Ayala et al. 2010 Thermal stability of aripiprazole monohydrate investigated by Raman spectroscopy
GSI TympStar 产品说明书
P.O. BOX 44994 •MADISON WI 53744.4994 •PHONE: +1.608.441.2323 •TOLL FREE: 800.700.2282GRASON-STADLER NICOLET BIOMEDICAL NICOLET VASCULAR TOENNIESPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS November 2004 | GSI TympStar | 2000-0112 Rev1The following specifications apply to both Version 1and Version 2 of the GSI TympStar. > Bold arrowed type indicates the additional capabilities of Version 2.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS W x D x H: 52 cm x 38 cm x 32 cm Weight: 7.5 Kg Shipping Weight: 13.4 Kg Power Consumption: 120 Watts maximum Test Types: Tympanometry, Acoustic Reflex Threshold,Reflex Decay, Eustachian T ube Function (Intact & Perforated )Protocols: Diagnostic, Screening, User-defined > Special Tests: Two-component T ympanometry,Multiple Frequency T ympanometry, Acoustic Reflex Latency Test, Reflex Sensitization Display: Internal or External VGA Monitor Interface: RS232, parallel and keyboard output Printout: Internal or External Deskjet or Laserjet Printer PROBE TONE 226 Hz (85 dB SPL ±1.5 dB)> 678 Hz (85 dB SPL ±3.0 dB)> 1000 Hz (75 dB SPL ±3.0 dB)Accuracy: ±1%Harmonic Distortion: Less than 5%ADMITTANCE MEASUREMENTS Range: 226 Hz (-1.0 to +7.0)> 678 Hz (-5.0 to +25)> 1000 Hz (-5.0 to +30)Sensitivity Scale: Auto Scales to Appropriate Range,Manual selection also possible in Reflex Modes only Accuracy (226 Hz): Tymp Mode: ±5% of reading or ±0.1 ml, whichever is greater Reflex Mode: ±5% of reading or ±0.2 ml, whichever is greater PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS (load volume of 0.2 to 7.0 ml)Range:Normal = +200 to -400 daPa Wide = +400 to -600 daPa Accuracy: ±10% of reading or ±10 daPa, whichever is greater Sweep Rate: 12.5, 50.0 and 600/200 daPa/sec, > 200 daPa/sec.Sweep Accuracy: 10% of nominal rate Maximum limits (in 0.5cc cavity ): -800 daPa & +600 daPa REFLEX MEASUREMENTS Stimuli: > 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, BBN, LBN, HBN,> Click (100 microseconds pulse), External Input,Non-acoustic Frequency Accuracy: ±3%Harmonic Distortion (THD): Less than 5% (measured acoustically)Noise Signals: (3 dB bandwidths)Low Band: 125 -1,600 Hz High Band: 1,600 -4,000 Hz Broad Band: 125 -4,000 Hz Intensity Range: 35 to 120 dB HLStep Size: 5 dB, >1 dB and 2 dB Calibration Accuracy: ±3 dB Step Accuracy: ±0.5 dB ON/OFF Ratio: 70 dB minimum ENVIRONMENTAL Temperature:Storage: -40°C to +75°C Operating: +15°C to +35°C Humidity: 90% at 35°C (non-condensing)ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED Probe assembly (including contralateral insert phone)Eartips (1 pkg. each standard, special, screening)Printer paper, 2 rolls thermal, 1 roll self-adhesive Calibration test cavity, Cleaning kit, Probe mount kit (shoulder, clip, wrist band), Quick User Guide,Reference Instruction Manual, Remote (RS232 link)Dust CoverOPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Deskjet printer 1700-9613External VGA monitor 1700-9614External keyboard 1700-9615Isolation Transformer 1700-9617Service Manual 2000-0110Conversion Kit 2000-9650(V1 to V2)LANGUAGE KITS GSI TympStar Version 1English 2000-9645E French 2000-9645F German 2000-9645G Spanish 2000-9645S Italian 2000-9645I GSI TympStar Version 2English 2000-9646E French 2000-9646F German 2000-9646G Spanish 2000-9646S Italian 2000-9646I QUALITY SYSTEM Manufactured, designed, developed and marketed by VIASYS Healthcare Inc. NeuroCare Group under ISO 13485, ISO 9001 certified quality system.COMPLIANCE / REGULATORY STANDARDSDesigned, tested and manufactured to meet the following domestic (USA), Canadian, European and International Standards:UL 2601-1American Standards for Medical Electrical Equipment. IEC 601-1, EN 60601-1International Standards for Medical Electrical Equipment.CSA C22.2 # 601-1-M90Medical Device Directive (MDD) (ID No.: 0344) to comply with “EC Directive” 93/42/EECANSI S3.39, ANSI S3.6, IEC 645-1, IEC 1027, ISO 389GSI TYMPSTAR ™Middle Ear Analyzer。
第 32 卷 第 12 期Vol.32,No.12126-1382023 年 12 月草业学报ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA 卫宏健, 贺文员, 王越, 等. 丛枝菌根真菌与褪黑素对多年生黑麦草耐热性的影响. 草业学报, 2023, 32(12): 126−138.WEI Hong -jian , HE Wen -yuan , WANG Yue , et al . The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and melatonin on the heat tolerance of perennial ryegrass. Acta Prataculturae Sinica , 2023, 32(12): 126−138.丛枝菌根真菌与褪黑素对多年生黑麦草耐热性的影响卫宏健,贺文员,王越,唐明,陈辉*(华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院, 岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室, 广东 广州 510642)摘要:高温胁迫是限制冷季型草生长发育的主要因素。
为探究单独接种丛枝菌根真菌(AMF )和外源褪黑素以及联合应用对多年生黑麦草生长和耐热性的影响,采用盆栽试验测试分析高温胁迫下丛枝菌根真菌和外源褪黑素处理对多年生黑麦草的生长,内源褪黑素含量及其合成基因的表达,抗氧化能力和渗透调节物质含量的影响。
结果表明,高温胁迫明显抑制多年生黑麦草的生长,而外源褪黑素处理提高了AMF 在多年生黑麦草根系中的定殖率。
接种AMF 和/或褪黑素处理均能促进高温胁迫下多年生黑麦草的生长,增加多年生黑麦草根系内源褪黑素含量和上调褪黑素合成基因的表达,降低相对电导率(EL )、丙二醛(MDA )含量和多酚氧化酶(PPO )活性,同时提高根系抗氧化酶(SOD 、POD 、CAT 和APX )和苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL )活性,以及类黄酮、脯氨酸、总酚、可溶性糖和甜菜碱的含量。
阿克苏诺贝尔粉末涂料产品数据表 - Interpon ACE 2010 YN106G 黑色中光泽平滑
Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings BVProduct Data SheetAkzoNobel Powder CoatingsInterpon ACE 2010YN106G Black Medium Gloss SmoothProduct Description Interpon ACE 2010is a series of superior UV and weather resistant TGIC-free polyester powdercoatings designed for exterior exposure and for use as a decorative and/or functional coating foragricultural and construction equipment and components. These coatings also provide significantlyimproved gloss retention and resistance to color change and possess outstanding transfer efficiencyand faraday cage penetration.Powder Properties Chemical type Polyester super-durable (TGIC-free)Area of usage Exterior parts for agricultural machinery or construction equipmentParticle Size Custom manufacturedAppearance Smooth, Medium glossColour BlackGloss (60°)60 ± 5 GUDensity (g/cm3)1,25 ± 0,10Stoving schedue15-30 minutes at 180°C, 10-25 minutes at 190°C, 8-20 minutes at 200°C(time at object temperature)Recommended DFT DTM: 70μm min - 110μm max; On Primer: 50μm min - 90μm max;On e-coat 45μm min - 90μm maxFailure to observe the correct curing and DFT conditions may cause adifference in color, gloss and the deterioration of the coating propertiesApplication ElectrostaticStorage Stability Under dry, cool (<25°C) conditions, at least 12 months from productiondate.Test Conditions The results are based on mechanical and chemical tests which (unless otherwise indicated) have been carried out under laboratory conditions and are given for guidance only. Actual product performance willdepend upon the circumstances under which the product is used.Substrate Cold Rolled SteelPretreatment Iron phosphate pretreated panels (ACT BonderiteÒ1070 DIW Panels)Film Thickness76-90 µmCure Schedule15 minutes at 190°CMechanical Tests Elongation ASTM-D522(conical mandrel)No crack at max elongationAdhesion ASTM-D3359(2 mm crosscut)5BHardness ASTM D3363(Gouge)3HCorrosion and Chemical Tests Cyclic Corrosion SAE J233440 days corrosion creep ≤ 3,5 mm fromscribeChemical resistance Good resistance to DI water, diesel fueland engine oilDurability Tests Exterior durability SAE J25272000h, excellent color and glossretention performanceColor stability atelevated temperatureGoodAkzoNobel Powder Coatings B.V. T +31 (0)71 308 6981Rijksstraatweg 31 (building 24) F +31 (0)71 318 6924PO Box 2170BA SassenheimThe NetherlandsPretreatment Aluminum, steel or Zinc surfaces to be coated must be clean and free from grease. Iron phosphate andparticularly lightweight zinc phosphating of ferrous metals improves corrosion resistance.Aluminum substrates may require a chromate or non-chromate conversion coating.Application Interpon ACE 2010 YN106G powders can be applied by manual or automatic electrostatic sprayequipment.It is recommended that for consistent application and appearance product be fluidized duringapplication. Unused powder can be reclaimed using suitable equipment and recycled through the coating system.Safety Precautions This product is intended for use only by professional applicators in industrial environments and shouldnot be used without reference to the relevant health and safety data sheet which Akzo Nobel has provided to its customers.DisclaimerIMPORTANT NOTE: The information in this data sheet is not intended to be exhaustive and is based on thepresent state of our knowledge and on current laws: any person using the product for any purpose otherthan that specifically recommended in the technical data sheet without first obtaining written confirmationfrom us as to the suitability of the product for the intended purpose does so at his own risk. It is always theresponsibility of the user to take all necessary steps to fulfill the demands set out in the local rules andlegislation. Always read the Material Data Sheet and the Technical Data Sheet for this product if available. Alladvice we give or any statement made about the product by us (whether in this data sheet or otherwise) iscorrect to the best of our knowledge but we have no control over the quality or the condition of the substrateor the many factors affecting the use and application of the product.Therefore, unless we specifically agree in writing otherwise, we do not accept any liability whatsoever for theperformance of the product or for any loss or damage arising out of the use of the product. All productssupplied and technical advices given are subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale. You shouldrequest a copy of this document and review it carefully. The information contained in this data sheet issubject to modification from time to time in the light of experience and our policy of continuousdevelopment. It is the user's responsibility to verify that this data sheet is current prior to using the product.Brand names mentioned in this data sheet are trademarks of or are licensed to AkzoNobelAkzoNobel Powder Coatings B.V.T +31 (0)71 308 6981 Rijksstraatweg 31 (building 24) F +31 (0)71 318 6924 PO Box 2170BA SassenheimThe Netherlands。
[3 step setting mode (hysteresis mode)]In the 3 step setting mode, the set value (P_1 or n_1) and hysteresis (H_1) can be changed. Set the items on the sub display (set value or hysteresis) with UP or DOWN button. When changing the set value, follow the operation below. The hysteresis setting can be changed in the same way.(1) Press the SET button once when the item to be changed is displayed on the sub display.The set value on the sub display (right) will start flashing.(2) Press the UP orThe set value can be increased with UP button and can be reduced with DOWN button.When UP and DOWN buttons are pressed and held simultaneously for 1 second or longer, the set value is displayed as [- - -], and the set value will be the same as the current pressure value automatically (snap shot function).Afterwards, it is possible to adjust the value by pressing UP or DOWN button.(3) Press the SET button to complete the setting.The pressure switch turns on within a set pressure range (from P1L to P1H) during window comparator mode.Set P1L, the lower limit of the switch operation, and P1H, the upper limit of the switch operation and WH1 (hysteresis) following the instructions given above.(When reversed output is selected, the sub display (left) shows [n1L] and [n1H].)∗:Set OUT2 in the same way. (P_2, H_2 etc.)∗:Setting of the normal/reverse output switching and hysteresis/window comparator mode switching areperformed with the function selection mode [F 1] OUT1 setting and [F 2] OUT2 setting.value Simple Setting Mode(1) Press and hold the SET button between 1 and 3 seconds in measurement mode. [SEt] is displayed on the main display.When the button is released while in the [SEt] display, the current pressure value is displayed on the main display, [P_1] or [n_1] is displayed on the sub display (left), and the set value is displayed on the sub display (right) (Flashing).(2) Change the set value with UP or DOWN button, and press the SET button to set the value. Then, the setting moves to hysteresis setting.(The snap shot function can be used.)(3) Change the set value with UP or DOWN, button, and press the SET button to set the value. Then, the setting moves to the delay time of the switch output.(The snap shot function can be used.)(4) Press the UP or DOWN button, the delay time of the switch output can be selected.Delay time setting can prevent the output from chattering.(5) Press the SET button for 2 seconds or longer to complete the setting.∗:If the button is pressed for less than 2 seconds , the setting will moves to the OUT2 setting.In the window comparator mode, set P1L, the lower limit of the switch operation,and P1H, the upper limit of the switch operation, WH1 (hysteresis) and dt1 (delay time) following the instructions given above.(When reversed output is selected, the sub display (left) shows [n1L] and [n1H].)∗:Set OUT2 in the same way.Default settingThe default setting is as follows.If no problem is caused by this setting, keep these settings.Switching function of [F 0] Pressure range, display unit and switch outputOther parameter settingsFunction Selection ModeIf you use the product by changing the setting, refer to the SMC website(URL ) for more detailed information, or contact SMC.∗:configuration of other functions, [- - -] is displayed on the sub display (right).[F 1] Setting of OUT1[F 2] Setting of OUT2Same setting as [F 1] OUT1.Peak/bottom value indicationThe max. (min.) pressure when the power is supplied is detected and updated.The value can be displayed on the sub display by pressing UP or DOWN button in measurement mode.Snap shot functionThe current pressure value can be stored to the switch output ON/OFF set point.When the set value and hysteresis are set, press the UP and DOWN buttons for 1 second or longer simultaneously. Then, the set value of the sub display (right)shows [- - -], and the values corresponding to the current pressure values are automatically displayed.Zero-clear functionIn measurement mode, when the UP and DOWN buttons are pressed for1 second or longer simultaneously, the main display shows [- - -], and the reset to zero.The display returns to measurement mode automatically.Key-lock functionTo set each of these functions, refer to the SMC website(URL ) for more detailed information, or contact SMC.MaintenanceHow to reset the product after a power cut or forcible de-energizing The setting of the product will be retained as it was before a power cut orde-energizing. The output condition is also basically recovered to that before a power cut or de-energizing, but may change depending on the operatingenvironment. Therefore, check the safety of the whole installation before operating the product. If the installation is using accurate control, wait until the product has warmed up (approximately 10 to 15 minutes).Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2019 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved Specifications/Outline with Dimensions (in mm)Refer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL ) for more information about the product specifications and outline dimensions.TroubleshootingError indication functionThis function is to display error location and content when a problem or error has occurred.than above are displayed, please contact SMC.Refer to the SMC website (URL ) for more information about troubleshooting.Function selection modeIn measurement mode, press the SET button between 3 and5 seconds, to display [F 0]. Select to display the function to be changed [F ]. Press and hold the SET button for 2 seconds or longer in function selection mode to return to measurement mode.PS ※※-OMW0007Akihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN Phone: +81 3-5207-8249 Fax: +81 3-5298-5362URL Before UseSensor MonitorPSE3##A SeriesMounting and InstallationOutline of Settings∗: If a button operation is not performed for a certain time during the setting, the display will flash.(This is to prevent the setting from remaining incomplete if, for instance, an operator were to leave during setting.)∗: 3 step setting mode, simple setting mode and function selection mode settings are reflected each other.Set the pressure range, display unit and NPN/PNP output specifications.Measurement modePress the SET button between 3 and 5 seconds.[F 0] Setting of the switching function of the pressure range, display unit andswitch output specifications is completed.Move on to pressure range setting.Press the SET button.When selecting the buttons other than [USEr], move on to the display unit setting with SET button.Press the SET button to set.Move on to the switch output NPN/PNP specification switching setting.Press the SET button to set.Return to function selection mode.Press the SET button to set.Measurement mode (Initial setting is completed)Perform the setting with the 3 step setting mode, simple setting mode andfunction selection mode.Thank you for purchasing an SMC PSE3##A Series Digital Display Setting Equipment.Please read this manual carefully before operating the product and make sure you understand its capabilities and limitations. Please keep this manual handy for future reference.Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of"Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International standards (ISO/IEC) and other safety regulations.OperatorSafety InstructionsPress the SET button for 2 second or longer.NOTE•The direct current power supply to be used should be UL approved as follows:Circuit (of Class 2) which is of maximum 30 Vrms (42.4 V peak), with UL1310Class 2 power supply unit or UL1585 Class 2 transformer.•The product is a UL approved product only if it has a mark on the body.InstallationMounting with bracketMount the bracket to the body with mounting screws (Self tapping screws:Nominal size 3 x 8L (2 pcs.)), then set the body to the specified position.∗: Tighten the bracket mounting screws to a torque of 0.5±0.05 Nm.Self tapping screws are used, and should not be re-used several times.•Bracket (Part No.: ZS-46-A1)∗: The panel mount adapter can be rotated through 90 degrees for mounting.Mounting with panel mount adapterMount part (a) to the front of the body and fix it. Then insert the body with (a)into the panel until (a) comes into contact with the panel front surface. Next,mount part (b) to the body from the rear and insert it until (b) comes into contact with the panel for fixing.•Panel mount adapter (Part No.: ZS-46-B)Panel mount adapter + Front protective cover (Part No.: ZS-46-D)Refer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL )for more information about panel cut-out and mounting hole dimensions.WiringWiring connectionsConnections should be made with the power supply turned off.Use a separate route for the product wiring and any power or high voltage wiring.Otherwise, malfunction may result due to noise.If a commercially available switching power supply is used, be sure to ground the frame ground (FG) terminal. If the switching power supply is connected for use, switching noise will be superimposed and it will not be able to meet the product specifications. In that case, insert a noise filter such as a line noise filter/ferrite between the switching power supplies or change the switching power supply to the series power supply.How to use connectorand pull the connector straight out.Core wire colour Pin No.Brown Black White Grey Blue DC(+)OUT1OUT2FUNC DC(-)Internal circuit and wiring examples•NPN open collector 2 output + Analogue output Max.30 V,80 mAResidual voltage: 1 V or less•PNP open collector 2 output + Analogue output Max. 80 mAResidual voltage: 1.5 V or lessRefer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL ) for more information about other internal circuit and wiring examples.Connector pin numbers。
Item PNC ELC Brand Model MarketSPARE PARTS LISTFreestanding fridge-freezers, top freezers3713A 925053050 00 Electrolux EME3500SA VNE Electrolux Thailand Co.,Ltd. 1910 Electrolux Building New Petchburi Rd. Bangkapi HuaykwangBangkok , 10310 Tel : +662 725 9000Publication-No. 130709Freestanding fridge-freezers,top freezersSAFETY WARNINGAlways turn off and unplug the machine before detaching any parts.When servicing machines, do not removeANY detachable parts while the machine is powered. The reason is internal faults may cause shorts to components that are normally at low voltage presenting a shock hazard.A 925053051 00 Electrolux EME3500SA PHH A 925053052 00 Electrolux EME3500SA SGE A 925053053 00 Electrolux EME3500SA MYH A 925053054 00 Electrolux EME3500SA THE A 925053086 00 Electrolux EME3500SA IDHModel : PNC :Ex. View DrawingEME3500SACabinet Assembly49Pos.Part No. DescriptionE M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 9250E M E 3500P N C 9250E M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 92501 811924701CABINET FOAMED MD350 GRVN 1 1 811924601 CABINET FOAMED MD350 GRPH 1 811924501 CABINET FOAMED MD350 GRSG 1 811924401 CABINET FOAMED MD350 GRMY 1 811991901 CABINET FOAMED MD350 GR1 2 811999101 HINGE BOTTOM BASE RIGHT 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 811996201 FEET BASE HINGE 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 811998901 FEET LEVER2 2 2 2 2 2 5 811949503 SCREW TRUSS 4.2x13 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 811999001 FEET BASE1 1 1 1 1 1 7 811943001 SWITCH DOOR TF DOUBLE 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 811943601 SWITCH DOOR2 2 2 2 2 2 9 811981301SUPPORT HEATER MD1 1 1 1 1 811981402 SUPPORT HEATER TF R600a1 10 811981801HEATER DEFROST R134A 240V 1 1 1 1 1 811981701 HEATER DEFROST R600A 240V1 11 811981201COVER HEATER R134A 1 1 1 1 1 811981101 COVER HEATER R600a 1 12 811980401 CLAMP NTC EVAPORATOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 811944701 HARNESS THERMO FUSE 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 811948501 CABLE TIES 2.5x1204 4 4 4 4 4 15 811982002 EVAPORATOR 7 PASSES 6.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 811981501 RETAINER THERMAL FUSE 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 811974401 SHROUD FAN1 1 1 1 1 1 18 811974301 BRACKET SHROUD FAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 811972801 GROMMET FAN SIDE2 2 2 2 2 2 20 1446048 GROMMET , FAN MOUNTING 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 1451299 BLADE ASSY FAN1 1 1 1 1 1 22 811973301MOTOR FAN 240V/50HZ 1 1 1 1 1 811973302 MOTOR FAN 240V/60HZ 1 23 242585005 PCBA MAIN ERF2002 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 811968401 HOUSING BOX PCB 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 811968301 COVER BOX PCB1 1 1 1 1 1 26 811974701COVER EVAPORATOR FRONT TF1 1 1 1 1 1 811971901 COVER EVAPORATOR MD 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 811972601COVER MID CONNECTOR HOUSIN1 1 1 1 1 1 29 811930402 COVER DEODORIZER BLUE3 3 3 3 3 3 30 811972201 DUCT EVAPORATOR REAR MD111111Pos.Part No. DescriptionE M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 9250E M E 3500P N C 9250E M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 9250 E M E 3500P N C 925031 811972901 DUCT MID EPS REAR MD 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 811973101 DUCT MID EPS FRONT MD 1 1 1 1 1 1 33 811969301 BAFFLE DOUBLE MD1 1 1 1 1 1 34 811951901 TAPE ALUMINUM EVC REAR MD1 1 1 1 1 1 35 811971601 COVER SCREW5 5 5 5 5 5 36811974201COVER MULTIFLOW FRONT LUX MD S1 1 1 1 1 1 37 811973401 COVER MULTIFLOW SLIDE 1 1 1 1 1 1 38 811973201 COVER MID FRONT MD1 1 1 1 1 1 39 811944801 HARNESS MULTIFLOW TF LUXUR 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 811974001 DUCT MULTIFLOW TF SMALL 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 811930301 DEODORIZER NANO COPPER 1 1 1 1 1 1 42 811943801 PCBA LIGHTING LED HSLB3 3 3 3 3 3 43 811971501 LENS MULTIFLOW TF 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 811971201 LENS FREEZER MD 350 2 2 2 2 2 2 45 811999201 HINGE CENTRE RIGHT 2 2 2 2 2 2 46 811999401 HINGE TOP RIGHT1 1 1 1 1 1 47 811998801 HINGE TOP COVER RIGHT GR 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 811949401 SCREW TRILOB M5x16 8 8 8 8 8 8 49 811942601 HARNESS SENSOR111111Model : PNC :Ex. View DrawingEME3500SACabinet InteriorParts Assembly25Pos.Part No. DescriptionE M E 3500S A P N C 925053050 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053051E M E 3500S A P N C 925053052E M E 3500S A P N C 925053053 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053054 E M E 3500S A P N C 9250530861 811956701 T&S ASSY WHITE 1 1 1 1 1 12 811956801 FRAME ICE T&S 1 1 1 1 1 13 243262600 T&S ICE CUBE TRAY 2 2 2 2 2 24 811957001 SUPPORT ICE T&S 1 1 1 1 1 15 243262903 KNOB ICE T&S WHITE 2 2 2 2 2 26 811956601 BIN ICE1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1451543 SPRING TWIST&SERVE2 2 2 2 2 2 8 811957201 LID FREEZER SHELF 60W LUX 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 811957701 SHELF FZR FOLDABLE FRONT 60W1 1 1 1 1 1 10 811957501 SHELF FZR FOLDABLE REAR60W1 1 1 1 1 1 11 811957901 SHELF FZR ASSY 60W1 1 1 1 1 1 12 811956201 DRAWER MIDDLE BODY MD350 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 811958101 TRAY CHILL ROOM 60W L 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 811955401 SHELF SPLIT ASSY 60W LUX 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 811958701 SHELF FC ASSY 60W1 1 1 1 1 1 16 811959001 COVER CRISPER ASSY 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 807323001 CRISPER BODY 60W LUX 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 811960201 CRISPER FRONT TF 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 811959801 CRISPER HANDLE TF 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 811959601 DIVIDER CRISPER TF 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 811967901 HOUSING PCBA VLIGHT1 1 1 1 1 1 22 807238301 LIGHT GUIDE N-LIGHT 4LED 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 807114501 LENS N LIGHT 4LED 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 807114301 PCB N LIGHT 60W 4LED 1 1 1 1 1 1 25 811956401 SHELF MID ASSY MD350 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 811967801 COVER PCBA VLIGHT 1 1 1 1 1 1 27 811949501 SCREW TRUSS 4.2x35 1 1 1 1 1 1 28 811958501 LID CHILL ROOM 60W1 1 1 1 1 1 29 811956001 DRAWER MIDDLE FRONT MD350 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 811960801 DRAWER HANDLE MID MD350 1 1 1 1 1 1 31 811959201 KNOB HUMIDIFIER111111Model : PNC :Ex. View DrawingEME3500SASystemcompartment Assembly2.1Pos.Part No. DescriptionE M E 3500S A P N C 925053050 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053051E M E 3500S A P N C 925053052E M E 3500S A P N C 925053053 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053054 E M E 3500S A P N C 9250530861 811998401 BASE COMPRESSOR 60W1 1 1 1 1 12 811979402 COMPRESSOR ACC GVY57AG1 811979301 COMPRESSOR ACC HXK95AA 1 811979003 COMPRESSOR WANBAO ASF 1 1 1 1 2.1 807305701 TERMINAL BLOCK ACC1 1 807306201 TERMINAL BLOCK HXK 1 807280401 BLOCK TERMINAL WANBAO 1 1 1 1 3 811978901 GROMMET COMPRESSOR 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 811998601 CLAMP COMPRESSOR2 2 2 2 2 2 5 811978201 CLAMP DRYER 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 811945601 CAPACITOR 4UF1 1 1 1 811945602 CAPACITOR 4UF 4.8mm1 1 7 811943301 POWERCORD REFRIGERATOR VN1 811943401 POWERCORD REFRIGERATOR PH 1 1 811943201 POWERCORD REFRIGERATOR SG 1 1 811943101 POWERCORD REFRIGERATOR TH 1 8 811942901 HARNESS EARTH1 1 1 1 1 1 9 811949301 SCREW TRILOB M3x102 2 2 2 2 2 10 1441189 DRYER1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1401884 TUBE PROCESS2 2 2 2 2 2 12 811983601 TUBE DISCHARG EXTENSION ACC11 1 1 811983501 TUBE DISCHARG EXTENSION ACC2 1 811983301 TUBE DISCHARG EXTENSION WANB 1 1 13 811982501 TUBE SUCTION EXTENSION ACC11 1 1 811982401 TUBE SUCTION EXTENSION ACC2 1 811982201 TUBE SUCTION EXTENSION WANBA 1 1 14 811978101 PAN DRAIN WATER ACC1 1 1 811977901 PAN DRAIN WATER HXK 1 896113194 PAN DRAIN WATER WANBAO 1 1 15 811949401 SCREW TRILOB M5x162 2 22 2 2Model : PNC : Ex. View DrawingEME3500SA Door Assembly5. 6.2Pos.Part No. DescriptionE M E 3500S A P N C 925053050 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053051E M E 3500S A P N C 925053052E M E 3500S A P N C 925053053 E M E 3500S A P N C 925053054 E M E 3500S A P N C 9250530861 811933901 DOOR FOAMED FC MD350 SS 1 1 1 1 1 12 811933701 DOOR FOAMED MID MD350 SS 1 1 1 1 1 13 811934801 DOOR FOAMED FZR MD350 SS 1 1 1 1 1 14 811986804 RAIL DOOR SUPPORT 60W SILV 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.1 811988515 GASKET FC MD350 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.2 811988514 GASKET MID MD350L 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.3 811988502 GASKET FZR TF60W1 1 1 1 1 1 6.1 807439106 HANDLE FC MD ASSEMBLY 1 1 1 1 1 1 6.2 807439105 HANDLE FC MID ASSEMBLY 1 1 1 1 1 1 6.3 807439104 HANDLE FC FZR ASSEMBLY 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 811962002 BIN DOOR BOTTLE ASSY 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 811961501 BIN DOOR FLEX 1/2 ASSY 1 1 1 1 1 1 811961401 BIN DOOR FLEX 2/3 ASSY 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 807489801 TRAY EGG 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 811960701 BIN DAIRY ASSY 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 811960601 CLIP BAG DOOR2 2 2 2 2 2 13 811962102 BIN DOOR SHALLOW ASSY 60W 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 811967401 DOOR COMPLETE UI ASSY TF 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 811969601 PCBA UI1 1 1 1 1 1 16 811988701 BEARING AUTO CLOSER R 3 3 3 3 3 3 17 811948801 SCREW COUNTERSUNK M4.8x19 3 3 33 3 3Model : PNC : - 11 -EME3500SA SAFETY WARNINGAlways turn off and unplug the machine before detaching any parts. When servicing machines, do not remove ANY detachable parts while the machine is powered. The reason is internal faults may cause shorts to components that are normally at low voltage presenting a shock hazard.。
Effects of heat treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a 6061 aluminium alloy
Materials Science and Engineering A 528 (2011) 2718–2724Contents lists available at ScienceDirectMaterials Science and EngineeringAj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /m s eaEffects of heat treatments on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a 6061aluminium alloyD.Maisonnette a ,M.Suery b ,D.Nelias a ,∗,P.Chaudet a ,T.Epicier caUniversitéde Lyon,CNRS,INSA-Lyon,LaMCoS UMR5259,F-69621,FrancebUniversitéde Grenoble,SIMaP,UMR CNRS 5266,BP46,Domaine Universitaire,38402Saint Martin d’Hères Cedex,France cUniversitéde Lyon,CNRS,INSA-Lyon,Mateis UMR5510,F-69621,Francea r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 23August 2010Received in revised form 3December 2010Accepted 3December 2010Available online 9 December 2010Keywords:6061Aluminium alloyThermomechanical propertiesElectron beam welding stress–strain curves Yield stressHardening precipitatesa b s t r a c tThis paper describes the mechanical behavior of the 6061-T6aluminium alloy at room temperature for various previous thermal histories representative of an electron beam welding.A fast-heating device has been designed to control and apply thermal loadings on tensile specimens.Tensile tests show that the yield stress at ambient temperature decreases if the maximum temperature reached increases or if the heating rate decreases.This variation of the mechanical properties is the result of microstructural changes which have been observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe study presented in this paper is concerned with the widely used 6061-T6aluminium alloy.It is an age hardenable alloy,the mechanical properties of which being mainly controlled by the hardening precipitates contained in the material.When the material is subjected to a solution heat treatment followed by a quenching and a tempering treatment,its mechanical properties reach their highest level and become very good compared to other aluminium alloys.The as-obtained microstructure of the material is called T6temper (tempering around 175◦C).Another interest-ing characteristic of the AA6061is its good weldability.Because of these favorable properties,the AA6061alloy is used in the trans-port and the public works domains (framework,pylon,handling equipment ...)and also for complex structures assembled by weld-ing [1–3].The present work is part of the early qualifying study of a pres-sure vessel to be used in an experimental nuclear reactor.The approximate size of the vessel is five meters height with a diameter of about one meter.Several ferrules in AA6061-T6should be assem-bled together by electron beam (EB)welding.The aim of the work presented in this paper is to evaluate the influence of the weld-ing process on the mechanical properties of the material at room∗Corresponding author.E-mail address:daniel.nelias@insa-lyon.fr (D.Nelias).temperature.The change of mechanical properties is due to met-allurgical phenomena such as dissolution,growth or coarsening of precipitates,which have been also observed.It is commonly assumed that the generic precipitation sequence in Al–Mg–Si alloys is [4,5]:SSSS →GP →→→-Mg 2Si(1)Here SSSS represents the super-saturated solid solution and GP stands for Guinier–Preston zones.The sequence (1)will be consid-ered in this work.However,some authors give more details about this sequence [5–12]particularly Ravi and Wolverton [5]who gave a detailed inventory of the compositions of the phases contained in an Al–Mg–Si alloy.The compositions generally accepted for the most common precipitates are listed in Table 1.According to the literature [6–9,13,14],the T6temper of the 6XXX alloys involves very thin precipitates.They are  needle-shaped precipitates oriented along the three 100 directions of the matrix.Their size is nanometric and they are partially coherent.The study presented in this paper includes High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM)observations of the investigated 6061-T6alloy in order to characterize the precipita-tion state of the T6temper.These observations will allow defining a precipitate distribution of reference for the initial alloy.From this initial state,thermal loadings are applied on specimens which are thereafter observed by TEM.The investigated thermal loadings will also be applied on tensile specimens in order to evaluate the variation of the resulting mechanical properties.0921-5093/$–see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.msea.2010.12.011D.Maisonnette et al./Materials Science and Engineering A528 (2011) 2718–27242719Table1Compositions of the precipitates contained in Al–Mg–Si alloys.Phase CompositionGP zone Mg1Si1 Mg5Si6 Mg9Si5Mg2SiFor experimental convenience,the study will be limited to the solid state of the alloy.This means that the maximum temperature to be used is below582◦C(solidus temperature for the AA6061)and the phenomena occurring in the melting pool of the weld will not be taken into account here.Furthermore,the mechanical characteriza-tions and microstructural observations will be carried out at room temperature after the thermal loading.This will allow the char-acterization of the material at various points of the Heat Affected Zone(HAZ)after welding(and not during the welding process). For that purpose,the required thermal loadings should reproduce the temperature evolution in the HAZ with high heating rates up to200K/s.An experimental device has been specifically developed to meet these requirements.Atfirst,the design of the device will be briefly presented.Then,the results of the mechanical charac-terizations and microstructural observations will be presented and discussed.2.Experimental procedure2.1.Experimental heating deviceThe main purpose of the experimental heating device is to repro-duce on a tensile specimen the thermal history encountered by each point of the heat affected zone during welding of the vessel.The highest temperature to be studied is thus T=560◦C,very close to the solidus temperature of582◦C which should not be reached.To do so,an accurate control of the temperature has been set up.Fur-thermore,the device should be able to reproduce the heating rate observed in the HAZ of an electron beam welding(up to200K/s). This heating rate has been evaluated by measuring it during an instrumented welding experiment.The second aim of the device is to apply a mechanical loading on a specimen in order to mea-sure the mechanical properties of the material.The mechanical and thermal loadings have to be used simultaneously in order to perform tensile tests at high temperature for further study or to compensate for thermal expansion of the specimen during heating. Therefore,the experimental equipment includes a heating device and a mechanical testing machine.2.1.1.Design of the deviceA convenient method to heat aluminium alloys at very high rate is by Joule effect.Another way would be by induction heating but it is not efficient enough to obtain the required heating rate on alu-minium alloys.For this reason,a resistive heating device has been designed and constructed.In order to measure the temperature of the specimen during heating,a thermocouple has been spot welded on the specimen surface.The strains are measured by means of an extensometer with ceramic tips.The Joule heating device is a power supply,made of an electrical transformer and a thyristor bridge,providing a continuous current whose intensity is controlled by a thermal controller.Water cooled cables and clamping systems are used to connect the specimen to the heating device.A graphite resistor is added in series in order to increase the potential difference across the generator allowing a good temperaturecontrol.Fig.1.Temperature distribution measured by thermocouples along the tensile specimen.2.1.2.Specimen designA specimen heated by using Joule effect reacts as an electrical resistor.Its electrical resistance depends on the material electri-cal resistivity and the specimen shape which has to be optimized in order to reach the desired heating rate(up to500K/s).More-over,the temperature must be uniform over the measurement area (between the extensometer tips)and the specimen volume should be large enough for the microstructure to be representative of the alloy in real structures.A FEM simulation was performed to optimize the size and shape of the specimen.The used software,called Sysweld®was devel-oped by ESI Group.The simulation is carried out by using an electro kinetic model[15].The density d and the thermal conductivity K of the alloy were considered to vary with temperature.A paramet-ric study shows that a diameter of6mm is required to obtain a heating rate up to500K/s.A specimen length of100mm is also required to have a low thermal gradient.Fig.1shows the tempera-ture distribution in the specimen.The gradient has been measured with10thermocouples placed all over the length of a specimen peak-heated to350◦C at a heating rate of15K/s.2.1.3.Regulation set-upThe experimental device has been designed to reach high heat-ing rates.An accurate control of the temperature is required in order to avoid overshoots.To do so,a PID controller has been used [16–19].The resulting thermal loading is slightly delayed but the heating rate is equal to the desired one.The cooling rate is maxi-mum at the highest temperature(of the order of23K/s at500◦C) and decreases during cooling;it drops to about6K/s when temper-ature becomes lower than150◦C.2.2.Transmission Electron MicroscopyThe experimental device presented previously has been used to heat specimens for both mechanical measurements and TEM observations.Two types of microstructural observations have been carried out during this work.Thefirst one is a detailed observation of the microstructure of the material in the T6temper by means of HRTEM(High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy) and the second one by means of classical TEM to compare the microstructure of the alloy for three different states of precipita-tion.They were conducted on a JEOL2010F microscope operating at200kV,which belongs to the Centre Lyonnais de Microscopie (CLYM)located at INSA Lyon(France).TEM allows only very local observations so it was not intended to measure accurately the volume fraction of the precipitates;also not enough precipitates were analyzed to obtain an accurate mean radius.2720 D.Maisonnette et al./Materials Science and Engineering A528 (2011) 2718–2724The samples used in TEM are thin lamellas.A disk with a thick-ness of about200m is extracted from the heated specimen by means of a diamond wire saw.Its diameter is then reduced by punching.The disk is thinned to electron transparency(thickness to about200nm or less)by electropolishing using an electrolytic bath composed of20%of HNO3in methanol.The bath is cooled at−30◦C with liquid nitrogen[20].A Precision Ion Polishing System(PIPS) is used in order to accomplishfinal thinning and cleaning by ion milling.Some EDX(Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy)analy-sis were performed with an Oxford Instruments analyzer,using a nanoprobe(about3nm in diameter)in the TEM to estimate the composition of the precipitates in the T6state.2.3.Mechanical characterizationTensile tests have been carried out at room temperature on spec-imens previously heated to peak temperatures of200,300,400,500 and560◦C with various heating rates(0.5,5,15,50,200K/s)in order to measure their mechanical properties.The thermal loadings are representative of the thermal histories encountered in EB welding.Three parameters have been investigated.Thefirst one is the maximum temperature reached during heating at a given heating rate(r=15K/s).The second one is the heating rate for a given max-imum temperature(T=400◦C).The third one is the dwell time at T=560◦C.This last study is not representative of a welding opera-tion but will allow understanding the variation of the mechanical characteristics during holding at a given temperature which cor-responds to the solution treatment of the alloy.For each test,the specimen is heated to the required temperature while compensat-ing for thermal expansion,then it is cooled to room temperature andfinally deformed until fracture at a strain rate of10−2s−1.Dur-ing the test,for a strain close to1.5%,an unloading is performed to measure the elastic modulus.3.Results3.1.HRTEM observations of the material in the T6temperThe aim of the HRTEM investigation on the AA6061-T6is to mea-sure the size of some hardening precipitates and to evaluate their composition in order to characterize the microstructure of the ref-erence T6state.The precipitates present in this state are hard to see owing to their very small size and because they are partly coherent with the aluminium matrix.HRTEM is thus mandatory to image the precipitates.Fig.2(a)shows a TEM picture at high magnification.Two needle-shaped precipitates can be seen:•Thefirst one is oriented along the[001]direction.Its cross sec-tion is observed making its diameter measurable accurately.The measure gives a diameter of about4nm.•The second one is oriented along the[100]direction.It is observed lying in the thin foil.The diffractogram,obtained by using Fourier transform,asso-ciated to thefirst precipitate is shown in Fig.2(b).In addition to the{200}diffraction spots associated with the aluminium matrix, weak aligned spots prove that the atomic state is partially disor-dered as for pre- phases.At last,an EDX analysis carried out on the needle-shaped precip-itates by means of a3nm probe gives an atomic ratio X Mg/X Si=1.29 (with a standard deviation of0.3).This value is the average result of measurements onfive precipitates.3.2.Classical TEM observations of the microstructural changesFollowing the detailed study of the T6temper,the precipitates for various states were observed by means of classical TEM.The aim is to evaluate the evolution of the microstructure(size and vol-ume fraction of precipitates)as a function of the thermal loading previously submitted to the pared to HRTEM,classi-cal TEM is a better way to evaluate the volume fraction because it allows a larger area to be observed at lower magnification.How-ever classical TEM is worse than HRTEM to measure accurately the diameter of the precipitates because the images at high magnifica-tion are often fuzzy(a difficulty inherent to the diffraction contrast in conventional TEM).parison of three precipitation statesThe reference microstructure of the T6temper is here compared to states observed after a heating up to300◦C and400◦C at a heat-ing rate of15K/s and no dwell time at the maximum temperature.Fig.3shows three micrographs obtained from representative sample areas for the three investigated states.In the case of the specimen heated to400◦C,some precipitates with a needle shape are present in the picture.These precipitates are very large,with length between65and170nm and a mean value of112nm,and their diameter ranges between5and11nm with a mean value of 7.35nm.The mean values are calculated by taking into account ten precipitates observed on different pictures.However it should be mentioned that the precipitates could be cut by the sample prepa-ration,consequently the length given above should be considered as indicative only.They will be used to compare the precipitation state.In the two other cases,the precipitates are smaller.Their length is between20and40nm with a mean value of29nm for the T6 temper and between15and40nm with a mean value of25nm for the specimen heated to300◦C.Their diameter ranges between 3.75and4.6nm with a mean value of4.45nm for the T6temper and between2and4nm with a mean value of2.6nm for the specimen heated to300◦C.3.2.2.Precipitate volume fraction evaluationThe precipitate size can be measured by means of TEM pictures. However,it is much more difficult to determine the precipitate volume fraction.Indeed,projections obtained by TEM correspond to volumetric observations but the thickness of the sample is not known accurately.In order to get a rough estimate of the precipi-tate volume fraction,TEM micrographs were compared to pictures obtained by modeling.A computer software has thus been devel-oped in Matlab to simulate these images.Based on three simple parameters describing the precipitation state,the program can reproduce a needle-shaped precipitate distribution in a sample with a uniform thickness.The three parameters are the volume fraction(f v),the mean radius of the needle precipitates(r avg)and their mean length(L avg).A Gaussian size distribution is arbitrarily assumed for the radius and the length with a variance of1and36,respectively.The size distributions are discretized in one hundred classes of size.Once the thickness isfixed(illustrations will be given here for a100nm thick material),the total volume is calculated and an iterative algo-rithm increases step by step the number of precipitates in each class to obtain the volume corresponding to the desired f v.The pre-cipitates are then shown graphically on a2D view by distributing them uniformly along the three 001 directions of the Al-matrix, which corresponds to the viewing directions of the TEM micro-graphs shown in Figs.2and3.Fig.4compares the precipitation state observed in the specimen heated to300◦C to two modeled states,thefirst one with a volume fraction of3%(Fig.4(a))and the second one with a volume fraction of1.6%(Fig.4(c)).It clearlyD.Maisonnette et al./Materials Science and Engineering A528 (2011) 2718–27242721Fig.2.HRTEM observations of needle precipitates in AA6061-T6.(a)Lattice image at high magnification;(b)diffractogram(numerical Fourier transform)of the micrograph showing diffraction spots(arrows)arising from the precipitate in addition to the square lattice of the aluminium fcc phase along[001].appears that f v=3%is not representative of the real precipitation state because it is too dense.The volume fraction of1.6%is obvi-ously closer to the volume fraction observed by TEM.The same type of study carried out for the two other investigated states givesa similar volume fraction.3.3.Mechanical characterizationAs indicated previously,three parameters have been investi-gated.Thefirst one is the maximum temperature reached at a given heating rate(r=15K/s).The second one is the heating rate for a given maximum temperature(T=400◦C).The third one is the dwell time at T=560◦C.3.3.1.Influence of the maximum temperature reached at constant heating rateThefirst mechanical study carried out at room temperature deals with the influence of the maximum temperature reached at a given heating rate on the mechanical properties of the AA6061-T6.The maximum temperatures are T=200,300,400,450,500and 560◦C at a heating rate of r=15K/s.The variations of temperature with time for these various thermal loadings are shown in Fig.5. The tensile tests are then conducted at room temperature and the corresponding true stress—logarithmic strain curves are shown in Fig.6.The curves obtained for the heated specimens are compared with the curve obtained for the T6temper without thermal loading (black continuous line).It is found that the thermal loading con-siderably influences the mechanical properties of the specimens except for a maximum temperature of200◦C for which the curve (not shown in Fig.6)is exactly the same as that of the T6sample. Indeed,the yield stress Rp0.2decreases from278MPa at T=300◦C to 70MPa at T=500◦C.Increasing the temperature further to560◦C, however,does not change the yield stress.Fig.7illustrates this 75%decrease of the yield stress when the maximum temperature is increased from300to500◦C.The measured values are compared to values from the literature[21]for which the maximumtemper-parison of three precipitation states.(a)T6temper;(b)after heating up to300◦C at15K s−1;(c)after heating up to400◦C at15K s−1.All micrographs were taken along a 100 zone-axis of the aluminium matrix.2722 D.Maisonnette et al./Materials Science and Engineering A528 (2011) 2718–2724Fig.4.Modeling of the precipitate distribution for a reached temperature T =300◦C with r avg =2.6nm and L avg =25nm assuming volume fractions of (a)3%and (c)1.6%and comparison with the real precipitate distribution microstructure observed by TEM (b)displayed at the same scale.The volume fraction of 1.6%is obviously closer toreality.Fig.5.Thermal loadings used for the study of the influence of the reached temper-ature.Fig.6.True stress—logarithmic strain curves for temperatures up to 560◦C.ature has been held during 30min.It shows that the yield stress at ambient temperature is strongly dependent on the peak tempera-ture reached during the thermal loading,without a dwell time at the highest temperature,for peak temperature higher than 200◦C.No data without dwell time at the maximum temperature have been found in the literature.The Young modulus has been also measured for each specimen.It has been measured firstly at the origin of the stress–strain curve and then during the elastic unloading.A mean value is then calcu-lated.It decreases from 68.7GPa for the T6temper to 65.0GPa for the specimen heated to 560◦C which represents a 5.4%decrease.3.3.2.Influence of the heating rateThe second mechanical study investigates the influence of the heating rate on the mechanical properties of the AA6061-T6.The maximum temperature applied here is T =400◦C and the studied heating rates are:r =0.5,5,15,50,and 200K/s.The tempera-ture variation obtained for r =50K/s shows an overshoot of 8◦C which results in a slight decrease of the measured stress.Simi-larly,the temperature of the specimen heated with a heating rate of r =200K/s did not reach T =400◦C but T =362◦C.Consequently,the measured stress for this specimen would be higher than expected.The tensile tests give the true stress—logarithmic strain curves shown in Fig.8.They show that the yield stress Rp 0.2decreasesFig.7.Yield stress variation versus reached temperature from measurements (with-out temperature holding)and from the literature (with a 30min dwell time).D.Maisonnette et al./Materials Science and Engineering A528 (2011) 2718–27242723Fig.8.True stress—logarithmic strain curves for various heating rates up to200K/s. for every heated specimens compared to the T6temper and the lower the heating rate is,the lower the yield stress of the material is.More precisely Rp0.2decreases from170MPa for a heating rate of r=200K/s to96MPa for a heating rate of r=0.5K/s.These values have not been compared with literature since no data dealing with the influence of the heating rate has been found.3.3.3.Influence of holding time at560◦CThe last mechanical study accomplished on the material is con-cerned with the influence of a holding time at high temperature before doing the tensile test at room temperature.This last study compares the mechanical properties of the AA6061-T6after a heat-ing at T=560◦C with and without a dwell time at this temperature. The temperature T=560◦C has been chosen because it is close to the solvus temperature of thephase in the␣phase.The chosen dwell time is t=30min and the heating rate is r=15K/s.The mechanical properties obtained for both cases are strictly identical.This result indicates that the dwell time at T=560◦C does not influence the mechanical properties measured on the tested specimens.4.Discussion4.1.PrecipitationAccording to literature[5–9,13,14],the precipitates which are normally present in the T6temper of the AA6061alloy are very thin and their density is quite high.They are small needles of (or pre- )type.They are oriented following the three 100 matrix directions.Some authors[6,10,22]have carried out a detailed study of the phase.It appears that the X Mg/X Si atomic ratio is very often close to1as reported in Table1.However,other authors[23]man-aged to measure a X Mg/X Si ratio higher than1for GP zones and co-clusters contained in an aged6061.In addition,the observed precipitates are only partially coherent as for the pre- phase. Based on these results,it can be assumed that the precipitates con-tained in the studied reference material are pre- or phases (although the X Mg/X Si atomic ratio measured here to1.29is slightly higher than1).Otherwise,Andersen et al.[6]measured needle pre-cipitates with a size of about4nm×4nm×50nm for the phase and20nm×20nm×500nm for the phase.Furthermore,Don-nadieu et al.[8]measured the size of the precipitates contained in a 6065-T6alloy.They obtained a mean diameter of2.86nm.By com-paring these values to those presented in Sections3.1and3.2it can be assumed that the precipitates contained in the studied AA6061 after heating at400◦C are composed of the phase.On the con-trary,the precipitates contained in the6061-T6and in the6061 after a heating at300◦C are smaller.Therefore,the precipitates are probably remaining precipitates for the6061alloy after heating at300◦C.In addition to that,large intermetallics are visible in the micro-graphs at low magnification,as shown in Fig.9.The size of the intermetallics ranges from50to300nm.These intermetallics formed during the elaboration of the material do not contribute to the hardening of the alloy.An energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry analysis(EDX)proved that their composition type is(Fe–Cr–Mn–Si) and not(Al–Mg–Si)as for hardening precipitates.The structure of these intermetallics was not investigated further.However,it is important to note that the intermetallics do contain silicon,so that the corresponding quantity will not be available for hardening precipitation.4.2.Mechanical propertiesFig.6showed that the behavior of the material after heating at500◦C is strictly identical to the behavior of the material after heating at560◦C.Thus,it can be assumed that the microstructure is the same in both cases.Furthermore,a tensile test carried out on a specimen heated to560◦C during30min gives exactly the same behavior.This behavior corresponds to the O temper.It is commonly accepted that a long holding time at T=560◦C(solvus temperature of thephase in the␣phase)is required to dis-solve the parison of the true stress—logarithmic strain curves obtained with and without dwell time shows that the mechanical properties are identical.This means that the dwell time at T=560◦C does not change the mechanical properties.The microstructure is therefore identical corresponding to the annealed state(or O temper)for which no precipitate is present in the mate-rial.This last result shows that for the heating rate and for the specimens used in this study,it is not necessary to apply a dwell time to reach the O temper.This conclusion is probably not valid in the case of a large structure since the peak temperature at each point within the material would depend on its distance from the closest surface.Another result of this investigation is that the heat-ing rate has an influence on the mechanical properties.By using a higher heating rate,the O temper could not be obtained without a dwell time.The hardening is due to the precipitates contained within the material.They hinder dislocation glide.For a given volume fraction, hardening is most effective if the precipitates are small(and there-fore more numerous).These small precipitates have been observed by TEM for the T6temper.This microstructure leads to more favor-able mechanical properties than the other investigated states.The behavior observed here is quite close to the one observed by Zain-ul-Abdein et al.[24]on a6056-T4.Then,the microstructure of the specimen heated to300◦C seems to be close to the one observed for the T6temper,which explains the small difference of mechanical properties.If the maximum temperature is further increased,the yield stress Rp0.2decreases significantly as shown in Fig.7.The TEM observations show that this decrease is due to a strongly enhanced growth of the precipitates.The volume fraction of the precipitates remains identical so that the precipitate number is decreased.This results in a sharp decrease of the mechanical properties,as high-lighted by the tensile tests.Concerning the study of the influence of the heating rate,no microstructural observations have been carried out.However,Fig.8 shows a decrease of the mechanical properties for every thermal loading up to400◦C compared to the mechanical properties of the T6temper.This means that the material has encountered a microstructural change for every investigated heating rate.If the heating rate is very low,the microstructural changes as dissolution and growth of precipitates,have more time to occur.Consequently, less precipitates are present(for a constant volume fraction)and the mechanical properties are lower.The Young modulus has been measured and it has been shown that it decreases slightly compared to the T6state when。
2021年第6期广东化工第48卷总第440期 · 1 ·溶胶凝胶法制备二硫化钼干凝胶复合电极和电化学性能表征简旻坤(厦门理工学院材料科学与工程学院,福建厦门361024)[摘要]通过溶胶凝胶法在泡沫镍表面滴涂二硫化钼干凝胶复合材料来制备析氢电极。
运用多种分析测试技术对制备的复合材料进行表征,并通过电化学方法对复合电极的析氢性能进行研究,研究表明当0.01 mol·L-1钼酸钠-0.4 mol·L-1硫脲配比溶液在水热反应下生成二硫化钼,然后通过溶胶凝胶法制备二硫化钼无机干凝胶滴涂在泡沫镍表面,复合材料的电催化析氢性能最好。
[关键词]泡沫镍;二硫化钼;无机干凝胶;析氢反应[中图分类号]TQ [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1007-1865(2021)06-0001-02Preparation and Hydrogen Evolution Performance of MoS2 Combination Electrodeby Sol-gel ProcessJian Minkun(School of Materials Science and Engineering Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China) Abstract:Hydrogen evolution electrode was produced by MoS2inorganic xerogel on nickel foam by sol-gel process. The morphology and structure of combination electrode was controlled by changing the solution proportioning. The high catalytic activity, high specific surface area, and high electrical conductivity have advantage for the combination electrode, we have investigated the electrocatalytic activity with different morphologies and structures for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The research show that MoS2 prepared by 0.01 mol/L sodium molybdate -0.4 mol/L thiourea through the hydrothermal reaction, than produce the MoS2 inorganic xerogel to drop on the nickel foam, the combination electrode has the best electrocatalytic activity.Keywords: Nickel foam;MoS2;Inorganic xerogel;Hydrogen evolution reaction1 引言经济和科技的不断进步为人类社会的发展提供动力,同时也带来了很多环境问题。
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Vaisala HMDW110 Series Humidity and Temperature Tr
M211692EN-AVaisala HMDW110Series Humidity and TemperatureTransmittersPUBLISHED BYVaisala OyjStreet address:Vanha Nurmijärventie21,FI-01670Vantaa,FinlandMailing address:P.O.Box26,FI-00421Helsinki,FinlandPhone:+358989491Fax:+358989492227Visit our Internet pages at .©Vaisala2014No part of this manual may be reproduced,published or publicly displayed in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical(including photocopying),nor may its contents be modified,translated,adapted,sold or disclosed to a third party without prior written permission of the copyright holder.Translated manuals and translated portions of multilingual documents are based on the original English versions.In ambiguous cases,the English versions are applicable,not the translations.The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.This manual does not create any legally binding obligations for Vaisala towards customers or end users.All legally binding obligations and agreements are included exclusively in the applicable supply contract or the General Conditions of Sale and General Conditions of Service of Vaisala.OverviewHMDW110series transmitters are accurate humidity and temperature transmitters for measurements in HVAC and cleanroom applications.The series consists of the following models:l HMD110/112models for installation in ventilation ducts.l HMW110/112models for wall installation.l HMS110/112models for outdoor use.All models are loop-powered,with2-wire current outputs for humidity and temperature.HMD112,HMW112,and HMS112are standard models.HMD110,HMW110,and HMS110are factory configurable models that are delivered with customer specific output settings,including calculated humidity parameters and special scaling of outputs.HMDW110series transmitters can be connected to Vaisala’s RDP100panel display for real-time viewing of the measurements.HMDW110series can also supply the operating power to the display using only the loop power from the outputs.1Output Parameters ExplainedHMDW110series transmitters offer several output parameters.Relative humidity(RH)and temperature(T)are the measured parameters,the others are calculated based on RH and T.Note:Check the type label on your transmitter to verify its output parameters and scaling of the output channels.2HMD110/112InstallationRequired tools:l Medium size crosshead screwdriver(Pozidriv)for screws on cover and flange.l Small slotted screwdriver for screw terminals.l Drill with2.5mm and13mm bits for making the installation holes.l Tools for cutting and stripping wires.l19mm open-end wrench for tightening the cable gland.1.Remove the yellow transport protection cap and separate the fasteningflange from the transmitter.e the flange to mark the location and size of the installation holes onthe side of the duct.3.Drill the installation holes in the duct.Secure the fastening flange to theduct with the two screws(included).4.Push the probe of the transmitter through the flange and into the duct.Theprobe should reach far enough so that the sensor is located in the middle of the duct.35.Secure the transmitter to the flange by tightening the screw on the flangethat holds the probe in place.6.Open the transmitter cover,and route the cable(s)through the cable gland(s).Connect the wires to the screw terminals.See section WiringHMDW110on page 9.7.Tighten the cable gland(s)and close the transmitter cover.4Required tools:l Medium size crosshead screwdriver(Pozidriv)for cover screws.l Small slotted screwdriver for screw terminals.l Two installation screws:Ø<3.5mm,headØ < 8 mm.l Depending on the wall material and screw type,you may need a drill and a suitable drill bit to make installation holes for screws.l Tools for cutting and stripping wires.l19mm open-end wrench for tightening the cable gland.1.Open the transmitter cover and use two screws(not included)to attachthe transmitter to the wall.The probe and cable gland should point down.2.Route the power and signal cable to the screw terminals and connect thewires.See section Wiring HMDW110on page 9.3.Tighten the cable gland and c lose the transmitter cover.4.Remove the yellow transport protection cap from the probe.5Required tools:l Medium size crosshead screwdriver(Pozidriv).l Small slotted screwdriver for screw terminals.l Tools for cutting and stripping wires.l19mm open-end wrench for tightening the cable gland.Additional tools for pole installation:l Zip ties for securing the cable to the pole.Additional tools for wall installation:l Drill and bits.l Screws(2pcs,Ø<5.5mm)and wall plugs.l Cable clips for securing the cable to the wall.1.Open the six screws that holdthe transmitter cover.2.Route the power and signalcable to the screw terminalsand connect the wires Seesection Wiring HMDW110onpage 9.3.Disconnect the wired screwterminal blocks by pulling themoff from the component board.4.Adjust the length of cablebetween the cable gland and theterminal blocks.Make the cableshort enough to close the coverwithout leaving a cable loop inthe transmitter.65a.Pole installation-Use the supplied clamp andscrews to mount the transmitter on a pole.-To prevent the transmitter from turning on the pole,tighten the set screw on the center hole of the clamp.5b.Wall installation-Drill two holes for wall plugs 100mm apart.-Place the wall plugs in the holes.-Mount the transmitter using two screws of sufficientlength.6.Plug in the screw terminal blocks,close the cover,and tighten the screws.7.Secure the cable to the pole using a zip tie.Allow some cable to hang down from the cable gland to prevent water from entering the transmitter along the cable.7Component BoardAll HMDW110transmitter models use the same component board and have two 4 ... 20mA outputs(loop powered).There is also a service port for configuration and calibration use.1=Terminal block for4...20mA current loop outputs.2=Terminal block for RS-485output to RDP100display panel(optional).3=Service port connector(4-pin M8).Note:You can pull out the terminal blocks from the component board for easier installation,and to disconnect the transmitter from power and RS-485 when using the service port.8Wiring HMDW110You must always connect the humidity measurement current loop(HUM, terminals5 and6)to power the transmitter.Connecting the temperature measurement current loop(terminals7and8)is optional.You can also wire both loops with a single power supply.9Wiring HMDW110with RDP100DisplayYou must always connect the humidity measurement current loop(HUM, terminals5 and6)to power the transmitter.Connecting the temperature measurement current loop(terminals7and8)is optional.Connect the RDP100panel display using terminals1...4.The HMDW110 series transmitter provides both power and data to the RDP100.Note: When using the RDP100with HMDW110series transmitters,remove the jumper on the RDP100component board.10Power Supply RequirementsHMDW110series transmitters are designed for a supply voltage range of10 ... 28 VDC.The minimum required voltage depends on the loop resistance (0 ... 600 Ω)as shown below.11Connecting to the Service PortThe RS-485line of the service port is shared with the connection to RDP100 display panel;the M8service port connector is just an additional connector for easier access.You can use the service port for configuration,calibration,and troubleshooting of the transmitter.You can connect to the service port with the following equipment:l Computer with a Windows operating system,USB computer connection cable219690,and a suitable terminal program.l Vaisala MI70Hand-Held Indicator and the MI70connection cable 219980.Caution:Before using the service port,disconnect the terminal block that connects the transmitter to the power supply(terminals5...8).This prevents possible equipment damage that may be caused by ground loops. If the transmitter is connected to the RDP100panel display(terminals1 ... 4),disconnect that block also.This prevents the communication between the transmitter and display from interfering with your connection.Note:The default RS-485settings of a HMDW110series transmitter are 192008N1.These settings are needed for compatibility with the RDP100 panel display.If you are not using the display,you can change the settings using the SERI command.Note that the service port settings will also change.12List of Serial CommandsNote:For more information and examples of using the serial commands, refer to the HMDW110Series User's Guide.1314Download manuals from:/manualsTechnical support by e-mail:********************Warranty information:/warrantyVaisala Service Centers:/servicecentersPurchase instruments andspare parts online at:*M211692EN*c r。
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张 维存 , 孔令钦
( 北京科技大学 自动化学院 , 京 10 8 ) 北 00 3 摘要 : 基于 PD参数二次整定方法 , I 通过现场试验 , 分步骤的对层压机温度控制 系统 进行 了调整 和优化 , 得到 了适 合某型号
241For additional technical information visit Metric measurements for this product are exact, imperial measurements are rounded to the nearest whole numberUseful Cooling Capacity: 2400 - 5794 BTU (703 - 1697 W)Part No. with basic controller 3303.1042)3303.1142)3304.1043304.1143304.1443305.1043305.1143305.144Part No. with comfort controller 3303.5042)3303.5142)3304.5043304.5143304.5443305.5043305.5143305.544Voltage V , Hz230, 50/60115, 60230, 50/60115, 60400, 50/ 460, 60, 3~230, 50/60115, 60400, 50/ 460, 60, 3~Dimensions inches (mm)H x W x D24 x 11 x 12 (620 x 285 x 298)40 x 16 x 14 (1020 x 405 x 358)Useful cooling capacity Q KBTU (W)T i 131 T a 1312400 (703)3916 (1147)5794 (1697)Useful cooling capacity Q K to DIN 3168 BTU (W)T i 95 T a 951708/2083(500/610)1708 (500)3415/3620 (1000/1060)5123/5157 (1500/1510)T i 95 T a 122956/1195(280/350)956 (280)2698/2869 (790/840)4201/4269 (1230/1250)Rated current maximum 2.6/2.6 A 5.7 A 5.4/5.0 A 10.6/11.1 A 2.8/2.9 A 6.0/6.5 A 12.1/13.6 A 2.6/2.9 A Starting current 5.1/6.4 A 11.5 A 12.0/14.0 A 26.0/28.0 A 11.5/12.7 A 22.0/24.0 A 42.0/46.0 A 12.2/11.3 A Pre-fuse T 10.0 A 10.0 A 10.0 A 16.0 A 10.0 A 1)16.0 A 20.0 A 10.0 A 1)Power consumption Pel toDIN 3168T i 95 T a 95360/380 W 470 W 700/650 W 725/680 W 580/550 W 850/1000 W 880/1050 W 800/980 W T i 95 T a 122420/390 W500 W 750/710 W 780/750 W 660/680 W 1000/1160 W 1040/1200 W 960/1150 W Cooling coefficient j =Q K /PelT i 95 T a 95 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.9Refrigerant R134a, 6.0 oz (170 g)R134a, 17.6 oz (500 g)R134a, 21.1 oz (600 g)Maximum allowable operating pressure 406 psi (28 bar)363 psi (25 bar)Temperature and setting range Comfort Controller - 68 to 131° F (+20 to +55° C) / Basic Controller - 86 to 131° F (+30 to +55° C)Environmental ratings UL Type 4X (IP 66)Duty cycle 100%Type of connection Plug-in terminal strip Weight lb (kg)55.1 (25)108.2 (49)119.0 (54)110.2 (50)112.4 (51)123.5 (56)114.6 (52)Material Type 304 stainless steelAir displacement offans External circuit 203 cfm (345 m 3/h)530 cfm (900 m 3/h)530 cfm (900 m 3/h)Internal circuit 182 cfm (310 m 3/h)353 cfm (600 m 3/h)471 cfm (800 m 3/h)Temperature control Basic or comfort controller (factory setting 95° F [+35° C])Accessories PU Page Door-operated switch 14127.010–Master/slave cable for comfortcontroller13124.100–3124.100267RiDiag II including cables for comfortcontroller13159.100267Interface card for comfort controller 13124.200268Condensate hose 13301.6103301.6122731) Motor circuit breaker. 2)Internal condensate evaporator not included. Special voltages and technical modifications available on request.Wallmounted UL T ype 4X Air ConditionerCon guration:Fully wired ready for connection, including drilling template and assembly parts. With nano-coated condenser and integrated condensate evaporator.Protection Ratings:UL and cUL recognized, CSA UL Type 4XUL file: SA8250 Material:Type 304 stainless steel Note:Air conditioner with comfortcontroller may be integrated into a monitoring system with an optional interface card 3124.20 (RS 232, RS 485, RS 422 and PLC interface). See page 268. Made in the USA.000C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o242For additional technical information visit Metric measurements for this product are exact, imperial measurements are rounded to the nearest whole numberUseful Cooling Capacity: 8706 - 10525 BTU (2550 - 3083 W)Part No. with basic controller 3328.1043328.1143328.1443329.1043329.1143329.144Part No. with comfort controller 3328.5043328.5143328.5443329.5043329.5143329.544Rated operating voltage V , Hz 230, 50/60115, 50/60400, 50/460, 60, 3~230, 50/60115, 50/60400, 50/460, 60, 3~Dimensions inches (mm)H x W x D 65 x 16 x 15 (1650 x 405 x 388)Useful cooling capacity Q K BTU (W)T i 131 T a 1318706 (2550)10525 (3083)Useful cooling capacity Q K to DIN 3168 BTU (W)T i 95 T a 956860/8025 (2000/2350)8538/9392 (2500/2750)T i 95 T a 1224952/5772 (1450/1690)5464/5977 (1600/1750)Rated current max. 7.5 A/9.1 A 14.7 A/17.3 A 2.8 A/3.3 A 8.6 A/10.6 A 17.0 A/22.0 A 3.7 A/3.8 A Start-up current 22.0 A/26.0 A36.0 A/39.0 A6.8 A/7.8 A 21.0 A/21.0 A44.0 A/42.0 A6.8 A/7.6 A Pre-fuse T16.0 A25.0 A 10.0A/10.0 A 1)16.0 A 25.0 A 10.0 A/10.0 A 1)Power consumption Pel to DIN 3168 T i 95 T a 951025/1200 W 1085/1250 W 1050/1275 W 1450/1675 W 1500/1725 W 1425/1625 W T i 95 T a 1221250/1350 W1300/1410 W1275/1525 W1625/2000 W1675/2065 W1675/1975 WCooling coefficient j = Q K /Pel T i 95 T a 951., 31.7 oz (900 g)Maximum allowable operating pressure 406 psi (28 bar)Temperature and setting range Comfort Controller - 68 to 131° F (+20 to +55° C) / Basic Controller - 86 to 131° F (+30 to +55° C)Protection rating UL Type 4X (IP 66)Duty cycle 100%Type of connection Plug-in terminal stripWeight lb (kg)176.4 (80)191.8 (87)176.4 (80)183.0 (83)198.4 (90)183.0 (83)MaterialType 304 stainless steelAir displacement of fans External circuit 377 cfm (640 m 3/h)418 cfm (710 m 3/h)Internal circuit324 cfm (550 m 3/h)377 cfm (640 m 3/h)Temperature control Basic or comfort controller (factory setting 95° F [+35° C])Accessories PU Page Door-operated switch14127.010–Master/slave cable for comfort controller13124.100267RiDiag II including cables for comfort controller 13159.100267Interface card for comfort controller 13124.200268Condensate hose13301.6122731)Motor circuit breaker. Special voltages available on request. We reserve the right to make technical modifications.Wallmounted UL T ype 4X Air ConditionerCon guration:Fully wired ready for connection, including drilling template and assembly parts. With nano-coated condenser and integrated condensate evaporator.Protection Ratings: UL and cUL recognized UL Type 4X UL file: SA8250Material:Type 304 stainless steelNote:Air conditioner with comfortcontroller may be integrated into a monitoring system with an optional interface card 3124.200(RS 232, RS 485, RS 422 and PLC interface). See page 268. Made in the USA.C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o。
硅烷流化床工艺-Optimization of reaction conditioins in a fluidizedbed for silane pyrolysis
ith the growing interest in sustainable energy sources siliconsolar cells offer opportunities to provide new capacitiesfor electricity generation with simultaneous reduction offorWgreenhouse gas emissions. Indeed, the photovoltaic industry undergoes a very dynamic development in the last few years, e.g. the volume of the solar cells produced worldwide is expected to increase by one and half order of magnitude in the next ten years (Varadi, 1998). This is expected to result in a signifi cant increase in the demand for pure silicon feedstock since polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) based solar cells are the predominant solar cell technology. However, until now the photovoltaic industry has no independent feedstock source. It utilizes of-spec silicon from the semiconductor industry. Therefore a signifi cant shortage of solar grade silicon (s.g. Si) is expected in the next years. Assuming conservatively an annual growth rate for the photovoltaic industry of 15% and a share of thin fi lm technique on the photovoltaic market of 10% the defi ciency of s.g., Si will amount to more than 5000 t (metric ton) in 2010 (Block and Wagner, 2000). For the sustainable growth of the photovoltaic industry an independent feedstock supply of solar grade silicon is necessary.Against this background, several attempts have been made to establish new, independent processes for the low-cost production of solar grade silicon (Ikeda and Maeda, 1992; Block and Wagner, 2000). The main target is a signifi cant reduction of the production costs compared to the costs of electronic grade silicon. Different routes were proposed, among those consisting of consecutive hydrochlorination of metallurgical-grade silicon, purifi cation of chlorosilanes and fi nally their decomposition to pure silicon seems to be the most promising. In these routes that are also currently applied for production of the electronic grade silicon the reduction of the investment costs and energy consumption can be achieved mainly by the selection of the fi nal gaseous component, i.e. monosilane and dichlorosilane v.s trichlorosilane and the type of the decomposer. Along this, the Bayer route to low cost solar grade silicon was worked out (Block and Wagner, 2000). In the Bayer process, metallurgical silicon is converted by the reaction with silicon tetrachlorideand hydrogen to trichlorosilane. In the next reaction step, trichlorosilane is converted via dichlorosilane and monochlorosilane to monosilane. Resulting silicon tetrachloride is recycled to the hydrochlorination reaction. In the fi nal step, silane is decomposed to high purity granular silicon (according to Equation 1) and hydrogen that is recycled to the * Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail address: leslaw. mleczko.lm@bayer-ag.de hydrochlorination reactor. Production costs of < 10 €/ kg in a plant with capacity of 5000 t/y are targeted. SiH1H24kJ•molR,ST P4Si+i H→SH=−−∆23(1) In order to achieve this challenging goal the correct design of the fi nal reaction step is of primary importance. Although pyrolysis of silane is energetically proferable to the normally applied highly endothermic The fl uidized-bed chemical vapor deposition (CVD)process for polycrystalline silicon production is consid-ered to be the most attractive alternative to theconventional bell-jar process. In order to obtain stableoperation, high space-time-yields and high purity ofthe product several obstacles have to be eliminated.Reaction conditions must be optimized to avoid thehomogeneous decomposition of silane and minimizesilicon dust formation. The effect of temperature,silane partial pressure, gas velocity and the size ofbed particles has to be identifi ed. These dependen-cies and the interaction between hydrodynamics andkinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous CVD-reactions were studied in a laboratory-scale fl uidized-bed reactor.Le procédé de production de silicone polycristallin pardéposition de vapeur chimique en lit fl uidisé (CVD) estconsidéré comme la méthode la plus intéressante parrapport au procédé à fi ole en cloche classique. Plusieursobstacles doivent être supprimés afi n d’obtenir unfonctionnement stable, des rendements en tempset en espace élevés et une pureté de produit élevée.Les conditions de réaction doivent être optimiséespour éviter la décomposition homogène du silaneet minimiser la formation de poussières de silicone.L’effet de la température, de la pression partielle dusilane, de la vitesse de gaz et de la taille des particulesde lit doit être déterminé. Ces dépendances etl’interaction entre l’hydrodynamique et la cinétiquedes réactions en CVD homogène et hétérogène ontété étudiées dans un réacteur à lit fl uidisé à l’échelledu laboratoire.keywords: silane, polycrystalline silicon, fl uidized bed.Optimization of Reaction Conditions in a Fluidized-Bed for Silane PyrolysisMaria P. Tejero-Ezpeleta1, Sigurd Buchholz2 and Leslaw Mleczko2*1 Chair of T echnical Chemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum, 44780, Germany2 Bayer AG, Corporate T echnology / Process T echnology, Leverkusen, 51368, Germanyreduction of trichlorosilane, a decrease in cost has to be achieved by replacing the traditional bell-jar reactor by another reactor type that will allow continuous operation at high space-time yields and lower energy consumption. As alternatives, an aerosol (free space) or a fl uidized-bed reactor were considered. An aerosol reactor is not suitable since extensive staging is necessary even for achieving particle size of the order of 20 µm (Dudukovich et al. 1986). A fl uidized bed with a large surface of solids that is available for chemical vapor deposition (CVD) was found to be the most attractive alternative to the conventional bell-jar process. This selection was supported by literature. Both means, i.e. the route and the reactor, allow to the reduction of the energy demand for production 1 kg Si from 300 kWh/kg for trichlorosilane reduction in a bell-jar (Siemens) reactor (Baysar, 1992) to 5 – 8 kWh/kg for pyrolysis of silane in a fl uidized bed (Ibrahim and Johnston, 1990).The main reaction pathways of silane decomposition in a fl uidized-bed reactor are presented schematically in Figure 1. Based on the current understanding, silane can be decomposed and silicon is formed via two major paths. One is the homogeneous decomposition into a gaseous precursor thatcan nucleate a new solid phase that is assumed to be silicon. The other is the heterogeneous decomposition of silane on the existing silicon seed particles or on the formed nuclei leading to a CVD of silicon. This reaction, i.e. deposition of silicon on the seed particles is responsible for the particle growth. Homogeneous reaction fi nes are formed as a product. Fluidized-bed reactors for pyrolysis of silane are usually operated in the bubbling or slugging regime. In the continuously operating reactor, seed particles with a diameter in the range of 100 µm are fed into a fl uidized bed. The bed is fl uidized by silane and an inert gas, usually hydrogen. Despite the light exothermicity of the pyrolysis reaction the reactor has to be heated. The granular product exhibits the same wide particle size distribution as in the bed, but the average particle diameter should be in the range of 900 µm.Several attempts were made to develop a fl uidized-bed silane/chlorosilane decomposer (Rohatgi, 1986 a, b; Kim et al., 1994; Ibrahim and Johnston, 1990; Block and Wagner, 2000). However, until now only MEMC Electronic Materials Inc. commercialized this technology (Ibrahim and Johnston, 1990). There are several reasons why CVD fl uidized-bed processes have not found wide spread application. One of the most important obstacles is a very expensive and time consuming scale-up of the pyrolysis reactor. Hereby a number of interconnected problems have to be solved, e.g. agglomeration of particles in the bed, contamination of the product with impurities during collision of particles with the reactor wall and the distributor, deposition of silicon on the reactor wall with the consequence of contamination of the product, damage of the reactor wall and limited times on stream, deposition of silicon in the gas distributor and plugging of the holes, formation of dust. Especially a low selectivity to dust is very important. In order to minimize homogeneous decomposition of monosilane reaction, conditions have be optimized—particularly the effect of the temperature, partial pressure of the silane, gas velocity and the size of bed particles has to be identifi ed. The problem of the selection of optimum reaction conditions was already addressed by academia (Rohatgi et al., 1982; Kojima et al., 1989; Kojima et al., 1991; Caussat, 1995). However conditions applied in those investigations differed signifi cantly from those expected in the industrial reactor.Against this background, an extended experimental research was started aiming at identifi cation, correlation and quantifi cation of the complex interrelations between reaction conditions, reactor design and performance. In the experiments reported in this paper, the identifi cation of the effect of reaction conditions, i.e. gas composition, particle diameter and gas velocity on the stability of the fl uidization, particle growth rate and on the reactor performance, i.e. yield to poly-Si will be described.ExperimentalLab-Scale Fluidized Bed ReactorA lab-scale fl uidized bed reactor (I.D. = 0.0524 m, h = 1.3 m) was designed for the investigation of silane pyrolysis in an operation range of = 773 – 1073 K and=T = 100 to 140 kPa.=pThe fl uidized bed stainless steel reactor is heated by electric heat on the outer reactor wall. The silane and further purge- or diluent gases are fed through separate, purge able gas lines and mass-fl ow controllers. The following gases were applied: SiH4 (Air-Products, ultrapure), He (Linde, 99.9990 %), N2(Linde, 99.9990%), Ar (Linde, 99.998%) and H2 (Linde, 99.9990%). Silane was taken out of a specially designed gas cabinet placed outside the laboratory with an integrated purge gas. The reactor consisted of three main parts connected via fl anges: a water-cooled bottom with a perforated-plate gas distributor, a heated reactor part (Sanicro 31HAT (1.4876), I.D. = 0.0524 m) and an expanded head (I.D = 0.1 m). The total height is approximately 1.5 m. At the bottom of the reactor, the gas is fed into the wind box and through the distributor (an exchangeable perforated plate of 0.003 m thickness). In order to prevent the distributor from plugging due to silane-decomposition, it is cooled by two water-cooled copper profi les inserted into the bottom part and a water-cooled steel shell positioned at the fl ange. The distributor temperature is recorded by a thermocouple located in the underside of the distributor plate. Several fi ttings are placed on the expanded head for thermocouples, pressure transmitters etc. as well as an outlet for the product gas. The thermocouples were fi xed to a thin rod and located at 0.005, 0.15, 0.30, 0.45 and 0.70 m above the gas distributor, on the central axis of the bed. The thermocouple located 0.15 m above Figure1.Scheme of Silane pyrolysis on seed particles in a fl uidized bed reactor.the gas distributor was used for controlling bed temperature. Elutriated particles are separated by a cyclone and a fi lter. The feed- and product-gas composition are analyzed online with respect to hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen (He, Ar) and silane by GC-analysis (Siemens RGC 202). The analysis is carried out continuously and a magnetic three-way valve switches the streams online. In addition, a oxygen-analyzer (Systech, 0 ppm – 20 %) is employed to ensure a suffi cient purging prior to the experiments. The outlet gas is fed to a combustion system and residue silane and H 2 are burned. The effl uent of the combustion system is fed to a caustic scrubber in order to hold back solid SiO 2 formed during burning. The whole set-up is fully automated and a PC is employed for process control, measurements and data storage. A safety monitoring with a defi nite shut-down procedure is integrated into the process control unit. Several more hardware based safety monitoring devices (temperature sensors, gas sensors, pressure sensors) are installed to ensure process safety. A failure leads to an immediate shut down of the reactor unit. A schematic drawing of the lab scale equipment is given in Figure 2.Experimental ProcedureThe experimental procedure is described only in general. Details (molar fractions, temperatures, etc.) will be given in the results section and respective fi gure captions. At the beginning of each experiment, the fl uidized bed reactor was fi lled with 0.5 to 0.8 kg of metallurgical grade (m.g.) Si-seed particles (98 % Si) of a desired particle distribution (in-between 160 – 800 µm) while gas was fl owing through the distributor to prevent Si particles from falling through. The corresponding initial expanded bed heights varied from 0.3 to 0.8 m, as determined by cold-fl ow experiments. The inert gas stream was adjusted to a moderate fl uidization state (2-3 u /u ) and the bed was ) a mf heated to the desired reaction temperature (923 – 973 K) in a fl ow of nitrogen. Under these conditions the hydrodynamic residence times, calculated on the basis of the superfi cial gas velocity and expanded bed height, varied from 1.5 to 3 s. The fl uidization regimen under these conditions was identifi ed as slugging. The silane line was than purged with helium. In the case of hydrogen as fl uidizing gas, the nitrogen-stream was slowly replaced and a fl ow corresponding to the desired fl uidization state was adjusted. The silane molar fraction was than increased stepwise to the desired value. The pyrolysis ofsilane was carried out for 2 to 8 h depending on the conditions. In Figure 3, the time dependency of the temperature at different reactor heights in the bed and the molar-fraction profi les of silane and nitrogen during an experiment are shown. A lower but constant temperature (about 573 K) was measured at the gas-distributor level. This is due to the cooling effect of the silane-nitrogen-gas mixtures. Nevertheless, the temperature recorded 0.005 m over the gas distributor was only about 20 K lower than that in the bed at a height of about 0.15 m (heating controller) and 0.30 m over the gas distributor, i.e. the axial temperature profi le along the bed during the experiments was to be neglected. The pressure drop along the bed was monitored as well as the change in pressure fl uctuations in order to notice plugging and agglomeration of the bed during the experiments. The silane line was purged through the reactor (under reaction conditions) and the reactor was cooled down in a fl ow of nitrogen. Silicon particles as well as dust from the cyclones and fi lters were collected, weighed, and analyzed with respect to particle size distribution by sieving or by Fraunhofer diffraction, morphology and composition. Selectivities and mass balances were calculated on basis of the amount of silicon deposited and the total silane fl ow during one experiment. The conversion of silane was calculated on the basis of the silane molar fraction at the reactor inlet and outlet as (Kojima et al., 1989):x Si i outSiH inS X SiH )iH /,4(4H in ,SiH4,iH 4H i =−n S x x x Si SiH out ut,)4H o 1(+(2)The term (1+x ) considers the volume change during the out ) cSiH4,out reaction. The error in the mass balance amounted to less than 3% in all the experiments. Concerning the reproducibility of the experiments some runs were performed under the same conditions. The results are shown in Figure 4. For the three runs, a conversion of about 80 % was achieved. The selectivity to CVD-reaction amounted in all the cases about 95 – 96% of the converted silane.ResultsAn overview of the operation range covered by this work is given in Figure 5. Experimental data published in the open literatureFigure 2.Schematic drawing of the lab-scale fl uidized bed reactor employed for investigations.Figure 3.Profi les of temperatures and molar fractions of silane and nitrogen during a run (p = 110 kPa, = total T = 923 K, = bed D = 430 µm, = Pseed g u /u = 5-4, = mf m Si,0 = 0.9 kg).were gained using small particles, up to ~ 300 µm. However, in industrial reactors large particles with an average diameter in the range of 1000 µm are fl uidized. By using larger particles and other conditions, representative for technical reactors, a reliable data basis for scale-up considerations was established. In following data on particle growth and morphology, stability of fl uidization and reactor performance will be reported.Particle Growth Rate and Main Product DistributionLong time experiments were performed as a proof of principle for the production of granular polysilicon. The analysis of the experimental results was focused on the elucidation of the rate of the particle growth and on the analysis of the change of particle morphology with its growth. The experiments were performed in a batch mode applying N 2 as diluting gas. After each experiment, the particles and dust were removed from the reactor, fi lter and cyclone. A representative part of a bed was separated and a starting mass of 0.8 kg was refi lled into the reactor as seed particles for the next experiment. After each experiment, the particle size distribution was determined. The temperature in the bed amounted to 923 K and mole fraction of silane was varied between 1% and 10%. The average molar fraction amounted to 9%. In a total time on stream of 42 h particles grew from a mean particle diameter of 350 up to 900 µm (see Figure 6). However, the particle size distribution did not change with time on stream. This effect indicates that the chemical vapor deposition occurs equally on all particles in the parameter range investigated. Since there is no accumulation of dust, it can be concluded that silicon seed particles and the deposited layer are mechanically stable. Furthermore, dust generated due to the homogeneous reactions is elutriated from the bed. Against this background a self-seeding process will not be possible, at least not in the range of reaction conditions investigated. On the other hand, there is no accumulation of larger particles which could indicate building of agglomerates. This conclusion was also confi rmed by the visual analysis of the bed content and large size fractions. The similar dependency of the particle size distribution on the time on stream was also obtained during experiments performed in hydrogen rich atmosphere.Figure 4.Results about reproducibility of experiments (p = 115 kPa,= total T = 923 K, = bed D = 415 – 450 µm, = Pseed x SiH4 = 4 – 6 %;g u /u = 6 – 4, = mf m Si,0 = 0.6 kg).Figure parison of the operation range of this work with litera-ture data.Figure parison of particle growth rates in an I.D. = 0.05 (thiswork) m and an I.D: = 0.15 m reactor (Rohatgi, 1986 b). Conditions:Rohatgi (1986 b): H 2; 923 K; 7-20 % SiH 4. This work: N 2; 923 K; 1-10 % SiH 4 and H 2; 953 K°C; 10-20 % SiH 4Figure 6.Cumulative particle size distribution as a function of total time on stream during long time batch experiments (N 2; m Si,0 = 0.6 – 0.8 kg; x SiH4= 1 – 10 %; bed bed T = 923 K).From the change of the average particle diameter therange of particle growth rates can be estimated. The particle growth rate varied between 1 and 27 µm•h -1 depending on the reaction conditions (see Figure 7). This agrees well with the growth rates reported by Rohatgi (1986 b). The increase of the growth rate with time on stream is related to the experimental procedure. Since the mass of the bed was reduced to the initial value after each several hours, the effective surface of solids available for CVD decreased. Similar production rates (about 0.1 kg/h) increase the growth rate with time on stream. Assuming conservatively that the average growth rate amounts to 20 µm/h, a total time on stream of about 40 hours will be necessary to convert seed particles with the initial diameter of 100 µm to the fi nal product particles with 900 µm diameter. Fluidizing properties depend not only on the particle diameter but are also infl uenced by the particle shape. Against this background optimum hydrodynamic conditions can depend on the method of preparation of seed particles. The fi nal shape of the particles in the bed is very insensitive to the form of seed particles (see Figure 8a, b, c). Fresh seed particles are covered on the whole surface with silicon layer. The surface of the deposited layer is rough. The sharp edges on the seed particles caused by grinding are replaced by round and broad ones. (see Figure 8c). With time particles become more and more spherical. The fi nal product is free fl owing and dense. Further results concerning the particle properties are reported in the following section. Not all dust particles are incorporated into grains in the bed. Some of the dust formed was elutriated from the bed and collected in the cyclone and fi lter. The diameter of the dust particles varied between 1 and 20 µm and the average diameter amounted to about 8 µm (see Figure 9). The microscopic analysis (Figure 10c, d) revealed that the dust particles form soft agglomerates of primary particles. These dust agglomerates can be partly separated by ultra sonic treatment. Moreover part of dust was deposited on the walls of the reactor in the separation zone. The dust deposits on the walls had powder-like properties and could easily removed from the wall by a brush.Morphology of Silicon-ParticlesThe morphology of the surface of Si deposited on seed particles and of dust collected in the cyclone was investigated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and microscopic investigations of cross-section of particles. In order to elucidate the effect of the gas composition in the pyrolysis reactor Si-particles deposited in nitrogen and hydrogen atmosphere were analyzed. For the cross-section microscopic investigations the particles were mounted in resin, etched with a HF/HNO 3solution (1:9) and polished.Figure 8.Change of particle shape with increasing time on stream (N 2; m ,Si 0 0.6 – 0.8 kg; x SiH4 = 1 – 10 %; bed bed T = 923 K).Figure9.Particle size distribution of the dust elutriated from the reactor (N 2; m Si,0 = 0.6 – 0.8 kg; x SiH4 = 1 – 10 %;T = 923 K).= bed Figure 11.Micro graph of particles (N 2; m Si,0 = 0.6 – 0.8 kg; x SiH4: 1 – 10 %; bed T : 923 K).Figure10.Particle surface after silane decomposition in nitrogen at normal pressure, two different scales (D = 415 µm, = P ,Seed bed bed T = 923 K, <P SiH4> = 147 hPa, g u = 0.33 – 0.36 m/s, τ = 1.4 – 2.2 s). b) Particle surface after silane decomposition in hydrogen at normal pressure, two different scales (D = 415 µm, = P ,Seed T = 923 K, < = bed P SiH4> = 52 kPa, g u = 0.66 – 0.61 m/s, τ = 1.0 – 1.1 s). c) Surface of dust particles after silane decomposition in nitrogen and d) in hydrogen, experimental conditions as decribed above.Cross-section of particles illustrates the history of the particle growth (see Figure 11 a and b). A distinct discontinuity occurs at the seed/grown-shells contact. None of the seed structure propagates into the deposited material. Also a discontinuity occurs at the grown shells contact, what indicates that the particle surface suffers modifi cations between runs, maybe oxidation, which infl uence the further deposition phenomena. The shells of new material appear not as monolith as the seed particles, but they are also not porous. The dust particles are responsible for the rough surface of the grains. Dust is cemented into grains by means of CVD. The cross-section of the fi nal particles confi rms that scavenging of the fi ne Si-dust signifi cantly contributes to the particle growth, witch agrees with the observations of Rohatgi, 1986 a and b. In Figure 9 a to d SEM-pictures of the surface of silicon particles and of dust are shown. As already indicated by the analysis of the cuts of the fi nal product obtained in the nitrogen-atmosphere, the surface consists of fi ne, spherically-shaped primary particles which seem to be scavenged by the surface of the bed particles (see also Figure 11a). These primary particles exhibit a diameter of 80 to 300 nm, predominately 150 nm. Areas up to 600 nm wide can be seen where the primary particles seem to be cemented together by CVD-silicon. It has to be mentioned that no evidence was found by BET measurements that the particles are porous. In contrast, the surface of silicon particles grown in a hydrogen atmosphere (see Figure 10b) is considerably different from the material obtained under similar conditions but with nitrogen as diluting gas. The surface is much smoother. Sphere-shaped primary particles can be also recognized, but they are embedded in silicon which is deposited on the surface. The average diameter of these primary particles, determined from the SEM-pictures, was in the range of 80-200 nm, predominately about .120 nm. The dust particles formed seem also to be formed of spherical primary particles, exhibiting a slightly higher average diameter for the dust obtained in nitrogen (30 – 300 nm) thanin hydrogen (50 – 250 nm) (see Figure 10c and d). The very fi ne structure of the dust explains the low density and higher surface area of the silicon-dust. As already observed for the primary particle diameter in hydrogen, the average diameter of the primary dust particles formed in hydrogen rich atmosphere appears to be a little bit smaller resulting in a fi ner structure of the dust particle. It was found in further SEM-investigations (not shown here) that the morphology of the surface of Si-granules as shown in the fi gures for experiments in nitrogen and hydrogen above is nearly not infl uenced by changes in the hydrodynamics, e.g. change of gas velocity, particle size or the molar fraction of silane. A large change of the particle morphology was observed when the temperature was varied. With increasing reaction temperature, the surface obtained after deposition of silane in a hydrogen atmosphere becomes more and more similar to the surface obtained in nitrogen. It has to be pointed out that the dust production for those experiments at a higher temperature was higher than normal. The possibility that much more dust was scavenged by larger particles when more dust was produced in the bed can also contribute to the rougher surface of the particle.Agglomeration and Defl uidisation PhenomenaThe primary criterion for the selection of the optimum reaction conditions and reactor design is the necessity to assure a stable fl uidization. As the main problems agglomeration of particles in the bed, deposition of silicon on the reactor wall and on capillaries inside the reactor, deposition of silicon in the gas distributor and plugging of the holes in the gas distributor were identifi ed.Deposits and AgglomeratesFigure 12 shows photographs of the typical agglomeration phenomena. Silicon is deposited on the reactor wall and on internals, e.g. on the capillary used for pressure measurements. These deposits were especially intensive in the lower part of the reactor. Cooling of the elements immersed in the fl uidized bed limits application of contact thermometers for measurements of temperature in the bed. The Si-deposits are tight and upon cooling down the Si-deposits crack to smaller pieces caused by the different thermal expansion coeffi cients of silicon and steel. On the other hand, the experiments show that signifi cant deposition on the reactor walls occurs infl uencing life time of the reactor. This effect limits application of materials with quite different coeffi cients of thermal expansion compared to the silicon as inliner. The selectivity to deposits was close to the one predicted from the particle growth rate corrected by the ratio of the wall area to the total surface of the silicon particles in the bed (see Table 1).Figure12.Deposition of Si on a capillary (1) and different forms of agglomeration (2-4).Table parison of the ratio of the reactor wall surface to the total surface available for deposition and selectivity to wall-deposits as determined in the reactor (all values determined at the end of the experiment). D p , µm Expanded S / wall S Dep,exp, %Height, m (Swall+SSi)367 1.01 2.1 1.6 373 1.00 2.0 0.3 417 1.15 2.3 3.0 4601.152.54.0。
Contributed equally to this work
Nickel-grafted TUD-1mesoporous catalysts for carbon dioxidereforming of methaneXian-Yang Quek1,2,Dapeng Liu1,Wei Ni Evelyn Cheo,Hong Wang,Yuan Chen,Yanhui Yang*School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering,Nanyang Technological University,Singapore637459,Singapore1.IntroductionDue to its relatively low cost and availability,the application offerrous metal(Fe,Co and Ni)as catalytically active component ispreferred over noble metals.Nickel has attracted wide attentionbecause of its high catalytic performance in various processes ofconsiderable importance in chemical industry,including hydro-desulfurization[1],selective oxidation of hydrogen sulfide[2],carbon dioxide and steam reforming[3,4].Methane dry reforming,which can efficiently transform two most abundant greenhousegases(carbon dioxide and methane)into synthesis gas,hasgenerated interest from both industrial and environmental view-points.The use of nickel catalysts for the methane dry reformingwas investigated on various carriers such as SiO2[5],Al2O3[6],ZrO2[7],and zeolite[8].However there are several issuesassociated with the rapid deactivation of supported nickel catalystincluding:(1)sintering of catalyst at high reaction temperatureand(2)catalyst deactivation due to carbon deposition[5,9–11].Since the discovery of M41S silicates by Mobil scientists,mesoporous silica materials have drawn increasingly growingattention in thefield of heterogeneous catalysis research due totheir well defined tunable pore structure,high specific surface areaandflexible heteroatom compositions[12,13].The prominence ofM41S family silicate material has subsequently motivated thedevelopment of other mesoporous silicates such as SBA-15[14]and more recently TUD-1[15].To develop a stable and effectivemethane dry reforming catalyst,an appropriate combination ofnickel active sites and mesoporous silicate support is expected tobe promising[16–19].Numerous studies on using SBA-15ascatalyst supports have been reported due to its advantage of thickpore wall and high thermal stability,hence favoring the reactionsoccurring at high temperatures[17–20].It was observed that themesoporous structure of SBA-15was appreciably retained evenafter reaction at8008C for710h for methane reforming with CO2[20].By employing Ni/SBA-15/FeCrAl monolithic catalysts,thecatalytic activity and stability were further improved[21].The method of introducing active component plays animportant role in controlling the activity and the stability ofcatalyst.For the studies on methane dry reforming using supportednickel,impregnation on various carriers was the most widelyemployed method[16,18–23].Recently,our group has reportedthat nickel directly incorporated MCM-41(Ni-MCM-41)was morestable and effective for the carbon dioxide reforming of methanecompared to the impregnated catalyst[4].Grafting is anothercommon method to prepare supported catalysts[24–26].Du et al.have reported the highly dispersed vanadium active sites on SBA-15by grafting method[25].It was suggested that the isolatedvanadium sites resulted in the high selectivity in the partialoxidation of methanol to formaldehyde.To our knowledge,thepreparation of Ni-grafted mesoporous silicate is rare,the indirectroute via the reaction of nickel sulfate with organoamine-functionalized MCM-41was reported as a novel sorbent materialto remove Naproxen contaminant[26].Applied Catalysis B:Environmental95(2010)374–382A R T I C L E I N F OArticle history:Received4September2009Received in revised form19December2009Accepted20January2010Available online25January2010Keywords:TUD-1NickelGraftingDry reformingA B S T R A C TThe nickel active sites were introduced into TUD-1mesoporous molecular sieve via grafting,directsynthesis,and impregnation methods.These samples were characterized using powder X-raydiffraction,N2physisorption,H2temperature-programmed reduction,H2chemisorption,TG/DTA,temperature-programmed hydrogenation,Raman spectra and transmission electron microscope to givethe insight of physicochemical properties.Catalytic tests probed by the carbon dioxide reforming ofmethane revealed that Ni-grafted TUD-1exhibited the highest catalytic activity and long-term stabilityamong these catalysts.Further studies implied catalytic activity,stability and carbon formation werehighly sensitive to the metallic nickel particle size which was significantly affected by the introductionmethod of Ni active sites.Strong anchoring effect inherent to the grafting method was suggested to bethe underlying reason for the small Ni particle size and improved catalytic performance.ß2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.*Corresponding author at:62Nanyang Drive,N1.2-B1-18,Singapore637459,Singapore.Tel.:+6563168940;fax:+6567947553.E-mail address:yhyang@.sg(Y.Yang).1These authors equally contributed to this work.2Current address:Schuit Institute of Catalysis,Eindhoven University ofTechnology,Netherlands.Contents lists available at ScienceDirectApplied Catalysis B:Environmentalj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e:w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m/l o c a t e/a p ca t b0926-3373/$–see front matterß2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2010.01.016In this study,nickel as the active component supported on a novel thick-wall mesoporous silicate TUD-1for dry reforming of methane is reported.TUD-1material can be readily synthesized with a surfactant-free method,which is environmentally friendly and cost-effective[15].Particularly,its high thermal stability, three-dimensional sponge-like silicate framework with high surface area and substrate accessibility make it advantageous over other microporous and mesoporous materials[27].Different methods of introducing nickel to TUD-1support,namely direct synthesis,conventional impregnation and post-synthesis grafting, were employed and the catalytic performance and stability of synthesized catalysts were evaluated in carbon dioxide reforming of methane.2.Experimental2.1.Catalyst preparationTUD-1mesoporous silicate was synthesized following the method reported by Jansen et al.[15].Ni-grafted TUD-1catalyst (denoted by Ni-GRF)was prepared by adding2g of TUD-1to 120ml of toluene(anhydrous,99.8%Sigma-Aldrich)and refluxing at1108C for5h under N2flow.Subsequently,0.51g nickel(II) acetylacetonate(95%,Aldrich)pre-dissolved in toluene at808C was added to the above-mentioned suspension and refluxed at 1108C for another12h under N2flow.The mixture was then filtered,washed with toluene and dried at808C.Ni-TUD-1catalyst prepared by direct incorporation(denoted by Ni-DHT)was synthesized by a modified method reported elsewhere[15].0.75g of nickel(II)nitrate hexahydrate(Ni(NO3)2Á6H2O,99%, Acros)dissolved in deionized water was added to tetraethyl orthosilicate(TEOS)prior to adding triethanolamine solution. Nickel impregnated TUD-1catalyst(denoted as Ni-IMP)was prepared via the incipient impregnation using Ni(NO3)2as a nickel precursor.All prepared nickel catalysts were calcined in air at 6008C for10h.Due to the partial loss of nickel precursor during the synthesis and post-synthesis grafting,the nickel loading was measured by ICP analysis.2.2.Catalyst characterizationPowder X-ray diffraction(XRD)patterns were recorded on a Bruker Advance8diffractometer(under ambient conditions) usingfiltered Cu K a radiation(l=0.15406nm)operated at40kV and40mA.Diffraction data were collected from2u of0.5–88 (resolution of0.028)and5–708(resolution of0.058),respectively. Nitrogen physisorption isotherms were measured atÀ1968C with a static volumetric instrument Autosorb-6B(Quanta Chrome). Prior to measurements,the samples were degassed at2008C for 12h under high vacuum.The specific surface areas were calculated using the BET method[28]and the pore size distributions were estimated by the BJH method[29]using the desorption branch.In situ FT-IR spectra were measured using a PerkinElmer Spectrum One at a resolution of2cmÀ1and accumulation of20 scans.Prior to each measurement,the self-supporting sample disc was heated from room temperature to1208C and maintained for 30min under heliumflser-Raman spectra were recorded in the range of1000–2000cmÀ1using a633nm laser excitation on a Renishaw inVia Raman imaging microscope spectrometer with a Nd:YAG laser source under ambient condition.The reducibility of the catalyst was studied by hydrogen temperature-programmed reduction(TPR)on Autosorb-1C(Quan-tachrome)apparatus.Before reduction,the sample was pretreated underflowing air at5008C for60min.All TPR runs were performed using5vol.%H2in Ar with a heating rate of88C/min from90to 8008C.The consumption of hydrogen was monitored on-line with a thermal conductivity detector(TCD).Hydrogen chemisorption was performed in a conventional static volume apparatus Autosorb-1C(Quantachrome).The sample wasfirst dried under He at2508C for2h and reduced in pure H2at 7508C for2h.The sample was evacuated at this temperature for 2h,followed by cooling under vacuum to ambient temperature at which the H2adsorption was to be determined.The dispersion is calculated on the adsorbed amounts of hydrogen determined with this isotherm by extrapolation of the linear part to zero pressure.Carbon formation was quantitatively analyzed on a PerkinEl-mer Pyris Diamond TG/DTA instrument under air atmosphere.The heating rate is108C/min within a temperature range of30–8008C. Carbon species formed during the stability test were also characterized by temperature-programmed hydrogenation (TPH).The spent catalyst was purged in He at508C for1h before subject to H2.Subsequently,the feed gas was switched to H2flow and the temperature was increased from50to8008C at58C/min of ramping rate.The vent gas was monitored with a TCD.A cold acetone trap was set between the sample cell and detector to condense the produced moisture.2.3.Catalytic reaction experimentsCatalytic activity tests were performed under atmospheric pressure in a continuous down-flow quartzfixed-bed reactor. Typically,0.12g of catalyst was loaded on quartz wool.Prior to each test,the catalyst was pretreated in situ at7508C for2h under H2.The feed stream had a constant volume ratio of CH4/CO2/2He for all experiments.The weight hourly space velocity(WHSV)of the reactant gas mixture wasfixed at50,000mL/(h gCat)except for the experiments which examine the effect of WHSV.The catalytic activity was measured by heating at a temperatures ranging from 500to8008C followed by cooling from800to5008C in steps of 508C and maintained for40min at each temperature.For stability test experiments,the reaction temperature was kept constant at 7508C for72h time on stream(TOS).The composition of products was analyzed using an on-line gas chromatograph(Agilent6890) equipped with a Porapak Q column and a thermal conductivity detector(TCD).The conversions of CH4and CO2,the selectivity of H2and CO and the ratio of CO/H2were calculated according to the previous reported method[4].3.Results and discussion3.1.Catalyst characterizationFig.1a illustrates the low-angle XRD patterns for the calcined Ni supported on TUD-1samples.A strong diffraction peak,observed at the vicinity of2u=0.88for all the samples,evidences the presence of mesostructured porosity[27],implying that different methods of supporting Ni do not disturb the mesostructure of TUD-1.All these three calcined samples show several high-angle diffraction peaks at2u=37.18,43.38and62.88(Fig.1b),which indicates the formation of crystalline NiO after calcination.Weak diffraction peak intensity suggests the nature of highly dispersed NiO clusters on TUD-1surface.The physical properties of the catalysts were tested by N2physisorption to complement XRD results.Fig.1c shows that all isotherms exhibit a sharp step increase in nitrogen uptake at relative pressure(P/P0)of0.5–0.8 with a type IV hysteresis,representing a typical mesostructured feature with large pore diameter.A summary of the surface area, pore volume,pore diameter is shown in Table1.Direct incorporation of Ni into the silica framework(Ni-DHT sample) results in pore shrinkage and a larger specific surface compared to pure siliceous TUD-1.Introducing nickel via impregnationX.-Y.Quek et al./Applied Catalysis B:Environmental95(2010)374–382375remarkably decreases the specific surface area and the pore volume while the influence of post-grafting method on these two parameters is negligible.Moreover,the pore diameter is the same for both impregnated and grafted samples (Fig.1d).To quantitatively compare the density of surface terminal silanol groups (Si–OH),in situ IR experiments were tested for TUD-1,Ni-GRF and Ni-IMP catalysts and the results are shown in Fig.2.The adsorption band observed from 3200to 3800cm À1is assignable to the stretching of SiO–H bond [30].Ni-GRF sample exhibits the lowest peak intensity,implying the successful substitution of the surface silanol group with nickel species.The similar result was also observed by Stucky et al.,the silanol peak intensity declines with increasing metal loading for Ti-grafted MCM-48and SBA-15[30].Although there is a decrease in the intensity of silanol peak in Ni-IMP sample,the reduction in peak intensity can be due to the blockage of terminal OH group by surface Ni species.Elemental analysis has confirmed that Ni-IMP sample has almost the same nickel loading compared to Ni-GRF.Hence it reveals that nickel has indeed been introduced onto TUD-1via grafting which results in a significantly low surface OH density.TPR profiles of the calcined Ni-containing TUD-1are shown in Fig.3.Three major reduction peaks at 345,500,and 7508C are observable for Ni-DHT sample along with a shoulder peak at 6458C.The first peak at 3458C resembles the reduction of bulk NiO species on Ni-DHT.Slightly higher reduction temperature com-pared to crystalline NiO may be attributed to the interaction between NiO nanoparticles and TUD-1framework [31,32].The main reduction at 5008C and the shoulder peak at 6458C may be caused by the reduction of nickel on the pore wall surface andinFig.1.(a)Low-angle XRD patterns,(b)high-angle XRD patterns,(c)N 2physisorption isotherms,and (d)N 2physisorption pore size distributions of Ni-containing TUD-1catalysts.Table 1Physiochemical properties of Ni-containing TUD-1catalysts.SampleNi loading a (%)Surface area (m 2/g)Pore diameter (nm)Pore volume (ml/g)Metal surface (m 2/g)Dispersion b (%)Ni cluster size c,d (nm)D1D2D3Ni-DHT 3.97710 4.50.940.54 2.0349.922.019.2Ni-GRF 3.83625 5.4 1.01 1.17 5.0320.17.98.4Ni-IMP 4.24500 5.40.820.43 1.4271.117.026.3TUD-1–6325.40.97–––––a The nickel content was measured by ICP test.bDispersion was calculated assuming H ad /Ni surf =1.cMetal particle shape was assumed to be spherical.dD1denotes Ni particle size of the reduced samples determined by H 2chemisorption,D2and D3are designated to Ni the particle size of spent catalysts determined by XRD and TEM,respectively.X.-Y.Quek et al./Applied Catalysis B:Environmental 95(2010)374–382376the ‘‘bulk’’of the silica framework,respectively [4].Reduction peak at 7508C is most likely due to the reduction of small amount of nickel species stronger interacting with support,probably in the form of nickel metasilicates [33,34].For Ni-GRF sample,a sharpdistinct and a broad wide peak can be observed at 300and 5908C,respectively.The first peak can be assigned to the reduction of NiO particles.A reasonable postulation for a lower temperature reduction of NiO species observed on Ni-GRF compared to crystalline NiO may be due to the formation of smaller NiO clusters which can be reduced at significantly lower temperature [35].The second reduction peak at 5908C can be attributed to the nickel species grafted onto the surface of TUD-1.Analogous to the previous report which showed that grafted vanadium species was reduced at higher temperature compared to the vanadium incorporated sample [36],it is convinced that grafted nickel species will also be reduced at higher temperature compared to the directly synthesized Ni-DHT sample.A single broad peak is observed for Ni-IMP sample,which resembles the reduction of NiO species on Ni-DHT sample and also crystalline NiO.The broad feature is probably related to the interaction between Ni and silica support with a quite heterogeneous nature [19].Hydrogen chemisorption results for metal dispersion,metal surface area and particle size are summarized in Table 1.The nickel dispersions on all the samples are less than 10%after reduction.The active Ni metal surface area increases with the following sequence:Ni-IMP <Ni-DHT <Ni-GRF.Low active metal surface area and large Ni particles size observed on Ni-IMP can be attributed by substantial nucleation and rapid aggregation forming large Ni crystallites during the reduction.Weak interaction between TUD-1and the surface Ni during reduction is suggested to be the main reason.On the contrary,high active metal surface area and small nickel particle size are observed on both Ni-GRF and Ni-DHT samples due to the strong anchoring effect of TUD-1support.This anchoring restricts the migration of nickel clusters hence preventing the formation of large nickel particles.Grafted nickel species may provide a better catalyst synthesis method compared to framework incorporated nickel species as higher dispersion and smaller nickel particle size is observed on Ni-GRF sample.3.2.Catalytic performanceBlank test using pure siliceous TUD-1showed negligible non-catalytic gas phase reforming.The catalytic performances of various Ni-containing TUD-1catalysts are shown in Fig.4.The conversion is dependent on both the reaction temperature and the method of introducing Ni.An exponential increase in both CH 4and CO 2conversion with increasing temperature is observed for all these three catalysts.Ni-DHT exhibits the lowest initiation temperature followed by Ni-GRF and Ni-IMP (for instance,CH 4conversions at 5508C on Ni-DHT,Ni-GRF and Ni-IMP are 17.9%,5.4%and 4.0%,respectively).Higher initiation temperature is observed for Ni-GRF in comparison to Ni-DHT despite the former sample having the highest active metal surface area and dispersion.This can be attributed to slightly lower Ni loading of 3.5%in Ni-GRF compared to 4.0%in Ni-DHT.A noticeable higher conversion is observed for CO 2compared to CH 4.The presence of reverse water gas shift (RWGS)reaction is suggested to be the main reason contributing to such higher CO 2conversion.H 2selectivity and H 2/CO ratio dependency on reaction temperature are shown in Fig.4c and d,respectively.For all catalyst,H 2selectivity increases exponentially with increasing temperature.This is in agreement with previous thermodynamics studies where high temperature favors the formation of H 2through various reactions such as reforming,water gas shift reaction,carbon gasification and methane cracking [37].Excess CO is observed (H 2/CO ratio less than unity)over the entire range of temperature investigated.In particular,CO was found to be in greater excess at low temperature.This can be due to the occurrence of side reaction such as RWGS andmethanationFig.2.In situ FT-IR spectra of Ni-containing TUD-1catalysts.Fig.3.H 2-TPR of Ni-containing TUD-1catalysts.X.-Y.Quek et al./Applied Catalysis B:Environmental 95(2010)374–382377reaction at low temperature which consumes H 2[37].Both Ni-DHT and Ni-GRF exhibit analogous H 2selectivity while Ni-IMP shows obviously lower selectivity towards H 2.Moreover,Ni-GRF exhibits noticeably lower H 2/CO ratio compared to Ni-DHT,implying that less carbon is formed on Ni-DHT catalyst.When the reaction temperature declines,a clear hysteresis loop of catalytic activity is formed for all these three samples (Fig.4).Both Ni-DHT and Ni-GRF exhibit a narrow hysteresis loop while Ni-IMP presents a considerably wider hysteresis loop,suggesting that more severe sintering occurs on Ni-IMP during reaction and active nickel sites aggregate into large particles which are catalytically less active.Hence the catalytic performance for carbon dioxide reforming cannot be retained.3.3.Stability of the catalystsThe catalytic stability of the prepared samples was investigated at 7508C and the results are presented in Fig.5.Both Ni-GRF and Ni-DHT are relatively stable at 7508C for 72h of TOS with Ni-GRF being more stable than Ni-DHT.The better anchoring effect of grafted nickel compared to framework incorporated nickel as mentioned in Section 3.1can have contributed to the higher stability in Ni-GRF sample.Ni-IMP exhibits the poorest activity and stability,nearly no activity (in terms of CH 4conversion)is observed during stability analysis on Ni-IMP sample after 5h of TOS.As the conversions of two reactants are rather low and not sustained,deactivation via coke formation is unlikely.Therefore,the deactivation of Ni-IMP catalyst may be attributed to the metal sintering which is confirmed by the TEM observation later on (Fig.10).From the results obtained,it can be assumed that nickel particle size is a crucial factor affecting activity of the catalyst.Based on our chemisorption and catalytic stability results,it issuggested that the formation of smaller particle size is very beneficial for the carbon dioxide reforming of methane.The H 2selectivity and H 2/CO ratio were tracked during the stability analysis (Fig.5c and d).Both Ni-GRF and Ni-DHT catalysts are able to maintain high H 2selectivity and H 2/CO ratio during 72h of TOS.Ni-IMP exhibit moderate H 2selectivity and H 2/CO ratio which deteriorate completely after 5h.A slight decrease in H 2selectivity and H 2/CO ratio (stabilized after 25h of TOS)is also observed on Ni-DHT.This decline can be due to the further nucleation of Ni particle at the reaction condition which is stabilized after 25h of TOS.Although carbon deposition can be another reason for the observed decline in H 2selectivity,no further decrease in the selectivity is observed despite both CH 4and CO 2conversion maintained above 50%and 60%,respectively.3.4.Contact time effectNi-GRF was selected as the best catalyst to study the influence of contact time at 7508C by varying the weighted hourly space velocity (WHSV).Variation of contact time was achieved by changing the total gas flow rate with the feed ratio fixed at CH 4/CO 2/2He.As shown in Fig.6,both CH 4and CO 2conversions slightly decrease with increasing WHSV due to the decreased contact time.A more significant decrease in the both conversions was observed when WHSV increases from 40,000to 50,000h À1compared to the increase from 50,000to 60,000h À1.However,only trivial fluctuation of H 2/CO ratio was observed with increasing WHSV.3.5.Deactivation analysisOne major reason of dry reforming catalyst deactivation is that the catalyst is more susceptible to coke formation comparedtoFig.4.Effect of temperature on the initial catalytic performance of Ni incorporated TUD-1catalyst (H indicates heating from 500to 8008C,C indicates cooling from 800to 5008C).X.-Y.Quek et al./Applied Catalysis B:Environmental 95(2010)374–382378steam reforming catalyst in the absence of steam.Two main pathways lead to the carbon deposition in reforming:CH 4decomposition (CH 4!C +2H 2)and the CO disproportionation (2CO !C +CO 2),also known as the Boudouard reaction.Thedeposited carbon can be diminished by carbon gasification (H 2O +C !CO +H 2),which is an endothermic reaction favored at high temperature [37].In this study,the spent catalysts were characterized by XRD,DT/TGA and Raman to probe the impact of Ni incorporation method on the carbon deposition.High-angle XRD patterns (Fig.7a)of the spent catalyst show the intensity of graphite peak increasing in the following sequence:Ni-IMP <Ni-DHT <Ni-GRF.No diffraction peak of graphite can be observed on the Ni-IMP catalyst,implying a negligible amount of carbon formation which may be due to the tremendously low activity.Ni-GRF catalyst with higher activity and stability is found to exhibit a higher intensity of graphite peak,suggesting more carbon is deposited on it compared to Ni-DHT catalyst.Laser Raman,a sensitive technique used to probe the composition and nature of carbonaceous species present on the catalyst surface complements the results obtained by XRD,shown in Fig.7b.Both a graphite-like band (G-band)at 1580cm À1and a defect band (D-band)at 1350cm À1exist for all the spent samples.G-band is attributed to the stretching of carbon sp 2bonds which is typically observed on graphite while D-band is contributed by the vibration of carbon atoms with dangling bonds in amorphous carbon network [4,38,39].No Raman shift can be found for Ni-IMP while both Ni-DHT and Ni-GRF exhibit two Raman bands which are assigned to G-band and D-band,implying that both the amorphous carbon and graphite have been formed during the reaction.The thermogravimetric analysis under oxidative atmosphere was performed in order to quantify the amount of carbon formed.Fig.8illustrates the TG/DTA profile for the spent catalyst after 72h of TOS.Low-temperature weight loss at approximately 1008C corresponds to the removal of moisture.The weight loss of various samples was calculated based on the loss above 1108C.The weight loss percentage increases with the following sequence:Ni-IMPFig.5.Catalytic stability of Ni catalyst for the carbon dioxide reforming of methane at 7508C for 72h.Fig.6.Effect of WHSV on the initial catalytic performance of Ni-GRF catalyst.X.-Y.Quek et al./Applied Catalysis B:Environmental 95(2010)374–382379(0%)<Ni-DHT (11.1%)<Ni-GRF (15.5%).It is well known that higher temperature is required to oxidize the inert carbon component compared to the reactive carbon.Hence,based on the TGA profile,it can be concluded that the carbon formed on Ni-DHT and Ni-GRF are predominantly inert species since most of the deposited carbon oxidizes at temperature above 6008C.Negligible amount of carbon is detected on Ni-IMP,which coincides with the observations of XRD and laser Raman.Trace weight gain is observed above 5008C for the Ni-IMP sample which may be attributed to the oxidation of reduced Ni species on the catalyst.The TPH profiles of Ni-containing catalysts after stability tests are shown in Fig.9a.Three hydrogenation peaks were identified for the spent Ni-DHT catalyst at around 506,573,8428C for a -carbon,b -carbon,and g -carbon,respectively.Considering the inertness of carbon species increases with the hydrogenation temperature,the reactivity of these carbon species decreases as follows:a -carbon >b -carbon >g -carbon.Over the spent Ni-GRF catalyst,only one broad peak centered around 5768C is clearly observed,which corresponds to the b -carbon with moderate reactivity.For Ni-IMP catalyst,negligible hydrogenation of carbon species was found,which is consistent with its poor catalytic reforming activity.The tendency to form carbon deposits over these spent catalysts is in good agreement with the TG analysis.The difference between Ni-DHT and Ni-GRF TPH profiles reflects that the less stable b -carbon species over Ni-GRF plays a role as the reactive intermediate in the catalytic activity enhancement.Nevertheless,the presence of difficultly removed g -carbon is associated with the deactivation of Ni-DHT catalyst to some extent.The textural properties of various spent Ni-containing catalysts were examined by N 2physisorption.As shown in Fig.9b,although the BET surface area,the pore volume and the pore size decrease to some extent after the reaction due to the dehydroxylation,carbon deposition,metal sintering and local structure collapse,there still exists the remarkable capillary condensation at the mesoporous range with the corresponding pore diameters of 3.9,5.1and 5.1nm for spent Ni-DHT,Ni-GRF and Ni-IMP,respectively.This proves the good structural stability of the catalysts was retained even under severe reactionconditions.Fig.7.(a)High-angle XRD patterns and (b)laser-Raman spectra for spent Ni-containing TUD-1catalysts.Fig.8.TG/DTA profiles of spent catalysts after 72h reaction.X.-Y.Quek et al./Applied Catalysis B:Environmental 95(2010)374–382380。
英特尔 Laminar 散热器 销售指南说明书
2022 年I 11 月
英特尔®Laminar RM1散热器
英特尔® Laminar 散热器
随第12 代和第13 代英特尔® 酷睿™桌面处理器(65W) 盒装提供
可控制aRGB 光效• 2.6 BA 超静音性能•
英特尔® Laminar RH1 散热器
英特尔® Laminar RM1 散热器
英特尔® Laminar RS1 散热器
3.9 BA 静音性能
2.6 BA (1600 RPM ,40C inlet ,65W );4.5 BA LED
aRGB LED 光环和白色LED 英特尔标志PWM 频率25KHz +/-5KHz PWM 上拉电压最大5.25V PWM 占空比范围
3.9 BA (2400 RPM ,40C inlet ,65W );
4.6 BA PWM 频率25KHz +/-5KHz PWM 上拉电压最大
5.25V PWM 占空比范围
PWM 频率25KHz +/-5KHz PWM 上拉电压最大5.25V
化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2022年第41卷第8期赤藓糖醇相变储热材料研究进展杨瑜锴,夏永鹏,徐芬,孙立贤,管彦洵,廖鹿敏,李亚莹,周天昊,劳剑浩,王瑜,王颖晶(桂林电子科技大学材料科学与工程学院,广西电子信息材料构效关系重点实验室,广西新能源材料结构与性能协同创新中心,广西桂林541004)摘要:赤藓糖醇具有较高的相变焓、无毒以及优异的热稳定性,作为综合性能较好的中温相变储能材料被广泛研究。
关键词:相变储热;赤藓糖醇;封装定型;过冷度;导热性中图分类号:TH3文献标志码:A文章编号:1000-6613(2022)08-4357-10Research progress of erythritol phase change materials for thermalstorageYANG Yukai ,XIA Yongpeng ,XU Fen ,SUN Lixian ,GUAN Yanxun ,LIAO Lumin ,LI Yaying ,ZHOU Tianhao ,LAO Jianhao ,WANG Yu ,WANG Yingjing(School of Material Science and Engineering,Guilin University of Electrical Technology;Guangxi Key Laboratory ofInformation Materials;Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center of Structure and Property for New Energy and Materials,Guilin 541004,Guangxi China)Abstract:Erythritol,a type of medium temperature phase change material,has attracted considerable attention in thermal storage for its good comprehensive performance such as high enthalpy,non-toxicity and excellent thermal stability.However,its ubiquitous defects,such as easy leakage during its phase transition,severe supercooling and poor thermal conductivity,reduce the efficiency of thermal energy and limit its wide practical application.In this paper,the research progress in solving the problems of easy leakage,high supercooling and low thermal conductivity of erythritol phase change materials is reviewed in recent years.The methods for preparing shape-stabilized erythritol phase-change thermal storage materials mainly include blending pressing,electrospinning,microcapsule and porous material adsorption.Corresponding composite strategies can be implemented according to different preparation综述与专论DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2021-2101收稿日期:2021-10-11;修改稿日期:2021-11-28。
56For additional technical information visit Metric measurements for this product are exact, imperial measurements are rounded to the nearest whole numberHeight: 55 - 71” (1400 - 1800 mm), Depth: 16 - 20” (400 - 500 mm)Height (H) inches (mm)PU55 (1400)55 (1400)63 (1600)63 (1600)71 (1800)71 (1800)71 (1800)71 (1800)PageWidth (B) inches (mm)32 (800)39 (1000)32 (800)32 (800)32 (800)63 (1600)71 (1800)32 (800)Depth (T) inches (mm)20 (500)20 (500)20 (500)24 (600)16 (400)16 (400)16 (400)20 (500)Panel Height (G1) inches (mm)51 (1296)51 (1296)59 (1496)59 (1496)67 (1696)67 (1696)67 (1696)67 (1696)Panel Width (F1) inches (mm)28 (699)35 (899)28 (699)28 (699)28 (699)59 (1499)67 (1699)28 (699)Part No.18945.5808945.5008965.5008966.5008984.5008901.6008901.6208985.500Door(s)11111221Weight lb (kg)163 (74)203 (92)186 (84)223 (101)250 (114)335 (152)377 (171)255 (116)Walls Sidewalls 28145.2358165.2358166.2358184.2358185.235285Base/plinthComponents front and rear inches (mm)Height 4 (100) 1 set 8601.8008601.0008601.8008601.9208901.9208601.800276Height 8 (200) 1 set 8602.8008602.0008602.8008602.9208901.9308602.800276Side panels inches (mm)Height 4 (100) 1 set 8601.0508601.0608601.0408601.0408601.050276Height 8 (200)1 set8602.0508602.0608602.0408602.0408602.050276AccessoriesHandle interlocking kit (included with enclosure)1 kit 8611.310309Slave door interlocking kit 14911.000308Interlocking rods 24" (600 mm)104916.000308Interlocking rods 32" (800 mm)104918.000308Interlocking rods 47" (1200 mm)104920.000308Lock SystemsStandard double-bit lock insert may be exchanged for a comfort handle and other lock inserts, see pages 302-306.Material:Sheet steelEnclosure frame, roof, rear wall, and gland plates: 16 ga (1.5 mm)Door and trim panel: 14 ga (2.0 mm)Mounting panel: 11 ga (3.0 mm)Finish:Enclosure frame: Dipcoat-primedDoor, trim panel, roof, and rear wall: Dipcoat-primed, powder coated on the outside in textured RAL 7035 (light gray)Mounting panel and gland plates:Zinc-platedProtection Ratings:UL Type 12(IP 55 to EN 60 529/10.91)(with disconnect handle installed)UL file: E76083Configuration:Enclosure frame, door (lefthinged), trim panel (right hinged, with a swing lever at the top and bottom, with cut-out for disconnect handle), roof, rear wall, mounting panel, three-piece gland plates. Includes handle interlocking kit 8611.310.Note: See page 309 for FMD Operator Information.TBB 2HFGC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a57For additional technical information visit Height: 71 - 79” (1800 - 2000 mm), Depth: 20 - 24” (500 - 600 mm)Height (H) inches (mm)PU71 (1800)71 (1800)71 (1800)71 (1800)79 (2000)79 (2000)79 (2000)79 (2000)PageWidth (B) inches (mm)39 (1000)63 (1600)71 (1800)71 (1800)32 (800)39 (1000)63 (1600)71 (1800)Depth (T) inches (mm)20 (500)20 (500)20 (500)24 (600)20 (500)20 (500)20 (500)20 (500)Panel Height (G1) inches (mm)67 (1696)67 (1696)67 (1696)67 (1696)75 (1896)75 (1896)75 (1896)75 (1896)Panel Width (F1) inches (mm)35 (899)59 (1499)67 (1699)67 (1699)28 (699)35 (899)59 (1499)67 (1699)Part No.18980.5008901.6108901.6308901.6408905.5008995.5008901.6508901.680Door(s)12221122Weight lb (kg)262 (119)418 (190)471 (214)565 (256)278 (126)291 (132)488 (221)523 (237)Walls Sidewalls 28185.2358186.2358105.235285Base/plinthComponents front and rear inches (mm)Height 4 (100) 1 set 8601.0008601.9208901.9208601.8008601.0008601.9208901.920276Height 8 (200) 1 set 8602.0008602.9208901.9308602.8008602.0008602.9208901.930276Side panels inches (mm)Height 4 (100) 1 set 8601.0508601.0608601.050276Height 8 (200)1 set8602.0508602.0608602.050276AccessoriesHandle interlocking kit (included with enclosure)1 kit 8611.310309Slave door interlocking kit 14911.000308Interlocking rods 24" (600 mm)104916.000308Interlocking rods 32" (800 mm)104918.000308Interlocking rods 47" (1200 mm)104920.000308Lock SystemsStandard double-bit lock insert may be exchanged for a comfort handle and other lock inserts, see pages 302-306.Height: 79 - 87” (2000 - 2200 mm), Depth: 20 - 32” (500 - 800 mm)Height (H) inches (mm)PU79 (2000)79 (2000)79 (2000)79 (2000)79 (2000)79 (2000)87 (2200)87 (2200)PageWidth (B) inches (mm)32 (800)39 (1000)63 (1600)71 (1800)32 (800)63 (1600)32 (800)39 (1000)Depth (T) inches (mm)24 (600)24 (600)24 (600)24 (600)32 (800)32 (800)24 (600)20 (500)Panel Height (G1) inches (mm)75 (1896)75 (1896)75 (1896)75 (1896)75 (1896)75 (1896)83 (2096)83 (2096)Panel Width (F1) inches (mm)28 (699)35 (899)59 (1489)67 (1699)28 (699)59 (1499)28 (699)35 (899)Part No.18906.5008996.5008901.6608901.6908908.5008901.6708926.5008958.500Door(s)11221211Weight lb (kg)288 (131)366 (166)586 (266)628 (285)372 (169)744 (337)307 (139)320 (145)Walls Sidewalls 28106.2358108.2358126.2358125.235285Base/plinthComponents front and rear inches (mm)Height 4 (100) 1 set 8601.8008601.0008601.9208901.9208601.8008601.9208601.8008601.000276Height 8 (200) 1 set 8602.8008602.0008602.9208901.9308602.8008602.9208602.8008602.000276Side panels inches (mm)Height 4 (100) 1 set 8601.0608601.0808601.0608601.050276Height 8 (200)1 set8602.0608602.0808602.0608602.050276AccessoriesHandle interlocking kit (included with enclosure)1 kit 8611.310309Slave door interlocking kit 14911.000308Interlocking rods 24" (600 mm)104916.000308Interlocking rods 32" (800 mm)104918.000308Interlocking rods 47" (1200 mm)104920.000308Lock SystemsStandard double-bit lock insert may be exchanged for a comfort handle and other lock inserts, see pages 302-306.C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a。
阿尔法冷Eisblock Aurora Acrylic GPX显卡水冷器说明书
The Alphacool Eisblock Aurora Acrylic GPX graphics card water coolerwith backplate combines style with performance. Extreme coolingperformance and an extensive digital RGB lighting characterize it.Experience and technical know-how from more than a decade havegone into the development, without making any technicalcompromises. The Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX is a significant evolutionof the previous Alphacool graphics card water cooler, which has beenimproved in every area.•Fullcover water block •Nickel plated copper cooler •Adressable digital RGB LEDsV. 1.002 // 05.2022Alphacool Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX-A Radeon RX 6700XT MERC 319 with BackplateAlphacool article number: 18660- XFX Speedster MERC 319 AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT Black Gaming, 12G GDDR6 (RX-67XTYTBDP) - XFX Speedster QICK 319 AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT BLACK (RX-67XTYPBDP)- XFX Speedster QICK 319 AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT Core, 12G GDDR6 (RX-67XTYLUDP)- XFX Speedster QICK 319 AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT Ultra, 12G GDDR6 (RX-67XTYPUDP)4x 8x56x1mm thermal pad 2x 15x51x1mm thermal pad 1x 15x15x2mm thermal pad 2x 8x56x3mm thermal pad 2x 15x51x3mm thermal pad 1x 30x30x3mm thermal pad 1x plug tool 1x Thermal grease7x M2x5 screws7x M2 washers7x M2x11 screws2x Screw plugs1x digital-RGB adapter1x backplateThe Alphacool Eisblock Aurora Acrylic GPX graphics card water cooler with backplate combines style with performance. Extreme cooling performance and an extensive digital RGB lighting characterize it. Experience and technical know-how from more than a decade have gone into the development, without making any technical compromises. The Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX is a significant evolution of the previous Alphacool graphics card water cooler, which has been improved in every area.More performance!During the development of the Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX graphics card water cooler, emphasis was naturally placed on increasing performance. First, the cooler was brought closer to the individual components by reducing the thickness of the heat conducting pads. Next, the nickel-plated copper block was also made thinner. Step 3 involves the constant optimisation of the water flow within the cooler. The result: All important components such as voltage converters and RAM are cooled much better and more effectively by the water and the cooling performance increases significantly.Brilliant design!The addressable digital aRGB LEDs are embedded directly in the cooling block and run along the sides of the entire cooler. The effect is an illumination that engulfs the entire cooling block. No corner or edge is left unlit by the aRGB LEDs. The new design is more angular, with all edges bevelled. The result is better light diffusion in the water cooler due to the reflections on these bevels. They also create various contours that give the Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX cooler its very own visual touch.Copper or aluminium?Alphacool only uses copper in its water coolers. In the case of the Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX, the copper is nickel-plated. Compared to the previous models, however, Alphacool has once again improved the type of nickel plating, which has significantly increased the acid resistance. This should prevent the nickel plating from flaking off. Why does Alphacool use copper instead of aluminium? Copper has almost twice the thermal conductivity of aluminium and is therefore clearly the better material for water cooling.Other special featuresThe Eisblock Aurora Acryl GPX GPU cooler has the patented screw plugs, which sit flush with the surface of the terminal. The Alphacool logo sits in the corner on the top and is also fully illuminated. On the front of the terminal, corresponding designations of the compatible graphics card manufacturers can be seen. Of course, these are also fully illuminated by the adressable digital LEDs. IN and OUT are marked by small discreet triangles. They are easily recognisable and fit perfectly into the overall visual line of the graphics card water cooler.Drawing。
阿尔法冷Eisbaer Aurora 360 CPU 数字RGB高光说明书
What is it?Alphacool Eisbaer Aurora 360 CPU - Digital RGBHighlightsA CPU water cooling system that consists entirely of Alphacool's DIY products and is therefore expanda-ble, refillable and modifiable. The Alphacool Eisbaer Aurora CPU water cooling system is equipped with digital addressable RGB LEDs on the fans as well as on the reservior - pump combination. These can be controlled with the supplied digital RGB controller, own digital RGB controllers or via compatible main-boards.•Digital addressable RGB LEDs incl. Controller• Pump with 10% more power and less noise (compared to the previous model) •New TPV hoses and fittings from the Alphacool Enterprise Solution seriesArticle textThe Alphacool Eisbaer Aurora AIO CPU water cooler is a latest development of the popular and well-known Eisbaer cooler. Alphacool has improved many features but the ability to expand the cooler via the quick release fasteners and the famous high-quality copper radiators have been retained. The large capaci-ty reservoir and the ability to refill the cooler has also been kept the same.The Heart of the AiOThe pump, CPU cooler and reservoir combo is the heart of the Eisbaer Aurora. The cooler base is made of high-quality copper and has a fine slotted structure. The surface area has been further expanded com-pared to the previous model to completely cover the larger DIE areas of AMD and Intel processors. The DC-LT pump has also been redesigned and is now almost 10% more powerful at a reduced noise level. The reservoir is many times larger compared to standard AIO systems ensuring a longer service life. In addition, the unit also has a fill port which can be used to refill if necessary. This is especially important if you want to extend the loop via the quick release fasteners.Custom Cooling Components!A great advantage of the Eisbaer Aurora series is the expandability via the aptly named ‘Eisbaer-Ready’ quick release fasteners. These have also been redesigned and are now smoother and more unobtrusive than those of the previous model. Nevertheless, these quick-release fasteners are 100% compatible with all Eisbaer Ready products such as prefilled radiators, the Eiswolf AIO water cooler for graphics cards and the well-known Alphacool HF quick-release fasteners, which are available separately for normal DIY wa-ter cooling systems. The fittings are from the Enterprise Solution series from Alphacool. They have a standard G1/4" thread and can be exchanged for any other fittings if you wish. The TPV hose is extremely resistant and is also used in the Enterprise Solution series for servers and workstations. Using custom cooling parts for an AiO means you get many more options than usual.Copper RadiatorAs usual with Alphacool, the radiators are made of copper. Alphacool is the first manufacturer worldwide to use copper for all water-carrying components such as the end chambers, the cooling fins and the cool-ing channels to which the fins are soldered. Only the thread inserts are made of brass as copper is too soft for this application. The cooling fins are also only lightly painted. If you look closely, the copper even shimmers through. The reason for this is to ensure that the paint does not affect the cooling capacity, which would be reduced by too thick a coating. The fin density is at an optimal 15FPI, allowing the radia-tor to work perfectly at low airflow. A too high density would require faster, louder fans. Alphacool has chosen the golden number here as you can keep fans running slower and quieter whilst still getting fantas-tic performance.Fans and LightingThe entire Eisbaer Aurora cooler has been equipped with addressable digital RGB LEDs. The pump hous-ing has an Eisbaer pattern all around which is fully illuminated. This gives a unique look when installed into a case. The Alphacool Aurora LUX Pro fans are also fully illuminated with 5V aRGB LEDs. The fan frame has a unique pattern with many small cut-outs that create a particularly elegant effect. You do not see in-dividual LEDs and the lighting is much more interesting than a simple LED ring. Of course, all Digital RGB LEDs can be controlled as you like, such as via the motherboard or with a third-party controller. Depend-ing on the controller almost all effects are possible.How to Connect EverythingThe fans are controlled via a 4-pin PWM connector. To reduce the number of headers needed on the motherboard, Y-cable is included so that 2 or 3 fans can be ran from a single header. The RGB lighting is connected via a 3-pin JST connector. Each cable also has an integrated Y-adapter, so that the fans can be daisy chained very easily. A 3-pin 5V adapter is included in the package. This allows you to connect and control the fans to any mainboard with the appropriate connector. Alternatively, the included Digital RGB Controller can be used. The pump of the Eisbaer Aurora uses a 3-pin Molex connector. This can also be connected to the mainboard.The Eisbaer Aurora CPU AIO water cooling is a worthy successor of the well-known Eisbaer series and improves many details of the water cooling.。
ver. 04-06-23PNY GEFORCE RTX™ 4070 12GB VERTO Dual Fan Edition DLSS 3NVIDIA Ada Lovelace Streaming MultiprocessorsUp to 2x performance and power efficiency 4th Generation Tensor Cores Up to 4x performance with DLSS 3 vs. brute-force rendering3rd Generation RT Cores Up to 2x ray tracing performance COLOSSAL PERFORMANCE AND SPEEDNVIDIA ® GeForce RTX™ 40 Series GPUs are beyond fast for gamers and creators. They're powered by the ultra-efficient NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture which delivers a quantum leap in both performance and AI-powered graphics. Experience lifelike virtual worlds with ray tracing and ultra-high FPS gaming with the lowest latency. Discover revolutionary new ways to create and unprecedented workflow acceleration.Get equipped for stellar gaming and creating with the NVIDIA ® GeForce RTX™ 4070. It’s built with the ultra-efficient NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture. Experience fast ray tracing, AI-accelerated performance with DLSS 3, new ways to create, and much more.The new NVIDIA ® Ada Lovelace architecture delivers a quantum leap in performance, efficiency, and AI-powered graphics. It has new Streaming Multiprocessors, 3rd generation Ray Tracing Cores, and 4th generation Tensor Cores. It’s built on a new custom TSMC 4N process, runs with blazing fast clocks, and features a large L2 cache. It enables fast ray tracing, new ways to create, and much more.PNY Technologies, Inc. 100 Jefferson Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054 | Tel 973-515-9700 | Fax 973-560-5590 | Features and specifications subject to change without notice. The PNY logo is a registered trademark of PNY Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2023 PNY Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2023 NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, GeForce, GeForce Experience, GeForce RTX, and G-SYNC are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS NVIDIA ® CUDA Cores 5888Clock Speed 1920 MHz Boost Speed 2475 MHz Memory Speed (Gbps) 21Memory Size 12GB GDDR6X Memory Interface 192-bit Memory Bandwidth (Gbps) 504TDP 200 W NVLink Not Supported Outputs DisplayPort 1.4 (x3), HDMI 2.1Multi-Screen 4Resolution 7680 x 4320 @120Hz (Digital)³Power Input One 8-Pin Bus Type PCI-Express 4.0 x16PRODUCT INFORMATION PNY Part Number VCG407012DFXPB1UPC Code 751492775005Card Dimensions 9.74" x 4.74" x 1.61"; Dual Slot 247.41 x 120.35 x 40.78mm; Dual Slot Box Dimensions 12.78" x 6.77" x 3.54" 325 x 172 x 90mm SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS• PCI Express-compliant motherboard with one dual width x16 graphics slot • One 8-pin supplementary power connectors • 650 W or greater system power supply²• Microsoft Windows ® 11 64-bit, Windows 10 (November 2018 or later) 64-bit, Linux 64-bit• Internet connection¹ 1 Graphics Card driver is not included in the box; GeForce Experience will download the latest GeForce driver from the Internet after install.2 Minimum is based on a PC configured with a Ryzen 9 5900X processor. Power requirements can be different depending on system configuration.3 Up to 4K 12-bit HDR at 240Hz with DP 1.4a + DSC or HDMI 2.1a + DSC. Up to 8K 12-bit HDR at 60Hz with DP 1.4a + DSC or HDMI 2.1a + DSCKEY FEATURES • Powered by NVIDIA DLSS 3, ultra-efficient Ada Lovelace arch, and full ray tracing • Dedicated Ray Tracing Cores • Dedicated Tensor Cores • NVIDIA DLSS 3• Game Ready and NVIDIA Studio Drivers • NVIDIA ® GeForce Experience™• NVIDIA Broadcast • NVIDIA G-SYNC ®• NVIDIA GPU Boost™• PCI Express ® Gen 4• Microsoft DirectX ® 12 Ultimate • Vulkan RT APIs, Vulkan 1.3, OpenGL 4.6• HDCP 2.3• DisplayPort 1.4a, up to 4K at 240Hz or 8K at 60Hz with DSC, HDR • As specified in HDMI 2.1a: up to 4K 240Hz or 8K 60Hz with DSC, Gaming VRR, HDR。
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∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 85 3366 9009; fax: +55 85 3366 9450. E-mail address: ayala@fisica.ufc.br (A.P. Ayala). 0924-2031/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.vibspec.2010.09.011b来自a r t i c l e
i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Aripiprazole (7-[4-[4-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-1-piperazinyl]butoxy]-3,4-dihydrocarbostyril) is a wellknown antipsychotic oral drug, whose molecular structure makes it suitable for polymorphism. Several crystalline structures were reported in the literature including anhydrate, hydrate and solvate modifications. It was observed that aripiprazole monohydrate exhibits a complex dehydration dynamics which was not completely elucidated. In this work the dehydration process of the aripiprazole hydrate was investigated by using Raman scattering, hot-stage microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. The temperature evolution of the Raman spectra was analyzed through the multivariate statistical method of principal component analysis. Our results support that the dehydration process of aripiprazole is divided into two steps. First a diffusion-controlled loss of water followed by a fast nucleation and crystallization of the anhydrous form. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction The relevance of controlling polymorphism and solvate formation in crystallization of organic compounds is widely recognized within the industrial and academic communities. Polymorphism is the ability of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) to exist in more than one crystalline form. Different polymorphs and solvates of the same drug compound, although having the same active ingredient, exhibit variable physical properties: solubility, dissolution rate, chemical stability, melting points, density, hardness, filterability, color and many other properties. As a result, polymorphism and solvatomorphism can affect the quality, safety and efficacy of a drug product [1,2]. Antipsychotics are characterized by their psychotropic action with psychomotor and sedative effects. Aripiprazole (7-[4-[4-(2,3dichlorophenyl)-1-piperazinyl]butoxy]-3,4-dihydrocarbostyril, Fig. 1) was the sixth second-generation antipsychotics to be introduced in the market [3–5]. The action mechanism of aripiprazole (APZ) differs from currently marketed typical and atypical antipsychotics [6]. Unlike its predecessors, APZ is considered a partial dopaminergic agonist, acting on both postsynaptic D2 receptors
and presynaptic autoreceptors. It also displays partial agonism at serotonin1A (5-HT1A ) receptors and antagonism at 5-HT2A receptors [7,8]. APZ was discovered by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company and approved for the treatment of schizophrenia by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2002 [9,10]. It is commercialized in the United States and foremost European countries under the name Abilify® . APZ has a rather simple molecular structure (Fig. 1), the fact of having aliphatic chains and saturated rings makes this molecule suitable for polymorphism. More than 20 patents on the solid forms that this API can assume were applied. APZ was reported to exist in several polymorphs, solvates, salts and co-crystals [11,12]. However, a rigorous investigation of the polymorphism and solvatomorphism of APZ was just recently presented by Braun et al. [12,13] and Tessler and Goldberg [11]. These authors reported the existence of 5 polymorphs and 3 solvates (including one monohydrate). Based on thermal analysis, structural and spectroscopy data, they have established the thermodynamic relationships among the polymorphs and the stability (thermal and moisture) of the solvates. In the last few years, the investigation of pharmaceutical compounds by means of Raman spectroscopy has attracted much interest and some reports pointed out its pharmaceutical applications [14–16]. The application of this technique to monitor the solid phase during polymorphic and pseudopolymorphic phase transi-
Impact Factor: 2 · DOI: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2010.09.011
7 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Alejandro Pedro Ayala Universidade Federal do Ceará
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Thermal stability of aripiprazole monohydrate investigated by Raman spectroscopy