REGg, a proteasome activator and beyond
flavonoid biosynthesis意思
flavonoid biosynthesis意思flavonoid biosynthesis,即类黄酮生物合成,是植物中一个重要的次生代谢过程。
蛋白质降解与修饰-理论与实验 (1)
-E1 Ub
Ub: 泛素 (Ubiquitin),一高度保守的,由76个氨基酸组成的多肽。 E1: 泛素激活酶 (Ubiquitin-activating enzyme),人类仅有2种E1。 E2: 泛素载体蛋白 (Ubiquitin-carrier protein), 人类约有 30 种E2s。 E3: 泛素-蛋白连接酶 (Ubiquitin-protein ligase), 人类有1000多种E3s 。
3. 非泛素-蛋白酶体通路
Immunoproteasome REGgamma dependent protein degradation
Selective and ATP-independent
Proteasomes are responsible for degradation of most cellular proteins
Proteins constitute essential components of cells
Life cycle of proteins
/webcontent/an imations/content/lifecycleprotein.html
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004 for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis
Aaron Ciechanover
Avram Hershko
Irwin Rose
近年与泛素-蛋白酶体相关的PubMed论 文数在持续增长
1肝病的发病机理1.1 中毒性肝损伤的机理药物本身含有的及其经过细胞色素酶P450代谢产生的亲电子基、自由基和氧基等有害活性物质,通过与还原性谷胱甘肽(GSH)结合而解毒,并不产生肝损伤。
1.1.1 亲电子基药物被细胞色素P450氧化产生的亲电子基与肝细胞蛋白半胱氨酸残基上的巯基、氨酸残基的氨基等亲核基团共价结合,以致肌动蛋白凝聚而细胞骨架破坏。
%Primary gallbladder carcinoma (PGC) is the common malignant tumour in biliary tract and is associated with poor prognosis in patients with liver metastasis. It is important to understand the high risk factors of PGC, and closely follow up and screen the high-risk populations in order to improve the early diagnosis of gallbladder cancer and its prognosis.【期刊名称】《上海医药》【年(卷),期】2014(000)014【总页数】3页(P12-14)【关键词】胆囊癌;早期诊断;高危人群【作者】殷保兵【作者单位】复旦大学附属华山医院外科上海 200040【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R735.8原发性胆囊癌是最常见的胆道恶性肿瘤,约占消化道恶性肿瘤的第6位[1-2]。
科技英语 proteasome
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3. 讨论和结论
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4. 结果
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5. 材料和方法
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6. 讨论和结果
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Cellular protein degradation
Proteolytic pathways in eukaryotes - lysosomal degradation of proteins - ubiquitin-proteasome dependent protein degradation - post-proteasome degradation: Tricorn, TPII - membrane protein degradation
Hsc73 (constitutively-expressed Hsp70 chaperone) is involved in one pathway of lysosome-mediated degradation
The ubiquitin/proteosomal degradation pathway
❖ mitochondria (and chloroplasts) have their own proteolytic system that are of bacterial origin
Lysosomal degradation of proteins
❖ lysosomes are cellular vesicles containing proteolytic enzymes (e.g., papainlike cysteine protease, serine proteases, aspartic proteinases, etc., which are typically monomeric ❖ pH maintained at ~5.5 by proton-pumping ATPase ❖ account for 1-15% of cell volume (most abundant in liver and kidney) ❖ Most lysosomal enzymes are transported to lysosomes through recognition by receptors for mannose-6-phosphate. Lysosomal enzymes are synthesized like proteins destined to be secreted or for residence on the plasma membrane but are recognized by a phosphotransferase enzyme shortly after leaving the ER. This enzyme transfers N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate to one of more mannose residues. A glucosaminidase next removes the glucosamine to generate the M6P.
homeotherapy 同种疗法,顺势疗法
homogeneity 同种,同质
swift 快速(英)
tachycardia 心动过速
tachyphylaxis 快速免疫、快速脱敏
tachypnea 呼吸急促
treatment 治疗(英)
glucose 葡萄糖
mitosis 有丝分裂
radical 基
selenium 硒
antioxidant 抗氧化剂
bolster 支持
enzyme 酶
superoxide 过氧化物
dismutase 歧化物
embryo 胚胎
bad 不良,坏(英)
cell 细胞(英)
-cyte 细胞(希)
acanthocyte 棘红细胞
leucocyte 白细胞
lymphocyte 淋巴细胞
stone 石头(英)
-lith 石,结石(希)
broncholith 支气管石
cholelith 胆石
urolith 尿结石
Unite 8 Diagnosis 诊断
proactivator 激活剂原
proal 向前运动的
move 运动(英)
kinematics 运动学
kineplastics 运动成形切断术
kinesalgia 肌动痛,运动痛
mass 肿块(英)
-oma 瘤(希)
cerebroma 脑瘤
epithelioma 上皮瘤
cholangiocarcinoma英语介绍Cholangiocarcinoma, also known as bile duct cancer, is a malignant tumor that develops in the bile ducts. The bile ducts are a series of tubes that transport bile, a fluid produced by the liver, to the small intestine for digestion. Cholangiocarcinoma can occur in any part of the bile ducts, including the intrahepatic (inside the liver), perihilar (at the junction of the right and left hepatic ducts), or distal (outside the liver) regions.Cholangiocarcinoma is a relatively rare type of cancer, but its incidence has been increasing in recent years. The exact cause of cholangiocarcinoma is still not fully understood, but certain risk factors have been identified. These include chronic inflammation of the bile ducts (often due to conditions such as primary sclerosing cholangitis orliver fluke infection), liver cirrhosis, biliary stones, and exposure to certain chemicals or toxins.Symptoms of cholangiocarcinoma may vary depending on the location of the tumor. Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma may cause abdominal pain, weight loss, fatigue, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). Perihilar cholangiocarcinoma can lead to itching, dark urine, pale stools, fever, and chills. Distal cholangiocarcinoma commonly presents with abdominal pain, jaundice, and weight loss.The diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma involves acombination of imaging tests, such as computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). In some cases, a biopsy may be performed to obtain a tissue sample for further analysis.Treatment options for cholangiocarcinoma depend on the stage of the cancer, the location of the tumor, and theoverall health of the patient. Surgery is the main treatment for cholangiocarcinoma, but it may not be suitable for all patients. Other treatment modalities include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.The prognosis for cholangiocarcinoma varies widely depending on factors such as the stage of the cancer at diagnosis, the effectiveness of the treatment, and the overall health of the patient. Unfortunately, cholangiocarcinoma is often detected at an advanced stage, making it difficult to cure. However, advancements in treatment options and early detection strategies offer hope for improved outcomes in the future.。
彭贞贞,钟传飞,王宝刚,等. ‘红颜’草莓果实成熟过程中花色苷积累及合成途径基因表达的分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(14):346−354. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022090106PENG Zhenzhen, ZHONG Chuanfei, WANG Baogang, et al. Analysis of Anthocyanin Accumulation and Gene Expression of Anthocyanin Synthesis Pathway during Fruit Ripening of 'Benihoppe' Strawberry[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023,44(14): 346−354. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022090106· 贮运保鲜 ·‘红颜’草莓果实成熟过程中花色苷积累及合成途径基因表达的分析彭贞贞1,2,钟传飞3,王宝刚1,4,5,李文生1,4,5,周家华1,4,5,傅达奇2,常 虹1,4,5,王云香1,4,5,*(1.北京市农林科学院农产品加工与食品营养研究所,北京 100097;2.中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,北京 100083;3.北京市农林科学院林业果树研究所,北京 100093;4.果蔬农产品保鲜与加工北京市重点实验室,北京 100097;5.农业农村部蔬菜产后处理重点实验室,北京 100097)摘 要:为探究‘红颜’草莓果实成熟过程中花色苷积累和合成相关基因表达规律,以‘红颜’草莓白果期(white fruit ,WF )、转色期(initial ripening fruit ,IR )、半红期(part ripening fruit ,PR )、全红期(full ripe fruit ,FR )四个发育时期果实为研究对象,采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱方法对其花色苷物质进行定性和定量分析,并测定不同发育过程中的花色苷生物合成途径中结构基因表达水平,以期为草莓果实花色苷代谢以及色泽品质调控提供理论依据。
马缨丹提取物对黄胸散白蚁体内酶活性的影响孙骊珠;罗兰;袁忠林【摘要】[Objective] In order to explore the action mechanisms,the effects of 3 different solvent extracts from Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) leaves on cellulose and detoxification enzyme in the termite Reticulitermes flaviceps (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) were studied.[Method] Termites were fed with filter paper saturated with 3 different solvent extracts of L.camara leaves for different times,and then we measured the enzymes activities of endo-β-1,4-glycanase (EG),exo-β-1,4-gluc anase (CBH),β-1,4-glucosidase (BG),carboxylesterase (CarE),glutathione-S-transferase (GSTs) and mixed-functional oxidase (MFO).[Result] The all extracts had to some degree inhibiting effects on the six enzymes activities,however there were differences in the inhibition with extracts of chloroform,ethyl acetate and petroleum ether at 6-72 h.As for the three cellulose enzymes,the chloroform extract had no significant effect on EG,but had significantly inhibiting effect on CBH and BG,especially on CBH with the highest inhibition rate of 17.61% at 72 h.The ethyl acetate extract also had inhibiting effect on the 3 enzymes activities,with relatively stronger inhibition on EG and BG,and the inhibition rate on EG was 27.18% at 48 h,and 29.28% at 24 h,respectively.The petroleum ether extract had no significant effect on CBH,but had strongly inhibited on EG and BG,with the highest inhibition rate of 39.89% on EG at 72 h.As for the three detoxification enzymes,the 3 extracts had no significant effect on CarE,buthad inhibiting effect on GSTs,which mainly occurred at 12-48 h.The ethyl acetate extract had the strongest inhibition,with the highest inhibition rate of 39.54% at 36 h.The MFO activities fluctuated after being treated with 3 extracts,and the relatively stronger inhibition on the 3 detoxification enzymes occurred at 12 h and 36 h.[Conclusion] The extracts of chloroform,ethyl acetate and petroleum ether could decrease the cellulose and detoxification enzymes activities,disrupting the normal physiological metabolism.%[目的] 探究马缨丹氯仿提取物、乙酸乙酯和石油醚萃取物对黄胸散白蚁体内纤维素酶系及解毒酶系活性的影响,初步探讨其作用机制.[方法] 采用滤纸片带毒饲喂,测定处理不同时间点其对黄胸散白蚁体内3种纤维素酶[内切-β-1,4-葡萄糖酶(EG)、外切-β-1,4-葡萄糖酶(CBH)、β-葡萄糖苷酶(BG)]和3种解毒酶[羧酸酯酶(CarE)、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GSTs)、多功能氧化酶(MFO)]酶活性的影响.[结果] 马缨丹氯仿提取物、乙酸乙酯和石油醚萃取物在6~72 h对黄胸散白蚁体内6种酶活性的影响存在差异,主要表现为有一定的抑制作用.对3种纤维素酶活性的影响而言,氯仿提取物对EG酶活性无显著影响,但对CBH和BG酶有显著的抑制作用,尤其对CBH酶抑制作用较强,在72 h时抑制率最大,达17.61%;乙酸乙酯萃取物对3种酶均有抑制作用,对EG和BG酶活性抑制作用较强,在48 h时对EG的抑制率最大,为27.18%,在24 h时对BG酶活性抑制作用最大,为29.28%;石油醚萃取物对CBH酶活性无显著影响,但对其他2种酶抑制作用显著,对EG酶的抑制作用较强,在72 h时对此酶的抑制作用最大,为39.89%.对3种解毒酶活性影响而言,3种提取物对CarE酶的活性影响不大;对GSTs酶的影响主要在12~48 h,其中乙酸乙酯萃取物的抑制作用最强,36 h时抑制率最大,为39.54%;对FMO酶的抑制作用呈波动式变化,其中以12 h、36 h抑制作用较强.[结论] 马缨丹氯仿提取物、乙酸乙酯和石油醚萃取物能抑制黄胸散白蚁体内的纤维素酶和解毒酶,扰乱其正常的生理代谢功能.【期刊名称】《林业科学》【年(卷),期】2017(053)005【总页数】9页(P107-115)【关键词】黄胸散白蚁;马缨丹提取物;纤维素酶;解毒酶;杀虫作用机制【作者】孙骊珠;罗兰;袁忠林【作者单位】青岛农业大学农学与植物保护学院青岛 266109;青岛农业大学农学与植物保护学院青岛 266109;青岛农业大学农学与植物保护学院青岛 266109【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S718.7白蚁是地球上最为古老的社会性昆虫之一,是热带、亚热带重要的经济和生态昆虫,它们能协助分解纤维素使得营养物质得以循环,但它们能损坏建筑物、堤坝、作物和树木等,造成很大的经济损失(Verma et al., 2009; Quarcoo et al., 2010)。
废弃虾壳制备改性甲壳素凝胶球及其对金属离子的吸附性能钱建瑛;丁振中;杨涛;李恒;史劲松【摘要】Modified chitin with 40.4% deacetylation degree was obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis residue of shrimp shell,which was treated by 5% HCl for 4 h and 45% NaOH coupled with 460 W microwave for 10 min,and then prepared into gel beads with diameter of 1. 5-3. 2 mm by adding sodium alginate, mixing evenly, and squeezing in calcium chloride solution for 12 h. The adsorption performances of the gel beads to metal ions (Pb2+,Cr3+,Ni2+,Cu2+,Zn2+ and Co2+) were investigated.The adsorption rates of Cu2+, Co2+ and Zn2+were found to be 94.2%,75.6% and 57.3% in 300 mg/L ion solutions by treating for 8 h,and 95.1%, 82.5%, 67.5% in the Cu2+, Zn2+ and Co2+coexisting system,respectively.%以虾壳酶解残渣为原料,经5%盐酸脱钙处理4 h后,用45%氢氧化钠和460 W微波辅助脱乙酰处理10 min,得到脱乙酰度为40.4%的改性甲壳素。
将改性甲壳素加入海藻酸钠水溶液中混合均匀,挤压滴入氯化钙水溶液中固化12 h,制备得到直径为1.5~3.2 mm的凝胶小球,研究了该凝胶球对Pb2+、 Cr3+、 Ni2+、 Cu2+、 Co2+和Zn2+的吸附效果。
食药用真菌Agrocybe aegerita活性蛋白AAL抗肿瘤机理及新活性蛋白纯化
食/药用真菌Agrocybe aegerita活性蛋白AAL抗肿瘤机理及新活性蛋白纯化本研究小组前期研究发现杨树菇(Agrocybe aegerita)的蛋白质组分具有抗肿瘤活性,对其中抗肿瘤活性蛋白AAL (Agrocybe aegerita lectin,杨树菇凝集素)进行了分离纯化,基因克隆,晶体结构分析,发现抗肿瘤活性与糖结合活性相关,本论文继续探讨了rAAL (recombinant AAL,重组AAL)的抗肿瘤活性与细胞表面相关抗原的糖基化之问的关系;并分离纯化了一种新的抗肿瘤蛋白AAD (Agrocybe aegerita Deoxyribonuclease,杨树菇DNase)。
而肿瘤中糖链的异化经常是由O-聚糖合成的不完全所导致,如sulfo-TF antigene ([3OSO3]-Gal β1-3GalNAcα-Ser/Thr)就是肿瘤相关抗原中的一种,它在许多肿瘤中都高表达,可以作为肿瘤治疗靶标分子。
AAL (Agrocybe aegerita lectin)是从杨树菇中纯化的一个抗肿瘤凝集素,具有很强的抗肿瘤活性。
我们检测了AAL (?)寸6种肿瘤细胞系的抑制能力,结果显示rAAL对亲和力越高的肿瘤细胞杀伤活性越强,通过Caspase依赖的凋亡通路抑制肿瘤生长。
用定量PCR分析肿瘤细胞中TF抗原合成途径中相关的6种糖基转移酶(?)RNA表达水平,发现肿瘤细胞中糖基转移酶GAL3ST2/ST3GAL1的比值与rAAL 杀伤肿瘤细胞呈正相关(R=0.7807)。
研究内容:1. 鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白的提取:使用适宜的方法提取出蛋黄蛋白,制备出鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白。
2. 鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白质的鉴定:使用酰胺水解-气相色谱质谱法鉴定鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白质的种类和含量。
3. 鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白质的水解:选择合适的蛋白水解酶并对鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白进行水解,制备出降血压肽。
4. 降血压肽的纯化和检测:利用柱层析技术对水解后的产物进行纯化,并使用HPLC等方法检测产物的纯度和含量。
5. 降血压肽的功能评价:利用离体和in vivo实验评价制备出的降血压肽的生物学功能和药理学效应。
研究方法:本研究需要开展以下几个步骤:1. 鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白的提取:将鸡蛋蛋黄进行纯化处理,并用适宜的方法提取出蛋黄蛋白。
2. 鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白质的鉴定:使用酰胺水解-气相色谱质谱法鉴定鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白质的种类和含量。
3. 鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白质的水解:选择合适的蛋白水解酶并对鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白进行水解,制备出降血压肽。
1.多靶点蛋白酪氨酸激酶抑制剂的研究进展 [J], 刘靖;王林;杨晓明
2.蛋白酪氨酸激酶抑制剂类抗肿瘤药物的不良反应及疗效性价比 [J], 王广征
3.多靶点酪氨酸激酶抑制剂帕纳替尼的研究进展 [J], 刘举;张美荣;王洋;周云鹏;陈
4.多靶点酪氨酸激酶抑制剂的研究进展 [J], 刘丹;李雪;张毅;彭鹏辉;;;;
5.新型蛋白酪氨酸激酶抑制剂类抗肿瘤药物的研究进展 [J], 彭珧;张怡轩;郑更新因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1.益生菌或能帮助乳腺癌患者控制病情/FDA批准了一种用于减肥的“抽食机”/干细胞疗法+化疗,多发性硬化症治疗新突破 [J],
3.美国FDA批准葛兰素史克公司的抗肿瘤药物Tykerb用于治疗转移性乳腺癌 [J],
应证 [J], 袁瑾懿;王明贵
5.美国FDA批准一种新抗凝血药物Savaysa [J], 夏训明
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ReviewREG g ,a proteasome activator and beyond?I.Mao a,b ,J.Liu a ,X.Li a,*,H.Luo b,*aThe Institute of Biomedical Sciences and School of Life Sciences,East China Normal University,Experimental Building B-519,500Dongchuan Rd.Shanghai 200241(China),Fax:+86-021-********,e-mail:xiaotaol@.bThe James Hogg iCAPTURE Centre for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Research,Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,University of British Columbia,Providence Heart +Lung Institute,St.Paul s Hospital,Vancouver,BC V6Z 1Y6(Canada),Fax:+1(604)806-9274, Received 25May 2008;received after revision 06July 2008;accepted 21July 2008Online First 5August 2008Abstract.REG g ,a member of the 11S proteasome activators,has been shown to bind and activate the 20S proteasome to promote proteasome-dependent deg-radation of important regulatory proteins,such as SRC-3and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21,p16,and p19,in a ubiquitin-and ATP-independent manner.Furthermore,REG g has been shown to facilitate the turnover of tumor suppressor p53by promoting MDM2-mediated p53ubiquitination.The discovery that REG g regulates cell-cycle regulators is consistent with previous studies where REG g -defi-cient mice have shown retardation in body growth,decreased cell proliferation and increased apoptosis,indicating a potential role of REG g in cancer devel-opment.Additionally,REG g s ability to promote viral protein degradation suggests its involvement in viral pathogenesis.This review presents an overview of the function of REG g ,a summary of the current liter-ature,and insight into the possible biological function of REG g relating to cancer,viral pathogenesis,and other diseases.Keywords.Proteasome activator,REG g ,ubiquitin-and ATP-independent protein degradation,cancer,viral pathogenesis,SRC-3,p21,p53.IntroductionREG g (also known as P A28g ,11S g ,or PSME3)was first identified as the Ki antigen,a nuclear protein targeted by autoantibodies found in sera of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus [1].The link between the Ki antigen and the autoimmune syndrome is yet to be elucidated,but the Ki antigen was later revealed to be a member of the REG family of proteasomal activators,including REG a and REG b [2,3].REG is a uniquefamily of proteasomal activators that has the ability to stimulate the proteolytic activity of the 20S core proteasome independent of ubiquitination and ATP [2,3].While REG a and REG b are shown to function with the 20S core as an immunoproteasome to process antigens for MHC class I ligands presentation [4–6],the biological functions of REG g have not been fully characterized.REG g is implied to have a regulatory role in cell cycle transition and cell proliferation,as REG g -deficient mice have significantly reduced body size and REG g -deficient embryonic fibroblasts have impeded entry from G to S phase in the cell cycle [7,8].*Corresponding authors.Cell.Mol.Life Sci.65(2008)3971–39801420-682X/08/243971-10DOI 10.1007/s00018-008-8291-z Birkhäuser Verlag,Basel,2008Cellular and Molecular Life SciencesRecently,a number of advances have been made,suggesting the versatile function and role of REG g in cells and human diseases.This review will cover the role of REG g as a proteasomal activator,its potential roles in cancer,viral pathogenesis and other diseases.REG g and the Proteasome SystemThe proteasome system is one of the most important protein degradation systems in eukaryotes and has the ability to regulate cellular processes such as the cell cycle,transcription,cell signaling,cell death,and immune responses [9–11].An enzymatically active proteasome is composed of a cylindrical 20S core and three proteasomal activators,PA700,PA28and PA200(The function of PA200is less characterized and will not be discussed in this review).The 20S core is a stack of four heptameric rings,with two outer a rings and two inner b rings.The b rings contain active sites that have peptidylglutamyl-peptide hydrolase (PGPH),trypsin-like and chymotrypsin-like activities (b 1,b 2,b 5,respectively),facing inward of the 20S [5,12].When protein substrates pass into the 20S lumen composed of the two b rings,the proteins are degraded into peptides.However,without proteasomal activa-tors,protein substrates are barred from entering into the 20S,thus making the 20S latent.Tertiary structural analysis shows that in the absence of proteasomal activators,the a rings of the 20S are normally closed,occluded by peptides from the aminotermini of the a ring subunits [13].However,when proteasomal activators bind to the a rings,the occlusion of the amino termini is removed and 13 pores become available for protein substrates to enter into the 20S proteasome [12].As illustrated in Figure 1,at least two classes of proteasome activators have been identified to bind to the 20S proteasome and enhance its catalytic function [14].The 19S proteasomal activator (or PA700)is a well-studied proteasomal activator that binds to the 20S,forming the 26S proteasome,an ATP-and ubiquitin-dependent protease complex [15].Most cellular proteins are degraded through the 26S proteasome after ubiquitination,a way for 26S to recognize proteins that need to be degraded.Six different ATPase subunits are found in the 19S proteasomal activator,and most likely produce ATP to unfold and deubiquitinate protein substrates before transferring them into the lumen of the 20S [16].The alternative proteasomal activator,REG (also known as 11S proteasome),however,does not contain any ATPase activity and can mediate proteasomal degradation independent of ATP and ubiquitin.Among the three REG family members,REG a and REG b share approximately 50%amino acid identity,while REG g shares only about 25%amino acid identity with REG a and REG b [17].Although REG a /b is primarily located in the cytosol and together form heteroheptamer caps,REG g is mainly found in the nucleus and forms homoheptamer caps.REG a /b is only found in the vertebrates while REGgFigure 1.Proteasome activators and ubiquitin-dependent and -independent degradation.The 20S core is a barrel-shaped cylin-der composed of two outer a -rings and two inner b -rings.The a -rings modulate the entrance of protein substrates,whereas the b -rings execute the action of pro-teolysis.There are at least two classes of proteasome activators in eukaryotic cells,which bind to the 20S proteasome and promote its catalytic function.The PA700(or 19S)activator binds to pro-teasome in an ATP-dependent manner to form the 26S protea-some,which is primarily respon-sible for the degradation of ubiq-uitinated proteins.A second class of activators is ATP-independent and composed of a family of proteins known as REG (or 11S,PA28)which facilitates ubiquitin-independent protein degrada-tion.3972I.Mao et al.Proteasome Activator REG gis highly conserved between vertebrates and inverte-brates[18].REG a/b can be induced by interferon (IFN)-g and play an important role in MHC class I antigen presentation[19,20].REG a/b has also been shown to be able to form a hybrid proteasome(11S-20S-19S)with20S and19S proteasome,which enhan-ces the proteolytic efficiency of antigen processing in an ATP-dependent manner[21].REG g,on the other hand,is not responsive to IFN g and does not appear to be heavily involved in the immune system.Mice deficient in REG g,for example,do not show signifi-cant abnormalities in their immune system[8]. Biochemical Properties of REG gThe presence of the REG proteasome activators, including a,b,and g homologs,is shown to increase the proteasome activity and alter the cleavage pattern and substrate-specificity of the proteasome[22].The overall secondary structure of REG g,similar to that of REG a/b,is composed of four33-45residues long a-helices with one linker sequence between helix2and3 called the“activation loop”[17].A point mutation (N151Y)within the activation loop results in the inability of REG g to activate the proteasome,al-though it can still bind tightly with the proteasome, demonstrating a critical role of the activation loop in proteasome activation[23–25].Unlike REG a and REG b,which activate proteasome-mediated cleavage after hydrophobic,acidic or basic amino acid residues and enhance all three proteasome activities,REG g only enhances the cleavage after basic amino acid residues and selectively activates the trypsin-like catalytic subunit of the20S proteasome,but suppress-es the chymotrypsin-like and PGPH catalytic subunits of the20S proteasome in vitro[26,27].Which region(s)make the REG homologs unique remains an intriguing question.The divergent regions between the three homologs of REG in the general secondary structure include the N-terminal and C-terminal sequences and the amino acids flanking the activation loop.Chimera studies show that the N-terminus region and the activation loop flanking sequences participate in REG oligomerization, whereas the C-terminus region,located on the surface of the REG homologs,is important for the stability of heptamer and proteasome binding[28].None of these divergent regions were found to contribute to selec-tive REG g activation.However,a mutant form of REG g(K188E/D)displayed changes to its activation properties and had the ability to activate all three proteasome activities[27].In addition,the K188E/D mutant was observed to reduce the stability of the REG g heptamer[27].Interestingly,during protein purification,recombinant REG g gains the ability to activate all three proteasome activities after ammo-nium sulfate precipitation[29].These treated REG g heptamers were also less stabilized.This implies an inverse correlation between the stability of the REG g heptamer and REG g s ability to expand its activation properties.Instead of failing to activate the chymo-trypsin-like and PGPH active sites,REG g may be inhibiting these active sites by changing the confor-mation of the proteasome.Whether this selective activation of proteasome catalytic activity holds physiologically significance is still unknown. Previously it was thought that REG g only degrades short peptides[2].Recent evidence demonstrates that intact intracellular proteins can also be targets of REG g[23,24,30].However,how intact proteins are unfolded and translocated into the20S proteasom in an ATP-independent manner is poorly understood. The20S proteasome has been shown to possess endoproteolytic activities[31].It is thus speculated that REG g promotes proteasomal cleavage of the internal peptide bonds of unstructured or naturally unfolded proteins for entry into the20S proteasome,a process known not to require ATP[32].In addition, physical interaction between REG g and its substrate protein may function as a Brownian ratchet to prevent the backward movement of the substrate molecule within the20S proteasomal channel,allowing for its efficient degradation[33,34].Biological Functions of REG gA casual relationship between REG g and cell growth regulation had been suggested in an earlier study[35]; the exact biological function of REG g,however, remained unclear until the generation of REG g-deficient mice and the subsequent identification of REG g target proteins.REG g knockout mice were generated by two independent groups and both reported that loss of REG g expression resulted in decreased body size and defects in cell-specific mitosis,suggesting a role of REG g in the regulation of cell growth and proliferation[7,8].Furthermore, mouse embryonic fibroblasts(MEFs)lacking REG g displayed slower cell cycle transition from G1to S phase.A similar finding was observed in Drosophila cells depleted of REG g,suggesting a conserved function of REG g in cell cycle regulation[36].In addition,REG g has been implicated to be involved in the regulation of apoptosis.REG g-deficient MEFs had markedly increased levels of apoptosis compared to the wild-type counterparts[8].Interestingly,several REG g binding partners related to the initiation or regulation of apoptosis have been identified,includingCell.Mol.Life Sci.Vol.65,2008Review Article3973caspase-7,MEKK3,FLASH,Daxx,RanBPM,and PIAS [14,37,38].More recently,the identification of the cellular targets of REG g has reinforced its important functions in the regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis.REG g was reported to facilitate the degradation of the steroid receptor coactivator-3(SRC-3/AIB1)and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21by the 20S proteasome in an ATP-and ubiquitin-independent manner [23,24,30].SRC-3is considered as an oncogene often found amplified in breast cancer and plays an important role in cell growth [39].The cell cycle inhibitor p21is an important regulator which prevents the G1/S transition [40].In addition,proteasome-independent functions of REG g have also been reported recently.For example,REG g has been found to promote the degradation of p53by acting as a co-activator to promote MDM2-mediated p53ubiquitination [41].The tumor suppres-sor protein p53is an important transcription factor that plays a critical role in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis by activating several target genes including bax,p21and gadd45[42].Decreased levels of p53allow cells to pass through the G1/S checkpoint during cell cycle progression.Other studies have shown that REG g may play a key role in chromosomal stability during mitosis [43]and in the organization of nuclear speckles [44].Furthermore,there was a report impli-cating a potential function of REG g in regulating the activity of G protein-coupled receptors through bind-ing with the C-terminus of thromboxane A 2receptor [45].Together,the available evidence strongly supports critical physiological roles of REG g in the regulation of several fundamental cellular processes.A summary of the intracellular substrates and biological functions of REG g related to cell growth regulation and apoptosis is illustrated in Figure 2.Future studies are required to identify the additional intracellular targets of REG g contributing to its pro-proliferative and anti-apoptotic actions.Regulation of REG gLike the majority of intracellular proteins,REG g can be regulated at different levels,including post-trans-lational modification.However,the regulatory mech-anisms are largely undefined.Unlike REG a /b which is induced by IFN g and various infections,REG g expression is not affected.Nonetheless,it was shown that IFN g treatment results in a complete loss of REG g protein in human colon cancer cells without affecting its mRNA levels [46].In addition,lympho-cytic choriomeningitis virus infection in mice caused a marked reduction in REG g protein expression in the liver [47].Recent studies on post-translational modification of REG g revealed an important regulatory mechanism for its activities.An early report showed that REGcanFigure 2.Intracellular substrates of REG g and their roles in cell growth and apoptosis regulation.REG g binds with and facilitates the degradation of p21and SRC-3by the 20S proteasome in an ATP-and ubiquitin-independent manner.REG g also assists the turnover of p53as a co-activator to promote MDM2-mediated p53ubiquitination to promote MDM2-mediated ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of p53via the 26S proteasome.Aberrant degradation of these proteins is linked to inappropri-ate cell cycle progression,apop-tosis,and ultimate cell growth abnormality.MDM2,murine double minute-2;Ub,ubiquitin;SRC-3,steroid receptor coactia-tor-33974I.Mao et al.Proteasome Activator REG gbe phosphorylated in vitro[48].A recent study has further identified the upstream kinase responsible for REG g phosphorylation.It was found that MEKK3,a mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK)kinase kinase that activates JNK and p38MAPKs,directly binds with and phosphorylates REG g[38].Another MAPK kinase kinase,B-RAF,which activates ERK1/ 2MAPK,has also been shown to physically interact with REG g and phosphorylate REG g in vitro[38,49]. Although the functional significance of REG g phos-phorylation remains to be determined,it was shown that MEKK3increases the expression level of REG g in the cell[38].The possibility of REG g possessing other functions after phosphorylation,however,is not excluded.For instance,phosphorylation may also be involved in substrate specificity by the REG g-protea-some.Phosphorylation of REG g provides one of the regulatory mechanisms through which extracellular signaling can activate the REG g-dependent protea-some.It is noted that REG g is mostly restricted to the nucleus while MEKK3is in the cytoplasm.Thus the interaction between REG g and MEKK3can only occur during the mitotic phase of the cell cycle in which the nuclear envelope is broken down and REG g is redistributed throughout the cell and has a chance to interact with MEKK3[38].This REG g redistribution and interaction with MEKK3may be significant in the context of mitosis progression and exit[38].Interest-ingly,it was reported that REG g undergoes an intranuclear redistribution at mitosis[43].During telophase,REG g was found to be localized on the chromosomes[43].Overexpression of REG g has been shown to weaken spindle damage-induced mitotic arrest and allow cells to escape,leading to a premature exit of mitosis[43].The underlying mech-anism of REG g subcellular redistribution is unclear; deletion studies,however,show that the N-terminal putative nuclear localization signal of REG g may play a critical role in its nuclear localization and binding with chromosomes during telophase[43].It is also speculated that post-translational modification of REG g may be involved in its redistribution in the nucleus.For example,the function of monoubiquiti-nation and sumoylation in the regulation of subcel-lular localization has been well-documented[50]. Moreover,REG g has been identified as a caspase-7 binding protein[37].Subsequent studies demonstrate direct cleavage of REG g by caspase-3and-7,both in vitro and in vivo[37].However,the functional significance of the cleavage of REG g during apoptosis has not yet been elucidated,as overexpression of a non-cleavable form of REG g resulted in no observ-able effect on apoptosis induced by multiple stimuli [37].REG g and CancerREG g has been reported to be highly expressed in thyroid cancer[51]and in colorectal cancer serum [52],and was proposed to be a potential cancer marker[52].Immunohistochemical staining revealed elevated expression of REG g expression in both colonic adenoma and invasive cancer,suggesting that REG g may play an important role during all phases of carcinogenesis[52].The first mammalian target of REG g was discovered by Li et an effort to analyze the homeostasis of nuclear receptor coactivators[24].REG g has thus been linked to cancer by its ability to specifically degrade SRC-3,an oncogenic protein which is often overexpressed in hormone-sensitive tumors such as breast,prostate and ovarian cancer,as well as in hormone-independent cancers such as pancreatic and gastric cancers[39,53–56].SRC-3is a member of the SRC family of transcriptional coactivators that associates not only with nuclear receptors such as estrogen receptor,progesterone receptor,and thy-roid receptor,but also with transcription factors such as activator protein-1,nuclear factor k B,signal transducer and activator of transcription and E2F1 [57].Through these interactions,overexpressed SRC-3is able to affect many signaling pathways involved in cell proliferation,survival and migration. The ability of REG g to degrade other oncogenic proteins,such as hepatitis C virus(HCV)core protein[58]and pituitary tumor-transforming1 (PTTG1)[56],provides additional examples for its role in cancer development.The cell cycle inhibitor p21has also been identified to be a REG g-proteasome target[23,30].It was demonstrated that the ubiquitin-independent REG g-proteasome pathway is responsible for the degradation of p21in vivo and in vitro.As a broad-specificity inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases and a regulator of apoptosis,p21plays an essential role in regulating cell cycle progression and cell death[40]. Defects or downregulation of p21have been linked to the development of various cancers and contribution to tumour progression[40].Interestingly,in addition to p21,another two cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors,p16and p14(p19in mouse),have also been identified to be targets of REG g[30].Both p16and p14are tumor suppressors and are encoded by the Ink4a/Arf locus which is frequently deleted in human cancers[59].Mice lacking p16and p19,in combination or individually, are all prone to spontaneous tumor formation and are sensitive to carcinogens[59].The tumor suppressor protein p53is well-documented to have the ability to stimulate apoptosis and cell cycleCell.Mol.Life Sci.Vol.65,2008Review Article3975arrest in the event of DNA damage and strongly suppress oncogenesis[42].MDM2,the negative regulator of p53,is an E3ligase that can bind to p53 and promote degradation of p53through direct ubiquitination[42].REG g has been found to be a cofactor that assists the interaction between p53and MDM2by specifically binding to both proteins and promoting the ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal deg-radation of p53[41].Absence of REG g has been shown to lead to increased p53protein levels in several cancer cell lines.Elimination of REG g can abrogate the degradation of p53mediated by MDM2and induce increased levels of p21,and as a result,prevent cell cycle progression and enhance apoptosis[41]. Taken together,REG g has been shown to be involved in the degradation of oncogenic proteins such as SRC-3,HCV core protein,and PTTG1,while it also targets tumor suppressors,including p21,p16,p19,and p53, for degradation.The overall pathological outcome of REG g-proteasomal activity is complicated by the fact that it may play either tumor-promoting or tumor-suppressive roles.Likewise,the26S proteasome is required for the degradation of numerous oncogenic proteins and tumor suppressors.The distinct function of REG g in cancer development is likely determined by multiple factors,including cell specificity,which is best illustrated by the proteasome inhibitor,Bortezo-mib,for the successful treatment of multiple myeloma [60].Despite the myriad of positive and negative context-specific functions influenced by different targets of REG g,it is evident that REG g has a dynamic and dominant role in regulating cell growth and apoptosis.Future studies to generate transgenic animal models with overexpression of REG g will undoubtedly provide further insights into the contri-bution of the REG g in cancer development.REG g and Viral PathogenesisIncreasing numbers of studies have suggested that viruses can evolve different strategies to utilize the host ubiquitin-proteasome system to promote viral infection[61].Proteasome-mediated proteolysis has been reported to play a critical role in various steps in the viral lifecycle by increasing degradation of intra-cellular proteins and/or excess viral proteins that may perturb the efficiency of virus replication.Recent studies have suggested that degradation of excess viral proteins may be required by some viruses to achieve optimal viral replication and virus-mediated patho-genesis.The interaction between HCV core protein and REG g is an example of this.The HCV core protein is responsible for the devel-opment of steatosis,insulin resistance and hepato-carcinoma in the liver.It has been shown that REG g binds directly to and regulates the stability and nuclear retention of the HCV core protein and mediates its ubiquitin-independent,proteasomal degradation[58].This interaction has proved to be critical for HCV pathogenesis as REG g knockout not only resulted in accumulation of HCV core protein in the nucleus,but also abrogation of liver pathology induced by HCV core protein[62].It was further demonstrated that REG g plays a critical role in HCV core protein-induced insulin resistance and hepatocarcinoma[63].These findings suggest that the products of the REG g-dependent degrada-tion of HCV core protein may be a key in the development of HCV pathological symptoms.In addition,REG g may also be involved in viral pathogenesis in a different perspective,as viral proteins may manipulate the REG g-proteasome complex to degrade cellular proteins.This area is currently unexplored,providing an exciting oppor-tunity to examine virus-mediated regulation of host proteins.As many viruses utilize cell cycle regulation and apoptosis manipulation as strategies to control their infection cycles,the implied role of REG g in promot-ing cell cycle progression and inhibiting apoptosis provides a novel avenue for further investigation.Our recent studies suggest an important role of REG g in coxsackievirus replication.Coxsackievirus is an im-portant human pathogen associated with myocarditis and subsequently dilated cardiomyopathy[64].We have shown that viral protein synthesis and viral replication are significantly increased in HEK293 REG g-overexpressing cells.Knockdown of REG g sensitizes cells to coxsackievirus-induced apoptosis and leads to a reduction of viral replication(unpub-lished data).The regulation of REG g during coxsack-ievirus infection and the mechanisms through which REG g may regulate viral infection are currently under investigation.REG g and Other DiseasesNeurodegenerative diseases are commonly character-ized by deposits of aggregated toxic proteins in the cytosol and the nuclei of neurons[65].These aggre-gated proteins are often polyubiquitinated,implying that the function of the ubiquitin-proteasome system is impaired or inhibited.Indeed,reduced proteasomal activity has been associated with several neurodege-nerative diseases such as Alzheimer s disease,Hun-tington s disease and Parkinson s disease[65]. Huntington s disease(HD)is caused by the expansion of a CAG repeat in the huntingtin gene,which results3976I.Mao et al.Proteasome Activator REG gin the expression of expanded polyglutamine hun-tingtin protein that is neurotoxic.In the striatal neurons of an HD model,it was found that over-expression of REG g significantly increases cell via-bility following proteasome inhibition and quinolinic acid excitotoxic stimulation[66].The neuroprotective role of REG g is significant as it has the potential for protecting the neurons from cell damage and death associated with proteasomal dysfunction and excito-toxicity,which are often observed in HD.Interest-ingly,brain also expresses the highest level of REG g as compared to other organs[14].The pathological significance of REG g in HD remains debatable. Based on its biochemical properties in the suppression of chymotrypsin-like proteasome activities[27], REG g was proposed to contribute to proteasomal impairment in polyglutamine disease by inhibiting the cleavage between Gln-Gln bonds,for which chymo-trysin-like activities are mainly responsible.But trans-genic animal studies seem not to support this assump-tion.It was shown that knockout of REG g in R6/2HD mice does not attenuate HD pathology in the mouse brain[67].Moreover,the proteasomal activity was unchanged in the brain of R6/2HD mice as compared to wild-type counterparts[67].A recent study from the same research groups challenged the previous view that the proteasome only cleaves the Gln-Gln bonds between the first two N-terminal glutamine [68].They reported that the proteasome is capable of cleaving every Gln-Gln bonds within the polyglut-amine tract and overexpression of REG g mutant (K188E)promotes such degradation[69].This study raises the possibility of proteasome-targeted thera-peutic avenues for HD.Future investigation is re-quired to elucidate the pathological contribution of REG g in neurodegenerative diseases and the precise molecular mechanisms involved.Proteasomal dysfunction has also been implicated recently in heart disease[70–75].Cardiac hypertrophy is a compensatory response to a variety of physiological or pathological stimuli.However,sustained hypertro-phic responses may eventually lead to heart failure, arrhythmia,and sudden death[76].Down regulation of proteasomal activity has been shown to stop and even reverse hypertrophy of the heart[72–74].Work in our laboratory found that patients with end-stage heart failure have increased levels of REG g as compared to those patients who passed away without indication of cardiac complications(unpublished data).In addition, using a rat model of myocardial infarction,we found that the expression levels of REG g are significantly increased in ischemic hearts,but only in the infarcted region,not the non-infarcted myocardium(unpublish-ed data).Importantly,the identified substrates of REG g,including SRC-3,p21,and p53,have been shown to play a role in the pathogenesis of heart diseases[77,78].Together,these findings may indicate a key function of REG g in conjunction with the proteasome in cardiac remodeling.ConclusionREG g is a unique biological molecule with multiple implicated roles in ubiquitin-,and ATP-independent nuclear protein degradation and cell cycle progres-sion,which may contribute to numerous pathological developments such as cancer,viral diseases and neurodegenerative diseases.As of now,REG g s bio-logical functions are still unclear,but,undeniably,the functions that have been discovered weave closely into important cellular processes.As presented in this review,REG g has a great potential to be a therapeutic target in the treatment of cancer,viral pathogenesis, and neurodegenerative diseases.It can act not only as a proteasome activator but also as a cofactor,nuclear speckle organizer,G-protein-coupled receptor activ-ity regulator and chromosome stabilizer during mito-sis(Fig.3).The biological role of REG g has proven to be important and warrants further investigations. Acknowledgements.This manuscript was supported by a”985”platform grant by the Chinese Department of Education,the Research Platform for Cell Signaling Networks from the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality(XL),and by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of British Columbia and Yukon(HL).HL is a New Investigator of the CIHR/St.Paul s Hospital Foundation Award and a Scholar of the Michael Smith Foundation for HealthResearch.Figure 3.Biological functions of REG g.The validated and potential biological functions of REG g are illustrated.In addition to its cell growth related function and therefore a potential role in cancer development,REG g is also likely to be involved in neurodegenerative diseases,viral diseases,GPCR signaling events, etc.,by regulating downstream target proteins directly or indi-rectly.Cell.Mol.Life Sci.Vol.65,2008Review Article3977。