GB1801-79 公差与配合尺寸到500mm孔、轴公差带与配合。
/T7331-94 通用悬挂输送机型式及结构参数。
图1 双铰接输送链的基本结构、型式和尺寸符号3.2标示十字输送链的标示规定如下:标示示例:按本标准制造的双铰接输送链,节距为200mm,结构型式为双链板双走轮单导轮,单点吊重为30kg,每条链条按268个节距装配,其标示如下:SJ200A-30×268-JB/T8546-200X3.3尺寸与参数尺寸与参数见图1、表2。
潤滑選用 潤滑劑選用,依設備需求可選擇潤滑脂、潤滑油或特殊潤滑劑潤滑
1-3 額定負荷
1-3-1 基本靜額定負荷
(1) 基本靜額定負荷 (C0)的定義 線性滑軌在靜止或運動中若承受過大的負荷,或受有很大衝擊負荷時,會導致珠道接觸面和鋼珠產生局部 的永久變形;當永久變形量超過某一限度,將妨礙線性滑軌運動的平穩性。基本靜額定負荷便是容許這個 永久變形量的極限負荷。依照定義:負荷的方向和大小不變的狀態下,在受到最大應力接觸面處,鋼珠與 珠道表面的總永久變形量恰為鋼珠直徑萬分之一時的靜止負荷。
二、HIWIN 產品系列 ............................................................................................................................... 17 2-1 HG系列─滾珠線性滑軌 ............................................................................................................................ 18 2-2 EG系列─低組裝式滾珠線性滑軌 .................................................................................................. 36 2-3 MGN/MGW系列─微小型線性滑軌 ................................................................................................ 52 2-4 RG系列─滾柱式線性滑軌 ............................................................................................................ 61 2-5 E2型式─自潤式線性滑軌 ............................................................................................................ 75 2-6 I G 型式─智慧型線性滑軌 ........................................................................................................................ 78 2-7 SE型式─金屬端蓋式線性滑軌 ................................................................................................................ 83 2-8 Q1型式─靜音式線性滑軌 ............................................................................................................ 84
10、G C-270(G C S270)型轨道车技术规格书一、概述GC-270(GCS270)型轨道车为机械传动型式的四轴轨道车。
二、主要性能数据1.使用环境温度环境温度:-20℃—+45℃海拔高度:3000m(海拔超过3000m须调整发动机功率)2.整车主要技术参数轨距1435mm轴列式1A—A1走行部型式拉杆式二轴转向架两转向架中心距7000mm转向架轴距2100mm整备重量36t±4%车轮直径840mm通过最小曲线半径145m最高运行速度110km/h最大牵引吨位700t传动方式机械传动制动方式JZ-7空气制动及手制动车钩型式2#上作用式及13#下作用式(带MX-1型缓冲器)车钩中心距轨面高度880±10mm排障器距轨面高度110±20mm柴油箱容积740L外形尺寸(长×宽×高)13840×3360×4140mm 限界符合GB146.1-83标准轨距铁路机车车限界牵引性能牵引吨位见附表3.柴油机的主要技术参数型号NTA855-L360型式水冷、四冲程、直列、废气涡轮增压中冷气缸数6气缸直径139.7mm活塞行程152.4mm发火次序1—5—3—6—2—4排量14 l额定功率/转速268kW(365PS)/2100r/min最大扭矩/转速1464N.m/1400r/min最高空载转速2300r/min怠速600r/min起动方式直流24V电起动充电发电机电压直流28V充电电流50A燃油消耗率210g/kW.h净重1350kg4.变速箱的主要技术参数型号RTO-11509F型式机械式、手操纵、副箱带惯性同步器最大输入扭矩1490N.m最大输出扭矩16939N.m最大输入转速2600r/min净重260kg各档速比:5.型号英国15/380-2LP型式双片干式摩擦离合器最大传递扭矩3470N.m三、主要技术特点1.•车速高该车最高运行速度达110km/h,在目前轨道车产品中处于领先水平,可满足铁路提速的需要,•由于采用了二系减振的转向架,因此整车运行平稳,具有良好的动力学性能。
巡检机器人 维护使用手册说明书
巡检机器人维护使用手册版本:2.0北京眸视科技有限公司目录1.产品概述 (4)1.1.产品概述 (4)1.2.履带式机器人 (5)1.3.轮式机器人 (5)2.机器人开机 (6)2.1.机器人开机 (6)2.2.遥控器使用 (6)2.3.遥控器高级使用 (7)2.4.注意事项 (9)3.平板控制 (10)3.1.Wifi连接 (10)3.2.运行APP (10)3.3.自启动功能 (10)3.4.License更新功能 (11)3.5.参数配置 (14)3.6.状态检查 (15)3.7.开启巡检 (16)4.制图 (17)4.1.制图 (17)4.2.地图编辑 (20)4.3.地图备份与切换 (25)4.4.注意事项 (27)4.4.1.制图之前的准备 (28)4.4.2.建图操作原则 (28)4.4.3.建图结果检查 (30)5.导航 (31)5.1.导航到指定点 (31)5.2.导航到指定坐标 (32)5.3.取消导航 (32)6.1.准备工作 (34)6.2.工具安装 (34)6.2.1.开启root ssh权限 (34)6.2.2.JDK的安装 (35)6.2.3.TOMCAT安装 (35)6.2.4.MySQL数据库在线安装 (36)6.2.5.Redis安装 (37)6.2.6.Nginx安装 (37)6.3.程序部署 (38)6.3.1.前端web程序部署 (38)6.3.2.后端jar包部署 (39)6.4.系统参数配置 (41)6.4.1.域名地址映射 (41)6.4.2./etc/profile确认 (41)6.5.启动管理云平台系统程序 (41)6.5.1.后台java程序启动 (42)6.5.2.前台tomcat启动 (42)6.5.3.确认后台程序是否启动成功 (42)6.5.4.访问系统url (42)7.云平台使用 (43)7.1.系统登录 (43)7.1.1.系统首页 (44)7.1.2.个人中心 (45)7.2.实时监控 (45)7.3.数据查询 (47)7.3.1.巡检报表 (47)7.3.2.巡检点 (48)7.3.3.环境数据 (48)7.4.巡检任务 (49)7.4.1.任务管理 (49)7.4.2.任务日历 (51)7.5.1.巡检点管理 (52)7.5.2.地图管理 (53)7.5.3.机器人管理 (54)7.5.4.告警设置 (55)7.6.系统管理 (56)7.6.1.用户管理 (56)7.6.2.角色管理 (57)7.6.3.菜单管理 (59)7.6.4.场站管理 (59)7.6.5.字典管理 (60)7.6.6.车体状态 (61)7.6.7.版本信息 (62)8.巡检 (63)8.1.启动检查 (63)8.2.云平台操作 (64)9.注意事项 (66)9.1.常规检查 (66)9.2.维护保养 (66)9.3.长期储存 (67)10.快速故障排除 (69)10.1.机器人故障排查 (69)10.2.云端服务故障排查 (71)10.3.遥控器故障排查 (72)附录1:充电桩安装说明 (75)附录2、传感器清洁 (76)附录3、产品参数 (77)1.产品概述1.1.产品概述眸视机器人定位和导航系统,是一个集激光雷达、视觉(双目相机、深度相机)、超声波、惯性测量单元(IMU)等多种传感器于一体的定位和导航系统。
项目三 高、低压电器操作 任务五 操作XGN2-12箱型固定式金属封闭开关柜
图3-12 XGN2-12箱型固定式金属封闭开关柜二、XGN2-12箱型固定式金属封闭开关柜的操作原理1、停电操作(运行→检修)开关柜处于工作位置,即上下隔离开关、断路器处于合闸状态,前后门关闭已锁好,并处于带电运行之中,这时的小手柄处于工作位置。
图3-13 XGN2-12箱型固定式金属封闭开关柜结构2、符号含义任务实施:一、任务准备根据任务要求,确定选用工具、仪表、耗材及器材见表3-9表3-9 工具、仪表及器材明细序号名称型号与规格单位数量备注1固定式金属封闭开关柜XGN2-12箱型台12电工通用工具验电笔、钢丝钳、螺钉旋具(一字形和十字形)、电工刀、尖嘴钳、活板手、剥线钳等套13万用表自定块14圆珠笔自定支15演草纸A4或B5或自定张16劳保用品绝缘鞋、工作服等套1二、10kv高压开关柜的操作步骤1、送电操作①清楚柜体内杂物,关紧前后门。
GY95SK 型液化石油气罐车 ................................................................................................10
GY95AK 型液化石油气罐车................................................................................................11
GY60SK 型液化气体罐车 ....................................................................................................12
GY60K 型液化石油气罐车 ..................................................................................................12
GSK 型食油罐车 .......................................13
GQ70(GQ70H)型轻油罐车............................................................................................. 13 GN70(GN70H)型粘油罐车 ............................................................................................. 14 GLBK 型沥青罐车 ................................................................................................................14 GL60K 型沥青罐车 ..............................................................................................................15 GHK 型黄磷罐车 .................................................................................................................15 GFAK 玻璃钢盐酸罐车.......................................................................................................16 G75K 型轻油罐车................................................................................................................16 G70K 型轻油罐车................................................................................................................17 G70D 型轻油罐车................................................................................................................17 G70AK 型轻油罐车.............................................................................................................18 G60XK 型不锈钢罐车..........................................................................................................18 G60LBK 型铝制罐车 ............................................................................................................18 0K 型轻油罐车 ....................................................................................................................19 G17SK 型石脑油罐车 ..........................................................................................................19 G17K 型粘油罐车................................................................................................................20 G17BK 型粘油罐车..............................................................................................................20 G11SK 型浓硫酸罐车 ..........................................................................................................21 G11K 型酸碱罐车 ............................................................................................................... 21 G11JK 型液碱罐车..............................................................................................................22 G11BK 型精碱罐车.............................................................................................................22 1CC 液化石油气罐式集装箱 ..............................................................................................23 L18 型粮食漏斗车...............................................................................................................23 N17A 型平车........................................................................................................................24 N17 型平车..........................................................................................................................24 P64GK 型棚车......................................................................................................................24 P65 型行包快运棚车 ..........................................................................................................25 C64 型敞车 ..........................................................................................................................25 活顶棚车 ............................................................................................................................. 25 低重心气卸水泥罐车.......................................................................................................... 26 X2K 型双层集装箱平车 ......................................................................................................26
JGQ-II-A型夹轨器使用说明书浙江仙居县正安夹轨器有限公司目录1.概述 (1)2.主要技术参数 (1)3.结构和性能 (1)4.安装调试 (2)5.维护保养 (4)6.非常情况下的使用 (5)7.常见故障原因及排除方法 (5)8.液压原理图 (6)9.电气原理图 (8)10.结构安装图 (9)1.概述夹轨器是防止轨道式运行机械沿轨道方向自由运动的安全装置,它适用于大型货场、煤场的斗轮机、堆取料机及各种桥式、门式集装箱起重机等轨道式起重搬运设备的抗风和抵御其它的外来冲击力。
风条 件下 可 防倾覆 或 脱轨 。
7 4
N vm e,07 oe br20
逐渐 消耗 作用 于起 重 机 上 的动 能 , 过 一 定 的作 用 时 经
2 结 构 特 点
龙 门起重 机在 运行 状态 下突 遇超 过工 作状 态下 的
间后 起重 机运 行停 止 , 不致 使起 重机 产生倾 覆 或脱 轨 。
1 该装 置是 由主消 能体 和次 级消 能挡组 成 。其 消 )
能 头 为橡胶 式 消能 头 , 消能头 固定在前 支 架 、 支架 和 后 倒 置双 扣轨 组成 的三 角形 桁架 的 前端 。主 消能体 是 由
前 支架 、 后支 架 和倒 置 双 扣 轨 组 成 。次 级 消 能挡 由预
遇 大风 可制 动 。该项课 题 的研 制 和设计 在 实践 使用 中 受 到 了好 评 。
图 1 门式 起 重 机 防 风 车 挡 、 作 示 意 图 工
1 设 计 原 理
变 量 。 只有将 撞击 尽头 线 车挡 的合 外力 控 制在一 定 的 本课 题研 究 的 门 式 起 重 机 轨 道 防 溜 制 动 装 置 及 Q x型龙 门起 重机 防风 安 全 车 挡 是 针 对 站 场 露 天起 重 机正 常走 行 中 , 遇 同一方 向大 风 时 , 造成 脱轨 或倾 突 而 翻 的装置 。而 解决 这一 问题 的基 本原 理 是采 用 动力 学 的动 量原理 和 动量 守恒 定律 。 如 图 1 示 , 门 吊车 在 风力 制 动 力 等撞 击 尽 头 所 龙 范 围 内 , ( ) 得 到 满 足 , 门起 重 机 才 能 保证 不 至 式 1可 龙 倾 覆 或脱 轨 。
全液压汽车起重机系列.....................................................................................................................................................10 QY130K 汽车起重机................................................................................................................................................. 10 QY100K 汽车起重机................................................................................................................................................. 12 QY80K 汽车起重机................................................................................................................................................... 13 QY70K 汽车起重机..............................................................
DB32∕T 3564-2019 节段预制拼装混凝土桥梁设计与施工规范
键齿剪力键 tooth shear key 预制节段混凝土桥梁接缝表面用于匹配拼合、承担剪力等作用、凹凸密接匹配的多重键块和键槽。
节段逐跨拼装 span by span erection 将整孔的预制节段全部由架设设备承担,待张拉预应力将节段组成整体结构后,架设梁再前移至下 一跨施工。待一联施工完毕后,再吊装或浇筑墩顶节段,进行结构体系转换。
节段悬臂拼装 segmental balanced canltilever erection 将桥墩两侧节段逐块、对称安装并张拉预应力,直至最大悬臂状态,再进行跨中合拢。
4 符号
4.1 材料性能
fck 、 fcd ——混凝土轴心抗压强度标准值、设计值; ftk 、 ftd ——混凝土轴心抗拉强度标准值、设计值; fsk 、 fsd ——普通钢筋抗拉强度标准值、设计值; fpk 、 fpd ——预应力钢筋抗拉强度标准值、设计值;
fcu, k
ICS 93.080 P66 备案号:**********
DB32/T 3564—2019
Specification for Design and Construction of Segmental Precast Concrete Bridges
中国铁路总公司《铁路技术管理规程》(高速铁路部分)2014 年7月·北京目录总则 (1)第一编技术设备 (2)第一章基本要求 (2)基建、制造及其验收交接 (2)限界、安全保护区 (3)养护维修及检查 (5)救援设备 (6)灾害防护 (6)行车安全监测设备 (7)第二章线路、桥梁及隧道 (9)一般要求 (9)铁路线路 (9)线路平面及纵断面 (10)路基 (10)桥隧建(构)筑物 (11)轨道 (12)线路交叉及接轨 (13)防护栅栏 (13)声屏障 (14)第三章信号、通信 (15)一般要求 (15)信号 (15)联锁 (17)闭塞 (18)调度集中系统 (18)机车信号、列车运行监控装置、轨道车运行控制设备 (19)列车运行控制系统 (19)信号集中监测系统 (23)通信 (23)承载网 (24)业务网 (24)支撑网 (25)信号、通信线路及其他 (25)第四章铁路信息系统 (27)第五章车站及枢纽 (29)站场设备 (29)客运设备 (29)第六章机车车辆 (31)机车设备 (31)机车 (31)车辆设备 (33)车辆 (33)动车组设备 (34)动车组 (35)自轮运转特种设备 (35)第七章供电、给水 (37)牵引供电 (37)电力、给水 (39)第八章房屋建筑 (41)第九章铁路用地 (42)第二编行车组织 (43)第十章基本要求 (43)行车组织原则 (43)列车乘务 (45)车站值守 (48)车站技术管理 (49)对行车有关人员的要求 (49)第十一章编组列车 (51)列车编组 (51)列车中机车车辆的编挂和连挂 (51)列尾装置的摘挂及运用 (53)列车中车辆的检查 (53)列车制动 (55)第十二章调度指挥 (61)调度日计划 (61)日常运输组织 (62)调度命令 (62)第十三章列车运行 (66)行车闭塞 (66)接发列车 (72)列车运行 (75)跨线运行 (75)车底回送 (76)第十四章限速管理 (77)临时限速管理 (77)列控限速管理 (77)第十五章调车工作 (79)调车工作 (79)机车车辆的停留 (83)第十六章施工维修 (85)施工维修基本要求 (85)施工维修防护 (85)施工路用列车开行 (94)确认列车开行 (95)设备故障及抢修 (96)第十七章灾害天气行车 (98)大风天气行车 (98)雨天行车 (99)冰雪天气行车 (100)异物侵限报警 (101)地震监测报警 (103)天气恶劣难以辨认信号行车 (103)第十八章设备故障行车 (105)列控车载设备不能正常使用 (105)LKJ、GYK、机车信号故障 (105)CTC故障 (106)进站、出站、进路信号机、线路所通过信号机故障或车站(线路所)道岔失去表示、轨道电路非列车占用红光带 (107)区间通过信号机故障或闭塞分区轨道电路非列车占用红光带(异物侵限报警红光带除外) (110)站内轨道电路分路不良 (111)列车占用丢失 (111)列车无线调度通信设备故障 (112)接触网停电 (113)接触网上挂有异物 (114)受电弓挂有异物 (115)运行途中自动降弓 (116)自动过分相地面设备故障 (116)动车组列车空调失效 (117)列车运行途中车辆故障 (117)第十九章非正常行车组织 (120)双线区间反方向行车 (120)列车被迫停车后的处理 (120)列车在区间退行、返回 (121)列车分部运行 (122)列车冒进信号机 (122)列车运行晃车 (123)列车停在接触网分相无电区 (123)列车碰撞异物 (124)列车发生火灾、爆炸 (125)第二十章救援 (126)使用机车、救援列车救援 (126)动车组救援动车组 (127)启用热备动车组 (128)第三编信号显示 (129)第二十一章基本要求 (129)第二十二章固定信号 (132)色灯信号机 (132)车载信号 (139)第二十三章移动信号及手信号 (144)移动信号 (144)无线调车灯显信号 (145)手信号 (146)第二十四章信号表示器及标志 (155)信号表示器 (155)线路标志及信号标志 (159)线路安全保护标志 (164)动车组列车标志 (165)第二十五章听觉信号 (167)附图1 客运专线铁路建筑限界 (170)附图2 客运专线铁路机车车辆限界 (173)附件1 调度命令 (174)附件2 调度命令登记簿 (175)附件3 CTC控制模式转换登记簿 (176)缩写词对照表 (177)计量单位符号 (178)总则铁路是国民经济大动脉、国家重要基础设施和大众化交通工具,是综合交通运输体系骨干、重要的民生工程和资源节约型、环境友好型运输方式,在我国经济社会发展中的地位至关重要。
喷涂流⽔线介绍涂装⽣产线设计⽅案⽬录⼀、设计原则⼆、⽣产线⼯艺流程三、⽣产线设备的组成⼀) 喷淋式前处理⼆) ⽔份烘⼲通道三) 喷涂设备的配置四) 流平五) 烘⼲室六) 冷却七)悬挂输送系统⼀.设计原则1.年加⼯能⼒:30万件2.⼯件尺⼨重量:3-50kg长:300-1700mm外径:120mm3.流平时间:10min4.喷涂要求:温度80度时间:30min5.冷却处理:风机降温⼆.⼯艺流程1.上件2.脱脂3.⽔洗4.⼲燥5.缠布6.喷涂7.流平8.烘⼲9.冷却10.下件三.⽣产设备的组成⼀).喷淋前处理1.⼯件⼊⼝:2. 设备壳体3.通风装置4.悬链保护装置5.喷淋系统6.⼈员检修门7.槽内加热装置8.槽内沉淀过滤装置9.回流装置10.槽外加热装置11.⽔箱若定脱脂时间为5分钟⽔洗时间为5分钟则脱脂室长5×0.5=2.5m=2500mm⽔洗室长5×0.5=2.5m=2500mm下图为⽹上喷淋公司提供的⼀般数据取b=400 h=1700则W=400+300+(120+30)×2=1300mmH=2900mm⼊⼝、出⼝长都为1000mm则L=1000+2500+2500+1000=7000mm下表为喷淋⽀管的尺⼨规格表喷淋⽀管选DN32涂料喷嘴⼝径与涂料喷出量关系喷嘴型号选193-Z43喷淋系统风机选择由计算得通风量为3042m3/h可取电机4-79 No 4A加热装置的选择内置式波纹管换热器原因:占⽤空间⼩、不易⽣成结渣直接与槽液接触换热效果好计算得热损耗量为207073.1k cal/h 选30万⼤卡燃烧机加热器换热⾯积为4平⽅⽶内置⾃动温控仪和温度显⽰系统各⼀套槽体设计材料选择槽体需具备耐腐蚀性,同时需具备⼀定的刚度和强度, 槽体材料选SUS304 尺⼨⼤⼩因为循环泵选⽴式液下泵,安在槽体上边,需预留出800mm的空间W=1300+800-100=2000mm 定H=1000mm脱脂槽尺⼨设计为2500×2000×1000mm⽔洗槽尺⼨设计为2500×2000×1000mm液槽过滤⽹:不锈钢过滤⽹保温层:内外板之间填有50mm厚的岩棉保喷淋前处理需淌⽔板分段,减少相邻的不同⼯艺段之间串液。
DL-60 封闭轨道手册说明书
DL-812 HEAVY LUBE TANK............................................................................................2DL-865 HEAVY LUBE TANK............................................................................................3DL-5003 HEAD CONTROLLER......................................................................................4DL-5003 WIRING DIAGRAM..........................................................................................5DL-9000 POWER SUPPLY..............................................................................................6DL-9000PS 24B WIRE DIAGRAM..................................................................................7HEAVY LUBE 12 GALLON PUMP KIT..........................................................................8HEAVY LUBE 12 GALLON PUMP KIT..........................................................................9SUGGESTED SPARE PARTS........................................................................................10SYSTEM DETAILS1.0 THE DIGILUBE PROGRAMMABLE LUBRICATION SYSTEM............................112.0 SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................................................113.0 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS..............................................................................134.0 INDICATOR LAMPS...............................................................................................145.0 INSTALLATION........................................................................................................146.0 MOUNTING THE LUBRICATORS........................................................................157.0 POWER CONNECTIONS........................................................................................158.0 DL-5003HC DEFINITIONS......................................................................................169.0 MAINTAINING THE LUBRICATION SYSTEM..................................................1810.0 PROGRAMMING MODES FOR THE DL-5003HC.............................................1810.1 LINK MODE............................................................................................................1910.2 TIME MODE............................................................................................................2010.3 CONFIGURE MODE..............................................................................................2010.4 TEST MODE..........................................................................................................2110.5 QUICK TEST MODE (21)Springboro, OH 45066937-748-2209******************23110897DL-5003 HEAD CONTROLLER123A 456B 789C *#DDL-5003 HCCH1 CH2 CH3 CH4OFF COUNTS # OF LINKS0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000USER INSTRUCTIONS• Press A: Advance Screens • Press D: Return to CountScreen• Press A 1x: Program Mode • Press A 2x: Test Mode • Press B: Force Lube Cycle • 7YLZZ *! *VUÄN\YL 4VKL • For more Information see “Installation Manual”Springboro, OH 45066 • 937-748-2209134567891011INCOMING POWEROUT OF LUBEITEMQTYDESCRIPTION11KEYBOARD 21LED DISPLAY3124VDC LED LAMP GREEN - CLEAR COVER 4124VDC CLEAR LAMP - AMBER COVER 5124VDC CLEAR LAMP - RED COVER 618X10 FULLY HINGED BOX 74SENSORS 84POWER IN & OUT 95VALVES 101LUBE PUMP 111GND/28VDC121DL-5003 CIRCUIT BOARD--BLUE --BROWN --BLACK --BLUE --BROWN --BLACK --BLUE --BROWN --BLACK INCOMING POWER BTERMINALDL-9000 POWER SUPPLY115V A C N E U TG R O U N DE A R T H115V A C H O TF U S E D H O TL U B E L E V E L S WP U M P M T R N E U TP U M P M T R H O TP R E S S U R E S W N C1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ON POWERDL-9000 PSOFFSpringboro, OH 45066 • 937-748-220923745691HINGE SIDE20 AMP FUSECLEARAMBERREDITEM #QTY.PART #11E05650FUSE HOLDER 21OF120 AMP FUSE31OLTC2CLEAR LENS COVER 41OLTC3AMBER LENS COVER 51OLTC1RED LENS COVER6option 1OB18 x 10 x 4 ENCLOSURE 7option 2OB28 x 10 x 6 ENCLOSURE 81OS1ON/OFF SWITCH91OS2-9000MOMENTARY SWITCH101OT112 POSITION TERMINAL STRIPDL-9000 PS 24B WIRE DIAGRAM91085643711212139102784111312SUGGESTED SPARE PARTSSYSTEM DETAILSThe Digilube Programmable Lubrication System is designed for lubricating a wide variety of conveyors and machines. The DL-5003 Head Controller (HC) controls the lubricator. It is the most advanced, yet easy to use microprocessor in the industry. This manual provides complete information needed to install, program, service and order replacement components for your system.Each system has a lubricator which consists of the DL-5003HC, valve sensor(s) and a lubricant tank. The DL-5003HC controls the system which includes:»Four (4) independent channels»24 VDC outputs»Four digit PIN security code»Easy-to-read LCD screen & 16 button key pad»Provides on-screen instructions for programming the unit and adjusting the lubricator for your particular conveyor.Digilube’s programmable lubricators provide pinpoint accuracy of lubricant to many different types of conveyors’ lube points. Typical areas of lubrication include:»Chain pins, Open trolley bearings, Free carriers, Swivels, Cat drive chains and Roller chainsLUBRICANT CYCLEWhen a lubrication cycle is about to begin (actually 8 sensor activation’s prior to operation), the pump/motor will start and maintain lubricant pressure to the valve(s) throughout the lubrication cycle. Each time a sensor is activated, the valve will dispense lubricant onto the desired point(s). After completion of the lubrication cycle, the valve(s) will deactivate to normally closed. The pump/motor will continue to run for approximately five (5) minutes and shut off.DURING LUBRICANT CYCLEDuring a lubrication cycle, if the conveyor stops, the pump/motor will run for approximately five (5) minutes then shut off. Once the conveyor restarts and the channels sensor activates, the pump/ motor will restart, thus completing the lubrication cycle.LUBRICANT LEVELIf the Lubricant Tank’s lubricant level runs low, the pump/motor will also shut off and the red indicator lamp will turn on at the DL-5003HC. The DL-5003HC will turn off sensors and valves, and a screen will also indicate the following flashing message: OUT OF LUBRICANT. Once the tankis refilled with lubricant, the lamp will turn off, the pump/motor will turn on and the DL-5003HC will resume lubricating where it left off in the ON CYCLE mode. Note: If intermittent power loss occurs, the DL-5003HC will retain its memory count in the program.THIN FILM LUBRICANTSAll Digilube Lubrication systems are designed to use only thin film lubricants. A pressure setting between 30-80 PSI, depending on the length and elevation of supply tubing from the tank to the lubricator(s) and the number of solenoid valve(s) in the system.OFF CYCLES (NON-LUBRICATION MODE)When all channels in the system are in the OFF CYCLES (NON-LUBRICATION MODE) the pump/ motor is off. The lubricant pressure in the supply tubing is maintained at the High Pressure Level Regulator setting of 30-80 PSI by a check valve at the lubricant tank. The solenoid valve(s) will not be operating although the LED sensor(s) will be counting each detection.LUBRICATION CYCLEWhen a channel’s OFF CYCLES reaches 0000, it goes into a lubrication cycle. As the valve(s) open and close, the lubricant pressure in the supply tubing begins to drop. Once it reaches the Low Pressure Level Switch setting the pump/motor turns on. The pump/motor will continue torun until the High Pressure Level Regulator setting has been maintained for 5-10 minutes. Once this occurs, the pump/motor will turn off, indicating that the solenoid valve(s) have been closed for that period of time.PUMP/MOTORThe pump/motor will also turn off if the lubricant tank runs low of lubricant and a red indicator lamp on the DL-9000PS turns on. Filling the tank will automatically restart the pump/motor and turn off the red lamp.PUMP/MOTOR SHUT DOWNThe pump/motor will shut down if one of the three situations are present:»The channel(s) on the DL-5003HC have completed their lubricant cycle(s)»Conveyor has stopped for more than 25 minutes»The fluid level in the tank is lowSITE SELECTIONThe best location for a lubricator on a conveyor with a washer/oven is on a straight level section of rail between the load and unload area where there are no parts present. However, many times the load & unload area is in the same place where people are also working. The next best location would be after the raw parts are loaded before the washer. If lubricant does drip on a part it is washed off prior to painting. If the installation is before the washer, a minimum of 5-7 minutes travel time if chain goes through washer. It is very important that the conveyor chain be properly protected in the washer. Mount at a point on the conveyor that ensures chain stability and that the chain is under tension. Vibration should be minimal and bearings should be rolling as they pass the lubricator. Avoid unstable or hazardous environments like high temperatures, water or chemical exposure.We recommend that the 12 gallon tank be located on a structural column waist high for easeof filling. When using a 65 gallon tank with multiple lubricators, centralize the tank within the circumference of the lubricators and out of high traffic fork truck areas.An Enclosed Track Lubricator comes mounted on a 28” track rack and a Monorail I-Beam Lubricator comes pre-mounted on a 24” track section of an I-Beam for ease of installation. The lubricator can also be installed on the customers’ existing conveyor and is usually done by a contractor or a Digilube Systems Service Representative.STEPS FOR REMOTE INSTALLATION:1. All lubricant tanks w/o DL-9000PS require that the power source (115vac) be run from thelubricator back to the lubricant tank.2. When installing nylon tubing, push the tubing firmly and as far as possible into the quick-connect fitting located next to the motor on the tank.3. Make sure the proper connection is made by pulling back on the tubing. This will lock-in thetubing. The supply tubing is fastened to the electrical conduit connecting the tank to thelubricator with wire ties. The tubing can also be connected to overhead building structural members with wire ties or beam clamps. Sharp bends in the supply tubing will slow or stop lubricant flow and must be avoided.4. To remove the tubing, push in on the fitting collar while pulling out on the tubing. The self-locking fitting is reusable. The nylon tubing is usually 1/4” O.D. However, steel or coppertubing should be used for high-temperature service, which will require different fittings.5. If there is power to the DL-5003HC the red lamp will be on. Once the tank is filled withlubricant the red lamp will turn off.DL-812 LUBRICANT TANKS - FROM A REMOTE LOCATION1. If the tank is installed at a remote location, run five (5) 16 gauge wires (1 black, 1 white, 1green, 2 red) from the DL-5003HC to the motor and float.2. At the DL-5003HC’s terminal strip, the black and white wires connect to J13 and the two redwires connect to J7.3. At the Tank, connect the two red wires to the two yellow float switch wires.4. Connect the black and white wires to the motor leads for low voltage - 115 VAC.5. Connect incoming power to hot, neutral, and ground to J19 on the DL-5003HC’s terminalstrip.The Digilube system is controlled by the DL-5003HC. This microprocessor-based circuitry has four (4) independent channels which provide the user with the ability to insert the desired lubrication settings and to change settings whenever required while in the field. The DL-5003HC will automatically read these settings and incorporate them into its performance.EXAMPLES:1. A conveyor 500 feet long having an X348(3”) pitch chain will activate the detection sensor2.0 times per foot of chain length. Therefore 2 x 500 = 1000 “ON COUNTS.”2. A conveyor 500 feet long having an X458(4”) pitch chain will activate the detection sensor1.5 times per foot of chain length. Therefore 1.5 x 500 = 0750 “ON COUNTS”.3. A conveyor 500 feet long having an X678(6”) pitch chain will activate the detection sensor1.0 times per foot of chain length. Therefore 1.0 x 500 = 0500 “ON COUNTS”.4. An enclosed track conveyor with 6” pitch chain will activate the detection sensor 2.0 timesper foot of chain length. Therefore 2.0 x 500 = 1000 “ON COUNTS”.5. An enclosed track conveyor with 8” pitch chain will activate the detection sensor 1.5 timesper foot of chain length. Therefore 1.5 x 500 = 0750 “ON COUNTS”.EXAMPLE SETTINGS: Please keep in mind every conveyor and application is different. The settings listed below are good starting points - check your chain and trolleys frequently making changes as needed. On Enclosed Tracks (Unibilt/Rapid) the vertical load wheelsThe Digilube Lubrication System with the DL-5003HC is one of the most advanced lubricator on the market today. It will provide many years of trouble free lubrication. However, regular maintenance is a must to insure the equipment is operating properly, dispensing tubes properly adjusted and that the conveyor is getting the correct amount of lubricant. The plant maintenance personnel should inspect the system at least monthly if not weekly.The following maintenance steps should be adhered to closely:1. Check lubricator to make sure dispensing tubes are properly adjusted. Make sure alldispensing tube outlets for each valve are at the same level to prevent dripping from lower tubes.2. Inspect the sensor(s) LED for proper activation and make sure the sensor is tightly securedonto the bracket.3. Inspect conveyor chain, trolleys, etc for sufficient amount of lubricant4. Check and maintain a sufficient amount of lubricant in the tank to prevent automaticshutdown caused by an empty tank.5. If the maintenance department does not have the personnel to devote to maintainingthe equipment, a Preventative Maintenance Service Contract by Digilube Systems or anauthorized representative is recommended.Programming the DL-5003HC is very easy if a few things are kept in mind.While programming a channel, remember the following:1. Press A to advance screens2. Press D anytime to return to Main Screen3. Follow the Screen Prompts4. When changing values, press * button to save the new valuesCHANNEL ASSIGNMENTSThe Link Mode is one of two ways to program the DL-5003HC. It is typically used on most applications that require a sensor to detect moving lube points. ie: x-chain pins, trolleys, vertical wheels, pivot points, guide rollers, horizontal rollers, slides, etc.1. From the four channel main screen, press A2. Press * to enter Program Mode3. Enter pin # 0000 = factory default (to change pin #, see configure mode)4. Correct pin #, press * to continue5. Select channel to program (1 to 4), press A to continue6. Ch1 operation mode, link mode, press A to continue7. Ch1 select # of off cycles, press * to save, press A to continue8. Ch1 select # of links, press * to save, press A to continue9. Ch1 select valve setting, press * to save, press A to continue10. Ch1 select delay (if applicable), press * to save, press A to continueYou’ve just completed programming Ch1, press A to program the remaining channel(s), you must now choose another channel or you will scroll through previous channel’s screens or press D to return to the main count screen.By pressing A you return to the first programming screen.The Time Mode is the second way to program the DL-5003HC. It is an elapsed timer that is used to lubricate sprockets and/or high speed chains where a sensor(s) cannot be used on a wide variety of machines. In this mode, the user programs the channel for cycle time which indicates the time between lubrication cycles, on counts which indicates the number of shots of lubricant, lube time which determines how long the valve remains open, and duration between which indicates the length of time between each shot of lubricant.The factory default is in the Link Mode. To change it to time mode, press A from the main screen.1. From the four channel main screen, press A, Press * to enter Program Mode2. Enter pin # 0000 = factory default (to change pin #, see configure mode)3. Correct pin #, press * to continue4. Select channel to program (1 to 4) press A to continue.5. Press * to disable link mode6. Press #* for Time Mode, press A to continue7. Enter cycle time (the time between lubrication cycles), press * to save, press A to continue8. Enter # of on counts (indicates # of shots of lubricant), press * to save, press A to continue9. Enter valve setting (amount of lubricant), press * to save, press A to continue10. Enter duration between (length of time between each shot), press * to save, press A tocontinueYou’ve just completed programming one channel in the Time Mode. Select another channel or press D to return to the main count screen.The Configure Mode allows user to change pin numbers, real time clock (in the time mode only) and choose different baud rates for ASCII communication (not functional at this time).1. From the four channel main screen, press A, Press * to enter Configure Mode2. Enter pin # 0000, press * to continue3. Press * to begin new pin #4. Enter new pin #, press * to save, press A to continue5. Use buttons to change time as indicated on the screen, press A to continue(2=up, 8=down, 4=left, 6=right)6. Baud rate not functional, press A to continue7. Press D to return to the four channel main screenYou have now completed changes to your pin number and/or time clock.Allows the user to:»Enable/Disable a Channel:This feature is used primarily during installation and is routine maintenance checks. When adjusting the dispensing tubes for the first time, it allows theinstaller, to remove air from the supply line(s) and/or to adjust the dispensing tubes, onevalve at a time. This reduces an accumulation of lubricant on the rail, floor, parts, etc from misdirected dispensing tubes.»Open/Close a Valve:This feature is used mainly during installation/startup to bleed air out of the nylon supply tubing, or whenever air is trapped in the tubing.»Continuous Lube: This feature will immediately put the channel into a continuous lube cycle.Use this mode if the conveyor chain is extremely dry, and you want to lube it several cycles or if the conveyor requires continuous lubrication.First you must select the channel you want to program.1. From the four channel main screen, press A2. Press * to enter Program Mode3. Enter pin # 0000 = factory default (to change pin #, see configure mode)4. Correct pin number, press * to continue5. Select channel to program (1 to 4), press A to continue, press D to exitAfter selecting the channel you want to program, Test Mode allows the user to enable/disable any channel, open/close any valve or begin a continuous lube cycle.1. From the four channel main screen, press A TWICE2. Press * to enter Test Mode3. Enter pin number = 0000, press * to continue4. Press * to toggle - enable/disable selected channel, press A to continue5. Press * to toggle - open/close a valve manually, press A to continue6. Press * to toggle yes or no - continuous lube cycle, press A to continue7. Press D to return to the main count screenThe Quick Test Mode allows you to begin a lubrication cycle with a pre-determined amount of links/shots of lubricant. Once the number of links/shots is completed, the lubricator will go back to the previous off cycle settings. This mode is a great way to check the working condition of the lubricator and determine the correct position of the dispensing tubes without over lubricating the conveyor chain.1. From the four channel main screen, press B#2. Enter the number of links/shots, press # to start3. After the initial programming of the links, press #** to check for proper lubricationThe Force Lube Cycle allows the user to begin a lube cycle immediately. This is usually done if the chain looks unusually dry and you want to lube it but keep the existing program.»Press B to advance screen to Force Lube Cycle»Press * to Force Lube Cycle»Enter appropriate channel and Press * to startThe Digilube Lubrication System is pretested and guaranteed to be in optimum condition whenit leaves our factory. The DL-5003HC is fully guaranteed against defective materials and/or workmanship for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of purchase.Any portion of the DL-5003HC which fails during this period for either of the above reasons, excluding normal replacement parts such as indicator lamps, fuses, etc., will be repaired or replaced at our option, if returned prepaid to our factory. All defective parts returned for warranty service is fully inspected to determine cause of failure before warranty is approved.All other equipment components are guaranteed against defective materials or workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of purchase. Our warranty is limited to the obligation to repair or replace our equipment only. The warranty is parts only and does not include labor. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.The Digilube warranty will be void if any of the following conditions are found to exist relative to Digilube’s equipment:»Electronics components tampered with, or short circuited»Damaged caused from voltage or environmental conditions exceeding the operating conditions:»Operating Temperatures 45°F minimum - 120°F maximum»Relative Humidity 5% – 90% Non Condensing»Failure due to using lubricants that do not fall with the specified viscosity range.»All non Digilube lubricants must be approved, in advance by Digilube Systems to maintain warranty coverage.。
二 调整
⑴调整两锁闭框, 使两侧锁闭框中心在同一轴线上。保证 外锁闭装置在定反位转换过程中动作平稳, 无卡阻现象。
⑵调整两侧尖轨密贴, 通过调整锁闭铁和锁闭框之间调整 片的数量使尖轨和基本轨间有4mm及以上间隙时不能锁闭 或接通表示。
⑶调整道岔开口。通过调整安装装置的动作杆活接头的 螺扣的旋入量来保证定位、反位两侧尖轨开口量相同(偏 差小于2mm), 并且符合技术指标。若两侧尖轨开程较大 (大于标准值3mm以上), 则通过增加尖轨与尖轨连接铁 之间的调整片的数量使之符合技术指标。
连接尖端铁与长、短表示杆及转辙机检测杆, 调整无扣轴 套使转辙机在定位、反位到位后均能落锁表示。
完成以上步骤后, 道岔就基本调整完毕。
1. 设备无外界干扰和异状, 斥离尖轨与基本轨之间无异物。 2 各紧固件应齐全,各部分螺栓应紧固,开口销无松动、无脱落。 3. 安装装置动作杆、表示杆伸出端;外锁闭各零部件的转动部分和
1.联动燕尾式外锁闭 广深准高速铁路
2.分动燕尾式外锁闭 全路各大铁路干 线
3.分动钩式外锁闭 线
1.锁闭方式的改进。 2.结构紧凑, 调整简单。 3.改善了受力情况。 4.材料从铸钢改为45号钢锻造, 提高了可靠
1.尖轨与基本轨应达到静态宏观密贴, 尖轨与基 本轨间在外锁闭处不应有密贴力, 并保证各牵 引点2mm锁闭,4mm不锁闭。 2.尖轨第一、第二牵引点外锁闭两侧(定位、反位) 锁闭量分别≥35mm、≥20mm。 3.尖轨开程、转辙机动程参数见下表。道岔开程 测量点在外锁闭锁闭杆中心处。 4. 在尖轨第一、二牵引点间任意一点上, 尖轨与
2 、规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。
铁路货物运输规程铁路货物运输管理规则铁路货物装载加固规则铁路货运检查管理规则货物装载加固管理实施细则3 、定义和术语3.1长钢轨加固装置是指以普通平车装运50m及以上,包括50m(55m)、75m、100m、500m长钢轨使用的加固装置,包括座架和紧固装置。
4 、原车附带回送方式长钢轨卸载后,对车组内每辆平车上安装的长钢轨座架不卸载,对座架与车辆支柱槽联结的螺栓,固定锁定座架采取的拉牵措施不撤除,座架及部分轨型运输时的安全防护门、配重货物整体在平车上保持原位置及加固方式不变。
64研究与探索Research and Exploration ·生产管理与维护中国设备工程 2024.01 (上)针对山区高速公路建设,因山区河谷断面多呈“V”字形,断裂构造带发育众多,地形地貌复杂,受地理条件限制,无法在主线外找到合适的场地以便进行梁板的预制、存储、运输及架设,特别是山区桥隧占比高线路,利用主线路基路堑、路堤成为最主要的选择。
1 项目情况项目主线采用六车道高速公路设计标准,设计速度采用100km/h,整体式路基宽度33.5m,曲线半径为1000m,最大纵坡3.9%。
根据现场实际情况,最终选取主线两座桥梁之间一处300m 路堤和主线600m 路堑设置1#、2#梁场分别完成670片30m 箱梁和769片(30m 箱梁398片、40mT 梁371片)预制、架设任务。
考虑到工期压力大,1#梁场设置2台80T、2台10T 龙门吊,跨度32m,供30m 箱梁预制、转移、存储,2#梁场设置4台80T、2台10T 龙门吊,跨度32m,负责30m 箱梁和40mT 梁预制、转移、存储。
为提高场地利用率,龙门吊轨道沿主线曲线半径设置,内外侧轨道半径分别为984m 和1016m。
2 建设和使用中存在的问题(1)梁场的纵坡的选择。
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v=(kc×Qn× ld)/(60 ks×tzmd) m/min
Tmax≈kjTo+w h(qkLk+ qzLz)(1+kj kz)+( qz-qk)H
式中:To —初张力。
kj —局部损失综合系数。
kj =ξx λy фz
条件ф(上拱下绕) ξ(水平链轮)λ(水平滚子组)
25≤ 30 35 40 45 90 180 30≤
45 60 90 180
好 1.012 1.018 1.028 1.025 1.028 1.020~1.025
~1.030 1.020 1.025 1.030 1.040 1.070
等 1.015 1.023 1.033 1.030 1.033 1.025~1.033
~1.040 1.025 1.030 1.040 1.050 1.090
劣 1.030 1.032 1.040 1.035 1.040 1.035~1.045
~1.055 1.030 1.040 1.045 1.060 1.100
车轮直径≤60 0.025~0.020 0.035~0.030 0.045~0.040
车轮直径~80 0.020~0.016 0.026~0.021 0.036~0.030
车轮直径~100 0.016~0.014 0.021~0.018 0.030~0.025
qk= ql+(Gh/lh)+(Gd/ld)
qz= qk+(G/ld)
kz——经验系数,当x+y+z≤5时, kz=0.5; 当x+y+z>5时, kz=0.35;
Gh——支承滑架重量 kgf;
Gc——小车重量 kgf;
Gd——吊具重量 kgf;
lh——支承滑架间距 m;
ld——吊具间距 m;
qy——牵引线段每米重量 kgf/m;
G——一个吊具上的货物重量 kgf。
N=kf×(Tmax-T 0)×v/(6120×ηz ) kw
式中: ηz=0. 93~0.96; kf=1.1~1.2
Ti=Ti-1+(whqh+wcqc)l kgf
式中 Ti-1、Ti——该直线段起点和终点的张力 kgf
l——该直线段的长度 m
qh、qc——滑架、小车每米长的重量 kg/m
Ti=wTi-1+Wh+Wc kgf
式中 w—阻力系数,用链轮转弯时w=ξ,用滚子组转弯时w= λ
Wh—滑架回转时的运行阻力 kgf
Wh=0.019 whqyRα kgf
Wc—小车回转时的运行阻力 kgf
WC= wz•mC(G+GC+Gd) kgf
90° 0.05 0.06 0.07
180° 0.08 0.10 0.12
R——回转半径 m
Ti=φ(φTi-1+whqlh±qh) kgf
lh——垂直弯曲段的水平投影长度 m
h——垂直弯曲段的高度 m
Gb=2Tz+Wz kgf
Tz——张紧轮出端张力 kgf
Wz——张紧小车运动阻力 kgf
滚动摩擦 Wz=0.4 Gj kgf
滑动摩擦 Wz=0.5 Gj kgf
Gj——张紧小车自重及活动轨道上载货小车全重 kgf。