
关键词过温报警;锁存器;单片机;温度传感器目录前言 (1)一.本次课程设计实践的目的和意义 (2)二.设计任务和要求 (2)2.1 设计题目 (2)2.2 主要技术性能指标 (2)2.3 功能及作用 (2)三. 系统总体方案及硬件设计 (2)3.1查阅相关资料后有以下两个方案可供选择 (2)3.2元件采购 (3)3.3系统总体设计 (3)四.接口电路设计 (6)4.1模块简介 (6)4.2 主控制器 (6)4.3 显示电路 (7)4.4温度传感器 (7)4.5温度报警电路 (9)五. 系统软件算法分析 (10)5.1主程序流程图 (10)5.2读出温度子程序 (11)5.3温度转换命令子程序 (11)5.4 计算温度子程序 (12)5.5 显示数据刷新子程序 (12)5.6按键扫描处理子程序 (13)六. 电路仿真 (14)七.焊接好的电路实体图 (15)八.检查与调试 (16)九.作品的使用 (16)十.设计心得 (20)参考文献 (20)附录 (21)前言温度是工业对象中主要的被控参数之一,如冶金、机械、食品、化工各类工业生产中,广泛使用的各种加热炉、热处理炉、反应炉等,对工件的温度处理要求严格控制。

1. 产品概述温度传感器是一种用于测量温度的设备,可以将温度转化为电信号输出。
本产品采用高精度的数字温度传感器,并具备以下特点:- 超高精度:测量温度范围为-40℃至+125℃,精度可达±0.1℃。
- 快速响应:传感器具备快速响应时间,能够准确捕捉温度变化。
- 稳定可靠:采用优质材料和先进工艺制造,确保产品稳定可靠,长时间使用不易出现故障。
2. 使用方法本温度传感器为数字输出型产品,可通过以下步骤进行使用:步骤一:将传感器连接到计量仪器或控制系统的温度接口,确保接触良好。
3. 注意事项为了保障您的安全和正常使用,请注意以下事项:- 请按照产品规定的工作温度范围使用,不要超出额定范围,以免影响测量准确性和传感器寿命。
- 请避免与水、油等液体直接接触,以免影响传感器性能和使用寿命。
- 请勿在高温、高湿度、强酸碱等恶劣环境中使用,以免损坏传感器。
- 避免传感器受到强磁场或电磁辐射的干扰,可能会导致测量偏差。
4. 维护保养- 定期清洁传感器外壳,可使用干净的软布轻擦,不要使用有机溶剂或大量水直接清洗。
- 如发现传感器接触异常或测量不准确,请及时联系售后服务,不要私自拆卸或修理。
5. 售后服务如有任何关于产品的使用问题或售后需求,请随时联系我们的客户服务团队,我们将竭诚为您提供技术支持和解决方案。

DimensionalDrawings 4
Headunitwith1transmitter n( odisplay)andM12plug
Headunitwith1transmitter n( odisplay)andcablegland
52.7 / 2.09
66.0 / 2.60
84.0 / 3.31
D2 [mm/inch] 31.0 / 1.22 50.0 / 1.97 68.0 / 2.68
CH|1 CLEANadaptM21
t50¡1.8s t90¡5.2s D: 8, 10, 12 mm
t50¡1.2s t90¡3.5s D: 6, 8, 10 mm
t50¡0.8s t90¡s2. D: 6 mm
Front“- ush t50¡2.5s t90¡15s
14 [0.55]
7 Installation|Warnings
· Electrical devices should not be disposed of with household trash. They must be recycled in accordance with national laws and regulations.
· Take the device directly to a specialized recycling company and do not use municipal collection points.

TR-10数字(shùzì)温度计使用说明书TR-10数字(shùzì)温度计使用说明书TR-10便携式记录(jìlù)型测温仪使用说明一,概述(ɡài shù):TR-10是一款具备数据记录(jìlù)功能的温度测量仪表,仪表可记录100个温度点和时间,摄氏华氏转换,超温报警等功能。
二,技术参数:1、温度传感器:NTC K=103,B=34352、测温范围(fànwéi):-40℃~+110℃,3、测温精度(jīnɡ dù):±1℃(-20℃~+80℃),±2℃(-40℃~-20℃,+80℃~+110℃)4、记录点数:100个,5、采样周期:记录状态下为间隔时间,非记录状态下为10S6、显示未定要求—电磁兼容测试:(1)EFT干扰测试>2级(2)ESD测试>2级7、时间:2009年1月1日—2099年12月31日产品出厂参数值:日期为09 01 01,时间为12:00 00间隔时间为001,(1分钟)上限温度值都为:000.0度下限温度值都为:000.0度三,产品示意图:正面图片:要求有液晶屏全部显示,以及能看清(kàn qīnɡ)按键上的字。
背面图片:要求说明有背面各个部分的功能,及按键的图片,必要时增加局部(júbù)放大的图片液晶屏显示(xiǎnshì)的说明:说明(shuōmíng)液晶屏各部分显示代表的参数四,按键操作(cāozuò)说明:按键使用(shǐyòng)模式说明:按一下按键立即抬起为“时间(shíjiān)按”,按住按键(àn jiàn)查过五秒后抬起为“长时间按”前置按键的使用说明:Record:功能一:开启和关闭记录功能功能二:在记录过程中或记录完成后,按此键可以查看温度记录点的参数。
数字温湿度传感器 SHT 1x SHT 7x 产品手册说明书

数字温湿度传感器 SHT 1x / SHT 7x(请以英文为准,译文仅供参考)_ 相对湿度和温度测量 _ 露点测量 _ 全标定输出,无需标定即可互换使用 _ 卓越的长期稳定性 _ 两线制数字接口,无需额外电路 _ 基于请求式测量,低能耗 _ 表面贴片或4针引脚安装 _ 超小尺寸 _ 自动休眠 _ 超快响应时间 SHT1x / SHT7x 产品概述 SHTxx系列产品是一款高度集成的温湿度传感器芯片,提供全量程标定的数字输出。
它采用专利的CMOSens? 技术,确保产品具有极高的可靠性与卓越的长期稳定性。
SHT7xSHT1x1 传感器性能说明参数 条件 Min. Typ. Max. 单位 湿度 分辨率 (2) 0.5 0.03 0.03 %RH 8 12 12 bit 重复性 ±0.1 %RH 精度 (1) 不确定性 线性化 参见图 1 互换性 可完全互换 原始数据 ±3 %RH 非线性度 线性化 <<1 %RH 量程范围 0 100 %RH 响应时间 1/e (63%) 缓慢流动空气 4 s 迟滞 ±1 %RH 长期稳定性 典型值 < 1 %RH/yr 温度 0.04 0.01 0.01 °C 0.07 0.02 0.02 °F 分辨率 (2) 12 14 14 bit ±0.1 °C 重复性 ±0.2 °F 精度 参见图 1 -40 123.8 °C 量程范围 -40 254.9 °F 响应时间 1/e (63%) 5 30 s 表 1 传感器性能说明 2接口说明SHT1x(slave)图 2 典型应用电路 2.1电源引脚 SHTxx的供电电压为2.4 ̄5.5V。
SD5020 单总线数字温度传感器 晶华微电子 v1.1a说明书

SD5020单总线数字温度传感器特点● 12位数字温度读数,分辨率为0.0625℃ ● 在-10℃ ~ +85℃范围内最大误差±0.8℃ ● 在-55℃ ~ +125℃范围内最大误差±1.5℃ ● 单总线通信接口,带CRC 校验功能 ● 可设置40位的从机通信地址● 提供过温报警功能,可设置阈值及迟滞量 ● 工作电压范围2.7V~ 5.5V ● 管脚兼容DS 18B 20描述SD5020是一款高准确度温度传感器芯片。
支持单总线通信,输出12位数字温度读数,在-10℃~ +85℃范围内典型误差小于±0.5℃,在-55℃~ +125℃范围内典型误差小于±0.8℃。
注意SD5020替换DS18B20需要做通信协议修改;因为本芯片内部没有EEPROM ,配置寄存器、迟滞阈值寄存器和过温阈值寄存器的掉电保存功能不支持,不过可以通过预先烧录到SD5020芯片内部的OTP 来实现这些寄存器的掉电保存;另外如果使用到总线供电功能,需要加外围电路。
应用领域温控系统、工业过程控制、电源热保护、环境温度检测等订购信息封装形式 订货名称 TO-92 SD 5020A SOP 8SD 5020B管脚图和管脚描述图1. TO-92和SOP 8管脚图表1. 管脚描述序号管脚名称属性管脚描述SD 5020A (TO-92)SD 5020B (SOP 8)21 DIO 输入/输出 开漏端口,单总线数据通信口-- 2--3,5--7NC -- 悬空 1 4 GND 地 地38VDD电源电源功能描述图2. 功能框图图2是SD 5020的功能模块框图。
SD 5020是一个单总线通信的数字温度传感器,DIO 管脚需要外接一个上拉电阻。

Executi ng division : Responsible division : Document type : Confidentiality status :HCN NVPTechnical Documentation InternalPrepared :Document state :08.02.2006 Czernietzki (NVP)Technology Transfer HCN PreliminaryChecked :09.02.2006 Czernietzki (NVP)FNC System BusinessThermistorsApproved :File:Revision :Language :Pages :09.02.2006 Czernietzki (NVP) TD-Thermistors-en-R001 001 en 1/19This document and its contents are the property of Hoppecke or its subsidiaries. This document contains confidential proprietary information. The reproduction,Document administration 文件管理Document History 文件记录VersionDateResponsibleReason of change001 08.02.2006 Czernietzki First release of the document.Change justifiable 变更审核Hans-Peter Czernietzki NVPPreparing , Checking , ApprovingLewis Liu HCN QS Preparing , Checking , ApprovingDocument generated with following tools 使用下列工具编写文件:WORD 200 <Grafic tool>Content 目录1 Overview Thermistors........................................................................................................................................................................2 1.1 General.....................................................................................................................................................................................2 1.2 NTC Thermistors.....................................................................................................................................................................4 1.3 PTC Thermistors......................................................................................................................................................................5 1.4 Lead wire configurations..........................................................................................................................................................6 1.5 Available temperature probe....................................................................................................................................................8 1.6 Available connection cables.....................................................................................................................................................8 2 Designs...............................................................................................................................................................................................9 2.1 Stainless steel block version.....................................................................................................................................................9 2.2 Electrolyte version...................................................................................................................................................................9 2.3 Connection cables..................................................................................................................................................................10 2.3.1 Two wire connection 414 220 0802.............................................................................................................................10 2.3.2 Four wire connection 414 220 0804............................................................................................................................10 2.3.3 Connection clamp........................................................................................................................................................10 2.4 Temperature curve PT100B...................................................................................................................................................11 2.5 Temperature curve NTC10K..................................................................................................................................................11 2.6 Technical data NTC10K.........................................................................................................................................................11 3 Attachments......................................................................................................................................................................................11 3.1 Drawing 2BZ60287-01..........................................................................................................................................................11 3.2 Drawing 3BZ60731-01..........................................................................................................................................................11 3.3 Drawing 2BZ60287-02..........................................................................................................................................................11 3.4 Drawing 3BZ60407-01..........................................................................................................................................................11 3.5 Drawing 3BZ60732-01..........................................................................................................................................................11 3.6 Drawing 3BZ60407-02. (11)1 Overview Thermistors电热调节器简介1.1 General总则Resistance elements come in many types conforming to different standards, capable of different temperature ranges, with various sizes and accuracies available. But they all function in the same manner: each has a pre-specified resistance value at a known temperature which changes in a predictable fashion. In this way, by measuring the resistance of the element, the temperature of the element can be determined from tables, calculations or instrumentation. These resistance elements are the heart of the RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector or short: Thermistor). Generally, a bare resistance element is too fragile and sensitive to be used in its raw form, so it must be protected by incorporating it into an housing.电阻元器件满足不同的标准,能够适用不同的温度范围,可满足多种尺寸和精度要求。
SF Thermostats 高分辨率全彩触摸屏数字温度计系列说明书

Control your environment Introducingthe all newSF ThermostatsStart To FinishHigh ResolutionFull Color Touch Screen Display Digital ThermostatAccessoriesModel SFTHRTS742• 4 Heat / 2 Cool • Dual Fuel Capable • Programmable FanModel SFTHRTSH742• All the same features as SFTHRTS742 but with Humidification and Dehumidification controlModel SFTHCTS742• 4 Heat / 2 Cool• Up to 3 Occupied Periods• 365 Day Calendar for Holiday programming • Security Lock w/Passcode • Preoccupancy Fan PurgeModel SFTHCTSH742• All the same features as SFTHCTS742 but with Humidification and Dehumidification controlAll models have these standard features• Gas Electric or Heat Pump Control• Switchable Programmable or Non-programmable • Set Point Limiting• Indoor/Outdoor Sensor Ready • Choice of English, Spanish or French • Customizable Screensaver* & Customizable Wallpaper*• Wall plate available (model SFTHATSWP)SFTHAADDWIREAdd-A-WireSFTHATSSEN Touch Screen Outdoor/Indoor Temperature SensorSFTHATSWIFI Thermostat Wi-FiInternet Access ModuleIts sleek styling and white color blend beautifully intoany decor.4Z95Value Series ThermostatsPremier Series Thermostatsresidential and commercial5.5”w x 3.6”h x 1.1”d• Battery or system powered • Extremely simple to operate • Millivolt Compatible• No ‘C’ (common) wire needed with batteries installed • Wall plate available (model SFTHAVWP)All models have these standard features:All models have these standard features:Model SFTHRP742• 4 Heat / 2 Cool • 1, 5+2 or 7-day programmable • Remote Sensor Ready Model SFTHRP121• 2 Heat / 1 Cool• Single day orNon-Programmable • Auto or Manual ChangeoverModel SFTHCPH742• 4 Heat / 2 Cool • 3 occupied time periods • Remote Sensor Ready • Setpoint Limiting • Light Activation Equipped • Economizer Control • Preoccupancy Fan Purge • Programmable Output for Free Cooling, Ventilation, and moreModel SFTHCP742• 4 Heat / 2 Cool • 3 occupied time periods • Setpoint Limiting Model SFTHCPH022• 2 Heat / 2 Cool • Non-programmable • Controls Humidification, Dehumidification & Reheat • Setpoint Limiting • Remote Sensor Ready• Backlit Display • Aux Heat Indicator • Outdoor Sensor Ready• Accepts RF Module for wireless Remote Sensors • Wall plate available (model SFTHAPWP)• Accepts USB Programmer for easy programming and error message displaysModel SFTHRPH742• 4 Heat / 2 Cool • 1, 5+2 or 7-day programmable • Dual Fuel Capable • Remote Sensor Ready • Controls Humidification, Dehumidification & Reheat• Programmable Output for Free Cooling, Ventilation, and more Model SFTHRV011• 1 Heat / 1 Cool • Non-programmable • RC/RH Terminals • Gas/electric or Heat PumpModel SFTHRV5211• 1 Heat / 1 Cool • 5+2 programmable • RC/RH Terminals • Gas/electric or Heat PumpModel SFTHRVHP021• 2 Heat / 1 Cool • Non-programmable • Heat pump • Aux HeatModel SFTHRVHP5221• 2 Heat / 1 Cool • 5+2 programmable • Heat pump • Aux Heat5.2”w x 4.4”h x 1.1”dSFTHAPLOCK Lock Ring SFTHAPSENREC RF Module SFTHAPSENRF RF Wireless RemoteSFTHAPUSB USB ProgrammerWith Touch Screen Attendant you can import and edit your photos from a drive on your computer, prepare them for use as the thermostat’s screen saver, or choose a photo for a custom wallpaper background.Touch Screen Attendant allows you to configure your time period schedule and adjust your thermostat’s installation settings from the comfort of your laptop or desktop computer.Dealers may use this application to import their logo and contact information to the Touch Screen thermostat.Each time Touch Screen Attendant opens it checks with the website for any application updates and the latest thermostat firmware.With Touch Screen Attendant you may:· Create & customize screensavers · Customize wallpaper backgrounds· Add your dealer logo and contact information · Configure the installation settings · Edit the time period schedule· Update the thermostat’s firmware for performance enhancements and new featuresCreate your picture gallery, adjust the settings, configure the schedule,add dealer information and upgrade firmware for new features.T o u c h © 2014 Trane U.S. Inc. All rights reserved. PART-SLB008-EN October 27, 2014.。

Cód.ParámetroU.M.TipoMín.Máx.VALOR/2Estabilidad de la medida -C 1154/3Deceleración visualización sonda-C 0150/4Sonda virtual-C 01000/5Selección °C o °F (0=°C, 1=°F)flag C 010/6Punto decimal (0=si 1=no)flag C 011/tI Visualización sobre el display -C 171/tE Visualización en terminal externo-C 060/P Selección tipo de sonda -C 020/A2Configuración de la sonda 2-C 042/A3Configuración de la sonda 3-C 040/A4Configuración de la sonda 4-C 040/A5Configuración de la sonda 5-C 040/c1Calibración de la sonda 1°C/°F C -20200/c2Calibración de la sonda 2°C/°F C -20200/c3Calibración de la sonda 3°C/°F C -20200/c4Calibración de la sonda 4°C/°F C -20200/c5Calibración de la sonda 5°C/°FC-2020St Set point (punto de consigna)°C/°F F r1r2-23rd Diferencial regulador°C/°F F 0.120 3.0rn Zona neutra°C/°F C 0604rr Diferencia inverso para control con zona neutra°C/°F C 0,1202r1SET mínimo admitido °C/°F C -50r2-23r2SET máximo admitido °C/°F C r120020TABLA DE PARÁMETROSCAREL: PUIFI0006 (MEMBRANA / ARMARIOS BT)/ PARÁMETROS SONDAr PARÁMETROS REGULADORr3Modalidad de funcionamientoflag C 020r4Variación automática del SET POINT nocturno °C/°F C -20200r5Habilitación de la monitorización de la temp.flag C 011rt Intervalo de monitorización de la temperaturahoras F 09990rH Máxima temperatura leída °C/°F F 000rLMínima temperatura leída°C/°FFc0Ret. arr. comp. y vent. en el mom. del encendido min C 0151c1Tiempo mínimo entre encendidos sucesivos min C 0151c2Tiempo mínimo de OFF del compresor min C 0150c3Tiempo mínimo de ON del compresormin C 0150c4Arranque forzado min C 01000cc Duración del ciclo continuohoras C 0150c6Tiempo exclusión de alarma después del ciclo continuohoras C 02502c7Tiempo máximo de Pump-Downs C 09000c8Retr. arr. comp. después de la ap. de la válvula PD s C 0605c9Habilitación función de autoarranque con func. en PDflag C 010c10Selección Pump-Down de tiempo o presiónflag C 010c11Retraso 2º compresorsC250d0Tipo de desescarche (0=resis. 1=gas 2=agua 3=gas a tiempo)flag C 041dI Intervalo entre dos desescarches horas F 02503dt1Temperatura fin desescarche evaporador °C/°F F -5020020dt2Temperatura fin desescarche evaporador auxiliar°C/°F F -5020020dt3Temperatura fin desescarche sonda 3°C/°F F -502004dP1Duración máx. del desescarche evaporador min F 125030dP2Duración máx. del desescarche evap. auxiliar min F 125030d3Retraso de activación del desescarche min C 02500d4Desescarche a la conexión del equipo flag C 010d5Retraso del desescarche a la conexion min C 02500d6Bloqueo del display durante el desescarche -C 021ddTiempo de goteo después del desescarcheminF154c PARÁMETROS COMPRESORd PARÁMETROS DE DESESCARCHEd8Exclusión alarmas después del desescarche horas F 02501d8d Tiempo exclusión de alarma tras puerta abierta min C 02500d9Prioridad del desescarche frente protecciones compresorflag C 010d/1Visualización de la sonda de desescarche °C/°F F 000d/2Visualización de la sonda de desescarche °C/°F F 000dC Base de los tiempos para desescarche flag C 010dC1Base de los tiempos para retardo de alarmas flag C 010d10Tiempo de funcionamiento del compresor min C 02500d11Umbral de temperatura para tiempo de funcionamiento°C/°F C -2020 1.0d12Desescarches avanzados -C 030dn Duración nominal del desescarche -C 110065dHFactor proporcional variación de ‘dI’-C10050A0Diferencial alarmas y ventiladores°C/°F C 0.120 1.0A1Tipo de umbral ‘AL’ y ‘AH’flag C 010AL Umbral de alarma de baja temperatura °C/°F F -5020010AH Umbral de alarma de alta temperatura °C/°F F -5020010Ad Retraso alarma baja y alta temperatura min F 0250120A4Configuración de la entrada digital 1-C 0120A5Configuración de la entrada digital 2-C 0120A6Bloqueo del compresor por alarma externa min C 01000A7Retraso de detección alarma externa min C 02500A8Habilitación alarmas ‘Ed1’ y ‘Ed2’ flag C 010A9Configuración salida digital 3flag C 0140Ado Configuración modo luz puerta flag C 010Ac Alarma alta temperatura del condensador °C/°F C 0.020070.0AE Difer. de la alarma de alta temp. cond.°C/°F C 0.12010Acd Retraso alarma alta temp. del condensadormin C 02500AF Tiempo apagado con sensor de luzseg C 02500ALF Umbral de alarma antihielo °C/°F C -50200-5AdFRetardo alarma antihielosegC250A PARÁMETROS DE ALARMAF0Control ventiladorflag C 022F1Temperatura encendido ventilador °C/°F F -50200 5.0F2Ventilador OFF con compresor OFFflag C 011F3Ventiladores en desescarche flag C 011Fd Ventiladores apagados después del goteo flag F 0150F4Temperatura ventilador condensador OFF°C/°F C -5020040F5Diferencial ventilador condensador°C/°FC0,1205Pw Contraseña -C 020022H0Dirección serial -C 02071H1Funcionalidad del relé 4flag C 0133H2Deshabilitación teclado/Infrared flag C 061H3Código habilitación telecomando -C 02550H4Deshabilitación zumbador flag C 010H5Funcionalidad del relé 5-C 0133H6Bloqueo teclas -C 025532H7Selección tecladoflag C 010H8Luz o salida aux conmutada con control horario-C 010H9Variación set point con control horario-C 010HPr Perfil de impresión-C 0150Hdn Num conjuntos de parámetros predeterminados disponibles-C 060Hdh Desfase de resistencia antivaho°C/°F C -502000HrL Control remoto de estado de relé de luz principal -C 010HrA Control remoto de estado de relé AUX principal -C 010HSA Control remoto de alarmas de controladores en ud principal-C 010In Tipo de unidad-C 060s_cLrH Orden baja humedad relativa-C 010s_cAUX Orden activar AUX -C 010s_cLUX Orden activar luz -C 010s_cONOFFOrden controlador ON/OFF-C1F PARÁMETROS VENTILADOR (solo para el modelo C)H OTRAS PREDISPOSICIONES。
亿学通电子 DS18B20 温度传感器使用手册

1) DS18B20 是DALLAS 公司生产的一线制数字温度传感器; 2) 具有3 引脚TO-92 小体积封装形式; 3) 温度测量范围为-55℃~+125℃; 4) 电源供电范围为3V~5.5V ; 5) 可编程为9 位~12 位数字表示;6) 测温分辨率可达0.0625℃,被测温度用符号扩展的16 位数字量方式串行输出;7) 其工作电源既可在远端引入,也可采用寄生电源方式产生;8) 多个DS18B20 可以并联到3 根(VDD、DQ 和GND)或2 根(利用DQ 线供电、GND)线上,CPU 只需一根端口线就能与总线上的多个串联的DS18B20 通信,占用微处理器的端口较少,可节省大量的引线和逻辑电路。
TO-92封装的DS18B20DS18B20 的管脚排列及不同封装形式如图 2所示,DQ 为数字信号输入/输出端;GND 为电源地;VDD 为外接供电电源输入端(在寄生电源接线方式时接地,见),NC 表示无连接。
管脚图DS18B20内部结构如图3所示,主要由4 部分组成:64 位ROM 、温度传感器、非易失性存储的温度报警触发器TH 和TL 、配置寄存器。
漏极开路1 线接口。
访问DS18B20 的顺序如理初始化;DS18B20读写 连接图应用领域ROM 命令(接着是任何需要的数据交换);DS18B20 函数命令(接着是任何需要的数据交换)。
每一次访问DS18B20 时必须遵循这一顺序,如果其中的任何一步缺少或打乱它们的顺序,DS18B20 将不会响应。
(1)初始化时序所有与DS18B20 的通信首先必须初始化:控制器发出复位脉冲,DS18B20 以存在脉冲响应。

关键词:单片机AT89C51,数字温度传感器DS18B20,蜂鸣器,发光二极管,六位共阴极数码管目录正文总体设计方案一、主控制器 (8)二、温度传感器 (8)1.DS18B20的特性介绍 (9)2.DS18B29的内部结构 (9)3.DS18B29的存储器 (10)4.DS18B29的控制方法 (11)5.DS18B29的测温原理 (12)6.DS18B20与单片机的接口 (12)7.系统整体硬件电路 (13)8.系统软件算法 (13)三、结语 (21)总结与体会 (22)参考文献 (23)正文总体设计方案如下图一,主控制器单片机AT89C51具有低电压供电和体积小等特点,四个端口只需要两个口就能满足电路系统的设计需要,很适合便携手持式产品的设计使用系统可用二节电池供电。

STS40-AD1B-R3STS40-BD1B-R3STS40-CD1B-R3SEK-STS40-CD1B-SENSORSSTS4x Datasheet4th Generation, High-Accuracy, Ultra-Low-Power, 16-bit Temperature Sensor PlatformFeatures• Temperature accuracy: up to ±0.2 °C • Supply voltage: 1.08 V … 3.6 V • Average current: 0.4 µA (at meas. rate 1 Hz) • Idle current: 80 nA• I 2C fast mode plus, CRC checksum• Available with multiple I 2C addresses• Operating range: -40…125 °C • NIST traceability• JEDEC JESD47 qualification• Mature technology from global market leaderGeneral DescriptionThe STS4x is a fully digital temperature sensor platform offering different accuracy classes, currently available is the STS40. The I 2C interface provides multiple preconfigured I 2C addresses and enables an ultra-low power budget. Designed to cost, this four-pin dual-flat-no-leads package is suitable for surface mount technology (SMT) processing.Device OverviewFunctional Block DiagramFull product list on page 11.0.5 m mContentsFeatures (1)General Description (1)Device Overview (1)Functional Block Diagram (1)1 Quick Start – Hello World (3)2 Sensor Specifications (4)2.1 Sensor Performance (4)3 Electrical Specifications (5)3.1 Electrical Characteristics (5)3.2 Timings (6)3.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings (6)4 Sensor Operation (6)4.1 I2C Communication (6)4.2 Data Type & Length (7)4.3 Checksum Calculation (7)4.4 Command Overview (8)4.5 Conversion of Signal Output (8)4.6 Serial Number (8)4.7 Reset & Abort (8)5 Physical Specification (8)5.1 Package Description (8)5.2 Package Outline (9)5.3 Land Pattern (9)5.4 Pin Assignment & Laser Marking (10)6 Quality and Material Contents (10)7 Tape and Reel Packaging (10)8 Product Name Nomenclature (11)9 Ordering Information (11)10 Revision History (11)1 Quick Start – Hello WorldFigure 1 shows a typical application circuit for the STS4x on the left-hand side. After reaching the minimal supply voltage and allowing for the maximal power-up time of 1 ms, the sensor is ready for I2C communication. The quickest way to measure temperature is pseudo-coded on the right-hand side of Figure 1. Using the conversion formulae given in equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ), the digital signal can be translated into temperature readings.For Code resources, embedded drivers, and CAD files, please refer to the SHT4x files available on GitHub and SnapEDA.2 Sensor Specifications2.1 Sensor PerformanceTable 1. General temperature sensor specifications.Figure 2. STS40 typical and maximal temperature accuracy.1For definition of typ. and max. accuracy, please refer to the document “Sensirion Humidity Sensor Specification Statement”.2The stated repeatability is 3 times the standard deviation (3σ) of multiple consecutive measurement values at constant condit ions and is a measure for the noise on the physical sensor output. Different repeatability commands are listed in Table 6.3Resolution of A/D converter.4Specified range refers to the range for which the temperature sensor specification is guaranteed.5Depends on heat conductivity of sensor substrate and design-in of sensor in application.6Max. value is < 0.04°C/y.3 Electrical SpecificationsValid for all electrical specifications: Typical values correspond to V DD = 3.3 V and T = 25 °C. Min. and max. values are valid in the full temperature range -40 °C … 125 °C and at declared V DD levels.3.1 Electrical CharacteristicsTable 2. Electrical specifications.3.2 TimingsMax. values are measured at -40°C and 1.08 V supply voltage (based on characterization).Table 3. System timing specifications.3.3 Absolute Maximum RatingsStress levels beyond those listed in Table 4 may cause permanent damage or affect the reliability of the device. Kindly note that the reported values are stress ratings only, implying that functional operation of the device under these conditions is not guaranteed. Ratings are only tested separately.Table 4. Absolute maximum ratings.4 Sensor Operation4.1 I2C CommunicationI2C communication is based on NXP’s I2C-bus specification and user manual UM10204, Rev.6, 4 April 2014. Supported I2C modes are standard, fast mode, and fast mode plus. Data is transferred in multiples of 16-bit words and an 8-bit check sum (cyclic redundancy check = CRC). All transfers must begin with a start condition (S) and terminate with a stop condition (P). To finish a read transfer, send not acknowledge (NACK) and stop condition (P). Addressing a specific slave device is done by sending its 7-bit I2C address followed by an eighth bit, denoting the communicationdirection: “zero” indicates transmission to the slave, i.e. “write”, a “one” indicates a “read” request. Schematics of the I2C transfer types are sketched in Figure 3.Figure 3. I2C transfer types: First a write header is sent to the I2C slave, followed by a command, for example “measure T with highest precision”. After the measurement is finished the read request directed to this I2C slave will be acknowledged and transmission of data will be started by the slave.The I2C address is defined by Sensirion and selectable by choosing from a selection of 0x44, 0x45, or 0x46 before ordering. For ordering details, kindly refer to section 8 and 9.4.2 Data Type & LengthThe I2C bus operates with 8-bit data packages. Information from the sensor to the master has a checksum after every second 8-bit data package. Therefore, the temperature data will always be transmitted in the following way (2 * 8-bit data + 8-bit CRC).4.3 Checksum CalculationFor read transfers each 16-bit data is followed by a checksum with the following propertiesTable 5. Data check sum properties.The master may abort a read transfer after the 16-bit data, if it does not require a checksum.4.4 Command OverviewTable 6. Overview of I 2C commands. If the sensor is not ready to process a command, e.g. because it is still measuring, it will response with NACK to the I2C read header.4.5 Conversion of Signal OutputThe digital sensor signal S T corresponds to temperatures, as described in Eqs. (1), and (2).4.6 Serial NumberEach sensor has a unique serial number that is assigned by Sensirion during production. It is stored in the one-time-programmable memory and cannot be manipulated after production. The serial number is accessible via I 2C and is transmitted as two 16-bit words, each followed by an 8-bit CRC.4.7 Reset & AbortA reset of the sensor can be achieved in three ways:• Soft reset: send the reset command described in Table 6.• I 2C general call: all devices on the I 2C bus are reset by sending the command 0x06 to theI 2C address 0x00. • Power down (incl. pulling SCL and SDA low)Any command that triggers an action at the sensor can be aborted via I 2C general call reset or soft reset.5 Physical Specification5.1 Package DescriptionThe STS4x is provided in a dual flat no lead (DFN) package, and comprises the silicon sensor chip made of silicon, which is hosted on a copper lead frame and overmolded by an epoxy-based mold compound. The exposed bottom side of the leadframe with the metallic contacts is Sn plated, while the side walls are bare copper.While moisture sensitivity level (MSL) 1 according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 is met, we recommend to process the sensors within one year after date of delivery.T =(−45+175∙S T216−1)°C( 1 ) T =(−49+315∙S T216−1)°F( 2 )5.2 Package OutlineFigure 4. Dimensional drawing of the STS4x including package tolerances (units mm). The Pin 1 is identified by the laser dot on the top side and the cutout of the die pad, visible from the bottom.5.3 Land PatternWe recommend designing the land pattern to the used PCB and soldering process together with the physical outer dimensions of the sensor. For reference, the land pattern used with Sensirion’s PCBs and soldering processes is given in Figure 5.Soldering of the central die pad is optional.Figure 5. Recommended land pattern (inmm). Details can vary and depend onused PCBs and solder processes. Thereshall be no copper under the sensor otherthan at the pin pads.5.4 Pin Assignment & Laser MarkingFigure 6. Pin assignment (transparent top view). Dashed lines are only visible if sensor is viewed from below. The die pad is not directly connected to any pin. Pin-1 is indicated by the cutout of the die pad from the bottom side (see dashed lines) and the top side laser marking (dot in upper left corner).6 Quality and Material ContentsQualification of STS4x is performed based on the JEDEC JESD47 qualification test method (currently pending). The device is fully RoHS and WEEE compliant, e.g. free of Pb, Cd, and Hg.7 Tape and Reel PackagingAll specifications for the tape and reel packaging can be found in Figure 7. The reel diameter for the 10k packaging is 13 inches.Figure 7. Tape and reel specifications including a depiction of two sensors in their corresponding pockets. In this orientation, Pin 1 is in the upper right corner, as indicated by the dot on the sensor and in the drawing.12348 Product Name NomenclatureTable 7. STS4x product nomenclature.9 Ordering Information10 Revision HistoryImportant NoticesWarning, Personal InjuryDo not use this product as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury. Do not use this product for applications other than its intended and authorized use. Before installing, handling, using or servicing this product, please consult the data sheet and application notes. Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.If the Buyer shall purchase or use SENSIRION products for any unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless SENSIRION and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates and distributors against all claims, costs, damages and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if SENSIRION shall be allegedly negligent with respect to the design or the manufacture of the product. ESD PrecautionsThe inherent design of this component causes it to be sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). To prevent ESD-induced damage and/or degradation, take customary and statutory ESD precautions when handling this product. See application note “ESD, Latchup and EMC” for more information.WarrantySENSIRION warrants solely to the original purchaser of this product for a period of 12 months (one year) from the date of delivery that this product shall be of the quality, material and workmanship defined in SENSIRION’s pub lished specifications of the product. Within such period, if proven to be defective, SENSIRION shall repair and/or replace this product, in SENSIRION’s discretion, free of charge to the Buyer, provided that:•notice in writing describing the defects shall be given to SENSIRION within fourteen (14) days after their appearance;•such defects shall be found, to SENSIRION’s reasonable satisfaction, to have arisen from SENSIRION’s faulty design, material, or workmanship;•the defective product shall be returned to SENSIRION’s factory at the Buyer’s expense; and•the warranty period for any repaired or replaced product shall be limited to the unexpired portion of the original period.This warranty does not apply to any equipment which has not been installed and used within the specifications recommended by SENSIRION for the intended and proper use of the equipment. EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, SENSIRION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED AND DECLINED.SENSIRION is only liable for defects of this product arising under the conditions of operation provided for in the data sheet and proper use of the goods. SENSIRION explicitly disclaims all warranties, express or implied, for any period during which the goods are operated or stored not in accordance with the technical specifications.SENSIRION does not assume any liability arising out of any application or use of any product or circuit and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. All operating parameters, including without limitation recommended parameters, must be validated for each customer’s applications by customer’s technical experts. Recommended parameters can an d do vary in different applications.SENSIRION reserves the right, without further notice, (i) to change the product specifications and/or the information in this document and (ii) to improve reliability, functions and design of this product.Copyright© 2022, by SENSIRION. CMOSens® is a trademark of Sensirion. All rights reservedHeadquarters and SubsidiariesSensirion AG Laubisruetistr. 50CH-8712 Staefa ZH Switzerlandphone: +41 44 306 40 00 fax: +41 44 306 40 30 ****************** Sensirion Inc., USAphone: +1 312 690 5858*********************Sensirion Korea Co. Ltd.phone: +82 31 337 7700~3*********************/krSensirion Japan Co. Ltd.phone: +81 3 3444 4940*********************/jpSensirion China Co. Ltd.phone: +86 755 8252 1501*********************/cnSensirion Taiwan Co. Ltdphone: +886 3 5506701******************To find your local representative, please visit /distributorsSTS40-AD1B-R3STS40-BD1B-R3STS40-CD1B-R3SEK-STS40-CD1B-SENSORS。

iiE -5: GYJ17.1060X(±t!!i.Jt: Obere Wank 1, 87484 Nesse Iwang, Germany)� -5 � � TMT142 *�UroJ ��;r-� ExdIICT4-T6GbIII�.$ UU -5 14 25 00 000GB 3836.1-2010, GB 3836.2-2010�� Wi � llt iiE 0* iiE � � � Wh 2017 � 2 � 22 B 3§: 2022 fF 2 � 21 B-fk 51 1. ��ffm)!�;rtnjlim*iiE�f!11i'f o2.iiE��%€*uxn.�F�A*���m ••• �. �.m*iiE�M�o3. �%��iJtajjm*iiE�f!11�o4. ������m*iiE�f!11�o5. *iiE�rii]ll1mmT!�.l�WT�wri.ffil.JJt f)(. (�#l) *��0'ii.l(±t!!t.il:: �#l.I�JJ!lm[R�!l!IIflIm465%) �Fßf,J��%F�ottf!:I:.It: »t3i: 1m 1 03-i5-JilB�: 200233 1XX.J:I:.It: Email:****************It!.ii!i: +8621 64368180fifa: +8621 64844580EXPLOSION PROTECTIONCERTIFICATE o F CONFORMITYCert NO.GYJ17.1060XThis is to certify that the productTemperature field transmittermanufactured by Endress + Hauser Wetzer GmbH + Co. KG(Address:Obere Wank 1,87484 Nesselwang, GerIllany)which model is TMT142 SedesEx marking Ex dUC T4�T6 Gbproduct standard /drawing number 142500000has been inspected and certified by NEPSI, and that it conformsto GB 3836.1-2010,GB 3836.2-2010This Approval shall remain in force until 2022.02.21Remarks l.Conditions for safe use are specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.2.Symbol X placed after the certification lIumber denotes specific conditions of use,which are specified in the aHachment(s) to this certificate.3.Model designation is specified in the attachment(s) to this ccrtificate.4.lntrinsic safety parameters specified in the attachment(s) to this cert.ificate.5.Thi s certificate i also applicable for the product with the same type manufactured byEndress+Hauser Wetze I'(Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (address: Su Hong Zhong Lu No.465,S u z hou-S IP, China)DirectorIsslJed DateThis Certificate is valid for products compatible with the documents and sam p ies approved by NEPSI.103 C ao Bao Road Shanghai200233,China Email: **************.cnTel: +862164368180Fax: +8621 64844580Edition 05�*ätt�tt��.*�����M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation(GYJ17.1060X) (Attachment I )EI3 }ß(1i&, JtIT + � ftJT -0 i§j 1:F (:11 T MT 142� �� 11fi'tJ1t 11!:�.f.�, � � % � 15( .f.HX. $: r�:lI:tc � 1lil �fft�ftft�(NEPSI);j§:�, r1:il-r ��fff-{jt:G83836.1-2010 mHfl l 7}: 15i:� jjfiffl�* G83836.2-201 0 :lItftl::E1�Jfi m2tfß7t: EI3 ��:J:I5'�)t "d" 1!-iHf' 811& �F J'b IlJJ :J:I fff-;=.t;Ex d II e T 4� T 6 Gb, �}j:ll il-*friiE -'%GY J 17.1 060Xo;2js:iiE �I� iA pJ 81 F Jf� lli -'% �.m*fr :im r :iTEMP HART TMT 142-30;!tr:I': 0$::1J\5'�%, �EJ.�.!F) I A�E\ m;:6:i!}:t:w., ii(; �FJjH.l\l�;fri�HJ.J 450-, F � ��-ß!!ffl *f 7'l�ftj:F�'bllh13il-*itiiE-'% )§� "X" 1J..1*�J?g:�llr:�R�.mil-®��.���F���%o=,F��fflY3:�.J.]lt1, Fn�:7�:Jti&�m!tJ1.ftIlij-=f, JtJ?tJ-=.��{fJi�Ui·m.PJ$m±-tl!.o2, FrI'b]*************:1v40Vdc o3, FR,d!tJfJ 31�J5i�\frßt�D11fi't }JUJHJ � 81*�:11ü\.]}t�JHJIjT 6 T 5 �1.t11ffi.J1t -40'C �+55'C -40'C�+70'C T4 -40'C �+85'C�ffffl��'i\1EUjti@J-=f 65'C, 4, F Jfb 81 Il!. �� 51 A D 5'Z �cffl � �}j:J:I;j§:� iA pT �, �{fil-G83836.1-201 O �II G83836.2-2010B1*J\!�, B.�}j:J:I��Ex d IIe Gba"J�>��JOJ\!*fr:1v1/2NPT (EI.x;M20X 1.5) B1tt!.��5I A'l& iI 0 7L� .EJ.�� 51 A D 5'Z*ffl �;§5'ZIlJJ :lI �� 05,FJfb����ffl.����m�"���§H�"���o6, ffl):Ct :f�� EI 1TI�!L����F Jfb 81 ftJ/=t-*t1'�1�:, m.� �1djj Uif�(rt1;t fPJfo zn';R:lE1T 9=t I±\���., ��.�IlJJ .tt��m��.���o(GY J17.1 060X) (Attachment I )7, F �,E11�9t, 1.l!!ffl*11�1Hf' e'Z1fD n,Jit'<i' FJjH�ffl �ryj �I];, G83836.13-2013 ";t�Hf.U:Jq� J5't m13tfß7t: if>(:�811Iir.lli,�11i, 11i�*I]�m" , G83836.15-2000 ":Ii�f.tl:4:1*:JqdJifflE@. l=t.&� m15$7t: mJfLthFf r4:!.4:�� CmWllil1l-) " , G83836.16-2006 ":Ii�tn4:1*�1:t ffl �4: -&�%16ttrl7t: C �Jffr�i�"') .&.G850257 -2014 "i4J.4:if;( ��9&I�.��*������4:9& ••1,F���r������mtt •• ��AF��ru���;2, tM Jilt r �, �1i1 JIli 1:ir tt: )10-N E P S l'lA 81 -x.1tJ: 'ti :t4 t" ;3, t" r.f b� il t! rp e'Z � Y � 3>-5 -F 31� i*J � :a)N EPS I-lAWJ:fj]\fit;b) F Jjt"ljj� :fj]\ fit;c) ll1J � ß-1:t'riiE -'%d ) 1!f: Ji=J � ±JUili't }j[ffil*�{)(�{)(��.1<�lI{t'l��M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Proteetion and Safety of InstrumentationG YJ17.1060X) A ttachment I )Attachment I to GYJ17.1060X1. DescriptionTMT142 series Temperature field transmitter, manufactured by Endress+Hauser Wetzer GmbH + CO.I<G, has been certified by National Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (NEPSI). The product accords with following standards:G83836.1-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 1: Equipment-General requirementsG83836.2-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 2: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosure"d"The Ex marking is Ex d n C T 4-T6 Gb, its certificate number is GY J17.1 060X.Type approved in this certificate is shown as the following:iTEMP HART T M T142-3 0o indicates enclosure, cable entry, configuration connection and etc.Refer tü instruction manual for tl16 details.2. Special Conditions for Safe UseThe suffix "X" placed after the certificate number indicates that this product is subject to special conditions for safe use, that is:For information on the dimensions of the flameproof joints contact the manufacturer.3. Conditions for Safe Use3.1 The external earth connection facility of this product shall be connected reliably.3.2 Electrical data: 40 Vdc.3.3 The relationship between ambient temperature range and the temperature class is shown as foliows:Temperature class T6 T5 T4Ambient temperature range -40°C-+55°C -40°C-+ 70°C -40'C-+85°CUse the connection cable endurance to he a t at least 90°C when the ambient temperature is > 65°C.3.4 Suitable certified cable glands or blanking plugs for unused holes ('1/2 NPT or M20*1.5) approved by ExTL according to G83836.1-201 0 and G83836.2-2010 with Ex marking "Ex d II C Gb" shall be used and correctly installed. The cable glands and blanking plugs to be used shall suitable for the product working conditions.Page 1 of 2G Y J17.1 060X) A ttachment I )3.5 Any maintenance shall be performed only when the warning of "00 not open when energized" is obseNed.3.6 The user shall not change the configuration in order to maintain/ensure the explosion protection performance of the equipment. Any change may impair safety.3.7 For installation, use and maintenance of this product, the end user shall obseNe the instruction manual and the following standards:GB50257 -2014 "Code for construction and acceptance of electric device for explosion atmospheres and fire hazard electrical equipment installation engineering".GB3836.13-2013 "Explosive atmospheres-Part 13:Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation".GB3836.15-2000 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 15:Electrical installations in hazardous area (other than mines)".GB3836.16-2006 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 16: I nspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)".4. Manufacturer's Responsibility4.1 Conditions for safe use, as specified above, should be included in the documentation the user is provided with ..4.2 Manufacturing shoulcl be done according to the documentation approved by NEPSI.4.3 Nameplate should include these contents listed below:1) NEPSl logo @2) Ex marking3) certificate number4) ambient temperature5) warning of "00 not open when energized"Page 2 of 2。
AcuRite 2059 温度传感器和显示器说明书

CONTENTSUnpacking Instructions (2)Package Contents (2)Product Registration (2)Features & Benefits: Sensor (2)Features & Benefits: Display (3)Setup (4)Sensor Setup (4)Display Setup (5)Set Time & Units .....................6Placement Guidelines . (7)Using the Thermometer (8)Troubleshooting (9)Care & Maintenance (10)Specifications (10)FCC Information (10)Customer Support (11)Warranty (11)Questions? Contact Customer Support at (877) 221-1252 or visit .Congratulations on your new AcuRite product. To ensure the best possible product performance, please read this manual in its entirety and retain it for future reference.Unpacking InstructionsRemove the protective film that is applied to the LCD screen prior to using this product. Locate the tab and peel off to remove.Package Contents1. Display with tabletop stand2. Wireless Sensor3. Instruction ManualFeatures & Benefits43215WIRELESS SENSOR1. Integrated Hanger For easy placement.2. Wireless Signal IndicatorFlashes when data is being sent to thedisplay.3. Battery Compartment4. A-B-C SwitchID code that identifies the sensor onthe display.5. Battery Compartment CoverpmFeatures & BenefitsDISPLAY FRONT1.being viewed.2.(see page 8).3.being viewed.4. Clock5. Current Display Temperature6. Display Low Battery Indicator7. Sensor Low Battery Indicator8. Sensor Signal Strength9. Sensor Indicator10. Current Sensor Temperature For selected sensor (#9).DISPLAY BACK11. Battery Compartment Cover 12. Display Stand 13. Battery Compartment 14. °F/°C SwitchPress to select temperature units.15. ▼ ButtonFor setup preferences and viewingrecords.16. SET ButtonFor setup preferences.17. ▲ ButtonFor setup preferences and viewingrecords.18. Integrated Hang Hole For easy wall mounting.DISPLAY FRONTDISPLAY BACKSET1314151617181243211Sensor SetupSet the A-B-C SwitchThe A-B-C switch is located inside the battery compartment. It can be set to A, B or C. However, you must select different letter choices for each of the sensors if you are synchronizing more than one.Install or Replace BatteriesAcuRite recommends high quality alkaline or lithium batteries for the best product performance. Heavy duty or rechargeable batteries are not recommended.The sensor requires lithium batteries in low temperature conditions. Cold temperatures can cause alkaline batteries to function improperly. Uselithium batteries in the sensor for temperatures below -4ºF / -20ºC.1. Slide off the battery compartment cover. Take note of the A-B-C switch setting inside the battery compartment.2. I nsert 2 x AA batteries into the battery compartment, as shown.F ollow the polarity (+/-) diagram in the battery compartment.3. R eplace the battery cover.4. R epeat steps 1-3 to setupadditional sensors (if applicable; sold separately). NOTE: The A-B-C switch positions must differ between each sensor. Verify that each sensor has a different channel selected bychecking the switch position in the battery compartment.211A-B-C SwitchA B Cbatteries properly. Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used. DO NOT incinerate used batteries. DO NOT dispose of batteries in fire, as batteries may explode or leak. DO NOT mix old and new batteries or types of batteries (alkaline/standard). DO NOT use rechargeable batteries. DO NOT rechargenon-rechargeable batteries. DO NOT short-circuit the supply terminals.Display SetupInstall or Replace Batteries1. R emove the battery compartment cover.2. I nsert 3 x AAA alkaline batteries into the battery compartment, as shown. Follow the polarity (+/-) diagram in the battery compartment.3. Replace the battery cover.SETInstall BatteriesSet the Time & UnitsPress and hold the “SET” button, located on the back of the display, to enter SET MODE. Once in set mode, the preference you are currently setting will blink on the display.To adjust the currently selected (flashing) item, press and release the “▲” or “▼“ buttons (press and HOLD to fast adjust).To save your adjustments, press and release the “SET” button again to adjust the next preference. The preference set order is as follows:CLOCK HOURCLOCK MINUTETEMPERATURE UNITS (ºF or ºC)**You may also select between degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or Celsius (°C) temperature units after setup by pressing and releasing the °F/°C button, located inside the battery compartment.You will automatically exit SET MODE if no buttons are pressed for 8 seconds. Enter setup mode at any time by pressing and holding the “SET” button.Expand the SystemThe display features built-in sensors for measuring temperature at its location. The display can be expanded to track additional areas by using compatible Temperature Sensors (optional; sold separately). Add up to 3 indoor/outdoor sensors to observe conditions in additional locations within 330 ft (100 m). Compatible Sensors are available at: Placement for Maximum AccuracyAcuRite sensors are sensitive to surrounding environmental conditions. Proper placement of both the display and wireless sensor are critical to the accuracy and performance of this product.Sensor is water resistant and is designed for indoor or outdoor use, however, to extend its life place the sensor in an areaprotected from direct weather elements. The sensor may also be placed indoors to measure environmental conditions.Hang the sensor using the integrated hang holes or hanger, or by using string (not included) to hang it from a suitable location,like a well covered tree branch. The best location is 4 to 8 feet above the ground with permanent shade and plenty of fresh air to circulate around the sensor.Important Placement Guidelines• To ensure accurate temperature measurement, place units out of directsunlight and away from heat sources or vents.• Display and wireless sensor must be within 330 ft (100 m) of each other. • To maximize wireless range, place units away from large metallic items, thick walls, metal surfaces, or other objects that may limit wireless communication.• To prevent wireless interference, place both units at least 3 ft (.9 m) away from electronic devices (TV, computer, microwave, radio, etc.)Setup is CompleteThe sensor(s) will now synchronize with the display. It may take a few minutes for synchronization to complete. Please refer to the troubleshooting section of this manual if anything appears to be functioning improperly.Using the ThermometerHigh & Low RecordsToday’s high and low temperatures are recorded for both the display and the wireless sensor(s). Today’s records automatically clear at 12:00am midnight every day.▲” button▲” or “▼“ buttons to cycle through the high records for each wireless sensor.▼“ button▲” or “▼“ buttons to cycle through the low records for each wireless sensor.View Temperature ReadingsThe thermometer displays the current temperature readings for both the display and the wireless sensor(s).If the thermometer is being used with more than one wireless sensor, toggle between each sensor’s readings by pressing and releasing the “▲” or “▼“ buttons on the back of the display.In auto-cycle mode, the display will automatically cycle through the data available for each wireless sensor. Auto-cycle mode can be activated by▲” or “▼“ buttons on the back of the display untilThe Sensor Indicator is used to determine which sensor readings you are viewing. For example, if the Sensor Indicator is displaying “A”, the readings are being transmitted from the sensor with the A-B-C switch set to “A.”TroubleshootingIf your AcuRite product does not operate properly after trying the troubleshooting steps, visit or call (877) 221-1252 for assistance.Care & MaintenanceDisplay CareClean with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use caustic cleaners or abrasives. Keep away from dust, dirt and moisture. Clean ventilation ports regularly with a gentle puff of air.Wireless Sensor CareClean with a soft damp cloth. Do not use caustic cleaners or abrasives.SpecificationsFCC InformationThis device complies with part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1- This device may NOT cause harmful interference, and2- This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.WARNING: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equip -ment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause interference, and(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.TEMPERATURE RANGE Sensor: -40ºF to 158ºF; -40ºC to 70ºC Display: 32ºF to 122ºF; 0ºC to 50ºCWIRELESS RANGE 330 ft / 100m depending on home construction materials WIRELESS FREQUENCY 433 MHzPOWERDisplay: 3 x AAA alkaline batteriesSensor: 2 x AA alkaline or lithium batteries DATA REPORTINGSensor Data: 16 seconds Display Data: 60 seconds11At AcuRite, we proudly uphold our commitment to quality technology. Chaney Instrument Co. warrants that all products it manufactures to be of good material and workmanship, and to be free of defects when properly installed and operated for a period of one year from the date of purchase. We recommend that you visit us at for the fastest way to register your product. However, product registration does not eliminate the need to retain your original proof of purchase in order to obtain warranty benefits.Chaney Instrument Co. warrants that all products it manufactures to be of good material and workmanship, and to be free of defects when properly installed and operated for a period of one year from the date of purchase. Remedy for breach of this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of the defective item(s). Any product which, under normal use and service, is proven to breach the warranty contained herein within ONE YEAR from date of sale will, upon examination by Chaney, and at its sole option, be repaired or replaced by Chaney. Transportation costs and charges for returned goods shall be paid for by the purchaser. Chaney hereby disclaims all responsibility for such transportation costs and charges. Thiswarranty will not be breached, and Chaney will give no credit for products it manufactures which have received normal wear and tear, been damaged (including by acts of nature), tampered, abused, improperly installed, damaged in shipping, or repaired or altered by others than authorized representatives of Chaney.The above-described warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, and all other warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed, including without limitation the implied warranty of merchantability and the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Chaney expressly disclaims all liability for special, consequential or incidental damages, whether arising in tort or by contract from any breach of this warranty. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Chaney further disclaims all liability from personal injury relating to its products to the extent permitted by law. By acceptance of any of Chaney’s products, the purchaser assumes all liability for the consequences arising from their use or misuse. No person, firm or corporation is authorized to assume for Chaney any other liability in connection with the sale of its products. Furthermore, no person, firm or corporation is authorized to modify or waive the terms of this paragraph, and the preceding paragraph, unless done in writing and signed by a duly authorized agent of Chaney. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.For in-warranty claims: Chaney Instrument Co. 965 Wells St., Lake Geneva, WI 53147Limited One Year Warranty Customer Support AcuRite customer support is committed to providing you with best-in-class service. For assistance , please have the model number of this product available and contact us in any of the following ways:(877) 221-1252Visit us at www.AcuRite .com► Installation Videos► Register your Product ► Instruction Manuals► Support User Forum ► Replacement Parts ► Submit Feedback & IdeasIt’s more than accurate, it’sAcuRite offers an extensive assortment of precision instruments, designed to provide you with information you can depend on toPlan your day with confidence™.WeatherStationsTemperature& HumidityWeatherAlert RadioKitchenThermometers& TimersClocks©Chaney Instrument Co. All rights reserved. AcuRite is a registered trademarkof the Chaney Instrument Co., Lake Geneva, WI 53147. All other trademarks andcopyrights are the property of their respective owners. AcuRite uses patentedtechnology. Visit /patents for details.Printed in China02059M INST 011216。

二、一般特性显示:31/2位数字液晶显示存储环境:0℃~50℃(32℉~122℉)相对湿度<80%断偶显示:最高位显示“1”超量程显示:最高位显示“1“或“-1”电池:6F22 9VOLT体积:149×71×41(mm)重量:三、技术特性准确度表示为:±(a% ×读数 + 字数)准确度校准环境:23℃±5℃测量范围:-50℃~1300℃确度进行修正。
KGW-01矿用数字式温度传感器 说明书

执行标准:Q/LW001-2010KGW-01矿用数字式温度传感器使用说明书2010年5月20日哈尔滨隆威煤矿安全高新技术开发有限公司目录1、概述 (2)2、主要功能与结构 (2)3、主要技术指标 (2)4、工作原理 (3)5、传感器安装和使用 (4)6、运输与贮存 (5)7、开箱及检查 (5)8、随机资料及附件 (5)1、概述KGW-01矿用数字式温度传感器为矿用本质安全型仪器。
KGW-01矿用数字式温度传感器是矿用隔爆兼本质安全型,执行标准Q/LW001-2010《矿用数字式温度传感器企业标准》,其型号及规格如下:KG ——矿用传感器W ——数字温度传感器01 ——登记序列号设备使用环境条件要求如下:1. 温度:0℃~+40℃;2. 相对湿度:≤98%;3. 相对压力:80kPa~116kPa;4. 无显著振动和冲击的场合;5. 煤矿井下有爆炸性气体混合物,但无破坏绝缘的腐蚀性气体的场合。
2、主要功能与结构2.1 主要功能1. 由关联设备向传感器提供直流电源,传感器向配接设备提供测量信号;2. 传感器具有显示功能;3. 传感器监测的数值达到设定的报警值时,能自动发出声光报警信号。
2.2 结构传感器外壳采用不锈钢材料加工而成;外形尺寸(长×宽×高):294 mm× 144 mm× 57 mm;重量:1.5 kg。
3.3输出频率模拟量信号1. 频率范围200 Hz~1000 Hz;2. 在整个频率范围内其正脉冲和负脉冲宽度均不得小于0.3ms;3. 有源输出高电平电压不小于3V,有源输出低电压不大于0.5V。
3.4 电缆单芯截面积不小于1.5mm2时,到分站之间的传输距应不小于2km。
3.5显示方式:3 位LED 数码管显示。

数字温度传感器测温显示系统说明书学院:机械与电子控制工程学院班级:组长:组员:时间:2011-7-1目录任务书------------------------------------------------------------------------------3摘要---------------------------------------------------------------------------------4正文---------------------------------------------------------------------------------4总体设计方案第1章主控制器1.1AT89C51 特点及特性--------------------------------------------------------41.2管脚功能说明-----------------------------------------------------------------51.3振荡器特性--------------------------------------------------------------------71.4芯片擦除-----------------------------------------------------------------------7第2章温度采集部分设计技术性能描述----------------------------------------------------7管脚排列及内部结构-------------------------------------------8工作原理----------------------------------------------------------8控制原理----------------------------------------------------------11与单片机地接口电路-------------------------------------------12第3章硬件电路与系统软件的设计及分析3.1.主板电路-----------------------------------------------------------------------133.2.软件程序分析(流程图)--------------------------------------------------14第4章总结与体会----------------------------------------------------------19参考文献--------------------------------------------------------------------------20附录---------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 任务书扩展数字温度传感器DS18B20进行温度检测,显示器采用六位共阴极数码管显示,设计按键4个。

The TM digital temperature sensor makes the easy measurement of temperature possible and allows transmission of the measured data to a PC. The data are transmitted in a simple ASCII protocol, within which the temperature values are given directly in degrees Celsius (°C). The sensor is connected to a PC via a standard RS232 serial port. The accuracy of this sensor is ±0.5 °C within temperature range from –10 °C to +80 °C; the measurable range is from –55 °C to +80 °C.Features•The measurable range is from –55 °C to +80 °C, with a 0.1 °C resolution.•Direct output in °C, ASCII communication, there is no need to recalculate the values•Connection to the serial port RS232 of a PC•No need for a power supply•Software for Windows free of charge•Easy to use within customer's software solutions•Attached you can find DLL libraries, the source code,and a detailed description of communication.Use•Temperature measurement in living areas, warehouses,server rooms and on production premises•Measurement of outdoor temperature•An interesting addition to your website designConnectionThe TM sensor is connected to the serial port of a PC or another device. If the serial port has a 25-pin connector, you will have to use a 9/25-pin adapter (not included). Install the temperature sensor at the location where you wish to measure the temperature.Technical parametersMeasurable range.....................–55 to +80 °C Accuracy............................±0.5 °C within range from –10 °C to +85 °Cand ±2 °C outside of this range Resolution...........................0,1°COperating temperature of electronic.......–40 to +85 °C Communication.......................ASCII, described belowMeasurement speed...................the first measurement within 1 sec, subsequentlyonce per 10 sec ±2 %Communication line....................RS232 (simplified)Communication parameters.............9600 Bd, 8 bits, 1 stop-bit, parity – noneThe TM sensor is connected to a PC serial port with a CANNON 9 connector. A standard 9/25-pin adapter must be used if the PC's serial port is equipped with CANNON 25.Connector specification2RxD – d ata from the sensor – temperature values 4DTR – s ensor power supply and control 5GND – s ignal groundingThe TM temperature sensor can be used with our software provided free of charge, or certain terminal (Term, Telix) or other programs. User-created software is an admissible option, the communication protocol is simple.Communication protocol DTR signal setting Sensor activation<sign><3 characters – integer °C><decimal point><1 character – tenths of °C><C><Enter>Continuous setting of the DTR signal The temperature values aremeasured and sent automatically E.g.: +025.3CIf you need to measure temperature at several remote points, we recommend that you use similar sensors, all marked TQS3. If you buy at least 3 TQS3 sensors from us, we will deduct the price of the TM sensor from your payment. More information can be found at /en .Measurement of temperature at several pointsIf, for whatever reason, it is impractical for you to use a thermometer connected via RS232 serial interface, we can recommend a TME (Ethernet/IP) or TMU (USB) thermometer. More information can be found at /en .Thermometers for Ethernet and USB portsPapouch s.r.o.Strasnicka 3164/1a102 00 Praha 10Czech Republic The TM temperature sensor is supplied with power from the serial port to which it is connected. As soon as the DTR signal is set on the port, the sensor measures the temperature value and sends it to the connected PC as an ASCII character string. If the DTR signal remains active, the TM sensor measures and sends the temperature value every 10 seconds. The yellow indicator on the connector is lit when the actual measurement is being taken. The standard workmanship of the sensor is mainly used for the measurement of air temperature.Description of functionstel.: +420 267 314 268fax: +420 267 314 269mail:****************。
传感解决方案 TSYS01-FAMILY 数字温度传感器说明书

FeaturesApplications∙ High Accuracy∙ TSYS01: ±0.1°C @ Temp.: -5°C … +50°C TSYS01-1: ±0.1°C @ Temp.: -20°C … +70°C∙ Adjustment of high accuracy temp. range on request ∙ Low Current, <12.5 μA (standby < 0.14 μA) ∙ SPI / I2C Interface ∙ Small Package: QFN16∙ Operating Temperature Range: -40°C … +125°C∙ Industrial Control∙ Replacement of Thermistors and NTCs ∙ Heating / Cooling Systems ∙ HVACTSYS01-FAMILYDigital Temperature SensorsSpecifications∙ High Accuracy Temperature Sensor ∙ TSYS01: ±0.1°C @ Temp.: -5°C … +50°C ∙ TSYS01-1: ±0.1°C @ Temp.: -20°C … +70°C ∙ 16/24 bit Resolution ∙ Low Power∙ SPI/I2C Interface ∙QFN16 PackageThe TSYS01 is a single device, versatile, newtechnology temperature sensor. The TSYS01 provides factory calibrated temperature information. It includes a temperature sensing chip and a 24-bit ΔΣ-ADC. The essence of the digital 24-bit temperature value and the internal calibration values lead to highly accurate temperature information accompanied by high measurement resolution.The TSYS01 can be interfaced to any microcontroller by an I2C or SPI interface. This microcontroller has to calculate the temperature result based on the ADC values and the calibration parameters.The basic operating principle is: ∙ Converting temperature into digital 16/24 bit ADC value ∙ Providing calibration coefficients∙ Providing ADC value and calibration coefficients by SPI or I2Cinterface.Absolute maximum ratingsAbsolute maximum ratings are limiting values of permitted operation and should never be exceeded under the worst possible conditions either initially or consequently. If exceeded by even the smallest amount, instantaneousOperational characteristicsDigital inputs (SCLK, SDI, CSB, PS)Pin function tableInterface descriptionPROTOCOL SELECTIONPS pin input level has to be defined in dependence to protocol selection.∙PS = 0 activates SPI.∙PS = 1 activates I2C.I2C INTERFACEA I2C communication message starts with a start condition and it is ended by a stop condition.Each command consists of two bytes: the address byte and command byte.I2C ADDRESS SELECTIONThe I2C address can be selected by CSB pin.∙CSB=1 the address is 1110110x.∙CSB=0 the address is 1110111x.Therefore, two TSYS01 can be interfaced on the same I2C bus.SPI INTERFACEThe serial interface is a 4-wire SPI bus, operating as a slave. CS (chip select), SCLK (serial clock), SDI (serial data in), and SDO (serial data out) are used to interact with the SPI master.Communication with the chip starts when CS is pulled to low and ends when CS is pulled to high.SCLK is controlled by the SPI master and idles low (SCLK low on CS transitions, mode 0).A mode where the clock alternatively idles high is also supported (mode 3).COMMANDSThe commands are the same for SPI and I2C interface.There are four commands:∙Reset∙Read PROM (calibration parameters)∙Start ADC Temperature conversion∙Read ADC Temperature resultRESET SEQUENCEThe Reset sequence has to be sent once after power-on. It also can be used to reset the device ROM from an unknown condition.SPII2CPROM READ SEQUENCEThe PROM Read command consists of two parts. First command sets up the system into PROM readmode. The second part gets the data from the system.Below examples are sequences to read address 3 (command 0xA6).SPII2CCONVERSION SEQUENCEA conversion has to be started by sending this command. The sensor stays busy until conversion is done.When conversion is finished the data can be accessed by using ADC read commandSPIThe last clock will start the conversion which TSYS01 indicates by pulling SDO low. SDO goes high when conversion is completed.I2CWhen the command is sent the TSYS01 stays busy until the conversion is done. All other commandsexcept the reset command will not be executed during this time. When the conversion is finished the data can be accessed by sending a ADC read command, when an acknowledge appears from TSYS01.READ ADC RESULTAfter the conversion command the ADC result is read using ADC read command. Repeated ADC read commands, or command executed without prior conversion will return all 0 as result.SPII2CTemperature calculationCALIBRATION PARAMETERADC24: ADC valueADC16: ADC24 / 256T / °C = (-2) * k4 * 10-21 * ADC164 +4 * k3 * 10-16 * ADC163 +(-2) * k2 * 10-11 * ADC162 +1 * k1 * 10-6 * ADC16 +(-1.5) * k0 * 10-2ADC24: 9378708ADC16: 9378708 / 256 = 36636T / °C = (-2) * 28446 * 10-21 * 366364 +4 * 24926 * 10-16 * 366363 +(-2) * 36016 * 10-11 * 366362 +1 * 32791 * 10-6 * 36636 +(-1.5) * 40781 * 10-2T / °C = 10.5923...8 7 0EXAMPLESerial number: 28 x 5+ 150 = 1430ChecksumIn order to check communication and integrity of PROM content, the PROM includes a checksum. Bysummarization of the complete PROM content in a byte by byte way, the verification can be performed.The lower byte of the sum result has to be 0x00.DimensionsTOP VIEWAll dimensions shown in mmBOTTOM VIEWDie Attach Pad, suggested to connect to VSS MarkingOrder informationPlease order this product using following:Part Number Part DescriptionG-NICO-018 TSYS01 Digital Temperature SensorG-NICO-023 TSYS01-1 Digital Temperature SensorEMCDue to the use of these modules for OEM application no CE declaration is done. Especially line coupled disturbances like surge, burst, HF etc. cannot be removed by the module due to the small board area and low price feature. There is no protection circuit against reverse polarity or over voltage implemented. The moduleTSYS01-FAMILY Digital Temperature SensorSENSOR SOLUTIONS /// TSYS01-FAMILY 06/2018 Page 11 will be designed using capacitors for blocking and ground plane areas in order to prevent wireless coupled disturbances as good as possible. NORTH AMERICAMeasurement Specialties, Inc.,a TE Connectivity CompanyPhone: +1-800-522-6752 ************************EUROPE MEAS France(Europe) a TE Connectivity Company Phone: +31 73 624 6999 ************************ASIA Measurement Specialties (China), Ltd., a TE Connectivity Company Phone: +86-400-820-6015 ************************/sensorsolutionsMeasurement Specialties, Inc., a TE Connectivity company.Measurement Specialties (MEAS), American Sensor Technologies (AST), TE Connectivity, TE Connectivity (logo) and EVERY CONNECTION COUNTS are trademarks. All other logos, products and/or company names referred to herein might be trademarks of their respective owners.The information given herein, including drawings, illustrations and schematics which are intended for illustration purposes only, is believed to be reliable. However, TE Connectivity makes no warranties as to its accuracy or completeness and disclaims any liability in connection with its use. TE Connectivity‘s obligations shall only be as set forth in TE Connectivity‘s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will TE Connectivity be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the sale, resale, use or misuse of the product. Users of TE Connectivity products should make their own evaluation to determine the suitability of each such product for the specific application.© 2017 TE Connectivity Ltd. family of companies All Rights Reserved.。

CN600系列是基于微处理器的扫描仪,它接受来自多达12个热电偶或RTD 的信号。
线路电压是120或240 Vac ,可通过外部跳线组件选择。
这种仪器安装在1⁄4 DIN 面板开孔中,并用滑动托架予以固定。
该仪器封装在1⁄4 DIN 铝质箱体内。
提供的可选型号有配备输出卡的6温区热电偶、12温区热电偶、6温区RTD 或12温区RTD 。
监测器可以设置以下2种模式: “RUN ”(运行)和“FUNCTION SELECT ”(功能选择)。
“RUN ”(运行)是基本工作模式。
“FUNCTION SELECT ”(功能选择)是受密码保护的设置选择和控制模式。
U 用户可编程U 上限、下限或者上限/下限 报警U 密码保护U 可调节扫描时间U 可编程°C 或°F 显示U 温区激活U 热电偶类型(J 、K 、E 、T 、S 、R 、B 、C )U RTD (2线或3线)U 前面板校准U 锁定或非锁定报警U RS232通讯接口和软件U 免费软件(兼容至Windows XP 操作系统)规格温区数:6个(标配)/12个(扩展)显示时间调整:1 ~ 40秒扫描时间:6温区型,约1⁄4 s ;12温区型,约1⁄2 s 输入范围:参见下表精度:量程的±4°C 分辨率:1°C 或°F 热电偶类型:J 、K 、E 、T 、S 、R 、B 、C 冷端补偿: 自动线性度:±1°C 可选温标:°C 或°F 热电偶开路警告:显示屏闪烁RTD (2线或3线):100 Ω Pt 、120 ΩNi 、10 Ω Cu经济型6温区或12温区 1⁄4 DIN 温度监测器CN606TC2,图片小于实际尺寸。
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数字温度传感器测温显示系统说明书学院:机械与电子控制工程学院班级:0907班组长:段晗晗组员:兰天宝、侯晨、李楠楠、王珂、赵亮时间:2011-7-1目录任务书------------------------------------------------------------------------------3摘要---------------------------------------------------------------------------------4正文---------------------------------------------------------------------------------4总体设计方案第1章主控制器1.1AT89C51 特点及特性--------------------------------------------------------41.2管脚功能说明-----------------------------------------------------------------5 1.3振荡器特性--------------------------------------------------------------------7 1.4芯片擦除-----------------------------------------------------------------------7第2章温度采集部分设计2.1.DS18B20 技术性能描述----------------------------------------------------72.2.DS18B20 管脚排列及内部结构-------------------------------------------82.3.DS18B20 工作原理----------------------------------------------------------82.4.DS18B20 控制原理----------------------------------------------------------112.5.DS18B20 与单片机地接口电路-------------------------------------------12第3章硬件电路与系统软件的设计及分析3.1.主板电路-----------------------------------------------------------------------133.2.软件程序分析(流程图)--------------------------------------------------14第4章总结与体会----------------------------------------------------------19参考文献--------------------------------------------------------------------------20附录---------------------------------------------------------------------------------21任务书扩展数字温度传感器DS18B20进行温度检测,显示器采用六位共阴极数码管显示,设计按键4个。
正文关键词:蜂鸣器、发光二极管、数字温度传感器DS18B20、AT89C51单片机第1章主控制器1.1.AT89C51 特点及特性4K字节FLASH存储器的低电压、高性能CMOS 8位微处理器。
它是带2K 字节闪存可编程可擦除只读存储器的单片机。
由于将多功能8位CPU 和闪烁存储器组合在单个芯片中,ATMEL的AT89C51是一种高效微控制器,AT89C2051是它的一种精简版本。
引脚排列如图所示:主要特性:·与MCS-51 兼容·4K字节可编程FLASH存储器·寿命:1000写/擦循环·数据保留时间:10年·全静态工作:0Hz-24MHz·三级程序存储器锁定·128×8位内部RAM·32可编程I/O线·两个16位定时器/计数器·5个中断源·可编程串行通道·低功耗的闲置和掉电模式·片内振荡器和时钟电路1.2.管脚功能说明VCC:供电电压。
在FIASH编程时,P0 口作为原码输入口,当FIASH进行校验时,P0输出原码,此时P0外部必须被拉高。
P3口也可作为AT89C51的一些特殊功能口,如下表所示:口管脚备选功能P3.0 RXD(串行输入口)P3.1 TXD(串行输出口)P3.2 /INT0(外部中断0)P3.3 /INT1(外部中断1)P3.4 T0(记时器0外部输入)P3.5 T1(记时器1外部输入)P3.6 /WR(外部数据存储器写选通)P3.7 /RD(外部数据存储器读选通)P3口同时为闪烁编程和编程校验接收一些控制信号。
此时, ALE只有在执行MOVX,MOVC指令是ALE才起作用。
注意加密方式1时,/EA 将内部锁定为RESET;当/EA端保持高电平时,此间内部程序存储器。
在FLASH 编程期间,此引脚也用于施加12V编程电源(VPP)。
1.4.芯片擦除:整个PEROM阵列和三个锁定位的电擦除可通过正确的控制信号组合,并保持ALE管脚处于低电平10ms 来完成。
第2章温度采集部分设计2.1.DS18B20 技术性能描述独特的单线接口方式,DS18B20在与微处理器连接时仅需要一条口线即可实现微处理器与DS18B20的双向通讯。
工作电源: 3~5V/DC。
在使用中不需要任何外围元件;测量结果以9~12位数字量方式串行传送;不锈钢保护管直径Φ6 。