



青岛大学2009年研究生入学考试试题808英语综合青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 808 科目名称:英语综合(共5 页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效Part One Linguistics (50 points)I. There are 10 statements/questions below. Indicate the right choice in each of them by writing the corresponding letter (A, B,C or D) in the given space. (10 points)1. The principal representative of American descriptive linguistics is______.A. M. A. K. HallidayB. F. SaussureC. N. ChomskyD. L. Bloomfield2. The function of the sentence “I declare the 2008 Beijing Olympics open”is _______.A. informativeB. phaticC. performativeD. interpersonal3. The four sounds /z/, /v/, /h/ and /f/ have one feature in common, i.e. theyare all .A. fricativesB. affricatesC. labiodentalsD. alveolars4. Which of the following is the correct description of the English sound/b/ ? _____.A. voiceless, bilabial, stopB. voiced, bilabial, stopC. voiceless, alveolar, stopD. voiced, alveolar, stop5. The morphemes indicating negation such as non-, un-, a-, in-, and -il aresaid to be the different forms of the same _______.A. phonemeB. lexemeC. sememeD. word6. The immediate constituent analysis can show the nature of agrammatical construction such as a phrase or clause.A. hierarchicalB. linearC. horizontalD. vertical7. “Can I borrow your car?” “You have a car.”A. entailsB. is synonymous withC. agrees withD. presupposes8. Y's utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maximof _________.X: Where is Tom?Y: He’s gone to the cinema with his girl friend. He said so when he left.A. qualityB. quantityC. relationD. manner9. ____ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items andstraightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication.A. Lingua francaB. CreoleC. PidginD. Standard language10. A focal point of SLA research has been the nature and development ofL2 learners’ ___.A. second languageB. first languageC. foreign languageD. interlanguageII. There are 10 items regarding knowledge and comprehension of language phenomena. Give a brief answer as specifically required by each one. (10 points)1. Define the following two terms briefly:1) phonetics2) phonology2. It is often the case that learners will subconsciously use their firstlanguage knowledge in learning/acquiring a second language. This phenomenon is known as language ________.3. Give the right terms for the grammatical meanings that are realized by theaddition of inflectional affixes in the following words:1) purify → purifies 2) teacher → teacher’s4. Indicate the kinds of word formation and the parts of speech in thefollowing examples:1) friend + ly → friendly 2) brain + wash → brainwash5. Indicate the types of lexical changes through which the following wordscame into being by giving the right term:1) SARS 2) tec 3) modem 4) enthuse6. The following sentences can be used for meanings or purposes other thantheir conventional (grammatical) functions. List two unconventional meanings or purposes for each of them.1) I can’t study under noisy circumstances.2) It’s stuffy in this room.7. Underline endocentric constructions from the following expressions instructuralist terms.1) very important issues 2) It depends3) behind the door 4) John and Mary8. Each of the following groups exemplifies one common grammaticalcategory (case, gender, number, concord). Give the right category that characterizes each group:1) he, she; lion, lioness2) He always performs his duty well. They always perform their dutywell.3) we, her, them, your, Smith’s9. In the Referential Theory proposed by Ogden and Richards, the relationbetween a word and a thing it refers to is mediated by __________. 10. The following words are considered instances of sexist language. Findalternatives to these masculine-marked words1) chairman 2) statesman3) forefather 4) mankindIII. Answer ONE of the two essay questions below with at least 300 words.(30 points)1. The recursive nature of language provides a theoretical basis for thecreativity of language. Comment on this argument with supportive examples of at least three different kinds.2. ‘Meaning’ is the focus of study in both semantics and pragmatics.Discuss the differences in the interpretation of meaning between the two branches of linguistics using examples to support your argumentation. Part Two Translation (50 points)I. Translate the following into English (25 points)你看见笋的成长吗?你看见过被压在瓦砾和石块下面的一颗小草的生成吗?它为着向往阳光,为着达成它的生之意志,不管上面的石块如何重,石块与石块之间如何狭,它必定要曲曲折折地、但是顽强不屈地透到地面上来,它的根往土壤钻,它的芽往地面挺,这是一种不可抗的力,阻止它的石块,结果也被它掀翻,一粒种子的力量的大,如此如此。



青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码:805 科目名称:外国文学史共( 1 )页




青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码:707 科目名称:卫生管理综合(共6页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、名词解释(每题5分,共50分)疾病经济负担绩效管理卫生政策DRGs筛查卫生服务需求区域卫生规划卫生人力资源医院感染管理首诊负责制二、填空题(每空1分,共50分)1、ISO9001八项质量管理原则为:以为关注焦点、、领导作用、、管理的系统方法、、基于事实的决策方法和与供方互利的关系。






















青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 704 科目名称:卫生综合(共 4 页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一名词解释(每题4分,共60分)1.流行病学2.爆发3.混杂偏倚4.慢性非传染性疾病5.减压病6.生产性毒物7.粉尘的分散度8.电离辐射9.限制氨基酸10. PER11.食物中毒12.食物链13.环境污染14.生化需氧量15. LD50二选择题(每题2分,共40分)1.流行病学研究内容的三个层次是指:A疾病、伤害、健康 B病人、高危人群、一般人群C传染病、慢性非传染性疾病、伤害 D死亡、患病、伤残 E以上均不对2.流行病学的病因定义为A存在时必定引起疾病的因素 B对疾病发生必不可少的因素C疾病发生机制中的生物因素 D使疾病发生概率升高的因素E引起疾病发生的诸多因素3.在500名病例与500名对照的配对病例对照研究中,有400名病例和100名对照有暴露史,OR值应为:A.18B.16C.20D.10E.无法计算4.在一项队列研究中,计算出某暴露因素的RR的95%可信限为3.8~8.6,说明A 该暴露因素是无关因素 B该暴露因素是危险因素 C该暴露因素是保护因素 D 该暴露因素是混杂因素 E无法判断5.减少结核病传染源的主要防制措施是A新生儿卡介苗接种 B病例发现 C督导短程化疗D药物性预防 E控制医院内感染6.甲基汞在机体主要毒作用的靶器官是A.大脑B.肝C.脾D.肾E.骨骼7.温室效应是由于大气中何物质增加引起A.SO2 B.CO C.CO2D.NO2E. NO8.水体富营养化与下述何种物质增加有关A.氟、磷B.氮、磷C.碘、磷D.氟、氮E.碘、氮9.引起光化学烟雾事件的初始污染物主要来自A.燃烧排放的烟尘B.工厂排放的废气C.汽车尾气D.生产事故排出的毒气E.火灾事故排出的烟气10.饮用水消毒的主要目的是A.保持水中有一定四余氯B.改善水质的感官性状C.除去水中有毒物质D.杀灭病原菌,预防介水传染病E.预防水型地方病的发生11.有关牛奶,正确的是A.牛奶蛋白质为优质蛋白质B.牛奶为钙的良好来源C.牛奶属贫铁食品D.牛奶中含有人体需要的多种维生素E.以上都对12.水溶性维生素的共同特点是A.一般有前体物B.不易吸收C.会蓄积中毒D.宜每日供给E.缺乏时症状发展缓慢13.蛋白质消化率最高的是A.豆腐B.豆浆C.豆芽D.整粒熟大豆E.豆粉14.从临床表现来看,感染型与中毒型食物中毒最大的区别在于A.有无恶心、呕吐 B.有无腹痛、腹泻 C.病死率不同D.有无体温升高E.潜伏期不同15.对霉变甘蔗中毒的描述,正确的是A.引起中毒的毒素是一种神经毒B.霉变甘蔗不易鉴别,故易引起中毒C.中毒症状以恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻为主D.有特效的药物治疗E.病人预后良好16.使组织利用氧的功能障碍的毒物是A.CO、CO2 B.HCN、HCl C. HCN、SO2D. SO2、NO2E.H2S、HCN17.不符合农药安全操作规程的做法是A.应使用专用容器配药B.容器在使用后应在河塘里清洗C.施药人员应穿长袖衣、长裤D.杜绝自行混配农药E.一天喷药时间不得超过6小时18.长期从事石英作业所引起的以肺组织纤维化病变为主的全身性疾病称A.尘肺B.矽肺C.粉尘沉着症D.硅酸盐肺E.石英尘肺19.不属于局部振动的操作是A.拖拉机驾驶B.电锯伐木C.建筑灌浆捣固D.风钻凿岩E.风铲清砂20.高温作业厂房自然通风的基本原理是利用A.风压B.负压C.热压D.风压和热压E.热压和负压三简答题(每题10分,共80分)1.简述病例对照研究和队列研究各自的分组依据。


科目代码: 619 科目名称: 概率论与数理统计 (共3页)
D( ) D D ( E ) 2 D D ( E ) 2
由此并可得 D( ) D D
四、(15分) 计算题
(,) 设二维随机变量 的联合密度为
、、 (15分)计算题 假设某险种在投保时期内一共发生了N次赔款, i 表示第 i 次赔款 额,则相应的赔款总量为: S 1 2 ... N ,其中N为取非负整 数值的随机变量, 1, 2, ..., N 具有相同的分布函数,且N,
1, 2, ..., N 相互独立,问:

2: (4 分)袋中有 50 个乒乓球,其中 20 个是黄球,30 个是白球,今有两人 依次随机地从袋中各取一球,取后不放回,则第二个人取得黄球的概率 是 。 3: (4 分)设两两相互独立的三事件 A , B 和 C 满足条件: ABC ,

1 , 且 已 知 P( A B C ) 9 / 16 , 则 2
4: (4 分) 已知随机变量 X 的概率密度函数 f x 则 X 的概率分布函数 F x 。
1 | x| e , x , 2
5: (4 分)若随机变量 在(1,6)上服从均匀分布,则方程 x x 1 0 有实根的概率是 。
1)推导赔款总量S的数学期望及方差公式; 2)若N服从参数 3 的泊松分布,第i笔赔款额 i 的分布列如下表 :
2000 0.2
3000 0.3
4000 0.5
计算赔款总量S的范围。 七、(15分)证明题 设 n 为独立同分布的随机变量序列,每个随机变量的期望为 a , 且方差存在,证明:



青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 830 科目名称: 无机化学 (共7 页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、选择题 ( 共15题,30分 ) 1. 2 分0.100 mol·kg -1 KCl 溶液在稍高于 -0.372℃时结冰, 对这个现象的解释是(水的K f = 1.86 K·kg·mol -1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ( )(A) KCl 未完全缔合 (B) 离子互吸 (C) 离子互斥 (D) 溶液蒸气压下降 2. 2 分25℃,2NO 2(g)N 2O 4(g),K c 与K p ( K )的比值( p = 100 kPa )K c /K p 等于--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( ) (A)2980831.01⨯= 0.0404 (B) 8.31 ⨯ 25 = 207.8 (C) 0.0831 ⨯ 298 = 24.8(D) 0.0821 ⨯ 298 = 24.53. 2 分容器内壁覆盖有CaSO 4,加入1.5 mol·dm -3 Na 2CO 3溶液1.0 dm 3,由CaSO 4 转化为CaCO 3的Ca 2+ 为…………………………………………………………………( )(K sp (CaCO 3) = 2.8 ⨯ 10-9,K sp (CaSO 4) = 9.1 ⨯ 10-6,Ca 的相对原子质量为40) (A) 2.4 ⨯ 102 g (B) 4.8 ⨯ 102 g (C) 60 g(D) 1.5 g4. 2 分110℃ 密闭容器中,水气共存时,饱和水蒸气压为143 kPa ,则对于H 2O(l)H 2O(g),下述正确的是………………………………………… ( )(A) 水蒸气压达到p时,平衡向生成H 2O(g) 的方向移动(B) O H 2p = 143 kPa 时,m r G ∆= 0(C) O H 2p = 143 kPa 时,不能达到平衡 (D)OH 2p = 143 kPa 时,Δr G m > 05. 2 分已知0.01 mol·dm -3的弱酸HA 溶液有1 %的电离,它的电离常数约为…( ) (A) 10-2 (B) 10-6 (C) 10-4 (D) 10-56. 2 分已知下列前三个反应的K 值,则第四个反应的K 值为…………………( ) (1) H 2(g) +21O 2(g)H 2O(g) K 1 (2) N 2(g) + O 2(g)2NO(g)K 2(3) 2NH 3(g) +25O 2(g)2NO(g) + 3H 2O(l) K 3 (4) N 2(g) + 3H 2(g)2NH 3(g) K(A) K 1 + K 2 - K 3 (B) K 1 ⨯ K 2 / K 3(C) K 1 ⨯ K 3 / K 2(D) K 13 ⨯ K 2 / K 37. 2 分将0.10 mol·dm -3 HAc 与0.10 mol·dm -3 NaOH 等体积混合,其pH 值为 (K a (HAc) = 1.76 ⨯ 10-5)……………………………………………………………( )(A) 5.27 (B) 8.73 (C) 6.73 (D) 10.498. 2 分某温度时,反应 H 2(g) + Br 2(g) = 2HBr(g) 的 K = 4⨯10-2,则反应 HBr(g) =21H 2(g) +21Br 2(g) 的K等于………………………………………( )(A)14102⨯- (B)14102⨯-(C) 4 ⨯ 10-2 (D)4102⨯-9. 2 分在一定温度下,Zn(OH)2饱和溶液的pH为8.3,则该温度时Zn(OH)2的K SP 为…()(A) 8.0⨯10-18(B) 4.0⨯10-18(C) 3.2⨯10-17(D) 4.0⨯10-1210. 2 分配制pH = 7的缓冲溶液时,选择最合适的缓冲对是……………………………()(K a(HAc) = 1.8 ⨯ 10-5,K b(NH3) = 1.8 ⨯ 10-5;H3PO4:K a1 = 7.52 ⨯ 10-3,K a2 = 6.23 ⨯ 10-8,K a3 = 4.4 ⨯ 10-13;H2CO3:K a1 = 4.30 ⨯ 10-7,K a2 = 5.61 ⨯ 10-11)(A) HAc-NaAc (B) NH3-NH4Cl(C) NaH2PO4-Na2HPO4(D) NaHCO3-Na2CO311. 2 分将0.01 mol NaOH 加到下列溶液中,NaOH溶解后,溶液的pH值变化最小的是…()(A) 0.10 dm3 0.01 mol·dm-3 H3PO4(B) 0.10 dm3 0.01 mol·dm-3 HNO3(C) 0.10 dm3 0.2 mol·dm-3 HAc(D) 0.10 dm3 0.2 mol·dm-3 HNO312. 2 分下列过程中,ΔS为负值的是………………………………………………()(A) 液态溴蒸发变成气态溴(B) SnO2(s) + 2H2(g) = Sn(s) + 2H2O(l)(C) 电解水生成H2和O2(D) 公路上撒盐使冰熔化13. 2 分同温下, 渗透压最大的水溶液是---------------------------------------------------( )(A) 0.01 mol·kg -1 Ba(NO 3)2 (B) 0.01 mol·kg -1 KNO 3 (C) 0.01 mol·kg -1 HCOOH (D) 0.01 mol·kg -1 蔗糖溶液14. 2 分H PO 24-的共轭碱是 …………………………………………………………( )(A) H 3PO 4 (B)H PO 42- (C)H PO 23- (D)PO 43-15. 2 分温度升高导致反应速率明显增加的主要原因是………………………… ( )(A) 分子碰撞机会增加 (B) 反应物压力增加 (C) 活化分子数增加 (D) 活化能降低二、填空题 ( 共10题 20分 ) 16. 2 分在[Ni(CN)4]4-配离子中,Ni 是处于_____氧化态;它与Ni 的________配合物是等电子体;它们的空间构型都是_________________________________________。



青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 828 科目名称:有机化学(共7页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效、、选择题(每题3分,共69分)1. 按 S N 1 反应,下列化合物的反应活性顺序应是:(A) ① > ② > ③ > ④ (B) ① > ③ > ② > ④(C) ③ > ① > ② > ④ (D) ③ > ② > ① > ④2. 有一物质,它的红外光谱线伸缩振动在3000cm -1和1500cm -1处,试判断它是哪种物质:A. 烯烃B. 芳香烃C.烷烃D. 醇3.有一个氯化物和镁在四氢呋喃中反应的产物倒在干冰上,得到邻甲氧基苯甲酸, 该化合物为:ԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳO ɃH 3lԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳC ԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳԳ)ԳԳ4.蔗糖中:A 葡糖具有吡喃环,果糖具有呋喃环B 葡糖具有呋喃环,果糖具有吡喃环C 葡糖和果糖均为吡喃环D 葡糖和果糖均为呋喃环5. 下列关于蛋白质结构的叙述哪个不正确?(A) 二硫键对稳定蛋白质的构象起重要作用(B)当蛋白质放入水中时,带电荷的氨基酸侧链趋向于排列在分子的外面(C) 蛋白质的一级结构决定高级结构(D) 氨基酸的疏水侧链很少埋在蛋白质分子内部6. 下面反应, 可用来制备 -羟基酮的反应是:(A) 酮的双分子还原(B) 酯的双分子还原(C) 环氧乙烷与乙醇在酸性条件下的开环反应(D) 烯烃被过酸氧化再酸性水解7. 下列哪一种化合物实际上不与NaHSO3起加成反应?(A) 乙醛 (B) 苯甲醛 (C) 2-丁酮 (D) 苯乙酮8. 下列四个反应,哪一个不能用来制备醛: (A) RMgX + (① HC(OEt)3,② H +/H 2O) (B) RCH 2OH + CrO 3/H 2SO 4(C) RCH =CHR + (① O 3,②H 2O/Zn) (D) RCOCl + H 2/Pt 9. 顺-3-己烯与Br 2加成的产物是: (A)有旋光性的 (B)外消旋体(C)内消旋体 (D)外消旋体与内消旋体混合物10.化合物CH 3CH 3O, 在反应条件:LiAlH 4 / H 2O 下产物为哪一种?(A):CH 3CH 3OHH (B)CH 3CH 3O(C)CH 3CH 3OHH(D)CH 3CH 311.异戊二烯经臭氧化,在锌存在下水解,可得到哪一种产物? (A) HCHO + OHCCH 2CHO (B) HCHO +HOOCCH 2COOH(C) HCHO + CH 3COCHO (D) CH 3COCHO + CO 2 +H 2O12.从庚烷、1-庚炔、1,3-己二烯中区别出1-庚炔最简明的办法是采用:(A)Br 2 + CCl 4 (B) Pd + H 2(C) KMnO 4,H + (D) AgNO 3,NH 3溶液 13.H OH Me 2OHHOH化合物的构型正确命名是:(A) 2R , 3R (B) 2R , 3S (C) 2S , 3R (D) 2S , 3S14.下列化合物中哪一个能与顺丁烯二酸酐反应,生成固体产物? (A) 萘(B) CH 3CH 2CH =CH 2 (C)(D)对二甲苯 15.羧酸的沸点比相对分子质量相近的烃,甚至比醇还高。



青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码:605 科目名称:基础德语(共12页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部写在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效I. Leseverständnis (25 P)Vorschläge für eine neue Gesellschafts- und FamilienpolitikDer bekannte Zukunftswissenschaftler und Freizeitforscher Horst W. Opaschowsky beschreibt ausführlich die "demographische Zeitenwende" - immer mehr langlebige Alte und immer weniger arbeitsfähige Junge - und die damit verbundenen Probleme und Belastungen in den Industrieländern. Dennoch ist er überzeugt, dass es zu keinem ernsthaften Konflikt zwischen Jung und Alt kommen wird, wenn Politik und Öffentlichkeit den objektiven Schwierigkeiten ehrlich ins Auge schauen und zu echter Solidarität finden.Ansätze dazu sieht der Autor allenthalben. Wo drei und vier Generationen nebeneinander leben, zwar nicht mehr unter einem Dach, aber verbunden durch Telefon und regelmäßige Besuche, hilft man sich sehr viel intensiver als in früheren Zeiten. Gerade weil sich die Generationen meist nicht mehr auf der Pelle sitzen, sondern nur noch "multilokal" vernetzt sind, fühlt man sich für einander verantwortlich und leistet erstaunliche materielle und soziale Hilfe.Die Zukunft, so Opaschowskis Vision, wird aus drei Säulen bestehen: Der Staat garantiert Dienstleistungen in Form einer Mindestrente und einer Grundsicherung für Krankheit und Pflege. Dazu kommen zweitens kommerzielle Leistungen des Einzelnen in Form von Zusatzversicherungen und drittens die erwähnten sozialen Dienstleistungen von Familie und Freunden. Dieses dreistufige Modell ersetzt, so die Kernaussage, den bisherigen Generationenvertrag durch einen neuen Generationenpakt.Hauptproblem ist dabei in der Bundesrepublik die rückläufige Geburtenzahl. Wäre weltweit wie in Deutschland jede dritte Frau lebenslang kinderlos und läge die Geburtenrate bei 1,3 Kindern pro Frau, wäre in 120 Jahren die Menschheit so gut wie ausgestorben. Darum plädiert Opaschowsky geradezu händeringend dafür, allen Frauen in Deutschland zu ermöglichen, Kinder zu bekommen und trotzdem berufstätig zu sein. Nötig sind genügend Kinderkrippen und Horte, eine achtstündige Betreuung der Kinder in Ganztagschulen und steuerliche Honorierung von Erziehungsleistungen. "Eine tendenziell kinderlose Gesellschaft kann keine Zukunft haben".Politik und Wirtschaft haben den gravierenden gesellschaftlichenVeränderungen zu lange zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Insofern kann man nur hoffen, dass die aufgezeigten Anregungen und Modelle aufgegriffen werden. Geschieht das nicht, sind soziale Brüche langfristig sicherlich unvermeidlich.Kritisch sei angemerkt, dass "Mister Zukunft" die Bereitschaft zu solidarischem Engagement ein wenig überschätzt. Ein Teil der gesellschaftlichen Probleme liegt auch in der enormen und ständig wachsenden Einkommens- und Vermögensungerechtigkeit. Solange eine Minderheit Millionenbeträge bedenkenlos einstreicht und Millionen am oder unter dem Existenzminimum leben müssen, ist eine übergreifende Solidarität, selbst unter den betroffenen Familien, nur schwer vorstellbar.Lesen Sie den Text und kreuzen Sie jeweils die richtige Lösung an! (25P)1.a.Mit dem Begriff …demographische Zeitenwende― meintOpaschowsky das steigende Missverhältnis zwischen der Anzahlälterer Menschen, die immer länger leben und der Anzahl vonjungen Leuten, die in der Lage sind zu arbeiten und die damitverbundenen Probleme und Belastungen in allen Ländern.b.Opaschowsky bezieht den Begriff der …demographischenZeitenwende― auf die Industrieländer, die sich mit Problemenkonfrontiert sehen, die sich aus der Tatsache ergeben, dass esimmer weniger langlebige Alte und immer mehr arbeitsfähigeJunge gibt.c.Die Veränderung in der Bevölkerungsentwicklung, dass es immermehr langlebige Alte und immer weniger arbeitsfähige Junge gibtund die Tatsache, dass damit bestimmte Probleme undBelastungen in den Industrieländern verbundenen sind,bezeichnet der bekannte Zukunftswissenschaftler undFreizeitforscher Horst W. Opaschowsky als "demographischeZeitenwende".2.a.Der bekannte Zukunftswissenschaftler und Freizeitforscher HorstW. Opaschowsky sagt voraus, dass die gegenwärtigen Probleme,die verbunden sind mit der …demographischen Zeitenwende― zueinem ernsthaften Konflikt zwischen Jung und Alt führen werden.b.Der bekannte Zukunftswissenschaftler und Freizeitforscher HorstW. Opaschowsky befürchtet einen ernsthaften Konflikt zwischenJung und Alt aufgrund der …demographischen Zeitenwende―.c.Der bekannte Zukunftswissenschaftler und Freizeitforscher HorstW. Opaschowsky vertritt die Auffassung, dass es zu einemernsthaften Konflikt zwischen Jung und Alt kommen könnte,wenn Politik und Öffentlichkeit nicht den objektivenSchwierigkeiten ehrlich ins Auge schauen und zu echterSolidarität finden.3.a.Opaschowsky sieht es als Problem, dass keine drei oder vierGenerationen mehr unter einem Dach leben.b.Opaschowsky sieht es nicht als Problem, dass keine drei oder vierGenerationen mehr unter einem Dach leben.c.Opaschowsky bedauert, dass keine drei oder vier Generationenmehr unter einem Dach leben.d.Opaschowsky befürwortet deutlich, dass drei oder vierGenerationen unter einem Dach leben.4.a.Opaschowsky garantiert Dienstleistungen in Form einerMindestrente und einer Grundsicherung für Krankheit und Pflege.Dazu kommen zweitens kommerzielle Leistungen des Einzelnenin Form von Zusatzversicherungen und drittens die erwähntensozialen Dienstleistungen von Familie und Freunden.b.Opaschowsky sieht die Möglichkeit, den bisherigenGenerationenvertrag durch einen Generationenpakt abzulösen.5.a.Der Autor warnt vor dem möglichen Aussterben der Menschheitin 120 Jahren.b.Der Autor führt die niedrigen Geburtenraten in Deutschland aufdie mangelnden V oraussetzungen dafür zurück, dass FrauenKinder bekommen und trotzdem berufstätig sein können.c.Der Autor befürwortet in Deutschland die Schaffung vonV oraussetzungen dafür, dass Frauen Kinder bekommen undtrotzdem berufstätig sein können.II. Grammatik (15 P)A. Formen Sie die direkte Rede in indirekte Rede um.(5 P)1. Der Chef sagte zu seiner Sekretärin: …Kommen Sie bitte zu mir ins Büro.―2. Er sagte: …Ich habe Hans gestern zum letzten Mal gesehen.―3. In dem Brief heißt es: …Der Vertrag wurde vor zwei Tagen unterschrieben.―4. Herr Zh ang sagt: …Das deutsche Essen hat mir am Anfang überhaupt nicht geschmeckt, aber später konnte ich mich allmählich daran gewöhnen.―B. Formulieren Sie die fettgedruckten Satzteile mit Modalverben um.(5 P)Beispiel: Er hat ein großes Verlangen, diese schöne Bankangestellte unbedingt heute noch zu sehen.→ Er muss diese schöne Bankangestellte unbedingt heute noch sehen.1. Er ist imstande, die anderen zu etwas zu überreden, auch wenn sie eigentlich nicht die Absicht dazu haben.2. Die Unzufriedenheit der Angestellten ist deutlich von ihren Gesichtern ablesbar.3. Eigentlich habe ich heute frei. Nur weil der Kollege krank ist, hat er mich gebeten, für ihn zu arbeiten.4. Entschuldigen Sie, aber es ist mir nicht erlaubt, während meiner Arbeitszeit private Gespräche zu führen.C. Formen Sie die Nominalausdrücke in Nebensätze um oder umgekehrt.(5 P)Beispiel: Zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit raten die Versicherungen ihren Kunden, häufig Sport zu treiben.→Um die Gesundheit zu erhalten, raten die Versicherungen ihren Kunden, häufig Sport zu treiben.1. Obwohl es in manchen Gegenden noch an Arztpraxen mangelt, gehört die Bundesrepublik zu den medizinisch bestversorgten Ländern der Welt.2. Um die Bürger vor gesundheitlichen Gefahren zu schützen, hat man V orsorgeuntersuchungen eingeführt.3. Durch die Einführung des Arzneimittelgesetzes versucht man, denVerbraucher vor den gesundheitsschädigenden Nebenwirkungen zu schützen.4. Durch zu langes Sitzen vor dem Fernseher wird die Gesundheit derKinder geschädigt.5. Die Krankenkassen ermöglichen eine Kur, indem sie sich anden Kosten für Fahrt, Unterkunft und Kuranwendungen beteiligen.III. Wortschatz (30 P)A. Setzen Sie bitte passende Wörter ein.(5 P)1. Bei schönem Wetter hat man von der Höhe eine gute Aussicht: sogar weit entfernte Berge sind mit _________ Auge zu sehen.2. Am Tor zu Fabrikhöfen steht immer: ________ frei _________! Achten Sie darauf, sonst holt die Polizei Ihr Auto ab.3. Meine Mutter ist von früh bis spät ________ Beinen.4. Er wiegt jetzt höchstens 50 Kilo, er ist nur noch Haut und ________.5. Dieser kleine Fehler hat den Politiker _________ Fall ________.6. Im alten Griechenland galt die Verbindung eines gesunden ________ mit einem gesunden Körper als das Ideal eines Menschen.7. Das kann nicht sein! Haltet mich nicht ________ Narren!8. Als sie die Polizei sahen, ________ die Diebe in aller Eile.B. Lösen Sie die folgenden Komposita auf. (5 P)Beispiel: das Kreditangebot → das Angebot an Krediten1. die Gebrauchsgüter (Pl.)2. der Konsumentenkredit3. die Kreditaufnahme4. die Einkommensklassen (Pl.)5. der VerdienstausfallC. Ersetzen Sie die unterstrichenen Ausdrücke durch die entsprechenden V erben.(5 P)Beispiel: Die Verbraucherorganisation übt heftige Kritik an den hohen Zinsen für Konsumentenkredite.→ Die Verbraucherorganisation kritisiert heftig die hohen Zinsen für Konsumentenkredite.1. Um einen Überziehungskredit zu bekommen, muss man der Bank die Garantie eines festen Einkommens geben.2. Das Unterrichtsprogramm des Instituts hat eine enorme Verbesserung erfahren.3. Eine Regierung, die bei der Bevölkerung Anerkennung finden will, müsste mehr für den Umweltschutz tun.4. Wenn man an einer deutschen Universität studieren will, muss man zuerst einen Antrag auf Zulassung beim Akademischen Auslandsamt stellen.5. Um die Anschaffung der Erstausstattung vornehmen zu können, nehmen manche junge Ehrpaare einen Kredit auf.D. Formulieren Sie die folgenden idiomatischen Redewendungen um.(5 P)Beispiel: Das Geld reicht nicht, wir müssen den Gürtel enger schnallen. → Das Geld reicht nicht, wir müssen uns finanziell einschränken.1. Es lohnt sich, die eigenen …Ernährungsgewohnheiten― einmal unter die Lupe zu nehmen.2. Hast du Sorgen? Willst du mir nicht sagen, wo dich der Schuh drückt?3. Beim Lesen politischer Zeitungen empfiehlt es sich, zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen.4. Die Idee ist gut, aber bisher nicht realisierbar. Schlag dir das aus dem Kopf!5. Das ist viel Arbeit. Das kann ich nicht einfach aus dem Ärmel schütteln.E. Setzen Sie bitte passende Wörter ein. (10 P)Die Schweizer PresseIm Vergleich zur Größe des Landes und zur Zahl der Einwohner existieren nirgends so viele Zeitungen wie in der Schweiz. Diese Vielfalt der ________ ist allerdings bedroht. Erstens sind viele Zeitungen zu 60 bis 80% von der Werbung abhängig. Sie werden also möglichst nichts schreiben, was die Werbekunden ärgern könnte. Zweitens werden immer mehr Zeitungen von einigen wenigen großen Verlagen aufgekauft, die dann in der ________ auch die Inhalte dieser Zeitungen beeinflussen. International am bekanntesten ist die Neue Züricher Zeitung________ einem aktuellen, ausführlichen Wirtschaftsteil und guten Auslandskorrespondenten. Innenpolitisch dagegen sind die ________ der Zeitungen nach Meinung vieler Schweizer nur ________ durchschnittlicher Qualität. Die höchste Auflage hat der Blick, eine Zeitung, die in ________ an die deutsche Zeitung Bild erinnert. An zweiter Stelle ________ der Tages-Anzeiger. Er beherrscht den Markt in der ________ Zürich und gilt bei vielen Fachleuten als eine sehr ordentliche Zeitung. Die beste Schweizer Zeitung ist ein Wochenblatt, und ________ die Weltwoche. Ihre Journalisten schreiben nicht nur gut, sondern sie sind auch häufig die Ersten, die skandalöse _________ entdecken und veröffentlichen.IV. Übersetzen (50 P)A. Übersetzen Sie bitte den folgenden Text ins Chinesische (25 P)Hohe Benzinpreise, zeitraubendeStaus, nervende Parkplatzsuche.Darauf reagiert Philipp Kuss völligentspannt: …Darüber rege ich michnicht auf.― Der 26 Jahre alte Bankeraus Frankfurt am Main besitzt keinAuto, er schwört auf sein Fahrrad. Jeden Morgen steigt er auf sein Mountainbike und radelt ins Büro – mit Anzug und Krawatte. Praktisch: V on seiner Haustür aus führt ein Radweg direkt zur Deutschen Bundesbank. Während sich die vielen Autos durch den zähen Frankfurter Berufsverkehr quälen, radelt Kuss relaxt zur Arbeit. Für die rund fünf Kilometer braucht er gut 20 Minuten. …Das Fahrrad ist für mich die schnellste und eine gesunde Variante, um ins Büro zu kommen. Und die günstigste ist es sowieso―, sagt Kuss. Immer mehr Menschen in Deutschland folgen dem Beispiel von Philipp Kuss und steigen um – von vier auf zwei Räder. Bereits heute haben rund 80 Prozent der deutschen Haushalte ein Fahrrad. Und jetzt wird das Fahrrad nicht mehr nur in der Freizeit, sondern immer öfter auch im mobilen Alltag von vielen neu entdeckt als Alternative zum Auto.B. Übersetzen Sie bitte den folgenden Text ins Deutsche.(25 P)德国的多样性最令人钟爱。



青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 607 科目名称:基础英语(1) (共12页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部写在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效 Part One Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)I. Choose one of the four answers that best completes the sentence.1. Abraham Lincoln insisted that________ not just on mere opinion but onmoral purpose.A. to base democracyB. for democracy to be basedC. democracy be basedD. whether democracy is based2. Fossils, traces of dead organisms found in the rocks of Earth’s crust, reveal_________ at the time the rocks were formed.A. what was likeB. was like lifeC. what life was likeD. life was like3. Of the thousands of varieties of bird species in North America, ____ brightred plumage, like the cardinal, are most often designated as state bird.A. those that haveB. who haveC. which haveD. to have4. The specialized nature of anthropological research makes________ thatvarious groups of people be studied to determine their similarities and differences.A. imperative isB. it imperativeC. it is imperativeD. it is an imperative5. ___ he always tries his best to complete it on time.A. However the task is hardB. However hard the task isC. Though hard the task isD. Though hard is the task6. Not only_______ much bigger than any planet, but unlike the planets, it consists completely of gaseous material.A. the Sun isB. the Sun, which isC. is the SunD. that the Sun7. First designated in 1970, Earth Day has become an annual internationalevent _______ concerns about environmental issues such as pollution.A. dedicated to raisingB. dedicated raisingC. dedicates to raiseD. that dedicates to raising8. An image on a national flag can symbolize political ideals that_________ express.A. take many words to otherwise wouldB. would take to many otherwise wordsC. many words to take would otherwiseD. would otherwise take many words to9. Stage producers Klaw and Erlanger were the first to eliminate arguments among leading performers ________in order of appearance, instead of prominence.A. of whom list the programB. the program listingC. for them the program listedD. by listing them on the program10. It is not so much the language ______ the cultural background that makesthe book difficult to understand.A. butB. norC. asD. likeII. Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if they were substituted for the underlined word or phrase.11. As a _____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds ofmusical instruments.A. flexibleB. versatileC. sophisticatedD. productive12. Competition, they believe, ________ the national character than corrupts it.A. enforcesB. confirmsC. intensifiesD. strengthens13. On weekends my grandma usually __________ a glass of wine.A. subscribes toB. engages inC. hangs onD. indulges in14. When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, heselects people __________ and ask them questions.A. at lengthB. at randomC. in essenceD. in bulk15. Even though he was guilty, the ________ judge did not send him to prison.A. mercifulB. impartialC. conscientiousD. conspicuous16. They used to quarrel a lot, but now they are completely ________witheach other.A. reconciledB. negotiatedC. associatedD. accommodated17. In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders are the______concern of state governments.。



青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题 科目代码: 709 科目名称: 医学检验综合 (共7页) 请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、名词解释(本题共有15题,每题3分,共45分)1.HIM2.Aplastic crisis3.Auer body4.Protein C system5.Prion6.Transfusion transmitted virus7.Koch’s postulates8.EMIT9.免疫金银染色10.带现象11.CA12512.异位激素13.C肽14.Froin-Nonne综合征15.肾后性蛋白尿二、单项选择题(共35题,每题1分,共35分)1. 试带法干化学反应中采用酸碱指示剂的是A.隐血 B.酮体C.蛋白质 D.葡萄糖E.亚硝酸盐2. 关于尿液分析仪的叙述,错误的是A.采用球面积分仪接受双波长反射光B.葡萄糖检测的特异性较班氏法低C.细胞检查不能代替显微镜检查D.试带法简单、快速、标本用量少E.蛋白测定采用指示剂蛋白误差原理3. 不属于尿液分析的项目是A.BJP试验 B.OB试验C.Harrison试验 D.Pandy试验E.Addis计数4.关于手工法红细胞计数的叙述,正确的是A.将血液标本用等渗稀释液稀释250倍B.在高倍镜下计数周围四个大格中的细胞数C.低倍镜下计数中央大方格5个中方格细胞数D.高倍镜下计数中央大方格5个中方格细胞数E.红细胞稀释液可破环白细胞5.内源性凝血系统最常用的筛检的试验是A.PT B. APTT C. TT D. BT E. ELT6.患者,女,41岁。



应用比重试验来评价其肾脏浓缩稀释功能,最佳的检测方法为A.尿比重计法B.化学试带法C.超声波法D.折射仪法E.称量法7. 哪种抗体是唯一能通过胎盘的免疫球蛋白A. IgDB. IgEC. IgGD. IgAE. IgM8. 在人B淋巴细胞膜上的最具特征性的受体是A. 膜表面免疫球蛋白分子(SmIg)B. 羊红细胞受体C. C3受体D. IgGFc受体E. 丝裂原受体9. 对于极微量抗原的检测,首先可考虑使用A.反向间接血凝法 B. 荧光抗体技术C.补体结合实验 D. 放射免疫测定E.ELISA10.目前临床上检测自身抗核抗体常采用A.ELISA B. 直接荧光法C.间接荧光法 D. 放射免疫法E.血凝法11.ELISA时容易造成空白值增高的原因主要来自于A.加样不准 B. 保温时间短C.洗涤不彻底 D. 比色误差E.包被不好12.不完全抗体可使用的凝集反应A.协同凝集反应 B. 间接凝集反应C.见接血凝 D. Coombs试验E.直接凝集反应13.可作为SLE特异性标志的自身抗体是A.抗ssDNA抗体和ANA B. 抗dsDNA抗体和ANA C.抗Sm抗体和抗dsDNA抗体 D. 抗DNP抗体和ANA E.抗Sm抗体和抗ssDNA抗体14. 低密度脂蛋白中含量最多的载脂蛋白是A. ApoAIB. ApoA IIC. ApoBD. ApoC IIE. ApoE15. 脂蛋白各组份中密度最低的是A.HDLB.LDLC.IDLD.VLDLE.CM16. 关于等电聚焦电泳,下列叙述哪个是错误的A. 是目前电泳技术中分辨率较好的方法之一B. 特别适用于分子量不同而电荷相同的蛋白质的分离C. 利用具有线性pH梯度的电泳介质来分离物质D. 适用于分子量相同而电荷不同蛋白质或多肽的分离E. 等电聚焦电泳还可以用于酶学研究17.急性心肌梗死时,最先恢复正常的酶是A.ALT B. LDHC.CK E. ASTE.ALP18.下列哪项生化指标是痛风的主要诊断指标A.尿素 B. CrC.尿酸 D. CKE.TBA19.酶促反应中存在竞争性抑制剂,下列哪种情况会发生A.Km上升,Vmax不变 B. Km不变,Vmax上升 C.Km下降,Vmax不变 D. Km下降,Vmax下降 E.Km上升,Vmax下降20.在肝硬化患者血清中哪种酶的活力低于正常A.ChE B.GGTC.AST D.LDHE.ALP21. 常用来识别造血干细胞/祖细胞的细胞表面标志是A. HLA-DRB. Thy1C. CD34D. CD4E. CD5622. 某细胞胞体直径为15~20μm,圆形,边缘有瘤状突起;胞核圆形,核染色质呈颗粒状;核仁1~2;胞浆量少,呈油墨蓝。



(C) 0.097
9.某系统经历一个不可逆循环后,下列正确的是: ( (A)ΔSsys> 0 , ΔSsur=0 (C) ΔSsys=0 , ΔSsur> 0 (B) ΔSsys=0 , ΔSsur=0 (D) ΔSsys> 0 , ΔSsur > 0 ( )
10.对临界胶束浓度(CMC)说法不正确的是 (A) CMC是形成胶束的最低浓度 (B) 在CMC前后溶液的表面张力有显著变化 (C) 在CMC前后溶液的电导值变化显著
(D) 前三个配分函数均与分子运动空间无关
5. 如图所示,当物系点在通过A点的一条直线上变动时,则此物系的特点是
(A) B和C的百分含量之比不变 (C) B的百分含量不变
(B) A的百分含量不变 (D) C的百分含量不变
6.298K,当 H2SO4溶液的浓度从 0.01 mol·kg-1 增加到 0.1 mol·kg-1时,其电导率 k 和摩尔电导率 m将: (A) k减小 , m增加 ( )
1.0×10-12,金属银电极的标准电极电势 Ag
0.799V 。
(1)写出电极反应和电池反应; (2)计算电池的标准电动势E ; (3)计算HBr(0.1mol·kg-1)的平均活度因子 ,设氢气是理想气体。 (15分)
6. 苯的正常沸点为353.3 K,298.15 K时表面张力为0.028 22 N·m1,试估算半径为1×10-7
m的小苯液滴的蒸气压力,已知苯的密度为 =873
kg·m-3。 (楚顿规则 vap H m 88 J K 1 mol 1Tb ) (10分) 四、说明题 1.何谓水的冰点与三相点? 二者有何区别? (12分) 2.何谓超电势?试讨论超电势存在的利弊。 (15分)



3.(30 分) 设 T 是由 T ( x, y , z ) (0, x, y ) 所给的 R 3 R3 的线性变换, 试求 T , T 2 , T 3 的特征多项式. 4.(30 分) 设 是欧氏空间 V 中的线性变换, 试证下面命题等价: (1) 为正交变换; (2) 保持向量长度不变, 即对任意 V , ( ) ; (3) 若 1 , 2 , , n 为标准正交基, 则 ( 1 ), ( 2 ),, ( n ) 也是标准正交基. 5.(30 分) 设 V 表示数域 P 上全体 2 级矩阵组成的线性空间, 定义 V 的一个变换 A 如下: 1 1 A( x ) x, x V 1 1 (1)证明: A 是线性变换; 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (2)求 A 在基 E11 , E12 , E21 , E22 下的矩阵; 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 (3)求 A 的值域 AV ,并给出它的维数及一组基.
青岛大学 2009 年硕士研究生入学考试试题
科目代码: 816 科目名称: 高等代数 ( 共 1 页) 请考生写题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效 1.(30 分) 设
1 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 A 0 2 0 , B 1 2 0, C 0 1 0, D 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
问: B, C , D (要说明理由) (1) 哪些与 A 等价; (2) 哪些与 A 合同; (3) 哪些与 A 相似. 2.(30 分) 已知二次曲面 x 2 ay 2 z 2 2bxy 2 xz 2 yz 4 可以经正交变换



青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 826 科目名称: 电路 (共3页) 请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、(本大题14分)求图1所示电路中受控源的控制量I 及受控源发出的功率。

二、(本大题10分)求图2所示电路中的支路电压U 。

三、(本大题15分)图3所示电路在换路前已达到稳态,求t ≥0时的电路响应u C (t ),i C (t )。

四、(本大题15分)某正弦电流电路如图4所示,负载阻抗Z L 为何值时可获得最大功率? 并求出此最大功率。

图17V 图2图34V A图4 L1∠0︒五、(本大题12分)求图5所示含有理想运算放大器的电阻电路的输出电压与输入电压之比值iu uO 。

六、(本大题12分)图6所示正弦电流电路中,已知电压源的有效值为24V ,角频率ω=1000rad/s ;若u S 与i 同相,试求电容C 的值与电流表的读数(有效值)。

七、(本大题15分)图7所示对称三相电路中电源侧线电压为380V ,端线阻抗Z l =1.5+j 2Ω,对称三相负载分别为:Z 1=2Ω,Z 2=6+j 12Ω。


图5u O-u i +-图7Z 2u S -4mH八、(本大题15分)图8所示电路中,已知u S (t )=12+32cos ωt +62sin3ωt V ,L 、C 对基波有ωL =2Ω,ωC =2S ,试求电流i 及其有效值。

九、(本大题20分)电路如图9所示,t <0时电路处于稳态,t =0时开关S 打开。

以电感电压u L 作为输出,试求换路后(t ≥0)的: 1.运算电路; 2.象函数U L (s ); 3.时域响应u L (t ); 4.网络函数H (s ); 5.单位冲激响应h (t )。

十、(本大题16分)试分别求出图10(a)所示二端口网络的Y 参数矩阵;图10(b)所示电路的状态方程,并整理成标准形式。



青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 837 科目名称:环境科学综合(共6页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷纸上无效一、单选题(每题2分,总分40分)1、环境标准是环境法体系中一个特殊而又不可缺少的部分,作为环境保护法律法规体系的有机组成部分的各项环境标准,在配合环境保护法实施过程中,各自具有不同的法律意义:①是确认环境是否已被污染的根据(1分);A 环境质量标准B 污染物排放标准C 环境样品标准D 环境基础标准与环境方法标准②是确认某排污行为是否合法的依据(1分)。

A 环境质量标准B 污染物排放标准C 环境样品标准D 环境基础标准与环境方法标准2、生活饮用水地表水源一级保护区内的水质,适用标准。

A 国家《地面水环境质量标准》Ⅰ类标准B 国家《地面水环境质量标准》Ⅱ类标准C 国家《地面水环境质量标准》Ⅲ类标准D 国家《地面水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类标准3、以下关于森林管理,说法错误的是。

A 禁止毁林开垦B 毁林采石、采砂、采土C 禁止在幼林地和特种用途林内砍柴、放牧D 禁止采伐4、城市总体规划、镇总体规划的规划期限一般为。


A 自然景观B 天然景观C 历史遗迹D 风景名胜6、我国节能减排的目标为:到2010年,万元国内生产总值能耗降低左右;单位工业增加值用水量降低。

A20%,30% B30%,20%C20%,20% D30%,30%7、下列术语定义表述有误的是。

A 环境标准体系是指各种不同环境标准依其性质功能及其间客观的内在联系、相互依存、相互衔接、相互补充、相互制约所构成的一个有机整体。

B 环境标准是为了防治环境污染、维护生态平衡、保护人群健康,对环境保护工作中需要统一的各项技术规范和技术要求所做的规定。

C 组织实施标准,是指对标准贯彻执行情况进行督促检查处理的活动。



青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码:701 科目名称:文学综合(共 2 页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、简释题(每题5分,共20分)1、社会历史批评2、文学消费3、剧本4、文学典型二、简答题(每题15分,共60分)1、试述两汉乐府诗的思想艺术特点。




初 恋周作人 那时我十四岁,她大约是十三岁罢。












XX大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码:818 科目名称:理论力学(共4页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上•答在试卷上无效选择题(每题5分,共30分)1.在如图所示结构中,如果将作用于构件ACL的力偶〃?搬移到构件£C 上,则/、B、C三处反力的大小()。

A.都不变;B. A. 3处反力不变,C处反力改变;C.都改变;D. A. 3处反力改变,C处反力不变。


A. R^09B. R'=0, My^M\:C・R r=0, Mi=Mu D.3.在刚体的两个点各作用一个空间共点力系(即汇交力系)刚体处于平衡。


A. 3 个;B. 4 个;C. 5 个;D. 6 个。

6.已知匀质圆环O,质量〃?,半径置于 粗糙水平面上,匀质杆28,质量m,长舲R , 与圆环光滑接触,如图所示。

则系统的拉格 朗日函数为 o3] . | — mx 2 +-mR 2O 2 + — mRx0 cosO ——mgRcos 。

2 8 2 2 63 ] •j — mS:2 + — mR 20~ + — inRxOcosO ^—m^RcosO 2 8 2 23 ] . I— nix 2 + — mR 202 +-mRxO cos0 ——mgRcos 。

4.在如图所示瞬时,已知03=015,且OG 与 A. 01 = 02 C. C0\ — C92 OiB 平行,则5. A. B. C. G=£2 £1怂 E ・ C0i^C02 D ・ CD1^CO2£1=£2 £1怂 两个点沿同一圆周运动,全加速度较大的点,其切向加速度一定较大;全加速度较大的点,其法向加速度一定较大; 若两点的全加速度矢在某瞬时相等,则该瞬时两点的速度大小必相等; 若两点的全加速度矢在某段时间内相等,则这两点的速度在这段时间 D. 内必相等。



青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 708 科目名称:生物学综合(共5页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部答在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效一、细胞生物学部分㈠名词解释:(10分,每个2分)1. 生物膜2. 核仁组织区3. 高尔基体4. 易化扩散5. 细胞周期㈡选择题:(5分,每题1分)1. 地球上的生命是在元素的基础上建立起来的。

A. 碳B. 氢C.氧D. 氮E. 磷2. 构成染色体的基本单位是。

A. DNAB. 核小体C. 螺线管D. 超螺线管E.核苷酸3. 有双层膜结构的细胞器是。

A. 过氧化物酶体B. 高尔基体C. 溶酶体D. 线粒体E.内质网4. 能抑制细胞形成纺锤丝的是。

A.鬼笔环肽B. 放线菌素DC. 秋水仙素D. 细胞松弛素BE.环磷胞苷5. 细胞周期过程中,从G1进入S及从S进入G2,这两个转变都是由触发的。

A. MPFB. ATPC. ADPD. GTPE.CTP㈢填空:(15分,每空1分)1. DNA和RNA的结构单体是。

2. 细胞核包括、、和等部分。

3. 内质网分为和两种。

4. 构成质膜脂双层的脂类有、和。

5. 主动运输需要和。

6. 脊椎动物的细胞连接主要有、和三种类型。




(7分)二、遗传学部分㈠名词解释(10分,每个2分)1. 连锁:2. 伴性遗传:3. 多效性:4. 转化:5. 转译:㈡选择题(5分,每个1分)1. 人的ABO血型是:A. 完全显性B.不完全显性C.共显性D.不规则显性E. 延迟显性2. 三联体密码子共有:A. 4个B. 20个C. 23个D. 46个E. 64个3.染色体发生断裂,断裂片段接到非同源染色体上的现象称为:A. 易位B. 缺失C. 重复D. 倒位E.环状染色体4. DNA双螺旋结构中的碱基以氢键相连配对,总是:A.A与A,G与G B. G与T, A与CC.A与T,G与C D. A与G, T与CE. T与T,C与C5. 基因的交换率反映了两基因之间的相对距离,2个基因靠的越近,染色体交叉的机会就越__,基因的交换率越__。



青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 607 科目名称:基础英语(1) (共12页)请考生写明题号,将答案全部写在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效 Part One Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)I. Choose one of the four answers that best completes the sentence.1. Abraham Lincoln insisted that________ not just on mere opinion but onmoral purpose.A. to base democracyB. for democracy to be basedC. democracy be basedD. whether democracy is based2. Fossils, traces of dead organisms found in the rocks of Earth’s crust, reveal_________ at the time the rocks were formed.A. what was likeB. was like lifeC. what life was likeD. life was like3. Of the thousands of varieties of bird species in North America, ____ brightred plumage, like the cardinal, are most often designated as state bird.A. those that haveB. who haveC. which haveD. to have4. The specialized nature of anthropological research makes________ thatvarious groups of people be studied to determine their similarities and differences.A. imperative isB. it imperativeC. it is imperativeD. it is an imperative5. ___ he always tries his best to complete it on time.A. However the task is hardB. However hard the task isC. Though hard the task isD. Though hard is the task6. Not only_______ much bigger than any planet, but unlike the planets, it consists completely of gaseous material.A. the Sun isB. the Sun, which isC. is the SunD. that the Sun7. First designated in 1970, Earth Day has become an annual internationalevent _______ concerns about environmental issues such as pollution.A. dedicated to raisingB. dedicated raisingC. dedicates to raiseD. that dedicates to raising8. An image on a national flag can symbolize political ideals that_________ express.A. take many words to otherwise wouldB. would take to many otherwise wordsC. many words to take would otherwiseD. would otherwise take many words to9. Stage producers Klaw and Erlanger were the first to eliminate arguments among leading performers ________in order of appearance, instead of prominence.A. of whom list the programB. the program listingC. for them the program listedD. by listing them on the program10. It is not so much the language ______ the cultural background that makesthe book difficult to understand.A. butB. norC. asD. likeII. Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if they were substituted for the underlined word or phrase.11. As a _____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds ofmusical instruments.A. flexibleB. versatileC. sophisticatedD. productive12. Competition, they believe, ________ the national character than corrupts it.A. enforcesB. confirmsC. intensifiesD. strengthens13. On weekends my grandma usually __________ a glass of wine.A. subscribes toB. engages inC. hangs onD. indulges in14. When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, heselects people __________ and ask them questions.A. at lengthB. at randomC. in essenceD. in bulk15. Even though he was guilty, the ________ judge did not send him to prison.A. mercifulB. impartialC. conscientiousD. conspicuous16. They used to quarrel a lot, but now they are completely ________witheach other.A. reconciledB. negotiatedC. associatedD. accommodated17. In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders are the______concern of state governments.A. extinctB. excludingC. excessiveD. exclusive18. The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand becauseit contains so many __________ references.A. obscureB. acuteC. notableD. objective19. The morning news says a school bus __________ with a train at thejunction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately.A. bumpedB. collidedC. crashedD. struck20. Although most dreams apparently happen _______, dream activity may beprovoked by external influences.A. spontaneouslyB. simultaneouslyC. homogeneouslyD. instantaneously21. That part of the city has long been ________ for its street violence.A. notoriousB. responsibleC. historicalD. illegal22. The famous scientist _______his success to hard work.A. impartedB. grantedC. ascribedD. acknowledged23. It is difficult to _______of a plan to end poverty.A. speculateB. conceiveC. ponderD. reckon24. Now the cheers and applause _______in a single sustained roar.A. mingledB. concentratedC. assembledD. permeated25. This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important_______ of American life.A. fashionsB. frontiersC. facetsD. formats26. Parents often faced the _______ between doing what they felt was goodfor the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.A. paradoxB. junctionC. dilemmaD. premise27. As one of the youngest professors in the university, Miss King is certainlyon the ________ of a brilliant career.A. thresholdB. edgeC. porchD. course28. It was______ that the restaurant discriminated against black customers.A. addictedB. allegedC. assaultedD. ascribed29. The medicine_____ his pain but did not cure his illness.A. activatedB. alleviatedC. mediatedD. deteriorated30. The financial problem of this company is further ______by the rise ininterest rates.A. increasedB. strengthenedC. reinforcedD. aggravated31. All the people in the stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds ofcolorful balloons slowly______ into the sky.A. ascendingB. elevatingC. escalatingD. lingering32. Many years had ______before they returned to their original urbanareas.A. floatedB. elapsedC. skippedD. proceeded.33. Some educators try to put students of similar abilities into the sameclass because they believe this kind of______ grouping is advisable.A. homogeneousB. instantaneousC. spontaneousD. anonymous34. The toy maker produces a______ copy of the space station, exact inevery detail.A. minimalB. minimumC. miniatureD. minor35. An energy tax would curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports andcut the _______budget .A. dispositionB. discrepancyC. defectD. deficit36. All the ceremonies at the 2000 Olympic Games had a unique Australianflavor, ________ of their multicultural communities.A. noticeableB. indicativeC. conspicuousD. implicit37.The glass vessels should be handled most carefully since they are_________ .A. crispB. intricateC. subtleD. fragile38. This new printer is ________with all leading software.A. competitiveB. cooperativeC. compatibleD. comparable39. Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only_____the crisis.A. precedesB. prevailsC. ascendsD. accelerates40. With prices________ so much, it is difficult for the school to plan a budget.A. vibratingB. swingingC. fluctuatingD. flutteringPart Two CLOZE (10 Points)Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Write the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (少年犯罪) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories ___1___ on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior ___2___ they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through ___3___ with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimesin ___4___ to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, ___5___ as a rejection of middle-class values.Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, ___6___ the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes ___7___ lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are ___8___ to criticism.Changes in the social structure may indirectly ___9___ juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that ___10___ to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment ___11___ make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in ___12___ lead more youths into criminal behavior.Families have also ___13___ changes these years. More families consist of one parent households or two working parents; ___14___, children are likely to have less supervision at home ___15___ was common in the traditional family ___16___. This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates.Other ___17___ causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased ___18___ of drugs and alcohol, and the growing___19___ of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act, ___20___ a direct causal relationship has not yet been established.1. A. acting B. relying C. centering D. cementing2. A. before B. unless C. until D. because3. A. interaction B. assimilation C. cooperation D. consultation4. A. return B. reply C. reference D. response5. A. or B. but rather C. but D. or else6. A. considering B. ignoring C. highlighting D. discarding7. A. on B. in C. for D. with8. A. immune B. resistant C. sensitive D. subject9. A. affect B. reduce C. check D. reflect10. A. point B. lead C. come D. amount11. A. in general B. on average C. by contrast D. at length12. A. case B. short C. turn D. essence13. A. survived B. noticed C. undertaken D. experienced14. A. contrarily B. consequently C. similarly D. simultaneously15. A. than B. that C. which D. as16. A. system B. structure C. concept D. heritage17. A. assessable B. identifiable C. negligible D. incredible18. A. expense B. restriction C. allocation D. availability19. A. incidence B. awareness C. exposure D. popularity20. A. provided B. since C. although D. supposing Part Three Reading Comprehension (30 Points)In this section there are three reading passages followed by a total of fifteen multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then write your answers on your answer sheet.Passage 1The tendency to look for some outside group to blame for our misfortunes is certainly common and it is often sustained by social prejudice. There seems to be little doubt that one of the principal causes of prejudice is fear: in particular the fear that the interests of our own group are going to be endangered by the actions of another. This is less likely to be the case in a stable, relatively unchanging society in which the members of different social and occupational groups know what to expect of each other, and know what to expect for themselves. In times of rapid racial and economic change, however, new occupations and new social roles appear, and people start looking jealously at each other to see whether their own group is being left behind.Once prejudice develops, it is hard to stop, because there are often social forces at work which actively encourage unfounded attitudes of hostility and fear towards other groups. One such force is education: We all know that children can be taught history in such a way as to perpetuate old hatred and old prejudices between racial and political groups. Another social influence that has to be reckoned with is the pressure of public opinion. People often think and act differently in groups from the way they would do as individuals. It takes a considerable effort of will, and often calls for great courage, to stand out against one’s fellows and insist that they are wrong.Why is it that we hear so much more about the failures of relationships between communities than we do about the successes? I am afraid it is partly due to the increase in communication which radio, television and the popular press have brought about. In those countries where the media of mass communication are commercial enterprises, they tend to measure success by the size of their audience; and people are more likely to buy a newspaper, for instance, if their attention is caught by something dramatic, something sensational, or something that arouses their anxiety. The popular press flourishes on “scare headlines”, and popular orators, especially if they are politicians addressing a relatively unsophisticated audience, know that the best way to arouse such an audience is to frighten them.Where there is a real or imaginary threat to economic security, this is especially likely to inflame group prejudice. It is important to remember economic factors if we wish to lessen prejudice between groups, because unless they are dealt with directly it will be little use simply advising people not to be prejudiced against other groups whom they see as their rivals, if not their enemies.1. Which of the following does the author see as the chief source of prejudice?A. The distorted ideas which are believed as statement of fact.B. Fear that personal interest will be invaded.C. The dispute which is favorable to the opponents not one's own part.D. The concepts that a community takes for granted.2. What part do newspapers and radio play in inter-communal relationships?A. They educate people not to look jealously at each otherB. They cause further prejudice among audience.C. They discuss interesting problems in more detailsD. They draw the audience's attention to prejudice.3. What’s the subject of paragraph 2?A. How to eliminate our prejudice.B. The pressure of social opinion.C. The role of education to children.D. Social forces that strengthen our bias4. Which of the following can be used to describe the author's opinion about prejudice?A. It is a difficult problem to solve.B. It can be done away with.C. It is an evil state of mind.D. It should be criticized.5. What’s the author’s purpose of writing this article?A. To analyze social prejudice between social groups.B. To reveal the danger of social prejudice.C. To blame the politicians for frightening the audienceD. To show some examples of people’s prejudice.Passage 2By 1776 the fine art of painting as it had developed in western Europe up to this time had been introduced into the American colonies through books and prints, European visitors and immigrants, and traveling colonists who brought back copies ( and a few original) of old master paintings and acquaintance with European art institutions.By the outbreak of the Revolution against British rule in 1776, the status of the artists had already undergone change. In the mid-eighteenth century, painters had been willing to assume such artisan-related tasks as varnishing, gliding teaching, keeping shops, and painting wheel carriages, houses, and signs. The terminology by which artists were described in the time suggests their status: “limner” was usually applied to the anonymous portrait painter up to the 1760’s; “painter” characterized anyone who could paint a flat surface. By the second half of the century, colonial artists who were trained in England or educated in the classics rejected the status of laborer and thought of themselves as artists. Some colonial urban portraitists, such as John Singleton Copley, Benjamin West, and Charles Wilson Peale, consorted with affluent patrons. Although subject to fluctuations in their economic status, all three enjoyed sufficient patronage to allow them to maintain an image of themselves as professional artists, an image indicated by their custom of signing their paintings. A few art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston, William Byrd of Virginian, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries, especially aspiring artists, and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement.Although the colonists tended to favor portraits, they also accepted landscapes, historical works, and political engravings as appropriate artistic subjects. With the coming of independence from the British Crown, a sufficient number of artists and their works were available to serve nationalistic purposes. The achievements of the colonial artists, particularly those of Copley, West, and Peale, lent credence to the boast that the new nation was capable of encouraging genius and that political liberty was congenial to the development of taste --- a necessary step before art could assume an important role in the new republic.6. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. European influence on colonial American painting.B. The importance of patronage to artist.C. The changing status of artists in the American colonies in the eighteenthcentury.D. Subjects preferred by artists in the colonies in the eighteenth century.7. According to the passage, before the American Revolution the main task of limners was to ________.A. paint wheel carriagesB. paint portraitsC. varnish furnitureD. imitated English painters8. It can be inferred from the passage that artists who were trained in England _____.A. considered artists to be superior to paintersB. barely painted portraitistsC. were often very wealthyD. imitated English painters9. According to the passage, artists such as Copley, West and Peale signed their paintings because this _______.A. increased the monetary value of the paintingsB. made it more difficult for other artists to copy the paintingsC. supported the artists’ image of professionalismD. distinguished colonial American artists from European artists10. The author mentions James Bowdoin III and William Byrd in line 19 asexamples of which of the following?A. Art gallery owners who displayed only European art.B. Art collectors who had a profound influence on American attitudestoward art.C. Artists who gave financial support to other artists.D. Patrons who helped to encourage artisans to become artists.11. With which of the following would the author be most likely to agree?A. Countries that have not had a political revolution are unlikely todevelop great art.B. The most successful art collectors are usually artists themselves.C. The value of colonial American paintings decreased after theRevolution.D. Colonial artists made an important contribution to the evolving cultureof the new nation.Passage 3Harry Truman didn’t think his successor had the right training to be president. “Poor Ike—it won’t be a bit like the Army,” he said. “He’ll sit there all day saying ‘do this, do that,’ and nothing will happen.” Truman was wrong about Ike. Dwight Eisenhower had led a fractious alliance—you didn’t tell Winston Churchill what to do—in a massive, chaotic war. He was used to politics. But Truman’s insight could well be applied to another, even more venerated Washington figure: the CEO-turned cabinet secretary.A 20-year bull market has convinced us all that CEOs are geniuses, so watch with astonishment the troubles of Donald Rumsfeld and Paul O’ Neill. Here are two highly regarded businessmen, obviously intelligent andwell-informed, foundering in their jobs.Actually, we shouldn’t be surprised. Rumsfeld and O’ Neill are not doing badly despite having been successful CEOs but because of it. The record of senior businessmen in government is one of almost unrelieved disappointment. In fact, with the exception of Robert Rubin, it is difficult to think of a CEO who had a successful career in government.Why is this? Well, first the CEO has to recognize that he is no longer the CEO. He is at best an adviser to the CEO, the president. But even the president is not really the CEO. No one is. Power in a corporation is concentrated and vertically structured. Power in Washington is diffuse and horizontally spread out. The secretary might think he’s in charge of his agency. But the chairman of the congressional committee funding that agency feels the same. In his famous study “Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents,” Richard Neustadt explains how little power the president actually has and concludes that the only lasting presidential power is “the power to persuade.”Take Rumseld’s attempt to transform the cold-war military into one geared for the future. It’s innovative but deeply threatening to almost everyone in Washington. The Defense secretary did not try to sell it to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Congress, the budget office of the White House. As a result, the idea is collapsing.Second, what power you have, you must use carefully. For example, O’ Neill’s position as Treasury secretary is one with little formal authority. Unlike Finance ministers around the world, Treasury does not control the budget. But it has symbolic power. The secretary is seen as the chief economic spokesman for the administration and, if he plays it right, the chief economic adviser for the president.O’ Neill has been publicly critical of the IMF’s bailout packages for developing countries while at the same time approving such packages for Turkey, Argentina and Brazil. As a result, he has gotten the worst of both worlds. The bailouts continue, but their effect in holstering investor confidence is limited because the markets are rattled by his skepticism.Perhaps the government doesn’t do bailouts well. But that leads to a third rule: you can’t just quit. Jack Welch’s famous law for re-engineering General Electric was to be first or second in any given product category, or else get out of that business. But if the government isn’t doing a particular job at peaklevel, it doesn’t always have the option of relieving itself of that function. The Pentagon probably wastes a lot of money. But it can’t get out of thenational-security business.The key to former Treasury secretary Rubin’s success may have been that he fully understood that business and government are, in his words, “necessarily and properly very different.” In a recent speech he explained, “Business functions around one predominate organizing principle, profitability ... Government, on the other hand, deals with a vast number of equally legitimate and often potentially competing objectives—for example, energy production versus environmental protection, or safety regulations versus productivity.”Rubin’s example shows that talented people can do well in government if they are willing to treat it as its own separate, serious endeavor. But having been bathed in a culture of adoration and flattery, it’s difficult for a CEO to believe he needs to listen and learn, particularly from those despised and poorly paid specimens, politicians, bureaucrats and the media. And even if he knows it intellectually, he just can’t live with it.12. For a CEO to be successful in government, he has to ____.A. regard the president as the CEOB. take absolute control of his departmentC. exercise more power than the congressional committeeD. become acquainted with its power structure13. In commenting on O’ Neill’s record as Treasury Secretary, the passageseems to indicate that ____.A. O’ Neill has failed to use his power wellB. O’ Neill’s policies were well receivedC. O’ Neill has been consistent in his policiesD. O’ Neill has been uncertain about the package he’s approved14. According to the passage, the differences between government andbusiness lie in the following areas EXCEPT ____.A. nature of activityB. option of withdrawalC. legitimacy of activityD. power distribution15. The author seems to suggest that CEO-turned government officials____.A. are able to fit into their new rolesB. are unlikely to adapt to their new rolesC. can respond to new situations intelligentlyD. may feel uncertain in their new postsPart Four Translation (30 Points)Translate the following passage (the whole passage) into Chinese. Special attention should be given to the proper use of language and translation techniques in translating the underlined parts.Today, a generation raised in the shadows of the cold war assumes new responsibilities in a world, warmed by the sunshine of freedom but threatened still by ancient hatreds and new plagues.Raised in unrivaled prosperity, we inherit an economy that is still the world’s strongest but is weakened by business failures, stagnant wages, increasing inequality and deep divisions among our own people.When George Washington first took the oath I have just sworn to uphold, news traveled slowly across the land by horseback and across the ocean by boat. Now the sights and sounds of this ceremony are broadcast instantaneously to billions around the world. Communications and commerce are global, investment is mobile, technology is almost magical, and ambition for a better life is now universal. We earn our livelihood in America today in peaceful competition with people all across the earth. Profound and powerful forces are shaking and remaking our world. And the urgent question of our time is whether we can make change our friend and not our enemy.Part Five Writing (40 Points)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls.Write an essay of about 400 words, expressing your views on the topic above. In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar, diction and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.。

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青岛大学2009年硕士研究生入学考试试题 科目代码: 704 科目名称: 卫生综合 (共 4 页)
10. PER
15. LD50
A疾病、伤害、健康 B病人、高危人群、一般人群
C传染病、慢性非传染性疾病、伤害 D死亡 、患病、伤残 E以上均不对 2.流行病学的病因定义为
A存在时必定引起疾病的因素 B对疾病发生必不可少的因素
C疾病发生机制中的生物因素 D使疾病发生概率升高的因素

A 该暴露因素是无关因素 B该暴露因素是危险因素 C该暴露因素是保护因素 D 该暴露因素是混杂因素 E无法判断
A新生儿卡介苗接种 B病例发现 C督导短程化疗
D药物性预防 E控制医院内感染
14.从临床表现来看,感染型与中毒型食物中毒最大的区别在于 A.有无恶心、呕吐 B.有无腹痛、腹泻 C.病死率不同













