PhoonKK2006_GeoCongress会议_Modeling and Simulation of Stochastic Data





土木水利学院 建设管理系
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第47卷第1期自动化学报Vol.47,No.1 2021年1月ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA January,2021深度信念网络研究现状与展望王功明1,2乔俊飞1,2关丽娜1贾庆山3摘要深度信念网络(Deep belief network,DBN)是一种基于深度学习的生成模型,克服了传统梯度类学习算法在处理深层结构所面临的梯度消失问题,近几年来已成为深度学习领域的研究热点之一.基于分阶段学习的思想,人们设计了不同结构和学习算法的深度信念网络模型.本文在回顾总结深度信念网络的研究现状基础上,给出了其发展趋势.首先,给出深度信念网络的基本模型结构以及其标准的学习框架,并分析了深度信念网络与其他深度结构的关系与区别;其次,回顾总结深度信念网络研究现状,基于标准模型分析不同深度信念网络结构的性能;第三,给出深度信念网络的不同无监督预训练和有监督调优算法,并分析其性能;最后,给出深度信念网络今后的发展趋势以及未来值得研究的方向.关键词深度信念网络,深度学习,无监督预训练,有监督调优,结构设计引用格式王功明,乔俊飞,关丽娜,贾庆山.深度信念网络研究现状与展望.自动化学报,2021,47(1):35−49DOI10.16383/j.aas.c190102Review and Prospect on Deep Belief NetworkWANG Gong-Ming1,2QIAO Jun-Fei1,2GUAN Li-Na1JIA Qing-Shan3Abstract Deep belief network(DBN)is a generative model based on deep learning and overcomes vanishing gradient problem resulted from traditional gradient-based algorithm when it comes to deep architecture,and it is one of hot issues in thefield of deep learning.Based on the idea of learning in stages,DBN models with different structures and learning algorithms have been proposed.The aim of this paper is to summarize the current research on DBN and gives some views about its development trends in the future.First,the basic structure and standard learning framework of DBN are introduced,the relationship and difference between DBN and other deep structures are analyzed.Second,the current research on DBN is given,the performances of DBN with different structures are analyzed based on standard the model. Thirdly,the different unsupervised pre-training and supervisedfine-tuning of DBN are given,and their performances are also analyzed.Finally,some views about DBN s development trends in the future are presented.Key words Deep belief network(DBN),deep learning,unsupervised pre-training,supervisedfine-tuning,structure designCitation Wang Gong-Ming,Qiao Jun-Fei,Guan Li-Na,Jia Qing-Shan.Review and prospect on deep belief network. Acta Automatica Sinica,2021,47(1):35−49人工神经网络是计算机模拟人类大脑处理信息的一种运算模式,即通过训练输入和输出数据,使网络得到关于输入和输出的非线性映射关系,从而在未来的任务中进行自主计算.因此,人工神经网络是计算机科学、认知科学、脑科学和数学的交叉学科,其在模式识别、智能控制、多种信号处理、优化设计等领域得到较大的发展,并已在信息产业中得收稿日期2019-02-25录用日期2019-05-19Manuscript received February25,2019;accepted May19,2019国家自然科学基金(61533002)资助Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61533002)本文责任编委张敏灵Recommended by Associate Editor ZHANG Min-Ling1.北京工业大学信息学部北京1001242.计算智能与智能系统北京市重点实验室北京1001243.清华大学自动化系智能与网络化系统研究中心北京1000841.Faculty of Information Technology,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing1001242.Beijing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence and Intelligent System,Beijing 1001243.Center for Intelligent and Networked Systems,De-partment of Automation,Tsinghua University,Beijing100084到了成功的应用[1−5].20世纪八十年代末期,用于人工神经网络的反向传播算法(Back-propagation, BP)的发明,给机器学习带来了希望,掀起了基于统计模型的机器学习热潮.这个时候的人工神经网络虽然也被称作多层感知器(Multi-layer perceptron, MLP),但实际上是一种只含有一个隐含层的浅层人工神经网络模型.进入21世纪以后,随着互联网的高速发展,对大数据的智能化分析和预测提出了巨大需求.由于浅层网络往往采用梯度类学习算法,人为经验因素较多,缺乏自主学习过程且对初始参数的设定依赖性较强[6−8],这限制了神经网络的特征自动提取能力,使得其在处理大规模不确定性数据时往往误差较大.生物神经系统学研究结果表明,人类的智能主要取决于大脑皮层,而大脑皮层是一个大规模互连的深层生物神经网络[9−11],主要认知方式是无监督自主学习与推理.探求大脑的组织结构和运行机制,从模仿人脑深层学习机制的角度出发,36自动化学报47卷寻求新的信息处理方法是当前人工智能领域发展的优先方向.然而,由于理论分析的难度,加上训练方法需要很多经验和技巧,所以这个时期深层人工神经网络相对较为沉寂.2006年,加拿大多伦多大学教授、机器学习领域泰斗―Geoffrey Hinton和他的学生Ruslan Salakhutdinov在顶尖学术刊物《Science》上发表了一篇文章,开启了深度学习(Deep learning,DL)在学术界和工业界的浪潮[12−14].主要思想是利用“逐层初始化(Layer-wise pre-training)”来完成自主学习与推理过程,从而有效克服深层结构的训练困难.近几年来,深度学习凭借其模拟人脑分层学习和自主推理的认知机理逐渐成为研究热点[15],同时也带动了人工神经网络领域的进一步发展.由于深度学习能够在大量数据任务中快速稳定地计算,这推动了云计算、大数据科学的发展,如今已经在自然语义理解、模式识别问题、机器人学和数据挖掘等方面得到了较好的应用[16−19],甚至在机器情感分析方面也开始被研究,使得该领域朝着图灵机的实现又迈进了一大步.2016年,利用深度学习技术训练过的阿尔法围棋(AlphaGo)击败人类围棋冠军,引起了学术界和科技界的巨大轰动,并激起了人们对深度学习研究的再一次热潮.目前,深度信念网络(Deep belief network, DBN)是深度学习的主要实现方法之一.DBN是具有若干潜变量层的生成模型.潜变量通常是二值的,而可见单元可以是二值或实数[20−21].尽管构造连接比较稀疏的DBN是可能的,但在一般的模型中,每层的每个单元连接到每个相邻层中的每个单元,而层内没有连接.DBN可以通过若干个受限玻尔兹曼机(Restricted Boltzmann machine,RBM)的顺序堆叠来构造,其学习过程分为两个阶段,即首先对RBM进行逐层无监督预训练,再用反向传播算法对整个网络进行有监督的调优.DBN的这种分阶段训练方法使其在学习深层结构上取得了一定的成功,并在图像处理、模式识别、系统建模和预测等任务中得到了关注和研究[20,22−27].近年来,众多学者在现有DBN结构和学习算法的基础上进行了拓展与改进,并提出了多种类型的DBN变种模型.目前,比较常见的DBN变种模型主要有稀疏DBN[28−29]、自组织DBN[26]、增量式DBN[27]、递归DBN[30].与传统的DBN相比,改进型的DBN分别在各自的聚焦点上取得了部分性能上的提升.但是,在结构自主确定方面,DBN仍然存在一些难以解决的瓶颈问题,相关的研究工作还处于刚刚起步状态,在理论、技术以及应用层面上还有很大的提升空间,在未来一段时间内仍将是深度学习研究中比较热门的研究方向之一.1深度信念网络基本模型与概述深度信念网络是为了简化逻辑斯蒂信念网络的推理困难而提出的一种深度模型,也是目前深度学习最主要的实现方式之一.DBN可以通过受限玻尔兹曼机的顺序堆叠来构造,其学习过程分为两个阶段,首先是对RBM进行逐层无监督预训练,然后再用反向传播算法对整个网络进行有监督的调优.本节重点介绍DBN的无监督学习.RBM和DBN的结构分别如图1和图2所示.图1RBM结构图Fig.1Structure of RBM图2DBN结构图Fig.2Structure of DBN给定模型参数θ=(w R,b v,b h),那么可视层和隐含层的联合概率分布P(v,h;θ)用能量函数E(v,h;θ)定义为P(v,h;θ)=1Ze−E(v,h;θ)(1)其中,Z=v,he−E(v,h;θ)是归一化因子,模型关于1期王功明等:深度信念网络研究现状与展望37 v的边缘分布为P(v;θ)=1Zhe−E(v,h;θ)(2)对于一个伯努利(可视层)分布–伯努利(隐含层)分布的RBM,能量函数定义为E(v,h;θ)=−mi=1b vi v i−nj=1b hj h j−m i=1nj=1v i w Rijh j(3)其中,w Rij是RBM的连接权值,b vi和b hj分别表示可视层节点和隐含层节点的偏置.那么条件概率分布可表示为Ph j=1v,θ=σb hj+mi=1v i w Rij(4) Pv i=1h,θ=σb vi+nj=1w Rijh j(5)式中,σ(·)是一个Sigmoid函数.由于可视层和隐含层是伯努利的二值状态,所以判断它们二值概率取值的标准常通过设定一个阈值来实现[31].通过计算对数似然函数log P(v;θ)的梯度,可以得到RBM权值更新公式为w Rij (τ+1)=w Rij(τ)+η∆w Rij(6)∆w Rij=E data(v i h j)−E model(v i h j)(7)式中,τ和η分别表示RBM的迭代次数和学习率, E data(v i h j)和E model(v i h j)分别表示训练集中观测数据的期望和模型所确定分布上的期望[32].特别地, RBM有一个有趣的性质,即当利用基于最大似然的学习规则训练时,连接两个神经元的特定权重的更新仅取决于这两个神经元在不同分布下收集的统计信息:P model(v)和ˆP data(h/v).网络的其余部分参与塑造这些统计信息,但是权值参数可以在完全不知道网络其余部分或这些统计信息如何产生的情况下更新.这意味着学习规则是“局部”的,这使得RBM的学习似乎在某种程度上是符合生物学机理.我们可以设想每个神经元都是RBM中随机变量的情况,那么连接两个随机变量的轴突和树突只能通过观察与它们物理上实际接触细胞的激发模式来学习.特别地,经常发生某种强烈的脉冲激励时的两个神经元之间的连接会被加强,这就是Hebb学习规则的核心思想.Hebb学习规则给出了生理学与心理学之间的内在联系,该规则至今仍被许多神经网络学习算法所使用.作为一种深层网络模型,DBN兼具生成模型和判别模型的双重属性.因为DBN的预训练过程主要用来表达数据的高阶相关性或者描述数据的联合统计分布,具有生成模型的特点;DBN有监督调优过程通常用来分类数据的内在模式或者描述数据的后验分布,具有判别模型的特点.这里的“生成”是指从隐含层到输入数据的的重构过程,而“判别”是指从输入数据到隐含层的归约过程.同时,作为一种生成模型,生成式对抗网络(Generative adversarial network,GAN)近年来同样受到很大的关注并进行了广泛的应用[32−33].GAN实质上属于一种基于深度学习的混合模型,其通过框架中生成模型和判别模型的互相博弈学习产生相当好的输出.从数据生成角度看,GAN的数据生成过程是在有监督信号的反馈作用下完成的.而DBN作为一种生成模型时,其监督信号是数据本身,即通过对原始数据的重构完成网络的训练,从而具有生成能力.具体应用中, DBN常作为GAN的生成模型,与判别模型进行对抗学习[32].DBN学习模型的优点是通过组合许多RBM,把上一层RBM的特征激励作为下一层的训练数据,可以高效地对隐含层进行学习.递归神经网络(Recurrent neural networks,RNN),它的深度甚至可以达到和输入数据序列的长度一致.在无监督学习模式下,RNN被用来根据先前的数据样本预测未来的数据序列,并且学习过程中没有用到类别信息.然而,RNN在近几年才得以广泛使用,部分原因是由于在训练中遇到的梯度弥散或梯度爆炸问题,它很难通过训练来捕捉长时相关性.随着在Hessian-free优化研究方面的进展,在一定程度上解决了这个问题,该方法使用了近似二阶信息或随机曲率估计.另外,RNN没有基于无监督预训练的参数初始化过程,这也是其与DBN在训练原理上的最大区别.卷积神经网络(Convolutional neural net-works,CNN)是另一种具有判别性能的深度学习网络,它的每个模块都是由卷积层(Convolutional layer)和池化层(Pooling layer)组成.卷积层共享权值,池化层对卷积层的输出进行降采样,减少了下一层的数据量.研究发现,CNN的应用主要集中于计算机视觉或者图像识别领域,并且效果较为出色[34].而DBN的应用则广泛分布于计算机视觉和数据建模及预测等领域.另一种与DBN相似的深度结构基本学习模型是自编码器(Auto encoder),自编码器主要用于完成数据转换的学习任务,在本质上是一种无监督学习的非线性特征提取模型.自编38自动化学报47卷码器与DBN也有着重要的区别,这种区别的核心在于:自编码器希望通过非线性变换找到输入数据的特征表示,它是某种确定论性的模型;而DBN的训练则是围绕概率分布进行的,它通过输入数据的概率分布(能量函数)来提取高层表示,是某种概率论性的模型.另外,DBN具有较多的超参数,可分为两类:一类是训练参数(如学习率和动量项);另一类是定义网络结构的参数(如网络层数和每层神经元数).前者的自动调优属于超参数优化(Hyperparame-ter optimization,HO)的范畴,而后者的自动调优一般称为神经网络架构搜索(Neural architecture search,NAS).严格地讲,NAS属于DBN结构设计的方法之一,目前DBN结构设计大多数通过提前赋值来完成,即在网络训练过程中结构不变,只有训练参数在不断调整.本文即将介绍的两种变结构设计策略(自组织结构和增量式结构)对固定结构来讲是一种突破,但是与NAS又存在区别,主要体现在: NAS先定义搜索空间,然后通过搜索策略找出候选网络结构,对它们进行评估,根据反馈进行下一轮的搜索;而变结构策略只要是以某种触发机制或误差导向来实时调整结构规模.2深度信念网络结构分析与性能比较2.1固定结构深度信念网络目前最为常见的DBN应用形式是定结构模型,即在训练过程中DBN结构固定不变.尽管现在与其他无监督或生成学习算法相比,固定结构的DBN 大多已经失去了青睐并很少使用,但它们在深度学习历史中的重要作用仍应该得到承认[20].定结构DBN在处理实际复杂数据时,无监督预训练和反向传播调优算法均具有提升和改进的空间,主要表现在预训练耗时和调优精度两方面.同时,定结构DBN主要是通过足够的经验和充足的数据来确定其结构,且其结构一旦确定将不再调整,这导致定结构DBN无法满足待处理数据的多样性变化要求.众所周知,DBN具有很强的计算和信息处理能力,但是它对于模式识别、感知以及在复杂环境中作决策等问题的处理能力却远不如人.神经生理学研究结果表明,人的智能主要取决于大脑皮层,而大脑皮层是一个大规模互连的生物深度神经网络.在处理不同信息时,生物深度神经网络会启用不同的神经元连接结构,也就是说,其采用的是一种变结构的信息处理机制[35].而在实际过程中,定结构DBN只是通过改变权值参数来适应任务的变化,但如何构造一种DBN使其结构在动态调整的同时不断调整权值参数,是今后DBN发展的趋势,也是一个开放且尚未解决的问题[36].2.2稀疏深度信念网络研究发现,现有的DBN模型在学习过程中内部神经元之间的权值连接均是一种密集表述[37−38].然而,在深度学习算法中,一个主要的目的是独立地表述数据的差异[36],密集表述容易导致网络不稳定,因为任何输入上的扰动都会引起中间隐含层特征表述向量发生变化,甚至是巨变[38].稀疏表述就是用较少的基本信号的线性组合来表述大部分或者全部的原始信号.利用稀疏表述对DBN进行稀疏连接训练,可以有效地降低输入扰动对中间隐含层特征表述向量的影响[39].无监督学习过程中的稀疏表述原理如图3所示.图3稀疏表述原理图Fig.3Sparse representation schemeLee等[40]通过在RBM训练过程中引入一个正则化惩罚项来降低密集表述的程度.具体来讲,首先设置一个隐含层神经元的期望激活强度值,然后惩罚隐含层神经元实际激活强度与期望激活强度之间的偏差.给定m组训练数据集v(1),...,v(m),其实现稀疏表述的优化问题为Maximizeθlog P(v)+λR sparse1(8) R sparse1=−µ−1nnj=1Eh jv2(9)其中,λ是正则化常数,µ是控制着第j个隐含层神经元稀疏度的期望激活强度值,通过这种提前给定期望激活阈值的方法可以实现一定意义上的稀疏表述.为了使所有隐含层神经元能够以一定的概率或者波动性逼近期望激活强度值,Keyvanrad等[41]通过引入正态函数的集中分布思想来控制网络的稀疏度.根据这种思想,对应于稀疏表述优化问题的正则化项可表示为R sparse2=nj=11σ√2πe−(h j−µ)22σ2(10)其中,σ是控制稀疏强度波动性的方差.1期王功明等:深度信念网络研究现状与展望39同时,应该注意到参数的设置对网络学习效果的影响是显著的[38],如果设置不当,要实现较高精度的建模并学习到正确的特征信息往往比较困难.因此上述稀疏表述方法虽然在网络性能的鲁棒性方面取得一定程度的效果,但对无监督学习的迭代次数和神经元数量等有一定依赖.2.3自组织深度信念网络目前DBN在应用中存在一个重要问题,即针对不同的问题,DBN需要提前设置网络深度,然后利用经验法比较各种不同深度的精度和训练效果.这极大地制约了网络解决问题时的效率,使DBN的进一步推广与应用受到很大限制.实际上,著名深度学习专家Bengio在2009年提出了一个与此类似的问题[36],该问题原文描述为:“Is there a depththat is mostly sufficient for the computations nec-essary to approach human-level performance of AItasks?”.意思是,是否存在一个合适深度的DBN,可以用来尽可能像人类解决问题那样去解决大多数的AI问题呢?由于该问题比较笼统,涉及的学科范围太广,很难通过一个有效的数学方法来解决该问题,难以设计出包含较多的特征并具有代表性的实验对其进行验证,因此该问题在短时间内难以得到彻底的解决.目前,针对此问题的初步试探性解决方法有结构自组织策略和凑试法.本节只介绍结构自组织策略.Qiao等[26]提出了一种基于神经元激活强度和误差下降率最小化的结构自组织方法.首先,在无监督预训练阶段将隐含层神经元的激活强度作为神经元的“贡献度”,并根据“贡献度”的大小对神经元进行增加或删减.其次,在有监督调优阶段,将训练误差的下降率作为隐含层的删减标准,当训练误差下降率首次出现递减时删掉一个隐含层,否则增加隐含层.激活强度SI可表示为SI li =αs2i·l1+s2i·l+o2i·l(11)其中,α是正常数,o i·l是第l个隐含层的第i个神经元的输出,i=1,2,3,···,N l,N l是第l个隐含层的神经元个数,s i·l表示第l个隐含层的第i个神经元的输入权值之和,可通过如下公式计算得到s2 i·l =n ij=1w ij r ij(12)其中,r ij是i个神经元的第j个输入量,w ij是第j个输入神经元和第i个神经元之间的连接权值,n i 是第i个神经元的输入神经元个数,s i·l所表示的权值连接过程如图4所示.DBN的结构自组织策略原理如图5所示.在传统浅层神经网络的结构设计方面,研究人员注重结构自组织设计方法[42−43],即根据神经元激活强度的大小来增加或者删减结构.尽管结构自组织设计方法在浅层神经网络中得到了成功的应用并取得了较好的效果,但关于DBN结构自组织方法的研究却非常有限.本节介绍的基于传统自组织方法的变结构DBN模型在学习精度上有所提高,但是在学习效率方面提高不明显,相关研究还需要进一步加强.图4计算激活强度的权值连接过程Fig.4Weights connecting process of computing spikingintensity2.4增量式深度信念网络与传统浅层神经网络的结构自组织相比,DBN 结构自组织策略一直没有得到学术界的广泛关注,主要原因有:1)自组织方法将神经元的激活强度作为增加和删减结构的评判标准,而DBN往往拥有多个隐含层且每个隐含层含有较多的神经元,这导致DBN自组织设计过程复杂且计算量庞大[26];2)预训练好的初始DBN可被视为一种知识源域(Source domain),其中的知识可被视为一种可重复利用的经验[44],但是结构自组织方法未能在知识源域到目标域(Target domain)之间实现知识的转移.因此,在DBN结构自组织过程中需要不间断地对目标域内若干个新增子结构进行参数初始化,从而导致自组织方法在DBN结构设计中应用成本较高,甚至难以实现.通过上述分析可知,DBN结构自组织方法遇到的主要障碍是计算量巨大,而如何在知识源域与目标域之间实现知识的有效转移成为关键.迁移学习(Transfer learning,TL)是一种旨在实现知识转移的学习方法且具有较强的鲁棒性[45−47].常用的迁移学习方法是:首先训练一个模型并将其作为知识源域,然后再利用特定的方法将知识源域中可重复40自动化学报47卷图5结构自组织策略原理图Fig.5Self-organizing structure strategy scheme利用的知识转移到目标域中来加速新结构的学习过程[48−49],从而提高复杂模型的训练效率.近些年来,基于迁移学习的神经网络复合训练方法大批涌现并取得了较好的效果[50−51].为了解决上述问题,Wang等[27]提出了一种基于迁移学习策略的增量式深度信念网络(TL-GDBN)模型.相较于浅层神经网络的结构自组织方法,不同之处在于TL-GDBN没有利用神经元的激活强度作为结构增长或删减的依据.首先,初始化一个单隐含层DBN并对其进行预训练(Pre-training),然后固定预训练好的初始DBN并将其作为知识源域.其次,在初始DBN的基础上不断增加固定规模的隐含层和神经元并将其作为目标域,同时建立基于迁移学习的知识转移规则来加速目标域的训练过程.第三,根据TL-GDBN的预训练的重构误差设置结构增长的停止准则及其阈值,从而获得最优的结构.基于迁移学习的增量式深度信念网络(TL-GDBN)的结构增长过程仅在预训练阶段进行.每一步的结构增长包括神经元和隐含层两部分.数据被分为三部分:训练数据(Training data)、验证数据(Validating data)和测试数据(Testing data).训练数据用来预训练初始DBN并获得知识源域,验证数据用来结合迁移学习实现TL-GDBN结构的增量式变化,测试数据用来测试TL-GDBN.预训练结束后TL-GDBN结构将不再变化.知识在迁移学习规则下持续地被转移到新增结构中,TL-GDBN的一步结构增长过程如下:步骤1.结构初始化和预训练.首先初始化一个单隐含层的DBN结构,然后利用对比散度(Con-1期王功明等:深度信念网络研究现状与展望41trastive divergence,CD)算法和训练数据进行预训练.假设初始化DBN的输入和其隐含层神经元的个数分别为m和n,那么预训练后学习到的知识(权值参数矩阵)w R1∈R m×n将被保存在知识源域中.步骤2.增加神经元.增加两倍于初始DBN隐含层神经元数量的神经元,新的权值参数矩阵变为ˆw R1∈R m×3n.步骤3.增加隐含层.增加与初始DBN具有相同数量神经元的隐含层,对应的新增权值参数矩阵为w R2∈R3n×n.步骤4.计算预训练过程的重构误差,并将重构误差作为预训练过程误差.步骤5.设置结构增长的停止准则.利用验证数据计算重构误差,并将重构误差的连续若干步的减小量作为结构增长的停止准则.同时设置停止准则的阈值,当训练过程中的重构误差满足阈值条件时, TL-GDBN结构停止增长并进入步骤6;否则,跳转到步骤2.步骤6.固定当前TL-GDBN的最优结构,预训练过程结束.TL-GDBN的一步结构增长过程原理如图6所示.结构增长过程一旦结束,TL-GDBN的结构和对应的初始权值参数即被确定.实验结果发现,TL-GDBN的稀疏度随着结构的不断扩大而表现出先增大后稳定的趋势.这种趋势表明在结构增长过程中TL-GDBN的密集表述越来越弱,网络各隐含层提取到的特征向量受输入波动影响的程度也越来越弱,即网络鲁棒性较强.然而,关于如何进行知识迁移仍然是一个难点,究其原因主要在于:在迁移学习中,学习器必须执行两个或更多个不同的任务,但是我们假设能够解释P1变化的许多因素和学习P2需要抓住的变化相关.例如,我们可能在第一种情景中学习了一组数据分布特性,然后在第二种场景中学习了另一组数据分布特性.如果第一种情景P1中具有非常多的数据,那么这有助于学习到能够使得从P2抽取的非常少的样本中快速泛化表示.一般来讲,当不同情景或任务存在有用特征时,并且这些特征对应多个情景出现的潜在因素,迁移学习可以发挥事半功倍的效果.然而,有时不同任务之间共享的不是输入的数据分布特性,而是输出的目标数据分布特征.这种情况下,使用迁移学习往往会得到不尽人意的学习效果.2.5递归深度信念网络从学习策略上看,传统DBN模型是一种前馈网络,堆叠的RBM只能保存暂时的信息(达到能量平衡后的稳态信息),故现有的DBN模型对时间序列的建模与预测精度相对较低[52−55].Ichimura 等[30]提出一种递归深度信念网络(RNN-DBN),其在结构上是由若干个递归受限玻尔兹曼机(RNN-RBM)[56]堆叠组成.而RNN-RBM则是在递归时间RBM(RTRBM)的基础上发展起来的[52],是一种基于能量的时域序列密度估计模型.RTRBM结构如图7所示.图6TL-GDBN的一步增长过程Fig.6Illustration of one-growing step。



Case Study
3D Geospatial Function Monitoring Model of Arc Dam Deformation Based on the Improvement of Temperature Component
Part1 Introduction
3D Geospatial Function Monitoring Model of Arc Dam Deformation Based on the Improvement of Temperature Component
And we expand it according to bivariate polynomial as follows:
bij f i (t)T j
i1 j1
Three types of components for f (t) are used to reflect the distribution of temperature
is not fixed and it increases obviously when the concrete is in the frozen state, which is
difficult to be depicted by the linear combination. Besides, only the influence of the
and the temperature component has the linear relationship with the temperature of
concrete. The temperature component is expressed as the linear combination of harmonic

18_Surface Pourbaix diagrams and oxygen reduction activity of Pt, Ag and Ni(111) surfaces studied by

18_Surface Pourbaix diagrams and oxygen reduction activity of Pt, Ag and Ni(111) surfaces studied by

and Ni(111) surfaces studied by DFTaqueous environment as function of pH and potential. In the present work we identify the most stable surface structures relevant for oxygen reduction on the (111) surfaces of Ag, Ni and Pt. We refer to the corresponding phase diagrams for the surfaces as surface Pourbaix diagrams. Furthermore, for the three different metals we determine the potential where surface catalysis starts playing a limiting role for ORR. This introduces aself-consistency problem, since the ORR potential will depend on the surface structure and the surface structure depends on the potential. Fortunately only a few surfaces are relevant for ORR. In the context of steady state ORR the cathode surface structure is independent of pH. In other words: the ORR potentials versusthe reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) are the same in alkaline and acidic solution. Hence, we find that the reason for the activity of Ag and Ni in alkaline solution compared to acidic solution, is not related to a different surface structure, but rather related to higher dissolution potential (vs. RHE) and better stability in alkaline solution than in acidic solution.2. Methods2.1 Surface Pourbaix diagramsWe determine the most stable surfaces without molecular oxygen present, as these are the relevant surfaces for the surface Pourbaix diagrams and normal cyclic voltammograms (CV). To calculate the stability of a surface we use the concept of the theoretical standard hydrogen electrode (SHE),5 which has previously been shown to give reliable results for theoretical cyclic voltammograms for hydrogen on Pt surfaces8 and for predicted ORR activity for Pt alloys.6The method is summarized here. It is assumed the surface is in equilibrium with protons and liquid water at 298 K, so that oxygen and hydroxyl may be exchanged between the surface and a reference electrolyte through the following stepsH2O(l) + * HO* + H+(aq) + e−(1) andHO* O* + H+(aq) + e−,(2) where * denotes a site on the catalyst surface and O* and HO* denote oxygen and hydroxide adsorbed on a site.The oxidation of water to O* and HO* depends on the potential U and pH through the chemical potentials of H+ and e−. The reaction:H+(aq) + e− 1/2H2(g)(3) has G° = 0 at standard conditions (pH = 0, p(H 2) = 1 bar) defining U = 0 V SHE. This allows us to calculate the free energy of adsorbed O* and HO* at U = 0 V and pH = 0 directly from the free energy of the reactionsH2O(l) + * HO* + 1/2H2(g)(4)HO* O* + 1/2H2(g).(5) This has the advantage that H2(g) is much easier to handle computationally than solvated protons. Reactions (4) and (5) define the free energy, G 0, of HO* and O* at zero pH and zero potential vs. SHE.At finite pH and potential, the free energy of reaction (3) is (p(H2) = 1 bar)G = e U SHE + k B T ln 10 pH,(6) Since (4) and (5) are independent of pH and potential, we may calculate the free energy of (1) and (2) at any pH and potential fromG(HO*) = G0(HO*) −e U SHE−k B T ln 10 pH +(7)G field,where G fieldis the change in the adsorption energy due to the electric field in the electrochemical double layer at the cathode. To first order in the electric field G field = −μ·E, where μ is the dipole moment of the adsorbate and E is the electric field at the position of the dipole. G field has been studied in detail for Pt(111),9,10 and the relative change in stability of O* and HO* is less than 0.11 eV when the potential is increased from 0 to 1 V vs. SHE. Since the first term in eqn (6)changes the relative stability of O* and HO* by 1 eV when the potential is increased by 1 V, the trends in adsorption energies are well described by neglecting G field in the construction of the surface Pourbaix diagram.10We calculate G 0 by correcting the DFT energies for zero point energies and entropy viaG0 = E + ZPE −T S,(8) where E is the DFT energy andZPE is the change in zero-point energy of the adsorbates. We have used the zero point energy of the adsorbates on Cu(111) obtained within the harmonic approximation using the PW91 functional.11,12S is approximated from the loss of entropy of the gas phase molecules upon binding them to the surface.13,14 We note that the method described above could equally well have been formulated in terms of OH− instead of H+, without changing the results.The free energy of a given molecular surface structure can be calculated as a function of potential U SHE and pH from eqn (7). The structure with the lowest free energy at a given set of conditions determines the surface structure. An example is shown in Fig. 1, where the stability of different Ag(111) surfaces is plotted against potential at pH = 0. The lowest line determines the surface with the lowest free energy at a given potential. The surface Pourbaix diagram in Fig. 2is then constructed by plotting the most stable surface as function of pH and U SHE.Fig. 1 Stability of O* and HO* on Ag(111) at pH = 0.Dissolution is spontaneous at U RHE > 0.80 V.Neglecting dissolution, a structure with 1/6 ML HOstabilized by water forms at 0.93 V. The hydroxylcoverage increases to 1/3 ML at 1.11 V.Fig. 2 Surface Pourbaix diagram for Ag(111). Thedashed line at U RHE 0.8 V marks the potential of agood ORR catalyst under steady state conditions. It isseen that dissolution is a much larger problem inacidic than in alkaline electrolytes, and that thecoverage of the Ag surface is low at U RHE 0.8 V.For HO* and HOO* we have included the possible stabilization by forming hydrogen bonds to water by incorporating the adsorbates in a hexagonal hydrogen bonded network with water. On Pt(111) this hexagonal water layer is known to be stable and has been observed in UHV experiments.15,16 This approach for including water has previously been used in calculations.5,9We adjust the water layer found on Pt to fit Ni and Ag. The considered structures are shown in the ESI.The theoretical reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) can be defined by demanding that the equilibrium in reaction (3) defines U RHE = 0 at all conditions. The potential versus the reversible hydrogen electrode becomesU RHE = U SHE + k B T ln10 pH/e.(9) Clearly, at pH = 0, U SHE = U RHE and any fixed potential vs. RHE, e.g. the potential for reversible water oxidation will show up as lines with a slope of −k B T/e ln10 (−59 mV/pH at 298 K) in the Pourbaix diagrams.A special case of this is the formation of HO*, because by rewriting eqn (7) in terms of U RHE and neglecting the effect of the electric field,G(HO*) = G0(HO*) −e U RHE,(10) we can see that hydroxyl adsorbs at a fixed potential vs. the RHE. A similar argument holds for the adsorption of O* formed from water, which means that the coverage and structure of adsorbed O* and HO* at a givenU RHEare independent of pH within this model. As the potential of the cathode relative to the hydrogen electrode determines the fuel cell potential, the coverage and structure of adsorbates at the cathode depend only on the fuel cell potential under steady state conditions and not on pH, provided we disregard dissolution and adsorption of the electrolyte ions.The metals may dissolve in acidic or alkaline solution. The free energy of dissolution has been estimated from standard reduction potentials and thermochemical data, as uniform dissolution of a monolayer of metal atoms on the surface corresponds to dissolution of the bulk. When speaking of a process as spontaneous, it will be in the sense G°(U) < 0, which gives a conservative estimate of the stability vs. dissolution. An example is dissolution of silver in acidic solution:Ag(s) Ag+(aq) + e−.(11) Since this process involves electrons but not protons, the free energy of dissolution of the metal surface depends on the potential vs. SHE but not on pH. Hence the boundary between Ag and Ag+-ions is horizontal in a Pourbaix diagram. Formation of 1/2 ML O on Ag(111) from H2O requires transfer of one electron per Ag atom. The formation of Ag+ions also involves one electron. The difference in free energy of 1/2 ML O on Ag and Ag+ ions therefore do not depend on the potential, so the boundary becomes vertical in a Pourbaix diagram.Adsorption of spectator ions from the solvent, e.g. anions, usually involves only electrons.*+ Cl−(aq) Cl* + e−(12) The free energy of anion adsorption therefore depends on the potential vs. SHE, rather than the potential vs. RHE. If HO* and O* compete with spectator species for the free sites, then this might change the surface coverage of HO* and O* as function of potential versus the reversible hydrogen electrode for different pH. This effect has not been considered in this work.2.2 Calculation detailsAll calculations have been done within density functional theory (DFT),17,18 with the RPBE functional19 for exchange and correlation. The RPBE functional has been shown to provide better19 adsorption energies than the closely related PBE20 functional. The Kohn–Sham equations18 have been solved using a plane wave basis with a cutoff of 350 eV for the eigenstates and the densities have been described using a cutoff corresponding to 1000 eV. The ionic cores are described using Vanderbilt ultrasoft pseudo potentials,21 which give faster convergence with respect to the plane wave basis set than norm conserving pseudo potentials.The adsorption energies on Ag, Pt and Ni(111) have been calculated using (2×2) and (2×3) supercells consisting of 3 close packed layers of metal atoms. The top metal layer is allowed to relax and the two bottom layers are fixed in their bulk positions. The adsorbates are allowed to relax freely on the surface, until the maximum component of the Cartesian forces is below 0.02 eV −1. The periodically repeated slabs have been separated by at least 12.4of vacuum and the dipoles of the images have been decoupled. The Brillouin zone has been sampled using an [8×8×1] and a [10×6×1] Monkhorst-Pack special grid of k-points22 for the (2×2) and the (2×3) cells, respectively. The DFT calculations have been performed using Dacapo with the ASE interface on our local Linux cluster supercomputer.233. Results3.1 Ag(111)To investigate the Ag(111) surface, different structures of hydroxyl and oxygen on the surface have been considered. In acidic solution, dissolution of Ag is spontaneous at potentials above 0.80 V, see Fig. 1, so ORR on this surface is not likely. In alkaline environment the dissolution process is24Ag(s) + H2O(l) AgO−(aq) + 2H+(aq) + e−, U° = 2.2(13)V.In alkaline solution at low potentials, the most stable surface considered is the clean Ag(111) surface, showing that Ag is a noble metal. At pH = 14, the free energy of dissolution in (13) is negative for U SHE > 0.5 V for the clean (111) surface. Dissolution is therefore not as critical as in acidic solution, see Fig. 2. Water oxidation starts at 0.93 V (RHE) forming a structure with 1/6 ML HO* and 1/2 ML water. At 1.11 V (RHE) the HO* coverage increases to 1/3 ML HO*. At potentials above 1.19 V (RHE) hydroxyl is oxidized further to O*. At higher potentials we find that as more oxygen or hydroxyl is adsorbed on the surface, O atoms will spontaneously substitute Ag atoms on the surface when the surface is relaxed. This may be interpreted as an onset of dissolution or oxidation of the Ag(111) surface. We note that the substitution is favored by 0.25 V relative to the alkaline dissolution process at pH = 14. The pH and U range where the observed substitution mechanism is favorable instead of alkaline dissolution is shown in the Pourbaix diagram Fig. 2. The substitution becomes spontaneous at potentials above 1.44 V (RHE).The potential of the onset of dissolution or oxidation is determined by the details of the substituted Ag surface, and it is very likely that surfaces with different atomic configurations turn out to be more stable than the ones we have considered—for example, a surface oxide25,26 or even formation of bulk Ag2O which may form at potentials above 1.18 V (RHE). The kinetics of the oxidation and dissolution mechanisms of theAg(111) surface is without the scope of the present paper.We have added the potentials of the reversible hydrogen and oxygen electrodes to the Pourbaix diagram to mark the stability range of water at U RHE = 0 V and U RHE = 1.23 V, respectively. We have also added a line at U RHE= 0.80 V, because it is a realistic potential for a good ORR catalyst. We emphasize that the surface structure does not vary along the lines of constant U RHE, if the surface does not dissolve. This means that at U RHE = 0.80 V, the same surface structure will be relevant for ORR regardless of pH.CV experiments in alkaline electrolytes show a reversible peak around 0.3 V (RHE) on Ag(111), and at lower potentials on Ag(100) and Ag(110).4,27This peak has been suggested to be caused by hydrogen adsorption, alkali metal deposition or oxidation of water to HO*.28Recent EC-STM experiments have shown that the Ag(111) surface is unmodified up to a potential near 0.7 V (RHE), after which protrusions, which are assigned to 2D Ag2O nuclei, begin to emerge.29 Our calculations do not support the view that the CV peak at 0.3 V (RHE) is due to HO* or H* on the flat Ag(111) surface, as we find water oxidation to start at 0.93 V (RHE). To get HO* at 0.3 V therefore requires a stabilization of HO* by 0.63 eV relative to our calculations. Such stabilization could, in principle, be caused by HO* adsorbing at steps or defects rather than on the Ag(111) terraces. This is however an unlikely explanation for the existence of a peak at 0.3 V (RHE), as the HO* coverage is reported to be 0.2–0.35 ML.4,27 We note that our theoretical HO* formation is in good agreement with the high potential adsorption peak starting at 0.9 V (RHE) also observed in CV experiments.43.2 Pt(111)For Pt the surface structures have been investigated previously.9,10 Here we have redone the calculations with the same setup as for Ag and Ni. At potentials below 0.78 V (RHE) the pure Pt surface without adsorbates is the most stable. Water is oxidized to O* at potentials above 0.78 V (RHE). From 0.78 V (RHE) to 1.0 V (RHE) the O coverage is 1/4 ML. At higher potentials the coverage increases gradually to 1/3 ML O, then 1/2 ML O etc., see the Pourbaix diagram Fig. 3. Potentials near 1.5 V are required before standard dissolution becomes thermodynamically favored.Fig. 3 Surface Pourbaix diagram for Pt(111). IfG field is neglected, the oxygen coverage increasesgradually starting at 0.78 V (RHE). If G field isincluded as found by Karlberg et al.,9 1/3 ML OH isless than 0.05 eV more unstable than O* in thepotential range 0.78 VRHE–0.84 VRHE (black area).We consider O* and HO* to be equally stable in thispotential range within the accuracy of thecalculations.Recent DFT calculations including the electric field in the double layer show that 1/3 ML hydroxyl in a hexagonal layer of water is stable from 0.75 V (RHE) to 0.9 V (RHE), as a result of the electric field stabilizing HO* relative to O*.9,10 This surface has also previously been found to be stable in UHV.15,16 Including the effect of the electric field from ref. 9, we find that hydroxyl in the water layer is unstable byless than 0.05 eV relative to 1/4–1/3 ML O, in the potential range from 0.78 to 0.84 V (RHE). We therefore consider the stability of 1/3 ML hydroxyl and 1/3 ML O to be the same near 0.80 V (RHE) within the accuracy of the calculations.3.3 Ni(111)The Ni(111) surface is quite reactive, and corrosion is a problem in acidic as well as alkaline solutions. We consider the acidic dissolution13 processNi(s) Ni2+(aq) + 2e−, U° = −0.257 V.(14) and the dominant alkaline corrosion process13,30,31Ni(s) + 3H2O(l) 2e− + 3H+(aq) + Ni(OH)3− (aq),(15)U° = 0.63 V.We find that at U RHE= 0 V, 1/4 ML H is adsorbed at the surface up to 0.14 V (RHE). Oxygen starts to adsorb at U RHE > 0.20 V, with 1/3 ML O* stabilized by water being the most stable structure in the potential range from 0.34 V (RHE) to 0.82 V (RHE). The highest resistance against corrosion is obtained at pH = 9.9, where G° < 0 for U RHE > 0.38 V, as seen from Fig. 4 and 5. The free energy of formation for O* is 0.39 eV/O at 1/4 ML O coverage as calculated from (4) and (5), which is in reasonable agreement with the experimental value of 0.49 ± 0.10eV/O*.32Fig. 4 The most stable Ni(111) surfaces at pH = 9.9.The resistance against dissolution is at maximum atthis potential because G of the acidic and alkalinedissolution are equal at this potential. Neglectingdissolution, the oxygen coverage then increasesgradually with 1/3 ML O having a broad stabilityrange from 0.34 V (RHE) to 0.82 V (RHE).Dissolution is spontaneous for U > 0.38 V (RHE).Fig. 5 Surface Pourbaix diagram for Ni(111)including alkaline and acidic dissolution. Dissolutionis a problem in both acidic and alkaline electrolytes.The best resistance against dissolution is obtained atpH = 10, where dissolution becomes spontaneous forU RHE > 0.38 V. Oxygen is adsorbed for U RHE > 0.20V.In contrast to Taylor et al.,33we do not find HO* or co adsorbed O* and HO* to be stable on the Ni(111)-surface. However we note that at 0.18 V the free energies of 1/4 ML H*, 1/4 ML O* and 1/6 ML HO* are equal within 0.1 eV. The difference could therefore be caused by different functionals and atomic structures of the adsorbates.In UHV experiments oxygen on Ni(111) may form an ordered p(2×2) structure with 0.25 ML coverage or a-structure with 0.33 ML coverage.34 Oxidation of the Ni(111) surface initiates at a coverage between 0.33 and 0.5 ML,32,34suggesting that ORR on the metallic Ni surface could occur on a surface with up to 1/2 ML O. Thermodynamically -Ni(OH)2 is however the most stable nickel phase at these conditions.303.4 Oxygen reduction reactionWe now consider the situation in the presence of molecular oxygen. The aim is to determine the intermediates of the oxygen reduction reaction at the relevant surface for the different metals. In an acidic solution we write the electrode reactions as:Anode:H2 2H* 2H+ + 2e−(16) Cathode:O2 + 4H+ + 4e− HOO* + 3H+ + 3e− H2O + O*(17)+ 2H+ + 2e− HIn an alkaline solution the same reactions can be expressed with OH− instead:Anode:2OH− + H2 2H* + 2OH− 2H2O + 2e−(18) Cathode:O2 + 2H2O + 4e− HOO* + H2O + OH− + 3e−(19)O* + H4OH−It is interesting to note that the adsorbed intermediates along the reaction coordinate are independent of the concentration of protons. The only change is the chemical potential of the protons, and that the proton donor changes from being H+ or hydronium ion in acid electrolytes to being H2O in alkaline electrolytes.We now calculate the free energy of the intermediates in eqn (17) or (19). We will consider ORR feasible as long as all reaction steps along the reaction decrease the free energy. We determine the highest potential where this still holds, and refer to this as the ORR potential. The ORR potential depends on the metal and surface structure, which means we have to find the surface structure with the highest ORR potential that is consistent with the stability of the surface structure. We use the fact that the most stable surface at a given potential found above will be one of the intermediates during the ORR. Free energy diagrams of the intermediates on Pt, Ag and Ni are shown in Fig. 6, 7 and 11 at the ORR potential and at 0 V (RHE) and 1.23 V (RHE). The higher the ORR potential, the better the ORR catalyst.Fig. 6 Stability of the intermediates for the oxygenreduction reaction on Pt(111). The stability of theintermediates has been corrected for the effect of theelectric field using the results of Karlberg et al.9 Theformation of HOO* and desorption of HO* becomeexothermic at nearly the same potential, in agreementwith previous findings that Pt is close to the optimalcatalyst for ORR.Fig. 7 Stability of intermediates for the oxygenreduction reaction on Ag(111). The formation ofHOO* determines the overpotential, in agreementwith previous trend studies showing that Ag bindsadsorbates too weakly. The stability of theintermediates has been corrected for the effect of theelectric field using the results of Karlberg et al.9It has previously been shown for Pt and Pt-alloys that the ORR potential is determined by either reduction of HO* (the last step in reaction 17) or the formation of OOH* (the first step in reaction 17).9 For reactive surfaces the first of the two is rate determining and for noble surfaces the latter is rate determining. Both reaction energies scale linearly with the oxygen binding energy, which determines a Sabatier volcano where the lowest overpotential is found for a material with the optimal trade-off between strong and weak binding of oxygen. Pt is close to this optimum, Ni binds too strongly and Ag binds just too weakly. However, previous analysis has been done for the surface relevant for Pt. As seen above, the most stable surface of Ni at a given potential will be different from the most stable Pt surface which, again, is different from the Ag surface.3.4.1 ORR on Pt(111).We have previously studied ORR on Pt in details. The results are summarized here for comparison with Ag and Ni. The most stable surface in the relevant potential region is O* and the mixed HO*-water layer as discussed in details above. We therefore use these two surfaces to represent the two last ORR intermediates in eqn (17). We construct the OOH* intermediate from the HO*-water layer by inserting an oxygen atom between HO* and the surface.The stability of the intermediates is shown in Fig. 6 at potentials 0.0, 0.75 and 1.23 V vs. RHE. The two potential determining steps are O2(g) + H+ + e− + * OOH* and HO* + H+ + e− * + H2O(l).5 That these two steps determine the same ORR potential reflects that Pt has a reactivity close to optimal, as increasingG 0 for one of the steps will decrease G0for the other step due to the linear relations between the adsorption energies. Dissolution of Pt is not a big problem since it requires U SHE > 1.2 V.3.4.2 ORR on Ag(111).We find the Ag(111) surface to be free of adsorbates up to 0.93 V (RHE), where 1/6 ML hydroxyl is adsorbed, followed by additional HO* formation to form a structure with 1/3 ML hydroxyl at 1.11 V. At any reasonable overpotential we would therefore expect the total coverage on the surface to be very low. At 1/6 ML total coverage the rate limiting step is the formation of HOO*, which becomes exothermic at potentials below 0.73 V. This is in agreement with previous estimations based on DFT calculations of the oxygen binding energy on Ag(111).5The adsorption of HOO* being rate limiting reflects the fact that Ag is a noble metal that binds the intermediates too weakly relative to the optimal ORR catalyst. Ag therefore seems like a good alternative to Pt, however the problem in acidic solution is dissolution and not activity. Dissolution involves only electron transfer to Ag, which means that the relevant dissolution potential will not change vs. SHE. Since ORR in alkaline environment runs at lower potentials vs. SHE, Ag-dissolution becomes less of a problem.Assuming the effect of the electric field in the dipole layer is similar on Pt(111) and Ag(111), the electric field destabilizes O* by ca. 0.04 eV and stabilizes HO* by ca. 0.06 eV at the ORR potential. The adsorption energy of HOO*, which determines the overpotential in this model, is destabilized by ca. 0.01 eV by the electric field. The corrections due to the electric field are therefore too small to change the qualitative picture of ORR on Ag(111). The free energy of the intermediates is shown at different potentials in Fig. 7 including the corrections due to the potential.3.4.3 ORR on Ni(111). On the clean Ni(111) surface O 2 dissociates easily, so the rate limiting step on Ni at very low coverage is reduction of O* to HO* or HO* to H2O. With a water layer included to stabilize HO* on the surface, we find G0(HO*) = 0.27 eV and G0(O*) = 0.41 eV. All reduction steps are therefore exothermic at U RHE< 0.14 V, which shows that the clean Ni(111) surface is too reactive to be a good ORR catalyst. From the surface Pourbaix diagram we would however expect some oxygen at the surface at higher potentials. This changes the adsorption energies due to adsorbate interactions.To take adsorbate interactions into account we consider ORR involving the surface, as it is the most stable in the potential range from 0.33 to 0.82 V (RHE). The oxygen reduction reaction might occur by adsorption and subsequent reduction of O2 at vacancies in the structure, as shown in Fig. 8. The free energy of the intermediates is shown in Fig. 9.Fig. 8 Intermediates forming at vacancies on. (a) + (b): The HOO*intermediates dissociates into hydroxyl and oxygen.(c) + (d): Adsorbed oxygen completing thestructure. (e) + (f): Adsorbedhydroxyl. (g) + (h): The vacancy. The Ni atoms andthe molecules adsorbed directly at the surface arerepresented by spacefill whereas the surroundingwater molecules, which are not in direct contact withthe Ni surface, are represented by enlarged CPKspheres. Ni atoms are blue, O atoms red and H atomswhite.Fig. 9 The free energy of the intermediates adsorbedat vacancies in . All stepsdecrease the free energy at potentials below 0.14 V. Awater layer has been used to stabilize all intermediatesas shown in Fig. 8. Without the water layer tostabilize O*, the self-consistent ORR potential is 0.26V.We find that spectator O* makes the Ni(111) surface a bit more noble because the binding energies of O* and HO* are decreased by ca.0.1 eV. The HOO* intermediate dissociates on this surface. All steps are exothermic for U RHE < 0.14 V with the rate limiting step being a reduction of O* to HO*.Another possible reaction mechanism on the surface is that O2 adsorbs and is reduced atfree sites on the surface as shown in Fig. 10. Because of repulsion between adsorbed oxygen and H2O adsorbed at the top sites, a H2O–HO* bonding network directly on the surface is rather unstable. We find HO* to be the most stable with the water layer placed above the surface, with hydrogen bonds between the surface and the water layer. A similar structure is found to be the most stable for O* and HOO*, except that it has been possible to include HOO* into the water layer, as it protrudes from the surface. When HOO* is included in the water layer and allowed to relax, hydrogen moves from HOO* to a nearby water molecule, forming aH 3O molecule. The H–O bond in H3O is 1.05 and the H–OO* bond is 1.51 . The free energy of the intermediates is shown in Fig. 11. The free energies of O* and HO* have increased significantly compared to the clean Ni(111) surface, making the surface much more noble. The significantly increased interaction between adsorbates may be rationalized by the fact that the adsorbates bind to the same Ni atoms on the surface. The rate limiting step is the formation of HOO*, which is exothermic at potentials below 0.40 V (RHE). The binding free energies for oxygen and hydroxyl are 1.64 and 0.80 eV respectively. The O* and HO* binding energy on Ni(111) with 1/3 ML O suggests that this surface is a good ORR catalyst comparable to Pt, but the binding energy of HOO* is weaker than that of Pt. Formation of HOO* therefore becomes the rate limiting step on Ni.Fig. 10 Intermediates adsorbed at free sites on. (a) + (b): HOO*. (c) + (d): O*,(e) + (f): HO*, (g) + (f): Thesurface.Fig. 11 Free energy of the intermediates along thereaction path (17) or (19) adsorbed at the free sites on. Because the formation ofHOO* limits the ORR potential, the overpotentialcould be reduced if the binding energies could beincreased. If O2 dissociates easily on the。



第21卷第4期2006年4月地球科学进展ADVANCES I N E ART H SC I ENCEVol.21 No.4Ap r.,2006文章编号:100128166(2006)0420331207地球圈层相互作用中的深海过程和深海记录(I):研究进展与成果汪品先,翦知 ,刘志飞(同济大学海洋地质国家重点实验室,上海 200092)摘 要:由五大系统11个实验室组成的项目组,2000—2005年开展了以“地球圈层相互作用”为主题的深海基础研究。




关 键 词:深海研究;地球系统;圈层相互作用中图分类号:P73 文献标识码:A1 任务与设计水深超过2000m的深海占地球表面积的60%,是地球表面研究最弱的部分,也是研究“地球系统”的关键所在。








GPS HIGH PRECISION ORBIT DETERMIANTION SOFTWARE TOOLS (GHOST)M. Wermuth(1), O. Montenbruck(1), T. van Helleputte(2)(1) German Space Operations Center (DLR/GSOC), Oberpfaffenhofen, 82234 Weßling, Germany, TU Delft, Email: T.VanHelleputte@tudelft.nlABSTRACTThe GHOST “GPS High precision Orbit determination Software Tools” are specifically designed for GPS based orbit determination of LEO (low Earth orbit) satellites and can furthermore process satellite laser ranging measurements for orbit validation purposes. Orbit solutions are based on a dynamical force model comprising Earth gravity, solid-Earth, polar and ocean tides, luni-solar perturbations, atmospheric drag and solar radiation pressure as well as relativistic effects. Remaining imperfections of the force models are compensated by empirical accelerations, which are adjusted along with other parameters in the orbit determination. Both least-squares estimation and Kalman-filtering are supported by dedicated GHOST programs. In addition purely kinematic solutions can also be computed. The GHOST package comprises tools for the analysis of raw GPS observations as well. This allows a detailed performance analysis of spaceborne GPS receivers. The software tools are demonstrated using examples from the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X missions.1.INTRODUCTIONThe GPS High precision Orbit determination Software Tools (GHOST) were developed at the German Space Operations Center (DLR/GSOC) in cooperation with TU Delft. They are a set of tools, which share a common library written in C++. The library contains modules for input and output of all common data formats for GPS observations, auxiliary data and physical model parameters. It also provides modules for the mathematical models used in orbit determination and for modelling all physical forces on a satellite.The tools can be classified in analysis tools and tools for the actual precise orbit determination (POD). Additionally a user can implement new tools based on the library modules.The user interface of the GHOST tools consists of human readable and structured input files. These files contain all the parameters and data filenames which have to be set by the user.Although a software package for orbit determination and prediction existed at GSOC, it was decided with the availability of GPS tracking on missions like CHAMP and GRACE, to implement GHOST as a flexible and modular set of tools, which are dedicated to the processing GPS data for LEO orbit determination. GHOST has been used in the orbit determination of numerous missions like CHAMP, GRACE, TerraSAR-X, GIOVE and Proba-2. The newest tool for relative orbit determination between two spacecrafts (FRNS, see section 5.5) was designed using data from the GRACE mission and will be used in the operation of the TanDEM-X, PRISMA and DEOS missions.Due to its modular design the library offers users a convenient way to create their own tools. As all necessary data formats are supported, tools for handling and organizing data are easily implemented. For example many GPS receivers have their own proprietary data format. Hence for each new satellite mission a tool can be created, which converts the receiver data to the standard RINEX format in order to be compatible with the other tools. This is supported by the library modules.Figure 1: GHOST Software Architecture.2.THE TERRASAR-X AND TANDEM-XMISSIONSGHOST has been used and will be used in the preparation and the data processing of numerous satellite missions including the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X missions. The examples shown in this paper are taken from actual TerraSAR-X mission data or from simulations done in preparation of the TanDEM-X mission. Hence these two satellite missions are introduced here.TerraSAR-X is a German synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite which was launched in June 2007 from Baikonur on a Dnepr rocket and is operated by GSOC/DLR. Its task is to collect radar images of the Earth’s surface. To support the TerraSAR-X navigation needs, the satellite is equipped with two independent GPS receiver systems. While onboard needs as well as orbit determination accuracies for image processing (typically 1m) can be readily met by the MosaicGNSS single-frequency receiver, a decimeter or better positioning accuracy must be achieved for the analysis of repeat-pass interferometry. To support this goal, a high-end dual-frequency IGOR receiver has been contributed by the German GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ), Potsdam. Since the launch DLR/GSOC is routinely generating precise rapid and science orbit products using the observations of the IGOR receiver.In mid 2010 the TanDEM-X satellite is scheduled for launch. It is an almost identical twin of the TerraSAR-X satellite. Both satellites will fly in a close formation to acquire a digital elevation model (DEM) of the Earth’s surface by stereo radar data takes. Therefore the baseline vector between the two satellites has to be known with an accuracy of 1 mm. In preparation of the TanDEM-X mission, GHOST has been extended to support high precision baseline determination using single or dual-frequency GPS measurements.Figure 2: The TanDEM-X mission. (Image: EADSAstrium)3.THE GHOST LIBRARYThe GHOST library is written in C++ and fully object-oriented. All data objects are mapped into classes and each module contains one class. Classes are provided for data I/O, mathematical routines, physical force models, coordinate frames and transformations, time frames and plot functions.All data formats necessary for POD are supported by the library. Most important are the format for orbit trajectories SP3-c [1] and the ‘Receiver Independent Exchange Format’ RINEX [2] for GPS observations. The SP3 format is used for the input of GPS ephemerides (as those files are usually provided in SP3-c format) and for the output of the POD results. The raw GPS observations are provided in the RINEX format. At the moment the upgrade from RINEX version 2.20 to version 3.00 is ongoing to allow for the use of multi-constellation and multi-antenna files. Other data formats, which are supported, are the Antenna Exchange Format ANTEX [3] containing antenna phase center offsets and variations and the Consolidated Prediction Format CPF [4] used for the prediction of satellite trajectories to network stations. The Consolidated Laser Ranging Data Format CRD [5] which will replace the old Normal Point Data Format is currently being implemented.The library provides basic mathematical functions needed for orbit determination like a module for matrix and vector operations, statistical functions and quaternion algebra. As numerical integration plays a fundamental role in orbit determination, several numerical integration methods for ordinary differential equations are implemented, like the 4th-order Runge-Kutta method and the variable order variable stepsize multistep method of Shampine & Gordon [6].Forces acting on the satellite are computed by physical models including the Earth's harmonic gravity field, gravitational perturbations of the Sun and Moon, solid Earth and ocean tides, solar radiation pressure, atmospheric drag and relativistic effects.In orbit determination several coordinate frames are used. Most important are the inertial frame, the Earth fixed frame, the orbital frame and the spacecraft frame. The transformation between inertial and Earth fixed frame is quite complex as numerous geophysical terms like the Earth orientation parameters are involved. The orbital frame is defined by the position and velocity vectors of a satellite. The axes are oriented radial, tangential (along-track) and normal to the other axes and often denoted as R-T-N. The spacecraft frame is fixed to the mechanical structure of a satellite and used to express instrument coordinates (e.g. the GPS antenna coordinates). It is connect to the other frames via attitude information. The GHOST library contains transformations between all involved frames.Similar to reference frames, also several time scales like UTC and GPS time are involved in orbit determination.A module provides conversions between different time scales.In order to visualize results of the analysis tools or POD results like orbit differences or residuals, the librarycontains a module dedicated to the generation of post script plots.4.ANALYSIS TOOLSThe GHOST package comprises tools for the analysis of raw GPS observations and POD results. This allows a detailed performance analysis of spaceborne GPS receivers in terms of signal strength, signal quality, statistical distribution of observed satellites and hardware dependent biases. The tools can be used either to characterize the flight hardware already prior to the mission or to analyze the performance of in flight data during the mission. An introduction to the most important tools is given here.4.1.EphCmpOne of the most basic but most versatile tools is the ephemeris comparison tool EphCmp. It simply compares an orbit trajectory with a reference orbit and displays the differences graphically (see Fig. 3). The coordinate frame in which the difference is expressed can be selected. In addition a statistic of the differencesis given. It can be used to visualize orbit differences in various scenarios like the comparison of different orbit solutions, the comparison of overlapping orbit arcs or the evaluation of predicted orbits or navigation solutions against precise orbits.Figure 3: Comparison of two overlapping orbit arcsfrom TerraSAR-X POD.4.2.SkyPlotSkyPlot is a tool to visualize the geometrical distribution of observed GPS satellites in the spacecraft frame. A histogram and a timeline of the number of simultaneously tracked satellites are given as well. Hence the tool can be used to detect outages in the tracking.Fig. 4 shows the output of SkyPlot for the MosaicGNSS single-frequency receiver on TerraSAR-X on 2010/04/05. The antenna of the MosaicGNSS receiver is mounted with a tilt of 33° from the zenith direction. This is very well reflected in the geometrical distribution (upper left) of the observed GPS satellites. It can be seen, that mainly satellites in the left hemisphere have been tracked. The histogram (upper right) shows, that – although the receiver has 8 channels – most of the time only 6 satellites (or less) were tracked. The lower plot in Fig 4. shows the number of observed satellites as timeline. It can be seen, that there was a short outage of GPS tracking around 11h. This is useful information for the evaluation of GPS data and the quality of POD results.Figure 4: Distribution of tracked satellites by the MosaicGNSS receiver on TerraSAR-X.4.3.EvalCN0The tool EvalCN0 is used to analyze the tracking sensitivity of GPS receivers. It plots the carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N0) in dependence of elevation.The example shown in Fig. 5 is taken from a pre-flight test of the IGOR receiver on the TanDEM-X satellite. The test was carried out with a GPS signal simulator connected to the satellite in the assembly hall [7]. It can be seen, that under the given test-setup, the IGOR receiver achieves a peak carrier-to-noise density ratio (C/N0) of about 54 dB-Hz in the direct tracking of the L1 C/A code. The C/N0 decreases gradually at lower elevations but is still above 35 dB-Hz near the cut-off elevation of 10°.For the semi-codeless tracking of the encrypted P-code, the C/N0 values S1 and S2 reported by the IGOR receiver on the L1 and L2 frequency show an even stronger decrease towards the lower elevations. The signal strength of the L2 frequency is about 3dB-Hzlower than that for the L1 frequency. To evaluate the semi-codeless tracking quality, the size of the S1-SA and S2-SA difference is shown in the right plot of Fig.5. Both frequencies show an expected almost linear variation compared to SA. The degradation of the signal due to semi-codeless squaring losses increases with lower elevation.Figure 5: Variation of C/N0 with the elevation of the tracked satellite (left) and semi-codeless tracking losses (right) forthe pre-flight test of the IGOR receiver on TanDEM-X.4.4.SLRRESSatellite Laser Ranging (SLR) is an important tool for the evaluation of the quality of GPS-based precise satellite orbits. It is often the only independent source of observations available, with an accuracy good enough to draw conclusions about the accuracy of the precise GPS orbits.SLRRES computes the residual of the observed distance between satellite and laser station versus the computed distance. The residuals are displayed in a plot (see Fig.6). As output daily statistic, station-wide statistics and an overall RMS residual are given.In order to compute the distance between satellite and laser station, the orbit position of the satellite has to be corrected for the offset of the satellites laser retro reflector (LRR) from the center of mass using attitude information. The coordinates of the laser station are taken from a catalogue and have to be transformed to the epoch of the laser observation. This is done by applying corrections for ocean loading, tides, and plate tectonics. Finally the path of the laser beam has to be modelled considering atmospheric refractions and relativistic effects.Figure 6: SLR Residuals of TerraSAR-X POD forMarch 2010.5.PRECISE ORBIT DETERMINATION TOOLSThe POD tools comprise two different fundamental methods of orbit determination. A reduced-dynamic orbit determination is computed by the RDOD tool, while KIPP produces a kinematic orbit solution. Both tools process the carrier phase GPS observations. They need a reference solution to start with. This is provided by the tools SPPLEO and PosFit.SPPLEO generates a coarse navigation solution by processing the pseudorange GPS observations. The satellite position and receiver clock offset are determined in a least squares adjustment. Next PosFit is run to determine a solution in case of data gaps and to smoothen the SPPLEO solution by taking the satellite dynamics into account.5.1.SPPLEOSPPLEO (Single Point Positioning for LEO satellites) is a kinematic least squares estimator for LEO satellites processing pseudorange GPS observations. The program produces a first navigation solution, with data gaps still present. For each epoch, the satellite position and receiver clock offset are determined in a least-squares adjustment.The tool is able to handle both single and dual-frequency observations. In case of single frequency observations, the C1 code is used without ionosphere correction. In case of dual-frequency observations, the ionosphere free linear combination of P1 and P2 code observations is applied. In case range-rate observations are available, it is also possible to estimate velocities. Before the adjustment, the data is screened and edited. Hence the user can choose hard editing limits for the signal to noise ratio of the observation, the elevation and the difference between code and carrier phase observation. In case of the violation of one limit, the observation is rejected. If the number of observations for one epoch is below the limit set by the user, the whole epoch is rejected. After the adjustment the PDOP is computed, and if it exceeds a limit, the epoch is rejected as well. If the a posteriori RMS of the residuals exceeds the threshold set by the user, the observation yielding the highest value is rejected. This is repeated until the RMS is below the threshold or the number of observations is below the limit.The resulting orbit usually contains data gaps and relatively large errors compared to dynamic orbit solutions. Hence the gaps have to be closed and the orbit has to be smoothed by the dynamic filter tool PosFit.5.2.PosFitPosFit is a dynamic ephemeris filter for processing navigation solutions as those produced by SPPLEO. This is done by an iterated weighted batch least squares estimator with a priori information. The batch filter estimates the initial state vector, drag and solar radiation coefficients. In addition to those model parameters, empirical accelerations are estimated. One empirical parameter is determined for each of the three orthogonal components of the orbital frame (radial, along-track and cross-track) for an interval set by the user. The parameters are assumed to be uncorrelated over those intervals.The positions of the input navigation solution are introduced as pseudo-observations. The filter is fitting an integrated orbit to the positions of the input orbit in an iterative process. In order to obtain initial values for the first iteration, Keplerian elements are computed from the first two positions of the input orbit. All forces that act on the satellite (like atmospheric drag, solar radiation pressure, tides, maneuvers…) are modelled and applied in the integration. Due to imperfections in the force models, the empirical accelerations are introduced, to give the integrated orbit more degrees of freedom, to fit to the observations. The empirical acceleration parameters are estimated in the least squares adjustment together with the initial state vector and model parameters. The partial derivatives of the observations w.r.t. the unknown parameters are obtained by integration of the variational equations along the orbit (for details see [8]). The result of PosFit is a continuous and smooth orbit without data gaps in SP3-c format. It can serve as reference orbit for RDOD and KIPP.Figure 7 displays the graphical output of PosFit. The three upper graphs show the residuals after the adjustment in the three components of the orbital frame. In this example, which is taken from a 30h POD arc of the TerraSAR-X mission, the RMS of the residuals lies between 0.5m and 1.5m. This mainly shows the dispersion of positions of the SPPLEO solution. The three lower graphs show the estimated empirical accelerations in the three components of the orbital frame.Figure 7: Graphical output of PosFit Tool forTerraSAR-X POD.5.3.RDODRDOD is a reduced dynamic orbit determination tool for LEO satellites processing carrier phase GPS observations. This is also done by an iterated weighted batch least squares estimator with a priori information. Similar to PosFit, RDOD estimates the initial state vector, drag and solar radiation coefficients and empirical accelerations. Contrary to PosFit, where the positions of a reference orbit are used as pseude-observations, RDOD directly uses the GPS pseudorange and carrier phase observations. Nevertheless a continuous reference orbit – normally computed by PosFit – is required by RDOD for data editing and for obtaining initial conditions for the first iteration.The tool is able to handle both single and dual-frequency data. In case of single frequency observations, the GRAPHIC (Group and Phase Ionospheric Correction) combination of C/A code and L1 carrier-phase is used as observation. In case of dual-frequency observations, the ionosphere free linear combination of L1 and L2 carrier phase observations is applied.The data editing is crucial to the quality of the results. Hence the data is also screened and edited by RDOD using limits specified by the user. If the signal-to-noise ratio of the observation exceeds the limit, or the elevation is below a cut-off elevation, the observation is rejected. This is done if no GPS ephemerides and clock information is available for that observation. Next outliers in the code and carrier-phase observations are detected. This is done comparing the observations to modelled observations using the reference orbit.The RDOD filter is fitting an integrated orbit to the carrier-phase observations. This is done in a similar way as in PosFit, considering all forces on the satellite and estimating empirical acceleration parameters. But while PosFit uses absolute positions as observations, the carrier-phase observations used in RDOD contain an unknown ambiguity. The ambiguity is considered to be constant over one pass – the time span in which a GPS satellite is tracked continuously. Hence one unknown ambiguity parameter per pass is added to the adjustment.The graphical output of RDOD shows the residuals of the code and carrier phase observations (see Fig. 8). This is an important tool for a fast quality analysis and for detecting systematic errors.Figure 8: Output of RDOD tool for TerraSAR-X POD.Both the antennas of the GPS satellites and the GPS antennas of spaceborne receivers show variations of the phase center dependent on azimuth and elevation of the signal path. It is necessary to model those variations in order to obtain POD results with highest quality. GHOST does not only offer the possibility to use phase center variation maps given in ANTEX format. It also offers the possibility to estimate such phase center variation patterns, and thus can be employed for the in-flight calibration of flight hardware. This was done for the GPS on TerraSAR-X as shown in Fig. 9. The figure shows the phase center variation pattern for the main POD antenna of the IGOR receiver on TerraSAR-X. It was estimated from 30 days of flight data and needs to be applied to carrier phase observations in addition to a pattern which was determined for the antenna type by ground tests (for details cf. [9]).Figure 9: Phase Center Variation Pattern for the MainPOD Antenna on TerraSAR-X.5.4. KIPPKIPP (Kinematic Point Positioning) is a kinematic least squares estimator for LEO satellites. Similar to RDOD carrier phase observations are processed. But in contrast to RDOD no dynamic models are employed, and only the GPS observations are used for orbit determination. For each epoch, the satellite position and receiver clock offset are determined in a weighted least squares adjustment. KIPP also requires a continuous reference orbit, as that computed by PosFit.Like RDOD, the KIPP tool is able to handle both single and dual-frequency data. In case of single frequency observations, the GRAPHIC (Group and Phase Ionospheric Correction) combination of C/A code and L 1 carrier-phase is used as observation. In case of dual-frequency observations, the ionosphere free linear combination of L 1 and L 2 carrier phase observations is applied.5.5. FRNSThe Filter for Relative Navigation of Satellites (FRNS) is designed to perform relative orbit determination between two LEO spacecrafts. This is done using an extended Kalman filter described in [10]. The concept is to achieve a higher accuracy for the relative orbit between two spacecrafts by making use of differenced GPS observations, than by simply differencing two independent POD results. FRNS requires a continuous reference orbit for both spacecrafts, such as computed by RDOD. It then keeps the orbit of one spacecraft fixed, determines the relative orbit between the two spacecrafts and adds it to the positions of the first spacecraft. As result a SP3-c file containing the orbit of both spacecrafts is obtained. The tool is able to process both single and dual-frequency observations.The FRNS tool was developed using data from the GRACE mission and will be applied on a routine basis for the TanDEM-X mission. In contrast to TanDEM-X, GRACE consists of two spacecrafts, which follow each other on a similar orbit with about 200 km distance. The distance between the two spacecrafts is measured by a K-band link, which is considered to be at least one order of magnitude more accurate than GPS observations. Hence the K-band observations can be used to assess the accuracy of the relative navigation results – with the limitation, that the K-band observations only reflect the along-track component, and contain an unknown bias. The differences between a GRACE relative navigation solution and K-band observations are shown in Fig. 10. The standard deviation is about 0.7 mm. As the TanDEM-X mission uses GPS receivers which are follow-on models of those used on GRACE, and the distance between the spacecrafts is less than 1 km, one can expect that the quality of the relative orbit determination will be on the same level of accuracy or even better.Figure 10: Comparison of GRACE relative navigation solution with K-band observations.6.REFERENCES1. Hilla S. (2002). The Extended Standard Product 3Orbit Format (SP3-c, National Geodetic Survey,National Ocean Service, NOAA.2. Gurtner W., Estey L. (2007). The ReceiverIndependent Exchange Format Version 3.00,Astronomical Institute University of Bern.3. Rothacher M., Schmid R. (2006). ANTEX: TheAntenna Exchange Format Version 1.3,Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie TUMünchen.4. Rickfels R. L. (2006). Consolidated Laser RangingPrediction Format Version 1.01, The University of Texas at Austin/ Center for Space Research.5. Rickfels R. L. (2009). Consolidated Laser RangingData Format (CRD) Version 1.01, The Universityof Texas at Austin/ Center for Space Research. 6. Shampine G. (1975). Computer solution of OrdinaryDifferential Equations, Freeman and Comp., SanFrancisco.7. Wermuth M. (2009). Integrated GPS Simulator Test,TanDEM-X G/S-S/S Technical Validation Report,Volume 15: Assembly AS-1515, DLROberpfaffenhofen.8. Montenbruck O., Gill E. (2000). Satellite Orbits –Models, Methods and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.9. Montenbruck O. Garcia-Fernandez M., Yoon Y.,Schön S., Jäggi A..; Antenna Phase CenterCalibration for Precise Positioning of LEOSatellites; GPS Solutions (2008). DOI10.1007/s10291-008-0094-z.10. Kroes R. (2006). Precise Relative Positioning ofFormation Flying Spacecraft using GPS, PhDThesis, TU Delft.。



67找矿技术P rospecting technology矿区三维地质建模方法研究及深部综合找矿预测王霄霄(河北省地质矿产勘查开发局第一地质大队,河北 邯郸 056001)摘 要:本论文将从矿区三维地质建模方法、三维可视化与分析技术、地质信息集成与分析、模型与算法应用,以及深部矿产资源评价与优选等几个方面进行探讨。


关键词:矿区;三维地质;找矿预测中图分类号:P628 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-5065(2023)17-0067-3Research on 3D Geological Modeling Methods and Deep Comprehensive Prospecting Prediction in Mining AreasWANG Xiao-xiao(The First Geological Brigade of the Geological and Mineral Exploration and Development Bureau of Hebei Province,Handan 056001,China)Abstract: This paper will explore several aspects of mining area 3D geological modeling methods, 3D visualization and analysis techniques, geological information integration and analysis, model and algorithm applications, and deep mineral resource evaluation and optimization. Through detailed analysis and research on these key links, the aim is to comprehensively demonstrate the theoretical basis, methodological system, and application prospects of deep comprehensive ore exploration prediction, providing beneficial references and references for scientific research and practical applications in the mining field.Keywords: mining area; 3D geology; Prospecting prediction收稿日期:2023-06作者简介:王霄霄,女,生于1992年,汉族,河北邯郸人,本科,学士学位,矿产地质工程师,研究方向:矿产地质勘查,三维地质建模,地质大数据。

Urban growth and uninsured rural risk: Booming towns in bust times

Urban growth and uninsured rural risk: Booming towns in bust times

Urban growth and uninsured rural risk:Booming towns in bust timesSteven Poelhekke ⁎,1De Nederlandsche Bank,Research Department,Westeinde 1,1017ZN,Amsterdam,The Netherlandsa b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 8January 2008Received in revised form 25November 2009Accepted 30July 2010JEL Classi fication:O1R11R23R51D81Keywords:Urbanization RiskNatural resources VolatilityRural –urban migrationRapid urbanization also happens when economic growth and urban job creation are absent,such as in Africa and Latin America during the eighties.Why do some countries urbanize faster while having worse economic growth?This paper finds that higher aggregate agricultural risk induces rural –urban migration,providing an additional channel to explain the urbanization trend.Uninsurable expected risk will lead to rural –urban migration as a form of ex-ante insurance if households are liquidity constrained and cannot overcome adverse shocks.The effect is robust to controlling for the traditional view of urbanization driven by industrialization,and to several alternative explanations such as government spending.©2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionRapid urbanization even happens when economic growth and urban job creation are absent,such as for example in Africa and Latin America during the eighties.Fig.1shows that growth in GDP per capita slowed signi ficantly or even reversed,while the rate of urbanization continued at a fast pace.Without growth to create jobs or higher wages in cities (such as in East Asia)it seems puzzling that so many rural dwellers choose to become urban inhabitants.Most people end up in slums which do not necessarily offer better living conditions than rural areas for a given income (UN-Habitat,2006).The long time period and crowding should lower the expected income gain from moving to the city.It seems that migration flows are larger and more persistent than the classic Harris-Todaro (1970)model can explain.Big city lights are not always bright.Why do some countries urbanize faster than others while having worse economic growth?If pull-factors are absent,can the observed persistent trend in urbanization be explained by push factors?This paper studies the uninsurable risk involved in dependence on agriculture and natural resource production to explain urbanization occurring even under negative growth.More speci fically,it models rural –urban migration as an insurance mechanism and provides empirical evidence that agricultural risk is an additional explanation for urbanization.Table 1hints at this hypothesis.It ranks regions according to how much faster cities grow with respect to overall population growth (fourth column).On top are Asian regions with fast economic growth,but also regions without much economic growth such as Sub-Saharan Africa.The last three columns show that a third of value added comes from agriculture,exposing a big share of the economy to very high volatility.Such risk became even larger after 1980,the period after which urbanization and economic growth started to diverge.While economic growth is a big driver of urbanization,it may well be that risk offers an additional channel.Unless financial instruments are available to smooth consumption and ‘ride out the bad times ’,the diversity of income sources that cities offer may turn rural –urbanJournal of Development Economics 96(2011)461–475⁎Tel.:+31205243877;fax:+31205242500.E-mail .URL: .1Also af filiated with the Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies (OxCarre),Department of Economics,University of Oxford,and CESifo,Munich.Part of this paper was written while the author was af filiated with the European University Institute,Florence.I thank the editor,two anonymous referees,Giancarlo Corsetti,Patrick Eozenou,Marcel Fafchamps,Harry Garretsen,Jan Willem Gunning,Bas Jacobs,Pierre Lafourcade,Rick van der Ploeg,Fabio Schiantarelli,William Strange,Martin Zagler,seminar participants at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,and NARSC 2008participants for helpful discussions and suggestions,and INFER 2009for awarding this article the Best Paper Award.All errors are my own.Views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily re flect of ficial positions of De NederlandscheBank.0304-3878/$–see front matter ©2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jdeveco.2010.07.007Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Development Economicsj o ur n a l h o m e p a ge :ww w.e l s ev i e r.c o m/l o c a t e /d eve cmigration into a crude insurance device for agricultural risk.Such financial services to insure against shocks are relatively absent in rural areas (Collier and Gunning,1999),while natural resources and food prices show very volatile behavior on the world market (Deaton,1999),much more so than (urban)manufactures.Fig.2shows cumulative density functions for four resources,and general price indices for manufacturing products and the world.The x -axis shows the size of yearly standard deviations in %monthly in flation.It is clear that a country with a high dependence on,for example,food products faces much more volatile prices than (OECD)countries which typically trade in manufactures.Food prices are as volatile as the prices of ores and metals,prompting large price stabilization schemes in the 1970s (Newbery and Stiglitz,1981).2Several country examples broadly support this idea.For example,between 1980and 1985Bolivia's urban population grew more than twice as fast as population in total,while manufacturing declined with 5%yearly on average.The same period shows that agricultural risk was 13%:twice as high as urban (manufacturing)risk.Haiti (1985–90)and Paraguay (1995–00)show similar patterns,although less extreme.Also Algeria,Zimbabwe and Mozambique (1990–95)had severe rural risk (resp.11%,18%and 16%standard deviation of yearly growth).This may explain why urban areas increased twice as fast in size as the overall population,even though the urban manufacturing sector declined.The next section presents the main hypotheses in the light of the existing literature and describes possible alternative explanations for continued urban growth.Section 3derives a model of migration as an ex-ante response to risk,leading to the econometric speci fication presented in Section 4.Section 5addresses concerns for endogeneity,and Section 6describes the results.Section 7presents an out-of-sample forecasting exercise to see if the observed general trend can be explained by the model.Section 8concludes.2.Risk,insurance and alternative explanationsWe build on the existing empirical literature on urbanization,which implicitly relies on economic growth of the urban manufac-turing sector to generate a rural –urban income gap and sectoraltransition.Without economic growth,other explanations are needed to explain persistent urbanization,such as risk.For example,if technological progress drives city growth through the industrial sector as simulated in Kelley and Williamson (1984),then urban income may continue to outpace rural income.A resulting positive urban to rural income ratio drives urban population growth in Harris and Todaro (1970)and Brueckner (1990).Moomaw and Shatter (1996)estimate that countries with a higher share of labor in industry are more urbanized,supporting the view that urbanization takes place as a country industrializes.The growth channel lies at the heart of for example China's rapid urbanization (Deng et al.,2008).3Two alternative empirical explanations which do not rely on economic growth are rainfall and government policy.Barrios et al.(2006)use rainfall data to show that low rainfall (low agricultural productivity)is associated with a higher contemporary level of urbanization in Africa.Fay and Opal (2000)and Davis and Henderson (2003)identify government policy resulting in ‘urban bias ’and arti ficially high urban wages as an important cause for high levels of urbanization,in combination with urban poverty.For example,planned economies such as China tend to restrict migration,and policy may affect the sectoral composition through for example import substitution programs that favor cities.Fields (1975)suggests that government involvement may also introduce government jobs or subsidies as winning tickets to the ‘lottery ’for formal urban employment.In that case rural workers may choose to migrate even if living standards are lower in the informal urban sector,as long as it offers the possibility to win a formal job.Becker and Morrison (1988)find empirical evidence for this link,although they are limited to a cross-section of ernment spending may keep cities attractive if it can compensate for lagging job growth under continued rural –urban migration,which would otherwise signi ficantly lower the probability of winning.The possibility that risk provides a third alternative channel is supported by Stark and Levhari (1982)who already noted that,at the micro level,uncertainty and risk can be a motive to migrate (for some family members)but it has not been applied to explain the general trend of urbanization.Daveri and Faini (1999)have estimated this2Crude oil has a different scaling because of the oil crisis.The series ‘OECD Manuf.PPI ’(manufacturing producer price index)starts in 1982.3Cities may also be engines of growth themselves if the bene fits of increasing returns and agglomeration economies outweigh the costs of crowding.See for example Duranton and Puga (2004).10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%7891011196019802000196019802000196019802000196019802000S u b −S a h a r a n A f r i c aE a s t A s i a & P a c .L . A m e r i c a & C a r i b .W . E u r o p elog GDP/capita (left scale)% Urban (right scale)yearFig.1.Growth and urbanization.462S.Poelhekke /Journal of Development Economics 96(2011)461–475motive for Italian migrants within Italy and internationally and conclude that risk is a significant determinant,driven by risk aversion.4Migration as an ex-ante response to risk seems reasonable, given that the literature suggests that self-insurance(via savings and informal insurance mechanisms)typically only partially succeeds,and against idiosyncratic shocks at best(Besley,1995;Townsend,1994, 1995;Bardhan and Udry,1999).Informal mechanisms require strong information and enforcement institutions within the community (Udry,1990)and transfers across time are limited because of credit constraints(Rosenzweig and Binswanger,1993).Accumulation of buffer stocks(often in the form of bullocks)may also be used to smooth consumption(Deaton,1991),but this can also affect production(Rosenzweig and Wolpin,1993)and is thus a sub-optimal insurance method.Households will have to resort to ex-ante strategies to deal with risk.Elbers et al.(2005)use micro data to quantify the ex-post and ex-ante effects of risk on capital accumu-lation;theyfind that two-thirds of the detrimental effect of risk is due to the ex-ante type which influences households'behavioral deci-sions.5For example,Giles(2006)shows that rural households in China use off-farm labor markets to reduce exposure to ex-ante risk and to increase ex-post smoothing opportunities.This strategy only became possible after(temporary)migration to urban areas became legal in1988,allowing families to diversify income.Similar evidence comes from India where households are more likely to participate in the labor market in regions with higher rainfall risk(Rose,2001). Households obtain additional insurance by letting one or more household members migrate to other areas with less or uncorrelated income risk,expecting remittances to supplement total household income,as happens in Thailand(Paulson,2003)where the destination of choice is the city of Bangkok.The migration choice is essentially a portfolio choice where households decide on the distance(for example home or foreign destination)and on which(and how many)household members to send(Azam and Gubert,2006).Cities,the destination location,may in addition provide relatively better access tofinancial markets.Evidence for this comes from Taylor et al.(1996),who document the failure of local rural credit and risk markets.Conning and Udry(2007)also report the extend of imperfections in rural capital markets,for example pointing out that microfinance has mostly focused on urban or non-farm activities. Commercialfinancial intermediaries are mostly confined to urban areas with more opportunity to diversify their portfolio.Access may not be equally distributed within cities where a dual economy exists, the formal and the informal one(see i.e.Temple,2005).Although slum dwellers live closer to a concentration offinancial services than rural inhabitants they mayfind it harder to smooth consumption than official residents because they cannot provide collateral or a credit history.On the other hand,cities are centers of trade and political power and offer more diverse sources of income than rural areas.At least they offer a chance of improving living conditions.Incomplete markets affect not only households'(ex-post)income, but may also affect their(ex-ante)behavior,possibly resulting in migration to cities.We add to the literature by focusing on house-holds'exposure to aggregate rural risk which is uninsurable by the local informal ex-post methods and hypothesize that periods with more risk induce more migration and urban growth.3.Model of ex-ante risk insuranceThe theoretical reason to look at risk as an explanation for urbanization is derived as follows.We assume that households pool all income from their members.A family may choose to invest in the migration of one or more of its members(workers)who derive income from employment either in the urban or the rural area.6 Household income may then be supplemented with remittances from any members employed outside the home rural area as a return on family investment to migration.The choice of location is directly tied to sectors of the economy.The rural area only offers agriculture and other natural resource production.It is risky because income depends on nature,such as rainfall,and on demand and price shocks for natural products.Moreover,the rural area is a single sector economy with little scope for diversification.The urban area instead consists of formal manufacturing jobs,an informal sector,and the possibility to obtain formal government jobs or ernment income is often spent in cities,closer to the government's supporters(Davis and Henderson,2003).Migration will be influenced by the probability of obtaining formal income in addition to the hypothesized risk channel.7Furthermore,the urban sector typically has better access tofinancial services to insure against shocks in addition to diversification opportunities.It is therefore reasonable to assume that production and employment in the rural area is inherently more risky than employment in the urban area even though its return is not necessarily higher.Some periods are more volatile than others and a country's development over time may change its dependence on natural resources and its ability to cope with external shocks.A time dimension is therefore also important.The goal of this model is to analyze the effect of a risk differential on workers'location choice.A representative household faces a choice to divide its members over two areas which simultaneously requires a choice between sectors.8Household face a liquidity constraint every period because we assume thatfinancial markets are underdeveloped,especially in rural ck of collateral or a credit history(and incomplete4Dustmann(1997)similarly models the duration of international migration as it is determined by risk at home and abroad and the(intertemporal)covariance of labormarket shocks in addition to a wage differential.For example,a temporary migrant may diversify risk if the covariance of shocks is negative.5Ex-ante insurance takes the form of conservative investment decisions,such as postponing adoption of new risky technology,crop diversification,crops of lower yields but faster growth cycles,diversifying family members among different income activities or sharecropping.It is also related to remittances and risk diversification by means of assigning family members to work in a different area,country or sector such as in Stark and Lucas(1988).6Migration as an investment decision goes back to Sjaastad(1962).7Banerjee and Kanbur(1981)use unemployment rates and inequality as measures of risk in a cross-section of Indian regions.Here risk is formulated as shocks to income. 8This section builds heavily on a standard risk and insurance model with a precautionary savings motive(as in Mirrlees,1965;Deaton,1991),see Bardhan and Udry(1999).In these models households make choices between different investments with different risk and return.Here we add the possibility that location is a choice and that each location promises a different stream of income.Table1Economic and urban growth by region(yearly%,1970–2000).Urbanization%Urban–total%pop.growth GDP/cap.growthVolatilityofagriculture%Agri.19702000ΔMean Mean b'80≥'80MeanSub-SaharanAfrica19.036.117.1 2.940.769.09.733.0South Asia12.821.48.6 2.69 2.56 4.8 4.937.4 East Asia&Pacific38.651.312.7 1.40 2.598.87.319.8Middle East&N.Africa60.076.316.3 1.16 2.0812.612.78.6Latin America&Carib.49.763.613.90.97 1.48 5.7 6.112.8WesternEurope65.674.79.10.51 2.54 6.5 6.2 5.9Eastern Europe&47.758.510.80.44 1.77 6.69.919.1 North America74.779.3 4.60.21 2.24 5.6 6.7 2.5 Note:Ordered on column4.Means are calculated as the within-region cross-country-time unweighed average of5-year average growth rates.463S.Poelhekke/Journal of Development Economics96(2011)461–475markets)prohibits borrowing such that in every period the value of assets A t plus expected income y t should be larger than consumption c t .A t +y t −c t ≥0ð1ÞIncome y t depends on the previous period ‘portfolio ’choice of the household migration decision which corresponds to a choice of location and hence of sector.9The household decides to let a share z t −1of its members migrate.If z =1all members will move to the urban area,and if z =0all remain in the rural area.Because each location has a perfectly competitive sector people can always find employment in the city:either formal or informal.10We assume additionally that each location faces a different degree of aggregate (multiplicative)income risk.Income is therefore a function of exogenous shocks taking place in the rural sector t ∼N (1,σ 2)with unit mean and variance σ 2and in the urban sector ηt ∼N (1,ση2)(where the shock ηis a combination of shocks to the manufacturing,the informal and the government sector),with known joint density function f ( ,η).However,migration is costly because it is costly to obtain information about possible destinations (which depends on distance and relates to the cost of searching for a job)and it is more dif ficult to remit income over greater distances.Migrants will have to pay for higher cost of living in urban areas and may have invested in education (which has a higher return outside the rural sector).Azamand Gubert (2006)document that families send their most promising members away.In Lucas (2004),migrant workers may choose to forgo income to allow them to spend more time searching for a better job or to acquire skills.A family with a migrated member will have to spent part of the urban income on (re)paying these household income is therefore a function of the share of family members in the rural area (1−z ),their (stochastic)wages w R ,and (stochastic)income from urban members w U ηnet of costs κ:y t z t −1; t ;ηt ðÞ=1−z t −1ðÞw R ;t t +z t −1w U ηt −κðÞð2ÞThe expected urban wage w U is a combination of formal,informal and government income,weighted by the probabilities of obtaining such income.The marginal income bene fit from letting more household members migrate is increasing in the urban shock:∂2y t /∂ηt ∂z t N 0and decreasing in the rural shock:∂2y t /∂ t ∂z t b 0.It is therefore crucial to form expectations on the relative riskiness of both sectors to make an optimal migration and location choice.Households maximize a discounted flow of expected utility from consumption subject to their budget constraint,where r t is the rate of return on assets:max c t ;z t+1E t ∑Tτ−tβτ−tu c τðÞð3Þs :t :A t +1=1+r t ðÞA t +y t −c t ðÞð4ÞHouseholds are risk averse so u ′N 0,u ″b 0and lim x →0u ′(x )=+∞.Households therefore aim to smooth consumption over time.The corresponding period t value function is given by:V t A t +y t ðÞ=max c tf u c t ðÞ+βE t V t+1½1+r t ðÞA t +y t −c t ðÞ+y z t ; t+1;ηt +1ÀÁ+λt A t +y t −c t ðÞgð5Þwhere λt is the multiplier associated with the liquidity constraint.The income shock is a combination of rural and urban income shocks if. u m u l a t i v e P r o b a b i l i t y0246810Agricultural Raw Materials u m u l a t i v e P r o b a b i l i t y246810Foods u m u l a t i v e P r o b a b i l i t y246810OECD Manuf. PPI0. u m u l a t i v e P r o b a b i l i t y246810Ores & Metals u m u l a t i v e P r o b a b i l i t y20406080100Crude Petroleum u m u l a t i v e P r o b a b i l i t y246810Worldc.d.f NormalFig.2.Densities of yearly standard deviation of monthly price index in flation,1970−2003.9We could also make this choice depend on distance.Fafchamps and Shilpi (2008)show for example how spatial isolation leads to lower subjective welfare,which might be consistent with an increased need for additional income sources.Taking into account distance,the household chooses not only the share of members to migrate but also the distance to the nearest city and thus access to an external market offering more means of diversi fication,but this would not change our main results.See for example Brueckner and Zenou (1999)for an urbanization model with a land market.10We abstract from any unemployment bene fits.464S.Poelhekke /Journal of Development Economics 96(2011)461–4750b z t b 1.The current value of assets and income equals the maximum of current utility from consumption plus the discounted value of future assets and income.Maximization yields:u ′c t ðÞ=βE t V ′t +11+r t ðÞA t +y t −c t ðÞ+y z t ; t+1;ηt +1ÀÁÂÃ+λtð6ÞThe household also chooses the location one period before as a form of ex-ante risk ing the envelop theorem we have:E t −1dV ′t ⋅ðÞdz t −1=E t −1u ′c t ðÞ∂y ∂z t −1=0ð7Þ⇔E t −1β1+r ðÞV ′t +1⋅ðÞ+λt hi ∂y ∂z t −1=0ð8ÞIf the liquidity constraint 1never binds (λt =0),the location is chosen such that there is no incentive to move:E t −1V ′t+1⋅ðÞ∂yt −1=0ð9Þbut if it does bind and λt N 0households chose z t −1such that (rewriting Eq.(8))E t −1β1+r ðÞV ′t+1⋅ðÞ∂y t −1=−E t −1λt ∂yt −10ð10ÞThe last inequality holds only when the liquidity constraint binds,which is when either shock is negative (meaning smaller than 1)but not equal to each other.We look at the short run effects of large shocks rather than the long run effects when shocks are expected to be at their mean of 1.Volatility is then interpreted as a higher chance of receiving a shock that is so large that all savings are wiped out.Households want to avoid being put in that situation.If most family members live and work in the rural area and the shock is suf ficiently bad ( t b b 1),such that the liquidity constraint binds,we have that ∂y /∂z t −1N 0.Households could then improve utility by moving somefamily members to the city:−E t −1λt ∂yt −1b 0.Conversely,if z t −1is closer to one (a higher share of family members in the urban sector)and ηt bb 1(bad urban year)we have that ∂y /∂z t −1b 0and thus that−E t −1λt∂y∂z t −1N 0.In that case the rural sector would be better ifhouseholds expect the constraint to bind.If both shocks are of equal size they cancel,and we are back in the situation of Eq.(9)where there is no incentive to move.Four insights arise:the more likely it is that the liquidity constraint binds,the more likely households will be able to improve consump-tion and utility by letting family members migrate to the area where they expect shocks to be smaller.Secondly,if the variance of shocks to the rural sector is larger than the variance of shocks to the urban sector,then rural households are more likely to suffer an adverse shock that is large enough to hit the liquidity constraint.This increases pressure to let family members migrate to the urban area.Without modern sector job growth this leads to an increase in the informal sector (for given wages)and a lower expected urban wage,which is the balancing force.The government sector can cushion the urban area against shocks but may also provide a direct source of income.Thirdly,if both shocks are equal in size we have that ∂y /∂z t −1=0.Then no improvement can be gained from migrating,even if households hit a liquidity constraint.This is the case if the covariance of both shocks equals stly,higher cost of migration lower theattractiveness of cities because more of the expected flow of urban income has to be spent on migration.114.Estimating the effect of risk on urban growthThe risk and migration model holds for a representative household.Aggregating over all households implies that the growth rate of the rural population R equals natural rural population growth ΔR n minus any rural to urban migration m :ΔR ≡logR t +1−logR t =ΔR n −m .Since growth of the total population P is a weighted function g of the growth rates of R and the urban population U ,it follows that:ΔU =g −1(ΔP )−ΔR n +m .In equilibrium no families have any incentive to move (∂y /∂z t −1=0)and the rate of migration is zero.The national urban population U it for country i and year t (measured with five-year intervals)is then given by the speci fication in levels in Davis and Henderson (2003)based on Brueckner (1990):logU it =δ0logP it +δ1X it +γi +e itð11ÞX it includes measures capturing the country's state of development,rural –urban differences in public service provision,democracy and infrastructure which may affect migration costs,urban cost of living,and ideally the expected urban and rural wages.The γi capture fixed unobserved country characteristics and the e it is the error term.However,we will not assume that countries are in equilibrium every 5years and rather focus on changes when rural –urban migration m ≠0.This happens when the expected rural and urban wages do not equal,and in risky periods when the liquidity constraint binds.In that case ∂y /∂z t −1≠0.The core message is that risk is a strong destabilizing force which in fluences the speed of urbanization rather than the level.Volatile countries are not necessarily more or less urbanized,but volatile periods will induce more migration.Rural –urban migration is therefore a positive function of urban wages and rural risk,and a negative function of rural wages,migration costs and urban risk:m t =m w R t ;w U ηt ;κ;σ ;t ;ση;tð12ÞThe main econometric model is therefore given by:logU i ;t+1−logU i ;t =β0logP i ;t+1−logP it+β1log U it =P it ðÞ+β2X w R ;w U ηðÞit +β3σ ;it +β4ση;it +γi +e itð13Þfor t =1970,1975,...,where X it also contains control variables such asthe growth of the economy.12Overall growth in average GDP per capita captures economic development and the transition process from an agricultural to an industrial economy (including changes to the urban –rural wage gap if growth,as is often assumed,originates in cities).Positive income growth creates more financial leeway and means that people are less vulnerable to shocks.Changes in wage prospects can also be approximated by including separate growth rates of urban and rural sectors of the economy,measured by11Without migration costs,risk averse households would move independently from liquidity constraints.Lower migration costs should induce more migration indepen-dently of shocks if they fall below the utility costs of risk.The premium a household would be willing to pay to get rid of risk depends on the functional form of utility,but is positive for risk averse households.In long-run equilibrium when shocks are of mean size and no one has an incentive to move this means that the cost of migration is equal to the risk premium.12Since we do not observe rural versus urban fertility we can only include overall population growth.465S.Poelhekke /Journal of Development Economics 96(2011)461–475。

Holomorphic Jet Bundles

Holomorphic Jet Bundles
1 j
where the coefficients ai1 ,...,ij are symmetric in the indices i1 , ..., ij , i.e., if σ is an element of the symmetric group of j elements then aiσ(1) ,...,iσ(j) = ai1 ,...,ij . The effect of holomorphic change of coordinates from z = (z1 , ..., zn ) to w = (w1 , ..., wn ) is given by the transistion function (for k = 2):
higher dimensional manifolds the approach of Nevanlinna Theory appears to work better (see [W5]). Nevanlinna Theory for symmetric and exterior products of the cotangent bundle can be found in [St]. § Holomorphic Jet Bundles We examine two concepts of ”jet bundles” of a complex manifold. The first is the jet bundles used by analysts (PDE) and also by Faltings in his work on rational points of an ample subvariety of an abelian variety and integral points of complement of an ample divsior of an abelian variety [F]. The second is the jet bundles introduced by Green and Griffiths [G-G]. The first notion of jet bundle shall henceforth be referred to as the full jet bundle while the second notion of jet bundle shall be referred to as the restricted jet bundle. The reason for these terminologies is that the fiber dimension of the full jet bundle is much larger than that of the restricted jet bundle. For a complex manifold X the (locally free) sheaf of germs of holomorphic tangent vector fields (differential operators of order 1) of X shall be denoted by T 1 X or simply T X . An element of T 1 X acts on the sheaf of germs of holomorphc functions by differentiation: (D, f ) ∈ T 1 X × OX → Df ∈ OX and the action is linear over the complex number field C, i.e., D ∈ HomC (OX , OX ). This concept can be extended as follows: Definition 1.1 Let X be a complex manifold of dimension n the sheaf of germs of holomorphic k-jets (differential operators of order k), denoted T k X , is the subsheaf of the sheaf of homomorphisms HomC (OX , OX ) consisting of elements (differential operators) of the form



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游客对旅游环境的感知综述论文游客对旅游环境的感知综述论文预读: 摘要:一、游客感知环境影响结构模型(一)理论依据认知行为理论、理性行为理论、社会交换理论等为解释游客认知与行为奠定了理论基础.认知学派认为,多数情况下,行为和认知是相伴而生的,认知可以改变行为,行为也可以改变认知.游客的行为受旅游过程中对环境的观察和解释的影响.不适宜的行为产生于错误的知觉和解释.理性行为理论由美国学者菲什拜因和阿耶兹于1975年提出,该理论认为个体的行为在某种程度上可以由行为意向合理地推断,而个体的行为意向又是由对行为的态度和主观准则决定的.理性行为理论主要用于分析态度如何有意识地影响个体行为,关注基于认知信息的态度形成过程,其基本假设是认为人是理性的,即游客在对旅游地做出某一行为前会综合各种信息来考虑自身行为的意义和后果.社会交换理论是20世纪60年代由霍曼斯创立,它主张人类一切的社会活动都可以归结为一种交换,人们在社会交换中所结成的社会关系也是一种交换关系.社会交换理论由Long、Perdue和Allen引入旅游学,在旅游地必然存在资源交换,游客用她们的经济资源交换当地居民的友好与服务.认知行为理论、理性行为理论、社会交换理论为解释游客的感知与行为关系奠定了理论基础,在一定程度上解释了游客感知、旅游行为等之间的关系.(二)模型构建瑞典学者KarlG.Joreskog与DagSorbom首先提出结构方程模型(StructuralEquationModel-ing,简称SEM),有学者也把它称为潜在变量模型(LatentV ariableModels,简称LVM).它通常被归类于高等统计范畴中,整合了因素分析与路径分析两种统计方法,是从变量间或变量群间的协方差结构出发,积极探讨和反映解释变量(外生观测变量和潜在变量)对被解释变量(内生观测变量和潜在变量)的(直接或间接的)因果关系的分析法.结构方程模型使用广泛,近年来在旅游学上的应用也越来越多.1.概念模型构建模型构建是研究游客感知的重要手段之一.为了定量验证游客对少数民族旅游地环境影响感知的一系列关系与行为,根据以上理论,遵循游客感知锁链规律,借助统计分析软件(SPSS17.0)和结构方程建模软件(AMOS17.0),构建少数民族旅游地游客环境影响感知、满意度以及旅游行为的结构方程模型(图1).模型中设计了4个潜在变量,即环境影响正面感知、环境影响负面感知、游客满意度以及游客行为,及其相互之间的因果关系.潜在变量列于椭圆形中,观察变量列于长方形中,ξ表示外因潜在变量,ε表示内因潜在变量(吴明隆,2010).其中,β与γ为通径系数.βab表示εb对εa的通径系数.γab表示外因潜变量δb对内因潜变量εa的通径系数.调查问卷设计基于结构方程模型的构建,结合前人研究成果,模型构建包括4部分:一是游客对旅游地环境影响的正面感知,包含6个观测变量;二是游客对旅游地环境影响的负面感知,包含7个观测变量;三是游客满意度,包含3个观测变量;四是游客行为,包含2个观测变量.共4个潜在变量,18个观测变量,见表 1.2.假设提出通过文献梳理,对前人研究成果的总结以及模型的构建,现针对游客环境影响感知研究提出以下5种假设.H1:游客对环境影响的正面感知对游客行为有显著正向关系;H2:游客对环境影响的负面感知对游客行为有着显著反向关系;H3:游客对环境影响的正面感知对游客满意度有显著正向关系;H4:游客对环境影响的负面感知对游客满意度有显著反向关系;H5:游客对旅游地环境的满意度对游客行为有显著正向关系.二、游客感知环境影响实证研究(一)研究区域我国将大力推进生态文明建设.西南少数民族地区(桂、黔、滇、川、渝、藏)多属于“老、少、边、穷”地区,旅游资源丰富,旅游业已成为促进当地发展的重要产业.少数民族地区生态环境脆弱,旅游导致的负面影响将更为严重和明显.而目前,国内“主客”感知研究主要集中于九寨沟、黄山、阳朔等风景名胜区,对少数民族地区研究欠缺,导致对民族旅游地发展演进规律的认识不足,制约我国旅游业可持续发展.因此,选择西南少数民族地区作为研究点具有较强的典型性和特殊性,见表 2.充分考虑案例地的典型性、代表性、示范性、可比性、以及特征的差异性,在我国少数民族人口排名前列的广西、贵州两省选取三个少数民族村寨旅游点进行研究,分别是贵州省黔东南州西江千户苗寨(以下简称西江,A地),广西壮族自治区桂林市龙胜各族自治县平安壮族平安梯田景区(以下简称平安,B地)以及广西壮族自治区桂林市龙胜各族自治县大寨瑶族大寨梯田景区(以下简称大寨,C地).(二)研究方法1.问卷设计与调查2012年7月至10月先后在三个案例地进行多次调查,在三地发放游客感知问卷942份,总共回收有效问卷876份,有效率为92.99%.问卷分两部分:第一部分就游客对旅游业发展对当地所造成的环境影响、社会文化影响、经济影响、游客满意度、旅游行为等进行评估,此部分均采用李克特七点等距量表(按赞同程度由低至高分别赋1~7分,要求游客按照“非常不同意”、“很不同意”、“不同意”“、中立”、“同意”、“很同意”、“非常同意”7个选项对每一个问题给出主观态度判断);第二部分是被访者的人口统计特征以及社会属性.依据本文研究主旨,主要选取游客对旅游地环境影响感知进行研究论证.2.样本描述性统计分析抽样数据与雷山县旅游局、龙胜县旅游局统计数据基本情况相吻合,见表3.从年龄方面看,游客主要分布于21-49年龄段,分别是81.90%、78.40%、84.60%,大寨比例相对较高;学历方面,主要聚集在大专、本科学历,其中西江比例最高,达77.20%;收入情况看,多数游客收入集中在1000-8000元之间,1000-3000元之间比例相差不多,3000-5000元之间西江比较最高40.3%,5000-8000元之间西江比例相比平安、大寨比较较小,相差10.00%左右;职业方面,政府公职人员、企事业管理人员、专业文教技术人员、学生与其他的比重较大.3.问卷数据常态与信度检验运用SPSS17.0软件对调研数据进行整理、检查和统计,对于异常数据进行必要的校正和剔除,并对缺省的数据采用样本分析均值替代法进行处理,然后对数据常态及题项的信度、效度进行检验分析.表4显示所有观测变量的偏度—S—&lt;3、峰度—K—&lt;8,即各观测变量评价值均属常态(邱皓政,2003),个项———总量修正系数均大于0.3,符合结构方程建模要求.表5所显示结构变量与观测变量标准化Alpha(α)系数均大于0.7,因此获取的数据具有较高的内在信度.模型中18个观测变量删除后Alpha(α)值变小,因此变量全部予以保留.对模型中所有18个观测变量进行重复度量的方差分析,西江、平安、大寨的结果分别是F=40.439、P&lt;0.0001,F=31.194、P&lt;0.0001,F=35.704、P&lt;0.0001,显然量表的重复度量效果良好.用ANOV A方差检测法对数据进行差异性分析,首先分别对三个案例地正面感知6个题项以及负面感知7个题项的数据进行Leneve方差齐性检验,结果均显示sig&gt;0.05,说明三组数据均满足方差齐性的前提条件,适合进行单因素方差分析.综合分析游客对环境影响正面感知的6个题项,发现除了X3、X6两选项分值显示较低(Mx3=4.107、Mx6=4.313),被访者保持中立外,其余四项分值均在5.000以上,可见游客对旅游给当地环境造成的正面影响感知度较强.对题项进行差异性分析,其中5个题项相伴概率α小于显著水平0.05,拒绝零假设,即三地明显感知差异.题项分别为:“X1旅游促进旅游地环境美化和景观塑造α=0.000”“、X2旅游改善城镇面貌α=0.025”、“X3旅游促进生态环境保护α=0.004”、“X4旅游提升民族区域建设的休闲和景观功能α=0.023”、及“X6改善旅游地自然环境质量(绿化、植被、原始森林等)α=0.000”.在满足方差齐性条件下,采用S-N-K(Student-Newman-Keuls)检验法进行单因素方差多重比较,分析结果表明,三个案例中西江在所有具有明显差异的5个题项中均值均高于其它案例地,同时标准方差也都是最小的,即游客的感知差异小.游客对旅游地环境影响的负面感知7个题项的评价分值多介于4.000~5.000之间,说明游客虽然对旅游产生的负面环境影响有所察觉,但并不认为负面影响因旅游而产生,即游客并不认为自行的言行举止会对旅游地产生负面的环境影响,这种认知与其后的行为倾向与选择有着潜在联系,也反应出游客对旅游给当地带来的环境负面影响感知度较弱.对案例地做差异性分析发现有3项差异明显,分别是X9、X10、X13.采用S-N-K检验,结果表明西江在所有具有明显差异的3个题项中均值均低于其它案例地.以上分析显示,西江在旅游环境管理及民族区域建设上较到位,值得借鉴.贵州省政府“取其精华,去其糟粕”,积累国内外旅游景区成长经验,对西江千户苗寨进行科学的统一规划.基础设施和服务设施得到极大的改善和提升.保护旅游区自然环境,走以人为本的绿色环保、健康休闲的可持续发展之路.游客行为ε2包括两个观测变量,“Y4您是否愿意为保护旅游地环境增强自身环保意识M=5.131”,与“Y5您是否愿意为保护旅游地环境以身作则M=5.065”,表明游客为保护旅游地的环境愿意增强自身的环保意识与行为.差异性分析发现,女性较男性更倾向于增强环保意识与行为自律(M男=5.083,M女=5.241);年龄方面,40-59岁之间的游客分值较高(M(40-49)=5.240、M(50-59)=5.793),中年人更关注环保与行为自律;收入在2000-8000之间的游客分值均在5.000以上,相对集中;职业方面,分值较高的集中在专业文教技术人员(M=5.212)、服务销售商贸(M=5.200)、企事业管理人员(M=5.170)、学生(M=5.166).研究结果有助于识别生态环保意识良好与不足的细分群体.4.测量模型分析检验显示所有误差方差均为正数,因果模型符合基本适配标准(吴明隆,2010).模型运用极大似然法对三个案例地的数据分别进行单个样本以及综合样本参数估计,分析观测变量对游客满意度以及旅游行为的影响,结果t值均&gt;1.96,观测变量因子载荷均显著,P&lt;0.001,达到显著水平.表明观测变量对特定结构变量的影响是显著的.5.结构模型分析首先对结构模型的潜在变量以及所对应的基础实测数据进行模型验证以及拟合度分析,由表6可见,无论是综合数据还是单个案例地数据,均达到理想标准,表明模型的拟合度良好,具有跨样本的稳定性与有效性,保证了研究结果的效度与信度.其次,采用验证性因素分析对因子分析的结果进行信度检验,对各结构变量的信度系数、测量误差进行计算,得到潜在变量的组合信度以及平均方差抽取量(averagevarianceextracted,简称A VE).结果显示,潜在变量的组合信度值在0.60以上,A VE值除了正面影响6个题项A VE为0.3106,其余均在0.50以上(负面影响A VE值0.5056、游客满意度A VE值0.5642、游客行为A VE值0.5188).模型内在质量基本达标,模型的测量变量收敛效果良好(见表7).结构模型预先假设结论的成立与否均由标准化路径系数来体现,标准化系数越大表示在相互关系中的影响越大,反之则越低.当路径系数标准化绝对值在0.50及以上时,代表两变量具有显著相关性;当路径系数绝对值大于等于0.10小于0.50时,代表两变量具有一定相关性;当路径系数绝对值低于0.10时,代表两变量具有微弱相关性,并不明显.路径检验分析结果可知(见图2),五个关联假设中H1,H2,H3得到支持,H4,H5则与假设相反.三个案例地分别统计,平安、大寨与综合分析结果一致,西江则H1、H2、H3、H4均得到支持,H5未得到支持.H1:γ21=0.95***,表明游客对环境正面影响的感知与游客行为有高度的正向相关性,假设成立.即游客对旅游带来的环境正面影响的感知度越高,就越能促进与增强游客的环保意识与行为.因此,一方面民族地区应提高环境保护宣传力度、创新宣传方式,提高旅游正面影响认知度;另一方面对于游客的有益环保行为、自律行为要予以鼓励与支持,以强化正面环保行为.相关文献研究表明当游客对旅游地自然环境和社会领域存积极看法时,可以鼓励游客进行对自身及旅游区有益的康乐活动(Poortinga,2006;McGinn,Evenson,HerringHuston,2007).即游客对环境正面影响的感知度越高,就越能促进与增强游客的环保意识与行为.因此必须着力保护旅游地环境,提高游客的正面感知度.H2:γ22=-0.08(p=0.187),表明游客对环境负面影响的感知与游客行为虽有联系但不明显.前文分析可知游客对自身给旅游地环境造成了负面影响的认知度与认同度低.究其原因,一是游客对环境的重要性、自身行为造成的影响认识不足;二是结合深度访谈,了解到部分游客认为游客的环保行为与游客自身修养素质关系密切;三是游客前往民族旅游地更多的是注重民族文化的保留与延续,加上旅游地丰富、特有的民族旅游资源以及地方热情服务又一定程度地掩盖了游客对旅游地生态环境的要求,并没有认识到民族旅游地生态环境的脆弱性,以及民族旅游发展对环境的高依存度.同时,认知理论强调不适宜的行为产生于错误的知觉和解释,因此要提高游客的环保意识与自律行为,首先改变游客对旅游地环境重要性的认知,尤其使游客认识到民族旅游地的资源特性,以及对其自身不恰当行为带来负面影响的高度认知.H3:γ11=0.53***,表明游客对环境影响的正面感知对游客满意度有显著的正向相关性.三个案例地分析与综合分析结构一致,假设成立.即游客对环境的正面感知度越高就越满意,反之则越不满意.因此旅游地在旅游接待中要注重生态环境保护,提高游客对环境的满意度,提倡绿色旅游、负责任的旅游,这样才能保证少数民族区域旅游业的可持续发展.H4:γ12=0.06(p=0.075),表明游客对环境负面影响的感知度与游客满意度仅有极其微小的关系.游客对旅游地环境负面影响的感知度与游客满意度几乎无相关性,游客对环境负面影响的关注度较低,仅认为自身为旅游地带来了很大的正面影响,并未认识到旅游地环境的负面影响可能因自身不良行为造成.民族旅游地必须大力度宣传旅游地环境的重要性、少数民族旅游地的生态与文化资源特性,通过环保教育提高游客对旅游的环境负面影响认知度.H5:β21=-0.07(p=0.222),表明游客对旅游地环境的满意度对游客行为有微弱的反向相关性,三个案例地分别统计,除了平安梯田β值为正数(βB21=0.04),西江、大寨与综合样本结果一致(βA21=-0.15,βC21=-0.10),因此假设不成立.这与前人研究成果不同,即游客对旅游地的环境质量满意与否与其后续行为关系不密切,同时可能出现的情况是游客对当地环境越不满意,就越能激发游客潜在的环保意识与行为.深入分析原因,一是游客环保行为的实施受到自我思想意识的支配,思想意识又与游客自身行为素质有关,与旅游地环境好与坏关系不大.而我国游客自身环保意识薄弱,归属感不强,没有保护环境人人有责的意识,仍有许多游客认为旅游环境保护的得力于否跟政府有直接的关系,游客认为旅游地环境受到破坏很大程度是由于政府管理不当所造成,并未认识到自身不良行为对环境影响的重要性;二是所选案例地均属于少数民族聚居地,壮丽的自然景观与独特的民族风情成为游客前往民族旅游地的重要原因.“居民赖以生存的家乡是旅游区的一部分”是少数民族旅游地的最大特点之一,旅游区居民的自然资源、民族建设、服饰、饮食、以及整个村寨等都是吸引旅游者的宝贵资源.当旅游地环境受到破坏时,不仅影响到游客满意度,最主要的是严重毁坏了少数民族人民的生存家园.因此当游客对民族旅游地环境满意度越低时,也越能感受到生态环境被破坏给当地居民所造成的危害,使游客在高度参与过程中体验到环境保护对民族旅游地居民的重要性,进而提高自身的环保自律能力与行为.三、结论与建议(一)旅游环境影响感知模型具有说服力游客感知的少数民族地区旅游环境影响模型是一个经过验证并且与相关数据适配的因果关系的结构方程模型.模型中包含2个外因潜在变量,2个内因潜在变量以及18个观测变量.各种适配指数达标,三个案例地分析与综合分析结果,表明潜在变量与观测变量之间具有稳定性.其次,游客对旅游地环境影响研究的文献普遍采用SPSS进行数据分析,模型构建不多见,本研究对游客感知的环境影响进行了建模,结论可靠同时有新的发现,运用该结构模型进行旅游环境影响的感知研究具有较强的说服力.但是由于结构模型中游客对旅游地环境正面影响的感知题项的A VE值较低,反映问卷题项设计上还有待探讨与改进.(二)民族地区生态环境保护,政府监管职责刻不容缓总体而言,生态环境的保护对于吸引游客至关重要,我国西南少数民族地区的资源丰富,生态环境脆弱,因此政府在旅游资源挖掘与开发时,大力改善民族地区交通条件是前提,保持原生态的自然美是关键.生态环境建设上,首先政府部门应通过地方立法将景区及周边相关林区分别划为生态保护区和自然生态保护区,完善相关环境保护条例,为旅游区管理工作提供有力的决策依据;二是政府层面上应当加强对环境保护监控与宣传,让公民意识到环境的重要性,让游客意识到对景区的生态与文化环境保护是每一个游客的责任和义务,对游客实行强有力的环保奖惩制度.(三)旅游地软环境上应多渠道多方式加强环保宣传教育如何提高游客的环保意识是民族旅游地可持续发展的关键因素之一.民族旅游地及其景区在生态环境保护建设方面不足,三个案例地均做的不到位,均未对游客进行环保知识的宣传与讲解,以致游客进入景区不能够认识到景区环境的重要性.因此,一要设立专用环保技术服务站,使游客在游览前,对游客进行短时环保宣传,努力提高游客爱护景区旅游资源的自觉性;二是关注作为社会背景变量中很具代表性且有较强解释力的性别变量在宣传教育中的运用,前文分析显示女性游客表现出较强的环保意识,女性体现出更高的环境友好性,旅游地因以女性为突破口来带动游客的环保行为,在旅游活动公共场所,景区标语等各方面加强对女性心理的把握与暗示;三是进行“环保旅游”主题营销,以环境友好型游客为最优人群,使游客获得物质和精神的双丰收.(四)旅游地硬件上应加强景区内部环保设施建设提高游客的环保意识,首先要提高游客环保的视觉性.结合深度调查了解到,在垃圾桶、环保标识牌的设立方面,西江开发虽较平安、大寨到位,景区环境环保标识牌较多,但垃圾桶设立仍然不到位,相隔距离较远,而平安、大寨由于开发较早,政府、企业、居民等对环境保护认识不足,后续建设跟不上,尤其是大寨垃圾桶、标识牌少之甚少,游客反映垃圾拿在手中,游览了很远的距离却仍看不到有垃圾桶,加上国人环保意识相对薄弱,绝大部分游客最后都将垃圾丢在景区,长此以往下去,生态环境会受到很大的破坏,严重影响当地人的生存.因此,政府、企业、景区要高度重视环境保护,加强硬件环保设施的建设,时刻提醒游客环保.(五)科学利用环境容量以确保民族旅游地资源永续利用限制旅游人数作为缓解景区环境压力的有效途径一直受到各界关注,旅游区管理人员必须平衡好游客对资源的利用以及环境的保护(DavidN.Cole,TerryC.Daniel,2003).旅游景区应根据自身实情,计算可容纳游客的最大限度指标,控制旅游人数,调整旅游规模,在保证一定经济效益的同时使环境得到保护.三个案例地比较发现,平安梯田、西江苗寨旅游人数较多,大寨旅游人数相对正常,政府、企业、景区应考虑到旅游区环境承受力,适当减少旅游人数,不应将环境作为经济提升的代价.平安梯田开发较早,环境破坏严重,如不采取有效整治措施,将很快进入旅游衰退期,破坏当地壮族人民赖以生存的环境.其次,适当提高门票价格,门票增加景区环保资金费用等项目,缓和游客对旅游地的冲击,增强游客环保行为,使民族旅游地资源能够永续利用、可持续发展.。


大气化学传输模型 GEOS-Chem 全球-区域双向耦合
燕莹莹 林金泰 旷烨 杨东伟

利用 GEOS-Chem 全球与区域单向模式创建全球-区域双向耦合模式, 该耦合 模型中可以针对全球模式的水平分辨率(2°×2.5°, 4°×5°)以及嵌套区域(亚洲, 北 美和欧洲区域)进行选择。 以 CO 作为研究对象, 结合 HIPPO 计划(The HIAPER
Key word:GEOS-Chem, two-way coupling, HIPPO
‐ 2 ‐
1 引言
全球大气化学传输模式不仅能够提升对大气化学过程以及平衡的认识,也可 以利用其为外场观测实验做适当的预测,为卫星观测提供一定的先验值,为解释 气 溶 胶 与 化 学 以 及 全 球 气 候 之 间 的 相 互 影 响 提 供 有 力 的 工 具 (Bey et al.,2001,Schubert et al.,1993,Palmer et al.,2001),因而不断改进全球大气化学传输 模式有助于更好的理解和研究大气化学。目前,主要的全球大气化学传输模式有 TM5,MOZART,GEOS-Chem等,其中MOZART模式只有全球模式没有区域模 式,而TM5和GEOS-Chem是既有全球模式也有区域模式。 由于全球模式受到低模式分辨率的限制,只能针对某一特定区域,而区域模 式的发展通过提高空间分辨率以及减小时间步长能很好的提高该区域的模拟精 度。GEOS-Chem发展了三个区域模式,包含的区域分别是欧洲,亚洲和北美及 附近海域(Wang et al.,2004,Chen et al.,2009,Pleim et al.,2005)。目前,其全球模式 与区域模式采取单向模拟, 即全球模式以一定时间步长向区域模式单方面地提供 区域边界信息;相对于单向模拟,双向耦合需要全球模式和区域模式进行信息交 流,即在一定时间步长下,全球模式不断为区域模式更新边界条件,并且区域模 式将模拟结果作为该区域下一时间步长的初始值反馈给全球模式。 早期已经有利用区域模式的方法来分析区域酸沉降(Roelofs et al.,1997),发 现区域模式的高分辨率不仅能够提升SO2的模拟结果,也能更好地捕捉到观测中 发生的较大变化范围和较大空间变化的酸沉降现象。对于区域模式而言,虽然它 只模拟某一地区的大气化学以及传输过程, 但是它仍然需要全球模式为其提供边 界条件, 即利用全球模式不断更新其边界条件, 以保证区域模式更加合理而准确。 很多关于用粗分辨率的全球模式为高分辨率区域模式提供边界条件的研究 (Soulhac et al.,2003,Frohn et al.,2003,Jonson et al.,2001)表明当区域模式使用全球 模式为其提供边界条件时,其模拟结果均得到很大的改善。 目前,TM5模式采用了双向耦合的方法,但是TM5采用的是双层嵌套的方 法(M. Krol et al.,2005),即最外面是一个粗分辨率的全球模式(4°×4°)与里面一 个较粗格点的区域模式(3°×2°)嵌套,然后里面再嵌套一个高分辨率(1 °×1°) 的区域模式,较为复杂。然而,在大气科学领域得到广泛应用的GEOS-Chem全 球大气化学传输模式还没有发展该模式的双向耦合模式, 其区域模式是单向模拟, 在这篇文章里我们提出的算法中的全球模式既可以是4°×5 °,也可以是2°×2.5°, 而区域模式的分辨率是0.5°×0.667° ,而且只需一层嵌套。因此,相对于TM5而 言,如果采用2°× 2.5° 全球模式与区域模式进行双向耦合,不仅分辨率要更高, 而且复杂度也得到降低。



基于近震P波走时的南加州地区速度结构层析成像作者:周茜茜陈强张一君黄小梅来源:《地震研究》2020年第04期摘要:采用2015—2018年南加州地區密集分布的宽频带地震台站记录的505个近震事件,利用AIC准则拾取了35 600个初至P波到时,应用FMTOMO软件进行走时层析成像,获得了该地区0~40 km深度的三维P波地壳速度结构,其分辨率达0.5°×0.5°×5 km。













基于区域显著性的活动轮廓分割模型白雪飞;王文剑;梁吉业【摘要】Image segmentation refers to the process of partitioning an image into some no-overlapped meaningful regions, and it is vital for the higher-level image processing such as image analysis and understanding. During the past few decades, there has been substantial progress in the field of image segmentation and its application. Recently, segmentation algorithms based on active contours have been given wide attention by many internal and foreign researchers due to their variable forms, flexible structure and excellent performance. However, most available active contour models suffer from lacking adaptive initial contour and priori information of target region. In this paper, an active contour model for image segmentation based on visual saliency detection mechanism is proposed. Firstly, priori shape information of target objects in input images which is used to describe the initial curve adaptively is extracted with the visual saliency detection method in order to reduce the influence of initial contour position. Furthermore, the proposed active model can segment images adaptively and automatically, and the segmented results accord with the property of human visual perception. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model can achieve better segmentation results than some traditional active contour models. Meanwhile it requires less iteration and is much more computationally efficient.%提出一种新的活动轮廓分割模型,结合视觉显著性检测机制自动获取待分割图像中目标物体的先验形状信息,并自适应地构造初始轮廓,从而降低了初始轮廓位置对分割算法的影响.同时实现了活动轮廓模型对图像的自适应分割和自动分割,使得分割结果更符合人类视觉感知特性.实验结果表明,该模型有较好的分割效果,迭代次数少,且运行时间短.【期刊名称】《计算机研究与发展》【年(卷),期】2012(049)012【总页数】10页(P2686-2695)【关键词】图像分割;视觉显著性;活动轮廓模型;曲线演化;水平集方法【作者】白雪飞;王文剑;梁吉业【作者单位】山西大学计算机与信息技术学院太原030006;山西大学计算机与信息技术学院太原030006;计算智能与中文信息处理教育部重点实验室(山西大学) 太原030006;计算智能与中文信息处理教育部重点实验室(山西大学) 太原030006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.41图像分割指根据图像的某种特征如灰度、纹理、梯度、形状等将其分割成一些有意义的区域,使得分割后的这些区域内的特征尽可能相似,而区域间的特征尽可能不同,从而得到一种更易于理解和分析的图像表示形式.图像分割是从图像处理到图像分析和图像理解的关键步骤,也是计算机视觉和图像处理领域一个非常重要的研究热点,长期以来一直得到相关领域研究人员的高度重视,至今已发展了上千种分割算法,其中,基于偏微分方程的活动轮廓模型在图像分割中得到了广泛的应用[1].活动轮廓模型,又称Snake模型,是由Kass等人提出的[2],模型以能量函数极小化为基础,从初始轮廓位置开始,通过曲线的演化使得轮廓曲线沿着能量降低的方向运动,最终运动到目标边界位置.根据轮廓曲线表示形式的不同,活动轮廓模型可分为两类:第1类是参数活动轮廓模型,轮廓曲线由一些规则排列的不连续点组成或通过B样条、Fourier指数等基函数来描述.这种对曲线的显式描述,很容易将先验的形状约束引入模型中,但这类模型通常只具备单个目标轮廓的分割能力,且在曲线演化过程中缺少应对拓扑变化的能力.第2类是由Osher等人提出的几何活动轮廓模型[3],它是一种基于水平集方法和曲线演化方法的活动轮廓模型,将平面闭合曲线隐含地表示为高维曲面函数(水平集函数)的零水平集.由于几何活动轮廓模型采用水平集方法而隐含有拓扑变化的能力,因而使得复杂结构图像的分割成为可能,但是由于其定义的是一个曲面,而不是曲线,且描述是隐式的,所以计算比较复杂,很难给框架引入一个先验的形状约束.近年来,随着研究的不断深入,两种模型的界线并不是十分清晰,但相对于参数活动轮廓模型而言,几何活动轮廓模型具有的能够处理目标拓扑变化、可以分割复杂结构图像等优点,使其得到更为广泛的应用,其中最具代表性的几何活动轮廓模型是MS模型和CV模型. 1989年Mumford和Shah提出的MS模型是一种基于区域的几何活动轮廓模型[4],这种模型不依赖待分割图像的任何先验知识,完全基于图像数据完成分割,适用于边界连续或不连续的图像分割.Chan和Vese根据区域分割原理,提出了简化的MS模型[5],即基于区域最优划分的图像分割模型,又称CV模型,是一种不依赖图像梯度而根据强度均匀的同质区域进行水平集演化的模型,能够分割梯度信息不确定的模糊边界.由于CV模型假设图像中的目标和背景区域具有统计同质特性,无法解决图像灰度不均的分割问题,而且模型中水平集函数的定义使得CV 模型对多目标区域不能完全分割,因此Chan等人引入多相水平集方法[6],即用多个水平集函数来表示图像中的多个区域,分割出的区域数目随着水平集个数的增加而增加.Ni等人在CV模型基础上,提出一种非监督多相的图像分割算法[7],图像中被分割的区域个数是任意的,无需事先给出.对于图像中存在的灰度不均匀性等影响因素,Zhang等人提出一种结合图像局部信息的活动轮廓模型[8].Lie等人提出一种二值水平集活动轮廓模型[9],在运行效率上得到了极大的提高,同时保持了自动处理轮廓线拓扑变化的能力.Li等人引入一个惩罚项作为模型的内部能量[10],使得水平集函数在演化时保持为符号距离函数,避免重新初始化.针对弱边界图像的分割问题,张建伟等人提出双水平集方法[11],通过两条水平集之间的相互吸引加速解的收敛,提高了计算效率.这些形式不同的几何活动轮廓模型可以解决某些具体问题,但在实际应用中还存在一些局限,如对初始轮廓位置敏感、初始轮廓的设置不具有自适应性等.此外,由于水平集方法用偏微分方程来求解曲线演化过程,计算相对复杂.针对上述问题,本文提出一种基于区域显著性的几何活动轮廓模型,利用待分割图像的先验形状信息,自适应地定义初始轮廓,进而计算相应的符号距离函数,同时将先验形状信息作为形状约束,嵌入到模型能量泛函中.通过与其他活动轮廓模型的实验比较,表明本文模型可有效降低初始轮廓位置对分割效果的影响,算法运行时间短、效率高.1 经典几何活动轮廓模型及分析几何活动轮廓模型以曲线演化理论和水平集方法作为理论基础,轮廓曲线由传统水平集函数的零水平集表示,模型通过更新水平集函数达到使轮廓线运动的目的,即使轮廓线发生了分裂或合并等拓扑变化,水平集函数仍然能保持为一个有效的函数.因此,几何活动轮廓模型已被广泛应用于实际的图像分割系统中.其中,MS模型是应用最多的一种活动轮廓模型,通过最小化能量函数使原图像分割成多个同质的连通区域,利用目标对象边界曲线的特定规律,在强度变化很小的同质区域采用分段光滑函数表示,而在强度变化非常剧烈的区域边界上用短的光滑函数的并集来表示,使函数的不连续点集逼近目标对象的边界,从而实现对图像的有效分割.因此,MS模型中包含了表示同质连通区域和对象边缘的能量,其能量泛函表示为其中,I是输入图像,u是对输入图像的近似表示,即分割后的图像,Ω是满足Lipschitz边界条件的有界开集是u的梯度,|C|表示初始轮廓C的长度,μ,ν≥0是权值参数.式(1)中的3个能量项分别表示u的保真度约束、光滑度和边缘长度,其中保真度约束确保分割后的图像边界要接近于真实边界,光滑度约束保证了边界的光滑性,边缘长度要求分割后的目标边界尽可能短.初始轮廓C的不确定性以及能量泛函的非凸性使得MS模型很难求得极小值,因此,研究人员提出很多方法来简化或改进上述能量泛函[12-15].这些模型较多关注于能量泛函的构造,应用于图像分割时要求由用户在图像中标注初始轮廓,或算法默认某一初始轮廓,而对于不同输入图像,初始轮廓的选择以及相应的水平集函数的构造是人们很少去关注的.本文对图1中的合成图像采用CV模型[5]进行实验,3种不同的初始轮廓设置如图1(a)~(c)所示,图1(d)~(f)为CV模型对应于不同初始轮廓的分割结果,算法所需的迭代次数分别为50,300和1 400.可以看出,初始轮廓对分割算法有一定的影响,当初始轮廓选定在目标物体的周围时,分割算法能够很快收敛到目标边界;相反,当初始轮廓离目标物体较远时,如初始轮廓设定为较小的圆形区域,且只包含很小一部分的目标和背景,分割算法需要迭代很多次才能到达目标边界.对于结构复杂的图像,初始轮廓设置不当甚至会导致算法无法收敛到边界[16].此外,目前初始轮廓的选择还存在另一问题,即无论是人工标注还是算法默认,初始轮廓的选择并未考虑到图像本身的视觉特性,无法实现自适应分割和自动分割.因此,有必要利用图像的底层特征和高层知识来准确地描述图像中目标物体的形状特征,对于不同的图像内容和目标物体,自适应地构造不同的初始轮廓.Fig.1 Different initial curves and segmentation results.图1 不同初始轮廓设置和分割结果2 基于区域显著性的活动轮廓分割模型2.1 基于显著性先验形状信息的初始轮廓提取方法本文将视觉显著性检测方法引入活动轮廓模型中,根据自底向上的特征检测获取待分割图像目标物体的先验形状信息,作为形状约束加入活动轮廓模型中,构建新的基于区域显著性的活动轮廓分割模型.为了降低初始轮廓对图像分割算法的影响,提高活动轮廓模型的自适应性,首先提出一种基于视觉显著性先验形状信息的初始轮廓提取方法(initial curve based on prior shape,ICPS).视觉显著性检测是一种基于图像特征的方法,一般用于自然场景图像和视频中感兴趣区域的定位、预测和转移[17-18].为了获取图像中目标物体的先验形状信息,首先采用谱残差视觉显著性检测方法[18]来提取图像中感兴趣区域的位置.通过分析输入图像的对数谱,计算得到图像在频域中的谱残差,然后快速重构显著图,显著图中较亮的区域代表图像中可能的感兴趣区域.与文献[17-18]中算法不同的是,本文将自底向上的视觉显著性检测方法用于图像分割时不再考虑图像中多个感兴趣区域之间的预测和转移,图像中多个目标物体所在的感兴趣区域将全部作为目标区域的候选,另外,根据显著图中图像像素的显著性大小,选择最大化类间方差的阈值t,将输入图像二值化,划分为显著区域ΩS和非显著区域ΩNS,分别对应于图像中的目标区域和背景区域.由于活动轮廓模型中的初始轮廓要求接近目标物体,甚至尽可能要包含目标物体,以有利于曲线演化迅速收敛于目标边界,而通过谱残差重构的显著性检测只能得到图像中感兴趣区域可能的位置信息.如果自然图像中同一目标内不同区域的视觉特征有一定的差别,即灰度不均匀,这种显著性检测方法可能会将同一目标分为几个不同的感兴趣区域,此外,相邻的物体也可能由于边缘的缺失导致误分,因此,要想得到目标物体较为准确的形状信息还需要更进一步的计算.为解决这一问题,本文采用数学形态学算子进一步确定目标物体的形状信息,定义一个结构元素去量度和提取图像中显著区域ΩS的对应形状,通过结构元素在图像中的移动,将相邻位置的显著区域进行合并,并去除区域中的小孔,填平狭窄的断裂及轮廓的缺口,同时,为了避免轮廓交叉杂乱,对于显著性较小,但面积小于一定阈值的显著区域,将其作为噪声处理.经过形态学算子运算后得到的初始轮廓将是一条或多条闭合的曲线,这些轮廓曲线是对目标物体边界的近似表示.综合本节内容,对于给定图像I,基于显著性先验形状信息的初始轮廓提取算法ICPS的主要步骤总结如下.算法1.基于显著性先验形状信息的初始轮廓提取算法ICPS.Step1.计算输入图像的谱残差R (I)=L(I)-fn*L (I),其中,L (I)是图像快速Fourier变换后的对数谱,fn为高斯均值滤波,*为卷积运算;Step2.然后在空间中通过逆Fourier变换重构得到显著图S (I)=iff t [exp(R (I)+P(I))]2,P (I)为图像快速Fourier变换后的相位谱;Step3.采用最大类间方差方法,确定阈值t,将显著图S (I)二值化,图像被划分为显著区域ΩS和非显著区域ΩNS,分别代表目标区域和背景区域;Step4.应用形态学中闭合、标记连通分量、轮廓提取等运算提取二值图像中关于显著区域ΩS的形状信息,得到输入图像I的初始轮廓C.尽管显著性检测获得的只是目标物体的位置,但通过后期的数学形态学处理能得到较好的轮廓提取效果.图2为采用ICPS算法提取初始轮廓的效果图,图中第1行为5幅不同类型的输入图像,其中前2幅为灰度图,第3幅为带有强噪声的图像,后两幅为RGB图像.图中第2行为ICPS算法提取到的对应图像的初始轮廓,白色区域表示显著区域ΩS,黑色区域表示非显著区域ΩNS,两个区域间的闭合曲线即为初始轮廓C.从图2可以看出,对于不同类型、不同特征的输入图像,通过全局显著性计算和形态学运算后,目标物体的形状可以获得较为准确的近似,算法最终得到的初始轮廓C均为包含目标物体的不规则曲线,这种结果也符合人类的视觉感知.更为重要的是,对于不同的输入图像,基于显著性先验形状信息的初始轮廓具有自适应性,而且,初始轮廓C可以作为输入图像的先验形状约束,引入到几何活动轮廓模型中,使得几何活动轮廓模型很好地利用了图像的视觉特性.Fig.2 Results of ICPS.图2 ICPS算法效果图2.2 基于区域显著性的活动轮廓分割模型基于曲线演化理论的活动轮廓分割模型一般先定义能量函数,然后用变分法求解对应的欧拉方程,最后再离散化、迭代求解,因此能量函数中各能量项的构造至关重要.而现实中各类图像尤其是自然图像之间的视觉特性差异很大,很难用一个统一有效的特征描述方法来定义它们.因此,在ICPS算法的基础上,本文提出一种基于区域显著性的活动轮廓模型(region saliency based active contour model,RSAC),首先根据ICPS算法得到目标边界的形状近似,即初始轮廓C,然后将这种先验形状信息加入活动轮廓模型中,构建一个带有惩罚项的图像分割能量泛函,最后采用水平集方法实现曲线的演化和图像分割.设输入图像I(x,y)被闭合初始轮廓C划分为显著区域ΩS和非显著区域ΩNS两个同质区域,它们可分别看作是目标区域和背景的先验形状近似,两个区域的像素灰度均值为c1和c2.定义先验形状适应能量函数为其中,λ1,λ2为两个能量项的权值参数,实验中通常取λ1=λ2.式(2)中的两个能量项分别是初始轮廓C内部和外部区域的灰度值与标量c1和c2的平方误差,即实际图像与假定的“先验形状近似”图像之间的偏离.当初始轮廓经过演化运动后的曲线与目标边界不符合时,式(2)中的能量函数达不到最小,只有当曲线运动到目标边界时,能量函数才能达到最小值.为了加快曲线演化的速度,使初始轮廓尽快收敛于目标边界,在先验形状适应能量泛函中增加一个偏差惩罚项使得水平集函数在每次迭代时不需要重新初始化.因此,带有惩罚项的基于区域显著性的活动轮廓能量泛函定义为2.3 水平集函数的构造式(3)的极小化求解可通过引入水平集函数φ(x,y)将其转化为一个求解偏微分方程的问题,为此首先要选定一个适当形式的嵌入函数(水平集函数)φ(x,y),还要使得它的初值φ0(x,y)(零水平集)对应于给定的初始轮廓C.函数φ(x,y)的选择并不是唯一的,通常令φ (x,y)表示平面上点(x,y)到初始轮廓C的带符号的距离,即符号距离函数(SDF):式中d [(x,y),C]表示点(x,y)与曲线C之间的Euclidean距离.这种符号距离函数满足|≡1,意味着φ(x,y)的变化率是处处均匀的,有利于数值计算的稳定性.因此,初始化φ(x,y)的问题,就是要在一个确定的区域Ω内,计算每一个像素点到初始曲线C的距离,然后再根据其在C的内部或外部来赋予正号或负号.通过ICPS算法,可以快速得到输入图像中目标物体的初始轮廓C,进而得到输入图像的符号距离函数.由于ICPS算法提取的初始轮廓C通常是一个不规则形状的曲线,嵌入函数的初始化则要求计算每一像素点到初始轮廓C上各点的距离,并求出其中的最小值ρ,再根据该像素点是在C的内部或外部,赋予正号或负号.因此,符号距离函数即水平集函数为:2.4 RSAC模型的水平集方法实现对于给定的图像I(x,y),初始轮廓C可表示为水平集函数的零水平集:C={(x,y)∈Ω|φ (x,y)=0},ΩS和ΩNS分别对应图像中的显著区域和非显著区域.用水平集函数来表示式(3)的能量函数为其中为 Heaviside函数,δ为Dirac函数.由于H (φ)和δ(φ)是不规则函数,无法由能量泛函推导出关于水平集函数φ (x,y)的Euler-Lagrange方程,因此在运算中,选择正则化后的函数来逼近H (φ),并根据近似的Hε计算出对应的近似δε,本文采用的Hε和δε的形式如下:给定一个初始水平集函数φ(x,y),通过一个迭代的过程来极小化能量泛函,其中每一次迭代又包括两个步骤:第1步,固定水平集函数φ的值,对c1和c2分别极小化能量泛函,可以得到c1和c2:第2步,固定c1和c2的值,通过极小化能量泛函,推导出关于水平集函数φ的Euler-Lagrange方程,利用梯度下降法可以计算得出水平集方程:其中,μ为惩罚项系数为曲线的曲率,Δ为Laplace算子.综上所述,对于一幅给定的图像I(x,y),RSAC算法的主要计算步骤如下.算法2.RSAC算法.Step1.由ICPS算法计算得到图像I(x,y)的初始轮廓C、显著区域ΩS和非显著区域ΩNS,按式(3)建立活动轮廓能量泛函,并根据初始轮廓C构造相应的水平集函数φ (x,y);Step2.根据当前φn (x,y),按式(7)计算c1 (φn)和c2 (φn),n为当前迭代次数;Step3.根据c1 (φn)和c2 (φn),按式(8)计算φn+1;Step4.检查迭代是否满足停止条件,即|φn+1-φn|≤Qt(Qt为用户设定的阈值)或达到最大迭代次数N,如满足则停止迭代;否则转向Step2.3 实验结果与分析3.1 实验环境与参数设置本文实验在Dell Core 2.0GHz,1GB RAM的计算机上完成,实验环境为 Matlab 7.0R.实验中所用的图像包括合成图像和自然图像两类,表1为实验中3种分割模型的参数设置.Table 1 Parameter Setting of Three Models表1 3种模型的参数设置Parameter RSAC Model CV Model Li Model λ11 1 λ2 1 1 α 3 1 1 1.5 Δt 0.5 0.5 5 μ 0.001×2552 0.04 ν ε 0.02 53.2 实验结果与分析图3是本文提出的RSAC模型对两幅合成图像的分割效果,图像大小分别为84×84和64×61,封闭曲线表示ICPS算法所提取的初始轮廓.可以看出,由于考虑到待分割图像的视觉显著性,ICPS算法提取的初始轮廓准确地包含了图像中的目标物体,因此模型能快速准确地分割出主要目标边界,耗时较短,算法迭代次数分别为6次和8次.为了分析比较RSAC模型的性能,采用CV模型[5]和Li模型[11]对这两幅合成图像进行分割实验,不失公平性,实验中将初始轮廓设置为包围目标物体的一个圆.由于这两幅合成图像分辨率低且具有明显的区域同质性,CV模型和Li模型均可以准确收敛到目标边界,但在迭代次数和运行速度上,RSAC模型有较大优势,3种模型迭代次数的比较如图4所示.在初始轮廓较为接近的前提下,本文提出的RSAC模型的运行速度可以提高7~8倍.更为重要的是,RSAC模型避免了人工干预,实现了图像的自动分割.Fig.3 Segmentation results of synthetic images.图3 合成图像分割结果Fig.4 Iteration comparisons of three models.图4 3种模型迭代次数比较Fig.5 Segmentation result of Img1.图5 自然图像1分割结果而对于较复杂的自然图像,本文算法也可以得到较好的分割效果.图5~7是3幅自然图像应用RSAC模型、CV模型和Li模型分割后的效果图,为了便于观察分割效果,图中白色区域代表分割后的目标区域,黑色代表背景区域.3幅自然图像的分辨率分别为400×300,800×600和400×600.图中第一行表示应用3种模型进行分割实验的初始轮廓设置,同样不失公平性,CV模型和Li模型的初始轮廓分别设置为接近目标边界的圆和矩形,第2行表示3种模型的分割结果.由于自然图像比合成图像结构复杂、分辨率高,RSAC模型在3幅自然图像上分割所需迭代次数分别为200,220和140.但从图中可以看出,对于目标和背景并不完全是同质区域的输入图像,RSAC模型也可以得到较好的分割效果.图5中自然图像1左下角有两个白色小区域,RSAC模型在轮廓提取时将其作为噪声处理掉,目标区域中飞机的整个部分全部被分割出来;而CV模型和Li模型在曲线演化时会将这两个小区域作为目标区域分割出来,迭代次数分别为500次和450次.图6中的自然图像2比较特殊,RSAC模型在轮廓提取阶段将图像2划分为3个区域,即两个显著区域和一个背景区域,相应地,初始轮廓是两条闭合的曲线,但两个显著区域内的像素特征较为相近,因此在分割阶段,随着曲线的演化迭代,两个显著区域慢慢融合,最终形成目标和背景的分割.对于这样的自然图像,CV模型和Li模型分割效果较差,目标区域中存在较多误分割的像素,并且分割后的目标边界不连续,迭代次数分别为1 000次和900次.图7中自然图像3中树干部分的边界是模糊的,RSAC模型能够分割大部分的目标区域,包括图中动物的爪、嘴等较为细小的轮廓;Li模型由于要考虑边界的梯度,因此分割效果较不理想,尤其是在模型的树干部分和鸟背部分,CV模型也存在同样问题,两个模型的迭代次数分别为800次和600次.从这些实验中可以看出,RSAC模型不但具有较好的分割效果,在算法运行效率方面也有较大优势.对于同样分辨率的输入图像,本文模型的计算速度平均提高5倍以上,同时图像分割的效果并未受到影响.RSAC模型迭代次数降低的主要原因是区域显著性检测能够较准确地得到目标物体的位置和形状信息,利用目标物体的先验形状信息构造初始轮廓,使得初始轮廓最大程度地接近目标边界,从而大大提高分割速度.3.3 3种模型的定量分析尽管目前已提出近千种分割算法,但尚没有一种适合于所有图像的通用分割算法,绝大多数算法都是针对具体问题提出的.图像分割算法的好坏,会直接影响到分割结果,而分割评价通过对分割算法性能的研究可达到改进和提高现有算法的性能、优化分割、改善分割质量的目的.事实上,对分割算法的性能评价和比较近年来得到了广泛的重视,文献 [19]综述了无监督图像分割算法中常用的分割评价准则,如区域间对比度GC、区域内部均匀性UM、像素距离误差FOM、像素数量误差PE等.此外,一些文献还提出具有针对性的分割评价准则[20],为了评价RSAC模型的分割性能,实验中采用全局一致性误差GCE[20]对3种模型进行性能评价和比较.图8是3种模型对3幅自然图像分割效果的GCE图,可以看出,RSAC模型明显优于CV模型和Li模型.Fig.8 GCE comparison of three models.图8 3种模型的GCE值比较尽管CV模型和Li模型在合成图像上可以取得与本文模型接近的分割效果,但对于实验中选用的3幅自然图像,这两种模型分割效果不佳,原因在于自然图像的结构复杂、有边缘模糊现象,影响了上述两种算法的应用.。



Zhiqiang (John) Zhai A. Professional Preparation••••••••••••••••••Tsinghua University, Beijing, B.S. in Engineering Mechanics, June 1994. Tsinghua University, Beijing, M.Eng. in Fluid Mechanics, June 1995. Tsinghua University, Beijing, Dr.Eng. in Fluid Mechanics, June 1999. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, Ph.D. in Building Technology, June 2003.B. Appointments2010 – Now: Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder, U.S.2003 – 2010: Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder, U.S.1999 – 2003: Teaching/Research Assistant, Department of Architecture, MIT, U.S.1994 – 1999: Teaching/Research Assistant, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, ChinaC. Publications(1)Publications most closely related to the proposed projectCorbin CD and Zhai Z. 2010. Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Thermal and Electrical Performance of a Building Integrated Photovoltaic-Thermal Collector System.Energy and Buildings, 42(1): 76-82.Pappas A and Zhai Z. 2008. Numerical Investigation on Thermal Performance andCorrelations of Double Skin Façade with Buoyancy-Driven Airflow. Energy and Buildings, 40(4): 466-475.Chen Q, Zhai Z, and Wang L. 2007. Computer Modeling of Multiscale Fluid Flow and Heat and Mass Transfer in Engineered Spaces. Journal of Chemical Engineering Science, 62(13): 3580-3588.Zhai Z. 2006. Applications of CFD in Building Design: Aspects and Trends. Indoor and Built Environment, 15(4): 305-313.Zhai Z, Chen Q, Haves P, and Klems JH. 2002. On Approaches to Couple EnergySimulation and Computational Fluid Dynamics Programs. Building and Environment, 37(8-9): 857-864.(2) Other relevant publicationsZhai Z and Previtali J. 2010. Ancient Vernacular Architecture: CharacteristicsCategorization and Energy Performance Evaluation. Energy and Buildings, 42(3): 357-365.Koh J and Zhai Z. 2009. Energy Saving Effect and Economy Feasibility of Office Building with Regard to Geometries and Orientations. International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, 17(1): 15-24.Liu X, Zhai Z, Facciola NA, and Miller SL. 2007. Study of Penetration of Outdoor Fine Particles into a Nonresidential Building with Multi-Zone Simulation. ASHRAE Transactions, 113(2): 163-171.Spencer J and Zhai Z. 2007. Fast Evaluation of Sustainable Heating and Cooling Strategies for Solar Homes with Integrated Energy and CFD Modeling. The 10th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference and Exhibition, 2007, Sept, Beijing, China.Zhai Z and Chen Q. 2006. Sensitivity Analysis and Application Guides for IntegratedBuilding Energy and CFD Simulation. Energy and Building, 38(9): 1060–1068.D. Synergistic ActivitiesDr. Zhai’s primary research and teaching interests are in integrated building systems, sustainable building technologies, and indoor environment quality. (1) Dr. Zhai completed many research and consulting projects in the related field and published more than 60 technical papers in reputed journals and conferences. He has been participating in developing several national and international codes/standards for various building types and environments such as large commercial buildings, hospital operating rooms, and data centers. (2) Dr. Zhai was an invited member for The Committee of Immune Buildings by The US National Academies and The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and was an invited non-member round-table speaker for American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Ventilation Conference in 2006. He was also invited to write the Chapter of “Green Building” for the UNESCO-Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). Recently, Dr. Zhai was nominated by the National Academies for Membership to National Research Council Board on Laboratory Assessments. (3) Dr. Zhai has been actively engaged in developing new curriculum in sustainable building development for both developed and developing countries (sponsored by United States Agency for International Development and American Council on Education), which led to the successful establishment of several international post-graduate programs (e.g., for Brazil and China). (4) Dr. Zhai has an established track record of collaboration with specialists in different engineering and non-engineering areas, such as, ecology, evolutionary biology, and public health etc. These collaborations have led to a specialization in interdisciplinary research topics. (5) Dr. Zhai has also been actively involved in a number of professional societies (e.g., various ASME, ASCE, and ASHRAE Technical Committees), promoting effective communications between academia and industry communities. He received the Distinguished Service Award of ASHRAE in 2010.E. Collaborators and Other Affiliations(1) Graduate Advisors and Collaborators•••••••••••••••Chen Q. Ph.D. Advisor. School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University.Fu S. Ph.D. Advisor. Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University. Glicksman L.R. Ph.D. Advisor. Department of Architecture, MIT.Krarti M. Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder.Hertzberg J.R. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder. Willam K.J. Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder.Xi Y. Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder.(2) Graduate students and research associates supervisedJaeyoon Koh, Research Associate, Sustainable Engineering Group, LLC, Wisconsin.Fedrigo Claudia, Female, Ph.D., University of Trieste, Italy.Xiang Liu, Ph.D., Nexant, Inc, COAlexandra Pappas, Female, M.S., Enermodal Engineering Inc., COJessica Anne Rivas, Female, M.S. Summit Blue Consulting, LLC, COMike Bendewald, M.S., Rock Mountain Institute, COJon Previtali, M.S., SunEdison, CABrian Erickson, M.S., Professional Investigative Engineers, CO。


我们考察矿化岩石(体极化体)内一个小单元[图 3-1(a)]其中脉石矿物(1)实际上为绝缘体;离子 导电(裂隙水)通道(2)概括为两条:a——未被 电子导电矿物粒(3)堵塞的通道和b——被电子导 电矿物粒堵塞的通道。a通道只有纯电阻Ra;而b通 道除离子导体和电子导体内部的纯电阻Rb之外,还 串联有电子导电颗粒表面极化的等效阻抗ZIP。根 据式子

• 主要假说都是基于岩石颗粒—溶液界面上双电层 分散结构和分散区内存在可以沿界面移动的阳离 子这一特点提出来的。 • 其有代表性的假说是双电层形变说。 • 现简述如下: • 双电层结构 • 由于阳离子交换特性,在岩石颗粒与周围溶液的 分界面上会形成这样一种双电层;
将阻抗Z(iω )和Z(0)对测量装置作归一化,计算电 阻率 K IU K Z ,则可得体极化条件下复电阻 率的表达式:
1 i 0 1 m 1 c 1 i
式中:ρ 0——频率为零时的电阻率; m ——极限极化率,亦称充电率; c ——表征复电阻率随频率变化程度的参 数,称为频率相关系数。



1.第六届国际科学中心大会将于2011年在南非举行 [J],
2.国际水文地质第34届大会将于2006年在北京举行 [J], 孟晖;张岳桥;杨农
3.第二届国际古生物学大会(IPC2006)将于2006年在北京大学举行 [J],
4.第六届国际冶金史大会将于2006年9月在北京举行 [J], 无
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Modeling and Simulation of Stochastic DataK.-K.Phoon1,M.ASCE1Department of Civil Engineering,National University of Singapore;Blk E1A,#07-03,1Engineering Drive2; Singapore117576;PH+65-65166783;FAX+65-67791635;email:cvepkk@.sgAbstractStochastic data appear as basic components in reliability analysis and geostatistics.It is rarely emphasized that the multivariate probability distributions underlying random vectors(or processes,fields)are very difficult to construct theoretically,to estimate empirically,and to simulate numerically.This paper discusses the modeling and simulation of non-Gaussian random vectors,highlighting some useful geotechnical applications,important limitations,and outstanding challenges.Discussion is restricted to translation vectors,although emerging techniques that can potentially simulate a wider class of non-Gaussian random vectors would be briefly introduced for completeness. The translation approach is quite natural and takes advantage of the practicality,theoretical generality,and simulation speed associated with the multivariate Gaussian distribution.Nonetheless,there are fundamental limitations that must be recognized.The present focus on probabilistic analysis should be balanced by more research on statistical inference.It is acknowledged that statistical inference for correlated data is a challenging problem,but its practical significance is obvious.IntroductionStochastic data appear as basic components in reliability analysis and geostatistics.Reliability analysis has a significant impact on the development of modern design codes.Much of its success could be attributed to the advent of the first-order reliability method(FORM)–which provides a practical scheme of computing small probabilities of failure at high dimensional space spanned by the random variables in the problem.The collection of random variables provides a formal probabilistic model for the uncertainties in the input parameters and is often called a random vector.Ang and Tang(1984)presented numerous practical applications of FORM in their well known book on Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design.Geostatistics arose from the need to estimate spatial patterns in geology and mining.The physical premise that makes such estimation possible is that points close in space tend to assume similar values.The autocorrelation function(or variogram)is a fundamental tool describing similarities in a statistical sense as a function of distance.The works of G.Matheron,D.G.Krige,and F.P. Agterberg are notable.Parallel developments also took place in meteorology(L.S.Gandin)and forestry(B. Matérn).Geostatistics is mathematically founded on the theory of random processes/fields developed by A.Y. Khinchin,A.N.Kolmogorov,P.Lévy,N.Wiener,and A.M.Yaglom,among others.The interested reader can refer to books by Cressie(1993)and Chilès and Delfiner(1999)for details.Vanmarcke(1983)remarked that all measurements involve some degree of local averaging and that random field models do not need to consider variations below a finite scale because they are smeared by averaging.Baecher&Christian(2003)provided an updated review of geostatisical applications in geotechnical engineering.Fenton and Griffiths have been studying soil-interaction problems within the context of a random field since the early nineties(e.g.,Griffiths&Fenton,1993, 1997,2001;Fenton&Griffiths,1997,2002,2003).It is rarely emphasized that the multivariate probability distributions underlying random vectors(or processes, fields)are very difficult to construct theoretically,to estimate empirically,and to simulate numerically.A cursory review of basic probability texts would reveal that non-Gaussian distributions are usually presented in the uni-variate form.It is not possible to generalize these uni-variate formulae to higher dimensions unless the random variables are independent.This assumption is obviously invalid in geostatistics and overly-restrictive in reliability analysis where input parameters can be correlated by physics(e.g.,sliding resistance increases with normal load,undrained shear strength increases with loading rate,etc.)or by curve-fit(e.g.,cohesion and friction angle in a linear Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope).In principle,multivariate distributions can be constructed using their conditional distributions as illustrated below for a general random vector with three components:)x (F )x |x (F )x ,x |x (F )x (F )x (F )x ,x (F )x ,x (F )x ,x ,x (F )x ,x ,x (F 112213112121321321==(1)in which F is the n-dimensional cumulative distribution function (n is the number of arguments in F).The catch is that closed-form equations for the conditional probabilities in Eq.(1)are not available except for the Gaussian case,a class of elliptical distributions (Azzalini and Capitanio 2003;Arslan 2004),and a handful of others (Devroye 1997).It is evident from the statistics literature that simulation of random samples from multivariate distributions is not trivial,much less problems relating to statistical estimation and model identification.In practice,it is further recognized that a general random vector could only be characterized reliably up to the marginal distribution and a measure of dependency such as the popular product-moment (Pearson)correlation coefficient.With the exception of the Gaussian case and generalizations such as elliptical (Arslan 2004)and skew elliptical (Azzalini and Capitanio 2003)distributions,a general random vector could not be defined uniquely based on such limited information.An extensive body of literature on simulation of random processes exists (much of which are fairly recent)to attest to the theoretical and computational difficulties involved (e.g.,Grigoriu 1984;Grigoriu 1988;Yamazaki and Shinozuka 1988;Fenton &Vanmarcke,1990;Deodatis and Micaletti 2001;Phoon et al.2002a;Phoon et al.2002b;Puig et al.2002;Sakamoto and Ghanem 2002;Field and Grigoriu 2004;Phoon et al.2005a).At present,it is accurate to say that the most popular method for constructing non-Gaussian random vectors is to apply some suitable memoryless nonlinear transforms to the standard Gaussian vector.Such models are known as translation vectors.The central importance of the multivariate Gaussian distribution underlying the standard Gaussian vector is perhaps not surprising given its analytical tractability,complete definition by mean vector and covariance matrix,and availability of fast Gaussian simulation methods.This paper discusses the modeling and simulation of non-Gaussian random vectors,highlighting some useful geotechnical applications,important limitations,and outstanding challenges.Discussion is restricted to translation vectors,although emerging techniques that can potentially simulate a wider class of non-Gaussian random vectors would be briefly introduced for completeness.Issues raised in this paper are relevant to reliability analysis and geostatistics,because they deal with basic theoretical and computational aspects of stochastic data.Correlated Gaussian Random VectorsThe multivariate Gaussian probability density function is available analytically and can be defined uniquely by a mean vector and a covariance matrix:()()m X C 'm X 212n211-e )2(C )X (f =(2)in which X =(X 1,X 2,…X n ) is a Gaussian random vector with n components,m is the mean vector,and C is the covariance matrix.For the 2D (simplest)case,the mean vector and covariance matrix are given by:==2221212121C m m m (3)in which m i and i =mean and standard deviation of X i ,respectively,and =product-moment (Pearson)correlation between X 1and X 2.The Gaussian probability density function for the 2D (or bivariate)case is illustrated in Fig.1a.(a)(b)Figure1.Bivariate Gaussian probability density function for:(a)correlated case and(b)uncorrelated case The practical usefulness of Eq.(2)is not well appreciated.First,the full multivariate dependency structure of a Gaussian random vector only depends on a covariance matrix(C)containing bivariate information(correlations) between all possible pairs of components.The practical advantage of capturing multivariate dependencies in any dimension(i.e.,any number of random variables)using only bivariate dependency information is obvious.Note that coupling two random variables is the most basic form of dependency and also the simplest to evaluate from empirical data.In fact,there are usually insufficient data to compute reliable dependency information beyond correlations in actual engineering practice.For an n-dimensional random vector,the covariance matrix C is populated by n(n-1)/2correlation coefficients.The important practical question here is whether these correlation coefficients arising from distinct pairs of components can be selected independently.The answer is no and this important but somewhat neglected issue would be discussed in the first sub-section below.The second useful aspect is the elliptical form(X-m) C-1(X-m)appearing in the exponent of Eq.(2)(manifested as elliptical contours in Fig.1a).The simulation of a general n-D Gaussian random vector is fast and robust because of this elliptical form.The computational steps are also simple and easy to implement as discussed in the second sub-section below.Generalizations of this elliptical form are available,but the practical advantages of applying more complex generalizations are still being studied at present(Azzalini and Capitanio2003;Arslan2004).From a practical viewpoint[only bivariate information needed,correlations are easy to estimate,voluminous n-D data compiled into mere n(n-1)/2coefficients,etc.]and a computational viewpoint(fast,robust,simple to implement),it is accurate to say that the Gaussian probability model and non-Gaussian probability models generated from the translation approach are already very good and sufficiently general for many practical scenarios.For stochastic data that cannot be modeled using the translation approach,the hunt for probability models with comparable practicality, theoretical power,and simulation speed is still on-going.Active threads of research in this direction are copula theory(Schweizer1991)and non-Gaussian Karhunen-Loeve expansion(Phoon et al.2005a).Positive DefinitenessBy definition,correlation coefficients take on numerical values between-1and1.Unfortunately,not all covariance matrices containing such entries are valid.This observation is not completely unexpected given that a correlation contains pairwise dependency information and a covariance matrix contains many entries arising from overlapping pairs[e.g.,(1,2),(1,3),(2,3)].It is possible to demonstrate this mathematically using the following definition for partial correlation(Bedford and Cooke2002):)1)(1(2n ...4232n ...413n...423n ...413n ...412n ...312 = (4)All partial correlations can be computed from correlations by iterating the above equation.For example,the first-order partial correlation is determined from Eq.(4)as:)1)(1(223213231312312 = (5)Because partial correlations also lie between -1and 1,it is clear that a relationship exists between 12, 13and 23:2313223213122313223213)1)(1()1)(1( + + (6)Hence,if 13=0.8and 23=0.1,then -0.517 12 0.677.For a 3D random vector with 13=0.8and 23=0.1,the last entry in the covariance matrix 12cannot take values in the full range between -1and 1.In practice,it is possible to check the entire covariance matrix in one step (rather than entry by entry as shown above)using the property of positive definiteness.A symmetric matrix C is a valid covariance matrix if it is positive definite,i.e.:a T C a >0for all a 0(7)in which a =(a 1,a 2,…,a n )T is a vector of real numbers.The practical significance of Eq.(7)is most readily appreciated by defining a random variable Y as a weighted linear sum of components in a random vector X,i.e.:i n 1i iX a Y ==(8)If C is the covariance matrix for X,then it can be shown that the variance of Y is:Y 2=a T C a (9) Hence,if Eq.(7)is not satisfied,some combination of weights could produce a random variable with negative variance!This contradicts the definition of the variance.Note that it is not easy to check the validity of a covariance matrix by inspection –only one entry is different between the valid and invalid examples shown below.ValidInvalid =1.81X 1+0.05X 2+1.66X 3–0.53X 4Y 2=0.57 Y 2=-0.10Fortunately,a common numerical procedure called Cholesky factorization can be used as a rigorous test for positive definiteness.A lower triangular matrix L is a Cholesky factor for C if:C =L L (10)Cholesky factorization can be roughly appreciated as taking the “square root”of matrices.The Cholesky factor can be computed in EXCEL using the array formula MAT_CHOLESKY,which is provided in a free matrix and linearalgebra add-in at .The covariance matrix is valid (positive definite)if all diagonal entries in the Cholesky factor are positive as shown below.Valid Cholesky factorInvalid Cholesky factor of Correlated Gaussian DataIt can be verified that the following transform would produce a correlated Gaussian vector X with the desired covariance matrix from a standard Gaussian vector U:X =LU +m (11)A standard Gaussian vector contains uncorrelated components with zero mean and unit variance.The probability density function is shown in Fig.1b.The “Random Number Generation”tool under “Data Analysis”in EXCEL can produce standard Gaussian numbers.For concreteness,consider a bivariate Gaussian vector with covariance given by Eq.(3).The lower triangular Cholesky factor L is:=222110L (12)Hence,the desired correlated Gaussian vector is:2221221111m )1U U (X m U X + + =+ =(13)In practice,p realizations of an n ×1correlated vector can be easily computed from Eq.(11)by substituting U with an n ×p matrix containing uncorrelated Gaussian numbers and m with p column duplicates of the mean vector (m 1,m 2,…m n ) .Matrix multiplication can be carried out in one step using the array formula MMULT in EXCEL.Eq.(11)can be modified to achieve the desired covariance matrix even for small p (Phoon 2004a).Translation Non-Gaussian Random VectorsIt is widely accepted that a practical procedure for modeling dependent non-Gaussian vectors should involve at most the marginal distributions and the covariance matrix.The challenge is to find a multivariate distribution function that is consistent with this second-order information.It should be emphasized that the solution is not unique .Given the computational ease of simulating correlated Gaussian vectors,it is natural to construct non-Gaussian vectors using the following translation approach:Y i =F i -1 (X i )(14)in which Y i =non-Gaussian random variable with cumulative distribution function F i and X i =standard Gaussian random variable with cumulative distribution function (but X i and X j may be correlated).Lognormal examplePhoon et al.(2006)proposed a simple but robust probabilistic model for load-displacement curves from augered cast-in-place (ACIP)piles.The basic idea is to:(a)reduce measured load-displacement curves into 2parameters via hyperbolic fit and (b)normalize resulting hyperbolic curves using an interpreted failure load to reduce the datascatter.The remaining scatter can be modeled using an appropriate random vector for the curve-fitting parameters.The normalized hyperbolic curve considered in their study is expressed as:by a y Q QSTC +=(15)in which Q =applied load,Q STC =failure load interpreted using slope tangent method,a and b =curve-fitting parameters,and y =pile butt displacement.Note that the reciprocals of a and b are equal to the initial slope and asymptotic value,respectively.The slope tangent method defines the failure load at the intersection of the load-displacement curve with the initial slope line offset by (0.15+B/120)inches,in which B =shaft diameter in inches.The normalized curves for piles with depth to diameter ratios (D/B)greater than 20are shown in Fig.2.The statistics of the a and b parameters (without outlier c30-1)are summarized in ing the Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit test,one could formally state that there is no evidence to reject the null hypothesis of lognormality for both curve-fitting parameters at the customary 5%level of significance (p AD >0.05).In addition,the Pearson correlation between a and b is strongly negative ( a,b =-0.67),i.e.initial slope (1/a)tends to increase when the asymptotic value (1/b)decreases or vice-versa (Fig.3c).To construct a correlated lognormal random vector for the above example,observe that Eqs.(13)and (14)simplify to:])1U U (exp[b )U exp(a 22212111 + + = + =(16)The parameters 1and 1in Eq.(16)can be calculated from the mean (m a )and standard deviation (s a )of a as follows:()21a 12a 2a 15.0)m ln(m /s 1ln = += (17)The parameters 2and 2can be calculated from the mean and standard deviation of b in the same way.Note that is not the same as the a,b .It is given by:]1)][exp(1)[exp(1)exp(222121b ,a = (18)Fig.4shows 25simulated normalized hyperbolic curves for a,b =-0.67and a,b =0.It is evident that Fig.4a resembles Fig.2.However,Fig.4b does not compare well with Fig.2,even though the mean,standard deviation,and lognormal distribution for both a and b are followed.This example highlights the importance of verifying the presence of correlations whenever there are more than two variables in the problem and incorporating correlation information correctly in the simulation process.Note that there are many ways of coupling two lognormal random variables into a correlated random vector.Additional examples are given in Fig.11below.The above translation approach is considered reasonable based on similarities between actual (Fig.2)and simulated (Fig.4a)data.Model identification becomes an issue when a much broader spectrum of non-translation approaches are considered.051015202530Displacement (mm) /Q S T CD/B > 20c30-1Figure 2.Normalized hyperboliccurves.05101520a parameter (mm) e l a t i v e F r e q u e n cy(a)0.00.5 1.0 1.5 2.0b parameter e l a t i v e F r e q u e n cy(b)Figure 3.(a)Histogram for a parameter (b)Histogram for b parameter,and (c)correlation between a and b0510********Displacement (mm) /Q S T C(a)051015202530Displacement (mm) /Q S T C (b)Figure 4.Simulated normalized hyperbolic curves for a,b =(a)-0.67and (b)0.Hermite PolynomialsThere are two computational challenges in the simulation of translation vectors.First,the cumulative distribution function F in Eq.(14)is usually not available in closed-form,even for common classical distributions (e.g.,beta,gamma).It can be tedious to take the inverse of such a function.Second,the Gaussian correlation coefficient in Eq.(13)can only be computed from the empirical correlation coefficient in the non-Gaussian data using an integral equation.Eqs.(16)and (18)presented in the previous sub-section are only applicable for the special lognormal case.In a state-of-the-art report,Phoon (2004b)proposed the application of Hermite polynomials to approximate Eq.(14):==0k i k ik i )X (H aY (19)in which the Hermite polynomials H j (.)are given by:)X (H k )X (H X )X (H X3X )X (H 1X )X (H X)X (H 1)X (H 1k k 1k 332210 + = = ===(20)Note that the first coefficient a 0(k =0)is simply the mean of Y.The last row of Eq.(20)shows that Hermite polynomials of any degree (k)can be computed efficiently using a simple recurrence relation that depends only on two preceding Hermite polynomials.This recurrence relation can be implemented directly using EXCEL.The numerical values of the coefficients,a k ,depend on the distribution of Y.They can also be computed readily using EXCEL even if the empirical distribution of X cannot be fitted to any classical probability distribution functions:1.Let y be a p ×1vector containing measured/simulated data from a cumulative distribution function,F(y).2.Let x = -1F(y)be a p ×1vector containing p realizations of a standard Gaussian random variable.The function-1 can be invoked using NORMSINV in EXCEL.3.Let h 0be a p ×1vector containing ones,h 1=x,h 2=x *x –1,…h q-1 =x *h q-2 – (q-2)h q-3,and H be a p ×qmatrix containing h 0,h 1,h 2,…h q-1 in the columns.The operator “ *”means element-wise matrix multiplication (MATLAB convention),i.e.,for matrix A =B *C,(i,j)element in A,a ij =b ij ×c ij .4.Let a be a q ×1vector containing the unknown Hermite coefficients (a 0,a 1,a 2,…a q-1) .This vector iscomputed by solving the following system of linear equations:(H H)a =H y (21)Eq.(21)can be solved easily using array formulae and matrix functions in EXCEL (TRANSPOSE,MMULT,MINVERSE)or SYSLIN from matrix and linear algebra add-in.Phoon et al.(2005b)demonstrated that reasonably accurate Hermite coefficients can be obtained from a relatively small sample size (p =20).Figures 5and 6demonstrate that the Hermite expansion [Eq.(19)]is very efficient even for strongly non-Gaussian distributions -it is possible to match very small probabilities (say 10-4)using only 6to 8terms.Once the Hermite coefficients are computed,Eq.(19)can be applied for simulation with significantly less computational effort than executing Eq.(14)tens of thousands of times in a low probability simulation exercise (typical of civil engineering problems).Hermite polynomials can also improve the robustness and efficiency of first-order reliability analysis (Phoon et al.2005b;Phoon and Honjo 2005)Correlation StructureThe difficulty of calculating the Gaussian correlation coefficient from the empirical correlation coefficient in the non-Gaussian data is well known in the structural reliability literature.Recent papers (Puig et al.2002;Sakamoto and Ghanem 2002)apply the Hermite expansion for simulation of non-Gaussian translation processes,because it presents a relatively simpler power series solution to this difficulty (Sakamoto and Ghanem 2002):1010101010100x F (x )1010101010100x F (x )Figure 5.Probability tails of Hermite expansions for lognormal distribution with =0and =0.5(left); =1.0(right)1010101010100x F (x )1010101010100x F (x )Figure 6.Probability tails of Hermite expansions for gamma distributions with scale parameter =1and shape parameter =0.5(left);shape parameter =2.0(right)= =0k k 2k 1k 21a a!k Y EY (22)The above equation should be computed recursively,because factorials are notorious for growing very rapidly (see Phoon 2004b).Note that the unknown in Equation (22)is and analytical solutions are not available in the general case.However,it is possible to solve Eq.(22)using numerical methods such as the nonlinear optimization Solver function in EXCEL.Puig et al.(2002)noted that optimization is preferred rather than applying a nonlinear equation solver because it is possible to impose the added constraint of positive definiteness.Figure 7shows that a Hermite expansion containing less than or equal to 4terms is sufficient to reproduce the relationship between Y1Y2and X1X2(= )for lognormal random vectors with two significantly different components ( 1=0.3and 2=1)and with highly skewed identical components ( 1=1and 2=1).Although translation random vectors are general and easy to construct,there are two fundamental theoretical limitations that must be recognized.First,assuming that the empirical correlation matrix is positive definite,there is no guarantee that the correlation matrix of the equivalent Gaussian random variables is positive definite,even if the correlations are determined exactly from Eq.(22).This is a fundamental theoretical constraint related to the characterization of multivariate dependence based on pairwise measures of dependence [Eq.(22)is solved one pair of components at a time].Hence,performing Cholesky factorization on the correlation matrix of the underlying Gaussian vector X is still necessary.Second,the expedient assumption of Y1Y2! X1X2only works well when 1and 2are small (using the lognormal distribution for illustration).This is shown in Fig.8a.It can be seen in Fig.5that the lognormal probability density function becomes increasingly skewed as increases.Hence,it may be concluded (not surprising)that this assumption does not work for strongly non-Gaussian distributions.More significantly,the bounds for Y1Y2could be less than 1and/or greater than -1.The lower bound of -1becomes increasingly difficult to achieve when increases (Fig.8b).The upper bound of 1can be achieved as long as the components in the random vector are identically distributed (Grigoriu 1998).For the general case of non-identical components with possibly large differences in ,both theoretical upper and lower bounds are unachievable (Fig.8d).This situation may be rare in structural problems,because uncertainties in loads and structural materials typically fall within a narrow band (coefficients of variation between say 10%and 20%).For geotechnical uncertainties,the coefficients of variation fall within a much broader band (Phoon and Kulhawy 1999).A possible example is a random vector containing the effective stress friction angle and the Young’s modulus.The value ofX1X2 Y 1Y 2(a) 1=0.3and 2=1X1X2 Y 1Y2(b) 1=1and 2=1Figure 7.Relationship between Y1Y2and X1X2for lognormal randomvectors.X1X2 Y 1Y 2(a) 1=0.3; 2=0.3X1X2 Y 1Y 2(b) 1=1; 2=1 X1X2 Y 1Y 2(c) 1=1; 2=0.3 X1X2 Y 1Y 2(d) 1=2; 2=0.3Figure 8.Some relationships between observed correlation ( Y1Y2)and correlation of underlying equivalent Gaussian random variables ( X1X2)(approximately equal to the coefficient of variation of the physical variable)can be as low as about 0.1for the first component and as high as about 1for the second component (Phoon and Kulhawy 1999).The limitation highlighted above has been proven mathematically for the general case by Arwade (2004).The practical ramification is that some observed data cannot be modeled using translation vectors.It is tempting to conclude otherwise because the simple cumulative distribution transform in Eq.(14)looks “obvious”.However,Eq.(14)is only obvious in the univariate case,which demonstrates quite clearly that extension to the multivariate case is non-trivial.Li et al.(2006)demonstrated that the non-Gaussian Karhunen-Loeve expansion does not follow the standard translation model and the above theoretical limitation does not apply.This emerging research on non-translation models is significant,because a broader class of random vectors/processes can be simulated.Simulation-based Statistical Inference for Correlated DataA natural probabilistic model for correlated spatial data is the random field (Vanmarcke 1977).While the random field provides a concise description of spatial variation,it poses considerable practical difficulties for statistical inference in view of its complicated data structure.Previous studies are mostly probabilistic,wherein a random field is posited to describe soil variations and the probability of exceeding some limit state is computed.The statistical question of how this random field can be inferred from limited observations is no less important,but attempts to address this aspect are currently limited.Christian and Baecher (2006)commented on this problem as well and recommended the application of Bayesian methods to assess the probability that the model is true,given observed data.All classical statistical tests are invariably based on the important assumption that the data are independent (Cressie 1993).When they are applied to correlated data,large bias will appear in the evaluation of the test statistics (Phoon et al.2003).The application of standard statistical tests to correlated soil data is therefore potentially misleading.Independence is a very convenient assumption that makes a large part of mathematical statistics tractable.It is well recognized that real data are usually dependent.Statisticians can go to great length to remove this dependency (Fisher 1935)or be contented with less powerful tests that are robust to departures from the independence assumption.In recent years,a third approach involving the direct modeling of dependency relationships into very complicated test statistics through Monte Carlo simulation has become feasible because desktop computing machines have become very powerful.One of the first geostatistical studies that systematically exploits powerful digital simulation techniques for statistical inference in the correlated case was conducted recently by Phoon et al.(2003).The key features of this study are briefly summarized below to highlight the significant potential in this approach and to encourage further practical developments in this somewhat neglected area of statistical inference.Simulation of Random ProcessesThe basic step in simulation-based statistical inference is the generation of realizations that are consistent with a given target random process/field.The computational techniques discussed previously on the construction of translation random vectors capable of matching target marginal distributions and covariance matrices can be applied to random processes/fields.The only computational aspect that requires some elaboration is that simulation of a process/field is usually more efficient in the frequency domain.This is illustrated below using the Gaussian process.Realizations belonging to a zero-mean stationary Gaussian process X(t)can be generated using the well established spectral approach as follows:)t f 2cos V t f 2sin U ()t (X k k M 1k k k k += =(23)in which f )f (S 2k k "= ,"f is the interval over which the spectral density function S(f)is discretized,f k =(2k-1)"f/2,and U k and V k are standard uncorrelated Gaussian random variables.The single exponential autocorrelation function is commonly used in geostatistics:R(#)=exp(-|#|),in which #is the distance between data points.The corresponding spectral density function is:。
