大学新标准英语精读4 第4单元 单词
overdraft 透支额 透支 overdraw v. Overdrawn adj. Be overdrawn Be overdrawn by $50
exorbitant a,过高的,不合理的 Ex=over 超过 Orbit = track 轨迹,轨道 Ant = 形容词词尾
Adv.少量地 Adj. sparing 节约,节俭的。 sparing with his money 他不随便花钱
Com=together pain=beat the breast t抽象名词字尾 一起捶胸顿足 Complain 抱怨 complainant 控诉人,原告(ant 人名字尾) 1.投诉,意见,怨言,牢骚【C,U】 The pupils made a list of their complaints about school meals. Or complaint against Make a complaint 提出投诉 receive a complaint 收到投诉 File/submit complaints 正式提出诉讼 2.投诉的事情 Our main complaint is the poor standard of the service quality. 3.身体某一部分的疾病。 Heart complaint 心脏病
精读4 Unit 12 Onwards and Upwards
23.mythology n . 神话
24. nestle v . a (使)舒适地安顿下来,(使)依偎 b 坐落在(山间或乡间)
25. purge v. [purge sth of sb/sth] a 清除(有害或不可接受的东西) b 肃清(对手或反对者) c 消去、删除(不需要的东西) d 催吐 e (服药)使肠道泻清 f n. 清洗行动,整肃 +of/on a purge on tax dodgers 对逃税者的整肃 g n. 泻药 26. quaint adj. unusual and attractive ,especially in old-fashioned way 奇特 的,古色古香的 27. requite v. 【正式】报答,回报 28.slog n. a n. 艰苦乏味的工作 b 长途跋涉 c v. 不停的苦干 ~ away eg: After a day slogging away at work, I need to relax.辛苦工作了一天, 我需要放松一下。 d slog it out BrE 斗个胜负,争出个高低
ernance n. 治理;管理;统治 17. hitch a 将…拴住,套住 ~ sth to sth b v. 搭便车 ~ a ride/lift (with sb) eg: We hitched a ride with a trucker. c hitch up (将衣物)向上拉 d get hitched 【非正式】结婚 e (短暂的)故障,障碍 technical/slight/last-minute hitch f a type of knot (某种)结
《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 1 课1 brush[brʌʃ]n.小冲突;小接触2 process['prəuses]n.过程;制作法3 court[kɔ:t]n.法院;法庭4 arbitrary['ɑ:bitrəri] a.任意的,武断的5 circumstance['sə:kəmstəns]n.情况,环境6 subsequent['sʌbsikwənt] a.随后的,接下去的7 fate[feit]n.命运8 due[dju:] a.预期的;约定的;到期的9 temporary['tempərəri] a.暂时的10 stroll[strəul]vi.散步,闲逛11 obvious['ɔbviəs] a.明显的,显而易见的12 downfall['daunfɔ:l] n.垮台;衰落13 employment[im'plɔimənt]n.职业;工作14 wander['wɔndə, 'wɑ:n:dər]vi.闲逛;漫游15 commit[kə'mit]vt.干(坏事),犯(错误、罪)16 arrestable a.应该被拘留的17 offence[ə'fens]n.罪行;冒犯;不愉快的事18 straight face板着的脸19 petty['peti] a.小的;不足道的20 doorstep['dɔ:step] n.门阶21 regard[ri'gɑ:d]vt.把…看作;把…认为(as)22 counterculture n.反主流文化23 unconcerned[ˌʌnkən'sə:nd] a.无忧虑的;淡漠的24 casual['kæʒuəl] a.漫不经心的,随便的25 conversational[ˌkɔnvə'seiʃənəl] a.会话(用)的26 confirm[kən'fə:m]vt.证实,肯定;确认27 belief[bi'li:f]n.相信;信念;信仰28 thoroughly['θʌrəli] ad.完全地,彻底地29 thorough['θʌrə] a.完全的,彻底的30 disreputable[dis'repjutəbəl] a.声名狼籍的31 worldly['wə:ldli] a.老于世故的32 au fait[ˌəu 'fei] a.熟悉的;精通的33 aha[ɑ:'hɑ:] int.啊哈!34 magistrate['mædʒistreit, -strit]n.地方法官['kɔndəkt, 'kɔndʌkt]vt.处理;主持;引导;指35 conduct挥36 defence[di'fens] n.辩护37 solicitor[sə'lisitə]n.(初级)律师38 witness['witnis]n.证人;证据39 trial['traiəl]n.审判40 dismiss[dis'mis]vt.驳回,对…不予受理41 cost[kɔst]n.诉讼费42 award[ə'wɔ:d]vt.判给;授予43 accent['æksənt, æk'sent]n.口音;腔调44 respectable[ri'spektəbəl] a.值得尊敬的45 reliable[ri'laiəbl] a.可靠的,可信赖的46 given['giv(ə)n] prep.考虑到;假定47 obscure[əb'skjuə] a.模糊的;晦涩的48 guilty['gilti] a.有罪的;内疚的49 revolve[ri'vɔlv]v.(使)旋转50 brilliant['briliənt] a.辉煌的;卓越的51 courtroom['kɔ:t-rum]n.审判室52 meanwhile['mi:n'wail]ad.同时53 gloomily['glu:mili]ad.忧郁地,沮丧地54 complain[kəm'plein]vi.抱怨55 complaint[kəm'pleint]n.抱怨56 reproachfully ad.责备地57 presumably[pri'zju:məbli]ad.推测起来,大概58 outrage['autˌreidʒ]vt.引起…的气愤59 successful[sək'sesfəl] a.成功的;有成就的60 apologize[ə'pɔlədʒaiz]vi.道歉,谢罪61 apology[ə'pɔlədʒi]n.道歉,辩解62 take sb.to court对某人提出诉讼63 a couple of少数,几(个);一对64 save up储蓄65 take one's time慢慢来,不着急66 at first起先67 turn out结果;证明是68 call on要求69 stand a chance有机会,有希望70 revolve around围绕…旋转;反复思考71 turn against反对《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第2 课1 tell[tel]vi.告发2 Yankee['jæŋki] n.北方佬;美国佬3 great-aunt n.婶祖母,伯祖母,姑姥姥4 civil['sivəl] a.国内的;民间的5 Confederate a.南部联邦的6 capture['kæptʃə]vt.俘虏;夺得7 unknown[ˌʌn'nəun] a.不知道的,未知名的8 former['fɔ:mə] a.以前的9 farmhouse['fɑ:mhaus] n.农舍,农家10 groan[grəun]n.呻吟(声)11 attic['ætik]n.阁楼12 the Union n.(美国南北战争期间的)联邦政府;美国13 rifle['raifl]n.步枪14 awful['ɔ:ful] a.可怕的,糟糕的;极坏的15 bandage['bændidʒ]n.绷带16 dreadful['dredful] a.不高兴的,恐惧的,可怕的17 bugle['bju:gəl]n.军号,喇叭18 filth[filθ]n.污秽19 futility n.无用20 futile['fju:tail] a.无用的21 lean[li:n]vi.靠,倚22 establish[i'stæbliʃ]vt.确立,证实23 identity[ai'dentiti]n.身份24 identical[ai'dentikəl] a.同一的;完全相同的25 Lt.abbr.lieutenant陆军中尉26 company['kʌmpəni]n.连27 volunteer[ˌvɔlən'tiə]n.志愿兵28 presence['prezəns]n.出席,到场29 skillfully ad.灵巧地,娴熟地30 skillful['skilfəl] a.灵巧的,熟练的31 fan[fæn]vt.扇,扇动;激起32 spark[spɑ:k]n.火花33 flicker['flikə]vi.闪动,闪烁34 drug[drʌg]n.麻药,麻醉药35 supply[sə'plai] n.补给品36 pray[prei]vi.祈祷37 valley['væli]n.山谷;流域38 infection[in'fekʃən]n.感染;传染39 infect[in'fekt]vt.感染;传染40 flare[fleə]vi.(火焰)闪耀41 loft[lɔft]n.阁楼42 ferry['feri]n.渡口;渡船43 headquarters['hedˌkwɔ:təz] n.司令部44 proof[pru:f]n.证据45 bear[beə]vt.显示;具有46 seal[si:l]n.印,图章47 item['aitəm]n.条;项48 commanding[kə'mɑ:ndiŋ] a.发号施令的,指挥的49 commanding officer指挥官50 command[kə'mɑ:nd]vt.指挥51 Gen.abbr.将军52 madam['mædəm]n.夫人,太太,女士,小姐53 risk[risk]vt.使冒危险;冒…的危险54 patrol[pə'trəul]n.巡逻队55 junior['dʒu:niə] a.年少的,下级的56 hobble['hɔbəl]vi.跛行;蹒跚57 crutch[krʌtʃ]n.拐杖58 wagon['wægən]n.四轮运货马(牛)车59 hitch[hitʃ]vi.钩住,拴住,套住60 mare[meə]n.母马,母驴61 alongside[əlɔŋ'said]prep.横靠;沿62 mule[mju:l]n.骡63 disaster[di'zɑ:stə]n.天灾;灾祸64 line[lain]n.战线,防线65 horseman['hɔ:smən] n.骑师,马术师66 pistol['pistl]n.手枪67 crack[kræk]v.(使)发出爆裂声68 sprawl[sprɔ:l]vi.四肢伸开地坐或卧69 lower['ləuə]vt.放下;放低70 secretary['sekrətəri, -teri]n.部长,大臣;秘书71 ragged['rægid] a.衣衫褴褛的;破旧的72 parade[pə'reid]vt.使列队行进n.游行;检阅73 chill[tʃil]v.(使)感到冷;(使)冷74 fort[fɔ:t]n.要塞,堡垒75 stumble['stʌmbəl]vi.绊倒,蹒跚76 stream[stri:m]vi.倾注,流出77 take prisoner俘虏78 flare up突发;加剧;突然发光;突然发怒79 write out写出;写80 brush aside不理;漠视81 bring through救活大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第3 课1 administrative[əd'ministrətiv] a.行政的,管理的2 administration[ədˌminis'treiʃən]n.管理(部门),行政(机关)3 puzzle['pʌzl]vt.使迷惑4 step-up n.提升;逐步增加5 step up n.提升;逐步增加6 mechanic[mi'kænik]n.机械工;机修工7 sweaty['sweti] a.汗湿的,有汗味的8 palm[pɑ:m]n.手掌9 profession[prə'feʃən]n.职业10 convince[kən'vins]vt.使确信,使信服11 compel[kəm'pel]vt.强迫,迫使12 pace[peis]n.速度;步速13 calendar['kælində]n.日程表,日历14 opportunity[ˌɔpə'tju:niti]n.机会,时机15 reflection[ri'flekʃən]n.深思;考虑16 reflect[ri'flekt]vi.仔细考虑17 stimulate['stimjuleit]vt.刺激;激励18 freshman['freʃmən] n.大学一年级学生;新生19 failure['feiljə]n.失败的人;失败20 ivory['aivəri]n.象牙21 ivory tower n.象牙塔22 self-reliance[ˌselfri'laiəns]n.依靠自己;自力更生23 reliance[ri'laiəns]n.信赖;信心;依靠24 technological[ˌteknə'lɔdʒikəl] a.技术的25 corporation[ˌkɔ:pə'reiʃən]n.有限公司26 run-down['rʌn 'daun] a.破败的,情况不佳的27 renovate['renəveit]vt.修复,修整28 semester[si'mestə]n.学期29 repay[ri'pei]vt.偿还(钱等)30 loan[ləun]n.借出的东西;货款31 distribute[di'stribju:t]vt.分发;分送32 distribution[ˌdistri'bju:ʃən]n.分发;分送33 variety[və'raiəti]n.变化,多样化;种种34 challenge['tʃælindʒ]n.挑战35 doctoral['dɔktərəl] a.博士的36 energetic[ˌenə'dʒetik] a.精力充沛的37 dissertation[ˌdisə'teiʃən]n.(学位)论文38 poet['pəuit]n.诗人39 learned['lə:nid] a.博学的40 journal['dʒə:nəl]n.杂志;日报41 occasional[ə'keiʒənəl] a.偶尔的,间或的42 nudge[nʌdʒ]n.启示vt.用肘轻推43 fellowship['feləuʃip]n.研究员职位;研究员薪金44 switch[switʃ]vt.转换;转动45 urban['ə:bən] a.城市的46 civil rights n.公民权47 lawyer['lɔ:jə]n.律师48 intuition[ˌintju'iʃən]n.直觉49 analysis[ə'næləsis]n.分析50 creation[kri'eiʃən]n.创造(物)51 clay[klei]n.粘土52 point[pɔint]n.要点;意义,目的53 pathway['pɑ:θwei] n.小道,小径54 rare[reə] a.稀有的;杰出的55 magic['mædʒik]n.魔力;魔术56 stay up不睡觉,熬夜57 take notes记笔记58 build on建立于;加建,扩建59 keep a diary记日记60 leave out遗漏,省去61 send off寄出;派遣62 work at设法说服,影响63 work on设法说服,影响64 catch one's breath喘气,(由惊吓等)暂时停止呼吸《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第4 课1 hermit['hə:mit]n.隐士2 shift[ʃift]vi.转移,移动3 vagrant['veigrənt]n.流浪者4 appetite['æpitait]n.食欲,胃口5 alcohol['ælkəhɔl]n.酒,酒精6 attract[ə'trækt]vt.吸引7 attraction[ə'trækʃən]n.吸引8 attractive[ə'træktiv] a.吸引人的9 peculiar[pi'kju:liə] a.奇特的;奇怪的10 populace['pɔpjuləs]n.平民,大众,老百姓11 lone[ləun] a.孤独的12 isolate['aisəleit]vt.使隔离,使孤立13 mistrustful[mis'trʌstfəl] a.不信任的,深疑的14 shopping-bag n.购物袋15 huddle['hʌdl]vi.挤作一团16 warmth[wɔ:mθ]n.暖和,温暖;热情,热心17 companionship[kəm'pæniənʃip] n.伴侣关系,友谊;一群伙伴18 companion[kəm'pæniən]n.同伴,伴侣19 bum[bʌm]n.游民,叫化子20 keen[ki:n] a.热心的,渴望的21 conventional[kən'venʃənəl] a.习俗的,寻常的22 convention[kən'venʃən]n.习俗,惯例23 sociologist[ˌsəusi'ɔlədʒist]n.社会学家24 neighborhood['neibəhud]n.街坊,四邻25 inexplicably ad.到无法说明的程度26 leftovers n.剩余物,残留物,剩菜27 garbage['gɑ:bidʒ]n.废料;垃圾;废物28 garbage can垃圾桶29 resident['rezidənt]n.居民30 slip[slip]vt.悄悄给31 overtly ad.公开地32 collection[kə'lekʃən]n.募捐;募金33 collection box奉献箱34 doorway['dɔ:wei]n.门口;门道35 morally['mɔrəli]ad.道德上36 moral['mɔrəl] a.道德上的37 category['kætigəri]n.种类38 claim[kleim]vt.声称;要求;认领39 constraint[kən'streint]n.拘束40 rent[rent]n.租金vt.租用41 payment['peimənt]n.付款42 relief[ri'li:f]n.救济43 quasi['kwezai, 'kwɑzi] a.半,准44 anchor['æŋkə]n.锚;依靠45 layer['leiə]n.层46 stuff[stʌf]vt.把…塞满47 protection[prə'tekʃən]n.保护48 protective[prə'tektiv] a.保护的49 cope[kəup]vi.对付,应付50 volunteer[ˌvɔlən'tiə]vt.主动讲;自愿提供51 voluntary['vɔləntəri] a.主动的;自愿的52 soup[su:p]n.汤53 communicative[kə'mju:nikətiv] a.愿意交谈的54 communication[kəˌmju:ni'keiʃən]n.交流;通讯55 conversation[ˌkɔnvə'seiʃən]n.谈话56 intrusion[in'tru:ʒən]n.侵犯;打扰57 rotten['rɔtn] a.腐烂的;腐朽的58 considerate[kən'sidərit] a.体谅的59 dental['dentl] a.牙齿的[weər'evə]conj.无论什么情况下(在哪里、到什60 wherever么地方)61 fantasy['fæntəsi]n.怪念头;幻想62 psychiatrist[sai'kaiətrist]n.精神病医生63 loss[lɔs]n.丢失,损失,遗失64 escalator['eskəleitə]n.自动楼梯65 priest[pri:st]n.牧师;教士;神父66 lodging['lɔdʒiŋ]n.(临时)住所67 lodge[lɔdʒ]v.(使)暂住,(使)寄宿68 entitle[in'taitl]vt.给…以权利69 disability[ˌdisə'biliti]n.伤残70 pension['penʃən]n.养老金;退休金;抚恤金71 crate[kreit]n.篮,篓,箱72 nun[nʌn]n.修女;尼姑73 shepherd['ʃepəd]vt.看护;带领74 better['betə]vt.改善75 keen on喜欢,热爱,醉心于76 on end连续地77 pass by从…旁走过;忽视78 turn away将…拒之门外79 keep up维持,继续80 once in a while间或,偶尔81 in general通常82 cope with善于处理83 no matter how不管如何84 no matter what无论何事85 at a loss不知所措;困惑86 be entitled to有权,有…资格《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第5 课1 anticipation[ænˌtisi'peiʃən]n.预期,预料2 anticipate[æn'tisipeit]vt.预期,预料3 issue['iʃu:, 'isju:]n.发行物(刊物的)一期4 tuck[tʌk]vt.塞(进);卷(起)5 bound[baund]vi.跳跃6 flip[flip]v.掷,弹7 tight[tait] a.紧的,牢的ad.坚定地,稳固地8 couch[kautʃ]n.长沙发椅9 approach[ə'prəutʃ]v.接近,逼近10 cautiously['kɔ:ʃəsli] ad.细心地,谨慎地11 cautious['kɔ:ʃəs] a.谨慎的,小心的12 type[taip]vt.打字13 line[lain]n.a(诗、文的)一行14 helpless['helpləs] a.没用的,无能的15 assume[ə'sju:m]vt.假设,主观认为16 ranch[rɑ:ntʃ]n.大牧场,大农场17 nursery['nə:səri]n.托儿所18 day nursery n.日间托儿所19 training['treiniŋ] n.训练,培训20 correspondence[ˌkɔri'spɔndəns]n.通信21 correspondence course n.函授课程22 formally['fɔ:məli]ad.正式地23 formal['fɔ:məl] a.正式的24 qualify['kwɔliˌfai]vt.使具有资格25 enrolment[in'rəulmənt] n.注册人数;注册,登记26 enrollment[in'rəulmənt] n.注册人数;注册,登记27 enrol[in'roul]v.注册,登记28 enroll[in'rəul]v.注册,登记29 motel[məu'tel]n.汽车旅馆30 frantic['fræntik] a.狂乱的,错乱的;激昂的31 acre['eikə]n.英亩32 addition[ə'diʃən]n.加,加法33 full-time['ful'taim] a.专任的34 typewriter['taipˌraitə]n.打字机35 keyboard['ki:bɔ:d]n.键盘36 junk[dʒʌŋk]n.破烂,垃圾37 tap[tæp]n.轻叩38 midnight['midnait]n.午夜39 ecstatic[ik'stætik,ek-] a.欣喜若狂的40 drawn[drɔ:n] a.憔悴的;紧张的41 respond[ri'spɔnd]vi.回答,响应42 dad[dæd] n.爸爸,爹爹43 evenly['i:vənli] ad.平静地,平坦地44 even['i:vən] a.平的,平静的45 primarily['praimərəli, prai'merəli]ad.主要地46 embarrassment[im'bærəsmənt]n.窘迫,为难47 index['indeks]n.指数,指标48 pressure['preʃə]n.(心理上的)压力49 tension['tenʃən]n.紧张50 arrival[ə'raivəl]n.到达51 rack[ræk]vt.猛力摇动52 vulnerability n.易受伤性,脆弱性53 vulnerable['vʌlnərəbəl] a.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击的54 dry goods织物类商品55 session['seʃən]n.会议;(从事某项活动的)一段时间56 journalist['dʒə:nəlist]n.新闻工作者;记者57 memento[mi'mentəu]n.纪念品58 cranky['kræŋki] a.不稳的;有毛病的59 at work在工作,在运转60 catch on学会,懂得61 catch on to学会,懂得62 set one's mind to决心做63 set one's mind on决心做64 stand in sb.'s way阻碍,妨碍65 be in sb.'s way阻碍,妨碍66 send away for函购67 run out到期;用完,耗尽68 in addition此外69 in addition to此外70 help out帮助;帮助(某人)摆脱困境71 on guard警惕,提防72 in tears哭泣73 hold back抑制,阻止74 go on发生75 go ahead前进,进步《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第6 课1 shiver['ʃivə]vi.战栗,发抖2 capsule['kæpsju:l]n.胶囊(药)3 instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n.用法说明;指示4 instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.教导,指示5 purgative['pə:gətiv]n.泻药6 acid['æsid] a.酸的;酸性物质过多的7 germ[dʒə:m]n.病菌,细菌8 influenza[ˌinflu'enzə]n.流行性感冒9 epidemic[ˌepi'demik]n.&a.流行病(的)10 flu[flu:]n.流感11 pneumonia[nju:'məuniə]n.肺炎12 detached[di'tætʃt] a.超然的;冷漠的;分离的13 detach[di'tætʃ]vt.分开,分离14 pirate['paiərət]n.海盗15 papa[pə'pɑ:] n.爸爸16 lightheaded a.神志不清的;眩晕的17 prescribe[pri'skraib]vt.开(药)18 sleet[sli:t]n.雨夹雪;冻雨19 brush[brʌʃ]n.矮灌木丛;断落的树枝20 varnish['vɑ:niʃ]vt.掩饰(令人不快之事)21 Irish['aiəriʃ] a.爱尔兰(人)的22 setter['setə] n.塞特狗23 creek[kri:k]n.小溪,小河24 glassy['glɑ:si] a.像玻璃的,闪耀的25 slither['sliðə]vi.不稳地滑动26 slide[slaid]v.(使)滑动27 flush[flʌʃ]v.(使)(鸟)惊飞vi.(脸)发红28 covey['kʌvi]n.一小群(鸟)29 quail[kweil]n.鹌鹑30 overhang[ˌəuvə'hæŋ]v.悬于…之上,突出于…之上31 light[lait]vi.停落32 scatter['skætə]vi.散开33 mound[maund] n.土墩34 poise[pɔiz]vt.使平衡35 unsteadily ad.不稳定地36 unsteady[ʌn'stedi] a.不稳定的37 icy['aisi] a.冰冷的,盖着冰的;冷淡的38 springy['spriŋi] a.有弹性的39 commence[kə'mens]n.开始,着手40 thermometer[θə'mɔmitə]n.温度计41 absolutely['æbsəlu:tli]ad.完全地,绝对地42 gaze[geiz]vi.凝视43 slack[slæk] a.松弛的;放松的44 bring down减少,降低45 be detached from与…没有联系,脱离…46 would rather宁愿47 out of sight在看不见的地方48 keep from阻止49 take it easy别紧张;不急50 hold tight onto oneself控制自己不做某事《大学英语精读》(第三册) 第7 课1 shelter['ʃeltə]n.掩蔽(处)2 synopsis[si'nɔpsis]n.提要,梗概3 celebration[ˌseli'breiʃən]n.庆祝4 celebrate['selibreit]v.庆祝5 midst['midst]n.中间prep.在…当中6 missile['misail]n.导弹7 afterwards['a:ftəwədz]ad.稍后,随后8 bomb[bɔm]n.炸弹9 abridge[ə'bridʒ]vt.缩略,删节10 grab[græb]vt.抢夺,攫取11 dialog['daiəlɔg]n.对话,对白12 dialogue['daiəlɔg]n.对话,对白13 portable['pɔ:təbəl] a.手提式的14 carry['kæri]vt.传送15 announcer[ə'naunsə]n.广播员,报幕员16 employee[im'plɔi-i:]n.雇员17 civil defense民防18 post[pəust]n.岗位19 design[di'zain]vt.设计20 basement['beismənt]n.地下室21 pool[pu:l]vt.把…集中在一起(共用)22 stuff[stʌf]n.原料,材料;物质23 chorus['kɔ:rəs]n.齐声说的话(或喊声);合唱24 assent[ə'sent]n.同意,赞成25 entrance['entrəns]n.入口处26 overtake[ˌəuvə'teik]vt.赶上27 crazy['kreizi] a.疯狂的;愚蠢的28 accommodate[ə'kɔmədeit]vt.容纳;向…提供住宿29 accommodation[əˌkɔmə'deiʃən]n.住处,膳宿30 plead[pli:d]vi.恳求31 huh[hʌh] int.哼! 哈!32 whirl[wə:l]vi.飞速移动;旋转33 infant['infənt]n.婴儿34 precious['preʃəs] a.珍贵的35 deserve[di'zə:v]vt.值得36 illogical[i'lɔdʒik(ə)l] a.不合逻辑的;无缘由的37 foreigner['fɔrinə]n.外国人38 aggressive[ə'gresiv] a.挑衅的;放肆的;积极进取的39 greedy['gri:di] a.贪婪的40 semi['semi] pref.半41 idiot['idiət]n.白痴42 bet[bet]vt.确信;用…打赌43 fling[fliŋ]vt.使(自己)猛扑;用力扔,掷44 hand-to-hand a.逼近的,直接交手的45 slaughter['slɔ:tə]vt.屠杀46 siren['saiərən]n.警报47 searchlight['sə:tʃlait] n.探照灯48 pounding['paundiŋ] n.猛击49 pound[paund]v.强烈打击50 reverberate[ri'və:bəreit]vi.回响51 log[lɔg]n.原木52 avenue['ævənju:, 'ævinju:]n.大街['dʒaiənt] a.庞大的,巨大的n.巨人,巨大的动、53 giant植物54 fist[fist]n.拳头55 blast[blɑ:st]vi.发出刺耳响声56 cellar['selə]n.地窖57 depart[di'pɑ:t]vi.离开58 departure[di'pɑ:tʃə]n.离开,启程,出发59 barricade['bærikeid]n.障碍;街垒60 generator['dʒenəreitə]n.发电机61 movable['mu:vəbəl] a.活动的,变动的62 mob[mɔb]n.一伙人;一群暴徒63 intermittent[ˌintə'mitənt] a.断断续续的64 remind[ri'maind]vt.提醒65 urgent['ə:dʒənt] a.紧迫的;重要的66 military['militəri] a.军事的67 vehicle['vi:ikəl]n.车辆(统称)68 piercing['piəsiŋ] a.尖厉的;刺穿的69 pierce[piəs]v.刺穿,刺破70 give[giv]vi.弯曲;塌下71 pitch[pitʃ]n.声音的高低,调子72 tune[tju:n, tu:n]vt.收听73 definitely['definitli] ad.明确地,干脆地74 definite['definit] a.明确的,一定的75 identify[ai'dentifai]vt.认出;识别76 harmless['hɑ:mləs] a.无害的77 harm[hɑ:m]n.伤害78 bruise[bru:z]vt.碰伤;使(皮肉)青肿79 clot[klɔt]vt.使(血等)凝块80 Amen int.阿门(基督教徒祈祷结束时的用语)81 hey[hei]int.嗨!82 scare[skeə]vt.惊吓83 gesture['dʒestʃə]n.姿势,手势84 murmur['mə:mə]n.低柔的声音85 half-hearted a.不认真的,没兴趣的86 wreckage['rekidʒ]n.残骸87 shaky['ʃeiki] a.摇晃的88 carry-over n.剩余物89 realization[ˌriəlai'zeiʃən]n.认识,领会90 deaden['dedn]vt.使减弱,使无感觉91 disquiet[dis'kwaiət]vt.使忧虑,使不安92 phony a.假的,假冒的93 phoney['fəuni] a.假的,假冒的94 laughter['lɑ:ftə]n.笑声95 desperately['despəritli] ad.绝望地;拼命地96 desperate['despərit] a.拼死的,令人绝望的97 underneath[ˌʌndə'ni:θ]prep.在…的下面98 naked['neikid] a.裸体的99 claw[klɔ:]vt.用爪抓100 stairway['steəwei]n.楼梯101 destroy[di'strɔi]vt.摧毁102 in the midst of在中…间103 break up散开104 grab hold of抓住105 get hold of抓住106 take hold of抓住107 break down毁掉108 fit in放进去,嵌进去109 draw lots抽签110 make a difference有关系,有影响111 make the difference有关系,有影响112 come up上升113 head for前往114 figure out解决,算出;理解,弄清楚115 or else否则116 mean business是当真的117 pile up堆起118 get one's hands on抓住,拥有119 in the way of在…方面;关于120 go on(灯)亮121 go off停止122 call off停止;取消123 blow one's top大发脾气124 hold...against因(某事)而嫉恨(某人)125 take up开始从事126 born of得自,起于《大学英语精读》(第三册) -第8 课1 hostile['hɔstail] a.敌对的2 view[vju:]vt.把…看成是;当作是;认为3 escape[i'skeip]n.&v.逃跑;逃避4 nighttime n.夜间5 interfere[ˌintə'fiə]vi.干涉;妨碍6 interference[ˌintə'fiərəns]n.干涉;妨碍7 researcher[ri'sə:tʃə] n.研究员8 benefit['benifit]n.益处9 tense[tens] a.紧张的10 irritable['iritəbəl] a.易怒的;急躁的11 means[mi:nz] n.方法;手段12 psychologist[sai'kɔlədʒist]n.心理学家13 contribute[kən'tribju:t]vi.贡献14 growth[grəuθ]n.生长;发展15 concentration[ˌkɔnsən'treiʃən]n.集中16 span[spæn]n.一段时间17 self-control[ˌself'kəntrəul] n.自控18 creative[kri:'eitiv] a.创造性的19 remarkable[ri'mɑ:kəbl] a.显著的;非凡的20 shape[ʃeip]vt.形成,塑造21 industrialist[in'dʌstriəlist] n.工业家,实业家22 maintain[mein'tein]vt.断言;维持23 picture['piktʃə]vt.想像;绘画24 inventor[in'ventə]n.发明家25 notable['nəutəbəl] a.著名的;值得注意的26 achiever n.获胜者27 vividly['vividli] ad.生动地,逼真地28 vivid['vivid] a.生动的,逼真的29 immeasurably ad.不能测量地;无限制地30 drift[drift]vi.漂(流)31 athlete['æθlit, 'æθli:t]n.运动员32 pole-vaulting n.撑竿跳33 champion['tʃæmpiən]n.冠军34 meet[mi:t]n.会,集会35 clear[kliə]vt.跳过36 bar[bɑ:]n.横竿;杆;条状物37 stadium['steidiəm]n.露天体育场38 trace[treis]n.痕迹39 memory trace记忆痕(脑部吸收或记忆信息产生的化学变化)40 vision['viʒən]n.想象(力)41 automatically[ɔ:tə'mætikli]ad.自动地;无意识地42 automatic[ˌɔ:tə'mætik] a.自动的;无意识的43 appropriately ad.适当地44 appropriate[ə'prəupri-it, ə'prəuprieit] a.适当的45 purposeful['pə:pəsfəl] a.有目的的46 self-image[ˌself'imidʒ] n.自我形象47 accomplishment[ə'kʌmpliʃmənt]n.成就48 recommend[ˌrekə'mend]vt.建议;推荐49 soar[sɔ:]vi.翱翔;升腾50 screen[skri:n]n.银幕;屏幕51 project[prə'dʒekt, 'prɔdʒekt]vt.映,投射52 goal[gəul]n.目标53 attain[ə'tein]vt.获得;达到54 supposedly[sə'pəuzidli] ad.推测;大概55 affect[ə'fekt]vt.影响56 attainment[ə'teinmənt]n.获得,达到;成就,造诣57 substitute['sʌbstitju:t]n.代替者,代用品58 athletic[æθ'letik] a.运动的;运动员的59 achievement[ə'tʃi:vmənt]n.成就60 after['ɑ:ftə]prep.搜寻,追求61 neglect[ni'glekt]vt.忽视62 combination[ˌkɔmbi'neiʃən]n.结合63 method['meθəd]n.方法64 merely['miəli] ad.仅仅,只65 well-being['wel'bi:iŋ] n.康乐;安康66 vacation[və'keiʃən, vei'keiʃən] n.休假;假期67 realm[relm] n.领域;王国68 enjoyment[in'dʒɔimənt] n.享受;欣赏;乐趣69 amount to总共达;等于70 interfere with干扰;妨碍71 contribute to有助于72 get along with与…相处(和睦)73 due to因为;由…引起,由于74 come true实现75 go about着手做《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第9 课1 bunker['bʌŋkə]n.地堡2 fascist['fæʃist] a.法西斯主义的n.法西斯分子3 dictator[dik'teitə]n.独裁者4 partner['pɑ:tnə]n.伙伴5 aggression[ə'greʃən]n.侵略6 mistress['mistris]n.情妇7 Italian[i'tæliən] a.意大利的n.意大利人;意大利语8 guerilla n.游击队员9 guerrilla[gə'rilə] n.游击队员10 execute['eksikju:t]vt.处死;实施,执行11 executive[ig'zekjutiv] a.&n.实行的,执行的;执行者12 dump[dʌmp]vt.倾倒13 string[striŋ]vt.串起14 heel[hi:l]n.(脚)后跟15 lamppost['læmppəust] n.路灯柱16 gutter['gʌtə]n.街沟17 pauper['pɔ:pə]n.贫民18 plot[plɔt]n.小块土地19 cemetery['semitri]n.公墓;墓地20 horrible['hɔrəbəl] a.可怕的,恐怖的;讨厌的21 horror['hɔrə]n.惊骇,恐怖;极端厌恶22 climax['klaimæks]n.高潮23 degradation[ˌdegrə'deiʃən]n.羞辱24 Fascism n.法西斯主义25 shabby['ʃæbi] a.不光彩的;卑鄙的;破旧的26 Fuehrer n.(德)元首27 strengthen['streŋθən, 'strenθən]v.加强28 resolve[ri'zɔlv]n.决心29 bride[braid]n.新娘30 spectacle['spektəkəl]n.引人鄙视的对象;场面31 preparation[ˌprepə'reiʃən]n.准备,预备32 Alsatian[æl'seiʃən] a.阿尔萨斯的n.阿尔萨斯狼犬33 poison['pɔizən]vt.毒死,放毒n.毒药34 farewell[feə'wel]n.再见35 appreciation[əˌpri:ʃi'eiʃən]n.欣赏;感激36 loyal['lɔiəl] a.忠诚的37 instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.命令;指示38 file[fail]n.卷宗;档案39 word[wə:d]n.命令40 interpret[in'tə:prit]vt.解释41 interpretation[inˌtə:pri'teiʃən]n.解释42 private['praivit] a.私人的;个人的43 mostly['məustli]ad.主要地;大部分44 associate[ə'səuʃieit]n.合作人,同事45 assemble[ə'sembəl]vt.集合46 inaudible[in'ɔ:dəbəl] a.听不见的47 moisture['mɔistʃə]n.潮湿,湿气48 retire[ri'taiə]vi.退出49 unendurable[ʌnin'dʒuərəbəl] a.无法忍受的50 canteen[kæn'ti:n]n.食堂51 weird[wiəd] a.怪异的;离奇的52 request[ri'kwest]vt.请求53 meantime['mi:ntaim]n.&ad.其间54 spell[spel]n.一段时间55 strict[strikt] a.严厉的56 relief[ri'li:f]n.(忧虑等的)减轻,解除57 enormous[i'nɔ:məs] a.巨大的,庞大的58 defensible[di'fensəbəl] a.可防御的59 doom[du:m]vt.注定,使遭…厄运60 noon[nu:n]n.中午61 apparently[ə'pærəntli]ad.显然,似乎62 apparent[ə'pærənt] a.显然的,外观上的63 vegetarian[ˌvedʒi'teəriən] a.(有关)素食的64 chauffeur['ʃəufə,ʃeu'fə:]n.司机65 liter['li:tə]n.(容量单位)升66 gasoline['gæsəli:n]n.汽油67 fuel[fjuəl]n.燃料68 intimate['intimit] a.亲密的69 collaborator n.协作者,同伙70 passageway['pæsidʒwei] n.走廊71 revolver[ri'vɔlvə] n.左轮手枪72 decent['di:sənt] a.合宜的;得体的73 interval['intəvəl]n.间隔74 sofa['səufə]n.沙发75 drip[drip]vt.使滴落76 swallow[swɔləu]vt.吞咽77 chancellor['tʃɑ:nsələ]n.部长(或首相)78 institute['institju:t]vt.建立79 meet one's end死80 string up用绳吊起;吊死81 call in命令82 break in(非法)强行进入83 build up增进84 in the meantime在…期间,同时85 in charge of负责86 round up集拢87 have done with结束;终止88 to the day一天也不差89 to a day一天也不差《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第10 课1 fantastic[fæn'tæstik] a.极大的;难以置信的2 spurt[spə:t]n.猛增;突然加速;迸发3 conjure['kʌndʒə]vt.唤起,使想起4 smoky['sməuki] a.充满烟的5 mill[mil]n.工厂,车间6 classic['klæsik] a.经典的,典型的7 representation[ˌreprizen'teiʃən]n.代表8 represent[ˌrepri'zent]vt.代表9 symbol['simbəl]n.象征10 inadequate[in'ædikwit] a.不适当的,不充分的11 misleading a.易误解的,令人误解的12 mislead[mis'li:d]vt.误导13 invention[in'venʃən]n.发明,创造14 horse collar马轭15 agricultural[ægri'kʌltʃər(ə)l] a.农业的,农艺的16 furnace['fə:nis]n.熔炉,炉子17 apply[ə'plai]vt.应用,运用18 occur[ə'kə:]vi.发生19 breed[bri:d]vt.饲养20 vote[vəut]n.选票;选举(权)21 advanced[əd'vɑ:nst] a.高深的,先进的22 blast[blɑ:st]n.鼓风;送风23 blast furnace鼓风炉;高炉24 electronics[iˌlek'trɔniks]n.电子技术;电子学25 surroundings[sə'raundiŋz]n.环境26 characteristic[ˌkæriktə'ristik] a.表示特性的27 essential[i'senʃəl] a.必需的28 organization[ˌɔ:gənai'zeiʃən]n.组织,机构29 repetitive a.重复的,反复性的30 repetition[ˌrepi'tiʃən]n.重复,循环31 function['fʌŋkʃən]n.职责,功能,作用32 outdated[ˌaut'deitid] a.过时的33 quicken['kwikən]v.加快34 acceleration[əkselə'reiʃən]n.加速35 dramatize['dræmətaiz]vt.改编成戏剧,编写剧本36 account[ə'kaunt]n.报告;描述37 transportation[ˌtrænspɔ:'teiʃən]n.运输38 transport[træn'spɔ:t]vt.运输39 BC['bi:'si:] abbr.公元前40 available[ə'veiləbəl] a.可获得的;可利用的41 camel['kæməl]n.骆驼42 caravan['kærəvæn]n.(往返于沙漠地带的)商队43 average['ævəridʒ]vt.平均为44 per[pə:]prep.每45 mph abbr.时速46 chariot['tʃæriət]n.(古时)双轮马拉战车47 maximum['mæksiməm]n.最大量;最多的48 roughly['rʌfli]ad.粗略地,概略地49 impressive[im'presiv] a.给人深刻印象的50 exceed[ik'si:d]vt.超过51 coach[kəutʃ]n.四轮大马车52 operate['ɔpəreit]vt.操作,运转53 mere[miə] a.仅仅的,只不过的54 locomotive[ˌləukə'məutiv]n.火车头55 race[reis]n.属;人种56 airplane['eəplein]n.飞机57 flick[flik]n.轻弹;突然的轻快动作58 rocket['rɔkit]n.火箭59 capsule['kæpsju:l]n.宇宙密封舱60 altitude['æltitju:d]n.高,(尤指海拔)高度61 mineral['minərəl]n.矿物,矿石62 accelerative a.加速的63 trend[trend]n.趋向;倾向64 pattern['pætn]n.模式65 statistical[stə'tistik(ə)l] a.统计的;统计学的66 unmistakable[ˌʌnmi'steikəbəl] a.明白的,不会弄错的67 innovation[ˌinə'veiʃən]n.革新;新方法68 stage[steidʒ]n.阶段;时期69 cycle['saikəl]n.循环;周期70 feasible['fi:zibəl] a.可行的71 diffusion[di'fju:ʒən]n.扩散;传播72 embody[im'bɔdi]vt.体现73 generate['dʒenəreit]vt.发生;产生74 shorten['ʃɔ:tn]vt.缩短,使变短75 scientific[ˌsaiən'tifik] a.科学的76 radically['rædikəli]ad.根本上77 radical['rædikəl] a.根本的78 reduce[ri'dju:s]vt.减少;降低79 striking['straikiŋ] a.显著的80 ancestor['ænsəstə]n.祖先81 marketplace['ma:kitpleis]n.集会场所,市场82 refrigerator[ri'fridʒəreitə]n.冰箱83 fridge[fridʒ]n.冰箱84 peak[pi:k]n.顶峰;山峰85 novelty['nɔvəlti]n.新奇的事物86 novel['nɔvəl] a.新颖的,新奇的87 likewise['laikwaiz]ad.同样地88 astonishing[əs'tɔniʃiŋ] a.很惊异的89 astonish[ə'stɔniʃ]vt.使惊讶90 stepped-up a.加速的,加强的91 accelerate[ək'seləreit]v.加速92 conjure up使联想起93 labor along艰难地前进94 labour along艰难地前进95 go by经过,(时间)流逝96 feed on以…为食;以…为能源97 in turn依次,轮流,转而98 put to work应用。
现代大学英语精读4 lesson 9 知识点
Language points lesson 9Paragraph 21. The general raised his eyebrows. He seemed hurt.raise one’s eyebrows: to move one‟s eyebrows upwards in order to show surprise or disapproval e.g.: 'Really?' she said, raising her eyebrows.This decision caused a few raised eyebrows→be up to your eyebrows in sth: spoken to have more of sth than you can deal with I'm absolutely up to my eyebrows in work.[→be up to your neck in sth: infml1) to be very busy with sth e.g.: She's up to her neck in work.2) to be in a difficult situation that is hard to escape from e.g.: Jim's up to his neck in debt.]Paragraph 32. He saw the dead black eyes of the general on him, studying him. General Zaroff’s face suddenly brightened.Meaning: Rainsford sees the general staring at him with his cold, severe, expressionless eyes. The general was surprised at Rainsford‟s responses.brighten (up): to become happier or more excitede.g.: She brightened up a bit when she saw us.我们开始谈到钱时,他的眼睛为之一亮。
《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第 1 课1 average['ævəridʒ] a.普通的;中等的2 intelligence[in'telidʒəns]n.智力3 necessarily['nesisərili]ad.必定4 case[keis]n.实情5 additional[ə'diʃənəl] a.附加的,额外的6 addition[ə'diʃən]n.加,增加,加法7 weekly['wi:kli] a.每周的;一周一次的8 schedule['ʃedju:l]n.时间表9 chart[tʃɑ:t]n.图(表)10 commit[kə'mit]vt.指定…用于11 aside[ə'said]ad.在旁边;到(向)一边12 etc.[et'setərə]等等13 normal['nɔ:məl] a.正常的14 reading['ri:diŋ]n.阅读15 assignment[ə'sainmənt]n.(布置的)作业16 occupy['ɔkjupai]vt.占用17 relaxation[ri:læk'seiʃən]n.休息,娱乐18 relax[ri'læks]v.放松,(使)休息19 hobby['hɔbi]n.业余爱好20 entertainment[ˌentə'teinmənt]n.娱乐21 entertain[ˌentə'tein]vt.娱乐,招待22 solve[sɔlv]vt.解决(问题)23 aware[ə'weə] a.知道的;意识到的24 furthermore[ˌfə:ðə'mɔ:]ad.而且;此外25 enable[i'neibəl]vt.使(某人)能(做某事)26 activity[æk'tiviti]n.活动27 adequate['ædikwit] a.充分的;足够的[di'strækʃən] n.分心(或分散注意力)的28 distraction事物29 concentrate['kɔnsəntreit]vi.全神贯注(于)30 skim[skim]vt.略读31 preview[pri:'vju:]vt.预习32 content['kɔntent]n.内容33 organize['ɔ:gənaiz]vt.组织34 later['leitə] ad.后来;以后35 skip[skip]vt.略过36 portion['pɔ:ʃən]n.一部分;一份37 double['dʌbəl]v.(使)增加一倍38 comprehension[ˌkɔmpri'henʃən]n.理解(力)39 mention['menʃən]vt.提及40 confused a.迷惑的,混淆的41 confuse[kən'fju:z]vt.搞乱,使糊涂42 textbook['tekstbuk]n.教科书;课本43 performance[pə'fɔ:məns]n.成绩44 meaningful['mi:niŋfəl] a.富有意义的45 attitude['ætitju:d]n.态度,看法46 purpose['pə:pəs]n.目的,意图47 excessively[ik'sesivli] ad.过多地,过分地48 excessive[ik'sesiv] a.过多的,过分的49 permanent['pə:mənənt] a.持久的;永久的50 technique[tek'ni:k]n.技巧,方法['helpfəl] a.有益的;给予帮助的,肯51 helpful帮忙的52 fill in填写,填充53 decide on选定,决定54 set aside留出55 as well也,还;同样56 be aware (of)知道,意识到57 concentrate on全神贯注于58 look over把…看一遍,过目59 go over复习60 lead to导致《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第2 课1 single-handed a.ad.单独的(地)2 adventure[əd'ventʃə]n.冒险(活动)3 solo['səuləu] a.单独的4 transatlantic[ˌtrænzət'læntik] a.横渡大西洋的5 lung[lʌŋ]n.肺6 cancer['kænsə]n.癌7 determined[di'tə:mind] a.下定了决心的8 determine[di'tə:min]v.决定,使下定决心[diˌtə:mi'neiʃən]n.决心,果断,意志9 determination坚定10 retire[ri'taiə]vi.退休11 voyage['vɔi-idʒ]n.航海;航行12 route[ru:t]n.路线13 clipper['klipə]n.快速帆船14 crew[kru:]n.全体船员;全体乘务员15 steer['stiə]vt.为…掌舵;驾驶16 device[di'vais]n.设备;装置17 steering n.操舵装置18 damage['dæmidʒ]vt.损坏n.损坏19 gale[geil]n.大风20 cover['kʌvə]vt.行过(一段距离)21 previously['pri:viəsli] ad.以前22 previous['pri:viəs] a.在前的,早先的23 attempt[ə'tempt]v. n.试图,尝试24 dissuade[di'sweid]vt.劝阻25 treacherous['tretʃərəs] a.暗藏危险的;奸诈的26 cape[keip]n.海角[rʌf] a.(气候)有暴风雨的;(海)波涛汹27 rough涌的28 fortunately['fɔ:tʃənətli]ad.幸运地;幸亏29 fortunate['fɔ:tʃənət] a.幸运的,幸福的30 contact['kɔntækt]vt.联系,接触31 nearby['niəbai]ad.在附近32 following['fɔləuiŋ] a.接着的;下列的33 waken['weikən]v.唤醒;醒来34 nightmare['naitmeə]n.恶梦35 drag[dræg]vt.拖,拉36 sinister['sinistə] a.凶恶的,邪恶的37 knight[nait]n.爵士vt.封…为爵士38 sword[sɔ:d]n.剑,刀39 accomplish[ə'kʌmpliʃ]vt.完成40 conquer['kɔŋkə]vt.征服41 undoubtedly[ʌn'dautidli] ad.无疑地42 moreover[mɔ:'rəuvə]ad.此外,而且43 human['hju:mən]n.人们,人类,人44 being['bi:iŋ] n.生物;人45 set out着手,开始46 give up放弃47 be determined to (do)决心(做)48 (all) by oneself(完全地)独立49 in spite of尽管;虽然50 by far…得多51 turn over(使)翻倒,(使)倾覆52 can not help禁不住《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第3 课1 relative['relətiv]n.亲属,亲戚2 present[pri'zent, 'prezənt]n.礼物,赠品3 postman['pəustmən]n.邮递员4 rare[reə] a.罕见的;不常发生的5 occasion[ə'keiʒən]n.时刻,时机;场合6 mayor['meə]n.市长7 medal['medl]n.奖章8 aged[eidʒd] a.年老的9 content['kɔntent] a.满意的;高兴的10 primary['praiməri] a.首要的;最初的11 arrange[ə'reindʒ]v.作安排,筹划12 minor['mainə] a.较小的;次要的13 operate['ɔpəreit]vi.开刀,动手术14 operating table n.手术台15 funeral['fju:nərəl]n.葬礼16 efficient[i'fiʃənt] a.效率高的17 decade['dekeid]n.十年,十18 endure[in'djuə]vt.忍受,忍耐19 spot[spɔt]n.点,斑点20 brighten['braitn]vt.使发光;使发亮21 cheek[tʃi:k]n.面颊22 extra['ekstrə] a.额外的,外加的23 clean[kli:n]n.清洁的,干净的24 bunch[bʌntʃ]n.(一)束,(一)串25 marigold['mærigəuld]n.万寿菊(花)26 packet['pækit]n.小包(裹)27 mint[mint]n.薄荷糖28 slipper['slipə]n.拖鞋29 cardigan['kɑ:digən]n.(羊毛)开衫30 clatter['klætə]n.咔嗒声31 granny['græni] n.奶奶,祖母,外祖母32 envelope['envələup]n.信封33 unsealed a.未密封的34 seal[si:l]vt.封,密封35 sealed a.密封的36 writing['raitiŋ] n.书法;笔迹37 pang[pæŋ]n.剧痛38 disappointment[ˌdisə'pɔintmənt]n.失望39 disappoint[ˌdisə'pɔint]vt.使失望40 parcel['pɑ:sl]n.包裹41 reluctantly[ri'lʌktəntli] ad.不情愿地,勉强地42 reluctant[ri'lʌktənt] a.不顾的,勉强的43 fold[fəuld]vt.折叠44 cheque[tʃek]n.支票45 flutter['flʌtə]vt.飘动46 stoop[stu:p]vi.弯腰47 tremble['trembl]vi.颤抖48 at other times在别的时候;平时49 round the corner在附近;即将来临50 around the corner在附近;即将来临51 after all毕竟,终究52 be sure of对…有把握,确信53 pick up拿起,捡起《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第4 课[ˌwə:θ'wail] a.值得花时间(或精力) 1 worthwhile的;有价值的2 program['prəugræm]n.节目3 programme['prougræm] n.节目[ˌedju'keiʃənəl] a.教育的;有教育意4 educational义的5 current['kʌrənt] a.当前的6 social['səuʃəl] a.社会的7 movie['mu:vi]n.电影8 nevertheless[ˌnevəðə'les]conj.然而,不过9 propose[prə'pəuz]vt.建议10 broadcasting n.广播11 broadcast['brɔ:dkɑ:st]v.n.广播12 prohibit[prə'hibit]vt.禁止13 proposal[prə'pəuzəl]n.提议,建议14 actually['æktʃuəli]ad.实际上15 generation[ˌdʒenə'reiʃən]n.(一)代16 gap[gæp]n.缺口,间隙;分歧,隔阂17 divorce[di'vɔ:s]n.离婚18 rate[reit]n.率19 mental['mentl] a.精神的;思想上的20 communicate[kə'mju:nikeit]vi.交流意见、思想等21 disturb[di'stə:b]vt.使烦恼22 emotional[i'məuʃənəl] a.感情的23 pastime['pɑ:staim]n.消遣,娱乐24 sunset['sʌnset]n.日落(时分)25 neighborhood['neibəhud]n.邻近地区;地段26 adult['ædʌlt]n.成年人27 typical['tipikəl] a.典型的28 educator n.教育家29 barely['beəli] ad.仅仅,勉强;几乎没有30 literate['litərit] a.能读写的;有文化的31 product['prɔdʌkt]n.产品['netwə:k]n.广播(或电视)联播公司32 network或网33 glance[glɑ:ns]n.一瞥;扫视34 radical['rædikəl] a.激进的35 electronic[iˌlek'trɔnik] a.电子的36 electron[i'lektrɔn]n.电子37 baby-sitter n.(代人临时)照看婴儿者38 childhood['tʃaildhud]n.童年39 partly['pɑ:tli]ad.部分地;在一定程度上40 involve[in'vɔlv]vt.(必须)包括41 imagination[iˌmædʒi'neiʃən]n.想像力42 learning['lə:niŋ] n.学习;学问,知识43 invent[in'vent]vt.发明44 generation gap代沟45 in part在一定程度上;部分地46 grow up长成,长大47 bring together使相聚48 come up with想出;提出49 at first glance乍一看;最初考虑时50 have a ball玩得开心《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第5 课1 miserable['mizərəbəl] a.悲惨的2 merry['meri] a.欢乐的,愉快的3 pony['pəuni]n.矮种马;小马4 boot[bu:t]n.长统靴5 candy['kændi]n.糖果6 stocking['stɔkiŋ] n.长(统)袜7 chimney['tʃimni]n.烟囱8 eve[i:v]n.前夕9 fireplace['faiəpleis]n.壁炉10 mixed-up a.混合的,混杂的11 limp[limp] a.软的;松沓的12 kneel[ni:l]v.跪下13 indignant[in'dignənt] a.气愤的;愤慨的14 stable['steibəl]n.马厩15 weep[wi:p]v.哭泣;流泪16 rude[ru:d] a.粗鲁的,不礼貌的17 wrong[rɔŋ]vt.委屈18 curtain['kə:tən]n.窗帘19 lest[lest]conj.唯恐,以免20 anxiety[æŋ'zaiəti]n.焦虑21 impatience[im'peiʃəns]n.不耐烦,急燥22 patience['peiʃəns]n.耐性,忍耐23 brand[brænd]n.商标,牌子24 brand-new a.崭新的25 saddle['sædl]n.马鞍26 mane[mein]n.马鬃27 forehead['fɔrid]n.前额28 kid[kid]n.小孩29 splutter['splʌtə] v.语无伦次地说30 scarcely['skeəsli] ad.几乎不,简直不[skeəs, skers] a.缺乏的,不足的,稀31 scarce有的32 thrill[θril]vt.使非常激动33 trot[trɔt]vi.(马)小跑34 currycomb n.马梳35 pitchfork['pitʃfɔ:k] n.干草叉36 hay[hei]n.干草37 loft[lɔft]n.草料棚38 broken-hearted心碎的;极其伤心的39 misery['mizəri]n.悲惨;不幸;苦难40 happiness['hæpinis]n.快乐;幸福41 grown-up['grəun-ʌp] a.n.成人(的)42 make sure确保;查明43 nothing but除了…以外没有什么;仅仅,只不过44 stick to坚持,不放弃45 hang up挂起46 or something诸如此类47 catch sight of看到,发现48 draw near接近49 break into突然…起来50 in place在适当的位置《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第6 课1 efficiency[i'fiʃənsi]n.效率2 industrial[in'dʌstriəl] a.工业的3 neat[ni:t] a.整洁的4 elementary[ˌeli'mentəri] a.初等的,初级的5 sock[sɔk]n.短袜6 drawer[drɔ:ə]n.抽屉7 bureau['bjuərəu]n.衣柜8 underwear['ʌndəweə]n.内衣9 pants[pænts] n.裤子,短裤10 expert['ekspə:t]n.专家,能手11 kitchen['kitʃin]n.厨房12 utensil[ju:'tensəl]n.用具,器具13 quality['kwɔliti]n.质量;品质14 foundation[faun'deiʃən]n.基础15 career[kə'riə]n.职业;生涯16 engineering[ˌendʒi'niəriŋ] n.工程学;管理[ʌn'fɔ:tʃunitli]ad.不幸地是;遗憾地17 unfortunately是18 bossy['bɔsi] a.爱指挥人的;专横的19 project[prə'dʒekt, 'prɔdʒekt]n.项目;方案20 bachelor['bætʃələ]n.学士21 graduation[ˌgrædʒu'eiʃən]n.毕业22 graduate['grædʒuit]vi.毕业23 short-term a.短期的24 basis['beisis]n.基础;根据25 consultant[kən'sʌltənt] n.顾问26 consult[kən'sʌlt]v.商量,参考27 amaze[ə'meiz]vt.使大为惊讶,使惊愕28 curious['kjuəriəs] a.奇怪的29 whatsoever[ˌwɔtsəu'evə] a.任何的,丝毫的30 inspect[in'spekt]vt.检查31 shipment['ʃipmənt]n.装运,运送32 miss[mis]vt.未得到,未达到;感觉缺少33 button['bʌtn]n.钮扣34 collar['kɔlə]n.领子35 sleeve[sli:v]n.袖子36 relieve[ri'li:v]vt.减轻37 boring['bɔ:riŋ] a.令人厌烦的38 bore[bɔ:]vt.使烦扰39 workroom['wə:krum, -ru:m] n.工场(间)40 dull[dʌl] a.阴暗的41 flow[fləu]n.流(动)42 work flow n.工作流程43 irregular[i'regjulə] a.不规则的,不稳定的44 regular['regjulə] a.规则的,有秩序的45 absent-minded a.心不在焉的46 absent['æbsənt, əb'sent] a.不在的,缺席的47 inspection[in'spekʃən]n.检查48 assembly[ə'sembli]n.组装;集会49 assemble[ə'sembəl]v.集合50 assembly line n.装配线51 shift[ʃift]n.班;轮班52 daydream['deidri:m] v.做白日梦,空想53 fire['faiə]vt.解雇54 observation[ˌɔbzə'veiʃən]n.观察55 observe[əb'zə:v]vt.观察56 observer[əb'zə:və]n.观察员57 oral['ɔ:rəl] a.口(头)的58 findings n.调查(或研究)的结果59 major['meidʒə] a.较大的;主要的60 redesign[ri:di'zain] vt.重新设计61 design[di'zain]vt.设计62 achieve[ə'tʃi:v]vt.(经努力)得到;实现63 decrease[di'kri:s, 'di:kri:s]vt.减少64 worktable n.工作台65 operator['ɔpəreitə]n.操作人员66 operate['ɔpəreit]vt.操作67 management['mænidʒmənt]n.资方;管理(部门)68 background['bækgraund]n.背景69 beautify['bju:tifai]vt.美化,装饰70 setting['setiŋ] n.环境71 productive[prə'dʌktiv] a.多产的;富有成效的72 frequent['fri:kwənt] a.频繁的73 promotion[prə'məuʃən]n.提升;促进74 promote[prə'məut]vt.提升;促进75 incentive[in'sentiv]n.刺激76 suggestion[sə'dʒestʃən]n.建议77 co-owner n.共同所有者78 manager['mænidʒə]n.经理79 compliments n.贺词;问候80 find out查明;发现81 turn out结果是82 quality control质量控制(管理)83 as a result作为结果,因此84 except for除了…外85 go on strike罢工86 hold up延迟,耽搁;阻碍87 result in结果是;导致88 talk over商量;讨论89 keep up with跟上《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第7 课1 author['ɔ:θə]n.作者2 intention[in'tenʃən]n.目的,意图3 sampler['sɑ:mplə]n.品尝家['pudiŋ]n.布丁(西餐中一种松软的甜4 pudding点心)5 delicious[di'liʃəs] a.美味的,可口的6 select[si'lekt]vt.挑选7 selection[si'lekʃən]n.挑选8 sample['sæmpl, 'sɑ:m pəl]vt.品尝9 purchase['pə:tʃəs]n.买,购买vt. 购买10 advantage[əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]n.利益,好处;优点11 privilege['privilidʒ]n.特权12 instance['instəns]n.例子,实例13 suspect['sʌspekt, sə'spekt]vt.怀疑;猜测14 suspect['sʌspekt, sə'spekt]n.嫌疑犯15 afford[ə'fɔ:d]vt.买得起;担负得起16 elderly['eldəli] a.上了年纪的17 limp[limp]vi.跛行18 counter['kauntə]n.柜台19 spoon[spu:n]n.调羹20 eagerly['i:gəli] ad.热切地,急切地21 occasionally[ə'keiʒənəli]ad.偶尔;间或22 occasional[ə'keiʒənəl] a.偶然的,临时的['hevi] a.(食物等)太油腻而不易消化23 heavy的24 evident['evidənt] a.明显的,明白的25 sincerely[sin'siəli] ad.诚恳地26 sincere[sin'siə] a.真诚的27 eventually[i'ventʃuəli]ad.终于,最终28 positive['pɔzətiv] a.有把握的,确信的29 cheat[tʃi:t]vt.欺骗30 chap[tʃæp]n.男人;小伙子;家伙31 amidst[ə'midst]prep.在…中间32 crowd[kraud]n.人群['prɔspərəs] a.富裕的;成功的;昌盛33 prosperous的34 prosperity[prɔ'speriti]n.繁荣35 figure['figə]n.外形,轮廓;体形36 pitiful['pitifəl] a.可怜的37 benevolence[bi'nevələns]n.仁慈38 sting[stiŋ]vt.刺,螫39 wrinkle['riŋkəl]v.(使)起皱纹40 dignity['digniti]n.尊严41 appearance[ə'piərəns]n.外表42 pack[pæk]vt.把(东西)打包(或装箱)43 stand[stænd]n.(货)架;(货)摊44 worn[wɔ:n] a.破烂的,损坏的45 pocketbook['pɔkitbuk] n.皮夹46 shilling['ʃiliŋ] n.先令47 long[lɔŋ]vi.渴望48 unsay[ʌn'sei] vt.收回(说过的话)49 tactless['tæktlis] a.不策略的50 coin[kɔin]n.硬币51 lay out陈列52 in a row成一长行53 to one's taste合…的口味,中…的意54 take advantage of利用55 for instance例如56 and what's more而且,更重要的是57 all right确实,无疑地58 break off中止,中断59 come down落泊,潦倒;失势60 come down in the world落泊,潦倒;失势61 out of place不适当的;不相称的62 do sb. a favor给某人以恩惠;帮某人忙63 do sb. a favour给某人以恩惠;帮某人忙64 mistake...for把…错认为65 pull out抽出,取出66 count out逐一数出67 long for渴望《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第8 课1 soften['sɔfən]v.(使)软化;(使)温和2 tragic['trædʒik] a.悲惨的;悲剧的3 messenger['mesindʒə]n.送信人;电报投递员4 gently['dʒentli]ad.轻轻地5 immediately[i'mi:diətli]ad.立刻,马上6 immediate[i'mi:diət] a.直接的,立即的7 eager['i:gə] a.热切的,渴望的8 hinge[hindʒ]n.铰链9 whoever[hu:'evə]pron.无论谁,不管谁10 saintly['seintli] a.像圣徒一样的;圣洁的11 implication[ˌimpli'keiʃən]n.含义12 imply[im'plai]vt.暗示,意味13 shock[ʃɔk, ʃɑk]vt.使(某人)震惊14 deliver[di'livə]vt.交付;递送15 awkward['ɔ:kwəd] a.尴尬的16 responsible[ri'spɔnsəbəl] a.(应)负责的['meksikən] n.a.墨西哥人;墨西哥(人) 17 Mexican的18 extend[ik'stend]vt.伸出19 pause[pɔ:z]vi.暂停,中止20 interrupt[ˌintə'rʌpt]vt.打断(某人讲话)21 nervous['nə:vəs] a.神经质的;紧张的[mæm, mɑ:m, məm]夫人,太太,小22 ma'am姐23 smooth[smu:ð]vt.把…弄平24 department[di'pɑ:tmənt]n.部门;系25 swiftly['swiftli] ad.快速地;敏捷地26 swift[swift] a.敏捷的,迅速的27 chocolate['tʃɔklit]n.巧克力(糖)28 chew[tʃu:]vt.咀嚼29 cactus['kæktəs]n.仙人掌30 sob[sɔb]vi.啜泣;呜咽31 disgrace[dis'greis]n.耻辱;丢脸的人(或事)32 unhappy[ʌn'hæpi] a.不幸的,不快乐的33 hell[hel]n.地狱34 hear of听到,听说35 be responsible for应对…负责的36 come out大声地说,清楚地说37 come out with大声地说,清楚地说38 smooth out清除,使平滑39 hold oneself in约束,抑制40 take the place of代替,取代41 get to one's feet站起来,起立42 over and over again反复地,再三地《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第9 课1 computer[kəm'pju:tə]n.计算机2 universe['ju:nivə:s]n.宇宙3 complex['kɔmpleks] a.错综复杂的,难懂的4 ancient['einʃənt] a.古代的;古老的5 philosopher[fi'lɔsəfə]n.哲学家6 philosophy[fi'lɔsəfi]n.哲学7 involve[in'vɔlv]vt.使卷入8 working['wə:kiŋ] n.运转,运行;活动能力9 exactly[ig'zæktli]ad.确切地;精确地10 exact[ig'zækt] a.准确的,精确的11 amount[ə'maunt]数量,数额12 chemist['kemist]n.化学家13 biologist[bai'ɔlədʒist]n.生物学家14 biology[bai'ɔlədʒi]n.生物学15 complicated['kɔmplikeitid] a.难懂的;复杂的16 chemical['kemikəl] a.化学的17 unable[ʌn'eibəl] a.不能的,不会的18 reaction[ri'ækʃən]n.反应19 mathematician[ˌmæθəmə'tiʃən] n.数学家20 equipment[i'kwipmənt]n.设备,装置21 equip[i'kwip]vt.装备,配备22 kilo['ki:ləu]n.千23 kilos n.千克,公斤24 recent['ri:sənt] a.近来的25 recall[ri'kɔ:l]vt.记得;回忆起26 differ['difə]vi.不一致,不同27 mentally['mentli]ad.智力上,脑力上['fizikəl] a.身体的;物质的;物理学28 physical的29 potential[pə'tenʃəl]n.潜力30 limit['limit]n.局限,限度31 put...to (good) use(好好)利用32 differ from与…不同33 compared to与…相比34 compared with与…相比35 make notes记笔记36 look into调查,观察《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第10 课1 mysterious[mi'stiəriəs] a.神秘的2 mystery['mistəri]n.神秘,神秘的事物3 folklore['fəuklɔ:]n.民间传说4 reappear[ˌri:ə'piə] vi.再(出)现5 anew[ə'nju:]ad.重新;再6 sometime['sʌmtaim]ad.某个时候7 tide[taid]n.潮汐8 vanish['væniʃ]vi.消失,突然不见9 ill-fitting a.不合身的10 dusty['dʌsti] a.满是灰尘的11 mask[mɑ:sk]vt.遮盖;掩盖12 root[ru:t]v.(使)生根;(使)固定13 runaway['rʌnəwei]n.逃跑者,出逃者14 brightly['braitli] ad.欢快地,高兴地15 swig[swig]n.痛快16 retreat[ri'tri:t]vi.退缩;退却,撤退17 chatter['tʃætə]vi.喋喋不休18 painfully['peinfuli]ad.痛苦地19 painful['peinfəl] a.痛苦的20 jail[dʒeil]n.监狱21 guy[gai]n.人;家伙22 yeah[jeə] ad.是23 parole[pə'rəul]n.假释24 oak[əuk]n.橡树25 wow[wau]int.哇,呀26 exclaim[ik'skleim]vt.惊叫,叫喊27 approach[ə'prəutʃ]n.接近,临近28 unformed[ʌn'fɔ:md] a.发育未全的29 handle['hændl]vt.触,摸,抚弄30 snapshot['snæpʃɔt] n.快照31 tighten['taitn]v.(使)变紧;(使)绷紧32 fortify['fɔ:tifai]vt.增强;给…以勇气33 stun[stʌn]vt.使震惊;使目瞪口呆34 banner['bænə]n.旗,旗帜35 billow['biləu]vi.(波浪)翻腾;波浪般起伏36 con[kɔn]n.囚犯37 dream of向往,渴望38 pull into(车辆)驶入;到达39 take back允许…回来,接受40 come through如所预料地到来41 be caught up in对…入迷42 take over占用;接管43 make one's way去,前往。
现代大学英语精读第一册1课单词详解1. overlook vt. over-上+look看,?由上往下看忽视Don't overlook the slower students. 别忽视后进同学。
原谅We decided to overlook his mistake. 我们决定宽容他的过错。
监督, 管理The foreman overlooked a large number of workers.工头监督着许多工人。
俯视We overlooked the sea.我们俯瞰大海。
overlook a valley from a hill从山上俯视山谷a tower overlooking the city俯瞰全市的塔楼词性变化overlook n.疏忽眺望; 视察俯瞰中的景色; 了望四周的高地It was a slight overlook on my part. 这是我的一个小疏忽。
There are plenty of overlooks and trails. 有许多可供俯瞰之处和小径。
继承用法Overlooker n. 监工, 工头同义词:disregard face ignore let slip miss neglect pass overskip view watch反义词:notice2.palm n. 源自拉丁语palma手掌手掌, 掌状物Buddhist monk sat with folded palms. 和尚合掌打坐。
(象征胜利的)棕榈叶The coconut palm trees planted after the war added to the beauty of the city.战后栽植的这些椰子树使这个城市显得更加美丽。
相关资料n.[C] 1. 手掌,手心 She placed the money in his palm. 她把钱放在他的手心里。
2. (四足动物的)前足掌 3. 一手宽;一手长 4. (手套的)掌部 5. 掌状物 6. (桨等的)扁平部 7. 【海】掌皮(缝1帆布顶针用) 8. 动物(如鹿)角的扁平部 9. 棕榈(树) They sat in the shade beneath the palms.他们坐在棕榈树的树荫下。
四级真题高频词 [每日10词]天天练: Day 91Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.今日事今日毕 。
901.demonstrate (36次) 证明;证实 906.stretch (12次) 伸展;拉长902.oppose (22次) 反对;抵制907.beverage (8次) 饮料903.distribute (13次) 分配;分发 908.embrace (13次) 抱;拥抱904.stock (18次) 股票;现货 909.outstanding (12次) 优秀的905.violence (12次) 暴力;暴行 910.enormous (22次) 巨大的901.demonstrate [ˈdemənstreɪt] (36次)take stock (of sth)v.证明;证实;论证;说明;表达;表露;表现; (对某情况)加以总结,作出评估,进行反思 显露;示范;演示;集会示威 lock, stock and barrel全部;所有902.oppose [əˈpəʊz ] (22次)905.violence [ˈvaɪələns] (12次)vt.反对(计划、政策等);抵制;阻挠;(在竞赛中)与…对垒,与…角逐 n.暴力;暴行;狂热;激情;激烈的力量903.distribute [dɪˈstrɪbjuːt] (13次) 词组短语:vt.分配;分发;分销;分散;使散开;使分布 acts of violence暴力行为904.stock [stɒk] (18次) outbreak of violence突发暴力事件n.股票;(商店的)现货,存货,库存;储备物; victims of violence备用物;供应物;股本;资本;股份;公债; 暴力行为受害者家畜;家族;高汤;足枷;名声;枪托;紫罗兰 violence against women针对妇女的暴力行为vt.存货;贮备,贮存(食物、书籍等) condemn violence谴责暴力行为adj.老一套的;陈腐的;(商店里)常备的, violence erupts通常有的 暴力事件突然发生prevent violence词组短语: 防止暴力事件发生resort to violence 诉诸暴力stock up prevent violence1.在…中储备(或贮存) 防止暴力事件发生2.贮备;囤积 stop violenceon the stocks 阻止暴力行为在制作(或建造、准备)中 ethnic violence民族之间的暴力冲突increasing violence stretch a point日益增多的暴力行为 破例;通融physical violence bend/stretch the rules身体伤害 根据具体情况改变规则;通融racial violence at full stretch种族暴行 竭尽全力;以最大财力物力widespread violence not by any stretch of the imagination 泛滥肆虐的暴力事件 任凭怎么想也不by no stretch of the imagination 906.stretch [stretʃ] (12次) 再怎么说也不v.伸展;拉长;拽宽;撑大;抻松;有弹性(或弹907.beverage [ˈbevərɪdʒ] (8次)力);拉紧;拉直;绷紧;伸出,伸长(胳膊、腿);延伸;延续;足够买(或支付);(大量 n.(除水以外的)饮料使用,消耗;使竭尽所能;滥用908.embrace [ɪmˈbreɪs] (13次)n.一片;一泓;一段;(连续的)一段时间;服刑期;伸展;弹性;(终点)直道 v.抱;拥抱;欣然接受,乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉(宗教、信仰等);包括;包含 adj.有弹力的n.拥抱,怀抱词组短语:909.outstanding [aʊtˈstændɪŋ] (12次)stretch out1.平躺;躺直 outstand的现在分词2.伸出,伸开(身体的某一部位)stretch yourself out adj.优秀的;杰出的;出色的;突出的;明显 躺下(通常为休息或睡觉) 重要的;未支付的;未完成的;未解决的 stretch across延伸穿过;伸展跨过 v.突出;离港;向海上;停留during a stretch在一次拉伸中;在一段时间里910.enormous [ɪˈnɔːməs] (22次)at a stretch 一下子stretch of motorway/road adj.巨大的;庞大的;极大的一段高速公路/道路stretch of a river一段河流along a stretch of road沿着一段路down the road a stretch顺着路(走)一段stretch your legs伸展双腿stretch your legs9久坐之后)散散步,活动活动腿脚四级真题高频词 [每日10词]天天练: Day 92 The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time .做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件事。
Unit1 Another School Year—What for?1.a----n.the act of finishing sth.and successfully;achievement2.a----v.to gain;to get for oneself by ones own work3.a----adv.behaving in a pround and self-important way4.a----n.art,music,theater,literature,ect.when you think of them as a group5.a----n.medicine commonly used in tablet form to relieve pain and reduce fever and inflammation6.a----v.to take as a fact;to suppose7.a----adj.able to be bought,used or easily found8.a----v.to calculate the averagebof sth.;~out9.b----n.a very tall and thin people10.b----n.an adult animal of the cattle family11.c----v.to state that sth. Is true or correct ,esp.after some kind of testcated and refined ;having an advanced culture13.c----n.a person who pays for help or advice from a person,company or organization14.c----v.to have sth. Inside or as part of it15.c----n.the state of being continuous16.c----n.a highly poisonous chemical compound17.d----adj.based on the idea that everyone should have equal rights and should be involved in making important decisions18.d----n.a sudden event such as a flood,storm,or accident which causes great damage or suffering ;here a complete failure19.d----n.a shop which sells medicine and other things20.e----n.here to spend time doing sth21.e----v.to offficially arrange to join a school or university22.e----n.the most important quality or feature of sth.;in ~23.e----n.skill in a particular field24.e----v.to enable sb to see or experience new things or learn about new beliefs,ideas.be ~ed to25.f----n.all the teathers of a university or college26.f----n.a small piece of sth.27.g----v.to produce28.g----adj.of or concerning a person who has a university degree29.g----v.to crush into small pieces or powder by pressing between hard surfaces30.h----n.the fleshy part of either side of the human body between the top of your legs and waist31.h----n.the qualities of being human32.i----adv.in an implied wayck of the skill or ability to do your job or a task as it should be done34.i----adj.certain to happen and impossible to avoid35.i----n.power of thought36.i----v.to produce or design sth.that has not existed before37.l----adj.in the basic meaning of a word38.l----n.a limit on what sb.sth.can do or how good they or it can be39.m----v.to continue to have as before40.m----v.to change the process so that the work is done by machines rather than people41.N----n.human being who lived in Europe during the Stone Age42.n----adv.in spite of that;yet43.p----adj.belonging only to a particular person;special;odd44.p----showing the ability to understand things clearly and deeply45.p----n.an annoying person46.p----n.a shop where medicines are prepared and sold;here the study of preparing drugs or medicines;pharmacist47.p----n.the study of the nature and meaning of existence ,reality.48.p----n.a scientist who studies physics49.p---n.a small solid piece of medicine that you swallow whole,~grinding50.p----v.to lead;to be in charge ;~over51.p----adj.relating to the work that a person does for an occupation,work that requires special training52.p----n.the act of trying to achieve sth.in a determined waying computers or electronic equipment required for a particular job54.r----v.to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself55.r----v.to care for a person or an animal until they are fully grown56.r----n.possesssions in the form of wealth ,property,skills that you have57.s----n.a person belonging to a primitive society58.s----n.a certificate of an academic degree59.s----n.one of the two periods into which the year is divided in high schools60.s----adj.able to understand or appreciate art,music or literature61.s----v.to shake uncontrollably for a moment62.s----n.type of ability63.s----v.to spend most of your time studying one particular subject;specialist64.s----n.a type;a sort65.s----n.a person who is unusual in some way and has a qualityof a particular kind66.s---adj.related to your spirit rather than to your body or mind67.s----v.to keep68.s----adj.not knowing what to do in a particular situation ;be ~ for69.s----v.to be enough70.u----adj.without help from anyone or anythingUnit2 Say Yes1.a----n.the pure colorless liquid present in wine or beer that can make one drunk,often used for medical purpose to clean things2.a----v.to understand or realize that sth is true3.b----n.here eyebrow4.c----n.a large strong box,made of wood,used for storing things5.c----n.a feeling of worry,one that is shared by many people,out of ~6.c----v.to tell sb that you are pleased about their success or achievements7.c----v.to think about sth carefully,in order to make a decision,all things ~ed8.c----adj.thoughtful of the rights or feelings of others9.c----v.to get a person or animal into a place or situation from which they can’t escape10. c----n.a long flat surface in kitchen for preparing food on;worktop11.c----n.a piece of material or a cloth used on a bed to make it warmer,the ~s12.d----v.to touch lightly or gently several times;~at13.d----v.to discuss sth formally,before making a decision or finding a solution;~ing club14.d----v.to show clearly15.d----v.to make sth empty or dry by removing all the liquid from it;~ing board16.g----n.sth you do or say to show a particular feeling or intention17.g----adj.covered with oil or fat18.h----adj.pretending to have moral standard or opinions that they do not actually have19.i----v.to suggest that sth is true without saying this directlyck of interest or concern21.m----v.to clean with a mop22.n----n.a short tube fitted to the end of a pipe to control or direct the stream of liquid23.o----v.to hear by accident,a conversation in which you are not involved24.p----v.to put things one on top of another to form a pile25.p----v.to press tightly between finger and thumb;~ one’s brows together26.p----v.to join in and help with an activity,by doing some of the work or by giving money,advice27.p----v.to beat quickly and loudly28.p----v.to push sth closely and firmly against sth29.r----n.a person who believes that people of his own race are better than others30.r----n.a measurement of the speed at which sth happens;at a ~31.r----n.an icebox in which food or drinks can be kept at a low temperture32.r----v.to feel calm and comfortable and stop worrying33.r----v.to turn things over and look into all the corners while trying to find sth34.s----n.for Christ’t ~:used to emphasize that it is important to do sth or when you are annoyed about sth35.s----n.things made of silver or a similar metal such as knives,forks and spoons36.s----v.to say angrily ;to move suddenly ;~ through the pages37.s----v.to spread liquid in small drops over an area38.s----v.to press firmly inward or form the opposite side39.s----n.a collection of information shown in numbers40.s----n.the outside or top layer of sth41.t----adj.very large,very greatpletely43.t----v.to become or make sth become tight or tighter44.u----adj.not married or engaged;still single45.w----n.the joint between the hand and the lower part of the armUnit 3The Rite of Spring1.a----adj.happening or done once every year2.a----adv.not together;separately;tell~3.a----n.an area of activity that concerns the public,esp.one where there is a lot of opposition between different groups or countries4.b----adj.very hard and tiring5.b---- n. a plant with a root that is used as a vegetable, esp. for feeding animals or making sugar6.b----v. to tie or fasten sb./sth. so that they can't move or are held together firmly7.b----n. a scientist who studies plants and their structure8.b----adj. in large numbers9.b----v.to scatter over a wide area10.b----n. a number of things of the same type which are growing together; a 〜of11.c----n. a complete list of items, for example, of things that people can look at or buy12.c----v. to stop happening or existing13.c----n. a state of complete confusion and disorder14.n. things that make a bad situation better15.c----adj, able to be believed or imagined16.c----n, a situation where there are opposing ideas, opinions, feelings or wishes; a situation in which it is difficult to choose17.c----v. to use sth. esp. fuel, energy or time; time〜ing18.c----n. a living thing real or imaginary, that can move around, such as an animal19.c----n. a plant that is grown in large quantities, esp. as food; root 〜s20.c----n. a long thin round vegetable with a dark green skin and a light green inside usu. eaten raw21.c----v. to grow plants or crops; hand〜ing22.d---- adj. slightly wet, often in a way that is unpleasant23.d----adj. easily damaged or broken24.d---- n. the act of believing or making yourself believe sth. that is not true ,self-delusion25.d----adj. wet with small drops of water that form on the ground, etc. in the night26.d----n. a calm and serious manner that deserves respect; stand on 〜27.e----n.泥土气息28.e----n. the act of increasing the area of activity, group of people, etc. that is affected by sth.29.f----n. (pl. fungi) any plant without leaves, flowers or green coloring, usu. growing on other plants or on decaying matter30.g----v. to shine because it is wet or covered with oil31.g----adj. shining brightly with many small flashes of light32.g----v. to understand sth. completely33.h----n. grass that has been cut and dried that is used as food for animal34.h----adv. (crying or laughing) in an uncontrolled way35.i---- n. the way people or animals naturally react or behave36.i----adj. so bad or difficult that you can't tolerate it37.i----v. to annoy, esp. by sth. that continuously happens38.j----adj. containing a lot of juice and good to eat39.j----v. to show that sb./sth. is right or reasonable40.l-----n. a plant with large green leaves that are eaten esp. in salad41.l-----adj. (injml)full of a particular thing, quality or meaning;〜with sth.42.m----n. a playful pretence43.m----adj. extremely large or serious; in 〜numbers44.m----adj. having feelings typical of a caring mother toward a child45.m----v.〜business46.m----n. a way of achieving or doing sth.; by other 〜47m----.adj. very unhappy or uncomfortable48.m----adj. slightly wet49.m----n. material, usu. organic,that is put around a plant to protect its base and its roots, to improve the quality of the soil or to stop weeds growing 50.n----adj. unreasonably anxious or afraid51.o----n. a job or profession52.o----n. (AmE) which means arranged or organized in a neat, tidy or orderly way53.o-----adj. expressing one's opinion honestly, even if this shocks or offends people54.p-----n. used to mean the world55.p-----n. a small piece of land, esp. one used for growing vegetables or fruit56.p-----adj. connected with being a father57.p-----n. a small group or area that is different from its surroundings; in some〜of the mind58.p----adj. having no purpose; not worth doing59.r----adj. (of behavior, ideas, etc.) based on reason rather than emotions60.r----- n, (AmE) sth. that is said or done to take away a person's fear or doubts61.r----v. to show the nature of sth. or of sb/s attitude or feeling62.r----adv. (AmE) paying no attention, even if the situation is bad or there are difficulties;〜of63.r----adv. to a fairly large degree, esp. in comparison to others64.r-----v. to make a firm decision to do sth.65.r----v. to become or to make sb./sth. become strong again66.r----n. a ceremony performed by a particular group of people67.r----n. a number of objects arranged in a line68.r----v. to damage sth. so badly that it loses all its value, pleasure, etc.69.s----v .to give a long, loud, piercing cry, as from pain, fear or excitement70.s----v.to choose sb. or sth., usu. carefully, from a group of people or things71.s----n. a particular form of a color;〜s of green72.s----n. a thing that you see or can see73.s----adj. having doubt that a claim or statement is true or that sth. will happen74.s----adv. in a way that is not known or certain75.s----adv. in a careful way, using a little76.s----v. to sit with knees bent and the hams resting on or near the heels 蹲77.s----n. a wooden or metal post that is pointed at one end and pushed into the ground to support sth.78.s----v. to kill sb. by squeezing or pressing on their throat and neck79.s-----n. the great efforts sb. is making to achieve sth.80.s----n. (AmE) of stupid81.t----n. an inclination towards a particular way82.t----v. to push or drive quickly and forcibly;~ing83.t----v. to prepare and use land for growing crops84.t----v.〜upon/on: to make a sudden and unexpected attack on sb.85.t----n. a violent tropical storm with very strong winds86.u----adj, not romantic87.v----n. an idea or picture in your imagination88.w----v. to move, or make sth. move, gently through the air89.w----n. a person whose job is weaving fabric90.w----adj. free of weed91.w----v. to move like a warm through a narrow or crowded place; 〜one ‘s way throughUnit 4 The Man in the water1.a----v. ~for. to explain the reason or cause of sth.2.a----v. to recognize; to admit3.a----adj. worthy of admiration4.a----adj. concerning beauty, esp. beauty in art5.a----n. the state of not having one's name or identity known to others6.b----adj. becoming bald7.b----v. to do things in a particular way8.b----n. the way sb. behaves9.b----n. a narrow piece of leather fabric; seat 〜10.b----n. an unexpected quick strong movement of wind or air; a - of11.b----. a plan of how a government will spend the money that is available in a particular period of time12.c----n. sb. who is hurt or killed in an accident; mass 〜13.c----v. to defy14.c----adj. in a state of complete disorder and confusion15.c----n. (infinl) a large thick piece of sth.;〜s of ice16.c----n. a loud sound made by two metal objects being hit together17.c----n. an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions; in 〜18.c---- n. a responsibility; a determination to do what one considers to be his duty19.c----n. the end; the closing part20.c----adj. related to a congress, the elected lawmaking body of certain countries21.c----n. (AmE) an accident in which a vehicle hits sth.; air〜es22.d----adj. needing or wanting sth. so much23.d----v. to put into liquid for a moment and then take out24.d----n. difference25.d----v. sleep lightly26.e----n.〜s: the forces that collectively constitute the weather27.e----adj. relating to the emotions28.e----n. a person who is employed29.e----adj. being central or most important30f----n. a plane making a particular journey;〜9031.F----n. a state of the southeast United States bordering on the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico32.f----n. the act, process, or condition of floating;〜ring33.f----v. (froze, frozen) to cause water to harden into ice as a result of great cold34.g----v. to try to find sth. that you cannot see by feeling with your hands35.g---- n. a kind of black and white sea bird that lives near the sea36.h----adj. unpleasant or cruel37.h----n. an aircraft without wings that has large blades on top that go round38.h----adj. used to describe the middle or the most attractive part of a period of time;〜traffic39.i----adj, impossible to move, change or persuade40.i----n. the force of one object striking or hitting another41.i----adj. (AmE) lacking friendly human feelings or atmosphere; making you feel unimportant42.i----adj. having an injury; having been physically damaged or hurt43.j----n, an airplane driven by a jet engine44.l----n. a line or rope thrown to rescue sb. in the water45.l----adv. in the same way46.l----n. a place where sth. happens or exists; the position of sth.47.m----n. a building or sth. that preserves the memory of a person or event48.o----n. a particular time when sth・happens; rise to the 〜49.p----n. sth. that is possible50.P----n. a river in the US that runs through Washington51.p----adj. concerning a president52.p----n. a belief that is accepted as a reason for acting or thinking in aparticular way53.p----n. sth. that proves that sth. is true54.r----n. a spoken or written opinion55.r----v. to present or describe sb./sth in a particular way56.s----n. any of the parts into which sth. is divided57.s----n. a part that is underneath some aircraft, beside the wheels, andis used for landing58.s----n. a quick blow with the flat part of the hand, used figuratively here59.s----n. a situation in which neither side in a fight can gain an advantage60.s----n. a woman who serves passengers on a plane61.s----v.〜in one’s mind62.s----adj. shocking; very impressive63.s----n. a person who has continued to live, esp. in spite of having been nearly destroyed or killed64.t----n. a terrible, unfortunate event65.u----adj. not recognized or known 66.u----adj. being the only one of its type 67.u----adj. involving all the people in the world or in a particular group。
1.Worthwhile a.值得花时间的2.current a.当前的3.social a.社会的4.activity n.活动5.prohibit vt.禁止6.reasonable a.(人)讲道理的,合理的7.proposal n.提议,建议8.distract vt. 分散(思想)9.actually ad.真实地,实际上10.gap n.缺口11.divorce n.离婚12.rate n.率13.failure n.失败,失败的人14.disturb vt.打扰,使烦恼15.emotional a.感情的16.pastime n.消遣,娱乐17.sunset n.日落18.neighborhood n.临近地区,地段19.sdult n.成年人20.entertainment n.快乐,乐趣,娱乐21.typical a.典型的22.barely ad.仅仅,勉强,几乎没有23.literate a.能读写的,有文化的24.radical a.激进的25.electronic a.电子的26.involve vt.(必须)包括27.imagination n.想象力28.invent vt.发明29.illustrate vt.给…插图,举例说明30.genius n.天才31.semester n.学期32.embarrass vt.使窘迫,使尴尬33.astonish vt.惊讶34.publish vt.出版,发行,发布35.dumb a.愚蠢的,哑的36.recipe n.食谱,烹饪法37.graduate v.(大学)毕业38.minus a.低于零的,负数的prep.减去undry n.洗衣店40.ancient a.很旧的,古代的41.random n.任意,无目的行动a.任意的42.manuscript n.手稿a.手写的43.nonsense n.胡说,废话,荒谬的想法44.package n.包装袋,包,盒45.enclose vt.附上,围住46.illustration n.插图47.chapter n.章。
Unit 9
Main sentences
One of my happiest childhood memories is of crouching next to the pond, fascinated by the brilliantly colored carp swimming slowly beneath the water lilies. Line 4
。 他们在一起度过了分分合合动荡不定的五六年
I had to have a boat that could handle turbulent seas. 我必须有一条能应付汹涌海浪的船。
The ship breasted the turbulent seas. 船顶着汹涌的海浪前进。 (或:船破浪前进。)
只要你能在他们身上看到奇迹的火花,那么这个人可能就 是你最大的灵感并且会成为你的老师。
economic miracle经济奇迹 to a miracle奇妙地;好得不可思议;好到惊人程度;完
by a miracle奇迹般地;依靠奇迹 On Miracle 谈奇迹 ; 论奇迹 ;
Life miracle 生命的奇迹 Miracle World 奇迹世界 ; 异 想世界
She then shifts her attention to my feet, which seem to fascinate her, stroking the nail varnish on my big
toe through the bars. 她然后将注意力转移到我的脚上,似乎这很让她欣喜。她穿
Unit 9
Ⅱ Reading Comprehension
现代大学英语精读4单词表lesson1Glossaryacademic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年affection 喜爱affirm 断言agenda 日程表anxiety 焦虑attitudinal 态度的baptistbounce 跳跃capability 能力contribute 贡献counsel 建议crisis 危机definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生)encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋ethical 道德的evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的financial 财政的functional 职务的genetic 基因的guilt 内疚heighten 提高inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流interaction 合作involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊masculine 男性的maturity 成熟mistrust 不信任newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的peer 同龄人perceive 理解position 工作prejudiced 偏见project 规划rebel 抗议relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨role 职责seminary 学院的separation 分开sexual 2性的shrink 缩水stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的lesson2Glossaryalley n.小路, 巷bitterness n.苦味, 悲痛, 怨恨call it quits 停止civil war 内战Congressman n.国会议员, 众议院议员dirt road 土路down and out 落魄drip n.水滴vt.(使)滴下vi.(使)滴下druggist n.药商, 药材商, 药剂师【医】药商, 调剂员farmhouse n.农舍general n.一般, 将军, 大体a.全面的, 大体的, 总的, 一般的, 普遍的n.常规【计】常规【医】一般的, 全身性, 广泛的get hold of 抓住, 得到get word 获得消息, 听说, 得知glimpose n.一瞥, 一闪vi.投以一瞥, 闪烁不定vt.瞥见fool around 闲荡, 干蠢事, 干无用的事, 干琐屑的事grand marshal 大元帅harness n.马具, 挽具状带子, 甲胄vt.给...上挽具, 驾驭, 披上甲胄, 利用...以产生动力headquarters n.总部, 司令部, 总部人员【经】本部, 总部, 总署hush n.肃静, 安静, 沉默vt.(使)肃静, (使)安静, (使)缄默interj.嘘, 别作声intimate a.亲密的, 私人的, 秘密的vt.暗示, 通知, 告诉n.至交【法】亲密的, 亲切的, 私人的lrish 爱尔兰的liven vt.使高兴, 使快活vi.快活起来livery n.制服, 侍从a.象肝的, 有肝病症状的memoir n.传记, 实录, 追思录, 回忆录, 自传【化】研究报告miraculously ad.超自然, 非凡, 不可思议, 令人惊叹, 象奇迹一样, 奇迹般, 能创造奇迹momentary a.瞬间的, 刹那间的naked a.裸体的, 无装饰的, 无保护的, 赤贫的【医】裸露的orderly a.有秩序的, 整齐的, 值班的n.护理员, 清道夫, 传令兵, 勤务兵ad.依次地, 顺序地【医】男护理员parade n.游行, 炫耀, 阅兵vt.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进vi.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进pond n.池塘vt.筑成池塘vi.筑成池塘Presbyterian adj.长老制的, 长老会的n.长老教会员railroad n.铁路, 铁路公司vt.铺设铁路, 用铁路运输vi.在铁路工作【经】铁道, 铁路ridiculous a.荒谬的, 可笑的Scotsman n.苏格兰人,苏格兰男人shed n.车棚, 小屋, 脱落之物, 分水岭vt.使流出, 放射, 脱落, 散发, 摆脱vi.流出, 散布, 脱落【医】脱落, 脱换show up 揭露, 露出, 露面smash n.打碎, 粉碎, 打碎时哗啦声, 猛击, 扣球, 杀球, 经营失败, 破产, 硬币, 假硬币a.非常轰动的, 了不起的vt.打碎, 粉碎, 击溃, 使破产, 使裂变, 使用假硬币vi.碎裂, 猛撞, 破产, 扣球, 杀球ad.轰隆一声, 哗啦一声surrender vt.交出, 放弃, 使投降, 让与vi.投降, 自首n.交出, 放弃, 投降Swede n.瑞典人sympathize vi.同情, 怜悯, 同意, 体谅thick with somebody 厚与某人windbag n.空话连篇的人, 风囊lesson3Glossaryadministration n.管理advertise v.登广告advertisement n.广告anchor v.抛锚;使牢固assemble v.集合attach v.系;绑;连接award n.奖品basics n.基本;要素campus n.校园charitable a.慈善的civic a.城市的combat n.战斗;格斗compete v.竞争competition n.竞争consumer n.消费者custom-made a.定做的customazed a.定做的;定制的deal n.协议dealer n.商人delivery n.(把货物、信件等)送往(某处)dignify v.使。
per前缀的单词1 peru n. 秘鲁(南美洲)2 peradventure ad. 或者,偶然,不料3 perambulate v. 巡行,巡视,漫步4 perambulator n. 摇篮车,勘查者,路程计5 perceive vt.察觉,发觉;理解6 percent n.百分之…7 percentage n.百分比,百分率8 perceptible adj. 可以感觉到的,可见的9 perception n.感觉;概念;理解力10 perceptive n. 问题不同方面之关系;adj. 感觉敏锐的11 perch n.(禽鸟的)栖木12 perchance ad. 偶然,恐怕13 percipient adj. 洞察力强的14 percolate v. 过滤出,渗透15 percolator n.过滤器16 percussion n. 撞击,敲击17 percussionist n. 敲击乐器,乐师18 perdition n. 灭亡,破灭,贬落地狱19 peregrination n. 游历(尤指在国外)20 peremptory adj. 专横的,不容反抗的21 perennial adj. 终年的,永久的22 perennially 永久地23 perfect adj.极好的,完美的24 perfection n.尽善尽美;无比精确25 perfectionist n. 力求完美者,吹毛求疵者26 perfectly adv. 极好地,完美地;十分地;很,完全27 perfidious adj. 不忠的,背信弃义的28 perfidy n. 不忠,背叛29 perforate v. 打洞30 perforation n. 穿孔,贯穿,贯通31 perforce ad. 必然地32 perform vt.履行;表演vi.行动33 performance n.履行;演出;行为34 performer n. 表演者35 perfume n.香味,芳香;香料36 perfumed a. 有香味的37 perfumery n. 香料类,香水,香料制造38 perfunctory adj. 草率的,敷衍的39 perhaps adv.也许,可能40 perigee n. 近地点41 peril n.危机;危险的事物42 perilous adj. 危险的,冒险的43 perimeter n.周(边),周长44 period n.时期;学时;句号45 periodic n.周期的;一定时期的46 periodical n.期刊,杂志47 periodically ad. 周期性地,定期地48 peripatetic adj. 巡游的49 peripheral adj. 边缘的,周边的;不重要的,外围的;末梢的50 periphery n. 外围,不重要的部份51 periphrastic adj. 迂回的,冗赘的52 periscope n.潜望镜53 perish vi.死亡,夭折;枯萎54 perishable adj. (食物)易坏的55 perishing adj. 严寒的56 peristyle n. 绕柱式,列柱走廊,以柱围绕的内院57 peritoneum n. 腹膜58 peritonitis n. 腹膜炎59 periwig n. 假发60 periwinkle n. 长春花属的植物,玉黍螺61 perjure v. 作伪证,发假誓62 perjury n. 伪证,假誓63 perk vi. 昂首,振作,渗透64 perky adj. 活泼的,大胆的65 perm n.电烫66 permanence n. 永久,持久67 permanent a.永久的,持久的68 permanently adv. 永久地;持久地69 permanganaten. 过锰酸盐70 permeability n.弥漫;渗71 permeable adj. 可渗透的72 permeate v. 扩散,渗透73 permeation n. 渗透,弥漫,充盈74 permissible a. 可允许的,可容许程度的75 permission n.允许,许可,同意76 permissive adj. 过份纵容的77 permit vt.允许n.执照78 permutation n. (数学中)排列变化,彻底改变79 pernicious adj. 有害的,致命的80 peroration n. 结尾,结论81 peroxide n. 『化学』过氧化物82 perpendicular a.垂直的n.垂直(线)83 perpetrate v. 犯罪,作坏事84 perpetrator n. 为非作歹者; 作恶者,作案者,犯人85 perpetual a.永久的;四季开花的86 perpetuate v. 使永存,使永87 perpetuity n. 永恒,永久88 perplex vt.迷惑,困惑,难住89 perplexed adj. 困惑的;不知所措的;90 perplexity n. 困惑,茫然91 perquisite n. 固定津贴,福利92 persecute vt.迫害,残害93 persecution n. 迫害94 persecutor n. 迫害者95 perseverance n.毅力;坚持;不屈不挠96 persevere vi.坚持,不屈不挠97 persevering adj. 坚忍不拔的98 Persia n. 波斯99 persian a. 波斯的;n. 波斯人100 persiflage n. 挖苦,嘲弄101 persimmon n. 柿子102 persist vi.持续,存留103 persistence n.坚持;持续,存留104 persistency n. 固执,坚持,持续105 persistent adj. 固执的,坚持的106 persnickety adj. 势利的,挑剔的107 person n.人;人身;本人108 personable adj. 英俊的,风度好的109 personage n. 名人,(戏剧)角色110 personal a.个人的;本人的111 personalities n. 诽谤112 personality n.人格,个性;人物113 personally adv. 亲自,就个人而言114 personate vt. 扮演,伪装,假冒,拟人化115 personel a. 个人的,私人的;亲自的116 personification n. 典型,完美榜样117 personify vt. 看做人,赋与人性,使人格化118 personnel n.全体人员,全体职员119 perspective n.透视;远景;观点120 perspicacious adj. 独具慧眼的121 perspicacity n. 睿智,敏锐122 perspicuity n. 明晰,明了,简明123 perspicuous a. 明白的,明了的124 perspiration n. 出汗125 perspire vt.vi. 出汗,流汗126 persuade vt.劝说;说服127 persuasion n.劝说,说服;主张128 persuasive adj. 能劝说的,善于游说的129 pert adj. 活泼的,敏捷的130 pertain v. 属于,关于131 perth n. 珀思(澳大利亚城市)132 pertinacious adj. 顽固的133 pertinacity n. 执拗,顽固,顽强134 pertinence n. 中肯135 pertinent a.恰当的;有关的136 perturb vt. 扰乱,使混乱,使心慌137 perturbation n. 烦乱,扰乱138 perturbed adj. 烦燥不安的139 pertussis n. 百日咳140 pervious a. 使通过的,让过去的,可通的141 perusal n. 熟读,精读,吟味142 peruse v. 细读,精读143 peruvian a. 秘鲁的;秘鲁人的144 pervade v. 弥漫,普及145 pervasive adj. 遍及的,弥漫的146 perverse adj. 刚愎自用的,故意作对的147 perversion n. 堕落,曲解148 perversity n. 刚愎,背理行为149 pervert v. 使堕落,滥用。
《现代大学英语精读2》 词汇 10到12单元
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Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
steak stiffen swallow sweep transistor tube vaguely wastebasket whirl
motivate mush opponent pierce point-blank politician procrastinate prolong proofreader recede regulate restraint retain retreat ridicule sandbar savagely scold second standpoint swollen tact test pilot tragically trap unleash vain victorious
12 adroit
ambassador anticipate apply blow blunder boil bristle broadsword burial capture cavalry charity condemn decay deft deluge detailed diplomatic disappointment distressed duel exhaustive futile hasty heaven-sent hereafter impair impassable incompetent indignation indulge insult invaluable journal lashing leap magnitude malice maneuver
《大学英语精读》(第四册 ) -第 1课1buck[b ?k]n.( 美国口语 )元2plastic['pl?stik] a.塑料的 n.(pl.) 塑料3doorknob['d ?:n ?b]n. 门把手4leisurely['le ??li] a. 从容的,慢慢的5leisure['le ??]n. 空闲时间,闲暇6lucrative['lu:kr?tiv] a. 有利的;赚钱的7pain[pein]vt. 使痛苦8panhandle vi.(AmE)行乞,讨钱9delivery[di'liv?ri]n. 投递;送交10enthuse[in' θ ju:z]vi. 热心11inquire[in'kwai ?]vt. 问,询问12super['su:p ?, 'sju:-] a. 美妙的,极好的13snap[sn?p]vt. 厉声说14insert[in's ?:t, 'ins?:t]n. 插页15normally['n ?:m ?li] ad. 通常16company['k ?mp ?ni]n. 公司17echo['ek ?u]vt. 附和;重复18ad[? d]n. 广告20porch21armload22walk23unnaturally24quaver25truckload26department store 27dime28dime store29drugstore30grocery31section32cram33stack34band35rubber band36takeout [p ?:t ?]n. 门廊n.一抱之量[w ?:k]n. 人行道ad. 不自然地['kweiv ?]vi. 颤抖n.一货车的容量n.百货公司[daim]n.( 指美国、加拿大的钱币) 一角n.廉价商品店;小商品店['dr ?gst ?:]n. 药店,杂货店['gr ?us ?ri]n. 食品杂货店['sek ??n]n.( 文章等的 )段落;节;部分[kr? m]vt. 把塞满;把塞进[st? k]n. 一叠 (堆、垛等 )[b? nd]n. 带;带状物vt. 捆扎n.橡皮筋a.(餐馆 )出售外卖菜的37range[reind ?]n.( 听觉、视觉等的)范围39marvellous 40steak41sour42eel43diplomacy44encouraging45dent46reproduce 47bodily48harm49audience 50snarl51bonus52thoughtful 53cash54activist55work force ['m ɑ :v?l?s] a.引起惊异的,不可思议的[steik]n. 牛排;大块肉 (或鱼 )片[sau ?] a.酸的[i:l]n. 鳗鲡[di'pl ?um ?si]n. 外交[in'k ?rid ?i?] a. 鼓舞人心的[dent]n. 凹痕,凹坑;初步进展[?ri:pr? 'dju:s]vt. 生殖,繁殖['b ?dili] a. 身体的[h ɑ :m]n. 伤害vt. 伤害,损害[' ?:di ?ns]n. 观众;听众;陈述意见的机会[sn ɑ :l] vt. 咆哮着说['b ?un ?s]n. 奖金[' θ?:tf?l] a.沉思的,思考的[k? ?]n. 现金['? ktivist]n. 激进分子n.工人总数;劳动人口56competitive[k ?m'petitiv] a. 竞争的58mediation59party60gradually61gradual62shrink63deadline64station wagon 65minimum66minimum wage67odd68goings-on69carton70curbside71enlist72trash73pickup74overhearn.调解['p ɑ :ti]n. 一方;当事人['gr? dju ?li] ad. 逐渐地['gr? d ?u ?l] a.逐渐的,逐步的[?ri?k]vi. 减少;变小['dedlain]n. 最后期限n.小型客车,客货两用车['minim ?m]n. 最低限度的量、数等n.法定最低工资[?d] a. 奇怪的,不寻常的n.( 通常指 )不良的活动['k ɑ :t?n]n. 纸板箱 (或盒 )n.人行道的镶边石[in'list]vt. 取得的支持和帮助;征募[tr? ?]n. 垃圾n.小卡车;轻型货车[??uv ?'hi ?]vt. 无意中听到;偷听到75finance['fain? ns]n. 财政;钱财;金融77pull up78a piece of cake79even as80know better than81be at82make a dent83make a dent in84cut into85have no business86settle for87settle one's account88quite a while89draw (sb.'s) attention to90for sale91for rent92done with93may as well94might as well95could as well《大学英语精读》 (第四册 ) - 第 2课(使 )停下非常容易的事正巧在的时候明事理而不至于忙于,专注于减少一点;取得初步进展减少一点;取得初步进展减少无权;没有理由(无可奈何地 )满足于结帐相当长一段时间引起某人的注意[f ? seil]待售供出租做完;不再使用不妨,还不如,最好不妨,还不如,最好不妨,还不如,最好1deer[di ?]n. 鹿2romantic[r ?u'm? ntik] a.浪漫的;幻想的3turn[t ?:n]n.( 天生 ) 倾向4currency['k ?r?nsi]n. 通货,货币6ecology7convert8excess9reserve 10scarce11wildlife12nutritious 13mature14female15conceive16fawn [i'k ?l ?d ?i]n. 生态学[k ?n'v ?:t, 'k ?nv ?:t]vt. 使转变;使改变信仰(等 )['ekses]n. 过量;过度[ri'z ?:v]n. 储备 (物 )[ske ?s, skers] a. 缺乏的['waildlaif] n. 野生动植物[nju:'tri ??s] a. 有营养的[m ?'tju ?] a.成熟的;成年的['fi:meil] a. 女( 性)的;雌的n. 女人,雌性动、植物[k ?n'si:v]vt. 怀(胎 );构思[f ?:n]n.( 未满一岁的 )小鹿17timing['taimi?] n. 时机的选择18consume[k ?n'sju:m]vt. 消耗;消费19region['ri:d ??n]n. 地区; (身体的 )部位20ample['? mp ?l] a. 充裕的21resource[ri'z ?:s]n. 资源22dependent[di'pend ?nt] a. 依赖 (他人 ) 的,依靠的[meil] a. 男 (性 )的;雄的n. 男性,雄性动、植23male物24antler['? ntl ?]n. 鹿角,茸角25deposit[di'p ?zit]vt. 存放;使沉积26doe[d ?u]n. 母鹿27expend[ik'spend]vt. 花费;耗尽28accumulate[?'kju:mjuleit]v. 积累;积聚29account[?'kaunt]n. 帐户;存款30spotted['sp ?tid] a. 有斑点的31depth[dep θ]n. 深;深度,厚度32safeguard['seifg ɑ :d]n. 预防措施33internal[in't ?:nl] a. 内部的;体内的34physiological[?fizi? 'l ?d ?ik ?l] a. 生理的;生理学的35metabolism[m ?'t? b ?liz ?m]n. 新陈代谢36hence[hens]ad. 因此,所以37expenditure[ik'spendit ??]n. 花费;用光;支出额,费用38somewhat['s ?mw ?t]ad. 有点,稍微39drowsy['drauzi] a. 困倦的;催眠的40hibernate['haib?neit]vi. 冬眠41extreme[ik'stri:m]n. 极端42seasonal['si:z?n ?l] a. 季节性的43rhythm['rie ?m]n. 节奏44abundant[?'b ?nd ?nt] a. 充足的;丰富的45cabin['k? bin]n. 小木屋;茅舍46melt[melt]v.( 使) 融化; (使 )熔化47amusing[?'mju:zi?] a. 逗人笑的;引起乐趣的48amuse[?'mju:z]vt. 使发笑49thermostat[' θ?:m ?st?t]n. 恒温器50biologically ad. 生物学上51biological[?bai? 'l ?d ?ik ?l] a. 生物学的52biology[bai' ?l?d ?i]n. 生物学53survival[s ?'vaiv ?l]n. 幸存54productivity[?pr?d?k'tiviti]n. 生产力;生产率;多产55fundamental[?f?nd ?'mentl] a. 基本的;重要的56go round到处走动57in the form of以形式58in point适用的;相关的59in (good) condition保养得很好;健康状况良好60give birth (to)生( 孩子 ),产 (仔 );产生,引起61draw on利用;动用62slow down(使 )慢下来; (使 )放松63turn down减弱;关小,调低64move about走来走去;经常搬家65pull through使渡过危险或危机《大学英语精读》 (第四册 ) -第 3课1preface['prefis]n. 前言,序2gullible['g ?l?b ?l] a. 易受骗的;轻信的3superstitious[?sju: p ?'sti ??s] a. 迷信的4credulity[kri'dju:liti]n. 轻信5cite[sait]vt.举出;引用6widespread['waidspred] a. 分布广的;普遍的7advance[?d'v ɑ :ns]vt. 提出8appeal[?'pi:l]vi. 引起兴趣;有感染力;有吸引力9mentality[men't?liti]n. 心理,思想;脑力10exaggerate[ig'z? d ??reit]vt. 夸张;夸大11sake[seik]n. 缘故12geographer[d ?i'?gr ?f?] n. 地理学者13ocular[' ?kjul ?] a. 眼睛的;凭视觉的14theoretical15citizen16refute17mast18funnel19invisible20horizon21phenomenon 22curve23follow24spherical25oval26card27analogy28promptly29prompt30body31disc [ θ i?'retik ?l] a. 理论的['sitiz ?n]n. 公民;市民[ri'fju:t]vt. 驳斥[m ɑ :st, m?st ]n. 桅杆['f ?n?l]n.( 蒸汽机,轮船等的)烟囱[in'viz ?b ?l] a. 看不见的[h ?'raiz ?n]n. 地平线[fi'n ?min ?n]n. 现象[k ?:v]vt. 使成曲线n. 曲线['f ?l?u]vi. 结果产生;得出['sferik ?l] a. 球形的[' ?uv ?l] a. 卵形的 (东西 ),椭圆的 (东西 ) [k ɑ :d]n. 纸牌[?'n? l?d ?i]n. 类似;相似['pr ?mptli]ad. 敏捷地;迅速地[pr ?mpt] a. 敏捷的;迅速的['b ?di]n. 天体[disk]n. 圆盘32cast[k ɑ :st]vt. 扔,投;投射33eclipse[i'klips]n.( 天文学 )食34booklet['buklit]n. 小册子35exchange[iks't ?eind?]vt. 交换 n. 交换,调换36trump[tr ?mp]n. 王牌37royal['r ?i?l] a. 皇家的;王室的38statement['steitm?nt]n. 陈述;声明39ace[eis] n.( 纸牌中的 ) “ A牌”,爱司40foretell[f ?:'tel]vt. 预言41solar['s ?ul ?] a. 太阳的42the solar system太阳系43justify['d ?? stifai]vt. 证明是正当的;为辩护44say-so n. 权威性声明;无证据的断言45Egyptian[i'd ?ip ??n]n.&a. 埃及人;埃及的46predict[pri'dikt]vt. 预言47bang[b??]ad. 砰地48navigation[?n?vi'gei??n]n. 航海49calculation[?k?lkju'lei??n]n. 计算50calculate['k? lkjuleit]vt. 计算51calculator['k? lkjuleit ?]n. 计算器52counter['kaunt ?]n. 讨价还价的本钱;回击,反击[pri'ke ?ri ?s] a. 不安全的;根据不足的,靠不53precarious住的54exceptionally[ik'sep ??nli]ad. 异常地55authority[?:' θ?riti]n. 权威;权力56ignoramus57stray58specialty59outline60press61credulous62burden63follow up64for the sake of 65throw light on 66shed light on67and so forth68as for69may well (not)70bring out71aim at72fall back on73rest on [?ign? 'reim ?s]n. 无知的人[strei]vi. 走离;离题['spe ??lti]n. 专业['autlain]vt. 拟大纲,略述n. 提纲[pres]vt. 催促;逼迫['kredjul ?s] a. 轻信的['b ?:dn]n. 重负;负荷深人研究或调查;采取进一步行动为了的利益;为了使明白,使明朗;解释使明白,使明朗;解释等等至于完全 (不 )可能拿出;使显出;推出(新产品等 )瞄准,针对求助于信赖,依靠74stray away from偏离75start off开始;出发76in a way在某种程度上《大学英语精读》 (第四册 ) -第 4课1jam[d ?? m]v. 堵塞; (使 )塞满2platform['pl? tf ?:m]n. 月台3await[?'weit]vt. 等待4track[tr? k]n. 跑道;径赛运动;田径运动5field[fi:ld]n. 田赛场地;田赛运动6squad[skw ?d]n. 小队;班7charge[t ?ɑ:d ?]vi. 向前冲;冲锋8Marine n.( 美国 )海军陆军战队士兵或军官9battalion[b ?'t? li ?n]n. 军营,军队10broad[br ?:d] a. 宽的,广阔的11nope ad.(AmE)不,不是12compete[k ?m'pi:t]vi. 比赛;竞争13sprint[sprint]n. 短跑 vi. 疾跑14hurdle['h ?:dl]n. 栏;跳栏15broad jump n.&vi. 跳远16javelin['d ?? v?lin] n. 标枪17shot18tribe19descendant20warrior21colorful22hunt23outdoorsman24deny25destine26farmland27teens28prominence 29prominent30excel31wrestling32wrestle33lacrosse34football[??t]n. 铅球[traib]n. 部落[di'send ?nt]n. 子孙;后裔['w ?ri ?]n. 斗士,勇士;(老 )战士['k ?l?ful] a. 艳丽的;丰富多彩的[h ?nt]v. 追猎;打猎;搜寻n.常在野外活动的人[di'nai]vt. 否认;拒绝给予['destin]vt. 命中注定;预定n.农田[ti:nz] n. 十多岁, 13 到 19 岁期间['pr ?min ?ns]n. 凸出;杰出['pr ?min ?nt] a. 突出的,显著的[ik'sel]vi. 突出,超常['resli?]n. 摔跤 (运动 )['res ?l]v. 摔跤[l ?'kr ?s] n. 长曲棍球 (运动 )['futb ?:l]n. 橄榄球 (运动 )35power['pau ?]n. 握有大权的人物;有影响的机构;强国36halfback['h ɑ :fb?k] n.( 橄榄球、足球等)中卫37incredible[in'kred ?b ?l] a. 难以置信的38coach[k ?ut ?]n. 教练39demonstrate['dem ?nstreit]vt. 用实验或实例说明;演示40maneuver[m ?'nu:v ?]n. 机动动作;策略;花招41opponent[?'p ?un ?nt]n. 对手;反对者42trample['tr? mp ?l]vt. 踩;践踏43punch[p ?nt ?]vt. 用拳猛击44Olympic[?'limpik] a. 奥运会的45limber['limb ?]v.( 使 )变得柔软灵活46bunk[b ??k]n. 床铺,铺位47hammock['h? m ?k]n.( 帆布或网状 )吊床48strain[strein]vi. 尽力,使劲49demanding[di'm ɑ :ndi?] a. 要求高的;苛求的50pentathlon[pen't?θ l?n]n. 五项运动51competition[?k?mpi'ti ??n]n. 竞争,比赛52discus['disk ?s] n. 铁饼53decathlon[di'k?θ l?n]n. 十项运动54shot put n. 推铅球55utterly[' ?t?li]ad. 完全地,绝对地56utter[' ?t?] a. 完全的57breeze[bri:z]vi. 轻快地行动58flop[fl ?p]vi. 扑动59flash[fl? ?]vi. 闪光;闪烁60glide[glaid]vi. 滑动,滑行61feat[fi:t]n. 武功;技艺;功绩62glory['gl ?:ri]n. 光荣,荣誉;荣誉的事63banquet['b??kwit]n. 宴会64ruling['ru:li?]n. 裁决65Olympics n. 奥林匹克运动会[pr ?'fe ??n ?l] a. 职业的 n. 以特定职业谋生的66professional人67amateur['? m ?t ?, ??m?'t ?:]n. 业余爱好者 a. 业余的68technically['teknik?li]ad. 技术上;按规则69trophy['tr ?ufi]n. 奖品70runner-up['r ?n ?r ?p]n. 亚军71heartbreaking['h ɑ :t?breiki?] a. 令人心碎的72league73spectacular74season75youthful76indifference77indifferent78periodically79outstanding80despite81decline82unanimously83track and field84play a joke on sb. 85put...out of action 86limber up87take part in88breeze through89in one's honour 90in one's honor91in honour of [li:g]n. 联赛协会[spek't? kjul ?] a. 壮观的;惊人的['si:z ?n]n. 赛季['ju: θl]f? a. 年青的;有青春活力的[in'difr ?ns]n. 不关心,冷漠[in'difr ?nt] a. 无关紧要的ad. 周期性地,定时性地[aut'st?ndi?] a. 杰出的[di'spait]prep. 不管,尽管[di'klain]n. 衰落;下降[ju:'n? nim ?sli] a. 一致地;无异议地田径运动同某人开玩笑使停止工作;使不再起作用;使失去战斗力(比赛等前 )做准备活动参加轻而易举地完成向表示敬意;为庆祝;为纪念向表示敬意;为庆祝;为纪念向表示敬意;为庆祝;为纪念92in honor of向表示敬意;为庆祝;为纪念93catch up with对产生预期的恶果《大学英语精读》 (第四册 ) -第 5课1dilemma[di'lem?]n. 窘境,进退两难2benefit['benifit]vt. 有益于3recovery[ri'k ?v?ri]n. 痊愈;复得4conceal[k ?n'si:l]vt. 隐瞒5line[lain]n. 行业6dwarf[dw ?:f]vt. 使矮小 n. 矮子;矮小的动 (植 )物7shelter[' ?elt ?]vi. 躲避 vt. 掩蔽;庇护8brutal['bru:tl] a. 残忍的;残酷的9uphold[??p'h ?uld]vt. 支撑;维护10secrecy['si:kr?si]n. 秘密,保密11expose[ik'sp?uz]vt. 揭露;暴露12corruption[k ?'r ?p ??n]n. 腐化;道德败坏13promote[pr ?'m ?ut]vt. 促进,推进;提升14checkup['t ?ek-?p]n. 身体检查15minimize['minimaiz]vt. 减到最少16gravity['gr? viti]n. 严重性17confront[k ?n'fr ?nt]vt.( 勇敢地 )面对;对抗19urgent20self-serving21recover22deteriorate 23suicide24physician25traditionally 26precept27transcend28virtue29utter30deceptive31innumerable 32placebo33warrant34distort35grave [' ?:d ?? nt] a. 急迫的,紧迫的a.利己的[ri'k ?v?]vi. 痊愈,复原[di'ti ?ri ?reit]v.( 使)恶化['su:isaid, 'sju:-]n. 自杀[fi'zi ??n]n. 内科医生[tr ?'di ??n ?li] ad. 传统上['pri:sept]n. 戒律;格言[tr? n'send]超越['v ?:t ?u:]vt. 美德;优点[' ?t?]vt. 说出,讲[di'septiv] a. 欺骗的[i'nju:m ?r?b ?l]无数的,数不清的[pl ?'si:b ?u]n. 安慰剂['w ?r ?nt]vt. 使有 (正当 )理由;授权 (给 );担保[di'st ?:t]vt. 歪曲;弄歪[greiv] a. 严重的;严肃的36incurably ad. 治不好地38deception39document40contrary41overwhelming 42betray43truthful44humanely45tolerate46advocate47benevolent 48invade49autonomy50render51informed52concerning53increasingly54befall [di'sep ??n]n. 欺骗;诡计['d ?kjum ?nt]vt. 用文件证明['k ?ntr ?ri] a. 相反的;对抗的[??uv ?'welmi?] a. 势不可挡的;压倒之势的[bi'trei]vt. 背叛['tru: θl]f? a. 诚实的ad. 仁爱地;人道地['t ?l?reit]vt. 容忍['? dv ?kit]n. 拥护者,倡异者[bi'nev ?l ?nt] a. 仁慈的[in'veid]vt. 侵犯[?:'t ?n?mi]n. 自治 (权);自主['rend ?]vt. 致使,使成[in'f ?:md] a. 了解情况的;有见识的[k ?n's ?:ni?] prep. 关于,有关[in'kri:si?li]ad. 日益,愈加[bi'f ?:l]vt. 降临到头上55integrity[in'tegriti]n. 诚实,正直;完整57suspicion 58deceit59undercut60scrupulously 61spiral62lawsuit63injure64arise65bill66alternative 67treatment 68eloquent69disapprove 70refrain71object72objection73bitterly [s ?'spi ??n]n. 怀疑[di'si:t]n. 欺骗[??nd ?'k ?t]vt. 暗中破坏;削弱ad. 一丝不苟地['spai ?r ?l]n. 螺旋 (形 );盘旋下升 ( 或下降 ) ['l ?:sju:t]n. 诉讼 (案件 )['ind ??]vt. 伤害[?'raiz]vi. 上升;出现[bil]n. 法案;议案;账单[?:l't ?:n ?tiv]n. 抉择;可供选择的东西['tri:tm ?nt]n. 治疗;疗法['el ?kw ?nt]n. 雄辩的[?dis? 'pru:v]vt. 不赞成[ri'frein]vi. 忍住;戒除[' ?bd ?ikt? ? b'd ?ekt]vi. 反对[?b'd ?ek ??n]n. 反对['bit ?li] ad. 残酷地,剧烈地74deceive[di'si:v]vt. 欺骗76issue77practitioner78consequence79avoidable80wary81erode82saying83go on84at times85in one's eyes86for one's (own) sake87slip into88contrary to89in the first place90in the course of91in the dark92bring to a close93take leave94take leave of95in the long run96go to great lengths97refrain from98day after day ['i ?u:, 'isju:]n. 问题;争端[pr? k'ti ??n ?]n. 开业者 (尤指医生、律师等) ['k ?nsikw ?ns]n. 后果;重要性a.可避免的['we ?ri, 'weri] a. 谨慎的;谨防的[i'r ?ud]vt. 腐蚀['sei?, 'sei - i?] n. 格言;谚语进行间或;有时在某人看来为了某人自己的利益陷入与相反首先在期间不知情,蒙在鼓里结束,终止向告别,告辞向告别,告辞从长远的观点看;最终不遗余力制止日复一日99take a stand表明立场、意见等100take one's stand表明立场、意见等《大学英语精读》 (第四册 ) -第 6课1persuade[p ?'sweid]vt. 说服,劝服2librarian[lai'bre ?ri ?n]n. 图书馆管理员3property['pr ?p?ti]n. 财产4prelude['prelju:d]n. 序幕;前奏曲5possession[p ?'ze ??n]n. 拥有;所有权;财产6ownership[' ?un ??ip]n. 所有 (权 )7illustration[?il?'strei??n]n. 例;图例;插图8beefsteak['bi:fsteik]n. 牛排9transfer[tr? ns'f?:]vt. 转移;调动10butcher['but ??]n. 屠夫11icebox['aisb ?ks] n. 冷藏库;冰箱12bloodstream['bl ?dstri:m]n. 血液13absorb[?b's ?:b]vt. 吸收14best-seller n. 畅销书15individual[?indi'vid? u ?l]n. 个人16woodpile['wudpail]n. 木 (纸浆 )18shiny19restrain20dog-eared21dilapidated 22loosen23continual24scribble 25preserve 26intact27elegantly 28elegant 29bind30edition31paradise 32crayon33original34painting [' ?aini] a. 发亮的[ri'strein]vt. 抑制;控制,约束a.(书页 )卷角的[di'l? pideitid] a. 破旧的;倾坍的['lu:s ?n]v.( 使 )松开[k ?n'tinju ?l] a. 不断的;频繁的['skrib ?l]v. 潦草书写;乱涂[pri'z ?:v]vt. 保护;保存[in't? kt] a. 完整无损的ad. 优美地;雅致地['elig ?nt] a. 文雅的,雅致的[baind]vt. 捆,绑;装订(书 )[i'di ??n]n.( 书等的 )版本;版['p? r ?dais]n. 伊甸园;天堂['krei ?n]n. 蜡笔;颜色笔[?'rid ??n ?l] a.最初的;原著的;原创作者的['peinti?] n. 油画;图画35statue['st? t?u:]n. 雕像37manufacture 38magnificent39indispensable40conscious41understanding42fiction43croon44reader45invariably46intelligent47caviare48caviar49sharpen50disagreement 51disagree52inquiry53resume [?m?nju'f?kt??]vt. 制造; (大量 )生产[m? g'nifis ?nt] a. 华丽的;宏伟的[?indi'spens? b ?l] a. 必不可少的['k ?n ??s] a. 有意识的;神志清醒的[??nd ?'st?ndi?]n. 理解['fik ??n]n. 小说[kru:n]vi. 低声吟唱['ri:d ?]n. 读者[in've ?ri ?bli] ad. 不变的;始终如一地[in'telid ??nt] a.聪明的['k? vi ɑ :] n. 鱼子酱['k? vi ɑ :] n. 鱼子酱[' ?ɑ:p ?n]v. 削尖,使尖锐[?dis? 'gri:m ?nt]n. 分歧,不一致[?dis? 'gri:]vi. 不一致[in'kwai ?ri]n. 询问[ri'zju:m]vt.( 中断后 )重新开始54naturally['n? t ??r?li]ad. 自然地55humility[hju:'militi]n. 谦卑56solely['s ?ulli]ad. 独自地,单独地57sole[s ?ul] a. 单独的,唯一的58receptacle[ri'sept ?kl]n. 容器59literally['lit ?r ?li]ad. 确实地;简直60fruitfully ad. 富有成果地61fruitful['fru:tf ?l] a. 富有成效的[??nd ?'lain, ' ?nd ?rlain]vt. 在下划线(表示62underline强调 )63forceful['f ?:sf ?l] a. 强有力的;坚强的64vertical['v ?:tik ?l] a. 垂直65emphasize['emf ?saiz]vt. 强调66asterisk['? st ?risk]n. 星号 (即 *)67doodad n. 小装饰物68sparingly ad. 节约地69sequence['si:kw ?ns]n. 顺序;连续;一连串70relevant['reliv ?nt] a. 有关的;适宜的71phrase[freiz]n. 短语72endpaper n. 衬页74fancy75bookplate76integrate77structure78basic79unity80read between the lines81do (sb.) good82dip into83no more...than...84a set of85so to say86so to speak87get in the way88in the second place89think through90reach for91set down92pick up93leave off94consist in95tie up96reduce...to《大学英语精读》 (第四册 ) - 第 7课['f? nsi] a. 别致的;花哨的['bukpleit]n. 藏书票['intigreit]vt. 使成一整体['str ?kt ??]n. 结构['beisik] a. 主要的;基本的['ju:niti]n. 总体布局;统一体会字里行间的言外之意帮助 (某人 );对 (某人 )有益浏览;稍加探究不超过一套可以说;容许我打个譬喻可以说;容许我打个譬喻挡道;碍事第二,其次彻底全面考虑伸手去抓;努力争取记下中断后重新开始停止在于;存在于系紧;捆牢把归纳为2beckon3apartment4Latin5quarter6overlook7presently8chat9senator10means11franc12modest13imposing14attractive 15charming 16devastating17passion18impression ['bek ?n]vt. 向招手或点头示意[?'p ɑ :tm?nt]n. 房间; (美) 一套公寓住房['l? tin] a. 拉丁的n. 拉丁文['kw ?:t ?]n.( 都市的 ) 区;街[??uv ?'luk]vt. 俯视;忽略['prez ?ntli]ad. 不久; (美 )目前[t ?? t]n.&vi. 闲谈,聊天['sen ?t ?]n. 参议员,上议员[mi:nz] n. 财富,资产[fr??k] n. 法郎['m ?dist] a. 不太大的;适度的[im'p ?uzi?] a. 仪表堂堂的;宏伟的[?'tr? ktiv] a. 吸引人的;有魅力的['t ?ɑ :mi?] a. 有魅力的['dev ?steiti?] a. 毁灭性的;压倒一切的['p? ??n]n. 激情[im'pre ??n]n. 印象19talkative['t ?:k ?tiv] a.好说话的;健谈的20inclined[in'klaind] a. 有倾向的21attentive[?'tentiv] a. 专注的;体贴的,殷勤的22startle['st ɑ :tl]vt. 使吃惊,使惊跳23fare[fe ?]n. 食物24bill of fare菜单25reassure[?ri:? '?u ?]vt. 使安心26generously['d ?en ?r ?sli]ad. 慷慨地,大方地27generous['d ?en ?r ?s] a. 慷慨的,大方的28nowadays['nau ?deiz]ad. 如今,现在29salmon['s? m ?n]n. 鲑鱼30menu['menju:]n. 菜单31mutton['m ?tn]n. 羊肉32chop[t ??p]n.( 连骨的 )块肉33overload[??uv ?'l ?ud]vt. 使过载34digestion[di'd ?est ??n]n. 消化35hospitable['h ?spit?b?l] a. 好客的36effusive[i'fju:siv] a. 热情洋溢的;感情(过多 )流露的37amicable['? mik ?b ?l] a. 友善的;和平的38flash[fl? ?]n. 闪烁;闪现39champagne40fancy41trifle42forbid43gaily44literature45airy46bite47asparagus 48water49Madame 50might51will52assure53tender54marvel55sigh56ruin [?? m'pein] n. 香槟洒['f? nsi]vt. 想像;设想['traif ?l]n. 琐事[f ?'bid]vt. 禁止['geili]ad. 欢乐地;高兴地['lit ?r ?t??]n. 文学 (作品 )['e ?ri] a.轻盈的;做作的[bait]n. 咬下的一块[?'sp? r?g ?s]n. 芦笋['w ?:t ?]vi.( 眼睛 )流眼泪; (嘴 )流口水['m? d ɑ :m, m?'d ɑ :m]n. 夫人[mait]n. 力量[wil]vt. 以意志力使[?'?u ?]vt. 保证;使确信['tend ?] a. 柔弱的;柔嫩的['m ɑ :v?l]n. 奇迹[sai]vi. 叹气['ru:in]vt. 毁灭n. 毁灭,覆亡,瓦解,衰败57panic['p? nik]n. 恐慌59dramatic 60pick61juicy62appetizing 63wicked64thrust65throat66mouthful 67drama68head waiter 69ingratiating 70peach71blush72innocent 73landscape74Lord75snack [dr ?'m? tik] a. 戏剧的;戏剧性的[pik]vt. 窃取['d ?u:si] a. 多液汁的['?pitaizi?] a. 引起食欲的,美味可口的['wikid] a. 邪恶的[ θ r?st]vt. 猛推;刺,戳[ θ r?ut]n. 咽喉['mau θ ful]n. 满口['dr ɑ :m?]n. 戏剧n.侍者领班a. 讨好的,奉承的[pi:t ?]n. 桃子[bl ??]n.( 因羞愧或受注目而)脸红['in ?s?nt] a.天真的;无罪的['l? ndskeip]n. 风景;风景画n.上帝,主[sn? k]n. 小吃76instant['inst ?nt]n. 即刻,即时78retort79humorist80humor81cab82revenge83vindictive84immortal85pardonable86complacency87stone88catch sight of89in answer to90keep body and soul together91pass through92be beyond one's means93cut out94at first sight95be inclined to96come in97can not very well98could not very well99by all means [ri't ?:t]vt. 反驳['hju:m ?rist]n. 幽默家['hju:m ?]n. 幽默[k? b] n. 出租马车、汽车[ri'vend ?]n. 报仇,报复vt. 替报仇[vin'diktiv] a. 怀恨极深的;报复性的[i'm ?:t ?l] a.不朽的['p ɑ :d?n?bl] a. 可宽恕的n.自鸣得意[st ?un]n. 英石 (重量单位,合14 磅)瞥见响应,答复,为回答勉强维持生活穿过;经历付不起停止使用,戒除乍一看之下;第一眼就易于的;倾向于,想上市;有供应不好不好一定;务必100 a trifle101c ome to102take(sb.)to task103be in the habit of104i n the least105leave over106bring oneself to107m ake up one's mind108start up109s peak for110i n season111go on with112have a hand in113t ake a hand in《大学英语精读》 (第四册 ) - 第 8课有点总计申斥 (某人 )习惯于丝毫留下,剩下强迫自己决定惊动,惊起要求得到;为说话,为辩护正在当令之时继续做参加,介入参加,介入1virtually['v ?:t ?u ?li]ad. 几乎2someday['s ?mdei] ad. 有朝一日[??nd ?'graund]a. 地下的;秘密的ad. 在地3underground下;秘密地4manmade a.人造的5palatable['p? l?t ?b?l] a.可口的;受欢迎的6association[??s?usi'ei ??n]n. 联想7legend['led ??nd]n. 传说;传奇8spirit['spirit]n. 神灵;鬼怪9location[l ?u'kei ??n]n. 场所,位置10afterlife[' ɑ :ft?laif]n. 来世11torment['t ?:ment]n. 痛苦;折磨[v ?l'k? nik] a. 火山的;象火山的;由火山引12volcanic起的13eruption[i'r ?p ??n](火山 )爆发14hellish['heli ?] a. 似地狱的;可怕的;恶魔的15noxious['n ?k ??s] a. 有害的,有毒的16mankind[?m?n'kaind]n. 人类17downward['daunw ?d] a. 向下的;下降的;在下方的18outermost['aut ?m ?ust] a. 最外的或离中间最远的19crust[kr ?st]n. 地壳20honeycomb['h ?nik ?um]vt. 使成蜂窝状21gigantic[d ?ai'g? ntik] a. 巨大的,庞大的22ant[? nt]n. 蚂蚁23fog[f ?g]n. 雾24variation[?ve?ri'ei ??n]n. 变化25equable['ekw ?b?l] a. 稳定的26constant['k ?nst ?nt] a. 永恒的28earthquake 29tyranny30vary31variable32externally33external34artificial35adjust36convenience37convenient 38stroke39community40endeavor 41endeavour 42mobile43entail44jet [' ?: θ kweik]n. 地震['tir ?ni]n. 专制['ve ?ri]v. 变化['ve ?ri ?b ?l] a. 易变的n. 变量ad. 外表上,外形上[ik'st ?:n ?l] a.外部的;表面的[? ɑ :ti'fi??l] a. 人造的;假的[?'d ??st]vt. 调整;调节[k ?n'vi:ni ?ns]n. 便利,方便[k ?n'vi:ni ?nt] a. 便利的,方便的[str ?uk]n. 钟鸣声[k ?'mju:niti]n. 社区 (居民 )[in'dev ?]n. 努力 vt. 试图[in'dev ?]n. 努力 vt. 试图['m ?ubail] a. 活动的[in'teil]vt. 使成为必需[d ?et]n. 喷射;喷气式飞机45lag[l? g]n. 滞后; (事件等的 )间隔47coast48gear49stabilize50extent51encumber52communication53recreation54deprive55species56habitat57involuntarily 58rat59roach60burrow61forestry62terminal63air64occupation65elaborate66visualize67visual68derive69hydroponic70illuminate71wilderness72stability73stable [k ?ust]n. 海岸;海滨[gi ?]vt. 调整;用齿轮连结n. 齿轮;排挡['steibilaiz]v. 使稳定;使平衡[ik'stent]程度,范围[in'k ?mb ?]vt. 塞满,妨碍[k ??mju:ni'kei ??n]n. 通讯;交通[?rekri'ei??n]n.娱乐[di'praiv]vt.剥夺['spi:?i:z]n.物种['h?bit?t]n.产地;栖息地[in'v ?l?nt?rili]ad.不自觉地;无意识地[r?t]n.鼠[r?ut?] n.蟑螂['b?r?u]v.打 (地洞 ) n.(狐狸、兔等动物的)地洞['f ?ristri]n.林地;林学['t?:min ?l]n.终点站[e?]n.航空终点站;航空集散站[??kju'pei ??n]n.占有;占有期间[i'l?b ?r?t, -reit] a.精心制作的;复杂的['vizju ?laiz] vt. 想象['vi ?ju?l] a.视觉的[di'raiv]vi. 来 (自 ),起源 (于 ) vt.得到a.溶液培养 (学 )的;水栽法的[i'lju:mineit]vt.照亮,照明['wild ?nis]n.荒野[st?'biliti]n.稳定 (性 )['steib?l] a.稳定的74withdraw[wie 'dr?:]v.撤退,撤回75withdrawal [wie 'dr?:?l]n.后退;缩回;撤走;退回;收回;取消76condition[k ?n'di??n]vt.使处于良好状态77greenery['gri:n ?ri] n. 草木78countryside['k?ntrisaid]n.农村79horizontally ad.水平地80horizontal[?h?ri'z?ntl] a.水平的81pavement['peivm ?nt]n.(英 )人行道; (美 )铺过的道路82suburban[s?'b?:b?n] a.郊区的83sprawl[spr?:l]n.散乱的街区84underworld['?nd?w ?:ld] n. 阴间,地府85culture['k?lt??]n.文化;文明86intense[in'tens] a.强烈的87restrict[ri'strikt]vt.限制88dweller['dwel ?] n. 居住者89repulsive[ri'p ?lsiv] a.令人厌恶的90expose to使暴露在91in the open在户外,在野外92add to增加93on the stroke准点地94at first thought乍一想95to a certain extent在一定程度上96take up占据97deprive of剥夺98mind you听着;请注意99derive from来自,起源于;从得到100turn over移交;交给101get away from离开;逃脱《大学英语精读》 (第四册 ) -第 9课[?baisen'teni? l] a.200 周年纪念的 n.200周年1bicentennial纪念2shrine[?rain]n. 神殿,圣地3resolve[ri'z ?lv]vt. 决心;决定4trail[treil]n. 小径,小道5legendary['led ??nd ?ri] a. 传奇 (似 )的6mountain range山脉7disappointed[?dis? 'p ?intid] a. 失望的8environmental[in?vai? r ?n'mentl] a. 环境的9environment[in'vai ?r?nm ?nt]n. 环境10editor['edit ?]n. 编辑11strip mine n. 露天矿vt. 露天开采 (矿物 ) 12scenic['si:nik] a. 天然风景的13clear-cut vt. 将的树木砍伐光14drain[drein]vt. 排 (水等 )15dam[d? m]n. 坝,水闸vt. 筑坝16mess[mes]n. 混乱,肮脏17wetland n. 沼泽地18grassland['gr ɑ :sl?nd]n. 草地;牧场19overgraze vt. 在上过度放牧20power plant发电厂21befoul22wildlife23tourist24slum25undertake 26pledge27predictably28uncover29know-nothing 30shade31maple32folk33worn-out34windmill35pasture36rural37cornfield38heartlandvt. 弄脏['waildlaif] n. 野生动植物['tu ?rist]n. 游客[sl ?m]n. 贫民窟[??nd ?'teik]vt. 承担;从事[pled ?]vt. 发誓,保证ad. 可预言地[?n'k ?v?]vt. 揭开盖子;发现a.无知的n. 无知的人,不学无术的人[?eid]vt. 荫蔽['meip ?l]n. 槭树,枫树[f ?uk]n. 人们,人a.破旧的;精疲力尽的['windmil]n. 风车['p ɑ :st??]n. 牧场;牧草['ru ?r ?l] a. 农村的['k ?:nfi:ld] n. 玉米田;小麦田,谷物田['h ɑ :tl?nd ] n. 心脏地带,中心地带39hilly['hili] a. 多小山的;丘陵起伏的。
大学英语精读 第四册 Unit Ten
Unit Ten:Why People WorkTextDo you view work as a burden or an opportunity? Are you the kind of person who looks for ways to save your energy or the kind that finds spending your energy satisfying? Why do people like to complain about work? Find the answers to question like these in the following essay.WHY PEOPLE WORKLeonard R. SaylesJobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness sand contentment. We're all used to thinking that work provides the material things of life -- the goods and services that make possible our modern civilization. But we are much less conscious of the extent to which work provides the more intangible, but more crucial, psychological well-being that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.Historically, work has been associated with slavery and sin and punishment. And in our own day we are used to hearing the traditional complaints: "I can't wait for my vacation," "I wish I could stay home today," "My boss treats me poorly," "I've got too much work to do and not enough time to do it." Against this background, it may well comeas a surprise to learn that not only psychologists but other behavioral scientists have come to accept the positive contribution of work to the individual's happiness and sense of personal achievement. Work is more than a necessity for most human beings; it is the focus of their lives, the source of their identity and creativity.Rather than a punishment or a burden, work is the opportunity to realize one's potential. Many psychiatrists heading mental health clinics have observed its healing effect. A good many patients who feel depressed in clinics gain renewed self-confidence when gainfully employed and lose some, if not all, of their most acute symptoms. Increasingly, institutions dealing with mental health problems are establishing workshops wherein those too sick to get a job in "outside" industry can work, while every effort is exerted to arrange "real" jobs for those well enough to work outside.And the reverse is true, too. For large numbers of people, the absence of work is harmful to their health. Retirement often brings many problems surrounding the "What do I do with myself?" question, even though there may be no financial cares. Large numbers of people regularly get headaches and other illnesses on weekends when they don't have their jobs to go to, and must fend for themselves. It has been observed that unemployment, quite aside from exerting financial pressures, brings enormous psychological troubles and that manyindividuals deteriorate rapidly when jobless.But why? Why should work be such a significant source of human satisfaction? A good share of the answer rests in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job, by the activity of accomplishing.Pride in AccomplishmentThe human being longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things, with his hand, with his mind, with his will. Each of us wants to feel he or she has the ability to do something that is meaningful and that serves as a tribute to our inherent abilities.It is easiest to see this in the craftsman who lovingly shapes some cheap material into an object that may be either useful or beautiful or both. You can see the carpenter or bricklayer stand aside and admire the product of his personal skill.But even where there is no obvious end product that is solely attributable to one person's skill, researchers have found that employees find pride in accomplishment. Our own research in hospitals suggests that even the houskeeping and laundry staffs take pride in the fact that in their own ways they are helping to cure sick people -- and thus accomplishing good deal.We're often misled by the complaints surrounding difficult work; deep down most people regard their won capacity to conquer the tough job as the mark of their own unique personality. Complaining is just part ofworking After all, how else do you know who you are, except as you can demonstrate the ability of your mind to control you limbs ad hands and words? You are, in significant measure, what you can do. Some are deceived into thinking that people like to store up energy, to rest and save themselves as much as possible. Just the opposite. It is energy expenditure that is satisfying.Just watch an employee who must deal with countless other people because his or her job is at some central point in a communications network: a salesman at a busy counter, a stock broker on the phone, a customer representative. They will tell you how much skill and experience it takes to answer countless questions and handle various kinds of personalities every hour of the day. Not everyone can interact with such persistence and over long hours, but those who do, pride themselves on a distinctive ability that contributes mightily to the running of the organization.But work is more than accomplishment and pride in being able to command the job, because except for a few craftsmen and artists most work takes place "out in the world," with an through other people.Esprit de corpsPerhasps an example will make the point:I remember viewing a half dozen me in a chair factory whose job itwas to bend several pieces of steel and attach them so that a folding chair would result. While there were ten or twelve of these "teams" that worked together, one in particular was known for its perfect coordination and lightning-like efforts. The men knew they were good. They would work spurts for twenty or thirty minutes before taking a break -- to show themselves, bystanders and other groups what it was to be superbly skilled and self-controlled, to be the best in the factory. When I talked with them, each expressed enormous pride in being a part of the fastest, best team. And this sense of belonging to an accomplished work group is one of the distinctive satisfactions of the world of work.One further word about work group satisfactions. Unlike may other aspects of life, relationships among people at work tend to be simpler, less complicated, somewhat less emotional. This is not to say there aren't arguments and jealousies, but, on the whole, behavioral research discloses that human relations at work are just easier, perhaps because they are more regular and predictable and thus simpler to adjust to than the sporadic, the more intense and less regular relationships in the community. And the work group also gently pressures its members to learn how to adjust to one another so that the "rough edges" are worked off because people know they must do certain things with and through one another each day.Beyond the team and the work group, there is the organization, whether it be company or hospital or university. The same pride in being part of a well-coordinated, successful unit is derived from being part of a larger collectivity. Working for a company that is though of as being part of the best in the community can provide employees with both status and self-confidence. They assume, usually with good reason, that others regard them more highly, even envy them, and that they are more competent than the average because of this association with a "winner," a prestigious institution. We in truth bask in the reflected glory of the institution, and we seek ways of asserting our membership so that others will know and can recognize our good fortune.New Wordscontentmentn. happiness; satisfaction 满足civilizationn. 文明intangiblea. that can not be touched or grasped 触摸不到的cruciala. decisive; critical 决定性的,关键的pschologicala. of the soul or mind 心理的historicallyad. in the course of history, in accordance with or in respect to historyassociatevt. connect or bring together in one's mind 联想slaveryn. the system of having slaves; the condition of being a slave 奴隶制度;奴隶身份sinn. behavior that is against the principles of morality; an immoral act 罪孽punishmentn. punishing or being punished 惩罚complaintn. complaining; a statement expressing unhappiness, pain, dissatisfaction 抱怨behaviorala. of or having to do with behavior 行为的contributionn. act of contributing; sth. contributednecessityn. sth. that is necessary; the condition of being necessary, needed or unavoidable 必需品;必要性focusn. the central point; centre of interest 焦点creativityn. the ability to produce new and orignal ideas and things; inventiveness创造性clinicn. building or part of a hospital where doctors give specialized medical treatment and advice; a medical institution for special purposes 诊所healv. (cause to) become healthy 治愈,愈合,痊愈depresseda. sad; low in spirits 精神抑郁的,情绪沮丧的depressvt. make sad, low in spiritsrenewvt. reestablish; give new life and freshness to 使更新gainfullyad. profitablyacutea. severe; strong 严重的,急性的symptoma. a change in the body's condition that indicates illness 症状institutionn. a society, club, college or any organization established for some public or social purpose 公共机构workshopn. a room of building which contains tools or machinery for making or repairing things 车间,工场whereinconj. in whichexertvt. use(strength, skill, etc.) 尽力reversen. the opposite; the other way round, the back 相反,背面absencen. non-existence; lackretirementn. instance of retiring or being retired; condition of being retired 退休financiala. relating to money 财政的;金融的weekendn. Saturday and Sunday, esp. when considered as a holiday from workfendvi. provide(for) 供养;照料unemploymentn. the state of being unemployedsignificanta. of noticeable importance or effect 重大的significance n.satisfactionn. be state of being satisfied 满足satisfactory a.accomplisheda. skilled, expert 有才艺的;有造诣的tributen. material evidence of one's worth, virtue, etc.inherenta. existing as a natural and permanent part or quality of 内在的,生来的craftsmann. a highly skilled workman 手艺人,(名)工匠bicklayern. a workman who builds with bricksattributablea. that can be attributed 可归因于……的attributevt. 把……归因为housekeepingn. management of a home and its affairs 家政staffn. the group of workers who carry on a job (全体)员工capacityn. ability, power; the amount that sth. can hold or produce 能力;容量tougha. difficult to do or deal with 艰巨的uniquen. being the only one of its type 独特的limbn. the leg, arm. or wing of an animal 肢,翼oppositen. a person or thing that is entirely different from another 对立面,对立物countlessa. very many; too many to be countedbrokern. person who buys and sells for others 经纪人,掮客stock brokern. a person who buys and sells stocks and bonds for other for a commission 证券经纪人representativen. a person acting in place of one or more others 代表interactvi. act on each other 相互作用persistencen. the act or fact of keeping on doing sth in spite of difficulty or opposition 坚持persist vi.distinctivea. clearly marking a person or thing as different from other 特殊的;与众不同的mightilyad. with power and strength; greatlyesprit de corpsn. (French) spirit of loyalty and devotion which unites the members of a group or society 团体精神,集体荣誉感coordinationn. harmonious adjustment or working together 协调coordinate vt.lightning闪电bystandern. a person standing near but not taking part in an event or activity; onlooker 旁观者superblyad. magnificently; first classaspectn. one side or view of a subject 方面n. a friendship between people; connection 关系disclosemake known; show by uncovering 揭示sporadica. occurring now and then; occasional 零星发生的,偶尔的collectivityn. people collectively, especially as forming a community or state 集体collective a.statusn. (high) social or professional position 地位,身份envyvt. feel admiration or ill-will toward (sb.) because he has the good fortune one wishes to have 羡慕;妒忌winnern. one that wins or seems destined to win or be successfula. having respect that results from the good reputation (of a person, nation, etc.)有声望的baskvi. sit or lie in enjoyable warmth and light (舒适地) 取暖,享受reflectvt. throw back (light, heat, sound or image) 反射;反映assertvt. demonstrate the existence of; declare forcefully 宣称,断言membershipn. the state of being a member, of a club, society, etc. all the members of a club, society, etc.Phrases & Expressionsassociate withconnect with (often mentally) 把…与…联系在一起rather thaninstead offend for oneselflook after oneself 照料自己,自行谋生aside frombesides, apart from 除…以外long fordesire (to have )sth. strongly 渴望take pride infell please and happy because of 为…而感到得意store upput away for future use 储存,储备pride oneself onregard as a special reason for pride or satisfaction 以……自豪make the/one's pointprove that sth. is true 证明一个论点in particularespeciallyat workbusy at a job; doing workone the wholeconsidering everything; in generalwork offget rid of, dispose 除去,清除。
词汇Unit 11.aspire aspiring aspiration aspirantaspire to sth. /doing2.anguish (n./v)anguished3.atheist 无神论者4.bitterly 极度地5.bulge 向外鼓起激增be bulging with6.Catholic7.costly8.counter 反驳9.deficiency10.delinquent 有违法倾向的11.detestation 憎恨detest12.devise 设计13.disintegrated integrated integrity14.disinterested15.draught 一阵风16.exalt 兴奋增强exaltation exalted17.fault18.file19.flag 偃旗息鼓20.fuss 无事自扰21.heady 鲁莽的22.hideous 丑恶的23.high-minded 高尚的24.hindquarters (四足动物的)臀部及后腿25.hustle 催促hustle to do26.hypocrisy 伪善hypocrite 伪君子hypocritical 虚伪的27.impediment 阻碍口吃impediment to sth28.immense巨大的immensity29.league30.leopard31.lest +should be32.libertine 浪荡子33.majesty34.masterpiece 35.Methodist36.monologue 一个人滔滔不绝地讲话37.mock mockery38.muscular (adj.)muscle39.navy40.oratory 演讲技巧oration演讲oratorical 雄辩的41.outnumber42.penal 刑罚的penalty43.pious 虔诚的44.proficient 熟练的45.prominent 显著的46.reel 蹒跚47.remorselessly 无同情心地,无休止地48.restively 不安地,难以控制地49.rotten (adj.)50.rug 小地毯,垫子51.ruinous52.Solidarity 团结,齐心协力solidarity into sthsolidify53.spectacles 眼镜,场面,奇观54.spring 弹簧55.statuette56.symbolize57.trifle 琐事trivial58.unaccustomed59.undeserved60.writhe 翻腾,蠕动61.withdraw withdrawal62.contempt 鄙视contemptuous63.contemplate 凝视,端详contemplative64.endow 捐赠endowment65.protrude 突出66.project (v.)突出67.acquaintance acquaint with68.confer 授予,协商69.stampede 惊跑Unit 21.assert assert oneself assertive assertion2.cluster a cluster of cluster together clustered3.depressed4.gruff 粗暴地说,生硬的(adj./v.)5.imminence imminent(adj.)6.overpower 征服7.numb8.revel 沉醉revel in9.streak 划出条纹,一丝 a streak of 有...气质streaker10.subjugate 使臣服subjugate A to B subjugation11.throb 悸动12.tremor 小地震tremulous a tremor down my spine13.gleam14.secure 通过努力获得15.hearty heartily16.mechanic机械师mechanical mechanismmechanize mechanistic 机械的17.bad-humored 无精打采的18.breed 物种19.bundle 捆,束20.cock 倾斜mence(v.)commencement22.coop 笼子23.crunch 嘎吱嘎吱响24.dejected25.dotted26.felt27.flannel28.fowl 家禽29.freckled 有雀斑的30.furrowed31.grumble 发牢骚grumble about/at32.hamlet 小村庄33.hearth 壁炉34.henceforth 从现在开始35.hobble 跛行36.homespun 土布37.hop38.knoll 土墩39.limestone40.low 哞哞叫41.manure42.mating43.merciless44.mitten 手套45.peg 桩46.pore 毛孔47.pretend48.primeval 处于原始天性的49.rake 梳理50.rasping 刺耳的51.rawhide 生皮52.rim53.rod 棒54.seaweed55.shawl 围巾56.shrewd 精明的57.sideways 向一旁地58.skull59.sod 带草的土块60.sow61.spotted62.striped63.swear swear at sb./sth64.triangular65.turf 泥煤Unit 31.afresh2.anecdote 轶事3.antagonism 敌意antagonist 敌人antagonize 激怒antagonistic4.attribute attributable5.allowance6.belittle7.brain-center8.bungle 冒冒失失地做bunglerpel compel sb. to do sth.feel compelled to do10.conceive conceive of/that conceive a plan11.cowardice12.cue13.disposedispose sb. to/towards sth 使某人倾向于做某事be disposed to do well-disposed to sb.14.dogma15.energetic16.extend17.Fogeyism落伍的fogey18.gladiatorial 角斗士的19.gramophone20.grudge 怨恨grudge to bear a grudge against sb21.headhunting22.improvident 没有长远打算的23.inheritance inherit heritage24.legitimate legitimacy legitimize25.merit 优点demerit26.originate originate form/in27.recollection 回忆28.staunch 坚定的(adj.)29.stock 普通的30.striking31.tedious32.keen33.wicked 邪恶的34.prestige prestigious earn prestige35.consist consist of consist in consist with36.justice justifiable justify justification37.classify classified classificationUnit 61.amid2.bustling bustling with忙于3.chickenpox4.chime chime in with5.congregate congregation congregational6.crank 曲柄7.curse8.deli 熟食店9.desolate 荒芜的desolation10.devout 虔诚的11.divine 神圣的12.drill sergeant 负责新兵训练的中士13.droppings14.escalate升级escalator escalation15.fish-bearing16.flare闪耀flare up17.forcefully18.forsaken 被抛弃的19.full-blown20.grapple 扭打grapple with21.hailstorm 22.heel23.hide-and-seek24.homey25.incorporate包含incorporation26.Iraqi Iraq27.jet-black28.knockdown-dragout 暴怒的29.Lebanese Lebanon30.locust 蝗虫31.maimed 使残废32.marble-sized33.outshout34.panty35.piaster36.raspy37.ravine 峡谷38.rumor39.shoo40.shun 避免41.sinewy 精瘦的42.sticky 粘粘的43.tag44.terraced45.timepiece46.tingle 刺痛,使激动47.troubleshooter48.Turkish Turkey49.vineyard50.whirlpool 漩涡51.whirlwind 旋风52.whoop53.whore54.wriggle 蜿蜒55.wring 拧wringer wring out56.rip 撕坏Unit 91.allegiance allegiance to sb/sth2.anaconda3.ancestor4.appease appeasement5.ascent ascent to heaven6.atrocious邪恶的atrocity7.avaricious 贪婪的avarice8.bloodshed 杀戮9.brood brooding broody brood over10.brute蛮力的,残忍的brutality11.captive12.colonel13.concubine 妾14.conjecture 猜想conjecture that15.crucial16.degenerate 堕落degeneration17.descent descendant18.disposition19.exterminate extermination20.gory 血淋淋的21.gouge gouge out22.harem 妻妾23.humiliating humiliate humiliation humility24.incurably25.indecency26.jackass蠢货27.microscopic28.miserly吝啬的29.mutilation 致残,损毁mutilate30.oblige be obliged to31.obscenity 淫秽obscene(adj.)冒犯的32.postulate(n.)假设33.rabid 狂热的rabies狂犬病34.reptile爬行动物35.salvation36.Scotch37.scruple 顾虑scrupulous 谨慎的scruple to do38.sketch39.soiled 肮脏的40.sordid 污秽的41.speculate猜测speculation speculate on/that42.tame43.trait44.turban 包头巾45.vulgarity 粗俗vulgar(adj.)46.wantonly 恣意地wanton47.inflict48.prior priority prioritize49.grace be in one’s grace50.loose a loose woman 51.assassin(n.) assassinate52.heresy heretic异教徒词组Unit 11.the virtue of2.be given to习惯3.be exalted by4.turn of oneselfe to a settled detestation6.confront sb (about/with) sth7.best of times8.stand to可能9.if anything10.catch the light反光11.think well of = think highly of12.lecture sb about sth 批评13.set sb doing14.set out to do 着手做g behind16.put in the place of17.for the money 不管怎样18.too much for sb 对某人来说太过了19.be deficient in20.make for 导致21.out of one’s depth 超过某人能力22.tumble down 轰然倒下23.do away with = get rid of24.be trifled with 不能轻视25.猛然敲门bang the door26.向国王陛下欢呼cheer His Majesty27.凝视那雕像contemplate the statute28.设计一种新方法devise a new method29.获得一种名声gain an reputation30.鼓舞人民inspire the people31.低下头sink one’s head32.代表国家symbolize the nation33.暖和双手warm one’s hands34.扮演重要角色play an important role35.解决这个问题settle the issue36.the eternal truth 永恒的真理37. a filing cabinet 文件柜38.utter nonsense 无稽之谈39.delinquent behavior 违规行为40. a frequent visitor 常客41.fresh air 新鲜空气42.high-minded monologue 一个人唱高调43. a settled view 一种固定的观点44. a speech impediment 言语障碍45. a hideous wind 可怕的风46.heady patriotism 使人兴奋冲动的爱国热情47.the remorseless invaders 无情的侵入者48.the Prime Minister 首相49. a mental process 思维过程50.the League of Nations 国际联盟51. a coherent article 一篇条理清晰的文章52. a proficient interpreter 一位口译好手53.an irresistible trend 一种不可阻挡的潮流54.rotten apples 烂苹果55. a nodding acquaintance 点头之交Unit 21.on fire with= be excited with2.be fixed on3.be worthy of sth./doing sth.be worth doing4. a well-off society 小康社会be better off doing...than5.cross with 生气6.embrace a change/idea/system 接受7.take complete hold of8.take for9.gaze at10.drive out 清除11.draw back 回收12.be chained to13.in the open14. a draught of wind15.be weary of16.rob of17.revel in18.mutter in oneself 喃喃自语19.pay no heed to = pay no attention to20.hobble away蹒跚21.vanish from/into sth22.straighten up23.bend one’s back24.表现自己男子汉大丈夫的气概assert one’s manhood25.在头脑中掠过cross one’s mind26.丈量土地measure the ground27.设法弄到食物secure one’s food28.驱散黑暗scatter the darkness29.揉揉他的眼睛rub his eyes30.大声咀嚼她的面包和黄油munch her bread and butter31.抑制住了恐惧的感觉overpower that feeling of dread32.声音传得很远carry a long way33.弯下他们的腰bend their backs34.live coals 燃烧着的煤35.his freckled face 他那张长着雀斑的脸36. a fair mustache 淡淡的八字须37.the imminence of the event 事情的紧迫性38. a shrewd woman 一位精明的妇女39.the head of the family 一家之主40. a throbbing heart 一颗怦怦直跳的心41. a cluster of cabins 一群山间小屋42. a strip of ground 一块狭长的地43. a fierce and hard look 一副严厉凶狠的表情Unit 31.as a rule=usually, generally2.make allowance for 把...考虑在内(不好)3.in fashion4.in the light of sth5.run out of sthrun sb/sth out 去除6.on the ground that因为7. a shadow of 某事的证据without a shadow of doubt 毫无疑问8.at all costs 无论如何9.be astonished at10.rest upon=base on11.class sth as sth12.be consistent with=fit in with13.establish a conviction14.be true of15.other than16.bring up to17.cease to do/sth18.at a time19.be on guard 对...警惕guard againstcatch sb off guard 突然袭击20.entertain an opinion 持有观点21.enquire into22.find sth doing23.be tempted to = would like to24.break down = collapse25.beyond question毫无疑问26.conceive of sth/doingconceive as = regard as27.shake off = get rid of28.credit the fact = believe the fact29.demonstrate the opposite 证明结果完全相反30.leave no room for31.attribute to32.extend the term33.cling to34.stand for 支持35.play a big part36.bear a grudge against37.dispose sb to do38.be it true or not39.stamp in 嵌进去40. a stock argument 老套回答41.tell sb straight42.get at sth = find sth43.将这些动物归类classify these animals44.持不同看法hold a different view45.引申该词的意思extend the meaning of this word46.建立一种新理论establish a new theory47.放弃他的信念abandon his conviction48.把这个过程颠倒过来reverse the process49.珍惜他们的尊敬value their respect50.质疑它的真理性question its truth51.轻视他们的意见belittle their views52.接受一种新的思路adopt a new thought pattern53.怀有种种乌托邦思想entertain all kinds of Utopian ideas 54.鹦鹉学舌parrot other people55.non-rational factors 非理性因素56.social position 社会地位57.the good old days 过去的好日子58.thought patterns 思维方式59.room for doubt 怀疑的余地60.stock anecdotes 老掉牙的轶事趣闻61. a dogmatic view 一个教条的观点62. a striking contrast 一个鲜明的对照63.age-long struggle 长期的斗争64.conflicting ideas 矛盾冲突的想法65. a bitter quarrel 一场恶吵66.deeply-rooted convictions 根深蒂固的观点67.groundless opinions 毫无根据的意见68.bare assertion 仅仅是断言Unit 61.call sb names 骂人call sb by name2.chime in3.escalate into 升级到4.incorporate into/with 吸收,合并5.keep sb out of one’s hair 使某人不被烦扰6.keep track of sth 追踪,看清楚7.talk sb out of sth 说服不做某事talk sb into doing 说服做某事8.trail off 逐渐减弱9.on track 走上正轨on the track of 找某物信息10.have need of11.cave in 凹陷12.be packed with13.at the elbows of = very close to14.wriggle one’s way through费力穿过15.attend to = deal with16.be bustling at/with 忙于17.object to sth oppose sth18.toss back and forth 扔来扔去toss and turn 辗转反侧19.deliver from = free from20.in it for 有报酬21.congregate at22.使墙体开裂crack the walls23.拯救灵魂save souls24.玩捉迷藏play hide-and-seek25.减慢速度成涓涓细流slow to a trickle26.抓住某人的头发grab sb by the hair27.撕破她的衬衫rip her shirt28.泄露秘密reveal the secret29.拒绝进步resist progress30.进入视野come into view31.捡柴火gather firewood32.说服某人放弃做某事talk sb out of doing sth33.慢慢挤出人群wriggle one’s way out of the crowd34.跑腿run an errand/errands for35.救某人于水火deliver sb from suffering36.确保稳定供应assure a steady supply37.减轻某人压力take the pressure off sb38.让他不至于添乱keep him out of one’s hair39.terraced fields 梯田40.rocky mountains 多岩石的群山41.whooping cough 百日咳42.surrounding villages 周围的村庄43. a clearing in the wood 林中一块空地44.fine dust 粉尘45.goat droppings 羊粪46.sticky hands 黏糊糊的手47.sinewy women 精瘦强健的妇女48. a forest of flags 旌旗如林49.firsthand information 第一手资料50.jet-black hair 漆黑的头发51. a devout Catholic 一位虔诚的天主教徒52.household chores 家务事53. a reassuring homey sound 一种让人感到在家般自在的声音54.hand-rolled cigarettes 手卷香烟55.lucrative business 有利可图56. a butcher-shop 一家肉铺57. a skeleton of its former self 它原来的空架子58. a missionary school 一所教会学校Unit 91.oblige sb to2.in proceeding = in the process of3.subject ... to4.present itself to = existing5.in the course of6.for the entertainment of 宴请某人7.be descended from8. a disposition to dohave no disposition to9.cause sb to docause sb/sth to be done10.facts stand proven11.scruple to12.appease that appetite13.furnish sb sth/ with sth 提供14.brood over15.offer oneself16.take revengerevenge sb 为... 复仇revenge oneself on sb 向某人复仇17.be unknown to18.by consent of19.be allowed no hand in doing20.loose in21.the saving grace 仅剩的22.excuse sb23.be alive to = be aware of24.have occasion to = have the necessity to25.gouge out26. a multitude of27.tear off28.be alone in that distinction29.engage in30.deal in = involve in31.sordid wage32.inflict harm on sb33.hold sb in bondage under sb 奴役某人34.provide one’s living35.set oneself apart from36.sneer at37.on hand = available38.with one’s mouth = pay lip service to39.be at = be engaged in a certain activity40.open to dispute41.be left out42.odds and ends 零碎物品43.宣布放弃效忠于某人renounce one’s allegiance44.使某事物受到实验subject sth to a test]45.牵涉到好几个月的工作cover months’ work46.扔在那里任其腐烂leave sth to rot47.满足其胃口appease one’s appetite48.从某人那里骗走某物cheat sb out of sth49.将耻辱牢记在心harbor insult50.对所受伤害耿耿于怀brood over injuries51.报仇take revenge52.家里妻妾成群keep harems in house53.有做某事的时机或场合have ab occasion to do sth54.把它当作一顿美餐吃了make a meal of sth55.蓄某人为奴hold sb in bondage56.铺平道路smooth the path57.the rightful owner 合法所有者58.the universal brotherhood of man 人类的博爱59.loose morals 道德败坏60. a soiled mind 肮脏的思想61.brute force 蛮力62. a saving grace 唯一可取之处63.rabid hunger 极度渴望64. a religious zealot 宗教狂热分子65.zoological garden 动物园66.the scientific method 科学方法67.vast stores of food 食物大量储存68.war atrocities 战争暴行69.questionable taste 值得怀疑的口味选择70.traits and dispositions 性格特点和气质71.painstaking work 艰苦的努力。
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Words 4,9,10,12
alarm警告或惊吓,使惊觉=frighten,startle(9)Astound 使震惊(10) acclamation欢呼喝彩automaton自动机器,机器人(12)ambitious有雄心的,野心勃勃的associate使联合
B;(4) barbed-wire铁丝网brim=fill充溢,满binoculars双眼望远镜blissfully=happily高兴地,愉快地bug甲虫(9)barbarian 野蛮人beak 鸟嘴beast 四腿动物bosom 胸部bound 跳动(10)barrel桶(12)benefit利益,好处built-in内置的
C; (4) carpet地毯,绒毯carve雕刻,刻制=chisel(9)champagne 香槟coachman 马车夫(10)cask装酒的木桶cloak斗篷commander司令官commander-in-chief总司令
Contented满意的Convert改变,转变Corps从事某活动的集体Corrupt道德败坏的Creed信条Currency货币,通货(12)catalyst催化剂clear-cut轮廓清晰的clout影响力,势力coerce 强制,胁迫某人做某事confinement幽禁,监禁conflict抵触,冲突counter-force反作用力crumble弄碎,粉碎
D; (4) dangle悬挂,垂挂daydream做白日梦definitely=certainly=surely
dense=thick稠密的,浓密的,密集的(9)decorate 装修dill 小茴香dreamy 幻想的(10)diplomat外交官discard抛弃,丢弃doctrine学说(12)dedication贡献,奉献destructive破坏性的,毁灭性的discomfort不安,不自在downtrodden被践踏的,受压迫的
E; (4)echo=resound发出回声,产生回响(9)egoist 利己主义者exasperate 激怒(10) earthenware陶器elaborately精心的elbow肘elegant优雅的,精美的emulate赶超,竞争erase 擦除,抹掉Expedition探险,考察extravagance奢侈,挥霍(12)emphasize强调,着重eternity 永恒,无休止的evolve发展,进化expertise专门知识或技能
F; (4)familiarity熟悉fascinate强烈地吸引住,迷住,使神魂颠倒~charm
G; (4)gamekeeper猎区管理人(9)geranium天竺葵grimace 痛苦的表情(10)garment衣服Guffaw哄笑,狂笑(12)genes基因
H; (4)hike徒步,远足tramp(9) haunt 出没,萦绕hint 暗示hover 飞翔,盘旋(10)hermit 隐士,隐居者Hollow挖空,弄凹(12)humane仁慈的,富有同情心的humility谦虚的态度,谦逊
I; (4)identify识别,确认immense巨大的,广大的,无垠的extremely large
instinctively本能地,天性地introduce引进,引领,推行ivory象牙indecision 优柔informal 不正式的infuriate 使大怒(10) imprint留下烙印inhabit居住于,栖息于(12)incentive刺激,鼓励influential有影响力的,有权势的inherently天性的,固有的intensely强烈的,剧烈的italicize用斜体表示
J; (4) jam果酱(9) loathe 厌倦luxury 奢侈品(12)jealous嫉妒的
L; (4)laurel月桂树legacy遗产inheritance(10)lunatic疯子,狂人
M; (4) mouthful一口munch狼吞虎咽地吃,津津有味地嚼=chew(9)maniac 狂躁者melancholy 犹豫的moan 呻吟声mockery 嘲弄mournful 悲哀的mysteriously 神秘的(10)Macedonian马其顿的Magnificent富丽堂皇的,宏伟的Mediterranean地中海的Mighty强大的,巨大的Mischievous恶作剧的,淘气的Mock嘲笑,嘲弄Monarch君主(12)manipulate
N; (4)network网络nickname绰号,诨名(10)neglect忽略,忽视Nudge用肘轻推以引起注意(12)non-essential非本质的,不重要的
O; (4)owl猫头鹰(10)occasionally有时候,偶尔olive橄榄
P; (4) patchwork田野和村庄拼缀成的图案
proceed进行,前进advance =progress反义词retreat(9)pagoda 宝塔parrot 鹦鹉peel 削皮perfume 香水pickle 泡菜prick(up) 竖起耳朵purr 猫的咕噜声(10)page boy年轻男侍paradox似是而非的言论pebble小鹅卵石perishable容易腐烂的poetry诗privacy隐私procure 获得,取得purple紫色(12)payoff发工资或薪金politician政治家
Q; (10)quantity量,数量
R; (4)rare罕见的,稀有的,不寻常的uncommon=unusual
S; (4)shortbread油酥糕饼sloping倾斜的,有坡度的soccer英式足球sting刺伤,刺痛prick stuffed被制成标本的surround围绕,环绕suspect有某事物存在或属实的想法,相信believe (9)scrape 擦,刮self-engrossed 以自我为中心的settle 了结决定slumber 睡觉sufficient 足够的(10)satirize讽刺或讥讽scant不足的,缺少的scoop用铲勺挖scratch抓,搔sober 未醉的,清醒的spring泉水storage jar储物罐stroll漫步,闲逛(12)satisfy使满意severe 严厉的,严格的spontaneous自发的,自然的,自动的strive奋勉,努力
T; (4)tart水果馅饼tome大部头的书(尤指学术性或者理论性的)trespass非法侵入=invade trunk树干=stalk
tutor教to teach=instruct
twitter吱吱叫,啁啾(9)thunder-struck 震惊的(10)titter发出短促的笑声toil苦干,长时间辛苦工作tottering蹒跚的(12)tend倾向,趋势tribute明证,标致tyrant暴君
U;(9)unfold 展开,打开(10)unanimously全体一致的,无异议的(12)unbridled不受控制,不加约束的
V; (4) vaulted半圆形的,拱形的verge极接近某物=approach(9)veil 面罩velvet 天鹅绒的verbena 美人樱(12)vocabulary词汇
W; (4)wary小心的,警惕的,留意的cautious(9)wasp 黄蜂