英语八年级下册(课件+精测) (45)



石泉四中英语教研组 2013-5-21
1.right now (1)指“就在此刻”相当于at this moment.与其对应的是 just then.指“在那时”相当 于at the moment.(2)还可表 示“立刻,马上”相当于at once
Don’t worry. I ‘ll Hello! send him an e-mail Yes, please. from my Ming ? Is that Li new computer.
I’m sorry, but a Please wait he I’m sorry. Iright That’s a need moment. good isn’t here can’t now. Canpen. a to findaapen and getidea. take I message for you. paper.
What’sWang Mei’s problem?
根据前后文提示完成对话. A: Hello ? B: Hello!____ _____speak _____ Tommy? _____ to May I A: Sorry, he isn’t at home. Where B:________ can he go? A: I don’t know. But maybe he has gone to play computer with Han Mei. ____ B: Ok. I know he likes Internet very much. A: What’s up? Can I take a message _________for you? for B: No, thanks. I’ll wait ______ him on the playground A: Ok. I’ll tell that as soon as he comes back. B: Thanks a lot.

冀教初中英语八年级下《Lesson 45 Let's Sort Garbage!》PPT课件 (1)

冀教初中英语八年级下《Lesson 45 Let's Sort Garbage!》PPT课件 (1)

Do you know this?
1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours.
1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes.
1. Why are Danny and Jenny surprised
after sorting the garbage?
Because almost all of it can be reused or recycled! They need to throw only one small bag of garbage.
Extensive Reading
Garbage sorting is sweeping the world, because all the cities around the world are facing mountains of garbage produced every day.
In developed countries, the recycling rate of garbage is much higher, thanks to their sorting systems. Take Japan for example. In the past 4 years, the Japanese city of Kamikatsu has raised its recycled waste to 80%.
1. There is a lot of garbage: glass, metal,

冀教版八年级英语下册Unit6 Lesson 45优课件

冀教版八年级英语下册Unit6 Lesson 45优课件

这一 样个 的人 人所 才受 有的 学教 问育 。超
过 了 自 己 的 智 力 ,
You made my day!
Let’s do it !
How many ways do you use to contact your friends? What is your favourite way to communicate? Why? What are the advantages or disadvantages of chatting on the internet?
_W__h__a_t is Liu Ling _d_o_i_n_g_?
III. 连词成句。 1. in, the, of, Internet, most, English, is
_M__os_t_o_f_t_h_e _I_n_te_r_n_et_i_s_in__E_n_g_li_s_h_______. 2. to, contact, way, you, which, use, your, do, friends
__H_o_w__ _o_f_t_e_n_ do you send your parents an e-mail?
3. I need to know the answer. (改为一般疑问句)
__D__o__ you __n_e_e_d_ to know the answer?
4. Liu Ling is looking for her pen. (对划线部分提问)
Language Points
Can I take a message for you? 我可以为你捎个口信吗?
take a message for sb. 意为“为某人捎口 信 ”。message是可数名词,意为“信息; 口信”。如:


某患者半日前在田间为果树喷洒农药氧乐果时,昏倒在地,现场人员将其急送至附近卫生院。查体:血压90/60mmHg,呼吸24次/分,昏迷,角膜反射消失,瞳孔缩小如针尖大,两肺布满湿啰音。在用药过程中病人病情好转,意识转清醒,但突然病人出现烦躁不安、谵妄、瞳孔明显扩大,病人最 整个证券交易过程中必不可少的两个重要环节是。A.结算与清算B.结算与交收C.结算与清算、交收D.清算与交收 数字出版对人类阅读行为和阅读文化造成的影响,不包括。A.传统著作权观念乃至法律实践的影响B.对图书馆等文化机构生存与发展模式的挑战C.印刷文明造就的"作者的权威"将不复存在D.数字出版使得"碎片化"阅读日益成为一种重要的阅读形式E.数字出版将重新定义人的"读写能力" 1958年,拍摄了第一部剪纸动画片。 什么叫坠落高度基准面? 根据反垄断法律制度的规定,经营者滥用市场支配地位的,由反垄断执法机构责令停止违法行为,没收违法所得,并处一定数额的罚款。该罚款数额是。A.50万元以下B.100万元以下C.上一年度销售额1%以上10%以下D.上一年度销售额2%以上20%以下 有效的艾滋病预防措施不包括。A.使用避孕套B.放置宫内节育器C.预防和治疗性病D.对血液进行HIV抗体筛查E.戒毒 闸瓦制动通过闸瓦与车轮踏面的机械摩擦将列车的动能转变为热能消散于大气,并产生制动力。A.正确B.错误 下列哪项不会引起肠扭转。A.肠系膜过长B.肠内膜根部附着过窄C.肠内重量减轻D.肠管动力异常E.体位突然改变 灭火器火灾时,如无法切断电源,可用泡沫来施救.A.正确B.错误 韦伯认为的行政体系特点不包括A.明确组织分工B.合理任用人员C.建立管理人员制度D.建立思想的行动准则E.严格规则和纪律 尸体剖检时有关寄生虫学检查,下面的做法不妥当的是A.每例尸检均须进行寄生虫检查B.根据推测的可能性病原体,采集检查样本C.检测样本妥善封装,注明检查要求D.检测结果报告应贴附于有关尸检档案资料中E.采集样本通常包括:心血、骨髓、肝、脾、肠内容物和肠壁组织等 医院感染漏报率应低于,医院对抗感染药物的使用率力争控制在以下。 男性勃起功能障碍与下列因素有关:_________;_________;__________;___________;_____________;___________。 压力容器维护保养的内容不包括。A、日常维修B、大修C、停用期间的维修保护D、事故后维修 确定某种传染病隔离期的根据是A.病程的长短B.潜伏期的长短C.前驱期的长短D.传染期的长短E.病情严重程度 根据2004年新修订的《传染病防治法》,我国法定传染病应分为A.甲类2种,乙类22种B.甲类2种,乙类11种,丙类22种C.甲类2种,乙类22种,丙类11种D.甲类3种,乙类22种,丙类10种E.甲类2种,乙类25种,丙类10种 教师在授课中遵循学生的认识规律,循序渐进,突出重点,分散难点,详略恰当。这体现了讲授式教学的要求。A.科学性B.系统性C.艺术性D.量力性 休克早期组织微循环灌流的特点是()A.少灌少流,灌少于流B.少灌多流.灌少于流C.少灌少流,灌多于流D.多灌少流.灌多于流E.多灌多流.灌少于漉 采集标本不需要核对的项目是()A.住院时间B.患者姓名C.床号D.申请项目E.送检日期 甲公司2012年12月20日自证券市场购入乙公司发行的股票100万股,共支付价款860万元,其中包括交易费用4万元,甲公司将购入的乙公司股票作为交易性金融资产核算。2012年12月31日,每股收盘价为9元。2013年3月10日收到被投资单位宣告发放的现金股利每股1元,2013年3月20日,甲公司出 犬所需要的不饱和脂肪酸主要来源于动物性饲料中的A.鱼粉B.植物油动物油D.乳类及其乳制品 甲状腺功能亢进(甲亢)的早期诊断,下列检查最为敏感的是A.血清总三碘甲状腺原氨酸(TT3)和血清甲状腺素(TT4)B.血清游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)和血清游离甲状腺素(FT4)C.高敏促甲状腺激素(sTSH)临床实验室D.基础代谢率E.甲状腺摄131I率测定 性能管理提供监视电路的当前及历史运行性能状态,修改设定电路的性能参数门限值,检测电路的等。 《医疗机构从业人员行为规范》的执行和实施情况,应列入A.医疗机构校验管理和医务人员年度考核B.定期考核和医德考评C.医疗机构等级评审D.医务人员职称晋升、评先评优的重要依据E.以上都对 在大脑的解剖结构中,与躯体运动、发音、语言及高级思维活动关系密切的区域是A.额叶B.颞叶C.顶叶D.枕叶E.岛叶 中学阶段的课程应符合()。A.强制性、普及性和统一性B.科学性、选择性和统一性C.普及性、基础性和发展性D.科学性、基础性和发展性 2005年5月4日,张某向中国专利局提出发明专利申请;其后,张某对该发明作了改进,于2006年5月4日又就其改进发明自中国专利局提出申请时,可享有A.两项专利权B.优先使用权C.国际优先权D.国内优先权 下列阳虚证中,病情最重的是A.肾阳虚B.心阳虚C.胃阳虚D.脾阳虚E.肺阳虚 无激惹试验(NST) 鉴别室性心动过速与室上性心动过速伴差异传导,如发现以下条件中哪一项可诊断室性心动过速A.P波不见B.QRS宽度=0.16秒C.心室率绝对不规则D.室性融合波E.心室率200次/分 星级站点的评定等级分为个等级A、五B、四C、三D、二 在最低所有权总成本中,时间成本的影响是由于:A.计算供应商的将来和现在的能力和积极性;B.计算未来成本的净现值(NPV);C.要求所有供应商按照当前汇率计算成本;D.买期保值法比如期货买卖。 寿命表可分为两类A.现时寿命表和完全寿命表B.完全寿命表和去死因寿命表C.现时寿命表和定群寿命表D.完全寿命表和定群寿命表E.现时寿命表和简略寿命表 以下设备哪些是无源设备?A.功分器B.耦合器C.衰减器D.以上都是 中国内地房地产经纪人员包括房地产经纪人和。A.初级房地产经纪人B.房地产经纪人协理C.助理房地产经纪人D.房地产销售员 如果男女已经以夫妻之名共同居住但并没有结婚登记,事后在规定时间内又没有补办结婚登记的属于。A.非法夫妻关系B.夫妻关系C.同居关系D.非法同居关系 鞭虫卵形态特征哪一项描述正确A.内含一幼虫B.形状不规则C.卵壳薄D.有卵盖E.两端有透明盖塞 摩擦与冲击火花属于A.机械火源B.化学火源C.热火源D.电火源 呼吸系统的胚胎发育中,呼吸管道的形成是在A.假腺期B.管道形成期C.终末囊泡期D.肺泡形成期E.胚胎期

冀教版初中英语八年级下册《Unit 8 Lesson 45》课件

冀教版初中英语八年级下册《Unit 8 Lesson 45》课件

13. Don't you think the waste paper can __b_e__r_ec_y_c_l_e_d__ (recycle)?
14. Have you finished ___e_a_t_in_g____ (eat) your bread? 15. We are __s_u_r_p_r_is_e_d___ at the __s_u_r_p_r_is_i_n_g__ news.
二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 11. I _h_a_v_e_e_m__p_t_ie_d_ (empty) the bag. But I can't find my English book. 12. It took me quite a long time __to__s_o_r_t _ (sort) out all our luggage.
C. It
D. One
2. If you are over 18 years old, you ____C____ to drive a car in our country. 【中考•益阳】 A. can allow B. can't allow C. can be allowed
3. Large _____B_____ of money were spent on the
6. 你要哪一类的书? What __s_o_r_t_/k_i_n_d__ ____o_f___ book do you want?
7. Some people think trees ____B____ on Tree
Planting Day only.
A. should plant
3. What is the _a_m__o_u_n_t_ (数量) of the water in this bottle?

2018春冀教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 Lesson 45 Let’s Sort Garbage教学课件2(共20张PPT)

2018春冀教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 Lesson 45 Let’s Sort Garbage教学课件2(共20张PPT)

1.Finish doing the exercise book of this lesson.
2.Finish the project of this lesson.
1. Learn the words in Lesson 46 by heart.
2. Read the text in Lesson 46 and underline the useful phrases.
This is the book that I bought yesterday.
4.It’s no use to do sth. 做某事没用 / 只是白费力气 在这个句型中, 动词不定式 to do 形式 是主语,it 是形式主语。
这种动词不定式 to do 作主语,it 作形式主语的句 型还有:
metal, plastic
or paper.
Danny: What makes the most garbage?
Jenny: Packaging.
Sort Garbage!
1.Sort v. 分类;整理;把……分类 n. 类;种类;类型
Danny helps Jenny to sort garbage.
sort it?
Jenny: Yes, please. I’m putting the glass here,
the metal here, the plastic here, and the paper
Danny: What are these other things?
Jenny: That’s everything that isn’t glass,
Good heavens! So much garbage! Thanks for your help, Danny!



n.量,数量 the amount of… a (great) amount of…
1.Danny _______ two bags of garbage onto the floor. 2.That’s __________garbage! Can I help you sort it? 3.Almost all of the garbage can _______ or recycled! 4.There is ______ paper than plastic. And there is
1.Danny _e_m_p_t_ie_s_ two bags of garbage onto the floor. 2.That’s _a_l_o_t_o_f__garbage! Can I help you sort it? 3.Almost all of the garbage can b_e__r_eu__s_edor recycled! 4.There is m__o_r_e__ paper than plastic. And there is
Because almost all of it can be reused or recycled! They need to throw only one small bag of garbage.
2. How do people waste paper?
They use paper only on one side.
recycle v.回收再用,再循环
reduce reuse ---reusable adj.
n.垃圾---rubbish/garbage(不可数) too much litter two bags of litter


There’s the most amount of paper.
Reading exercise.
Think about : The most amount is paper. Why?
It is a waste to use paper only on one side.
1.Something about the knowledge of environment.
2. Sort garbage is nessesary . 3.save and protect the earth is our duty.
• 9、春去春又回,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,日子像桃子一样甜蜜。 2020/6/262020/6/26Friday, June 26, 2020
There’s lot’s of garbage. /(litter)
People throw too much away. People throw away too much .
We shouldn’t waste so much.
Almost all of it can be reused or recycled. recycle V.回收再用\再循环
• •
THE END 15、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。2020年6月2020/6/262020/6/262020/6/266/26/2020
16、如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪头,那么任何风都不是顺风。2020/6/262020/6/26June 26, 2020

【精品冀教版】八年级英语下册《Unit 8 Lesson 45》课件

【精品冀教版】八年级英语下册《Unit 8 Lesson 45》课件

What are good ways to solve the problem of rubbish / garbage?
Ⅰ.Listen to the dialogue and write true or false.
1. There is a lot of garbage: glass, metal, plastic and paper. ( T ) 2. There is the most amount of glass and the least amount of paper. ( F ) 3. Danny found Debbie’s toy car in the garbage. ( F) 4. Danny once cut his foot on a piece of broken glass. ( T )
Do you know this?
1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours. 1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes. 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours.
He will take it home and clean it. Then he will fix the broken wheel. Finally he will give it to Debbie. 4. Why is it dangerous to drop litter / rubbish

【2020冀教版】八年级英语下册《Unit 8 Lesson 45》课件

【2020冀教版】八年级英语下册《Unit 8 Lesson 45》课件
4. Why is it dangerous to drop litter / rubbish
Because litter can hurt people.
Ⅲ. Read the dialogue and find out other sentences with it
It is dangerous to leave broken glass on the ground.
Thank you!
What are good ways to solve the problem of rubbish / garbage?
Ⅰ.Listen to the dialogue and write true or
1. There is a lot of garbage: glass, metal, plastic
glass. ( T )
Ⅱ. Read the dialogue and answer the following questions.
1. Why are Danny and Jenny surprised after sorting the garbage?
Because almost all of it can be reused or recycled! They need to throw only one small bag of garbage.
It is not right to waste things.
It is a waste to use paper only on one side.
“It” can be used to refer to time, weather, distance or something mentioned before. Have a look at more examples in Ex.2 on P119.

【冀教版教材适用】初二八年级英语下册《Unit 8 Lesson 45》课件

【冀教版教材适用】初二八年级英语下册《Unit 8 Lesson 45》课件
carelessly? Because litter can hurt people.
Ⅲ. Read the dialogue and find out other sentences with it
It is dangerous to leave broken glass on the ground. It is not right to waste things. It is a waste to use paper only on one side. “It” can be used to refer to time, weather, distance or something mentioned before. Have a look at more examples in Ex.2 on P119.
Green Glass
Red Harmful
Black Other recyclable waste
2. How do people waste paper? They use paper only on one side. 3. What will Danny do with the broken toy car?
He will take it home and clean it. Then he will fix the broken wheel. Finally he will give it to Debbie. 4. Why is it dangerous drop litter / rubbish
What are good ways to solve the problem of rubbish / garbage?


算机、网络纸、笔,通讯设备 1、招聘信息准确发布:根据岗位职责归纳总结出大致3至5条非常重要的招聘条件,招聘信息需要简单明了。2、简历筛选:每个职位都有核心岗位2-3种能力,筛选简历是需要根据核心岗位能力进行筛选,只要符合其中一种核心岗位能力的 们都可以通知面试。3、面试邀约:面试邀约是招聘中一个非常重要的环节,其中有几点需要注意,公司介绍、该职务的发展前途,到达公司路线,礼遇有加等。面试邀约尽量能先发条信息,然后在电话沟通。4、笔试:笔试是考察应聘者 备招聘职位所需要的基本知识积累,笔试的考题是需要精心设计的。 5、面试提问准备:通过核心岗位能力,设计面试问题,通过家庭、朋友、业余生活、兴趣爱好等判断面试人员的综合素质。6、面试回复:不管出于礼貌或者为公司留下一个好的口碑,面试后不管面试结果如何都需要给面试人员一个结果 随着教师待遇的提高和就业难度加大,教师职业的吸引力越来越大,越来越多的毕业生希望参加教师招聘考试,成为一名教师,但教师招聘考试的竞争非常激烈,如何顺利通过教师招聘考试,成为一名在编教师,这是很多毕业生都比较迷 题。作为一名在职高中教师,我把自己的切身经历和指导他人考试的经验,分享给大家,希望能够帮助大家顺利通过教师招聘考试,成为一名教师。 具备大学毕业证书和学位证书,以及招聘要求的教师资格证书一本教师招聘考试教育理论用书和网络 1、教师招聘信息的获取。上网搜索教师招聘的相关信息,既可以到一些教师招聘网查看教师招聘信息,也可以直接到你所在县市区的人社局网站查看,如果为了不错过一些教师招聘信息,最好加一些教师招聘群,这样方便及时获取信息。 2、复习备考。教师招聘考试的复习备考分为笔试和面试两部分。笔试部分,各地考试内容不一样,有的考教育理论,有的考教育理论加公共基础知识,还有的考教育理论加专业课。 如果是考专业课的,可以参考高考复习的方法,买一本高考复习资料,多做做题,加强训练。因为一般考生都是这个专业毕业的,专业课能不能考好,重点还是看长期的积淀,短期复习虽有效果,但不是特别大。 如果是考教育理论的地区,记忆是最重要的,你要尽量把那本教育理论教材上的重点知识记住,而且形成自己的知识体系,在这一点上,没有别的办法,只能反复记。记住之后,就要多做历年真题,反复训练,学会活学活用。因为教育理 识点就只有这么多,所以往往很容易碰到原题或者变型题。 如果还要考公共基础知识的话,可以参考事业单位和公务员的公共基础知识复习,买一本事业单位考试用的公共基础知识用书就可以。时事政治的话,需要随时关注,随时整理。 面试方面,面试的准备需要提早进行,因为面试是按照一比三的比例来的,稍有不慎就会出局,前功尽弃。教师招聘的面试,一般都是采取试讲或者说课的方式进行。说课与试讲是不同的两种形式,这个需要你具体去了解。了解了基本的 后,关键是要熟悉教材,对知识体系非常了解,然后再去多看看优质课,学习讲课的一些基本技巧和方法,并且进行总结。 3、如果面试通过了,下一步就是体检,体检之前注意休息,不要熬夜,再就是不要吃的很油腻,不要吃辣。体检之后是政审,政审主要是去派出所开一个无犯罪记录证明,然后就是调档,注意档案在个人手里的同学最好提前去把档案放在 心,方便调档。调档之后,就等待通知,准备上班吧。上班之前会有个新教师培训,这个就是走个过场,可以借机认识一下新同事们。 中国大型国企——国家电网,每年都会进行一场全国性质的国家电网招聘考试。这场考试招收在校学生,国家电网是什么?国家电网招聘考试包含什么?国家电网招聘考试流程是什么?对于没有接触过职场、考试享给正在备考的你们,仅供参考 :步骤内讲解架构体系 0国家电网考试招聘流程及技巧总汇(第一批) 6国家电网考试招聘条件一览表

冀教英语八年级下Lesson 45

冀教英语八年级下Lesson 45
Example: It is a waste to use paper only on one side.
1. It is fun to travel. 2. It is not right to waste things. 3. It is quite easy to find information with this
ground. ·Once, I cut my foot on a piece of
The damaged environment
starvation desertification
sort the garbage
packaging and others
Danny: Hey!I found a toy car. One of the wheels is broken. I'll take this car home and clean it. Then I'll use some glue to fix the broken wheel. When I finish fixing this car, I will give it to my little cousin, Debbie. Jenny: Nobody should throw away a toy like this. It can be fixed. It's not right to waste things. Look at all of the glass. It can all be recycled and made into new glass.
Let’s Do It! 1 Read the lesson and write true (T) or
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Unit10综合测评(时间: 90分钟分值: 100分)第Ⅰ卷听力部分(15分)Ⅰ.听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(5分)Ⅱ.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。

对话和问题读两遍(5分)6.A.It was cloudy. B.It was windy. C.It was rainy.7.A.Yes, he has. B.No, he hasn’t. C.We don’t know.8.A.For five years. B.Five years ago. C.A long time.9.A.It’ll cost her too much money in Paris.B.She will go to Paris.C.She likes Paris very much.10.A.At the museum. B.At the theater. C.At the zoo.Ⅲ.听短文,完成下列句子。

短文读两遍(5分)11.Jimmy to 4 places in China.12.Jimmy thinks that the of those places is very beautiful.13.Dali is in .14.The in Dali always stays the same all year round.15.Susan took a to get to Dali.第Ⅱ卷笔试部分(85分)Ⅳ.单项选择(10分)16.(2018·北京中考)—Lucy, is your uncle a teacher?—Yes, he is. He history for nearly 20 years.A.teachesB.has taughtC.is teachingD.will teach17.The TV program is very popular the middle school students.A.amongB.betweenC.overD.about18.I only have one question to ask you, and I hope you can give me a answer.A.strangeB.crazyC.stupidD.truthful19.Stay away from junk food, please. It’s bad for us, for children.A.recentlyB.especiallyC.probablyD.exactly20.Her parents like Anna best and always her as the cleverest one of their children.pareB.regardC.checkD.achieve21.He Luzhou for three months.A.has leftB.has come toC.has gone toD.has been away from22.Jack has to his cat, because he will work abroad next month.A.take inB.part withC.think ofD.fight over23.Please the phone number of that man.A.look outB.get oute outD.check out24.My brother likes eating meat. me, I like vegetables and fruit.A.Because ofB.According toC.Instead ofD.As for25. honest, he is honest boy.A.Being; aB.Being; /C.To be; anD.To be; aⅤ.完形填空(10分)In our life, we meet quite a lot of people: Some just pass by while others can 26 our lives. Miss Bella is such a person. She taught me two years only. 27, she has taught me a lot in many ways.Every day she began her classes with a smile and a fresh face. She made me realize that warm 28 could change a person. I was shy but I wasn’t 29 in her classes at all. She gave lessons in a 30 way from other teachers. We had many 31 to talk about problems in English classes. Miss Bella would thumb up(竖起大拇指)to encourage us 32 someone had great ideas. Now, I 33 that I have learned much from her classes. Learning to speak out your ideas is so 34 in society. She also made me realize that I could be myself by showing opinions 35. Her encouragement not only turned me into a confident student, but will also lead me to a successful life.26.A.save B.give C.change D.destroy27.A.Now B.Then C.First D.However28.A.faces B.smiles C.seasons D.weather29.A.alone B.active C.nervous D.excitedeful B.helpful C.necessary D.different31.A.lessons B.choices C.chances D.topics32.A.when B.before C.unless D.though33.A.say B.find C.forget D.remember34.A.easy B.hard C.interesting D.important35.A.calmly B.bravely C.politely D.happilyⅥ.阅读理解(20分)AHere is the charity sale (义卖) for the poor African children. We will give away the money we raise in the charity sale. Come and see our things.I have some soft toys to sell. The teddy bear is my thirteen-year-old birthday present. I have had it for one year. It still looks very new. Its original price (原价) is $50.You only need to pay $15 for it now. Other toys are very new but cheap, too.—NancyI have an MP3 player. I have had it for three months. It works very well now. It stays with me whenever I feel upset. And I have downloaded (下载) some pop songs in it. I hope it can be with you when you are not happy. It cost $220.Now, you can take it with $100.—DavidI want to sell some of my books. I began to buy fiction when I was thirteen years old. My favorite book is Alice in Wonderland. I believe anyone like me will learn a lot from this book. Each book only costs $10.You can get the second at a half price.—Henry36.Who may get the money raised from the charity sale?A.A poor child in Africa.B.A homeless man from America.C.A disabled man in hospital.D.A poor family with three children.37.How old is Nancy?A.12.B.13.C.14.D.15.38.According to the passage, what may David do when he is unhappy?A.He may listen to music.B.He may watch movies.C.He may read fiction.D.He may play with toys.39.How much will you pay if you buy two books from Henry?A.$5.B.$10.C.$15.D.$20.40.Which of the following is TRUE?A.You can get the teddy bear at a half price.B.There are many rock songs in David’s MP3 player.C.Henry learns a lot from Alice in Wonderland.D.The four children sell different things.BSun Ke and other 16 students from Beijing University spent one year as teaching volunteers in the country’s underdeveloped western areas. That was the 13th such team that the university had sent student volunteers to teach for one year in Tibet, Qinghai, Yunnan, Xinjiang, Ningxia and Shanxi since 1999.Sun Ke volunteered as a geography teacher at a middle school in Tibet. One day, he asked each of the students to buy a map for geography studies, but only three students bought the map because they were poor.“I have heard stories about poverty of kids in these areas on TV before, but I was really sad when facing such a fact myself,” he said.Sun decided to buy the maps for the students with his own money.“When I walked into the classroom with the maps, they broke into tears, and so did I,” Sun said.The volunteers learnt a lot through working in the western areas.“We realize the value of our work and feel the responsibility,” they said.“We believe no matter how hard it will be, we will surely do it better.”41.How many people were there in the volunteer team?A.15.B.16.C.17.D.18.42.The volunteers from the team mainly helped the in western areas of China.A.studentsB.oldC.farmersD.workers43.What does the underlined word “poverty” mean in Chinese?A.遗憾B.感动C.贫穷D.热情44.Who finally bought the maps for Sun Ke’s students?A.The volunteers in the team.B.Some people from western areas.C.The students themselves.D.Sun Ke himself.45.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.None of Sun Ke’s students could afford a map.B.Sun Ke volunteered as a science teacher in Tibet.C.Sun Ke volunteered in Tibet for two years.D.The volunteers in the team came from the same university.Ⅶ.任务型阅读(10分)Michael went back to Fullerton, his hometown. His visit to Fullerton was very special to him. (48)He was born there, and he grew up there. But he hadn’t been back there since he finished high school.He went to places he hadn’t gone to in years. He walked through the park and remembered the days he had walked through that same park with his friends. He passed by the field where he and his friends had played baseball every day after school. And he stood in front of the movie theater and thought about all the Saturday afternoons he had spent there, watching his favorite movie heroes and eating popcorn.(49)He did things he hadn’t done in a long time. He had some home-made ice cream at the ice cream shop. He rode on the merry-go-round in the park, and he went fishing at the lake. For a little while, he felt like a kid again.He saw people he hadn’t seen in years. He visited several of his old neighbors. He said hello to the owners of the candy store near his house. And he also went to see Mrs. Riley, his tenth-grade science teacher.Michael’s trip back to Fullerton was a very nostalgic(怀旧的) experience for him. Going back to Fullerton brought back many memories of days gone by.任务一: 根据短文内容简要回答问题46.Michael went to places he hadn’t gone to in years. Which places did he go?47.Who did Michael visit?任务二: 将短文中画线的句子译成汉语48.49.任务三: 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题50.Ⅷ.词汇运用(10分)A.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词51.He was a famous writer in the 19th c.52.I sold the old books because I no l read them.53.I felt a deep sense of s that I told a lie.54.He never r me as a friend.55.The little girl can c from 1 to 100.B.用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空56.I speak slowly in order to make myself .57.He seemed of the whole story before.58.I used in the pool when I was a child.59.We will never forget the sweet about this trip.60.The concert hall has been around for at 20 years.Ⅸ.补全对话(有两项多余)(10分)A: What a beautiful watch! 61.B: It was a birthday gift from my deskmate, Lucy.A: 62.B: I have had it for three years.A: Wow, that must mean a lot to you.B: Yes. It always reminds me of our sweet friendship.A: 63.B: Oh, I have owned it since I was ten. 64.A: A yard sale? That must be exciting. 65.B: Of course. That will be great.Ⅹ.书面表达(15分)你有多长时间没回你的家乡了? 你对它有怎样的感情? 你的家乡是什么样子呢? 那儿的民风如何? 有什么旅游景点? ……向我们介绍一下吧。
