Clumpp method
李雅普诺夫方法(Lipunov Method)是一种分析系统的动力学性质的方法,它可以用来估计系统的稳定性和收敛性。
这种方法最初是由俄罗斯物理学家谢尔盖·李·雅普诺夫(Sergi Lyapunov)提出的。
谱方法(spectrum method),伪谱法(pseudoospectrum method)及谱元法(spectrum element method)2012年04月11日星期三12:47谱方法(spectrum method)Spectral methods are a class of techniques to numerically solve certain Dynamical Systems, often involving the use of the Fast Fourier Transform. Where applicable, spectral methods have excellent error properties, with the so called "exponential convergence" being the fastest possible. Spectral methods were developed in a long series of papers by Steven Orszag starting in 1969 including, but not limited to, Fourier series methods for periodic geometry problems, polynomial spectral methods for finite and unbounded geometry problems, pseudospectral methods for highly nonlinear problems, and spectral iteration methods for fast solution of steady state problems.Partial differential equations (PDEs) describe a wide array of physical processes such as heat conduction, fluid flow, and sound propagation. In many such equations, there are underlying "basic waves" that can be used to give efficient algorithms for computing solutions to these PDEs. In a typical case, spectral methods take advantage of this fact by writing the solution as its Fourier series, substituting this series into the PDE to get a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in the time-dependent coefficients of the trigonometric terms in the series (written in complex exponential form), and using a time-stepping method to solve those ODEs.从上面可以看到谱方法的思路:对PDE方程进行FFT变换,得到只对时间微分的常微分方程组。
(0,2) 插值||(0,2) interpolation0#||zero-sharp; 读作零井或零开。
0+||zero-dagger; 读作零正。
1-因子||1-factor3-流形||3-manifold; 又称“三维流形”。
AIC准则||AIC criterion, Akaike information criterionAp 权||Ap-weightA稳定性||A-stability, absolute stabilityA最优设计||A-optimal designBCH 码||BCH code, Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem codeBIC准则||BIC criterion, Bayesian modification of the AICBMOA函数||analytic function of bounded mean oscillation; 全称“有界平均振动解析函数”。
BMO鞅||BMO martingaleBSD猜想||Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture; 全称“伯奇与斯温纳顿-戴尔猜想”。
B样条||B-splineC*代数||C*-algebra; 读作“C星代数”。
C0 类函数||function of class C0; 又称“连续函数类”。
CA T准则||CAT criterion, criterion for autoregressiveCM域||CM fieldCN 群||CN-groupCW 复形的同调||homology of CW complexCW复形||CW complexCW复形的同伦群||homotopy group of CW complexesCW剖分||CW decompositionCn 类函数||function of class Cn; 又称“n次连续可微函数类”。
MCM备用数学方法中英文对照MCM临近了,专业规范的表达是必不可少的,大家都来热热身吧!各位模友们自己有想到的数学方法或相关方面的专业词汇也可以贴出中英对照的版本![B]计算数学方法:[/B]内插法:interpolation method有限元方法:method of finite element有限差分法:method of finite difference曲线拟合法:method of curve fitting迭代法:method of iteration误差分析法:error analysis样条函数法:method of spline function最小二乘法:method of least square[B]概率论方法:[/B]可靠性分析法:method of reliability analysis时间序列分析法: method of time-series analysis抽样调查法:method of sampling investigation非参数统计法:method of nonparametric statistics实验设计法:method of experiment design故障分析法:method of fault analysis相关分析法:method of correlation analysis测度论方法:method of measure theory统计假设检验法: method of statistical hypothesis testing随机服务法(排队论法):stochastic service system数理统计法:method of mathematical statistics 蒙特卡洛法:Monte Carlo method[B]运筹学方法:[/B]共轭函数法:method of conjugate function动态规划法:method of dynamic programming网络法:method of network优选法:method of optimum seeking图论法:method of graph theory爬山法:method of climbing线性规划法:method of linear programming罚函数法: method of penalty function统筹法:method of overall planning乘子法:method of multiplier最速下降法:method of steepest descent整数规划法:method of integer programming。
(MUSCL) – 对非结构网格,局部三阶精度,对二次流、旋转涡、力等 预测的更精确 – Quadratic Upwind Interpolation (QUICK) – 适用于四边形/六面体以及 混合网格,对旋转流动有用,在均匀网格上能达到三阶精度
修改 Courant 数
对密度基求解器,即使稳态问题, 也存在瞬态项 – 用Courant 定义时间步长
对显式求解器: – 稳定性约束限制了最大Courant 数
• 不能超过 2 (缺省为1)
• 有收敛困难时减少 Courant 数
对隐式求解器: – Courant 没有稳定性约束限制
• 缺省值为 5.
Yes Stop
– 自适应网格
A Pera Global Company © PERA China
FLUENT中有两种求解器 – 压 力基和密度基。
压力基求解器以动量和压力为 基本变量 – 通过连续性方程导出压力和 速度的耦合算法
压力基求解器有两种算法 – 分离求解器 – 压力修正和动 量方程顺序求解。 – 耦合求解器 (PBCS) –压力和 动量方程同时求解
FMG 在粗网格上用多重网格求解
– 通过 TUI 命令来设置
A Pera Global Company © PERA China
Case Check 功能发现一些常 见的错误设置和不一致性 – 提供选择参数和模型的指导
监测定量的收敛: – 监测其他关键的物理量 – 确保全局的质量、能量、组分守恒。
二 .查檢表的種類
书山有路勤为0径4/,01/1999 Q7TOOLS
书山有路勤为0径4/,01/1999 Q7TOOLS
二. 層 別 法
书山有路勤为0径4/,01/1999 Q7TOOLS
一、压力-速度耦合方程求解算法FLUENT中主要有四种算法:SIMPLE,SIMPLEC,PISO,FSM(1)SIMPLE(semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations)半隐式连接压力方程方法,是FLUENT的默认格式。
对于简单的问题收敛非常快速,不对压力进行修正,所以压力松弛因子可以设置为1(3)Pressure-Implicit with Splitting of Operators (PISO)。
对非定常流动问题或者包含比平均网格倾斜度更高的网格适用(4)Fractional Step Method (FSM)对非定常流的分步方法。
二、对流插值(动量方程)FLUENT有五种方法:一阶迎风格式、幂率格式、二阶迎风格式、MUSL三阶格式、QUICK 格式(1)FLUENT默认采用一阶格式。
(2)Power Lar.幂率格式,当雷诺数低于5时,计算精度比一阶格式要高。
(4)MUSL(monotone upstream-centered schemes for conservation laws).当地3阶离散格式。
(5)QUICK(Quadratic upwind interpolation)格式。
⽔平集⽅法levelsetmethodThe level set method was developed in the 1980s by the American mathematicians Stanley Osher and James Sethian. It has become popular in many disciplines, such as image processing, computer graphics, computational geometry, optimization, and computational fluid dynamics.The level set method (sometimes abbreviated as LSM) is a numerical technique for tracking interfaces and shapes. The advantage of the level set method is that one can perform numerical computations involving curves and surfaces on a fixed Cartesian grid without having to parameterize these objects (this is called the Eulerian approach).Also, the level set method makes it very easy to follow shapes that change topology, for example when a shape splits in two, develops holes, or the reverse of these operations. All these make the level set method a great tool for modeling time-varying objects, like inflation of an airbag, or a drop of oil floating in water.A very simple, yet powerful way to understand the level set method is by first studying the accompanying illustration before proceeding towards a more technical definition, which then becomes quite accessible. The figure on the right illustrates several important ideas about the level set method. In the upper-left corner we see a shape; that is, a bounded region with a well-behaved boundary. Below it, the red surface is the graph of a level set function ψ determining this shape, and the flat blue region represents the x − y plane. The boundary of the shape is then the zero level set of ψ, while the shape itself is the set of points in the plane for which ψ is positive (interior of the shape) or zero (at the boundary).In the top row we see the shape changing its topology by splitting in two. It would be quite hard to describe this transformation numerically by parameterizing the boundary of the shape and following its evolution. One would need an algorithm able to detect the moment the shape splits in two, and then construct parameterizations for the two newly obtained curves. On the other hand, if we look at the bottom row, we see that the level set function merely got translated downward. We see that it is much easier to work with a shape through its level set function than with the shape directly, where we would need to watch out for all the possible deformations the shape might undergo.⽔平集⽅法的基本思想是将界⾯看成⾼⼀维空间中某⼀函数ψ(称为⽔平集函数)的零⽔平集,且将界⾯的速度也扩充到⾼维的⽔平集函数上,然后写出⽔平集函数所满⾜的发展⽅程,求解此⽅程,推进⽔平集函数,计算到要求时刻,找出此新时刻⽔平集函数的零⽔平集,得到界⾯的形状,界⾯的法向⽅向,曲率等由⽔平集函数的偏导数容易算出。
图像处理中的全局优化技术(Global optimization techniques in image processing and computer vision) (一)2013-05-29 14:26 1659人阅读评论(1) 收藏举报算法图像处理计算机视觉imagevisionMulinB按:最近打算好好学习一下几种图像处理和计算机视觉中常用的global optimization (或energy minimization) 方法,这里总结一下学习心得。
分为以下几篇:1. Discrete Optimization: Graph Cuts and Belief Propagation (本篇)2. Quadratic Optimization : Poisson Equation and Laplacian Matrix3. Variational Methods for Optical Flow Estimation4. TODO: Likelihood Maximization (e.g., Blind Deconvolution)1. Discrete Optimization: Graph Cuts and Belief Propagation很多图像处理和视觉的问题可以看成是pixel-labeling问题,用energy minimization framework可以formulate成以下能量方程:其中第一项叫data term (或叫unary term),是将label l_p赋给像素p时的cost,第二项叫smoothness term (或叫pairwise term),是每两个相邻pixel的labeling不同时产生的cost (w_pq是spatial varying weight,比如跟p和q的difference相关)。
传统的smoothness term 一般只考虑两两(pairwise)相邻的pixel,最近几年的CVPR和ICCV上开始出现很多higher-order MRF的研究,比如这位大牛的paper,这是题外话。
一、字母顺序表 (1)二、常用的数学英语表述 (7)三、代数英语(高端) (13)一、字母顺序表1、数学专业词汇Aabsolute value 绝对值 accept 接受 acceptable region 接受域additivity 可加性 adjusted 调整的 alternative hypothesis 对立假设analysis 分析 analysis of covariance 协方差分析 analysis of variance 方差分析 arithmetic mean 算术平均值 association 相关性 assumption 假设 assumption checking 假设检验availability 有效度average 均值Bbalanced 平衡的 band 带宽 bar chart 条形图beta-distribution 贝塔分布 between groups 组间的 bias 偏倚 binomial distribution 二项分布 binomial test 二项检验Ccalculate 计算 case 个案 category 类别 center of gravity 重心 central tendency 中心趋势 chi-square distribution 卡方分布 chi-square test 卡方检验 classify 分类cluster analysis 聚类分析 coefficient 系数 coefficient of correlation 相关系数collinearity 共线性 column 列 compare 比较 comparison 对照 components 构成,分量compound 复合的 confidence interval 置信区间 consistency 一致性 constant 常数continuous variable 连续变量 control charts 控制图 correlation 相关 covariance 协方差 covariance matrix 协方差矩阵 critical point 临界点critical value 临界值crosstab 列联表cubic 三次的,立方的 cubic term 三次项 cumulative distribution function 累加分布函数 curve estimation 曲线估计Ddata 数据default 默认的definition 定义deleted residual 剔除残差density function 密度函数dependent variable 因变量description 描述design of experiment 试验设计 deviations 差异 df.(degree of freedom) 自由度 diagnostic 诊断dimension 维discrete variable 离散变量discriminant function 判别函数discriminatory analysis 判别分析distance 距离distribution 分布D-optimal design D-优化设计Eeaqual 相等 effects of interaction 交互效应 efficiency 有效性eigenvalue 特征值equal size 等含量equation 方程error 误差estimate 估计estimation of parameters 参数估计estimations 估计量evaluate 衡量exact value 精确值expectation 期望expected value 期望值exponential 指数的exponential distributon 指数分布 extreme value 极值F factor 因素,因子 factor analysis 因子分析 factor score 因子得分 factorial designs 析因设计factorial experiment 析因试验fit 拟合fitted line 拟合线fitted value 拟合值 fixed model 固定模型 fixed variable 固定变量 fractional factorial design 部分析因设计 frequency 频数 F-test F检验 full factorial design 完全析因设计function 函数Ggamma distribution 伽玛分布 geometric mean 几何均值 group 组Hharmomic mean 调和均值 heterogeneity 不齐性histogram 直方图 homogeneity 齐性homogeneity of variance 方差齐性 hypothesis 假设 hypothesis test 假设检验Iindependence 独立 independent variable 自变量independent-samples 独立样本 index 指数 index of correlation 相关指数 interaction 交互作用 interclass correlation 组内相关 interval estimate 区间估计 intraclass correlation 组间相关 inverse 倒数的iterate 迭代Kkernal 核 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米诺夫检验 kurtosis 峰度Llarge sample problem 大样本问题 layer 层least-significant difference 最小显著差数 least-square estimation 最小二乘估计 least-square method 最小二乘法 level 水平 level of significance 显著性水平 leverage value 中心化杠杆值 life 寿命 life test 寿命试验 likelihood function 似然函数 likelihood ratio test 似然比检验linear 线性的 linear estimator 线性估计linear model 线性模型 linear regression 线性回归linear relation 线性关系linear term 线性项logarithmic 对数的logarithms 对数 logistic 逻辑的 lost function 损失函数Mmain effect 主效应 matrix 矩阵 maximum 最大值 maximum likelihood estimation 极大似然估计 mean squared deviation(MSD) 均方差 mean sum of square 均方和 measure 衡量 media 中位数 M-estimator M估计minimum 最小值 missing values 缺失值 mixed model 混合模型 mode 众数model 模型Monte Carle method 蒙特卡罗法 moving average 移动平均值multicollinearity 多元共线性multiple comparison 多重比较 multiple correlation 多重相关multiple correlation coefficient 复相关系数multiple correlation coefficient 多元相关系数 multiple regression analysis 多元回归分析multiple regression equation 多元回归方程 multiple response 多响应 multivariate analysis 多元分析Nnegative relationship 负相关 nonadditively 不可加性 nonlinear 非线性 nonlinear regression 非线性回归 noparametric tests 非参数检验 normal distribution 正态分布null hypothesis 零假设 number of cases 个案数Oone-sample 单样本 one-tailed test 单侧检验 one-way ANOVA 单向方差分析 one-way classification 单向分类 optimal 优化的optimum allocation 最优配制 order 排序order statistics 次序统计量 origin 原点orthogonal 正交的 outliers 异常值Ppaired observations 成对观测数据paired-sample 成对样本parameter 参数parameter estimation 参数估计 partial correlation 偏相关partial correlation coefficient 偏相关系数 partial regression coefficient 偏回归系数 percent 百分数percentiles 百分位数 pie chart 饼图 point estimate 点估计 poisson distribution 泊松分布polynomial curve 多项式曲线polynomial regression 多项式回归polynomials 多项式positive relationship 正相关 power 幂P-P plot P-P概率图predict 预测predicted value 预测值prediction intervals 预测区间principal component analysis 主成分分析 proability 概率 probability density function 概率密度函数 probit analysis 概率分析 proportion 比例Qqadratic 二次的 Q-Q plot Q-Q概率图 quadratic term 二次项 quality control 质量控制 quantitative 数量的,度量的 quartiles 四分位数Rrandom 随机的 random number 随机数 random number 随机数 random sampling 随机取样random seed 随机数种子 random variable 随机变量 randomization 随机化 range 极差rank 秩 rank correlation 秩相关 rank statistic 秩统计量 regression analysis 回归分析regression coefficient 回归系数regression line 回归线reject 拒绝rejection region 拒绝域 relationship 关系 reliability 可*性 repeated 重复的report 报告,报表 residual 残差 residual sum of squares 剩余平方和 response 响应risk function 风险函数 robustness 稳健性 root mean square 标准差 row 行 run 游程run test 游程检验Sample 样本 sample size 样本容量 sample space 样本空间 sampling 取样 sampling inspection 抽样检验 scatter chart 散点图 S-curve S形曲线 separately 单独地 sets 集合sign test 符号检验significance 显著性significance level 显著性水平significance testing 显著性检验 significant 显著的,有效的 significant digits 有效数字 skewed distribution 偏态分布 skewness 偏度 small sample problem 小样本问题 smooth 平滑 sort 排序 soruces of variation 方差来源 space 空间 spread 扩展square 平方 standard deviation 标准离差 standard error of mean 均值的标准误差standardization 标准化 standardize 标准化 statistic 统计量 statistical quality control 统计质量控制 std. residual 标准残差 stepwise regression analysis 逐步回归 stimulus 刺激 strong assumption 强假设 stud. deleted residual 学生化剔除残差stud. residual 学生化残差 subsamples 次级样本 sufficient statistic 充分统计量sum 和 sum of squares 平方和 summary 概括,综述Ttable 表t-distribution t分布test 检验test criterion 检验判据test for linearity 线性检验 test of goodness of fit 拟合优度检验 test of homogeneity 齐性检验 test of independence 独立性检验 test rules 检验法则 test statistics 检验统计量 testing function 检验函数 time series 时间序列 tolerance limits 容许限total 总共,和 transformation 转换 treatment 处理 trimmed mean 截尾均值 true value 真值 t-test t检验 two-tailed test 双侧检验Uunbalanced 不平衡的 unbiased estimation 无偏估计 unbiasedness 无偏性 uniform distribution 均匀分布Vvalue of estimator 估计值 variable 变量 variance 方差 variance components 方差分量 variance ratio 方差比 various 不同的 vector 向量Wweight 加权,权重 weighted average 加权平均值 within groups 组内的ZZ score Z分数2. 最优化方法词汇英汉对照表Aactive constraint 活动约束 active set method 活动集法 analytic gradient 解析梯度approximate 近似 arbitrary 强制性的 argument 变量 attainment factor 达到因子Bbandwidth 带宽 be equivalent to 等价于 best-fit 最佳拟合 bound 边界Ccoefficient 系数 complex-value 复数值 component 分量 constant 常数 constrained 有约束的constraint 约束constraint function 约束函数continuous 连续的converge 收敛 cubic polynomial interpolation method三次多项式插值法 curve-fitting 曲线拟合Ddata-fitting 数据拟合 default 默认的,默认的 define 定义 diagonal 对角的 direct search method 直接搜索法 direction of search 搜索方向 discontinuous 不连续Eeigenvalue 特征值 empty matrix 空矩阵 equality 等式 exceeded 溢出的Ffeasible 可行的 feasible solution 可行解 finite-difference 有限差分 first-order 一阶GGauss-Newton method 高斯-牛顿法 goal attainment problem 目标达到问题 gradient 梯度 gradient method 梯度法Hhandle 句柄 Hessian matrix 海色矩阵Independent variables 独立变量inequality 不等式infeasibility 不可行性infeasible 不可行的initial feasible solution 初始可行解initialize 初始化inverse 逆 invoke 激活 iteration 迭代 iteration 迭代JJacobian 雅可比矩阵LLagrange multiplier 拉格朗日乘子 large-scale 大型的 least square 最小二乘 least squares sense 最小二乘意义上的 Levenberg-Marquardt method 列文伯格-马夸尔特法line search 一维搜索 linear 线性的 linear equality constraints 线性等式约束linear programming problem 线性规划问题 local solution 局部解M medium-scale 中型的 minimize 最小化 mixed quadratic and cubic polynomialinterpolation and extrapolation method 混合二次、三次多项式内插、外插法multiobjective 多目标的Nnonlinear 非线性的 norm 范数Oobjective function 目标函数 observed data 测量数据 optimization routine 优化过程optimize 优化 optimizer 求解器 over-determined system 超定系统Pparameter 参数 partial derivatives 偏导数 polynomial interpolation method 多项式插值法Qquadratic 二次的 quadratic interpolation method 二次内插法 quadratic programming 二次规划Rreal-value 实数值 residuals 残差 robust 稳健的 robustness 稳健性,鲁棒性S scalar 标量 semi-infinitely problem 半无限问题 Sequential Quadratic Programming method 序列二次规划法 simplex search method 单纯形法 solution 解 sparse matrix 稀疏矩阵 sparsity pattern 稀疏模式 sparsity structure 稀疏结构 starting point 初始点 step length 步长 subspace trust region method 子空间置信域法 sum-of-squares 平方和 symmetric matrix 对称矩阵Ttermination message 终止信息 termination tolerance 终止容限 the exit condition 退出条件 the method of steepest descent 最速下降法 transpose 转置Uunconstrained 无约束的 under-determined system 负定系统Vvariable 变量 vector 矢量Wweighting matrix 加权矩阵3 样条词汇英汉对照表Aapproximation 逼近 array 数组 a spline in b-form/b-spline b样条 a spline of polynomial piece /ppform spline 分段多项式样条Bbivariate spline function 二元样条函数 break/breaks 断点Ccoefficient/coefficients 系数cubic interpolation 三次插值/三次内插cubic polynomial 三次多项式 cubic smoothing spline 三次平滑样条 cubic spline 三次样条cubic spline interpolation 三次样条插值/三次样条内插 curve 曲线Ddegree of freedom 自由度 dimension 维数Eend conditions 约束条件 input argument 输入参数 interpolation 插值/内插 interval取值区间Kknot/knots 节点Lleast-squares approximation 最小二乘拟合Mmultiplicity 重次 multivariate function 多元函数Ooptional argument 可选参数 order 阶次 output argument 输出参数P point/points 数据点Rrational spline 有理样条 rounding error 舍入误差(相对误差)Sscalar 标量 sequence 数列(数组) spline 样条 spline approximation 样条逼近/样条拟合spline function 样条函数 spline curve 样条曲线 spline interpolation 样条插值/样条内插 spline surface 样条曲面 smoothing spline 平滑样条Ttolerance 允许精度Uunivariate function 一元函数Vvector 向量Wweight/weights 权重4 偏微分方程数值解词汇英汉对照表Aabsolute error 绝对误差 absolute tolerance 绝对容限 adaptive mesh 适应性网格Bboundary condition 边界条件Ccontour plot 等值线图 converge 收敛 coordinate 坐标系Ddecomposed 分解的 decomposed geometry matrix 分解几何矩阵 diagonal matrix 对角矩阵 Dirichlet boundary conditions Dirichlet边界条件Eeigenvalue 特征值 elliptic 椭圆形的 error estimate 误差估计 exact solution 精确解Ggeneralized Neumann boundary condition 推广的Neumann边界条件 geometry 几何形状geometry description matrix 几何描述矩阵 geometry matrix 几何矩阵 graphical user interface(GUI)图形用户界面Hhyperbolic 双曲线的Iinitial mesh 初始网格Jjiggle 微调LLagrange multipliers 拉格朗日乘子Laplace equation 拉普拉斯方程linear interpolation 线性插值 loop 循环Mmachine precision 机器精度 mixed boundary condition 混合边界条件NNeuman boundary condition Neuman边界条件 node point 节点 nonlinear solver 非线性求解器 normal vector 法向量PParabolic 抛物线型的 partial differential equation 偏微分方程 plane strain 平面应变 plane stress 平面应力 Poisson's equation 泊松方程 polygon 多边形 positive definite 正定Qquality 质量Rrefined triangular mesh 加密的三角形网格 relative tolerance 相对容限 relative tolerance 相对容限 residual 残差 residual norm 残差范数Ssingular 奇异的二、常用的数学英语表述1.Logic∃there exist∀for allp⇒q p implies q / if p, then qp⇔q p if and only if q /p is equivalent to q / p and q are equivalent2.Setsx∈A x belongs to A / x is an element (or a member) of Ax∉A x does not belong to A / x is not an element (or a member) of AA⊂B A is contained in B / A is a subset of BA⊃B A contains B / B is a subset of AA∩B A cap B / A meet B / A intersection BA∪B A cup B / A join B / A union BA\B A minus B / the diference between A and BA×B A cross B / the cartesian product of A and B3. Real numbersx+1 x plus onex-1 x minus onex±1 x plus or minus onexy xy / x multiplied by y(x - y)(x + y) x minus y, x plus yx y x over y= the equals signx = 5 x equals 5 / x is equal to 5x≠5x (is) not equal to 5x≡y x is equivalent to (or identical with) yx ≡ y x is not equivalent to (or identical with) yx > y x is greater than yx≥y x is greater than or equal to yx < y x is less than yx≤y x is less than or equal to y0 < x < 1 zero is less than x is less than 10≤x≤1zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1| x | mod x / modulus xx 2 x squared / x (raised) to the power 2x 3 x cubedx 4 x to the fourth / x to the power fourx n x to the nth / x to the power nx −n x to the (power) minus nx (square) root x / the square root of xx 3 cube root (of) xx 4 fourth root (of) xx n nth root (of) x( x+y ) 2 x plus y all squared( x y ) 2 x over y all squaredn! n factorialx ^ x hatx ¯ x barx ˜x tildex i xi / x subscript i / x suffix i / x sub i∑ i=1 n a i the sum from i equals one to n a i / the sum as i runs from 1 to n of the a i4. Linear algebra‖ x ‖the norm (or modulus) of xOA →OA / vector OAOA ¯ OA / the length of the segment OAA T A transpose / the transpose of AA −1 A inverse / the inverse of A5. Functionsf( x ) fx / f of x / the function f of xf:S→T a function f from S to Tx→y x maps to y / x is sent (or mapped) to yf'( x ) f prime x / f dash x / the (first) derivative of f with respect to xf''( x ) f double-prime x / f double-dash x / the second derivative of f with r espect to xf'''( x ) triple-prime x / f triple-dash x / the third derivative of f with respect to xf (4) ( x ) f four x / the fourth derivative of f with respect to x∂f ∂ x 1the partial (derivative) of f with respect to x1∂ 2 f ∂ x 1 2the second partial (derivative) of f with respect to x1∫ 0 ∞the integral from zero to infinitylimx→0 the limit as x approaches zerolimx→0 + the limit as x approaches zero from abovelimx→0 −the limit as x approaches zero from belowlog e y log y to the base e / log to the base e of y / natural log (of) ylny log y to the base e / log to the base e of y / natural log (of) y一般词汇数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE)公理axiom定理theorem计算calculation运算operation证明prove假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.)命题proposition算术arithmetic加plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.)被加数augend, summand加数addend和sum减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.)被减数minuend减数subtrahend差remainder乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.)被乘数multiplicand, faciend乘数multiplicator积product除divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.)被除数dividend除数divisor商quotient等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于is greater than小于is lesser than大于等于is equal or greater than小于等于is equal or lesser than运算符operator数字digit数number自然数natural number整数integer小数decimal小数点decimal point分数fraction分子numerator分母denominator比ratio正positive负negative零null, zero, nought, nil十进制decimal system二进制binary system十六进制hexadecimal system权weight, significance进位carry截尾truncation四舍五入round下舍入round down上舍入round up有效数字significant digit无效数字insignificant digit代数algebra公式formula, formulae(pl.)单项式monomial多项式polynomial, multinomial系数coefficient未知数unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor 等式,方程式equation一次方程simple equation二次方程quadratic equation三次方程cubic equation四次方程quartic equation不等式inequation阶乘factorial对数logarithm指数,幂exponent乘方power二次方,平方square三次方,立方cube四次方the power of four, the fourth power n次方the power of n, the nth power开方evolution, extraction二次方根,平方根square root三次方根,立方根cube root四次方根the root of four, the fourth root n次方根the root of n, the nth root集合aggregate元素element空集void子集subset交集intersection并集union补集complement映射mapping函数function定义域domain, field of definition值域range常量constant变量variable单调性monotonicity奇偶性parity周期性periodicity图象image数列,级数series微积分calculus微分differential导数derivative极限limit无穷大infinite(a.) infinity(n.)无穷小infinitesimal积分integral定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral有理数rational number无理数irrational number实数real number虚数imaginary number复数complex number矩阵matrix行列式determinant几何geometry点point线line面plane体solid线段segment射线radial平行parallel相交intersect角angle角度degree弧度radian锐角acute angle直角right angle钝角obtuse angle平角straight angle周角perigon底base边side高height三角形triangle锐角三角形acute triangle直角三角形right triangle直角边leg斜边hypotenuse勾股定理Pythagorean theorem钝角三角形obtuse triangle不等边三角形scalene triangle等腰三角形isosceles triangle等边三角形equilateral triangle四边形quadrilateral平行四边形parallelogram矩形rectangle长length宽width附:在一个分数里,分子或分母或两者均含有分数。
工业工程专业术语-工业工程英语术语工业工程专业术语Asystematiccontext系统环境;Accidentproneness事故倾向;Activeworksampling活动工作采样;Alternativetaskallocatio;Anthropometry人体测量学;Approximationmethod近似方法;Arrivalrate到达率;Auditorysense听觉;BilloflaborA systematic context 系统环境Accident proneness 事故倾向Active work sampling 活动工作采样Alternative task allocation 可选择任务分配Anthropometry 人体测量学Approximation method 近似方法Arrival rate 到达率Auditory sense 听觉Bill of labor system 人力系统清单Bill of material (BOM) system 物料系统清单Business planning and development 业务规划和开发Business process reengineering 业务处理再工程Cellular layout 单元……Communication network 通讯网络Computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计Computer-aided manufacturing 计算机辅助制造Computer-aided process planning 计算机辅助工艺编制Concurrent engineering 并行工程Constrained (unconstrained) optimization 基于约束的优化Constrained model 约束模型Decision-making 决策Delivery time to market 上市时间Design for assembly 面向装配的设计Design for Reusability 面向重用性设计Directed graphic 有向图Discrete 离散Discrete event stochastic system (DESS) 离散事件随机系统Distributed layout 分布式布局Economy of scale 经济规模Ergonomics 人因工程Experimental psychology 实验心理学Factory layout 工厂布局Feedback loops 反馈环Financial management 财务管理Finished goods (parts) 成品Flexible factory 柔性工厂Flexible manufacturing system (FMS) 柔性制造系统Flexible, modular, and easy to reconfigure 柔性,模块化,易于重新部署Functional layout 功能……Fundamental research 基础研究Generalized network 一般化网络Global problem 全局问题Hand held data collector 手持式数据采集器Hand-held computer 手提电脑Human centered design 以人为本的设计Human factors engineering 人因工程Human perception 人的感知Human resource management 人力资源管理Idiosyncratic variable/feature variable 特性变量Independent and dependent variables 独立和非独立变量Industrial Revolution 工业革命Industrially developing country (IDC) 工业发展中国家Industry engineering, 工业工程Information processing 信息处理Information technology 信息技术Innovation management 创新管理Input parameter 输入参数Integer planning 整数规划Integrated manufacturing cell 集成制造单元Integrative OR system 集成化OR(运筹学)系统Interactive expert system 交互式专家系统Interactive simulation language 交互式仿真语言Inventory control 库存控制Joint project 联合项目Lagrangian relaxation 拉格朗日松弛Laptop computer 笔记本Linear program 线性规划Logistical cost 物流成本Logistics 物流Machine utilization 设备利用率Manual response 手动反应Manufacturing and logistics 制造与物流Manufacturing line balancing 制造生产线平衡Markov decision processes 马尔科夫决策过程Material handling 物料搬运Mathematical programming model 数学编程模型Modeling and simulation 建模与仿真Motion analysis 动作分析Multichannel manufacturing 多渠道制造Multi-criteria 多准则Multi-disciplinary 多学科Multi-objective 多目标Network flow problem 网络流动问题Network queuing model 网络排队模型Nonlinear 非线性Objective function 目标函数Occupational hazards 职业危害Operation research 运筹学Operational and modeling science 运作与建模科学Optimization and stochastic process 优化与随机过程OR/AI interface (operation research, artificial intelligence) OR 接口(人工智能) Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) 原始设备制造商Outsourcing 外包Parallel processing 并行处理Performance improvement engineering 性能改进工程Portable machine 便携式机器Primal simplex algorithm 单纯型法Probabilistic phenomena 可能现象Problem solving 求解Process layout 工艺…… P61Processing time 处理时间Product layout 产品……Production plant 生产工厂Production system 生产系统Production volume 产量Project management 项目管理Qualitative optimization 数量优化Quality improvement/ Total quality management (TQM) 质量改进/全面质量管理 Quantitative management 量化管理Rapid prototyping 快速原型Raw material 原材料Resource allocation 资源分配Response 反应Routing and dispatching 路由和分发Scalable machine 可伸缩机器Short-term shortages and surpluses 短期短缺和过剩Spare part (warehouse) 备件Spreadsheet software 表格软件Statistical error figure and graphical histogram 统计误差图和柱状图Stochastic network analysis 随即网络分析Stochastic service system 随即服务系统Sub-system 子系统System engineering 系统工程System life cycle 系统生命周期Team building 团队建设Technology innovation 技术创新Test case 测试用例The hypercube queuing model 超立方排队模型Threshold value 阈值Throughput 产量Time consuming 费时Time study 时间研究Trucking operation 货运操作 Uncertainty 不确定性 Verbal response 语音反应 Visual sense 视觉Work-in-process 在制品Work-measured labor standard (WMLS) 基于工作测量的劳动标准工业工程英语术语1.工业工程的定义:工业工程是对人员,物料,设备,能源和信息所组成的集成系统,进行设计,改善和设置的一门学科。
目标函数值(objective function value) + 惩罚函数值(penalty function value 探索评价基准
探索空间(search space) 与实行可能域(feasible solution field) (3)
探索空间 探索空间 ● ● ● ● ●
LS (x,f) (x,f)
1 while Improve(x) ≠ “no” do 2 x := improve (x) 3 return x
改善算法(improvement algorithm) 局部探索法(local search algorithm)
Step1. Let
Step 2. If
探索空间(search space) 与实行可能域(feasible solution field) (1)
● ●
● ● ●
探索空间(search space) 与实行可能域(feasible solution field) (2)
探索空间 实行可能域 ● ● ● ● ● ●
k = 1, x (1) = x (some
k k
feasible solution )
{x ∈ N (x( ) ) f (x ) < f (x( ) )}= φ , {
( ) ( )}
output x (k ) and stop. Otherwise, select one of the improment solution x′ ∈ x ∈ N x k f ( x ) < f x ( k ) let x (k ) = x′; k = k + 1, go back to Step 2.
permutated block method
在计算数学领域,排列块方法(Permutated Block Method)是一种用于解决复杂排列组合问题的有效算法。
三、算法流程1. 划分子块:将原始问题的解空间划分为若干个子块,每个子块包含了一部分可行的解。
2. 依次处理子块:逐个处理每个子块,进行排列组合操作。
3. 合并结果:将每个子块的解合并起来,得到最终的所有可能解。
panel method 方法
Panel Method 方法什么是 Panel Method 方法?Panel Method 方法是一种用于计算流体力学问题的数值方法。
Panel Method 方法的基本思想是将流体领域划分为多个面板,并将每个面板视为一个独立的力源。
Panel Method 方法的原理Panel Method 方法的基本原理是利用面板上的边界条件和流体动力学方程来计算面板上的力源。
在 Panel Method 方法中,流体领域被划分为多个面板。
Panel Method 方法的步骤Panel Method 方法的计算过程可以分为以下几个步骤:1.划分面板:将流体领域划分为多个面板。
功用: 通常是利用查檢表來了解現狀或收集數據以作分
機台:R12 項次
日期 1
人 124
說明: 良好 X備用
不良項目 周一
METHOD 2 柏 拉 圖
定義: 根據搜集的數據,以不良原因,不良狀況,不良發生的 位置,客戶抱怨種類,或安全事故等項目別分類,計 算出各分類項目所占之比例按照大小順序排列,再 加上累積值的圖形.
METHOD 1 查 檢 表
定義: 為了便於收集數據,使用簡單記號填記並予統計整
一. 點檢用查檢表
二. 記錄用查檢表
一. 明確目的所在
二. 決定查檢項目
三. 決定抽樣方法
四. 決定查檢方式
五. 設計表格實施查檢 六. 記下資料相關條件
生活中的辛苦阻挠不了我对生活的热 爱。21. 1.221.1. 2Satur day , January 02, 2021
人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。0 6:22:20 06:22:2 006:22 1/2/202 1 6:22:20 AM
做一枚螺丝钉,那里需要那里上。21. 1.206:2 2:2006:22Jan-2 12-Jan -21
科学,你是国力的灵魂;同时又是社 会发展 的标志 。上午6 时22分 20秒上 午6时2 2分06:22:2021 .1.2
100-250 250 以上
7-12 10-20
四. 定组距: H= R/K 五. 决定各组之上下组界
不可在床上吸烟,以免引起火灾。13:42:4013 :42:401 3:42Su nday , January 03, 2021
寒霜偏打无根草事故专找懒惰人。21. 1.321.1. 313:42:4013:4 2:40Jan uary 3, 2021
是企业建立洁净亮丽,整齐舒适,安 全高效 的法宝 。2021 年1月3 日下午1 时42分 21.1.32 1.1.3
Characteristic: GAP
Lower Spec Limit: 0.45 mm
Lower Control Limit: 0.60
Upper Spec Limit: 0.75 mm
Upper Control Limit: 0.70
二. 计数值管制图
1. 不良率管制图 ( p Chart)
2. 不良数管制图 ( pn Chart)
3. 缺点数管制图 ( C Chart)
4. 单位缺点数管制图 ( u Chart)
一. 管制用管制图
二. 解析用管制图
管 制 图 (二)
不稳定型态之检定方法: 检定法则一: 有单独一个点子出现在3A
METHOD 7 层 别 法
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
INDFIEL文件,一个是.POPFILE文件,要准备这些文件,你得打开STRUCTURE的结果,有这样一个东西,对于K=3进行了5次RUN时,你就把这个5次的下面的标题以下的东西依次粘贴到记事本里,更改记事本的扩展名为.popfile就可以了,Proportion of membership of each pre-definedpopulation in each of the 6 clusters同理可得.indfile,这两个都准备好后,你可以定义一个参数文件,即paramfile,里面每个参数都会在后面有详细的说明,你对应的弄好就可以了,然后直接点clumpp就算完了,算完individual的概率要再算population的概率时,只要把datatype, C, outfile这三个改一下就可以,再点程序文件一下,就可以,算完后得到的结果得用到DISTRUCT上,你先把CLUMPP 都做完,现在我这是早上8点多钟,我得去实验室,实验室我这个电脑还没法上网,不太方便啦。
CLUMPP里面有例子文件,你上面的看不明白的话你看那些个例子也有点用,你自己设一下这个:REPEATS 1000 # If GREEDY_OPTION = 2, then REPEA TS# determines the number of random input# orders to be tested. If GREEDY_OPTION# = 3, then REPEATS is the number of# input orders in PERMUTA TIONFILE.我们上网都很不方便,怕让他们的网络染毒,刚来时就发生过一次,结果搞得很难堪,STEVE 还让网络中心的来看了半天,说是要给我们安MCAFEE杀软,后来也没个结果,现在我们常常都是用别的电脑收收邮件,有时候要写很长的邮件的话,都是自己电脑上先写好,然后再用能上网的电脑来发出去的。
具体你再仔细看CLUMPP的文件夹里的例子文件,看你的和他们的设置有什么不同我把我的给你发一个你看看:# This is the file that sets the parameters for the program CLUMPP, version 1.1# Everything after "#" will be ignored by the program. Parameters are:# K, C, R, M, W, GREEDY_OPTION, REPEATS, PERMUTATIONFILE, PRINT_PERMUTED_DATA,# PERMUTED_DA TAFILE, PRINT_EVERY_PERM and EVERY_PERMFILE.# All parameter names shall be followed by at least one blank space and then# the parameter-value.# --------------- Main parameters ---------------------------------------------DA TATYPE 0 # #The type of data to be read in.# 0 = individual data in the file# specified by INDFILE, 1 = population# data in the file specified by# POPFILE.INDFILE female.indfile # The name of the individual datafile.# Required if DATATYPE = 0.POPFILE female.popfile # The name of the population datafile.# Required if DATATYPE = 1.OUTFILE femaleind.outfile # #The average cluster membership# coefficients across the permuted runs# are printed here.MISCFILE femalepop.miscfile # #The parameters used and a summary of# the results are printed here.K 11 ## Number of clusters.C 228 ## Number of individuals or populations.R 5 # Number of runs.M 3 # Method to be used (1 = FullSearch,# 2 = Greedy, 3 = LargeKGreedy).W 1 # Weight by the number of individuals# in each population as specified in# the datafile (1 if yes, 0 if no).S 2 # Pairwise matrix similarity statistic# to be used. 1 = G, 2 = G'.# - Additional options for the Greedy and LargeKGreedy algorithm (M = 2 or 3) - GREEDY_OPTION 2 # 1 = All possible input orders,# 2 = random input orders,# 3 = pre-specified input orders.REPEATS 1000 # If GREEDY_OPTION = 2, then REPEA TS# determines the number of random input# orders to be tested. If GREEDY_OPTION# = 3, then REPEATS is the number of# input orders in PERMUTA TIONFILE.PERMUTATIONFILE # The permutations of the runs in# PERMUTATIONFILE will be used, if# GREEDY_OPTION = 3.# --------------- Optional outputs --------------------------------------------PRINT_PERMUTED_DATA 1 # Print the permuted data (clusters) in# INDFILE or POPFILE to# PERMUTED_DA TAFILE (0 = don't print,# 1 = print into one file, 2 = print# into separate files for each run).PERMUTED_DATAFILE ind.perm_datafile # The permuted data (clusters) will be # printed to this file (if# PRINT_PERMUTED_DA TA = 2, several# files with the extensions "_1" to# "_R" will be created).PRINT_EVERY_PERM 0 # Print every tested permutation of the# runs and the corresponding value of# SSC to a file specified by# EVERY_PERMFILE (0 = don't print,# 1 = print).# Note that printing may result in a# very large file.EVERY_PERMFILE arabid.every_permfile # Every tested permutation of the runs# and the corresponding SSC will be# printed here.PRINT_RANDOM_INPUTORDER 0 # Print random input orders of runs to# RANDOM_INPUTORDER (0 = don't print,# 1 = print). This option is only# available if GREEDY_OPTION = 2. RANDOM_INPUTORDERFILE arabid.random_inputorderfile # Every random input order# of the runs (generated by CLUMPP if# GREEDY_OPTION = 2) will be printed# here.# --------------- Advanced options --------------------------------------------OVERRIDE_W ARNINGS 0 # This option allows the user to# override non-crucial warnings from# the program (0 allow warnings, 1 do# not issue non-crucial warnings).ORDER_BY_RUN 1 # Permute the clusters of the output# files by the specified run. (0 to# not specify a run, 1 to R specifies# a run in the INDFILE or POPFILE).# --------------- Additional comments -----------------------------------------# The term ''permutation'' is used in two different contexts, permutations of# membership coefficients, or clusters, and permutations of runs.# For example, if the datafile has has data A B C D E (each letter indicates a# column corresponding to a cluster), then permutation 3 2 5 1 4 of the# clusters means C B E A D.# Permutation 4 1 2 3 of runs 1-4 would mean start with run 4, then run 1, then# run 2, and then run 3.# --------------- Command line arguments --------------------------------------# -i INDFILE# -p POPFILE# -o OUTFILE# -j MISCFILE# -k K# -c C# -r R# -m M# -w W# -s S# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------CLUMPP的PARAMFILE文件里主要注意下面的参数:DA TATYPE 1 # The type of data to be read in.# 0 = individual data in the file# specified by INDFILE, 1 = population# data in the file specified by# POPFILE.INDFILE arabid.indfile # The name of the individual datafile.# Required if DATATYPE = 0.POPFILE arabid.popfile # The name of the population datafile.# Required if DATATYPE = 1.OUTFILE arabid.outfile # The average cluster membership# coefficients across the permuted runs# are printed here.MISCFILE arabid.miscfile # The parameters used and a summary of# the results are printed here.K 3 # Number of clusters.C 95 # Number of individuals or populations.R 9 # Number of runs.M 1 # Method to be used (1 = FullSearch,# 2 = Greedy, 3 = LargeKGreedy).W 1 # Weight by the number of individuals# in each population as specified in# the datafile (1 if yes, 0 if no).S 2 # Pairwise matrix similarity statistic# to be used. 1 = G, 2 = G'.# - Additional options for the Greedy and LargeKGreedy algorithm (M = 2 or 3) -GREEDY_OPTION 2 # 1 = All possible input orders,# 2 = random input orders,# 3 = pre-specified input orders.REPEATS 1000 # If GREEDY_OPTION = 2, then REPEA TS# determines the number of random input# orders to be tested. If GREEDY_OPTION# = 3, then REPEATS is the number of# input orders in PERMUTA TIONFILE.PERMUTATIONFILE arabid.permutationfile # The permutations of the runs in# PERMUTATIONFILE will be used, if# GREEDY_OPTION = 3.后面的都可以不管,做完CLUMPP后,现以K=3时为例,在CLUMPP里面有两个结果文件,一个是INDIV 的,一个是POPULATION的,分别将它们俩的扩展名换为:INDIVQ,POPQ,粘贴到SIDTRUCT文件夹里,下面要准备以下几个文件:1:**.names,是要出来的图的上标名2:**.languages,图的下标名3:.perm,图的颜色,如写成:1blue2 yellow3 pink,这时出来的图就会是这三种色代表三个CLUSTERS。