《宏观经济学》练习题一、名词解释1、投资乘数:收入的变化与带来这种变化的投资支出变化的比率,用公式表示为K i=△y/△i。
宏观经济学试题及答案(共10篇)宏观经济学试题及答案(一): 急求宏观经济学计算题答案请问假设方程为Y=500+25r,货币需求L=0.2Y-5r,货币供给量M=100.试求:(1)当IS为Y=950-50r时的均衡收入,利率和投资(这时c=40+0.8y,I=110-5r,T=50.G=50)你这题的条件没说明白! 因为题中给了税收T,所以消费函数c=40+0.8y里面的y指的是可支配收入,还是国民收入呢 1、如果c中y是国民收入,那Y=C+I+G,然后与LM曲线方程联立,就可以得出均衡收入,利率和投资; 2、如果c中y是可支配收入,那c=40+0.8(Y—T),然后再带入Y=C+I+G.宏观经济学试题及答案(二): 一道宏观经济学的习题,求答案及解析7、将一国经济中所有市场交易的货币价值进行加总a、会得到生产过程中所使用的全部资源的市场价值b、所获得的数值可能大于、小于或等于GDP的值c、会得到经济中的新增价值总和d、会得到国内生产总值`b 正确市场交易的可能有中间产品,如此中间产品加上最终产品,则重复计算的结果大于GDP;不在国内市场交易,出口销往国外的漏算,则计算结果会小于gdp;如果重复的和漏算的正好相等,则结果可能等于gdp。
其他选项都不对宏观经济学试题及答案(三): 宏观经济学问答题,1.假定现金存款比率r=Cu/D=a,准备率(包括法定的和超额的)r=b,试问货币创造乘数为多少若增加基础货币c亿美元,货币供给变动多少2.假定Y=C+I+G,消费需求为C=a+bY,投资需求为:I=c-dR,货币需求L=eY-fR,价格水平为P=g,试计算当名义货币供给是h亿美元,政府支出为i亿美元时的GDP值,并证明所求的GDP值等于消费,投资和政府支出的总和【宏观经济学试题及答案】1、设货币创造乘数为k,则有k=(1+a)/(a+b)(这个是货币创造乘数的计算公式)当基础货币增加c亿美元,则货币供给增加量为c*k=c(1+a)/(a+b)2、根据IS-LM模型求IS:Y=C+I+G=a+bY+c-dR+i,有R=[a+c+i-(1-b)Y]/dLM:h/P=L=eY-fR,有R=(eY-h/g)/f则均衡时的总产出为:Y=[f(a+c+i)+dh/g]/[(1-b)f+ed]此即为实际GDP的值,名义GDP只需将其乘以价格水平g即可.至于证明,只需将Y带入到消费C=a+bY以及上述IS-LM模型均衡时的R值带入到I=c-dR,然后计算C+I+G与上述的均衡总产出的值相等,即可.宏观经济学试题及答案(四): 宏观经济学计算题7、在三部门经济中,C=80+0.75Yd Yd=Y-T T=20 I=50 G=50,求:(1)均衡国民收入及投资乘数.(2)如果均衡国民收入增加为1000,政府应减税多少1 Y=C+I+G=80+0.75(Y-20)+50+50=180-15+0.75Y 0.25Y=165 Y=660为均衡的国民收入投资乘数=1/(1-0.75)=42 税收乘数=-0.75/(1-0.75)=-3国民收入增加为1000,增加了1000-660=340,则税收必须减少340/3,即补贴居民340/3...宏观经济学试题及答案(五): 宏观经济学问题题号:11 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5内容:一般把经济周期分为四个阶段,这四个阶段为().选项:a、兴旺,停滞,萧条和复苏b、繁荣,停滞,萧条和恢复c、繁荣,衰退,萧条和复苏d、兴旺,衰退,萧条和恢复题号:12 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5内容:“面粉是中间产品”这一命题()选项:a、一定是对的b、一定是不对的c、可能是对的也可能是不对的d、以上三种说法全对.题号:13 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5内容:下列哪种情况下执行财政政策的效果较好(选项:a、LM陡峭而IS平缓b、LM平缓而IS陡峭c、LM和IS一样平缓d、LM和IS一样陡峭题号:14 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5内容:政府财政政策通过哪一个变量对国民收入产生影响().选项:a、进口b、消费支出c、出口d、政府购买.题号:15 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:5内容:在国民收入核算体系中,计入GDP的政府支出是指().选项:a、政府购买物品的支出b、政府购买物品和劳务的支出c、政府购买物品和劳务的支出加上政府的转移支出之和d、政府工作人员的薪金和政府转移支出题号:16 题型:是非题本题分数:5内容:长期总供给曲线所表示的总产出是经济中的潜在产出水平选项:1、错2、对题号:17 题型:是非题本题分数:5内容:GDP中扣除资本折旧,就可以得到NNP选项:1、错2、对题号:18 题型:是非题本题分数:5内容:在长期总供给水平,由于生产要素等得到了充分利用,因此经济中不存在失业选项:1、错2、对题号:19 题型:是非题本题分数:5内容:个人收入即为个人可支配收入,是人们可随意用来消费或储蓄的收入选项:1、错2、对题号:20 题型:是非题本题分数:5内容:GNP折算指数是实际GDP与名义GDP的比率选项:1、错2、对C,C,A,D,B对,对(NNP国民生产净值),错(可能还有摩擦失业),错,错宏观经济学试题及答案(六): 宏观经济学题目,1.某两部门经济中,假定货币需求为L=ay-br,货币供给为c美元,消费C=d+eY,投资I=f美元.求:(1)IS和LM方程(2)求均衡收入、利率、消费和投资(3)若货币供给增加20美元,而货币需求不变,收入、利率、投资和消费有什么变化2.两部门经济中,IS方程为y=a-br.求:(1)假定货币供给为c亿美元,当货币需求为L=dY-eR时,LM方程如何两个市场同时均衡的利率和收入为多少(2)当货币供给不变但货币需求为L′=fY-gR时,LM′的方程如何两个市场同时均衡的利率和收入为多少1:(1)根据 L=M 得出LM方程 ay-br=c根据I=S Y=C+S 代带入方程得 IS方程: d+f=(1-e)y即 y=(d+f)/(1-e)(2)由(1)可得:均衡收入y=(d+f)/(1-e)均衡利率 r=【a*(d+f)/(1-e)-c】/b消费C=d+e*(d+f)/(1-e) I=f(3)有(2)的表达式中可以看出当M增加20 ,即c增加20时, y不变, r减少20/b I不变消费C不变即只有利率下降2:(1)根据 L=M 得出LM方程 dY-eR=c联立方程组解得 Y=a-b*(da-c)/(db+e) r=(da-c)/(db+e)(2)根据上小问中只要把d换成f e换成g 即可获得此题答案LM方程 fY-gR=cY=a-b*(fa-c)/(fb+g) r=(fa-c)/(fb+g)【宏观经济学试题及答案】宏观经济学试题及答案(七): 宏观经济学计算题7.A college graduate in 1970 found a job paying $10,000 peryear.The CPI was 40 in 1970.A college graduate in 2023 found a job paying $30,000 per year.The CPI was 120 in 2023.The real pay to the 2023 graduate was equal to _____ per year.8.If a labor contract requires the real wage to rise by 5% whilethe CPI equals 120 in year one and 132 in year two and if if the money wage in year one is $24,then the contract requires the money wage in year two to rise to _____.If a bank deposit earns a simple nominal return of 31.1% while at the same time (one year) the price of a shmoo increases from $10 to $12,then the SIMPLE ONE-YEAR REAL return from the deposit will be_____%.7. no answer. They didn"t say anything about the base year. But if they assume the base year is 1970, then the answer is simply $10,000.8. 24*132/120*(1+5%) = $27.72宏观经济学试题及答案(八): 关于宏观经济学的几个习题求解.一、已知消费函数为C=60y + 0.8y,投资函数为i=116-2r,货币需求函数为L=0.2y-5r,货币供给为m=120,求:1、写出IS曲线方程,2、写出LM曲线方程,3、写出IS-LM模型的具体方程并求解均衡的国民收入与利率。
萨缪尔森宏观经济学第19版课后习题答案含笔记萨缪尔森《宏观经济学》(第19版)笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解第⼀部分 笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解第⼀编 基本概念第1章 经济学核⼼概念1.1 复习笔记⼀、经济学概述1经济学的定义经济学研究的是⼀个社会如何利⽤稀缺的资源⽣产有价值的商品,并将它们在不同的个体之间进⾏分配。
萨缪尔森《宏观经济学》(第19版)习题详解(含考研真题)(第4章 宏观经济学概述)
一、概念题1.宏观经济学和微观经济学(macroeconomics vs. microeconomics)答:(1)与“微观经济学”相对而言,宏观经济学是一种现代的经济分析方法。
第一章宏观经济学导论宏观经济学研究的问题及国民收入核算一、选择题1、以下哪项是宏观经济学研究的问题(A )A・失业率与经济増长率的关系; B.美国烟草歉收对世界烟草价格的影响;C.最低工资对青年工人失业的影响;D.汽车工业的产量水平变化。
2、宏观经济学的中心理论是(C )A.价格决定理论;B.工资决定理论;C.国民收入决定理论;D.汇率决定理论。
3、卜•列哪一项不列入国内生产总值的核算?(B、D )A.出口到外国的一批货物;B.政府给贫困家庭发放的一笔救济金;C.经济人为一笔I口房买卖收取的一笔佣金;D.保险公司收到一笔家庭财产保险。
4、国民生产总值与国民生产净值Z间的差别是(B )A.直接税;B.折旧;C.间接税;D.净出口。
5、在三部门经济中,如果按支出法来衡量,GNP等于(B )A.消费+投资;B.消费+投资+政府支出;C.消费+投资+政府支出+净出口;D.消费+投资+净出口。
6、用收入法计算的国民生产总值等于(B、)A.消费+投资+政府支出+净出口;B.工资+利息+地租+利润+间接税;C..工资+利息+屮间产品成木+间接税+利润;D.厂商收入■屮间产品成札7、已知消费额二6亿元,投资额二1亿元,间接税二1亿元,政府支出=1.5亿元,出口额=2亿元,进口额二1.8亿元,贝'J (B )A.NNP=8.7 亿元;B. GNP=7.7 亿元;C. GNP=8.7 亿元D. NNP=5 亿元。
9、下列应计入国民生产总值的是(D )A.家庭主妇的家务劳动折合成的收入;B.我在1995年播放一张1900年录制的CD盘所获得的价值;C.拍卖毕加索作品所得的收入;D.为他人提供服务所得到的收入。
一、概念题 1.可支配收入,消费,储蓄(disposable income,consumption,saving) 答:(1)可支配收入指人们可用来消费或储蓄的收入,个人收入不能全归个人支配, 因为要缴纳个人所得税,税后的个人收入才是可支配收入。可支配收入被认为是消费开支的 最重要的决定性因素。常被用来衡量一国的生活水平。 (2)消费指消费者个人购买的产品和服务的价值,它是国民收入核算恒等式的一项。 消费分为三个子项目:非耐用品、耐用品以及服务。非耐用品是使用持续较短时间的产品, 如食物和衣服。耐用品是使用持续时间长的产品,如汽车和电视。服务包括个人和企业为消 费者所做的工作,如理发和就医。决定消费的因素很多,主要因素是可支配收入、利率、价 格水平、收入分配等。 (3)储蓄指将一部分不用于当前消费的收入存储和积蓄起来的行为及其相应的金额。 支配人们将收入用于储蓄而不是用于当前消费的动机,称为“储蓄动机”。影响储蓄水平高 低的两个主要因素是收入水平和储蓄倾向。若储蓄倾向不变,个人收入水平越高,则储蓄水 平也越高。若收入水平不变,储蓄倾向越高,则储蓄水平也越高。个人储蓄与企业储蓄、政 府储蓄的加总构成国民总储蓄。国民总储蓄是一国资本形成和经济增长的重要基础。
(3)预期。决定投资的第三个因素是利润预期和企业信心。只有在企业预期收益超过 投资成本时,企业才有激励去从事投资。
15.利率 I (interest rates I ) 答:利率又称“利息率”,指一定期限内利息额与本金额的比率。利率的高低对资金借 出者来说,意味着收益的多少;对资金使用者来说,则意味着成本的高低。因此,利率的高 低会影响投资的成本,从而影响企业的投资决策:利率高时,投资的成本也较高,企业会减 少投资;利率低时,投资的成本也较低,企业会增加投资。因此,投资与利率一般情况下呈 反向变动的关系。
1. 什么是国内生产总值(GDP)?如何计算?答:国内生产总值(GDP)是指一个国家或地区在一定时期内所生产的全部最终产品和劳务的市场价值。
2. 什么是通货膨胀?通货膨胀对经济有什么影响?答:通货膨胀是指货币供应量过多,购买力下降,导致物价普遍上涨的现象。
3. 什么是经济增长?经济增长的驱动力是什么?答:经济增长是指国民经济总量在一定时期内的增加。
4. 什么是失业率?失业率的计算方法是什么?答:失业率是指劳动力中没有工作但愿意工作并且正在找工作的人数占劳动力总数的比例。
5. 什么是货币政策?货币政策的目标和工具有哪些?答:货币政策是指通过调整货币供应量和利率水平来影响经济运行的一种宏观经济政策。
宏观经济学(单选)带答案版宏观经济学习题(单项选择)1、菲利普斯曲线表明( C )。
A.失业率和通货膨胀率同时上升B.失业率和通货膨胀率同时下降C.失业率上升,通货膨胀率下降D.失业率变动与通货膨胀率变动无关2.根据凯恩斯理论,利率水平主要取决于( A )。
A. 货币需求B. 货币需求与货币供给C. 储蓄D. 储蓄与投资3.根据凯恩斯消费理论,随着收入增加( C )A、消费增加、储蓄下降B、消费下降、储蓄增加C、消费增加、储蓄增加D、消费下降、储蓄下降4. 两部门经济中,国民经济核算恒等式是( A )。
A.I=S B.I+G=S+T C.I+G+X=S+T+M D.I+T=S+G 5.当经济处于IS曲线和LM曲线的交点时( B )。
A.货币市场处于均衡状态,产品市场处于不均衡状态B.货币市场处于均衡状态,产品市场处于均衡状态C.货币市场处于不均衡状态,产品市场处于均衡状态D.货币市场处于不均衡状态,产品市场处于不均衡状态6.属于紧缩性财政政策工具的是( A )。
A.减少政府支出和增加税收 B.减少政府支出和减少税收C.增加政府支出和减少税收 D. 增加政府支出和增加税收7.在LM曲线不变的情况下,政府支出的增加会引起( A )。
A.收入增加,利率上升 B.收入增加,利率下降C.收入减少,利率上升 D.收入减少,利率下降8.下列哪一项不是转移支付( D )A、退休军人津贴B、失业救济金C、困难家庭补贴D、支付给公务员的奖金9.如果利率和收入的组合点出现在IS曲线右上方,LM曲线的左上方的区域中,则表示( A )A.I<m<="" p="">B. IMC. I>S, L<m< p="">D. I>S, L>M10.当失业者缺乏新创造出来的工作机会所要求的工作技能时发生的失业被称为( D )。
习题库第一章导论一、名词解释宏观经济学、总量分析、非均衡分析、凯恩斯革命二、简答题1、宏观经济学有什么特点?2、宏观经济学主要研究哪些问题?3、现代宏观经济学是如何产生与演变的?第二章国民收入核算一、名词解释GDP、GNP、NDP、NI、PI、PDI、名义GDP、实际GDP、GDP紧缩指数二、选择题1、下列那些项目应计入GDP?( )。
A. 政府转移支付B. 购买一辆用过的卡车C. 购买普通股票D. 购买一块地产2、已知某一经济中的消费额为6亿元,投资额为1亿元,间接税为1亿元,政府用于物品和劳务的支出额为1.5亿元,出口额为2亿元,进口额为1.8亿元,则()。
A. NDP=8.7亿元B. GDP=7.7亿元C. GDP=8.7亿元D. NDP=5亿元3、所谓净出口是指()。
A. 出口减进口B. 进口减出口C. 出口加进口D. GNP减出口4、在三部门经济中,如果用支出法来衡量,GDP等于()。
A. 消费+投资B. 消费+投资+政府支出C. 消费+投资+政府支出+净出口D. 消费+投资+进出口5、GDP与NDP之间的差别是()。
A. 直接税B. 折旧C. 间接税D. 净出口6、按最终使用者类型,将最终产品和劳务的市场价值加总起来核算GDP的方法是()。
A. 支出法B. 收入法C. 生产法D. 增加价值法7、在统计中,社会保险税增加对()有影响?A. GDPB. NDPC. NID. PI三、简答题1、指出下列各项中,哪些是中间产品,哪些是最终产品?①小王购买一本杂志②某电脑公司购买一批英特尔公司生产的芯片③某政府机构购买一批红旗轿车④旅游时付给入住酒店的房租⑤律师支付租用办公室的房租⑥家庭支付的水电费⑦美国公司向中国购买的农产品2、GDP的统计口径是否忽视了对中间产品生产的核算?3、在证券市场购买股票和债券属于经济学意义上的投资活动吗?4、为什么政府转移支付不能计入GDP?5、为什么间接税应该计入GDP?6、GDP指标有哪些缺陷或不足?7、为什么要区分名义国内生产总值和实际国内生产总值?8、国内生产总值与国民生产总值关系如何?四、计算题1、若某国GDP为8800单位,总投资为1150单位,净投资为292单位,消费为5800单位,政府购买的产品和劳务价值为1500单位,间接税为620单位,政府财政盈余为44单位,求该国NDP、净出口、个人可支配收入、个人储蓄各为多少。
曼昆《宏观经济学》(第10版)笔记和课后习题详解 第19章 消费和投资的微观基础【圣才出品】
式中,_C>0,是固定水平的“主动消费”;Y 是可支配收入;c是边际消费倾向,0<c<1。
第一章 国民收入核算、名词解释二、单项选择题11. 以下可以计入 GDP 的有 ( )A. 购买一辆用过的卡车B. 居民购买粮食C. 政府转移支付D. 政府购买办公用品12. 用收入法核算 GDP时,应包括( )。
A. 政府转移支付B. 间接税C.政府投资兴建一所学校D. 企业投资13. 用支出法核算 GDP 时,应包括 ( ) 。
A. 政府转移支出B. 折旧C. 企业投资D. 间接税14. NI 包括的项目有 ( ) 。
A. 利润B. 间接税C. 折旧D. 企业转移支出15. 当 GNP 大于 GDP 时,则本国居民从国外得到的收入()外国居民从本国取得的收入。
A. 大于B. 等于C. 小于D. 可能大于也可能小于16. 经济学上的投资是指(A. 企业增加一笔存货 )。
B. 建造一座住宅C. 企业购买一台计算机D. 以上都是17. 在下列项目中,()不属于政府购买。
A. 地方政府办三所中学B. 政府给低收入者提供一笔住房补贴1. 国内生产总值2. 实际国内生产总值3. 国民收入4. 个人可支配收入1. A.用支出法核算 居民消费支GDP 时,应包括的项目有 ( B. 政府转移支付 C. ) 。
政府税收 D. 居民对债券的支出 2.以下不能计入国民收入的有 ( )。
A. 政府转移支付B. 工资C. 资本折旧D. 间接税3. 宏观经济学研究的中心是 A. 收入与增长分析B. ( ) 。
收入与就业分析C. 失业与通货膨胀分析D. 通货膨胀与增长分析4. 下列产品中能够计入当年 GDP 的有( )。
A. C. 纺纱厂购入的棉花家务劳动 B. 某人花 10 万元买了一幢旧房D. 某企业当年生产没有卖掉的 20 万元5. 属于 GDP 但不属于 NI 的项目有(或按收入法计入A. 政府转移支付B. 企业转移支付6. GDP 与 NDP 之间的差别是 () 。
A. 间接税B. 折旧税 D. 净出口7. 国民收入核算体系中不包括如下哪个变量 ( A. 国内生产总值 B. 国内生产净值 8. 用收入法核算的 GDP 应包括( )。
第一部分国民收入核算第二部分简单国民收入决定理论第三部分 IS-LM模型及政策分析与实践第四部分总供求+失业与通胀+经济周期与经济增长第一部分国民收入核算一、判断正误并改正1.国内生产总值等于各种最终产品和中间产品的价值总和。
(错)包括:物质产品与劳务(goods and services)3.不论是商品数量还是商品价格的变化都会引起实际国内生产总值的变化。
第19章 经济增长一、概念(略) 二、单选题答案三、简答题答案1. 说明经济增长与经济发展的关系。
增长率的分解式为:K L A Y G G G G βα++=,式中,G Y 为产出的增长率;G A 为技术进步增长率;G L 和G K 分别为劳动和资本的增长率;a 和β为参数,分别是劳动和资本的产出弹性。
在新古典经济增长模型公式sf (k )=Δk+nk 中,人均资本不发生变化即Δk =0,则sf (k )=nk 。
sf (k )是储蓄率与人均产量(或人均收入)的乘积,即人均储蓄,nk 是资本的广化。
在宏观经济学中,储蓄等于投资是均衡的条件,储蓄等于储蓄率乘以收入,即S=sY 。
投资可用资本增量ΔK 表示。
而上述公式sf (k )=nk 即sy=nk ,y=Y/N 表示人均收入,k 表示每一劳动力或每一人口配备的资本量,即k=K/N 。
一、请解释下列概念(每题3分,共151. GDP2.均衡产出3.资本积累的“黄金率水平”4.流动性偏好5.通货膨胀二、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分)1.在一个有家庭、企业、政府和国外部门构成的四部门经济中,GDP是()的总和。
A.消费、总投资、政府购买和净出口;B. 消费、净投资、政府购买和净出口;C. 消费、总投资、政府购买和总出口;D.工资、地租、利息、利润和折旧。
A.2/3;B.3/4;C.4/5;D.1;4.假设消费者在T年(退休前)时预计退休后每年可得额外的退休金10 000元,根据生命周期假说,该消费者与原来相比较,将()。
A. 在退休前不改变,退休后每年增加10 000元消费;;B. 在退休前增加10 000元消费,退休后不再增加消费;C. 以T年起至生命结束每年增加消费10 000元;D. 将退休后可得到的退休金额均匀地用于增加T年以后的消费中。
,净税收T=20,投资I=70-400r,净税收增加10单位使IS曲线().7.若消费函数为C=40+0.8YdA.右移10单位;B.左移10单位;C.右移40单位;D.左移40单位.8.中央银行有多种职能,只有()不是其职能.A.制定货币政策;B.为成员银行保存储备;C. 发行货币;D. 为政府赚钱9.利率和收入的组合点出现在IS曲线左下方、LM曲线的左上方的区域中,则表示().A.投资小于储蓄,且货币需求小于货币供给;B.投资小于储蓄,且货币供给小于货币需求;C.投资大于储蓄,且货币需求小于货币供给;D.投资大于储蓄,且货币需求大于货币供给.10.在下述何种情况下,会产生挤出效应().A.货币供给的下降提高利率,从而挤出了对利率敏感部门的私人支出;B.对私人部门税收的增加引起私人部门可支配收入和支出的下降;;C. 政府支出增加使利率提高,从而挤出了私人部门的支出;D.政府支出的下降导致消费支出的下降。
一、概念题1.供给与需求分析(supply-and-demand analysis)答:供给与需求分析是经济学的基本分析方法,是指将市场中来自于追求利润最大化的企业的供给问题与来自于追求效用最大化的消费者的需求问题结合起来,综合分析市场达到供求相等时的均衡状态,在此基础上考虑市场机制是如何解决生产什么、如何生产、为谁生产这三大基本经济问题。
2.需求表或需求曲线(DD)(demand schedule or curve,DD)答:需求表或需求曲线是用来表示在其他条件保持不变时,一种商品的市场价格与其需求数量之间的关系的工具。
3.需求向下倾斜规律(law of downward-sloping demand)答:需求曲线向下倾斜规律,又称需求规律或需求法则,是指商品需求量与其价格之间的互为反方向变化的依存关系。
解答:解答:一个典型企业i的供给函数由下式给出y i=h(P i-P)+y;其中y i为企业的产量,P i为其产品的价格,P为价格总水平,y;为企业的潜在产量,h表示企业对其产品价格与价格总水平偏离的一种反应,h>0。
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Exchange Rates, Part 2Multiple Choice Questions1.An increase in the domestic real interest rate will tend to cause, other things the same:a. A depreciation of the domestic currency.b.An appreciation of the domestic currency.c.An increase in the demand for domestic goods and services.d.An increase in demand for foreign currencies.2.An appreciation of the domestic currency can be caused by:a. A decrease in the domestic interest rate.b.The expectation of a decrease in the value of the domestic currency.c.An increase in the domestic interest rate and expectation of an increase in the value of thedomestic currency.d.An increase in the domestic interest rate and the expectation of a decrease in the value of thedomestic currency.3.Other things the same, if participants in foreign exchange markets come to expect an increase in the valueof the U.S. dollar:a.The actual value of the U.S. dollar will rise.b.The actual value of the U.S. dollar will fall.c.The actual value of the U.S. dollar will not be affected.d.One cannot predict the movement of the U.S. dollar in the future.4. A rightward shift in the demand curve for domestic assets can be caused by:a. A decrease in the domestic real interest rate.b.An increase in the domestic real interest rate.c. A leftward shift in the supply curve for domestic assets.d. A rightward shift in the supply curve for domestic assets.Exchange Rates, Part 25.An increase in the foreign real interest rate will tend to cause, other things the same:a.An increase in the demand for dollars.b.Individuals to hold fewer dollar assets.c.An appreciation in the value of the U.S. dollar.d.An increase in the return on dollar assets relative to foreign assets.6. A rise in the expected future exchange rate will tend to cause, other things the same:a. A depreciation of the domestic currency.b.An appreciation of the domestic currency .c.No effect on the value of the U.S. dollar.d.No effect on the value of the U.S. dollar in the short-run.7.An increase in the value of the U.S. dollar will tend to cause, other things the same:a.An increase in the volume of U.S. exports.b.An increase in the volume of U.S. imports.c. A decrease in the volume of U.S. exports and imports.d.An increase in the volume of U.S exports and imports.8.Suppose the U.S. dollar depreciates, and there is no change in monetary policy. Which of the following is acorrect description of the short-run consequences?a.Output, inflation, and the real interest rate have all increased.b.Output and inflation are higher, while the real interest rate has fallen.c.Output, inflation, and the real interest rate have returned to their original values.d.Output and inflation have returned to their original values, while the real interest rate is increased.9.In the short run, who tends to benefit from a decrease in the exchange rate?a.Foreign producers.b.Domestic consumers.c.Domestic producers.d.Owners of domestic-currency assets.Exchange Rates, Part 210. A decline in the value of net exports in the U.S. is most likely to result from an increase in:a.U.S. exports.b.Foreign income.c.Foreign real interest rates.d.The value of the U.S. dollar.11.Central banks intervene directly in foreign exchange markets by buying and selling:a.Discount loans.b.Foreign currencies.c.Exports and imports.d.U.S. government debt.12. A foreign exchange intervention that lowers the exchange rate will also:a.Increase investment.b.Decrease the money supply.c.Increase the real interest rate.d.Decrease international reserves.13.The purchase of foreign currency by a central bank will tend to cause:a. A decrease in the domestic money supply.b. A decrease in the supply of domestic assets.c.An increase in the demand for domestic currency.d. A decrease in the relative expected return on domestic assets.14.Under a fixed exchange rate system, if an appreciation in the value of a country's currency develops, themonetary authorities must intervene by:a.Selling foreign exchange.b.Buying foreign exchange.c.Raising the foreign interest rate.d.Buying and selling the domestic currency.Exchange Rates, Part 215. A central bank with a fixed exchange rate must, in response to an interest rate decline in the anchor-currency economy:a.Revalue its currency.b.Sell the anchor currency.c.Convene a currency board.d.Purchase the anchor currency.16.One of the chief advantages of exchange rate pegging is that:a.It can be an effective means of reducing inflation.b.The currency can be used to promote export growth.c. A country is able to pursue an independent monetary policy over the course of the business cycle.d.It allows the monetary authorities to actively respond to the problems of inflation andunemployment.17.In many countries, an exchange-rate peg substitutes for:a.Capital controls.b.Speculative attacks.c.An export-oriented sector.d.Discretionary monetary policy.Discussion Questions1.What are the short-run effects on aggregate output and inflation when the domestic currency appreciates ordepreciates?Because appreciation of the domestic currency increases the real as well as the nominal exchangerate in the short run, it makes exports more expensive and imports less expensive. This causes netexports to decline and shifts the aggregate demand curve to the left. While the currency’s appreciation also shifts the short-run aggregate supply curve downward, because it makes importsless expensive and lowers the aggregate price level, this effect is typically smaller than the impact onaggregate demand. The overall impact, therefore, is that aggregate output and the inflation rate bothdecrease. Depreciation of the domestic currency has the opposite effect of raising both inflation andoutput.Exchange Rates, Part 22.Why do central banks intervene in foreign exchange markets? How do these interventions affect theirinternational reserves and exchange rates?Central banks intervene in foreign exchange markets to adjust their holdings of internationalreserves (foreign-currency denominated assets), influence exchange rates, or both. When a centralbank buys assets denominated in the domestic currency, it is selling some of its foreign-currencydenominated assets, and so its international reserves decline. Alternatively, a central bank that sellsassets denominated in the domestic currency is buying international reserves. The impact onexchange rates depends on whether the intervention is sterilized or unsterilized. An unsterilizedpurchase of domestic currency (sale of international reserves) reduces bank reserves, lowers themoney supply, and causes the domestic interest rate to rise, so the domestic currency appreciates.Conversely, an unsterilized sale of domestic currency (purchase of international reserves) increasesbank reserves and the money supply and reduces the domestic interest rate, so the domestic currencydepreciates. Sterilized interventions, however, do not affect exchange rates because the central bankoffsets them with open market operations that leave bank reserves unchanged.3.How do fixed, flexible, and managed (or dirty) float exchange rate regimes differ?In a fixed exchange rate regime, the value of one currency is pegged to another currency (called theanchor currency), and central banks intervene in foreign exchange markets to keep the exchangerate between the two currencies at this fixed value. In a floating exchange rate regime, there is nopreset exchange rate that central banks are trying to maintain. Instead, exchange rates aredetermined by supply and demand and, therefore, are allowed to “float” up or down depending on market forces. A managed or dirty float exchange rate regime is one in which central banksintervene as they see fit to influence exchange rates.Exchange Rates, Part 24.What happens in a fixed exchange rate regime if a currency is overvalued? What problem can this create?A currency is overvalued relative to another currency if the fixed exchange rate (par value of thecurrency) is higher than the equilibrium exchange rate between the two currencies in the foreignexchange market. To keep the exchange rate from falling to the equilibrium value, the central bankmust intervene to buy domestic currency by selling its international reserves. This is a problembecause sooner or later the central bank will exhaust its international reserves and be unable tomaintain the exchange rate for its currency at the par value. When this occurs, the currency must bedevalued, which means the fixed exchange rate is reset at a lower value. Anticipation that this mayoccur leads to speculative attacks on the currency in which speculators sell large quantities of thecurrency and drive its equilibrium market value lower, which puts more pressure on the centralbank’s international reserve position and hastens the expected devaluation.5.What is the policy trilemma?The policy trilemma is the reality that a country or monetary union cannot simultaneously have freecapital mobility, a fixed exchange rate for its currency, and an independent monetary policy. It canchoose any two of these policies but must give up the remaining one.6.What are the advantages and disadvantages of exchange rate pegging?Exchange-rate pegging helps keep inflation low and anchors inflation expectations in the peggingcountry to those in the anchor country. It replaces the pegging country’s monetary policy, which ma not have done a good job in the past of stabilizing the economy, with that of the anchor country.Exchange-rate pegging has racked up some successes at quickly reducing inflation expectations inemerging market countries. However, it also has some important disadvantages. The pegging countrycannot pursue an independent monetary policy, which severely impairs its ability to respond todomestic shocks that do not also hit the anchor country. It also exposes the pegging country to therisk of speculative attacks on its currency.Exchange Rates, Part 27.Brazil has announced the discovery of huge oil reserves that could potentially transform the country into abig oil exporter of oil.a.What would be the effect of the increase in revenue from oil exports on Brazil’s exchangAn increase in Brazilian net exports will result in an inflow of foreign currency. If thecentral bank of Brazil does not want to accumulate foreign assets, it will sell them and getBrazilian reals in exchange. This reduces Brazil’s money supply and increases domesticinterest rates. Alternatively, the inflow of foreign currency can create inflation and increasethe real exchange rate. These are just two reasons as to why Brazil’s exchange rate willincrease.b.How would this affect other Brazilian exports? Is this a desirable outcome for the country as awhole?Even if the oil exporting industry thrives in Brazil, it can potentially have negativeconsequences for other exporting industries if the Brazilian currency becomes moreexpensive (i.e., if the exchange rate increases). The more expensive currency makes exportsmore expensive, and other industries are severely affected. This effect is often referred to asthe “Dutch disease,” based on the experience of the Netherlands’ discovery of natural gasreserves in the 1960s. As this is clearly not a good prospect for the Brazilian economy,monetary authorities probably will try to minimize the effect of the foreign currency inflowon Brazil’s exchange rate.8.Explain why a central bank might want to intervene in the foreign exchange market to prevent an excessiveappreciation of its currency even if it previously stated that it would allow its currency to respond to supplyand demand conditions in the foreign exchange market.Even if a central bank adheres to a floating exchange rate regime (i.e., to allow its currency torespond to supply and demand conditions in the foreign exchange market), it might still haveincentives to intervene in the foreign exchange market. An excessive appreciation of its currency willhurt that country’s exports, as exports will become more expensive in terms of the foreign currency.Whenever a central bank allows excessive fluctuation in its exchange rate, part of the external sector(exporters or importers) will be hurt. Because countries have become increasingly interdependent,the external sector has increased in importance for almost every world economy, and therefore,exchange rate considerations are very important as well. Even though many countries state that theywill allow their currencies to float, most of them routinely intervene in the foreign exchange marketto avoid excessive fluctuations in the value of their currencies, effectively adhering to a system knownas “managed” or “dirty” float.Exchange Rates, Part 29.Assume that a country has pegged the value of its currency to another country’s currency and that tanchor country increases its interest rate. Describe the effects on the following:a.The export sector of the pegging country.An increase in the interest rate of the anchor country results in an overvaluation of thepegging currency. In addition to fears of a speculative attack, an overvalued currencyreduces net exports by making exports more expensive. Importing firms will benefit from astronger currency, and imports of capital goods may increase.b.Households’ net worth if the pegging country is forced to devalue its currency and most of itsdebts are denominated in the anchor country’s currency.One of the most interesting effects of devaluation experiences is the negative effect on the networth of households and firms whose debts were denominated in the foreign currency. Afterthe devaluation occurs, it will take more units of domestic currency to repay your debts. Thistype of consequence was common during many of the devaluation experiences described inthe textbook. In terms of the domestic currency, households’ and firms’ liabilities increaseovernight, while their assets remain at the same value. This constitutes yet one more reasonas to why it might be quite risky for a country to peg the value of its currency to anothercurrency.Analytical QuestionsThese questions should be answered based on the standard models of analysis developed in class.The information in the various parts of the question is sequential and cumulative.Econ 100B / UGBA 101B: Macroeconomic AnalysisPost Lecture #26 Exercise ANSWERSExchange Rates, Part 2b.In Year 1 the central bank engages in an open market purchase of government securities. Incorporatingonly this additional information, clearly and accurately show in your diagrams above what, if anything, happens to (1) economic output, (2) inflation, and (3) the exchange rate. These effects should be drawn in RED.c.Provide an economic explanation of what you have shown in your diagrams above. Discuss what, ifanything, happens to (1) economic output, (2) inflation, and (3) the exchange rate. Be sure to e xplain why these changes take place and what causes them.In Year 1, the central bank engages in an open market purchase of government securities, anexpansionary monetary policy. This increases the money supply and reduces the real policyinterest rate. This decrease in the real policy interest rate has three separate effects.First, a lower real policy interest rate reduces the cost of borrowing and increases theamount of borrowing. This increases planned expenditures and aggregate demand for anygiven inflation. This is represented by a rightward shift of the aggregate demand curve fromAD0 to AD1a. Economic output is higher for any given inflation.At the initial inflation of π0 there is now excess demand for goods and services in the economy.This causes inflation to increase from π0 to π1a along the short-run aggregate supply curveSRAS0(πe = π0) as economic output increases from Y0 to Y1a.Second, a lower real policy interest rate decreases the relative return to domestic currencydenominated assets. This is represented by a leftward shift of the demand curve for domesticcurrency denominated assets from D0 to D1. At the initial exchange rate of E0 there is nowexcess supply of domestic currency denominated assets in the foreign exchange market. Thisexcess supply causes the currency to depreciate from E0 to E1.This depreciation of the currency from E0 to E1 decreases the cost of domestic goodsexported to foreign residents who now buy more of them; as a result, exports increase. Thedepreciation of the currency from E0 to E1 also increases the cost of foreign goods importedfor domestic residents who now buy fewer of them; as a result, imports decrease. This causesnet exports, planned expenditures, and aggregate demand to increase for any given inflation.This is represented by a further rightward shift of the aggregate demand curve from AD1a toAD1. Economic output is higher for any given inflation.Third, this depreciation of the currency from E0 to E1 increases the cost of imported goods.This increases the cost of production for any given level of economic output. This isrepresented by an upward shift of the short-run aggregate supply curve from SRAS0(πe = π0)to SRAS1(πe = π0). Inflation is higher for any given level of economic output.At inflation of π1a there is now excess demand for goods and services in the economy. This causes inflation to increase from π1a to π1 along the short-run aggregate supply curve SRAS1(πe = π0) as economic output increases from Y1a to Y1.Exchange Rates, Part 2When these Year 1 effects are complete, the economy is in a new short-run equilibrium where:(1)Economic output has increased from Y0 to Y1,(2)Inflation has increased from π0 to π1, and(3)The exchange rate has depreciated from E0 to E1.Exchange Rates, Part 2d.Subsequent to the monetary policy change but still in Year 1, the government decides to peg theexchange rate at its initial (i.e., Year 0) level. Incorporating only this additional information, clearly and accurately show in your diagrams above what, if anything, happens to (1) economic output, (2) inflation, and (3) the exchange rate. These effects should be drawn in BLUE.e.Provide an economic explanation of what you have shown in your diagrams above. Discuss what, ifanything, happens to (1) economic output, (2) inflation, and (3) the exchange rate. Be sure to e xplain why these changes take place and what causes them. Also, be sure to e xplain exactly what the central bank must do in order to peg the exchange rate.In order to peg the exchange rate at its initial Year 0 level of E0, the central bank must intervene in the foreign exchange market, selling international reserves and buying its domestic currency.This decrease in the domestic money supply must be sufficient to increase the real policy interest rate to its original (i.e., Year 0) level, i.e., r2 = r0.The increase in the real interest rate has three separate effects:First, the higher real policy interest rate increases the relative return to domestic currencydenominated assets. This is represented by a rightward shift of the demand curve fordomestic currency denominated assets from D1 to D2 which must equal D0 if the exchange rate is fixed at its Year 0 level. At an exchange rate of E1 there is now excess demand fordomestic currency denominated assets in the foreign exchange market. This excess demandcauses the currency to appreciate from E1 to E2 which is equal to E0 if the exchange rate is fixed to its Year 0 level, i.e., E2 = E0.This appreciation of the currency from E1 to E2 increases the cost of domestic goodsexported to foreign residents who now buy fewer of them; as a result, exports decrease totheir original level. The appreciation of the currency from E1 to E2 also decreases the cost of foreign goods imported for domestic residents who now buy more of them; as a result,imports increase to their original level. This causes net exports, planned expenditures, andaggregate demand to decrease for any given inflation. This is represented by a rightwardshift of the aggregate demand curve from AD1 to AD2a which is equal to AD1a because now there has been no change in net exports.Second, the appreciation of the currency from E1 to E2 decreases the domestic cost ofimported goods. This decreases the cost of production for any given level of economicoutput. This is represented by a downward shift of the short-run aggregate supply curvefrom SRAS1(πe = π0) to SRAS2(πe = π0) which now equals SRAS0(πe = π0). Inflation is lowerfor any given level of economic output.At inflation of π1, the appreciation of the currency from E1 to E2 results in an excess supply of goods and services in the economy. This excess supply causes inflation to decline from π1 to π2a along the short-run aggregate supply curve SRAS2(πe = π0) as economic output decreases from Y1 to Y2a.Exchange Rates, Part 2Third, the higher real policy interest rate increases the cost of borrowing and decreases the amount of borrowing which reduces planned expenditures and aggregate demand. This isrepresented by a leftward shift of the aggregate demand curve from AD2a to AD 2 (which must equal AD0) because of the decrease in interest-sensitive consumption and investment spending, i.e., AD2 = AD0.At inflation of π2a, the higher real interest rate results in an excess supply of goods and services in the economy. This excess supply causes inflation to decline from π2a to π2 along the short-run aggregate supply curve SRAS2(πe = π0) as economic output decreases from Y2a to Y2 which must equal to Y0.When these Year 1 effects are complete, the economy is in a new short-run (and general) equilibrium where:(1)Economic output has decreased from Y1 to Y2 which is equal to Y0,(2)Inflation has decreased from π1 to π2 which is equal to π0, and(3)The exchange rate has appreciated from E1 to E2 which is equal to E0.Monetary policy is completely ineffective if the government pegs its exchange rate.Exchange Rates, Part 2b.Provide an e conomic explanation of what you have shown in your diagrams above.Country A is initially in general equilibrium with perfect capital mobility and a flexibleexchange rate. As a result, economic output is at potential output, i.e., Y0 = Y P, with inflation stable at π0 and the foreign exchange market is in equilibrium with the exchange rate at E0.Country B is also initially in general equilibrium with perfect capital mobility and a flexibleexchange rate. As a result, economic output is at potential output, i.e., Y0 = Y P, with inflation stable at π0 and the foreign exchange market is in equilibrium with the exchange rate at E0.With perfect capital mobility and a flexible exchange rate in both Country A and Country Bthe foreign exchange market is in equilibrium with an exchange rate of E0.15/19Exchange Rates, Part 2c.In Year 1, Country A experiences a sharp decline in business confidence. Incorporating only thisadditional information, clearly and accurately show in your diagrams above what, if anything,happens to both economies’ (1) economic output, (2) inflation, and (3) exchange rate. Theseeffects should be drawn in R ED.d.Provide an economic explanation of what you have shown in your diagrams above. Discusswhat, if anything, happens to both economies’ (1) economic output, (2) inflation, and (3) exchange rate. Be sure to explain why these changes take place and what causes them.When business confidence in Country A declines in Year 1, six events occur:First, the sharp decline in business confidence causes a decrease in autonomousinvestment, planned expenditures and aggregate demand. This is represented by aleftward shift in the aggregate demand curve from AD0 to AD1a. The decrease inaggregate demand causes a decline in economic output from Y0 to Y1a, resulting in anegative output gap. The negative output gap causes inflation to decline from π0 toπ1a along the short-run aggregate supply curve, SRAS0(πe = π0).Second, the decrease in inflation from π0 to π1a causes the central bank to decreasethe real interest rate according to the Taylor Principle, represented by a movementalong the monetary policy curve.Because the real interest rate declines, Country A’s currency denominated assetsare now relatively less attractive to Country B’s investors while Country B’scurrency denominated assets are now relatively more attractive to Country A’sinvestors. Because the foreign exchange market uses a direct quotation for CountryB’s currency, this causes an increase in the demand for Country B’s currencydenominated assets. This is represented by an upward shift of the demand curve forCountry B’s currency denominated assets from D B0 to D B1.Once this shift occurs, there is excess demand for Country B’s currencydenominated assets at the initial exchange rate E0. To return the foreign exchangemarket to equilibrium, Country B’s currency appreciates and Country A’s currencydepreciates from E0 to E1.Third, because of Country A’s currency depreciation, Country A’s exports are nowless expensive to Country B’s residents who buy more of them. In addition, CountryB’s exports are now more expensive to Country A’s residents who buy less of them.Country A’s net exports increase, represented by a rightward shift of Country A’aggregate demand curve from AD1a to AD1.Fourth, in addition, Country A’s currency depreciation increases the domesticcurrency costs of imports from Country B. This is a negative short-run aggregatesupply shock, represented by an upward shift of Country A’s short-run aggregatesupply curve from SRAS0(πe = π0) to SRAS1(πe = π0).16/19Exchange Rates, Part 2Fifth, because of Country B’s currency appreciation, Country B’s exports are nowmore expensive to Country A’s residents who buy less of them. In addition, CountryA’s exports are now less expensive to Country B’s residents who buy more of them.Country B’s net exports decrease, represented by a leftward shift of Country B’s aggregate demand curve from AD0 to AD1.Sixth, in addition, Country B’s currency appreciation decreases the domesticcurrency costs of imports from Country A. This is a positive short-run aggregatesupply shock, represented by a downward shift of Country B’s short-run aggregatesupply curve from SRAS0(πe = π0) to SRAS1(πe = π0).The net result of Country A’s decline in business confidence is that:1.Country A’s currency depreciates from E0 to E1, economic output falls from Y0to Y1, and inflation declines from π0 to π1.2.Country B’s currency appreciates from E0 to E1, economic output falls from Y0to Y1 and inflation declines from π0 to π1.17/19Exchange Rates, Part 2e.Subsequent to the decline in business confidence in Country A, but also in Year 1, Country Bdecides to fix the exchange rate with Country A at its initial (i.e., Year 0) value. Incorporatingonly this additional information, clearly and accurately show in your diagrams above what, ifanything, happens to both economies’ (1) economic output, (2) inflation, and (3) exchange rate.These effects should also be drawn in BLUE.f.Provide an economic explanation of what you have shown in your diagrams above. Discusswhat, if anything, happens to both economies’ (1) economic output, (2) inflation, and (3) exchange rate. Be sure to explain why these changes take place and what causes them.When Country B decides to fix its exchange rate after the events above but still in Year 1 atits initial Year 0 value, six events occur:First, Country B buys Country A’s currency in the foreign exchange market inexchange for its own currency. This increases Country B’s domestic money supplyat any given inflation, represented by a downward shift of the monetary policycurve. Country B’s real policy interest rate declines, making County B’s currencydenominated assets are now relatively less attractive to Country A’s investors. As aresult, the demand curve for Country B’s currency denominated assets shifts to theleft from D B1 to D B2. Because Country B is fixing its exchange rate at its initial valueof E0, D B2 = D B0 and Country B’s currency depreciates from E1 to E2 which equalsE0.Second, in Country B, the currency depreciation makes Country B’s exports lessexpensive to Country A’s residents who buy more of them. In addition, importsfrom Country A are now more expensive to Country B’s residents who buy less ofthem. As a result, net exports, planned expenditures, and aggregate demandincrease, represented by a rightward shift of Country B’s aggregate demand curvefrom AD1 to AD2a (which equals AD0).Third, because Country B’s real interest rate decreases, Country B’s real interestrate declines, causing an increase in borrowing, planned expenditures, andaggregate demand. This can be represented by a rightward shift of Country B’saggregate demand curve from AD2a to AD2.Fourth, Country B’s currency depreciation increases the domestic currency cost ofimports from Country A, resulting in a negative short-run aggregate supply shock.This is represented by an upward shift of Country B’s short-run aggregate supplycurve from SRAS1(πe =π0) to SRAS2(πe =π0). Because the exchange rate hasreturned to its initial value, i.e., E2 = E0, SRAS2(πe = π0) is identical to SRAS0(πe =π0), i.e., there has been no net shift of the SRAS.18/19。