hive+senrty 权限命令(beeline)


hive beeline 原理

hive beeline 原理

hive beeline 原理一、概述Hive Beeline是Hive的一个交互式命令行工具,它提供了与Hive交互的图形化界面和远程访问功能。


本篇文章将详细介绍Hive Beeline的原理。















七、总结综上所述,Hive Beeline是一个强大的命令行工具,它提供了与Hive交互的图形化界面和远程访问功能。



hive insert用法

hive insert用法

hive insert用法摘要:一、Hive简介1.Hive是什么2.Hive的作用二、Hive的Insert操作1.Insert into语句2.Overwrite和Append选项3.路径和目录三、Hive Insert示例1.插入单行数据2.插入多行数据3.插入数据到已有表四、Hive Insert注意事项1.数据类型匹配2.表结构检查3.权限检查正文:Hive是一个基于Hadoop的数据仓库工具,它可以用来存储、查询和分析大规模的结构化数据。



它有两种形式:Insert into语句和Insert overwrite语句。

Insert into语句用于向已有表插入数据,而Insert overwrite语句用于覆盖已有表中的数据。


在使用Hive Insert操作时,需要注意以下几点:1.数据类型匹配:插入的数据需与表结构中对应列的数据类型匹配,否则插入操作将失败。


如有差异,可以使用Alter Table语句进行调整。


以下是一个Hive Insert的示例:```-- 插入单行数据INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2)VALUES ("value1", "value2");-- 插入多行数据INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2)SELECT "value1", "value2";-- 插入数据到已有表INSERT OVERWRITE table_name (column1, column2)SELECT "value1", "value2";```总之,Hive的Insert操作是数据仓库处理中常用的操作之一。




在使用Hive的元数据配置权限之前必须现在hive-site.xml中配置两个参数,配置参数如下:<property><name></name><value>true</value><description>enable or disable the hive client authorization</description></property><property><name></name><value>ALL</value><description>the privileges automatically granted to the owner whenever a table gets created. An example like"select,drop" will grant select and drop privilege to the owner of the table</description></property>参数是开启权限验证,默认为false。

hive insert 语句

hive insert 语句

hive insert 语句Hive是一个基于Hadoop的数据仓库基础设施,它提供了类似于SQL的查询语言HiveQL,用于在Hadoop集群上对大规模数据进行分析和处理。


下面是关于Hive INSERT语句的一些例子:1. 向表中插入单行数据:```INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...);```这是最基本的INSERT语句形式,用于向指定表中插入一行数据。

其中,table_name是要插入数据的表名,column1, column2是表中的列名,value1, value2是要插入的值。

2. 向表中插入多行数据:```INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...)VALUES (value1, value2, ...),(value1, value2, ...),...这种形式的INSERT语句可以一次性向表中插入多行数据,每行数据之间用逗号分隔。

3. 插入查询结果:```INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...)SELECT column1, column2, ...FROM another_tableWHERE condition;```这种形式的INSERT语句可以将查询结果插入到指定的表中。


4. 插入常量数据:```INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...)VALUES (value1, value2, ...),(value1, value2, ...),...除了可以插入查询结果,还可以直接插入常量数据。

hive中select句式 -回复

hive中select句式 -回复

hive中select句式-回复在Apache Hive中,SELECT语句用于从表或视图中检索数据。

其基本语法如下:sqlSELECT [ALL DISTINCT] column1, column2, ...FROM table_name[WHERE condition][GROUP BY column_list][HAVING condition][LIMIT number];- `SELECT`:指定要查询的列名,可以使用*表示所有列。

- `ALL`(默认):返回所有行,包括重复行。

- `DISTINCT`:返回唯一的行,去除重复行。

- `FROM`:指定要从中检索数据的表或视图的名称。

- `WHERE`:可选,设置一个或多个条件来过滤结果集。

- `GROUP BY`:按一个或多个列对结果进行分组,通常与聚合函数(如COUNT(), SUM(), AVG()等)一起使用。

- `HAVING`:对GROUP BY的结果集进行进一步过滤,只能用在GROUP BY子句之后。

- `LIMIT`:限制返回的行数。

例如:sqlSELECT column1, COUNT(*)FROM table_nameWHERE column2 = 'some_value'GROUP BY column1HAVING COUNT(*) > 10LIMIT 100;这个查询将从table_name表中选择column1列,并计算column2为'some_value'的行按column1分组后的数量,只显示那些计数值大于10的group,且结果最多返回100行。



hivesql常用语法HiveSQL是用于Apache Hive的SQL查询语言,它允许用户以类似于SQL的方式查询存储在Hadoop集群上的数据。

下面是HiveSQL的一些常用语法:1. 创建表:使用CREATE TABLE语句可以在Hive中创建表,语法类似于标准的SQL语法。

例如:CREATE TABLE table_name (。

column1 datatype,。

column2 datatype,。

...);2. 加载数据:使用LOAD DATA语句可以将数据加载到Hive表中,语法如下:LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH 'input_path' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE table_name;3. 查询数据:使用SELECT语句可以从Hive表中检索数据,语法与标准SQL类似。

例如:SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name WHERE condition;4. 插入数据:使用INSERT INTO语句可以向Hive表中插入数据,语法如下:INSERT INTO TABLE table_name VALUES (value1,value2, ...);5. 创建视图:使用CREATE VIEW语句可以在Hive中创建视图,语法类似于标准SQL语法。

例如:CREATE VIEW view_name AS.SELECT column1, column2。

FROM table_name.WHERE condition;6. 聚合函数:HiveSQL支持常见的聚合函数,如SUM、AVG、COUNT等,可以用于对数据进行汇总和统计。

7. 分组和排序:使用GROUP BY和ORDER BY语句可以对数据进行分组和排序,以便进行更复杂的数据分析和处理。

8. 条件筛选:HiveSQL支持使用WHERE子句进行条件筛选,以便从数据集中筛选出符合特定条件的记录。




常⽤命令介绍:1、!connect url –连接不同的Hive2服务器2、!exit –退出shell3、!help –显⽰全部命令列表4、!verbose –显⽰查询追加的明细The Beeline CLI ⽀持以下命令⾏参数:OptionDescription--autoCommit=[true/false] ---进⼊⼀个⾃动提交模式:beeline --autoCommit=true--autosave=[true/false] ---进⼊⼀个⾃动保存模式:beeline --autosave=true--color=[true/false] ---显⽰⽤到的颜⾊:beeline --color=true--delimiterForDSV= DELIMITER ---分隔值输出格式的分隔符。


--fastConnect=[true/false] ---在连接时,跳过组建表等对象:beeline --fastConnect=false--force=[true/false] ---是否强制运⾏脚本:beeline--force=true--headerInterval=ROWS ---输出的表间隔格式,默认是100: beeline --headerInterval=50--help ---帮助 beeline --help--hiveconf property=value ---设置属性值,以防被hive.conf.restricted.list重置:beeline --hiveconf prop1=value1 --hivevar name=value ---设置变量名:beeline --hivevar var1=value1--incremental=[true/false] ---输出增量--isolation=LEVEL ---设置事务隔离级别:beeline --isolation=TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE--maxColumnWidth=MAXCOLWIDTH ---设置字符串列的最⼤宽度:beeline --maxColumnWidth=25--maxWidth=MAXWIDTH ---设置截断数据的最⼤宽度:beeline --maxWidth=150--nullemptystring=[true/false] ---打印空字符串:beeline --nullemptystring=false--numberFormat=[pattern] ---数字使⽤DecimalFormat:beeline --numberFormat="#,###,##0.00"--outputformat=[table/vertical/csv/tsv/dsv/csv2/tsv2] ---输出格式:beeline --outputformat=tsv--showHeader=[true/false] ---显⽰查询结果的列名:beeline --showHeader=false--showNestedErrs=[true/false] ---显⽰嵌套错误:beeline --showNestedErrs=true--showWarnings=[true/false] ---显⽰警告:beeline --showWarnings=true--silent=[true/false] ---减少显⽰的信息量:beeline --silent=true--truncateTable=[true/false] ---是否在客户端截断表的列--verbose=[true/false] ---显⽰详细错误信息和调试信息:beeline --verbose=true-d <driver class> ---使⽤⼀个驱动类:beeline -d driver_class-e <query> ---使⽤⼀个查询语句:beeline -e "query_string"-f <file> ---加载⼀个⽂件:beeline -f filepath 多个⽂件⽤-e file1 -e file2-n <username> ---加载⼀个⽤户名:beeline -n valid_user-p <password> ---加载⼀个密码:beeline -p valid_password-u <database URL> ---加载⼀个JDBC连接字符串:beeline -u db_URL。



hive集成sentry的sql使⽤语法Sentry权限控制通过Beeline(Hiveserver2 SQL 命令⾏接⼝)输⼊Grant 和 Revoke语句来配置。


需要注意的是:当sentry服务启⽤后,我们必须使⽤beeline接⼝来执⾏hive查询,Hive Cli并不⽀持sentry。

CREATE ROLE StatementCREATE ROLE语句创建⼀个可以被赋权的⾓⾊。





CREATE ROLE [role_name];DROP ROLE StatementDROP ROLE语句可以⽤来从数据库中移除⼀个⾓⾊。




DROP ROLE [role_name];GRANT ROLE StatementGRANT ROLE语句可以⽤来给组授予⾓⾊。


GRANT ROLE role_name [, role_name]TO GROUP (groupName) [,GROUP (groupName)]REVOKE ROLE StatementREVOKE ROLE语句可以⽤来从组移除⾓⾊。


REVOKE ROLE role_name [, role_name]FROM GROUP (groupName) [,GROUP (groupName)]GRANT (PRIVILEGE) Statement授予⼀个对象的权限给⼀个⾓⾊,该⽤户必须为sentry的管理员⽤户。




它具有简单易用的特点,适用于大多数Linux和Mac 用户。















beeline用法Beeline是一款自动化的SQL命令行工具,用于与Apache Hive进行交互。





命令的一般格式为:“!connectjdbc:hive2://hostname:port/database username password”。



例如,您可以运行“SELECT * FROM table_name”来查询数据表中的所有数据。


您可以使用命令“!outputformat”来设置输出格式,例如“!outputformat table”将结果以表格形式显示。


使用“LOAD DATA INPATH”命令将本地文件导入到Hive表中,或使用“INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY”命令将Hive表数据导出到本地文件系统中。


只需使用命令“!run script_file_path”即可运行包含一系列SQL语句的脚本文件。








对于使用Hive进行数据安全与权限管理的最佳实践,以下是几个关键要素:1. 数据分类与敏感性级别的定义:首先,必须对数据进行分类并定义其敏感性级别。



2. 强化身份验证和访问控制:在Hive中,强化身份验证和访问控制是确保数据安全和权限管理的重要措施。





3. 数据加密:数据加密是强化数据安全的关键步骤之一。

在Hive中,可以使用Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)或Hadoop加密来对数据进行加密。


4. 审计和监控:为了确保数据安全和权限管理的有效性,组织应该实施有效的审计和监控机制。





hive 的用法

hive 的用法

hive 的用法

1. 显示数据库和表:使用“show databases”或“show tables”命令可

2. 选择数据库:使用“use database”命令可以切换到指定的数据库。

3. 查看表结构:使用“desc table”命令可以查看表的结构信息,包括列名、数据类型、注释等。

4. 执行查询:使用“select”命令可以执行各种查询操作,例如选择所有数据、选择特定列、过滤数据、连接表等。

5. 过滤数据:使用“where”子句可以对数据进行过滤,只选择满足条件的记录。

6. 分组和聚合:使用“group by”可以对数据进行分组,并结合聚合函数(如count、sum、avg等)对每个组进行聚合计算。

7. 排序数据:使用“order by”可以对数据进行排序,按照指定的列进行升序或降序排列。

8. 连接表:使用“join”可以将多个表根据指定的条件连接起来,进行联合查询。

9. 创建表:使用“create table”命令可以创建新表,并指定表结构和属性。

10. 删除表:使用“drop table”命令可以删除表以及其相关的数据和结构。


hive+senrty 权限命令(beeline)

hive+senrty 权限命令(beeline)

Column-level AuthorizationThe following command grants a role the SELECT privilege on a column:GRANT SELECT(column_name) ON TABLE table_name TO ROLE role_name;The following command can be used to revoke the SELECT privilege on a column:REVOKE SELECT(column_name) ON TABLE table_name FROM ROLE role_name;Any new columns added to a table will be inaccessible by default, until explicitly granted access. Actions allowed for users with SELECT privilege on a column: Users whose roles have been granted the SELECT privilege on columns only, can perform operations which explicitly refer to those columns. Some examples are:SELECT column_name FROM TABLE table_name;In this case, Sentry will first check to see if the user has the required privileges to access the table. It will then further check to see whether the user has the SELECTprivilege to access the column(s).SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM TABLE table_name;Users are also allowed to use the COUNT function to return the number of values in the column.SELECT column_name FROM TABLE table_name WHERE column_name <operator> GROUP BY column_name;The above command will work as long as you refer only to columns to which you already have access.To list the column(s) to which the current user has SELECT access: SHOW COLUMNS;Exceptions:If a user has SELECT access to all columns in a table, the following command will work. Note that this is an exception, not the norm. In all other cases, SELECT on all columns does not allow you to perform table-level operations.SELECT * FROM TABLE table_name;The DESCRIBE table command differs from the others, in that it does not filter out columns for which the user does not have SELECT access.DESCRIBE (table_name);Limitations: Column-level privileges can only be applied to tables and partitions, not views. HDFS-Sentry Sync: With HDFS-Sentry sync enabled, even if a user has been granted access to all columns of a table, they will not have access to the corresponding HDFS data files. This is because Sentry does not consider SELECT on all columns equivalent to explicitly being granted SELECT on the table.Column-level access control for access from Spark SQL is not supported by the HDFS-Sentry plug-in.CREATE ROLE StatementThe CREATE ROLE statement creates a role to which privileges can be granted. Privileges can be granted to roles, which can then be assigned to users. A user that has been assigned a role will only be able to exercise the privileges of that role. Only users that have administrative privileges can create/drop roles. By default, the hive, impala and hue users have admin privileges in Sentry.CREATE ROLE [role_name];DROP ROLE StatementThe DROP ROLE statement can be used to remove a role from the database. Once dropped, the role will be revoked for all users to whom it was previously assigned. Queries that are already executing will not be affected. However, since Hive checks user privileges before executing each query, active user sessions in which the role has already been enabled will be affected.DROP ROLE [role_name];GRANT ROLE StatementThe GRANT ROLE statement can be used to grant roles to groups. Only Sentry admin users can grant roles to a group.GRANT ROLE role_name [, role_name] TO GROUP <groupName> [,GROUP <groupName>]REVOKE ROLE StatementThe REVOKE ROLE statement can be used to revoke roles from groups. Only Sentry admin users can revoke the role from a group.REVOKE ROLE role_name [, role_name] FROM GROUP <groupName> [,GROUP <groupName>]GRANT <PRIVILEGE> StatementIn order to grant privileges on an object to a role, the user must be a Sentry admin user.GRANT <PRIVILEGE> [, <PRIVILEGE> ] ON <OBJECT> <object_name> TO ROLE <roleName> [,ROLE <roleName>]you can grant the SELECT privilege on specific columns of a table. For example:GRANT SELECT(column_name) ON TABLE table_name TO ROLE role_name;REVOKE <PRIVILEGE> StatementSince only authorized admin users can create roles, consequently only Sentry admin users can revoke privileges from a group.REVOKE <PRIVILEGE> [, <PRIVILEGE> ] ON <OBJECT> <object_name> FROM ROLE <roleName> [,ROLE <roleName>]You can also revoke any previously-granted SELECT privileges on specific columns of a table. For example:REVOKE SELECT(column_name) ON TABLE table_name FROM ROLE role_name;GRANT <PRIVILEGE> ... WITH GRANT OPTIONyou can delegate granting and revoking privileges to other roles. For example, a role that is granted a privilege WITH GRANT OPTION can GRANT/REVOKE the same privilege to/from other roles. Hence, if a role has the ALL privilege on a database and the WITH GRANT OPTION set, users granted that role can execute GRANT/REVOKEstatements only for that database or child tables of the database.GRANT <PRIVILEGE> ON <OBJECT> <object_name> TO ROLE <roleName> WITH GRANT OPTIONOnly a role with GRANT option on a specific privilege or its parent privilege can revoke that privilege from other roles. Once the following statement is executed, all privileges with and without grant option are revoked.REVOKE <PRIVILEGE> ON <OBJECT> <object_name> FROM ROLE <roleName>Hive does not currently support revoking only the WITH GRANT OPTION from a privilege previously granted to a role. To remove the WITH GRANT OPTION, revoke the privilege and grant it again without the WITH GRANT OPTION flag.SET ROLE StatementThe SET ROLE statement can be used to specify a role to be enabled for the current session. A user can only enable a role that has been granted to them. Any roles not listed and not already enabled are disabled for the current session. If no roles are enabled, the user will have the privileges granted by any of the roles that (s)he belongs to.To enable a specific role: SET ROLE <roleName>;To enable all roles: SET ROLE ALL;No roles enabled: SET ROLE NONE;SHOW StatementTo list the database(s) for which the current user has database, table, or column-level access: SHOW DATABASES;To list the table(s) for which the current user has table or column-level access: SHOW TABLES;To list the column(s) to which the current user has SELECT access: SHOW COLUMNS;To list all the roles in the system (only for sentry admin users): SHOW ROLES;To list all the roles in effect for the current user session: SHOW CURRENT ROLES;To list all the roles assigned to the given <groupName> (only allowed for Sentry admin users and others users that are part of the group specified by <groupName>):SHOW ROLE GRANT GROUP <groupName>;The SHOW statement can also be used to list the privileges that have been granted to a role or all the grants given to a role for a particular object.To list all the grants for the given <roleName> (only allowed for Sentry admin users and other users that have been granted the role specified by <roleName>). The following command will also list any column-level privileges:SHOW GRANT ROLE <roleName>;To list all the grants for a role on the given <objectName> (only allowed for Sentry admin users and other users that have been granted the role specified by<roleName>). The following command will also list any column-level privileges:SHOW GRANT ROLE <roleName> on OBJECT <objectName>;Example: Using Grant/Revoke Statements to Match an Existing Policy FileHere is a sample policy file:[groups] # Assigns each Hadoop group to its set of roles manager = analyst_role, junior_analyst_role analyst = analyst_role jranalyst = junior_analyst_role customers_admin = customers_admin_role admin = admin_role[roles] # The uris below define a define a landing skid which # the user can use to import or export data from the system. # Since the server runs as the user "hive" files in that directory # must either have the group hive and read/write set or # be world read/write. analyst_role = server=server1->db=analyst1, \ server=server1->db=jranalyst1->table=*->action=select server=server1->uri=hdfs://ha-nn-uri/landing/analyst1 junior_analyst_role = server=server1->db=jranalyst1, \ server=server1->uri=hdfs://ha-nn-uri/landing/jranalyst1# Implies everything on server1.admin_role = server=server1The following sections show how you can use the new GRANT statements to assign privileges to roles (and assign roles to groups) to match the sample policy file above. Grant privileges to analyst_role:CREATE ROLE analyst_role; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE analyst1 TO ROLE analyst_role; GRANT SELECT ON DATABASE jranalyst1 TO ROLE analyst_role; GRANT ALL ON URI 'hdfs://ha-nn-uri/landing/analyst1' \ TO ROLE analyst_role;Grant privileges to junior_analyst_role:CREATE ROLE junior_analyst_role; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE jranalyst1 TO ROLE junior_analyst_role; GRANT ALL ON URI 'hdfs://ha-nn-uri/landing/jranalyst1' \ TO ROLE junior_analyst_role;Grant privileges to admin_role:CREATE ROLE admin_role GRANT ALL ON SERVER server TO ROLE admin_role;Grant roles to groups:GRANT ROLE admin_role TO GROUP admin; GRANT ROLE analyst_role TO GROUP analyst; GRANT ROLE jranalyst_role TO GROUP jranalyst;。




在使用Hive的元数据配置权限之前必须现在hive-site.xml中配置两个参数,配置参数如下:<property><name></name><value>true</value><description>enable or disable the hive client authorization</description></property><property><name></name><value>ALL</value><description>the privileges automatically granted to the owner whenever a table gets created. An example like"select,drop" will grant select and drop privilege to the owner of the table</description></property>参数是开启权限验证,默认为false。



hivebeeline详解Hive客户端⼯具后续将使⽤Beeline 替代HiveCLI ,并且后续版本也会废弃掉HiveCLI 客户端⼯具,Beeline是 Hive 0.11版本引⼊的新命令⾏客户端⼯具,它是基于SQLLine CLI的JDBC客户端。

Beeline⽀持嵌⼊模式(embedded mode)和远程模式(remote mode)。

在嵌⼊式模式下,运⾏嵌⼊式的Hive(类似Hive CLI),⽽远程模式可以通过Thrift连接到独⽴的HiveServer2进程上。

从Hive 0.14版本开始,Beeline使⽤HiveServer2⼯作时,它也会从HiveServer2输出⽇志信息到STDERR。

1. beeline 的常⽤参数Usage: java org.apache.hive.cli.beeline.BeeLine-u <database url> the JDBC URL to connect to-n <username> the username to connect as-p <password> the password to connect as-d <driver class> the driver class to use-i <init file> script file for initialization-e <query> query that should be executed-f <exec file> script file that should be executed-w (or) --password-file <password file> the password file to read password from--hiveconf property=value Use value for given property--hivevar name=value hive variable name and valueThis is Hive specific settings in which variablescan be set at session level and referenced in Hivecommands or queries.--color=[true/false] control whether color is used for display--showHeader=[true/false] show column names in query results--headerInterval=ROWS; the interval between which heades are displayed--fastConnect=[true/false] skip building table/column list for tab-completion--autoCommit=[true/false] enable/disable automatic transaction commit--verbose=[true/false] show verbose error messages and debug info--showWarnings=[true/false] display connection warnings--showNestedErrs=[true/false] display nested errors--numberFormat=[pattern] format numbers using DecimalFormat pattern--force=[true/false] continue running script even after errors--maxWidth=MAXWIDTH the maximum width of the terminal--maxColumnWidth=MAXCOLWIDTH the maximum width to use when displaying columns--silent=[true/false] be more silent--autosave=[true/false] automatically save preferences--outputformat=[table/vertical/csv2/tsv2/dsv/csv/tsv] format mode for result displayNote that csv, and tsv are deprecated - use csv2, tsv2 instead--truncateTable=[true/false] truncate table column when it exceeds length--delimiterForDSV=DELIMITER specify the delimiter for delimiter-separated values output format (default: |)--isolation=LEVEL set the transaction isolation level--nullemptystring=[true/false] set to true to get historic behavior of printing null as empty string--addlocaldriverjar=DRIVERJARNAME Add driver jar file in the beeline client side--addlocaldrivername=DRIVERNAME Add drvier name needs to be supported in the beeline client side--help display this messageBeeline version 2.3.4.spark2 by Apache Hive参数详解选项描述-u <database URL>⽤于JDBC URL连接。



Hive命令⾏及参数配置1 . Hive 命令⾏ 输⼊$HIVE_HOME/bin/hive –H 或者 –help 可以显⽰帮助选项: 说明: 1、 -i 初始化 HQL ⽂件。

2、 -e 从命令⾏执⾏指定的 HQL 3、 -f 执⾏ HQL 脚本 4、 -v 输出执⾏的 HQL 语句到控制台 5、 -p <port> connect to Hive Server on port number 6、 -hiveconf x=y Use this to set hive/hadoop configuration variables. 例如: $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive -e 'select * from tab1 a' $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive -f /home/my/hive-script.sql $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive -f hdfs://<namenode>:<port>/hive-script.sql $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive -i /home/my/hive-init.sql $HIVE_HOME/bin/hive -e 'select a.col from tab1 a' --hiveconf press.output=true --hiveconf mapred.reduce.tasks=322 . Hive 参数配置 开发 Hive 应⽤时,不可避免地需要设定 Hive 的参数。

设定 Hive 的参数可以调优 HQL 代码的执⾏效率,或帮助定位问题。


对于⼀般参数,有以下三种设定⽅式: 配置⽂件(全局有效) 命令⾏参数(对 hive 启动实例有效) 参数声明(对 hive 的连接 session 有效) 配置⽂件 ⽤户⾃定义配置⽂件:$HIVE_CONF_DIR/hive-site.xml 默认配置⽂件:$HIVE_CONF_DIR/hive-default.xml ⽤户⾃定义配置会覆盖默认配置。





二、基本查询语句1. SELECT语句:用于选择需要查询的字段,可以使用通配符*选择所有字段或使用字段名指定需要查询的字段。

2. FROM语句:用于指定查询的数据源,可以是Hive表、Hive分区表或其他查询结果。

3. WHERE语句:用于指定查询的条件,可以使用逻辑运算符(AND、OR、NOT)和比较运算符(=、<、>)进行条件筛选。

4. GROUP BY语句:用于对查询结果进行分组,常与聚合函数(如SUM、COUNT、AVG)一起使用。

5. HAVING语句:用于对分组后的结果进行筛选,类似于WHERE语句,但作用于分组后的结果。

6. ORDER BY语句:用于对查询结果进行排序,默认按照升序排序,可以使用DESC关键字进行降序排序。

7. LIMIT语句:用于限制查询结果的返回行数,常用于分页查询。

三、高级查询语句1. JOIN语句:用于将多个表进行连接查询,常用的连接类型有内连接(INNER JOIN)、左连接(LEFT JOIN)和右连接(RIGHT JOIN)。

2. UNION语句:用于合并多个查询结果集,要求查询结果的字段数和类型必须一致。

3. SUBQUERY语句:用于嵌套查询,可以将查询结果作为另一个查询的输入。

4. CASE语句:用于条件判断,类似于其他编程语言的if-else语句,可以根据条件返回不同的结果。

5. DISTINCT关键字:用于去除查询结果中的重复记录。

6. LIKE关键字:用于模糊查询,可以使用通配符(%表示任意字符,_表示任意单个字符)进行匹配。

7. NULL关键字:用于判断字段是否为空,可以使用IS NULL或IS NOT NULL进行判断。


















































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Column-level AuthorizationThe following command grants a role the SELECT privilege on a column:GRANT SELECT(column_name) ON TABLE table_name TO ROLE role_name;The following command can be used to revoke the SELECT privilege on a column:REVOKE SELECT(column_name) ON TABLE table_name FROM ROLE role_name;Any new columns added to a table will be inaccessible by default, until explicitly granted access. Actions allowed for users with SELECT privilege on a column: Users whose roles have been granted the SELECT privilege on columns only, can perform operations which explicitly refer to those columns. Some examples are:SELECT column_name FROM TABLE table_name;In this case, Sentry will first check to see if the user has the required privileges to access the table. It will then further check to see whether the user has the SELECTprivilege to access the column(s).SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM TABLE table_name;Users are also allowed to use the COUNT function to return the number of values in the column.SELECT column_name FROM TABLE table_name WHERE column_name <operator> GROUP BY column_name;The above command will work as long as you refer only to columns to which you already have access.To list the column(s) to which the current user has SELECT access: SHOW COLUMNS;Exceptions:If a user has SELECT access to all columns in a table, the following command will work. Note that this is an exception, not the norm. In all other cases, SELECT on all columns does not allow you to perform table-level operations.SELECT * FROM TABLE table_name;The DESCRIBE table command differs from the others, in that it does not filter out columns for which the user does not have SELECT access.DESCRIBE (table_name);Limitations: Column-level privileges can only be applied to tables and partitions, not views. HDFS-Sentry Sync: With HDFS-Sentry sync enabled, even if a user has been granted access to all columns of a table, they will not have access to the corresponding HDFS data files. This is because Sentry does not consider SELECT on all columns equivalent to explicitly being granted SELECT on the table.Column-level access control for access from Spark SQL is not supported by the HDFS-Sentry plug-in.CREATE ROLE StatementThe CREATE ROLE statement creates a role to which privileges can be granted. Privileges can be granted to roles, which can then be assigned to users. A user that has been assigned a role will only be able to exercise the privileges of that role. Only users that have administrative privileges can create/drop roles. By default, the hive, impala and hue users have admin privileges in Sentry.CREATE ROLE [role_name];DROP ROLE StatementThe DROP ROLE statement can be used to remove a role from the database. Once dropped, the role will be revoked for all users to whom it was previously assigned. Queries that are already executing will not be affected. However, since Hive checks user privileges before executing each query, active user sessions in which the role has already been enabled will be affected.DROP ROLE [role_name];GRANT ROLE StatementThe GRANT ROLE statement can be used to grant roles to groups. Only Sentry admin users can grant roles to a group.GRANT ROLE role_name [, role_name] TO GROUP <groupName> [,GROUP <groupName>]REVOKE ROLE StatementThe REVOKE ROLE statement can be used to revoke roles from groups. Only Sentry admin users can revoke the role from a group.REVOKE ROLE role_name [, role_name] FROM GROUP <groupName> [,GROUP <groupName>]GRANT <PRIVILEGE> StatementIn order to grant privileges on an object to a role, the user must be a Sentry admin user.GRANT <PRIVILEGE> [, <PRIVILEGE> ] ON <OBJECT> <object_name> TO ROLE <roleName> [,ROLE <roleName>]you can grant the SELECT privilege on specific columns of a table. For example:GRANT SELECT(column_name) ON TABLE table_name TO ROLE role_name;REVOKE <PRIVILEGE> StatementSince only authorized admin users can create roles, consequently only Sentry admin users can revoke privileges from a group.REVOKE <PRIVILEGE> [, <PRIVILEGE> ] ON <OBJECT> <object_name> FROM ROLE <roleName> [,ROLE <roleName>]You can also revoke any previously-granted SELECT privileges on specific columns of a table. For example:REVOKE SELECT(column_name) ON TABLE table_name FROM ROLE role_name;GRANT <PRIVILEGE> ... WITH GRANT OPTIONyou can delegate granting and revoking privileges to other roles. For example, a role that is granted a privilege WITH GRANT OPTION can GRANT/REVOKE the same privilege to/from other roles. Hence, if a role has the ALL privilege on a database and the WITH GRANT OPTION set, users granted that role can execute GRANT/REVOKEstatements only for that database or child tables of the database.GRANT <PRIVILEGE> ON <OBJECT> <object_name> TO ROLE <roleName> WITH GRANT OPTIONOnly a role with GRANT option on a specific privilege or its parent privilege can revoke that privilege from other roles. Once the following statement is executed, all privileges with and without grant option are revoked.REVOKE <PRIVILEGE> ON <OBJECT> <object_name> FROM ROLE <roleName>Hive does not currently support revoking only the WITH GRANT OPTION from a privilege previously granted to a role. To remove the WITH GRANT OPTION, revoke the privilege and grant it again without the WITH GRANT OPTION flag.SET ROLE StatementThe SET ROLE statement can be used to specify a role to be enabled for the current session. A user can only enable a role that has been granted to them. Any roles not listed and not already enabled are disabled for the current session. If no roles are enabled, the user will have the privileges granted by any of the roles that (s)he belongs to.To enable a specific role: SET ROLE <roleName>;To enable all roles: SET ROLE ALL;No roles enabled: SET ROLE NONE;SHOW StatementTo list the database(s) for which the current user has database, table, or column-level access: SHOW DATABASES;To list the table(s) for which the current user has table or column-level access: SHOW TABLES;To list the column(s) to which the current user has SELECT access: SHOW COLUMNS;To list all the roles in the system (only for sentry admin users): SHOW ROLES;To list all the roles in effect for the current user session: SHOW CURRENT ROLES;To list all the roles assigned to the given <groupName> (only allowed for Sentry admin users and others users that are part of the group specified by <groupName>):SHOW ROLE GRANT GROUP <groupName>;The SHOW statement can also be used to list the privileges that have been granted to a role or all the grants given to a role for a particular object.To list all the grants for the given <roleName> (only allowed for Sentry admin users and other users that have been granted the role specified by <roleName>). The following command will also list any column-level privileges:SHOW GRANT ROLE <roleName>;To list all the grants for a role on the given <objectName> (only allowed for Sentry admin users and other users that have been granted the role specified by<roleName>). The following command will also list any column-level privileges:SHOW GRANT ROLE <roleName> on OBJECT <objectName>;Example: Using Grant/Revoke Statements to Match an Existing Policy FileHere is a sample policy file:[groups] # Assigns each Hadoop group to its set of roles manager = analyst_role, junior_analyst_role analyst = analyst_role jranalyst = junior_analyst_role customers_admin = customers_admin_role admin = admin_role[roles] # The uris below define a define a landing skid which # the user can use to import or export data from the system. # Since the server runs as the user "hive" files in that directory # must either have the group hive and read/write set or # be world read/write. analyst_role = server=server1->db=analyst1, \ server=server1->db=jranalyst1->table=*->action=select server=server1->uri=hdfs://ha-nn-uri/landing/analyst1 junior_analyst_role = server=server1->db=jranalyst1, \ server=server1->uri=hdfs://ha-nn-uri/landing/jranalyst1# Implies everything on server1.admin_role = server=server1The following sections show how you can use the new GRANT statements to assign privileges to roles (and assign roles to groups) to match the sample policy file above. Grant privileges to analyst_role:CREATE ROLE analyst_role; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE analyst1 TO ROLE analyst_role; GRANT SELECT ON DATABASE jranalyst1 TO ROLE analyst_role; GRANT ALL ON URI 'hdfs://ha-nn-uri/landing/analyst1' \ TO ROLE analyst_role;Grant privileges to junior_analyst_role:CREATE ROLE junior_analyst_role; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE jranalyst1 TO ROLE junior_analyst_role; GRANT ALL ON URI 'hdfs://ha-nn-uri/landing/jranalyst1' \ TO ROLE junior_analyst_role;Grant privileges to admin_role:CREATE ROLE admin_role GRANT ALL ON SERVER server TO ROLE admin_role;Grant roles to groups:GRANT ROLE admin_role TO GROUP admin; GRANT ROLE analyst_role TO GROUP analyst; GRANT ROLE jranalyst_role TO GROUP jranalyst;。
