

基于以上考虑,本文的研究旨在提出可以正确描述船舶此类非线性运动的数值 模型,并在正确模拟船舶参数横摇的行为的基础上,理解参数横摇的形成机理,分 析参数横摇的发生过程,研究参数横摇的作用因素,最终编制可应用于参数横摇模 拟计算和分析的整套程序,为参数横摇问题在工程上的研究应用提供方便友好的平 台。
1.2 参数横摇研究进展
long-crest waves,wave group
上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明
本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立 进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不 包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究 做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意 识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。
时也导致了船舶在波浪上的稳性特征值的变化。其中,船舶横摇恢复力矩作为保证 船舶安全的最为重要的参数受此变化影响最为严重。传统理论对船舶各个运动模态 的数值估计和预报是在船舶线性运动理论框架下进行的,适应于微幅运动,对于船 舶发生大幅度运动时所呈现强烈的非线性运动无法适用。参数横摇的存在揭示了船 舶海上客货安全和航行效率上存在的危险隐患.其影响强度是船舶频域幅值理念下 安全预报的盲区,因此正确预报船舶参数横摇的发生范围和危险程度势在必行。 1.1.2 研究目的
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SPE 168243 英语翻译

SPE 168243 英语翻译

SPE 168243
本文是2014 年 3 月25-26,在美国得克萨斯州准备在SPE/连续性油管& 井干预会议&在林地举行展览的演示文稿。




没有石油工程师协会的书面同意,禁止电子复制,分发,或储存的任何部分的文章用于商业目的,印刷复制许可限制不超过摘要的300个字;包含摘要必须被 SPE版权承认。



利兰 哈特韦尔

利兰 哈特韦尔

HEREDITAS (Beijing) 2008年6月, 30(6): 663―664ISSN 0253-9772 封面人物DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2008.00663利兰・哈特韦尔王虹西安文理学院生命科学系, 西安 710065Department Life Sciences, Xi’an University of Arts and Science, Xi’an 710065, China2001年度诺贝尔生理学与医学奖颁给了美国西雅图富钦森癌症研究中心的利兰・哈特韦尔(Leland H. Hartwell)、英国伦敦皇家癌症研究基金会的保罗・纳斯(Paul Nurse)和提莫西・亨特(Timothy Hunt) 3位科学家, 以表彰他们发现了“细胞周期的关键调节因子”。

他们采用遗传学和生物化学的方法, 确定了在真核生物中控制细胞周期的两种因子: 细胞周期依赖性蛋白激酶(CDK)和细胞周期蛋白。




细胞通过细胞周期, 完成分裂, 进行增殖以繁衍后代。

细胞周期大致可分为4个时相, 即G1期、S期、G2期和M期。

细胞周期的不同时相具有高度精确的协调性, 细胞必须在完成上一次时相后才能进入下一次时相。

一个细胞周期结束, 不仅细胞数量增加为二, 而且将染色体准确无误地遗传给分裂出的子细胞。

这一过程的任何缺陷都将导致遗传信息的改变, 最终有可能导致癌变。

这3位科学家的研究工作有着一定的连贯性, 为揭示细胞周期调控的分子机理做出了共同的贡献。

哈特韦尔是最早关注细胞周期的人, 并试图探究其控制机理。

利兰・哈特韦尔(Leland H. Hartwell 1939—)1939年10月30日出生于美国洛杉矶。

在他10岁左右的时候, 就对一些事物有着强烈的好奇心, 常常采集动物标本像蝴蝶、青蛙、蛇和蜘蛛等, 了解一些他感兴趣的问题。



Change the Footer in the Master
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-Rivers, Central Venous Oximetry in the critically ill patients
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河南科技Henan Science and Technology 电气与信息工程总第816期第22期2023年11月某型号直升机超短波电台电磁干扰问题研究张海路杰沈凌志(昌河飞机工业集团有限责任公司,江西景德镇333000)摘要:【目的】对某型号直升机在试飞过程中因超短波电台干扰空调工作而产生的故障进行分析,为解决直升机电磁兼容问题提供建议。




关键词:直升机;超短波;空调;故障;电磁兼容中图分类号:V217.33文献标志码:A文章编号:1003-5168(2023)22-0004-04 DOI:10.19968/ki.hnkj.1003-5168.2023.22.001The Research on an Optimized Method of the Fault on Electromagnetic Interference of Ultra-Short Wave Radio of a Certain HelicopterZHANG Hai LU Jie SHEN Lingzhi(Changhe Aircraft Industries Group Co.,Ltd.,Jingdezhen333000,China)Abstract:[Purposes]This paper aims to analyze the failure of a helicopter caused by ultra-short wave radio interference with air conditioning during flight test,and to provide suggestions for solving the prob⁃lem of helicopter electromagnetic compatibility.[Methods]Through the analysis of the relevant system principle and fault mechanism,the causes of the fault are sorted out in the form of fault tree,and verified one by one on the helicopter.Finally,the fault point is located and effective troubleshooting measures are taken.[Findings]It can fundamentally solve the common problem that the ultra-short wave radio in⁃terferes with the air conditioning work of the machine,and optimize the three basic solutions according to the basic causes of the electromagnetic compatibility problem.[Conclusions]In the process of flight test,the common faults on helicopters are related to electromagnetic interference.It is very important to carry out electromagnetic compatibility test on helicopters in the process of production and manufactur⁃ing.Sufficient test can find electromagnetic compatibility problems in advance and solve them on the ground,so as to avoid faults in the subsequent flight test process,ensure the smooth completion of flight test tasks,and improve the production quality of helicopters.Keywords:helicopter;ultra-short wave;air-conditioner;fault;electromagnetic compatibility收稿日期:2023-06-02作者简介:张海(1992—),男,本科,工程师,研究方向:直升机无线电系统方。

朴克汤森公司氢流泵 动力分区绿兰维尔,特拉加州 37745 美国 PVP 60 76 可变体力泵系列

朴克汤森公司氢流泵 动力分区绿兰维尔,特拉加州 37745 美国 PVP 60 76 可变体力泵系列

Standard Pump AssemblyNOTE:This exploded view is of a PVP 60/76. For all practical purposes it may be used as a guide to determine PVP Series components.Use of a Relief ValveThe use of a relief valve, while not mandatory is recommended in the main circuit to suppress hydraulic shock loads and adds additionalsystem protection.Fluid RecommendationsPremium quality hydraulic oil with a viscosity range between 150-250 SSU (30-50 cst.) at 38°C (100°F). Normal operating viscosity range between 80-1000 SSU (17-180 cst.). Maximum start-up viscosity is 4000 SSU (1000 cst.).NOTE:Consult Parker when exceeding 71°C (160°F) Inlet Fluid Temperatures. Oil shouldhave maximum anti-wear properties, rust and oxidation treatment.FiltrationFor maximum pump and system component life,the system should be protected from contamination ata level not to exceed 125 particles greater than10 microns per milliliter of fluid. (SAE Class 4/ISO16/13.) Due to the nature of variable displacement pumps, variations in pump inlet conditions, fluid acceleration losses, system aeration, and duty cycle we do not recommend suction line filters. We do recommend the use of a properly sized, in-tank, suction strainer. Contact your Parker representative for assistance.Start-UpOn initial start-up, the case should be filled with oil, pressure adjustments should be reduced and the circuit should be open to permit priming.Inlet ConditionsNot to exceed .17 bar (5 In. Hg.) Vacuum at 1800 RPM on petroleum base fluids. See recommended speed spectrum for specific inlet conditions.Shaft Rotation and Line UpPump and motor shaft alignment must be within.010 TIR maximum, using a standard floating coupling. Please follow coupling manufacturer’s recommended installation instructions to prevent end thrust on pump shaft. Turn pump to assure freedom of rotation. Pump and motor must be on a rigid base. The coupling should be sized to absorb the peak horsepower developed.Installation and MountingWhen mounting a PVP Series Pump, the “case drain”must be on top of the pump. The “case drain” should be a separate line unrestricted to the reservoir and extend below the oil level as far from the inlet lineas possible. The “case drain” line must not exceed .7 bar (10 PSI) back pressure. Suggested maximum line length is 10 feet.Special InstallationsConsult your Parker representative for any application requiring the following:Pressure above rated, drive speed above maximum, indirect drive, fluid other than petroleum oil, oil temperature above 71°C (160°F).Inlet PressureNot to exceed 1.72 bar (25 PSI).。



新视野 - 短 语 应 用
青春最遗憾的莫过于 在某人的生命中占 抓有不特住殊未地来位幸福中占 主导地位的东西。

语 to fill a special place
逆 in one’s life

The saddest thing about youth is the failure the saddest thing about youth / failure to
A Test of True Love
An introduction of the text
The origin of Valentine’s Day
Analyze the text and explain the words
Appreciate a love poem
• 公元3世纪,罗马皇帝克劳迪乌斯宣布废弃所 有的婚姻承诺,当时出于战争的考虑,所以让 无所牵挂的男人走上战场。一名叫瓦仑廷 ( Saint Valentine )的神父没有遵照这个 旨意反而继续为相爱的年轻人举行教堂婚礼。 事情被告发后,瓦仑廷神父被鞭打,被石头掷 打,最后在公元270年2月14日这天被绞死。14 世纪以后,人们就用“情人节”来纪念那位为 情人做主而牺牲的神父。
新视野 - 程序性知识提炼与应用
只要一站到讲台上,这 位教师就感觉自己好像 年轻了十岁。
As long as she stands on the platform, the taesaclohnerg faese/lsthaes tphlaotufgohrmsh/efweeelraesttehnoyuegahrs/ yyoouunnggeerr.



成型3-5年,入住率至少90%的成熟社区作为 首期推广的目标。有竞品存在的社区更是加快 进入的目标,通过对比,实验,口碑,形象等 手段,让已经对健康水有一定认识的消费人群 迅速转型。进行摸底后针对有经济实力的老旧 小区,合理布局。
西安市截止2017年3月,居民小区4800个左右, 首年推广的目标区域希望做到东西南北中兼顾, 普及品牌引导消费为目的。精准布局为主,占 领空白区域为辅。目标完成30台水站,争取 达到50台布点的目标。五年达到1000台。
2011年,日内瓦国际发明沙龙将“高度集成饮水系统金奖”这一代表净水行业领域最高荣誉的奖 项授予了来自德国的硕士工程师约翰•傅伦斯先生。同年,长岭集团独家引进了这一国际专利 技术,2012年 3月长岭技术高工团队在长岭电子科技公司第一台国产样机生产完成,为产品本 土化生产奠定了基础,2013年长岭集团成功自主生产“长岭一体化洁净水处理”多功能系列化产 品设备。 长岭-哈尔福伦系列净水设备,可有效去除水中的农药、重金属及氯化物和碳氢化合物等有 机物,杀灭各种致病菌,同时保留对人体有益的微量元素,将自然界不洁净的各类源水,包括 苦咸水、亚海水和海水等,净化处理为高品质、可直接饮用的健康洁净水。设备可广泛应用于 城市医疗机构、学校、车站、酒店、度假村、私人家庭住宅、边远农村、山区、海岛及野外作 业等等,对改善大众饮水现状,满足民众高品质健康饮水需求有着划时代的意义。
军工品质 德国技术 世界领先 专业团队
01 市场规划及愿景
02 付款条件 03 双方责任 0书





Herth 希望测评系统 (HHI)

Herth 希望测评系统 (HHI)

Herth 希望测评系统 (HHI)简介Herth 希望测评系统 (HHI) 是一个用于评估个体希望水平的测评系统。


功能和特点- 希望评估:HHI 提供了一套科学的希望评估工具,通过测量个体的希望水平,帮助他们了解自己的希望程度。

- 个性化建议:根据评估结果,HHI 会提供个性化的建议和指导,帮助个体制定实现目标的策略,并增强他们的希望感。

- 追踪和分析:HHI 具有追踪和分析功能,可以记录个体的希望水平变化,并提供相应的数据分析报告,以帮助个体了解其进展和发展方向。

- 用户友好:HHI 的界面简洁直观,易于使用,适合各种用户群体,无论是个人发展还是组织管理。

使用步骤1. 注册账号:用户需要注册一个 HHI 的账号,填写相关个人信息。

2. 进行评估:用户可以根据系统提示,完成希望水平的评估问卷。

3. 分析结果:根据评估结果,系统将生成个人希望水平报告,并提供相应的建议和指导。

4. 制定计划:用户可以根据报告中的建议,制定个人目标和计划,以提高自己的希望感。

5. 追踪进展:用户可以使用系统的追踪和分析功能,记录自己的进展情况,并根据报告中的数据分析,调整自己的策略和行动。

使用注意事项- 保密性:用户的个人信息和评估结果将被严格保密,不会被用于任何其他目的。

- 个体自主性:系统提供的建议和指导仅供参考,个体需要根据自己的实际情况和需要做出决策。

- 坚持性:提高希望感需要长期坚持和努力,用户应该保持积极的心态,不断追求自己的目标。

希望测评系统 (HHI) 将成为个体实现目标和追求幸福的有力工具,帮助他们增强希望感,实现更好的人生。



1.青岛即墨国家农业科技园区站在高科技前沿发挥示范带动作用 [J], 徐世显
2.底特律专题之五后视镜里的高科技——参观采访GENTEX(镜泰)公司密歇根州总部 [J],
3.2007年底特律采访系列报道(六)站在氢经济时代的前沿——访ECD Ovonic公司总裁Stanford Ovshinsky [J], 朱敏慧
4.始终站在高科技的最前沿 [J],
5.站在现代医学高科技的最前沿——访北京大学第一医院核医学科主任王荣福教授[J], 张勋

Honeywell ControlEdge PLC商品说明书

Honeywell ControlEdge PLC商品说明书

CONTROLEDGE PLCHoneywell’s PLC is part of the ControlEdge™ family, a next-generation family of controllers providing unprecedented connectivity through all levels of process and business operations. The result is optimized operations and maintenance efficiencies that liberate personnel from manual processes. ControlEdge PLC is one of the first controllers in the market to achieve Cybersecurity ISA Level 2 certification.NEW GENERATION CONTROLLERControlEdge PLC dramatically reduces configuration, integration, and support costs while decreasing risk with the best cybersecurity on the market. Honeywell is the first to provide a complete ecosystem including PLC, SCADA, and DCS together. Combined withExperion®, ControlEdge PLC minimizes downtime through unified support, and lowers total cost of ownership through extended system lifecycle and the best investment protection on the market. Experion and ControlEdge PLC leverage a common HMI platform, providefaster field device commissioning, and improve device diagnostics.Built-in OPC UA, EtherNet/IP, DNP3, Modbus, Profinet, MQTT protocol, and cybersecurity provide smooth integration to a range of instruments, equipment and software from multiple vendors. The first PLC to offer HART-enabled Universal I/O with optional redundancy configuration, providesremote configuration, late design change flexibility, and simulation for improved project implementation and training.HOW IS CONTROLEDGE PLC DIFFERENT?Experion IntegrationHoneywell can serve as your single vendor for all automation needs, including the DCS, PLC, Varaiable Frequency Drive, SCADA, Field Device Manager for asset management, and a Panel PC - all with seamless integration, configuration, and support.Coordination is easier with fewer teams and direct access to system knowledge, and auto-configuration of PLC data points in Experion Server means easy updates and faster project deployment. A single point of responsibility reduces both risk and cost with fewer coordination errors, less engineering, faster installation, less training and reduced hardware.Field Device Manager (FDM) provides fast and accurate commissioning of field devices and simplified diagnostics, resulting in fewer site trips. Combining FDM with the HART IP open standard offers design flexibility and protectionof existing site investments. HART command function blocks in the PLC support improved plant operation and device diagnostics, along with reduced commissioning and installation cost.Operator effectiveness is increased with a common HMI across system applications. An integrated solution provides pre-built diagnostics, anintegrated alarm summary, and history, trending and reporting on a single Experion infrastructure with native peer-to-peer integration to Experion Controllers. Results are fewer operator and engineering stations, less hardware and wiring, reduced IT licensing and training, fewer errors, and increased efficiency and availability. You benefit from reduced cost over the lifecycle with smaller footprint and easier maintenance. The Experion PPC (Panel PC), provides a touch user interface and consistent HMI for an operator either in the field or in the control room. Consistent interface alarms, trends, diagnostics and history results inbetter response and plant uptime.Lean Project Execution andUniversal I/OHoneywell’s lean project executionsolution provides several enhancements to the PLC.ControlEdge PLC offers a variety of I/O choices for flexibility and reduced system cost. HART-enabled Universal I/O means no additional costly hardware to support HART. The first PLC to offer Universal I/O provides remote configuration and design change flexibility for improved project implementation and reduced cost and risk. Engineers can quickly accommodate late configuration changes remotely with a simple software configuration change. The Universal IO supports redundancy needed for critical applications in standard and extreme operating environments. With ease-of-use, advanced diagnostics, and flexible configuration, the redundant UIO support fault tolerant capabilities and highest availability.ControlEdge PLC offers simulationsoftware to support engineering, training, and testing without requiring hardware. Built-in ProtocolsBuilt on a proven and capable platform,ControlEdge PLC provides a system that enables users to better leverage data across their assets. Use of the OPC UA, Profinet, therNet/IP, DNP3, MQTT and Modbus protocols offers smooth integration to a broad range of instruments. Embedded OPC UA enables interoperable multi-level and multi-platform open communication for flexible and scalable design, facilitating standardization with less hardware. OPC UA and MQTT enables more direct access to cloud based applications for visualization and analytics reducing additional gateway cost and allowingeasier maintenance. MQTT gives the advantage of connections with remote locations where a resource constraint exist or the network bandwidth is limited. MQTT provides the flexibility of connecting PLC to OEM cloud reducing design cost, increasing uptime with predictive analysis, and reduce service cycle time.Built-in EtherNet/IP and Profinet enable integration with a wide range of industrial equipments such as I/O modules, drives, devices, and controllers supporting these protocols. In addition, Modbus RTU,Modbus ASCII, and User Defined Protocolsare also natively supported. Engineers get a wide range of design choices, be it for topology, vendor, specifications or connection media, to deliver a solution to fit application requirements. Standard data models for accessing the process and device information significantly improve information available for controls and diagnostics.ControlEdge PLC provides full support of DNP3 protocol for remote applications. With the event buffer feature, DNP3 protocol stores data in a flash or SD card when the communication with SCADA is lost, and the events are received in the SCADA server when the communication is restored. The ControlEdge PLC DNP3 multi-master capability allowssimultaneous data collection from multiple SCADA masters.ControlEdge PLC supports a library of custom function blocks for MDIS communication.provides a tightly integrated Experion solution for Subsea application, reducing engineering costs.UNIVERSAL I/O LEAP™ LEANPROJECT EXECUTION Spares reductionImproved project schedule, cost, riskRemote configurationOpen communications protocol Smooth device integrationControlEdge™ is a trademark, and Experion® is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc.*Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.BR-22-08-EN | 02/22©2022 Honeywell International Inc.For more informationTo learn more about Honeywell’sControlEdge Family of Controllers, visit /PLC orcontact your Honeywell account manager.Honeywell Process Solutions2101 CityWest Boulevard, Houston, TX 77042Honeywell House, Skimped Hill LaneBracknell, Berkshire, England RG12 1EB UK Building #1, 555 Huanke Road Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Industrial Park Pudong New Area, Shanghai Why Choose Honeywell?Choosing Honeywell provides distinct support advantages as well as access to our broad portfolio. Honeywell helps customers cost-effectively manage their control and safety infrastructure in the face of constantly evolving technology with extended lifecycle support, flexible and easy migration paths, and virtualized upgrade capabilities.Lifecycle Investment Protection Honeywell has continually guarded customer investments by providing easy upgrade paths to the latest control system technology. Honeywell continues to evolve and innovate to bring significant advances in automation technology, while also providing a smooth migration path to today’s technology when the time is right for you. We have a wealth of experience in migrating legacy control and safety systems, no matter who the manufacturer is. We support easy migrations fromlegacy PLCs to ControlEdge PLC through our application migration tool, IO wiring kits, and connectivity options to legacy networks.Service and SupportFrom installation and startup through system maturity and future expansion, quality remote and on-site support ensures the maximum return ofinvestment in your automation system.The TotalCare Service program offers carefully designed service packages in addition to our standard supportcommitment under the Scalable Control Solutions portfolio. The programprovides TotalCare Lite and Enhanced service package options that work on an annual subscription basis. It covers system updates, upgrades, correctiveand preventive maintenance, support requests, and more.Factory-trained and experienced Remote Service engineers provide technicalsupport and prompt answers to questions regarding procedures, documentation, operation, service, training, and system enhancements. Remote Service also includes a review of operational procedures, software analysis, and diagnostic evaluations when required.Built-in CybersecurityOur embedded cybersecurity supports compliance, reduced risk, and improved availability. ControlEdge is the first PLC to be certified ISASecure EDSA Level 2. Features include secure boot to prevent uploading of unauthorized software, a built-in firewall to reduce exposure to denial-of-service attacks and message flooding, and a certified secure development lifecycle to ensure security is built-in from the start. PLC communication is protected using IPSec to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and unauthorized access.ControlEdge PLC supports encryption, easy configuration, and certificate-based authentication.In addition, Honeywell offers world-class Industrial Cybersecurity Solutions and Managed Services that help protect the availability, safety and reliability of industrial control systems and site operations.Integrated Honeywell Variable Frequency DrivesHoneywell’s energy efficient variable frequency motor drives (VFD) meetautomation requirements across a variety of industrial segments and processapplications, ranging from small pumps to large compressors and fans.ControlEdge PLC offers a plug-and-play integration with Honeywell VFD featuring a built-in library, diagnostics, and alarm/events in the ControlEdge buildersoftware, providing seamless access to drive data for PLC/SCADA engineering and significantly reducing integration time and efforts.Customer benefit by getting a packaged solution of SCADA, PLC and VFDs for their applications.。



1.美国高技术企业公司治理分析及其借鉴意义 [J], 熊波;陈柳
2.洞察先机体验非凡--访美国运通中国区董事总经理姜大伟 [J], 代萍
3.50多名员工的跨国公司——美国许氏人参企业公司见闻 [J], Bee;Ven
4.“温言在口,大棒在手,则成就非凡”——新书《西奥多·罗斯福的海军外交——美国海军与美国世纪的诞生》 [J], 李媛
5.“国际基础教育改革与创新”系列之十一:美国非凡学校探究 [J], 洪明;吴素婷因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。





公司的安...【总页数】1页(P20-20)【关键词】人机工程;IBM公司;伸展活动;劳动安全卫生;国际商用机器公司;工作台;安全管理人员;工程技术人员;内容和方法;弯曲弹性【作者】黄珍【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R132【相关文献】1.请看美国猎头公司 [J], 王跃军2.高水平短道速滑运动员的伸展运动与热身、放松活动 [J], 商立新;闫慧;董莉3.美IBM公司的人机工程活动 [J], 罗石4.英国储存濒危动物DNA/英国颁发世界上第一份克隆人类胚胎执照/法国推出电动汽车用锂-聚合物电池/美国推出电子医疗计划/德国将限制转基因作物种植/日本将调查网络等虚拟空间对儿童大脑的影响/捷克推出可用眼睛控制电脑的操作系统/IBM日本公司推出指纹认证电脑/瑞典移动用户数超过总人口/2004至2009年全球CDMA智能手机销量年增率将达73.3%/IBM预展旨在帮助盲人与弱视人群的网页新技术/IBM将为美国防部造超级电脑/英特尔SGI为NASA研制Linux系统超级计算机/NEC开发出世界运算速度最快超级计算 [J],5.美国蒙大拿西南部活动性伸展盆地的地貌及其地表掀斜运动 [J], J亚力山大;侯治华;苏怡之因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。





1.新一代核电厂设计的安全要求——学习新版HAF102《核动力厂设计安全规定》的一些认识和体会 [J], 汤搏
2.核电厂基本控制系统与仪表系统的设计 [J], 陈科;师莹
3.新一代信息技术背景下高职教学设计的基本原则 [J], 林平
4.英寻求新一代三体护卫舰设计方案 [J], 王云雷;许晓斌
5.我国新一代“人造太阳”实验装置基本达到设计目标 [J],



【摘要】【世界核新闻网站2024年1月2日报道】波兰国家原子能机构(PAA)2023年12月22日发布关于美国纽斯凯尔电力公司(NuScale Power)模块化小型压水堆设计的总体意见,结论是该设计能够满足波兰《原子能法》和核设施安全相关法规要求。






哈奇投资法则案例(最新版)目录1.哈奇投资法则简介2.哈奇投资法则案例分析3.哈奇投资法则的实际应用4.哈奇投资法则的优缺点正文1.哈奇投资法则简介哈奇投资法则,全称“哈奇投资组合优化法则”,是由美国著名投资专家威廉·哈奇(William H.Gross)提出的一种投资组合优化方法。



2.哈奇投资法则案例分析假设投资者有 100 万元,希望分散投资到股票、债券和现金三种资产中。


例如,股票的预期收益率为 8%,风险为 20%;债券的预期收益率为 4%,风险为 10%;现金的预期收益率为 1%,风险为 0%。


股票的预期收益风险比为 0.4,债券的预期收益风险比为 0.4,现金的预期收益风险比为 0.1。


假设投资者希望获得 5% 的预期收益率,那么可以按照预期收益风险比,将 100 万元投资金额分配到股票、债券和现金中。

具体分配方案为:股票投资金额为(0.4/1.5)×100 万元≈26.67 万元,债券投资金额为(0.4/1.5)×100 万元≈26.67 万元,现金投资金额为(0.1/1.5)×100 万元≈6.67 万元。







【摘要】在过去的18年里,Sun 公司俨然就像它的名称——太阳一样,光芒四射。

1.力诺太阳能否照常升起? [J], 张涛
2.“光伏太阳”能否照常升起?——江苏无锡尚德太阳能电力有限公司的发展与破产解析 [J], 李正法;戴喆
3.“野太阳”还能再度升起吗?:郑州“亚细亚”浮沉录 [J], 赵艳泽
4.冉冉升起的大型太阳能发电厂 [J], Paul;Sharke
5.需求稳步增长豆粕将再度冉冉升起 [J],

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HART-LEAP WELLTHE Knight had ridden down from Wensley MoorWith the slow motion of a summer's cloud,And now, as he approached a vassal's door,"Bring forth another horse!" he cried aloud."Another horse!"--That shout the vassal heardAnd saddled his best Steed, a comely grey;Sir Walter mounted him; he was the thirdWhich he had mounted on that glorious day.Joy sparkled in the prancing courser's eyes;The horse and horseman are a happy pair; 10 But, though Sir Walter like a falcon flies,There is a doleful silence in the air.A rout this morning left Sir Walter's Hall,That as they galloped made the echoes roar;But horse and man are vanished, one and all;Such race, I think, was never seen before.Sir Walter, restless as a veering wind,Calls to the few tired dogs that yet remain:Blanch, Swift, and Music, noblest of their kind, Follow, and up the weary mountain strain. 20The Knight hallooed, he cheered and chid them onWith suppliant gestures and upbraidings stern;But breath and eyesight fail; and, one by one,The dogs are stretched among the mountain fern.Where is the throng, the tumult of the race?The bugles that so joyfully were blown?--This chase it looks not like an earthly chase;Sir Walter and the Hart are left alone.The poor Hart toils along the mountainside;I will not stop to tell how far he fled, 30Nor will I mention by what death he died;But now the Knight beholds him lying dead.Dismounting, then, he leaned against a thorn;He had no follower, dog, nor man, nor boy:He neither cracked his whip, nor blew his horn,But gazed upon the spoil with silent joy.Close to the thorn on which Sir Walter leaned,Stood his dumb partner in this glorious feat;Weak as a lamb the hour that it is yeaned;And white with foam as if with cleaving sleet. 40Upon his side the Hart was lying stretched:His nostril touched a spring beneath a hill,And with the last deep groan his breath had fetchedThe waters of the spring were trembling still.And now, too happy for repose or rest,(Never had living man such joyful lot!)Sir Walter walked all round, north, south, and west,And gazed and gazed upon that darling spot.And climbing up the hill--(it was at leastFour roods of sheer ascent) Sir Walter found 50 Three several hoof-marks which the hunted BeastHad left imprinted on the grassy ground.Sir Walter wiped his face, and cried, "Till nowSuch sight was never seen by human eyes:Three leaps have borne him from this lofty brow,Down to the very fountain where he lies."I'll build a pleasure-house upon this spot,And a small arbour, made for rural joy;'Twill be the traveller's shed, the pilgrim's cot,A place of love for damsels that are coy. 60"A cunning artist will I have to frameA basin for that fountain in the dell!And they who do make mention of the same,From this day forth, shall call it HART-LEAP WELL."And, gallant Stag! to make thy praises known,Another monument shall here be raised;Three several pillars, each a rough-hewn stone,And planted where thy hoofs the turf have grazed."And, in the summer-time when days are long,I will come hither with my Paramour; 70And with the dancers and the minstrel's songWe will make merry in that pleasant bower."Till the foundations of the mountains failMy mansion with its arbour shall endure;--The joy of them who till the fields of Swale,And them who dwell among the woods of Ure!"Then home he went, and left the Hart, stone-dead,With breathless nostrils stretched above the spring.--Soon did the Knight perform what he had said;And far and wide the fame thereof did ring. 80Ere thrice the Moon into her port had steered,A cup of stone received the living well;Three pillars of rude stone Sir Walter reared,And built a house of pleasure in the dell.And near the fountain, flowers of stature tallWith trailing plants and trees were intertwined,--Which soon composed a little sylvan hall,A leafy shelter from the sun and wind.And thither, when the summer days were long,Sir Walter led his wondering Paramour; 90 And with the dancers and the minstrel's songMade merriment within that pleasant bower.The Knight, Sir Walter, died in course of time,And his bones lie in his paternal vale.--But there is matter for a second rhyme,And I to this would add another tale.PART SECONDTHE moving accident is not my trade;To freeze the blood I have no ready arts:'Tis my delight, alone in summer shade,To pipe a simple song for thinking hearts. 100As I from Hawes to Richmond did repair,It chanced that I saw standing in a dellThree aspens at three corners of a square;And one, not four yards distant, near a well.What this imported I could ill divine:And, pulling now the rein my horse to stop,I saw three pillars standing in a line,--The last stone-pillar on a dark hill-top.The trees were grey, with neither arms nor head;Half wasted the square mound of tawny green; 120 So that you just might say, as then I said,"Here in old time the hand of man hath been."I looked upon the hill both far and near,More doleful place did never eye survey;It seemed as if the spring-time came not here,And Nature here were willing to decay.I stood in various thoughts and fancies lost,When one, who was in shepherd's garb attired,Came up the hollow:--him did I accost,And what this place might be I then inquired. 130The Shepherd stopped, and that same story toldWhich in my former rhyme I have rehearsed."A jolly place," said he, "in times of old!But something ails it now: the spot is curst."You see these lifeless stumps of aspen wood--Some say that they are beeches, others elms--These were the bower; and here a mansion stood,The finest palace of a hundred realms!"The arbour does its own condition tell;You see the stones, the fountain, and the stream; 140 But as to the great Lodge! you might as wellHunt half a day for a forgotten dream."There's neither dog nor heifer, horse nor sheep,Will wet his lips within that cup of stone;And oftentimes, when all are fast asleep,This water doth send forth a dolorous groan."Some say that here a murder has been done,And blood cries out for blood: but, for my part,I've guessed, when I've been sitting in the sun,That it was all for that unhappy Hart. 150"What thoughts must through the creature's brain have past!Even from the topmost stone, upon the steep,Are but three bounds--and look, Sir, at this last--O Master! it has been a cruel leap."For thirteen hours he ran a desperate race;And in my simple mind we cannot tellWhat cause the Hart might have to love this place,And come and make his deathbed near the well."Here on the grass perhaps asleep he sank,Lulled by the fountain in the summer-tide; 160 This water was perhaps the first he drankWhen he had wandered from his mother's side."In April here beneath the flowering thornHe heard the birds their morning carols sing;And he, perhaps, for aught we know, was bornNot half a furlong from that self-same spring."Now, here is neither grass nor pleasant shade;The sun on drearier hollow never shone;So will it be, as I have often said,Till trees, and stones, and fountain, all are gone." 170"Grey-headed Shepherd, thou hast spoken well;Small difference lies between thy creed and mine:This Beast not unobserved by Nature fell;His death was mourned by sympathy divine."The Being, that is in the clouds and air,That is in the green leaves among the groves,Maintains a deep and reverential careFor the unoffending creatures whom he loves."The pleasure-house is dust:--behind, before,This is no common waste, no common gloom; 180But Nature, in due course of time, once moreShall here put on her beauty and her bloom."She leaves these objects to a slow decay,That what we are, and have been, may be known;But at the coming of the milder day,These monuments shall all be overgrown."One lesson, Shepherd, let us two divide,Taught both by what she shows, and what conceals;Never to blend our pleasure or our prideWith sorrow of the meanest thing that feels." 1901800.。
