


APT32F102数据手册相关文档APT32F102X 系列使用手册版权所有©深圳市爱普特微电子有限公司本资料内容为深圳市爱普特微电子有限公司在现有数据资料基础上慎重且力求准确无误编制而成,本资料中所记载的实例以正确的使用方法和标准操作为前提,使用方在应用该等实例时请充分考虑外部诸条件,深圳市爱普特微电子有限公司不担保或确认该等实例在使用方的适用性、适当性或完整性,深圳市爱普特微电子有限公司亦不对使用方因使用本资料所有内容而可能或已经带来的风险或后果承担任何法律责任。


APT32F102数据手册V1.3APT32F102数据手册V1.3 历史版本说明V1.3历史版本说明版本修改日期修改概要V0.0 2020-11-24 初版V1.0 2020-12-01 修改初版的明显错误V1.1 2020-12-07 修改默认的串口资源V1.2 2021-01-08 更新logoV1.3 2021-02-01 注明SWD口上拉1 概述1.1 APT32F102介绍APT32F102是由爱普特微电子推出的基于平头哥半导体(T-HEAD Semiconductor) CPU内核开发的32位高性能低成本单片机。


•C-Sky 32位CPU内核(0.7DMIPS),支持单周期乘法和SWD调试•片载64K(32Kbytes可选)程序闪存,独立2Kbytes数据闪存•内含4Kbytes SRAM,可用于堆栈,数据存储,代码存储•工作温度:− 40 to 85°C•工作电压范围:1.8 to 5.5V•最高工作频率:48MHz•中断控制器:支持动态配置的可嵌套中断(NVIC)•增强的时钟和功耗控制器(SYSCON)•独立看门狗定时器(IWDT)•1x16位增强型定时器/计数器(EPT),每个TIMER支持4路PWM输出功能,支持互补带死区模式•1x 16位通用定时器/计数器,支持2路PWM输出功能(GPT)•1x 16位计数器(COUNTERA),支持自动重载功能以及单次或者循环计数功能(载波发生器)•1x 16位基本计时TIMER (Basic Timer)•1x 16位低功耗TIMER(LPT)•1x 16位RTC•1x 8位WWDT•串行通信接口:1x I2C,2x UART,1/0 x SPI,1x SIO•多达16路的12位ADC,支持内部/外部VREF输入•支持96bit UID功能•最多支持22个GPIO,所有GPIO均可配置为外部中断•支持三种工作模式:RUN,SLEEP,和DEEP-SLEEP模式1.2 主要特性1.2.1 处理器(CPU)•32-bit RISC CPU核,指令长度16位•16个32位通用寄存器•高效的2级执行流水线•单周期32位x32位的硬件整形乘法阵列(结果只支持32位)•SWD (Serial Wire Debug)调试接口1.2.2 存储(Memory)•64K/32Kbytes的内部程序闪存,支持ISP保护,保护区域的大小可配置,支持硬件CRC校验•2Kbytes的独立数据闪存,数据闪存编程不影响程序运行•User Option配置- 外部复位管脚使能配置- 看门狗缺省使能状态配置- 代码安全性配置•专用烧写接口,支持快速的量产烧录(需配合专用烧写器)•多达4Kbytes的内部SRAM,支持硬件CRC校验•小端(little-endian)存储方式1.2.3 可嵌套中断控制器(NVIC)•多达32个中断源,支持中断向量表重定向•32个可编程优先级,每个中断都有独立的优先级•每个中断都有独立的使能或者禁止控制•每个中断源都有固定的向量地址•支持陷阱功能•支持软件复位•全局中断使能控制•可单独配置唤醒事件的使能/禁止(可配置唤醒后不入中断)1.2.4 系统控制器(SYSCON)•外部晶振400KHz 到24MHz (EMCLK: External Main Clock,外部主时钟),支持独立的32.768K配置项•内部主振131.072KHz / 2.097MHz / 4.194MHz / 5.556MHz (default) 四个option选择(1%偏差@典型值,IMCLK: Internal Main Clock,内部主时钟)•内部高速振荡器24MHz/48MHz (1%偏差@典型值,HFCLK: High Frequency Clock,内部高速时钟) •内部辅振27KHz (5%偏差@典型值,ISCLK: Internal Sub Clock,内部辅时钟)•内部振荡器均支持软件微调•支持低功耗模式(SLEEP/DEEP-SLEEP)•低功耗模式下支持可编程的功耗优化•可编程的时钟分频器•外部晶振失效监测(外部晶振失效时,支持自动切换到内部主振)•外部晶振抖动滤波处理•外部中断输入数字滤波控制,支持中断触发的异步计数•FLASH和SRAM校验错误管理,可配置重试或者系统复位•复位源检测和管理(RSTID)1.2.5 独立看门狗定时器(IWDT:Independent Watchdog Timer)•复位时间可配置:缺省8秒•可配置复位前报警中断•独立工作在内部辅晶振下的可编程18位递减计数器(27KHz时钟)1.2.6 16位增强型定时器/计数器(EPT:Enhance Purpose Timer)•三种计数模式:递增、递减、递增递减•每个TIMER有4路独立PWM输出,支持4个比较值•支持互补输出,死区控制,斩波输出,紧急模式输出•支持紧急模式输出:软锁止和硬锁止模式- 外部输入EPIx- 系统错误,LVD中断触发•支持特殊寄存器保护•支持单次触发模式和外部脉冲计数模式•4个数字比较器可触发多种同步和波形输出•可以工作在捕捉模式,最多支持4个比较值捕获•支持ETCB事件联动•PCLK工作时钟1.2.7 16位通用定时器/计数器(GPT:General Purpose Timer)•三种计数模式:递增、递减、递增递减•每个TIMER支持两个输出通道,每个通道可配置为PWM波形输出控制•支持捕获模式,最多4个捕获值•支持ETCB事件联动•PCLK工作时钟1.2.8 载波频率发生器(CNTA:Counter A)•1个16位的计数器,支持自动重载功能以及单次或者循环计数功能•软件/硬件可选择的载波频率输出使能/禁止控制•在一个周期波形内,输出高/低电平脉冲宽度可配置•输出极性可配置•可以用于驱动扬声器或者远程IR数据传输1.2.9 基础计时器(BT:Basic Timer)•1个16位的递增计数器,支持自动重载功能•一个比较值寄存器,支持PWM波形输出•支持单次触发模式•支持比较值Match中断、周期中断和溢出中断•支持ETCB事件联动•PCLK工作时钟1.2.10 内核计时器(CORET:Core Timer)•1个24位的递减计数器,支持自动重载功能•计数时钟源可选(CPU时钟或者系统时钟的8分频)•支持周期中断和溢出中断1.2.11 低功耗定时器/计数器(LPT:Low Power Timer)•16位的递增计数器,支持自动重载功能•一个16位比较值寄存器,支持PWM输出•3位预分频选择,可支持1、2、4、8、16、32、64、128分频•支持多种计数时钟源:ISCLK、IMCLK、EMCLK、PCLK或者外部CLK •支持Toggle或者PWM输出功能•支持单次触发模式•支持周期中断和MATCH中断•支持ETCB事件联动1.2.12 时钟定时器(RTC:Real Time Counter)•仅POR复位有效,支持写保护•计时功能:支持时(12或24小时制)、分、秒和子秒,BCD格式•日历功能:支持年、月、日和星期,BCD格式;自动闰年识别•支持可选的时钟源:外部晶振EMCLK(支持32.768KHz)、内部主振IMCLK和内部副振ISCLK。



目录DEMO1工区数据说明 (1)DEMO2工区数据说明 (2)第一部分工区准备 (3)1.1新建工区 (3)1.2设置分层体系 (4)1.3数据加载 (5)1.4数据统计与处理 (10)1.5数据检查与更正 (12)1.6数据浏览与编辑 (13)1.7数据输出 (15)1.8工区数据说明 (16)1.9工区设置 (18)1.10定义数据表 (27)第二部分绘制平面图 (29)2.1平面图的绘制流程 (29)2.2新建平面图 (30)2.3生成底图 (31)2.4编辑绘图边界 (37)2.5绘制沉积相图 (37)2.6绘制等值线图 (40)2.7绘制砂体连通图 (41)2.8绘制饼状图 (42)2.9绘制油气水分布图 (45)2.10绘制区划图 (46)2.11批量绘图 (47)2.12添加修饰图形对象 (47)2.13图层管理器的使用 (56)2.14对象属性管理器的使用 (57)2.15编辑特殊图形对象 (58)2.16平面图的导入导出及出版 (61)第三部分绘制柱状图 (66)3.1柱状图的绘制流程 (66)3.2新建柱状图 (66)3.3柱状图设置 (68)3.4图形修饰 (76)第四部分绘制剖面图和栅状图 (78)4.1剖面图的绘制流程 (78)4.2新建剖面图 (78)4.3剖面图设置 (83)4.4剖面图编辑 (83)4.5剖面图井柱模板设置 (86)4.6绘制栅状图 (102)第五部分其它工具 (105)5.1格式转换 (105)5.2图形出版 (109)5.3程序接口 (116)5.4相控建模 (132)第六部分GPTMAP使用技巧与常见问题 (150)6.1GPTMAP应用技巧 (150)6.2GPTMAP常见问题 (166)Demo1工区数据说明Demo1工区位于GPTMap安装目录下(除非安装时指定其它安装目录,否则默认为C:\ProgramFiles\GPTSoft\GPTMap\Demo1)。



使用手册:GPT(General Purpose Text-Processing Tool)使用指南一、概述GPT是一款通用的文本处理工具,适用于各种文本处理任务,如文档生成、文本分类、语言翻译等。



二、安装与配置1. 下载并安装GPT软件,根据您的操作系统选择合适的安装包。

2. 配置GPT参数,包括训练数据、输出格式等。

3. 确保网络连接正常,以便访问GPT云服务。

三、基本操作1. 打开GPT软件,进入主界面。

2. 输入要处理的文本或文件路径,点击“开始处理”按钮。

3. 查看GPT处理结果,包括文本生成、分类结果、翻译结果等。

4. 根据需要,对处理结果进行编辑、修改或导出。

四、高级功能1. 自定义模型训练:根据需求,自定义训练GPT模型。

2. 多语言支持:支持多种语言,包括英语、中文等。

3. 文本摘要:对输入文本进行摘要提取,生成简短的文本总结。

4. 情感分析:对输入文本进行情感分析,判断文本的情感倾向。

5. 深度学习:利用GPT的深度学习技术,提高模型处理复杂任务的能力。

五、常见问题及解决方法1. 输入文本无法识别:检查输入文本是否符合GPT的语法和词汇表。

2. 处理速度慢:优化网络连接和计算机性能,提高处理速度。

3. 输出结果不准确:检查输出结果的准确性,根据需要进行调整。

六、注意事项1. 确保输入文本的合法性,避免侵犯他人知识产权。

2. 合理使用GPT,尊重他人的隐私和权益。

3. 定期更新GPT软件,以获得更好的使用体验和性能优化。

七、扩展阅读与参考资料1. GPT官方文档:了解GPT的详细功能和使用方法。

2. NLP(自然语言处理)相关资料:了解GPT所基于的NLP技术原理和应用。

3. 参考书籍和论文:查阅与GPT相关的研究论文和书籍,获取更多学术资料。

八、联系我们与反馈1. 如果在使用GPT过程中遇到问题,请随时联系我们的技术支持团队。

evtool ver 1.0 取扱説明書

evtool ver 1.0 取扱説明書
Osc. Frequency kHz
X’tal / CR / X’tal (External) Fs Available
File Layout
ROM Copyright 2002 AREX Co. Ltd.
Boundary Unit ...
Boundary Unit
8 Mbit ROM / 16 Mbit ROM / 32 Mbit ROM
xxx1.hex xxx2.hex xxx3.hex ...
Granular Noise Reduction ROM
Sine Wave Frequency Sine Wave Level
Parameter Set ADPCM
Sine Wave Level

Enable Global
File Copyright 2002 AREX Co. Ltd.
Save As…
HEX .hex
ROM Size
256 Kbit ROM / 512 Kbit ROM / 1 Mbit ROM / 2 Mbit ROM / 4 Mbit ROM /
Copyright 2002 AREX Co. Ltd.
Undo […]

File Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit View
New Cut Delete Clear All Insert Blank Line Add User No. Sort

英飞凌tricore用户手册 第 章 通用定时器GPT

英飞凌tricore用户手册 第 章 通用定时器GPT







最大的分辨率为f GPT/4。



以下列表总结了可支持的功能:•f GPT/4最大分辨率•3个独立定时器/计数器•可级联定时器/计数器•4个可操作模式:–定时器模式–门控定时器模式–计数器模式–增量接口模式•重载和捕捉功能•单独中断GPT2模块有两个定时器/计数器:内核定时器T6和辅助定时器T5。




以下列表总结了可支持的功能:•f GPT/2最大分辨率•2个独立定时器/计数器•可级联定时器/计数器•3个可操作模式:–定时器模式–门控定时器模式–计数器模式•通过16位捕捉/重载寄存器CAPREL来扩展捕捉/重载功能•单独中断25.1定时器GPT1模块GPT1(T2,T3,T4)模块的三个定时器均可运行于4个基本模式中:定时器模式、门控定时器模式、计数器模式或者增量接口模式。






技嘉B460主板UEFI+GPT装win710代CPU装win7Bios设置2020-06-15 16:02:04 分类:教程随着英特尔十代酷睿处理器的全面上市,针对主流用户的B460平台成为了大众主要关注的目标。





技嘉B460主板安装win7注意事项:1、B460大部分品牌主板不支持传统模式,只能在UEFI模式下安装win7,注意UEFI模式下无法开启兼容模式(也没有选项开启),所以在安装win7时需要采用本站自带的镜像或提前注入USB驱动和集显驱动,要不然在安装win7的时候会卡在启动项,一直进不了系统2、需要注意在Bios中关闭安全启动3、UEFI+GPT安装win7的方法只适用于64位系统4、UEFI模式安装win7,分区类型要用GPT分区5、如果安装过程中出现蓝屏重启,请开机连续按F8禁用自动重启,并查看蓝屏代码,如果出现的是0x000000a5,俗称A5蓝屏,那就放弃安装win7吧,因为只能安装win10了技嘉B460主板装win7系统安装前需要准备的工具一、安装前的准备工作1、备份硬盘所有重要文件(注:转换分区时数据会丢失)2、启动U盘:推荐使用白云一键重装工具(工具特点:1、支持PE下自动修复UEFI+GPT引导,2、支持LEGACY/UEFI双引导,3、一键装机自动注入nvme驱动)制作带有Win7系统(该系统通过驱动总裁,拥有最新的USB3.0/usb3.1驱动,解决安装六代CPU以上机型时USB无法使用问题,解决最新intel 八代、九代、十代CPU装win7的问题,完美支持B360/B460/B365/Z390/Z490/H370等主板USB驱动以及UHD610/620/630/P630集显驱动)的启动U盘。

AI Chatgpt 操作指南说明书

AI Chatgpt 操作指南说明书

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*+("'6$'%*+%)3'%+#/*+68%2'$*.+%(8'6"6+('4%I3*(3%(6+%"'$K8)%*+K+6(('0)6;8'%-86$3,*/'+$*#+68%(#+)"#8%*$%(8'6"8J%("*)*(68@96:%9;:%Significant flashcan be generatedwith excessive anvil to crimper clearance, as shown by nominaldesign condition (a) and +0.003 in over nominal condition (b)%MaterialsThe material selection for tooling is critical. The material must be able to meet the in-service demands placed on the tooling components. The two critical tooling components to be reviewed are the wire crimper and the anvil.The wire crimper and the anvil have different functional demands. Both have the need to withstand high loads and moderate shock. However, the wire crimper is in fact an aggressive forming tool. It must withstand high shear loading that is a result of frictional loads generated as the terminal barrel slides along the crimper surfaces in the forming process, and then as the terminal barrel is plastically deformed and extruded to complete the termination. The anvil experiences some of the same conditions but to a much lower level of severity.The wire crimper and the anvil can be likened to a punch and die in the world of metalworking. The materials used in punch and die applications have been well documented, along with the material selection process. The added severity of the aggressive forming and the terminal and wire extrusion during crimping add complexity to the material selection. The material selection process involves:•Strength of materials with emphasis on toughness needed to withstand the moderate shocks generated duringcrimping•Wear resistance to maintain formIn addition to the above design considerations, there exists another phenomenon that occurs during crimping that can significantly shorten the useable life of a wire crimper. Material can be transferred from the terminal barrel to the wire crimper. This material buildup can result in unacceptable terminations. The crimped terminal surfaces can actually be deformed by the indentations of the deposited material. Crimp deformation may result due to increased friction. Tooling wear can be accelerated due to higher crimp forces. Surface treatments that minimize this material transfer are critical to extended tooling life.Strength of MaterialsCrimpers and anvils are designed to be able to withstand stresses that are typically encountered during crimping. The basic design of tooling with reference to size and geometry has been well analyzed and generally stresses generated during crimping are able to be accommodated. However, there are always demanding applications that will tax the design to its stress limits. In those cases, geometry and material may depart from the standard design. These exceptions are dealt with on a one-by-one basis and will not be discussed here.It is the unique requirement of stress and shock that needs to be discussed. Peak crimp loads go from zero to maximum in less than 40 ms. Tooling needs to withstand this load cycle at a rate of greater than once per second. Several classes of tool steels are suitable and are well described in the material handbooks. It is the processing of these materials that can make a significant performance difference.In order to withstand the rapid loading to a high stress on a repeated basis, the surface of the material must minimize cracks and imperfections that may be generated during the machining and/or heat treat operations. It is important that grain structure be controlled in size and orientation to achieve maximum and consistent service life. Decarburization of the surface during heat treating must be controlled. Heat treating process controls are critical to reproducing the optimal surface. Machining processes must also be controlled to avoid surface cracking due to excessive heat generation during overly aggressive material removal. Likewise, localized tempering may occur, which can soften material beyond the effective range.These variations in final material and surface conditions are not readily detectable with a visual inspection. They can manifest themselves during service and result in unacceptable tooling performance.Wear ResistanceWear is generally described as the gradual deterioration of a surface through use. Several types of wear exist and include adhesive, abrasive, and pitting. By design, the tooling is able to withstand normal surface loads. Thus, pitting is typically not an issue.The primary wear mode experienced by crimp tooling is adhesive wear. Adhesive wear occurs as two surfaces slide across each other. Under load, adhesion, sometimes referred to as cold welding, can occur. Wear takes place at the localized points of adhesion due to shear and deformation. Adhesion is highest at the peaks of surface finish because that is where the load is greatest. During crimping, the ideal conditions exist for adhesive wear. That is,•High loading due to crimp force•Sliding surfaces due to crimp formation, and terminal and wire extrusionWear will generally manifest itself more significantly at edges of a surface. However, adhesive wear is often observed over substantial areas of the tooling. It is important to note here that the wire crimper is the component most susceptible to adhesive wear. Generally, adhesive wear will be directly related to load and to the amount of relative movement between the two materials. Although the anvil may have equal loading, the amount of relative movement between the terminal and tooling is many times more at the crimper than at the anvil. The insulation crimper typically experiences lower adhesive wear because the load is reduced compared to the wire crimp and the relative movement is less than that of the wire crimper, since there is no terminal and wire extrusion at the insulation crimp.Adhesive wear can be controlled in the selection of the material. Different alloys exhibit better or worse wear properties. These properties can be measured and are well documented. Adhesive wear is inversely proportional to the hardness of the material. Thus, the harder the material, the less adhesive wear. In crimp tooling, there is often a tradeoff that is made. In order to achieve higher wear resistance, the material often exhibits lower toughness by composition, hardness, or both. The final material selection is often based on years of experience. One material may have high wear characteristics and lower toughness, and be suitable for a small terminal since the margin of safety on stress is high. Another terminal may be large and the toughness could be of more importance due a lower stress design margin. The ability to design and manufacture crimpers from several materials will enable optimal material selection for a specific application.The final property that affects adhesive wear is surface finish. As stated earlier, adhesion is highest at the peaks of the surface. Thus, the smoother the finish, the less significant the peaks and the less significant the adhesion. Adhesive wear can be reduced with a lower surface finish. Surface finish affects other crimping performance parameters. These are discussed in the next section.Abrasion can occur depending on terminal surfaces. If a terminal is plated with an abrasive substance, the tooling could suffer from abrasive wear. This would be an atypical condition and would be handled by special design.Other applications where abrasive wear is the primary wear mode involve terminals made of steel and stainless steel. Extensive testing has shown chromium plating is the best surface treatment that can be used on crimpers designed for these abrasive terminals. However, in these applications, crimpers will not last as long as those crimpers used to crimp terminals made of other, less abrasive base materials. Using a lubricant (in those applications where this is acceptable) has shown to increase the life of the crimper. However, even when lubricated the crimper life can be expected to be shorter when crimping steel or stainless steel terminals.Once abrasive wear has taken place to the point where the chromium plating has been removed from the base tool steel of the crimper, as successive crimp cycles occur, further wear will happen very quickly. Without the protective chromium plating, the underlying surface will then be subject to either further abrasive wear, or adhesive wear. For this reason, care should be taken to replace the crimper as soon as wear is visible on the surface of the crimper. Surface ConditionSurface condition can affect the performance of the crimp tooling as well as the longevity of service. As noted in the previous section, a hard, smooth surface has improved adhesive wear properties and, thus, longer service life. The other attribute that needs to be considered is friction.Friction is a contributing factor in determining the final crimp form and process characteristics. Low tooling friction results in lower crimping force and thus can influence crimp form as well as tooling life. Consistent frictional characteristics between tooling sets will result in reduced process variation.Friction of the crimp tooling surfaces is influenced by factors similar to those that influence adhesive wear—hardness and surface finish. Generally, harder materials exhibit lower coefficients for sliding friction. Friction coefficients have also been shown to be related to surface finish. Manufacturing processes need to produce consistent results such that when tooling sets need to be changed in production, minimum disruption in crimp quality is achieved. It has been found that maintaining surface hardness above Rc 55 as well as keeping surface finishes to 8 micro-inches or less is desirable to obtain consistent crimp results and minimize adhesive wear.Typical Effect of Friction on Crimp Force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d\!48<!\MW\!:6DF6>9?K6ABM!&E:;I?=I!FA496<!D966A!;8!D966A!>48!:6<=>6!9E6!D949?>!48<!DA?<?85!>;6HH?>?689D!9;!\M7h!48<!\M7_M!&E:;I?=I!FA49?85!4AD;!:6<=>6D!G64:!:6D?D948>6M!"<E6D?K6!G64:!:6D?D948>6!?D!?IF:;K6<!4D!D=:H4>6!E4:<86DD!?IF:;K6DM!&E:;I?=I!FA49?85!9BF?>4AAB!6UE?L?9D!4!E4:<86DD!/>!_`^M!'E?D!E4:<86DD!A6K6A!5:649AB!68E48>6D!:6D?D948>6!9;!4<E6D?K6!G64:M!'E?D!8;G!H:66D!=F!9E6!<6D?586:!9;!>;8D?<6:!I;:6!L4D6!I694A!;F9?;8DM!"!L4D6!I496:?4A!;H!:6<=>6<!G64:!:6D?D948>6!L=9!5:6496:!9;=5E86DD!>48!L6!D6A6>96<!48<!?9D!G64:!:6D?D948>6!?IF:;K6<!G?9E!>E:;I?=I!FA49?85M!'E=DC!>E:;I?=I!FA49?85!>48!684LA6!4!L6996:!9;;A?85!D;A=9?;8!H;:!9E6!>:?IF!F:;<=>9?;8!F:;>6DDM!#6:E4FD!;86!;H!9E6!I;D9!D?58?H?>489!6HH6>9D!;H!>E:;I?=I!FA49?85C!?D!9D!:6DD948>6!9;!4<E6D;8!48<!>;A<!G6A<85M!"!D<6!6HH6>9!;H!4<E6D?K6!G64:!?D!9E6!9:48DH6:!;H!I496:?4A!H:;I!9E6!96:I?84A!9;!9E6!G?:6!>:?IF6:M!XB!<6H?8?9?;8C!4<E6D?K6!G64:!?D!>4=D6<!LB!I496:?4A!4<E6:?85!9;!A;>4A?T6<!F;?89D!;8!9E6!D=:H4>6M!2;I6!;H!9E6!4<E6D?;8!:6D=A9D!?8!9E6!D=:H4>6!I496:?4A!L6?85!G;:8!4G4B!48<!D;I6!?8!9E6!9:48DH6:!;H!I496:?4A!H:;I!9E6!96:I?84A!9;!9E6!>:?IF6:M!"D!I;:6!>B>A6D!;>>=:C!I;:6!I496:?4A!?D!9:48DH6::6<M!'E=D!9E6:6!4!:6D=A9489!L=?A<=F!;H!96:I?84A!I496:?4A!;8!9E6!>:?IF6:M!!'E?D!L=?A<=F!G?AA!:6D=A9!?8!9G;!F;9689?4AAB!>494D9:;FE?>!H4?A=:6DR!•!'E6!L=?A9Q=F!I496:?4A!G?AA!>:6496!<6H;:I49?;8D!?8!9E6!96:I?84A!D=:H4>6C!:6D=A9?85!?8!=84>>6F94LA6!>:?IFDM!•!&:?IFD!G?AA!L6!5:649AB!<?D9;:96<!<=6!9;!D?58?H?>489!>E4856D!8!9E6!H:>9;8!H4>9;:!48<!:6D=A9!8!96:I84AD!8;9!>;8H;:I85!9;!9E6!<6D?:6<!H;:IM!384>>6F94LA6!>:?IF!H;:IDC!D=>E!4D!=8DBII69:?>4A!>:;DDQD6>9?;8C!6U>6DD?K6!HA4DEC!48<!;F68!L4::6AD!>48!:6D=A9M!!!&E:;I?=I!FA49?85!E4D!9E6!4L?A?9B!9;!L6!4FFA?6<!=8?H;:IAB!48<!>;8D?D9689AB!48<!6UE?L?9D!6U>6AA689!4<E6D?;8!9;!9E6!L4D6!I694ADM!'E6!=8?N=6!L686H?9D!;H!>E:;I?=I!FA49?85C!D=>E!4D!64D6!;H!4FFA?>49?;8C!>;8D?D968>B!;H!FA49?85C!4<E6D?;8!9;!L4D6!I694AC!6U9:6I6AB!A;G!>;6HH?>?689!;H!H:?>9?;8C!K6:B!E?5E!E4:<86DDC!48<!:6D?D948>6!9;!4<E6D?;8C!I4J6!?9!9:=AB!<?HH?>=A9!9;!I49>E!?8!>:?IF!F6:H;:I48>6!48<!<=:4L?A?9BM!-;G6K6:!I48B!4A96:849?K6!>;49?85D!4:6!L6?85!4996IF96<C!48<!D;I6!DE;G!6U>6AA689!F:;I?D6!?8!DF6>?H?>!4FFA?>49?;8DM!2=II4:B!'E?D!F4F6:!E4D!6UFA;:6<!H;=:!>4965;:?6D!;H!>E4:4>96:?D9?>D!9E49!4:6!J6B!9;!E?5E!F6:H;:I48>6!9;;A?85M!26K6:4A!6U4IFA6D!E4K6!L668!<?D>=DD6<!GE?>E!<6I;8D9:496!E;G!I?8;:!K4:?49?;8D!?8!9E;D6!>E4:4>96:?D9?>D!>48!E4K6!I64D=:4LA6!48<!D;I69?I6D!D?58?H?>489!6HH6>9D!;8!9E6!:6D=A9489!>:?IF!H;:I!48<!?9D!>;IFA?48>6!9;!DF6>?H?>49?;8DM!'E6D6!D4I6!>E4:4>96:?D9?>D!>48!4HH6>9!9;;A?85!D6:K?>6!A?H6M!%9!?D!4AD;!4!A;5?>4A!6U968D?;8!;H!9E6D6!<?D>=DD?;8D!9;!>;8>A=<6!9E49!K4:?49?;8D!;H!9E6D6!>E4:4>96:?D9?>D!H:;I!;86!9;;A?85!D69!9;!48;9E6:!9;;A?85!D69!>48!4HH6>9!F:;>6DD!>;89:;A!GE68!9;;A?85!>E4856D!4:6!:6N=?:6<!?8!F:;<=>9?;8M!14?894?8?85!F:;>6DD!>;89:;A!I4B!:6N=?:6!4<<?9?;84A!D69=F!9?I6M!@=4A?9B!9;;A?85!9E49!4<<:6DD6D!9E6!J6B!>E4:4>96:?D9?>D!;H!56;I69:BC!I496:?4ADC!D=:H4>6!>;8<?9?;8C!48<!D=:H4>6!9:649I689!?D!48!?IF;:9489!>;IF;8689!;H!B;=:!9;94A!N=4A?9B!>;89:;A!F:;5:4IM!Chromium plated crimper surface after 100,000 terminations. Note there is no visible buildup of material.%Unplated crimper surface after 60,000 terminations. Note significant buildup of material.Gross deformation of crimped terminalresulting from material buildup in crimper.%Visible deformation of outer crimp surface because of indentation from material buildup on crimper.%WHERE FORM MEETS FUNCTION!!)'@(#/%'.!&;886>9?K?9BC!'.!&;886>9?K?9B!YA;5;Z!48<!.K6:B!&;886>9?;8!&;=89D!4:6!9:4<6I4:JDM!"AA!;9E6:!A;5;DC!F:;<=>9D!48<+;:!>;IF48B!84I6D!:6H6::6<!9;!E6:6?8!I?5E9! L6!9:4<6I4:JD!;H!9E6?:!:6DF6>9?K6!;G86:D!'E6!?8H;:I49?;8!5?K68!E6:6?8C!?8>A=<?85!<:4G?85DC!?AA=D9:49?;8D!48<!D>E6I49?>D!9E49!4:6!?8968<6<!H;:!?AA=D9:49?;8!F=:F;D6D!;8ABC!?D!L6A?6K6<!9;!L6!:6A?4LA6M!-;G6K6:C! 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GPT 分区详解

GPT 分区详解


















其具体结构如下表所示EFI信息区结构相对字节偏移量字节数说明[整数皆以little endian方式表示](十六进制)00~07 8 GPT头签名“45 46 49 20 50 41 52 54”(ASCII码为“EFI PART”)08~0B 4 版本号,目前是1.0版,其值是“00 00 01 00”0C~0F 4 GPT头的大小(字节数),通常为“5C 00 00 00”(0x5C),也就是92字节。

10~13 4 GPT头CRC校验和(计算时把这个字段本身看做零值)14~17 4 保留,必须为“00 00 00 00”18~1F 8 EFI信息区(GPT头)的起始扇区号,通常为“01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00”,也就是LBA1。



1.EG2104 手册概述
EG2104 手册是一本详细的指南,涵盖了许多主题。









虽然 EG2104 手册具有很多优点,但是也存在一些局限性。



总的来说,EG2104 手册是一本非常实用的指南,无论是新手还是经验丰富的专业人士,都可以从中获益。




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-1-Human Recombinant B2 Bradykinin Receptor Stable Cell LineTechnical Manual No. TM0407 Version 06042010I Introduction ............................................................................................ 1 II Background .............................................................................................. 1 III Representative Data ................................................................................. 2 IV Thawing and Subculturing ........................................................................ 2 V References . (3)Limited Use License Agreement (4)I.IntroductionCatalog Number: M00184Cell Line Name: CHO-K1/B2/Gα15Gene Synonyms: BDKRB2, B2R, BK2, BK-2, BKR2, BRB2, DKFZp686O088 Expressed Gene: Genbank Accession Number NM_000623; no expressed tags Host Cell: CHO-K1Quantity: 2 vial (3×106per vial) frozen cells Stability: 16 passagesApplication: Functional assay for B2 receptorFreeze Medium: 45% culture medium, 45% FBS, 10% DMSO Complete Culture Medium: Ham ’s F12, 10% FBSCulture Medium: Ham ’s F12, 10% FBS, 400 μg/ml G418, 100 μg/ml Hygromycin B Mycoplasma Status: NegativeStorage: Liquid nitrogen immediately upon deliveryII.BackgroundBradykinin (BK) is a pro-inflammatory polypeptide that can cause pain, inflammation, increased vascularpermeability, vasodilation, contraction of various smooth muscles, and cell proliferation by stimulating B1 and B2 receptors. B2 receptors are most commonly distributed in the vascular and non-vascular smooth muscle and in the heart. The B2 receptor mediates the action of bradykinin (BK) and lysyl-bradykinin (Lys-BK). The stimulation of BK B2 receptors is not only implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammation, pain, and tissue injury but also in cardioprotective mechanisms. So B2 receptor agonists may have important clinical value in the treatment and prevention of various cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, ventricular remodeling, congestive heart failure, and diabetic disorders.-2-III. Representative DataCHO-K1/B2/G α15CHO-K1Log[Bradykinin] M∆R F UFigure Intracellular calcium response from CHO-K1 cells stably expressing human B2 receptor and from untransfected control cells. Cells were loaded with Calcium-4 then stimulated with the indicated concentrations of Bradykinin. Calcium responses were recorded on a FlexStation plate reader. Data represent the average +/- standard deviation of triplicate determinations.IV. Thawing and SubculturingThawing: Protocol1. Remove the vial from liquid nitrogen tank and thaw cells quickly in a 37°C water-bath.2. Just before the cells are completely thawed, decontaminate the outside of the vial with 70% ethanol andtransfer the cells to a 15 ml centrifuge tube containing 9 ml of complete growth medium. 3. Pellet cells by centrifugation at 200 x g force for 5 min, and discard the medium. 4. Resuspend the cells in complete growth medium. 5. Add 2 ml of the cell suspension per well in a 6 well-plate.6. Add Hygromycin B and G418 to concentrations of 100 μg/ml and 400 μg/ml respectively the following day.Subculturing: Protocol 1. Remove and discard culture medium.2. Wash cells with PBS (pH=7.4) to remove all traces of serum that contains trypsin inhibitor.3. Add 2.0 ml of 0.05% (w/v) Trypsin- EDTA (GIBCO, Cat No. 25300) solution to 10 cm dish and observe thecells under an inverted microscope until cell layer is dispersed (usually within 3 to 5 minutes).Note: To avoid clumping, do not agitate the cells by hitting or shaking the dish while waiting for the cells to detach. Cells that are difficult to detach may be placed at 37°C to facilitate dispersal. 4. Add 6.0 to 8.0 ml of complete growth medium and aspirate cells by gently pipetting, centrifuge the cells 200 x g force for 5min, and discard the medium. 5. Resuspend the cells in complete growth medium with Hygromycin B and G418 and add appropriate aliquots ofthe cell suspension to new culture vessels. 6. Incubate cultures at 37°C.Subcultivation Ratio: 1:3 to 1:8 weekly.Medium Renewal: Every 2 to 3 daysV. References1. Sharma, J.N. (2003) Bradykinin receptor antagonists: therapeutic implications. IDrugs. 6(6):581-62. Heitsch, H. (2003) The therapeutic potential of bradykinin B2 receptor agonists in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Expert Opin Investig Drugs.12(5):759-703. Leeb-Lundberg, L.M., (2005) International union of pharmacology. XLV. Classification of the kinin receptor family: from molecular mechanisms to pathophysiological consequences. Pharmacol Rev. 57(1):27-77GenScript USA Inc.120 Centennial Ave., Piscataway, NJ 08854Tel: 732-885-9188, 732-885-9688Fax: 732-210-0262, 732-885-5878Email:******************Web: For Research Use Only.-3--4-Limited Use License AgreementThis is a legal agreement between you (Licensee) and GenScript USA Inc. governing use of GenScript's stable cell line products and protocols provided to licensee. By purchasing and using the stable cell line, the buyer agrees to comply with the following terms and conditions of this label license and recognizes and agrees to such restrictions:1) The products are not transferable and will be used at the site where they were purchased. Transfer to anothersite owned by buyer will be permitted only upon written request by buyer followed by subsequent written approval by GenScript.2) The purchaser cannot sell or otherwise transfer (a) this product (b) its components or (c) materials made usingthis product or its components to a third party.3) The products sold by GenScript are for laboratory and animal research purposes only. The products are not tobe used on humans, for consumption, or for any unlawful uses.GenScript USA Inc. will not assert against the buyer a claim of infringement of patents owned or controlled by GenScript USA Inc. and claiming this product based upon the manufacture, use or sale of a clinical diagnostic, therapeutic and vaccine, or prophylactic product developed in research by the buyer in which this product or its components has been employed, provided that neither this product nor any of its components was used in the manufacture of such product. For information on the use of this product for other purposes, contact Marketing Department, GenScript USA Inc., 120 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, New Jersey 08840, U.S.A. Phone: 1-732-885-9188. Fax: 1-732-210-0262. Email: ***********************.。

XBee Grove Development Board 用户指南说明书

XBee Grove Development Board 用户指南说明书

XBee Grove Development BoardFeedbackTo provide feedback on this document,email your comments to*****************Include the document title and part number(XBee Grove Development Board User Guide,90001457-13V)in the subject line of your email.Overview Development board variants Development board variantsThe THT and SMT are the two variants of the board.XBee THT Grove Development BoardXBee SMT Grove Development BoardXBee surface-mount(SMT) Grove development board This picture shows the XBee SMT Grove development board and the table that follows explains the callouts in the picture.Overview XBee through-hole(TH)Grove development board XBee through-hole(TH)Grove development boardThis picture shows the XBee TH Grove development board and the table that follows explains thecallouts in the picture.Overview XBee through-hole(TH)Grove development boardOverview Mechanical MechanicalThere are two variants of the XBee Grove Development Board:n THT variant is48.8mm x66mmn SMT variant is53.68mm x72.60mm with a shape similar to a regular XBee module.The board provides four3.2mm assembly drills.XBee THT Grove Development Board variantXBee SMT Grove Development Board variantOverview Power supply XBee SMT Grove Development BoardOverview XBee connectorUSBThe XBee Grove Development Board includes a micro USB connector and an FT232RL USB to RS-232 converter to communicate with the serial port of the XBee.A green LED and a yellow LED show the status of the TX and RX lines.The hardware flow control signals of the XBee(XBee_RTS and XBee_CTS)connect to the FT232RLdevice.Two serial or resistors disconnect the flow control of the chip if this functionality is not needed.The XBEE_DTR_N signal is also connected to the FT232chip.XCTU uses this signal to enter in the boot loader and recover the module from incorrect firmware.A configurable OR resistor disconnects thissignal if the functionality is not needed.A three-pin jumper configures the serial port in a loopback mode,connecting the RX and TX linestogether.When you close positions1and2,the serial port is configured in normal mode and the serial port of the XBee is connected to the micro USB connector.If you close positions2and3,the serialport works in loopback mode and the data transmitted by the XBee connects to the RX pin.The USB connector also powers the board through the VBUS line.XBee THT Grove Development Board USBXBee SMT Grove Development Board USBUSB VBUS lineThe following graphic illustrates how the USB powers the board through the VBUS line.Overview Reset button Reset buttonThe XBee Grove Development Board has a reset button to reboot the XBee module.XBee THT Grove Development Board Reset buttonXBee SMT Grove Development Board Reset buttonCommissioning buttonThe XBee Grove Development Board has a push button connected to the commissioning pin of the XBee module.The commissioning pin of the XBee is also connected to the Grove AD0connector.You can use the commissioning push button in Zigbee or DigiMesh to help deploy devices in a network.XBee THT Grove Development Board Commissioning buttonXBee SMT Grove Development Board Commissioning buttonCommissioning pin and Grove AD0connectionOverview Association led Association ledThe XBee Grove Development Board provides an LED connected to the association pin of the XBeemodule.XBee THT Grove Development Board Association LEDXBee SMT Grove Development Board Association LEDRSSI ledThe XBee Grove Development Board provides an LED connected to the RSSI/PWM0pin of the XBee module.The RSSI/PWM signal is also connected to the PWM Grove connector.If the PWM0pin(P0)is configured as RSSI,the brightness of this LED displays the signal strength of the last packet received.XBee THT Grove Development Board RSSI LEDXBee SMT Grove Development Board RSSI LEDPWM0RSSI configurationUserAlthough the user LED and user button share the same pin,you can use only one at a time.XBee SMT Grove DevelopmentUser LED and User Button connectionThe following graphic illustrates the connectionDIO4.On/sleep LEDThe XBee Grove Development Board provides an LED connected to the On/Sleep pin(DIO9).This LED is on when the XBee module is awake,and off when it is asleep.XBee THT Grove Development Board On/Sleep LEDXBee SMT Grove Development Board On/Sleep LEDOn/sleep LED connection to DIO9The following graphic illustrates the connection between the on/sleep LED and the On/sleep pin,DIO9.PotentiometerThe XBee Grove Development Board provides a10K potentiometer to generate analog signal between3.3V and0V.You can use the jumper to disconnect the3.3V supply from the potentiometer to save power when not in use.XBee THT Grove Development Board PotentiometerThe output of the potentiometer is connected to the AD3pin(D3)of the XBee in the THT board.XBee SMT Grove Development Board PotentiometerThe output of the potentiometer is connected to AD2pin(D2)of the XBee in the SMT board.I2CThe XBee Grove Development Board provides an I2C bus that you can use with XBee programmable modules.XBee THT Grove Development Board I2C busXBee SMT Grove Development Board I2C busXBee/XBee-PRO connection to Grove sensorRegular XBee/XBee-PRO modules do not provide an I2C bus,but you can connect a digital Grovesensor.Grove ConnectorsThe XBee Grove Development Board provides several Grove connectors connected to the XBee pins: n THT boards include six Grove connectors:l Two connectors to digital I/O pinsl Two connectors to two digital/analog I/O pinsl One connector to the RSSI/PWM0pinl One connector to the I2C bus of the microcontroller placed in the socket(programmable XBee)n SMT boards include eight Grove connectors:l Four connectors to digital I/O pinsl Two connectors to two digital/analog I/O pinsl One connector to the RSSI/PWM0pinl One connector to the I2C bus of the microcontroller placed in the socket(programmable XBee)For more information about Grove sensors and actuators for use with these connectors see the Seed Studio wiki.Overview Loopback jumper Loopback jumperThe XBee Grove Development Board provides a three-pin jumper to connect the UART to the USB(normal mode)or to make a loopback connection between the RX and TX signals of the UART.In loopback mode,connect the RX line to the TX line,which transmits back any data received.You can use loopback in transparent mode to check the signal strength and perform a range test.XBee THT Grove Development Board Loopback jumperXBee SMT Grove Development Board Loopback jumperXBee Grove Development Board User Guide41。

GPT-9000 手册(1)

GPT-9000 手册(1)
警告 注意
警告符号:表示特定情况下或应用中可能对人体造 成伤害或危及生命。
注意符号:表示特定情况下或应用中可能对 GPT9000 本身或其他产品造成损坏。
使用垃圾分类处理该设备,或联系购买点进行处 理。合理回收电子垃圾,以减少对环境的影响。
Error Messages ....................................165 常见问题...................................................................... 166
附录 ............................................................................ 168 保险丝更换 .............................................168 测试错误 .................................................169 GPT-9000/9000A 规格 ........................171 GPT-9801/9802/9803 尺寸 ................180 GPT-9804 尺寸......................................181 GPT-9903 尺寸......................................182 GPT-9904 尺寸......................................183 GPT-9901A/9902A/9903A 尺寸........184 Declaration of Conformity (GPT ......186



gpt常用英语GPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)是一种自然语言处理模型,它可以生成高质量的文本,并在各种任务上展现出强大的性能。


1. Introduction引言In this article, we will discuss some commonly used English expressions and phrases when working with GPT. These phrases are useful for understanding and utilizing GPT's capabilities effectively. Whether you are a researcher, developer, or a language enthusiast, these English expressions will assist you in improving your communication skills in the context of GPT.2. Basic English Expressions基本英语表达Here are some basic English expressions that are commonly used when working with GPT:- GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a state-of-the-art natural language processing model.GPT代表Generative Pre-trained Transformer,是一种先进的自然语言处理模型。

- GPT excels in various natural language processing tasks, including language translation, text generation, and sentiment analysis.GPT在各种自然语言处理任务中表现出色,包括语言翻译、文本生成和情感分析。



gpt使用手册摘要:I.引言- 简要介绍GPT 是什么- 为什么使用GPTII.GPT 的使用- 安装和设置GPT- 输入和输出- 训练和调优III.GPT 的应用- 语言生成- 文本分类- 机器翻译IV.GPT 的限制- 数据隐私- 模型偏见- 语言理解限制V.结论- 总结GPT 的优点和限制- 展望GPT 的未来发展正文:GPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)是一种先进的自然语言处理模型,它由OpenAI 开发。

GPT 的主要功能是生成自然语言文本,它可以用于各种自然语言处理任务,如语言生成、文本分类和机器翻译等。

在使用GPT 之前,需要先安装和设置GPT。

具体来说,需要下载和安装GPT 的Python 库,并配置GPT 的环境变量。

接下来,可以开始使用GPT 进行自然语言处理任务。

使用GPT 进行自然语言处理任务时,需要输入文本序列,并设置一些超参数,如批次大小、学习率和迭代次数等。

GPT 可以根据这些输入和超参数生成自然语言文本序列。

除了生成自然语言文本序列外,GPT 还可以进行文本分类和机器翻译等任务。

在文本分类任务中,GPT 可以将输入文本分类为不同的类别。

在机器翻译任务中,GPT 可以将一种语言翻译为另一种语言。

尽管GPT 具有许多优点,但它也存在一些限制。

首先,GPT 需要大量的数据进行训练,这可能会导致数据隐私问题。

其次,GPT 可能会产生偏见,因为它从大量文本数据中学习,而这些文本数据可能包含一些不平等的信息。

最后,GPT 可能在理解语言方面存在限制,因为它只是一个模型,并不能真正理解语言的含义。

总的来说,GPT 是一种非常有用的自然语言处理工具,可以用于各种自然语言处理任务。



GPT分区数据格式分析(图已补上)1. 背景与前⾔随着技术的不断提⾼,电⼦产品的集成度变得越来越⾼,硬盘是这⼏年中的⼀个突出产品,近年来,硬盘容量不断提升,从500G到1TB,⽬前已经能以很便宜的价格买到3TB的硬盘。








2. 术语及缩写术语/缩写解释GPT GUID Partition TableMBR Master Boot RecordLBA Logic Block Address3. GPT分区数据格式3.1 LBA0LBA0就是存储设备的第0个逻辑存储块。




GPT分区的数据格式如下图所⽰:图 1 GPT分区数据格式在GPT分区中,每⼀个数据读写单元成为LBA(逻辑块地址),⼀个“逻辑块”相当于传统MBR分区中的⼀个“扇区”,之所以会有区别,是因为GPT除了要⽀持传统硬盘,还需要⽀持以NAND FLASH为材料的SSD硬盘,这些硬盘的⼀个读写单元是2KB或4KB,所以GPT分区中⼲脆⽤LBA来表⽰⼀个基础读写块,当GPT分区⽤在传统硬盘上时,通常,LBA就等于扇区号,有些物理硬盘⽀持2KB对齐,此时LBA所表⽰的⼀个逻辑块就是2KB的空间。



















1. 3G用户是如何访问外部数据网的?3G用户访问外部数据网之前,必须先通过了HLR/AuC的身份认证和鉴权流程成功附着到SGSN。

然后,MS 发起PDP上下文激活过程,相关的信令带了APN参数,SGSN通过DNS解析APN,获取GGSN的IP地址,然后向GGSN发起创建PDP上下文过程并进行QoS参数协商,GGSN返回的成功响应中会含有用户IP地址等必要信息。

当PDP 上下文激活后,用户就可以发送数据包,数据包在SGSN和GGSN之间是通过GTP 隧道承载,到达GGSN后被转换成普通IP 包,进入外部数据网(通常指的就是Internet)。


根据鉴权方式和用户IP分配策略的不同,用户接入到外部数据网通常有两种方式:透明接入方式:移动用户的IP地址由GGSN分配,移动用户在激活PDP context 时不需要进行第二次鉴权。


移动用户在激活PDP context时还需要进行一次身份认证和鉴权,此时GGSN起AAA客户端作用。


2. 在GTP协议中我们关心的信令及数据。

注:以下文档中出现的规范,如非特别说明,指29.060 R7版本,参考文档29060-7d0.doc 2.1. Tunnel Management Messages(隧道管理信令)2.1.1. Create PDP Context Request(创建PDP上下文请求)建立PDP上下文请求从SGSN节点送到GGSN节点,作为GPRS PDP上下文激活程序的一部分。

gtp预设词 大纲

gtp预设词 大纲

gtp预设词大纲摘要:1.GTP 预设词的概述2.GTP 预设词的分类3.GTP 预设词的应用场景4.GTP 预设词的优势与不足5.我国在GTP 预设词方面的发展正文:一、GTP 预设词的概述GTP 预设词,全称为General Technical Passport 预设词,是一种用于描述技术产品或过程的预设词汇和表述。


GTP 预设词主要应用于技术文档、专利、标准、产品说明书等各类技术资料中。

二、GTP 预设词的分类GTP 预设词可以根据不同的应用领域和需求分为以下几类:1.产品类:包括产品名称、型号、功能、特点等;2.工艺类:包括工艺流程、操作方法、参数等;3.结构类:包括组成部分、连接方式、布局等;4.性能类:包括性能指标、测试方法、数据等;5.应用类:包括应用领域、场景、效果等。

三、GTP 预设词的应用场景GTP 预设词广泛应用于以下场景:1.技术研发:在技术研发过程中,使用GTP 预设词可以提高研发团队之间的沟通效率,减少理解误差;2.技术交流:在技术交流活动中,使用GTP 预设词可以帮助企业或组织准确地传达技术信息,提高交流效果;3.技术培训:在技术培训过程中,使用GTP 预设词可以方便地解释技术概念,帮助学员快速理解;4.技术资料编写:在编写技术文档、专利、标准、产品说明书等资料时,使用GTP 预设词可以提高编写效率,保证资料的准确性。

四、GTP 预设词的优势与不足GTP 预设词的优势主要体现在以下几个方面:1.提高技术交流效率:通过使用预设词,可以减少因理解不同而导致的沟通误差;2.保证技术资料的准确性:预设词可以避免因表述不清而产生的技术资料错误;3.便于更新和维护:预设词可以集中管理和维护,方便随时更新和改进。

然而,GTP 预设词也存在一定的不足,如:1.局限性:预设词可能无法涵盖所有的技术概念和表述,需要不断地完善和补充;2.学习成本:初次使用者需要投入一定的时间和精力来学习和熟悉预设词。
















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GPY Series Pneumatic Actuator Installation & Operation ManualTable of Contents1. General2. Scotch-Yoke Principle & Adjustment3. Important Safety Procedures4. Operation5. Lubrication Requirements6. Application7. Installation & Piping8. Dismantle & Assembly9. GPY50~200 Part List10. Trouble ShootingMany thanks for purchasing our Giant Tork GPY Series Pneumatic Actuator!For safe and proper operation, please read this manual carefully before using it and save it for reference.Important Notice: The contents in this manual are subject to change without notice due to quality improvement.1. GeneralGPY series actuators are designed for rotary quarter turn valves and there areGPYD (Double Acting) and GPYS (Single Acting).GPY series actuators can be used with a 4~8Kg/㎠range of air supply pressure.Standard air pressure is 5.5Kg/㎠.GPYD: Pmax 8 bar (116 psi)GPYS: Pmax 7 bar (110 psi)ISO Mounting Design:ISO 5211 for valve flange or mounting bracket.VDE 3845 (Namur) for solenoid valve.Operating Medium:Filtered inert gas or air must be used, and exhaust air must be passed through silencer before being vented into the atmosphere. The dew point shall be equal to -20 °C or at least, 10 °C below the ambient temperature (ISO8573 Part1, Class 3). The maximum particle size shall not exceed 40 μm (ISO8573 Part1, Class 5). Max Pressure shall be 0.8 Mpa (8 bar) and the minimum design pressurefor pressurized parts shall be 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure.2. Scotch Yoke Principle & AdjustmentGPY Series Actuators uses a Scotch Yoke assembly with angled slots.This allows for a more compact design when compared to Rack & Pinion actuators.Scotch-Yoke technology is known as the most suitable actuator mechanism for valve and damperapplications, as it produces higher torque at both ends (open and close) positions compare to Rack and Pinion, which has a constant output torque. The standard operation ambient temperature range is -20 ~ + 80 .℃Single Acting actuators have the pistons rotated 180° for a fail close position; this means any adjustment will take place in the open position. If the SR actuator is set to the ‘Fail Open’ position, then the adjustment will take place in the closed position. The adjustment angle for both is ±3° by Adjusting Screws.The adjustment is done by loosening the Adjusting Screws, and GPY series actuators have 2Adjusting Screws for open and close positions.3. Important Safety ProceduresCaution: Always disconnect the Air and Electrical supplies before carrying out any form of maintenance on an Actuator.Caution: When removing any ball valve or plug valve assemblies from a pipe system, isolate the piping system on which the Actuator is installed and relieve any media pressure that may be trapped in the valve cavities before removing the Actuator for maintenance.Never use ‘Blow Out’ the Pistons or the End Caps from the Actuator Body.Never turn the adjusting screws completely out when the actuator is under pressure.4. OperationFigure 1: GPYD (Double Acting)Close OpenWhen air is supplied to the left port, the actuator will move to the Close position.When air is supplied to the right port, the actuator will move to the Open Position.Figure 2: GPYS (Single Acting) Fail Close PositionOpen Close (fail Position)When air is supplied to the left port, the actuator will move to the Open Position.When the air supply fails, the actuator will move to the fail position (Close).Figure 3: GPYS (Single Acting) Fail Open PositionClose Open (fail position)When air is supplied to the left port, the actuator will move to the Close position.When the air supply fails, the actuator will move to the fail position (Open).5. Lubrication RequirementsGPY series actuators generally do not require lubrication, however, oil mist lubrication is recommended for actuator which has performed more than 100,000 operation cycles. Recommended Lubrication Grease:Grease Parts ActuatorVersionCylinder Bore, Shaft Sealing Standard & High Temperature Dark Brown Grease ALVANIARL2/DC111Cylinder Bore, Shaft Sealing Low Temperature White Grease DC 111(DOWCORNING)6. ApplicationAll quarter turn type valves and equipment as follows1) Ball Valve(2 way, 3 way, 4 way), Screw end and flanged2) Butterfly Valve3) Plug Valve4) Damper5) Etc7. Installation and Piping1) Selection of actuatorDetermine the appropriate torques and strokes taking into consideration the following parameters and questions.- Valve Question- Valve: type, size, function and operation characteristicsOperating Conditions: Media, Temperature, Pressure, Flow rate, Frequency of operation and required stroking time.Valve Torque Characteristics (seating/unseating, dynamic torque <when applicable>)Maximum Allowable Stem Torque Limitation- Actuator QuestionAir Supply Pressure: Minimum and MaximumOperation: On/off or ControlActing: Double or Single (Fail Position open or close)Frequency of operation- Ancillary QuestionLimit Switches: Type, Voltage, etc.Positioners: Pneumatic or Electro-PneumaticPosition Transmitters: Local Electrical RegulationsSolenoid Valve: Type, Voltage, etc.- Environmental ConditionsIndoor, outdoor, saline, corrosive chemicals, etc.Enclosure Protection typeHazardous or non-Hazardous areasAmbient Temperature2) Installation and Mounting on the ValveGPY series actuators can be mounted in any position: Vertical or Horizontal.It is very important that the actuator shaft and the valve stem are centered and must have a 0.5 ~ 1 mm gap between the actuator shaft and the valve shaft (or driving bush) depending on the actuator size. If the valve stem is too high, it may force the actuator shaft upward thus displacing the shaft seal. This would cause air leakage at the shaft seal.Please note that the actuator has a hexagonal drive shaft.Do not mount the actuator at a 45˚ angle.All the mounting dimensions of GPY series follows international standard and as follows.Top mounting hole: VDI/VDE3845Top end of shaft: NAMUR for installation of Limit Switch Box or Positioner. Bottom Mounting Hole: ISO5211Bottom End of Shaft: Double Square for Easy Mounting (ISO5211)3) Piping (Air Tubing)All GPY series actuators can be piped with solid or flexible tubing with the solenoid valve mounted remotely from the actuator or by mounting a NAMUR designed solenoid valve directly onto the NAMUR mounting pad on the side of the actuator.- PrecautionPlease check the environmental conditions (Temperature, Pressure, Characteristics of fluid, piping standard) before piping.If air tubing connection is not properly fitted, it may cause lower torque, shorten the life cycle of actuator. Connection of actuator is PT 1/4” for GPY40~200.- Solenoid valveBe sure that the solenoid valve’s connection type is compatible to the actuators’.- OperatingTo operate the actuator, supply a clean and dry air through a filter regulator (this is strongly recommended)Power up the solenoid valve.The actuator should operate.4) StorageGPY series actuator’s body is made of Hard-Anodized aluminum both inside and outside for protection against corrosion.Store in a dry area and care to be taken when stacking the actuators.Do not remove the air holes plugs until the actuator is ready for installation.5) Manual Operation:When operating the actuator manually, be sure that all compressed air is fully vented before carrying out the manual operation.6) Adjusting Screw AdjustmentFor Open Position1. Operate Valve/Actuator assembly to the open position.2. Remove Air supply3. Loosen the lock nut on the adjusting screw4. Turn the “Close” adjusting screw clockwise to reduce or counter clockwise to increase the travel.5. Tighten the lock nut.6. Connect air and check if the position is correct. (If not, repeat from 2)For Close Position7. Operate Valve/Actuator assembly to the close position.8. Remove Air supply9. Loosen the lock nut on the adjusting screw10. Turn the “Open” adjusting screw clockwise to reduce or counter clockwise to increase the travel.11. Tighten the lock nut.12. Connect air supply and check if the position is correct. (If not, repeat from 8)8. Dismantle and Assembly(For Replacing O-ring and other parts.)GPYD series (Double Acting)DismantlingCaution: Vent all compressed air from the actuator and disconnect all electric power before dismantling.1) Loosen the adjusting screws (23).2) Loosen both end cover bolts (26) using Hexagonal Wrench and dismantle.3) Using the spanner, rotate the stem more than 90° until pistons are released automatically and pull out the pistons (3).4) Loosen the Set Screw (27) of Scotch - Yoke (5).5) Take the Snap Ring (21)/Washer (12)/Thrust Washer (11) out from the top of shaft.6) Separate the shaft (4) from the body.7) Replace the part.8) For Assembly: Do the Reverse.GPYS series (Single Acting)DismantlingCaution: Vent all compressed air from the actuator and disconnect all electric power before dismantling.1) Loosen the adjusting screws (23).2) Using hexagonal wrench, loosen 2 bolts (26) in a diagonal position on both end covers.Then loosen the other 2 bolts in a diagonal position on both end covers slowly.(Ensure spring pack pressure is released before removing bolts fully, if unsure, then remove 2 diagonal bolts only and insert longer bolts until spring pressure is released)3) Take out the cover (28) and spring pack (22/29/30/31/32/33).4) Using the spanner, rotate the stem more than 90° until pistons are released automatically and pull out the pistons (3).5) Loosen the Set Screw (27) of Scotch - Yoke (5).6) Take the Snap Ring (21)/Washer (12)/Thrust Washer (11) out from the top of shaft.7) Separate the shaft (4) from the body.8) Replace the part.9) For Assembly: Do the Reverse.Converting GPYD to GPYS Actuators:All GPYD (Double Acting) actuators can be converted to GPYS (Single Acting) actuators by adding a spring pack as follows.Caution: Vent all compressed air from the actuator and disconnect all electrical power before dismantling.If ‘Fail open’ position is required:All parts are the same except for the addition of the spring pack; just the GPYD cover needs to be replaced with the appropriate GPYS spring pack.If ‘Fail closed’ position is required:1. Loosen the Adjusting Screws (23) from the body.2. Disassemble the End Covers (2).3. Disassemble the Pistons (3) according to PD disassembly.4. Rotate the Pistons (3) and Yoke (5) 180°; then assemble the pistons to the body.5. Mount Spring Pack to the body when the pistons (3) are in their inner most position.Disassembling of Spring Pack:For safe disassembling of the spring packs, the following procedure must be carried out.1. Disconnect all air and electrical supplies.2. Springs must not be in the compress position (that is, the springs must be at fully extended position).3. Loosen the bolts (26) of the end cover separate Spring Pack from the body.Spring PacksP retension Bolt (33)/Spring Washer (32)/Plain Washer (31)/Spring Retainer (30) spring (29)/O-Ring (22)/Spring Cover (28)/Bolt (26)From GPYS 40 to GPYS100 (Single Spring per pack)There are 2 Spring Options:One is for 4.2 bar pressure;The other is for 5.5 bar pressure.From GPYS 125 to GPYS200 (Double Springs per pack)There are 2 Spring Options:One is for 4.2 bar pressure.The other is for 5.5 bar pressure.<Remark> when placing order GPYS Single Acting type Pneumatic Actuator, please specify theSpring Option (4.2 bar or 5.5 bar).9. GPY50~200 Part ListPart List No Material Part List No Material Part List No Material1. Cylinder Aluminum12.Washer-Shaft Steel23. Adjust screw Steel2. Cover Aluminum13. Roller Pin Steel24. NUT StainlessSteel3. Piston Aluminum14. Roller Steel25.Washer-Stopper StainlessSteel4. Shaft Steel15. Piston Guide–Shaft Pad POM26. HEX. HeadSocket BoltStainlessSteel5. Scotch yoke Steel16. SupportBand PTFE 27.SetScrew StainlessSteel6. Stopper Steel17. O-Ring–Piston NBR28. Spring ReturnCoverAluminum7. Shaft Wearing POM18. O-Ring–Shaft, lowerNBR29. Spring Steel8. Support Ring- Lower POM19. O-Ring–Shaft – upperNBR30. SpringRetainerSteel9. Support Ring- Middle POM20. O-Ring–StopperNBR 31.Plane Washer Steel10. Support Ring-UpperPOM21. Snap Ring Stainless Steel32. Spring Washer Steel 11. Thrust Washer POM22. O-Ring-CoverStainless Steel33. Pretension bolt Steel10. Trouble ShootingStatus Possible ReasonRecommended actionElectric power line failsCheck the incoming voltage or power lineCheck voltage of solenoid CoilTrouble in solenoid valve If coil is OK, check operation of spool valve by using manual button Actuator doesn’t work at allBlockage or leak in air supply line Check air supply lineAir pressure is too lowIncrease supply air pressureBlockage in air inlet/outlet lines by foreign materialTake out foreign material in the line Speed controller is lockedOpen speed controller Air leakage through piston ring Replace the piston ring1) Increase air supply pressure Actuator is working, but not smoothlyActual valve torque is too high2) Replace with a larger actuator Stopper setting is wrongSet stopper againValve doesn’t openor close fullyActual valve torque is too higherthan specification.Replace with a larger actuator Air leakage Piston or cover bushing o-ringworn outReplace O-rings。
