US Defense Secretary Meets With Iraqi Officials in Baghdad
So to all of my American colleagues, members of the Cabinet, and other leaders of our government, thank you for your work on behalf of this dialogue. And to our Chinese colleagues and partners, thank you for making this long journey – not only the journey you made by the airplane that brought you here, but the journey that we are making together to build a better future for our children and our grandchildren.
Deng Xiaoping once described China’s process of reform and modernization as being like a person crossing a river by feeling his way over the stones. That is a good description of the way forward that we must chart together. We know it won’t be easy and there will certainly be times when both our countries stumble on the unexpected stones. But if we continue building the habits of cooperation and respect that this dialogue represents, and if we learn to trust one another and better understand each other’s intentions, then I am confident we will not let those slippery stones trip us up and derail our progress. We are very pleased at the habits of cooperation and understanding that have already been developed, and we greatly appreciated the successful visit by President Hu Jintao this past January and the agreements that he and President Obama have made to deepen our relationship to make it one that is positive, cooperative, and comprehensive.
《时代》杂志阅读笔记 (2)
《时代》杂志阅读笔记(2)作文The Many Ways of Being Modern -Iraq is not going to look like the U.S. anytime soon. That’s not a problem./time/columnist/elliott/article/0,9565,563194,00.html本篇文章主要探讨的是不同国家间的实现现代华的途径(The Many Ways of Being Modern )由文章的副标题我们知道作者要谈得是时下相当热烙的话题:伊拉克美国化不是指日可待的。
接下去的一句是作者的观点:非美国化(not going to look like the U.S)没问题。
Thirty years ago, my girlfriend and I took an overnight ferry from Peraeus, the port of Athens, to Iraklion, on the island of Crete. After mooching around the Minoan ruins at Knossos, we hitchhiked to the wildly beautiful lands in the west of the island. The girlfriend became my wife, and every year or two since - 15 times in all - we’ve returned, to the same village, the same indescribable light, the same White Mountains, plunging into the same wine-dark sea.文章的第一段和《时代》的许多ESSAY一样,由一件小事讲起。
美军战略司令部发言稿英文Ladies and gentlemen,Distinguished guests,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is an honor to stand before you today as the representative of the United States Military's Strategic Command (STRATCOM). I would like to express my gratitude to the organizers for giving me this opportunity to address such a distinguished gathering.As the Commander of STRATCOM, my responsibilities are wide-ranging and critical to our nation's security. The primary mission of STRATCOM is to provide an integrated strategic deterrent capability to ensure the safety, security, and effectiveness of the United States and our allies. Today, I wish to share with you the key considerations, challenges, and opportunities that STRATCOM faces in the ever-evolving global security landscape.First and foremost, STRATCOM is responsible for the nation's nuclear deterrence. Our nuclear forces serve as the ultimate form of deterrent against any potential adversary. The strategic arsenal not only guarantees the security of the United States but also serves as a catalyst for peaceful resolutions and international stability. STRATCOM ensures that our forces are maintained at a level of readiness that can deter any potential nuclear threat, thus preventing the occurrence of armed conflicts.However, nuclear deterrence is just one aspect of STRATCOM's responsibilities. The command also oversees a broad range of othercapabilities that contribute to our national security. These capabilities include missile defense, space operations, cyberspace operations, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), and global strike. In an interconnected world, our adversaries have become increasingly sophisticated, and we must be prepared to address threats across multiple domains.One of the key challenges we face is the growing threat from hostile state actors and non-state actors alike. Emerging technologies, such as hypersonic weapons and cyber capabilities, have not only enabled potential adversaries to challenge our nation's security but also created new vulnerabilities for us. In response to these challenges, STRATCOM has been investing in advanced technologies and capabilities to keep pace with the evolving threat landscape. This includes modernizing and upgrading our nuclear triad, enhancing missile defense systems, and developing offensive and defensive cyber capabilities.Another critical challenge is the growing militarization of space. Space has become an integral part of military operations, providing critical capabilities such as navigation, communication, and early warning systems. However, it has also become a potential battleground. Nations are developing anti-satellite capabilities, which pose a direct threat to our space assets. STRATCOM is focused on advancing our space capabilities, including space situational awareness, to ensure the safety and security of our vital space-based assets.In addition to these challenges, the rapid advancement of technology has also created opportunities for STRATCOM.Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data analytics have the potential to revolutionize military operations. We are investing in these emerging technologies to enhance our decision-making processes, improve our situational awareness, and increase the effectiveness of our operations. These technologies will also enable us to better detect and mitigate threats in real-time, greatly reducing the risk to our forces and assets.Furthermore, STRATCOM recognizes the importance of partnerships and alliances in addressing today's security challenges. We are committed to strengthening our alliances and deepening our partnerships with like-minded nations. This includes sharing intelligence, collaborating on joint exercises, and developing interoperable capabilities. Together, we can enhance our collective deterrence and build a more secure and stable global environment.In conclusion, the United States Military's Strategic Command is committed to ensuring the safety, security, and effectiveness of the United States and our allies. We recognize the evolving nature of the global security landscape and the challenges it presents. STRATCOM is dedicated to staying at the forefront of technology, investing in advanced capabilities, and collaborating with our partners to address these challenges. Through our deterrence stance and proactive approach, we aim to maintain peace, stability, and security in an increasingly complex world.Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to engaging in further discussions on these critical issues.。
美国国务卿克里在美国驻古巴大使馆重开仪式英语演讲稿Please be seated, everybody. Thank you very, very much. Muchas gracias. Buenos dias. I'm so sorry that we are a little bit late today, but what a beautiful ride in and how wonderful to be here. And I thank you for leaving my future transportation out here in back of me. I love it. (Laughter.)Distinguished members of the Cuban delegation –Josefina, thank you for your leadership andfor all your work of your delegation; excellencies from the diplomatic corps; my colleaguesfrom Washington, past and present; Ambassador DeLaurentis and all of the embassy staff; andfriends watching around the world, thank you for joining us at this truly historic moment as weprepare to raise the United States flag here at our embassy in Havana, symbolizing the re-establishment of diplomatic relations after 54 years. This is also the first time that a UnitedStates Secretary of State has been to Cuba since 1945. (Applause.) This morning I feel very much at home here, and I'm grateful to those who have come to sharein this ceremony who are standing aroundoutside of our facilities, and I feel at home herebecause this is truly a memorable occasion – a day for pushing aside old barriers and exploringnew possibilities.And it is in that spirit that I say on behalf of my country, Los Estados Unidos acogen conbeneplacito este nuevo comienzo de su relacion con el pueblo y el Gobierno de Cuba. Sabemosque el camino hacia unas relaciones plenamente normales es largo, pero es precisamente porello que tenemos que empezar en este mismo instante. No hay nada que temer, ya que seranmuchos los beneficios de los que gozaremos cuando permitamos a nuestros ciudadanosconocerse mejor, visitarse con mas frecuencia, realizar negocios de forma habitual,intercambiar ideas y aprender los unos de los otros.My friends, we are gathered here today because our leaders –President Obama and PresidentCastro –made a courageous decision to stop being the prisoners of history and to focus onthe opportunities of today and tomorrow. This doesn't mean that we should or will forget thepast; how could we, after all? At least for my generation, the images are indelible.In 1959, Fidel Castro came to the United States and was greeted by enthusiastic crowds.Returning the next year for the UN General Assembly, he was embraced by then-Soviet PremierNikita Khrushchev. In 1961, the Bay of Pigs tragedy unfolded with President Kennedy acceptingresponsibility. And in October 1962, the missile crisis arose –13 days that pushed us to thevery threshold of nuclear war. I was a student then, and I can still remember the taut faces ofour leaders, the grim map showing the movement of opposing ships, the approachingdeadline, and that peculiar word –quarantine. We were unsettled and uncertain about thefuture because we didn't know when closing our eyes at night what we would find when wewoke up.In that frozen environment, diplomatic ties between Washington and this capital city werestrained, then stretched thin, then severed. In late 1960, the U.S. ambassador left Havana.Early the following January, Cuba demanded a big cut in the size of our diplomatic mission,and President Eisenhower then decided he had no choice but to shut the embassy down.Most of the U.S. staff departed quickly, but a few stayed behind tohand the keys over to ourSwiss colleagues, who would serve diligently and honorably as our protecting power for morethan 50 years. I just met with the Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter, and we're grateful toSwitzerland always for their service and their help. (Applause.) Among those remaining at the embassy were three Marine guards: Larry Morris, Mike East, andJim Tracy. As they stepped outside, they were confronted by a large crowd standing betweenthem and the flagpole. Tensions were high. No one felt safe. But the Marines had a mission toaccomplish. And slowly, the crowd just parted in front of them as they made their way to theflagpole, lowered Old Glory, folded it, and returned to the building.Larry, Mike, and Jim had done their jobs, but they also made a bold promise that one day theywould return to Havana and raise the flag again. (Applause.)At the time, no one could have imagined how distant that day would be.For more than half a century, U.S.-Cuban relations have been suspended in the amber of ColdWar politics. In the interim, a wholegeneration of Americans and Cubans have grown up andgrown old. The United States has had ten new presidents. In a united Germany, the Berlin Wallis a fading memory. Freed from Soviet shackles, Central Europe is again home to thrivingdemocracies.And last week, I was in Hanoi to mark the 20th anniversary of normalization of relationsbetween the United States and Vietnam. Think about that. A long and terrible war that inflictedindelible scars on body and mind, followed by two decades of mutual healing, followed byanother two decades of diplomatic and commercial engagement. In this period, Vietnamevolved from a country torn apart by violence into a dynamic society with one of the world'sfastest growing economies. And all that time, through reconciliation, through normalization,Cuban-American relations remained locked in the past.Meanwhile, new technologies enabled people everywhere to benefit from shared projects acrossvast stretches of ocean and land. My friends, it doesn't take a GPS to realize that the road ofmutual isolation and estrangement that the United States and Cuba were traveling was notthe right one and that the time has come for us to move in a morepromising direction.In the United States, that means recognizing that U.S. policy is not the anvil on which Cuba'sfuture will be forged. Decades of good intentions aside, the policies of the past have not led to ademocratic transition in Cuba. It would be equally unrealistic to expect normalizing relationsto have, in a short term, a transformational impact. After all, Cuba's future is for Cubans toshape. Responsibility for the nature and quality of governance and accountability rests, as itshould, not with any outside entity; but solely within the citizens of this country.But the leaders in Havana –and the Cuban people –should also know that the United Stateswill always remain a champion of democratic principles and reforms. Like many othergovernments in and outside this hemisphere, we will continue to urge the Cuban Governmentto fulfill its obligations under the UN and inter-American human rights covenants –obligationsshared by the United States and every other country in the Americas.And indeed, we remain convinced the people of Cuba would be best served by genuinedemocracy, where people are free to choose theirleaders, express their ideas, practice theirfaith; where the commitment to economic and social justice is realized more fully; whereinstitutions are answerable to those they serve; and where civil society is independent andallowed to flourish.Let me be clear: The establishment of normal diplomatic relations is not something that onegovernment does as a favor to another; it is something that two countries do together when thecitizens of both will benefit. And in this case, the reopening of our embassies is important ontwo levels: People-to-people and government-to-government.First, we believe it's helpful for the people of our nations to learn more about each other, tomeet each other. That is why we are encouraged that travel from the United States to Cuba hasalready increased by 35 percent since January and is continuing to go up. We are encouragedthat more and more U.S. companies are exploring commercial ventures here that would createopportunities for Cuba's own rising number of entrepreneurs, and we are encouraged that U.S.firms are interested in helping Cuba expand its telecommunications and internet links, andthat the government here recently pledged tocreate dozens of new and more affordable Wi-Fihotspots.We also want to acknowledge the special role that the Cuban American community is playingin establishing a new relationship between our countries. And in fact, we have with us thismorning representatives from that community, some of whom were born here and others whowere born in the United States. With their strong ties of culture and family, they cancontribute much to the spirit of bilateral cooperation and progress that we are seeking tocreate, just as they have contributed much to their communities in their adopted land.The restoration of diplomatic ties will also make it easier for our governments to engage.After all, we are neighbors, and neighbors will always have much to discuss in such areas as civilaviation, migration policy, disaster preparedness, protecting marine environment, globalclimate change, and other tougher and more complicated issues. Having normal relationsmakes it easier for us to talk, and talk can deepen understanding even when we know full wellwe will not see eye to eye on everything.We are all aware that notwithstanding President Obama's newpolicy, the overall U.S.embargo on trade with Cuba remains in place and can only be lifted by congressional action –a step that we strongly favor. For now –(applause). For now, the President has taken steps toease restrictions on remittances, on exports and imports to help Cuban private entrepreneurs,on telecommunications, on family travel, but we want to go further. The goal of all of thesechanges is to help Cubans connect to the world and to improve their lives. And just as we aredoing our part, we urge the Cuban Government to make it less difficult for their citizens tostart businesses, to engage in trade, access information online. The embargo has always beensomething of a two-way street –both sides need to remove restrictions that have been holdingCubans back.Before closing, I want to sincerely thank leaders throughout the Americas who have long urgedthe United States and Cuba to restore normal ties. I thank the Holy Father Pope Francis andthe Vatican for supporting the start of a new chapter in relations between our countries. And Ithink it is not accidental that the Holy Father will come here and then to Washington, theUnited States at this moment. I applaudPresident Obama and President Castro both forhaving the courage to bring us together in the face of considerable opposition. I amgrateful to Assistant Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson and her team, to our counterparts inthe Cuban Foreign Ministry, to our chief of mission, Ambassador Jeff DeLaurentis and hisextraordinary staff, for all of the hard work that has led up to this day. And I just say to ourwonderful embassy staff, if you think you've been busy these past months, hold on to yourseatbelts. (Laughter.)But above all, above all, I want to pay tribute to the people of Cuba and to the CubanAmerican community in the United States. Jose Marti once said that “everything that dividesmen…is a sin against humanity.”Clearly, the events of the past –the harsh words, theprovocative and retaliatory actions, the human tragedies –all have been a source of deepdivision that has diminished our common humanity. There have been too many days ofsacrifice and sorrow; too many decades of suspicion and fear. That is why I am heartened bythe many on both sides of the Straits who –whether because of family ties or a simple desire toreplace anger with something more productive –have endorsed thissearch for a better path.We have begun to move down that path without any illusions about how difficult it may be. Butwe are each confident in our intentions, confident in the contacts that we have made, andpleased with the friendships that we have begun to forge.And we are certain that the time is now to reach out to one another, as two peoples who are nolonger enemies or rivals, but neighbors –time to unfurl our flags, raise them up, and let theworld know that we wish each other well.Estamos seguros de que este es el momento de acercarnos: dos pueblos ya no enemigos nirivales, sino vecinos. Es el momento de desplegar nuestras banderas, enarbolarlas y hacerlesaber al resto del mundo que nos deseamos lo mejor los unos a los otros.It is with that healing mission in mind that I turn now to Larry Morris, Jim Tracy, and MikeEast. Fifty-four years ago, you gentlemen promised to return to Havana and hoist the flag overthe United States Embassy that you lowered on that January day long ago. Today, I invite youon behalf of President Obama and the American people to fulfill that 11————来源网络整理,仅供供参考pledge by presenting theStars and Stripes to be raised by members of our current military detachment.Larry, Jim, and Mike, this is your cue to deliver on words that would make any diplomat proud,just as they would any member of the United States Marine Corps: Promise made, promisekept. Thank you.————来源网络整理,仅供供参考12。
VOA英语2021 美国及其盟友想办法帮助伊拉克难民
VOA英语2021 美国及其盟友想办法帮助伊拉克难民US and Allies Consider Ways to Help Iraqi Refugees 美国及其盟友想办法协助伊拉克难民The U.S. and its allies are discussing ways to rescue thousands of Iraqi civilians trapped on a mountaintop in northern Iraq. They are mostly members of religious minorities. They are fleeing attacks by Islamic State militants.美国及其盟友在协商援救被困在伊拉克北部数千名平民的办法,他们多数是宗教少数派成员,因逃避“伊斯兰国”武装分子的袭击而逃难至此。
Ben Rhodes is a national security adviser for President Barack Obama. He said the president would decide within days whether to send American military troops to help. He said the administration does not believe American troops will return to a combat role in Iraq.本·罗德是巴拉克·奥巴马总统的国家安全顾问,他说总统将在几天内决定是否派出美国军队提供协助,他说政府认为美军不会回到伊拉克扮演作战角色。
Earlier Tuesday, the U.S. deployed more than a hundred military advisers to northern Iraq to help find ways to help the trapped civilians. They include members of the Yazidi and Christian minority groups.周二早些时候,美国派遣100多名军事顾问到伊拉克北部,想办法协助被困平民,其中包括雅兹迪和基督徒少数群体。
We estimate that it has a diameter of over 550km and a mass roughly one fourth the size of our moon.
Morning,Lucas. You see these? I got a whole goddamn crop full of these. If your father's not in the air in 20 minutes, I'm getting someone else.
Russell! Russell! what are you doing? Just what in the hell do you think you're doing? It's the wrong field,you idiot! Lucas's farm is on the other side of town!
Sure. I'm not laughing. Age was not an issue when you stuck to your guns.
You were seen as young,idealistic...
Now the message has gotten lost. It's too much politics,too much compromise. Isn't it amazing how quickly everyone can turn against you? Excuse me Mr. President,it's the Secretary of Defense.
This examination paper consists of 3 sections:Section A tests your mastery of English vocabulary, usage and grammar; Section B tests your ability to understand English in context; and Section C tests your reading comprehensionSECTION A: VOCABULARY, USAGE, & GRAMMARSubsection 1Directions: Choose one of the 4 answers given in each group which best matches the underlined par.1. Moreover, numerous examples will be found to illustrate the perils of nepotism in business.[A] preferential treatment [B] despotism in business practice[C] prejudice in business practice [D] excessive favor given to relatives2. But ground zero for American nepotism will be the November election, when voters will get to decide how they feel about the proliferation of family ties in our governing class.[A] exact point where a bomb strikes the ground[B] starting point [C] social foundation[D] origination of a tradition3. And whether he wins or loses, we will likely hear increasing speculation about a possible dynastic face-off in between First Brother Jeb Bush and Sen .Hillary Clinton.[A] losing face [B] confrontation between opponents[C] damaging one’s reputation [D] hitting someone right in the face4. The arms race became a way to measure who was winning.And since the central battlefield was quiet , both sides helped allies in their local struggles-in other words , proxy wars.[A] mock wars [B] virtual wars[C] unreal wars [D] wars fought for others5. For hardheaded reasons of self-interest , most countries would join together in a global antiterrorism coalition—if the United States would try to forge one .[A] foolish reasons [B] practical purposes[C] clear-headed reasons [D] shrewd reasons6. After a series of scandals going back to the J.Edgar Hoover era , many FBI brick agents thought they could not trust their own superiors.“None of the people on Mahogany Row backed up agents down the food chain when we were investigated for doing black-bag jobs against radical leftists,”recalled a veteran Gman.[A] wooden bench [B] the bureau’s executive suites[C] round table [D] leadership7. But the outgoing prime minister is already regarded by most Palestinians as an American puppet , and any attempt to shore him up would probably backfire.[A] make him stay [B] support him[C] oust him [D] discredit him8. Few American Sitchcoms have infiltrated global culture as forcefully—and as funnily—as “friends.”NBC’s long-running series , about six twenty something (by now, thirty something) singles navigating relationships in a whitewashed New York City, is broadcast in nearly 60countries and seen weekly by more than 40 million people .[A] Sitting-room comedies [B] Situation comedies[C] soap operas [D] popular comedies9. Still, a lot has changed since 1998, Then, Russia was out of control , prey to speculators and the whims of the rapacious tycoons who took over banks and newly privatized industries.[A] wisdom of joyous giants[B] impulsive decisions of insatiable magnates[C] speculations of ambitious CEOs[D] whimsical business leaders10.Among the more troubling elements of this tale, obviously, is how it highlights an enduring fact of Russian business life. At bottom, the scene remains ad hoc, changeable, prey to happenstance or even whimsy.[A] victim of disasters [B] easy to make happen[C] happen unexpectedly [D] subject to chance occurrenceSubsection 2Directions: Complete each of the following blanks by choosing one of the 4 given sets of prepositions/adverbs .1. Saddam Hussein was apparently convinced that US forces would never invade Iraq and oust him _____ power, say US officials familiar _____ the accounts _____ capture members of the former dictator’s regime[A] off, with, for [B] from, with, of[C] from, to, of [D] from, with, to2. US officials say that this account of Saddam’s misunderstanding _____ American intentions could well explain the haphazard way _____ which the regime defended itself and fell _____ early in the American onslaught.[A] by, against, off [B] of, against, off[C] of, in, apart [D] with, against, apart3. US and British Intel officials still say stockpiles of chemical _____biological agents will turn ______. But US defense analysts are paying more attention to a “working hypothesis,”based_____ stories told by Iraqi captives, that no live WMD may ever be found..[A] or, up, on [B] with, up, upon[C] of, out, on [D] of, on, on4. Rumsfeld insisted that risk aversion was less_____ a problem in the military_____ elsewhere in the government.But he acknowledged,_______ his own sometimes frustrating experience, that changing a bureaucratic culture takes time.[A] of, for, from [B] of, than, from[C] for, than, by [D] of, than, by5. Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein—now______ the hands of U.S.forces at an undisclosed location_______ his capture —says he did not have weapons_______ mass destruction before the war, two senior Bush administration officials tell CNN.[A] on, after, of [B] into, after, for[C] in, after, of [D] in, upon, of6. In a statement late Sunday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said the Chinese government hoped this dramatic development would be“conducive_______ the Iraqi people taking their destiny______ their own hands, and_______ realizing peace and stability in Iraq.”[A] for, in, for [B] to, in, to[C] with, into, with [D] to, into, to7. The president was first informed______ the operation at about 3:15 p.m. Saturday______ Camp David by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.Rumsfeld started the phoneconversation______ Bush_______ cautioning the president that first reports are not always accurate.[A] of, in, with, when [B] of, at, with, for[C] about, on, with, by [D] about, at, with, by8 Saddam said U.S.troops would face a bloodbath in Iraq, but his regime fell in_______ thana month. Advancing U.S.and British troops defaced______ destroyed many of Saddam’s monuments, followed later by ordinary Iraqis.Coalition forces now use many of palaces he had built to glorify his rule_____ bases.[A] more, and, as [B] less, or, for[C] less, and, as [D] less, or, as9. Every dynasty must take______ new blood from time to time, and Arnold is the David of the clan:a talented upstart who married_______ America’s royal family, he has suddenly put them back_______ the national spotlight after a series of recent defeats and unhappy reversals.[A] in, into, in [B] on, to, into[C] upon, into, on [D] in, to, in10.Americans think of sports as rigorously meritocratic.After all, if you can’t hit a home run _____ sink a basket you won’t last long _____ this arena.Yet family ties abound _____ major sports, as we will be reminded when baseball starts in April and athletes like Barry Bonds, Roberto Alomar and Moises Alou take the field.[A] or, in, for [B] or, in, in[C] and, in, in [D] or, into, inSubsection 3Directions: Decide which of the following 2 sentences in each group is correct, or whether they are both correct, or neither is correct.1. (1) The man was bare to the waist, sweating all over.(2) The giggling girls walked in bare feet across the soft meadow.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither2. (1) Some teachers suggested to call another mass-meeting.(2) The brick-layer at the top of the scaffold is calling more mortar.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither3. (1) You must hold your ground, don’t bargain away principles.(2) The young man bargains on making a fortune early in life.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither4. (1) The sun’s rays could not wedge their way through the barrage of foliage.(2) We picnicked at the base of the mountain.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither5. (1) The film was so wonderful that she was completely carried off.(2) He, a Hindu, has lost cast to becoming Christian.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither6. (1) I’m sorry, but you’ve dialed for the wrong number.(2) His screen career, for all practical purposes, had guttered out.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither7. (1) I think it will rain this afternoon, but my brother thinks otherwise.(2) The door cannot be opened otherwise than with a key.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither8. (1) The woman, so terrified, let off a shriek.(2) They will be expected to make their own beds.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither9. (1) The new method will be phased into the system.(2) The trams will be phased off.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] Neither10.(1) At first blush, he thought they would be a perfect couple.(2) He blustered his way passed the man guarding the entrance.[A] (1) [B] (2) [C] Both [D] NeitherSubsection 4Directions: Choose an article (or zero article) that best fits into each blank in the following passage and blacken the letter of the choice you have made in the Answer Sheet.Beijing respects ___1___ "desire of ___2___ Taiwan people to develop and pursue___3___democracy," but opposes efforts by ___4___Taiwan’s leaders to "cut off Taiwan from ___5___sacred territory of the Chinese motherland," ___6___Premier Wen Jiabao told CNN. Wrapping up ___7___ three-day trip to ___8___ United States, ___9___ Chinese premier said Beijing opposes ___10___ Taiwan referendum that may lead ___11___ island to ___12___ independence.Playing down any prospect of ___13___war over the issue, he said, "___14___ people of Taiwan are our blood brothers and sisters.So as long as even the slightest hope for ___15___ peace exists, we will work to our utmost to strive for ___16___ peaceful process.""However, we firmly oppose ___17___ attempts by certain security forces in Taiwan to pursue Taiwan independence under ___18___disguise of promoting democracy in ___19___ attempt to cut off Taiwan from ___20___ mainland."1. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil2. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil3. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil4. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil5. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil6. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil7. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil8. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil9. [A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil10.[A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil11.[A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil12.[A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil13.[A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil14.[A] A [B] An [C] The [D] Nil15.[A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil16.[A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil17.[A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil18.[A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil19.[A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nil20.[A] a [B] an [C] the [D] nilSECTION B: UNDERSTANDING IN CONTEXT: CLOZE TESTDirection: Choose one of the four choices given in each group which best fits into each of the blanks in the following passage, and blacken the corresponding letter of the choice you have made in the Answer Sheet.It was worth the wait.On Oct.15, after decades of fitful starts ___1___ spectacular failures for China’s space ___2___, Lieut.Colonel Yang Liwei, a ___3___ ex-fighter pilot, roared into the heavens to become China’s first man in space.During his 21-hour journey in the heavens, the38-year-old Yang maneuvered ___4___ in the tight compartment of the Shenzhou V ___5___, taking photographs, naps, and at one point ___6___ a tiny Chinese flag —an iconic image that would soon be broadcast to 1.3 billion fellow citizens back home.The ___7___ -control room outside Beijing burst into cheers, already ___8___ by a message from President Hu Jintao who announced that the ___9___ was “the glory of our great motherland.”Then, Yang fished around and produced another flag, this time a ___10___ blue one bearing the emblem of the United Nations, and held it up beside the red Chinese ensign.In a(n) ___11___ more important for its symbolism than its science, Yang’s flag-waving exercise sent an unexpected ___12___ to Planet Earth: not only had China joined the U.S.and Russia in the ___13___ club of spacefaring nations, it wanted to celebrate the achievement with the whole world.For the first time in centuries, China, ___14___ sensitive of its past as the isolated “sick man of Asia,”seemed confident of its own economic and political power, as comfortable strutting its stuff on the international ___15___ as any member of the G-8.Nowhere has this ___16___ confidence been on display more than in China’s rapidly improving international relations.In the past few months, under Hu’s leadership, Beijing has emerged as an increasingly sophisticated and mature ___17___ on the global stage, a power more intent on diplomatic ___18___ that preserves the country’s robust economic growth than on replaying the Maoist rhetoric of confrontation.“Hu puts more emphasis on ___19___ in foreign policy rather than on symbols,”says Chu Shulong, director of the Institute of Strategic Studies at Beijing’s ___20___ University, who advises the Chinese leadership on foreign affairs.1. [A] or [B] and [C] but [D] yet2. [A] project [B] program [C] dream [D] launch3. [A] young [B] small [C] little [D] diminutive4. [A] weightlessly [B] weightless[C] no-weight [D] feather-weigh5. [A] capsule [B] module [C] cabin [D] container6. [A] taking [B] clasping [C] handing [D] producing7. [A] task [B] launch [C] central [D] mission8. [A] gladdened [B] supported[C] encouraged [D] buoyed9. [A] launch [B]takeoff [C] liftoff [D] soft landing10.[A] light [B] shallow [C] pale [D] navy11.[A] march [B] flight [C] launch [D] expedition12.[A] news [B] headline [C] information [D] message13.[A] exclusive [B] inclusive [C] special [D] reclusive14.[A] ever [B] never [C] always [D] for ever15.[A] platform [B] venue [C] stage [D] place16.[A] newlyfound [B] newfound[C] newly found [D] new found17.[A] player [B] actor [C] actress [D] performer18.[A] practicality [B] pragmatism[C] realism [D] practice19.[A] content [B] substance [C] ideas [D] logic20.[A]Ch’inghua [B] Tsing Hua [C] Tsinghua [D] Qing Hua SECTION C: READING COMPREHENSIONSubsection 1Directions: Read the following statements carefully and complete each by blackening the corresponding letter of the choice you have made in the Answer Sheet.1. America needs to change its attitude toward energy production and transmission. Unless we want to live with increasing fossil-fuel-based pollution and indefinite policing of the Middle East, we need to get away from the centralized-power-grid concept and start using alternative energy sources such as solar or emerging fuel-cell technologies. If the government and consumers are to spend billions of dollars upgrading the system, cleaning up air pollution and providing military and economic support in the Middle East, it seems clear that _____.[A] we should be happy with what we have been trying to do.[B] we should forget about the present electricity-grid system.[C] we should not police the Middle East with the view of getting energy.[D] we should be discussing alternative energy.2. Finally, someone has the courage to address the seemingly taboo subject of regarding suicide bombers not merely as evil, but as a phenomenon based on cause and effect. Suicide bombers haven’t risen out of a vacuum—they have been victims of oppression. In no way do I condone their tactics, _____.[A] but I have sympathy for their prolonged plight, and absence of more effective means to win their case.[B] yet, I give full support to their efforts, though futile, for attracting attention from the international community.[C] but to go after them in the way, for example, that Israel does treats the symptom, not the cause.[D] yet, in retrospection, their foolhardy action is a manifestation of their determination to win freedom.3. In your August 15 story“Who Says There’s No Second Act?”Jhumpa Lahiri says, “A true Indian doesn’t accept me as an Indian and a true American doesn’t accept me as an American.” happily, the novelist is wrong on at least the second premise.Anyone who would deny Lahiri or any other newcomer her acceptance in America is not a true American.True Americanness isn’t about place of birth.It’s about an attitude toward our fellow humans and holding certain truths to be self-evident.If Lahiri believes in the American ideas, she’s as American as I an,___.[A] and she would be accepted as both an Indian and an American..[B] and I happily welcome her to the fold.[C] and she would be accepted as an American, if not an Indian.[D] and she wouldn’t be troubled by thought of belonging to neither group.4. Your July 14 article “Return of the Jews”really agitated me.It sounds as though until now, it was impossible for Jewish people to live in Germany because we Germans were all anti-Semites.What is strange about religious people studying the Talmud in Berlin? Jews did this for hundreds of years in Germany before they were driven from their homes.Sure, national socialism killed millions of innocent Jews in the cruelest way.That must neither be denied nor forgotten.But most German Christians never discriminated against German Jews. Jewish people served our land faithfully (as in the 1870-71 war between Germany and France and in World War I ), and great Jewish scientists have enhanced Germany’s reputation.It is unfair to make the third generation of Germans after World War II feel ashamed for a history they never wanted.In German schools, pupils visit synagogues and mosques.We have many action groups against racism and fascism, and there are counterdemonstrations against fascist ones, ______.[A] Germany says“never again!”to fascism.[B] German fascism would be defeated for good.[C] German Jews are victims of fascism.[D] Jews were not discriminated against in Germany..5. I commend your August 25 “Letter from America,”which was a factual and not-too-biased note on the problems of living with timber rattlesnakes.I would have expected an urban magazine to be much harsher on our less-understood critters.However, I must complain about the photograph accompanying your article.You ran a picture of a Western diamond-backed rattlesnake, a species that is not to be found in upstate New York.To you, maybe, a rattler is a rattler, but it does a disservice to the undereducated public.It is kind of like running a picture of a coyote in a story about wolves or a bottle of Pepsi in a story regardingCoca-Cola.Media sources can also call on someone like me to verify species’identity._____.[A] No picture at all is better than a misidentified or misleading one.[B] Yet they don’t want me to do so, nor do it themselves.[C] To have a rough idea of something is better than having on idea about it at all.[D] Using wrong pictures are against patent law.6. Your cover story presents obesity as a global epidemic no longer limited to wealth countries.But I found this article indecent, and the mention of weight-loss clinics in Africa irrelevant.The rapid progression of obesity does not change the sad disproportion between the populations of rich and poor countries.Hunger and malnutrition still remain a problem in a vast majority of the world, especially in Africa.Let’s think beyond the borders of Texas or Utah.There are a number of health issues that should be presented at the global level.How about discussing AIDS, hunger or malaria? These are serious global epidemics, and I find it regrettable that the world’s diverse and complex reality_______.[A] was described with such indecency.[B] was presented with such a narrow mind-set.[C] was unrealistically interpreted and understood.[D] was beyond the comprehension of realists.7. My husband is a Navy reservist stationed at Camp Mitchell in Rota, Spain, and has been away since March 31. In June about 200 troops were sent home from Camp Mitchell, while 200 others remained. During the time the 400 troops were together, the reserve center kept in contact with us via e-mail, but now the Navy has lost interest in us and our spouses.Yes, our spouses chose to defend their country, but they were also told that things would be taken care of here at home so that they could concentrate on doing the job they were sent to do.I believe that because my husband was not sent to Iraq, the Navy feels that his needs and those of his family are unimportant.________.[A] If not so, who, then, are important?.[B] we have to accept it silently.[C] We have been ignored, with no reason at all.[D] Shouldn’t “supporting our troops”include the families left behind.8. In Newsweek’s portrayal of the pension situation in Germany, language such as “entitlements,”“generational fraud”and “coddled”suggests that typical pensioner enjoys a selfishly high standard of living.Nowhere does Stefan Their tell us what a real pension might be for Germans who have worked in nonprofessional jobs or how that compares to the cost of living.Nor does he mention the impact on the pension system brought about by reunification, the widening compensation gap, the high levels of unemployment overall and the special difficulty unemployed people over 50 have in reentering the labor market.Many retirees today, after long years of working in low-paying jobs, must practice old-fashioned thrift to subsist on their pensions.They are the ones —not the minority of the highly compensated who have had the means to save and invest—_______.[A] who will bear the brunt of reform.[B] who will acquiesce most humbly.[C] who will deal with the situation.[D] who will be left behind and forgotten.9. Thank you for your insightful report on the sophisticated and organized enemy attacks on US troops.Why was it so hard for the Bush Administration and Congress to predict that some Iraqis would continue to fight us after the downfall of Saddam Hussein? If a coalition of countries were to successfully invade the US for purposes of regime change, our citizens would employ tactics of terrorism against the occupying forces and attempt to destabilize the new government.The resistance would continue long after our defending forces had been defeated.The war in Iraq will go on_______.[A] until we encounter greater resistance from Iraqi rebels.[B] until the whole world is against us.[C] until we acknowledge our arrogance and pull the invading troops out.[D] until Saddam is caught in his hideout, dirty, unkempt, haggard.10.Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s anti-Semitic comments deserve scrutiny. He said, “Today the Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.” If his comments weren’t so pathetic, we should thank Mahathir for revealing precisely the mentality of the Islamic leaders he was addressing. Even if the Prime Minister’s assertions were true, they largely missed the point. If so many Jews were in influential positions, it would show the ability of Jewish communities to adapt to their environment and grasp what modernity is about. Constrained by a difficult history, Jews have had little choice but to find ways to integrate into host societies. Just as anti-Semites in Europe did in the past, Mahathir is mistaking a consequence for a cause. He misses the real target, the modern and globalized world in which Muslim society has been marginalized. Modernity wasn’t created by the Jews, and they don’t control progress. As Mahathir said, the Muslim world will wield far more global influence _____.。
美国国防部长莱昂·帕内塔在香格里拉对话发表演讲由博雅源讲演(视频)网收集整理Panetta Describes U.S. Shift in Asia-PacificBy Jim GaramoneAmerican Forces Press ServiceSINGAPORE, June 1, 2012 – The United States is a Pacific power and will remain engaged in the region, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said during a speech delivered at the 11th Annual Shangri-La Dialogue here.Panetta explained what America’s enduring shift toward the Asia-Pacific means to the region. The speech took place June 2 here. Singapore time is 12 hours ahead of the U.S. East Coast.The shift has long been forecast. After the fall of the Soviet Union, there were those in the U.S. government who urged a re-focusing of U.S. strategy toward the Pacific. China and India are two of the fastest-growing economies on Earth and the nations of Southeast Asia also grew behind the shield of U.S. presence in the region.The United States also has deep, lasting alliances with nations in the region including Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand.This progress and shift, however, were interrupted by the attacks of 9-11 and American attention shifted to combating the terrorist menace.But now the war in Iraq is over and U.S. troop levels are drawing down in Afghanistan. Last year, President Barack Obama approved a strategy shifting toward Asia. The United States has thousands of miles of Pacific coastline and is an integral part of the region.“We take on this role not as a distant power, but as part of the Pacific family of nations, Panetta said at th e conference. “Our goal is to work closely with all the nations of this region to confront common challenges and promote peace, prosperity and security.”Defense policy in the region calls for the U.S. military to expand military-to-military relationships well beyond the traditional treaty allies.China is, of course, the major player in the region. China has grown to the second-largest economy in the world and is investing in modernizing its military. Panetta wants good relations with China and will travel there later this year to expand those contacts.The secretary stressed that the U.S. shift toward the region in no way is aimed at China. “Our effort to renew and intensify our involvement in Asia is fully compatible with the development and growth of Chi na,” Panetta said. “Indeed, increased U.S. involvement in this region will benefit China as it advances our shared security and prosperity.”The United States is working with many nations in the region to promote regional security. There are threats in the area. Terrorism, piracy, narco-trafficking, human trafficking are just a few of the problems. There are disputes over territory and the United States would like to see all these problems addressed peacefully by all nations.Panetta praised the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for its “rules-based” regional security architecture. The secretary also said he looks forward to working with defense ministers from around the region.Discussions and dialogue can help calm the waters in the South China Sea, w here several countries in the region have claims in the area. “The U.S. position is clear and consistent. We callfor restraint and diplomatic resolution; we oppose provocation, coercion or the use of force,” Panetta said. The United States does not take sides on the disputes, the secretary said, and America has made this position clear to all in the region.The U.S. military will shift its stance as the global situation shifts, the secretary said. Marine ground and aviation units have begun rotational deployments to Australia. The United States and the Philippines are looking at a similar arrangement.American littoral combat ships will be berthing in Singapore and the number of Navy assets deployed will shift, too. “By 2020, the Navy will reposture its forces from today’s roughly 50/50 split between the Atlantic and Pacific to about a 60/40 split between those oceans -- including six aircraft carriers, a majority of our cruisers, destroyers, littoral combat ships and submarines,” Panetta said.The United States will also shift resources to combat new threats of cyberwar and anti-access technologies.The shift will continue, Panetta said, as leaders from both parties recognize the importance of the region.“The United States has long been deeply involved in t he Asia-Pacific,” Panetta said. “Through times of war and peace, under Democratic and Republican leaders, through rancor and comity in Washington, through surplus and debt. We were here then, we are here now and we will be here for the future.”。
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小布什伊拉克战争演讲英文Ladies and Gentlemen,Good evening. Tonight, I want to discuss a matter of great importance, the situation in Iraq. Over the past few months, the world has closely watched the events unfolding in this country, and it is time for us to come forward and address the challenges we face.First and foremost, let's not forget why we are here. Iraq, under the leadership of Saddam Hussein, posed a great threat to global security. His regime was known for its support of terrorism, its possession and potential use of weapons of mass destruction, and its disregard for human rights. We could not turn a blind eye to these dangers.Following the attacks of September 11th, 2001, we recognized the need to confront these threats head-on. We reached out to the international community, presenting evidence of Iraq's weapons programs and requesting their support in disarming this rogue regime. Unfortunately, not everyone shared our urgency.Therefore, as the President of the United States, it became my duty to protect the American people and defend our interests abroad. In March of 2003, we launched a military operation to remove Saddam Hussein from power and liberate the Iraqi people.Since then, our troops, along with our coalition partners, have been working diligently to rebuild Iraq, establish a stable government, and promote democracy in this region. We have made progress,but the road has not been easy.There have been sacrifices along the way. Our men and women in uniform have shown incredible bravery and dedication in the face of danger. We mourn the loss of every soldier who has made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.But let me be clear, the Iraqi people are worth fighting for. They deserve the chance to live in a free and democratic society, free from the tyranny of Saddam Hussein. Our mission is to help them build a better future, a future based on the principles of freedom, justice, and equality.I understand the concerns of those who question the wisdom of our actions. War is never an easy choice, and the road to peace can be a long and arduous one. But we must stay the course and finish what we started. Leaving Iraq prematurely would only destabilize the region and undo all the progress we have made.We continue to work with the international community, urging them to support our efforts in Iraq. We are committed to working towards a peaceful resolution and ensuring the Iraqi people have the support they need to build a prosperous nation.In conclusion, we cannot let fear or doubt lead us astray. The Iraqi people deserve our support, and we must keep our commitment to them. The road ahead may be difficult, but with determination and resolve, we will succeed.Thank you, and God bless America.。
奥巴马政府对利比亚危机的政策刘得手2012-11-27 14:25:16 来源:《美国问题研究报告.2012: 美国全球及亚洲战略调整》(《美国蓝皮书(2012)》内容摘要: 2011年2月中旬,利比亚危机爆发。
6月高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 国际时事要闻 美国向伊拉克派遣援军对抗叛乱分子
美国向伊拉克派遣援军对抗叛乱分子The first US troops deployed to assist the Iraqi army in combating a growing Sunni militant insurgency have arrived and begun work, the Pentagon has said.美国向伊拉克部署的首支援军已抵达伊拉克并展开工作,该队伍将协助伊军方对抗一只正在崛起的逊尼派武装叛乱分子。
Nearly half the 300 special o perations soldiers promised by US President Barack Obama are in Baghdad or on the front lines of the fight.The rest are expected within days.Also, US Secretary of State John Kerry called for regional unity to expel the Sunni Isis rebels who have taken large swathes(带子,包装品) of Iraq.On Tuesday, two teams totalling 40 US troops began work assessing Iraqi troops on the front line, the Pentagon said.John Kerry told t he BBC's Kim Ghatt as ''a united Iraq is a stronger Iraq''An additional 90 personnel will work in Baghdad to set up a new joint operations command centre.Those t eams will be joined by an additional four teams of 50 troops each in the next few days.The Obama administration has stressed the troops are not intended as operational forces but instead are there to advise the Iraqis and provide intelligence, reports the BBC's David Willis in Washington.The Iraqi government had requested American air strikes, but Mr Obama has been reluctant to do anything that could lead to accusations the US was tak ing sides in a sectarian conflict, our correspondent reports.The insurgents, spearheaded by Islamists fighting under the banner of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Is is), have overrun much of north and west Iraq, including the second-biggest city, Mosul.The violence has claimed at least 1,075 lives in Iraq in June alone, most of them civilian s, a United Nations human rights team has reported.Sunni fighters target Baghdad as John Kerry calls for unityThe UN said the figures, which include a number of verified summary executions, should be viewed as an absolute minimum.In an interview on Tuesday with the BBC, Mr Kerry called for a "political strategy" and for regional co-operation to resolve Iraq's unrest."Every country in the region will combine in order to take on and expel Isis because it is simply una cceptable to have a terrorist organisation grabbing territory and challenging the legitimacy of governments," Mr Kerry told the BBC's Kim Ghattas.。
Very good, none of us know Chinese beyond some polite formulas such as ninhao,xiexie. I think that’s hardly enough toget by.
It would be a great pleasure tomake theiracquaintance.
General Smith,won’t you have a cup of tea?
Over 8 million a year. At peak traffic, it can handle 4500 an hour. Of course the airport isn’t operating at full capacity yet.
Ithink so.
Everyone of us wants to make most of this visit. Let me thank you on behalf of our delegation.
I expect it will be put to great use before long asChina’s exchange with other countries is expanding day by day., there aremany morepeople come from abroad now, aren’t they?
Exercise0903Item1-2.Multiple choices.1.There has been strong criticism of Kenya's electrical commission month's presidential electionB.the Super Court declared the result of last month's presidential election validC.the Super Court declared the result of next month's presidential election null and voidD.the Super Court declared the result of last month's presidential election null and void2.What did the opposition leader say?A.The opposition leader said fresh election should be held within 60 days.B.The opposition leader said fresh election should be held within 16 days.C.The opposition leader said it was clear the entire commission was rotten.D.The opposition leader said it was clear the entire commission wasn’t rotten.3.The speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives has urged President Trump resend a program that protects young documented migrants from deportationB.not to resend a program that protects young undocumented immigrants from resend a program that protects undocumented immigrants from deportationD.not to resend a program that protects young undocumented migrants from deportation4. What kind of program should Mr. Trump let the Congress fix?A.which provides permanent residency for children brought to the U.S. illegallyB.which provides temporary residency for children brought to the U.S. illegallyC.which provides temporary residency for people brought to the U.S. illegallyD.which provides permanent residency for people brought to the U.S. illegallyItem3-4. Blank-filling.1.Chancellor Merkel has said Germany may have to (1)_______ its relationship with Turkey after two more German citizens were (2)_______ there for what Berlin described as "political reasons". She said the (3)________ called for (4)__________.2.The (5)________________ which are (6)______ (7)___________ group in its stronghold of Raqqar say they (8)____________ the last district in its (9)____________. However, (10)________have not been able to confirm the claim.Item5-6. True or False.1.UEFA has put the French club Paris under former investigation in connection with the signing in of Neymar from Barcelona for a world record 216 million dollars.2.UEFA said the investigation will focus on the acquirement to obviously break even.3.An Ultraviolet-ray machine that sworn the most powerful ever made has been switch down inthe German city of Hamburg.4. Costing more a million dollars, it will be used to make essential discoveries about the nature of matter at the atomic level.Item7.Questions.1.Who was Cardinal?2.How old was he when he died?3.Who did Cardinal sword crossed with?4.What did they argue about?0905Item 1-2. Multiple choices.1.The US Defense Secretary James Mattis says any threat to _________ will be met with a massive military response.A.the United StatesB.the United States or its alliesC.North KoreaD.Sorth Korea or its allies2.There's been widespread international condemnation of________.A.PyongyangB.ChinaC.RussiaD.North Korea3.Which country has Mr.Trump warned that America may stop trading with?A.Any country that does business with South Korea.B.Any country that does business with North Korea.C.South Korea.D.North Korea.4.South Korea says______________________________.A.North Korea has carried out a live-fire ballistic missile exerciseB.North Korea has carried out nuclear testC.South Korea has carried out a live-fire ballistic missile exerciseD.America has carried out nuclear testItem 3-4. Blank-filling.1.The German Chancellor Angela Merkel appears to have held her ground against her (1)____, Martin chulz, in the only live (2)__________ of the (3)__________, with (4)________ taken immediately after the (5)______ showing her ahead. The two (6)_________ foreign policy issues including Turkey and North Korea.2.(7)____________________ have urged the government to take a (8)__________ in (9)___________ due to end on Monday with the ELN rebel group, which has admitted killing one of its (10)_________.Item 5. True or False.1.An American citizen's appeal against the 10-year jail sentence has been turned down.2.Xiyue Wang has been accused of spying and he confessed his fault.3.Appeals against 10-year prion terms were rejected in the case of threemore people.Item 6-7. Questions.1.Which newspaper has published its last edition with the front page headline "Descent into Outright Dictatorship"?2.How did the paper accused the government of forcing its closure?3.When did Maria Sharapova has returned to Grand Slam Tennis?4.Who lost in three sets to the No.16 seed from Latvia, Anastasija Sevastova?KEY0903Item 1-2.Multiple choices.1.D2.C3.D4.BItem 3-4.Blank-filling.1.(1)rethink (2)detained (3)detention (4)decisive reaction2.(5)Syrian democratic forces (6)battling (7)the Islamic State (8)have captured (9)historic quarter (10)monitorsItem 5-6.True or False.1.F2.T3.F4.FItem 7.Questions.1.The former leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales.2.He was at the age of 85.3.The former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.4.The use of condoms as a defense against AIDS.0905Item 1-2.Multiple choices.1.B2.A3.B4.CItem 3-4. Blank-filling.1.(1)rival (2)televised debate (3)election campaign (3)opinion polls (4)broadcast (5)clashed over2.(6)Colombian politicians (7)tougher stance (8)peace negotiations (9)hostages.Item 5.True or False.1.T2.F3.FItem 6-7.Questions.1.One of Cambodia's only independent newspapers, the Cambodia Daily.2.By demanding that it pay a disputed tax bill of 6 million dollars.3.Maria Sharapova has returned to Grand Slam Tennis after a 15-month ban for doping has ended in the 4th round of the US Open.4.The RussianSCRIPT0903There has been strong criticism of Kenya's electrical commission after the Super Court declared the result of last month's presidential election null and void. The opposition leader RXX said it was clear the entire commission was rotten. The court said a fresh election should be held within 60 days.1.0:22The speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives has urged President Trump not to resend a program that protects young undocumented migrants from deportation. Republican Paul Rice said Mr. Trump should let the Congress fix the program which provides temporary residency for children brought to the U.S. illegally.2.0:40Chancellor Merkel has said Germany may have to rethink its relationship with Turkey after two more German citizens were detained there for what Berlin described as "political reasons". She said the detention called for decisive reaction.3.0:55The Syrian democratic forces which are battling the Islamic State group in its stronghold of Raqqar say they have captured the last district in its historic quarter. However, monitors have not been able to confirm the claim.4.1:08European football governing body, UEFA, has put the French club Paris Saint-Germain under former investigation in connection with the signing in of Neymar from Barcelona for a world record 260 million dollars. UEFA said the investigation will focus on the acquirement to broadly break even.5.1:26An X-ray machine that sworn the most powerful ever made has been switch down in the German city of Hamburg. Costing more a billion dollars, it will be used to make fundamental discoveries about the nature of matter at the atomic level.6.1:40And the former leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, Cardinal x has died at the age of 85. The Cardinal crossed swords with the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair over the use of condoms as a defense against AIDS saying they help spread the disease0905The US Defense Secretary James Mattis says any threat to the United States or its allies will be met with a massive military response. He was speaking after briefing President Trump following North Korea's latest nuclear test. Mr. Trump has warned that America may stop trading with any country that dose business with the North.1.0:20South Korea says it has carried out a live-fire ballistic missile exercise in response to the North's nuclear test. There's been widespread international condemnation of Pyongyang with China and Russia both expressing deep concern.2.0:33The German Chancellor Angela Merkel appears to have held her ground against her rival, MartinSchulz, in the only live televised debate of the election campaign, with opinion polls taken immediately after the broadcast showing her ahead. The two clashed over foreign policy issues including Turkey and North Korea.3.0:49Colombian politicians have urged the government to take a tougher stance in peace negotiations due to end on Monday with the ELN rebel group, which has admitted killing one of its hostages.4.0:59The Iranian judiciary has confirmed that a US citizen's appeal against the 10-year jail sentence has been rejected. Chinese born Xiyue Wang has been accused of spying, a charge he denies. Appeals against 10-year prion terms were also rejected in the case of three other people.5.1:17One of Cambodia's only independent newspapers, the Cambodia Daily, has published its last edition with the front page headline "Descent into Outright Dictatorship". The paper accused the government of forcing its closure by demanding that it pay a disputed tax bill of 6 million dollars.6.1:34Maria Sharapova has returned to Grand Slam Tennis after a 15-month ban for doping has ended in the 4th round of the US Open. The Russian lost in three sets to the No.16 seed from Latvia, Anastasija Sevastova. The Latvian would paly the American Sloane Stephens in the quarter-final.。
阅读理解●●●US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is likely to visit China at an “appropriate” time this year, a senior Chinese military official said on Monday. Colonel Tu Qiming, director of the American and Oceania Affairs Bureau of the Foreign Affairs Office at the National Defense Ministry, made the remark during Sino-US defense talks this week. This is the first everbetween the two defense ministries, according to the Chinese military.●●●FRANCES Agriculture Ministry has confirmed(证实)the first case of mad cow disease detected in a goat last Friday. The goat killed in 2002 tested positive for mad cow disease. It is the first case in the world of the fatal disease being found in an animal other than a bovine. The human form of mad cow disease causes brain-wasting, personality change, loss of body function, and ends in death. The European Commission has not advised any change in farming and consuming goats, said the French Ministry in a statement published last Friday.●●●MOBILE phone sales hit a new record in 2010, with some 684 million units sold around the world, the US research institute Strategy Analytics said on Thursday. The number represents an increase of 32 per cent over 2003, when 571 million units were sold. Strategy Analytics predicts a more modest rise of 8 per cent for this year, to 735 million. Finnish cell phone provider Nokia stayed out in front in 2010, with sales of 207.6 million units, giving it a market share of 30.4 per cent. Motorola moved to No 2, just ahead of the South Korean company Samsung.●●●SIX male penguins(雄企鹅)at a German zoo are proving stubbornly resistant to females brought in from Sweden to make them into breeding(繁殖).Of the ten malepenguins at the zoo, six have formed into “homosexual” couples and have shown no interest in the females, making breeding an impossibility. So the zoo imported the four female penguins from Sweden last month, full of hope that the new arrivals could “turn” the males. But so far, the boys are remaining strictly with the boys.1. How many countries are mentioned in the pieces of news?A. Six.B. Five.C. Three.D. Seven.提示:文中提到美国、中国、法国、芬兰、韩国、德国、瑞典。
US Defense Secretary Invited to Visit ChinaAt the ASEAN Defense Ministers meeting in Hanoi, Chinese Minister of Defense Liang Guanglie invited his U.S. counterpart Defense Secretary Robert Gates to visit China, in what seems like an easing of military tensions in the region.Diplomacy appears to be making some progress in reducing tensions at the ASEAN Plus Eight defense ministers' meeting. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations invited the United States, China, Japan, Russia and other regional powers to address security issues in the Pacific.China resumes military relationsBy inviting Defense Secretary Robert Gates to visit next year, China is resuming high-level military relations with the United States. Earlier in the year, China suspended military contacts because of U.S. planned arms sales to Taiwan.The Chinese Defense Minister also said talks with Japan's defense officials were positive. Tensions between the two countries have increased after a Chinese fishing boat collided with Japanese coast guard patrol ships in waters claimed by both sides.U.S. support for Southeast AsiaEarlier in the day, speaking to members of the military and students at the Vietnam National University in Hanoi, Secretary Gates sent a message to reassure Southeast Asia."I think all Asia can be confident that the U.S. intends to remain engaged in Asia as we have been for so many scores of years before and that we intend to be an active party, not only in economic and political matters but also in defense and security matters," Gates said.The United States is concerned territorial disputes over small island chains in the region could hurt access to one of the world's busiest sea lanes.Beijing says its claims over the Spratly and Paracel islands are a "core national interest." Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei and Malaysia also claim all or part of the islands. Although largely uninhabited, the islands are believed to sit atop vast reserves of oil and natural gas.Solution to sea disputesThe United States says it has a national interest in freedom of navigation in international waters. Mr. Gates said Asian sea disputes should be resolved peacefully through negotiations.。
美国国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德―语录‖Memorable Quotes by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld这是一个完美废话的集合,它展示了前美国国防部部长的智慧,虽然这些句子中的一些经常出现在各媒体选出的世界蠢话排行榜上,然而我们还是可以从中看出一些无奈的幽默,特别是考虑到他说这些话时错综复杂的情况,并且还有一个全世界公认的不那么聪明的上司时。
"I would not say that the future is necessarily less predictable than the past. I think the past was not predictable when it started."―我不认为未来一定比过去更难以预言,相反,我认为当过去开始时它也是不可预料的。
‖"We do know of certain knowledge that he [Osama Bin Laden] is either in Afghanistan, or in some other country, or dead."―我们有确信的消息知道他(奥萨马本.拉灯)不是在阿富汗就是在其他国家或是死了。
‖"We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." –on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction―我们知道他们在哪。
"Death has a tendency to encourage a depressing view of war."―死亡会鼓励战争悲观情绪。
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Broadcast date: 7-28-2009 / Written by Edward Yeranian
From /voanews/english/ U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates met with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad Tuesday, amid concerns about ongoing violence and internal quarrels between the central government and Kurdish leaders in the north. The planned U.S. pullout by the end of 2011 and Iraq's desire to buy U.S. weapons were also on the agenda. Defense Secretary Robert Gates' has now visited Iraq 10 times since he took office in 2006, and this is his second since the June 30 U.S. pullout from Iraqi towns and cities. It comes at a pivotal point in U.S.Iraqi relations, as both sides attempt to form a new working relationship. His first stop in Iraq, at Talil Air Base, south of Baghdad, underscores the new focus of U.S. troops in advising and training Iraqi security forces.
The expanding U.S. advisory role coincides with a decrease in combat operations in the months before U.S. troops are due to withdraw by the end of December 2011. A number of U.S. bases in Iraq are due to be made into training facilities. The secretary discussed the new set of U.S. and Iraqi priorities with both Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and Defense Minister Abdal Qader al Obeidi, saying there were "important milestones to achieve" before the final US pullout in 2011. "Between now and the end of 2011 when all US troops are scheduled to depart Iraq, we have a number of important milestones to achieve, including fair and secure elections, the seating of a new national government and a continued draw down of U.S. forces leading to our change of mission in August 2010," said Robert Gates. The Iraqi defense minister stressed Iraq's top priority is to "combat terrorism" and that it needs a new partnership with the United States to do that. He says that Iraq's most important concern and priority is to define a strategy to fight terrorism. He says, Iraq must also determine how to cooperate and coordinate, beginning now and until the end of 2011. Obeidi also said the government urgently needs new U.S. fighter jets ts an urgent need for new, sophisticated fighter jets, and that will not happen overnight ... As far as the Iraqi government and the Iraqi Army are concerned, he says, Iraq needs to see these planes protecting our skies before the end of 2011. Gates was also scheduled to visit Iraq's northern Kurdish region, where regional elections were held during the weekend. Tensions between the Kurds and the central government in Baghdad over oil revenues and the disputed city of Kirkuk continue to worry U.S. officials. In the wake of Prime Minister Maliki's visit for talks with President Obama last week in Washington, U.S. officials have been urging him to take larger strides in achieving reconciliation with Sunni-Muslim opposition parties and the Kurds.
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates (R) speaks to reporters during joint news conference with Iraq's Defense Minister Abdel Qader al Obeidi, in Baghdad, 28 Jul 2009