



热原反应是注射用水纯水纯蒸汽系统中较为严重的问题,可能引发药品不良反应和热原污染,威胁患者的生命安 全。
热原反应通常是由于水中细菌内毒素含量过高引起的。为避免热原反应,应严格控制水的灭菌温度和时间,确保 细菌内毒素含量符合标准。同时,应对系统进行定期的清洗和消毒,防止细菌滋生。在药品生产过程中,应对注 射用水进行严格的监控和检测,确保其质量和安全性。
微生物污染是注射用水纯水纯蒸汽系统中常见的质量问题,可能引发药品生产过 程中的交叉污染,影响药品的安全性和有效性。
微生物污染可能来源于系统内部或外部环境。为避免微生物污染,需对系统进行 严格的清洁和消毒,并定期进行微生物检测。一旦发现微生物污染,应立即采取 措施进行控制和消除。
定期对注射用水进行水质检测,包括微生物 指标、化学指标和物理指标等,确保水质符 合规定要求。
对纯蒸汽系统输出的蒸汽进行质量检测,确保其干 燥度、温度和压力等指标达到标准。
评估系统的产水能力和能源消耗,确保系统 在高效状态下运行,降低生产成本。
注射用水纯水纯蒸汽系统的常见 问题与解决方案
欧盟gmp对注射用水纯水纯 蒸汽系统的要求与验证
• 注射用水纯水纯蒸汽系统概述 • 欧盟gmp对注射用水纯水纯蒸汽系
统的要求 • 注射用水纯水纯蒸汽系统的验证方

• 注射用水纯水纯蒸汽系统的常见问 题与解决方案
• 注射用水纯水纯蒸汽系统的未来发 展趋势
注射用水纯水纯蒸汽系统的未来 发展趋势



1)饮用水:应符合中华人民 共和国国家标准<生活饮用水卫生 标准》(GB5749-85) 2)纯化水:应符合<2010中 国药典》所收载的纯化水标准。 在制水工艺中通常采用在线检 测纯化水的电阻率值的大小,来反 映水中各种离子的浓度。制药行业 的纯化水的电阻率通常应 ≥0.5MΩ.CM/25℃,对于注射剂、滴 眼液容器冲洗用的纯化水的电阻率 应≥1MΩ.CM/25℃。 3)注射用水:应符合2005中国药典所收载的注射用水标准。
纯化水和制药用水宜采用易 拆卸清洗、消毒的不锈钢泵输送。 在需用压缩空气或氮气压送 的纯化水和注射用水的场合,压 缩空气和氮气须净化处理。 纯化水宜采用循环管路输送。 管路设计应简洁,应避免盲管和 死角。管路应采用不锈钢管或经 验证无毒、耐腐蚀、不渗出污染 离子的其他管材。 阀门宜采用无死角的卫生级 阀门,输送纯化水应标明流向。 输送纯化水和注射用水的管道、输送泵应定期清洗、消毒灭菌,验 证合格后方可投入使用。
Thank you!
3)注射用水(Water for Injection):是以纯化水作为原水, 经特殊设计的蒸馏器蒸馏,冷凝冷 却后经膜过滤制备而得的水。注射 用水可作为配制注射剂用的溶剂。
4)灭菌注射用水(Sterile Water for Injection):为注射用水 依照注射剂生产工艺制备所得的水。 灭菌注射用水用于灭菌粉末的溶剂 或注射液的稀释剂。
药品GMP实施与认证P168 以及于药厂的要求
第34条纯化水、注射用水的 制备、储存和分配应能防止微生 物的滋生和污染。储罐和输送管 道所用材料应无毒、耐腐蚀。 管道的设计和安装应避免死 角、盲管储罐和管道要规定清洗、 灭菌周期。 注射用水储罐的通气口应安 装不脱落纤维的疏水性除菌滤器。 注射用水的储存可采用80°C以 上保温、65°C以上保温循环或 4°C以下存放。 第35条用于生产和检验的仪器、仪表、量具、衡器等,其适用 范围和精密度应符合生产和检验要求,有明显的合格标志,并定期 校验。



欧盟GMP(中英⽂对照)(The words that are in the green background are new standards)(绿⾊背景下的内容为新标准)ANNEX 1MANUFACTURE OF STERILE MEDICINAL PRODUCTS附录1 ⽆菌医药产品的⽣产Principle总则The manufacture of sterile products is subject to special requirements in order to minimize risks of microbiological contamination, and of particulate and pyrogen contamination. Much depends on the skill, training and attitudes of the personnel involved. Quality Assurance is particularly important, and this type of manufacture must strictly follow carefully established and validated methods of preparation and procedure. Sole reliance for sterility or other quality aspects must not be placed on any terminal process or finished product test.⽆菌药品的⽣产,必须符合⼀些特殊的要求,以防⽌微⽣物、微粒和热源的污染。






GMP(Good Manufacturing Practice)即良好生产规范,是一套用于保障食品生产质量和安全的国际通用标准。

为了确保保健食品GMP 质量体系的有效性,压缩空气系统是需要进行再验证的。





















GMP铝管灌装封尾机确认验证方案GMP( Good Manufacturing Practice)是指制药生产中的良好生产规范,旨在确保药品的质量、安全性和有效性。































目录1 前言 (1)2 目的 (2)3 范围 (3)4 指南内容结构 (4)5.质量控制实验室总体描述 (5)5.1 职责 (5)5.2 布局 (5)5.2.1原则 (5)5.2.2 要求 (5)5.3 人员 (6)5.3.1 组织架构 (6)5.3.2 资质要求 (6)5.3.3 培训 (6)5.4 文件系统 (7)5.4.1 分类 (7)5.4.2 要求 (7)6 取样 (10)6.1 定义 (11)6.2 应用范围 (12)6.3 要求 (12)6.3.1人员 (12)6.3.2取样器具 (12)6.3.3样品容器 (13)6.3.4取样间 (13)6.4 流程实施 (13)6.4.1取样方案 (13)6.4.2取样 (14)6.4.3标识 (14)6.4.4取样记录 (14)6.4.5取样的异常处理 (14)6.4.6留样 (15)7 试剂及试液的管理 (17)7.1 定义和应用范围 (17)7.2 要求 (17)7.2.1 采购接收和标识 (17)7.2.2 储存和使用 (18)7.2.3 试剂使用效期的管理 (18)7.2.4 报废 (18)7.2.5 文件管理 (18)8 标准品/对照品 (19)8.1 定义 (19)8.2 分类 (19)8.3 应用范围 (20)8.4 要求 (20)8.4.1 接收 (20)8.4.2 标识 (20)8.4.3 标准溶液的稳定性研究 (20)i8.4.4 标准品、对照品的使用、处置和贮存 (21)8.4.5 文件管理 (21)9 实验室分析仪器的确认 (22)9.1 应用范围 (23)9.2 确认实施 (24)9.2.1 验证总计划 (24)9.2.2 确认方案 (24)9.2.3 确认实施 (25)9.2.4 确认报告 (27)9.2.5 系统适用性试验 (27)9.2.6 实验室仪器控制系统和数据处理系统的确认 (27)9.2.7 再确认 (28)10 实验室分析仪器的校准与维护 (32)10.1 定义 (33)10.2 应用范围 (33)10.3 要求 (33)10.3.1 人员 (33)10.3.2 分类 (34)10.3.3 实施指导 (34)10.3.4 文件 (36)11 分析方法的验证和确认 (45)11.1 分析方法 (46)11.2 方法验证 (46)11.3 方法确认 (47)11.4 适用范围 (47)11.5 方法验证的一般原则 (47)11.6 需要验证的检验项目 (47)11.7 方法验证内容 (49)11.7.1 准确度 (49)11.7.2 精密度 (50)11.7.3 专属性 (52)11.7.4 检测限(LOD) (53)11.7.5 定量限(LOQ) (53)11.7.6 线性 (54)11.7.7 范围 (55)11.7.8 耐用性 (55)11.8 方法确认 (59)11.9 方法再验证 (59)11.10 文件管理 (60)12 稳定性实验 (64)12.1 定义 (66)12.2 应用范围 (66)12.3 原则 (66)12.4 稳定性分类 (66)12.5 技术要点 (67)12.5.1 基本要求 (67)12.5.2 样品储存 (67)12.5.3 样品提取 (73)12.5.4 分析 (73)12.5.5 简化方案设计 (78)12.5.6 上市产品的稳定性试验 (79)ii12.5.7 评估 (80)12.5.8 数据汇总 (82)12.5.9 统计分析的程序 (82)12.6 文件 (83)12.6.1 标准操作规程 (83)12.6.2 稳定性实验草案 (83)12.6.3 计划 (83)12.6.4 记录 (83)12.6.5 报告 (84)12.6.6 年度趋势分析与评估 (84)12.7 稳定性超标或超趋势调查处理 (84)12.7.1 原则 (84)12.7.2 程序 (84)13 超出标准及超趋势的实验结果调查 (87)13.1 定义 (87)13.2 重要性 (87)13.3 应用范围 (87)13.4 实施 (87)13.4.1 一般原则 (87)13.4.2 流程 (88)13.4.3 文件 (93)13.7.2 职责的确定: (93)14 原始数据的管理 (98)14.1 实验室原始数据的范围 (99)14.1.1 实验室记录要求 (100)14.1.2 数据完整性 (100)14.1.3 数据记录形式 (100)14.2 实验室记录的设计 (101)14.3 实验室记录的填写和复核 (101)14.3.1 实验室记录的填写 (102)14.3.2 记录的复核 (102)14.3.3 记录更正要求 (103)14.4 记录的管理 (103)15 物料及产品的检验 (105)15.1 质量标准的管理 (108)15.1.1 质量标准的设计与制定 (109)15.1.2 质量标准的审核与批准 (110)15.1.3 质量标准的分发、撤销、复制、销毁 (110)15.2 检验 (111)15.2.1 检验样品: (111)15.3 检验报告书的管理 (111)15.4 委托检验 (112)15.4.1 原则 (115)15.4.2 应用范围 (115)16.4.3 职责 (116)16.4.4 受托方的选定 (116)15.4.5 合同签订 (117)15.4.6 合同实施 (117)15.4.7 结果评估 (117)15.4.8 实验后样品处理 (118)16 微生物检验 (119)iii16.1 应用范围 (120)16.2 原则 (120)16.3 人员资质及培训要求 (120)16.4 设施 (120)16.4.1 无菌及微生物限度检验等实验区域 (121)16.4.2 菌种处理、微生物鉴别和阳性对照室 (121)16.4.3 抗生素微生物检定室 (121)16.4.4 培养室及其他功能间 (121)16.5 设备 (122)16.5.1 无菌隔离器(如使用) (122)16.5.2 实验室用层流台 (123)16.5.3 培养箱 (123)16.5.4 蒸汽灭菌柜 (123)16.5.5 空调高效过滤器 (123)16.6 灭菌消毒方式 (123)16.7 菌种的管理 (124)16.8 培养基 (125)16.8.1 培养基的制备 (125)16.8.2 培养基的贮藏 (126)16.8.3 培养基的质量控制实验 (126)16.9 实验分类 (127)16.9.1 总菌落数检查 (127)16.9.2 控制菌检查 (132)16.9.3 非无菌产品的实验频率 (134)16.9.4 无菌检查法 (135)16.9.5 内毒素检查 (138)参考文献 (141)术语表 (142)关键词索引 (144)iv实验室控制系统GMP实施指南表格索引表格索引表1-1 指南逻辑关系图 (1)表9-1 自动取样溶出仪确认测试项目示例 (29)表10-1 仪器使用日志示例 (36)表10-2 校准记录示例 (37)表10-3 外部校准评估报告示例 (38)表10-4 分析天平校准要求示例 (40)表10-5 HPLC 校准项目及周期示例 (42)表10-6 HPLC年度预防性维护示例 (43)表11-1 检验项目和验证内容 (48)表11-2 方法验证对比表 (48)表11-3 准确度方法验证示例 (49)表11-4 精密度验证方法 (51)表11-5 中间精密度的设计方案 (51)表11-5 专属性方法验证 (52)表11-6 杂质测定检测限验证方法 (53)表11-7 杂质定量测定验证方法 (53)表11-8 线性验证和准确度验证需涵盖的最低浓度范围 (54)表11-9 方法耐用性影响因素示例 (55)表11-10 HPLC含量方法耐用性考虑因素及变化范围示例 (56)表11-11 分析方法验证接受标准示例 (56)表12-1 四个气候带的分类表 (67)表12-2 标准贮藏条件表 (68)表12-3 温度选择性制剂的标准贮藏条件 (69)表12-4 原料药包装分类(水蒸气渗透性) (69)表12-5 原料药及制剂影响因素试验条件 (71)表12-6 半渗透包装标准贮藏条件 (72)表12-7 密闭包装贮藏条件 (72)表12-8 拟冷藏药物的贮藏条件 (72)表12-9 拟冷冻贮藏药物标准贮藏条件 (72)表12-10 稳定性试验点时间表 (74)表12-11 原料药及制剂稳定性重点考察项目参考表 (74)表12-12 片剂中间产品放置时间研究示例 (77)表12-13 转运运输条件示例 (78)表12-14 括号法方案设计 (79)表12-15 矩阵法方案设计 (79)表16-1 非无菌制剂产品类型与检验频次示例 (134)表16-2 原料检验频次及分类标准示例 (135)v表格索引实验室控制系统GMP实施指南vi实验室控制系统GMP实施指南 1 前言1 前言作为质量管理体系的一部分,质量控制实验室管理是确保所生产的药品适用于预定的用途,符合药品标准和规定的要求的重要因素之一。









产的中间体或原料药调查关键仪器相对于 合格校验标准的偏差,以便确定这些偏差 的质量是否有影响。
5 计算机控制系统 5.1 应当有计算机系统操作和维护的书面SOP 5.2 对计算机化系统所做的变更应当按照变 更SOP进行,并应当经过正式批准并做验证 5.3 所有变更记录都应当保存,包括对系统 的硬件、软件和任何其它关键组件的修改和升 级。这些记录应当证明该系统维持在验证过的 状态。
5.9 除计算机系统外,数据可以用第二种方式记录。
第四部分:CHN GMP对制药设备 控制与要求
第三十一条 设备的设计、选型、安装应符合 生产要求,易于清洗、消毒或灭菌,便于生 产操作和维修、保养,并能防止差错和减少 污染。
第三十二条 与药品直接接触的设备表面应光 洁、平整、易清洗或消毒、耐腐蚀, 不与 药品发生化学变化或吸附药品。设备所有的 润滑剂、冷却剂等不得对药品或容器造成污 染。
• 3.37 所使用的清洗和清洁设备应经过选择, 它们的使用不应成为一个污染源。
• 3.38 设备的安装应能够防止安装后的误操 作风险或污染。
• 3.39 生产设备不得对产品带来危害。接触 产品的设备部件与产品不得发生反应、混 容和吸附以至于达到影响产品质量的程度, 避免带来任何危害。
Equipment 设备
• Equipment 设备
Equipment 设备
• 3.34 生产设备的设计、位置和维修维护应适 合于其用途。
• 3.35 维修和维护操作不得对产品质量带来任 何风险。
• 3.36 生产设备的设计应易于做到彻底的清洁。 其清洁应按照详细的书面程序进行,生产设 备只能储存于干净和干燥的环境中。
Equipment 设备
• 3.2,如果必须使用脱落纤维的过滤器,那么必须另 用0.22微米的不脱落纤维的滤膜终端过滤. (如实 际生产条件限制,可用0.45微米),以降低注射剂 内微粒数量;



)》(2010年修订年修订)《药品生产质量管理规范药品生产质量管理规范(《Good Manufacturing Practice (2010 revision) 》Reviewed by ISPEMa Yiling, Zhang Jianye, Yang YalanInitial Translation from NNE Pharmaplan目录Table of Contents第一章 总则 (5)第一章Chapter1 General Provisions (5)第二章质量管理 (6)Chapter 2 Quality management (6).第一节原 则 (6).Section 1 Principle (6).第二节 质量保证 (6).Section 2 Quality Assurance (6).第三节 质量控制 (8).Section 3 Quality Control (8)第三章 机构与人员 (10)Chapter 3 Organization and personnel (10).第一节 原 则 (10).Section 1 principle (10).第二节 关键人员 (10).Section 2 Key Personnel (10).第三节 培 训 (14).Section 3 training (14)第四章 厂房与设施 (16)Chapter 4 Premises and facilities (16).第一节 原 则 (16).Section 1 principle (16).第二节 生产区 (17).Section 2 Production Area (17).第三节 仓储区 (20).Section 3 Storage Areas (20).第四节 质量控制区 (21).Section 4 Quality Control Areas (21).第五节 辅助区 (21).Section 5 Ancillary Areas (21)第五章 设 备 (22)Chapter 5 Equipment (22).第一节 原 则 (22).Section 1 principle (22).第二节 设计和安装 (22).Section 2 Design and Installation (22).第三节 维护和维修 (23).Section 3 Maintenance and Repair (23).第四节 使用和清洁 (23).Section 4 Usage and Clean (23).第五节 校 准 (24).Section 5 Calibration (24).第六节 制药用水 (25).Section 6 Water for Pharmaceutical Process (25)第六章物料与产品 (26)Chapter 6 Material and products (26).第一节原 则 (26).Section 1 Principle (26).第二节 原辅料 (27).Section 2 Raw materials and Excipients (27).第三节中间产品和待包装产品 (28).Section 3 Intermediate and Bulk products (28).第四节 包装材料 (29).Section 4 Packaging material (29).第五节成 品 (30).Section 5 Finished products (30).第六节特殊管理的物料和产品 (30).Section 6 Particular management for materials and products (30).第七节其 他 (30).Section 7 others (30)第七章确认与验证 (32)Chapter 7 Qualification and validation (32)第八章文件管理 (34)Chapter 8 Documentation (34).第一节原 则 (34).Section 1 Principle (34).第二节质量标准 (36).Section 2 Specification (36).第三节工艺规程 (37).Section 3 Process procedures (37).第四节批生产记录 (39).Section 4 Batch Production Records (39).第五节批包装记录 (40).Section 5 Batch Packaging Records (40).第六节操作规程和记录 (41).Section 6 Operation Procedures and Records (41)第九章 生产管理 (42)Chapter 9 Production Section (42).第一节 原 则 (42).Section 1 Principle (42).第二节防止生产过程中的污染和交叉污染 (44).Section 2 Prevention of Contamination and cross contamination (44).第三节生产操作 (45).Section 3 Production Operations (45).第四节包装操作 (45).Section 4 Packaging Operations (45)第十章质量控制与质量保证 (47)Chapter 10Quality Control and Quality Assurance (47).第一节质量控制实验室管理 (47).Section 1 Good Quality Control Laboratory Practice (47).第二节物料和产品放行 (55).Section 2 Release for Materials and Products (55).第三节持续稳定性考察 (56).Section 3 On-going stability programme (56).第四节变更控制 (58).Section 4 Change control (58).第五节偏差处理 (59).Section 5 Deviation Treatment (59).第六节纠正措施和预防措施 (60).Section 6 Corrective action and preventive action (CAPA) (60).第七节供应商的评估和批准 (61).Section 7 Audit and approal of suppliers (61).第八节产品质量回顾分析 (63).Section 8 Product Quality Review (63).第九节 投诉与不良反应报告 (65).Section 9 Complaints and Adverse Reactions Report (65)第十一章 委托生产与委托检验 (66)Chapter 11 Contract manufacture and analysis (66).第一节原 则 (66).Section 1 Principle (66).第二节委托方 (66).Section 2 The Contract Giver (66).第三节受托方 (66).Section 3 The Contract Acceptor (66).第四节合 同 (67).Section 4 The Contract (67)第十二章 产品发运与召回 (68)Chapter 12 Product distribution and recall (68).第一节原 则 (68).Section 1 Principle (68).第二节发 运 (68).Section 2 Distribution (68).第三节召 回 (68).Section 3 Recalls (68)第十三章 自 检 (69)Chapter 13Self inspection (69).第一节 原 则 (69).Section 1Principle (69).第二节 自 检 (69).Section 2Self inspection (69)第十四章 附 则 (70)Chapter 14 Glossary (70)Note:Highlight (Yellow) is the differences between EU GMP and SFDA GMP (new version). The first difference is that Chinese GMP combines all the requirements for both API and medicinal products, while EU GMP divides them to two parts.No highlight: is the similarity between the two guidelines.第一章 总则Chapter1 General Provisions第一条为规范药品生产质量管理,根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》、《中华人民共和国药品管理法实施条例》,制定本规范。



医疗器械GMP认证要求解读医疗器械是我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,而GMP(Good Manufacturing Practice)认证对于医疗器械企业来说,具有重要的意义。




二、GMP认证的主要要求1. 设施和设备要求医疗器械企业在进行生产、贮存和分销过程中,必须具备符合卫生要求的建筑设施和生产设备。


2. 员工要求医疗器械企业应保证员工具备相关专业知识和技能,并进行定期培训,以确保他们能够正确理解和执行相关操作规程。


3. 质量管理体系要求医疗器械企业应建立一套完整的质量管理体系,包括质量控制、质量保证和质量改进等环节。


4. 原材料和产品要求医疗器械企业应对原材料进行严格检验,确保其符合相关质量要求,并建立合理的物料管理制度。


5. 清洁和卫生要求医疗器械企业应制定并实施适当的清洁和卫生措施,以确保生产环境的干净、卫生。


6. 记录和文件要求医疗器械企业应建立并保留适当的记录和文件,如生产记录、质量记录、培训记录等,以提供给监管机构进行审查。


三、GMP认证的优势和意义1. 提升产品质量和安全性。
















实验室干燥器 en标准

实验室干燥器 en标准

实验室干燥器 en标准


- 1 -。



(完整版)欧盟GMP附录欧洲共同体:European Communities (EC)。

欧洲联盟:European Union (EU),简称欧盟。




















gmp 附录一隔离器 背景环境 要求

gmp 附录一隔离器 背景环境 要求

gmp 附录一隔离器背景环境要求以GMP附录一隔离器背景环境为标题的文章随着医药行业的不断发展和进步,对于药品的生产质量和安全性要求也越来越高。


GMP(Good Manufacturing Practice,良好生产规范)作为一种国际上公认的药品生产质量管理体系,规定了药品生产过程中的各项要求和标准。


















欧盟GMP指南 第5章生产(中英文20150123)

欧盟GMP指南 第5章生产(中英文20150123)

EU GMP 第1部分第5章生产——增加基因毒性的评估生效时限2015-02-25 11:50:00(粉色字为2015年1月23日新增内容,红字斜体为2014年8月13日修订内容)Ref. Ares(2015)283689 - 23/01/2015 EUROPEAN COMMISSIONHEALTH AND CONSUMERS DIRECTORATE-GENERALPublic Health and Risk AssessmentMedicinal products – quality, safety and efficacyBrussels, 13 August 2014Ares(2014)2674301EudraLexThe Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European UnionVolume 4EU Guidelines forGood Manufacturing Practice forMedicinal Products for Human and Veterinary UsePart 1Chapter 5: Production人兽药EU GMP指南第1部分第5章:生产Legal basis for publishing the detailed guidelines: Article 47 of Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use and Article 51 of Directive 2001/82/EC on the Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products. This document provides guidance for the interpretation of the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice (GMP) for medicinal products as laid down in Directive 2003/94/EC for medicinal products for human use and Directive 91/412/EEC for veterinary use.Status of the document: Revision [a]Reasons for changes: Changes have been made to sections 17 to 20 to improve the guidance on prevention of cross-contamination and to refer to toxicological assessment guidance. Changes were also introduced in sections 26 to 28 on the qualification of suppliers in order to reflect the legal obligation of manufacturing authorisation holders to ensure that active substances are produced in accordance with GMP. The changes include supply chain traceability. Section (33) is inserted to clarify and harmonise expectations of manufacturers regarding the testing of starting materials while section (68) introduces guidance on notification of restrictions in supply.变更理由:对17-20条进行变更,以改进指南中防止交叉污染的部分,及引用毒理学评估指南。

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B10ENGMP+ Feed Safety Assurance schemeLaboratory testingGMP+ B10Version: January 1st , 2012© GMP+ International B.V.All rights reserved. The information in this publica-tion may be consulted on the screen, downloaded and printed as long as this is done for your own, non-commercial use. For other desired uses, prior written permission should be obtained from the GMP+ International B.V.History of the documentINDEX1INTRODUCTION 51.1G ENERAL51.2S TRUCTURE OF THE GMP+F EED S AFETY A SSURANCE SCHEME51.3S COPE AND APPLICATION OF THIS STANDARD61.4T HE STRUCTURE OF THIS STANDARD71.5E XCLUSION OF REQUIREMENTS7 2NORMATIVE REFERENCES 82.1GMP+D OCUMENTS8 3ORGANISATION AND QUALITY POLICY 93.1Q UALITY SYSTEM93.2O RGANISATIONAL DIAGRAM93.3M ANAGEMENT OF THE QUALITY SYSTEM9 4DOCUMENTATION 104.1R ECORDS104.2M ANUAL104.3D ATE AND AUTHORISATION10 5ACCOMMODATION 115.1E NVIRONMENT115.2A CCESS REGULATION115.3F ACILITIES11 6PERSONNEL 12 7EQUIPMENT 137.1I TEMS TO BE RECORDED137.2L OGBOOK13 8SAMPLES, STANDARD, REFERENCE AND AUXILIARY MATERIAL 148.1S PECIFICATIONS148.2C HECK148.3L IST OF AUTHORISED SUPPLIERS148.4I DENTIFICATION148.5P RECAUTIONARY MEASURES148.6I NSTRUCTIONS149INSTRUCTIONS 159.1I NSTRUCTIONS AND DESCRIPTION159.2F AMILIARITY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS15 10REGISTRATION, REPORTING AND ARCHIVING 1610.1R EGISTRATION1610.2R EPORTING1610.3A RCHIVING1610.4P ROTECTION DATA16 11QUALITY CONTROL PLAN AND INTERNAL AUDITS 1711.1Q UALITY CONTROL PLAN1711.2R ECORDS1711.3F REQUENCY1711.4R EPORTING17 12PEER GROUP TESTING 1812.1P ARTICIPATION1812.2A DMINISTRATION1812.3I NSTIGATION OF TESTING18 13CONTRACTING OUT TO OTHER LABORATORIES 19 14COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE 19 15QUALITY CONTROL OF THE TESTING AND CALIBRATION RESULTS 20 16SEROLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION FOR SALMONELLA 21 17COMMENTARY 221 Introduction1.1 GeneralThe GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance Scheme (GMP+ FSA scheme) was initiated and developed in 1992 by the Dutch feed industry in response to various more or less serious incidents involving contamination in feed materials. Although it started as a national scheme, it has developed to become an international scheme that is managed by GMP+ International in collaboration with various international stake-holders.The GMP+ FSA scheme is a complete scheme for the assurance of feed safety in all the links of the feed chain. Demonstrable assurance of feed safety is a 'license to sell’ in many countries and markets and participation in the GMP+ FSA scheme can facilitate this excellently.The basic principle of the GMP+ FSA scheme is that the feed chain is part of the food production chain. Proper quality assurance of feed safety throughout the feed chain has a high priority. It is important that companies take their responsibilities in this respect by responding in a proper and convincing way to the need for safe feed materials in the food production chain.Based on needs in practice, multiple components have been integrated into the GMP+ FSA scheme, such as requirements for the quality management system (ISO 9001), HACCP, product standards, traceability, monitoring, prerequisites pro-grammes, chain approach and the Early Warning System.Together with the GMP+ partners, GMP+ International transparently sets clear re-quirements so that feed safety is guaranteed and certification bodies are able to carry out GMP+ certification independently.GMP+ International supports the GMP+ participants with useful and practical infor-mation by way of its various databases, newsletters, Q&A lists and seminars.1.2 Structure of the GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance schemeThe documents within the GMP+ FSA scheme are subdivided into a number of series. The next page shows a schematic representation of the contents of the GMP+ FSA scheme:All these documents are available via the website of GMP+ International().This document is referred to as GMP+ B10 Laboratory testing and is part of the GMP+ FSA scheme.1.3 Scope and application of this standardAnalysing on samples of feed additives, feed materials, premixes and feed in the context of the GMP+ FSA scheme should take place in such a way the reliability of the results produced is controlled and assured. This standard specifies the re-quirements for a quality assurance system in which a laboratory can ensure that the results of the analyses sufficiently reliable, and is intended for (internal com-pany) laboratories which carry out analyses within the framework of the GMP+ FSA scheme.A laboratory may participate for its analysis activities in the GMP+ FSA scheme. To do this it should establish a quality assurance system which complies with the re-quirements of this standard. The applicant must manage and ensure compliance with critical points such as receipt, storage and treatment of samples, analysis, reg-istration, reporting and archiving.Certification will take place according to the type of subject as well as the analytical method and matrix employed, which are also to be stated on the certificate. A sub-ject is something which can be analysed by means of an analytical method.In this standard the words ‘laboratory’ and ‘applicant’ are used diversely. Both words refer to the organisation which has implemented the quality system. Thew ord ‘laboratory’ sometimes refers in addition to the building or area where the analysis activities take place.The requirements of this standard apply to organisations, irrespective of their type or size, which carry out activities which are covered within the scope of this stan-dard.It is not important whether a company carries out these activities on its own ac-count or as a (sub) contractor (‘service provider’).If a participant carries out activities with feeds which are outside the scope of this standard then it may be necessary to apply another GMP+ standard instead of, or in addition to, this standard.For exact details is referred to GMP+ C1 Approval Requirements and Procedure for Certification Bodies, Appendix 1The participant remains responsible at all times for the safety of the feeds and ac-tivities associated with them, as well as for checking on compliance with the re-quirements. This must be done by the participant himself. By complying with the requirements of this standard and by being certified accordingly, the participant can demonstrate the safety and quality of his services or feeds to third parties. Irrespective of the obligations arising from this standard, the participant will only place on the market or offer services regarding feeds which are safe for animals and (indirectly) safe for the consumers of the animal products.1.4 The structure of this standardThis standard has its own structure. This standard is easy to combine with other standards.GMP+ Appendices (GMP+ BAxx), to which there are also references, are separate GMP+ documents within the B segment. If there is a reference in this standard then it applies within the framework of this standard. See also Chapter 2.1.5 Exclusion of requirementsIt is possible that certain requirements do not apply to a participant. A participant may exclude these requirements. Exclusions must, however, be justified and re-corded. The exclusions may in any event not lead to the participant supplying feeds or offering services which do not comply with feed safety as defined in the GMP+ FSA scheme.No requirements may be excluded because the participant finds them to be not relevant such as because customers do not ask for them or because compliance with these requirements is not a legal obligation or because the company is small.2 Normative references2.1 GMP+ DocumentsIn addition to the requirements listed in this GMP+ standard, the participant must also comply with the requirements included in the GMP+ Appendices (GMP+ BA xx) to which reference is made in this standard.The participant must also comply with the relevant requirements as recorded in the GMP+ A-documents.These documents can be found on the GMP+ International’s website()3 Organisation and quality policy3.1 Quality systemThe applicant must have a quality system in place which includes the organisation and documentation of responsibilities, authorisations, procedures, processes and the provisions made in relation to the management and guaranteeing of the reliabil-ity of the analytical results. Responsibility for the proper structure and operation of the quality system rests with the directors of the business.3.2 Organisational diagramAn organisational chart should be provided to show how the laboratory fits into the organisation of the business. The applicant and its personnel should have a posi-tion independent of any activities related to the production and trading of additives, feed materials, premixes and feed carried on elsewhere in the business. The man-ager of the quality system must have direct access to the company directors. Inter-nal inspections (internal audits) should be carried out by a person who is suitably independent of the activities to be audited. The auditor must also possess ade-quate knowledge of the activity to be audited.3.3 Management of the quality systemThere must be a procedure in place to govern authorisations in connection with amendments, modifications, additions or reviews of the quality system. A manager will be appointed within the business to be responsible for the currency, manage-ment and distribution of the manual.4 Documentation4.1 RecordsIn recording events it is necessary; both for the proper functioning of the laboratory and for the purpose of demonstrability with respect to any assessor, that all the matters indicated by the participant in the quality system are recorded or clearly observable. Everyone in the laboratory involved with any element of the quality system must be aware of this and actively work towards its achievement.It will be clear that mere paper recording will not suffice. It must also be demonstra-ble from the people doing the work, from the equipment used and the working ar-rangements, etc., that the relevant elements of this standard function in practice.4.2 ManualOne of the requirements for the proper functioning of the quality system is that it should be set down in a manual. Only in this way does the cohesion among the critical points and the quality of the results of analysis become transparent by the applicant.Putting the quality system into writing will create the manual, which provides an ongoing reference source for the implementation and maintenance of the quality system. The manual must demonstrably be kept up to date.4.3 Date and authorisationThe documented instructions and procedures must be dated and authorised by a person nominated by the directors of the business.5 Accommodation5.1 EnvironmentThe environment/location where the analytical procedures are carried out must not affect the accuracy and precision of the analytical results.5.2 Access regulationThere is to be a procedure controlling access to the laboratory, approved by the Directors, which will ensure that the integrity of the results is not affected.The following matters must be dealt with, as a minimum:a. sample storage is secure against unauthorised access;b. data is secureThe laboratory must be accessible only to laboratory personnel. Other persons may only enter the room in the presence of laboratory personnel.5.3 FacilitiesProvision should be made for:a. the reception of sample material;b. the storage of samples;c. the cleaning of glasswork and other equipment;d. the preparation and storage chemical reagents and similar;e. the carrying out of the tests, including the preparation of samples;These provisions should be appropriate given the aims of the quality system.6 PersonnelThe laboratory personnel are of crucial importance in managing and guaranteeing the quality of the analytical results. The personnel must therefore have the knowl-edge and capabilities required for their allotted tasks in this context.In order to achieve this it is necessary in any event that:a. their tasks, responsibilities and authority are made clear to them, in writing;b. there is an established procedure in place to ensure that all personnel involvedare aware of the necessary instructions and standards. They should be kept in-formed at least in writing, on a regular basis, and certainly in the event of es-sential modifications. This also applies to temporary personnel;c. personnel received adequate initial and follow-up training. This should be ap-parent from the personal files and/or a training programme.7 Equipment7.1 Items to be recordedThe following matters should be recorded with regard to the equipment and tools provided which might affect the outcome of the analytical work:a. an inventory of the equipment available, stating the method of identificationemployed;b. a maintenance system, stating the frequency and nature of the maintenancework to be carried out, including adjustment, calibration and validation, and stating who is authorised to carry out such activities. The calibration should be able to be derived from primary standards;c. the suitability of quality inspection equipment for its particular purposes: in theevent of faults in equipment: the measures that are and must be taken in rela-tion to the use of the equipment, as well as the assessment of the validity of in-spection results obtained previously.7.2 LogbookThe maintenance activities, repaired faults, calibrations, adjustments and valida-tions as specified under section 6.1 should be recorded in a logbook. Malfunctioning equipment must be marked as such (“quarantined”).8 Samples, standard, reference and auxiliary material8.1 SpecificationsSpecifications should be available for the required quality of standard and reference materials and auxiliary material (chemicals). These should be recorded.8.2 CheckStandard, reference and auxiliary materials should be checked on delivery to estab-lish that what was ordered was in fact received.8.3 List of authorised suppliersThere should be information available on the quality and reliability of suppliers of standard, reference and auxiliary materials. A list of authorised suppliers should be drawn up on the basis of this information.Checks should be carried out on the usability of critical standard, reference and auxiliary materials. Frequency of checks is dependent on the extent to which the standard, reference and auxiliary materials are critical for the outcome of the analy-ses. A procedure must be laid down for this.8.4 IdentificationStandard, reference and auxiliary materials must be uniquely identified and pro-vided with an expiry date and storage instructions where these are important for quality.8.5 Precautionary measuresPrecautionary measures should be in place at all stages of storage, sample prepa-ration and processing and investigation, in order to avoid any possible unfavourable effects on the results of analysis. Instructions should be available for these pur-poses, and these should be kept under review.8.6 InstructionsInstructions should be available covering receipt, storage life and destruction of samples and standard, reference and auxiliary materials.9 Instructions9.1 Instructions and descriptionInstructions should be available to cover:a. the operation, maintenance, calibration and adjustment of equipmentb. the handling of samplesc. the realization of the testing (the analysis), including the control provisions tobe carried out. A control sample should be included in each series, the fre-quency is matched to single or duplicate control tests), the way in which the re-sults of the control provisions are interpreted and the records and reports of the results. The responsibility for acceptance and reporting of analytical resultsshould be clearly set out.The under GMP+ B10 Laboratory Testing executed analyses should be validated. Depending on the type of analysis, at least the following performance features should be determinedAny test instructions should include at least a description of the following:a. equipment;b. reagents;c. other auxiliary materials, andd. acceptance criteria for the analytical results obtained.It should also be stated whether and when the determination should be carried out on a single or duplicated basis. In the case of single analysis there should be suffi-cient guarantees built in to ensure the quality of the analytical result, for example through the inclusion of additional control analyses.9.2 Familiarity with the instructionsThe current instructions must be known to the personnel involved. Work must be carried out in accordance with the (current version of the) instructions.10 Registration, reporting and archiving10.1 RegistrationThe following data should be unambiguously recorded:a. the identity of the sample (type, source, sample number);b. date of receipt of sample;c. testing methodology adopted;d. results of analysis; in the case of microbiological analysis, stating the quantityused in the test;e. results of confirmatory tests (if applicable);f. results of control analyses Determination and evaluation to be in accordancewith the methodology described under section 11.2 and 11.3;g. any irregularities detected;h. names of those carrying out the investigation and authenticating the results. The records should be preserved so as to prevent their unintended loss, and any amendments must be verifiable.10.2 ReportingResults may be reported only by authorised persons on behalf of the participant. The following items must be reported in the case of each sample:a. identity of the sample;b. sample number;c. any batch or reference number (provided by the client);d. date of receipt of the sample;e. final result or results;f. any remarks;g. report date by the person responsible for drawing up the report;h. authorisation by the person responsible for the report;i. person for whom the report is intended;j. the testing method used including the version number (possibly reclaimable).10.3 ArchivingAll data which might be significant in reconstructing how a particular result was achieved must be retained. The following items should be archived (possibly in electronic form) for at least 2 years:a. the records mentioned in section 9.1;b. a copy of each of the reports mentioned under section 9.2;c. the equipment log-books mentioned under section 6.2;d. results of internal inspections and checks;e. replaced documents (manual, procedures, instructions etc).10.4 Protection dataThere should be adequate security to prevent unauthorised access to and amend-ment of information.11 Quality control plan and internal audits11.1 Quality control planThe applicant is to draw up a quality control plan to include all relevant checking recorded in the quality system. The results are to be compared to the company’s internal standards.The quality control plan is to include at least the following elements:a. identification of critical points, in a logical and systematic sequence;b. the required checks, and their frequency;c. persons responsible for carrying out checks.11.2 RecordsThe results of the quality control plan are to be recorded on inspection forms devel-oped for the purpose, stating the following as a minimum:a. items to be inspected, and the results;b. the section of the laboratory involved;c. inspection date;d. name of inspector;e. actions taken.The applicant should instigate an investigation into the cause of any irregularities, and to rectify these. The action taken, the rationale and the results should be re-corded.11.3 FrequencyInternal audits should be carried out at least once per year.11.4 ReportingThe results, their evaluation and the actions taken should be reported to the direc-tors of the laboratory. The (final) responsibility for taking action in the case of ir-regularities rests with the directors of the business.12 Peer group testing12.1 ParticipationThe applicant should take part in inter-laboratory tests (peer group tests) dealing with the analytical methods used by the participant and based where possible on proficiency testing.12.2 AdministrationFor each operation, the laboratory’s results, as compared with the mean calculated from the relevant peer group test are to be retained and archived for a minimum of 3 years. The results should show the deviation from the mean, expressed as multi-ples of the spread (“s”) calculated for the peer group test in question, and pr e-sented as a summary or graph.12.3 Instigation of testingThe laboratory must instigate an investigation into the cause of deviations and rec-tify them, where the following occurs:a. one deviation of more than 3 x sb. two consecutive times with a deviation of more than 2 x s on the same side ofthe averagec. or eleven four consecutive results on the same side of the average.This action taken, the rationale and the results should be recorded.13 Contracting out to other laboratoriesAnalytical work may only be contracted out to laboratories which are certified for the work in question under this or some other equivalent standard.Operations which are contracted out are not eligible for certification.Where analytical work is contracted out to third parties, the report to the client must make it clear that the analysis was not carried out in-house, but rather contracted out.14 Complaints procedureThe participant should have a system in place for the recording and handling of complaints.15 Quality control of the testing and calibration resultsThe laboratory must have procedures in place for quality control to monitor the va-lidity of the analyses and calibrations carried out.The details must be recorded in such a way that trends are noticed and, where practically possible, statistical methods can be used to assess the results. This monitoring should be evaluated periodically and modified where applicable. During this periodic evaluation the analysis methods used should also be evalu-ated. A check should be carried out on whether use is made of the most current version of a method and whether there is a need to (re)validate the method.16 Serological classification for salmonellaIf a laboratory carries out serological classification for Salmonella within the framework of its GMP+ B10 Laboratory Testing certification then it should comply with the following additional requirements:a. The laboratory must be able to classify feed materials for at least the followingserological types:1 Enteritidis;2 Typhimuirium;3 Infantis;4 Virchow;5 Hadar;6 Java;7 Agona;b. The laboratory is prepared and able to receive and further analyse the isolatesfrom laboratories which do not carry out serological classifications.c. Analyses will be carried out in accordance with the Kauffmann White antigenescheme .Table 1: Antigens scheme for Salmonella according to the Kauffman White scheme (Source: Bergey’s manual of Determinative Bacteriology)d. If it is a type which can not be classified by the laboratory then the samplemust still be fully classified by the RIVM.e. The laboratory is obliged ot participate in the training courses organised by theRIVM for the serological classification of Salmonella.f. The laboratory is obliged (where possible) to participate in ring tests for sero-logical classification. If the laboratory books a correct result in at least 80% of these tests then it is released from the obligation specified in 7.g. The laboratory is obliged to send each year a minimum of 30 isolates to theRIVM for serological classification (duplicate testing). A minimum of 80% of the serological classifications must have a correct result. The results of the analy-ses will then be checked or confirmed.17 CommentaryA company’s own internal monitoring (under a quality control plan) has an impo r-tant place in the various GMP+ FSA standards. Such monitoring will in part be car-ried out by means of laboratory testing. The quality of such laboratory testing is therefore an essential element of quality control in the animal feed sector.This standard for laboratories has been drawn up in the interests of ensuring the quality level of these laboratory tests.The standard consists in broad terms of the following three elements:a. minimum requirements on the laboratory’s quality system, derived from EN17025;b. application of officially recognised methods (or methods providing equivalentperformance) thereby ensuring uniformity;c. participation in inter-laboratory peer-group testing, on the basis of proficiency. Certification under this GMP+ FSA standard may be combined with certification under ISO 17025.。
