Successive state transitions with I O interface by molecules
Toward green and soft a 5G perspective
I NTRODUCTIONWith the maturing of fourth generation (4G)standardization and the ongoing worldwide deployment of 4G cellular networks, research activities on 5G communication technologies have emerged in both the academic and industri-al communities. Various organizations from dif-ferent countries and regions have taken initiatives and launched programs aimed at potential key technologies of 5G: 5GNOW and METI S launched under the European Telecommunica-tions Standards Institute’s (ETSI’s) Framework 7study new waveforms and the fundamentals of 5G to meet the requirements in 2020; the 5G Research Center was established in the UnitedKingdom to develop a world-class testbed of 5G technologies; the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has drawn up its draft evolution roadmap to 2020; and China has kicked off its IMT-2020 Forum to start the study of user demands, spectrum characteristics, and technolo-gy trends [1]. There is a broad consensus that 5G requirements include higher spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE), lower end-to-end latency, and more connection nodes. From the perspective of China Mobile, 5G should reflect two major themes: green and soft.As global carbon emissions increase and sea levels rise, global weather and air pollution inmany large cities across the world is becoming more severe [2]. Consequently, energy saving has been recognized as an urgent issue rmation and communications technologies (ICT) take up a considerable proportion of total energy consumption. In 2012, the annual average power consumption by ICT industries was over 200 GW, of which telecoms infrastructure and devices accounted for 25 percent [3]. In the 5G era, it is expected that millions more base sta-tions (BSs) with higher functionality and billions more smart phones and devices with much high-er data rates will be connected. The largest mobile network in the world consumed over 14billion kWh of energy in 2012 in its network of 1.1 million BSs. If green communications tech-nologies are universally deployed across this net-work, significant energy savings can be realized,enabling larger infrastructure deployments for 4G and 5G capacity upgrades without requiring significant increase in average revenue per user (ARPU). Dramatic improvements in EE will be needed; consequently, new tools for jointly opti-mizing network SE and EE will be essential.Several research groups and consortia have been investigating EE of cellular networks,including Mobile VCE, EARTH, and Green-Touch. Mobile VCE has focused on the BS hard-ware, architecture, and operation, realizing energy saving gains of 75–92 percent in simula-tions [4]. EARTH has devised an array of new technologies including low-loss antennas, micro direct transmission (DTX), antenna muting, and adaptive sectorization according to traffic fluctu-ations, resulting in energy savings of 60–70 per-cent with less than 5 percent throughput degradation [5]. GreenTouch has set up a much more ambitious goal of improving EE 1000 times by 2020 [6]. Several operators have been actively developing and deploying green technologies,including green BSs powered solely by renew-able energies, and green access infrastructure such as cloud/collaborative/clean radio access network (C-RAN) [7].Carrier grade networks are complex and com-posed of special-purpose nodes and hardware.New standards and features often require a vari-ety of equipment to be developed and integrat-ed, thus leading to very long launch cycles. In order to accommodate the explosive mobileA BSTRACTAs the deployment and commercial operation of 4G systems are speeding up, technologists worldwide have begun searching for next genera-tion wireless solutions to meet the anticipated demands in the 2020 era given the explosive growth of mobile Internet. This article presents our perspective of the 5G technologies with two major themes: green and soft. By rethinking the Shannon theorem and traditional cell-centric design, network capacity can be significantly increased while network power consumption is decreased. The feasibility of the combination of green and soft is investigated through five inter-connected areas of research: energy efficiency and spectral efficiency co-design, no more cells,rethinking signaling/control, invisible base sta-tions, and full duplex radio.Chih-Lin I, Corbett Rowell, Shuangfeng Han, Zhikun Xu, Gang Li, and Zhengang Pan, China Mobile Research InstituteT oward Green and Soft: A 5G PerspectiveInternet traffic growth and a large number of new applications/services demanding much short-er times to market, much faster turnaround of new network capabilities is required. Dynamic RAN reconfiguration can handle both temporal and spatial domain variation of mobile traffic without overprovisioning homogeneously. Soft technologies are the key to resolve these issues.By separating software and hardware, control plane and data plane, building software over general-purpose processors (GPPs) via program-ming interfaces and virtualization technology, it is possible to achieve lower cost and higher effi-ciency using software defined networks (SDNs) and network functions virtualization (NFV) [8]. The OpenRoad project at Stanford University introduced Open-flow, FlowVisor, and SNMPVi-sor to wireless networks to enhance the control plane. Base station virtualization from NEC con-centrated on slicing radio resources at the medi-um access control (MAC) layer. CloudEPC from Ericsson modified Long Term Evolution (LTE) control plane to control open-flow switches. CellSDN from Alcatel-Lucent considered a logi-cally centralized control plane, and scalable dis-tributed enforcement of quality of service (QoS) and firewall policies in the data plane. C-RAN implements a soft and virtualized BS with multi-ple baseband units (BBUs) integrated as virtual machines on the same server, supporting multi-ple radio access technologies (RATs). A soft end-to-end solution from the core network to the RAN can enable the 5G goals of spectraland energy efficiency.In the following sections, this article will elab-orate on a green and soft 5G vision. In additionto the traditional emphasis on maximizing SE,EE must be positioned side by side for jointoptimization. We present an EE and SE co-design framework. The concept of no more cellsis highlighted later with user-centric design andC-RAN as key elements of a soft cell infra-structure. The rationale for a fundamentalrethinking of signaling and control design in 5Gis provided. This article further discusses theidea of invisible BSs incorporating line-sideanswer supervision (LSAS) technology. Finally,the fundamental interference management issuesin networks based on full duplex technologiesand potential solutions are identified; we thensummarize this article.R ETHINK S HANNON:EE AND SE C O-D ESIGNGiven limited spectrum and ever increasingcapacity demand, SE has been pursued fordecades as the top design priority of all majorwireless standards, ranging from cellular net-works to local and personal area networks. Thecellular data rate has been improved from kilo-bits per second in 2G to gigabits per second in4G. SE-oriented designs, however, have over-looked the issues of infrastructure power con-sumption. Currently, RANs consume 70 percentof the total power. In contrast to the exponentialgrowth of traffic volume on mobile Internet,both the associated revenue growth and the net-work EE improvement lag by orders of magni-tude. A sustainable future wireless network musttherefore be not only spectral efficient but alsoenergy efficient. Therefore EE and SE jointoptimization is a critical part of 5G research.Looking at traditional cellular systems, thereare many opportunities to become greener, fromequipment level such as more efficient poweramplifiers using envelop tracking, to networklevel such as dynamic operation in line with traf-fic variations both in time and space. For funda-mental principles of EE and SE co-design, onemust first revisit the classic Shannon theory andreformulate it in terms of EE and SE.In classic Shannon theory, the channel capac-ity is a function of the log of the transmit power(P t), noise power spectral density (N0), and sys-tem bandwidth (W). The total system power con-sumption is a sum of P t and the circuit power P c,that is,where r is power amplifier (PA) efficiencydefined as the ratio of the input of the PA to theoutput of the PA. From the definition of EE [9],EE is equal to the channel capacity normalizedby the system power consumption. SE is thechannel capacity normalized by system band-width. The relationship of EE and SE can beshown as a function of PA efficiency and P c inFig. 1a. From Fig. 1a, it can be observed thatwhen P c is zero, there is a monotonic trade-offbetween h EE and h SE as predicted by the classicShannon theory. For nonzero P c, however, h EEincreases in the low SE region and decreases inthe high SE region with h SE(for a given h EE,there are two values of h SE). As P c increases, theEE-SE curve appears flatter. Furthermore, whentaking the derivative of h EE over h SE, the maxi-mum EE (h*EE) and its corresponding SE (h*SE)then satisfy the following: log2h*EE= log2r/(N0ln2) –h*SE. This means there is a linear relation-ship between log2h*EE and h*SE, and the EE-SErelationship at the EE optimal points is indepen-dent of P c. This observation implies that as P cdecreases, an exponential EE gain may beobtained at the cost of linear SE loss.Figure 1b compares the EE-SE performanceof current Global System for Mobile Communi-cations (GSM) and LTE BSs. LTE performs bet-ter than GSM in terms of both SE and EE; both,however, are working in a low SE region, indi-cating room for improvement.Antenna muting is proposed in EARTH toimprove EE, while LSAS stipulates EE improve-ment by increasing the number of antennas. Theseemingly contradicting conclusions are actuallyconsistent with the analysis presented abovewhere the difference is that the former operatesin a low SE region, whereas the latter operatesin a high SE region.While some progress has been made in EEand SE co-design investigation, there is still along way to go to develop a unified frameworkand comprehensive understanding in this area.Ideally, the EE-SE curve in future systemsshould achieve the following criteria:•The EE value should be improved for eachSE operation point.ρ=+PPP,tottcAngle φ (degrees)Angle θ (degrees)80604020040806020806040200020406080arrival/angle of departure (AoA/AoD) and large-scale fading with regard to different antennas are assumed to be the same due to the regular spacing in the traditional 2D array. With irregu-lar antenna arrays, however, the spacing and rel-ative position of each antenna may invalidate the above assumption where AoA /AoD and large-scale fading may be different for each ray with regard to different LSAS antennas; therefore, modification to the current channel modeling is needed.F ULL D UPLEX R ADIOCurrent cellular systems are either frequency-division duplex (FDD) or TDD. To double SE as well as improve EE, full duplex operation should be considered for 5G. A full duplex BS transmits to and receives from different termi-nals simultaneously using the same frequency resource. Self-interference cancellation is the key to the success of a full duplex system since high DL interference will make the receivers unable to detect the UL signal. Significant research progress has been made recently in self-interference cancellation technologies, including antenna placement, orthogonal polarizations, analog cancellation, and digital cancellation [13]. Most of the research, however, has been on either point-to-point relay or a single-cell BS scenario. There is also inter-user UL-to-DL interference in the single-cell full duplex system.To mitigate such interference, the inter-userinterference channel must be measured andreported. The full duplex BS can then scheduleproper UL and DL user pairs, possibly with jointpower control.In the case of a multi-cell full duplex network,interference management becomes significantlymore complex. For current TDD or FDD sys-tems, the DL-to-DL interference received at UEand UL-to-UL interference received at BSs havebeen studied extensively in literature and stan-dardization bodies (e.g., CoMP in 3GPP LTE-Advanced and IEEE 802.16m). In a full duplexsystem, however, there are new interference situ-ations. For example, if there are two BSs, therewill be additional interference in the UL and DLbetween multiple UE mobile devices with thesame frequency and time resources. In additionto intracell interference, there are inter-BS DL-to UL-interference and intercell inter-user UL-to-DL interference. These additional types ofinterference will adversely impact full duplex sys-tem performance. Traditional transmit or receivebeamforming schemes can be applied to mitigateinter-BS DL-to-UL interference. The intracellinterference mitigation can be extended to han-dle intercell inter-user UL-to-DL interference.C ONCLUSIONSThis article has presented five promising areasof research targeting a green and soft 5G system.The fundamental differences between classicShannon theory and practical systems are firstidentified and then harmonized into a frame-work for EE-SE co-design. The characteristics ofno more cells are described from the perspectiveof infrastructure and architecture variations withparticular emphasis on C-RAN as a typical real-ization in order to enable various soft technolo-gies. Rethinking signaling/control based ondiverse traffic profiles and network loading isthen explored, and initial redesign mechanismsand results are discussed. Virtually invisible basestations with irregular LSAS array are envi-sioned to provide much larger capacity at lowerpower in high-density areas when integrated intobuilding signage. Optimal configuration oftransceivers and active antennas is investigatedin terms of EE-SE performance. Finally, newinterference scenarios are identified in fullduplex networks, and several candidate solutionsare discussed. These five areas provide potentialfor fundamental breakthroughs, and togetherwith achievements in other research areas, theywill lead to a revolutionary new generation ofstandards suitable for 2020 5G deployment.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors would like to express gratitude toYami Chen, Jiqing Ni, Chengkang Pan, HualeiWang, and Sen Wang in the Green ResearchCommunication Center of the China MobileResearch Institute.R EFERENCES[1] .[2] .[3] T. C. Group, “Smart 2020: Enabling the Low CarbonEconomy in the Information Age,” 2008.[4] .[5] P. Skillermark and P. Frenger, “Enhancing Energy Effi-ciency in LTE with Antenna Muting,” IEEE VTC Spring’12, 2012, May 2012, pp. 1–9.[6] .[7] C. M. R. Institute, “C-RAN: The Road Towards GreenRAN,” Oct. 2011, available: /cran.[8] M. Chiosi, D. Clarke, and P. Willis, “Network FunctionsVirtualization,” Oct. 2012.[9] G. Y. Li et al., “Energy-Efficient Wireless Communica-tions: Tutorial, Survey, and Open Issues,” IEEE WirelessCommun., vol. 18, no. 6, Dec. 2011, pp. 28–35.[10] M. Gupta et al., “Energy Impact of Emerging MobileInternet Applications on LTE Networks: Issues and Solu-tions,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 51, no. 2, Feb. 2013,pp. 90–97.[11] F. Rusek et al., “Scaling Up MIMO: Opportunities andChallenges with Very Large Arrays,” IEEE Signal Proc.Mag., vol. 30, no. 1, Jan. 2013, pp. 40–60.[12] T. Marzetta, “Noncooperative Cellular Wireless withUnlimited Numbers of Base Station Antennas,” IEEETrans. Wireless Commun., vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 2010,pp. 3590–3600.[13] E. Aryafar et al., “Midu: Enabling MIMO Full Duplex,”Proc. ACM Mobicom ’12, 2012.B IOGRAPHIESC HIH L IN I(icl@) received her Ph.D. degreein electrical engineering from Stanford University and hasalmost 30 years experience in wireless communications.She has worked at various world-class companies andresearch institutes, including the Wireless CommunicationFundamental Research Department of AT&T Bell Labs; theheadquarters of AT&T, as director of Wireless Communica-tions Infrastructure and Access Technology; ITRI of Taiwan,as director of Wireless Communication Technology; HongKong ASTRI, as vice president and founding group directorof the Communications Technology Domain. She receivedthe IEEE Transactions on Communications Stephen RiceBest Paper Award and is a winner of the CCCP National1000 Talent program. Currently, she is China Mobile’s chiefscientist of wireless technologies in charge of advancedwireless communication R&D efforts of the China MobileResearch Institute. She established the Green Communica-tions Research Center of China Mobile, spearheading majorinitiatives including 5G key technologies R&D; high energyefficiency system architecture, technologies, and devices;green energy; and C-RAN and soft base stations. She was an elected Board Member of IEEE ComSoc, Chair of the ComSoc Meetings and Conferences Board, and Founding Chair of the IEEE WCNC Steering Committee. She is cur-rently an Executive Board Member of GreenTouch and a Network Operator Council Member of ETSI NFV. Her research interests are green communications, C-RAN, net-work convergence, bandwidth refarming, EE-SE co-design,massive MIMO, and active antenna arrays.C ORBETT R OWELL (corbettrowell@) received his B.A. degree (honors) in physics from the University of California Santa Cruz, his M.Phil. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Hong Kong University of Sci-ence and Technology, and his Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Hong Kong University. He has worked extensively in industry with experience inside startups, research institutes, antenna manufacturers, and operators, designing a wide variety of products including cellular antennas, digital repeaters, radio units, MRI, NFC,MIMO, and base station RF systems. Currently, he is the research director of Antenna and RF Systems in the Green Communication Research Center at the China Mobile Research Institute in Beijing and is designing large-scale antenna systems for TD-LTE and future 5G systems. He has over 30 granted patents and 20 published papers with over 1300 citations. His research interests are digital RF,FPGA, miniature antennas, antenna arrays, active antennas,beamforming, isolation, and sensor arrays.SHUANGFENG H AN (hanshuangfeng@)received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineer-ing from Tsinghua University in 2002 and 2006 respective-ly. He joined Samsung Electronics in Korea as a senior research engineer in 2006 working on MultiBS MIMO,MIMO codebook design, small cell/HetNet, millimeter wave communication, D2D, and distributed radio over fiber. Cur-rently he is a senior project manager in the Green Commu-nication Research Center at the China Mobile Research Institute. He has over 30 patent applications, and has pub-lished over 10 conference and journal papers. His research interests include green technologies R&D in 5G wireless communication systems, including large-scale antenna sys-tems, active antenna systems, a co-frequency co-time full duplex non-orthogonal multiple access scheme, and EE-SE co-design.Z HIKUN X U (xuzhikun@) received B.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Beihang University in 2007 and 2013, respectively. He was a visiting researcher in the School of Electrical and Com-puter Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, from 2009 to 2010. After graduation, he joined the Green Com-munication Research Center of the China Mobile Research Institute as a project manager. His current interests include green technologies, the fundamental relationships between energy efficiency and spectral efficiency, energy-efficient network deployment and operation, cross-layer resource allocation in cellular networks, and advanced signal pro-cessing and transmission techniques.G ANG L I (ligangyf@) received his in telecommunication engineering and M.E. degree in automation engineering from Sichuan University. After graduation, he worked for Lucent Technologies for four years as a team leader and software developer for the core network. He is now a senior researcher at the Green Com-munication Research Center of the China Mobile Research Institute and is working on the key technologies of next generation 5G wireless communication systems. His research interests include radio access network architecture optimization, service-aware signaling/control redesign, and radio and core network convergence.Z HENGANG P AN (panzhengang@) received his B.S.E. from Southeast University in Nanjing and his Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Hong Kong University. After graduation, he worked for NTT DoCoMo Beijing Communication Labs and ASTRI in Hong Kong working on wireless communication (WiFi, WiMax,LTE), mobile digital TV (T-DMB, DVB-T/H, CMMB), and wire-line broadband access (HomePlug, MoCA) for both sys-tem/algorithm design and terminal SoC chip implementation. He is currently a principal staff member of the Green Communication Research Center at the China Mobile Research Institute and is now leading a team work-ing on the key technologies for the next generation 5G wireless communication systems. He has published more than 40 papers in top journals and international confer-ences, and filed 45 patents (20 granted). His research inter-ests are time/frequency/sampling synchronization technology for OFDM/A-based systems, channel estimation,forward error correction coding, MIMO, space-time pro-cessing/coding, and cross-layer optimization.。
四年级下册语文第二单元英语作文短的好句全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Good Sentences from English CompositionsEnglish class is one of my favorite subjects in school. I really enjoy learning a new language and getting to write compositions. In the latest unit we studied, we read some excellent English compositions from students around the world. While the whole compositions were very well-written, I noticed that many of them contained outstanding individual sentences that were descriptive, powerful, and impactful. Let me share some of my favorite sentences from these English compositions and explain why I think they are so well-crafted.The first great sentence that caught my eye is: "The sun smiled brilliantly, its rays dancing across the treacherous ocean waves like sparkling diamonds." This sentence is from a story about a sailing adventure. I love the personification of the sun smiling and the creative comparison of the sunlight reflections on the water to glistening diamonds. The adjectives "treacherous" and "sparkling" create such vivid imagery in mymind. With just one sentence, I can envision the bright sun, the churning ocean, and the glimmering light shimmering off the crashing waves. It's an excellent example of using descriptive language to paint a picture for the reader.Another fantastic sentence is: "Icy fear gripped my heart as the massive grizzly bear lumbered towards me, its claws cutting into the soil like knives through butter." This one is from a suspenseful story about an encounter with a wild bear. The words "icy fear" are so evocative - I can practically feel the terror and chills running through the narrator's body. Comparing the bear's claws to knives slicing butter is such a clear,easy-to-visualize metaphor too. The contrast of the "massive" bear against the vulnerability of the narrator made my heart start racing as I read this sentence. It uses just the right details to build tension and let readers share in the harrowing experience.Here's a sentence that makes me laugh every time: "When I tried Mom's famous cherry pie after months of begging, the sugary filling squirted across the kitchen, decorating the walls with a red fruity constellation." This one is from a humorous narrative about a cooking mishap. I love how it doesn't just state that the pie filling went everywhere, but instead uses entertaining descriptions like "squirted," "decorating," and"fruity constellation" to amplify the comedic effect. The comparison of the splattered filling to a constellation makes such an amusing visual in my head. This sentence is a perfect example of how to bring writing to life and get readers chuckling right along.One more sentence that left an impression: "Disappointment slumped my shoulders and crushed my spirit when I didn't make the travel basketball team after months of intensive training." This sentence comes from a personal narrative about perseverance. The words "slumped" and "crushed" clearly communicate the deep sadness and defeated feelings in that moment. Adding in the contrasting details of "months of intensive training" amplifies the emotional letdown even more. As I read it, I could empathize with the narrator's hopes being dashed despite so much dedicated hard work and preparation. With its expressive words and vivid scenario, this one sentence conveys profound disappointment extraordinarily well.The more examples of standout sentences I discover, the more I appreciate the incredible power of words. A single, carefully-crafted sentence can make readers laugh, cringe, imagine a whole world, or feel a character's emotions as their own. These are the kinds of sentences that linger in your mindand make written stories, experiences and thoughts come alive. As a student writer, I aspire to create sentences like these that leap off the page and into my reader's hearts and imaginations. Though an entire essay of complex ideas and storylines is impressive on its own, the true art of writing often lies in the perfect combination of individual words and phrases that crystallize the moment into something poignantly beautiful, hauntingly emotional, or delightfully whimsical. I will take the lessons from these standout English sentences and use them as inspiration to elevate my own writing and craft. Every sentence is an opportunity to engage readers through linguistic mastery, emotional intelligence and creative genius.篇2Good Sentences Make Great English CompositionsAs a fourth grader, one of the most important things we learn in language arts class is how to write a solid English composition. Our teacher always emphasizes that having good, well-constructed sentences is the foundation of any effective writing. In the second unit focusing on English compositions, we've studied all kinds of examples of excellent sentences that really make an impact. Let me share some of my favorites and why I think they work so well.One type of strong sentence I've noticed uses vivid descriptive details to paint a clear picture in the reader's mind. For example, this sentence describing a sunset is so vibrant: "The sky transformed into a brilliant canvas of fiery oranges, crimson reds, and dazzling pinks as the sun slowly dipped below the horizon." With phrasing like "brilliant canvas," "fiery oranges," and "dazzling pinks," I can almost see those colors streaking across the sky. The details make it jump off the page.Using the senses beyond just sight can also add wonderful texture to sentences. Check out this one depicting a bakery: "The warm, yeasty aroma of freshly baked bread embraced them as soon as they stepped inside the tiny shop." Words like "warm," "yeasty," and "aroma" bring the sense of smell into the experience. It makes my mouth water just reading it!Sometimes short, simple sentences can be immensely powerful too. This one about a outstanding student blows me away with its economy of words: "She devoured books." Those three words alone suggest so much about the character's hunger for knowledge and reading abilities. There's a reason that "less is more" is such a common saying – sentences doesn't need to be long to be incredible.Of course, the greatest sentences often combine multiple techniques to create a perfect storm of literary mastery. This one demonstrating anaphora (repetition of the same words) while personifying nature is a personal favorite: "The trees swayed to the earthly beat, the trees danced with the wind's rhythm, the trees performed for their sunny audience." The parallel construction of "the trees" highlights that wonderful personification. At the same time, phrases like "earthly beat," "wind's rhythm," and "sunny audience" immerse us in vivid natural imagery. It's an absolute gem of a sentence.Beyond just beautiful writing, clear sentences that guide readers logically from one point to the next are also crucial in English compositions. Take this transition sentence that seamlessly shifts from discussing reasons to suggest a solution: "Given all of these factors negatively impacting local businesses, a multifaceted economic revitalization plan prioritizing..." The words "Given all of these factors" let us know the reasons have been fully laid out, while "negatively impacting local businesses" succinctly summarizes what those reasons were. Then it effortlessly glides into proposing "a multifaceted economic revitalization plan" as the solution. Well-crafted transitions like this create amazing flow and cohesion.Another way to enhance cohesion is through the purposeful use of pronouns that connect ideas across sentences. As shown in this passage, effective pronoun referencing avoids confusion while sustaining the intended meaning: "People must learn to reduce their environmental footprint to help curb climate change. This crucial lifestyle shift involves making decisions that..." Here, both "their" and "This" refer back to the idea of reducing environmental impact introduced in the first sentence. Such clear replacements prevent having to restate that full concept repeatedly. Pronoun links thus keep writing nice and tight.Of course, mechanics like grammar, spelling, and punctuation are vital too. Flawless sentences exemplify pristine mechanics, like this one: "After scouring the beach for hours, the excited children finally discovered a kaleidoscope of vividly colored seashells glistening in the golden rays of the late afternoon sun." Every component - from subject/verb agreement to apostrophe usage to capitalization - is impeccable. Seeing mechanics handled so skillfully in action inspires me to be equally diligent in my own writing.As you can probably tell, I've picked up so many incredible sentence writing techniques already this school year! My Englishcompositions are dramatically stronger thanks to assembling masterful sentences using techniques like:•Vivid descriptors firing on all sensory cylinders•Concise yet powerful phrasing•Literary devices like personificatio n and repetition•Clear transitions avoiding abrupt jumps between ideas•Pronoun replacements enhancing cohesion•Airtight grammar, spelling, and punctuation mechanicsWhile individual sentences are the core building blocks, weaving them together into impactful multi-sentence passages is also crucial. For instance, this potent three-sentence passage builds thoughtfully off each preceding sentence:"The labyrinth of dark alleys appeared to be a sinister maze with no end. Paranoia crept up Jason's spine asie shadows danced ominously in his periphery. His pounding heart and shallow breaths were all he could hear over the deathly silence."With phrases like "sinister maze," "paranoia crept up," and "shadows danced ominously," each successive sentence ramps up the suspense and sense of rising action. Structuring longerpassages to steadily progress in this captivating manner is yet another advanced skill I'm determined to master.Of course, for any multi-sentence passage - or overall composition for that matter - to truly shine, the individual sentences themselves must be meticulously crafted master works. Awkward phrasing, improper mechanics, or vague descriptions will quickly undermine even the most promising setup. That's why studying how to construct flawless, eloquent sentences from the ground up is such a valuable investment. As the old saying goes, "perfection is the child of time" - but with enough diligent practice, I'm confident my sentence mastery will continue leveling up at a rapid pace.Examining this diverse array of excellent sentences from our textbook has been immensely inspiring and educational. Although I'm just in fourth grade, being intentionally exposed to these exceptional models is accelerating my skills at a pivotal stage. Whether it's packing sentences with luscious sensory details, thoughtfully guiding readers between ideas, or deploying literary techniques with surgical precision, I now know what sort of sentences I should constantly strive to produce. Writing at this high level won't be easy - but if I relentlessly studythe masters while tirelessly refining my craft, I know my own sentence skills will continue their exponential growth.English composition is truly an art form, with masterfully constructed sentences as the brushstrokes composing the greater picture. Just as regularly exercising any muscle group yields increases in strength over time, the more I flex my sentence-crafting abilities through deliberate writing practice, the more effortlessly I'll be able to seamlessly combine all these tools and techniques. With constants commitment, my sentences today will blossom into the seeds of my future artworks as an author capable of transporting readers into whole new worlds. For now, I'll keep practicing one gorgeous sentence at a time towards that grand dream. Every English composition, after all, is simply the sum of its stellar sentences - so that's where true writing mastery must start.篇3Title: Gems from the Second UnitEnglish class is always a highlight of my week. There's nothing quite like delving into the rich world of words and stories from different cultures. This term, our second unit was all about exploring well-crafted sentences from a diverse collectionof Grade 4 English essays. As we pored over these literary morsels, our teacher encouraged us to appreciate the artistry behind each carefully constructed phrase. Little did I know that this exercise would unveil a treasure trove of wisdom and beauty, forever shaping my perception of language.One of the first sentences that caught my eye was from an essay titled "A Day at the Beach." The author painted a vivid picture with these words: "The golden sun kissed the sparkling waves as they danced upon the sandy shore." I could almost feel the warmth of the sun and hear the gentle lapping of the water. This sentence was a true masterclass in using sensory details to transport the reader to a specific moment in time.Another standout was from an essay about a childhood memory: "Laughter echoed through the hallways, bouncing off the walls like a melodious symphony." This sentence was a brilliant example of using figurative language to convey emotion. The comparison of laughter to a symphony was not only creative but also evoked a sense of joy and harmony.As we progressed through the unit, I was struck by the sheer diversity of writing styles and perspectives represented in these essays. One sentence that particularly resonated with me was from an essay on the importance of perseverance: "Though thepath was paved with obstacles, I refused to surrender, for each challenge was an opportunity to grow stronger." This sentence embodied the indomitable spirit of determination, reminding me that true strength lies in facing adversity head-on.Another essay explored the wonders of nature, and one sentence left me in awe: "The ancient oak stood tall and proud, its branches reaching toward the heavens like arms embracing the sky." This poetic description personified the tree, imbuing it with a sense of majesty and grandeur. It was a testament to the power of language to breathe life into even the most mundane of subjects.As our exploration continued, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer breadth of human experience captured within these essays. One sentence that deeply resonated with me came from an essay on the importance of family: "Though our roots may stretch across continents, our love knows no boundaries, binding us together like the threads of an intricate tapestry." This sentence beautifully encapsulated the universal longing for connection and belonging, reminding me of the unbreakable bonds that transcend physical distance.Nearing the end of the unit, I encountered a sentence that challenged my perception of what it means to truly live: "Life isnot a race to be won, but a journey to be savored, each step a potential masterpiece." This profound statement encouraged me to slow down and appreciate the beauty in the present moment, rather than constantly striving for some distant goal.As our exploration drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to immerse myself in these literary gems. Each sentence was a carefully crafted work of art, a testament to the power of language to inspire, challenge, and transform. This unit not only enhanced my appreciation for the written word but also instilled in me a newfound respect for the art of storytelling.In the end, these good sentences from the second unit of Grade 4 English essays were more than just words on a page; they were windows into the human experience, inviting us to explore the depths of emotion, wisdom, and creativity that reside within us all. As I move forward in my literary journey, I carry with me the invaluable lessons learned from these carefully constructed phrases, forever enriching my relationship with language and the world around me.。
Contributing Authors
Project no.FP6-507752MUSCLENetwork of ExcellenceM ultimedia U nderstanding through S emantics,C omputation and LE arningProgress on Applications of Machine LearningTechniquesDue date of deliverable:31.09.2005Actual submission date:10.10.2005Start date of project:1March2004Duration:48MonthsWorkpackage:8Deliverable:D8.1c(5/5)Editors:Rozenn DahyotDepartment of StatisticsTrinity College DublinDublin2,Ireland Revision1.0Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme(2002-2006)Dissemination LevelPU Public x PP Restricted to other programme participants(including the commission Services)RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium(including the Commission Services) CO Confidential,only for members of the consortium(including the Commission Services)Keyword List:Contributing AuthorsArnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo ENSEA Patrick Bouthemy IRISA Guillermo Cámara Chávez ENSEA Matthieu Cord ENSEA Rozenn Dahyot TCD Alain Lehmann IRISA Attila Licsár SZTAKI Tamás Szirányi SZTAKI Jian-Feng Yao IRISAContentsWP7:State of the Art1 Contents6 1Introduction7 I Video Content Analysis9 2Introduction11 3Video model133.1Basic definitions (13)3.2Types of transitions (14)3.2.1Cuts (14)3.2.2Fades and dissolves (14)4Video Segmentation194.1Basic definitions (19)4.2Feature extraction (20)4.2.1Visual features (21)4.2.2Auditory modality (26)4.2.3Textual modality (27)4.3Pattern recognition for video segmentation (27)4.3.1Structural segmentation (28)4.3.2Content segmentation (28)5Shot boundary detection315.1Basic definitions (31)5.2Threshold-based approaches (32)5.2.1Sharp cut (32)5.2.2Gradual transition (36)5.2.3Performance comparison of shot boundary detection algorithms (38)5.2.4State of the art (39)5.3Learning-based approaches (41)5.4Final considerations (43)II Other Applications45 6Comparison of video dynamic contents without feature matching by using rank-tests476.1Introduction (47)6.2Classification Framework (48)6.2.1Dissimilarity measure between two video segments (48)6.2.2Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test (49)6.2.3Feature combination by weighting (51)6.3Local Motion Features (52)6.3.1Interest Point Selection (52)6.3.2Trajectorial Information (53)6.3.3Motion Intensity Information (54)6.4Motion Event Classification (55)6.4.1Gesture Video Database (55)6.4.2Basketball Video Database (57)6.5Summary and Conclusions (57)7User-adaptive hand gesture recognition system with interactive training597.1Introduction (59)7.2Overview of gesture recognition in a camera-projector system (60)7.3Main steps of the camera-projector system (61)7.3.1Segmentation and background generation (62)7.3.2Hand segmentation (62)7.4Gesture recognition (63)7.5Overview of the interactive training method (64)7.5.1Unsupervised training of hand gestures (65)7.5.2Supervised training of hand gestures (65)7.6Experimental results (66)7.7Conclusions (68)Bibliography68Chapter1IntroductionThefirst part of this report proposes a review on shot change detection methods,starting with a set of definitions about the nature of possible changes and the presentation of visual and audio features used for the task.Occurrences of shot changes in the video-audio visual stream are made by using appropriate dissimilarity measures in between successive features in the stream.The choice of this measures relies also on the nature,abrupt or gradual,of the changes. The decision or classification of the frames into classes(frame intra-shot,frame in transition, etc.)can be performed by different techniques,from standard thresholding approaches to more sophisticated machine learning techniques.In the second part of this report,two methods are presented with applications to gesture recognition.In chapter6,a novel and efficient dissimilarity measure between video segments is presented.Local spatio-temporal descriptors are considered to be realizations of an unknown, but class-specific distribution.The similarity of two video segments is then calculated by eval-uating an appropriate statistic issued from a rank test.It does not require any matching of the local features between the two considered video segments,and can deal with a different number of computed local features in the two segments.Furthermore,the measure is self-normalized which allows for simple cue integration,and even on-line adapted class-dependent combination of the different descriptors.Satisfactory results have been obtained on real video sequences for two motion event recognition problems,gesture recognition and basket ball event classification.The last chapter7proposes a vision-based hand gesture recognition system with interactive training,aimed to achieve a user-independent application by on-line supervised ual recognition systems involve a preliminary off-line training phase,separated from the recogni-tion phase.If the system recognizes unknown(non-trainer)users the recognition rate of gesture classes could decrease.The recognition has to be suspended and all gestures need to be retrained with an improved training set,resulting in inconveniences.This new approach introduces an on-line training method embedded into the recognition process,being interactively controlled by the user and adapting to his/her gestures.The main goal is that any non-trainer users be able to use the system instantly and if the recognition accuracy decreases only the faulty de-tected gestures be retrained realizing fast adaptation.The proposed system is implemented as a camera-projector system in which users can directly interact with the projected image by hand gestures,realizing an augmented reality tool in a multi-user environment.The emphasis is on the novel approach of dynamic and quick follow-up training capabilities instead of handlinglarge pre-trained databases.Part IVideo Content AnalysisChapter2IntroductionThe development of shot boundary detection algorithms was initiated some decades ago by the intention to detect sharp cuts in video sequences.A vast majority of all works published in the area of content-based video analysis and retrieval are related in one way or another with the problem of shot boundary detection.So,it is not surprising that shot boundary detection provides a base for nearly all video abstraction and high-level video segmentation approaches. Therefore,resolving the problem of shot boundary detection is one of the principal prerequisites for revealing video content structure in a higher level.There are two kinds of shot boundaries in videos,sharp shot changes,called cuts,and gradual transition between two different shots.A common approach to detect shot boundaries is by computing the difference between two adjacent frames(color,motion,edge and/or texture features)and compare it to a preset threshold (threshold-based approach).A problem with this approach is that it is hard to select a threshold that will work with different shot transitions.To avoid this problem,we consider video shot segmentation from a different perspective,as a categorization task,using a machine learning approach.By turning the problem into a classification problem,the need for thresholding is eliminated and every frame in the video stream is classified as either a“common shot frame”, a“cut frame”,or a“gradual transition frame”.The classification framework allows us to use many different kinds of video features in an integrated structure.The objective of learning is to create systems that can improve their performance in a certain task whereas they acquire experience or data.In many natural learning tasks,this experience or data is gained interactively,by taking actions,doing queries,or making experiments.Most of machine learning research,nevertheless,treats the learner as a passive recipient of data to be processed.This“passive”approach does not pay attention to the fact that,in many situations, the learner’s most powerful tool is its ability to act,to collect data,and to influence the world it is trying to understand.Active learning is the study of how to use this ability effectively.The aim of active learning methods is to produce concise and highly informative training sets.This work focuses on the exploitation of features based on frame differences for pixel,block-based,histogram comparisons.Another visual features used are the phase correlation(motion-based)[70]and edge change ratio[78].After the feature extraction these features are classified.The text is organized as follows.In Chapter2,we present the video model,basic definitions that will hold within this text.In Chapter3,we show a description of video segmentation.In Chapter4,different approaches for shot boundary detection are presented,and also an overviewof the methods that are used for detecting cuts and gradual transitions.Chapter3Video modelDigital video now plays an important role in education,entertainment and other multimedia applications.It has become extremely important to developed mechanism for processing,filter-ing,indexing and organize the digital video information so that useful knowledge can be derived from the mass information that it is now available.The two most important aspects of video are its contents and its production style[24].The form is the information that is being transmitted and the latter is associated with the category of a video(commercial,drama,sciencefiction, etc.).In this chapter we will define some of the concepts used in literature;like shot,scene and keyframe.Also,we present the most popular types of transitions(sharp cuts and gradual transitions).All this basic definitions were abstracted from[28].3.1Basic definitionsLet A⊂N,A=0,...,H−1×0,...,W−1,where H and W are the height and width of a frame,respectively.Definition3.1(Frame)A frame f t is a function from A to N where for each spatial position (x,y)in A,f t(x,y)represents the value of the pixel(x,y)at time t.Definition3.2(Video)A video V is a sequence of frames f t with an accompanying audio track and can be described by V=(f t)t∈[0,T−1],where T is the number of frames contained in the video.The number of frames is directly associated with the frequency and the duration of visualization.A video is typically composed by a large amount of information that is hard to be physically or semantically related.The fundamental unit in a video is a shot(will be defined below)that captures an uninter-rupted recording of a camera,where camera motion and object motion is permitted.A scene is composed by a small number of shots.While a shot represents a physical video unit,a scene represents a semantic video unit.Definition3.3(Shot)A shot is the fundamental unit of a video,because it captures a continu-ous action from a single camera.A shot represents a spatio-temporally frame sequence.Definition3.4(Scene)A scene is composed by small number of shots that are interrelated and unified by similar features and by temporal proximity.Definition3.5(Key-frame)A key-frame is a frame that represents the content of a shot or scene.This content must be the most representative as possible.Different kinds of transitions bounder a shot from an other.There exists sharp and gradual transitions.3.2Types of transitionsThe process of video production involves shooting and edition operations.Thefirst is for pro-duction of shots and the second one if for compilation of the different shots into a structured visual presentation[24].When we refer to compilation we are talking about the transition between consecutive shots.Definition3.6(Transition)Shots are separated by editing effects,these effects are known as ually,a transition consists of the insertion of a series of artificial frames pro-duced by an editing tool.We will define some notations for understanding the transitions types.P denote the shot before a transition and Q the shot after a transition.P(t)represents the t-th frame in shot P.The transition between shots P and Q is denoted by C,the transition begins at time t0and ends at time t1.A frame C(t)represents a frame at time t in the transition C,where t∈]t0,t1[.Transitions are usually subdivided into sharp transitions(cuts)and gradual transitions(dis-solves,fades and wipes).3.2.1CutsThe simplest transition is the cut,and also is the easiest transition to identify.A cut is char-acterized by the abrupt change between consecutive shots.Figure3.1shows an example of a cut.Definition3.7(Cut)Also now as a sharp transition,a cut is a type of transition where two consecutive shots area concatenated,i.e.,the transition is abrupt.3.2.2Fades and dissolvesFades and dissolves are video editing operations that are done in a laboratory through optical processes.They make the boundary of two shots spread across a number o frames[14].So,the have an starting and ending frame that identifies the transition sequence.(a)(b)(c)(d)(d)(e)(f)(g)Figure3.1:An example of a cutDefinition3.8(Fade-out)The fade-out process is characterized by a progressive darkening of a shot P until the last frame becomes completely black.The frames of a fade-out can be obtained by(t)=α(t)×G+(1−α(t))×P(t)(3.1)T fwhereα(t)is a monotonic transformation function that it is usually linear,G represents the last frame,which is a monochromatic(e.g.white or black)and t∈]t0,t0+d[where d represents the duration of the fade.Definition3.9(Fade-in)The fade-in process is characterized by a progressive appearing of shot Q.Thefirst frame of the fade-in is a monochrome frame G.The frames of a fade-in can be obtained by(t)=(1−α(t))×G+α(t)×P(t)(3.2)T fiFigure3.2shows a fade-in and fade-out.Definition3.10(Dissolve)The dissolve is characterized by a progressive change of a shot P into a shot Q with non-null duration.Each transition frame can be defined byT d(t)=(1−α(t))×P(t)+α(t)×Q(t)(3.3) Figure3.3displays an example of dissolving.A video sequence is a rich multimodal[63],[37]information source,containing audio, speech,text(if closed caption is available),color patterns and shape of imaged object,and motion of these objects[33].Figure3.2:An example of fade-in(top)and fade-out(bottom).Figure 3.3:An example of dissolve.Chapter4Video SegmentationFor analysis purposes the authors of[63]treat video analysis and indexing as the inverse of an authoring process.Thefirst step in this inversion process is the segmentation of the video in its layouts and content elements.In many cases segmentation can be viewed as a classification problem.Therefore,patterns of interest must be distinguished that can be used for support decisions about layout and their content categories.First,we present some basic definitions that are used in this chapter.Then,we will discuss some approaches used for feature extraction. Finally,as we have already said,video segmentation could be viewed as classification problem so we develop a brief presentation of pattern recognition.4.1Basic definitionsIn this section we present definitions that will be used in the next sections.Definition4.1(Authoring process[63])Video made requires an author who conceives the idea for the video and produces thefinal result,consisting of specific content and a layout. An author uses visual,auditory and textual modalities to express his or her idea.Definition4.2(Multimodality[63])The capacity of an author of a video to express a pre-defined semantic idea,combining syntactic structure of each modality(visual,auditory and textual)with a specific content,using at least two information channels.Three information channels or modalities are considered within a video document:•Visual modality:contains everything,either naturally or artificially created,that can be seen in a video;•Auditory modality:contains speech,music,and environmental sounds that can be heard in a video;•Textual modality:contains textual resources that describe the content of a video.Definition4.3(Content[63])The content perspective relates segments to elements that an au-thor uses to create a video.The following elements can be distinguished[7]:•Setting:time and place where a history of a video occurs;•Objects:noticeable static or dynamic entities in the video;•People:human appears in the video.Definition4.4(Layout[63])Temporal sequence of fundamental units(syntactic structure)for each modality,which it self do not have a temporal dimension.The nature of these units is the main factor discriminating the different modalities.The fundamental units of visual modality are the single image frames,for auditory modality is a set of audio samples,and for textual modality are individual characters.A continuous sequence of fundamental units resulting from an uninterrupted sensor recording is known as sensor shot. For the visual and auditory modality this leads to:•Camera shots:result of an uninterrupted recording of a camera;and•Microphone shots:result of an uninterrupted recording of a microphone.For text,sensor recording do not exist.Definition4.5(Pattern[71])A pattern is a form,template,or model(or,more abstractly,a set of rules)which can be used to make or to generate things or parts of a thing,especially if the things that are generated have enough in common for the underlying pattern to be inferred or discerned,in which case the things are said to exhibit the pattern.The detection of underlying patterns is called pattern recognition.In our work the visual features are the patterns that will be classified.4.2Feature extractionMost of the activities in automatic detection of video is concentrated on the detection of shot boundaries.We have two kinds of shot boundaries:sharp shot transitions(cuts)and gradual shot transitions(fades,dissolves,wipes and mattes).Various algorithms,in visual modality,are proposed in video indexing literature for sharp cut detection[8],[20],[30],[51];all of these algorithms relies on comparison of successive frames with somefixed or dynamic threshold on either pixel,edge,block or frame level.Block level features can be derived from motion vectors.Transition edits are an important clue for shot boundaries,and because that transitions are gradual,comparison of successive frame is insufficient[14],[78].In the auditory modal-ity,detection of sharp cuts can be accomplished identifying silences and transition points,i.e., locations where the category of the underlying signal changes.4.2.1Visual featuresAutomatic detection is based on the information that it is extracted from the shots which can tell us when a scene cut occurs(brightness,color distribution change,motion,edges,etc.).It is easy to detect cuts between shots with little motion and constant illumination,this is done by looking for sharp brightness changes.In the presence of continuous object motion,or camera movements,or change of illumination in the shot is difficult to understand when the brightness changes are due to these conditions or to the transition from one shot to an other.So,it is necessary to use different visual features to avoid this kind of problems.In the next subsections we will review some visual features used for shot boundary detection.Color momentsThe basis of color moments lays in the assumption that the distribution of color in an image can be interpreted as a probability distribution.Probability distributions are characterized by a number of unique moments(e.g.Normal distributions are differentiated by their mean and vari-ance).It therefore follows that if the color in an image follows a certain probability distribution, the moments of that distribution can then be used as features to identify that image based on color.Color moments have been successfully used in many retrieval systems.Thefirst order (mean),the second(variance)and the third order(skewness)color moments have proven to be efficient and effective in representing color distributions of images[16].Thefirst three order moments are calculated as:µi=1NN∑j=1f i j(4.1)σi=(1NN∑j=1(f i j−µi)2)12(4.2)s i=(1NN∑j=1(f i j−µi)3)13(4.3)where f i j if the i th color channel at the j th image,and N is the number of pixels.Color coherence vectorIn[45]was proposed an other way to incorporate spatial information into the color histogram, color coherence vector(CCV).The authors define a color’s coherence as the degree to which pixels of that color are members of large similarity-colored regions,these are known as coherent regions.Each histogram bin is partitioned into two groups:1.coherent:if it belongs to a large uniformly-color region;2.incoherent:if it does not.The CCV of a image is defined as the vector<(α1,β1),(α1,β1),...,(αN,βN)>,whereαi denote the number of coherent pixels andβi denote the number of incoherent pixels.Figure4.1(a)shows the coherent and incoherent vector of Figure3.1(c),the threshold used was40,i.e.,a region is considerate coherent if it has more than40elements.In Figure4.1(b) we could that the sum of the coherent and incoherent vectors is equal to histogram vector.Color correlogramIn[26]the color correlogram was proposed to characterize the color distributions of pixels and the spatial correlation pairs of colors.Thefirst and the second dimension of the3D histogram are the colors of any pair of colors and the third dimension is their spatial distance.So,a color correlogram is a table where the k-th entry for(i,j)specifies the probability offinding a pixel of color i at a distance k from a pixel of color i.Let I represent the entire set of image pixels and I c(i)represent the set of pixels whose color are c(i).So,the correlogram is defined as:[p2∈I c(j)||p1−p2|=k](4.4)γ(k)i,j=Pr p1∈I c(i),p2∈Iwhere i,j∈1,2,...,N,k∈1,2,...,d,and|p1−p2|is the distance between pixels p1and p2.Compared to the color histograms and CCV,the correlogram provides the best retrieval,but is also the most computacional expensive.Figure4.2(a)shows the color correlogram of Figure3.1(c)just using the red band of the image and(b)shows the color correlogram using the three bands.Edge change ratioZabih a video segmentation based on local features[78].This algorithm considers edge images and uses grey-level information.During scene breaks or fades new edges appears far from old edges and also old edges disappear far from new edges.For detecting cuts it is necessary to count the number of entering(ρin)and exiting(ρout)pixels in two consecutive frames.Figure4.3shows a sketch of this method.Thefirst step of the algorithm consists infinding the edges for each couple of frames f t and f t+1.For that,we smooth the frames using a gaussianfilter and then Canny edge detector [66].Then,they compute how many pixels in f t are close to their nearest neighbour in f t+1, and viceversa.Variablesρin andρout are used as a dissimilarity measure between a couple of consecutive frames.Frame dissimilarity is detected if:ρ=max(ρin,ρout)(4.5) exhibits a peak.For cut detection,they defined afixed threshold and afixed frame window.If ρexceeds the threshold,the frame is marked as a scene break.Phase correlation method(PCM)An other useful motion feature is the PCM between two frames[70].The phase-correlation method measures the motion directly from the phase correlation map(shift in the spatial domain(a)(b)Figure4.1:Coherence Color Vector,(a)coherent and incoherent vector of Figure3.1(c),and(b)histogram and sum of coherent and incoherent vector.(a)(b)Figure4.2:Color Correlogram,(a)Color Correlogram of red band of Figure3.1(c),and(b) using the three reflected as a phase change in the spectrum domain),it gives a more accurate and robust estimate of the motion vector,and a motionfield with much lower entropy.When one frame is the translation of the other,the PCM has a single peak at the location corresponding to the translation vector.When there are multiple objects moving,the PCM tends to have many peaks,see Figure4.4.The steps for calculating the PCM are:1.Given a block B1,B2from each image.pute2D FFT of each.CutEdge DetectionExiting edges Entering edges Figure4.3:Maps of entering and exiting pixels into consecutive frames.pute cross-power spectrum.Normalized value of:FB1FB2∗4.Take IFFT to get Phase Correlation Function.5.This is very similar to the correlation function between the two blocks(a)(b)Figure4.4:Phase correlation.4.2.2Auditory modalitySeveral researchers have started to investigate the potencial of analyzing the accompany audio signal for video classification[70],[33],also they realize that audio characteristics are equally, if not more,important when it comes to understanding the semantic contend of a video.For example,it is possible to determinate whether a TV program is a news report,a commercial,or sports game without watching the video.This possible,because the audio in a football game is very different from an audio of a news report.In[46]it is shown that average energy,E n,is sufficient measure for detecting silence seg-ments.E n is computed for a window of size n(audio frame-level),and if the average for all windows in a segment(audio clip-level)falls below a given threshold,a silence is marked.In [33]used the ratio of the number of nonsilence frames to the total number of frames in a clip where silence detection is based on both volume and zero crossing rate(ZCR).Saraceno et al.[58]classify audio according to silence,speech,music,or noise and use this information to ver-ify shot boundaries.Saunders proposed to use four statistics of the ZCR as feature[60].These are:1.standard deviation offirst order differences;2.third central moment about the mean; number of zero crossing exceeding a threshold,and4.difference between the number of zero crossing above and below the mean values. Combined with the volume information can discriminate speech and music at high accurracy of 98Since the frame with a high energy has more influence on the perceived sound by human ear,[33]proposed using a weighted of corresponding audio frame-level features,where the weighting for an audio frame is proportional to the energy of the frame.This is very useful when there are many silent frames in an audio clip because the frequency features in silent audio frames are almost random.An other audio contend categorization was proposed by[72],which divides audio content into ten groups:animal,bells,crowds,laughter,male speech,female speech,telephone and water.An other interesting work related to general audio content classification was proposed in [82].They explorefive kinds of audio features:energy,ZCR,fundamental frequency,timber and rhythm.4.2.3Textual modalityTokenization is thefirst step in reconstruction the textual layout,in this phase the input text is divided into units called tokens and characters.Depending in the granularity used,the detection of text shots can be achieved in different ways.If we only are focused in singles words we can use the occurrence of white spaces as the main clue.However,this is not always possible, because of the occurrence of periods,single apostrophes and hyphenation[36].When more context is taken into account one can reconstruct sentences from textual layout.A basic heuristic for the reconstruction of sentences is the detection of periods,about90%of periods are sentence boundary indicators[36].Transitions are typically found by searching for predefined patterns.4.3Pattern recognition for video segmentationThefirst stage in the inverse of an authoring process is the segmentation of a video into struc-tural layout components(structural segmentation)and their associated content(content seg-mentation).First,patterns of interest(features extraction)must be distinguished so they can be。
ABSTRACT Progressive Simplicial Complexes
Progressive Simplicial Complexes Jovan Popovi´c Hugues HoppeCarnegie Mellon University Microsoft ResearchABSTRACTIn this paper,we introduce the progressive simplicial complex(PSC) representation,a new format for storing and transmitting triangu-lated geometric models.Like the earlier progressive mesh(PM) representation,it captures a given model as a coarse base model together with a sequence of refinement transformations that pro-gressively recover detail.The PSC representation makes use of a more general refinement transformation,allowing the given model to be an arbitrary triangulation(e.g.any dimension,non-orientable, non-manifold,non-regular),and the base model to always consist of a single vertex.Indeed,the sequence of refinement transforma-tions encodes both the geometry and the topology of the model in a unified multiresolution framework.The PSC representation retains the advantages of PM’s.It defines a continuous sequence of approx-imating models for runtime level-of-detail control,allows smooth transitions between any pair of models in the sequence,supports progressive transmission,and offers a space-efficient representa-tion.Moreover,by allowing changes to topology,the PSC sequence of approximations achieves betterfidelity than the corresponding PM sequence.We develop an optimization algorithm for constructing PSC representations for graphics surface models,and demonstrate the framework on models that are both geometrically and topologically complex.CR Categories:I.3.5[Computer Graphics]:Computational Geometry and Object Modeling-surfaces and object representations.Additional Keywords:model simplification,level-of-detail representa-tions,multiresolution,progressive transmission,geometry compression.1INTRODUCTIONModeling and3D scanning systems commonly give rise to triangle meshes of high complexity.Such meshes are notoriously difficult to render,store,and transmit.One approach to speed up rendering is to replace a complex mesh by a set of level-of-detail(LOD) approximations;a detailed mesh is used when the object is close to the viewer,and coarser approximations are substituted as the object recedes[6,8].These LOD approximations can be precomputed Work performed while at Microsoft Research.Email:jovan@,hhoppe@Web:/jovan/Web:/hoppe/automatically using mesh simplification methods(e.g.[2,10,14,20,21,22,24,27]).For efficient storage and transmission,meshcompression schemes[7,26]have also been developed.The recently introduced progressive mesh(PM)representa-tion[13]provides a unified solution to these problems.In PM form,an arbitrary mesh M is stored as a coarse base mesh M0together witha sequence of n detail records that indicate how to incrementally re-fine M0into M n=M(see Figure7).Each detail record encodes theinformation associated with a vertex split,an elementary transfor-mation that adds one vertex to the mesh.In addition to defininga continuous sequence of approximations M0M n,the PM rep-resentation supports smooth visual transitions(geomorphs),allowsprogressive transmission,and makes an effective mesh compressionscheme.The PM representation has two restrictions,however.First,it canonly represent meshes:triangulations that correspond to orientable12-dimensional manifolds.Triangulated2models that cannot be rep-resented include1-d manifolds(open and closed curves),higherdimensional polyhedra(e.g.triangulated volumes),non-orientablesurfaces(e.g.M¨o bius strips),non-manifolds(e.g.two cubes joinedalong an edge),and non-regular models(i.e.models of mixed di-mensionality).Second,the expressiveness of the PM vertex splittransformations constrains all meshes M0M n to have the same topological type.Therefore,when M is topologically complex,the simplified base mesh M0may still have numerous triangles(Fig-ure7).In contrast,a number of existing simplification methods allowtopological changes as the model is simplified(Section6).Ourwork is inspired by vertex unification schemes[21,22],whichmerge vertices of the model based on geometric proximity,therebyallowing genus modification and component merging.In this paper,we introduce the progressive simplicial complex(PSC)representation,a generalization of the PM representation thatpermits topological changes.The key element of our approach isthe introduction of a more general refinement transformation,thegeneralized vertex split,that encodes changes to both the geometryand topology of the model.The PSC representation expresses anarbitrary triangulated model M(e.g.any dimension,non-orientable,non-manifold,non-regular)as the result of successive refinementsapplied to a base model M1that always consists of a single vertex (Figure8).Thus both geometric and topological complexity are recovered progressively.Moreover,the PSC representation retains the advantages of PM’s,including continuous LOD,geomorphs, progressive transmission,and model compression.In addition,we develop an optimization algorithm for construct-ing a PSC representation from a given model,as described in Sec-tion4.1The particular parametrization of vertex splits in[13]assumes that mesh triangles are consistently oriented.2Throughout this paper,we use the words“triangulated”and“triangula-tion”in the general dimension-independent sense.Figure 1:Illustration of a simplicial complex K and some of its subsets.2BACKGROUND2.1Concepts from algebraic topologyTo precisely define both triangulated models and their PSC repre-sentations,we find it useful to introduce some elegant abstractions from algebraic topology (e.g.[15,25]).The geometry of a triangulated model is denoted as a tuple (K V )where the abstract simplicial complex K is a combinatorial structure specifying the adjacency of vertices,edges,triangles,etc.,and V is a set of vertex positions specifying the shape of the model in 3.More precisely,an abstract simplicial complex K consists of a set of vertices 1m together with a set of non-empty subsets of the vertices,called the simplices of K ,such that any set consisting of exactly one vertex is a simplex in K ,and every non-empty subset of a simplex in K is also a simplex in K .A simplex containing exactly d +1vertices has dimension d and is called a d -simplex.As illustrated pictorially in Figure 1,the faces of a simplex s ,denoted s ,is the set of non-empty subsets of s .The star of s ,denoted star(s ),is the set of simplices of which s is a face.The children of a d -simplex s are the (d 1)-simplices of s ,and its parents are the (d +1)-simplices of star(s ).A simplex with exactly one parent is said to be a boundary simplex ,and one with no parents a principal simplex .The dimension of K is the maximum dimension of its simplices;K is said to be regular if all its principal simplices have the same dimension.To form a triangulation from K ,identify its vertices 1m with the standard basis vectors 1m ofm.For each simplex s ,let the open simplex smdenote the interior of the convex hull of its vertices:s =m:jmj =1j=1jjsThe topological realization K is defined as K =K =s K s .The geometric realization of K is the image V (K )where V :m 3is the linear map that sends the j -th standard basis vector jm to j 3.Only a restricted set of vertex positions V =1m lead to an embedding of V (K )3,that is,prevent self-intersections.The geometric realization V (K )is often called a simplicial complex or polyhedron ;it is formed by an arbitrary union of points,segments,triangles,tetrahedra,etc.Note that there generally exist many triangulations (K V )for a given polyhedron.(Some of the vertices V may lie in the polyhedron’s interior.)Two sets are said to be homeomorphic (denoted =)if there ex-ists a continuous one-to-one mapping between them.Equivalently,they are said to have the same topological type .The topological realization K is a d-dimensional manifold without boundary if for each vertex j ,star(j )=d .It is a d-dimensional manifold if each star(v )is homeomorphic to either d or d +,where d +=d:10.Two simplices s 1and s 2are d-adjacent if they have a common d -dimensional face.Two d -adjacent (d +1)-simplices s 1and s 2are manifold-adjacent if star(s 1s 2)=d +1.Figure 2:Illustration of the edge collapse transformation and its inverse,the vertex split.Transitive closure of 0-adjacency partitions K into connected com-ponents .Similarly,transitive closure of manifold-adjacency parti-tions K into manifold components .2.2Review of progressive meshesIn the PM representation [13],a mesh with appearance attributes is represented as a tuple M =(K V D S ),where the abstract simpli-cial complex K is restricted to define an orientable 2-dimensional manifold,the vertex positions V =1m determine its ge-ometric realization V (K )in3,D is the set of discrete material attributes d f associated with 2-simplices f K ,and S is the set of scalar attributes s (v f )(e.g.normals,texture coordinates)associated with corners (vertex-face tuples)of K .An initial mesh M =M n is simplified into a coarser base mesh M 0by applying a sequence of n successive edge collapse transforma-tions:(M =M n )ecol n 1ecol 1M 1ecol 0M 0As shown in Figure 2,each ecol unifies the two vertices of an edgea b ,thereby removing one or two triangles.The position of the resulting unified vertex can be arbitrary.Because the edge collapse transformation has an inverse,called the vertex split transformation (Figure 2),the process can be reversed,so that an arbitrary mesh M may be represented as a simple mesh M 0together with a sequence of n vsplit records:M 0vsplit 0M 1vsplit 1vsplit n 1(M n =M )The tuple (M 0vsplit 0vsplit n 1)forms a progressive mesh (PM)representation of M .The PM representation thus captures a continuous sequence of approximations M 0M n that can be quickly traversed for interac-tive level-of-detail control.Moreover,there exists a correspondence between the vertices of any two meshes M c and M f (0c f n )within this sequence,allowing for the construction of smooth vi-sual transitions (geomorphs)between them.A sequence of such geomorphs can be precomputed for smooth runtime LOD.In addi-tion,PM’s support progressive transmission,since the base mesh M 0can be quickly transmitted first,followed the vsplit sequence.Finally,the vsplit records can be encoded concisely,making the PM representation an effective scheme for mesh compression.Topological constraints Because the definitions of ecol and vsplit are such that they preserve the topological type of the mesh (i.e.all K i are homeomorphic),there is a constraint on the min-imum complexity that K 0may achieve.For instance,it is known that the minimal number of vertices for a closed genus g mesh (ori-entable 2-manifold)is (7+(48g +1)12)2if g =2(10if g =2)[16].Also,the presence of boundary components may further constrain the complexity of K 0.Most importantly,K may consist of a number of components,and each is required to appear in the base mesh.For example,the meshes in Figure 7each have 117components.As evident from the figure,the geometry of PM meshes may deteriorate severely as they approach topological lower bound.M 1;100;(1)M 10;511;(7)M 50;4656;(12)M 200;1552277;(28)M 500;3968690;(58)M 2000;14253219;(108)M 5000;029010;(176)M n =34794;0068776;(207)Figure 3:Example of a PSC representation.The image captions indicate the number of principal 012-simplices respectively and the number of connected components (in parenthesis).3PSC REPRESENTATION 3.1Triangulated modelsThe first step towards generalizing PM’s is to let the PSC repre-sentation encode more general triangulated models,instead of just meshes.We denote a triangulated model as a tuple M =(K V D A ).The abstract simplicial complex K is not restricted to 2-manifolds,but may in fact be arbitrary.To represent K in memory,we encode the incidence graph of the simplices using the following linked structures (in C++notation):struct Simplex int dim;//0=vertex,1=edge,2=triangle, id;Simplex*children[MAXDIM+1];//[0..dim]List<Simplex*>parents;;To render the model,we draw only the principal simplices ofK ,denoted (K )(i.e.vertices not adjacent to edges,edges not adjacent to triangles,etc.).The discrete attributes D associate amaterial identifier d s with each simplex s(K ).For the sake of simplicity,we avoid explicitly storing surface normals at “corners”(using a set S )as done in [13].Instead we let the material identifier d s contain a smoothing group field [28],and let a normal discontinuity (crease )form between any pair of adjacent triangles with different smoothing groups.Previous vertex unification schemes [21,22]render principal simplices of dimension 0and 1(denoted 01(K ))as points and lines respectively with fixed,device-dependent screen widths.To better approximate the model,we instead define a set A that associates an area a s A with each simplex s 01(K ).We think of a 0-simplex s 00(K )as approximating a sphere with area a s 0,and a 1-simplex s 1=j k 1(K )as approximating a cylinder (with axis (j k ))of area a s 1.To render a simplex s 01(K ),we determine the radius r model of the corresponding sphere or cylinder in modeling space,and project the length r model to obtain the radius r screen in screen pixels.Depending on r screen ,we render the simplex as a polygonal sphere or cylinder with radius r model ,a 2D point or line with thickness 2r screen ,or do not render it at all.This choice based on r screen can be adjusted to mitigate the overhead of introducing polygonal representations of spheres and cylinders.As an example,Figure 3shows an initial model M of 68,776triangles.One of its approximations M 500is a triangulated model with 3968690principal 012-simplices respectively.3.2Level-of-detail sequenceAs in progressive meshes,from a given triangulated model M =M n ,we define a sequence of approximations M i :M 1op 1M 2op 2M n1op n 1M nHere each model M i has exactly i vertices.The simplification op-erator M ivunify iM i +1is the vertex unification transformation,whichmerges two vertices (Section 3.3),and its inverse M igvspl iM i +1is the generalized vertex split transformation (Section 3.4).Thetuple (M 1gvspl 1gvspl n 1)forms a progressive simplicial complex (PSC)representation of M .To construct a PSC representation,we first determine a sequence of vunify transformations simplifying M down to a single vertex,as described in Section 4.After reversing these transformations,we renumber the simplices in the order that they are created,so thateach gvspl i (a i)splits the vertex a i K i into two vertices a i i +1K i +1.As vertices may have different positions in the different models,we denote the position of j in M i as i j .To better approximate a surface model M at lower complexity levels,we initially associate with each (principal)2-simplex s an area a s equal to its triangle area in M .Then,as the model is simplified,wekeep constant the sum of areas a s associated with principal simplices within each manifold component.When2-simplices are eventually reduced to principal1-simplices and0-simplices,their associated areas will provide good estimates of the original component areas.3.3Vertex unification transformationThe transformation vunify(a i b i midp i):M i M i+1takes an arbitrary pair of vertices a i b i K i+1(simplex a i b i need not be present in K i+1)and merges them into a single vertex a i K i. Model M i is created from M i+1by updating each member of the tuple(K V D A)as follows:K:References to b i in all simplices of K are replaced by refer-ences to a i.More precisely,each simplex s in star(b i)K i+1is replaced by simplex(s b i)a i,which we call the ancestor simplex of s.If this ancestor simplex already exists,s is deleted.V:Vertex b is deleted.For simplicity,the position of the re-maining(unified)vertex is set to either the midpoint or is left unchanged.That is,i a=(i+1a+i+1b)2if the boolean parameter midp i is true,or i a=i+1a otherwise.D:Materials are carried through as expected.So,if after the vertex unification an ancestor simplex(s b i)a i K i is a new principal simplex,it receives its material from s K i+1if s is a principal simplex,or else from the single parent s a i K i+1 of s.A:To maintain the initial areas of manifold components,the areasa s of deleted principal simplices are redistributed to manifold-adjacent neighbors.More concretely,the area of each princi-pal d-simplex s deleted during the K update is distributed toa manifold-adjacent d-simplex not in star(a ib i).If no suchneighbor exists and the ancestor of s is a principal simplex,the area a s is distributed to that ancestor simplex.Otherwise,the manifold component(star(a i b i))of s is being squashed be-tween two other manifold components,and a s is discarded. 3.4Generalized vertex split transformation Constructing the PSC representation involves recording the infor-mation necessary to perform the inverse of each vunify i.This inverse is the generalized vertex split gvspl i,which splits a0-simplex a i to introduce an additional0-simplex b i.(As mentioned previously, renumbering of simplices implies b i i+1,so index b i need not be stored explicitly.)Each gvspl i record has the formgvspl i(a i C K i midp i()i C D i C A i)and constructs model M i+1from M i by updating the tuple (K V D A)as follows:K:As illustrated in Figure4,any simplex adjacent to a i in K i can be the vunify result of one of four configurations in K i+1.To construct K i+1,we therefore replace each ancestor simplex s star(a i)in K i by either(1)s,(2)(s a i)i+1,(3)s and(s a i)i+1,or(4)s,(s a i)i+1and s i+1.The choice is determined by a split code associated with s.Thesesplit codes are stored as a code string C Ki ,in which the simplicesstar(a i)are sortedfirst in order of increasing dimension,and then in order of increasing simplex id,as shown in Figure5. V:The new vertex is assigned position i+1i+1=i ai+()i.Theother vertex is given position i+1ai =i ai()i if the boolean pa-rameter midp i is true;otherwise its position remains unchanged.D:The string C Di is used to assign materials d s for each newprincipal simplex.Simplices in C Di ,as well as in C Aibelow,are sorted by simplex dimension and simplex id as in C Ki. A:During reconstruction,we are only interested in the areas a s fors01(K).The string C Ai tracks changes in these areas.Figure4:Effects of split codes on simplices of various dimensions.code string:41422312{}Figure5:Example of split code encoding.3.5PropertiesLevels of detail A graphics application can efficiently transitionbetween models M1M n at runtime by performing a sequence ofvunify or gvspl transformations.Our current research prototype wasnot designed for efficiency;it attains simplification rates of about6000vunify/sec and refinement rates of about5000gvspl/sec.Weexpect that a careful redesign using more efficient data structureswould significantly improve these rates.Geomorphs As in the PM representation,there exists a corre-spondence between the vertices of the models M1M n.Given acoarser model M c and afiner model M f,1c f n,each vertexj K f corresponds to a unique ancestor vertex f c(j)K cfound by recursively traversing the ancestor simplex relations:f c(j)=j j cf c(a j1)j cThis correspondence allows the creation of a smooth visual transi-tion(geomorph)M G()such that M G(1)equals M f and M G(0)looksidentical to M c.The geomorph is defined as the modelM G()=(K f V G()D f A G())in which each vertex position is interpolated between its originalposition in V f and the position of its ancestor in V c:Gj()=()fj+(1)c f c(j)However,we must account for the special rendering of principalsimplices of dimension0and1(Section3.1).For each simplexs01(K f),we interpolate its area usinga G s()=()a f s+(1)a c swhere a c s=0if s01(K c).In addition,we render each simplexs01(K c)01(K f)using area a G s()=(1)a c s.The resultinggeomorph is visually smooth even as principal simplices are intro-duced,removed,or change dimension.The accompanying video demonstrates a sequence of such geomorphs.Progressive transmission As with PM’s,the PSC representa-tion can be progressively transmitted by first sending M 1,followed by the gvspl records.Unlike the base mesh of the PM,M 1always consists of a single vertex,and can therefore be sent in a fixed-size record.The rendering of lower-dimensional simplices as spheres and cylinders helps to quickly convey the overall shape of the model in the early stages of transmission.Model compression Although PSC gvspl are more general than PM vsplit transformations,they offer a surprisingly concise representation of M .Table 1lists the average number of bits re-quired to encode each field of the gvspl records.Using arithmetic coding [30],the vertex id field a i requires log 2i bits,and the boolean parameter midp i requires 0.6–0.9bits for our models.The ()i delta vector is quantized to 16bitsper coordinate (48bits per),and stored as a variable-length field [7,13],requiring about 31bits on average.At first glance,each split code in the code string C K i seems to have 4possible outcomes (except for the split code for 0-simplex a i which has only 2possible outcomes).However,there exist constraints between these split codes.For example,in Figure 5,the code 1for 1-simplex id 1implies that 2-simplex id 1also has code 1.This in turn implies that 1-simplex id 2cannot have code 2.Similarly,code 2for 1-simplex id 3implies a code 2for 2-simplex id 2,which in turn implies that 1-simplex id 4cannot have code 1.These constraints,illustrated in the “scoreboard”of Figure 6,can be summarized using the following two rules:(1)If a simplex has split code c12,all of its parents havesplit code c .(2)If a simplex has split code 3,none of its parents have splitcode 4.As we encode split codes in C K i left to right,we apply these two rules (and their contrapositives)transitively to constrain the possible outcomes for split codes yet to be ing arithmetic coding with uniform outcome probabilities,these constraints reduce the code string length in Figure 6from 15bits to 102bits.In our models,the constraints reduce the code string from 30bits to 14bits on average.The code string is further reduced using a non-uniform probability model.We create an array T [0dim ][015]of encoding tables,indexed by simplex dimension (0..dim)and by the set of possible (constrained)split codes (a 4-bit mask).For each simplex s ,we encode its split code c using the probability distribution found in T [s dim ][s codes mask ].For 2-dimensional models,only 10of the 48tables are non-trivial,and each table contains at most 4probabilities,so the total size of the probability model is small.These encoding tables reduce the code strings to approximately 8bits as shown in Table 1.By comparison,the PM representation requires approximately 5bits for the same information,but of course it disallows topological changes.To provide more intuition for the efficiency of the PSC repre-sentation,we note that capturing the connectivity of an average 2-manifold simplicial complex (n vertices,3n edges,and 2n trian-gles)requires ni =1(log 2i +8)n (log 2n +7)bits with PSC encoding,versus n (12log 2n +95)bits with a traditional one-way incidence graph representation.For improved compression,it would be best to use a hybrid PM +PSC representation,in which the more concise PM vertex split encoding is used when the local neighborhood is an orientableFigure 6:Constraints on the split codes for the simplices in the example of Figure 5.Table 1:Compression results and construction times.Object#verts Space required (bits/n )Trad.Con.n K V D Arepr.time a i C K i midp i (v )i C D i C Ai bits/n hrs.drumset 34,79412.28.20.928.1 4.10.453.9146.1 4.3destroyer 83,79913.38.30.723.1 2.10.347.8154.114.1chandelier 36,62712.47.60.828.6 3.40.853.6143.6 3.6schooner 119,73413.48.60.727.2 2.5 1.353.7148.722.2sandal 4,6289.28.00.733.4 15,08211.0 1.20.630.70.0-43.5-0.5cessna 6,7959.67.60.632.2 28,84711.97.90.930.5 1.40.453.0135.7 3.52-dimensional manifold (this occurs on average 93%of the time in our examples).To compress C D i ,we predict the material for each new principalsimplex sstar(a i )star(b i )K i +1by constructing an ordered set D s of materials found in star(a i )K i .To improve the coding model,the first materials in D s are those of principal simplices in star(s )K i where s is the ancestor of s ;the remainingmaterials in star(a i )K i are appended to D s .The entry in C D i associated with s is the index of its material in D s ,encoded arithmetically.If the material of s is not present in D s ,it is specified explicitly as a global index in D .We encode C A i by specifying the area a s for each new principalsimplex s 01(star(a i )star(b i ))K i +1.To account for this redistribution of area,we identify the principal simplex from which s receives its area by specifying its index in 01(star(a i ))K i .The column labeled in Table 1sums the bits of each field of the gvspl records.Multiplying by the number n of vertices in M gives the total number of bits for the PSC representation of the model (e.g.500KB for the destroyer).By way of compari-son,the next column shows the number of bits per vertex required in a traditional “IndexedFaceSet”representation,with quantization of 16bits per coordinate and arithmetic coding of face materials (3n 16+2n 3log 2n +materials).4PSC CONSTRUCTIONIn this section,we describe a scheme for iteratively choosing pairs of vertices to unify,in order to construct a PSC representation.Our algorithm,a generalization of [13],is time-intensive,seeking high quality approximations.It should be emphasized that many quality metrics are possible.For instance,the quadric error metric recently introduced by Garland and Heckbert [9]provides a different trade-off of execution speed and visual quality.As in [13,20],we first compute a cost E for each candidate vunify transformation,and enter the candidates into a priority queueordered by ascending cost.Then,in each iteration i =n 11,we perform the vunify at the front of the queue and update the costs of affected candidates.4.1Forming set of candidate vertex pairs In principle,we could enter all possible pairs of vertices from M into the priority queue,but this would be prohibitively expensive since simplification would then require at least O(n2log n)time.Instead, we would like to consider only a smaller set of candidate vertex pairs.Naturally,should include the1-simplices of K.Additional pairs should also be included in to allow distinct connected com-ponents of M to merge and to facilitate topological changes.We considered several schemes for forming these additional pairs,in-cluding binning,octrees,and k-closest neighbor graphs,but opted for the Delaunay triangulation because of its adaptability on models containing components at different scales.We compute the Delaunay triangulation of the vertices of M, represented as a3-dimensional simplicial complex K DT.We define the initial set to contain both the1-simplices of K and the subset of1-simplices of K DT that connect vertices in different connected components of K.During the simplification process,we apply each vertex unification performed on M to as well in order to keep consistent the set of candidate pairs.For models in3,star(a i)has constant size in the average case,and the overall simplification algorithm requires O(n log n) time.(In the worst case,it could require O(n2log n)time.)4.2Selecting vertex unifications fromFor each candidate vertex pair(a b),the associated vunify(a b):M i M i+1is assigned the costE=E dist+E disc+E area+E foldAs in[13],thefirst term is E dist=E dist(M i)E dist(M i+1),where E dist(M)measures the geometric accuracy of the approximate model M.Conceptually,E dist(M)approximates the continuous integralMd2(M)where d(M)is the Euclidean distance of the point to the closest point on M.We discretize this integral by defining E dist(M)as the sum of squared distances to M from a dense set of points X sampled from the original model M.We sample X from the set of principal simplices in K—a strategy that generalizes to arbitrary triangulated models.In[13],E disc(M)measures the geometric accuracy of disconti-nuity curves formed by a set of sharp edges in the mesh.For the PSC representation,we generalize the concept of sharp edges to that of sharp simplices in K—a simplex is sharp either if it is a boundary simplex or if two of its parents are principal simplices with different material identifiers.The energy E disc is defined as the sum of squared distances from a set X disc of points sampled from sharp simplices to the discontinuity components from which they were sampled.Minimization of E disc therefore preserves the geom-etry of material boundaries,normal discontinuities(creases),and triangulation boundaries(including boundary curves of a surface and endpoints of a curve).We have found it useful to introduce a term E area that penalizes surface stretching(a more sophisticated version of the regularizing E spring term of[13]).Let A i+1N be the sum of triangle areas in the neighborhood star(a i)star(b i)K i+1,and A i N the sum of triangle areas in star(a i)K i.The mean squared displacement over the neighborhood N due to the change in area can be approx-imated as disp2=12(A i+1NA iN)2.We let E area=X N disp2,where X N is the number of points X projecting in the neighborhood. To prevent model self-intersections,the last term E fold penalizes surface folding.We compute the rotation of each oriented triangle in the neighborhood due to the vertex unification(as in[10,20]).If any rotation exceeds a threshold angle value,we set E fold to a large constant.Unlike[13],we do not optimize over the vertex position i a, but simply evaluate E for i a i+1a i+1b(i+1a+i+1b)2and choose the best one.This speeds up the optimization,improves model compression,and allows us to introduce non-quadratic energy terms like E area.5RESULTSTable1gives quantitative results for the examples in thefigures and in the video.Simplification times for our prototype are measured on an SGI Indigo2Extreme(150MHz R4400).Although these times may appear prohibitive,PSC construction is an off-line task that only needs to be performed once per model.Figure9highlights some of the benefits of the PSC representa-tion.The pearls in the chandelier model are initially disconnected tetrahedra;these tetrahedra merge and collapse into1-d curves in lower-complexity approximations.Similarly,the numerous polyg-onal ropes in the schooner model are simplified into curves which can be rendered as line segments.The straps of the sandal model initially have some thickness;the top and bottom sides of these straps merge in the simplification.Also note the disappearance of the holes on the sandal straps.The castle example demonstrates that the original model need not be a mesh;here M is a1-dimensional non-manifold obtained by extracting edges from an image.6RELATED WORKThere are numerous schemes for representing and simplifying tri-angulations in computer graphics.A common special case is that of subdivided2-manifolds(meshes).Garland and Heckbert[12] provide a recent survey of mesh simplification techniques.Several methods simplify a given model through a sequence of edge col-lapse transformations[10,13,14,20].With the exception of[20], these methods constrain edge collapses to preserve the topological type of the model(e.g.disallow the collapse of a tetrahedron into a triangle).Our work is closely related to several schemes that generalize the notion of edge collapse to that of vertex unification,whereby separate connected components of the model are allowed to merge and triangles may be collapsed into lower dimensional simplices. Rossignac and Borrel[21]overlay a uniform cubical lattice on the object,and merge together vertices that lie in the same cubes. Schaufler and St¨u rzlinger[22]develop a similar scheme in which vertices are merged using a hierarchical clustering algorithm.Lue-bke[18]introduces a scheme for locally adapting the complexity of a scene at runtime using a clustering octree.In these schemes, the approximating models correspond to simplicial complexes that would result from a set of vunify transformations(Section3.3).Our approach differs in that we order the vunify in a carefully optimized sequence.More importantly,we define not only a simplification process,but also a new representation for the model using an en-coding of gvspl=vunify1transformations.Recent,independent work by Schmalstieg and Schaufler[23]de-velops a similar strategy of encoding a model using a sequence of vertex split transformations.Their scheme differs in that it tracks only triangles,and therefore requires regular,2-dimensional trian-gulations.Hence,it does not allow lower-dimensional simplices in the model approximations,and does not generalize to higher dimensions.Some simplification schemes make use of an intermediate vol-umetric representation to allow topological changes to the model. He et al.[11]convert a mesh into a binary inside/outside function discretized on a three-dimensional grid,low-passfilter this function,。
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Vocal SetFEATURES• Engineered for professional live sound:Rugged all-in-one wireless system for singers andpresenters.• State-of-the-art live sound featuring Sennheiser‘s renowned e 835, e 845, e 865, e 935, e 945 capsules on a lightweight aluminium transmitter with integrated mute switch• True diversity half-rack receiver in a full-metal housing with intuitive LCD display for full control• Easy and flexible wireless synchronization between transmitter and receiver via infrared• Fast frequency allocation for up to 12 receivers via new linking functionality• Up to 20 compatible channels• Up to 42 MHz bandwidth with 1680 selectable frequen-cies, fully tunable in a stable UHF range• Transmission Range: up to 100 meters / 300 feet• High RF output power (up to 30 mW) depending on country regulations DELIVERY INCLUDES• EM 100 G4 true diversity receiver• SKM 100 G4-S handheld transmitter• MMD 935-1 microphone head (935-S variants only)• MMD 945-1 microphone head (945-S variants only)• GA 3 rackmount set• MZQ 1 microphone clamp• power supply• 2 AA batteries• 2 rod antennas• RJ 10 cable• quick guide• safety guide• manufacturer declaration sheet• frequency supplement sheetVersatile wireless systems for those who sing, speak or play instruments with up to 42 MHz tuning bandwidth in a stable UHF range and fast, simultaneous setup of up to 12 linked systems.State-of-the-art live sound featuring Sennheiser‘s renowned e 935 and e 945 capsules on a lightweight aluminum trans-mitter with integrated mute switch.Vocal Set SPECIFICATIONSEM 100 G4RF characteristicsModulation Wideband FM Frequency ranges A1: 470 - 516 MHzA: 516 - 558 MHzAS: 520 - 558 MHzG: 566 - 608 MHzGB: 606 - 648 MHzB: 626 - 668 MHzC: 734 - 776 MHzD: 780 - 822 MHzE: 823 - 865 MHzJB: 806 - 810 MHzK+: 925 - 937.5 MHz1G8: 1785 - 1800 MHz Receiving frequencies Max. 1680 receivingfrequencies, adjustable in25 k Hz steps20 frequency banks, eachwith up to 12 factory-presetchannels, no intermodula-tion1 frequency bank with up to12 programmable channels Switching bandwidth up to 42 MHzNominal/peak deviation±24 kHz / ±48 kHz Receiver principle True diversitySensitivity (with HDX, peak deviation)< 2.5 μV for 52 dBAeff S/NAdjacent channel selection Typically ≥ 65 dB Intermodulation attenua-tionTypically ≥ 65 dB Blocking≥ 70 dB Squelch low: 5 dBμVmiddle: 15 dBμVhigh: 25 dBμVPilot tone squelch Can be switched off Antenna inputs 2 BNC socketsAF characteristicsCompander system Sennheiser HDXEQ presets (switchable,act on line and monitoroutputs)Preset 1: FlatPreset 2:Low Cut (-3 dB at 180 Hz)Preset 3:Low Cut/High Boost(-3 dB at 180 Hz,+6 dB at 10 kHz)Preset 4:High Boost(+6 dB at 10 kHz)Signal-to-noise ratio (1 mV,peak deviation)≥ 110 dBATotal harmonic distortion(THD)≤ 0.9 %AF output voltage (at peakdeviation, 1 kHz AF)6.3 mm jack socket(unbalanced): +12 dBuXLR socket(balanced): +18 dBu Setting range “AF Out”48 dB (3 dB steps) Overall deviceTemperature range-10 °C to +55 °CPower supply12 V DCCurrent consumption300 mADimensions Approx. 190 x 212 x 43 mm Weight Approx. 980 gCONNECTIONSVocal Set SPECIFICATIONSSKM 100 G4-SRF characteristicsModulation Wideband FM Frequency ranges A1: 470 - 516 MHzA: 516 - 558 MHzA10: 516 - 558 MHzAS: 520 - 558 MHzG: 566 - 608 MHzGB: 606 - 648 MHzB: 626 - 668 MHzB10: 626 - 668 MHzC: 734 - 776 MHzD: 780 - 822 MHzJB: 806 - 810 MHzE: 823 - 865 MHzK+: 925 - 937,5 MHz1G8: 1785 - 1800 MHz Transmission frequencies Max. 1680 receivingfrequencies, adjustable in25 k Hz steps20 frequency banks, eachwith up to 12 factory-presetchannels, no intermodula-tion1 frequency bank with up to12 programmable channels Switching bandwidth up to 42 MHzNominal/peak deviation±24 kHz / ±48 kHz Frequency stability≤ ±15 ppmRF output power at 50 ΩMax. 30 mWPilot tone squelch Can be switched off AF characteristicsCompander system Sennheiser HDXAF frequency response80 – 18,000 HzSignal-to-noise ratio (1 mV,peak deviation)≥ 110 dBATotal harmonic distortion(THD)≤ 0.9 %Max. input voltage 3 VeffInput impedance40 kΩInput capacitance SwitchableSetting range for inputsensitivity48 dB,adjustable in 6 dB steps Overall deviceTemperature range-10 °C to +55 °CPower supply 2 AA batteries, 1.5 V orBA 2015 accupack Nominal voltage 3 V battery /2.4 V rechargeable battery Current consumption at nominal voltage:typ. 180 mAwith transmitter switchedoff: ≤ 25 μAOperating time Typically 8 h Dimensions Approx. Ø 50 x 265 mm Weight (incl. batteries)approx. 450 gSPECIFICATIONSMMD 935-1Transducer principle dynamic Sensitivity 2.5 mV/Pa Sound pressure level154 dB SPL Pick-up pattern cardioid MMD 945-1Transducer principle dynamic Sensitivity 1.8 mV/Pa Sound pressure level154 dB SPL Pick-up pattern supercardioidVocal Set PRODUCT VARIANTSew 100 G4-935-S-A1470 - 516 MHz Art. no. 509737 ew 100 G4-935-S-A516 - 558 MHz Art. no. 509728 ew 100 G4-935-S-AS520 - 558 MHz Art. no. 509805 ew 100 G4-935-S-G566 - 608 MHz Art. no. 509739 ew 100 G4-935-S-GB606 - 648 MHz Art. no. 509982 ew 100 G4-935-S-B626 - 668 MHz Art. no. 509740 ew 100 G4-935-S-C734 - 776 MHz Art. no. 509806 ew 100 G4-935-S-D780 - 822 MHz Art. no. 509807 ew 100 G4-935-S-JB806 - 810 MHz Art. no. 509862 ew 100 G4-935-S-E823 - 865 MHz Art. no. 509983 ew 100 G4-935-S-1G81785 - 1800 MHz Art. no. 509964 ew 100 G4-945-S-A1470 - 516 MHz Art. no. 509741 ew 100 G4-945-S-A516 - 558 MHz Art. no. 509742 ew 100 G4-945-S-AS520 - 558 MHz Art. no. 509808 ew 100 G4-945-S-G566 - 608 MHz Art. no. 509743 ew 100 G4-945-S-GB606 - 648 MHz Art. no. 509984 ew 100 G4-945-S-B626 - 668 MHz Art. no. 509744 ew 100 G4-945-S-C734 - 776 MHz Art. no. 509809 ew 100 G4-945-S-D780 - 822 MHz Art. no. 509810 ew 100 G4-935-S-JB806 - 810 MHz Art. no. 509863 ew 100 G4-945-S-E823 - 865 MHz Art. no. 509985 ew 100 G4-945-S-1G81785 - 1800 MHz Art. no. 509986Vocal Set DIMENSIONSEM 100 G4Vocal Set DIMENSIONSSKM 100 G4-SVocal SetSennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG · Am Labor 1 · 30900 Wedemark · Germany · ARCHITECT‘S SPECIFICATIONA wireless RF transmission system consisting of a stationary receiver and a handheld transmitter includings a micropho-ne head.The system shall operate within twelve UHF frequency ranges, with a switching bandwidth of up to 42 MHz: 470 –516 M Hz, 516 – 558 MHz, 520 – 558 MHz, 566 – 608 M Hz, 606 – 648 MHz, 626 – 668 MHz, 734 – 776 MHz, 780 – 822 M Hz, 823 – 865 MHz, 806 – 810 MHz, 925 – 937.5 M Hz, 1785 – 1800 MHz; receiving frequencies shall be 1,680 per range and shall be tunable in 25 kHz steps. The system shall feature 20 fixed frequency banks with up to 12 compatible frequency presets and 1 user bank with up to 12 user programmable frequencies.The receiver shall be menu-driven with a backlit LC display showing the current frequency, frequency bank and channel number, metering of RF level, metering of AF level, lock status, pilot tone evaluation, muting function, and battery status of the associated transmitter. An auto-lock feature shall be provided to prevent settings from being accidentally altered. The receiver shall feature an integrated guitar tuner and shall provide a sound check mode.Some receiver parameters such as receiving frequency, receiver name and pilot tone setting shall be synchronizable with the associated transmitter via an integrated infrared interface.The receiver shall feature a balanced XLR-3M audio output with a maximum output of +18 dBu along with an unbalanced ¼" (6.3 mm) audio output with a maximum output of +12 dBu. The receiver shall have two DATA ports (RJ 10) to set up a multichannel system. Two BNC-type input sockets shall be provided for connecting the antennas. Nominal/peak devia-tion shall be ±24 kHz/±48 kHz. Squelch threshold shall be adjustable to three levels: Low (5 dBμV), Middle (15 dBμV) and High (25 dBμV).The receiver shall incorporate the Sennheiser HDX compander system and a defeatable pilot tone squelch. Sensitivity shall be < 2 μV for 52 dBA eff S/N with HDX engaged at peak deviation. Adjacent channel rejection shall be ≥ 65 d B (ty-pical). Intermodulation attenuation shall be ≥ 65 d B (typical); blocking shall be ≥ 70 dB. Four selectable equalizer presets shall be provided: “Flat”, “Low Cut” (−3 d B at 180 Hz), “Low Cut/High Boost” (−3 d B at 180 H z/+6 dB at 10 kHz) and “High Boost” (+6 dB at 10 k Hz). Signal-to-noise ratio at 1 mV and peak deviation shall be ≥ 110 dBA. Total harmonic distortion (THD) shall be ≤ 0.9 %. The audio output level shall be adjustable within a 48 d B range in steps of 3 dB.The receiver shall operate on 12 V power supplied from the NT 2-3 CW mains unit (for 100 – 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz). Power consumption shall be 300 mA. The receiver shall have a rugged metal housing; dimensions shall be approximately 190 x 212 x 43 mm (7.48" x 8.35" x 1.69"). Weight shall be approximately 980 grams (2.16 lbs). Operating temperature shall range from −10 °C to +55 °C (+14 °F to +131 °F).The receiver shall be the Sennheiser EM 100 G4.The radio microphone shall be menu-driven with a backlit LC display showing the current frequency, frequency bank and channel number, metering of AF level, transmission status, lock status, pilot tone transmission, muting function, and bat-tery status. An auto-lock feature shall be provided to prevent settings from being accidentally altered.The radio microphone parameters shall either be configurable in the associated receiver’s menu and synchronized with the radio microphone via an integrated infrared interface or shall be programmable in the radio microphone menu. Recei-ver parameters such as receiving frequency, receiver name and pilot tone setting shall be synchronizable with the radio microphone via an integrated infrared interface.The handheld vocal radio microphone shall be equipped with a mute switch, which shall be switchable between “AF on/off”, “RF on/off” and “Disabled” via the user interface. Nominal/peak deviation shall be ±24 kHz/±48 kHz. Frequency stability shall be ≤ ±15 ppm. RF output power at 50 Ω shall be 30 mW (typical).The radio microphone shall incorporate the Sennheiser HDX compander system and a defeatable pilot tone squelch.Audio frequency response shall range from 80 – 18,000 Hz. Signal-to-noise ratio at 1 mV and peak deviation shall be ≥ 110 dBA. Total harmonic distortion (THD) shall be ≤ 0.9 %. Input sensitivity shall be adjustable within a 48 dB range in steps of 6 dB.Power shall be supplied to the radio microphone by two 1.5 V AA size batteries or by one Sennheiser BA 2015 recharge-able accupack. Nominal voltage shall be 2.4 V, current consumption shall be typical 180 mA at nominal voltage; ≤ 25 μA when radio microphone is switched off. Operating time shall be typical 8 hours. The radio microphone shall have a rugged metal housing; dimensions shall be approximately 50 mm (1.97") in diameter and 265 mm (10.43") in length. Weight inclu-ding the batteries shall be approximately 450 grams (0.99 lbs). Operating temperature shall range from −10 °C to +55 °C (+14 °F to +131 °F).A range of microphone heads shall be available for the radio microphone.The radio microphone shall be the Sennheiser SKM 100-S G4.。
阻挫磁体的判据: f
S0 / kB lnW
特征:基态存在很大的简并度 传统反铁磁体:
Square Lattice:
Td ~ 2CW Td ~ 0.75CW
Triangular Lattice:
Triangular Lattice
三角晶格:6重简并 2重简并(FM) Kagome Lattice
AFM → Quasispin Glass
First experimental realization of spin Ladder with FM Legs
PRL,106, 247202 (2011
1.ACr2O4 (A=Zn,Cd,Hg) 几何阻挫磁体(Tetragonal Lattice)
•Cr3+ 占据四面体顶角
•Cr3+ 自旋占据t2g轨道, 只有自旋—晶格耦合
Magnetic Field-induced quantum phase transition: 概念:Noncollinear spin structure ———— Collinear spin Structure (First Order Transition) Example: Pyrochlore Lttice
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments Incorporated
The TLC1549C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The TLC1549I is characterized for operation from – 40°C to 85°C. The TLC1549M is characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of – 55°C to 125°C.
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.
Sample and Hold
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROLInt.J.Robust Nonlinear Control2001;11:515}539(DOI:10.1002/rnc.596)Hybrid control of force transients for multi-pointinjection enginesAndrea Balluchi ,Luca Benvenuti ,Maria Domenica Di Benedetto * R,Alberto L.Sangiovanni-VincentelliPARADES,<ia San Pantaleo,66,00186Roma,ItalyDip.di Informatica e Sistemistica,;niversita degli Studi di Roma**La Sapienza++,<ia Eudossiana18,00184Roma,ItalyDip.di Ingegneria Elettrica,;niversita degli Studi de¸+Aquila,Poggio di Roio,67040L+Aquila,Italy Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,Uni v ersity of California at Berkeley,CA94720,U.S.A.SUMMARYWe address the problem of delivering as quickly as possible a requested torque produced by a spark ignition engine equipped with a multi-point port injection manifold and with electronic throttle.The optimal control problem,subject to the constraint that the air}fuel ratio stays within a pre-assigned range around the stoichiometric ratio,is solved for a detailed,cycle-accurate hybrid model with a hybrid control approach based on a two-step process.In the"rst step,a continuous approximation of the hybrid problem is solved exactly.Then,the control law so obtained is adjusted to satisfy the constraints imposed by the hybrid model. The quality of the control law has been in part analytically demonstrated and in part validated with simulations.Copyright 2001John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.KEY WORDS:hybrid systems;engine control;optimal control1.INTRODUCTIONIn this paper,we deal with the problem of delivering as quickly as possible a requested torque produced by a spark ignition engine equipped with a multi-point port injection manifold and electronics to control the throttle-valve position.The control variables are the amount of injected fuel and the voltage given to the electric motor controlling the position of the throttle valve.The optimization problem is subject to the constraint that the air}fuel(A/F)ratio stays within a pre-assigned range around the stoichiometric value of14.64(the ratio that guarantees minimum emission).Air and fuel dynamics depend on the pressure in the intake manifold}that is controlled by throttle valve}and on second order phenomena,the most important of which is the#uid"lm dynamics[1].The#uid"lm is created during the injection process:after fuel is injected in the intake runner,part of the vapourized fuel turns into#uid that deposits onto the*Correspondence to:M.D.Di Benedetto,Dip.di Ingegneria Elettrica,Universita degli Studi de L'Aquila,Poggio di Roio, 67040L'Aquila,Italy.-E-mail:dibenede@ing.univaq.itContract/grant sponsor:PARADES,P.F.MADESS II CNRCopyright 2001John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.516 A.BALLUCHI E¹A¸.walls of the intake runner and,hence,it is not immediately available for combustion inside the cylinders.The#uid"lm on the intake walls evaporates again,thus contributing to the combus-tion process but with a noticeable delay.This phenomenon(unfortunately)cannot be ignored, since it has a de"nite e!ect on the performance of the combustion process.The most used solutions to this problem consist of feed-forward compensation of fuel dynamics [2}4],based on mean value engine models[5}7].However,the mean values of the engine variables of interest may not be accurate enough to guarantee small transient deviations from the optimal A/F ratio.In this paper,we propose an approach that yields very small deviations with respect to the optimal A/F ratio,by using a hybrid model of the cyclic behaviour of the engine. The hybrid model describes accurately the detailed behaviour of the actuated throttle,of the injection systems and of the torque-generation mechanism,and,at the same time,allows to develop powerful closed-loop control laws.Our goal is to design a control law for the fuel injection durations and the voltage supplied to the throttle valve motor to drive the evolution of the system from an initial condition character-ized by the delivery of a torque u to a"nal condition characterized by the delivery of a requested torque u in minimum time subject to constraints on emissions.Note that the control problem described above is new not only because we use a detailed hybrid model for the injection process but also because we consider the entire control chain,from throttle motor to engine. Minimum time is not the only relevant criterion to follow when considering control schemes that might be implemented for engine control.Preventing signi"cant over/undershoot of the reference value,and being able to hold the desired torque value within some bounds are also desirable.However,minimum-time control problems have well-known solutions that allow us to obtain powerful control laws.These additional criteria can be cast into constraints in the same way as we have done for the A/F ratio.Then,the optimal control problem can still be solved analytically even though the number of details and the notational complexity would become overwhelming.For this reason,we have chosen to ignore these additional considerations since handling them could cloud our approach.Our approach to the optimal control problem is a two-step process:(1)we"rst introduce and solve an auxiliary optimal control problem in continuous time,and(2)we then map the optimal control law back in the hybrid domain trying to maintain as muchas possible the properties of the solution.The mapping process is critical for obtaining a satisfactory solution to the hybrid problem. Several mappings are possible that satisfy the restrictions imposed by the hybrid model but we want to choose a mapping that satis"es the original constraints and is as close as possible to the optimal solution.In Reference[8],we have solved with the same approach a related,but simpler, problem where throttle actuation was not taken into account,the torque requested was zero and the cost function was the amount of undesired oscillations of the power-train(the cut-o!problem). In this case,we were able to prove that the hybrid control law obtained by the mapping process ensured stability and constraints satisfaction.In this paper,given the additional details that have been considered,the control law obtained by the two-step process is more complex and depends on several engine and car parameters.For this reason,the theoretical results are weaker,but,under conservative assumptions on the relative speed of the crankshaft at the time of successive injection points and ignoring the dynamics of the throttle control loop,we can still prove that the original constraints on the problem are satis"ed with the hybrid control law.Simulation data are used to validate the control laws for the full chain on power-trains of existing cars.Copyright 2001John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.Int.J.Robust Nonlinear Control2001;11:515}539It can be argued that a dual approach,relying on a discretized,crank-angle-based abstraction of the cylinder 's FSM (see for example Reference [9]),would solve the problem tackled in this paper as well.Since we assume small excursions in engine speed,then the phase of mapping the auxiliary optimal solution into the hybrid domain is likely to be easier when discrete }time abstractions are used with respect to continuous-time ones.Indeed,the cut-o !problem has also been solved using this approach [10],i.e.a discrete-time abstraction of the hybrid model of the plant was used.However,the weakness of this approach lies on the lack of theoretical results asserting properties of the control law since only numerical solutions to the auxiliary optimal discrete-time control problem can be obtained.2.PLANT MODEL AND PROBLEM FORMULATIONIn this section,a hybrid model for vehicles with four-stroke four-cylinder gasoline engine equipped with a multi-point injection system and electronic throttle is illustrated.The model (an expansion of the model in Reference [8])consists of four parts (see Figure 1):two continuous-time systems,modelling the power-train dynamics and the air dynamics,respectively,and two parts each composed of four hybrid systems modelling the behaviour of each cylinder and of each injection system.Air Dynamics :The model of the quantity of air entering the cylinder during the intake run is obtained from the air #ow balance equation of the manifold.The air mass m ,loaded during an intake run,is subject to the manifold pressure (p )dynamics which is controlled by the throttle valve actuated by a DC motor.Since we consider short control horizon,then we can assume small variations of the crankshaft speed and neglect the dependence from it in the air dynamics.The model is then(t )"a ? (t )#b ?v (t )(1)p (t )"a N p (t )#b N(t )(2)m ?(t )"c Np (t )(3)where v 3[!<,#<]is the DC motor voltage and is the throttle angle that is subject to the constraint0) (t ))90(4)Powertrain model :Powertrain dynamics are modelled by the linear system(t )"A (t )#bu (t )where "[ C , , N ]2represents the axle torsion angle,the crankshaft revolution speed and the wheel revolution speed.The input signal u is the torque produced by the engine and acting on the crankshaft.Model parameters A and b ,depend on the transmission gear which is assumed not to change.A single-state hybrid system emits the event dead }point ,when pistons reach either the top or bottom dead centers,and produces the crank angle .¹orque -generation :The behaviour of each cylinder in the engine is abstractly represented by a "nite state machine (FSM)and a discrete event system (DES)modelling torque generation.The FSM state S G of the i th cylinder assumes values in the set +H G ,I G ,C G ,E G ,which correspond to the exhaust,intake,compression and expansion strokes,respectively,in the four-stroke engine 517TRANSIENTS CONTROL FOR INJECTION ENGINES Copyright 2001John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Int .J .Robust Nonlinear Control 2001;11:515}539518 A.BALLUCHI E¹A¸.Figure1.Engine hybrid model E.The hybrid models of the cylinders and injection systems2,3and4arenot reported due to space limitation.Copyright 2001John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.Int.J.Robust Nonlinear Control2001;11:515}539cycle.An FSM transition occurs when the piston reaches a dead center,that is when the event dead }point is emitted.The DES describing the torque generation process of the i th cylinder increments its sequence index k by one at each transition of the FSM.Its inputs are the masses m ?G and m TG of air and fuel loaded during the intake phase;its output is the torque u G (k )generated by the cylinder.At the transition I G P C G ,that is at time t 'G ,the event int }end G is generated and the DES reads its inputs,storing in q ?G and q TG their values.The amount of torque achievable during the next expansion phase,obtained by the fuel-to-torque gain G ,is stored in z G .The DES output u G (k )is always zero except at the C G P E G transition when it is set to the value stored in z G .Input u G (t )to the powertrain dynamics is obtained from u G (k )by a zero }order holder latched on the event dead }point .Injection process :The i th injection system is abstractly represented by a hybrid system,whose discrete state F G assumes values in the set +J G ,B G ,=G ,D G,described below:(1)J G :the injector is open and delivers a constant #ow P of vapourized fuel.A fraction of it condenses in a fuel puddle and increases the mass m JG of liquid fuel,fraction 1! increases the mass m TG of vapourized fuel in the intake runner.The mass of liquid fuel evaporates o !with a time constant .The injector remains open for G seconds modelled by timer t G .(2)B G :the injector is closed and the evaporation process continues.When the next dead }point event is emitted,the intake valve opens,and the air }fuel mix begins to enter the cylinder.Atthe I G P C G transition,the intake valve closes and the int }end G event is generated.The mass m TG of vapour is reset to zero since all the vapour fuel has been loaded in the cylinder.(3)=G :the injector is closed and evaporation proceeds.(4)D G :the beginning of fuel injection is synchronized with respect to the beginning of the exhaust phase with a time delay of t B seconds measured by timer t G .This delay allows to locate the injection interval with respect to the engine cycle.The value of t B ,which in general depends on the crankshaft speed,is considered constant since small engine speed variations are assumed.In this state,fuel dynamics is as in state =G.Engine hybrid model :The overall model E of the engine is the combination of four hybrid systems representing the behaviour of each cylinder and related injection system,and the powertrain and intake manifold models which are shared among all cylinders.The pistons are connected to the crankshaft,so that dead-points are synchronous and the cycle of each one is delayed one step with respect to the cycle of the previous one.Then,the dead }point events and the sequence index k are shared among all the cylinders and only one signal u G (t )may be di !erent from zero at any time.Input signals are:the input voltage v (t )to the DC motor actuating the throttle valve,a scalar continuous time signal in the class of functions 1> P [!<,#<];the injection intervals (k ),a scalar discrete time signal in the class of functions Z > P [0, ],which is sequentially distributed over the four injectors synchronously with the corresponding exp }end G event.The state of the overall hybrid systems is a triple (q ,z ,x )where:(1)q "[S ,F ,S ,F ,S ,F ,S ,F ]is the state of the FSMs associated to each cylinder and each injection system;(2)z "[z ,q T ,q ? ,2,z ,q T ,q ? ]is the cylinder DES state;(3)x "[ , , ,p ,t ,t ,m T ,m J ,2,t ,t ,m T ,m J ]is the continuous state associated to the powertrain,air dynamics,and to each injection system.The output of the overall system is the generated torque u .519TRANSIENTS CONTROL FOR INJECTION ENGINES Copyright 2001John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Int .J .Robust Nonlinear Control 2001;11:515}539520 A.BALLUCHI E¹A¸.2.1.Problem formulationIn order to reduce tailpipe emissions,the air}fuel ratio A/F of each cylinder has to be kept in a range[¸ ,¸ ]around the stoichiometric value¸ "14.64.This corresponds to requiring the following constraint:¸q TG!(k))q?G!(k))¸ q TG!(k)(5) where i!denotes the index of the cylinder which enters the state C.Given a value u of torque produced by the engine,de"ne in the hybrid state space the set T(u) of all the hybrid states(q(0),z(0),x(0))for which there exist v(t):1> P[!<,#<]and (k):Z> P[0, ]such that for all t*0and for all k*0,u(t)"u and constraints(4)and(5) are satis"ed.Note that the set T(u)consists of all the state trajectories of the hybrid model E such that along the entire trajectories a constant torque u is generated while constraints on inputs v, and states ,q?,q T are satis"ed.Problem1Consider the engine hybrid model E,shown in Figure1.Let u and u be the initial value and the desired value of the torque,respectively.Assume that,at the initial time t"0,the hybrid state (q ,z ,x )belongs to T(u ).Find v(t):1> P[!<,#<]and (k):Z> P[0, ]such that(1)the initial state(q ,z ,x )is steered to T(u )at some unspeci"ed time tଙ;(2)for all t*0and for all k*0constraints(4)and(5)are satis"ed;(3)the time tଙis minimized.3.AUXILIARY CONTINUOUS-TIME OPTIMAL CONTROL WITHOUTTHROTTLE DYNAMICSIn this section,the interactions between fuel and air dynamics,subject to constraint(5),are analysed by considering a continuous-time model approximating the behaviour of the engine hybrid model E.The hybrid nature of the intake process is abstracted away by using average continuous-time models for fuel and air whose outputs are the average fuel#ow,f T(t),and air #ow,f?(t),entering the cylinders.Moreover,we abstract away the throttle actuation dynamics and consider the throttle valve to be the air dynamics input.To solve the continuous optimal problem,we follow a two-step process:in the"rst step,we"nd the minimum-time control for the air dynamics alone;in the second step,we introduce the fuel dynamics and appropriately modify the optimal control law found in the"rst step to solve the continuous optimal problem at hand.The intake manifold dynamics is described by Equation(2)and constraint(4).The#ow of air f?(t)entering the cylinders is expressed as:f?(t)"c?p(t)where c?"( /30)c N.Furthermore,fuel dynamics is modelled by the average modelm J(t)"a J m J(t)#b Jf T(t)"c J m J(t)#d J (t)(6) Copyright 2001John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.Int.J.Robust Nonlinear Control2001;11:515}539where f T denotes the average fuel#ow entering the cylinders,m J denotes the average mass of liquid fuel,and a J"! \ ,b J" P( /30),c J" \ ,d J"(1! )P( /30).The A/F constraints are rewritten for the#ows f?and f T as follows:¸p(t)#¸K m J(t)) (t))¸ p(t)#¸K m J(t)(7) where¸ "c?/¸ d J'0,¸ "c?/¸ d J'0,and¸K"!c J/d J(0.For the continuous-time model considered here,the target set corresponding to the desired torque u isT(u )" (m J,p)"p"p "14.64c N G u (8) so that Problem1reduces to the following one:Problem2Consider the engine continuous-time model described by Equations(2)and(6).Let u and u be the initial value and the desired value of the torque,respectively.Assume that,at the initial time t"0,the state(m J,p )belongs to T(u ).Find (t):1> P[0,90]and (t):1> P[0, ] such that(1)the initial state(m J,p )is steered to T(u )at some unspeci"ed time tଙ;(2)for all t*0,constraints(7)are satis"ed;(3)the time tଙis minimized.Constraints(7)de"ne a set of feasible values for(m J,p),obtained for ranging in the interval [0, ].Since the liquid fuel mass is non-negative,the set of feasible states for the control problem at hand are de"ned by the following linear inequalities:¸p#¸K m J*0¸p#¸K m J)p,m J*0(9)Note that,when the manifold pressure p is zero,the unique feasible state value is(m J,p)"(0,0), which is obtained with injection "0(neither fuel nor air is loaded by the cylinders).As a matter of fact,the evaporation of any liquid fuel m J'0would produce a rich mixture with f?/f T(¸ . Hence,if a fuel puddle is present,the manifold pressure has to be greater than zero.However,by injecting a proper amount of fuel,some values(m J,p)on the line m J"0may be feasible even if there is no fuel puddle.These values lay on the segment with extremum points(0,0)and (0, /¸ ).Note that only the segment from(0,p )to(!(¸ /¸K)p ,p )of the target set T(u ) belongs to the feasible set(9).Constraints(7)couples between the manifold dynamics(2)and the fuel dynamics(6).If one considers the manifold dynamics(2)alone,the straightforward min-imum-time control to the target point p"p is" 0if p'p90if p(p!(aN/b N)p when p"p (10) 521TRANSIENTS CONTROL FOR INJECTION ENGINESCopyright 2001John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.Int.J.Robust Nonlinear Control2001;11:515}539The minimum-time t ଙneeded to steer an initial manifold pressure p (0)to p ist ଙ"1a N ln p p (0) if p (0)'p 1a N ln a N p #90b N a N p (0)#90b Nif p (0)(p (11)Given an initial fuel value m J (0),the manifold control (10)remains optimal when the fuel dynamics (6)are also considered and constraints (7)are introduced,if there exists a fuel injection signal (t ):[0,t ଙ]P [0, ]such that constraints (7)are satis "ed along the trajectory.In fact,if this is the case,the trajectory (m J (t ),p (t ))starting from (m J (0),p (0))reaches the target set T (u )at time t ଙwithout leaving the feasible set de "ned by (9).In the following we will:(1)"nd the feasible initial conditions for which the control law (10)remains optimal;(2)give the optimal control law for the remaining initial conditions.Consider "rst the initial conditions (m J (0),p (0))in the region delimited by (9)and p (p ,where the control "90is applied.For these conditions it can be shown that there are always values of satisfying (7)along the entire trajectory to the target set.Then,the control law "90and equal to any value satisfying (7)steer the state to the target set in minimum time satisfying the constraints.In this case,the time required to drive the initial condition to the target set is determined only by the pressure dynamics and is given by (11).On the other hand,when p (0)'p and the control "0is applied,it can be the case that no value of satisfying (7)exists for some point of the trajectory.Since p (t )is decreasing,this corresponds to violating the constraint f ?/f T '¸ .To avoid (if possible)this situation,the amount of fuel #ow entering the cylinders has to be minimized,by choosing the minimum admissible value for ,i.e. "max +0,¸ p #¸K m J ,.Then,for the initial conditions (m J (0),p (0))in the region delimited by (9)and p 'p ,where the control "0is applied,there are always values of satisfying (7)along the entire trajectory to the target set provided that (m J (0),p (0))is on the left of the trajectory obtained by backwards integration of dynamics (2)and (6)from the point (!(¸ /¸K )p ,p )with "0and "max +0,¸ p #¸K m J ,.See Figure 2.Hence,for these initial conditions,applying the control law "0and equal to any value satisfying (7),the target set is reached in minimum time and the constraints are satis "ed.Also in this case,the time needed to steer the initial condition to the target set is determined only by the pressure dynamics and is given by Equation (11).In summary,for all the initial conditions in the feasible set (9)and on the left of ,the optimal controls are" 0if p 'p90if p (p and "max +0,¸ p #¸K m J,Fuel dynamics is steered in such a way that it tracks the intake manifold dynamics to satisfy the air }fuel constraint (7).Since the amount of fuel puddle is small with respect to the values of the manifold pressure,then the air dynamics can be controlled in minimum time to the target 522 A.BALLUCHI E ¹A ¸.Copyright 2001John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Int .J .Robust Nonlinear Control 2001;11:515}539Figure 2.Minimum-time trajectories without throttle dynamics.pressure p ,without any interference due to the air }fuel constraint,which is handled by the injection signal only.For conditions (m J (0),p (0))in the region delimited by (9)and lying to the right of the curve ,the air dynamics has to track the slower fuel evaporation dynamics to achieve air }fuel constraint (7)satisfation.Hence,for these initial conditions,the optimal feedback controls are as follows:" 0if ¸ p #¸K m J '0a J !a N b N p if ¸ p #¸K m J "0and "max +0,¸ p #¸K m J ,(12)According to (12),these initial conditions are "rst steered by the controls "0and "max +0,¸ p #¸K m J ,to the line ¸ p #¸K m J "0.Then,under the action of the control signals "[(a J !a N )/b N ]p and "0,they follow a sliding motion along this constraint until they reach the extremum (!(¸ /¸K )p ,p )of the target set.It is worth noting that,during the sliding motion,the closed-loop system ism J (t )"a J m J(t )p (t )"a N p #b N [(a C !a N )/b N ]p "a Jp Since "a J "("a N ",the pressure dynamics is slowed down to make it follow the fuel dynamics and to satisfy constraints (7).Thus,the control law for given by (12)is optimal since it minimizes the length of the arc of trajectory over the constraint.Summarizing:523TRANSIENTS CONTROL FOR INJECTION ENGINES Copyright 2001John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Int .J .Robust Nonlinear Control 2001;11:515}539Theorem 1If the initial state (m J ,p )belongs to the feasible set described by inequalities (9),then the optimal control (t ):1> P [0,90]and (t ):1> P [0,]solving Problem 2is: (t )"0if ¸ p (t )#¸K m J (t )'0and p (t )'p ,90if p (t )(p ,!(a N /b N )p if p (t )"p ,[(a C !a N )/b N ]p (t )if ¸ p (t )#¸K m J(t )"0and p (t )'p (13) (t )"max +0,¸ p (t )#¸K m J(t ),.(14)This result can be proved by applying the Pontryagin Maximum Principle.Figure 2shows some minimum-time trajectories to the target set (8)for dynamics (2)and (6),and constraints (7).4.HYBRID CONTROL WITHOUT THROTTLE DYNAMICSThe continuous control law described in Section 3,must be approximated to yield a feasible control law for the hybrid model E introduced in Section 2.More precisely,in the continuous-time model adopted in Section 3,the air }fuel constraints (7)are expressed in terms of the continuous evolutions of the manifold pressure and liquid fuel.Moreover,the control signals and are assumed to be continuous-time signals.When dealing with the hybrid model E ,the air }fuel constraints (5)are expressed in terms of the event-based signals q ?and q T .In addition,the amount of air q ?loaded in the cylinder depends on the manifold pressure p at the dead center corresponding to the end of the intake.The amount of loaded fuel q T depends on the evolution of the hybrid model describing the fuel injection system,which models the delay between the time at which the injection control signal is set and the time at which the fuel is loaded.Then,the main issues to address when we move from the continuous case to the hybrid case are:(1)in model E there is a delay between the time at which the injection control G is set (at the end of the expansion phase)and the time at which the vapourized fuel q T is loaded (at the end of the intake phase);(2)feasible control actions on G are discrete-time signals synchronized with the crank angle.This issue is the main cause of di $culty for devising a hybrid control strategy;(3)in model E ,there exist four independent fuel dynamics,controlled by inputs ,2, ,whose evolutions are constrained with respect to the same air #ow evolution by A /Fbounds.The measurements available for closing the control loop are:the pressure p ,the angle and the crankshaft speed .Since in the solutions derived in Section 3, is chosen as the maximum between 0and ¸ p #¸K m J ,then fuel injection is regulated so to maintain in (5)q ?"¸ q T ,when the cylinder is in the compression stroke.The injection control G for the i th cylinder is set at the end of the expansion stroke (i.e.when the exp }end G event is generated).Consider "rst the design of the fuel injection control.The continuous optimal injection control law (14)has only two possible actions:either no fuel is injected,that is "0;or "¸ p #¸K m J ,which corresponds to producing a mixture with maximum feasible value of A /F ratio,is injected.524 A.BALLUCHI E ¹A ¸.Copyright 2001John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Int .J .Robust Nonlinear Control 2001;11:515}539Hence,our strategy is mapped into the hybrid domain as follows.At time t I,corresponding to the end of the expansion stroke,the value of is set to one of the two possible values on the basis of the estimated values of q?(k#2)and q T(k#2)at time t I> corresponding to the end of the next intake stroke:( 1)either (k)"0,i.e.if q?(k#2)(¸ q T(k#2)no fuel is injected;( 2)or (k)such that q?(k#2)"¸ q T(k#2),i.e.a mixture with maximum feasible value of A/F ratio is produced(see(5)).The estimations of q?(k#2)and q T(k#2)are non-trivial since they depend not only on the values of the state components (t I),m T(k),m J(k)and p(t I),but also on the chosen control actions (k)and (t)over[t I,t I> ].Consider now the design of the throttle control.The continuous minimum-time control (13)assumes only four possible values: "0, "90, "[(a C!a N)/b N]p and"nally "!(a N/b N)p when the target set has been reached.This strategy is mapped into the hybrid domain as follows:( 1) "90,if p(p ;( 2) "0,if p'p and q?(k#2)'¸ q T(k#2);( 3) "[(a C!a N)/b N]p,if q?(k#2)"¸ q T(k#2),so that the manifold dynamics tracks the fuel dynamics to obtain a mixture with minimum feasible value of A/F ratio.( 4) "!(a N/b N)p when the target set has been reached.We will now show how to calculate the values of (k)and (t).Consider the cases p(t I)(p (Case1)and p(t I)'p (Case2)separately.Case1:p(t I)(p .According to( 1)suppose (t)"90for all t3[t I,t I> ].Then,the value p(t I> )of the manifold pressure at time t I> obtained by integration of the pressure dynamics, would bep(t I> )"p(t I)e?N R I> \R I !(1!e?N R I> \R I )90b Na N(15)Two cases are possible:Case1a:p(t I> ))p .In this case,we can indeed set (t)"90for all t3[t I,t I> ]and only the value of (k)needs to be computed.In order to compute the value of (k)the amount of fuel q T(k#2)loaded in the cylinder at time t I> needs to be evaluated.Integration of the fuel dynamics givesq T(k#2)"(1!e\ R I> \R I\ O)m J(t I\ )#e\ R I> \R I O e R B O(1!e O) P #P (16) Hence,according to( 1)and( 2),(k)" 0if q?(k#2)"c N p(t I> )(¸ q T(k#2)such that c N p(t > )"¸ q T(k#2),otherwiseCopyright 2001John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.Int.J.Robust Nonlinear Control2001;11:515}539。
3GPP TS 36.331 V13.2.0 (2016-06)
3GPP TS 36.331 V13.2.0 (2016-06)Technical Specification3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Radio Resource Control (RRC);Protocol specification(Release 13)The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented.This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.KeywordsUMTS, radio3GPPPostal address3GPP support office address650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia AntipolisValbonne - FRANCETel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16InternetCopyright NotificationNo part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© 2016, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC).All rights reserved.UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational PartnersLTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM AssociationBluetooth® is a Trade Mark of the Bluetooth SIG registered for the benefit of its membersContentsForeword (18)1Scope (19)2References (19)3Definitions, symbols and abbreviations (22)3.1Definitions (22)3.2Abbreviations (24)4General (27)4.1Introduction (27)4.2Architecture (28)4.2.1UE states and state transitions including inter RAT (28)4.2.2Signalling radio bearers (29)4.3Services (30)4.3.1Services provided to upper layers (30)4.3.2Services expected from lower layers (30)4.4Functions (30)5Procedures (32)5.1General (32)5.1.1Introduction (32)5.1.2General requirements (32)5.2System information (33)5.2.1Introduction (33) (33) (34) Scheduling for NB-IoT (34) information validity and notification of changes (35) of ETWS notification (36) of CMAS notification (37) of EAB parameters change (37) Barring parameters change in NB-IoT (37)5.2.2System information acquisition (38) (38) (38) information required by the UE (38) information acquisition by the UE (39) system information missing (42) upon reception of the MasterInformationBlock message (42) upon reception of the SystemInformationBlockType1 message (42) upon reception of SystemInformation messages (44) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType2 (44) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType3 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType4 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType5 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType6 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType7 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType8 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType9 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType10 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType11 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType12 (47) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType13 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType14 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType15 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType16 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType17 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType18 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType19 (49)5.2.3Acquisition of an SI message (49)5.2.3a Acquisition of an SI message by BL UE or UE in CE or a NB-IoT UE (50)5.3Connection control (50)5.3.1Introduction (50) connection control (50) (52) RN security (53) mode mobility (53) control in NB-IoT (54)5.3.2Paging (55) (55) (55) of the Paging message by the UE (55)5.3.3RRC connection establishment (56) (56) Conditions for establishing RRC Connection for sidelink communication/ discovery (58) (59) related to transmission of RRCConnectionRequest message (63) Actions related to transmission of RRCConnectionResumeRequest message (64) of the RRCConnectionSetup by the UE (64) Reception of the RRCConnectionResume by the UE (66) re-selection while T300, T302, T303, T305, T306, or T308 is running (68) expiry (68), T303, T305, T306, or T308 expiry or stop (69) of the RRCConnectionReject by the UE (70) of RRC connection establishment (71) of SSAC related parameters (71) barring check (72) check (73) barring check for ACDC (73) Barring check for NB-IoT (74)5.3.4Initial security activation (75) (75) (76) of the SecurityModeCommand by the UE (76)5.3.5RRC connection reconfiguration (77) (77) (77) of an RRCConnectionReconfiguration not including the mobilityControlInfo by theUE (77) of an RRCConnectionReconfiguration including the mobilityControlInfo by the UE(handover) (79) failure (83) expiry (handover failure) (83) (84) T307 expiry (SCG change failure) (84) Configuration involving full configuration option (84)5.3.6Counter check (86) (86) (86) of the CounterCheck message by the UE (86)5.3.7RRC connection re-establishment (87) (87) (87) following cell selection while T311 is running (88) related to transmission of RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message (89) of the RRCConnectionReestablishment by the UE (89) expiry (91) expiry or selected cell no longer suitable (91) of RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject by the UE (91)5.3.8RRC connection release (92) (92) (92) of the RRCConnectionRelease by the UE (92) expiry (93)5.3.9RRC connection release requested by upper layers (93) (93) (93)5.3.10Radio resource configuration (93) (93) addition/ modification (94) release (95) addition/ modification (95) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (96) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (98) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (98) SCell release (99) SCell addition/ modification (99) PSCell addition or modification (99) main reconfiguration (99) scheduling reconfiguration (100) channel reconfiguration (100) Link Failure Timers and Constants reconfiguration (101) domain measurement resource restriction for serving cell (101) configuration (102) reconfiguration (103) dedicated resource configuration (104) SCG or split DRB by drb-ToAddModList (105) cell information reconfiguration (105) (105) dedicated configuration (105) expiry (106)5.3.11Radio link failure related actions (107) of physical layer problems in RRC_CONNECTED (107) of physical layer problems (107) of radio link failure (107)5.3.12UE actions upon leaving RRC_CONNECTED (109)5.3.13UE actions upon PUCCH/ SRS release request (110)5.3.14Proximity indication (110) (110) (111) related to transmission of ProximityIndication message (111)5.3.15Void (111)5.4Inter-RAT mobility (111)5.4.1Introduction (111)5.4.2Handover to E-UTRA (112) (112) (112) of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration by the UE (112) failure (114) expiry (handover to E-UTRA failure) (114)5.4.3Mobility from E-UTRA (114) (114) (115) of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand by the UE (115) completion of the mobility from E-UTRA (116) from E-UTRA failure (117)5.4.4Handover from E-UTRA preparation request (CDMA2000) (117) (117) (118) of the HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest by the UE (118)5.4.5UL handover preparation transfer (CDMA2000) (118) (118) (118) related to transmission of the ULHandoverPreparationTransfer message (119) to deliver the ULHandoverPreparationTransfer message (119)5.4.6Inter-RAT cell change order to E-UTRAN (119) (119) (119) fails to complete an inter-RAT cell change order (119)5.5Measurements (120)5.5.1Introduction (120)5.5.2Measurement configuration (121) (121) identity removal (122) Measurement identity autonomous removal (122) identity addition/ modification (123) object removal (124) object addition/ modification (124) configuration removal (126) configuration addition/ modification (127) configuration (127) gap configuration (127) signals measurement timing configuration (128) measurement timing configuration (128)5.5.3Performing measurements (128) (128) 3 filtering (131)5.5.4Measurement report triggering (131) (131) A1 (Serving becomes better than threshold) (135) A2 (Serving becomes worse than threshold) (136) A3 (Neighbour becomes offset better than PCell/ PSCell) (136) A4 (Neighbour becomes better than threshold) (137) A5 (PCell/ PSCell becomes worse than threshold1 and neighbour becomes better thanthreshold2) (138) Event A6 (Neighbour becomes offset better than SCell) (139) B1 (Inter RAT neighbour becomes better than threshold) (139) B2 (PCell becomes worse than threshold1 and inter RAT neighbour becomes better thanthreshold2) (140) C1 (CSI-RS resource becomes better than threshold) (141) C2 (CSI-RS resource becomes offset better than reference CSI-RS resource) (141) W1 (WLAN becomes better than a threshold) (142) W2 (All WLAN inside WLAN mobility set becomes worse than threshold1 and a WLANoutside WLAN mobility set becomes better than threshold2) (142) W3 (All WLAN inside WLAN mobility set becomes worse than a threshold) (143)5.5.5Measurement reporting (144)5.5.6Measurement related actions (148) upon handover and re-establishment (148) dependant scaling of measurement related parameters (149)5.5.7Inter-frequency RSTD measurement indication (149) (149) (150) related to transmission of InterFreqRSTDMeasurementIndication message (150)5.6Other (150)5.6.0General (150)5.6.1DL information transfer (151) (151) (151) of the DLInformationTransfer by the UE (151)5.6.2UL information transfer (151) (151) (151) related to transmission of ULInformationTransfer message (152) to deliver ULInformationTransfer message (152)5.6.3UE capability transfer (152) (152) (153) of the UECapabilityEnquiry by the UE (153)5.6.4CSFB to 1x Parameter transfer (157) (157) (157) related to transmission of CSFBParametersRequestCDMA2000 message (157) of the CSFBParametersResponseCDMA2000 message (157)5.6.5UE Information (158) (158) (158) of the UEInformationRequest message (158)5.6.6 Logged Measurement Configuration (159) (159) (160) of the LoggedMeasurementConfiguration by the UE (160) expiry (160)5.6.7 Release of Logged Measurement Configuration (160) (160) (160)5.6.8 Measurements logging (161) (161) (161)5.6.9In-device coexistence indication (163) (163) (164) related to transmission of InDeviceCoexIndication message (164)5.6.10UE Assistance Information (165) (165) (166) related to transmission of UEAssistanceInformation message (166)5.6.11 Mobility history information (166) (166) (166)5.6.12RAN-assisted WLAN interworking (167) (167) WLAN offload configuration (167) offload RAN evaluation (167) expiry or stop (167) selection/ re-selection while T350 is running (168)5.6.13SCG failure information (168) (168) (168) related to transmission of SCGFailureInformation message (168)5.6.14LTE-WLAN Aggregation (169) (169) of LWA configuration (169) of LWA configuration (170)5.6.15WLAN connection management (170) (170) connection status reporting (170) (170) (171) related to transmission of WLANConnectionStatusReport message (171) Expiry (WLAN connection attempt timeout) (171) status monitoring (171)5.6.16RAN controlled LTE-WLAN interworking (172) (172) traffic steering command (172)5.6.17LTE-WLAN aggregation with IPsec tunnel (173) (173)5.7Generic error handling (174)5.7.1General (174)5.7.2ASN.1 violation or encoding error (174)5.7.3Field set to a not comprehended value (174)5.7.4Mandatory field missing (174)5.7.5Not comprehended field (176)5.8MBMS (176)5.8.1Introduction (176) (176) (176) information validity and notification of changes (176)5.8.2MCCH information acquisition (178) (178) (178) information acquisition by the UE (178) upon reception of the MBSFNAreaConfiguration message (178) upon reception of the MBMSCountingRequest message (179)5.8.3MBMS PTM radio bearer configuration (179) (179) (179) establishment (179) release (179)5.8.4MBMS Counting Procedure (179) (179) (180) of the MBMSCountingRequest message by the UE (180)5.8.5MBMS interest indication (181) (181) (181) MBMS frequencies of interest (182) related to transmission of MBMSInterestIndication message (183)5.8a SC-PTM (183)5.8a.1Introduction (183)5.8a.1.1General (183)5.8a.1.2SC-MCCH scheduling (183)5.8a.1.3SC-MCCH information validity and notification of changes (183)5.8a.1.4Procedures (184)5.8a.2SC-MCCH information acquisition (184)5.8a.2.1General (184)5.8a.2.2Initiation (184)5.8a.2.3SC-MCCH information acquisition by the UE (184)5.8a.2.4Actions upon reception of the SCPTMConfiguration message (185)5.8a.3SC-PTM radio bearer configuration (185)5.8a.3.1General (185)5.8a.3.2Initiation (185)5.8a.3.3SC-MRB establishment (185)5.8a.3.4SC-MRB release (185)5.9RN procedures (186)5.9.1RN reconfiguration (186) (186) (186) of the RNReconfiguration by the RN (186)5.10Sidelink (186)5.10.1Introduction (186)5.10.1a Conditions for sidelink communication operation (187)5.10.2Sidelink UE information (188) (188) (189) related to transmission of SidelinkUEInformation message (193)5.10.3Sidelink communication monitoring (195)5.10.6Sidelink discovery announcement (198)5.10.6a Sidelink discovery announcement pool selection (201)5.10.6b Sidelink discovery announcement reference carrier selection (201)5.10.7Sidelink synchronisation information transmission (202) (202) (203) of SLSS (204) of MasterInformationBlock-SL message (205) (206)5.10.8Sidelink synchronisation reference (206) (206) and reselection of synchronisation reference UE (SyncRef UE) (206)5.10.9Sidelink common control information (207) (207) related to reception of MasterInformationBlock-SL message (207)5.10.10Sidelink relay UE operation (207) (207) for relay related sidelink communication transmission by sidelink relay UE (207) for relay PS related sidelink discovery transmission by sidelink relay UE (208) relay UE threshold conditions (208)5.10.11Sidelink remote UE operation (208) (208) for relay related sidelink communication transmission by sidelink remote UE (208) for relay PS related sidelink discovery transmission by sidelink remote UE (209) and reselection of sidelink relay UE (209) remote UE threshold conditions (210)6Protocol data units, formats and parameters (tabular & ASN.1) (210)6.1General (210)6.2RRC messages (212)6.2.1General message structure (212)–EUTRA-RRC-Definitions (212)–BCCH-BCH-Message (212)–BCCH-DL-SCH-Message (212)–BCCH-DL-SCH-Message-BR (213)–MCCH-Message (213)–PCCH-Message (213)–DL-CCCH-Message (214)–DL-DCCH-Message (214)–UL-CCCH-Message (214)–UL-DCCH-Message (215)–SC-MCCH-Message (215)6.2.2Message definitions (216)–CounterCheck (216)–CounterCheckResponse (217)–CSFBParametersRequestCDMA2000 (217)–CSFBParametersResponseCDMA2000 (218)–DLInformationTransfer (218)–HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest (CDMA2000) (219)–InDeviceCoexIndication (220)–InterFreqRSTDMeasurementIndication (222)–LoggedMeasurementConfiguration (223)–MasterInformationBlock (225)–MBMSCountingRequest (226)–MBMSCountingResponse (226)–MBMSInterestIndication (227)–MBSFNAreaConfiguration (228)–MeasurementReport (228)–MobilityFromEUTRACommand (229)–Paging (232)–ProximityIndication (233)–RNReconfiguration (234)–RNReconfigurationComplete (234)–RRCConnectionReconfiguration (235)–RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete (240)–RRCConnectionReestablishment (241)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete (241)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject (242)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest (243)–RRCConnectionReject (243)–RRCConnectionRelease (244)–RRCConnectionResume (248)–RRCConnectionResumeComplete (249)–RRCConnectionResumeRequest (250)–RRCConnectionRequest (250)–RRCConnectionSetup (251)–RRCConnectionSetupComplete (252)–SCGFailureInformation (253)–SCPTMConfiguration (254)–SecurityModeCommand (255)–SecurityModeComplete (255)–SecurityModeFailure (256)–SidelinkUEInformation (256)–SystemInformation (258)–SystemInformationBlockType1 (259)–UEAssistanceInformation (264)–UECapabilityEnquiry (265)–UECapabilityInformation (266)–UEInformationRequest (267)–UEInformationResponse (267)–ULHandoverPreparationTransfer (CDMA2000) (273)–ULInformationTransfer (274)–WLANConnectionStatusReport (274)6.3RRC information elements (275)6.3.1System information blocks (275)–SystemInformationBlockType2 (275)–SystemInformationBlockType3 (279)–SystemInformationBlockType4 (282)–SystemInformationBlockType5 (283)–SystemInformationBlockType6 (287)–SystemInformationBlockType7 (289)–SystemInformationBlockType8 (290)–SystemInformationBlockType9 (295)–SystemInformationBlockType10 (295)–SystemInformationBlockType11 (296)–SystemInformationBlockType12 (297)–SystemInformationBlockType13 (297)–SystemInformationBlockType14 (298)–SystemInformationBlockType15 (298)–SystemInformationBlockType16 (299)–SystemInformationBlockType17 (300)–SystemInformationBlockType18 (301)–SystemInformationBlockType19 (301)–SystemInformationBlockType20 (304)6.3.2Radio resource control information elements (304)–AntennaInfo (304)–AntennaInfoUL (306)–CQI-ReportConfig (307)–CQI-ReportPeriodicProcExtId (314)–CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig (314)–CSI-IM-Config (315)–CSI-IM-ConfigId (315)–CSI-RS-Config (317)–CSI-RS-ConfigEMIMO (318)–CSI-RS-ConfigNZP (319)–CSI-RS-ConfigNZPId (320)–CSI-RS-ConfigZP (321)–CSI-RS-ConfigZPId (321)–DMRS-Config (321)–DRB-Identity (322)–EPDCCH-Config (322)–EIMTA-MainConfig (324)–LogicalChannelConfig (325)–LWA-Configuration (326)–LWIP-Configuration (326)–RCLWI-Configuration (327)–MAC-MainConfig (327)–P-C-AndCBSR (332)–PDCCH-ConfigSCell (333)–PDCP-Config (334)–PDSCH-Config (337)–PDSCH-RE-MappingQCL-ConfigId (339)–PHICH-Config (339)–PhysicalConfigDedicated (339)–P-Max (344)–PRACH-Config (344)–PresenceAntennaPort1 (346)–PUCCH-Config (347)–PUSCH-Config (351)–RACH-ConfigCommon (355)–RACH-ConfigDedicated (357)–RadioResourceConfigCommon (358)–RadioResourceConfigDedicated (362)–RLC-Config (367)–RLF-TimersAndConstants (369)–RN-SubframeConfig (370)–SchedulingRequestConfig (371)–SoundingRS-UL-Config (372)–SPS-Config (375)–TDD-Config (376)–TimeAlignmentTimer (377)–TPC-PDCCH-Config (377)–TunnelConfigLWIP (378)–UplinkPowerControl (379)–WLAN-Id-List (382)–WLAN-MobilityConfig (382)6.3.3Security control information elements (382)–NextHopChainingCount (382)–SecurityAlgorithmConfig (383)–ShortMAC-I (383)6.3.4Mobility control information elements (383)–AdditionalSpectrumEmission (383)–ARFCN-ValueCDMA2000 (383)–ARFCN-ValueEUTRA (384)–ARFCN-ValueGERAN (384)–ARFCN-ValueUTRA (384)–BandclassCDMA2000 (384)–BandIndicatorGERAN (385)–CarrierFreqCDMA2000 (385)–CarrierFreqGERAN (385)–CellIndexList (387)–CellReselectionPriority (387)–CellSelectionInfoCE (387)–CellReselectionSubPriority (388)–CSFB-RegistrationParam1XRTT (388)–CellGlobalIdEUTRA (389)–CellGlobalIdUTRA (389)–CellGlobalIdGERAN (390)–CellGlobalIdCDMA2000 (390)–CellSelectionInfoNFreq (391)–CSG-Identity (391)–FreqBandIndicator (391)–MobilityControlInfo (391)–MobilityParametersCDMA2000 (1xRTT) (393)–MobilityStateParameters (394)–MultiBandInfoList (394)–NS-PmaxList (394)–PhysCellId (395)–PhysCellIdRange (395)–PhysCellIdRangeUTRA-FDDList (395)–PhysCellIdCDMA2000 (396)–PhysCellIdGERAN (396)–PhysCellIdUTRA-FDD (396)–PhysCellIdUTRA-TDD (396)–PLMN-Identity (397)–PLMN-IdentityList3 (397)–PreRegistrationInfoHRPD (397)–Q-QualMin (398)–Q-RxLevMin (398)–Q-OffsetRange (398)–Q-OffsetRangeInterRAT (399)–ReselectionThreshold (399)–ReselectionThresholdQ (399)–SCellIndex (399)–ServCellIndex (400)–SpeedStateScaleFactors (400)–SystemInfoListGERAN (400)–SystemTimeInfoCDMA2000 (401)–TrackingAreaCode (401)–T-Reselection (402)–T-ReselectionEUTRA-CE (402)6.3.5Measurement information elements (402)–AllowedMeasBandwidth (402)–CSI-RSRP-Range (402)–Hysteresis (402)–LocationInfo (403)–MBSFN-RSRQ-Range (403)–MeasConfig (404)–MeasDS-Config (405)–MeasGapConfig (406)–MeasId (407)–MeasIdToAddModList (407)–MeasObjectCDMA2000 (408)–MeasObjectEUTRA (408)–MeasObjectGERAN (412)–MeasObjectId (412)–MeasObjectToAddModList (412)–MeasObjectUTRA (413)–ReportConfigEUTRA (422)–ReportConfigId (425)–ReportConfigInterRAT (425)–ReportConfigToAddModList (428)–ReportInterval (429)–RSRP-Range (429)–RSRQ-Range (430)–RSRQ-Type (430)–RS-SINR-Range (430)–RSSI-Range-r13 (431)–TimeToTrigger (431)–UL-DelayConfig (431)–WLAN-CarrierInfo (431)–WLAN-RSSI-Range (432)–WLAN-Status (432)6.3.6Other information elements (433)–AbsoluteTimeInfo (433)–AreaConfiguration (433)–C-RNTI (433)–DedicatedInfoCDMA2000 (434)–DedicatedInfoNAS (434)–FilterCoefficient (434)–LoggingDuration (434)–LoggingInterval (435)–MeasSubframePattern (435)–MMEC (435)–NeighCellConfig (435)–OtherConfig (436)–RAND-CDMA2000 (1xRTT) (437)–RAT-Type (437)–ResumeIdentity (437)–RRC-TransactionIdentifier (438)–S-TMSI (438)–TraceReference (438)–UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList (438)–UE-EUTRA-Capability (439)–UE-RadioPagingInfo (469)–UE-TimersAndConstants (469)–VisitedCellInfoList (470)–WLAN-OffloadConfig (470)6.3.7MBMS information elements (472)–MBMS-NotificationConfig (472)–MBMS-ServiceList (473)–MBSFN-AreaId (473)–MBSFN-AreaInfoList (473)–MBSFN-SubframeConfig (474)–PMCH-InfoList (475)6.3.7a SC-PTM information elements (476)–SC-MTCH-InfoList (476)–SCPTM-NeighbourCellList (478)6.3.8Sidelink information elements (478)–SL-CommConfig (478)–SL-CommResourcePool (479)–SL-CP-Len (480)–SL-DiscConfig (481)–SL-DiscResourcePool (483)–SL-DiscTxPowerInfo (485)–SL-GapConfig (485)。
YMo2O7 :Phys Rev Lett 1997,78,947
Aging and memory properties of topologically frustrated magnets
PRL,106, 247202 (2011
1.ACr2O4 (A=Zn,Cd,Hg) 几何阻挫磁体(Tetragonal Lattice)
•Cr3+ 占据四面体顶角
•Cr3+ 自旋占据t2g轨道, 只有自旋—晶格耦合
•Magnetic induced successive phase transition
A. Miyata, PRL, 107, 207203 (2011)
V. Tsurkan, PRL, 106, 247202 (2011)
Hcri~120 T 磁化台阶行为
Hcri~410 T 反铁磁-铁磁相变
比热和磁化率 均存在热弛豫 行为。
一级相变原因: Spin-Lattice coupling induced structural distoration.
例1:CoAl2O4 Tf 5K
f CW Tf
22பைடு நூலகம்
Spin Glass
SG→Spin Liquid
? ?
Tetrahedra Lattice
Prochlore Lattice
RTL综合时序介绍(5)Timing Analysis in the Design Flow设计流程中的时序分析在设计流程的不同阶段,时序分析有不同的⽬的。
Timing analysis serves different purposes in different phases of the design flow. In Design Compiler, timing drives the selection of library cells used for synthesis and the allocation of registers between combinational logic in data paths. In IC Compiler, timing drives the placement of cells and the routing of interconnections to minimize delays in the critical paths.In PrimeTime, exhaustive sign-off timing analysis is the main purpose of the tool.These tools all share the same basic delay calculation methods. The timing results are generally consistent between the tools but not always identical. Because PrimeTime is a sign-off analysis tool, it performs a more comprehensive and exhaustive analysis to verify correct timing, whereas Design Compiler and IC Compiler perform timing analysis with sufficient accuracy to drive synthesis, physical implementation, and optimization.synopsys 设计约束命令Synopsys Design Constraint CommandsDC,ICC和PT有许多共同的时间分析功能。
南京⼤学随机过程练习题附中⽂解释及答案(以第九版为准)第⼆章Random Variables 随机变量1、(2.16)An airline knows that 5percent of the people making reservations on a certain flight will not show up.Consequently,their policy is to sell 52tickets for a flight that can hold only 50passengers.What is the probability that there will be a seat available for every passenger who shows up?航空公司知道预订航班的⼈有5%最终不来搭乘航班。
问每个出现的旅客都有位置的概率是多少?答:05.0*95.0*52-95.0-15152)()(2、(2.25略变动)Suppose that two teams are playing a series of games,each of which is independently won by team A with probability p and by team B with probability 1-p.The winner of the series is the first team to win i games.If i =4,find the probability that a total of 7games are played.Find the p that maximizes/minimizes this probability.假定两个队玩⼀系列游戏,A 队独⽴地赢的概率是p ,B 队独⽴地赢的概率是1-p 。
(StOMP)Sparse Solution of Underdetermined Linear Equations by Stagewise Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
Sparse Solution of Underdetermined Linear Equationsby Stagewise Orthogonal Matching PursuitDavid L.Donoho 1,Yaakov Tsaig 2,Iddo Drori 1,Jean-Luc Starck 3March 2006AbstractFinding the sparsest solution to underdetermined systems of linear equations y =Φx is NP-hard in general.We show here that for systems with ‘typical’/‘random’Φ,a good approximation to the sparsest solution is obtained by applying a fixed number of standard operations from linear algebra.Our proposal,Stagewise Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (StOMP),successively transforms the signal into a negligible residual.Starting with initial residual r 0=y ,at the s -th stage it forms the ‘matched filter’ΦT r s −1,identifies all coordinates with amplitudes exceeding a specially-chosen threshold,solves a least-squares problem using the selected coordinates,and subtracts the least-squares fit,producing a new residual.After a fixed number of stages (e.g.10),it stops.In contrast to Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP),many coefficients can enter the model at each stage in StOMP while only one enters per stage in OMP;and StOMP takes a fixed number of stages (e.g.10),while OMP can take many (e.g.n ).StOMP runs much faster than competing proposals for sparse solutions,such as 1minimization and OMP,and so is attractive for solving large-scale problems.We use phase diagrams to compare algorithm performance.The problem of recovering a k -sparse vector x 0from (y,Φ)where Φis random n ×N and y =Φx 0is represented by a point (n/N,k/n )in this diagram;here the interesting range is k <n <N .For n large,StOMP correctly recovers (an approximation to)the sparsest solution of y =Φx over a region of the sparsity/indeterminacy plane comparable to the region where 1minimization is successful.In fact,StOMP outperforms both 1minimization and OMP for extremely underdetermined problems.We rigorously derive a conditioned Gaussian distribution for the matched filtering coefficients at each stage of the procedure and rigorously establish a large-system limit for the performance variables of StOMP.We precisely calculate large-sample phase transitions;these provide asymptot-ically precise limits on the number of samples needed for approximate recovery of a sparse vector by StOMP.We give numerical examples showing that StOMP rapidly and reliably finds sparse solutions in compressed sensing,decoding of error-correcting codes,and overcomplete representation.Keywords:compressed sensing,decoding error-correcting codes,sparse overcomplete representation.phase transition,large-system limit.random matrix theory.Gaussian approximation. 1minimization.stepwise regression.thresholding,false discovery rate,false alarm rate.MIMO channel,mutual access interference,successive interference cancellation.iterative decoding.Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants from NIH,ONR-MURI,a DARPA BAA,and NSF DMS 00-77261,DMS 01-40698(FRG)and DMS 05-05303.1:Department of Statistics,Stanford University,Stanford CA,943052:Institute for Computational Mathematics in Engineering,Stanford University,Stanford CA,943053:DAPNIA/SEDI-SAP,Service d’Astrophysique,Centre Europeen d’Astronomie/Saclay,F-91191Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex France.欠定的可以忽略的渐近的1IntroductionThe possibility of exploiting sparsity in signal processing is attracting growing attention.Over the years, several applications have been found where signals of interest have sparse representations and exploiting this sparsity offers striking benefits;see for example[11,28,26,25,7].At the ICASSP2005conference a special session addressed the theme of exploiting sparsity,and a recent international workshop,SPARS05, was largely devoted to this topic.Very recently,considerable attention has focused on the following Sparse Solutions Problem(SSP). We are given an n×N matrixΦwhich is in some sense‘random’,for example a matrix with iid Gaussian entries.We are also given an n-vector y and we know that y=Φx0where x0is an unknown sparse vector.We wish to recover x0;however,crucially,n<N,the system of equations is underdetermined and so of course,this is not a properly-stated problem in linear algebra.Nevertheless,sparsity of x0is a powerful property that sometimes allows unique solutions.Applications areas for which this model is relevant include:App1:Compressed Sensing.x0represents the coefficients of a signal or image in a known basis which happens to sparsely represent that signal or image.Φencodes a measurement operator, operator yielding linear combinations of the underlying object.Here n<N means that we collect fewer data than unknowns.Despite the indeterminacy,sparsity of x0allows for accurate recon-struction of the object from what would naively seem to be‘too few samples’[17,8,48].App2:Error rmation is transmitted in a coded block in which a small fraction of the entries may be corrupted.From the received data,one constructs a system y=Φx0;here x0 represents the values of errors which must be identifed/corrected,y represents(generalized)check sums,andΦrepresents a generalized checksum operator.It is assumed that the number of errors is smaller than a threshold,and so x0is sparse.This sparsity allows to perfectly correct the gross errors[9,48,28].App3:Sparse Overcomplete Representation.x0represents the synthesis coefficients of a signal y,which is assumed to be sparsely represented from terms in an overcomplete expansion;those terms are the columns ofΦ.The sparsity allows to recover a unique representation using only a few terms, despite the fact that representation is in general nonunique[43,11,21,20,50,51].In these applications,several algorithms are available to pursue sparse solutions;in some cases attractive theoretical results are known,guaranteeing that the solutions found are the sparsest possible solutions. For example,consider the algorithm of 1minimization,whichfinds the solution to y=Φx having minimal 1norm.Also called Basis Pursuit(BP)[11],this method enjoys some particularly striking theoretical properties,such as rigorous proofs of exact reconstruction under seemingly quite general circumstances[21,35,32,7,16,8,17,18]Unfortunately,some of the most powerful theoretical results are associated with fairly heavy com-putationally burdens.The research reported here began when,in applying the theory of compressed sensing to NMR spectroscopy,we found that a straightforward application of the 1minimization ideas in[17,58]required several days solution time per(multidimensional)spectrum.This seemed prohibitive computational expense to us,even though computer time is relatively less precious than spectrometer time.In fact,numerous researchers have claimed that general-purpose 1minimization is much too slow for large-scale applications.Some have advocated a heuristic approach,Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP),(also called greedy approximation and stepwise regression in otherfields)[43,52,53,55,54], which though often effective in empirical work,does not offer the strong theoretical guarantees that attach to 1minimization.(For other heuristic approaches,see[50,51,29].)In this paper we describe Stagewise Orthogonal Matching Pursuit(StOMP),a method for approx-imate sparse solution of underdetermined systems with the property either thatΦis‘random’or that the nonzeros in x0are randomly located,or both.StOMP is significantly faster than the earlier methods BP and OMP on large-scale problems with sparse solutions.Moreover,StOMP permits a theoretical analysis showing that StOMP is similarly succcessful to BP atfinding sparse solutions.Our analysis uses the notion of comparison of phase transitions as a performance metric.We con-sider the phase diagram,a2D graphic with coordinates measuring the relative sparsity of x0(numberof nonzeros in x0/number of rows inΦ),as well as the indeterminacy of the system y=Φx(number of rows inΦ/number of columns inΦ).StOMP’s large-n performance exhibits two phases(success/failure) in this diagram,as does the performance of BP.The“success phase”(the region in the phase diagram where StOMP successfullyfinds sparse solutions)is large and comparable in size to the success phase for 1minimization.In a sense StOMP is more effective atfinding sparse solutions to large extremely under-determined problems than either 1minimization or OMP;its phase transition boundary is even higher at extreme sparsity than the other methods.Moreover,StOMP takes a few seconds to solve problems that may require days for 1solution.As a result StOMP is well suited to large-scale applications.Indeed we give several explicitly worked-out examples of realistic size illustrating the performance benefits of this approach.Our analysis suggests the slogannoiseless underdetermined problems behave like noisy well-determined problems,i.e.coping with incompleteness of the measurement data is(for‘randomΦ’)similar to coping with Gaus-sian noise in complete measurements.At each StOMP stage,the usual set of matchedfilter coefficients is a mixture of‘noise’caused by cross-talk(non-orthogonality)and true signal;setting an appropriate threshold,we can subtract identified signal,causing a reduction in cross-talk at the next iteration.This is more than a slogan;we develop a theoretical framework for rigorous asymptotic analysis.Theorems 1-3below allow us to track explicitly the successful capture of signal,and the reduction in cross-talk, stage by stage,rigorously establishing(asymptotic)success below phase transition,together with the failure that occurs above phase transition.The theory agrees with empiricalfinite-n results.Our paper is organized as follows.Section2presents background on the sparse solutions problem; Section3introduces the StOMP algorithm and documents its favorable performance;Section4develops a performance measurement approach based on the phase diagram and phase transition.Section5analyzes the computational complexity of the algorithm.Section6develops an analytic large-system-limit for predicting phase transitions which agree with empirical performance characteristics of StOMP.Section 7develops the Gaussian noise viewpoint which justifies our thresholding rules.Section8describes the performance of StOMP under variations[adding noise,of distribution of nonzero coefficients,of matrix ensemble]and documents the good performance of StOMP under all these variations.Section9presents computational examples in applications App1-App3that document the success of the method in simulated model problems.Section10describes the available software package which reproduces the results in this paper and Section11discusses the relationship of our results to related ideas in multiuser detection theory and to previous work in the sparse solutions problem.2Sparse Solution PreliminariesRecall the Sparse Solutions Problem(SSP)mentioned in the introduction.In the SSP,an unknown vector x0∈R N is of interest;it is assumed sparse,which is to say that the number k of nonzeros is much smaller than N.We have the linear measurements y=Φx0whereΦis a known n by N matrix, and wish to recover x0.Of course,ifΦwere a nonsingular square matrix,with n=N,we could easily recover x from y; but we are interested in the case where n<N.Elementary linear algebra tells us that x0is then not uniquely recoverable from y by linear algebraic means,as the equation y=Φx may have many solutions.However,we are seeking a sparse solution,and for certain matricesΦ,sparsity will prove a powerful constraint.Some of the rapidly accumulating literature documenting this phenomenon includes [21,20,32,55,56,50,51,8,18,16,57,58,48].For now,we consider a specific collection of matrices where sparsity proves valuable.Until we say otherwise,letΦbe a random matrix taken from the Uniform Spherical ensemble(USE);the columns of Φare iid points on the unit sphere S n−1[16,17].Later,several other ensembles will be introduced.3Stagewise Orthogonal Matching PursuitStOMP aims to achieve an approximate solution to y=Φx0whereΦcomes from the USE and x0is sparse.In this section,we describe its basic ingredients.In later sections we document and analyse itsMatched Filter"T r s Projection "I s T "I s ()#1"I s T y Interference Construction "x sFigure 1:Schematic Representation of the StOMP algorithm.performance.3.1The Procedure StOMP operates in S stages,building up a sequence of approximations x 0,x 1, removing detected structure from a sequence of residual vectors r 1,r 2,....Figure 1gives a diagrammatic representation.StOMP starts with initial ‘solution’x 0=0and initial residual r 0=y .The stage counter s starts at s =1.The algorithm also maintains a sequence of estimates I 1,...,I s of the locations of the nonzeros in x 0.The s -th stage applies matched filtering to the current residual,getting a vector of residual correlationsc s =ΦT r s −1,which we think of as containing a small number of significant nonzeros in a vector disturbed by Gaussian noise in each entry.The procedure next performs hard thresholding to find the significant nonzeros;the thresholds,are specially chosen based on the assumption of Gaussianity [see below].Thresholding yields a small set J s of “large”coordinates:J s ={j :|c s (j )|>t s σs };here σs is a formal noise level and t s is a threshold parameter.We merge the subset of newly selected coordinates with the previous support estimate,thereby updating the estimate:I s =I s −1∪J s .We then project the vector y on the columns of Φbelonging to the enlarged support.Letting ΦI denote the n ×|I |matrix with columns chosen using index set I ,we have the new approximation x s supported in I s with coefficients given by (x s )I s =(ΦT I s ΦI s )−1ΦT I s y.The updated residual isr s =y −Φx s .We check a stopping condition and,if it is not yet time to stop,we set s :=s +1and go to the next stage of the procedure.If it is time to stop,we set ˆx S =x s as the final output of the procedure.Remarks:1.The procedure resembles Orthogonal Matching Pursuit(known to statisticians as Forward StepwiseRegression).In fact the two would give identical results if S were equal to n and if,by coincidence, the threshold t s were set in such a way that a single new term were obtained in J s at each stage.2.The thresholding strategy used in StOMP(to be described below)aims to have numerous termsenter at each stage,and aims to have afixed number of stages.Hence the results will be different from OMP.3.The formal noise levelσs= r s 2/√n,and typically the threshold parameter takes values in therange2≤t s≤3.4.There are strong connections to:stagewise/stepwise regression in statistical model building;succes-sive interference cancellation multiuser detectors in digital communications and iterative decoders in error-control coding.See the discussion in Section11.Our recommended choice of S(10)and our recommended threshold-setting procedures(see Section 3.4below)have been designed so that when x0is sufficiently sparse,the following two conditions are likely to hold upon termination:•All nonzeros in x0are selected in I S.•I S has no more than n entries.The next lemma motivates this design criterion.Recall thatΦis sampled from the USE and so columns ofΦare in general position.The following is proved in Appendix A.Lemma3.1Let the columns ofΦbe in general position.Let I S denote the support ofˆx S.Suppose that the support I0of x0is a subset of I S.Suppose in addition that#I S≤n.Then we have perfect recovery:ˆx S=x0.(3.1)3.2An ExampleWe give a simple example showing that the procedure works in a special case.We generated a coefficient vector x0with k=32nonzeros,having amplitudes uniformly distributed on[0,1].We sampled a matrixΦat random from the USE with n=256,N=1024,and computed a linear measurement vector y=Φx0.Thus the problem of recovering x0given y is1:4underdetermined (i.e.δ=n/N=.25),with underlying sparsity measureρ=k/n=.125.To this SSP,we applied StOMP coupled with the CFAR threshold selection rule to be discussed below.The results are illustrated in Figure2.Panels(a)-(i)depict each matchedfiltering output,its hard thresholding and the evolving approxi-mation.As can be seen,after3stages a result is obtained which is quite sparse and,as thefinal panel shows,matches well the object x0which truly generated the data.In fact,the error at the end of the third stage measures ˆx3−x0 2/ x0 2=0.022,i.e.a mere3stages were required to achieve an accuracy of2decimal digits.3.3Approximate Gaussianity of Residual MAIAt the heart of our procedure are two thresholding schemes often used in Gaussian noise removal.(N.B. at this point we assume there is no noise in y!)To explain the relevance of Gaussian‘noise’concepts, note that at stage1,the algorithm is computing˜x=ΦT y;this is essentially the usual matchedfilter estimate of x0.If y=Φx0and x0vanishes except in one coordinate,the matchedfilter output˜x equals x0perfectly.Hence z=˜x−x0is a measure of the disturbance to exact reconstruction caused by multiple nonzeros in x0.The same notion arises in digital communications where it is called Multiple-Access Interference(MAI)[60].Perhaps surprisingly-because there is no noise in the problem-the MAI in our setting typically has a Gaussian behavior.MoreFigure2:Progression of the StOMP algorithm.Panels(a),(d),(g):successive matchedfiltering outputs c1,c2,c3;Panels(b),(e),(h):successive thresholding results;Panels(c),(f),(i):successive partial solutions. In this example,k=32,n=256,N=1024.specifically,ifΦis a matrix from the USE and if n and N are both large,then the entries in the MAI vector z have a histogram which is nearly Gaussian with standard deviationσ≈ x0 2/√n.(3.2)The heuristic justification is as follows.The MAI has the formz(j)=˜x(j)−x0(j)=j=φj,φ x0( ).The thing we regard as‘random’in this expression is the matrixΦ.The termξjk ≡ φj,φk measures theprojection of a random point on the sphere S n−1onto another random point.This random variable has approximately a Gaussian distribution N(0,1n).ForΦfrom the USE,for a givenfixedφj,the differentrandom variables(ξjk :k=j)are independently distributed.Hence the quantity z(j)is an iid sum ofapproximately normal r.v.’s,and so,by standard arguments,should be approximately normal with mean 0and varianceσ2j=V ar[j= ξjx0( )]=(j=x0( )2)·V ar(ξj1)≈n−1 x0 22Settingσ2= x0 2/n,this justifies(3.2).Computational experiments validate Gaussian approximation for the MAI.In Figure3,Panels(a),(d),(g) display Gaussian QQ-plots of the MAI in the sparse case with k/n=.125,.1875and.25,in the Uniform Spherical Ensemble with n=256and N=1024.In each case,the QQ-plot appears straight,as the Gaussian model would demand.Through the rest of this paper,the phrase Gaussian approximation means that the MAI has an approximately Gaussian marginal distribution.(The reader interested in formal proofs of Gaussian approximation can consult the literature of multiuser detection e.g.[46,61,12];such a proof is implicitin the proofs of Theorems1and2below.The connection between our work and MUD theory will be amplified in Section11below).Properly speaking,the term‘MAI’applies only at stage1of StOMP.At later stages there is residual MAI,i.e.MAI which has not yet been cancelled.This can be defined asz s(j)=x0(j)−φT j r s/ P Is−1φj 22,j∈I s−1;Figure3:QQ plots comparing MAI with Gaussian distribution.Left column:k/n=.125,middle column:k/n=.1875,right column:k/n=.25.Top row:USE,middle row:RSE,bottom row:URP. The RSE and URP ensembles are discussed in Section8.The plots all appear nearly linear,indicating that the MAI has a nearly Gaussian distribution.the coordinates j∈I s−1are ignored at stage s-the residual in those coordinates is deterministically0.Empirically,residual MAI has also a Gaussian behavior.Figure4shows quantile-quantile plots for the first few stages of the CFAR variant,comparing the residual MAI with a standard normal distribution. The plots are effectively straight lines,illustrating the Gaussian ter,we provide theoretical support for a perturbed Gaussian approximation to residual MAI.3.4Threshold SelectionOur threshold selection proposal is inspired by the Gaussian behavior of residual MAI.We view the vector of correlations c s at stage s as consisting of a small number of‘truly nonzero’entries,combined with a large number of‘Gaussian noise’entries.The problem of separating‘signal’from‘noise’in such problems has generated a large literature including the papers[24,27,26,1,23,37],which influenced our way of thinking.We adopt language from statistical decision theory[39]and thefield of multiple comparisons[38]. Recall that the support I0of x0is being(crudely)estimated in the StOMP algorithm.If a coordinate belonging to I0does not appear in I S,we call this a missed detection.If a coordinate not in I0does appear in I S we call this a false alarm.The coordinates in I S we call discoveries,and the coordinates in I S\I0we call false discoveries.(Note:false alarms are also false discoveries.The terminological distinction is relevant when we normalize to form a rate;thus the false alarm rate is the number of false alarms divided by the number of coordinates not in I0;the false discovery rate is the fraction of false discoveries within I S.)We propose two strategies for setting the threshold.Ultimately,each strategy should land us in a position to apply arrive at a state where#I S≤n and there are no missed detections. Then,Lemma3.1assures us,we perfectly recover:ˆx S=x.The two strategies are:•False Alarm Control.We attempt to guarantee that the number of total false alarms,across all stages,does not exceed the natural codimension of the problem,defined as n−k.Subject to this, we attempt to make the maximal number of discoveries possible.To do so,we choose a threshold so the False Alarm rate at each stage does not exceed a per-stage budget.•False Discovery Control.We attempt to arrange that the number of False Discoveries cannot exceedFigure4:QQ plots comparing residual MAI with Gaussian distribution.Quantiles of residual MAI at different stages of StOMP are plotted against Gaussian quantiles.Near-linearity indicates approximate Gaussianity.afixed fraction q of all discoveries,and to make the maximum number of discoveries possible subject to that constraint.This leads us to consider Simes’rule[2,1].The False Alarm Control strategy requires knowledge of the number of nonzeros k or some upper bound.False Discovery Control does not require such knowledge,which makes it more convenient for applications,if slightly more complex to implement and substantially more complex to analyse[1].The choice of strategy matters;the basic StOMP algorithm behaves differently depending on the threshold strategy,as we will see below.Implementation details are available by downloading the software we have used to generate the results in this paper;see Section10below.4Performance Analysis by Phase TransitionWhen does StOMP work?To discuss this,we use the notions of phase diagram and phase transition.4.1Problem Suites,Performance MeasuresBy problem suite S(k,n,N)we mean a collection of Sparse Solution Problems defined by two ingredients: (a)an ensemble of random matricesΦof size n by N;(b)an ensemble of k-sparse vectors x0.By standard problem suite S st(k,n,N)we mean the suite withΦsampled from the uniform spherical ensemble,with x0a random variable having k nonzeros sampled iid from a standard N(0,1)distribution.For a given problem suite,a specific algorithm can be run numerous times on instances sampled from the problem suite.Its performance on each realization can then be measured according to some numerical or qualitative criterion.If we are really ambitious,and insist on perfect recovery,we use the performancemeasure1{ˆxS =x0}.More quantitative is the 0-norm, ˆx S−x0 0,the number of sites at which the twovectors disagree.Both these measures are inappropriate for use withfloating point arithmetic,which does not produce exact agreement.We prefer to use instead 0, ,the number of sites at which the reconstruction and the target disagree by more than =10−4.We can also use the quantitative measure relerr2= ˆx S−x0 2/ x0 2,declaring success when the measure is smaller than afixed threshold(say ).For a qualitative performance indicator we simply report the fraction of realizations where the qual-itative condition was true;for a quantitative performance measure,we present the mean value across instances at a given k,n,N.Figure5:Phase Diagram for 1minimization.Shaded attribute is the number of coordinates of recon-struction which differ from optimally sparse solution by more than10−4.The diagram displays a rapid transition from perfect reconstruction to perfect disagreement.Overlaid red curve is theoretical curve ρ1.4.2Phase DiagramA phase diagram depicts performance of an algorithm at a sequence of problem suites S(k,n,N).The average value of some performance measure as displayed as a function ofρ=k/n andδ=n/N.Both of these variablesρ,δ∈[0,1],so the diagram occupies the unit square.To illustrate such a phase diagram,consider a well-studied case where something interesting happens. Let x1solve the optimization problem:(P1)min x 1subject to y=Φx.As mentioned earlier,if y=Φx0where x0has k nonzeros,we mayfind that x1=x0exactly when k is small enough.Figure5displays a grid ofδ−ρvalues,withδranging through50equispaced points in the interval[.05,.95]andρranging through50equispaced points in[.05,.95];here N=800.Each point on the grid shows the mean number of coordinates at which original and reconstruction differ by more than10−4,averaged over100independent realizations of the standard problem suite S st(k,n,N). The experimental setting just described,i.e.theδ−ρgrid setup,the values of N,and the number of realizations,is used to generate phase diagrams later in this paper,although the problem suite being used may change.This diagram displays a phase transition.For smallρ,it seems that high-accuracy reconstruction is obtained,while for largeρreconstruction fails.The transition from success to failure occurs at different ρfor different values ofδ.This empirical observation is explained by a theory that accurately predicts the location of the observed phase transition and shows that,asymptotically for large n,this transition is perfectly sharp. Suppose that problem(y,Φ)is drawn at random from the standard problem suite,and consider the event E k,n,N that x0=x1i.e.that 1minimization exactly recovers x0.The paper[19]defines a functionρ1(δ)(called thereρW)with the following property.Consider sequences of(k n),(N n)obeying k n/n→ρand n/N n→δ.Suppose thatρ<ρ1(δ).Then as n→∞P rob(E kn ,n,N n)→1.On the other hand,suppose thatρ>ρ1(δ).Then as n→∞P rob(E kn ,n,N n)→0.The theoretical curve(δ,ρ1(δ))described there is overlaid on Figure5,showing good agreement betweenasymptotic theory and experimental results.Figure6:Phase diagram for CFAR thresholding.Overlaid red curve is heuristically-derived analytical curveρF AR(see Appendix B).Shaded attribute:number of coordinates wrong by more than10−4 relative error.4.3Phase Diagrams for StOMPWe now use phase diagrams to study the behavior of StOMP.Figure6displays performance of StOMP with CFAR thresholding with per-iteration false alarm rate(n−k)/(S(N−k)).The problem suite and un-derlying problem size,N=800,are the same as in Figure5.The shaded attribute again portrays the number of entries where the reconstruction misses by more than10−4.Once again,for very sparse problems(ρsmall),the algorithm is successful at recovering(a good approximation to)x0,while for less sparse problems(ρlarge),the algorithm fails.Superposed on this display is the graph of a heuristically-derived functionρF AR,which we call the Predicted Phase transition for CFAR thresholding.Again the agreement between the simulation results and the predicted transition is reasonably good.AppendixB explains the calculation of this predicted transition,although it is best read only afterfirst reading Section6.Figure7shows the number of mismatches for the StOMP algorithm based on CFDR thresholding with False Discovery Rate q=1/2.Here N=800and the display shows that,again,for very sparse problems(ρsmall),the algorithm is successful at recovering(a good approximation to)x0,while for less sparse problemsρlarge,the algorithm fails.Superposed on this display is the graph of a heuristically-derived functionρF DR,which we call the Predicted Phase transition for CFDR thresholding.Again the agreement between the simulation results and the predicted transition is reasonably good,though visibly not quite as good as in the CFAR case.5ComputationSince StOMP seems to work reasonably well,it makes sense to study how rapidly it runs.5.1Empirical ResultsTable1shows the running times for StOMP equipped with CFAR and CFDR thresholding,solving an instance of the problem suite S st(k,n,N).We compare thesefigures with the time needed to solve the same problem instance via 1minimization and OMP.Here 1minimization is implemented using Michael Saunders’PDCO solver[49].The simulations used to generate thefigures in the table were all executed on a3GHz Xeon workstation,comparable with current desktop CPUs.Table1suggests that a tremendous saving in computation time is achieved when using the StOMP scheme over traditional 1minimization.The conclusion is that CFAR-and CFDR-based methods have a large。
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1Features•Fast Read Access Time –70ns •5-volt Only Reprogramming •Sector Program Operation–Single Cycle Reprogram (Erase and Program)–1024Sectors (256Bytes/Sector)–Internal Address and Data Latchesfor 256Bytes •Internal Program Control and Timer •Hardware and Software Data Protection •Two 8K Bytes Boot Blocks with Lockout •Fast Sector Program Cycle Time –10ms •DATA Polling for End of Program Detection •Low Power Dissipation –40mA Active Current–100µA CMOS Standby Current •Typical Endurance >10,000Cycles •Single 5V ±10%Supply•CMOS and TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs •Commercial and Industrial TemperatureRangesDescriptionThe AT29C020is a 5-volt-only in-system Flash programmable and erasable read-only memory (PEROM).Its 2megabits of memory is organized as 262,144bytes.Manu-factured with Atmel’s advanced nonvolatile CMOS technology,the device offers access times to 70ns with power dissipation of just 220mW over the commercial tem-perature range.When the device is deselected,the CMOS standby current is less than 100 µA.Device endurance is such that any sector can typically be written to in excess of 10,000times.Pin ConfigurationsDIP Top ViewTSOP Top ViewType 12AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02To allow for simple in-system reprogrammability,the AT29C020does not require high input voltages for programming.Five-volt-only commands determine the operation of the device.Reading data out of the device is similar to reading from an EPROM.Reprogramming the AT29C020is performed on a sector basis;256bytes of data are loaded into the device and then simultaneously programmed.During a reprogram cycle,the address locations and 256bytes of data are internally latched,freeing the address and data bus for other operations.Following the initiation of a program cycle,the device will automatically erase the sector and then program the latched data using an internal control timer.The end of a program cycle can be detected by DATA polling of I/O7.Once the end of a program cycle has been detected,a new access for a read or program can begin.Block DiagramDevice OperationREAD:The AT29C020is accessed like an EPROM.When and are low and is high,the data stored at the memory location determined by the address pins is asserted on the outputs.The outputs are put in the high impedance state whenever or is high.This dual-line control gives designers flexibility in preventing bus contention.BYTE LOAD:Byte loads are used to enter the 256bytes of a sector to be programmed or the software codes for data protection.A byte load is performed by applying a low pulse on the or input with or low (respectively)and high.The address is latched on the falling edge of or whichever occurs last.The data is latched by the first rising edge of or PROGRAM:The device is reprogrammed on a sector basis.If a byte of data within a sector is to be changed,data for the entire sector must be loaded into the device.Any byte that is not loaded during the programming of its sector will be indeterminate.Once the bytes of a sector are loaded into the device,they are simultaneously programmed during the internal program-ming period.After the first data byte has been loaded into the device,successive bytes are entered in the same manner.Each new byte to be programmed must have its high-to-low tran-sition on (or within 150µs of the low-to-high transition of (or of the preceding byte.If a high-to-low transition is not detected within 150µs of the last low-to-high transition,the load period will end and the internal programming period will start.A8to A17specify the sector address.The sector address must be valid during each high-to-low transition of (or A0to A7specify the byte address within the sector.The bytes may be loaded in any order;sequential loading is not required.Once a programming operation has been initiated,and for the duration of t WC ,a read operation will effectively be a pollingoperation.3AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02SOFTWARE DATA PROTECTION:A software controlled data protection feature is avail-able on the AT29C020.Once the software protection is enabled a software algorithm must be issued to the device before a program may be performed.The software protection feature may be enabled or disabled by the user;when shipped from Atmel,the software data protection feature is disabled.To enable the software data protection,a series of three program com-mands to specific addresses with specific data must be performed.After the software data protection is enabled the same three program commands must begin each program cycle in order for the programs to occur.All software program commands must obey the sector pro-gram timing specifications.Once set,the software data protection feature remains active unless its disable command is issued.Power transitions will not reset the software data pro-tection feature;however,the software feature will guard against inadvertent program cycles during power transitions.After setting SDP,any attempt to write to the device without the 3-byte command sequence will start the internal write timers.No data will be written to the device;however,for the dura-tion of t WC ,a read operation will effectively be a polling operation.After the software data protection ’s 3-byte command code is given,a sector of data is loaded into the device using the sector program timing specifications.HARDWARE DATA PROTECTION:Hardware features protect against inadvertent pro-grams to the AT29C020in the following ways:(a)V CC sense –if V CC is below 3.8V (typical),the program function is inhibited;(b)V CC power on delay –once V CC has reached the V CC sense level,the device will automatically time out 5ms (typical)before programming;(c)Pro-gram inhibit –holding any one of OE low,CE high or WE high inhibits program cycles;and (d)Noise filter –pulses of less than 15ns (typical)on the WE or CE inputs will not initiate a pro-gram cycle.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION:The product identification mode identifies the device and manufacturer as Atmel.It may be accessed by hardware or software operation.The hardware operation mode can be used by an external programmer to identify the correct programming algorithm for the Atmel product.In addition,users may wish to use the software product identi-fication mode to identify the part (ing the device code),and have the system software use the appropriate sector size for program operations.In this manner,the user can have a common board design for 256K to 4-megabit densities and,with each density ’s sector size in a memory map,have the system software apply the appropriate sector size.For details,see Operating Modes (for hardware operation)or Software Product Identification.The manufacturer and device code is the same for both modes.DATA POLLING:The AT29C020features DATA polling to indicate the end of a program cycle.During a program cycle an attempted read of the last byte loaded will result in the com-plement of the loaded data on I/O7.Once the program cycle has been completed,true data is valid on all outputs and the next cycle may begin.DATA polling may begin at any time during the program cycle.TOGGLE BIT:In addition to DATA polling the AT29C020provides another method for deter-mining the end of a program or erase cycle.During a program or erase operation,successive attempts to read data from the device will result in I/O6toggling between one and zero.Once the program cycle has completed,I/O6will stop toggling and valid data will be read.Examin-ing the toggle bit may begin at any time during a program cycle.OPTIONAL CHIP ERASE MODE:The entire device can be erased by using a 6-byte soft-ware code.Please see Software Chip Erase application note for details.4AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02BOOT BLOCK PROGRAMMING LOCKOUT:The AT29C020has two designated memory blocks that have a programming lockout feature.This feature prevents programming of data in the designated block once the feature has been enabled.Each of these blocks consists of 8K bytes;the programming lockout feature can be set independently for either block.While the lockout feature does not have to be activated,it can be activated for either or both blocks.These two 8K memory sections are referred to as boot blocks .Secure code which will bring up a system can be contained in a boot block.The AT29C020blocks are located in the first 8K bytes of memory and the last 8K bytes of memory.The boot block programming lockout fea-ture can therefore support systems that boot from the lower addresses of memory or the higher addresses.Once the programming lockout feature has been activated,the data in that block can no longer be erased or programmed;data in other memory locations can still be changed through the regular programming methods.To activate the lockout feature,a series of seven program commands to specific addresses with specific data must be performed.Please see Boot Block Lockout Feature Enable Algorithm.If the boot block lockout feature has been activated on either block,the chip erase function will be disabled.BOOT BLOCK LOCKOUT DETECTION:A software method is available to determine whether programming of either boot block section is locked out.See Software Product Identifi-cation Entry and Exit sections.When the device is in the software product identification mode,a read from location 00002H will show if programming the lower address boot block is locked out while reading location 3FFF2H will do so for the upper boot block.If the data is FE,the cor-responding block can be programmed;if the data is FF,the program lockout feature has been activated and the corresponding block cannot be programmed.The software product identifi-cation exit mode should be used to return to standard operation.Absolute Maximum Ratings*T emperature Under Bias................................-55°C to +125°C *NOTICE:Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings ”may cause permanent dam-age to the device.This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied.Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Storage T emperature.....................................-65°C to +150°C All Input Voltages (including NC Pins)with Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +6.25V All Output Voltageswith Respect to Ground.............................-0.6V to V CC +0.6V Voltage on OEwith Respect to Ground...................................-0.6V to +13.5V5AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02Notes:1.X can be V IL or V IH .2.Refer to AC Programming Waveforms.3.V H =12.0V ±0.5V .4.Manufacturer Code:1F ,Device Code:DA.5.See details under Software Product Identification Entry/Exit.DC and AC Operating RangeNote:Not recommended for New Designs.Operating ModesDC Characteristics6AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02AC Read Waveforms (1)(2)(3)(4)Notes:1.may be delayed up to t ACC -t CE after the address transition without impact on t ACC .2.OE may be delayed up to t CE -t OE after the falling edge of CE without impact on t CE or by t ACC -t OE after an address changewithout impact on t ACC .3.t DF is specified from or whichever occurs first (CL =5pF).4.This parameter is characterized and is not 100%tested.AC Read CharacteristicsNote:Not recommended for New Designs.7AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02Input Test Waveforms and Measurement LevelOutput Test LoadNote:1.This parameter is characterized and is not 100%tested.R FPin Capacitancef =1MHz,T =25°C (1)8AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02AC Byte Load WaveformsControlledCE ControlledAC Byte Load Characteristics9AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02Program Cycle Waveforms (1)(2)(3)Notes:1.A8through A17must specify the sector address during each high-to-low transition of (or2.OE must be high when WE and CE are both low.3.All words that are not loaded within the sector being programmed will be indeterminate.Program Cycle Characteristics10AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02Software Data Protection Enable Algorithm ()Software Data Protection Disable Algorithm ()Notes:1.Data Format:I/O7-I/O0(Hex);Address Format:A14-A0(Hex).2.Data Protect state will be activated at end of program cycle.3.Data Protect state will be deactivated at end of program period.4.256bytes of data MUST BE loaded.Software Protected Program Cycle Waveform (1)(4)(5)Notes:1.A8through A17must specify the sector address during each high-to-low transition of (or after the software codehas been entered.4.must be high when and are both low.5.All bytes that are not loaded within the sector being programmed will beindeterminate.AT29C020 Polling Characteristics(1)Notes: 1.These parameters are characterized and not100%tested.2.See t OE spec in AC Read Characteristics.Polling WaveformsToggle Bit Characteristics(1)12AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02Software Product Identification Entry (1)Software Product Identification Exit (1)Notes:1.Data Format:I/O15-I/O0(Hex);Address Format:A14-A0(Hex).2.A1-A17=V IL .Manufacturer Code is read for A0=V IL ;Device Code is read for A0=V IH .3.The device does not remain in identification modeif powered down.4.The device returns to standard operation mode.5.Manufacturer Code is 1F .The Device Code is DA.Boot Block LockoutFeature Enable Algorithm (1)Notes:1.Data Format:I/O7-I/O0(Hex);Address Format:A14-A0(Hex).2.Lockout feature set on lower address boot block.3.Lockout feature set on higher address boot block.13AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02Ordering InformationNote:Not recommended for New Designs.14AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/02Packaging Information32J –PLCC15AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/0232P6–PDIP16AT29C0200291N –FLASH –07/0232T –TSOPon recycled paper.0291N –FLASH –07/02/xM©Atmel Corporation 2002.Atmel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products,other than those expressly contained in the Company ’s standard warranty which is detailed in Atmel ’s Terms and Conditions located on the Company ’s web site.The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document,reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice,and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein.No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products,expressly or by implication.Atmel ’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems.Atmel HeadquartersAtmel OperationsCorporate Headquarters2325Orchard Parkway San Jose,CA 95131TEL 1(408)441-0311FAX 1(408)487-2600EuropeAtmel SarlRoute des Arsenaux 41Case Postale 80CH-1705Fribourg SwitzerlandTEL (41)26-426-5555FAX (41)26-426-5500AsiaRoom 1219Chinachem Golden Plaza 77Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong KongTEL (852)2721-9778FAX (852)2722-1369Japan9F,Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg.1-24-8ShinkawaChuo-ku,Tokyo 104-0033JapanTEL (81)3-3523-3551FAX (81)3-3523-7581Memory2325Orchard Parkway San Jose,CA 95131TEL 1(408)441-0311FAX 1(408)436-4314Microcontrollers2325Orchard Parkway San Jose,CA 95131TEL 1(408)441-0311FAX 1(408)436-4314La Chantrerie BP 7060244306Nantes Cedex 3,France TEL (33)2-40-18-18-18FAX (33)2-40-18-19-60ASIC/ASSP/Smart CardsZone Industrielle13106Rousset Cedex,France TEL (33)4-42-53-60-00FAX (33)4-42-53-60-011150East Cheyenne Mtn.Blvd.Colorado Springs,CO 80906TEL 1(719)576-3300FAX 1(719)540-1759Scottish Enterprise Technology Park Maxwell BuildingEast Kilbride G750QR,Scotland TEL (44)1355-803-000FAX (44)1355-242-743RF/AutomotiveTheresienstrasse 2Postfach 353574025Heilbronn,Germany TEL (49)71-31-67-0FAX (49)71-31-67-23401150East Cheyenne Mtn.Blvd.Colorado Springs,CO 80906TEL 1(719)576-3300FAX 1(719)540-1759Biometrics/Imaging/Hi-Rel MPU/High Speed Converters/RF DatacomAvenue de Rochepleine BP 12338521Saint-Egreve Cedex,France TEL (33)4-76-58-30-00FAX (33)4-76-58-34-80e-mailliterature@Web SiteATMEL ®is the registered trademark of Atmel.Other terms and product names may be 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知识和进展强磁场下的固体物理研究进展3曹 效 文(中国科学院等离子体物理研究所强磁场实验室 合肥 230031)摘 要 强磁场下的物理研究是一个富有成果的研究领域.40T 以上稳态强磁场的研制成功为固体物理研究提供了新的科学机遇.文章简要地介绍强磁场下某些固体物理,其中包括高温超导体的H -T 相图和非费米液体行为,德哈斯(de Haas )效应和费米面性质,电子的Wigner 结晶及其动力学行为,磁场诱导的相变(如绝缘体-金属和超导转变),多级磁有序,串级自旋密度波和大块材料中的量子霍尔效应等的实验研究的近期进展,希望以此引起人们对国内强磁场下物理研究的关注.关键词 强磁场,超导体,德哈斯(de Haas )效应,Wigner 结晶,相变PR OGRESS OF SOLI D STATE PH YSICS IN HIGH MAGNETIC FIE LDC AO X iao 2Wen(H igh Magnetic Field Laboratory ,Institute o f Plasma Physics ,Chinese Academy o f Sciences ,H e fei 230031,China )Abstract The physics of high magnetic fields is a subject rich in achievements.S teady high magnetic fields above 40T have been success fully developed ,providing new opportunities for studying solid state physics under such fields.An overview is presented of recent progress in this area ,including the H 2T phase diagram and non 2Ferm i liquid be 2havior of high tem perature superconductors ,the de Haas effect and properties of the Ferm i surface ,W igner crystalli 2gation of electrons and its dynam ical properties ,magnetic field 2induced phase transitions such as insulator 2metal and superconductor transitions multistage magnetic ordering ,successive spin density waves and the quantum Hall effect in bulk material.K ey w ords high magnetic field ,superconductor ,de Haas effect ,W igner crystal of electrons ,phase transition3 2002-01-28收到初稿,2002-04-28修回 在现代实验物理研究中,科学机遇往往与所能达到的极端条件有密切关系,这些极端条件包括强磁场、极低温、高压和强激光等.下一个目标的极端条件的创立便是产生新的科学机遇条件.以强磁场为例,在20世纪70年代末曾把30T 磁场强度定义为可获得科学机遇的场,当时运行的稳态场仅为20—25T.30T 稳态场运行若干年后,下一个目标机遇场为40T 以上稳态场.磁体设计,导体材料以及相关技术研究近年来获得的长足进步[1]为上述目标提供了必要的科学技术储备,于是美国于1990年8月在佛罗里达大学开始实施以45T 稳态混合磁体为核心的强磁场实验室计划[2].日本则在筑波实施40T 混合磁体计划[3].荷兰的Nijmegen 强磁场实验室也有40T 混合磁体计划.在我国合肥强磁场实验室也有40T 以上稳态强磁场计划.超导强磁场技术由于高温超导体Bi 系银包套带材的加盟,已由原来的21T 提高到24T [4].目前,超导磁体的最高场主要受限于高温超导材料工艺和磁体技术.从Bi 系材料在高场下的J c (H )特性来看,随着这些工艺和技术的进步,30T 的超导磁体估计在5—10年内是可望实现的.当然,在上述机遇场以下磁场范围内仍有不少工作可做,并且仍有一定的科学机遇,例如,Y C o 5单晶的磁晶各向异性就是1966年用一个5T 的超导磁体进行的研究中发现的.这一发现为当时制备新的永磁材料指出了光明前景.强磁场下的固体物理是一个富有成果的研究领域,并且曾铸就过固体物理研究的辉煌,例如量子霍尔效应[5]和分数量子霍尔效应[6]的发现导致了两次诺贝尔物理奖的获得,以及一系列新现象和新效应的发现和观察,其中包括磁场诱导的电子结晶点阵,・696・物理即Wigner固体[7],磁场诱导的绝缘体-金属转变和超导电性[8]等.有关强磁场下的科学研究讨论会和半导体物理都有定期的国际会议,强关联电子系统的国际会议也含有可观数量的强磁场下的研究内容.强磁场下的物理研究课题颇多,这里仅介绍某些方面,并借此引起国内物理学界对强磁场下物理研究的关注.1 强磁场下的高温超导体研究和低温超导体相比,高温超导体的超导转变温度Tc和上临界场H c2均高出近一个量级,即T c约为102K,H c2(0)高于102T.这么高的临界参量预示着高温超导体的潜在应用前景及其可观的经济价值,同时也丰富了超导物理的研究内容,例如与强磁场密切相关的H-T相图和以Jc(H)为中心的磁通动力学性质的研究等.到目前为止,这些研究多数仅限于液氮温区,对于高温超导体来说,由于Tc为百K量级,这一温度范围仍限于T c附近;所用磁场也多数限于10T以下,这对于临界场高于100T的高温超导体来说,也仅属于低场.更低温区的研究是必要的,但是要求更高的磁场,例如日本筑波40T稳态场磁体系统的建立就是以高温超导体为主要目标的. 111 高温超导体的H-T相图高温超导体H-T相图的一个显著特点是,在下临界场Hc1(T)与上临界场H c2(T)之间的混合态区域内存在着一个新的相变线———不可逆线I L(图中标为Hirr),如图1所示.这个新相交线的性质可以大致归纳为:对于无孪晶界和明显缺陷的单晶,I L 是一个由涡旋点阵态到涡旋液态的熔化线,这个相变属于一级相变;对于存在有效钉扎作用的缺陷的样品,如存在着明显无序的薄膜和有明显缺陷的单晶,I L是一个由涡旋玻璃固态到液态的转变,并且属于二级相变.不可逆线上下的不同涡旋状态表明了磁通钉扎强度的改变,因而I L上下的临界电流密度及其行为应该是有区别的.近来的实验结果[9]表明,在I L上下存在着Jc的剧烈变化,并遵守不同的温度关系和磁场关系.由此可以看出,I L是一个对材料结构(它直接影响Jc行为)敏感的参量,这与H c1(T)和H c2(T)是材料的本征参量形成鲜明对照.已有由于钉扎强度的改善,I L也随之抬高的有关报道.图1 Y BCO超导薄膜在磁场HΠΠc位形下的H-T相图[10] 关于高温超导体耗散(dissipation)行为的研究进一步表明,在I L和Hc2(T)之间还存在一个新的相界HK(T)线的证据[10].H K(T)线把涡旋液态分成两个区:在I L与HK(T)之间涡旋之间是关联的(corre2 lated),涡旋运动具有激活的特征;在H K(T)与H c2(T)之间,涡旋之间是非关联的,其运动以扩散运动为特征.关于这方面研究的报道仍较少,其相变性质也有待进一步研究.以上研究,一方面大多限于Tc附近温区,向更低温区扩展要求更高的磁场强度.另一方面,I L和H K(T)的性质和起源尚未得到完全一致的认识. 112 强磁场下的J c(H)特性虽然高的超导转变温度和高的上临界场预示着高温超导体的潜在应用前景,但最终决定其大规模应用前景的是在一定温度下的Jc(H)特性,通常要求Jc值高于104AΠcm2.高温超导体与低温超导体的Jc(H)关系的比较研究显示[11],在412K,Bi系银包套带材在15T以上磁场范围的Jc明显高于低温超导体,而Y BC O的C VD膜在77K的J c值,在25T以上磁场范围也明显地高于低温超导体.这些高温超导体Jc(H)的一个显著特点是,直到30T的高场仍未出现显著下降,这对高场应用十分有利.但是,我们必须记住,超导体J c(H)特性是一个对材料结构因素(如缺陷和第二相的存在等)敏感的临界参量,因此它强烈地取决于成材工艺.但到目前为止,Y BC O和Bi系材料中什么样的缺陷对钉扎是最有效的,仍不清楚.因而,任何一家生产者对其产品进行高场检验都是必须的.另一方面,高温超导材料在高场下与磁通运动特性密切相关的稳定性等问题也尚缺少系统的仔细研究.・796・31卷(2002年)11期113 强磁场下的正常态性质含铜氧化物超导体在T c 以上温区的面内电阻ρab 的线性行为及其与面外电阻ρc 的半导体行为的共存[12]常常被作为非费米液体的证据[13].这两种相反的电阻温度关系是否可以扩展到远离T c 的低温区,并作为一种正常态基态性质是一个不清楚的问题.一个最直接的方法是用强磁场抑制其超导电性来进行T c 以下温区的正常态性质的研究.但是这一方法是困难的,因为该类超导体上临界场很高,如前面所述.因此,选择一个T c 较低的同类材料和提高所能达到的场强是人们所希望的.Ando 等[14]利用61T 场强的脉冲场研究了Bi 2Sr 2CuO y 单晶(T c =13K )在T c 以下温区的正常态各向异性电阻行为.结果表明,直到0166K (T ΠT c =0105)仍然保持着上述的面内和面外电阻的温度关系行为,即仍表明一个非费米液体性质.其实,含铜氧化物超导体还存在一个面内和面外电阻行为相反的磁输运行为,这就是在高场区面内电阻ρab 表现出正磁阻,而面外电阻ρc 则呈现出负磁阻[15].进一步的研究表明,随着磁场的增加,ρab (H )趋于饱和[14],而ρc (H )则趋于线性减小[16].这种相反的磁电阻行为的起源尚不清楚,可能与T c 以上温区电阻的相反行为有关.有人认为ρc (H )的负磁电阻行为与双极化子超导理论相一致[16],或者被认为与态密度项对涨落电导的贡献有关,或与赝能隙的磁场关系有关,即负磁电阻意味着赝能隙随磁场的增加而减小.实际上,高温超导体正常态的非费米液体行为的一个直接证明是由Hill 等[17]近来刚刚完成的,他们用强磁场抑制了电子型氧化物超导体(Pr ,Ce )2CuO 4(T c =20K )的超导电性,并测量了在极低温下正常态的热导和电导.试验结果表明,二者之间的比值违反了维德曼-弗兰兹定律(Wiedeman -Franz law ),并强烈地表明存在着电子的自旋-电荷分离态.由于维德曼-弗兰兹定律是费米液体理论的一个固有结果,因此上述结果是高温超导体的非费米液体行为的第一个直接证明[18].为了确认费米液体图像对这类超导体的不适用性,对不同超导体及其不同化学掺杂量样品的重复测量是必要的.在高温超导体中还普遍存在着另一个反常的正常态输运行为,霍尔角C ot θH =ρxx Πρxy ∝T 2,并且也被作为非费米液体的实验证据.但近来也有C ot θH ∝T 关系的报道[19],这一结果与费米液体的物理图像是一致的.2 强磁场下费米面性质研究磁场对固体中载流子运动的重要影响之一是量子化效应.在一个均匀磁场中,电子作环绕磁力线的螺旋运动.在一恒定磁场下,其回转频率ω0=qB Πm 3.如果在垂直于磁场方向施加一频率为ω=ω0的交变场,其能量将被电子共振吸收,这就是回旋共振现象.随着磁场增大,电子的这种螺旋运动会形成一个个高度简并的朗道(Landau )能级,当这些朗道能级与费米面相切时,就会出现磁化率、电阻或比热等物理量随磁场的振荡现象,并且这些振荡与磁场的倒数1ΠH 呈周期结构.磁化率随1ΠH 呈现的周期性振荡称为德哈斯-范阿尔芬(de Haas -van Al 2phen ,dHvA )效应,类似的电阻周期性振荡称为舒布尼科夫-德哈斯(Shubnikov -de Haas ,SdH )效应.为了清楚地显现出de Haas 效应,要求满足两个条件:ω0τµ1和ω0>k B T ,式中τ是电子的自由运动时间.由ω0τµ1,要求尽可能高的磁场强度和高纯度的单晶;为满足ω0>k B T 要求实验必须在足够低的温度下进行,通常在1K 以下温度进行,低温也有利于τ值的提高.电子能带结构是凝聚态物质物理性质的核心问题,而基于de Haas 效应的费米面及其性质的实验研究是了解电子能带结构的最直接和最有效的方法.自de Haas 效应发现以来,新的合成材料的不断出现和磁场强度的不断提高,使得费米面及其性质研究的内容进一步丰富,并使其一直是凝聚态物理研究中的前沿课题,例如一个时期以来有机超导体[20]和以稀土元素化合物为主体的强关联体系[21]的费米面及其性质研究等.这里值得一提的有两项实验研究:一个是Y BC O 高温超导体的dHvA 效应.Mueller 等[22]在Los Alam os 国家实验室在214—412K 温区采用100T 脉冲磁场观察到了Y BC O 的dHvA 效应,经傅里叶变换处理的结果,表明三个独立的基频分别为0153,0178和3115kT.K ido 等[23]在118—311K 温度范围内,用场强为27T 的直流磁场,观察到频率为0154kT 的dHvA 效应,与Mueller 的0153kT 基本一致.由上述两个实验,我们可以得出两个重要结论:(1)Y BC O 高温超导体存在着费米面;(2)在上临界场H c2以下的混合态能够观察到dHvA 效应,而传统认为,H >H c2是观察这一效应的必要条件.基于这一结论,在低温A15超导体V 3Si 上获得了类似结果[24].・896・物理另一个值得一提的费米面研究实验是β″(BE DT -TTF)SF5CH2CF2S O3有机超导体的SdH效应.通常观察的是与磁场垂直的面内电阻ρxx(H)的de Haas 振荡.但Nam等[25]近来用60T脉冲场第一次观察到层间电阻ρzz随磁场的振荡,并且电导最小值即电阻振荡峰值与温度的关系呈现出热激活行为,这一结果对有机超导体费米面及其性质的认识无疑提供了新的信息.3 电子的Wigner结晶磁场对固体中载流子运动的另一重要影响是维度效应.在一个低载流子浓度的三维系统中,当磁场足够强(例如ωτµ1)时,电子运动轨道呈圆柱形,电子的运动实际上只沿单一方向发生.在一个垂直于磁场的二维系统中,磁场把输运载流子捕获在它的最低朗道能级上,载流子的运动轨道被限制在平面内,其迁移动能大大降低,系统实际上成为准零维的.在一个处于低温下的低载流子密度的系统中,可以出现“磁冻结”状态的局域化.当磁长度lc=( ΠeB)1Π2可以和载流子的平均距离a0相比拟时,就会出现载流子的有序排列,即凝聚成电子结晶点阵,这就是所谓的Wigner结晶.这种电子的磁冻结现象是数十年来电子-电子相关能量观察的顶点.在输运测量中,当“磁冻结”发生时,将伴随着电阻率的急剧增大,实际上发生了金属-绝缘体转变.Wigner电子结晶已先后在低载流子浓度的二维电子气系统[26]和三维系统[7,27]中观察到.不难看出,磁场引起的输运电子局域化,磁冻结和Wigner结晶的实质是磁场诱导的输运载流子运动维度减小的结果.在二维电子气系统中,lc趋近于a0也是导致分数量子霍尔效应的条件.在实验中,随着磁场的增大,系统首先进入分数量子霍尔效应态,然后,最终进入Wigner 结晶态[26].近来G lass on[28]利用输运测量观察了Wigner结晶中的动力学有序化;Li等[29]利用微波共振实验研究了二维电子系统中载流子-载流子和载流子-杂质互作用之间的竞争在高场绝缘相中的作用,结果表明,在载流子-载流子互作用为主的系统中形成Wigner结晶,而在载流子-杂质互作用占支配地位的系统中则形成Wigner玻璃态.4 磁场诱导的相变411 绝缘体-金属和超导转变K hmelnitskii[30]从理论上提出,如果一个系统是全局域的,那么在磁场中可能恢复到退局域态.一个典型的实验结果是[31]:Si掺杂的G aAs异质结在H=5T附近发生半导体-金属转变,在H<5T时表现为负的电阻温度系数,在H≥5T时则呈现出正的电阻温度系数.近来,碳纳米管的实验也表明了类似的磁场诱导的绝缘体-金属相变[32].近来,Uji等[8,33]在实验中发现,对于准二维绝缘材料λ-(BETS)2FeCl4,当平行于层面的磁场达到1015T时,系统发生绝缘体-金属转变;当磁场增加到18T时发生超导转变,相应的Tc=0104K,然后随着磁场增加,Tc升高.遗憾的是,该实验中的磁场仅能达到20T.紧接着,Balicas等[33]利用塔拉哈西国家强磁场实验室的45T稳态场,研究了不同温度下的磁电阻R(H)和不同磁场下的电阻转变R(T),如图2所示.结果表明,Tc的最高值为412K,对应的磁场值是33T.然后,随着磁场的进一步增加,Tc降低,如图2(b)所示.Uji等[8]认为,上述磁场诱导的超导电性是由于平行于传导层的强磁场抑制了轨道效应;Balicas等[33]则认为是由于外加磁场补偿了定向排列的Fe3+离子的交换场所致,即可以依照Jaccar2 ieo-Peter效应解释.图2 (a)λ-(BETS)2FeCl4单晶体的电阻R的磁场关系,测量的温度间隔为0125K;(b)电阻转变的温度关系.磁场诱导的超 导转变的最高温是33T附近的412K[33]磁场诱导的绝缘体-金属转变的另一个例子是含锰氧化物的巨磁电阻效应.这种相变应归结为磁场诱导的载流子的退局域化效应.但是这类实验通常仅要求10T以下的低磁场.对于在低温下处于反铁磁态的掺杂的钙钛矿锰氧化物,更强的磁场会导致一个绝缘体-金属转变,实际上是一种反铁磁-铁磁转变,并伴随着电荷有序或轨道有序相的融・996・31卷(2002年)11期化[34].412 磁场诱导的磁相变在含有稀土元素的材料中,由于f电子往往呈现出强关联效应,继而导致各种反常态,磁有序反常是其中之一.一个典型的例子是,在CeP的磁相图中有六个以上的磁有序相存在[35],在磁化强度的磁场关系中表现为六个台阶,并且这些磁有序相的临界场在1ΠH坐标上几乎是等间隔的,这相应于朗道能级与费米面相切.在PrC o2Si2系统中也观察到类似的反常磁有序现象[36].这种串级磁有序的机制尚不清楚.413 有机导体中磁场诱导的串级自旋密度波和量子霍尔效应以Bechgaard盐为基础的有机材料[通式(T MTSF)2X,X=PF6,AsF6,ClO4,ReO4等]通常具有准一维或准二维特性,库仑作用占支配地位,因此,自旋密度波(S DW)基态是有利的.另一方面,某些有机导体在某个临界压力Pc以上是超导的,如(T MTSF)2PF6等.有些常压下就是超导体,如(T MTSF)2ClO4等.当沿着c方向施加一个超过临界场的强磁场时,可观察到一系列的金属-S DW相变,例如在(T MTSF)2ClO4中,这一串级金属-S DW 相变发生在3—27T磁场范围,热力学测量证明这些相变属于一级相变.此外,霍尔效应测量表明,每个S DW相对应的霍尔效应都是量子化的,这是第一个在大块材料上观察到的量子霍尔效应.串级自旋密度波和量子霍尔效应被认为是近年来有机材料研究中的两个重要发现[37],并且与有关理论预计是一致的[38].5 强磁场下的纳米材料当金属颗粒直径减小到纳米尺度时,金属颗粒的电子态成为3D阱或W ood-Sax on势的本征态.由于这个本征态是用球形谐振波函数描述的,所以纳米颗粒的电子态完全不同于大块金属的布洛赫波函数[39].纳米材料中的晶粒尺寸与一些基本物理量,如德布罗意波长和超导相关长度等可以相比拟,电子运动出现限域性,量子尺寸效应以及强关联性.这些使得纳米材料呈现出一系列不同寻常的性质.强磁场对固体性质影响可归结为磁场对电子运动行为的影响,如前面有关部分所述.当磁长度lc= ( ΠeB)1Π2达到纳米材料晶粒量级(如B=25T时,l c =5175nm)时,纳米材料会呈现出怎样的物理性质,是值得关注的问题.6 结束语本文简要的介绍了强磁场下固体物理研究的某些方面及其进展,由此可以了解强磁场在现代物理研究中的重要作用,同时还可以看到这些研究大多是在1K以下的极低温条件下进行的.因此,在获得强磁场条件的同时还必须佐以必要的极低温条件.参考文献[1]曹效文.物理,1996,25:552[Cao X W.Wuli(Physics),1996,25:552(in Chinese)][2]Brooks J et al.Physica B,1994,197:19;Muller J R et al.IEEET ransition M agnetics,1994,30:1563[3]Inone K et al.Physica 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教授的研究组认为,生物组织的内部存在着时间尺度上的多重性,因此对复杂性的量度需要用多标度的时间尺度来测定,为此他们在计算生物系统复杂性时使用了“多标度熵(multi 2scale entropy 简称MSE )”的新概念.具体的计算方法如下:将一个记录有30000次心律跳动的时间序列进行粗粒化,就是用20个跳动作为一个单位,计算出每一个单位的平均心律跳动,用这些平均数重构成一个新的时间序列并测出它的不可预测性,反复进行粗粒化并测定不可预测性.如果不可预测性高,表示信息量大,也就是该生物系统的复杂性程度高.他们采用不同长度的心律跳动(从2—20个)作为划分单位来重复计算其不可预测性.显然这种多尺度的测量方法可以揭示出信息量在不同时间尺度下的复杂排列.将一个健康的年青人与一个患有心律不齐和心房颤动的老年病人的心电图作对比,利用MSE 算法后,可以发现始终保持着健康的心脏要比衰老有病的心脏具有较高的复杂性.(云中客 摘自Phys.Rev.Lett.,5August 2002)・107・31卷(2002年)11期。
Organic Spectroscopic AnalysisSummary of Key PointsGeneral Principles1. The energy of atoms and the molecules (and so the difference in energy between these levels) have discrete values (quanta).2.The wavenumber of a transition is inversely proportional to the wavelength (ν=1/λ).3. The relationship between the energy of a transition and the frequency is given by ΔE= hν or ΔE=hc/λ or ΔE=hcν, where h is Planck’s constant. The energy of a particular transition is, therefore, proportional to the frequency or wavenumber, and inversely proportional to the wavelength.4. NMR transitions correspond to wavelengths in the radiowave region of the spectrum, vibrational transition correspond to wavelengths in the IR region, and electronic transition to the UV-Vis region.5. The number of double bond equivalents corresponds to the difference between the molecular formula and that for the saturated acyclic parent compound. Each DBE (double bond or ring) results in the subtraction of 2 hydrogens or halogens from the molecular formula of this parent structure.Ultraviolet and Visible Spectra1. UV-Vis spectroscopy involves the promotion of electrons from bonding or non-bonding orbitals to anti-bonding orbitals.2. The UV spectrum arises from absorption of UV or visible light of the appropriate energy for a particular electronic transition. The absorbance (A) at any wavelength is calculated from the intensity of light transmitted through a solution of the sample in solvent (I) compared to the intensity of light transmitted through the solvent alone (I 0): A= log 10 (I 0/I).3. The molar absorptivity(ε)of an absorption maximum (λmax )gives an indication of the probability of that particular electronic transition and is characteristic for a given molecule. It can be calculated using Beer-Lamberts law to relate absorbance(A) to the molar absorptivity(ε),the concentration(c, mol·L -1) and the path length(l, cm):A=εcl.4. The most useful UV absorbances are those of conjugated organic molecules, which arise from non-bonding a nd π-orbitals. Systems with a higher degree of conjugation have absorption bands with increased intensities and large ε values; the longer the chromophore, the longer the wavelength of the absorption maximum.5. The chromophore of aromatic systems is by conjugation with s substituent, e.g. those with π-electrons or lone pairs of electrons, in a predictable manner.Infrared Spectroscopy1. IR spectroscopy involves the study of transitions between the vibrational energy levels of a molecule and the interaction of the oscillating electric vector of the IR light with the oscillating dipole moment the molecule.2. The frequency of the vibrational can be described by the Hooke’s Law, which describes the relationship between the wavenumber (ν), the strength of the bond (force constant, κ) and the reduced mass μ:μκ2π1ν=or μκπc 21ν=4. The position of an IR band is affected by many factors, including hydrogen bonding and conjugation, which both result in a lowering of the stretching frequency (wavenumber) for a vibration, and ring strain, which results in an increase in the stretching frequency (wavenumber). Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is independent of concentration, while intermolecular hydrogen bonding is dependent upon concentration.5. The 1600-1000cm -1 region is known as the fingerprint region, and the vibrations which occur in this region usually involve the whole molecular skeleton. The fingerprint region is virtually unique to a given molecule, so two unknown samples which are believed to the same should have identical absorptions in this region.6. The 1000-666cm -1 region corresponds to the bending vibrations of C-H bonds in unsaturated systems, and can often be used to determine the substitution pattern of aromatic rings.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance1. Nuclei with I≠0 can adopt certain allowed orientations in an external magnetic field and NMR transitions (between the energy levels for these orientations) require radiofrequency irradiation. The nuclei can adopt (2I+1) orientations in the magnetic field and the NMR selection rule states that transitions with Δm 1≠±1 are allowed. The relationship between the magnetic field and the frequency of the transition is given by ν=B eff /2π.2. Nuclei in molecules are affected by the local electron density and their chemical shift, the ratio of frequency at which an NMR transition occurs to the strength of the main field as measured by the frequency at which protons resonate, is given by:%100νννδsamplereference sample ⨯=- 3. Peak splitting patterns indicate the number of spin active (I ≠0) nuclei in the molecule which are close to the nucleus. Chemically and magnetically equivalent protons do not couple to one another. Spins-spin coupling is usually restricted in 1H NMR to three bonds between the interacting nuclei and can be predicted by the method of successive splitting, in which we take advantage of the fact that each spin 1/2 nucleus will split the peak due to its non-equivalent neighbor into a doublet of separation J(Hz). A useful general rule is that if we have n protons coupling to the nucleus of interest, the signal for that nucleus will have (n+1) lines.4. The area under each peak in a 1H NMR spectrum is proportional to the number of 1H giving rise to the signal, so that integration of 1H spectra can be used to determine the number of hydrogens in each molecular environment. This is not true for 13C spectra, in which quaternary carbons usually give less intense signals due to inefficient relaxation processes, so that 13C spectra are not normally integrated.Mass spectrometry1. Mass spectrometry is used to measure and requires the generation of analyte ions, followed by mass analysis and ion detection.2.Ion generation can be achieved in a number of ways: electron impact(EI) ionization, chemical ionization(CI), fast atom bombardment(FAB), matrix assisted laser desorption ionization(MALDI), electrospray ionization(ESI) and atmosphere pressure chemicalionization(APCI) are the most common methods.3. There are many common fragmentation processes which can help to explain and predict ion fragments found in EI spectra. In general, these processes are promoted by the stability of the carbocation fragments produced and by six-membered transition states in the rearrangement of ions.4. Mass analysis is the process by which the relative mass of the ions is measured, and characterizes the type of instrument.5. Mass spectrometers measure the relative mass of an individual ion, with its particular combination of isotopes. We therefore use the relative atomic masses of the most abundant isotopes to calculate the accurate relative molecular mass of an ion.6. The isotope patterns of chlorine and bromine are particularly distinctive, such that analytes containing one or two chlorine atoms or one or two bromine atoms can be readily distinguished.7. Mass analysis is the process by which the “mass defect” can be used to determine the molecular formula of an ion.Explanation of terms基态Ground state:正常状态下原子处于最低能级,这时电子在离核最近的轨道上运动。
Physical: The body and its parts Metaphorical: The family;
The caste structure of India
Path schema
Involves physical or metaphorical movement from place to place, and
Examples (English)
Days Weeks Years Sleeping and waking Breathing Circulation Emotional buildup and
End-of-path schema
An image schema in which a location is understood as the termination of a prescribed path
A child holding her mother’s hand
Someone plugging a lamp into the wall
A causal “connection” Kinship “ties”
Part-whole schema
Involves physical or metaphorical wholes along with their parts and a configuration of the parts.
Center-periphery schema
a physical or metaphorical core and edge, and
degrees of distance from the core.
Every story has an ending, and the quality of the ending directly affects the overall quality of the story.2.一个成功的结局能够为读者留下深刻的印象,让他们产生共鸣。
A successful ending can leave a deep impression on the readers and make them resonate with the story.3.不论是喜剧、悲剧还是悬疑小说,结局都是至关重要的。
Whether it's a comedy, a tragedy, or a mystery novel, the ending is crucial.4.一个出乎意料的结局能够让读者眼前一亮,感到惊喜和满足。
An unexpected ending can surprise and satisfy the readers.5.但是,结局并不是一切,故事的过程同样重要。
However, the ending is not everything. The process of the story is equally important.6.在故事情节中,人物的成长和发展才是最吸引人的地方。
In the plot of the story, the growth and development ofthe characters are the most attractive part.7.他们遇到的挑战和困难,以及如何克服这些障碍都是故事中至关重要的一部分。
The challenges and difficulties they encounter, and how they overcome these obstacles, are crucial parts of the story.8.故事中的意外事件和转折点也能够给读者一种猝不及防的感觉,让故事更加引人入胜。
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Successive State Transitions with I/O Interfaceby MoleculesKen Komiya1,Kensaku Sakamoto,Hidetaka Gouzu,Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Masanori Arita3,Akio Nishikawa2,and Masami Hagiya1Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry,2Department of Information Science,Graduate School of Science,University of Tokyo,7–3–1Hongo Bunkyo-ku,113–0033Tokyo,JAPAN.{komiya,sakamoto,yokoyama}{nisikawa,hagiya} Laboratory1–1–4Umezono,Tsukuba-shi,305-8568Ibaraki,JAPAN.arita@etl.go.jpAbstract.This paper reports three experimental achievements in ourcomputation model based on‘whiplash’reactions.Wefirst show thata single-stranded DNA(ssDNA)can serve as an independent machineby using a solid support technique.Second,we show how to append anarbitrary sequence,e.g.a transition state or a PCR primer,to the3’-end of a molecular machine,thus realizing its I/O interface.Finally wedemonstrate the successive state transitions for several steps on solidphase with I/O.1IntroductionAutonomous DNA computing assumes that each molecule works not only as a data carrier but also as a microscopic computing unit.Since we intro-duced Whiplash model,a computation model based on whiplash reactions(Fig-ure1)[4],several advances on our model have been reported in different direc-tions.In the theoretical side,Winfree showed the implementation of GOTO pro-grams and the efficient solution of the directed Hamiltonian path problem[10]. In the experimental side,we showed the more efficient transition steps using an isothermal reaction[9].The isothermal conditions have made the successive state transitions more realistic than do the common thermal schedules for PCR[9].The normal PCR cycle comprises the three steps of denaturation,annealing,and polymerization, each performed at a different temperature.In contrast,the isothermal program intends to perform these three steps simultaneously,thus coupling the dissocia-tion of the‘current state’sequence from the transition table with the polymer-ization of the‘next state’sequence(Figure1).This coupled reaction was found to actually occur at80◦C,with an optional use of64◦C that facilitates a hairpin formation.A.Condon(Ed.):DNA2000,LNCS2054,pp.17–26,2001.c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg200118K.Komiya et al.Fig.1.Whiplash model is thefirst to implement a program,or state transitions,into ssDNA.(1)The current state A anneals to a transition table forming a hairpin structure.(2)At its3’-end,the next state B is appended by polymerization,which stops at the stopper sequence(white box).(3)Denaturation.(4)The new state B anneals to another position in the transition table.In this paper,we show the successful multiple transition steps on solid phase in Whiplash model.We also report the successful implementation of in-put and output(I/O)interface in the model.The implementation of I/O interface is a significant progress from the al-ready reported experimental results.From the beginning of DNA computing, molecules have been used as a memory device in realistic computation mod-els.Although‘DNA as memory’is the original paradigm shown by Adleman and Lipton,it confined DNA computing to the‘single-instruction,multiple-data (SIMD)’model.In order to realize‘multiple-instruction,multiple-data(MIMD)’model,it is necessary to implement both a program and I/O interface in DNA sequences.Whiplash model is thefirst realistic model to support both with DNA.Independence of each molecular machine is a prerequisite for an autonomous molecular computation.Although each DNA molecule can,in theory,work as one machine in our model,DNA molecules were not immobilized and could freely interact in the experiment of our previous paper[4].In this paper,we employ the surface-based approach to prevent an intermolecular reaction.Thus,Whiplash model made a major progress toward realistic MIMD computation.Reactions on solid phase naturally necessitate I/O interface for a molecu-lar machine.Since DNA molecules are immobilized on solid phase,we cannotSuccessive State Transitions19directlyanalyzethe whiplash reaction by gel electrophoresis,as we did previ-ously[9].In addition,the subsequence at the3’-end of the molecule cannot be used as a PCR primer-binding site,because the3’-end sequence always has a complementary counterpart in the transition table,and the base pairing between them inhibits PCR amplification.The way to avoid this difficulty is to append a ‘readout’sequence to the3’-end in the course of the successive transitions(Fig-ure2).The elongated molecules can be subjected to PCR amplification with the readout sequences as primers,thus reporting the current state of the machine. Note here that,under some experimental conditions,only a minor population will undergo this sequence extension,and the remaining molecules can continue further transition reactions.AA BINPUT OUTPUT20K.Komiya et al.2Experiments 2.1Materials and MethodsDNA.The DNA sequences used here(Table1)were designed using a genetic al-gorithm package,GENESIS.The details of this sequence design will be presented elsewhere [1].Oligonucleotides,including 5’-biotinylated ones,were commercially synthesized by Amersham Pharmacia Biotech (Tokyo,Japan).Hereafter,DNA sequences and oligomers are represented with bold letters.Table 1.DNA sequences output by the genetic algorithmno.sequence 0CCGTCTTCTTCTGCT 1TTCCCTCCCTCTCTT 2CGTCCTCCTCTTGTT 3CCCCTTCTTGTCCTT 4TGCCCCTCTTGTTCT 5CTCCTCTTCCTTGCT 6CTTCTCCCTTCCTCT 7CCTTCCTTCCCTCTT 8TCCCCTTGTGTGTGT 9GAGAGAGAGGCCCCCTATCC 10GAAGAGAAGGGCACCCCTCC 11GGGAAGGGACGCAACACCAC(5’)9121324354Successive State Transitions21 primer10,whose sequence is complementary with that of10,and was then immobilized to streptavidin-coated beads(Dynal)according to the supplier’s protocol.Conversion of Tran7into the single-stranded form was done by alkaline treatment.I/O Interface.An arbitrary sequence can be appended to the3’-end of the state machine by polymerization using an appropriate oligomer as the template. This polymerization was performed under the conditions similar to the whiplash reaction[9];the reaction buffer contains only dATP,dGTP,and dCTP but not dTTP,and the thermal schedule for‘input’reaction was94◦C for30sec,80◦C for30sec,and64◦C for20min,with the addition of r Taq DNA polymerase (Toyobo,Tokyo,Japan)just before the incubation at80◦C.For starting the successive transitions,an initial state was set on Tran7by appending the sequence complementary to a state sequence(from1to8)using an appropriate input oligomer.After this‘input’reaction,the input oligomer was removed by alkaline treatment from Tran7,and then Tran7was subjected to successive whiplash reactions.For readout of the results of compuation,the output oligomers(11–1–0, 11–2–1,···to11–8–7)are to be added after the completion of successive transitions.On the othe hand,for probing the status of the machine(Tran7), the output oligomers were added,into the reaction mixture,in the course of successive transitions.In both cases,the‘readout’sequence(11)is appended to the3’-end of(a subset of)the molecules.Successive Transitions(whiplash reactions).Tran7with the initial state, immobilized on the beads,was added to the buffer provided by the supplier (Toyobo)containing r Taq DNA polymerase(5units),dATP,dGTP,and dCTP (0.2mM each).State transition was performed in a25µl reaction,which contains 5pmol molecules(Tran7).The thermal schedule is as follows:–initial incubations at80◦C for1min–add r Taq DNA polymerase–94◦C for30sec–gradual cooling(in2min)to64◦C–15reaction cycles–64◦C for30sec–shift up to80◦C in1min–80◦C5min2.2ResultsWe developed an isothermal technique to perform successive whiplash reac-tions[9].Since we already achieved the efficient transitions up to2steps,more steps were tried in the present study.The employed DNA molecule(Tran7)is long enough to easily interact intermolecularly.For the purpose of preventing22K.Komiya et al.this intermolecular interaction,each Tran7was immobilized on a solid surface.The initial state 1was appended with the input oligomer (1–0–10)to the 3’-end of the immobilized molecule,which was then allowed to perform the whiplash reactions.The whiplash reaction consists of 15cycles,each of which includes the in-cubation phase at 64◦C,and the trasition phase at 80◦C.Note that the incu-bation phase is only to facilitate hairpin-structure formation.This operation is inherently different from a normal PCR reaction,in which polymerization and denaturation occur at a different temperature.Therefore,our reaction can be called an isothermal-reaction.During the successive transitions,each output oligomer was added to the reaction mixture for the status probing (Figure 4).The oligomer hybridized with the 3’-end of the machine after the completion of the specific transition step.Note here that this output reaction competes with the whiplash reaction for the next transition;the extent of this competition is not yet examined.91870105’3’3’5’Fig.4.The output oligomer 11–1–0appends the readout sequence 11to the 3’-end,and it probes the state 1.In the same way,the output oligomer 11–8–7works for probing the state 8.For converting the state machine into the double-stranded form,dTTP was added to the reaction mixture after the status probing.This conversion is nec-essary to use a restriction enzyme (Bam HI)for cutting offthe part polymerized during successive transitions.The cut-offpart was then amplified by PCR,with primers 10and 11,in order to detect it on a 8%polyacrylamide gel stained with ethidium bromide (Figure 5).The bands with the expected mobilities appeared up to 4succesive steps (lanes 0–4),and were significantly detected for the 5th and 6th steps,with major bands due to the unexpected products.The band for the 7th step was not observed.Successive State Transitions23 The unexpected products in the5th and6th steps were subjected to sequence analysis,and were found to comprise11–6–5–10for the5th step,and11–2–1–0–10for the6th.The reason for the occurrence of these sequences is probably hybridization between the extended part of the machine and PCR primers(or the remains of output oligomers),due to accidental similarities in their sequences.This was a pitfall in our sequence design.In order to show that our technique enables the state machine to start from any state,we appended sequence3–4,forcing the machine to start from the 4th state.We thus succeeded in skipping thefirst4steps,and in performing the following4transitions up to state8(data not shown).M01234567Fig.5.Gel electrophoresis of the transition products.The transiton was successful up to the4th step.Unexpected short major bands appear in the5th and6th steps.3Discussion3.1Benefits from I/O InterfaceWe realized the appending of any transition state or any readout sequence at the3’-end of the state machine.This implementation of I/O interface greatly improved the practicality of Whiplash model.A typical design of readout process for previous DNA computers has been to hybridize a marker DNA to a specific position which is pre-designed in DNA sequences.That is,what can be read is fixed by the initial sequence design.In our approach,on the other hand,reading or outputting an arbitrary state became possible.We list some of its applications.Starting from an Internal State.By appending an input sequence,we can start the state transition from any internal state,and can skip some transitions.24K.Komiya et al.Probing Transition States.By appending a PCR primer-binding site,we can check whether a certain state is transited.Note that appending of a primer-binding site does not alter the execution of other machines.This means that we can observe the transitions,by not stopping the execution of the unprobed machines.Data Transfer between Molecules.With the I/O technique,we could feed the output of one machine as the input of another.We could also preserve the computed data for the execution of different machines.This is a kind of‘DNA to DNA computations’[11],where information on a DNA molecule is transferred to another molecule,according to a logic arbitrarily given[11,12,13]3.2Reaction on Solid PhaseReaction using solid phase techniques has been used in DNA computing,mainly for solving NP-complete problems[6,5].The scalability and the potential for automation are usually referred as the advantages of the solid support,because DNA is used only as a memory device.On the other hand,the importance of solid support for whiplash reactions is guaranteeing the independence of each molecule.In this sense,our idea of this use of the surfaces is hinted by a report on an in vitro selection of RNA enzymes (ribozymes)[2].A ribozyme is a kind of the sophisticated molecular machines that can be artificially produced[3].3.3Sequence DesignSince the melting temperature of DNA molecules depends on their GC content, it is best to uniformly distribute GC in sequences.For this reason,we set the GC content of sequences to be the same.More important is the avoidance of unpexpected polymerization from the3’-end.For this reason,this part should not completely hybridize with other sequences.However,the sequence design satisfying these conditions became extremely difficult,especially when:–we can use only three bases,and–wefix the number of GCs in each sequence.One solution to get over this hardness is to enhance the genetic alphabet by using artificial bases such as isoguanosines(iG)or5-methylisocytidines(iC).We do not intend,however,to fully mix these bases with natural bases.We only need to introduce a single artificial base near each3’-end,because the polymerization of misproducts does not start unless the3’-end completely hybridizes with a ‘false’site.Therefore,a single iC(or iG)is enough to prevent an unexpected extension.Although artificial bases are not used in our experiment of this paper, the prospect of their special use is shown in our previous work[9].Successive State Transitions25 3.4Increasing the Number of Tranistion StepsThe reliability and the efficiency of intramolecular reaction may have been doubted,but we demonstrated the successful multi-step transitions.In this pa-per,we introduced three experimental landmarks in Whiplash model:–state transition on solid phase,–implementation of an I/O interface,–state transition for several steps.In whiplash reactions,the transition from the current state to the next one competes with the‘back annealing’of the current state to the previous position in the transition table.This difficulty was overcome with the isothermal conditions, developed previously[9].Several successive transitions were expected to confer other difficulties.One is that the sequences added at the3’-end during the transitions have comple-mentary counterparts in the transition table.Therefore,the longer becomes the state machine,the more chance it has to take a hairpin structure,which prohibits further transitions in the present design of the transition table.However,the drastic reduction in efficiency after the4th step,as shown above,was probably caused by the mis-annealing of the3’-end subsequence to inappropriate PCR primers or oligomers for output.It should be made clear which type of error is responsible for this result:an error during the state tran-sition,or an error during the PCR amplification for readout.Although either possibility must be separately considered in the design of DNA sequences,these possibilities may at least be attributed to the composition biased toward C and T.(Note that we do not use A in sequences.)They were designed to contain very few G,in order not to hybridize with eath other,but this bias seems to have induced the unexpected similarity between3’-termini of sequences.Careful re-design of sequences with more G is now ongoing.We consider that the transition for10steps will be possible with‘good’sequences.Another difficulty relates to the multiple occurrence of a state in the table, making the machine go along branched paths.This makes the‘back annealing’described above even more serious.This undesired effects of the‘back annealing’was anlyzed in terms of statistical thermodynamics by John A.Rose and Russell J.Deaton(University of Mempshis).Acknowledgment.This work is supported by the Japan Society for the Pro-motion of Science“Research for the Future”Program(JSPS-RFTF96I00101).Thefifth and seventh authors are supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Area“Genome Science”from Ministry of Education,Sci-ence,Sports and Culture,Japan.26K.Komiya et al.References1.Arita,M.,Nishikawa,A.,Hagiya,M.,Komiya,K.,Gouzu,H.,and Sakamoto,K.:Improving Sequence Design for DNA Computing,pp.875–882,Proceedings of GECCO2000,2000.2.Bartel,DP.and Szostak,JW.:Isolation of New Ribozymes from a Large Pool ofRandom Sequences,Nature261,pp.1411–1418,1993.3.Ellington,AD.,Robertson,MP.,James,KD.,and Cox,JJ.:Strategies for DNAComputing,DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer 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