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Para1 S1 写信目的

Para2 S1 处境现状(严重)。S2 有建议。S3 建议1。S4 建议2。(S5 建议3。)Para3 S1 感谢。S2 期待。



Dear Sir or Madam,

(/To whom if may concern / To those concerned,)

【P1S1】I am writing this letter for the purpose of making some suggestions to improve the service of our library.

【P2S1】Although our library functions positively(积极的) in enriching the students’ campus life, its service goes far from being desired. 【P2S2】In my eyes, the following measures need to be taken as soon as possible. 【P2S3】In the first place, why not arrange an inquiry desk at the circulation hall? 【P2S4】In addition, the students should have access to the latest issues of foreign magazines. (【P2S5】Lastly, you should (/ had) better maintain strict order at the reading room.)

【P3S1】Thank you for spending time (in) reading this letter(/I sincerely hope that you will take my advice into consideration). 【P3S2】I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience(方便;合宜) (/I am looking forward to seeing some new changes in the service).

Yours sincerely(/ Sincerely yours),

Zhang Wei

Para1 S1 写信目的(感谢)

Para2 S1 原因1。S2 原因2。S3 感谢方式(邀请对方)。

Para3 S1 再次感谢。S2 祝福对方。



Dear Jack (/ Tom / Judy),

【P1S1】I am writing this letter for the purpose of expressing (/extending /conveying) my sincere thanks (/gratitude) to you for your warm reception (/hospitality) while I was in America (/While I participated (参加,参与)in the exchange program in America ) .

【P2S1】Your generous(慷慨的, 大方的,慷慨给予的) help made it possible that I had a pleasant stay and a chance to know America culture better. 【P2S2】Besides, I consider it an honor for me to made friends with you and I will cherish(珍爱, 珍视, 爱护,钟爱) the goodwill(友谊) you showed to me wherever I go. 【P2S3】I do( /genuinely /sincerely ) hope that you would(/will) visit China in due course(适当的时候) so that I could enjoy the opportunity to repay yours kinds and refresh our friendship(加深友谊).

【P3S1】Once again, please accept my heartfelt gratitude(由衷感谢). 【P3S2】Wish you all the best.

Yours sincerely(/ Sincerely yours),

Zhang Wei

Para1 S1 写信目的

Para2 S1 艰辛(你)。S2 激动(你)。S3 值得(你)。S4 鼓舞(我)。S5 骄傲(我)。

Para3 S1 再次祝贺。S2 期待更大成功。



Dear Jack (/ Tom / Judy),

【P1S1】I am writing this letter for the purpose of expressing (/extending /conveying) my warmest congratulations on your graduation from the Graduate School(/your promotion to general manager of the company(荣升公司总经理)).

【P2S1】I know how hard you have worked to attain((通常经过努力)实现, 达到, 获得,得到) this goal. 【P2S2】Therefore, I can imagine your excitement when you realized such an ambition (after all these years of painstaking efforts(艰苦努力)). 【P2S3】Indeed, no one could have been more deserving than you. 【P2S4】On the other hand, for me, it will be a real encouragement to see your efforts rewarded(看到你的能力得到回报).【P2S5】In short, I take great pride in your current achievements.

【P3S1】Once again, please accept my heartfelt(/sincere/genuine) congratulations on your success. 【P3S2】I wish you will farther success(更大的成功).

Yours sincerely(/ Sincerely yours),

Zhang Wei
