21. Frankly speaking, I always regard you as my best friend, ________ I place entire trust.A. whoB. thatC. on whomD. in whom22. —Why do you think the music is used?—To ________ the plot, not simply to keep the toes tapping.A. loseB. discoverC. forwardD. construct23. A worldwide ________ to healthier diets is one of many actions that need to be taken to avoiddangerous climate change.A. shiftB. admissionC. witnessD. response24. It is said that the project will cost $580 million, half coming from investors, the rest ________.A. to borrowB. to be borrowedC. borrowingD. being borrowed25. —I’m sorry, Dad. I guess the job is not for me.—All right. ________A. Suit yourself.B. Help yourself.C. Bless you!D. See you!26. After investigation, the police found out one clue ________ voices were heard calling for helpfrom some very distant place that day.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. whose27. When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow ________ the best in ourselves.A. bring outB. take outC. put onD. turn on28. —You need to be fully ________ to the danger of leaving your belongings unattended whiletraveling alone.—Thanks for reminding me!A. devotedB. allergicC. exposedD. awake29. Traditional exercises like sit-ups, press-ups and pull-ups are great for strengthening thebody, ________ you do them properly.A. sinceB. unlessC. providingD. considering30. Beijing has set the city’s population ________ at 23 million by 2020 due to water scarcity andbig city diseases such as traffic jam.A. budgetB. ceilingC. explosionD. standard31. ________ good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but ratherhow many can get through to you.A. In the event ofB. In the case ofC. On account ofD. On top of32. James ________ so far behind in the race that he knew he had little chance of winning.A. fellB. fallsC. has fallenD. was falling33. I ________ that the experience I was heading for was anything but boring, had I read thebrochure carefully.A. realizedB. had realizedC. would realizeD. would have realized34. He really wanted a bigger pay raise but decided to ________ what they offered.A. stand forB. allow forC. answer forD. settle for35. —Since we’ve got the manager’s approval, why don’t we start?—All right, let’s ________.A. cry for the moonB. hang in thereC. get the ball rollingD. call a spade a spade第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
21. Frankly speaking, I always regard you as my best friend, ________ I place entiretrust.A. whoB. thatC. on whomD. in whom22. —Why do you think the music is used?—To ________ the plot, not simply to keep the toes tapping.A. loseB. discoverC. forwardD. construct23. A worldwide ________ to healthier diets is one of many actions that need to betaken to avoid dangerous climate change.A. shiftB. admissionC. witnessD. response24. It is said that the project will cost $580 million, half coming from investors, the rest ________.A. to borrowB. to be borrowedC. borrowingD. being borrowed25. —I’m sorry, Dad. I guess the job is not for me.—All right. ________A. Suit yourself.B. Help yourself.C. Bless you!D. See you!26. After investigation, the police found out one clue ________ voices were heard calling for helpfrom some very distant place that day.A. whereB. whenC. thatD. whose27. When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow ________ the best in ourselves.A. bring outB. take outC. put onD. turn on28. —You need to be fully ________ to the danger of leaving your belongings unattended whiletraveling alone.—Thanks for reminding me!A. devotedB. allergicC. exposedD. awake29. Traditional exercises like sit-ups, press-ups and pull-ups are great for strengthening thebody, ________ you do them properly.A. sinceB. unlessC. providingD. considering30. Beijing has set the city’s population ________ at 23 million by 2020 due to water scarcity andbig city diseases such as traffic jam.A. budgetB. ceilingC. explosionD. standard31. ________ good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but ratherhow many can get through to you.A. In the event ofB. In the case ofC. On account ofD. On top of32. James ________ so far behind in the race that he knew he had little chance of winning.A. fellB. fallsC. has fallenD. was falling33. I ________ that the experience I was heading for was anything but boring, had I read thebrochure carefully.A. realizedB. had realizedC. would realizeD. would have realized34. He really wanted a bigger pay raise but decided to ________ what they offered.A. stand forB. allow forC. answer forD. settle for35. —Since we’ve got the manager’s approval, why don’t we start?—All right, let’s ________.A. cry for the moonB. hang in thereC. get the ball rollingD. call a spade a spade第二节完形填空(共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
江苏省南京市、盐城市2016届高三第一次模拟考试1. {-1} 【解析】由题意知A={-1,1},所以A ∩B={x|x ∈A 且x ∈B }={-1}.2.102【解析】方法一:由题意知z=(2+i)(1+i)(1-i)(1+i)=1+3i 2=12+32i ,所以|z|= 122+ 32 2= 102.方法二:|z|=|2+i||1-i|= 52= 102. 3. 3【解析】从5本书中取出2本书,基本事件有10个.从3本数学书中取出2本书的事件有3个,故所求的概率为310. 4. 17【解析】由伪代码可知,I 的取值依次为1,3,5,7,相应的S 的值为2,5,10,17.故输出的S 的值为17. 5. 17【解析】因为高一年级400人中抽取20人,所以高二年级360人中应抽取18人,所以高三年级学生中应抽取的人数为55-20-18=17(人). 6. 92【解析】设抛物线的方程为y 2=2px.由题意知32=2×1×p ,解得p=92,故其焦点到准线的距离为92. 7. -3【解析】作出约束条件表示的可行域如图中阴影部分所示,由图可知,当目标函数z=x-y 经过点(1,4)时,取得最小值,且最小值为1-4=-3.(第7题)8. 2【解析】由题意知正四棱锥的高为 ( 10)2-( 6)2=2,所以该正四棱锥的体积为1×2×(2 3)2=8,故原正方体的棱长为2. 9. 7【解析】在△ABC 中,因为cos B=35,所以sin B=45.又A=π4,所以sinC=sin (A+B )=sin A cos B+cos A sin B= 22×35+ 22×45=7 210.由正弦定理csin C =asin A ,得c=7.10. 20 【解析】设等比数列{a n }的公比为q ,若q=1,则S 6-2S 3=0,不符合题意,舍去,故q ≠1.因为S 6-2S 3=a 4+a 5+a 6-S 3=q 3S 3-S 3=(q 3-1)S 3=5,所以S 3=5q 3-1,且q 3-1>0,所以S 9-S 6=a 7+a 8+a 9=q 6·S 3=q 6·5q 3-1=5·(q 3-1+1)2q 3-1=5(q 3-1)+1q 3-1+2≥5×4=20.当且仅当q 3-1=1,即q= 23时取等号.故S 9-S 6的最小值为20. 11. -2【解析】方法一:由余弦定理得,BC 2=9+9-2×3×3×13=12,所以BC=2 所以cos ∠ABC= 33,所以AD ·BC =(BD -BA )·BC =13BC 2-BA ·BC =4-6=-2.方法二:如图,以BC所在直线为x轴、线段BC的中垂线为y轴,建立平面直角坐标系xOy,由方法一知B(-3,0),C(3,0),D-3,0,A(0,6),所以AD=-3,-6,BC=(23,0),所以AD·BC=-33,-6·(23,0)=-2.(第11题)12.x±3y+4=0【解析】方法一:设点B的坐标为(x0,y0),因为A是线段PB的中点,所以点A的坐标为x0-42,y02,所以(x0-1)2+y02=5,x0-4 2-12+y022=5,解得x0=2,y0=±2,所以直线l的方程为y=±13(x+4),即x±3y+4=0.方法二:设圆心C到直线l的距离为d,则CA2=d2+AB22=5,又CP2=d2+3AB22=25,解得d=52.设直线l的方程为y=k(x+4),则k+1=52,解得k=±13,所以直线l的方程为x±3y+4=0.13.-32,32【解析】因为f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,所以f(0)=0,所以m=-1,所以f(x)=2x-1x.作出函数f(x)的图象如图(1)所示,则由此得到函数g(x)的图象如图(2)所示.若函数y=g (x )-t 有且只有一个零点,根据图象知直线y=t 与函数g (x )的图象有且只有一个交点.因为g (1)=-32,所以g (-1)=32,所以实数t 的取值范围是-32,32.图(1) 图(2)(第13题)14. 0,1e+1【解析】作出函数的图象如图所示,由图设点P 的横坐标为x 0,则点Q 的横坐标为-x 0.①若点P ,Q 都在y=-x 3+x 2(x<e )上,由OP ⊥OQ ,知-x 03+x 02x 0·x 03+x 02-x 0=-1,即x 04-x 02+1=0,方程无解.②若点P ,Q 分别在函数y 的两段上,由OP ⊥OQ ,知a ln x 0x 0·x 03+x 02-x 0=-1,即a=1(x0+1)·ln x0.令函数f(x)=1(x+1)·ln x,当x≥e时,f(x)为减函数,所以f(x)的值域为0,1e+1,故实数a的取值范围是0,1e+1.(第14题)15.(1)由图象知,A=2.(2分)因为T4=5π6-π3=π2,且ω>0,所以T=2π=2πω,即ω=1,(4分)所以f(x)=2sin(x+φ).又函数f(x)=2sin(x+φ)过点π3,2,所以π+φ=π+2kπ,k∈Z,即φ=π6+2kπ,k∈Z.又-π2<φ<π2,所以φ=π6,(6分)所以f(x)=2sin x+π6.(8分)(2)当x∈-π2,π2时,x+π6∈-π3,2π3,(10分)所以sin x+π6∈-32,1,所以f(x)∈[-3,2],因此,当x∈-π,π时,函数f(x)的值域为[-3,2].(14分)16.(1)在△A1BC中,因为O是A1C的中点,M是BC的中点,所以OM∥A1B.(4分)又OM⊄平面ABB1A1,A1B⊂平面ABB1A1,所以OM∥平面ABB1A1.(6分)(2)因为ABC-A1B1C1是直三棱柱,所以CC1⊥底面ABC,所以CC1⊥BC.又∠ACB=π,所以BC ⊥AC.因为CC1⊂平面ACC1A1,AC⊂平面ACC1A1,且CC1∩AC=C,所以BC⊥平面ACC1A1.(8分)又AC1⊂平面ACC1A1,所以BC⊥AC1.因为四边形ACC1A1是正方形,所以A1C⊥AC1.又BC⊂平面A1BC,A1C⊂平面A1BC,且BC∩A1C=C,所以AC1⊥平面A1BC.(12分)因为AC1⊂平面ABC1,所以平面ABC1⊥平面A1BC.(14分)17. 方法一:由条件①得,PA PB =5030=53. (2分)设PA=5x ,PB=3x , 则cos ∠PAB=(5x )2+162-(3x )22×16×5x=x10+85x , (6分)所以点P 到直线AB 的距离h=PA ·sin ∠PAB=5x · 1-x 10+85x= -14x 4+17x 2-64 = -14(x 2-34)2+225,(10分)所以当x 2=34,即x= 34时,h 取得最大值15 km .即垃圾发电厂P 的选址应满足PA=5 34 km ,PB=3 34 km .(14分)方法二:如图,以AB 所在直线为x 轴、线段AB 的中垂线为y 轴,建立平面直角坐标系xOy , (2分)(第17题)则A (-8,0),B (8,0). 由条件①,得PA =50=5. (4分)设P (x ,y )(y>0),则3 (x +8)2+y 2=5 (x -8)2+y 2, 化简得,(x-17)2+y 2=152(y>0),(10分)即点P 的轨迹是以点(17,0)为圆心、15为半径的圆且位于x 轴上方的半圆,则当x=17时,点P 到直线AB 的距离最大,且最大值为15 km . 故点P 的选址应满足在上述坐标系中,其坐标为(17,15)即可. (14分)18. (1) 因为椭圆C 的右焦点坐标为( 3,0), 所以圆心M 的坐标为 ±12,(2分)所以圆M 的方程为(x- 3)2+ y ±12 2=14. (2) ①因为圆M 与直线OP :y=k 1x 相切, 所以100k 1+1=2 55, 即(4-5x 02)k 12+10x 0y 0k 1+4-5y 02=0.(6分)同理,有(4-5x 02)k 22+10x 0y 0k 2+4-5y 02=0,所以k 1,k 2是方程(4-5x 02)k 2+10x 0y 0k+4-5y 02=0的两个根,(8分)所以k 1k 2=4-5y 024-5x 02=4-5 1-14x 02 4-5x 02=-1+54x 024-5x 02=-1.(10分)②设点P 1的坐标为(x 1,y 1),点P 2的坐标为(x 2,y 2),联立 y =k 1x ,x 24+y 2=1,解得x 12=41+4k 12,y 12=4k 121+4k 12.(12分)同理,x 22=41+4k 22,y 22=4k 221+4k 22,所以OP 2·OQ 2=41+4k 12+4k 121+4k 12·41+4k 22+4k 221+4k 22=4(1+k 12)1+4k 12·4(1+k 22)1+4k 22=4+4k 121+4k 12·1+16k 121+4k 12(14分)≤5+20k 1222(1+4k 12)2=254,当且仅当k 1=±12时取等号,所以OP ·OQ 的最大值为5. (16分) 19. (1) 由题意得,f'(x )=a (1-x )e x, 因为函数f (x )在x=0处的切线方程为y=x , 所以f'(0)=a 1=1,得a=1. (2) 由(1)知f (x )=x e x <1k +2x -x 2对任意的x ∈(0,2)恒成立,所以k+2x-x 2>0,即k>x 2-2x 对任意的x ∈(0,2)恒成立,所以k ≥0. (6分)又不等式整理可得k<e x x +x 2-2x ,令g (x )=e x x +x 2-2x ,所以g'(x )=e x (x -1)x 2+2(x-1)=(x-1)e x x 2+2,令g'(x )=0,得x=1. (8分)当x ∈(1,2)时,g'(x )>0,函数g (x )在(1,2)上单调递增; 当x ∈(0,1)时,g'(x )<0,函数g (x )在(0,1)上单调递减. 所以k<g (x )min =g (1)=e -1.综上所述,实数k 的取值范围是[0,e -1). (10分)(3) 结论是g'x 1+x 22<0. (11分)证明:由题意知函数g (x )=ln x-x-b , 所以g'(x )=1x-1=1-xx(x>0), 易得函数g (x )在(0,1)上单调递增,在(1,+∞)上单调递减,所以只需证明x 1+x 22>1即可. (12分)因为x 1,x 2是函数g (x )的两个零点,所以 x 1+b =ln x 1,x 2+b =ln x 2,两式相减得x 2-x 1=ln x 2x 1.不妨令x2x 1=t>1,则x 2=tx 1, 则tx 1-x 1=ln t ,所以x 1=1t -1ln t ,x 2=t t -1ln t , 即证t +1t -1ln t>2, 即证明φ(t )=ln t-2·t -1t +1>0. (14分)因为φ'(t )=1t -4(t +1)2=(t -1)2t (t +1)2>0,所以φ(t )在(1,+∞)上单调递增,所以φ(t )>φ(1)=0.综上所述,函数g (x )总满足g'x 1+x 22<0成立. (16分)20. (1) 因为a n =2n 是逐项递增的,所以A i =2i ,B i =2i+1, 所以r i =2i -2i+1=-2i ,1≤i ≤m-1. (4分) (2) 若{a n }是逐项递减的,则A 1=a 1=1,B i =a m , 所以r i =a 1-a m >0,不满足r i =-2, 所以{a n }是逐项递增的.(6分)则A i =a i ,B i =a i+1,所以r i =a i -a i+1=-2,即a i+1-a i =2,1≤i ≤m-1, 所以{a n }是公差为2的等差数列,a n =1+2(n-1)=2n-1,1≤i ≤m-1. (10分)(3) 构造a n =n- 12n ,其中b n =n ,c n =- 12n . (12分)下面证明数列{a n }满足题意:因为a n =n- 12n ,所以数列{a n }是逐项递增的, (14分) 所以A i =a i =i- 12i ,B i =a i+1=i+1- 12i +1, 所以r i =a i -a i+1=-1- 1 i +1,1≤i ≤m-1. 因为r i+1-r i = -1- 12i +2 - -1- 12 i +1 = 12i +2>0, 所以数列{r i }是逐项递增的,满足题意. (16分)(注:等差数列{b n }的首项b 1任意,公差d 为正数,同时等比数列{c n }的首项c 1为负,公比q ∈(0,1),这样构造的数列{a n }都满足题意)江苏省无锡市2016届高三第一次模拟考试1. -1 【解析】因为A ∩B={-1,0},所以a=-1.2. 22【解析】方法一:因为z=(1-2i)(3+i)(3-i)(3+i)=5-5i 10=12-12i ,所以|z|= 12+ -12 = 22.方法二:|z|=|1-2i||3-i|= 5 10= 22. 3. 5【解析】由流程图可知,在循环的过程中,S 与A 的值依次为3,2;7,3;15,4;31,5;63,6.故判断框中的条件应为A ≤5,即M=5. 4. 2【解析】设[50,60]年龄段应抽取x 人,则根据分层抽样得,x 8=0.0050.005+0.015,解得x=2.5. 2sin 2x -π3【解析】由题意知g (x )=f x -π6 =2sin 2 x -π6,整理得g (x )=2sin 2x -π.6. 2【解析】从四个数中随机取两个数,基本事件有6个.其中一奇一偶的事件有4个:(1,2),(1,4),(3,2),(3,4),故所求的概率为46=23. 7. 725【解析】方法一:由题意知-45°<α-45°<45°,则cos (α-45°)=7 210,所以cos 2α=-sin (2α-90°)=-2sin (α-45°)·cos (α-45°)=-2× - 210×7 210=725. 方法二:由sin (α-45°)=- 210,展开得sin α-cos α=-15,所以0°<α<45°,平方得sin 2α=2425,因为0°<2α<90°,所以cos 2α=7.8.33【解析】方法一:设点O到平面VAB的距离为h.由题意知V三棱锥VOAB =V三棱锥OVAB,所以13×12×1=13×32×h,解得h=33.方法二:取AB的中点M,连接OM,VM,在Rt△VOM中,点O到VM的距离即为点O到平面VAB的距离.因为VO=1,OM=22,VM=62,所以点O到VM1×2262=33,故点O到平面VAB的距离为33.9.2+1【解析】设双曲线的标准方程为x 2a2-y2b2=1,则由题意知,AB=2c,2a=CA-CB=2(2-1)c,所以c=12-1=2+1,即双曲线的离心率为2+1.10. 8【解析】由题意知,数列{b n}是公差为1的等差数列,且b3=-2,所以b n=b3+(n-3)×1=n-5,所以a n+1-a n=n-5,所以a n+1=(a n+1-a n)+(a n-a n-1)+…+(a2-a1)+a1=n(n+1)2-5n+a1.令n=2,则a3=3-10+a1=1,解得a1=8.11.0,233【解析】如图,由正弦定理得|α|sinθ=1sin60°,所以|α|=23sin θ∈0,233.(第11题)12.5【解析】由题意知y'=1+1x2(x>0),所以在点P处的切线斜率为1+1x02,切线方程为y- x0-1x0=1+1x02(x-x0),该切线与x轴交于点A2x01+x02,0,与y轴交于点B0,-2x0.因为S△OAB=12·2x0·2x01+x02=13(其中x0>0),所以解得x0=5.13.14【解析】若圆C上存在两点A,B,使得PA·PB≤0,则∠APB≥90°.如图,过点P作圆C的两条切线PA0,PB0(A0,B0为切点),则∠A0PB0≥90°,故在Rt△PCA0中,只要∠CPA0≥45°即可.由正弦定理PC=CA00,得PC=2.因为sin∠CPA0≥2,所以PC≤22.又圆心C(2,0)到直线l:y=x+1的距离d=2,点P在线段EF上,所以EF≤2PC2-d2≤28-92=14,故线段EF长度的最大值是14.(第13题)14. 1e,1 【解析】当t ≥1时,f (t )-kt=ln t-kt ≤0恒成立,即k ≥ln t t.设g (x )=ln x(x ≥1),则g'(x )=1-ln x2,当x ∈(1,e )时,g'(x )>0,g (x )在(1,e )上单调递增;当x ∈(e ,+∞)时,g'(x )<0,g (x )在(e ,+∞)上单调递减.因此,当x=e 时,g (x )取得最大值,且最大值为1e,所以k ≥1e. 当0<t<1时,f (t )-kt=-t (t-1)2-kt ≤0恒成立,即k ≥-(t-1)2,因为-(t-1)2∈(-1,0),所以k ≥0; 当t=0时,f (t )=0=kt ,所以k ∈R ;当t<0时,f (t )-kt=t (t-1)2-kt ≤0,则k ≤(t-1)2,因为(t-1)2∈(1,+∞), 所以k ≤1.综上,实数k 的取值范围为 1e,1 .15. (1) 因为a ⊥b ,所以sin 2B-sin 2C+sin A (sin C-sin A )=0, 即sin A sin C=sin 2A+sin 2C-sin 2B. (2分)由正弦定理得ac=a 2+c 2-b 2, 所以cos B=a 2+c 2-b 22ac=12.(4分) 因为B ∈(0,π),所以B=π. (6分)(2) 因为c ·cos A=b , 所以b c =b 2+c 2-a 22bc,即b 2=c 2-a 2. (8分)又ac=a 2+c 2-b 2,b=2R sin B= 3, (10分)解得a=1,c=2,(12分)所以S △ABC =1ac sin B= 3.(14分)16. (1) 因为平面PAC ⊥平面ABC ,AC 为两平面的交线, 且AC ⊥BC ,BC ⊂平面ABC , 所以BC ⊥平面PAC.(2分)又PE ∥CB ,M ,N 分别为AE ,AP 的中点,所以MN ∥PE , (3分)所以MN ∥BC ,所以MN ⊥平面PAC. (5分)又MN ⊂平面CMN ,所以平面CMN ⊥平面PAC. (7分)(2) 因为PE ∥CB ,BC ⊂平面ABC ,PE ⊄平面ABC , 所以PE ∥平面ABC.(9分)设平面PAE 与平面ABC 的交线为l ,则PE ∥l. (10分) 又MN ∥平面ABC ,MN ⊂平面PAE ,所以MN ∥l , (11分) 所以MN ∥PE.(12分)因为M 是AE 的中点, 所以N 为PA 的中点.(14分)17. 方案一:如图(1),过点Q 分别作QM ⊥AC 于点M ,QN ⊥BC 于点N ,(第17题(1))因为△PQR 为等腰直角三角形,且QP=QR , 所以△RMQ ≌△PNQ , 所以QM=QN , 所以Q 为AB 的中点, (2分)则QM=QN=5m . (3分) 设∠RQM=α, 则RQ=5,α∈[0°,45°), 所以S △PQR =12×RQ 2=252cos 2α, (4分)所以S △PQR 的最小值为252m 2.(6分)方案二:如图(2),设CQ=x ,∠RQC=β,β∈(0°,90°),(第17题(2))在△RCQ 中,RQ=x cos β, (8分)在△BPQ 中,∠PQB=90°-β,∠BPQ=45°+β, 所以QP sin B =BQsin ∠BPQ, 即x22cos β=10-x,化简得x cos β=10sin β+2cos β, (10分)所以S △PQR =1×RQ 2=50(sin β+2cos β)2.因为(sin β+2cos β)2≤5, (12分)所以S △PQR 的最小值为10m 2. (13分)综上,应选用方案二.(14分)18. (1) 由题意知 c =1,a 2c-c =3,解得 a =2,c =1,所以b= 3,(2分)所以椭圆M 的方程为x 24+y 23=1, (4分)圆N 的方程为(x-1)2+y 2=5. (5分)由直线l :y=kx+m 与椭圆M 只有一个公共点,联立x24+y23=1, y=kx+m,得(3+4k2)x2+8kmx+4m2-12=0,①(6分)所以Δ=64k2m2-4(3+4k2)(4m2-12)=0,得m2=3+4k2.②(7分)由直线l:y=kx+m与圆N只有一个公共点,得|k+m|1+k=5,即k2+2km+m2=5+5k2,③(8分)将②代入③得km=1.④由②④且k>0,得k=1,m=2,(9分)所以直线l的方程为y=12x+2.(10分)(2)由(1)可知,点A的坐标为-1,32,(11分)点B的坐标为(0,2).(12分)设点P的坐标为(x0,y0),因为PBPA=22,则x02+(y0-2)2 (x0+1)2+y0-322=8,化简得7x02+7y02+16x0-20y0+22=0.⑤(13分)又点P(x0,y0)满足x02+y02-2x0=4,⑥将⑤-7×⑥得,3x0-2y0+5=0,即y0=3x0+52.⑦(14分)将⑦代入⑥得,13x02+22x0+9=0,解得x0=-1或x0=-9,代入⑦得,y0=1或y0=19,(15分)所以点P 的坐标为(-1,1)或 -913,1913 . (16分)19. (1) 当a=2时,函数f (x )=ln x+e , 则f'(x )=1x -e x2=x -ex 2(x>0), (2分)当x ∈(0,e )时,f'(x )<0,函数f (x )在(0,e )上单调递减; (3分) 当x ∈(e ,+∞)时,f'(x )>0,函数f (x )在(e ,+∞)上单调递增.(4分)所以函数f (x )的单调增区间为(e ,+∞),单调减区间为(0,e ). (2) 由题意知ln x+a +e-2x≥a 在(0,+∞)上恒成立,等价于x ln x+a+e -2-ax ≥0在(0,+∞)上恒成立. (6分) 令g (x )=x ln x+a+e -2-ax , 则g'(x )=ln x+1-a. 令g'(x )=0,得x=e a-1,(7分)所以g (x )的最小值为g (e a-1)=(a-1)e a-1+a+e -2-a e a-1=a+e -2-e a-1. (9分) 令t (x )=x+e -2-e x-1, 则t'(x )=1-e x-1. (10分)令t'(x )=0,得x=1,当x 变化时,t'(x ),t (x )(11分)所以当a ∈(0,1)时,g (x )的最小值 t (a )>t (0)=e -2-1e =e(e-2)-1e>0,所以a ∈(0,1); (12分)当a ∈[1,+∞)时,g (x )的最小值t (a )=a+e -2-e a-1≥0=t (2), (14分)所以a ∈[1,2]. (15分)综上,实数a 的取值范围为(0,2].(16分)20. (1) 由b n =2n-3且q=2,得a n+1-a n =4,所以数列{a n }为等差数列. (2分)又a 1=1,所以a n =4n-3.(4分)(2) 由条件可知a n -a n-1=q (b n -b n-1),所以a n =(a n -a n-1)+(a n-1-a n-2)+…+(a 2-a 1)+a 1=q (b n -b n-1)+q (b n-1-b n-2)+…+q (b 2-b 1)+a 1=qb n -qb 1+a 1=qb n -2q+1, (6分)不妨设{b n }的公比为λ(λ≠1),则a n =2qλn-1-2q+1.因为{a n }是等比数列,所以a 22=a 1a 3,解得q=12, (7分)经检验,a n =λn-1,此时{a n }是等比数列,所以q=12满足条件. (8分)(3) 由条件可知a n -a n-1=q (b n -b n-1),所以a n =(a n -a n-1)+(a n-1-a n-2)+…+(a 2-a 1)+a 1=q (b n -b n-1)+q (b n-1-b n-2)+…+q (b 2-b 1)+a 1=qb n -qb 1+a 1,即a n =q n+1-q 2+q , (10分)a 2n =q 2n+1-q 2+q.因为q ∈(-1,0),所以a 2n+2-a 2n =q 2n+3-q 2n+1=q 2n+1(q 2-1)>0,则数列{a 2n }逐项递增;(11分)a 2n+1-a 2n-1=q 2n+2-q 2n =q 2n (q 2-1)<0,则数列{a 2n-1}逐项递减.(12分)又a 2n -a 1=q 2n+1-q 2<0,所以数列{a n }的最大项为a 1=q=M , (13分)a 2n+1-a 2=q 2n+2-q 3=q 3(q 2n-1-1)>0,所以数列{a n }的最小项为a 2=q 3-q 2+q=m , (14分)所以M =q q 3-q 2+q =1q 2-q +1.因为q ∈(-1,0), 所以q 2-q+1∈(1,3), 所以M m∈ 13,1 ,所以M m的取值范围为 13,1 . (16分)江苏省苏州市2016届高三第一次模拟考试1. {2} 【解析】由题意知,集合A={x|x ≥ 5,x ∈N },则∁U A={x|2≤x< 5,x ∈N }={2}.2. -5 【解析】因为|z|=|a i||1+2i|=|a |5= 5,所以|a|=5,又a<0,所以a=-5.3. 3【解析】由题意知a=2,b= 5,所以c=3,所以双曲线的离心率为3. 4. 2【解析】由9+8+x +10+115=10,知x=12,所以方差为15×[(10-9)2+(10-8)2+(10-12)2+(10-10)2+(10-11)2]=2. 5. 9 【解析】由题意知a ·(a-b )=0,即a 2-a ·b=0,所以5-(x-4)=0,解得x=9.6. 53【解析】由流程图可知,在循环的过程中,x ,y ,z 的数据依次为1,2,3;2,3,5;3,5,8.故最后输出的y x的值是53. 7. (-∞,1] 【解析】当x ≤0时,0<2x ≤1;当x>0时,-x 2+1<1.所以函数f (x )的值域为(-∞,1]. 8. 1【解析】连续抛掷骰子两次,基本事件有36个.两次向上的数字之和等于7的事件有6个:(1,6),(2,5),(3,4),(4,3),(5,2),(6,1).故所求的概率为636=16. 9. 5【解析】半径为5的圆的周长是10π,由题意知2πr 1+2πr 2+2πr 3=10π,所以r 1+r 2+r 3=5. 10. -31【解析】由sin θ-2cos θ=-2,得sin θ=2cos θ-2,平方整理得125cos 2θ-40cos θ-21=0,解得cos θ=-725或cos θ=35(舍去),所以sin θ=-2425,所以sin θ+cos θ=-3125. 11. 5或6【解析】设等差数列{a n }的公差为d ,则 a 1+4d =15,a 1+9d =-10,解得 a 1=35,d =-5,所以数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n =-52n 2+752n ,则T n =S n+5-S n-1=-30n+165(n ≥2,n ∈N *).又T 1=S 6=135,所以对n ∈N *,总有|T n |=|-30n+165|,则当n=5或6时,|T 5|=|T 6|=15,此时|T n |取得最小值. 12. 18【解析】由题意知两平行线l 1,l 2将圆C 的周长四等分,所以相应弦所对的圆心角为90°,所以弦心距为 22×2 2=2.因为圆心C (1,2)到直线l 1:y=x+a 的距离为2=2,解得a=1±2 2,所以a=1+2 2,b=1-2 2或a=1-2 2,b=1+2 2,所以a 2+b 2=18. 13. 1【解析】令f (x )=0,得|sin x|=kx.当x ≥0时,如图,作出函数y 1=|sin x|和y 2=kx的图象.若函数f (x )有且只有三个零点,则当x ∈(π,2π)时,y 2=kx 与y 1=-sin x 相切,且x 0为切点的横坐标,即(-sin x )'|x =x 0=-sin x 0x 0,所以tan x 0=x 0,所以x 0(1+x 02)sin2x 0 =tan x 0(1+tan 2x 0)sin2x 0=sin x 0·cos x 0sin2x 0=12.(第13题)14. 4+4 23【解析】因为b=14a,a ∈(0,1),所以11-a +21-b =11-a +21-14a=11-a +24a -1+2=2a +1-4a 2+5a -1+2.令2a+1=t ,则a=t -12,原式=t -t 2+92t -92+2=192- t +92t+2≥192-2 t ·92t+2=4+4 23.当且仅当t=3 22,即a=3 2-24∈(0,1)时取等号.故原式的最小值为4+4 23. 15. (1) 由余弦定理知a cos B+b cos A=a ·a 2+c 2-b 22ac+b ·b 2+c 2-a 22bc=2c 22c =c ,(3分)所以a cos B +b cos Ac=1, 所以cos C=12. (5分)又C ∈(0,π),所以C=π3.(7分)(2) 因为S △ABC =1ab sin C=2 3, 所以ab=8. (10分)又因为a+b=6,所以c 2=a 2+b 2-2ab cos C=(a+b )2-3ab=12, (13分)所以c=2 3.(14分)16. (1) 如图,连接AC ,因为E ,F 分别是AB ,BC 的中点,所以EF 是△ABC 的中位线,所以EF ∥AC.(2分)由直棱柱ABCD -A 1B 1C 1D 1知AA 1CC 1, 所以四边形AA 1C 1C 为平行四边形, 所以AC ∥A 1C 1. (5分) 所以EF ∥A 1C 1,故A 1,C 1,F ,E 四点共面.(7分)(第16题)(2) 如图,连接BD ,在直棱柱ABCD -A 1B 1C 1D 1中,DD 1⊥平面A 1B 1C 1D 1,A 1C 1⊂平面A 1B 1C 1D 1,所以DD1⊥A1C1.(9分)因为底面A1B1C1D1是菱形,所以A1C1⊥B1D1.又DD1⊂平面BB1D1D,B1D1⊂平面BB1D1D,DD1∩B1D1=D1,所以A1C1⊥平面BB1D1D.(11分)因为OD⊂平面BB1D1D,所以OD⊥A1C1.又OD⊥A1E,A1C1∩A1E=A1,A1C1⊂平面A1C1FE,A1E⊂平面A1C1FE,所以OD⊥平面A1C1FE.(14分)17.(1)如图,以AB所在的直线为x轴、AB的中垂线为y轴,建立平面直角坐标系xOy,因为AB=2 m,所以半圆O的半径为1 m,则半圆O的方程为x2+y2=1(-1≤x≤1,y≤0).(3分)因为水深CD=0.4 m,所以OD=0.6 m,在Rt△ODM中,DM=OM2-OD2=1-0.62=0.8(m),(5分)所以MN=2DM=1.6 m,故渠中水面的宽度为1.6 m.(6分)(第17题)(2)为使挖出的土最少,等腰梯形的两腰必须与半圆O相切.设切点为P(cos θ,sin θ)-π<θ<0是BC上的一点,如图,过点P作半圆的切线得直角梯形OCFE,则切线EF的方程为x cos θ+y sin θ=1.(8分),0,令y=0,得E1cosθ,-1.令y=-1,得F1+sinθcosθ设直角梯形OCFE的面积为S,则S=12(CF+OE )·OC=121cos θ+1+sin θcos θ×1=2+sin θ2cos θ-π2<θ<0. (10分)S'=cos θcos θ-(2+sin θ)(-sin θ)2cos 2θ=1+2sin θ2,令S'=0,解得θ=-π6.当-π2<θ<-π6时,S'<0,函数S 在 -π2,-π6上单调递减; 当-π6<θ<0时,S'>0,函数S 在 -π6,0 上单调递增. (12分)所以当θ=-π6时,面积S 取得最小值,且最小值为 32.此时CF=1+sin -π6 cos -π6= 33,即当渠底宽为2 33 m 时,所挖的土最少. (14分)18. (1) 由题意知B (0,1),C (0,-1),焦点F ( ,0),当直线PM 过椭圆O 的右焦点F 时,直线PM 的方程为 3+y -1=1,即y= 33x-1.联立 x 24+y 2=1,y = 33x -1,解得 x =837,y =17或 x =0,y =-1(舍去),即点M 的坐标为 8 3,1 . (2分)连接BF ,则直线BF 的方程为x 3+y 1=1, 即x+ 3y- 3=0. 又BF=a=2,点M 到直线BF 的距离为d=8 37+ 3×17- 3 1+( 3)=2 372= 37,(4分)故△FBM 的面积为S △MBF =12·BF ·d=12×2× 37= 37. (5分)(2) 方法一:①设P (m ,-2),且m ≠0,则直线PM 的斜率为k=-1-(-2)0-m=-1,则直线PM 的方程为y=-1x-1.联立 y =-1m x -1,x 24+y 2=1,消去y ,得1+4m 2x 2+8m x=0,解得点M 的坐标为-8mm 2+4,4-m 2m 2+4, (8分)所以k 1=4-m 2m 2+4-1-8m m 2+4=-2m 2-8m =14m ,k 2=1-(-2)0-m =-3m , 所以k 1·k 2=-3m ·14m=-34为定值.(10分)②由①知,PB =(-m ,3),PM=-8mm 2+4-m ,4-m 2m 2+4+2=-m 3-12m m 2+4,m 2+12m 2+4,所以PB ·PM =(-m ,3)·-m 3+12m m 2+4,m 2+12m 2+4=m 4+15m 2+36m 2+4.(13分)令m 2+4=t>4,则PB ·PM =(t -4)2+15(t -4)+36t=t 2+7t -8t =t-8t+7.因为y=t-8+7在t ∈(4,+∞)上单调递增,所以PB ·PM =t-8+7>4-8+7=9,故PB ·PM 的取值范围为(9,+∞).(16分)方法二:①设点M 的坐标为(x 0,y 0)(x 0≠0),则直线PM 的方程为y=y 0+1x 0x-1,令y=-2,得点P 的坐标为-x 0y0+1,-2, (7分)所以k 1=y 0-1x 0,k 2=-2-1-x 0y 0+1=3(y 0+1)x 0,所以k 1·k 2=y 0-1x 0·3(y 0+1)x 0=3(y 02-1)x 02=3(y 02-1)4(1-y 02)=-34为定值.(10分)②由①知,PB= x 0y 0+1,3 , PM = x 0+x 00,y 0+2 ,所以PB ·PM =x 0y 0+1x 0+x 0y 0+1 +3(y 0+2)=x 02(y 0+2)(y 0+1)2+3(y 0+2)=4(1-y 02)(y 0+2)(y 0+1)2+3(y 0+2)=(7-y 0)(y 0+2)y 0+1.(13分)令t=y 0+1∈(0,2), 则PB·PM =(8-t )(t +1)t =-t+8t+7. 因为y=-t+8t+7在t ∈(0,2)上单调递减, 所以PB ·PM =-t+8t +7>-2+82+7=9, 故PB·PM 的取值范围为(9,+∞). (16分)19. (1) 若q=0,则a n+1-a n =p ·3n-1, 所以a 2=a 1+p=12+p ,a 3=a 2+3p=12+4p.由数列{a n }为等比数列,得 1+p 2=1· 1+4p ,解得p=0或p=1. (3分) 当p=0时,a n+1=a n ,所以a n =12符合题意; (4分)当p=1时,a n+1-a n =3n-1, 所以a n =a 1+(a 2-a 1)+(a 3-a 2)+…+(a n -a n-1)=12+(1+3+…+3n-2)=12+1-3n -11-3=12·3n-1,所以a n +1n=3符合题意. (6分)(2) 方法一:若p=1,则a n+1-a n =3n-1-nq ,所以a n =a 1+(a 2-a 1)+(a 3-a 2)+…+(a n -a n-1)=12+(1+3+…+3n-2)-[1+2+…+(n-1)]q=12[3n-1-n (n-1)q ].(8分)因为数列{a n }的最小项为a 4,所以对任意的n ∈N *,有12[3n-1-n (n-1)q ]≥a 4=12(27-12q )恒成立,即3n-1-27≥(n 2-n-12)q 对任意的n ∈N *恒成立. (10分) 当n=1时,有-26≥-12q , 所以q ≥13;当n=2时,有-24≥-10q , 所以q ≥12;当n=3时,有-18≥-6q ,所以q ≥3; 当n=4时,有0≥0,所以q ∈R ; (12分)当n ≥5时,n 2-n-12>0, 所以有q ≤3n -1-27n 2-n -12恒成立. 令c n =3n -1-27n 2-n -12(n ≥5,n ∈N *), 则c n+1-c n =2(n 2-2n -12)3n -1+54n(n -16)(n -9)>0,即数列{c n }为逐项递增数列, 所以q ≤c 5=274.(15分)综上所述,q 的取值范围为 3,274. (16分)方法二:因为p=1,a n+1-a n =3n-1-nq , 又a 4为数列{a n }的最小项, 所以 a 4-a 3≤0,a 5-a 4≥0,即 9-3q ≤0,27-4q ≥0,所以3≤q ≤274.(8分)此时a 2-a 1=1-q<0,a 3-a 2=3-2q<0, 所以a 1>a 2>a 3≥a 4. (10分)当n ≥4时,令b n =a n+1-a n ,则b n+1-b n =2·3n-1-q ≥2·34-1-274>0, 所以b n+1>b n ,所以0≤b 4<b 5<b 6<…, 所以a 4≤a 5<a 6<a 7<….(14分)综上所述,当3≤q ≤274时,a 4为数列{a n }的最小项, 故所求q 的取值范围为 3,27 . (16分)20. (1) 当a=1时,f (x )=e x (2x-1)-x+1,f'(x )=e x (2x+1)-1, (1分)令f'(x )=0,则x=0.当x ∈(0,+∞)时,e x >1,2x+1>1,所以f'(x )>0,所以函数f (x )在(0,+∞)上单调递增; 当x ∈(-∞,0)时,0<e x <1,2x+1<1,所以f'(x )<0,所以函数f (x )在(-∞,0)上单调递减. (4分) 所以函数f (x )的单调增区间为(0,+∞),单调减区间为(-∞,0). (2) ①由f (x )<0得e x (2x-1)<a (x-1). 当x=1时,不等式显然不成立; 当x>1时,a>e x (2x -1)x -1; 当x<1时,a<e x (2x -1)x -1. (6分)记g (x )=e x (2x -1)x -1,g'(x )=e x (2x +1)(x -1)-e x (2x -1)(x -1)2=e x (2x 2-3x )(x -1)2,所以函数g (x )在(-∞,0)和 32,+∞ 上单调递增,在(0,1)和 1,32上单调递减. 所以当x>1时,a>g 32=4e 32;当x<1时,a<g (0)=1. (8分)综上所述,实数a 的取值范围为(-∞,1)∪(4e 32,+∞). (9分)②由①知,当a<1时,x 0∈(-∞,1), 由f (x 0)<0,得g (x 0)>a.又g (x )在(-∞,0)上单调递增,在(0,1)上单调递减,且g (0)=1>a ,所以g (-1)≤a ,即a ≥32e,所以3≤a<1;(12分)当a>4e 32时,x 0∈(1,+∞), 由f (x 0)<0,得g (x 0)<a.又g (x )在 1,3 上单调递减,在 3,+∞ 上单调递增,且g 3 =4e 32<a , 所以 g (2)<a ,g (3)≥a ,解得3e 2<a ≤5e 32.(15分)综上所述,实数a 的取值范围为 32e,1 ∪ 3e 2,5e 32. (16分)江苏省常州市2016届高三第一次模拟考试1. 2-2i 【解析】由题意知z=52+i-i =2-i -i =2-2i . 2. {2}【解析】由题意知∁U A={2,4},则B ∩∁U A={2}.3. 6 【解析】根据分层抽样应抽取初中学校20×3010+30+60=6(所).4. 5【解析】由题意知双曲线C 的渐近线y=-b x 过点P (1,-2),所以b =2,所以该双曲线的离心率e=c = 1+ b2= 5.5. -∞,32【解析】因为(-x 2+2 ∈(-∞,2 所以函数f (x )=log 2(-x 2+2 )的值域为-∞,32. 6. 910【解析】从5名学生中选出3名学生,基本事件有10个.只有选出的“3名学生全是女生”这1个事件不符合要求,故所求的概率为1-1=9. 7. 2【解析】由流程图可知,在循环的过程中,S 与k 的值依次为-1,2;2,3;3,4;-12,5;23,6;…,3,2 014;-12,2 015;23,2 016.故最后输出的S 的值是23.8. 3 【解析】由题意知V三棱锥MPAD=V三棱锥PADM=13× 12×2× 3 ×3= 3.9. 152【解析】作出不等式组表示的可行域如图中阴影部分所示,由图可知,当目标函数z=2x+y 经过点 54,5 时,取得最大值,且最大值为2×54+5=152.(第9题)10. 2【解析】由a ⊥b ,知a ·b=0,即4x +2x -2=0,解得2x =1,所以a=(1,1),b=(1,-1),所以a-b=(0,2),故|a-b|=2. 11. 117【解析】设等比数列{a n }的公比为q (q>0),由题意知49(q 2+q 4)=40,解得q=3,所以a 1=19,则原式=a 1(q 6+q 7+q 8)9=32+33+34=117. 12.7+4 34【解析】如图,建立平面直角坐标系,则AB=(4,0),AD =(0,4).设AP =(x ,y ),则BC 所在直线为4x+3y=16.由(x ,y )=m (4,0)+n (0,4),得x=4m ,y=4n (m ,n>0),所以16m+12n=16,即m+34n=1,那么1m +1n =1m +1nm+34n=74+3n 4m +m n ≥74+2 3n 4m ·m n =74+ 3=7+4 34.当且仅当3n 2=4m 2时取等号.(第12题)13.-203,4【解析】设点P的坐标为(x,y),则x+3y-b=0.若切线长PB=2PA,则(x-4)2+y2-4=4(x2+y2-1),即3x2+3y2+8x-16=0,即4x2+(8-2b)x+b2-16=0.由题意知Δ=(8-2b)2-16(b2-16)>0,即3b2+8b-80<0,解得-203<b<4,所以实数b的取值范围是-203,4.14.[-3,e2]【解析】当x≤0时,由f(x)≥kx恒成立,知2x2-3x≥kx恒成立,则k≥2x-3恒成立.令g(x)=2x-3,则k≥g(x)max=g(0)=-3,所以k≥-3;当x>0时,先求函数y=e x+e2(x>0)的图象的过坐标原点的切线.设切点为(x0,y0),由y'=e x,得e x0=y0x0,即x0·e x0=e x0+e2.当x0>2时,x0·e x0>e x0+e2;当0<x0<2时,x0·e x0<e x0+e2.故上述方程有唯一的解x0=2,即y=e x+e2过坐标原点的切线方程是y=e2·x.要使e x+e2≥kx恒成立,则k≤e2.综上,实数k的取值范围是[-3,e2].15.(1)因为A+B+C=π,所以A=π-(B+C).由cos(B-C)=1-cos A,得cos(B-C)=1+cos(B+C),展开,整理得sin B·sin C=12.(2分)(2)因为b,a,c成等比数列,所以a2=bc,由正弦定理得sin2A=sin B sin C,所以sin2A=1.(6分)因为A∈(0,π),所以sin A=2,又因为边a 不是最大边,所以A=π4. (8分) (3) 因为B+C=π-A=3π,所以cos (B+C )=cos B cos C-sin B sin C=- 2,sin (B+C )= 2,所以cos B cos C=1- 2, (10分)所以tan B+tan C=sin B cos B +sin C cos C =sin(B +C )cos B cos C = 221- 22=-2- 2.(14分)16. (1) 连接AC 1,BC 1,因为四边形AA 1C 1C 是矩形,D 是A 1C 的中点, 所以D 是AC 1的中点. (2分)在△ABC 1中,因为D ,E 分别是AC 1,AB 的中点, 所以DE ∥BC 1.(4分)又DE ⊄平面BB 1C 1C ,BC 1⊂平面BB 1C 1C , 所以ED ∥平面BB 1C 1C.(6分) (2) 因为△ABC 是正三角形,E 是AB 的中点,所以CE ⊥AB. 又因为在正三棱柱A 1B 1C 1-ABC 中,平面ABC ⊥平面ABB 1A 1,平面ABC ∩平面ABB 1A 1=AB ,CE ⊂平面ABC , 所以CE ⊥平面ABB 1A 1. 又A 1B ⊂平面ABB 1A 1, 所以CE ⊥A 1B.(9分)在矩形ABB 1A 1中, 因为A 1B 11= 2=B 1B, 所以Rt △A 1B 1B ∽Rt △B 1BE , 所以∠B 1A 1B=∠BB 1E ,所以∠B 1A 1B+∠A 1B 1E=∠BB 1E+∠A 1B 1E=90°, 所以A 1B ⊥B 1E.(12分)又因为CE ⊂平面B 1CE ,B 1E ⊂平面B 1CE ,CE ∩B 1E=E ,所以A 1B ⊥平面B 1CE. (14分)17. (1) 由题意得dk +a 1-d =k 2+2, ①2dk +a 1-d =(k +2)2, ②(2分)②-①,得d=4+2k .因为k ∈N *,d 为整数,所以k=1或k=2. (4分)当k=1时,d=6,代入①,解得a 1=3, 所以a n =6n-3;当k=2时,d=5,代入①,解得a 1=1, 所以a n =5n-4.(6分)综上,k=1,a n =6n-3或k=2,a n =5n-4. (2) 因为a 1>1,所以a n =6n-3,所以S n =3n 2. (7分)由S 2S m=T 3,得123m 2=1+q+q 2, 整理,得q 2+q+1-4m 2=0. (9分)因为Δ=1-4 1-4m 2≥0, 所以m 2≤163.因为m ∈N *,所以m=1或m=2. (11分)当m=1时,q=- 13-12(舍去),q= 13-12; 当m=2时,q=0或q=-1(均舍去). 综上所述,q=13-12. (14分)18. (1) 在△COP 中,CP 2=CO 2+OP 2-2CO ·OP cos θ=10-6cos θ,所以△CDP 的面积S △CDP = 34CP 2= 32(5-3cos θ).又因为△COP 的面积S △COP =12OC ·OP ·sin θ=32sin θ,(6分)所以S=S△CDP+S△COP-S扇形OBP=1 23sinθ-33cosθ-θ +532,0<θ≤θ0<π,cos θ0=1-10512.(9分)注:定义域占2分.当DP所在直线与半圆相切时,设θ取得最大值θ0,此时在△COP中,OP=1,OC=3,∠CPO=30°,CP=10-6cos θ0,由正弦定理得10-6cos θ0=6sin θ0,cos θ0=1-10512或cos θ0=1+10512(舍去)(2)存在.由(1)知,S'=123cos θ+33sin θ-1=3sin θ+π6-12,(12分)当0<θ<θ0时,S'>0,所以当θ=θ0时,S取得最大值.(14分)另解:因为0<θ<π,所以存在唯一的θ0∈π2,π ,使得sin θ0+π6=16.当0<θ<θ0<π时,S'>0,所以当θ=θ0时,S取得最大值此时cos θ0+π6=-356,cos θ0=cosθ0+π6-π6=1-10512.(16分)19.(1)由题意知abc=23,a=2,又a2=b2+c2,解得b=3,c=1,(4分)所以椭圆C的方程为x 24+y23=1.(5分)(2)点A在椭圆C上.证明如下:设切点为Q(x0,y0),x0≠0,则x02+y02=3,切线l的方程为x0x+y0y-3=0.当y P =2 3时,x P =3-2 3y 0x 0, 即点P 的坐标为3-2 3y 0,2 3 , 则k OP =2 33-23y 0x 0=2x 03-2y ,(7分)所以k OA =2y 0- 30,则直线OA 的方程为y=2y 0- 30x. (9分)联立y =2y 0- 32x 0x ,x 0x +y 0y -3=0,解得 x =06- 3y 0y =0 3)6- 3y 即点A 的坐标为6x 06- 3y ,0 3)6- 3y . (11分)因为6-3y 024+0 3)6-3y 032=0202 3y 03y 2-123y +36=02 3y 03y 2-123y +36=1,所以点A 的坐标满足椭圆C 的方程. (14分)当y P =-2 时,同理可得点A 的坐标也满足椭圆C 的方程, 综上,点A 在椭圆C 上.(16分)20.(1)由题意知F(x)=|x2-ln x-b|+2b+1,记t(x)=x2-ln x,x∈12,2,则t'(x)=2x-1x,令t'(x)=0,得x=2.(1分)当1<x<2时,t'(x)<0,函数t(x)在1,2上单调递减;当22<x<2时,t'(x)>0,函数t(x)在22,2上单调递增.又t12=14+ln 2,t(2)=4-ln 2,t22=1+ln22且t(2)-t12=154-2ln 2>0,所以函数t(x)的值域为1+ln22,4-ln 2.(3分)当b∈[1,3]时,记v(t)=|t-b|+2b+1,则v(t)=-t+3b+1,1+ln22≤t≤b, t+b+1,b<t≤4-ln2.因为函数v(t)在1+ln22,b 上单调递减,在(b,4-ln 2]上单调递增,且v1+ln22=3b+1-ln22,v(4-ln 2)=b+5-ln 2,v1+ln22-v(4-ln 2)=2b+ln2-92,所以当b≤9-ln24时,最大值M(b)=v(4-ln 2)=b+5-ln 2;当b>9-ln24时,最大值M (b )=v1+ln22 =3b+1-ln22. 所以M (b )=b +5-ln2,1≤b ≤9-ln2,3b+1-ln22,9-ln24<b ≤3.(5分)(2) 由题意知h (x )=ln xx(x>0), ①h'(x )=1-ln x 2,h'(x 0)=1-ln x0x 02, 所以y (x )=1-ln x 0x 02(x-x 0)+y 0. g (x )=ln xx -y 0-1-ln x 0x 02(x-x 0),且g (x 0)=0, (7分)g'(x )=1-ln x x 2-1-ln x 0x 02,g'(x 0)=0. 令G (x )=g'(x )=1-ln x x 2-1-ln x 0x 02, G'(x )=-3+2ln x 3, 所以g'(x )在(0,e 32)上单调递减,在(e 32,+∞)上单调递增. 若x 0<e 32,则当x ∈(0,x 0)时,g'(x )>0,g (x )单调递增,g (x )<g (x 0)=0;当x ∈(x 0,e 32)时,g'(x )<0,g (x )单调递减,g (x )<g (x 0)=0,不符合题意;若x 0>e 32,则当x ∈(e 32,x 0)时,g'(x )<0,g (x )单调递减,g (x )>g (x 0)=0;当x ∈(x 0,+∞)时,g'(x )>0,g (x )单调递增,g (x )>g (x 0)=0,不符合题意; 若x 0=e 32,则当x ∈(0,e 32)时,g (x )<0;当x ∈(e 32,+∞)时,g (x )>0,符合题意.综上,存在x 0满足要求,且x 0的取值集合为{e 32}.(10分)。
第I卷(选择题,共85分)第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分20分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。
1.What will the man do next?A. Study at night.B. Go to sleep.C. Take a test.2.What happened to the woman?A. She lost her way.B. She lost her keys.C. Shelost her car.3.What does the woman mean?A.She will go to the zoo.B.She won’t go with the man.C.She has made plans to call earlier.4.Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a taxi.B. In a living room.C. In anoffice.5.What are the speakers planning to do?A.Paint their house.B.Draw a picture.C.Make a shopping list.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
江苏省南京市、盐城市2016届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题 含答案
每段对话仅读一遍.1. What will the man do?A。
Go to the office。
B. See his boss off. C。
Stay at home。
2. What does the woman mean?A. The man should buy a typewriter.B. The man can have her typewriter。
She wants to borrow a typewriter.3. What was the weather like yesterday?A. Cloudy. B。
4. Why does Mary ignore the man according to the woman speaker?A. She isn’t fond of him。
She is still angry with him.C. She is having trouble with work。
Where does the conversation probably take place?A。
At the airport。
In the cafeteria。
At the hotel.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
1. What will the man do?A. Go to the office.B. See his boss off.C. Stay at home.2. What does the woman mean?A. The man should buy a typewriter.B. The man can have her typewriter.C. She wants to borrow a typewriter.3. What was the weather like yesterday?A. Cloudy.B. Rainy.C. Sunny.4. Why does Mary ignore the man according to the woman speaker?A. She isn’t fond of him.B. She is still angry with him.C. She is having trouble with work.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At the airport.B. In the cafeteria.C. At the hotel.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
高三英语-2016届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题 答案
2016届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题参考答案一、听力1-5 ABBCA 6-10 ACACB 11-15 ABCCB 16-20 AABBC二、单项选择21-25 DBCDB 26-30 CCBBC 31-35 CCDDC三、完型填空36-40 ACBDC 41-45 DBDCA 46-50 BDCAD 51-55 BCBAD四、阅读理解56-58 DAB 59-62 BDCD63-66 ACBD 67-70 BCCD五、任务型阅读1.Introduction2. depend/ rely/count3. combine4. influencing/impacting5. approaches6. attention/ minds7. apply8. whether9. actively 10. involved六、书面表达When surfing the Internet, I came across a list of ordinary people who moved China,I was especially touched by an old lady from Zhoukou, Henan Province. The old lady and her husband are homeless, wandering in Shenzhen. Every evening, she sits near Shenzhen University, selling her paintings. When hungry, she just eats some dry food. Usually she can only finish two paintings a night, for either of which she charges 10 yuan. Tough as life is , the old lady has her pride and refuses to beg money from others.The old lady’s optimistic attitude towards life has left a deep impression on me. In addition, She would rather make a living by working hard than be a beggar. Her story puts me to shame, for I always complain about everything and has a habit of depending on others.I have learned the spirit of independence from the old lady. Besides, when faced with difficulties, I will choose never to give up and make the greatest efforts.听力读稿Text 1W: What is that you are listening? It is too noisy. I can’t concentrate on my work.M: No problem. I can switch over to something lighter.Text 2W: Oh, Professor Jackson, I was wondering… but uh… well, if uh… if you had a chance yet to uh… look at my thesis proposal?M: Well, I know you gave it to me over a week ago, but to be honest, I have been swamped with(对……应接不暇) other things.Text 3W: I bought a recorder on sale. It was $50.M: Including tax?W: No, I paid another $2 in tax.Text 4W: Who took you to the tennis match yesterday afternoon?M: My friend Mark took me there.W: Who beat Sally in the match?M: Her brother beat her.Text 5M: Sue, you must have had a good time on your beach vacation.W: Yes, I really enjoyed myself. The weather was always nice and sunny. I went sunbathing every day.M: How was the food?W: Just marvelous. I’ve also been to some scenic spots and learned every legend behind the scene.M: Be my guide next time we go there together.W: My pleasure.Text 6W: Why is Jenny not here yet? We’re running late for Lily’s birthday party.M: Jenny is always on time. What’s delayed her this time?W: I hope she hasn’t had an accident. There was a car accident near my apartment the other day. A woman was seriously injured and two men were slightly injured.M: Don’t think like that. Accidents don’t happen all the time .W: Then why isn’t she here yet? She was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago.M: Maybe she doesn’t know how to get here. Why not call her?W: Is her number 65743215?M: Oh, look! There she is. What’s in her hand? Is it a gift? She must have stopped for a gift and that’s why she is late.Text 7W: Can I help you?M: Yes, I need to apply for a parking permit.W: Are you a professor?M: What? Are you kidding? I’m only 22 years old!W: Yes, I am kidding. But don’t you know only professors and students with disabilities can apply for parking permits?M: Yes, I know. I have a disability. My hip was broken last year. And I can’t walk well.W: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.M: It’s alright. You didn’t see me walk to the desk.W: Here is the application form. I also need to see your student ID and your permission letter from the university.M: Here you are.W: Thank you.Text 8M: Hi, Mary, how’s your new flat?W: It’s great. I really like it.M: How big is it?W: It’s one big room, and it has a bathroom and a small kitchen, too.M: How far is it from the office?W: It’s only about 10 minutes.M: 10 minutes by bus or by car?W: On foot. I walked to work this morning. I was 10 minutes early.M: You are lucky. I was 10 minutes late.W: What happened?M: All the buses came late.W: What did Lily say?M: She was late too.W: What happened to her?M: She took the train, and it was late, too.W: Well, then, you’re really lucky after all. But what are you going to do tomorrow?M: I’ll start out 15 minutes earlier.Text 9M: There never seems to be enough of me to go around. I wish there could be another me.W: What are you saying?M: I read an article. It said scientists created a clone sheep. I had a dream last night about someone cloning me. And I could do so many things. One of me went to work. The other stayed at home to clean the house and even cook dinner.W: It is strange to see you cooking dinner.M: Very funny! But back to the science topic, it is amazing to see science advance so rapidly.W: Now, they are studying how to copy human DNA. We may see two of you.M: You are right. But realistically, I like having only one of me. We already have a problemwith over-population. I don’t think we need to have two of everybody.W: I must say, it all sounds interesting. I can’t imagine what they will think of next.Text 10W: One-Day Course: Introduction to Complex SystemsDate: Sunday, October 6.Location: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, Room to be announced.Sponsor: Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences & TechnologyCourse Description:A one-day course, Introduction to Complex Systems, will be offered on Sunday, October 6. This course will give an introduction to the opportunities that complex systems provide in research and in applications. Several approaches to the study of complex systems will be described, basic concepts will be introduced and implications for the study of biological, social and engineered systems will be discussed.Tuition: MIT students, faculty, and community attend free. Registration required. Space is limited.Outside of MIT;Student: $50;Faculty: $150;Corporate: $350.。
1. What will the man do?A. Go to the office.B. See his boss off.C. Stay at home.2. What does the woman mean?A. The man should buy a typewriter.B. The man can have her typewriter.C. She wants to borrow a typewriter.3. What was the weather like yesterday?A. Cloudy.B. Rainy.C. Sunny.4. Why does Mary ignore the man according to the woman speaker?A. She isn’t fond of him.B. She is still angry with him.C. She is having trouble with work.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At the airport.B. In the cafeteria.C. At the hotel.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
江苏省南京市、盐城市2016届高三第一次模拟考试 英语讲义
1. What will the man do?A. Go to the office.B. See his boss off.C. Stay at home.2. What does the woman mean?A. The man should buy a typewriter.B. The man can have her typewriter.C. She wants to borrow a typewriter.3. What was the weather like yesterday?A. Cloudy.B. Rainy.C. Sunny.4. Why does Mary ignore the man according to the woman speaker?A. She isn’t fond of him.B. She is still angry with him.C. She is having trouble with work.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At the airport.B. In the cafeteria.C. At the hotel.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
2016届高考英语第一次模拟卷一、听力(略)二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. _______ application of transgenic technology should be restricted on all food production and thegovernment should take _______ “scientific attitude” toward genetically modified food.A. The ; aB. An; theC. The; theD. An; a22. Marquez, one of the world’s greatest writers, died on April 17, 2014 and his dealth sparked both worldwide mourning and a _______ of his life’s achievements.A. conservationB. reservationC. preservationD. celebration23. --- Haven’t I told you that you should be home earlier?--- Yes, but I _____ home earlier than I usually do.A. was comingB. have comeC. cameD. had come24. _________ to a lot of new ideas when studying in college, Mary always does something that otherscan’t understand to realize her dream.A. ExposingB. ExposedC. Being exposedD. Having exposed25. I admire my English teacher. I can remember very few occasions ____ she stopped working because ofillness or tiredness.A. whenB. whereC. whichD. that26. ---Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.--- You _______ have my computer unless you take good care of it.A. needn’tB. mustn’tC. shouldn’tD. shan’t27. --- I’m going to San Francisco for a couple of days.--- _____ . I wish I could get away for a while.A. It doesn’t matterB. You are too lucky!C. I really envy youD. I can’t agree more28. During the reconstruction of the city, many modern tall buildings went up ______ old shabby houseswere torn down.A. whichB. in whatC. in whichD. where29. ---Would it bother you if I turned up the radio?---______. The baby is sleeping.A. Of course, you would.B. I’m afraid soC. I suppose notD. It doesn’t matter30. Guangzhou Evergrande made history by winning the AFC Champions League title for China in 2013,which was the first time a Chinese club ____ the competition.A. had wonB. has wonC. wonD. was winning31. --- The light is so weak that I can’t _______ the words in the article.--- Maybe your eyesight is failing.A. leave outB. make outC. read outD. figure out32. Although he is quite wealthy, he is actually _____ is known as “Tuhao”—poorly educated, he likes toshow off and lacks sympathy.A. whatB. whoC. thatD. which33. ________ the fierce competition in finding a good job in big cities, many fresh graduates are trying theirfortune in medium-sized ones.A. Regardless ofB. Apart fromC. Thanks toD. Due to34. To be frank with you, I think it’s not wise of you to buy these goods at such a high price. They are old fashioned and will not _____ much on the market.A. sellB. purchaseC. fetchD. deserve35. ---He should have been warned of the danger.--- ______ , but he wouldn’t listen to me.A. So he hadB. So had heC. So was heD. So he was三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)If you’re going to do something, my dad used to say, do it right.Mostly he said that after my half-hearted 36 to weed the vegetable garden. For some reason, he knew that there were white roots still 37 deep in the ground without looking around the garden. So I would be in the 38 again the next day with a spade dig deep and 39 the roots of our garden. As I tried to focus my attention on digging, Dad’s words kept40 in my mind: “Do it right.”I saw a perfect example of what Dad was talking about last week when one of the teams in the company was 41. All of us were sad to see them go. They were good friends and 42 , and we worried about them. And 43 , at such times you always wonder: am I next?But as we watched them during the week they were given to 44 , many of us noticed that they weren’t handling this in quite the way we expected them to. 45 none of them found another job, there was also no 46 or sadness in their departure. I didn’t hear a negative word. I didn’t see any tears or 47 faces—at least, not from them. Instead, I saw grace.“It’s48 ,” one of my colleagues whispered. “I went over there to offer comfort and support to them, and they 49 comforting me.”Ancient Greeks believed that swans save their sweetest song for the moments to their 50 . I don’t know if my departing friends 51 their ending as a “swan song” or not, but the calm, quiet dignity with which they embraced their cruel reality touched and 52 us.Lee, a man who has seen and 53 lots of lay-offs during almost 40 up-and-down, on-again-off-again years with the company, 54 nicely for all of us.“Now, that’s doing it right, ” he said.Somewhere, I just know Dad was smiling his 55 . And more profoundly, I understand the philosophy—Life is just a journey, whose quality is maily determined by your mood not the destination.36. A. judgements B. efforts C. reqirements D. requests37. A. stuck B. grown C. buried D. planted38. A. house B. school C.garden D. company39. A. look forward to B. come up with C. fit in with D. get down to40. A.echoing B.ringing C.shouting D. yelling41. A.turned down B. laid off C. cut down D. given up42. petitors B. colleagues C. directors D.consultants43. A. frankly B. naturally C. equally D. generally44. A. hurry up B.turn up C. pack up D. come up45. A. Since B. When C. Unless D. While46. A. puzzle B. bitterness C. anger D. delight47. A.unfortunate B. unhappy C. uncertain D. unsatisfied48. A. upsetting B. exciting C. disappointing D. amazing49. A.objected to B. insisted on C. ended up D. kept on50. A. death B. birth C. arrival D. party51. A.view B.think C. choose D. describe52. A.discouraged B. warned C. inspired D. amused53. A.celebrated B.witnessed C. resisted D. survived54. A.made up B. summed up C. picked up D.speeded up55. A. approval B. enjoyment C. admiration D. appreciation第四部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ABEIJING, April 20 (Xinhua net)——The second season of a wildly popular documentary series produced by CCTV has returned to the airwaves. It’s called “A bite of China” and began airing on Friday. When its first season was broadcast in May 2012, it became a hit by striking a chord with viewers, with a topic near and dear to people’s hearts: food. So what gourmet foods will the show be covering this time?It’s all about Chinese food culture, a nd it’s made by the country’s best directors, three of whom have won international documentary awards. But fo r them, taking “a bite of China” is a grueling project.Deng Jie, director of second season of “A Bite of China”, said, “Every minute of the video you see is edited out of 150 minutes of footage. And it’s not only that. Our chief director often gave us dozens of suggestions for revisions. It was torture.”But it’s this torture that has made this season’s breakthroughs possible.Chen Xiaoqing, chief director of second season of “A Bite of China”, said, “There were children from single parent families, and students applying to art academies. This time we look at these people from the angle of food. Food is our starting point, but not our finishing line. Our goal is to bring more understanding about Chinese people, through food.”A bite of China first hit the air in May 2012 on CCTV’s mandarin channel.“We have some appetite-boosting shots of food-making, but how to create dishes is only one aspect of food culture,” Chen Xiaoqing said, “Our program tries to bring something new by presenting more cultural elements related to dishes, such as eating habits and morality of eating.”Soon after the series hit the airwaves, China’s micro blogging site Weibo began stirring with excitement. Many praised the series, saying how the show made them salivate or had them longing for the foods of theirchildhood.One user wrote: “The tastes of home, memories of childhood, joys of work and vision of life, I was moved by each simple story.This season includes eight episodes and will cover the stories of more than 150 people, and over 300 types of food.56. The underlined word “grueling” in Paragraph 2 probably means ____________________.A. challenging and tiringB. unexpected but delightfulC. appealing and mouth-wateringD. boring but meaningful57. According to the passage, what makes for the success of “A bite of China”?A. I t’s made by the country’s best directors, three of whom have won international documentary awards.B. It’s a topic near and dear to people’s hearts.C. It brings something new by presenting more cultural elements related to dishesD. I t’s th e staff’s torture that has made this season’s breakthroughs possible.BStephen Hawking, who spent his career decoding the universe and evenexperienced weightlessness, is urging the continuation of space exploration —for humanity’s sake.The 71-year-old Hawking said he did not think humanswould survive another 1,000 years “without escaping beyond our fragile planet.”The British cosmologist(宇宙学家) made the remarks Tuesday before anaudience of doctors, nurses and employees at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center,where he toured a stem cell laboratory that’s focused on trying to slow theprogression of Lou Gehrig’s disease.Hawking was diagnosed with the neurological disorder 50 years ago while a student at Cambridge University. He recalled how he became depressed and initially didn’t see a point in finishing his doctorate. But he continued to delve into his studies.“If you understand how the universe operates, you control it in a way,” he said.Famous for his work on black holes and the origins of the cosmos, Hawking is famous for bringing esoteric physics concepts to the masses through his best-selling books.Hawking has survived longer than most peo ple with Lou Gehrig’s disease, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. ALS attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control the muscles. People gradually have more and more trouble breathing and moving as muscles weaken and waste away. Th ere’s no cure and no way to reverse(倒转) the disease’s progression. Few people with ALS live longer than a decade.Hawking receives around-the-clock care, can only communicate by twitching his cheek, and relies on a computer mounted to his wheelchair to convey his thoughts in a distinctive robotic monotone.Despite his diagnosis, Hawking has remained active. In 2007, he floated like an astronaut on an aircraft that creates weightlessness by making parabolic(抛物线) dives.“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do.” he said.58. He made the remark that humans will not survive another 1,000 years ________________.A. to highlight the earth is not sustainable to live onB. to make his theory on cosmology widely acceptedC. to show the earth is becoming more and more fragileD. to persuade humans to further space exploration59. Patients with Lou Gehrig’s disease _______________________.A. can recover a little bit if they are treated earlyB. will be unable to walk or speak to othersC. are likely to die within ten years generallyD. are mostly assisted by especially-designed robots60. According to the author, Hawking’s achievements in science lie in ____________.A. his interest in physicsB. his research on the universeC. his creation of black holesD. his strong will against disease61. Hawking believes that if they want to survive, human beings must ____________.A. study the universe without stopB. protect the environment of the earthC. realize the way the universe worksD. escape possible future disastersCMar 8, 2014, a traditional International Women’s Day, turned out to be distressing. Every one throughout the world felt deeply grieved at the news that MH370 became missing with 227 passengers on board, including 153 from the Chinese mainland and one from Taiwan. The disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines 777 plane brings back memories of Air France flight 447, which went missing over the Atlantic Ocean in June 2009.The Airbus A330 took off from Rio de Janeiro and was bound for Paris when it crashed, killing all 228 people on board.When the Air France Operations Coordination Centre alerted the French Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety (BEA) that it had lost contact with the plane, a search began immediately, using air, naval, and underwater operations, including autonomous underwater vehicles. The first bits of debris(碎片) were found on the ocean surface on June 6, five days after the crash. Most of the wreckage(残骸) was located in April, nearly two years later. The “black boxes”—the cockpit(驾驶员座舱) voice recorder and flight data recorder —were found a month after that. Only then could investigators form a complete picture of what brought down the plane.The problem was that the jet crashed, the BEA final report says, “in a region with rough landform and whose ocean bed presents great variation in depth over short distances of between 700 metres and 4,300 metres.”In other words, ________________________________. Most of the wreckage was eventually found 6.5 nautical miles from the last known position, on a plain 3,900 meters below the surface.So far, no wreckage from the Malaysia plane has been found, though a Vietnamese air force aircraft located two large oil slicks that may be from the missing plane. The aerial search will continue once the sun has risen. Fortunately, the Gulf of Thailand is just 250 feet deep at its deepest point, according to airline analyst Robert W. Mann, Jr., so the search might be much shorter than the Air France one.Investigators finally determined that the Air France flight went down after the pilots reacted improperly after ice crystals blocked air speed sensors. They ultimately stalled the plane, causing the crash.There’s no reason to think that the same thing happened here, because we have no information about what happened to the Malaysia jet, and officials say there were no reports of bad weather along the route. A crucial step in figuring that out will be finding the wreckage and the black boxes. The search will still continue.62. According to the text, the following about Air France flight 447 is true EXCEPT that _______________.A. It went missing on Children’s Day, 2009B. Most of the wreckage was found in April, 2011C. The “black boxes” were found in May, 2011D. It took longer to search for the Air France flight 447 that the MH37063. Which of the following sentence can help complete the blank in Para.4?A. It was an extremely risky area for planeB. it was a remarkably difficult area to search.C. It was a rather difficult area for help to reachD. It was a absolutely scary area for pilots64. What is the purpose of this passage?A. To keep us informed of the latest news about MH370B. To compare Air France flight 447 with MH370C. To remind us of the air craft of Air France flight 447D. To appeal to us to look into the truth of the disappearance of MH370DWinter is near at hand. On his bench in Madison Square, Soapy moved uneasily.A dead leaf fell in Soapy’s lap. Soapy’s mind became aware that the time had come for him to resolve himself into a singular Committee of ways and means to provide against the coming rigour(严寒).The winter ambitions of Soapy were not of the highest. For years the hospitable Blackwell’s Prison had been his winter quarters. On the previous night three newspapers, distributed beneath his coat, about his ankles and over his lap, had failed to fight the cold as he slept on his bench in the ancient square. So the Island appeared large and timely in Soapy’s mind. Determined to go to the Island, Soapy immediately set about accomplishing his desire. There were many easy ways of doing this. The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant, and then after declaring to be penniless, be handed over quietly to a policeman. A helpful judge would do the rest.Soapy left his bench and wandered out of the square. Up Broadway he turned, and stopped at a glittering café. but the head waiter’s eye fell upon his ragged trousers and shoes. Strong and ready hands turned him about and conveyed him in silence and haste to the sidewalk.At a corner of Sixth Avenue electric lights, Soapy took a cobble-stone and dashed it through the glass. People came running round the corner, a policeman in the lead. Soapy stood still, with his hands in his pockets, waiting to be taken away. But the policeman’s mind refused to accept Soapy even as a clue.On the opposite side of the street was a small restaurant. At a table Soapy sat and consumed beefsteak, flap-jacks, and pie. And then to the waiter he betrayed the fact that the minutest coin and himself were strangers.“Now, get busy and call a cop,” said Soapy. To his disappointment, neatly upon his left ear on the hard pavement, two waiters pitched Soapy. He struggled to his feet and beat the dust from his clothes. Arrest seemed but a rosy dream. The Island seemed very far away.Five blocks Soapy travelled before his courage permitted him to run after capture again. A young woman of a modest and pleasing dress was standing before a show window gazing with shining interest at its display, and two yards from the window a large policeman leaned against a water-plug.Soapy sidled toward the young woman, causing her to move away a few steps. With half an eye he saw the policeman was watching him fixedly. Soapy bravely stepped to the woman’s side, raised his hat and said: “Ah, Bedelia! Don’t you want to come and play in my yard?”“Sure, Mike,” she said joyfully, “if you’ll buy me some beers. I’d have spoken to you sooner, but the cop was watching.”The young woman then became attached to him. At the next corner he shook off his companion and ran.On the sidewalk Soapy began to yell drunken gibberish(胡言乱语) at the top of his harsh voice. He danced, howled, and otherwise disturbed the peace. A policeman turned his back to Soapy and explained to a citizen, “This is one of the Yale guys celebrating the goose egg they give to the Hartford College. Noisy, but no harm.” Depressed, Soapy paused his seemingly useless roaring. Would never a policeman lay hands on him? In his fancy the Island seemed an unreachable Arcadia(世外桃源).In a cigar store he saw a well-dressed man lighting a cigar at a swinging light. His silk umbrella he had set by the door on entering. Soapy stepped inside, secured the umbrella and went off with it slowly. The man at the cigar light followed hurriedly.“My umbrella,” he said severely. “Oh, is it?” sneered Soapy, “Well, why don’t you call a policeman? There stands one on the corner.”“Well,”said the umbrella man, “You know how these mistakes occur. I, I, if it’s your umbrella, I hope you’ll excuse me. I picked it up this morning in a restaurant. If you recognise it as yours, I hope you’ll…”“Of course it’s mine,” said Soapy evilly.Soapy walked eastward through a street. He threw the umbrella angrily into a dustbin. He complained about the cop. He wanted to be thrown into the Blackwell’s, but they seemed to regard him as a king who could do no wrong.65. What is the dream island that Soapy has been trying his best to enter?A. the hospitable Blackwell’s PrisonB. the bench in Madison SquareC. the warm police stationD. the corner of Sixth Avenue electric lights66. How many times has Soapy tried but failed?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 767. The following paragraph is taken from the passage. It can be put __________.“Soapy turned off Broadway. It seemed that his route to the dream island was not to be a success. Some other way must be thought of.”A. between Para. 5 and 6B. between Para. 7 and 8C. between Para. 10 and 11D. between Para. 13 and 1468. We can infer from the passage that _______________________.A. The Island was the best place for Soapy to live through the cold winterB. The police regarded Soapy as a king who could do no wrongC. Life was too hard for Soapy and he nearly gave up on himselfD. Soapy found his lost umbrella unexpectedly but threw it away69. The author wrote the passage in a(n) _________ way to make us deep in thought.A. conservativeB. teasingC. objectiveD. skeptical70. Which of the following shows the psychological changes of Soapy?A. Happy——Sad——AngryB. Sad——Happy——AngryC. Disappointed——Hopeful——DepressedD. Hopeful——Disappointed——Depressed第五部分任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Few women choose academic careers in math-intensive fields because the lifestyle is not consistent with motherhood, researchers at Cornell University found in a study to be published next month in American Scientist Magazine.Universities have long been criticized for hiring and evaluation policies that discriminate against women, but the findings of this new study point to the female biological clock as a main reason why so few women end up as professors in fields such as math, engineering, physics and computer science.A woman who wants a family looks at the tough path to a tenured(终身的)position and considers how old she will be before she can start a family and how little time she will have to raise her children. Many of those women choose a more flexible career."Universities have been largely inflexible about anything other than the standard timetable, which means you'll have to struggle for years and only then would you consider getting pregnant,” said Wendy Williams, a human development professor at Cornell who co-authored the study with her husband, Stephen Ceci.Williams and Ceci analyzed data about the academic careers of men and women with and without children. Before women became mothers, they had careers equal to or more successful than their male peers. But once they gave birth, the dynamic changed.Women in other academic fields such as the humanities and social sciences face similar problems and often leave academia as well. But because there are so many women in those Ph.D. programs, enough finally stay to amount to a critical mass of female professors.In math-heavy fields, however, women make up a tiny minority of the graduate students. So when the rare few who make it through a Ph.D. program leave because universities are not concerned about their needs as mothers at all, the net result is almost no women represented on faculty rosters (教师名单), the第六部分读写任务(共1题,满分25分)阅读下面材料,按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。
1. What will the man do?A. Go to the office.B. See his boss off.C. Stay at home.2. What does the woman mean?A. The man should buy a typewriter.B. The man can have her typewriter.C. She wants to borrow a typewriter.3. What was the weather like yesterday?A. Cloudy.B. Rainy.C. Sunny.4. Why does Mary ignore the man according to the woman speaker?A. She isn’t fond of him.B. She is still angry with him.C. She is having trouble with work.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At the airport.B. In the cafeteria.C. At the hotel.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
C. A professor.
C. To catch the early
C. Make a call tonight.
C. Management. C. A backup plan.
14.In what field does the woman want to work after graduation? A. Law. B. Medicine.
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。
A. She is new
6 · Where are the woman's
children studying?
A. At a school nearby.
B. At a private school.
7 · What can we learn about the woman?
re. B. She works in a
school. 回二英语弟 页共
C. At a public school.
C. She has lost her way.
8 10 o
8. What can we learn about Pamela?
A. She must be the man's pet.
3 ·W hat does the woman advise the man to do?
A. Go to the post office.
B. Call the post office.
C. Contact the mail carrier.
4 · Which word can best describe the man?
1.What will the man do next?A. Study at night.B. Go to sleep.C. Take a test.2.What happened to the woman?A. She lost her way.B. She lost her keys.C. She lost her car.3.What does the woman mean?A.She will go to the zoo.B.She won’t go with the man.C.She has made plans to call earlier.4.Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a taxi.B. In a living room.C. In an office.5.What are the speakers planning to do?A.Paint their house.B.Draw a picture.C.Make a shopping list.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
1.What will the man do next?A. Study at night.B. Go to sleep.C. Take a test.2.What happened to the woman?A. She lost her way.B. She lost her keys.C. She lost her car.3.What does the woman mean?A.She will go to the zoo.B.She won’t go with the man.C.She has made plans to call earlier.4.Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a taxi.B. In a living room.C. In an office.5.What are the speakers planning to do?A.Paint their house.B.Draw a picture.C.Make a shopping list.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
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1. What does the woman mean?A. She must go home now.B. She can stay a little longer.C. Her parents expect a lot of her.2. What does the woman think of the party?A. It’s successful.B. It’s not good.C. It’s too noisy.3. What time is it now?A. 8:00.B. 8:30.C. 9:00.4. How does the woman feel when she meets with the man?A. Sad.B. Embarrassed.C. Unbelievable.5. Who will pay for the dinner?A. The man.B. The woman.C. They will go Dutch.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Boss and clerk.C. Interviewer and interviewee.7. Who does the man want?A. A waitress.B. A secretary.C. A director.8. What can we learn about the woman?A. She is studying in a university now.B. She has no working experience.C. She will get the job at last.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。
9. Where are the speakers?A. In a restaurant.B. In a hotel.C. In a bank.10. How much should the man pay?A.¥206.B.¥216.C.¥260.11. How would the man like to pay?A. By cash.B. By credit card.C. By cheque.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。
12. Where did Steve come back from last week?A. From America.B. From China.C. From Japan.13. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman will visit Steve with the man.B. The woman should wear a formal dress.C. The man wants to buy a bunch of roses.14. How will they deal with their kids?A. Ask the neighbor to look after them.B. Take the kids with them.C. Leave the kids alone at home.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。
15. Who is the man talking to?A. A teacher.B. A student.C. A librarian.16. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Limit his search.B. Use a typewriter.C. Try a broader topic.17. What articles can be found in the “Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature”?A. News articles.B. Magazine articles.C. Newspaper articles.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。
18. Why did the little boy open the window?A. To feed an elephant.B. To take some photos.C. To enjoy the scenery outside.19. What does Nelson do?A. He is a guard.B. He is a policeman.C. He is a doctor.20. What will happen at last?A. Nelson will be punished.B. Nelson will be forgiven.C. Nelson will be given a glass of beer.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
21. The scientist does not study nature ________ it is useful to do so. He studies it because he takes pleasurein it.A. untilB. thoughC. becauseD. unless22. — Mom! Jack has broken a cup!—Doesn’t matter. Accidents ________ happen.A. shouldB. mustC. willD. shall23. Home is ________ somebody notices when you are no longer there.A. thatB. whenC. howD. where24. — Could you please explain the assignment for Monday, Miss Smith?— Certainly. Read the next chapter and come to class ________ to discuss wha t you’ve read.A. preparingB. preparedC. to prepareD. to be prepared25. They eat only plant foods, and take care to ________ animal products from other areas of their lives.A. containB. maintainC. excludeD. include26. — Did you stay at the party until the very end last night?— No, I left as early as was ________ with politeness.A. contentB. consistentC. patientD. permanent27. Believe it or not, your ship isn’t quite sunk, as there are some ways to ________ a new care er even if it’ssomething you’ve never done before.A. burst intoB. get throughC. break intoD. comb through28. Maury Brown of Forbes reports that Major League Baseball’s annual ________ for 2014 will top $9billion.A. allowancesB. revenuesC. ratesD. accounts29. — Alan seems a lot taller than when I last saw him.— He ________. He’s grown a foot since you saw him in Shanghai.A. isB. will beC. has beenD. was30. Personal space is the region surrounding a person ________ they regard as psychologically theirs.A. whoB. whereC. whenD. which31. On two occasions he was accused of stealing money from the company, but in neither case ______ anyevidence to support the claims.A. was thereB. there wasC. had there beenD. there had been32. A great deal of hotel business comes from people travelling not just for holidays but by people travelling________ their business activities.A. in harmony withB. in conflict withC. by order ofD. by virtue of33. You are not ________ to unemployment benefit if you have never worked.A. accustomedB. resignedC. entitledD. submitted34. We guarantee that all your personal information will be treated ________ and there should be no fear atall of identity theft.A. initiallyB. independentlyC. confidentlyD. confidentially35. —I can’t b ear the air pollution in this city anymore. It is getting worse and worse.— ________! We’ve never had so many chemical factories before.A. I wouldn’t bet on itB. You said itC. Keep it upD. Come off it第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。