课件提纲 Bible Quiz
効果 活動
口をつけて含むとおっぱいがもらえるというスキームを用いる 口をつけて含むとおっぱいがもらえるというスキームの失敗
効果 活動
お乳はもらえない ゆび 口をつけて含む
同 化
効果 活動
お乳がもらえる おっぱい 口をつけて含む
• 一度、子どもがこれらの新しい知識を獲得する と、これらを使ってさらに複雑な対象について の知識を獲得し、さらに複雑な活動を行おうと する。 • この結果、さらに複雑なパターンを理解し、さ らにまた複雑な対象を構築することになる。 • かくて次の一層高いレベルの活動と経験が再組 織されることで完了する新しいステージが始ま る。
より複雑な より複雑な 複雑
ピアジェは、子どもを、生物学的発達あるいは 外的に与えられた刺激を消極的に受け止める だけの受動的存在としてみるのではなく、この 過程に積極的に参加する能動的存在として みなした。
• これらの「実験」の結果によって、子どもはスキーム (シェマ、「物理的世界・社会的世界はどのように作 用しているのかに関する理論」)を構築する。
• これは現実とは異なった次元での「個人の心」 というものがでてきている証拠で、精神の健全 な発達を示すものである。
• たとえば、生まれた赤ん坊が、はじめて口に乳 房をあたえられる。子どもは生まれつきにもっ ている構造(無条件反射の機構)で、乳房にすい つく。そうすると、甘い汁がでてくる。甘い汁 =乳房というスキームが成立するのだ。 • これはもちろん、観念ではない。ただの、運動 のスキームである。だから、ピアジェは・これ を〈感覚運動的スキーム〉とよんでいる。
lecture 4 Shakespeare课件提纲
Unit Five: A Brief Introduction to ShakespeareTeaching Aims:1. Learn the life and the time of Shakespeare.2. Introduce the major literature achievements of Shakespeare3. Appreciate some frequently quotations from Shakespeare4. Some discussion on Shakespeare and his influence on the English language and literature1. Knowledge Quiz1.What nationality was Shakespeare? English2. In which town was Shakespeare born? Stratford3. When was Shakespeare born? 15644. When did he die? 16165. Shakespeare lived during the reign of which English monarchs?Queen Elizabeth I and King James I6. Which of these was not Shakespeare‟s plays?Shakespeare in Love7. What is Shakespeare most famous for? Writing plays8. Which of the following plays by Shakespeare is NOT a comedy ?Romeo and Juliet9. Which of the following plays does not belong to Shakespeare's great tragedies ? Romeo and Juliet10. The sentence "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare's ________ . sonnets(十四行诗)11. How many plays did Shakespeare wrote? Over 302. William Shakespeare’s lifeBorn in 1564 in Stratford-Upon-Avon at age 18 married Anne Hathaway three children, two daughters and a son moved to London in the late fifteen eighties.Besides a writer, Shakespeare was also a theater producer, a part owner of an acting company called the King's Men and an actor. In fifteen ninety-nine Shakespeare's company built its own theater called The Globe. Shakespeare's theater group also performed in other places such as Blackfriars Theater, or travel around the countryside to perform, sometimes performed at the palace of the English ruler Queen Elizabeth or, later, King James the First.3. William Shakespea re’s worksTragediesMacbeth 麦克白King Lear 李尔王Hamlet 哈姆雷特Othello 奥瑟罗Romeo and JulietTitus Andronicus 泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯Julius Caesar 裘力斯·凯撒Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼与克莉奥佩屈拉Coriolanus 科利奥兰纳斯Troilus and Cressida 特洛埃围城记Timon of Athens 雅典的泰门ComediesTwelfth Night or What You Will 第十二夜The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人As You Like It 皆大欢喜A Midsummer Night‘s Dream 仲夏夜之梦Much Ado About Nothing 无事生非Measure for Measure 一报还一报The Tempest 暴风雨Taming of the Shrew 驯悍记The Comedy of Errors 错中错All…s Well That Ends Well 终成眷属The Merry Wives of Windsor 温莎的风流娘们Love…s Labour‟s Lost 爱的徒劳Cymbeline 辛白林The Winter's Tale 冬天的故事The Tempest 暴风雨HistoriesHenry IV, part 1, 2 亨利四世(上下)Henry V 亨利五世Henry VI, part 1, 2, 3 亨利六世(上中下)Henry VIII 亨利八世King John 约翰王Richard II 理查二世Richard III 理查三世PoemsThe Rape of Lucrece 鲁克丽丝失贞记Venus and Adonis 维纳斯和阿多尼斯Sonnets (154)4. Characteristics of William Shakespeare’s plays plot construction characters language4.1 Plot ConstructionShakespeare's plays are well-known for their adroit plot construction.His work looked at common human themes, such as betrayal, murder, lust, power, ambition and love. These themes are as much a part of human nature today as they were all those years ago 4.2 CharactersShakespeare's major characters are individuals representing certain types and have their own personalities.Hamlet: 遇事犹豫不决,顾虑重重的人Romeo: 英俊潇洒的男子Cleopatra: 绝代佳人Shylock: 贪婪、残忍、不择手段守财奴Shakespeare succeeds in exploring the characters' inner mind. The soliloquies(独白)in his plays fully reveal the inner conflict of his characters.This soliloquy is taken from Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet, Act III, Scene I.Hamlet,facing the dilemma of action & mind,is hesitating whether he should revenge for his father,which may bring him death,or he should suffer & hide his hatred for his uncle in his deep heart,which may secure his lifeBy asking “To be or no not to be”, Hamlet revealed his innermost thoughts to the audience. He is meant to contrast two universal individuals —the man of contemplation and the man of action. Hamlet analyzes everything too deeply and is thus prevented from taking any clear course. Hamlet's essential dilemma is one that has confronted men throughout the ages; and this confrontation —between duty and morality, courage and fear, right and wrong, life and death —will assuredly persist for all ages to come.Hamlet’s soliloquiesTo be, or not to be,--- that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them.To die: to sleep;No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocksThat flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummationDevoutly to be wish'dTo die, to sleep;To sleep: perchance to dream: aye, there's the rub;For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,Must give us pause: there's the respectThat makes calamity of so long life;For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,The insolence of office, and the spurnsThat patient merit of the unworthy takes,When he himself might his quietus makeWith a bare bodkin?who would fardels bear,To grunt and sweat under a weary life,But that the dread of something after death,The undiscover'd country from whose bournNo traveler returns, puzzles the will,And makes us rather bear those ills we haveThan fly to others that we know not of?Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great pitch and momentWith this regard their currents turn awryAnd lose the name of action.Words and Phrases:Slings:投石器By opposing end them: put an end to them by fighting against them rather than stoically enduring them.That flesh is heir to: which the human body has to takeDevoutly: sincerelyConsummation: the point at which sth. is made perfectPerchance: perhapsRub: difficulty or cause of troubleShuffle off one‟s mortal coil:(委婉语) to dieCalamity: misfortune, disasterContumely: contemptuous treatmentPang: sudden and sharp feeling of painDisprized: undervaluedInsolence: showing disrespectful rudenessSpurn: rejectQuietus: deathGrunt:呻吟Bourn: borderHue: shade of colorPitch: importanceAwry: away from the right courseTranslation:生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题;要做到高贵,究竟该忍气吞声来容受狂暴的命运矢石交攻呢,还是该挺身反抗无边的苦恼,扫它个干净?死,就是睡眠——就这样;而如果睡眠就等于了结了心痛以及千百种身体要担受的皮痛肉痛,那该是天大的好事,正求之不得啊!死,就是睡眠;睡眠也许要做梦,这就麻烦了!我们一旦摆脱了尘世的牵缠在死的睡眠里还会做些什么梦,想到就不能不踌躇。
课件提纲 Lecture 5 Idioms
Lecture Five Idioms★Lead-inTake these exercises as a quiz to check your knowledge of idioms“Do English idioms drive you round the bend (使发疯,使发狂), send you potty (使发疯似的, 使着迷的) or make you go bananas (发疯, 神经错乱)? Maybe you find them as clear as mud (令人费解,让人摸不到头脑), and they leave you thinking that you are as thick as two short planks (笨得像木头人)because you can't get your head around them (理解,明白)? Well, help is at hand - try this book and you could end up thinking that you are Jack the Lad (有自信但鲁莽,酷哥) and on top of it all (数一数二的,首屈一指的). -Cambridge University Press put together 7000 of the most common idioms in English.”✦- How do you know about John's illness?- Oh, I heard it on the grapevine.from bamboo telegraph通过非正式的渠道得到的,小道的✦He always goes at things like a bull in a china shop!clumsy, reckless 莽撞行事,笨拙卤莽,笨手笨脚✦Let's call it a day. I am very tired and we have covered the main points of the meeting I think.have a rest, have a break vi. 收工(休息,终止)✦You should fall in with our arrangements; we can't make alternative plans for you.agree with , approve of vt. 同意,和...一致✦“Do you think Mary will quit her job now that she…s pregnant?” "Yeah, when pigs fly!by no means 永无可能;决不可能✦She had to bite the bullet and give in to her boss's unreasonable demands.set sb‟s teeth, clench one's teeth 忍痛,咬紧牙关;咬子弹(强忍痛苦)✦When Carol's son got an F on his report card, she hit the ceiling!Extremely angry, fly into a rage勃然大怒, 暴跳如雷, 大发雷霆★Idioms with Animals★To eat like a horse.★To eat a great deal 狼吞虎咽★To work like a horse★To work very hard 象黄牛一样干活,拼命工作★A dead horse matter★No longer of concern 已成定局★A willing horse★A keen worker 心甘情愿努力干活的人,孺子牛★A dark horse★A person or thing whose true character and worth is unknown but may be better than is thought 黑马,出其不意的获胜者★Hold your horses★Stop, wait 耐心些,别着急,等一等★Lock the stable door after the horse has bolted★Take action too late 贼去关门,为时已晚;亡羊补牢★Put the cart before the horse★To do things in the wrong order车置马前(喻指本末倒置)★Change horses midstream★Change one's opinions in the middle of something 中途变卦,阵前换将★Horse Opera★A cowboy movie 西部片(尤指反映19世纪下半叶美国西部生活的电影,电视剧等)★Horse player★A gambler 常赌马之人,赌徒,赌棍★Horse trading★Making business deals after hard and skilful bargaining 经过精明算计的交易; 讨价还价★Horse sense★Common sense 常识Idioms with bird★an early bird 早到者,早起的人★a cunning bird 机灵鬼★the Swan of Avon 埃文河上的天鹅,卓越的诗人,歌手Idioms with dog★an old dog 老手,有经验的人★a lucky dog 幸运儿,幸运之人★a dumb dog 沉默不语的人Idioms with fish✦ a big fish 大人物,大亨✦ a big fish in a small pond 小地方的大人物,小圈子里的重要人物, 鸡头✦like shooting fish in a barrel 桶里射鱼(瓮中捉鳖)✦there are other fish in the sea 天涯何处无芳草Idioms with other animals✦at a snail‟s pace缓慢地, 慢条斯里✦parrot fashion 鹦鹉学舌✦cry wolf 狼来了,发假警报(在不需要援助时求援), 谎言欺人✦kill the goose that lays the golden egg 杀鸡取卵; 竭泽而渔✦throw someone to the lion 送入虎口✦wolf in sheep‟s clot hing 披着羊皮的狼, 口蜜腹剑的人In-class Exercisesbee horse donkey mouse chicken lion tiger fish lark mule bat goose lamb sheep fox bear owl eel1. as busy as a(n) bee2. as cunning as a(n) fox3. as strong as a(n) horse4. as slippery as a(n) eel5. as blind as a(n) bat6. as meek as a(n) sheep7. as happy as a(n) lark8. as foolish as a(n) donkey9. as stubborn as a(n) mule10. as wise as a(n) owl11. as majestic as a(n) lion12. as stupid as a(n)goos eTranslate the following Animal Idioms✦ 1. love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌✦ 2. lead a dog‟s life过着牛马一样的生活✦ 3. hold a wolf by the ears 骑虎难下✦ 4. drink like a fish 牛饮✦ 5. make a lion‟s meal of狼吞虎咽✦ 6. Scapegoat 替罪羊✦7. like a drowned rat 落汤鸡✦8. black sheep 害群之马✦9. chicken-hearted 胆小如鼠✦10. triton among the minnows 鹤立鸡群✦11. fish in the troubled water 浑水摸鱼✦12. birds of the same feather 一丘之貉✦ 1. 亚洲四小龙four tigers✦ 2. 鸡犬不宁的生活 a cat and dog life✦ 3. 吹牛talk horse✦ 4. 狐假虎威donkey in a lion‟s hide✦ 5. 摸老虎屁股twist the lion‟s tail✦Idioms with colourssee red怒不可遏;怒火中烧;火冒三丈a red-letter day大喜之日,不寻常的一天1. It takes weeks to go through all the red tape involved in getting permission.A. important occasionsB. necessary documentsC. complicated official rules and regulations, esp. when these are considered unnecessary. 繁琐的官方规则,尤指不必要的规则2. He‟s the blue-eyed boy and has been promoted several times in the past two years.A. a very handsome and capable personB. a person treated with special favour by somebodyC. a person who often irritates others.宠儿;红人3. He‟s still green and bound to make mistakes, but I think he‟ll bear watching.B. too weak to depend on himselfC. lacking experience, not mature enough.新手,不世故的,天真的, 易受骗的, 没有经验的4. She was tickled pink when she heard that she was the only person who was offered such a chance.A. extremely pleasedB. extremely offendedC. extremely upset乐不可支;喜不自胜;眉开眼笑;高兴极了5. I‟m afraid we shouldn‟t go on chatting like this. The new manager could arrive out of blue.A. unexpectedly; without warningB. with an angry expressionC. to give somebody a lesson.意外的,突入其来的, 事先未告知的6. Our boss is rather stern and sometimes looks a bit haughty, but he isn‟t really as black as he’s painted.A. as dark-skinned as he is describedB. as dangerous as he looksC. as bad as he is said to be不像别人说得那么坏, 不像传说中的那么坏7. He‟s browned off with his job and decided to enter a university to study for his second degree.A. unequal toB. bored; fed upC. desperate for.厌烦的8. No doubt that your father has green fingers. What a lovely garden!A. has a skill in keeping grass green foreverB. works very hardC. has a skill in growing plants绿手指,园艺能手9.I‟m afraid something bad may happen. We need to prepare for the worst.A. I’ve seen the red light.B. I‟ve seen the green light.C. I‟ve seen the yellow light.觉察危险迫近10. The government has finally given permission to start the project that has been discussed forA. given the red light toB. given the green light toC. given the yellow light to准许某人做某事;开绿灯11. We seldom see you, but you are off the next minute.A. see you only once in a blue moon.B. see you only once in a silver moon.C. see you only once in a grey moon.千载难逢地;极少地;破天荒地; 几乎见不到面12. She has been in very good health after she made a habit of jogging every morning.A. in the brownB. in the redC. in the pink精神或身体状态好, 满面红光(非常健康)13. Mr. Johnson is the chief editor in this press who is responsible for crossing out or altering the offensive parts of a book before it is shown to the public.A. holds the red pencil.B. holds the blue pencil.C. holds the black pencil.有权校订, 大权在握、把关14. This is a rich district where many wealthy people live in their luxurious houses.A. a brown-stone districtB. a red-stone districtC. a white-stone district富人住宅区, 富人区15. What a relief when I found that I still have money in my bank account! But I can‟t spend money like this any longer.A. I‟m in the red.B. I’m in the black.C. I‟m in the blue.银行里还有钱, 有偿付能力的16. He was discovered in the act of cheating by looking up his textbooks in the examination.A. caught red-handed.B. caught white-handed.C. caught black-handed.考试作弊; 当场发现某人正做坏事或犯罪17. What a fabulous car! ---- I‟m very jealous.A. red with envy.B. blue with envy.C. green with envy.嫉妒, 红眼病18.That was only a harmless lie. I didn‟t want to hurt her. I know if she knew the truth, she would do something silly.A. a green lieB. a white lieC. a grey lie善意的谎言19. As a man with plenty of guts, he is the person who is expected to bring success to his company which is on the verge of bankrupt.A. the white hope.B. the red hope.C. the green hope.众望所归的, 寄予厚望者20. The new rules for police procedure cleared up a lot of ambiguous areas which had been difficult to deal with.A. black areasB. grey areasC. blue areas灰色地带, 含糊不清的地方★Idioms with Nationality✦beat the Dutch 空前出众; 干的事叫人惊叹✦go Dutch 各人自付钱(吝嗇)✦one's old Dutch 各人自付钱(吝嗇)✦ A Dutch uncle 唠里唠叨训人的人✦Dutch concert 极其嘈杂,喧闹,各唱各调的音乐会✦Dutch courage 藉酒逞勇的行为✦Dutch defense 虚张声势✦Dutch comfort 既胆小退缩,又自我安慰✦Dutch gain 指一方获利的买卖✦I'm a Dutchman, if ... 如果我‧‧‧,我就不是人!✦American dream 人人自由,机会均等✦American tragedy 精神崩溃,道德败坏✦Castles in Spain 世外桃源,白日之梦✦Chinaman's chance 机会有限✦Chinese walls 严格保密,万无一失✦Chinese rose 月季花✦corn in Egypt 格外富饶✦Egyptian punishment 大祸临头✦walk Spanish 小心翼翼✦Spanish athlete 吹牛的人✦take a French leave 不辞而别✦French window 落地长窗✦fiddle which Rome burns 冷酷无情✦flesh pots of Egypt 裹足不前✦Greek gifts 来着不善,不安好心✦Greek god 美男子✦Do in Rome as the Romans do 入乡随俗✦Something rotten in the state of Denmark 情况极糟,形势危机✦When Greek meets Greek then comes the tug-of-war两雄相遇,必有一争;二虎相争✦From China to Peru 天涯海角。
2. Understanding unfamiliar use of language
Understanding unusual figures of speech • He is as mad as a hatter / as a box of frogs.
• Last night James asked me to help him with his homework, I refused him because I had a movie ticket burning in my pocket at that time.
• 有一只蜜蜂在你旳帽子 (being annoyed)
• In every country and regardless of their social systems, there must be someone in the house who will bring home the bacon.
• cast pearls before swine 明珠暗投
• Idle hands are the devil's tools.
Bible Stories in Western Literature and Painting
• E.g. John Milton’s Paradise Lost
• Education has become a burning issue in this election.
Understanding English idioms
• At the sight of the enemy troops, the frightened soldier showed a clean pair of heels.
bible (1)
The Bible (Judaism &Christianity): bibliographyHoly Scripture: script-- writeScribble: Do not scribble on the wall!Describe; prescribe; ascribe (to); subscribe; manuscriptOld testament: the law; the prophets; the writings (Hebrew-- Greek)PentateuchGenesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers; DeuteronomyNew testament: Gospels; Acts; Epistles; ApocalypseThe original SinThe tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evilAdam—rib--- Eve---- fig-leafNoah Ark—the pigeon and the olive branchBabel tower--- languageChristianity: Roman Catholic Church; Eastern Orthodox Church (Pope; Cardinal; bishop; Catholic father/sister; priest; monk/nun);Protestant Church (minister)Catholic: general; universal---catholicity: This is a story about catholicity and love.Catholicon: Say sorry to your wife whenever you have divergences.It is a catholicon to clear up divergences.Cross: crucial: Negotiations were at a crucial stage.Cruciform: The rock drill has cruciform cutting edges, used in mining.Crucify: Jesus Christ was crucified to redeem (redemption, salvation) the sin of humanCrux: Now we come to the crux of the problem.1.Adam’s apple2.cross the fingereg. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.3.cross the heart4.apple of one’s eyeeg: Little Mary is the apple of her father’s eye.5.bone of the bone and flesheg. : Our army is bone of the bone and flesh of the people.6.bone to pickeg: I have a bone to pick with you. Why didn’t you return my money?7.as curious as Lot’s wifeeg. : Curious as Lot’s wife, Helen can’t get along well with her classmates.7. as devout as Abrahameg: I appreciate a man as devout as Abraham.8. as eloquent as Aaroneg.: The member of the debate team requires you to be as eloquent as Aaron.9. finger/ handwriting/ writing on the walleg.: At times, the words haunted her like handwriting on the wall.10. as forceful as Samsoneg.: The young man wants to be as forceful as Samson.11. as Greedy as Ahabeg: I never want to be with that man, he is greedy as Ahab.12. as vicious as Jezebeleg.: The author portrayed his mother as a vicious Jezebel.13. as wise as Solomoneg.: In some of the divorce cases you read about nowadays, one would need to be as wise as Solomon to know which party was the more at fault.14. Caineg. What in Cain did you do yesterday? The children raised Cain in the living room.15. kill the fatted calfEg. : Do you kill the fatted calf when your friend was here.16. land of promise (Canaan)17. not an iota ofEg.: There is not an iota of truth in his report.18. salt of the earthEg.: You are the salt of the earth. Our hope is place on you.19. scapegoatEg.: He is just a scapegoat. The real murderer is his brother.20. sell one’s birthright for a mess of pottageEg.: many people who are willing to prostitute their intelligence for a mess of pottage.21. separate the sheep from the goatsEg.: This test should separate the sheep from the goats.22. Sodom and GomorrahEg.: This place is famous for its Gomorrahean sensuality and corruption.We must take steps to keep the youths from books of Sodom and Gomorrah.23. the alpha and omegaEg.: The alpha and omega of my heart’s wishes broke involuntarily from my lips.24. wash one’s handEg.: I washed my hands of the whole matter.。
Introduction to Bible
The Old Testament
originally written in Hebrew and later it was translated into Greek and Latin. Christianity regards the Old Testament as an accurate record of God’s dealings with His people in preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ, containing much New Testament teaching at its early stage of development.
the Law:
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
the Prophets the Writings
The New Testament
the part of the Bible concerned with the
life and teachings of Jesus Christ and his earliest followers
the Bible
What Is The Bible
The Bible, a collection of sacred books of
Judaism and Christianity, is composed of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament
Septuagint : There is a pretty little story which tells how the version got
欧洲文化入门--中世纪 ppt课件
在物理学方面,特别是对 于光学的研究 他通过实验研 究了凸透镜的放大效果以及 光的反向和折射规律,证明 了虹是太阳光照射空气中的 水珠而形成的自然现象。
Experimental Science(实验科学)
IV. Literature
National Epics –the product of the Heroic Age. Written in vernacular languages
A. Beowulf
史诗《贝奥武甫》主要描写了古叶亚特某国王的侄子,贝奥武 甫的三次英勇战绩。他初次与怪兽格兰德尔相搏,重创怪兽;继而 又与其母在水下搏击,使巨剑亦杀其母。然后载誉而归,统治国家 达50年之久。其后,一喷火伤人的巨龙出现,贝奥武甫拼其残年 余力,为民杀龙除害后死去。
查理曼建造寺院学校,鼓励、支持学者做学问,并让抄 写员抄录各种古籍书刊。由于抄写员们工作非常努力,因此, 当时的古典书籍几乎都被保存了下来。他所做出的这些贡献被 称之为“卡洛琳复兴”。在这一小规模的复兴—卡洛琳复兴中, 法兰克或日尔曼国家吸收了罗马古典文化和希伯来基督文化的 财富。
2. Alfred the Great and Wessex Center of Learning 阿尔弗雷德大帝
Augustine of Hippo
1、《忏悔录》 (The Confession)
Goal Orientation
Each character in One Piece has a clear goal or dream that guides them This teachers children the importance of having goals and working towards them
02 Vocabulary and Grammar in One Piece
New Vocabulary
Summary words
Rich and diverse vocabulary
Detailed description
One Piece English courseware helps learners expand their vocabulary by introducing rich vocabulary related to One Piece. These vocabulary cover various topics such as navigation, combat, character emotions, etc., which helps learners to have a more comprehensive understanding of English
Complex Grammar
Summary words
in-depth analysis of grammatical structures
Detailed description
One Piece English courseware provides in-depth analysis of complex English grammar structures, helping learners better understand and apply grammar rules through vivid context and example sentences. The course also provides a large number of exercises and activities to enhance learners' grammar skills.
4课件提纲 Bible
Lecture4The Bible●Lead in●“Love is patien t;love is kind;love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.It doesnot insist on its own way;it is not irritable or resentful;it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth.It bears all things,believe all things,hopes all things,endures all things.Love never ends.”---the Bible 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈,爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂,不作害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计较人家的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理,凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐,凡事要忍耐,爱是永不止息。
●A Brief IntroductionBible is also called the Holy Bible,the sacred book or Scriptures of Judaism and of Christianity.The Old Testament is also called Hebrew Bible.It is the sacred book of Judaism&Christianity. It recounts the history of Hebrew.The New Testament is the sacred book of Christianity only.It reflects both Hebrew culture and Greek culture.When?The entire Bible was written over a period of1,500years from about1450B.C.to100A.D. Who?Its authors include more than40men from a variety of backgrounds including prophets(预言家),priests,fishermen,kings,tax collectors(征税者),and doctors.What?The entire Bible was written over a period of1,500years from about1450B.C.to100A.D. The Bible itself contains a total of66books and is divided into two parts,The Old Testament (39books,written in Hebrew)and The New Testament(27books,written in Greek).Do you know what“testament”means?Testament:“agreement”or“contract““covenant”即”约,约定”,是神与他的子民所订立的约;圣约The Old Testament was about things before Jesus Christ’s birth,while the New Testament was about things after Jesus Christ’s birth.The Bible covers a wide range of literary styles.It includes history,poetry,law,biography, prophecy,philosophy,science and inspirational reading(励志文章).The major theme of the Bible,however,is God's relationship with man.Throughout the Bible, God expresses Himself to mankind through acts of protection,provision(委以圣职),love and judgment.The Bible also answers many important questions that men of all ages have asked such as,"Where have I come from?""Where am I going?""Why do I exist?""What is truth?"How important?"the greatest book ever written."Even though it was written more than2,000years ago,the Bible continues to influence people today.Many basic concepts and principles of Western culture have come down from the Bible.Many common English phrases and expressions have their origin in the Bible as well.So far,the Bible has been translated into2,018languages and every year more copies of the Bible are sold than any other single book.●Genesis(创世纪)Day One:Light and DarknessDay two:SkyDay Three:Dry land,sea and vegetationDay Four:Sun,Moon and StarsDay Five:Fish and BirdsDay Six:Land Animals and ManDay Seven:Rest(Sabbath Day)●Ten Commandments(十戒)Ten Commandments are a list of religious and moral imperatives that were written by God and through Moses,given to the people of Israel,and which was destined to shape the morals of the society of the world.1.Do not worship other Gods.2.Do not make idols.3.Do not take God’s name in vain.4.Keep one day a week for rest&worship.5.Honor your parents.6.Do not murder.7.Do not commit adultery.8.Do not steal.9.Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.10.Do not covet anything that is your neighbor’s.●Terms1.He is as old as Methuselah.Methuselah.寿星的代名词2.Mike is the ideal person to be in charge of customer complaints.He has the patience of Job.as patient/poor as Job3.The little well is a widow's cruse,which never dries,even in the severe season of drought.“a widow’s cruse”(寡妇的坛子)用来表示取之不竭的聚宝盆。
Quiz 61.Directions: Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the originalsentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.1) The first span of the bridge is one hundred meters long.A. prefaceB. sectionC. blockD. phase2) Statistics indicate that there are more boys than girls attending school.A. NumbersB. AccountC. SchoolmasterD. Calculations3) Lampreys (七鳃鳗) and hagfish (盲鳗) have slimy, scaleless bodies shaped somewhat like the bodies of eels.A. in some casesB. at some timesC. to some degreeD. for some reasons4) De Vaca did the only wise thing by asking the Indians for food and shelter in their village.A. sensitiveB. sensibleC. sentimentalD. sensational5) The United States was a divided nation in 1850—half slave and half free.A. alliedB. combinedC. separatedD. united6) Virtually all species of animals communicate either through sounds or through a large repertory of soundless codes.A. SimultaneouslyB. AbsolutelyC. BasicallyD. Almost7) A baby’s blood has slightly more hemoglobin(血红素)than that of an adult.A. noB. a littleC. evenD. very much8) In a 1983 newspaper poll, Ann Landers, an advice columnist, was listed among the twenty-five most influential women in the United States.A. surveyB. articleC. headlineD. conference9) A fundamental premise (前提) of a free-enterprise economic system is that all small business face difficult competition.A. confrontB. takeC. loseD. appreciate10) A cup of whole milk provides roughly one hundred and sixty-six calories (热量) of energy.A. barelyB. coarselyC. onlyD. approximately11) Tanagers (唐纳雀) are usually found in the forests, where they feed on insects, fruits, and flowers.A. huntB. eatC. keepD. see12) Probability is the mathematical study of the likelihood of an event’s occurrence.A. predictabilityB. possibilityC. feasibilityD. undeniability2.Directions: Complete the following passage by choosing appropriate words given in thebrackets.Where do pesticides (杀虫剂) fit into the picture of environmental disease We have seen that they now 1)______(destroy/pollute) soil, water, and food, and that they have the2)______ (power/strength) to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlandssilent and birdless. Man, 3)_______(however much/whatever) he may like to pretend the contrary, is part of nature. Can he escape a pollution that is now so thoroughly4)________(disturbed/distributed) throughout our worldWe know that even single exposures 5)_______(to/in) these chemicals, if the amount is6)______(enough large/large enough), can cause extremely severe poisoning. But this is notthe major problem. The sudden illness or death of farmers, farm workers, and others7)____________(experiencing/exposed to) sufficient quantities of pesticides is very sad andshould not occur. For the population as a whole, we must be more8)_________(concerned/concerning) with the delayed effects of absorbing small amounts ofpesticides that 9)________(noticeably/invisibly) pollute our world.Responsible public health officials have 10)_______(predicted/pointed out)that the biological 11)_______(effects/affects) of chemicals are cumulative (累积的)over long periods of time, and that the danger to the individual may 12)_________(depend on/determine) the sum of the exposures received throughout his or her lifetime. For these very reasons the danger is easily ignored. It is human nature to shake off (摆脱,避开)13)_______(what/that) may seem to us a threat of future disaster. “Men are naturally mostimpressed by diseases which have obvious 14)_______(signs/signals),” says a wise physician, Dr Rene Dubos, “yet some of their worst enemies slowly 15)_________(approach/access) them unnoticed.3.Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.1)If you are aware of what behavior is being rewarded in a given situation,______________________ (你便可以随之改变你的行为). (accordingly)2)He found ________ (收入减少大约56%) upon retirement among a sample of about2,000 people. (approximately, reduction)3)Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, ___________ (因为它们的干净、有韧性和低成本). (by virtue of, toughness)4)The military fathers often believe that if they seek help for a problem, theymay_____________ (冒着使他们处于非常不利境地的风险) and thus ruin their career.(risk the danger of)5)_______ (要成为一名合格的医生),you have to study a long time and pass exams.(qualify)6)_______ (人造丝绸看起来和摸起来很像天然丝绸),but people still prefer that latter.7)This remarkable girl was sent to me____________ (应我需要一名合格秘书的要求). (inresponse to)8)_________ (艺术不仅反映一个民族的政治价值观),but also religious beliefs,emotions, and psychology. (reflect)9)In many businesses, ______ (计算机已在很大程度上替代了日常的文书工作),because they are fast, flexible, and reliable. (replace)10)Usually, the more difficult a shrub (灌木) is to grow, __________ (它的价格越高).Key to quiz 61.1) Bpreface 序言;section 一段,一节;block 障碍(物),街区;phase 时期,阶段2)Astatistics 统计数字,统计资料;calculation 计算,计算出来的结果3) Csomewhat 有点,稍微;to some degree 在一定程度上4) Bsensitive 敏感的;sensible 可察觉到的,明智的;sentimental 感伤的,情感的;sensational 耸人听闻的,轰动的5) Cally 联合,联盟。
Bible EnglishTeaching
Use biblical texts to help students improve their reading comprehension skills and build their vocabulary.
Assign reading materials related to biblical themes and encourage students to read and analyze the texts on their own.
Writing skills
Assign writing tasks such as essays, summaries, and reflections on biblical themes to help students improve their writing skills.
Use various methods such as paraphrasing, summarizing, and contextualizing to help students understand the meaning and significance of the stories.
03 Cultural and historical background
Speaking skills
Encourage students to participate in class discussions and debates related to biblical themes to improve their speaking skills.
Reading skills
shéi shuō tā méi chī wǒ de dōng xi tā jiù “谁 说 他 没 吃 我 的 东 西?他 就 zhe wǒ fàn cài de xiāng wèi chī le tā de bǐng 着 我 饭 菜 的 香 味 吃 了 他 的 饼, nán dào bù gāi gěi qián mɑ fàn guǎn lǎo bǎn 难 道 不 该 给 钱 吗?”饭 馆 老 板 qiǎng zhe rǎng le qǐ lái 抢 着 嚷 了 起 来。
提 (提水)驴(毛驴) 评 (评理)
(提问) (驴子) (评比)
(饼干) (活该)
本文主要讲( 阿凡提 )
用自己的聪明智慧帮助了受 欺负的( 穷人 ),教训 了( 饭馆老板 )的有趣
ā fán tí qí zhe xiǎo máo lǘ lái dào yí 阿凡提骑 着 小 毛 驴来 到一 gè jí shì shàng tā kàn jiàn qián miàn fàn guǎn 个 集 市 上。 他 看 见 前 面 饭 馆 mén kǒu wéi zhe yì qún rén zǒu guò qù yí kàn 门 口 围 着 一 群 人, 走 过 去 一 看, yuán lái yǒu liǎng gè rén zhèng zài chǎo jià 原 来 有 两 个 人 正 在 吵 架。
fàn guǎn lǎo bǎn qì shì xiōng xiong de jiū zhe yígèqióng rén 饭 馆 老 板 气 势 汹 汹 的 揪 着 一 个 穷 人, dà shēng rǎng zhe gěi qián kuài gěi qián qióng rén yì biān tuì ràng 大 声 嚷 着:“给 钱! 快 给 钱!” 穷 人 一 边 退 让, yì biān fēn biàn zhe zhè shí tā kàn dào le ā fán tí lián máng shàng 一 边 分 辨 着。这 时,他 看 到 了 阿 凡 提,连 忙 上 qián lā zhù tā shuō ā fán tí nǐ gěi píng ping lǐ bɑ wǒ dào jí 前 拉 住 他 说:“阿 凡 提, 你 给 评 评 理 吧!我 到 集 shì shàng lái mài chái zhōng wǔ zuò zài fàn guǎn mén kǒu chī le cóng 市 上 来 卖 柴, 中 午 坐 在 饭 馆 门 口,吃 了 从 zì jǐ jiā dài lái de bǐng gēn běn méi chī tā de dōng xī 自 己 家 带 来 的 饼, 根 本 没 吃 他 的 东 西……
As they neared Canaan, Moses sent twelve spies to see the land God promised to His people.
The spies all agreed it was beautiful! But only two, Joshua and Caleb, believed they could conquer the land with God's help.
Only Caleb, Joshua, and your children will live to enter the land that you despised."
Forty Years A story from God's Word, the Bible, is found in Exodus 15 to Numbers 14
God replaced the two stone tablets. He told Moses to build a Tabernacle - a big tent with a fence around it – where God would dwell with His people.
They were to worship God there. The pillar of cloud and fire showed God was present with them.
Bible for Children
Written by: Edward Hughes Illustrated by: Janie Forest Adapted by: Lyn Doerksen Produced by: Bible for Children ©2009 Bible for Children, Inc. License: You have the right to copy or print this story, as long as you do not sell it.
Bible 4
• Job 42:10 Yahweh restored to Job his fortune, doubling the amount he had before. • Job 42:12 Yahweh blessed the second part of Job's life more than the first. He had 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 oxen, and 1,000 sheep • Job 42:13 And he had 7 sons and 3 very beautiful daughters
Job lived a long life....
• Job 42:16 After this, Job lived for 140 years. • Job 42:17 Then Job died at a very old age.
Video – South Park
Takes place in a small Colorado town 4 main characters are 8 year old boys Left to right: Cartman, Kyle, Stan and Kenny (Kenny dies in every episode on this TV series)
• Job 1:11 'But if you were to stretch out your hand and destroy everything he has, he would surely curse you to your face.' • Job 1:12 Yahweh said to Satan, 'Fine then, I put everything he has in your power. Only, do not harm the man himself.'
句式分析 过去分词作状语 Satisfied with what he did ,the teacher praised him in class.
佳句仿写 由于对他所做的事情很满意,老师在班上表扬了他。
3. This open and tolerant atmosphere allowed Li Bai the liberty to develop a free and unconstrained personality, which, in turn, had a huge impact on
(1)a representative of (2)represent ...as ...
represent sb to do sth represent to sb sth
……的代表 把……描绘成……
代表某人做某事 向某人传达某事
(经典佳句)The singer is regarded as a representative of the youth of her generation. 这位歌手被看作是她那一代年轻人的典型代表。 [名师点津] 表示代表的词语还有:stand for, be on behalf of。 [练透] 单句语法填空 ①Mr Reed has been selected to represent (represent) us on the committee. ②I have the honour to have been sent as their representative (represent). [写美] 补全句子 ③The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing eight different countries . 这次比赛吸引了代表 8 个不同国家的 500 多名参赛者。
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圣经补充材料Quiz of Genesis1) Genesis begins with the story of creation. Which is the correct order of creation according to Genesis?A) Light; sky; birds and fish; animals and man; earth and plants; heavenly lights;B) Light; sky; birds and fish; earth and plants; heavenly lights; animals and manC) Light; sky; earth and plants; heavenly lights; birds and fish; animals and manD) Light; heavenly lights; sky; birds and fish; earth and plants; animals and man2) From what did God make man?A) A bone.B) The dust of the ground.C) A tree.D) The sand3) How was Eve, the first woman, created?A) God created her from the clay of the ground.B) God created her from one of Adam's ribs.C) Adam wished for a helper and God sent Eve into the Garden of Eden.D) The serpent created her and filled her with evil thoughts.4) God told Adam and Eve they could eat of anything in the Garden of Eden except one forbidden fruit. What was the forbidden fruit ?A) Fruit from the apple tree.B) Fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden.C) Fruit from the pomegranate(石榴)tree.D) Fermented grapes from the vine.5) Of course, they ate the forbidden fruit anyway. What was Eve's excuse when confronted by God?A) "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."B) My husband gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate.”C) "The devil made me do it.”D) "The serpent promised me knowledge of good and evil if I ate."6) What happened when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit?A) Committed the first sinB) Sick to their stomachC) Killed the snakeD) Fed some to the animals7) When Adam and Eve saw that they were naked, what did they do?A) Went swimmingB) Killed an animal for furC) Sewed fig(无花果树)leaves together for clothesD) Used palm(棕榈)leaves to cover themselves8) How was Adam punished for his sin?A) Man would be forced to work the ground for his foodB) He would never eat meat againC) He would die instantlyD) Man would speak multiple languages and would suffer war and strife due to misunderstanding his neighbor9) How was Eve punished for eating the forbidden fruit?A) Greatly multiplied (增加) sorrowB) Greatly multiplied birth painsC) Her husband would rule over herD) All of these10) How was the serpent cursed for deceiving Eve?A) The woman's seed (后代) would bruise (打伤)its head.B) God put enmity(憎恨)between its seed and the woman's seed.C) It had to go on its belly all its life.D) All of these11) God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. How did God make sure they would not return and eat from the tree of life?A) He built a tall wall around the Garden.B) He drove Adam and Eve so far away that they could never find the way back.C) He placed a curse on the garden so that anyone who entered would surely die.D) He placed cherubim(小天使)and a flaming sword to guard the way.Quiz of Noah’s Ark1) Why did the Lord decide to destroy mankind in a flood?A) They had become wicked and had evil in their hearts.B) They had built idols to false gods.C) The number of men was too great for the land to support.D) They had broken the Ten Commandments.2) How many of each type of animal did Noah have on the ark?A) OneB) TwoC) ThreeD) Seven3) How many people rode on the ark?A) Two peopleB) Four peopleC) Eight peopleD) Sixteen people4) How long did the rain last?A) 20 daysB) 40 daysC) 150 daysD) 365 days5) What animal did Noah send out to see if the land was dry?A) an eagleB) a doveC) a lambD) an owl6) What did the dove bring back to Noah?A) Olive leafB) Fig leafC) TwigD) Flower7) What was the covenant(契约, 盟约)between God and Noah?A) Never to flood earth againB) Never to destroy all living creatures againC) Promise to make Noah a fruitful nationD) Promise that Noah would have lots of childrenQuiz of Babel1) The word Babel sounds very like the word "Balal," which has what meaning in Hebrew?A) Gate of GodB) ArrogantC) Far ReachingD) Confused2) According to Genesis, why did men build the Tower of Babel?A) To avoid dispersing (分散)B) To seek a reputationC) To reach unto heavenD) All of these3) However, God was not pleased with these arrogant men who wanted to build a tower to heaven and be like gods themselves. What did God do to punish them?A) He destroyed the city in a storm of fire and brimstone(硫黄).B) He confused their language and scattered them over the face of the earth.C) He destroyed the tower with a tremendous bolt of lightning.D) He sent a plague of locusts(蝗虫)into the city.Quiz of Jesus Christ1) Jesus was born inA) Bethlehem, USAB) Bethlehem, JudeaC) Nazareth2) "Christ" meansA) in English Jesus, in Greek MessiahB) in English the anointed one, in Hebrew MessiahC) in English Baptist in Greek Christianity3) "Jesus Christ" is mentioned inA) the Old TestamentB) the New TestamentC) both4) How many apostles (使徒) did Jesus nominate?A) 12B) 7C) 115) Jesus was betrayed byA) JudeB) Judas IscariotC) the Gospel of Judas6) For how many pieces of silver did Judas betray Christ?A) 10B) 20C) 30D) 407) How did Judas betray Christ?A) By pointing at himB) Described him to the authoritiesC) With a kissD) Shook his hand8) Jesus was executed on the orders ofA) The JewsB) The CrusadersC) Pontius Pilate9) Jesus Christ was crucified inA) 6 BCB) 1 ADC) 30 AD10) Which disciple wanted to see the imprint of the nails before he would believe?A) AndrewB) ThomasC) JamesD) Bartholomew。