m2u2 project
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M3U2 Project-M3U2 Revision
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M2U3 Project-M2U3 Revision
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M3U1 Project-M3U1 Revision
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M2U2 Project-M2U2 Revision
M2U3 Welcome to the unit-grammar
ReadingAn adventure in Africa30th JuneDear AihuaHow are you ?sorry I haven’t written for so long. I’ve been quite busy planning my holiday with my older brother. Colin. Do you still remember the trip I told you about ? I told you Colin and I would spend a few weeks traveling before he goes to university. Well. now we’re ready to go ! We’re going to visit so many exciting places and do lots of astonishing things. We will go to Africa first . I can’t wait! Have you been thereWe leave London on 15the July. and we’ll be flying to Morocco. In northern Africa. We’re going to travel on camels throuth the Sahara Desert. It’s the biggest desert in the world-about the size of the US! I expect it will be very hot, dry and dusty there. We’ll be traveling by camel, with local guides ,camping in tents and sleeping on the ground in our big, thick sleeping bags. I’ve heard that we can see beautiful stars on clear nithts. I’ll bring a torch with me so that I’ll be able to see in the dark.The whole trip will take six days. That means I’ll have to sit on a camel for almost a week-how uncomfortable! I hope my camel likes me!After the trip by camel. we’re going to travel down the River Nile. We’ll start at Lake Victoria. A little way down the river from Lake Victoria. the water actually gets quite rough. So ,we’ll go white-water rafting. It’s quite dangerous, but very exciting! You have to wear special clothing, a helmet and a life jacket, just in case your raft gets turned upside down or sinks .After white-water rafting, we’re going on a trip to see wild animals in Kenya.We’ll live with the local people in their villages. and eat and drink whatever they do. Including cow’s blood! Do you think I should drink it ? Since we’ll be walking every day for almost two weeks. I’ll need to buy a large, strong, light backpack to carry my supplies of food and water. During the day. we’ll walk across the land. following the footprints of big animals such as elephants, lions and giraffes. We’ll try to get as close as possible to the animals. even though they’re dangerous. So that I can take some really good photos. But don’t worry about me-our guides will have guns with them to scare the animals away if they come too close. I really want to see an elephant up close. Colin wants to see a giraffe.After that , we’ll be moving on to Tanzania, where we’re going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Mountain climbing can be very tiring, and many people feel sick as the air gets thinner, so Colin and I will make sure that we will get enough rest after sunset.The African part of our trip will take about four weeks. Then we’re going to the Himalayas.I’ll send you postcards from all the different places we visit!Love,TobyProject Making a travel leafletShangri-laWould you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the south-west of China”, if your answer is ‘yes’, consider a trip to Shangri-laHow to get thereStart in the city of Dali and driver northwards, along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway until you reach Zhongdian(Shangri-la),the capital of Diqing, Zhongdian is 659 kilometers away from Kunming and there are regular flights between Zhongdian and Kunming .The world-famous Chinese Shangri-laThe world “Shangri-la”first appeared in the 1933 novel lost horizon by the British writer James Hilton. HE described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together ,snow –caped mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth, in this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever.Which place could officially take the name of this wonderful land?There were arguments in China over which tourist spot would win the names of Shangri-la. Many years after the book was published, some people realized that the Shangri-la of the novel perfectly described the county of Zhongdian in Yunan Province, China. IN September 197,the government of Yunnan Province claimed that Zhongdian is where Shangri-la is in Hilton’ story.What you will see in Shangri-laThree mountains , Meili, Baimang and Haba, which are covered with snow, tower over the land. These snowy mountain tops form a beautiful picture that will make any viewer speechless.Lakes, surrounded by vast grasslands, look like jewels, sheep, cows and horses feed freely on the green grass and the forests around are home to lots of birds and animals. In this heavenly world, people live in perfect harmony with nature and the outside world is forgotten.Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people.What Shangri-la meansIn the Tibetan language, Shangri-la means the sun and the moon in one’s heart. Today ,Shangri-la has become a common English word, meaning heaven on earth.What the weather is likeThe weather changes so quickly that people say you can experience four seasons in one day, he best times to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn because the temperature is at its mildest.。
找英文论文题目一、最新找英文论文选题参考1、在互联网上如何查找英语教学资源2、寻找英语课堂教学的鲜活路标3、讲学稿:学生找回英语学习兴趣之法宝——“活化教材,优化课堂,培养学生自主学习能力”阶段性实验报告4、寻找英语教学成功的突破口5、寻找英语教学飞翔的翅膀6、如何从日语外来语词汇查找英文单词7、寻找英语教学中的主动因素8、找寻英语教学的发展方向9、在教学实践中找到英语作文评改新路10、从英汉句子结构比较寻找英语学习方法11、寻找英语教学的成功窍门12、让学生在生活中寻找英语灵感13、寻找英语单词14、寻找英语学习的突破口15、寻找英语教学中的“兴趣点”提高初中学生英语成绩16、寻找英语教学中的美17、寻找英语教学中内容与情感相融的风向标18、寻找英语课堂教学的“快乐之道”19、寻找英语诗歌的读与写的结合点(英文)20、如何快速有效地查找英文测井文献二、找英文论文题目大全1、一种具有英文字母标尺的字典及其查找英文单词的方法2、找准英语阅读训练的着力点3、利用积极情感因素,寻找学习英语的乐趣4、找准小学英语教学与生活的结合点5、善找学习方法走出英语迷区6、简单提升Word中英文的查找和替换功能7、寻找小学英语生态课堂中的生态细节8、相对论重离子碰撞实验中QGP的寻找(英文)9、查找并获取英文全文方法探讨10、e~+e~-对撞中ψ(3770)非衰变的实验寻找(英文)11、在网络环境下寻找大学英语互动教学的有效实施12、网上找个英语外教13、寻找小学英语课堂中的“兴奋剂”14、寻找初中英语阅读之美——初中英语阅读兴趣和能力培养的几点思考15、寻找感悟英语的突破口——M2U2 Project目标达成16、找规律,编歌决,巧学初中英语语法17、查找生物医学英文单词的方法18、怎样让学生找到学习英语的动力19、寻找智慧的英语课堂20、寻找打开英语学习之门的金钥匙—浅析如何提高初中学生英语学习效率三、热门找英文专业论文题目推荐1、寻找母亲(英文)2、从学生实际出发,寻找高考英语复习的新视角——2013年海南省高考英语备考策略3、寻找初中英语教育的突破口——谈谈学生学习兴趣的培养4、找差异学英语5、寻找香格里拉(英文)6、淘宝找乐: 英文7、找网站补英语8、请帮助小动物们找家(英文)9、寻找失落的英文输入法10、在补习班里,我找到学英语的感觉11、SDHT:面向P2P直播系统的高效单跳分布式哈希查找策略(英文)12、计算机程序设计艺术: 第2版. 第3卷, 排序与查找 : 英文13、如何帮助新生尽快找到适应大学英语教学的切入点14、带弹性支撑的膜结构找形分析(英文)15、找到大学英语与计算机专业英语教学的契合点,提高大学生英语应用能力16、研究儿童,让孩子重新找回学习英语的自信17、刍议如何帮助学困生找到学习英语的良方18、“团队合作”教学模式让学生找回学英语的信心19、寻找教师在英语“翻转课堂”中的坐标20、查找问题才能摆正英语课堂教学新方向四、关于找英文毕业论文题目1、帮助学生找到英语背诵的乐趣2、找准英语阅读教学导入部分的切入口3、从教师身上找找英语学困生形成的原因4、寻找英语发展的世纪航标——平易英语探源5、AME特邀来稿|如何找到英文期刊的投稿 ?6、在阅读中寻找英语趣味——高中英语课堂趣味教学策略7、从“中考命题”中寻找英语书面表达训练途径8、茶香西行渐进——寻找英语教育中的茶文化9、情随境动,寻找英语学习的突破点10、语言的熏陶、思辨能力及说理——寻找英语学习的切入点11、寻找英语课堂教学中的“亮点”——《牛津小学英语》5A-Unit 1-Period 1教学案例12、找回英语文学的魅力-“英文读书月”带给我们的启示13、善于发现,在生活中寻找英语——例谈初中英语课堂联系生活实践教学策略14、生活中寻找英语——小学英语生活化教学实践15、寻找英语学习的乐园16、查找英语“难词”实例17、寻找英语课本中的亮点挖掘写作素材18、如何在互联网上找到英文的中国法学资料(英文)19、寻找英语课堂中品德培养的切入点20、从巧设问题中寻找英语课堂效率五、比较好写的找英文论文题目1、找寻撬起英语课外阅读的“支点”2、快准乐--从“误区”分析出发寻找职业中学英语课堂的有效导入方法3、寻找生活中的英语教学4、找准学习英语的切入点,帮助学生有的放矢地学好英语5、找准方法转化英语学困生促其不断成才6、从课堂观察中寻找改进初中英语教学的途径7、从教材的修订中找寻初中英语教学的课改策略8、活用"超前辅导法"--找回学习英语的自信心9、找准初中英语有效学习的“发生点”10、找到学习英语的金钥匙——分层次教学11、明确困难寻找措施初中英语词汇教学高效策略探究12、找准高考英语失分点13、寻找香巴拉(英语学习50年精选流行趣味)14、寻找职高合适英语教材提高学生英语学习兴趣15、中老年人组团学英语不为出国就是为了找乐16、如何才能找到农村初中英语学困生的“春天”17、寻找伊甸园(英文)18、计算机程序设计艺术= The Art of Computer Programming : 第2版. 第3卷, 排序和查找 : 英文19、寻找生活中的英语20、寻找香格里拉= Searching for Shangri-La:Off the Beaten Track in Western China : 英文。
m2u2 单词
单元词汇表: 根据汉语提示先读再拼
名词10个 1. m奖e章da,l 勋章 2. 志vo愿lun者teer 3. 基ba础sis,根据
4. 运ath动el员ete
5. 奴sla隶ve 6. 露sta天di体um育场 7.re责sp任onsibility 8. 海po报ster 9. 光glo荣ry 1100..疼pa痛in ,痛苦
thrown away. 3)take place 发生 4)place n. 地方(注意定语从句做先行词的用法)
v. 放 I placed a book on your desk.
(2011 安徽T26. ) ---What do you think of store shopping in the future? ----Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but _____. A. will never replace B. would never replace C. will never be replaced D. would never be replaced
I'm calling to enquire about the position________ in
yesterday's China Daily.
A. advertised
B. to be advertised
C. advertising
D. having advertised
invention becomes a hit.
B. to be advertised
7. M2U1. Reading—Boy missing, police puzzledPolice in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing three days ago in Dover, New Hampshire. This incident has received great interest due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy disappeared.Justin Foster, a high school student, was last seen Friday night. That evening at 8 . Justin went to play baseball with two friends, who both say Justin went home after the game. Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his house at . Justin 's sister, Kelly, aged nine, says she heard her brother return home at about 11 .‘I was getting ready for bed, ' Kelly said. 'Justin went straight to his room. I didn't see him, but I heard him put on his favorite CD. I went to bed, and was woken up around midnight by a bright light outside my window.'At first, the young girl thought it was the light of the full moon, but then she realized that it was moving and coming closer.'I pulled back the curtains and saw a large spaceship flying outside. It had blue lights all around it, and there were many windows. Standing inside were lots of strange creatures withwhite skin and large black eyes. I was frightened!' Kelly said that the spaceship then moved around to the side of the house, towards her brother's bedroom.' There was a flash of light and I heard Justin shout, and then the UFO just disappeared. I haven't seen Justin since. I'm sure the aliens took him.'Kelly then ran and woke up her mother. However, since Mrs Foster thought that Justin was spending the night with a friend, she assumed that Kelly was having a bad dream, and sent her back to bed. Mrs Foster was working that night on his road construction job, and was not home when these events occurred. When Justin did not show up for lunch the next day, Mrs Foster became worried and told her husband to call the police.Some people in Dover also say that they saw aliens that night. 'It's happened to me!' said Mrs Mavis Wood. 'The aliens took me aboard the UFO so that they could do research on me. Luckily, they returned me home without any injuries. The whole experience was terrible! I haven't been sleeping well since I returned home. I think Justin was taken away by them, too.' When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Peterson, who has taken charge of the case, told journalists, ' Sometimes people make up such amazingstories. There's really no hard evidence that aliens took him. So, while we have not dismissed the idea, we are looking into other possibilities as well. We will not give up until we find out what happened.'8. M2U1. Project—Yeti, Bigfoot and the Wild Man of ShennongjiaFor centuries, people have reported seeing a wild creature in the Himalayas called Yeti. The Yeti is said to be a large, hairy animal that walks an two feet like a human being. People believe that Yetis sometimes come down from the mountains to attack villagers.In 1998, an American mountain climber said that he saw a Yeti on the Chinese side of the Himalayas. 'It walked like a human, but it had thick black fur and was about six feet tall with huge shoulders, very long arms and large hands, 'he said.In 2007, an American TV team saw Yeti tracks 33 centimetres in length in the snow near Mount Qomolangma. They made copies of these tracks and had them examined by a scientist in the USA. He reported that they looked like the tracks of a similar creature, called Bigfoot, which some people believe lives in the forests of the north-west of the USA.Yeti and Bigfoot are similar to a creature known as the Wild Man of Shennongjia. There have been dozens of reports that people have seen a Wild Man in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve in western Hubei Province, China. In one case, a group of engineers ran after the creature, which moved with amazing speed and strength. Large tracks have also been discovered which some people say belong to the Wild Man. Because of these reports and the tracks, there have been several organized searches for this creature, but no strong evidence for existence has ever been found.Dr Grover Krantz, a scientist from Washington State University, studied reports of such strange creatures for many years. He became convinced they exist .He believed that these creatures are linked to a common ancestor, an animal that lived in Asia some 300,000 years ago. In his opinion, this animal made its way to other parts of the world, and continues to survive even today.Scientists hope that the mystery will be solved one day. If such creatures really exist, we might have the chance to see one with our own eyes.9. M2U2. Reading— An adventure in Africa30 JuneDear AihuaHow are you going?Sorry I haven’t written for so long. I’ve been quite busy arranging my holiday with my older brother, Colin. Colin and I plan to spend a few weeks travelling before he goes to university. We’re going to visit so many exciting places and do lots of extraordinary things. We will go to Africa first. I can’t wait! Have you ever been there?We leave London on 15 July, and we’ll be taking a flight to Morocco, in northern Africa. We’re going to ride camels through the Sahara Desert. It’s the biggest desert in the world—about the size of the US! I expect it will be very hot, dry and dusty there. We’ll be travellin g by camel with local guides, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground. I’ve heard that, in the Sahara, there is no shade during the day, and the stars seem especially brilliant on clear nights. I’ll bring a flashlight with me so that I’ll be able to se e in the dark. Altogether, the trip will take six days. That means I’ll have to sit on a camel for almost a week—how uncomfortable! I hope my camel likes me!After the trip by camel, we’re going to travel down the River Nile. We’ll start at Lake Victoria. A little way downthe river from Lake Victoria, the water gets quite rough. So, we’ll go white-water rafting. It’s quite dangerous, but very exciting! You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection, just in case you fall into the water.Then, w e’re going on a trip to see wild animals in Kenya. We’ll live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do, including cow’s blood! Do you think I should drink it?Since we’ll be walking for almost two weeks, I’ll need to buy a large backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water. During the day, we’ll walk across the land, following the tracks of wildlife such as elephants, lions and giraffes. We’ll try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though they’r e dangerous, so that we can take some really good photographs. But don’t worry about me. Our guides will have guns with them for defiance—they can use the guns to scare the animals away if they come too near. I really want to see an elephant up close, and Colin wants to see a giraffe.After that, we’ll be moving on to Tanzania, where we’re going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Mountain climbing can be very tiring, and many people feel sick as the atmosphere gets thinner, so Colin and I will make sure that we will get plenty of rest.The African part of our trip will take about four weeks. Afterwards, we’re going to the Himalayas.I’ll send you postcards from all the different places we visit!LoveToby10. M2U2. Project—Shangri-laWould you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the south-west of China? If your answer is ‘yes’, consider a trip to Shangri-la !How to get thereStart in the city of Dali and drive north along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway until you reach Zhongdian (Shangri-la), the capital of Diqing. Zhongdian is 659 kilometers away from Kunming, and there are regular flights between the two cities.The world-famous Chinese Shangri-laThe word ‘Shangri-la’ first appeared in a classic novel by James Hilton. Today, Shangri-la has become a common English word meaning heaven on earth. Hilton described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, steep mountainsreached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth. In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever.Which place could officially take the name of this wonderful land? There were arguments over which tourist spot would win the name of Shangri-la. Many years after the book was published, some people realized that the Shangri-la of the novel was a perfect match for Zhongdian in Yunnan Province, China. In September 1997, the government of Yunnan province announced that Zhongdian was the Shangri-la of Hilton’s story.What you will see in Shangri-laThree mountains, Meili, Baimang and Haba, which are covered with snow, tower over the land. Their snowy mountaintops form a beautiful picture that will leave you at a loss for wordsBelow the mountains, the sunshine reflects on the many lakes, making them shine like diamonds against the rich countryside. Sheep, cattle and horses wander on the green grass, and the surrounding forests are home to many birds and animals. In this peaceful land, people live in perfect harmony with nature, far away from the noise and worry of the outside world.Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people.What the weather is likeThe weather changes so quickly that people say you can experience four seasons in one day. The best times to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn when the temperature is at its mildest.11. M2U3. Reading—The curse of the mummyHoward Carter is one of the most famous explorers the world has ever known. He was brave and loved to visit and explore new places. During his life, he discovered many amazing things.Howard Carter did not go to school, but learnt to draw from his father, who was an artist. He was bright and curious about the world outside his home town. In 1891, at the age of 17, he set sail for Alexandria, Egypt. By the 1920s, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. He found several important ones. Inside the tombs, he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold, along with the preserved bodies of dead kings. These preserved bodies are known as mummies.In 1922, Howard Carter made his most amazing discovery of all, in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt. He had received moneyfrom Lord Carnarvon, a British man who was very interested in Egypt. Carter’s team was working at a p lace near the city of Luxor. There, they came across the tomb of King Tutankhamun. It was the most important tomb that had ever been found. ‘The tomb contained more treasure than any of us had ever seen before, as well as the mummy of the king,’ said Carter. ‘After we looked into the tomb, we closed it and hid its entrance. We wanted to study the tomb later when we had more time. Afterwards, all of its contents would go into a museum.’However, not long after the discovery, people in Carter’s team began to fall ill and die. Upon their entering the tomb, Carter’s lucky pet bird, which he had left in Cairo, was awallowed by a snake. Then, a few months after Carter had opened the tomb, Lord Carnarvon, who was also present when the tomb was opened, fell ill with a fever and died in Egypt. At the moment of Carnarnon’s death, the lights went out in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Back in England, his dog died at approximately the same time.George Gould, a friend of Carnarvon’s, went to Egypt after hearing of his strange death. He too visited the tomb, only to catch a high fever the next day. Twelve hours later, he was dead. Carter’s secretary, Richard Bethell, died of heart troublefour months after the tomb was opened. Arthur Mace, another member of the team, also died shortly after the discovery.Within seven years, 21 people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb died. Howard Carter, however, lived on until the age of 65. Some people say the deaths were just coincidence. Others believe that they were in connection with a mummy’s curse, as a punishment for those who enter the resting place of the dead.However, still others believe that there is a scientific explanation. Inside the tombs, there are many viruses. When a tomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. Today, when scientists examine mummies, they wear special clothing for protection.What is certain, though, is that ‘the curse of the mummy’ remains a riddle to this day.12. M2U3. Project—Explorer (16 October 2003)What is the most fun you can have in 21 hours and 23 minutes? On 15 October 2003, Yang Liwei answered this question. His voyage in space took him 600,000 kilometres in orbit, around the Earth 14 times, in just over 21 hou rs. It made him China’sfirst astronaut in space. He had worked towards this achievement for many years.Born in 1965, Yang had wanted to fly since he was a young boy. His friends and teachers from Suizhong in the north-east of Liaoning Province have all said that he loved science and technology from a young age. He always had a strong desire to learn how to fly. His dream was encouraged by his parents as well as his older sister and younger brother.In 1983, he joined the army, and went to flight school. He graduated in 1987 and became a pilot. In 1998, he applied to be a member of Project 921, which is now called shenzhou. He was one of the only 14 selected from 1,500 candidates. The team spent the next five years being trained. They not only studied all the subjects required to be an astronaut, but also learnt survival skills and all about how spaceships and rockets are built. Yang scored among the very top in everything the group studied.In September 2003, only three out of the 14 candidates were picked for the Chinese space adventure, and Yang was one of them. He took all kinds of tests to prove he was fit for this important task. Although Yang did not get the best scores on every single test, it was his high scores on the psychologicaltests that finally won him the status of China's first astronaut. Yang was described by his superiors as hard-working and always in control of himself. Because of these qualities, they were optimistic he would be successful.In the end, Yang was indeed a success. His name will go down in history with those of Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard. The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei, and young people all over the world can look up to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream.。
M2U2 表面组装印制电路板(2)-PPT
M2U2 表面组装印制电路板(二)
1.表面组装印制电路板设计 (1) PCB外观
② c) 图像识别标识(Mark)
M2U2 表面组装印制电路板(二)
1.表面组装印制电路板设计 (1) PCB外观
② c) 图像识别标识(Mark)
(Surface Mount Technology,SMT)
M2U1 表面组装元器件
M2U2 表面组装印制电路板
M2U3 SMT工艺材料
M2U4 SMT生产物料认识
M2U2 表面组装印制电路板
一、表面组装印制电路板基材 Nhomakorabea二、表面组装印制电路板设计与制造
系统概况 电路设计
M2U2 表面组装印制电路板(二)
(1) PCB外观
厚度/mm 0.8 1.0 1.6 2.4 最大印 制板宽 度/mm 50 100 150 300
最大长 宽比
2.0 2.4 3.0 4.0
尽可能简单,一般为长 宽比不大的矩形,一般
M2U2 表面组装印制电路板(二)
b) PCB外形
● 外形尺寸由贴片机的PCB传送方式、贴装范围决定。
● 当直接采用导轨传输PCB时,PCB外形必须有一组水 平对边。 ● 在PCB外形设计时通常将PCB加工成圆角(圆角半径 为2mm或3mm)。
高一英语必修二M2U2project-language points-yi-课文全文翻译
3. His poems and articles reflect his care for country life. 他的诗句和文章反映出了他对乡村生活 的关注。 4. Be quiet! I have to reflect on what has happened so far. 安静点!我必须认真思考到现在为止发 生了什么。
• What the weather is like • 19.The weather changes so quickly that people say you can experience four seasons in one day. • 香格里拉天气多变,以至于有人说,你可 以在一天里经历四季。 • 20.The best times to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn when the temperature is at its mildest. • 前往香格里拉旅游的最佳时间是春季和秋 季,这两个季节气温最为温暖舒适。
Useful expressions
1.厌倦于(标题下第一行)1.be tired of
2.做研究(标题下第三行)2.do research (on)
3.做„的机会(L2) 4.„之旅(L3) 5.远离(L7) 6.定期航班(L7) 7.人间的天堂(L11) 8.到达某地(L13) 3.the chance to do
• 11.Many years after the book was published, some people realized that the Shangri-la of the novel was a perfect match for ZhongDian in Yunnan Province, China. • 此书出版许多年后,一些人发现,小说中 的香格里拉与中国云南省中甸完全吻合。
将来进行时一、将来进行时的形式:将来进行时由“will/shall be+现在分词”构成二、将来进行时的用法:将来进行时表示在将来某一时间内正在进行的动作。
将来进行时有很强的推测性,因此人们往往在以下几种场合中使用它:1. 表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作,一般带状语。
例如:What will you be doing at this time next Monday?下周一的这个时候你将做什么了?When he comes to my house tomorrow, I____________(写)the report.Daniel’s family ____their holiday in Huangshan this time next week. (2009 安徽)are enjoying B. are to enjoy C. will enjoy D. will be enjoying2. 表示现在正在进行的动作,但这个动作会延续到将来。
例如:I wonder if it will still be raining this afternoon.我想知道今天下午是否还会一直下雨。
I think that she ____________(work)on this experiment until next morning.我想她会一直在做这个实验直到第二天早上。
3. 表示预定的将来动作或对将来的预测。
例如:The weather report says that it ____ when we arrive in Wuxi City tomorrow afternoon.A.is snowingB. snowsC. will be snowingTomorrow I___________ to Bombay.明天我将飞往孟买。
After you take the medicine, you _________ much better.吃完药后,你会感觉好很多。
M2U2 projiect
M2U2 project1. consider⏹vt. 考虑、思考。
1.We must consider it very carefully.我们必须认真考虑这件事。
2.We considered going to see the film.我们考虑去看这部电影。
3.He was considering how to do the work.他正在考虑怎样做这项工作。
4.He considered how he should answer the question.他考虑怎样回答这个问题。
1.He considered me as a friend.他把我当成朋友。
2.We considered him (to be) a good student.我们认为他是个好学生。
1.He is considered to have much experience.他被认为富有经验。
2.The situation there was considered to be very good.大家认为那里的形势非常好。
2. T oday Shangri-la has become a common English word meaning heaven on earth. = which means heaven on earth.⏹究竟Where on earth can she be?她究竟在哪里呢?⏹世界上,人世间3. In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever.完全倒装:副词如here, there, now, then, thus 出现在句首,be, come, go, lie, run, stand, live, appear, exist 作为句子的谓语, 主语为名词。
高一英语M2 U2重点词组汇总Welcome----Reading1. 令人惊叹的冒险amazing adventures2. 挑战你自己challenge yourself3. 安排某人做某事arrange (for sb) to do sth按照计划as arranged作出安排make arrangements4. 乘坐航班去某地take a flight to some place/ go to some place by air/fly to some place5. 骑骆驼ride camelsby camel/ on a camel6. 穿越撒哈拉沙漠through the Sahara Desert7. 在明朗的夜晚on clear nights8. 沿着尼罗河顺流而下travel down the River Nile9. 变得十分湍急get quite rough10. 白浪漂流go white-water rafting11. 万一……in case, in case of sth12. 去旅行go on a trip13. 提前in advance/ ahead of time14. 食物的供给supplies of food/ a supply of food/ a food supply给某人提供某物supply sb with sth = supply sth to sbprovide sb with sth = provide sth for sboffer sb sth = offer sth to sb15. 穿行于陆地walk across the land16. 作为防卫、作为保护for defence/ for protection保卫……,为……辩护in defence of sth17. 吓跑……scare sb/ sth away/ off18. 近距离up close (to)19. 感到恶心feel sick20. 确保……make sure that…21. 提及,提到……refer to…Word Power----Project22. 提醒某人……remind sb of sth23. 生火make a fire24. 在户外,露天in the open air25. 举行一个旅游节hold a tourism festival26. 先于/按照/迟于预定时间ahead of/ on/ behind schedule27. 什么话也不说in (total) silence28. 专心致志于某事bury oneself in sth/ sb be buried in sth29. 旅行目的地the holiday destination30. 厌烦……be tired of sth/ doing…31. 一个神奇又美丽的地方 a place of mystery and beauty32. 两城市间的固定往返航班regular flights between the two cities33. 一部经典小说 a classic novel34. 常识common sense35. 结合;连接join togetherjoin A to B/ join A and B (together/ up)36. 耸入云霄reach to the sky37. 因事与某人争执argue over/ about sth with sb38. 旅游景点tourist spots/ tourist attractions/ places of interest39. 与……相匹配 a (perfect) match for40. 被……覆盖be covered with…41. 高出许多;(比……)优秀许多tower over/ about sb/ sth42. 不知所措,困惑be at a loss想不出要说的话be at a loss for words43. 反映、映出(影像)reflect sb/ sth (in sth)44. 周围的森林surrounding forests被……包围 A surround B = B be surrounded by A45. ……的家园be home to46. 与……和谐(be) in harmony with…47. 最为适宜at its mildest附重点句型①We leave London on 15 July, and we’ll be taking a flight to Morocco, in northern Africa. (P22, Line 9-10)②We’ll be traveling by camel with local guides, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground.(P 22, Line 12-14)③Altogether, the trip will take six days. (P 22, Line 17)④We’ll live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do,including cow’s blood! (P 23, Line 25-27)⑤Since we’ll be walking for almost two weeks, I’ll need to buy a large backpack in advanceto carry my supplies of food and water. (P 23, Line 28-29)⑥During the day, we’ll walk across the land, followin g the tracks of wildlife such as elephants,lions and giraffes. (P 23, Line 29-31)⑦We’ll try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though they’re dangerous, so thatwe can take some really good photographs. (P 23, Line 31-33)⑧Just as we were about to turn off the radio and get into our sleeping bags, strong windsbegan to blow. (P 31)be about to do sth when…正要做某事,这时……⑨In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever. (P 38,Line 29-31)。
运用项目教学法教会学生合作学习、学习合作——牛津英语M2U2 Project教学设计与反思
教 材 的 分 析和 教 学 法 的选 择
二 .基于项 目教学法的 Poet rjc 的教学过程 经 过对 教材 和学 生的分析,P o c 的教学过 程共 分 7 r et j 个 ()情境创设、动机激发 ( 1 教学步骤 I );
新课程 改革 对 P oe t rjc 板块提 出了新 的要求 ,要求教 师恰 探究 式学 习,把英 语听、说、读、写四项 基本 技能的训练从学 习延伸到实践 ,从课堂 延伸 到生 活,从而实现英语能力上 的本
般在完成 P oe t rjc 板块的学 习后,学生都 能够 按照课程 的具 进 行 自主学习。在 完成任务的过程 中掌握 相关语言和非语言知
体要求在 教师的分步指导下,构想 、制作 出具体 的并能运用于 识,从而培养能力,提高素养。
E常生活的作品。至此 ,教师也实现 了项 目教学 法的最终教学 t
学与研 究。( 苏 无锡 24 2) 江 108
江 苏 省 大 部 分 的高 级 中学 英语 教 学 均 使 用 了牛 津 大 学 出版 B部 分 的学 习 。
社和译林出版社编著的《 牛津高中英语课 本》 。此套教材以模块、 环节 中,以 P oet rjc 板块 给教师 的教学方 法和学生 的学 习方 式
L a n n )的理 论基 础 。项 目教 学法 ,顾 名思义 ,就 是指 能 现学生 的学习方 式和教师教学方法 的变革。 er ig 帮助教 师用来指 导学 生对 现实生 活 中的真 实主题 进 行深入 学
笔者选择使 用项 目教学 法,强调 以具体 的实践任务——制
习、 完成 某个项目的课程活动 , 具有在 现实生活中的可操作性 。 作旅游 手册为核心,让学 生以小 组合作的形式,围绕i4 核心 g"
M2U2 Project 学案
M2U2 Project 学案by Chen Yaqin 2013.12.06【课文理解】1. Pre-readingPlaying a game: What can we see there?2.While-readingRead the text quickly and try to find the answers to these questions.①. What does the word Shangri-la mean?A. the most beautiful place on earth.B. a place that is home to birds and animals.C. a beautiful picture formed by snowy mountaintopsD. heaven on earth②. How did Hilton describe Shangri-la?A. There were three mountains.B. Three rivers joined together.C. Many old people lived there.D. The trees were cut down.③. Which are the best times to visit Shangri-la?A. Summer and autumn.B. Spring and summer.C. Spring and autumnD. Autumn and winter.3. Post-readingTitleShangri-laIntroductionShangri-la is a mysterious and (1)______ place located in the south-west of China Transportation·Drive north along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway from Dali, and you will (2)_______ in Zhaongdian.·Planes fly between Kunming and Zhongdian (3)_________.Origin of the name·First appearing in James Hilton’s novel, Shangri-la was a place where people would never grow (4)_________.·It was officially (5)________ that Zhongdian was the Shangri-la ofHilton’s story in 1997.The (6)_____ of Shangri-la·You can see three mountains, many lakes, animals and (7)_______.·The world here is far from noise and worry of the outside world.·People live in (8)________ with nature.The weather·The quick (9) _________ of weather makes it possible for you to experience four seasons in one day.·The temperature is at its mildest in (10)__________ and autumn.【质疑讨论】1. Main ideasGo through the passage again & match column I with column IIColumn I Column II2.Structure analysisWhat should a travel leaflet include?Tips: contents of a travel leafletBrief introductionLocationDescriptionClimateHistory…【牛刀小试】1. Find the phrases that describe the beauty of Shangri-la.2. Learn these phrases by heart:heaven on earth (人间天堂)reach to (延伸到……)take the name of (享有……的美誉)form a beautiful picture (形成一幅美丽的图片)be home to (是……的家园)live in harmony with (与……和谐相处)3. Make sentences with one or more of the key words & phrases.4. Put into English or Chinese.1)苏州是人间天堂。
In the past few years, the popularity of wushu in China has been increasing. Other nations, including the United States, are now beginning to develop more and more people for this ancient art. Wushu has its own international association. In 1990 the International Wushu Federation is created to promote worldwide competition and was accepted by the International Olympic Committee in 1999. It already has 86 member countries and regions now, so it has possessed the conditions of the entry of the Olympic Games.
•Discuss and decide what to include in the speech. •Organize the information and write an outline.
(Make sure EACH member contribute to one part of the speech.)
Multiple choice
1. How many teams are mentioned in the passage? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 2. Why the goal should not have counted? A. The referee was not fare. B. The teammate passed the ball but the shot was too high. C. The Eagles' captain knocked the ball with his hand and then kicked and scored, which is against the rule of football games. D. A captain passed the ball and ran down to the Kangaroos’ goal.
M2U2Wishyouwerehere 教案常德市一中卢嘉彬Module2Unit2ProjectMakingatravelleafletTeachingAims:GetstudentstoknowtheinformationaboutShangri-la.Encouragestudentstostudyhowtomakealeaflet.Improvestudents’writingandspeakingabilities.Instructthestudentstolovenatureandourschool.TeachingImportantandDifficultPoints:Howtoleadstudentstomakealeafletaboutourschoolthroughcooperation.TeachingMethods:OpeningteachingTask-basedlanguageteachingInterest-inspiringteachingTeachingAids:AcomputerandtheblackboardTeachingprocedures:StepILead–inShowsomepicturesabouttheteachers’travellingexperienceinThailand,andhaveafreetalkaboutit.oneofthestudentstocometothefront,andshowlittleperformancetotheirclassmates.(Homeworkchecking)ShowstudentsaphotoofoneofstudentsinShangri-la,andaskthemtoguesswheresheis.ShowstudentsavideoclipaboutShangri-la.T:Todaywe’llwanderaroundthebeautifulplaceShangri-la.StepII ReadingatravelleafletaboutShangri-laActivity1:Readingandanswering(Part1&2)Askoneofthestudentstoreadthefirsttwopartsandasktwoquestions.Q:1.WhereisShangri-la?(B)A.DaliB.ZhongdianQ:2.Howcanyougetthere?Whichwaydoyouwanttochooseandwhy?Activity2:Listeningandselecting(Part3&4)Listentopart3&4andselectsomebeautifulsentencesdescribingShangri-la.Activity3:MatchingthepicturesfromthetexttodescribeShangri-laFinisht histaskthroughstudents’competition.Activity4:DiscussionDiscussinpairs,thenchooseonewordtosummarize(总结)eachpart: sceneryhistoryactivitiesweatherfoodintroductionLocation(位置〕culturetransport(交通)StepIIIMakingatravelleaflet-----Aleafletofourschool ShowsomepicturesaboutMiddleSchoolofChangde.Givetipsformakingaleafletofourschool.3.Dividethewholeclassintoseveralgroupsandask themtocreatetheirownleafletofMiddleSchool.4.Presentincompetition,withtheaidofpraisingthestudents.StepVHomework yourleafletperfectandputitonthewall.PartD1andD2onpage97intheworkbook.StepVIIBlackboarddesignM2U2Wishyouwerehere-------ProjectIReadingIIMakingatravelle afletbriefintroducti onLeafletLe afletantransportleaflet12 andcultureLeafletLea flet34Module2Unit2Project: Makingatravelleaflet教学设计特色一、说教材本节课讲授的是译林牛津英语Module2Unit2Project:Makingatravelleaflet.此课型共分为 A、B两个局部。
M8U2Project 理解
M8u2 Project From the blues to popLearning Objectives:1.Know something about the development of music2.Develop speaking, reading skills3.Improve team work abilityTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Lead in (show some pictures)Step 2: Fast reading1. What's this article mainly about?________________________________________________________________________ 2. How many kinds of music are mentioned in this article? What are they?________________________________________________________________________ Step 3: Careful readingPart 1: Early jazz1. The development of early jazz:→_____ →______2. Why did jazz spring up?_______________________________________________________________________ 3. Introduce Louis ArmstrongLouis ArmstrongLouis Armstrong, a black ,is one of___________of jazz. It's characteristic of him that he would _____________ as he was playing it to _____________________at the time.Part 2: From R&B to rock and rollRead Part 2 carefully and complete the the two tables.Music developmentRepresentative singers/bandsPart 3: 1960s pop musicRead the following sentences and decide whether they are true(T) or false(F).1. Beatlemania(披头士狂)is actually some kind of mental illness.2. In 1965, the Beatles held a concert at Shea Stadium in New York that was attended by approximately 55,000 people.3. The Beatles broke up in 1970, but they are still very popular.Step 3:Consolidation: Read the article again and finish the task-based reading.1. Write the article regarding a singer or a band on the exercise books.2. Preview the language points in project。
under budget ____________.
习语: in practice = in fact
In order for a new sport to be added, another sport must be dropped. drop:猜测词义 掉下来 1)The apple dropped from tree._________ 2)Be careful not to drop the plate.________ 使落下 3)Prices dropped because of new policy.________. 降低,减少 4)The wind has dropped._________ 减弱 5)I’m going to drop history this year._______ 放弃 断绝 6)He seems to have dropped most of his friends.____ …卸下 7)Please drop me at the nearest station. 从 _____ 除名、解雇 8)He was dropped from the basketball team. ______
The match was tied with minutes to go. tie vt 捆,系,绑;打成平局 n. 领带;平局 1)把你的鞋子系紧了。 ______ your shoes tightly. Tie 2) They tied the visiting team in the game. 打 成平 局 中文) ________( 3)The murderer was brought in, with his tied hands _______(tie) behind his back. 4)The result of the football match was a tie. 平局 _____
M2U2 单词讲解
• • • • •
announce announce sth. to sb 向某人宣布某事 announce that… 宣布… It is announced that 据宣布… The spokesman announced the news to the reporter. • It was announced that he took over the company. • announcement n. 宣布
• • • • • • •
said seen long similar (be similar to) living speed Conclusions/Results found/living that/showing/suggesting organized
周练 BCBDA CBABB DDCDB CBCAD DCBBC ACDBA DBACD ACACB mysterious dismissed disappointed properly/appropriately puzzled witness(es) assuming possibility disagreed creature
• adventure • adventurous adj.冒险的 • adventurer n.冒险家
• • • •
arrange arrange sth for sb 为某人安排某事 arrange to do 安排去做某事 arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做 某事 • arrange that.. 安排… • arrangement n.安排
• spot • tourist spot/attraction • on the spot=on the scene当场,在 现场
例如在教学《Natural Disasters》这一单元时,对于本节课程的理解而言,教师通过导入模拟特定的语言环境让学生了解到自然灾害发生时的情景,并使学生思考what will you do when the disasters happen?在这样的对接学习过程中,学生的思维会得到拓展。
M2U1 Reading书1.step up the search for加快对。
的搜查2.go missing: be gone不见了3.sth receive great interest引起关注/4.due to: because of/owing to/由于thanks to幸亏5.walk towards朝。
6.a boy aged 9:一个9岁的孩子7.go straight to:经直朝。
走去8.put on one’s favourite CD:播放喜爱的CD9.wake sb up:唤醒某人10.pull back the curtain:拉上窗帘11.the side of the house:房子的一边12.a flash of light:一束光13.I haven’t seen Justin since:自此之后。
14.work on the road construction job:从事。
工作15.When these events occurred:当。
发生的时候16.show up:出现17.take sb aboard the UFO:带。
上不明飞行物18.do research on:研究。
19.without any injuries:不受伤20.take charge of:掌管21.make up amazing stories:编造虚构的故事22.It has happened to me。
身上23.This incident has received great interest due to reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy disappeared.24.It had blue lights all around it.25.Standing inside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes26.There’s really no hard evidence that aliens took him.27.When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective XX, who has taken charge of the case, told journalists…28.While we have not dismissed the idea, we are looking into other possibilities as well.29.We will not give up until we find out what happened.M2U1 Project 书Project书P181.for centuries:over the past centuries几个世纪来2.重点句型:报导做了。
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6.Find out the sentences that describe the beauty of Shangri-la.
▲be/get tired of 对……感到厌烦
be tired from doing … 因……而疲乏
We are tired of the same food for breakfast
consider…as…= think of…as…= look on(upon)… as… = regard…as… = treat…as…
He considered studying further in Beijing University.
他考虑到北京大学进修. He is considered to be the best person for the job. 他被认为是做这工作最合适的人选. Have you considered how to solve this problem? 你有没有考虑过如何解决这问题.
The best times to visit Shangri-la are
spring and ________. autumn _______
…a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, steep mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth. Three mountains, Meili, Baimang and Haba, … form a beautiful picture that will leave you at a loss for words. The sunshine reflects on the many lakes, making them shine like diamonds against the rich countryside. Sheep, cattle and horses wander on the green grass and the surrounding forests are home to lots of birds and animals.
2.In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay yong for ever.
• 1.倒装句(完全倒装)
• ①here、there • Look,here comes a woman carrying a baby. Who can she be? • ②表示地点、方位的介词短语位于句首 • In front of where I live lies a river reaching to the Hongze Lake. • ③表示动作移动的副词(in→out; up→down; away) • Down jumped a wife from a tall building who had been hit by her husband.
3.Where is Shangri-la?
It is in the southwest of China, 659 kilometers away from Kunming. 4.How can you get there?
We can start in the city of Dali and drive north along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway(滇藏高速) until we reach there. We can also go there by plane.
5.what’s the weather like in Shangri-la?
6.Find out the sentences that describe the beauty of Shangri-la.
1.Who first talked about Shangri-la?
James Hilton. 2.What does the word Shangri-la mean? Today it has become a common English word, meaning heaven on the earth.
3.Many years after the book was punished, some people realized that the Shangri-la of the novel was a perfect match for Zhongdian in Yunnan Province. • 1.after 引导时间状语从句 • 2.match、fit、suit • match与…相配;A red jacket doesn’t match green trousers. • fit做及物动词适合、配上、合身、使人适应。做不及物动 词,表示吻合、合身(当表示“与…适合”讲时常与for 连用)His experience fits him for the job.。侧重 在尺寸、形状上吻合,协调;The shoes fit me well. • suit指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位以及花色、款式等与 某人皮肤、气质、或身份相称。No dish suits all tastes.(众口难调) ,有时和to连用。He suited his speech to his audience.
1. She covered the table with a cloth. 覆盖
2. The town covers 5 square miles. 占(空间)
3. I want to cover 100 miles by dark. 行过(路程)
4. He covered a fire for a newspaper. 报道
Sheep, cows and horses feed freely on the green grass
People live in perfect harmony with nature.
Do you think it is beautiful?
Let’s read a travel leaflet about Shangri-la and answer:
Brief introduction to the place Location Scenery Climate History Culture …
Go through the passage again & match column I with column II: Column I Column II
• reach to 延伸至… • Our patio(天井) __________ to the front yard and they have the endless horizon. • A. gets B. reaches • C. arrives D. goes
1.Hilton described a beautiful kingdom where 3 rivers joined together, steep mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth.
Do you know where they are?
Have you ever heard a place whose name is
Do you want to go there now?
Enjoy pictures of the travel leaflet about Shangri-la.
1.Who first talked about Shangri-la?
Listen to the tape and answer questions
2.What does the word Shangri-la mean? 3.Where is Shangri-la?
4.How can you get there?
• 1.where…定语从句,修饰先行词 kingdom. • —Where did you get to know her? • —It was on the farm ______ we worked. • A. that B. there • C. which D. where
1.Hilton described a beautiful kingdom where 3 rivers joined together, steep mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth.
Travel magazines & leaflets
What is a leaflet?
• A leaflet is a printed sheet of paper, which is given for free to advertise or give information about something, such as sports, shopping, travel and so on.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
A. Climate (气候) of Shangri-la B. Description of the scenery of the place C. History of the name ‘Shangrila’ D. Brief introduction of Shangrila E. Location (how to get there)