Entanglement of projection and a new class of quantum erasers
Theoretical Challenges for a Precision Measurement of the W Mass at Hadron Colliders
a r X i v :h e p -p h /0101254v 1 22 J a n 2001ER/40685/964UB-HET-01-01UR-1629February 1,2008hep-ph/0101254Theoretical Challenges for a Precision Measurement of the W Mass at Hadron Colliders ∗Ulrich Baur Department of Physics State University of New York at Buffalo,Buffalo,NY 14260USA Doreen W ackeroth Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Rochester,Rochester,NY 14627USA We summarize the status of calculations of the electroweak radiative corrections to W and Z boson production via the Drell-Yan mechanism at hadron colliders.To fully exploit the precision physics potential of the high-luminosity environment of the Fermilab Tevatron p∗Work supported by NSF grants PHY-9970703and PHY-9600155,and by the U.S.Department of Energy,under grant DE-FG02-91ER40685.1IntroductionThe Standard Model of electroweak interactions(SM)so far withstood all ex-perimental challenges and is tested as a quantumfield theory at the0.1%level[1]. However,the mechanism of mass generation in the SM predicts the existence of a Higgs boson which,so far,has eluded direct observation.Direct searches at LEP2 give a(preliminary)95%confidence-level lower bound on the mass of the SM Higgs boson of M H>113.5GeV[2].Indirect information on the mass of the Higgs boson can be extracted from the M H dependence of radiative corrections to the W boson mass.With the present knowledge of the W boson and top quark masses,and the electromagnetic coupling constant,α(M2Z),the SM Higgs boson mass can be indi-rectly constrained to M H=77+69−39GeV[1]by a globalfit to all electroweak precision data.Future more precise measurements of the W boson and top quark masses are expected to considerably improve the present indirect bound on M H:with a precision of30MeV for the W boson mass,M W,and2GeV for the top quark mass which are target values for Run II of the Tevatron[3],M H can be predicted with an uncertainty of about30%.In addition,the confrontation of a precisely measured W boson mass with the indirect SM prediction from a globalfit to all electroweak precision data, M W=80.385±0.022GeV[1],will provide a stringent test of the SM.A detailed dis-cussion of the prospects for the precision measurement of M W,and of the(leptonic) effective weak mixing angle,sin2θl eff,at Run II and the LHC is given in Refs.[3] and[4],respectively.In order to measure M W with high precision in a hadron collider environment it is necessary to fully control higher order QCD and electroweak radiative corrections to the W and Z production processes.The status of the QCD corrections to W and Z boson production at hadron colliders is reviewed in Refs.[5,6].Here we discuss the electroweak O(α)corrections to p p(−)→W±→l±νl and p p(−)→γ∗,Z→l+l−(l=e,µ)as presented in detail in Refs.[7,8]and[9,10].2Electroweak O(α)Corrections to p p(−)→W±→l±νThe full electroweak O(α)corrections to resonant W boson production in a general four-fermion process were calculated in Ref.[7]with special emphasis on obtaining a gauge invariant decomposition into a photonic and non-photonic part.It was shown that the cross section for resonant W boson production via the Drell-Yan mechanism at parton level,q i f′(γ),can be written in the following form[8]:dˆσ(0+1)=dˆσ(0)[1+2R e(˜F initialweak (ˆs=M2W)+˜F finalweak(ˆs=M2W))]+a=initial,f inal,interf.[dˆσ(0)F a Q ED(ˆs,ˆt)+dˆσa2→3],(1)1where the Born cross section,dˆσ(0),is of Breit-Wigner form,andˆs andˆt are the usual Mandelstam variables in the parton center of mass frame.The(modified)weak corrections and the virtual and soft photon emission from the initial andfinal state fermions(as well as their interference)are described by the form factors˜F a weak and F a Q ED,respectively.The IRfinite contribution dˆσa2→3describes real photon radiation away from soft singularities.Mass singularities of the form ln(ˆs/m2f)arise when the photon is emitted collinear with a charged fermion and the resulting singularity isregularized by retaining afinite fermion mass(m f).F initialQ ED and dˆσinitial2→3still includequark-mass singularities which need to be extracted and absorbed into the parton distribution functions(PDFs).The absorption of the quark-mass singularities into the PDFs can be done in complete analogy to gluon emission in QCD,thereby introducing a QED factorization scheme dependence.Explicit expressions for the W production cross section in the QED DIS and1WGRAD is available from the authors.2Figure1:The relative corrections to the M T(lν)distributions at the Tevatron when taking into account the full electroweak O(α)corrections(from Ref.[8]).3Electroweak O(α)Corrections to p p(−)→γ∗,Z→l+l−Neutral-current Drell-Yan production is interesting for several reasons:1.Future precise measurements of the W boson mass at hadron colliders dependon a precise knowledge of the Z boson production process.When compared to the values measured at LEP,the measured Z boson mass and width help to determine the energy scale and resolution of the electromagnetic calorimeter.2.Ratios of W and Z boson observables may yield a more precise measurement ofM W than the traditional technique offitting the M T distribution[3,13].3.The forward-backward asymmetry in the vicinity of the Z resonance can beused to measure the(leptonic)effective weak mixing angle[4,9].Studying the forward-backward asymmetry above the Z resonance probes theγ,Z interfer-ence at the highest available energies.4.Finally,at large di-lepton invariant masses,m(l+l−),deviations from the SMprediction could indicate the presence of new physics,such as new heavy gauge bosons Z′or extra spatial dimensions.It is therefore important to determine the electroweak corrections for this process.3The electroweak O(α)corrections to neutral-current Drell-Yan processes naturally decompose into QED and weak contributions,i.e.they build gauge invariant subsets and thus can be discussed separately.The observable next-to-leading order(NLO) cross section is obtained by convoluting the parton cross section with the quark distribution functions q(x,Q2)(ˆs=x1x2S)[10]dσ(S)= 10dx1dx2q(x1,Q2)2ZGRAD is available from the authors.4Figure2:The relative corrections to the m(e+e−)and m(µ+µ−)distributions in Drell-Yan production at the Tevatron due to the O(α)QED corrections(from Ref.[9]).closely follow Ref.[18],in particular for the treatment of higher-order corrections, which are important for a precise description of the Z resonance.The NLO parton differential cross section,including weak O(α)and leading O(α2) corrections,which enters eq.(2)is of the form[10]1dˆσ(0+1)=dP2fFigure3:The relative corrections to the m(µ+µ−)distribution a)at the Tevatron and b) at the LHC when taking into account the universal corrections entering the EBA and QED corrections only(solid line),and when the full O(α)electroweak corrections are included in the calculation(dashed line).given in Ref.[10].Here we present some selected preliminary results for the di-lepton invariant mass distribution and the forward-backward asymmetry.In Fig.3we show theµ+µ−invariant mass distribution including the full O(α) corrections normalized to the differential cross section in the EBA for large di-lepton invariant masses at the Tevatron and the LHC.Separation cuts and lepton iden-tification requirements to simulate the detector acceptance as described in Ref.[9] (Tevatron)and Ref.[4](LHC)are taken into account in Fig.3.For comparison the relative corrections including the QED corrections only are also shown.As expected from the presence of large electroweak Sudakov-like logarithms,the weak corrections strongly increase in magnitude with increasing m(µ+µ−),reaching about10%at m(µ+µ−)=1TeV.Both,the QED and the genuine weak corrections reduce the differential cross section.Qualitatively similar results are obtained in the e+e−case.In Fig.4,we show how the purely weak corrections affect the forward backward asymmetry at the LHC3.To illustrate the effect of the non-universal weak corrections, we plot the difference of the forward backward asymmetry including the full O(α) corrections,and the asymmetry which only takes into account QED corrections and the universal corrections which are included in the EBA.A genuine non-universal electroweak effect can be observed in the vicinity of m(l+l−)=M W and2M W,which is due to threshold effects in the box diagrams involving two W bosons.Results qualitatively similar to those shown in Fig.4are also obtained for the Tevatron.Figure4:The forward-backward asymmetry including NLO electroweak corrections at the LHC,imposing the cuts and lepton identification requirements of Ref.[16].The EBA and QED contribution have been subtracted(preliminary results).The forward backward asymmetry at the LHC is very sensitive to the rapidity coverage of the leptons assumed.In Fig.4,we have used the lepton rapidity coverages foreseen for the ATLAS detector[4,16].For muon pairs,both muons are required to have rapidity|y(µ)|<2.5.For e+e−pairs,the leptons are required to have|y l(e)|< 4.9,with one of them having to fulfill the more stringent requirement|y t(e)|<2.5. In addition,the lepton pair rapidity has to be|y(ll)|>1for both electrons and muons in thefinal state.This cut substantially increases the magnitude of A FB at the LHC[17].It is interesting to check whether the threshold effect at m(l+l−)=2M W will be observable.In the electron case,the expected statistical uncertainty in A FB for m(e+e−)=2M W±5GeV and100fb−1at the LHC is about(3−4)×10−3per experiment.The size of the non-universal electroweak corrections in the region are of the order of10−3.In a realistic calculation,contributions from W+W−→l+νl l−ννand4ConclusionsOur results show that,for the precision obtained in previous Tevatron runs,the existing calculations for W and Z boson production are sufficient.However,for fu-ture precision measurements the full electroweak O(α)corrections and probably also multiple photon radiation effects should be taken into account.The inclusion of the non-resonant contributions to W production in WGRAD is in progress[14](see also Ref.[19]).As afirst step towards a calculation of the O(α2)QED corrections,the effects of two-photon radiation in W and Z boson production at hadron colliders have been computed in Ref.[20].AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank the organizers of RADCOR-2000,especially H.Haber,for a delightful and inspiring conference experience,and for arranging the spectacular sunsets at Carmel beach.One of us(U.B.)is grateful to the Fermilab Theory Group, where part of this work was carried out,for its generous hospitality. 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The rapid evolution of the born-again giant Sakurai's object
Asplund et al.: The rapid evolution of the born-again giant Sakurai’s object
To date, only three stars are believed to have been observed going through a born-again phase: V605 Aql (Nova Aql 1919), FG Sge and the recently discovered Sakurai’s object (V4334 Sgr) (Nakano et al. 1996). A further handful of stars (e.g. Abell 30 and Abell 78) presently in a seemingly second stage as planetary nebulae may be identified as having recently been born-again giants. Furthermore, the R CrB variables could also possibly be born-again giants (Asplund et al. 1997b; Asplund et al. 1998; Lambert et al. 1998); their H-deficiency can be explained if the final He-shell flash occurs after the outer H-burning shell has been extinguished, in which case the convection zone due to the He-flash may ingest and burn the H-rich envelope.
Source: GS Global ECS Research
Goldman Sachs Global Economics, Commodities and Strategy Research 2010 9
% yoy
4 0
-4 -8 -12 -16
Source: GS Global ECS Research
Goldman Sachs Global Economics, Commodities and Strategy Research 2010 10
China Lead Indicators
Goldman Sachs Global Economics, Commodities and Strategy Research 2010 2
GDP Forecasts
% yoy
2008 0.4 -1.2 0.5 0.5 0.7 9.6 6.7 5.1 5.6 7.9 0.5 2.8
2009 -2.4 -5.2 -4.0 -4.9 -3.9 8.7 6.6 -0.2 -7.9 5.1 -3.1 -0.7
-7 -9 97 98 99
IP, 3m/3m Leading indicator
森林郑州中心The ForestZhengzhou Headquarters中原地区是华夏文明的摇篮。
Arriving at the tabula rasa project site in the rapidly expanding city of Zhengzhou, the confrontation betweenheritage and modernity is striking. Historically, the Central Plain area, in which the dynastic city first gainedprominence by the end of the sixth century CE, was the cradle of ancient Chinese civilization. Zhengzhou today,as a fast-rising political and economic powerhouse, is in relentless pursuit of reinventing itself in the image of thefuture. Ancient monuments in the region, such as the city walls and fortress towers, often reveal a close relationshipto the land in their built forms and construction materials. The current city plan charts new urban centers and alsogestures towards the sky with clusters of glass towers, whose lightness, transparency and self-reflection proudlydeclare their existence as signs of modernity. For the commission to design a city block-sized, multi-use projectin the midst of Zhengzhou in search of a new identity, we envision a forward-looking edifice that could coexist inharmony with layers of history, as well as being a vibrant present where new collective memories can be created.The project is conceived as a forest, which allows for a sense of wholeness among heterogeneous parts of thisproject. Consisting of three separate buildings, the project creates outdoor and indoor public amenities to providea lively social environment throughout the expansive grounds for the occupants. The gently curved roof profilesoftens the severity of the new district’s zoning code, and hints at a contemporary interpretation of the eave formsderiving from the watchtowers of the historic city fortress.The building’s sense of permanence is imparted by the aggregation of structural elements. Comprising over 1,600load-bearing arch walls, the project is an open system receptive to a range of indoor and outdoor functions. Theindividual bays, measuring 9 × 9 m (30 × 30 ft), can be flexibly configured according to a range of requirements.In the office component of the project, for example, the open floor plans provide large expanses to accommodate workstations, whereas private offices, meeting rooms and storage spaces occupy half or quarter of a bay. In public areas, such as the arrival lobby and sky-lit atriums, these structural bays are vertically stacked to celebrate collective gatherings.Extending the rhythmic and adaptable logic outward, the façade is similarly considered as a space where the realms of the interior and exterior overlap, rather than a mere skin. The southern face of the building is punctured by either 4.5 m (15 ft)-or 9 m (30 ft)-deep verdant terraces, specifically designed for the use of office workers, as private residences, or for public functions. Intermittent glazing setbacks allow the hanging gardens to break up the scale of an otherwise brutal street wall, while also providing a sense of openness on the façade.Working in tandem with the massing articulation, the ground is sculpted to provide a varied landscape of seating, planters, reflecting pools and gardens. The sectional qualities and localized detailing suggest a sense of the past revealing itself. Bushhammered stone blocks, terrazzo, vegetation and water elements hint at a weathered environment where nature and artifice become one. The history referenced here is not one of the dead and gone, nor a literal invocation of memories. Rather, we posit a particularly durable form of architecture, with the co-existence of the past and present as an active, open-ended, archaeological process, within which a new kind of contemporary life is possible.Throughout the day, the play of light and shadow highlights the three-dimensional qualities of the concrete arches and the spaces within. Rigorous repetition of the structural members extends from the exterior hanging gardens, ground-level arcades and sunken courtyards to all interior grand lobbies, atriums and event spaces, creating a seamless integration of structure and space throughout. At times, the ambiguity is intentionally compounded, where nature is born out of artifice, and the manmade is embedded in the unrefined. The potentiality of the past resides in a utopic present, and the fleeting, visceral “now” finds home in the ruin-like ground.如恩将这样的建筑节奏与多功能逻辑延伸至建筑立面,其整体被视为室内外空间功能重叠的多层次场域,而不仅仅是一层外壳。
Unit 7 Text A女性管理者1 当莫妮卡1971年申请一个行政助理的工作时,有人问她想与男律师共事还是与女律师共事。
” 但20年后,有人问她同样的问题时,她说:“令我感到惊喜的是,对员工来说,女上司更容易接近,她们更能理解人,与员工更亲密。
”2 今天的女上司仍然发现,她们面临着不易察觉的阻力。
女上司的不断涌现,也引出了与工作方式有关的两个主要问题:男人和女人管理风格不同吗?如果有不同,是一件好事吗?3 莫妮卡对这两个问题都持肯定的意见。
” 莫妮卡的男助理表示赞成:“她往往放权更多,并总是寻求共识。
”4 那么,这种差异是象征性的还是实质性的呢?可靠的研究指出,男人通常有等级观念,以目标为导向,喜欢有权力的感觉。
她第一天出现在果园时,一名工人称她第14 / 16页为“亲爱的”。
XVII. The Star
XVII. The StarInstinct Devotion to the moment.Goal Spiritual introspection,insight into the perfectionof the cosmos, renewal,and rebirth.Guiding Star of Bethlehem (tmst inprinciple a higher order).Creative hope (maintaining Ia conception of what is |possible). |Destructive hope (denial of|the truth), illusion. |Carefreeness, trust in the |future. |FoundationThe cardThe Star is the card touching the longing in the depths of our unconscious, and this longing is equivalent to the longing of life for itself. For inthe water of the unconscious that Nut or Isis pours over herself we recognize the spiral-formed energy around the seven-pointed star, which is an exact representation of the even-pointed star in the great firmament.' We therefore see the creative impulse of the eternal in the waters of life, responsible for the births of humanity as well as the births of the universe. This creative impulse is not only the orig- inal symbol of life, but also the hope that out ofthe rubble (the Tower) new life will grow time and again. The entire card is a vision of indescribable power, which we call the principle of eternal renewal, a return to the fundamentals in which we recognize ourselves as part of the greater whole, and this greater whole is the impulse of life itself.Analysis and Descriptioni. Motif (the star fairy)This seductive trump shows us a naked, feminine figure in a lapis-lazuli blue and pink-colored light. She has descended from the universe to carry long- ing into the world, the longing for life fulfilled inthe womb and at the mother's breast. With her descent, she penetrates into the light of our con- sciousness in order to connect us with our inner femininity.Lady of the stars |The picture portrays Nut, the lady of the stars.2! She carries two chalices, a golden one from which-j she pours out the water high above her head, and'| a silver one from which the immortal tincture of|her life flows; both are similar to female breasts.|j Her nakedness does not just simply haveattractive power of the unveiled: she is the vision o|| the indescribable in which the melancholy ofuluH mate inaccessibility resonates. This longing, expressed in the newborn by the desire formother's breast, and therefore carrying the sublim-H mat wish of merging with the cosmos within it (to|| be one with the mother), cannot be fulfilled in life|| The star fairy, who has her home in the depths o|| the cosmos, is an expression of the unconscious^ longing shining through the beauty of awoman. She is not the fire, she is just the longin|§| for the light; this is why she bears the projectionour search. We desire her, but what we desire is archetype of the eternal feminine and not thetal we encounter in real life.In the long hair winding around her bodycloak, we do not find the indication of livingbut rather of dreaming of living the longing dreamed life and, so to speak, surrendering witiout living the inner yearnings. On the one han|this symbolizes the entanglement with the unlib^ated longings, yet on the other hand we there! |J approach the cosmic connection in this card: |the hail is the connection between the cosmos;|^^Bthe material.1. Crowley speaks here of the seven-pointed star of Venus or of the star of Babylon, for Babylon is yet a further materialization of the original idea of Nuith; she is the Scarlet Woman, the sacred Harlot who is the lady ofAtu XI. •2. The figure of the goddess is shown in manifestagjthat is, not as the surrounding space of heaven sho\||Atu XX, where she is the pure philosophical idea^ tinuous and omniform. In this card she is definitel'y| sonified as a human-seeming figure. (Crowley) 1I The StarPosture (chalices)That which we dream through the goddess of thestars, that is, those inner longings she calls forthwithin us, we see united in her form; but that' which has been dreamed into her by the cosmosi we see in the contents of the chalices the Star| Goddess pours out upon herself. It is the water of, life that she pours out of the two large chalices,I and she not only waters the ground, but also her-' self in the mirror of the elements. We then recog-nize in the water of life the cosmic urge expressingitself in our striving for renewal. Crowley writes:"From this golden cup she pours this etherealwater, which is also milk and oil and blood, uponher own head, indicating the eternal renewal of the categories, the inexhaustible possibilities of exis- tence."Water of life (microcosmos)That which was just nebulous feeling and vision-ary longing now takes on form and shape through the contact with the life crystals. The Star Goddess perceives herself (and we perceive ourselves in her) not as the actual goddess of love, but rather as the instinctive drive with which people fall in lovewith love, and therefore with the power of hope;the foundation of renewal or the will of creationfrom out of itself. Through the small universe inthe energy spirials, reflecting the great one, we rec- ognize the unlimited possibilites of self-develop- ment present in this card. We recognize in the energy crystals the psychical ability of bringingforth our cosmic self and placing it on the level of that universal plane, of which the small blue star in the waters of life is only a reflection.2. Background (cosmos)Star (macrocosmos)Conversely, on the universal plane the large star reflecting onto the purifying water in the self- renewal of the goddess (which Crowley calls a veil before the face of the immortal goddess) is the principle of renewal that covers the entire networkof the universe. If the small star embodies the vis- ible love of people, then the large one is the invis- ible love of God. It symbolizes that boundless por- tion of us that, completely recognized by ourselves, rules the longing for the eternal. The star standsfor the outpouring of highest inspiration, within i which the spiral haze of cosmic energies flow. Tills j is shown in the image of the goddess who places ; herself under the rain of stars (the virgin sprinkles herself with the water of life).GlobeThe mighty globe in the background is a symbolof the Earth that constantly renews itself; at thesame time it also shows the perspective of longino that leaves all the boundaries of the material, and looks at the mother of all becoming (earth) through the eyes of the daughter from the distance (star world). In this we recognize unlimited possi- bilities, not only of hope, but also of illusions, for the foam of rising visions lets all concepts become reality. It is as if the virgin, quickened by the con- cept of her divinity and possessed by the ideal divine love, does not come closer to the earth (matter), but instead strives for fusion with the universe.3. Foreground (matter)Chalices, crystals (crystalization)In the connection between the two goblets, one can see the interaction between the moon and stars. The energy that initially emanates from the sun is reflected by the moon onto the earth, and thereby receives its crystalline structure. The silver chalice defines the physical renewal of the earth and thereby retrieves a piece of the matter, which has removed itself into the firmament, back to reality. The water flowing upon the earth lets this become fertile. The water that is again poured into water shows the excess and the abundance of ener- gy flowing to us from the infinity of the heavens. The golden chalice expresses cosmic wholeness and the blossoming of hope after destruction (the Tower). That this hope is not in vain is expressedin the crystals at the bottom edge of the card. Roses, butterflies (transformation)Renewal and hope rise in dreams with these and link with visions of the eternal into a mighty starof desire. Yet the Star is not only the principle of hope coming forth out of itself from the wish for renewal, but it is also the enticing call of the godsthat has been dreamed into the "impression of the soul" by the "matrix of longing." Life then begins in flowing and it will also end there when every- thing that we are streams back to the yearnings of nature. (Crowley: "The milk of the stars from her paps"). The principle of love is hinred at in the roses whirling upwards and the butterflies as the sign of renewal or symbol for transformation.InterpretationsBackground (the revelation of Nut)If under the night stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense before me, invok- ing me with a pure heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shah come a little to lie in my bosom. For one kiss wilt thou then be willing to give all; but whoso gives one particle of- dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye shall gather goods and store of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations ot the earth in splendour and pride; but always in the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come before me in a single robe, and covered with a rich headdress. I love you! I yearn to you! Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous, Iwho am all pleasure and purple, and drunken- ness of the innermost sense, desire you. Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour with- in you: come unto me! At all my meetings with vou shall hear the priestess say—and her eyes shall burn with desire as she stands bare and rejoicing in my secret temple—calling rorth the flame of the hearts of all in her love-chant. Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for Ilove you! I love you! I am the blue-lidded daugh- ter of Sunset: I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky. To me! To me!Aleister Crowley, "The Book ot the Law"GeneralThe Star is not only the card of hope, the uncon- scious will of life, and the insight into higher cor- relations; it also stands for the unconscious desire to abandon oneself in the streams of flowing delight and cheerful irresponsibility: "What do I dream about? What is it that dreams of me? What is dreamed about within me? If a person knows what he dreams about it does not really make him into a person or truly human, nor does he move anywhere with it—he then instead becomes a psy- chologist; a dreamer who knows his own dreams." (From a letter to one of the authors) ConsciousnessThe Star represents the intuitive understanding of cosmic correlations and trust in the laws of the absolute. Just as the cross-sum of "Adjustment" (17 =1+7=8) that is connected with this card expresses the conscious and more intellectually- related understanding of the powers of order, the Star embodies the emotional understanding, inner insight, and related trust in the lawfulness of cre- ation. This card can then characterize the begin- ning of a time when we discover with relief that we have escaped the tower ot worries and experience the carefree lightness of which the Bible says: "Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them" (Matthew 6.26).ProfessionThe card indicates that we plan or start things reaching far into the future, and in the positivecourse of which we may set our legitimate hopes.It often occurs that in this early stage we are not at all aware of the far-reaching effects of our actions. Only in retrospect does the decisive course charac- terized by the Star, which has been set for thefuture during these times, become clear. These are often profound insights into the greater correla- tions through which we grow beyond the narrow- ness of our immediate perspective. It is as if we would take on a bird's-eye view from which thehigh tower of obstacles can be surveyed and broad g vistas of a welcome future open up. i]Relationships jIn the area of partnership the Star stands for a rela-1 tionship with a promising future. It shows fresh,far-reaching perspectives in an existing relation- ship, or it can signify the longing, hope, and prospect of a new, lasting partnership. This card, however, warns of the danger of becoming entan-; gled in infantility, since many of the goals we strive; for in partnerhsip are frequently only the attemptto revive the unfulfilled yearnings we developed at the mother's nourishing breast. On this level, it teaches us that earthly love is a power going beyond itself and real partnership necessarily embodies a promise incapable of being fulfilled (in this manner), but in animating us to transcenden-'tal striving can find its fulfillment there. ' Analogous Correlations fi;i. Archetypes and Symbols s^.Archetype lThe water of life. iLetter u -|He = H ("window"); numerical value of five. Tq Hebrew letter stands for window: symbol of tlljlonging for the angels and for the world of stars that they have dreamed.NumberSeventeen is the number of new hope. Calculated from the last full moon, it is the seventeenth night in which the crescent of the new moon (as a silver stripe) can be glimpsed on the western horizon after three dark, moonless nights.Tree of LifeChokmah-Tiphareth: Chokmah's indescribable vision shimmers through the face ofTiphareth, in which in turn the reflection of the indescribable is expressed, but this time as an inner vision. Chokmah (wisdom) stands for the first manifesta- tion of the divine in contact with the psychical reality; Tiphareth (harmony) describes the condi- tion of balance and is at the same time a reflection of the star plane (Kether sphere)./ Ching61 Chung Fu—"Inmost Sincerity."Rune ® (3Wunjo ("joy") and Laguz ("water," "vital energy"). Wunjo symbolizes the "good star" and Laguz/Laf the "flowing harmony," quenching the inner long- ing for God through flowing and growth (the longing of life for itself fulfilled).ZodiacAquarius. Crowley compares the card with the "water-bearer," guardian of the water ot life, which Nut, Lady of the Stars, pours our other chalices. DeitiesAphrodite/Venus (the "naked goddess"); Asherah,Astarte, Ischtar, or Isis, and the seven priestesses of the Oracle, the seven wise men of Arabia (also called the seven pillars of wisdom).MythologyIndian myth of the eternal becoming and dying ofall ages, world, and creations; in the Greek mythology, the seven daughters of Atlas and the Pleiades, who were pursued by Orion until Zeus turned them into constellations in the firmament. Cult sitesGarden of the Eumenides (on the Kolonos hillnear Athens); the Gardens of the Hesperides; the Islands of the Blessed (mysteries), or the Rhine Cliffs of the Lorelei.Sabbath"The Festival of the Liberation of the Spring Waters." Tibetan celebration at the first full moon after the rising ofSirius (Dog Star).RitualRitualistic purification (bath) as symbol of renew-al of life and contemplation.2. Associations and PerceptionsPicture"Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli. Even for the ancient Greeks, beauty was identical with truth.The spirit is nothing without harmony is whatthey taught.Writing"The Song of Solomon."MusicThe "Song of the Rhine Daughters" in "Rhinegold" by Richard Wagner or "Is it a Dream, Can it be Real?" terzet and closing ensemble from the "Rosenkavalier" by Richard Strauss. The celes- tial beauty of the high female voices give an impression of the enchanting fascination of thiscard.FragrancesJasmine, rose, ophire, almond oil.GemsAquamarine, rose quartz, star sapphire, or lapis lazuli, reminiscent of the starry skies.AstrologyJupiter in Aquarius (eleventh house) in the sense of confidence and farsightedness, or Venus in Pisces (twelfth house) as an expression of longing for the unfathomable and the striving for God.AlchemyWhitening (albedo). After the blackening (nigre- do) there follows the whitening through washing (ablucio, baptisma), by which the soul (anima) having escaped through death is reunited with the body.Quotation"We, the water of life! Source which arises out of us and flows that much richer [he more you drink from us ... Drink! Drink! Do what you want!" Michael Ende "The Never-Ending Story"。
Unit 2The humanities: Out of date?1When the going gets tough, the tough take accounting.When the job market worsens, many students calculate they can't major in English or history.They have to study something that boosts their prospects of landing a job.2The data show that as students have increasingly shouldered the ever-rising cost of tuition, they have defected from the study of the humanities and toward applied science and "hard" skills that they bet will lead to employment.In other words, a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment.This is a trend that is likely to persist and even accelerate.3Over the next few years, as labor markets struggle, the humanities will probably continue their long slide in succession.There already has been a nearly 50 percent decline in the portion of liberal arts majors over the past generation, and it is logical to think that the trend is bound to continue or even accelerate.Once the dominant pillars of university life, the humanities now play little roles when students take their college tours.These days, labs are more vivid and compelling than libraries.4Here, please allow me to stand up for and promote the true value that the humanities add to people's lives.Since ancient times, people have speculated about the mystery of those inner forces that drive some people to greatness and others to self-destruction. This inner drive has been called many things over the centuries.The famous psychologist,Sigmund Freud, called it the "unconscious mind" or, more familiarly, "instinct".5From the beginning of time, this inner aspect of our being, this drive that can be constructive or destructive, has captured our imagination.The stories of this amazing struggle have formed the basis of cultures the world over.Historians,architects, authors, philosophers and artists have captured the words, images and meanings of this inner struggle in the form of story, music, myth, painting, architecture, sculpture,landscape and traditions.These men and women developed artistic "languages" that help us understand these aspirations and also educate generations.This fertile body of work from ancient times, the very foundation of civilization, forms the basis of study of the humanities.6Studying the humanities improves our ability to read and write.No matter what we do in life, we will have a huge advantage if we can read complex ideas and understand their meaning.We will have a bright career if we are the person in the office who can write a clear and elegant analysis of those ideas!7Studying the humanities makes us familiar with the language of emotion and the creative process.In an information economy, many people have the ability to produce a useful product such as a new MP3 player.Yet, very few people have the ability to create a spectacular brand: the iPod.Most importantly, studying thehumanities invests us with great insight and self-awareness,there by releasing our creative energy and talent in a positive and constructive manner.8Perhaps the best argument in favor of the humanities is the scope of possibilities that are widely open to us.Did you know that James Cameron, world-famous director of the movie,Titanic, graduated with a degree in the humanities?So did Sally Ride, the first woman in space.So did actors Bruce Lee,Gwyneth Paltrow,Renee Zellweger and Matt Damon.Dr.Harold Varmus, who won a Nobel Prize for Medicine, studied the humanities.Even Michael Eisner, Chairman of the Disney Company, majored in the humanities. Famous people who studied the humanities make a long list indeed.It's easy to see that the humanities can prepare us for many different careers and jobs we can undertake, whether medicine, business, science or entertainment.If we study only mathematics, it's likely we will be a candidate only for jobs as a mathematician.If we include studying the humanities, we can make breakthroughs on many barriers and are limited only by our effort and imagination.9Of course, nowadays, if we study the humanities alone, we are liable to miss many opportunities.Each one of us needs to become as technically and professionally skilled as possible to help meet the needs of modern life.In fact, increasingly a pairing of technical knowledge and inner insight is seen as the ideal in the establishment of a career.If I were the Dean of Admissions at a medical school and two people applied to our school, both having the required basic scientific courses, one a philosophy major and the other solely a pre-med student, the philosophy applicant would be chosen.10In summary, the humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity.The humanities, the ancient timeless reservoir of knowledge, teach us to see things differently and broaden our horizons.They are as useful and relevant in our modern age as they have always been.Doesn't it make sense to spend some time in the company of the humanities, our outstanding and remarkable treasure of knowledge?Who knows how famous YOU might become!Translation人文学科:过时了吗?1 当形势变得困难时,强者会去选学会计。
高考英语阅读理解态度题单选题30题1. The author's attitude towards the new law can be described as _____.A. supportiveB. indifferentC. criticalD. ambiguous答案:C。
2. What is the attitude of the writer towards the proposed solution?A. OptimisticB. PessimisticC. DoubtfulD. Confident答案:C。
3. The tone of the passage when referring to the recent development is _____.A. excitedB. cautiousC. enthusiasticD. worried答案:B。
Universities in Evolutionary Systems(系统变革中的大学)
Universities in Evolutionary Systems of InnovationMarianne van der Steen and Jurgen EndersThis paper criticizes the current narrow view on the role of universities in knowledge-based economies.We propose to extend the current policy framework of universities in national innovation systems(NIS)to a more dynamic one,based on evolutionary economic principles. The main reason is that this dynamic viewfits better with the practice of innovation processes. We contribute on ontological and methodological levels to the literature and policy discussions on the effectiveness of university-industry knowledge transfer and the third mission of uni-versities.We conclude with a discussion of the policy implications for the main stakeholders.1.IntroductionU niversities have always played a major role in the economic and cultural devel-opment of countries.However,their role and expected contribution has changed sub-stantially over the years.Whereas,since1945, universities in Europe were expected to con-tribute to‘basic’research,which could be freely used by society,in recent decades they are expected to contribute more substantially and directly to the competitiveness offirms and societies(Jaffe,2008).Examples are the Bayh–Dole Act(1982)in the United States and in Europe the Lisbon Agenda(2000–2010) which marked an era of a changing and more substantial role for universities.However,it seems that this‘new’role of universities is a sort of universal given one(ex post),instead of an ex ante changing one in a dynamic institutional environment.Many uni-versities are expected nowadays to stimulate a limited number of knowledge transfer activi-ties such as university spin-offs and university patenting and licensing to demonstrate that they are actively engaged in knowledge trans-fer.It is questioned in the literature if this one-size-fits-all approach improves the usefulness and the applicability of university knowledge in industry and society as a whole(e.g.,Litan et al.,2007).Moreover,the various national or regional economic systems have idiosyncratic charac-teristics that in principle pose different(chang-ing)demands towards universities.Instead of assuming that there is only one‘optimal’gov-ernance mode for universities,there may bemultiple ways of organizing the role of univer-sities in innovation processes.In addition,we assume that this can change over time.Recently,more attention in the literature hasfocused on diversity across technologies(e.g.,King,2004;Malerba,2005;Dosi et al.,2006;V an der Steen et al.,2008)and diversity offormal and informal knowledge interactionsbetween universities and industry(e.g.,Cohenet al.,1998).So far,there has been less atten-tion paid to the dynamics of the changing roleof universities in economic systems:how dothe roles of universities vary over time andwhy?Therefore,this article focuses on the onto-logical premises of the functioning of univer-sities in innovation systems from a dynamic,evolutionary perspective.In order to do so,we analyse the role of universities from theperspective of an evolutionary system ofinnovation to understand the embeddednessof universities in a dynamic(national)systemof science and innovation.The article is structured as follows.InSection2we describe the changing role ofuniversities from the static perspective of anational innovation system(NIS),whereasSection3analyses the dynamic perspective ofuniversities based on evolutionary principles.Based on this evolutionary perspective,Section4introduces the characteristics of a LearningUniversity in a dynamic innovation system,summarizing an alternative perception to thestatic view of universities in dynamic economicsystems in Section5.Finally,the concludingVolume17Number42008doi:10.1111/j.1467-8691.2008.00496.x©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishingsection discusses policy recommendations for more effective policy instruments from our dynamic perspective.2.Static View of Universities in NIS 2.1The Emergence of the Role of Universities in NISFirst we start with a discussion of the literature and policy reports on national innovation system(NIS).The literature on national inno-vation systems(NIS)is a relatively new and rapidly growingfield of research and widely used by policy-makers worldwide(Fagerberg, 2003;Balzat&Hanusch,2004;Sharif,2006). The NIS approach was initiated in the late 1980s by Freeman(1987),Dosi et al.(1988)and Lundvall(1992)and followed by Nelson (1993),Edquist(1997),and many others.Balzat and Hanusch(2004,p.196)describe a NIS as‘a historically grown subsystem of the national economy in which various organizations and institutions interact with and influence one another in the carrying out of innovative activity’.It is about a systemic approach to innovation,in which the interaction between technology,institutions and organizations is central.With the introduction of the notion of a national innovation system,universities were formally on the agenda of many innovation policymakers worldwide.Clearly,the NIS demonstrated that universities and their interactions with industry matter for innova-tion processes in economic systems.Indeed, since a decade most governments acknowl-edge that interactions between university and industry add to better utilization of scienti-fic knowledge and herewith increase the innovation performance of nations.One of the central notions of the innovation system approach is that universities play an impor-tant role in the development of commercial useful knowledge(Edquist,1997;Sharif, 2006).This contrasts with the linear model innovation that dominated the thinking of science and industry policy makers during the last century.The linear innovation model perceives innovation as an industry activity that‘only’utilizes fundamental scientific knowledge of universities as an input factor for their innovative activities.The emergence of the non-linear approach led to a renewed vision on the role–and expectations–of universities in society. Some authors have referred to a new social contract between science and society(e.g., Neave,2000).The Triple Helix(e.g.,Etzkowitz &Leydesdorff,1997)and the innovation system approach(e.g.,Lundvall,1988)and more recently,the model of Open Innovation (Chesbrough,2003)demonstrated that innova-tion in a knowledge-based economy is an inter-active process involving many different innovation actors that interact in a system of overlapping organizationalfields(science, technology,government)with many interfaces.2.2Static Policy View of Universities in NIS Since the late1990s,the new role of universi-ties in NIS thinking emerged in a growing number of policy studies(e.g.,OECD,1999, 2002;European Commission,2000).The con-tributions of the NIS literature had a large impact on policy makers’perception of the role of universities in the national innovation performance(e.g.,European Commission, 2006).The NIS approach gradually replaced linear thinking about innovation by a more holistic system perspective on innovations, focusing on the interdependencies among the various agents,organizations and institutions. NIS thinking led to a structurally different view of how governments can stimulate the innovation performance of a country.The OECD report of the national innovation system (OECD,1999)clearly incorporated these new economic principles of innovation system theory.This report emphasized this new role and interfaces of universities in knowledge-based economies.This created a new policy rationale and new awareness for technology transfer policy in many countries.The NIS report(1999)was followed by more attention for the diversity of technology transfer mecha-nisms employed in university-industry rela-tions(OECD,2002)and the(need for new) emerging governance structures for the‘third mission’of universities in society,i.e.,patent-ing,licensing and spin-offs,of public research organizations(OECD,2003).The various policy studies have in common that they try to describe and compare the most important institutions,organizations, activities and interactions of public and private actors that take part in or influence the innovation performance of a country.Figure1 provides an illustration.Thefigure demon-strates the major building blocks of a NIS in a practical policy setting.It includesfirms,uni-versities and other public research organiza-tions(PROs)involved in(higher)education and training,science and technology.These organizations embody the science and tech-nology capabilities and knowledge fund of a country.The interaction is represented by the arrows which refer to interactive learn-ing and diffusion of knowledge(Lundvall,Volume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishing1992).1The building block ‘Demand’refers to the level and quality of demand that can be a pull factor for firms to innovate.Finally,insti-tutions are represented in the building blocks ‘Framework conditions’and ‘Infrastructure’,including various laws,policies and regula-tions related to science,technology and entre-preneurship.It includes a very broad array of policy issues from intellectual property rights laws to fiscal instruments that stimulate labour mobility between universities and firms.The figure demonstrates that,in order to improve the innovation performance of a country,the NIS as a whole should be conducive for innovative activities in acountry.Since the late 1990s,the conceptual framework as represented in Figure 1serves as a dominant design for many comparative studies of national innovation systems (Polt et al.,2001;OECD,2002).The typical policy benchmark exercise is to compare a number of innovation indicators related to the role of university-industry interactions.Effective performance of universities in the NIS is judged on a number of standardized indica-tors such as the number of spin-offs,patents and licensing.Policy has especially focused on ‘getting the incentives right’to create a generic,good innovative enhancing context for firms.Moreover,policy has also influ-enced the use of specific ‘formal’transfer mechanisms,such as university patents and university spin-offs,to facilitate this collabo-ration.In this way best practice policies are identified and policy recommendations are derived:the so-called one-size-fits-all-approach.The focus is on determining the ingredients of an efficient benchmark NIS,downplaying institutional diversity and1These organizations that interact with each other sometimes co-operate and sometimes compete with each other.For instance,firms sometimes co-operate in certain pre-competitive research projects but can be competitors as well.This is often the case as well withuniversities.Figure 1.The Benchmark NIS Model Source :Bemer et al.(2001).Volume 17Number 42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation ©2008Blackwell Publishingvariety in the roles of universities in enhanc-ing innovation performance.The theoretical contributions to the NIS lit-erature have outlined the importance of insti-tutions and institutional change.However,a further theoretical development of the ele-ments of NIS is necessary in order to be useful for policy makers;they need better systemic NIS benchmarks,taking systematically into account the variety of‘national idiosyncrasies’. Edquist(1997)argues that most NIS contribu-tions are more focused onfirms and technol-ogy,sometimes reducing the analysis of the (national)institutions to a left-over category (Geels,2005).Following Hodgson(2000), Nelson(2002),Malerba(2005)and Groenewe-gen and V an der Steen(2006),more attention should be paid to the institutional idiosyncra-sies of the various systems and their evolution over time.This creates variety and evolving demands towards universities over time where the functioning of universities and their interactions with the other part of the NIS do evolve as well.We suggest to conceptualize the dynamics of innovation systems from an evolutionary perspective in order to develop a more subtle and dynamic vision on the role of universities in innovation systems.We emphasize our focus on‘evolutionary systems’instead of national innovation systems because for many universities,in particular some science-based disciplinaryfields such as biotechnology and nanotechnology,the national institutional environment is less relevant than the institu-tional and technical characteristics of the technological regimes,which is in fact a‘sub-system’of the national innovation system.3.Evolutionary Systems of Innovation as an Alternative Concept3.1Evolutionary Theory on Economic Change and InnovationCharles Darwin’s The Origin of Species(1859)is the foundation of modern thinking about change and evolution(Luria et al.,1981,pp. 584–7;Gould,1987).Darwin’s theory of natural selection has had the most important consequences for our perception of change. His view of evolution refers to a continuous and gradual adaptation of species to changes in the environment.The idea of‘survival of thefittest’means that the most adaptive organisms in a population will survive.This occurs through a process of‘natural selection’in which the most adaptive‘species’(organ-isms)will survive.This is a gradual process taking place in a relatively stable environment, working slowly over long periods of time necessary for the distinctive characteristics of species to show their superiority in the‘sur-vival contest’.Based on Darwin,evolutionary biology identifies three levels of aggregation.These three levels are the unit of variation,unit of selection and unit of evolution.The unit of varia-tion concerns the entity which contains the genetic information and which mutates fol-lowing specific rules,namely the genes.Genes contain the hereditary information which is preserved in the DNA.This does not alter sig-nificantly throughout the reproductive life-time of an organism.Genes are passed on from an organism to its successors.The gene pool,i.e.,the total stock of genetic structures of a species,only changes in the reproduction process as individuals die and are born.Par-ticular genes contribute to distinctive charac-teristics and behaviour of species which are more or less conducive to survival.The gene pool constitutes the mechanism to transmit the characteristics of surviving organisms from one generation to the next.The unit of selection is the expression of those genes in the entities which live and die as individual specimens,namely(individual) organisms.These organisms,in their turn,are subjected to a process of natural selection in the environment.‘Fit’organisms endowed with a relatively‘successful’gene pool,are more likely to pass them on to their progeny.As genes contain information to form and program the organisms,it can be expected that in a stable environment genes aiding survival will tend to become more prominent in succeeding genera-tions.‘Natural selection’,thus,is a gradual process selecting the‘fittest’organisms. Finally,there is the unit of evolution,or that which changes over time as the gene pool changes,namely populations.Natural selec-tion produces changes at the level of the population by‘trimming’the set of genetic structures in a population.We would like to point out two central principles of Darwinian evolution.First,its profound indeterminacy since the process of development,for instance the development of DNA,is dominated by time at which highly improbable events happen (Boulding,1991,p.12).Secondly,the process of natural selection eliminates poorly adapted variants in a compulsory manner,since indi-viduals who are‘unfit’are supposed to have no way of escaping the consequences of selection.22We acknowledge that within evolutionary think-ing,the theory of Jean Baptiste Lamarck,which acknowledges in essence that acquired characteris-tics can be transmitted(instead of hereditaryVolume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell PublishingThese three levels of aggregation express the differences between ‘what is changing’(genes),‘what is being selected’(organisms),and ‘what changes over time’(populations)in an evolutionary process (Luria et al.,1981,p.625).According to Nelson (see for instance Nelson,1995):‘Technical change is clearly an evolutionary process;the innovation generator keeps on producing entities superior to those earlier in existence,and adjustment forces work slowly’.Technological change and innovation processes are thus ‘evolutionary’because of its characteristics of non-optimality and of an open-ended and path-dependent process.Nelson and Winter (1982)introduced the idea of technical change as an evolutionary process in capitalist economies.Routines in firms function as the relatively durable ‘genes’.Economic competition leads to the selection of certain ‘successful’routines and these can be transferred to other firms by imitation,through buy-outs,training,labour mobility,and so on.Innovation processes involving interactions between universities and industry are central in the NIS approach.Therefore,it seems logical that evolutionary theory would be useful to grasp the role of universities in innovation pro-cesses within the NIS framework.3.2Evolutionary Underpinnings of Innovation SystemsBased on the central evolutionary notions as discussed above,we discuss in this section how the existing NIS approaches have already incor-porated notions in their NIS frameworks.Moreover,we investigate to what extent these notions can be better incorporated in an evolu-tionary innovation system to improve our understanding of universities in dynamic inno-vation processes.We focus on non-optimality,novelty,the anti-reductionist methodology,gradualism and the evolutionary metaphor.Non-optimality (and Bounded Rationality)Based on institutional diversity,the notion of optimality is absent in most NIS approaches.We cannot define an optimal system of innovation because evolutionary learning pro-cesses are important in such systems and thus are subject to continuous change.The system never achieves an equilibrium since the evolu-tionary processes are open-ended and path dependent.In Nelson’s work (e.g.,1993,1995)he has emphasized the presence of contingent out-comes of innovation processes and thus of NIS:‘At any time,there are feasible entities not present in the prevailing system that have a chance of being introduced’.This continuing existence of feasible alternative developments means that the system never reaches a state of equilibrium or finality.The process always remains dynamic and never reaches an optimum.Nelson argues further that diversity exists because technical change is an open-ended multi-path process where no best solu-tion to a technical problem can be identified ex post .As a consequence technical change can be seen as a very wasteful process in capitalist economies with many duplications and dead-ends.Institutional variety is closely linked to non-optimality.In other words,we cannot define the optimal innovation system because the evolutionary learning processes that take place in a particular system make it subject to continuous change.Therefore,comparisons between an existing system and an ideal system are not possible.Hence,in the absence of any notion of optimality,a method of comparing existing systems is necessary.According to Edquist (1997),comparisons between systems were more explicit and systematic than they had been using the NIS approaches.Novelty:Innovations CentralNovelty is already a central notion in the current NIS approaches.Learning is inter-preted in a broad way.Technological innova-tions are defined as combining existing knowledge in new ways or producing new knowledge (generation),and transforming this into economically significant products and processes (absorption).Learning is the most important process behind technological inno-vations.Learning can be formal in the form of education and searching through research and development.However,in many cases,innovations are the consequence of several kinds of learning processes involving many different kinds of economic agents.According to Lundvall (1992,p.9):‘those activities involve learning-by-doing,increasing the efficiency of production operations,learning-characteristics as in the theory of Darwin),is acknowledged to fit better with socio-economic processes of technical change and innovation (e.g.,Nelson &Winter,1982;Hodgson,2000).Therefore,our theory is based on Lamarckian evolutionary theory.However,for the purpose of this article,we will not discuss the differences between these theo-ries at greater length and limit our analysis to the fundamental evolutionary building blocks that are present in both theories.Volume 17Number 42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation ©2008Blackwell Publishingby-using,increasing the efficiency of the use of complex systems,and learning-by-interacting, involving users and producers in an interac-tion resulting in product innovations’.In this sense,learning is part of daily routines and activities in an economy.In his Learning Economy concept,Lundvall makes learning more explicit,emphasizing further that ‘knowledge is assumed as the most funda-mental resource and learning the most impor-tant process’(1992,p.10).Anti-reductionist Approach:Systems and Subsystems of InnovationSo far,NIS approaches are not yet clear and systematic in their analysis of the dynamics and change in innovation systems.Lundvall’s (1992)distinction between subsystem and system level based on the work of Boulding implicitly incorporates both the actor(who can undertake innovative activities)as well as the structure(institutional selection environment) in innovation processes of a nation.Moreover, most NIS approaches acknowledge that within the national system,there are different institu-tional subsystems(e.g.,sectors,regions)that all influence each other again in processes of change.However,an explicit analysis of the structured environment is still missing (Edquist,1997).In accordance with the basic principles of evolutionary theory as discussed in Section 3.1,institutional evolutionary theory has developed a very explicit systemic methodol-ogy to investigate the continuous interaction of actors and institutional structures in the evolution of economic systems.The so-called ‘methodological interactionism’can be per-ceived as a methodology that combines a structural perspective and an actor approach to understand processes of economic evolu-tion.Whereas the structural perspective emphasizes the existence of independent institutional layers and processes which deter-mine individual actions,the actor approach emphasizes the free will of individuals.The latter has been referred to as methodological individualism,as we have seen in neo-classical approaches.Methodological indi-vidualism will explain phenomena in terms of the rational individual(showingfixed prefer-ences and having one rational response to any fully specified decision problem(Hodgson, 2000)).The interactionist approach recognizes a level of analysis above the individual orfirm level.NIS approaches recognize that national differences exist in terms of national institu-tions,socio-economic factors,industries and networks,and so on.So,an explicit methodological interactionist approach,explicitly recognizing various insti-tutional layers in the system and subsystem in interaction with the learning agents,can improve our understanding of the evolution of innovation.Gradualism:Learning Processes andPath-DependencyPath-dependency in biology can be translated in an economic context in the form of(some-times very large)time lags between a technical invention,its transformation into an economic innovation,and the widespread diffusion. Clearly,in many of the empirical case studies of NIS,the historical dimension has been stressed.For instance,in the study of Denmark and Sweden,it has been shown that the natural resource base(for Denmark fertile land,and for Sweden minerals)and economic history,from the period of the Industrial Revolution onwards,has strongly influenced present specialization patterns(Edquist& Lundvall,1993,pp.269–82).Hence,history matters in processes of inno-vation as the innovation processes are influ-enced by many institutions and economic agents.In addition,they are often path-dependent as small events are reinforced and become crucially important through processes of positive feedback,in line with evolutionary processes as discussed in Section3.1.Evolutionary MetaphorFinally,most NIS approaches do not explicitly use the biological metaphor.Nevertheless, many of the approaches are based on innova-tion theories in which they do use an explicit evolutionary metaphor(e.g.,the work of Nelson).To summarize,the current(policy)NIS approaches have already implicitly incorpo-rated some evolutionary notions such as non-optimality,novelty and gradualism.However, what is missing is a more explicit analysis of the different institutional levels of the economic system and innovation subsystems (their inertia and evolution)and how they change over time in interaction with the various learning activities of economic agents. These economic agents reside at established firms,start-upfirms,universities,govern-ments,undertaking learning and innovation activities or strategic actions.The explicit use of the biological metaphor and an explicit use of the methodological interactionst approach may increase our understanding of the evolu-tion of innovation systems.Volume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishing4.Towards a Dynamic View of Universities4.1The Logic of an Endogenous‘Learning’UniversityIf we translate the methodological interaction-ist approach to the changing role of universities in an evolutionary innovation system,it follows that universities not only respond to changes of the institutional environment(government policies,business demands or changes in scientific paradigms)but universities also influence the institutions of the selection envi-ronment by their strategic,scientific and entre-preneurial actions.Moreover,these actions influence–and are influenced by–the actions of other economic agents as well.So,instead of a one-way rational response by universities to changes(as in reductionist approach),they are intertwined in those processes of change.So, universities actually function as an endogenous source of change in the evolution of the inno-vation system.This is(on an ontological level) a fundamental different view on the role of universities in innovation systems from the existing policy NIS frameworks.In earlier empirical research,we observed that universities already effectively function endogenously in evolutionary innovation system frameworks;universities as actors (already)develop new knowledge,innovate and have their own internal capacity to change,adapt and influence the institutional development of the economic system(e.g., V an der Steen et al.,2009).Moreover,univer-sities consist of a network of various actors, i.e.,the scientists,administrators at technology transfer offices(TTO)as well as the university boards,interacting in various ways with indus-try and governments and embedded in various ways in the regional,national or inter-national environment.So,universities behave in an at least partly endogenous manner because they depend in complex and often unpredictable ways on the decision making of a substantial number of non-collusive agents.Agents at universities react in continuous interaction with the learn-ing activities offirms and governments and other universities.Furthermore,the endogenous processes of technical and institutional learning of univer-sities are entangled in the co-evolution of institutional and technical change of the evo-lutionary innovation system at large.We propose to treat the learning of universities as an inseparable endogenous variable in the inno-vation processes of the economic system.In order to structure the endogenization in the system of innovation analysis,the concept of the Learning University is introduced.In thenext subsection we discuss the main character-istics of the Learning University and Section5discusses the learning university in a dynamic,evolutionary innovation system.An evolution-ary metaphor may be helpful to make theuniversity factor more transparent in theco-evolution of technical and institutionalchange,as we try to understand how variouseconomic agents interact in learning processes.4.2Characteristics of the LearningUniversityThe evolution of the involvement of universi-ties in innovation processes is a learningprocess,because(we assume that)universitypublic agents have their‘own agenda’.V ariousincentives in the environment of universitiessuch as government regulations and technol-ogy transfer policies as well as the innovativebehaviour of economic agents,compel policymakers at universities to constantly respondby adapting and improving their strategiesand policies,whereas the university scientistsare partly steered by these strategies and partlyinfluenced by their own scientific peers andpartly by their historically grown interactionswith industry.During this process,universityboards try to be forward-looking and tobehave strategically in the knowledge thattheir actions‘influence the world’(alsoreferred to earlier as‘intentional variety’;see,for instance,Dosi et al.,1988).‘Intentional variety’presupposes that tech-nical and institutional development of univer-sities is a learning process.University agentsundertake purposeful action for change,theylearn from experience and anticipate futurestates of the selective environment.Further-more,university agents take initiatives to im-prove and develop learning paths.An exampleof these learning agents is provided in Box1.We consider technological and institutionaldevelopment of universities as a process thatinvolves many knowledge-seeking activitieswhere public and private agents’perceptionsand actions are translated into practice.3Theinstitutional changes are the result of inter-actions among economic agents defined byLundvall(1992)as interactive learning.Theseinteractions result in an evolutionary pattern3Using a theory developed in one scientific disci-pline as a metaphor in a different discipline mayresult,in a worst-case scenario,in misleading analo-gies.In the best case,however,it can be a source ofcreativity.As Hodgson(2000)pointed out,the evo-lutionary metaphor is useful for understandingprocesses of technical and institutional change,thatcan help to identify new events,characteristics andphenomena.Volume17Number42008©2008The AuthorsJournal compilation©2008Blackwell Publishing。
雅思作文2018.1013IELTS Essay: 2018.1013 The rapid advancements in technology have undoubtedly revolutionized numerous aspects of human life. However, there is an ongoing debate surrounding the overall impact of technology, with some arguing that it has made our lives easier while others contend that it has made them more complicated. This essay will delve into both sides of the argument, ultimately concluding that while technology has brought undeniable benefits, it has also introduced complexitiesthat must be carefully navigated. On the one hand, technology has undeniably simplified many aspects of daily life. Communication has been revolutionized bythe internet and smartphones, enabling instant connections across geographical boundaries. Social media platforms allow us to stay connected with friends and family regardless of distance. Online shopping platforms offer unparalleled convenience, enabling us to purchase goods and services from the comfort of our homes. Technological advancements in healthcare have led to improved diagnoses, treatments, and overall well-being. From scheduling appointments to accessing medical records, technology has streamlined the healthcare experience. Transportation has been similarly transformed, with ride-sharing apps and GPS navigation systems making travel more efficient and convenient. However, it is essential to acknowledge the complexities that technology has introduced. The overwhelming volume of information available online can lead to information overload and difficulty in discerning credible sources from misinformation. Social media, despite its ability to connect people, can also fuel social isolation and anxiety as individuals strive to portray idealized versions of themselves online. The constant connectivity fostered by smartphones can blur the boundaries between work and personal life, leading to burnout and decreased productivity. Furthermore, technological advancements in fields like artificial intelligence and automation raise concerns about job displacement and widening socioeconomic disparities. Navigating the digital world necessitates the development of new skills and literacies. Critical thinking is paramount to discerning the veracity of online information, while digital literacy is crucial for navigating the complexities of online platforms and applications. Moreover, ethical considerations must be at the forefront of technological development and implementation. Ensuring privacy anddata security is crucial in an increasingly interconnected world. Addressing the potential for algorithmic bias in areas like hiring and loan applications is essential for mitigating societal inequities. While technological advancements have undoubtedly brought immense benefits, it is crucial to approach them with a discerning eye. Embracing the advantages while mitigating the potential drawbacks necessitates a multifaceted approach. Education plays a critical role in equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge to navigate the digital landscape effectively. Fostering critical thinking, digital literacy, and ethical awareness are paramount. Furthermore, policymakers and industry leaders must proactively address concerns related to job displacement, data security, and algorithmic bias. The impact of technology on human life is multifaceted and complex. While it has simplified many aspects of our lives, it has also introduced new challenges. Ultimately, the key to harnessing the transformative power of technology lies in embracing its benefits while mitigating its potential drawbacks. By fosteringcritical thinking, digital literacy, and ethical awareness, and by addressing the societal implications of technological advancements, we can strive towards afuture where technology serves as a force for progress and betterment. In conclusion, the debate surrounding the impact of technology is likely to persistas technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. However, byrecognizing both the benefits and complexities that technology presents, and by actively engaging in critical discourse and proactive solutions, we can harnessits power to create a more equitable, sustainable, and enriching future for all.。
用英语写加入俱乐部的原因的作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Joining the English Club: A Path to Personal Growth and Global ConnectionsAs a student navigating the complexities of academia and personal development, the decision to join a club can have a profound impact on one's journey. In my case, the allure of the English Club has proven to be an irresistible draw, offering a multitude of opportunities that align perfectly with my aspirations and interests.From the outset, my love for the English language has been a driving force behind my pursuit of knowledge andself-expression. The intricate tapestry of words, the nuances of grammar, and the richness of literature have captivated me since my earliest encounters with the language. Joining the English Club promises to deepen my understanding and appreciation of this linguistic marvel, providing a nurturing environment where fellow enthusiasts can share their passion and engage in thought-provoking discussions.One of the primary reasons that drew me to the English Club is the prospect of honing my communication skills. Effective communication is a vital asset in today's interconnected world, and the club presents an ideal platform for practicing and refining my ability to articulate ideas with clarity and eloquence. Through debates, presentations, and literary analyses, I will have the opportunity to cultivate confidence in public speaking, a skill that will undoubtedly prove invaluable in my future academic and professional endeavors.Furthermore, the English Club offers a gateway to exploring diverse cultures and perspectives. Language is inextricably linked to the human experience, serving as a vessel for conveying the rich tapestry of traditions, beliefs, and narratives that shape our global community. By delving into the works of authors from various backgrounds and engaging in cross-cultural exchanges, I anticipate broadening my horizons and developing a deeper appreciation for the multifaceted nature of our world.Moreover, the English Club promises to be a nurturing environment for personal growth and self-discovery. Writing, a core component of the club's activities, is not merely a means of communication but also a powerful tool for self-expression and introspection. Through creative writing exercises, journaling, andpoetry analysis, I anticipate uncovering new dimensions of my thoughts and emotions, allowing me to explore the depths of my inner world and better understand my place in the broader human experience.Equally compelling is the prospect of forging lasting friendships and connections within the club. Surrounding myself with individuals who share my enthusiasm for language and literature will undoubtedly foster a sense of community and belonging. Collaborating on projects, engaging in lively discussions, and participating in social events will provide ample opportunities to forge meaningful bonds with like-minded individuals, creating a supportive network that can enrich my personal and academic journey.Beyond the immediate benefits, joining the English Club also holds the potential to open doors to future opportunities. The skills and experiences gained through club activities could prove invaluable in pursuing higher education or embarking on a career path that values strong communication abilities and cultural awareness. Whether it's applying for scholarships, internships, or future employment, the experiences and achievements garnered within the club will serve as a testament to my dedication, versatility, and intellectual curiosity.In a rapidly changing world where adaptability and creative thinking are highly prized, the English Club represents a bastion of intellectual stimulation and personal growth. By immersing myself in this vibrant community, I anticipate developing a deeper understanding of the complexities of language, fostering cross-cultural awareness, and honing essential skills that will serve me well in navigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.As I embark on this exciting journey, I am filled with a sense of anticipation and eagerness. The English Club promises to be a catalyst for personal transformation, a haven for intellectual exploration, and a stepping stone towards realizing my full potential. With an open mind and a willingness to embrace new experiences, I am confident that my involvement in the club will enrich my life in ways I can scarcely imagine, shaping me into a more well-rounded, articulate, and culturally-attuned individual.In conclusion, the decision to join the English Club is not merely a choice but a commitment to personal growth, intellectual exploration, and global awareness. By immersing myself in this vibrant community, I anticipate unlocking a world of possibilities, forging lasting connections, and cultivating skills that will serve me well throughout my academic and professionaljourney. With enthusiasm and determination, I eagerly embrace this opportunity, ready to embark on a transformative voyage that will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on my life.篇2Reasons for Joining the Drama ClubWhen I first stepped through the doors of Franklin High School as a wide-eyed freshman, I felt equal parts excitement and trepidation. This new world of academic challenges and social scenery was daunting, yet ripe with opportunities to discover myself. Little did I know that one of the best decisions I would make was joining the Drama Club.At first, the thought of being on stage in front of an audience terrified me. I was always the shy kid growing up, more content blending into the background than being the center of attention. However, my English teacher Ms. Rowling really encouraged me to audition for the club's first production that year - a modernized take on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. She saw a creative spark in me that I didn't know existed.With great trepidation, I decided to take the plunge. The audition process itself was nerve-wracking but also strangely exhilarating. I had to recite a monologue from the play in front ofthe directors and current club members. My hands were shaking and my voice was quavering, but I powered through. Imagine my surprise when I was cast in a supporting role as one of the mischievous fairy servants!From that point on, the Drama Club became my second home. The long after-school rehearsals were grueling, pushing me out of my comfort zone. But they also provided a tight-knit community that accepted me for who I was. For possibly the first time, I didn't feel like an outcast or a weirdo. These were my people - flawed, quirky artists just like me.I blossomed out of my shy cocoon thanks to the guidance of the upperclassmen and our faculty advisors. They taught me invaluable skills in everything from vocal projection to improvisation. More importantly, they instilled in me a newfound sense of confidence and self-belief. Suddenly, commanding a stage and becoming a different character no longer terrified me, but thrilled me.The Drama Club provided an outlet for self-expression that academics simply could not. In English class, I had to follow rigid writing structures and ensure my essays adhered to proper grammar rules. On stage, I could be bold, take risks, and experiment with my creativity in ways that would never fly in ascholarly setting. I could be over-the-top, farcical, melodramatic, you name it - and that was not only accepted, but encouraged.Some of my favorite memories were the intoxicating few hours just before opening night. As I waited in the wings surrounded by friends who had become family, a euphoric sense of anticipation would wash over me. All the grueling rehearsals, tedious memorization, and stumbles along the way would culminate into one make-or-break performance. Those final moments of creating an artistic experience for ourselves and the audience were what made all the hard work worthwhile.The life skills I absorbed from being part of this club cannot be understated. From teamwork to public speaking, staying organized to managing my time, each production provided new lessons in discipline and collaboration. Egos certainly clashed from time to time, but we all had to check them at the door and work toward a common goal once the curtain opened.Of course, no club is complete without a little drama behind the scenes. There were certainly feuds, romantic entanglements, and friend break-ups over the years. Looking back on it now with mature eyes, I realize those combustible social dynamics were just young people learning how to navigate relationships andconflict resolution. They were messy classrooms for developing our emotional intelligence.The Drama Club didn't just give me a creative outlet and a circle of friends - it provided me with a formative core memory that I will carry for the rest of my life. During my junior year, we put on a production of the poignant drama The Laramie Project about the horrific hate crime that took Matthew Shepard's life. This powerful story of intolerance and our shared humanity moved me to my core.On opening night, there was not a dry eye in the house as the cast took our curtain call. We received a raucous standing ovation from an audience profoundly impacted by the brutal yet hopeful narrative we portrayed. In that moment, I understood the power of theatre to enlighten, educate, and bring people together. The energy between the performers and spectators created a palpable, almost spiritual connection. Theatre has the ability to hold a mirror up to society and inspire positive change.I knew then that entertaining would always be a part of my purpose in life.My time in the Drama Club shaped me into the person I am today - more self-assured, disciplined, open-minded, and in touch with my artistic side. While I may not pursue theatre as acareer path, the skills and self-discovery I gained from being involved will forever be invaluable. This club provided me an community of kindred creative spirits, countless comedic and dramatic memories, and a safe space to take risks and find my voice.To anyone on the fence about joining their school's theatre program, I cannot encourage you enough to take the leap. Push through your fears of stepping into the spotlight, because that spotlight is where you will find your confidence and passion blossoming. The stage waits for no one, and neither should you. Meet me at Drama Club auditions, and we can take this wild ride together into self-discovery and artistry.篇3Why I Joined the Debate ClubAs an incoming freshman, I was overwhelmed by all the clubs and extracurricular activities available at my new high school. There seemed to be a club for every interest and passion under the sun. At the activities fair, each club had an energetic group of members enthusiastically trying to recruit new students to join their ranks. I was inundated with flyers, sign-up sheets, and friendly faces imploring me to get involved.With so many choices, it was hard to know which club to commit to. I knew I wanted to join something to meet new people and get more engaged with the school community. But I also didn't want to spread myself too thin by signing up for multiple clubs that would take up too much time and leave me stressed out. After weighing my options, the Debate Club stood out as the perfect fit for me.There were several key reasons why I decided the Debate Club was the ideal extracurricular for me to dedicate my time and energy towards. First and foremost, I've always loved a rousing discussion and debate. As an opinionated person, I relish the chance to research different viewpoints, develop a persuasive argument, and try to change people's minds through the power of rhetoric and logic. The idea of joining a club where that was the whole purpose was immediately appealing.In addition, the skills fostered by being on the Debate Club seemed invaluable for my long-term goals. I know effective communication, critical thinking, and public speaking abilities will be useful no matter what future career path I pursue. Whether I become a lawyer, teacher, businessperson, or any other profession, being able to clearly articulate my views and analyze different perspectives is crucial. The Debate Club allowsme to hone those talents in a low-stakes but competitive environment.Beyond the intellectual benefits, I was also drawn to Debate because it promised lots of opportunities for travel and teamwork. Our school's Debate Club has a reputation for excellence, with students frequently qualifying for regional and national tournaments. The thought of traveling around the state and country with my teammates, seeing new places while exploring different debate topics was incredibly enticing. At the same time, I looked forward to the bonding and friendship that would come from spending so much time preparing with my fellow club members.On a more personal level, joining Debate also gave me a chance to step outside my comfort zone and confront one of my greatest fears: public speaking. I'm an outgoing person in most social situations. But get me in front of a crowd or classroom and I become a blubbering, anxious mess. My hands get clammy, my voice starts shaking, and I can barely make it through even the simplest presentation. It's something I've always wanted to improve, and Debate seemed like the perfect chance to practice speaking more confident and poised while delivering arguments.Simply put, when I looked at the potential benefits of each club, Debate seemed to offer the most comprehensive blend of intellectual engagement, self-improvement, leadership and social opportunities. While other clubs may have been more laidback social groups or single-faceted special interests, Debate was a multifaceted extracurricular that could accelerate my growth in so many different areas.Now, having just completed my first few months as a debater, I can affirm that joining was one of the best decisions I've made. The club has already lived up to my lofty expectations and then some. I've been exposed to a wide range ofthought-provoking topics, from environmental policy to legal ethics to human rights issues. Researching these subjects and developing arguments has expanded my knowledge and critical thinking capabilities in ways I never could have anticipated.The tournaments and travel with my teammates have been amazing bonding experiences that have forged new friendships and incredible memories. Whether it was that 14-hour van ride to a competition deliriously reviewing our case evidence, or the time we got stranded at a diner because of a snowstorm and had an impromptu "rebuttal performance" for the amused staff andother customers, these shared experiences have brought us together as a tight-knit group.And while the public speaking still doesn't come naturally to me, each debate round has made me more comfortable and confident delivering speeches and responding in the heated back-and-forth of clashing arguments. My growth in that area has been remarkable; what used to be an incredibly anxious experience is becoming more and more second nature with each practice and tournament.Overall, after just a few months, the Debate Club has more than validated my decision to join. I've grown so much as a student, thinker, speaker and person in that short time. While mastering the skills of debate will be an ongoing process, I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity and look forward to spending the next few years continuing to evolve and improve through this incredible activity.。
Acculturation theory and evidence
Acculturation: theory and evidenceIn the modern world, many individuals immigrate to other new counties or different places to live or study. Generally, people have to experience a process of adaption to the new lifestyle and a new culture when they begin to live in the new area. Many researcher s name this period “acculturation”.The American researcher, Robin Scarcella, has outlined a four-stage theory of acculturation (1998). Also, Schumann (1986, p. 379) state that, “learner will acquire the target language to the degree they acculturate to th e target language group.” For this investigation an immigrant person to New Zealand was interviewed. His experience in discussed throughout this essay. This essay will discuss the experience of the interviewee in the light of the theory of acculturation, with final comments on the importance of understanding the process of acculturation.My interviewee is a 45-year-old man, from Indonesia, who has been in New Zealand for almost 13 years. The reason for his coming is improving his English. I would to call him Mike. Before Mike came to New Zealand, he could speak two mother languages and a little bit English. He had to study English for one and a half years when he first came here. Now, he works as a nurse in a hospital. For his future plan, he thinks New Zealand is his second home and he wants to stay here.According to Scarcella (1998), in the first stage of life in the new country, immigrant people are typically “a type of euphoria mixed with the excitement…” (Scarcella, 1998, p. 107) which is called honeymoon or streets of gold stage. However, according to my interview my interviewee did not mention he felt excited or pleased. The reasons could be his first coming was alone and he came here with his study goal. He did not think came to here for fun. Moreover, he did not know any information of New Zealand before he came.The second stage in the process of acculturation outlined by Scarcella (1998) isculture shock. In this stage people would face frustration peaks and they would feel fearful (Scarcella, 1998).When Mike first arrived in New Zealand, he felt left out and lonely, it was difficult for him to adept the culture. He told me that there was a big difference between his country and New Zealand. He used to eat rice in his country whereas he ate fish and chips when he lived in a Kiwi homestay family. Moreover, he said it was hot in Indonesia but New Zealand was a little bit cold at that time. Also, he missed his family especially his parents. At the same time, he suffered the communication barriers from New Zealand because he could not speak English well. “When learners attempt to speak a second language they often fear that they will appear comic.” (Stengal, as cited in Schumann, 1986, p. 382). Mike said that the biggest difficulty for him was he was afraid to talk to other people including his homestay family in English.Adjustment is sum up by Scarcella (1998) in the third stage of acculturation. During this period, new immigrants would begin to recover from the setback they met in a new environment (Scarcella, 1998). After few months, Mike began to adjust himself to adept a new life style and he felt more comfortable than he first arrived because he had found some methods to fix up the problems. He said he tried to read a lot of New Zealand books and magazines so that he could understand how New Zealand lived. What’s more, he used to hang out with local people; on one hand he can improve his English. On the other, he could know well about lifestyle of the local people. Second language learning is related to acculturated extent (Schumann, 1986). Mike had improved his English soon. After one and a half years, he finished his English course. At that moment, he tried to plan his further learning in university. Unfortunately, he said he made a wrong decision at the first time. Soon, he analyzed his situation and the society in New Zealand, then, he changed his mind again.Fully acculturation is the final stage in the process of acculturation that outlined by Scarcella. In this stage, people generally fully adept to a new lifestyle. (Scarcella, 1998). Nowadays, Mike feels his life is comfortable and stable because he is marriedand he has his own family. Also, he has a good job here. He has already thought New Zealand is his second home even he still misses his parents in Indonesia. Even though, he still wants to go back to his hometown, he said will not stay there for a long time. Now, New Zealand is more suitable for him. He told me that he has already had his own social life and he gets on well with a lot of friends here. During the holidays, he often goes traveling with his family and also he goes to pray with his family and many friends every night. According to the interview, he has gotten used to live in New Zealand. This process cost him few years but finally he fully adept to New Zealand life. The reason could be that, young generation is easier to adept to another culture(Scarcella, 1998).The experience of my interviewee closely matches the pattern stated in the theory of Scarcella. It can be showed evidence of experiencing culture shock, adjustment and fully acculturation. However, it is not clear that Mike pass through honeymoon. It might because Mike came to New Zealand to study English as his first goal so that he did not think he would stay here. Accidentally, he fully acculturated the lifestyle in New Zealand. Now, he has his happy family here.In conclusion, my interviewee went through three stages in the theory of Scarcella (1998). His experience proved the process of acculturation in Scarcella’s article though he did not experienced the first stage. At the same time, the experience of my interviewee is an evidence to prove another article which was written by Schumann (1986).REFERENCESScarcella, R. (1998). Patterns of acculturation. In Raimes, A. (1998). Exploring through Writing: a Process Approach to ESL Composition. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 106-109.Schumann, J. (1986). Research on the acculturation model for second language acquisition.Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development,7(5),379-392.。
Millisecond pulsars around intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters
a r X i v :0706.1656v 1 [a s t r o -p h ] 12 J u n 2007Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000(0000)Printed 1February 2008(MN L A T E X style file v2.2)Millisecond pulsars around intermediate–mass black holesin globular clustersB.Devecchi 1,M.Colpi 1,M.Mapelli 2,&A.Possenti 31Dipartimento di Fisica G.Occhialini,Universit`a degli Studi di Milano Bicocca,Piazza della Scienza 3,I-20126Milano,Italy 2Institute for Theoretical Physics,University of Z ¨u rich,Winterthurerstrasse 190,CH-8057Zrich,Switzerland 3INAF,Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari,Poggio dei Pini,Strada 54,I-09012Capoterra,Italy1February 2008ABSTRACTGlobular clusters (GCs)are expected to be breeding grounds for the formation of single or binary intermediate–mass black holes (IMBHs)of ∼>100M ⊙,but a clear signature of their existence is still missing.In this context,we study the process of dynamical capture of a millisecond pulsar (MSP)by a single or binary IMBH,simulating various types of single-binary and binary-binary encounters.It is found that [IMBH,MSP]binaries form over cosmic time in a cluster,at rates ∼<10−11yr −1,via encounters of wide–orbit binary MSPs offthe single IMBH,and at a lower pace,via interactions of (binary or single)MSPs with the IMBH orbited by a typical cluster star.The formation of an [IMBH,MSP]system is strongly inhibited if the IMBH is orbited by a stellar mass black hole (BH):in this case,the only viable path is through the formation of a rare stable hierarchical triplet with the MSP orbiting exterior to the [IMBH,BH]binary.The [IMBH,MSP]binaries that form are relatively short-lived,∼<108−9yr,since their orbits decay via emission of gravitational waves.The detection of an [IMBH,MSP]system has a low probability of occurrence,when inferred from the current sample of MSPs in GCs.If next generation radio telescopes,like SKA,will detect an order of magnitude larger population of MSP in GCs,at least one [IMBH,MSP]is expected.Therefore,a complete search for low-luminosity MSPs in the GCs of the Milky Way with SKA will have the potential of testing the hypothesis that IMBHs of order 100M ⊙are commonly hosted in GCs.The discovery will unambiguously prove that black holes exist in the still uncharted interval of masses around ∼>100M ⊙.Key words:Black hole:physics -Globular clusters:general -Stellar dynamics -Stars:neutron -Pulsars:general1INTRODUCTION 1.1IMBHs:ObservationsA number of observations suggest that intermediate–massblack holes (IMBHs)may exist with masses between ≈100M ⊙to 104M ⊙.Heavier than the stellar-mass black holes (BHs)born in core-collapse supernovae (3M ⊙−30M ⊙;Orosz 2003),IMBHs are expected to form in dense,rich stel-lar systems through complex dynamical processes.Globular clusters (GCs),among the densest stellar systems known in galaxies,have therefore become prime sites for their search.Gebhardt,Rich &Ho (2002,2005)suggested the pres-ence of an IMBH of 2+1.4−0.8×104M ⊙,in the cluster G1of M31,on the basis of a joined analysis of photometric and spectroscopic measurements.Remarkably,the IMBH in G1seems to lie just on the low–end of the BH mass versus one–dimensional dispersion velocity correlation observed inspheroids and bulges of nearby galaxies (Ferrarese &Merritt 2000;Gebhardt et al.2000).In the galactic GC M15,HST and ground–based ob-servations of line–of–sight velocities and proper motions,in-dicated the occurrence of a central concentration of non–luminous matter of 500+2500−500M ⊙,that could be ascribed to the presence of an IMBH (van den Bosch et al.2006;Gerssen et al.2002).By mapping the velocity field,van den Bosch et al.(2006)found also evidence of ordered rotation in the central 4arc sec of M15.This unexpected dynamical state in a region of rapid relaxation (107yr)may give first evi-dence,albeit indirect,that a source of angular momentum in the form of a“binary”IMBH may exist in M15(Mapelli et al.2005).Claims of the possible presence of an IMBH have been advanced also in 47Tucanae (McLaughlin et al.2006).An additional puzzling picture has emerged from ob-servations in the GC NGC 6752.Two millisecond pulsars2 B.Devecchi,M.Colpi,M.Mapelli,A.Possenti(MSPs hereon),PSR-B and PSR-E,show unusual accelera-tions(D’Amico et al.2002),that,once ascribed to the over-all effect of the cluster potential well,indicate the presenceof∼>1000M⊙of under–luminous matter enclosed within the central0.08pc(Ferraro et al.2003a).NGC6752iseven more peculiar than M15,since it also hosts two MSPswith unusual locations.PSR-A,a binary pulsar with a white dwarf(WD)companion(D’Amico et al.2002;Ferraro et al. 2003b;Bassa et al.2003)and a very low orbital eccentricity (∼10−5,D’Amico et al.2002)holds the record of being the farthest MSP ever observed in a GC,at a distance of≈3.3 half mass radii.PSR-C,an isolated MSP,ranks second in the list of the most offset pulsars known,at a distance of1.4 half mass radii from the gravitational center of the cluster (D’Amico et al.2002;Corongiu et al.2006).Colpi,Possenti &Gualandris(2002)first conjectured that PSR-A was pro-pelled into the halo in aflyby offa binary BH in the mass range between10M⊙and100M⊙opening the perspective of unveiling binary BHs in GCs(see Section1.2).Prompted by the evidence of under-luminous matter in the core of NGC6752,Colpi,Mapelli&Possenti(2003)carried on an extensive analysis of binary-binary encounters with IMBHs, to asses the viability of this scenario.They found that a ∼100M⊙IMBH with a stellar–mass BH in a binary would be the best target for imprinting the necessary thrust to PSR-A1and at the same time for preserving the low eccen-tricity of the binary pulsar(within a factor of3for the bulk of the simulated encounters).Instead,larger mass IMBHs (∼500M⊙)with star companions can produce the correct ejection velocity,but cause the eccentricity to grow much larger.Thus,PSR-A had to interact with the very massive IMBH only before its recycling phase.The observation of IMBHs in GCs is still far from being conclusive,since numerical studies have shown that kine-matic features as those observed in G1and M15can be reproduced assuming,in the cluster center,the presence of a collection of low–mass compact remnants,with no need of a single massive IMBH(Baumgardt et al.2003a,b).In addi-tion,a single massive(∼>1000M⊙)IMBH,if present,would affect the stellar dynamics(because of energy generation in the IMBH cusp)creating a constant density profile of bright stars in projection that differs from the typical profile of a core-collapse cluster such as M15(Baumgardt,Makino& Ebisuzaki2004).1.2IMBHs:TheoryOn theoretical ground a number of authors suggested that IMBHs may form inside either(i)young and dense star clus-ters vulnerable to unstable mass segregation and core col-lapse before the most massive stars explode as supernovae (Portegies Zwart&McMillan2002;Freitag,Gurkan&Ra-sio2006;G¨u rkan et al.2006)or(ii)dynamically in already evolved GCs when all the massive stars have turned into stellar–mass BHs(Miller&Hamilton2002).In thefirst case,1Ejection of PSR-A from the core to the halo following exchange interactions offnormal binary stars can not be excluded,but as pointed out by Colpi et al.(2002;Sigurdsson2003),the binary parameters of PSR-A and its evolution make this possibility re-mote,and call forfine tuning conditions.runaway collisions among young massive stars may lead to the formation of a very massive stellar object which ulti-mately collapses into an IMBH2.In the second case,IMBHformation requires a succession of close gravitational en-counters among stellar-mass BHs:being the heaviest objectsin the cluster,these BHs may segregate in the core under theaction of the Spitzer’s mass stratification instability(Spitzer 1969;Lightman&Fall1978;Watters,Joshi&Rasio2000;Khalisi,Amaro-Seoane&Spurzem2006),forming a densecore which becomes dynamically decoupled from the rest of the stars.Hardening and recoil among the interacting BHslead to their ejection from the cluster(Sigurdsson&Hern-quist1993;Kulkarni,Hut&McMillan1993;Portegies Zwart &McMillan2000)and at the same time to the increase oftheir mass because of repeated mergers(Miller&Hamil-ton2002).O’Leary et al.(2006)have recently shown that there is a significant probability(between20%to80%)ofBH growth,and foundfinal masses∼>100M⊙.After evap-oration of most of the BHs on a timescale of∼Gyr,one IMBH and/or few BHs,single or in binaries,may remaininside the GC.The recent discovery of a luminous,highly variable X-ray source in one GC of NGC4472(Maccarone et al.2007) may have just providedfirst evidence that at least one BH is retained inside.Whether this source in NGC4472is an accreting BH or IMBH is still uncertain,but thisfinding goes in the direction noted by Pfahl(2005),who considered the possibility that an IMBH would tidally capture a star leading to the turn–on of a bright X-ray source.Given all these uncertainties and the importance of es-tablishing the possible existence of IMBH in GCs,we explore in this paper an alternative root,i.e.,the possibility that gravitational encounters offthe IMBH provide a path for the dynamical capture of a MSP and the formation of a bi-nary(hereafter labeled[IMBH,MSP])comprising the IMBH and the MSP.Timing of the radio signal emitted by the MSP would provide in this way a direct,unambiguous measure of the BH mass.Motivated by the observation of the halo MSPs in NGC 6752,we simulate a series of dynamical interactions between a binary MSP and a single or a binary IMBH,and also between a single MSP and a binary IMBH.In the context adopted,the binary IMBH may have a stellar–mass BH,or a star,as companion.The outline of the paper is as follows.In Section2,wedescribe the initial conditions of the three and four–bodyencounters.In Section3,we compute cross sections for the formation of[IMBH,MSP]systems coming from encounters with PSR-A like MSP binaries.We study the orbital charac-teristics of the[IMBH,MSP]binaries in their end-states,and explore the stability of triple systems that form,against dy-namical and resonant self-interactions.Binary systems com-posed by the WD and the IMBH are also considered,and2The effects of the environment,of rotation and metallicity,onthe formation and fate of these ultra–massive stars are largely unknown.A recent study on the mass loss of merged stars(during and after the merger)of∼100M⊙have shown that this does not seem to inhibit the formation of very massive stars(Suzuki et al.2007).However further studies are needed in order to better constrain the evolution of those more massive object(∼1000M⊙) that should form∼1000M⊙IMBH.Millisecond pulsars around intermediate–mass black holes in globular clusters3300--5000 [300,star]0.424173000[300,10]h,∗0.455265000[300,10]gw3.2×10−30.410000 [100,star]MSP,single0.22005000Table1.Initial parameters for simulations with PSR-A like ini-tial MSP binaries.Rows refer to different initial states of the IMBH(referred as channels in the text).The different columns refer to:selected IMBH mass,minimum and maximum values for the distribution of the semi-major axis(for the[IMBH,star]and [IMBH,BH]binaries)and number of runs for each simulation.The first eight lines refer to encounters with the[MSP,WD]binary,the last two refer to encounters with a single MSP.the results are shortly summarized in Section4.In Section 5,we show the results obtained from simulations with bi-nary MSPs different from PSR-A that represent the ob-served population in GCs.We study their end-states and their characteristic lifetimes taking into account for their hardening by cluster stars and by gravitational wave driven in-spiral.In Section6we study the detectability of MSPs around IMBHs in GCs and discuss the potential importance of these systems for next-generation deep radio surveys in the Galactic halo.In Section7we summarize ourfindings. 2GRA VITATIONAL ENCOUNTERS2.1The projectileWe consider encounters in which the projectile is either a [MSP,WD]binary,or a single MSP.Asfirst case–study, we simulate[MSP,WD]systems similar to PSR-A in NGC 6752:the MSP has a mass m MSP=1.4M⊙and a WD com-panion of m WD=0.2M⊙;the binary has semi-major axis a MSP,i=0.0223AU,orbital period of0.86days,and orbital eccentricity e MSP,i=10−5.We then simulate binary MSPs whose characteristics are extrapolated from the observed sample of MSPs belong-ing to the GCs of the Milky Way(Camilo&Rasio2005) (see Section5for further discussion).For the single MSP, we consider m MSP=1.4M⊙.2.2The target IMBHThe target is an IMBH,either single or binary,and has no stellar cusp(Baumgardt et al2004).In agreement with O’Leary et al.(2006)and Colpi et al.(2003),its mass M IMBH is either100M⊙or300M⊙.The binary IMBHs have initial semi-major axes and eccentricities drawn from probability distributions that ac-count for their physical conditions in a GC.In details,the initial properties of the target[IMBH,star]and[IMBH,BH] binaries are the following.•[IMBH,star]:We randomly generate the mass m∗of the star,the semi-major axis a∗and the eccentricity e∗.The values for m∗follow a current mass function biased toward massive stars,in order to account for dynamical mass seg-regation in the core of the cluster.We thus consider a mass function dN/dm∝m−(1+x)with x=−5as inferred from observations of47Tucanae(Monkman et al.2006)with an upper cut–offmass of0.95M⊙.For the semi-major axes we follow the analysis proposed by Pfahl(2005)and briefly summarized in Appendix A.The values of a∗refer to con-ditions acquired in dynamical ionization of incoming stellar binaries offan initially single IMBH.Table1gives the initial minimum and maximum semi-major axes used at the onset of the simulations.The eccentricity e∗follows a thermal dis-tribution(Blecha et al.2006).The same distribution for a∗, e∗and m∗is used for the interaction of the[IMBH,star]bi-nary both with[MSP,WD]and single MSP.To distinguish these two cases,hereon we will refer to the latter using the subscript“MSP,single”.•[IMBH,BH]:The IMBH has a BH companion of m BH= 10M⊙.The binary has semi-major axis a BH drawn from two distinct probability distributions,which have been derived: (i)from the hardening due to encounters offcluster stars (subscript[h,*],hereon),occurring on a time-scale(Quinlan 1996;Mapelli et al.2005)t h(a)∼ v∗ a BH=2×107v10a−15ρ−15.8yr,(1)where ρ∗ , v∗ andξare the mean stellar mass density,dis-persion velocity and hardening efficiency(we assume v∗ = 10v10km s−1,ξ=1(Colpi et al.2003),a BH=5a5AU and for the density ρ∗ =7×105ρ5.8M⊙pc−3,the value in-ferred averaging over the GC sample currently hosting the population of known MSPs(see Section5));(ii)from the in-spiral driven by gravitational wave back–reaction(subscript[gw],hereon),when the binary is tight (Section1of Appendix A,for details).The corresponding time-scale,function of the semi-major axis a BH and eccen-tricity e BH(Peters&Mathews1963),is:t gw(a BH,e BH)≡5G3m BH M IMBH(m BH+M IMBH)=4.4×108a40.2M−1100m−110M−1T,110yr,(2) where the following normalizations are used to estimate t gw for e BH=0.7:a BH=0.2a0.2AU,M IMBH= 100M100M⊙,m BH=10m10M⊙,and M T=M IMBH+ m BH=110M T,110M⊙.The peak of the composite semi-major axis distribution occurs when the two processes be-come comparable,i.e.at a distancea gw(e BH)∼ 256(1−e2BH)7/2c5 ρ∗ 2πξ 1/5(3) corresponding to t h=t gw,inferred from equations(1)and4 B.Devecchi,M.Colpi,M.Mapelli,A.Possenti(2).Typical separations for our[IMBH,BH]binaries are∼0.3AU.In the hardening phase by stars the eccentricity e BH is ex-tracted from a thermal distribution,while during the grav-itational wave driven phase the values of e BH are inferred considering the modifications induced by gravitational wave loss(see Section1of Appendix A).2.3Code and outcomesWe run the numerical code Chain(kindly suited by S. Aarseth)which makes use of a Bulirsch-Stoer variable step integrator with KS-chain regularization.The code FEBO (FEw-BOdy),based on afifth–order Runge-Kutta scheme (described in Colpi,Mapelli&Possenti2003and in Mapelli et al.2005),has been used for trial runs and gives results in nice agreement with Chain.The impact parameters of the incoming binaries are dis-tributed uniformly in b2(Hut&Bahcall1983)up to a max-imum value b2max(see Section3of Appendix A).The phases of the binaries and the angles describing the initial direc-tion and inclination of the encounter are extracted from the distributions by Hut&Bahcall(1983).The relative speed v∞has been sampled at random from a uniform distribu-tion,in the range8-12km s−1,consistent with the values of NGC6752(Dubath,Meylan&Mayor1997).The rela-tive distance between the centers of mass of the interacting binaries is set equal to the gravitational influence radius of the target IMBH,r inf∼2GM IMBH/ v∞ 2(∼2000AU for the100M⊙case3,obtained for a stellar dispersion of10km s−1).After each single-binary encounter we can classify the end-states as following:(A)Fly-by:the binary maintains its components,but it can exit with a different energy and angular momentum; (B)Tidal disruption:the interacting binary is broken by the massive IMBH.The tidal disruption can end with an ioniza-tion(B.1),if thefinal system consists of three single bodies, or with an exchange(B.2),if one of the two components is captured by the single.The tidal perturbation occurs at a distance r T=a MSP,i[M IMBH/(m MSP+m WD)]1/3,where the gradient exerted by the IMBH on the incoming binary exceeds its binding energy.For our binary pulsar,r T∼0.1 AU.In the case of binary-binary encounters the possible end-states are analogous(i.e.fly-bies and tidal disruptions),but complicated by the fact that the interacting binaries are two. In particular,we can observe the tidal disruption of only one of the two binaries(mostly the softer[MSP,WD]binary),or of both of them.After the tidal disruption of the[MSP,WD] binary:(B.1)The[MSP,WD]can be fully ionized(i.e.both compo-nents escape);(B.2)One of the two components remains bound to3For the300M⊙IMBH,the larger initial distance(6000AU) makes prohibitive the integration time for the simulations run with FEBO.For this reason integration starts at2000AU after correcting for the relative parabolic motion.For consistency,we have chosen to adopt the same corrections also for the simulations run with Chain.the[IMBH,star]or[IMBH,BH]binary,forming a sta-ble/unstable triplet.Some triplets show a characteristic con-figuration of two nested binaries,where two of the three components are bound in a tight binary,while the other one orbits around.This type of systems are termed hierarchical triplets.A hierarchical triple is stable if it satisfies the relation (Mardling&Aarseth1999)R p√Millisecond pulsars around intermediate–mass black holes in globular clusters5 [100]7.1 5.6223176[100,star]30.63(tr,in)44092[100,10]h,∗0.06(tr,in)0.46(tr,in) 3.627[100,10]gw0.19(tr,ou)0.04(tr,ou) 2.40.5[300,star]MSP,single0.65-66-M(M⊙)w XΓMSP(10−11yr−1)t life(108yr)[300][300,star]0.40.3 2.35[100,star]MSP,single0.20.1 4.3Table3.Probability coefficient w X as defined in Section6,rates of formation of observable[IMBH,MSP]binaries,and lifetimes t life,MSP, for v∗ =10kms−1, ρ∗ =7×105M⊙pc−3.The channels of formation are the same as in Table1.somewhat lower for the single MSP than in the[MSP,WD]case and this involves smaller cross sections too.•[IMBH,BH]:In general,the presence of a massive com-panion such as a stellar-mass BH does not favor the for-mation of an[IMBH,MSP],since the exchange probability is negligible.Triple systems may alternatively form.In rare cases(∼<0.1%)stable triplets can form with the MSP mem-ber of the inner binary[(IMBH,MSP),BH].This occurs when the IMBH binary is in its hardening phase by dynamical en-counters.When the[IMBH,BH]is in the phase of hardening by emission of gravitational waves,the MSP binds to the [IMBH,BH]as external companion with an higher probabil-ity(f X∼0.2−0.3%)than in the hardening by scattering regime.3.2[IMBH,MSP]binary parametersIn this section we explore the properties of the[IMBH,MSP] systems that have formed dynamically.Fig.1shows the dis-tribution of semi-major axes resulting from encounters with the100M⊙IMBH.In the case of tidal disruption of the [MSP,WD]offthe single IMBH,wefind that the distribu-tion peaks at∼1AU.This value agrees with the analytical estimate(Pfahl2005)obtained in the impulse approxima-tion,i.e.considering that the incoming[MSP,WD]binary is approaching the IMBH along a parabolic orbit,and that is disrupted instantaneously at the tidal radius r T.Accord-ing to this analytical model(Pfahl2005),the most likely end-state has a binding energy per unit massE∼−m WD2√m WD m MSP+m WD6 B.Devecchi,M.Colpi,M.Mapelli,A.PossentiFigure 1.Distribution of the semi-major axes of the [IMBH,MSP]binaries,normalized to the corresponding fraction of events,for PSR-A like initial MSP binaries.The IMBH has a mass of 100M ⊙.Shaded histogram with dotted lines refers to [IMBH,MSP]systems formed after tidal disruption offthe single IMBH.Shaded histogram with solid lines refers to the [IMBH,MSP]binaries that form after the exchange of the initial star in the [IMBH,star]binary.Figure 2.Distribution of eccentricities of [IMBH,MSP]binaries,normalized to the corresponding fraction of events.Shaded his-tograms refer to the same cases as in Fig.1.teraction offthe [IMBH,star]binary,following the disrup-tion of the [MSP,WD]at ∼r T and the subsequent exchange of the MSP offthe star.The MSP is captured on a close orbit,and,from simple energy arguments,the most likely end–state is expected to have a specific energy E ∼−m WDa ∗GM IMBH1+(m ∗/m MSP )a MSP ,f /a ∗.(9)If we consider mean values for the initial m ∗/a ∗selecting all the systems that end with an [IMBH,MSP]binary,we find m ∗/a ∗∼1.68M ⊙/AU .This corresponds to a semi-analytical estimate a ∗MSP ,f ∼0.45AU,in good agreement with the peak of the corresponding semi-major axis distri-bution derived from our simulations (Fig.1).Fig.2shows the distribution of the eccentricities for the same binaries.For the case of tidal capture the eccentrici-ties at which the MSP binds to the IMBH are above 0.9;for the formation channel through exchange the spread of the final eccentricity distribution is much larger,according to a thermal distribution.This can eventually be the effect of repeated interactions between the MSP and the initial companion of the IMBH during the transient state of un-stable triplet.The distribution of the semi-major axis and eccentricity of [IMBH,MSP]MSP single systems formed by the exchange offthe single MSP are similar to the ones formed in the interaction of the [MSP,WD]offthe [IMBH,star].Finally we note that in the case of a 300M ⊙IMBH,the distributions are similar and only slightly skewed to larger values of the semi-major axes,as should be expected for a more massive BH (see equation 7).3.3Hierarchical tripletsAs previously noted,the only way a MSP can be retained in the presence of an [IMBH,BH]binary is through the forma-tion of hierarchical stable triple systems.Two possibilities exist:either the formation of a [(IMBH,MSP),BH]where the MSP is closely bound to the IMBH,or the formation of a [(IMBH,BH),MSP]with the MSP as external object.Triple systems of the first type are rare,because the MSP tends to bind preferentially on orbits where its motion is gravitationally perturbed by the stellar-mass BH causing the MSP to be finally ejected.Only triplets of the second type are seen to form with a non negligible probability (∼0.2%):the MSP binds on very wide (20-100AU),eccentric orbits (>0.6),as shown in Figs.3and 4.The triplets in consideration are extremely hierarchical (i.e.,R MSP ,ou ≫a BH ,in ),in order to fulfill the stability condition.Hierarchical triplets of this type are likely to survive inside the GC and to turn into a [IMBH,MSP].Indeed,once the triplet has formed,the MSP shrinks its orbit with time due to dynamical encounters offcluster stars while the inner binary hardens due to gravitational wave emission.Since theMillisecond pulsars around intermediate–mass black holes in globular clusters7Figure 3.MSP semi-major axis a MSP ,ou of the outer binary versus semi-major axis a BH ,in of the inner binary (IMBH,BH)of stable hierarchical triple systems.The plot refers to an initial [IMBH,BH]binary of 100M ⊙and 10M ⊙,and a initial PSR-A-like MSP binary.hardening time of the inner binary is usually shorter than that of the outer binary,these triplets are transient states ending with the formation of a new [IMBH,MSP]binary following BH coalescence.4[IMBH,WD]BINARIESFor the sake of completeness,the results on the formation of [IMBH,WD]binaries are also summarized in Table 2.In the case of the capture of the WD by the single IMBH,we note that the occurrence fraction of [IMBH,WD]is only slightly lower than that of [IMBH,MSP]while it decreases of a factor ∼5for the [IMBH,star]cases,as shown in Table 2.If the IMBH has a companion star,the WD preferentially binds in triplet configurations.In fact the WD can be re-tained around the IMBH only if it forms a hierarchical triplet [(IMBH,WD),star].This is due to the smaller mass of the WD relative to the star that makes exchanges very unlikely.The same is true for the [IMBH,BH]cases:stable triplets form with the WD in the inner binary,i.e [(IMBH,WD),BH],when the IMBH binary is hardening by scattering stars.On the contrary,the fraction of stable triplets significantly drops during the gravitational wave driven phase (∼0.04%).This is due to the fact that the WD preferentially binds to the IMBH on a orbit strongly perturbed by the stellar mass BH.The cross sections computed using equation (5)are reported in Table 2and their values reflect their dependence upon f X .Fig.5shows the distributions of the semi-major axis and eccentricity for the WD case,considering only the in-teraction with the single IMBH.Because of its lighter mass with respect to the MSP,the WD binds around thesingleFigure 4.MSP eccentricity e MSP ,ou of the outer binary versus eccentricity e BH ,in of the inner binary (IMBH,BH)of stable hi-erarchical triple systems:the initial parameters of the involved binaries are the same as in Fig.3.IMBH on tighter orbits and the peak is around 0.17AU,in agreement with Pfahl’s analysis (2005)4.The channel that we have outlined for the formation of a [IMBH,WD]binary is probably not the dominant one,because of the higher number of [WD,star]with respect to [MSP,WD]binaries.For this reason we have chosen not to discuss the formation rate of [IMBH,WD]binaries in more details.5[IMBH,MSP]IN GLOBULAR CLUSTERSSo far,we have considered only binary MSPs which mimic the properties of PSR-A in NGC pared to PSR–A however,binary MSPs in GCs display a wider distribution of properties in their orbits and masses (Camilo &Rasio 2005).Since the cross section for the formation of [IMBH,MSP]systems as well as their ending states depend on the initial semi–major axes and total mass of the impinging [MSP,WD]binaries,in this section we have simulated a set of interac-tions varying the properties of the binary MSP.Binary MSPs in GCs show a double peaked distribution of their semi–major axes in the interval [0.0024AU ,0.035AU],while a number of “outliers”spread over larger orbital separations (see Fig.3in Camilo &Rasio 2005).Outliers count for the 25%of the entire population.We have fitted the observed distribution with (i)an asymmetric Landau4If the WD is captured instead of the MSP,equation (7)is mod-ified to take into account for the different mass of the expelled star,thus giving a WD ,f ∼a MSP ,i 2M IMBHM IMBH1/3=0.14M 2/3100AU.。
PartA1(答案)Once a man had a dream, he dreamed of a land of peace and harmony. He dreamed of a place where people were not judged by their skin color. He dreamed of a country where children of different races could play together. He dreamed of a nation where all people were equal。
Some people didn’t like his dream. They said it would never happen. Some people applauded his dream. They wanted to make it happen。
This noble vision has come true for some。
For others, it’s still just a fantasy。
高二英语文学流派练习题40题1<背景文章>Romanticism is an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe towards the end of the 18th century. It is characterized by a strong emphasis on emotion, individualism, imagination, and nature.Romantic writers often explored deep emotions such as love, passion, and longing. They believed in the power of the individual to experience and express these emotions freely. Imagination was highly valued, and writers used it to create vivid and fantastical worlds.Nature also played a significant role in romantic literature. The beauty and power of nature were seen as sources of inspiration and solace. Romantic poets and novelists often described nature in great detail, using it to symbolize human emotions and experiences.One of the most famous romantic writers is William Wordsworth. His works, such as "Lyrical Ballads," celebrate the beauty of nature and the simplicity of rural life. Another prominent figure is Percy Bysshe Shelley. His poems, like "Ode to the West Wind," express his passion for freedom and social change.Romantic literature had a profound impact on the development of modern literature. It inspired future generations of writers to explore thedepths of human emotion and imagination.1. Romanticism emphasized all of the following except ___.A. emotionB. rationalityC. individualismD. imagination答案:B。
学术英语(社科)Unit7原文及翻译Introduction: Understanding the Impact of New Media on Journalism1 Journalism is undergoing a fundamental transformation, perhaps the most fundamental since the rise of the penny press of the mid-nineteenth century. In the twilight of the twentieth century and the dawn of the twenty-first, there is emerging a new form of journalism whose distinguishing qualities include ubiquitous news, global information access, instantaneous reporting, interactivity, multimedia content, and extreme content customization. In many ways this represents a potentially better form of journalism because it can reengage an increasingly distrusting and alienated audience. At the same time, it presents many threats to the most cherished values and standards of journalism. Authenticity of content, source verification, accuracy, and truth are all suspect in a medium where anyone with a computer and a modem can become a global publisher.2 Although the easy answer is to point to the Internet, the reasons for the transformation of journalism are neither simple nor one-dimensional. Rather, a set of economic, regulatory, and cultural forces, driven by technological change, are converging to bring about a massive shift in the nature of journalism at the millennium.3 The growth of a global economic system, made up of regional economies, all interrelated (witness the volatility in the world?s financial markets in August 1998, when drops in Asian and Russian markets triggered drops in European and U.S. markets) and increasingly controlled by multinational corporate behemoths, has rewritten the financial basis for journalism andthe media in general. Deregulation, as outlined in the U.S. Telecommunications Act of 1996 and 简介:了解新媒体对新闻的影响1新闻业正在发生根本性的变革,或许最根本的变革是十九世纪中叶的便士报的崛起。
Title: Future Modes of CommunicationIn the ever-evolving world of technology, communication methods are constantly transforming. Imagine a future where our methods of interacting with one another are not just faster and more convenient, but also deeply personalized and immersive. Let's explore some of the potential communication modes that await us in the future.One such mode is holographic projection. With advancements in holographic technology, we may soon be able to project life-like images of people or objects in three-dimensional space. This would revolutionize remote communication, allowing us to have face-to-face conversations with individuals located thousands of miles away. Imagine sitting in your living room and having a conversation with a friend who is physically in another continent, as if they were sitting right next to you.Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will also play a significant role in future communication. AR, which overlays digital information onto the real world, could enable us to share experiences in real-time, even if we're not physically together. For instance, friends could virtually tour a museum or attend a concert together, experiencing the same sights andsounds despite being geographically apart. VR, on the other hand, creates an entirely immersive virtual environment. In the future, we may use VR to host virtual meetings or conferences, where participants can interact with each other in a virtual space, enhancing collaboration and creativity.Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are another exciting prospect. As this technology advances, we may be able to communicate directly with computers through our thoughts, bypassing the need for traditional input devices like keyboards or mice. This could lead to a new era of telepathy, where thoughts and ideas can be transmitted instantly between individuals. While this may seem like science fiction today, the potential for BCIs to revolutionize communication is immense.Moreover, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in communication will become more prevalent. AI-powered chatbots and assistants will become increasingly sophisticated, able to understand and respond to complex queries and emotions. These systems could serve as personal assistants, managing our schedules, providing information, and even engaging in meaningful conversations. They could also act as mediators in disputes, offering objective and rational perspectives.Quantum computing, though still in its infancy, could also have profound implications for communication. With its ability to process information exponentially faster than classical computers, quantum computing could enable secure and efficient communication over vast distances. This could lead to the development of quantum internet, a network that utilizes quantum entanglement to transmit information securely and instantaneously.Finally, the role of emotional intelligence in communication will become increasingly important. As machines become more capable of understanding and responding to human emotions, our interactions with them will become more natural and intuitive. This could lead to the development of communication systems that are not just efficient, but also empathetic and compassionate.In conclusion, the future of communication is full of exciting possibilities. From holographic projections and AR/VR experiences to brain-computer interfaces and quantum computing, we are poised to enter an era where communication is not just faster and more convenient, but also deeply personal and immersive. As these technologies continue to evolve, we can look forward to a future where our ability toconnect and share ideas with one another is transformed in ways we can only imagine today.。
Challenges of Massive Parallelism Center for
The future of Mars has always been a subject of fascination and speculation for scientists,astronomers,and dreamers alike.As our understanding of the Red Planet grows,so does our ambition to one day make it a second home for humanity.Heres a simple English essay on the potential future of Mars:The Future of Mars:A New Frontier for HumanityMars,the fourth planet from the Sun,has captivated our imagination for centuries.Its reddish hue and mysterious landscape have inspired countless stories and scientific inquiries.As we stand on the brink of a new era of space exploration,the future of Mars is not just a topic of scientific research but also a beacon of hope for the expansion of human civilization.Exploration and DiscoveryThe journey to Mars began with the first flyby in1965by Mariner4,and since then, numerous missions have been launched to study the planet.The discovery of water ice on Mars has been a gamechanger,suggesting that the planet could potentially support life. Future missions,both robotic and manned,aim to further explore the Martian surface and subsurface,looking for signs of past or present life and assessing the planets resources. Technological AdvancementsThe development of new technologies is crucial for our survival on Mars.Advancements in propulsion systems,life support,and habitat construction are at the forefront of current research.The goal is to create sustainable living conditions that can support human life in an otherwise inhospitable environment.Innovations in3D printing and materials science are paving the way for the construction of habitats using Martian soil.Settlement and ColonizationThe concept of a Mars colony is no longer a distant panies and space agencies are working towards sending the first human missions to Mars within the next few decades.These colonies would serve as research bases,but also as a stepping stone for further exploration of the solar system.The establishment of a selfsustaining colony would require solving complex challenges related to food production,energy generation, and waste management.Economic and Social ImplicationsThe colonization of Mars would have profound economic and social implications.It would open up new opportunities for scientific research,resource exploitation,and even tourism.The creation of an interplanetary economy could lead to new industries and drive technological advancements on Earth.Moreover,it would redefine our understanding of what it means to be a human civilization,as we would no longer be confined to a single planet.Challenges and Ethical ConsiderationsDespite the excitement,the journey to Mars is fraught with challenges.The harsh Martian environment,the longduration space travel,and the psychological impact of living in isolation are just a few of the hurdles that need to be overcome.Ethical considerations regarding the potential impact on Martian ecosystems and the rights of future Martian inhabitants must also be addressed.ConclusionThe future of Mars holds the promise of a new beginning for humanity.It represents our innate desire to explore,to discover,and to push the boundaries of what is possible.As we take these first steps towards the stars,we carry with us the hopes and dreams of generations past and the potential for a brighter future for generations to come.This essay provides a broad overview of the potential future of Mars,touching on exploration,technology,colonization,economic implications,and the challenges that lie ahead.It serves as a simple introduction to the complex and exciting topic of Mars future in the context of human space exploration.。
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(quantum bits), the entanglement is well-defined. One can always write such a pure “2 × 2” system in the Schmidt basis so that |ψAB = α|00
+ β |11
AB ,
± |1
sis. Here “|0 T ” means “T interacted with A at slit 0”. The positions of A on the screen
display an interference pattern, and those corre-
PACS: 03.65.Bz,03.67.Lx
Entanglement is the degree to which the wave function does not factorize. For example, an S = 0 two particle system |+− −|−+ is maximally entangled: measurement of the spins reveals they are completely anticorrelated. The concept of entanglement goes to the very heart of quantum mechanics, and understanding its nature is a prerequisite to understanding quantum mechanics itself. Two-particle entanglement was used by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen [1] to argue that quantum mechanics could not be a complete description of reality— that there had to be an underlying local theory. But J. S. Bell used such entangled states to show that any local underlying theory would have to satisfy certain inequalities, which quantum mechanics explicitly violates [2]. Experiments on such entangled states have shown 1
Entanglement of projection and a new class of quantum erasers
Robert Garisto
BNL Theory Group, Bldg 510a, Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY 11973
with α and β positive and
real, and α2 + β 2 = 1. The AB system has a pure density matrix ρAB = |ψAB ψAB |, while the subsystem for A alone has a mixed density matrix ρA = TrB ρAB . Then one can write entanglement of AB in terms of the quantum relative entropy [5], E (ψAB ) = −Tr [ρA log2 ρA ] = e(α2 ), (1)
arXiv:quant-ph/9808007v1 4 Aug 1998
Lucien Hardy
Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford OX1 3PU, England
We define a new measurement of entanglement, the entanglement of projection, and find that it is natural to write the entanglements of formation and assistance in terms of it. Our measure allows us to describe a new class of quantum erasers which restore entanglement rather than just interference. Such erasers can be implemented with simple quantum computer components. We propose realistic optical versions of these erasers.
of subsystem AB appears to be lost. But if one erases that tagging information, then the entanglement is restored. Thus we will refer to this object as a disentanglement eraser, or, equivalently, as an entanglement restorer. In order to discuss these new erasers, we will need to define several measures of entanglement. For a pure, two-particle, two-state system which can be thought of as a pair of qubits 2
display a shifted interference pattern. While the overall
pattern on the screen shows no interference, for the subsets of these events corresponding to |0 + |1 or |0 − |1 , coherence is restored. Our new class of erasers involves at least three subsystems, A, B and T . Consider an entangled state |00
that these inequalities are violated just as quantum mechanics predicts [3]. Modern research on entanglement includes proposals for providing cleaner demonstrations of this nonlocality using three-particle entangled states [4], and on quantifying entanglement [5–8]. The goal of this Letter is to define a new class of quantum erasers which restore entanglement of a multistate subsystem, rather than just interference, and to quantify that restoration with a new measure of entanglement [9]. A quantum eraser [10] is a device in which coherence appears to be lost in a subset of the system, but in which that coherence can be restored by erasing the tagging information which originally “destroyed” it. Traditional erasers [11,12] need only two distinct subsystems. For example, if one sends particle A through two slits, and if one “tags” which slit A goes through via the interaction with a tagging particle, T , then the interference pattern will disappear. But if one makes the “which slit” information in T unobservable, even in principle, then one can restore the interference pattern for A. To avoid the use of a double-negative, one could refer to this as an interference restorer. A simple way to erase this tagging information is to measure T in the |0 corresponding to T in the state |0 sponding to T in the state |0 T −|1 + |1
where e(x) = −[xlog2 x + (1 − x)log2 (1 − x)]. Since emin = e(0) = e(1) = 0 and emax = e(1/2) = 1, E (ψ ) ranges from 0, for no entanglement, to 1, for a fully entangled state. This E (ψ ) remains constant with any unitary operation on A or B , and is changed only by operations where the effect on one state (say A) depends upon another (either B or a third state). Such interactions can be implemented with controlled-NOT gates (c-NOTs). One can show that all logic gates of a quantum computer can be constructed solely in terms of unitary operations on individual qubits and on c-NOTs between the qubits. Thus one role of multiqubit logic gates is to change the entanglement between pairs of qubits. Mixed states, on the other hand, do not have a unique measure of entanglement. One reason is that the entanglement for a mixed state depends upon the basis chosen for mixed density matrix ρAB . Let us write ρAB in terms pure states |χi