普利策新闻奖(Pulitzer Prize)是美国新闻界的最高荣誉,每年颁发给在新闻报道和其他新闻作品中具有卓越表现的人士。
属于你行业的最高荣誉又是什么?下面是小编为您收集整理的美国行业的最高荣誉又是什么,供大家参考!美国行业的最高荣誉又是什么图灵奖Turing Award图灵奖(Turing Award)图灵奖由美国计算机协会于1966年设立,专门奖励那些对计算机事业作出重要贡献的个人。
The Turing Award is an annual prize given by the Association for Computing Machinery since 1966 to an individual selected for contributions of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field.图灵奖的名称取自计算机科学的先驱、英国科学家艾伦·麦席森·图灵。
The award is named after Alan M. Turing, a British mathematician and computer scientist.由于图灵奖对获奖条件要求极高,评奖程序又是极严,一般每年只奖励一名计算机科学家,该奖项被认为是计算机科学中的最高荣誉。
普利策新闻奖Pulitzer Prize普利策新闻奖 (Pulitzer Prize)该奖项于1917年根据美国报业巨头约瑟夫·普利策的遗愿设立。
It was established in 1917 by funds in the will of Joseph Pulitzer who had made his fortune as a newspaper publisher.普利策新闻奖是对美国报纸、杂志和在线新闻、文学和音乐创作成就的奖励。
The Pulitzer Prize is a U.S. award for achievements in newspaper and online journalism, literature and musical composition. It was established by Hungarian-American publisher Joseph Pulitzer and is administered by Columbia University in New York City. Prizes are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. In twenty of these, each winner receives a certificate and $10,000 cash award.
• Awards are made in categories relating to newspaper journalism, art, and literature and fiction. Only ed reports and photographs by United States-based newspapers or daily news organizations are eligible for the journalism prize. Beginning in 2007, "an assortment of online elements will be permitted in all journalism categories except for the competition's two photography categories, which will continue to restrict entries to still images." In December 2008 it was announced that for the first time content published in online-only news sources would be considered.
Joseph Pulitzer
After the war,he became a lawyer in 1867 and at that time , he was an American. He established his first newspaper 《St Louis fast post》and he was on the way success. He lost his eyesight in 1890 , and then ,he resigned.
It is the highest honor for journalist
Two kinds of prizes
News 14
Arts 7
Public Service 公共服务奖 Breaking News REPORTING 突发新闻奖 Investigative REPORTING 调查性报道奖 Explantory REPORTING 说明报道奖 Beat REPORTING 独家报道 National Reporting国内报道 国内报道 International Reporting
The history of the Pulitzer Prizes
Be established according to Joseph Pulitzer’s will in 1917
Joseph Pulitzer
1987-1911 Hungary
Joseph Pulitzer
About “Roots” ”
“Roots” is a well-known novel written by an African-American ” author — Alex Haley , which was a best seller in the USA in the 1970s . “Roots ”is mainly about Haley’s family history ’ , which covers seven generations’ history . In order to ’ find out how his ancestors got to America , Haley did a lot of research and traveled around the USA and Africa looking for information about his ancestors . At last , in Gambia he got to find his roots — Kunta and a group of the blacks who were caught and sold to America as slaves about 200 years ago . The novel also describes what his ancestors suffered from during the journey to the USA . “Roots” was published in ” 1976 and Haley won the Pulitzer Prize in 1977 . Also he became world-famous .
普利策名词解释普利策(Pulitzer Prize)是美国著名的新闻奖项,由约瑟夫·普利策创立于1917年,以奖励在美国出版的新闻作品的优秀品质和卓越表现,是全球新闻界最高荣誉之一。
普利策新闻奖与中国新闻奖的中美文化差异普利策新闻奖(Pulitzer Prize)是美国新闻界最负盛名的奖项之一,于1917年起设立,每年由哥伦比亚大学颁发。
Entry and prize consideration
The Pulitzer Prize does not automatically evaluate all applicable works in the media, but only those that have been entered with a $50 entry fee (one per desired entry category). Entries must fit in at least one of the specific prize categories, and cannot simply gain entrance on the grounds of having general literary or compositional properties.Works can also only be entered into a maximum of two prize categories, regardless of their properties.
Public Service公共服务奖 Breaking News Reporting 突发新闻奖 National Reporting Explanatory Reporting独家报道 Feature Photography Beat Reporting Feature Writing Investigative Reporting 调查性报道奖 International Reporting Criticism Editorial Cartooning社论漫画奖 Editorial Writing
History of The Pulitzer Prizes
Entry and prize consideration Categories Discontinued awards Famous works Criticism
普利策诗歌奖普利策诗作奖(Pulitzer Prize for Poetry)设立于1922年,意在表彰创作杰出诗篇的美国作家。
1918年、1919年间,曾作为普利策特别褒扬奖(Pulitzer Prize Spe cial Citations and Awards)出现。
[编辑本段]参见年代姓名得奖著作1922年埃德温·阿林顿·罗宾逊Edwin Arlington Robinson Collected Poems1923年埃德娜·圣文森特·米莱Edna St. Vincent Millay The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver A Few Figs fro m Thistles Eight Sonnets in American Poetry, 1922. A Miscellany 1924年罗伯特·弗罗斯特Robert Frost New Hampshire A Poem with Notes and Grace Notes1925年埃德温·阿林顿·罗宾逊Edwin Arlington Robinson The Man Who Died Twice1926年艾米·洛厄尔Amy Lowell What's O'Clock1927年利奥诺拉·斯贝耶Leonora Speyer Fiddler's Farewell1928年埃德温·阿林顿·罗滨逊Edwin Arlington Robinson Tristram1929年斯蒂芬·文森特·贝尼特Stephen Vincent Benet John Browns Body1930年康拉德·艾肯Conrad Aiken Selected Poems1931年罗伯特·弗罗斯特Robert Frost Collected Poems1932年乔治·狄龙George Dillon The Flowering Stone1933年阿奇博尔德·麦克利什Archibald MacLeish Conquistador1934年罗伯特·希利尔Robert Hillyer Collected Verse1935年奥德丽·沃德曼Audrey Wurdemann Bright Ambush1936年罗伯特·彼得·特里斯特拉姆·科芬Robert P.T. Coffin Strange Holiness1937年罗伯特·弗罗斯特Robert Frost A Further Range1938年马里奥·ZaturenskaMarya Zaturenska Cold Morning Sky1939年约翰·古尔德·弗莱彻John Gould Fletcher Selected Poems1940年马克·范多伦Mark Van Doren Collected Poems1941年伦纳德·培根Leonard Bacon Sunderland Capture1942年威廉·罗斯·贝内William Rose Benet The Dust Which Is God 1943年罗伯特·弗罗斯特Robert Frost A Witness Tree1944年斯蒂芬·文森特·贝内Stephen Vincent Benet Western Star1945年卡尔·夏皮罗Karl Shapiro V-Letter and Other Poems1946年没有颁发1947年罗伯特·洛厄尔Robert Lowell Lord Weary's Castle1948年威斯坦·休·奥登W. H. Auden The Age of Anxiety1949年彼得·维里克Peter Viereck Terror and Decorum1950年格温多琳·布鲁克斯Gwendolyn Brooks Annie Allen1951年卡尔·桑德伯格Carl Sandburg Complete Poems1952年玛丽安·穆尔Marianne Moore Collected Poems1953年阿奇博尔德·麦克利什Archibald MacLeish Collected Poems 1917-1952 1954年西奥多·罗特克Theodore Roethke The Waking1955年沃利斯·斯蒂文斯Wallace Stevens Collected Poems1956年伊丽莎白·碧许Elizabeth Bishop Poems - North & South1957年理查德·威尔伯Richard Wilbur Things of This World1958年罗伯特·佩恩·沃伦Robert Penn Warren Promises Poems 1954-19561959年斯坦利·库尼兹Stanley Kunitz Selected Poems 1928-19581960年威廉·德威特·斯诺德格拉斯W. D. Snodgrass Heart's Needle1961年菲莉斯·麦金利Phyllis McGinley Times Three Selected Verse From Three Decades 1962年亚兰·杜根Alan Dugan Poems1963年威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯William Carlos Williams Pictures from Breughel1964年路易斯·辛普森Louis Simpson At The End Of The Open Road1965年约翰·贝里曼John Berryman 77 Dream Songs1966年理查德·埃伯哈特Richard Eberhart Selected Poems1967年安妮·塞克斯顿Anne Sexton Live or Die1968年安东尼·赫克特Anthony Hecht The Hard Hours1969年乔治·奥本George Oppen Of Being Numerous1970年理查德·霍华德Richard Howard Untitled Subjects1971年威廉·史坦利·默温William S. Merwin The Carrier of Ladders1972年詹姆士·莱特James Wright Collected Poems1973年马克辛·库敏Maxine Kumin Up Country1974年罗伯特·洛厄尔Robert Lowell The Dolphin1975年盖瑞·施耐德Gary Snyder 《龟岛》1976年约翰·阿什伯雷John Ashbery Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror1977年詹姆斯·梅里尔James Merrill Divine Comedies1978年霍华德·内梅罗夫Howard Nemerov Collected Poems1979年罗伯特·佩恩·沃伦Robert Penn Warren Now and Then1980年唐纳德·贾斯蒂斯Donald Justice Selected Poems1981年詹姆士·斯凯勒James Schuyler The Morning of the Poem1982年西尔维娅·普拉斯Sylvia Plath The Collected Poems1983年高尔韦·金内尔Galway Kinnell Selected Poems1984年玛丽·奥利弗Mary Oliver American Primitive1985年卡罗林·凯泽Carolyn Kizer Yin1986年亨利·泰勒Henry Taylor The Flying Change1987年丽塔·达夫Rita Dove Thomas and Beulah1988年威廉·梅瑞迪斯William Meredith Partial Accounts New and Selected Poems 1989年理查德·韦尔伯Richard Wilbur New and Collected Poems1990年查尔斯·西米克Charles Simic The World Doesn't End1991年莫娜·范杜因Mona Van Duyn Near Changes1992年詹姆士·塔特James Tate Selected Poems1993年路易丝·格拉克Louise Gluck The Wild Iris1994年尤瑟夫·科曼亚卡Yusef Komunyakaa Neon Vernacular New and Selected Poems 1995年菲力普·乐文Philip Levine The Simple Truth1996年乔里·格雷厄姆Jorie Graham The Dream of the Unified Field1997年丽泽·米勒Lisel Mueller Live Together New and Selected Poems1998年查尔斯·莱特Charles Wright Black Zodiac1999年马克·斯特兰德Mark Strand Blizzard of One2000年 C.K.·威廉斯C.K. Williams Repair2001年斯蒂芬·邓恩Stephen Dunn Different Hours2002年卡尔·丹尼斯Carl Dennis Practical Gods2003年保罗·马尔登Paul Muldoon Moy Sand and Gravel2004年弗朗兹·莱特Franz Wright Walking to Martha's Vineyard (ISBN 0375415181) 2005年Ted KooserTed Kooser Delights & Shadows2006年Claudia EmersonClaudia Emerson Late Wife2007年Natasha TretheweyNatasha Trethewey Native Guard。
普利策新闻奖与中国新闻奖的中美文化差异普利策新闻奖(Pulitzer Prize)和中国新闻奖(China Journalism Awards)是中美两个主要的新闻奖项,它们对新闻报道的质量和影响力起到了重要的推动作用。
【世界著名⽂学奖】普利策⽂学奖普利策⼩说奖(Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)是美国最著名的⽂学奖项之⼀,是根据美籍匈⽛利⼈约瑟夫·普利策的遗愿设⽴的普利策奖的其中⼀个奖项,只颁给美国国籍的作家。
年份获奖作品获奖作家1917空缺空缺1918《His Family》《他的⼀家》Ernest Poole 欧内斯特·普尔1919《安伯逊⼤族》布思·塔⾦顿1920空缺空缺1921《纯真年代》伊迪丝·华顿1922《艾丽丝·亚当》布思·塔⾦顿1923《我们中的⼀位》薇拉·凯瑟1924《The Able McLaughlins》《能⼲的麦克劳克林⼀家》Margaret Wilson 玛格丽特·威尔逊1925《So Big》《如此之⼤》Edna Ferber 埃德娜·费伯1926《阿罗史密斯》⾟克莱·刘易斯1927《初秋》路易斯·布罗姆菲尔德1928《圣路易·莱之桥》桑顿·威尔德1929《Scarlet Sister Mary》《妓⼥玛丽》Julia Peterkin 朱莉娅·彼得⾦1930《Laughing Boy》《爱笑的孩⼦》Oliver La Farge 奥利弗·拉法格1931《Years of Grace》《优雅年代》Margaret Ayer Barnes 玛格丽特·艾尔·巴恩斯1932《⼤地》赛珍珠1933《The Store》《商店》Thomas Sigismund Stribling 托马斯·西吉斯蒙德·斯特⾥布林1934《Lamb in His Bosom》《上帝怀中的羔⽺》Caroline Mille 凯洛琳·⽶勒1935《Now in November》《⼗⼀⽉的此刻》Josephine Winslow Johnson约瑟芬·温斯洛·约翰逊(约瑟芬·约翰逊)1936《Honey in the Horn》《⾓质杯中的蜜》Harold L. Davis 哈罗德· L·戴维斯1937《飘》玛格丽特·⽶切尔1938《The Late George Apley 《已故的乔治·阿普利》John Phillips Marquand 约翰·菲利普斯·马昆德1939《⿅苑长春》罗琳斯1940《愤怒的葡萄》约翰·史坦贝克1941空缺空缺1942《In This Our Life》《我们这⼀辈⼦》Ellen Glasgow 艾伦·格拉斯哥1943《龙齿》厄普顿·⾟克莱1944《Journey in the Dark》《⿊暗的历程》Martin Flavin 马丁·弗莱⽂1945《钟归阿达诺》约翰·海尔赛1946空缺空缺1947《国王的⼈马》罗伯特·佩恩·沃伦1948《Tales of the South Pacific》《南太平洋故事集》James A. Michener 詹姆斯·A·麦切纳1949《Guard of Honor》《仪仗队》James Gould Cozzens 詹姆斯·古尔德·科曾斯1950《The Way West》《西⾏记》A. B. Guthrie, Jr. A·B·⼩格思⾥1951《The Town》《⼩镇》Conrad Richter康拉德·李希特(⾥希德)1952《凯恩舰哗变》赫尔曼·沃克1953《⽼⼈与海》海明威1954空缺空缺1955《寓⾔》威廉·福克纳1956《Andersonville》《安德森维尔》MacKinlay Kantor 麦⾦雷·坎特1957空缺空缺1958《A Death in the Family》《失亲记》James Agee 詹姆斯·艾吉1959《The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters》《贾⽶·麦克菲特斯游记》Robert Lewis Taylor 罗伯特·路易斯·泰勒1960《Advise And Consent《忠告与采纳》Allen Drury 艾伦·德鲁利1961《杀死⼀只知更鸟》哈珀·李1962《The Edge of Sadness》《忧伤》Edwin O'Connor 埃德温·奥康纳1963《掠夺者》威廉·福克纳1964空缺空缺1965《The Keepers of the House》《管家》Shirley Ann Grau 雪莉·安· 格劳1966.《灰⾊马,灰⾊的骑⼿》.凯瑟琳·安·波特1967《修配⼯》伯纳德·马拉默德1968《纳特·特纳的⾃⽩》威廉·斯泰伦1969《⽇诞之地》N. Scott Momaday纳⽡雷·斯科特·莫马迪1970《The Collected Stories of Jean Stafford 《琼·斯塔福德⼩说集》Jean Stafford 琼·斯塔福德1971空缺空缺1972《安息⾓》华莱⼠·斯泰格纳1973 1974《乐观者的⼥⼉》空缺尤多拉·韦尔蒂空缺《The Killer Angels》Michael Shaara1975《The Killer Angels》《决战葛底斯堡》Michael Shaara 迈克尔·夏拉1976《洪堡的礼物》索尔·贝娄1977空缺空缺1978《Elbow Room》《活动空间》James Alan McPherson 詹姆斯·艾伦·麦克弗森1979《约翰·契佛⼩说集》约翰·契佛1980《刽⼦⼿之歌》诺曼·梅勒1981《笨蛋联盟》约翰·肯尼迪·图尔1982《兔⼦富了》约翰·厄普代克1983《紫⾊》艾丽斯·沃克1984《紫苑草》威廉·肯尼迪1985《外交事务》艾莉森·卢⾥1986《寂寞之鸽》拉⾥·麦克穆特瑞1987《A Summons to Memphis》《召唤孟菲斯》Peter Taylor 彼得·泰勒1988《宠⼉》托妮·莫⾥森1989《呼吸呼吸》安·泰勒1990《曼波之王的情歌》奥斯卡·⿊杰罗斯1991《兔⼦歇了》约翰·厄普代克1992《⼀千英亩》简·斯迈利1993《奇⼭飘⾹》罗伯特·奥伦·巴特勒1994《船讯》安妮·普鲁1995《斯通家史札记》卡罗尔·希尔兹1996《独⽴⽇》理查德·福特1997《Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer》《马丁·德雷斯勒:⼀个美国寻梦者的故事》Martin Dressler 马丁·德雷斯勒1998《美国牧歌》菲利普·罗斯1999《时时刻刻》迈克尔·坎宁安2000《疾病解说者》裘帕·拉希莉2001《卡⽡利与克雷的神奇冒险》迈克尔·夏邦2002《帝国瀑布》理查德·拉索2003《中性》杰弗⾥·尤⾦尼德·2004《已知的世界》爱德华·琼斯2005《基列家书》玛⾥琳·鲁宾逊2006《马奇》杰拉尔丁·布鲁克斯2007《路》科马克·麦卡锡2008《奥斯卡·⽡奥短暂⽽奇妙的⼀⽣》朱诺·迪亚斯2009《奥丽芙·基特⾥奇》伊丽莎⽩·斯特劳特2010《修补匠》保罗·哈丁2011《恶棍来访》珍妮弗·伊根2013《孤⼉领袖的⼉⼦》亚当·约翰逊2014《⾦翅雀》唐娜·塔特2015《所有我们看不见的光》安东尼·多尔2016《同情者》(The Sympathizer)阮越清(Viet Thanh Nguyen)2017 2018《地下铁道》《莱斯》(Less)科尔森·怀特⿊德安德鲁·西恩·格利尔(Andrew SeanGreer)。
The Pulitzer Prize普利策奖
The Pulitzer Prize普利策奖作者:胡杨来源:《中学生英语·中考指导版》2017年第12期The Pulitzer Prize is an award for achievements in newspaper, magazine and online journalism, literature, and musical composition in the United States. It was established in 1917 by provisions1 in the will of American (Hungarian-born) Joseph Pulitzer who had made his fortune as a newspaper publisher, and is administered2 by Columbia University in New York City. Prizes are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. In twenty of the categories, each winner receives a certificate and a US$15,000 cash award. The winner in the public service category of the journalism competition is awarded a gold medal.普利策奖是美国的一项成就奖,奖励那些在报纸、杂志与网络新闻、文学和音乐创作方面取得的成就。
近年来获奖的英语文学作品1. 小说类作品:2019年,《女仆的故事》(The Handmaid's Tale) 作者,玛格丽特·阿特伍德 (Margaret Atwood) 获得了布克奖 (Booker Prize)。
2018年,《普拉达穿不烂》(Less) 作者,安德鲁·肖恩·格里尔 (Andrew Sean Greer) 获得了普利策奖 (Pulitzer Prize)。
2017年,《林肯在巴多斯》(Lincoln in the Bardo) 作者,乔治·桑德斯 (George Saunders) 获得了布克奖 (Booker Prize)。
2. 非小说类作品:2019年,《知识就是力量》(The Fifth Risk) 作者,迈克尔·刘易斯 (Michael Lewis) 获得了美国国家图书奖 (National Book Award)。
2018年,《罗斯福家族》(The Bully Pulpit) 作者,戴茨·史蒂文森 (Doris Kearns Goodwin) 获得了普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize)。
2017年,《一切皆有可能》(The Impossible Climb) 作者,马克·西尼特 (Mark Synnott) 获得了班克罗夫特奖 (Banff Mountain Book Competition)。
3. 诗歌类作品:2019年,《美国之歌》(American Sonnets for My Past and Future Assassin) 作者,特蕾西·K·史密斯 (Terrance Hayes) 获得了国家图书奖 (National Book Award)。
2018年,《半个世纪的诗》(Half-Light: Collected Poems 1965-2016) 作者,弗兰克·比德尔曼 (Frank Bidart) 获得了普利策奖 (Pulitzer Prize)。
2015年公务员考试常识积累:普利策奖与菲尔兹奖普利策奖一、普利策奖的内涵普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize)亦称普利策新闻奖,是于1917年根据美国报业巨头、匈牙利裔美国人约瑟夫·普利策的遗愿设立的奖项。
Pulitzer Prize
Pulitzer PrizeAwarded for Excellence innewspaper journalism,literary achievements,and musicalcomposition Presented by Columbia University Country United StatesFirst awarded 1917The Pulitzer Prize (pronounced/ˈpʊlɨtsər/)[1] is a U.S. award for achievements in newspaper journalism, literature and musical composition. It wasestablished by Hungarian-American publisher Joseph Pulitzer and is administered by Columbia University in New York City.Prizes are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. In twenty of these, each winner receives a certificate and a US$10,000 cash award.[2] The winner in the public service category of the journalism competition is awarded a gold medal, which always goes to a newspaper, although an individual may be named in the citation.•Famous winnersFamous recipients of the Pulitzer Prize include President John F. Kennedy for Biography; Margaret Mitchell, Saul Bellow, Ernest Hemingway, Eudora Welty, Harper Lee, William Faulkner, and ToniMorrison for Fiction; Robert Frost for Poetry; Roger Ebert for Criticism; and Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Rodgers and Hammerstein, and Stephen Sondheim for Drama. Upton Sinclair also won the Pulitizer Prize for his novel Dragon's Teeth.Notable winners of more than one Pulitzer Prize include David McCullough (twice) for Biography; Robert Frost (four times) for Poetry; Margaret Leech (twice) for History; Eugene O'Neill (four times), Edward Albee (three times), and August Wilson (twice) for Drama; Norman Mailer (twice) for Pulitizer Prize for Fiction and Pulitizer Prize for Non-Fiction and William Faulkner (twice), John Updike (twice), and Booth Tarkington (twice) for Novel / Fiction. (This category's name was changed in 1948 from Novel to Fiction.)Both Eugene O'Neill and Booth Tarkington accomplished the feat of winning the prize twice in a four-year period. Thornton Wilder is notable for winning prizes in more than one category, one in the Novel category and two in the Drama categories. Robert Penn Warren won one for Fiction and one for Poetry. CategoriesThe Pulitzer PrizesJoseph Pulitzer• Pulitzers byyearPulitzer winnersJournalism:•Public Service•Breaking News Reporting•Investigative ReportingAwards are made in categories relating to newspaper journalism, arts, and letters. Only published reports and photographs by United States-based newspapers or daily news organizations are eligible for the journalism prize. Beginning in 2007, "an assortment of online elements will be permitted in all journalism categories except for the competition's two photography categories, which will continue to restrict entries to still images."[5] In December 2008 it was announced that for the first time content published in online-only news sources would be considered.The current Pulitzer Prize category definitions in the 2008 competition, in the order they are awarded, are:•Public Service –for a distinguished example of meritorious public service by anewspaper through the use of its journalistic resources, which may include editorials, cartoons, and photographs, as well as reporting. Often thought of as the grand prize, the Public Service award is given to the newspaper, not to individuals, though individuals are often mentioned for their contributions.•Breaking News Reporting –for a distinguished example of local reporting of breaking news.•Investigative Reporting –for a distinguished example of investigative reporting by an individual or team, presented as a single newspaper article or series.•Explanatory Reporting –for a distinguished example of explanatory newspaper reporting that illuminates a significant and complex subject, demonstrating mastery of the subject, lucid writing, and clear presentation.•Local Reporting –for a distinguished example of local newspaper reporting that illuminates significant issues or concerns.[5]•National Reporting – for a distinguished example of newspaper reporting on national affairs.•International Reporting –for a distinguished example of newspaper reporting on international affairs, including United Nations correspondence. •Feature Writing –for a distinguished example of newspaper feature writing giving prime consideration to high literary quality and originality. •Commentary –for distinguished commentary.•Criticism – for distinguished criticism. •Editorial Writing –for distinguished editorial writing, the test of excellence being clarity of style, moral purpose, sound reasoning, and power to influencepublic opinion in what the writer conceives to be the right direction. •Editorial Cartooning –for a distinguished cartoon or portfolio of cartoons published during the year, characterized by originality, editorial effectiveness, quality of drawing, and pictorial effect.•Breaking News Photography, previously called Spot News Photography –for a distinguished example of breaking news photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence, or an album. •Feature Photography –for a distinguished example of feature photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence, or an album. There are six categories in letters and drama:•Fiction – for distinguished fiction by anAmerican author, preferably dealing with American life.•Drama –for a distinguished play by an American author, preferably original in its source and dealing with American life. •History – for a distinguished book on the history of the United States. •Biography or Autobiography –for a distinguished biography or autobiography by an American author.•Poetry –for a distinguished volume of original verse by an American author. •General Non-Fiction –for a distinguished book of non-fiction by an American author that is not eligible for consideration in any other category. There is one prize given for music: •Pulitzer Prize for Music –for a distinguished musical contribution by an American that had its first performance or recording in the United States during the year.11/ 11Pulitzer PrizeThere have also been a number of Special Citations and Awards.In addition to the prizes, Pulitzer travelling fellowships are awarded to four outstanding students of the Graduate School of Journalism as selected by the faculty.。
pulitzer prize
The Spingarn Medal
The Spingarn Medal is awarded annually by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 全国有色人种协进会for outstanding achievement by an African American. The award, which consists of a gold medal, was created by Joel Elias Spingarn, Chairman of the Board of the NAACP in 1914. It was first awarded to biologist Ernest E. Just in 1915, and has been given each year thereafter, with the exce前凭 港台单元剧《没有墙的世界》 之《第三选择》获提名角逐本 届国际艾美奖中的最佳女演员。 剧中朱茵饰演一名全身瘫痪的 残障病人,她表示希望通过该 剧,可以让观众重视残障病人, 让他们获公平对待。现身在纽 约的她,在香港时间20日凌晨 出席艾美奖前奏活动,她上台 接受完大会颁发的证书及金牌 后,心情仍然兴奋。而颁奖礼 将于香港时间22日早上举行。
在刚刚结束的第33届国际电视 艾美奖颁奖晚会上,中国女星何 琳因在电视电影《为奴隶的母亲》 中的出色表演,凭借“母亲”阿 秀一角,战胜了来自挪威、巴西 和英国三位颇具实力的女星,最 终获得最佳女演员奖。这是来自 35个国家的500位评委花了近六 个月的时间、进行了三轮评选后 得出的结果。何琳由此成为第一 位获此殊荣的亚洲女星。
获得普利策新闻奖的作品《揭秘普利策新闻奖:奖项由来与评选标准》前言:普利策新闻奖(Pulitzer Prize)是美国新闻界最高荣誉,被誉为“新闻界的诺贝尔奖”。
一、普利策新闻奖的由来普利策新闻奖的创立源于约瑟夫·普利策(Joseph Pulitzer)的遗嘱。
二、普利策新闻奖的评选标准普利策新闻奖的评选标准十分严格,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 质量与深度:获奖作品必须具备卓越的质量和深度,能够准确、客观地报道事实,提供新的观点和见解。
2. 新闻价值:获奖作品应具有重大的新闻价值,能够引发社会公众的广泛关注和讨论,对社会产生积极的影响。
3. 独立性与公正性:获奖作品应具备独立性和公正性,不受政治、商业或其他利益干扰,能够客观、公正地报道事实。
4. 创新与审美:获奖作品应具备创新性和审美价值,能够以独特的视角和方式呈现新闻内容,给读者带来不同的阅读体验。
5. 深入调查与报道:获奖作品应具备深入调查和报道的能力,能够挖掘出深层次的问题和内幕,揭示真相,推动社会进步。
其中,最重要的类别包括:1. 公共服务类奖项:表彰对公众利益有重大贡献的报道,如揭露腐败、推动法律改革等。
2. 新闻调查类奖项:表彰深入调查和揭露社会问题的报道,如调查贪污、环境污染等。
3. 国际报道类奖项:表彰在国际新闻领域做出突出贡献的报道,如战地报道、国际人权报道等。
普利策奖英文作文Winning the Pulitzer Prize is a dream come true for any journalist or writer. It's a recognition of their hard work, dedication, and talent. The Pulitzer Prize is a prestigious honor that can open many doors in the world of journalism and literature.The Pulitzer Prize is not just a personal achievement, but also a validation of the importance of the stories and issues that the winner has covered. It's a sign that their work has made an impact and has contributed to the public's understanding of the world around them.Receiving the Pulitzer Prize can also bring a sense of responsibility. It means that the winner's work will beheld to a higher standard, and that they will be expectedto continue producing high-quality, impactful journalism or literature.The Pulitzer Prize can also bring a sense of validationand recognition from peers and the industry. It's a signthat the winner's work is respected and admired by their colleagues and the wider community.For many, winning the Pulitzer Prize is a career-defining moment. It can lead to new opportunities, higher visibility, and increased credibility in the field of journalism or literature. It's a stamp of approval that can open many doors and pave the way for future success.In conclusion, winning the Pulitzer Prize is a tremendous achievement that can have a profound impact on a journalist or writer's career. It's a recognition of their talent and hard work, and can open many doors in the industry. It's a validation of the importance of their work, and can bring a sense of responsibility and validation.。
普利策奖又称“普立兹奖”,是由美国知名公益机构普立兹基金会(Pulitzer Prize)颁发的由新闻奖、音乐奖、文学奖及交响管乐五大部分所构成的杰出成就
普利策奖Pulitzer Prizes知多少?
普利策奖Pulitzer Prizes知多少?胡平;张玉藕【期刊名称】《英语自学》【年(卷),期】2004(000)004【摘要】<正> 4月5日,今年的普利策奖揭晓。
但是你真正了解它吗?普利策奖是如何设立的?其宗旨是什么?都有哪些奖项?评选是如何进行的?【总页数】3页(P20-22)【作者】胡平;张玉藕【作者单位】天津武警医学院;天津武警医学院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G634.41【相关文献】1.Pulitzer Prizes [J], 胡平2.Mathematics Prizes——数学奖项知多少Mathematics Prizes——数学奖项知多少 [J], 覃琛琛3.中国新闻学者的普利策奖情结:近40年普利策奖研究回顾 [J], 方洁;杨凯文;刘畅;张浩源4.Tonight Stars Brilliant──China E astern Air Wins the World Top ServicePrize: FiveStar Diamond Prize. [J],5.International Szent-Gyorgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research:basic and translational research recognition Mary-Claire King received the 2016 Prize for her pioneering research that demonstrated the first evidence of genetic predisposition to breast cancer [J], Hali Hartmann;Jie Zhao;Sujuan Ba因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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The Pulitzer Prize (pronounced /ˈpʊlɨtsər/)[1] is a U.S. award for achievements in newspaper journalism, literature and musical composition. It was established by Hungarian-American publisher Joseph Pulitzer and is administered by Columbia University in New York City.Prizes are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. In twenty of these, each winner receives a certificate and a US$10,000 cash award.[2] The winner in the public service category of the journalism competition is awarded a gold medal, which always goes to a newspaper, although an individual may be named in the citation.•Famous winnersFamous recipients of the Pulitzer Prize include President John F. Kennedy for Biography; Margaret Mitchell, Saul Bellow, Ernest Hemingway, Eudora Welty, Harper Lee, WilliamFaulkner, and Toni Morrison for Fiction; Robert Frost for Poetry; Roger Ebert for Criticism; and Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Rodgers and Hammerstein, and Stephen Sondheim for Drama. Upton Sinclair also won the Pulitizer Prize for his novel Dragon's Teeth.Notable winners of more than one Pulitzer Prize include David McCullough (twice) for Biography; Robert Frost (four times) for Poetry; Margaret Leech (twice) for History; Eugene O'Neill (four times), Edward Albee (three times), and August Wilson (twice) for Drama; Norman Mailer (twice) for Pulitizer Prize for Fiction and Pulitizer Prize forNon-Fiction and William Faulkner (twice), John Updike (twice), and Booth Tarkington (twice) for Novel / Fiction. (This category's name was changed in 1948 from Novel to Fiction.)Both Eugene O'Neill and Booth Tarkington accomplished the feat of winning the prize twice in a four-year period. Thornton Wilder is notable for winning prizes in more than one category, one in the Novel category and two in the Drama categories. Robert Penn Warren won one for Fiction and one for Poetry.CategoriesAwards are made in categories relating to newspaper journalism, arts, and letters. Only published reports and photographs by United States-based newspapers or daily news organizations are eligible for the journalism prize. Beginning in 2007, "an assortment of online elements will be permitted in all journalism categories except for the competition's two photography categories, which will continue to restrict entries to still images."[5] In December 2008 it was announced that for the first time content published in online-only news sources would be considered.The current Pulitzer Prize category definitions in the 2008 competition, in the order they are awarded, are:•Public Service –for a distinguished example of meritorious public service by a newspaper through the use of its journalistic resources, which may include editorials, cartoons, and photographs, as well as reporting. Often thought of as the grand prize, the Public Service award is given to the newspaper, not to individuals, though individuals are often mentioned for their contributions.•Breaking News Reporting –for a distinguished example of local reporting of breaking news.•Investigative Reporting –for a distinguished example of investigative reporting by an individual or team, presented as a single newspaper article or series.•Explanatory Reporting –for a distinguished example of explanatory newspaper reporting that illuminates a significant and complex subject, demonstrating mastery of the subject, lucid writing, and clear presentation.•Local Reporting –for a distinguished example of local newspaper reporting that illuminates significant issues or concerns.[5]•National Reporting –for a distinguished example of newspaper reporting on national affairs.•International Reporting –for a distinguished example of newspaper reporting on international affairs, including United Nations correspondence.•Feature Writing –for a distinguished example of newspaper feature writing giving prime consideration to high literary quality and originality.•Commentary –for distinguished commentary.•Criticism –for distinguished criticism.•Editorial Writing –for distinguished editorial writing, the test of excellence being clarity of style, moral purpose, sound reasoning, and power to influence public opinion in what the writer conceives to be the right direction.•Editorial Cartooning –for a distinguished cartoon or portfolio of cartoons published during the year, characterized by originality, editorial effectiveness, quality of drawing, and pictorial effect.•Breaking News Photography, previously called Spot News Photography –for adistinguished example of breaking news photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence, or an album.•Feature Photography –for a distinguished example of feature photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence, or an album.There are six categories in letters and drama:•Fiction –for distinguished fiction by an American author, preferably dealing with American life.•Drama –for a distinguished play by an American author, preferably original in its source and dealing with American life.•History –for a distinguished book on the history of the United States. •Biography or Autobiography –for a distinguished biography or autobiography by an American author.•Poetry –for a distinguished volume of original verse by an American author. •General Non-Fiction –for a distinguished book of non-fiction by an American author that is not eligible for consideration in any other category.There is one prize given for music:•Pulitzer Prize for Music –for a distinguished musical contribution by an American that had its first performance or recording in the United States during the year.There have also been a number of Special Citations and Awards.In addition to the prizes, Pulitzer travelling fellowships are awarded to four outstanding students of the Graduate School of Journalism as selected by the faculty.。