



第十一次作业1、hydrogen bond 氢键:与电负性大的原子X(氟、氯、氧、氮等)共价结合的氢,如与负电性大的原子Y(与X相同的也可以)接近,在X与Y之间以氢为媒介,生成X-H…Y形的键。















11月27日数学作业A 卷一、选择题(本大题共10个小题)在每个小题的下面,都给出了代号为A 、B 、C 、D 的四个答案,请将正确答案的代号填涂在答题卡上的相应位置.......... 1.下列不等式中,是一元一次不等式的是( ) A .2x ﹣y >1B .6+3>5C .1x >2D .y +2<﹣52.直线1y x =+与x 轴的交点坐标是() A .(1,0)B .(1,0)- C .(0,1)D .(0,1)-3.在数轴上表示不等式x ≥﹣2的解集正确的是( ) A . B .C .D .4.若m n >,则下列不等式一定成立的是( ) A .11m n +<+B .22m n -<-C .33m n > D .44m n ->-5.甲种蔬菜保鲜适宜的温度是1~5C ,乙种蔬菜保鲜适宜的温度是3~8C ,将这两种蔬菜放在一起同时保鲜,适宜的温度是( )A .1~3CB .3~5CC .5~8CD .1~8C6.《九章算术》是我国古代一部著名的算书,它的出现标志着中国古代数学形成了完整的体系.其中卷八方程[七]中记载:“今有牛五、羊二,直金十两;牛二、羊五,直金八两.问牛、羊直金几何?”译文:“假设有5头牛、2只羊共值金10两;2头牛、5只羊共值金8两.问每头牛、每只羊各值金多少两?”设每头牛值金x 两,每只羊值金y 两,那么下面列出的方程组中正确的是( )A .10258x y x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩B .52810x y x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩C .5282510x y x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩D .5210258x y x y +=⎧⎨+=⎩7.关于x 的不等式12﹣3x >0的非负整数解共有( )个. A .3 B .4 C .5 D .68.若x y 、满足方程组4822x y x y -=⎧⎨+=⎩,则x y -的值为()A .-2B .-1C .1D .29.将点P (b a b a -+,)向右平移2个单位,再向上平移4个单位,得到的点的坐标是(2,3),则点(b a ,)落在( ) A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限10.(多选题)一次函数1y mx n =+与2y x a =-+的图象如图所示,则下列判断中 正确的( )A .方程0=+n mx 的解是2=xB .1y 随x 的增大而增大C .000>,<,>a n mD .的解集为x>3 二、填空题(本大题共4个小题)请将每小题的答案填在答题卡中对应的横线上........... 11.已知函数3y x =-,则自变量x 的取值范围是.12.若关于x 的不等式1x a ->的解集是4x <,则a = .13.已知不等式(m ﹣1)x |m |+2>6是关于x 的一元一次不等式,则m 的值为 . 14.一个两位数,个位数比十位数大5,如果把这个两位数的位置对换,那么所得的新数与原数的和是143,这个两位数是.15.如图,5个大小形状完全相同的长方形纸片,在直角坐标系中摆成如图图案, 已知(8,5)B -,则点A 的坐标是 .三、解答题(本大题共5个小题)解答时每小题必须给出必要的演算过程或推理步骤,画出必要的图形(包括辅助线),请将解答过程书写在答题卡中对应的位置上........... 16.计算(1)202x y x y -=⎧⎨+=⎩(2)⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=--=-143)1(4)2(3yx y x17.解下列不等式,并把解集在数轴上表示出来. (1);1213+<-x x (2)145261≥--+y y .18.已知满足不等式135≤-x 的最小正整数解是关于x 的方程)1(4)9(+=+x x a 的解,求代数式12+a 的值.mx n x a +<-+19.如图,直线1l 的解析式为x y 31=,直线2l 与y 轴交于点A (0,24),与直线1l 交于点B (18,)m . (1)求AB 所在直线的解析式;(2)点C 为1l 上一点,横坐标为6,过点C 作CD y ∥轴交直线2l 于点D ,求ACB ∆的面积.20.为优选品种,提高产量,某农业科技小组对甲、乙两个水稻品种进行种植对比实验研究.去年甲、乙两个品种各种植了100亩.收获后甲、乙两个品种的售价均为2.8元/千克,且甲的平均亩产量比乙的平均亩产量低100千克,甲、乙两个品种全部售出后总收入为644000元. (1)请求出甲、乙两个品种去年平均亩产量分别是多少;(2)今年,科技小组加大了水稻种植的科研力度,在甲、乙种植亩数不变的情况下,预计甲、乙两个品种平均亩产量将在去年的基础上分别增加20a 千克和10a 千克由于甲品种深受市场的欢迎,预计售价将在去年的基础上每千克上涨0.05a 元,而乙品种的售价将在去年的基础上每千克下降0.1a 元.甲、乙两个品种全部售出后总收入将在去年的基础上增加7600元.求a 的值.B 部分四、填空题:请将每小题的答案填在答题卡中对应的横线上........... 21.若点关于轴的对称点在正比例函数的图象上,则的值为. 22.已知关于x 的不等式20x m +>﹣有3个自然数解,则m 的取值范围是 .23.如图,在平面直角坐标系内依次摆放着若干个等腰直角三角形,其中,直角顶点 ,,,321A A A 在x (1,2)M y (54)y k x =+k轴正半轴上,顶点 ,,,321B B B 在第一象限内,且()()()() ,,,,,,,,4103623114321B B B B ,则第八个等腰直角三角形在第一象限的顶点8B 的坐标为.第23题图第24题图24.如图,在△ABC 中,BC =22,∠ABC =45°,ABC ECB ∠=∠21,BD ⊥CD ,则2BD = . 25.某商家将蓝牙耳机、多接口优盘、迷你音箱共22个,搭配为A ,B ,C 三种盲盒各一个.其中A 盒中有2个耳机,3个优盘,1个音箱;B 盒中耳机与音箱的数量之和等于优盘的数量,耳机与音箱的数量之比为3:2;C 盒中有1个耳机,3个优盘,2个音箱.经核算,A 盒的价值为145元,B 盒的价值为245元,则C 盒的价值为 元.五、解答题:解答时必须给出必要的演算过程或推理步骤,请将解答过程书写在答题卡中对应的位置上........... 26.阅读材料:善于思考的小强同学在解方程组2534115x y x y +=⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩时,采用了一种“整体代换”解法:解:将方程②变形:4x +10y +y =5,即2(2x +5y )+y =5…③, 把方程①代入③得:2×3+y =5即y =﹣1,把y =﹣1代入方程①,得x =4,所以方程组的解为{41x y ==-.请你解决以下问题(1)模仿小强同学的“整体代换”法解方程组{2376511x y x y -=-=; (2)已知x ,y 满足方程组222231135949x xy y x xy y ⎧++=⎨-+=⎩; ①求xy 的值;②求出这个方程组的所有整数解.① ②27.如图1所示,腰长为3的等腰Rt△AOB的腰与坐标轴重合,直线y=23x与AB交于点C.(1)求点C的坐标;(2)如图2,将直线OC沿y轴正方向平移4个单位长度得到直线DE(其中D、E分别为新直线与y轴、x轴的交点),连接DC、CE,求△CDE的面积;(3)如图3,在第(2)问的条件下,将△AOB沿x轴平移得到△NKM,连接DN、DM,当△DMN为等腰三角形时,请直接写出点M的坐标.28.已知如图,在Rt△ABC中,AB=AC,∠A=90°,点D为直线AB上一点,连接CD,将点D绕点C顺时针旋转90°至点E,连接CE,连接BE交直线AC于点F.(1)如图1,若CD平分∠ACB,AC=2,求BD的长;(2)如图2,求证:BF=EF;(3)若AC=2,当BE+CE最小时,直接写出△BCE的面积。

人教版六年级上册数学第十一次作业布置 Microsoft Word 文档

人教版六年级上册数学第十一次作业布置 Microsoft Word 文档





婴儿每分钟心跳多少次?(用两种方法做) 方法一:先求多跳的次数,再求婴儿每分钟心跳多少次





本次作业是本门课程本学期的第8次作业,注释如下:大学英语II 第8单元作业题一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题)1. –I heard your brother broke his leg.–[本题2分](A) I’m sorry.(B) Yes, but he’s going fine.(C) That’s too bad.(D) Please don’t say that.正确答案:B解答参考:[第八单元]B 只有选项B能够与题干搭配,并进一步提供信息。

2. –What’s the news?–[本题2分](A) I don’t know.(B) The president is going to visit the town tomorrow.(C) Yes, it is interesting.(D) It doesn't matter.正确答案:B解答参考:[第八单元]B 题干问“有什么新闻吗?”即使不知道也不能回答I don’t know,显得没有礼貌。


3. –Guess what I just found out.–[本题2分](A) No, I can’t.(B) It’s none of my business.(C) I’ve got no idea(D) Yes, I can.正确答案:C解答参考:[第八单元]C 题干意思是“你猜我刚知道了什么?”选项C表示“猜不出、不知道”。

4. –It’s great that you got into such a good university.–[本题2分](A) Oh, that’s nothing.(B) Don’t mention it.(C) I had a large dose of good luck.(D) It’s my pleasure.正确答案:C解答参考:[第八单元] C Don’t mention it. 和It’s my pleasure. 都表示“不用谢”,选项C意为“我是运气好”,表示谦虚,。




一、(选择题)总分:50分(1分/题)1、What do you call a group of lions?A, PackB, PrideC, FlockD, School2、How many letters are there in the English alphabet?A, 24B, 25C, 26D, 273、She loves to study music. 她喜欢学习音乐。

A, Music B, Art C, Science4、What do you call a vehicle that travels on tracks?A, CarB, TrainC, Plane5、What is the main role of chlorophyll?叶绿素的主要作用是什么?A, To absorb lightB, To store energyC, To produce flowersD, To transport water6、What do we call the last day of the year?A, New Year's EveB, ChristmasC, ThanksgivingD, Halloween7、Which animal is known as the king of the jungle?A, ElephantB, LionC, TigerD, Bear8、What do we wear to protect our heads while riding a bike? A, HatB, HelmetC, CapD, Beanie9、Which part of the plant is often colorful and attracts insects?中文解释:植物的哪个部分通常很有色彩并吸引昆虫?A, RootsB, FlowersC, Stems10、What is the English translation of "药"?A, MedicineB, FoodC, DrinkD, Candy11、What do you call a person who plays music?A, ArtistB, MusicianC, WriterD, Painter12、Which plant is known for its ability to purify water?哪种植物以净化水源的能力而闻名?A, Water lilyB, CactusC, OakD, Pine13、What is the color of snow?A, BlueB, WhiteC, GreenD, Yellow14、What sound does a cat make?A, BarkB, MeowC, Moo15、What do we call the language spoken in France? A, SpanishB, FrenchC, ItalianD, German16、What is a good way to resolve a conflict?A, YellB, Talk it outC, Avoid itD, Blame others17、What does "猫" mean in English?A, DogB, CatC, RabbitD, Mouse18、What do we call plants that grow in dry areas?中文解释:我们称生长在干燥地区的植物为?A, XerophytesB, Aquatic plantsC, Marsh plants19、How many players are there on a baseball team? A, NineB, EightC, Ten20、Which month comes after June?A, MayB, JulyC, AugustD, September二、(听力题)总分:50分(2分/题)1、听力填空题:We ___ (visit) the aquarium last week.2、听力填空题:She ___ (make) a card for her friend.3、听力填空题:He ___ (not/know) how to play the piano.4、听力填空题:I ___ (wake) up early for school.5、听力填空题:He ___ (not/finish) reading the book.6、听力填空题:We ___ (go) camping every summer.7、听力填空题:She ___ (not/visit) her aunt last weekend.8、听力填空题:I ___ (wake) up at seven every day.9、Which season comes after summer?A, WinterB, SpringC, FallD, Summer10、What is the name of the famous waterfall in North America? A, Victoria FallsB, Niagara FallsC, Angel FallsD, Iguazu Falls11、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听到的内容是(T)否(F)相符。



小学上册英语第2单元暑期作业(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The park is very ______. (big)2.We enjoy _____ to the library. (going)3. A _____ (灌木) can provide privacy in a garden.4.My sister is a ______. She loves to explore new places.5.I love to play with people, so I often invite friends to join me in playing with my________ (玩具名).6.Chemicals can be represented by their ______ symbols.7.I can ______ (ride) a horse.8.I have _______ (三) brothers and sisters, and we love to _______ (一起玩).9.Insects like ladybugs can help control ______ (害虫).10.My brother's favorite animal is a ______ (老虎).11.The process of heating a substance to remove water is called _______.12.The __________ is a famous area for hiking and outdoor activities.13.The _____ is the largest planet in our solar system.14.The sun is _______ (很亮).15.The _____ (金鱼) swims gracefully.16.What is the name of the famous mouse created by Walt Disney?A. Donald DuckB. Mickey MouseC. GoofyD. Bugs Bunny答案: B17.What is the name of the event where people come together to enjoy music?A. ConcertB. FestivalC. ShowD. Gathering答案: A18.What is the capital city of Italy?A. ParisB. RomeC. MadridD. Berlin答案: B19.The ____ is known for its colorful patterns and unique appearance.20.I enjoy learning about different ______ (科学) topics. Each lesson is an opportunity to discover something new.21.My favorite thing about winter is the __________. (雪)22.The __________ is a region with many islands.23.I have a soft ________ (玩具熊) that I hug every night before I sleep.24.The chemical formula for ammonia is __________.25.阅读短文,选择正确答案。



小学上册英语第二单元暑期作业(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.How many legs does a spider have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. Twelve答案: B2.What is the name of the superhero who wears a cape and flies?A. BatmanB. Spider-ManC. SupermanD. Iron Man答案: C3. A ____ is known for its ability to fly great distances.4.The chemical formula for copper(I) oxide is _______.5.My ______ is a writer who tells great stories.6.The _____ (小猫) plays with its shadow.7.The ancient Egyptians developed a system of ________ (数学).8.The rainbow is _______ (美丽的).9.The _____ (果实) of the orange tree is juicy.10.He is playing a ___. (game)11.Oxidation can affect the color and ______ of materials.12.The rabbit is ________ in the grass.13.The kitten plays with its _________ (尾巴).14.What is the capital of Angola?A. LuandaB. HuamboC. BenguelaD. Lubango答案: A15.My friend is a __________ (探险家).16.The bread is ___ (fresh/stale).17. A tarantula can live for several ________________ (年).18.In a circuit, a resistor limits the flow of ______ (current).19. A __________ is a chemical reaction that produces gas.20.How many colors are in a standard color wheel?A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 12答案: D21. A ______ (植物的保育措施) can protect vulnerable species.22. A _____ (植物保护协会) can advocate for endangered species.23.The birthday cake is _____ (round/square).24.What do you call a young dog?A. CatB. PuppyC. KittenD. Cub答案: B25.听一听,为下面图片排列顺序,每个句子读三遍。



小学下册英语第1单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.In a chemical reaction, the amount of energy required to start the reaction is called the _____ energy.2. A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction is called a ______.3.What do you call a large mammal that lives in the ocean?A. FishB. WhaleC. SharkD. Dolphin4.My aunt loves to __________. (种花)5.We visit the ___ (museum) every year.6.What do you call the action of making a decision?A. DecidingB. ChoosingC. SelectingD. PickingA7.The __________ (生态系统保护) is necessary for future generations.8.The _____ (种子) will grow into a new plant.9.The cockroach is not a ______ (受欢迎的) insect.10.The process of photosynthesis takes place in the ______ of plants. (光合作用发生在植物的叶子中。

)11.What do we call the process of water falling as rain, snow, or sleet?A. EvaporationB. PrecipitationC. CondensationD. TranspirationB12. A _______ can be used to measure the intensity of light.13.My uncle is a skilled ____ (mechanic).14.The _____ (袋鼠) jumps high.15.How many zeros are in one thousand?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. FiveB16.The wallaby is smaller than a ______ (袋鼠).17.We are going to ______ (explore) a cave.18.The chemical formula for -pentanoic acid is ______.19.The ______ (树木的) roots spread wide underground.20.The bunny hops ______ (跳跃) around the garden.21.I like to ________ (听音乐) while studying.22.My favorite _____ (玩具) is a red truck. 我最喜欢的玩具是一辆红色的卡车。



小学上册英语第二单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I like _______ (吃水果) in summer.2.What do you call a large, naturally occurring community of flora and fauna?A. EcosystemB. HabitatC. BiomeD. EnvironmentC3.She is a _____ (作家) contributing to literary magazines.4.The study of compounds containing carbon is called ______ chemistry.5.What is the capital of the USA?A. LondonB. ParisC. Washington,D. C. D. Berlin6.The __________ can provide critical insights into environmental sustainability.7.What is the main ingredient of sushi?A. BreadB. RiceC. PastaD. PotatoB8.What is 12 + 8?A. 18B. 20C. 22D. 249.The Sun's light takes about minutes to reach ______.10.An island is a piece of land completely surrounded by ________.11.The ______ (花香) of roses is delightful.12.My brother is passionate about __________ (科学项目).13.I love _____ (toys/books).14.He is very ___. (clever)15.What is the capital of Guatemala?A. Guatemala CityB. AntiguaC. QuetzaltenangoD. EscuintlaA16. A __________ is a place where people go to see wildlife.17.The moon affects the ______ of the oceans.18.My mother is a _____ (护士) who works in pediatrics.19.I like to ______ (参与) in community service.20.My teacher helps me with ____.21.Did you ever see a _______ (小马戏团) perform tricks?22.He is learning to ________ a guitar.23.What is the capital city of Greece?A. AthensB. SpartaC. ThessalonikiD. CreteA24.The ________ (生长习性) helps identify plants.25.What is the season after summer?A. WinterB. SpringC. AutumnD. FallC26.I love to explore ________ (国家公园) during vacations.27.The _____ (garden) is where I find peace.28. A dolphin's intelligence is comparable to that of a ______ (狗).29.I drink __________ in the morning.30.The ________ (植物实验) reveals unique traits.31.The butterfly is a symbol of ______ (美丽).32.Earth's atmosphere is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, and other ______.33.ry _______ (有才华的). She is w34.What is the name of the famous wizard in J.K. Rowling's series?A. GandalfB. DumbledoreC. MerlinD. Harry PotterD35.The tortoise has a hard _________. (壳)36.What is the capital of England?A. LondonB. DublinC. EdinburghD. CardiffA London37.What do we call the time when the sun sets?A. DawnB. NoonC. DuskD. MidnightC38.The __________ (历史论文) analyze significant issues.39.The lake is very ___ (calm).40.The owl’s eyes are very ______ (大) and round.41.What is the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly called?A. MetamorphosisB. EvolutionC. TransformationD. DevelopmentA42.Light can be bent by gravity, a phenomenon known as ______.43.ssance stimulated a revival of ________ (艺术). The Rena44.The symbol for magnesium oxide is _____.45.The __________ is known for its stunning beaches.46.The ______ (海豚) is very intelligent.47.The _______ (Impeachment) is a process used to remove a president from office.48.In a combustion reaction, the reactants typically include a hydrocarbon and _____.49.My sister is a ______. She loves to help with school projects.50.They are ___ a movie. (watching)51.Her favorite animal is a ________.52.We work on ________ (projects) together.53.I want to ___ a pilot. (become)54. A chemical change involves the formation of new _____.55.The chemical symbol for magnesium is __________.56.Playing with _________ (玩具乐器) helps me learn about music.57.What is the main ingredient in a salad?A. MeatB. VegetablesC. RiceD. Bread58.The __________ (自然灾害) require preparedness.59.My mom loves __________ (参与当地事务).60.What is the color of the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. GreenB61.In the summer, I love to go __________. The weather is usually __________, which makes it perfect for __________. I often take my __________ along because he/she loves to __________. We usually pack __________ and spend the whole day __________.62.My cousin has a toy _____ that walks.63.The ______ (鱼) swims in schools.64.How many continents are there?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. EightC65.I like to sing ______ songs during car rides.66.I feel sleepy when it’s ______ (阴暗的) outside.67.What is 6 x 7?A. 42B. 36C. 48D. 54A68. A base tastes ______ and feels slippery.69.What is the name of the first woman in space?A. Sally RideB. Valentina TereshkovaC. Mae JemisonD. Eileen CollinsB70.My cousin is very __________ (有创造力).71. A __________ is a geological feature that influences the local landscape.72.古代的________ (artifacts) 帮助我们了解过去的文化。



小学上册英语第六单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The atomic mass of an element is the average mass of its __________.2.What do you call the process of water turning into vapor?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. PrecipitationD. FreezingA3.An example of a noble gas is _______.4.Which of these is a common pet?A. CowB. DogC. HorseD. Sheep5.What do we call the large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth?A. RiverB. LakeC. OceanD. PondC Ocean6.There are many __________ (桥) connecting the cities.7.I believe in the power of teamwork. Collaborating with others brings diverse perspectives and ideas. I enjoy working on group projects because we can achieve more together.8.Julius Caesar was a famous leader in __________ history. (罗马)9.What is the capital of Spain?A. LisbonB. MadridC. BarcelonaD. Valencia10.The ______ (小鸭) quacks when it's excited.11.The equator divides the Earth into ________ (南半球) and northern hemisphere.12.My _____ (木偶) dances when I pull the string.13.The chemical formula for glucose is _______.14.What is the name of the story about a girl who befriends seven dwarfs?A. CinderellaB. Snow WhiteC. RapunzelD. AladdinB15.My cat loves to groom itself to keep its ______ (毛) clean.16.The _____ (书包) is heavy.17.The first successful heart transplant was done by ________ (克里斯托弗·里德).18.My favorite game is ________.19.The ________ was a crucial battle in the campaign for independence.20.The chemical formula for baking powder is ______.21., the weather can be very ______ (多变). Sometime22.She is _______ (organizing) her room.23.The capital of Moldova is __________.24.We need to ________ the dishes.25.How do you say "你好" in English?A. GoodbyeB. HelloC. Thank youD. Please26. A _______ can help to measure the intensity of sound in different conditions.27.I love _____ (planting) flowers in the spring.28.The ____ chirps happily in the trees during spring.29.What is the main ingredient in a smoothie?A. YogurtB. MilkC. JuiceD. All of the aboveD30.The main gas produced in a chemical reaction can be identified by its _______.31.What is the capital of Chile?A. SantiagoB. ValparaísoC. ConcepciónD. La SerenaA32.The author writes _____ (小说) about adventure.33.What do you call the front of a boat?A. SternB. BowC. PortD. StarboardB34.What is 15 7?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9C 835.public consultation) gathers citizen input. The ____36.I have fun playing board games with my ____.37.The __________ (奥斯曼帝国) lasted for centuries.38.The _____ (海豚) is known for its playful behavior.39. A snake moves by __________ its body.40. A mixture that can be separated by distillation is called a ______.41.The bird sings ______. (鸟儿_______唱。



2024年11版小学英语第3单元暑期作业考试时间:90分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What is 20 divided by 4?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 72、What is the name of the first spacecraft to orbit the Moon?A. Apollo 11B. Luna 1C. Ranger 7D. Surveyor 13、选择题:What do we call the liquid made from crushed grapes?A. JuiceB. WineC. SodaD. Water4、How do you say "moon" in Spanish?A. LunaB. MoonsC. LuneD. Mese5、What do we call a young female horse?A. FillyB. ColtC. FoalD. Mare6、Which of these is a vegetable?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. Grape7、What is the primary color of a kiwi fruit?A. BrownB. GreenC. YellowD. Red8、选择题:What is the opposite of big?A. SmallB. LargeC. TallD. Heavy9、What is the primary color made by mixing blue and yellow?A. GreenB. OrangeC. PurpleD. Brown10、How many players are on a cricket team?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 1311、How many oceans are there in the world?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 612、选择题:What is the capital of the United Kingdom?A. LondonB. EdinburghC. DublinD. Cardiff13、Which planet is known for having extreme temperatures?A. NeptuneB. VenusC. MarsD. Earth14、选择题:What is 100 - 25?A. 70B. 75C. 80D. 8515、What do we call the person who teaches in school?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. ChefD. Artist16、What is the name given to the first human-made object to orbit the Earth?A. Apollo 11B. Voyager 1C. Sputnik 1D. Hubble Space Telescope17、选择题:What do we call a large, flightless bird?A. EagleB. PenguinC. SparrowD. Parrot18、Which animal can fly?A. FishB. BirdC. DogD. Cat19、选择题:What do you call a baby dog?A. KittenB. PuppyC. CubD. Calf20、选择题:What is the capital of Canada?A. OttawaB. TorontoC. VancouverD. Montreal二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:A solid has a definite ______.2、听力题:I can speak ________ languages.3、听力题:She has a ________ smile.4、听力题:I enjoy ______ new things. (learning)5、听力题:The ice is _______ (slippery).6、听力题:The chemical symbol for gallium is _______.7、听力题:We are _____ (drawing) in art class.8、听力题:I see a _____ balloon in the sky. (red)9、听力题:The __________ is the fourth largest ocean.10、听力题:A ______ is a change that results in new substances being formed.11、听力题:The ________ (phone) is ringing.12、听力题:The children are playing ________.13、听力题:Rivers often flow into the ________.14、听力题:The process of making ice cream involves ______.The state of matter that has no definite volume or shape is _______.16、听力题:The Earth’s ______ is responsible for its magnetic field.17、听力题:A _______ is a process that requires energy input.18、听力题:I have _____ (one/two) sister(s).19、听力题:A displacement reaction involves one element replacing ______.20、听力题:The chemical symbol for nickel is ______.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:The ________ is a beautiful creature that glows.2、填空题:I enjoy learning about space and the ______ (宇宙). It fascinates me to think about all the stars.3、填空题:The _______ (The Emancipation Proclamation) declared the freedom of slaves in the US.4、填空题:The _____ (fruit) of the apple tree is delicious.5、填空题:The ________ (农业生态学) is essential for sustainability.6、填空题:The _______ (小金色) is a common pet for many families.7、填空题:My favorite animal is a _______ (老虎).8、填空题:Saltwater is an example of a _______ solution. (盐)She is a _____ (记者) who investigates important issues.10、填空题:I like to explore ______ on weekends.11、填空题:We saw a _____ (蛇) slithering through the grass.12、填空题:After school, I do my _______ (作业) and then go outside to _______ (活动). Sometimes, I help my _______ (家庭成员) with _______ (任务).13、填空题:The walrus spends a lot of time on _________ (冰).14、填空题:A rabbit's diet consists mainly of ______ (胡萝卜).15、填空题:I love animals, especially ______ (狗) and ______ (猫). They are great companions and bring ______ (快乐) to our lives.16、填空题:My birthday is in _______ (九月).17、填空题:历史上,________ (technology) 的发展改变了人们的生活方式。



小学上册英语第6单元暑期作业(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The goldfinch's song is pleasant to ______ (听).2. A frog's legs help it swim and ______ (跳).3.I love playing with my ________ (玩具车) on the floor.4.My cousin is always . (我的表兄弟/表姐妹总是。

)5.The process of separating components of a mixture using a filter is called _______.6.The ____ has sharp claws and is very agile.7.He likes to play _______.8.What do you call a young female chimpanzee?A. InfantB. PupC. CubD. Kit答案: A9.The ice cream truck is ______ (coming) down the street.10.The wind blows through the ______ (树叶). It sounds very ______ (宁静).11. A supernova is the explosion of a dying ______.12.ts can grow from __________ (切割). Some pla13.The chemical formula for citric acid is ________.14.The _______ has a variety of colors and shapes.15.I can ______ (识别) different species of birds.16.Chemical energy is stored in the bonds of ______.17.We can _______ (一起) read a book.18.The butterfly starts as a _________ (毛毛虫).19.Mahatma Gandhi led India to independence through ______ (非暴力) resistance.20.The _______ of an object can be affected by the surface it is on.21.The basic building blocks of matter are called _____.22.The ________ (季节性) affects flowering times.23.The ________ is green and leafy.24.I like to customize my ________ (玩具) with stickers.25.The sun rises in the ______ (east).26.__________ (有机化合物) contain carbon and are found in living things.27.The __________ is a famous area known for its artistic contributions.28.My dad enjoys going to the ____ (movies).29.What is the name of the famous river in China?A. YangtzeB. MekongC. GangesD. Indus答案:A30.The ______ is the largest bird that cannot fly.31.The ______ is a symbol of peace.32.The ______ (小鹿) grazes in the open field, enjoying the warm ______ (阳光).33. A _____ can be very bright and is often seen at night.34.The process of using heat to break down a substance is called _______.35.My ________ (玩具名称) inspires me every day.36. A neutral solution has equal concentrations of ______.37.The capital of the Netherlands is _______.38.What is the term for the outer layer of the atmosphere?A. TroposphereB. StratosphereC. MesosphereD. Exosphere答案:D.Exosphere39.I enjoy learning about history, especially __________.40.What do you call the scientific study of the mind and behavior?A. PsychologyB. SociologyC. AnthropologyD. Psychiatry答案: A41.I always help my mom with ______.42.The _____ (trophy) is shiny.43.She likes to play with her ___. (friends)44.They are eating ________ for lunch.45.The _____ (spaceship) Apollo 11 took astronauts to the moon.46.The main source of energy for the Earth is _____.47.She is wearing a cute ___. (outfit)48.Mice are known for being very _________ (敏捷).49.The process of freezing turns a liquid into a __________.50.The symbol for carbon is _______.51.The cat is ________ on the sofa.52.The chemical formula for propane is ______.53.I have a new ___. (computer)54.The ________ was a vital treaty that shaped international relations.55.The _____ (植物保护) is important for biodiversity.56. Wall of China was built to protect against ________. The Grea57.What do we call a person who studies the nature of reality?A. PhilosopherB. ScientistC. MathematicianD. Historian答案: A58. A ____ is a curious animal that explores new places.59.I love to watch the stars at ______ (夜晚). They twinkle like ______ (宝石).60.She is _______ (coloring) a picture.61.What is the name of the famous landmark in Paris?A. Eiffel TowerB. Louvre MuseumC. Arc de TriompheD. All of the above答案: D. All of the above62.What is the name of the famous landmark in Paris?A. Eiffel TowerB. Big BenC. Statue of LibertyD. Colosseum答案:A63.The _______ can provide essential food for animals.64.The ____ is a small rodent that likes to nibble on seeds.65.The chemical symbol for potassium is _______.66.The _______ (猫头鹰) hoots at night.67.The _______ (The Industrial Revolution) revolutionized manufacturing processes.68.My brother is a __________ (创新型人才).69.What do you call the person who writes books?A. AuthorB. EditorC. PublisherD. Journalist答案:A70.The process of changing a liquid to a gas is called __________.71.My cousin is a very good ____ (swimmer).72.The _____ (carnivorous) plants trap insects for nutrients.73.My favorite place is the ______ (海边).74.The garden is _______ (色彩斑斓的).75.The capital of Turkey is _____.76.Which animal is known for its long neck?A. GiraffeB. ElephantC. RhinoD. Hippo答案: A77.The ______ helps us learn about community service.78.My brother is interested in ____.79.The ____ is often seen fluttering around in the garden.80.The ______ (青蛙) can be found in many environments.81.What is the name of the famous British scientist known for his work on gravity?A. Albert EinsteinB. Isaac NewtonC. Charles DarwinD. Stephen Hawking答案:B82. A _______ (蟋蟀) chirps at night.83.______ is the process of breaking down rocks into smaller pieces.84. A ________ (蝴蝶) flutters around and is very colorful.85.The _____ (wind/snow) is blowing.86.The Earth’s surface is constantly changing due to ______ and erosion.87.They are ___ a picture. (taking)88.My pet is a small ____.89.The Earth's layers include the crust, mantle, outer core, and ______ core.90.The parade was ________ (精彩).91.The __________ (历史的激励作用) drive progress.92.I enjoy _____ (tasting) different herbs.93.The __________ (历史的践行) embodies principles.94.What is the name of the famous American author known for "To Kill a Mockingbird"?A. Harper LeeB. F. Scott FitzgeraldC. Ernest HemingwayD. Mark Twain答案: A. Harper Lee95.My cat's _______ (反应) is very quick.96.The iguana changes its ______ (颜色) to blend in.97.The chemical formula for table salt is _______.98. A ________ (树木) is essential for clean air.99.What is the name of the famous landmark in Paris?A. Eiffel TowerB. Big BenC. Statue of LibertyD. Colosseum答案: A100.My friend is a _____ (志愿者) who helps others.。



小学上册英语第4单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.thic Revolution marked the transition to ________ (农业). The Nile2.What is the weather like when it snows?A. HotB. ColdC. DryD. Windy3.The _______ can vary in size and shape.4.What do you call a person who teaches students?A. StudentB. TeacherC. PrincipalD. CounselorB5.The children are _____ (playing/sleeping) in the yard.6.How many legs does a spider have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. FourB7.What is the color of grass?A. BlueB. GreenC. YellowD. BrownB8.The _______ (The Harlem Renaissance) showcased African American culture and arts.9.What do you call a place where wild animals are protected?A. ZooB. SanctuaryC. FarmD. ParkB10.I want to _______ (去旅行)到不同的地方。

11.They are _______ in the classroom.12.The wolf howls at the ________________ (月亮).13. A __________ is created when materials accumulate in a low area.14. A ______ (生态恢复) project can revitalize damaged areas.15.My ________ (玩具名称) is a fun way to explore different stories.16.What ocean is the largest?A. AtlanticB. IndianC. ArcticD. Pacific17.What do you use to measure length?A. ScaleB. RulerC. ClockD. Thermometer18.The corn is ___ (growing) tall.19.The __________ (藤蔓) climbed up the wall.20.She _______ (爱) playing basketball.21. A ____ is known for its ability to swim quickly in water.22.The _____ (香料) from herbs enhances food.23.The ____ has a thick fur coat to keep warm in winter.24.The starfish can regenerate its ________________ (臂).25.The cake is very ______ (sweet).26.The ____ has a long tail and is often seen playing.27.The concept of ecological sustainability focuses on maintaining healthy ______.28.I enjoy listening to music. My favorite genre is __________ because it makes me feel __________. I like to sing along to my favorite songs when I’m at home.29.What is the name of the longest river in North America?A. MississippiB. MissouriC. ColoradoD. Rio GrandeA30.The flowers smell __________.31.How many colors are in a traffic light?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. FourC32.What is 2 + 2?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 633.Where do fish live?A. TreesB. GroundC. WaterD. SkyC34. A dolphin is known for its playful ________________ (性格).35.What do you call a baby baboon?A. PupB. KitC. CalfD. Cub36.Many plants have ______ (防御机制) against herbivores.37. A __________ (社区花园) can beautify neighborhoods.38.On rainy days, I love to watch movies and drink __________. (热巧克力)munity engagement strategy) fosters participation. The ____40. A lobster has ______ (钳子) to catch food.41.Certain plants are known for their unique ______, making them sought after in gardening. (某些植物因其独特的特征而受到园艺爱好者的追捧。



小学上册英语第6单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.How many hours are there in a day?A. 12B. 24C. 30D. 482.What is the capital city of Serbia?A. BelgradeB. Novi SadC. NišD. Kragujevac3.Geologists use ______ to study the layers of the Earth.4.What is the capital of the Maldives?A. MaléB. Addu CityC. FuvahmulahD. Dhidhdhoo5.What do we call the famous American space agency?A. NASAB. ESAC. JAXAD. CNSA6.The country known for its chocolate is ________ (比利时).7.The classroom is very ________.8.What do we call a scientist who studies the universe?A. AstronomerB. AstrophysicistC. CosmologistD. GeologistA9. A __________ is a geological feature that influences land use decisions.10.We should _______ (尊重) nature.11.My birthday is in _____ (July/Friday).12.The ________ (环境变化) affects our health.13.Which animal lives in water?A. TigerB. FrogC. EagleD. HorseB14.The _____ (水果) we eat comes from flowering plants.15.The __________ is a part of the plant that stores energy.16.My brother is a __________ (广告设计师).17.My toy _____ can jump and flip.18.The capital of Bulgaria is __________.19.The bakery sells ________ (面包).20.The chemical symbol for oxygen is ______.21.Some stars are much _____ than the sun.22.What do we call a person who studies astronomy?A. AstronomerB. AstrophysicistC. CosmologistD. All of the above23.The cat is ___ (purring/meowing).24.________ (生态系统动态) guide conservation.25.I have a ___ (big) dream.26.What do we wear on our feet?A. HatsB. ShoesC. GlovesD. Scarves27.Certain plants can be used to create natural ______ barriers in landscape design. (某些植物可以用于景观设计,创建自然屏障。



小学上册英语第4单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A ____ is often seen lounging in the sun.2.The squirrel collects _______ (松鼠收集_______).3.Which country is known for the Eiffel Tower?A. ItalyB. SpainC. FranceD. GermanyC4.The __________ is a famous mountain range in Europe. (阿尔卑斯山脉)5.What do we call a story that teaches a lesson, often with animals?A. FableB. NovelC. BiographyD. PoemA6.What do we call the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?A. EquatorB. Prime MeridianC. Tropic of CancerD. Tropic of CapricornB7.My brother is _____ his homework. (doing)8.What color is a ripe banana?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. RedB9.green jobs) support sustainable industries. The ____10.Fungi are not _____ (植物) but they grow in soil.11.I enjoy _____ (painting/drawing).12.My favorite sport is _______ (石头剪刀布)。











课时作业(十一)压强(30分钟40分)一、选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)1.一块重6 N的木块,用8 N的水平力压在墙上,如图,木块对墙的压力是( )A.6 NB.8 NC.14 ND.6~8 N2.如图所示,能正确描述受力面积相同时固体压强与压力大小关系的图像是( )3.(2013·兰州中考)下列实例中属于增大压强的是( )4.如图甲所示,一块长木板放在水平桌面上,现用一水平力F1,向右缓慢地推木板,使其一部分露出桌面如图乙所示,在推木板的过程中木板对桌面的压力F、压强p和摩擦力f的变化情况是( )A.F、p不变,f变大B.F、f不变,p变大C.F变小,p、f变大D.F、f不变,p变小5.(2013·扬州中考)将质量为200g、底面积为4×10-2m2的物理书平放在水平课桌中央,课桌面积为0.2 m2,则书对课桌的压强为(g取10N/kg)( )A.5 PaB.10 PaC.50 PaD.5 000 Pa二、填空题(本大题共3小题,每空1分,共6分)6.(2013·扬州中考)“烟花三月下扬州”,小明游东关街时购买了如图所示的扬州三把刀(厨刀、修脚刀、理发刀),发现刀刃都很薄,这是为了。




zhāo jí dǐkàng qīn lüè jūn duì〔〕〔〕〔〕〔〕jīlièzhīzhūjuéwàng jiēwǎng〔〕〔〕〔〕〔〕2.改正词语中的错别字。

















平顶山2024年11版小学6年级下册英语第四单元暑期作业考试时间:100分钟(总分:140)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What is the average temperature of the human body?A, 36°CB, 37°CC, 38°CD, 39°C2、What do you call a young manatee?A, CalfB, KitC, PupD, Cub3、What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?A, BishkekB, OshC, Jalal-AbadD, Talas4、Which of these shapes has three sides?A, SquareB, TriangleC, RectangleD, Circle5、What is the name of the famous ancient city in Italy?A, RomeB, FlorenceC, VeniceD, All of the above6、What do you call the color of grass?A, BrownB, GreenC, YellowD, Blue7、What do we call the study of the atmosphere and weather? A, MeteorologyB, ClimatologyC, GeographyD, Environmental Science8、What do you call a person who teaches students?A, DoctorB, TeacherC, EngineerD, Artist9、What is the weather like when it snows?A, HotB, ColdC, DryD, Windy10、How many hearts does an octopus have?A, OneB, TwoC, ThreeD, Four11、Which of these is not a vegetable?A, CarrotB, TomatoC, BananaD, Cucumber12、D, OrangeWhat is the opposite of hot?A, ColdB, WarmC, Cool13、What is 5 x 3?A, 10B, 15C, 20D, 2514、What is the name of the toy that spins on the ground? A, FrisbeeB, TopC, Yo-yoD, Kite15、Which fruit is known for having seeds on the outside? A, StrawberryB, BlackberryC, RaspberryD, Blueberry16、What do you call a place where animals are kept?A, ZooB, FarmC, GardenD, Park17、What is the capital of Mongolia?A, UlaanbaatarB, ErdenetC, DarkhanD, Choibalsan18、What is 50 25?A, 15B, 25C, 35D, 4519、Which holiday is celebrated on December 25th?A, HalloweenB, ThanksgivingC, ChristmasD, New Year20、What is the name of the famous ancient city in Greece? A, AthensB, CorinthC, DelphiD, All of the above二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)My dad runs a ____ (store) in our neighborhood.2、听力题:A ______ is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution.3、听力题:The chemical formula for sodium chloride is ______.4、听力题:She is ___ (cooking/cleaning) the kitchen.5、听力题:I want to ________ (collaborate) with others.6、听力题:He wants to be a _____ (doctor/teacher).7、听力题:The main method of separating mixtures in a laboratory is _____.8、听力题:I want to ________ (understand) the lesson.9、听力题:The _____ (car/bike) is parked outside.10、听力题:The fish is _____ in the water. (swimming)11、听力题:I see a ______ (car) in the driveway.12、听力题:The chemical symbol for zinc is ______.13、听力题:The dog is ______ at the squirrel. (barking)14、听力题:I have a _______ (question) for you.15、听力题:I have a _____ (memory) of the trip.The car is ___ (blue).17、听力题:Acidic solutions have a pH less than _____.18、听力题:My sister enjoys learning about ____ (geography).19、听力题:The process of creating steam from water is called _______.20、听力题:The park is ___ (full/empty) of kids.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:The __________ is a large, flat-topped mountain. (台地)2、填空题:The _____ (火烈鸟) is pink due to its diet.3、填空题:The __________ (印度独立运动) was led by many leaders including Gandhi.4、填空题:I saw a ________ crawling on the ground.5、填空题:The _____ (生长) of plants is influenced by sunlight.6、填空题:I like to wear my ______.7、填空题:A ______ (鸡) scratches the ground for food.8、填空题:I like to write ______ (诗).9、填空题:The __________ (印加文明) built extensive roadways in South America.10、ts can ______ (提高) nutrient content in soil. 填空题:Some pla11、填空题:My favorite _________ (玩具) is the one that can talk back to me.12、填空题:I enjoy ________ (看电影) with my family.13、填空题:I want to _______ (尝试) new hobbies.14、填空题:The ______ (种植者) must know how to care for plants properly.15、填空题:The first dinosaur fossil was discovered in the _______ century. (19)16、填空题:I love to ______ (与朋友分享) my thoughts.17、填空题:At the fair, I won a ________ (玩具熊) by throwing rings. It was a ________ (好运气).18、填空题:A ________ (花) blooms in the spring.19、填空题:The _____ (农业教育) promotes sustainable practices.20、填空题:The garden has many types of ________.。

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