数学实验练习二 参考答案
数学实验二实验内容:学习matlab的m文件编写和函数的编写,体会matlab编程特点,掌握matlab 的编程基本方法。
要求:一.学习ppt教案的例题代码,能正确的输入、运行代码;二.写出如下各段代码的作用,将以下各段循环执行的代码,改为不需要循环的矩阵和数组运行,并使用tic,toc测试不同代码的执行时间:%程序1,文件名:ex2_2_1.mticdx = pi/30;nx = 1 + 2*pi/dx;for i = 1:nxx(i) = (i-1)*dx;y(i) = sin(3*x(i));endtoc以上程序实现将[0,2*pi]间隔pi/30分成60等分,x和y分别为61个元素的数组,y为计算sin(3x)的值。
%程序2,文件名:ex2_2_2.mticA=round(2+rand(50,60)*6); 生成一个在[2,8]上均匀分布的50*60随机数组[X,Y]=size(A); 求出其大小;X=50,Y=60minA=A(1,1); 设最小值为矩阵A的第1行1列的元素for i=1:Xfor j=1:Yif A(i,j)<minAminA=A(i,j);minX=i;minY=j;endendend 以上程序按行、列搜索矩阵A的最小值,若当前值A(I,j)小,则将最小值设为当前值;[minA ,minX,minY] 输出矩阵最小值minA及矩阵最小值所在的行minX、列minY。
toc上述程序可以使用find函数及min函数实现;此时只需: minA=min(A(:));[minX,minY]=find(A ’==minA,1);%注意此处需将矩阵A 转置,因为matlab 中是按列优先搜索的,而题目的程序是按行有限搜索。
present。 3. A。选择正确的一项。通读第一段,在段尾应注意到 nobody liked the tea leaves 证明没案与解析 1. B。our classroom faces our school garden 译为教室面对着花园,即花园也面对着教室。 2. D。首先读清题,让选择不正确的一项。故把 A、B、C、D 带回原文中去,在第一段第四行写到
在游泳池周围是各种各样的鲜花,故 A 正确,在第三行提到 B 为正确,同样在第三行写到 C 也
4. D。适用于排除法。A 不是新袜子,文章中没有说;B 读完后我们知道实际上并没有洞,故 B 不 对;C 他这双袜子还没穿多长时间,文中没提。
英汉翻译 1. “I might as well have them!” I said sadly. 2. Word has it he’s married. 3. Word your idea clearly. 4. Words cut more than swords. 5. I hope you will come back whole. 6. Nature is a whole. 7. The whole of one week was spent on the beach. 8. The new auditorium can hold 4,000 people.
percent. 5. After having spent whole mornings on the river,I always go home with an empty bag. 6. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away,but I am determined to stay here. 7. Last year when we were travelling across the Channel,Jane put a piece of paper with her name and
HSK标准教程2 练习册听力文本及参考答案第一课 九月去北京旅游最好一、听力 第一部分1.下午他要踢足球。
第二部分6. 男:你想喝点儿什么?女:我想喝茶。
7. 男:我们下午一起去运动吧。
8. 女:你几点能回来?男:七点多,不会太晚。
9. 女:你的猫多大了?男:一岁多。
第三部分11. 女:你觉得什么时候去北京旅游最好?男:我觉得九月去最好。
问:几月去北京旅游最好?12. 女:你喜欢上海吗?男:上海冬天太冷了,我不喜欢。
问:男的为什么不喜欢上海?13. 女:我要去商店,你去吗?男:我也去,我要买几个新椅子。
问:男的要买什么?14. 女:王医生的女儿今年多大了?男:十四岁了。
问:女的觉得什么很漂亮?三、语音第1题:听录音,选择听到的词语(1)时间(2)北京(3)萝卜(4)故事(5)老虎(6)学生(7)石头(8)产地第2题:听录音,注意每个词中重音的位置并跟读(1)好吃. (2)老.实 (3)小姐. (4)先.生(5)每天. (6)前.边 (7)可能. (8)有用.(9)金鱼. (10)境遇. (11)利.索 (12)思索.(13)大门. (14)打.扮 (15)一.般 (16)麻.烦参考答案:1-5:√ × √ × √6-10:B F C A E11-15:C B B C A16-20:E A C F B21-25:B A D F C26-30:× √ × √ ×31-35:A D B C F第2课 我每天六点起床一、听力 第一部分1.医生说要住一个月,现在不能出院。
1、有3个产地4个销地的平衡运输问题模型具有特征( D )A.有7个变量B.有12个约束C.有6约束D.有6个基变量2、X是线性规划的基本可行解则有( C )A.X中的基变量非零,非基变量为零B.X不一定满足约束条件C.X中的基变量非负,非基变量为零D.X是最优解3、设线性规划的约束条件为则基本可行解为(C)A.(0, 0, 4, 3) B.(3, 4, 0, 0) C.(2, 0, 1, 0) D.(3, 0, 4, 0)4、若线性规划问题的最优解同时在可行解域的两个顶点处达到,那么该线性规划问题最优解为(C)A.两个B.零个C.无穷多个D.有限多个5、若原问题中ix为自由变量,那么对偶问题中的第i个约束一定为(A)A.等式约束B.“≤”型约束C.“≥”约束D.无法确定6、若P为网络G的一条流量增广链,则P中所有正向弧都为G的(D )A.对边B.饱和边C.邻边D.不饱和边7、对于线性规划问题,下列说法正确的是(D)A线性规划问题可能没有可行解B在图解法上,线性规划问题的可行解区域都是“凸”区域C线性规划问题如果有最优解,则最优解可以在可行解区域的顶点上到达D上述说法都正确8、在求解运输问题的过程中运用到下列哪些方法(D)A.西北角法B.位势法C.闭回路法D.以上都是二、填空题1、有5个产地5个销地的平衡运输问题,则它的基变量有(9 )个2、设运输问题求最大值,则当所有检验数(小于等于0 )时得到最优解3、线性规划中,满足非负条件的基本解称为(基本可行解),对应的基称为(可行基)。
那面墙被刷了整整三遍,靠近地面的地方还加了一条,还让汤姆变成了“阔佬” (汤姆收获了许多财宝),包莉姨妈奖励汤姆一个大苹果。
六年级科学上册选择题练习班级考号姓名总分1.我们观察蚜虫时,比较合适的工具是倍数比较高的( )。
A.电子显微镜B.放大镜C.显微镜2.使用反光镜调光之前应该先将( )转到镜筒下。
A.高倍物镜B.低倍物镜C0 中等倍数物镜3.下图是我们在显微镜下观察到的( )。
A.叶表皮气孔B.口腔上皮细胞C.叶绿体4.下列关于显微镜的操作,其中属于“对光”环节的是( )。
5.根据生物体细胞的数量把生物分为( )。
A.单细胞生物和多细胞生物B.植物和动物C.有机物和无机物6.用显微镜观察洋葱表皮细胞时不需要用到的是( )。
A.酒精B.滴管C.载玻片7.将字母“d”放在低倍显微镜下观察到的图像是( )。
A.qB.dC. p8.下图是天牛的触角,按形状来分,它应该属于( )触。
A.羽毛状B.棒状C.鞭状9.下列物体具有放大镜作用的是( )。
A.近视眼镜B.老花眼镜C.长方形的鱼缸10.( )是微生物与其他生物所具有的共同特点。
A.都能进行光合作用B.都会繁殖后代C.都能自己制造食物11.下列关于细胞的描述错误的是( )。
A.细胞形态多种多样B.不同生物的细胞是不同的C.生物不同器官的细胞是一样的12.观察自制的“洋葱表皮细胞装片”时视野内出现许多黑色圆圈这可能是( )。
A.盖盖玻片方法不规范导致标本内出现气泡B.洋葱表皮细胞撕得太厚C.没有正确使用反光镜调光13.天文学家哥白尼的伟大著作是( )。
A.《天体运行论》B.《天论》C.《八十天环游地球》14.地球公转的旋转中心是( )。
A.北极星B.地轴C.太阳15.地球自转一周的时间是( )。
A.一天B.一个月C.一年16.北京天文馆的傅科摆摆起来后朝右偏转的现象说明( )。
A.空气有阻力B.地球在自转C.地球有重力17.下列现象与昼夜有关的是( )。
A.猫头鹰捉田鼠B0 大雁迁徙 C.小草枯萎18.对太阳的东升西落、昼夜的交替,正确的解释是( )。
A.太阳不动地球围着太阳转B.地球自转C.地球围着太阳公转的同时也自转19.在地球公转过程中,同一地点的正午太阳高度之所以会发生变化的原因是( )。
5.TSST-1: 即毒性休克综合征毒素-1,由噬菌体Ⅰ群金黄色葡萄球菌产生的一种蛋白质,可增加宿主对内毒素的敏感性,可引起机体多个器官系统的功能紊乱,出现毒性休克综合征(TSS)。
二、填空题1.葡萄球菌链球菌肺炎球菌脑膜炎球菌淋球菌2.血浆凝固酶3.金黄色葡萄球菌4.食物中毒剥脱性皮炎假膜性肠炎毒性休克综合征5.甲型溶血性链球菌乙型溶血性链球菌丙型链球菌6.巧克力色血琼脂平板7. 甲型溶血性链球菌8.葡萄球菌9.透明质酸酶链道酶IO.IgG Fc段11.化脓性感染中毒性疾病变态反应性疾病12.荚膜大叶性肺炎三、选择题A型题 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.E 7.A 8.E 9.D 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.E 15.E 16.BB型题 17.A 18.E 19.A 20.B 21.A 22.E 23.B 24.D 25.A 26.D 27.E 28.B29.C X型题 30.CD 31.ABCD 32.BCDE 33.ABC 34.BD 35.ABDE四、问答题1.金黄色葡萄球菌的致病物质及所致疾病有哪些?金黄色葡萄球菌的致病物质有:血浆凝固酶、杀白细胞素、葡萄球菌溶血素、肠毒素、表皮剥脱毒素、毒性休克综合征毒素(TSST-1)。
一.1.zhào g uàn xiètuíjiào jūn(6)
19.B A C(2)
莫道君行早滕贞甫一开始,在是否加入糖蒜社上有的妇女也犹豫,不就是加工糖蒜吗? 能赚几个钱? 她们估计错了,彭非这个小伙子把糖蒜做成了文化,做成了品牌,尤其是糖蒜包装印上杏儿那首诗,使糖蒜大受年轻人追捧。
汪六叔嘴黑,说:“你们这些女人哪,牵着不走,打着倒退,腌糖蒜是你们的拿手好戏,却一个个拿捏起来了,现在后悔了吧? ”女人们连连道歉,汪六叔便和彭非商量,又腾出一间闲屋,扩大再生产,这样就多吸纳了十二个妇女进社。
开小卖部的金嫂甚至揪着男人的耳朵,从麻将桌一直揪到村委会来报名,金嫂训斥男人:“三舅那么大岁数都入社了,你还等哪盘菜? 再不报名吃屎都赶不上热乎的。
”彭非开玩笑地问:“杏儿也会吗? ”杏儿说:“我不用揪耳功,谁要是得罪我,我会在诗里骂他。
(一) 单选题1. 自我概念的组成哪项除外( )。
(A) 体像(B) 社会自我(C) 表现自我(D) 精神自我(E) 自尊参考答案:(D)没有详解信息!2. 检查心脏震颤常用( )。
(A) 全手掌(B) 食指、中指指腹(C) 食指、中指指尖(D) 手掌桡侧(E) 手掌尺侧参考答案:(E)没有详解信息!3. 气管向健侧移位不见于( )。
(A) 心包积液(B) 大量胸腔积液(C) 气胸(D) 单侧甲状腺肿(E) 纵膈肿瘤参考答案:(A)没有详解信息!4. 鼻粘膜萎缩,鼻腔分泌物减少,鼻甲缩小,鼻腔宽大见于( )。
(A) 慢性鼻炎(B) 慢性萎缩性鼻炎(C) 过敏性鼻炎(D) 鼻腔化脓性炎症先兆(E) 急性鼻炎参考答案:(B)没有详解信息!5. 正常人右锁骨中线第五肋间的叩诊音是( )。
(A) 清音(B) 浊音(C) 实音(D) 鼓音(E) 过清音参考答案:(B)没有详解信息!6. 主动脉关闭不全病人最有可能出现的周围血管征是( )。
(A) 毛细血管搏动征(B) 颈动脉搏动(C) 肝颈静脉回流征(D) 腹壁静脉曲张(E) 食道底部静脉曲张参考答案:(C)没有详解信息!7. 舌乳头肿胀,发红类似草莓舌,见于( )。
(A) 猩红热或长期发热者(B) 烟酸缺乏(C) 慢性萎缩性胃炎(D) 真菌感染(E) 维生素C缺乏参考答案:(A)没有详解信息!8. 二尖瓣狭窄最具特征的是( )。
(A) 心尖区第一心音拍击样亢进(B) 肺动脉瓣第二心音亢进(C) 心尖部舒张期隆隆样杂音(D) 左心房肥大(E) 梨形心参考答案:(C)没有详解信息!9. 肺下界下移可见于( )。
(A) 肺不张(B) 膈肌麻痹(C) 大量胸腔积液(D) 肝脏肿大(E) 肺气肿参考答案:(E)没有详解信息!10. Babinski征阳性的典型表现( )。
(A) 拇指背曲,其他各趾散开(B) 脚趾均背曲(C) 脚趾均跖曲(D) 下肢迅速回收(E) 脚趾均不动参考答案:(A)没有详解信息!11. 一位在监护室抢救成功的心肌梗死患者,当病情好转需转入普通病房时,病人表现紧张不安,强调自己病情还不稳定,不愿意搬出监护室,这种现象叫做( )。
HSK标准教程2 练习册听力文本及参考答案第一课九月去北京旅游最好一、听力第一部分1.下午他要踢足球。
第二部分6. 男:你想喝点儿什么?女:我想喝茶。
7. 男:我们下午一起去运动吧。
8. 女:你几点能回来?男:七点多,不会太晚。
9. 女:你的猫多大了?男:一岁多。
第三部分11. 女:你觉得什么时候去北京旅游最好?男:我觉得九月去最好。
问:几月去北京旅游最好?12. 女:你喜欢上海吗?男:上海冬天太冷了,我不喜欢。
问:男的为什么不喜欢上海?13. 女:我要去商店,你去吗?男:我也去,我要买几个新椅子。
问:男的要买什么?14. 女:王医生的女儿今年多大了?男:十四岁了。
问:女的觉得什么很漂亮?三、语音第1题:听录音,选择听到的词语(1)时间(2)北京(3)萝卜(4)故事(5)老虎(6)学生(7)石头(8)产地第2题:听录音,注意每个词中重音的位置并跟读(1)好吃.(2)老.实(3)小姐.(4)先.生(5)每天.(6)前.边(7)可能.(8)有用.(9)金鱼.(10)境遇.(11)利.索(12)思索.(13)大门.(14)打.扮(15)一.般(16)麻.烦参考答案:1-5:√×√×√6-10:B F C A E11-15:C B B C A16-20:E A C F B21-25:B A D F C26-30:×√×√×31-35:A D B C F第2课我每天六点起床一、听力第一部分1.医生说要住一个月,现在不能出院。
红旗飘舞(主谓短语)北京立交桥(偏正短语)谈骨气(动宾短语)七根火柴(偏正短语)听潮(动宾短语)愚公移山(主谓短语)古朴优美(并列短语)狼吞虎咽(并列短语)藤野先生(偏正短语)精通时事(动宾短语)翻检一番(后补短语)热烈鼓掌(偏正短语)勤劳简朴(并列短语)发表成绩(动宾短语)革命征程(偏正短语)性格和蔼(主谓短语)光明前途(偏正短语)打扫教室(动宾短语)花鸟鱼虫(并列短语)精力充沛(主谓短语)文艺节目(偏正短语)十个少年(偏正短语)改善关系(动宾短语)朝车站(介宾短语)二、指出下列短语的结构类型1、风俗习惯(并列)2、变化规律(偏正)3、历史悠久(主谓)4、整修一新(后补)5、交头接耳(并列)6、思维敏捷(主谓)7、废寝忘食(并列)8、前程远大(主谓)9、全神贯注(主谓)10、襟怀坦白(主谓)11、挥手之间(偏正) 12、愚公移山(主谓)13、竞选州长(动宾)14、销售计划(偏正)15、色彩缤纷(主谓)16、交通规则(偏正)17、风和日丽(并列)18、激动不已(后补)19、禁止吸烟(动宾)20、辛勤耕耘(偏正)21、巍峨挺立(并列)22、不断发生(偏正)23、气氛热烈(主谓) 24、继往开来(并列)三、下列各组短语分别以哪组类型短语为主,其中不同的短语各是哪个,属于什么类型短语。
1、A、祖国万岁B、品质优良C、天气晴和D、思想品质E、成绩好2、A、看了两眼B、打扫教室C、洗得干净D、热了起来E、扔出去3、A、十分伟大B、我的书包C、小声地说D、追歼敌人E、很热闹4、A、讲解语法B、讲述清楚C、种植玉米D、制造火箭E、听故事5、A、用圆珠笔(写)B、对于我们 C、按照习惯 D、必然产生 E、被大雨(淋)6、A、报纸杂志B、调查研究C、身体健康D、严肃认真E、读和写答案:1、ABCE主谓,D是并列 2、ACDE是后补,B是动宾3、ABCE是偏正,D是动宾4、ACDE是动宾,B是后补5、ABCE是介宾,D是偏正 5、ABDE是并列,C是主谓四、比较判断短语类型经济发展(主谓)历史悠久(主谓)描写景物()市场繁荣(主谓)发展经济(动宾)悠久历史(偏正)景物描写(主谓)市场的繁荣(偏正)表达见解(动宾)我的弟弟(偏正)我国文学(偏正)小说散文(并列)表达的见解(偏正)我和弟弟(并列)我国的文学(偏正)小说和散文(并列)一、请说出下列短语的结构类型。
A 7.设随机变量ξ 服从 0-布,又知ξ 取 1 的概率为它取 0 的概率的一半,则p{ξ = 1} 是( )。
1 密 A. 3
B.0 1
C. 2 D.1 【参考答案】
8.离散型随机变量ξ 的分布律为P (ξ = k) = bλk ,(k = 1,2,⋯),的充分必要条件是( )。
A.b >0且0 < λ <1
)。 【参考答案】 空(1): 0.0455
的分布函数为F (x) =
⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪
k2 x2 + 2kx + 2 2
e −kx,x
⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩
x <0
⎧ ⎪⎪⎨⎪− ⎪ ⎩
1 k
1 k
⎫ ⎮ ⎮ ⎬ ⎮ ⎮ ⎭
( )。 【参考答案】
ξ 的概率密度为φ (x) =
− (x −1) 2
2 2π
ξ 的概率密度φ (x) =
⎧ ⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎩
λe −λx 0
x >0 x ≤0
y = 1 x3+2的反函数x = h (y) = 3 3(y−2) 3
h '(y) =
(3y−6) 3
x 0
= 1 − 1 e −x+ 1 =1− 1 e −x
⎧⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
1 ex
八年级(下)英8BU4练习卷二姓名一Choose the best answer( )1.It will them a few years to build the underground.A. spendB. takeC. costD. pay ( )2. I am sorry to hear that Sanda is ill again. She isher friends.A. less healthier thanB. not so health asC. less stronger thanD. not as fit as( )3. These teachers will have another meeting .A. in two week timeB. in two week‟s timeC. in two weeks timeD. in two weeks‟ time( )4. Try your best, you won‟t worry about anything.A. /B. orC. andD. so ( )5. Who would like to make me a list the activities you will do during your summer holiday?A. withB. ofC. forD. among ( )6. There are ten coins. Three are American coins, and Seven are Chinese ones.A. the otherB. the othersC. anotherD. other ( )7. useful information he has given us! We all thank himA. What anB. What aC. WhatD. How ( )8. There is still another serious problem for our editors to think about carefully! The underlined part means .A. judgeB. considerC. learnD. notice ( )9. The medical expert will fly to Shanghai to give a speech December, 2015..A. onB. inC. forD. at( )10. Begging is prohibited in this mall. It‟sthe rules.A. againstB. offC. outD. obey ( )11. My teacher always tells us in the street.A. not play games of any kindB. not to play any kind gamesC. not play the games of any kindD. not to play any kind of games( )12.Bob‟s wife thought Bob the wallet, so she brought it over to him.A. will needB. won‟t needC. would needD. wouldn‟t need( )13. ! There‟s a minibus!.A. Look atB. Take care ofC. Look afterD. Look out( )14. am going to the concert. There is only one ticket, You decide.A. Either you or IB. Both you and IC. Neither you nor ID. Not only you but also I ( )15. Could you tell us ?A. when will John start his planB. when did John start his planC. when John will start his planD. when John had started his plan( )16. To keep healthy, you‟d better drink water every day.A. plenty ofB. a fewC. a lotD. a great many ( )17. I suggested that my friends his teacher about his plan.A. talked overB. should discussC. talked toD. should tell二、Fill in the blanks with the expressions in the box in their19. She use fewer words to work as a title.20. We a master of our own time instead of beinga servant.18. 19. 20.三、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms21. I thought hard before making the (decide) to become an actor.22. The president (conclusion) his speech by expressing his strong wish for a great success in the project.23. This house is (noise) than that one.24. What are the (different) between the Chinese culture and the American culture.25. We should pay for (free) and the money refers to the rules we have to obey.26. Are you (nature) interested in music? You are really a talent.27. With the (develop) our city has become a centre of economy and culture.四、Rewrite the sentences as required.28. I can finish reading this report in five minutes. (画线提问)can you finish reading this report? 29. The election cost them a lot of money. (反意疑问句)The election cost them a lot of money, ?30. Do you know? Does this electronic dictionary belong to Alice? (合并为一句)Do you know this electronic dictionary to Alice?31. You should use a special pen to write on the ipad screen. (画线提问)should use to write on the ipad screen?32. Tom oughtn‟t to play too many computer games. (改为肯定句)Tom play fewer computer games. 33. The students on duty ought to empty the dust bin today. (画线提问)the students on duty today?34. The girl shouldn‟t waste her money on useless things. (改为一般疑问句)the girl her money on useless things?五、Choose the words or expressions and complete the passageIf you‟re an American, you may take in 3,400 mg of salt per day. That‟s far more than 2,300mg. And it‟s 15 times as much as the human body needs.Average salt intake(摄入量)has increased about 50% since the 1970s, largely 35 we‟re eating more convenient foods. And as makers of processed food have cut down on fat and sugar, they‟ve often added 86 salt. Too much salt can cause osteoporosis (骨质疏松症) and stomach cancer. 37 , it raises blood pressure, which 38 about 850,000 Americans a year.“After smoking, high blood pressure is the leading 39 of death,” says New York City Health C ommissioner Thomas. He is encouraging makers of packaged foods and restaurants to gradually 40 their salt by 50% over the next 10 years. The CDC (疾病控制中心) thinks that it could save 150,000 lives and $10 billion in health care a year.Some 50 million Americans have hypertension (高血压). Hypertension is more common among African-Americans than whites. Nearly 90% of Americans develop it.With that in mind, the CDC is encouraging people to follow a stricter guideline of 41 1,500 mg of salt a day.A bout 80% of Americans‟ salt intake comes from processed foods and restaurant meals; only 20% comes from salt used in home cooking. But cutting salt from processed food isn‟t easy.( )35. A) if B) before C) because D) unless ( )36. A) many B) few C) less D) more ( )37. A) What‟s more B) In the endC) For example D) In this way( )38. A) dies B) kills C) makes D) causes ( )39. A) reason B) cause C) power D) example ( )40. A) cut B) take C) change D) get ( )41. A) with B) for C) over D) just六、Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wordsThe Winter Olympics in Vancouver(温哥华) ended last month. It was a big success. Many people worked very hard to make it a big success: the sportsmen and the sportswomen, the Olympic organizers and, of course, t___42___ of people who came to Vancouver to work as volunteers.There were 18,5000 volunteers at this Olympics. Most came from countries far away, including China. They helped the visitors by showing them directions and giving them i___43___. They also worked as ushers(引座员) at events to make sure ticket holders got to their proper seats. Some volunteers worked as drivers to make sure VIPs l__44____ judges got to events on time.Many of the volunteers took time off from their jobs to come to Vancouver. They chose to work ten hours a day at the Olympics, for f__45____. They didn‟t receive any money or get any special gifts for their work. They did, h___46___, get a great feeling: the feeling of helping out and of being a part of something big.One man said he volunteered be cause it was,“a chance to be part of one of the biggest events in the world. I didn‟t want to miss out.”It‟s a great feeling to know that you have p___47____ a part, even a small part, in making a big event a success. At the Shanghai World Expo, you have a chance to know that feeling. Even if you can‟t be an official volunteer, you can s___48____ be friendly and helpful to foreign visitors. Itwill be a chance for you to be a part of something big and make Expo a big success.42. 43. 44.45. 46. 47.48.七、Answer the questionPerhaps Susan Boyle‟s success is one of the best stories of 2009. One year ago, Susan Boyle was unknown and had no job. She lived alone with her pet cat in Britain. She had little idea about her ability. In 2009, she appeared on a TV show and that changed her life forever. Although Susan came second in the final competition, millions of people around the world loved her song …I Dreamed A Dream.‟ Susan‟s powerful voice and ordinary look made her a superstar.After the competition, Susan began to feel the pressure of becoming famous so quickly. She was always busy and felt tired. She wanted to return to her usual life in the past. But soon she gained her confidence again and recorded her first album called I Dreamed A Dream. It came out on November 23, 2009 and became the fastest selling U.K. debut album (首张专辑). It is also the biggest selling album of the year in the U.K.. On December 13, 2009, another of Susan‟s dreams came true: She had the chance to perform with her idol, Elaine Paige on her own TV show.Susan Boyle gives inspiration (鼓舞) and hope to many people all over the world. She was an ordinary woman, living an ordinary life. But ordinary people can sometimes do extraordinary things too!49. Did Susan Boyle know much about her ability in 2008? ________________________________________________ _50. Susan came second in the final competition, didn‟t she? ________________________________________________ _51. What made Susan Boyle a superstar?________________________________________________ _52. What was Susan‟s wish after she became famous so quickly?________________________________________________ _53. What happened to her on December 13, 2009?________________________________________________ _ 54. What do you think the story of Susan Boyle tells us?________________________________________________ _八年级(下)英语8BU4练习卷二参考答案1-15 BDDCC ACBBA DCDAC AD18. put off 19. prefers/preferred to 20. ought to be 21. decision 22. concluded 23. noisier 24. differences 25. freedom 26. naturally 27. development28. How soon 29. didn‟t it 30. if/whether; belongs 31. What; I 32. ought to 33. What ought; to do34. Shouldn‟t,waste35. C 36. D 37. A 38. B 39. B 40A 41D 42. thousands 43. information 44. like 45. free 46.however 47.played 48. still49. No, she didn't.50. Yes, she did.51. Her powerful voice and ordinary look made her a superstar.52. She wanted to return to her usual life in the past.53. On December 18, 2009, her first album, "I Dreamed a Dream", came out and became the fastest selling U.K. debut album.54. The story tells us that ordinary people can sometimes do extraordinary things too!。
六年级(上)M2U4练习卷二姓名一Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子) 1.Does she want to be a farmer?(句子意思基本不变)? 2.I wouldn’t like to be a cook because I won’t cook foodwell. (划线提问)you like to be a cook?3.I’d like to be a bus driver. (句子意思基本不变)I be a bus driver.4.Mike’s sister is a secretary. (划线提问)Mike’s sister ?5. John didn’t go to school yesterday because he was ill. (划线提问)二Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)( )6. Firemen fires.A. put outB. puts outC. put offD. puts off ( )7. His maths teacher is old.A. forty five yearsB. forty-five yearsC. fourty five yearsD. fourty-five years ( )8. – Do you like teaching children? –Yes, .A. I likeB. I likesC. I doD. I don’t ( )9. When do you usually finish your homework?A. doB. doingC. to doD. to doing ( )10. Linda usually helps her boss type letters. She is a.A. workerB. businesswomanC. secretaryD. bank clerk( )11. –Does Ben bring food people?--No. He is a cook. He cooks food people.A. to; forB. for; toC. to; toD. for; for 三Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wordsWhat do you want to be in the future?I want to be an English teacher. Teachers always show us w 12 of learning. Teachers also help us a l 13 when we have some problems. They tell us h 14 to study well and how to be a useful person.I like learning English. I often r 15 English books loudly in the morning. I would like to be an English teacher b 16 I want to help more young children to make their d 17 come true. I want to let them get knowledge from me. I h 18 that my students will speak in English and be a useful person when they grow up.12. 13. 14.15. 16. 17.18.四Reading comprehension.(A)Do you want a job? Here are some positions for you. Please have a look!◆(1) WAITER W ANTEDDo you hard-working? Do you like to meet people? If your answer is ―Yes‖, and then we have a job for you as a waiter. Call AL Hotel at 556779!◆(2) SUMMER JOBDo you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? If you want to work for our magazine as a reporter, please call Karen at 558366.◆(3) BABYSITTER W ANTEDDo you like babies? Can you look after one baby for two days? If you are sure to take good care of it, call us at 766588, Hurry!◆(4) CLEANER W ANTEDCan you make a large home clean and tidy? If you hope to get the job paid at ﹩20 once, call us this evening 18:00—20:00. Tel: 633800Choose the best answer.( )19. The job ads above are probably from .A. a newspaperB. a story bookC. a science bookD. a guide book( )20. If you like children and have two days free, you call at for a job.A. 556779B. 558366C. 766588D. 633800 ( )21. If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to tidy his house twice a week, how much will the cleaner get in a month?A. ﹩120B. ﹩160C. ﹩200D. ﹩240 ( )22. are needed in AL Hotel.A. CleanersB. BabysittersC. ReportersD. Waiters( )23. If you are a college student who enjoys writing, during your summer holidays, you will be moreinterested in the job in .A. ad1B. ad2C. ad3D. ad4 ( )24. How many positions are in the article?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4(B)Babysitter may be an easy way to 25 pocket money, however, it is not an easy 26 . Here are a few tips to be a babysitter.( )25. A. become B. ask C. make D. hope ( )26. A. sport B. job C. homework D. life六年级(上)M2U4练习卷二参考答案1.Would she like to be a farmer?2.Why would3.want to4.What does; do5.Why didn’t John go to school yesterday?6.11. .ABCBC A12. way13. lot14. how15. read16. because17. dreams18. hope19-26. ACBDB DBB。
( A )[1分]A.劳动者教育年限的增加;B.实行劳动专业化;C.规模经济;D.电子计算机技术的迅速应用。
( C )[1分]A.投资的增加;B.就业人口的增加;C.人才的合理流动;D.发展教育事业。
(一) 单选题1. 下列哪个药物是通过诱导和促使微管蛋白聚合成微管,同时抑制所形成微管的解聚而产生抗肿瘤活性的()(A) 盐酸多柔比星(B) 紫杉醇(C) 伊立替康(D) 鬼臼毒素参考答案:(B)没有详解信息!2. 西咪替丁主要用于治疗()(A) 十二指肠球部溃疡(B) 过敏性皮炎(C) 结膜炎(D) 麻疹参考答案:(A)没有详解信息!3. 属于抗代谢药物的是()(A) 巯嘌呤(B) 喜树碱(C) 奎宁(D) 盐酸可乐定参考答案:(A)没有详解信息!4. 下列药物中哪个药物不溶于NaHCO3溶液中()(A) 阿司匹林(B) 双氯酚酸(C) 萘普生(D) 萘普酮参考答案:(D)没有详解信息!5. 下列环氧酶抑制剂,哪个对胃肠道的副作用最小()(A) 布洛芬(B) 赛来西布(C) 阿司匹林(D) 双氯酚酸参考答案:(B)没有详解信息!6. 抗肿瘤药氟尿嘧啶属于()(A) 氮芥类抗肿瘤药物(B) 烷化剂(C) 抗代谢抗肿瘤药物(D) 抗生素类抗肿瘤药物参考答案:(C)没有详解信息!7. 下列哪项与扑热息痛的性质不符()(A) 为白色结晶或粉末(B) 易溶于水(C) 易氧化(D) 用盐酸水解后具有重氮化及偶合反应参考答案:(B)没有详解信息!8. 关于奥美拉唑不正确的是()(A) 是不可逆的质子泵抑制剂(B) 分子具有旋光性(C) 在酸性溶液中较稳定(D) 是前体药物参考答案:(C)没有详解信息!9. 下列药物中属于COX-2酶选择性抑制剂的药物是()(A) 赛来西布(B) 布洛芬(C) 吲哚美辛(D) 保泰松参考答案:(A)没有详解信息!10. 阿霉素的主要临床用途为()(A) 抗菌(B) 抗病毒(C) 抗肿瘤(D) 抗真菌参考答案:(C)没有详解信息!11. 烷化剂类抗肿瘤药物的结构类型不包括()(A) 硝基咪唑类(B) 氮芥类(C) 乙撑亚胺类(D) 亚硝基脲类参考答案:(A)没有详解信息!12. 环磷酰胺的毒性较小的原因是()(A) 在正常组织中经酶代谢生成无毒的代谢物(B) 烷化作用强,使用剂量小(C) 在体内的代谢速度很快(D) 在肿瘤组织中的代谢速度快参考答案:(D)没有详解信息!13. 下列药物中,第一个上市的H2-受体拮抗剂为()(A) Nα-脒基组织胺(B) 咪丁硫脲(C) 西咪替丁(D) 甲咪硫脲参考答案:(C)没有详解信息!14. 下列哪个药物不是抗代谢药物()(A) 盐酸阿糖胞苷(B) 甲氨喋呤(C) 氟尿嘧啶(D) 卡莫司汀参考答案:(D)没有详解信息!15. 可用于胃溃疡治疗的含咪唑环的药物是()(A) 西咪替丁(B) 盐酸氯丙嗪(C) 多潘立酮(D) 奋乃静参考答案:(A)没有详解信息!16. 芳基丙酸类药物最主要的临床作用是()(A) 中枢兴奋(B) 抗癫痫(C) 消炎镇痛(D) 抗病毒参考答案:(C)没有详解信息!17. 设计吲哚美辛的化学结构是依于()(A) 5-羟色胺(B) 组胺(C) 慢反应物质(D) 组胺酸参考答案:(A)没有详解信息!18. 下列哪一个说法是正确的()(A) 阿司匹林的胃肠道反应主要是酸性基团造成的(B) 制成阿司匹林的酯类前药能基本解决胃肠道的副反应(C) 阿司匹林主要抑制COX-1(D) COX-2在炎症细胞的活性很低参考答案:(A)没有详解信息!19. 下列非甾体抗炎药物中哪个在体外无活性()(A) 阿司匹林(B) 萘普酮(C) 双氯酚酸(D) 萘普生参考答案:(B)没有详解信息!20. 环磷酰胺体外没有活性,在体内经代谢而活化。
2020--2021学年鲁教版八年级上册十篇盲填专项练习及参考答案 (二)
鲁教版八年级上册专项练习二---盲填及答案一、Summer is almost here, and the weather is heating up. Are you drinking enough water? Many kids aren't,according 1____ a new study published in the American Journal of Public Health.Why do we need much water?60% of the human body is 2_______ up of water. It performs tasks that keep our bodies healthy.Not drinking enough water can lead to health problems. Your body needs more water when you are in hot climates, when you are physically active, and if you have 3 ________ fever.How much is enough?The United States National Agriculture Library says, on average, kids need between 10 and 14 cups of water every day. This water can come 4______ food and drinks that contain(包含) large amounts of water, such 5 ________ celery(芹菜), melons or tomatoes.二.App is shorthand(速记) for an application( 应用) You can download all 1________ of apps on your phone. Many apps are free. 2_________ these apps have ads you might hate.Using the Internet is very convenient, especially on your phone. Apps make it easy to get 3 _______ information you need. They are so helpful that you may use them to find almost any information very easily.Many people use apps 4________ language learning. Many of these apps have games to teach people new words. These apps let people review and practice a language anywhere.There are apps to give directions 5______ places, too. And many apps let people listen to music, read the news and some other literal(文字的) things. What's yourfavorite app?三.Free laundry(洗衣) serviceTwo s tudents from Australia started Orange Sky Laundry. It is Australia’s first mobile laundry for homeless people.20-year-old Lucas and his friend Nicholas decided to start the service during a trip. When they got back to school, they stopped talking 1_______ it and just did it. They got a van(货车)and two washing machines 2______ started the voluntary work.They offer service five days a week on Brisbane’s busy streets. Homeless people can wash 3 ________ clothes for free." Everyone should wear clean clothes, right?" the two young men said. "We hope that Orange Sky Laundry will be all over Australia. We also want 4_____ get more help. We hope more school kids can volunteer i n the van.”They are doing their 5______ to help homeless people have a healthy and happy life.四.Some students love to ask their teacher for help when they meet problems in studying. Now some experts (专家) say it may not be the best way to learn. They suggest the students should work out the problems by 1___________.Manu Kapur, an expert, first tested the idea on some students in Singapore. He divided the students 2_____ two groups. In Group A, students could solve maths problems with the teacher's 3_______. In Group B, students could solve the same problems 4_______ helping one another.With the teacher's help students in Group A found the correct answers. Students in Group B did not solve the problems correctly. But they did come up with a lot of good ideas.Then they tested the students on 5________ they had learned. Students in Group B scored much higher than students in Group A. Kapur said trying to find the answershelped students understand the process (过程), not just the answers.五.People often say that gold is the most valuable(贵重的) thing in the world. I don't think so. In my 1_______, books are much more valuable than anything else.Books are our friends, they go with as on the road to success. Books are our teachers. They 2__________ us truths, science, the arts and philosophy of life(人生哲学), and they give us experience to do many other things which we have never done before.________ 3, not all books are worth (值得) reading. It is important to choose good books. We should read different kinds of books. Some books give us 4_____ which we cannot get in class, and some books give us pleasure and make us not forget history. Some books tell us what is good 5________ what is evil( 邪恶的). What's more, we must try to practice what we learn from books.六.Simon has a little sister called Sandy. She is two years younger than Simon. Sandy always wants to be the first. She thinks the 1________ is always the best."I can finish doing my homework first, "Sandy says. "I am 2 ______ best.”Simon likes to take his time to do his homework. I don't care about being the first, "Simon says. “ I just want to do a good job.”Sandy always goes fast. She ties her shoes fast every day. One day Sandy 3____ a mistake. She tied too fast, 4_______ she made knots(结). "I cant untie (解开) these knots, "Sandy said.“ You have to slow down, "Simon said. He took his time to help 5_______ untie all of the knots.“Now you can try again. Don't go so fast this time.”Sandy slowed down and tied her shoes. "Thank you, Simon. You are the best.”Many people like collecting things. Ernestina Gallina from Italy is one of 1_______. She likes collecting river rocks very much, 2 ______ she doesn't just look at them for fun. She enjoys painting pictures on them. This Italian artist is good at turning river rocks into lifelike(逼真的) works of art.When Ernestina was a child, she was 3___________ in art and she loved painting. But her family didn’t want her to be 4______ artist, so she never went to art school. She could only paint in her free time. In 1987, Ernestina and her family moved to Kenya, where she happened to read a book about rock painting. That’s when she got the idea of turning simple river rocks 5_________ works of art.After years of hard work, the Italian artist is now famous all around the world for her " living rocks.”八.What can you do to keep healthy? For children, eating healthily is one of the most important things. Here are some ideas about 1___________ to eat healthily.Have BreakfastA good breakfast is very important to children. Remember that a good breakfast will help you ________ 2 better at school.Have MilkMilk is also very important to children's health. It makes children grow stronger. It is better for you to drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed. That will help you have a good 3________.Have Healthy FoodHaving healthy food is the most important. That means eating different kinds of foods. Some of you like eating fast food, 4_________ it is not good for your health. Try to eat healthy food as much as 5__________.Have healthy eating habits, and you will have a strong body.Jesse Jane is from County Armagh, Northern Ireland. She lives 1______ her parents and two sisters. 2________ she was three, her mother took her to a dancing school. But Jesse was not interested in dancing. “ She had other i deas.” her mother said. " She tried kung fu and she just loved it.”Jesse loves kung fu so much. She practises kung fu day and night and learns quickly. She often takes part 3____ competitions. Until now, she has already won 17 competitions. Jesse is not only a famous kid in her hometown, but also 4______ new star in Hollywood. She has acted in three Hollywood films so far.“She’d love to be like Jackie Chan, "Jesses mother said. She is famous now, 5_____ she’s still very hard- working.”Jesse also has another big dream: to be an Olympic champion(奥运冠军)十.Have you ever heard an English teacher say, "Teaching grammar is boring!"Betty Azar has, but she strongly disagrees.She says, " For me, teaching grammar is the most interesting class of all. I think that is a misconception (误解) that teaching grammar is a boring thing. Teaching grammar, 1_______ me, is always the class I look forward to 2________ grammar is just the foundation(基础: ). It is where you start. Grammar is the starting point.”Betty Azar is a world-famous expert 3_______ teaching English grammar. She talked with VOA 4_______ how teachers could move from grammar to communication experiences.“From there you do conversations(对话), you do games, you do communicative interactions(交际互动) and you do all of the wonderful things 5______ a second language classroom. But you do it in combination(联合) with a solid(坚固的) foundation of the structures (结构) that they are using," Betty Azar says.参考答案一、1. to 2. made 3. a 4. from 5. as二. 1. kinds 2. But 3. the 4. for 5.to三. 1. about 2. and 3. their 4. to 5. best四. 1. themselves 2. into 3. help 4. by 5. what五. 1. opinion 2. tell 3. However 4. knowledge 5. and六. 1. first 2. the 3. made 4. so 5. her七. 1. them 2. but 3. interested 4. an 5.into八. 1. how 2. study 3. sleep 4. but 5. possible九. 1. with 2. When 3. in 4. a 5. but十. 1. for 2. because 3. on/at/in 4. about 5.in。
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1-5 DDD AB 6-10 DBA A C 11-15 D ABBB
1. 有关
2. 3
3. 0v
4. 无关
5. 不一定
6. mL 2/3
7. 最大
8. 振动方向相同
9. 3kT/2
10. 不可逆 三解:(1)轨迹方程为 422+=x y
(2) j t i t r )42(2++=
j t i dt r
d v
j dt v
d a
2=t 时:j i r 122+= j i v 8+= j a 4=
v M m mv )(0+= 所以木块的速度M m mv v +=0,动量M m mv M Mv +=0
(2)子弹的动量M m v m mv +=0
(3)对木块由动量定理有 M m mv M Mv I +==0
五解:j t i t dt r
d v 234+==,j t i dt
v d a
故 j t i a m F 64+==
当t =1s 时,k j i r 32++=,j i v 34+=,j i F 64+=
k j i j i k j i v m r L 5129)34()32(-+-=+⨯++=⨯=
k j i j i k j i F r M 21218)64()32(-+-=+⨯++=⨯=
六解:设该物体的振动方程为:)cos(ϕω+=t A x ,
ππω==T /2(rad/s )
06.0=A (m) 据A
x 01cos -±=ϕ得3/πϕ±=(rad ),由于00>v ,应取 3/πϕ-=(rad )
可得:)3/cos(06.0ππ-=t x
(1)5.0=t (s)时,振动位相为:6/3/πππφ=-=t (rad)
据φcos A x =,052.0=x (m)
φωsin A v -=,094.0-=v (m/s)
x A a 22cos ωφω-=-=,513.0-=a (m/s 2
) (2)由A 旋转矢量图可知,物体从x=-0.03 m 处向x 轴负方向运动,到达平衡位置时,A 矢量转过的角度为6/5πφ=∆,该过程所需时间为:
833.0/=∆=∆ωφt (s )
k KT ε-
=, 所以温度相同的氧气分子的平均平动动能为
213 6.21102k KT J ε--==⨯; 23003K T K K ε-
(2)213.9510.P V m s -==⨯。