教学法 第十一章
第十一章 教学实施11
运用讲授法的一般要求是: (1)讲授内容要保证科学性、系统性和思想性的统一。 (2)讲授要富于启发性。善于启发学生的积极思维,引导他们独立思考。 (3)讲究语言艺术,力求语言清晰、准确、简练、形象,条理清楚,通 俗易懂,抑扬顿挫,快慢适中,提高语言的感染力。 (4)与其它教学方法配合使用,并合理使用现代化教学手段。
3.道尔顿制 • 1920年,美国的H.H 柏克赫斯特在马萨诸塞州 道尔顿中学创建了一种新的教学组织形式,人 们称之为道尔顿制。按道尔顿制,教师不再上 课向学生系统讲授教材,而只为学生分别指定 自学参考书、布置作业,由学生自学和独立作 业,有疑难时才请教师辅导,学生完成一定阶 段的学习任务后向教师汇报学习情况和接受考 查。由于每个学生的能力和志趣不同,他们各 自的学习任务和内容当然就不同,甚至彼此不 相干;学习任务按月布置,完成后再接受新的 学习任务。 • 道尔顿制最显著特点在于重视学生自学和独立 作业,在良好的条件下,有利于调动学生学习 的主动性,培养他们的学习能力和创造才能。 故这种教学形式曾得到杜威的赞赏,并一度在 美国流行。
大自然或社会特定场所进行观察、接触客观事物或 现象,以获得新知识和巩固验证已学知识的教学方法。
运用参观法的一般要求是: (1)做好参观前的准备工作。参观前要根据教学目的 和要求,确定参观的地点、对象和进行的步骤,制定好 参观的计划。 (2)做好参观时的指导工作,要求学生集中注意力, 收集有关资料,做好参观记录工作。 (3)做好参观后的总结工作,指导学生系统整理有关 资料,组织座谈或撰写报告,将感性认识上升到理性认 识。
演示法是指教师展示各种实物、教具,或进行示范性实验, 或采用现代化视听手段,而使学生通过观察获取对事物和现象的 感性认识的教学方法。
英语教学法教程11 Teaching Reading
11.5 The role of vocabulary in
Day & Bamford (1998): efficient reading begins with a lightening-like automatic recognition of words.
This initial process of accurate, rapid and automatic recognition of vocabulary frees one’s mind to use other resources, such as reasoning abilities, world knowledge, knowledge about the topic, etc. to construct meaning. … Slowing down and paying attention to recognizing words interfere with the construction of meaning.
Collective activity Easy to manage as it can be observed and heard
Silent reading Silent Usually fast For getting information and also for pleasure
Skimming; scanning; predicting; guessing unknown words from the context; understanding details; understanding relations between sentences and paragraphs; understanding references; making inferences; evaluating the writer’s attitudes and opinions, etc. Individual activity Difficult to manage as teachers cannot see what is going on in the ss’ mind
班级授课制是由夸美纽斯在其《大教学论》 中提出并在理论上进行说明的,由此也确 定了课堂教学在学校教育中的地位。
有利于扩大教学规模,充分发挥教师在 教学中的主导作用,也有利于学生之间 结成相互帮助和促进的集体,培养学生 的协作精神,集体观念和社交能力。但 过分整齐划一,也容易忽视学生的个性 发展。
2.讨论法 是指以加深对所学内容认识、辨明是非 或获得新的结论为目的,把学生组织起 来,激发思维,各抒己见以取得共识的 教学方法。
讨论法是双向的,可以激发学生对所讨论 的问题进行积极地思考,提高学生的思维 能力和智力,加深学生对所学知识的理解, 可以培养锻炼学生的语言表达能力和反应 的灵活性。
教学评价从本质上说是一种价值判断活 动,是对教学活动现实的或潜在的价值 作出判断的过程。
学生评价是以学生为评价对象,对他们 德、智、体、美、劳以及个性诸方面的 发展情况进行综合评价。学生评价是学 校教育评价的主要组成部分。
(一)学生评价的意义 1、有助于把握学生学习起点,正确地确 定教学目标,选择教学策略。 诊断性评价就能使教师了解学生在学习 一门新课程的知识、技能、能力与学习 态度的准备情况,从而有助于教师有针 对性采取适合学生特点的教学方法。
三、大学教学方法的改革与发展 在指导思想上以启发式代替注入式 在功能上由教给学生知识向教会学生学 习、发展 在教学方法的整体结构上强调教学方法 的多样性与灵活性及各种教学方法的相 互配合
四、大学教学方法优化组合的基本要求 (一)大学教学方法选择的必要性 选择的意识,有助于更好地完成教学 任务 只有个性化的选择和运用,才有最合 适的教学方法
二、教育技术在高校教学中的应用及其影 响 对教育决策的影响 对教学模式的影响 对高等教育、高校教学发展的影响:提 高教育质量与效率,扩大教育规模,有 利于因材施教
《英语教学法》Unit 11 Teaching Reading.ppt
Reading aloud
Silent reading
Utterance of every word
Usually slow
Usually fast
Purposes Skills involved Form of activity
Usually for sharing infor., for appreciation or memorization sometimes Pronunciation and intonation
Collective activity
For getting information and sometimes for pleasure
skimming, scanning, predicting, understanding references, making inferences, evaluating…
Sight vocabulary
---- Words that you can recognize with both sounds and meanings without special effort from your brain
The best way to develop vocabulary is to read a great deal since repetition of new words helps in changing newly learned words into sight vocabulary.
For developing students' reading skills, the first obstacle is often the vocabulary. Therefore, at the beginning stage, it is important for teachers to realize that helping our students to expand their sight vocabulary is quite important. In other words, only when they are able to quickly recognize the English words that comes to their sight and make a connection between these words and their meanings, can they have space in their brain to process meaning as a whole. If they have difficulty processing every new word their short term memory will be fully occupied with all the individual words, therefore leaving no space for them to process meaning.
英语教学法课件 Unit 11 Teaching Reading
Pre-reading :
• The aims of the pre-reading stage:
to arouse students’ interest in the topic or type of text; to motivate students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading; to prepare students for the content of the text.
III. Why do we read?
reading for survival
e.g. parents read the label on a medicine bottle to see if it is suitable for a sick baby and to see how much to give.
Turn to Page 191 and do Task No. 14.
whilewhile-reading stage
• This stage mainly focuses on the exploitation of the text. It aims to help the readers understand the content and structure of the text, as well as the author’s purpose in writing it.
WhileWhile-reading activities
• Examine referents in the text and stating what they refer to • Putting the paragraphs of a jumbled text back in the correct order • Giving sections of a text appropriate headings • Giving the text an appropriate title
《教学法》Unit 11 Teaching Reading 2015-12-5
Types of TD
Pictures Drawings Maps Tables Tree diagrams Cyclic diagrams
Pie charts Bar charts Flowcharts Chronological sequence Subtitles (provide subtitles) Notes (taking notes while reading)
* Purpose: Familiarizing with the cultural and social background * Methods: Provoking discussion on the comparison between “other” and “home” culture, Relating, Using visual aids
Role play Retelling
Focusing on the oral competence
Focusing on the comprehensive understanding
第十一章 课堂教学过程、方法与技术设计设计
aloud and silent reading The role of vocabulary in reading Model and principles for teaching reading Three stages in teaching reading
Pre-reading activities ---- Pooling together the existing knowledge about the topic, creating expectations (predicting contents) and arousing student’s interest about the topic
Interactive model The current theory views reading as an
interactive process. That is to say, the brain receives visual information and at the same time, interprets or reconstructs the meaning the writer had in mind when he wrote the text. This process does not only involve the printed page but also the reader’s knowledge of the language in general, of the world, and of the text types. During the process of reading, all these factors interact with each other and compensate for each other. One’s general knowledge about the world and about text types are known as schemas.
do not need to use it while they are reading.(Oakhill and Garnham,1988) 4. Good readers know the language. They can decode with occasional exceptions, both the lexical and syntactic structures they encounter in texts, and they do so for the most part, not by guessing from context or prior knowledge by the word, but by a kind of automatic identification that requires no conscious effort.(Eskey D 1988)
Research findings about good readers Factors affecting reading Strategies in reading comprehension Principles in teaching reading Approaches of teaching reading Three levels of reading Objectives of teaching reading
Guidelines for reading instruction Contents of teaching instruction Classroom activities Reading stages
王蔷 英语教学法教程 第二版 Unit11
第11章Teaching Reading一、The way of reading:Reading aloud and silent reading: are two types of reading practice commonly found in classrooms. Differences between reading aloud and silent reading:二、What do effective readers do:①have a clear purpose in reading;②read silently;③read phrase by phrase, rather than word by word;④concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest, and skip the insignificant parts;⑤use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks;⑥perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate;⑦guess the meaning of new words from the context, or ignore them;⑧have and use background information to help understand the text.三、The content of readingESL/EFL reading textbooks should have a great variety of authentic materials.Teachers should ensure not only there is a greater variety but also we can help prepare students to meet their future needs.Besides authentic texts, ESL textbooks also employ a lot of non-authentic texts, i.e. simulated texts.四、Strategies involved in reading comprehension:1. reading and reading comprehensionReading: According to Day and Bamford, reading is the construction of meaning from a printed or written message.Reading comprehension: involves extracting the relevant information from the text as efficiently as possible, connecting the information from the written message with one’s own knowledge to arrive at an understanding.A characteristic: Reading is a silent and individual activity since the writer’s intention was for the text to be read rather than heard.2. Two broad levels in reading①a recognition task of perceiving visual signals from the printed page through the eyes.②a cognitive task of interpreting the visual information, relating the received information with the reader’s own general knowledge, and reconstructing the meaning that the writer had meant to convey.3. The skills involved in reading: reading strategies五、The role of vocabulary in readingA large majority of students believe that vocabulary is the main obstacle in learning to read and this has already been pointed out by Grabe.The lack of such vocabulary may be the greatest single impediment of fluent reading.Fluent reading depends on an adequate sight vocabulary, a general knowledge about the target language, some knowledge about the topic, wide knowledge about the world and enough knowledge about text types. According to Day and Bamford, efficient reading begins with a lightening-like automatic recognition of words. This initial process of accurate, rapid and automatic recognition of vocabulary frees one’s mind to use other resources.Less the 3% of new words in a reading text will enable smooth, meaningful and enjoyable reading. Therefore, helping students to develop the ability of automatic word recognition is the basis for developing their reading skills.Sight vocabulary: words that one is able to immediately recognize with both sounds and meanings without special effort from the brainThe best and easiest way to develop sight vocabulary is to read extensively.Through intensive and extensive reading;Keeping a vocabulary notebook;Using a dictionary;However, the materials chosen must be at the right level and a degree of monitoring should be available to keep the motivation high so that students can feel a sense of achievement by sharing their reading experiences with others.六、Principles and models for teaching reading1. Principles for teaching reading:1) The selected texts and attached tasks should be accessible to the students.2) Tasks should be clearly given in advance.3) Tasks should be designed to encourage selective and intelligent reading for the main meaning rather than test the students’ understanding of trivial details.4) Tasks should help develop student’s reading skills rather than test reading comprehension.5) Develop student’s reading strategies and reading ability in general.6) Provide enough guidance at the beginning and help them become independent reader eventually.2. Models of teaching reading(1)Bottom-up modelThe way one teaches reading always reflects the way one understands reading and the reading process. Some teachers teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and new structures first and then going over the text sentence by sentence. This is followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice.Reading comprehension is based on the understanding and mastery of all the new words, new phrases, and new structures as well as a lot of reading aloud practice.In reading, information is transmitted along a linear process: letters—words—phrases—clauses—sentences—paragraphs—whole discourse.(2)Top-down model -- Schema theoryBottom-up model believes that one’s background knowledge plays a more important role than new words and new structures in reading comprehension.Teaching process: the teacher should teach the background knowledge first so that students equipped with such knowledge will be able to guess meaning from the printed page.Reading process: a psycholinguistic guessing game(Goodman, 1970).(3)Interactive modelThe current theory views reading as an interactive process.Reading comprehension is based on the interactive process between visual information obtained from the reading materials and the readers’ prior knowledge.Reading process: brain receives visual information and at the same time, interprets or reconstructs the meaning the writer had in mind when he wrote the text. This process does not only involve the printed page but also the reader’s knowledge of the language in general, of the world, and of the text types.七、Reading activitiesThe three stages are pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading.1. Pre-reading activities(1) Definition of pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities refer to tasks/activities that students do before they read the text in detail.(2) Purpose:To stimulate students’ interests, to facilitate while-reading activities. By:①pooling existing knowledge about the topic;②predicting the contents of the text;③skimming or scanning the text or parts of the text for certain purposes;④learning key words and structures.To sum up, the purpose is to prepare the students linguistically, thematically and affectively for the tasks in while-reading activities.(3) Pre-reading activities in details:1) Predicting—confirm or reject prediction in readingPredicting will get the mind close to the theme of the text to be read, making reading more intriguing and purposeful and resulting in better comprehension compared with the situation where the learner starts reading with a blank mind.Predictions can be done in many different ways①Predicting based on the title;②Predicting based on vocabulary;③Predicting based on the T/F questions.2) Setting the scene1) Aim: get the students familiarized with the cultural and social background knowledge relevant to the reading text.2) Ways of setting the scene:①Discussing culture-bound aspects of the text;②Relating what students know to what they want to know, and then ask the students to read the text to see if they can find what they want to know;③Using visual aids to set the scene.3) SkimmingIt means to read quickly to get the gist.4) ScanningReading for specific information, and should ignore the irrelevant parts when reading.2. While-reading activitiesThere are two ways of exploiting texts:1) Focusing on the results of reading:Multiple-choice questions; T/F; open questions, paraphrasing, translation.2) Focusing on the process of understanding:①Information transfer activities:When information in text form is transferred to another form , it can be more effectively processed and retained. Information transfer activities: The way to transfer information from one form to another is called a transition device.Purposes of transition deviceWhen using transition devices, we need to ensure that it is an appropriate form to encapsulate the main information contained in the text. We need to bear in mind the purposes of transition devices.①Focus attention on the main meaning of the text②Be able to simplify sophisticated input so that it becomes the basis for output;③Allow students to perform tasks while they are reading;④Highlight the main structural organization of a text/part of a text, and show how the structure relates to meaning;⑤Involve all the students in clearly defined reading tasks;⑥Precede one step at a time and students should do easier tasks before doing more complicated ones;⑦When a TD is completed, use it as a basis for further oral or written language practice.②Reading comprehension questionsNuttall’s classification of reading questions①Questions of literal comprehension;②Questions involving reorganization or reinterpretation;③Questions for inferences;④Questions for evaluation or appreciation;⑤Questions for personal response.③Understanding referencesAll natural language, spoken or written, uses referential words such as pronouns to refer to people or things already mentioned previously in the context. Understanding what these words refer to is crucial forcomprehension.④Making inferencesIt requires the reader to use background knowledge in order to infer the implied meaning of the author. Making inferences is actually the process of relating the given information to what we have known about the world. 3. Post-reading Activities(1) Objectives①To check the fulfillment of reading tasks;②To evaluate the application of reading strategies;③To apply what has been learned;④To integrate reading with other skills.(2) RequirementsPost-reading tasks should provide the students with opportunities to relate what they have read to what they already know or what they feel.Post-reading tasks should enable students to produce language based on what they learned.(3) Types of post-reading activitiesRole play, Gap-filling, Discussion, Retelling and Writing.。
(完整版)《英语教学法》Unit_11_Teaching Reading
Could not see the wood for the trees
Could not see the the trees
Extensive Reading Intensive Reading
Models for teaching reading
Three different models: 1. Bottom-up model 2. model
Strategies involved in reading comprehension
5. Deducting the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items 6. Understanding relations within sentences 7. Understanding relations between sentences 8. Understanding references 9. Recognizing indicators in discourse 10. Recognizing the organization of the text 11. Making inferences
in teaching reading
Why should we know the nature of reading?
To students: appropriate and effective reading strategies To teachers: help the students to develop effective reading strategies Exercise: discussion on Task 2
途 径 进 行 学 习
学 生 通 过 多 种
3. 学生将学习体验融入到社会实践中。(隐)
实 践 体 验 与 文 献 阅 读 相 结 合 ( 隐 )
学 生 主 动 参 与 各 种 社 会 实 践 , 并 将 社
第十一章 音乐教师教育
第一节 音乐教师角色的转变和教师专业化
第十一章 音乐教师教育
2. 2.
4. 4.
1. 老师与学生都主动创造各种社会实践的机会(隐)
社 会 实 践 主 体 进 行 地 多 元 评 价 ( 隐 )
1. 教师和学生共同探讨布置文献(显)
进 行对 多课 元堂 评主 价体
3. 布置文献的同学进行组织,研一的同 学进行演讲,所有听课人员参与讨论。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
传统教学中,学生接受教师的灌输,教师处于居高临下的地位,师生之间 的关系是不平等的。随着教师角色的转变,教师与学生不再是支配与被支配的 关系,而是建立平等的交流与对话,教学成为师生共同的生命体验。
在平等和谐的师生关系中 ,教师会发现学生自身也是宝贵的教育资源,教 师常常会被学生的创造精神感动,不断地会有惊喜。教师也是学习的参与者, 教学中能够与学生分享自己的想法和情感,能够承认自己的不足或过失,这更 能带来学生的理解和尊重。
第十一章 音乐教师教育
第一节 音乐教师角色的转变和教师专业化
传统教学是以教师讲课为中心的教学,学生要配合和适应教师的教学。教 师的工作应更侧重于指导学生形成良好的学习习惯,掌握学习策略,发展元认知 能力,创设丰富的教学情境,培养学生的学习兴趣,激发学生的学习动机,为 学生创设一个接纳的、鼓励性的、宽容的课堂气氛。 所谓“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”,新课程理念要求教师不再是只传授现成 的教科书上的知识,而是要指导学生如何获取所需要的知识,掌握获取知识的工 具和处理各种信息的能力。对于教师来讲,最重要的是“教会学”,而对于师 范生来讲,最重要的是“学会学”和“学会教”。
Interactive model The current theory views reading as an
But remember, possessing a large sight vocabulary is a necessary but not sufficient condition for effective reading comprehension.
Hale Waihona Puke Some principles for teaching reading (p.184) Models for teaching reading
Efficient reading begins with a lightening-like automatic recognition of words. (Day and Bamford, 1998)
For developing students' reading skills, the first obstacle is often the vocabulary. Therefore, at the beginning stage, it is important for teachers to realize that helping our students to expand their sight vocabulary is quite important. In other words, only when they are able to quickly recognize the English words that comes to their sight and make a connection between these words and their meanings, can they have space in their brain to process meaning as a whole. If they have difficulty processing every new word their short term memory will be fully occupied with all the individual words, therefore leaving no space for them to process meaning.
教学法 第十一章
4)听对话填表 5)听-绘图 6)填空,如诗,英文歌
Make by 308
第三节 以说为主的练习实例
• 要有效地提高学生的口头表达能力,首先 应鼓励学生敢于开口。 • 对于学生在练习中出现的问题要用循循善 诱的态度加于引导。 • 要注意评价和纠正的方式方法。 • 暗示法往往可以在不损害学生自尊心的情 况下,达到纠正毛病的目的。
• 7、创设情境,供学生开展对话练习。 • 8、口头报告。(该练习可由当天值日生负 责,内容可分两部分,一般情况,像日期、 星期、天气及学校当天的常规活动和学生 的考勤情况等。另一部分可以包括前一天 有意义的活动和当天要做的事,可为个体 也可以为集体活动,新闻或通知也可以包 括在内。)
• 5、口头作文接龙。(由每位学生按命题与 规格每人讲一句话,以连成一篇作文 。每 句话的内容应体现相互间的逻辑关系。教 师可以预先将提纲告诉学生,使思维指向 较为统一。 • 6、句型转换练习。(如将句子的单数形式 转换为复数形式;以及改变语态,将直接 引语与间接引语互换等)
• 4.教师在组织教学以及讲课时使用的语言, 不应是学生难以理解的语言,可多借用直 观的手段。 • 5.要激发学生留心听和开口说的愿望。 • 6.听说训练不但要目的明确,而且要常做检 查,以便了解学生听的效果,发现问题, 改进工作。 • 7.全身反应法也是训练听所能力的好方法。
• 8.运用“独白”,培养口头连贯表达能力。 • 9.以对话为体裁的教学内容也是提高听说技 能的好材料。 • 10.组织一些竞争性的练习能激起儿童的学 习兴趣,满足他们的好胜心理。 • 11.利用听,开展判断有利于提高学生的辨 音能力。
王蔷 英语教学法教程 第二版 Unit11
第11章Teaching Reading一、The way of reading:Reading aloud and silent reading: are two types of reading practice commonly found in classrooms. Differences between reading aloud and silent reading:二、What do effective readers do:①have a clear purpose in reading;②read silently;③read phrase by phrase, rather than word by word;④concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest, and skip the insignificant parts;⑤use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks;⑥perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate;⑦guess the meaning of new words from the context, or ignore them;⑧have and use background information to help understand the text.三、The content of readingESL/EFL reading textbooks should have a great variety of authentic materials.Teachers should ensure not only there is a greater variety but also we can help prepare students to meet their future needs.Besides authentic texts, ESL textbooks also employ a lot of non-authentic texts, i.e. simulated texts.四、Strategies involved in reading comprehension:1. reading and reading comprehensionReading: According to Day and Bamford, reading is the construction of meaning from a printed or written message.Reading comprehension: involves extracting the relevant information from the text as efficiently as possible, connecting the information from the written message with one’s own knowledge to arrive at an understanding.A characteristic: Reading is a silent and individual activity since the writer’s intention was for the text to be read rather than heard.2. Two broad levels in reading①a recognition task of perceiving visual signals from the printed page through the eyes.②a cognitive task of interpreting the visual information, relating the received information with the reader’s own general knowledge, and reconstructing the meaning that the writer had meant to convey.3. The skills involved in reading: reading strategies五、The role of vocabulary in readingA large majority of students believe that vocabulary is the main obstacle in learning to read and this has already been pointed out by Grabe.The lack of such vocabulary may be the greatest single impediment of fluent reading.Fluent reading depends on an adequate sight vocabulary, a general knowledge about the target language, some knowledge about the topic, wide knowledge about the world and enough knowledge about text types. According to Day and Bamford, efficient reading begins with a lightening-like automatic recognition of words. This initial process of accurate, rapid and automatic recognition of vocabulary frees one’s mind to use other resources.Less the 3% of new words in a reading text will enable smooth, meaningful and enjoyable reading. Therefore, helping students to develop the ability of automatic word recognition is the basis for developing their reading skills.Sight vocabulary: words that one is able to immediately recognize with both sounds and meanings without special effort from the brainThe best and easiest way to develop sight vocabulary is to read extensively.Through intensive and extensive reading;Keeping a vocabulary notebook;Using a dictionary;However, the materials chosen must be at the right level and a degree of monitoring should be available to keep the motivation high so that students can feel a sense of achievement by sharing their reading experiences with others.六、Principles and models for teaching reading1. Principles for teaching reading:1) The selected texts and attached tasks should be accessible to the students.2) Tasks should be clearly given in advance.3) Tasks should be designed to encourage selective and intelligent reading for the main meaning rather than test the students’ understanding of trivial details.4) Tasks should help develop student’s reading skills rather than test reading comprehension.5) Develop student’s reading strategies and reading ability in general.6) Provide enough guidance at the beginning and help them become independent reader eventually.2. Models of teaching reading(1)Bottom-up modelThe way one teaches reading always reflects the way one understands reading and the reading process. Some teachers teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and new structures first and then going over the text sentence by sentence. This is followed by some questions and answers and reading aloud practice.Reading comprehension is based on the understanding and mastery of all the new words, new phrases, and new structures as well as a lot of reading aloud practice.In reading, information is transmitted along a linear process: letters—words—phrases—clauses—sentences—paragraphs—whole discourse.(2)Top-down model -- Schema theoryBottom-up model believes that one’s background knowledge plays a more important role than new words and new structures in reading comprehension.Teaching process: the teacher should teach the background knowledge first so that students equipped with such knowledge will be able to guess meaning from the printed page.Reading process: a psycholinguistic guessing game(Goodman, 1970).(3)Interactive modelThe current theory views reading as an interactive process.Reading comprehension is based on the interactive process between visual information obtained from the reading materials and the readers’ prior knowledge.Reading process: brain receives visual information and at the same time, interprets or reconstructs the meaning the writer had in mind when he wrote the text. This process does not only involve the printed page but also the reader’s knowledge of the language in general, of the world, and of the text types.七、Reading activitiesThe three stages are pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading.1. Pre-reading activities(1) Definition of pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities refer to tasks/activities that students do before they read the text in detail.(2) Purpose:To stimulate students’ interests, to facilitate while-reading activities. By:①pooling existing knowledge about the topic;②predicting the contents of the text;③skimming or scanning the text or parts of the text for certain purposes;④learning key words and structures.To sum up, the purpose is to prepare the students linguistically, thematically and affectively for the tasks in while-reading activities.(3) Pre-reading activities in details:1) Predicting—confirm or reject prediction in readingPredicting will get the mind close to the theme of the text to be read, making reading more intriguing and purposeful and resulting in better comprehension compared with the situation where the learner starts reading with a blank mind.Predictions can be done in many different ways①Predicting based on the title;②Predicting based on vocabulary;③Predicting based on the T/F questions.2) Setting the scene1) Aim: get the students familiarized with the cultural and social background knowledge relevant to the reading text.2) Ways of setting the scene:①Discussing culture-bound aspects of the text;②Relating what students know to what they want to know, and then ask the students to read the text to see if they can find what they want to know;③Using visual aids to set the scene.3) SkimmingIt means to read quickly to get the gist.4) ScanningReading for specific information, and should ignore the irrelevant parts when reading.2. While-reading activitiesThere are two ways of exploiting texts:1) Focusing on the results of reading:Multiple-choice questions; T/F; open questions, paraphrasing, translation.2) Focusing on the process of understanding:①Information transfer activities:When information in text form is transferred to another form , it can be more effectively processed and retained. Information transfer activities: The way to transfer information from one form to another is called a transition device.Purposes of transition deviceWhen using transition devices, we need to ensure that it is an appropriate form to encapsulate the main information contained in the text. We need to bear in mind the purposes of transition devices.①Focus attention on the main meaning of the text②Be able to simplify sophisticated input so that it becomes the basis for output;③Allow students to perform tasks while they are reading;④Highlight the main structural organization of a text/part of a text, and show how the structure relates to meaning;⑤Involve all the students in clearly defined reading tasks;⑥Precede one step at a time and students should do easier tasks before doing more complicated ones;⑦When a TD is completed, use it as a basis for further oral or written language practice.②Reading comprehension questionsNuttall’s classification of reading questions①Questions of literal comprehension;②Questions involving reorganization or reinterpretation;③Questions for inferences;④Questions for evaluation or appreciation;⑤Questions for personal response.③Understanding referencesAll natural language, spoken or written, uses referential words such as pronouns to refer to people or things already mentioned previously in the context. Understanding what these words refer to is crucial forcomprehension.④Making inferencesIt requires the reader to use background knowledge in order to infer the implied meaning of the author. Making inferences is actually the process of relating the given information to what we have known about the world. 3. Post-reading Activities(1) Objectives①To check the fulfillment of reading tasks;②To evaluate the application of reading strategies;③To apply what has been learned;④To integrate reading with other skills.(2) RequirementsPost-reading tasks should provide the students with opportunities to relate what they have read to what they already know or what they feel.Post-reading tasks should enable students to produce language based on what they learned.(3) Types of post-reading activitiesRole play, Gap-filling, Discussion, Retelling and Writing.。
英语教学法 Unit 11 Teaching Writing
What do we write in reality? (Brainstorm)
We write letters, journals, notes, instructions, posters, essays, reports, poems, stories, menus, etc. mostly for communication, to reflect our inner thoughts or feelings. So we should realize that there is a great variety of things we write in reality.
In real life
Authenticity/real Real writing, ideas authentic, motivation
In order to motivate students, we should advocate authentic writing. If writing tasks focus on the product rather than on the process, they do not help students to develop real writing skills.
Activity 2 Letter Writing
A friend is coming to visit your hometown/village. Unfortunately you will be away. Writing a short letter to your friend and makes some suggestions about sightseeing and other activities in your area. Activity 2 can be considered as “writing for communication” though the situation is an imagined one.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• 4.教师在组织教学以及讲课时使用的语言, 不应是学生难以理解的语言,可多借用直 观的手段。 • 5.要激发学生留心听和开口说的愿望。 • 6.听说训练不但要目的明确,而且要常做检 查,以便了解学生听的效果,发现问题, 改进工作。 • 7.全身反应法也是训练听所能力的好方法。
• 8.运用“独白”,培养口头连贯表达能力。 • 9.以对话为体裁的教学内容也是提高听说技 能的好材料。 • 10.组织一些竞争性的练习能激起儿童的学 习兴趣,满足他们的好胜心理。 • 11.利用听,开展判断有利于提高学生的辨 音能力。
• 5、口头作文接龙。(由每位学生按命题与 规格每人讲一句话,以连成一篇作文 。每 句话的内容应体现相互间的逻辑关系。教 师可以预先将提纲告诉学生,使思维指向 较为统一。 • 6、句型转换练习。(如将句子的单数形式 转换为复数形式;以及改变语态,将直接 引语与间接引语互换等)
• • • • • • • 1.学生的写始于字母。 2.听写。 3.抄写于出声朗读。 4.看图写问句与答语。 例如:Is this your shirt ? 回答:Yes,this is my shirt. 5.用词造句与连词成句、成文。
• 6.看图写文。 • 73、听录音。就录音的内容开展问答。该活动可 设评判员,就提问与回答的内容和质量定优胜。 • 14、听录音,分句,分段跟读。如果是对话性材 料,则可以分角色模仿跟读。 • 15、为模拟的动作及表情旁白。(可以让多位学 生担任各角色动作的语言表达或解释。) • 16、看图说话。(学生可以根据图画的内容,为 其添上故事情节,将它们作为故事讲述给其他的 学生听。由于想象不同,这一活动可以反复由不 同的学生进行,并根据效果,评出最佳想象故 事。)
4)听对话填表 5)听-绘图 6)填空,如诗,英文歌
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第三节 以说为主的练习实例
• 要有效地提高学生的口头表达能力,首先 应鼓励学生敢于开口。 • 对于学生在练习中出现的问题要用循循善 诱的态度加于引导。 • 要注意评价和纠正的方式方法。 • 暗示法往往可以在不损害学生自尊心的情 况下,达到纠正毛病的目的。
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1)辨音能力,如: A)按听到的先后顺序给词汇编号 she short show sure ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) shop shout ship ( ) ( ) ( )
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B)画出听到的词汇 map cat noon moon name game my by
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cook book pen ten
2)听-译写,如:将听到的英语转为 数字 eight seven two one nine six _
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3)听算,如: How much is five plus four?
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• 组长:黄意斐 11号 • 成员:程振伟 02号 ,黄丽媚 08号 ,梁 嘉伟 14号,卢枝坚 19号 ,苏土珍 23号, 覃君萍 25号 ,肖晓 32号 ,邹敏 45号。
第十一章 听、说、读、写技能的培养
第一节 听说活动应注意事项
1.儿童用英语与教师或同伴交往的发展和复 杂化,推动着他的语言发展。(听力训练 应贯彻由易到难,由简到繁,循序渐进的 原则。) 2.课堂教学中,教师在导入新课时,常以听 为先,贯彻整体教学原则,让学生对新材 料获得以听为方式的感知。 3.将听与模仿和写相结合。
• 1、套用句型及词汇练习:Would you wait a moment , please? (Would you mind……please) • 2、按图回答。 • 3、学生自我介绍。(学生本人的简历及爱好、性 格等,也可以包括学生的家庭情况) • 4、命题口头作文。这可以根据学生学过的课文体 裁,在限定的时间内口头完成。如:My Family ,My Father ,My Bedroom……
第四节 开展读、写活动应该注意的 事项
• 1.朗读的种类
• 阅读分为朗读和默读 • 训练儿童朗读发音技巧不能仅限于单音训 练,发音的清晰度、速度和控制音的强弱 能力以及语调表情等,都是朗读练习中值 得注意的内容 • 用于朗读材料的内容应健康,文笔优美, 容易上口,故事性、审美性强 • 读书总是要发出声音,有了一定的朗读技 能之后才能不出声地阅读
• 7、创设情境,供学生开展对话练习。 • 8、口头报告。(该练习可由当天值日生负 责,内容可分两部分,一般情况,像日期、 星期、天气及学校当天的常规活动和学生 的考勤情况等。另一部分可以包括前一天 有意义的活动和当天要做的事,可为个体 也可以为集体活动,新闻或通知也可以包 括在内。)
• 运用儿歌训练儿童的朗读技巧,增强学习 的兴趣,如To The Rain( 告诉雨点) • 讲述简单的故事和阅读童话 • 通过对不同材料的阅读,引导学生开展逻 辑思考活动,形成有系统、有规律的阅读 习惯 • 纠正学生在阅读中常犯的毛病
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第六节 以写为主的练习实例
• 2.组织朗读的技术
• 阅读的开展要以学生的英语基础知识为根据 • 在小学高年级,开设英语阅读课或进行阅读活动 是可行的。这项活动大体可分为四个阶段进行: (1)学生阅读前的准备(2)阅读活动(3)读 后检查或小结(4)复述读的内容 • 提高阅读效率主要在于积极开展思维活动 • 阅读从一开始就应养成良好的习惯:(1)养成查阅工 具书的习惯(2)养成朗读、动笔、摘抄以及形成 记忆的习惯
• 12.听不同的调型,理解话语所传递的不同 的信息能力。 • 13.快速问答。 • 14.开展泛听,熟悉不同的语音语调。 • 15.开展定时定期的校园英语广播活动。
听写的价值体现于它在口语和 书面语之间架起一座相互联接的桥 梁,在帮助学生巩固已能发好音的 书面结构的同时,也为教学有助于 提高听力理解的检测方式。
• 3.写的能力培养的内容、方式和做法
• 写,包括书写和写作 • 教师首先面临的问题是选择英语书写字体 的问题。挑选的原则应当是:一是易认, 二是能作为发展书法的基础,当然还应当 考虑到它的通用性和实用性 • 写是英语技能的一个组成部分 • 教学中,写的活动既可以集中进行,但更 多的是穿插分散在其他技能的培养活动中