浅 谈 工程 造 价 管 理 与投 资 控 制 管 理
马 列 行
摘 要: 比较 了工程造价 管理 与投资控制管理 的不 同之处 , 详细地 阐述 了造价和投资管理 的含义 , 分析 了工程造价价格
机制 的改变, 研究 了工程造 价管理和 投资控制在贯 穿项 目 全过程 中的作用 , 从而取得 了较好的经济效益和社会效 益。
3 施工 阶段 的投 资控制
建设项 目实施 阶段 , 即工 程项 目施工 阶段 , 是把 设计 图纸 和
项 技术 性、 专业性很强的工作 。它贯穿 于投资决策 、 目设计 、 项
招投标 、 建设 施工的各个阶段 , 一个 动态的全过程 , 是 涉及 到工程
原材料 、 成品 、 半 设备等 变成工程实体的过程 , 是建设项 目价值 和 使用价值实现的主要 阶段 。施工 阶段的工程造 价控制 , 实施建 是 设工程全过程造价管理的重要组 成部 分。
道修复等不 可预见 的外界障碍或 自然条件等风险因素的影响 。
2 4 确 定 合 理 的 评 标 办 法 .
这些 问题 的产生给工程 造价 留 合理 的评标办法 对工程 的投 资 、 度 、 进 质量都 有着非 常重 要 材料代用等不可预见费用的问题 , 下活 口因素。为有效地 控制造价应制定设计 变更 、 现场签 证管理 的影 响, 所以 , 不论 采取什么办法评标 , 一定要保证投标报 价的合
个 核心 问题 。要加强 造价管理 , 高投资效 益 , 提 必须形 成一个 我国现 行的投资管理大多是处 于阶段 性的管理 模式 , 缺乏建
回流 , 并实现增值 ; 而搞好 工程造 价管理 是为 了使投 资项 目的工 国家宏观 调控下 , 以市场形成造价为主的价格 机制。 过程是资金 投入 +项 目实施 +项 目控 制 +资金 回收 , 造价 的行为 设项 目全 过程综合 管理的意识 。建 设单位 、 设计单 位 、 工单位 施 过程是造 价确 定( 包括投 资估算 、 计概算 、 工 图预算 ) 设 施 +过程 缺乏统一 的造价管理 目标和相互沟通 , 工程监理单 位往往只局 限 很少介入投 资决策分析 。设计单 控制 + 工决算。投资 的行为 过程 比造价 的行为 过程更 长 。同 于施工 阶段 的质 量与进度管理 , 竣 是资金运作过程 , 造价是使货币资金 转化为 实现 目标额度 内的资 位在设计 阶段虽做 了工程概算甚至细化 到预算 , 由于缺少对设 但 产, 而投资是使 货币资金 转化 为资产 , 通过资 产的使 用又使 货 计方 案造 价指标 的控 制约束 , 并 导致设 计保守 、 投资偏 高。在施工 币资金回流、 增值。
Abstract: The cost management of a project is the key to determining whether a company is profitable. It can also reflect the economic
摘要院工程的造价管理是能决定一个企业是否盈利的关键,同样可以通过工程的造价反映出整个工程产生的经济效益和社会效 益。往往投资者在投资初期都会综合考虑多个方面。为了能够使工程建设的各个方面得到保障,企业不仅要控制投资金额,对工程启
and social benefits of the entire project through the cost of the project. Investors tend to consider multiple aspects at the beginning of the
investment. In order to ensure the protection of all aspects of engineering construction, enterprises must not only control the amount of
作者简介院陈正中(1982-),男,江苏南京人,主要从事技术经济管 理工作。
是搞好投资还是搞好造价都是为了获得更多的经济效益 做准备。对工程造价的控制可以直接分为三个阶段,而其 中对投资影响力最大的是决策阶段和设计阶段。在设计阶 段工图完成以后,就开始预估整体工程的造价,但长期以 来,我国都错误的将造价管理与工程的实施阶段结合在一 起,将大部分投资放在实施阶段的人力、物力上,忽略不合 理投资带来的严重后果。为了使工程进行的更顺利,获得 更多的经济效益,将造价管理贯穿于整个过程是一个有效 避免损失的方法。
the stage of the project cost managementAbstract:Project cost management is the basic contents to determine reasonable and effective control of the project cost. Described the current stage of the project cost management situation on the strengthening of the various stages of construction cost management of the importance of and raised a number of key initiatives.Keywords:project cost;the current stage of the project;project cost management;Even under the WTO and China's accession to the world community,China's construction industry how to effectively control construction cost of the construction and management of an important component part. However,the current budget for the construction projects - estimate,budget,Super budget accounts for the "super three" is still widespread and that eventually led to a serious loss of control of project investment. Project cost management is the basic contents to determine reasonable and effective control of the project cost.As the project cost to the project runs through the entire process,stage by stage can be divided into Investment Decision stage,the design and implementation phases. The so-called Project Cost effective control is the optimization of the construction plans and design programs on the basis of in the building process at all stages,use of certain methods and measures to reduce the cost of the projects have a reasonable control on the scope and cost of the approved limits.Engineering and cost management work of the current status of project cost management system was formed in the 1950s,1980s perfect together. Performance of the country and directly involved in the management of economic activities. Provisions in the design stage to different estimates or budget preparation as well as government; Nothing relevant departments to formulate a budget,content,methods and approval,the budget will provide the fixed cost of equipment and materials and fixed price of the budget preparation,approval,management authority,and so on.With the historical process,after recovery,reform and development,formed a relatively complete budget estimate of quota management system. However,as the socialist market economic development,the system's many problems have also exposed. Generally speaking,the budget estimate is based on direct participation in the management of national economic activity as a precondition. Enterprise is not the actual economic entities. Due to the characteristics of the planned economy,and,at the time under the conditions of productivity,will inevitably become a shortage in the economy.In severe shortage of commodities under the conditions,as long as a certain level of investment,will be certain outputs. In this environment,the project planning and technical argumentation there can be no economic analysis. State control of the project cost constitute key factors equipment and materials prices,wages and taxes of artificial distribution. In this relatively stable economic environment,the budget estimate for the system approved project cost,help the government to carry out investment plans to play a major role.As the socialist market economic system established,requires us to predict project investment and control. In recent years,international investment project developed to the requirements of prior pre-control and in the middle of control. China,the traditional practice in an objective light onthe cause decision-making,implementation heavy,light the economy and technology,First,the consequences of victimization,Due to the technical personnel of the project technical and economic concepts and a weak awareness of cost control,cost management makes the quality difficult to raise. Project Cost control is difficult to achieve long-term goals.Second,the various stages of the project management view of the above circumstances,My first academia in the 1980s made the whole process of cost management and control concept,building departments will study the feasibility of projects and the budgets and final accounts to two extended at the request of the corresponding regulations put our cost management concepts and methods referred to a new height.Our task now is to be modern and cost management in line with China's national conditions of the market economy system goal,learn from the advanced experience of the developed countries,and establish sound market economic laws of project cost management system,efforts to increase the project cost levels. An investment decision-making phase of the project cost management construction project investment decision-making stage is proposed project proposals; conduct a feasibility study to determine investment estimation and the final preparation of design task. At this stage,the project's technical and economic decision-making,of the construction project cost of the project after the completion of the economic benefits have a decisive influence,The construction cost is an important stage control.China's current stage of the project cost for the project management for the purpose of clearing price,and focusing only on the construction process of cost control,neglected before the start of the project investment decision-making stage of cost control. Investment decision-making phase of investment projects is estimated an important basis for decision-making. Ithas a direct impact on national economic and financial analysis of the results of the reliability and accuracy. Because of this phase is the preliminary work of projects,the information cannot be fully,comparable works more or less that information accumulated relatively small,estimated inadequate and unscientific. Makes project cost management and cost workers is difficult at this stage do something.The various stages of the project cost control in the decision-making phase project cost control. Right project planning phase of the cost,many owners have the wrong understanding that the lower the cost the better. Cost control is not a unilateral issue,and should be a number of factors,a combination of practical,comprehensive consideration. The construction project investment decision-making stage,the project's technical and economic decision-making,Cost of the project after the completion of the project and the economic benefits,with a decisive role in project cost control is an important stage,rationally define and control the direction of the project cost of accurate positioning and building Optimization guiding role.In the decision-making phase of the most important is to do a good job feasibility study,the work is done well,returns on investment and can form a good proportion. Otherwise,invest more,less effective,resulting in loss of control and waste of investment.At present,some of the projects planned the owners of departure from the subjective desires of a feasibility study on the lack of scientific proof. Feasibility Study untrue,false or engineering functions obtaining the approval of their superiors,actually put into the feasibility study will be awarded in the study for the project after the smooth functioning buried a lot of hidden problems,lead to insufficient follow-up funds for the project andhad to extend the time limit so that the project could not have planned the use of cost-effective,even become hopeless completion of the beard works.Therefore,in order to phase in the investment decision-making effectively control construction costs,we must do the following aspects: Implementationof the construction project and corporate accountability,Construction of the project from planning to implementation of the entire process and the use of the funds to repay responsibilities to the people. in addition to establishing a legal system and the project supervision matching mechanism by the departments in charge of the industry and supervision departments for setting up a monitoring group to oversee the use of funds.A realistic approach to market analysis,to avoid the blindness of the project decision-making,reduces and reduces investment risk. Fully consider building projects in the future market competitiveness,design task more scientific and reliability.Capital financing must have a formal commitment document,the parties must do investment funds in place,and funds must have documents to ensure that the project can be approved after the scheduled implementation. To the various loan conditions should be carefully analyzed to minimize the burden of interest and repayment pressure.To strengthen the engineering geology,hydrology,geology and land,water,electricity,transport,environmental projects such as external conditions for the work of depth to make the investment estimate there are sufficient grounds.Taking extensive investigation and research,comparison of similar projects,seriously functional analysis,multi-program comparison and choice. After full technical appraisal and economic evaluation,and the final technologically advanced,functional and reliable. Reasonable economic projects,thus calculate a more accurate and realistic estimation of theamount of investment,so that the project cost from the start positioning in a more reasonable level.The design phase of the project cost control for a long time,China's building control very effective,- investment projects is not uncommon,this will affect owners of investment returns,it adds to the owners and within budget,as well as difficulties in fund owners,the impact on the future management or the owners make payments in arrears,and so on. Hence,the control of the project cost is of great significance,however the project cost is the primary means of control design,Currently most of the property owners in the design stage seldom works on cost control,and they found that the cost of the design will not have a great impact,it is wrong,on the contrary,Design phase of the project cost control is the most important step. Because it determines engineering design,construction methods,materials and equipment types,models of the project cost is of critical significance,design optimization phase of the program or minor changes,project cost will have a significant impact,Design phase of the project cost control of the total project cost of 70%. Following is how to control the project from design to create the Law: As the owners must design,the design selected on the quality level is a direct impact on the quality of product design level,and the design quality products in the level of direct influence on the pricing of the works. Different design units on the same project design are different. the same item of different design institute works between certain aspects of the project cost on the existence of differences between,We assume that with a design from two different design institute to design,Construction plans after the completion of a requested advisory unit cost to do the budget,certainly different design institute the total cost of the project is absolutely not the same,and most of the difference between the two over 10% even more than30%,and not necessarily high cost than the design of low cost,and good design is often low cost,We all know that different people have different design styles and different levels,the design works naturally,therefore chosen to design units is the control on the first step. Through tender to select the design of the units is a good method,the tender documents to elaborate on this particular aspect of the requirements,cost control targets,and so on.Otherwise,in the subsequent design process design units will put an increase in the cost of the design requirements; through tendering the project design into the market,compared to select the best design units.Promoting the design bidding and design optimization campaign mode design units assessed by experts using scientific group France,in accordance with applicable,economic,aesthetic principles and advanced technology,reasonable structure to meet building energy efficiency and environmental requirements,comprehensive assessment of the merits of the program design,selection of the best determination of the successful program.Successful investment program estimated to be close to the general construction project scope of investment. This means two design contracts will help design the program of choice and competition to ensure that the selected design advanced technology,unique novelty,adaptability,as well as to control the cost of the project. Design units should strive to improve their quality of the project design clever idea,contemporary reducing the project cost on to rack their brains to improve design quality,strive to put the design phase of the project cost control approval of the investment ceiling.Strengthening the design stage of the design phase to strengthen supervision of the Commissioner to determine a reasonable design,maturetechnology,reduction in the construction phase major design changes and changes in the program,in the effective control of the project cost will play a role. 1 to the design of the project if the project supervision to get involved,excluding unfavorable factors may generally is excluded from the 80% errors. In the entire process of building cost control,construction began at best to save and invest 20%,the key lies in the construction phase of the identification and control costs. Supervision of the design phase include : Design Institute under the design drawings and notes help owners deal with different design options for the economy,capital expenditure to develop the preliminary estimates,to ensure that the investment can be most effectively utilized. With the owners of the Commissioner include:According to the Design Institute to provide design drawings and notes to help owners deal with different design options for the economy,capital expenditures to develop the preliminary plan to ensure that investment can be most effectively used; with the owners of different design options,the need to calculate their own materials and equipment to conduct a cost analysis and study,to the design staff costs,to assist them in the investment limit within limits designed to save and invest. To seek a one-time small investment and economic good design program made the most rational economic indicators.Design actively promote the so-called cap limit design,even with the approval of the design task and investment estimates,guarantee the functional requirements of the premise. The preliminary design and control budget,according to the preliminary approval of the total budget for the design and construction design control. Limits,and every one professional,each of whom have a design threshold of a target. In the design process,designers should progress to more programs,design optimization,ensuring that the design is technically advanced and reasonable,innovative,stylish,and do not break the limit investment objectives,thus eliminating theengineering design raise the factor of safety and design standards,or only consider the technical feasibility of the program,rather than economic rationality phenomenon,the project cost to ensure effective control.Also known as the value of value engineering analysis,is a modern scientific management technique,is a new techno-economic analysis,is the product of functional analysis to conserve resources and reduce the cost of the purpose of an effective method. It made up for the traditional cost management simply focus on cost reduction and quality management only emphasizes improving the quality deficiencies,construction is conducive to resolving the long-standing long period,a lot of wastage,poor quality,high-cost problems. Value Engineering laws generally divided into three steps: assessment of the design of object technology and economic Score; Calculation of the target group of technical and economic indicators; calculate the geometric design of the object,on average; From comparison choose the best design.Construction phase of the project implementation unit construction cost management to control the cost of the project is reasonable in the project to meet quality standards premise,in the investment decision-making stage,the design phase and construction phase of the project put the project approval occurred in the control limits,strive in various construction projects rational use of human,material and financial resources to achieve good investment returns and social benefits.The project cost control and management is a dynamic process. The dynamic market economy,to make the investment in the identification and control become more complex,this will require the construction units to the management of project cost to the project runs through the entire process,it is necessary to have a comprehensive focus. The implementation phase of the projects. The implementation phase of the project cost management is theimplementation of the entire process of project management. Project implementation phase of the project cost management can be divided into three parts: the tender management,construction management and settlement management.Bidding for the construction phase of the construction units Bidding system control engineering cost effective means,bid organization can improve the cost-effectiveness of construction projects and ensure the quality of construction projects,shortening the construction cycle return on the investment,construction units can take full advantage of bidding for the effective means of cost control.Construction No. 10 on the 7th ministerial decree issued a "contract with the Construction Contract Pricing Management." clearly pointed out in bidding for projects using inventories. This requires the building of units conducting the tender exercise,in the tender document to include not only the usual content,like tender notes before schedule,tender notes,the conditions of the contract,the contract terms of the agreement,contract format,technical specifications,drawings,tender documents and other reference format,it is also necessary to provide the engineering inventory,Bidding as a reference document of the important components.Construction units in the tender document for the project inventory,in accordance with state or local rules promulgated by the calculation that the reunification of the divided projects,unified measurement units and the reunification of the engineering calculation rules,according to design drawings to be calculated and statistical arranged,obtain the list. Quantities to be followed in the preparation of an objective,impartial,scientific,and rational principle. Compilers must have strong manly budget,and should have certain knowledge of the engineering design and construction experience,and the material and mechanical construction technology forcomprehensive scientific knowledge,in order to calculate the volume of the works without heavy missed. The basis of which must be in accordance with state regulations engineering calculation rules,and the sub-projects division engineering units,and in accordance with design drawings,design essential Love tender documentation requirements are calculated.Quantities of the project should have a testing general,the entries must be simple,while not appear Lousing wrong items Pricing should guarantee the correctness of the project. Should the requirements of the different grades separate engineering division,the situation was different; We may have different prices for the items separately. This requires the preparation of the list compilers,seriously study design drawings,Analysis of the tender documents include the elements of the work and the different technical requirements,all familiar with the process,and to the scene of serious investigation,is forecast to make possible the construction of the case,right will have an impact on the Price of projects to be broken down. In addition,because the project inventories to calculate the amount of the project is not complete engineering and consider the interests of the construction units,clearly paying the price for the same overall price,the quantity list by the number of actual construction is a practical terms.In the evaluation and review of the tender offer should do the units total individual Price quotations and the comprehensive assessment. Price does not meet the requirements of individual shows Price meets the requirements,and the lowest total Price could not explain the single lowest bidder. Bidders often know the total cost to maintain the same circumstances; the project is likely to change smaller projects to lower the price.Changes may be larger projects price increases to achieve the completion of clearing works will be added for the purpose. We would also do price and the corresponding quantity of comprehensive engineeringassessment of the large volume of projects to focus on the price analysis. Price will do with the contents of the work,construction program,a comprehensive technical evaluation process,thereby preferred choice of a construction unit. Construction of the construction phase of the contract cost control basis. Signed tight construction contract,while strengthening the construction contract management can guarantee that the contract price is reasonable,legitimacy and reduce the performance of the contract A,B in disputes and safeguard the interests of both the contract,effective control of the works investment costs.After the signing of the contract,to do the management contract documentation,contract and the supplementary contract agreement until the regular meeting site in minutes. Work contacts such as a single content of a contract extension and explained that the integrity must be preserved,in addition to establishing a technical files,Implementation of the contract for dynamic analysis,results of the analysis to take proactive measures.Construction phase in the construction phase construction plan is based on the budget or Ken works contract price of the target,Ken control the cost of the project. At this stage of conservation has room for a small,but the possibility of waste is great. Thereby to control the cost of the project to give sufficient attention.Construction program to strengthen the comparative technical and economic construction program is construction design of a re - to the contents of the work,a reasonable construction plan,shorten the construction period and ensure the quality of the project,improving economic efficiency,Construction of the program right from the technical and economic evaluation were compared,through qualitative and quantitative analysis,the quality,time,Cost three technical and economic indicators,be rational,and effective use of manpower,material and financial resources,achieve better economic efficiency,good construction management relations,a comprehensive cost management is an important way.Strictly related changes to the project budget control in the proposed budget. Construction of the changes caused by many reasons,including works poorly designed,so that the engineering contract with the drawings provided inconsistent; The current market supply of materials does not meet the standard specifications of the design requirements. These issues have to leave breadwinner project cost factors. Therefore,in the construction process,we must tighten customs change,through no design changes to expand the scale and improve the design standards; increase the construction and contents,the best implementation of the "grade control,visa quota" system. Right to change the design,particularly as it relates to the cost of the design changes must be approved by the design units,construction units scene representatives,supervision engineers common signature,and should be ahead of this type of change,reduce losses,because it has been completed or partially completed project will entail the demolition of the contents,it is bound to cause major changes to the loss. Therefore,the construction units should be assigned to the project cost management professionals Permanent construction site,to grasp at any time. Control project cost of the changes.Works on the scene visa formalities through strict control of the construction project supervision system,the establishment of specialized departments,Professional use of the professional management of projects and to avoid project management personnel just visas,not economic account of the phenomenon. Investment out of control caused serious consequences. To serious change visa procedures to be taken to the building,Supervisor,the construction site together representatives signed the way toensure that change,visa authenticity,legitimacy,economic and avoid fraud and the resulting phenomena arising from the dispute.In the course of construction,the construction units to enhance on-site construction management,supervision and construction side according to the drawings,and strictly control the change of the negotiations,materials substitution,the scene visas,and various additional extra budgetary labor costs for the necessary changes should be done first afterwards,after money,Change event on the timely change in the calculation of the workload and the cost of change occurred to grasp at any time cost of the project level,things to avoid a backlog of work that the true cost of the project.Construction unit representatives to the scene to supervise doing a good job record,particularly concealed records and visas,reduce clearing the passing phenomenon. Many works visa scene is not as serious,works to bring a very large settlement of the trouble,lead to considerable economic losses,the scene strict visa management of the construction phase of the project cost control key.Of project list rigorous review of the project on the review of inventories,Engineers’ monitor list of measures to control the project. BOQ to provide the list of measures is to complete construction projects,occurred in the pre-construction engineering and construction process technology,life and safety aspects of non-engineering projects entities. At this stage because many projects are in construction plans and the construction site of the imperfections on the tender wait until the construction tender of the project design and actual scene have better access. Management Engineer addresses the gathering first-hand information on the original,itemized checking identification,inconsistent make revisions.Control material consumption,rationally define material prices. Cost of the project control materials price control is the main,the cost of materials in engineering often holds substantial proportion,usually accounts for the estimated costs of 70%,representing the direct costs of 80%. It is necessary in the construction phase in strict accordance with the contract amount of material control; material set reasonable prices,so as to effectively control the cost of the project. Market economy material supply a variety of channels,variety and price range materials,construction unit budget management and field personnel should pay close attention to market rates,with the progress of the scene,the market,hand in the construction of the information and materials for the completion of the accounts provide a strong basis.Technology and economic integration,strengthening investment control. Effective control of the investment,from organizational,technical,economic,contracts,and other measures. Therefore,the construction units must strengthen management,engineering and technical personnel of the "economy" concept,the quality of education,Training pragmatic working style,the construction side to help improve construction design,reasonable security,financial,and material resources. Accelerate the pace of work to improve the quality of the projects. Construction should encounter problems in a timely manner with the designer linked to choose both economic and scientific potential solutions,overcome the waste caused by command,to give due attention to the importance of investment in conservation,is responsible for the engineering technician with the combination of economic officers from the tender,contract negotiations,costing the budget,signed paid to the progress of the completion of the accounts,a cost analysis,the whole process management and strictly control the cost of the project.。
英文文献Engineering cost managementProject cost control emphasis should be transferred to the project construction early days, is transferred to the project decision and design stage. Project cost control in construction projects throughout the entire process, the key lies in the pre construction investment decision-making with design phase, whereas in the investment decision is made, the key lies in designing. According to expert analysis: architectural design, in the preliminary design stage, design stage, construction design stage to the engineering effect were 75% ~ 95%, 35% ~ 75%, 5% ~ 35%; while in the construction phase, through the optimization of construction organization design, construction cost saving the possibility of only 5% to 10%. We should put the focus shifted to the design stage, in order to get twice the result with half the effort.Pay attention to the technical and economic optimization combination. The combination of technology with economy is most effective way to control engineering cost. China engineering fields for a long time did not do this. The lack of technical personnel economy idea, design thought is conservative, the design of the outcome of the economy are not fully reflect. Therefore, we should solve the problem is to improve economic efficiency as the goal, in the construction process, organization, technology and economy organic ground union rises. Through the economic analysis, comparative study and effect evaluation, correct processing of advanced technology and reasonable in economy between the relation of unity of opposites, strive to advanced technology under the conditions of economic rational, reasonable in economy based on advanced technology.Carry out "limitation is designed" method. To be consciously put the application of value engineering to the specific design, actively promote quota design in engineering design contract, by way of bidding. This has been proven in practice is an effective way, it is not only an economic problem, more precisely a technical and economic problems. This "limitation is designed" to effectively control the project cost. In order to make the "limitation is designed" to achieve the desired objectives, should be involved in the design personnel must be experienced skilled economic designer. Their design results must be practical, advanced and reasonable cost. Control of engineering cost on the other hand is the need for comparison, because the outcome is a process of gradual improvement, and not to decide, so the comparison is a measure of its practical, advanced and economical means.Do good project cost control in the process. ( 1) compilation of economic and feasible construction scheme. Before construction, construction enterprises should be combined with the construction drawings and the actual situation at the scene, their mechanical equipment, construction experience, the management level and technical specification acceptance criteria, a set of practical and feasible construction scheme. The construction scheme is engineering implementation of the programme of action. ( 2) to technical personnel, materials, machinery and personnel staff communicationand coordination. In the process of construction, construction technology, materials and mechanical personnel should cooperate closely, understand each other, to management as the core, to reduce costs for the purpose of. ( 3) to the project completion settlement. Strict supervision system. Control project cost effectively, in the early phase of the project shall be subject to supervision (including cost management ) system. Through analyzing the design process of supervision, make the design more reasonable, cost control to limit the scope of, accomplish truly with the smallest investment maximize output.Strict supervision system. Control project cost effectively, in the early phase of the project shall be subject to supervision (including cost management ) system. Through analyzing the design process of supervision, make the design more reasonable, cost control to limit the scope of, accomplish truly with the smallest investment maximize output.To establish and perfect the independent project cost advisory body, cultivate a Zhi De have both engineering team. To establish a real sense of independent engineering cost consulting agencies. Through improving the laws and regulations, normative behavior, separate government functions from enterprise management, the establishment of independent business partnership, share-holding system, the limited responsibility system and other forms of organization, an industry-based, diversified services integrated project consulting company, build and development and reform the engineering cost intermediary service institutions, make construction project management of a gradual transition by an independent specialized agency in charge of project cost whole process tracking management, truly between owner and contractor plays an intermediary role. To strengthen engineering cost consulting industry association construction, establish project cost consulting industry self-discipline mechanism, and constantly improve the Engineering Cost Association in engineering cost consulting industry status, to be truly representative of the interests of the majority of the industry practitioners, government and enterprises to become connection link and the bridge. At the same time to strengthen the project cost specialty in higher education and in service education. As a result of project cost management in construction projects and various economic interests are closely related, and the whole social economic activities play a very important role, it requires the cost engineering technical personnel should have different levels of knowledge, in addition to their professional knowledge and have a deep understanding, also deal with the design content, design process, construction technology, project management, economic laws and regulations have a comprehensive understanding of. Therefore, the project cost management, project cost per unit of society groups, has already obtained a cost engineer qualification personnel, in order to carry out plan, has the goal, multiple levels of continuing education and training, to understand and master Chinese bilateral agreements with countries project cost technology, regulations, management system and its development trend, to expand domestic and foreign exchanges, and actively participate in international or regional engineering activities, improve their professional quality, so that the current practitioners in intelligentstructure, theory and working experience three aspects can meet the needs of engineering cost management. Cost engineering professionals need to strengthen their own learning, in addition to the professional knowledge to upgrade, should also work in combination with a broad understanding and master the relevant engineering and technical expertise, educational organizations and industry regulatory bodies constitute a complete education system, so as to the field of engineering senior talent development to create good conditions.中文译文:工程造价与管理工程造价控制重点应转移到项目建设的前期,即转移到项目决策和设计阶段。
Discussion on project construction stage construction cost control Abstract:For a long time, people are accustomed to the cost control on the implementation stage of construction, in fact, in the whole process of construction projects, cost control throughout the various stages. Cost control, duration control, quality control, etc. are related to each other, to grasp the cost control, we must grasp the quality and progress of the project. Project cost control is a set of economic, technical and management as one of the integrated disciplines, only to achieve a comprehensive balance of all parties in order to achieve results.Key words: cost control, value engineering technology and management1. the design stage of the cost controlThe design stage is the key and key point of the construction project cost control. Although the cost of construction costs in construction projects accounted for a small proportion of the general cost of only 1.5% to 2% of Jian, but the impact on the project cost of up to 75%. Reasonable scientific design can reduce the project cost more than 10%. However, in the engineering design, many designers heavy technology, light economy, arbitrarily improve the safety factor or design standards, and the economic rationality to consider less, thus affecting the effective control of the project cost. For example, a shopping mall air conditioning system in the winter design temperature of 18 ℃to meet the comfort requirements, designed by 25 ℃to consider, not only caused a waste, but also not meet the physiological requirements of the human body. This design is unreasonable, resulting in a certain waste, it is clear that the various economic indicators of the project is not enough attention. Therefore, the impact of the design phase on the project cost is extremely important.1.1 Implementation of the design of tender and preferred choice of design unitsAnd actively implement the construction program and economic program combination of the design of the tender method, the use of a number of design units bid, the organization of the experts comprehensive evaluation, so that you can choose a good design unit, but also to promote the design side in the overall layout of the project, The use of functional innovation, in reducing the cost of the project effort.1.2 Application of value engineering optimization designIn the design phase of the implementation of value engineering, you can play a collectivewisdom, team work, get the best design, building products can make the function more reasonable, effective control of project cost, reduce the project life project life cycle costs.In the design stage, the value of the project should be used as the object of the value engineering to make the function analysis and function evaluation. The target cost of the research object should be studied according to the requirement of the quota design. Based on the functional evaluation coefficient, the target cost is distributed to each function, and the actual cost of each function is compared to study the cost improvement expectation value. According to the results of the value analysis and the results of the target cost allocation, various schemes are proposed, and the optimal scheme is selected by the weighted score method to make the design scheme more reasonable.1.3 To carry out the limit design to effectively control the costActively implement the limit design, improve the design of economic responsibility system. Designers should be familiar with and grasp the construction project budget quota and cost quota, familiar with the budget price of building materials, and then according to the project investment estimate the initial design and budget estimates, and then the initial design estimates to control the construction design and budget estimates. Therefore, the professional in ensuring the function and technical indicators under the premise of a win-win strategy must be developed, a reasonable decomposition and use of investment limits, financial design and construction plans as a whole budget, the technology and economic integration. Strict control of design changes to ensure that investment limits are not easily broken.The current prevalence of design is not refined, the depth of the situation is not enough. This is an uncertain factor in increasing the cost of the project. As the design changes frequently, to the project cost control to bring some difficulty. According to the development experience and investment estimation requirements, you must effectively determine the design limit (cost, three material consumption indicators, etc.), and the establishment of incentives and incentives incentives. Which of the professional or which break through the cost of the index, we must analyze the reasons, with the design to modify the solution to overcome the kind of painting only, regardless of the tendency to settle, change the "calculated" as "forget the painting." And the use of similar technical indicators of construction projects for scientific analysis, comparison, optimize the design, reduce project cost.1.4 The use of contract measures to effectively control the costIn view of the current lack of economic concept of design, design changes in the arbitrary phenomenon, I believe that the design contract should be on the economic terms of the design changes and changes in the cost of the restrictions, such as design changes in the cost of construction costs beyond a certain proportion (such as 5 %), The deduction of a certain percentage of the design fee (design warranty). To take a certain degree of binding is the design specifications, design standards, engineering and budget estimates and other aspects of a control.Only in the design stage to do a good job in the project construction cost control, in order to build the project for the future construction of the cost control to lay the foundation to ensure that the project cost control objectives to achieve.2. bidding and bidding stage of the cost control2.1 Cost control in project bidding processProject bidding, including equipment, materials procurement bidding and construction bidding two aspects, through the bidding to facilitate the supply and demand sides to better choose each other, so that the project price more consistent with the value base, and thus better control the project cost. Developers through the bidding to select the construction unit or material suppliers, which the project investment and even quality, progress control is essential. I believe that in the bidding process of investment control, the owners should note the following:(1) The tender work should follow the principles of fairness, openness, impartiality and integrity. Before the tender, should be strictly reviewed the construction unit qualification, if necessary, on-site inspection, to avoid "super enterprise bidding, a subcontracting enterprises, two enterprises approach" and other abnormal phenomenon, which is very unfavorable to the project investment control.(2) Do the preparation of the tender documents, cost management personnel should collect, accumulate, filter, analyze and summarize all kinds of valuable data, information, the impact of the project cost of various factors to identify, predict, analyze, And then prepare the tender documents. On the tender documents involved in the terms of the cost of repeated scrutiny, as far as possible to "know ourselves" to facilitate future cost control.(3) Do a good job opening, evaluation, calibration work. First of all, in strict accordance with the procedures for opening, evaluation, calibration work, evaluation should follow the principles of fairness, justice, science, merit, the tenderer should take measures to ensure that the tender in strict confidentiality, any units and individuals Are not allowed to intervene, affecting the evaluation process and results.(4) Reasonable low bidder. The current implementation of the bill of quantities pricing and reasonable bid low bidder, as the owner side should put an end to blindly seeking absolute low bid to avoid tender units below the cost of malicious competition. The so-called reasonable low price, is to ensure quality, duration under the premise of a reasonable low price.2.2 To do a contract to do the workShould be clearly agreed terms of the contract terms, the costs involved in the contract, such as duration, the settlement of the price, breach of contract dispute, etc., should have a clear agreement. In the process of signing the contract, the tender documents and design is not clear, not specific content, through negotiations, to obtain a favorable low price of the terms of the contract. At the same time, the correct prediction in the construction process may cause the claim factors, the claim should be forward-looking, effectively avoid the occurrence of excessive claims. In addition, we should strive for engineering insurance, project security and other risk control measures, so that the risk of appropriate transfer, effective dispersion and reasonable to avoid, improve the project cost control effect. Engineering guarantee and engineering insurance are effective measures to reduce project risk loss and compensation disputes.3.The construction phase of the cost controlConstruction stage is the largest stage of capital investment, is an extension of the bidding work, is the implementation of the specific contract. Strengthen the construction control, is to strengthen the management of compliance. The main work of the construction stage cost control is: the engineering change and the adjustment of the contract; do a good job in the process management, reduce the project claim; establish the construction supervision system, carry on the comprehensive control to the project quality, the schedule, the cost; Project cost; control construction project price settlement work.3.1 Engineering changes and adjustment of contract priceAs the owner of the cost management personnel to do pre-check, take the initiative to monitor, strictly review the project changes, calculate the impact of the total change on the total cost, to minimize engineering changes. From the use of functional, economic and aesthetic point of view to determine whether the need for engineering changes, reduce unnecessary project costs, to avoid investment out of control. If you must change, in strict accordance with the state and the contract agreed procedures, if the change is inevitable, should be changed as soon as possible, the construction unit should implement changes as soon as possible. After the change of the contract price, the first consideration should be considered in the applicable contract, can be applied or can refer to the application, the reason is that the contract has been made in the price is more fair and reasonable.3.2 To ensure that the process of management to reduce the project claims in the construction.Phase of the cost control is the key to effective control of the project claims. For the current bill of quantities quotation, the construction unit often take "low bid, claim profit" approach contract works. The claim must be based on the contract. Engineers should deal with claims in a timely and reasonable manner to deal with claims, if the claim is not resolved in time, the accumulation of the results will affect the progress of the project, both sides of the construction have a negative impact. Dispose of claims must adhere to a reasonable principle, strict examination and approval, reduce unreasonable claims costs. Strengthen the active control, reduce the project claims, make the project more smoothly, reduce the project cost. In addition, the construction unit and material suppliers do not fulfill their obligations in a timely manner to make counter-claims, so that the cost of effective control.3.3 From the project management mechanism to establish a sound investment control systemThe establishment of construction supervision system, the pursuit of effective control of project investment. In accordance with the provisions of the supervision and implementation details, improve the division of responsibilities and the relevant system, the implementation of responsibility, from the project management mechanism to establish a sound investment control system. At the same time do a monthly project progress review, to avoid investment out of control. Project progress of the audit, the amount of the project to determine by theCommissioner, according to the contract basis of the valuation, the use of materials priced and the cost of fixed price to pay the corresponding progress of the project.3.4 Control of project costs from technical and economic aspects(1) From the technical measures to implement the effective control of project costs. On the basis of the demonstration of the main construction technology program, widely used new materials, new technology, new methods, and so on, trying to implement the effective control of the project cost. Technical measures are necessary to control the cost of the project. According to statistics, the material costs generally account for about 70% of the direct project costs. At the same time, the level of direct costs affect the level of indirect costs. Therefore, the selection of new technology, new materials is to improve labor productivity and shorten the duration of a strong guarantee.(2) The effective implementation of project cost control from economic measures. Strict control of on-site funding and headquarters management fees, reasonable control of other costs of construction projects, to minimize the static investment, for example, accounting for fees, green compensation and other compensation fees. For bulk materials or large equipment according to the contract requirements can be provided directly by the Party to achieve the purpose of reducing the cost.The materials provided by Party A shall be arranged according to the schedule and the construction schedule to minimize the storage investment. In addition, strengthen the Party to provide material on-site management, reasonable stacking, reduce handling and loss.4. The completion of the cost of the stage controlThis stage is the final stage of cost control work. According to the contract, the budget and the cost of fixed, the completion of information, national or local laws and regulations, carefully review the project. To the policy as the basis for the completion of the final accounts submitted to verify the amount of work, the implementation of contact with a single visa fees, so that the settlement of the audit really reflects the actual project cost.浅谈工程项目建设各阶段的造价控制摘要:长期以来,人们习惯于把造价控制放在建设实施阶段,其实,在工程项目建设的全过程中,造价控制贯穿于各个阶段。
【关键词】工程造价管理, 投资控制, 研究背景, 研究目的, 研究意义, 特点, 作用, 重要性, 关系, 因素, 实践案例, 启示, 未来研究建议, 总结.1. 引言1.1 研究背景工程造价管理与投资控制是建设工程管理领域中至关重要的两个方面。
1.2 研究目的本文旨在探讨工程造价管理与投资控制的研究,通过对工程造价管理和投资控制的概念、特点以及关系进行分析,深入探讨影响工程造价管理和投资控制的各种因素,并通过实践案例验证理论知识的应用。
关于工程项目管理中的造价管理中英文翻译English translation of cost management of project management in the论文摘要:工程造价控制是工程建设管理工作的重要组成部分,如何合理确定和有效控制工程投资,是工程项目管理的一大难题。
Abstract : the project cost control is an important part of project construction management work, how to determine a reasonable and effective control of project investment, is a big problem in the project management. This paper systematically analyzes the main influence factors of cost control of the whole process of engineering project, and proposes effective, feasible cost management measures.论文关键词:工程;项目管理;造价管理Keywords: engineering cost management; project management;在工程项目建立和实施过程中,如何有效地利用投入建设工程的人力、物力、财力,以尽量少的劳动和物质消耗,取得较高的经济和社会效益,是工程项目管理中的一个十分重要的问题。
浅析工程造价的管理与控制 毕业设计(论文)
专业: 工程管理与造价 层次: 本科 学习中心:
毕业设计(论文)题目: 浅析工程造价的管理与控制
工作起止日期:_ 年__ 月_日起 年_月_ 日止 指导教师对毕业设计(论文)进行情况、完成质量的评价意见:
指导教师签字: 评阅人评阅意见:
工程项目造价的确定与控制是工程建设项目管理的重要组成部分,它能够在工程建 设项目的全过程(投资决策、设计、招投标、施工阶段)中采取有效措施,把工程项目建 设发生的全部费用控制在批准的限额内,并随时纠正发生的偏差,以保证投资估算、设计 概预算和竣工决算等管理目标的实现,达到合理使用人力、物力、财力,获得最大投资效 益的目的。
1.2 工程造价综述及国内外研究现状
1.2.1 研究现状 我国工程造价与国际工程造价研究现状的对比评价及存在的问 题
合理的确定和有效的控制工程造价,是工程建设经济管理的重要工作,它始终贯穿于 工程建设的全过程,即体现在对工程建设前期的可行性研究、投资决策、设计、施工到竣 工交付使用前所需全部建设费用的确定、控制、监督和管理,目的在于使有限的建设投资 产生最佳的经济效益和社会效益,而只有在合理确定的前提下,才能通过有效控制的手段, 达到理想效益的目的。
[关键词]工程造价工程管理投资控制中图分类号:TU 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2013)20-0586-01一、前言投资目标的实现是投资者的投资效益的真正价值所在,提高项目的投资收益就必须加强工程建设管理,而工程造价管理是工程建设管理的重点,是管理的一个重要组成部分,如何加强工程造价管理,提高项目的投资收益,这将是投资者最关心的关键问题。
造价管理更多的是为了使项 目实施过程中的费用支出在预定的范围之内, 对 承建方而言 , 有效的工程造价管理能为其实现预定的利润 目标 , 对投资方而 言, 有效 的工 程 造价 管理 是实 现其 项 目总体 投 资 目标 的重 要环 节 之一 。其 次 是二者的行为过程存在不同, 投资行为过程贯穿项 目全过程 , 包括前期的项 目决 策 阶段 、 项 目实 施 阶段及 项 目的运 行 维护 阶段 ; 换句 话讲 , 从项 目孕育 阶 段到其最终消亡都伴随着投资的控制行为。 而工程造价管理主要体现在项 目 投资 的实 施 阶段 , 包 括设 计 和施 工预算 , 施工 过 程 中的签 证及 变 更 , 工 程 决算 等环节, 在项 目实施过程 中, 通过资金支付各环节的控制, 保证造价管理的可 控性 。 在对 二 者的 比较 中可 以看 出 , 投 资控 制 比造价 管理 持续 的 时间要 长 、 范
在施 工 单位 中选 择 具 有综 合 优势 的投标 者 , 组 织相 关 的 专家 进 行 的费用 管理 , 但却 有着 明显的 区分 。 首先是 二 者 目的性 有差 异 , 投 资是 对工 程 综 合 考虑 , 建 设 的货 币投人 及 其它 方面 的投 入 , 目的是 通过 各方 面 的投 入使 项 目最终 能 专 业 的评定 和 选择 , 保 证施 工 的综合 效 益 。 实 现预 定 的 目标 , 例如 , 对商 业项 目的投资 目标 的为 了能 获取 商业 利 益 , 对 学 校、 公 园等公 共项 目的投 资是 为 了对公 众提 供教 育 资源 及公 共 产 品 。而工 程
通 过 这样 形式 的 管理 方式 往 往 能在 开 工前 就 及 早发 现 存在 问 题 , 及 时 嗣要 广 、 管 理层 面要 高 , 进 行造 价管 理是 投 资控 制 的重 要环 节 , 是 项 目实 施 阶 等 等 , 段资 金 的运 转进 行具 体 的体 现 。 解决问题 , 减少施工过程的返工 、 停工 、 设计修改等现象, 进而能更有效地进
浅谈专业工程造价与成本控制管理中英文翻译Introduction to professional engineering cost and cost control management in both Chinese and English translation摘要:市政工程建设与工业工程建设一样,按照国家主管部门的统一规定,将一项建设工程划分为建设项目、单项工程、单位工程、分部工程、分项工程五个等级。
Abstract: the municipal engineering construction and industrial construction projects, in accordance with the unity of the competent department of the state regulations to divide a construction project for the construction project, single items of projects, unit projects, divisions, subdivisional work five grades. Cost control and management of municipal construction cost of the relationship between its importance is self-evident. The profitability of a project This article talk about the causes of difficult control of municipal engineering cost, and then puts forward a set of measures to solve, hope to inspire peers.关键词:市政工程工程造价成本控制管理策略Keywords: municipal engineering cost control of construction cost management strategy一、引言One, the introduction市政工程建设与工业工程建设一样,按照国家主管部门的统一规定,将一项建设工程划分为建设项目、单项工程、单位工程、分部工程、分项工程五个等级。
第3 3卷 第 1 8期
22 ・ 5
2007年 6月
山 西 建 筑
V0. 3 No. 8 13 1 J n. 2 0 u 07
文章编 号:0 96 2 (0 7 1 —2 20 10 —8 5 2 0 )80 5 —2
[] 3 曹吉鸣 , 徐 伟. 网络计划技 术与施 工组织设计 l . 海: M]上 同 济大学 出版社 ,0 0 20 .
为项 目的间接费率 ; 为项 目的第 i 项活动直接费用 ; 为项 [ ] 2 胡志根 , 肖焕雄 , 向超群 . 糊 网络 计划及 其 工期 实现 的可能 模
随着社会主义市场 经济体制 的建立 与完善 和改革 的不断 深 有效控制工程造价的 目的。针对设 计阶段谈 以下几点意见。 化, 工程造价领域改 革的步伐 也在 不断 的加 快 , 原有 的工程造 价 1 1 推 行设 计招标 , . 择优 选择设 计 单位 管理体制已不 能适 应社会 主义市场 经济 体制 的需 要。文 中针对 积极推行建筑 方案与经济方案相结合 的设计招标方法 , 采用
m + 一 ie= n ( ∑ )
i ∈
( ) 优化 , 1 结果表 明第一种 方法操 作 比较 复杂 , 必须 依靠具 体 的网络
st J .C ,
× f d
完全是 手动优 化 , 率 比较低 。第 二种方法利 效 ( ) 图一 步一步优化 , 2
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Ca = C。 × d “
1 设 计 阶段 的成本 管理 与投 资控制
同样 的三个住宅楼 三个 人设计 , 其结 果能差很 多 , 中的每 其
12 开展 限额设 计 , 效控制 造价 . 有
工程造价的管理英语作文Managing the cost of engineering projects is a crucial aspect of ensuring the success and profitability of a construction venture. It involves the careful estimation and control of expenses related to labor, materials, equipment, and other resources.The first step in managing project costs is to conduct a thorough and accurate cost estimation. This involves analyzing the scope of work, determining the quantity and quality of materials required, and evaluating the labor and equipment needs. A detailed cost estimate provides a baseline for budgeting and helps in identifying potential cost overruns.Once the project is underway, it is essential to monitor and control costs to ensure that they stay within the budget. This involves tracking expenses, comparing them to the estimated costs, and identifying any discrepancies. Effective cost control measures may include negotiatingbetter prices with suppliers, optimizing resource allocation, and implementing cost-saving initiatives.In addition to controlling direct costs, it isimportant to consider indirect costs such as overhead, administrative expenses, and contingencies. These costs can significantly impact the overall project budget and should be carefully managed to avoid financial strain on the construction company.Another important aspect of cost management is the identification and mitigation of risks that could lead to cost overruns. This involves conducting risk assessments, developing contingency plans, and implementing proactive measures to minimize the impact of potential risks onproject costs.Effective communication and collaboration among project stakeholders, including clients, contractors, and suppliers, are essential for successful cost management. Transparent and open communication helps in identifying cost-saving opportunities, resolving issues that may impact projectcosts, and ensuring that everyone is aligned with the budgetary goals.Ultimately, successful cost management in engineering projects requires a proactive and strategic approach that takes into account the dynamic nature of construction projects. By carefully estimating, monitoring, and controlling costs, construction companies can improve their profitability and competitiveness in the industry.。
外文文献:Project Cost Control: The Way it WorksBy R。
Max WidemanIn a recent consulting assignment we realized that there was some lack of understanding of the whole system of project cost control, how it is setup and applied。
So we decided to write up a description of how it works。
Project cost control is not that difficult to follow in theory.First you establish a set of reference baselines。
Then,as work progresses, you monitor the work, analyze the findings, forecast the end results and compare those with the reference baselines. If the end results are not satisfactory then you make adjustments as necessary to the work in progress, and repeat the cycle at suitable intervals。
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Shallow engineering cost management and investment control Project construction central task is to realize the project goals. From the objective sense, investment to achieve the goal of economic benefit is owner real embodiment, And project cost determination and investment of effective control of the engineering construction management is an important and indispensable part of project management has a special position. As China's economic system reform, the national economy continues to develop, how to strengthen the engineering cost management, improve the project investment benefit? This is what the current investment and cost reform a major issue.Cost and investment in the development of national economy and social economic activities, have a lot of consistent place, but not a concept equivalent. Judging from the purpose is to make the investment, improve the amount of cast currency can guarantee, and realize value-added backflow, And improve cost is to make the investment project engineering price level control at target within the quota, Judging from behavioral process, investment behavior process is capital investment + project implementation + project control + capital recycling, the cost of the behavior process is cost sure (including investment estimation, design budgetary estimate and construction drawing budget) + process control + the final accounts of the completed project. Investment behavior process than the cost of behavioral process longer. With the operation process, cost of capital is make monetary fund transform for achieving goals within the line of assets, investment is make monetary fundtransform for assets, and through the use of assets and monetary fund backflow.Investment cost is a critical part of and main content, it includes the construction project from construction preparatory to completion acceptance of the cost of combined, and it consists of building the cost, equipment tools is, the engineering construction other fees, reserve, interest interest, tax for fixed assets investment and the current funds and so on a composition. The price mechanism is the core of cost management in the problem, but also investment macro decision and improves the project investment benefit of a central issue. To strengthen the cost management, increase the investment effects, must form a under the state's macroeconomic control, taking market mainly formed cost price mechanism.The traditional budget norm system under the planned economy system, to strengthen the investment plan management, reduce waste aspects have certain positive role. But with the socialist market economy is gradually establish and develop, the current budget norm system and the increasingly does not adapt: quota of "quantity" and "price" no separate, and formed a "living market" and "dead unit price", the conflict can't in the market truly, promptly and accurately reflecting the cost of building products, The current budget ration of comprehensive degree bigger, construction means consume part is dead, stockings constitute engineering entity consumption part is decided, and by the design of construction cost parts, such as feet hand scheme, the content such as vertical transportation should be by construction enterprise in ensuring all-round to perform the contract under the premise of themselves, the current norm, should belong to the contents of the NingGuHua competition, to the detriment of construction enterprise and advantage, competition to win; The current budget norm with legal nature and forced properties of budget ration direct fee fees standard, developers and contractors are altered arbitrarily, or planned pricing for the Lord; The current budget quota valuation mainly by direct fee, indirect fee, independent fee,profit and taxes constitute, in addition to direct fee to take everything correctly outside the rest rate's form, and fees immobilized, go against intuitivey reflect the project content price, and with the international quoted price way gap bigger also.In order to which investment macro decision and improve the benefit of investment project, must the plan formation of engineering cost price mechanism, instead of under the state's macroeconomic control by market mainly formed engineering cost price mechanism, was also must in unity quantity calculation rules and social average real consumption quota, follow the commodity economy based on the law of value, establishment of market mainly formed cost price mechanism: one is to fully realize "price volume separation. The government issued the unity of quantity and price budget norm system, instead of the government issued engineering consumption quota, unit price for seven, become currently issued guided prices wants everyone to execute instead released market information, thus making the price guidance to the price of changing with relatively stable physical consumption phase separation, 2 it is unified quantity calculation rules. Will gradually according to international habit, unified quantities name, unit of measurement, calculation rules, project Numbers is not only beneficial to the market for guidance, etc, but also with the international community, Three is to engineering entity consumption and non entity consumption (construction measure sex consume) relative apart. This is helpful to the contractor play to their respective advantages, competition to win; The fourth is simplified trival fees. The current norm of each ZiMu cost cannot directly reflect, must recalculate fees can be known, ZiMu after each and every item construction cost of the total value of the relationship with fuzzy, simplify the fare, each partial and ZiMu cost and price relationship became clear, which investment control activities and subcontractor and design the variation valuation, Five is reserved to the government of important factors of production price intervention power. As to the market some resources when the highest price fixing, fixing minimum dailywages level and some type of highest daily wages limit etc.Cost determination and investment control throughout the whole project construction, project investment that has the largest effect on stage of design. In construction projects on the life period, preliminary design of the project of construction project basically decided the scale, structure, construction standards and use function, formed design budgetary estimate, determine the investment ceiling. After the completion of the construction drawing design, formulate construction drawing budget, accurately calculate construction engineering cost. Therefore, engineering design is to influence and control of construction engineering cost of key sectors and an important stage.For a long time, we in the construction cost management, ignored in common design phase project of investment control, and often take control project investment and project cost focuses on the implementation stage, put in a great deal of manpower and material resources to review or computing architecture installation project cost, seldom consider how to reach into reasonable fund, acquire beautiful generous, complete functions applicable, reasonable economy construction products. According to the domestic and foreign relevant statistics show that the preliminary design stage affected the project investment amount the amplitude of the possibility for 70-90 percent, in the technical design stage (construction design) affect investment possibilities for 30-75%, During the project construction phase (the implementation stage effect of project investment possibilities for 5% - 25%. Or specifically, design phase affect the project investment possibility to 80%, and the possibility of the implementation stage affect investment, at best not exceed 20%, namely through various measures to reduce cost utmost nothing more than 20 per cent for the following. Normally design drawings once completed, "according to drawing construction" is the principle of construction enterprise must perform, construction enterprises shall not be entitled to optional change drawings, also have no time, energy and take risks to consider optimization design. And our country there are generally design department conservative, some design onlyfigure convenient, with experience without scheme contrast, even blind pursue safety and design fees, and budget control is vital interests with the design institute has nothing to do, so don't even break the control.Engineering design and project cost is supposed to be a unified whole of mutual coordination and cooperation to promote the two tasks, and in our practice, but like a different path Benz two car, village populated, without relevance. Design department; the design quality and general regardless of engineering cost, or to the construction of the country caused a great waste of money. To change this situation, adverse in the design stage, we must strengthen the construction cost and design between horizontal cooperation, promote design-limited, gradually executed with "price" fixed "quantity" design methods, in the project investment scope, according to "safe" "economy" "application" "frugal" principle for engineering design, prompting designers have carefully, elaborate design, achieve in the design stage effective control of the project cost purpose; To optimize the design of argumentation, the purpose of which is to adopt the design scheme is it technically feasible, function can satisfy the need, economically whether reasonable, whether using on safety and reliability. Especially in economy, design optimization is important means of control, a new process of use, new material of dedication, some local design change etc, these factors change, often make engineering cost greatly increase or decrease. According to research data shows, the department of construction project is sensitive, space layout, layer number and layer are tall, structure and the choice of materials, design of the selection of the factors, the direct impact on the discretion of the engineering cost. So, want to control the engineering cost in the design phase, she will do it well design optimization of work, in the design stage design bidding and the design scheme of the campaign, and use of value engineering means of alternatives to optimize design scheme, which will be the technical and economic evaluation, achieve true with optimal design, the most economic investment, to build the best project purposes.Construction engineering cost control process, is project cost management is the main form, is to improve the project investment benefit is the key, it is perforative in decision evaluation phase, design phase, project contracting stage, construction implementation stage, such as the completion acceptance stage project construction process. Scientific subtle and systematically stages setup investment control target, can pass aim control, in the project investment decision-making, design, and implementation stage, the out-contracting investment amount control before the approved limits and to rectify within ed., ensure investment target smooth realization and make investment estimation, project budget, contracting estimates, the design contract price more reasonable accurate, real and reflect the objective project reality, effectively preventing the budget process amount exceeds the estimation, the budget exceeds the budget estimates, the completion of this "settlement SanChao" phenomenal happening, to the greatest extent reasonably using human, material and financial resources, thus achieve better investment benefit and social benefit.。