1、TWOMAIN LEGALFAMILIESCommon/English/English-AmericanLaw(Legal)System/Family普通法系-caselawsystem- Anglo-Saxon case-law system-Anglo-American legalsy stemContinental/Roman/Civil Law (Legal) System/Family大陆法系- civilianlegal system- civil-lawsystem2、civillaw民法、国内法、罗马法、大陆法3、substantive Law(实体法)VS procedural Law(程序法)4、case law(案例法)vs. statutorylaw(成文法)statutory /written/ codified/ enacted law制定法、成文法5、adversary trial system(对抗制)vs.inquisitorial system (纠问制)6、jurytrialsystem陪审团制度7、The reports of the United States Supreme Court联邦最高法院判例汇编The reports of some States州法院判例汇编8、legal cases法律案例9、privatelawand/ vs.public law10、thestatutory law continues to besubject to bindinginterpretation thr oughcase law(其成文法继续适用通过判例法(注:即先例)进行的有约束力的解释)11、Common law (in narrow sense):ﻩ- common general lawﻩ- locallawﻩ- itinerant judgesof the English royal court-enforcement of a claim-special formofaction: writ- classical Romanlawﻩ-Provisionsof Oxford (1258)牛津条例-“writ uponthe case”本案令状12、enforcement 强制执行;claim 请求;action 诉讼行为;writ 法院令状;recourse追索权;追索,追偿13、Equity law衡平法- “ equity ”——doing equity-chancellor-relief 救济-judiciary-Court of Chancery (衡平法院)and/vs. ordinary common law courts-maxim- fixed,inflexible-equitable doctrines (e.g. law of salvage atsea)- In aconflict between law& equity,equity should prevail.14、awardcompensatory, compensatedamagesspecificperformance特定履行|实际履行injunction强制令real/immoveable property(不动产)and / vs.personal/moveable property (动产)15、commonlaw remedy/relief:普通法救济ﻩ-(compensatory)damages金钱赔偿16、equity/equitable remedies/relief:衡平法救济-injunction( a temporary or final ordertodo or not to do a specific act)强制令- specific performance (a party to an agreement is ordered by thecourt toperform his obligations according to the terms ofthe agreement)-restitution17、judicialexpress(明示)vs. implied (默示)provision,providejurisdiction管辖区域,法域;(司法)管辖权civilsuit民事诉讼titlethe lawof property财产法before the judge在法庭上17、apply/applicable/available适用于be subject to受。
The Road Not Taken未选择的路Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, 黄叶林中出条岔路,And sorry I could not travel both无奈一人难于兼顾,And be one traveler, long I stood顺着一条婉蜒小路,And looked down one as far as I could久久伫立极目远眺,To where it bent in the undergrowth; 只见小径拐进灌木。
Then took the other, as just as fair, 接着选择了另一条,And having perhaps the better claim, 同样清楚似乎更好,Because it was grassy and wanted wear; 引人踩踏铺满茂草,Though as for that the passing there踏在其间难分彼此,Had worn them really about the same, 尽管真有两条道。
And both that morning equally lay清晨里躺着两条路,In leaves no step had trodden black. 一样叶被无人踏脏,Oh, I kept the first for another day! 愿将第一条来日补,Yet knowing how way leads on to way, 但知条条相连远途,I doubted if I should ever come back. 怀疑日后怎能回返。
I shall be telling this with a sigh在很久以后某一地,Somewhere ages and ages hence: 我将叹息诉说于人,Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—两路岔开在树林里,I took the one less traveled by, 我选的那条足迹稀,And that has made all the differece而一切差别由此起罗伯特.弗罗斯特(1874一1963)是在马萨诸塞州劳伦斯上的中学,也在达特第斯学院和哈佛大学读过一段时间。
ag,act,ig = to drive(驱使),to do(做)_英语词根大全
ag,act,ig = to drive(驱使),to do(做)词根ag来源于拉丁动词agere 的词干部分,意思to drive,to do 。
act 是个英语核心单词,其实它的前身act是ag的同源异形词根,来自agere 的动名词形式actum的词干部分,基本含义也是to do或to drive。
这几个词根用做to drive 之意时,其同义词根有来自拉丁语的flig,pel/puls(peal)。
此外,来自拉丁语的词根dict/duc(du),men(mean)及来自希腊语的agog 意为to lead,含义相似。
1.cogent (共同驱动的 co<com(=together) + g<ag(=drive,do))(我们一起做—>一起收集资料—>一起做出来的,共同努力做出来的东西往往很有说说服力的)adj.有说服力的cogency n.说服力Our physics professor presented a very cogent lecture on quarks. 我们的物理学教授关于夸克理论的讲座十分有说服力。
2.coagent(co- 共同,ag做,作 ,-ent 表示人-->共同做事的人-->)n. 共事者,合作者coagency n.(同上,-ency 名词后缀)共事,协作,合作3.ambiguous(转圈开的 amb<ambi(=around,both) + ig(=drive))adj.引起歧义的;暧昧的,模糊的,意图不明确的ambiguity n.暧昧,模糊,含糊不清;可作两种(或多种)解释The instructions are somewhat ambiguous and contain many grammatical mistakes. 使用说明书有些意思模糊,而且其中语法错误百出。
form e issued retroactively -回复
form e issued retroactively -回复什么是"form e issued retroactively",以及它的影响和应对方法。
"Form e issued retroactively"是指在事实已经发生的情况下,中方通过补办相关文件来证明交易的合法性。
为了避免交易因此受到影响,中方选择通过"form e issued retroactively"的方式,即在事后申请重新补办相关文件以确保交易的合法性。
这种情况下,"form e issued retroactively"可能会对双方产生一些影响。
面对"form e issued retroactively"的情况,中方可以采取一些措施来应对。
总而言之,"form e issued retroactively"是指在交易完成之后,中方补办相关文件来证明交易的合法性。
GRE点题A班内部讲义–填空第一部分最新考试词汇收录4月13日lucrativeconjectureepitomescratchinggenialitydwindlerebelliousquirkysteeracrimonydigressionalformidableobscureunearthattestrustingdisequilibriumnaysayer4月26日1. stem from 源于2. paucity 缺乏少量3. ample 丰富的4. impediment 妨碍,组织5. vacillation 犹豫不决,踌躇5. headway 前进6. alleviate减轻,缓和7. aptness倾向,才能8. uncanny 神秘的,离奇的9. spur 鼓舞,激励10. canvases 油画布11. verisimilitude 逼真12. exasperate 恶化13. irascibility 易怒,脾气暴躁14. animate 有生命的;使……有生气15. unassailable 无懈可击的16. archetype 原型17. rectitude公正18. rant 痛骂19. vindication 辩护20. cue 暗示,线索21. reiterate 重申,反复的做5月10日1. fickle2. stalwart3. whimisical4. impugn5. impertinent6. unwitting7. feckless8. preachy9. sanctimonious10. plaintive11. disingenuous12. coveted13. taxing14. hamper15. numinous16. sonorous17. salutary18. profitmongers19. inertial20. clandestine21. spurn22. obfuscate23. canned24. formulaic25. vacuous26. plummet5月18日faddishintransigence coddlemollifydeludeexcoriateanodyneavatarabstemiousebullientesotericdeviousdetractorevenhandedcamaraderieabstruseobtuseprecipitatetactfultrivializeencroachmentbrazentruculent6月7日tractableimpassivesolitarysluggishdraconianrapacioushidebound embolden encumber purport contemporary self-perpetuating allegiance archaic underlying baseless untenable insult malfeasance fraudulence hysteriavilifystymiehinder circumvent cataclysmic spontaneity derision sacrosanct ephemeral malleable autonomous contiguous anthropogenic mutually inversely benignembodyanomalousaugmentameliorateindispensable conscientiousrobustevanescentcumbersomeimmutableunwieldyeccentricitypredilectionvacillationproclivitywaveringcowardiceamplifydeteriorationlamentdivulgegloatconfessrigorous6月22日vindicationproscriptionministrationvaledictionexculpationmeasuredebullientoverwroughtchivalrousboorishencyclopedic undiscriminating authenticitydiscreditaestheticsfortuitoussympathizereliminableostensibleluminary7月5日•decry•stunning •contemptuous•irk•flippancy•languish•flourish•thrive •jettison •proliferate •ploy•lull•spike•respite •amalgam •entice •cantankerous •garrulous •loquacious •anthropomorphism •avant-garde •amorphous •friable•refract•deploy•fallacy •blemish •tangent •endemic •trickster •callous •parsimonious •fiery•bumble •prescient •prophetic •Stern第二部分最新机经题目练习1.The nature of our recollections is (i) ______. One memory can seem (ii) ______whereas another must be coaxed out of our brain little by little. Although a moment that excites our emotions is more likely to be recorded than a (iii) ______ experience, the sensory qualities of an event also play a part in how vividly and accurately we remember it.Blank(i) Blank(ii) Blank(iii)A. inaccurate D. vague and spotty G. rivetingB. inconsistent E. immediate and colorful H. traumaticC. insignificant F. unreliable and elusive I. routine2.That Seiberg and Witten lack celebrity can be explained by the __ nature of theirpursuit: the mathematical exploration of four-dimensional space.A. pedestrianB. esotericC. compellingD. globalE. univocal3.It is harder to come up with a truly new ideas than to ____ it. one can go a lifetimewithout an original insight;but such insight, once developed, can be quickly adopted by others.A. disseminateB. debunkC. understandD. espouseE. discreditF. transmit4.The notion that the director is the center of the team has been _____, but in fact ithas not been accepted by academia.A. underscoredB. provenC. abnegatedD. enduringE. ignored5.Despite a tendency to be overtly _____, the poetry of the Middle Ages often sparksthe imagination and provides lively entertainment, as well as pious sentiments.A. divertingB. emotionalC. didacticD. romanticE. whimsical6. The science of astronomy was begun by amateurs and today remains dependent on their contributions, which are incisive by virtue of being ------- by the a prior assumption that often vitiate the work of professional research scientists (A) characterized (B) unencumbered(C) supported (D) contradicted (E) inspiredas B. meticulous C. treacherousC. abhorrentD. stubbornE. lethargic9. The paradoxical characteristic of the reliable employee Donna is her ______, as we consider her usual feigning illness to escape from her labor.C. malingeringD. retribution10. As a result of lacking a strong opposing organization to ______, the chief focusedtheir rancor on one another at the conference where the issues were put forward and intended to be resolved.B. excoriateC. parleyE. collaborate11. A curiousness of the film Vertigo is its capacity to generate emotional power from a plot that lacks the most elementary ______ : Viewers are required to accept not an isolated implausibility, but a continue stream of them. A. believability B. impactC. narrativeD. tensionE. premise12. The purpose of accounts of the Amazons for their male Greek recorders was ______, to teach both male and female Greeks that all-female groups, formed by withdrawal from traditional society, are destructive and dangerous.B. didacticD. vengefulE. reflective13. Collecting such fragment of contemporary popular culture as postcards, newspaper clippings, and wallpaper patterns, Susan Hiller transforms theseseemingly (i) __ artifacts into objective (ii) __ by making them the centerpieces in her compositions.Blank (i) A. extravagant B. trivial C. archaic14. Among wide-ranging animal species, populations at the edge of the species’range are frequently exposed to less (i) __ and more variable conditions than those in other parts on the range. As a results, the animals’ abundance is often (ii) __.Blank (i) Blank (ii) D. lower at the peripheryC. demanding F. underestimated by researchers15. Scholarly works on detective stories often begin with (i) __, suggesting that thereis something vaguely wrong with adults who spend their time reading such fiction and certainly something (ii) __ those who devote energy to its analysis.Blank (i)Blank (ii) A. chronologies D. awry in B. apologiesE. astute about C. synopsesF. courageous about16. Although so far the vast weight of evidence supports the contention that the products of agricultural biotechnology are environmentally (i) __, many people still find them (ii) __ unsettling.Blank (i)Blank (ii)A. destructiveB. soundC. intriguing17. __ local Blank (i) Blank (ii) A. surprised D. genuine B. impressed E. halfhearted C. divided F. practical18. The author of this political history text shows considerable bias against thepolitical party when assigning credit or blame for its actions: he deems (i) __ what he favors and avoidable what he (ii) __.Blank (i) Blank (ii) A. pertinent D. condemns B. inevitable E. condones C. divided F. ignores。
2022 年操作试题参考答案一、根据已知资料回答以下单选题,请在答题纸上作答(每题2分,共40分)1-5:AACBA6-10:CAAAB11-15:BDBCC16-20:ADABD二、根据已知资料指出下列进口单据中的对错。
(每错 1 分,共 20 分)1.海运提单上的对错如下:1.提单号码对2.提单抬头错3.装运港对4.目的港对5.唛头对6.包装件数单位错7.毛重错8.体积对9.大写件数错10.提单签发日期错2.保险单上的对错如下:1.出口商名称、地址、国别对2.收货人名称、地址、国别对3.保单号错4.航次号错5.装运港对6.目的港对7.唛头错8.预定的装运月份对9.投保加成比例错10.保险单日期错三、根据第一大题的合同和已知资料缮制单据。
(共 40 分)1.商业发票(每空 1 分,共 15 分)商业发票2.装箱单(共 10 分)装箱单Packing list1.出口商(Exporter)(1) 3.装箱单日期(Packing list date)(3)SHANGHAI CHENGMEI TRADING CO.,LTD.NOV.10,202131 CHUNJIU ROAD,SHANGHAI,CHINA2.进口商(Importer)(2) 4.合同号(Contract No.)(4)PACOOT DIA (THAILAND) CO.,LTD. PD21080221/1 Moo 9, Rojana Industrial Park Rojana Road,13210 THAILAND.5.发票号和日期(Invoice No. and Date)(5)PD2100681NOV.10,20216.运输标志和集装箱号7.包装类型及件数;商品名称8.毛重 kg9.体积 Cube m.(Shipping marks;Container No.)Number and kind of Gross weight(6)packages;Commodity name (7)(8)(9)PACOOTPAT BANGKOK 60 BIG BAGS OF 72000KGS 59.8CBMBROWN FUSED ALUMINA,F24NOS.1-60(10)TOTAL:SAY SIXTY BIG BAGS ONLY.10.出口商签章Exporter stamp and signatureSHANGHAI CHENGMEI TRADING CO.,LTD.田宇3.产地证(共 15 分)Original。
能源之星- 灯泡 :标准替换型 -装饰 灯泡(B,
BA, C, CA, DC, F, G (per ANSI C79.1))
6000小时老化 在25度 环境下,光通测试,开关实验 10个 样品—5个上,5个下 (--理论上不需要配光测试)
能源之星 灯具-非定向灯具 (家用类别), (光源的光学特
性); 包含的户外产品,举例,不限如此
吸顶和近吸顶灯 门廊灯 安防灯(感应灯)
能源之星 灯具
-能源之星 ,不包括的灯具: • Qualification only below a total input power of 250 watts (electric power grid) luminaires employing screw base lampholders (E26, E12, E17, E39, ..) without dedicated ballasts.(With the exception of halogen incandescent outdoor luminaires and some high intensity discharge luminaires, ); not include street and area, wall packs, canopy, high bay, recessed troffers or other types employed for general office illumination, adapters or converters. Questions: luminaires@
------定向 和非定向 灯具
婚前必问的12个问题1. Did your family throw plates, calmly discuss issues or silently shut down when disagreements arose?出现分歧时,你的家人会怎么做呢?是扔盘子,还是平静地探讨问题,亦或对问题闭口不谈?A relationship's success is based on how differences are dealt with, said Peter Pearson, a founder of the Couples Institute. As we are all shaped by our family's dynamic, he said, this question will give you insight into whether your partner will come to mimic the conflict resolution patterns of his or her parents or avoid them."情侣研究所"创始人之一皮特·皮尔森称,一段关系的成败取决于人们如何处理分歧。
2. Will we have children, and if we do, will you change diapers?我们要孩子吗?如果要的话,你会换尿布吗?With the question of children, it is important to not just say what you think your partner wants to hear, according to Debbie Martinez, a divorce and relationship coach. Before marrying, couples should honestly discuss if they want children. How many do they want? At what point do they want to have them? And how do they imagine their roles as parents? Talking about birth-control methods before planning a pregnancy is also important, said Marty Klein, a sex and marriage therapist.离婚和与情感顾问黛比·马丁内斯称,在孩子的问题上,不要只说另一半爱听的话,这点很重要。
高中英语单词天天记:·recognize·v.['rekəgnaɪz] ( recognizes; recognized; recognizing ) ··双解释义·vt.认出; 认识到know again (sb/sth) one has seen, heard, or experienced before; see clearly though perhaps unwillingly; be prepared to admit·vt.承认accept as being legal or real, or as having value·基本要点•1.recognize的基本意思是“认出”,指根据事物的特征而觉察到、辨认出或认可某一现象存在。
3.recognize可接to be/as+n./adj.充当补足语的复合宾语,意思是“认出…是…”或“承认〔确认〕…是…”,as和to be 不可省略。
•·词汇搭配••recognize old friend 认出老朋友••recognize hardly 简直认不出•recognize scarcely 几乎认不出•recognize affectionately 友好地承认•recognize clearly〔distinctly〕清楚地认识•recognize coldly 冷淡地承认•recognize deservedly 应该承认•recognize formally 正式地承认•recognize frankly 直率地承认•recognize fully 充分地认识到•recognize generally 一般地承认•recognize gratefully 可喜地承认•recognize immediately 立即听到•recognize insufficiently 不能认出•recognize internationally 国际上承认•recognize officially 正式承认,官方公认•recognize publicly 公开地承认•recognize retroactively 追认•recognize universally 普遍地承认•recognize unofficially 非正式承认,非官方公认•recognize widely 广泛地承认••recognize as 认为是…•recognize from 根据…认出·常用短语•recognize by〔from〕(v.+prep.)根据…辨认出… be able to know who or what sb or sth is, by means of (sth such as a part)〔说明〕 recognize by〔from〕常不用于进行体。
出口商或生产商希望该信息保密的,可在该栏填写“AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST”。
出运后申报的证书,此栏必须填写具体运输工具名称及号码,出运前申报且具体运输工具名称及号码未知的证书,此栏可填写“***”或“BY SEA”或“BY AIR”或其它运输方式。
如填制空间不够的,可在此栏填写“SEE ATTACHMENT”,并在证书背页贴唛(盖骑缝章)或A4白纸打印唛头(盖骑缝章)。
英语新科技说明文阅读In recent years, with the rapid development of technology, new inventions and innovations have emerged in various fields. In this article, we will explore some of the latest advancements in technology and how they are shaping the future.First and foremost, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a major focal point in the tech industry. AI has the ability to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. This technology has been integrated into various sectors, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment. For example, in healthcare, AI-powered systems can analyze medical images, detect diseases, and assist in surgical procedures, leading to more accurate diagnosis and treatment.Moreover, the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way we interact with everyday objects. IoT refers to the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity, which enables them to connect and exchange data. This interconnected system has paved the way for smart homes, smart cities, and smart industries. For instance, smart home devices can be controlled remotely through a smartphone, allowing homeowners to monitor and manage their home environment efficiently.Furthermore, blockchain technology has gained traction in recent years, particularly in the financial sector. Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers in such a way that the recorded transactions cannot be altered retroactively. This technology has the potential to enhance security, transparency, and efficiency in various industries, including banking, supply chain management, and digital identity verification. For instance, blockchain-based cryptocurrencies have emerged as an alternative to traditional currencies, offering secure and transparent transactions.Additionally, 5G technology has been a game-changer in the realm of telecommunications. 5G, the fifth generation of wireless technology, offers significantlyfaster data download and upload speeds, wider coverage, and more stable connections. This technology has the potential to support a wide range of applications, including virtual reality, augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, and the Internet of Things. For example, 5G networks can enable seamless connectivity for smart vehicles, allowing them to communicate with each other and with smart infrastructure, leading to safer and more efficient transportation systems.In conclusion, the advancements in technology have brought about significant changes in various aspects of our lives. From artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to blockchain and 5G technology, these innovations are shaping the future and opening up new possibilities for the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. As technology continues to evolve, it is important to stay informed and adapt to these changes in order to fully embrace the benefits they offer.。
中华人民共和国刑法 中英
中华人民共和国刑法中英中华人民共和国刑法 (Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China)第一章总则第一条为了惩罚犯罪,保护人民民主专政秩序,维护社会主义制度,保护公民的人身权利、财产权利和其他权利,根据宪法,制定本法。
Chapter 1 General ProvisionsArticle 1 In order to punish crimes, protect the people's democraticdictatorship, safeguard the socialist system, protect citizens' personal rights, property rights, and other rights, this Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution.Article 2 The term "crime" as used in this Law refers to behavior that harms society and is designated as a crime according to law. Criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with this Law. Article 3 The term "offense" as used in this Law refers to an act that meets the legal facts established by this Law and for which criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with law.Article 4 The term "criminal liability" as used in this Law refers to the legal sanction that shall be imposed on a criminal offender in accordance with law.Article 5 The tasks of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China are: 1. Preventing crimes, protecting national security, public security, and public and private property; 2. Punishing crimes and maintaining social order; 3. Educating and rehabilitating criminal offenders, preventing recidivism.Article 6 The determination of individuals without criminal capacity, individuals with limited criminal capacity, and individuals with full criminal capacity, as well as the degree of their criminal liability, shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.Article 7 For criminally insane offenders, relevant provisions of criminal laws shall be applied, their criminal proceeds shall be confiscated, and the state shall be exempt from any liability for compensation.Article 8 Criminal law shall be applied to crimes according to the effective criminal law at the time of the offense and shall not be applied retroactively to invalidate laws at the time of the offense.。
永远会有更好的,但眼下才是最好的英语作文There Will Always Be Something Better, But Right Now is the BestHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 10-year-old kid. Today I want to tell you about something really important that I've been thinking a lot about lately. It's the idea that there will always be something better out there, but the present moment we're in right now is actually the best and most special time.I know that might sound a little confusing at first. Like, how can the present be the best if there's always going to be something better in the future? Well, let me explain it this way...Imagine you get a brand new video game for your birthday that you've been wanting for months and months. You're so excited to finally play it! Those first few hours of playing the new game and discovering all the levels and characters is probably the most fun you'll ever have with that game. Sure, you'll keep playing it over the next few weeks and months. And yeah, you'll get better at it and maybe even beat it eventually. But those first few hours of pure excitement and amazement can never quite be recreated.That's kind of what I mean when I say the present is the best, even if there's always something better coming. Those first few moments of discovery and newness are irreplaceable treasures. You're experiencing everything for the very first time with no preconceived notions or expectations. It's pure joy and wonder.Once you've played the game for a while, some of that magic starts to fade away. You've already seen most of what it has to offer. You know what's coming around the next corner. The excitement turns into more of a routine. That's when you start looking towards the future, wondering what amazing new game you might get to experience those first breakthrough moments all over again.But here's the thing - while you're so focused on the future and what might be better, you're missing out on appreciating and savoring the present. Maybe this game you have right now isn't the most mind-blowing game that will ever exist. But it's still pretty darn incredible compared to all the games that came before it. And more importantly, it's yours to experience and cherish right now in this moment.If you spend too much time thinking about how there could be something even better just around the bend, you'll keep on living in a cycle of constant longing for the next thing. You'll missthe beauty and novelty of whatever you have right in front of you. The present will just become a hurdle to overcome until you reach some imaginary point of total perfection and fulfillment that never actually comes.That's not to say we shouldn't have dreams for the future or that we can't get excited about possibilities yet to come. Of course we should! Dreaming about better things and working hard to make those dreams a reality is a huge part of what makes life an amazing adventure. Without striving for more, we'd just stagnate and waste all our potential.But we have to find a balance between looking ahead and being present. We have to learn to appreciate each step along the journey, not just fixating on the final destination. That new video game might someday get replaced by an even more incredible one down the road, but that doesn't diminish how special it felt to finally play it for the first time right now. Those moments of newness and firsts are precious gifts that we can never get back once they've passed us by.My dad always tells me, "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift - that's why they call it the present." I used to think that just meant we should be grateful for each day we have. But now I think it means something even deeper. Thepresent moment, whatever it may hold, is essentially a gift to be cherished fully. Chasing after some idea of "better" or looking too far into the future causes us to miss out on savoring the beauty of the present.So while I totally get excited about things like the next big video game release or Hawaii vacation coming up, I also try to focus on finding the awesomeness in whatever I'm doing right here, right now. If I'm playing a slightly older game, I don't compare it to what might be coming next. I cherish the fact that I get to experience this particular game for the first time ever in my life during this present moment. If we're just doing a regular old family games night instead of something more extravagant, I relish every second of silliness and belly laughter with my parents and siblings in the exact way it's unfolding tonight.In a way, yeah, there's always going to be something better or newer or more amazing released in the future. That's just how the world works - we're constantly creating and innovating and pushing farther. But dwelling too much on the"better" yet to come robs us of the chance to fully live in and appreciate the present reality we've been given as the incredible gift it truly is. A future "better" can never retroactively enhance the significance and specialness of this current moment we're in.So my philosophy is to stay hopeful and ambitious about the future, but also be powerfully present. Don't take this present moment for granted thinking it's just ok and there's way better stuff coming. Of course there will be new inventions and crazy technology someday. But this reality, this life you're living right here, right now? This is also something miraculous and irreplaceable. Someday you'll look back and realize how precious this present was, flaws and all. These are the moments you'll yearn to experience over again someday when they're gone forever.The nature of life is that reality keeps unfolding into a constant stream of "présents" - what is current will soon be in the past, replaced by a new "now" moment to experience. So we have to treat each present as the priceless gift that it is because it'll never come again once it's swept away into the history books. Live fully inside of it while you have it. Don't let its value be diminished by speculation about someintangible "better" that may or may not arrive somewhere over the rainbow.There will indeed always be something better someday. But this present we have right now? It's also definitively, gloriously, irreplaceably THE BEST. At least for this fleeting, jewel of amoment. So let's embrace and cherish it together with full, grateful hearts. Then we'll let it go whenthe next present arrives, ready to shower it with the same awe and appreciation it deserves, before it too gets replaced once again.The cycle will repeat endlessly for the rest of our lives. But perhaps learning to find the unparalleled best in each passing today is what Life itself is all about.。
form e issued retroactively -回复
form e issued retroactively -回复表单E是一种特殊的文档形式,它在某些情况下可以被以往的日期追溯到。
form e issued retroactively -回复
form e issued retroactively -回复什么是“form e issued retroactively”?"Form E issued retroactively"是指在事后发出的E表格。
"Form E issued retroactively"是指当源泉国未在收入支付时扣除所得税,而非居民又未及时向税收机关申报应纳税额,税收机关在后期要求补缴所得税并出具相应的E表格。
为什么会出现“form e issued retroactively”?"Form E issued retroactively"可能出现的原因有:1.未申报所得税:非居民在接收相应的养老金、租金、股息等所得时,可能未向源泉国的税务机关申报应纳税额,导致实际应缴纳的所得税未缴纳。
如何处理“form e issued retroactively”?处理“Form E issued retroactively”需要遵循以下步骤:1.识别和确认问题:首先需要识别和确认是否存在“Form E issued retroactively”的情况。
2010年考研mba联考英语二试题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12010年考研mba联考英语二试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)The advantages of free trade -----(1)---- economic growth and welfare have long been acknowledged. However, the downside of globalization and free trade has been watched with -----(2)---- by critics and policymakers who view trade openness as the cause of growing wage inequality, unemployment, child labor, and poor working conditions in some countries. It is said by the critics, for example, that -----(3)---- individual countries become more specialized in the production of goods in which they have a comparative advantage, there may be a shift in demand that -----(4)---- a decline in the relative demand for low-skilled workers and the subsequent fall in their wages.On the other hand, free trade is also viewed as providing-----(5)---- to economic growth and poverty reduction. As trade barriers are lowered and more goods and services are exchanged across countries, there is greater economic -----(6)----, more efficient allocation of resources, and technological transfer that can lead to higher productivity. This in turn results in higher economic growth and a rise in the standard of living for consumers.Despite these benefits, there are concerns that free trade may -----(7)---- negative consequences, particularly for developing countries who may not have the capacity to compete in the global market. These countries may face challenges such as unemployment, insufficient infrastructure, and a lack of access to capital and technology. As a result, they may be -----(8)---- marginalized in the global economy. Therefore, it is important for policymakers to consider the potential risks and impacts of free trade on different countries and take measures to ensure that the benefits are distributed equitably.In conclusion, while free trade has the potential to-----(9)---- economic growth and reduce poverty, it is important to address the challenges it may pose and ensure that the benefits are shared by all countries and segments of society. Bypromoting inclusive growth and addressing the needs of vulnerable populations, policymakers can harness the full potential of free trade to create a more prosperous and equitable global economy.1. A. in B. with C. for D. on2. A. attention B. care C. concern D. watch3. A. since B. that C. unless D. although4. A. results in B. results from C. results about D. results by5. A. impetus B. incentive C. emollient D. constraint6. A. integration B. imposition C. intersection D. insulation7. A. generate B. result C. entail D. incur8. A. progressively B. retroactively C. constantlyD. collectively9. A. impede B. promote C. inhibit D. facilitateSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (30 points)Text 1In business, the concept of competence has become a key word, particularly as the effects of globalization and fluid organizations have driven a shift from jobs and job descriptions to know-how and knowledge. What, in simple terms, are competencies? Competencies describe work-related knowledge, know-how, motivation, and personal characteristics that affect success in job performance. They are the key to effective performance in jobs, teams, and organizations.The idea behind competencies is simple: The more competencies you have, the better-equipped you are. But while competencies are easy to understand, they can be difficult to master. As demand for competency models grows, thousands of organizations have launched work-related initiatives or programs, but the expected results failed to meet the promises. Despite this, the interest in competencies is likely to continue. However, to spread the theories and practices of competencies, champions are needed to promote their worth.10. What has driven the shift towards focusing on competencies in business?A. The effects of globalization and fluid organizations.B. The need for a more knowledgeable workforce.C. The desire for greater job descriptions.D. The lack of proficient employees.11. What are competencies?A. Job descriptions.B. A person's natural abilities.C. Factors affecting job performance.D. Key work experiences.12. Why have thousands of organizations launched competency programs?A. To improve job performance.B. To promote their worth.C. To spread competency models.D. To meet the demands of globalization.Text 2Freedom of press, freedom of speech, and freedom of information are crucial components of a just and democratic society. In the past, these freedoms were often suppressed by oppressive regimes or authoritarian governments in an attempt to control the flow of information and public opinion. However, with the rise of the Internet and social media, the ability to censor or restrict these freedoms has become increasingly difficult.The Internet has revolutionized the way information is shared, allowing for the rapid dissemination of news and opinions across the globe. Social media platforms have empowered individuals to share their voices, ideas, and beliefs with a wide audience, challenging traditional media outlets and authorities. While this new era of information sharing has brought about positive changes, it has also raised concerns about the spread of misinformation, hate speech, and fake news.13. What has made it difficult for oppressive regimes to suppress freedom of information?A. The rise of the Internet and social media.B. The spread of misinformation.C. The empowerment of traditional media outlets.D. The flow of public opinion.14. How has the Internet revolutionized the sharing of information?A. It has restricted access to news.B. It has empowered traditional media outlets.C. It has allowed for the dissemination of news and opinions.D. It has made censorship easier.15. What are some of the concerns raised by the new era of information sharing?A. The empowerment of individuals.B. The spread of fake news.C. The suppression of free speech.D. The ability to control public opinion.Text 3Sustainability is a concept that has gained increasing importance in recent years as concerns about climate change, environmental degradation, and resource depletion have become more prominent. The idea of sustainability is based on the principle of meeting the needs of the present withoutcompromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.Achieving sustainability requires a comprehensive approach that addresses economic, social, and environmental factors. Businesses, governments, and individuals must work together to develop strategies that promote sustainable practices and reduce the impact of human activities on the planet. This includes investing in renewable energy sources, promoting recycling and waste reduction, and implementing green technologies that minimize resource consumption.16. What has led to the increasing importance of sustainability?A. Concerns about resource depletion.B. A decrease in environmental degradation.C. The development of green technologies.D. A shift towards traditional energy sources.17. How is sustainability defined?A. Meeting the needs of future generations.B. Using resources without regard for the future.C. Compromising the needs of the present.D. Ignoring economic and social factors.18. What is required to achieve sustainability?A. A focus on economic factors.B. Collaboration among businesses, governments, and individuals.C. The promotion of resource consumption.D. The exclusion of green technologies.Part BDirections:Read the following text and draw your own conclusions from it. You are required to write in about 200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Globalization has transformed the world economy, connecting countries and cultures in ways never before imagined. While globalization has brought about numerous benefits, including economic growth and increased opportunity, it has also raised concerns about inequality, exploitation, and environmental degradation. As companies extend their reachacross borders, they must navigate a complex web of regulations, cultural differences, and ethical dilemmas. In this globalized world, success is often measured not only by profits and market share, but also by the impact on society and the environment. The challenge for businesses, policymakers, and individuals is to find a balance between economic prosperity and social responsibility. Only by working together can we ensure that the benefits of globalization are shared equitably and sustainably for future generations.In conclusion, the 2010 MBA entrance exam reflected the growing importance of global issues on the business landscape. As aspiring business leaders, it is essential to consider the broader implications of our actions and decisions in a global context. By embracing diversity, promoting sustainability, and upholding ethical standards, we can create a more just and prosperous world for all.Thank you.篇22010 MBA Joint Entrance Examination English II Test QuestionsSection I Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:The Japanese language is incredibly complex with a wide range of linguistic phenomena. One often-cited complexity is its rich morphology. For example, Japanese verbs can have as many as 15 different forms, which can be quite overwhelming for learners. However, the language also has a relatively simple phonology. In fact, Japanese only has five vowels and a relatively small number of consonants compared to many other languages. Despite this, pronunciation is still a challenge for many learners, especially for those whose native language does not contain similar sounds.1. What is one of the complexities of the Japanese language mentioned in the passage?A. Rich morphologyB. Simple phonologyC. Few vowels and consonantsD. Easy pronunciation2. How many forms can Japanese verbs have?A. 5B. 10C. 15D. 203. What aspect of Japanese pronunciation can be challenging for learners?A. The range of consonantsB. The small number of vowelsC. The rich morphologyD. The sounds not found in their native language4. Which of the following is NOT true about Japanese pronunciation?A. It has five vowels.B. It has a small number of consonants.C. It is easy for English speakers.D. It can be challenging for learners.5. The main idea of the passage is:A. Japanese has a complex morphology.B. Japanese has a simple phonology.C. Japanese pronunciation is easy.D. Japanese verbs have many forms.Passage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:Entrepreneurs are often seen as risk-takers who defy the odds to achieve success. However, recent studies suggest that successful entrepreneurs actually have a high tolerance for uncertainty rather than a love of risk. They are able to navigate uncertainty by making calculated decisions based on sound judgment and a deep understanding of the market. This adaptability and resilience are key qualities that set them apart from others.6. What quality do successful entrepreneurs have according to recent studies?A. Love of riskB. High tolerance for uncertaintyC. Impulsive decision-makingD. Lack of understanding of the market7. How do successful entrepreneurs navigate uncertainty?A. By taking uncalculated risksB. By making snap decisionsC. By using sound judgmentD. By avoiding risks altogether8. What sets successful entrepreneurs apart from others?A. Lack of adaptabilityB. High risk-taking behaviorC. Deep understanding of the marketD. Inability to make decisions9. According to the passage, what qualities are key for successful entrepreneurs?A. Love of risk and impulsivenessB. High tolerance for uncertainty and adaptabilityC. Lack of understanding and resilienceD. Lack of judgment and insight10. The main idea of the passage is:A. Successful entrepreneurs take risks.B. Successful entrepreneurs lack tolerance for uncertainty.C. Successful entrepreneurs rely on sound judgment and adaptability.D. Successful entrepreneurs are impulsive.Passage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements in recent years, with applications ranging from virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles. Despite the progress, there are concerns about the ethical implications of AI and its potential impact on society. Issues such as privacy, bias, and job displacement are hot topics of debate as AI continues to evolve.11. What is one of the applications of artificial intelligence mentioned in the passage?A. Virtual realityB. Health careC. Autonomous vehiclesD. E-commerce12. What are some concerns surrounding AI?A. Lack of progressB. Ethical implicationsC. Advantages for societyD. Privacy, bias, and job displacement13. What is a hot topic of debate regarding AI?A. Its impact on the environmentB. Its potential benefitsC. Its role in educationD. Issues of privacy, bias, and job displacement14. What is the main focus of the passage?A. Progress in AI technologyB. Ethical concerns about AIC. The benefits of AID. The impact of AI on society15. The main idea of the passage is:A. AI has no ethical implications.B. AI has made little progress.C. AI raises concerns about privacy, bias, and job displacement.D. AI is only used for virtual assistants.Section II Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are thirty sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.16. The new manager will __________ her predecessor’s leadership style.A. take placeB. take overC. take on17. The company’s __________ performance has led to decreased profits.A. inefficientB. efficientC. inabilityD. reliable18. The team needs to work __________ if they want to meet the deadline.A. hardB. hardlyC. hardlyD. difficult19. It is important to __________ the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities.A. addressB. adaptC. achieve20. The __________ of resources has caused shortages in many parts of the country.A. misuseB. weaponC. supplyD. treatmentSection III Error IdentificationDirections: There are ten sentences in this part. Each sentence contains an error. Each error is underlined. You need to identify the error and choose the best correction. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.21. Due to the bad weather, the concert is postponed until next weekend.A. Due toB. postponedC. untilD. next weekend22. The new employee are being trained on the new software system.A. The newB. are beingC. onD. the new23. She told me that she had went shopping before meeting me for lunch.A. thatB. had wentC. meetingD. for24. The company is looking to hire a new marketing manager who is able to speak English and Chinese fluently.A. to hireB. who is ableC. andD. fluently25. Despite of the challenges, the project was completed on time and under budget.A. Despite ofB. theC. on timeD. underSection IV WritingDirections: In this part, you are asked to write an essay. You should write at least 150 words on the Answer Sheet. Your essay should be based on the following outline.Outline:1. The benefits of studying abroad2. The challenges of studying abroad3. Personal experiences of studying abroad4. ConclusionRemember to:1. Write in English with proper grammar and punctuation.2. Present your ideas clearly and logically.---This is just a partial example of the 2010 MBA Joint Entrance Examination English II Test Questions. The full test consists of more questions in different sections. The purpose of this sample is to demonstrate the format and complexity of the exam questions. It is important for candidates to practice and prepare diligently in order to perform well on the examination.篇32010 MBA Joint Entrance Examination English II Test QuestionsPart I Reading Comprehension (60 minutes)Directions: There are 5 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each question.Passage 1Marketing is one of the most important functions of any business. It involves understanding the needs and wants of customers and creating products or services that satisfy those needs and wants. Successful marketing requires analyzingconsumer behavior, developing effective advertising strategies, and building strong relationships with customers.Question 1: What is the main focus of marketing?A. Understanding customer needsB. Creating advertising strategiesC. Building relationships with suppliersD. Developing new productsQuestion 2: What is an essential aspect of successful marketing?A. Analyzing employee behaviorB. Ignoring customer feedbackC. Understanding consumer behaviorD. Focusing solely on profitsQuestion 3: What is the purpose of developing effective advertising strategies?A. To increase costsB. To build relationships with competitorsC. To satisfy customer needsD. To decrease salesQuestion 4: Why is it important to build strong relationships with customers?A. To increase expensesB. To improve employee productivityC. To attract new competitorsD. To increase customer loyaltyPart II Vocabulary and Structure (40 minutes)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. Complete each sentence with one word that fits in the blank.Example:0. The workers were _______ to go on strike.Question 1: The most important _____ in life is health.Question 2: She was _____ happy to see him again after so many years.Question 3: The company's profits have been steadily _______.Question 4: He was unable to_______ his feelings and started crying.Question 5: The project was a great _______ and everyone congratulated him.Part III Writing (30 minutes)Directions: In this part, you are to write within 200 words an essay on the topic "The Importance of Time Management in the Workplace." In your essay, you should discuss why time management is essential, provide examples of effective time management strategies, and explain how good time management can lead to increased productivity and success in the workplace.Overall, the 2010 MBA Joint Entrance Examination English II Test focused on testing students' reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills. It challenged students to think critically about marketing principles, language structure, and the importance of time management in a professional setting. Participants were required to demonstrate their ability to analyze information, communicate effectively, and presentwell-organized arguments.。
Blank (i) A. destructive
B. sound C. intriguing
Blank (ii) D. retroactively E. innocuously F. intrinsically
4. World demand for oil had been intensified, but it slackened because China’ s surge in oil consumption had(i) ____.Moreover, high oil prices had themselves started to act as a short-term (ii) _____ the global economy, thus further dampening demand.
Blank (i) A. legitimize B. augment C. disgorge
Blank (ii) D. longer-term
E. acute F. qualitative
Blank (iii) G. requirement
H. surplus I. facet
7. Not only is the advent of bookless or largely bookless libraries too large and powerful a change to be _____,it also offers too many real advantages for it to be considered a tragedy.
A. require
B. alleviate
C. block
D. presage
E. portend
spect词根1. Aspect - 方面2. Respect - 尊重3. Spectacle - 奇观4. Inspection - 检查5. Suspicion - 怀疑6. Spectator - 观众7. Specialist - 专家8. Prospect - 前景9. Retroactive - 追溯的10. Spectrum - 谱系11. Perspective - 视角12. Retrospect - 回顾13. Spectrometer - 光谱仪14. Respectable - 值得尊敬的15. Suspect - 嫌疑人16. Prospective - 预期的17. Inspect - 检查18. Prospector - 找矿工19. Introspection - 内省20. Spectrum analysis - 光谱分析21. Spectral - 光谱的22. Spectrality - 幽灵般的23. Spectrometry - 质谱测定24. Spectroscopy - 光谱学25. Spectrodesmy - 光波谐振26. Spectrograph - 光谱仪器27. Spectroheliograph - 日冕扫描仪28. Spectroscopic - 光谱分析的29. Spectrometric - 质谱测定的30. Spectacular - 壮观的31. Inspecting - 检查的32. Inspective - 视察的33. Inspectional - 检查的34. Inspectorate - 检查机构35. Respectability - 可尊敬性36. Respectively - 分别地37. Introspective - 内省的38. Prospectus - 资料介绍书39. Prospecting - 勘探40. Retroactive - 追溯的41. Retroactively - 追溯地42. Retrospection - 回忆43. Retrospective - 回顾性的44. Suspectful - 怀疑的45. Unsuspectful - 无怀疑的46. Anisotropic - 各向异性的47. Catastrophic - 灾难性的48. Conspicuous - 显著的49. Despondent - 绝望的50. Euphoric - 欣快的51. Hospitable - 好客的52. Insolvent - 无力偿付的53. Luminous - 发光的54. Menopause - 更年期55. Necrosis - 坏死56. Omnipotent - 无所不能的57. Parsimonious - 吝啬的58. Resplendent - 灿烂的59. Synchrony - 同步60. Vivacious - 活泼的61. Fascination - 魅力62. Historiography - 历史学63. Gymnosophy - 裸体哲学64. Hydrography - 海洋学65. Isomorphic - 同构的66. Jurisprudence - 法理学67. Kineticism - 运动主义68. Logarithm - 对数69. Monotheistic - 一神论的70. Nativity - 出生71. Omniscient - 无所不知的72. Parasitic - 寄生的73. Quixotic - 唐吉诃德式的74. Radiography - X光摄影75. Sophistication - 世故76. Teleology - 目的论77. Viscosity - 粘性78. Zoology - 动物学79. Anonymous - 匿名的80. Cacophony - 刺耳的声音81. Demography - 人口统计学82. Ecclesiastic - 教会的83. Fondest - 最喜欢的84. Gerontology - 老年学85. Harshness - 严酷86. Iconoclastic - 扫除偶像的87. Jurisdiction - 司法权88. Kinesthetic - 运动感知的89. Lyrical - 抒情的90. Megalomania - 自大狂91. Nihilism - 虚无主义92. Odious - 可憎的93. Psychosis - 精神病94. Quotidian - 通常的95. Radiant - 辐射的96. Somatic - 身体的97. Tactile - 触觉的98. Vegetarian - 素食主义的99. Wistful - 渴望的100. Xenophobic - 厌外的。
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