots can enable the assembly of smaller and more complex devices, leading to advances in consumer electronics and medical devices. In the medical field, ultra-precision robots can be used for tasks such as microsurgery and drug delivery, potentially improving patient outcomes and reducing the invasiveness of medical procedures.However, the development of ultra-precision motion robot control also raises important ethical and social considerations. For example, the increasing automation of manufacturing processes has the potential to displace human workers, particularly those in low-skilled or repetitive jobs. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential for misuse of ultra-precision robots in military or surveillance applications. As with any advanced technology, it is important to carefully consider the potential societal impacts of ultra-precision motion robot control and to develop appropriate regulations and safeguards.In conclusion, the development of ultra-precision motion robot control presents a number of technical, economic, and ethical challenges. However, the potential benefits of this technology are significant, with the ability to revolutionize manufacturing processes and enable new applications in fields such as medicine and electronics. By addressing these challenges in a thoughtful and responsible manner, we can ensure that ultra-precision motion robot control is developed and deployed in a way that maximizes its benefits to society while minimizing potential risks.。
fundamentals of software architecture 笔记总结
fundamentals of software architecture 笔记总结Fundamentals of Software Architecture: A SummarySoftware architecture plays a critical role in the development of any software system. It provides a blueprint for designing, implementing, and maintaining the overall structure of the software. In this article, we will delve into the fundamentals of software architecture and explore its key components and best practices.1. Introduction to Software ArchitectureSoftware architecture is the process of defining a structured solution to meet technical and operational requirements. It involves making strategic decisions about software components, interactions, and behaviors to ensure a system's desired qualities such as reliability, scalability, and maintainability.2. Key Components of Software Architecture2.1. Architectural StylesArchitectural styles define the overall structure and behavior of a software system. Examples of popular architectural styles include client-server, layered, microservices, and event-driven architectures. Each style has its unique characteristics and is suited for specific types of applications.2.2. Components and ConnectorsComponents refer to the different parts of a system that perform specific functions. Connectors, on the other hand, define how thesecomponents communicate and interact with each other. Examples of connectors include HTTP, message queues, and databases. Proper identification and understanding of components and connectors are crucial for designing an effective software architecture.2.3. Design PrinciplesDesign principles guide software architects in making sound architectural decisions. These principles include modularity, separation of concerns, encapsulation, and abstraction. Adhering to these principles results in a more modular, maintainable, and flexible software architecture.3. Best Practices in Software Architecture3.1. Scalability and PerformanceA well-designed software architecture should be scalable to handle increased workload and maintain optimal performance. This can be achieved through techniques such as load balancing, caching, and vertical or horizontal scaling.3.2. SecuritySecurity is a crucial aspect of software architecture. Architects must take into account security measures such as authentication, authorization, and secure communication protocols during the design phase to protect the system from potential threats.3.3. MaintainabilityThe architecture should be designed with maintainability in mind. This includes modularizing the system into smaller components, adhering tocoding standards, and providing proper documentation. A maintainable architecture enables easier bug fixing, enhancements, and future system updates.4. Tools and TechnologiesVarious tools and technologies are available to assist in software architecture design and implementation. These include modeling languages like UML (Unified Modeling Language), design patterns, and architectural frameworks such as TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework) and Zachman Framework.5. Case StudiesCase studies provide real-life examples of successful software architectures. Analyzing case studies can help understand the practical application of architectural concepts and learn from the experiences of others.6. ConclusionIn conclusion, software architecture is a fundamental aspect of software development, encompassing the design, structure, and behavior of a software system. By following best practices and understanding key components, architects can create robust, scalable, and maintainable architectures that meet the requirements of modern software systems.Remember, software architecture is a vast field, and this article provides only a summary of its fundamentals. Further exploration and learning are essential to master this important discipline in the software development lifecycle.。
机器人学、机器视觉与控制 英文版
机器人学、机器视觉与控制英文版Robotics, Machine Vision, and Control.Introduction.Robotics, machine vision, and control are three intertwined fields that have revolutionized the way we interact with technology. Robotics deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, while machine vision pertains to the technology and methods used to extract information from digital images. Control theory, on the other hand, is concerned with the behavior of dynamic systems and the design of controllers for those systems. Together, these fields have enabled remarkable advancements in areas such as automation, precision manufacturing, and intelligent systems.Robotics.Robotics is a diverse field that encompasses a range oftechnologies and applications. Robots can be classified based on their purpose, mobility, or structure. Industrial robots are designed for repetitive tasks in manufacturing, while service robots are used in sectors like healthcare, domestic assistance, and security. Mobile robots, such as autonomous vehicles and drones, are capable of navigating their environment and performing complex tasks.The heart of any robot is its control system, which is responsible for decision-making, motion planning, and execution. Modern robots often employ sensors to perceive their environment and advanced algorithms to process this information. The field of robotics is constantly evolving, with new technologies such as artificial intelligence, deep learning, and human-robot interaction promising even more capabilities in the future.Machine Vision.Machine vision is a crucial component of many robotic and automated systems. It involves the use of cameras, sensors, and algorithms to capture, process, and understanddigital images. Machine vision systems can identify objects, read text, detect patterns, and measure dimensions withhigh precision.In industrial settings, machine vision is used fortasks like quality control, part recognition, and robot guidance. In healthcare, it's employed for diagnostic imaging, surgical assistance, and patient monitoring. Machine vision technology is also finding its way into consumer products, such as smartphones and self-driving cars, where it enables advanced features like face recognition, augmented reality, and autonomous navigation.Control Theory.Control theory is the study of how to design systemsthat can adapt their behavior to achieve desired outcomes.It's at the core of robotics and machine vision, as it governs how systems respond to changes in their environment. Control systems can be analog or digital, and they range from simple switches and sensors to complex algorithms running on powerful computers.In robotics, control theory is used to govern the movement of robots, ensuring they can accurately andreliably perform tasks. Machine vision systems also rely on control theory to process and interpret images in real-time. Advanced control strategies, such as adaptive control,fuzzy logic, and reinforcement learning, are enablingrobots and automated systems to adapt to changingconditions and learn from experience.Conclusion.Robotics, machine vision, and control theory are converging to create a new era of intelligent, autonomous systems. As these fields continue to evolve, we can expectto see even more remarkable advancements in areas like precision manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, and beyond. The potential impact of these technologies onsociety is immense, and it's exciting to imagine what the future holds.。
Neural Control Robot Learning
Neural Control Robot LearningNeural control robot learning is a fascinating and rapidly evolving field that holds great promise for the future of robotics and artificial intelligence. This innovative approach to robot learning involves the use of neural networks to enable robots to learn and adapt to new tasks and environments in a manner that is more analogous to human learning. By leveraging the power of neural control, robots can become more autonomous, versatile, and capable of performing complex tasks with greater efficiency and accuracy. However, this cutting-edge technology also raises important ethical and societal considerations that must be carefully addressed as neural control robot learning continues to advance.One of the most significant benefits of neural control robot learning is its potential to revolutionize the capabilities of robots in various industries and applications. Traditional robotic systems are typically programmed with specific instructions for carrying out predefined tasks, which limits their flexibility and adaptability in dynamic or unpredictable environments. In contrast, neural control allows robots to learn from experience, make decisions based on sensory input, and continuously improve their performance over time. This means that robots equipped with neural control technology can effectively learn new tasks, optimize their movements, and even collaborate with humans in shared workspaces, making them invaluable assets in fields such as manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and beyond.Moreover, neural control robot learning has the potential to enhance human-robot interaction and collaboration in ways that were previously unattainable. By enabling robots to learn and understand human intentions, preferences, and gestures, neural control technology can facilitate more natural and intuitive communication between humans and robots. This can be particularly beneficial in settings where close human-robot collaboration is essential, such as in assistive robotics for individuals with disabilities, interactive educational robots for children, or collaborative robots in industrial settings. The ability of robots to adapt to human behavior through neural control learning can foster a sense of trust, cooperation, and mutual understanding, ultimately leading to more seamless and productive human-robot partnerships.However, the rapid advancement of neural control robot learning also raises important ethical considerations and societal implications that must be carefully considered. As robots equipped with neural control technology become increasingly autonomous and capable of learning from their environment, there is a growing concern about the potential impact on employment and job displacement. The widespread adoption of highly adaptable and intelligent robots could lead to the automation of a wide range of jobs, potentially resulting in unemployment and economic disruption for many individuals. Additionally, there are concerns about the ethical implications of giving robots the ability to learn and make decisions independently, particularly in critical domains such as healthcare, transportation, and public safety.Furthermore, the use of neural control robot learning also raises important questions about accountability, transparency, and the potential for unintended consequences. As robots become more autonomous and capable of learning from their experiences, it becomes increasingly challenging to predict and control their behavior in all possible scenarios. This raises concerns about the potential for robots to make mistakes or exhibit unexpected behaviors, especially in high-stakes or safety-critical situations. Ensuring that robots equipped with neural control technology adhere to ethical and legal standards, as well as maintaining accountability for their actions, presents a significant challenge that must be addressed through robust regulations, standards, and oversight mechanisms.In conclusion, neural control robot learning represents a groundbreaking advancement in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, with the potential to revolutionize the capabilities of robots and enhance human-robot interaction in diverse applications. However, the rapid development of this technology also raises important ethical and societal considerations that must be carefully addressed to ensure its responsible and beneficial integration into society. By proactively addressing these challenges and leveraging the potential of neural control robot learning in a thoughtful and ethical manner, we can harness the full potential of this technology to create a future where robots and humans can collaborate effectively and harmoniously.。
Robust Control
Robust ControlRobust control is a critical concept in the field of engineering and technology, particularly in the realm of control systems. It pertains to theability of a control system to maintain stable and satisfactory performance despite variations in its parameters or operating conditions. This is a crucial consideration in numerous real-world applications, such as aerospace, automotive, robotics, and manufacturing, where uncertainties and disturbances are inevitable. From an engineering perspective, the significance of robust control cannot be overstated. It is essential for ensuring the reliability and stability of control systems in the face of unpredictable factors. Engineers and researchers must grapple with the challenges of designing control systems that can withstand variations in operating conditions, environmental factors, and component characteristics. This demands a deep understanding of system dynamics, mathematical modeling, and control theory, as well as the application of advanced techniques such as robust control theory, H-infinity control, and robust optimization. Moreover, the pursuit of robust control solutions often involves a multidisciplinary approach, drawing upon principles from mathematics, physics, computer science, and electrical engineering. This underscores the complexity and interconnectedness of modern control system design, as well as the need for collaboration across diverse domains. The integration of robust control techniques with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cyber-physical systems further expands the horizons of robust control research and application. Beyond its technical intricacies, robust control also carries significant implications for real-world scenarios. Consider, for instance, therole of robust control in autonomous vehicles. The ability of a self-driving car to navigate diverse road conditions, weather patterns, and traffic scenarios hinges upon the robustness of its control system. Similarly, in the context of industrial automation, the performance and safety of robotic systems rely on robust control mechanisms to cope with uncertainties and variations in the production environment. From a broader societal perspective, the impact of robust control extends to areas such as healthcare, energy, and infrastructure. In medical devices and healthcare systems, robust control is essential for ensuringthe precision and reliability of diagnostic tools, therapeutic devices, andpatient monitoring systems. In the realm of energy production and distribution, robust control plays a pivotal role in optimizing the performance of power plants, renewable energy systems, and smart grid technologies. Furthermore, in the domain of infrastructure and urban development, robust control contributes to the resilience and efficiency of transportation networks, water management systems, and building automation. In conclusion, the domain of robust control encompasses a rich tapestry of technical, interdisciplinary, and societal dimensions. Its pursuit demands a blend of theoretical acumen, practical ingenuity, and a deep-rooted commitment to addressing real-world challenges. As the frontiers of technology continue to expand, the quest for robust control solutions will remain a dynamic and indispensable endeavor, shaping the trajectory of innovation and progress across diverse domains.。
RoboCup仿真联赛要求发达soccer2d TAC光学技巧。
1.介绍RoboCup仿真联赛soccer2d这不仅需要自主决策的约束条件下,但也相当复杂的战术计划和团队,专门挑选,设计解决或适应不同的对手[ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ]。
这个机制是基于Voronoi图,利用滑翔机[ 8,9 ] -模拟足球TEAM为RoboCup soccer2d模拟器[ 10 ]。
滑翔机2012和滑翔机2013达到半决赛在RoboCup比赛和2013 2012。
[ 11 ],和片段的发布源代码的marlik [ 12 ]。
其他软件包也被使用:–librcsc(Agent2D及相关工具的底层库):一个机器人足球仿真库(RCS)与各种公用设施描述相关的几何结构,世界模型等;–soccerwindow2(RCSS浏览程序,既可作为monitor,也可作为logplayer ):一个RCS浏览程序,作为一个监控客户端,一个玩家日志和一个可视化调试器;–fedit2(球队阵型编辑器):一个agent2d形成编辑器,允许设计团队的形成;–Gliders’in-browserbasicsoccermonitor(GIBBS)(在浏览器的基本吉布斯滑翔):一个viewing2d 模拟玩家日志网络浏览器的联盟日志[ 13 ];吉布斯是用来在一个浏览器窗口中的匹配[ 13 ]。
全空间无人体系管控中心通用技术要求英文1. IntroductionThe development of unmanned control centers for all-territory space is an important aspect of modern technology. In order to ensure the smooth operation and safety of these control centers, it is crucial to establish universal technical requirements that can be applied across different spaces and environments. This document 本人ms to outline the general technical requirements for unmanned control centers in all-territory spaces in English.2. System Architecture2.1. The unmanned control center should have a modular and scalable architecture that can be adapted to different space environments and requirements.2.2. The system should be capable of real-time data processing, analysis, and decision-making.2.3. The architecture should be designed to facilitate seamlessmunication and integration with other systems and devices.3. Communication3.1. The control center should have reliable andsecuremunication capabilities, including both terrestrial and satellitemunication.3.2. The system should be able to handle a large volume of data transmission and ensure low-latencymunication.3.3. Themunication network should be resistant to interference and capable of operating in harsh environmental conditions.4. Sensing and Perception4.1. The control center should be equipped with advanced sensing and perception technologies, including radar, lidar, and optical sensors.4.2. The system should be capable of detecting and tracking objects in real-time, including moving vehicles, humans, and natural obstacles.4.3. The sensing and perception capabilities should be able to operate in diverse weather and lighting conditions.5. Control and Decision-making5.1. The control center should have autonomous control and decision-making capabilities to ensure continuous and safe operation.5.2. The system should be able to dynamically adapt and respond to changing environments and situations.5.3. The control and decision-making processes should be transparent and auditable.6. Power and Energy6.1. The control center should have robust and reliable power and energy supply systems, including backup and emergency power sources.6.2. The system should be energy-efficient and capable of optimizing power usage for different operational scenarios.6.3. The power and energy systems should be resilient to potential disruptions and f本人lures.7. Cybersecurity7.1. The control center should implement state-of-the-art cybersecurity measures to protect ag本人nst unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber-attacks.7.2. The system should have advanced encryption and authentication mechanisms to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data.7.3. The cybersecurity measures shouldply with international standards and regulations.8. Human-Machine Interface8.1. The control center should provide an intuitive and user-friendly human-machine interface for operators and administrators.8.2. The interface should support multi-modal interaction, including touch screens, voicemands, and gesture recognition.8.3. The system should be designed to minimize cognitive load and enhance situational awareness for operators.9. M本人ntenance and Support9.1. The control center should have built-in diagnostic and monitoring capabilities for proactive m本人ntenance and support.9.2. The system should be easily upgradable and expandable to amodate future technological advancements.9.3. The m本人ntenance and support processes should be well-documented and standardized.10. ConclusionIn conclusion, the above technical requirements outline the fundamental capabilities and features that are essential for the successful operation of unmanned control centers in all-territory spaces. By adhering to these requirements, organizations and developers can ensure the reliability, efficiency, and safety ofunmanned control center systems, thereby contributing to the advancement of technology in the field of unmanned space control.。
可以搭建高楼大厦的机器人作文英文回答:In the realm of construction, the advent of intelligent robots holds immense promise for revolutionizing the way we build our cities. These autonomous machines, equipped with advanced capabilities, can potentially overcome the limitations of human labor and enable the construction of taller and more complex structures.One of the key advantages of robots in high-rise construction lies in their precision and consistency. Automated systems can meticulously follow design specifications and execute tasks with unwavering accuracy, minimizing errors and ensuring structural integrity. This precision also enables the construction of intricate and complex designs that would be challenging or even impossible to achieve with traditional methods.Another significant benefit of robotic construction isthe enhanced safety it provides. High-rise construction is inherently hazardous, but robots can operate in hazardous environments without risk to human lives. They can perform tasks such as welding, riveting, and painting at heights and in tight spaces that would be inaccessible or dangerous for human workers.Moreover, robots can work continuously without the need for rest or breaks, increasing productivity and reducing project timelines. They can also operate in all weather conditions, eliminating delays caused by inclement weather. By leveraging the strengths of automation, construction companies can optimize their processes and deliver projects on time and within budget.While the potential benefits of robotic construction are undeniable, it is important to address the challenges as well. One major concern is the cost of these advanced machines and the associated infrastructure. The initial investment in robotic systems can be substantial, and it may take time for companies to recoup their investment through increased productivity and efficiency.Another challenge lies in the training and upskillingof the workforce. The adoption of robotics in construction requires workers to acquire new technical skills and adaptto a changing work environment. This transition can be disruptive and may require significant investment intraining and education programs.Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of robotic construction outweigh the obstacles. As technology continues to advance and costs come down, the use of robots in high-rise construction is likely to become more widespread. These intelligent machines have the potentialto transform the industry, enabling the construction of taller, safer, and more sustainable buildings.中文回答:随着智能机器人的出现,建筑领域有望迎来一场革命。
Advanced Robotics and Control Systems
Advanced Robotics and Control Systems Advanced Robotics and Control Systems have revolutionized the way we live and work. With the advancements in technology, it has become possible to design and develop robots that can perform tasks that were once thought impossible. These robots are equipped with sensors, actuators, and intelligent control systems that enable them to interact with the environment and carry out complex tasks. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of Advanced Robotics and Control Systems, including their applications, benefits, and challenges. One of the most significant applications of Advanced Robotics and Control Systems is in manufacturing. Robots are being used to perform repetitive and dangerous tasks in factories, reducing the risk of injury to human workers. They can also work around the clock, increasing productivity and efficiency. In addition, robots can be programmed to carry out complex tasks, such as assembling intricate components, which would be difficult for humans to do. This has led to a significant reduction in manufacturing costs and an increase in the quality of products. Another area where Advanced Robotics and Control Systems are making a significant impact is in healthcare. Robots are being used to perform surgeries, assist with rehabilitation, and provide care to elderly and disabled patients. They can also be used to transport patients and medical supplies, reducing the workload of healthcare professionals. In addition, robots can be programmed to monitor patients' vital signs, alerting healthcare professionals if there are any changes in their condition. This has led to improved patient outcomes and a reduction in healthcare costs. Advanced Robotics and Control Systems are also being used in the military. Robots are being developed to perform tasks that are too dangerous for humans,such as bomb disposal and reconnaissance. They can also be used to transport supplies and equipment in war zones, reducing the risk of injury to soldiers. In addition, robots can be used to gather intelligence, providing valuableinformation to military leaders. This has led to a significant reduction in casualties and an increase in the effectiveness of military operations. Despite the many benefits of Advanced Robotics and Control Systems, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed. One of the biggest challenges is the cost of development and implementation. Advanced Robotics and Control Systems require asignificant investment in research and development, as well as in the purchase and maintenance of the equipment. This can be a barrier for smaller companies and organizations that do not have the resources to invest in these technologies. Another challenge is the ethical and social implications of Advanced Robotics and Control Systems. As robots become more intelligent and autonomous, there is a risk that they may replace human workers, leading to job loss and economic disruption. In addition, there are concerns about the use of robots in military applications, particularly in autonomous weapons systems. There is a need for ethical and regulatory frameworks to be developed to ensure that Advanced Robotics and Control Systems are used in a responsible and beneficial way. In conclusion, Advanced Robotics and Control Systems have the potential to transform the way we live and work. They offer many benefits, including increased productivity, improved patient outcomes, and reduced risk to human workers. However, there are also challenges that need to be addressed, including the cost of development and implementation, as well as ethical and social implications. It is important for researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders to work together to ensure that Advanced Robotics and Control Systems are used in a responsible and beneficial way. By doing so, we can unlock the full potential of these technologies and create a better future for all.。
Material Design and Engineering for Soft Robotics
Material Design and Engineering forSoft RoboticsSoft robotics is a rapidly evolving field that aims to create flexible and adaptable robots that can work alongside humans in a variety of settings, such as healthcare, agriculture, and manufacturing. The design and engineering of materials for soft robotics plays a crucial role in creating robots that can move, grip, and manipulate objects in a safe and efficient manner. This article explores the latest developments in material design and engineering for soft robotics.Introduction to Soft RoboticsSoft robotics is an emerging field that aims to create robots that can interact safely and efficiently with humans and the environment. These robots are typically made of soft, flexible materials, such as elastomers, hydrogels, and polymers, that allow for a wide range of movement and adaptability.One of the main advantages of soft robotics is its ability to perform delicate tasks and interact with soft and fragile objects, such as human tissues and organs. Soft robots can be designed to mimic the natural movements of living organisms, such as the tentacles of an octopus or the muscles in the human hand, making them ideal for use in healthcare and other applications where delicate manipulation is required.However, designing and engineering materials for soft robotics presents a unique set of challenges. Unlike rigid robots, which are made of hard and durable materials like metal and plastic, soft robots require materials that are flexible, lightweight, and responsive to different types of stimuli, such as temperature, humidity, and pH.Designing and Engineering Soft Robot MaterialsThe design and engineering of materials for soft robotics is a multi-disciplinary field that combines materials science, mechanical engineering, chemistry, and biology.One of the key challenges of designing soft robot materials is achieving the right balance between flexibility and durability. Soft robots need to be flexible enough to move and adapt to their surroundings but also strong enough to withstand wear and tear over time.Several approaches have been developed to address this challenge, including the use of composite materials, such as carbon fiber and silicon rubber, that combine the strength of rigid materials with the flexibility of soft materials. Other approaches include the use of bio-inspired materials, such as muscle-like hydrogels and elastomers, that can mimic the movements of living organisms.Another challenge in the design of soft robot materials is achieving the right level of responsiveness to different stimuli. Soft robots need to be able to sense and respond to their environment in real-time, and this requires the use of materials that can be programmed to respond to different types of stimuli, such as light, temperature, and pressure.One approach to achieving this is the use of smart materials, such as shape-memory polymers and hydrogels, that can change their physical properties in response to external stimuli. For example, a hydrogel could be designed to contract and expand in response to changes in temperature or pH, allowing for fine control over the movement of the soft robot.Applications of Soft RoboticsSoft robotics has a wide range of applications in various fields, including healthcare, manufacturing, and agriculture.In healthcare, soft robots can be used to perform minimally-invasive surgeries and other delicate procedures, such as biopsies and drug delivery. Soft robots can be designed to move and manipulate human tissues and organs with greater precision and accuracy than traditional surgical tools.In manufacturing, soft robots can be used to handle delicate and fragile objects, such as electronics and glass, without causing damage. Soft robots can be programmed to gripand manipulate objects of different shapes and sizes with ease, making them ideal for use in assembly lines and other manufacturing applications.In agriculture, soft robots can be used to pick and sort crops with greater efficiency and precision than human workers. Soft robots can be designed to mimic the complex movements of human hands, allowing them to handle different types of fruits and vegetables without causing damage.ConclusionThe design and engineering of materials for soft robotics is a complex and multi-disciplinary field that requires a deep understanding of materials science, mechanical engineering, chemistry, and biology. Through the use of composite materials, smart materials, and bio-inspired materials, researchers are developing new soft robot materials that can move, grip, and manipulate objects with greater precision and accuracy than ever before.Soft robotics has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of fields, from healthcare to manufacturing to agriculture. With continued research and development, soft robots are poised to become an increasingly important part of our daily lives, providing us with new tools and technologies that can help us to work more efficiently, safely, and productively.。
On Control System of the Two-Robot CoordinationJin HeFaculty of Physics & Electronic Engineering, Yunnan Nationalities University, Kunming 650031, P. R. ChinaAbstractBased on the features of two-robot coordination control system, a coordination system in layered modularization was set up from the human motor control system. A module of object hybrid impedance controller (HIC) was designed, so it can compensate the whole dynamics and its stability was analyzed. After make the inner force controller combine reasonably with the motor controller, the integrated controller of two-robot can be realized. The experiment results show that the control effect is satisfactory.Keywords: Two-robot, Coordination, Impedance control, Layered modularization, Hybrid impedance. 1.IntroductionThe design of coordination control system is the key problem of the two-robot coordination researching, while in the coordination control, in which the coordination mechanism is the core, which was defined as a method of any independent controlling of two-robots moving along a coordinated track by Cannon [1]. It is an important guarantee of two-robots complete the task together in a coordinated relation. A coordinated control system is quite different to a traditional robot control system. It needs not only high self control ability, but also the coordination with other robots to integrate in a mechanic and control ability of the system application. Thus, in term of integration ability and easy design, the existing single robot control technology should be utilized to the best of its ability to decompose and modularize the system functions for its better expansibility, and easily create the whole system from simple to complicated, on the condition of ensuring a high intelligence. This paper was focused on the researching of the impedance control in the layered modularized two-robot coordination controller.2.Coordinated control plan basedon HMCS structureIn the view of the human physiological enginery, the human movements itself materializes a sort of movement control in layered steps, with its controller in a distributed and modularize structure[2]. Such a control system in a layered modularization structure is the human motor control system, HMCS in short.HMCS is composed of ganglia which are divided into several grades, from the example of human hand control structure(shown in fig.1 (a)); the HMCS can be divided from low level to high level into 3 layers: surrounding nervous system, low level central nervous system and high level central nervous system. The high level central nervous system (brain) is in charge of behavior choosing and to monitoring the running states of all organs in the body which includes all high level instructions such as thinking in progress, origin of consciousness and so on. Low level central nervous system (spinal cord) is controlled by the brain under normal condition; which is linked with all sorts of sense receptors, muscle effectors and high level ganglia, meanwhile, itself can be a centre to accomplish reflecting control. Surrounding nervous system (sensory nerve and motor nerve) utilizes all impulses that can be transmitted in the nerve fiber to make the central nervous system and organs of human body into a whole.Thus, we adopt layered modularized control framework to construct two-robot coordination control system as shown in fig.1 (b).The first layer is called cooperation structural layer, in charge of overall target modeling, selection of coordination mode, target decomposition, man-machine interface management, and the supervision of the task implementation, etc. of the whole system, and sending command to the lower levels in a task code.The second layer is called two-robot coordination layer, in charge of receiving and explaining the task command from the upper level and coordinating the plan according to the specific movement task, mainly including the planning of the object movement and the force.The third layer is called single robot control layer, in charge of converting all the previous plan commands into specific movement ones and sending them to the implementation level to drive the robot to realize the expected movement and feeding back the movement status to the upper level.Coopstructurelayerlayer Fig.1: Schematic frame of two-robot system’s controlstructure, (a) Human hand control structure, (b) Robotsystem’s control structure.yered modularizedcoordination controllerBased on the general control concept mentioned above, the design of the two robot’s layered modularized controller divides the whole system into several inter relating subsystems to judge whether the sub systems have completed their targets, while meeting the control target of the general system by setting coordinator in each sub system. Its structure block diagram is shown in Fig. 2.In principle, the layered controller of the two-robot system can be divided into object control layer and robot control layer. In such a structure, each level’s target has its own independency and individual features. At the same time, to ensure the system to have a good expansibility, each layer’s function should be decomposed and modularized to the best of its ability. Thus, in reality, the controller also consists of modules of object movement planner, movement decomposer, load distributor, force synthesizer, movement synthesizer, and sensor system, etc.(1) Object movement planner: according to the description of the task, the track and force movement rule in the object’s target space should be planned. The output of this module is expected position and posture vector dOr, expected speed dOr&, expectedacceleration dOr&&, expected driving force dOF and theexpected force to the object by the environmentdF.(2) Movement decomposer: according to the kinematics restriction relation between the robot end and the object and using the kinematics information of the object, calculate and output robot end’s expected position and posture vector dir, expected speed dir&,expected acceleration dir&&.(3) Load distributor: according to the kinematics restriction relation between the robot end and the object and using the object’s expected driving force dOF and expected internal force drF, calculate andoutput robot end’s optimum grasping force dCiF.(4) Force synthesizer: according to the measured robot end’s optimum grasping forceCiF, the counteroperation of the load distributor calculates and outputs the object’s actual driving forceOF and theenvironment forceeF.(5) Movement synthesizer: according to the robot end’s actual position and posture vectorir and actualspeedir&, the counter operation of the load distributorcalculates and outputs the object’s actual position and posture vectorOr and actual speedOr&.(6) Sensor system: through the encoders on each joint of the robot, the robot end’s sensor of brawn, and feeling sensor on the tools, the joint position, end’s grasping force, and tool touching force information can be checked out respectively.(7) Object controller: according to the expected and actual values of the variables of object driving force, the environment force to the object, object positionCerebrospinal control layerBrain control centreHandPalliumThalamencephalon cerebellumbrainstem(a)(b)Fig. 2: layered modularization diagram of the two roboticcontroller.And posture, speed, and acceleration and using active complaisance arithmetic, let the object run after the required movement track. (H) Robot controllerAccording to the robot end’s expected touching force, expected position and posture, speed and acceleration and using the sensor information, calculate the driving torque i τ at each joint of the robot.4. Object control layer designingWhen the robot moves in the restriction space, not only its position track, but also the robot force to the environment are desired to control. At present, most of the control in restriction environment can be divided into two kinds of position/force hybrid control and impedance control [3] [4].The traditional impedance control is a sort of control strategy applied on a robot end, considering the relation of robot and environment as a spring damping system, while in the two-robot coordination, the control of object movement is obviously more intuitive than the control of the robot movement, and during the controller design, the whole system is always desired to be compensated kinetically. Thus, the traditional impedance relation is needed to spread into object impedance control, i.e., an object impedance control [5]-[7] (OIC in short).The impedance control only considers the impedance effect at the place contacting the environment and ignores the difference between the position and the sub space of the force control, and achieves proper force response through adjusting given position and the target impedance [8]. In order to control the force running after the expected track, the hybrid control was combined with the impedance control, called hybrid impedance control, (HIC in short). Thus, the position control and force control can be realized with different directions and using different targets.(1) Lection of the object hybrid target impedance: when position controlling, the capacitive target impedance is:e O dO d O d O d O d O d F r r K r r B r r M =−+−+−)()()(&&&&&& (1)When force controlling, the inertial target impedance is:e d O d Od F F r B r M −=+&&& (2) Where d d d K B M ,,—n n d d d R K B M ×∈,,are the oblique symmetry matrixes of the target inertia, oblique symmetry matrix of the target damp, and oblique symmetry matrix of the target rigidity respectively;d O d O d O r r r &&&,,—nd O d O d O Rr r r ∈&&&,,are the object’s reference position and posture, speed, and acceleration respectively;O O O r r r &&&,,—n OO O R r r r ∈&&&,,are the object’s actual position and posture, speed, and acceleration;d F —n d R F ∈is the environment command force to the object, a zero in a free space;e F —n e R F ∈is the environment force to the object.(2) Object controller: according to the duality of the impedance select, the overall target impedance of the hybrid impedance controller can be achieved as:de O d O d O d O d OdO d F S I F r r S K r r S B r r S M )()()()(−−=−+−+−&&&&&& (3)Where n n i R s diag S ×∈=)( is the selected matrix, i indicates the freeness in the operational space,⎩⎨⎧=olsubspace forcecontr acentrolsubsp positionco s i 01 Then, equation (3) can be impressed further as:()[+−−+=−e d d d o so F F S I Mr s r )(1&&&& ])()(O d O d O d O d r r S K r rS B −+−&& (4) Where sO r &&— the expected acceleration.It is necessary to explain that the expected acceleration and reference acceleration are two different concepts. The latter is an expected beforehand value, which is calculated through plan on the condition that the object movement is clear,whereas the former is real time generated. From the equation it can be know that it is related with the system status variable, command force, reference track, and target impedance parameters, representing the track that the object should run after in the hybrid impedance control.In addition, in order to achieve the real time expected track, the environment force to the object e F should be estimated. Before that, the objectacceleration Or && should be measured. However, it is very difficult to measure the acceleration signal, and even if it can be measured, its value may include very big noise, making it can not be used directly. Thus, this paper adopted limited differential coefficient to express approximately:tr r r t t O t O s t O ΔΔ)()()(ˆ−−=&&&& (5) Or,2)2()()()()(2ˆt r r r r t t O t t O t O s t O ΔΔΔ−−+−=&& (6) Then, the estimated environment force to the object is:C O s O O e WF C r M F −+=ˆˆ&& (7) Where []TT O T O I mg C })({ωω×−=, m , O I andω are object mass, inertia matrix around the mass center, and angle speed vector respectively. W is the converted matrix from the robot end’s force on the object at the contact to the force on the object at the mass center.After the expected acceleration of the object isachieved, its expected speed s O r& and expected position and posture s O r can be achieved through simpleintegral. At the same time, the expected driving force d O F necessary for obtaining object movement can be achieved, there is:eO s O O d C d O F C r M WF F ˆ−+==&& (8) The structure block diagram of the object hybrid impedance controller is shown in Fig. 3.Fig. 3: Structure of object hybrid impedance controller.(3) Selection of the target impedance parameters: in this paper, the environment is considered as a linearspring, let e kbe the environment rigidity, then, the environment module equation is O e e r k F =, then, equation (2) can be expressed as:dO e O d O d F r k r B r M =++&&& (9) It can be found that in the HIC, the position control direction and force control direction have the same expected movement equation form:F Kr rB r M =++&&&, thus, a united standard can be used to select the target impedance parameters. The only difference is that the target rigidity in the position direction is a control variable that can be adjusted, whereas that in the force control direction is a relatively fixed environment parameter.Laplace transforms the united equation, there is:)(M1)()(2)(22s F s R s sR s R s n n d =++ωωξ (10)Where n ω—M Kn =ω is a natural frequency;d ξ—KM2B=d ξ is damping ratio. Considering the system problem of real time, inthe system feedback, a delay amount TsTse Ts +−=−112 is introduced; then, equation (10) evolves into:)(M1)()(2)(2222s F s R e s R se s R s Ts n Ts n d =++−−ωωξ (11)Where T is the sampling control cycle. Its feature equation is:0)2()21(2223=+−+−+n n n d n d s T s T Ts ωωωξωξ (12)In order to stabilize the system, the pole point of the loop transmission function shall be strictly at the left half S plane, i.e., all the roots of the feature equation shall have negative true part. According to Routh stabilization criterion, there is:⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧<<T T d n d n ξωξω212 (13) Fig. 4 shows the stable areas when the system adopts different cycles. Emulation indicates that shortening the sampling control cycle is helpful to the system stability. After selecting proper n ω and d ξ inthe figure, target impedance parameter stabilizing the system can be selected by combining equation (10).Tξω2=d ξd ξStableStable(a)(b)Tξω21=Tξω21=Tξω2=Fig. 4: Stability region of the system, (a) T =1ms, (b) T =2ms, (c) T =5ms, (d) T =8ms.5. Integrated controller of two-robotThe ultimate target of robot layered controller designing is to make the object achieve tracing the expected track by inner and external force. After make the inner force controller combined reasonable with the movement controller we mentioned above, the integrated controller of two-robot can be realized, as shown in fig5. It is noteworthy that because of the robot’s terminal track deviation, it reflects the object’s inner force deviation, external force deviation and movement deviation, so the non-linear dynamic compensating should be modulated as follows:)r r (k )r r (k r F i s i pi i s i vi simi −+−+=′&&&& (14) Now, the general force need by robot to trace the expected track in operating space is:d Ii d Ei i ii mi i i i F F )r ,r (C ˆF )r (M ˆF +++′=&&& (15)Fig. 5: Structure of two-robot complete controllerIt is also found that the choosing of inner force impedance parameters and HIC impedance parameters is interactive, so we must decide the priority of inner force control and HIC control according to the system state and task quality. After that a control method can be decided based on the analyzing above.6. Experiment ResultsNow, we will give a experimental example in order toshow the effective of the proposed method. In free space, let two-robot’s claw-end grasp a cube box, which the size is 130×130×130mm 3 and weight is 1.30kg (aluminum). The box handed by claws is moved along a rectangular edge in YOZ plane. No master-slave distinguishing between the tow-robot in our experiment, their moving are limited on the designed track. The coordination control of the Inner and external force is achieved by wrist sensors.Fig. 6: Coordination of two-robots coordinated system, (a) Object tracking, (b) the inner force of robot along Z axis, (c) UP6 inner force along y axis, (d) SV3X inner force along y axis (e) Object external force along Z axis, (f) SV3X inner force along y axis.The control inaccuracy on y and z direction is less than 1mm while tracking the position, as shown in fig6. Due to the influences from noise and impact force, the overshoot and jitter are obvious during the inner and external force tracking procedure. But, the error of overshoot and jitter average value are within ±2N andY (mm) Z (m m )desiredactual (a) t (s) F E (N )(b) F E (N ) F E (N ) t (s)t (s) (c)(d) Fr(N )F r (N ) t (s) (e) (f) t (s) IEeˆ(bd ξd ξ(c)(d)StableStableTξω2=Tξω2=Tξω21= Tξω21=the control effect is satisfactory.7.ConclusionsThis paper researched the coordination control system of the two-robot. According to the control features of the two-robot, the control system was divided into object layer and robot layer to modularize respectively. In the object layer, the grasped object is considered controllable. An object controller was designed with object HIC control method, letting it compensate the whole dynamics and analyzing its stability. AcknowledgementThis work is partially supported by Heilongjian Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60175029 ). References[1]S. Schneider and R.H. Cannon, Object Impedan-ce Control for Cooperative Manipulator, Theoryand Experimental Results. 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人工智能的房子作文英文回答:In the realm of technological advancements, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has heralded a transformative era. AI has permeated virtually every aspect of modern life, from self-driving cars to facial recognition software. One particularly fascinating application of AI is in the realm of architecture and home design.Imagine a house that anticipates your every need, adjusts its environment to your preferences, and even learns from your daily routine. This is no longer a futuristic dream but a reality that is rapidly approaching. AI-powered homes are poised to revolutionize the way we live, providing unparalleled convenience, personalization, and energy efficiency.At the heart of an AI home is a sophisticated systemthat collects and analyzes data from a network of sensors throughout the house. These sensors monitor everything from temperature and humidity to lighting and occupancy. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, the system can identify patterns and make intelligent decisions tooptimize the home environment.For instance, an AI home can automatically adjust the thermostat to maintain a comfortable temperature, based on your preferences and the time of day. It can also control the lighting, dimming or brightening it depending on the available natural light and your current activity. Moreover, AI-powered homes can learn from your daily routine and anticipate your needs. They can preheat your coffee makerby the time you wake up, turn on your favorite playlist when you enter a room, or even suggest recipes based onyour dietary preferences.Security is another crucial aspect where AI shines. AI-powered homes can utilize facial recognition technology to identify authorized individuals, granting them access while restricting unauthorized entry. They can also monitor forsuspicious activities, such as smoke or water leaks, and alert you or the authorities accordingly.Furthermore, AI homes are designed to be highly energy-efficient. By analyzing data on energy consumption, they can identify inefficiencies and implement measures to reduce energy waste. For example, they can automatically adjust the air conditioning or heating based on the outdoor temperature and occupancy, or switch to energy-saving modes when you are away.The implications of AI-powered homes extend beyond individual convenience. They have the potential to transform urban planning, promote sustainable living, and enhance accessibility for people with disabilities. For instance, AI homes can be integrated with smart city networks, enabling them to communicate with other buildings and infrastructure. This can lead to optimized traffic management, energy distribution, and public services.Moreover, AI-powered homes can promote sustainable living by reducing energy consumption and minimizing waste.They can automatically monitor water usage, detect leaks, and adjust water flow to conserve precious resources. They can also facilitate recycling by providing intelligent sorting systems that identify and separate different typesof materials.Accessibility is another key area where AI homes can make a significant impact. By incorporating voice-controlled interfaces and motion sensors, AI homes can be tailored to meet the needs of people with disabilities.They can assist with daily tasks, such as turning on lights, adjusting the thermostat, or opening doors, providinggreater independence and autonomy.In conclusion, AI-powered homes are not just afuturistic concept but a transformative force that will shape the way we live in the years to come. They offer unparalleled convenience, personalization, energy efficiency, security, and accessibility. As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative and groundbreaking applications in the realm of home design and architecture.中文回答:人工智能的房屋。
介绍机器人高端技术的英文作文Alright, here's an essay in English introducing advanced robot technologies in a conversational and informal tone, with each paragraph exhibiting different language characteristics:Robots, huh? Those futuristic machines are getting more advanced every day. You know, some of them can now mimic human movements so smoothly, it's hard to tell they're not real people. It's crazy!And it's not just about looks. These robots are equipped with some serious tech. AI and machine learning algorithms allow them to learn from their mistakes and improve over time. It's like having a personal assistant that gets better at its job every day.But wait, there's more. Some robots can now interact with humans in a natural way. They understand voice commands, recognize facial expressions, and even have asense of humor! I'm not kidding, I've seen them make jokes that would put some stand-up comedians to shame.Of course, robots are also making a big impact in industries. They're used in factories to automate tasks, reducing human error and increasing efficiency. In healthcare, they assist doctors and nurses, performing delicate surgeries and taking care of patients. It's like having a whole team of super-efficient helpers.And let's not forget about the cool stuff. Some robots can now dance, play music, and even paint!。
Mechatronics and Control Systems
Mechatronics and Control Systems Mechatronics and control systems play a crucial role in modern engineering and technology, integrating mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering to create innovative solutions for a wide range of applications. From robotics and automation to automotive systems and consumer electronics, mechatronics andcontrol systems are at the heart of many cutting-edge technologies that are shaping the world around us. One of the key aspects of mechatronics and control systems is the integration of mechanical and electrical components withintelligent control algorithms. This integration allows for the creation of systems that can sense, process, and actuate in response to their environment, enabling a wide range of functionalities. For example, in robotics, mechatronics and control systems enable robots to perform complex tasks with precision and efficiency, making them invaluable in manufacturing, healthcare, and exploration. In the field of automotive systems, mechatronics and control systems are driving innovation in areas such as autonomous driving, electric vehicles, and advanced driver assistance systems. These technologies are not only enhancing the performance and safety of vehicles but also contributing to the development of sustainable transportation solutions for the future. The integration of sensors, actuators, and control algorithms enables vehicles to perceive their surroundings, make real-time decisions, and execute complex maneuvers, paving the way for a new era of mobility. Moreover, mechatronics and control systems are also revolutionizing the consumer electronics industry, with smart devices and appliances becoming increasingly interconnected and intelligent. From smart home systems to wearable devices, mechatronics and control systems are enabling seamless integration and interaction between various devices, enhancing convenience, comfort, and energy efficiency in our daily lives. From a technological perspective, the advancements in mechatronics and control systems are driving the development of innovative solutions that were once thought to be impossible. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms with mechatronic systems is enabling machines to learn and adapt to changing conditions, leading to unprecedented levels of autonomy and intelligence in various applications. This convergence of technologies is not only expandingthe capabilities of mechatronic systems but also raising new challenges and opportunities in the field. Furthermore, from a societal perspective, mechatronics and control systems are shaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. The increasing automation and intelligence of mechatronic systems are transforming industries, creating new job opportunities, and raising important ethical and social considerations. As these technologies continue to evolve, it is essential to consider their impact on employment, education, and the overall well-being of society, ensuring that the benefits are equitably distributed and that the potential risks are mitigated. In conclusion, mechatronics and control systems are at the forefront of technological innovation, driving advancements in robotics, automotive systems, consumer electronics, and beyond. The integration of mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering is enabling the creation of intelligent, autonomous systems that are revolutionizing various industries and reshaping the way we live and work. As these technologies continue to evolve, it is crucial to consider the technical, ethical, and societal implications, ensuring that mechatronics and control systems contribute to a sustainable and prosperous future for all.。
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Layered Control Architectures in Robots and Vertebrates Tony J. Prescott, Peter Redgrave, and Kevin GurneyUniversity of Sheffield, UK.ABSTRACTWe review recent research in robotics, neuroscience, evolutionary neurobiology, and ethology with the aim of highlighting some points of agreement and convergence. Specifically, we compare Brooks’ (1986) subsumption architecture for robot control with research in neuroscience demonstrating layered control systems in vertebrate brains, and with research in ethology that emphasizes the decomposition of control into multiple, intertwined behavior systems. From this perspective we then describe interesting parallels between the subsumption architecture and the natural layered behavior system that determines defense reactions in the rat. We then consider the action selection problem for robots and vertebrates and argue that, in addition to subsumption-like conflict resolution mechanisms, the vertebrate nervous system employs specialized selection mechanisms located in a group of central brain structures termed the basal ganglia. We suggest that similar specialized switching mechanisms might be employed in layered robot control architectures to provide effective and flexible action selection.keywords: subsumption architecture, brain evolution, behavior systems, defense system, action selection, basal ganglia.citation: Prescott, T.J., Redgrave, P., & Gurney, K. (1999). Layered control architectures in robots and vertebrates, Adaptive Behavior, 7, 99-127.Layered Control Architectures in Robots and Vertebrates The field of adaptive behavior seeks a convergence of ideas from the different disciplines that study artificial and natural autonomous systems. Demonstrating convergence allows the interchange of concepts and ideas and enriches our understanding of both the biological and the synthetic (Arbib, 1989; Meyer & Guillot, 1990). Within this tradition the present article reviews research in robotics, neuroscience, evolutionary neurobiology, and ethology, with the aim of highlighting some key areas of agreement, and argues that this cross-disciplinary perspective could help to resolve some of the current dilemmas facing research in autonomous robotics.Rodney Brooks’ (1986, 1989, 1990, 1991ab, 1995) work in engineering robot “creatures” needs little introduction to researchers in adaptive behavior. In the mid-eighties Brooks introduced a new methodology—based on an analogy with natural evolution—for building “self-sustaining” mobile robots that operate in real-time and in un-customized human environments. This research has had enormous influence in robotics and, together with other contemporary work that proposed a move towards more distributed and situated systems (e.g. Braitenberg, 1986; Minsky, 1986), has inspired a new research paradigm in artificial intelligence (see e.g. Meyer & Guillot, 1990; Maes, 1992). A key contribution of Brooks’ work is his proposal for a layered, distributed control architecture for mobile robots, termed the subsumption architecture (SA). Section 1 of this article briefly outlines the key features of the SA.A substantial body of the neuroscience literature can be interpreted as demonstrating layered control systems in the vertebrate brain. In many ways the notion of layering is a common, often unspoken, assumption in contemporary neuroscience, however, the implications of the layered nature of the brain are not always acknowledged in a field dominated by the study of the mammalian cortex. Section 2 considers work that follows in the tradition of John Hughlings Jackson (1884/1958), a neuropsychologist who is particularly associated with the notion of layered competence, while Section 3 looks for similarities between the robot design process proposed by Brooks and the evolutionary history of the vertebrate brain.An understanding of adaptive behavior is central to the behavior systems approach which stems from pioneering work in ethology by Lorenz, Tinbergen, and Baerends (see Baerends, 1976), and has been influential in some recent research in psychology and neuroscience (see Timberlake, 1993). A key principle is that the functional organization of the vertebrate brain can be decomposed into multiple, semi-independent, systems dedicated to major biological functions such as feeding, reproduction, defense, and body care. Section 4 gives a brief outline of the behavior systems approach relating it to Brooks' proposal for behavior-based robot control.A general thesis is best served by a specific example. In Section 5 we argue that the layered neural architecture that implements the defense behavior system in the rat bears manyinteresting resemblances to Brooks' SA. A number of specific correspondences are outlined in detail.Finally, in Section 6, we consider the action selection problem for both natural and artificial control systems, distinguishing between emergent and specialized action selection, and between distributed and centralized selection mechanisms. We then note that the basal ganglia(BG), a group of functionally-related, central brain structures, have a controlling influence on neural systems at multiple levels of the vertebrate nervous system and so form an important exception to the overall vertical decomposition of the brain. The BG, we propose, act as a specialized action selection device that provides flexible conflict resolution between functional units that are widely distributed in the brain. Although providing a centralized selection system within the global brain architecture, the BG exploits the advantages of distributed switching at a local level. Understanding the function of the BG within the vertebrate brain, we suggest, could help in the design of effective action selection mechanisms for robots, supplementing the use of layered, subsumption-style control.1BROOKS SUBSUMPTION ARCHITECTUREBrooks (1986) introduced the subsumption architecture (SA) as the central element of his proposal for building “complete creatures” capable of sustained activity in everyday human environments. With only limited modification (Brooks, 1989) the principles of the SA have since been employed in the design and control of a large number of mobile robots (see Brooks, 1990, 1991b) and have been widely copied. The key aspects of the SA, of most relevance here, are as follows:Distributed, layered control.Control in a Brooks’ robot is distributed across several layer s each composed of multiple modules often mounted on different processors. Layers operate in parallel and asynchronously. Within a layer there is no central control module.Behavioral decomposition. The different layers of the control system are designed to support different “task-achieving” behaviors (such as obstacle avoidance, wandering, exploring, map-building); the problem of controlling the robot is thus decomposed into behavioral units rather than into different “functional”1 units (such as perception, modeling, planning, and motor control). Within a layer there may be a more traditional decomposition; for instance, into sensor and actuator components. However, different layers will use different decompositions based on specialized sub-sets of the available sensorimotor apparatus.Increasing “levels of competence.” Each ascending level of the control system adds to the behavioral capabilities of the robot resulting in a higher level of overall competence. Damage or failure at a higher level reduces the robot to functioning at the level of the next highest layer. The higher layers of the SA often operate by modulating the activity of lower layers—hence their contact with the motor resources can be relatively indirect. Since higher level modules can implicitly rely on the operation of lower-level behavioral primitives, they can be designed to generate more complex or subtle motor acts.1Brooks' distinction between functional and behavioral components is not in common use in biology. Here the term function will generally be used to indicate the purpose or use of a mechanism as opposed to its form or structure. Where the distinction that Brooks has proposed is to be considered this will be made clear in the text.Incremental construction. A key constraint on the design process is that, as each additional level of competence is incorporated, the total system should be “a strict augmentation of the previous one” (Brooks, 1989 p. 253). Designing the control system is therefore an incremental process in which each intermediate architecture is extensively tested and debugged before the next layer is added.Conflict resolution and communication between levels by subsumption mechanisms. Higher layers of the control system can subsume the roles of lower ones by suppressing their outputs and (optionally) substituting their own. Each lower level continues to function as higher levels are added, “unaware” that those above may be interfering with its data paths.Little sensor fusion and no central models. Brooks’ (1986) places less emphasis on the combination of multiple sensor signals to determine the most accurate estimate possible of world state (sensor fusion) than on the independent use of different sources of sense data to provide robustness to changing environmental conditions, sensor noise, or hardware failure (see also Prescott, 1996). One consequence of this view is the principle that the robot should have no need for central world models into which all available sense data is compiled. Rather than exploiting shared representations, behaviors at different levels are separated by “abstraction barriers” (Brooks, 1990),unable to influence each other’s internal workings by anything more than simple subsumption mechanisms. Internal state at each higher level cannot be accessed by lower layers, although higher layers can access the data paths of those below.The Subsumption Metaphor in BiologyThough the main impact of Brooks’ work has clearly been in robotics and AI, it has also had a significant influence on the study of natural intelligence. Work in this wide area that acknowledges the influence of Brooks’ approach includes studies of human perception and motor control (Ballard, Hayhoe, & Whitehead, 1992; King, Dykeman, Redgrave et al., 1992), human development (Rutkowska, 1994), and research in computational neuroethology (e.g. Altman & Kien, 1989; Arbib & Liaw, 1995; Cliff, 1991; Franceschini, 1992).Brooks himself does not make strong claims for the SA as a model for understanding natural autonomous systems. Indeed, he explicitly states that, although the SA draws on an evolutionary metaphor, it is not a biological model. He also warns of the dangers of treating biological intelligence as a lodestar for AI (Brooks, 1995). However, Brooks also insists that his interest is in general intelligence (Brooks, 1995), that he sees animal intelligence as an important “existence proof of the possibility of intelligent entities” (Brooks, 1990, p. 5), and that we should expect to gain insights for robot design by studying the nervous systems and behavior of animals (Brooks, 1991a; Brooks, 1995). The search for further links between Brooks’ robot architectures and our understanding of animal intelligence therefore fits naturally with the situated robotics approach.The SA is not unique, of course, in being a layered robot control architecture. For example, Arbib and Liaw (1995), Roitblat (1991), McGonigle (1990), and Albus (1991), have each proposed architectures for robot control inspired by biological intelligence and sharing a number of interesting similarities with the architecture of the vertebrate brain. Several architectures have also been proposed that are principally refinements or extensions of the SA (e.g. Rosenblatt & Payton, 1989; Connell, 1990).This article focuses on the original SA,however, as it is probably the best known and most imitated architecture in behavior-based robotics. Drawing comparisons with such a widely understood model will, we hope, encourage robot designers to look with greater interest at the organization of the vertebrate nervous system as a source of inspiration for the design of robot control architectures.2THE VERTEBRATE BRAIN VIEWED AS A LAYERED ARCHITECTUREThe Jacksonian Perspective in Neu roscienceIn 1884, in a famous lecture on the “evolution and dissolution of the nervous system”the neurologist John Hughlings Jackson (1884/1958) proposed a layered view of the nervous system, in which the brain is seen as implementing multiple levels of sensorimotor competence. Jackson’s view, inspired by the Darwinian revolution in nineteenth century science,2 was based not on the usual morphological divisions but on functional grounds, “a s to the degree of indirectness with which each [division] represents the body, or part of it” (p.53). He divided the nervous system into lower, middle, and higher centers, and proposed that this sequence represented a progression from the “most organized” (most fixed) to the “least organized” (most modifiable), from the “most automatic” to the “least automatic,”and from the most “perfectly reflex” to the least “perfectly reflex.” This progression sees an increase in competence in a manner that we might now understand as a behavioral decomposition—higher centers are concerned with same sort of sensorimotor coordinations as those below, though in a more indirect fashion:That the middle motor centers represent over again what all the lowest motorcenters have represented, will be disputed by few. I go further, and say that thehighest motor centers (frontal lobes) represent over again, in more complexcombinations, what the middle motor centers represent. In recapitulation, there isincreasing complexity, or greater intricacy of representation, so that ultimately thehighest motor centers represent, or, in other words, coordinate, movements of allparts of the body in the most special and complex combinations. (Jackson1884/1958 p. 53)Jackson viewed the evolution of the nervous system as an incremental process in which lower levels are retained intact but are suppressed by higher systems. Within the different centers Jackson further considered there to be functionally distinct layers. He argued for a dissociation of higher layers from those below such that a breakdown at a higher layer—a “dissolution” in Jackson’s terminology—caused a reversion to the next highest layer of control.There are further important parallels between Jackson’s writing and contemporary approaches in robotics. For instance, he was an early of advocate of the notion of distributed representation. Overall, his writings show a conviction that “higher” thought is grounded in 2A number of Hughlings Jackson's contemporaries held similar views on brain organization, for review see Magoun (1958), Berntson, Boysen and Cacioppo (1993).perception and action—a perspective which, while radical for his era,3 is clearly in sympathy with recent proponents of situated action (e.g. Brooks, 1990, 1995; Chapman, 1991):A man physically regarded is a sensorimotor mechanism. I particularly wish toinsist that the highest centers—physical basis of mind or consciousness—have thiskind of constitution, that they represent innumerable different impressions andmovements of all parts of the body [..] It may be rejoined that the highest centersare “for mind.” I assert that they are “for body,” too. If the doctrine of evolutionbe true, all nervous centers must be of sensorimotor constitution. (Jackson,1884/1958, p. 63)Jackson’s views on the functional organization of the nervous system continue to influence and inspire neuroscientific research (see e.g. Teitelbaum, Schallert & Whishaw, 1983; Rudy, Stadler-Morris & Albert, 1987; King et al., 1992; Berntson, Boysen & Cacioppo, 1993), and there is now a mass of empirical evidence—anatomical, physiological and behavioral—that supports the notion of layered control systems in the vertebrate brain. Some of the experimental support for this view is briefly summarized below.DissociationsThe Jacksonian view predicts a dissociation between higher and lower level components of a system where the lower level competence is left intact by damage at a higher level. Discoveries of such dissociations were amongst the earliest findings of neuroscience and are now understood to abound in the vertebrate nervous system (for reviews see Gallistel, 1980; Wishaw, 1990). For instance, it has been demonstrated that removing the cerebral cortex from a cat or a rat—thereby eliminating many major sensory, motor and cognitive centers—leaves intact the ability to generate motivated behavior. The animal still searches for food, eats to maintain body weight, shivers when cold, fights or escapes when attacked, and so on. These behaviors appear awkward and clumsy when compared to controls and are often poorly adjusted to circumstances. However, the ability to generate appropriate, motivated action sequences is retained. When most of the forebrain is removed, complete behaviors can no longer be produced, but the capacity for individual actions such as standing, walking, grooming, and eating is spared. With all but the hindbrain and spinal cord removed, the animal cannot coordinate the movements required for these actions—for instance, it cannot stand or walk unaided—however, most of the component movements that make up the actions are still possible. Similar results have been observed in several classes of vertebrates (see, for instance, Overmier & Hollis, 1990, for a discussion of related findings in fish) leading to the widely accepted conclusion that the anatomically lower levels of the vertebrate nervous system organize simpler movements, while higher levels impose more complex forms of behavioral control.Jacksonian ProgressionsA further implication of a Jacksonian view is that during ontogeny (development) the brain matures through the sequential addition of higher centers (Teitelbaum et al., 1983; 3The prevailing view was that the brainstem and spinal cord controlled motor functions whilst the cerebral cortex was reserved for higher cognitive functions (Jackson, 1884/1958; Humphrey, 1986).Rudy et al,. 1987). This form of development has been observed post-natally in the maturation of rats and rhesus monkeys (see Rudy et al, 1987 for review). For instance, in rats, reflexive responses to stimuli (visual, auditory, or gustatory) have been shown to mature several days before the same stimuli are able to mediate learned behavioral reactions. Unlearned reflexive responses can be generated by the brainstem components of sensory systems, whereas learned behaviors of this kind generally require higher-level components. Evidence for a comparable developmental sequence can be found in the rat’s ability to negotiate the Morris water maze task (Rudy et al., 1987). Specifically, infant rats can learn to approach a visible goal before they are able to use distal visual cues to locate and approach an invisible goal, the former ability can be mediated by low-level, associative learning mechanisms, while the latter ability requires the operation of at least one higher level structure (the hippocampus).It is important to note that the hypothesis that the brain is a layered architecture is not identical to the conjecture that brain evolution has followed an incremental path, even though many, including Jackson, have seen it in that light. The architecture of the brain may be layered simply because this provides an efficient and robust design. Likewise, a developmental progression is unlikely to be a strict recapitulation of the phylogenetic origins of the brain (Deacon, 1990; Butler & Hodos, 1996) but will be the consequence of a combination of constraints on the ontogenetic process, including, perhaps, the need for brain systems to “boot-up” in an appropriate order. We will consider the evidence for incremental change in the nervous system separately when we address the topic of brain evolution in Section 3.Hierarchies, Heterarchies, or LayersHughlings Jackson, like many others since, suggested that the layered architecture of the brain provides a hierarchical organization of neural function. The many advantages of hierarchical decomposition of control have been summarized by Szentágothai and Arbib (1975) (see also Arbib, 1989). Gallistel (1980), reviewing some of the classical neuroscience literature, concludes that the nervous system can be viewed as a "lattice hierarchy" in which lower-level units are recruited by multiple different, and potentially competing, higher level masters. According to this view, the activation of lower level systems occurs through a combination of activating inputs at the same level (some of which may be of sensory origin) and potentiating signals from higher levels that can allow or disallow the units' response. Roitblat (1991) has suggested that Gallistel’s lattice design could make an effective robot control architecture.Opposition to the view of the brain as a hierarchical control system has focused on the nature and extent of feedback loops between lower and higher level neural systems. The existence of such loops has been interpreted as evidence for heterarchical rather than hierarchical control (see e.g. Kien, 1986; Cohen, 1992). Szentágothai and Arbib (1975), who are otherwise favorably disposed toward hierarchical schemes, note that such loops certainly make it more difficult to decide exactly "who is commanding whom" in the system. We conclude that a purely hierarchical arrangement does not accurately describe the vertebrate nervous system, which may be best viewed as a sophisticated trade-off exploiting useful characteristics of both hierarchical and heterarchical schemes. In this article we therefore use the more neutral term “layered”, which, following Jackson and Brooks, we understand tomean the decomposition of a control system into multiple levels of competences with lower levels dissociable from those above.Our definition of a layered control system specifically allows for feedback loops that support two-way interactions between different levels. It is interesting to ask whether there is anything equivalent to this in Brooks' SA in which the emphasis, as in many models of brain architecture, is on one-way links from higher to lower levels. First, we note that the SA allows modules in each higher layer to inspect the data paths of modules in the layer below. This mechanism could allow the higher level system to respond to changes it has itself initiated in the lower level system. Second, an important source of between level feedback in Brooks' architecture arises from the notion of interaction through the world. Modules, that are unconnected within the control system, may yet influence each other through the effects of their actions on the state of the agent or the environment. This possibility, which is often overlooked when the nervous system is viewed as a control hierarchy, provides an alternative means of completing feedback loops between higher and lower level systems.Fu rther Dimensions of Nervou s System OrganizationThe nervous system is an intricately complex three-dimensional structure. Although we have emphasized the layered nature of the brain we recognize that there will be other important governing principles in brain organization.Following the embryologist Karl Ernst von Baer a number of neuroscientists have recognized a concentric dimension to brain organization (see Magoun, 1958; Berntson et al., 1993). Von Baer noted that brain development proceeds from the center outwards, and that as neurons migrate to lateral and peripheral positions they become differentiated and specialized. This suggests an organizing principle according to which more generalized systems are placed centrally and more specialized ones at the periphery.While a concentric dimension can be seen as complimentary to a vertical (layered) organization, the neurologist Wilder Penfield (1958) proposed an organizing principle that is less easily accommodated within a Jacksonian view. Penfield suggested that a group of central, sub-cortical brain structures serves to coordinate and integrate the activity of both higher- (cortical) and lower-level neural systems. This notion is captured in the proposal of a centrencephalic dimension to nervous system organization (see also Berntson et al., 1993; Thompson 1993). Penfield’s theory has been further developed by Thompson (1993), who identifies the centrencephalic “core” with brain nuclei belonging to, or associated with, the basal ganglia. In Section 6 we will suggest that many of these structures can be accommodated with the view of the brain as a layered architecture by assigning them a key role in action selection.3THE EVOLUTION OF THE VERTEBRATE BRAIN The above discussion suggests that a major organizing principle in the vertebrate brain is a vertical decomposition into layered sub-systems. We suggest that this layered architecture has interesting parallels with Brooks' subsumption architecture for robot control. A more detailed exposition of this position for the specific case of the rat defense system will be presented in Section 5.In addition to suggesting how a robot control system might be organized, Brooks' SA contains a proposal for the design process for such systems. A key idea of the SA—which draws on an analogy with natural evolution—is that a complex control system can be constructed by progressively incrementing an initially simple system with extensive testing and debugging of each intermediate architecture. Although Brooks does not claim that this incremental layering process is anything other than “a simplistic and crude analogy for evolutionary development” (Brooks, 1991a p. 1229), it is worthwhile considering whether there are similarities between this design process and the evolutionary path that has led to layered control systems in the vertebrate brain. In this section we therefore briefly outline some key findings and considerations concerning the evolution of the vertebrate nervous system focusing first on major morphological changes, and second on finer-grained changes in brain circuitry.Major Evolutionary Changes in the Morphology of the Vertebrate Nervous SystemComparative and paleo-neurobiological studies reveal that a basic plan for the nervous system was established at a surprisingly early stage in vertebrate evolution (Jerison, 1973; Hodos, 1982; Miklos, 1993; Butler & Hodos, 1996). Specifically, the gross morphological divisions of the brain—spinal cord, hindbrain, midbrain, diencephalon, telencephalon—are present in all vertebrate classes and are also found in the earliest fossilized endocasts of jawless fish. This makes the general plan of the vertebrate brain at least four hundred million years old—indeed, it may have been in place as little as fifty million years after the Cambrian explosion which marked the first appearance of most of the modern metazoan phyla (Miklos, 1993). Many brain sub-divisions, including most of the components that make up the forebrain telencephalon, are also shared across the vertebrate classes and are therefore likely to have been present in early ancestors (Northcutt, 1981; Belekhova & Veselkin, 1985; Butler & Hodos, 1996). Figure 1 illustrates the major morphological divisions of the generalized vertebrate brain. All of the brain sub-divisions shown in the figure are found in all classes of vertebrates, with the exception of the cerebellum, which may be absent in jawless fish (Northcutt, 1996), and the amygdala, septum, and striatum, whose presence in jawless fish is suspected but not confirmed (Belekhova, 1990; Northcutt, 1994; Butler & Hodos, 1996). The forebrain pallium has three major sub-divisions in all vertebrates. In mammals, where the pallium is termed the cerebral cortex, most of the dorsal pallium forms the neocortex, while the medial pallium forms a group of structures that includes the hippocampus, and the lateral pallium forms the olfactory cortex. The extent to which each of these areas in mammals is homologous4with like-named pallial areas in non-mammals is, however, only partially resolved. There is insufficient space here for specific consideration of the various brain sub-divisions named in the figure, the reader is referred to Walker (1983), Arbib (1989), and Butler and Hodos (1996) for general introductions to brain function and evolution. A number of the brain regions shown are also discussed in later sections.4Homologous structures are those which have originated from the same structure in a common ancestor, since homology is defined by inheritance there may be derived differences in form and function.。