Resetting the epigenome beyond pluripotency in the germline.
荧光显微镜观察细胞凋亡( Hoechst 33258 核染色):将细胞接种到24孔板 上(1.2x105/孔),托血清16-24 h后用不同浓度SPP处理细胞48 h ,吸去培养基,用PBS洗细胞3 次。然后用2.5% 的戊二醛固定细胞4 h,置摇床上用0.9% NaCL洗细胞3次。除去上清液后,用1μg/ml Hoechst 33258溶液在冰上避光处理细胞30min,然后用0.9% NaCL漂洗3次,甘油封闭后立即于荧光显微镜下(Olymus IX71)紫外光 (360 nm)激发,观察细胞核染色情况。
Fig 1 . Sporamin inhibited the wound closure of HT-29 cells in the presence of PMA. *, P<0.05 vs. PMA alone; #, P<0.05 vs. vehicle
Fig 3. Sporamin suppressed the PMA-induced secretion of uPA in HT-29 cells after 16 h
Fig 2. Sporamin decreases adhesion of colorectal carcinoma HT-29 cells to the substrate in the presence of PMA in HT-29 cells after 16 h
Fig 4. Gelatin zymogram of conditioned medium from HT-29 cancer cells treated with 100 ng/ml PMA and various concentrations of sporamin during 4-h incubation period showing direct inhibitory effect of sporamin on MMP-9 and MMP-2 activity.
白杨素对离体培养致炎大鼠软骨细胞凋亡及内质网应激GRP78/PERK/CHOP通路的影响*廖太阳,杨楠,张力,吴鹏,王培民△,丁亮△[南京中医药大学附属医院(江苏省中医院)骨伤科,江苏南京210029][摘要]目的:观察白杨素(CHR )对大鼠软骨细胞凋亡的影响,并探究其可能分子机制。
方法:提取大鼠软骨细胞,使用脂多糖(LPS )诱导体外骨关节炎模型,将细胞随机分为对照(control )组、LPS 组及CHR 处理组(处理浓度分别为1和5mg/L );采用CCK -8法测定不同条件下软骨细胞的活力;采用流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡情况;Hoechst 33342染色法观察凋亡细胞核变化;Western blot 检测各组细胞凋亡相关蛋白及内质网应激相关蛋白[葡萄糖调节蛋白78(GRP78)、转录激活因子6(ATF -6)、CCAAT/增强子结合蛋白同源蛋白(CHOP )、蛋白激酶R 样内质网激酶(PERK )、p -PERK 、真核起始因子2α(eIF2α)和p -eIF2α]的表达水平。
结果:CHR 浓度为1和5mg/L 时可显著提高LPS 致炎软骨细胞的活力(P <0.05),逆转细胞凋亡情况,上调Bcl -2的蛋白表达(P <0.05),抑制Bax 、cleaved caspase -3、caspase -9、GRP78、ATF -6和CHOP 的蛋白表达(P <0.05),降低p -PERK/PERK 和p -eIF2α/eIF2α比值(P <0.05),以CHR 高浓度组效果更显著(P <0.05)。
结论:白杨素减轻LPS 诱导的大鼠软骨细胞凋亡,其机制与抑制内质网应激GRP78/PERK/CHOP 信号通路的活化有关。
[关键词]白杨素;细胞凋亡;脂多糖;软骨细胞;内质网应激[中图分类号]R684.3;R363.2[文献标志码]Adoi :10.3969/j.issn.1000-4718.2022.12.011Chrysin attenuates lipopolysaccharide -induced apoptosis of rat chondro⁃cytes via GRP78/PERK/CHOP signaling pathwayLIAO Tai -yang ,YANG Nan ,ZHANG Li ,WU Peng ,WANG Pei -min △,DING Liang △(Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology ,Affilliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine &Jiangsu Province Hospital of Chinese Medicine ,Nanjing 210029,China.E -mail :wangpeimin@ ;dee 1987@ )[ABSTRACT ]AIM :To observe the effect of chrysin (CHR )on the apoptosis of rat chondrocytes ,and to explore its possible mechanism.METHODS :Rat chondrocytes were isolated and osteoarthritis model was induced by lipopoly‐saccharide (LPS ).The chondrocytes were randomly divided into control group ,LPS group ,and CHR treatment groups (1and 5mg/L ,respectively ).The viability of chondrocytes was determined by CCK -8assay.Flow cytometry was used to de‐tect the apoptosis.Hoechst 33342staining was used to observe the nuclear changes of apoptotic cells.The levels of apopto‐sis -related proteins and endoplasmic reticulum stress -related proteins ,glucose -regulated protein 78(GRP78),activating transcription factor -6(ATF -6),CCAAT/enhancer -binding protein homologous protein (CHOP ),protein kinase R -like en‐doplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK ),p -PERK ,eukaryotic initiation factor 2α(eIF2α)and p -eIF2α,were determined by Western blot.RESULTS :Treatment with CHR at both 1and 5mg/L significantly increased the viability of LPS -induced chondrocytes (P <0.05),reversed the cell apoptosis ,up -regulated the protein expression of Bcl -2(P <0.05),inhibited the protein expression of Bax ,cleaved caspase -3,caspase -9,GRP78,ATF -6and CHOP (P <0.05),and decreased the ratios of p -PERK/PERK and p -eIF2α/eIF2α(P <0.05).CONCLUSION :Chrysin attenuates LPS -induced apoptosis ofrat chondrocytes via GRP78/PERK/CHOP signaling pathway.[文章编号]1000-4718(2022)12-2197-08[收稿日期]2022-07-21[修回日期]2022-11-01*[基金项目]国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.82074460);江苏省中医院高峰学术人才项目(No.y2021rc02);江苏省中医药科技发展计划项目(No.MS2021016)△通讯作者王培民Tel :025-********;E -mail :wangpeimin@ ;丁亮Tel :139****5506;E -mail :dee1987@··2197[KEY WORDS]Chrysin;Apoptosis;Lipopolysaccharides;Chondrocytes;Endoplasmic reticulum stress软骨细胞是关节软骨中唯一的细胞类型,在细胞外基质的合成和更新过程中发挥至关重要的作用,并维持基质的完整。
临床表现: 临床表现:
交感眼 视力下降 虹膜睫状体炎的表现 玻璃体混浊 视乳头水肿充血 视网膜水肿、 视网膜水肿、脱离 可导致继发性青光眼及并发性白内障 受伤眼- 受伤眼-持续的慢性炎症
处理: 处理:
尽快修复伤口, 尽快修复伤口,恢复眼球完整 一般不主张施行伤眼眼球摘除手 除非视功能完全丧失, 术,除非视功能完全丧失,且炎症 无法控制 全身及局部使用糖皮质激素或免 疫抑制剂
5~10 degree <5 degree
全世界 46% 白内障 12.5% 沙眼 河盲(盘尾丝虫病) 河盲(盘尾丝虫病) 0.6% 角膜病 青光眼 视网膜脉络膜病 先天性 视神经病 屈光不正 眼外伤 中国 46% 10.9% 15.4% 8.8% 5.5% 5.1% 2.9% 2.9% 2.6%
中期治疗: 中期治疗 应用胶原酶抑制剂预防角膜穿孔. EDTA, Nacetycysteine 自家血清 角膜接触软镜促进角膜上皮愈合. . 预防睑球粘连. 板层角膜移植
晚期治疗: 晚期治疗 人工泪液 分离睑球粘连 矫正眼睑内翻及外翻 穿透性角膜移植 治疗继发性青光眼
电光性眼炎(紫外线损伤) 电光性眼炎(紫外线损伤)
锐器刺入造成眼球壁的全层 锐器刺入造成眼球壁的全层 裂开, 裂开,可伴有或不伴有眼内组 织脱出。 织脱出。
分为: Corneal wound(角膜伤口) Corneoscleral wound(角巩膜伤口) Scleral wound(巩膜伤口)
症状: 症状
眼痛、流泪、 眼痛、流泪、视力下降
角膜挫伤: 角膜挫伤:
pain, foreign body sensation, photophobia and tearing(痛、异物感、畏光、流泪) Fluorescein will stain the epithelial defect (荧光素染色显示上皮缺损)FL(+)
Cancer Epigenetics From Mechanism to Therapy
Leading EdgeReviewCancer Epigenetics:From Mechanism to TherapyMark A.Dawson1,2and Tony Kouzarides1,*1Gurdon Institute and Department of Pathology,University of Cambridge,Tennis Court Road,Cambridge CB21QN,UK2Department of Haematology,Cambridge Institute for Medical Research and Addenbrooke’s Hospital,University of Cambridge,Hills Road, Cambridge CB20XY,UK*Correspondence:t.kouzarides@/10.1016/j.cell.2012.06.013The epigenetic regulation of DNA-templated processes has been intensely studied over the last15 years.DNA methylation,histone modification,nucleosome remodeling,and RNA-mediated target-ing regulate many biological processes that are fundamental to the genesis of cancer.Here,we present the basic principles behind these epigenetic pathways and highlight the evidence suggest-ing that their misregulation can culminate in cancer.This information,along with the promising clin-ical and preclinical results seen with epigenetic drugs against chromatin regulators,signifies that it is time to embrace the central role of epigenetics in cancer.Chromatin is the macromolecular complex of DNA and histone proteins,which provides the scaffold for the packaging of our entire genome.It contains the heritable material of eukaryotic cells.The basic functional unit of chromatin is the nucleosome. It contains147base pairs of DNA,which is wrapped around a histone octamer,with two each of histones H2A,H2B,H3, and H4.In general and simple terms,chromatin can be subdi-vided into two major regions:(1)heterochromatin,which is highly condensed,late to replicate,and primarily contains inac-tive genes;and(2)euchromatin,which is relatively open and contains most of the active genes.Efforts to study the coordi-nated regulation of the nucleosome have demonstrated that all of its components are subject to covalent modification,which fundamentally alters the organization and function of these basic tenants of chromatin(Allis et al.,2007).The term‘‘epigenetics’’was originally coined by Conrad Wad-dington to describe heritable changes in a cellular phenotype that were independent of alterations in the DNA sequence. Despite decades of debate and research,a consensus definition of epigenetics remains both contentious and ambiguous(Berger et al.,2009).Epigenetics is most commonly used to describe chromatin-based events that regulate DNA-templated pro-cesses,and this will be the definition we use in this review. Modifications to DNA and histones are dynamically laid down and removed by chromatin-modifying enzymes in a highly regulated manner.There are now at least four different DNA modifications(Baylin and Jones,2011;Wu and Zhang,2011) and16classes of histone modifications(Kouzarides,2007;Tan et al.,2011).These are described in Table1.These modifications can alter chromatin structure by altering noncovalent interac-tions within and between nucleosomes.They also serve as docking sites for specialized proteins with unique domains that specifically recognize these modifications.These chromatin readers recruit additional chromatin modifiers and remodeling enzymes,which serve as the effectors of the modification.The information conveyed by epigenetic modifications plays a critical role in the regulation of all DNA-based processes, such as transcription,DNA repair,and replication.Conse-quently,abnormal expression patterns or genomic alterations in chromatin regulators can have profound results and can lead to the induction and maintenance of various cancers.In this Review,we highlight recent advances in our understanding of these epigenetic pathways and discuss their role in oncogen-esis.We provide a comprehensive list of all the recurrent cancer mutations described thus far in epigenetic pathways regulating modifications of DNA(Figure2),histones(Figures3,4,and5), and chromatin remodeling(Figure6).Where relevant,we will also emphasize existing and emerging drug therapies aimed at targeting epigenetic regulators(Figure1).Characterizing the EpigenomeOur appreciation of epigenetic complexity and plasticity has dramatically increased over the last few years following the development of several global proteomic and genomic technol-ogies.The coupling of next-generation sequencing(NGS)plat-forms with established chromatin techniques such as chromatin immunoprecipitation(ChIP-Seq)has presented us with a previ-ously unparalleled view of the epigenome(Park,2009).These technologies have provided comprehensive maps of nucleo-some positioning(Segal and Widom,2009),chromatin confor-mation(de Wit and de Laat,2012),transcription factor binding sites(Farnham,2009),and the localization of histone(Rando and Chang,2009)and DNA(Laird,2010)modifications.In addi-tion,NGS has revealed surprising facts about the mammalian transcriptome.We now have a greater appreciation of the fact that most of our genome is transcribed and that noncoding RNA may play a fundamental role in epigenetic regulation(Ama-ral et al.,2008).Most of the complexity surrounding the epigenome comes from the modification pathways that have been identified.12Cell150,July6,2012ª2012Elsevier Inc.Recent improvements in the sensitivity and accuracy of mass spectrometry (MS)instruments have driven many of these discoveries (Stunnenberg and Vermeulen,2011).Moreover,although MS is inherently not quantitative,recent advances in labeling methodologies,such as stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC),isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ),and isotope-coded affinity tag (ICAT),have allowed a greater ability to provide quantitative measurements (Stunnenberg and Vermeulen,2011).These quantitative methods have generated ‘‘protein recruit-ment maps’’for histone and DNA modifications,which contain proteins that recognize chromatin modifications (Bartke et al.,2010;Vermeulen et al.,2010).Many of these chromatin readers have more than one reading motif,so it is important to under-stand how they recognize several modifications either simulta-neously or sequentially.The concept of multivalent engagement by chromatin-binding modules has recently been explored by using either modified histone peptides (Vermeulen et al.,2010)or in-vitro-assembled and -modified nucleosomes (Bartkeet al.,2010;Ruthenburg et al.,2011).The latter approach in particular has uncovered some of the rules governing the recruit-ment of protein complexes to methylated DNA and modified histones in a nucleosomal context.The next step in our under-standing will require a high-resolution in vivo genomic approach to detail the dynamic events on any given nucleosome during the course of gene expression.Epigenetics and the Cancer ConnectionThe earliest indications of an epigenetic link to cancer were derived from gene expression and DNA methylation studies.These studies are too numerous to comprehensively detail in this review;however,the reader is referred to an excellent review detailing the history of cancer epigenetics (Feinberg and Tycko,2004).Although many of these initial studies were purely correl-ative,they did highlight a potential connection between epige-netic pathways and cancer.These early observations have been significantly strengthened by recent results from the Inter-national Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC).Whole-genomeTable 1.Chromatin Modifications,Readers,and Their Function Chromatin Modification NomenclatureChromatin-Reader MotifAttributed Functionand Cit,citrulline.Reader domains:MBD,methyl-CpG-binding domain;PHD,plant homeodomain;MBT,malignant brain tumor domain;PWWP,proline-tryptophan-tryptophan-proline domain;BRCT,BRCA1C terminus domain;UIM,ubiquitin interaction motif;IUIM,inverted ubiquitin interaction motif;SIM,sumo interaction motif;and PBZ,poly ADP-ribose binding zinc finger.aThese are established binding modules for the posttranslational modification;however,binding to modified histones has not been firmly established.Cell 150,July 6,2012ª2012Elsevier Inc.13sequencing in a vast array of cancers has provided a catalog of recurrent somatic mutations in numerous epigenetic regulators (Forbes et al.,2011;Stratton et al.,2009).A central tenet in analyzing these cancer genomes is the identification of ‘‘driver’’mutations (causally implicated in the process of oncogenesis).A key feature of driver mutations is that they are recurrently found in a variety of cancers,and/or they are often present at a high prevalence in a specific tumor type.We will mostly concentrate our discussions on suspected or proven driver mutations in epigenetic regulators.For instance,malignancies such as follicular lymphoma contain recurrent mutations of the histone methyltransferase MLL2in close to 90%of cases (Morin et al.,2011).Similarly,UTX ,a histone demethylase,is mutated in up to 12histologi-cally distinct cancers (van Haaften et al.,2009).Compilation of the epigenetic regulators mutated in cancer highlights histone acetylation and methylation as the most widely affected epige-netic pathways (Figures 3and 4).These and other pathways that are affected to a lesser extent will be described in the following sections.Deep sequencing technologies aimed at mapping chromatin modifications have also begun to shed some light on the origins of epigenetic abnormalities in cancer.Cross-referencing of DNA methylation profiles in human cancers with ChIP-Seq data for histone modifications and the binding of chromatinregulators have raised intriguing correlations between cancer-associated DNA hypermethylation and genes marked with ‘‘bivalent’’histone modifications in multipotent cells (Easwaran et al.,2012;Ohm et al.,2007).These bivalent genes are marked by active (H3K4me3)and repressive (H3K27me3)histone modi-fications (Bernstein et al.,2006)and appear to identify transcrip-tionally poised genes that are integral to development and lineage commitment.Interestingly,many of these genes are targeted for DNA methylation in cancer.Equally intriguing are recent comparisons between malignant and normal tissues from the same individuals.These data demonstrate broad domains within the malignant cells that contain significant alter-ations in DNA methylation.These regions appear to correlate with late-replicating regions of the genome associated with the nuclear lamina (Berman et al.,2012).Although there remains little mechanistic insight into how and why these regions of the genome are vulnerable to epigenetic alterations in cancer,these studies highlight the means by which global sequencing plat-forms have started to uncover avenues for further investigation.Genetic lesions in chromatin modifiers and global alterations in the epigenetic landscape not only imply a causative role for these proteins in cancer but also provide potential targets for therapeutic intervention.A number of small-molecule inhibitors have already been developed against chromatin regulators (Figure 1).These are at various stages of development,andthreeFigure 1.Epigenetic Inhibitors as Cancer TherapiesThis schematic depicts the process for epigenetic drug development and the current status of various epigenetic therapies.Candidate small molecules are first tested in vitro in malignant cell lines for specificity and phenotypic response.These may,in the first instance,assess the inhibition of proliferation,induction of apoptosis,or cell-cycle arrest.These phenotypic assays are often coupled to genomic and proteomic methods to identify potential molecular mechanisms for the observed response.Inhibitors that demonstrate potential in vitro are then tested in vivo in animal models of cancer to ascertain whether they may provide therapeutic benefit in terms of survival.Animal studies also provide valuable information regarding the toxicity and pharmacokinetic properties of the drug.Based on these preclinical studies,candidate molecules may be taken forward into the clinical setting.When new drugs prove beneficial in well-conducted clinical trials,they are approved for routine clinical use by regulatory authorities such as the FDA.KAT,histone lysine acetyltransferase;KMT,histone lysine methyltransferase;RMT,histone arginine methyltransferase;and PARP,poly ADP ribose polymerase.14Cell 150,July 6,2012ª2012Elsevier Inc.of these(targeting DNMTs,HDACs,and JAK2)have already been granted approval by the US Food and Drug Administra-tion(FDA).This success may suggest that the interest in epige-netic pathways as targets for drug discovery had been high over the past decade.However,the reality is that thefield of drug discovery had been somewhat held back due to concerns over the pleiotropic effects of both the drugs and their targets. Indeed,some of the approved drugs(against HDACs)have little enzyme specificity,and their mechanism of action remains contentious(Minucci and Pelicci,2006).The belief and investment in epigenetic cancer therapies may now gain momentum and reach a new level of support following the recent preclinical success of inhibitors against BRD4,an acetyl-lysine chromatin-binding protein(Dawson et al.,2011; Delmore et al.,2011;Filippakopoulos et al.,2010;Mertz et al., 2011;Zuber et al.,2011).The molecular mechanisms governing these impressive preclinical results have also been largely uncovered and are discussed below.This process is pivotal for the successful progression of these inhibitors into the clinic. These results,along with the growing list of genetic lesions in epigenetic regulators,highlight the fact that we have now entered an era of epigenetic cancer therapies.Epigenetic Pathways Connected to CancerDNA MethylationThe methylation of the5-carbon on cytosine residues(5mC)in CpG dinucleotides was thefirst described covalent modifica-tion of DNA and is perhaps the most extensively characterized modification of chromatin.DNA methylation is primarily noted within centromeres,telomeres,inactive X-chromosomes,and repeat sequences(Baylin and Jones,2011;Robertson,2005). Although global hypomethylation is commonly observed in malignant cells,the best-studied epigenetic alterations in cancerare the methylation changes that occur within CpG islands, which are present in 70%of all mammalian promoters.CpG island methylation plays an important role in transcriptional regu-lation,and it is commonly altered during malignant transforma-tion(Baylin and Jones,2011;Robertson,2005).NGS platforms have now provided genome-wide maps of CpG methylation. These have confirmed that between5%–10%of normally unme-thylated CpG promoter islands become abnormally methylated in various cancer genomes.They also demonstrate that CpG hypermethylation of promoters not only affects the expression of protein coding genes but also the expression of various noncoding RNAs,some of which have a role in malignant trans-formation(Baylin and Jones,2011).Importantly,these genome-wide DNA methylome studies have also uncovered intriguing alterations in DNA methylation within gene bodies and at CpG‘‘shores,’’which are conserved sequences upstream and downstream of CpG islands.The functional relevance of these regional alterations in methylation are yet to be fully deciphered, but it is interesting to note that they have challenged the general dogma that DNA methylation invariably equates with transcriptional silencing.In fact,these studies have established that many actively transcribed genes have high levels of DNA methylation within the gene body,suggesting that the context and spatial distribution of DNA methylation is vital in transcrip-tional regulation(Baylin and Jones,2011).Three active DNA methyltransferases(DNMTs)have been identified in higher eukaryotes.DNMT1is a maintenance methyl-transferase that recognizes hemimethylated DNA generated during DNA replication and then methylates newly synthesized CpG dinucleotides,whose partners on the parental strand are already methylated(Li et al.,1992).Conversely,DNMT3a and DNMT3b,although also capable of methylating hemimethylated DNA,function primarily as de novo methyltransferases to estab-lish DNA methylation during embryogenesis(Okano et al.,1999). DNA methylation provides a platform for several methyl-binding proteins.These include MBD1,MBD2,MBD3,and MeCP2. These in turn function to recruit histone-modifying enzymes to coordinate the chromatin-templated processes(Klose and Bird,2006).Although mutations in DNA methyltransferases and MBD proteins have long been known to contribute to developmental abnormalities(Robertson,2005),we have only recently become aware of somatic mutations of these key genes in human malig-nancies(Figure2).Recent sequencing of cancer genomes has identified recurrent mutations in DNMT3A in up to25%of patients with acute myeloid leukemia(AML)(Ley et al.,2010). Importantly,these mutations are invariably heterozygous and are predicted to disrupt the catalytic activity of the enzyme. Moreover,their presence appears to impact prognosis(Patel et al.,2012).However,at present,the mechanisms bywhich Figure2.Cancer Mutations Affecting Epigenetic Regulators of DNA MethylationThe5-carbon of cytosine nucleotides are methylated(5mC)by a family of DNMTs.One of these,DNMT3A,is mutated in AML,myeloproliferative diseases(MPD),and myelodysplastic syndromes(MDS).In addition to its catalytic activity,DNMT3A has a chromatin-reader motif,the PWWP domain, which may aid in localizing this enzyme to chromatin.Somatically acquired mutations in cancer may also affect this domain.The TET family of DNA hydroxylases metabolizes5mC into several oxidative intermediates,including 5-hydroxymethylcytosine(5hmC),5-formylcytosine(5fC),and5-carbox-ylcytosine(5caC).These intermediates are likely involved in the process of active DNA demethylation.Two of the three TET family members are mutated in cancers,including AML,MPD,MDS,and CMML.Mutation types are as follows:M,missense;F,frameshift;N,nonsense;S,splice site mutation;and T,translocation.Cell150,July6,2012ª2012Elsevier Inc.15these mutations contribute to the development and/or mainte-nance of AML remains elusive.Understanding the cellular consequences of normal and aber-rant DNA methylation remains a key area of interest,especially because hypomethylating agents are one of the few epigenetic therapies that have gained FDA approval for routine clinical use(Figure1).Although hypomethylating agents such as azaci-tidine and decitabine have shown mixed results in various solid malignancies,they have found a therapeutic niche in the myelo-dysplastic syndromes(MDS).Until recently,this group of disor-ders was largely refractory to therapeutic intervention,and MDS was primarily managed with supportive care.However,several large studies have now shown that treatment with azacitidine, even in poor prognosis patients,improves their quality of life and extends survival time.Indeed,azacitidine is thefirst therapy to have demonstrated a survival benefit for patients with MDS (Fenaux et al.,2009).The molecular mechanisms governing the impressive responses seen in MDS are largely unknown. However,recent evidence would suggest that low doses of these agents hold the key to therapeutic benefit(Tsai et al., 2012).It is also emerging that the combinatorial use of DNMT and HDAC inhibitors may offer superior therapeutic outcomes (Gore,2011).DNA Hydroxy-Methylation and Its Oxidation Derivatives Historically,DNA methylation was generally considered to be a relatively stable chromatin modification.However,early studies assessing the global distribution of this modification during embryogenesis had clearly identified an active global loss of DNA methylation in the early zygote,especially in the male pronucleus.More recently,high-resolution genome-wide mapping of this modification in pluripotent and differentiated cells has also confirmed the dynamic nature of DNA methylation, evidently signifying the existence of an enzymatic activity within mammalian cells that either erases or alters this chromatin modification(Baylin and Jones,2011).In2009,two seminal manuscripts describing the presence of5-hydroxymethylcyto-sine(5hmC)offered thefirst insights into the metabolism of 5mC(Kriaucionis and Heintz,2009;Tahiliani et al.,2009).The ten-eleven translocation(TET1–3)family of proteins have now been demonstrated to be the mammalian DNA hydroxy-lases responsible for catalytically converting5mC to5hmC. Indeed,iterative oxidation of5hmC by the TET family results in further oxidation derivatives,including5-formylcytosine(5fC) and5-carboxylcytosine(5caC).Although the biological signifi-cance of the5mC oxidation derivatives is yet to be established, several lines of evidence highlight their importance in transcrip-tional regulation:(1)they are likely to be an essential intermediate in the process of both active and passive DNA demethylation,(2) they preclude or enhance the binding of several MBD proteins and,as such,will have local and global effects by altering the recruitment of chromatin regulators,and(3)genome-wide mapping of5hmC has identified a distinctive distribution of this modification at both active and repressed genes,including its presence within gene bodies and at the promoters of bivalently marked,transcriptionally poised genes(Wu and Zhang,2011). Notably,5hmC was also mapped to several intergenic cis-regu-latory elements that are either functional enhancers or insulator elements.Consistent with the notion that5hmC is likely to have a role in both transcriptional activation and silencing, the TET proteins have also been shown to have activating and repressive functions(Wu and Zhang,2011).Genome-wide mapping of TET1has demonstrated it to have a strong prefer-ence for CpG-rich DNA and,consistent with its catalytic function, it also been localized to regions enriched for5mC and5hmC. The TET family of proteins derive their name from the initial description of a recurrent chromosomal translocation, t(10;11)(q22;q23),which juxtaposes the MLL gene with TET1in a subset of patients with AML(Lorsbach et al.,2003).Notably, concurrent to the initial description of the catalytic activity for the TET family of DNA hydroxylases,several reports emerged describing recurrent mutations in TET2in numerous hematolog-ical malignancies(Cimmino et al.,2011;Delhommeau et al., 2009;Langemeijer et al.,2009)(Figure2).Interestingly,TET2-deficient mice develop a chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML)phenotype,which is in keeping with the high prevalence of TET2mutations in patients with this disease(Moran-Crusio et al.,2011;Quivoron et al.,2011).The clinical implications of TET2mutations have largely been inconclusive;however,in some subsets of AML patients,TET2mutations appear to confer a poor prognosis(Patel et al.,2012).Early insights into the process of TET2-mediated oncogenesis have revealed that the patient-associated mutations are largely loss-of-function muta-tions that consequently result in decreased5hmC levels and a reciprocal increase in5mC levels within the malignant cells that harbor them.Moreover,mutations in TET2also appear to confer enhanced self-renewal properties to the malignant clones (Cimmino et al.,2011).Histone ModificationsIn1964,Vincent Allfrey prophetically surmised that histone modifications might have a functional influence on the regulation of transcription(Allfrey et al.,1964).Nearly half a century later, thefield is still grappling with the task of unraveling the mecha-nisms underlying his enlightened statement.In this time,we have learned that these modifications have a major influence, not just on transcription,but in all DNA-templated processes (Kouzarides,2007).The major cellular processes attributed to each of these modifications are summarized in Table1.The great diversity in histone modifications introduces a remarkable complexity that is slowly beginning to be ing transcription as an example,we have learned that multiple coexisting histone modifications are associated with activation,and some are associated with repression. However,these modification patterns are not static entities but a dynamically changing and complex landscape that evolves in a cell context-dependent fashion.Moreover,active and repres-sive modifications are not always mutually exclusive,as evi-denced by‘‘bivalent domains.’’The combinatorial influence that one or more histone modifications have on the deposition, interpretation,or erasure of other histone modifications has been broadly termed‘‘histone crosstalk,’’and recent evidence would suggest that crosstalk is widespread and is of great bio-logical significance(Lee et al.,2010).It should be noted that the cellular enzymes that modify histones may also have nonhistone targets and,as such,it has been difficult to divorce the cellular consequences of individual histone modifications from the broader targets of many of these16Cell150,July6,2012ª2012Elsevier Inc.enzymes.In addition to their catalytic function,many chromatin modifiers also possess‘‘reader’’domains allowing them to bind to specific regions of the genome and respond to information conveyed by upstream signaling cascades.This is important, as it provides two avenues for therapeutically targeting these epigenetic regulators.The residues that line the binding pocket of reader domains can dictate a particular preference for specific modification states,whereas residues outside the binding pocket contribute to determining the histone sequence specificity.This combination allows similar reader domains to dock at different modified residues or at the same amino acid displaying different modification states.For example,some methyl-lysine readers engage most efficiently with di/tri-methyl-ated lysine(Kme2/3),whereas others prefer mono-or unmethy-lated lysines.Alternatively,when the same lysines are now acet-ylated,they bind to proteins containing bromodomains(Taverna et al.,2007).The main modification binding pockets contained within chromatin-associated proteins is summarized in Table1. Many of the proteins that modify or bind these histone modifi-cations are misregulated in cancer,and in the ensuing sections, we will discuss the most extensively studied histone modifica-tions in relation to oncogenesis and novel therapeutics. Histone Acetylation.The Nε-acetylation of lysine residues is a major histone modification involved in transcription,chromatin structure,and DNA repair.Acetylation neutralizes lysine’s posi-tive charge and may consequently weaken the electrostatic interaction between histones and negatively charged DNA.For this reason,histone acetylation is often associated with a more ‘‘open’’chromatin conformation.Consistent with this,ChIP-Seq analyses have confirmed the distribution of histone acetyla-tion at promoters and enhancers and,in some cases,throughout the transcribed region of active genes(Heintzman et al.,2007; Wang et al.,2008).Importantly,lysine acetylation also serves as the nidus for the binding of various proteins with bromodo-mains and tandem plant homeodomain(PHD)fingers,which recognize this modification(Taverna et al.,2007).Acetylation is highly dynamic and is regulated by the competing activities of two enzymatic families,the histone lysine acetyltransferases(KATs)and the histone deacetylases (HDACs).There are two major classes of KATs:(1)type-B,which are predominantly cytoplasmic and modify free histones,and(2) type-A,which are primarily nuclear and can be broadly classifiedinto the GNAT,MYST,and CBP/p300families.KATs were thefirst enzymes shown to modify histones.The importance of thesefindings to cancer was immediately apparent,as one of these enzymes,CBP,was identified by its ability to bind the transforming portion of the viral oncoprotein E1A(Bannister and Kouzarides,1996).It is now clear that many,if not most,of the KATs have been implicated in neoplastic transformation,and a number of viral oncoproteins are known to associate with them.There are numerous examples of recur-rent chromosomal translocations(e.g.,MLL-CBP[Wang et al., 2005]and MOZ-TIF2[Huntly et al.,2004])or coding mutations (e.g.,p300/CBP[Iyer et al.,2004;Pasqualucci et al.,2011]) involving various KATs in a broad range of solid and hematolog-ical malignancies(Figure3).Furthermore,altered expression levels of several of the KATs have also been noted in a range of cancers(Avvakumov and Coˆte´,2007;Iyer et al.,2004).In some cases,such as the leukemia-associated fusion gene MOZ-TIF2,we know a great deal about the cellular conse-quences of this translocation involving a MYST family member. MOZ-TIF2is sufficient to recapitulate an aggressive leukemia in murine models;it can confer stem cell properties and reacti-vate a self-renewal program when introduced into committed hematopoietic progenitors,and much of this oncogenic potential is dependent on its inherent and recruited KAT activity as well as its ability to bind to nucleosomes(Deguchi et al.,2003;Huntly et al.,2004).Despite these insights,the great conundrum with regards to unraveling the molecular mechanisms by which histone acetyl-transferases contribute to malignant transformation has been dissecting the contribution of altered patterns in acetylation on histone and nonhistone proteins.Although it is clear that global histone acetylation patterns are perturbed in cancers(Fraga Figure 3.Cancer Mutations Affecting Epigenetic Regulators Involved in Histone AcetylationThese tables provide somatic cancer-associated mutations identified in histone acetyltransferases and proteins that contain bromodomains(which recognize and bind acetylated histones).Several histone acetyltransferases possess chromatin-reader motifs and,thus,mutations in the proteins may alter both their catalytic activities as well as the ability of these proteins to scaffold multiprotein complexes to chromatin.Interestingly,sequencing of cancer genomes to date has not identified any recurrent somatic mutations in histone deacetylase enzymes.Abbreviations for the cancers are as follows: AML,acute myeloid leukemia;ALL,acute lymphoid leukemia;B-NHL,B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma;DLBCL,diffuse large B-cell lymphoma;and TCC, transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder.Mutation types are as follows:M,missense;F,frameshift;N,nonsense;S,splice site mutation;T, translocation;and D,deletion.Cell150,July6,2012ª2012Elsevier Inc.17。
复合还原辅酶 生命源动力
复合还原辅酶生命源动力英文回答:Coenzyme is a molecule that plays a crucial role in various biochemical reactions in living organisms. One type of coenzyme is called a cofactor, which is a non-protein molecule that binds to an enzyme and helps it carry out its function. One example of a cofactor is NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which is involved in redox reactions in cells. NAD+ accepts electrons from one molecule and transfers them to another, thus facilitating the transfer of energy in the form of electrons. Another example is ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is often referred to as the "energy currency" of the cell. ATP stores and releases energy during cellular processes, such as muscle contraction and active transport.In addition to cofactors, there are also coenzymes that are derived from vitamins. These coenzymes are called "vitamins in disguise" because they are modified versionsof vitamins that have been converted into their active forms. One example is coenzyme A (CoA), which is derived from vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). CoA is involved in various metabolic reactions, including the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It acts as a carrier molecule, transferring acetyl groups from one reaction to another. Without CoA, these metabolic pathways would not be able to function properly.The concept of "life force" or "life energy" is often associated with the idea of complex coenzymes. These coenzymes, such as NADH (the reduced form of NAD+) and FADH2 (the reduced form of flavin adenine dinucleotide), are involved in the process of cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is the process by which cells convert glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide, water, and ATP. During this process, NADH and FADH2 donate electrons to the electron transport chain, which generates a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This proton gradient is then used by ATP synthase to produce ATP, the primary source of energy for cellular activities.In conclusion, complex coenzymes play a vital role in the energy metabolism of living organisms. They act as cofactors and carriers, facilitating biochemical reactions and the transfer of energy in the form of electrons. Coenzymes derived from vitamins, such as CoA, are essential for the breakdown of macronutrients. Moreover, coenzymes like NADH and FADH2 are involved in cellular respiration, the process that generates ATP, the "life force" of the cell.中文回答:辅酶是一种在生物体内各种生化反应中起着关键作用的分子。
W ei L i ,Q in Y ue ,Y onghui D eng ,*a nd D ongyuan Z haoO rdered Mesoporous Materials Based on Interfacial Assembly and EngineeringW. Li, Q. Yue, Prof. Y. H. Deng, Prof. D. Y. ZhaoDepartment of Chemistry and Shanghai Key Lab ofMolecular Catalysis and Innovative MaterialsState key Laboratory of MolecularEngineering of PolymersLaboratory of Advanced MaterialsFudan UniversityShanghai 200433, P. R. ChinaE-mail: y hdeng@D OI: 10.1002/adma.2013021841. IntroductionW ith recent progresses made in modern nanoscience andnanotechnology, ordered mesoporous materials have beenone of the hottest research topics in scientifi c communitiesspanned chemistry, materials science, physics and biology. [1–3]That is because ordered mesoporous materials possess fas-cinating properties including regular, uniform and interpen-etrating mesopores, tunable pore sizes, high surface areas aswell as abundant framework compositions. Compared withtheir bulk counterparts, they can interact with atoms, ions, mol-ecules or even larger guest species not only at the external sur-face, but also through the whole internal pore system. [4]As aresult, ordered mesoporous materials exhibit substantial perfor-mance boosts in numerous applications such as adsorption, [5–7]separation, [8]catalysis, [9–11]sensors, [12]drug delivery, [13,14]energyconversion and storage, [15–19]and so on. Since the exciting dis-covery of this new kind of materials based on the supramolec-ular assembly chemistry in the early nineties, [20–22]considerablework has been done to synthesize orderedmesoporous materials with diverse com-positions, morphologies and pore symme-tries; meanwhile, tremendous effort hasbeen devoted to elucidate the mechanismof mesostructure formation and exploretheir applications.T he construction of mesoporous mate-rials is mainly concerned with buildingmonodispersed mesosized (2-50 nm)pore voids and arranging them in a long-range ordered array. [23–25]Generally, twokinds of templates are used to produce themesopores: supramolecular aggregatessuch as surfactant micelle arrays, andrigid preformed mesoporous solids suchas ordered mesoporous silica, carbon, andcolloidal crystals. [26,27]The correspondingsynthesis pathways are commonlydescribed in literatures as soft- and hard-templating (nano-casting) methods, respectively. Noticeably, besides the template,the interface also plays a central role in the processing, becauseit provides a rich and crucial space for the assembly and con-struction of mesostructures. Generally, there are two types ofinterfaces involved in the synthetic system. The fi rst one is atbetween surfactant templates and guest species, which hasbeen extensively investigated by several research groups. [28–32]It suggests that the effective interaction of surfactants-guestspecies is critical to govern the soft-templating route for syn-thesis of ordered mesoporous materials. [24]Although excel-lent progresses have been made on the cooperative assemblyof mesostructures in an aqueous phase system, it has severalinherent drawbacks: i) the resultant products are typically pow-ders with ill-defi ned morphology, precluding their general usein thin fi lms or other shape-based technologies; ii) the prepa-ration of non-siliceous mesoporous materials is more chal-lenging because the hydrolysis and condensation of non-sili-ceous precursors (e.g., metal alkoxides) are generally diffi cultto control; iii) the arranged patterns and sizes of mesoporesare often limited; iv) it is a great challenge to obtain multifunc-tional mesoporous materials through such one-pot cooperativeassembly.A nother important interface is the two-phase (solid, liquidand gas) one in the synthetic system, including liquid-solid, gas-liquid, liquid-liquid, gas-solid, and solid-solid interface, whichhas been well developed for synthesis of mesoporous mate-rials ( F igure1). Compared with one-phase synthesis referringto homogeneous nucleation and growth, the introduction of a O rdered mesoporous materials have inspired prominent research interestdue to their unique properties and functionalities and potential applicationsin adsorption, separation, catalysis, sensors, drug delivery, energy conver-sion and storage, and so on. Thanks to continuous efforts over the past twodecades, great achievements have been made in the synthesis and structuralcharacterization of mesoporous materials. In this review, we summarizerecent progresses in preparing ordered mesoporous materials from theviewpoint of interfacial assembly and engineering. Five interfacial assemblyand synthesis are comprehensively highlighted, including liquid-solidinterfacial assembly, gas-liquid interfacial assembly, liquid-liquid interfacialassembly, gas-solid interfacial synthesis, and solid-solid interfacial synthesis,basics about their synthesis pathways, princples and interface engineeringstrategies.two-phase interface in the system will change growth behaviors of mesoporous materials and lead to the formation of molding or multifunctional mesoporous materials. Thus, above-mentioned drawbacks in one phase could be overwhelmed. For example, mesoporous thin fi lms or membranes have been widely fabri-cated on a substrate via an evaporation-induced self-assembly(EISA) method. [ 33 , 34 ] Multifunctional core-shell structuredmesoporous materials can be obtained by rationally depositingmesoporous shells on well-designed cores. [ 35 , 36 ] In addition, thewell-known hard-templating method for mesoporous materials is also a typical interface reaction. In this case, a fl uid (liquid, or even gas) precursor is fi rst infi ltrated into the nanometer-sized pore channels of solid templates, then converted into a targetnanomaterial by nanostructured confi nement. [ 27 , 37–41 ]Thisinterfacial casting strategy avoids the control of the cooperative assembly between surfactants and guest species, and the so-gel process of guest species, making it quite successful in plenty of mesoporous materials.W an and Zhao have comprehensively summarized the fun-damentals of interactions of surfactant-guest species at theinterface. [ 24 , 42 , 43 ] Thus, it will not be introduced in detail. In thisreview, we aim to review the synthesis of ordered mesoporous materials based on the interfacial assembly and engineering, unless otherwise specifi ed, which refer to the two-phase inter-face. Overall, the discussion of interfacial assembly and synthesis of ordered mesoporous materials will be classifi ed into fi ve cate-gories, including liquid-solid interfacial assembly (Section 2), gas-liquid interfacial assembly (Section 3), liquid-liquid interfacial assembly (Section 4), gas-solid interfacial synthesis (Section 5), and solid-solid interfacial synthesis (Section 6). In each section, we will focus on the synthesis pathways, principles and interface engineering strategies. In the last Section, we like to present a summary and some perspectives on the future developments.W ei Li received his B.S. degree in chemistry from Heilongjiang University under the supervi-sion of Prof. Honggang Fu in 2008. Then, he started his Ph.D. study in chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Dongyuan Zhao at Fudan University. He is interested in synthesis of porous materials and nanostructured materials.Q in Yue received her BS degree in chemistry from Fudan University (2011). She is currently pursuing his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Yonghui Deng at Fudan University. Her research focuses on the designed synthesis and applications of core-shell struc-tured materials.Y onghui Deng received his BS in chemistry from Nanchang University (2000) and PhD in polymer chemistry & physics from Fudan University (2005). He worked as a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Dongyuan Zhao (2005–2007), and was pro-moted as associate (2007) and full professor (2011) in Fudan University. He has coauthoredover 60 scientifi c papers and fi led 12 patents. His research interests include core–shell nanomaterials, functional porous materials, and their applications in catalysis, and separation, etc.D ongyuan Zhao received his BS (1984) and PhD (1990) from Jilin University. He carried out postdoctoral research at the Weizmann Institute of Science (1993–1994), University of Houston (1995–1996), and University of California at Santa Barbara (1996–1998). He is a Professor (Cheung Kong and Hao Qing Professorship) inFudan University since 1998. He was elected as an acad-emician of the Chinese Academy of Science in 2007, and a member of The WorldAcademy of Science (TWAS) in 2010. His research interests mainly include synthesis and applica-tion of ordered mesoporous materials.F igure 1. T he two-phase interfaces for the synthesis of mesoporous materials, including liquid-solid, gas-liquid, liquid-liquid, gas-solid, and solid-solid interface.infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and conventional FTIR, and so on.The fi nal mesostructures are affected by several factors such assurfactants and their concentration, inorganic precursors, fi naltreatment, even some apparently negligible parameters (e.g.,water concentration, processing humidity and evaporation tem-peratures). It was found that ordered mesostructures gener-ally formed in the last stage of the solvent evaporation, evenin the aging stage. [52]The interplay inside the guest speciesthemselves appears to be extremely important for the resultantordered mesostructures.2.1.1. General FactorsT hrough the EISA process, uniform homogeneous thin fi lmsare obtained only if the solvent perfectly wets the substrate andis volatile. Generally, the EISA process relies on the use of sol-vents with weak polarity such as ethanol, methanol, tetrahydro-furan (THF). The surfactant templates lose their hydrophilic/hydrophobic properties in the weak-polarity solvents due tothe fact that both hydrophilic and hydrophobic segments caninteract with these solvents. Thus, the self-assembly of sur-factants in the initial solution can be inhibited. In this regard,the assembly can be only induced upon the solvent evaporation.Nonpolar and oily solvents are seldom adopted. For example,in toluene or xylene solution, silica nanowires with adjustablediameters were synthesized with Pluronic P123 and F127 bythe EISA approach. The formation of this kind of arrays cor-responds to the reverse mesophases of surfactants in oilysolvents. [54]M ostly, the EISA process proceeds on the substrate, whichprovides a rich and crucial interface for the self-assembly ofmesostructures. The nature of the substrate plays a vital roleon the resultant mesoporous materials in terms of the mor-phology and mesochannels orientations. Therefore, the selec-tion of a substrate is based on a number of considerations.First, it is necessary to ensure a good affi nity of the substratetoward the template and guest species so as to get a uni-form homogeneous film. Second, the chemical compositionand nanostructure of the substrate are important, which aredirectly related with the mesopores alignments. For example,Hara et al. demonstrated the vertical alignment of silica mes-ochannels by utilizing the π–πinteraction between the organictemplate molecule of a planar discotic liquid crystalline andtwo-dimensional (2D) π-plane of graphite. [55]Moreover, thesubstrate should possess good physical and chemical stabili-ties. Thus, the chemical reaction with the fi lm and themselvesdegradation can be effectively avoided during solidifi ed theframework and the template elimination. Additionally, thethermoshrinkage of the substrate should be paid much atten-tion to preparing ordered mesoporous materials with largeframework shrinkage during the thermal processing, to accom-modate stresses. [56]Obviously, the morphology of the resultantmesoporous materials is directly dependent on the substrate.Generally, planar supports such as glass substrates and/orsilicon wafers are widely used to produce mesoporous fi lms.Other materials presenting with plentiful interfaces can alsobe used as the substrate such as polyether polyol-based polyu-rethane (PU) foams, [57]hierarchical biological materials, [58]col-loidal crystals, [59]and so on.2. Liquid-Solid Interfacial AssemblyA liquid-solid interface has proved a quite versatile interface innature, being useful in the construction and assembly of var-ious functional materials. For example, as a typical example ofliquid-solid interfacial synthesis, Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) tech-nique has been shown to be a high-throughput, low-cost, easilyintegrated method to assemble amphiphilic molecules or nano-sized building blocks to fabricate both closely packed super-structures and well-defined patterns with low density. [44,45]Inaddition, liquid-solid interface has also been widely employed toproduce a wide range of supported catalysts in the industry. [46]Specially, in this section, we will introduce the interfacial syn-thesis of mesoporous materials which takes advantage of theliquid-solid interface.2.1. EISA ProcessE ISA process is a very convenient method to prepare orderedmesoporous materials especially for mesoporous thin fi lms,membranes and monoliths. [33,34,47]It was fi rst used by Brinkerand coworkers in the preparation of mesoporous silica thinfi lms. [48]F igure2illustrates the typical EISA process formesoporous thin fi lms. First, a homogeneous solution with dis-solved templating surfactants and guest precursors is required.Then, the solution is cast on a substrate through chemicalsolution deposition. The self-assembly is triggered by theprogressive evaporation of volatile solvents, giving rise to thetemplate-guest species metastable phase with ordered meso-structures. After a treatment step to stabilize mesostructuredcomposites and increase the porosity through template elimi-nation, ordered mesoporous materials are obtained. Sanchez,Brinker and co-workers have carried out elaborate work oninvestigating this strategy. [48,49]Actually, EISA process is rathercomplex, it involves at least three dynamic steps governed bydifferent parameters: the chemistry associated with initial solu-tion, the processes linked to the layer-deposition technique, andthe treatment aimed at eliminating the template and stabilizingthe mineral networks without systemic pore collapses. Detailedstudies of such process have been conducted for various meso-structured fi lms (e.g., SiO 2-CTAB, [49,50]SiO 2-Pluronics, [51]TiO 2-Pluronics [52,53]) by using various techniques, including in situtime-resolved small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS), grazingincidence SAXS (GI-SAXS), ellipsometric fourier transformF igure 2.S chematic illustration of a typical EISA process for mesoporousmaterials. The synthesis procedure is shown on the top, the bottomsequence illustrates the cooperative self-assembly of mesostructures.reaction is effectively hindered by protonation of MOH nucleo-philic species, in which small oligomers can retain during theself-assembly process of surfactants. [ 66 , 67 ] The use of additivessuch as acetic acid and acetylacetone is also effective for con-trols of the hydrolysis and condensation. [ 68 , 69 ]F or guiding the selection of precursors in fabricating mesoporous metal oxides with various components via EISA process, an ‘‘acid-base pair’’ concept was proposed for the fi rsttime by Zhao and coworkers. [ 70 ] This concept takes a differentperspective to address the infl uence of inorganic-inorganic interplay on the synthesis of mesoporous materials, in which the inorganic precursors are divided into “acid” and “base” according to their alcoholysis (here, alcohol is used as a sol-vent) behaviors. Inorganic metallic or nonmetallic chlorides are considered as strong ‘‘acids’’ since a large amount of acid is generated during the alcoholysis process. Hydrate metallic salts and inorganic acids (Brønsted acids) are attributed as a medium acidic precursor. Metallic alkoxides and nonmetallicalkoxides (e.g. phosphatides) are assigned as bases because acid substances are seldom generated. In this process, two or more inorganic species are used to self-generate a reaction mediumwith the correct acidity to favor the sol-gel process of solvated products, and give a self-adjusted sol-gel synthesis, and pro-mote the assembly of mesostructured materials. Generally, the ‘‘acid-base’’ pairs formed from strong ‘‘acid’’ and strong ‘‘base’’, or strong ‘‘acid (base)’’ and medium ‘‘base (acid)’’ in non-aqueous media are required. Guided by this concept, a wide variety of well-ordered, large-pore, homogeneous, mul-ticomponent, mesostructured solids have been synthesized, including metal phosphates, silicoaluminophosphates, metal borates, as well as various metal oxides and mixed metal oxides. For example, using phosphorus trichloride and zirconiumpropoxide as inorganic precursors, and triblock-copolymers as templates, ordered mesoporous zirconium phosphates havebeen prepared with surface areas between 78 and 177 m2g − 1 and controllable pore sizes between 2 and 4 nm. This concept, together with the increased understanding on EISA strategy,sol-gel chemistry and organic-inorganic interaction, which areinterdependent of each other, could pave the way for preparingordered mesoporous nonsiliceous oxides. [ 71–73 ]A nother benefi t of this EISA process is that it gives rise to ordered mesoporous polymers and carbons. It was fi rst dem-onstrated by Zhao's group. [ 74 ] Highly ordered mesoporous carbons, denoted as FDU-15 and FDU-16 ( F igure 3), were pre-sented by using commercial triblock copolymers as templates, and water-soluble and low-molecular-weight phenolic resins (resols) as precursors, which are polymerized by phenol and formaldehyde under alkaline conditions. F igure 4illustrates the formation process of the ordered mesoporous carbons. The initial homogeneous solution is prepared by dissolving triblock copolymers and resols in ethanol. The choice of resolas a precursor and triblock copolymer as a template is essen-tial for the successful organization of organic-organic meso-structures because resol has a 3D network structure and plenty of hydroxyl groups (-OH), can interact strongly with the PEO blocks of triblock copolymer templates via hydrogen bonds. The assembly of resols and copolymer templates occurs readily toform ordered mesostructures without macrophase separation.The preferential evaporation of ethanol progressively enrichesThe common techniques for casting initial solution on the substrate include dip coating, [ 48 ] spray coating, [ 60 ] and spincoating, [ 61 ] etc. Dip coating method is to withdraw the substratefrom the coating solution at a certain rate to control the forma-tion of liquid layer on the substrate surface. In spray coating, the solution is pulverized onto the surface of the substrate using an aerosol generator or an atomizer. Spin coating, with a different mechanism, fi rst uniformly disperses the coating solution at the center of a spinning substrate and then the solution droplet is spread by the centrifugal force generated by high-speed rotation. The fi lm is thus formed at the same time of being submitted to a shearing force, applying between both interfaces of the drying solution layer. Among these techniques, dip coating and spin coating are most used due to the low cost of equipment and facile operation.2.1.2. Typical ExamplesT he most successful case of the EISA process is the preparation of continuous mesoporous silica fi lms. [ 62–64 ]In a typical pro-cess, silica precursors (e.g., tetraethyl orthosilicate, TEOS) dis-solved in organic solvent (normally ethanol) are prehydrolyzed with stoichiometric quantity of water (catalyzed by acids, such as HCl) at a temperature of 25–70 ° C . Upon solvent evapora-tion, the silicate species further polymerize and condense. At the fi nal stage of solvent evaporation, high concentrated sur-factants such as cetyltrimethylammoniumboromide (CTAB) or polyethylene-oxide based block copolymers (e.g., Pluronic P123) form liquid-crystal phases in the presence of inorganic oligomers. Simultaneously, the low hydrolysis and crosslinkage degree of silicate species improve the assembly on organic/inorganic interfaces, leading to the formation of ordered meso-structures. The process is extremely fast and needs only several seconds. So far, mesoporous silica thin fi lms with diverse mes-ostructures, compositions, fi lm thickness, as well as tunable porosities have been achieved. Y ang et al . fi rst extended the EISA process to the synthesis of mesoporous metal oxides. [ 65 ] In this non-aqueous sol-gel pro-cess, metal halides were used as the inorganic precursors and amphiphilic block copolymers as templates to generate several large-pore mesoporous metal oxides, including TiO 2,ZrO 2,Nb 2O 5,Ta 2O 5,Al 2O 3,SiO 2,SnO 2,WO 3,HfO 2, and mixed oxides SiAlO y ,Al 2T iO y ,ZrTiO y ,SiTiO y and ZrWO y. The resultant mesoporous metal oxides show relatively thermally stability (about 400 ° C ), narrow pore size distributions, but low surface areas ( <200 m 2 /g), as well as possessed semicrystalline frame-works. The most important feature is alcoholysis of inorganic salts generates M(OEt) n C l m species with a low polymerizationrate, which can slowly react with water in air via hydrolysis and crosslinking to form mesostructures. It is well known that the reactivity of metal alkoxides is much higher than those of sil-icon alkoxides. Therefore, restrained hydrolysis and condensa-tion of the inorganic species appears to be crucial for forming mesophases of most of non-siliceous oxides, because of their strong tendency to precipitate and crystallize into bulk oxide phases directly in aqueous media. Various strategies have been developed to control the reactions, including the optimization of pH, water content in precursor solutions, relative humility. [ 52 ] For example, under strongly acidic condition, the condensationsilicate molecular sieves. This step is rather important for the stability of mesoporous products. It should be noted that the cross-linking and polymerizing processes of the phenolic resin frameworks are separated from the assembly with surfactants. This is an important feature of EISA strategy. It is quite dif-ferent from a cooperative formation assembly mechanism, where the surfactant-directing assembly and polymerization of inorganic oligomers occur cooperatively and simultane-ously. Because of the difference in chemical and thermal sta-bility between the resin and Pluronic copolymers, the templates could be easily removed at low temperatures without destroying the resin framework. The continuous hydrocarbon frameworks of mesoporous resins impart highly stable characteristics for the direct transformation to mesoporous carbon frameworks by heating to 600 ∼ 1400 ° C under an inert atmosphere. From the viewpoint of synthesis, these mesoporous polymers and car-bons are excellent examples to expatiate the EISA process. A series of ordered mesoporous carbons with pore sizes ranging from 2 to 23 nm can be obtained from the well-establishedself-assembly. [ 75–80 ] 2.1.3. Assembly In a Confi ned SpaceA part from the fl at substrate, one can also take advantage ofa physically confi ned environment such as porous anodic alu-minum oxide (AAO) membranes to carry out the EISA processfor the preparation of mesoporous materials with novel meso-structures and morphologies.[ 81] In their synthetic approach ( F igure 5 a ), the initial depositing solutions penetrate into the porous matrices of AAO and are dried until complete evapo-ration of the solvents occurs, the strong interfacial force can induce the resultant mesostructures with the thermodynami-cally stable arrangement.[ 82 ] When small molecular CTAB was used as the structure-directing agent (SDA), the long axis of the mesochannels is aligned with the same long axis of AAO channels showing columnar orientations (Figure 5b ). [ 82 , 83 ] However, when nonionic surfactants, such as Brij 56 and block copoly-mers P123, are used as the SDA, in most cases, the mesochannels are oriented perpen-dicular to the AAO channels and circularly packed like stacked donuts (Figure 5 c and5d ). [ 82 ] In addition, different mesostructures were found depending on confi nement con-ditions imposed by the different diameters of AAO nanochannels, ranging from single chains of spherical mesopores to concentricor chiral helical mesopores. [ 84 , 85 ]Followinga rapid evolution of synthetic techniques, a signifi cant number of different mesoporous materials (e.g., titania, and carbon) with highly regular structures can now be pre-pared within these membranes. [ 86 , 87 ]Anothercommon used confi ned space is 3D colloidalcrystals. [ 88–90 ] Applying the initial depos-iting solutions within these matrixes allowsfor the synthesis of hierarchical materialswith an interconnected, face-centered cubicthe concentration of copolymers and drives the organization of resol-copolymer composites into an ordered liquid-crystal mesophase. Furthermore, curing the resol-copolymer compos-ites at 100 ° C with a long time ( > 24 h) to solidify the polymeric framework yields a rigid hydrocarbon network with three-connected benzene rings through the formation of covalent bonds, the same as silicates in zeolites or/and mesoporous F igure 4. S chematic representation of the EISA procedure used to prepare mesoporous poly-mers and carbon frameworks. Reproduced with permission. [ 74 ] Copyright 2005, Wiley-VCH. F igure 3. T EM images of mesoporous carbons FDU-15 (a, b) and FDU-16(c, d). Reprinted with permission. [ 74 ]Copyright 2005, Wiley-VCH.SDA. Carbonization was followed by etching of the silica template and silica component in the carbon/silica nanocomposites, resulting in the formation of ordered mesoporouscarbon nanospheres. [ 92 ] The resultant carbonnanospheres possessed a bimodal pore size distribution of large and small mesopores of ∼ 6 and 3.1 nm, a high surface area of ∼2445 m 2g − 1 , and a high reversible charge capacityof up to 1200 mAhg − 1 and a good cyclingstability when applied in lithium-sulfur batteries.R ecently, Zhao and coworkers developed a kilogram-scale synthesis of mesoporous materials based on the EISA process by using commercially available PU foam as a sub-strate. [ 93–96 ] It subverts the situation of anal-ysis-scale production by the EISA process on a common 2D substrate. Because PU foam as a substrate possess several advances for the EISA process including: i) the 3D opened macrostructure facilitating the evaporation of the solvent; ii) the abundantly porous struc-ture, rich-surface hydrophilic groups and low density providing a plenty of idea interfaces for the EISA process, which can save a large number of space; iii) the nature of decompo-sition in an inert atmosphere at 300 ∼400 °C and low-cost making the removal of PU foam simple and industrial, and which can occurwith the surfactant elimination, thusavoiding the excessive introduction of impurities and treatment process. For example, ordered mesoporous carbon-silica com-posite monoliths with a diversity of macroporous architecturescan be obtained by applying the initial triconstituent precursorsolution in PU foam ( F igure 6a ). [ 93 ] After impregnation, the initial sol solution can be infused into the interconnecting 3D networks and large macropore voids by capillary and wetting driving forces. During the solvent evaporation, the precursorscan coat onto the struts of the foams because of the stronginteraction between the sol precursors and the surface of thePU foam and the low concentration of the sol. With a further increase of the concentration, the resol precursor and cross-linked silica species can assemble with Pluronic F127 to formmacropore and a mesopore network. For example, Deng et al . used the monodispersed silica colloidal crystals as the substrate to provide the interface for the self-assembly of triblock copoly-mers and soluble resols. [ 91 ] After removing the copolymers and silica scaffolds, hierarchically porous carbons with highly ordered face-centered cubic structure were obtained. The macro-/meso-porous carbon products have tunable macropore sizes of 230-430 nm and interconnected windows with a size of 30-65 nm, a high surface area (up to 760 m 2 /g), a large pore volume ( ∼1.25 cm 3 /g) and a mesopore size ( ∼ 11 nm). Interest-ingly, Schuster et al . used the inverse opal as a template for a triconstituent precursor solution containing resol as a carbon precursor, TEOS as a silica precursor and Pluronic F127 as a F igure 5. a ) Schematic representation of the EISA process proceeding in AAO membranes. Plan-view TEM images of mesoporous silica: b) templated with CTAB, c) templated with Brij 56, and d) templated with Pluronic P123. Reprinted with permission. [ 82 ] Copyright 2006, Wiley-VCH. F igure 6. a ) The scheme of the EISA process by using PU foams as the substrate. b) The photograph of the kilogram-scaled mesoporous carbons.Reproduced with permission, panel (a) [ 93 ] and (b). [ 96] Copyright: 2008 Wiley-VCH (a) and 2011 Elsevier (b).。
在鱼类胚胎发育早期,体细胞系和生殖细 胞系就发生了分离,形成了生殖细胞的祖细 胞,即PGCs。随后,PGCs迁移到达生殖原基, 增殖、分化为精原细胞或卵原细胞,接着开始 配子发生。在精巢中,精原细胞发育为精子需 要经过3个阶段:有丝分裂(精原细胞增殖)、减 数分裂(初级和次级精母细胞形成)、精子生成[36-37]。 在有丝分裂阶段,具有干细胞特性的未分化A型 精原细胞(Aund)通过有丝分裂产生分化的A型精 原细胞(Adiff),同时伴随着自我更新能力的大幅 降低,然后Adiff继续分裂产生B型精原细胞;通 常把Aund称为精原干细胞[36, 。 38-39] 卵巢中,卵原 细胞经过有丝分裂增殖后,快速进入到减数分 裂阶段,成为初级卵母细胞,经过初级、次级 生长及卵黄生成后,发育成为卵子。在卵原细 胞增殖过程中,部分卵原细胞保持干细胞特
水产学报, 2020, 44(2): 321−337
JOURNAL OF FISHERIES OF CHINA DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20190511781
叶 欢1, 危起伟1, 徐冬冬2, 岳华梅1, 竹内裕3, 阮 瑞1, 杜 浩1, 李创举1*
文章编号: 1000-0615(2020)02-0321-17
2 鱼类生殖细胞移植
鱼类生殖细胞移植主要包括供体细胞、受 体的选择与制备,以及二者的亲缘关系等关键 科学与技术问题。
© 2011 Räkel et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd. This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.Clinical Interventions in Aging 2011:6 89–99Clinical Interventions in AgingDove presssubmit your manuscript | Dove press89R e v I e wopen access to scientific and medical researchOpen Access Full Text ArticleDOI: 10.2147/CIA.S7282Role of zoledronic acid in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosisAgnès Räkel Andrée BoucherLouis-Georges Ste-Marieendocrinology, Department of Medicine. Centre de recherche du CHUM, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, CanadaCorrespondence: Louis-Georges Ste-MarieCRCHUM – Hôpital Saint-Luc, 264 east René-Lévesque Blvd,Montreal, Quebec H2X 1P1, Canada Tel +1 514 890 8310 ext 35708 Fax +1 514 412 7377email lg.ste-marie@umontreal.caAbstract: Taken once a year, intravenous zoledronic acid (Zol) (Reclast ® or Aclasta ®) is a third-generation nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate that is effective compared with placebo in reducing the risk of fractures in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis and recent l ow-trauma hip fracture. In glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis, there is no significant difference between Zol and risedronate for new fractures. Improvements in bone mineral density and early reduction of bone remodeling markers are observed in postmenopausal osteoporosis, recent low-trauma hip fracture, and glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Given that Zol is generally well tolerated and very convenient, it is an interesting therapeutic option for aging patients who take multiple oral drugs, who have adherence or gastrointestinal tolerance issues, and who have an indication for oral bisphosphonates. Zol is not recommended for patients with severe renal impairment. Vitamin D deficiency should be corrected before the administration of Zol.Keywords: zoledronic acid, osteoporosis, elderlyIntroductionBurden of the diseaseAccording to World Health Organization (WHO) data, osteoporosis affects approximately 75 million people throughout Europe, the US, and Japan.1 In the US, osteoporosis occurs in 55% of the population aged 50 years and over.2 Osteoporosis occurs more in women than in men. One in four women over the age of 50 years has osteoporosis in Canada.3 Increasing life expectancy means that the prevalence of the disease is likely to increase. It is estimated that, for example, in Canada, by 2041, 25% of the population will be aged 65 years and over.4Definition of osteoporosisOsteoporosis is a skeletal disease that is characterized by compromised bone strength predisposing a person to an increased risk of fracture.5 Bone strength is a combination of bone density and bone quality. Overall bone strength is difficult to measure in the clinical setting. In the absence of fragility fracture, bone mineral density (BMD), a proxy measure that accounts for up to 70% of bone strength, is the clinical tool used to diagnose osteoporosis according to the classification of the WHO. BMD that is 2.5 s tandard deviations or more below the mean BMD of a young adult reference population, which is a T -score of -2.5 or less, qualifies for a diagnosis of osteoporosis.6 As BMD decreases, fracture risk increases.7 Fractures associated with osteoporosis are a major cause of morbidity, disability, mortality, and costs.8 Mortality rate is increased by 20% in the year following a hip fracture.9 Furthermore, 50% of women who s uffer from aNumber of times this article has been viewedThis article was published in the following Dove Press journal: Clinical Interventions in Aging 25 March 2011Clinical Interventions in Aging 2011:6submit your manuscript | Dove pressDove press90Räkel et al hip fracture will not return to their usual level of f unctioning and will depend on others for their daily activities; 20% of them will require long-term care.9 T herefore, it is crucial to prevent osteoporosis and fractures.Risk factors of low BMDFor patients without fragility fracture, BMD is clearly a good predictor of future fracture risk, and therefore it is important to identify who should be evaluated by BMD. Risk factors for osteoporosis have been identified and are summarized in Table 1.10 Every postmenopausal woman and every male aged 50 years and over should be assessed for the presence of risk factors for low BMD (Table 1). A BMD measurement is recommended when at least one risk factor is identified in each age category.11Risk factors of fracturesLow BMD is an important risk factor for fractures, but many other epidemiological risk factors have been identified and included in a WHO model of 10-year fracture risk predic-tion, the FRAX ® model (World Health Organization Col-laborating Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases, Sheffield, UK).12 This model is based on individual patient models that integrate clinical risk factors as well as BMD at the femoral neck. The FRAX model has been developed from studying population-based cohorts from Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia.According to Osteoporosis Canada, an individual’s 10-year absolute fracture risk can also be identified byi ntegrating five key risk factors for fractures: gender, age, BMD, fragility fracture history, and glucocorticoid use.13Strategies in prevention and management of osteoporosisPrevention of osteoporosis or low BMD is preferable to treatment because bone microarchitectural changes aremostly irreversible. Strategies for osteoporosis prevention include maximizing peak bone mass during the bone f orming years and should favour good nutrition, physical activity, avoidance of cigarette smoking and excess alcohol intake, and minimized administration of drugs known to alter bone health (eg, g lucocorticoids, anticonvulsivants). Once the peak bone mass is achieved, strategies to minimize bone loss should also be included. In the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) distinguishes between drugs approved for prevention of osteoporosis and those for treatment.14 For prevention of osteoporosis, the FDA suggests that in future studies the study population should consist of ambulatory women who are 1–2 years postmenopausal, aged 45 years or older, and do not have osteoporosis, or ovariectomized women with elevated follicle-stimulating hormone and low estradiol lev-els. In the aging osteoporotic population with and without fragility fracture, it is too late for maximizing peak bone mass and preventing osteoporosis. Therefore, stabilizing BMD or reducing the rate of bone loss is the p rimary objective. In the case of patients with fragility fracture, there is established osteoporosis, so secondary fracture prevention should be the main objective. This review will focus on strategies used in i) postmenopausal women, ii) women and men with recent low-trauma hip fracture, and iii) glucocorticoid-treated patients to prevent bone loss and fractures. Strategies used in idiopathic male osteoporosis and in men on androgen d eprivation therapy (ADT) will also be reviewed briefly. Among the therapeutic agents available for the prevention of fractures and treatment of osteoporosis, bisphosphonates are the most commonly used drugs. Less than 1% of oral bisphosphonates are absorbed orally. Therefore, oral bisphosphonates must be taken on an empty stomach, and patients should remain fasting for at least 30 minutes in order to maximize their absorption.15 So oral bisphosphonates have to be taken when getting up in morning and, in addition, patients should not lie down after their intake, in order to avoid oesophageal irritation. These constraints haveTable 1 Indications for measuring bone mineral densityAge ,50 yearsAge 50–64 yearsAge $65 years Fragility fractureFragility fracture after age 40 yearsAll men and womenProlonged use of glucocorticoids Prolonged use of glucocorticoids or other high-risk medications Use of high-risk medicationsParental hip fractureHypogonadism or premature menopause (age ,45 years)Vertebral fracture or osteopenia identified on radiography Malabsorption syndromeHigh alcohol intake or current smokingChronic inflammatory conditions Low body weight (,60 kg) or major weight loss (.10% of body weight at age 25 years)Primary hyperparathyroidismOther disorders strongly associated with osteoporosisOther disorders strongly associated with rapid bone loss and/or fractureAdapted from Papaioannou A, Morin S, Cheung AM, et al. © 2010. CMAJ .10 This work is protected by copyright and the making of this copy was with the permission of Access Copyright. Any alteration of its content or further copying in any form whatsoever is strictly prohibited unless otherwise permitted by law.Clinical Interventions in Aging 2011:6submit your manuscript | Dove pressDove press 91Zoledronic acid in osteoporosisraised adherence issues. Poor a dherence to oral b isphosphonates has been shown to be a ssociated with suboptimal fracture reduction and prevention.16,17 Weekly and monthly oral or intravenous (IV) b isphosphonate regimens have been devel-oped and approved to address this issue. A single infusion of IVz oledronic acid (Zol) (Reclast ®, Aclasta ®; Novartis Pharmaceu-ticals C orporation, East Hanover, NJ, USA), a third-generation bisphosphonate, has been conceived to allow better tolerance and better adherence to bisphosphonate therapy.Zoledronic acid Clinical pharmacologyMechanism of actionZol is a member of the nitrogen-containing b isphosphonates class and acts on bone in a potent way to decrease osteoclast-mediated bone resorption.18 Like other bisphosphonates, Zol has a high affinity for mineralized bone and binds to the calcium phosphate bone mineral hydroxyapatite,19 withp referential localization at sites of high bone turnover. In vitro, when compared with alendronate, ibandronate, risedronate, etidronate, and clodronate, Zol has the highest affinity for hydroxyapatite.19 Several independent studies have confirmed that an enzyme of the mevalonate pathway of lipid biosynthesis (farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase [FPP]) is the major enzymatic target of Zol. Zol inhibits FPP , which is critical for the regulation of various cell processes that are important for osteoclast function.20 I nhibition of such an enzyme could be responsible for inhibition of osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, as well as osteoclast apoptosis.21 According to in vitro studies, Zol appears to inhibit FPP 3-, 7-, 17-, and 67-fold more effectively than risedronate, ibandronate, alendronate, and pamidronate, respectively.20Pharmacokinetic profileDistributionThere are currently no pharmacokinetic data available for patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMO) or recent low-trauma hip fracture. Data in this section are from studies in patients with bone metastases in whom single and/or multiple IV infusions of Zol of 5 or 15 minutes’ duration were administered.22 However, as administration of single-dose Zol is recommended in patients with PMO, this section focuses on a single-dose pharmacokinetic profile. Peak Zol plasma concentrations (Cmax) are reached at the end of the infusion period, after which the Zol concentration decreases rapidly, reaching concentrations to ,1% of Cmax 24 hours postinfusion. The drug is 43%–55% plasma protein bound independent of concentration.23Metabolism and excretionZol is not metabolized in humans; it is excreted intact via the kidney. An average of 39% of the administered Zol is excreted in the urine within the first 24 hours.23 The rest of the dose is presumed to be bound to bone and released back into the circulation very slowly. The clearance of Zol is dependent on creatinine clearance (CrCL). However, no significant change in exposure to Zol was noted in patients with mild (50–80 mL/min) to moderate renal impairment (35–50 mL/min) compared with patients with normal renal function.24 Dosage is not adjusted for mild or moderate renal failure, but Zol is not recommended in patients with severe renal impairment (,35 mL/min) because of the lack of data in this population.23 No effect has been shown on cytochrome P450. The pharmacokinetics of Zol were not affected by gender, race, or age in patients who ranged in age from 38 to 84 years.23Pharmacodynamic effectsZol reduces rapidly the rate of bone turnover, first by reduc-ing the resorption and then the formation. Biochemical markers of bone resorption were more suppressed by Zol compared with placebo 25 and alendronate 26 in women with PMO 25 or low BMD 26 in studies of 24 weeks’26 or 3 years’25 duration. In patients with PMO, the effect of Zol treatment on markers of bone resorption (serum β-C-telopeptides [β-CTx]) and bone formation (bone specific alkaline phos-phatase [BSAP], serum N-terminal propeptide of type 1 collagen [P1NP]) was evaluated in patients at periodic intervals. Treatment with a 5 mg annual dose of Zol reduced bone turnover m arkers to the premenopausal range with an approximate 55% reduction in β-CTx, a 29% reduction in BSAP , and a 52% r eduction in P1NP over 36 months. There was no progressive r eduction of bone turnover markers with repeated annual dosing.25 Zol produced more marked and rapid decrease in markers than oral alendronate 70 mg once weekly in patients with osteoporosis or low BMD.26 The nadir of each resorption marker was reached at 7 days and for formation markers at 12 weeks.26 Subgroup analyses of the main trial of Zol in PMO,25 HORIZON-PFT (Health Outcomes and Reduced Incidence with Zoledronic Acid Once Y early – Pivotal Fracture Trial), revealed that the changes in bone markers in patients treated with Zol versus placebo were not influenced by age.27,28EfficacyPostmenopausal womenThe efficacy of Zol was demonstrated in H ORIZON-PFT for the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal w omen.25Clinical Interventions in Aging 2011:6submit your manuscript | Dove pressDove press92Räkel et al HORIZON-PFT was a randomized, double-blind,p lacebo-controlled, multinational study of 7736 women aged 65–89 years. The majority of patients were 70–74 years old (38% in both groups). Inclusion criteria were either a femoral neck BMD T -score #-1.5 and at least two mild or one moderate existing vertebral fracture(s), or a femoral neck BMD T -score #-2.5 with or without evidence of an existing vertebral fracture(s). The trial excluded patients previously treated with strontium, parathyroid hormone, or sodium fluoride. Zol, as a single 5 mg infusion over 15 minutes, was administered yearly for 3 consecutive years.FracturesIn HORIZON-PFT, the two primary efficacy endpoints were the incidence of morphometric vertebral fractures at 3 years and the incidence of hip fractures over a median duration of 3 years. Patients were divided into two strata (stratum 1 and 2). In stratum 1, 6084 women were not receiving concomitant osteoporosis therapy at baseline. In stratum 2, 1652 patients were receiving antiosteoporosis therapy at baseline. C oncomitant therapy included c alcitonin, raloxifene, tamoxifen, hormone replacement therapy, d ehydroepiandrosterone, ipriflavone, medroxyprogesterone, and tibolone but excluded bisphos-phonates. All women received 1000–1500 mg of calcium plus 400–1200 IU of vitamin D each day.As shown in Table 2, IV Zol 5 mg once yearly s ignificantly reduced the risk of new morphometric vertebral fracture by 70% (absolute reduction in fracture incidence 7.6% over 3 years when compared with placebo in patients in stratum 1). Significant reduction in the relative risk (RR) ofnew vertebral fracture was seen as soon as 1 year (relative risk reduction [RRR] = 60%) and after 2 years of treatment (RRR = 71%).IV Zol also significantly reduced the risk of new hipf ractures by 41% at 3 years compared with placebo in the overall patient population (stratum 1 and 2) (Table 2). The hip fracture event rate was 1.45% for Zol-treated patients and 2.5% for placebo-treated patients. According to the monograph, the reductions in vertebral and hip fractures over 3 years were consistent and significantly reduced independent of age, number of vertebral fractures at baseline, geographical region, race, baseline body mass index, femoral neck BMD T -score, or prior use of bisphosphonates. Specifically, in patients aged 75 years and older, Zol-treated patients had a 60% decrease in RRR for vertebral fractures compared with placebo patients (P , 0.0001). IV Zol 5 mg once yearly was also effective in reducing the risk of all secondary endpoints such as clinical vertebral fractures (RRR of 77%), any clinical fracture (RRR of 33%), and nonvertebral fracture (RRR of 25%) in the overall patient population ( s tratum 1 and 2) during the 3-year treatment period (Table 2). The risk of m ultiple morphometric vertebral fractures was also s ignificantly reduced by 89% when compared with placebo (0.2% vs 2.3% of patients) in patients without anyc oncomitant osteoporosis treatment (stratum 1).BMDIn HORIZON-PFT, the secondary efficacy measure included the percentage change from baseline in lumbar spine, femoral neck, and total hip BMD.29 Zol significantlyTable 2 effects of zoledronic acid on incident fracturesStudyEndpointAbsolute reduction in fracture incidence % (95% CI)Relative risk reduction in fracture incidence % (95% CI)P valuePostmenopausal women (HORIZON-PFT)Vertebral fracture Over 12 months 2.260 (43–72),0.0001Over 24 months 5.571 (62–78),0.0001Over 36 months 7.670 (62–76),0.0001Hip fracture Over 36 months1.141 (17–58)P = 0.0024Nonvertebral fractures Over 36 months2.725 (13–36),0.0001Patients with hip fracture (HORIZON-RFT)Any clinical fracture5.335 (16–50)0.001Clinical vertebral fracture 2.146 (8–68)0.02Nonvertebral fracture 3.127 (2–45)0.03Hip fracture1.530 (19–59)0.18Clinical Interventions in Aging 2011:6submit your manuscript | Dove pressDove press 93Zoledronic acid in osteoporosisincreased BMD at the lumbar spine, total hip, and femoral neck compared with placebo at 6, 12, 24, and 36 months (Table 3).Histology, remodeling markers, and bone strengthThe effect of Zol on bone histology was also evaluated.25,29 Biopsies taken in patients after 3 years of Zol had s ignificantly lower median activation frequency, m ineralizing surfaces, and bone formation rate (volume referent) than biopsies from patients in the placebo group. Even if bone turnover was sup-pressed, bone remodeling was still present in all but one of 82 iliac crest biopsies and in all 70 biopsies of the placebo recipients.30 Bone quality did not appear to be impaired in PMO patients in the Zol group. No e vidence of woven bone, marrow fibrosis, or cellular toxicity was demonstrated in bone biopsies from these patients.30 In HORIZON-PFT, annual injections of Zol reduced r emodeling markers in the premeno-pausal range, with a significant response p ersisting after the third i nfusion.27 Zol was also effective in improving some indices of bone strength in PMO in the H ORIZON-PFT, asm easured by quantitative computed tomography scan.31 After 3 years, Zol patients had s ignificantly increased compression strength indices at the femoral neck and t rochanter, and simi-lar b ending strength indices at the f emoral neck compared with p lacebo. Improvement in cortical bone was also dem-onstrated in the Zol group.31 In another study looking at the biopsies obtained during HORIZON, the authors used Raman microspectroscopy (a vibrational spectroscopic t echnique that analyzes undecalcified bone tissue) to determine the effect of Zol on bone material properties, such as the mineral/matrix ratio at similar tissue age. This study suggests that once-yearly administration of IV Zol for 3 years in humans exerts effects on bone matrix formation quality, in addition to the known antiresorptive effects and independently of bone turnover.32Postmenopausal women with low bone massZol has also been approved for the prevention of PMO during a 2-year period. In this 2-year double-blind, random-ized, multicenter, clinical study (n = 581), three treatment arms were compared: group 1, Zol 5 mg IV at randomization and at month 12 (Zol 2 × 5 mg); group 2, Zol 5 mg IV only at randomization and placebo at month 12 (Zol 1 × 5 mg); or group 3, placebo at randomization and at month 12 ( p lacebo). Both Zol regimens (groups 1 and 2) signifi-cantly increased mean lumbar spine BMD compared with placebo (group 3) at month 12 and 24. Similarly, greater increases in hip BMD were observed at month 12 and 24 in groups 1 and 2 compared with those in group 3. Both Zol regimens significantly reduced bone markers. The yearly Zol (group 1, ie, Zol 2 × 5 mg) administration suppressed the bone markers in a more sustained way during the s econd year than the single dose regimen (group 2, ie, Zol 1 × 5 mg). Therefore, the recommended prophylactic regimen of Zol is a single dose of 5 mg every 2 years administered IV during a period of 15 minutes. Daily supplementation with elemental calcium 500–1000 mg plus 400–800 IU vitamin D is recommended.33In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial over 2 years, 50 postmenopausal women with low bone mass were randomized to Zol 5 mg × 1 versus placebo. Compared with placebo, Zol decreased levels of remodeling markers by 38% for 2 years; after 2 years, BMD was higher in the Zol group than in the placebo group (+5.7% at lumbar spine, 3.9% at proximal femur, and 1.7% at the total body).34Patients with hip fracture (men and women)The clinical efficacy of Zol in patients with a recent low-trauma hip fracture was investigated in a large randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, m ulticenter 5-year study,H ORIZON-Recurrent Fracture Trial (RFT).35FracturesIn HORIZON-RFT, 2127 men and women aged $50 years with low-trauma hip fracture were randomly assigned to receive yearly Zol (5 mg) (n = 1065) or placebo (n = 1062) within 3 months of surgical repair.35 Exclu-sion criteria included previous treatment with strontium or sodium fl uoride, a metabolic disease of the bone other than o steoporosis, cancer, a ClCr , 30 mL/min, a serumc alcium level of .2.8 or ,2.0 mmol/L, or a life expectancy of ,6 months. A washout period was included for patientsTable 3 effects of zoledronic acid on bone mineral density (BMD)StudyLocationBMD change relative to treatment with placeboP value HORIZON-PFT at 36 monthsLumbar spine +6.7%,0.0001Femoral neck +5.1%,0.0001Total hip+6.0%,0.0001HORIZON-RFT over 24 monthsTotal hip +5.4%,0.001Femoral neck+4.3%,0.001Abbreviation: BMD bone mineral density.Clinical Interventions in Aging 2011:6submit your manuscript | Dove pressDove press94Räkel et al who had p reviously received bisphosphonates or parathyroid hormone.35 Subjects also received vitamin D (50,000–125,000 IU) 14 days prior to infusion, if 25(OH) vitamin D was ,15 ng/dL or unknown, and 800 to 1200 IU daily thereafter and calcium. Concomitant treatment with selective estrogen receptor modulators, nasal calcitonin, tibolone, hormone replacement therapy, and external hip protectors was allowed. After a median follow-up of 1.9 years, new clinical fractures occurred in 8.6% and 13.9% of patients in the Zol and placebo groups, representing a significant decrease in RRR of 35% (Table 2). There was also a 46% RRR in clinical vertebral fracture and a 27% RRR in nonvertebral fractures (Table 2). The RR for a subsequent hip fracture was reduced by 30%, but this did not reach statistical significance, most likely due to the small number of cases.BMDAs shown in Table 3, Zol 5 mg resulted in significant increases in BMD for the total hip and femoral neck (5.4% at the total hip and 4.3% at the femoral) over 24 months as compared with placebo) in males and females analyzed together. In the male subgroup, a greater increase was demonstrated in total hip BMD at month 24 with Zol (3.81%; P = 0.0021) versus placebo, suggesting a comparable effect in both genders.36 This trend continued to be observed at 36 months.Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosisThe efficacy and safety of Zol in the g lucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO) trial were assessed in a r andomized,m ulticenter, double-blind, stratified (treatment and preven-tion), active-controlled study of 833, mainly Caucasian, men and women aged 18–85 years treated with .7.5 mg/day oral prednisone or equivalent.37 The prevention group was com-posed of patients who were treated with glucocorticoids for less than 3 months prior to r andomization. Patients in the treat-ment group were treated with glucocortiocids for 3 months or more. Patients were randomized either to Zol 5 mg or oral risedronate. It was a noninferiority trial. All patients were on elemental calcium 1000 mg plus vitamin D 400–1000 IU per day. Results showed that Zol was n oninferior and superior to risedronate for increase of lumbar spine BMD in the treatment (+4.06% vs 2.71%) and prevention groups (2.6% vs 0.64%) after 12 months. At the lumbar spine, the increase in BMD was statistically significant for postmenopausal women and men but not for premenopausal women. Concentrations of biomarkers for bone resorption and formation were reduced by both drugs but more importantly at 12 months for patients on Zol than for patients on risedronate in both the p reventionand treatment groups. The frequency of new vertebral fractures was very low in Zol and risedronate patients with no significant difference between the two groups.37In malesIdiopathic osteoporosisA recent study by Orwoll et al compared the efficacy and safety of a once-yearly IV infusion of Zol with weekly oral alendronate in men with osteoporosis.38 This study was a mul-ticenter, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, active-controlled efficacy trial in a male only study of 302 men with osteoporosis aged 25–86 years (mean age 64 years) in which patients were randomized for 2 years to either Zol 5 mg once yearly or to oral alendronate 70 mg weekly. All participants received 1000 mg calcium plus 800–1000 IU vitamin D supplementation per day. The Zol infusion was shown to be noninferior to weekly alendronate for the per-centage change in lumbar spine BMD at month 24 relative to baseline (Zol 6.1% vs alendronate 6.2%). The differences in BMD increases at lumbar spine, total hip, femoral neck, and trochanter at month 6, 12, or 24 were not statistically significant between Zol and alendronate.On androgen deprivation therapy (ADT)ADT for prostate cancer is associated with accelerated bone loss and increased fracture risk.39 Zol 4 mg IV every 3 months for four treatments has been demonstrated to prevent bone loss in patients initiating ADT 40 and to improve BMD in patients with prostate cancer (without metastasis) on ADT for 1 year or less or for greater than 1 year.41 It is important to note that no data exist on the effect of Zol 5 mg once yearly in such population.SafetyHypocalcemiaIn HORIZON-PFT, between 9 and 10 days following theinfusion, hypocalcemia (serum calcium ,2.075 mmol/L) was reported in 1.27% of Zol recipients versus 0.03% of placebo recipients.25 In HORIZON-RFT, the incidence of hypocalcemia was also low (0.3% in the Zol group vs 0% in the placebo group).35 It is recommended that all patients should have their serum calcium levels and vitamin D levels assessed before initiating the treatment with Zol. Pre-existing hypocalcemia is a contraindication to Zol and should bec orrected before the infusion with calcium and vitamin D. In addition, sufficient vitamin D supplementation to ensure and maintain adequate serum 25(OH) vitamin D levels should be given before and after Zol infusion.。
WHO Model Formulary for ChildrenBased on the Second Model List of Essential Medicines for Children 2009世界卫生组织儿童标准处方集基于2009年儿童基本用药的第二个标准目录WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:WHO model formulary for children 2010.Based on the second model list of essential medicines for children 2009.1.Essential drugs.2.Formularies.3.Pharmaceutical preparations.4.Child.5.Drug utilization. I.World Health Organization.ISBN 978 92 4 159932 0 (NLM classification: QV 55)世界卫生组织实验室出版数据目录:世界卫生组织儿童标准处方集基于2009年儿童基本用药的第二个标准处方集1.基本药物 2.处方一览表 3.药品制备 4儿童 5.药物ISBN 978 92 4 159932 0 (美国国立医学图书馆分类:QV55)World Health Organization 2010All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained fromWHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: ******************). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution – should be addressed to WHO Press, at the aboveaddress(fax:+41227914806;e-mail:*******************).世界卫生组织2010版权所有。
© 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists
Asymmetric methylation sites require additional information
A T G C A A A C T T A C G T T T G A 5’ A T G C A A A C T 3’ T A C G T T T G A A T G C A A A C T T A C G T T T G A
5’ A T G C G T A C T
3’ T A C G C A T G A
© 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists
CG methylation can be propagated during DNA replication
© 2013 American Society of Plant Biologists
DNA methyltransferases in Arabidopsis
• 5'-CG-3' sites • Silencing of transposons, repetitive elements, some imprinted genes
这一决定的结果是研究中心的首席执行官DonArnone和剑桥桥大学物理学系的教授Michael Pepper先生于2001年成立了Teraview公司一作为研究中心的子公司。
TPI imaga 2000是第一个商品化太赫成像系统,该系统经优化用于成品片剂及其核心完整性和性能的无破坏检测。
BDNF 通过激活酪氨酸蛋白激酶B (TrkB)及p75神经营养因子受体(p75NTR)从而促进神经元细胞死亡、改变神经元兴奋性/抑制性平衡(E/I balance)、调节MicroRNA 的表达、诱导海马体内苔藓纤维的异常发芽和突触重构等来进一步诱导癫痫发生。
本文通过综述有关对癫痫动物模型及癫痫患者的研究文献,从而揭示BDNF 参与介导癫痫的可能机制,为癫痫治疗新靶点提供参考依据。
【关键词】脑源性神经营养因子;癫痫;机制;研究进展【中图分类号】R742.1【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1003—6350(2023)03—0435—05Research progress on the mechanism of epilepsy induced by brain-derived neurotrophic factor.XIAO Qiu-jie 1,HUANG Ling 2.1.Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities,Baise 533000,Guangxi,CHINA;2.Department of Neurology,Affiliated Hospital of Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities,Baise 533000,Guangxi,CHINA【Abstract 】Epilepsy is one of the common neurological diseases.At present,its pathogenesis is not completely clear.Recent studies have shown that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)plays an important role in the occur-rence and development of epilepsy.BDNF can further induce epilepsy by promoting neuronal cell death [activating tyro-sine protein kinase B (TrkB)and P75neurotrophic factor receptor (p75NTR)],changing neuronal excitability/inhibitory balance (E/I balance),regulating the expression of microRNA,inducing abnormal sprouting of mossy fibers in hippo-campus and synaptic remodeling.By summarizing the research literature on animal models of epilepsy and patients with epilepsy,this paper reveals the possible mechanism of BDNF in mediating epilepsy and provides a reference basis for new targets for epilepsy treatment.【Key words 】Brain-derived neurotrophic factor;Epilepsy;Machinism;Research progress ·综述·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2023.03.033基金项目:广西高校中青年教师基础能力提升项目(编号:2018KY0439)。
唐本忠 综述
This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
Jacky W. Y. Lam received his PhD degree from HKUST in 2003 under the supervision of Prof. Tang. In 2003–2007, he carried out his postdoctoral work on novel polymers with linear and hyperbranched structures and advanced functional properties in the Tang group. He is currently a research assistant professor of chemistry at HKUST.
b HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute, Nansha, Guangzhou, China
c Department of Polymer Science & Engineering, Institute of Biomedical Macromolecules, MoE Key Laboratory of Macromolecular Synthesis and Functionalisation, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Received 26th April 2011 DOI: 10.1039/c1cs15113d
Luminogenic materials with aggregation-induced emission (AIE) attributes have attracted much interest since the debut of the AIE concept in 2001. In this critical review, recent progress in the area of AIE research is summarized. Typical examples of AIE systems are discussed, from which their structure–property relationships are derived. Through mechanistic decipherment of the photophysical processes, structural design strategies for generating new AIE luminogens are developed. Technological, especially optoelectronic and biological, applications of the AIE systems are exemplified to illustrate how the novel AIE effect can be utilized for high-tech innovations (183 references).
英语完型plaque -回复
英语完型plaque -回复the following question: "How can we maintain good oral hygiene and prevent plaque buildup?"Oral hygiene is an essential part of overall health, and a key aspect of maintaining a healthy mouth is preventing plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth and gums. If not removed regularly, it can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, and other oral health issues. In this article, we will discuss the step-by-step process of maintaining good oral hygiene to prevent plaque buildup.Step 1: Brush your teeth twice a day.Brushing your teeth twice a day is crucial for maintaining good oral hygiene. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste that contains fluoride. Brush all surfaces of your teeth, including the front, back, and chewing surfaces. Make sure to reach the gumline and brush gently in circular motions to remove plaque effectively. It is recommended to spend at least two minutes brushing your teeth each time.Step 2: Floss daily.Even with regular brushing, certain areas between teeth can be difficult to clean. This is where flossing comes in. Flossing helps remove food particles and plaque from between the teeth and along the gumline. Take about 18 inches of dental floss and wrap it around your middle fingers. Gently slide the floss between your teeth, making a C shape, and move it up and down. Be careful not to snap the floss against your gums, as it can cause irritation.Step 3: Use an antimicrobial mouthwash.Adding an antimicrobial mouthwash to your oral hygiene routine can provide extra protection against plaque. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash after brushing and flossing. Look for a mouthwash that contains ingredients like chlorhexidine or essential oils, as they can help kill bacteria and prevent plaque buildup. However, it is important to note that mouthwash is not a substitute for brushing and flossing, but rather a supplement to your oral hygiene routine.Step 4: Limit sugary and acidic foods.The bacteria in plaque feed on sugars and produce harmful acids that can erode tooth enamel. Therefore, it is essential to limit your consumption of sugary and acidic foods and drinks. Opt for healthier alternatives like fruits, vegetables, dairy products, andwhole grains. Avoid frequent snacking throughout the day, as it exposes your teeth to sugars for a longer period. If you do indulge in sugary or acidic foods, make sure to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water afterward.Step 5: Visit your dentist regularly.Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining good oral health and preventing plaque buildup. Schedule appointments with your dentist at least twice a year for professional cleanings and examinations. Your dentist can remove any plaque or tartar buildup that cannot be cleaned through regular brushing and flossing. They can also identify any early signs of dental problems and provide appropriate treatment.In conclusion, preventing plaque buildup and maintaining good oral hygiene requires consistent effort and a step-by-step approach. By following a thorough oral care routine that includes brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, avoiding sugary and acidic foods, and visiting your dentist regularly, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy and plaque-free. Remember, a healthy mouth goes a long way in maintaining overall well-being.。
我要发明复活药水作文英文回答:Resurrection Potion.In a world filled with mysteries and wonders, one invention that has always captured the human imagination is the resurrection potion. The concept of bringing the dead back to life has been a subject of fascination and intrigue for centuries. So, what if we could actually invent a resurrection potion?The idea of a resurrection potion is both thrilling and controversial. On one hand, it offers hope and the possibility of reuniting with loved ones who have passed away. On the other hand, it raises ethical and moral questions about the natural cycle of life and death.From a scientific perspective, the creation of a resurrection potion seems like an impossible feat. Death isa complex process that involves the cessation of vital bodily functions, irreversible damage to cells and tissues, and the decomposition of the body. Reversing these processes and restoring life seems beyond the realm of current scientific knowledge.However, advancements in medical science and technology have brought us closer to understanding the mechanisms of life and death. Stem cell research, for example, has shown promise in regenerating damaged tissues and organs. If we could harness the power of stem cells and develop a potion that could stimulate their growth and repair, perhaps we could revive the dead.But even if we were able to create a resurrection potion, the implications would be enormous. It would fundamentally change our understanding of life and death, and raise questions about the nature of consciousness and the soul. Would the revived individuals be the same as before? Would they retain their memories and personalities? Or would they be mere shells, devoid of true life?Moreover, the practical and ethical considerations of a resurrection potion are immense. Who would have access to such a potion? Should it be available to everyone, or only to those who can afford it? And what about the consequences of resurrecting people who have committed heinous crimes or suffered from incurable illnesses? Would they be given a second chance at life, or would they face punishment for their actions?中文回答:复活药水。
Human Germline A New Research Frontier
PerspectiveHuman Germline:A New Research FrontierM.Azim Surani1,2,3,*1Wellcome Trust Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute,University of Cambridge,Tennis Court Road,Cambridge CB21QN,UK2Department of Physiology,Development and Neuroscience,University of Cambridge,Downing Street,Cambridge CB23EG,UK3Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Stem Cell Institute,University of Cambridge,Tennis Court Road,Cambridge CB23EG,UK *Correspondence:a.surani@/10.1016/j.stemcr.2015.04.014This is an open access article under the CC BY license(/licenses/by/4.0/).SUMMARYWe recently elucidated the mechanism of human primordial germ cell(hPGC)specification and resetting of the epigenome for toti-potency.The regulators of hPGC specification also initiate reset-ting of the epigenome,leading to a comprehensive erasure of DNA methylation,erasure of imprints and X reactivation in early hPGCs in vivo.These studies reveal differences with the mouse model,which are probably due to differences in the regulation of human pluripotency,and in postimplantation development at gastrulation,which indicates the importance of non-rodent models for investigations.Within the extreme hypomethylated environment of the early human germline are loci that are resis-tant to DNA demethylation,with subsequent predominant expres-sion in neural cells.These loci provide a model for studies on the mechanism of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance,and their response to environmental factors.Such epigenetic mechanism of inheritance could potentially provide greater phenotypic plas-ticity,with significant consequences for human development and disease.Germline:The Immortal LineageA primary role of germline is to generate the totipotent state,which precedes establishment of pluripotency during preimplantation development(Hayashi and Surani,2009; Leitch et al.,2013).With totipotency,human germline not only gives rise to a new organism,but also theoretically at least,to an endless series of generations.Thus,germ cell lineage is considered‘‘immortal,’’unlike somatic cells that perish with each individual.Germline transmits genetic as well as epigenetic information to subsequent genera-tions.To accomplish this significant role,the germline epi-genome undergoes comprehensive and unprecedented chromatin modifications,and global erasure of DNA methylation(Hackett et al.,2013;Kagiwada et al.,2013;Sei-senberger et al.,2012).This process will also ensure erasure of epimutations.Without such erasure,there would be progressive accumulation of epimutations,which would compromise germline functions and survival of the species. DNA methylation is also a key mechanism for the repres-sion of transposable elements(TEs).The global erasure of DNA methylation therefore creates conditions for the acti-vation of TEs and their transpositions(Zamudio and Bourc’his,2010;Tang et al.,2015).These repetitive ele-ments make up more than half of the mammalian genome,indicating that neither the invasion of our genome by these foreign elements,nor their expansion once acquired can be completely restrained.The comprehensive erasure of DNA methylation creates a key battleground between TEs and host defense mechanisms,resulting in an arms race to regulate their activity.Transposition events have the potential for inducing mutations;however,not all of these will have deleterious consequences.The TEs have also been crucial for mammalian evolution;some have been co-opted for important functions to regulate mamma-lian development(Gifford et al.,2013).Mammalian germline also generates critical epigenetic information for totipotency and development through im-printed genes.Expression of these genes is strictly depen-dent on their parental origin,which explains why both male and female genomes are essential for mammalian development.Imprints are erased and re-initiated in the germline;following fertilization,they are subsequently de-tected as robust and heritable parent-of-origin-dependent DNA methylation marks in embryos that persist into adult-hood.Imprinted genes provide reciprocal epigenetic infor-mation in parental genomes,which results in functional differences between parental genomes during develop-ment.Thus,whereas the parental genomes contribute equivalent genetic information to the zygote,the epige-netic information strictly depends on their parental origin. Parental imprints arefirst erased in primordial germ cells (PGCs)and then re-established appropriately during every germline cycle,and not passed on transgenerationally.In-heritance of epigenetic information through imprinting is a highly regulated process with clearly defined mecha-nism for erasure and re-initiation.This epigenetic information transmitted from germline via imprinted genes,differs from the epigenetic informa-tion that is apparently acquired in response to diverse envi-ronmental factors,and transmitted through the germline. The mechanistic basis for how such epigenetic information might be acquired and transmitted either inter-or transge-nerationally is unclear(Radford et al.,2014;Heard and Martienssen,2014),which remains a major question for mammalian germline biology.The consequences of such epigenetic inheritance in regulating phenotypic traits and any potential role during mammalian evolution also remain to be elucidated.Stem Cell Reports j Vol.4j1–6j June9,2015jª2015The Authors1Pangenesis,Gemmules,Germ Plasm,and Mobile RNAs Darwin proposed pangenesis in1868as a‘‘provisional’’hypothesis of heredity.He proposed that organs produce ‘‘gemmules,’’which contain information on the perfor-mance of each organ in the body(Darwin,1868).These gemmules are than passed on to sperm and eggs,and in this way,information from somatic tissues is gathered and transmitted to the next generation.Some recent re-ports on environmentally induced epigenetic changes and their apparent transgenerational inheritance conform to the idea of pangenesis,which has overtones of Lamarckian inheritance of acquired characters(reviewed by Heard and Martienssen,2014).Although this is un-likely,it does not entirely negate a degree of phenotypic plasticity that could be induced by environmental factors, albeit the mechanistic basis for the inheritance of such information through the mammalian germline is difficult to envisage.Non-coding RNAs,might be thought of as gemmules,in particular,mobile RNAs in plants and nem-atodes have been proposed as agents for transmission of information from cell to cell,and potentially through the germline(Sarkies and Miska,2014).However,in mammals,the germline is set aside during early postim-plantation development,which poses additional barriers to be overcome for such transmission from soma to germline.The idea of a barrier separating germline from soma was proposed by August Weissmann,who in1889 proposed the concept of germ plasm.Accordingly,only cells that inherit germ plasm acquire germ cell fate, and the remaining cells acquire somatic fates.Further-more,only the cells inheriting germ plasm during each generation transmit genetic information to the next gen-eration,excluding somatic cells from any such role.A strict interpretation of this idea is that germ cells do not carry information from somatic cells as far as inher-itance is concerned.This is sometimes referred to as Weissman’s Barrier,which challenges the Lamarckian idea of inheritance of acquired characters.With the advent of induced pluripotent stem cells(iPSC)however, it is possible to generate human primordial germ cells from adult somatic cells via iPSC(Irie et al.,2015),which to some extent breaks the Weissman’s Barrier.It is clearly important to resolve the issue of environmentally induced transmission of epigenetic information through the human germline,which apparently has phenotypic consequences.To address this question,it isfirst essential to know how the human germ cell lineage is established,and gain knowledge of how the germline epigenome is reset.Our recent work has been directed at addressing some of these fundamental questions con-cerning the human germline(Irie et al.,2015;Tang et al., 2015).Specification of Human Primordial Germ CellsFirst,it is important to elucidate the mechanism of human PGC specification,the precursors of sperm and eggs.PGC specification in mammals does not depend on the inheri-tance of germ plasm,but is induced by signaling molecules during early postimplantation development(De Fellici, 2013).Indeed,some evidence indicates that all pluripotent cells in blastocysts and all pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs)are potential PGCs.Unlike in some organisms, mammalian germ cells are not allocated early in wson and Hage(1994)studied the origin of PGCs in mouse embryos and observed them through early postimplantation development to the establishment of founder population of PGCs in mice,which are induced by BMP4(Lawson et al.,1999).Importantly,genetic studies identified key transcription factors that are induced by BMP4,which play an essential role in germ cell fate deter-mination.These factors are also important for initiating a program for resetting the germline epigenome(Hayashi and Surani,2009).Wefirst established the genetic basis of mammalian PGC specification in mice using a single cell transcriptome anal-ysis,which led to the identification of Prdm1(encoding BLIMP1)as a key regulator of PGCs(Saitou et al.,2002;Ohi-nata et al.,2005;Hayashi et al.,2007).A key role of BLIMP1 is to repress somatic fate in the postimplantation epiblast cells from which PGCs are recruited.BLIMP1mutant cells fail to undergo specification as PGCs and show expression of somatic genes.The use of BLIMP1mutant cells also led to the identification of PRDM14,which has a significant role in regulating pluripotency and during specification of PGCs(Magnu´sdo´ttir et al.,2013;Nakaki et al.,2013).A third critical gene Tfap2c(encoding AP2G),is a direct target of BLIMP1(Magnu´sdo´ttir et al.,2013).These regulators constitute a tripartite genetic network for mouse PGC spec-ification,which are necessary and sufficient for mouse PGC specification.They act combinatorially by binding to tar-gets to regulate three key functions:suppression of somatic fate,regulation of germ cell program,and the epigenetic program.Genetic studies confirmed that a mutation in BLIMP1or PRDM14abrogates PGC fate in vivo.An in vitro method allows development of PGC-like cells from naive pluripotent stem cells(ESCs),with a potential to develop into viable gametes(Hayashi et al.,2011). PGCs can be induced by cytokines or directly by the three transcription factors in vitro without cytokines(Magnu´s-do´ttir et al.,2013;Nakaki et al.,2013).Our recent work has focused on the mechanism of hu-man PGC specification,which occurs during week2of gestation,and therefore cannot be directly investigated in early human embryos.Based on mouse studies,hESCs could be used to examine induction of PGC-like fate in vitro although the mouse model does not work with2Stem Cell Reports j Vol.4j1–6j June9,2015jª2015The Authors Stem Cell ReportsPerspectivehuman ESCs (Irie et al.,2015).Furthermore,hESCs cultured in conventional culture conditions have a very limited potential for hPGCLC specification.However,we found that hESCs maintained in ‘‘4i’’culture conditions ac-quire and maintain high competence for hPGCLC-like fate.hPGC-like cells could be induced very efficiently in these competent hESCs by cytokines containing BMP2/BMP4(Gafni et al.,2013;Irie et al.,2015).Notably,hESCs lost competence for hPGCLC fate when they were returned to conventional culture conditions.Transcriptome analysis of hPGCLC and comparison with authentic in vivo wk7-wk9hPGCs,and a seminoma cell line showed that they shared expression of key PGC genes,among which were SOX17and a cell surface marker CD38.Further analysis of the sequence of gene expression during hPGCLC specifi-cation revealed that SOX17expression is detected first,followed by BLIMP1.Notably,SOX17has no role in the specification of mouse PGCs.The role of PRDM14in hPGC specification also remains unclear,in contrast to its pivotal role in mouse PGC specification.There are other genes whose functions remain to be elucidated,including GATA4and TEAD4.Notably,hPGCLCs and hPGCs do not show expression of SOX2;however,TFCP2L1and KLF4are detected in hPGCs.There is no expression of KLF4in mouse PGCLC;however,whereas SRBB1expres-sion is detected in mouse PGCs,expression of this gene is undetectable in hPGCs (Irie et al.,2015;Tang et al.,2015).This shows that there are significant differences be-tween mouse and human PGC specification.The differ-ences in culture conditions that confer competence for PGC fate in ESCs also apparently differ between mouse and human.Further work is needed to clarify the precise molecular basis for how competence for PGC fate is ac-quired and lost in the two species.Apart from the differ-ences in the regulation of human and mouse pluripotent states (Takashima et al.,2014),there are also differences in their postimplantation development;postimplantation embryos in rodents develop as egg cylinders,whereas hu-man and many or most other mammalian embryos develop as bilaminar discs.This could affect the mecha-nism that confers competence for PGCs,and other early cell fate decisions.It is important therefore to explore non-rodent mammalian models for early postimplantation development and gastrulation.Studies also show that the response to SOX17during hPGCLC is dose dependent because reduced numbers of hPGCLCs are detected in SOX17heterozygous hESCs.Loss of SOX17abrogates PGC fate,but this can be rescued by ectopic expression of SOX17alone,even in the absence of cytokines,which indicates its pivotal role in hPGC fate (Irie et al.,2015).BLIMP1,which is expressed down-stream of SOX17,apparently represses mesendoderm genes,which are expressed in the BLIMP1mutant cells inresponse to the cytokines in the medium,including BMP4/BMP2.CD38,a novel cell surface marker of human germline,is shared by a seminoma cell line,as well as by gonadal hPGCs.Thus,CD38and tissue non-specific alkaline phos-phatase can be used as markers of hPGCLCs for studies us-ing any iPSCs without reporters.CD38might also be useful to distinguishing between seminomas from embryonal car-cinoma cells in human germ cell tumors.Germ cell tumors are thought to arise from blocked PGCs or gonocytes because they develop as carcinomas in situ,from which seminomas and embryonal carcinomas (ECS)can develop (de Jong et al.,2008).Seminomas have properties that resemble early human germ cells,whereas ECS resemble pluripotent stem cells.Thus,seminomas show expression of CD38and SOX17whereas embryonal carcinomas show expression of SOX2and CD30.Seminomas can give rise to embryonal carcinoma cells in germ cell tumors.Based on this observation,it will be of interest to determine if pluripotent embryonic germ cells (hEGCs)can be derived from hPGCs,which could advance knowledge of the rela-tionship between germ cells and pluripotent stem cells.Resetting the Epigenome for Totipotency and DevelopmentThe human genome is extensively reprogrammed in the germline and during preimplantation development (Tang et al.,2015;Guo et al.,2014;Smith et al.,2014).Epigenetic reprogramming in preimplantation embryo resets the epi-genome for naive pluripotency (Takashima et al.,2014),whereas reprogramming in primordial germ cells is more comprehensive than in early embryos,and includes erasure of imprints and potentially epimutations,which re-stores full germline potency for the transmission of genetic and epigenetic information (Tang et al.,2015).Although there are a number of histone modifications that occur in the early germline,global erasure of DNA methylation to a basal level (to 5%)is perhaps the most significant and a unique characteristic of the early germline.Studies on mouse and human germline reveal some com-mon features as well as differences in the underlying mech-anism of DNA demethylation.In both instances,their regulatory network for PGC specification,also acts as the reset switch for the epigenome.In mouse,BLIMP1-PRDM14are the key factors for the re-set switch,resulting in basal levels of 5-methylcytosine (5mC)( 2%–3%)inembryonic day 12.5–13.5mPGCs (Magnu´sdo ´ttir et al.,2013;Hackett et al.,2013).Among the targets of BLIMP1-PRDM14in mouse are DNMT3B,a de novo DNA methyl-ation methyltransferase,and UHRF1,which are repressed by the network.Their repression promotes DNA replication coupled loss of 5mC.Repression of UHRF1affects mainte-nance DNA methylation.There are two UHRF1promoters;Stem Cell Reports j Vol.4j 1–6j June 9,2015j ª2015The Authors3Stem Cell ReportsPerspectiveone is bound by PRDM14and the second by BLIMP1to ensure complete suppression of this genes.Because mouse ESCs express PRDM14but not BLIMP1,this explains main-tenance of UHRF1expression in ESCs.This partly explains why the erasure of 5mC in mESCs does not reach the low levels seen in mPGCs.Although further work is needed on human PGCs,it is likely that SOX17-BLIMP1plays a pivotal role in initiating resetting of the epigenome in the human germline,but the involvement of PRDM14in hPGCs remains unclear (Tang et al.,2015).What is clear is that the enzymes involved in DNA methylation are also repressed in the human germline,but the precise mechanism of their repression is unknown.The additional mechanism contributing to global DNA demethylation are the enzymes TET1and TET2;TET1in particular is highly upregulated in nascent hPGCs (Hackett et al.,2013;Tang et al.,2015).These enzymes convert 5mC to 5hydroxymethylacytosine (5hmC);the latter is also apparently lost through DNA replication-coupled dilution.Additional mechanism may also contribute to DNA deme-thylation,possibly including base excision repair that could actively excise 5mC (Hajkova et al.,2010).Thus,there are parallel redundant mechanisms that contribute to the comprehensive erasure of 5mC in the early germline.In humans,DNA methylation reaches basal levels in hPGCs during week (Wk)7–9of gestation ( 5%).The global DNA demethylation seen in the germline also accounts for the erasure of genomic imprints during Wk7–Wk9in hPGCs,before their re-establishment later during gametogenesis,and transmission at fertilization (Tang et al.,2015).Thereafter,imprints are retained and inherited by somatic tissues and they persist into adulthood.Im-printed genes are known to have diverse functions,including growth,metabolism,and behavior,as well as regulation of stem cells and cancers (Lee et al.,2015).Mu-tations in imprinted genes also account for diverse human diseases,such as Beckwith-Wiedemann and Prader Willi-Angelman syndrome.The imprints need to be erased in pri-mordial germ cells before new imprints that take the form of DNA methylation of imprinting control regions can occur during oogenesis and spermatogenesis.These epige-netic marks that regulate expression of imprinted genes from embryos to adulthood represent an unequivocal example of inheritance of epigenetic information from germline,which is critical for mammalian development.DNA methylation has a critical role in the repression of TEs;more than half of the human genome is made up of TEs (Zamudio and Bourc’his,2010).The majority of TEs un-dergo DNA demethylation in the germline,although the evolutionarily young and active TEs retain partial methyl-ation,suggesting that additional mechanism such as his-tone modification H3K9me3might repress TE activity (Tang et al.,2015).A primary mechanism for the repressionof TEs involves piRNAs in the mouse male germline.Little is yet known about piRNA biosynthesis in human germline except that many of the genes involved in this pathway are expressed in both male and female hPGCs during Wk7–Wk9,which merits further investigation.Some of the KRAB-ZFP/KAP1genes that are activated in hPGCs might also have a role in the repression of some TEs (Tang et al.,2015).Transgenerational Epigenetic InheritanceThe mechanisms of transgenerational epigenetic inheri-tance and their consequences are being investigated (Rad-ford et al.,2014;Heard and Martienssen,2014).Despite comprehensive hypomethylation of the hPGC genome,there are loci that retain significant levels of DNA demethy-lation in both mouse and human (Hackett et al.,2013;Sei-senberger et al.,2012;Tang et al.,2015).While many such ‘‘escapees’’in hPGCs that retain significant DNA methyl-ation are associated with repeats,there are 10%that are repeat-free.Such regions are located at enhancers,CGI,promoters and within gene bodies.Analysis shows that many of these genes with escapees regions are expressed in brain and during neural parison of this group of genes with the NHGRI GWAS catalog indi-cates their association with diseases,including obesity-related traits,schizophrenia,and multiple sclerosis.Furthermore,H3K9me3is the key repressive histone modi-fication epigenetic mark associated with this group of repeat-rich and repeat-poor escapees in selected somatic cell types (Tang et al.,2015).These regions can potentially be targeted by KRAB-ZFP/KAP1repressive complex,and therefore prone to silencing through heterochromatiniza-tion.Motif analysis for two members of KRAB-ZFP/KAF1family members showed enrichment for repeat-rich es-capees and also a moderate enrichment for repeat-poor es-capees.Evidence suggests that the repeat-poor escapees retain partial methylation subsequently in the inner cell mass of preimplantation embryos,confirming that they can withstand both waves of erasure of DNA methylation,in hPGCs and early embryos,indicating their potential for transgenerational epigenetic inheritance.These genes are biased toward brain-and growth-related functions and they are therefore candidates for investigations on their po-tential for epigenetic inheritance.Some escapee loci are shared between mouse and human (Tang et al.,2015).These loci might respond to environmental factors and confer phenotypic plasticity in different tissues.PerspectiveRecent advances in studies on human germline have eluci-dated the mechanism of hPGC specification (Irie et al.,2015).There are fundamental differences in the transcrip-tional regulatory network for PGC specification between4Stem Cell Reports j Vol.4j 1–6j June 9,2015j ª2015TheAuthorsStem Cell ReportsPerspectivemice and human that may be due to differences in their pluripotent states as well as in their postimplantation development.It is important,therefore,to explore non-rodent models for a comprehensive understanding of how this affects PGC specification and other early cell fate decisions.The regulatory network for PGC specifica-tion,which includes SOX17-BLIMP1,also acts as a re-set switch for the epigenome,leading to a comprehensive erasure of DNA methylation in hPGCs that restores full germline potency (Tang et al.,2015).This is also the time when the expression of transposable elements is most likely,which requires host defense mechanisms to regulate their activity.A key area of investigation is the apparent transgenerational inheritance of environmentally induced epigenetic information through the germline.Detection of loci that are resistant to reprogramming in the germline provides candidates for investigation for the mechanism that confers protection from erasure and for their potential roles in phenotypic plasticity in human development and disease.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI thank all my past and present colleagues who contributed greatly 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Beyond Resveratrol The Anti-Aging NAD Fad(中英双语)
Beyond Resveratrol: TheAnti-Aging NAD FadWhenever I see my 10-year-old daughter brimming over with so much energy that she jumps up in the middle of supper to run around the table, I think to myself, “those young mitochondria.” Mitochondria are our cel ls’ energy dynamos.——By David Stipp on March 11, 2015Whenever I see my 10-year-old daughter brimming over with so much energy that she jumps up in the middle of supper to run around the table, I think to myself, "those young mitochondria." 除白藜芦醇外,抗衰老NAD (烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸)成为另一种流行无论我何时看我那10岁的女儿,她总是活力十足,她在晚饭中会从椅子上跳下来绕着餐桌跑着玩,我心里想,“那些年轻的线粒体”。
Mitochondria are our cells'energy dynamos. Descended from bacteria that colonized other cells about 2 billion years, they get flaky as we age. A prominent theory of aging holds that decaying of mitochondria is a key driver of aging. While it's not clear why our mitochondria fade as we age, evidence suggests that it leads to everything from heart failure to neurodegeneration, as well as the complete absence of zipping around the supper table.Recent research suggests it may be possible to reverse mitochondrial decay with dietary supplements that increase cellular levels of a molecule called NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). But caution is due: While there's promising test-tube线粒体是我们体内细胞的能量源泉。
脓毒性休克液体复苏:when less is more,do not forget the Fran...
脓毒性休克液体复苏:when less is more,do not forget t h e F r a n... When all the salt is taken from the seaI stand dethronedI'm naked and I bleedBut when your finger points so savagely,Is anybody there to believe in meTo hear my plea and take care of me?How can I go on From day to dayWho can make me strong in every wayWhere can I be safeWhere can I belongIn this great big world of sadnessHow can I forgetThose beautiful dreams that we sharedThey're lost and they're no where to be foundHow can I go on?……急诊医学资讯从未发过如此长而纠结的文章----自从推文以来这样的结果我该信谁呢?Meta分析亦是如此,还有什么是不可以有两种结果的呢?这样的结果如何指导临床呢?我们可以看到meta写的最多的一句是研究的异质性大!的确,即便是2014-2015年间ProCESS,ARISE,PROMISE三项高质量RCT,也遭来很多质疑,总之,人们总是能找到说服自己和他人的理由。
Without EGDT, how can I go on?我们可以静下心来想想静静吗?可以,我们可以回归病理生理!The idea in this paper was mainly inspired by A rational approach to fluid therapy in sepsis written by Marik and Bellomo published in a recent issue of British Journal of Anaesthesa.本文主要思想出自上述文章。
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Resetting the Epigenomebeyond Pluripotency in the GermlineKatsuhiko Hayashi1and M.Azim Surani1,*1Wellcome Trust Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute,The Henry Wellcome Building of Cancer and Developmental Biology,University of Cambridge,Tennis Court Road,Cambridge CB21QN,UK*Correspondence:a.surani@DOI10.1016/j.stem.2009.05.007Germ cells undergo comprehensive epigenetic reprogramming toward acquiringfitness for pluripotency and totipotency.Notably,the full extent of the epigenetic reprogramming experienced by germ cells remains unmatched by attempts to experimentally restore pluripotency in somatic cells.We propose that the defects present in experimentally generated cells are corrected upon differentiation into the germ cell lineage,as has been observed in cases of germline transmission.Unraveling the mechanisms responsible for germ cell-specific epigenetic reprogramming will likely have important implications for both basic and clinical stem cell research.Epigenetic reprogramming of somatic cells,for example,by nuclear transplantation into an oocyte,frequently leads to defects in the resulting conceptus and cells(Hochedlinger and Jaenisch,2002;Tamashiro et al.,2003).Many of these defects are eliminated upon transmission through the germline,suggest-ing that they are epigenetic in nature and reversible(Shimozawa et al.,2002;Tamashiro et al.,2002).Cells derived via recent advances in reprogramming,including experimentally induced pluripotent stem cells(iPSCs),require critical evaluation of their properties with respect to the events in the germline,given that these cells may lack all of the attributes of an authentic pluripo-tent state.Here,we discuss our growing knowledge of the mammalian germ cell lineage and the implications of thesefind-ings to the experimental manipulation of epigenetic states.The Foundation of the Germ Cell LineagePrimordial germ cells(PGCs)originate during development from postimplantation epiblast cells,which,in turn,arise from the pluripotent primitive ectoderm cells of the inner-cell mass (PEct/ICM)of blastocysts(McLaren and Lawson,2005).Devel-opment of the postimplantation epiblast is accompanied by epigenetic modifications that are generally irreversible,including X inactivation when this chromosome switches from early to late replication(Takagi et al.,1982);this alteration is perhaps a hall-mark of genome-wide irreversible epigenetic changes and may involve DNA methylation.Other changes,including histone modifications and DNA methylation,also ensue during differen-tiation of the epiblast and appear to be required in that their absence in the wake of mutation to several key epigenetic regu-lators results in early embryonic lethality(Surani et al.,2007). Thus,PGCs originate from epiblast cells that have initiated the process of differentiation toward somatic cell lineages(Ohinata et al.,2005),as reflected in their transcriptional profile. Whereas the majority of epiblast cells continue to develop toward diverse somatic fates,this trend is arrested in a few epiblast cells destined to form the PGCs(Figure1).Blimp1/ Prdm1,a transcriptional repressor and the key germ cell deter-minant in mammals,initiates the reversion of differentiating epiblast cells by repressing the somatic program and initiating the germ cell program at embryonic day(E) 6.25(Ohinata et al.,2005).Additional changes follow,including re-expression of pluripotency genes such as Nanog and Sox2(Yabuta et al., 2006;Yamaguchi et al.,2005)in nascent PGCs,but not in the other differentiating epiblast cells.These adjustments suggest a trend toward reversion to an earlier ICM-like epigenetic state (Figure1),although nascent PGCs still possess some character-istics of epiblast cells,such as an inactive X chromosome(Chuva de Sousa Lopes et al.,2008;de Napoles et al.,2007;Sugimoto and Abe,2007).This epigenetic memory of the cell’s initial trajec-tory toward a somatic fate is erased progressively in PGC precursors.Epigenetic Reprogramming in the Emerging Germ Cells Epigenetic reprogramming events commence immediately after PGC specification at E7.25,which is marked by the detection of Stella/Dppa3(Saitou et al.,2002;Sato et al.,2002).These epige-netic changes are accompanied by downregulation of genes impli-cated in DNA methylation and changes in histone modifications (Yabuta et al.,2006).Notably,genes,including Glp and Dnmt3b, are downregulated.As a result,a global loss of histone H3lysine 9(H3K9me2)methylation is observed in PGCs between E7.5and E8.5,whereas the Ezh2-dependent H3K27me3modification is accentuated(Hajkova et al.,2008;Seki et al.,2005).Although the specific loci remodeled by these global histone modifications in PGCs remain to be elucidated,the overall effect in PGCs is to shift them toward the ICM/ESC-like epigenetic state.Indeed,with these changes,PGCs acquire the potential to dedifferentiate into plurip-otent embryonic germ(EG)cells that are virtually identical to ESCs (see below).There are no published reports on the derivation of EG cells from PGCs prior to E8.5,which may indicate the significance of resetting the epigenome between E7.5and E8.5in nascent PGCs(Figure1).Recent evidence demonstrates that Prdm14, another PR domain-containing transcriptional regulator that is de-tected shortly after Blimp1/Prdm1in PGC precursors,plays a pivotal role in regulating epigenetic changes in nascent PGCs. Gene disruption of Prdm14hampers both the loss of H3K9me2 and the enhancement of K3K27me3.Consequently,PGC develop-ment and the derivation of EG cells are impaired in the Prdm14 Cell Stem Cell4,June5,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.493mutant embryos (Yamaji et al.,2008).Thus,Blimp1/Prdm1and Prdm14appear to work in tandem to repress the somatic program and initiate the germ cell-specific epigenetic program.Coupled with the global epigenetic modifications that are observed in PGCs,some key pluripotency genes are also re-expressed.Included in this list are Nanog and Sox2(Yabuta et al.,2006;Yamaguchi et al.,2005),which are normally repressed in postimplantation epiblast cells and are the very factors involved in the reversion of somatic cells to pluripotent stem cells (Silva et al.,2006;Takahashi and Yamanaka,2006).A recent study also reveals that the binding of Nanog,Oct4,and Sox2to a regulatory element of Xist ,a noncoding RNA,may help to induce reactivation of the X chromosome (Navarro et al.,2008).However,reactivation of the X chromosome occurs in a pro-tracted manner in PGCs compared to PEct;X reactivation commences at around E7.0and is not completed until E12.5in PGCs,but it occurs within a day in PEct (Mak et al.,2004;Okamoto et al.,2004).This difference may be because Xist repression in PEct involves histone modifications,but the late replication of the X chromosome in epiblast cells (Takagi et al.,1982)may be coupled with DNA methylation,which is initially inherited by nascent PGCs.The Relationship between Germ Cells and Pluripotent Stem CellsAs described above,reprogramming in early germ cells results in PGCs from E8.5–E11.5embryos being in a permissive state with respect to their potential to give rise to pluripotent EG cells.EG cells are virtually identical to ESCs,except for the loss of DNA methylation from imprinted gene loci in EG cells (Shovlin et al.,2008;Tada et al.,2001).Both ESCs and EG cells have two active X chromosomes in female cells,can contribute to chimeras and the germline,and have transcriptomes that are very similar (Shar-ova et al.,2007).Despite their similarities,EG cells and ESCs have distinctive origins from PGC and PEct,respectively.PGCs are the founders of a unipotent lineage that generates sperm and eggs only,whereas PEct give rise to all of the somaticfetalFigure 1.Stepwise Differentiation and Reprogramming during Mouse DevelopmentA totipotent zygote develops into a blastocyst,followed by differentiation into ICM/PEct and trophectoderm (TE).ICM/PEct are pluripotent cells but no longer totipotent.After implantation,ICM/PEct differentiates into the epiblast,coupled with random X inactivation,a hallmark of the epigenetic state of this population.During gastru-lation,epiblast cells give rise to both germ cells and somatic cells.Whereas somatic cells undergo further differentiation,PGCs revert to a state that resembles the ICM/PEct population,with the exception that they are unipotent.Further epige-netic reprogramming events take place in germ cells,including genome-wide DNA demethylation and remodeling of retrotransposon-linked genes.tissues,as well as to germ cells (Fig-ure 1).To restrict their cell fate,PGCs exhibit lineage-specific gene expression,including Blimp1and Nanos3(Ohinata et al.,2005;Tsuda et al.,2003).Of partic-ular note for the maintenance of early unipotent germ cell lineage is the presence of a Blimp1-Prmt5repressive complex;Prmt5is a histone H2A/H4symmetrical arginine 3demethylase (H2A/H4R3me2s)(Ancelin et al.,2006).During EG cell derivation,Blimp1is rapidly downregulated (Durcova-Hills et al.,2008),which likely reverses restriction on the germ cell lineage,while Prmt5assumes another role in promoting pluripotency.The Blipm1-Prmt5complex translocates to the cytoplasm at E12.5(Ancelin et al.,2006),precisely when the ability to generate EG cells from PGCs ceases.Thus,the Blimp1-Prmt5complex may safeguard unipotency of early germ cells,but it may also have a role in epigenetic reprogramming itself.These hypotheses are testable predictions that will be interesting to tackle in the future.It is known that human ESCs that resemble pluripotent epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs)(Brons et al.,2007;Tesar et al.,2007)can generate cells with characteristics resembling PGCs (Clark et al.,2004).It is possible that the significance of epigenetic reprogramming in PGCs may become evident by investigating EpiSCs,which are derived from E5.5–E6.5postimplantation embryos.EpiSCs differ significantly from ESC/EG cells in their overall transcription profile and in their epigenetic state (Brons et al.,2007;Hayashi et al.,2008;Tesar et al.,2007),even though this population also exhibits expression of key pluripotency-specific genes (Figure 2A).However,EpiSCs have an inactive X chromosome and possibly hypermethylation of CpG sequences of some pluripotency genes,such as stella and Rex1/Zfp42.EpiSCs can neither contribute to adult chimeras,which precludes their contribution to PGCs in vivo (Brons et al.,2007),nor be easily converted to ESCs (Guo et al.,2009).If PGCs can be derived from EpiSCs in vitro and if these PGCs undergo appropriate epigenetic reprogramming,they may,in turn,be induced to give rise to EG cells.These results would demonstrate that reprogramming in PGCs is a route through which the EpiSC epigenome can be re-modeled and perhaps reverted to the ICM/ESC-like pluripotent state (Figure 2A).Thus,the epigenetic barrier that is created during development of the epiblast and EpiScs may be breached during PGC development.494Cell Stem Cell 4,June 5,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.Genomic Reprogramming beyond PluripotencyThe most significant epigenetic reprogramming event in the germline is genome-wide DNA demethylation and extensive histone modifications that take place in gonadal PGCs (Hajkova et al.,2008).Though DNA demethylation does occur to some extent during preimplantation development (Howlett and Reik,1991;Monk et al.,1991),there is no process equivalent to the reprogramming observed in germ cells reported in cells of other lineages,and this process accounts for the complete erasure and resetting of the epigenome in the germline.This specialized reprogramming may account for the rare incidences of transge-nerational inheritance of epimutations (Whitelaw and Whitelaw,2008).The targeted modifications in germ cells also ensurethatEpiblastABFigure 2.Impact of PGC-MediateEpigenetic Reprogramming on Pluripotent Stem Cells(A)Mouse ESCs (top)derived from ICM/PEct exhibit an epigenetic status similar to mouse EG cells because PGC-mediate reprogramming has the potential to erase epigenetic memory of epiblast.It is proposed that derivation of PGCs from EpiSCs may similarly erase the epigenetic memory of the latter.Human ESCs (bottom)may lack the ICM/PEct reprogramming event observed in the mouse ICM/PEct,making hESCs more like the EpiESCs.However,epigenetic reprogramming in human germ cells renders them responsive to LIF-STAT3signaling and,therefore,similar to mouse ES/EG cells,which suggests equivalent resetting of the epigenome in the mouse and human germline.(B)Experimentally generated pluripotent stem cells may exhibit defects in their potential for terminal differentiation and,thus,may not be capable of development to term in tetraploid host blastocysts.These limitations may result from the presence of epigenetic defects retained during an incomplete reprogramming process.Epigenetic defects encountered in experimentally generated pluripotent cells may be corrected upon their transmission through the germline (top).imprinted genes and retrotransposons,such as LINE1,are remodeled appropri-ately (Hajkova et al.,2002).Notably,there is no strictly equivalent phenomenon in PEct/ICM,in ESCs,or in other experimen-tally derived pluripotent cells.The lack of a similar remodeling of the genome in the experimentally generated pluripotent cells may affect their functional properties (see below).Evidence suggests that remodeling of retrotransposon-associated and im-printed genes in germ cells also con-tributes to totipotency by restoring the potential for subsequent fetal and placental development.Genes associ-ated with retrotransposable elements include Peg10and Rtl1(also known as Peg11),which are essential for placental development (Ono et al.,2006;Sekita et al.,2008).Several human placentalgenes,such as Endothelin B receptor,Insl4,Leptin,Midline1,and Pleiotrophin,are also associated with retrotransposable elements (Rawn and Cross,2008).It is likely that genome-wide DNA demethylation exclusively in gonadal PGCs contributes to resetting these genes and others that are critical for develop-ment of the conceptus after fertilization.Remodeling of the epigenetic status of retrotransposable elements,however,may cause mutagenesis in the genome by active transposition.Recent studies elegantly demonstrate that small RNA pathways,such as piRNA (also known as gsRNA)and endogenous siRNA,play a crucial role in suppressing the expression of retrotransposons (Aravin et al.,2006;Girard et al.,2006;Watanabe et al.,2006,2008).Disruption of theseCell Stem Cell 4,June 5,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.495genes,interestingly,has an impact on germ cell development, but not that of PEct or ESCs,suggesting that germ cells possess both the specific circumstance in which retrotransposons can be activated and specific mechanisms to suppress them,which imparts tolerance for these activities.Recent studies also reveal characteristic remodeling of the epigenetic status of Rhox genes,which were initially identified as a gene cluster of the reproductive homeobox on the X chro-mosome.Detailed analysis clearly revealed that expression of these genes commences exclusively in PGCs at E12.5PGCs (Daggag et al.,2008),when massive DNA demethylation occurs. Comparison of the epigenetic status of the Rhox gene cluster in PGCs and in fetal and placental tissues will clarify the signifi-cance of remodeling these genes in PGCs.Implications of Germline-Specific Reprogrammingin HumansApart from the germline,epigenetic reprogramming also takes place during the establishment of pluripotent cells in the ICM,as exemplified by reactivation of the inactive paternal X chromosome (Mak et al.,2004;Okamoto et al.,2004).Whether such an event occurs in the human ICM is unclear.Notably,expression of Xist, a noncoding RNA important for X inactivation,is apparently de-tected from both parental alleles in human embryos and not just from the paternal allele as in the mouse(Daniels et al.,1997; Ray et al.,1997).It is possible that there may not be an epigenetic reprogramming event in the human PEct/ICM consistent with that seen in the mouse ICM(Figure2A).If substantiated,this hypoth-esis may explain why mouse ESCs differ from human ESCs;for example,mouse female ESCs express two active X chromo-somes,whereas the vast majority of human female ESCs retain an inactive X chromosome(Dhara and Benvenisty,2004;Shen et al.,2007).In addition,hESCs more closely resemble mouse EpiSCs than ESCs,and both of the former require bFGF/Activin for their self-renewal,whereas mouse ESCs/EG cells require LIF/STAT3signaling to retain their pluripotent state(Niwa et al., 1998).Whether the observed differences in patterns of X inactiva-tion and the signaling requirements of mouse and human ESCs are functionally connected remains to be determined.However, it is possible that the ICM/PEct in human embryos may continue development toward a postimplantation epiblast-like stage during the derivation of hESC from blastocysts.Based on the available evidence,it does appear that the extensive epigenetic reprogramming observed in mouse germ cells may also occur in the human,given that extensive DNA demethylation would be required to reset the imprints and for X reactivation.That these modifications occur seems particularly likely because human EG cells,unlike hESC,are dependent on LIF/STAT signaling(Figure2A)(Shamblott et al.,1998).Sper-matogonia-derived human pluripotent stem cells are also similar to mouse ES/EG cells(Conrad et al.,2008).The nature of epige-netic reprogramming events in human germ cells could be exam-ined in PGCs derived from hESC,and parallel experiments may also be possible with mouse EpiSCs in vitro.Perspective on Experimentally Induced PluripotencyA classical approach to restore totipotency/pluripotency in somatic nuclei is by transplantation into an oocyte(SCNT) (Campbell et al.,1996;Wakayama et al.,1998).The transferred somatic nuclei are exposed to reprogramming factors in the oocyte,and as a result,they may acquire totipotency.Further-more,during subsequent development of such reconstituted embryos to the blastocyst stage,donor nuclei may also undergo reprogramming in the ICM.In spite of this two-step reprogram-ming of somatic nuclei in early embryos,the resulting concep-tuses often show both fetal and placental abnormalities, suggesting that neither the oocyte nor the ICM has the compre-hensive potential to reset the epigenetic state of the somatic nucleus(Bao et al.,2005;Bortvin et al.,2003).Many of these defects are,however,corrected upon transmission through the germline(Shimozawa et al.,2002;Tamashiro et al.,2002), demonstrating the comprehensive nature of epigenetic reprog-ramming upon passage through the germ cell lineage (Figure2B).Though some of the epigenetic defects could be erased during epigenetic reprogramming in the ICM,rather than in germ cells,any defects present in the trophectoderm and other extraembryonic lineages would remain uncorrected. The experimentally generated human pluripotent stem cells (hESCs)and iPSC may show even greater defects compared to the mouse because,as discussed above,it is unclear whether human cells experience an equivalent reprogramming event as observed in the ICM of the mouse.In any case,it seems that the extensive epigenetic reprogramming and resetting of the epi-genome observed in the germline,including genome-wide DNA demethylation as well as wide-ranging histone modifications,do not occur in the oocyte or in the ICM.Germline Reprogramming and the iPSCThe most important recent advance toward restoring pluripo-tency in somatic cells comes from Yamanaka’s work using transcription factors,including Oct4,Sox2,Klf4,and c-Myc,to convert somatic cells into iPSCs that appear overtly equivalent to pluripotent ESCs(Takahashi and Yamanaka,2006).Consider-able attention has been paid to the low frequency of the deriva-tion of iPSCs,the protracted nature of the process,and some of the key properties of these cells(Hochedlinger and Plath,2009). From our perspective,however,the most important remaining question is how closely do iPSCs truly resemble ESCs derived from normal blastocysts.To generate iPSCs,the pluripotency-specific transcriptional factors introduced into somatic cells probably help to establish a new genetic network that evidently approximates the authentic pluripotency network,although it cannot be excluded that subtle yet important differences may be present.However,the genera-tion of iPSCs from somatic cells does not appear to require systematic reversal of the entire developmental program that originally resulted in all of the diverse somatic cells with distinct phenotypes.Differentiation of somatic cells requires robust silencing of genes and regulatory elements that are not required in specific cell types.It is possible that epigenetic modifications associated with such silent genes that are robustly repressed in specific differentiated cells by DNA methylation may be difficult to reverse,as is the case with methylation of imprinted genes, which could make some key regulatory elements inaccessible to tissue-specific binding factors(Xu et al.,2007).This hypothesis is plausible,given that pluripotency is the property being selected for in these experiments rather than the ability of the newly estab-lished iPSC to undergo terminal differentiation to a specific496Cell Stem Cell4,June5,2009ª2009Elsevier Inc.lineage.Thus,traces of residual epigenetic memory could exist in iPSCs,in that some genes that are silenced in specific cell types may remain silenced,and the residual memory marks may only be erased upon transmission through the germline.Therefore,it is essential to carry out comprehensive epigenetic analysis of iPSCs,for example,by using genome-wide methylation analysis by methylDip(Farthing et al.,2008),in carefully controlled exper-iments to rigorously address the hypothesis that iPSCs retain tissue restriction patterns from their parental cells.The most stringent test to establish whether cells,such as iPSCs,are indeed pluripotent is to demonstrate that full-term embryos can be derived exclusively from the putative pluripotent cells.To do so,the candidate donor cells are introduced into ‘‘tetraploid’’host blastocysts,in which the donor cells do not contribute to placental development.Though it remains possible that iPSC do possess this potential,no live young have yet been reported from iPSCs in any such experiments,even though they have in some instances reached an advanced stage of E14of gestation(Meissner et al.,2007;Woltjen et al.,2009).Indeed, one could predict that iPSCs might display relatively greater defects at later stages during terminal differentiation of somatic lineages,with the notable exception of germ cells and gametes, given that all epigenetic modifications are erased and reset in this lineage(Figure2B).Very careful systematic epigenetic anal-ysis,together with a comprehensive examination of differentia-tion and precise distribution of iPSCs into all of the tissues in chimeric adults,could reveal their true developmental potential. Following this line of reasoning,one might also expect that the nature of the residual epigenetic memory would depend on the original somatic cells used in these experiments,notwith-standing the stochastic nature of the process.It is crucial also to confirm rigorously whether iPSC-derived differentiated cells are equivalent to normal terminally differentiated cells.The proposed use of terminally differentiated iPSCs in cell therapy and disease models requires them to be phenotypically and physiologically identical to the in vivo terminally differentiated cells.We predict that any residual epigenetic memory in iPSCs would be erased as the epigenome is reset in the germline (Figure2B).Notably,transdifferentiation of closely related cell types would be predicted to be less affected by the residual epigenetic memory because these cells would share many of their key epigenetic properties(Zhou et al.,2008).It is known from several studies that mouse ESCs exhibit functional and epigenetic heterogeneity(Enver et al.,2009;Graf and Stadtfeld,2008;Hayashi et al.,2008).It is possible that such heterogeneity may be prevalent in experimentally generated pluripotent cells,which may be accentuated in human iPSCs,as they lack the ICM-like reprogramming event that we have described here.Under ideal conditions,following reprogramming, each cell should exhibit an equivalent epigenetic state and iden-tical potential for pluripotency,which may not be the case.For example,during establishment of iPSCs,only a minority of trans-duced cells are converted to pluripotency and selected under the applied culture conditions,and it is unknown whether all of these cells acquire identical properties.Indeed,even the process of re-deriving‘‘secondary’’iPSCs using conditional reprogramming vectors remains inefficient(Jaenisch and Young,2008;Maherali and Hochedlinger,2008).It is possible that the protracted nature of this procedure could result in daughter cells with diverse epige-netic states.This possibility can also be evaluated by rigorous clonal analysis of iPSCs for their phenotypic and epigenetic prop-erties.Resetting of the epigenome in the germline may not only be extensive,but it also benefits from rigorous in vivo selection,as seen during spermatogenesis(Ueno et al.,2009).ConclusionsBased on the existing evidence,we suggest that the most comprehensive process of epigenetic reprogramming that ensures authentic pluripotency occurs upon passage through the germline.The wide-ranging erasure of epigenetic modifica-tions,including DNA demethylation,ensures removal of most, if not all,of the extraneous epigenetic information.This conver-sion apparently does not occur in the experimentally restored pluripotent state.In the mouse,the form of reprogramming that takes place in the ICM provides a possibility for approaching the authentic pluripotent state,but even so,the result is often variable,owing to the stochastic nature of the process(Bortvin et al.,2003).hESCs may be more compromised in terms of their functional pluripotency,as these populations evidently lack the ICM-specific reprogramming step.This distinction sets hESCs apart from mESCs and may account for the relatively heteroge-neous nature of hESCs,as has been observed with mEpiSCs. Greater understanding of the process of germline-specific reprogramming may thus provide additional tools to advance stem cell research.Uncovering the details of this process is particularly important,given that the use of experimentally generated differentiated cells from pluripotent cells,including iPSCs,has been proposed for widespread use in cell therapy and to develop disease models for drug discovery. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank members of our group for their contributions.We thank the Well-come Trust(062801),the Technology Strategy Board sponsored by the Department for Innovation,Universities and Skills(ref:TP/4/BIO/6/1/22020), and CellCentric for support.REFERENCESAncelin,K.,Lange,U.C.,Hajkova,P.,Schneider,R.,Bannister, A.J., Kouzarides,T.,and Surani,M.A.(2006).Nat.Cell Biol.8,623–630.Aravin,A.,Gaidatzis,D.,Pfeffer,S.,Lagos-Quintana,M.,Landgraf,P.,Iovino, N.,Morris,P.,Brownstein,M.J.,Kuramochi-Miyagawa,S.,Nakano,T.,et al. 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