Ambiental dust speciation and metal content variation




Water Air Soil Pollut (2012) 223:1237–1247DOI10.1007/s11270-011-0940-4 V. Feigl (*) : K. Gruiz Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1111 Szent Gellért tér 4, Budapest, Hungarye-mail: A. Anton : N. Uzigner Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1022 Herman Ottó u. 15, Budapest, Hungarywaste product, since it has many potential reuse applications, which could help reduce the amount of storage needed for this by-product. Potential constructionand chemical applications include uses inbuilding construction, catalyst support, ceramics, plastics, and coatings or pigments. Metallurgical applications include uses in recovery of major and minor metals, steel making, and as a slag additive.Environmental andagronomic applicationsincludeuses in water and wastetreatment, gas scrubbing, andas soil amendment (Klauberet al. 2009). Forexample, the application ofred mud to soil canpotentially reduce theeutrophication of rivers andwaterways by retainingnutrients, especiallyphosphate,on infertile sandy soils.Summers et al. (1993)treated sandy soil with 80t/ha of red mud neutralizedwith waste gypsum andreduced phosphorous lossesby 70%. Ward and Summers(1993) concluded thatneutralization with gypsum isunnecessary for applicationto pasture land at less than100 t/ha. Summerset al. (1996) recommendedan optimal red mudapplication rate (withoutgypsum) of 10–20 t/ha toreduce phosphorus leachingand noted that theimproved nutrient retentioncontinues for at least5 years after fertilizerapplication.Red mud may also beapplied to soil to immobilizemetals by chemicalstabilization. Phillips (1998)found that red mud mixedinto sand has a greaterability to sorb Cu2+, Pb2+,and Zn2+ ions than dozeolite and calciumphosphate. Müller andPluquet(1998) showed that red mudcan reduce the solubleamount of Zn and Cd by50% and reduce the metalsuptake of plants by 20–50%.However, in a field trial,they observed lowerimmobilizing efficacy on themetal concentrations inplants and soil extracts. Theyconcluded that the red mudused in the experimentscontained excessiveconcentrations of Cr and Al,which made it unsuitable forsoil remediation. Incontrast, Gray et al. (2006)used red mud with a Crconcentration of 1,377 mg/kg for stabilization ofmetals in soil and noted that Cr was not soluble or available for plants when mixed into soil. Although this issue may be important for Cr-containing red muds, there are a number of red muds that do not contain chromium or other toxic metals.Lombi et al. (2002a, b) compared the performance of red mud (from Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary), lime,and beringite as stabilizers for Cd-, Pb-, Zn-, Cu-, andNi-contaminated soil and found that all were similarly effective in reducing the metal concentrations in the soil pore water. In fact, only 2% (w/w) of red mud was needed to be as effective as 5% (w/w) beringite; also, the microbial biomass of the soil significantly increasedin the presence of red mud. The red mudshifted metals in soil from the exchangeable (ionic) fraction to the Fe oxidefraction, which may result inamore durable decrease inmetal mobility than liming.Brown et al. (2005) showedthat red mud (fromMosonmagyaróvár, Hungary)can reduce ammoniumnitrate-extractable,water-extractable, andbioavailableZn and Cd, but does notaffect Pb. In a fieldexperiment using 5% redmud, Gray et al. (2006)found effective (70–96%)reductions of metals such asZn, Cd, and Ni in pore waterand soil extracts. Nosignificant Pb reductionswere observed in the first5 months, but by the 25thmonth, Pb was immobilized.Friesl et al. (2004, 2006,2009) conducted severalpot and field experimentswith red mud fromMosonmagyaróvár. Their2004 results were similarto those of Lombi et al.(2002a), but they also foundthat red mud applied at 5%(w/w) increased theammoniumnitrate-extractable As, Cu, Cr,and V insoil. In their 2006 fieldexperiment, they showed thatred mud appliedapproximately 15 cm belowthe soilsurface can reduce theammoniumnitrate-extractableCd, Zn, and Pb up to 99%but that deeper applicationmay be needed to reduceplant metal uptake. Finally,in 2009, Friesl et al.concluded that red mud andgravel sludge (a fine-grainedwaste product of thegravel industry consisting of40–65% SiO2, 10–14% Al2O3, 3–7% Fe2O3,5–12% CaO, and 4–6%MgO at pH 8.2), incombination with ametalexcludingbarley cultivar (Hordeumdistichon ssp. L.),performed most effectivelyas a stabilizer for themetal-contaminated soil at anexperimental site inArnoldstein, Austria.The application of red mud on mine waste andmetal-contaminated soils has been integrated into a complex risk management activity and is one of the risk reduction measures that will be implemented in a large catchment. The complex remediation conceptinvolves the removal of the point sources and treating the diffuse pollution with a combination of chemical stabilization and phytostabilization (Gruiz et al.2009a). To find the suitable red mud concentrationand plant combination, a number of researchers have conducted laboratory soil microcosm experiments (Feigl et al. 2007, 2009; Anton and Barna 2008). 1238 Water Air Soil Pollut (2012) 223:1237–1247The experiment described in this paper introducesthe remediation of metal-contaminated soils using redmud for chemicalstabilization/immobilizationfollowedby phytostabilization. The2-year study focuseson long-term results inlaboratory soil microcosms.2 Materials and Methods2.1 MaterialsDuring the 2-year study, weevaluated the stabilizationperformance of red mudfrom Almásfüzitő, Hungaryon toxic, metal-contaminatedsoils and mine wastesfrom the former Pb and Znsulfide ore mine inGyöngyösoroszi, Hungary(Gruiz et al. 2009a). TheAlmásfüzitő red mud has arelatively low pH (9.0)compared to most red muds,which generally have pHof approximately 11.3 (Gräfeet al. 2009). TheAlmásfüzitő red mud alsohas low toxic metal content(below the Hungarian qualitycriteria for sewagesludge application on soil, asstipulated in GovernmentDecree No. 50/2001)compared to the highlyalkaline red muds with highCr content used in someof the studies discussed inSection 1. Characteristicsof the red mud, soil, andmine waste are presented inTable 1.The soil originated from anagricultural areadownstream of the formermine and is heavilycontaminated with toxicmetals, especially mobileCd and Zn. Contamination isthe result of severeflooding of the Toka creek,which transports themetals from the abandonedmine. The mine wasteoriginated from waste rockheaps near the mainentrance of the mine. Thesepartly uncovered wastedeposits have been exposedto intensive weatheringfor more than 40 years,resulting in acidification,leaching, and oxidation.2.2 Soil TreatmentOur test samples consisted ofthree replicates placedin 2 kg plastic plant pots. Testsamples included acontrol (with no amendment) mine waste and contaminatedsoil, and each mixed with 2% and 5% (w/w)red mud. All were incubated at 25°C, mixed, and watered to 60% of their water-holding capacity every second month and after sampling. The soil was sampled and analyzed for complex chemical and biological processes. Short-term changes were monitoredby sampling at 0, 10, 20, and 45 days after amendment, and long-term effects were monitored after 9 months and 2 years.2.3 Integrated Monitoring We monitored the decreased mobility, solubility,and bioavailability of toxic metals in the amendedsoil samples using a methodology that integrates physical–chemical analysis and ecotoxicity testing (Gruiz et al. 2005, 2009b) (Fig. 1). We evaluated the results of chemical analysisand toxicity measurementsto determine whether theaddition of red mudcould reduce the mobility,bioavailability, and risksposed by pollutants in the soiland, hence, whetherred mud could be used as astabilizing agent for theGyöngyösoroszi mine waste.Gruiz et al. (2005)postulated that the actualrisks posed by a mixture ofvarious metals and theirspecies can be bettercharacterized by measuringadverse biological andtoxicological effects. Planttoxicity and bioaccumulationmeasurements were used tocharacterize thedynamic interactionsbetween the red mud, thetreated medium, and theliving organisms and toprovide direct information onthe actual adverseeffects of the pollutantsbefore and after remediation.2.3.1 Sample PreparationTo prepare soil samples forthe integrated monitoring,we air-dried, ground, andsieved (2-mm sieve) the soilsamples according toHungarian Standard 21470-50:2006.2.3.2 Chemical AnalysisTo predict mobile metalsconcentrations, we usedHungarian Standard HS21978-9:1998 and analyzedboth distilled water extract(pH 7.0; 1:10 soilextractant ratio; agitation for4 h at 25°C) andammonium acetate extract(pH 4.5; 1:10 soil extractantratio; agitation for 4 h at25°C). We characterizedAs mobility using itsconcentration in the sodiumhydroxide and sodiumcarbonate extract (1:0.56mol;pH 7.5; 1:20 soil extractantratio; 1 h at 90°C) (HS21470-50:2006). Wemeasured the total metalscontentafter aqua regia digestion (3:1hydrochloric acid–nitric acid ratio; 1:4 soilextractant ratio; 2 h at 25°C;Water Air Soil Pollut (2012)223:1237–1247 1239 Table 1 Characteristics of red mud from Almásfüzitő, contaminated agricultural soil, and mine waste Parameter HQC forsoilaHQC forsludgebRed mud Agricultural soil Mine wasteAqua regiaextractAmmonium acetate extractWaterextractAqua regiaextractAmmonium acetate extractWaterextractAqua regiaextractAmmonium acetate extractWaterextractAl ––125,000 197 60.9 38,780 3.87 0.531 27,924 0.547 <DLAs 15 75 47.4 <DL 0.125 122 0.164 <DL 295 <DL<DLBa 250 – 61.7 <DL <DL 3295.12 0.599 393 2.23 0.367Cd 1 10 0.770 <DL <DL8.85 1.37 0.019 21.8 2.430.014Co 30 50 23.6 <DL <DL22.2 0.026 0.013 11.9 0.1270.019Cr 75 1,000 193 <DL 0.12828.2 <DL <DL 52.8 <DL<DLCu 75 1,000 48.9 <DL <DL163 1.20 0.537 353 0.5450.122Hg 0.5 10 <DL <DL <DL0.963 <DL 0.044 1.24 <DL<DLMo 7 20 <DL <DL <DL0.675 <DL 0.165 2.76 0.0660.095Ni 40 200 112 <DL <DL17.1 0.419 <DL 26.6 0.4110.009Pb 100 750 63.0 <DL <DL440 1.01 <DL 1,594 4.17<DLSe 1 100 <DL <DL <DL1.90 <DL <DL 5.2 <DL<DLSn 30 – 14.2 <DL <DL 5.12<DL <DL 13.3 <DL <DLZn 200 2,500 77.5 <DL <DL1,601 214 2.52 4,488 2071.28pH 7.0 9.0 4.7 7.4 5.9 7.3All units in milligrams perkilogram, except pH<DL below detection limita Hungarian Quality Criteriafor soil based onKvVM-EüM-FVM JointDecree No. 6/2009b Hungarian Quality Criteriafor sludge from waste watertreatment for agriculturalapplications based onGovernment Decree No.50/20011240 Water Air Soil Pollut(2012) 223:1237–1247microwave digestion) (HS21470-50:2006). Finally,we determined the metalcontents of all of the extractswith inductively coupledplasma atomic emissionspectroscopy (ICP-AES)using an Ultima 2 (HORIBAJobin Yvon, France) (HS21470-50:2006).We measured the averageyearly leaching of metalsfrom the amended soil in amini-lysimeter developedby RISSAC (2006). To determine the leachable metalsat the end of the 2-year experiment, we used a Wittetypeporcelain plate covered with silk bunting placedon the bottom of a Schachtschabel-type glass column(31 mm inner diameter). We ground and sieved 200 g (1 mm sieve) of soil from the original test sample. We simulated the composition of rain using a 0.16 mMCaCl2 solution, wetted the columns with the CaCl2 solution to their maximum water-holding capacity,and equilibrated them for 48 h. We modeled 1 year of rainfall by adding 12 fractions of 50-ml aliquots of the CaCl2 solution over a 3-week period. For theGyöngyösoroszi area, we estimated the yearly amount of rainfall to be 756 mm/year between 1982 and 2002 (data from Hungarian National Meteorological Service).We determined the metalscontent of the leachates usingICP-AES (HS21470-50:2006).2.3.3 Biological andEcotoxicologicalMeasurementsWe selected the Sinapis alba(white mustard) fortoxicity testing. Using a rootand shoot growthinhibition test, developed byGruiz et al. (2001) thatmodified HungarianStandard 21976-17:1993(Seedlingplant test for waste) to directcontact with soil,and an innovative 5-daybioaccumulation test wedeveloped for this study, weobtained direct informationon the suitability of thechemical stabilizer forplant growth and uptake.Field experiments by Feiglet al. (2010) using thebioaccumulation tests showgood agreement with fielddata for predicting theefficiency of the stabilizingamendments.We placed 20 S. alba seedson 5 g of soil wetted tosaturation (two replicates)and incubated them at 20°C for 3 days in darkness. Wethen measured the lengthof the roots and shoots. Forthe bioaccumulation test,we placed 40 S. alba seedson 5 g of saturated soil(two replicates) andincubated them at 20°C for 5daysin darkness. At day 3, weadded water to compensatefor water losses. After 5 days,we separated theshoots, washed them withwater, and dried them. Wemeasured the metal contentsof the mixed plantmaterial using ICP-AES (HS21470-50:2006) afterdigestion with 10 ml nitricacid and 4 ml hydrogenperoxide for 3 h at 105°C.2.3.4 Statistical AnalysisTo determine if the varioustreatments significantlyreduced metal mobility, weperformed a varianceanalysis using StatSoft®Statistica 9.0. We establishedthe level of significance to be p<0.05. We used Fisher’s least significant difference test for comparisonof the various treatments.3 Results and Discussion 3.1 Chemical Extractions Table 2 shows the effect of red mud on the pH and the ammonium acetate- and water-extractable metal contentsof the treated contaminated soil and mine wasteafter 2 years of monitoring. An addition of 2% red mud increased the neutral pH of the soil and mine waste by Fig. 1 Integrated monitoring methodologyWater Air Soil Pollut (2012) 223:1237–1247 1241only pH 0.1–0.2; a 5% addition increased pH by 0.3. This is a much smaller increase than that experienced by researchers who applied more alkaline red muds (pH 10.2). Lombi et al. (2002a), Brown et al. (2005), and Gray et al. (2006) saw increases of pH 0.7–2.3after the addition of 2% redmud. Friesl et al. (2004),however, observed a pHincrease of only 0.4 whenadding 5% red mud toneutral soils (pH 7.4–7.6).The mobility of all metals(Cd, Zn, Pb, and As)decreased after red mudaddition. The best resultswere gained for Cd and Zn:A 5% red mud additiondecreased thewater-extractable amount ofCd and Znby 57% and 87%,respectively, in theagricultural soiland by 73% and 79%,respectively, in the minewaste.The addition of 2% red mudwas less effective:Decreases of 32% and 78%,respectively, wereobserved in the soil’swater-extractable Cd and Zncontent and 34% and 30%,respectively, in the acidicmine waste.Similar efficiencies wereobserved by Gray et al.(2006) in a 2-year fieldexperiment with theammoniumnitrate-extractable metalfractions, by Lombi etal. (2002a) in a 1-year potexperiment in theexchangeable fraction, andby Friesl et al. (2004) ina 2-week laboratoryexperiment with theammoniumnitrate-extractable metalfractions. Friesl et al. (2004)found that the ability of redmud to reduce metalmobility largely depended onsoil type and was up to91% for Cd and 94% for Zn.After comparing the effectsof red mud to those ofberingite and lime, Lombi etal. (2002a) suggestedthat the dominantmechanism involved in theimmobilizationof metals by red mud is theincrease in pH.However, they alsosuggested that theimmobilizationcould be due to specificchemisorptions and metaldiffusion into the lattice of Fe and Al oxides, which results in more durable reduction in metal mobility than liming. Our study indicates the latter, as the soil pH in our study did not significantly increase due to the addition of pH 9.0 red mud.Additions of 5% red mud were more efficacious in immobilizing ammonium acetate extractables in the Table 2 Characteristics of red mud-treated agricultural soil and mine waste Parameter Agricultural soild Mine wasted Percentage decrease in metal content due tored mud addition compared to untreatedeSoil only + 2%red mud+ 5%red mudMine wasteonly+ 2%red mud+ 5%red mud Soil+2%red mudWaste+2%red mudSoil+5%red mudWaste+5%red mudpH 6.9 7 7.2 7 7.2 7.3Cda 1.31a 1.27a 1.10b 2.62a2.12b 1.54c 1 18 11 38Cdb 0.017a 0.011ab 0.007b0.022a 0.015a 0.005a 32 3457 73Zna 200a 153b 110c 239a151b 90.7b 22 35 42 60Znb 1.95a 0.415b 0.241b1.39a 0.946ab 0.266b 78 3087 79Pba 0.981a 0.819b 0.536c7.51a 6.15a 3.10a 15 16 4356Pbb <0.060a <0.060a<0.060a <0.060a <0.060a<0.060a <DL <DL <DL<DLAsa 0.203a 0.103b <0.080b<0.080a <0.080a <0.080a 49<DL 59 <DLAsb <0.080a <0.080a<0.080a <0.080a <0.080a<0.080a <DL <DL <DL<DLAsc 44.2a 27.9a 21.8b 108a56.7b 30.1b 37 48 51 72Same letter per columnindicates no significantdifference from theirnon-amended control (levelof significance: p<0.05).Decreasecalculated by taking the redmud metal content intoaccount<DL below detection limitAverage of five samplings(10 and 20 days, 2 and 6months, and 2 years after thetreatment). No significantchange was observed inmetal concentrations over2-year perioda Ammonium acetateextractionb Distilled water extractionc Alkaline extraction.Performed only at the 5thsampling, 2 years aftertreatmentd Milligrams per kilogram,except for pHe Percent decrease1242 Water Air Soil Pollut(2012) 223:1237–1247mine waste than in theagricultural soil. Theammoniumacetate-extractable Cd, Zn, and Pb content decreased by 38%, 60%, and 56%, respectively, inthe mine waste but decreased only 11%, 42%, and 43%, respectively, in the soil. In spite of the greater immobilization in mine wastes, statistical evaluation of the results showed a lower significance for thewaste than the soil, perhaps because of the heterogeneity of the waste and the fact that the original minewaste contained larger amounts of ammonium acetate-extractable metals, especially Cd and Pb. Lombi et al. (2002a) measured the extractable metalcontent in red mud-treated soil after acidification witha mixture of sodium nitrate and nitric acid for 7 days. Their results showed that the extractable amounts of metals in red mud-treated soil were always smallerthan extracted from the control samples or thelimeandthe beringite-treated soils.The soil and mine wasteapplied in our experimentcontained As. Theimmobilization of thiselement byred mud has not beenthoroughly investigated.Frieslet al. (2004) found that theammonium nitrateextractableAs concentrations increasedupon redmud addition due to pHincreases. Our results showthat red mud is able to reducethe mobility of As: A59% decrease in As wasobserved in the ammoniumacetate extract of the soil, anddecreases of 51% and72% were observed in thealkaline extracts of soil andmine waste, respectively.Usually As mobility iscontrolled by adsorption/desorption processes andco-precipitation reactionswith metal oxides; therefore,the most extensivelystudied amendments for Asimmobilization areelemental iron and Fe(II) orFe(III) oxides and, to alesser extent, Al (aluminumhydroxide) and Mn(hydrous manganese oxidesor birnessite) (Kumpieneet al. 2008). Because redmud contains 41% ironoxides (such as hematite,goethite, and magnetite) and16% aluminum oxides (suchas boehmite, gibbsite,and diaspore) (Gräfe et al.2009), it is efficient in Asimmobilization.Other authors foundincreasing Cu mobility(Lombi et al. 2002a; Friesl etal. 2004) and Crmobility (Friesl et al. 2004;Gray et al. 2006) in thered mud-treated soils. Theincrease in Cu mobility is aresult of the increase indissolved organic matter,since Cu tends to stronglyabsorb to organic matter,while Cr either originatesfrom the red mud itself (ourred mud contained 193mg/kg Cr) or is mobilizeddueto the pH increase. In our study, Cu was immobilized by the addition of red mud. The total amount (in aqua regia extract) of Cr in soils increased from 29.9 to 35.4 mg/kg (2% red mud) and from 29.9 to 45.4 mg/kg (5% red mud). Mine waste samples showed Cr increases from 55.4 to 58.0 mg/kg (2% red mud)and from 55.4 to 72.2 mg/kg (5% red mud). However, short-term measurements (10–45 days) showed a small increase in Cr in the ammonium acetate extraction, from <0.02 to 0.03−0.07 mg/kg (5% red mud) in the agricultural soil (no increase was observed in the treated mine waste). The Cr mobilization had ceased by the next samplingevent at 9 months (data not shown).3.2 Mini-lysimeter StudyIn the mini-lysimeter experiment, an addition of 2%red mud decreased the Cd and Zn concentrations inthe soil leachate toapproximately two third ofthelevel of the leachate from theuntreated soil; additionof 5% red mud decreased theCd and Zn toapproximately one third ofthe untreated soil sample(Figs. 2 and 3). Gruiz et al.(2006) determined theMaximum Effect BasedQuality Criteria (EBQCmax)for surface water in themetal-contaminated area ofthe Toka valley nearGyöngyösoroszi, Hungary.Thesecriteria are the maximummetals concentrations thatshould not be exceeded inseepage from remediatedareas and are: As, 10 μg/l;Cd, 1 μg/l; Zn, 100 μg/l;and Pb, 10 μg/l. Figures 2and 3 show that both 2%Fig. 2 Cadmiumconcentrations in the leachatefrom the minilysimeters;circle untreated soil, square2% red mud treatment,triangle 5% red mudtreatmentWater Air Soil Pollut (2012)223:1237–1247 1243and 5% red mud additionsdecrease Zn levels tobelow the EBQCmax targetvalue, while reduction ofCd to the target level occursonly with 5% red mudaddition.The As concentrations inleachate from untreatedsoils (4–8 μg/l) were belowthe EBQCmax, and therewas no significant change inthese values after theaddition of red mud. Pbconcentrations were belowthe detection limit (1.5 μg/l).Despite the increase ofCr in the ammonium acetateextract in the short term,Cr measurements remainedbelow the detection limit(0.5 μg/l) in the soilleachate. In the first leachatesample, Cu concentrationsincreased by 30% with theaddition of 2% red mud andby 70% with the additionof 5% red mud (as comparedto the leachate fromnon-treated soil), but by thefifth leachate sample, theCu concentrations had decreased to less than that of the non-treated soil (data not shown). The results from the mini-lysimeter study indicate that red mud treatment decreases the amounts of metals leached to the groundwater.3.3 Plant Ecotoxicity Test The toxicity of the soil and mine waste did not change significantly due to red mud addition (Fig. 4), indicating that the addition of red mud to the soiland mine waste as chemical stabilizer did not increase the toxicity of the soil ecosystem. The addition of 5%red mud to the agricultural soil increased the root and shoot length of S. alba test plants by 40% and 46%, respectively, as compared to non-treated soil. This canbe attributed to a reduction in plant-available toxic metals, which inhibited plant growth. The reductionof plant toxicity is important for revegetation followingchemical stabilization.Combined chemicalstabilizationand phytostabilizationtechnology aims toproduce a healthy vegetativecover that decreasesrunoff, normalizes the soilwater balance, reduceserosion of the formerly bareareas, and improvesesthetics.3.4 Plant BioaccumulationTo predict the proportions ofmetals available for plantuptake, we applied a 5-daybioaccumulation test usingS. alba; the test wasdeveloped to provide a rapidestimation of plant metalsuptake. The metals uptakeof test plants is shown in Figs.5 and 6. ForFig. 3 Zinc concentrations inthe leachate from theminilysimeters;circle untreated soil, square2% red mud treatment,triangle 5% red mudtreatmentFig. 4 Effect of red mud(RM)-treated soil (S) andmine waste(W) on S. alba plant root andshoot growthZnCd0. S +2%RMS +5%RMW W +2%RMW +5%RMCd conc. (mg/kg)Zn conc. (mg/kg)TreatmentFig. 5 Zn and Cd accumulation in S. alba plants on red mud (RM)-treated soil (S) and mine waste (W); concentrations givenin milligrams per kilogram plant dry weight1244 Water Air Soil Pollut (2012) 223:1237–1247 comparison, the Hungarian Quality Criteria for animal fodder (FVM Decree 44/2003) are Cd, 1 mg/kg; Pb,10 mg/kg; and As, 2 mg/kg, and the HungarianQuality Criteria for fresh vegetables (EüM Decree 17/ 1999) are Cd, 1 mg/kg; Pb, 3 mg/kg; As, 2 mg/kg;and Zn, 100 mg/kg. The untreated mine waste levels of Zn and Pb exceed the criteria for fresh vegetables. The metal uptake of plants in the agricultural soilwas low, even in the untreated control, such that a maximum decrease of 23% in the Zn uptake was observed as a result of red mud treatment. For minewastes, the Cd and Zn uptakedecreased by 18% and29%, respectively, after theaddition of 5% red mud.The Zn uptake in waste orsoil remained above thelimit for fresh vegetables.In the agricultural soil, a 2%red mud additiondecreased the uptake of Pbby 46% and the uptake ofAs by more than 50%. Theaddition of 2% red mud tothe mine waste resulted in a49% decrease in Pbuptake and a 79% decreasein As uptake. However, a5% red mud addition causedincreases in both Pb andAs concentrations in the testplants, which resulted inexceedances of limit foranimal fodder. This trendwasobserved during the firstsampling and remainedunchanged during the 2-yearexperimental period(results not shown) eventhough the 5% red mudaddition resulted in thelargest decrease in metalsconcentrations in the soilsolution. Gray et al. (2006)also found that metalconcentrations infield-grown,21-month-old Festuca rubraplants were higher forthe 5% red mud-treated plotthan for the 3% redmudtreatedplot. They concluded that, inaddition to soilfactors, plant physiologyplays a role in regulatingmetal uptake andtranslocation. Lombi et al.(2002b)used various plants asindicators and found that Pbdecreased in oilseed rapeleaves and wheat straw dueto red mud addition, while Pbuptake increased in pealeaves.We used S. alba as anindicator plant becausephytostabilization technologyfocuses on using fieldplants that do not accumulatemetals in shoots (orabove-ground parts) in orderto reduce the potentialtransfer of metals to food。

芬士多(Festo Multi)型号为2GEx h IIC T4 Gb X的气体传输系统说明书

芬士多(Festo Multi)型号为2GEx h IIC T4 Gb X的气体传输系统说明书

Translation of the original instructions 1Identification EXTab. 1 2Further applicable documentsTechnical data for the product can have different values in other documents. For operation in an explosive atmosphere, the technical data in this document alwayshave priority.All available documents for the product è /pk.3FunctionWhen the compressed air supply ports are pressurized reciprocally, the internal slide in the pipe moves back and forth. The movement is transferred to the extern­al slide by a rigid connection.4Safety 4.1Safety instructions–The device can be used under the stated operating conditions in zone 1 ofexplosive gas atmospheres.–All work must be carried out outside of potentially explosive areas.–Extraction of the operating medium outside the potentially explosive area.–The device is not intended for use with other fluids.4.2Intended useThe pneumatic linear drive is intended for the transportation of loads.4.3Identification X: special conditions –Danger of electrostatic discharge.–Ambient temperature: –10°C £ T a £ +60°C 5CommissioningThe discharge of electrostatically charged parts can lead to ignitable sparks. •Prevent electrostatic charging by taking appropriate installation and cleaningmeasures.•Include the device in the system’s potential equalisation.•The slide is electrically insulated from the actuator. Include the slide separ­ately in the system potential equalisation.Installation and commissioning may only be performed in accordance with the operating instructions and by qualified personnel.Strong charge­generating processes can charge non­conductive layers and coat­ings on metal surfaces.Escaping exhaust air can swirl up dust and create an explosive dust atmosphere.Related type of ignition protection: c (constructional safety)Particulate matter in the compressed air can cause electrostatic charges.–Observe the product labelling.–Seal unused openings with blanking plugs or slot covers.When using PPV end­position cushioning or shock absorbers:–Adjust the cushioning so that the piston rod safely reaches the end positionsand that it does not strike hard against them or rebound.–Only load the shock absorber in the axial direction. Avoid the generation oftransverse loads.6Maintenance and care–Check the operational reliability of the device regularly. Interval: 2 million movement cycles or after 6 months at the latest.–Clean the device with a damp cloth.–Lubricate the guide at the lubrication nipples in intervals. Interval: 400 km –Roller bearing cartridges of guide systems of the DGPL­...­KF und DGPL­...­HDafter a distance of 4500 km.Repairs of this type must only be carried out by trained and authorised special­ists.–Please contact your Festo technical consultant.7Fault clearanceTab. 2 8Technical dataOperating conditionsMax. operating pressure [bar]8Ambient temperature [°C]–10 … +60Operating medium Compressed air to ISO 8573­1:2010 [7:4:4]Mounting position AnyDesignDouble­acting, with magnetic coupling, without piston rodTab. 38102472DGPL-...-EX3-...Linear drive81024722018­11c [8102474]Festo SE & Co. KG Ruiter Straße 82 73734 Esslingen Germany+49 711 347­。



地质专业词汇英语翻译(A-D)a horizon a 层位a lineation a 线理a twin a 双晶aa lava 块熔岩aalenian stage 阿林阶abandon 废弃abandoned mine 废弃的矿山abandoned well 废孔abatis 通风隔墙abdomen 腹部abdominal appendage 腹肢abdominal cavity 腹腔abdominal fin 腹abductor 外展肌abductor muscle 外展肌abernathyite 水砷钾铀矿aberration 象差abichite 光线矿abiogenesis 自然发生abiogeny 自然发生abiotic factor 非生物因素ablation 剥蚀ablation breccia 剥蚀角砾岩ablation moraine 消融碛ablation skin 熔蚀皮ablation till 消融碛ablykite 阿布石abnormal 异常的abnormal interference color异常干涉色abnormal metamorphism异常变质作用abolition 废除abrade 剥蚀abrasion 海蚀abrasion platform 磨蚀台地abrasion surface 浪蚀面abrasion terrace 磨蚀阶地abrasionn test 磨耗试验abrasive 磨料;海蚀的abrazite 多水高岭土absarokite 正边玄武岩absite 钍钛铀矿absolute age 绝对年龄absolute black body 绝对黑体absolute chronology 绝对年代学absolute dating 绝对年代测定absolute geopotential 绝对重力势absolute porosity 绝对孔隙率absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute structure 绝对构造absorbed water 吸附水absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收器absorbing well 吸水井absorption 吸收absorption axis 吸收轴absorption border 融蚀缘absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption edge 吸收端absorption factor 吸收率absorption spectrum 吸收光谱absorptive capacity 吸收率absorptivity 吸收性abukumalite 铋磷灰石abundance 丰度abundance of elements 元素丰度abundance of isotopes 同位素丰度abundance ratio of isotopes 同位素相对丰度abysmal deposits 深海沉积物abyss 深海abyssal 深海的abyssal benthic zone 深渊底栖带abyssal deposits 深海沉积物abyssal facies 深海相abyssal hills province 深海丘陵区abyssal injection 深成贯入abyssal rock 深成岩abyssal sediments 深海沉积物acadialite 红菱沸石acadian stage 阿卡德阶acalycine 无花萼的acalycinous 无花萼的acanthite 螺状硫银矿acanthoid 刺状的acaulescent 无茎的acaulous 无茎的acaustobiolite 非燃性生物岩accelerated development 上升发育acceleration 促进accelerometer 加速度计accessory 副的accessory ejecta 早成同源抛出物accessory minerals 副矿物accidental ejecta 异源抛出物accidental inclusion 外源包体accidental species 偶见种accidental xenolith 外源包体acclivity 上坡accompanying mineral 伴生矿物accordance of summit levels 山峰高度一致accordant junction 交合汇流accordion fold 棱角褶皱accretion 附加体accretion gley 结核潜育层accretion theory 吸积理论accretionary lapilli 团积火山砾accumulate 堆积accumulated temperature 积温accumulation 堆积accumulation horizon 聚积层accumulation moraine 堆积冰碛accumulation terrace 堆积阶地accumulation theory of volcano 火山堆积说accumulation till 堆积冰碛accumulative phase 堆积相accuracy 准确度acephalous 无头的acephalous larva 无头幼虫acerous 针状的acetate 醋酸盐acetic acid 醋酸acf diagram acf 图解achavalite 硒铁矿achiardite 坏晶石achirite 透视石achlamydeous 无花被的achlusite 钠滑石achondrite 无球粒陨石achroite 无色电气石achromaite 浅闪石achromatic body 消色物体achromatic lens 消色差透镜achromatism 消色差achromatize 消色acicular 针状的aciculiform 针状的1acid base equilibrium 酸碱平衡acid earth 酸性白土acid humus 酸性腐殖质acid mine drainage 酸性矿水排水acid plagioclase 酸性斜长石acid rock 酸性岩acid soil 酸性土acid solution 酸性溶液acid spring 酸性泉acid treatment of oil payzone 油层酸处理acid treatment of well 井的酸处理acidic lava 酸性熔岩acidification 酸化acidimetry 酸量滴定法acidite 酸性岩acidity 酸度acidizing of well 井的酸处理acidophilous plants 适酸植物acidotrophic lake 酸性营养湖acidulation 酸化acline twin 翻底双晶acmite 锥辉石acotyledon 无子叶植物acotyledonous 无子叶的acoustic basement 声波基底acoustic foundation 声波基底acoustic logging 声波测井acquired character 获得形质acre foot 英亩英尺acrobatholithic 露岩基的acrochordite 球砷锰矿acrospore 顶生孢子actinides 锕系元素actinium 锕actinolite 阳起石actinolite asbestos 阳起石石棉actinolite schist 阳起片岩actinolitic greenschist facies 阳起绿色片岩相actinometer 日射表actinometry 光化测定actinomorphic 辐射对称的actinomorphous 辐射对称的actinomyces 放线菌类actinostele 星状中柱actinouranium 锕铀actinula 辐射幼虫activated adsorption 活化吸附activated carbon 活性炭activated clay 活化粘土activated complex 活化络合物activated water 活化水activation 活化activation analysis 活化分析activation cross section 活化截面activation energy 活化能activation logging 活化测井activation method 活化法activation of platform 地台活化activator 活化剂active fault 活断层active folding 活褶曲作用active glacier 活动冰川active humus 活性腐殖质active hydrogen 活性氢active plate 移动板块active remote sensing 织式遥感active tectonic pattern 活动构造型式active volcano 活火山active water 侵蚀性水activity 活度activity coefficient 活度系数activization 活化作用activization platform block 活化台块actual reserves 实在储藏量actual volume 实际容积actualily 真实actualism 现实论actuopalaeontology 现实古生物学acute 急尖的acute bisectrix 锐角等分线acutifoliate 尖叶的adamant 硬石adamantine 坚硬的adamantine lustre 金刚光泽adamantine spar 刚玉adamellite 石英二长岩adamine 水砷锌矿adamite 水砷锌矿adamsite 暗绿云母adaptability 适应性adaptation 适应adaptive radiation 适应辐射adcumulate 累积岩addition 添加additional phase 加成相adductor 收肌adductor muscle scar 收肌筋痕adelite 砷钙镁石adelogenic 显衡隐晶质的adelpholite 铌铁锰矿adenoid 腺样的adergneiss 脉状片麻岩adhering 粘附性的;附着adhesion 粘附adhesive disk 吸盘adhesiveness 胶糟性adiabat 绝热线adiabatic cooling 绝热冷却adiabatic curve 绝热线adiabatic equilibrium 绝热平衡adiabatic heating 绝热增温adiabatic lapse rate 绝热温度梯度adiabatic process 绝热过程adiabatic state 绝热状态adiabatic temperature gradient 绝热温度梯度adiagnostic 隐微晶质的adigeite 镁蛇纹石adinole 钠长英板岩adipocerite 伟晶腊石adipocire 伟晶腊石adipose cell 脂细胞adit 平峒adjacent rock 围岩adjacent sea 边缘海adjoining rock 围岩adjustment 蝶admimistration 管理admission 收气adobe 灰质粘土adoral 口侧的adsorbent 吸附剂adsorbing material 吸附剂adsorption 吸附adsorption indicator 吸附指示剂adsorptive capacity 吸附能力adular 冰长石adularia 冰长石adult 成体advance 前进adventitious plants 外来植物adventive crater 寄生火口adventive volcano 寄生火山aecidiospore 锈孢子aeciospore 锈孢子2aegirine 霓石aegirine augite 霓辉石aegirite 霓石aenigmatite 三斜闪石aeolian clastics 风成碎屑岩aeolian deposit 风积aeolian landform 风成地形aeolian soil 风积土aeration 充气aeration tissue 通气组织aeration zone 饱气带aerenchyma 通气组织aerial method of geology 航空地质甸方法aerial photography 航空摄影学aerial ropeway 架空死aerial survey 航空测量aerial triangulation 航空三角测量aerify 使呈气态aerobe 需气生物aerocartograph 航空测图仪aerogenous rock 风成岩aerogeography 航空地理学aerogeology 航空地质学aerolite 石陨石aerolith 石陨石aeromagnetic survey 航空磁测aerophotogeological map 航空摄影地质图aerophotogrammetry 航空摄影测量学aerophotography 航空摄影学aerophotography of geology 地质专业航空摄影aeroplankton 大气浮游生物aeroradioactive survey航空放射性测量aerosiderite 铁陨石aerosiderolite 铁石陨石aerosite 深红银矿aerugite 块砷镍矿aeschynite 易解石affiliation 亲缘关系affine deformation 均匀变形affinity 亲和力afflux 汇入after deep 后渊aftereffect 后效aftershock 余震afwillite 桂硅钙石agalite 纤滑石agalmatolite 寿山石agamogony 无配子生殖agate 玛瑙age 龄期age determination 时代鉴定age of cycads 苏铁植物时代age spectra 年龄谱ageing of colloids 胶体熟化agent of erosion 侵蚀力agents of metamorphism 变质营力ageostrophic wind 非地转风agglomerate 集块岩agglomerate lava 集块熔岩agglomeratic 集块岩状的agglomeration 烧结agglutinate 粘合集块岩agglutination 胶着agglutinin 凝集素aggradation 加积aggradation terrace 堆积阶地aggradational plain 堆积平原aggregate 集合体aggregation 聚集aggressive water 侵进水agitation 搅拌agmatite 角砾混合岩agnatha 无颌类agnolite 红硅钙锰矿agnotozoic era 元古代agpaite 钠质火成岩agreement 协议agricolite 闪铋矿agricultural geology 农业地质学agricultural geomorphology农业地貌学agroforestrial geology 农林地质学agrogeology 农业地质学agrohydrologg 农业水文学aguilarite 辉硒银矿aidyrlite 杂硅铝镍矿aikinite 针硫铋铅矿air borne radioactivity 大气放射性air chamber 气室air compressor 空气压缩机air damping 空气制动air drilling 空气钻进air drying 风干air elutriation 空气淘析air flush drilling 空气冲洗钻井air gun 空气枪air hammer 气锤air lift 气动提升机air permeability 透气性air pressure 空气压力air release valve 放气阀air sac 气囊air separating tank 空气分离罐air separator 气力分离器air shrinkage 空气收缩air vent 排气孔air volcano 气火山airborne electromagnetic method 航空电磁法airborne electromagnetics 航空电磁法airborne magnetic prospecting 航空磁法勘探airborne magnetometer 航空地磁仪airborne remote sensing 航空遥感airborne survey 航空甸airial camera 航空摄影机airview 空瞰图airy phase 艾氏相airy's spiral 艾氏螺旋akaustobiolite 非燃性生物岩akaustobiolith 非燃性生物岩akerite 英辉正长岩akermanite 镁黄长石akf diagram akf图解akinete 厚壁孢子akrochordite 球砷锰矿aksaite 阿氏硼镁石ala twin 轴双晶alabandine 硫锰矿alabandite 硫锰矿alabaster 雪花石膏alabastrite 雪花石膏alamosite 铅灰石alar 翼状的alary 翼状的alaskaite 铅泡铋矿alaskite 白岗岩alate 有翼的albedo 反照率albers' equal area projection 亚尔勃斯等积投影albertite 黑沥青albian 阿尔布阶albian stage 阿尔布阶albite 钠长石3albite twin 钠长石双晶albitite 钠长石玢岩albitization 钠长石化albitophyre 钠长斑岩alboranite 紫苏变玄岩aleurolite 粉砂岩aleuropelitic 粉砂泥的aleutite 易辉安山岩alexandrite 翠绿宝石algae 藻类algae control 藻类控制algal ball 海藻饼algal biscuit 海藻饼algal coal 藻煤algal fungi 藻菌类algal limestone 藻灰岩algal reef 藻礁algal structure 藻结构alginite 藻类体algodonite 微晶砷铜矿algology 藻类学algonkian 阿尔冈纪algonkian system 阿尔冈系algovite 辉斜岩aliphatic compound 脂族化合物alizarin 二羟蒽醌alkali 碱alkali alumina metasomatism 碱氧化铝交代alkali basaet 碱性玄武岩alkali earth metal 碱土金属alkali feldspar 碱性长石alkali flat 碱覆盖坪alkali gabbro 碱性辉长岩alkali granti 碱性花岗岩alkali lime index 碱灰质指数alkali metal 碱金属alkali olivine basalt 碱性橄榄玄武岩alkali pyroxene 碱性辉石alkali rock series 碱性岩系alkali salt 碱盐alkali soil 碱土alkali syenit 碱性正长岩alkalic rock 硷性岩alkalic ultrabasic rock 碱超基性岩alkalify 碱化alkalimetry 碱量滴定法alkaline amphibolization 碱性角闪石化alkaline earth 碱土族alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkaline metasomatism 碱性交代作用alkaline pyroxenization 碱性辉石化alkaline rock 硷性岩alkaline rocks 碱性岩类alkaline soil 碱性土alkaline solution 碱性溶液alkaline spring 碱泉alkalinity 碱度alkalipicrite 碱性苦橄岩alkalitrophic lake 碱液营养湖alkalization 碱化作用alkalize 碱化alkaloid 生物碱alkanes 链烷烃allactite 砷水锰矿allagite 绿蔷薇辉石allalinite 浊变辉长岩allanite 褐帘石alleghanyite 粒硅锰矿allemontite 砷锑矿allite 铝铁土allivalite 橄榄钙长岩allobar 变压区allocation 分配allochemical metamorphism 异化变质allochetite 霞辉二长斑岩allochroite 粒榴石allochromatic colour 假色allochromatism 假色allochthone 移置岩体allochthonous 外来的allochthonous coal 异地生成煤allochthonous deposit 移积allochthonous fold 移置性褶曲allochthonous limestone 移置灰岩alloclastic breccia 火山碎屑角砾岩allogenic 他生的allogenic element 他生元素allogenic mineral 他生矿物allogenic succession 他生演替allomerism 异质同晶现象allometamorphism 他变作用allometry 异速生长allomigmatite 他混合岩allomorph 同质异形的allomorphism 同质异晶allomorphous 同质异形的allopalladium 硒钯矿allopatric polymorphism 同质多形allophane 水铝英石allophase metamorphism 他相变质alloskarn 外成夕卡岩allothigenic 他生的allothigenous 他生的allotriomorphic 他形的allotriomorphic granular texture 他形晶粒状结构allotriomorphic structure 他形构造allotriomorphic texture 他形结构allotrope 同素异形体allotropic modification 同素异形体allotropic transformation 同素异晶变化allotropism 同素异形allotropy 同素异形allotype 异模式标本alloy 合金alluvial 冲积的alluvial apron 山麓冲积扇alluvial channel 冲积河道alluvial cone 冲积锥alluvial deposit 冲积层alluvial fan 冲积扇alluvial fan deposit 冲积扇层alluvial ore deposit 冲积矿床alluvial placer 冲积砂矿床alluvial plain 冲积平原alluvial sand ripples 河成砂纹alluvial sand wave 河成沙波alluvial soil 冲积土alluvial terrace 冲积阶地alluvial veneer 冲积表层alluviation 冲积alluvion 冲积层alluvium 冲积层almandine 铁铝榴石almandite 铁铝榴石alnico 铝镍钴合金alnoite 黄长煌斑岩alp 高山alpha quartz 石英alpha ray spectrometer 能谱仪alphitite 岩粉土alpides 阿尔卑斯造山带alpine animals 高山动物alpine belt 高山带alpine orogeny 阿尔卑斯造山运动alpine type peridotite阿尔卑斯式橄榄岩4alpine type vein 阿尔卑斯型矿脉alpinotype orogeny阿尔卑斯型造山作用alpinotype tectonics 阿尔卑斯型构造alsbachite 榴云细斑岩alstonite 碳碱钙钡矿altaite 碲铅矿altar 腋生的altazimuth 经纬仪alteration 蚀变alteration halo 蚀变晕alteration zone 蚀变晕altered aureole 蚀变晕altered mineral 蚀变矿物alternant 交替的alternate phyllotaxis 互生叶序alternately pinnate 互生羽状的alternating 交替alternating layers 互层alternation 互层alternation of beds 互层alternation of generations 世代交替alternative 可选择的altimeter 高度计altitude 高度altitudinal zonality 垂直分布带alum 茂alum shale 茂页岩alum slate 茂板岩alumian 无水矾石alumina 矾土aluminate 铝酸盐aluminite 矾石aluminum 铝alumochromite 铝铬铁矿alunite 茂石alunitization 茂石化alunogen 毛矾石alurgite 锰云母alveolar 蜂窝状alvite 铪锆石amagmatic 非岩浆活动的amalgam 汞齐amalgamation 混汞作用amarantite 红铁矾amazonite 天河石amazonitization 天河石化ambatoarinite 碳酸锶铈矿amber 钙铝榴石amberite 灰黄琥珀ambient 外界的ambiguity 多义性amblygonite 磷铝石ambrite 灰黄琥珀ambulacral foot 管足ambulacral system 步带系ambularcral zone 步带ameba 变形虫amendment 修正;校正americium 镅amesite 镁绿泥石ametaboly 无变态amethyst 紫水晶amherstite 反条正长闪长岩amianthus 石棉amino acid metabolism 氨基酸代谢aminobenzoic acid 氨基苯酸ammonioborite 水铵硼石ammonites 菊石类amorphous 非晶质的amorphous graphite 无定型石墨amorphous silica 无定形硅氧amosite 铁石棉amount 总计amount of evaporation 蒸发量amount of precipitation 降水量amount of throw 纵距ampangabeit 铌链铁铀矿ampelite 黄铁炭质页岩amphibia 两栖类amphibious plants 两栖植物amphibole 闪石amphibolite 闪岩amphibolite facies 角闪岩相amphibolization 闪石化作用amphigene 白榴石amphigenite 白榴熔岩amphiprotic 两性的ampholyte 两性电解质amphoteric 两性的amphoteric electrolyte 两性电解质amphoteric element 两性元素amphoteric ion 两性离子amphoteric oxide 两性氧化物amphoterite 无粒古橄陨石amplexicaul 抱茎的amplifier for photocurrents光电僚大器amplitude 振幅amplitude correction 振幅校正amplitude spectrum 振幅谱amygdale 杏仁孔amygdaloid 杏仁岩amygdaloidal 杏仁状的amygdaloidal structure 杏仁状构造amygdule 杏仁孔anabatic wind 谷风anabolism 合成代谢anaboly 后加演化anaclinal 逆向的anadiagenesis 前进成岩作用anaerobe 厌气微生物anaerobic bacteria 嫌气细菌anaerobiosis 嫌气生活anagenesis 前进演化anal fin 臀鳍anal gland 肛腺analbite 单斜钠长石analcime 方沸石analcimite 方沸岩analcimolith 方沸岩analcite 方沸石analog 相似体analogous organ 同功瀑analogue 相似体analogy 类似analysis by sedimentation 沉积分析analytic standard 分析标准analytical balance 分析天平anamesite 中粒玄武岩anamigmatism 深溶混合岩化anamorphic zone 合成变质带anamorphism 合成变质anapaite 三斜磷钙铁矿anaseism 背震中anastomose 网结anastrophen 倒装法anatase 锐钛矿anatectic magma 深熔岩浆anatectite 深熔混合岩anatexis 深熔作用anauxite 富硅高岭石anchieutectic 近底共融的anchimetamorphism 近变质作用anchimonomineralic 近单矿物的anchor ice 底冰ancient channel 古河道ancient elephant 古大象ancient landform 古地形5ancylite 菱锶铬矿andalusite 红柱石andersonite 水碳钠钙铀矿andesine 中长石andesite 安山岩andesite line 安山岩线andorite 锑铅银矿andradite 钙铁榴石anemoclastics 风成碎屑岩anemophilous plant 风媒植物anemophily 风媒anemousite 三斜霞石angara flora 安加拉植物群angara shield 安加拉古陆angaraland 安加拉古陆angarides 安加拉古陆angiospermous 被子的angiosperms 被子植物angle of contact 接触角angle of draw 陷落角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾斜角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角angle of repose 休止角angle of strike 走向角度angle of subsidence 陷落角anglesite 硫酸铅矿angrite 钛辉无球粒陨石angular 有角的angular discordance 斜交不整合angular unconformity 钭文不整合angularity 有角angustifoliate 狭叶的anhedral 他形的anhydration 脱水anhydride 无水物anhydrite 硬石膏anhydrite formation 硬石膏层anhysteretic remanent magnetiazation 非滞后剩余磁化animal charcoal 动物煤animal debris 动物残余animal theory 动物成因论animikie system 安尼迷基系animikite 铅银砷镍矿anisian 安尼阶anisodesmic structure 蛤稳变异构造anisometric 非等轴的anisophyllous 不等叶的anisotrophism 蛤异性anisotropic 非均质的anisotropic fabric 蛤异性组构anisotropy 蛤异性anisotropy of crystals 晶体蛤异性ankaramite 钭长辉石岩ankaratrite 橄霞玄武岩ankerite 铁白云石anna aannabergite 镍华annealing recrystallization 退火重结晶作用annelids 环节动物annerodite 铌钇铀矿annite 羟铁云母annivite 铋铜矿annual 年刊annual amount of precipitation 年降水量annual plant 一年生植物annual ring 年轮annular 环状的annulation 环annulus 体环anomalous electric field 异常电场anomalous extinction 异常消光anomalous interference color 异常干涉色anomalous lead 异常铅anomalous upheaval 异常隆起anomaly 异常anomite 褐云母anonymous 不具名的anorogenic period 非造山期anorogenic time 非造山期anorthite 钙长石anorthitite 钙长岩anorthoclase 歪长石anorthosite 斜长岩antagonism 对抗作用antarctic 南极antarctica 南极大陆antecedent 先行的antecedent precipitation index 前期降雨指标antecedent river 先成河antecedent valley 先成谷anteclise 台背斜antegenetic river 原生河antenna 触角antennule 第一触角anther 药antheridium 精子囊antholite 直闪石anthophyllite 直闪石anthozoa 珊烘类anthracite 无烟煤anthracite coal 无烟煤anthraconite 沥青灰岩anthraxolite 碳沥青anthraxylon 纯木煤anthropogenic factor 人为因素anthropogeography 人类地理学anthropoid 类人猿anthropoid apes ape 类人猿anthropology 人类学anthropophyte 人为植物anthropostratigraphy 人类地层学antibonding electron 反键电子anticathode 对阴极anticlinal 背钭的anticlinal axis 背斜轴anticlinal bend 背斜弯曲anticlinal dome 背斜隆起anticlinal fault 背斜断层anticlinal fold 背斜anticlinal limb 背斜翼anticlinal mountain 背斜脊anticlinal ridge 背斜脊anticlinal theory 背斜理论anticlinal trap 背斜圈闭anticlinal valley 背斜谷anticlinal zone 背斜带anticline 背斜anticlinorium 复背斜anticlise 台背斜anticlockwise 反时针方向的anticoincidence 反符合antidune 反沙丘antiferromagnetism 反铁磁性antifluorite structure 反萤石结构antiform 背斜型构造antiformal syncline 背斜型向斜antigorite 叶蛇纹石antimonite 辉锑矿antimony 锑antimony bloom 锑华6antipathy 不相容antipertite 反纹长石antiseismic 抗震的antiseptic 防腐剂antistress mineral 反应力矿物antisymmetrization 反对称化antithetic fault 反向断层antlerite 块铜矾antofagastite 水氯铜矿anulus 体环apachite 闪辉响岩apatite 磷灰石aperiodicity 非周期性aperture 孔apex 背斜顶apex of shell 壳顶aphanic 显衡隐晶质的aphaniphyric 隐晶斑状aphanite 隐晶岩aphanitic texture 隐晶结构aphanitic variolitic texture 隐晶球颗结构aphotic zone 无光带aphrosiderite 铁华绿泥石aphthalose 钾芒硝aphthitalite 钾芒硝aphthonite 银铜矿aphyric 无斑隐晶质的apical disk 顶系apical system 顶系apjohnite 锰茂aplite 细晶岩aplitic 细晶状的aplitic facies 细晶岩相aplitic texture 细晶岩构造aplogranite 淡色花岗岩apoandesite 脱玻安山岩apobasalt 脱玻玄武岩apogee 远地点apogranite 变花岗岩apolar adsorption 非极性吸附apomagmatic 外岩浆的apomagmatic deposit 外岩浆矿床apophyllite 鱼眼石apophyse 岩枝apophysis 岩枝apospory 无孢生殖apparent 外观上的apparent density 视密度apparent dip 视倾斜apparent heave 视横断距apparent resistivity 视电阻率apparent resistivity curve 视电阻率曲线apparent resistivity map 视电阻率图apparent specific gravity 表观比重apparent velocity 视速度apperance of crystal 结晶外貌apple coal 软煤applied geochemistry 应用地球化学applied geology 应用地质学applied geomorphology 应用地形学applied geothermics 应用地热学applied geothermy 应用地热学applied palaeontology 应用古生物学applied seismology 应用地震学appraisement 评价apron reef 石中住裙礁aptian 阿普第阶aptian stage 阿普第阶aqua regia 王水aquamarine 海蓝宝石aquatic 水生的aquatic animals 水栖动物aqueduct 沟渠aqueous deposit 水成沉积aqueous rock 水成岩aqueous soil 水成土aqueous solution 水溶液aquiclude 隔水层aquifer 含水层aquifer loss 含水层损失aquifer storage 合水层储水aquifer test 含水层试验aquiferous 含水的aquifuge 不透水层aquitanian stage 阿启坦阶aquitard 弱含水层arachnidea 蛛形类araeoxene 钒铅锌矿aragonite 文石arakawaite 磷锌铜矿aramayoite 硫铋锑银矿arandisite 硅锡矿arborescent 被状arc of compression 褶皱弧arc of folding 压缩弧arch 背斜archaean era 太古代archaeocyte 原始细胞archaeogeology 考古地质学archaeopteris flora 古蔽属植物群archaeopteryx 始祖鸟属archaeozoic 太古代的archaian 太古代的archbend 褶皱头部archean 太古代archean greenstone belt 太古代绿岩带arched structure 隆起构造archegone 颈卵器archegonium 颈卵器archeomagnetism 太古磁性archeophytic era 太古植物代archeozoic era 太古代archetype 原始型archipelagic apron 群岛沿边漫坡海底archipelago 群岛arcogenesis 地穹运动arcogeny 地穹运动arctic 北极圈arctic air mass 北极气团arctic front 北极锋arctic plants 北极植物arctic subregion 北极亚区arctoalpine 北极高山的arcuate 弓形的arcuate delta 弓形三角洲ardealite 磷石膏ardennite 锰硅铝矿area 分布区area of artesian flow 自廉区area of influence 影响区域areal eruption 区域喷溢arenaceous 砂屑的arenaceous rock 砂质岩arenaceous texture 砂质结构arenes 粗砂arenopelitic 砂泥质的arenose 粗砂质的arfvedsonite 钠钙闪石argentiferous 含银的argentite 辉银矿argentobismutite 硫银铋矿argentojarosite 辉银黄钾铁矾argentopyrite 含银黄铁矿argil 白粘土argillaceous 泥质的argillaceous limestone 泥质灰岩argillite 泥岩7argillization 泥化argon 氩argyrodite 硫银锗矿arid basin 干燥盆地arid landform 干旱地形arid peneplain 干旱准平原arid zone 干旱带aridity coefficient 干燥系数aridity index 干燥指数ariegite 尖榴辉岩arithmetical averaging grade 算术平均品位arithmetical averaging thickness 算术平均厚度arizonite 红钛铁矿arkite 白榴霞斑岩arkose 长石石英岩arkosic sandstone 长石石英岩armangite 砷锰矿armored cone 熔壳火山锥armored fishes 甲胄鱼纲aromatic base crude oil 芳香基原油arrangement 配置arroyo 干谷arsenate 砷酸盐arsenic 砷arseniopleite 红砷铁矿arseniosiderite 钙砷铁矿arsenite 砷华arsenoclasite 水砷锰石arsenolite 砷华arsenomiargyrite 砷辉锑银矿arsenopyrite 毒砂arterite 层混合岩artesian aquifer 自廉层artesian basin 自廉盆地artesian ground water 自霖下水artesian pressure head 承压水位artesian spring 自联artesian water 自廉artesian well 自廉arthropoda 节肢动物artic front 北极峰articulation 关节artificial 人为的artificial classification 人为分类artificial crystal 人造晶体artificial diamond 人造金刚石artificial discharge 人工排泄artificial earth's satellite 人造地球卫星artificial earthquake 人为地震artificial ground water 人工地下水artificial hypocenter 人工震源artificial mineral 人造矿物artificial radio element 人工放射元素artificial radioactivity 人工放射性artificial recharge 人工补给artificial satellite 人造卫星artificial seismic source 人工震源artificial selection 人工淘汰artinite 纡维菱镁矿artinsk stage 阿丁斯克阶artinskian 阿丁斯克阶asbestos 石棉asbestus 石棉asbolane 钴土矿asbolite 钴土矿ascending development 上升发育ascension theory 上升说ascent curve 上升曲线aschaffite 云英钭煌岩ascharite 硼镁石aschistic 岩浆同质的aschistic dike 未分异岩脉aschistic dyke 未分异岩脉aschistite 未分异岩ascon type 单沟型ascospore 子囊孢子ascus 子囊aseismic 无震的asexual generation 无性世代asexual reproduction 无性生殖ash bed 火山灰层ash cloud 灰云ash cone 火山灰丘ash content of coal 煤灰分ash fall 降落灰ash flow 火山灰流ash free 无灰分的ash shower 降落灰ash structure 火山灰构造ashgillian stage 阿石极阶ashing 灰化asmanite 陨鳞石英asparagolite 黄绿磷灰石asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石asperite 玻质英安岩asphalt 地沥青asphalt sealing trap 沥青塞圈闭asphaltenes 沥青质asphaltic base crude oil 沥青基原油asphaltic pyrobitumen 焦性沥青asphaltite 沥青岩asphaltum 地沥青aspite 盾状火山asporous 无孢子的assay 试金assay balance 试金天平assay map 采样平面图assaying 试料分析assessment well 估价井assimilate 同化assimilation 岩浆的同化作用associate 使联合associate species 伴生种associate structure 伴生构造associated mineral 伴生矿物associated ore 伴生矿association 联合association of elements 元素的共生组合assyntite 钛辉方钠正长岩assypite 钠橄辉长岩astable 不稳定的astatic 无定向的astatic magnetometer 无定向磁力仪astaticism 无定向性astatine 砹astatisation 无定向化asteroid 小行星asthenosphere 软力astian stage 阿斯蒂阶astite 红柱角页岩astrakhanite 白钠镁矾astroblem 古陨挥astrogeology 天体地质学astrophyllite 星叶石asymmetric 不对称的asymmetric carbon atom 不对称碳原子asymmetric dispersion 不对称色散asymmetric fold 不对称褶皱asymmetrical 不对称的asymmetrical anticline 不对称背斜asymmetrical crystal monochromator不对称结晶单色仪asymmetrical ridge 不对称山脊8asymmetry 非对称asynchronous 异步的atacamite 氯铜矿atatschite 线玻正斑岩atavism 返祖ataxic mineral deposit 不成层矿床ataxite 角砾斑杂岩ataxitic 角砾斑杂状的atectonic 非构造的atelestite 砷酸铋矿atlantic ocean 大误atlantic suite 大误岩套atlasspat 纤维石atmoclast 气碎岩atmoclastic rock 气碎岩atmoclastics 气碎岩atmogenic metamorphism 气生变质atmometer 蒸发表atmophile element 亲气元素atmosphere 大气圈atmospheric pressure 气压atmospheric rock 气成岩atmospheric weathering 大气风化atmospheric window 大气窗口atmospheric windows 大气窗口atoll 环礁atoll lake 环礁湖atoll texture 环礁结构atomic binding 原子键atomic bond 原子键atomic disintegration 原子衰变atomic energy level 原子能级atomic mass unit 原子质量单位atomic ratio 原子比atomic size 原子大小atomic spectrum 原子光谱atomic unit 原子单位atomic volume 原子体积atomistics 原子论atrio 火口原atrio lake 火口原湖atriopore 围鳃腔atrium 围鳃腔attenuation 衰减attenuation constant 衰减常数attenuation factor 衰减常数attraction 引力attribute 属性attrition 磨损attritus 碎集煤atypical 非典型的aubrite 顽火辉石无球粒陨石auerlite 磷钍矿augelite 光彩石augen structure 眼状构造augengneiss 眼环片麻岩auger 螺旋钻auger drill 螺旋钻augite 辉石augitite 辉石岩aulacogene 古断槽aureole 接触圈aurichalcite 绿铜锌矿auriferous 含金的auriferous conglomerate 含金砾岩auripigment 雌黄aurora 极光auroral zone 极光地带australite 澳洲似黑曜岩authigene 自生的authigenesis 自生作用authigenic 自生的authigenic element 自生元素authigenic mineral 自生矿物authigenous 自生的auto injection 自注入autobreccia 同生角砾岩autobreccited lava 同生角砾岩熔岩autocatalysis 自动催化autochthone 原地岩体autochthonous 原地的autochthonous coal 原地生成煤autochthonous deposit 原地沉积autochthonous fold 原地褶皱autochthonous granite 原地花岗岩autochthonous limestone 原地灰岩autoclases 自碎autoclast 自碎岩autoclastic 自碎的autoclastic rock 自碎岩autoclave 压热器高压锅autocorrelation function 自相关函数autogenic succession 自发演替autogeny 自生autogeosyncline 自地槽autointrusion 自侵入autolith 同源包体autometamorphism 自变质作用autometasomatism 自交代作用automolite 铁锌晶石automorphic 自形的autopneumatolysis 自气化作用autoradiography 自动射线照相术autotrophism 自养autotrophy 自养autotype 自型autunite 钙铀云母auversian stage 奥伯斯阶auxiliary curve 辅助曲线auxiliary fault 副断层auxiliary joint 副节理auxiliary mineral 副矿物available relief 有效起伏available water 可利用的水avalanche 雪崩avalanche breccia 岩崩角砾岩aven 落水洞aventurine 砂金石average life 平均寿命avezacite 钛铁辉闪脉岩avicennite 褐铊矿aviolite 堇云角页岩avogadrite 氟硼钾石awaruite 铁镍矿axe stone 软玉axial 轴的axial angle 光轴角axial colour 轴色axial distribution analysis 轴向分布分析axial plane 轴面axial plane cleavage 轴面劈理axial plane folding 轴面褶皱axial plane foliation 轴面叶理构造axial plane schistosity 轴面片理axial ratio 轴率axial section 轴向剖面axial skeleton 轴骨axial trace 轴迹axillary 腋生的axillary bud 腋芽axinite 斧石axinitization 斧石化axiolite 椭球粒axiolith 椭球粒axiolitic 椭球粒状的axis 轴axis of rotation 旋转轴9axis of rotatory reflection 回转反射轴axis of symmetry 对称轴axis plane 轴面azeotrope 共沸混合物azeotropy 共沸性azilian age 阿齐尔时代azimuth 方位角azimuthal equal area projection 等积方位投影azimuthal equidistant projection 等距方位投影azimuthal orthomorphic 正形方位投影azimuthal projection 方位投影azimuthal quantum number 方位角量子数azoic era 无生代azurite 蓝铜矿babel quartz 塔状石英babingtonite 铁灰石bacillite 杆雏晶束back 背back deep 次生优地槽back flow 逆流back radiation 逆辐射back reflection camera 逆反射照相机back swamp 河漫滩沼泽backfill 充填background value 背景值backland 腹地backpressure 回压backshore 后滨backwash 回流backwashing method 回哩backwater 回水bacteria 细菌bacterial analysis 细菌分析bacterielles fossil 细菌化石baculite 杆菊石bad land 恶劣地baddeleyite 斜锆石badenite 镍铋砷钴矿baectuite 白头岩bag of ore 矿袋bagrationite 铈黑帘石bahiaite 橄闪紫苏岩baikalite 易裂钙铁辉石bailer 簧头;捞砂筒bajocian 巴柔阶bakerite 纤硼钙石baking coal 粘结煤balance 平衡balance resources 表内储量balanced filter 衡均滤波器balas 玫红尖晶石ball clay 球土ball diorite 球状闪长岩ball granite 球状花岗岩ball ironstone 球状铁矿石ball mill 球磨机ball porphyry 球状斑岩ball structure 球状构造ball texture 球状结构ballas 工业用球面金刚石balling 球团balsam 香胶baltic shield 波罗的地盾banakite 粗绿岩banatite 正辉英闪长岩band 带;夹层banded 带状的banded agate 带状玛瑙banded clay 带状粘土banded coal 条带状煤banded gneiss 带状片麻岩banded hematite quartzite 带状赤铁矿石英岩banded iron ore deposit 条带状铁矿床banded lode 带状脉banded migmatite 带状混合岩banded ore 带状矿石banded structure 带状构造banded vein 带状矿脉banding 层状bandy 带状的bandylite 氯硼铜石bank 岸bank erosion 沙滩侵蚀bank gravel 采石坑砾石bank run gravel 采石坑砾石bank side 河岸斜坡banket 含金砾岩层baotite 包头矿bar 沙洲bar theory 砂州说barb 羽支barbed drainage 倒钩水系统barbierite 钠正长石barchane 新月形砂丘baric topography 气压形势baricalcite 重解石barite 重晶石barium 钡barium anorthitite 钡斜长岩barium feldspar 钡长石bark 胜barkevikite 棕闪石barkhan 新月形砂丘barlte 天青重晶岩barn 靶恩barolite 天青重晶岩barometric altimeter 气压测高计barotolerancy 耐压性barranca 峡谷barranco 峡谷barrandite 磷铝铁石barremian 巴列姆阶barren bed 哑层barren layer 废石层barren of coal 不含煤的barren rock 无矿岩barren sand 无油砂层barrier 堡坝barrier reef 堡礁barrier spring 堡坝泉barrow 矸石场barthite 砷锌铜矿bartonian 巴尔顿阶barylite 硅钡铍矿barysil 硅铅矿barysilite 硅铅矿barysphere 重圈baryte 重晶石barytocalcite 钡解石barytocelestine 钡天青石barytocelestite 钡天青石basal complex 基底杂岩basal conglomerate 底砾岩basal granule 基粒basal sandstone 基底砂岩basal structure 基底构造basalt 玄武岩basalt eclogite transformation 玄武岩榴辉岩转化basaltic 玄武岩的basaltic andesite 玄武安山岩basaltic augite 玄武辉石basaltic hornblende 玄闪石10。

金属粉尘化现象 Metal Dusting Phenomenon

金属粉尘化现象 Metal Dusting Phenomenon

金属粉尘化现象Metal Dusting PhenomenonWhat is metal dusting?什么是金属粉尘化?A phenomenon called “metal dusting” (carburisation) can occur when metals are exposed to reducing atmospheres, such as syngas in a specific temperature range of 482 - 649°C / 900 - 1200°F.In general, carbon formation and metal dusting has been observed and reported in the industry. Metal dusting is a phenomenon by which the metal surface “corrodes away” in presence of CO under certain composition, pressure and temperature conditions. In extreme cases, metal dusting can lead to rupture of pipes and equipment etc.The exact mechanism and the metal dusting phenomenon is not well understood however, based on experience and some theoretical equilibrium predictions, industry has been able to bracket the operating regions that should be avoided.如果金属在482~649°C(900~1200°F)的温度范围内与还原性大气(比如合成气体)相接触,就会发生金属粉尘化(碳化)现象。



矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译abandoned workings 废巷道abandonment 废弃abelite 阿贝立特炸药abichite 砷铜矿ability 能力ability to flow 怜性ablation 水蚀ablution 洗净abnormality 反常abrasion 磨损abrasion resistance 抗磨蚀能力abrasive 磨料abruption 断层abscissa 横座标absite 钍钛铀矿absolute error 绝对误差absolute humidity 绝对温度absorbability 吸收性absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收器吸收剂;减震器absorbing ability 吸收性absorption 吸收absorption factor 吸收系数absorption meter 液体溶气计absorptivity 吸收性absortion constant 吸收常数abstraction of pillars 回采煤柱abundance 丰富abundant 富有的abutment 拱座abutment area 支承压力带abutment pressure 支承压力accelerated motion 加速运动accelerating agent 速凝剂acceptance test 验收试验acceptor charge 被动装药accessory equipment 补助设备accessory minerals 副矿物accidental explosion 意外爆炸acclivity 上倾accompanying bed 伴生层accoustic signal 音响信号accretion 表土accumulation 蓄积accumulator 蓄电池accumulator capacity 蓄电池容量accumulator lamp 蓄电池灯accumulator locomotive 蓄电池机车accuracy 精度accuracy degree 精确度acetate 醋酸盐acetic acid 醋酸aceton 丙酮acetonitrile 乙腈acetyl 乙酰acetylene 乙炔acetylene lamp 电石灯achromatic 消色差的aciculite 针状矿石acid 酸acid mine water 酸性矿水acid number 酸值acid proof 酎酸的acid resistance 耐酸性acid resistant 耐酸的acid resistant steel 耐酸钢acid resisting steel 耐酸钢acid rock 酸性岩acid treatment of a borehole 钻孔酸处理acid value 酸值acidite 酸性岩acidity 酸度acidness 酸度acidproof 耐酸的actinium 锕actinolite 阳起石action radius 酌半径activate 活化activated carbon 活性煤activated charcoal 活性煤activating agent 活化剂activation 活性化activation energy 活化能activator 活化剂active 活化的active dust 活性尘末active working face 生产工祖activity 活度actual mining 回采工作actuate 驱动actuating roll 导辊actuator 执行机构acuity 敏锐度acute 尖的acute angle 锐角adamantine 冷铸钢粒adamantine boring 冷铸钢粒钻进adamantine drill 金刚石钻adamellite 石英二长石adamic earth 红粘土adaptability 适合性adaptation 适应adapter 插座adaptibility 适合性addition 加法;加添additional tension 附加应力additive 添加剂adelpholite 铌铁锰矿adhere 粘着adherence 粘着adhesion force 粘附力adhesive 胶粘剂adhesive power 粘附力adhesiveness 胶粘性adhesivity 胶粘性adiabatic 绝热的adiabatic compression 绝热压缩adit 平硐adit collar 平硐口adit cut mining 平硐开采adit entrance 平硐口adit mine 平硐开采矿山adit mouth 平硐口adjoining rock 围岩adjust 蝶adjustable prop 伸缩式支柱adjuster 装配工adjusting device 蝶装置adjusting screw 蝶螺丝adjustment 蝶adjutage 喷射管admissible 容许的admission 进入;容许admitting pipe 进入管admixture 掺和物adobe 风干砖adobe blasting 裸露装药爆破adobe shot 裸露装药爆破adsorb 吸附adsorbate 吸附物adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附adsorption film 吸附膜adsorption isotherm 等温吸附式adular 冰长石adularia 冰长石adulterant 掺杂物adustion 可燃性advance 工祖进尺advance bore 超前钻孔advance borehole 超前钻孔advance cut 超前掏槽advance grouting 超前灌浆advance heading 超前平巷advance mining 前进式开采advance of the face 工祖推进advance rate 掘进速度advance workings 超前工祖advanced face 超前工祖advanced gallery 超前平巷advancement 掘进advancing 掘进advancing along the strike 沿走向掘进advancing long wall 前进式长壁开采advancing longwall 前进式长壁开采advancing mining 前进式开采advancing system 前进式开采法advancing to the dip 俯斜掘进advancing to the rise 仰斜掘进advantage 长处adventure 矿山企业adversary grade 逆坡adverse grade 逆坡aegerite 纯钠辉石aegirine 霓石aegirite 霓石aeolation 风蚀aerated concrete 气孔混凝土aerating chamber 空气混合室aeration 通风aerator 充气器aeremia 沉箱病aerial cableway 架空死aerial conveyer 架空运输机aerial dust 浮尘aerial ropeway 架空死aerial tramway 架空死aerocrete 气孔混凝土aeroembolism 沉箱病aerofloat 黑药aerogel 气凝胶aerolite 陨石aerolith 陨石aerometer 气体表aerophore 氧气呼吸器aerosite 深红银矿aerosol 气溶胶aerotriangulation 航空三角测量aeroview 空中俯瞰图aerugo 铜绿aeschynite 易解石afflux 岭after damp 炮烟after gases 炮烟aftercare 土地复田护理aftercooler 后冷却器二次冷却器afterdamp 爆后气体aftereffect 后效afterexpansion 残余膨胀aftergases 爆后气体aftertreatment 后处理agalite 纤滑石agalmatolite 寿山石agate 玛瑙age 期age of mine 矿山寿命ageing 老化agent 剂agglomerant 粘结剂agglomerate 烧结矿agglomeration 聚集agglutinant 烧结剂agglutination 凝集aggregate thickness 总厚度aggregation 聚集aging 老化agitation 搅拌agitator 搅拌器agnotozoic era 元古代agricolite 硅铋石aikinite 针硫铋铅矿air adit 通风平硐air blast 空气冲击air blast goaf stowingmachine 风力充填机air blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒air blowpipe 炮眼吹洗管air bottle 压气瓶air box 木制风管air brake 空气制动器air brattice 风帘air brick 空心砖air bubble 气泡air bump 空气突出air chamber 空气室air change 换气air channel 空气通路air classifier 空气分级机air cleaner 空气滤净器air cleaning 风力选矿air compartment 通风隔间air composition 空气成分air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioning 空气第air connection 通风联络巷air consumption 空气消耗量air contamination 空气污染air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却air crossing 风桥air current 风流air curtain 风帘air cylinder 空气缸air distribution 风量分配air door 风门air door tender 风门工air drift 通风石巷air drill 风钻air drilling 风动钻眼air driven mine car loader 风动矿车装载机air driven pump 风动泵air driven rockerloader 压气式铲斗后卸装载机air drying 风干air duct 空气通路air ejector 喷气器air escape 空气漏出air feed 气力推进air filter 空气过滤器air float table 气浮式风力摇床air flotation 充气浮选air flow 风流air flow resistance 气凌力air gap 风口air gate 风巷air hammer 气锤air heading 通风平巷air heater 空气加热器air hose 压气软管air humidity 空气湿度air inlet 进气口air intake 进气口air jig 风力跳汰机air leg 风动钻架air level 气泡水准仪air lift 空气提液器air line 空气管air lock 气闸air locomotive 压气机车air measurement 通风测量air moisture 空气湿度air motor 风动发动机air movement 空气怜air network 通风网air opening 风巷air operated machine 风动机air partition 风墙air permeability 透气性air pick 风镐air pipe 风管air pocket 气袋air pollution 空气污染air powered locomotive 压气机车air preheater 空气顸热器air pressure 空气压力air proof 不透气的air pulsated jig 气动跳汰机air pump 抽气泵air receiver 蓄气器air resistance 空气阻力air screw fan 轴两扇风机air separation 风选air separator 风力分离器风力分选机air shaft 风井air splitting 风林支air stopping 风墙air strainer 空气滤清器air supply 空气供应air table 风力淘汰盘air tank 空气箱air trammer 风动机车air trunk 通风隔间air tube 风井air valve 气阀air velocity 风临度air vessel 蓄气器airbridge 风桥aircurrent 风流airdox 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒airdox blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒airdox cylinder 压气爆破筒airflow measurement 通风测量airing 通气airleg 气腿airlock 风闸airman 风门工airway 风巷airwinch 风动绞车akerite 光辉正长岩;英辉正长岩akins classifier 螺旋分级机alabandine 硫锰矿alabandite 硫锰矿alabaster 雪花石膏alabastrite 雪花石膏alamosite 铅辉石alarm 警报alarm device 警报装置alarm signal 警报信号alaskaite 白岗岩alaskite 白岗岩alaunstein 茂石albertite 沥清煤albite 钠长石albitite 钠长岩albitophyre 钠长斑岩albronze 铝青铜alcali 碱alcohol 醇alertor 警报信号alidade 指方规aliphatic acid 脂族酸alkali 碱alkalimeter 碱量计alkalimetry 碱量滴定法alkaline 碱的alkaline accumulator 碱性蓄电池alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkalinity 碱度alkyl 烷基all over work 长壁开采all ups 原煤allactite 砷水锰矿allanite 褐帘石allemontite 砷锑矿alligator 自翻式吊桶allomerism 异质同晶allomorphism 同质异晶allophane 水铝英石allophanite 水铝英石allotrope 同素异形体allotropy 同素异形allowable concentration 许容浓度allowable error 容许误差allowable load 容许负载allowable stress 容许应力allowance 公差alloy 合金alloy bit 合金钻头alloyed steel 合金钢alluvial 冲积的alluvial deposit 冲积矿床alluvial gold 砂金alluvial mining 砂矿开采alluvial soil 冲积土alluvial tin 砂锡矿alluviation 冲积alluvion 冲积层alluvium 冲积层almandine 铁铝榴石almandite 铁铝榴石alnico 铝镍钴合金alnoite 黄长煌斑岩aloxite 铝砂alstonite 碳酸钙钡矿altait 碲铅矿alteration 变蚀酌alternate load 交变负载alternate motion 往复运动alternate stress 交变应力alternating 交替的alternating current 交流alternating current generator 交立电机alternating current motor 交羚动机alternating motion 往复运动alternation 交替altimeter 测高计altimetry 高度测量术altitude 高度alum 茂alum earth 矾土alumel 铝镍合金alumina 矾土alumina cement 高铝水泥aluminate 铝酸盐aluminium 铝aluminium bronze 铝青铜aluminum detonator 铝壳雷管alundum 氧化铝alunite 茂石amalgam 汞齐amalgamating barrel 提金桶amalgamation 汞齐化酌amalgamator 提金器汞齐化器amatol 阿马托炸药amazonite 天河石amazonstone 天河石amber 琥珀ambient 周围的ambient temperature 周围温度ambligonite 磷铝石amblygonite 磷铝石ambulance 急救车americium 镅amethyst 紫晶amide 酰安amine 胺amino acid 氨基酸ammon dynamite 硝安炸药ammon explosive 硝铵炸药ammonal 阿梅那尔ammonia 氨ammonia gelatinedynamite 铵胶炸药ammonite 阿芒炸药ammonium 铵ammonium nitrate 硝安ammonium nitratedynamite 硝安炸药ammonium nitrateexplosives 硝安炸药ammonium nitrate prill 颗粒状硝铵amorphous 无定形的amorphous state 无定形状恙amortization 折旧ampelite 黄铁碳质页岩amphibole 角闪石amphibolite 闪岩amphibolization 闪石化酌amplification 放大amplifier 放大器amplify 放大amplitude 振幅ampole 安瓿amygdaloid 杏仁岩amygdaloidal texture 杏仁状结构analcime 方沸石analcite 方沸石analog digital conversion 模拟数字转换analogy 类似analyser 分析器analysis 分析analyst 化验员analytic 分析的analytical 分析的analytical chemistry 分析化学analyze 分析analyzer 分析器anatase 锐钛矿anbauhobel 快速刨煤机anchor 锚anchor bolt 锚杆ancillary work 辅助工作ancylite 碳酸锶铈矿andalusite 红柱石anderseam 下部煤层andesine 中长石andesite 安山岩andradite 钙铁榴石anemobarometer 风速风压计anemograph 自记风速计anemometer 风速表anemometry 风速测定aneroid barometer 无液气压计anfo explosives 铵油炸药anfo loader 铵油炸药装填器angle 角angle bar 角钢angle face 倾斜工祖angle gauge 角规angle of bedding 层理面倾斜角angle of break 崩落角angle of contact 接触角angle of deflection 偏角angle of dip 倾角angle of draw 落角angle of elevation 仰角angle of emergence 出射角angle of friction 摩擦角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角angle of pitch 螺距角angle of repose 休止角angle of rest 休止角angle of rolling friction 滚动摩擦角angle of strike 走向角度angle of subsidence 边界角angle shot mortar test 开槽臼炮试验anglesite 硫酸铅矿angular 角的angular acceleration 角加速度angular hole 斜炮眼angular motion 角动angular velocity 角速度anhydride 酐anhydrite 硬石膏anion 阴离子anisotropy 蛤异性ankerite 铁白云石annabergite 镍华annealing 退火annual advance 年掘进annual output 年产量anode 阳极anomaly 异常anorthite 钙长石anorthoclase 歪长石anorthosite 斜长石antarctic pole 南极antecedent magneticconcentration 储备处理磁选anthracene 葸anthracite 无烟煤anthracite culm 无烟煤粉anthracite mine 无烟煤矿anthracography 煤相学anthracology 煤炭学anthracometer 二氧化碳计anthracosis 煤肺病anthrafine 无烟煤细末anthrakometry 二氧化碳测定法anti acid 耐酸的anticlinal 背斜anticline 背斜anticlinorium 复背斜anticlockwise rotation 反时针旋转antidote 解毒药antifoamer 消泡剂antifoaming agent 消泡剂antifreeze 防冻剂antifreezing agent 防冻剂antimonite 辉锑矿antimony 锑antimony glance 辉锑矿antioxidant 抗氧剂antioxidizer 抗氧剂antiseptic 防腐剂apatite 磷灰石aplite 细晶岩apophyllite 鱼眼石apophyse 岩枝apophysis 岩枝apparatus 频apparent resistance 表观阻力apparent specific gravity 表观此重apparent viscosity 视粘度apple coal 软煤applicable 可以应用的application 应用appreciation 评价approach 接近approved cable 防爆电缆approved lamp 安全灯approved shot firingapparatus 安全放炮器耐爆放炮器approximate 近似的approximate value 近似值approximation 近似法apron conveyor 平板运输机apron coveyor 板式输送机apron feeder 板式给矿机apyrous 耐火的aqua regia 王水aquation 水合酌aqueduct 输水桥aqueous 水的aqueous solution 水溶液aquifer 蓄水层aquiferous 含水的aragonite 霰石arc 弧arch 拱arch lining 拱形支架arch pressure 支承压力arch setting 安设拱形支架arch span 拱跨arch theory 成拱论arch timbering 拱形木支架arch truss 拱式桁架arched support 拱形支架architecture 建筑学archy lining 拱形支架arcose sandstone 长石砂岩arcwall face 弧形工祖area 矿区area blasting 多排列爆破area of explosion 爆炸区arenaceous 砂质的arenarious 砂质的arenology 砂岩学arenous 砂质的areometer 比重计arfvedsonite 钠钙闪石argentite 辉银矿argentum 银argillaceous rock 泥质岩argillaceous sandstone 泥质砂岩argillaceous slate 泥板岩argillite 泥质板岩argon 氩argyrodite 硫银锗矿arkose 长石砂岩arm 杠杆;柄arm mixer 叶片式搅拌机armature 加强armature core 电枢铁心armature winding 电枢绕组armored cable 铠装电缆armored concrete 钢筋混凝土armoure 加强armoured concrete 钢筋混凝土armoured conveyerpanzerconveyer 镫装运输机arrangement 布置arrangements 准备arrester 制动器制止器arrester catch 止动器挡车器arrestor 避雷器arsenic 砷arsenite 砷华arsenolite 砷华arsenopyrite 砷黄铁矿arsensilver blende 淡红银矿articulated roof beam 铰接顶梁articulated yielding arch 铰接可缩性拱形支架articulation 铰链接合artificial caving 人工崩落artificial draught 人工通风artificial petroleum 人造石油artificial respiration 人工呼吸artificial vetilation 人工通风asbestos 石棉asbestos wool 石棉绒asbolane 钴土矿asbolite 钴土矿asbstos cement 石棉水泥ascending working 漏口ascension 上升ascensional ventilation 上向通风ash 灰ash coal 高灰煤ash composition 灰分组成ash content 灰分askew 斜的asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石asphalt 地沥青asphalt base crude oil 沥青基原油asphalt concrete 地沥青混凝土asphaltite 沥青岩asphyxia 窒息asphyxy 窒息aspirail 通风孔aspirating tube 吸气管aspiration 吸气aspirator 抽风机assay 试金assemblage 装配assemble 装配assimilation 同化酌association 缔合assort 分类assortment 分类assurance factor 安全系数astillen 脉壁;隔墙astriction 收缩astringency 收敛性asymmetric 不对称的asymmetrical 不对称的asymmetry 不对称asymptotic 渐近的asynchronous generator 异步发电机asynchronous motor 异步电动机atacamite 氯铜矿atmoizer 喷雾器atmosphere 大气atmospheric 大气的atmospheric conditions 通风条件;大气条件atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric moisture 空气湿度atmospheric pressure 大气压力atom 原子atomic 原子的atomic number 原子序atomic ore 放射性矿石atomic volume 原子体积atomization 喷雾atomizer 喷雾器attack 循环;开始attal 充填物料attenuation 衰减atteration 冲积土attle 充填料attraction 引力attractive force 引力attrition 磨耗attrition mill 盘磨机attrition test 磨损试验auger drill 螺旋钻augering 螺旋钻法auget 雷管augite 辉石aureole 接触带auric 金的auriferous 含金的aurum 金austenite 奥氏体austenitic steel 奥氏体钢autmatic measuringdevice 自动计量器auto alarm 自动报警auto ignition 自燃autocollimation 自动视准autoconverter 自动变流autocrane 汽车起重机autodumper 自卸汽车autofeed 自动给料autofeeder 自动给矿机autogenous cutting 气割autogenous welding 气焊autoloader 汽车式装载机automated mine 自动化煤矿automated mining 自动化采掘automatic block 自动闭塞automatic brake 自动制动器automatic checking 自动检验automatic circuit breaker 自动断路器automatic control 自动控制automatic controller 自动第器自动蝶器automatic coupler 自动车钩automatic door 自动风门automatic dumper 自动翻车机automatic equipment 自动设备automatic feed 自动给料automatic feeder 自动给矿机automatic installation 自动设备automatic loading device 自动装载设备automatic lubrication 自动润滑automatic lubricator 自动润滑器automatic oiling 自动润滑automatic pressurecontroller 自动倒器自动压力控制器automatic regulator 自动第器自动蝶器automatic release 自动释放automatic resetting 自动复位automatic sampler 自动取样器automatic sorting 自动选分automatic warning device 自动告警装置automatic weighing device 自动秤automation 自动化automatization 自动化automobile 汽车autotransformer 单卷变压器autotruck 载重汽车auxiliary 辅助的auxiliary adit 辅助平峒auxiliary equipment 辅助设备auxiliary fan 辅助扇风机auxiliary level 辅助平巷auxiliary shaft 辅助竖井auxiliary support 辅助支架auxiliary tools 辅助仪表auxiliary ventilation 局部通气auxilliary winch 辅助绞车aventurine 砂金石average 平均average error 平均误差average life 平均寿命average pressure 平均压力average sample 平均试样average trend 平均走向average value 平均值axe 斧axial 轴性的axial blower 轴寥风机axial compression 轴向压缩axial direction 轴向axial fan 轴两扇凤机axial flow compressor 轴两压缩机axial flow fan 轴寥风机axial piston motor 轴向柱塞马达axial piston pump 轴向活塞泵axial pump 轴两泵axle 车轴axle base 轴距axle bearing 轴承axle box 轴颈箱axle box bearing 轴箱轴承axle journal 轴颈azimuth 方位azimuth angle 方位角azimuth compass 方位测量罗盘azote 氮azurite 蓝铜矿babbit 巴氏合金back bolting 顶板锚杆支护back bone 分水岭back brace 背板back break 超欠挖back brushing 挑顶back coming 后退回采back filler 回填机back filling 充填back filling method 充填法back filling shrinkage 充填物收缩back filling system 分段上向充填开采法back lath 顶板背板back leg bracing 柱腿支撑back lye 井下错车道back pulling 回采煤柱back stope 上向梯段回采工祖back stoping 上向梯段回采back stroke 回程back water 回水back weight 平衡锤backacter 反铲backbye deputy 井下维修工backdigger 反铲backdraught 逆通风backfill 充填backfill material 充填料backfill operations 充填工作backhoe 反铲backlash 轮齿隙backman 辅助工backpressure 顶板压力backstoping 上向梯段回采backwall injection 井壁背后灌浆backweight 平衡锤backwork 辅助工作bacteria leaching 细菌沥滤bactericide 杀菌剂bad top 不稳固顶板baddeleyite 斜锆矿baffle plate 反射板bag filter 袋滤器bag powder 装袋炸药bag type accumulator 皮囊式蓄能器bagger 多斗控掘机bagging 装袋baghouse 囊式集尘窒baikalite 贝钙铁辉石bail 吊桶bailer 铲bailing ring 集水圈bailing tank 戽水斗baking coal 粘结煤bal 矿山balance 平衡balance bob 平衡锤balance bunker 平衡仓balance level 水准仪balance pit 平衡重井筒balance plane 自重滑行坡balance rope 平衡钢丝绳balance rope pulley 平衡绳滑轮balance tail rope 平衡尾绳balance valve 平衡阀balance weight 平衡锤balanced hoist 两容漆升机balanced hoisting 平衡提升balanced load 平衡负载balanced winding 平衡提升balancing 平衡balas 浅红晶石balk 煤层薄ball 球ball and socket joint 球节ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball bushing 球轴套ball cage 球护圈ball charge 磨球装量ball crusher 球磨机ball inclinometer 球式测斜仪ball indentation test 布氏硬度试验ball joint roof bar 球铰顶梁ball mill 球磨机ball retainer 球护圈ball up 钻孔堵塞ball valve 球阀ballas 浅红晶石ballast concrete 石碴混凝土ballast pit 采石场ballast rod 冲唤钻杆balling drum 球磨机滚筒ballistic mortar test 弹道臼炮试验ballistic pendulum test 弹道摆试验ballistite 巴里斯泰特炸药ballstone 球石balsam 香液bamboo tamping rod 竹炮棍band 带band brake 带式制动器带闸band conveyor 带式运输机band iron 带铁band ore 带状矿石banging piece 防险器断绳保险器banging pieces 断绳保险器防坠器banjo 钻车bank 阶段bank coal 原煤bank excavation 阶段采掘bank height 台阶高度bank method of attack 阶段开采法bank shaft mouth 坚井口bank work 阶梯开采bankcoal 原煤banker 掘土工banket 含金砾岩层bankhead 斜井井口出车平台banking 堆积bannock 耐火粘土bar 杆bar cutter 杆式截煤机bar grizzly 棒条筛bar mat reinforcement 网状钢筋bar reinforcement 钢筋bar rigged drifter 架式凿岩机bar screen 棒条筛bare 裸露的bare cable 裸电缆bare log 钻孔柱状图bargh 矿山企业baring 复盖岩层;剥离barings 截煤粉barite 重晶石barium 钡barkevikite 棕闪石barney 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车barney car 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车barometer 气压表barometric 气压的barometric height 气压高度barrage 堰barrel 桶barren 不含矿物的barren layer 废石层barren rock 废石barricade 隔墙barrier 岩粉棚barrier method 柱式开采法barrier pillar 安全煤柱barrier system 柱式开采法barrierless accumulator 非隔离式蓄能器barring 顶板支护barrow 手推车barrow pit 手车运输的露天矿baryte 重晶石baryum 钡basal cleavage 贮理basal level 基淮面basalt 玄武岩base 基础;碱基base charge 基本装药量;炮眼底部装约base line 基线base plate 底板base road 诛base rock 基岩base unit 基本单位bashing 用废矸石充填采空区basic 基性的basic line 基线basic rock 碱性岩basin 煤田;盆地;贮水池basis 基础bass 炭质页岩basset 露头bast 炭质页岩bastard 夹石bastite 绢石bastnaesite 氟碳铈矿bat 泥质页岩batardeau 隔墙bathoclase 水平节理batholite 基岩batholith 基岩bathometer 深海测深仪bathymeter 深海测深仪bating 井筒延伸;卧底batt 泥质页岩batter 坡度batter level 倾斜仪batter pile 斜桩batter post 斜柱battered prop 斜柱battery 电池组;木隔壁;工专battery capacity 蓄电池容量battery charger 充电机battery lamp 蓄电池灯battery locomotive 蓄电池机车battery powered haulage 蓄电池机车运输battery shuttle car 蓄电池梭车baulk 煤层薄baum jig 空气跳汰机baum jig washer 空气跳汰机baum wash box 空气跳汰机bauxite 铝土矿bawke 吊桶beach combing 海滨开采砂矿beach placer 海滨漂砂矿床beam 梁bearer 矿柱bearing 煤层走向;轴承bearing alloy 轴承合金bearing block 矿枉煤柱bearing bush 轴承瓦bearing bushing 轴承瓦bearing cap 轴承盖bearing capacity 承重能力bearing housing 轴承壳bearing indicator 方位指示器bearing load 轴承负载bearing metal 轴承合金bearing pointer 方位指示器bearing position 支点bearing power 承重能力bearing pressure 承压力bearing ring 之框bearing set 之框bearing test 承载力试验bearing up pulley 紧绳轮beat 打击beater 木捣锤beater pulverizer 锤碎机beckelite 方钙饰镧矿bed 地层bed plane 层理面bed series 层系bed succession 层序bed thinning 煤层变薄bed top 矿层顶板bedded iron ore 层状铁矿bedded rock 层状岩bedded vein 层状矿脉bedding 层理bedding rock 基岩bedding surface 层理面bedrock 基岩beetle 大锤;捣固机belemnite 箭石bell man 信号工bell pit 小探井bell rope 信号铃拉绳belly 煤层变厚belonite 针雏晶belowground 地下的belt 胶带belt bucket elevator 带头式提升机belt cleaner 净带器belt conveyor 带式运输机belt discharging plant 胶带输送机卸料装置belt elevator 带式提升机belt extension 胶带接长belt fastener 带扣belt feeder 带式给矿机belt heading 皮带输送机平巷belt hoister 斜井用胶带输送机belt idler pulley 皮带拉紧滚筒belt incline 胶带输送机斜井belt joint 带接belt lacer 带扣belt lacing 胶带接合belt lacing machine 缝带机belt loader 胶带动载机belt pulley 带式运输机滚筒belt punch 皮带穿孔器belt roller 皮带轮belt screen 带筛belt separator 带式分选机belt slip protection 胶带打滑保护belt stower 抛掷式胶带充填机belt stretcher 紧带器belt tension 皮带张力belt tightener 紧带器belt tightening pulley 皮带拉滚筒belt training idler 胶带导辊belt transport 皮带输送belt type dehydrator 带式干燥机belt type magnetic separator 带式磁选机belting 输送机胶带装置bench 阶段bench cut blasting 阶段爆破bench drilling 阶段钻眼bench face 台阶工祖bench floor 台阶底bench height 台阶高度bench hole 梯段的下向垂直炮眼bench mining 阶梯式开采bench preparation 阶段准备bench stoping 阶梯式开采benched quarry 阶段采石场benching 阶梯式开采benching bank 阶段bend 弯管bender 弯机bending force 弯力bending machine 弯机bending moment 弯曲矩bending resistance 抗弯强度bending rolls 辊子卷板机bending strength 抗弯强度bending stress 弯曲应力bending test 弯曲试验benefication 选矿beneficiating method 选矿法beneficiation 选矿benitoite 蓝锥矿bent 弯曲bent entry 弯曲平巷bent face 弯工祖bent pipe 弯管bentonite 皂土benzene 苯benzine 汽油benzol 苯beresite 黄铁长英岩berm 段台berme 段台berthierite 辉铁锑矿bertrandite 硅铍石beryl 绿柱石beryllium 铍beryllonite 磷钠铍石beton 混凝土bevel 斜面bevel gear 伞齿轮bevel gear drive 伞齿轮传动bevel gearing 伞齿轮咬合;锥齿轮传动装置bevel wheel 伞齿轮bevelling 锨bicable tramway 双线死bickford fuse 比克福特导爆线bicone type rolling cutterbit 双圆锥齿轮钻头big hole 大径钻孔billot 杆bimetal 双金属bimetal thermometer 双金属温度计bimetallic strip relay 双金属片继电器bin 矿仓bin gate 贮仓闸门binder 粘结剂binding agent 粘结剂binding coal 粘结煤binding energy 结合能binding force 结合力bing 堆bing hole 放矿溜口binning 装仓biogeochemistry 生物地球化学biotite 黑云母biquartz 双石英bismuth 铋bismuth glance 辉铋矿bismuthinite 辉铋矿bismuthite 泡铋矿bisulfate 硫酸氢盐bisulfite 亚硫酸氢盐bisulphate 硫酸氢盐bisulphite 亚硫酸氢盐bit 钎头bit dresser 钻头修整机bit dressing 钻头修整bit edge 钻刃bit face 钻头刃面bit grinder 钻头磨锐机bit head 钻头bit life 钎头使用期间bit shank 钎尾bitter earth 氧化镁bitum 沥青bituminous coal 沥青煤bituminous rock 沥青岩bituminous shale 沥青页岩black band 菱铁矿black blasting powder 黑色火药black bog 泥炭沼泽black diamond 黑金刚石black earth 黑土black iron ore 磁铁矿black lead 石黑black lead ore 黑铅矿black manganese 黑锰矿black powder 黑火药black powder train 黑药导火线blackdamp 室息性空气blacksmith 锻工blade 刀片blade grader 推土机blader 推土机blaize 硬砂岩blanch 铅矿石blanket 表层blanket table 平面洗矿台blast 爆炸blast blower 鼓风机blast firing 放炮blast hole 炮眼blast hole drill 凿岩机blast layout 装药布置blast stower 风力充填机blastability 爆炸性blaster 放炮工blaster cap 雷管blasters' permit 爆破技术员blasthole 炮眼blasthole bit 炮眼钻头blasthole collar 炮眼口blasthole method 深孔爆破开采法blasting 爆破blasting accessories 爆破用七blasting agent 炸药blasting cable 放炮电缆blasting cartridge 药包blasting charge 装炸药blasting compound 炸药blasting cone 爆破漏斗blasting device 爆破用具blasting drift 爆破平巷blasting dust 爆破尘末blasting equipment 爆破用具blasting explosive 炸药blasting fume 炮烟blasting fuse 导火线blasting galvanometer 放炮电路试验器blasting gelatine 煤炸药blasting lead 爆破导线blasting machine 电气发爆器blasting material 爆炸物blasting oil 硝化甘油blasting operation 爆破blasting ratio 爆破比blasting supplies 起爆颇blasting switch 爆破开关blasting technician 放炮工blasting tools 爆破工具bleed of gas 瓦斯喷出bleeder entry 通风平巷bleeder hole 放泄孔bleeder off hole 排放钻孔bleeder pipe 排出管blende 闪锌矿blender 掺合器混合器blending 掺合blending bunker 配合仓blending conveyor 掺合输送机blind 暗的blind coal 无焰炭blind drift 独头巷道blind galley 独头巷道blind lead 无露头矿脉blind outcrop 盲露头blind pit 暗井blind shaft 暗井blister 气泡block 采区;块;滑车组block brake 闸块式制动器block caving method 分段崩落采矿法block line 钻井钢丝绳block mining 分块开采blockage 闭塞blockhole 炮眼blockhole blasting 爆破地面大块岩石blockholing 爆破地面大块岩石blocking 闭塞blondin 采掘场架空死blow 放炮blow of gas 瓦斯喷出blow up 爆炸blowcharging 风力装药blowed fill 风力充填blower 吹风机blower fan 吹风机blowing out 吹洗炮眼blowing over 工祖通风blowing ventilation 吹入通风blowlamp 焊灯blowout 突出blowout preventer 防喷器blowpipe 喷焊器喷割器blowtorch 焊灯blue cap 蓝色焰晕blue printing machine 蓝图机blue spar 天蓝石blue vitriol 胆矾blueprint 蓝图blueprint paper 蓝图纸bluestone 胆矾blunt 钝的blunt drill 钝钻board 板board and pillar 房柱式开法board and pillar method 房柱式开采法board and pillar work 房柱式开法board and wall method 房柱式开采法boarding 安装木板boart 工业用圆粒金刚石bob 铅锥bobbin 绕线管bog land 沼地bogie 小车;转向架boiled oil 熟炼油boiler 锅炉boiling 沸腾boiling process 沸腾法boke 小细脉bolt 螺栓bolt connection 螺栓连接bolt joint 螺栓接合bolting 锚杆支护bolting cost 锚杆支架费bonanza 富矿脉bond 结合bond energy 结合能bonding agent 结合剂bonding energy 结合能bonding strength 结合强度bone 可燃性页岩bone char 骨煤bone coal 骨煤bone picker 拣矸工bonnet 盖bonny 矿襄bonstay 暗井bont 提升装置bonze 末精选的铅矿石boom 悬臂boom crane 伸臂起重机boom hoist 悬臂绞车boom ripper 悬臂挑预机boose 矿石内的脉石booster 传爆药booster fan 辅助扇风机booster primer 传爆药booster pump 增压泵boosting 局部通风bootleg 拒爆炮眼booze 铅矿bop 防喷器boracite 方硼石borax 硼砂bord 巷道bord and pillar method 房柱式开采法bord and pillar work 房柱式开法bord and wall method 房柱式开采法border 边缘border pile 边桩bordering 炮泥borderline 界线bore 孔bore bit 钻头bore borings 钻粉bore hole 炮眼bore meal 钻粉bore mining 溶液采矿bore mud 钻泥bore plug 钻孔岩样borehole 钻孔borehole charge 钻孔装药borehole clinometer 钻孔测斜仪borehole diameter 钻孔直径borehole profile 钻孔断面图borehole pump 深井泵borehole seal 镗孔密封垫borehole shooting 钻井爆破borehole survey 钻孔测量borer 钻工boride 硼化物boring 钻进boring bar 钻杆boring bit 钎头boring for oil 石油钻深boring frame 钻塔boring head 钻头boring machine 钻机boring mud 钻泥boring pump 钻眼用泵boring rig 钻塔boring rod 钻杆boring rope 钻机用的钢丝绳boring tool 钻具boring tower 钻塔boring tube 钻管bornite 斑铜矿boron 硼bort bit 金刚石钻头bortz 工业用圆粒金刚石bortz powder 金刚石粉borway bit 齿状钻头boss hammer 大锤bossing 厚层切底bottle coal 瓦斯煤bottom 底板bottom banksman 井底把钩工bottom belt 底部皮带bottom canch 卧底bottom captain 井下组长bottom cutting 底部截槽bottom discharge bucket 底卸式铲斗bottom discharge skip 底卸式箕斗bottom dump bucket 底卸式铲斗bottom dump skip 底卸式箕斗bottom dumping car 底卸式车bottom gangway 底导坑bottom gate 底导坑bottom heading 底导坑bottom hole 底部炮眼bottom installation 井底车场设备bottom kerf 底槽bottom layer 底层bottom layout 井底车场布置bottom level 井底车场标高bottom loading belt 底带装载式胶带输送机bottom man 井底把钓工bottom plate 底板bottom pressure 底部压力bottom priming 底部点火bottom sediment 罐底杂质bottom slice 底分层bottom stope 下向梯段工祖bottom stoping 下向梯段回采bottom taking 卧底bottom wall 下盘bottomer 井底把钓工bottoming bit 可卸式钻头boulangerite 硫锑铅矿boulder 圆石boulder blaster 大块爆破工boulder blasting 二次爆破boulder crusher 粗碎机boundary 边界boundary breakthrough 边界联络横巷boundary condition 边界条件boundary layer 边界层boundary of property 建矿边界boundary of section 采区边界boundary surface 界面boundary surface activeagent 界面活性剂boundary value 监界品位boundary ventilation 对边通风bounge 煤的挤出bournonite 车轮矿bouse 矿石内的脉石boutgate 通地面的人行道bow 弧;拱梁bowl classifier 浮槽分级机box 箱box car 棚车box compass 罗盘box floor 溜口底box timbering 板框支护。



1. Single Step90%OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:NaOH, C:Bu4N+ •Br-Reactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Catalysts: 1, Steps:1, Stages: 1, Most stages in any one step: 1ReferencesPreparation of glycidyl ethers in the absenceof water and organic solventsBy Lee, Hyung Min et alFrom Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho, 2002003428,09 Jan 2002Experimental ProcedureGeneral/Typical Procedure: (Example) Octanol (132g, 1mol) was introduced in to a 4-necked round-bottom flask equipped with stirrer, reflux condenser and thermometer and 30°C was maintained.Further, tetrabutyl ammonium bromide (16.1g, 0.050 mol) and sodium hydroxide (61.9g, 1.5 mol) wereadded to flask and stirred. After that, epichlorohydrin (140.1 g, 1.5 mol) was dropped over 10 minutes.Further, it was stirred at the same temperature for 3 hours. By-products such as sodium chloride andsodium hydroxide were removed by filtration. Unreacted epichlorohydrin was recovered by theprocesses such as distillation etc. And it was reused. Further, the target product, glycidyl ether wasobtained by simple filtration.CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.2. 2 Steps[Step 2.2]OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:KOH, C:Pd, S:H2O, heated; 6 h, reflux1.2R:H2, C:Ni, 4 h, 110°C, 4 MPa2.1R:Al isopropoxide, C:H2SO4, 90°C2.2 2 h, 90°C; 2 h, 90°C; 90°C → 50°C2.3R:NaOH, S:H2O, 50°C → 80°C; 8 h, 80°C1) Raney nickel used, Reactants: 2, Reagents:4, Catalysts: 3, Solvents: 1, Steps: 2, Stages:5, Most stages in any one step: 3ReferencesPreparation of glyceryl 9-methylpentadecan-7-yl etherBy Hirusaki, Shutoku and Shimozato,YasuyukiFrom Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho, 2008162980,17 Jul 2008CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.3. Single StepOverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:KOH, C:Bu4N+ •HSO4-Reactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Catalysts: 1, Steps:1, Stages: 1, Most stages in any one step: 1ReferencesSynthesis of glycol diglycidyl ethers usingphase-transfer catalysisBy Gu, Xue Ping et alFrom Synthesis, (6-7), 649-51; 1985 CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.4. Single StepOverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1 -Reactants: 2, Steps: 1, Stages: 1, Most stagesin any one step: 1ReferencesCycloalkyloxyisopropanolaminesBy Mouzin, Gilbert et alFrom Eur. Pat. Appl., 37777, 14 Oct 1981 CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.5. Single StepOverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1 -Reactants: 2, Steps: 1, Stages: 1, Most stagesin any one step: 1ReferencesOlefinic epoxy compoundsBy Massingill, John L.From U.S., 4579959, 01 Apr 1986 CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.6. Single StepOverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:Al isopropoxide, C:H2SO4, 90°C1.2 2 h, 90°C; 2 h, 90°C; 90°C → 50°C1.3R:NaOH, S:H2O, 50°C → 80°C; 8 h, 80°CReactants: 2, Reagents: 2, Catalysts: 1,Solvents: 1, Steps: 1, Stages: 3, Most stagesin any one step: 3ReferencesPreparation of glyceryl 9-methylpentadecan-7-yl etherBy Hirusaki, Shutoku and Shimozato,YasuyukiFrom Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho, 2008162980,17 Jul 2008CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.7. Single Step56%OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:NaH, S:THF 1.2S:THF Reactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Solvents: 1, Steps: 1, Stages: 2, Most stages in any one step: 2 Referencesβ-Adrenergic antagonists: N-alkyl and N-amidoethyl(arylalkoxy)propanolamines related to propranololBy Mauleon, David et alFrom European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 23(5), 421-6; 1988CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.8. Single Step42%OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:NaOH, C:Bu4N+ •HSO4-, S:H2O, 18 h, rt Reactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Catalysts: 1,Solvents: 1, Steps: 1, Stages: 1, Most stagesin any one step: 1ReferencesPreparation of filamin A-binding heterocyclesas analgesicsBy Burns Barbier, Lindsay et alFrom PCT Int. Appl., 2010051374, 06 May2010Experimental Procedurea. Synthesis of compound 4 To a mixture of compound epichlorohydrin (145 mg, 1.56 mmol) in NaOH(50% w/w) (1.04 g, 13 mmol) was added compound 2, 5-dimethylcyclohexanol (200 mg, 1.56 mmol)and Bu4HSO4 (22 mg, 0.06 mmol), the mixture was stirred at room temperature overnight (about 18hours) . Then, 3 mL of H2O was added into the mixture, extracted with ethyl acetate (5 mL x 3) and thecombined organic phase was dried and concentrated to get crude product which was purified by silicagel column (eluted with dichloromethane) to afford 120 mg of title product (yield: 41.7 %, confirmed bythin-layer chromatography) . Mol. Wt.: 184.28. Molecular formula: C11H20O2.CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.9. Single Step42%OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:NaOH, C:Bu4N+ •HSO4-, S:H2O, 18 h, rt Reactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Catalysts: 1,Solvents: 1, Steps: 1, Stages: 1, Most stagesin any one step: 1ReferencesPreparation of 2,3-dihydroxypropanaminederivatives as µ opioid receptor (MOR)agonists that binds filamin A for the treatmentof pain and inflammationBy Burns Barbier, Lindsay et alFrom U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ., 20100279997, 04Nov 2010Experimental Procedurea. Synthesis of Compound 4 To a mixture of compound epichlorohydrin (145 mg, 1.56 mmol) in NaOH(50% w/w) (1.04 g, 13 mmol) was added compound 2,5-dimethylcyclohexanol (200 mg, 1.56 mmol)and Bu4HSO4 (22 mg, 0.06 mmol), the mixture was stirred at room temperature overnight (about 18hours). Then, 3 mL of H2O was added into the mixture, extracted with ethyl acetate (5 mL×3) and thecombined organic phase was dried and concentrated to get crude product which was purified by silicagel column (eluted with dichloromethane) to afford 120 mg of title product (yield: 41.7%, confirmed bythin-layer chromatography).CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.10. Single Step86%OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.10-5°C1.25°C → 25°C; 4 h, 22-25°C; 25°C → 13°C1.3R:KOH, S:Et2O, 5 h, 13-15°C; 15°C → rtReactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Solvents: 1, Steps:1, Stages: 3, Most stages in any one step: 3ReferencesSynthesis and some chemical reactions offunctionally substituted unconjugated diynesBy Veliev, M. G. et alFrom Maruzalar - Azarbaycan Milli ElmlarAkademiyasi, 63(6), 71-78; 2007CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.11. Single Step80%OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:NaOH, C:Bu4N+ •Br-, S:H2O, 2 h, 40°C deionized water used, alternative preparationgave lower yield, Reactants: 2, Reagents: 1,Catalysts: 1, Solvents: 1, Steps: 1, Stages: 1,Most stages in any one step: 1ReferencesBisphenol A-free epoxy resins, adhesives,coatings and coated food containersBy Schmidt, DanielFrom PCT Int. Appl., 2012149340, 01 Nov2012CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.12. 2 StepsOverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:NaOH, C:Bu4N+ •Br-, S:H2O, 2 h, 40°C2.1R:NaOH, C:Bu4N+ •Br-, 30 min, 100°C 1) deionized water used, alternative preparation gave lower yield, 2) regioselective, Reactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Catalysts: 1, Solvents: 1, Steps: 2, Stages: 2, Most stages in any one step: 1ReferencesBisphenol A-free epoxy resins, adhesives, coatings and coated food containersBy Schmidt, DanielFrom PCT Int. Appl., 2012149340, 01 Nov 2012CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.13. Single Step94%OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1C:AlCl3, S:PhMe, 1 h, 160°C1.2R:NaOH, S:H2O, 18 h, 75°CReactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Catalysts: 1,Solvents: 2, Steps: 1, Stages: 2, Most stagesin any one step: 2ReferencesPreparation of 2,3-dihydroxypropanaminederivatives as µ opioid receptor (MOR)agonists that binds filamin A for the treatmentof pain and inflammationBy Burns Barbier, Lindsay et alFrom U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ., 20100279997, 04Nov 2010Experimental ProcedurePreparation of Compound 1 A flask was charged with D-menthol (10 g, 64 mmol), 40 mL toluene, andAlCl3 (0.68 g, 5.12 mmol). The temperature of the mixture was raised to 160° C. Then, epichlorohydrin(5.9 g, 64 mmol) was added with stirring for 1 hour. Next, NaOH (50%) (10.24 g, 128 mmol) wasadded with stirring at a temperature of 75° C. overnight (about 18 hours). Following this treatment, 5mL of water was added into the mixture. Next, the mixture was extracted with ethyl acetate three times(15 mL total of ethyl acetate) and the extracted organic phase was combined, dried, and concentratedto obtain the crude product. The crude product was purified by silica gel column to obtain the purifiedproduct, a colorless oil (TLC confirmed, 12.8 g, yield: 94%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 0.793~1.019(m, 13H), 1.237~1.402 (m, 3H), 1.602~1.684 (m, 1H), 2.054~2.124 (m, 1H), 2.227~2.275 (m, 1H),2.605~2.644 (m, 1H), 2.801~2.839 (m, 1H),3.098~3.185 (m, 2H), 3.367~3.409 (m, 0.5H), 3.583~3.603(m, 1H), 3.801~3.837 (m, 0.5H).CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.14. Single StepOverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:LiH, S:PhMe, 4 h, 60-140°C; 140°C → 70°C1.2 2 h, 70°C; 7 h, 70°CReactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Solvents: 1, Steps:1, Stages: 2, Most stages in any one step: 2ReferencesMethod for preparation of new type ofmenthol derivativesBy Huang, Zhengliang et alFrom Faming Zhuanli Shenqing, 102153475,17 Aug 2011CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.15. Single StepOverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:KOH Reactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Steps: 1, Stages:1, Most stages in any one step: 1ReferencesCatalytic hydrosilylation of 1-(2-furyl)-1-glycidyloxy-3-butyneBy Israfilov, Ya. M. et alFrom Kimya Problemlari Jurnali, (2), 390-392;2006CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.16. 2 StepsOverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:ZnCl2, S:PhMe, 5 h, 100°C2.1R:NaOH, C:TEBAC, S:PhMe, S:H2O, 3 h, 70°CReactants: 2, Reagents: 2, Catalysts: 1,Solvents: 2, Steps: 2, Stages: 2, Most stagesin any one step: 1ReferencesSynthesis of new cooling agent 3-menthoxypropane-1,2-diolBy Li, Chunrong and Wang, SanyongFrom Xiangliao Xiangjing Huazhuangpin, (2),10-11; 2004CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.17. 2 StepsOverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:NaH, C:ZnCl2, S:PhMe2.1R:NaOH, C:TEBAC, S:H2O, S:PhMe1) alternative catalyst gave lower yields,Reactants: 2, Reagents: 2, Catalysts: 2,Solvents: 2, Steps: 2, Stages: 2, Most stagesin any one step: 1ReferencesProcess for preparing 3-l-menthoxypropane-1,2-diolBy Amano, Akira et alFrom Eur. Pat. Appl., 1201635, 02 May 2002 Experimental ProcedureStep 1General/Typical Procedure: Synthesis of 1-chloro-3-1-menthoxypropan-2-ol Under a nitrogenatmosphere, into a reaction flask (volume: 300 ml) were added 1-menthol (10 g, 64.1 mmol) andtoluene (50 ml), and the whole was dissolved at room temperature and then the inner temperature waslowered to 5°C by ice-cooling. Thereafter, 60% sodium hydride (2.82 g, 70.5 mmol) was added theretoand then the temperature was raised to 100°C. Into the solution was added dropwise epichlorohydrin(5.93 g, 64.1 mmol) over a period of 1 hour. After the addition, they were reacted at the sametemperature for 3 hours, but the adducts (1-chloro-3-1-menthoxypropan- 2-ol or 1,2-epoxy-3-1-menthoxypropane) were not formed at all. Furthermore, as is apparent from the result of ComparativeExample 5, when the addition of 1-menthol to epichlorohydrin was carried out using a base (sodiumhydride), no adducts (1-chloro-3-1-menthoxypropan-2-ol or 1,2-epoxy-3-1-menthoxypropane) wereformed. 1-chloro-3-1-menthoxypropan-2-olStep 2Synthesis of 1,2-epoxy-3-1-menthoxypropane (1 ) Under a nitrogen atmosphere, into a reaction flask(volume: 200 ml) were added 1-chloro-3-1-menthoxypropan-2-ol (50 g, chemical purity: 97.8%, 0.1968mol) obtained in Example 1, toluene (75 ml), a 50% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution (31.49 g,0.3936 mol) and a 50% aqueous benzyltrimethylammonium chloride solution (1.46 g. 4.26 mmol), andthey were reacted at 75°C for 2 hours. After completion of the reaction, the organic layer was washedwith water and then the solvent (toluene) was removed to obtain an oily substance. The oily substancewas distilled under reduced pressure to obtain 1,2-epoxy-3-1-menthoxypropane (34.6 g, chemicalpurity: 98.25%) as a colorless transparent oily substance (yield: 97.0% based on 1-chloro-3-1-menthoxypropan-2-ol). 1,2-epoxy-3-1-menthoxypropane, yield 97.0% [boiling point: 75-80°C/10.7 Pa(0.08 mmHg)] (2) The analytical results of 1,2-epoxy-3-1-menthoxypropane obtained in the above (1)were as follows: [α]D25 :-90.95° (c =1.05, EtOH). MS(m/e, %): 212 (M+), 155, 138, 127, 123, 109, 95,81, 71 ,69, 67, 57, 55, 43, 41, 31, 29, 27. IR (neat, cm-1): 3050, 2960, 2925, 2875, 1460, 1370, 1095,910, 845, 765. 1H-NMR (CDCl3; δ ppm): 0.78 (3H, d, J=6.9), 0.81-0.88 (2H, m), 0.90 (3H, d, J=7.0),0.92 (3H, d, J=6.6), 0.95-1.00 (1H, m), 1.24(1H, m), 1.36 (1H, m), 1.59-1.67 (2H, m), 2.08(1H, m),2.14(1H, m), 2.38(1 H, broad),3.06-3.12 (1H, m), 3.38-3.44 (1H, m), 3.57-3.66 (2H, m), 3.71 -3.75(1H, dd), 3.90-3.96 (1H, m).CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.18. 2 Steps[Step 2.1]OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:NaOH, C:Bu4N+ •Br-, S:H2O, 2 h, 40°C2.1R:NaOH, C:Bu4N+ •Br-, 30 min, 100°C1) deionized water used, alternativepreparation gave lower yield, 2) regioselective,Reactants: 3, Reagents: 1, Catalysts: 1,Solvents: 1, Steps: 2, Stages: 2, Most stagesin any one step: 1ReferencesBisphenol A-free epoxy resins, adhesives,coatings and coated food containersBy Schmidt, DanielFrom PCT Int. Appl., 2012149340, 01 Nov2012CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.19. Single Step70%OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:NaOH, C:Bu4NCl, S:H2O Reactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Catalysts: 1,Solvents: 1, Steps: 1, Stages: 1, Most stagesin any one step: 1ReferencesFluorine-containing unsaturated glycidyl etheras a material for polymers or functionalsilanes and its preparationBy Takaai, Toshio et alFrom Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho, 05032651, 09Feb 1993CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.20. 2 Steps[Step 2.1]OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:NaOH, C:Bu4N+ •Br-, S:H2O, 2 h, 40°C2.1 1 h, 140°C 1) deionized water used, alternative preparation gave lower yield, 2) regioselective, Reactants: 3, Reagents: 1, Catalysts: 1, Solvents: 1, Steps: 2, Stages: 2, Most stages in any one step: 1ReferencesBisphenol A-free epoxy resins, adhesives, coatings and coated food containersBy Schmidt, DanielFrom PCT Int. Appl., 2012149340, 01 Nov 2012CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.21. Single Step75%OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:KOH, S:MeOH stereoselective, KOH/MeOH, r.t., Epoxideformation, Heterocycle formation,Rearrangement, Ring cleavage, Reactants: 1,Reagents: 1, Solvents: 1, Steps: 1, Stages: 1,Most stages in any one step: 1ReferencesEpoxide migration (Payne rearrangement)and related reactionsBy Hanson, Robert M.From Organic Reactions (Hoboken, NJ,United States), 60, No pp. given; 2002 CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.22. Single Step65%OverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:Na, S:PhMe1.2 -Reactants: 2, Reagents: 1, Solvents: 1, Steps:1, Stages: 2, Most stages in any one step: 2ReferencesIsoquinoline derivatives. Synthesis and β-adrenoblocking and antiarrythmic activities of4-(aminoalkanol) derivatives of 4-hydroxy-2,3,3-trimethyl-6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolineBy Markaryan, E. A. et alFrom Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal,31(2), 20-21; 1997CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.23. Single StepOverviewSteps/Stages Notes1.1R:DBU stereoselective, alternative preparation shown,Reactants: 1, Reagents: 1, Steps: 1, Stages:1, Most stages in any one step: 1ReferencesPreparation of triptolide C-ring derivatives asanticancer agents and immune modulatorsBy Musser, John H.From PCT Int. Appl., 2010091193, 12 Aug2010Experimental Procedurering-opened analog, PG757, was obtained as a side product, it can be converted to PG762 using abase such as DBU (1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene). PG762CASREACT ®: Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society. All Rights Reserved. CASREACT contains reactions from CAS and from: ZIC/VINITI database (1974-1999) provided by InfoChem; INPI data prior to 1986; Biotransformations database compiled under the direction of Professor Dr. Klaus Kieslich; organic reactions, portions copyright 1996-2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Organic Reactions Inc., and Organic Syntheses Inc. Reproduced under license. All Rights Reserved.。



---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译abandoned workings 废巷道abandonment 废弃abelite 阿贝立特炸药abichite 砷铜矿ability 能力 ability to flow 怜性 ablation 水蚀 ablution 洗净 abnormality 反常 abrasion 磨损 abrasion resistance 抗磨蚀能力 abrasive 磨料 abruption 断层 abscissa 横座标 absite 钍钛铀矿 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute humidity 绝对温度absorbability 吸收性 absorbent 吸收剂 absorber 吸收器吸收剂;减震器 absorbing ability 吸收性 absorption 吸收 absorption factor 吸收系数 absorption meter 液体溶气计 absorptivity 吸收性 absortion constant 吸收常数 abstraction of pillars 回采煤柱 abundance 丰富 abundant 富有的 abutment 拱座 abutment area 支承压力带abutment pressure 支承压力accelerated motion 加速运动 accelerating agent 速凝剂 acceptance test 验收试验 acceptor charge 被动装药 accessory equipment 补助设备accessory minerals 副矿物accidental explosion 意外爆炸acclivity 上倾 accompanying bed 伴生层 accoustic signal 音响信号1/ 176accretion 表土accumulation 蓄积accumulator 蓄电池accumulator capacity 蓄电池容量 accumulator lamp 蓄电池灯accumulator locomotive 蓄电池机车accuracy 精度accuracy degree 精确度 acetate 醋酸盐 acetic acid 醋酸 aceton 丙酮acetonitrile 乙腈 acetyl 乙酰 acetylene 乙炔 acetylene lamp 电石灯 achromatic 消色差的 aciculite 针状矿石 acid 酸 acid mine water 酸性矿水 acid number 酸值 acid proof 酎酸的 acid resistance 耐酸性 acid resistant 耐酸的 acid resistant steel 耐酸钢 acid resisting steel 耐酸钢 acid rock 酸性岩 acid treatment of a bore hole 钻孔酸处理 acid value 酸值 acidite 酸性岩 acidity 酸度 acidness 酸度 acidproof 耐酸的 actinium 锕actinolite 阳起石action radius 酌半径activate 活化activated carbon 活性煤 activated charcoal 活性煤 activating agent 活化剂activation 活性化activation energy 活化能activator 活化剂 active 活化的 active dust 活性尘末---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ active working face 生产工祖 activity 活度 actual mining 回采工作 actuate 驱动 actuating roll 导辊 actuator 执行机构acuity 敏锐度 acute 尖的 acute angle 锐角 adamantine 冷铸钢粒 adamantine boring 冷铸钢粒钻进 adamantine drill 金刚石钻adamellite 石英二长石 adamic earth 红粘土 adaptability 适合性adaptation 适应adapter 插座adaptibility 适合性addition 加法;加添 additional tension 附加应力 additive 添加剂adelpholite 铌铁锰矿adhere 粘着adherence 粘着adhesion force 粘附力 adhesive 胶粘剂 adhesive power 粘附力adhesiveness 胶粘性adhesivity 胶粘性adiabatic 绝热的adiabatic compression 绝热压缩 adit 平硐 adit collar 平硐口adit cut mining 平硐开采 adit entrance 平硐口 adit mine 平硐开采矿山 adit mouth 平硐口 adjoining rock 围岩 adjust 蝶adjustable prop 伸缩式支柱 adjuster 装配工 adjusting device 蝶装置 adjusting screw 蝶螺丝 adjustment 蝶3/ 176adjutage 喷射管admissible 容许的admission 进入;容许admitting pipe 进入管 admixture 掺和物 adobe 风干砖 adobe blasting 裸露装药爆破 adobe shot 裸露装药爆破 adsorb 吸附adsorbate 吸附物adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附adsorption film 吸附膜 adsorption isotherm 等温吸附式 adular 冰长石 adularia 冰长石 adulterant 掺杂物 adustion 可燃性advance 工祖进尺 advance bore 超前钻孔 advance borehole 超前钻孔 advance cut 超前掏槽 advance grouting 超前灌浆 advance heading 超前平巷 advance mining 前进式开采 advance of the face 工祖推进 advance rate 掘进速度 advance workings 超前工祖advanced face 超前工祖advanced gallery 超前平巷advancement 掘进 advancing 掘进 advancing along the strike 沿走向掘进advancing long wall 前进式长壁开采advancing longwall 前进式长壁开采advancing mining 前进式开采advancing system 前进式开采法 advancing to the dip 俯斜掘进advancing to the rise 仰斜掘进 advantage 长处 adventure 矿山企业 adversary grade 逆坡 adverse grade 逆坡 aegerite 纯钠辉石---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ aegirine 霓石 aegirite 霓石 aeolation 风蚀 aerated concrete 气孔混凝土aerating chamber 空气混合室aeration 通风aerator 充气器 aeremia 沉箱病 aerial cableway 架空死 aerial conveyer 架空运输机 aerial dust 浮尘 aerial ropeway 架空死aerial tramway 架空死 aerocrete 气孔混凝土 aeroembolism 沉箱病 aerofloat 黑药 aerogel 气凝胶 aerolite 陨石 aerolith 陨石 aerometer 气体表 aerophore 氧气呼吸器 aerosite 深红银矿 aerosol 气溶胶 aerotriangulation 航空三角测量 aeroview 空中俯瞰图 aerugo 铜绿 aeschynite 易解石 afflux 岭 after damp 炮烟after gases 炮烟aftercare 土地复田护理aftercooler 后冷却器二次冷却器afterdamp 爆后气体aftereffect 后效 afterexpansion 残余膨胀 aftergases 爆后气体 aftertreatment 后处理 agalite 纤滑石 agalmatolite 寿山石agate 玛瑙 age 期 age of mine 矿山寿命 ageing 老化 agent 剂5/ 176agglomerant 粘结剂agglomerate 烧结矿agglomeration 聚集agglutinant 烧结剂agglutination 凝集aggregate thickness 总厚度 aggregation 聚集 aging 老化 agitation 搅拌 agitator 搅拌器 agnotozoic era 元古代 agricolite 硅铋石 aikinite 针硫铋铅矿 air adit 通风平硐 air blast 空气冲击 air blast goaf stowing machine 风力充填机 air blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒air blowpipe 炮眼吹洗管 air bottle 压气瓶 air box 木制风管air brake 空气制动器 air brattice 风帘 air brick 空心砖 air bubble 气泡 air bump 空气突出 air chamber 空气室 air change 换气 air channel 空气通路 air classifier 空气分级机 air cleaner 空气滤净器 air cleaning 风力选矿 air compartment 通风隔间 air composition 空气成分 air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioning 空气第air connection 通风联络巷air consumption 空气消耗量 air contamination 空气污染 air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却air crossing 风桥air current 风流 air curtain 风帘 air cylinder 空气缸---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ air distribution 风量分配 air door 风门 air door tender 风门工 air drift 通风石巷 air drill 风钻 air drilling 风动钻眼air driven mine car loader 风动矿车装载机 air driven pump 风动泵 air driven rockerloader 压气式铲斗后卸装载机 air drying 风干 air duct 空气通路 air ejector 喷气器 air escape 空气漏出 air feed 气力推进 air filter 空气过滤器 air float table 气浮式风力摇床 air flotation 充气浮选 air flow 风流 air flow resistance 气凌力 air gap 风口 air gate 风巷 air hammer 气锤air heading 通风平巷 air heater 空气加热器 air hose 压气软管air humidity 空气湿度 air inlet 进气口 air intake 进气口 air jig 风力跳汰机 air leg 风动钻架 air level 气泡水准仪 air lift 空气提液器 air line 空气管 air lock 气闸 air locomotive 压气机车 air measurement 通风测量 air moisture 空气湿度 air motor 风动发动机 air movement 空气怜 air network 通风网 air opening 风巷 air operated machine 风动机 air partition 风墙air permeability 透气性7/ 176air pick 风镐 air pipe 风管 air pocket 气袋 air pollution 空气污染 air powered locomotive 压气机车 air preheater 空气顸热器 air pressure 空气压力 air proof 不透气的 air pulsated jig 气动跳汰机air pump 抽气泵air receiver 蓄气器air resistance 空气阻力 air screw fan 轴两扇风机 air separation 风选 air separator 风力分离器风力分选机 air shaft 风井 air splitting 风林支 air stopping 风墙 air strainer 空气滤清器air supply 空气供应 air table 风力淘汰盘 air tank 空气箱 air trammer 风动机车 air trunk 通风隔间 air tube 风井 air valve 气阀 air velocity 风临度 air vessel 蓄气器 airbridge 风桥aircurrent 风流 airdox 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒 airdox blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒 airdox cylinder 压气爆破筒 airflow measurement 通风测量 airing 通气 airleg 气腿 airlock 风闸airman 风门工 airway 风巷 airwinch 风动绞车 akerite 光辉正长岩;英辉正长岩 akins classifier 螺旋分级机 alabandine 硫锰矿 alabandite 硫锰矿---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ alabaster 雪花石膏 alabastrite 雪花石膏 alamosite 铅辉石alarm 警报alarm device 警报装置alarm signal 警报信号alaskaite 白岗岩 alaskite 白岗岩 alaunstein 茂石 albertite 沥清煤 albite 钠长石 albitite 钠长岩 albitophyre 钠长斑岩albronze 铝青铜alcali 碱alcohol 醇alertor 警报信号alidade 指方规 aliphatic acid 脂族酸 alkali 碱 alkalimeter 碱量计alkalimetry 碱量滴定法alkaline 碱的alkaline accumulator 碱性蓄电池alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkalinity 碱度 alkyl 烷基 all over work 长壁开采 all ups 原煤 allactite 砷水锰矿 allanite 褐帘石 allemontite 砷锑矿alligator 自翻式吊桶 allomerism 异质同晶 allomorphism 同质异晶 allophane 水铝英石 allophanite 水铝英石 allotrope 同素异形体 allotropy 同素异形 allowable concentration 许容浓度allowable error 容许误差 allowable load 容许负载 allowable stress 容许应力 allowance 公差9/ 176alloy 合金 alloy bit 合金钻头 alloyed steel 合金钢 alluvial 冲积的 alluvial deposit 冲积矿床 alluvial gold 砂金 alluvial mining 砂矿开采 alluvial soil 冲积土 alluvial tin 砂锡矿alluviation 冲积 alluvion 冲积层 alluvium 冲积层 almandine 铁铝榴石 almandite 铁铝榴石 alnico 铝镍钴合金 alnoite 黄长煌斑岩aloxite 铝砂alstonite 碳酸钙钡矿altait 碲铅矿alteration 变蚀酌 alternate load 交变负载 alternate motion 往复运动alternate stress 交变应力alternating 交替的alternating current 交流 alternating current generator 交立电机 alternating current motor 交羚动机 alternating motion 往复运动 alternation 交替 altimeter 测高计 altimetry 高度测量术 altitude 高度 alum 茂 alum earth 矾土 alumel 铝镍合金alumina 矾土alumina cement 高铝水泥aluminate 铝酸盐aluminium 铝 aluminium bronze 铝青铜 aluminum detonator 铝壳雷管 alundum 氧化铝 alunite 茂石 amalgam 汞齐---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ amalgamating barrel 提金桶amalgamation 汞齐化酌amalgamator 提金器汞齐化器 amatol 阿马托炸药 amazonite 天河石amazonstone 天河石amber 琥珀ambient 周围的ambient temperature 周围温度 ambligonite 磷铝石 amblygonite 磷铝石ambulance 急救车americium 镅amethyst 紫晶amide 酰安amine 胺 amino acid 氨基酸 ammon dynamite 硝安炸药 ammon explosive 硝铵炸药ammonal 阿梅那尔ammonia 氨ammonia gelatine dynamite 铵胶炸药 ammonite 阿芒炸药ammonium 铵ammonium nitrate 硝安ammonium nitrate dynamite 硝安炸药ammonium nitrate explosives 硝安炸药 ammonium nitrate prill 颗粒状硝铵 amorphous 无定形的 amorphous state 无定形状恙amortization 折旧 ampelite 黄铁碳质页岩 amphibole 角闪石amphibolite 闪岩 amphibolization 闪石化酌 amplification 放大 amplifier 放大器 amplify 放大 amplitude 振幅 ampole 安瓿amygdaloid 杏仁岩 amygdaloidal texture 杏仁状结构 analcime 方沸石 analcite 方沸石11/ 176analog digital conversion 模拟数字转换analogy 类似analyser 分析器 analysis 分析 analyst 化验员 analytic 分析的 analytical 分析的 analytical chemistry 分析化学 analyze 分析 analyzer 分析器 anatase 锐钛矿 anbauhobel 快速刨煤机anchor 锚 anchor bolt 锚杆 ancillary work 辅助工作 ancylite 碳酸锶铈矿 andalusite 红柱石 anderseam 下部煤层 andesine 中长石 andesite 安山岩 andradite 钙铁榴石 anemobarometer 风速风压计 anemograph 自记风速计 anemometer 风速表 anemometry 风速测定 aneroid barometer 无液气压计 anfo explosives 铵油炸药 anfo loader 铵油炸药装填器 angle 角 angle bar 角钢 angle face 倾斜工祖 angle gauge 角规 angle of bedding 层理面倾斜角angle of break 崩落角angle of contact 接触角angle of deflection 偏角 angle of dip 倾角 angle of draw 落角 angle of elevation 仰角 angle of emergence 出射角 angle of friction 摩擦角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ angle of pitch 螺距角 angle of repose 休止角 angle of rest 休止角 angle of rolling friction 滚动摩擦角 angle of strike 走向角度 angle of subsidence 边界角 angle shot mortar test 开槽臼炮试验anglesite 硫酸铅矿angular 角的angular acceleration 角加速度 angular hole 斜炮眼 angular motion 角动 angular velocity 角速度 anhydride 酐anhydrite 硬石膏anion 阴离子anisotropy 蛤异性ankerite 铁白云石annabergite 镍华annealing 退火annual advance 年掘进annual output 年产量 anode 阳极 anomaly 异常 anorthite 钙长石 anorthoclase 歪长石 anorthosite 斜长石 antarctic pole 南极 antecedent magnetic concentration 储备处理磁选 anthracene 葸 anthracite 无烟煤anthracite culm 无烟煤粉 anthracite mine 无烟煤矿anthracography 煤相学anthracology 煤炭学anthracometer 二氧化碳计 anthracosis 煤肺病 anthrafine 无烟煤细末anthrakometry 二氧化碳测定法anti acid 耐酸的anticlinal 背斜anticline 背斜anticlinorium 复背斜anticlockwise rotation 反时针旋转13/ 176antidote 解毒药 antifoamer 消泡剂 antifoaming agent 消泡剂antifreeze 防冻剂 antifreezing agent 防冻剂 antimonite 辉锑矿 antimony 锑antimony glance 辉锑矿 antioxidant 抗氧剂antioxidizer 抗氧剂 antiseptic 防腐剂 apatite 磷灰石 aplite 细晶岩apophyllite 鱼眼石apophyse 岩枝apophysis 岩枝apparatus 频 apparent resistance 表观阻力 apparent specific gravity 表观此重 apparent viscosity 视粘度 apple coal 软煤applicable 可以应用的application 应用appreciation 评价approach 接近 approved cable 防爆电缆 approved lamp 安全灯approved shot firing apparatus 安全放炮器耐爆放炮器approximate 近似的 approximate value 近似值 approximation 近似法 apron conveyor 平板运输机 apron coveyor 板式输送机apron feeder 板式给矿机apyrous 耐火的aqua regia 王水aquation 水合酌aqueduct 输水桥aqueous 水的aqueous solution 水溶液 aquifer 蓄水层 aquiferous 含水的 aragonite 霰石 arc 弧---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ arch 拱 arch lining 拱形支架 arch pressure 支承压力 arch setting 安设拱形支架 arch span 拱跨 arch theory 成拱论 arch timbering 拱形木支架 arch truss 拱式桁架 arched support 拱形支架architecture 建筑学archy lining 拱形支架arcose sandstone 长石砂岩arcwall face 弧形工祖area 矿区area blasting 多排列爆破 area of explosion 爆炸区 arenaceous 砂质的arenarious 砂质的arenology 砂岩学arenous 砂质的areometer 比重计arfvedsonite 钠钙闪石argentite 辉银矿argentum 银 argillaceous rock 泥质岩 argillaceous sandstone 泥质砂岩 argillaceous slate 泥板岩 argillite 泥质板岩 argon 氩argyrodite 硫银锗矿arkose 长石砂岩arm 杠杆;柄arm mixer 叶片式搅拌机armature 加强armature core 电枢铁心armature winding 电枢绕组armored cable 铠装电缆armored concrete 钢筋混凝土 armoure 加强 armoured concrete 钢筋混凝土 armoured conveyerpanzer conveyer 镫装运输机 arrangement 布置 arrangements 准备 arrester 制动器制止器15/ 176arrester catch 止动器挡车器arrestor 避雷器arsenic 砷arsenite 砷华arsenolite 砷华arsenopyrite 砷黄铁矿arsensilver blende 淡红银矿 articulated roof beam 铰接顶梁articulated yielding arch 铰接可缩性拱形支架 articulation 铰链接合 artificial caving 人工崩落 artificial draught 人工通风 artificial petroleum 人造石油 artificial respiration 人工呼吸 artificial vetilation 人工通风 asbestos 石棉 asbestos wool 石棉绒 asbolane 钴土矿 asbolite 钴土矿 asbstos cement 石棉水泥 ascending working 漏口 ascension 上升 ascensional ventilation 上向通风 ash 灰 ash coal 高灰煤 ash composition 灰分组成 ash content 灰分 askew 斜的 asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石asphalt 地沥青asphalt base crude oil 沥青基原油asphalt concrete 地沥青混凝土 asphaltite 沥青岩 asphyxia 窒息asphyxy 窒息aspirail 通风孔aspirating tube 吸气管aspiration 吸气 aspirator 抽风机 assay 试金 assemblage 装配assemble 装配 assimilation 同化酌 association 缔合---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ assort 分类assortment 分类assurance factor 安全系数astillen 脉壁;隔墙astriction 收缩astringency 收敛性asymmetric 不对称的 asymmetrical 不对称的 asymmetry 不对称asymptotic 渐近的asynchronous generator 异步发电机asynchronous motor 异步电动机 atacamite 氯铜矿 atmoizer 喷雾器atmosphere 大气atmospheric 大气的atmospheric conditions 通风条件;大气条件 atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric moisture 空气湿度 atmospheric pressure 大气压力atom 原子 atomic 原子的 atomic number 原子序 atomic ore 放射性矿石 atomic volume 原子体积 atomization 喷雾 atomizer 喷雾器attack 循环;开始attal 充填物料attenuation 衰减atteration 冲积土 attle 充填料 attraction 引力 attractive force 引力 attrition 磨耗 attrition mill 盘磨机 attrition test 磨损试验 auger drill 螺旋钻 augering 螺旋钻法 auget 雷管 augite 辉石 aureole 接触带 auric 金的 auriferous 含金的17/ 176aurum 金austenite 奥氏体austenitic steel 奥氏体钢autmatic measuring device 自动计量器auto alarm 自动报警auto ignition 自燃 autocollimation 自动视准 autoconverter 自动变流 autocrane 汽车起重机 autodumper 自卸汽车 autofeed 自动给料autofeeder 自动给矿机autogenous cutting 气割autogenous welding 气焊 autoloader 汽车式装载机 automated mine 自动化煤矿 automated mining 自动化采掘 automatic block 自动闭塞 automatic brake 自动制动器 automatic checking 自动检验 automatic circuit breaker 自动断路器 automatic control 自动控制 automatic controller 自动第器自动蝶器 automatic coupler 自动车钩 automatic door 自动风门 automatic dumper 自动翻车机 automatic equipment 自动设备 automatic feed 自动给料 automatic feeder 自动给矿机 automatic installation 自动设备automatic loading device 自动装载设备automatic lubrication 自动润滑automatic lubricator 自动润滑器automatic oiling 自动润滑 automatic pressure controller 自动倒器自动压力控制器 automatic regulator 自动第器自动蝶器automatic release 自动释放automatic resetting 自动复位automatic sampler 自动取样器automatic sorting 自动选分automatic warning device 自动告警装置automatic weighing device 自动秤 automation 自动化 automatization 自动化---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ automobile 汽车 autotransformer 单卷变压器 autotruck 载重汽车auxiliary 辅助的auxiliary adit 辅助平峒auxiliary equipment 辅助设备 auxiliary fan 辅助扇风机 auxiliary level 辅助平巷 auxiliary shaft 辅助竖井 auxiliary support 辅助支架auxiliary tools 辅助仪表auxiliary ventilation 局部通气auxilliary winch 辅助绞车aventurine 砂金石 average 平均average error 平均误差average life 平均寿命average pressure 平均压力 average sample 平均试样 average trend 平均走向 average value 平均值 axe 斧 axial 轴性的 axial blower 轴寥风机 axial compression 轴向压缩 axial direction 轴向axial fan 轴两扇凤机 axial flow compressor 轴两压缩机 axial flow fan 轴寥风机axial piston motor 轴向柱塞马达axial piston pump 轴向活塞泵 axial pump 轴两泵 axle 车轴 axle base 轴距 axle bearing 轴承 axle box 轴颈箱 axle box bearing 轴箱轴承 axle journal 轴颈 azimuth 方位 azimuth angle 方位角azimuth compass 方位测量罗盘 azote 氮 azurite 蓝铜矿 babbit 巴氏合金19/ 176back bolting 顶板锚杆支护 back bone 分水岭 back brace 背板back break 超欠挖 back brushing 挑顶 back coming 后退回采back filler 回填机 back filling 充填 back filling method 充填法 back filling shrinkage 充填物收缩 back filling system 分段上向充填开采法 back lath 顶板背板 back leg bracing 柱腿支撑 back lye 井下错车道 back pulling 回采煤柱 back stope 上向梯段回采工祖 back stoping 上向梯段回采 back stroke 回程 back water 回水 back weight 平衡锤 backacter 反铲 backbye deputy 井下维修工 backdigger 反铲 backdraught 逆通风 backfill 充填backfill material 充填料backfill operations 充填工作backhoe 反铲 backlash 轮齿隙 backman 辅助工 backpressure 顶板压力 backstoping 上向梯段回采 backwall injection 井壁背后灌浆 backweight 平衡锤 backwork 辅助工作 bacteria leaching 细菌沥滤 bactericide 杀菌剂 bad top 不稳固顶板 baddeleyite 斜锆矿 baffle plate 反射板 bag filter 袋滤器 bag powder 装袋炸药 bag type accumulator 皮囊式蓄能器 bagger 多斗控掘机---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ bagging 装袋 baghouse 囊式集尘窒 baikalite 贝钙铁辉石 bail 吊桶bailer 铲bailing ring 集水圈bailing tank 戽水斗baking coal 粘结煤 bal 矿山 balance 平衡 balance bob 平衡锤balance bunker 平衡仓 balance level 水准仪 balance pit 平衡重井筒balance plane 自重滑行坡balance rope 平衡钢丝绳balance rope pulley 平衡绳滑轮 balance tail rope 平衡尾绳balance valve 平衡阀 balance weight 平衡锤 balanced hoist 两容漆升机 balanced hoisting 平衡提升 balanced load 平衡负载balanced winding 平衡提升balancing 平衡balas 浅红晶石balk 煤层薄 ball 球 ball and socket joint 球节 ball bearing 滚珠轴承 ball bushing 球轴套 ball cage 球护圈 ball charge 磨球装量 ball crusher 球磨机 ball inclinometer 球式测斜仪 ball indentation test 布氏硬度试验 ball joint roof bar 球铰顶梁ball mill 球磨机 ball retainer 球护圈 ball up 钻孔堵塞 ball valve 球阀ballas 浅红晶石ballast concrete 石碴混凝土ballast pit 采石场21/ 176ballast rod 冲唤钻杆balling drum 球磨机滚筒ballistic mortar test 弹道臼炮试验 ballistic pendulum test 弹道摆试验ballistite 巴里斯泰特炸药 ballstone 球石 balsam 香液 bamboo tamping rod 竹炮棍 band 带 band brake 带式制动器带闸 band conveyor 带式运输机 band iron 带铁 band ore 带状矿石 banging piece 防险器断绳保险器banging pieces 断绳保险器防坠器banjo 钻车 bank 阶段 bank coal 原煤 bank excavation 阶段采掘bank height 台阶高度 bank method of attack 阶段开采法 bank shaft mouth 坚井口 bank work 阶梯开采 bankcoal 原煤 banker 掘土工 banket 含金砾岩层 bankhead 斜井井口出车平台 banking 堆积bannock 耐火粘土bar 杆bar cutter 杆式截煤机bar grizzly 棒条筛bar mat reinforcement 网状钢筋bar reinforcement 钢筋 bar rigged drifter 架式凿岩机 bar screen 棒条筛 bare 裸露的 bare cable 裸电缆 bare log 钻孔柱状图bargh 矿山企业 baring 复盖岩层;剥离 barings 截煤粉 barite 重晶石 barium 钡---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ barkevikite 棕闪石 barney 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车 barney car 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车 barometer 气压表 barometric 气压的 barometric height 气压高度 barrage 堰 barrel 桶 barren 不含矿物的 barren layer 废石层 barren rock 废石 barricade 隔墙 barrier 岩粉棚 barrier method 柱式开采法 barrier pillar 安全煤柱 barrier system 柱式开采法 barrierless accumulator 非隔离式蓄能器 barring 顶板支护 barrow 手推车 barrow pit 手车运输的露天矿 baryte 重晶石 baryum 钡 basal cleavage 贮理basal level 基淮面 basalt 玄武岩 base 基础;碱基 base charge 基本装药量;炮眼底部装约 base line 基线 base plate 底板 base road 诛 base rock 基岩 base unit 基本单位 bashing 用废矸石充填采空区 basic 基性的 basic line 基线 basic rock 碱性岩basin 煤田;盆地;贮水池 basis 基础 bass 炭质页岩 basset 露头bast 炭质页岩 bastard 夹石 bastite 绢石 bastnaesite 氟碳铈矿23/ 176bat 泥质页岩 batardeau 隔墙 bathoclase 水平节理 batholite 基岩 batholith 基岩 bathometer 深海测深仪 bathymeter 深海测深仪 bating 井筒延伸;卧底 batt 泥质页岩 batter 坡度 batter level 倾斜仪 batter pile 斜桩 batter post 斜柱 battered prop 斜柱 battery 电池组;木隔壁;工专 battery capacity 蓄电池容量battery charger 充电机battery lamp 蓄电池灯battery locomotive 蓄电池机车 battery powered haulage 蓄电池机车运输battery shuttle car 蓄电池梭车 baulk 煤层薄 baum jig 空气跳汰机 baum jig washer 空气跳汰机 baum wash box 空气跳汰机bauxite 铝土矿 bawke 吊桶 beach combing 海滨开采砂矿 beach placer 海滨漂砂矿床 beam 梁 bearer 矿柱 bearing 煤层走向;轴承 bearing alloy 轴承合金 bearing block 矿枉煤柱 bearing bush 轴承瓦bearing bushing 轴承瓦bearing cap 轴承盖bearing capacity 承重能力bearing housing 轴承壳bearing indicator 方位指示器 bearing load 轴承负载 bearing metal 轴承合金 bearing pointer 方位指示器 bearing position 支点---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ bearing power 承重能力 bearing pressure 承压力 bearing ring 之框 bearing set 之框 bearing test 承载力试验 bearing up pulley 紧绳轮 beat 打击 beater 木捣锤 beater pulverizer 锤碎机 beckelite 方钙饰镧矿 bed 地层 bed plane 层理面 bed series 层系 bed succession 层序 bed thinning 煤层变薄 bed top 矿层顶板 bedded iron ore 层状铁矿 bedded rock 层状岩bedded vein 层状矿脉 bedding 层理 bedding rock 基岩 bedding surface 层理面 bedrock 基岩 beetle 大锤;捣固机 belemnite 箭石 bell man 信号工 bell pit 小探井 bell rope 信号铃拉绳belly 煤层变厚 belonite 针雏晶 belowground 地下的 belt 胶带belt bucket elevator 带头式提升机 belt cleaner 净带器 belt conveyor 带式运输机 belt discharging plant 胶带输送机卸料装置 belt elevator 带式提升机 belt extension 胶带接长 belt fastener 带扣 belt feeder 带式给矿机 belt heading 皮带输送机平巷 belt hoister 斜井用胶带输送机 belt idler pulley 皮带拉紧滚筒 belt incline 胶带输送机斜井25/ 176belt joint 带接 belt lacer 带扣 belt lacing 胶带接合 belt lacing machine 缝带机 belt loader 胶带动载机 belt pulley 带式运输机滚筒 belt punch 皮带穿孔器 belt roller 皮带轮 belt screen 带筛 belt separator 带式分选机 belt slip protection 胶带打滑保护 belt stower 抛掷式胶带充填机 belt stretcher 紧带器belt tension 皮带张力belt tightener 紧带器belt tightening pulley 皮带拉滚筒 belt training idler 胶带导辊belt transport 皮带输送 belt type dehydrator 带式干燥机 belt type magnetic separator 带式磁选机 belting 输送机胶带装置bench 阶段 bench cut blasting 阶段爆破 bench drilling 阶段钻眼 bench face 台阶工祖 bench floor 台阶底 bench height 台阶高度 bench hole 梯段的下向垂直炮眼 bench mining 阶梯式开采bench preparation 阶段准备 bench stoping 阶梯式开采 benched quarry 阶段采石场 benching 阶梯式开采 benching bank 阶段bend 弯管 bender 弯机 bending force 弯力 bending machine 弯机 bending moment 弯曲矩 bending resistance 抗弯强度 bending rolls 辊子卷板机 bending strength 抗弯强度 bending stress 弯曲应力 bending test 弯曲试验---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ benefication 选矿 beneficiating method 选矿法 beneficiation 选矿 benitoite 蓝锥矿 bent 弯曲 bent entry 弯曲平巷 bent face 弯工祖bent pipe 弯管bentonite 皂土benzene 苯benzine 汽油 benzol 苯 beresite 黄铁长英岩 berm 段台 berme 段台 berthierite 辉铁锑矿 bertrandite 硅铍石 beryl 绿柱石beryllium 铍 beryllonite 磷钠铍石 beton 混凝土 bevel 斜面bevel gear 伞齿轮 bevel gear drive 伞齿轮传动 bevel gearing 伞齿轮咬合;锥齿轮传动装置 bevel wheel 伞齿轮 bevelling 锨bicable tramway 双线死 bickford fuse 比克福特导爆线 bicone type rolling cutter bit 双圆锥齿轮钻头 big hole 大径钻孔billot 杆 bimetal 双金属 bimetal thermometer 双金属温度计bimetallic strip relay 双金属片继电器 bin 矿仓 bin gate 贮仓闸门 binder 粘结剂 binding agent 粘结剂 binding coal 粘结煤binding energy 结合能 binding force 结合力 bing 堆 bing hole 放矿溜口27/ 176binning 装仓 biogeochemistry 生物地球化学 biotite 黑云母biquartz 双石英bismuth 铋bismuth glance 辉铋矿bismuthinite 辉铋矿bismuthite 泡铋矿 bisulfate 硫酸氢盐bisulfite 亚硫酸氢盐 bisulphate 硫酸氢盐 bisulphite 亚硫酸氢盐 bit 钎头 bit dresser 钻头修整机 bit dressing 钻头修整bit edge 钻刃 bit face 钻头刃面 bit grinder 钻头磨锐机 bit head 钻头 bit life 钎头使用期间 bit shank 钎尾 bitter earth 氧化镁 bitum 沥青 bituminous coal 沥青煤 bituminous rock 沥青岩bituminous shale 沥青页岩black band 菱铁矿black blasting powder 黑色火药 black bog 泥炭沼泽 black diamond 黑金刚石 black earth 黑土 black iron ore 磁铁矿 black lead 石黑 black lead ore 黑铅矿 black manganese 黑锰矿 black powder 黑火药 black powder train 黑药导火线 blackdamp 室息性空气blacksmith 锻工 blade 刀片 blade grader 推土机 blader 推土机 blaize 硬砂岩 blanch 铅矿石---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ blanket 表层blanket table 平面洗矿台blast 爆炸blast blower 鼓风机 blast firing 放炮 blast hole 炮眼 blast hole drill 凿岩机 blast layout 装药布置 blast stower 风力充填机blastability 爆炸性blaster 放炮工blaster cap 雷管blasters&#39; permit 爆破技术员 blasthole 炮眼 blasthole bit 炮眼钻头 blasthole collar 炮眼口 blasthole method 深孔爆破开采法 blasting 爆破 blasting accessories 爆破用七 blasting agent 炸药 blasting cable 放炮电缆 blasting cartridge 药包blasting charge 装炸药 blasting compound 炸药 blasting cone 爆破漏斗 blasting device 爆破用具 blasting drift 爆破平巷blasting dust 爆破尘末 blasting equipment 爆破用具 blasting explosive 炸药blasting fume 炮烟blasting fuse 导火线blasting galvanometer 放炮电路试验器 blasting gelatine 煤炸药blasting lead 爆破导线blasting machine 电气发爆器blasting material 爆炸物blasting oil 硝化甘油blasting operation 爆破 blasting ratio 爆破比 blasting supplies 起爆颇blasting switch 爆破开关blasting technician 放炮工blasting tools 爆破工具29/ 176bleed of gas 瓦斯喷出 bleeder entry 通风平巷 bleeder hole 放泄孔 bleeder off hole 排放钻孔 bleeder pipe 排出管 blende 闪锌矿 blender 掺合器混合器 blending 掺合 blending bunker 配合仓 blending conveyor 掺合输送机 blind 暗的 blind coal 无焰炭 blind drift 独头巷道 blind galley 独头巷道 blind lead 无露头矿脉 blind outcrop 盲露头 blind pit 暗井 blind shaft 暗井 blister 气泡 block 采区;块;滑车组 block brake 闸块式制动器 block caving method 分段崩落采矿法 block line 钻井钢丝绳block mining 分块开采blockage 闭塞blockhole 炮眼blockhole blasting 爆破地面大块岩石 blockholing 爆破地面大块岩石 blocking 闭塞 blondin 采掘场架空死 blow 放炮 blow of gas 瓦斯喷出 blow up 爆炸 blowcharging 风力装药 blowed fill 风力充填 blower 吹风机 blower fan 吹风机 blowing out 吹洗炮眼blowing over 工祖通风blowing ventilation 吹入通风blowlamp 焊灯blowout 突出blowout preventer 防喷器blowpipe 喷焊器喷割器---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ blowtorch 焊灯 blue cap 蓝色焰晕 blue printing machine 蓝图机blue spar 天蓝石blue vitriol 胆矾blueprint 蓝图blueprint paper 蓝图纸 bluestone 胆矾 blunt 钝的 blunt drill 钝钻 board 板 board and pillar 房柱式开法 board and pillar method 房柱式开采法 board and pillar work 房柱式开法 board and wall method 房柱式开采法 boarding 安装木板 boart 工业用圆粒金刚石 bob 铅锥 bobbin 绕线管 bog land 沼地 bogie 小车;转向架 boiled oil 熟炼油 boiler 锅炉 boiling 沸腾 boiling process 沸腾法 boke 小细脉 bolt 螺栓 bolt connection 螺栓连接 bolt joint 螺栓接合 bolting 锚杆支护 bolting cost 锚杆支架费 bonanza 富矿脉 bond 结合 bond energy 结合能 bonding agent 结合剂 bonding energy 结合能 bonding strength 结合强度bone 可燃性页岩 bone char 骨煤 bone coal 骨煤 bone picker 拣矸工 bonnet 盖 bonny 矿襄 bonstay 暗井31/ 176bont 提升装置 bonze 末精选的铅矿石 boom 悬臂 boom crane 伸臂起重机 boom hoist 悬臂绞车 boom ripper 悬臂挑预机 boose 矿石内的脉石 booster 传爆药 booster fan 辅助扇风机 booster primer 传爆药 booster pump 增压泵 boosting 局部通风 bootleg 拒爆炮眼 booze 铅矿 bop 防喷器 boracite 方硼石 borax 硼砂bord 巷道 bord and pillar method 房柱式开采法 bord and pillar work 房柱式开法 bord and wall method 房柱式开采法 border 边缘 border pile 边桩 bordering 炮泥 borderline 界线 bore 孔bore bit 钻头 bore borings 钻粉 bore hole 炮眼 bore meal 钻粉 bore mining 溶液采矿 bore mud 钻泥 bore plug 钻孔岩样borehole 钻孔 borehole charge 钻孔装药 borehole clinometer 钻孔测斜仪 borehole diameter 钻孔直径 borehole profile 钻孔断面图borehole pump 深井泵borehole seal 镗孔密封垫borehole shooting 钻井爆破 borehole survey 钻孔测量 borer 钻工 boride 硼化物---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ boring 钻进 boring bar 钻杆 boring bit 钎头 boring for oil 石油钻深 boring frame 钻塔 boring head 钻头 boring machine 钻机boring mud 钻泥boring pump 钻眼用泵boring rig 钻塔boring rod 钻杆 boring rope 钻机用的钢丝绳 boring tool 钻具boring tower 钻塔 boring tube 钻管 bornite 斑铜矿 boron 硼bort bit 金刚石钻头 bortz 工业用圆粒金刚石 bortz powder 金刚石粉 borway bit 齿状钻头 boss hammer 大锤 bossing 厚层切底bottle coal 瓦斯煤 bottom 底板 bottom banksman 井底把钩工bottom belt 底部皮带 bottom canch 卧底 bottom captain 井下组长 bottom cutting 底部截槽 bottom discharge bucket 底卸式铲斗 bottom discharge skip 底卸式箕斗 bottom dump bucket 底卸式铲斗 bottom dump skip 底卸式箕斗 bottom dumping car 底卸式车 bottom gangway 底导坑 bottom gate 底导坑 bottom heading 底导坑 bottom hole 底部炮眼 bottom installation 井底车场设备bottom kerf 底槽 bottom layer 底层 bottom layout 井底车场布置 bottom level 井底车场标高33/ 176。



age hardening 时效硬化ageing 老化处理air hardening 气体硬化air patenting 空气韧化annealing 退火anode effect 阳极效应anodizing 阳极氧化处理atomloy treatment 阿托木洛伊表面austempering 奥氏体等温淬火austenite 奥斯田体/奥氏体bainite 贝氏体banded structure 条纹状组织barrel plating 滚镀barrel tumbling 滚筒打光blackening 染黑法blue shortness 青熟脆性bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理box annealing 箱型退火box carburizing 封箱渗碳bright electroplating 辉面电镀bright heat treatment 光辉热处理bypass heat treatment 旁路热处理carbide 炭化物carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层carburizing 渗碳cementite 炭化铁chemical plating 化学电镀chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀coarsening 结晶粒粗大化coating 涂布被覆cold shortness 低温脆性comemtite 渗碳体controlled atmosphere 大气热处理corner effect 锐角效应creeping discharge 蠕缓放电decarburization 脱碳处理decarburizing 脱碳退火depth of hardening 硬化深层diffusion 扩散diffusion annealing 扩散退火electrolytic hardening 电解淬火embossing 压花etching 表面蚀刻 ferrite 肥粒铁first stage annealing 第一段退火flame hardening 火焰硬化flame treatment 火焰处理full annealing 完全退火gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法globular cementite 球状炭化铁grain size 结晶粒度granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理graphitizing 石墨退火hardenability 硬化性hardenability curve 硬化性曲线hardening 硬化heat treatment 热处理hot bath quenching 热浴淬火hot dipping 热浸镀induction hardening 高周波硬化ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理ion plating 离子电镀isothermal annealing 等温退火liquid honing 液体喷砂法low temperature annealing 低温退火malleablizing 可锻化退火martempering 麻回火处理martensite 马氏体/硬化铁炭metallikon 金属喷镀法metallizing 真空涂膜nitriding 氮化处理nitrocarburizing 软氮化normalizing 正常化oil quenching 油淬化overageing 过老化overheating 过热pearlite 针尖组织phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀plasma nitriding 离子氮化pre-annealing 预备退火precipitation 析出precipitation hardening 析出硬化press quenching 加压硬化process annealing 制程退火quench ageing 淬火老化quench hardening 淬火quenching crack 淬火裂痕quenching distortion 淬火变形quenching stress 淬火应力reconditioning 再调质recrystallization 再结晶red shortness 红热脆性residual stress 残留应力retained austenite 残留奥rust prevention 防蚀salt bath quenching 盐浴淬火sand blast 喷砂处理seasoning 时效处理second stage annealing 第二段退火secular distortion 经年变形segregation 偏析selective hardening 部分淬火shot blast 喷丸处理shot peening 珠击法single stage nitriding 等温渗氮sintering 烧结处理soaking 均热处理softening 软化退火solution treatment 固溶化热处理spheroidizing 球状化退火stabilizing treatment 安定化处理straightening annealing 矫直退火strain ageing 应变老化stress relieving annealing 应力消除退火subzero treatment 生冷处理supercooling 过冷surface hardening 表面硬化处理temper brittleness 回火脆性temper colour 回火颜色tempering 回火tempering crack 回火裂痕texture 咬花thermal refining 调质处理thermoechanical treatment 加工热处理time quenching 时间淬火transformation 变态tufftride process 软氮化处理under annealing 不完全退火vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理vacuum hardening 真空淬火vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理vacuum nitriding 真空氮化water quenching 水淬火。



对铜和铝进行环境审核的英语作文Copper and aluminum are two widely used metals in various industries, but their production and disposal can have significant environmental impacts. In this essay, we will discuss the environmental audit of copper and aluminum, focusing on the extraction, processing, and recycling processes of these metals.The extraction of copper and aluminum involves mining activities, which can lead to habitat destruction, soil erosion, and water pollution. Mining operations often involve the use of harmful chemicals and heavy machinery, resulting in the release of pollutants into the environment. In addition, theenergy-intensive process of extracting these metals from their ores contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Therefore, the environmental audit of copper and aluminum should assess the environmental impact of mining operations and explore ways to minimize the negative effects on the environment.The processing of copper and aluminum also poses environmental challenges. The smelting and refining of these metals require high temperatures and energy input, leading to significant energy consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases. Moreover, the disposal of waste products from theprocessing plants can contaminate soil and water, posing risks to human health and ecosystems. An environmental audit of copper and aluminum processing plants should evaluate their pollution control measures, waste management practices, and energy efficiency to identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with environmental regulations.Recycling is an important aspect of the environmental audit of copper and aluminum. Recycling these metals reduces the need for new mining and processing activities, conserves energy, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. However, the recycling process itself can have environmental impacts, such as air and water pollution from recycling facilities and the improper disposal of recycled materials. An environmental audit of copper and aluminum recycling facilities should evaluate their environmental management systems, recycling rates, and compliance with environmental regulations to ensure sustainable practices and minimize the environmental footprint of the recycling process.In conclusion, the environmental audit of copper and aluminum is essential to assess the environmental impact of their extraction, processing, and recycling activities and identify opportunities for improvement. By evaluating the environmentalperformance of the entire life cycle of these metals, we can develop sustainable practices that minimize environmental degradation, conserve resources, and protect the planet for future generations.。



金属材料专业英语Material Science 材料科学Material Science Definition 材料科学定义Machinability [məʃi:nə'biliti] 加工性能Strength .[streŋθ] 强度Corrosion & resistance durability.[kə'rəʊʒən] &[ri'zistəns] .[ 'djʊrə'bɪlətɪ] 抗腐蚀及耐用Special metallic features 金属特性Allergic, re-cycling & environmental protection 抗敏感及环境保护 [ə'lə:dʒik]Chemical element 化学元素 'elimənt]Atom of Elements 元素的原子序数Atom and solid material 原子及固体物质Atom Constitutes 原子的组织图 ['kɔnstitju:t] Periodic Table 周期表 [,piəri'ɔdik] adj. 周期的;定期的Atom Bonding 原子键结合Metal and Alloy 金属与合金['ælɔi, ə'lɔi] Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal 铁及非铁金属['ferəs] adj. [化]亚铁的;铁的,含铁的Features of Metal 金属的特性Crystal Pattern 晶体结构 ['kristəl] n. 水晶;结晶,晶体;水晶饰品adj. 水晶的;透明的,清澈的Crystal structure, Space lattice & Unit cell 晶体结构,定向格子及单位晶格['lætis] n. 格子;格架;晶格vt. 使成格子状X – ray crystal analytics method X线结晶分析法[,ænə'litik,-kəl]Metal space lattice 金属结晶格子Lattice constant 点阵常数Mill's Index 米勒指数Metal Phase and Phase Rule金相及相律Solid solution 固熔体Substitutional type solid solution 置换固熔体[,sʌbstitju:ʃənəl]Interstitial solid solution 间隙固熔体 [,intə'stiʃəl]n. 填隙原子;节间adj. 间质的;空隙的;填隙的Intermetallic compound 金属间化合物[,intəmi'tælik] ['kɔmpaund, kəm'paund]vt. 混合;合成;和解妥协;搀合vi. 妥协;和解n. 化合物;复合词;混合物adj. 复合的;混合的Transformation 转变Transformation Point 转变点Magnetic Transformation 磁性转变 [mæɡ'netik] Allotropic Transformation 同素转变[mæɡ'netik] adj. [化]同素异形的Thermal Equilibrium 热平衡['θə:məl] adj. 热的,热量的n. 上升暖气流 adj. 热的,热量的[,i:kwi'libriəm] Degree of freedom 自由度Critical temperature 临界温度Eutectic 共晶[ju:'tektik]n. 共熔合金adj. 共熔的;容易溶解的Peritectic [.peri’tektik] Temperature包晶温度Peritectic Reaction 包晶反应Peritectic Alloy 包晶合金Hypoeutectic Alloy 亚共晶体[,haipəuju'tektik]n. 低级低共熔体adj. 亚共晶的Hypereutectic Alloy 过共晶体Plastic Deformation 金属塑性[,di:fɔ:'meiʃən] n. 变形Slip Plan 滑动面Distortion 畸变[dis'tɔ:ʃən]Work Hardening 硬化Annealing 退火Crystal Recovery 回复柔软Recrystallization 再结晶[ri:,kristəlai'zeiʃən] Properties & testing of metal 金属材料的性能及试验Chemical Properties 化学性能['prɔpəti]Physical Properties 物理性能Magnetism 磁性['mæɡnitizəm]Specific resistivity & specific resistance 比电阻Specific gravity & specific density比重Specific Heat比热热膨胀系数 Coefficient of thermal expansion['mæɡnitizəm] n. 协同因素;[数]系数;[物]率adj. 合作的;共同作用的['θə:məl] adj. 热的,热量的n. 上升暖气流导热度 Heat conductivity机械性能 Mechanical properties [mi'kænikəl] adj. 机械的;呆板的;力学的;无意识的;手工操作的屈服强度(降伏强度) (Yield strength)弹性限度、杨氏弹性系数及屈服点 elastic limit, Young’s module of elasticity to yield point [i'læstik] adj. 有弹性的;易伸缩的;灵活的n. 松紧带;橡皮圈 ['mɔdju:l, -dʒu:l] n. 模数;模块;组件 [,elæs'tisəti] n. 弹性;弹力;灵活性伸长度[,i:lɔŋ'ɡeiʃən, i,lɔŋ-]断面缩率 Reduction of area [ri'dʌkʃən]破坏性检验 destructive inspections渗透探伤法 Penetrate inspection磁粉探伤法 Magnetic particle inspection放射线探伤法Radiographic inspection [,reidiəu'græfik] adj. 射线照相术的超声波探伤法 Ultrasonic inspection [,ʌltrə'sɔnik] adj. 超音速的;超声的n. 超声波显微观察法 Microscopic inspection [,maikrə'skɔpik] 破坏的检验 Destructive Inspection冲击测试 Impact Test疲劳测试 Fatigue Test [fə'ti:ɡ] n. 疲劳,疲乏;杂役vt. 使疲劳;使心智衰弱vi. 疲劳adj. 疲劳的蠕变试验Creep Test [kri:p] vi. 爬行;慢慢地移动;起鸡皮疙瘩;蔓延n. 爬行;毛骨悚然的感觉;谄媚者潜变强度 Creeps Strength第一潜变期 Primary Creep第二潜变期 Secondary Creep第三潜变期 Tertiary Creep主要金属元素之物理性质 Physical properties of major Metal Elements工业标准及规格–铁及非铁金属 Industrial Standard –Ferrous & Non – ferrous Metal磁力 Magnetic简介 General软磁 Soft Magnetic硬磁 Hard Magnetic磁场 Magnetic Field磁性感应 Magnetic Induction导磁率[系数,性] Magnetic Permeability [,pə:miə'biliti] n. 弥漫;渗透性;[物]透磁率,导磁系数磁化率Magnetic Susceptibility (Xm) [sə,septə'biləti]磁力(Magnetic Force)及磁场 (Magnetic Field)是因物料里的电子 (Electron)活动而产生抗磁体、顺磁体、铁磁体、反铁磁体及亚铁磁体Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic,Ferromagnetisms, Antiferromagnetism & Ferrimagnetisms 抗磁体 Diamagnetism磁偶极子 Dipole ['daipəul]负磁力效应 Negative effect顺磁体 Paramagnetic正磁化率Positive magnetic susceptibility [sə,septə'biləti]铁磁体 Ferromagnetism转变元素 Transition element交换能量 Positive energy exchange外价电子 Outer valence electrons ['veiləns] n. [化]价;原子价;化合价;[生]效价化学结合 Chemical bond自发上磁 Spontaneous magnetization [spɔn'teiniəs] 磁畴 Magnetic domain [dəu'mein] n. 领域;产业;地产;[计]域名相反旋转 Opposite span ['ɔpəzit, -sit]比较抗磁体、顺磁体及铁磁体 Comparison of Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic & Ferromagnetism反铁磁体 Antiferromagnetism亚铁磁体 Ferrimagnetism磁矩 magnetic moment净磁矩 Net magnetic moment钢铁的主要成份 The major element of steel钢铁用"碳"之含量来分类Classification of Steel according to Carbon contents铁相 Steel Phases ['feisi:z] n. 阶段,时期(phase 的复数形式)v. 逐步实行(phase的三单形式)钢铁的名称 Name of steel铁素体Ferrite ['ferait]渗碳体 Cementitle奥氏体 Austenite珠光体及共析钢 Pearlite &Eutectoid奥氏体碳钢 Austenite Carbon Steel单相金属 Single Phase Metal共释变态 Eutectoid Transformation珠光体 Pearlite亚铁释体 Hyppo-Eutectoid初释纯铁体 Pro-entectoid ferrite过共释钢 Hype-eutectoid [haip] n. 大肆宣传;皮下注射vt. 大肆宣传;使…兴奋粗珠光体 Coarse pearlite [kɔ:s] adj. 粗糙的;下等的;粗俗的中珠光体 Medium Pearlite幼珠光体 Fine pearlite磁性变态点 Magnetic Transformation钢铁的制造 Manufacturing of Steel [,mænju'fæktʃəriŋ]连续铸造法 Continuous casting process电炉 Electric furnace均热炉 Soaking pit ['səukiŋ] n. 浸湿,浸透adj. 湿透的,极湿的adv. 湿透地全静钢 Killed steel半静钢 Semi-killed steel沸腾钢(未净钢) Rimmed steel [rim] n. 边,边缘;轮辋;圆圈vi. 作…的边,装边于vt. 作…的边,装边于钢铁生产流程 Steel Production Flow Chart钢材的熔铸、锻造、挤压及延轧 The Casting, Fogging, Extrusion, Rolling & Steel熔铸 Casting锻造 Fogging挤压 Extrusion延轧Rolling冲剪 Drawing & stamping特殊钢以元素分类Classification of Special Steel according to Element特殊钢以用途来分类 Classification of Special Steel according to End Usage 易车(快削)不锈钢 Free Cutting Stainless Steel含铅易车钢 Leaded Free Cutting Steel含硫易车钢 Sulphuric Free Cutting Steel [sʌl'fjuərik]硬化性能 Hardenability钢的脆性 Brittleness of Steel ['britlnis] n. 脆弱性;脆性,脆度低温脆性 Cold brittleness回火脆性 Temper brittleness日工标准下的特殊钢材 Specail Steel according to JIS Standard铬钢–日工标准 JIS G4104 Chrome steel to JIS G4104 铬钼钢钢材–日工标准G4105 62 Chrome Molybdenum steel to JIS G4105 [krəum]镍铬–日工标准 G4102 63 Chrome Nickel steel to JIS G4102 ['nikəl] n. 镍;镍币;五分镍币vt. 镀镍于镍铬钼钢–日工标准G4103 64 Nickel, Chrome & Molybdenum Steel to JIS G4103高锰钢铸–日工标准High manganese steel to JIS standard ['mæŋɡə,ni:s, ,mæŋɡə'ni:z]片及板材 Chapter Four-Strip, Steel & Plate冷辘低碳钢片(双单光片)(日工标准 JIS G3141) 73 - 95 Cold Rolled (Low carbon) Steel Strip (to JIS G 3141) 简介 General美材试标准的冷辘低碳钢片 Cold Rolled Steel Strip American Standard – American Society for testing and materials (ASTM)日工标准 JIS G3141冷辘低碳钢片 (双单光片)的编号浅释 Decoding of cold rolled(Low carbon)steel strip JIS G3141 [,di:'kəudiŋ] n. 译码;解码v. 破译;译解(decode的ing形式)材料的加工性能 Drawing ability硬度 Hardness表面处理 Surface finish冷辘钢捆片及张片制作流程图表 Production flow chart cold rolled steel coil sheet冷辘钢捆片及张片的电镀和印刷方法 Cold rolled steel coil & sheet electro-plating & painting method [kɔil] vt. n. 延长;伸长;延伸率;伸长率盘绕,把…卷成圈n. 卷;线圈vi. 成圈状冷辘(低碳)钢片的分类用途、工业标准、品质、加热状态及硬度表End usages, industrial standard, quality,condition and hardness of cold rolled steel strip 硬度及拉力 Hardness & Tensile strength test ['tensail, -səl] adj. [物]拉力的;可伸长的;可拉长的拉伸测试(顺纹测试) Elongation test [,i:lɔŋ'ɡeiʃən, i,lɔŋ-]杯突测试(厚度: 0.4公厘至 1.6公厘,准确至 0.1公厘 3个试片平均数 ) Erichsen test (Thickness: 0.4mm to 1.6mm, figure round up to 0.1mm)曲面(假曲率) Camber厚度及阔度公差 Tolerance on Thickness & Width平坦度(阔度大于500公厘,标准回火) Flatness (width>500mm, temper: standard)弯度 Camber冷辘钢片储存与处理提示 General advice on handling & storage of cold rolled steel coil & sheet防止生锈 Rust Protection生锈速度表 Speed of rusting焊接 Welding气焊 Gas Welding埋弧焊 Submerged-arc Welding [səb'mə:dʒd] adj. 水下的,在水中的v. 使陷入;潜入水中(submerge的过去分词)电阻焊 Resistance Welding冷辘钢片(拉力: 30-32公斤/平方米)在没有表面处理状态下的焊接状况 Spot welding conditions for bared (free from paint, oxides etc) Cold rolled mild steel sheets(T/S:30-32 Kgf/ µ m2)时间效应(老化)及拉伸应变 Aging & Stretcher Strains 日工标准(JIS G3141)[strein] n. 张力;拉紧;血缘;负担;扭伤vi. 拉紧;尽力vt. 拉紧;滥用;滤去;竭力冷辘钢片化学成份 Chemical composition – cold rolled steel sheet to JIS G3141冷辘钢片的"理论重量"计算方程式 Cold Rolled Steel Sheet – Theoretical mass 日工标准(JIS G3141)冷辘钢片重量列表 Mass of Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet to JIS G3141 冷辘钢片订货需知[,θiə'retikəl, ,θi:ə-] adj. 理论的;假设的;理论上的;推理的Ordering of cold rolled steel strip/sheet其它日工标准冷轧钢片(用途及编号) JIS standard & application of other cold Rolled Special Steel电镀锌钢片或电解钢片Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet/Electrolytic Zinc Coated Steel Sheet电解/电镀锌大大增强钢片的防锈能力Galvanic Action improving Weather & Corrosion Resistance of the Base Steel Sheet [kə'rəuʒən] n. 腐蚀;腐蚀产生的物质;衰败上漆能力 Paint Adhesion [əd'hi:ʒən] n. 支持;粘附;固守电镀锌钢片的焊接 Welding of Electro-galvanized steel sheet ['ɡælvənaiz] vt. 通电;镀锌;刺激点焊 Spot welding滚焊 Seam welding [si:m] n. 缝;接缝vt. 缝合;接合;使留下伤痕Vi. 裂开;产生裂缝电镀锌(电解)钢片 Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet生产流程 Production Flow Chart常用的镀锌钢片(电解片)的基层金属、用途、日工标准、美材标准及一般厚度 Base metal, application, JIS & ASTM standard, and Normal thickness of galvanized steel sheet锌镀层质量 Zinc Coating Mass [ziŋk]表面处理 Surface Treatment冷轧钢片 Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet/Strip热轧钢片 Hot-Rolled Sheet/Strip电解冷轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of Electrolytic Cold-rolled sheet热轧钢片厚度公差 Thickness Tolerance of Hot-rolled sheet冷轧或热轧钢片阔度公差 Width Tolerance of Cold or Hot-rolled sheet长度公差 Length Tolerance理论质量Theoretical Mass [,θiə'retikəl, ,θi:ə-]锌镀层质量(两个相同锌镀层厚度) Mass Calculation of coating (For equal coating)/MM锌镀层质量(两个不同锌镀层厚度) Mass Calculation of coating (For differential coating)/MM镀锡薄铁片(白铁皮/马口铁) (日工标准 JIS G3303)简介 General镀锡薄铁片的构造Construction of Electrolytic Tinplate镀锡薄钢片(白铁皮/马日铁)制造过程 Production Process of Electrolytic Tinplate锡层质量 Mass of Tin Coating (JIS G3303-1987)两面均等锡层 Both Side Equally Coated Mass两面不均等锡层 Both Side Different Thickness Coated Mass级别、电镀方法、镀层质量及常用称号Grade, Plating type,Designation of Coating Mass & Common Coating Mass镀层质量标记 Markings & Designations of Differential Coatings硬度 Hardness单相轧压镀锡薄铁片(白铁皮/马口铁) Single-Reduced Tinplate双相辗压镀锡薄钢片(马口铁/白铁皮) Dual-Reduction Tinplate钢的种类 Type of Steel常用尺寸 Commonly Used Size电器用硅 [硅] 钢片 Electrical Steel Sheet简介 General软磁材料 Soft Magnetic Material滞后回线 Narrow Hysteresis矫顽磁力 Coercive Force [kəu'ə:siv] adj. 强制的;高压的;胁迫的硬磁材料 Hard Magnetic Material最大能量积 Maximum Energy Product硅含量对电器用的低碳钢片的最大好处 The Advantage of Using Silicon low Carbon Steel晶粒取向(Grain-Oriented)及非晶粒取向(Non-Oriented) Grain Oriented & Non-Oriented ['ɔ:rientid, 'əu-]adj. 定向的;导向的;以…为方向的v. 调整;确定…的方位;使朝向(orient的过去分词)电器用硅 [硅] 钢片的最终用途及规格 End Usage and Designations of Electrical Steel Strip电器用的硅 [硅] 钢片之分类 Classification of Silicon Steel Sheet for Electrical Use电器用钢片的绝缘涂层Performance of Surface Insulation of Electrical Steel Sheets [,insju'leiʃən, 'insə-] n. 绝缘;隔离,孤立晶粒取向电器用硅钢片主要工业标准International Standard – Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel Silicon Steel Sheet for Electrical Use晶粒取向电器用硅钢片 Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel 晶粒取向,定取向芯钢片及高硼定取向芯钢片之磁力性能及夹层系数 (日工标准及美材标准) Magnetic Properties and Lamination Factor of SI-ORIENT-CORE& SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI B Electrical Steel Strip (JIS and AISI Standard)退火 Annealing [ə'ni:l]电器用钢片用家需自行应力退火原因 Annealing of the Electrical Steel Sheet退火时注意事项 Annealing Precautionary碳污染 Prevent Carbon Contamination [kən,tæmi'nei ʃən] n. 污染,玷污;污染物热力应先从工件边缘透入 Heat from the Laminated Stacks Edges ['læmineitid] adj. 层压的;层积的;薄板状的v. 分成薄片;用薄片覆盖(laminate的过去分词)提防过份氧化 No Excessive Oxidation [ik'sesiv] [,ɔksi'deiʃən]应力退火温度Stress –relieving Annealing Temperature绝缘表面 Surface Insulation非晶粒取向电力用钢片的电力、磁力、机械性能及夹层系数Lamination Factors of Electrical, Magnetic & Mechanical Non-Grain Oriented Electrical电器及家电外壳用镀层冷辘 [低碳] 钢片 Coated (Low Carbon) Steel Sheets for Casing,Electricals & Home Appliances镀铝硅钢片 Aluminized Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet镀铝硅合金钢片的特色 Feature of Aluminized Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet用途 End Usages抗化学品能力 Chemical Resistance镀铝(硅)钢片–日工标准(JIS G3314)Hot-aluminum-coated sheets and coils to JIS G 3314 镀铝(硅)钢片–美材试标准 (ASTM A-463-77)35.7 JIS G3314镀热浸铝片的机械性能 Mechanical Properties of JIS G 3314 Hot-Dip Aluminum-coated Sheets and Coils公差 Size Tolerance镀铝(硅)钢片及其它种类钢片的抗腐蚀性能比较Comparsion of various resistance of aluminized steel & other kinds of steel镀铝(硅)钢片生产流程 Aluminum Steel Sheet, Production Flow Chart焊接能力 Weldability镀铝钢片的焊接状态(比较冷辘钢片) Tips on welding of Aluminized sheet in comparasion with cold rolled steel strip钢板 Steel Plate钢板用途分类及各国钢板的工业标准包括日工标准及美材试标准 Type of steel Plate & Related JIS, ASTM and Other Major Industrial Standards钢板生产流程 Production Flow Chart钢板订货需知 Ordering of Steel Plate不锈钢 Stainless Steel不锈钢的定义 Definition of Stainless Steel不锈钢之分类,耐腐蚀性及耐热性Classification, Corrosion Resistant & Heat Resistance of Stainless Steel [kə'rəuʒən] n. 腐蚀;腐蚀产生的物质;衰败铁铬系不锈钢片Chrome Stainless Steel马氏体不锈钢Martensite Stainless Steel低碳马氏体不锈钢Low Carbon Martensite Stainless Steel含铁体不锈钢Ferrite Stainless Steel镍铬系不锈钢Nickel Chrome Stainless Steel释出硬化不锈钢Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel [pri,sipi'tei ʃən] n. 坠落;沉淀,沉淀物;鲁莽;冰雹铁锰铝不锈钢Fe / Mn / Al / Stainless Steel不锈钢的磁性Magnetic Property & Stainless Steel不锈钢箔、卷片、片及板之厚度分类Classification of Foil, Strip, Sheet & Plate by Thickness表面保护胶纸Surface protection film不锈钢片材常用代号Designation of SUS Steel Special Use Stainless 表面处理 Surface finish 薄卷片及薄片(0.3至 2.9mm厚之片)机械性能Mechanical Properties of Thin Stainless Steel(Thickness from 0.3mm to 2.9mm) – strip/sheet 不锈钢片机械性能(301, 304, 631, CSP) Mechanical Properties of Spring use Stainless Steel不锈钢–种类,工业标准,化学成份,特点及主要用途Stainless Steel –Type, Industrial Standard, Chemical Composition, Characteristic & end usage of the most commonly used Stainless Steel不锈钢薄片用途例End Usage of Thinner Gauge [ɡeidʒ] n. 计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格vt. 估计;测量;给…定规格不锈钢片、板用途例Examples of End Usages of Strip, Sheet & Plate不锈钢应力退火卷片常用规格名词图解General Specification of Tension Annealed Stainless Steel Strips耐热不锈钢Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel镍铬系耐热不锈钢特性、化学成份、及操作温度Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel铬系耐热钢Chrome Heat Resistance Steel镍铬耐热钢Ni - Cr Heat Resistance Steel超耐热钢Special Heat Resistance Steel抗热超级合金Heat Resistance Super Alloy耐热不锈钢比重表Specific Gravity of Heat –resistance steel plates and sheets stainless steel不锈钢材及耐热钢材标准对照表Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steels发条片 Power Spring Strip发条的分类及材料 Power Spring Strip Classificationand Materials上链发条 Wind-up Spring倒后擦发条 Pull Back Power Spring圆面("卜竹")发条 Convex Spring Strip [kɔn'veks] adj. 凸面的;凸圆的n. 凸面体;凸状拉尺发条 Measure Tape魔术手环 Magic Tape魔术手环尺寸图 Drawing of Magic Tap定型发条 Constant Torque Spring定型发条及上炼发条的驱动力 Spring Force of Constant Torque Spring and Wing-up Spring [tɔ:k] n. 转矩,扭矩;项圈,金属领圈定型发条的形状及翻动过程 Shape and Spring Back of Constant Torque Spring定型发条驱动力公式及代号The Formula and Symbol of Constant Torque Spring边缘处理 Edge Finish硬度 Hardness高碳钢化学成份及用途 High Carbon Tool Steel, Chemical Composition and Usage每公斤发条的长度简易公式 The Length of 1 Kg of SpringSteel Strip SK-5 & AISI-301每公斤长的重量 /公斤(阔 100-200公厘) Weight per one meter long (kg) (Width 100-200mm) SK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤之长度 (阔 100-200公厘) Length per one kg (Width 100-200mm) SK-5 & AISI-301每公尺长的重量 /公斤(阔 2.0-10公厘) Weight per one meter long (kg) (Width 2.0-10mm) SK-5 & AISI-301每公斤之长度 (阔 2.0-10公厘) Length per one kg (Width 2.0-10mm)高碳钢片 High Carbon Steel Strip分类 Classification用组织结构分类Classification According to Grain Structure用含碳量分类–即低碳钢、中碳钢及高碳钢Classification According to Carbon Contains弹簧用碳钢片 Carbon Steel Strip For Spring Use冷轧状态 Cold Rolled Strip回火状态 Annealed Strip淬火及回火状态 Hardened & Tempered Strip/ Precision – Quenched Steel Strip贝氏体钢片 Bainite Steel Strip弹簧用碳钢片材之边缘处理 Edge Finished淬火剂 Quenching Media碳钢回火 Tempering回火有低温回火及高温回火Low & High Temperature Tempering高温回火 High Temperature Tempering退火 Annealing完全退火 Full Annealing扩散退火 Diffusion Annealing [di'fju:ʒən] n. 扩散,传播;[物]漫射低温退火 Low Temperature Annealing中途退火 Process Annealing球化退火 Spheroidizing Annealing光辉退火 Bright Annealing淬火 Quenching [kwentʃ] vt. 结束;熄灭,淬火;解渴;冷浸vi. 熄灭;平息时间淬火 Time Quenching奥氏铁孻回火 Austempering马氏铁体淬火 Marquenching高碳钢片用途 End Usage of High Carbon Steel Strip冷轧高碳钢–日本工业标准 Cold-Rolled (Special Steel) Carbon Steel Strip to JIS G3311电镀金属钢片 Plate Metal Strip电镀金属捆片的优点Advantage of Using Plate Metal Strip金属捆片电镀层 Plated Layer of Plated Metal Strip 镀镍 Nickel Plated镀铬 Chrome Plated镀黄铜 Brass Plated基层金属 Base Metal of Plated Metal Strip低碳钢或铁基层金属 Iron & Low Carbon as Base Metal 不锈钢基层金属 Stainless Steel as Base Metal铜基层金属 Copper as Base Metal [beis] n. 底部;垒;基础adj. 卑鄙的;低劣的vt. 以…作基础黄铜基层金属 Brass as Base Metal轴承合金 Bearing Alloy轴承合金–日工标准 JIS H 5401 Bearing Alloy to JIS H 5401锡基、铅基及锌基轴承合金比较表 Comparison of Tin base, Lead base and Zinc base alloy for Bearing purpose 易溶合金 Fusible Alloy焊接合金 Soldering and Brazing Alloy软焊 Soldering Alloy软焊合金–日本标准 JIS H 4341 Soldering Alloy to JIS H 4341硬焊 Brazing Alloy其它焊接材料请参阅日工标准目录Other Soldering Material细线材、枝材、棒材 Chapter Five Wire, Rod & Bar线材/枝材材质分类及制成品 Classification and End Products of Wire/Rod铁线(低碳钢线)日工标准 JIS G 3532 Low Carbon Steel Wires ( Iron Wire ) to JIS G 3532光线(低碳钢线),火线 (退火低碳钢线 ),铅水线 (镀锌低碳钢线)及制造钉用低碳钢线之代号、公差及备注 Ordinary Low Carbon Steel Wire, Annealed Low Carbon Steel Wire, Galvanized low Carbon Steel Wire & Low Carbon Steel Wire for nail manufacturing - classification, Symbol of Grade, Tolerance and Remarks.机械性能 Mechanical Properites锌包层之重量,铜硫酸盐试验之酸洗次数及测试用卷筒直径Weight of Zinc-Coating, Number of Dippings in Cupric Sulphate Test and Diameters of Mandrel Used for Coiling Test冷冲及冷锻用碳钢线枝 Carbon Steel Wire Rods for Cold Heading & Cold Forging (to JIS G3507)级别,代号及化学成份 Classification, Symbol of Grade and Chemical Composition直径公差,偏圆度及脱碳层的平均深度Diameter/ dai'æmitə] Tolerance, Ovality and Average Decarburized Layer Depth冷拉钢枝材 Cold Drawn Carbon Steel Shafting Bar枝材之美工标准,日工标准,用途及化学成份 AISI, JIS End Usage and Chemical Composition of Cold Drawn Carbon Steel Shafting Bar冷拉钢板重量表 Cold Drawn Steel Bar Weight Table高碳钢线枝 High Carbon Steel Wire Rod (to JIS G3506) 冷拉高碳钢线 Hard Drawn High Carbon Steel Wire (to JIS G3521, ISO-84580-1&2)化学成份分析表 Chemical Analysis of Wire Rod线径、公差及机械性能(日本工业标准 G 3521) Mechanical Properties (JIS G 3521)琴线(日本标准 G3522) Piano Wires (to G3522)级别,代号,扭曲特性及可用之线材直径 Classes, symbols, twisting characteristic and applied Wire Diameters 直径,公差及拉力强度 Diameter, Tolerance and Tensile Strength ['twistiŋ] n. 缠绕;旋扭法;扭转;诱骗adj. 缠绕的;曲折的;转动的v. 编成;盘绕;扭曲(twist的ing形式) ['tensail, -səl] adj. [物]拉力的;可伸长的;可拉长的裂纹之容许深度及脱碳层 Permissible depth of flaw and decarburized layer [pə'misibl] [flɔ:]常用的弹簧不锈钢线-编号,特性,表面处理及化学成份Stainless Spring Wire – National Standard number, Characteristic, Surface finish & Chemical composition 弹簧不锈钢线,线径及拉力列表Stainless Spring Steel, Wire diameter and Tensile strength of Spring Wire处理及表面状况 Finish & Surface各种不锈钢线在不同处理拉力比较表 Tensile Strength of various kinds of Stainless Steel Wire under Different Finish圆径及偏圆度之公差Tolerance of Wire Diameters & Ovality铬镍不锈钢及抗热钢弹簧线材–美国材验学会 ASTM A313 –1987 Chromium –Nickel Stainless and Heat-resisting Steel Spring Wire – ASTM A313 – 1987 化学成份 Chemical Composition机械性能 Mechanical Properties305, 316, 321及347之拉力表Tensile Strength Requirements for Types 305, 316, 321 and 347A1S1-302贰级线材之拉力表Tensile Strength of A1S1-302 Wire日本工业标准–不锈钢的化学成份 (先数字后字母排列) JIS – Chemical Composition of Stainless Steel (in order of number & alphabet)美国工业标准–不锈钢及防热钢材的化学成份 (先数字后字母排列) AISI – Chemical Composition of Stainless Steel & Heat-Resistant Steel(in order of number & alphabet) ['ælfəbit] n. 字母表,字母系统;入门,初步易车碳钢 Free Cutting Carbon Steels (to JIS G4804 ) 化学成份 Chemical composition圆钢枝,方钢枝及六角钢枝之形状及尺寸之公差 Tolerance on Shape and Dimensions for Round Steel Bar, Square Steel Bar, Hexagonal Steel Bar [hek'sæɡənəl] adj. 六边的,六角形的易车(快削)不锈钢 Free Cutting Stainless Steel易车(快削)不锈钢种类 Type of steel易车(快削)不锈钢拉力表Tensile Strength of Free Cutting Wires枝/棒无芯磨公差表(μ) (μ= 1/100 mm) Rod/Bar Centreless Grind Tolerance [ɡraind]vt. 磨碎;磨快vi.磨碎;折磨n. 磨;苦工作易车不锈钢及易车钢之不同尺寸及硬度比较 Hardness of Different Types & Size of Free Cutting Steel扁线、半圆线及异形线 Flat Wire, Half Round Wire, Shaped Wire and Precision Shaped Fine Wire [pri'siʒən] n. 精确;精度,精密度adj. 精密的,精确的加工方法 Manufacturing Method应用材料 Material Used特点 Characteristic用途End Usages不锈钢扁线及半圆线常用材料 Commonly used materials for Stainless Flat Wire & Half Round Wire扁线公差 Flat Wire Tolerance方线公差 Square Wire Tolerance专业知识材料科学基础常用英语词汇物料科学Material Science物料科学定义Material Science Definition加工性能Machinability强度Strength抗腐蚀及耐用Corrosion & resistance durability金属特性Special metallic features抗敏感及环境保护Allergic, re-cycling & environmental protection化学元素Chemical element元素的原子序数Atom of Elements原子及固体物质Atom and solid material原子的组成、大小、体积和单位图表The size, mass, charge of an atom, and is particles (Pronton,Nentron and Electron)原子的组织图Atom Constitutes周期表Periodic Table原子键结Atom Bonding金属与合金 Metal and Alloy铁及非铁金属Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal金属的特性Features of Metal晶体结构 Crystal Pattern晶体结构,定向格子及单位晶格Crystal structure, Space lattice & Unit cellX线结晶分析法X – ray crystal analyics method金属结晶格子 Metal space lattice格子常数 Lattice constant米勒指数 Mill's Index金相及相律 Metal Phase and Phase Rule固熔体 Solid solution置换型固熔体 Substitutional type solid solution 插入型固熔体 Interstital solid solution金属间化物 Intermetallic compound金属变态Transformation变态点Transformation Point磁性变态Magnetic Transformation同素变态Allotropic Transformation合金平衡状态Thermal Equilibrium相律Phase Rule自由度Degree of freedom临界温度Critical temperture共晶Eutectic包晶温度 Peritectic Temperature包晶反应 Peritectic Reaction包晶合金 Peritectic Alloy亚共晶体 Hypoeutetic Alloy过共晶体 Hyper-ectectic Alloy金属的相融、相融温度、晶体反应及合金在共晶合金、固熔孻共晶合金及偏晶反应的比较Equilibrium Comparision金属塑性 Plastic Deformation滑动面 Slip Plan畸变 Distortion硬化 Work Hardening退火 Annealing回复柔软 Crystal Recovery再结晶 Recrystallization金属材料的性能及试验Properties & testing of metal化学性能Chemical Properties物理性能Physical Properties颜色Colour磁性Magnetisum比电阻Specific resistivity & specific resistance 比重Specific gravity & specific density比热Specific Heat热膨胀系数Coefficient of thermal expansion导热度Heat conductivity机械性能 Mechanical properties屈服强度(降伏强度) (Yield strangth)弹性限度、阳氏弹性系数及屈服点elastic limit, Yeung's module of elasticity to yield point伸长度Elongation断面缩率Reduction of area金属材料的试验方法The Method of Metal inspection不破坏检验Non – destructive inspections渗透探伤法Penetrate inspection磁粉探伤法Magnetic particle inspection放射线探伤法Radiographic inspection 超声波探伤法Ultrasonic inspection 显微观察法Microscopic inspection 破坏的检验Destructive Inspection 冲击测试Impact Test疲劳测试Fatigue Test潜变测试 Creep Test潜变强度Creeps Strength第壹潜变期Primary Creep第二潜变期Secondary Creep第三潜变期Tertiary Creep主要金属元素之物理性质Physical properties of major Metal Elements工业标准及规格–铁及非铁金属Industrial Standard – Ferrous & Non – ferrous Metal 磁力 Magnetic简介 General软磁 Soft Magnetic硬磁 Hard Magnetic磁场 Magnetic Field磁性感应 Magnetic Induction透磁度 Magnetic Permeability磁化率 Magnetic Susceptibility (Xm)磁力(Magnetic Force)及磁场(Magnetic Field)是因物料里的电子(Electron)活动而产生抗磁体、顺磁体、铁磁体、反铁磁体及亚铁磁体Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic, Ferromagnetism,Antiferromagnetism & Ferrimagnetism 抗磁体 Diamagnetism磁偶极子 Dipole负磁力效应 Negative effect顺磁体 Paramagnetic正磁化率 Positive magnetic susceptibility铁磁体 Ferromagnetism转变元素 Transition element交换能量 Positive energy exchange外价电子 Outer valence electrons化学结合 Chemical bond自发上磁 Spontaneous magnetization磁畴 Magnetic domain相反旋转 Opposite span比较抗磁体、顺磁体及铁磁体Comparison of Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic & Ferromagnetism反铁磁体 Antiferromagnetism亚铁磁体 Ferrimagnetism磁矩 magnetic moment净磁矩 Net magnetic moment钢铁的主要成份The major element of steel钢铁用"碳"之含量来分类Classification of Steel according to Carbon contents 铁相Steel Phases钢铁的名称Name of steel纯铁体Ferrite渗碳体Cementitle奥氏体 Austenite珠光体及共释钢Pearlite &Eutectoid奥氏体碳钢Austenite Carbon Steel单相金属Single Phase Metal共释变态Eutectoid Transformation珠光体 Pearlite亚铁释体Hyppo-Eutectoid初释纯铁体 Pro-entectoid ferrite 过共释钢 Hype-eutectoid珠光体Pearlite粗珠光体 Coarse pearlite中珠光体 Medium pearlite幼珠光体 Fine pearlite磁性变态点 Magnetic Transformation钢铁的制造Manufacturing of Steel连续铸造法 Continuous casting process电炉 Electric furnace均热炉 Soaking pit全静钢 Killed steel半静钢 Semi-killed steel沸腾钢(未净钢) Rimmed steel钢铁生产流程 Steel Production Flow Chart钢材的熔铸、锻造、挤压及延轧The Casting, Fogging, Extrusion, Rolling & Steel 熔铸 Casting锻造 Fogging挤压 Extrusion延轧 Rolling冲剪 Drawing & stamping特殊钢 Special Steel简介General特殊钢以原素分类Classification of Special Steel according to Element 特殊钢以用途来分类Classification of Special Steel according to End Usage 易车(快削)不锈钢Free Cutting Stainless Steel含铅易车钢Leaded Free Cutting Steel含硫易车钢Sulphuric Free Cutting Steel硬化性能Hardenability钢的脆性Brittleness of Steel低温脆性 Cold brittleness回火脆性 Temper brittleness日工标准下的特殊钢材Specail Steel according to JIS Standard铬钢–日工标准 JIS G4104Chrome steel to JIS G4104铬钼钢钢材–日工标准 G4105 62Chrome Molybdenum steel to JIS G4105镍铬–日工标准 G4102 63Chrome Nickel steel to JIS G4102镍铬钼钢–日工标准 G4103 64Nickel, Chrome & Molybdenum Steel to JIS G4103高锰钢铸–日工标准High manganese steel to JIS standard片及板材Chapter Four-Strip, Steel & Plate冷辘低碳钢片(双单光片)(日工标准 JIS G3141) 73 - 95 Cold Rolled (Low carbon) Steel Strip (to JIS G 3141) 简介General美材试标准的冷辘低碳钢片Cold Rolled Steel Strip American Standard – American Society for testing and materials (ASTM)日工标准JIS G3141冷辘低碳钢片(双单光片)的编号浅释Decoding of cold rolled(Low carbon)steel strip JIS G3141材料的加工性能 Drawing abillity硬度 Hardness表面处理 Surface finish冷辘钢捆片及张片制作流程图表Production flow chart cold rolled steel coil sheet冷辘钢捆片及张片的电镀和印刷方法Cold rolled steel coil & sheet electro-plating & painting method冷辘(低碳)钢片的分类用、途、工业标准、品质、加热状态及硬度表End usages, industrial standard, quality, condition and hardness of cold rolled steel strip硬度及拉力 Hardness & Tensile strength test拉伸测试(顺纹测试)Elongation test杯突测试(厚度: 0.4公厘至1.6公厘,准确至0.1公厘 3个试片平均数)Erichsen test (Thickness: 0.4mm to 1.6mm, figure round up to 0.1mm)曲面(假曲率)Camber厚度及阔度公差 Tolerance on Thickness & Width平坦度(阔度大于500公厘,标准回火)Flatness (width>500mm, temper: standard)弯度 Camber冷辘钢片储存与处理提示General advice on handling & storage of cold rolled。



焦渣特征英文缩写Coke slag, often abbreviated as "CS," is a by-product of the coke production process. This industrial waste material possesses unique physical and chemical properties that make it a valuable resource in various industrial applications. Understanding the characteristics of coke slag and its abbreviations is crucial for effective utilization and optimal performance in different industrial sectors.The production of coke involves the pyrolysis of coal at high temperatures, resulting in the formation of coke and by-products such as coke slag. Coke slag, typically composed of ash and unburned carbon, exhibits a range of physical properties, including hardness, porosity, and abrasiveness. These properties are influenced by the type of coal used, the production process, and the operating conditions.Chemically, coke slag is rich in mineral oxides such as silicon dioxide (SiO2), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), and iron oxide (Fe2O3). These oxides give coke slag its uniquechemical reactivity, making it suitable for use in a wide range of industrial processes.One of the primary applications of coke slag is in the construction industry. Its hardness and abrasiveness makeit an ideal material for road construction, where it can be used as an aggregate in asphalt and concrete mixtures. The mineral oxides present in coke slag also contribute to its cementitious properties, allowing it to be used as a supplementary cementitious material (SCM) in concrete production.In addition to its use in construction, coke slag finds applications in the metallurgical and environmental sectors. In metallurgy, coke slag is used as a fluxing agent in smelting processes, helping to remove impurities frommolten metals. In environmental applications, coke slag can be used as a sorbent for the removal of pollutants fromflue gas streams in power plants and industrial boilers.The abbreviations used in coke slag-related terminology can be confusing for those unfamiliar with the industry. Common abbreviations include "CS" for coke slag, "SCM" for supplementary cementitious material, and "SiO2," "Al2O3,"and "Fe2O3" for the respective mineral oxides. Understanding these abbreviations and their associated terms is essential for effective communication and collaboration within the coke production and utilization industry.In conclusion, coke slag, abbreviated as "CS," is a valuable by-product of coke production with unique physical and chemical properties. Its applications span multiple industrial sectors, including construction, metallurgy, and environmental engineering. Understanding thecharacteristics of coke slag and its abbreviations is crucial for optimal utilization and performance in these industries. By leveraging the properties of coke slag, we can not only reduce waste but also contribute to the development of sustainable and environmentally friendly industrial processes.**焦渣特征与工业应用**焦渣(常缩写为“CS”)是焦炭生产过程中的一种副产品。



冶金(Metallurgy)英汉对照词汇abichite 砷铜矿abnormal steel 反常钢abnormal structure 反常结构abnormality of steel 钢的反常性abradability 磨损性abradant 研磨剂abrading 研磨修整abraser 研磨剂abrasion 磨耗abrasion marks 研磨斑痕abrasion test 磨耗试验abrasion tester 磨耗试验机abrasion testing machine 磨耗试验机abrasive 研磨剂abrasive belt 磨光砂带abrasive cloth 砂布abrasive cutting off machine 砂轮切断机abrasive dust 磨屑abrasive grain 磨粒abrasive hardness 耐磨硬度abrasive paste 研磨膏abrasive powder 研磨粉abrasive wear 磨蚀abscess 气孔absolute error 绝对误差absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute zero 绝对零度absorbability 吸收性absorbed energy 吸收能量absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收体absorbing column 吸收塔absorbing medium 吸收介质absorbite 活性碳absorption 吸收absorption capacity 吸收能力absorption chromatography 吸收色谱法absorption edge 吸收端absorption extraction 吸收萃取absorption limit 吸收端absorption spectrum 吸收光谱absorption tower 吸收塔absorptive power 吸收能力absorptivity 吸收性ac arc welder 交羚弧焊机ac arc welding 交羚弧焊ac electrode 交粮条acanthite 硫银矿accelerated cooling 加速冷却accelerated creep 加速蠕变accelerated diffusion 加速扩散accelerated leaching 加速浸出accelerated rolling 加速轧制acceptance inspection 接收检查acceptance test 验收试验accidental error 偶然误差accompanying element 伴生元素accretion 炉结accumulator 蓄电池;贮料塔accumulator metal 极板用合金accuracy 准确度accuracy of reproduction 再现精度acetate 醋酸盐acetic acid 醋酸acetylene 乙炔acetylene burner 乙炔燃烧器acetylene cutting 氧乙炔焰切割acetylene cutting torch 乙炔截割吹管acetylene cylinder 乙炔瓶acetylene generator 乙炔发生器acetylene welding 氧乙炔焊acheson furnace 艾奇逊电炉acicular cast iron 针状结构铸铁acicular crystal 针状结晶acicular ferrite 针状铁素体acicular iron ore 针铁矿acicular martensite 针状马氏体acicular powder 针状粉末acicular structure 针状结构acid 酸acid bath 酸浴acid bessemer converter 酸性转炉acid bessemer process 酸性转炉炼钢法acid bessemer steel 酸性转炉钢acid bottom 酸性炉底acid brick 酸性砖acid brittleness 酸洗脆性acid bronze 耐酸青铜acid corrosion 酸腐蚀acid electric furnace 酸性电炉acid electrolyte 酸性电解液acid embrittlement 酸洗脆性acid extraction 酸性萃取acid furnace 酸性炉acid hearth 酸性炉底acid leaching 酸性浸出acid lined furnace 酸性炉acid lining 酸性内衬acid medium 酸性介质acid open hearth furnace 酸性平炉acid open hearth process 酸性平炉法acid open hearth steel 酸性平炉钢acid oxide 酸性氧化物acid process 酸性法acid pump 酸泵acid refractory 酸性耐火材料acid resistance 耐酸性acid resistant steel 耐酸钢acid resisting cast iron 耐酸铸铁acid resisting casting 耐酸铸件acid resisting steel 耐酸钢acid slag 酸性渣acid solution 酸性溶液acid steel 酸性钢acid tank 酸性槽acidity 酸度acidproof alloy 耐酸合金acidproof brick 耐酸砖acidproof cast iron 耐酸铸铁acidproof casting 耐酸铸件acidulated bath 酸性化槽acierage 表面钢化acoustic absorbing material 吸音材料acoustic diagnosis 音响诊断acoustic emission 声发射acoustic fatigue 声波振动疲劳acoustic inspection 音响检查actinium 锕actinouranium 锕铀activated alumina 活性氧化铝activated carbon 活性碳activated chlorine 活性氯activated sintering 活化烧结activation 活化activation analysis 活化分析activation energy 活化能activation volume 活化容积activator 活化剂active material 放射性物质active mixer 预炼混铁炉active power 有效功率active solvent 活性溶剂active surface 活性表面activity 活度activity coefficient 活度系数activity factor 活度系数activity probe 活度探示器actual load 有效负载actual solution 实际溶液actual stress 实际应力actual throat 实际角焊缝厚度adamite 水砷锌矿adamite roll 阿达迈特高碳铬镍耐磨铸铁轧辊adaptive mill control 轧机自适应控制addition 添加addition agent 添加剂addition compound 加成化合物addition element 加合金元素addition reaction 加成反应additive 添加剂additive deformation 附加变形additive efficient deformation rate 有效附加变形率additive property 加和性additivity rule 加成定则adherence 附着adherent slag 附着渣adhesion 附着adhesion force 附着力adhesion heat 粘附热adhesion test 附着力试验adhesive capacity 粘着能力adhesive force 附着力adiabatic calorimeter 绝热量热器adiabatic compression 绝热压缩adiabatic demagnetization 断热去磁adiabatic equilibrium 绝热平衡adiabatic exponent 绝热指数adiabatic process 绝热过程adjustable end stop 升降挡板adjustable mold 可担adjusting 蝶adjusting screw 第螺钉adjustment 蝶admiralty brass 海军黄铜admiralty gun metal 海军炮铜admissible concentration 容许浓度admissible error 容许误差admissible stress 容许应力admixture heat 混合热adobe 风干砖adsorbability 可吸附性adsorbate 吸附物adsorbent 吸附剂adsorbing power 吸附能力adsorption 吸附adsorption chromatography 吸附色层法adsorption isotherm 吸附等温线adsorption overvoltage 吸附过电压adsorption surface area 吸附表面积adular 冰长石advance 艾德万斯康铜aeration 充气aeration corrosion 充气腐蚀aeration tank 充气槽aerosol 气溶胶aerospace material 宇航材料aerospace structural metal 宇航结构金属affinage 精炼affinity 亲和力afterblow 后吹aftercontraction 附加收缩aftercooler 后冷却器aftereffect 后效afterflow 残余塑性变形aftertreatment 后处理agate 玛瑙agc 自动厚度控制age hardening 时效硬化age hardening alloy 时效硬化合金aged steel 时效钢agent 试剂agglomerant 粘结剂agglomerate 烧结矿agglomerated cake 烧结块agglomerated charge 烧结料agglomerating machine 烧结机agglomerating plant 烧结装置agglomeration 烧结agglomeration roasting 烧结焙烧agglutination 凝集aggregate 集合体aggregation 聚集aggression 侵蚀aggressiveness 侵蚀性aging 时效aging crack 时效裂纹aging oven 时效炉aging resistance 抗时效性aging stability 时效稳定性aging steel 时效钢agitating vane 搅拌叶片agitation 搅拌agitation leach 搅拌浸出agitator 搅拌机agitator tank 搅拌槽air acetylene welding 空气乙炔焊接air arc cutting 电弧气割air bath 空气浴air blast quenching 气零火air blast temperature 鼓风温度air box 风箱air brick 不烧砖air bubble 空气泡air chamber 空气室air classification 风选air cleaner 空气净化器air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioning 空气第air conduit 空气导管air conveying 气龄送air cooled condenser 空气冷凝器air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却air damper 风挡air distillation 常压蒸馏air exhauster 排气机air filter 空气过滤器air fuel mixture 空气燃料混合物air furnace 反射炉air gate 出气口air hammer 空气锤air hardening 空气淬火air hardening steel 空气硬化钢air hose 通风软管air inlet 进气口air jacket 空气套air manometer 空气压力计air mortar 气硬砂浆air oxidation 空气氧化air patenting 空气铅淬火air permeability 透气性air pipe 风管air port 空气喷口air preheater 空气预热器air pressure 空气压力air pump 空气泵;活塞泵air purification 空气净化air quenching 空气淬火air rammer 风动掉棒air regenerator 空气蓄热室air reservoir 储气罐air separation 气力分离air separator 气力分离器air test 气密试验air uptake 空气上升道air valve 空气阀airbond 自硬粘结剂airing 空气干燥;通风airtight joint 气密接头aisle 工段ajax northrup furnace 阿杰克斯诺斯拉普炉albion metal 阿尔比饵锡铅箔albite 钠长石albronze 铝青铜alchemy 炼金术alclad 阿尔克拉德包铝硬铝板;高强度铝合金alcohol 醇aldrey 阿尔德雷导线用铝合金alfenide 阿里费尼德锌白铜aligned composite material 取向复合材料aligned eutectic 取向共晶aligned structure 取向结构alignment 定心aliquation 偏析;层化alitizing 渗铝alkali 碱alkali battery 碱性蓄电池alkali metal 碱金属alkali reaction 碱性反应alkali resistance 耐碱性alkali salt 碱金属盐alkali solution 碱性液alkaline bath 碱浴alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkaline electrolyte 碱性电解液alkaline fusion 碱熔alkaline leaching 碱性浸出alkalinity 碱度allemontite 砷锑矿alligator effect 鳄皮效应alligator shears 杠杆式剪断机alligatoring 鳄嘴裂口allomerism 异质同晶allomorphism 同质异晶allomorphy 同质异晶allopalladium 硒钯矿allotropic modification 同素变态allotropic transformation 同素异形变态allotropy 同素异形体allowable error 容许误差allowable load 容许负荷allowable pressure 容许压力allowable stress 容许应力allowable variation 容许偏差alloy 合金alloy addition 合金添加alloy hardening 合金硬化alloy pig iron 合金生铁alloy plating 合金镀覆alloy steel 合金钢alloy steel castings 合金钢铸件alloy system 合金系alloy tool steel 合金工具钢alloyage 合金化alloyed iron 合金铸铁alloyed scrap 合金废料alloying 合金化alloying constituent 合金成分alloying element 合金元素alloying metal 合金金属alloying power 合金化能力alluvial gold 砂金alni 阿尔尼alnico 阿尔尼科合金alpaca 阿尔帕克锌白铜alpakka 阿尔帕克锌白铜alpax 阿尔帕克斯铝硅合金alpha brass 黄铜alpha bronze 青铜alpha decay 衰变alpha disintegration 衰变alpha iron 铁alpha particle 粒子alpha rays 射线alpha region 相区域alpha solid solution 固溶体alphatizing 气化渗铬法alsifer 阿尔违尔硅铝铁合金altaite 碲铅矿alternate lay wire rope 混合捻钢丝绳alternate steel 代用钢alternate stress 交变应力alternating bending test 反复弯曲试验alternating current arc welder 交羚弧焊机alternating current arc welding 交羚弧焊alternating current arc welding machine 交羚弧焊机alternating load 应变载荷alternating stress amplitude 交变应力振幅aludel 梨坛aludur 阿鲁杜合金alum 茂alumel 阿卢梅镍铝合金alumina 氧化铝alumina brick 高铝砖aluminate 铝酸盐aluminate inclusion 铝酸盐夹杂物aluminic acid 铝酸aluminium castings 铝铸件aluminized coat 铝镀覆层aluminized screen 铝化荧光屏aluminizing 渗铝aluminosilicate 铝硅酸盐aluminosilicate refractory 硅酸铝耐火材料aluminothermic process 铝热法aluminothermic reduction 铝热还原aluminothermic welding 铝热焊aluminothermics 铝热法aluminothermy 铝热法aluminum 铝aluminum alloy 铝合金aluminum base alloy 铝基合金aluminum brass 铝黄铜aluminum bronze 铝青铜aluminum chloride 氯化铝aluminum copper alloy 铝铜合金aluminum fluoride 氟化铝aluminum foil 铝箔aluminum hydroxide 氢氧化铝aluminum iron alloy 铝铁合金aluminum leaf 铝箔aluminum magnesium alloy 铝镁合金aluminum nickel alloy 铝镍合金aluminum nitrate 硝酸铝aluminum nitride 氮化铝aluminum ore 铝矿aluminum oxide 氧化铝aluminum plating 镀铝aluminum powder 铝粉aluminum silicate 硅酸铝aluminum silicon alloy 铝硅合金aluminum solder 铝焊料aluminum wire 铝线alundum 人造刚玉alunite 茂石alunogen 毛矾石amalgam 汞齐amalgam process 混汞法amalgam test 汞齐试验amalgamated metal 混汞金属amalgamating bath 混汞化槽amalgamation 混汞amalgamator 混汞器ambient air 周围空气ambient temperature 周围温度amblygonite 磷铝石americium 镅amianthus 白丝状石棉ammonia 氨ammonia alum 铵铝矾ammonia leaching 氨浸出ammonia nitriding 氨氮化ammonia water 氨水ammonium 铵ammonium alum 铵铝矾ammonium chloride 氯化铵ammonium fluoride 氟化铵ammonium molybdate 钼酸铵ammonium nitrate 硝酸铵ammonium oxalate 草酸铵ammonium phosphate 磷酸铵ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵amorphism 非晶性amorphous alloy 非晶质合金amorphous body 非晶体amorphous carbon 无定形碳amorphous film 非晶体膜amorphous metal 非晶体金属amorphous phase 非晶形相amorphous state 非晶质状态amorphous substance 无定形物质amount of contraction 收缩量amount of shrinkage 收缩量ampangabeite 铌钛铁铀矿amperometric titration 电廖定amperometry 电廖定amphion 两性离子ampholyte 两性电解质amphoteric compound 两性化合物amphoteric electrolyte 两性电解质amphoteric element 两性元素amphoteric ion 两性离子amphoteric oxide 两性氧化物amphoterism 两性amplitude 振幅amplitude of oscillation 振荡振幅anaconda process 安那康达法analog computer 模拟计算机analysis 分析analytical balance 分析天平analytical chemistry 分析化学analytical sample 分析试样analyzer 分析器anatase 锐钛矿anatomical alloy 骨科用易熔合金anelastic behavior 滞弹行为anelasticity 滞弹性angle 角钢angle butt weld 斜口对接焊缝angle of bite 轧入角angle of lag 滞后角angle of lead 超前角angle of neutral plane 中性角angle of nip 咬入角angle of nonslip point 中性角angle of repose 休止角angle of rest 休止角angle pass 角钢孔型angle section 角钢angle steel 角钢anglesite 硫酸铅矿angular carbide 角形碳化物angular powder 角状粉angular velocity 角速度anhydride 酐anhydrite 硬石膏animal charcoal 动物煤anion 阴离子anion catalyst 阴离子催化剂anion exchange 阴离子交换anion exchange resin 阴离子交换尸anion exchanger 阴离子交换剂anionite 阴离子交换剂anionite membrane 阴离子交换膜anisotropic material 蛤异性材料anisotropy 蛤异性annabergite 镍华annealed powder 退火粉annealed steel 退火钢annealing 退火annealing box 退火箱annealing cycle 退火周期annealing furnace 退火炉annealing of defects 缺陷退火annealing oven 退火炉annealing pot 退火箱annealing temperature 退火温度annealing twin 退火孪晶annerodite 铌钇铀矿annular furnace 环式窑annular kiln 环式窑anode 阳极anode alloy 阳极合金anode casting 阳极铸造anode chamber 阳极室anode compartment 阳极室anode copper 阳极铜anode drop 阳极降anode effect 阳极效应anode efficiency 阳极电璃率anode fall 阳极降anode furnace 阳极炉anode mud 阳极泥anode nickel 阳极镍anode pickling 阳极酸洗anode process 阳极法anode rays 阳极射线anode remnants 残阳极anode scrap 残阳极anode slime 阳极泥anode sludge 阳极泥anode voltage 阳极电压anodic brightening 阳极抛光anodic coating 阳极镀层anodic corrosion 阳极腐蚀anodic current 阳极电流anodic current density 阳极电淋度anodic current efficiency 阳极电璃率anodic dissolution 阳极溶解anodic overvoltage 阳极过电压anodic oxidation 阳极氧化anodic polarization 阳极极化anodic process 阳极法anodic protection 阳极保护anodic reaction 阳极反应anodic treatment 阳极处理anodizing 阳极处理anolyte 阳极电解液anomalous slip 反常滑移anorthic system 三斜晶系anorthite 钙长石anorthoclase 钠斜微长石anthracite 无烟煤anthracitic coal 无烟煤anticarburizer 渗碳防止剂anticathode 反阴极anticorodal 耐蚀铝合金anticorrodant 防腐剂anticorrosive agent 防腐剂anticorrosive paint 防腐涂料antiferromagnetism 反铁磁性antifoaming agent 防沫剂antifriction alloy 减磨合金antifriction bearing 抗摩轴承antifriction material 减摩材料antifriction metal 减磨合金antimonate 锑酸盐antimonial lead 锑铅antimonic acid 锑酸antimonic anhydride 锑酸酐antimonide 锑化物antimonite 辉锑矿antimonous acid 亚锑酸antimony 锑antimony bronze 锑青铜antimony glance 辉锑矿antimony sulfide 硫化锑antimony white 锑白antioxidant 反氧化剂antiphase domain 反相畴antiphase domain boundary 反相畴界antipiping compound 冒口保温剂anvil 铁砧anvil block 砧座aod 氩氧脱碳aod converter aod 转炉aod process 氩氧脱碳法apatite 磷灰石aperture 口径apochromat 复消色差透镜apochromatic lens 复消色差透镜apparatus 仪器装置apparent density 表观密度apparent modulus of elasticity 表观弹性系数apparent particle density 颗粒表观密度apparent power 表观功率apparent specific gravity 表观比重apparent viscosity 表观粘度apparent volume 表观体积approach angle 拉模变形锥approach table 输入辊道approximate analysis 近似分析apron conveyor 板式运输机apron feeder 裙板加料机aqua regia 王水aquadag 胶体石墨润滑剂aqueous electrolysis 水溶液电解aqueous leach 水溶液浸出aqueous medium 水介质aqueous solution 水溶液aqueous vapour 水蒸汽ar transformation ar 转变arbitrary analysis 仲裁分析arbor 轴arborescent powder 师状粉arborescent structure 枝晶组织arc 弧arc air gouging 电弧空气气削arc blow 电弧磁偏吹arc blowout 熄弧arc brazing 电弧钎焊arc cutting 电弧切割arc discharge 电弧放电arc drop 电弧压降arc force 电弧力arc furnace 电弧炉arc furnace electrode 电弧炉电极arc gouging 电弧刨削arc heating 电弧加热arc image furnace 反射电弧炉arc length 弧长arc spraying 电弧喷镀arc stabilizer 电弧稳定装置arc start 起弧arc strike 起弧arc welding 电弧焊接arc welding alternator 电弧焊用交立电机arc welding electrode 电弧焊条arc welding generator 弧焊发电机arc welding machine 电弧焊接机arc welding set 电弧焊机组arc welding transformer 电焊变压器arch 拱arch brick 拱砖arcogen 气电焊arcos arc process 阿考斯二氧化碳保护弧焊法ardometer 光测高温计area reduction 断面收缩areometer 比重计argental mercury 银汞argentan 锌白铜argentiferous lead 含银铅argentite 辉银矿argentum 银argon 氩argon arc 氩气保护电弧argon arc welding 氩弧焊argon blowing in ladle 桶吹氩argon oxygen decarburization 氩氧脱碳argon oxygen decarburization converter aod 转炉argon oxygen decarburization process 氩氧脱碳法argon rinsing treatment 氩清洗处理argon stirring 吹氩搅拌argyrodite 硫银锗矿arizonite 红钛铁矿arm mixer 桨叶式搅拌机armature wire 钢筋线材armco iron 阿姆克铁armor 装甲钢板armor plate 装甲板armor plate mill 装甲板轧机armor steel 装甲钢armored cast iron 钢筋铸铁arrangement 装置;配置array of dislocations 位错排列arrest point 临界点arsenate 砷酸盐arsenic 砷arsenic acid 砷酸arsenic anhydride 砷酸酐arsenic poisoning 砷中毒arsenical copper 砷铜arsenical nickel 红砷镍arsenical pyrite 砷黄铁矿arsenide 砷化物arsenite 亚砷酸盐arsenolite 砷华arsenopyrite 砷黄铁矿arsenous acid 亚砷酸arsenous anhydride 亚砷酸酐art bronze 艺术青铜art castings 艺术铸件artificial aging 人工时效artificial draught 人工通风artificial gas 人造气体as cast condition 铸态as cast metal 铸态金属as cast structure 铸造组织as rolled state 轧制状态asbestos 石棉asbestos packing 石棉垫料asbestos paper 石棉纸asbestos plate 石棉板asbestos wool 石棉绒asbolane 钴土矿asbolite 钴土矿ascending tube 上升管ascension pipe 上升管asea skf process asea skf 法ash cellar 灰坑ash content 含灰量ash cooling 灰中冷却ash pan 灰盘asparagolite 黄绿磷灰石asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石asperity 不平度aspirator 吸气器assay 试金;试料assay balance 试金天平assay furnace 试金炉assel elongator 阿塞尔三辊式轧管机assel mill 阿塞尔三辊式轧管机assemblage 装配assembling 装配astatine 砹asterism 星芒atacamite 氯铜矿athermal growth 绝热生长athermal nucleation 非热成核athermal solution 非热溶液athermal transformation 非热转变atmophile element 亲气元素atmosphere 大气atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric pressure 大气压力atmospheric rusting 大气锈蚀atom 原子atom fraction 原子分数atom magnetic moment 原子磁矩atomic absorption spectrometry 原子吸收光谱学atomic arrangement 原子排列atomic binding 原子键atomic bond 原子键atomic crystal 原子结晶atomic diameter 原子直径atomic displacement 原子位移atomic energy 原子能atomic group 原子团atomic heat 原子热atomic heat capacity 原子热容量atomic hydrogen 原子氢atomic lattice 原子晶格atomic mass 原子质量atomic model 原子模型atomic nucleus 原子核atomic number 原子序数atomic oxygen 原子氧atomic percent 原子百分比atomic pile 原子反应堆atomic plane 原子面atomic power 原子力atomic radius 原子半径atomic ratio 原子比atomic reactor 原子反应堆atomic size 原子大小atomic spectrum 原子光谱atomic structure 原子结构atomic volume 原子体积atomic weight 原子量atomic welding 氢原子焊atomization 喷雾atomized powder 喷雾粉atomizer 喷雾器atomizing 喷雾attached test coupon 附铸试棒attack 侵蚀attenuation 衰减attraction 吸引attractive force 引力attrition 磨损attritor grinding 磨碎机粉碎auric chloride 氯化金auric compound 正金化合物auric cyanide 氰化金aurous chloride 氯化亚金aurous compound 亚金化合物aurous cyanide 氰化亚金ausaging 沉淀硬化ausannealing 等温退火ausforming 过冷奥氏体形变热处理ausrolling 过冷奥氏体轧制形变热处理austempering 奥氏体等温淬火austenite 奥氏体austenite former 奥氏体形成元素austenite region 奥氏体区域austenite stabilization 奥氏体稳定化处理austenite structure 奥氏体组织austenitic electrode 奥氏体钢焊条austenitic grain size 奥氏体粒度austenitic iron 奥氏体铸铁austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢austenitic steel 奥氏体钢austenitic transformation 奥氏体转变austenitization 奥氏体化austenitizing 奥氏体化austenitizing temperature 奥氏体化温度austenoferritic steel 奥氏体铁素体钢austenomartensitic steel 奥氏体马氏体钢austrian test 焊缝抗弯试验autocatalysis 自动催化酌autoclave 高压釜autoclave leaching 加压浸出autocrucible melting 自成坩埚熔炼autodiffusion 自扩散autodiffusion coefficient 自扩散系数autogenous ignition 自发着火autoignition 自发着火automatic arc welding 自动电弧焊automatic arc welding machine 自动电焊机automatic control 自动控制automatic gage control 自动厚度控制automatic mill 自动轧机automatic size control 自动尺寸控制automatic spot welding 自动点焊automatic steel 易切钢automatic welding 自动焊接automatic welding machine 自动电焊机automobile body sheet 汽车车身钢板automobile steel 汽车钢automolite 铁锌尖晶石autoradiography 自射线照相法autunite 钙铀云毋auxiliaries 辅助设备auxiliary air 二次空气auxiliary anode 辅助阳极auxiliary electrode 辅助电极auxiliary pump 辅助泵average roll pressure 平均轧制压力average sample 平均试样avional 阿维奥纳尔铝合金avogadrite 氟硼砷石avogadro's number 阿弗加德罗数axial force 轴向力axial porosity 轴芯气孔率axial pressure 轴向压力axial ratio 轴比axial slip 轴向滑移axial stress 轴向应力axial vector 轴矢量axis 轴azeotrope 共沸混合物azeotropic distillation 共沸蒸馏azeotropic mixture 共沸混合物azeotropic solution 共沸溶液azeotropy 共沸azimuthal quantum number 方位量子数azotization 氮化azotizing 氮化azurite 蓝铜矿b h curve 磁化曲线babbit 巴比合金back electromotive force 反电动势back extraction 反萃取back lining 安全衬砖层back pressure 反压力back pull 后拉力back pull drawing 后张力拉伸back pull stress 逆应力back reaction 逆反应back reflection method 背反射法back tension 后拉力back tension drawing 后张力拉伸back titration 回滴定back wall 后壁backfin 压折backfire 回火backflash 回火backhand welding 右焊backing 垫板;轴衬backing sand 填充砂backing strip 衬背带材backpad 挤压垫backstep welding 逐步退焊法backstepping 逐步退焊法backup roll 支承辊backup roll bending 支承辊弯曲backup strip 衬背带材backward extrusion 反挤压backward pass 偶数道次backward slip 后滑backward slip zone 后滑区backward welding 右焊bacterial leaching 细菌浸出bacteriosmelt 细菌冶金baddeleyite 斜锆石baffle plate 挡板bag filter 袋滤器bag filtration 袋过滤baghouse 袋滤室bahnmetal 巴鼎基轴承合金bainite 贝氏体bainite quenching 贝氏体淬火bainite range 贝氏体区域bainite structure 贝氏体组织bainite transformation 贝氏体转变bainitic hardening 贝氏体淬火bainitic steel 贝氏体钢baked anode 焙烧阳极baked core 干燥型心baked permeability 干透气性baked strength 干强度baking 烘干;烧成baking coal 炼焦煤balance 天平balanced housing 平衡装置的机架balanced steel 半脱氧钢balancer 平衡装置balancing device 平衡装置balbach thum process 巴尔巴赫卧式电极银电解精炼法bale 打包baled scrap 打包废金属baling press 打包机baling strip 打包带钢baling wire 打包钢丝ball burnishing 钢球抛光ball clay 黏土ball hardness testing machine 布氏硬度计ball mill 球磨机ball milled powder 球磨粉ball rolling mill 钢球轧机baller 切边卷取机balling machine 切边卷取机ballistic galvanometer 冲混疗band 带band arc welding 带极电弧焊band conveyor 带式运输机band electrode 板状电极band filter 带式过滤器band saw 带锯band spectrum 带光谱band theory 能带理论bandage 带banded structure 条状组织bander 打包机banding 铁条打捆banding machine 打包机bank 堤;冷床banking 封炉bar 棒bar brass 黄铜棒bar drawbench 拔棒机bar drawing 长芯棒拔制bar graph 直方图bar mill 小型轧机bar pointer 压尖机bar section 形材bar steel 条钢bar straightener 型钢矫直机bar strip 薄板坯板料barbed wire 刺钢丝barbotage 起泡barbotage leach 鼓泡浸出bare electrode 裸焊条bare wire welding 裸线弧焊barff process 蒸气发蓝处理barffing 蒸气发蓝处理barite 重晶石barium 钡barium carbonate 碳酸钡barium chloride 氯化钡barium chromate 铬酸钡barium hydroxide 氢氧化钡barium oxide 氧化钡barium sulfate 硫酸钡bark 薄脱碳层barkhausen effect 巴克豪生效应barometric pressure 大气压barrel 辊身barrel converter 卧式吹炉barrel diameter 辊身直径barrel mixer 圆筒混合机barrel plating 转筒滚镀barrel roll 桶形辊barrel type roll piercing mill 带桶形轧辊的穿孔机barren solution 贫液barrier 势垒barrier height 势垒高度baryte 重晶石basal plane 基面basal slip 基面滑移basal tuyere 炉底风嘴base 基;碱;基础;炉底;贫矿base metal 基底金属;贱金属base plate 底板basic bessemer conveter 托马斯转炉basic bessemer process 碱性转炉炼钢法basic bessemer slag 碱性转炉炉渣basic bessemer steel 碱性转炉钢basic bottom 碱性炉底basic brick 碱性砖basic carbonate 碱式碳酸盐basic coating 碱性药皮basic covering 碱性药皮basic electrode 碱性被覆焊条basic flux 碱性熔剂basic furnace 碱性炉basic hearth 碱性炉床basic lead carbonate 碱式碳酸铅basic lining 碱性内补basic open hearth furnace 碱性平炉basic open hearth process 碱性平炉炼钢法basic open hearth steel 碱性平炉钢basic oxide 碱性氧化物basic oxygen furnace 碱性氧气转炉basic oxygen furnace slag 氧气转炉渣basic oxygen process 顶吹氧转炉法basic oxygen steel 氧气吹炼钢basic pig iron 托马斯生铁basic process 碱性法basic refractory 碱性耐火材料basic salt 碱式盐basic slag 碱性渣basic steel 碱性钢basicity 碱度basicity of slag 炉渣碱度basket charging 吊篮装料batch 批batch annealing 分批退火batch distillation 分批蒸馏batch furnace 分批装料炉batch method 分批法batch patenting 分批铅处理batch process 分批法batch sintering 间歇烧结batcher 称量配料器bath 浴bath carburizing 液体渗碳bath cooling 浴冷bath furnace 浴炉bath level 熔池水平bath nitriding 液体氮化bath patenting 铅浴淬火bath sample 浴池试样bath voltage 槽电压baumann printing 包曼试验baumann test 包曼试验bauschinger effect 巴斯青格效应bauxite 铝土矿bauxite brick 铝矾土砖bay 跨间bayer process 拜耳法bayleyite 菱镁铀矿beach marks 贝壳状纹理bead 焊蚕bead bend test 焊缝抗弯试验bead forming 卷边bead trimmer 焊瘤除器beading 成球beaker 烧杯beam 梁beam blank 轧制工字梁用的异形坯beam flange 梁的凸缘beam mill 钢梁轧机beam pass 梁孔型bean ore 豆状铁矿bear punch 手动穿孔机bearing 轴承bearing alloy 轴承合金bearing brass 轴承黄铜bearing bronze 轴承青铜bearing bush 轴承瓦bearing cast iron 减摩轴承铸铁bearing metal 轴承合金bearing modulus 轴承模数bearing steel 轴承钢bearing tube 轴承管becking bar 扩孔锻造用心轴beckmann thermometer 贝克曼温度计bed charge 底料bed coke 底焦bed plate 地脚板beehive oven 蜂房式炼焦炉behavior 行为beilby layer 贝尔倍层bell 料钟;罩bell and hopper arrangement 钟斗装料装置bell bronze 钟用青铜bell furnace 罩式炉bell less top 无种炉顶bell less top charger 无钟装料机bell less type system 无钟装料机bell metal 钟用青铜bell type annealing furnace 钟形退火炉bell type top charger 钟罩式装料机bellows 风箱belly 炉腰belly pipe 直吹管belt conveyor 带式运输机belt drive 皮带传动belt drop hammer 皮带式落锤belt feeder 带式给料机belt furnace 带式炉belt transmission 皮带传动bementite 蜡硅锰矿benardos system 贝纳尔德斯法bench 拉伸机;工专bend 弯曲bend over test 弯曲试验bend test 弯曲试验bending 弯曲bending and unbending test 反复弯曲试验bending jaw 弯曲钳口bending load 弯曲负荷bending machine 弯曲机bending moment 弯曲力矩bending press 压弯机bending radius 弯曲半径bending rigidity 抗弯刚度bending roll 弯曲辊bending rolls 弯板机bending strain 弯曲应变bending strength 抗弯强度bending stress 弯曲应力bending test 弯曲试验beneficiated ore 精矿beneficiation 选矿benitoite 蓝锥矿bentonite 膨润土berthierite 辉铁锑矿beryl 绿柱石beryllate 铍酸盐beryllia 氧化铍beryllite 水硅铍石beryllium 铍beryllium bronze 铍青铜beryllium chloride 氯化铍beryllium copper 铍铜合金beryllium oxide 氧化铍beryllonite 磷钠铍石berzelianite 硒铜矿bessemer copper 转炉铜bessemer pig iron 酸性转炉生铁bessemer process 酸性转炉炼钢法bessemer steel 酸性转炉钢bessemerizing 贝氏炼钢法best process 锭头电渣补注法beta decay 衰变beta disintegration 衰变beta iron 铁beta region 相区域betafite 钛铌铀矿bethanizing 钢丝电镀锌betts process 贝茨粗铅电解精炼法bevel 斜面bevel angle 边缘斜截角bevel cutting 开坡口beveled edge 斜切的边缘beveling 开坡口bewel 浇包柄biaxial crystal 双轴晶体bichromate 重铬酸盐bichromate treatment 重铬酸盐表面处理bichromic acid 重铬酸bicrystal 双晶体bifurcated runner 分叉鳞big end down mold 上小下大锭模big end up mold 上大下小锭模big mill 开毗机billet 薄板坯板料billet centering press 定心压力机billet mill 钩毗机billet scalping unit 畔剥皮装置billet shears 畔剪断机billet storage 畔仓库billet yard 畔仓库billon 毕隆铸币金合金bimetal 双金属bimetal blank 双金属坯bimetal sheet 双金属板bimetal tube 双金属管bimetal wire 双金属线bimetallic fuse 双金属保险丝bimetallic strip 双金属片bimetallic temperature regulator 双金属温度第器bimetallic thermostat 双金属温度第器bin 料箱bin feeder 漏斗给料机binary alloy 二元合金binary compound 二元化合物binary constitutional diagram 二元系状态图binary electrolyte 二元电解质binary eutectic 二元共晶binary system 二元系binder 粘结剂binder metal 粘结金属binder pool 粘结金属池binding agent 粘结剂binding band 捆轧用钢带binding energy 结合能binding enthalpy 键焓binding machine 打包机binding wire 扎线bingham's etching solution 宾厄姆电解腐蚀液binnite 淡铜矿binocular microscope 双目显微镜biological metal 生物金属bipolar system 双极式bisilicate 二硅酸盐bismite 铋华bismuth 铋bismuth chloride 氯化铋bismuth glance 辉铋矿bismuth ocher 铋华bismuthate 铋酸盐bismuthine 辉铋矿bismuthinite 辉铋矿bismutosmaltite 钴砷铋矿石biting 轧辊咬入轧件bitumen 沥青bituminous coal 沥青煤bivariant system 双变系black annealing 黑退火black ash 黑灰black cinder 黑炉渣black copper 黑色铜black fracture 黑色断口black heart malleable iron 黑心可锻铸铁black iron ore 磁铁矿black nickel 黑色镍black oxide finish 氧化发黑处理black plate 黑钢板black sand 旧砂black thermit 黑色铝热剂blackband 菱铁矿blackbody 黑体blackbody radiation 黑体辐射blackbody temperature 黑体温度blacking scab 涂料起皮blacklead 石墨blacksmith 锻工blacksmith tongs 锻工钳blacksmith's anvil 锻砧blackwash 铸模涂料blank 毛坯半制品blank carburizing 假渗碳blank holder 支架blank nitriding 空氮化blank test 空白试验blanking 切料blast 鼓风blast cleaning plant 喷丸清理装置blast connection 鼓风支管blast dehumidification 鼓风减湿blast dehydration 鼓风减湿blast furnace 高炉blast furnace armor 高炉护板blast furnace blast 高炉鼓风blast furnace blower 高炉鼓风机blast furnace blowing engine 高炉鼓风机blast furnace bosh 高炉炉腰blast furnace bottom 高炉炉底blast furnace burden 高炉炉料blast furnace coke 高炉焦炭blast furnace dust 高炉灰blast furnace ferroalloys 高炉铁合金blast furnace gas 高炉煤气blast furnace gun 高炉泥炮blast furnace hearth 高炉炉缸blast furnace ironmaking 高炉炼铁blast furnace lines 高炉内型blast furnace man 高炉工blast furnace mantle 高炉炉身托圈blast furnace plant 高炉车间blast furnace platform 装料台blast furnace process 高炉法blast furnace shaft 高炉炉身blast furnace slag 高炉渣blast furnace slag cement 高炉炉渣水泥blast furnace smelting 鼓凤炉熔炼blast furnace stack 高炉炉身blast furnace top 高炉顶blast humidity 鼓风湿度blast inlet 进风口blast main 总风管blast pipe 风管blast pressure 风压blast temperature 鼓风温度blast tuyere 风口blast volume 鼓风量blazed iron 高硅生铁bleaching 漂白bleeding 漏钢blende 闪锌矿blended powder 混合粉blending 混匀blind bore 封闭的孔blind hole 封闭的孔blind riser 暗冒口blister 气泡blister bar 渗碳棒钢blister copper 粗铜blister steel 泡面钢blistering 起泡bloating 炉渣起泡bloch wall 布洛赫壁block 滑车;金属锭block casting 块铸block mold 钢锭模block pattern 整体铸型block tin 铸锡块blocking 闭塞blocking layer 阻挡层bloom 初轧钢坯bloom pass 开毗槽bloom pressing 钢殴制bloom roll 初轧辊bloomer 初轧机bloomery 熟铁精炼炉bloomery iron 熟铁blooming 初轧blooming mill 初轧机blooming slabbing mill blooming stand 初轧机座blow 吹炼blower 送风机blowhole 气孔blowing 吹炼blowing down 停炉blowing engine 送风机blowing in 开炉blowing in burden 开炉底料blowing out 停炉blowing rate 速率blowing tuyere 风口blown casting 有气孔的铸件blown ingot 多气孔钢锭blown metal 吹炼过的铁水blowout 停炉blowpipe 吹管。



粉末涂料术语双语对照Abrasive 研磨剂A course material used in blast cleaning, such a s sand, steel shot, glass beads or plastics.用于喷抛清理一种流动材料,例如砂子、钢丸、玻璃珠或塑胶制品。

Absorption 吸收Process of soaking up or assimilation of one su bstance by another.一种介质向另一种介质渗透和同化的过程。

AC (Current)交流电Current Alternating electrical current.电流交互变得的电流。

Accelerator 促进剂Material that accelerates the curing or crosslinkin g, a mixture of crosslinkers or resins. Catalyst. 加速固化或交联的一种材料,可以混合在交联剂或树脂中,起催化作用。

Acicular Pigments 针状颜料Pigments whose particles are needle shaped.粒径形状似针状的一种颜料。

Acrylic 丙烯酸型A coating powder with a significant content of a polymer containing short chain esters of various acrylic monomers.一种粉末涂料类型,该类型中有效的树脂体系为短链的不同丙烯酸单体的酯类聚合物。

Acrylic Resin 丙烯酸树脂A clear resin derived from polymerised esters of various acrylic monomers. Acrylics are used for automotive topcoats and in other applications w here resistance to chalking with exposure to sun light is important一种由不同丙烯酸单体聚合的透明的酯类树脂,丙烯酸树脂同在汽车顶涂或其他的场合在阳光曝晒下具有非常高的耐粉化性能。

弥散硬化不锈钢 英语

弥散硬化不锈钢 英语

弥散硬化不锈钢英语The term "diffusion-hardened stainless steel" is commonly used to refer to a type of stainless steel that has been strengthened through a process of diffusion hardening. This process involves the diffusion of carbon or nitrogen into the surface of the steel, which increases its hardness and wear resistance. The resulting material is often used in applications where high strength and corrosion resistance are required, such as in the production of industrial equipment, automotive components, and aerospace parts.Diffusion hardening can be achieved through various methods, including carburizing, nitriding, and carbonitriding. Each of these processes involves heating the stainless steel to a specific temperature in the presence of a carbon-rich or nitrogen-rich atmosphere, which allows the carbon or nitrogen atoms to diffuse into the surface of the steel. This creates a hardened layerthat improves the mechanical properties of the material.The diffusion-hardened stainless steel exhibits improved wear resistance, fatigue strength, and surface hardness compared to untreated stainless steel. This makes it suitable for use in demanding applications where the material is subjected to high levels of stress and wear.In summary, diffusion-hardened stainless steel refers to a type of stainless steel that has been strengthened through the process of diffusion hardening, resulting in improved mechanical properties and wear resistance. This material is commonly used in various industrial and engineering applications.。



砂石业碳排放倡议书英文《Reducing Carbon Emissions in the Sand and Gravel Industry》Dear colleagues and industry partners,As members of the sand and gravel industry, we are all too aware of the impact our operations can have on the environment. In recent years, there has been growing concern about the carbon emissions associated with our industry, and it is our responsibility to take action to address this issue.The extraction, processing, and transportation of sand and gravel can result in significant carbon emissions, contributing to climate change and environmental degradation. It is imperative that we find ways to reduce our carbon footprint and minimize the environmental impact of our operations.To this end, we are calling upon all companies in the sand and gravel industry to join us in a collective effort to reduce carbon emissions. We propose the following initiatives to help us achieve this goal:1. Adopting sustainable practices: We must prioritize the use of sustainable extraction and processing methods that minimize energy use and reduce carbon emissions. This may include investing in more efficient equipment, using renewable energy sources, and implementing measures to optimize fuel consumption.2. Improving transportation efficiency: We should explore ways to reduce the carbon footprint of our transportation activities, such asby optimizing delivery routes, utilizing fuel-efficient vehicles, and promoting the use of alternative fuels.3. Investing in carbon offset projects: Companies in the sand and gravel industry should consider investing in carbon offset projects to compensate for the emissions that cannot be eliminated through other means. This can help us achieve a net-zero carbon footprint and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.4. Collaborating with industry stakeholders: We must work together with government agencies, industry associations, and other stakeholders to develop and implement effective policies and best practices for reducing carbon emissions in the sand and gravel industry.By taking these steps, we can demonstrate our commitment to environmental stewardship and contribute to a more sustainable future for our industry. We encourage all companies in the sand and gravel industry to join us in this important initiative to reduce our carbon emissions and protect the environment for future generations.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company]。



矿业工程专业词汇英语翻译abandoned workings 废巷道abandonment 废弃abelite 阿贝立特炸药abichite 砷铜矿ability 能力ability to flow 怜性ablation 水蚀ablution 洗净abnormality 反常abrasion 磨损abrasion resistance 抗磨蚀能力abrasive 磨料abruption 断层abscissa 横座标absite 钍钛铀矿absolute error 绝对误差absolute humidity 绝对温度absorbability 吸收性absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收器吸收剂;减震器absorbing ability 吸收性absorption 吸收absorption factor 吸收系数absorption meter 液体溶气计absorptivity 吸收性absortion constant 吸收常数abstraction of pillars 回采煤柱abundance 丰富abundant 富有的abutment 拱座abutment area 支承压力带abutment pressure 支承压力accelerated motion 加速运动accelerating agent 速凝剂acceptance test 验收试验acceptor charge 被动装药accessory equipment 补助设备accessory minerals 副矿物accidental explosion 意外爆炸acclivity 上倾accompanying bed 伴生层accoustic signal 音响信号accretion 表土accumulation 蓄积accumulator 蓄电池accumulator capacity 蓄电池容量accumulator lamp 蓄电池灯accumulator locomotive 蓄电池机车accuracy 精度accuracy degree 精确度acetate 醋酸盐acetic acid 醋酸aceton 丙酮acetonitrile 乙腈acetyl 乙酰acetylene 乙炔acetylene lamp 电石灯achromatic 消色差的aciculite 针状矿石acid 酸acid mine water 酸性矿水acid number 酸值acid proof 酎酸的acid resistance 耐酸性acid resistant 耐酸的acid resistant steel 耐酸钢acid resisting steel 耐酸钢acid rock 酸性岩acid treatment of a bore hole 钻孔酸处理acid value 酸值acidite 酸性岩acidity 酸度acidness 酸度acidproof 耐酸的actinium 锕actinolite 阳起石action radius 酌半径activate 活化activated carbon 活性煤activated charcoal 活性煤activating agent 活化剂activation 活性化activation energy 活化能activator 活化剂active 活化的active dust 活性尘末active working face 生产工祖activity 活度actual mining 回采工作actuate 驱动actuating roll 导辊actuator 执行机构acuity 敏锐度acute 尖的acute angle 锐角adamantine 冷铸钢粒adamantine boring 冷铸钢粒钻进adamantine drill 金刚石钻adamellite 石英二长石adamic earth 红粘土adaptability 适合性adaptation 适应adapter 插座adaptibility 适合性addition 加法;加添additional tension 附加应力additive 添加剂adelpholite 铌铁锰矿adhere 粘着adherence 粘着adhesion force 粘附力adhesive 胶粘剂adhesive power 粘附力adhesiveness 胶粘性adhesivity 胶粘性adiabatic 绝热的adiabatic compression 绝热压缩adit 平硐adit collar 平硐口adit cut mining 平硐开采adit entrance 平硐口adit mine 平硐开采矿山adit mouth 平硐口adjoining rock 围岩adjust 蝶adjustable prop 伸缩式支柱adjuster 装配工adjusting device 蝶装置adjusting screw 蝶螺丝adjustment 蝶adjutage 喷射管admissible 容许的admission 进入;容许admitting pipe 进入管admixture 掺和物adobe 风干砖adobe blasting 裸露装药爆破adobe shot 裸露装药爆破adsorb 吸附adsorbate 吸附物adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附adsorption film 吸附膜adsorption isotherm 等温吸附式adular 冰长石adularia 冰长石adulterant 掺杂物adustion 可燃性advance 工祖进尺advance bore 超前钻孔advance borehole 超前钻孔advance cut 超前掏槽advance grouting 超前灌浆advance heading 超前平巷advance mining 前进式开采advance of the face 工祖推进advance rate 掘进速度advance workings 超前工祖advanced face 超前工祖advanced gallery 超前平巷advancement 掘进advancing 掘进advancing along the strike 沿走向掘进advancing long wall 前进式长壁开采advancing longwall 前进式长壁开采advancing mining 前进式开采advancing system 前进式开采法advancing to the dip 俯斜掘进advancing to the rise 仰斜掘进advantage 长处adventure 矿山企业adversary grade 逆坡adverse grade 逆坡aegerite 纯钠辉石aegirine 霓石aegirite 霓石aeolation 风蚀aerated concrete 气孔混凝土aerating chamber 空气混合室aeration 通风aerator 充气器aeremia 沉箱病aerial cableway 架空死aerial conveyer 架空运输机aerial dust 浮尘aerial ropeway 架空死aerial tramway 架空死aerocrete 气孔混凝土aeroembolism 沉箱病aerofloat 黑药aerogel 气凝胶aerolite 陨石aerolith 陨石aerometer 气体表aerophore 氧气呼吸器aerosite 深红银矿aerosol 气溶胶aerotriangulation 航空三角测量aeroview 空中俯瞰图aerugo 铜绿aeschynite 易解石afflux 岭after damp 炮烟after gases 炮烟aftercare 土地复田护理aftercooler 后冷却器二次冷却器afterdamp 爆后气体aftereffect 后效afterexpansion 残余膨胀aftergases 爆后气体aftertreatment 后处理agalite 纤滑石agalmatolite 寿山石agate 玛瑙age 期age of mine 矿山寿命ageing 老化agent 剂agglomerant 粘结剂agglomerate 烧结矿agglomeration 聚集agglutinant 烧结剂agglutination 凝集aggregate thickness 总厚度aggregation 聚集aging 老化agitation 搅拌agitator 搅拌器agnotozoic era 元古代agricolite 硅铋石aikinite 针硫铋铅矿air adit 通风平硐air blast 空气冲击air blast goaf stowing machine 风力充填机air blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒air blowpipe 炮眼吹洗管air bottle 压气瓶air box 木制风管air brake 空气制动器air brattice 风帘air brick 空心砖air bubble 气泡air bump 空气突出air chamber 空气室air change 换气air channel 空气通路air classifier 空气分级机air cleaner 空气滤净器air cleaning 风力选矿air compartment 通风隔间air composition 空气成分air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioning 空气第air connection 通风联络巷air consumption 空气消耗量air contamination 空气污染air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却air crossing 风桥air current 风流air curtain 风帘air cylinder 空气缸air distribution 风量分配air door 风门air door tender 风门工air drift 通风石巷air drill 风钻air drilling 风动钻眼air driven mine car loader 风动矿车装载机air driven pump 风动泵air driven rockerloader 压气式铲斗后卸装载机air drying 风干air duct 空气通路air ejector 喷气器air escape 空气漏出air feed 气力推进air filter 空气过滤器air float table 气浮式风力摇床air flotation 充气浮选air flow 风流air flow resistance 气凌力air gap 风口air gate 风巷air hammer 气锤air heading 通风平巷air heater 空气加热器air hose 压气软管air humidity 空气湿度air inlet 进气口air intake 进气口air jig 风力跳汰机air leg 风动钻架air level 气泡水准仪air lift 空气提液器air line 空气管air lock 气闸air locomotive 压气机车air measurement 通风测量air moisture 空气湿度air motor 风动发动机air movement 空气怜air network 通风网air opening 风巷air operated machine 风动机air partition 风墙air permeability 透气性air pick 风镐air pipe 风管air pocket 气袋air pollution 空气污染air powered locomotive 压气机车air preheater 空气顸热器air pressure 空气压力air proof 不透气的air pulsated jig 气动跳汰机air pump 抽气泵air receiver 蓄气器air resistance 空气阻力air screw fan 轴两扇风机air separation 风选air separator 风力分离器风力分选机air shaft 风井air splitting 风林支air stopping 风墙air strainer 空气滤清器air supply 空气供应air table 风力淘汰盘air tank 空气箱air trammer 风动机车air trunk 通风隔间air tube 风井air valve 气阀air velocity 风临度air vessel 蓄气器airbridge 风桥aircurrent 风流airdox 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒airdox blaster 艾欠道克斯压气爆破筒airdox cylinder 压气爆破筒airflow measurement 通风测量airing 通气airleg 气腿airlock 风闸airman 风门工airway 风巷airwinch 风动绞车akerite 光辉正长岩;英辉正长岩akins classifier 螺旋分级机alabandine 硫锰矿alabandite 硫锰矿alabaster 雪花石膏alabastrite 雪花石膏alamosite 铅辉石alarm 警报alarm device 警报装置alarm signal 警报信号alaskaite 白岗岩alaskite 白岗岩alaunstein 茂石albertite 沥清煤albite 钠长石albitite 钠长岩albitophyre 钠长斑岩albronze 铝青铜alcali 碱alcohol 醇alertor 警报信号alidade 指方规aliphatic acid 脂族酸alkali 碱alkalimeter 碱量计alkalimetry 碱量滴定法alkaline 碱的alkaline accumulator 碱性蓄电池alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkalinity 碱度alkyl 烷基all over work 长壁开采all ups 原煤allactite 砷水锰矿allanite 褐帘石allemontite 砷锑矿alligator 自翻式吊桶allomerism 异质同晶allomorphism 同质异晶allophane 水铝英石allophanite 水铝英石allotrope 同素异形体allotropy 同素异形allowable concentration 许容浓度allowable error 容许误差allowable load 容许负载allowable stress 容许应力allowance 公差alloy 合金alloy bit 合金钻头alloyed steel 合金钢alluvial 冲积的alluvial deposit 冲积矿床alluvial gold 砂金alluvial mining 砂矿开采alluvial soil 冲积土alluvial tin 砂锡矿alluviation 冲积alluvion 冲积层alluvium 冲积层almandine 铁铝榴石almandite 铁铝榴石alnico 铝镍钴合金alnoite 黄长煌斑岩aloxite 铝砂alstonite 碳酸钙钡矿altait 碲铅矿alteration 变蚀酌alternate load 交变负载alternate motion 往复运动alternate stress 交变应力alternating 交替的alternating current 交流alternating current generator 交立电机alternating current motor 交羚动机alternating motion 往复运动alternation 交替altimeter 测高计altimetry 高度测量术altitude 高度alum 茂alum earth 矾土alumel 铝镍合金alumina 矾土alumina cement 高铝水泥aluminate 铝酸盐aluminium 铝aluminium bronze 铝青铜aluminum detonator 铝壳雷管alundum 氧化铝alunite 茂石amalgam 汞齐amalgamating barrel 提金桶amalgamation 汞齐化酌amalgamator 提金器汞齐化器amatol 阿马托炸药amazonite 天河石amazonstone 天河石amber 琥珀ambient 周围的ambient temperature 周围温度ambligonite 磷铝石amblygonite 磷铝石ambulance 急救车americium 镅amethyst 紫晶amide 酰安amine 胺amino acid 氨基酸ammon dynamite 硝安炸药ammon explosive 硝铵炸药ammonal 阿梅那尔ammonia 氨ammonia gelatine dynamite 铵胶炸药ammonite 阿芒炸药ammonium 铵ammonium nitrate 硝安ammonium nitrate dynamite 硝安炸药ammonium nitrate explosives 硝安炸药ammonium nitrate prill 颗粒状硝铵amorphous 无定形的amorphous state 无定形状恙amortization 折旧ampelite 黄铁碳质页岩amphibole 角闪石amphibolite 闪岩amphibolization 闪石化酌amplification 放大amplifier 放大器amplify 放大amplitude 振幅ampole 安瓿amygdaloid 杏仁岩amygdaloidal texture 杏仁状结构analcime 方沸石analcite 方沸石analog digital conversion 模拟数字转换analogy 类似analyser 分析器analysis 分析analyst 化验员analytic 分析的analytical 分析的analytical chemistry 分析化学analyze 分析analyzer 分析器anatase 锐钛矿anbauhobel 快速刨煤机anchor 锚anchor bolt 锚杆ancillary work 辅助工作ancylite 碳酸锶铈矿andalusite 红柱石anderseam 下部煤层andesine 中长石andesite 安山岩andradite 钙铁榴石anemobarometer 风速风压计anemograph 自记风速计anemometer 风速表anemometry 风速测定aneroid barometer 无液气压计anfo explosives 铵油炸药anfo loader 铵油炸药装填器angle 角angle bar 角钢angle face 倾斜工祖angle gauge 角规angle of bedding 层理面倾斜角angle of break 崩落角angle of contact 接触角angle of deflection 偏角angle of dip 倾角angle of draw 落角angle of elevation 仰角angle of emergence 出射角angle of friction 摩擦角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角angle of pitch 螺距角angle of repose 休止角angle of rest 休止角angle of rolling friction 滚动摩擦角angle of strike 走向角度angle of subsidence 边界角angle shot mortar test 开槽臼炮试验anglesite 硫酸铅矿angular 角的angular acceleration 角加速度angular hole 斜炮眼angular motion 角动angular velocity 角速度anhydride 酐anhydrite 硬石膏anion 阴离子anisotropy 蛤异性ankerite 铁白云石annabergite 镍华annealing 退火annual advance 年掘进annual output 年产量anode 阳极anomaly 异常anorthite 钙长石anorthoclase 歪长石anorthosite 斜长石antarctic pole 南极antecedent magnetic concentration 储备处理磁选anthracene 葸anthracite 无烟煤anthracite culm 无烟煤粉anthracite mine 无烟煤矿anthracography 煤相学anthracology 煤炭学anthracometer 二氧化碳计anthracosis 煤肺病anthrafine 无烟煤细末anthrakometry 二氧化碳测定法anti acid 耐酸的anticlinal 背斜anticline 背斜anticlinorium 复背斜anticlockwise rotation 反时针旋转antidote 解毒药antifoamer 消泡剂antifoaming agent 消泡剂antifreeze 防冻剂antifreezing agent 防冻剂antimonite 辉锑矿antimony 锑antimony glance 辉锑矿antioxidant 抗氧剂antioxidizer 抗氧剂antiseptic 防腐剂apatite 磷灰石aplite 细晶岩apophyllite 鱼眼石apophyse 岩枝apophysis 岩枝apparatus 频apparent resistance 表观阻力apparent specific gravity 表观此重apparent viscosity 视粘度apple coal 软煤applicable 可以应用的application 应用appreciation 评价approach 接近approved cable 防爆电缆approved lamp 安全灯approved shot firing apparatus 安全放炮器耐爆放炮器approximate 近似的approximate value 近似值approximation 近似法apron conveyor 平板运输机apron coveyor 板式输送机apron feeder 板式给矿机apyrous 耐火的aqua regia 王水aquation 水合酌aqueduct 输水桥aqueous 水的aqueous solution 水溶液aquifer 蓄水层aquiferous 含水的aragonite 霰石arc 弧arch 拱arch lining 拱形支架arch pressure 支承压力arch setting 安设拱形支架arch span 拱跨arch theory 成拱论arch timbering 拱形木支架arch truss 拱式桁架arched support 拱形支架architecture 建筑学archy lining 拱形支架arcose sandstone 长石砂岩arcwall face 弧形工祖area 矿区area blasting 多排列爆破area of explosion 爆炸区arenaceous 砂质的arenarious 砂质的arenology 砂岩学arenous 砂质的areometer 比重计arfvedsonite 钠钙闪石argentite 辉银矿argentum 银argillaceous rock 泥质岩argillaceous sandstone 泥质砂岩argillaceous slate 泥板岩argillite 泥质板岩argon 氩argyrodite 硫银锗矿arkose 长石砂岩arm 杠杆;柄arm mixer 叶片式搅拌机armature 加强armature core 电枢铁心armature winding 电枢绕组armored cable 铠装电缆armored concrete 钢筋混凝土armoure 加强armoured concrete 钢筋混凝土armoured conveyerpanzer conveyer 镫装运输机arrangement 布置arrangements 准备arrester 制动器制止器arrester catch 止动器挡车器arrestor 避雷器arsenic 砷arsenite 砷华arsenolite 砷华arsenopyrite 砷黄铁矿arsensilver blende 淡红银矿articulated roof beam 铰接顶梁articulated yielding arch 铰接可缩性拱形支架articulation 铰链接合artificial caving 人工崩落artificial draught 人工通风artificial petroleum 人造石油artificial respiration 人工呼吸artificial vetilation 人工通风asbestos 石棉asbestos wool 石棉绒asbolane 钴土矿asbolite 钴土矿asbstos cement 石棉水泥ascending working 漏口ascension 上升ascensional ventilation 上向通风ash 灰ash coal 高灰煤ash composition 灰分组成ash content 灰分askew 斜的asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石asphalt 地沥青asphalt base crude oil 沥青基原油asphalt concrete 地沥青混凝土asphaltite 沥青岩asphyxia 窒息asphyxy 窒息aspirail 通风孔aspirating tube 吸气管aspiration 吸气aspirator 抽风机assay 试金assemblage 装配assemble 装配assimilation 同化酌association 缔合assort 分类assortment 分类assurance factor 安全系数astillen 脉壁;隔墙astriction 收缩astringency 收敛性asymmetric 不对称的asymmetrical 不对称的asymmetry 不对称asymptotic 渐近的asynchronous generator 异步发电机asynchronous motor 异步电动机atacamite 氯铜矿atmoizer 喷雾器atmosphere 大气atmospheric 大气的atmospheric conditions 通风条件;大气条件atmospheric corrosion 大气腐蚀atmospheric moisture 空气湿度atmospheric pressure 大气压力atom 原子atomic 原子的atomic number 原子序atomic ore 放射性矿石atomic volume 原子体积atomization 喷雾atomizer 喷雾器attack 循环;开始attal 充填物料attenuation 衰减atteration 冲积土attle 充填料attraction 引力attractive force 引力attrition 磨耗attrition mill 盘磨机attrition test 磨损试验auger drill 螺旋钻augering 螺旋钻法auget 雷管augite 辉石aureole 接触带auric 金的auriferous 含金的aurum 金austenite 奥氏体austenitic steel 奥氏体钢autmatic measuring device 自动计量器auto alarm 自动报警auto ignition 自燃autocollimation 自动视准autoconverter 自动变流autocrane 汽车起重机autodumper 自卸汽车autofeed 自动给料autofeeder 自动给矿机autogenous cutting 气割autogenous welding 气焊autoloader 汽车式装载机automated mine 自动化煤矿automated mining 自动化采掘automatic block 自动闭塞automatic brake 自动制动器automatic checking 自动检验automatic circuit breaker 自动断路器automatic control 自动控制automatic controller 自动第器自动蝶器automatic coupler 自动车钩automatic door 自动风门automatic dumper 自动翻车机automatic equipment 自动设备automatic feed 自动给料automatic feeder 自动给矿机automatic installation 自动设备automatic loading device 自动装载设备automatic lubrication 自动润滑automatic lubricator 自动润滑器automatic oiling 自动润滑automatic pressure controller 自动倒器自动压力控制器automatic regulator 自动第器自动蝶器automatic release 自动释放automatic resetting 自动复位automatic sampler 自动取样器automatic sorting 自动选分automatic warning device 自动告警装置automatic weighing device 自动秤automation 自动化automatization 自动化automobile 汽车autotransformer 单卷变压器autotruck 载重汽车auxiliary 辅助的auxiliary adit 辅助平峒auxiliary equipment 辅助设备auxiliary fan 辅助扇风机auxiliary level 辅助平巷auxiliary shaft 辅助竖井auxiliary support 辅助支架auxiliary tools 辅助仪表auxiliary ventilation 局部通气auxilliary winch 辅助绞车aventurine 砂金石average 平均average error 平均误差average life 平均寿命average pressure 平均压力average sample 平均试样average trend 平均走向average value 平均值axe 斧axial 轴性的axial blower 轴寥风机axial compression 轴向压缩axial direction 轴向axial fan 轴两扇凤机axial flow compressor 轴两压缩机axial flow fan 轴寥风机axial piston motor 轴向柱塞马达axial piston pump 轴向活塞泵axial pump 轴两泵axle 车轴axle base 轴距axle bearing 轴承axle box 轴颈箱axle box bearing 轴箱轴承axle journal 轴颈azimuth 方位azimuth angle 方位角azimuth compass 方位测量罗盘azote 氮azurite 蓝铜矿babbit 巴氏合金back bolting 顶板锚杆支护back bone 分水岭back brace 背板back break 超欠挖back brushing 挑顶back coming 后退回采back filler 回填机back filling 充填back filling method 充填法back filling shrinkage 充填物收缩back filling system 分段上向充填开采法back lath 顶板背板back leg bracing 柱腿支撑back lye 井下错车道back pulling 回采煤柱back stope 上向梯段回采工祖back stoping 上向梯段回采back stroke 回程back water 回水back weight 平衡锤backacter 反铲backbye deputy 井下维修工backdigger 反铲backdraught 逆通风backfill 充填backfill material 充填料backfill operations 充填工作backhoe 反铲backlash 轮齿隙backman 辅助工backpressure 顶板压力backstoping 上向梯段回采backwall injection 井壁背后灌浆backweight 平衡锤backwork 辅助工作bacteria leaching 细菌沥滤bactericide 杀菌剂bad top 不稳固顶板baddeleyite 斜锆矿baffle plate 反射板bag filter 袋滤器bag powder 装袋炸药bag type accumulator 皮囊式蓄能器bagger 多斗控掘机bagging 装袋baghouse 囊式集尘窒baikalite 贝钙铁辉石bail 吊桶bailer 铲bailing ring 集水圈bailing tank 戽水斗baking coal 粘结煤bal 矿山balance 平衡balance bob 平衡锤balance bunker 平衡仓balance level 水准仪balance pit 平衡重井筒balance plane 自重滑行坡balance rope 平衡钢丝绳balance rope pulley 平衡绳滑轮balance tail rope 平衡尾绳balance valve 平衡阀balance weight 平衡锤balanced hoist 两容漆升机balanced hoisting 平衡提升balanced load 平衡负载balanced winding 平衡提升balancing 平衡balas 浅红晶石balk 煤层薄ball 球ball and socket joint 球节ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball bushing 球轴套ball cage 球护圈ball charge 磨球装量ball crusher 球磨机ball inclinometer 球式测斜仪ball indentation test 布氏硬度试验ball joint roof bar 球铰顶梁ball mill 球磨机ball retainer 球护圈ball up 钻孔堵塞ball valve 球阀ballas 浅红晶石ballast concrete 石碴混凝土ballast pit 采石场ballast rod 冲唤钻杆balling drum 球磨机滚筒ballistic mortar test 弹道臼炮试验ballistic pendulum test 弹道摆试验ballistite 巴里斯泰特炸药ballstone 球石balsam 香液bamboo tamping rod 竹炮棍band 带band brake 带式制动器带闸band conveyor 带式运输机band iron 带铁band ore 带状矿石banging piece 防险器断绳保险器banging pieces 断绳保险器防坠器banjo 钻车bank 阶段bank coal 原煤bank excavation 阶段采掘bank height 台阶高度bank method of attack 阶段开采法bank shaft mouth 坚井口bank work 阶梯开采bankcoal 原煤banker 掘土工banket 含金砾岩层bankhead 斜井井口出车平台banking 堆积bannock 耐火粘土bar 杆bar cutter 杆式截煤机bar grizzly 棒条筛bar mat reinforcement 网状钢筋bar reinforcement 钢筋bar rigged drifter 架式凿岩机bar screen 棒条筛bare 裸露的bare cable 裸电缆bare log 钻孔柱状图bargh 矿山企业baring 复盖岩层;剥离barings 截煤粉barite 重晶石barium 钡barkevikite 棕闪石barney 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车barney car 单钩提升上山用的平衡重车barometer 气压表barometric 气压的barometric height 气压高度barrage 堰barrel 桶barren 不含矿物的barren layer 废石层barren rock 废石barricade 隔墙barrier 岩粉棚barrier method 柱式开采法barrier pillar 安全煤柱barrier system 柱式开采法barrierless accumulator 非隔离式蓄能器barring 顶板支护barrow 手推车barrow pit 手车运输的露天矿baryte 重晶石baryum 钡basal cleavage 贮理basal level 基淮面basalt 玄武岩base 基础;碱基base charge 基本装药量;炮眼底部装约base line 基线base plate 底板base road 诛base rock 基岩base unit 基本单位bashing 用废矸石充填采空区basic 基性的basic line 基线basic rock 碱性岩basin 煤田;盆地;贮水池basis 基础bass 炭质页岩basset 露头bast 炭质页岩bastard 夹石bastite 绢石bastnaesite 氟碳铈矿bat 泥质页岩batardeau 隔墙bathoclase 水平节理batholite 基岩batholith 基岩bathometer 深海测深仪bathymeter 深海测深仪bating 井筒延伸;卧底batt 泥质页岩batter 坡度batter level 倾斜仪batter pile 斜桩batter post 斜柱battered prop 斜柱battery 电池组;木隔壁;工专battery capacity 蓄电池容量battery charger 充电机battery lamp 蓄电池灯battery locomotive 蓄电池机车battery powered haulage 蓄电池机车运输battery shuttle car 蓄电池梭车baulk 煤层薄baum jig 空气跳汰机baum jig washer 空气跳汰机baum wash box 空气跳汰机bauxite 铝土矿bawke 吊桶beach combing 海滨开采砂矿beach placer 海滨漂砂矿床beam 梁bearer 矿柱bearing 煤层走向;轴承bearing alloy 轴承合金bearing block 矿枉煤柱bearing bush 轴承瓦bearing bushing 轴承瓦bearing cap 轴承盖bearing capacity 承重能力bearing housing 轴承壳bearing indicator 方位指示器bearing load 轴承负载bearing metal 轴承合金bearing pointer 方位指示器bearing position 支点bearing power 承重能力bearing pressure 承压力bearing ring 之框bearing set 之框bearing test 承载力试验bearing up pulley 紧绳轮beat 打击beater 木捣锤beater pulverizer 锤碎机beckelite 方钙饰镧矿bed 地层bed plane 层理面bed series 层系bed succession 层序bed thinning 煤层变薄bed top 矿层顶板bedded iron ore 层状铁矿bedded rock 层状岩bedded vein 层状矿脉bedding 层理bedding rock 基岩bedding surface 层理面bedrock 基岩beetle 大锤;捣固机belemnite 箭石bell man 信号工bell pit 小探井bell rope 信号铃拉绳belly 煤层变厚belonite 针雏晶belowground 地下的belt 胶带belt bucket elevator 带头式提升机belt cleaner 净带器belt conveyor 带式运输机belt discharging plant 胶带输送机卸料装置belt elevator 带式提升机belt extension 胶带接长belt fastener 带扣belt feeder 带式给矿机belt heading 皮带输送机平巷belt hoister 斜井用胶带输送机belt idler pulley 皮带拉紧滚筒belt incline 胶带输送机斜井belt joint 带接。

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Environ Monit Assess(2008)144:1-14DOI10.1007/s10661-008-0436-xAmbiental dust speciation and metal content variation in TSP,PM10and PM2.5in urban atmospheric airof Harare(Zimbabwe)A.T.Kuvarega·P.TaruReceived:1December2004/Accepted:12July2005/Published online:17July2008©Springer Science+Business Media B.V.2008Abstract Levels of TSP,PM10and PM2.5as well as levels of Pb,Co,Ni and Cd in TSP,PM10and PM2.5have been determined in atmospheric par-ticulates collected at Loius Mountbatten School (Harare).The samples were collected for a period of6months from July to December2002.The average levels of TSP,PM10and PM2.5measured at the site are106.11,59.70and40.55mg m−3 respectively.The average level of TSP at Loius Mountbatten School is106.11mg m−3,which is higher than the annual WHO guideline limit of 90mg m−3.The average level of PM10measured at Loius Mountbatten School is59.70mg m−3,and is higher than the US-EPA and UK-EU guide-line limit of50mg m−3.The average level of PM2.5measured at the site are also higher than the WHO and US-EPA annual guideline limit of15mg m−3.The analysis of metal concentra-tions in TSP,PM10and PM2.5was done using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrom-etry(GFAAS).The analysis showed the following average elemental concentrations:0.157mg Pb m−3in TSP,0.166mg Pb m−3in PM10,0.185mg Pb A.T.Kuvarega(B)·P.TaruBindura University of Science Education,P.O.Box1020,Bindura, m−3in PM2.5,0.009mg Co m−3in TSP,0.007mg Co m−3in PM10,0.011mg Co m−3in PM2.5, 0.223mg Ni m−3in TSP,0.166mg Ni m−3in PM10, 0.180mg Ni m−3in PM2.5and0.005mg Cd m−3in TSP,0.006mg Cd m−3in PM10,0.005mg Cd m−3 in PM2.5.The levels of Pb and Ni were generally higher than those of Co and Cd and this could have been due to high traffic volumes and various industrial activities in the Workington Industrial Area.Keywords TSP·PM10·PM2.5·Trace metal·Urban atmosphere·Particulates·Air pollutionIntroductionThe increased exposure to air pollution is a ma-jor problem accompanying industrialization and the demand for improved quality of life in urban environments.Increased trafficfleets and higher demand for energy are the most notable air pol-lution causes(Barrat1990;Melgarejo et al.1986; Stephen1981;Agrawal et al.1980;Fuleka et al. 1983;Ho and Tai1988;Dube1992;Musonza1996; Musekiwa1998;Zvimba1999;Zendera2001). Research has shown that airborne particulates of small size can cause severe respiratory problems particularly in urban areas(Nriagu1988;Barrat 1990;Pope et al.2002;Stephen1981;Mugica et al. 2002;Salma et al.2002a;Morris2001;Yamaguchiand Yamazaki2001).The effects can be mag-nified dramatically in certain weather conditions hence the need to constantly monitor the levels of pollution by particulates.Dust or Suspended Particulate Matter can be classified according to aerodynamic diameter into:1.Total suspended particulates(TSP).These areparticulates of all sizes that can be collected ona glassfibrefilter by a high volume sampler.2.Particles with aerodynamic diameter of10μmor less(PM10).This roughly corresponds to the thoracic fraction of particles.3.Particles with aerodynamic diameter of2.5μmor less(PM2.5).This corresponds to the res-pirable particles fraction(WHO2002).PM10and PM2.5are considered to be responsi-ble for most of the adverse health effects.Such particles have relatively long residence time in the atmosphere(Noller et al.1981;WHO2002; Lazaridis et al.1999).Epidemiological studies show an association between a wide range of health effects and exposure to particulate matter (WHO2002;Lazaridis et al.1999).Toxicological studies show that health effects seem to be determined by the size and chem-ical composition of the particles(Mugica et al. 2002;Salma et al.2002a;Morris2001;Yamaguchi and Yamazaki2001;WHO2002).Small particles (PM10and PM2.5),may be inhaled and penetrate into the lungs causing inflammatory reactions in the respiratory system(WHO2002;Lazaridis et al.1999).Such particles have high concentra-tion of metals such as lead and cadmium.EU air quality standards for particulates are based on PM10and PM2.5because of the impact such particles are likely to have on health(World Bank Group1998).Potentially toxic elements become part of the atmospheric particulates due to their emission from anthropogenic and natural sources.Lead is related to combustion of leaded fuels,smelter processes and other industries.It affects the ner-vous system,the haeme group syntheses and the vascular system with children being worst affected (Nriagu1988;Barrat1990;Melgarejo et al.1986; Stephen1981;Agrawal et al.1980;Ho and Tai 1988;Valerio et al.1988;Mugica et al.2002; Akhler and Madany1993;Folio et al.1982;Dube 1992;WHO2002;Lazaridis et al.1999).Cadmium is a toxic metal for most living species and is emitted by electroplating and battery production industries.Chronic exposure to high levels of cad-mium can result in respiratory illness.It is also a possible carcinogen(Nriagu1988;Barrat1990; Mugica et al.2002).Nickel is emitted in vehicle exhaust because it is used as an additive in fuels.It is also used in electroplating.Continuous and pro-longed exposure to nickel can produce dermatitis and disorders in the respiratory system(Nriagu 1988;Mugica et al.2002).The City of Harare,like other urban sites in the world faces severe air quality deterioration. Almost1.8million inhabitants are exposed every-day to pollutant emissions from hundreds of mi-cro industries,from more than half a million ve-hicles and from natural sources like erosion of soils.The most industrialised area of Harare is the Workington area,in the west and southwest of the City Center.Heavy industrial activities ranging from manufacturing(Lever Brothers Pvt Ltd,Zimbabwe Sugar Refinery(ZSR),National Breweries,Zimbabwe Fertiliser Company(ZFC), Chibuku Breweries,Dairibord Zimbabwe Ltd) of various goods to generation of Thermal Elec-tric Power(Harare Thermal Power Station)exist. Industrial activities also stretch from Willowvale area to Aspindale area.The Graniteside,to the south of the City Center is also a location of light industries which have their own share of toxic emissions in the form of panel beating and spray painting(Zvimba1999).In the eastern part of the city,Masasa is another industrialised area with Zimbabwe Phosphate Pvt Ltd being a major pol-lution source.Further to the east,Circle Cement, a cement manufacturing company,affects a wide area,which can be identified by its characteristic dusty environments.Problem statementThe legislation governing the control of air pol-lution in Zimbabwe is the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act(Chapter318of1971)and the var-ious regulations that come under it.The Act pro-vides for setting of limits for pollutants but does not refer to particle size.There are no regulations for many other important pollutants such as O3and Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs).The Zimbabwe Air Pollution Legislation only specifies standards for air emissions.There are no local ambient air quality standards like in other countries in the world.The rate of compliance by registered companies is thus low (estimated to be less than5%for the air pollution regulation Statutory Instrument Number41of 2000).The only reference to exhaust emissions in Zimbabwe’s legislation lies in the sentence:“Ve-hicles should not emit excessive visible smoke”.However most of the vehicles on Zimbabwe’s roads are not roadworthy,as they are not well maintained due to lack of spares and foreign cur-rency shortages.The vehicles do not have catalytic converters hence the potential to emit pollutants into the atmosphere.The public is not adequately informed about the air pollution problems and the need for cleaner air in the City of Harare yet it is the public that needs the clean air.There is need therefore,to know the situation regarding atmospheric particulates and trace toxic metals in the urban environment of Harare(Sithole et al., unpublished manuscript).The effect of particle size on the elemental composition of particulates needs to be evaluated.JustificationThe City of Harare has eight pollution monitoring stations.These are Southerton,Mbare,Highfield, Mufakose,Mabelreign,Town House,Beatrice Road Infectious Diseases Hospital and Hatfield. In2001,the city managed to monitor suspended particulates,sulphur dioxide and nitrogen diox-ide at some of these stations.Monitoring of sus-pended particulates and sulphur dioxide could not be carried out at Southerton due to breakdown of the power point.Monitoring of all the three pollutants could not be carried out from January to June as well as in October and December of the same year due to lack of transport.No information on speciation of particulate matter and PM concentrations was available from the city records.In2001,the City Health Depart-ment received28complaints about dust nuisances most of which were from residents living in the western side of the city,including Belvedere and Ridgeview.In the same year the City Health De-partment received70complaints on fumes and rmation on particulate elemental con-centrations is scarce.Only Lead(Pb)has been monitored by the city council.Industries are emit-ting pollutants at increasing rates due to lack of proper monitoring procedures by the city council. There is need therefore,to carry out a preliminary investigation on concentrations of air pollutants in the urban atmosphere.Objectives1.To determine the levels of TSP,PM10andPM2.5near an industrial site(Louis Mountbat-ten Primary School)in the city of Harare.2.To determine the levels of trace metals in TSP,PM10and PM2.5.3.To compare the levels of particulate matterwith trace metals in TSP,PM10and PM2.5. Research methodologySampling siteLoius Mountbatten School is located on the South Western side of the City of Harare in the Workington Industrial Area,close to most in-dustrial emitters,which include Zimbabwe Elec-tricity Supply Authority(ZESA)Thermal Power Station,Zimbabwe Sugar Refineries(ZSR)(Pvt) Ltd,Chloride Zimbabwe Pvt Ltd,Windmill,a fer-tiliser manufacturing company,Lion Match Com-pany,Lever Brothers,Astra Paints,Dulux Paints, Dairibord Zimbabwe Ltd,Metallurgical Labora-tory and Alumini Industries.Exhaust emissions from vehicles travelling along Rekai Tangwena and Bishop Gaul Avenue also contribute to at-mospheric particulates in this area.The intersec-tion of Rekai Tangwena and Bishop Gaul Avenue is very busy,with an average of20–40vehicles per minute during normal hours.The traffic count is even higher during the morning and late after-noon peak hours.SamplingForty-seven millimeter diameter Fiberfilm T60A20 Membrane Filters(Pallflex)were conditionedand weighed prior to their deployment in the field.The conditioning and weighing process were repeated after thefilter papers were brought from thefield.Thefilters were weighed using a Sartorius MC-5Microbalance.After weighing,thefilter papers from thefield were kept in protective,clean petrislides prior to their analysis.Sampling was carried out for periods of3to 13h from July to December2002at a height of 1.5m,using three Airmetrics MiniVol Portable Air Samplers with7-day programmable timer, constantflow control system,elapsed time to-taliser,rechargeable battery packs and all weather PVC construction.Sampler with ID No.2740was used for TSP sampling,ID No.2748for PM10 sampling and ID No.2746for PM2.5sampling. Particulates were collected on the membranefil-ters.Sampling was carried out once or more per month at the same site.Method of analysisThe TSP,PM10and PM2.5samples collected were analysed for their metal content using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS).GFAAS was chosen because it has low detection limits,is automated,and allows analy-sis of small amounts of sample and also because of availability of the equipment.The detection limit for GFAAS is about two orders of magni-tude better thanflame atomic absorption spec-troscopy(FAAS).GFAAS is also more sensitive than FAAS where the gases in theflame dilute the sample.GFAAS has been used for the analysis of metals from bulk particulate collections using high volume samplers and direct collection on discs, cups and tubes(Noller et al.1981;US Department of Labor2002;EPA1999).InterferencesIn GFAAS analysis,the advantages of enhanced sensitivity may be offset by the fact that inter-ference is more of a problem.Background or non-specific absorption can occur from particles produced in the furnace that can scatter light and produce an apparent absorption signal.This is a problem with high salt content analytes.They are most severe when measurements aremade at shorter wavelengths(below250nm).This type of interference can be accounted for byusing background correction techniques like theDeuterium Lamp Background correction method(Noller et al.1981;US Department of Labor2002;EPA1999).Spectral interferences result whenan atom different from the one being measuredabsorbs a portion of the radiation.However,suchtypes of interferences are very rare in GFAAS.Ionisation interference occurs when easily ion-isable atoms are being measured.The degree towhich such atoms are ionised is dependent uponthe atomic concentration and the presence ofother easily ionisable ions.This type of interfer-ence can be controlled by the addition of highconcentration of another easily ionisable elementthat will buffer the electron concentration in thefurnace.Chemical interferences occur in GFAASwhen species present in the sample cause varia-tions in the degree to which atoms are formed inthe furnace or when different valence states of asingle element have different absorption charac-teristics.Such interferences may be controlled byadjusting the sample matrix or by the method ofstandard additions.Physical interferences may occur if the phys-ical properties of the sample vary significantly.Changes in viscosity and surface tension can affectthe sample aspiration rate and cause errors inresults.Sample dilution,the method of standardaddition,or both are used to correct such interfer-ences(Noller et al.1981;US Department of Labor2002;EPA1999).An automated sampler was used to increaseprecision.Before each analysis,the rinse solution(0.1%HNO3)wasfirst degassed and precautions were taken to ensure that there were no gas bub-bles in the system.The thin blackfilm of graphitethat would appear after a couple of days,on thecapillary tip,was wiped using tissue as this couldaffect the accuracy of dispensing the solutions intothe tube(Zendera2001).EquipmentA Varian SpectrAA-800Atomic Absorption Spec-trometerfitted with Graphite Furnace Accessorieswas used for the analysis of Pb,Co,Ni and Cd.Theelements were analysed using appropriate hol-low cathode lamps and the Deuterium Lamp wasused for background correction.Argon(99.99%purity)was used to provide an inert atmosphereduring drying and ashing and to blow away thegases produced in the furnace.Extraction and digestion procedureThe membranefibrefilmfilters containing the par-ticulates were placed in100ml Teflon beakers,previously soaked in20%(v/v)HNO3for4h andrinsed thoroughly with de-ionised water.Nitricacid(3ml)was and the beakers were coveredwith watch glasses and the contents heated on ahot plate in a fume hood.The digestion of thesamples was continued until the acid was nearlyevaporated.The beakers and the watch glasseswere cooled and2ml nitric acid added,and heat-ing continued until near dryness again.1ml ofhydrofluoric acid was then added to dissolve anyparticles present and gentle heating done untilnear dryness.This dissolved thefilter paper andall solid material.The dissolved sample was al-lowed to cool and about10ml de-ionised wateradded.The sample together with the rinsings weretransferred into50ml or100ml volumetricflasksand made up to volume using acidified distilled de-ionised water(1%HCl and0.7%HNO3)before filtering to remove silicates and other insolublematerials.Finally the samples were placed in plas-tic containers and stored in a refrigerator at4◦Cuntil needed for analysis.Calibration standards and analysisFor each metal,1,000-ppm stock solutions wereavailable.One hundred parts per million solu-tions were made from the1,000ppm standardsby dilution with acidified de-ionised water.Fromthe100ppm stock solutions,dilutions were madeto give10ppm,which was then used to prepare100ppb,which were the working standards.Thesestandards,a blank and the samples were thenanalysed for Pb,Co,Ni and Cd by GFAAS.Atleast three standards were run together with thesamples.Chemical modifiers for specific elements and matrices in GFAAS were also prepared foranalysis of metals.ResultsTables1,2,3,4,5,6and7.DiscussionAtmospheric particulatesMeasurement of particulate matter in Harare isinsufficient to have a complete picture of the PMconcentrations across the city.There is no suffi-cient reporting of the data on the few measure-ments done in the city of Harare.Levels of PM10and PM2.5are particularly important since theyare linked to health problems(Pope et al.2002;Usero and Gracia1987;Salma et al.2002a,b;Chao and Wong2002;Morris2001;Van Griekenet al.1982).In recent years,most European countrieshave adopted monitoring programs for particlesof aerodynamic radius less than10μm(PM10), and those of aerodynamic radius less than2.5μm(PM2.5).Such particles are reported to penetrate deep into the respiratory system and cause health problems.They also scatter and absorb light leading to visibility degradation. Soiling and damage to buildings and plants is another effect of thesefine particles(Dzubay et al.1982;WHO2002;Lazaridis et al.1999).The average TSP reported in this work is106.11μg m−3.This is higher than the10-year average of40.97μg m−3obtained by the City Council’s Pollution Control Unit for the period1991 to2001.The WHO guideline limit for TSP is 60–90μg m−3,which is also exceeded by this work’s value.Sources of such high TSP in the urban atmosphere could be exhaust fumes and combustion as black soot could be observed on the samplingfilters at the end of each sampling ero and Gracia(1987)determined concentration of TSP in the‘Campo de Gibraltar’Region in Spain and reported a mean value of 68μg m−3,which is lower than this work’s value. Comparisons were made with other cities in theTable1TSP,PM10and PM2.5sampling resultsSampling Sample Filter mass(mg)Sampling Start Enddate type Start End period(min)Time(h)Temperature(◦C)Time(h)Temperature(◦C) 12/07/02TSP62.46762.901885070017.5214524.0 PM1063.98664.271885070017.5214524.0PM2.563.60963.716492070017.5151224.024/07/02TSP64.18364.595750060019.5183023.5 PM1061.18861.489750060019.5183023.5PM2.564.37464.613750060019.5183023.517/08/02TSP63.71064.143600080017.0180021.0 PM1064.28164.473600080017.0180021.0PM2.562.02862.133600080017.0180021.021/08/02TSP64.49764.645480083025.5163022.0 PM1065.39865.530480083025.5163022.0PM2.563.86463.997480083025.5163022.029/08/02TSP65.83766.106565073023.0165522.5 PM1063.82463.988565073023.0165522.5PM2.565.71365.830565073023.0165522.505/09/02TSP65.07565.404570080022.5173021.0 PM1067.07767.246570080022.5173021.0PM2.566.06166.188570080022.5173021.024/09/02TSP NS NS NS NS NS NS NS PM1063.36063.535565063022.0155523.5PM2.567.07267.186565063022.0155523.512/10/02TSP NS NS NS NS NS NS NS PM1063.77563.954580070020.0164021.0PM2.563.98864.108580070020.0164021.021/10/02TSP NS NS NS NS NS NS NS PM1065.59065.721555073023.0164522.0PM2.566.63266.747555073023.0164522.005/11/02TSP64.65865.002570070028.0163026.5 PM1064.35264.577570070028.0163026.5PM2.565.05165.174570070028.0163026.513/11/02TSP64.33264.680600073022.5173027.0 PM1064.39864.598600073022.5173027.0PM2.564.84764.946600073022.5173027.020/11/02TSP64.35564.614525063023.0151528.0 PM1064.32964.463525063023.0151528.0PM2.564.21764.280525063023.0151528.004/12/02TSP64.43464.697515073024.0160528.0 PM1064.30964.380515073024.0160528.0PM2.564.55864.610515073024.0160528.0All measurements were carried out at a pressure of742mmHgNS not sampled due to sampler maintenanceworld which had the following mean values for TSP:Taberna(Spain),92μg m−3;Denver(USA), 104μg m−3;Chicago(USA),76μg m−3;San Francisco(USA),88μg m−3;Jerusalem(Israel), 69μg m−3;India Sub Continent,40μg m−3; Taiwan(China),210μg m−3;Vancouver (Canada),77μg m−3and Zagreb(Yugoslavia), 140μg m−3.The values for Zagreb and Taiwan are higher than the average value for this work. However the value for Denver is comparable to this work’s value.All the other cities had lower values than this work’s value.Table2TSP,PM10and PM2.5levels at Loius Mountbatten School Sampling date Particulate Sampling Mass(μg)Mass(μg m−3) matter duration(min)12–13/07/02TSP885434.098.08PM10885285.064.41PM2.5492107.043.5024–25/07/02TSP750412.0109.87PM10750301.080.27PM2.5750240.063.7317/08/02TSP600433.0144.33PM10600192.064.00PM2.5600105.035.0021/08/02TSP480148.061.67PM10480132.055.00PM2.5480133.055.4229/08/02TSP565266.094.16PM10565164.058.05PM2.5565117.041.4205/09/02TSP570329.0115.44PM10570169.059.30PM2.5570127.044.5624/09/02TSP NS NS NSPM10565175.061.95PM2.5565114.040.3512/10/02TSP NS NS NSPM10580179.061.72PM2.5580120.041.3821/10/02TSP NS NS NSPM10555131.047.21PM2.5555115.041.4405/11/02TSP570344.0120.70PM10570225.078.95PM2.5570123.043.1613/11/02TSP600348.0116.00PM10600200.066.67PM2.560099.033.0020/11/02TSP525259.098.67PM10525134.051.05PM2.552563.024.0004/12/02TSP515263.0102.14PM1051571.027.57PM2.551552.020.19Most sampling was done during the dry winter season.Winds were generally easterly to north-easterly with temperatures ranging from17.0◦C to30◦C.November marked the beginning of the rain season and the change in the wind direction to southeasterly could have caused an influx of more particulates from the industrial sites hence an increase in TSP in the month of December.South Africa has an annual TSP Ambiental air quality standard of100μg m−3,which is com-parable to this work’s and EU have maximum annual permissible TSP limit value of 150μg m−3and Mexico’s air quality standard for TSP is260μg m−3(24h).TSP gives an indica-tion of the amount of dust in the atmosphere.Its monitoring is important to check and keep the level below the acceptable limits of60–90μg m−3 (WHO Guideline)(WHO2002).The average value for PM10level at Loius Mountbatten School is59.70μg m−3.This valueTable3Average monthly TSP,PM10and PM2.5at Loius Mountbatten SchoolMonth Particulate matter Concentration(μg m−3) July2002TSP103.98PM1072.34PM2.553.62August2002TSP100.05PM1059.02PM2.543.95 September2002TSP115.44PM1060.63PM2.542.46 October2002TSP NSPM1054.47PM2.541.41 November2002TSP111.79PM1065.56PM2.533.39 December2002TSP102.14PM1027.57PM2.520.19 indicate that of the TSP,about53%is PM10. The US-EPA ambient air quality standard for PM10is50μg m−3,which is exceeded by this work’s value.The PM10air quality standards for other countries are;Bangkok,120μg m−3;Korea, 80μg m−3;UK and EU,50μg m−3and South Africa,60μg m−3and Mexico150μg m−3(24h). At the sampling site,traffic emissions are likely to contribute significantly to the levels of PM10.Most traffic along Rekai Tangwena are heavy vehi-cles that deliver goods at industrial sites in the Workington Industrial Area.Traffic along Bishop Gaul Avenue are mainly light vehicles to and from Ridgeview and Belvedere to the City Cen-tre.Rekai Tangwena/Bishop Gaul intersection is very busy during peak hours with traffic counts of 40–60vehicles per minute.Emissions from com-bustion processes in the Workington Industrial Area could also be sources of PM10.Industrial emissions from ZESA Thermal Plant,Dairibord Zimbabwe Ltd,Lever Brothers and Metallurgical Laboratory could be observed.Coal combustion related emissions could also be observed from many chimneys in the same area.Measurements of PM10performed in Switzerland in1993ranged from10μg m−3in the Alpine region to33μg m−3 in the urban sites(Lazaridis et al.1999).Measurements carried out in Italy,Hungaryand Sweden showed variations in totalfine aero-sol concentrations in polluted and backgroundsites.Totalfine aerosol mass ranged from avalue of38μg m−3in the most polluted area(Italy)to around6μg m−3in the background site(Sweden).A site in Hungary had a concentrationof23μg m−3(WHO2002;Lazaridis et al.1999).In Netherlands,PM10were found to be around40μg m−3(WHO2002).All these values are lowerthan this work’s value of59.70μg m−3.Thisshows that the city of Harare suffers a lot of pollu-tion fromfine aerosols.In a study by Mugicaet al.(2002),correlation between TSP and PM10showed a high proportion of metals in the res-pirable fraction than in particles with larger diam-eter.This is in agreement with this work’sfindings.Chao and Wong(2002)determined indoor andoutdoor levels of PM10and PM2.5in Hong Kong.The mean indoor PM2.5and PM10were reportedas45.0and63.3μg m−3respectively.Correspond-ing outdoor levels were found to be47.0and69.5μg m−3respectively.These values are a bithigher than the average for the city of Hararein this work,which are40.55and59.70μg m−3respectively.PM2.5levels at Loius Mountbatten School werefound to be40.55μg m−3,a value much higherthan the WHO and US-EPA annual ambient airquality standard of15μg m−3.The24-h US-EPA standard is65μg m−3.This shows thatthe City of Harare has higher pollution levelscompared to other European and United Statescities.PM2.5constitutes about36.7%of TSP.Thismeans that about16%of TSP is PM10−2.5.Over-ally,PM2.5constitutes a higher percentage in TSPthan PM10−2.5.These extrafine particles(PM2.5), have their major sources as coal based combus-tion and fuel combustion.Chao and Wong(2002),attributed the high levels of PM10and PM2.5inresidential areas in Hong Kong to diesel exhaustTable4Levels of TSP,PM10and PM2.5at Loius Mountbatten SchoolParticulate matter Concentration(μg m−3) TSP106.11±21.411PM1059.70±13.479PM2.540.55±11.433Table5Levels of metals in TSP,PM10and PM2.5 at Loius Mountbatten School Sampling date Particulate matter Concentration(μg m−3)Pb Co Ni Cd 12–13/07/02TSP0.0920.0030.2790.003 PM100.1130.0010.1290.003PM2.50.1600.0050.5580.005 24–25/07/02TSP0.1340.0050.2180.003 PM100.1380.0100.1660.005PM2.50.1190.0050.1130.009 17/08/02TSP0.1530.0020.1950.006 PM100.1510.0070.1910.004PM2.50.1730.0190.1140.006 21/08/02TSP0.1570.0100.3140.008 PM100.2060.0160.1570.007PM2.50.2360.0060.1740.005 29/08/02TSP0.1190.0070.3550.005 PM100.1320.0070.1880.006PM2.50.1330.0040.1600.005 05/09/02TSP0.1230.0060.2870.004 PM100.1390.0050.2440.005PM2.50.1470.0050.1720.005 24/09/02TSP NS NS NS NSPM100.1470.0040.2220.011PM2.50.1560.0060.2370.005 12/10/02TSP NS NS NS NSPM100.1460.0050.2300.009PM2.50.1510.0060.1840.004 21/10/02TSP NS NS NS NSPM100.1650.0060.1720.006PM2.50.1680.0060.1530.005 05/11/02TSP0.1690.0060.1710.005 PM100.1360.0040.1980.004PM2.50.1320.0070.1150.005 13/11/02TSP0.1230.0060.1420.003 PM100.1760.0060.1740.005PM2.50.1440.008ND0.004 20/11/02TSP0.1800.0260.1690.005 PM100.1760.0070.0170.003PM2.50.3320.011ND0.005 04/12/02TSP0.3240.0210.0970.006 PM100.3370.0090.0730.004PM2.50.3500.0530.0020.004emission and domestic heating.Cement produc-tion,incineration,electric arc furnaces and steel heat-treating are other major sources of PM2.5 emission.Information on TSP can be used to provide estimates of other particulate matter levels.In Denmark,PM10levels were found to be about 75%of the measured levels of TSP(Danish Air Quality Programme1998).The average percent-age of PM10in TSP is53.34%and that for PM2.5is36.26%whilst the percentage of PM10−2.5in TSP is16.96%.The results show that a greater proportion of PM10is PM2.5(68.3%).LeadLead is one of the heavy metals considered to be toxic(Noller et al.1981;Nriagu1988;Barrat1990; Melgarejo et al.1986;Stephen1981;Agrawal et al.。
