



模块 A …… If () JSR “L” Else JSR L+M
Return 模块 B
L-1 L L+M-1 L+M
Return 模块 C
…… If () JSR K+L Else JSR K+L+M ……
0 N-1
4、1 程序的装入和链接

装入时动态链接(Load-time Dynamic Linking):
0 A B C
系统区 作业区 空闲区 用户区
4、2 连等待装入 内存的作业排成一个作业队列。当主存储器中 无作业或一个作业执行结束,就可以让作业队 列中的下一个作业装入内存。
地址转换方式:静态重定位 缺点:

( 1 )当作业执行中出现了某个等待事件, CPU 处 于空闲状态,不能被充分利用。
0 1 2 3 … 200 … 2500 …
重定位寄存器 1000

LOAD R1,2500 … 9 …
• 动态运行时装入方式的特点:
1.为了提高运行速度,需要重定位寄存器的支 持。 2.在装入程序的同时将装入的起始地址写入重 定位寄存器中。 3.程序装入时使用的仍然是逻辑地址;而在程 序运行时才将逻辑地址修改为物理地址。 4.物理地址=重定位寄存器中的地址+逻辑地址 5.装入内存的程序可以移动,将移动后的起始 地址记入重定位寄存器。
在分区使用表中按作业名找到相应的表项:作 业名=结束的作业名&&状态=“已分配”



j 1
(1)输入输出随机变量的联合概率分布为 P(X xi ,Y yj ) p(xi y j )
则有 p(xi yj ) p(xi ) p( yj | xi ) p( yj ) p(xi | yj )
其中 p( y j | xi ) 是信道转移概率,即输入为xi ,通过信道
p(b2 | an)
• P:转移概率矩阵
p(bm | a1) p(bm | a2)
p(bm | an)
– 已知X,信道输出Y表现出来的统计特性
– 完全描述了信道的统计特性,其中有些概率是信 道干扰引起的错误概率,有些是正确传输的概率
p(bj | ai ) 1 i 1,2,n
j 1
I(X ,Y) H (X ) H (Y )
C max I(X;Y) max H(X ) p(ai )
• 无噪无损信道
p(ai )
• 有噪无损信道
p(ai )
• 无噪有损信道
• 有干扰无记忆信道 • 有干扰有记忆信道
3.2.1 无干扰离散信道
• 设信道的输入X∈A={a1 … an},输出Y∈B={b1 … bm}

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高教版大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)电子教案Unit 2

高教版大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)电子教案Unit 2
A Do You Get It?
Multiple Matching
Scan each of the five paragraphs (a-e) again. Below are a series of newspaper headlines that refer to ideas or information contained in each paragraph. Match the headline to the paragraph.
Before You Start
• Do citizens have to carry identification in your country? If yes, why? If no, what will happen?
• Is identity theft or the misuse of personal data a concern? Have you ever experienced or heard any stories related to it? What are they?
__e___ 1. Victory for the people as government ends Big Brother laws __c___ 2. NIR data to include eye scans __a___ 3. Author’s vision of the future was accurate __d___ 4. Prime Minister says measures will prevent terror __d___ 5. Critics say ID cards just more paperwork __a___ 6. Figures show most cameras do not belong to government __e___ 7. Victory for database opponents __b___ 8. ID bill passed



第38卷第1期2024年1月山东理工大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Shandong University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)Vol.38No.1Jan.2024收稿日期:20221209基金项目:陕西省自然科学基金项目(2018JQ1043)第一作者:栗雪娟,女,lxj_zk@;通信作者:王丹,女,1611182118@文章编号:1672-6197(2024)01-0073-06Cahn-Hilliard 方程的一个超紧致有限差分格式栗雪娟,王丹(西安建筑科技大学理学院,陕西西安710055)摘要:研究四阶Cahn-Hilliard 方程的数值求解方法㊂给出组合型超紧致差分格式,将其用于四阶Cahn-Hilliard 方程的空间导数离散,采用四阶Runge-Kutta 格式离散时间导数,将二者结合得到四阶Cahn-Hilliard 方程的离散格式,并给出了该格式的误差估计㊂通过编程计算得到其数值解,并与精确解进行对比,结果表明本文的数值方法误差小,验证了所提方法的有效性和可行性㊂关键词:四阶Cahn-Hilliard 方程;组合型超紧致差分方法;四阶Runge-Kutta 方法;误差估计中图分类号:TB532.1;TB553文献标志码:AA supercompact finite difference scheme for Cahn-Hilliard equationsLI Xuejuan,WANG Dan(School of Science,Xiᶄan University of Architecture and Technology,Xiᶄan 710055,China)Abstract :A numerical method for solving the fourth order Cahn-Hilliard equation is studied.The combi-national ultra-compact difference scheme is given and applied to the spatial derivative discretization of the fourth order Cahn-Hilliard equation.The fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme is used to discrete time deriv-atives.The discrete scheme of the fourth order Cahn-Hilliard equation is obtained by combining the two methods,and the error estimate of the scheme is given.Finally,the numerical solution is obtained by programming and compared with the exact solution.The results show that the numerical method in this paper has a small error,verifying the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method.Keywords :fourth order Cahn-Hilliard equation;combinational supercompact difference scheme;fourthorder Runge-Kutta;error estimation㊀㊀本文考虑的四阶Cahn-Hilliard 方程为u t -f u ()xx +ku xxxx =0,x ɪ0,2π[],t >0,u x ,0()=u 0x (),x ɪ0,2π[],u 0,t ()=0,u 2π,t ()=0,t >0,ìîíïïïï(1)式中:求解区域为0,2π[],且kn ȡ0;f u ()为光滑函数;u 0x ()表示t =0时刻的初值;u t 表示u 关于时间t 求偏导数,u t =∂u∂t;f u ()xx表示f u ()关于x求二阶偏导数,f u ()xx=∂2f u ()∂x 2;u xxxx 表示u 关于x 求四阶偏导数,u xxxx=∂4u∂x4;u 是混合物中某种物质的浓度,被称为相变量㊂1958年,Cahn 和Hilliard 提出Cahn-Hilliard 方程,该方程最早被用来描述在温度降低时两种均匀的混合物所发生的相分离现象㊂随着学者对该方程的研究越来越深入,该方程的应用也越来越广泛,特别是在材料科学和物理学等领域中有广泛的应用[1-3]㊂㊀Cahn-Hilliard 方程的数值解法目前已有很多研究,文献[4]使用了全离散有限元方法,文献[5]使用了一类二阶稳定的Crank-Nicolson /Adams-Bashforth 离散化的一致性有限元逼近方法,文献[6-7]使用了有限元方法,文献[8]使用了不连续伽辽金有限元方法,文献[9]使用了Cahn-Hilliard 方程的完全离散谱格式,文献[10]使用了高阶超紧致有限差分方法,文献[11]使用了高阶优化组合型紧致有限差分方法㊂综上所述,本文拟对Cahn-Hilliard 方程构造一种新的超紧致差分格式,将空间组合型超紧致差分方法和修正的时间四阶Runge-Kutta 方法相结合,求解Cahn-Hilliard 方程的数值解,得到相对于现有广义格式精度更高的数值求解格式,并对组合型超紧致差分格式进行误差估计,最后通过数值算例验证该方法的可行性㊂1㊀高阶精度数值求解方法1.1㊀空间组合型超紧致差分格式早期的紧致差分格式是在Hermite 多项式的基础上构造而来的,Hermite 多项式中连续三个节点的一阶导数㊁二阶导数和函数值的数值关系可以表示为ð1k =-1a k f i +k +b k fᶄi +k +c k fᵡi +k ()=0㊂(2)1998年,Krishnan 提出如下紧致差分格式:a 1fᶄi -1+a 0fᶄi +a 2fᶄi +1+hb 1fᵡi -1+b 0fᵡi +b 2fᵡi +1()=1h c 1f i -2+c 2f i -1+c 0f i +c 3f i +1+c 4f i +2(),(3)式中:h 为空间网格间距;a 1,a 0,a 2,b 1,b 0,b 2,c 1,c 2,c 0,c 3,c 4均表示差分格式系数;f i 表示i 节点的函数值;fᶄi 和fᵡi 分别表示i 节点的一阶导数值和二阶导数值;f i -1,f i -2,f i +1,f i +2分别表示i 节点依次向前两个节点和依次向后两个节点的函数值;fᶄi -1,fᶄi +1分别表示i 节点依次向前一个节点和依次向后一个节点的一阶导数值;fᵡi -1,fᵡi +1分别表示i 节点依次向前一个节点和依次向后一个节点的二阶导数值㊂式(2)对应f (x )展开以x i 为邻域的泰勒级数为f x ()=f x i ()+hfᶄx i ()+h 2fᵡx i ()2!+㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀h3f‴x i ()3!+h 4f 4()x i ()4!+h 5f 5()x i ()5!+h 6f 6()x i ()6!+h 7f 7()x i ()7!㊂㊀㊀(4)㊀㊀差分格式的各项系数由式(3)决定,可得到如下的三点六阶超紧致差分格式:716fᶄi +1+fᶄi -1()+fᶄi -h 16fᵡi +1-fᵡi -1()=㊀㊀1516h f i +1-f i -1(),98h fᶄi +1-fᶄi -1()+fᵡi -18fᵡi +1+fᵡi -1()=㊀㊀3h 2f i +1-2f i +f i -1()ìîíïïïïïïïïïï(5)为优化三点六阶紧致差分格式,并保持较好的数值频散,将迎风机制[12]引入式(5),构造出如下三点五阶迎风型超紧致差分格式:78fᶄi -1+fᶄi +h 19fᵡi -1-718fᵡi -172fᵡi +1()=㊀㊀1h -10148f i -1+73f i -1148f i +1(),25fᵡi -1+fᵡi +1h 1910fᶄi -1+165fᶄi +910fᶄi +1()=㊀㊀1h 2-135f i -1-45f i +175f i +1()㊂ìîíïïïïïïïïïï(6)左右边界可达到三阶精度紧致格式:fᶄ1-132fᶄ2+fᶄ3()+3h4fᵡ2+fᵡ3()=㊀㊀-12h f 3-f 2(),fᵡ1+3728h fᶄ3-fᶄ2()+3914h fᶄ1-3356fᵡ3-fᵡ2()=㊀㊀f 3-2f 1+f 2(),ìîíïïïïïïïï(7)fᶄN -132fᶄN -2+fᶄN -1()-3h 4fᵡN -2+fᵡN -1()=㊀㊀12h f N -2-f N -1(),fᵡN -3728h (fᶄN -2-fᶄN -1)-3914h fᶄN -3356(fᵡN -2-㊀㊀fᵡN -1)=1314h 2f N -2-2f N +f N -1()㊂ìîíïïïïïïïïïï(8)上述组合型超紧致差分格式只需要相邻的三个节点便可以同时求得一阶导数和二阶导数的五阶精度近似值,比普通差分格式的节点更少,降低了计算量㊂为便于编程计算,将上述构造的组合型超紧致差分格式重写为矩阵表达形式㊂假设U 为位移矩阵,其大小为m ˑn ,则求一阶导数和二阶导数的离47山东理工大学学报(自然科学版)2024年㊀散过程可以用矩阵运算表示为AF=BU,(9)结合内点的三点五阶迎风型超紧致差分格式和边界点的三点三阶差分格式,组成式(9)中等式左边的矩阵A和等式右边的矩阵B,大小分别为2mˑ2n 和2mˑn;F为奇数行为空间一阶导数和偶数行为空间二阶导数组成的矩阵,大小为2mˑn㊂以上矩阵分别为:A=10-13/23h/4-13/23h/439/14h1-37/28h33/5637/28h-33/567/8h/91-7h/180-h/7219/10h2/516/5h19/1007/8h/91-7h/180-h/7219/10h2/516/5h19/100⋱⋱⋱⋱⋱⋱7/8h/91-7h/180-h/7219/10h2/516/5h19/100-13/2-3h/4-13/2-3h/410-37/28h-33/5637/28h33/56-39/14h1éëêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêùûúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú,(10)F=∂u∂x()1,1∂u∂x()1,2∂u∂x()1,n-1∂u∂x()1,n∂2u∂x2()1,1∂2u∂x2()1,2 ∂2u∂x2()1,n-1∂2u∂x2()1,n︙︙︙︙∂u∂x()m,1∂u∂x()m,2∂u∂x()m,n-1∂u∂x()m,n∂2u∂x2()m,1∂2u∂x2()m,2 ∂2u∂x2()m,n-1∂2u∂x2()m,néëêêêêêêêêêêêêêùûúúúúúúúúúúúúú,(11) B=012/h-12/h-13/7h213/14h213/14h2-101/48h7/3h-11/48h-13/5h2-4/5h217/5h2-101/48h27/3h-11/48h-13/5h2-4/5h217/5h2⋱⋱⋱-101/48h7/3h-11/48h-13/5h2-4/5h217/5h2012/h-12/h-13/7h213/14h213/14h2éëêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêêùûúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú,(12)U=u1,1u1,2 u1,n-1u1,nu2,1u2,2 u2,n-1u2,n︙︙︙︙u m-1,1u m-1,2 u m-1,n-1u m-1,nu m,1u m,2 u m,n-1u m,néëêêêêêêêùûúúúúúúú㊂(13)㊀㊀由式(9)可得F=A-1BU㊂(14)㊀㊀解线性代数方程组(9)可得Cahn-Hilliard方程的空间一阶导数和二阶导数㊂对于四阶导数,可将已求得的二阶导数替代式(14)中的U,再次使用式(14)进行求取㊂57第1期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀栗雪娟,等:Cahn-Hilliard方程的一个超紧致有限差分格式1.2㊀时间离散格式在对很多偏微分方程的数值求解中不仅需要高精度的空间离散格式,同时还需要高精度的时间离散格式㊂普通的一阶精度时间离散格式显然满足不了高精度计算要求,因此本文选用时间四阶Runge-Kutta 格式进行时间离散㊂Runge-Kutta 方法是基于欧拉方法改进后的求解偏微分方程的常用方法,这种方法不仅计算效率高,而且稳定性好㊂格式的推算过程如下:假设求解方程为∂u∂t+F u ()=0,(15)式中F 是对空间变量的微分算子,则修正的四阶Runge-Kutta 格式为u 0i =u n i ,u 1i =u n i-Δt 4F u ()()0i,u 2i =u ni -Δt 3F u ()()1i,u 3i =u n i-Δt 2F u ()()2i,u n +1i =u n i -Δt F u ()()3i ㊂ìîíïïïïïïïïïïïï(16)1.3㊀误差估计以五阶精度将fᶄi -1,fᶄi +1,fᵡi -1,fᵡi +1泰勒级数展开:fᶄi -1=fᶄi -hfᵡi +h 22!f (3)i -h 33!f (4)i +㊀㊀h 44!f (5)i -h 55!f (6)i ,fᶄi +1=fᶄi +hfᵡi +h 22!f (3)i +h 33!f (4)i+㊀㊀h 44!f (5)i +h 55!f (6)i ,fᵡi -1=fᵡi -hf (3)i +h 22!f (4)i -h 33!f (5)i+㊀㊀h 44!f (6)i -h 55!f (7)i ,fᵡi +1=fᵡi +hf (3)i +h 22!f (4)i +h 33!f (5)i +㊀㊀h 44!f (6)i +h 55!f (7)i ㊂ìîíïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïïï(17)将式(17)代入式(6),所求得组合型超紧致差分格式的一阶导数及二阶导数对应的截断误差为:78fᶄi -1+fᶄi +h19fᵡi -1-718fᵡi -172fᵡi +1()=㊀1h -10148f i -1+73f i -1148f i +1()+78640f 6()ih 5,25fᵡi -1+fᵡi +1h 1910fᶄi -1+165fᶄi +910fᶄi +1()=㊀-135f i -1-45f i +175f i +1()-5125200f 7()i h 5,ìîíïïïïïïïïïï(18)78640f 6()i h 5ʈ8.101ˑ10-4f 6()i h 5,5125200f 7()ih 5ʈ2.023ˑ10-3f 7()i h 5㊂ìîíïïïï(19)㊀㊀使用组合型超紧致差分格式的好处是在每一个网格点上存在一个一阶和二阶连续导数的多项式㊂本文比较了组合型超紧致差分格式和现有广义格式的一阶导数和二阶导数的截断误差:fᶄi +αfᶄi +1+fᶄi -1()+βfᶄi +2+fᶄi -2()=㊀㊀a f i +1-f i -12h +b f i +2-f i -24h +c f i +3-f i -36h ,fᵡi +αfᵡi +1+fᵡi -1()+βfᵡi +2+fᵡi -2()=㊀㊀a f i +1-2f i +f i -1h 2+b f i +2-2f i +f i -24h2+㊀㊀c f i +3-2f i +f i -39h 2,ìîíïïïïïïïïïïï(20)式中参数α,β,a ,b ,c 在各种格式中取不同的值(表1,表2)㊂本文发现在各种方案中,组合型超紧致差分格式的截断误差最小㊂表1㊀不同格式一阶导数的截断误差格式αβa b c 截断误差二阶中心010013!f 3()ih 2标准Padeᶄ格式1/403/20-15f 5()ih 4六阶中心03/2-3/51/1036ˑ17!f 7()ih 6五阶迎风143ˑ16!f 6()ih 5表2㊀不同格式二阶导数的截断误差格式αβa b c 截断误差二阶中心01002ˑ14!f 4()ih 2标准Padeᶄ格式1/1006/50185ˑ16!f 6()ih 4六阶中心03/2-3/51/1072ˑ18!f 8()ih 6五阶迎风165ˑ17!f 7()ih 567山东理工大学学报(自然科学版)2024年㊀2㊀数值算例误差范数L 1和L 2的定义为:L 1=1N ðNi =1u -U ,L 2=1N ðNi =1u -U ()2㊂对四阶Cahn-Hilliard 取f u ()=u 2,k =2,在边界条件u 0,t ()=u 2π,t ()=0下的计算区域为0,2π[],方程的精确解为u x ,t ()=e -tsin x2,数值解为U ㊂对给出的数值算例,计算误差范数L 1和L 2,并采用四种方法进行数值模拟,对其数值结果进行误差分析和对比,结果见表3,本文所使用方法效果最佳,由此证明所提方法的有效性和可行性㊂表3㊀0.5s 时刻精确度测试结果(N =10)方法L 1误差L 2误差间断有限元格式1.56235ˑ10-21.37823ˑ10-2普通中心差分格式1.66667ˑ10-18.33333ˑ10-2紧致差分格式7.14286ˑ10-31.78571ˑ10-3组合型超紧致差分格式6.48148ˑ10-36.34921ˑ10-4㊀㊀用本文提出的式(6) 式(8)和式(16)计算算例,图1 图3给出了不同时刻数值解与精确解的(a)精确解(b)数值解图1㊀0.1s 的精确解与数值解(a)精确解(b)数值解图2㊀0.5s 的精确解与数值解(a)精确解(b)数值解图3㊀1s 的精确解与数值解77第1期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀栗雪娟,等:Cahn-Hilliard 方程的一个超紧致有限差分格式对比图,可以看出,数值解与精确解吻合很好,表明本文给出的数值格式是可行的,并且精度较高㊂3 结论本文研究了组合型超紧致差分方法和四阶Runge-Kutta方法,并将其运用于四阶Cahn-Hilliard 方程的数值求解,通过研究与分析,得到如下结论: 1)使用泰勒级数展开锁定差分格式系数,得到本文的组合型超紧致差分格式精度更高,误差更小㊂2)在边界点处有效地达到了降阶,并提高了精度㊂3)通过数值算例验证了数值格式的有效性㊂4)预估该方法可应用于高阶偏微分方程的数值求解㊂参考文献:[1]HUANG Q M,YANG J X.Linear and energy-stable method with en-hanced consistency for the incompressible Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes two-phase flow model[J].Mathematics,2022,10 (24):4711.[2]AKRIVIS G,LI B Y,LI D F.Energy-decaying extrapolated RK-SAV methods for the allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard equations[J].SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,2019,41(6):3703-3727. 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布达乔治安全系统:Building Integration System (BIS) - 基本套餐

布达乔治安全系统:Building Integration System (BIS) - 基本套餐

uIntegration of Bosch and third party systems through deployment of OPCu All relevant information in one user interface u Fully embedded access controlu Full event log for forensic investigations uScalable system that grows with your needsThe Building Integration System (BIS)BIS is a flexible, scalable security and safetymanagement system that can be configured to handle an enormous spectrum of operational scenarios.It contains a huge range of applications and features which enable both the integration and coupling as well as the monitoring and control of all technical building systems.This new version builds on Bosch's many years of experience in management systems and was considerably influenced by the following market trends:•Increasing complexity of technical building equipment The increasing complexity of technical equipment inside buildings requires a powerful management system which combines the most varied functions (e.g. fire and intrusion alarm systems, access control,video systems and building automation... etc.) in the best possible way. The OPC standard enables BIS to process and share information efficiently with a huge variety of hardware devices and other sources.•Using new technologies and standardsWhile the strict regulations in the field of security technology ensure a high degree of reliability in security matters, they hinder the integrated use of new technologies from the IT world. BIS hassucceeded in harnessing the benefits of non-security-based technologies (e.g. OPC, CAD, web) and harmonizing them with the world of security technologies.•Need for complete solutionsFacility managers and integrators are demanding a single building-management solution that is nevertheless able to integrate all their security subsystems.System overviewThe Building Integration System is a versatile product made up of a basic package plus various optional components (also known as Engines) based on a common software platform. The engines can becombined to tailor building management systems to detailed requirements.These main components are:•Automation Engine •Access Engine •Video Engine •Security Engine* not available in all countriesThese engines are described in greater detail in separate datasheets.FunctionsSystem architectureThe BIS Engines provide fire and intrusion detection,access control, video surveillance plus the monitoring of HVAC and other vital systems.BIS is based on a performance-optimized multi-tier architecture especially designed for use in Intranet and Internet environments.Subsystems are connected via the well-established,world-wide OPC standard. This open standard makes it easy to insert BIS into existing OPC-compliant subsystems.Optionally, individual BIS systems can cooperate by providing data to, or consuming data from, other BISsystems. The result is a Multi-server BIS system.1. A BIS consumer server with workstations and router in a local area network (LAN)2.Wide area network (WAN)3.BIS provider servers with workstations and routers in local area networks (LAN)Organizational structure and configurationA number of automatic functions and easy-to-use tools make configuration installer-friendly, saving time and expense.Hierarchical location trees can be created by theimport of existing CAD data containing layers, named views and detector locations. Zooming and panning allow rapid navigation through the building.The user interface is web -based using dynamic HTML pages. Default pages for different screen resolutions and formats are included in the installation software,and the default pages can easily be customized using a standard HTML editor.BIS automatically detects the monitor resolution and provides the appropriate user interface.OperationThe system’s main task is to operate as the alarm-monitoring and control center for the various security systems within a site. Its graphical interface isdesigned to help the operator grasp the extent and urgency of an occurrence quickly, and to take promptand effective action.The heart of the system, the State Machine, monitors all incoming events and operator requests and, if desired, can take actions prescribed by user-defined rules or Associations, thus unburdening the operators.System securityAES encryption between BIS central server andworkstations provides additional security in addition to configurable user-access rights. If PCs within a corporate network are to be used as clientworkstations then enhanced security can be achieved by restricting operators to specific workstations or IP-addresses.Basic packageThe Building Integration System basic packageprovides many features used in common by the various Engines.•Customizable device condition counters to provide an overview of the condition of subsystems across the entire BIS system•Message processing and alarm display•Alarm queue with up to 5000 simultaneous alarmevents and detailed alarm information•Fixed assignment of operators to workstations for higher security•State machine for automated event and alarm handling.•Web-server-based platform allows client workstations to connect to BIS via just the Internet Explorer •Direct support for location maps in standardAutoCAD DWF vector format reduces configurationeffort.•Changes to architecture within a graphic (new walls,moving a door, etc.) can be implemented without changing the BIS configuration, simply import a new plot file.•Automated workflows between operators, with message broadcasting and customizable escalation paths•Huge library of standardized detector icons in standard vector format including color, event and control definitions•Direct control and monitoring of detectors via the context menus of their icons in the location maps •Direct control and monitoring of detectors via the logical tree-structure (e.g. building – floor – room) of a site, with hyperlinks to photos, manuals,instructions•Location tree generated automatically from the "named views" within the AutoCAD graphic•Action management for automatic and manual control into connected subsystems and their peripherals•Device overview for all connected subsystems, and their peripherals (detectors) and internal virtual devices (operator, server, ...) in the form of a tree structure with detailed information about address,status, type, location and notes. Control theperipherals via the context menus of their tree nodes.•Ability to compartmentalize the managed site into autonomous Divisions, and to restrict operators to the control of specific Divisions.•Ability to provide specific information to the operator in the form of free-form “miscellaneous” hypertext documents, including text, bitmaps, video images,etc.•Highly configurable operator access rights for monitoring and control of subsystems and their peripherals•Event log to ensure all events are completely documented (including messages received and actions taken)•Reporting services to quickly create reports from the event log•Linking and embedding of OPC servers from any computer in the network •Online HelpAction plans and location mapsBIS amplifies standard alarm-handling by its ability to display action plans and location maps, including graphical navigation and the alarm-dependentvisualization of layers inside those maps. This ensures optimal guidance to operators especially in stress situations, such as fire or intrusion alarms.Alarm-dependent action plans or workflows provide detailed event-dependent information such as standard operating procedures, live images, control buttons, etc. to the operator. Simply create and assign one action plan to each possible alarm type in your system, e.g. fire alarm, access denied, technical alarms, etc.With the deletion of an alarm message an unmodifiable snapshot of the displayed action plan is attached to the event log. This ensures accountability by providing a trace of all steps performed by the operator duringthe alarm response.•Location maps are a visualization of premises e.g.floors, areas or rooms, based on the popular AutoCAD vector-graphics format. Detectors and other devicesare represented by colored, animated icons thatprovide direct control via their context menus. In the case of an alarm the system zooms automatically tothe location in the map where it was triggered.• A location tree provides entry points to the locationmap and its graphical navigation functions (pan,zoom).•Alarm-dependent layer control allows the display ofadditional graphical information for specificsituations, e.g. escape routes in case of fire alarms. BIS optional accessoriesThe optional features listed below can be added to the BIS system to meet specific customer requirements. They are usable with all the BIS Engines (Automation, Access, Video and Security Engine).Alarm management packageThis package extends the standard alarm-handling of your BIS system by some additional features: Message distribution allows the definition of escalation scenarios which are activated automatically when an operator or operator group fails to acknowledge an alarm message within a defined period. BIS will then forward the message automatically to the next authorized operator group. The timer feature allows the setup of time schedules which can be used to perform automatic control commands, such as closing a barrier at 8:00 pm, as well as for time-dependent redirection of alarm messages, e.g. within time period 1 show message tooperator group 1 else to operator group 2.The operator alarm feature allows an operator to trigger an alarm manually from the location tree, for example, if informed by telephone of a dangerous situation. Such manual alarms are processed in the same way as those triggered by a detector: that is, the associated documents are displayed and all steps taken are recorded in the event log.The application launcher allows the invocation of non-BIS applications by the system based upon predefined conditions, e.g. alarms or timers. A typical application of this would be for an automatic, scheduled system backup.Building Integration System in figuresParts includedWhen ordered as Installation Media in Box the box contains:ponents1BIS Installation medium with software and installation manuals as PDF1Quick installation guide (printed)When downloaded (Version 4.0 and later) the online documentation is contained in the download.The basic package includes the following licenses: ponents1Operator client license1Division licenseTechnical specificationsMinimum technical requirements for a login or connection serverMinimum technical requirements for a client computerOrdering informationBIS is available in the following languages:•DE = German•EN = English•ES = Spanish•FR = French•HU = Hungarian•NL = Dutch•PL = Polish•PT = Portuguese•RU = Russian•TR = Turkish•ZH-CN = Simplified Chinese•ZH-TW = Traditional ChineseA BIS basic license is required when setting up a new systemBIS 4.1 Basic LicenseLicense for the use of the software as downloadedfrom the website. No physical parts are delivered andthe user documentation is contained in the download.Order number BIS-BGEN-B41BIS 4.1 Installation Media in BoxBox contains the installation medium for all languagesand the Quick Installation Guide.Order number BIS-GEN-B41-BOXBIS 4.1 Alarm Management PackageLicense for the addition to BIS of the feature specifiedOrder number BIS-FGEN-AMPK41BIS 4.1 additional 1 Operator ClientLicense for the addition to BIS of the feature specifiedOrder number BIS-XGEN-1CLI41BIS 4.1 additional 1 DivisionLicense for the addition to BIS of the feature specifiedOrder number BIS-XGEN-1DIV41BIS 4.1 Multi-Server Connect per ServerLicense for the addition to BIS of the feature specifiedOrder number BIS-FGEN-MSRV41BIS Upgrade from 3.0 to 4.xLicense for an upgrade between the versionsspecified.Order number BIS-BUPG-30TO40BIS Upgrade from 2.x to 4.xLicense for an upgrade between the versionsspecified.Order number BIS-BUPG-2XTO40BIS 4.1 BVMS ConnectivityLicense for the connection between one BIS and oneBVMS installationOrder number BIS-FGEN-BVMS41Represented by:Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina:Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180***********************.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025617 BA Eindhoven, The NetherlandsPhone: + 31 40 2577 284Fax: +31 40 2577 330******************************Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, SecuritySystems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd.203 Building, No. 333 Fuquan RoadNorth IBPChangning District, Shanghai200335 ChinaPhone +86 21 22181111Fax: +86 21 22182398Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems DivisionVia Anhanguera, Km 98CEP 13065-900Campinas, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55 19 2103 2860Fax: +55 19 2103 2862*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2015 | Data subject to change without notice 181****2875|en,V7,30.Nov2015。



第14章 财产保险引论[思考与练习]1.在大型超市的周围通常会有许多小规模的商店一并存在,他们一般是依靠大超市带来的客流生存、获取利润。












依照月平均估算法,该月承保的保 单应当为下一个年度提取多少未到期责任准备金?5.财产保险中免赔额的设置有哪几种方式?免赔主要有什么作用?第15章 财产损失保险[思考与练习]1. 试解释海上保险中推定全损、委付的概念。



载货船 只途经某运河时意外起火,造成部分面粉损毁。




一阶偏相关系数 和 高阶偏相关系数

一阶偏相关系数 和 高阶偏相关系数














参考文献:1. Cox, D. R.; Snell, E. J. (1989). "Analysis of Binary Data", Second Edition. London: Chapman and Hall/CRC.2. Li, Shoujun; Zhu, Ji; Li, Shouyi (2006). "A Three-Stage FDR Control Procedure Based on Bootstrap with Application to Genomic Data". Journal of the American Statistical Association. 101 (474): 1053–1070.。



4.6 Routing in the

Datagram format IPv4 addressing ICMP IPv6

4.7 Broadcast and
multicast routing
Network Layer
Network layer
Network Layer 4-13
Forwarding table
VC number
12 22 32
Forwarding table in northwest router:
Incoming interface 1 2 3 1 … Incoming VC # 12 63 7 97 …
interface number Outgoing interface 3 1 2 3 … Outgoing VC # 22 18 17 87 …
3rd important function in

some network architectures:
ATM, frame relay, X.25 before datagrams flow, two end hosts and intervening routers establish virtual connection routers get involved network vs transport layer connection service: network: between two hosts (may also involve intervening routers in case of VCs) transport: between two processes

Octet RED384 CMI Getting Started Guide to Biolaye

Octet RED384  CMI Getting Started Guide to Biolaye

Data CollectionData AnalysisShutdownData Managementoptical technique that measures macromolecular interactions by white light reflected from the surface of a biosensor tip. BLI the kinetics and affinity of molecular interactions. In a BLI ) is immobilized to a Dip and Read Biosensor and binding ) is then measured. A change in the number of molecules a , k d ) and equilibrium binding constantsof the Octet Data Acquistion software is called Octet BLI Octet Analysis Studio 13.0.welllight welllight• ForteBio Biosensors.o See table below for popular sensor types and part numbers. Go to the Sartorius/ForteBiowebsite: https:///en/products/protein-analysis/octet-bli-detection/biosensors-chips-kits , for additional sensor types, including Anti-Mouse IgG Fc, Anti-Human Fab, Anti-GST, and biosensors recommended for quantitation.• At least two black microplates per experiment (one for soaking sensors and at least one forsamples and reagents).o Only Greiner Bio-One brand, black microplates or ForteBio plates are recommended (seetable below).• An empty biosensor tray to use as a working tray. • Pipettes (recommended). OCTET Black MicroplatesPart NumberGreiner Bio-One 96-well black flat-bottom PP, 200 µL 655209 (VWR 82050-784) Greiner Bio-One 384-well black flat-bottom PP, 80-120 µL 781209 (VWR 82051-318) ForteBio 384-well black tilted-bottom PP, 60 µL18-5080Sample PreparationAssay Buffers• Many buffers are compatible with BLI. It’s usually a good idea to start with a buffer system in whichyour proteins are well behaved.• Addition of 0.05% Tween 20 (or other surfactant) is usually required to prevent non-specificbinding, which is a frequent problem in BLI experiments.o Try detergent concentrations above the CMC, typically in the range of 0.02-0.1%.• The sample used for the association phase should be in a buffer identically matched to that usedfor the baseline and dissociation phase.o Buffer match is especially important when a buffer component has a high refractive index,such as DMSO. Immobilized load sample should also be in the same buffer, if possible.• 0.1% BSA can also be used to minimize non-specific binding.o ForteBio sells a detergent-based Kinetic Buffer (PBS + 0.02 % Tween20, 0.1 % BSA, 0.05 %sodium azide) that you might consider.o NOTE: BSA is not universally beneficial and can sometimes increase non-specific binding.Popular ForteBio Dip and Read Biosensors for Kinetics Part Number Streptavidin (SA) biosensors 18-5019 (96/tray) High Precision Streptavidin (SAX) biosensors 18-5117 High Precision Streptavidin (SAX2) biosensors 18-5136 Super-Streptavidin (SSA) biosensors (for small molecules) 18-5057 anti-His (HIS1K) biosensors 18-5120 Ni-NTA (NTA) biosensors 18-5101 Anti-Human IgG Fc biosensors 18-5010•All BLI experiments are setup with one molecule fixed to the biosensor surface (the Load Sample) and a second molecule in solution (the Analyte Sample).•Concentration should be accurately measuredo Errors in Load concentration can affect signal intensityo Errors in the Analyte concentration will directly translate to errors in the K D•Protein aggregates will interfere with BLI.o Filter or centrifuge samples before use.o Assess protein heterogeneity via light scattering.o Purify protein samples with soluble aggregates by size-exclusion chromatography. •Recommended concentration ranges:o Load Sample (immobilized) 10-50 µg/ml (~µM range)o Analyte 0.01 – 100 X K D (0.1 – 10 X K D)•Sample and Reagent plate well volumeo96-well 200 µlo384-well 80 – 120 µlo384-well tilted bottom 60 µlGetting StartedAn Octet experiment involves multiple steps in which ForteBio Dip and Read Biosensor are moved between wells in microplates containing buffers, reagents and samples. The instrument can hold up to 96 sensors (one tray) for use in experiments with multiple assays, each using up to 16 sensors. Reagents and samples are placed in 96- or 384-well black microplates. Plate 1 is used in all experiments and can hold any/all sample or reagent types. Plate 2 is an optional reagent plate that cannot hold analytes use in the association phase.timeReagent sequenceResourcesAdditional resources are available at the instrument, including Data Collection and Data Analysis software manuals.Experimental Design Tips•Do not overload the immobilized molecule.•The same well containing buffer should be used for the baseline and dissociation phase, assuming inter-step correction is performed.•For small molecule work, use Super-Streptavidin sensors and quench with biocytin (biotinyl-lysine at 10 µg/mL).•Use reference subtraction (there are several types).o Reference sample well has immobilized load sample and no analyte during association.o Reference sensor is a sensor to which no load sample is immobilized and is matched for analyte concentration.o Double Reference uses both reference well and reference sensor.•Experiments should be less than 3 hr (10 % volume loss ~ 3.5 hours at 30 ˚C).Data CollectionStartup1.Book time on the PPMS calendar before you start.2.Login to the computer using your PPMS credentials (eCommons ID and password).3.The instrument should generally be left powered on at all times.a.If it is not powered on, the power supply is on the shelf above the instrument.4.Design you experiment in the Data Acquisition software before setting up your sample and reagentplates.5.Open the instrument door with the Present Stage button in the software (green eject button). DoNOT pull on the thing that looks like a handle.Experimental Data Collection1.Start the Octet BLI Discovery Software (formerly Data Acquisition Software). The current version willbe on the Desktop (older versions are also usable and found in “older versions” folder).a.Wait for initialization.b.Select New Kinetics Experiment in the Experiment Wizard, or open a method file.c.The Experiment Wizard has 5 sections tabs to guide you through experimental setup.2.Plate Definition:a.Select data acquisition mode. Read Head: 16 channel or 8 channel.i)16 channel mode uses up to 16 sensors and moves in 2 column increments.ii)8 channel mode uses up to 8 sensors and can move in 1 column increments.b.To modify plate format, select Modify Plate:i)Choose either 96-well or 384-well format for Plate 1 and Plate 2CMI Getting Started Guide C enter forM acromolecular I nteractionsSelect a well or wells to define (shift-click to select all wells in column on 96-well or alternating wells on 384-well plate).c. Right-click to pull up Sample Type Menu and choose type for the selected wells.i) Select "Set Well Data" from the Sample Type Menu to add information or fill in the PlateData tables.ii) A molar concentration for the samples is required for fitting. iii) Required Reagent Types(1) Buffer (baseline before load) (2) Load Sample (load)(3) Mock Load Buffer (for reference sensor load step) (4) Buffer (baseline before association and dissociation)(5) Sample (association phase), use a range of concentrations, include 0 for reference sample iv) Optional Reagent Types(1) Quench (e.g. biocytin for blocking)(2) Regeneration solutions (for sensor reuse or serial data collection)v) Include a zero concentration of analyte (a reference sample well) to correct for a drift in thebaseline(1) Several sensor types have significant drift. (2) A reference sample well is required for NTA. vi) Test non-specific binding with Reference Sensors d. Fill your reagent plate(s) according to the plate map. 3. Assay Definition:a. Plate 1 and Plate 2 show plate layouts (step back to Plate Definition to modify).b. Create a list of steps in the Step Data List.i) Sample steps (s):(1) Baseline 120 (60 – 300) (2) Loading 120 (120 – 600) (3) (Quench) 60 (30 – 120) optional quench (eg. Biocytin on SA or SSA) (4) Association 300 (60 – 600) (5) Dissociation 600 (60 – 600+) ii) Shake speed 1,000 RPM.c. Create an assay (a group of ordered steps with plate information).i) Select a column from a plate and select a step in Step Data List. ii) Double-click or click Add… to add a step to Assay Step List. iii) Select the sensor type for the assay. iv) Typical assay order:(1) Baseline (2) Loading (3) Baseline (4) Association (5) Dissocation d. To create a new Assays, click New Assay or select all steps in Assay 1 and click replicate. Modifythe sample column as needed.A group of “Baseline – Assocation – Dissocation” steps are required for recognition as a binding assay and can be overlayedfor kinetic analysis. Don’t forget the baseline before association.CMI Getting Started GuideC enter forM acromolecular I nteractions 4. Sensor Assignment:a. This step tells you where to put sensors in the Sensor Tray.i) You should always check the box marked Replace sensors in tray after use . This will returnsensors to the tray after your experiment (and prevent them from clogging the instrument, as there is a design flaw in the sensor discard shoot).ii) Plate 1 (and 2) indicate wells that each sensor group will enter in an assay. iii) Sensor type should match those from the Assay Definition.b. Fill a sensor tray with sensors in the marked positions and place a 96-well plate underneath withsoaking buffer (usually running buffer) in the wells with sensors.5. Review Experiment:a. Click the arrow to review each assay step in your experiment. 6. Run Experiment:a. Assign a location for your data (choose your folder inside your lab folder).b. Enter the experiment run name (avoid using the default name Experiment_1).c. Set the Run Settings:i) Check all boxes except for “Present Stage at end of experiment” which should be uncheckedunless you will be present at the end of your experiment.ii) Set experiment delay for soaking and equilibration time (10 min). iii) Set temperature (30 ˚C minimum). d. Advanced Settings:i) Set Sensor Offset: 4 mm for standard well volumes (see table below for other offsets). ii) Set Acquisition Rate: Standard Kinetics (5Hz, avg by 20). e. Save method file if using later. f. Start Run by pressing Go button. 7. During Run:a. Watch data collection in real-time.b. Avoid skipping or extending steps, especially if performing an experiment with a second assay(such as a reference assay). Only assays with identical number of steps and duration of steps can be merged for subtractions or comparison.c. When data collection is complete, close the Data Acquisition software and go to Data Analysis.Table of Recommended sensor offsets by well volume (from Octet User Manual)CMI Getting Started GuideC enter forM acromolecular I nteractionsData AnalysisOverviewThe current version of Octet Data Analysis software is called Octet Analysis Studio 13.0. The legacy software, Data Analysis and Data Analysis HT, is still available for use in the “older versions” folder.Data Analysis Studio features:• Data from multiple plates and/or experiments can be combined into one analysis. • More flexible reference subtraction options are available for kinetic analysis. • Customizable report format.• Export Results as a single file (this was not available older Data Analysis HT versions).Data Analysis Protocols1. Open the Octet Analysis Studio Software.2. Select Data:a. Click Explore in the Icon Bar to view data folders.b. Drag an Octet data folder to the Experiment Builder.i) More than one data file can be combined into one analysis by dragging additional files intothe Overlay section (must have the same number of steps and step lengths). ii) Octet data can also be Appended to the beginning or end of a data set.(1) To combine data with different step sizes.(2) For experiments with steps performed in different files (such as immobilization andassociation performed as different experiments).3. Process Data:a. Click Preprocess from the Operations Section of the Icon Bar.b. Assign Reference Sensors (sensors to which no ligand is immobilized).i) Go to the Reference Sensor Tab.ii) Click on column number or drag to select the reference sensors. iii) Right click on selection.iv) Set Sensor Type to Reference Sensor (sensor icon will change to diamond). v) Right click on Go to Subtract Reference and choose subtraction method.(1) In Rows (selects a reference from the same row as the sample).vii) Scroll down to see multiple plates and repeat the subtraction for each plate.viii) Check the table at the bottom to see the sensor subtraction formula used for each sensor. c. Assign Reference Samples (samples with zero concentration of analyte).i) Go to Reference Sample Tab.ii) Click (or CTRL-click) to select well(s) for reference samples (zero concentration). iii) Right click on selection.iv) Set Reference to Reference Sample Wells. v) Right click on Go to Subtract Reference and choose subtraction method.vii) In columns (selects a reference well from the same column as the samples).CMI Getting Started GuideC enter forM acromolecular I nteractionsviii) Scroll down to see multiple plates and repeat for each plate. ix) Check the table to see the well subtraction formula for each sensor. d. Data Corrections:i) Go to Data Correction Tab.ii) Align the Y axis to the average of baseline step (default is the last 5 seconds of the baseline). iii) Inter-step correction.(1) This step corrects for system artifacts (optical artifacts from buffer mismatch, etc.). (2) Choose a step to align (try dissociation first).(3) The baseline before association and dissociation steps must be performed from the samewell of a sample plate.(4) Should not be performed with very fast on-rates as kinetic data may be lost.iv) Noise Filtering (Savitsky-Golay Filtering, smoothing function) is recommended but optional. e. Export Processed data by clicking on Processed Data in Export Section of the Icon Bar to exportdata in a csv format for graphing in other programs.4. Kinetic Analysis:a. Fitting Parameters:i) Click on Kinetics in the Operations section of the Icon Bar. ii) Choose Steps to Analyze: Association and Dissociation. iii) Choose Model: 1:1.iv) Select Global Fitting (full).v) Group by Sample ID (or other grouping scheme) when performing a parallel experiment. vi) Group by Sensor if all concentrations are measured on the same sensor (a serial experiment). b. Examine Fitted curves.c. Steady-State Analysis (Equilibrium Fit).i) Check to include or uncheck to exclude data from the table.ii) In Steady-state dialog, choose Response as the mode of analysis (when kinetic data reachessteady-state at each concentration).iii) Choose Region of Analysis by defining Average from X to X (time interval).(1) This should be a region of the association curve that has reached equilibrium (or steady-state).(2) Default is a five sec window, five seconds from the end of the association phase.(3) For viewing, go to the graph window in the bottom right corner and select the steady-state tab.d. Save the Excel Report (for a summary of the analysis) or create a custom reporte. Export Results as a single file or multiple files for re-graphing and/or analysis in 3rd party software.f. Processing parameters are autosaved in the HTSettings.efrdi) To restart with default/no settings, you may delete the HTSettings file and reopen. ii) Save As to save processing parameters in Extended ForteBio File format (*.efrd). iii) Click on Open Workspace from the Icon Bar to reopen saved processed data.CMI Getting Started GuideC enter forM acromolecular I nteractionsShutdown 1. Remove sensor tray and reagent plates from the instrument. 2. Close the Octet door.3. Discard used biosensors with tips.4. Return borrowed empty sensor trays to the drawer under the instrument.5. Clean up in and around the instrument.6. Close the control and analysis software.7. Logoff from PPMS!Data ManagementTechnology Biolayer Interferometry InstrumentOctet RH16 (Octet Red 384) Recommended Repository Generalist RepositoryData Collection SoftwareCurrent Version Octet BLI Discovery, Version 13.0 Data Files (Type, ~size) experiment folder (contents below) 5 MB/experiment data file .frd 80 KB/measurement method file .fmf 35-45 KB/experiment plate definitions .jpg 30-90 KB/plate assay image .jpg 30-90 KB/experiment preprocessed data.xslx 200 KB/experimentData Analysis SoftwareCurrent Version Octet Analysis Studio, Version 13.0Data Files (Type, ~size) HT SettingsReadable Exports results table .xslx 5-10 KBexport report.xslxBook time and Report Problems through the PPMS system: https:///hms-cmi• rates are based on booked and real time usageContact ***************.edu with questions.last edited: 2023-05-12。


s ia e f r t si g r pr s o u to u t bl o e tn e e s r f nc i n
L u— ,G O Q -i g I i H e U i a qn
( n tueo l eu E ooy T b t giutrl n nma Hub n r o ee y g h ,Tb t 6 0 0,C ia) I s tt fPa a clg , ie A r l a a d A i l s a dy C l g ,N i c i ie 0 0 i t c u l n 8 hn
1种 用 于检 测 抑 制 基 因功 能 的 酵 母 株 系 的建 立
李 慧娥 ,郭其 强
( 藏农牧学院高原生态研究所, 藏 林芝 西 西 800 6 00)

酵 母 被 广 泛 用 于分 子 生 物 学 中基 因功 能 的 检 测 。 为 扩 大 酵 母 株 系 U C 1 C 4 9在 抑 制 基 因活 性 检 测 方
A bsr c S c a o c sc rvsa a e n wie y u e s tos i e tn e u c in. I r e o u iie a S c ta t ac h r my e ee ii e h s b e d l s d a o l n t si g g ne f n to n o d rt tlz a — c a o c sc rvsa tan UCC41 o esi g r p e s ra tv te h r my e ee ii e sr i 9 frt tn e r s o ciiis,we e ie r d UCC41 ltn t EU2 g n ngn e e 9 bydeei g isL ee a tte s me tme r p a i g t e L nd a h a i e l cn h EU2 wih t 豫 P1 t he ma k rva ho lg u e o i ai n.Th e sr i e i— r e i moo o s r c mb n to e n w tan d sg


Record – a collection of fields arranged in a predetermined format.
• Fixed-length record structures • Variable-length record structures
Blocking factor – the number of logical records included in a single read or write operation (from the computer’s perspective).
Database administrator – a specialist responsible for database technology, database design,construction, security, backup and recovery, and performance tuning.
• Compare and contrast conventional files and modern, relational databases. • Define and give examples of fields, records, files, and databases. • Describe modern data architecture of files, operational databases, data warehouses, personal databases, and work group databases. • Compare roles of systems analyst, database administrator, and data administrator. • Describe architecture of database management system • Describe how a relational database implements entities, attributes, and relationships from a logical data model. • Transform a logical data model into a physical, relational database schema. • Generate SQL to create the database structure in a schema.











3.1灌浆套筒连接20世纪60年代,美国人Alfred A.Yee[1]发明了钢筋套筒灌浆连接,很好地解决了装配式结构中的纵向钢筋连接问题,可有效实现“装配等同现浇”的设计要求[2]。


桥梁墩柱分节段预制拼装技术研究Study on Segmental Prefabrication and Assembly Technology of Bridge Pier Column方伟太(中铁建大桥工程局集团第二工程有限公司,广东深圳518083)FANG Wei-tai(China Railway Construction Bridge Engineering Bureau Group2st Engineering Co.Ltd.,Shenzhen518083,China)【摘要】针对高大型构件的运输及吊装成为装配式的一大技术瓶颈问题,分析现在预制桥墩装配技术在城市桥梁的应用,高大型墩柱是目前需解决的装配式桥梁施工的难题。



在分段系统中不可能存在一条指令或一 个数据存放在不同段中。
4、8 请求分段存储管理方式
• 缺段处理比缺页处理要复杂的多:段的长度 是不固定的,若调入的段较长,则需要淘汰 多个段来满足,系统需要将多个分散的区域 拼接在一起。

有合适空闲区? 是 从外存读入S段 修改段表、空闲分区表 唤醒请求进程
3 、在一个请求分页存储管理中,假如一个作业的 页面走向为1 、2 、3 、4 、 2、 1 、5 、6 、2 、1、 2 、 3 、7 、 6 、 3 、 2 、 1 、 2 、 3 、 6 。当系统分配给该 作 业 的 物 理 块 数 为 3 时 , 计 算 分 别 采 用 OPT、 FIFO、LRU页面置换算法时的缺页次数和缺页率。
内存的分配、回收程序; 缺段中断处理程序;
(1)如何给进入内存的作业分配、回收内存空间。 (2)将原作业空间中的逻辑地址转换成物理地址。
基本过程:若段号、段内位移、操作均合法 访问的段已经在内存,则同基本分段系统的地址 变换过程; 访问的段不在内存,则先通过缺段中断处理过程 将缺段调入内存、修改段表,然后进行地址转换。 地址变换过程:

S<段表长度? 是 找到段S对应的段表项 是 W<S段段长?
4、8 请求分段存储管理方式



本地载波 A′cos(ω +φ )
❖解调部分由乘法器和低通滤波器组成,由本机产生同步 信号为A’cosωLt,则
解调器接收到的信号为: SASK(t)=s(t)Acosωct
制,即用二进制矩形脉冲信号 的“1”和“0”控制开关的通和 断,从而是载波通过或不通过。
Acosωc t 2ASK调制原理框图
-2fs -fs fs
-fc-fs -fc -fc+fs
o 举例
若定义Δφ为2DPSK方式下本码元初相与前一码元初相之差 ,并设Δφ=π相→“1”、 Δφ=0相→“0”,为了比较,设2PSK 方式下φ=π相→“0”、 φ=0相→“1”,则数字信息序列与 2PSK、2DPSK信号的码元相位关系如表所示。
差分相移键控(DPSK)是利用相邻二个码元的载波信 号初始相位的相对变化来表示所传输的码元。
例如,在二进制中传输“1”码时,则与此码元所对应的 载波信号初始相位相对于前一码所对应的载波信号初始 相位有 180或π弧度的变化;,传输“0”码时,与此码元所对 应的载波信号的初始相位相对于前一码元所对应的载波 信号初始相位无变化(“1变0不变” );当然反过来也 是可以的。

chapt14第十四讲 张中丞传後叙

chapt14第十四讲  张中丞传後叙

遠宽厚長者,貌如其 心。與巡同年生,月 日後於巡,呼巡爲兄。 死時年四十九。
或傳嵩有地在亳宋間, 武人奪而有之。嵩將詣 州訟理,爲所殺。嵩無 子。張籍云。
孽胡南侵,父巡與睢陽太守 遠各守一面。城陷,賊所入 自遠分。尹子琦分郡部曲各 一方,巡及將校三十餘皆割 心剖肌,慘毒備盡,而遠與 麾下無傷。
詔下尚書省,使去疾與許峴 及百官議。皆以去疾證狀最 明者,城陷而遠獨生也。且 遠本守睢陽,凡屠城以生致 主將爲功,則遠後巡死不足 惑。
“四人相視而笑,莫逆於 心”(左僖5)是也。
以一辭之句言,“四人相 視而笑”者,彼此相視,
A與B相Vr 如:我與若不能相知也… 然則我與若與人俱不能相
知也。(《莊子· 齊物論》)
A—與B相Vr 如:逢丑父者,頃公之車 右也,面目與頃公相似,
羊傳· 成二》)
A與[B]相V 如:張博從房受學,以女 妻房,房與相親。
(《漢書· 京房傳》)
《說文》: 達,行不相遇也。 引申指通曉、懂得,指 豁達,通達,指得志、 得行其道等。
第四段,駁斥了有人指責張巡和許 遠不事先撤退以保存實力的說法。
一方面高度評價張許二人的歷史 功績,對上面两段關於許遠的評 價問題作了一個結論;同時又通 過寫自己的親身經歷,引出了南 霽雲的事迹。



Copyright by the American National Standards Institute Wed Sep 25 09:22:41 2002
Copyright by the American National Standards Institute Wed Sep 25 09:22:41 2002
Copyright by the American National Standards Institute Wed Sep 25 09:22:36 2002
Copyright by the American National Standards Institute Wed Sep 25 09:22:37 2002
Copyright by the American National Standards Institute Wed Sep 25 09:22:28 2002
Copyright by the American National Standards Institute Wed Sep 25 09:22:29 2002
Copyright by the American National Standards Institute Wed Sep 25 09:22:26 2002
Copyright by the American National Standards Institute Wed Sep 25 09:22:27 2002
Copyright by the American National Standards Institute Wed Sep 25 09:22:31 2002
Copyright by the American National Standards Institute Wed Sep 25 09:22:31 2002



环形网的所有结点通过环接口设备(又称环中继转发器RPU)接入环路,一系 列的环段(传输媒体,有时也称链路)和RPU组成了整个环路。 与总线形网络不同: 与总线形网络不同: (1) 虽然一个结点发出的帧仍然可以像总线形网络那样被网络中的所有结点接 收,但这种接收是由环中所有的RPU的合作而实现的,每个RPU仅从其上行链路 上获取帧,再生帧中的每一位,并转发到下行链路。 (2) 环形网要求专门的环监控器,监视和维护环路的工作。有时,环监控的功 能也分布在RPU中,但可以看到,RPU如果出现故障可能会导致整个网络瘫痪, 因此,实用中RPU常用多路访问器(MAU)代替。 (注:MAU是令牌环网络上的集线器设备,它提供多个计算机之间的连接。包括 一个内部环,当工作站连入后,它又扩展成为一个外部环。)
姓名:宋沁阳 姓名 班级:计科0901 班级
性别:男 性别
年龄:21 年龄
学号:0912300109 学号
• 令牌:指的是包含控制信息的帧。各现在 代现实生活中一样,获得了令牌就获得了 相应的特定权利。因此网络用类似的控制 方法来传输数据的方式就是令牌网络! • 令牌网使用一种标记数据作为令牌,它始 终在环上传输,工作状态:空闲和忙。
IBM令牌帧 令牌帧
IBM利用帧中的RI(路由信息)字段来说明帧的转发状况。RI由一系列 段号组成,说明对应的帧应通过哪些子网的哪个桥接器进行转发。 广播位(B)确定桥接器的处理动作。B=1表示将由桥接器在执行跨网 传输时,增加段号,并转发该帧;B=0指定桥接器应根据现有信息确定是 否转发该帧。 方向位(D)说明帧的去向。D=0表示该帧为发送帧,应由信源传送到 信宿;D=1表示该帧为应答帧(接收方的响应),应由信宿传送到信源。 段号个数(LEN)说明RI中所含段号的个数,从而指明后继的字节数。
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014 Chapter 14 Recombinant DNA TechnologyStudent: ___________________________________________________________________________1. Restriction endonucleases are produced byA. fungi.B. bacteria.C. protozoa.D. plants.E. all of the choices2. Restriction endonucleases were discovered byA. Arber and Smith.B. Jackson, Symons, and Berg.C. Boyer and Cohen.D. Temin and Baltimore.3. The enzyme reverse transcriptase was discovered byA. Arber and Smith.B. Jackson, Symons, and Berg.C. Boyer and Cohen.D. Temin and Baltimore.4. Who produced the first recombinant plasmid and introduced it into a bacterial host where it was replicated?A. Baltimore and TeminB. Cohen and BoyerC. Jackson, Symons, and BergD. Arber and Smith5. Which of the following was first produced commercially using recombinant DNA technology?A. human growth hormoneB. interleukinsC. hepatitis B vaccineD. human insulin6. A gene probe that is generated by isolating mRNA and using the enzyme reverse transcriptase to produce a DNA copy is called a (n)A. mRNA probe.B. cDNA probe.C. synthesized probe.D. cloned probe.7. A gene probe that is produced by analyzing the amino acid sequence of all or part of a protein and chemically constructing a DNA sequence corresponding to the deduced gene is called a (n) __________ probe.A. mRNAB. cDNAC. syntheticD. cloned8. Which of the following is not true of cloning vectors?A. They usually contain multicloning sites or polylinkers.B. They contain at least two replication origins.C. They can be replicated within an appropriate host.D. All of these are true of cloning vectors.9. Which of the following can be used as vectors for cloning DNA fragments?A. plasmidsB. cosmidsC. bacteriophagesD. all of the choices10. Plasmid cloning vector DNA is usually introduced into bacterial hosts byA. ligation.B. transformation.C. transduction.D. plasmolysis.11. Plasmid vectors often contain __________ genes that can be used to screen for recombinants.A. metabolic activationB. antibiotic resistanceC. insertion sequenceD. promoter/operator12. Eucaryotic cDNAs must be associated with a bacterial __________ in order to be transcribed and translated in bacteria.A. promoter and enhancerB. leader sequence and 5' capC. both promoter and Shine-Delgarno sequenceD. enhancer and poly-A sequence13. In order to express eucaryotic genes in a bacterium, the __________ must first be removed.A. intronsB. exonsC. enhancersD. 3' poly A sequence14. Which of the following is (are) currently being produced by recombinant DNA technology for use in humans?A. human growth hormoneB. human interferonC. human insulinD. all of the choices15. Which of the following best describes the basis for separation of DNA fragments during agarose gel electrophoresis?A. The fragments with the highest percentage of G and C will migrate fastest.B. The fragments with the highest percentage of A and T will migrate fastest.C. The largest fragments will migrate fastest.D. The smallest fragments will migrate fastest.16. A DNA molecule used to carry a foreign gene into a host organism is called aA. plasmid.B. vector.C. probe.D. blot.17. A __________ is a DNA molecule used in hybridization reactions to detect the presence of a particular gene in separated DNA fragments.A. plasmidB. vectorC. probeD. blot18. Complementary DNA (cDNA) probes are produced usingA. restriction endonucleases.B. RNA polymerase.C. DNA ligase.D. reverse transcriptase.19. An enzyme that cleaves internal phosphodiester bonds of a DNA molecule is a (n)A. exonuclease.B. endonuclease.C. ligase.D. methylase.20. When produced by recombinant DNA technology in E. coli, somatostatin is initially attached toA. latex beads.B. a fragment of β-galactosidase.C. the plasma membrane.D. the recombinant plasmid containing its gene.21. Cloning a gene involves all of the following exceptA. isolating the fragment of DNA containing the desired gene.B. insertion of the gene into an appropriate vector.C. expression of the vector and the gene in a cell-free environment.D. introducing ligated DNA intoE. coli cells.22. Antibiotics incorporated into the culture medium canA. select against organisms that have not incorporated the plasmid.B. select against organisms that have incorporated a plasmid not containing the desired gene.C. enhance production of recombinant proteins.D. select against organisms that have not incorporated the plasmid and select against organisms that have incorporated a plasmid not containing the desired gene23. Restriction endonucleases in bacteria may have evolved in order toA. carry out natural genetic engineering.B. protect the bacteria from infection by viruses.C. use nucleic acids as a food (energy) source.D. all of the choices24. When a eucaryotic gene is cloned into a bacterium, the advantage of a complementary DNA (cDNA) gene being used instead of fragments of genomic DNA is thatA. the promoter and terminator are found in the cDNA gene but not in the genomic fragment.B. the introns have been removed from the cDNA gene but not from the genomic fragment.C. the cDNA is made with the nucleotides found in the procaryote but not in the eucaryote.D. There is no advantage to using a cDNA gene rather than a genomic fragment.25. Eucaryotic promoters can be isolated from a _______ libraryA. genomic DNAB. cosmid cDNAC. phage lambda cDNAD. none of the choices26. Recombinant DNA technology is currently being used (or is under investigation for future use) forA. production of synthetic vaccines.B. diagnosis of certain genetic disorders.C. somatic gene therapy for certain genetic disorders.D. all of the choices27. A (n) __________ vector is a plasmid that can be replicated in several different organisms because it has at least one origin of replication that will function in each host.A. shuttleB. chimericC. expressionD. phage28. A (n) __________ vector has all the necessary transcription and translation start and stop signals with useful restriction endonuclease cleavage sites nearby so that foreign DNA fragments can be inserted in proper orientation for immediate production of the gene product.A. shuttleB. chimericC. expressionD. phage29. Which of the following is true about restriction endonucleases?A. They make a blunt cut on the two DNA strands so that there are no single-strand regions.B. They make staggered cuts on the DNA so that single-strand ends are formed that can be used to insert foreign DNA cut with the same enzyme.C. Some make a blunt cut on the two DNA strands so that there are no single-strand regions and some make staggered cuts on the DNA so that single-strand ends are formed that can be used to insert foreign DNA cut with the same enzyme.D. Depending on the incubation conditions, the same enzyme can either make a blunt cut on the two DNA strands so that there are no single-strand regions OR make staggered cuts on the DNA so that single-strand ends are formed that can be used to insert foreign DNA cut with the same enzyme.30. ___________ is a bacterial plasmid vector.A. LambdaB. T4 DNA ligaseC. pUC19D. SV4031. Restriction endonucleases are most useful for DNA cloning if the plasmid vector has __________ cleavage site(s) for that particular enzyme.A. noB. only oneC. manyD. the number of cleavage sites is not important32. Recombinant DNA technology does not rely on which of the following enzymes?A. restriction endonucleasesB. RNA methylaseC. DNA ligaseD. reverse transcriptase33. Movement of charged molecules in an electrical field, which is used to separate nucleic acid fragments for recombinant DNA work, is calledA. iontophoresis.B. nucleophoresis.C. electrophoresis.D. plasmaphoresis.34. Gene copies with known sequence alterations are normally produced by a process calledA. polymerase chain reaction.B. site-directed mutagenesis.C. genomic library mutagenesis.D. None of these are correct.35. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used to produce __________ of copies in a few hours.A. hundredsB. thousandsC. millionsD. billions36. Which of the following is not part of a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC)?A. the F factorB. a selectable markerC. an ARSD. a CEN sequence37. Which of the following is a goal for the use of recombinant DNA technology in agriculture?A. produce plants with improved food/nutritional propertiesB. protect crop plants against a variety of different environmental stressesC. make crop plants poisonous to insect pestsD. all of the choices38. Which of the following has been used to introduce genes into eucaryotic cells?A. microinjectionB. electroporationC. firing microprojectiles into target cells with a gene gunD. all of these.39. The PCR method was developed byA. Boyer.B. Mullis.C. Cohen.D. Sanger.40. A PCR procedure that allows a determination of the amount of a particular DNA fragment that is present ina sample is calledA. quantitative PCR.B. analytical PCR.C. real-time PCR.D. reverse PCR.41. Genetic engineering has allowed the useful production of human hemoglobin inA. monkeys.B. dogs.C. pigs.D. cows.42. Which of the following types of cloning vector can carry the largest amount of foreign DNA?A. bacterial artificial chromosomeB. bacteriophageC. cosmidD. plasmid43. Promoters for genes that code for proteins can be isolated from a cDNA library.True False44. Derivatives of the bacterial Ti plasmid have been used to deliver genes to the chromosomes of plants. True False45. Cosmids are plasmids that can be packaged into capsids of the bacteriophage lambda; therefore, they can be transmitted like phages, but they can exist and replicate in a cell like plasmids.True False46. Transposons are frequently used as cloning vectors.True False47. The Southern blotting technique for transferring DNA from an agarose gel to a piece of nitrocellulose membrane is named for E. M. Southern, the person who developed the procedure.True False48. Cosmids are so named because they can be used to express foreign genes in a variety of different hosts. True False49. Genetic engineering methods have been used to produce vaccines.True False50. DNAs may be modified by acetylation in order to protect them from the action of a particular restriction endonuclease.True False51. Electroporation is commonly used to introduce recombinant DNA molecules into cells.True False52. One of the major fears about the use of recombinant DNA technology is that ecosystem disruption could result from environmental release of genetically engineered organisms.True False53. Some plasmid vectors have incorporated the regulatory sequences of the lactose operon so that the expression of the recombinant gene can be induced at the appropriate time.True False54. Regardless of the exact approach taken to recombinant DNA technology, one of the keys to successful cloning is choosing the right vector.True False55. One of the major advantages to using plasmids as cloning vectors is that very high copy numbers can be achieved with many plasmid vectors.True False56. When a eucaryotic gene is expressed in a bacterium, the eucaryotic regulatory sequences should be maintained in order to achieve maximum expression of the gene.True False57. Genetically engineered mice can now produce fully human monoclonal antibodies.True False58. A(n)__________ __________ is a piece of DNA with all of the features necessary for chromosomal replication and which can carry large (100kb-2000kb) pieces of foreign DNA into a host organism.________________________________________59. A genomic __________ is a sufficiently large collection of recombinant DNA molecules in which the inserted sequences together represent the entire genome of an organism.________________________________________60. The use of genetic engineering to alter a human cell's genotype and then introduce it into a patient is called _______________ cloning.________________________________________014 Chapter 14 Recombinant DNA Technology Key1. B2. A3. D4. B5. D6. B7. C8. B9. D10. B11. B12. C13. A14. D15. D16. B17. C18. D19. B20. B21. C22. A23. B24. B25. A26. D27. A28. C29. C30. C31. B32. B33. C34. B35. D36. A37. D38. D39. B40. C41. C42. A43. FALSE44. TRUE45. TRUE46. FALSE47. TRUE48. FALSE49. TRUE50. FALSE51. TRUE52. TRUE53. TRUE54. TRUE55. TRUE56. FALSE57. TRUE58. artificial chromosome59. library60. therapeutic014 Chapter 14 Recombinant DNA Technology SummaryCategory # of QuestionsDifficulty: 2 3Difficulty: 3 5Difficulty: 4 7Difficulty: 5 16Difficulty: 6 15Difficulty: 7 10Difficulty: 8 4。
