Northwest University




西安大略大学西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario,简称为UWO),现已更名韦仕敦大学(Western University[1],音译),是位于加拿大安大略省伦敦市的一所国际顶尖的医学博士类公立大学,有超过一百三十多年的学术积累及深厚的人力资源背景。
















全国民族⼤学英⽂校名,谁更正宗?中央民族⼤⼤学 Minzu University of China;西南民族⼤学 Southwest Minzu University;中南民族⼤学 South-central University For Nationalities;云南民族⼤学 Yunnan Minzu University⼴西民族⼤学 Guangxi University for Nationalities;西北民族⼤学 Northwest University For Nationalities;北⽅民族⼤学 Beifang University of Nationalities;青海民族⼤学 Qinghai Nationalities University;贵州民族⼤学 Guizhou Minzu University;⼤连民族⼤学 Dalian Minzu University;⼴西民族⼤学 Guangxi University for Nationalities;青海民族⼤学 Qinghai Nationalities University;贵州民族⼤学 Guizhou Minzu University;云南民族⼤学 Yunnan Minzu University;⼴西民族⼤学 为各民族⽽办的⼴西⼤学?难道是⼴西⼤学的分校?青海民族⼤学 青海各民族的⼤学,是不是不招外省的?贵州民族⼤学 云南民族⼤学,半⼟半洋?中南民族⼤学 South-central University For Nationalities;西南民族⼤学 Southwest Minzu University;西北民族⼤学 Northwest University For Nationalities;北⽅民族⼤学 Beifang University of Nationalities;(搜狗百科为 Beifang University of Nationalities;学校⽹站为North Minzu University)北⽅难道不是表⽰⽅位了?中南、西南和西北表⽰不解!。


硅谷(Silicon Valley),是高科技公司云集的美国加州圣塔克 拉拉谷的别称。位于加利福尼亚州北部,旧金山湾区南部;一般 包含圣塔克拉拉县和东旧金山湾区的费利蒙市。最早是研究和生 产以硅为基础的半导体芯片的地方,因此得名。尽管美国和世界 其他高新技术区都在不断 发展壮大,但硅谷仍然是 高科技技术创新和发展的 领跑者,该地区的风险投 资占全美风险投资总额的 三分之一。
有上千所高科技公司的总部都设在硅谷, 福布斯排名前500名之中就有以下公司 总部设在硅谷:Adobe、AMD、安捷伦、Altera、苹果公司、Applied Materials、 BEA、Cadence Design Systems、思科、DreamWorks、eBay、Electronic Arts、 爱立信、Facebook、谷歌、惠普、英特尔、Intuit、Juniper Networks、Maxtor、 Mozilla、National Semiconductor、Network Appliance、NVIDIA、Oracle、 Sun Microsystems、Symantec、Synopsys、Varian Medical Systems、雅虎……
美国西北理工大学 ( Northwestern Polytechnic University ,简称 NPU ) 地处被誉为世界高科技发源地的美国加州硅谷地区的佛利蒙市 (Fremont),是美国国家教育部和加州教育厅认可的高等学府,获 权威的美国六大认证机构之一全美独立院校认证委员会(ACICS)认证, 并获准颁发学士、硕士和博士学位的非盈利教育机构。也是中国国家 教育部权威认可推荐的美国大学之一。
肇庆科技职业技术学院 与美国西北理工大学本着友 好合作、优势互补、互惠互 利、共同发展的基本原则, 以促进中国现代化高等教育 事业的发展



名校档案学校名称:西北大学(Northwestern University)所在城市:伊利诺伊州,埃文斯顿(IL,Illinois,Evanston)学校排名:U.S.News 2013——TOP 12办学性质:私立优势专业:工程学,经济学,新闻学,历史学,政治学,戏剧学,音乐学男女比例:50:50本科学生总数:9559人亚裔学生比例:16.6%国际学生比例:5%学校网址:招生处信息:电话(847)491-7271录取要求::学校简介1851年,约翰·伊万斯在以他名字命名的城市伊万斯顿(Evanston,现属芝加哥),和他的卫理宗教友创办了西北大学。


第一座正式的和持久性的建筑是1869年建造的大学大厦(University Hall)。






西北大学校徽上的座右铭是Quaecumque sunt vera,这是拉丁文,源于《新约·腓立比书》,意为“凡是真实的”。

另外校徽上一本翻开的书上还有一句希腊语:ho logos pleres charitos kai aletheias,意思是“充满荣光和真理的道”。





Northwest University of Politics and Law

Northwest University of Politics and Law

Northwest University of Politics and Law西北政法大学(NorthWest University of Politics and Law)简称西法大,坐落于世界历史文化名城西安,是一所中央与地方共建,由陕西省人民政府主管的高等政法院校。



是著名的“五院四系”成员高校,“立格联盟”组成院校,中国哲学社会科学的重点院校,中央政法委、教育部首批“卓越法律人才”培养基地,“2011计划”司法文明协同创新中心西北基地,同时是全国法律人才培养的重要基地,西北地区法学科研教育中心,西部地区人文社会科学教育重镇,迄今为止已为国家培养了10万多名高素质人才[1] 。



[2]展开创办时间1939年11月所处城市中国西安学校类型政法属性国立重点高等政法大学|省属重点本科高校|“五院四系”|“立格联盟”核心成员主管部门陕西省教育厅学校官网学校概况专业设置历年分数线目录1历史沿革▪历史概述▪发展历程2办学条件▪硬件设施▪对外交流▪师资力量▪院系设置▪学科建设▪学位授予3学术研究▪科研机构▪科研成果▪学术期刊4文化传统▪校徽▪校训▪西法大精神▪办学理念5校园环境6学校领导▪历任校长▪现任领导7知名校友▪党政官员▪著名学者▪知名学者▪企事业人士▪知名律师▪影视明星记者8学校地址基本信息编辑中文名西北政法大学英文名Northwest University of Politics and Law简称西法大NWUPL创办时间1939年11月类别公立大学学校类型政法属性国立重点高等政法大学省属重点本科高校“五院四系”、“立格联盟”核心成员所属地区中国西安现任校长贾宇知名校友葛洪义、牟新生、杨永华、田文昌主管部门陕西省教育厅硕士点39个博士点10个博士后流动站1校训严谨求实文明公正主要院系哲学与社会发展学院、公安学院、刑事法学院、民商法学院等学校地址西安市长安南路300号(雁塔校区)西安市西长安街558号(长安校区)学校代码10726主要奖项首批卓越法律人才教育培养基地国家级实验教学示范中心4个国家级重点科研基地11个省级重点科研基地国家特色专业3个省部重点学科10个发展目标国内一流的教学研究型政法大学邮政编码雁塔校区710063 长安校区7101221历史沿革编辑历史概述陕北公学→延安大学→西北人民革命大学→西北政法干部学校→中央政法干部学校西北分校→西安政法学院→西北政法学院→西北政法大学西北政法大学历史沿革西北政法大学有着70多年的办学历史,具有光荣革命传统,富有丰厚文化底蕴。



介绍西北民族大学的英语作文Northwest Minzu University, located in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, is a comprehensive university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. The university was established in 1950 and has since been committed to the education and research of ethnic groupsin China, making it a significant institution in the country's higher education system. In this essay, I will provide a detailed introduction to Northwest Minzu University, discuss its historical background and development, analyze different perspectives surrounding the university, include case studies or examples to illustrate key points, offer a critical evaluation of the university, and conclude with future implications or recommendations related to the university.Northwest Minzu University, formerly known as Northwest University for Nationalities, has a rich history that dates back to the early 1950s. It was originally founded to cater to the educational needs of ethnic minorities in the northwest region of China. Over the years, the university has evolved and expanded its academic programs to cover a wide range of disciplines, including liberal arts, natural sciences, engineering, economics, law, and management. The university's mission is to promote the development and preservation of ethnic cultures, languages, and traditions while also providing high-quality education to students from diverse backgrounds.The historical background of Northwest Minzu University is closely intertwined with the development of ethnic minority education in China. The university has played a pivotal role in advancing the academic and cultural achievements ofethnic groups, contributing to the overall development of the country. Through its research and educational initiatives, the university has made significant contributions to the understanding and appreciation of ethnic diversity in China, fostering a sense of inclusivity and mutual respect among different ethnic communities.From a historical perspective, Northwest Minzu University has beeninstrumental in promoting social harmony and unity among diverse ethnic groups in China. The university has been at the forefront of efforts to preserve and promote the unique cultural heritage of ethnic minorities, thereby contributing to the overall cultural richness of the nation. By providing a platform for academic and cultural exchange, the university has facilitated greater understanding and cooperation among different ethnic communities, fostering a spirit of unity and mutual respect.In analyzing different perspectives surrounding Northwest Minzu University, it is important to consider the views of various stakeholders, including students, faculty members, and the broader community. Students from ethnic minority backgrounds often view the university as a place where they can celebrate and preserve their cultural heritage while pursuing higher education. For many students, the university represents a symbol of empowerment and opportunity, providing them with the resources and support they need to succeed in their academic and professional endeavors.Faculty members at Northwest Minzu University are deeply committed to promoting ethnic diversity and cultural understanding through their research and teaching. Many scholars at the university have dedicated their careers to studying and documenting the traditions, languages, and histories of ethnic minority groups, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of China's diverse cultural landscape. Their work has not only enriched academic discourse but also fostered a greater sense of appreciation for the unique contributions of ethnic minorities to the broader society.In addition to the perspectives of students and faculty, it is important to consider the views of the broader community in which Northwest Minzu University is situated. The university has established strong partnerships with local communities and government agencies, collaborating on various initiatives aimed at promoting ethnic diversity and cultural exchange. The university's outreach programs have had a positive impact on the surrounding region, fostering greaterunderstanding and cooperation among different ethnic groups and contributing to the overall social and economic development of the area.To illustrate the university's impact, consider the case of a student from a remote ethnic minority community who had the opportunity to attend Northwest Minzu University. Through her studies, she gained a deeper understanding of her cultural heritage and was inspired to pursue research on traditional crafts and art forms practiced by her community. Upon graduating, she returned to her hometown and established a cooperative to promote and market these traditional crafts, providing economic opportunities for local artisans and preserving the cultural heritage of her community.Another example is that of a faculty member who conducted research on the linguistic diversity of ethnic minority groups in China. His work led to the development of educational materials and programs aimed at preserving and promoting endangered languages, contributing to the revitalization of linguistic traditions that are integral to the cultural identity of many ethnic communities. Through his efforts, the university established partnerships with local schools and community organizations to implement language preservation initiatives, fostering greater pride and appreciation for linguistic diversity among students and community members.While Northwest Minzu University has made significant strides in promoting ethnic diversity and cultural understanding, it is important to critically evaluate the university's impact and consider both its benefits and drawbacks. One of the key benefits of the university is its commitment to preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of ethnic minority groups, contributing to a more inclusive and diverse society. The university's research and educationalinitiatives have had a positive impact on the academic and cultural landscape of China, fostering greater understanding and appreciation for ethnic diversity.However, it is also important to acknowledge the challenges and limitations faced by Northwest Minzu University. Despite its efforts to promote ethnicdiversity, the university may still face issues related to cultural representation and inclusivity. It is essential for the university to continue to prioritize the recruitment and retention of students and faculty from diverse ethnic backgrounds, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued within the academic community. Additionally, the university must remain vigilant in addressing issues of cultural appropriation and misrepresentation, promoting ethical and respectful engagement with diverse cultural traditions.In conclusion, Northwest Minzu University has played a significant role in promoting ethnic diversity and cultural understanding in China. Through its research, educational initiatives, and community outreach programs, the university has contributed to the preservation and promotion of the unique cultural heritage of ethnic minority groups, fostering greater understanding and cooperation among diverse communities. While the university has made significant strides in advancing ethnic minority education, it is important for it to continue to address challenges related to cultural representation and inclusivity, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued within the academic community. Moving forward, the university should prioritize the recruitment and retention of students and faculty from diverse ethnic backgrounds, promoting a more inclusive and equitable academic environment. By doing so, Northwest Minzu University can continue to make meaningful contributions to the academic and cultural landscape of China,fostering a greater sense of unity and mutual respect among different ethnic communities.。



Northwestern University西北大学研究型学府全美综合排名第十二学校基本信息校训:Quaecumque sunt vera(拉丁文:真理是永恒)学校网址:/建校时间:1851年排名:全美综合排名第12位地址位置:Evanston, IL and Chicago IL (两个校区)埃文斯顿和芝加哥,伊利诺州学校类型:私立研究型大学校长:Henry S. Bienen学校教员:1047人在校学生:本科生8100人,研究生院7531人,总15631国际学生比例:5%授予学位:学士学位,硕士学位,博士学位,职业学位师生比例:1:7学校地址:633 Clark Street, Evanston, IL 60208 USA学校电话:Evanston: 847-491-3741 Chicago: 312-503-8649传统颜色:紫色和白色学校特色和荣誉西北大学成立于1851年,主旨是一所为美国西北部区域服务的私立大学,这片区域包括如今的俄亥俄州、印第安纳州、伊利诺斯州、密西根州、威斯康辛州以及明尼苏达州的部分地区。

成立之初,创立者在芝加哥附近12英里的密西根湖边买了一块379英亩的地,在这片地以及附近的区域发展出校园,并将周边的小城命名为Evanston,为了纪念创建者之一John Evans. 1855年学校修建了第一所教学楼,在同年秋季开始授课,最初的学校只有2个教员和10个学生。









美国各州气候和大学推荐1. Alaska阿拉斯加州AK简介:阿拉斯加是美国的第49州,首府是朱诺(Juneau)。





推荐学校:阿拉斯加大学University of Alaska --- Fairbanks。

(第三级)2. Califo rnia加利福尼亚州CA简介:加州分为北加州及南加州。








推荐学校:拜欧拉大学Biola University(第四级);加州理工学院Califo rnia Institute of Technology(第6名);金门大学Golden Gate University(第四级);佩珀代因大学Pepperdine University(第56名);圣地亚哥州立大学San Diego State University(第四级);斯坦福大学Stanfo rd University ( 第4名)加州大学伯克利分校University of Califo rnia Berkeley(第21名);加州大学洛杉矶分校University of Califo rnia-Los Angeles(第25名);加州大学戴维斯分校University of Califo rnia Davis(第44名);加州大学欧文分校University of Califo rnia Irvine(第44名);加州大学河滨分校University of Califo rnia Riverside(第89名);加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of Califo rnia Santa Barbara(第44名);加州大学圣克鲁兹分校University of Califo rnia Santa Cruz(第96名);圣迭戈大学University of San Diego(第102名);旧金山大学University of San Francisco(第127名);拉文大学University of La Verne(第三级)太平洋大学University of the Pacific(第102名);3. Delaware德拉华州DE简介:德拉华州位于新泽西州,宾州及马里兰州的交界处,面积1954平方英里,人口只有85万。



好国罕睹大教简称,齐称(天方州缩写)及华文称呼之阳早格格创做1. Princeton: Princeton University(NJ) )普林斯顿大教2.Yale: Yale University(CT)耶鲁大教3.Harvard:Harvard University(MA) 哈佛大教4.MIT: Massachusetts Inst.of Technology(MA) 麻省理工教院5.CIT: California Institute of Technology(CA)加州理工教院6.Stanford:Stanford University(CA)斯坦祸大教7.Duke: Duke University(NC) 杜克大教8. JHU: Johns Hopkins University(MD)约翰霍普金斯大教9. UPenn: University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法僧亚大教10. Columbia: Columbia University(NY) 哥伦比亚大教11 .Cornell: Cornell University(NY)康奈我大教12. Dartmouth:artmouth College(NH)达特茅斯教院13.Chicago:University of Chicago(IL) 芝加哥大教14.Brown: Brown University(RI)布朗大教15.NWU: Northwestern University(IL)西北大教16.Rice: Rice University(TX)莱斯大教17.WUSTL: Washington University in St.Louis(MO)圣路易斯华衰顿大教18.Emory: Emory University(GA) 埃默里大教19.ND: University of Notre Dame(IN)圣母大教20.Berkeley: University of California-Berkeley 加州大教-伯克利分校21. Vanderbilt: Vanderbilt University(TN) 范德堡大教22.Virginia:University of Virginia 弗凶僧亚大教23.CMU:Carnegie Mellon University(PA)卡内基梅隆大教24.Georgetown:Georgetown University(DC)乔治敦大教25.UCLA:University of California-Los Angeles加州大教-洛杉矶分校26.UMich:University of Michigan-Ann Arbor稀歇根大教-安娜堡分校27.UNC: Univ.of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 北卡罗去纳大教教堂山分校28.WFU:Wake Forest University(NC)威克森林大教29.WM: College of William and Mary(VA)威廉战玛丽教院30.Tufts: Tufts University(MA) 塔妇茨大教31.Brandeis:Brandeis University(MA) 布兰代斯大教32.UCSD:University of California-San Diego加州大教-圣天亚哥分校33.Rochester:University of Rochester(NY) 罗彻斯特大教34.CWRU: Case Western Reserve Univ.(OH)凯斯西储大教35.Lehigh:Lehigh University(PA) ; 利哈伊大教36.NYU: New York University纽约大教37.UIUC: Univ.of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign伊利诺伊大教厄巴纳-香槟分校38.UWisc:University of Wisconsin-Madison威斯康辛大教麦迪逊分校39.Boston: Boston University 波士顿大教40.GIT: Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工教院41.PSU: Pennsylvania State U.-University Park宾州州坐大教商教院42.UCDavis:University of California-Davis加州大教戴维斯分校C:University of Southern California北加州大教44.Tulane:Tulane University(LA)杜兰大教45.UCSB:Univ.of California-Santa Barbara 加州大教-圣巴巴推分校46.UTexas:University of Texas-Austin德克萨斯大教奥斯汀分校47.Washington:University of Washington 华衰顿大教48.Yeshiva:Yeshiva University(NY)叶史瓦大教49.UCI:University of California-Irvine加州大教欧文分校50.UFL:University of Florida 祸罗里达大教[本创] 好国大教简称对于照表(按字母程序) [复造链交]近海目前离线身份科大教死家少科大班级0814性别男帖子4298教分1270 科币8338 正在线时间3564 小时备案时间2009-6-4UID5超等版主身份科大教死家少科大班级0814串个门加佳友挨招呼收消息电梯曲达 1#近海刊登于今天 22:26 |只瞅该做家 |倒序欣赏按字母程序排列的简称对于照(前里的数字为本科概括排名仅供参照)132. ASU: 亚利桑那州坐大教20.Berkeley: University of California-Berkeley 加州大教-伯克利分校14.Brown: Brown University(RI)布朗大教31.Boston: Boston University 波士顿大教53 boston college 波士顿教院31.Brandeis:Brandeis University(MA) 布兰代斯大教5.CIT: (Caltech) California Institute of Technology(CA)加州理工教院10. Columbia: Columbia University(NY) 哥伦比亚大教* Clemson 克莱姆森11 Cornell: Cornell University(NY)康奈我大教13.Chicago:University of Chicago(IL) 芝加哥大教23.CMU: Carnegie Mellon University(PA)卡内基梅隆大教34.CWRU: Case Western Reserve Univ.(OH)凯斯西储大教7. Duke: Duke University(NC) 杜克大教12. Dartmouth:artmouth College(NH)达特茅斯教院* Delaware 特推华州# Drexel 德雷克塞我18.Emory: Emory University(GA) 埃默里大教24.Georgetown:Georgetown University(DC)乔治敦大教40.GIT: Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工教院* Gatech3. Harvard:Harvard University(MA) 哈佛大教73 Isu 爱荷华州坐大教35.Lehigh: Lehigh University(PA) ; 利哈伊大教8. JHU: Johns Hopkins University(MD)约翰霍普金斯大教4. MIT: Massachusetts Inst.of Technology(MA) 麻省理工教院72 MSU: 稀歇根州坐大教15.NWU: Northwestern University(IL)西北大教62 NEU 东北大教36.NYU: New York University纽约大教19.ND(Notre Dame): University of Notre Dame(IN)圣母大教124 OSU: 俄亥俄州坐大教1. Princeton: Princeton University(NJ) )普林斯顿大教41.PSU: Pennsylvania State U.-University Park宾州州坐大教* Purdue: 普渡大教* RPI 伦斯(塞)勒理工教院33.Rochester:University of Rochester(NY) 罗彻斯特大教16.Rice: Rice University(TX)莱斯大教6. Stanford:Stanford University(CA)斯坦祸大教111 SUNY-SB 纽约州坐大教-石溪分校30.Tufts: Tufts University(MA) 塔妇茨大教44.Tulane:Tulane University(LA)杜兰大教* U mich 稀歇根大教* Umass 马萨诸塞大教9. UPenn: University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法僧亚大教25.UCLA:University of California-Los Angeles加州大教-洛杉矶分校26.UMich: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor稀歇根大教-安娜堡分校27.UNC:Univ.of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 北卡罗去纳大教教堂山分校32.UCSD: University of California-San Diego加州大教-圣天亚哥分校37.UIUC: Univ.of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign伊利诺伊大教厄巴纳-香槟分校38.UWisc:University of Wisconsin-Madison威斯康辛大教麦迪逊分校42.UCDavis:University of California-Davis加州大教戴维斯分校C:University of Southern California北加州大教45.UCSB:Univ.of California-Santa Barbara 加州大教-圣巴巴推分校46.UTexas:University of Texas-Austin德克萨斯大教奥斯汀分校49.UCI:University of California-Irvine加州大教欧文分校50.UFL:University of Florida 佛罗里达大教* Udel特推华* UVa* Vanderbilt范德比我特21. Vanderbilt: Vanderbilt University(TN) 范德堡大教22.Virginia:University of Virginia 弗凶僧亚大教28.WFU:Wake Forest University(NC)威克森林大教29.WM: College of William and Mary(VA)威廉战玛丽教院17.WUSTL: Washington University in St.Louis(MO)圣路易斯华衰顿大教* WPI47.Washington:University of Washington 华衰顿大教2. Yale: Yale University(CT)耶鲁大教48.Yeshiva:Yeshiva University(NY)叶史瓦大教齐好最佳的50所大教(单语)(2011-12-01好国的很多纯志皆市评比它们心中最佳的好国大教,虽然排名肯定会爆收各类好别,然而是基础上皆是那些一如既往有名的大教不妨登上榜单,它们或者许往上走二位,或者许往下走二位.1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology(麻省理工教院)2. Stanford University(斯坦祸大教)3. Harvard University(哈佛大教)4. Princeton University(普林斯顿大教)5. Yale University(耶鲁大教)6. California Institute of Technology(加州理工教院)7. Columbia University (哥伦比亚大教)8. Dartmouth College(达特茅斯教院)9. University of Pennsylvania(宾州大教)10. Cornell University(康奈我大教)11. University of Chicago(芝加哥大教)12. Duke University(杜克大教)13. Johns Hopkins University(约翰霍普金斯大教)14. University of California — Berkeley(加州大教伯克利分校)15. Brown University(布朗大教)16. United States Naval Academy(好国海军教院)17. Carnegie Mellon University(卡耐基梅隆大教)18. United States Military Academy(好国陆军教院)19. Northwestern University(西北大教)20. Georgetown University(乔治敦大教)21. University of Virginia(弗凶僧亚大教)22. Amherst College(阿莫斯特教院)23. University of Michigan — Ann Arbor(稀歇根大教安娜堡分校)24. New York University(纽约大教)25. Rice University(好斯大教)26. Williams College(威廉姆教院)27. University of Notre Dame(圣母大教)28. University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill(北卡教堂山大教)29. University of California — Los Angeles(加州大教洛杉矶分校)30. Emory University(埃莫瑞大教)31. Vanderbilt University(范德比特大教)32. Georgia Institute of Technology(佐治亚理工教院)33. Boston College(波士顿大教)34. University of Texas — Austin(德克萨大教奥斯丁分校)35. Harvey Mudd College(哈维穆德教院)36. Swathmore College(斯沃斯莫我教院)37. Tufts University(塔妇茨教院)38. Washington University in St. Louis(华衰顿大教圣路易斯分校)39. Middlebury College(米德我伯里教院)40. University of Southern California(北加州大教)41. College of William and Mary(威廉姆取玛丽教院)42. Wellesley College(卫斯理教院)43. University of Wisconsin —Madison(威斯康星麦迪逊大教)44. Bowdoin College(专登教院)45. University of Illinois —Urbana-Champaign(伊利诺伊州坐大教香槟分校)46. Davidson College(戴维森教院)47. Wesleyan University(卫斯理安教院)48. Vassar College(瓦萨教院)49. Pennsylvania State University — University Park(宾州州坐大教——帕克大教)50. Colgate University(科我盖特大教)。



美国西北大学简介及院系及专业设置美国西北大学简介及院系及专业设置学校名称:美国西北大学 North-West University所在位置:南非,学校设置类型:创建时间:2004年学历:本科专科研究生语言网络课程学校性质:学生人数:45143人院校地址:西北大学是一所顶尖的私立研究大学。


西北大学简介院校名称:西北大学|Northwestern University学院类型:大学私立建校时间:1851年本国排名:12全球排名:26学生人数:16656人地理位置:美国伊利诺伊州院校地址:Northwestern University 633 Clark Street Evanston, IL 60208创建1851年,从1988年至1994年,六年蝉联美国各名牌大学商学院的排名第一位。








Evanston 主校区紧靠密西根湖,景色极其优美。

西北大学Northwestern University优秀的学术水平、高水准的师资、完善的设备及服务,不仅吸引了无数的美国学生,更吸引了来自世界80个国家的海外留学生,目前学生人数超过15000人。


西北大学包括Weinberg文理学院、交流学院(School of Communication)、Bienen音乐学院、Medill新闻学院、McCormick工程及应用科学学院、教育及社会政策学院、Feinberg医学院、法学院、以及Kellogg商学院。


About Xi’an An Introduction to NPU Features of NPU Achievements International Cooperation
About Xi’an
Xi’an City
About Xi’an ---Bell Tower
An Introduction to NPU
Founded in 1938 Research-oriented; Multi-disciplinary
Science and Technology (Aeronautics; Astronautics; Marine Technology)
Features of NPU
Low-speed Wind Tunnel
The Largest Low-speed Wind Tunnel in Asia
High-speed Continuous Pressure Wind Tunnel
China’s First High-speed Continuous Pressure Wind Tunnel
About Xi’an
---Terracotta Horses and Warriors
One of the eight wonders of the world.
About Xi’an ---Big Wild Goose (Da Yan) Pagoda
An Introduction to NPU
High-speed Water Tunnel
The High-speed Water Tunnel with the highest speed in China



硅谷(Silicon Valley) 地处美国加州北部旧金山湾以南,早期以硅芯片的设计与制造著称,因而得名。






位于硅谷的美国著名私立学校有:1、斯坦福大学(Stanford University)斯坦福大学(Stanford University)全称为小利兰·斯坦福大学(Leland Stanford Junior University),是美国的一所私立大学,被公认为世界上最杰出的大学之一。







推荐阅读:细数那些斯坦福归来的创业者们寻访世界顶级学府——斯坦福大学之旅从哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福3大名校看美国精英式教育2、西北理工大学(Northwestern Polytechnic University)美国西北理工大学建于1984年1月2日,地处被誉为世界高科技发源地的美国加州硅谷地区的佛利蒙市(Fremont),是美国国家教育部和加州教育厅认可的高等学府、国际顶尖的培养高科技与工商管理高级人才的著名高等学府之一、全美大学甄选委员会(ACICS) 入选之会员。



西北师范大学历任校长毕业证文凭毕业证样本学位证样本西北师范大学学院的简介、地址与历史沿革西北师范大学(外文名:Northwest Normal University )简称:西北师大(NWNU);是甘肃省人民政府和教育部共同建设的重点大学、国家重点支持的西部地区十四所大学之一。















介绍西北大学的英语作文【中英文版】Introduction to Northwest UniversityLocated in the historical city of Xi"an, Northwest University is a prestigious institution renowned for its rich heritage and academic excellence.Founded in 1902, this university has a long-standing tradition of nurturing talents and advancing knowledge.With a picturesque campus that blends modern facilities with traditional Chinese architecture, it offers a unique environment for learning and growth.西北大学坐落于拥有悠久历史的古城西安,是一所以学术卓越和文化遗产丰富而著称的名校。



Academically, Northwest University boasts a comprehensive range of disciplines, from the natural sciences to the humanities and social sciences.Its faculty members are distinguished scholars and researchers, many of whom have received national and international recognition for their contributions to their respective fields.The university encourages interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation, providing students with a well-rounded education.在学术方面,西北大学拥有从自然科学到人文社会科学的全面学科体系。



陕西2024西北大学学位英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Northwest University is a prestigious institution located in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China. As one of the top universities in the region, it offers a wide range of academic programs, including undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in various fields of study. In this article, we will explore the degree programs offered at Northwest University and why it is a great choice for students looking to pursue higher education in Shaanxi.Northwest University offers a diverse range of degree programs, including bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, in disciplines such as science, engineering, arts, social sciences, and business. Students can choose from a variety of majors, including computer science, biology, economics, psychology, and many more. The university also offers joint degree programs with international partner universities, allowing students to earn a degree from both institutions.One of the main reasons why Northwest University is a great choice for students seeking higher education in Shaanxi is its academic reputation. The university is known for its high-quality education and research programs, as well as its strong ties to industry and government. This ensures that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in their chosen careers.In addition to its academic excellence, Northwest University also offers a vibrant campus life with a wide range of extracurricular activities and student organizations. From sports teams to cultural clubs, there is something for everyone to get involved in and make the most of their university experience. The university also has modern facilities, including state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, and dormitories, to ensure that students have everything they need to succeed.Furthermore, Northwest University is located in Xi'an, a city with a rich history and cultural heritage. Students have the opportunity to explore the city and experience its unique blend of traditional and modern influences. From the Terracotta Warriors to the ancient city walls, there is no shortage of attractions to visit and activities to enjoy in Xi'an.In conclusion, Northwest University is an excellent choice for students looking to pursue higher education in Shaanxi. With its diverse range of degree programs, academic reputation, vibrant campus life, and beautiful location in Xi'an, the university offers everything students need to succeed and thrive during their time in college. If you are considering studying in Shaanxi, I highly recommend looking into Northwest University and all that it has to offer.篇2Northwest University, located in the beautiful city of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, is one of the top universities in China. With a history dating back to 1902, the university has become known for its excellent academic programs, vibrant campus life, and rich cultural heritage. As a prospective student considering pursuing a degree at Northwest University in 2024, there are several key aspects of the university that make it a great choice for your academic and personal growth.First and foremost, Northwest University offers a wide range of academic programs across various disciplines, including engineering, business, humanities, and natural sciences. The university is home to several prestigious research institutes and centers, which provide students with unique opportunities toengage in cutting-edge research and gain valuable hands-on experience. Whether you are interested in studying computer science, economics, literature, or any other field, you can be sure to find a program that matches your interests and career goals at Northwest University.Moreover, the university boasts a highly qualified faculty, many of whom are leading experts in their respective fields. With a strong commitment to teaching and research excellence, the faculty at Northwest University are dedicated to helping students succeed academically and professionally. Through small class sizes, personalized mentoring, and innovative teaching methods, they create a supportive learning environment where students can thrive and reach their full potential.In addition to its academic strengths, Northwest University offers a vibrant campus life that is both enriching and exciting. The university is home to a diverse student body from all corners of China and the world, creating a multicultural and dynamic community that fosters cross-cultural exchange and friendship. From student clubs and organizations to sports teams and cultural events, there are countless opportunities for students to get involved, make new friends, and explore their interests outside of the classroom.Furthermore, the city of Xi'an itself is a unique and fascinating place to study and live. As one of China's ancient capitals, Xi'an is famous for its rich history, cultural heritage, and iconic landmarks such as the Terracotta Warriors and the ancient city walls. The city offers a perfect blend of traditional charm and modern amenities, providing students with a stimulating and inspiring environment in which to learn, grow, and explore.In conclusion, Northwest University is a top-tier institution that offers an exceptional academic experience, vibrant campus life, and unique cultural opportunities. If you are considering pursuing a degree at Northwest University in 2024, you can rest assured that you will receive a world-class education and a truly enriching college experience. Join us at Northwest University and embark on a journey of discovery, growth, and success that will shape your future and lead to a lifetime of achievement.篇3IntroductionNorthwest University, located in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, is a renowned institution of higher education in China. It is known for its comprehensive academic programs, dedicated faculty, and beautiful campus. As a student at Northwest University, I havehad the privilege to experience firsthand the vibrant academic atmosphere and rich cultural heritage of the region.Academic ExcellenceNorthwest University offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various disciplines, including arts, sciences, engineering, and business. The university is home to some of the most talented and accomplished faculty members who are dedicated to providing students with a top-notch education. The learning environment at Northwest University is conducive to academic success, with state-of-the-art facilities, well-equipped laboratories, and extensive library resources.Cultural ImmersionStudying at Northwest University offers students a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of Shaanxi Province. Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi, is a city steeped in history and culture, with attractions such as the Terracotta Army, the ancient city wall, and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. Students also have the chance to participate in various cultural activities, such as traditional Chinese calligraphy, painting, and martial arts.Global PerspectivesNorthwest University is committed to fostering a global perspective among its students. The university has established partnerships with leading universities and institutions around the world, offering students opportunities for international exchange programs, collaborative research projects, and cross-cultural experiences. Studying at Northwest University allows students to broaden their horizons and develop a deeper understanding of global issues and trends.Career OpportunitiesA degree from Northwest University opens up a world of opportunities for graduates. The university's strong reputation and extensive industry connections provide students with a competitive edge in the job market. Career fairs, internship programs, and networking events are organized regularly to help students explore career options and connect with potential employers. Northwest University is dedicated to preparing students for success in their chosen fields and helping them achieve their professional goals.ConclusionIn conclusion, studying at Northwest University offers students a truly enriching and rewarding academic experience. The university's commitment to academic excellence, culturalimmersion, global perspectives, and career opportunities sets it apart as a leading institution of higher education in China. As a student at Northwest University, I am proud to be part of a vibrant community that values learning, diversity, and innovation.I am confident that my education at Northwest University will prepare me for a successful and fulfilling career in the future.。



用英语介绍西北民族大学的作文Northwest University for Nationalities, located in Lanzhou, Gansu province, is a comprehensive university with a focus on ethnic minority studies. It was founded in 1950 and has since been dedicated to the education and research of China's ethnic minority cultures and languages.The university offers a wide range of programs in various disciplines, including literature, history, economics, law, education, and natural sciences. It is also known for its strong emphasis on the study of ethnic languages, with courses in Tibetan, Mongolian, Uighur, Kazakh, and other minority languages.In addition to its academic offerings, Northwest University for Nationalities is also active in promoting cultural exchanges and understanding among different ethnic groups. The university regularly hosts cultural events, performances, and exhibitions that showcase the rich diversity of China's ethnic minority cultures.As a student at Northwest University for Nationalities, I have had the opportunity to learn not only fromknowledgeable professors but also from my fellow classmates, who come from diverse ethnic backgrounds. This has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the different cultures and traditions that make up China'sethnic minority groups.Overall, Northwest University for Nationalities has provided me with a valuable and enriching educational experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity to studyat such a prestigious institution.西北民族大学位于甘肃省兰州市,是一所以民族学科为特色的综合性大学。



西北农林科技大学研学英语作文In the heart of China's vast northwest, where the ancient Silk Road winds through, lies the Northwest A&F University, a beacon of academic excellence and a sanctuary for scholars. Here, amidst the sprawling campus and the verdant fields, a unique challenge awaits the students of the graduate school: mastering the art of English composition. This is not just an academic requirement but a gateway to a world of global communication and scholarly discourse.The English composition course at the Northwest A&F University is more than just a class; it's a journey through the intricacies of language, a dance with words that can weave together complex ideas into a coherent and persuasive narrative. Students here are not merely taught to write; they are encouraged to think critically, to express their thoughts with clarity, and to engage with the global scientific community in a language that transcends borders.The professors, seasoned scholars themselves, guide the students through the nuances of academic writing, from the structure of an argumentative essay to the subtleties of a research paper. They emphasize the importance of a strong thesis, the flow of ideas, and the art of citation, ensuring that each student's work is not only well-structured but also contributes to the existing body of knowledge.The university's commitment to excellence is evident inthe resources it provides. State-of-the-art language labs, extensive libraries, and a vibrant community of international students and scholars create an environment that fosters learning and growth. Workshops and seminars are regularly held, offering students the opportunity to hone their skills and receive feedback from peers and experts alike.But perhaps the most compelling aspect of the English composition course at the Northwest A&F University is its relevance to the students' future careers. Whether theyaspire to be researchers, educators, or professionals in the agricultural and forestry sectors, the ability to communicate effectively in English is indispensable. It opens doors to international conferences, research collaborations, and opportunities for publication in prestigious journals.In conclusion, the English composition course at the Northwest A&F University is not just about writing in English; it's about equipping students with the tools to succeed in a globalized world. It's about fostering a culture of excellence, where every student can express their ideas with confidence and contribute meaningfully to the global dialogue. This is the legacy that the university leaves with its graduates—a legacy of linguistic prowess, critical thinking, and a commitment to lifelong learning.。
























西北大考研英语Northwest University Postgraduate English Exam Introduction:The Northwest University postgraduate English exam is an important assessment for students looking to pursue higher education at the university. This exam evaluates the English language proficiency of candidates and plays a crucial role in determining their admission to various postgraduate programs. In this article, we will discuss the format and content of the Northwest University postgraduate English exam.Format:The postgraduate English exam consists of two parts: written and oral tests. The written test is divided into listening, reading, and writing sections, which assess different language skills. The oral test evaluates candidates' speaking and communication abilities. Listening Section:The listening section includes a series of audio recordings, such as conversations, lectures, and interviews. Candidates are required to listen carefully and answer questions based on the content. This section assesses their listening comprehension and ability to understand academic English.Reading Section:The reading section consists of passages from academic journals, textbooks, and literature. Candidates must read the texts and answer questions to demonstrate their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills. This section also testscandidates' ability to understand and analyze complex written materials.Writing Section:The writing section requires candidates to write an essay on a given topic. Candidates must showcase their ability to structure an essay, develop arguments, and communicate ideas effectively. This section assesses their writing skills, coherence, and ability to present logical arguments.Oral Section:The oral test is conducted in a face-to-face interview format. Candidates are asked questions related to their academic background, interests, and future goals. They must respond fluently and demonstrate good pronunciation, vocabulary, and oral communication skills.Preparation Tips:To excel in the Northwest University postgraduate English exam, candidates should focus on improving their overall English proficiency. Here are some helpful preparation tips:1. Practice listening to a variety of academic audio materials.2. Read extensively to expand vocabulary and improve reading comprehension.3. Practice writing essays on different topics to enhance writing skills.4. Engage in regular conversation practice to improve oral communication.Conclusion:The Northwest University postgraduate English exam is a challenging assessment that requires candidates to possess strong English language skills. By following the aforementioned preparation tips and diligently practicing each section, candidates can increase their chances of success and achieve their goal of pursuing postgraduate studies at Northwest University.。










拓展阅读:西北农林科技大学简介西北农林科技大学(Northwest A&F University)简称西农或西北农大,坐落于陕西杨凌示范区,是中华人民共和国教育部直属的全国重点大学,中央直管副部级建制高校,世界一流大学建设高校,“985工程”和“211工程”重点建设高校。


现有7个国家重点学科和2个国家重点(培育)学科;农业科学、植物学与动物学、工程学、环境科学与生态学、化学、生物学与生物化学、药理学与毒理学、分子生物学与遗传学、微生物学、地球科学等10个学科进入ESI全球学科排名前1%, 农业科学、植物学与动物学2个学科进入ESI前1‰之列。

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Northwest University (NWU) can trace its origins back to Shaanxi Imperial College and Peking Imperial College in 1902. The University received its current name in 1912, and was renamed Northwest National University in 1923. With institutions such as Peking National University, Peking National Normal University and Beiyang National Engineering College, which moved inland to Shaanxi province when the War of Resistance against Japan broke out in 1937, the University merged to form Xi’an National Provisional Un iversity. It was then renamed Northwest Associated University in 1938 and regained the name Northwest National University in 1939.In the early years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Northwest University was a comprehensive university under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. In 1958, NWU came to the administration of Shaanxi province. In 1978, NWU was designated as one of the national key universities. Currently, NWU is under the joint administration of the Ministry of Education and Shaanxi province. NWU has been selected as one of the leading universities sponsored by the national “211 Project”. It also enjoys national support from the “One University for One Province Initiative”.For over 110 years, following its vis ion of “promoting the national spirit, integrating the ideas from around the world and shouldering the responsibility of developing northwest China” and its motto of “Fairness,Integrity, Diligence and Simplicity”, NWU has strived for excellence in the face of difficulties and challenges. Through unremitting efforts, NWU has attracted a generous number of distinguished scholars, cultivated generations of talents, and made a series of significant academic achievements. NWU has also developed the academic mindset of being rooted in northwest China with a global view and creating new knowledge while inheriting past civilizations. In addition, it has fostered a talent education philosophy which helps students to develop cultural ideals, integrative learning abilities and the courage to achieve as much as possible in the future.NWU has 3 campuses: the Taibai Campus, the Taoyuan Campus and the Chang’an Campus. They cover a total area of approximately 400 acres, and comprise 22 schools and departments, plus a graduate school. In addition to 83 undergraduate degree programs, NWU has been authorized to confer master’s degrees in 39 first-tier disciplines, 8 second-tier disciplines and 16 professional programs, as well as doctoral degrees in 19 first-tier disciplines and 5 second-tier disciplines. NWU has developed 1 first-tier national key discipline (covering 5 second-tier disciplines), 4 second-tier national key disciplines, 1 national key discipline under cultivation and 21 post-doctoral programs. Moreover, NWU houses 1 national key laboratory, 1 national research center for engineering & technology, 1 national base for international scientific &technological cooperation, 29 provincial (ministerial) key labs, research centers for engineering & technology, and key research bases for the humanities & social sciences, 5 national experimental teaching demonstration centers, 7 national bases for talent cultivation, and 1 national base for the cultural quality education of college students.NWU has about 2,500 members of faculty and staff, including 2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 5 distinguished (or chair) professors of “the Cheung Kong Scholars Program”, and 5 winners of China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists. NWU also boasts 41 National and Provincial Experts with Outstanding Contributions, 6 Innovation Teams of the Ministry of Education, 4 Nationally Distinguished Teachers, and 5 Nationally Distinguished Teaching Teams. Currently NWU has a student population of over 23,000 including 7,000 graduate students and 700 international students.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, NWU has educated over 200,000 professional talents across different disciplines. Most of them have developed into the professional, academic and administrative backbone of the nation, fulfilling leading roles in different regions and sectors. NWU has been honored as “the Mother of Chinese Petroleum Engineering,” “the Cradle of Economists” and “the Cradle of Writers.” NWU is among the first group of pi lot universities entitled to train officer candidates for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.Each year NWU undertakes over 100 research projects of national importance, including “the 973 Project,” “the 863 Project,” national major scientific and technological projects, and the projects of the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China. To date, NWU has won a number of major scientific research awards, including the National Natural Sciences Awards (the first and second prizes), the National Technological Invention Awards (the second prize), the National Scientific & Technological Progress Awards (the second prize), and the Cheung Kong Scholars Achievement Awards (first prize).NWU attaches great importance to international exchange and cooperation, and has established collaborative relations with more than 100 institutions of higher learning and research in more than 20 foreign countries, including USA, UK, France, Germanyand Japan, as well as regions such as Hong Kong and Taiwan. To its credit, NWU is listed as one of the leading universities in the world by the Encyclopedia Britannica。
