CCNA3第1章 习题Scaling Networks Version 50 ScaN 第 1 章


CCNA3第1章-习题Scaling Networks (Version 5.0) - ScaN 第 1 章考试

CCNA3第1章-习题Scaling Networks (Version 5.0) - ScaN 第 1 章考试


)折叠核心服务模块冗余电源故障域故障切换功能2.网络管理员为什么要在路由器上发出show cdp neigbors 命令?显示线路状态和有关直接相连的思科设备的其他信息显示设备ID 和有关直接相连的思科设备的其他信息显示路由器ID 和有关OSPF 邻居的其他信息显示路由表和有关直接相连的思科设备的其他信息3.下列哪两项是路由器的功能?(选择两项。


通过使用第2 层地址控制数据流。

连接多个IP 网络。


管理VLAN 数据库。


当交换机S3 断电时,故障域中存在哪些设备?AP_2 和AP_1S4 和PC_2PC_3 和AP_2PC_3 和PC_2S1 和S45.网络管理员正在规划交换网络中的冗余设备和布线来支持高可用性。

实施生成树协议对此设计有什么好处?多个物理接口可以合并到一个EtherChannel 接口。

冗余路径可用,且不会引起第 2 层逻辑环路。



6.7.当设计交换网络包含冗余链路时,需要哪种技术?虚拟LAN虚拟专用网络生成树协议链路聚合8.下列哪种说法正确描述了思科Meraki 交换机的特征?它们能够提高基础设施可扩展性、操作连续性和传输灵活性。


它们是与Cisco 2960 交换机功能相同的园区LAN 交换机。



管理员从特权执行模式可以使用以下哪些命令达到此目的?(选择两项)show startup-configshow flashshow versionshow running-configshow NVRAM11.企业网络如何设计才能优化带宽?部署折叠核心模型安装具备故障切换功能的设备组织网络以控制流量模式限制故障域的大小12.在下列哪种情况下,网络管理员会安装Cisco Nexus 系列或Cisco Catalyst 6500 系列交换机来提高基础设施可扩展性?在服务提供商网络中促进集成安全、简化管理在数据中心网络提供扩展和传输灵活性在园区LAN 网络作为接入层交换机启用交换机的虚拟堆叠以提供云管理访问13.下列哪种说法正确描述了Cisco Catalyst 2960 交换机的特征?它们不支持IOS 版本早于15.x 的活动交换虚拟接口(SVI)。



诶了我累了目录第二章网络通信P2-8第三章应用层功能及协议P9-14 第四章 OSI 传输层 P15-20第五章 OSI 网络层 P21-27第六章网络编址-IPv4 P28-34第七章数据链路层P35-40第八章 OSI 物理层 P41-45第九章以太网P46-51第十章网络规划和布线P52-61 第十一章配置和测试网络P62-70 第一学期末考试P71-91文档末尾返回目录第二章网络通信001 TCP/IP 网络接入层有何作用路径确定和数据包交换数据表示、编码和控制可靠性、流量控制和错误检测详细规定构成物理链路的组件及其接入方法将数据段划分为数据包2下列哪些陈述正确指出了中间设备在网络中的作用(选择三项)确定数据传输路径发起数据通信重新定时和重新传输数据信号发送数据流管理数据流数据流最后的终止点003 下列哪三项陈述是对局域网(LAN) 最准确的描述(选择三项)LAN 通常位于一个地域内。


LAN 中的不同网段之间一般通过租用连接的方式连接。


LAN 为同一个组织内的用户提供网络服务和应用程序访问。


004 什么是PDU传输期间的帧损坏在目的设备上重组的数据因通信丢失而重新传输的数据包特定层的封装005 OSI 模型哪两层的功能与TCP/IP 模型的网络接入层相同(选择两项)网络层传输层物理层数据链路层会话层6请参见图示。

所示网络属于哪一类型WANMANLANWLAN7以下哪种特征正确代表了网络中的终端设备管理数据流发送数据流重新定时和重新传输数据信号确定数据传输路径008 第 4 层端口指定的主要作用是什么标识本地介质中的设备标识源设备和目的设备之间的跳数向中间设备标识通过该网络的最佳路径标识正在通信的源终端设备和目的终端设备标识终端设备内正在通信的进程或服务9请参见图示。



参加考试 - ESwitching Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线 (版本 4.0)剩余时间正在显示第 1 页,共 4页下一页>页跳转<上一页1 以下哪项参数用于唯一标识一个无线网络,使其与其它网络区分开来?SSID OFDMWEPDSSS2 分层网络模型具有哪三项优点?(选择三项。

)带宽争用现象减少物理布局范围减小网络的容错能力提高无需配线间无需第三层功能管理和故障排除工作简化3在将 Catalyst 交换机迁移到其它 VTP 管理域之前,应该进行哪三项任务?(选择正确的 VTP 模式和版本。


从新域中的 VTP 服务器上下载 VTP 数据库。

配置新域内的 VTP 服务器,使其识别该交换机的 BID。

重置 VTP 计数器,使交换机可与新域内的其它交换机同步。



)它只在第 2 层使用。


它消除了网络拓扑中的第 2 层环路。

它限制了端口上所允许的有效 MAC 地址的数量。

它使 VLAN 信息得以传播到网络中的其它交换机。

5下列哪种方法可建立用于配置 Linksys WRT300N 无线接入点的管理连接?与接入点关联,然后与接入点建立超级终端会话。


在接入点所在的 IP 子网内的计算机上的 web 浏览器中输入接入点的默认修改与接入点连接的计算机的 TCP/IP 属性,使其与接入点处于同一个网机以建立连接。


源地址并非 0019.d2e4.d9f7 的帧进入接口 Fa0/24 时会发生什么情况?Fa0/24 会变为 error-disabled(错误-禁用)状态。


Fa0/24 端口 LED 会关闭。




CCNA认证试题一(附答案和解析)中文版一) 认证试题一(附答案和解析)中文版(一CCNA1 2019-09-30 15:49:59 阅读139 评论0 字号:大中小订阅1、目前,我国应用最为广泛的LAN 标准是基于()的以太网标准. (A) IEEE 802.1 (B) IEEE 802.2 (C) IEEE 802.3 (D) IEEE 802.5 答案:C 参考知识点:现有标准:IEEE 802.1 局域网协议高层IEEE 802.2 逻辑链路控制IEEE 802.3 以太网IEEE 802.4 令牌总线IEEE 802.5 令牌环IEEE 802.8 FDDI IEEE 802.11 无线局域网记住IEEE802.1-------IEEE802.5 的定义以太网是一种计算机局域网组网技术IEEE 制定的IEEE 802.3 标准给出了以太。




它很大程度上取代了其他局域网标准,如令牌环、FDDI 和ARCNET。

以太网的标准拓扑结构为总线型拓扑,但目前的快速以太网(100BASE-T、1000BASE-T 标准)为了最大程度的减少冲突,最大程度的提高网络速度和使用效率,使用交换机(Switch)来进行网络连接和组织,这样,以太网的拓扑结构就成了星型,但在逻辑上,以太网仍然使用总线型拓扑的C***A/CD 介质访问控制方法。

电气电子工程师协会或IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)是一个国际性的电子技术与信息科学工程师的协会。

建会于1963 年1 月1 日。


在150 多个国家中它拥有300 多个地方分会。

目前会员数是36 万。

专业上它有35 个专业学会和两个联合会。

IEEE 发表多种杂志,学报,书籍和每年组织300 多次专业会议。



CCNA第一章练习第一章网际互联1. A receiving host has failed to receive all of the segments that it shouldacknowledge. What can the host do to improve the reliability of thiscommunication session?A. Send a different source port number.B. Restart the virtual circuit(重启虚电路).C. Decrease the sequence number(序列号).D. Decrease the window size.通过使用流量控制(默认时TCP使用窗口机制),接收方主机能够控制发送方主机。


2. Which fields(字段) are contained within an IEEE Ethernet frame header?(Choose two.)A. Source and destination MAC addressB. Source and destination network addressC. Source and destination MAC address and source and destination network addressD. ECS field一个Ethernet 帧有源MAC地址和目的MAC地址、Ether-Type 字段(用来识别网络层协议)、数据和FCS字段(用来保存CRC的结果)。

3. Which layer(层) 1 devices can be used to enlarge the area covered by a single LAN segment(局域网部分)?(Choose two.)A. Switch(交换机)B. NIC(网卡)C. Hub(集线器)D. Repeater(中继器)E. RJ45 transceiver并不是你真的想扩大冲突域,但是集线器(多端口中继器)会产生一个大的冲突域。



What is the purpose of VLAN trunking?It improves network performance by reducing broadcast traffic.It selects the best path to transmit data in a switched network.It carries the traffic of multiple VLANs through a single link.It avoids spanning tree loops in a switched network.Refer to the exhibit. Both switches are configured with default bridge priority. Which port will act as the STP root port if all links are oper Fa0/1 interface of S1Fa0/2 interface of S1Fa0/1 interface of S2Fa0/2 interface of S2Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator wants to configure Switch1 to allow SSH connections and prohibit Telnet conne ctions. How sh administrator change the displayed configuration to satisfy the requirement?Use SSH version 1.Reconfigure the RSA key.Configure SSH on a different line.Modify the transport input command.Refer to the exhibit. Which two facts about STP can be determined from the displayed output? (Choose two.)Switch S1 has the lowest configured STP priority in the network.Switch S1 is configured as the root bridge for VLAN1.Fa0/21 is the root port of switch S1.Fa0/22 is the redundant link.Fa0/24 is considered the best path to the root bridge.Which statement correctly describes the spanning-tree path cost?It is calculated based on the total number of switches connected in a loop.It is calculated based on the utilization of all the switches along a given path.It is calculated based on the bridge priority of the switches along a given path.It is calculated based on the sum of the port cost value, determined by link speed, for each switch port along a given path What are two requirements for configuring inter-VLAN routing using the router-on-a-stick model? (Choose two.)Each subinterface should be configured with its own IP address, subnet mask, and unique VLAN assignment.The physical interface of the router must be connected to a trunk link on the adjacent switch.The number of physical interfaces on the router should match the number of VLANs.Different static VLANs should be assigned to different interfaces of the router.The router should be configured as the VTP serverRefer to the exhibit. Which two options correctly describe the router configuration that is shown? (Choose two.)Routing between the and networks will not succeed until a routing protocol is configured on the route r.VLANs have not been appropriately configured on the router subinterfaces.The configuration is appropriate for a router-on-a-stick network design.Trunking has been appropriately configured on the router subinterfaces.An IP address should be applied to interface Fa0/1 for routing to occurRefer to the exhibit. What is true of the configuration of switch S1?A Cisco proprietary protocol is in use for ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3.Switch ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 have been configured with the switchport mode access command.Untagged frames received on ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 will be placed on VLAN 1.Switch ports Fa0/1 and Fa0/3 are configured to carry data from multiple VLANs.Refer to the exhibit. Switches S2 and S3 are properly connected using an ethernet cable. A network administrator has configured both s is unable to propagate VLANs to S2. What could be the reason for this?The VTP configuration revision is different on both switches.The VTP domains are different on both switches.VTP pruning is disabled.VTP v2 is disabled.Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 is properly configured for router on a stick inter-VLAN routing, but PC1 is unable to ping PC2. What needs problem?Rename VLAN1.Connect one more port of S1 to R1.Configure the Fa0/1 port of S1 as a trunk port.Move the Fa0/0 interface of R1 to another VLAN.Refer to the exhibit. Router R-West and switch S-West1 are connected via a single ethernet cable between the router interface fa0/0 an fa0/1. The router and switch have been configured with the commands that are displayed in the exhib it. The network administrator ente trunk command and receives the output as shown. What is the cause of the "not-trunking" status for switch port Fa0/1?The trunk is established, but no VLANs have been configured to use it.The router is missing the dynamic trunking protocol statements necessary to form a trunk.Because the router does not support Dynamic Trunking Protocol, the trunk has not been established.The router, the switch, or both must be configured with the dynamic desirable option for Dynamic Trunking Protocol to establish aRefer to the exhibit. All trunk links are operational and all VLANs are allowed on all trunk links. An ARP request is sent by computer 5. W receive this message?only computer 4computer 3 and RTR-Acomputer 4 and RTR-Acomputer 1, computer 2, computer 4, and RTR-Acomputer 1, computer 2, computer 3, computer 4, and RTR-Aall of the computers and the routerRefer to the exhibit. A network administrator enters the displayed commands to configure VLAN 30. What is the result of running these commVLAN 30 will be added to S1, S2, and S3, but not to S4.VLAN 30 will be pruned from the VLAN database of S3.VLAN 30 will be added to the VLAN database of S3 but will not be propagated to S4, S2 or S1.VLAN 30 will not be added to the VLAN database of S3 and an error message will be displayedRefer to the exhibit. VTP pruning is enabled in the VTP domain that is shown. How will switch ST-1 handle Layer 2 broadcast traf host A on switch ST-C?It will be dropped.It will be forwarded out port Fa0/5 only.It will be forwarded out ports Fa0/5 and Fa0/10.It will be forwarded out ports Fa0/5, Fa0/10, and Fa0/15Refer to the exhibit. The devices in the network are operational and configured as indicated in the exhibit. However, hosts A and D other. What is the most likely cause of this problem?The link between the switches is up but not trunked.The Fa0/11 interface of Switch1 is not configured as a trunk.Hosts A and D are configured with IP addresses from different subnets.VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 are not allowed on the trunk between the switches.After unpacking a new Linksys WRT300N wireless multifunction device, a user needs to change the default administrator passwor d and make other configuration changes. What must the user do to access the device in order to make these changes?Use a wireless client to associate with the WRT300N and then open a HyperTerminal session with the device.Establish a wired connection with the device and then reboot the attached computer to launch the configuration software.Establish a wired connection from a computer in the same IP subnet as the WRT300N and enter the default IP address of the device into a web browser on the computer.Modify the TCP/IP properties of the computer that is connected to the WRT300N so that the computer and the WRT300N exist on the same network. Then reboot the computer to establish a connection.Refer to the exhibit. How is port Gi1/1 on SWT-A functioning in the spanning-tree topology?It is sending and receiving data frames.It is receiving BPDUs, but not sending data frames.It is participating in the election process by forwarding the BPDUs it receives.It is receiving BPDUs and populating the MAC address table, but not sending data.Refer to the exhibit. The switches have been configured as shown. The hosts that are connected to switch 101-2FL are not able to communicate with the hosts in their corresponding VLANs that are connected to switch 101-3FL. What should be done to fix the problem?Configure port Fa0/2 on switch 101-3FL as a static trunk link.Introduce a Layer 3 device or a switch with Layer 3 capability into the topology.Utilize the switchport trunk allowed vlan all command on switch 101-3FL to permit the VLAN traffic.Apply IP addresses that are in the same subnet to the interfaces that are used to connect switches 101-2FL and 101-3FLAfter listening for the presence of a signal on the network media, hosts A and C transmit data at the same time. In what two ways do the hosts respond to this situation? (Choose two.)The hosts transmit a jam signal to ensure that all hosts on the network are aware that a collision has occured.Because they are operating in full-duplex mode, the hosts resume listening for traffic in preparation for sending future messages.Because the hub will temporarily block traffic from one of the hosts, that host will be allowed to transmit once the wire is clear.Hosts A and C are assigned shorter backoff values to provide them priority to access the media for retransmission.After the backoff period of a host, the host checks to determine if the line is idle before retransmittingRefer to the exhibit. Hosts PC_A and PC_B send traffic simultaneously, and the frames from the transmitting stations collide.What is the last device to receive the collision?hub HB1switch SW1router R1switch SW2router R2switch SW4Refer to the exhibit. Switch SW2 has been newly purchased and added to the network. What configuration should be applied to SW2 so thatit participates in the same VTP domain as switch SW1, receives VLAN information from SW1, and synchronizes VLAN information?Disable VTP pruning on SW2.Configure SW2 in VTP transparent mode.Configure SW2 with the VTP domain password.Configure SW2 as a VTP server with a higher revision numberWhen configuring a router to act as an SSH server, what should be configured before issuing the crypto key generate rsacommand?the security domain namethe VTP domain namethe IP domain namethe host nameRefer to the exhibit. The switch VTY lines have been properly configured, but PC1 is unable to remotely manage the switch. How can this problem be resolved?Configure the Fa0/1 interface of the switch in trunk mode.Configure a default gateway on the switch.Configure the native VLAN on the switch.Configure the Fa0/1 interface of the switch to allow all VLANsRefer to the exhibit. A network administrator has segmented the network into two VLANs. The connected hosts can only access r esources in their own VLAN. What is the most scalable and cost effective solution to allow inter-VLAN communication in this network?Replace S1 with a router that has one FastEthernet interface for each PC.Add a second switch and divide the PCs so that each VLAN is connected to its own switch.Configure a router with two subinterfaces on one of its FastEthernet ports and connect it to S1 using a trunk link.Connect a router to a port on S1 and assign the IP address of VLAN1 to the connecting router interfaceRefer to the exhibit. An administrator documented the output of a CAM table from an Ethernet switch as shown. What action will the switch take when it receives the frame shown at the bottom of the exhibit?discard the frameforward the frame out port 2forward the frame out port 3forward the frame out all portsforward the frame out all ports except port 3add station 00-00-3D-1F-11-05 to port 2 in the forwarding tableWhich statement regarding the service password-encryption command is true?The service password-encryption command is entered at the privileged EXEC mode prompt.The service password-encryption command encrypts only passwords for the console and VTY ports.The service password-encryption command encrypts all previously unencrypted passwords in the running configuration.To see the passwords encrypted by the service password-encryption command, enter the no servicepassword-encryption commandWhich statement correctly describes the function of a Layer 2 switch?It performs switching and filtering based on the destination network layer address.It automatically uses STP to prevent switching loops in redundant topologies.It uses VTP to allow data from multiple VLANs to travel across a single link.It routes packets between different LAN segmentsWhich three statements are correct concerning the default configuration of a new switch? (Choose three.)It is configured in VTP server mode.STP is automatically enabled.The first VTY line is automatically configured to allow remote connections.VLAN1 is configured with a management IP address.All switch ports are assigned to VLAN1.The enable password is configured as ciscoRefer to the exhibit. How will switch S2 manage traffic coming from host PC1?S2 will drop the traffic, unless it is management traffic.S2 will tag the frame with VLAN ID 99 when it forwards it over the trunk link.S2 will leave the traffic untagged when it forwards it over a trunk link.S2 will tag the traffic with the highest VLAN ID value when it forwards it over the trunk link.Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator needs to remove the east-hosts VLAN and use the switch port from that VLAN in one of the existing VLANs. Which two sets of commands should be used when completely removing VLAN 2 from S1-Central while leaving the switch and all its interfaces operational? (Choose two.)S1-Central>enableS1-Central# reloadS1-Central>enableS1-Central# erase flash:S1-Central>enableS1-Central# delete flash:vlan.datS1-Central>enableS1-Central# configure terminalS1-Central(config)# no vlan 2S1-Central>enableS1-Central# configure terminalS1-Central(config-if)# interface fastethernet 0/1 S1-Central(config-if)# switchport access vlan 3Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator configures both switches as displayed. However, host C is unable to ping host D and host E is unable to ping host F. What action should the administrator take to enable this communication?Include a router in the topology.Associate hosts A and B with VLAN 10 instead of VLAN 1.Remove the native VLAN from the trunk.Configure one trunk port in the dynamic desirable mode.Add the switchport nonegotiate command to the configuration of S2Which two statements are correct about wireless infrastructure components? (Choose two.)An AP converts the TCP/IP data packets from their 802.11 frame encapsulation format to the 802.3 Ethernetframe format on the wired Ethernet network.A wireless AP does not require any physical connection to allow wireless clients to access the Internet.An AP is a layer 2 device, similar to a switch, that provides dedicated bandwidth to each connected wireless host.Collisions do not occur between wireless NICs and APs.The wireless router performs the roles of AP and router.Refer to the exhibit. The switches are configured for VTP as shown. Which two statements correctly describe the operation of these switches? (Choose two.)A new VLAN can be added to Switch1 and that information will be added only to Switch2.A new VLAN can be added to Switch1 and that information will be added to Switch2 and Switch4.An existing VLAN can be deleted from Switch4 and that VLAN will be deleted from Switch1 and Switch2.An existing VLAN can be deleted from Switch2 and that VLAN will be deleted from Switch1 and Switch4.A new VLAN can be added to Switch4 and that information will be added to Switch1, Switch2, and Switch3.A new VLAN can be added to Switch3 and that information will be added to Switch1, Switch2, and Switch4A new switch is to be added to an exis ting network in a remote office. The network administrator does not wantthe technicians in the remote office to be able to add new VLANs to the switch, but the switch should receive VLAN updates from the VTP domain. Which two steps must be performed to configure VTP on the new switch to meet these conditions? (Choose two.)Configure an IP address on the new switch.Configure the existing VTP domain name on the new switch.Configure all ports of both switches to access mode.Configure the new switch as a VTP client.Enable VTP pruningWhich two statements describe Spanning Tree Protocol? (Choose two.)It is only used at Layer 2.It is configured on routers.It eliminates Layer 2 loops in network topologies.It limits the number of valid MAC addresses allowed on a port.It allows VLAN information to propagate to other switches in the network.Refer to the exhibit. Which switch will be elected as the root bridge of the spanning tree topology?Cat-ACat-BCat-CCat-DRefer to the exhibit. What three statements describe why Host1 and Host2 are unable to communicate? (Choose three.)The switch ports are on different VLANs.The switch IP address is on the wrong subnet.The hosts are configured on different logical networks.A router is required to forward traffic between Host1 and Host2.The VLAN port assignments must be contiguous for each VLAN.The host default gateway addresses must be on the same logical network.Refer to the exhibit. A new host needs to be connected to VLAN 3. Which IP address should be assigned to this new host? /28192.168.1.31 /28192.168.1.32 /28192.168.1.52 /28192.168.1.63 /28Refer to the exhibit. Router RA receives a packet with a source address of and a destination address of What will the router do with this packet?The router will drop the packet.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.1.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.3.The router will forward the packet out interface FastEthernet 0/1.2 and interface FastEthernet 0/1.3Refer to the exhibit. On which of the devices in this network should routing between VLANs take place?the core layer devicesthe access layer devicesthe distribution layer devicesthe core and distribution layer devicesRefer to the exhibit. The teacher host is connected to port Fa0/7 on switch STW. A student has decided to share access to the Internet by attaching a hub and laptop to STW as shown. What will be the result of the student making this connection?The Fa0/7 port of STW will be shutdown.The student will gain full access to the Internet.Both the teacher and student will be able to receive data but only the teacher will be able to send.The frames from the laptop will be dropped, but the teacher host will maintain connectivity with the network.Refer to the exhibit. In what two ways will the router handle VLAN traffic that is received on the trunk? (Choose two.)Traffic to VLAN 1 received by the router interface Fa0/0 will be dropped by the router.Because interface Fa0/0 requires an IP address, the router will not be able to route between the VLANs.Packets that are received from network /24 will be handled by subinterface Fa0/0.20.The router will use subinterface MAC addresses to identify the VLAN traffic that is received on the physical interface.The router will continue to process traffic from the attached VLANs even if the physical interface goes downRefer to the exhibit. Switch SW-A is to be used as a temporary replacement for another switch in the VTP Studentdomain. What two pieces of information are indicated from the exhibited output? (Choose two.)The other switches in the domain can be running either VTP version 1 or 2.There is a risk that the switch may cause incorrect VLAN information to be sent through the domain.VTP will block frame forwarding on at least one redundant trunk port that is configured on this switch.VLAN configuration changes made on this switch will be sent to other devices in the VTP domain.This switch will update its VLAN configuration when VLAN changes are made on a VTP server in the same domainWhat are three benefits of employing a hierarchical network design? (Choose three.)Hierarchically designed networks can more easily be expanded to suit future needs.Hierarchical design models enhance existing bandwidth through the use of link aggregation.The hierarchical model allows for specialized functionality at each layer, simplifying devicemanagement.Use of a hierarchical design allows replacement of redundant devices with high-capacity network equipment.A hierarchical design uses firewalls instead of complicated port-based and distribution layer securitypolicies.The hierarchical model allows the use of high-performance switches at all design layers, thus allowing for a fully-meshed topologyRefer to the exhibit. Hosts A and B attempt to transmit a frame at the same time and a collision occurs. When will host D be able to transmit?immediatelyafter sending its jam signalafter host A and host B have completed transmissionafter the jam signal clears and its backoff delay expiresWhat provides an authentication mechanism for 802.11-based wireless networks?DSSSOFDMSSIDWPARefer to the exhibit. What is the effect of setting the security mode to WEP on the Linksys integrated router?WEP identifies the wireless LAN.WEP allows the access point to inform clients of its presence.WEP translates IP addresses into easy-to-remember domain names.WEP encrypts data between the wireless client and the access point.WEP ensures that only authenticated users are allowed access to the WLAN.WEP translates an internal address or group of addresses into an outside, public address.Refer to the exhibit. SW-T has been configured with a single trunking interface. Which VLANs will be allowed across the trunk?Only VLAN 1 will be allowed across the trunk.All configured VLANs will be allowed across the trunk.Only the native VLAN will be allowed across the trunk.Only the the management and native VLANs will be allowed across the trunk.Only VLANs that are configured on the VTP server in the dom ain will be allowed across the trunkRefer to the exhibit. What does the term DYNAMIC indicate in the output that is shown?This entry can only be removed from the MAC address table by a network administrator.When forwarding a frame to the device with address 0060.5c5b.cd23, the switch does not have to perform a lookup to determine the final destination port.Only the device with MAC address 0060.5c5b.cd23 will be allowed to connect to port Fa0/18.The switch learned this MAC address from the source address in a frame received on Fa0/18.Refer to the exhibit. What is the purpose of the configuration commands that are shown?to activate port Fa0/10to make the port a member of VLAN 30to activate port security on port Fa0/10to add VLAN 30 to the trunk that is connected to port Fa0/10。

CCNA 3 Final Exam

CCNA 3 Final Exam

1. Which address is used by an IPv6 EIGRP router as thesource for hello messages?o the 32-bit router IDo the IPv6 global unicast address that is configured on the interfaceo the all-EIGRP-routers multicast addresso the interface IPv6 link-local address2. Which two statements are correct about EIGRPacknowledgment packets? (Choose two.)o The packets are sent in response to hello packets.o The packets are used to discover neighbors that are connected on an interface.o The packets are sent as unicast.o The packets require confirmation.o The packets are unreliable.3. When are EIGRP update packets sent?o only when necessaryo when learned routes age outo every 5 seconds via multicasto every 30 seconds via broadcast4. Refer to the exhibit. Which two conclusions can be derivedfrom the output? (Choose two.)o There is one feasible successor to network The network can be reached through The reported distance to network is 41024256.o The neighbor meets the feasibility condition to reach the network.o Router R1 has two successors to the network.5. Refer to the exhibit. Which route or routes will beadvertised to the router ISP if autosummarization isenabled?o10.0.0.0/8o10.1.0.0/16o10.1.0.0/28o10.1.1.0/24 Refer to the exhibit. What can be concluded about network192.168.1.0 in the R2 routing table?o This network has been learned from an internal router within the same area.o This network was learned through summary LSAs from an ABR.o This network is directly connected to the interface GigabitEthernet0/0.o This network should be used to forward traffic toward external networks.7. Refer to the exhibit. A company has migrated from singlearea OSPF to multiarea. However, none of the users fromnetwork in the new area can be reached by anyone in the Branch1 office. From the output in theexhibit, what is the problem?o There are no interarea routes in the routing table for network The OSPF routing process is inactive.o The link to the new area is down.o The router has not established any adjacencies with other OSPF routers.8. When does an OSPF router become an ABR?o when the router has interfaces in different areaso when the router is configured as an ABR by the network administratoro when the router has the highest router IDo when the router has an OSPF priority of 09. What is a difference between the Cisco IOS 12 and IOS 15versions?o The IOS 12 version has commands that are not available in the 15 version.o The IOS version 15 license key is unique to each device, whereas the IOS version 12 license key is not device specific.o Every Cisco ISR G2 platform router includes a universal image in the IOS12 versions, but not the IOS 15 versions.o IOS version 12.4(20)T1 is a mainline release, whereas IOS version15.1(1)T1 is a new feature release.10. A network administrator issues the command R1(config)#license boot module c1900 technology-package securityk9 on a router. What is the effect of this command?o The IOS will prompt the user to reboot the router.o The features in the Security package are available immediately.o The IOS will prompt the user to provide a UDI in order to activate the license.o The Evaluation Right-To-Use license for the Security technology package is activated.11. A network administrator is troubleshooting slowperformance in a Layer 2 switched network. Uponexamining the IP header, the administrator notices that the TTL value is not decreasing. Why is the TTL value notdecreasing?o This is the normal behavior for a Layer 2 network.o The MAC address table is full.o The VLAN database is corrupt.o The inbound interface is set for half duplex.12. A network administrator enters the spanning-tree portfastbpduguard default command. What is the result of thiscommand being issued on a Cisco switch?o Any switch port will be error-disabled if it receives a BPDU.o Any trunk ports will be allowed to connect to the network immediately, rather than waiting to converge.o Any switch port that has been configured with PortFast will be error-disabled if it receives a BPDU.o Any switch port that receives a BPDU will ignore the BPDU message.13. An STP instance has failed and frames are flooding thenetwork. What action should be taken by the networkadministrator?o A response from the network administrator is not required because the TTL field will eventually stop the frames from flooding the network.o Spanning tree should be disabled for that STP instance until the problem is located.o Broadcast traffic should be investigated and eliminated from the network.o Redundant links should be physically removed until the STP instance is repaired.14. A network engineer is configuring a LAN with a redundantfirst hop to make better use of the available networkresources. Which protocol should the engineerimplement?o FHRPo GLBPo HSRPo VRRP15. Which mode configuration setting would allow formationof an EtherChannel link between switches SW1 and SW2 without sending negotiation traffic?o SW1: on SW2: ono SW1: desirable SW2: desirableo SW1: auto SW2: auto trunking enabled on both switcheso SW1: auto SW2: auto PortFast enabled on both switcheso SW1: passive SW2: active16. What are two requirements to be able to configure anEtherChannel between two switches? (Choose two.)o The interfaces that are involved need to be contiguous on the switch.o All the interfaces need to work at the same speed.o All the interfaces need to be working in the same duplex mode.o All interfaces need to be assigned to different VLANs.o Different allowed ranges of VLANs must exist on each end.17. When should EIGRP automatic summarization be turnedoff?o when a router has not discovered a neighbor within three minuteso when a router has more than three active interfaceso when a network contains discontiguous network addresseso when a router has less than five active interfaceso when a network addressing scheme uses VLSM18. What two conditions have to be met in order to form acluster that includes 5 access points? (Choose two.)o Clustering mode must be enabled on the APs.o At least two controllers are needed to form the cluster.o The APs have to be connected on the same network segment.o The APs must all be configured to use different radio modes.o The APs must use different cluster names.19. A network engineer is troubleshooting a newly deployedwireless network that is using the latest 802.11 standards.When users access high bandwidth services such asstreaming video, the wireless network performance ispoor. To improve performance the network engineerdecides to configure a 5 Ghz frequency band SSID and train users to use that SSID for streaming media services.Why might this solution improve the wireless networkperformance for that type of service?o The 5 GHz band has a greater range and is therefore likely to be interference-free.o Requiring the users to switch to the 5 GHz band for streaming media is inconvenient and will result in fewer users accessing these services.o The 5 GHz band has more channels and is less crowded than the 2.4 GHz band, which makes it more suited to streaming multimedia.o The only users that can switch to the 5 GHz band will be those with the latest wireless NICs, which will reduce usage.20. What method of wireless authentication is dependent ona RADIUS authentication server?o WEPo WPA Personalo WPA2 Personalo WPA2 Enterprise21. Refer to the exhibit. What two pieces of information couldbe determined by a network administrator from thisoutput? (Choose two.)o R1 is participating in multiarea OSPF.o The OSPF process number that is being used is 0.o Interface Fa0/1 is not participating in the OSPF process.o R1 is the distribution point for the routers that are attached to the network.o The metric that will be installed in the routing table for the route will be 65 (64+1).22. A remote classroom can successfully access video-intensive streaming lectures via wired computers.However, when an 802.11n wireless access point isinstalled and used with 25 wireless laptops to access the same lectures, poor audio and video quality isexperienced. Which wireless solution would improve the performance for the laptops?o Decrease the power of the wireless transmitter.o Add another access point.o Upgrade the access point to one that can route.o Adjust the wireless NICs in the laptops to operate at 10GHz to be compatible with 802.11n.23. What are the two methods that are used by a wireless NICto discover an AP? (Choose two.)o sending an ARP requesto delivering a broadcast frameo transmitting a probe requesto initiating a three-way handshakeo receiving a broadcast beacon frame24. When will a router that is running EIGRP put a destinationnetwork in the active state?o when the EIGRP domain is convergedo when there is outgoing traffic toward the destination networko when there is an EIGRP message from the successor of the destination networko when the connection to the successor of the destination network fails and there is no feasible successor available25. Which wireless network topology is being configured by atechnician who is installing a keyboard, a mouse, andheadphones, each of which uses Bluetooth?o ad hoc modeo hotspoto infrastructure modeo mixed mode26. What is a wireless modulation technique used by 802.11WLAN standards that can implement MIMO?o BSSo DSSSo FHSSo OFDM27. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator issues theshow ipv6 eigrp neighbors command. Which conclusion can be drawn based on the output?o The link-local addresses of neighbor routers interfaces are configured manually.o R1 has two neighbors. They connect to R1 through their S0/0/0 and S0/0/1 interfaces.o The neighbor with the link-local address FE80::5 is the first EIGRP neighbor that is learned by R1.o If R1 does not receive a hello packet from the neighbor with the link-local address FE80::5 in 2 seconds, it will declare the neighbor router is down.28. A network engineer is troubleshooting a single-areaOSPFv3 implementation across routers R1, R2, and R3.During the verification of the implementation, it is noted that the routing tables on R1 and R2 do not include theentry for a remote LAN on R3. Examination of R3 shows the following:1.that all interfaces have correct addressing2.that the routing process has been globally configured3.that correct router adjacencies have formedWhat additional action taken on R3 could solve the problem?o Enable the OSPFv3 routing process on the interface connected to the remote LAN.o Use the network command to configure the LAN network under the global routing process.o Force DR/BDR elections to occur where required.o Restart the OPSFv3 routing process.29. A network administrator in a branch office is configuringEIGRP authentication between the branch office router and the headquarters office router. Which security credential is needed for the authentication process?o a randomly generated key with the crypto key generate rsa commando the username and password configured on the headquarters office router o the hostname of the headquarters office router and a common passwordo a common key configured with the key-string command inside a key chain30. For troubleshooting missing EIGRP routes on a router,what three types of information can be collected using the show ip protocols command? (Choose three.)o any interfaces that are enabled for EIGRP authenticationo any interfaces on the router that are configured as passiveo the IP addresses that are configured on adjacent routerso any ACLs that are affecting the EIGRP routing processo networks that are unadvertised by the EIGRP routing protocolo the local interface that is used to establish an adjacency with EIGRP neighbors31. Refer to the exhibit. A network technician istroubleshooting missing OSPFv3 routes on a router. What is the cause of the problem based on the commando There is a problem with the OSPFv3 adjacency between the local router and the router that is using the neighbor ID The local router has formed complete neighbor adjacencies, but must be in a 2WAY state for the router databases to be fully synchronized.o The dead time must be higher than 30 for all routers to form neighbor adjacencies.o The neighbor IDs are incorrect. The interfaces must use only IPv6 addresses to ensure fully synchronized routing databases.32. A network engineer is implementing security on allcompany routers. Which two commands must be issued to force authentication via the password 1C34dE for allOSPF-enabled interfaces in the backbone area of thecompany network? (Choose two.)o ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 1C34dEo area 1 authentication message-digesto username OSPF password 1C34dEo enable password 1C34dEo area 0 authentication message-digest33. Which port role is assigned to the switch port that has thelowest cost to reach the root bridge?o root porto non-designated porto designated porto disabled port34. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is attemptingto upgrade the IOS system image on a Cisco 2901 router.After the new image has been downloaded and copied to the TFTP server, what command should be issued on the router before the IOS system image is upgraded on theo dir flash:o ping copy tftp: flash0:o ping A set of switches is being connected in a LAN topology.Which STP bridge priority value will make it least likely for the switch to be selected as the root?o4096o32768o61440o6553536. What are two features of OSPF interarea routesummarization? (Choose two.)o ASBRs perform all OSPF summarization.o Routes within an area are summarized by the ABR.o ABRs advertise the summarized routes into the backbone.o Type 3 and type 5 LSAs are used to propagate summarized routes by default.o Route summarization results in high network traffic and router overhead.37. Refer to the exhibit. What are two results of issuing thedisplayed commands on S1, S2, and S3? (Choose two.)o S1 will automatically adjust the priority to be the lowest.o S1 will automatically adjust the priority to be the highest.o S3 can be elected as a secondary bridge.o S2 can become root bridge if S3 fails.o S2 can become root bridge if S1 fails.38. Refer to the exhibit. Which two conclusions can be drawnfrom the output? (Choose two.)o The EtherChannel is down.o The port channel ID is 2.o The port channel is a Layer 3 channel.o The bundle is fully operational.o The load-balancing method used is source port to destination port. 39. Refer to the exhibit. Interface FastEthernet 0/1 on S1 isconnected to Interface FastEthernet 0/1 on S2, andInterface FastEthernet 0/2 on S1 is connected to Interface FastEthernet 0/2 on S2. What are two errors in the presentEtherChannel configurations? (Choose two.)o The trunk mode is not allowed for EtherChannel bundles.o Two auto modes cannot form a bundle.o Desirable mode is not compatible with on mode.o The channel group is inconsistent.o The interface port channel ID should be different in both switches. 40. Which technology is an open protocol standard thatallows switches to automatically bundle physical ports into a single logical link?o Multilink PPPo DTPo LACPo PAgP41. A network administrator has configured an EtherChannelbetween two switches that are connected via four trunk links. If the physical interface for one of the trunk linkschanges to a down state, what happens to theEtherChannel?o The EtherChannel will transition to a down state.o Spanning Tree Protocol will recalculate the remaining trunk links.o The EtherChannel will remain functional.o Spanning Tree Protocol will transition the failed physical interface into forwarding mode.42. Refer to the exhibit. Based on the command outputshown, what is the status of the EtherChannel?o The EtherChannel is dynamic and is using ports Fa0/10 and Fa0/11 as passive ports.o The EtherChannel is down as evidenced by the protocol field being empty.o The EtherChannel is partially functional as indicated by the P flags for the FastEthernet ports.o The EtherChannel is in use and functional as indicated by the SU and P flags in the command output.43. Refer to the exhibit. If router B is to be configured forEIGRP AS 100, which configuration must be entered?o B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network B(config-router)#network B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network B(config-router)#network192.168.10.128 B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network Refer to the exhibit. When the show ip ospf neighborcommand is given from the R1# prompt, no output isshown. However, when the show ip interface briefcommand is given, all interfaces are showing up and up.What is the most likely problem?o R2 has not brought the S0/0/1 interface up yet.o R1 or R2 does not have a loopback interface that is configured yet.o The ISP has not configured a static route for the ABC Company yet.o R1 or R2 does not have a network statement for the network.o R1 has not sent a default route down to R2 by using the default-information originate command.45. Refer to the exhibit. Which destination MAC address isused when frames are sent from the workstation to thedefault gateway?o MAC address of the forwarding routero MAC addresses of both the forwarding and standby routerso MAC address of the standby routero MAC address of the virtual router46. If a company wants to upgrade a Cisco 2800 router fromIOS 12.4T, what IOS should be recommended for a stable router platform?o12.5To13.1To14.0o15.1M47. What is the purpose of the Cisco PAK?o It is a key for enabling an IOS feature set.o It is a proprietary encryption algorithm.o It is a compression file type used when installing IOS 15 or an IOS upgrade.o It is a way to compress an existing IOS so that a newer IOS version can be co-installed on a router.48. What are two reasons to implement passive interfaces inthe EIGRP configuration of a Cisco router? (Choose two.)o to provide increased network securityo to shut down unused interfaceso to avoid unnecessary update traffico to mitigate attacks coming from the interfaceso to exclude interfaces from load balancing49. Fill in the blank.EIGRP keeps feasible successor routes inthe topology table.50. Fill in the blank.The backbone area interconnects with all other OSPF area types.51. Fill in the blank. Use the acronym.Which encryptionprotocol is used by the WPA2 shared key authentication technique? AES52. Match each OSPF LSA description with its type. (Not alloptions are used.)53. Match the CLI command prompt with the command orresponse entered when backing up Release 15 IOS imageto an IPv6 TFTP server. (Not all options are used.)54. Which characteristic would most influence a networkdesign engineer to select a multilayer switch over a Layer2 switch?o ability to build a routing tableo ability to aggregate multiple ports for maximum data throughputo ability to provide power to directly-attached devices and the switch itself o ability to have multiple forwarding paths through the switched network based on VLAN number(s)55. A network designer is considering whether to implementa switch block on the company network. What is theprimary advantage of deploying a switch block?o A single core router provides all the routing between VLANs.o The failure of a switch block will not impact all end users.o This is a security feature that is available on all new Catalyst switches.o This is network application software that prevents the failure of a singleo network device.56. Which action should be taken when planning forredundancy on a hierarchical network design?o immediately replace a non-functioning module, service or device on a networko continually purchase backup equipment for the networko implement STP portfast between the switches on the networko add alternate physical paths for data to traverse the network57. Which technological factor determines the impact of afailure domain?o the number of layers of the hierarchical networko the number of users on the access layero the role of the malfunctioning deviceo the forwarding rate of the switches used on the access layer58. What are three access layer switch features that areconsidered when designing a network? (Choose three.)o broadcast traffic containmento failover capabilityo forwarding rateo port densityo Power over Etherneto speed of convergence59. What are two requirements when using out-of-bandconfiguration of a Cisco IOS network device? (Choosetwo.)o HTTP access to the deviceo a terminal emulation cliento Telnet or SSH access to the deviceo a direct connection to the console or AUX porto a connection to an operational network interface on the device60. In a large enterprise network, which two functions areperformed by routers at the distribution layer? (Choosetwo.)o connect remote networkso provide Power over Ethernet to deviceso connect users to the networko provide data traffic securityo provide a high-speed network backboneUpdated 05 April 20151. Refer to the exhibit. Which switch will be the root bridgeafter the election process is complete?CCNA3 Final Exam updated 001o S1o S2o S3o S42. Refer to the exhibit. What are the possible port roles forports A, B, C, and D in this RSTP-enabled network?CCNA3 Final Exam updated 002o alternate, root, designated, rooto designated, root, alternate, rooto alternate, designated, root, rooto designated, alternate, root, root3. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is configuringPVST+ for the three switches. What will be a result ofentering these commands?CCNA3 Final Exam updated 003o S1 will set the priority value for VLAN 10 to 0.o S2 will set the priority value for VLAN 10 to 24576.o S3 will set the priority value for VLAN 30 to 8192.o S1 will set the priority value for VLAN 20 to 24596.4. A network administrator is analyzing the features that aresupported by different first-hop router redundancyprotocols. Which statement is a feature that is associated with GLBP?o GLBP allows load balancing between routers.o It is nonproprietary.o It uses a virtual router master.o It works together with VRRP.5. A network administrator is analyzing the features that aresupported by different first-hop router redundancyprotocols. Which statement describes a feature that isassociated with HSRP?o HSRP uses active and standby routers.o It uses ICMP messages in order to assign the default gateway to hosts.o It allows load balancing between a group of redundant routers.o HSRP is nonproprietary.6. Which function is provided by EtherChannel?o spreading traffic across multiple physical WAN linkso dividing the bandwidth of a single link into separate time slotso enabling traffic from multiple VLANs to travel over a single Layer 2 linko creating one logical link by using multiple physical links between two LAN switches7. Which two channel group modes would place an interfacein a negotiating state using PAgP? (Choose two.)o ono desirableo activeo autoo passive8. At a local college, students are allowed to connect to thewireless network without using a password. Which mode is the access point using?o networko openo passiveo shared-key9. Which wireless encryption method is the most secure?o WPAo WEPo WPA2 with TKIPo WPA2 with AES10. Users on an IEEE 801.11n network are complaining ofslow speeds. The network administrator checks the APand verifies it is operating properly. What can be done to improve the wireless performance in the network?o Split the wireless traffic between the 802.11n 2.4 GHz band and the 5 GHz band.o Change the authentication method on the AP.o Switch to an 802.11g AP.o Set the AP to mixed mode.11. What are two methods to make the OSPF routing protocolmore secure? (Choose two.)o Use only OSPFv3.o Use MD5 authentication.o Use the enable secret command.o When feasible, create a VPN tunnel between each OSPF neighbor adjacency.o Use the passive-interface command on LAN interfaces that areconnected only to end-user devices.12. Refer to the exhibit. A network technician istroubleshooting missing OSPFv3 routes on a router. What is the cause of the problem based on the commandoutput?CCNA3 Final Exam updated 004o There is a problem with the OSPFv3 adjacency between the local router and the router that is using the neighbor ID The local router has formed complete neighbor adjacencies, but must be in a 2WAY state for the router databases to be fully synchronized.o The dead time must be higher than 30 for all routers to form neighbor adjacencies.o The neighbor IDs are incorrect. The interfaces must use only IPv6 addresses to ensure fully synchronized routing databases.13. Which type of OSPF LSA represents an external route andis propagated across the entire OSPF domain?o type 1o type 2o type 3o type 4o type 514. An administrator issues the router eigrp 100 command ona router. What is the number 100 used for?o as the autonomous system numbero as the number of neighbors supported by this routero as the length of time this router will wait to hear hello packets from a neighboro as the maximum bandwidth of the fastest interface on the router15. A network administrator wants to verify the default delayvalues for the interfaces on an EIGRP-enabled router.Which command will display these values?o show ip protocolso show running-configo show interfaceso show ip route16. Which two parameters does EIGRP use by default tocalculate the best path? (Choose two.)o delayo MTUo reliabilityo transmit and receive loado bandwidth17. By default, how many equal cost routes to the samedestination can be installed in the routing table of a Cisco router?o 2o4o16o3218. When a Cisco router is configured with fast-switching,how are packets distributed over equal-cost paths?o on a per-packet basiso on a per-interface basiso on a per-path-load basiso on a per-destination basis19. Refer to the exhibit. Router CiscoVille has been partiallyconfigured for EIGRP authentication. What is missing that would allow successful authentication between EIGRPneighbors?。



CCNA考试题库中英文翻译版及答案.A. The area of overlap of the two cells represents a basic service set (BSS).A. 两个 cells的overlap的区域描述了一个basic service setB. The network diagram represents an extended service set (ESS).B. 网络描述了一个extended service setC. Access points in each cell must be configured to use channel 1.C. 再每个CELL中的AP必须被配置成使用channel 1D. The area of overlap must be less than 10% of the area to ensure connectivity.D. 为了确保连通性,重叠区域必须小于10%E. The two APs should be configured to operate on different channels.E. 两个访问点应该被配置成工作在不同的频道Answer: BE6. The command frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast was entered on the router.Which ofthe following statements is true concerning this command?6.路由器上输入命令frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast,以下选项正确的是?A. This command should be executed from the global configuration mode.A.该命令应该在全局配置模式下被执行B. The IP address is the local router port used to forward data.B.IP地址10.121.16.8是本地路由器用来转发数据的接口C. 102 is the remote DLCI that will receive the information.C.102是远端的DLCI它将接受信息。



1.Which two statements describe the benefits of VLANs? (Choose two.)VLANs improve network performance by regulating flow control and window size.VLANs enable switches to route packets to remote networks via VLAN ID filtering.VLANs reduce network cost by reducing the number of physical ports required on switches.VLANs improve network security by isolating users that have access to sensitive data andapplications.VLANs divide a network into smaller logical networks, resulting in lower susceptibility to broadcast storms2.What are two characteristics of VLAN1 in a default switch configuration? (Choose two.)VLAN1 should renamed.VLAN 1 is the management VLAN.All switch ports are members of VLAN1.Only switch port 0/1 is assigned to VLAN1.Links between switches must be members of VLAN13.Refer to the exhibit. SW1 and SW2 are new switches being installed in the topology shown in the exhibit. Interface Fa0/1 on switch SW1 has been configured with trunk mode “on”. Which statement is true about forming a trunk link between the switches SW1 and SW2?Interface Fa0/2 on switch SW2 will negotiate to become a trunk link if it supports DTP.Interface Fa0/2 on switch SW2 can only become a trunk link if statically configured as a trunk.Interface Fa0/1 converts the neighboring link on the adjacent switch into a trunk link if theneighboring interface is configured in nonegotiate mode.Interface Fa0/1 converts the neighboring link on the adjacent switch into a trunk link automatically with no consideration of the configuration on the neighboring interface4.Refer to the exhibit. Computer 1 sends a frame to computer 4. On which links along the path between computer 1 and computer 4 will a VLAN ID tag be included with the frame?AA, BA, B, D, GA, D, FC, EC, E, F5.The network administrator wants to separate hosts in Building A into two VLANs numbered 20 and 30. Which two statements are true concerning VLAN configuration? (Choose two.)The VLANs may be named.VLAN information is saved in the startup configuration.Non-default VLANs created manually must use the extended range VLAN numbers.The network administrator may create the VLANs in either global configuration mode or VLAN database mode.Both VLANs may be named BUILDING_A to distinguish them from other VLANs in different geographical locations6.Refer to the exhibit. Which two conclusions can be drawn regarding the switch that produced the outputshown? (Choose two.)The network administrator configured VLANs 1002-1005.The VLANs are in the active state and are in the process of negotiating configuration parameters.A FDDI trunk has been configured on this switch.The command switchport access vlan 20 was entered in interface configuration mode for FastEthernet interface 0/1.Devices attached to ports fa0/5 through fa0/8 cannot communicate with devices attached to portsfa0/9 through fa0/12 without the use of a Layer 3 device7.What happens to the member ports of a VLAN when the VLAN is deleted?The ports cannot communicate with other ports.The ports default back to the management VLAN.The ports automatically become a part of VLAN1.The ports remain a part of that VLAN until the switch is rebooted. They then become members ofthe management VLAN.8.A network administrator is removing several VLANs from a switch. When the administrator enters the no vlan 1 command,received. Why did this command generate an error?VLAN 1 can never be deleted.VLAN 1 can only be deleted by deleting the vlan.dat file.VLAN 1 can not be deleted until all ports have been removed from it.VLAN 1 can not be deleted until another VLAN has been assigned its responsibilities9.What is the effect of the switchport mode dynamic desirable command?DTP cannot negotiate the trunk since the native VLAN is not the default VLAN.The remote connected interface cannot negotiate a trunk unless it is also configured as dynamic desirable.The connected devices dynamically determine when data for multiple VLANs must be transmitted across the link and b up as needed.A trunk link is formed if the remote connected device is configured with the switchport mode dynamic auto or switctrunk commands.10.Refer to the exhibit. The exhibited configurations do not allow the switches to form a trunk. What is the most likely cause of this problem?Cisco switches only support the ISL trunking protocol.The trunk cannot be negotiated with both ends set to auto.By default, Switch1 will only allow VLAN 5 across the link.A common native VLAN should have been configured on the switches11.Switch port fa0/1 was manually configured as a trunk, but now it will be used to connect a host to the network. How should the network administrator reconfigure switch port Fa0/1?Disable DTP.Delete any VLANs currently being trunked through port Fa0/1.Administratively shut down and re-enable the interface to return it to default.Enter the switchport mode access command in interface configuration mode.12.Refer to the exhibit. Computer B is unable to communicate with computer D. What is the most likely cause of this problem?The link between the switches is up but not trunked.VLAN 3 is not an allowed VLAN to enter the trunk between the switches.The router is not properly configured to route traffic between the VLANs.Computer D does not have a proper address for the VLAN 3 address space13.Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator has just added VLAN 50 to Switch1 and Switch2 and assigned hosts on the IP addresses of the VLAN in the subnet range. Computer A can communicate with computer B, but not with computer C or computer D. What is the most likely cause of this problem?There is a native VLAN mismatch.The link between Switch1 and Switch2 is up but not trunked.The router is not properly configured for inter-VLAN routing.VLAN 50 is not allowed to entering the trunk between Switch1 and Switch214.Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true concerning interface Fa0/5?The default native VLAN is being used.The trunking mode is set to auto.Trunking can occur with non-Cisco switches.VLAN information about the interface encapsulates the Ethernet frames15.What statements describe how hosts on VLANs communicate?Hosts on different VLANs use VTP to negotiate a trunk.Hosts on different VLANs communicate through routers.Hosts on different VLANs should be in the same IP network.Hosts on different VLANs examine VLAN ID in the frame tagging to determine if the frame for their network16.Refer to the exhibit. How far is a broadcast frame that is sent by computer A propagated in the LANdomain?none of the computers will receive the broadcast framecomputer A, computer B, computer Ccomputer A, computer D, computer Gcomputer B, computer Ccomputer D, computer Gcomputer A, computer B, computer C, computer D, computer E, computer F, computer G, computerH, computer I17.What is a valid consideration for planning VLAN traffic across multiple switches?Configuring interswitch connections as trunks will cause all hosts on any VLAN to receive broadcasts from the other VA trunk connection is affected by broadcast storms on any particular VLAN that is carried by that trunk.Restricting trunk connections between switches to a single VLAN will improve efficiency of port usage.Carrying all required VLANs on a single access port will ensure proper traffic separation18.Which two statements about the 802.1q trunking protocol are true? (Choose two.)802.1q is Cisco proprietary.802.1q frames are mapped to VLANs by MAC address.If 802.1q is used on a frame, the FCS must be recalculated.802.1q will not perform operations on frames that are forwarded out access ports.802.1q allows the encapsulation of the original frame to identify the VLAN from which a frameoriginated19.What switch port modes will allow a switch to successfully form a trunking link if the neighboring switch port is in "dynamic d mode?dynamic desirable modeon or dynamic desirable modeon, auto, or dynamic desirable modeon, auto, dynamic desirable, or nonegotiate mode20.Refer to the exhibit. Company HR is adding PC4, a specialized application workstation, to a newcompany office. The company will add a switch, S3, connected via a trunk link to S2, another switch. Forsecurity reasons the new PC will reside in the HR VLAN, VLAN 10. The new office will use the172.17.11.0/24 subnet. After installation, the existing PCs are unable to access shares on PC4. What isthe likely cause?The switch to switch connection must be configured as an access port to permit access to VLAN 10 on S3.The new PC is on a different subnet so Fa0/2 on S3 must be configured as a trunk port.PC4 must use the same subnet as the other HR VLAN PCs.A single VLAN cannot span multiple switches.21.What must the network administrator do to remove Fast Ethernet port fa0/1 from VLAN 2 and assign it to VLAN 3?Enter the no vlan 2 and the vlan 3 commands in global configuration mode.Enter the switchport access vlan 3 command in interface configuration mode.Enter the switchport trunk native vlan 3 command in interface configuration mode.Enter the no shutdown in interface configuration mode to return it to the default configuration and then configure the port for VLAN 3。



Which command sequence will enable OSPF in the backbone area for the two Ethernet links on RouterA?RouterA(config)# router ospf 1RouterA(config-router)# network area 1RouterA(config)# router ospf 10RouterA(config-router)# network area 0RouterA(config-router)# network area 0RouterA(config)# router ospf 10RouterA(config-router)# area 0 network router ospf 0RouterA(config-route)# network area 0RouterA(config)# router ospf 0RouterA(config-router)# network network router ospf 1RouterA(config-router)# network area 0How can the OSPF cost for a link be established? (Choose two.)It is set to 1544 by default for all OSPF interfaces.It can be set with the ip ospf cost command.The configured loopback addresses map to link costs.It is calculated proportionally to observed throughput capacity of the router.It may be calculated using the formula 108/bandwidth.Which router command will display the interface priority value and other key information for the OSPF configuration of the serial 0 interface?router# show ospf serial 0router# show interface serial 0 OSPFrouter# show ip interface serial 0router# show ip ospf interface serial 0Because of security concerns, a network administrator wants to set up authentication between two routers. Which of the following commands will configure Router_A to trust Router_B with a clear textRouter_A(config-if)# ospf authentication-key apolloRouter_A(config-if)# ip authentication-key apolloRouter_A(config-if)# ip ospf authentication apolloRouter_A(config-if)# ip ospf authentication-key apolloRouterA, RouterB, and RouterC in the diagram are running OSPF on their Ethernet interfaces. Loopback interfaces (Lo 0) are configured as shown. What happens when RouterD is added to the network?RouterB takes over as DR and RouterD becomes the BDR.RouterD becomes the BDR and RouterA remains the DR.RouterD becomes the DR and RouterA becomes the BDR.RouterC acts as the DR until the election process is complete.RouterD becomes the DR and RouterB remains the BDR.There is no change in the DR or BDR until either current DR or BDR goes down.Refer to the network shown in the diagram. Which command sequence on RouterB will redistribute a Gateway of Last Resort to the other routers in OSPF area 0?RouterB(config)# router ospf 10RouterB(config-router)# gateway-of-last-resort ip route serial 0RouterB(config)# ip route router ospf 10RouterB(config-router)# default-information originateRouterB(config)# router ospf 10RouterB(config-router)# default network area 0RouterB(config)# ip route ip default-route router ospf 10RouterB(config-router)# redistribute ip default-routeWhich of the following should be considered when troubleshooting a problem with the establishment of neighbor relationships between OSPF routers? (Choose three.)OSPF interval timers mismatchgateway of last resort not redistributedinterface network type mismatchno loopback interface configuredadministrative distance mismatchinconsistent authentication configurationIn which types of networks are OSPF DR elections necessary? (Choose two.)point-to-pointpoint-to-multipointbroadcast multiaccessnonbroadcast multiaccessWhat does OSPF use to reduce the number of exchanges of routing information in networks where large numbers of neighbors are present? (Choose two.)root routerbackup root routerdomain routerbackup domain routerdesignated routerbackup designated routerWhat information can be obtained from the output of the show ip ospf interface command? (Choose three.)link-state age intervalstimer intervalsrouter ID numberlink-state update intervalsneighbor adjacenciesWhich of the following are required when adding a network to the OSPF routing process configuration? (Choose three.)network addressloopback addressautonomous system numbersubnet maskwildcard maskarea IDWhat speeds up convergence in a network using link-state routing?updates triggered by network changesupdates sent at regular intervalsupdates sent only to directly connected neighborsupdates that include complete routing tablesWhy is it difficult for routing loops to occur in networks that use link-state routing?Each router builds a simple view of the network based on hop count.Routers flood the network with LSAs to discover routing loops.Each router builds a complete and synchronized view of the network.Routers use hold-down timers to prevent routing loops.Which router is the root of an SPF tree?border routernearest neighboring routerlocal routertrunk router, as determined by the SPF algorithmWhich of the following are disadvantages of link-state routing? (Choose three.)Link-state protocols require careful network design.Link-state protocols are prone to routing loops.Link-state hello updates can cause broadcast flooding.Link-state protocols place significant demands on router processors and memory resources.Link-state protocols require a knowledgeable network administrator.Link-state protocols do not support Variable Length Subnet Masking.What are the benefits of the hierarchical design approach that is used in large OSPF networks? (Choose three.)reduction of routing overheadincreased routing overheadfaster convergenceslower convergencedistribution of network instability to all areas of the networkisolation of network instability to one area of the networkA network administrator has configured a default route on Router_A but it is not being shared with adjacent Router_B and the other routers in the OSPF area. Which command will save the administrator the time and trouble of configuring this default route on Router_B and all of the other routers in the OSPF area?Router_A(config-router)# ospf redistribute default-routeRouter_B(config-router)# ospf redistribute default-routeRouter_A(config-router)# default-information originateRouter_B(config-router)# default-information originateRouter_A(config-router)# ip ospf update-defaultRouter_B(config-router)# ip ospf update-defaultWhat does OSPF use to calculate the cost to a destination network?bandwidthbandwidth and hop countbandwidth and reliabilitybandwidth, load, and reliablityWhat will be the result of the DR and BDR elections for this single area OSPF network? (Choose three.)HQ will be DR for A will be DR for will be BDR for A will be DR for will be DR for will be BDR for routers in the diagram are configured as shown. The loopback interface on router R1 is labeled as lo0. All OSPF priorities are set to the default except for Ethernet0 of router R2, which has an OSPF priority of 2. What will be the result of the OSPF DR/BDR elections on the network? (Choose two.)R1 will be the DRR1 will be the BDRR2 will be the DRR2 will be the BDRR3 will be the DRR3 will be the BDR。



1.Several computers in the company require new NICs. A technician has located a good price on the Internet for the purchase of these NICs. Before these NICs are purchased and installed, what details must be verified? (Choose three.)the MAC address on the NICthe size of the RAM on the NICthe bandwidth supported by the NICthe type of media supported by the NICthe type of network architecture supported by the NIC2. What are three conditions that would require a network administrator to install a new NIC? (Choose three.)whenever a NIC is damagedwhen there is a need to provide a secondary or backup NICwhen there is a change from copper media to wirelesswhenever operating system security patches are appliedwhenever the PC has been moved to a different location3. What is the hexadecimal equivalent for the binary number 10001110?2267142AE8E4. Represented as a decimal number, what is the result of the logical ANDing of binary numbers 00100011 and 11111100?332352202555. What is the binary equivalent for the decimal number 248?111000001111000011110100111110006. Convert the binary number 01011011 into its hexadecimal equivalent. Select the correct answer from the list below.5A5B5C5D6B7A7. What is the binary equivalent for decimal number 149?1001011110010101100110011001011110101011101011018. What is the binary equivalent for the decimal number 162?10100010101001001010110110110000101011009. Which device connects a computer with a telephone line by providing modulation and demodulation of incoming and outgoing data?NICCSU/DSUroutermodemtelco switch10. Convert the Base 10 number 116 into its eight bit binary equivalent. Choose the correct answer from the following list:01111010011100100111010001110110011101110101011011. Which specialized equipment is used to make a physical connection from a PC to a network?routerRAMnetwork interface card12. Which phrases describe a byte? (Choose two.)a single binary digit+5 volts of electricitythe value range 0 to 127a grouping of eight binary digitsa single addressable data storage location13. What is the hexadecimal equivalent for the binary number 00100101?15202530374014. In an 8 bit binary number, what is the total number of combinations of the eight bits?128254255256512102415. Which of the following are popular web browsers? (Choose two.)AcrobatInternet ExplorerMacromedia FlashNetscape NavigatorQuicktimeWorld Wide Web16. Convert the decimal number 231 into its binary equivalent. Select the correct answer from the list below.111100101101101111110110111001111110010111101110。




)正确您的响应响应需要优宪处理的埶据樂型网络上使用的终端设毎的成末4仲质可以成功倍送信号的拒葛安装在网络中的中i可设备的敎里/ 要安装介质的环愷2网络上的中间设备有哪两项功能?(请选择两项*)G应G应它们是址终端设备提供:信息和服务的主娶来源和提仪者。



它们在发生議路故障时按照备用路筈转发数摇4V 它们根捋安全设蛊过澹敎据淙。

3哪种设备的功能退确定消息在网麻网络中传输的路径?正确您的“ 路由器防火埴Web服势3!DSL调制晞调器Io IB G请参见图示。

下列哪组设备仅包含中间设备?正确您的响应响应G O A.B、D、GAx B\ E\ FC \D \ G、IG、H、I、J5下列有关LAN和WAN两者关系的说法,哪两项是正确的?(请选择两项。



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“ 匚WAN進常通过多个ISP运营.面LAN通常由一个组狽或个人运昏6曰于许多学生芒者自己的平仮电胞和智能手机去学校访问学校资源,大学里的IT人员最冇可能路要亘新设计的网络区域是什么?EM有线LAN孜LAN7家庭用户必须要有哪种网络类型访问才能进行网上购物?正确您的响应响应c內部网" Internet外联网局域网8下列哪两个Internet连接选项不斋要建筑物铺设物理电缆?(请选择两项。

)正确酗匚DSL'L移动电活丿匚卫星匚抜号专用村斟线洛9哪两个Internet 决方案可以为LAN上的计算机畫供始终在线的高带宽连接?(请选择两顼,)响应G应饲冼话4OD3L电用蝎10下列哪项描述正确定义了融合网络?正确您的响应昭应J单个网络信道能够传输多种通信节纽允许用户通过多个信道直接互动的网络视频和语音胆务使用独立信道的专用网络仅限于交换宇苻信息的网络11下列哪种说法正确摘述了支持QoS的网络?正场您的响应响应❸故障影响尽可能少的设备。



1CCNA 第三学期 期末While monitoring LAN traffic, a network technician notices an excessive number of broadcasts. Which two steps could be included in the processes that are needed to reduce the number of broadcasts onthe network? (Choose two.)Replace any existing hubs with switches.Add a Layer 3 device to route between networks.Subnet the existing IP network to create two networks.Increase the backbone speed by three times the current speed.Add additional switches and spread out the number of hosts evenly between them.2What advantage does cut-through switching provide?It enables QoSIt forwards frames quickly.It provides an analysis of frames.It allows reduction of traffic by using error checking to drop corrupt frames.3Refer to the exhibit. Which switch will be elected as the root bridge of the spanning tree topology?Cat-ACat-BCat-CCat-D4W hich stackable switch feature allows for interconnection of multiple switches and will provide a cost effective solution for networks that require high bandwidth and high availability?modular line cardsspecial backplane portdedicated gigabyte line portsaggregated FastEthernet ports5Refer to the exhibit. This switch is to be added to the production network. Which two facts about VLANs and VTP operation can be confirmed by this output? (Choose two.)The network administrator will be able to configure VLANs of local significance on this switch.VLANs can only be added to the VLAN database on this switch by a VTP advertisement.All VLANs that are configured on this switch will be sent to all other switches in the same VTP domain.This switch will drop all VTP advertisements that come from switches that are configured in the same VTP domain.Adding this switch to the network will cause no disruption in the VTP domain operations if the rest of the switches in the same VTP domain have a higher configuration revision number.6Refer to the exhibit. The hosts connected to switch SW1 are not able to communicate with the hosts in the same VLANs connected to switch SW2. What should be done to fix the problem?Configure VLANs with different VLAN IDs on switch SW2.Reconfigure the trunk port on switch SW2 with static trunk configuration.Introduce a Layer 3 device or a switch with Layer 3 capability in the topology.Apply IP addresses that are in the same subnet to the interfaces used to connect SW1 and SW2.7Refer to the exhibit. A new host needs to be connected to VLAN 3. Which IP address should beassigned to this new host? /28192.168.1.31 /28192.168.1.32 /28192.168.1.52 /28192.168.1.63 /288Refer to the exhibit. SW-T has been configured with a single trunking interface. Which VLANs will be allowed across the trunk?Only VLAN 1 will be allowed across the trunk.All configured VLANs will be allowed across the trunk.Only the native VLAN will be allowed across the trunk.Only the the management and native VLANs will be allowed across the trunk.Only VLANs that are configured on the VTP server in the domain will be allowed across the trunk.9Refer to the exhibit. How will switch S2 manage traffic coming from host PC1?S2 will drop the traffic, unless it is management traffic.S2 will tag the frame with VLAN ID 99 when it forwards it over the trunk link.S2 will leave the traffic untagged when it forwards it over a trunk link.S2 will tag the traffic with the highest VLAN ID value when it forwards it over the trunk link. 10Refer to the exhibit. Both switches are interconnected via a trunk link. Host A and host B are on the default VLAN but are not able to exchange traffic. What should be done to fix the problem?Allow all VLANs on the trunk link.Remove the native VLAN from the trunk.Include a router or switch with Layer 3 capabilities.Configure the same native VLAN on both ends of the trunk.11Refer to the exhibit. What does the term DYNAMIC indicate in the output that is shown?This entry can only be removed from the MAC address table by a network administrator.When forwarding a frame to the device with address 0060.5c5b.cd23, the switch does not have to perform a lookup to determine the final destination port.Only the device with MAC address 0060.5c5b.cd23 will be allowed to connect to port Fa0/18.The switch learned this MAC address from the source address in a frame received on Fa0/18.12W hy is MAC address filtering considered a poor choice in securing a WLAN?Available bandwidth is reduced.MAC addresses are easily spoofed.APs are more susceptible to DoS attacks.The payload encryption is easily broken.13How does a switch that is configured for 802.1Q trunking handle untagged frames that are receivedon a trunk port?The frames are dropped.The frames are assigned to the native VLAN.The frames are assigned to the default VLAN.The frames are assigned to the management VLAN.14Refer to the exhibit. Which three options correctly describe the router configuration that is shown?(Choose three.)An IEEE standard trunking protocol is in use.Interface Fa0/1 has been configured with subinterfaces.The shutdown command has been applied to interface Fa0/1.Interface Fa0/1.3 is mapped to the default management VLAN.The configuration is appropriate for a router-on-a-stick network design.An IP address should be applied to interface Fa0/1 for routing to occur.15RSTP is enabled in a switched network that is active and converged. Which switch port type assumesa discarding state on non-root switches?root portedge portalternate portdesignated port16What provides an authentication mechanism for 802.11-based wireless networks?DSSSOFDMSSIDWPA17W hat is the benefit of the auto-MDIX feature on a Cisco Catalyst switch?dynamically assigns a new management VLAN IDautonegotiates IP address information for initial management connectionsallows the use of straight-through patch cables regardless of connected device typesplaces a port immediately in the forwarding state to reduce the time for the spanning tree toreconverge18Refer to the exhibit. VTP pruning is enabled in the VTP domain that is shown. How will switch ST-1 handle Layer 2 broadcast traffic originating from host A on switch ST-C?It will be dropped.It will be forwarded out port Fa0/5 only.It will be forwarded out ports Fa0/5 and Fa0/10.It will be forwarded out ports Fa0/5, Fa0/10, and Fa0/15.19Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator wants to allow both SSH and Telnet connections to Switch1. However, the SSH connections fail. What is the most likely cause of this problem?The RSA key has been removed.SSH has been configured on the wrong line.The transport input command is applied incorrectly.The domain name has been configured in the wrong configuration mode.20Refer to the exhibit. The devices in the network are operational and configured as indicated in the exhibit. However, hosts B and D cannot ping each other. What is the most likely cause of this problem?The link between the switches is up but not trunked.The Fa0/11 interface of Switch1 is not configured as a trunk.Hosts B and D are configured with IP addresses from different subnets.VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 are not allowed on the trunk between the switches.21Refer to the exhibit. Hosts A and B, connected to hub HB1, attempt to transmit a frame at the same time but a collision occurs. Which hosts will receive the collision jamming signal?only hosts A and Bonly hosts A, B, and Conly hosts A, B, C, and Donly hosts A, B, C, and E22 A network administrator implements inter-VLAN routing by configuring subinterfaces on a router.What is one important fact that must be considered?The physical interface must have an IP address configured.The subinterface numbers must match the VLAN ID number.The no shutdown command must be issued on each subinterface.The IP address of each router subinterface must be used as the default gateway for hosts on the corresponding VLAN.23W hat is the purpose of VLAN trunking?It improves network performance by reducing broadcast traffic.It selects the best path to transmit data in a switched network.It carries the traffic of multiple VLANs through a single link.It avoids spanning tree loops in a switched network.24Which parameter is used to uniquely identify one wireless network from another?SSIDOFDMWEPDSSS25W hich layers should support QoS in a hierarchical network?only the distribution and core layersonly the access and distribution layersthe access, distribution, and core layers26Refer to the exhibit. What does "FORWARDING" mean in the command output shown?The switch is sending and receiving data frames.The switch is receiving BPDUs, but not sending data frames.The switch is participating in an election process by forwarding the BPDUs it receives.The switch is receiving BPDUs and populating the MAC address table, but not sending data.27Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is configuring RT1 for inter-VLAN routing. The switch is configured correctly and is functional. Host1, Host2, and Host3 cannot communicate with each other.Based on the router configuration, what is causing the problem?Interface Fa0/0 is missing IP address configuration information.IP addresses on the subinterfaces are incorrectly matched to the VLANs.Each subinterface of Fa0/0 needs separate no shutdown commands.Routers do not support 892.1Q encapsulation on subinterfaces.28Which switch forwarding method should be used on a network that employs frame classification based on an assigned Quality of Service (QoS) value?cut-throughfast-forwardfragment-freestore-and-forward29Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has segmented the network into two VLANs. The connected hosts can only access resources in their own VLAN. What is the most scalable and cost effective solution to allow inter-VLAN communication in this network?Replace S1 with a router that has one FastEthernet interface for each PC.Add a second switch and divide the PCs so that each VLAN is connected to its own switch.Configure a router with two subinterfaces on one of its FastEthernet ports and connect it to S1 using a trunk link.Connect a router to a port on S1 and assign the IP address of VLAN1 to the connecting router interface.30Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator issues the show interfaces fastEthernet 0/8switchport command to check the status of the port. What can be concluded from the output?Port Fa0/8 is configured as a trunk with 802.1q encapsulation.Port Fa0/8 is configured as a trunk in VLAN 1.Port Fa0/8 is configured in access mode and associated with VLAN 1.31What will be the effect of the command S1# copy system:running-configtftp:// IOS will be copied to the TFTP server.The configuration file named tokyo-config will overwrite the startup configuration file on S1.The running configuration file on S1 will be saved via TFTP to a file named tokyo-config.The contents of NVRAM on S1 will become the startup configuration file on the tokyo switch.32W hich three statements are correct concerning the default configuration of a new switch? (Choose three.)It is configured in VTP server mode.STP is automatically enabled.The first VTY line is automatically configured to allow remote connections.VLAN1 is configured with a management IP address.All switch ports are assigned to VLAN1.The enable password is configured as cisco.33Refer to the exhibit. What would happen if the network administrator moved the network cable of Host A from interface Fa0/1 to Fa0/3 on switch SW1?Host A remains a member of VLAN 10, because the router is routing traffic between VLANs.Host A is no longer a member of VLAN 10, because port Fa0/3 has been manually assigned to VLAN 30.Host A remains a member of VLAN 10, because the switch provides dynamic VLAN assignment for the port.Host A maintains connectivity to all members of VLAN 10, because it is connected to the same physical network.Host A is no longer a member of VLAN 10, but because port Fa0/3 was unused, it is now amember of VLAN 1.34Refer to the exhibit. Switches S2 and S3 are properly connected using an ethernet cable. A network administrator has configured both switches with VTP, but S3 is unable to propagate VLANs to S2.What could be the reason for this?The VTP configuration revision is different on both switches.The VTP domains are different on both switches.VTP pruning is disabled.VTP v2 is disabled.35Refer to the exhibit. Users A and B are reporting intermittent connectivity problems. Pre-installation surveys showed strong signal strength from the AP locations to the client locations. Outside electricalIncrease the distance between the clients.Change the channel on AP-B to 6 or 11.Place AP-A and AP-B on the same wireless channel.36I n which mode is a VTP switch operating if it does not allow for the creation of local VLANs but it does accept VLAN updates from other switches in the same domain?clientrootservertransparent37Refer to the exhibit. The Layer 2 switching design that is shown has been implemented in a campus environment that is using Spanning Tree Protocol. All inter-switch links that are shown are trunks.Whenever an inter-switch link fails, the network takes nearly a minute to completely converge. How can the convergence time be reduced?Increase the capacity of the distribution and core trunk links to 10 Gb/s.Use Layer 3 switching on the core switch.Implement Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol.38Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 is properly configured for router on a stick inter-VLAN routing, but PC1 is unable to ping PC2. What needs to be done to resolve the problem?Rename VLAN1.Connect one more port of S1 to R1.Configure the Fa0/1 port of S1 as a trunk port.Move the Fa0/0 interface of R1 to another VLAN.39What is a result of improperly implementing a network with redundancy at Layer 2?an increase of unicast and multicast errors at Layer 3a decrease in the amount of broadcast trafficend device malfunction because of broadcast storms40W hy is it important that the network administrator consider the spanning-tree network diameter when choosing the root bridge?The network diameter limitation is 9.BPDUs may be discarded because of expiring timers.The cabling distance between the switches is 100 meters.The network diameter must be set to the number of meters of the cable between the root bridge and its farthest connected switch.41Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator needs to add IP phones to the network. To whichdevices should the IP phones connect?AS1 and AS2DS1 and DS2DS1, DS2, and CS1AS1, AS2, DS1, and DS242Which device or devices should have the Spanning Tree Protocol enabled to prevent host traffic from creating a broadcast storm?Core_S1Access_S2 and Access_S3Core_S1, Access_S2, and Access_S3Core_S1, Access_S2, Access_S3, and R143Refer to the exhibit. All edge ports are configured with the spanning-tree portfast command. Host1 is recently connected to port Fa0/1 on switch SW1 . Which statement is true about the status of port Fa0/1?The port will transition into blocking state.The port will transition immediately into forwarding state.The port will transition into blocking state and then immediately into forwarding state.The port will transition into blocking state and immediately transition through the listening and learning states.44A network administrator enables sticky learning on all access mode interfaces of a Catalyst switch, saves the configuration, then connects hosts to the switch. After the switch operates for several days, the administrator reboots the switch without saving the running configuration. What is the result?All previously learned MAC addresses are lost.The switch reverts to non-sticky dynamic learning.Connected hosts are no longer able to communicate with the switch.Previously learned sticky addresses are retained in the switch configuration.45The network administrator wants to configure a switch to pass VLAN update information to other switches in the domain but not update its own local VLAN database. Which two steps should the administrator perform to achieve this? (Choose two.)Reset the VTP counters.Configure VTP version 1 on the switch.Configure the VTP mode of the switch to transparent.Verify that the switch has a higher configuration revision number.Configure the switch with the same VTP domain name as other switches in the network.46Which statement regarding the service password-encryption command is true?The service password-encryption command is entered at the privileged EXEC mode prompt.The service password-encryption command encrypts only passwords for the console and VTY ports.The service password-encryption command encrypts all previously unencrypted passwords in the running configuration.To see the passwords encrypted by the service password-encryption command, enter the no service password-encryption command.47Refer to the exhibit. The network consists of four hubs and a switch. The hosts connected to each hub are assigned addresses in the respective VLAN as shown. PC1 on VLAN 1 becomes infected with a virus and initiates a continuous IP broadcast. Which hubs will receive the broadcasts?Hub AHubs A and BHubs A and CHubs A, B, C, and D48 A wireless LAN access point will convert traffic between which two frame encapsulation types?802.1 and 802.11802.3 and 802.11802.3 and 802.16802.5 and 802.1649I n the implementation of PVST+ in a specific VLAN where all switches have default spanning tree priorities, which spanning-tree command setting could be assigned to force one of the Catalyst switches to become and remain the root bridge?root primarypriority 8192priority 2048spanning-tree mode rapid pvst50Refer to the exhibit. The teacher host is connected to port Fa0/7 on switch STW. A student hasdecided to share access to the Internet by attaching a hub and laptop to STW as shown. What will be the result of the student making this connection?The Fa0/7 port of STW will be shutdown.The student will gain full access to the Internet.Both the teacher and student will be able to receive data but only the teacher will be able to send.The frames from the laptop will be dropped, but the teacher host will maintain connectivity with the network.51Refer to the exhibit. Switch SW2 was tested in a lab environment and then inserted into a production network without reloading its configuration. After the trunk link between SW1 and SW2 was brought up, all users lost connectivity to the network. What could be the source of the problem?All the VLANs were pruned from the trunk port between SW1 and SW2.SW1 and SW2 cannot be both set as VTP servers in the same VTP domain.VTP configuration revision number of SW2 was higher than the configuration revision number of SW1.The additional VLANs from SW2 created more VLANs than the VLAN database of SW1 could contain.。



1在处于不同的VLAN 中的设备间配置通信需要使用OSI 模型中的哪个层?第1 层第3 层第4 层第5 层2分层网络设计模型中的哪一层提供了将设备接入网络的途径并控制允许那些设备通过网络进行通信?应用层接入层分布层网络层核心层3企业级交换机有哪两项特点?(选择两项。


以太网VLAN 结构会简化。

IT 布线要求会简化。

QoS 问题会大大减轻。





)可扩展性-- 设计便于进行扩充。

性能-- 在中继链路之间进行负载均衡。

管理便利性-- 网络设计允许管理员通过在设备之间共享配置信息来添加交换机。

可移动性-- 当需要容纳新用户时,可将中间设备移动到网络中的备用位置。

链路聚合-- 通过添加硬件设备来增加带宽,从而创建全网状拓扑。

安全性-- 可控制允许哪些设备连接到网络的能力。

8推荐同时在核心层和分布层采用哪种分层设计特征以在发生路由故障时保护网络?交换冗余聚合访问列表9下列哪项功能可在交换网络中通过合并多个交换机端口来支持更高的吞吐量?网络直径在中继链路之间进行负载均衡收敛链路聚合10C isco 三层式分层模型中的三层都支持哪两项功能?(选择两项。

)以太网供电在冗余中继链路之间进行负载均衡冗余组件服务质量链路聚合11当为不超过20 人的小公司设计交换网络时,必须考虑哪两项重要因素?(选择两项。



CCNABRAINDUMP3(1)-思科认证试题Test Name: CCNA Test #640-407I just finished the Cisco's CCNA exam. I got 80%. Kinda of tough. Here's my braindump:1.) Two questions on which is the network part and which is the node address part of both an IP and IPX address.2.) Many answers could be found by process of elimination. Cisco put alot of silly possibile answers that are easy to check off.3.) At least 10 question (possibly more) on the OSI layers.a.) What level do JPEG, MPEG correspond to?b.) What level do SQL, RPC correspond to?c.) Question on the encapsulation process (data-segment-packet-frame-bit).d.) Many other questions on each and every OSI layer.4.) What context and how to configure banners (config)#banner motd #5.) I had about 5 IP subnetting questions. Again, there were many silly possible answers that made it easy to eliminate to get the real answer.6.) One question on the Cisco 7000 series switch/router and how to specify which slot/adapter/port# (not sure exactly though).7.) About 5 qustions on access lists. Mainly standard access list but some extended ones.8.) Some questions about matching a protocol to a certain OSI layer. eg. ICMP (which OSI layer --&gt;network)9.) About 3-4 questions on viewing and configuring Frame-Relay on a Cisco router (encapsulation/LMI type). This was a weak area for me.10.) That's all I can remember. Good Luck!GeorgeMCNE, MCSE + I, A+, and now CCNA!CCNA #640-403Well took the exam 6/5/99, and pass with an 71%... Close I know!!!The exam truely tests your understanding the CISCO ISO.Know the OSI and the DOD models and know how and at what layers they interact.I had two question on Apple talk. (hint, know all the access list numbers)I had very few subnetting questions, but you must know what the valid host numbers are for a given subnet.Most of the questions require you to pick several answers out of a large group.Memorize where the protocols fit into the OSI model. <--------its a pain in the ass but do it!!!!Best of luck,BBHello allI'd like to thank evey1 for posting all the tips. i passed CCNA test today with 74%, score could've been better if i had studied little harder, but hey i'm certified, it's all that matters. Some tips on the test.I got lot of questions on IPX access list and in general.Couple of。



••试题反馈报告Introduction to Networks (版本6.00) - ITN 第1 章考试以下是针对您未获得满分的试题给出的反馈。







此试题参考以下领域的内容:Introduction to Networks• 1.1.2 提供网络资源2哪种设备的功能是确定消息在网际网络中传输的路径?正确响应您的响应路由器防火墙Web 服务器DSL 调制解调器路由器用于确定消息在网络中的传输路径。


DSL 调制解调器用于为家庭或组织提供Internet 连接。

此试题参考以下领域的内容:Introduction to Networks• 1.2.1 网络组件3哪两个条件有助于您从各种网络介质当中选择一种网络介质?(请选择两项。


此试题参考以下领域的内容:Introduction to Networks• 1.2.1 网络组件4下列哪两项描述了中间设备?(选择两项。







Introduction to Networks
正确 您的
响应 响应
封装是将一种消息格式放入另一种消息格式的过程。 例如,一个数据包在封装成帧时如 何将其完整放入数据字段中。
网络协议在硬件或软件或两者中实施。它们在协议栈的不同层中交互。协议与网络设备 的安装情况无关。本地和远程网络中的源设备和目的设备之间交换信息时需要使用网络 协议。
Introduction to Networks
正确 您的
响应 响应
Introduction to Networks
TCP/IP网络层的功能与OSI网络层相同。TCP/IP模型和OSI模型的传输层具有相同 的功能。TCP/IP应用层包括OSI第5、6和7层的相同功能。



1) What were the two challenges of creating a network model (Select two) (创建网络模型所遇到的两个挑战是什么(选择2个) )?A. interconnectivityB. interactionC. internetworkingD. interoperabilityA,D。


2) The Advanced Research Projects Agency created what network(高级研究计划局( A R PA )创建了什么网络)?A. EthernetB. FDDIC. ARPANETD. Token RingC。

A R PA N E T由D A R PA项目创建。

3) What does OSI stand for (OSI代表什么)?A. Organization for Standards InstituteB. Organization for Internet StandardsC. Open Standards InstituteD. Open Systems InterconnectionD。

O S I代表开放系统互连。

4) What are the layers of the OSI reference model, in order (OSI参考模型有哪些层,按顺序回答)?A. application, transport, network, physicalB. application, presentation, session, network, transport, data link, physicalC. application, presentation, session, transport, network, data link, physicalD. application, session, transport, physical5) What is the term for wrapping a data unit with a header and passing it to the next protocol(用报头包装一个数据信元并传递到下一个协议,代表这个过程的术语是什么)?A. WindowingB. EncapsulationC. WrappingD. Heading6) Which of the following is not defined at the physical layer of the OSI reference model (在O S I参考模型的物理层中没有定义下面的哪一个)?A. hardware addressesB. bitstream transmissionC. voltage levelsD. physical interface7) Which standards institute created the 802 series of physical/data link layer standards (哪个标准协会创建了物理/数据链路层标准的8 0 2系列)?A. ANSIB. DIXC. ITU-TD. IEEE8) Who created Ethernet (谁创建了E t h e r n e t )?A. ANSIB. DIXC. ITU-TD. IEEE9) What is the function of CSMA/CD (CSMA/CD的功能是什么)?A. It passes a token around a star topologyB. Nodes access the network and retransmit if they detect a collisionC. Nodes connect to a dual ring of fiber-optics and use a token-passing schemeD. Nodes break the frames into tiny cells and forward them through a cell-switching network.10) What is a backoff algorithm? (什么是补偿算法)?A. It is the fault tolerance calculation for FDDIB. It is a routing calculation for determining the best routeC. It is the notification that a serious error has occurred on the networkD. It is the duration calculation to delay retransmission after a collision, beforeretransmitting in Ethernet.11) IBM’s Token Ring specification is nearly identical and compatible with IEEE’s 802.5specification( IBM的令牌环网规范几乎和I E E E的8 0 2 . 5规范一样而且兼容)。



CCNA题库V31版选择题部分本题库为word文档,方便打印;题目答案分开,用于考前冲刺自测使用(注意:请与v31pdf电子版配合使用效果更佳)1. Refer to the exhibit. What could be possible causes for the "Serial0/0 is down" interface status? (Choose two.)A. A Layer 1 problem exists.B. The bandwidth is set too low.C. A protocol mismatch exists.D. An incorrect cable is being used.E. There is an incorrect IP address on the Serial 0/0 interface.2. Before installing a new, upgraded version of the IOS, what should be checked on the router, and which command should be used to gather this information? (Choose two.)A. the amount of available ROMB. the amount of available flash and RAM memoryC. the version of the bootstrap software present on the routerD. show versionE. show processesF. show running-config3. Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true about interVLAN routing in the topology that is shown in the exhibit? (Choose two.)A. Host E and host F use the same IP gateway address.B. Router1 and Switch2 should be connected via a crossover cable.C. Router1 will not play a role in communications between host A and hostD.D. The FastEthernet 0/0 interface on Router1 must be configured with subinterfaces.E. Router1 needs more LAN interfaces to accommodate the VLANs that are show n in the exhibit.F. The FastEthernet 0/0 interface on Router1 and Switch2 trunk ports must be configured using the same encapsulation type.4. Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true about the loopback address that is configured on RouterB? (Choose two.)A. It ensures that data will be forwarded by RouterB.B. It provides stability for the OSPF process on RouterB.C. It specifies that the router ID for RouterB should be It decreases the metric for routes that are advertised from RouterB.E. It indicates that RouterB should be elected the DR for the LAN.5. A network administrator is explaining VTP configuration to a new technician. What should the network administrator tell the new technician about VTP configuration? (Choose three.)A. A switch in the VTP client mode cannot update its local VLAN database.B. A trunk link must be configured between the switches to forward VTP updates.C. A switch in the VTP server mode can update a switch in the VTP transparent mode.D. A switch in the VTP transparent mode will forward updates that it receives to other switches.E. A switch in the VTP server mode only updates switches in the VTP client mode that have a higher VTP revision number.F. A switch in the VTP server mode will update switches in the VTP client mode regardless of the configured VTP domain membership.6. Which two locations can be configured as a source for the IOS image in the boot system command? (Choose two.)A. RAMB. NVRAMC. flash memoryD. HTTP serverE. TFTP serverF. Telnet server7. What are two reasons a network administrator would use CDP? (Choose two.)A. to verify the type of cable interconnecting two devicesB. to determine the status of network services on a remote deviceC. to obtain VLAN information from directly connected switchesD. to verify Layer 2 connectivity between two devices when Layer 3 failsE. to obtain the IP address of a connected device in order to telnet to the deviceF. to determine the status of the routing protocols between directly connected routers8. Refer to the exhibit. Both switches are using a default configuration. Which two destination addresses will host 4 use to send data to host 1? (Choose two.)A. the IP address of host 1B. the IP address of host 4C. the MAC address of host 1D. the MAC address of host 4E. the MAC address of the Fa0/0 interface of the R1 routerF. the MAC address of the Fa0/1 interface of the R1 router9. Refer to the exhibit. The router has been configured with these commands:hostname Gatewayinterface FastEthernet 0/0ip address shutdowninterface FastEthernet 0/1ip address shutdowninterface Serial 0/0ip address shutdownip route are the two results of this configuration? (Choose two.)A. The default route should have a next hop address of Hosts on the LAN that is connected to FastEthernet 0/1 are using public IP addressing.C. The address of the subnet segment with the WWW server will support seven more servers.D. The addressing scheme allows users on the Internet to access the WWW server.E. Hosts on the LAN that is connected to FastEthernet 0/1 will not be able to access the Internet without address translation.10. A company is installing IP phones. The phones and office computers connect to the same device. To ensure maximum throughput for the phone data, the company needs to make sure that the phone traffic is on a different network from that of the office computer data traffic. What is the best network device to which to directly connect the phones and computers, and what technology should be implemented on this device? (Choose two.)A. hubB. routerC. switchD. STPE. subinterfacesF. VLAN11. What are two benefits of using VTP in a switching environment? (Choose two.)A. It allows switches to read frame tags.B. It allows ports to be assigned to VLANs automatically.C. It maintains VLAN consistency across a switched network.D. It allows frames from multiple VLANs to use a single interface.E. It allows VLAN information to be automatically propagated throughout the switching environment.12. Which two statements are true about the command ip route (Choose two.)A. It establishes a static route to the network.B. It establishes a static route to the network.C. It configures the router to send any traffic for an unknown destination to the network.D. It configures the router to send any traffic for an unknown destination out the interface with the address It uses the default administrative distance.F. It is a route that would be used last if other routes to the same destination exist.13. What are two advantages of Layer 2 Ethernet switches over hubs? (Choose two.)A. decreasing the number of collision domainsB. filtering frames based on MAC addressesC. allowing simultaneous frame transmissionsD. increasing the size of broadcast domainsE. increasing the maximum length of UTP cabling between devices14. Refer to the exhibit. A network associate needs to configure the switches and router in the graphic so that the hosts in VLAN3 and VLAN4 can communicate with the enterprise server in VLAN2. Which two Ethernet segments would need to be configured as trunk links? (Choose two.)A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. F15. Which two values are used by Spanning Tree Protocol to elect a root bridge? (Choose two.)A. amount of RAMB. bridge priorityC. IOS versionD. IP addressE. MAC addressF. speed of the links16. Refer to the exhibit. Assume that the routing protocol referenced in each choice below is configured with its default settings and the given routing protocol is running on all the routers. Which two conditional statements accurately state the path that will be chosen between networks and for the routing protocol mentioned? (Choose two.)A. If OSPF is the routing protocol, the path will be from R1 to R3 to R4 to R5.B. If OSPF is the routing protocol, the path will be from R1 to R2 to R5.C. If OSPF is the routing protocol, the path will be from R1 to R5.D. If RIPv2 is the routing protocol, the path will be from R1 to R3 to R4 to R5.E. If RIPv2 is the routing protocol, the path will be from R1 to R5.17. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is adding two new hosts to SwitchA. Which three values could be used for the configuration of these hosts? (Choose three.)A. host A IP address: host A IP address: host A default gateway: host B IP address: host B default gateway: host B IP address: A network administrator changes the configuration register to 0x2142 and reboots the router. What are two results of making this change? (Choose two.)A. The IOS image will be ignored.B. The router will prompt to enter initial configuration mode.C. The router will boot to ROM.D. Any configuration entries in NVRAM will be ignored.E. The configuration in flash memory will be booted.19. Refer to the exhibit. The networks connected to router R2 have been summarized as a route and sent to R1. Which two packet destination addresses will R1 forward to R2? (Choose two.)A. Which three statements are typical characteristics of VLAN arrangements? (Choose three.)A. A new switch has no VLANs configured.B. Connectivity between VLANs requires a Layer 3 device.C. VLANs typically decrease the number of collision domains.D. Each VLAN uses a separate address space.E. A switch maintains a separate bridging table for each VLAN.F. VLANs cannot span multiple switches.21. Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements are true about how router JAX will choose a path to the network when different routing protocols are configured? (Choose three.)A. By default, if RIPv2 is the routing protocol, only the path JAX-ORL will be installed into the routing table.B. The equal cost paths JAX-CHI-ORL and JAX-NY-ORL will be installed in the routing table if RIPv2 is the routing protocol.C. When EIGRP is the routing protocol, only the path JAX-ORL will be installed in the routing table by default.D. When EIGRP is the routing protocol, the equal cost paths JAX-CHI-ORL, and JAX-NY-ORL will be installed in the routing table by default.E. With EIGRP and OSPF both running on the network with their default configurations, the EIGRP paths will be installed in the routing table.F. The OSPF paths will be installed in the routing table, if EIGRP and OSPF are both running on the network with their default configurations.22. Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements correctly describe Network Device A? (Choose three.)A. With a network wide mask of, each interface does not require an IP address.B. With a network wide mask of, each interface does require an IP address on a unique IP subnet.C. With a network wide mask of, must be a Layer 2 device for the PCs to communicate with each other.D. With a network wide mask of, must be a Layer 3 device for the PCs to communicate with each other.E. With a network wide mask of, each interface does not require an IP address.23. Switch ports operating in which two roles will forward traffic according to the IEEE 802.1w standard? (Choose two.)A. alternateB. backupC. designatedD. disabledE. root24. Refer to the exhibit. Given the output shown from this Cisco Catalyst 2950, what is the most likely reason that interface FastEthernet 0/10 is not the root port for VLAN 2?A. This switch has more than one interface connected to the root network segment in VLAN 2.B. This switch is running RSTP while the elected designated switch is running 802.1d Spanning Tree.C. This switch interface has a higher path cost to the root bridge than another in the topology.D. This switch has a lower bridge ID for VLAN 2 than the elected designated switch.25. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator must establish a route by which London workstations can forward traffic to the Manchester workstations. What is the simplest way to accomplish this?A. Configure a dynamic routing protocol on London to advertise all routes to Manchester.B. Configure a dynamic routing protocol on London to advertise summarized routes to Manchester.C. Configure a dynamic routing protocol on Manchester to advertise a default route to the London router.D. Configure a static default route on London with a next hop of Configure a static route on London to direct all traffic destined for to Configure Manchester to advertise a static default route to London.26. Refer to the exhibit. This command is executed on 2960Switch: 2960Switch(config)# mac-address-table static 0000.00aa.aaaa vlan 10 interface fa0/1 Which two of these statements correctly identify results of executing the command? (Choose two.)A. Port security is implemented on the fa0/1 interface.B. MAC address 0000.00aa.aaaa does not need to be learned by this switch.C. Only MAC address 0000.00aa.aaaa can source frames on the fa0/1 segment.D. Frames with a Layer 2 source address of 0000.00aa.aaaa will be forwarded out fa0/1.E. MAC address 0000.00aa.aaaa will be listed in the MAC address table for interface fa0/1 only.27. Which of the following describes the roles of devices in a W AN? (Choose three.)A. A CSU/DSU terminates a digital local loop.B. A modem terminates a digital local loop.C. A CSU/DSU terminates an analog local loop.D. A modem terminates an analog local loop.E. A router is commonly considered a DTE device.F. A router is commonly considered a DCE device.28. What are two characteristics of Telnet? (Choose two.)A. It sends data in clear text format.B. It is no longer supported on Cisco network devices.C. It is more secure than SSH.D. It requires an enterprise license in order to be implemented.E. It requires that the destination device be configured to support Telnet connections.29. What are two security appliances that can be installed in a network? (Choose two.)A. A TMB. IDSC. IOSD. IOXE. IPSF. SDM30. A single 802.11g access point has been configured and installed in the center of a square office.A few wireless users are experiencing slow performance and drops while most users are operating at peak efficiency. What are three likely causes of this problem? (Choose three.)A. mismatched TKIP encryptionB. null SSIDC. cordless phonesD. mismatched SSIDE. metal file cabinetsF. antenna type or direction31. A host is attempting to send data to another host on a different network. What is the first action that the sending host will take?A. Drop the data.B. Send the data frames to the default gateway.C. Create an ARP request to get a MAC address for the receiving host.D. Send a TCP SYN and wait for the SYN ACK with the IP address of the receiving host.32. Refer to the exhibit. What two facts can be determined from the WLAN diagram? (Choose two.)A. The area of overlap of the two cells represents a basic service set (BSS).B. The network diagram represents an extended service set (ESS).C. Access points in each cell must be configured to use channel 1.D. The area of overlap must be less than 10% of the area to ensure connectivity.E. The two APs should be configured to operate on different channels.33. Which two devices can interfere with the operation of a wireless network because they operate on similar frequencies? (Choose two.)A. copierB. microwave ovenC. toasterD. cordless phoneE. IP phoneF. AM radio34. Which two statements describe characteristics of IPv6 unicast addressing? (Choose two.)A. Global addresses start with 2000::/3.B. Link-local addresses start with FE00:/12.C. Link-local addresses start with FF00::/10.D. There is only one loopback address and it is ::1.E. If a global address is assigned to an interface, then that is the only allowable address for the interface.35. Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true?A. The Fa0/11 role confirms that SwitchA is the root bridge for VLAN 20.B. VLAN 20 is running the Per VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol.C. The MAC address of the root bridge is 0017.596d.1580.D. SwitchA is not the root bridge, because not all of the interface roles are designated.36. Which two of these statements are true of IPv6 address representation? (Choose two.)A. There are four types of IPv6 addresses: unicast, multicast, anycast, and broadcast.B. A single interface may be assigned multiple IPv6 addresses of any type.C. Every IPv6 interface contains at least one loopback address.D. The first 64 bits represent the dynamically created interface ID.E. Leading zeros in an IPv6 16 bit hexadecimal field are mandatory.37. What are three basic parameters to configure on a wireless access point? (Choose three.)A. SSIDB. RTS/CTSC. AES-CCMPD. TKIP/MICE. RF channelF. authentication method38. Refer to the exhibit. A system administrator installed a new switch using a script to configure it. IP connectivity was tested using pings to SwitchB. Later attempts to access NewSwitch using Telnet from SwitchA failed. Which statement is true?A. Executing password recovery is required.B. The virtual terminal lines are misconfigured.C. Use Telnet to connect to RouterA and then to NewSwitch to correct the error.D. Power cycle of NewSwitch will return it to a default configuration.39. Which two of these statements regarding RSTP are correct? (Choose two.)A. RSTP cannot operate with PVST+.B. RSTP defines new port roles.C. RSTP defines no new port states.D. RSTP is a proprietary implementation of IEEE 802.1D STP.E. RSTP is compatible with the original IEEE 802.1D STP.40. Which three of these statements regarding 802.1Q trunking are correct? (Choose three.)A. 802.1Q native VLAN frames are untagged by default.B. 802.1Q trunking ports can also be secure ports.C. 802.1Q trunks can use 10 Mb/s Ethernet interfaces.D. 802.1Q trunks require full-duplex, point-to-point connectivity.E. 802.1Q trunks should have native VLANs that are the same at both ends.41. Refer to the exhibit. Each of these four switches has been configured with a hostname, as well as being configured to run RSTP. No other configuration changes have been made. Which three of these show the correct RSTP port roles for the indicated switches and interfaces? (Choose three.)A. SwitchA, Fa0/2, designatedB. SwitchA, Fa0/1, rootC. SwitchB, Gi0/2, rootD. SwitchB, Gi0/1, designatedE. SwitchC, Fa0/2, rootF. SwitchD, Gi0/2, root42. Refer to the exhibit. A junior network administrator was given the task of configuring port security on SwitchA to allow only PC_A to access the switched network through port fa0/1. If any other device is detected, the port is to drop frames from this device. The administrator configured the interface and tested it with successful pings from PC_A to RouterA, and then observes the output from these two show commands. Which two of these changes are necessary for SwitchA to meet the requirements? (Choose two.)A. Port security needs to be globally enabled.B. Port security needs to be enabled on the interface.C. Port security needs to be configured to shut down the interface in the event of a violation.D. Port security needs to be configured to allow only one learned MAC address.E. Port security interface counters need to be cleared before using the show command.F. The port security configuration needs to be saved to NVRAM before it can become active.43. Which of the following correctly describe steps in the OSI data encapsulation process? (Choose two.)A. The transport layer divides a data stream into segments and may add reliab ility and flowcontrolinformation.B. The data link layer adds physical source and destination addresses and an FCS to the segment.C. Packets are created when the network layer encapsulates a frame with source and destination host addresses and protocol-related control information.D. Packets are created when the network layer adds Layer 3 addresses and control information to a segment.E. The presentation layer translates bits into voltages for transmission across the physical link.44. For which type of connection should a straight-through cable be used?A. switch to switchB. switch to hubC. switch to routerD. hub to hubE. router to PC45. Which set of commands is recommended to prevent the use of a hub in the access layer?A. switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk switch(config-if)#switchport port-security maximum 1B. switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk switch(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address 1C. switch(config-if)#switchport mode access switch(config-if)#switchport port-security maximum 1D. switch(config-if)#switchport mode access switch(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address 146. By default, each port in a Cisco Catalyst switch is assigned to VLAN1. Which two recommendations are key to avoid unauthorized management access? (Choose two.)A. Create an additional ACL to block the access to VLAN 1.B. Move the management VLAN to something other than default.C. Move all ports to another VLAN and deactivate the default VLAN.D. Limit the access in the switch using port security configuration.E. Use static VLAN in trunks and access ports to restrict connections.F. Shutdown all unused ports in the Catalyst switch.47. Which Cisco Catalyst feature automatically disables the port in an operational PortFast upon receipt of a BPDU?A. BackboneFastB. UplinkFastC. Root GuardD. BPDU GuardE. BPDU Filter48. Which type of cable is used to connect the COM port of a host to the COM port of a router or switch?A. crossoverB. straight-throughC. rolledD. shielded twisted-pair49. What is known as "one-to-nearest" addressing in IPv6?A. global unicastB. anycastC. multicastD. unspecified address50. Which option is a valid IPv6 address?A. 2001:0000:130F::099a::12aB. 2002:7654:A1AD:61:81AF:CCC1C. FEC0:ABCD:WXYZ:0067::2A4D.2004:1:25A4:886F::151. How many bits are contained in each field of an IPv6 address?A. 24B. 4C. 8D. 1652. Which layer of the OSI reference model uses the hardware address of a device to ensure message delivery to the proper host on a LAN?A. physicalB. data linkC. networkD. transport53. Which layer of the OSI reference model uses flow control, sequencing, and acknowledgements to ensure that reliable networking occurs?A. data linkB. networkC. transportD. presentationE. physical54. What is the principle reason to use a private IP address on an internal network?A. Subnet strategy for private companies.B. Manage and scale the growth of the internal network.C. Conserve public IP addresses so that we do not run out of them.D. Allow access reserved to the devices.55. Which IP address can be assigned to an Internet interface?A. What will happen if a private IP address is assigned to a public interface connected to an ISP?A. Addresses in a private range will be not routed on the Internet backbone.B. Only the ISP router will have the capability to access the public network.C. The NA T process will be used to translate this address in a valid IP address.D. Several automated methods will be necessary on the private network.E. A conflict of IP addresses happens, because other public routers can use the same range.57. When is it necessary to use a public IP address on a routing interface?A. Connect a router on a local network.B. Connect a router to another router.C. Allow distribution of routes between networks.D. Translate a private IP address.E. Connect a network to the Internet.58. What is the first 24 bits in a MAC address called?A. NICB. BIAC. OUID. V AI59. In an Ethernet network, under what two scenarios can devices transmit? (Choose two.)A. when they receive a special tokenB. when there is a carrierC. when they detect no other devices are sendingD. when the medium is idleE. when the server grants access60. Which term describes the process of encapsulating IPv6 packets inside IPv4 packets?A. tunnelingB. hashingC. routingD. NA T61. Which statement about RIPng is true?A. RIPng allows for routes with up to 30 hops.B. RIPng is enabled on each interface separately.C. RIPng uses broadcasts to exchange routes.D. There can be only one RIPng process per router.62. Which statement about IPv6 is true?A. Addresses are not hierarchical and are assigned at random.B. Only one IPv6 address can exist on a given interface.C. There are 2.7 billion addresses available.D. Broadcasts have been eliminated and replaced with multicasts.63. Which line from the output of the show ip interface command indicates a layer 1 problem?A. Serial0/1 is up, line protocol is downB. Serial0/1 is down, line protocol is downC. Serial0/1 is up, line protocol is upD. Serial0/1 is administratively down, line protocol is down64. A network admin wants to know every hop the packets take when he accesses . Which command is the most appropriate to use?A. path B. debug C. trace D. traceroute 65. QoS policies are applied on the switches of a LAN. Which type of command will show the effects of the policy in real time?A. show commandB. debug commandC. configuration commandD. rommon command66. Which command will show the MAC addresses of stations connected to switch ports?A. show mac-addressB. show arpC. show tableD. show switchport67. What is the name of the VTP mode of operation that enables a switch to forward only VTPadvertisements while still permitting the editing of local VLAN information?A. serverB. clientC. tunnelD. transparent68. Which port state is introduced by Rapid-PVST?A. learningB. listeningC. discardingD. forwarding69. What speeds must be disabled in a mixed 802.11b/g WLAN to allow only 802.11g clients to connect?A. 6, 9, 12, 18B. 1, 2, 5.5, 6C. 5.5, 6, 9, 11D. 1, 2, 5.5,70. Refer to the exhibit. Which VLSM mask will allow for the appropriate number of host addresses for Network A?A. /25B. /26C. /27D. /2871. Refer to the exhibit. Which subnet mask will place all hosts on Network B in the same subnet with the least amount of wasted addresses?A. Refer to the exhibit. Which mask is correct to use for the W AN link between the routers that will provide connectivity while wasting the least amount of addresses?A. /23B. /24C. /25D. /3073. Refer to the exhibit. What is the most appropriate summarization for these routes?A. /21B. /22C. /23D. /2474. Which two tasks does the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol perform? (Choose two.)A. Set the IP gateway to be used by the network.B. Perform host discovery used DHCPDISCOVER message.C. Configure IP address parameters from DHCP server to a host.D. Provide an easy management of layer 3 devices.E. Monitor IP performance using the DHCP server.F. Assign and renew IP address from the default pool.75. Which two benefits are provided by using a hierarchical addressing network addressing scheme? (Choose two.)A. reduces routing table entriesB. auto-negotiation of media ratesC. efficient utilization of MAC addressesD. dedicated communications between devicesE. ease of management and troubleshooting76. Which two benefits are provided by creating VLANs? (Choose two.)A. added securityB. dedicated bandwidthC. provides segmentationD. allows switches to route traffic between subinterfacesE. contains collisions77. Which two link protocols are used to carry multiple VLANs over a single link? (Choose two.)A. VTPB. 802.1qC. IGPD. ISLE. 802.3u78. Which two protocols are used by bridges and/or switches to prevent loops in a layer 2 network? (Choose two.)A. 802.1dB. VTPC. 802.1qD. STPE. SAP79. On the network, what is the last IP address that can be assigned to a host?A. The ip subnet zero command is not configured on a router. What would be the IP address of Ethernet 0/0 using the first available address from the sixth subnet of the network。



CCNA考试自测题第1卷(一)A. SMTP 1. TCP/23B. FTP 2. TCP/25C. TFTP 3. TCP/80D. Te l n e t 4. TCP/21E. HTTP 5. UDP/69F. DNS 6. TCP/532) Which OSI reference model layer does Telnet function at (Te l n e t在哪一个O S I参考模型层运作)?A. Transport 下载B. NetworkC. SessionD. Application3) How many layers does the TCP/IP protocol suite have, compared to the OSI referencemodel (和O S I参考模型相比,T C P / I P协议具有几层)?A. TCP model has 4, OSI model has 6B. TCP model has 7, OSI model has 8C. TCP model has 4, OSI model has 7D. TCP model has 7, OSI model has 44) The TCP/IP protocol suite has a formal session layer that includes NetBIOS、RPCs andTLI functions (TCP/IP协议套件具有包含N e t B I O S、R P C 和T L I功能的一个正式的会话层)。

A. TrueB. False5) What is the function of RPCs (RPC的功能是什么)?A. To move files from remote PCs to a local PCB. To make remote function calls transparent, so they appear to be localC. To initialize a program on a remote PCD. To send a procedure that is local to a remote node for processing elsewhere6) What does RPC stand for (RPC代表什么)?A. Remote personal computerB. Reserved-programming callC. Routed-procedure callD. Remote-procedure call7) What OSI reference model layer do sockets function at (套接字在O S I参考模型的哪层运作)?A. ApplicationB. PresentationC. SessionD. TransportE. NetworkF. Data linkG. Physical8) What function do sockets perform (套接字的功能是什么)?A. They make remote functions appear local, transparent to the userB. They transfer files to and from remote nodesC. They make the transport layer independentD. They allow multiple applications to share the same connection to the network9) What is WinSock (什么是Wi n S o c k )?A. A version of sockets for the Microsoft Windows platformB. Sockets on BSD UNIXC. A session layer API commonly considered to be its own protocolD. A network layer service for Microsoft Wi n d o w s10) What does TLI do (TLI的作用是什么)?A. It makes remote functions appear local, transparent to the userB. It transfers files to and from remote nodesC. It makes the transport layer independentD. It allows multiple applications to share the same connection to the network11) What OSI layer does NetBIOS function at (NetBIOS在O S I哪一层运作)?A. ApplicationB. PresentationC. SessionD. TransportE. NetworkF. Data LinkG. PhysicalCCNA考试自测题第1卷(一)相关内容:。

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2.网络管理员为什么要在路由器上发出show cdp neigbors 命令?
显示设备ID 和有关直接相连的思科设备的其他信息
显示路由器ID 和有关OSPF 邻居的其他信息


通过使用第 2 层地址控制数据流。

连接多个IP 网络。


管理VLAN 数据库。


当交换机S3 断电时,故障域中存在哪些设备?
AP_2 和AP_1
S4 和PC_2
PC_3 和AP_2
PC_3 和PC_2
S1 和S4

多个物理接口可以合并到一个EtherChannel 接口。


2 冗余路径可用,且不会引起第


当设计交换网络包含冗余链路时,需要哪种技术?N 虚拟虚拟专用网络生成树协议链路聚合交换机的特征?Meraki 8.下列哪种说法正确描述了思科它们能够提高基础设施可扩展性、操作连续性和传输灵活性。


LAN 交换机。

Cisco 2960 交换机功能相同的园区它们是与它们是在网络边缘聚合流量的服务提供商交换机。


管理员从特权执行模式10. 可以使用以下哪些命令达到此目的?(选择两项)show startup-config
show flash
show version
show running-config
show NVRAM
企业网络如何设计才能优化带宽?11. 部署折叠核心模型安装具备故障切换功能的设备组织网络以控制流量模式限制故障域的大小系列交换系列或Cisco Catalyst 6500 网络管理员会安装12.在下列哪种情况下,Cisco Nexus
13.下列哪种说法正确描述了Cisco Catalyst 2960 交换机的特征?
它们不支持IOS 版本早于15.x 的活动交换虚拟接口(SVI)。

新型Cisco Catalyst 2960-C 交换机支持PoE 透传。




组合两台设备共享虚拟IP 地址


它直接连接到控制台或AUX 端口。




通过Telnet、SSH 或HTTP 访问设备
18.网络工程师正在检查使用固定配置企业路由器支持LAN 和WAN 连接的网络设计。


PoE 设备
第 3 层交换机
