TANDBERG TMS Codian4500 技术优势 (NXPowerLite)
维萨拉 ViewLinc 监测系统说明书
维萨拉viewLinc 监测系统温度、相对湿度、门开关、 压差、二氧化碳以及其他变量维萨拉 viewLinc 监测系统具有viewLinc 企业服务器软件* 和监测设备,可提供报警、实时趋势图和可定制报告。
适应轻工业和重工业环境,符合GXP 良好应用规范的要求,该系统可匹配众多型号的维萨拉数据记录仪、变送器,可用于监测温度、相对湿度、露点温度、二氧化碳、压差、门开关等等。
viewLinc 企业服务器可通过连接选项的组合连接数据记录仪,包括:以太网、PoE、Wi-Fi 和维萨拉无线技术:VaiNet。
维萨拉 viewLinc 监测系统提供:▪实时监测和报警以及可定制报告▪即使在断电和网络中断期间也能实现无间隙监测▪通过以太网、Wi-Fi 或维萨拉无线技术VaiNet 建立网络连接▪方便安装和验证以及可选 IQOQ 协议▪可选现场安装/验证服务,方便实施并符合实施要求▪带有屏幕指导和嵌入帮助的用户友好软件▪通过电子邮件、短信、语音通话、灯光和警报器发出警报通知▪报告符合 21 CFR 第 11 部分和欧盟 GMP 附录 11 的要求,随电子邮件自动传递▪监测数据可通过 OPC UA 和 API 与其他系统共享▪在 Modbus 和模拟设备中集成多个参数适用于多种参数和应用的可靠监测系统*viewLinc 企业服务器包含 OpenSSL Project 开发的用于 OpenSSL Toolkit 的软件。
()虽然 viewLinc 是为制药和其他受监管环境设计的,但该系统也可应用于多种应用中的状态监测。
适用于监管的应用:▪可验证软件▪环境参数分布试验确认软件▪加密数据和审计跟踪▪IQOQ 协议和 GxP 文档▪符合 ICH 标准的校准选项行业与应用“ [该]系统易于扩展,无需额外成本,具有远程读取功能,便于使用,可提高工作效率,并且测量准确。
分布式工程监测系统方案及产品介绍苏州南智传感科技有限公司Version 2012.7.....1公司简介.....2监测技术.....3传感产品..........4工程案例5技术服务⏹是一家长期致力于各类工程的分布式传感检测与监测技术开发、产品研制与技术服务的高科技公司。
万级超净车间合理结构团队高精度加工检测设备.....1公司简介.....2监测技术.....3传感产品..........4工程案例5技术服务准分布式FBG技术分布式光纤传感监测技术全分布式DSS技术电绝缘高灵敏度抗腐蚀高性价比......优势抗电磁干扰兼容性良好结构健康监测火灾预警周界安防布拉格光纤光栅(FBG)应用领域测试仪器传感器件系统构成信号光缆软件系统分布式应变监测系统结构安全监测灾害预防预报工业设备监控(DSS)应用领域系统构成电阻式应变计振弦式应变计DSS分布式最小采常见应变监测技术比较测量方式点式点式分布式,最小采样间隔可达1cm精度0.2‰F•S 0.33‰F•S 0.33‰F•S 应变范围20,000με3,000με30,000με 电阻值受导线增电阻值受导线增传感光缆作为传距离范围长而增大,测试距离非常有限长而增大,测试距离非常有限感器的同时又是光信号传输通道,最长可达80公里系统集成度低低高长期稳定性低中高光学器件不受电电磁影响易受电磁干扰易受电磁干扰磁干扰耐腐蚀性金属部件易锈蚀金属部件易锈蚀传感器无金属部件不易腐蚀件,不易腐蚀.....1公司简介.....2监测技术.....3传感产品..........4工程案例5技术服务FBG产品线信号解调监测系统光纤光栅信解调设备光纤光栅传感器光纤光栅串DSS产品线DSS产品线产品线传感光缆测试服务监测系统FBG产品线产品参数参数单位数值中心波长nm1510~1590波长容差nm+/-0.2栅区长度mm351015反射区---≥80%≥80%≥90%≥90%3dB带宽nm≤0.7≤0.5≤0.3≤0.25边模抑制dB≥18单点传感光栅涂覆丙烯酸酯抗拉强度Kpsi≥100光纤类型---G.652D接头---根据客户需求尾纤长度---根据客户需求产品参数参数单位数值中心波长nm1510~1590波长容差nm±0.2栅区长度mm351015反率射---≥80%≥80%≥90%≥90%3dB带宽nm≤0.7≤0.5≤0.3≤0.25边模抑制dB≥18多点传感光栅串最小栅区间隔mm10间隔精度mm≤5涂覆层丙烯酸酯抗拉强度Kpsi≥100光纤类型---G.652D接头---根据客户需求尾纤长度---根据客户需求根据客户需求定制生产特种光纤光栅,如耐高温光栅倾斜光栅啁啾光栅等高温光栅、倾斜光栅、啁啾光栅等。
tandberg mcu 4500参数
Codian 4520 MCU的特点高清效果每个端Codian 4520 MCU的特点口都可以提供全动态水晶般清晰的高清视频。
高性能Codian Universal Port™技术支持向任意端口发送任意标准,速率,分辨率以及布局(超过50种布局方式可以选择)的画面,而不会造成容量和能力的降低。
Codian ClearVision™独特的画面增强技术,能够最大4倍增强SD和ED画面的清晰度,过渡到高清十分简便。
未来可支持1080p full HD视频。
可通过XML API方便的与预约系统和管理系统集成性能参数Codian 4520MCU 规格为:高清性能720p 30 fps H.264 5 Mbps 分屏模式可选支持1080p 30 fps and 720p 60fps 高清晰音频高清双流 H.239视频标准H.261, H.263, H.263+, H.263++, H.264视频分辨率从 QCIF 到 720p (1280 x 720),包括iCIF和iSIF, 4:3 或 16:9 画面比例帧率30fps或60fps音频标准G.711, G.722, G.723.1, G.729, MPEG-4 AAC-LC, MPEG-4 AAC-LD, Polycom Siren14™ / G.722.1Annex C支持协议H.323 v4, SIP, H.235 (AES), H.239 (dual video), VNC™, H.243 (主席控制), FTP, RTP, RTSP,HTTP, DHCP, SNMP, NTP 带宽单端口最高支持5Mbps(H.263或H.264),无论是否分屏和何种分屏模式任意Transcoding和Transrating支持HD/SD同时加入会议为所有视音频呼叫自动转码、转速率在同一会议中终端可以使用任意带宽、分辨率、视音频标准呼入每个与会者分配独立的编码器极低编码延迟:小于80ms流媒体视频内置流媒体服务器可使用Windows Media Player™, RealPlayer™ or QuickTime™观看视频支持双流的流服务(H.239 and VNC™) 支持文字交谈支持单播和组播支持UDP、TCP或HTTP 独立选择带宽和编码标准本地化和客户化客户化的IVR/自动语音提示和应答多语言支持 Unicode会议和站点名称MCU 特性Web界面呼入或呼出独立或者注册到GK 可配置的自动应答每个端口均具有高级分屏功能自动选择最佳分屏布局可使用遥控器或者Web独立的选择本地分屏模式超过50种分配模式可以选择支持16:9宽屏模式使用遥控器或者语音激励选择演讲者通过Web页面或者管理应用程序指定演讲者通过遥控器或者Web页面控制远端摄像机支持与会者的文字标识向单个或所有与会者发送文字消息内置的会议预约功能可发起随需或者支持H.239双流演示模式:通过VNC添加演示内容通过Web页面预览会议或者单个与会者画面可选Web会议选项-无需终端仍可加入会议可为语音加入者上传图片与IP或传统PBX协作语音特性宽频语音混合内置自动语音应答提示自动增益控制, 通过WEB界面使与会者静音内置 Web 服务器可通过WEB界面完成对系统及会议的配置、控制和监控内置网闸E.164 号码解析支持终端、网关及会议注册最高支持300个终端注册系统管理XML 管理API 通过内嵌Web服务器管理通过RS-232 进行本地控制或者诊断提供系统日志供诊断可配置的H.323及SIP事件日志支持配置的网络备份通过以太网或者CompactFlash进行安全升级提供CDR 支持SNMPQoS可配置的 DSCP or TOS/IP 优先级网络适应性Codian Packet Safe™ 技术提供智能降速, 动态的网络抖动缓冲安全特性7个级别的访问权限控制支持受密码保护的会议安全的非PC硬件和操作系统 AES加密, 128 bit key, H.235接口2 x RJ45 以太网, 10/100/1000 Mbps 全/半双工,手动或自动配置, RJ45 -串口连接 CF卡接口 39种 LEDs状态工作环境工作温度0°C to 35°C 相对湿度低于 95% (非凝结)物理尺寸高 3.43”, 87 mm (2U), 宽17.4”, 442 mm深19.25”, 489 mm, 重22 lbs, 15 kg 19” 机架安装电源100-240 VAC, 50/60Hz 最高功耗600W认证和标准欧洲安全认证: EN 60950-1:2001 美国安全认证: UL 60950-1 First Edition 加拿大安全认证: CSA 60950-1-03 CB Scheme certificate, CE Marked EMC: EN55022 class A, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3, EN55024: EN61000-4-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-11, FCC Part 15 class A, VCCI class A, AS/NZS 3548 (C-Tick) RoHS。
赛门铁克NetBackup产品优势及对比(对比业内前5名备份软件包括:NetBackup、IBM TSM、HP DP、EMC Networker、CV)Symantec是全球第一大专业备份软件、存储软件和安全软件公司,也是全球第三大独立软件厂商。
在中国, 90%以上的金融机构采用NetBackup来构建其数据备份保护平台。
强大的客户群充分验证了不同IT架构的技术特征,在备份系统的安全性、先进性、扩展性方面和开放性方面具有不可比拟的中国移动信息系统: 总部和其它27个省数据中心全部使用NetBackup 。
实施是由Symantec 和合作伙伴共同完成的。
中国移动还和Symantec 签订了全国32省的ERP 系统异地容灾合同,由Symantec 主导实施完成,目前成为国内最大规模的容灾项目。
中国新联通&中国电信:超过80%的省数据中心采用NetBackup 及Storage Foundation 保护数据。
中国工商银行:2008年与Symantec 签订了整个银行的数据备份合同,替代了使用4年之久的CA 备份方案。
NetBackup 项目被工行领导称赞为多年来最好的项目。
中国建设银行:2008年与Symantec 签订了整个银行的数据备份合同,实施覆盖建行全国所有省分行数据中心、研究院、以及所有控股单位。
并逐步在南北数据中心替换使用了多年的EMC/Legato 。
中行、农行:总部数据中心和所有分行核心业务系统 中国平安、中国太保:全部业务系统 90%的中型商业银行全行业务系统铁道部:2009年与Symantec 签订了数据中心的数据备份合同,所有的火车运输调度、客服服务、货票管理等核心业务系统都采用NetBackup 实施数据保护,替换了原先使用的EMC/Legato 和IBM/Tivoli 。
目前大多厂商万兆环网使用最普通的生成树协议:IEEE802.1D STP(收敛时间50秒)和IEEE802.1W RSTP(收敛时间1秒),而TG-NET万兆环网方案采用工业级环网协议ERPS。
莫萨ToughNet TN-4900系列产品介绍说明书
TN-4900SeriesEN 50155Gigabit SecurityRouterFeatures and Benefits•8Gigabit ports and up to 12PoE ports •IEC 61375ETBN functionality (ETBN models)•Dual bypass relay•Isolated power input range from 24to 110VDC •Complies with all EN 50155mandatory test items 1•-40to 70°C operating temperature range •Complies with IEC 62443-4-2:20192CertificationsIntroductionThe ToughNet TN-4900Series,designed for rolling stock Ethernet networks,is a set of high-performance M12routers with 8Gigabit ports and up to four bypass relay ports.These routers feature firewall,ETBN,and routing functionality to facilitate the deployment of applications acrossnetworks.The TN-4900Series routers use M12and other circular connectors to ensure tight,robust connections that guarantee reliability against environmental disturbances,such as vibration and shock.The TN-4900Series supports a wide power input range of 24to 110VDC and can operate in temperatures of -40to 70°C for extended periods of time.Furthermore,these routers are compliant with the mandatory requirements of EN 50155,making them suitable for a variety of industrial applications.Additional Features and Benefits•IEC 61375-2-3,61375-2-5–compliant ETBN•IEC 62443-4-2:2019–compliant cybersecurity features•Firewall to protect the network and filter untrusted network traffic •Routing functionality to divide a large network into hierarchical subnets and allow data and information to communicate across networks•NAT makes IP management easier as end devices in different carriages can use the same IP addresses•Leading EN 50155Ethernet router for rolling stock applications•Turbo Ring and RSTP/STP for network redundancy •Panel mounting installation •Line-swap fast recovery•Automatic recovery of connected device’s IP addresses•LLDP for automatic topology discovery in network management software•Configurable by web browser,Telnet/serial console,and CLI Windows utilitySpecificationsEthernet Interface10/100/1000BaseT(X)Ports (M12X-coded 8-pin female connector)TN-4908non-PoE non-ETBN Models:8TN-4908non-PoE ETBN Models:4TN-4908PoE non-ETBN Models:4TN-4916PoE non-ETBN models:410/100/1000BaseT(X)Ports (M12X-coded 8-pin female connector with bypass relay)ETBN Models:4PoE Ports (10/100BaseT(X),M12D-coded 4-pin female connector)TN-4916PoE Models:81.This product is suitable for rolling stock railway applications,as defined by the EN 50155standard.For a more detailed statement,click here:/doc/specs/EN_50155_Compliance.pdf2.Expected to be ready by the end of Q2,2023.PoE Ports(100/1000BaseT(X),M12X-coded8-pinPoE Models:4female connector)Standards IEEE802.1Q for VLAN TaggingIEEE802.1w for Rapid Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE802.3af/at for PoE/PoE+outputIEEE802.3ab for1000BaseT(X)IEEE802.1X for authenticationIEEE802.1D-2004for Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE802.3x for flow controlIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)IEEE802.1p for Class of ServiceIEEE802.3for10BaseTEthernet Software FeaturesConfiguration Options Command Line Interface(CLI)through Serial/Telnet/SSHWeb Console(HTTP/HTTPS)Windows UtilityFilter IGMP v1/v2Static Multicast802.1QManagement Back Pressure Flow ControlSNMP InformLLDPSyslogHTTPFlow controlSMTPQoS/CoS/ToSPort MirrorSNMP TrapSNMPv1/v2c/v3IPv4TelnetDHCP serverTFTPRARPAccount ManagementRedundancy Protocols RSTPStatic Port TrunkTurbo Ring v2STPRouting Redundancy VRRPSecurity Port LockSSHBroadcast storm protectionTACACS+Local Account AccessibilityHTTPS/SSLTime Management SNTPNTP Server/ClientUnicast Routing RIPV1/V2OSPFStatic RouteMulticast Routing Static RouteDoS and DDoS ProtectionTechnology NMAP-ID ScanARP-FloodSYN/FIN ScanNull ScanICMP-DeathFIN ScanSYN-FloodNEWWithout-SYN ScanXmas ScanNMAP-Xmas ScanSYN/RST ScanFirewallFilter ICMPMAC addressEthernet protocolsPortsIP addressDDoSQuick Automation Profiles TelnetHTTPRADIUSPROFINETEtherCATIPsecSSHPPTPIEC60870-104FOUNDATION FieldbusL2TPEtherNet/IPLonWorksDNPModbus TCPFTPStateful Inspection Router firewallTransparent(bridge)firewallThroughput Max.500,000packets per secondSwitch PropertiesIGMP Groups256MAC Table Size16KMax.No.of VLANs16VLAN ID Range VID1to4094LED InterfaceLED Indicators STATE,PWR1,PWR2,FAULT,10/100/1000M,PoE NATFeatures1-to-1Port forwardingN-to-1Serial InterfaceConsole Port RS-232(M12B-coded5-pin female connector) USB InterfaceM12Connector M12A-coded5-pin female(for ABC-02USB storage)Power ParametersInput Current TN-4908Non-PoE Models:0.68A@24VTN-4908PoE Models:3.6A@24VTN-4916PoE Models:5.9A@24VInput Voltage24/36/48/72/96/110VDCRedundant dual inputsNo.of power inputs:2Operating Voltage16.8to137.5VDCOverload Current Protection SupportedPower Connector M12K-coded5-pin male connectorReverse Polarity Protection SupportedTotal PoE Power Budget TN-4908PoE Models:50WTN-4916PoE Models:95WPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalDimensions TN-4908Non-PoE Models:160x115x70mm(6.30x4.53x2.76in)TN-4908PoE Models:160x115x100mm(6.30x4.53x3.94in)TN-4916PoE Models:206x115x100mm(8.10x4.53x3.94in)IP Rating IP40Weight TN-4908Non-PoE Models:1120g(2.47lb)TN-4908PoE Models:1640g(3.62lb)TN-4916PoE Models:1990g(4.39lb)Installation Wall mountingProtection Optional PCB conformal coatingEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature-40to70°C(-40to158°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN55032,EN55035EMS IEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:20V/mIEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFFreefall IEC60068-2-31Radio Frequency FCCRailway EN50121-4EN50155IEC60571Railway Fire Protection EN45545-2Safety IEC62368,UL62368Shock IEC60068-2-27,IEC61373,EN50155Vibration IEC60068-2-64,IEC61373,EN50155DeclarationGreen Product RoHS,CRoHS,WEEEMTBFTime TN-4908Non-PoE Models:795,840hrsTN-4908Non-PoE ETBN Models:648,903hrsTN-4908PoE Models:644,898hrsTN-4908PoE ETBN Models:545,021hrsTN-4916PoE Models:550,148hrsTN-4916PoE ETBN Models:472,578hrsStandards Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x TN-4900Series routerInstallation Kit2x cap,male,metal,for M12port(Console and USB storage ports,fixed on switch)4/8x cap,male,metal,for M12port(Ethernet ports,fixed on switch)1x wall-mounting kitDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensionsTN-4908Non-PoE ModelsTN-4908PoE ModelsTN-4916PoE ModelsOrdering InformationTN-4908-8GTX-WV-T✓––8–––TN-4908-8GTX-WV-CT-✓––8––✓TTN-4908-ETBN-4GTX-–✓–44––4GTXBP-WV-TTN-4908-ETBN-4GTX-–✓–44–✓4GTXBP-WV-CT-TTN-4908-ETBN-F-4GTX-✓✓–44––4GTXBP-WV-TTN-4908-ETBN-F-4GTX-✓✓–44–✓4GTXBP-WV-CT-TTN-4908-4GPoE-4GTX-✓––4–4–WV-TTN-4908-4GPoE-4GTX-✓––4–4✓WV-CT-TTN-4908-ETBN-4GPoE-–✓––44–4GTXBP-WV-TTN-4908-ETBN-4GPoE-–✓––44✓4GTXBP-WV-CT-TTN-4908-ETBN-F-✓✓––44–4GPoE-4GTXBP-WV-TTN-4908-ETBN-F-✓✓––44✓4GPoE-4GTXBP-WV-CT-TTN-4916-8PoE-4GPoE-––84–4–4GTX-WV-TTN-4916-8PoE-4GPoE-––84–4✓4GTX-WV-CT-TTN-4916-ETBN-8PoE-–✓8–44–4GPoE-4GTXBP-WV-TTN-4916-ETBN-8PoE-–✓8–44✓4GPoE-4GTXBP-WV-CT-TTN-4916-ETBN-F-8PoE-✓✓8–44–4GPoE-4GTXBP-WV-TTN-4916-ETBN-F-8PoE-✓✓8–44✓4GPoE-4GTXBP-WV-CT-TAccessories(sold separately)M12Connector CapsA-CAP-M12M-M Metal cap for M12male connectorA-CAP-M12F-M-PP Metal cap for M12female push-pull connectorConnectorsM12X-8PMM-IP67-HTG X-coded screw-in Gigabit Ethernet connector,8-pin male M12connector,IP67CablesCBL-M12XMM8P-Y-300-IP67M12-to-M12Cat-5UTP Ethernet cable,8-pin male X-coded crimp type M12connector,IP67,3mCBL-M12XMM8PRJ45-Y-200-IP67M12-to-RJ45Cat-5UTP Ethernet cable,8-pin male X-coded crimp type M12connector,IP67,2m CBL-M12XMM8P-Y-100-IP67M12-to-M12Cat-5UTP Ethernet cable,8-pin male X-coded crimp type M12connector,IP67,1mCBL-M12BMM5PF9-BK-150-IP68B-coded male M12-to-5-pin DB9console cable,IP68-rated,1.5mCBL-M12KFF5POPEN-O-150-IP67K-coded female M12-to-5-pin open wire M12power cable,IP67-rated,1.5mStorage KitsABC-02-P-USB-M12-CT-T USB-based configuration backup and restoration tool with M12connector for Moxa’s ToughNet seriesof managed Ethernet switches and wireless APs/bridges/clients,-40to75°C operating temperature,conformal coating©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Feb07,2023.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
2024/2/21 | Polycom Confidential
SD卡接口 CVBS / RCA 3.5mm 耳机输出接口 PSTN FXO接口
2024/2/21 | Polycom Confidential
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2024/2/21 | Polycom Confidential
2024/2/21 | Polycom Confidential
VP 8053 MC 850/851
维亚视解决方案T-BERD MTS-4000电缆测试仪说明书
The Viavi Solutions™ T-BERD/MTS-4000 equipped with the Copper Services Module delivers comprehensive copper testing and addresses the distinct requirements of very high-speed digital subscriber line (VDSL) deployment and maintenance. The T-BERD/MTS-4000 is a rugged, modular platform engineered with a 7-inch color display, long battery life, and weather-resistant design for outstanding performance and reliability in the field. The Copper Services Module brings the functionality to the platform that service providers need to mitigate the significant challenge of VDSL rollout and maintenance in various fiber (FTTx) deployments. Traditionally, the copper plant has not been qualified to withstand the stringent needs of VDSL service delivery. The new spectrum that VDSL uses introduces more rigorous and stringent requirements than previously seen in the installed plant. VDSL testing has shown that the plant is susceptible to impulse noise not encountered in the current asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) usage spectrum. In addition, the detection of short bridged taps, which create a much greater impact on VDSL signals than on ADSL signals, becomes more critical in VDSL testing. The T-BERD/MTS-4000 Copper Services Module tests to these standards and more to qualify and troubleshoot the copper for service.The T-BERD/MTS-4000 is easily upgradeable with advanced options that support the industry’s changing technologies and the evolving needs of service installers. Its dynamic configurability allows technicians with varying responsibilities to use it to perform a wide range of tests. Standard Ethernet and universal serial bus (USB) or optional Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) and Bluetooth connections offer flexibility to easily download software and offload captured test data to improve workforce productivity and baseline network performance.Key Featuresy Complete copper testing from POTS through full-spectrum VDSL/VDSL2 up to 30 MHzy Time domain reflectometer (TDR) with time-varying gain (TVG) andauto identificationy Spectral analysis to 30 MHz withone-button zoom to VDSL bands and causes of interferencey Viavi scripting and automated test features that simplify testingy Wideband copper functionality available in combination with ADSL/VDSL2 test modules y Large, color graphical user interface (GUI) with optional touch screen Applicationsy Qualify and troubleshoot twisted pair copper deploymentsy Interoperates with the Viavi UltraFed for single-ended closeout testingy Conducts scripted closeout testing with user-definable pass/fail criteriaT-BERD®/MTS-4000 Multiple Services Test PlatformCopper Services ModuleArchitectureturn-up or trouble isolation.Choose the T-BERD/MTS-4000 Function that Meets Y our Copper Test NeedsThe T-BERD/MTS-4000 offers the broadest and deepest copper access network test capabilities in the industry. It can be configured to deliver: Standard Copper Testing through Full SpectrumThe T-BERD/MTS-4000 offers extended copper testing to quickly and easily pinpoint physical layer problems.Basic features include:y Digital volt-ohm meter (DVOM), measuring AC and DC voltage, current, resistance, and leakagey Ground checky Opens measurementy Signal generator and level meter–Balance–Impedancey Load coil detectiony POTS callsy Caller identification (CLID) testing Using Options, the Copper Module also Offers:y Wideband noise, impulse noise, Transmission Impairment Measurement Set [TIMS]; SNR; cross-talk; return lossy Graphical spectral analysis (up to 30 MHz)y Cable fault location with graphical TDR or resistive fault locator (RFL) Combination Copper/DSLThe Copper Services Module can be configured as a stand-alone copper tester or combined with multiple DSL (xDSL) variants that support:y ADSL1/2/2+y VDSL1, VDSL2y The combination of xDSL and copper functionality provides the capability to install and troubleshoot triple-play services and dispatch copper issues Combined Copper/DSL/Triple-Play TestingThe Copper Services Module can be equipped with an optional xDSL modem and Triple-Play Services software, which adds the capability to analyze data over the optional modem or the native mainframe Ethernet port and provides:y Data throughput and Web browsery VoIP call emulation and monitory IPTV (Video) set top box emulation and monitorThe Right Tool for Today’s Copper Tests The lightweight, rugged, and battery-operated T-BERD/MTS-4000 cost-effectively scales to provide an all-in-one solution for field installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting across a wide range of copper, fiber, and triple-play services test applications. With automation features that improve workforce efficiency, theT-BERD/MTS-4000 is ideally suited to support even the most complex, advanced FTT x networks.© 2015 Viavi Solutions, Inc.Product specifications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice.tberd-mts-4000-copper-0115-ds-tfs-tm-ae 30162671 902 0110Contact Us +1 844 GO VIAVI (+1 844 468 4284)To reach the Viavi office nearest you, visit /contacts.SpecificationsOrdering Information。
Explanation of symbols符号说明Introduction引言ABOUT PTM LOADGARD SERIES、关于PTM吨位仪系列Benefit优势PTM(Peak Tonnage Module)PTM(峰值吨位模块)Main Features主要特点OPERATING MODES操作模式LOOK WINDOW TIME查看时间SAMPLING (also referred to as ―L earning‖ or ―Trending‖ cycles)采样(也称为―L收入‖或―走向‖循环)ALARMS报警Other Features其他功能TOUCH SCREEN INTERFACE触目屏界面MAIN MENU主菜单PRESS MONITOR按显示器Tonnage Display Screen吨位显示屏幕MAIN PEAK LOAD SCREEN主峰负载屏CURRENT JOB DISPLAY目前工作显示CURRENT JOB DISPLAY目前工作显示报警指示灯及历史报警记录ALARM HI STORY报警历史TOTAL PEAK DISAPL Y FOR FRAME总峰值的框架PEAK TONNAGE DISPLAY FOR FRAME (Ch1 – 4)峰值显示框(CH1-4)TREND LED趋势报警ALARM INDICATOR LED FOR FRAME CHANNEL报警指示灯区域PEAK DISPLAY FOR IN-DIE & ALARM INDI CATOR (In-Die Screen Only) 模具及报警指示灯显示(峰值显示在屏幕)VIEWING CURRENT ALARM SETTING S (In-Die Screen Only)查看当前报警设置(触摸屏)ALARM RESET报警复位ALARM SETUP报警设置OPERATING MODE操作模式COPYING SAMPLE TO TARGET复制样本目标VIEW PEAK HI STORY视图峰值曲线Peak History & SPC(Statistical Process Control) Charts高峰的历史与SPC(统计过程控制)图表ZOOMED MODE放大模式CHANNEL SELECT BUTTONS通道选择按钮CONFIG配置CHANGE GRAPH RESOLUTION改变图形分辩率SCROLL滚动UNZOOM取消缩放GRID网络BOLD以粗体显示LEGEND图例SPC???Current Alarm Setting当前报警设置Group Select组选择HIGH CAPACITY高容量LOW CAPAC ITY低容量TARGET目标+ TOL+ 容差- TOL- 容差EXPAND FACTOR扩大因素LEARNING CYCLE学习周期ADAPTIVE LEARNING ENABLE/DISABLE 自适应学习的启动/禁止ALARM WINDOW (ms)报警窗口(毫秒)(LOOK) WINDOW TIME (ms)(看)窗口时间(毫秒)ENABLING EDIT启动编辑DOWNLOAD下载JOB RECIPE工作配方SA VING TO RECIPE DA TABASE保存配方数据库MAIN MENU主菜单Signature (Wave) Display Screen署名(波形)显示JOB作业PEAK峰值HIGH CAP高容量LOW CA P低容量TARGET目标SAMPLE采集样本高容差LOW TOL低容差WA VE VIEWING WINDOW波形显示窗口READ TONNAGE AT ANGLE读取吨位的角度ZOOM IN放大RESET ZOOM重置缩放TREND TYPE趋势类型TREND趋势GRID网络BOLD以粗体显示LEGEND图例CHANNEL SELECT通道选择OVERLAY覆盖、叠加Overlay Screens覆盖屏幕SIGNA TURE OVERLAYS CREEN 签名覆盖屏幕SIGNA TURE OVERLAY SCREEN 签名覆盖屏幕PEAK BARS SCREEN峰值分离筛选RECIPE MANAGER配方管理Recipe Main Screen配方主菜单JOB SUMMARY DISPLAY工作摘要显示NA VIGATION BAR导航栏EDIT ON编辑开删除EDIT编辑ADD添加COPY复制DOWNLOAD下载MAIN MENU主菜单Job Setup Screen工作设定屏幕JOB NAME作业名称HIGH CAPACITY高容量LOW CAPAC ITY低容量TARGET目标+ TOL+ 容差- TOL- 容差EXPAND FACTOR扩容因子LEARNING CYCLE学习周期ADAPTIVE LEARNING ENABLE/DISABLE 自适应学习的启动/禁止报警窗口(毫秒)(LOOK) WINDOW TIME (ms)(看)窗口时间(毫秒)PASTE粘贴CANCEL取消SA VE保存PASSWORD CHANGE更改密码MASTER PASSWORDADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD管理员密码OPERATOR PASSWORD操作员密码INITIAL PASSWORD初始密码ADTSERVER SETUP SCREEN ADT服务器设置屏幕Monitor Screen显示屏幕OPERATING STATUS INDICATOR 工作状态指示灯OPERATING MODE INDICA TOR 操作模式指示灯Sensor Calibration Screen传感器校准页面System Setup Screen系统设置屏幕WINDOW TIME (ms)、窗口时间(毫秒)PEAK WINDOW (Enable/Disable) 峰值窗口(启动/禁止)SA VE保存CANCEL取消APPENDIX A附录AAPPENDIX B附录BAPPENDIX C附录CAPPENDIX C附录DINTRODUCTION简介HELM INSTRUMENT CO., INC. manufactures a complete line of load monitoring control systemsfor use on metal stamping, forging, compaction and assembly presses; cold forming, cold heading, injection molding and die cast machines. Standard or custom transducers and load cells are available for in-die monitoring and transfer or progressive tooling. At HELM, quality is inherent not only in the design of our products but in the attitudes of our employees as well.We're working together to give you the best. After all, that's what our business is all about - providing innovative instrumentation to help make your manufacturing process more productive and your operation more effective.HELM仪器有限公司。
Mini-Circuits RCDAT-4000-120 1MHz-4GHz 120dB Progr
Programmable AttenuatorRCDAT-4000-120Product OverviewMini-Circuits’ RCDAT-4000-120 is a general purpose, single channel programmable attenuator suitable for a wide range of signal level control applications from 1 MHz to 4 GHz. The Attenuator provides 0 to 120 dB attenuation in 0.25 dB steps. Its unique design maintains linear attenuation change per dB, even at the highest attenuation settings.The attenuator is housed in a compact and rugged package with SMA female connectors on the bi-directional input and output RF ports, a standard Ethernet port (RJ45) and a USB type Mini-B power and control port.The attenuator can be controlled via USB or Ethernet (supporting both HTTP and Telnet network protocols). Full software support is provided and can be downloaded from our website any time at /softwaredownload/patt.html. The package includes our user-friendly GUI application for Windows ® and a full API with programming instructions for Windows ® and Linux ® environments (both 32-bit and 64-bit systems).USB / Ethernet50Ω 0 – 120 dB, 0.25 dB step 1 to 4000 MHzTrademarks: Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Tor-valds. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple Corporation. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Neither Mini-Circuits nor the Mini-Circuits RCDAT-series attenuators are affiliated with or endorsed by the owners of the above referenced trademarks.Mini-Circuits and the Mini-Circuits logo are registered trademarks of Scientific Components Corporation.Rev. JECO-012291EDR-11169Case Style: MS1897Software PackageThe Big Deal• Wide attenuation range, 120 dB • Fine attenuation resolution, 0.25 dB• Short attenuation transition time (650 ns)• Compact size, 2.5 x 3.0 x 0.85”• USB and Ethernet controlIncluded AccessoriesModel No.DescriptionQty.MUSB-CBL-3+3.3 ft. USB cable1Applications• Automated Test Equipment (ATE)• WiMAX, 3G, 4G, LTE, DVB Fading Simulators • Laboratory Instrumentation • Handover system Evaluation • Power level cycling1 Attenuator RF ports are interchangeable, and support simultaneous, bidirectional signal transmission, however the specifications are guaranteed for the RF in and RF out as noted on the label. There may be minor changes in performance when injecting signals to the RF Out port.2 Max accuracy defined as ±[absolute error+% of attenuation setting] for example when setting the attenuator to 110 dB attenuation the maximum error at 3500 MHz will be: ±(-7.0+0.1x110)= ±(-7.0+11)= ± 4.0 dB3 Isolation is defined as max attenuation plus insertion loss; this is the path loss through the attenuator when initially powered up. After a brief delay (~0.5 sec typically) the attenuator will revert to a user defined “power-up” state (either max attenuation or a pre-set value).4 Total operating input power from both RF In and RF Out out ports. Compression level not noted as it exceeds max safe operating power level.5 Tested with 1 MHz span between signals.6 Minimum Dwell Time is the time the RCDAT will take to respond to a command to change attenuation states without communication delays. In PC control add communication delays (on the order of msec for USB) to get actual response time.7Attenuation Transition Time is specified as the time between starting to change the attenuation state and settling on the requested attenuation state. Electrical Specifications 1 at 0°C to 50°CAbsolute Maximum RatingsOperating Temperature0°C to 50°CStorage Temperature-20°C to 85°CV USB Max.6VDC voltage at RF port16VTotal RF power for RF In & RF Out @ 1 to 10 MHz+13 dBm @ 10 to 6000 MHz+23 dBmPermanent damage may occur if any of these limits are exceeded. Operating in the range between operating power limits and absolute maximum ratings for extended periods of time may result in reduced life and reliability.Block DiagramConnectionsRF In (SMA female)RF Out (SMA female)USB(USB type Mini-B female)Network (Ethernet/LAN)(RJ45 socket)RCDAT response to communication interruptUSBSimultaneous, bidirectional RF signal transmission with symmetrical performanceRJ45(Ethernet)inchConnectionsRF IN (SMA female)RF OUT (SMA female)USB(USB type Mini-B female)Network (Ethernet/LAN)(RJ45 socket)4X #2-56 UNCQBracket OptionTop ViewBottom View2X SMA FEMALEInstruction for mounting bracket:1. Tool required: Phillips head screwdriver2. Mount the bracket over threaded holes on the bottom side with the fasteners provided with the bracket.Outline Drawing (MS1897)Typical Performance Curves-3.0-2.0- (MHz)Attenuation Accuracy @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsA c c u r a c y (dB )-3.0-2.0- (MHz)Attenuation Accuracy @ 0°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsA c c u r a c y (dB )-3.0-2.0- (MHz)Attenuation Accuracy @ +50°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsA c c u r a c y (dB ) (MHz)vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings (MHz)vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings A t t e n u a t i o n (d B ) (MHz)vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings A t t e n u a t i o n (d B )A t t e n u a t i o n (dB )11000 2000 3000 4000 5000 60001 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 60001 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 60001 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 60001 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 60001 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000Attenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ +25°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsAttenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ 0°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsAttenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ +50°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsFrequency (MHz)Frequency (MHz)Frequency (MHz)Frequency (MHz)Frequency (MHz)Frequency (MHz)Typical Performance Curves (Continued)Frequency (MHz)Attenuation Setting (dB)A t t e n u a t i o n A c c u r a c y (dB )24681012I n s e r t i o n L o s s (d B )Insertion Loss @ Input Power=0dBm Insertion Loss @ Input Power +20 dBmvs. Frequency over TemperaturesI n s e r t i o n L o s s (d B )Insertion Loss @ Input Power=+20dBm Insertion Loss @ Input Power 0dBm vs. Frequency over Temperatures1 1000 2000 3000 40005000 6000Frequency (MHz)Input VSWR @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settings1. n p u t V S W R (:1)vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000Frequency (MHz)Output VSWR @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settings1. u t p u t V S W R (:1)vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000Frequency (MHz)Input IP3 @ 0dB Attenuation vs. Frequency over TemperaturesI P 3(d B m )IP3@0dB Attenuation Frequency (MHz)Software & Documentation Download:• Mini-Circuits’ full software and support package including user guide, Windows GUI, DLL files, programming manual and examples can be downloaded free of charge from /softwaredownload/patt.html • Please contact ****************************** for supportGraphical User Interface (GUI) for Windows Key Features:• Manual attenuation setting• Sweep and Hop attenuation sequences directed from the PC, or entire sequence loaded into RCDAT.• Attenuator address configuration and Firmware upgrade • Attenuation at power up may be set to selected attenuation level or last attenuation state recorded.• USB, HTTP or Telnet control of RCDAT • Setting Ethernet configurationApplication Programming Interface (API)Programming manual: https:///softwaredownload/Prog_Manual-6-Programmable_Attenuator.pdfWindows Support:• API DLL files exposing the full switch functionality• ActiveX COM DLL file for creation of 32-bit programs • .Net library DLL file for creation of 32 / 64-bit programs• Supported by most common programming environments (refer to application note AN-49-001 for summary of tested environments)Linux Support:• Full attenuator control in a Linux environment is achieved by way of USB interrupt commands.ModelDescriptionRCDAT-4000-120USB/Ethernet Programmable AttenuatorOrdering Information Additional NotesA. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification document are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification document.B. Electrical specifications and performance data contained in this specification document are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions.C. The parts covered by this specification document are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at /MCLStore/terms.jspIncluded Accessories Part No.DescriptionMUSB-CBL-3+3.3 ft (1.0 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB typeMini-B(Male)Optional AccessoriesDescriptionUSB-AC/DC-5 8,9AC/DC 5V DC Power Adapter with US, EU, IL, UK, AUS, and China power plugsMUSB-CBL-3+ (spare) 3.3 ft (1.0 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB type Mini-B(Male)MUSB-CBL-7+ 6.6 ft (2.0 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB type Mini-B(Male) CBL-RJ45-MM-5+ 5 ft (1.5 m) Ethernet cable: RJ45(Male) to RJ45(Male) Cat 5E cableBKT-66-02+Bracket Kit8 The USB-AC/DC-5 may be used to provide the 5VDC power input via USB port if operating the RCDAT with Ethernet control. Notrequired if using USB control.9 Power plugs for other countries are also available, Plugs for other countries are also available, if you need a power plug for a country not listed please contact ******************************。
DCS-4500系列全千兆智能安全接入交换机DCS-4500-26T /26T-POE DCS-4500-50T 随着新技术的大军挺进,新的业务应用层出不穷,大流量的视频会议、视频监控已逐渐成为政府、学校、中小企业等的重要需求,各行各业信息化的推广,使得视频点播、远程教育等成为网络的重要应用。
它支持丰富的协议命令,如基于流的mirror及数据统计、端口环路检测、BPDU/Root Guard、Auto VLAN、Guest VLAN、Voice VLAN、支持最大32组LAG的端口聚合组数等等。
这还是一款高安全性交换机,可全面防范ARP 欺骗,具体可支持防ARP扫描、ARP Guard,同时还支持非法组播源检测,基于芯片的防DOS攻击等。
DCS-4500-26T/50T/26T-PoE全面支持IPv6主机配置,具备SNMP v6、HTTP v6等,更灵活的适应网络环境的需要,可在IPv4、IPv6网络部署中收放自如。
emurtsnIdetacideDstnemurtsnIsdne-tnorFgninoitSeries Modules1H i g h s p e e d d a t a i n t e r f a ce2Data Acquisition ModuleSystem ArchitectureUser exchangeable TRION™ modulesSignal conditioning Flexible connectorpanelFiltering A/D conversionHigh speed data transfer and synchronizationDEWE2 System Architecture3Housing and Storage Controlling and AnalysisWide range of housingsDEWE2-A series All-in-one DEWE2-M series Mainframes DEWE2-F series Front-endsOne software for allFull hardware controlPowerful online or offline data processingAttractive online displays Fast data analysisPost processing and/or export to many file formats Simple reportsDEWE2 System Architecture4All-in-one instrumentsMainframesFront-endsMost compact, includes powerful i7 computer, brilliant display and keyboard, touchpad.Most convenient for all mobile applications like inspect-ing facilities, rotating machines, test stands, power generators, electrical machines, buildings, vehicles, aircrafts, trains, and anything else.Like the A-series but without display; keyboard and point-ing device are included loose.Very popular for applications where the instrument is installed in a poorly visible place for the user (e.g. in a car the instrument is often installed in the leg area of the passenger seat but the driver needs to see the screen) or laboratory applications and test rigs.F-series units don´t have a built-in computer but supply measurement data over a robust high-speed PCI Express bus. Multiple units can be daisy-chained.One popular application is to use F-series devices with a laptop computer for mobile applications.The second use of F-series devices is to expand A or M series instruments.A-seriesM-seriesF-seriesDEWE2 DefinitionsUse isolated inputs and differential inputs at the same timeInput connectors to match your sensorsAll TRION™ modules have a factory-exchangeable connector panelCustomized connector panels can be offered to match your sensors56ADC-clockB o a r d V o l t a g e [V ]7Fully battery poweredan internal buffer battery Need more battery time?Concerned about vibrations?Respectful of system restore?8SYNC it all!DEWE2 SynchronizationSynchronization of multiple DEWE2 systems via Sync-cableSync via TRION™ modulesTo use TRION-BASE or TRION-TIMING modules for synchronization of multiple units is the most convenient and easiest way.To create high channel count systems or for distributed measurements DEWE2 instruments sup-port multiple synchronization options. A special feature is the perfectly hardware synchronized video acquisition since also for data analysis the slogan ”a picture is worth a thousand words” istrue.Sync up to 1000 meters (IRIG DC, cable length delay compensation)Sync up to 100 meters via TRION-SYNC-BUSSync up to 100 meters via TRION-SYNC-BUSTwo DEWE2-A4 with option DW2-SYNCDEWE2-M13swith TRION-TIMING module DEWE2-M7swith TRION-BASE moduleDEWE2-A13with TRION-TIMING moduleDEWE2-A4with TRION-BASE moduleDEWE2-M7swith TRION-TIMING moduleExample:Two instruments synchronized via TRION-BASE modules (multiple units possible)Example: Three instruments synchronized via TRION-TIMING modules (multiple units possible)Sync via chassis optionsThese options do not block a module slot but need to be factory installed at time of initial order.Two instruments synchronized via DW2-SYNC option.WLANFactory installation only9VIDEO-SYNCHardware synchronized video of up to 200 frames per second(camera clocked by DEWE2 instrument):accurate per sample, no delaySoftware synchronized low-cost video (USB or PAL/NTSC cameras):optimized low latency, known delay of USB camera can be compensatedHigh speed video up to 500 000 frames per second:online sync for Photron cameras, post-sync for any high-speed .avi file.DEWE2 Synchronization Gigabit ethernet interface (up to 100 m cable length)SYNCDEWE2-A4 with optionTRION-BASE moduleDEWE-CAM-GIGE-120IRIGTwo instruments synchronizedto absolute IRIG timeGPSTwo instrumentssynchronized via GPSSynchronization to GPS or IRIG time-codeThere are 2 ways how to synchronize DEWE2 instruments very accurately to absolute time. Both, GPS time and IRIG time, enable execution of synchronized distributed measurements over unlimited distances. Each instrument (or array of instruments) must be connected to the time-code via a TRION-TIMING module. 10DEWE2A ll-In-OneInstrumentsDEWE2 All-in-One InstrumentsDW2-UPS-150-DCThe hot-swappablebatteries guaranteecontinuous operation with-out an external power source.A-seriesDEWE2-A7DEWE2-A4 withRemovable Solid State Disk DEWE2-A13S Y N CP C IeP C I eDEWE-818DEWE2-F18DEWE2-F18DEWE2-F4sPCIe connection up to 7 metersPCIe connection up to 7 metersTRION-SYNC-busDEWE2-F7s with optionDW2-LINK-PCIE-2-S11DEWE2 Front-endsDEWE2 F ront-endsF-series12DEWE2 M ainframesM-seriesDC PowerRS-232DEWE2-M7sDW2-UPS-150-DCThe hot-swappable batteries guarantee continuousoperation without external power sourceDEWE2-M13DEWE2 Mainframes13DEWE2-M13-MK19“ mounting kit for the DEWE2-M13 series, 4U MOB-DISP-12-A Very rugged external displayDEWE2 Mainframes14DEWE2-A4 / M4DEWE2-A4 / M44 slots for TRION™ series modules Isolated wide range DC power supplyOptional internal buffer battery for ~10 minutes Fully battery-powered by stackable battery pack Removable solid state diskPowerful Intel ®Core™ i7 processorChannel ExpansionPCIe connection up to 7 metersTRION-SYNC-busDEWE2-F7s with option DW2-LINK-PCIE-2-SDEWE2-F7s with option DW2-LINK-PCIE-2-SDEWE2-A4 with two channel expansion chassis DEWE2-F7s15BAT-CHARGER-1BAT-CHARGER-4MOB-DISP-12 External displayDE-POWERBOX-12 DC Power distribution box FLEXRAY-INT-1 option DW2-LINK-PCIE-1-S optionSSD-32-64/128/256 Flash disk upgrade16DEWE2-A7 / A137 / 13 slots for TRION™ series modules Powerful Intel ® Core™ i7 processor Brilliant 17'' full-HD displayOptional fully battery poweredPCIe connection up to 7 meters PCIe connection up to 7 meters TRION-SYNC-busTRION-SYNC-busDEWE2-F7s with TRION-TIMING moduleDEWE2-F13s with option DW2-LINK-PCIE-2-SDEWE2-A7 with option DW2-LINK-PCIE-1-SDEWE2-A7 / A1317Shipping/carrying case for the DEWE2-A7 or DEWE2-A13 mainframe. Common-carrier rated, internal custom foam cut-out, high impact construction. Hasps for attaching padlocks, pull-out handle and wheels for easy transport External power supply, input voltage 10 to 36 V DC (max.), output 24 V DC 300 W Lithium-Ion battery, 14.4 V, 95 Wh, max. 8 ADesktop battery charger for 1 battery, incl. external AC adaptor Desktop battery charger for 4 batteries, incl. external AC adaptorBAT-CHARGER-1BAT-CHARGER-4DW2-A13-CC Shipping/carrying caseDEWE-DCDC-24-300-ISO Carrying bagDEWE2-A13DW2-SYNC optionDEWE2-A13 with DW2-A13-PS-BAT optionPCIe connection up to 7 meters (250 MB/s)TRION-SYNC-bus18DEWE2-M4s / M7s / M13sDEWE2-M4s / M7s / M13s4/7/13 slots for TRION™ series modules All connections at the frontIsolated wide range DC power supplyOptional internal buffer battery for ~10 minutes Powerful Intel ® Core™ i7 processorChannel ExpansionDEWE2-F13s with option DW2-LINK-PCIE-2-SDEWE2-M7s with option DW2-LINK-PCIE-1-SMOB-DISP-12 External display19BAT-CHARGER-1BAT-CHARGER-4DE-POWERBOX-12 DC Power distribution box DEWE2-M7s with option DW2-LINK-PCIE-1-S 4U 5UM13s installed into a 19” cabinet5 u required (4 u = system + 1 u = cooling)PCIe connection up to 7 metersTRION-SYNC-busDEWE2-F18 with option DW2-LINK-PCIE-2-SDEWE2-M13 with TRION-TIMING module and LINK-HOST-PCIE card20DEWE2-M1313 slots for TRION™ series modules Free PCI slots insideOne internal hard disk and 2 bays for removable disks 19” rack-mountable or benchtop useDEWE2-M13Channel Expansion21DEWE2-M13 with 2x option DW2-M13-BAY35-SATADEWE2-M13 and DEWE-TFT19-RM Rack-mounting 19“ display5 u required(4 u = system + 1 u = cooling)DEWE2-M13 with typical PCI slot configuration4U 5UPCIe connection up to 7 meters (250 MB/s)TRION-SYNC-bus 22DEWE2-F4s / F7s / F13sDEWE2-F4s / F7s / F13s4 or 7 slots for TRION™ series modulesPCI Express data link120 MB/s data transfer rateDEWE2-F13s withDW2-LINK-PCIE-2-S optionDEWE2-F7s withDW2-LINK-PCIE-2-S optionDEWE2-F4s withTRION-TIMING module Channel ExpansionBAT-CHARGER-1BAT-CHARGER-4DW2-UPS-150-DC,130 W UPS with 2 slots for batteries 23t i o n i n g F r o n t -e n d s I n s t r u m e n t s D LINK-HOST-PCIE DEWE2-F7s with optionDW2-PS-DC-150DEWE2-F13s with option DW2-LINK-PCIE-2-S DEWE2-F13s with optionDW2-PS-AC-REDDEWE-UPS-300-DC300 W UPS with 4 slots for batteriesDEWE2-F13s with optionDW2-F13x-MK24DEWE2-F1818 slots for TRION™ series modules PCI Express data link 120 MB/s data transfer rate19" rack-mountable or benchtop useDEWE2-F18Channel ExpansionSeries Modules Series Modules Overview25Series Modules26Series Modules27T R I O N -2402-d A C C -8-S M BT R I O N -2402-d A C C -6-B N C28Differential multi-function input moduleSampling: 24 bit; 204.8 kS/s per channelInput types:Voltage measurement from ±30 mV to ±70 V DC (46.7 V RMS AC)IEPEResistanceCurrent (using external shunt)Additional feature:AUX socketTRION-2402-dACCSeries Modules1)For safety reasons maximum allowed voltage: 70 V DC (46.7 V RMS AC)2930Differential universal input moduleSampling: 24 bit; 204.8 kS/s per channelInput types: Voltage up to ±10 VStrain gauge, bridge sensor, piezoresistive bridge IEPERTD; Pt100 to Pt2000Resistance, potentiometerTRION-2402-dSTG T R I O N -2402-d S T G -8-R JT R I O N -2402-d S T G -8-DT R I O N -2402-d S T G -6-L E M OSeries ModulesTRION-CBL-RJBN-01-00Isolated wide range voltage moduleSampling: 24 bit; 204.8 kS/s per channelInput types: Voltage ±300 mV to ±1000(2) VDCCurrentIsolation: 4 kVTRION-2402-VTRION-242-V-4-BTRION-242-V-8-BDAQ-SHUNT1(not compatible with TRION-x-V-4 modules)DAQ-SHUNT4DAQ-SHUNT5Shunts for TRION™ voltage input modulesCounter, DIO and synchronization moduleCounter channels: 2 SuperCounters™ Digital I/O: 8 DIO and 8 DISynchronization: IRIG code B, DC I/O and Sync I/OAdditional features:1 AUX socket (by default set to camera trigger)TRION-BASET R I O N -B A S ETiming and synchronization moduleTiming:Isolated IRIG input and output Synchronization: 2 TRION-SYNC-BUS interfaces Additional features:8x DIO, 1x counter, 1x AUXTRION-TIMINGT R I O N -T I M I N GIsolated SuperCounter™ moduleSampling 80 MHz time base204.8 kS/s per channelInput types Event, waveform timing and sensor modeProgrammable threshold and AC/DC coupling for ideal signal adaptionTRION-CNT T R I O N -C N T -6-L E MOCables for TRION-CNT modulesMating connectorIsolated digital input moduleNumber of channels: 48 isolated digital inputs (TRION-DIO-4800) Sampling:204.8 kS/s per channelTRION-DIO-4800T R I O N -D I O -4800TRION-CB24-B Options for TRION-DIO modulesTRION-CB24-SCIsolated high speed CAN interfaceInput types High speed, (low speed and single wire with optional converter)Listen only and programmable terminationDirect interface to CPAD2 module seriesTRION-CAN T R I O N -C A N -4-DT R I O N -C A N -2-DCables for TRION-CAN modulesADAP-CAN-LS-HS ADAP-LIN-CANOptionsARINC 429 module with up to 30 interfacesMIL-STD-1553 modules with up to 4 dual redundant channelsMixed modules with 8 ARINC and up to 5 dual redundant MIL-STD-1553 channelsT R I O N -A 429TRION-A429 / M1553 / MA4Model overviewAnalog output module2 channel TRION™ analog output module, based on NI PXI-6251voltage range max. ±10 V 16 bit resolutionUpdate rate max. 2.8 MS/sT R I O N -1628-A O -2TRION-1628-AO-2DEWETRONGmbH•Parkring4•A-8074Graz-Grambach•Tel(0043)31630700•Fax(0043)316307090•*****************。
1.2视频会议方案特点1.2.1高清视频会议(1)、高清晰度性能展现高清( H.264 ,30-60帧/秒,画面上实现 720P 1280×720像素和1080P 1920×1080像素)的分辨率使每个与会者感受到栩栩如生,身临其境的图像效果。
音频采用MPEG-4 AAC-LD,频响范围高达20KHz,支持多标准宽频音频与高分辨率数据会议。
相比传统意义的标清会议质量,高清HD 720P和1080P大幅度提升标清会议质量,从下图中,可以清晰的看到4:3标清(QCIF/CIF/4CIF)和高清(720P)之间的图像质量差别:(2)、极致高清1080P高清(High Definition)是视频通信业界目前提供的最为领先的视频体验。
不仅仅是点对点的1080P高清视频体验,TANDBERG提供业界顶尖的1080P 高清视频会议编解码器 C90、C40、C40、C20;以及真正的高清1080P MCU:TANDBERG MSE8000,从而提供用户真正的全套高清1080P解决方案。
MTS-4000 多业务测试平台说明书
如下特点使 MTS-4000 为一种服务提供商和技术人员都可依赖的测试工具:y y行业中第一个组合了先进的光纤、铜缆和三重播放测试功能手持式测试平台。
y y包含多种测试应用的多功能可扩展解决方案,能够实现快速投资回报。
y y多层测试功能,可加快开通和安装速度。
y y易于使用、基于图标的图形用户界面(GUI),只需稍加培训便可完成测试。
主要优势y y经济合算、双模块手持式测试平台y y多层(物理层到服务层)网络解决方案y y两个可在现场更换的模块,提高了可扩展性y y灵活的连接能力,可实现快速数据传输:两个2.0 USB 端口和高达 1 Gbps 的以太网端口主要特性y y双模手持式平台y7y英寸大显示屏(触摸屏选件)y y全面的连接检查仪功能,带有内置的 VFL、功率计和示波器选件y y灵活的连接,包括 USB、高速 1 G 以太网、y WiFi 和蓝牙接口y y自动测试和数据报告功能y y集成的 Web 浏览器应用y y对铜缆和三重播放业务进行测试y y对物理层到服务层进行测试MTS-4000 平台多业务测试平台MTS-4000y所采用的光纤应用模块也可用于y MTS-2000,这两款产品可互操作安装和维护接入网络/FTTx 网络以及三重播放业务7 英寸高清 TFT 彩色屏幕首页数字小键盘开机指示灯开机/关机充电指示灯软键结果页设置菜单首页文件菜单取消方向和确认键启动/停止扬声器 测试指示灯两个可互换的模块区交流输入高速以太网耳机两个 2.0 USB 端口光学(VFL 和功率计)选件电池1520211816199876123451011121314172215987616123 451011121314212220191817© 2016 Viavi Solutions Inc.本文档中的产品规格及描述可能会有所更改, 恕不另行通知。
4500B Power Meter and the Built-In Precision CalibratorApplication NoteMazumder AlamProduct Marketing Manager, Boonton ElectronicsThe internal step calibrator of Boonton 4500B is traceable to NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology) and it enhances the measurement accuracy. The output of the built-in program-mable calibrator is available from a Type-N connector located on the front of the instrument. This calibrator is used to automatically calibrate sensor offset and linearity, and can also be used as an internal signal source. In order to maintain measurement accuracy, it is always recommended to calibrate the 4500B instrument once in a year.Built-In CalibratorBelow is a brief specification of the internal calibrator of the Boonton 4500B power meter.Operating Modes CW, internal or external pulse Frequency 1.024 GHz ± 0.01%Level Range -50 to +20 dBm Resolution 0.1 dB Output VSWR 1.20 maximumAbsolute Accuracy ±0.065 dB (±1.5%) at 0 dBm Accuracy vs Level add ±0.03 dB per 5 dB increment from 0 dBm Preset Internal Pulse Period 0.1 or 1 or 10 msecPreset Internal Pulse Duty Cycle 10% to 90% in 10% increments Variable Pulse On Time 7 usec to 65.535 msec in 1 usec stepsVariable Pulse Period28 usec to 131.072 msec in 2 usec steps Off-time limits - within 7 usec to 65.535 msecPulse Polarity + or –RF Connector Precision type NExternal Pulse Input Rear panel BNC, TTL level compatibleAuto-CalibrationThe calibrator is used to automatically generate linearity calibration data for peak power sensors.The built-in 1 GHz internal calibrator provides a convenient means for calibrating the sensor. The internal calibrator is used to auto-matically generate linearity calibration data for peak power sen-sors. Before starting any measurement by using the 4500B power meter, the sensor must be connected to the built-in calibrator and need to be calibrated. The internal calibrator has a dynamic range from -50 dBm to +20 dBm. The user-selectable automatic calibra-tion routine has a group of commands which is used to control automatic zero offset and linearity adjustment to the RF power sensor in steps over its full dynamic range.Auto-CalibrationFig. 1: Screenshot of the automatic calibration menu selection for channel 1 on Boonton 4500BThere is a report information available about the installed calibra-tor in the Boonton 4500B power meter. The calibrator information can be retrieved by pressing “Calibrator” > “Extensions” > “Calibra-tor” menu keys. The report includes: Status, Serial Number, Soft-ware Version, Calibration Date and Internal Temperature.Calibrator Report InformationThe internal calibrator of Boonton 4500B power meter has two selectable output modes – CW and Pulse. The calibrator output mode can be set as CW by selecting buttons “Spcl” > “Calibrator” > “Cal Mode” > “CW”. For Pulse mode, the button selection should be as “Spcl” > “Calibrator” > “Cal Mode” > “Pulse”. For each out-put mode, the calibrator output need to be enabled by selecting “Calibrator” > “Cal” > “Output” > “ON”.Calibrator Output ModesSpecifications of the Internal Calibration SourceThe internal calibrator of Boonton 4500B peak power analyzer can be configured as a programmable pulse signal generator in pulse mode, with the options for modulation rate and duty cycle. The preset internal pulse period can be adjusted as 0.1, 1 or 10 msec and the internal pulse duty cycle can be adjusted from 10% to 90% in 10% increments. The pulse measurement can be started by pressing “Esc” button, and then selecting “Measurement” > “Run”, “Measurement Mode” > “Pulse” and finally “Auto-Setup” > “START”. The highlighted automatic measurement parameters in pulse mode are: Pulse width, Risetime, Falltime Period, Duty cycle, Pulse Period, Overshoot. The screenshot of pulse measurements by using the internal calibrator as a internal signal source is shown in Fig. 2Calibrator as an Internal Pulse GeneratorThe 1 GHz internal calibrator can also be driven by an external modulation source. An external pulse generator with TTL compat-ible output must be connected to the rear mounted BNC connector of the 4500B power meter labeled as “EXT PULSE”. The source for the calibrator output pulse modulation can be selected by pressing the “Calibrator” > “Pulse” > “Source” > “Ext” menu key to specify the calibrator output pulse is to be externally generated. Now if the internal calibrator is selected as a “Pulse” mode, the output will be pulse modulated by the external source. Here is the example screenshot of the pulse measurement by using an external TTL compatible pulse signal generator (Fig. 3).Calibrator Driven by anExternal Pulse GeneratorFig 2: Example of pulse signals by using the internal 1 GHz calibrator source as a signal generatorFig 3: Example of a pulse train by using an external TTL compatible signal generator and modulated by the internal calibratorReferences:[1] Boonton 4500B Peak Power Analyzer (/products/power-meters/4500b-peak-power-meter)[2] Boonton 4500B Data Sheet (/~/media/Boonton/Datasheets/4500B_Datasheet_WEB.ashx )[3] Boonton 4500B Instruction Manual (/~/media/Boonton/Manuals%20and%20Software/4500B_Instruction_Manual.ashx)Wireless Telecom Group Inc.25 Eastmans Rd Parsippany, NJUnited StatesTel: +1 973 386 9696 Fax: +1 973 386 9191 © Copyright 2011All rights reserved.Note: Specifications, terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.。
Tandbergmse8000 操作手册
表2是热插板的功能状态指表示的描述。表3是机箱的功能状态指示的描述。表 4是警示灯的功能表示。 表 2: 热插板指示状态 颜色 绿色 红色 表示 插板安装孔槽正确,设备正在运行中 插板安装孔槽组合的错误警告
表 3:机箱指示状态
绿色 红色
的,动力装置将被连接到每个能够提供全电力负荷的单元的独立的电 源。
MSE 8000要求直流电功率在48V-60V的范围内 (参见规定值)。如果直流电在这 个范围之内从事于可用到的设备 ,参照MSE8000第22页中直流电动力的连接。 否则,使用Codian提供的交流电到直流电功率搁板如以下部分的描述 。 安装MSE8000动力装置之前请先看系统附带的安全指南
表1:MSE 8000的设置和服务工具要求
安装需要 安装 MSE 8000 机箱 连接保护地线 连接直流电源 安装机箱风扇 安装热插板 服务需要 更换风扇盘 更换电缆 更换空气过滤器
Hardware features
当您在机箱上安装所有热插槽或扇盘之前请先看图 1 显示。 图1:空机箱
在安装这个步骤的时候, MSE 8000必须还没有安装挺好插板和风扇盘。 1 当你安装设备组件的时候,使用提供的螺丝和一个TORX T20螺丝刀, 将机箱的底座耳朵的边固定在架子上适当的位置。注意Condian额外的机架 耳朵装置是可用的。
2 保证机架架臂的稳定和充分的扩展并且能牢固的固定到地板或天花板上。
当管理员发现错误和反常的情况,引起了一个警报。警报是由硬件、软件故障或 环境的反常情况造成的 。例如, 如果一个风扇坏了将引起一个警报,一个热插 板停止反应,或者内部温度达到限度之外。想要得到完全的警报单,参照管理 员面板。 每个警报有严格的分配水平,次要的,主要的,严重的和对MSE8000 提供的服务造成的影响。 一个活跃的警报有以下的通信方式: 直观的风扇盘显示灯在第7页所描述的显示灯指示 只有主要的和重要的警报,有可听见的声音。可听见的声音连续响直到警报的 起因被补救或者警报被消灭。 通过位于机箱后方的管理员输入输出控制板连接警报连接器。 警报连接器上有 四个与之联系的接触器。这之中的三个分别是次要的,主要的,和重要的警报 输出端口。 当电源故障或管理员被移动剩余的接触器是一个专用的活动的警报 电源。在第34页管理员面板上警报连接器可能被发现的位置。 MSE 8000当有一个重要的或者严重的警报发生,将发出可听见的警报声。 警报将一直响直到有以下任何一种做法: 或者有了解决警报的办法 或者按了静音按钮
Quidway® NetEngine 40E 全业务路由器是华为公司推出的高端网络产品,主要应用在IP 骨干网、IP 城域网以及其 他各种大型IP 网络的边缘位置,可提供线速10G 接口,与NE5000E、NE80E 系列核心路由器产品配合组网,形成 结构完整、层次清晰的IP 网络解决方案。
11 工程简介
12 系统拓扑图
3 主设备介绍
4 辅助设备介绍
5 项目经验及建议
建设目的 建设规模 系统建设的主要功能 通讯网络 建设周期 运行情况
1.1 建设目的
四川省电力公司高清视频会议系统实现在省、市、县 三级公司内实现交互式视频会议、远程培训等功能。 网络结构规划为省和地区2级级联结构,省级可以召开 全省到县的视频会议,地区可以召开本地区到县的视 频会议。
四川省电力公司大楼5个会场、21个地区电业局(公司 )会场、超高压运检公司会场、24个直属单位会场。 共计51个会场。
省-市级高清视频会议。 省-市-县级高清视频会议。 提供会议的录制、存储、点播功能。 提供会பைடு நூலகம்预约、管理功能。
1.6 运行情况
该系统自从9月2日正式投入运行来已顺利召开了四川 省电力公司九月月度例会、每周的周例会、抗洪抢险 表彰大会、各类临时会议等共计十余次。系统运行良 好,零故障。
三、主设备介绍 3.1 腾博Codian MCU
3.2 特性
腾博 Codian MCU 4500 系列(4520、4515、4510) 设计特性:基于标准并兼容所有主要厂商的终端 易于使用的通用管理界面 多达 40 个视频端口及 40 个音频端口50 多种定制布局 支持 SIP 和 H.323 两种终端 结构紧凑:2U 高,可安装在19 英寸机架上 PacketSafe™ 技术能够最大限度减少网络丢包的影响配合
2024/9/22 | Polycom Confidential
• 国内50个点以上高清案例要求5个以上 • 国内80个点以上高清案例要求3个以上
• 1080P • 720P 50帧 • 双路720P以上高清显示 • 国产
2024/9/22 | Polycom Confidential
LPR纠错效果 12
多网络接口,跨多网段会议 设置固定端口穿越防火墙 NAT(Network Address Translation) 添加多条静态路由 断线重呼
2024/9/22 | Polycom Confidential
最大支持1000个虚拟会议室-能够给每个人都提供一种号码 支持再没有CP 资源旳情况下,自动转换为Auto 模式旳VSW 同步最大能够使用旳数量等于相应型号旳最大视频和音频端口数
32 48 72 96
2024/9/22 | Polycom Confidential
支持H.323、SIP 64Kbps-4096Kbps H.261/H.263/H.263+/H.264 CIF/4CIF/HD HD下最大16分屏,多组分屏会议并发 高清、标清混合会议模式,不降低端口容量 HD格式组播 Siren14/Siren22,立体声 LPR-智能数据包传播保障机制 音频备份,独立端口资源
PCM(Personal Conference Manager )-自控会 议管理
在分屏会议中,允许主席经过终端对会议进行控制,菜单是由MCU 提供旳,所以兼容多种不同旳终端。 可控制内容:
思科近期发布了Catalyst 4500交换机的新接口卡,使其能够支持UPoE(Universal Power Over Ether,通用以太网供电)特性。
我们在本次测试中深入测试了这款设备,还分析了新的Supervisor 7-E管理模块和节能以太网接口卡的性能和功能。
这些部件共同将久负盛名的Catalyst 4500从一款模块化以太网交换机变成一个主配电系统。
我们使用Sifos Technologies公司的PowerSync测试仪,在性能测试期间从24个端口成功获得了每端口60瓦、共计1440瓦的电力。
同时思博伦通信提供的TestCenter 测试仪显示,供电对系统吞吐量及网络延迟没有任何影响,足可以证明UPoE技术在网络中的稳定性和可用性。
这些设备包括配备了网络摄像头和嵌入式CVXC-2111C虚拟桌面客户端的思科9971 IP电话,它其实是一款与 VMware虚拟桌面基础架构(VDI)结合使用的瘦客户机;一部23英寸的三星SyncMaster NC220显示器,它的规格基本算是目前主流水平。
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一. 强大的网管系统: TANDBERG Management Suite(TMS)
TANDBERG Management Suite (TMS)可帮助管理人员轻松管理和维护他们所有的视频网络并可预定视频会议。
TMS是构建在Microsoft .Net构架上,提供全中文操作界面,基于SNMP协议的大型的视频会议系统管理软件。
而对于非专业的视频会议参与者,利用TMS自带的TANDBERG Scheduler工具,只需简单的4个步骤就能轻松预约一个会议。
包括逐个系统和逐个会议的详细记录、智能化诊断、快速支持响应、系统总结页面,用于快速获取最有用的信息、保持参会权限与相连接的设备的一致性、集成的网络监控支持—同HP OpenView, IBM Tivoli®, NetCool®以及任何SNMP 网络管理工具箱集成。
二. 业界功能最强的MCU: TANDBERG Codian 4500系列
TANDBERG Codian 4500系列是目前市场上功能最为强大的MCU产品。
真正高清(Full HD)MCU
Codian4500支持高清 720P分辨率(1280×720),并且支持1080P(1920×1080)能力。
1 无论单点、多点会议均可实现终端的收发720P图像。
2 MCU召开多点会议,无论是单屏或多分屏会议,均必须实现MCU、终端的收发720P图像。
3 多分屏高清会议中,任意小屏幕图像全屏显示,分辨率保持720P不变。
4 MCU召开高清会议,MCU支持端口数不能下降。
5 MCU召开加密高清会议,MCU支持端口数不能下降。
6 MCU支持1080P,无需添加硬件即可实现。
TANDBERG Codian4500是业界唯一一款支持上述所有要求的MCU产品!
Codian Universal Port(通用端口技术)支持使用任意音视频编码,任意带宽,任意视频解析度及任意分屏模式接入(包括59种分屏模式)而不影响系统端口容量 - 快捷灵活的会议预约,提供合理的会议安排。
业内唯一能够提供通过网页浏览器接收会议视频、音频和数据内容流媒体,而不需额外安装硬件或软件的 MCU。
配合TANDBERG TMS实现更多会议功能。
Clear Vision技术,提升4倍标清终端图像质量!
对于不支持H.329能力的视频终端,TANDBERG Codian4500 MCU 可以将图像数据合成为一幅图像,发送至老型号的终端,从而实现数据呈现能力。
Packet Safe™ 数据包安全技术
MCU 提供独有的Packet Safe™ 数据包安全技术,配合 MCU 的独特架构,有效减低网络丢包和抖动的影响,以保证会议的质量和联机稳定性。
内置Conference Me功能
Conference Me是TANDBERG Codian系列MCU自带软件功能选项,Conference Me大大延伸了多点会议的范围,对于用户而言:
配合TANDBERG Codian系列MCU内置强大的流广播功能,可实现更多多点会议特性:
∙Codian MCU内置Universal Port技术,使得每个与会者都可观看自定义的分
∙ 管理员身份观看会议,用户身份可观看会议流广播,同时都可收看到双流图像;
∙ 简单的安装方式,大规模部署,适合企业级用户的增长需求。