

本草纲目 (běn cǎo gāng mù)—中国历史著述英文版

本草纲目 (běn cǎo gāng mù)—中国历史著述英文版

本草纲目(běn cǎo gāng mù)Compendium of Materia MedicaHealer who writes the book on TCMThe monumental Bencao Gangmu or “Compendium of Materia Medica”is the mostcomprehensive book ever written about traditional Chinese medicine. Published in 1596, thisbible contains 1,892 distinct herbs, 11,096 medical prescriptions and 1,160 illustrations.Its author, Li Shizhen (1518-1593), was one of the greatest physicians and pharmacologists inChinese history.Li was born in Qizhou in today's Hubei Province in central China. His grandfather was an itinerantdoctor who died before Li was born. Li's father was also a herbal doctor. However, due to the lowsocial status of herbal doctors at that time, he wanted his son to become an official in theimperial court. So, when Li was only 14, he took the imperial civil examination at the county level and passed.But he failed theprovincial-level exam three times.Eventually, Li gave up on officialdom and decided to follow in his father's footsteps to become aherbal doctor.In addition to practicing medicine, Li read all the classics and contemporary literature about TCM.However, in those medical books, Li found many glaring mistakes, conflicting information, wrongclassifications and ambiguities. He worried these errors would cause great problems or even costlives when they were used in treatment. So, he made up his mind to write a new bencaoor“materia medica.”His father warned him that it was a daunting task and it could take decades to re-examine everyherb and medicine in the country.However, young Li rose up to the challenge. In 1552, when Li was already 34, he started to workon his epic medical book Bencao Gangmu.First, he traveled to almost every corner of the country to talk to farmers, herbal doctors andpatients. During the day, he collected information about herbal medicine and gathered samplesof herbs and medicines. At night, he studied the samples, conducted experiments anddocumented their components and proved medical effects.There are myriad stories about how Li risked his own life by testing the effect of some herbs onhimself. One story goes that Li tasted a poisonous herb in the wilderness one day when he wasby himself. A few minutes later, he was so badly poisoned that he lay flat on the ground andcould hardly move. He thought this experiment would be his last.Then, some leaves fell from a nearby tea tree and several landed on Li's face near his mouth. Heused his tongue to roll the leaves into his mouth and began to chew. Miraculously, Li regained movement of his arms and legs and a while later, he was fullyrecovered.Then, he tried both the poisonous herb and the tea leaf againto determine their medical effects.It was not until 27 years later that Li completed his colossal work. In addition to field research, Liconsulted more than 900 medical books, nearly everything available in print.Li's book was written in about 1.9 million Chinese characters, divided into 16 volumes and 60orders. Li had not only improved the classification of traditional medicine, but also upgraded thecredibility and scientific value of biological classification of plants and animals.Li's method of biological classification was introduced about 200 years before Swedish botanistCarolus Linnaeus(1707-1778) proposed the modern system of biological nomenclature.In addition to herbs and traditional Chinese medicine, Li's book also covers topics such asbiology, chemistry, geography, mineralogy, geology, history and astronomy.At first, no one dared publish his book because Li criticized the alchemy for immortalitypromoted by some Taoist monks who had won the trust of emperors and imperial officials. It wasnot until three years after Li's death that a private print shop owner in eastern China printedBencao Gangmu.In 1606, the book was introduced into Japan and about 40 years later, it was translated into Latinby Michael Boym, a Polish missionary. Later it was translated into Korean, French, German,English and Russian and eventually many more other languages.。




下面是小编搜集的关于中国成语故事英文版,喜欢就一起看看吧!成语:四面楚歌At the end of the Qin Dynasty(221-206 B.C.) the State of Chu and the State of Han fought for control for the country. Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, was besieged(包围) at a place called Gaixia by the Han army led by Liu Bang. Xiang Yu was in a desperate situation, with little food and only a few soliders. At night, the surrounding Han troops started to sing Chu folk songs. Xiang Yu was very surprised at this, and said:"Has Liu Bang occupied the whole of Chu? How can he have drafted so many Chu people into his army?" Then he fled together with the remainder of his forces.This idiom is used metaphorically to mean to be in a helpless and critical situation, surrounded by the enemy on all sides.项羽和刘邦原来约定以鸿沟(在今河南荣县境贾鲁河)东西边作为界限,互不侵犯。




历史网站汇总1一、1、台北“中央研究院”:.tw/2、国学网:/3、陕西历史博物馆:/4、中国国家博物馆:/default1024.htm5、上海历史博物馆:/6、深圳历史文物博物馆:/7、故宫博物院:/8、南京博物院:/9、国立历史博物馆:.tw/nmh_web/index.cfm10、象牙塔:/history/index.php11、上海社科院历史研究所:/12、传统中国研究:/13、中国宋代历史研究:/14、三只眼睛看历史:/15、中国历史行政区:/lishi/16、中国农业历史与文化:/二、1、研究:http://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/user/le/toyoshi/aoki/aaeas/cmain.html2、中国学术城:/3、先秦诸子要览:/chinpcp/4、汉学研究资源:http://www.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~dokisha/5、简帛研究:/index.htm6、郭店楚简:.hk/basisbwdocs/bamboo/bam_main.html7、历史年表:/know/hist/histable.htm8、《文献》:/magzine/wenxian/wenxianml.htm9、《文史》:/magzine/wengsi/wengsiml.htm10、《中华文史论丛》:/magzine/chinwhlc/chinwhlc.htm11、《国学研究》:/magzine/guoxuestudy/gxstudyindex.htm12、《国际汉学》:/magzine/interhanxue/interhanxueml.htm13、《中国学术》:/magzine/zgxs/zzgx001.htm14、《汉学研究》:/magzine/hxyj/hxyj01.htm15、《欧亚学刊》:/magzine/oy/oyml.htm16、《唐研究》:/17、《说文解字注》:/imgbook/index.php?bookid=5318、《文字源流浅析释例篇》:/imgbook/index.php?bookid=6019、四库全书目录检索,据上海古籍出版社1989年《影印文渊阁四库全书目录索引》订正重版本编制,简单好用:/library/siku/INDEX.HTM三、1、中国历史文选教学网:、郑州大学历史学院论坛(综合性质):/history/bbs/index.asp3、智识学术网(综合性质):/4、世界史:/5、中国历史在线:/shipin/default.asp6、天涯在线书库:/lishi.htm四、1、历史回廊:/2、中华历史网:/3、北洋水师:/index1.htm4、中国先锋青年历史论坛:/chinayouth.htm5、近代百年:/6、近代中国网:/7、联合早报网:/8、中国台湾网:/web/webportal/index.html9、1949新中国网站:/website/49cn/10、CNE3历史论坛:/11、K12历史论坛:/bbs/index.php?t=thread&frm_id=14&rid=647252&S=6701478d47b256559c2886ae3e7f aae012、血铸中华:/13、故乡历史:/lishi/14、论文网:/五、1、中青网历史博览:/encyclopedia/history/2、历史中的女人:/3、CCTV历史频道:/history/4、百度历史贴吧:/f?ct=&tn=&rn=&pn=&lm=&kw=%C0%FA%CA%B7&myselectvalue=1&word=%C0 %FA%CA%B7&tb=on5、TOM历史:/dynasty/6、扯淡网:/六、国际科学史学会(INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR THE HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OFSCIENCE/DIVISION OF HISTORY OF SCIENCE)美国科学史学会英国科学史学会/Science_Engineering/CHSTM/bshs/index.html日本科学史学会http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jshs/index-j.html英国李约瑟研究所国际数学史网上研究所(THE INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL FOR HISTORICAL STUDIES OF MATHEMATICS) /德国马普科学史研究所http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de京都大学科学哲学科学史研究室http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/phisci/index.html東京工业大学科技史科学基础論研究室http://www.histec.me.titech.ac.jp/course/中国科学院自然科学史研究所上海交通大学科学史与科学哲学系/shcp/index.html中国科学技术大学科技史与科技考古系http://内蒙古师范大学科学史与科技:/gb/mid/departmants/kxglykxx/index.htm清华大学科:/xueyuan/department/stsweb/stsintsinghua.htm西北大学数学与科学史研究中:/chinese/research/chms/index.htm中文图书馆/gosc.php?d=know&u=allbook&id=4中华万年网英文版:/english/main/index.htm台湾的历史(英文版).tw/taiwan/history/中国历史教与学http://文房四宝/category/stationery/金石篆刻/artchina_art/zhuanke/社会科学个人主页/search_dir/personal_homepages/sh/名著在线网/探索频道(英文)/汉龙网国宝精粹/national-treasure/美国白宫/中国的历史/history/welcome.html长城小站/网上历史研究/ger/历史网/时代书城/book/张角时空之旅/index.html闽南在线娱乐网/益凡公益图书馆书籍搜索/大唐书库/com/dtbook/近代中国网:/modern/BigClass.asp?BigClassID=1&BigClassName=学术研究&BigClassType=1百年中国论坛:/Forum/default.asp中国中俄关系研究会:/中国社会科学院边疆研究所:/chinese/s32_bjzx/s32_bjzx.htm清史研究所:/华东师大俄罗斯研究中心:/中国社会科学院史学书籍推荐这里存有大量的史学名著:/kxzz/yp.html楚文化网//forum/近代中国网论坛云南档案信息网:/indexH_8.htm历史风云网:/Index.html中国历史文化信息网:/。



1 ∞
年 月 ,8 6 0 6由 于 需 要 1bt 线 的 配台 ,所 以 系统 成 i 6 总 五 昂贵 为 此 Ie - 1 7 £ e月推 了它 韵 简 化 版 , t T n l e 9 即 8 数据总线的 88 — 位 08 8 8 ,但 保 留 了 1 位 88 6
一 一 ‰
x6 8是
个 从 Ie 8 8 开始 ,人 们 ( 者 说 是 业 ml 06 或 Ie 8 8 是 Ie 生 产 的第 一 枚 1bt 理 器 , 也 比 n l 06 n l t t 6 i处 确 立 了 x 6家 族 之后 的 发 展 道 路 , 但 也 为 x 6留 下 了遗 传 8 8
I P 『 广 I则 祢 为 6 6 当 然如 果 愿 意 ,P n un I 与 et 1 I 1u I J 8 Байду номын сангаасt r i 4
病。第 一个就是分段寻址技术, 你不能简捷地访 问内存 中 的 某 一 位 置 , 而 必须 通 过 段 地 址 与移 偏 的 方 式 进 行 寻址 。 第二就 是,虽然可寻址 1 MB的物理 内存,但 听信 了当时
的 感 觉 , 而 将 物 理 内存 的 上 限 定 为 6 0 B ( 有 3 4 B被 4K 另 8K
也 可 以 叫 做 7 6 另 外 ,8 8 的 出现 代 表 了 1乜tC I 8 06 6l p J 时 代 的 真 正 到 来 , 由此 也 正 式 确 立 了 一种 成 熟 的 C U P
历 史 上 的
理 的最大 宇长 仍是 3 bt 2i ,所 以它还 是 3 位处 理器而 不是 2
6 4位处 理 器 。













关于英文字母起源世界上存在着许多讲法,但比较常见的讲法(根据Funk 《Word origins》一书)是起源于希伯来语。
















《马关条约》中体现这一变化的是()A.割地赔款B.协定关税C.开设工厂D.驻扎军队5.据表1可知,该校办学()表1 20世纪初期福建华英女书院中学课程设置(部分)A.宣扬维新思想B.注重科学技术教育C.强调以史为鉴D.体现中西文化交汇6.图中一系列历史事件主要反映的是()A.革命力量的汇集B.民主共和的潮流C.封建制度的终结D.政治中心的转移7.据表2可知,与外资厂矿相比,当时创办的华资厂矿()表2 1895-1913年外资厂矿、华资厂矿创办情况简表A.分布不均B.规模较小C.技术落后D.结构失衡8.“石库门,老弄堂……红船上,著纲领,百年航程第一步,驱散黑暗指方向”。





因而,在本节,首先介绍定义绘图方式中的图元绘制方式,图元绘制映射的含义及其 中的详细设置。其次讲述如何来定义自己的图纸页面尺寸、外框(也称绘制边界)、内边 框(也称绘图区)、坐标网和标题栏。最后以一个实际的例子成图,来理解定义绘图方式 的整个过程。
在 Surpac Vision 中,定义绘图方式绘制一幅图纸的标准流程是:
在每一个图元绘制定义中你可以定义最多达九项的操作。举例如下: • 在线串起点打印线编号
Surpac Vision 打印绘图
第 9 页 共 91 页
• 以固定间隔沿线串打印标高(作为等高线标注) • 在线的中点位置打印线所含的信息 (例如某一描述字段中的值)
a. 属性类型
第二节 图元绘制映射……………………………………………………23
第三节 成图……………………………………………………………25
第三章 打印页设置窗口…………………………………………………36
1. 纸张尺寸……………………………………………………………36 2. 外边框………………………………………………………………37 3. 内边框………………………………………………………………39 4. 坐标网………………………………………………………………40 5. 标题块………………………………………………………………43
下面以安装目录下 dem\v4_demo\surpac_demo\pit1.str 为例,介绍自动绘图模式绘制 一幅图纸:
1.调入 pit1.str 文件到图形工作区中,显示出 40 号线的 Z 值,并调整到你想在图纸 上看到的角度和大小;
2.调用自动绘图功能,如下填充弹出的对话框,注意,右边的表是为您提供了一个参 考的比例,表明如果您想在打印出来后在图纸上与绘图区中所占比例相似,那么对应不同 图纸所应采用的大致比例。您可以根据需要做适当的调整。我们在这里选用默认的内边框 和 NMA3 标题块。绘图方式为手动调整,比例在 X、Y 方向上均为 3000,在这里我们参考



2 北京大学学报(自然科学版)、(哲学社会科学版)
3 浙江大学学报(工学版)、(理学版)、(人文社会科学版)、(农业与生命科学版)、(医学版)
4 复旦大学学报(自然科学版)、(社会科学版)
5 南京大学学报(自然科学版)、(哲学、人文科学、社会科学版)
6 西安交通大学学报(自然科学版)
7 上海交通大学学报(工学版)、(英文版)
4 医学
1 中华医学杂志(中、英文 2
4 中华流行病学杂志
7 中国中药杂志
10 中国病理生理杂志
13 中华医学遗传学杂志
16 中华放射医学与防护杂 17

19 中华心血管病杂志
22 中华消化杂志
25 中华内分泌代谢杂志
28 中华骨科杂志
31 中华烧伤杂志
34 中华麻醉学杂志
18 昆虫学报(中、英文版)
19 昆虫分类学报
20 园艺学报
21 菌物学报(原名:菌物系统)
22 果树学报(原名:果树科 23 林业科学
24 畜牧兽医学报
25 中国兽医学报
26 蚕业科学
27 水产学报
28 水生生物学报
29 应用生态学报
30 农业生物技术学报(中、英文
31 农药学学报(S)
17 航空学报
18 水动力学研究与进展(英文
19 物理学报(中、英文版) 20 光学学报
21 半导体学报
22 中国激光(中、英文版) 23 金属学报(中、英文版) 24 声学学报
25 高能物理与核物理(中、 26 红外与毫米波学报(中 27 中国物理快报(英文版)



输入/输出框 输入 输出框
将求5!的算法用流程图表示 例2.6 将求 的算法用流程图表示
如果需要将最后结 果打印出来,可在 菱形框的下面加一 个输出框。
§ 3.1 C的数据类型
int char 单精度实型 float 双精度实型 double struct union enum
有些以“ 开头的特殊字符称为转义字符 有些以“\”开头的特殊字符称为转义字符
\n \t \r \\
换行 横向跳格 回车 反斜杠

fab c gde f jik gde h
显示屏上的运行结果: 显示屏上的运行结果:
打印机上的显示结果: 打印机上的显示结果:

例3.5 转义字符的使用 #include <stdio.h> void main() {printf(″ c\ de\rf\tg\n″) {printf(″ ab c\t de\rf\tg\n″); printf(″h\ti\ k\ printf(″h\ti\b\bj k\n″); }
§3.5字符型数据 3.5.2字符变量 字符变量 • 字符型变量用来存放字符常量,注意只能放一个字符。 • 字符变量的定义形式如下:char c1,c2; • 在本函数中可以用下面语句对c1,c2赋值: c1=‘a’;c2= ‘b’ ; • 一个字符变量在内存中占一个字节。 3.5.3字符数据在内存中的存储形式及其使用方法 字符数据在内存中的存储形式及其使用方法 • 将一个字符常量放到一个字符变量中,实际上并不是把该 字符本身放到内存单元中去,而是将该字符的相应的 ASCII代码放到存储单元中。 这样使字符型数据和整型数据之间可以通用。一个字符数据既 可以以字符形式输出,也可以以整数形式输出。



2024-2025学年人教版(2019)选修3历史下册月考试卷573考试试卷考试范围:全部知识点;考试时间:120分钟学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______总分栏一、选择题(共6题,共12分)1、古巴导弹危机爆发后,核战争危机笼罩世界。



两国对此次危机的处理A. 是危机防控机制完善的结果B. 表明“冷战”出现新形式C. 体现保障根本利益下的妥协D. 促使美苏由对抗走向合作2、二战期间,盟国召开了一系列重要的国际会议,作出了一系列重大决定。

根据相关知识回答:对巴黎和会和雅尔塔会议相同点的叙述,不正确的是A. 都带有大国强权色彩B. 都损害了中国的主权和利益C. 据此形成了新的国际关系体系D. 英、法、美是会议的主要操纵国3、1970年尼克松在其对外政策报告中提出的以“伙伴关系、实力和谈判”为三大支柱的“新和平战略”,其内容不仅涉及美国与其盟国的关系,也涉及美国对苏联和中国的基本方针。

“新和平战略”的提出,主要是因为当时美国A. 意图放弃“冷战”政策B. 认识到大国间应相互依存C. 丧失了世界霸主的地位D. 实力相对下降面临着危机4、下表反映了英国农业人口的变化,导致这一变化的主要原因是A. 海外殖民活动的影响B. 工业化及城市化进程加快C. 资产阶级革命爆发D. 第一次世界大战的恶果5、1941年5月下旬,美国国务卿赫尔在致中国外交部长的信中表示:“希望在和平状态恢复的时候,能和中国政府以有步骤谈判和订立协定的程序,迅速地做到取消一切有特殊性质的权利。

”美国政府这一行为A. 表明美国开始改变中立立场B. 是绥靖政策的突出表现C. 履行了反法西斯同盟的约定D. 鼓励了中国的抗日斗争6、哲学家霍布斯说:“战争,并不只限于战斗行为;事实上,只要战斗意愿明白可知,这段时间都可算作战争。

古希腊介绍 中英双语

古希腊介绍 中英双语

古希腊文明the Ancient Greek Civilization古希腊(Greece)是西方文明的源头之一,古希腊文明持续了约650年(公元前800年-公元前146年),是西方文明最重要和直接的渊源。

Ancient Greece is one of the sources of Western civilization. Ancient Greek civilization lasted about 650 years (800-146 BC), which is the most important and direct source of Western civilization.西方有记载的文学、科技、艺术都是从古代希腊开始的。

The recorded literature, technology and art in the West all started from ancient Greece.古希腊不是一个国家的概念,而是一个地区的称谓。



Ancient Greece does not only refer to the country, but the whole region, which was located in the southeast of Europe and the northeast of Mediterranean Sea, including Greek peninsula, and islands in Aegean Sea and Ionian Sea, the southwest coast of Turkey, the east coast of Italy and the east coast of Sicily. Ancient Greece refers to the southern Balkans, Aegean islands and the coast of Asia Minor. The Aegean culture from 3000 BC to 2000 BC is the forerunner of its history.peninsula 英[pəˈnɪnsjələ] 美[pəˈnɪnsələ]noun 半岛an area of land that is almost surrounded by water but is joined to a larger piece of landthe Iberian peninsula (= Spain and Portugal) 伊比利亚半岛archipelago[ˌɑːkɪˈpeləɡəʊ]noun 【不规则形式】pl. -os or -oes群岛;列岛;群岛周围的海a group of islands and the sea surrounding themBalkans [ˈbɔːlkənz]noun [pl.] 巴尔干(位于欧洲东南部,包括萨瓦河和多瑙河以南诸国)a region of SE Europe, including the countries to the south of the rivers Sava and Danube【派生词】Balkan adj. the Balkan Peninsula 巴尔干半岛公元前5~6世纪,特别是希波战争以后,古希腊地区的经济生活高度繁荣、科技高度发达,产生了光辉灿烂的希腊文化,对后世产生深远影响。



专题15 世界资本主义经济政策的调整专题导航目录常考点01 空前严重的资本主义世界经济危机 (1)常考点02 罗斯福新政 (4)常考点03 战后资本主义的新变化 (7)近三年高考对本单元内容的考查呈现以下特点:(1)从题型和题量上看,选择题和材料解析题均出现过,以选择题为主,图表型试题占有一定比重。




如将罗斯福新政放在整个资本主义发展的历程中去把握,认识国家垄断资本主义的形成原因和必然性:对比掌握罗斯福新政斯大林模式苏联社会主义改革与中国的改革开放等常考点01 空前严重的资本主义世界经济危机【典例1】1.1930~1931年,纽约市儿童餐厅提供的廉价午餐数量猛增,曾在1917~1918年因战争而畅销的香烟产量再次剧增,许多穿着整洁西装的商贩在街头兜售苹果,也成为城市一景。

这反映出,当时美国()A.经济危机持续加深 B.社会矛盾趋于缓和C.新政取得良好成效 D.福利制度已经确立2.图1漫画可用来说明当时美国()(该图原文为英文)图1A.货币贬值已缓解了经济危机 B.经济模式改弦易辙势在必行C.社会保障制度已经建立 D.国家干预政策初见成效【答案】1.A 2 .B【解析】1.1930—1931年政治美国经济大危机持续进行,所以纽约市儿童餐厅提供了更多的廉价午餐给孩子们,香烟产量剧增是为了满足人们麻醉自己的需要,穿着整洁西装的人沦为了街头兜售苹果的商贩,这些现象都表明危机依然在持续加深,故选A项;1930—1931年危机的持续进行,会使法西斯势力盛行,社会矛盾加剧,而不是缓和,排除B项;美国罗斯福新政是从1933年开始实行的,新政取得良好成效与题干时间不符,排除C项;福利制度是在二战后逐步确立的,与题干时间不符,排除D项。


Meng Zhi Xiang Yang Xing Mi Li Bian
Qian Liu
Wang Shen Zhi
Song Dynasty
Southern Chu States
Southern Han States
Nan Ping States Northern Han States Northern Song Dynasty Southern Song Dynasty
896-951 A.D.
905-971 A.D.
907-963 A.D. 951-979 A.D. 960-1127 A.D. 1127-1279 A.D.
Chang Sha HuNan-ChangSha
Jing Zhou HuBei-JingZhou
Hsia Dynasty Shang Dynasty
Western Zhou Dynasty
2070-1600 B.C. An Yi
Chen Du SiChuan-ChenDu
Chen Du SiChuan-ChenDu
Yang Zhou JiangSu-YangZhou
Jin Ling JiangSu-NanJing
Hang Zhou
Sixteen Kingdoms



Division of the world
In this short, but insightful, book Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit argue that in many parts of the non-Western world there is such loathing of everything associated with the West - especially America - that anyone living such a lifestyle is inherently depraved and somewhat less than human. This dehumanizing view of the West, as seen by its enemies, is what the authors call Occidentalism. It is the reverse side of the idea of Orientalim described over twenty-five years ago by Edward Said. According to Said, the Orientalists constructed accounts of the East as a place where life was cheap and inferior to that of the West. These narratives served to justify Western domination. Occidentalism, however, goes a step further: whereas, the Orientalist wished to subjugate and colonize, the Occidentalist wishes to destroy. This is a book about ideas rather than policy. It deals more with why they hate us for what we are, rather than why they hate us for what we do. The authors describe a "constellation of images" of the West by which its enemies demonize it. They (the enemies) see the West as " a mass of soulless, decadent, money-grubbing, rootless, faithless, unfeeling parasites." The originality of this study comes from the discovery that many of the negative images that the present-day Islamists have of the West are derived, paradoxically, the West itself. The authors see a "chain of hostility" that goes back two centuries. The anti-Western impulse begins with Herder and the German romantics as a reaction to the rationalist, universalist ideals the Enlightenment and the materialism of the budding capitalist economy. Anti-Westernism was also the driving force of the slavophiles of late nineteeth century Russia; it was a reaction to encroaching modernization coming from the West. In the twentieth century, Nazi Germany and a militant Japan railed against, not the modernization that came from the West, but the destruction of their indigenous cultures, being overrun by the decadence and depravity of the West. This anti-Westernism again rears its ugly head in the late twentieth century during the Cultural Revolution in China and, again, in the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge. These where particulary murderous attempts to root out Western influence. The Occidentalist of today is exemplified by the Islamist suicide bomber. Buruma and Margalit discuss four images of hatred that run through these movements of the last two hundred years: 1} the cosmopolitan city with its rootless, greedy, and decadent citizens; 2) the bourgeois merchant, seeking only profit and comfort, as opposed the self-sacrificing hero of the Occidentalist; 3) the Western mind, using only the faculties of science and reason, and neglecting faith; 4) and last of all, the infidel, the unbeliever, who must be crushed to make way for the true believers. In Occidentalism's present-day manifestation, religion plays a central role. The jihadis of today hate, not only the West, but the secular regimes - such as Syria and Egypt - of the Middle East as well. They despise even the Saudis for not being sufficiently pure. Ironically, Saudi Arabia is one of the primary sources of the Wahhabism practised by Osama bin Laden. Jihadis see the West as cowardly and fearful of death. They, themselves, love death and wish to inflict it upon as many others as possible. Their search for weapons of mass destruction makes them an extremely formidable enemy. From this excellent little study, one can only speculate whether the Islamist Occidentalists will someday come to accomodate the modern secular world or succeed in annihilating it. It is safe to say that the struggle will not end anytime soon. Occidentalism: The West in the Eyes of Its Enemies by Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit (Mar 29, 2005)



2.动力领域: 1785年,英国人瓦特改良蒸汽机用于工厂 生产,推动工业革命发展到新的阶段。
蒸汽动力的出现,加快了工业化的速度;同时 带来了交通运输业的革命,1814年铁路运输出现, 铁路时代到来。
施工中的英国利物 浦──曼彻斯特铁路 (1831年)。
英国史蒂芬孙父子 1826年制造的蒸汽机车 “火箭”号。
(2011江苏单科 节选) 材料二 从18世纪70-80年代,一直到19世纪30年代, 英国出现了这样一幅奇特的景象:保守主义的政治与快速 发展的经济同行。 ——刘成等《英国:从称霸世界到回归欧洲》 材料三 1796年时,120名下院议员是贵族或贵族子孙, 占下院总人数的21%,还有数百人与贵族有亲戚关系,或 者是在贵族的赞助下当选的,二者加在一起,超过全院人 数的70%。 ——程汉大《文化传统与政治变革》 (2)材料二中“保守主义的政治”是如何建立的?依据 材料三,结合所学知识,概括该时期保守主义政治的特征。 (4分) 建立:通过光荣革命(或《权利法案》)而建立。 特征:议会取代王权成为国家权力中心;贵族控制议会; 工业资产阶级未能充分参与政权。
立法权 议会
特别提醒: 1.此时的英国国王并非虚君,握有行政权; 2. 《权利法案》不是宪法,属宪法性的法律文件: 英国虽是最早确立君主立宪制的国家,但《权利法 案》不是宪法,至今英国也没有成文宪法。
乔治一世 1714-1727在位
• 我的头发很有型吧?不好看? 那我剪掉吧。 • 我是乔治一世,一个外来的英 王,一个不懂英语的英王。我 干脆把行政大权拱手让给罗伯 特 沃波尔,使他成为第一任 首相。18世纪初,英国的责任 内阁制就这样形成了。 • 所谓责任内阁制,指的是内阁 总揽行政大权并向议会负责。



1 中国历史朝代英文翻译A Brief Chinese Chronology夏Xia DynastyC.2100-C.1600 B.C.商Shang DynastyC.1600-C.1100 B.C.周Zhou Dynasty-西周Western Zhou DynastyC.1100-771 B.C. -东周Eastern Zhou dynasty770-256 B.C.-春秋Spring and Autumn period770-476 B.C. -战国Warring States475-221 B.C.秦Qin Dynasty221-206 B.C.汉Han Dynasty-西汉Western Han206 B.C.-24 A.D.-东汉Eastern Han25-220 A.D.三国Three Kingdoms-魏Wei220-265-蜀汉Shu Han221-263吴Wu222-280西晋Western Jin Dynasty265-316东晋Eastern Jin Dynasty317-420南北朝Northern and Southern Dynasty-南朝Southern Dynasty--宋Song420-479--齐Qi479-502--梁Liang502-557--陈Chen557-589-北朝Northern Dynasty--北魏Northern Wei386-534--东魏Eastern Wei534-550--北齐Northern Qi550-577--西魏Western Wei535-556--北周Northern Zhou557-581隋Sui Dynasty581-618唐Tang Dynasty618-907五代Five Dynasties-后梁Later Liang907-923-后唐Later Tang923-936-后晋Later Jin936-946-后汉Later Han947-950-后周Later Zhou951-960宋Song Dynasty-北宋Northern Song Dynasty960-1127-南宋Southern Song Dynasty1127-1279辽Liao Dynasty916-1125金Jin Dynasty1115-1234元Yuan Dynasty1271-1368明Ming Dynasty1368-1644清Qing Dynasty1644-1911中华民国Republic of China1912-1949中华人民共和国People’s Republic of China1949-*C.:Century 世纪B.C.:Before Christ 公元前A.D.:Anno Domini 公元abbrabbreviation(略)略语adj, adjjadjective(s)(形)形容词adv, advvadverb(s)(副)副词adv partadverbial particle(副接)副词接语auxauxiliary(助)助动词[C]countable noun(可数)可数名词conjconjunction(连)连接def art definite article(定冠)定冠词egfor example(例如)例如espespecially(尤指)尤指etcand the others(等)等等iewhich is to say(意即)意即indef artindefinite article(不定冠词)不定冠词infinfinitive(不定词)不定词intinterjection(感)感叹词nnoun(s) (名)名词negnegative(ly)(否定)否定的(地)part adjparticipial adjective(分形)分词形容词persperson(人称)人称pers pronpersonal pronoun(人称代)人称代名词plplural(复)复数(的)pppast participle (过去分词)过去分词prefprefix(字首)字首preppreposition(al) (介词)介词,介系词,介词的pronpronoun (代)代名词ptpast tense(过去)过去式sbsomebody(某人)某人singsingular(单)单数(的)sthsomething(某事物)某物或某事suffsuffix(字尾)字尾[U]uncountable noun(不可数)不可数名词USAmerica(n)(美)美国(的)vverb(s) (动)动词。



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英文名称:Vitamin C ,Ascorbic Acid性质分子式:C6H8O6;分子量:176.12u;CAS号:50-81-7;酸性,在溶液中会氧化分解。

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History of C++The C++ programming language has a history going back to 1979, when Bjarne Stroustrup was doing work for his Ph.D. thesis. One of the languages Stroustrup had the opportunity to work with was a language called Simula, which as the name implies is a language primarily designed for simulations. The Simula 67 language - which was the variant that Stroustrup worked with - is regarded as the first language to support the object-oriented programming paradigm. Stroustrup found that this paradigm was very useful for software development, however the Simula language was far too slow for practical use.Shortly thereafter, he began work on "C with Classes", which as the name implies was meant to be a superset of the C language. His goal was to add object-oriented programming into the C language, which was and still is a language well-respected for its portability without sacrificing speed or low-level functionality. His language included classes, basic inheritance, inlining, default function arguments, and strong type checking in addition to all the features of the C language.The first C with Classes compiler was called Cfront, which was derived from a C compiler called CPre. It was a program designed to translate C with Classes code to ordinary C. A rather interesting point worth noting is that Cfront was written mostly in C with Classes, making it a self-hosting compiler (a compiler that can compile itself). Cfront would later be abandoned in 1993 after it became difficult to integrate new features into it, namely C++ exceptions. Nonetheless, Cfront made a huge impact on the implementations of future compilers and on the Unix operating system.In 1983, the name of the language was changed from C with Classes to C++. The ++ operator in the C language is an operator for incrementing a variable, which gives some insight into how Stroustrup regarded the language. Many new features were added around this time, the most notable of which are virtual functions, function overloading, references with the & symbol, the const keyword, and single-line comments using two forward slashes (which is a feature taken from the language BCPL).In 1985, Stroustrup's reference to the language entitled The C++ Programming Language was published. That same year, C++ was implemented as a commercial product. The language was notofficially standardized yet, making the book a very important reference. The language was updated again in 1989 to include protected and static members, as well as inheritance from several classes.In 1990, The Annotated C++ Reference Manual was released. The same year, Borland's Turbo C++ compiler would be released as a commercial product. Turbo C++ added a plethora of additional libraries which would have a considerable impact on C++'s development. Although Turbo C++'s last stable release was in 2006, the compiler is still widely used.In 1998, the C++ standards committee published the first international standard for C++ ISO/IEC 14882:1998, which would be informally known as C++98. The Annotated C++ Reference Manual was said to be a large influence in the development of the standard. The Standard Template Library, which began its conceptual development in 1979, was also included. In 2003, the committee responded to multiple problems that were reported with their 1998 standard, and revised it accordingly. The changed language was dubbed C++03.In 2005, the C++ standards committee released a technical report (dubbed TR1) detailing various features they were planning to add to the latest C++ standard. The new standard was informally dubbed C++0x as it was expected to be released sometime before the end of the first decade. Ironically, however, the new standard would not be released until mid-2011. Several technical reports were released up until then, and some compilers began adding experimental support for the new features.In mid-2011, the new C++ standard (dubbed C++11) was finished. The Boost library project made a considerable impact on the new standard, and some of the new modules were derived directly from the corresponding Boost libraries. Some of the new features included regular expression support (details on regular expressions may be found here), a comprehensive randomization library, a new C++ time library, atomics support, a standard threading library (which up until 2011 both C and C++ were lacking), a new for loop syntax providing functionality similar to foreach loops in certain other languages, the auto keyword, new container classes, better support for unions and array-initialization lists, and variadic templates.。
