End-effects in rapidly rotating cylindrical Taylor-Couette flow


热点快训01 细胞感知和适应氧气的变化-2020高考生物总复习必刷100题(最新社会热点)(含解析版)

热点快训01 细胞感知和适应氧气的变化-2020高考生物总复习必刷100题(最新社会热点)(含解析版)
















(武汉大学)分子生物学考研名词汇总●base flipping 碱基翻出●denaturation 变性DNA双链的氢键断裂,最后完全变成单链的过程●renaturation 复性热变性的DNA经缓慢冷却,从单链恢复成双链的过程●hybridization 杂交●hyperchromicity 增色效应●ribozyme 核酶一类具有催化活性的RNA分子,通过催化靶位点RNA链中磷酸二酯键的断裂,特异性地剪切底物RNA分子,从而阻断基因的表达●homolog 同源染色体●transposable element 转座因子●transposition 转座遗传信息从一个基因座转移至另一个基因座的现象成为基因转座,是由转座因子介导的遗传物质重排●kinetochore 动粒●telomerase 端粒酶●histone chaperone 组蛋白伴侣●proofreading 校正阅读●polymerase switching 聚合酶转换●replication folk 复制叉刚分开的模板链与双链DNA的连接区●leading strand 前导链在DNA复制过程中,与复制叉运动方向相同,以5’-3’方向连续合成的链被称为前导链●lagging strand 后随链在DNA复制过程中,与复制叉运动方向相反的,不连续延伸的DNA链被称为后随链●Okazaki fragment 冈崎片段●primase 引物酶依赖于DNA的RNA聚合酶,其功能是在DNA复制过程中合成RNA引物●primer 引物是指一段较短的单链RNA或DNA,它能与DNA的一条链配对提供游离的3’-OH末端以作为DNA聚合酶合成脱氧核苷酸链的起始点●DNA helicase DNA解旋酶●single-strand DNA binding protein, SSB 单链DNA结合蛋白●cooperative binding 协同结合●sliding DNA clamp DNA滑动夹●sliding clamp loader 滑动夹装载器●replisome 复制体●replicon 复制子单独复制的一个DNA单元称为一个复制子,一个复制子在一个细胞周期内仅复制一次●replicator 复制器●initiator protein 起始子蛋白●end replication problem 末端复制问题●homologous recombination 同源重组●strand invasion 链侵入●Holliday junction Holliday联结体●branch migration 分支移位●joint molecule 连接分子●synthesis-dependent strand annealing, SDSA 合成依赖性链退火●gene conversion 基因转变●conservative site-specific recombination, CSSR 保守性位点特异性重组●recombination site 重组位点●recombinase recognition sequence 重组酶识别序列●crossover region 交换区●serine recombinase 丝氨酸重组酶●tyrosine recombinase 酪氨酸重组酶●lysogenic state 溶原状态●lytic growth 裂解生长●transposon 转座子能够在没有序列相关性的情况下独立插入基因组新位点上的一段DNA序列,是存在与染色体DNA上可自主复制和位移的基本单位。







HIF由两种不同的DNA结合蛋白(HIF-l a和ARNT)组成,其中对氧气敏感的是HIF-l a,而ARNT稳定表达且不受氧调节,即HIF-l a是机体感受氧气含量变化的关键。

当细胞处于正常氧条件时,在脯氨酰羟化酶的参与下,氧原子与HIF-l a脯氨酸中的氢原子结合形成羟基。

羟基化的HIF-l a能与VHL蛋白结合,致使HIF-l a被蛋白酶体降解。

在缺氧的情况下,HIF-l a羟基化不能发生,导致HIF-l a无法被VHL蛋白识别,从而不被降解而在细胞内积聚,并进入细胞核与ARNT形成转录因子,激活缺氧调控基因。




比如干扰HIF-l a的降解能促进红细胞的生成治疗贫血,同时还可能促进新血管生成,治疗循环不良等。


A.细胞吸水 B.细胞分裂 C.葡萄糖分解成丙酮酸 D.兴奋的传导(2) HIF的基本组成单位是____人体剧烈运动时,骨骼肌细胞中HIF的含量_______,这是因为____。









DOT领域的自主技术创新(美国专利8649010),克服传统DOT 技术以及常用影像学手段无法兼顾成像质量和成本的局限;








研究人员对循环系统中的Aβ是否能够通过血浆接触激活系统(plasma contact activation system)诱发AD相关性炎症进行了研究。

























2014武汉大学基础医学院 生物化学 真题

2014武汉大学基础医学院 生物化学 真题

1. 环境不能变,但是,人的心境可以变,不要试图改变环境,而要改变自己来适应环境。

1. 和是确定蛋白质三维结构最准确的方法
2. 和维持DNA的空间结构
3. 信号肽是蛋白质识别溶酶体的信号
4. DNA-pol有保真性是因为和
5. 生物转化的两项反应是和
6. 磷酸戊唐旁路的意义是合成和
7. 胆固醇酯化,在血浆中靠酶,在细胞内靠酶
8. 酮体分哪三种
9. 核酸合成分为从头合成与补救合成
1. 大分子印迹的方法和原理
2. B族维生素的种类和作用
3. 原核及真核细胞在转录时的分子识别
4. 重组DNA技术的原理
5. 三种抑制剂对酶促反应中关键参数的影响
6. RNA的结构和功能
7. 四种血浆脂蛋白的代谢过程。



高中生物选修2同步练习♦ •同步测控1. (原创题)下列说法不.正确的是( )A .生物技术药物一般是指利用 DNA 重组技术或其他生物技术生产的药物B .生物技术通常包括基因工程、细胞工程、发酵工程和酶工程等内容C .生物技术就是将活的生物体、生命体系或生命过程进行产业化的过程D .一种生物技术药物一般只涉及一种生物技术的应用解析:选D 。

本题考查生物技术(生物工程)、生物技术药物的概念,同时要求理清两者的关 系。

在生产生物技术药物时,要应用生物技术,并且往往要应用多种生物技术,如生产生物 技术疫苗常常应用基因工程技术和发酵技术等。


人的降钙素活性很低,半衰 期较短。

某科学机构为了研发一种活性高、 半衰期长的新型降钙素, 从预期新型降钙素的功 能出发,推测相应的脱氧核苷酸序列,并人工合成了两条 72个碱基的DNA 单链,两条链通过18个碱基对形成部分双链 DNA 片段,再利用 Klenow 酶补平,获得双链 DNA ,过程 如下图:ii 川 DNA 经EcoR I (识别序列和切割位点 一G AATTC —)和BamH I (识别序列和 切割位点一G GATCC —)双酶切后插入大肠杆菌质粒中。

下列有关分析错误的是 ( )A. Klenow 酶是一种 DNA 聚合酶B .合成的双链 DNA 有72个碱基对C . EcoR I 和BamH I 双酶切的目的是保证目的基因和运载体的定向连接D •筛选重组质粒需要大肠杆菌质粒中含有标记基因解析:选B 。

合成的单链 DNA 有72个碱基,从题图看出两条单链并未左右两端对齐配对,只通过18个碱基对形成部分双链 DNA 片段,因此获得的双链 DNA 有碱基对72 + 72 - 18 =126个碱基对。

F 图是科学家新研发的制备单克隆抗体的过程,相关叙述错误的是体外堆养 A .该过程涉及基因工程和动物细胞融合技术B. 经酶A 处理后的I 与质粒具有相同的黏性末端C.若供体DNA 提供了 prG 基因(无限增殖调控基因),则该过程中的H 是已免疫的B 细胞D .通过检测和筛选得到的川细胞既能无限增殖又能分泌特异性抗体解析:选A 。


过程。结论 小剂 量缓激肽可以触发 c 6细胞 内钙库释放诱发的细胞内 N O升高过程 , 这可能是小剂 量缓激肽可 以
选择性开放血肿瘤屏障 的原 因。
关键 词 : 胶质瘤 ; 缓激肽 ; 血肿瘤屏障 ; 一氧化氮
中图分 类号 :7 94 R 3 .1 文献标志码 : A 文章编号 :022 6 ( 00 3 - 0 -3 10 -6 X 2 1 )00 30 0

在缓激肽作用前后 , 分别采用 N O 缓激肽刺激 可
荧光探针 D F2 D A - A测定胶质瘤 c / 6细胞内 N 观察缓激肽作用后的细胞 间信号传导过程。结果 O,
以引起 c 细胞 内继发于细胞 内钙库释放后的 N 6 O水平 升高 ;O参 与 c 细胞 至毗邻脑血 管内皮细胞 的信 号传导 N 6
M e h d T e i ta el lrNO h n e n C l mac l s su id rl ig o h u r s e c fD  ̄/ A f rB t o h nr e l a u c a g si 6 S o el wa t de eyn n te f o e c n e o AF i s l D a t K e WR p l d 8 a pi .Re t t B o l g e n — si gNO ee ai nwhc e u td fo r a o i e me itd c l im tr e e sd s K c u d t g r o g l t lv t ih r s l rm y n d n d a e acu so er — i r l a n o e
B r y ii r g r a d knn ti e s NO ee s n C6 gima c l n ssg ic n e g r la e i l o e l a d i inf a c s t i



北师大版生物一6一、单选题1.兴奋在细胞间传递时的顺序是①突触小体②递质进入突触间隙③突触小泡开释递质④递质与突触后膜上的受体结合,使之兴奋或抑制⑤突触前神经元的轴突A.①②③④⑤ B.②①③④⑤C.⑤①③②④ D.⑤②④③①2.下列关于动作电位的说法错误的是()A.神经冲动确实是动作电位B.神经元细胞受到适宜的刺激后会产生动作电位C.产生动作电位的为一类可兴奋细胞 D.刺激蛙的坐骨神经产生的正电波是动作电位3.下列关于神经传导和相关结构与功能的表述正确的是()A.突触小体能够实现电信号→化学信号→电信号的转变B.突触前膜开释的神经递质能够作用到突触后膜C.感受器是传入神经末梢,效应器是传出神经末梢D.感受器的差不多功能是感受刺激,形成感受4.将神经细胞置于相当于细胞外液的溶液(溶液S)中,可测得静息电位。


适当降低溶液S中的Na+浓度,测量该细胞的静息电位和动作电位,可观看到()A.静息电位值减小B.静息电位值增大 C.动作电位峰值升高 D.动作电位峰值降低5.在人体内,神经冲动的传导或传递不可能由()A.轴突→树突→细胞体B.轴突→细胞体→树突C.树突→细胞体→轴突D.细胞体→树突→轴突6.在人脑内有一类只有结构而没有信息传递功能的“沉默突触”.科学家通过研究,破解了其中的沉默之谜.该类突触沉默的缘故可能是()①突触小体中没有细胞核②突触后膜缺乏相应的受体③突触前膜缺乏相应的受体④突触前膜不能开释相应的神经递质A.①②B.①④C.②③D.②④7.下列关于神经调剂的叙述,不正确的是()A.神经元能产生并传导兴奋B.神经递质由突触前膜开释并作用于突触后膜C.静息状态下,膜对K+的通透性较大 D.兴奋在反射弧上双向传导和传递8.如图中甲为神经元细胞模式图,乙为突触结构的模式图,下列叙述正确的是()A.乙图中的结构只能在甲图中的⑤部位上形成B.刺激甲图中的③,兴奋将发生双向递减的传导C.乙图中兴奋的传递只能从A神经元到B神经元D.甲图中⑤的末端将完成“电信号﹣化学信号﹣电信号”的变化9.右图甲、乙均表示细胞的一部分,则相关叙述正确的是A.若甲、乙是同一个细胞的两个部分,则该细胞为神经元,图乙中a、c为兴奋区B.若甲、乙是两个同类型细胞的各一部分,则兴奋在两者之间是以电信号的形式传递的C.若甲、乙是两个同类型细胞的各一部分,则甲与乙之间应通过“突触”传递信息,且兴奋的传导方向应为甲→乙D.图示中甲在向外分泌物质,则甲可参与构成突触后膜,该物质的分泌表达了膜的选择透过性10.假如支配左腿的传入神经及中枢完整,而传出神经受损,那么该左腿会()A.能运动,针刺有感受B.不能运动,针刺有感受C.能运动,针刺无感受D.不能运动,针刺无感受11.如图是一个反射弧的部分结构示意图,甲、乙表示连接在神经纤维上的电流表。



生理学最后通路的名词解释生理学中的最后通路(effector pathway)是指从神经系统或内分泌系统输入的刺激信号导致的生物响应。



1. 突触传导(Synaptic Transmission):神经元之间的信息传递通过突触完成。



2. 神经调节(Neural Regulation):神经系统通过控制身体各个器官和组织的功能来调节和协调生理过程。


3. 神经肌肉连接(Neuromuscular Junction):神经与肌肉之间的连接点,是神经肌肉传递的关键部位。


4. 激活路劲(Activation Pathway):当一个神经元被激活时,这一激活信号会沿着神经网络的特定路径传递,最后到达效应器,刺激生理反应。


5. 神经调制(Neural Modulation):神经系统通过修改神经前后突触间递质的浓度,来调节神经传递的强度和效果。


6. 内分泌传导(Endocrine Signaling):内分泌系统通过分泌激素到血液中,使其在全身范围内传播,影响细胞和组织的功能和行为。


7. 生物反馈(Biofeedback):生物反馈是一种通过测量和反馈生理信号,让人们主动调节其身体功能的方法。




这些特殊的神经元细胞体及末梢的细胞膜上存在机械敏感性离子通道(M S通道)。


【作者单位】华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院眼科,武汉 430030;华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院眼科,武汉 430030
1.Piezo机械敏感性离子通道研究现状及其在骨与关节组织的研究进展 [J], 闫亮;姜金;万浪;马崇文;杨信信;夏亚一
2.机械敏感性离子通道蛋白Piezo在机体机械转导中作用的研究进展 [J], 高瑞桐;许林琪;李峰
3.机械敏感性离子通道Piezo2的研究进展 [J], 徐曼秋;费素娟
4.机械敏感性离子通道Piezo1在心血管疾病中的研究进展 [J], 刘佳丽;徐攀高;张蕾;李超;张丹;杨雯晴
5.机械敏感性离子通道的研究进展 [J], 王天宝;李晓飞;张海宁;王兰凤





















本文研究了阿尼西坦(aniracetam,一种治疗老年痴呆的药物)对抗双氧水损伤神经元活力,线粒体电位及海马突触传递长时程增强(Long-term potentiation, LTP)的作用。

方法用四甲基偶氮唑盐(3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide,MTT)法测定神经元的活力,用线粒体荧光探针MitoTracker Red (CMX Ros) 研究线粒体电位的变化,用膜片钳方法记录了海马CA1区的突触传递效能。

结果200 μmol/L的双氧水明显损伤小鼠大脑皮层原代培养神经元的细胞活力,降低其线粒体电位,而10 μmol/L或100 μmol/L阿尼西坦预处理能明显对抗双氧水对细胞活力和线粒体电位的降低作用。

双氧水在不影响基础突触传递的剂量下(20 μmol/L),却能显著抑制海马LTP的诱导。

阿尼西坦在100 μmol/L剂量下,对基础突触传递没有明显影响,对正常小鼠脑片CA1区的LTP也没有易化作用,然而,100 μmol/L的阿尼西坦却能显著地恢复由双氧水损伤的海马LTP。


【总页数】7页(P274-280)【关键词】双氧水;阿尼西坦;细胞活力;线粒体电位;长时程增强;海马;小鼠【作者】王永富;李朝翠;蔡景霞【作者单位】中国科学院昆明动物研究所脑与行为研究室【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q424;R965【相关文献】1.利多卡因减轻异氟醚对Fischer344老年大鼠海马神经元线粒体的损伤 [J], 杨尚泽;李瑾;朱晓秋;徐辉;郭明炎;杨斌;林道炜2.耳针和阿尼西坦对血管性痴呆大鼠海马长时程增强的影响 [J], 潘娅;戴桃李;杨琼;陈粲;张敏3.阿尼西坦对VD大鼠学习记忆功能和海马齿状回长时程增强的影响 [J], 戴桃李;潘娅;杨琼;陈粲4.异丙酚通过诱导幼鼠海马神经元线粒体自噬减轻其肝缺血再灌注后脑损伤 [J], 吕景淑;贾莉莉;喻文立5.缺血预处理经抑制线粒体释放细胞色素C减轻大鼠海马神经元缺血再灌注损伤[J], 刘亚君;刘克敬;谢冬萍;许复郁;缪兵;陈连璧因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



瞬时感受器电位离子通道香草素受体4下游信号分子的确定及其对大鼠背根神经节慢性压迫后痛觉过敏的作用丁欣利;张杨;王永慧;宁丽萍;岳寿伟【期刊名称】《中国康复医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2011(026)001【摘要】目的:探讨大鼠背根神经节慢性压迫CCD后瞬时感受器电位离子通道香草素受体4(TRPV4)下游信号分子及其在痛觉过敏中的机制.方法:鞘内分别注射TRPV4拮抗剂钉红(RR)、TRPV4反义寡脱氧核苷酸(AS ODN)和一氧化氮合成酶(NOS)抑制剂L-NAME,检测CCD大鼠背根神经节DRG内一氧化氮(NO)代谢产物亚硝酸盐(nitrite)含量变化,并观测热刺激缩爪反应潜伏期(PWL)的变化.结果:鞘内分别注射RR、TRPV4 AS ODN和L-NAME后,均能够显著降低CCD大鼠DRG 内亚硝酸盐含量(P<0.05).CCD大鼠的热痛敏行为也能够显著改善(P<0.05).结论:TRPV4及其下游信号分子NO参与介导CCD大鼠的热痛觉过敏,【总页数】6页(P39-44)【作者】丁欣利;张杨;王永慧;宁丽萍;岳寿伟【作者单位】山东大学齐鲁医院康复医学与理疗科,济南,250012;山东大学附属省立医院康复科;山东大学齐鲁医院康复医学与理疗科,济南,250012;山东大学齐鲁医院康复医学与理疗科,济南,250012;山东大学齐鲁医院康复医学与理疗科,济南,250012;山东大学齐鲁医院康复医学与理疗科,济南,250012【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R493;R681.5【相关文献】1.不同温度艾灸对高脂血症大鼠血脂及背根神经节瞬时感受器电位香草酸受体1mRNA表达的影响 [J], 王桂英;王耀帅;高建芸;苏方方;陈若暘2.瞬时感受器电位离子通道4在大鼠背根神经节持续受压后异位放电中的作用 [J], 范真真;曲玉娟;魏慧;王永慧;马剑锋;岳寿伟3.瞬时感受器电位离子通道香草素受体亚家族4调控肝星状细胞活化增殖作用研究[J], 宋阳;詹磊;黄成;李俊4.模拟腰椎旋转手法抑制瞬时感受器电位离子通道香草素受体4/一氧化氮疼痛转导通路的作用研究 [J], 韩磊; 李艺; 郭广进; 赵平5.抑制瞬时感受器电位香草素受体亚家族Ⅳ型通道对大鼠视网膜缺血-再灌注损伤后细胞凋亡与新生血管生成的作用 [J], 齐新刚;顾永欣;肖云;杜雷因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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End-effects in rapidly rotating cylindricalTaylor-CouetteflowRainer Hollerbach and Alexandre Fournier†Department of Mathematics,University of Glasgow,Glasgow,G128QW,United Kingdom†Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique,UniversitéJoseph FourierBP53,38041Grenoble Cedex9,FranceAbstract.We present numerical simulations of theflow in a rapidly rotating cylindrical annulus.We show that at the rotation rates relevant to the magneto-rotational instability,theflow is strongly constrained by the Taylor-Proudman theorem.As a result,it is controlled almost entirely by the end-plates.We then consider two possible options for minimizing these end-effects,namely(i) simply taking a very long cylinder,and(ii)splitting the end-plates into a series of differentially rotating rings.Regarding option(i),we show that the cylinder would have to be hundreds of times as long as it is wide before end-effects become unimportant in the interior.Since this is clearly not feasible,we turn to option(ii),and show that in order to obtain a smooth angular velocity profile, the end-plates would have to be split into around ten rings.If the end-plates are split into fewer rings,perhaps3–5,the angular velocity profile will not be smooth,but will instead consist of a series of Stewartson layers at the boundaries from one ring to the next.We suggest therefore that the instabilities one obtains in this system will be the familiar Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities of these Stewartson layers,rather than the magneto-rotational instability.At best,one might hope to obtain the MRI superimposed on these Kelvin-Helmholtz modes.Any subsequent interpretation of results is thus likely to be quite complicated.INTRODUCTIONTheflow between concentric rotating cylinders,the so-called Taylor-Couette problem, is one of the most widely studied systems in classicalfluid dynamics[1].The magnetic extension of this problem,in which thefluid is taken to be electrically conducting and a magneticfield is applied along the cylinders,is equally fundamental in classical magnetohydrodynamics[2].This magnetic problem has received particular attention recently as a prototype–and possible experimental realization[3–5]–of the magneto-rotational instability(MRI)that is the topic of this book.In this contribution we wish to focus attention on the role of the end-plates that would necessarily be present in any real experiment.We will show that in the parameter regime relevant to the MRI these end-effects have an enormous influence throughout the entirefluid.We question therefore whether the MRI could actually be observed in this system.Consider two concentric cylinders of radii r i and r o,rotating at ratesΩi andΩo re-spectively(which we will both take to be positive,that is,the cylinders are rotating in the same direction).If the cylinders are infinitely long–very easy to assume theoretically, but rather more difficult to build experimentally!–one possible solution for theflow inthe gap between them is given byU ar b rˆeφ(1)wherea Ωo r2oΩi r2ir2o r2iΩiΩo(2)The essence of the classical Taylor-Couette problem then is to consider the ways in which this basic state can yield to different solutions,such as Taylor vortices,wavy or spiral Taylor vortices,and many other possibilities.It is this rich variety of solutions that makes this system so fascinating.In contrast,in the MRI problem we start with this same basic state–which is still a valid solution even in the presence of a magneticfield along the z-axis–but now we are interested in very different instabilities of it.In particular,we would like to choose the various parameters such that the solution(1)is hydrodynamically stable, but magnetohydrodynamically unstable.According to the Rayleigh criterion,(1)will be stable provided a0,that is,Ωi r2iΩo r2o.However,according to MRI theory[6],in the presence of a magneticfield(1)may nevertheless be unstable,provided only that ΩiΩo.In principle therefore it would seem almost trivially straightforward to observethe MRI in the laboratory:simply rotate your cylinders somewhere in the intermediate range1ΩiΩo r2o r2i,and then adjust the strength of the magneticfield.If thefield is too weak(or too strong)the solution(1)will be stable,but if thefield strength is just right(1)will be unstable,and one has obtained the MRI.Of course,in reality the situation isn’t quite so simple(otherwise someone would most likely already have stumbled upon this phenomenon purely by accident).The complication that makes such an MRI experiment so difficult is that not only must the relative rotation rates of the two cylinders lie in this range1ΩiΩo r2o r2i,but beyond that their absolute magnitudes must also be enormous.According to the WKB analysis of Ji et al.[3,4],and confirmed by the full solution of Rüdiger et al.[7,8],the rotation rates must be so large that the Reynolds number Re r o r i2Ωoνexceeds 106or even107.More precisely,the relevant quantity is the magnetic Reynolds number Rm r o r i2ΩoηReνη,which must be O10before the MRI can set in.It is the extremely small magnetic Prandtl numbers Pmνηof sodium(105)or gallium (106)that then lead to these large values of Re.In view of this extremely rapid rotation of both cylinders,we believe it is useful to analyze this problem in a way that may be unfamiliar from the MRI perspective,but is standard in geophysicalfluid dynamics[9],in which a rapid overall rotation is typically a dominant component.Scaling length by the gap width r o r i,time by the inverse rotation rateΩ1o,and U byΩoΩi r o r i,the Navier-Stokes equation in the frame co-rotating with the outer cylinder becomes∂where the Ekman and Rossby numbersE νΩo(4)measure the overall and differential rotation rates,paring with the parameters introduced above,wefind then that E Re1,so obtaining the MRI would require Ekman numbers as small as107.For Ro we similarlyfind that the range we are interested in is0Ro r2o r2i r2i.The main advantage of formulating the problem in this way is that it allows us to separate the effects of the overall rotation,as measured by E,and the differential rotation,measured by Ro.In particular,we willfind that the structure of the basic state is controlled almost entirely by E,with Ro playing a relatively minor role.In the next two sections we therefore set Ro0,corresponding to an infinitesimal differential rotation, and consider the influence of E alone.Because(3)is then linear,we are able to reduce E down to106.We will show that for these extremely small values it is almost impossible to achieve the desired profile(1);the entireflow is controlled by end-effects,which impose a very different profile.In thefinal two sections we then consider the influence of finite Ro,and also the implications of these results for these planned MRI experiments.RIGID END-PLATESAs an example,let’s consider a cylinder having r i1,r o2,and height h5, with the end-plates co-rotating with the outer cylinder.Remembering that(3)has been formulated in this same reference frame rotating at the rateΩo,and that U has been nondimensionalised using the differential rotation,we recognize that the appropriate boundary conditions areUφ1at r r i Uφ0at r r o and at z h2(5) and of course zero everywhere for U z and U r.Fig.1shows the solutions for Ro0 (as already noted above)and E104,105and106,computed using the spectral element code of Fournier et al.[10].Turning to the angular velocityfirst,we see that it does not consist of anything like the smooth profile(1)we were hoping for.Instead,it is zero almost everywhere in the interior,with all of the adjustment occurring in a narrow shear layer right at the inner cylinder.The reason for this peculiar structure is the well-known Taylor-Proudman theorem,stating that in rapidly rotating systems theflow will tend to align itself along the axis of rotation.More formally,if we take the curl of(3)and use∂t,Ro,E1 (in fact∂t and Ro are identically zero here),we obtain∂E = 10−4 E = 10−5 E = 10−6FIGURE1.Within each pair,the left panel shows contours of the angular velocityω,with a contour interval of0.1,and the right panel shows the streamfunction of the meridional circulationΨ,with a contourinterval of3104.As the Ekman number is reduced,we see how the entire structure is increasingly concentrated toward the inner boundary,in perfect agreement with the E14and E13scalings derivedby Stewartson.In addition,we see how the meridional circulation becomes weaker and weaker,again consistent with the E12asymptotic scaling.Finally,we note that bothωandΨhave so-called Ekman layers at the end-plates.Because these layers scale as E12,they are so thin as to be almost invisible in these plots.Right at the end-plates we really do have the properωΨ0boundary conditions though.adjusts to this inner boundary condition was deduced by Stewartson[11],and shown to scale as E14.The results in Fig.1are consistent with this scaling,with the layer three times thinner at106than at104.Finally,Fig.1also shows the associated meridional circulation,consisting of an in-wardflow at the end-plates,and a returnflow in the interior.Thisflow too is concen-trated near the inner cylinder.Its detailed structure is slightly different from that forω, including also an E13scaling.The amplitude of this entire circulation decreases with E though,scaling as E12.This is therefore a relatively unimportant part of theflow,and will not be considered further.Summarizing Fig.1then,we see that if E104were sufficiently small to obtain the MRI,our cylinder here might already be good enough,with this Stewartson layer sufficiently broad that it might still be close enough to the smoother profile we really wanted.If we need to reduce E down to106or even107though,it is clear that this cylinder will not do.So,suppose we try taking a longer cylinder,in the hope of minimizing the end-effects.Fig.2presents profiles ofωas a function of r,in the midplane z0,for h5(the solutions in Fig.1),10and20.We see that increasing h helps somewhat,but not nearly enough,particularly at the smaller values of E.Of course, this was only to be expected;it is known[9]that the influence of the Taylor-Proudman theorem extends a distance O E12into the interior.In order for the end-plates not to dominate everything,one would therefore need to take h to be several thousand!1201r ωE = 10−4r E = 10−5r E = 10−6FIGURE 2.The angular velocity in the midplane z 0.In each panel the solid lines are for h 5,the dashed lines for h 10,and the dash-dotted lines for h 20.The dotted lines indicate the profile (1)one would obtain for an infinitely long cylinder.Extrapolating the h 5,10and 20results,we see therefore that for E 104one would need h 100to achieve the desired profile,but for E 106one would need h 1000,in agreement with the expected asymptotic scaling.Incidentally,note also that this is very different from the classical Taylor-Couette problem,where end-effects play a comparatively minor role [12,13].The difference is that there the outer cylinder is typically at rest,so the Taylor-Proudman theorem does not apply.If the entire system is rotating as rapidly as E 106though,the Taylor-Proudman theorem applies with a vengeance,so end-effects extend far deeper into the interior,and end up controlling everything,as we saw in Figs.1and 2.SPLIT-RING END-PLATESTaking a cylinder whose length is several thousand times its diameter is clearly not feasible.Following Kageyama et al.[5],let us therefore consider the possibility of splitting the end-plates into several distinct,independently rotating rings.For example,rather than ω0on the end-plates,suppose we impose instead the boundary conditionsω1for 1r 12523for 125r 15013for 150r 1750for 175r 2(6)That is,instead of having all of the adjustment from 1inside to 0outside occurring right at r 1,we have split it up,with 1/3each occurring at r 125,1.5and 1.75.If this works at all in yielding a smooth profile in the interior,one could then obviously adjust the precise values to obtain any desired profile,including (1).Fig.3shows the results.We see that at E 104we do indeed have a smooth profile,and even at 105it is still reasonably smooth.However,once we reduce E down to 106,we are tending toward a step profile,with three separate Stewartson layers at r 125,1 20 1r ωE = 10−4r E = 10−5r E = 10−6FIGURE 3.As in Fig.2,profiles of ωin the midplane z0,but now with the boundary conditions (6)imposed on the end-plates.1.5and 1.75.The E 104profile is smooth only because the Stewartson layers are still so thick in that case that three of them essentially fill the whole gap,so they do not yet manifest themselves as distinct layers.At E 106they are so thin though that one would need to split the end-plates into perhaps ten rings to obtain a comparably smooth profile.These results also explain why Kageyama et al.did not recognize the existence of these Stewartson layers.Because they focussed on getting the relative differential rotation right (Ro in our notation here)their overall rotation was still several orders of magnitude less than it ought to be,so their Stewartson layers were like our E 104layers,sufficiently thick that three or four of them filled the entire gap,and didn’t form distinct layers at all.As our results here show though,as soon as one reduces E into the appropriate regime,these layers do manifest themselves quite clearly even for split-ring end-plates.FINITE ROSSBY NUMBERAll the results up to now have been for Ro 0,corresponding once again to an infinites-imal differential rotation.We remember though that really we are interested in O 1Rossby numbers.And at first glance one might suppose that the results would be very different in that regime.In particular,if Ro O 1it is not clear whether the Taylor-Proudman theorem still applies,and if it does not,then all of the preceding analysis would appear to be irrelevant.In fact,with a little thought we can soon convince ourselves that the Taylor-Proudman theorem should still apply,at least for Rossby numbers only slightly beyond zero.The argument is as follows:If U is independent of φ(trivially true for an axisymmetric basic state)and almost independent of z (as we saw above),then so is U ∇U .If U ∇U depends only on r though,it can be balanced by a pressure-gradient (just as it is in the desired profile (1)).That is,the inclusion of the inertial term Ro U ∇U in (3)should have1r ωRo=0Ro=0.52FIGURE 4.The solution at h 5,E 104and Ro 05.The first two panels show ωand Ψ.Comparing with Fig.1,we see that the meridional circulation has been strengthened somewhat,but is still much weaker than the angular velocity,which is hardly changed at all.More quantitatively,the final panel again shows profiles of ωin the midplane,and shows that increasing Ro from 0to 0.5does broaden the Stewartson layer somewhat,but not nearly enough.relatively little effect on the solutions.That this is indeed the case is seen in the sample calculation in Fig.4.We see therefore that the Taylor-Proudman theorem continues to apply,and correspondingly these Stewartson layers continue to develop (although at finite Ro we are no more able to achieve E 106than Kageyama et al.were,and hence also cannot simulate the desired parameter regime directly).For sufficiently large Ro solutions do actually exist that break the Taylor-Proudman theorem.For example,Kageyama et al.present flows having a very strong meridional circulation that is both z -and even time-dependent.There are two difficulties with these solutions.First,while we may have broken the Taylor-Proudman theorem,and hence avoided these undesirable Stewartson layers,these solutions are also not quite what we really wanted.In particular,the desired profile (1)is actually independent of z .So breaking the Taylor-Proudman theorem may have eliminated the Stewartson layers,but at the cost of introducing an equally undesirable z -dependence.Second,and more importantly,while these large Ro solutions may exist in the sense that one can compute them with an axisymmetric code such as ours here or that of Kageyama et al.,they would not exist in a real MRI experiment.Other,non-axisymmetric instabilities would set in long before the critical Rossby numbers for these solutions are reached.In particular,these Stewartson layers are susceptible to a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability,in which the initially circular shear layer adopts a wavy structure instead.There is a considerable body of literature already on these instabilities of Stew-artson layers,including experimental [14–16],analytical [17,18]and numerical [18,19]work.All of these agree that the critical Rossby number for the onset of these Kelvin-Helmholtz modes scales roughly as E 34.At E 106the critical Rossby number would therefore be around 1045,which is long before any of these modes set in that break the Taylor-Proudman theorem (which these Kelvin-Helmholtz modes do not).CONCLUSIONWith all these various pieces in place,we believe we can now predict what will happen in the parameter regime we originally set out to explore,namely E106and Ro O1. In particular,let’s imaginefixing E and gradually increasing Ro.For sufficiently small Ro these Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities will not yet have set in,and the solution will consist simply of a series of Stewartson layers,one at every split in the rings making up the end-plates.And as we saw in section3,splitting the end-plates into enough rings that these layers merge into a smooth profile is unfortunately next to impossible.We will therefore have a step profile,separated by a sequence of distinct shear layers.As we further increase Ro then,we will rather quickly reach this critical value Ro c∝E34 where these layers go unstable,and adopt non-axisymmetric,wavy structures. Extrapolatingfinally from Ro O E34to O1is of course quite a leap,but Ro is then so many orders of magnitude supercritical that it seems highly likely that these wavy structures will give way to turbulent shear layers.The one positive aspect of all this is that in the process the underlying shear will almost certainly be considerably reduced. 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