



《倾城之恋》和《飘》的女性主义解读浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森基督教及《圣经》对西方文化的影响目的论指导下的旅游资料汉英翻译及翻译策略A Comparison of the English Color Terms中美价值观比较使用影视片对中学生进行英语听说教学现代叙事艺术与海明威的《永别了武器》试析中文歌曲汉英语码转换的形式与功能Cultural Impacts on International BusinessOn the Cultural Signification and Translation of Animal Idioms浅析中美家庭教育的差异高中英语阅读教学中学生自主学习能力的培养中西性教育方式对比折射中西文化差异的研究浅析莎士比亚《辛白林》中的女性形象中西方语言和文化间的相互影响天才的悲剧人生——论杰克伦敦的自传体小说《马丁伊登》《麦田里的守望者》中的霍尔顿--一个典型垮掉的一代的形象福克纳短篇小说《献给爱米莉的玫瑰》叙事技巧分析从精神分析理论分析《莎乐美》的人格特征会话含义的语用初探从《儿子与情人》谈家庭失和与失衡高中英语教学过程中实施情感教育的研究英语定语从句的理解与翻译唐诗中比喻修辞格的翻译——以许渊冲英译本为例论《家》和《儿女一箩筐》中的中美家庭文化差异On the Characteristics of Desert Island Literature from Lord of the Flies论标示语汉英翻译中的等效问题An Analysis of the Gothic Horrors in A Rose for Emily《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读高中英语听前活动设计探究目的论在英语儿歌翻译中的应用On t he Female Influences on Pip’s Character in Great Expectations从语用学的角度分析幽默语The Analysis of Promotion Strategy of L’Oréal in China英文电影题目翻译的异化与归化研究从“他者”到“自我”的转变——从女性主义角度看《卖花女》福克纳笔下的“南方淑女”--从互文视角解析凯蒂和艾米莉的边缘化形象特征中美文化中吉祥与不吉利数字的文化心理浅析《洛丽塔》中亨伯特的分裂人格谈电影片名汉译的不忠从"龙"一词的文化内涵看汉英文化的差异从唯美主义的角度论《道林.格蕾的画像》中的主要人物中介语石化现象原因分析探析王尔德童话中的死亡主题世纪美国男权社会下女性的成长——解读《觉醒》中埃德娜的觉醒过程和原因广告英语中的模糊语言及其语用功能浅析科技英语翻译中的逻辑错误从餐桌礼仪看中西文化差异关于初中英语课堂中教师体态语的研究企业英文简介中的概念语法隐喻分析中西丧葬礼俗的对比研究种族沟通的桥梁——对《宠儿》中两个丹芙的人物分析从空间语言的角度分析中美隐私观念的差异On the Translation of Names of Scenic Spots英语动物习语的研究及翻译生态翻译观下的电影片名翻译浅谈英汉人体隐喻对比研究Difference between Chinese Buddhism and American Christianity中外经典英文广告的语言特征浅析An Analysis of Marguerite’s Tragedy in The Lady of the CamelliasA Comparison of the English Color Terms广告翻译中功能对等的研究文化交际视野下的语用失误分析展会汉英翻译的常见问题和策略分析“金玉良缘”与“幸福终点”——浅析中西婚姻差异中外教师教学体态语的意义差异研究The Conflict between Desire and Surroundings:an Analysis of Clyde in An American Tragedy 英汉委婉语跨文化对比研究Analysis of Cross Cultural Business Communication Failure《飘》两中译本的比较研究中美个人理财规划的对比分析嘉莉妹妹三个梦的心理需求分析谭恩美《灶神之妻》文化解读An Analysis of Gothic Features in Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado以姚木兰和斯嘉丽为例看东西方女性意识差异《欢乐合唱团》字幕翻译的汉译策略从圣诞节和春节看中西方文化差异一场失败革命的反思——《动物庄园》的主题浅析论反语的语用功能女性意识的苏醒--对《愤怒的葡萄》中的约德妈妈形象的分析《夜莺与玫瑰》两中译本之比较:德国功能主义视角斯佳丽的性格分析王尔德童话中的毁灭与拯救浅析《飘》中女性人物形象英语中的性别歧视浅谈《鲁滨逊漂流记》中现实主义元素女性主义视野下林黛玉与简爱的比较研究浅析唐诗翻译的难点和策略浅析英语俚语的特征及其功能浅论《儿子与情人》中劳伦斯的心里分析技巧《无名的裘德》主人公人物形象浅析英语单词记忆中存在的主要问题和解决方法试论汉语新词的英译论习语翻译中文化因素的异化和归化《隐形人》中格里芬的心理剖析目的论视角下的《边城》的英译研究A Comparison of the English Color TermsWessex Women: Female Characters in Thomas Hardy's Novels涉外商务用餐中的非言语交际人称代词与情态动词在英语政治演讲中的人际功能论广告英语的用词特点初中生单词记忆的可行性研究<<格列佛游记>>写作风格分析-杰出的寓言讽喻体小说从目的论看《红楼梦》中“狗”习语的翻译浅析李尔王的陷落An Analysis on the Flexibility of Gulliver’s Personality论国际商务中的跨文化有效沟通天鹅的涅槃——以跨文化交际的角度解读《喜福会》中母女关系Text Cohesion in English Business ContractsAn Analysis of the Religious Elements in Robinson Crusoe克里斯加德纳的成功之路——电影《当幸福来敲门》评析The Tragic Fate of TessApplication of TPR Teaching Method in Facilitating Pupils' English Vocabulary Learning 从模因论视角看年度流行语“给力”(开题报告+论文+文献综述)The Research of Language Art in English Class从女性主义视角对比研究弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙和张爱玲的作品打破沉默——接骨师之女中“沉默”主题的解读浅析中西方隐私观的差异论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性意识亲属称谓:英汉社会文化差异浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森《黑暗之心》主人公马洛的性格分析从常见的中英文名字比较中英两国命名文化差异中西方酒类广告的文化互文性研究从生态翻译学视角论电影《当幸福来敲门》的语域翻译活动教学法在农村初中英语教学中的应用——以新安中学为例从功能翻译理论谈美剧字幕翻译《可以吃的女人》的女性主义解读第二语言习得中的正迁移与负迁移王尔德童话中的毁灭与拯救论《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义《了不起的盖茨比》中的原型解析荣格原型理论下的多丽丝莱辛《天黑前的夏天》从高等教育看中英文化的差异现代小说《到灯塔去》的解读:从时间蒙太奇和多视角叙述角度《动物农场》中隐喻的应用及其政治讽刺作用美国宗教文化及价值观在其外交政策中的体现浅析英语专业学生在听力理解中的策略运用浅析《到灯塔去》中女性主义思想在两位女主人公身上的体现伊恩麦克尤恩作品《赎罪》中的成长主题探析论小学英语教学中学习动机促进法《喜福会》中的女性身份重建爱米丽的挣扎与终结——论《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》中爱米丽毁灭的间接和直接原因On Social Function of English Euphemism Expression奥斯卡王尔德《道林格雷的画像》和西奥多德莱赛《美国悲剧》的相似性简奥斯丁的婚姻观在《傲慢与偏见》中的体现《宠儿》的黑人女性主义解读(开题报告+论)《京华烟云》中姚木兰和《飘》中斯嘉丽的性格对比浅析小说《傲慢与偏见》中的反讽艺术《永别了,武器》中海明威的反战思想分析电视公益广告的多模态话语分析On Children’s Psychological Needs from Harry Potter从小说《百万英镑》中看对当今社会的讽刺意义论《了不起的盖茨比》中二元主角的运用《紫色》的生态女性主义思想解读《赫索格》中玛德琳的性格论《简爱》中伯莎﹒梅森的象征意蕴和影响英汉委婉语的文化对比研究——以“死亡”委婉语为例视觉文化在英语词汇学习中的应用美剧字幕中的译者主体性——以美剧Gossip Girl第一季为例商务信函中委婉语的语用功能分析—基于xx公司商务往来信函论《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的超验主义哲学观以国际商务谈判为视角分析中西文化差异功能对等理论在科技论文摘要翻译中的运用浅析《宠儿》中人物塞丝的畸形母爱产生的根源论《海狼》中拉尔森船长本性的双重性从《华伦夫人的职业》分析萧伯纳女性主义的进步性和局限性论高中英语写作教学中的文化意识培养从功能翻译理论看电影《功夫熊猫》的字幕翻译《宠儿》中塞丝的性格特征分析荒原背景下《还乡》和《呼啸山庄》女主人公爱情悲剧的比较分析《可爱的骨头》的电影改编分析论《一个小时的故事》中马拉德夫人女性意识的觉醒从《老友记》看美国幽默论商业美学指导下的英文电影片名翻译The Heartbroken Images in the Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde师生关系与学生英语学习积极性之关联性探析《二十二条军规》中关于军规的控制及反控制The Blacks’ Soul Under the Impact of the White Cult ure in The Bluest Eye 超越性别的美——以《道林格雷的画像》为例论《拉合尔茶馆的陌生人》中昌盖茨“美国梦”的转变英汉道歉语对比研究欧亨利《带家具出租的房间》的核心意象解读解析马克吐温《竞选州长》中的幽默讽刺艺术论狄更斯《雾都孤儿》中的批判现实主义英汉广告中的双关语及其英汉互译A Cross-Cultural Study on Linguistic Taboo基于精细加工理论的英语词汇学习研究《女勇士》的后殖民女性主义解读意象手法在《永别了,武器》中的使用浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中佩科拉的悲剧根源《紫色》女主人公性格分析文化因素对英汉互译的影响论中西方交际方式的差异关联理论视角下莫言《红高粱家族》中的隐喻翻译分析中美家庭变迁的对比研究合作原则在动画中的应用。



























二、释意理论在汉英交传中的应用1. 释意理论概述释意理论是一种动态的翻译理论,强调语言和交际的连续性,并关注在不同语言和文化背景下的意思表达。


2. 释意理论在流水句处理中的应用在处理流水句时,交传者应关注以下几点:(1)抓住语义核心:将重要的语义信息抓住,了解其在上文和下文中的联系,并根据上下文进行合理的翻译。





实践过程中,我们发现以下几点:1. 了解上下文的重要性流水句的正确处理需要在了解上下文的基础上进行,只有通过了解全局语境,我们才能准确把握句子的核心信息,进行有效的翻译。

2. 抓住语义核心的重要性流水句中的长表达往往由多个词汇组成,交传者需要抓住其中的语义核心,准确地表达出来。










三、汉英交替传译的策略研究1. 预判与准备策略预判与准备是汉英交替传译的基础。



2. 信息筛选与重组策略在外交口译中,信息量大、语速快是常见特点。



3. 灵活运用翻译技巧为了更好地实现翻译目的,译员需灵活运用翻译技巧。








c o n 1 . c n , e n , p a g e s , p r o d u c t D i s p l a y . x m l 展品介绍 。本 文首先对 所选 广告做宏观结构上 的调整 , 并以 目的论为基础 , 具体讨
决定 翻译方 法( R e i s s& V e r m e e r .1 9 8 4 .1 0 1 ) , 这项原则有利
摘 要 :目的 论 是 功 能 翻译 理 论 中最 重 要 的 理 论 。本 文 首 先介 绍 了广告 翻 译 特 点 , 并 对所 选 广 告 译 文 作 宏观 结 构 上 的调
整 。进 而 以 目的 论 为依 据 , 通 过 对 结 构 上调 整后 的广 告 汉 译 英 翻 译 实例 的 具体 分析 , 总 结 出翻 译 方 法或 策 略 必须 由译 文预 期 目的或 功 能 来决 定 , 因此 要 采 取 灵 活 的 翻 译 策略 。 .
翻译 目的 , 根据翻译 目的选择 翻译方法 。以文本 目的为翻译
过程第一准则的 目的论是功能派 的主要理论 。以 目的论为 指导 , 广告语篇的翻译应着眼于以一下几点 。
( 一) 语 篇 宏 观 结 构 上 的调 整 论广告汉英 源自译 的策略 。 一、
广 告 翻 译 特 点
本文所选 的是五粮液酒的广告。笔者认为 , 译文广告宏 观结构对具有不 同语 言 、文化 背景 的受众对于该广告接 受
群体对 广告 包括广告语篇本身产生兴趣之后 ,广 告才会使 这 些消费者对商品产生深刻印象 ,从而最终 提高 消费群体 购买商品的可能性 。译者在翻译广告类语篇 时应 根据译文 预期要达到 的 目的或功能 ,使用符合译语 文化观念 的语 言 结构和表达方式 ,使译文语言 对译语接 受者发挥 良好 的影






二、目的论视角下的口译理论框架目的论(Skopos Theory)是翻译理论中的重要流派,强调翻译的目的和功能。






四、汉英交替传译的翻译策略1. 语义翻译与文化翻译相结合在外交口译中,语义翻译是基础,但仅靠语义翻译往往无法完全传达原文的内涵。



2. 简洁明了的表达方式外交口译要求译者在短时间内快速捕捉信息并传达给听众。



3. 灵活运用增译和减译策略增译和减译是外交口译中常用的策略。













三、汉英交传策略分析1. 预处理与信息预判在外交口译中,预处理与信息预判是关键策略之一。



2. 语言转换策略在汉英交传过程中,语言转换策略至关重要。




3. 文化背景与语境理解文化背景与语境理解是外交口译中不可或缺的一部分。

















四、汉英交传策略研究1. 语言层面的策略:在语言层面,译者应注重语言的准确性和流畅性。




2. 文化层面的策略:文化差异是汉英交传中不可忽视的因素。




3. 交际策略:在外交场合,交际策略对于口译的成功至关重要。







弓 言 I
则 相 当完整 , 语法 成分 齐全 , 逻辑 严谨 , 和汉 语 的特 点 有 明显 的不 同。
二、 口译 原 则
英语 和汉语在 诸 多方 面存 在 着差 异 , 仅表 现 不 在 思维方 式 和 文 化 等深 层 方 面 , 表 现 在 语 音 、 还 词 语 、 法和 篇 章 结构 上 , 句 子 结 构 方 面 也 大 有 不 语 在
V 12 o4 o.9N . 2 1 . 00 8
汉英 交 传 中 流 水 句 口译 实 证 分析
吕兆 杰
( 阳理工 学 院 , 南 洛 河 洛 阳 4 12 ) 703
摘 要 : 先回顾 了流水 句和 口译特 殊性 的概 念 , 估 了 口译 特 点及 其 原 则 , 出流 水 句 l译 首 评 指 = r 的 必要 性 。根 据 口译 实践 , 结合 MT I口译 的 第一 手 材 料 , 出 了流 水 句 口译 具 体 方 提
灾新 闻发布 会 并答 记 者 问 ( 0 8年 5月 2 ” 20 2 1 的 3) 语料 。
例 1 陈德铭 : 么, . 那 用汽 车运 、 用摩 托 车运 , 托 车汽 摩
车 到 不 了的 地 方 用 马驮 , 到 不 了的 地 方就 用人 挑 , 马 用各 种
方 法。
递信 息 的活动 , 是综 合运用 听 、 、 、 、 的语 也 说 读 写 译 言操 作 活动 , 译员要 有 高超 的应变 能力 和流 利 的表 达能 力 , 员 必须 是熟 练 掌 握两 种 语 言 ( 两种 以 译 或 上语 言 ) 的双语 人 。 梅德 明指 出 , 口译 要把握 以下 一些原 则 。忠实 性原 则 : 实乃 翻译之 根本 性 标 准 。灵 活性原 则 : 忠









三、汉英交传策略研究1. 信息筛选与重组策略在外交口译中,信息量大、语言复杂是常态。



2. 语言转换策略语言转换是外交口译的核心任务。



3. 语境分析与跨文化交际策略语境分析对于准确理解原文和把握翻译目的至关重要。

































因此,外交口译具有以下特点:1. 高度准确性:要求口译员准确理解并传达原语信息,避免歧义和误解。

2. 实时性:要求口译员在极短的时间内完成翻译任务,保证交流的连续性和流畅性。

3. 文化敏感性:要求口译员充分考虑文化背景和交际语境,以恰当的方式传达信息。


具体表现为:1. 语言障碍:中外语言差异大,要求口译员具备扎实的语言基础和良好的语感。

2. 文化差异:中西方文化差异大,要求口译员具备跨文化交际能力和文化敏感性。

3. 信息密度大:外交场合信息量大,要求口译员快速捕捉关键信息并准确传达。

四、外交口译汉英交传策略针对上述提到的挑战,本文提出以下外交口译汉英交传策略:四、外交口译汉英交传策略针对上述挑战,口译员可采取以下策略:1. 提升语言能力:加强语言基础训练,提高语言敏感度和表达能力。

2. 增强文化意识:了解中西方文化差异,培养跨文化交际能力。

3. 快速捕捉关键信息:通过预判和总结,快速捕捉并理解关键信息。

4. 灵活运用翻译技巧:根据语境和目的,灵活运用直译、意译、增译、减译等翻译技巧。

5. 注重实时互动:与发言人保持良好沟通,确保信息准确传递。











1. 翻译前的准备工作在翻译前,我们首先对原文进行了深入理解,把握了原文的语境、文化背景以及作者的写作意图。



2. 确定翻译目的我们的翻译目的是将原文所表达的思想、情感准确传递给目标语读者,帮助他们更好地理解原文的深层含义。


3. 选择适当的翻译策略和方法在本次翻译实践中,我们根据目的论的指导,选择了直译、意译和阐释等策略。











目的论指导下《乔家的儿女》(节选)汉英翻译实践报告目的论指导下《乔家的儿女》(节选)汉英翻译实践报告 1. 前言在全球化的今天,翻译作为一个重要的跨文化交流工具,扮演着桥梁的角色。



2. 翻译实践的过程翻译开始前,我们先对原文进行了全面的理解,并明确了翻译的目的是将原文准确有效地传达给英语读者。


2.1 选择合适的词汇《乔家的儿女》是一部描述农村家庭生活的小说,对于一些特定的土地、场景和文化, 选择合适的英文词汇是关键的。

例如,在描述农田时,我们使用了"paddy field"而非"field",以传达与农业相关的特定信息。

2.2 翻译负责与动作为了准确表达乔家许多人物的关系,我们采用了相对应的动词来翻译"负责"和"动作"。

例如, "他是这次采购工作的负责人"翻译为 "He is in charge of the purchasing work"。

2.3 掌握口语化表达为了使译文更贴近英语读者的表达习惯,我们在一些场景中运用了口语化的表达方式。

例如,在原文中"十里不雨,千里请全县节制"这句话中,我们将"千里"翻译为"miles away",使得表达更加生动有趣。

2.4 保留特定文化特征为了保持原文的特色和文化内涵,我们在一些情况下保留了特定的文化特征。

例如,原文中乔家的儿女在结婚时会摆满一桌新娘的腰果,为了让英文读者理解这个习俗,我们将其保留为"newlyweds will lay a table full of the bride's betel nuts"。






















关键词:目的论翻译方法语言学《语言与文化─翻译中的语境》A Report on English-Chinese Translation Guided by SkoposTheory: A Case Study on the Translation of Chapter 7-9 of Language and Culture: the Context in TranslatingAbstractMTI Candidate: Hou Li Advisor: Hu RongWith the acceleration of globalization, the cultural exchanges between countries are increasing. More and more people, who have interests in language and culture, are involved in cultural exchange activities. Meanwhile, a large number of English language books have been introduced to China. Language and Culture: the Context in Translating is written by Eugene A. Nida who is an American linguist, translator and translation theorist. In this book, Nida analyzes the close relationship between language and culture from different aspects and explains how to deal with the various relationships and problems in translation from the perspective of context. Therefore, the author selected Chapter 7 through Chapter 9 (namely: Language and Culture, Functional Equivalence, Translation Procedures) of the first part in Language and Culture: the Context in Translating to translate, hoping to provide some references for those who are interested in Nida’s “Functional Equivalence”and translation procedures.As the most important theory of German Functionalism, Skopos theory plays a good guiding role in translation practice. In the process of translation, the author found that there are many linguistic terms and long sentences in the book. Therefore, in the四川师范大学硕士学位论文translation of the above three chapters, the author of the translation report took the Skopos theory as the guiding principle and some translation methods like negation, amplification as well as splitting, trying to be target language readers-oriented, and carried on the translation according to the reader’s reading habits and the Chinese grammar rules and logic. From the perspective of Skopos theory, this report provides valuable references for translators who are engaged in the translation of linguistic books by taking some flexible translation methods towards the translation of linguistic books.Keys words: Skopos theory, translation methods, linguistics, Language and Culture: the Context in TranslatingContents摘要 (I)Abstract (III)Introduction (1)Chapter One Project Description (3)1.1 Background of the Translation Project (3)1.2 Source Text Analysis (4)Chapter Two Translation Process (7)2.1 Preparation before Translation (7)2.2 Work Done during Translation (8)2.3 Quality Control after Translation (8)Chapter Three Theoretical Basis (11)3.1 An Overview of Skopos Theory (11)3.2 Skopos Theory as Theoretical Guidance (12)Chapter Four Case Study (15)4.1 Negation (16)4.2 Amplification (19)4.3 Splitting (22)4.4 Logic Reorganization (25)4.5 Word-selection (27)Conclusion (31)Bibliography (33)Appendix (35)Source Text & Target Text (35)Glossary (104)Acknowledgements (107)IntroductionWith the development of economic globalization, exchanges in trade and economy among different countries become more and more frequent. In recent years, our country pays more attention to the communication with other countries, for example, reviving the century-old traditions of the Great Silk Road used to unite and facilitate strengthening relations between peoples. Therefore, the need for translators becomes urgent. In recent years, more and more students choose to study translation; consequently, the books on translation theories are in great demand.Eugene A. Nida, as a pioneer in the fields of translation theory and linguistics, is well-known in China. People who are interested in translation or linguistics try to study his theories. As early as 1980s, Tan Zaixi had studied on his theories and said “his translation theory was the first contemporary foreign translation theory which was introduced to China since 1976.”(谭载喜30). From then on, scholars in Chinese translation field have shown a great interest in his theories, for “his theories is based on developments of contemporary linguistics, semiotics and so on”(刘宇松1), which helped Chinese translators shake off the experimentalism in the previous translation studies and made translation studies have the scientific significance for the first time. However, with the further understanding of the nature of translation, scholars began to question some of Nida’s theories. “Nida’s theory is only useful for Bible translation, and is unsuitable for translation of other types of texts, especial of literary works” (王东风313). Although some of Nida’s theories are not totally right, his ideas towards translation and linguistics still worth studying.So there are three purposes for the author to choose three chapters of the book Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating as the translation material. First, the author hopes to provide some information about Nida’s ideas towards translation for those who aspire to learn translation or who are interested in this field. Second, the author wants to offer some valuable references for translators who are engaged in the四川师范大学硕士学位论文translation of linguistic books by taking some flexible translation methods towards the translation of linguistic books. Third, the author wants to improve translation ability, trying to avoid mistranslation or missing translation or other mistakes so as to make sure of the quality of the translation. So the author took some translation methods under the guidance of Skopos theory to deal with the translation of professional terms and complex sentences.In addition to the general introduction and conclusion, the main contents of this report are divided into four parts: Part One is the introduction of the translation project, including project background and analysis of the original text. Part Two is about the translation processes, including translation preparation, proof-reading and modification. Part Three is the description of the guiding theory in translation - Skopos theory. Part Four is the methods used in translation, like negation, amplification, splitting, logic reorganization, and word-selection.Chapter One Project DescriptionChapter OneProject Description1.1 Background of the Translation ProjectThe source text of the translation project is from Professor Eugene A. Nida’s influential book Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating. It was introduced to China by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press on November 20, 2001.As we know, with the development of economic globalization, our country continues to pay more attention to enhance the communication with other countries, for example, reviving the century-old traditions of the Great Silk Road used to unite and facilitate strengthening relations between peoples. Therefore, the need for translators becomes urgent, which also leads more students to study translation. Thus, books and articles concerned with the study of foreign language translation become more and more popular. And in the book of Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating, Nida analyzes the close relationship between language and culture from different angles, and then discusses how to deal with the relationship and problems in translation from the perspective of context, which could provide translators or students with some knowledge and guidance in translation. So it is practical for the author to translate this book.The translation project mainly translates Chapter seven to nine of Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating, aiming to achieve the following purposes: first, to provide Chinese version of Chapter seven to nine of this book, hoping to offer language translators and students some useful information in learning translation. Second, dealing with the difficulties in translation under the guidance of translation theory (Skopos theory) and skills as well as strategies so as to improve theoretical attainment in translation and sum up the translation experience, adding more valuable experience for future translation practice. Third, the translation project would help the author increase四川师范大学硕士学位论文the quantity of translation exercises and have a further study of Nida’s translation theory.1.2 Source Text AnalysisEugene A. Nida is an outstanding translator and translation theorist; he is famous for his translation theory- “Dynamic Equivalence”, and is regarded as the father of the contemporary translation theory. In the light of the innate character of translation, Nida has officially raised his well-known translation theory-“Dynamic E quivalence”. In 1969, he changed that idea into “Functional Equivalence”, because he realized that translation means communication, it depends on what the person who hears or reads the translated text can learn from that. Therefore, when we talk about “Functional Equivalence”, the most important thing to consider is to compare how the source-text readers and target-text readers understand the source text and target text. Nida stressed that “Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style .”(Nida 12) “Since the 1950s, Nida’s translation theory has roughly experienced three primary stages: descriptive linguistics stage; communicative theory stage as well as social semiotic stage.”(谭载喜56)Apart from the preface, Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating contains 286 pages, including bibliography, index and appendix. The main body is divided into three parts (a total of 17 chapters). It is Nida’s latest theory study achievement. It collects his latest views on translation studies. In this book, Nida not only modified the former terminology “dynamic equivalence”to “functional equivalence”, but also emphasized the importance of culture and context in translation. This book is formed by three parts; first, it is a revised version of Language, Culture and Translating which was published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press in 1993. Second, the notes, which Nida sorted out and perfected after doing lecture tours in more than ten famous colleges and universities in China in 1999, were compiled into a book named Context in Translation. Third, the information in this book also includes theChapter One Project Descriptioncommunication and correspondences that Nida made with Chinese reports, experts and friends.The features of this book are obvious. First, the book has many professional terms; its language is concise and coherent. Second, its logic is clear. It expounds how to deal with all kinds of relations and problems in the process of translation from the perspective of context. Third, it’s full of examples. Nida integrates his abundant translation experience into the book, accompanied by interviews and letters, carefully elaborating its ideas. This report is based on the translation of Chapter 7 through Chapter 9 of the first part in Language and Culture: the Context in Translation. The seventh chapter introduces the relationship between language and culture; besides, in this chapter, the concepts of bilingual competence and multicultural were put forward. The eighth chapter presents “f unctional equivalence” view of Nida, which is the improvement of “dynamic equivalence”. The ninth chapter shows the translation process, including some of the preliminary factors that should be taken into account before translation and some basic steps in the translation process, etc.四川师范大学硕士学位论文Chapter Two Translation ProcessChapter TwoTranslation Process2.1 Preparation before TranslationThe translation of the book Language and Culture: the Context in Translating was appointed by our teacher Mr. Zhu. He is in charge of Master of MTI in our school. So the author was assigned to translate Chapter seven through nine of the first part in the book. Because the material that the author received was in picture format, the author used ABBYY FineReader to convert image material into word document.Language and Culture: the Context in Translation is written by Eugene A. Nida. For the limited knowledge about the book and relevant information, the author referred many other relevant books like Cultural Context and Language Translation written by Bao Huinan and Intercultural Translation: A Globalization Perspective written by Zhang Quan for some information. And then, the author also learned more about Nida, the author of Language and Culture: the Context in Translation, by google, Wikipedia and Baidu Encyclopedia. After that, the author read the whole book roughly and carefully read the chapters that need to be translated.Once finishing reading the whole book, especially the three chapters which are needed to be translated, the author collected many translation theories, such as Skopos theory, Nida’s Functional Equivalence, Newmark’s Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation, trying to find a guiding theory for the translation. After comparing, the author found that Skopos theory should be taken as the guiding theory, because Skopos theory has three rules: Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule, which can help the translation be more readable. The three chapters show author’s idea on translation. Chapter seven focuses on the relationship between language and culture; Chapter eight emphasizes on explaining functional equivalence; Chapter nine pays attention to teach translators how to prepare and do the translation. So there is no need四川师范大学硕士学位论文to translate in the same ways as the original book. Let the target readers understand the content of the three chapters is the first priority. Conveying the contents of the three chapters is the main purpose of the translation. Besides, the requirements of another two rules (coherence rule and fidelity rule) could make the translation better absorbed and accepted by the target readers.2.2 Work Done during TranslationIn the process of translation, the author wrote a translation plan and followed it strictly. Meanwhile, the author referred to some books like A practical Course on Translation written by Feng Qinghua and Advanced Course in English-Chinese Translation (Third Edition) written by Ye Zinan, and downloaded many papers from CNKI for references.During the translation, the author noticed that there are plenty of professional terminologies, such as intralingual translating, interlingual translating, language universal, so a glossary is needed to unify professional vocabulary translation. Besides, there are a great number of long sentences with complicated structures, and many sentences were written in passive voices. So the author of this report wrote down the words or sentences that cannot be easily understood or appropriately translated, and made sure of them according to professional materials, and then divided them into different groups according to their types.Besides, the author also used Internet, dictionaries and professional books to translate and carried out the plan rigorously so as to ensure the efficiency and correctness of the translation.2.3 Quality Control after TranslationThe quality of translation should be put at the first place, because it is directly related to the success or failure of the translation. If the original meanings are distorted, then the translation would be meaningless and won’t be adopted by others. So theChapter Two Translation Processquality control is so important for translators and translation companies. How does the translation community control the quality of translation? The author of this report worked in a translation company as an intern for three months last year. During the internship, the author found that when the company received a translation task, six steps would be taken, that is: project analysis, setting up project team, translating by professional translators, reviewing by related field, language proofreading by senior translators, translation typesetting. Besides, translation software is also adopted, like SDL Trados Studio 2011, ABBYY Finereader, Adobe reader/acrobat, Subtitle Workshop, SDL MultiTerm Desktop,ErrorSpy. Dictionaries, including Collins Cobuild, American Heritage, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate, Random House Webster, are useful.So during the translation of Nida’s book, the author of this report took the ABBYY Finereader to convert image material into word document, and then used some dictionaries like Lingoes as well as other web tools. The author didn’t take CAT software; because only in the case of a large number of repeated words or sentences can this kind of software improve efficiency. But after finishing translating, the author used CAT to correct some mistakes and collect terminologies. As for this translation project, the author of this report thought we should translate carefully by ourselves, and then we can actually improve our translation abilities.After completing the first draft of the translation, the author switched attention to the quality control of the translation. Three steps were taken. Besides, translation evaluation is needed.First, self-proofreading; the author read the first draft carefully, trying to correct wrong spellings and wrong punctuation by using ErrorSpy, and figuring out omission translation and word-for-word translation. Then, the author read the translated text straightly without referring to the original text. Some sentences which are not clear or coherent would be marked down by the author for further revising. At last, the author compared the translated text with the original one sentence by sentence to correct missing or incorrect translations.四川师范大学硕士学位论文Second, classmates revising; “Every translation has its points of strength and weakness and every translation is open to improvement.” (Mona Baker 7). Classmate A, Classmate B and the author of this report worked together to translate the whole book. It is very important for them to read each other’s translation. In this way, some mistakes that the author overlooked could be pointed out by classmates. Besides, the translation of the original terminologies appearing in the original text could be kept consistent.Third, advisor’s checking. After the above steps, the author finished the final draft and then invited supervisor to help with correction. Advisor’s opinions and suggestions can help the author with further revision.Finally, evaluation is needed. Although the translation task has been completed, there are still some unsatisfactory places in the translated text which also needs further improving. Some classmates read the author’s translation; they thought the original meaning of the three chapters has been clearly translated. And the author’s advisor thought some of Chinese words could be further refined; in general, the translation is good.Chapter Three Theoretical BasisChapter ThreeTheoretical Basis3.1 An Overview of Skopos TheorySkopos theory is one of the most important theories proposed by German functional school. “It was established by the German linguists Hans Vermeer and Katharina Reißand comprises the idea that translating and interpreting should primarily take into account the function of the target text”(Wikipedia). It has experienced three phrases: The first stage was the initial study of Katharina Reiss. “As early as 1971 Katharina Reiss introduced a functional category into her ‘objective approach to translation criticism’. Although still firmly with equivalence-based theory, her book may be regarded as the starting point for scholarly analysis of translation in German.”(Nord 9) In the second stage, “Hans J. Vermeer has gone much further in trying to bridge the gap between theory and practice.”(Nord 10), after learning some of her ideas and making a little change in the theory of translation equivalence centered at the source language, Reiss’s student Vermeer created Skopos theory based on act theory and the Skopos of text which was taken as the first criterion of translation process. In the third stage, Justa Holz-Mänttäri and Christiane Nord developed the Skopos. The former concentrated on the action in the process of translation, the part of the participants and the environment of translation process; the latter raised “fidelity rule”, which cares whether the translator is loyal to the author of the original text and its target readers.Three guiding principles are involved in Skopos theory: Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. In the light of Skopos rule, translation should be carried out in a manner that is expected by the target language recipients and also in the context of the target language. A translational action is determined by its Skopos; just like Vermeer said “the end justifies the means”(Vermeer 25). This kind of Skopos has three四川师范大学硕士学位论文explanations: first, the elementary purpose of the translator; second, the communicative goal of the translation, third, the purpose that applying concrete translation strategies or methods to accomplish. But ordinaril y, the “Skopos” means the communicative goal of translation. With the exception of the Skopos rule, Vermeer’s theory also contains another two rules: coherence rule and fidelity rule. The former emphasizes that the translation should be comprehend by the target readers and makes sense in the target language culture and communicative environment. The latter means that translation needs to be faithful to the original text to a certain degree.3.2 Skopos Theory as Theoretical Guidance“Translation is the conversion of text from one language to another.”(Wikipedia) It is the process of converting a relatively unfamiliar expression into a relatively familiar expression and makes communication possible. When someone wants to choose something to translate, there must be a purpose behind it. So purposes could be the motivation of translation. From the book of Language and Culture: Contexts in Translating, Nida carefully analyzes the close relation between language and culture and tells readers how to deal with all kinds of relations and problems from the perspective of context. The author of this report hopes to provide some useful information for readers who have interest in translating or want to learn more about Nida’s theories. Deng Jun says “Translation must follow a set of rules, in which the Skopos rule should be in the first place. In other words, the translated text depends on the purpose of translation, different purposes lead to different translation strategies and methods.” (邓隽2)Through reading, the author found that there are a large number of long and complex sentences in the book (like “The meaning of the chapter on the “Grand Inquisitor” in Dostoevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov can only be understood by noting the isomorphic similarities and contrasts in the novel, in the history of the Inquisition, and in the biblical accounts of Jesus’life.” (Nida 90). Such long sentences are not common in Chinese. So the author of this report got rid of the structure of theChapter Three Theoretical Basisoriginal sentence and took the method of logical reorganization so as to make its meaning conform to Chinese logic and easy to be understood by Chinese readers. The kind of translation method just meets the requirement of Skopos rule of Skopos theory.What’s more, the author found the book actually emphases on conveying readers the concepts of translation and teaching readers how to be a good translator through the interviews and letters which highlight the issues of practice in translating and fundamental linguistic structures that make interlingual communication possible. So another two rules (coherence rule and fidelity rule) would help the translated text be more coherent, and let the target readers learn as much information as the original readers do. Furthermore, considering questions like whether the words or sentences conform to the language habits of target language or not; whether the reader of target language can maximally understand the information, the author finally decided to take Skopos theory as theoretical direction to make the translation faithful to the original text and let the readers of the target language get information in a familiar form. So some strategic methods were taken to do translation under the guidance of Skopos theory.Chapter FourCase StudyDue to the great differences between English and Chinese, the author of this report has encountered many difficulties while translating the text, here the author pointed out the following two parts: first, after reading the original text, the author found that the expounding of the original text is precise and careful; meanwhile, it has many long and complex sentences. So it would be hard for the author to analyze and understand those sentences’ structures and meanings. Second, the original text emphasizes on conveying information, so the author needs to attach great importance to accurate transmission of the original information, the translation shouldn’t be too conservative or mechanical or deviating from the meaning of the original text. Thus, flexible translation methods and techniques are needed to make the translated text natural and accord with the target language norms.After reading the original text and analyzing its grammatical structures as well as central idea, the author decided to take the Skopos theory as the guiding theory. Under its guidance, the author made an analysis of the above difficulties and found the corresponding translation methods, like negation, amplification, splitting, logic reorganization and word-selection. For example, when the author meets some sentences with relatively complex structure or incomplete expression, then amplification would be taken by the author to try to make the translation natural and conform to the rules of Chinese grammar, like:The original text: “It is always assumed that translators are at least bilingual, but this is really not enough. To be a fully competent translator, one also needs to be bicultural in order to ‘read between the lines.’” (Nida 99)The translated text:对译者的最低要求一般是其至少能懂两种语言,但这一要求真的还不够。



英语论文:目论视角下汉英交传对流水句翻译策略实践研究报告--以纪录片中国创业者之模拟交传为例英语论文:目的论视角下汉英交传对流水句翻译策略的实践研究报告--以纪录片《中国创业者》之模拟交传为例一、任务简介1.1 任务内容交替传译作为一项基本的翻译活动,在会议口译中占有不可替代的作用。


本文选取自纪录片《中国创业者》进行交替传译实践,时长约100 分钟,转为汉字约18000 字。












其次,根据本文的语速和内容,实践过程中,原语间隔时长约为 3 分钟,尽量保证在完整的译群播放完毕后停顿,笔者则根据播放内容做笔记,在停顿时进行汉英翻译。

















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